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This works too because part of Whirl's character arc is growing into an emotional support for Cyclonus and becoming somewhat of a voice of reason for him about his relationship with Tailgate.
Plus Whirl is willing and at all times ready to call Rodimus out on his shit at any point.
Rodimus meanwhile can and has been shown to be able to be responsible and is intelligent only loosening up when he has others (Drift, Magnus, Megatron, Ratchet) there as back ups. He lead Ironhide-Wheelie-Sunstreaker on the quest to get the Matrix back and was able to convince and lead half of the wartine Autobots to leaving Earth (including convincing Prowl to listen to him) and work with the Decepticons on a plan.
Swerve meanwhile is a doctor and a bit wary which would balance the other two out because they'd both be forced to account for their smaller and less experienced teammate. He also is now fully willing to counter and argue against Rodimus's plans if he thinks they are to reckless post-Rung Decapitation.
So what I'm saying is Roddy-Whirl-Swerve would make an unexpectedly boss team up if they could get into the groove.
And also I think subjecting them to the worst most batshit different continuity like Cartoon G1 or TFA or Unicron Trilogy would lead to maximum carnage and hilarity.
I think sending this team into g1 would be so fun as generation one is just. Downright bonkers. They will constantly compare the mecha to the ones they have on the ship, or well how different they are. Dear Primus will mtmte Megatron be so tired at hearing what g1 Megs was like.
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lil-tachyon · 4 months
What all roleplaying games have you worked on?
I'll try to name them all here but there are a lot and some of them are pretty small so I may miss a few by accident.
Epochrypha (2018) by Skerples was both the first piece of paid work I did and also the first game supplement I worked on. This is so old I was still inking digitally.
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I also provided illustrations for Magical Industrial Revolution and The Monster Overhaul by the same author.
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Monster Overhaul was neat because I did interior illustrations in early 2020 but didn't do the cover until 2022 so you can see quite a stylistic evolution.
From 2018 to 2020 things were pretty quiet for me until I worked on The Shifting City by Dank Dungeons. People really liked the cover for some reason and that basically created a career for me. I still get people asking me to basically recreate this cover a few times a year:
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I did a handful of illustrations from 2020 to 2022ish for Ukuwa Station that ended up in The Field Guide to Mfecane, a third party afrofuturist Lancer expansion.
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Our Vale of Discontent was a small game I worked on in 2020:
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Mycosis is a Mork Borg dungeon I worked on around this time, which notably marked my first attempt at doing some goofy black metal title font.
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I did most of my illustration work for Desert Moon of Karth by Joel Hines in late 2020 and early 2021:
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The sequel, Tide World of Mani is still being worked on. I just finished my last interior illustrations for it a month or two ago.
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AZAG by Dank Dungeons was a game I worked on throughout 2021 that was a blast and I think more people should know about.
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At some point in 2021 I did a bunch of pieces for Lore & Legacy although I don't remember exactly when. These never got posted but the book's been out for a while now so maybe I'll show them off later.
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Late in 2021 was when I started doing illustrations for The Electrum Archive by Emiel Boven (I think issue 2 is out soon).
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Early 2022 I did a bunch of character illustrations for some Victorian horror fantasy game that I don't think ever actually came out (commissioner never responded to me when I asked about it at least) which is a shame because I'm proud of these. At least I got paid!
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This was another one for a game that I don't think ever came out:
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I did character designs for Nebula Chaos by Polyhedra Games in 2022:
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Then Neon Saber by Olivia Miller
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Then some pieces for If Worlds Collide:
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Then Critters & Companions by Pearse Anderson:
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Ran out of space for images, I'll finish this in part 2...
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igorlevchenko-blog · 26 days
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Daedroth's reconnaissance into the boudoir of Golden Saint
One shouldn't base one's idea of a Golden Saint entirely on "Oblivion"—a first-hand account by someone veritably insane and thus beholden to most frightful fancies (in addition to being, all facts collated, a serial arsonist). No wonder that a mind diseased would paint these servants of Sheogorath as beautiful women of valkyresque stature. And animated statues they may well be, for their bodies are almost entirely made of some metallic alloy (I would say electrum if not for traces of greenish corrosion indicating the presence of copper). Given they have organic hearts pulsating underneath the golden plating—can golden saints really be a product of evil transmogrification of a living being?
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goodqueenaly · 3 months
Do you know what fields of study that the metals brass, pewter, platinum, red gold, and tin could represent on a maester chain? I think the other metals are more straightforward but I am blanking on what these five could mean.
We may actually have an answer when it comes to red gold, or at least the suggestion of a potential answer. Jon noted to Maester Aemon back in AGOT that “gold [was] for the study of money and accounts”, while Bran told Luwin in ACOK that “gold [was] for sums and numbers”. Neither Jon nor Bran specifies red or yellow gold in their respective statements, meaning that it is nearly impossible to differentiate between the two metals in terms of their respective subjects. Personally, I like to imagine that red gold is for “sums and numbers” while yellow gold is for “money and accounts”, signifying the close connection but important, if subtle, distinctions between the two. However, all of this is only a guess, and red gold could represent virtually anything. 
The question of red gold aside, I do have some thoughts regarding the other metals. As far as we know, there are at least seven metals whose respective areas of study have yet to be revealed: brass, pewter, platinum, tin, electrum, steel, and lead. (Note that there also appear to be at least six other areas of study for which an accompanying link metal is unknown, as there are 21 listed archmaesters in the appendix of AFFC.) When considering the subjects that these metals might represent, I think it is important to remember that the Citadel functions as both a de facto Westerosi university and as a business marketing the services of its scholars. Therefore, while I would expect - and indeed, we have evidence of - maesters studying and writing works on what we might call purely academic subjects, we should also anticipate (and again, I think we have some evidence for) maesters studying more practical, quasi-professional subjects. 
So here’s how I personally envisions the subjects for the known-but-unassociated metals (long, more under the cut):
Brass: shipbuilding, navigation, and generally speaking the study of the ocean. We know that maesters do study subjects along these lines, because Luwin tells Bran that he, Luwin, could teach Bran “the way a sailor steers his ship by the stars”. Because any number of Westerosi families govern port cities and towns or hold seats along major waterways, knowledge of ships and sailing could be a very marketable skill for a maester looking to be placed with an aristocratic family. I specifically decided to assign brass to shipbuilding/naval studies because brass is a metallurgic cousin, so to speak, of bronze (being an alloy of copper and zinc versus an alloy of copper and tin), which felt appropriate for the respective subject matters; as Luwin notes, maritime travel depends, in part, on knowledge the stars to understand one’s position on the sea.
Pewter: agriculture. Again, much of Westeros is an agricultural society, meaning that an understanding of plants, planting cycles, and weather patterns would be potentially invaluable to a maester in an aristocratic Westerosi household. We know, in fact, that maesters act as advisors to lords when it comes to farming and cultivation, because GRRM himself noted that “[t]he maesters try and monitor temperature grand [sic] closely, to advise on when to plant and when to harvest and how much food to store”. Likewise, because we see Maester Luwin discusses harvests, grains, greens, and salted meat during the feast at Winterfell, and because he later tells Bran that he, Luwin, could teach the young Stark prince about herblore, I believe agriculture, farming cycles, and knowledge of various plants would be a key practical area of study for maesters. That said, because pewter is a humble and common material, often used in Westeros for basic cutlery and drinkware, I associated it with agriculture because I can imagine this area of study would be considered unrefined, even vulgar, especially by those maesters looking to spend their lives as Citadel scholars (and, by contrast, might be among the first links for lowborn/smallfolk students to earn, because of their own potential familial background in and knowledge of the agricultural world). 
Platinum: law. Perhaps this is partially (or … more than partially) wish fulfillment on my part (as I, and any number of other folks in the fandom, have been complaining about the lack of clarity on Westeros’ legal system forever), but I certainly believe that maesters can and do study law at the Citadel. After all, think of how many times maesters have been associated with citing, creating, or asserting laws and legal positions: the“[s]ix maesters [who] traveled with him [i.e. Aegon I while on progress], to answer any questions he might have on local law"; the objections of Grand Maesters Gawen and Orwyle to the succession claims of Maegor and Rhaenyra, respectively; and the participation of Grand Maester Benifer on  Jaehaerys I’s legal reform council (to say nothing of maesterly works like, say, Justice and Injustice in the North: Judgments of Three Stark Lords). Because Westerosi law must, I think, be such a huge and complex topic - understanding the laws and precedents of each of the millennia-old pre-Conquest kingdoms and principalities, not to mention all of the laws created after the unification of Westeros (before and after the formal incorporation of Dorne) - I assigned this topic the metal platinum. Platinum is a precious metal, perhaps a fitting reward for those maesters who fully commit themselves to such a deep and complex area of study. 
Tin: geography. I use “geography” as sort of catch-all term to mean the investigation of Terros as a natural world, the creation and analysis of maps for that world, and the study of cultures around the world. We know that maesters study the natural world (think of Arianne, in her second TWOW sample chapter, remembering the debates on the nature of storms held between a septon, a maester, and her father), that maesters create maps (as Robb has Maester Vyman do so to outline his claims to territory as King in the North and King of the Trident), and that maesters study the peoples and cultures of Terros (think of maesterly writings like, say, Songs the Dead Men Sing, or Rubies and Iron, or Horse Tribes, Being a Study of the Nomads of the Eastern Plains of Essos). I like the idea of tin for geography’s associated metal because of tin's connections to the astronomy-linked bronze (that is, pairing the study of the earth with the study of the heavens) and the (so I’ve suggested) agriculture-linked pewter (that is, studying the land to study its cultivation).
Electrum: alchemy. We know that alchemy is a subject studied both generally in Westeros (Yandel refers to Aenys I as a dabbler in alchemy) as well as specifically at the Citadel (Gyldayn notes that Archmaester Vaegon was “devoted to alchemy”, among other subjects). As a subject centered on the transmutation or transformation of elements and matter (and which is popularly associated with the idea of turning “base” metals like lead into “noble” metals like gold) it felt fitting to assign this subject the metal electrum - that is, an alloy of gold and silver. 
Steel: languages. Again, we know that maesters study languages: look at the unfortunate Maester Kedry who accompanied Quentyn Martell on his ill-fated voyage east, or Marwyn who “talked with hairy Ibbenese and pitch-black Summer Islanders in their own tongues”, or Haldon Halfmaester who has educated young Aegon in various languages. It also seems that aristocratic Westerosi children learn High Valyrian, at least as an academic subject, as we see Sam, Tyrion, and Arya reflect on their education in High Valyrian. So I tend to think that maesters probably can and do learn High Valyrian as an initial language, and then can earn addition links through study of other cultures’ tongues. I don’t have a particularly strong reason for making this one steel, other than associating study of High Valyrian with a metallurgic cousin to Valyrian steel.
Lead: architecture. Again, I do think there is some suggestion that maesters study this subject: Luwin suggests that he could teach Bran “how to build a castle”, while Gyldayn notes that “[t]he task of building them [i.e. the walls of King’s Landing] was conferred upon Grand Maester Gawen and Ser Osmund Strong”. While this sort of subject could be folded into, say, warcraft, I think there are enough examples of buildings in Westeros that are not specifically designed for war, as well as enough potential for specialization, that I would separate the study from warcraft. (And honestly, how can the Citadel exist in a city with one of the architectural wonders of the world and not support architecture as its own field of study?) I assigned lead to architecture because of his historical use in construction, especially pipes and roofing. 
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maniacwatchestheworld · 4 months
A brief note about the League of Assassins and the Court of Owls
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@imjustheretofangirl003 (I'm answering questions and providing information for DPxDC fans.)
So... Uh... Quick question... Have people around these parts been mashing the League of Assassins and the Talons together...? Because like... The League of Assassins wouldn't use Talons...
Okay, so to my knowledge, the Talons have nothing to do with the League of Assassins. The League of Assassins, of course, is the organization that serves Ra's Al Ghul (when he was alive) and that Talia Al Ghul (his daughter and Damien's biological mother) is a very high ranking member of (until she took it over after her father died). Damian was raised in and by the League of Assassins. Obviously, the League of Assassins are all highly trained assassins lol. So... Yeah, Damian was not exactly raised in the best of situations. (Literally raised from birth to be a deadly weapon for the League.)
The Talons, on the other hand, work for the organization known as the Court of Owls. The Court of Owls is a secret cabal of exceedingly rich fucks (consisting of some of the richest families in Gotham) that have been running Gotham from behind the scenes since the city was first founded, or so they say. The Talons are all highly trained assassins, but unlike the League of Assassins, they are pretty much all undead. (Some of the members of the League of Assassins might be long-lived, but they are all decidedly alive. Additionally, Ra's is not the kind of person to like sharing his Lazarus Pits, so beyond his direct family, he's unlikely to let others in the LoA use them. Also, the Lazarus Pits extend your life or fix up and heal your body as you're dying/bring you back to life. Jason Todd may have been brought back to life in one, but he isn't exactly considered to be undead. Ra's and Talia are also not considered to be undead either. The Lazarus Pits generally bring you back to life, not turn you into an undead. You can see Task Force Z to see where that thin line can be drawn.) And some of the Talons might also be fucked up mutant owl-people...? So that's what's wrong with them lol. Some of them can be hundreds of years old and they do decidedly have to be made or at least recruited. (They kinda have to be, given that humans aren't typically undead by nature.)
So yeah. Damian, Talia, and Ra's Al Ghul are from the League of Assassins and Ra's is known to use Lazarus Pits to extend his life. Talons are from the Court of Owls and are undead assassins that work for the Court. They are generally unaffiliated with one another, but they are sometimes portrayed as being enemies.
Now to be entirely transparent, I have yet to read any stories featuring the Court of Owls (though I have been collecting issues of Batman: City of Madness, so I have one story involving them waiting in the wings!) so I may be mistaken, but from what I can tell, the Talons used to be normal people. Typically people who were highly skilled in the art of murder in life, who were then brought back to life (and became undead) through the use of a material known as Electrum. Exposure to electrum can apparently revive the dead. Apparently Electrum is another bullshit magical metal just like Nth metal, but instead of it being used to punch ghosts, it is used to bring back the dead lol. I don't know if the Talons are being manufactured at a large scale, but they may not need to be, given that the Court of Owls has existed for hundreds of years. So the Court may have just been slowly building up a healthy collection of Talons over the decades as they find good candidates and "recruit" them. And since they're undead, unless they're outright destroyed or deprived of Electrum (which they have a definite reliance on), they are pretty damn reusable!
Now it's pretty obvious why both the League of Assassins and the Court of Owls would feature in DPxDC fics, but just keep in mind that while they have some obvious similarities, they are mechanically and thematically very different from each other! In fact you could say that they're opposites! Where the League of Assassins is a group of assassins who have leadership that sparingly use the Lazarus Pits to extend their lives to a supernatural length where the rest of their ranks are largely regular humans, the Court of Owls are run by largely regular humans (though they are rich which is a superpower in of itself) who like to more liberally use Electrum to employ various trained undead assassins to do their bidding while typically not using that material for themselves.
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sebastian sallow | general thoughts / headcanons with gryffindor!mc
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this is just overall thoughts on the sebastian arc and his general characterisation (yes, i am continuing to update this on my second playthrough)
spoilers below
the amount of times i’ve caught sebastian looking at mc through the start of my now second play-through is hilariously adorable, like don’t get me wrong the herbology one is absolutely the best, but i noticed that throughout charms sebastian is just staring at mc (like he’s straight up starts ignoring ominis speaking to him when they walk in the room) also the slight glances in defence against the dark arts before the duel is so cute.
he does it again whilst sirona and rookwood are arguing, like he just turns to them and similes
you can’t convince me otherwise that mc didn’t grab at least his arm to pull him away from ranrok, like it genuinely looks like that and if you squint hard enough it looks like he does the same thing when heading into the three broomsticks
listen i’m specifically playing as fem! & gryffindor! and the missions with ominis feel so reminiscent of the golden trio (i’m calling it now, they’re the electrum trio - a metal mixed with gold and sliver) especially the crucio side-mission
saw someone in a comment sum their dynamic up perfectly from my perspective
“i used to have beef with ominis before this (crucio) quest happened and now it’s me, a gryffindor dragging two slytherins by their shirt collars”
slight tangent but ominis is so sweet if you start as a slytherin! i saw my friend start his game and meet him in the common room and i was like “i’m sorry, is this the same tory bastard that yelled at me for nicking his pal?”
if anything sebastian comes off worse in that section.
almost every streamer i’ve came across assumes he’s flirting, like this was absolutely intentional
when either of the boys, particularly sebastian is speaking to imelda and the conversation of mc comes up she absolutely refers to mc as “that gryffindor of yours”
i mean, it’s the age old rivalry that just gives everything that extra oomph! despite the fact nobody seems to be questioning that a gryffindor has closely befriended not one, but two slytherins because that certainly isn't suspicious (i'm surprised one of the gryffindors didn't bring it up - particularly leander)
speaking of leander, why are the more prominent gryffindors (and ravenclaws) so antagonistic or hellbent on getting us in trouble?
sebastian’s jealously towards both his friends is dripping in the crucio quest like, in the line below i know he means because mc and ominis have special abilities but...
"between the two of you, i'm starting to feel left out"
the constant proud "that's my girl" look on his face
"never know who's watching - although that hasn't stopped us before." "strictly speaking, it has. we were caught."
also at the start of the library mission, anyone notice the way he's casually waiting on mc against the banister smiling up at her? or whilst he's waiting on her and ominis to figure out the location of the scriptorium? like, this boy knows he's the shit.
listen, there are certain things that sebastian said and did during his storyline that even at that age, i would’ve noped out of but i went in with a “yes, corrupt the little goody-two-shoes gryffindor madly infatuated with you” attitude and honestly it was so much fun. cause objectively yeah, sebastian should be expelled at the very least but my mc was not gonna let them do that (they're very much giving jd and veronica)
that said, mc isn't about to let him walk all over her, she's a gryffindor for a reason, she's just had some misguided judgement
don’t love how there isn’t much of a reaction from either boy after crucio is cast on mc, especially from sebastian (again, massive red flag) but also, think the devs missed the mark on that one like sebastian is still mc’s friend, yeah he really wants to see anne healed but a little sympathy shown would’ve been nice and a proper acknowledgement of what'd he'd done.
even if sebastian shrugged it off quickly he should've helped them walk or at least offered a hand to stand up
i love the wee house jibes, i wish we got more of them!
"you're not a bad chap, for a slytherin" "you gryffindors don't have a monopoly on bravery y'know"
an awful lot of english folk in the scottish highlands
sebastian and poppy are talking whilst leaving a class and my brain was like “omg her bf + gf are talking!”
i want triwizard and yule so badly!
the red and the green / gold and silver looks, look so good!
mc makes a comment about how amazed sebastian will be when she tells him that she took down the ashwinders by herself
"it'd be wise to keep an eye on you"
general headcanons (oc-ish)
he'd absolutely mutter continuous little digs and comments throughout their classes simply to get under her skin and make her smile whilst she's trying to listen to their professors (he used to do this to ominis but he's able to ignore sebastian now after years of the torment)
whilst having dinner in the great hall they won't be sitting together but they'll lightly tap or nudge one another on the back if they're passing behind each-other's designated tables
sebastian refers to the fat lady painting as the "golden gate keeper of mediocrity" after walking mc back to gryffindor tower, which earns him a mildly deserved elbow jab
he gives mc piggy-backs during their trips to hogsmead and the quidditch pitch
whilst she's walking to and from classes with cressida or natsai, sebastian is regularly seen inserting himself between them, putting an arm over mc and / or pinching her away over to ominis and nerida
"who would've thought, all it took was a snake to tame the lion" cressida noted to a disinterested leander, peering over at the scarlet robes peaking beneath the sea of green
mc likes to softly poke at his blushing cheeks, joking that if sebastian "gets any redder, he won't be allowed back into slytherin" or that "he might have to come back to gryffindor with her"
mc has on occasion accidently fallen asleep, resting her head on his shoulder during history of magic
most of the gryffindors (nellie, leander and garreth in particular) will tease sebastian as he waits for her outside the common room, claiming "she was ours first" and attempt to distract her for as long as possible beyond the painting just to 'knock 'im down a few pegs'
they're well aware she's highly capable of holding her own, but not only is he a slytherin, he's also sebastian sallow so they're protective
he much prefers bumping into natty, who'll make a light "lost puppy" joke, share laugh and proceed to actually go get mc or he would actively seek out lucan because he knows the kid sucks-up to him but eventually the older gryffindors caught-on and would bribe lucan with chocolate frogs to stop him in his tracks
mc enjoys exposing sebastian to muggle trinkets and snacks, she grew up in a travelling circus with her parents, a ringmaster and fortune teller who never attended hogwarts in their youth (i'm gonna do a separate oc bio)
the trio all share a love of pumpkin pasties and lavender tea so whoever has a free period (or when sebastian has detention) will pop down to the kitchen to collect some
forehead kisses, hugs and interlocked arms whilst exploring the castle are everything to these two (their subtle little height difference is adorable, especially when you remember fem!mc is wearing wee wedged shoes at the start of the game)
highwing isn't his biggest fan (prefers ominis) and mc relishes in that
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cosmerelists · 5 months
A Pickup Line (or Two) For Every Allomantic Metal
You're welcome, love-seeking Scadrians.
1. Steel
"Does this coinshot...have a shot with you?"
"I came here to steel you heart, but I think you stole mine first."
2. Iron
"Are you burning iron? Because I can feel myself being pulled right to you!"
3. Zinc
"Hey, gorgeous--do you zinc I could get your name?"
"Are you burning zinc? 'Cause I sure am feeling inflamed when I look at you!"
4. Brass
"Thank Harmony I'm a Soother--the excitement of being near someone as beautiful as you would be too much for my heart otherwise!"
5. Pewter
"Hey baby, do you wanna see which of my physical abilities increases the most with pewter?"
6. Tin
"I don't need to burn tin to see that you're the prettiest person here!"
7. Copper
"I may be a Smoker but you...you're smoking hot!"
"I'm used to hiding, but you make me want to be found."
8. Bronze
"Are you bronze? Because your beautiful eyes have pierced the copper cloud of my heart."
"I'm only seeking one thing tonight--and that's some time with you."
9. Duralumin
"I'm a lot like duralumin--not much when I'm on my own, but explosive with the right partner. Wanna see?"
10. Aluminum
"You know what the three of us are gonna have in common with aluminum by the end of the night? It's gonna be "I" in between "u" and "u.""
11. Gold
"Are you burning gold? 'Cause all I want to do is reveal my whole past to you."
12. Electrum
"I don't need to burn electrum to see a future with you!"
13. Nicorsil
"Let me buy you a drink and see if I can enhance your night."
14. Chromium
"I'm feeling generous tonight--wanna leech off of me all night long?"
15. Cadium
"Being with you--I feel like I'm burning cadium. The world rushes past, but we're in a bubble all our own."
16. Bendalloy
"Mind if I...slide into this conversation?"
"What's your type? Yeah? Just give me a second." (throws up time bubble and emerges in with a new look to match preference)
"They say time flies when you burn bendalloy, but that's nothing compared to how it flies when I'm with you."
"Time isn't the only thing I'll bend for you, baby."
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what is Sannyo's pipe made of?
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assuming it's not alive of course...
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Which is plausible....it keeps staring at me
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But if it is an object, then what exactly is it made of? It's green after all.
The first guess is jade. It seems too thin to be jade, but jade is insanely strong and there are some surprisingly thin jade pipes that were used for opium
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I'd imagine if zun wanted to come up with a material. That's as far as he'd think about it (if at all)
Though in reality it would be physically impossible, because of the shape. You would need to carve out the inside which for that shape...... would require, an x-ray, and ants with tiny pickaxes. This same thing would also be a problem for wood.
This would require a metal so you can form it first and then bend it into a shape. If you want a metal that is green you might think of the bronzed corroded green copper on the statue of liberty... but.. frankly that's not something you want. Silver does this too actually.
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And while it's possible to imagine her having a silver pipe old enough to tarnish green, there's a better option.
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Electrum, also called green gold. It's a naturally occurring alloy of gold and silver with a bit of copper
Its color ranges from pale to bright yellow, depending on the proportions of gold and silver.
But it's probably jade anyway. Carved with Yokai assistance of some kind.
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Or alive. It could always be alive
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professionalscrublord · 3 months
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RGB Metallic Dragons
Red: Hunchback IIC Green: Warhammer IIC Blue: Supernova (King Crab IIC, in spirit.)
Scales, because I didn't hate myself enough after the Jaguar spots. Teeth and eyes were fun after the Black Marauder.
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And a closer look at the bases (Lighting was really hard for some reason):
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Single solitary WIP shot. Whoops. Forgot to take more.
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-Black Primer -Turbo Dork color shift paints (Wavelength, Electrum, GroundIsLava) 5 coats of the stuff! Pain in the ass, but looks nice. Works best applied thin, it seems to like being brushed with water afterwards, improves the glitter. Gloss varnish helps too. -Shadowing undersides with R/G/B inks respectively -Gunmetal metallic paint on interior bits -watered down White paint in heatsink grilles -Orange/Red ink ontop for overheating effect -Tried some OSL around the grilles with partly dry brush -Scale colors: Platemail Silver + blue ink overtop Glitter Green Rough Iron + red ink ontop -White drybrush scratchy weathering -Lasers/Cockpits, white first, then ink -Teeth and eyes!
Basing: Green was pretty straightforward flock+twig, I went around the edge with green ink and matte varnish. Blue was snow flock + Soft Tone wash for the sand, then water medium + a tiny bit of blue paint. Brushed lightly with teal ink around the edges for deeper seawater. Then hit the surface carefully with white for foamy water crests. Red base: -Painted white first. -Glued gravel flock. -Black paint + Water medium, formed some jagged shapes ontop, leaving cracks of white visible beneath. -Orange ink in the cracks, watered down so it would cling to the gravel sides more and leave the bottoms of the cracks light. -Touched up some black peaks with Night Scales metallic -Matte varnish on magma, gloss varnish on rock
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artifacts-archive · 2 months
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Stater (Coin) Depicting a Shield
Greek, 379-338 BCE
The use of coins as a form of money was invented in western Asia Minor in the early 7th century BCE. At the time this coin was struck, Greece was made up of separate city-states that issued their own currency. Made of gold, silver, bronze, and electrum (a gold-silver alloy), coins were literally worth their weight, but their value varied according to the percentage of their precious metal content. Occasionally a city needed more money than it had in reserves. By reducing the amount of precious metal and substituting a base metal, a coin could be produced of the same weight but no longer of the same value. Some currency was only honored within its own city walls, but trustworthy money encouraged trade. Athens had the biggest economy, and its coin became the standard in the Greek world. The population was largely illiterate, but it could identify the place of origin of a coin by its imagery. Many of these images referred to myths that were associated with the history of the community and thus were well known to the populace from religious ceremonies and theatrical entertainment. The story of a city’s founding, a local hero, the city’s guardian deity, and even the reason for the city’s wealth were subjects for a coin’s insignia.
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alexanderlightweight · 10 months
Happy Wednesday! Can I request either frost of fury or craft of adoration for an update for prompt Wednesday? Hope all is well!
Nightshade has finally recovered from his beesting! though the trauma of it remains and he now hates bees.
i hurt my wrist which sucks because packing is bad enough without the ouch but i borrowed one of my bf's compression gloves for writing! so things are as well as they can be and they could be far worse considering my luck ^_^
i hope you are doing well! nightshade sends protection from bees if thats something youd like
i hope you enjoy the craft of adoration
<3 lumine
Magnus stares in the direction the shadowhunters left for far longer than he should, certainly for for longer than he needs to.
Magnus steps off of the roof and lets his magic float him down to the ground and he steps slowly, boot landing by a deep groove in the asphalt and cement.
“Aren’t you such a delight.” Magnus murmurs to himself as he lets his memory play before him.
Magnus’ magic captured details his own eyes couldn’t and Magnus sucks in a startled breath, delight catching him unawares.
His shadowhunter is gorgeous, young but competent and with a clear aura of authority around him.
Petrichor is in the air — even though rain is far off — and Magnus tastes it on his tongue, opening his mouth to inhale the scent. It lingers from his shadowhunter’s whip, the electrum purifying all the ichor it touched.
“Well, aren’t you quite the find.” Magnus murmurs to the mirage his magic is projecting before he lets the picture fade with a wistful sigh. “Now then, lets see if you’re playing hard to get.”
Magnus lets his magic spill out, purging all other signatures as his hunts down the wielder of the whip that wounded the false ground so. The whip that pierced through ichor and metal and cement until it touched the dirt below and gave it hope.
Little seeds have been planted and Magnus nurtures them, calling up the well-fed and determined roots and vines until they poke through the cracks.
“Not so hard to get after all.” Magnus whispers aloud, a dark glee in his voice as he spins an orb of his own magic around the tiny shard of angelic energy.
It shouldn’t have been able to be harvested, but Magnus has killed enough nephilim to be very aware of their energy.
Even more than they themselves are.
It’s with delight that Magnus cradles the little piece of angelic energy that will betray it’s owner to him. Magnus portals home and then, in the middle of a quickly drawn array, he floods the room with magic and lifts the orb to his mouth, absorbing his own magic back even as he swallows—
Magnus nearly moans at the taste of knowledge granted to him.
Alexander Gideon Lightwood.
Magnus’ precious Alexander then, for Magnus can’t imagine letting him go. Not when the shard of his energy was pure ambrosia and the imprint of Alexander’s nephil magic submitted to Magnus so eagerly.
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sadlynotsappho · 3 months
mistborn (eras 1 and 2) spoilers under the cut, also a tiny bit of stormlight archive, and a mention of yumi and the nightmare painter
how did Harmony make Spook into a mistborn? did he create some lerasium and somehow force Spook to burn it? can Harmony create lerasium and atium, and if so, why does he not? how did Harmony make the metals that Wayne burned at the end of era 2 to become a mistborn?
if there was such a thing as an atium misting, and it wasn't a hemalurgic spike, how does that work? atium was retconned to be an alloy of atium and electrum (i believe), so does that mean that that one obligator could also burn electrum? could a coinshot burn an atium/steel (it might be iron but I'm pretty sure it's steel) alloy? or are there mistings for each individual god metal alloy? i haven't done the math, but that's A Lot of alloys, and that's not even considering what mixing two god metals together would do. and that's not even getting into harmonium.
why could ruin and preservation mentally speak to people and read people's minds, respectively? why could they only do that if they had a hemalurgic spike? kelsier found out that that had something to do with mental illness, is that how the spren bonds work? (speaking of those, and i am not qualified in the slightest to talk about this, how does DID work in the cosmere, where everyone (everything???) has a distinct soul?) why can't shards on roshar, like odium, do this? or can they? how does hemalurgy manage to literally transform people from, well, people, into kandra or inquisitors or koloss?
if the mistwraiths can be turned into kandra with hemalurgic spikes, can humans be turned into kandra also? we know they can be, but how? rashek gained that knowledge during his short time at the well of ascension, which has its own set of questions
why does the power there replenish every 1024 years? why does preservation tell kelsier that 16 is such an important number, when roshar only has 10 surges, and some other planets have other numbers of magic things? why does shadesmar around roshar look different than shadesmar around scadrial? (at least i think it does, roshar is described as having seas of spheres, while scadrial is described as just being squishy, if i remember correctly)
i will admit to not having read everything in the cosmere. i vaguely remember Yumi and the Nightmare Painter explaining a lot about shadesmar, but i skimmed over that at the time. i haven't read warbreaker, the sunlit man, or the white sand comics. they could have some answers to some of my questions. there may be more that I'm not thinking of right now.
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imogenkol · 3 months
tagged by @corvosattano @cassietrn @socially-awkward-skeleton @theelderhazelnut @the-silver-chronicles thank you!!
tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @adelaidedrubman @florbelles @marivenah @simonxriley @shegetsburned @voidika @kyber-infinitygems @inafieldofdaisies @aceghosts @carlosoliveiraa @risingsh0t @unholymilf @thedeadthree @jackiesarch @gwynbleidd @shellibisshe @loriane-elmuerto @katsigian @captastra
when you're struggling with being pissed off full of rage after dealing with extensive torture and loss and no one understands besides your slightly evil gf who is ready to root you on
A loud crash drowned out the mechanical whoosh of the door as it slid open to reveal Bix in mid-swing. She had struck the workbench and sent everything from spare parts to a flickering holoprojector flying. Wayward objects skittered across the floor in all directions and even collided with Imogen’s boots as she stepped through the threshold. The bounty hunter observed the scene for a moment, not entering the other woman’s space any further than she had. 
Immense frustration crackled through the air between them like an electrical storm while Bix inhaled and exhaled heavy breaths through her nose. Imogen noted dots of crimson welled at the edge of her hand from the force of her strike. A droplet trickled onto the now barren surface of the metal table as she clenched her hands into tight fists, but Bix did not seem to notice the injury or care. 
Imogen sighed, announcing her presence.
Bix shot her a sharp glare over her shoulder. The mechanic was not happy to see her. “Are you going to tell me to get a grip, too? That this isn’t me?” 
A small, patient smile upturned at the corner of Imogen’s mouth. “Your anger is one of the reasons I felt so drawn to you, love.” 
“Then what do you want?” Bix snapped as she rocked forward with a shaky sigh. One of her fists raised a few inches, but it rested back on the cold surface of the tabletop with barely subdued intention. Imogen felt if she had not been present, then there may have been a dent in the thick metal. “I’m not in the mood, Imogen.”
“I urge you to remember who you are talking to,” Imogen replied and moved closer, stepping around the scattered objects. “I would never ask you to cast your anger aside, Bix.” Once she came up beside her, Imogen gently reached for her hand to inspect the cut. It didn’t appear very deep and there were no signs foreign shards stuck in her flesh that Imogen could discern. “However, it does concern me to see it control you.”
Bix scoffed humorlessly and yanked her hand away. “You say that like I have a choice.”
“You do.”
The simple response caused the mechanic’s anger to spike like a bolt of lightning. “So what am I supposed to do, huh? Be like you? Act like nothing fazes me and then threaten to dismember someone at the slightest inconvenience?”  
Imogen did not react to the bitter jab, taking her lover’s outburst in stride. She knew that anger too well, it lived within her. Always. Imogen stepped back and began to collect the mess strewn across the floor. The handheld holoprojecter was the only thing that had been damaged significantly. 
“All you need is focus,” she said. 
Bix narrowed her eyes, deepening her scowl. “Focus.”
“Anger is a valuable tool if you allow it to be.” Imogen returned the first handful of items to the table and paused. Then she unclipped the saber hilt at her belt and held it up, the light dancing along the gilded electrum accents as she turned it. “This weapon is my rage. The crystal within it holds my pain, my shame, even my fear, and converts them all into a current of power. It focuses my emotions and allows me to wield what would otherwise cripple me.”
“Are you saying I need to build my own lightsaber?” Bix asked incredulously.
“No. I am saying that you must find your own focus for this wild rage inside of you. It is your ally. Work with it. Do not fight against it,” Imogen instructed, placing her hilt down and resuming her task of tidying up.
Bix rolled her eyes. “Please don’t feed me some Jedi nonsense right now.”
“This is not Jedi nonsense. The Jedi foolishly discouraged such emotions. To them, the natural sentient experience was a liability. We were instructed to let go of what we felt instead of understanding it. To surrender our will to the Force. That is nonsense. I do not wish to see you surrender, Bix.” While Imogen knelt on the floor, she spotted the blaster she had given to her mechanic and picked it up. With her grip on the barrel, she held it out to Bix. “I wish to see you rise.”
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krae-hb · 1 year
DC Talons? I have questions about the Court of Owls because I am confused
Can anyone explain the Court of Owls talons?
I know very very basic things about the owls, but I have questions.
There’s the whole secret underground running Gotham thing going on with the court. The connection with Haly’s circus and Dick Grayson. They have crazy healing with the like electrum metal thing. The Court of Owls was a myth passed down in a nursery rhyme. They freeze their members to be defrosted for later use I think? They have gold eyes maybe
Are they all immortal?
What kills them?
What are their weaknesses? They seem to have insanely good healing, but if they could just quickly bounce back from limbs being chopped off and shots to the head then they would be pretty unstoppable. I’m definitely missing something
I’m pretty sure this is a very creepy cult thing, but it’s not a hive mind/mindless lackey type of deal correct? Just making sure
What do they look like? They have gold eyes right? What’s this about claws? I assumed that was a figure of speech for being mysterious and having knives.
And what about their skin? Does the electrum make their skin and blood weird?
Those are the things I’m stuck on the most, but I’ll take any addition information anyone wants to share
(I would also take fic recs)
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unown-sanctuary · 5 months
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About the non Latin-Script Unown, I got inspired to make a Steel Unown Alphabet.
In order, left to right from the top, they’re: Iron, Steel, Tin (I), Tin (E), Pewter (O), Pewter (U), Zinc, Brass, Copper, Bronze, Cadmium, Bendalloy, Gold, Electrum, Chromium, Nicrosil, Aluminium, Duralumin, Atium, Malatium, ?(J), ?(C/CH), ?(H), ?(X/SH), Lerasium, Harmonium, and ?(0).
Don’t worry about Atium through 0, they’re metals that either are unknown (lol) or simply don’t exist here.
Tin is especially staring :3
Also, I’ve heard that Unown can change people into Pokemon and stuff along those lines; making edits to reality, essentially. I want to know how it works, or at least your best explanation of it if it’s true, ha?
Life Before Death,
// I actually don't have any ideas on how to answer this in character, but those designs are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!
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