#dungeons & dragons & dio
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fuck it, half-dragon diego
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bingerzone · 24 days
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What if I was a stuck up rich boy with a precious gem for a heart and you were a thief hellbent on owning it one way or another... and we were both boys😳 (And Some bonus Harlow and Dios because I love them:)
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THE AU CONTINUES tag is!!: #soflsCurseofDIOau
Im now onto SDC and ermmm
I present to you DIO, hes still a turned vampire.
DIO drow head, Jonathan Half-Giant Body
I worked rly hard on picking good classes for him too. He's an Undead Warlock (for the vampirism and cutting his head off) and a School of Chronomancy Wizard (for The World and timestop)
Noble Background, True Evil Alignment
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2ds-titties · 1 day
Hello, my name is Ahlam, I am 21 years old. I apologize for asking you, but the situation in Gaza is very difficult
Imagine that your entire life is limited to one thought: How can I stay alive? . You no longer think about the future, because the present has become a battlefield . Every day you wake up to the sound of an explosion , or you see fear in people's eyes greater than words 🥺. War doesn't just take your home 🏡, it takes away from your heart every sense of security. Even the places that used to be full of children's laughter , are now empty except for destruction and ashes. Food? It has become a dream . Water? Every drop of it is a treasure . And sleep? It has become a luxury that only those who have completely lost their sense of fear can afford. Do you remember when you used to plan for your future? Now, the future is just an empty word. Every day that passes is a small victory, but the price? Your soul that is eroded with every moment. And amidst all of this, there is something that still clings to hope inside of me, even if it is lost. I search the faces for remnants of humanity, for any hand that reaches out to tell me "there is still life after the war" . I created a link to collect donations for me so that I can leave the war zone and start over in a safe place and live in peace away from fear, anxiety and destruction.If you can contribute any amount, even a small amount, it will make a big difference.
Vetted by :
I hope you will help me and donate to me 👇👇
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bebobe2 · 7 months
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mangomaking · 2 years
every DND campaign got the
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big thanks to Pigeon for consulting and lettering!!! textless version and inspo below the cut!
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strixessabre · 1 year
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Go adopt your favorite boi~
( Strixes’ Sabre )
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midnightowlgames · 2 years
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You can see his stripes but you know he's clean!
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pristinegnawerinn · 2 months
I just wanted to punch somebody in the face... 👊🏻
🔹 Discover more about the Inn!
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oshiete-me-more-sensei · 10 months
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Our campaign so far, 3 sessions in
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idyllicwillowtree · 1 year
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Smitten Kittens
Genre: Eddie Munson x fem!reader; fluff
Summary: Eddie helps out a very special cat who turns out to be yours. 
Word count: 3.3K
Warnings: light drug-use, swearing, illusions to bad parental relationships/toxic parents, reader is called ‘Ms. Y/L/N’ at one point, Eddie-centric, Eddie being a crazy cat lady
Author’s note: Loosely based off of me and my cat <3 ; pictures found on pinterest
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4:37. Every morning Eddie’s body wakes him up at 4:37 and no matter how long he lays in bed or how late he stays up he can’t go back to sleep. He could have his eyes closed, unmoving for hours and still his mind would not allow him anymore rest. 
That’s where his little friend Mary-Jane comes in handy.
His uncle, Wayne, is usually still at work at this time so Eddie doesn’t bother being gentle as he swung the front door open, a joint dangling from his chapped lips and a couple cans of tuna in his hand. 
Stepping out of his muggy trailer, he took a deep breath of fresh morning air as goosebumps emerged on his skin. In preparation for the sun to rise, the night sky became a dark blue mixing with the yellow street lamps, light enough for Eddie not to use a flashlight. He plopped himself down on his front steps, his sock covered feet avoiding the dewy grass below by setting them on the last wooden step.
He lit up his joint, taking a deep inhale and enjoying a short moment alone before gently tapping the tuna can with his lighter.
“Jesus Christ!” Eddie clutched his chest before turning towards the noise, “Oh, there you are Ozzy.”
When Eddie started using weed to help him sleep in the middle of the night he slowly made some new furry friends. Once he set a precedent that the stray cats could come to him for a snack, he became the unofficial cat-guy of the trailer park. 
Something about taking care of the mangy little beasts of the neighborhood made him feel important. Knowing there were four starving cats out there that turned to him for comfort filled him with a sense of purpose. Something he doesn’t always get with the people in his life.
As he starts filling the large dog dish he leaves outside with the fishy treat, the rest of his cat gang arrives, greeting him with quiet chirps, excited purring, and vertical tails. 
Ozzy was the leader, a short-haired tabby that was pure muscle. He usually sported an intimidating glare as he watched over the other cats, keeping them protected and in line. His right-pawed man was a skinny gray cat Eddie named Dio. He was the only one who let Eddie hold him, never clawing to get away, but still preferring to keep all four paws on land. Then there was Dungeon and Dragon, two orange cats attached at the hip and always getting into trouble. Dungeon was very talkative while Dragon was the most affectionate. 
Eddie continued smoking his joint, blowing the smoke in the opposite direction of the eating cats. He listened as their loud smacking and happy purrs echoed in the dish.
Ozzy abruptly stopped eating, eyes zeroed in on something under Eddie’s trailer porch to his right. The cat’s back immediately puffed, fur standing up on its own. He let out an aggressive hiss followed by a yowl that sent a chill down Eddie’s spine. The rest of the cats perked up in curiosity. 
“Please don’t be a raccoon,” Eddie mumbled to himself as he leaned over to get a better look.
Suddenly, a tentative black paw emerged from the shadow of the porch. The most beautiful cat Eddie had ever seen revealed herself, delicately sniffing at the fishy morning air.
Ozzy was not about to share his food with this new cat, making it known through his loud yowling that Dio soon joined in on. Dungeon and Dragon’s ears were pulled back, hissing at the new arrival.
Eddie watched as the cat timidly backed up under the porch again, not wanting any trouble but still eyeing their leftover tuna. 
“Alright guys, that’s enough,” Eddie began gently shooing the clowder of cats away. They all snapped out of it and scampered off to do whatever it is they usually do when they’re done with their breakfast. Not before Ozzy could send one last hiss in the direction of the black cat.
 “Yeah, yeah, we get it. You’re a big tough guy. Go on.” 
Pleased with himself, Ozzy trotted away in the direction of his pack. Once they were gone, Eddie finally got a good look at black cat who, once again, was making her way out of hiding.
In comparison to the rest of the cats, this one stuck out like a sore thumb. While the others were matted flea-covered strays, this cat had perfectly groomed long hair that looked particularly soft and fluffy. Her neon green eyes were clear and bright and her ears remained pointed and intact. 
After she made sure all the other cats were gone, she immediately perked up and began approaching Eddie with her fluffy tail pointing towards the sky.
“Hi there,” Eddie said gently. “You’re new.”
Eddie slowly lifted his hand, pointer finger stretched out towards the feline. She sniffed at it attentively before dragging her cheek across his short nails repeatedly. Eddie got the hint and started scratching behind her ears and down her spine, watching happily as she leaned into his touch before getting distracted by the leftover fish. 
She was even softer than he imagined.
Eddie knew she didn’t belong out here, she’s too healthy and social to be an outdoor cat or a stray. His heart ached at the thought of someone out there looking for this sweet and loving companion. He knew he needed to help her find her home.
“In the meantime, I bestow upon you the title of ‘Sabbath’. Pretty metal, huh?”
Eddie cautiously scooped her up, pleasantly surprised by how easy this was for her. She immediately settled in his grip and turned to wrap her paws around his neck, nuzzling affectionately into his long hair. 
Eddie took a moment with her, enjoying the feeling of her vibrating purrs against his chest, before heading back inside and to bed. The purring heals his heart a bit, it’s nice having someone around who offers their love to him without needing anything in return.
As soon as Eddie sets her down on the comforter, she spins around a couple times before passing out, Eddie falling asleep not long after.
Eddie was sitting in class hunched over his notebook, planning out the next Dungeons and Dragons campaign for Hellfire. He was so focused he didn’t even realize the rest of the class packed up their things and left already.
“Mr. Munson, class is dismissed,” the teacher pointed out tiredly.
“You sure you want me to go, Mr. K?” Eddie said slyly, knowing Mr. Kowcheski hates the nickname, “we could talk about our feelings? Who have you been crushing on these days?”
Mr. Kowcheski deadpanned at the delinquent for a long moment before looking past him.
“You too, Ms. Y/L/N. Class is over.”
Eddie turned around, noticing you were still there for the first time. You sat slumped in your chair with a slack expression and wet dull eyes as you stared at the linoleum floor. You jumped slightly and blushed from the attention, eyes jumping around the room.
“S-sorry Mr. Kowcheski,” your voice wavered as you shakily gathered your things and made a break for it, Eddie following close behind.
He’s not sure what possessed him to approach you, but he knew he needed to make sure you were okay. 
 You never gave Eddie a reason to hate you, always sending him shy smiles and letting him borrow a pencil whenever he asked. You were a breath of fresh air in a school full of stale and rotten posers who made his life a living nightmare.
Everytime Eddie’s eyes wandered to you in class, you were always paying close attention and absorbing the lecture through taking notes and asking questions. He always admired that about you. That’s why it was so strange seeing you so zoned out that you didn’t even realize the bell had already rung.
“Hey, you okay?” Eddie said, catching up to you in the hallway.
“Huh? O-oh hi Eddie. What’s up?”
Now that Eddie was closer, he could see your red-trimmed eyes and dark bags as you avoided his gaze. Your usual up-beat tone of voice was now scratchy and tired. Eddie felt sadness and worry flip through his stomach at the sight.
“Nothing, I just wanted to see if you were okay,” he tilted his head, trying to catch your eye, “You don’t seem like your normal self.”
Eddie could tell by the way your eyes widened and your breathing stuttered that he caught you off guard. Once you gather your bearings, you offer him a shy smile that comes as quickly as it goes.
“Thanks, Eddie. I’m fine,” you looked down at your shoes, shaking your head solemnly. “It’s…it’s stupid. But thanks anyway,” you said, voice breaking along with Eddie’s heart.
You walked away before he could press any further. 
Now that school was out, Eddie could finally head home and brainstorm ideas on how to return Sabbath to her rightful home.
 Eddie sauntered through the trailer door, shopping bags full of canned cat food in tow, as he shook the rain from his wet hair like a dog. He turned to Wayne, lounging in his usual spot on the armchair, only this time he wasn’t alone.
“Boy, if you don’t get this damn cat off of me…”
Sabbath looked perfectly happy, stretched out on Wayne’s jean covered legs. Blissfully unaware that he wanted her off of him. Or maybe she just didn’t care. She sent Eddie, what could only be described as a smile as he walked over and delicately scooped her up. She protested a little with a long closed mouth “mew”, then settled into his arms, hugging him around the neck once more.
Wayne looked up at Eddie, ocean eyes flooded with disapproval.
“I know, I know. It’s the last time I swear,” Eddie defended.
His Uncle stayed silent.
“I couldn’t just leave the poor thing, she wouldn’t have survived. She’s a lover, not a fighter!”
Wayne's face stayed the same, only lifting the corner of his brow at him.
“I’m looking for her owner, I swear. She definitely belongs to someone.”
At that, Wayne lifted himself from his armchair with an “old man grunt”, as Eddie liked to call it. His Uncle gave him a loving pat on the shoulder as he walked past him, heading to the bathroom to get ready for his night shift at the plant. 
Eddie spent the rest of the evening making posters out of cheap printer paper, writing on them with a giant black magic marker. 
“Found Cat
Black, long hair, green eyes”
Eddie added his phone number and called it good. It wasn’t much to go off of, but he figured there couldn’t be too many missing black cats out there in Hawkins.
Eddie flicked the pen cap towards Sabbath, watching as she swatted it off the edge of the table and chased it around. Soon she riled herself up so much that the zoomies overcame her, running from one end of the trailer all the way into Eddie’s room and back again. He found himself completely entertained just by watching this cat do cat things that a couple hours went by without him even noticing.
Eddie was hoping the rain would subside but this was Indiana, the weather never did what you wanted it to do. He wanted to get the word out sooner, but it’ll have to wait until tomorrow. Not that he was complaining. Fondness blossomed in his chest as Sabbath trotted over to him and rubbed the top of her soft head against his chin. Then she settled on his lap for the rest of the evening.
6:14. This morning, Eddie managed to sleep in. Although he would’ve much rather slept longer, he was pleasantly surprised to have a couple extra hours. 
That was until he realized why he had woken up. Sabbath was meowing continuously, barely stopping to breathe. Jumping back and forth from the pillow Eddie was resting his head on, to the top of his dresser that was set in front of his bedroom window. When she leaped up, sliding a bit on the smooth surface, she scratched at the window overlooking the front yard. Eddie sluggishly pulled himself up and out of bed to see what Sabbath was getting so worked up about.
You were riding your bike in the soft glow of the morning, tires crutching in protest as you slowly pedaled. You kept your eyes and head moving, scanning the area diligently. In one hand you gripped the handle bars, in the other you held a small bag of cat treats that you were shaking every few seconds. Hope lightens your eyes at the sound of Dungeon’s meows, but it dissolves instantly when he’s not the one you’re looking for.
Eddie watched as Sabbath propped herself up on her back legs and began scratching at the single paned glass window like she could dig her way through. When she looked back at Eddie, begging him to understand her pleas, he patted her head softly and moved towards the front door.
By the time Eddie stepped outside you had stopped your bike and were silently sobbing in the middle of the road. Your back was partially turned to him but he could tell by the quivering of your shoulders and the slouch of your neck that you were overwhelmed with emotion.
“Hey Y/N!” Eddie greeted, louder than he intended.
Eddie cringed slightly as you jumped three feet into the air, dropping the open bag of treats in the process. The clowder of strays devours the fallen snacks in seconds before running off into the woods. Not before Ozzy could send Eddie a look that portrayed his disappointment in him for not feeding them earlier in the morning.
“Ah, shit. Sorry about that, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“No, no it’s alright,” you sniffed hard and vigorously wiped your face before turning to Eddie, playing it off like you weren’t just weeping.
As Eddie got closer he noticed the plastic cat carrier zip tied to the back of your bike and the pile of clothes in the basket attached to your handlebars. You watched him scan your bike, his eyes sparkling with what you misinterpreted for judgment. 
“Sorry, I’m just looking for…for my cat,” you sent him a tightlipped smile and sniffed back your tears. 
“She must be some cat, huh?” Eddie couldn’t stand to leave you hanging for any longer, watching your face crumple as you nodded. He smiled softly, “she wouldn’t happen to be a fluffy black cat, would she?”
Your head snapped up, eyes wide and hopeful. The last remnants of your tears sliding down your cheeks as you blinked owlishly at him. Your mouth was agape in an attempt to respond, but all you could manage was a frantic nod.
Eddie walked backwards slowly and smiled playfully, dimples on full display as he wiggled his eyebrows at you. He swiftly spun around before jogging up his front steps to open his front door. You watched him curiously before you noticed what emerged from his trailer.
“KITTY!” a sob ripped through your throat as you lurched forward, bike clattering to the ground in the process.
“Kitty?” Eddie mumbled to himself incredulously.
He watched as the relief you were feeling had a physical effect on you. Your knees wobbled, feet crossing over each other as you ran forward. It would’ve taken you down had you not been so eager to reach the feline. Whimpers cracked through your chest when you finally met in the middle, ‘Kitty’ being just as excited to get to you. You expertly scooped her up and let her snuggle into your hair as you clung to each other. The way you held one another reminded Eddie of how a caring mother would hold her child.
Watching this reunion was something special. Seeing these two beings who were unconditionally in love, coming together after days apart sent a warmth through Eddie’s heart. He felt a bit selfish for being proud of himself for making this happen, but quickly shook it off. That cat definitely wouldn’t have survived if it weren’t for him and you would still be heartbroken.
“I was s-so w-worried about you, Kitty,” you blubbered as you pressed kiss after kiss on her soft little head. Your happy tear-filled eyes blinked up at Eddie, “t-thank you so much, Eddie. You have no idea what this means to me, thank you-” before you could back out you gently held Eddie’s face and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. 
Eddie’s face tingled with heat as a blush crept up his neck. He was just standing there, dumbfounded, not expecting the affection but not hating it either. He moved to touch his burning cheek to savor the feeling, but it made you cringe seeing the moisture you left behind.
“S-sorry,” you said with a wet laugh.
“Don’t apologize. I should be thanking you,” Eddie said, still in a lovesick daze.
“What? You���re the one that saved my cat!”
“Yeah, but you’re the one that kissed me!” Eddie would like to say that his flirting was smooth and intentional, but really he was just flabbergasted that someone as sweet and pretty as you would give him any sort of attention. 
You barked out a surprised laugh as Kitty moved to nuzzle her face into the other side of your neck. You wiped at the tears and snot still caked on your face, suddenly feeling embarrassed by your emotional outburst.
“Sorry,” you apologized again, “I feel kinda stupid for crying so hard over a cat.”
“You keep saying that,” Eddie said with a smile and a soft head shake that made his curly hair float around his shoulders.
You sniffed, “saying what?”
“That your emotions are stupid. Like it’s some offense to be sad and worried about the greatest cat in the world.”
Eddie’s words surprised you. You scanned his face, looking for anything that would suggest he’s teasing or making fun of you. Luckily, it wasn’t there.
“You…you think she’s the great cat in the world?”
“Yeah! What’s not to like? She’s affectionate, entertaining, and really fucking cute. I’d probably lose my mind if I was the one to lose her. I mean, she’s a cat that hugs. What’s better than that?”
You gasped dramatically, turning to look at the cat still in your arms, “you hugged him? What a little traitor! She usually only hugs me,” you giggled.
Eddie was shocked, yet flattered. “She must be a good judge of character,” he said with a smug grin.
“Yeah, that explains why she hates my parents.”
Eddie erupted in laughter, catching you off guard. You didn’t mean to make a joke but it was kind of funny. Your chortles mixing together and echoing throughout the quiet trailer park. 
Your cat pulled back from your neck so she could look back at Eddie and send him a grateful “meow” and a slow blink. Eddie reached out to stroke behind her ears lovingly. It made you tense for a second, scared she’d take a swipe at the metal-head but instead she leaned into his touch.
“You like that, don’t you Sabbath?” he cooed, the pitch to his voice raising an octave.
“You named her Sabbath?”
“Oh, uhh y-yeah,” Eddie said, scratching the back of his neck bashfully. “Yeah, it was just a placeholder name until I found her owner.”
You nodded slowly as a knowing smile slithered across your lips, “Black Sabbath. Very clever.”
Eddie could have proposed to you right then and there. Instead, he would have to settle for dinner and a movie.
Thanks for reading!
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bingerzone · 1 month
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This outfit inspired me to draw some of my and my girlfriend's ocs :D From Top to bottom then left to right: Cassian (He/Him, belongs to me), Kalamdhi (She/Her, belongs to my gf), ??? (It/Its, belongs to my gf). And the sketches are Cassian again and Dios (He/Him, belongs to me) (Also if you are wondering why Kala looks suspiciously like Kabru it's because she is literally based off of the concept 'What if Kabru really WAS a beautiful butch woman' for a dnd campaign hehehe.
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melodymunson · 5 months
Eddie Munson x fem goth cheerleader reader
ao3 link
2 part story Eddie x reader friends to lovers, slow burn
You were dating the hottest jock in school until one day you met Eddie and your life changed forever. (Reader is 19 Eddie is 20).
7.2K words
read part 2 here
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Being a cheerleader at Hawkins High School was your claim to instant popularity. You were dating Chrissy Cunningham's boyfriend, Jason Carver's best friend, Sam. He was a typical jock, brunette, all-star basketball player, muscular, with brown eyes and the total package. Girls wanted him and guys wanted to be him. Chrissy was your friend and made being a cheerleader bearable. You were a former loner and secretly loved horror movies, goth aesthetic, dungeons & dragons, and metal like Ozzy, Judas Priest, Dio, and even Corroded Coffin. Guys like Eddie were living the type of life you wanted and thought was ideal, but somehow, being popular wasn't all it was cut out to be. You knew your boyfriend was probably cheating, and you thought going to see Eddie make a drug deal would be the perfect escape for you. Eddie's hatred for jocks was endearing. The week had dragged on and now that it was Thursday and close to the weekend; you were trying to look on the brighter side of things. Every afternoon after lunch, he was in the boiler room, skipping class and making drug deals. The nickname they had for him, Eddie 'the freak' Munson, was a title he didn't seem to mind. He embraced it. He was always so cool, calm, collected, and polite when you passed him in the halls. He was rumored to sell some of the best drugs, so after lunch on Thursday, you stopped by the boiler room. It was darkly lit in the boiler room, but once you saw Eddie, you didn't hesitate or waver as you walked toward him.
"Hey um… Y/N.. right?" He asked with his curious wide and brown button eyes. He crossed his arms, unsure at first about how to react to a cheerleader here seeing him about buying drugs, and he secretly wondered if you were a narc. Either way, he thought you looked great in your green and white uniform complete with leather jacket and rockstar patches/pins.
Although he was skeptical, you planned on making the deal rather than getting out of there. Being alone with a guy who wasn't your boyfriend was probably not the right thing to be doing. Just seeing him and getting the weed would be good enough… for now. He had a metal lunchbox next to him with his drug inventory.
"I'm here to buy some weed," you told him firmly, trying your best to maintain eye contact.
"Oh, uh, well, that will be fifteen bucks for half an ounce."
His tattoos were visible under the dim lights and you couldn't help but stare at them a little. He soon caught on and noticed your lingering eyes and stare. You looked for your wallet and then noticed it wasn't there. You left it in your locker.
"Guess I left it in my locker," you told him, sounding bummed.
"Well, let's just do this deal tomorrow, then. I will save some for you."
You had a basketball game to cheer at the next afternoon, but you could make it work before the game and make it your priority to make the deal.
"Okay, sure. Maybe we can even smoke like a joint together?" You asked curiously.
"Why not? I'd like that," he told you with a smirk. He uncrossed his arms and then put his hand out to shake, which you did.
"Deal. See you tomorrow then."
Eddie nodded and checked you out as you left, his eyes lingering on your body. He wasn't normally the type to go for cheerleaders but you were gorgeous and he was pleasantly surprised you were talking to him, yet grateful and not just because you would be a new customer for him. The rest of the school day passed with extreme boredom. You couldn't wait for the party that night.
You had a lot of homework, and weren't sure you could make it by the time the party started, which you told Sam earlier that day. Eventually, you finished and decided to still go to the party. It was a bit late by the time you got there and no one else knew you were going, but you saw Chrissy and exchanged pleasant hellos. You knew Sam would be around here somewhere and asked around about him. No one knew for sure where he had gone off once he finished beer Pong. You passed Steve on the way up the stairs and he stopped you.
"Hey. We didn't think you were going to show up," Steve said nonchalantly.
"Just looking for Sam."
"Yeah, you probably don't want to go into the third bedroom down the hall," he warned.
"Why? What do you mean?" You asked looking confused.
"Don't say I didn't warn you."
You went to the bedroom in question and went inside, turning the doorknob, and saw Sam heavily making out with a half-naked cheerleader on the bed as she was giving him a handjob through the tent hole in his boxers. You slammed the door and ran through the hall and down the stairs until you reached the door. Now, more than ever, you wanted to be as far away from those jocks and popular kids as possible. Chrissy ran after you, knowing you were crying, but you were far gone before she could confront you. As soon as you got home, you blasted some metal music and drowned your sorrows with the musical styling of Motorhead until you fell asleep.
The next morning you woke up after a fever dream of you hooking up with Eddie after he told off your soon-to-be ex. It would be a good day as long as you could see Eddie and stick it to that lying cheater's face. Unfortunately, you had to wear your Hawkins High cheer uniform today, but hopefully, Eddie wouldn't mind it too much.
At school, you ignored your boyfriend, and carried on the day doing your best to practice patience, til you saw Eddie again. It was easy to ignore Sam when you didn't even have the same classes. During lunch, you skipped and went to eat outside. Eddie noticed you sitting alone and came over to you.
"Are you okay? Why are you eating alone?"
"I could ask you the same thing, Munson."
"It's none of my business, but is something wrong? Usually, you were surrounded by all your friends and the popular kids, especially during lunch on a game day."
"Well, not today. I found out last night at a party my boyfriend was cheating on me," you confessed looking down sheepishly.
He sat down next to you and put his arm around you. His touch was so comforting, and he smelled nice.
"That guy is a loser. You don't need him. Look, I'll give you a deal on the weed. We can smoke a joint together at no extra cost, and I'll let you have a dime bag for ten dollars. Now, how does that sound?"
"Great actually. Thank you. You know what, Eddie, you are pretty great."
"Thanks. I thought you'd be sort of scary, but you aren't. Look, do you want to find somewhere off campus and smoke?"
"Wouldn't your girlfriend be upset about that, though?"
"I don't have a girlfriend," he told you plainly with a shrug of his shoulders.
You smiled at him, hoping this drive would be a good thing.
"Okay, let's go then. Anywhere you want to go. I'm down."
He got up, took your hand, and then led you to his van. Once you got into the passenger seat and he got into the driver's side, he started up his van and pulled away from the parking lot. It was nice to be getting away from Hawkins. As he drove closer to the woods, you wondered if this was where he was planning to take you. Being far away from civilization and people, though, was what you needed, so you happily went along with him. He soon stopped at a residential park and turned off the engine. He got out and helped you from the van by opening your door. You walked with him to a picnic table and sat down.
You didn't think this could be you. Sitting here at a picnic table in the park all alone with Eddie 'the freak.' If only the kids at school could see you now. All you knew was that you never wanted to be with Sam again. Eddie could hopefully take away the thoughts you still had of your soon-to-be ex. The breakup, even informal, would be what you needed to do soon. You watched as he lit up a joint and took a deep drag before handing it to you. Deeply you inhaled, then blew out the smoke and passed it back to him.
"I'm glad you came here with me. It's kinda of tedious to come out here alone. I'm trying to skip classes more at least. It's nice to have some company," he told you before taking another inhale and passing the joint.
"I agree. I needed this escape. Anything to get away from the school crowd. Sometimes I wish I could just quit everything, especially the popular lifestyle. I thought I wanted it at some point, but not anymore."
"I know we don't run with the same crowd at all, but you are a good person. I can see it in your eyes."
You gazed into his chocolate eyes as you took another drag and passed it with a smile.
"Thanks, Eddie. I think you are too. I'm so not looking forward to Monday's auction of the cheerleaders and jocks. It's all for charity and a good cause, but I can't possibly go out with Sam. He always pledges the most money for these things, just like his stupid friends," you told him glumly, not wanting to bore him with the auction details or your problems.
"You know what? I have been saving up for a while now and I have a good bit of money. Why don't I buy you at the auction? It is for charity, right? I think it would be nice to take you out to cheer you up." He played with some strands of his curly brown hair as he inhaled the joint and exhaled.
His rings were stunning and you couldn't help but look at them as he talked. He was so eloquent with his words. You would give anything at that moment to be touched by him. Just to have the chance to hang out with him more like this would be the best.
"Good. That would be the best thing. I'll let you do that if you want to. I'll break up with him soon."
"You deserve someone much better. For our date from the auction, I was thinking we could do a nice night out or you could pick where we go."
"How about camping? Next weekend? I would like that haven't been camping in a long time," you replied with a shrug of your shoulders as he handed the joint back to you.
You didn't know if it was the weed talking or not, but you wanted to kiss him at that moment so much. Who cared about Sam or Hawkins High or anything? You wanted him and hoped he wanted you, too. You licked your lips casually and tried to be as nonchalant as possible as you bit them. Eddie was paying attention from his side eye though and noticed.
"Camping would be great. I know a good place. What's on your mind?"
"I've been thinking about kissing you," you admitted after a gulp, feeling slightly nervous.
Eddie glanced at you with a smirk on his face. He didn't know if this was a rebound, but he didn't care. He had been thinking about kissing you since the moment he saw you.
"I'd be more than okay with that."
You passed the joint back after taking a hit and he took one more before stomping it out.
You moved closer to him and he ran his fingers through your hair as he stared longingly into your eyes and moved in closer to you. You were so close- closer than ever. Your lips grazed his as he ran his fingers through your hair. He kissed you slowly with a fiery passion as your lips collided and you tasted him, parting his lips with your tongue. As you explore each other's mouths, he pulls you in closer to him by grabbing your waist. The way he kissed you was incredible and no one else came even close to being as good of a kisser. His hands roamed up towards your chest, before he stopped himself. Just as you realized what he was doing, you grabbed his hands and put them over your breasts, cupping them and he moved his mouth to your neck, sucking and licking you there. The kisses he gave you were so hot and it made you feel so turned on, but you didn't want to move things too fast and things with Sam weren't exactly over yet.
"Maybe we could save this for our weekend of camping. Pick up where we left off."
"That's fine. I've rushed things before and regretted it, but you have a good point. Let's rest and chill in the back of my van for a bit."
You walked with him hand in hand to his van and got into the back. He had pillows, blankets, a comforter, and sheets all setup. He held you as you relaxed and pulled you in close to him. It was so comforting for him to have you there and he already considered you a friend and even wanted things to be more, but he would wait for you until the time was right. Minutes passed, then a half hour, and before you knew it, you were both napping. Eddie's soft breathing was soothing, and you felt safe in his arms. Two hours passed, and you stirred awake slowly in his arms. He woke up soon after that and gave you a forehead kiss.
"I'll take you home if you want me to."
"Thanks, Eddie. Call me this weekend, though."
As you both woke up fully and got ready to go to your place, you wrote your number down and put it on his dashboard. As soon as you got home, you planned on calling Sam to break the news about it being over.
Once you got back to your place, he got out and opened your door for you, then walked you to the front door.
"You're the perfect gentleman. Thanks for everything."
"No need to thank me."
He waved goodbye, then walked to his van and pulled away after he made sure you were safely inside. No one else was home, and you were focused on breaking up with that cheating jerk of a so-called boyfriend. After three rings, he answered.
"Look it's over. I saw you at that party on Thursday. You cheated on me."
"Babe, I can explain."
You huffed angrily before replying in a furious tone of voice.
"Explain what? That you were kissing a half-naked girl with her hand inside your boxers?"
"I was drunk and fucked up. Didn't know you would even show up. I'm sorry OK? It was the biggest mistake and I regret it. I plan on buying a date at the charity auction and making it up to you."
"Too late for that. I'm done and I could not care less about seeing your stupid face again."
You hung up quickly in haste, wanting to put that idiot to rest. You spent the night in the bathtub soaking and thinking about Eddie. Imagining what it would be like to have him taste you and to taste him. You had never had a partner who was good at oral, but he seemed like he would be perfect at it.
Eddie thought of you when he was in the shower, and touching himself. He imagined you down on your knees in front of him and all he could think about was your mouth and lips.
Saturday came and went, but on Sunday night, Eddie called.
"Hey, it's me. I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I know we didn't make a deal on the weed Friday, but if you still want to buy some, I'll give you that discount."
"Thanks, Eddie. I broke up with Sam on Friday night, but he's still pathetic enough to think he'll win me at the auction."
"Not a chance, babe. I will outbid him."
"Good. I need that. Please do. A date with him would be the worst. I'm glad we met even under the circumstances."
Eddie cracked a smile at this feeling happy to have you in his life.
"See you tomorrow?" He asked as he relaxed on his bed.
"Yeah, but how about we stay on the phone? It would be comforting. To know you were on the other line would be great."
"I agree. Sweet dreams. Don't worry, I won't hang up."
"Sweet dreams Eddie."
You placed the phone near your head, soon drifting off to sleep. The night passed and early morning came, then went and it was finally time to wake up. Your alarm clock went off, and you quickly turned it off.
"I hope you slept well, Eddie."
"I did. Hope you did too beautiful," he told you in a sleepy tone.
"See you soon."
"You too."
You hung up and got ready, dressed in your cheerleader uniform, and ate breakfast. Once you got to school, you looked for Eddie soon, finding him near your locker.
"I guess the auction is soon isn't it? Ready to win Mr. Munson?"
"I sure am."
He looked at you longingly and held your hand and not long after, the bell rang. After lunch, the auction would take place. You and Eddie said your goodbyes and then went to class. By lunchtime, you were feeling overwhelmed, but glad the auction would be over soon. You ate with the squad, tossing Eddie occasional glances from across the room. He looked right back at you and smiled each time you looked at his table.
The auction started promptly at 1 p.m. and everyone went to the gym. You weren't sure of the outcome or what to expect, but it would be good if Sam at least lost.
To no one's surprise, all the jocks won a lot of money for the charity auction. The cheerleaders were up next and you were first.
"For this lady, who would like to start the bidding wars at $10?"
Eddie shouted Me and Sam soon followed with $20. He wondered what the hell he was doing here probably, but you were so glad he was there to outbid Sam. Eddie replied with $40, then Sam $80.
Things were getting heated, and it could be anyone's win. You looked out at the crowd and Sam seemed pissed. He didn't want to lose to the freak, and he was determined to win you back. Not under any circumstance would that happen.
Eddie bet $100 and Sam bet $120. Eddie bid $140 after and Sam betted even more at $160. Eddie's final bet was $180 and by then, Sam gave up, defeated. To your relief, Eddie won the date with you, and Sam stormed off in a huff. Once the pep rally ended, you met Eddie in the hallway, rushing into his arms as he twirled you around.
"I'm glad it worked out. I knew it would," you told him excitedly.
"I knew it would too. Sam is crazy. I'm just glad I got you."
"You knew I wouldn't go out with him either way, right? I was going to be with you, regardless."
He kissed you and hugged you, making you feel happier than ever.
"I knew that. I can't wait for Friday. It can't come fast enough."
"I know what you mean. Call me sometime soon."
He nodded in agreement. Then you both went to your last classes of the day. Unfortunately, Sam was in this class. Once it was over, he came up to you angrily.
"I could've won you easily and I would've, but you know what? You are just a cheap little slut," he told you with a raised voice.
"Get away from me. I hate you. Eddie will treat me right."
"Good luck with that. He's a loser."
"I have nothing left to say to you."
You walked away feeling relief and like a big weight had just been lifted off your shoulders. You had a feeling it wouldn't be the last time you would see or at least hear from Sam. He was the last person you ever wanted to see again, and you just hoped graduation would hurry and arrive. There were 3 months left until you took that stage and hopefully, Eddie would be there to graduate with you. He would help make these last several months bearable. It wasn't like you to rush into relationships right after a breakup and in this case even before a breakup, but he was special to you already. Prom seemed like a cliche, but when the time was right, you would ask him to be your date.
The rest of the week passed slowly, but when it was finally Friday night, you were ecstatic. He called you every day of the week and you talked to him about everything, including horror movies, metal music, concerts, dreams, food, TV shows, books, dungeons & dragons, and what you planned to do after graduation. At 6, he would come over to start the weekend. Thankfully, with camping, it was safe because it wasn't somewhere where Sam would think to look for you, and of course, you wanted to have Eddie all to yourself. He was all packed with his sleeping bag, blankets, a big tent, sheets, camping gear, an extra change of clothes, snacks, a canteen, and booze. You had a bunch of homemade snacks to bring and you wanted to make sure it was a great trip by even throwing in a cassette player with some of your best heavy metal cassettes just in case either of you wanted to play some music. You got all the camping necessities together, and he arrived on time. No one else was home and once you let him in and led him to your room, he couldn't help but notice your huge metal collection of vinyl and cassettes.
"Wow, this is so great you have Slayer, Ozzy, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, WASP, Motley Crue, KISS, Dio, and more. I'm quite impressed. It's just that most girls wouldn't love music like this. You know, real music?"
"Yeah, well, I love it all. I'm into any rock, especially female-fronted. The Runaways are probably one of the best rock bands I have in my collection, and I love punk rock like the Sex Pistols and The Ramones."
"Good choices. So I think you are like my musical soulmate or something, y'know?" He said as he flashed the devil's horns sign with his fingers and a huge grimace his tongue sticking out.
"It's great we have that in common. I think it's going to be nice to go camping and don't worry, I didn't forget to bring along some music for us," you told him as you held up the boombox and bag of cassettes.
"Let's get going soon, though. I was thinking we could grill some burgers and hot dogs. I have a cooler in my van. Also, some booze. Weed and cigs too, if you'd like to smoke some," he told you with a slight shrug.
You wrapped your arms around him and kissed him. He knew you so well and what you liked already.
"That's perfect. I'm all ready to go just need to feed my puppy."
Eddie looked at you, amused, as you went to feed your little dog, Ozzy, a black lab. As soon as Eddie saw your precious little puppy, he reached his hand out for him to sniff which Ozzy did and he pounced at Eddie, jumping, wanting to be held. He obliged, holding the little guy as you got his food and water, and handed him a special treat.
"He's so cute. What's his name?"
"Ozzy. I've had him now for over 2 months. He's going to get pretty big, but I love him, anyway." You gave his head little pats and rubs, which he always loved. After Eddie placed him down, he went to his bowl and began eating.
"What a good little pup. I hope you won't miss him too much. I know I would if he was my dog."
"I will. He's my little guy. I am glad you got to meet him. I just knew that he would love you."
You led Eddie out of your house and he helped you with your stuff, soon loading it into the back of his van. It would be a great trip and you couldn't wait to be under the stars in the fresh air. As soon as everything was ready, you got into his van and drove off to the camping spot just as a beautiful red and orange sunset with yellow hues formed in the sky.
"Mind if I play some metal?" He asked.
"I would love that."
He turned on the cassette player and the familiar sound of Ozzy Osbourne's voice on the track War Pigs by Black Sabbath began blasting from the speakers. He tapped in rhythm and time to the beat of the music on his steering wheel as he drove to a familiar campsite and you got into the music as well, head-banging and flashing the devil horns. It was more secluded, but still a relatively safe place. Few other cars were on the road and thankfully by the time you got to the camping area, you didn't notice many vehicles in the parking lot. It was getting dark fast, but with Eddie; you weren't worried or scared about anything. Soon you arrived and took in your surroundings, finding the camping spot quite cozy.
You moved into the back to unload the camping gear and bags. He was eager to get the tent pitched and to unpack, then look for wood and start a nice bonfire for the night. It was still very early spring and chilly, but you bundled up enough for the weather. He opened the back doors to his van and unloaded onto the pavement and nearby grass.
"See any good place to set up camp? Just let me know."
"Sure, Eddie. I can't wait to get everything ready and enjoy tonight."
As you helped him get out all the camping gear and your boombox, he reached into his van to get out the two shirts he wanted you to have. One was for Hellfire Club and the other shirt was a new print of a Corroded Coffin official shirt. You took them from him with a bit of surprise and a wide grin formed on your face.
"These are amazing. Thanks. I'll be wearing them to school."
"You're welcome, beautiful."
You kissed him, and he blushed. It was so great to be called beautiful by him. You pretended not to notice and then folded the shirts nicely, putting them back in the van for now.
"I'll wear one of the shirts tomorrow."
"If you want to. C'mon, let's go gorgeous."
As you picked up the bags, he grabbed the boombox and got the cooler and you got the liquor and your bag. As you walked further into the campsite, you found a good place under a big tree to settle down.
"Wish I would've brought my guitar. Could've played for you. Maybe next time, though."
"Sure, that sounds great."
Few other people were around, at least not nearby, and you were glad. As soon as the tent was set up, you helped him bring the stuff to the campsite and set everything up. With clear skies and a no-rain broadcast, you were pretty certain it would be a nice night weather-wise. Now all that was left to do was find some twigs, rocks, and tree branches to make the fire.
"I can go get the branches. You can get the rocks," he suggested.
Following Eddie into the woods, you soon collected a nice bunch of rocks and he found a good bundle of firewood. Once it was all brought back to the campsite, he started the fire as you turned on the boombox and Slayer came through the speakers. As the orange and yellow flames flickered, he sat back relaxing on the grass so you took the opportunity to sit down on his lap and he wrapped his arms around you tenderly.
"Well, this is rather cozy and you have excellent taste in music," he whispered into your ear. His whispering gave you goosebumps. It was nice relaxing by the fireplace with him and listening to the best music.
You turned towards him and gave him a kiss, which he deepened kissing you even harder.
"How about we get some drinks going and grill the food?"
"Sure, that's a great idea. I'm practically starved," you told him as you held him close to you.
He reached over for the cooler pulled it closer, and took out the burger patties, hot dogs, the buns, and set the liquor bottle to the side for the time being.
As the food was cooking and the music was playing, you felt you were truly enjoying yourself on a date for the first time in a while. Being with him just felt natural and nice. He was so easygoing and a guy who cared genuinely about you and your feelings. Having him there on a camping trip was the perfect date night. Your ex thought a good date night was watching a basketball game with some beers or going to a pointless and stupid game. One of the best things about Eddie was that he loved metal music, DND, and horror movies, and thought a game where tossing balls into laundry baskets was dumb because it was one of the stupidest things ever to be created.
"I brought s'mores stuff for us later. I even made some chocolate chip cookies for us for dessert."
"That's perfect. You think of everything. Thanks, beautiful."
You wondered what Eddie thought of cheerleaders and why he liked you because you didn't think you were his type or stood a chance with him. You wanted to make this time with him last as long as you could and hoped he wouldn't get tired of you because you couldn't possibly get tired of him saying you were beautiful. Any name of endearment he wanted to call you was something you embraced. It was just great to have him to talk to. Most people wouldn't listen to you and care they would pretend to. With him, things were different, and you were just so content with even sitting there next to him in silence.
"I am having the best time with you. I didn't think you would have a date night this weekend with a cheerleader, though, did you?"
"Not really, but I'm pleasantly surprised. Nice to have a new friend who I can talk to so easily. It's a great thing though. I'd like to make it more though. It's just that we haven't known each other that long yet.."
His words were honest and true, but in a way, they made you yearn for it to be more. Taking things slow could make it better. As long as you had him in your life, you would be just fine. Trust wasn't easy to come by, and you were hoping you could gain his and that he would grow to trust you with time.
"I understand. Let's just spend more time together. Play some dnd, hang out with our friends and each other. I can even teach you how to cook."
"Definitely yes to all of that and of course I want you to come and see my band Corroded Coffin play live. We play every other weekend at the hideout on Saturday. So the next show is next Saturday night."
"I'll be there."
You finished cooking the food, and you both loaded yours onto paper plates. He drank the tequila straight from the bottle before offering it to you. You took a generous swig from the bottle and swallowed it, letting it relax you as it slightly made your throat tingle, but only in the best way possible. After adding ketchup and BBQ sauce to your food, you passed the bottle between each other taking sips of it, not wanting to get too drunk too fast if you could help it. As you sat there eating with him, you looked up at the stars and the full moon. It was so nice to be star-gazing with him just enjoying his company as you continued to sit on his lap and have him hold you. Once the main course of the meal was finished, you reached over into your knapsack to get out the Tupperware of cookies and other stuff to make s'mores. As you roasted the marshmallows, you both tried the cookies.
"Amazing. I need you to bake for me like this. Whenever you want to, though. No pressure, of course. I just love these cookies."
"Thanks, Eddie. I am an excellent baker, but just wait until you get to try my cooking. It's even better."
He looked at you, quite impressed, and grimaced.
"They are delicious, and I bet your cooking is even more wonderful."
Soon your marshmallows melted to your liking, and you added the chocolate and the graham crackers. It was the perfect treat for such a windy night with clear skies like these. After you finished your s'more and another cookie, you drank a bit more of the tequila, deciding it would be the rest you wanted for the night and felt drunk. He soon finished his dessert and gazed at the stars and moon, feeling so content with life and just being there. Back home, he had problems of his own, but didn't everyone? The cassette soon ended, and you turned off the player.
"How about we just stargaze for now and talk? Lay on our sleeping bags and when we get sleepy enough, we can just go back into the tent?" He offered, as his gaze never wavered from the stars.
"Sure, just gotta brush my teeth first and change into my nightgown."
You got up, and he did too. After you both brushed your teeth and changed, you brought the sleeping bags and a few pillows and set them up near the fireplace. You had one sleeping bag laid out and used the other sleeping bag as a blanket. Eddie pulled you in close and wrapped his arms around you because he needed to feel your touch and skin. The feeling of his soft curly waves of hair against your neck and his touch was so tender and affectionate. He had strong arms, of course, and just having him next to you like that was amazing and made you feel safe.
As you talked into the night with him about friends, hobbies, past job experiences, literature, and concerts, You discovered you both loved the same video games, had the same interests in art, and loved JRR Tolkien and Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit. Most of the concerts you had been to were like Eddies. If only you had known him sooner, you could've gone to concerts together. You secretly wanted to see his band play, but were always too shy and awkward about going alone. Chrissy had been to a Corroded Coffin show once, but she hadn't been back since, mainly because of her social status and her stupid boyfriend Jason not wanting to go to a rock concert. Eddie got up during the night to retrieve his leather-worn paperback copy of The Hobbit and you took turns reading some of the chapters to each other from the light of the fire. No other guy you had met seemed to love quality books, unlike Eddie, which made you want him to be in your life more. He had awesome taste in everything and was the coolest guy you had ever met. Little did you know, but he felt the same way about you. It was nearing 1 in the morning and Eddie checked his watch for the first time all night, noticing just how late it was getting.
"Maybe we should go to bed? Get up whenever tomorrow."
"Sure. I can put out the fire for us," he offered.
You got up, and he folded the blankets and sleeping bags as you doused the flames of the fire so it would go out. Once he was with you back in the tent with flashlights being your only source of light now, you listened to the owls in the nearby distance overhead and the surrounding trees. You were facing him and holding hands as his other hand rested against his head with his elbow propped up on his pillows.
"It's been so amazing spending this time with you. Just wanted to tell you I think you are beautiful. If you think I'm being a little slow with us and apprehensive, well, it's just because the last time I was seriously dating, she broke my heart and cheated on me," he admitted, looking just a little forlorn.
"I don't blame you for not wanting to rush into things. Sometimes it's better that way. I've been cheated on, too. I have a question though. Would you like to go to the prom with me? Doesn't seem like your scene or whatever, but it would be nice to go with someone I care about who likes the same things. Even if it's just as friends."
He answered you by leaning in close and meeting your lips in a kiss.
"Yes, of course, I'll go to the prom with you. I couldn't imagine going with anyone else. I was planning on going with some friends or just stag, but with you, it would be perfect."
You felt so relieved he felt that way and glad he was going to go with you to the stupid prom. You planned on wearing something vintage and all-black, of course, to show off your true style to the entire school. What mattered, though, was going together and what he thought of you.
"I'm so glad. I heard we can request songs from the DJ. I will ask for a metal song."
"Me too. Well, goodnight." He gave you a forehead kiss and then laid back down, fully relaxing into the pillows and blankets now.
Eddie and you fell asleep pretty quickly after that and slept peacefully throughout the night.
Sometime later he stirred awake in the middle of the night, not exactly sure himself what time it was, but he felt so turned on, feeling his straining erection pushing through his pants. He was having a dream about you- that he was devouring you and making you cum for him- orgasm after orgasm it was seemingly endless. There was no way he could fall back asleep unless he took care of it. Taking his time and being as quiet as he could, he took his hardened cock out of his boxers and began to lick and spit on his hand, then stroke himself with his back turned towards you. Some moments passed as he was getting off. You stirred awake slightly because you heard soft gasps and pants as he was getting himself closer and closer to his release and thinking about making love to you with you on top. Your cheeks blushed in the dark and you stayed perfectly still, not wanting to disturb him but knowing perfectly well what he was doing. It felt good to know that he was edging himself, no doubt because of you, and hearing the sounds he was making was so sexy. Quietly and slowly you reached down towards your pants and slipped your hand inside and with two fingers slid them over your already wet, slick heat. His panting noises were so hot and you tried your best to resist the urge to make any noise so as not to make him aware of the ways you were pleasuring yourself. Soft and low moans escaped your lips eventually though as you fingered yourself and he heard you smirking widely but not making you aware he knew what you were doing. Now he was closer than ever to reach climax and you wanted to be there with him. You bit your lips, doing your best to quiet yourself, and soon a wave of orgasm rushed over your body. Moments later, Eddie was right there with you groaning as he came down from his high. You both lay there in the darkness for who knows how long, but it was so nice to secretly or not so secretly get off with him. A little later on, he reached for some tissues and cleaned himself up before going back to dreaming about you. Soon after that, sleep overtook you too, and with it came dreams of your own. Dreams about dominating him and making him do whatever you wanted him to do. When you did finally have sex with Eddie, it would be worth the wait.
Morning came sometime later and, to your pleasant surprise, you opened your eyes to find Eddie with his arms wrapped around you, and holding you close to him. It felt so nice to be there with him sleeping in and having a nice morning with him just to yourself. No friends, no family, no stupid people from school around you. He was all yours and things felt like they should be.
You woke him up with a good morning kiss and straddled his lap. He opened his eyes slowly and looked at you with amusement.
"Good morning to you too, beautiful." He kissed you on your mouth, cheek, and neck.
"I think this is the best way to wake up."
"Oh yeah? Me too. Don't forget about next Saturday and the hideout."
"Don't worry, I won't."
You got up and got dressed for the day and Eddie soon did the same and brushed his teeth. Once you were both done getting ready, and packing up and taking down the tent, you got out the chocolate and glazed doughnuts from the cooler and handed him a big plastic bag with two donuts, and a carton of juice and took yours as well.
"Should get on the road we can eat in my van."
The rest of the camping site had cleared out, and it was already late morning. Sleeping in was so nice and you were grateful for that. Once you were on the road again, you drank your OJ and he drove. Soon you arrived back at your place and kissed him goodbye.
"I guess I'll see you at school, Ed's."
"I can't wait. Maybe we can have lunch together sometime."
You nodded in agreement and he walked you to your door and gave you one final goodbye kiss after he brought your stuff into your room. Once he was gone, you did your best to enjoy the rest of your Sunday with him on your mind often. Eddie himself thought about you nearly constantly and spent some time with his friends, like Garrett and Dustin. He wanted so badly to tell him about this super amazing girl he had met but wanted to wait for them to meet you themselves first.
soundtrack headspin- Butcher Babies I wanna be your boyfriend- Ramones Bad Romance- Gaga Buzz- Halestorm Scarlet- In This Moment I'm gonna be your Dog- Joan Jett Fever- BFMV Kiss the Girl- William Control For your love- Maneskin Anarchy- Lilith Czar Cinnamon Girl- Type-negative Love- Lana to be alone- Hozier funeral of hearts- HIM waiting for a girl like you by Foreigner Monstrance clock- Ghost Come undone- Bad Omens I won't forget you & talk dirty to me- Poison bad medicine- Bon Jovi a girl like you- def Leppard no one like you- scorpions dangerous- depeche mode
tag list: @corneliuswatkins @keeryatmosphere @jadeylovesmarvelxo @unholy-church01 @ali-r3n @somethingvicked @mrprettywhenhecries @daisy-is-a-writer @lovemesomeeddiemunson @stevesxyellowxsweater @koskeepsake @munson-mjstan @rowanswriting @loritate7311 @edsbug @bimbobaggins69 @babygorewhore @inourtownofhawkins @steveslittlesunflower @harringtonfan4 @emsgoodthinkin @dananahenderson @probablyin-bed @corrodedcorpses @ofhawkinsandvecna @lovelythoughtfulcupcake @xxbimbobunnyxx @brinasdead @bunnsandroses @thescoopstroopers @undead-supernova @haceleyes @aleisashortcake @gravedigginbbydoll @zestychili @veemoon @thepurplelovewitch @spenciesprincess @ellharrington @caityboosworld @stolen-in-moonlight @hellv1ra @littlenymphfables @voyeurmunson @kelseyaparker19 @prettyboyeddiemunson @munsons-mayhem28 @eddiemunsonfuxks
134 notes · View notes
amywritesthings · 9 months
meet me on christmas. / an eddie munson holiday ficlet
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pairing: eddie munson x f!reader ( stranger things ) word count: 1.2k / rated mature summary: It's the Christmas of '87. You and boyfriend, Eddie Munson, cruise Hawkins for your annual town lights crawl. tags: post s4, eddie munson lives, explicit language, holiday lights, christmas fluff, childhood friends, established relationship credit: dividers by @saradika / header by @nicostiel
welcome to the sixth day of the twelve days of amymas 2023 !!
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“The rich assholes always have the good stuff.”
“Just because they’re rich doesn’t mean their decorations aren’t tacky,” you argue back, ripping a Twizzler at the center of the rope with your teeth.
"Can't argue with that," Eddie Munson quips in return, holding out a hand for the Twizzler pack.
You hand it to him — if he wasn't idle in the driver's seat of his beat-up van, then you would have tossed it.
Since the battle of the Upside Down, you could argue his reflexes have gotten much better.
Eddie likens it to Spiderman-esque rabies powers from those nasty vampire bats.
(You're just happy he's here.)
“That’s way too many reindeer on that lawn — look."
You lean over the passenger seat to point out of the windshield towards a bloated, light-infused lawn.
"The Weston's put up a ton of them, but that's inaccurate. Santa did not have twenty reindeer.”
“Damn, did Mr. Weston feel bad about the team rejects?” Eddie comments with a feigned sigh of sympathy, tone melodic. “Gave the bench reindeer the gift of playing in the big leagues for Christmas of ‘87.”
“Imagine wanting to do your job.”
“Couldn’t fuckin’ be me, that’s for sure.”
You’re lucky Eddie even agreed to do this with you.
Then again, you’re pretty certain you could have asked him to watch A Christmas Story fifteen times in a row, and he would still enthusiastically say yes. 
Whatever made you happy — when most boys said it, they never meant it.
Not Eddie.
Now that you're home for the holidays from college, you're happy to close the distance with your best friend — your boyfriend — and rekindle old traditions.
Cruising around the better-off parts of Hawkins in his beat-up van was a staple ever since Uncle Wayne taught Eddie how to drive.
Thirteen years old and all too eager.
(A little too young, but hey, 'tis the damn season.)
Truth be told, hiding here with Eddie felt more in line with the Christmas spirit than anything your family had planned for the holidays.
All of the incessant inter-connected drama...
The non-stop questions about college...
The inevitable judgment when you talk about the future they don’t wholly approve of...
None of that mattered here.
Eddie cranked Dio really loud to make sure of that.
(He loves to argue that Dio could put out a killer Christmas album, same as the Carpenters, but they’re too busy churning out the sickest tunes of the decade.)
“I think their neighbors gave up on decorating this year,” you judge, holding out your hand to get the Twizzler pack back. “Look: only a stupid wreath on the door. Remember when the Thomas family used to do that crazy display with the boombox and stuff?”
Eddie keeps one hand on the wheel as he holds out the pack to you, plucking out two final red ropes for himself.
“Apparently Mrs. Thomas divorced Mr. Thomas," he explains, "so they don’t exactly have the budget to be Hawkins’ beacon this year.”
You gasp, jaw dropping.
Eddie smirks, chewing on the candy.
“You missed way more than real-life Dungeons and Dragons in Hawkins, Indiana in your pursuit of higher education, Miss Thing.”
He isn’t wrong — you caught the tail end of this town almost getting swallowed by a Mindflayer.
Apparently what few months you had spent away from this small town gave the evils below plenty of time to rip the fabric of reality in half.
Then there was that one time Eddie almost died from a flock full of vampire bats.
Neither of you really talk about that day.
No one involved in that mess does. 
It’s for the best.
“Oh — shit, do you see that one?” you ask out of the blue, leaning over the dashboard to point at an upcoming house littered with string lights.
“That!” you exclaim, smudging his windshield as you press against the glass.
A two-story house is decorated from roof to foundation full of sparkling white lights, changing its pattern every few seconds.
In truth, it’s a little disorienting.
Still rad, though.
Eddie slows the car down to a near stall, squinting ahead under his heavy, curly bangs.
“It’s all white. That’s so lame.”
“Lame?” you ask, turning your chin towards him.
He turns to you, too, then a smug smirk crawls over his lips.
The boy leans over, pecking a kiss to your pursed lips.
“You’re cute when you pout. But yeah, fuck white. Multicolored all the way.”
“I didn’t think you had opinions on string lights, Munson,” you tease, smiling wider from the tiny kiss.
You want to pull him into a deeper kiss, but safety first: you have to convince him to park the car first.
“Well, my sweet Christmas angel, that’s where you’re wrong. I am very opinionated.”
“You didn’t even decorate the trailer this year,” you remind him, flopping back down to the passenger seat. “Which, by the way — I noticed. Talk about being disappointed when I rolled up this afternoon to see a totally blank canvas.”
His brows knit together in playful confusion.
“What, did you seriously think I was going to do the lights this year without you?”
The statement surprises you.
Sure, you helped the Munson duo decorate — it’s almost as much of a tradition at this point as the holiday lights crawl.
Ever since you and Eddie became best friends, you’d spend hours meticulously turning a two-person man cave into something warm and cozy, with fake buffalo snow and tiny string lights.
According to Uncle Wayne, something about your touch on the place was warranted for the holidays.
Yet you had assumed they would have started without you this year on the principle that you’d be coming home for the holidays later than anticipated.
(That, and the near death of Eddie had taken a large toll on Uncle Wayne altogether.)
But neither were the real case:
They waited for you.
Your heart swells with the realization.
Before you can turn the moment sappy, Eddie winks and turns left at a corner. 
“Let me show you a real house. C’mon, it’s down the block from here. I scoped this shit out when you were busy with finals.”
You stay in your seat, too busy staring at the curly-haired boy as he navigates the streets of Hawkins to find a perfect house.
Suddenly the town isn’t so interesting.
Truth be told, it never was.
If it wasn’t for Eddie, then you’d never come back to Hawkins.
You imagine he feels the same way about his Uncle Wayne.
He can't leave, so you'll stay.
“Why don’t we go home?” you suggest.
The boy frowns as he pulls over.
“Home? You don’t wanna look at other lights?”
He gestures to the grand outdoors.
“You love this shit.”
“I love decorating with you and Uncle Wayne way more,” you tell him.
Finally, Eddie takes a pause.
The boy studies you for a moment, considering, before a smile starts to grow so wide that he has to bite his lip to keep it at bay.
“Hell yeah,” you promise.
You raise your boot, poking it at a hole in the calf of his ripped jeans.
“C’mon. Fuck the rich assholes. We can outdo them by miles.”
It takes another pause to pass, but Eddie finally grins like a Cheshire cat. 
“What my lady wants, my lady gets.” 
He switches the van in reverse to ready a three-point turn. 
“Christmas with the Munsons, it is.”
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thefreakandthehair · 1 year
@eddiemonth prompt, oct 2nd: Friendship | F**Ked Up Kids - The Maine | Observant cw: vague allusions to high school-typical bullying, un-betaed because I'm challenging myself to write these in under an hour read on ao3 | link to series on ao3
When he was younger, Eddie would joke that his favorite classes were lunch and recess. He had freedom, didn’t have to deal with teachers and rules and the endless stream of Pay Attention, Eddie’s or Sit Still, Eddie’s. 
In high school though, in the wild jungle that is the Hawkins High cafeteria, he almost misses the safety of the classroom. 
It’s loud. It’s bright. It’s unruly. Eddie loves a healthy dose of chaos more than the average person but this is overwhelming, especially with the few friends he’s managed to hold onto in another lunch wave. It leaves him alone and untethered in the corner of the cafeteria with his Ziploc bag of Honeycomb as he observes the crowds, tamping down the anxiety that bubbles in his chest with a comfort food. 
An older boy approaches him as he’s lost in thought, a kind smile spreading ear to ear, messy curly hair hanging just below his ears— the length Eddie’s always wanted and now, with Wayne, can finally work towards. He's still cautious though: the kindest smiles can hide the scariest monsters. He knows. He lived with his dad. 
But then Eddie realizes the stranger is wearing a band t-shirt that he recognizes instantly and it lowers his haunches. 
“Hey. Nice Dio shirt.” Eddie shifts back to show that he’s wearing a similar one. Same band, different design. 
“Oh shit, we match! Good taste. I’m Rich.” The kind stranger introduces himself and takes a seat at the empty chair next to Eddie. 
They’re all empty anyways. 
Eddie nods and smiles, tentatively hopeful. “Eddie.” 
It turns out, Rich is the head of the school’s Dungeons and Dragons club, Hellfire Club. He sits with Eddie the entire lunch period, sharing his pizza and eventually inviting him to join him and his friends across the way the next day. The pizza is disgusting but it was better than the snack he’d grabbed on his way out the door that morning, and it’s the gesture that counts anyways.
Over time, Eddie grows into himself and out of his shell, but he never loses the little freshman inside who sat and watched. Watched others interact, watched others shy away, watched others slap on a happy smile and fake their way through high school. It’s why, when the latest leader of Hellfire manages to graduate, Eddie becomes the de facto new head of the club in 1983. 
As the new leader and Dungeon Master, Eddie takes it upon himself to be to the little sheep what Rich had been to him. The leaders since Rich graduated back at the end of Eddie's freshman year have been fine, creative, fun, but none have taken as active a role in helping protect the vulnerable of Hawkins High as Rich. It’s something Eddie brings back, instills in the new members, engrains in the culture of Hellfire: we’re the fucked up kids, sure, and we’re alone, but we’re alone together. 
First comes Jeff, a sophomore who has the bad luck of moving to Hawkins in the middle of the school year. Eddie notices him sitting by the trash can, eating what looks to be that day’s meatloaf special with headphones over his ears. When Eddie approaches him, he lifts just one headphone and Eddie hears the unmistakable guitar line of Black Sabbath’s Voodoo loud enough to hear from a foot away. In just about no time, Jeff becomes arguably Eddie's best friend.
Next comes Frank, who Eddie catches in the music room shredding a bass guitar. He tells Eddie under no uncertain circumstances that his nickname has always been Freak and he’ll answer only as such. It causes a little confusion when people begin using it as a pejorative against Eddie, but Eddie wears it with pride. Not just for himself, not just as a way to usurp the slur for himself, but to protect Freak from anything worse. 
Gareth is a bit younger, a true freshman when Eddie is in his first senior year. He catches him in an argument with some jock who’s just spilled who-knows-what on his vest. Maybe intentionally, maybe not. The point is that Gareth is about to get his shit rocked by three dudes on the football team and Eddie has built himself up to be just frightening enough to dissolve the tension. Or, to at least give the kid some backup if it gets to the point of needing backup. 
It doesn’t, thankfully, but Eddie discovers Gareth plays drums and his dream of re-igniting his old middle school band, Corroded Coffin, comes to fruition. 
Each year, Eddie repeats the same process. 
Protect the sheep. Protect himself. Have a little fun in the meantime. 
In 1986, in what he hopes to be his final senior year, Eddie meets a new crop of vulnerable kids with ghosts in their eyes that color them a bit differently than others in the past. One wears a Weird Al shirt to school, one has to contend with having the same last name as one of the smartest students to ever pass through these hallowed hallways, and one straddles the dividing line between popular and freak. Not even Eddie can imagine being that brave. 
In a few short months, he’ll find just how brave he can actually be.
Hellfire Club becomes Eddie’s pride and joy. A place where Eddie feels wanted and a place where Eddie hopes others do, too. They’re still the weird ones, the outcasts, the forgotten, but they can’t be lonely. Not when they have each other.
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leasstories · 11 months
The New Girl
Eddie Munson x fem!reader
TW: SH, blood, drug use, depression, mentions of bullying
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Your family just moved in Hawkins Indiana, you're 18 and this is your senior year. You were your old town's freak, and the fact that you were a girl made it even worse. You were considered the town’s freak because you were mainly listening to metal and Rock N'Roll  but also because you loved Roleplay games. One day, you saw this magazine about Dungeon and Dragons and you really enjoyed the game's concept, you knew pretty much everything about this game but you had no one to play it with. This year means new resolutions and you decided to be the most "normal" that you could be. It means you have to say goodbye to the ripped jeans but also goodbye to the band t-shirts. And you even consider joining the cheerleaders even though you hate what they do. You won't be able to go through another year of bullying, all alone. Your high school years were really hard on you, you went into depression and school phobia and started having self harming habits. This year has to be different. You're even gonna hide your tattoos and you dyed your hair back in your h/c which is far different from their previous color which was claret-red.
This is your first day at Hawkins High, you dressed in a plain white, long sleeve t-shirt and a blue jean, and you only did your make up with foundation and mascara. You rush downstair, take your bag, a pancake and rush through the door while screaming "See you tonight !" to your parents. You hear your mom wishing you a good day before sitting on the driver seat of your car. You drive to school even though you are early and you hope you can find a calm spot in order to hide and smoke your cigarette before heading to class. You park your car on the parking, get out and see a little path leading to the forest, you take it and arrive at a picnic table, you sit thinking it's a very calm spot for your little pre first day cigarette. You sit down, take your cigarette out and start smoking when you hear leaves scrunching behind you. You jump off of the bench, to see a teenager, or young adult you don't know, with brown curly hair, brown eyes and his clothes are very similar to your former clothes. He raises his hands in surrender to show you he means no harm before speaking.
"I never saw you around"
"I'm new in town" you answer
The boy looks at you with his big brown eyes, you can't help but stare at him, but also admire him for being confident enough to wear the clothes he wants, you remember that once, you were like him, but that led you to be in such a dark place that you think it doesn't worth it.
"Then welcome perfect stranger, I'm Eddie Munson !"
You chuckle before answering "I'm Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N"
"Nice to meet you, I actually can't believe you are talking to me, most people would have ran away"
"Why is that ?” you ask
"Because I'm the town's freak" he makes invisible quoting marks with his hands "mean and scary"
"You don't seem mean and scary to me"
"Well thank you,  but you shouldn't hang out with me at school, not that I don't like you no, you are pretty and I enjoy talking to you but-"
You cut Eddie's rambling. "I can manage hanging out with the outcasts, I actually was an outcast in my old town"
"You don't seem an outcast to me, you seem the most normal person I've ever seen, and it's not an insult at all I promise" Eddie is all flustered and keep rambling.
"My style, my real style is similar to yours to be honest, I just changed it because I couldn't take being the freak anymore but I admire you. I admire you for not caring about what others think, and" you take a deep breathe "I want to learn, that's why, if you accept it of course, I'm gonna hang out with you at school"
While you were talking Eddie took a black lunch box out and started rolling a joint.
"I'd be honored to hang out with you, and I'll help you, I'll help you see how unimportant people's opinion is, all that matters is that you are comfortable in your own clothes, that you feel yourself. Do you even feel yourself in those ?"
You look at the ground, ashamed before answering "Not really..."
"You don't have to feel ashamed. I promise to help you be yourself" Eddie lits up his joint, you look at the joint tempted before Eddie asks you "Wanna share it with me ?"
You think about it, and if you're gonna walk into the hall of your new high school with him, you'll need courage, plus you haven't had one in two days now and the withdrawal is getting really strong so you nod.
"Before I share it with you I need you to say it out loud, please"
"Yes I want to share it with you"
Eddie hands you the joint and you take a few hits before handing it back to him. You look at your watch before cursing "shit ! Eddie we're gonna be late !"
Eddie shrugs but then he sees the panic in your eyes and takes his stuff before leading you to the high school.
When you both enter the halls, everyone looks at you. You start fidgeting with your fingers, really anxious for this first day when Eddie says. "You have nothing to be afraid of, if anyone is rude to you come to me and I'll flip them off"
You chuckle slightly before answering "thank you Eddie". Gosh you find this boy really sweet but also insanely attractive, but of course you keep your thoughts to yourself.
Eddie leads you to the secretary office and waits for you outside while you go pick up your timetable as well as your locker number and code. When you head out, you look surprised that Eddie is still here.
"What are you still doing here, you're gonna be late."
"I wasn't going to let you get lost in the maze that is Hawkins high, plus I don't care about being late"
"Thank you, I'm going to my locker and then to my first class"
Eddie snatches your timetable from your hands and look at you, grinning.
"We are together almost all morning !" he seems very excited at the idea of spending the morning with you and deep down you are too. You are also relieved.
"Sounds amazing" you answer
After your last class of the morning, that you had to spend without Eddie, you're going to the cafeteria, you enter and go grab food, once you have your tray, you look around for somewhere to sit when one of the basketball player, you think his name is Jason, goes to you and tell you "Wanna sit with us new girl ?"
You look at him in disbelief because of what he just called you, but you're kinda scared of him, you knew people like that at your old school, one of them used to hit you every single day, you start trembling a bit.
Eddie is sitting at his table with his friends from Hellfire. Gareth, Jeff, Dustin and Mike all look at the scene happening a few meters away which is your interaction with Jason when Gareth says.
"Look at the new girl already being seduced by the King of Hawkins high"
At those few words, Eddie raises his head from his plate and look at the exchange between you and Jason, he can sense that something is off but before he can say anything Dustin speak up.
"Why does she look so uncomfortable ?"
Eddie gets up on the table and scream "YN, you can come sit here if you want"
The whole cafeteria look at you and then Eddie in disbelief and Jason look at you with a glare saying 'don't you dare sit with him'. Before you could say anything Jason turns to Eddie and says "Want somethin' freak ?". The nickname make you wince and you get out of the cafetaria, running, with teary eyes. You run until you reach the picnic table you were sat on this morning.
Meanwhile, Eddie makes a face at Jason before jumping from the table and going to look for you. After 10 minutes of searching the whole High School, Eddie comes to the conclusion that you are at the picnic table. He goes there and see you with a bloody razor blade in your hand, crying. He delicately sits next to you and take the blade from your hands, he doesn't say anything because to be honest, he doesn't know what to say.
"I'm sorry" you manage to say between sobs
"Don't be YN, I am the one who is sorry, I should have been waiting for you at your class. What happened with Jason, did he say something ?"
You start crying even more at the mention of what happened in the cafeteria, Eddie start rubbing your back before he remembers the bloody blade. He looks at your bloody wrists and take one in his hand, he take his bandana and start wiping off the blood while you keep crying.
"I'm sorry if it hurts sweetheart but I have to clean all that blood"
You wince when the fabric of the bandana touch your wrist but you don't back up. You're ashamed that he saw you like that though.
After Eddie finished wiping the blood from your left wrist, he wipes the blood from your left wrist.
He keeps rubbing your back while you sob before asking "do you wanna talk about what happened in there ?"
You take a shaky breath before saying "I've known someone like Jason... back in my former high school, and he-" you start crying again "he hurt me almost every single day..."
"I'm sorry to hear that YN... Jason is a dick but he'd never hurt you like that, and even if he tried I wouldn't let him"
You look at Eddie, still sobbing, with your teary eyes and you mutter a shaky "thank you"
Then Eddie looks back at yout wrists and hesitate before asking "do you hurt yourself often ?"
You burry your face in your hands, ashamed and keep sobbing.
Eddie gets up from the bench and kneel before you, taking your hands away from your face. He lift your chin up so you can look at him before saying "You don't have to answer YN, but I want you to know that you can tell me anything, I'd never judge you or tell anyone what you tell me"
"I do..." you end up answering
Eddie look at you with saddened eyes before searching for a pen and a paper through his bag, he writes down his adress and phone number and hands it to you.
"The next time you want to do that, call me or  come see me, I'll try taking your mind off of it, and if you can't help but do it, I'll at least clean your cuts"
You take the paper after thanking him.
"Do you want me to bring you back home ?" You nod, you and Eddie go back to your car, once you've unlocked the car Eddie opens the passenger door for you.
"What are you doing ?" you say
"Driving you home" Eddie answers
"But what about your car ?"
"Don't worry for me YN, I won't let you drive when you're all shaken up, please let me do that for you"
You nod and climb on the passenger seat. Eddie close your door before climbing on the driver's seat. You give him the direction to your home. The ride is silent, but it's a comfortable silence. Once you arrive, Eddie open the passenger door for you before leading you to your door.
You unlock your door when Eddie says "See ya tomorrow YN !"
"Can you... can you stay please" you ask
Eddie look at you before saying "Of course I can, I have nothing better to do anyway, I can stay until your parents come back"
"Thank you so much" you say with a weak smile.
You lead Eddie to the couch and instruct him to sit down.
"I know you've been wanting to ask me something all the way home, please go ahead, ask me, whatever it is I'm prepared."
"Why do you hurt yourself ?"
You take a shaky breath before answering "Because the pain I feel inside of me is eating me alive, when I cut myself my focus is on another kind of pain, one that hurt less than the pain inside of me"
Eddie takes your hand. "I'm sorry, I wish I could take away some of your pain"
After this conversation, Eddie cheered you up, he made some jokes to make you laugh, you listened to Iron Maiden together, and when it was time for him to leave you kissed him on the cheek and Eddie was all flustered.
The next days, you spent a lot of time together and Eddie was always trying to put a smile on your face, he was doing everything in his power to make you forget the demons from your past, and it worked, every time you were with him  you were laughing and smiling. Thanksgiving holidays were approaching, which meant you would be all by yourself for a week. But you decided that you won't tell Eddie, he has to enjoy Thanksgiving holidays with his family, he needs to take time for himself. You can't ask him to spend his entire holiday with you even though you'd really like that. You can't be selfish, he's done so much for you in the past weeks.
This is the last day before the holidays and you decided to go to school with your style, you put on a black Metallica t-shirt with a black ripped jean, Doc Martens and let your tattoos show, you didn't tell Eddie that you would come to school like that, when you entered the hall, everyone was whispering, you went to class and sat at the last raw, next to Eddie's usual place.
Eddie was late as usual, when he entered the class he saw everyone whispering but paid no further attention, until his eyes spotted you. When he looked at you, his jaw dropped, he didn't think you'd be ready yet. He went to sit next to you and saw you figdeting and your knee bounce, you two had gotten really close in the past weeks so he put his hand on your knee and look at you, a look meaning 'I'm here for you'. The class go by and you keep fidgeting but Eddie keeps his hand on your knee until the teacher notice.
"Can I help you Mister Munson" she says
"I'm sorry Miss, I wasn't feeling well and Eddie was showing me emotional support" you answer
"The freak help the freak" says a cheerleader. Chrissy turn to you with an apologetic smile.
"Mrs Smith, I didn't ask for a comment, Mr Munson just remove your hand from her knee"
Eddie look at you before doing so, you nod, making him understand that it's okay. Deep down it isn't and you know that you aren't going to your next class.
When the bell ring, you don't even wait for Eddie and run to the bathroom, you lock yourself until the bell ring to indicate that the next class is starting.
Eddie enter the next class, he scans the room but doesn't see you, he doesn't care about what the teacher will say, he just get out of the room, ignoring the teacher who was ordering him to come back to class. He knew where you were but he also knew that you were hurting yourself, he knows how hard it had been for you and also know you weren't ready to handle everything that was coming with assuming your style, your mental health was still very fragile even though Eddie had helped you a lot. He had to find you, you needed him now more than ever.
You were sat at the picnic table, looking blankly at your bloody wrist when Eddie found you, he sat next to you and you were so afraid that you disappointed him that you decided to speak first, looking at your shoes.
"I'm sorry Eddie, I couldn't help it"
Eddie looks at you with a saddened but understanding look. "I'm not mad YN, I promise, let me fix this."
Eddie goes through his bag and take out some gauze and a bottle of antiseptic, he always has it in his bag since the first time he saw you hurt yourself, just in case. He didn't have to use it in a while, but he knew that you would probably relapse one day, and Eddie was glad he didn't take it out of his bag.
Eddie put some antiseptic on the gauze and started cleaning your wounds, he then looked at you in the eyes before saying "I really like your style" Eddie is grinning, even though he shouldn't be flirty, he can't help, you're just so beautiful, even more when you’re yourself. Eddie doesn't care about your scars, and even if it saddened him, the fact that you happened to hurt yourself wasn't something that made him run away. Eddie fell for you in those few weeks you spent together.
"Thank you for cleaning this up, and for the compliment" you blush at each special attentions.
"You’re not so bad yourself Munson" you added
Eddie got closer to you and took your hand in his. "I have something to tell you YN, and I know that now might not be the best timing but I can't keep it to myself anymore."
"I love you Eddie" you blurt out without thinking. When you realize what you just say you put your left hand on your mouth and take your hand away of Eddie's, ready to leave.
Eddie grabs you by the wrist and kisses you passionately before saying "I was going to say that I love you more than I should love a friend. And please don't interrupt me, let me finish. I really enjoy every moment with you, and I'm proud of you for coming to school like that, I'm proud of you for not self harming for weeks. Yes you've relapsed today, but relapse is part of recovery and please believe me when I say that you can tell me when you've done it, I'd rather be there for you, help you clean it up and help taking away your guilt than not knowing what you're going through. You've come such a long way YN, and I'm so so proud of you. I love you and nothing can change that."
You have tears in your eyes, what Eddie said is so beautiful, you don't even know what to answer to that, no one as never been this kind to you before and it's overwhelming, so instead of saying anything you hug him and don't let go.
It is Thanksgiving today, your parents left in order to spend Thanksgiving with your grand-parents as well as your aunts and uncles that you don't particularly appreciate, that's why you decided to stay home. You have been trying out outfits all morning long to find the perfect outfit and now you found it, you're gonna wear a black leather dress, tights and heeled boots, you put on some black eye liner, mascara and red lipstick. You've just finished putting your hair in a tight bun when you hear Eddie's van pulling up in your backyard. You rush to the door taking your keys and bag. Your run in Eddie's arms and hug him tight, your legs around his waist. Eddie chuckles and kiss you before saying "Ready to spend Thanksgiving with me and my uncle ?"
You seem a bit stressed so Eddie looks at you in the eyes before saying "Wayne is gonna love you YN, I'm sure of that"
You spend the ride hand in hand, listening to your favorite song, 'Rainbow In the Dark' by Dio.
"Eddie ?" you say, breaking the silence
"Mmh" he answers
"You are my Rainbow in the dark"
Eddie smiles and squeezes your hand. "I love you Sweetheart"
" I love you too Eddie"
And as Eddie predicted Wayne loves you and you spent the best Thanksgiving you've ever spent, surronded by people you feel safe around. Not thinking once about hurting yourself. Eddie is really your Rainbow in the dark.
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If you or anyone you know has to deal with SH, depression or suicidal thoughts please reach out for help. https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/depression/resources.htm
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