#elle and charlie
gayromantis · 1 month
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Here’s some more I have made!
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zomeszone · 2 years
Elle walked into the classroom where she felt as if she had spent all her free time working on an art piece that‌ ‌contributed‌ ‌to‌ ‌her‌ ‌final‌ ‌GCSE‌ ‌grade. ‌ Taking a break from her work during lunch again, she sat back in her chair. Her piece was nowhere near completion, but her motivation had gone and she was mentally exhausted. 
She looked round to the year 9, sat in the corner, eating his lunch, hoping to try and talk to him. It was a regular occurrence for the year 9 to sit in the corner of the classroom at lunch. Elle knew he was being bullied, she hoped to talk to him- at least get his name so he’d feel less alone at lunch.
It was common for 6th formers to fight the year 10s, the students who picked on him, trying to protect the 13-year-old. There were weekly fights that the whole school witnessed, happening during break and occasionally during lunch.
Elle‌ ‌knew why he was being bullied- he was gay, which caused some of the popular kids, mainly Harry Greene, to show their darker side. Even though she barely knew the year 9, Elle felt somewhat protective over him. Was it because she knew him better or was she a couple of inches taller?
It was a usual lunchtime, walking into the art classroom, working on the same piece but something felt off. Elle was getting the materials needed for her artwork when she saw the year 9 upset, and close to tears. She placed everything she had in her hands down and approached the younger student. “Hey, are you ok?” she asked him.
He responded “I’m fine” but Elle could see the very opposite in his face. She sat down next to him, keeping a slight distance, “What’s wrong” she asked him. Tears then started forming in his eyes as he braced himself on Elle's shoulder.
After crying on her shoulder, the younger student apologised, saying while simultaneously sobbing "I'm sorry for crying on your shoulder, it must've been so embarrassing for you" She responded saying, "It's alright, I'm Elle" "Charlie" he replied. 
"What happened?" She asked. Charlie explained what had happened during the previous lesson which was PE while simultaneously crying. "Had PE at the same time as the bullies and their friends" he sniffed "all but one of them called me the f-slur but he seemed relatively embarrassed by them". She responded, quite concerned "Have you told anyone"
"No, but my friends saw it all happen, one of them was trying to tell the teacher about it. Both teachers didn’t see it happen.” Charlie said while sniffling.
“Do you want me to tell anyone” she answered reassuringly. 
“No, the teachers probably wouldn’t care and I’ll just waste their time; I’m probably wasting yours,” Charlie said, choking back tears.
“Look, Charlie, you’re not wasting mine, I want to be there for you- they’ve picked on me as well because” She took a deep breath “I’m trans”
After that, things got a lot better for both Elle and Charlie. Charlie decided to introduce her to his friends Tao and Aled.
Borderline Outcasts
(Tao, Aled, Charlie)
Tao: I got a major role in the school play
Aled: Well Done
Charlie: Well Done, fam
Tao: Thx
Charlie: I kind of want you to meet someone at school, you don’t have to meet her if you don’t want to but I think she’ll fit in with us
Tao: Who??? Is it anyone associated with the bullies
Charlie: No, her name’s Elle, she’s an art student
Aled: Win-Win situation, Tao you wanna do art GCSE right?
Tao: Yea
Charlie: I’ll invite her to have lunch with us when I next see her
Tao: OK
Aled: Cool
Year 9s were on break, having just finished maths and heading out on the field to chill for 30 mins before Science with Mr Hutchins -- the man who reeked of coffee and cat food, nearly making students throw up during their first encounter with him. Tao, Aled and Charlie sat on the field, talking amongst themselves when Harry Greene got down to their level, saying “Alright, mate”, loud enough for his friend group and many onlookers to hear. The trio were far from stupid; they knew exactly what was going to happen. 
“Oh look, the fag is hanging out with his friends, one could potentially be his boyfriend!” Harry yelled then along with his 4 closest friends started yelling homophobic abuse at them. The same person who seemed disappointed in them during the PE incident looked more horrified than ever before. He gave the trio an expression of wanting to help them but with uncertainty.
The bell rang, signalling the end of break time, and Tao, Aled and Charlie prepared to help each other in science to dodge their teacher's stench without compromising their grades. On their way there, they ran into Elle and invited her for lunch at the picnic tables. Accepting, she explained that she would need a break from the art room for at least one lunchtime.
The four friends were eating lunch together at a picnic table while chatting. The group talked like they had been friends for years, despite having just met Elle minutes before. Additionally, Elle joined their group chat and planned a movie night at Taos for the weekend. 
When some rugby players walked past their table to play rugby, Harry chose to annoy the group of 4, specifically Elle and Charlie. "You guys are so gross for hanging out together!", laughing.
Elle responded in full defence “Fuck off Harry!”. 
"Well, we know one thing, queers stick together," he mocked. There is no denying that gays tend to stick together. Harry made a good point about that without realising it.
The movie night was great; they watched a film neither of them had seen- Call Me by Your Name, which was adapted from a book Charlie had read. It was loved by all and later Tao wrote a review of it on his blog. On that evening, Elle officially joined the Borderline Outcasts and felt like a part of a family with some of the best of friends that she could’ve ever asked for.
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sharpesjoy · 9 months
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season 2 + group hugs
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blorbodiaz · 9 months
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this is how it went right
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the-geeky-fangirl · 9 months
heartstopper isn't cringe it's just sincere and you guys are weak as fuck
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lelet-draws · 2 months
“Heartstopper is too puritanical, real teens don’t act like that, they party, drink, have sex and are wild”
Proceeds to ignore introverted teens.
Proceeds to ignore asexual teens.
Proceeds to ignore alosexual teens who aren’t that interested on sex.
Proceeds to ignore teens who have trauma involving intimacy or substance abuse.
Proceeds to ignore the neurodivergent teens that aren’t comfortable at parties.
Proceeds to ignore the neurotypical teens who also aren’t comfortable at parties.
Proceeds to ignore teens who don’t engage in these activities due to religious reasons.
Proceeds to ignore teens who don’t engage in these activities simply because they don’t want to.
Proceeds to ignore every experience that isn’t yours.
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hona-hona · 17 days
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i love you charlie spring
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mmoodd-jobutupaki · 9 months
Tao having separation anxiety because of his Dad's death. Tao wanting to be a part of his friends' lives to the point where he comes off as clingy or nosy, because what if they're going through something life threatening. Tao who's afraid of drifting apart from his friends because he may lose them without being able to say goodbye. Tao who's afraid of falling to deep in love (romantically) with people because he saw how crushed his mother was when his dad died. Tao who just wants his friends to be happy and protected.
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elorberryart · 9 months
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this was the best kiss in the entire show, u cannot convince me otherwise.
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imauselessartist · 9 months
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Heartstopper season two has me in a full chokehold
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the-ducklingg · 9 months
Cheers to Heartstopper for being one of the very few teen romance shows that doesn't make a big deal out of prom. Like yes, the characters are excited about making a grand entrance with cute outfits..... But that's literally all there is to it. Prom isn't life-changing, it's quite frankly boring, as Charlie mentioned. I loved how the group ditched prom and went to Nick's place to have fun.
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sunsetcurbed · 9 months
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I’m not entirely sure who’s more shocked at Tao in all black with a bouquet of roses ready to ask Elle out like-
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reggieslocket · 9 months
just finished season two of heartstopper and you guys have no idea how i felt when i heard the words asexual and aromantic and how i related to everything isaac went through: the confusion, the constant feeling that something is wrong with you because you don't feel the same as people your age, society's obsession with relationships and isaac's burst of anger because he felt like the group only cared about the romantic aspect of his life as if it's the most important one... i'm so so grateful to alice and the show for the aroace representation and i can't wait to see more of isaac's journey in the next seasons because this one made me feel seen and valid and i actually teared up a couple of times especially when he picked up the ace book from the library in the final episode :,) ALSO can we talk about how iconic it was to use "crush culture" by conan gray when that man was explaining the meaning behind his artwork to isaac? i was literally smiling from ear to ear
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fallingleaves-46 · 9 months
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can we just take a moment to appreciate how amazing charlie is as a boyfriend
idk why it's not discussed enough
reasons why charlie is the best boyfriend ever :
how he always made sure nick didn't feel pressured or obligated to come out
how he asked nick if he was feeling okay before coming out to anyone
he told nick that it was okay to find coming out difficult
how he was there for nick when he was stressed about his GCSEs
how he took it upon himself to tutor nick (ioNick coMPounDs)
how he stood up to harry
"i would fight anyone who's mean to you"
he was unbelievably patient for nick to figure out coming out to his friends and family to the point that he neglected his own well being to make sure nick felt protected and got everything perfect for him
"lets take the coach, you can rant about him the whole way there"
he made sure he was a safe place for nick to fall into
he made sure nick consented before being intimate with him
the way he made sure nick knew that he didn't have to have sex with him ever
he was the only person nick could show all his emotions to. the negative and the positive.
how he hugged nick after nick came out to his dad
All in all charlie is the most supportive, patient, soft, loving, wonderful, caring and UNDERAPPRECIATED boyfriend of all time
gif creds : @whattarush
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the-geeky-fangirl · 9 months
yes i know heartstopper is "cringe" and yes I know you think it's not that deep but you've endured years of cringe oversexualized shows about high schoolers where the gays are delegated to sub plots I'm sure a few hours of queer people being safe and happy and loved won't kill you so please shut the fuck up
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