#eating disorder treat
henrysmithpu · 1 year
Contact an eating disorder psychologist in Sydney to get the right treatment for any type of eating disorder.
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kacievvbbbb · 1 month
Look Mihawk’s eyes definitely glow in the dark and this fact definitely threw Shanks of the first time he learned it which coincidently was during their *coughs* first time. But it’s kind of hot and he’s grown used to it now……mostly.
Because you know Mihawk is definetly the type of dude to never turn on a light ever and with his propensity for staring unblinkingly and his half hazard middle of the night sleeping habits. It’s a bit of a bit of a problem .
the years Shanks has lost of his life waking up to a floating pair of shimmering golden and ringed eyes staring at him in complete darkness he will never gain back and are best not talked out.
Also imagine if Mihawk is prone to midnight snacking (making up for all the food he doesn’t eat during the day to maintain his vampiric reputation) so many a red haired pirate have woken the ship with Shrieks having stumbled into the very dark kitchen to see a pair of otherworldly eyes completely demolishing a plate of leftovers or an entire charcuterie board staring right into their soul.
Ben and Yasopp have almost shot him multiple times(with only one of those times being on purpose) Many a crew member has solicited Shanks to get his boyfriend exorcised and the ship cleansed. In 2 years the closest Zoro ever came to cutting Mihawk was while blindly flailing his swords around in the dark trying to fend of the kitchen demon that besieged him during his midnight beer run. This will happen every night, they never talk about it. Zoro never figures out it’s Mihawk and is pretty sure the Kitchen is haunted. Won’t keep him from his midnight protein shake (he is no longer allowed beer)
Perona is the only person who is even slightly normal about this (she lived on thriller bark floating pair of eyes in the dark is child’s play) she just switches on the very bright white kitchen lights, effectively blinding Mihawk and leaving his terrible posture and he use of his precious kogatana to eat meatballs exposed to the light. She gets a cup of water turns off the light and leaves. The next day Mihawk buys her a new dress they never speak of this again.
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bevy-obeyme · 3 months
An mc with an eating disorder I'm recovering from one and am curious on ur take with the dateables if ur uncomfortable you don't have too
Now this request does hit home a bit. I myself have no diagnosis so of course, I can’t speak on behalf of EDs, but I want you to know you are valid no matter what you weigh. Life is so much more than the number on the scale and I’m glad to hear you recover. Hope you’re getting the best of care! 🫶🫶
[TRIGGER WARNING - If you are recovering/still suffering from an ED, I’d advise caution just in case it brings up unpleasant memories, thank you!]
Dateables with an MC that suffers an ED.
- Now, this man picked up on everything. Should you be surprised? No not really.
- He could see it all the time. Whenever he offered one of Barbatos’s pastries you would immediately decline, seeing it as a waste of carbs and sugar. Or the constant asking in how many calories a certain Devildom food held.
- It was concerning. He could see just how much you struggled and seeing as you were his human exchange student, he took to confronting this.
- He reassured that cheat days were okay, that you were allowed to treat yourself to the occasional delicacy. That you didn’t have to substitute bread for rice cakes, that you didn’t have to avoid carbs like a plague.
- Hell, at times he would make sure Barbatos cooked dessert just for you. If you tried to push it away, he would kindly insist till you caved.
- Like his master, the butler was extremely keen in noticing this almost frantic habit of yours. Dare he say that he might‘ve heard you throwing up at times too.
- His heart panged. He knew how much you avoided the kitchen or whenever you’d excuse yourself during dinner to not get tempted by food.
- No doubt, he would confront you about it and reassure that you looked fine and just like a human should do. But he knew that often those kind of reassurances fell on deaf ears.
- So, he did opt to give you more nutritional options. Being mindful to switch out some ingredients for healthier alternatives when cooking/baking for you. As Lord Diavolo’s exchange student (and his favourite human), he wanted to make you comfortable.
- The gentle angel was attentive to this matter. But, he knew better than to outright confront you. In fact, he decided to take a more subtle approach.
- Whenever you wore something outside your comfort zone, he would make sure to compliment your appearance and reassure that you liked beautiful/handsome.
- Or whenever you visited him at Angel’s Halo, he made sure to welcome you with breakfast. His smile was gentle and charming, how could you resist him when he looked at you like that?
- It was his subtle way of saying - ‘please eat, I care about you more than the way you weigh.’
- He was a child, so of course he did not understand the concepts of EDs that well. But he definitely picked up on the signs and would constantly point out why you avoided certain foods or limited your portions more than others.
- After Simeon explained to him, the young angel was truly baffled.
- How could you see yourself as anything but divine? So what if you weighed more or less than the average? That didn’t compare to your stunning personality.
- After this revelation, he would make sure to be around whenever you ate a lot. He was worried. He didn’t want a human that was practically like a parent to him starve.
- Another sharp man. He picked up on the signs immediately and confronted you rather quickly. He didn’t want his apprentice suffering after all.
- However, when you have a really swift rejection after he offered to cook for you, he was stunned on what to do.
- So, he went on to reassure you instead. Reminding you that you needed nutrition whether you liked it or not, that your human life was way too short for you to waste it prattling on about calories or worrying over how you looked in certain clothing.
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
It actually does bother me that eating is treated like spending money - that you have an allotted allowance in the form of calories that you are supposed to budget.
"How are you spending your calories?" I'm spending them on experiences. I'm spending them on time with my community, my people, those who matter to me. I'm spending them on satiating a human need. I'm spending them on the feeling of being alive and not just living.
If there is one experience that I don't want to "pay" for, it's the basic human right of comfort, security, community, and care.
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valtsv · 1 year
cw disordered eating but i'm actually really proud of myself for how much more i enjoy food now that i've learned to work with my issues around it and find ways to ensure i get enough to eat even when i don't feel like it by being kinder to myself and getting back into enjoying cooking and experimenting with recipes. i forgot how nice it is to not be hungry and tired all the time.
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hometownrockstar · 3 months
anything about eating disorders that does not include or integrate fat people & fatphobia (both individual and systemic) into it's understanding is, imo, inherently flawed. Fat people are the main scapegoats of diet culture, in the fact of fat people with eating disorders are completely ignored and not believed, while fat people as a whole are meant to be denigrated, dehumanized, and bullied to perpetuate diet culture and to instill fear in people to develop an eating disorder in order to not become "like them" (ugly, unlovable, and bullied and dehumanized by everyone)
I obviously have understanding and sympathy for people with eating disorders, but to just not acknowledge that they can also be stringent perpetuators of fatphobia further ignores the core reasons why eating disorders develop, really. There is plenty of fatshaming and body policing in ED spaces because it is completely encouraged by society, and it hurts everyone even when its "meant to" hurt fat people the most. Dismantling fatphobia is key to getting rid of diet and ED culture.
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beanghostprincess · 11 months
it wouldn't surprise me that, despite sanji being the literal cook of the crew, he had an eating disorder (ofc trigger warning here for eds, child abuse, starvation and, y'know, sanji's background in general).
he experienced the most traumatic years of his life trapped inside a fucking cell, with a metal helmet around his head and only eating when his father let him. which was 'only when the kid needs it', probably. which leads to judge saying 'i couldn't even kill my son' and it can translate to 'at least i kept you alive'. and not to turn this into irl trauma, but abusive parents constantly use the 'keeping you alive and giving you food' excuse (the bare fucking minimum) to guilt trip you into thinking that they're good and that you're exaggerating how bad they treated you because, well, at least they kept you alive, didn't they?
so here, sanji sees food as a form of loving but in the sense of 'at least my dad didn't kill me. that's something'. so his vision towards food remains positive but only because of his mom. only because his love language is acts of service and his mom took everything he gave her, even if it was horrific, as a way of saying 'i love all of you. you're perfect because you tried and the fact that you brought me your food is enough to make me feel loved. you're not a mistake' despite his brothers and his father saying that he was, indeed, a mistake and weak for wanting to give food to others instead of just taking it for himself.
both ideas of 'someone who loves you wouldn't let you starve' and 'offering food to others is opening up your heart' coexist inside little sanji's brain.
so it wouldn't be crazy to think that, although sanji loves cooking and his best early memories of it are that book that kept him dreaming while he was locked up, and his mom's words, has a hard time eating food.
besides, sanji is used to giving, not taking. he's not selfish, but actually extremely generous to the point of forgetting about his own well-being. i don't think he actually thinks about how hungry he is until it hurts. until he needs it. he only ate whenever his father let him so he wouldn't starve, and the only thing that made him feel well about food was the fact that he could give it to the one he loved and needed it.
sanji doesn't have good experiences eating food, but only cooking it. it's a great representation of his personality as a whole, to be honest.
then the whole zeff thing happens, and he actually almost starves to death and learns what hunger feels like. but once again, zeff saves him and he's the one to be hungry for not letting the kid starve. which might seem similar to what judge did, but 'not letting you starve because i couldn't kill you' isn't the same as 'not letting you starve because i don't want you to die'. sanji learns the difference that day.
he didn't know somebody could be that kind. especially to him, someone who doesn't deserve it (he thinks he doesn't) because, in his house, love only came when you earned it.
and, you know, sanji's like that. sanji's selfless. sanji does everything for others. and so the guilt eats him up first. what zeff did is beautiful and amazing and we love him for it, but we don't know about how that affected sanji at a young age. which only makes him even more selfless and more of a better, kinder, generous person. and that might be bad, considering how little he thinks about himself already-
he learns that throwing away food is awful, and that you have to be grateful for being able to eat. grateful for living. so his don't-waste-food policy is obviously a big part of his personality due to almost dying of starvation and also owing his life to his dad (zeff, the real one, of course. fuck judge).
but that can almost be dangerous because refusing to waste food leads to forcing yourself to eat only because of his concept of what food means.
and then we have luffy in wci saying the whole 'i won't eat anything that you haven't cooked' which is precious and something very beautiful to say to your cook, but that only brings sanji back to 'starving is a form of loving' and 'you can't let someone you love starve'. and no matter how much he wants to force himself to push luffy away, he gives him food because he knows his captain will keep his promise.
sanji feels guilty, once again, but he ends up fixing it.
the thing is, after everything i've said, i don't think it would be weird to think about sanji viewing food as something external. something that isn't for himself. something that he only has control over because it's for others and not for himself, and it's a concept, a form of love, and not a need. because he does not feel hungry. when it comes to food, he feels responsibility and guilt and love... but never hunger.
hunger is, by all means, a form of selfishness sanji isn't used to unless his body is about to give up completely. he can eat out of pleasure and satisfaction and love for food, but he does it to train a selfless skill that may or may not also be selfish in the sense of 'wanting to be loved and useful'.
so here we have:
seeing food as a form of love because at least his dad wouldn't let him die, but he probably learned to push away the concept of hunger
seeing cooking as the most beautiful way of showing your feelings and efforts and taking care of people
not knowing the concept of hunger due to his own selflessness
scratch the first one, actually starving for others is a form of loving. he will never let the people he loves starve even if it means he dies in the process.
he can't waste food because that would be insulting and disrespectful. no matter the context.
and i'm just saying (and this whole thing is extremely self-indulgent and me projecting again and again) that it wouldn't be surprising to me if he had some issues when it comes to eating and making food for himself.
it's not that he thinks he doesn't deserve food, it's just the thought that he doesn't need it. going back to his past it could be seeing hunger as a form of weakness (not when it comes to others. never when it comes to others), both because of what his family taught him men should be like, and the fact that the manliest man he knows used starvation as a form of love.
so it's seeing hunger as something that makes you weak, but only when it comes to himself because of course, he wouldn't apply the same rules for him as for everyone else. he's just like that.
he thinks about others first, and himself second. always second. and the thought of eating and needing it only comes when it's too much. and when that time comes, the voices in his head tell him that he's weak. and again, i don't think he sees himself as undeserving of food because he has this whole thing about everybody deserving to eat. but he has never played with the same rules as the rest, always a few steps behind, so if he can't fight the thoughts in his head contradicting his morals, that's just how he is.
not to mention the 'don't waste food' part which also would make him feel guilty about not being able to eat if the thoughts of not deserving food and being weak for needing to eat become too much. he can't eat because he doesn't deserve it and because he's weak. and he can't starve, because that would mean wasting food.
so, you know, sanji is out of options here.
if some days sanji just casually decides not to eat- forgets to prepare himself a meal while his crew enjoys his food... that's just the way he is, isn't it? and if he lies about it, it's just another form of love, keeping them away from his problems.
besides, controlling hunger and controlling food is the only way he has to take control of his messy life. when something is out of reach, the unstoppable thing called life he has never been able to control, at least he can choose not to eat. he can choose to starve, this time, with the comfort of knowing he won't. he can choose not to eat this time, not like all of those times when food was controlling him instead.
at least the strawhats will never, ever, starve if he's around. but of course, nobody thinks about asking the cook if he wants to eat. that would be absurd. and it's impossible to think sanji would have some sort of issue with it! sanji, the cook, who keeps telling them not to waste food, not eating? that would be absurd and too selfless to make sense.
that's just the way he is.
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envolvenuances · 9 days
and I think child modelling should be illegal I'm not even joking
#I dodged it but like it truly felt like we were pigs raised to slaughter. slaughter being prostitution#every little detail I remember now as adult with basic child psychology education from my teacher background is just. how#I'm not brave enough to say 'jail to mother' (yet) but honestly...#what wrong could come from making a bunch of girls used to lying about their age ignoring being made uncomfortable and disrespected#especially by adults who can make all sorts of rules and claims on their bodies and schedules that are treated as secrets#I had the best experience possible and I am certain I did get pimps approaching me my mother and contractors#and even then I felt very weird that I was often sent to nightclubs that only allowed adults as clients but since I was there to get on#stage as work then I could get in and actually I got instructed to keep on 'vip areas' that typically had a lot more drugs circulating#the heels the clothing and makeup I got put on were also so wrong#I didn't hate it at the time some things made me uncomfortable but I liked dancing I liked fashion and I liked how the fact I was 'making#money' made me more respected in my house and I started getting more independence (that I probably shouldn't have been given either)#but ugh the existing photographs already make me want to throw up and I am glad there aren't photographs of the worse 'dance' jobs I did#very strange little universe#I also feel like I was the only girl that didn't have an eating disorder but mostly cuz I already had problems with alcohol that did the jo#but also I got in much older than the other girls and out pretty fast#crazy that 13 is old but like you genuinely hear of 6 year old who are responsible for a considerable portion of the household income#YIKES#the compliments I got on managing to look older and 'being so mature'. yikes#anything that allows a child to be the one making most of the family's income is a receipt for disaster#.txt
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relaxxattack · 11 months
wait are you anti endo :((
i had to look up this word to make sure i knew what you meant because for some reason i mixed this up with emeto and thought you were asking me if i was anti vomiting??? 😭
anyway no
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thatonebabybat · 9 months
Hey btw having depression is not a requirement for being goth and if you think it is I don't like you. That's a whole chronic illness, not a part of your "goth mindset"/"aesthetic". Please reflect on that.
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wizardnuke · 9 months
i understand this is like. objectively a wild thing to bitch about when yr average woman wants to lose weight but it is really so fucking bizarre and disheartening to be asked "how are you so skinny how do you do it" by women who are really honestly beautiful and healthy and i am genuinely so jealous of their bodies' ability to maintain some semblance of body fat. i have to say "i wish i weighed more" and they look at me like i'm crazy and then i have to say "every time i manage to gain 5-10lbs i inexplicably get really sick and lose all the weight i gained and it's a vicious cycle of never really feeling healthy" and that's not the answer they want to hear and they still don't understand why i want to gain weight and like. hhhh. makes me sad. i love you you're so pretty and i am chronically ill
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
The thing that sucks about disordered eating recovery is that... you're expected to have a completely healthy relationship with food, eating, and exercise, but you also need to know and self-enforce the idea of Good Foods and Bad Foods, and you also cannot recover into a fat body or keep a fat body, but you also need to effortlessly maintain a thin and trim body. You also can't make other people (i.e. the "normal" folk) uncomfortable if you aren't doing okay or if you have a disordered experience. But you also cannot "glamourize" your past experience, even if you aren't glamourizing it at all.
It's really hard to internalize the idea that there isn't a "good" way to recover, and that recovery will look different. I always felt so out of place amongst people who don't get it because they often have their own ideas of your experience that they expect or even demand you adhere to.
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bijoumikhawal · 7 months
a lot of the talk about Bushnell is reminding me of my "the "mentally ill" have their right to violence revoked" thing again
like. When you're deemed mentally ill, suddenly you must stress how you are more likely to be a victim of violence than a perpetrator to be deemed as human. Because any violence you commit, as a crazy person, is bad. It cannot carry rationale, because you are crazy. If I, as an autistic person, hit someone who was hurting me and got in legal trouble, I can be referred to as just "crazy" instead of as a victim responding to an aggressor. It's an underdiscussed area of dehumanization.
And that's before we talk about intersectionality, and before we talk about how this factors into the idea of ODD, and the "violent" responses patients have to doctors (including those who simply aren't white, and those forced on meds that hurt them, and those resisting sexual assault, and-).
But this is not just interpersonally political, it is political at scale. Black men were targeted by schizophrenia diagnoses during the Civil Rights era (and this is also around when schizophrenia became a "scary" illness). The crazy cannot have valid political criticisms, as a movement (remember that being "crazy" is a vector of oppression abd marginalization) or as individuals in other movements.
Ive seen both the sentiment of "oh Aaron is gonna be slandered as crazy" and exactly what the sentiment warns of- "we can't valorize suicide from the mentally ill". And the first isn't wrong, because society at large does view the "crazy" as lacking political agency, but it's lacking.
Bushnell had been trying very hard to get out of his military contract without being imprisoned at best, while witnessing genocide and knowing he was complicit. He may not have had clinical depression normally, but that would inspire a mental rational response of situational depression (and yes, mental health issues can be a rational response to horrible circumstances). Further, I know of instances of self immolation that WERE done by people who did have long standing mental health issues and were done to protest the treatment they'd experienced that caused them and that resulted from their existence. Mental illness and divergence from the norm is more complicated than just "these people are incapable of rationality, they are incapable of political thought, and they are incapable of agency".
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eggthew · 2 months
have finally started my skulduggery pleasant reread. 4th page of the first book:
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only gets worse from here lmao I can link so many of my body issues to this series
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jakeperalta · 10 months
the lack of healthy boundaries some swifties have is legitimately concerning... it goes beyond parasocial relationships discourse and becomes a matter of basic decency
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