#english assignment
imalazypandaaa · 9 months
So I may or may not have written a Scarian oneshot for my English class.... Should I post it? Would that be something y'all would want to see?
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bugwolfsstuff · 1 day
The irony of me doing an English assignment on the importance of memories rn and all im thinking about is how much i'd love to forget some memories
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kennysaysthings · 1 year
Thinking about the time I submitted Macden fanfic for an English assignment. And THEN the teacher asked me how I had such an INTIMATE relationship with the characters.
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justalittlelogophile · 3 months
🫂😊 Connection 😊🫂
“In the words of President Gordon B. Hinckley,
‘Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.’
I find myself enjoying life much more when I put the occasional personal twist on to the everyday mundanes of life.
It makes me laugh, it makes others laugh and one thing I love most about laughter, is that when it's real, it's one of the most infectious forms of connection out there.
And I think that is simply beautiful.”
(Class Assignment May 2024)
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pixlezz · 4 months
i may be cringe but i am free
dude tell me why i just wrote a 984 word discussion board discussing the importance of the episode pitiful creatures from hit tv show lego monkie kid while everyone else is talking about songs, poems and serious shit. 🫡
whoever has to read my discussion post and respond to it i am so sorry, i had regrets writing it halfway through
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iamafule · 9 months
Whenever I have an English assignment and I have to make a draft and a final copy I just put spelling mistakes and don't use fullstops or anything and then for my final copy I just copy my draft word for word and correct the mistakes cus I'm too lazy to write a better version of what I already wrote
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graciousdragon · 1 year
The time I wrote gay fanfiction for an English project and got an A
I saw a video earlier today that reminded me of something that happened to me a few years ago, and I figured now was as good a time as any to share it. I know this is the fake story website but please trust me when I say that this is an entirely true story. This title is also 100% accurate, surprisingly, so let me elaborate
This happened when I was in 8th grade, which for context was about 4 years ago when I’m writing this. One of the books we were assigned to read in my English class that year was The Call of the Wild by Jack London. For a brief summary if you weren’t forced to read it (or you were and you forgot what it was about, which is understandable), the book is about this Saint Bernard named Buck who lives a cushy life with his wealthy owner until he is kidnapped and sold off to be a sled dog during the gold rush, where he learns to obey the humans and follow his primal instincts, eventually becoming the leader of the sled dog pack and then becoming fully wild. From what I remember, our class was assigned three projects pertaining to the book; one somewhere in the middle of the book where we had to design a poster for the fight between Buck and Spitz, one at the very end that was just your standard essay about the theme of the book or something like that, and one in-between those that I will be talking about here.
The Call of the Wild is a relatively short book at only 7 chapters. Leading up to this project, we read through every chapter except for the last one. Instead of reading the last chapter right away, we were given a project where we all had to individually write our own conclusion to the book without reading the actual last chapter. I was mildly peeved, because I just wanted to finish the book, but I figured it might be fun. If i remember correctly, there weren’t really any restrictions for what we could or couldn’t do, aside from it obviously needing to be a continuation of the book using the same characters. In the document we were given that explained the project there were some suggestions for things we could include in our chapter, one of which was bringing back previous characters who had died. My favorite character in the book was Sol-leks, a husky on Buck’s sled team with only one eye, and he got killed at the end of chapter 5 when his new incompetent owners lead him over frozen water that breaks under them and causes them to drown. I decided to bring back Sol-leks for my chapter.
Now is where that title comes in. I truly wish I could go back to my 8th grade self and figure out what the hell caused me to take this route with my chapter, because on reflection I cannot figure it out. For whatever reason, likely just for shits and giggles, I decided it would be fun to imply romantic feelings between Buck and Sol-leks. That’s right everyone, in 8th grade I wrote a gay romance subplot between two of the dogs in The Call of the Wild for a graded English assignment. It wasn’t a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it thing either, I had an entire paragraph in there dedicated to how the two spent a lot of time together and got to know each other well and had a special bond that I flat-out said was more than friendship. And I submitted it like that. Where I live, its kind of a roulette of guessing whether someone is homophobic or not, so I wasn’t sure if I might get in trouble for my gay dog story, but I knew if any teacher or faculty member tried to give me shit for it then I would 100% be going to bat for my little Buck x Sol-leks fanfic. Fortunately, I never got in any trouble, and my teacher gave me an A. (if i remember correctly it was a 96 or 97% out of 100) I believe the teacher may have also left comments on it when she graded it, but I don’t remember what they were if there were any. Which leads me to the sad part of this story.
I can’t find the original writing.
I don’t have it saved anywhere, and my school email account I wrote it with is long gone now. Even when I still had access to it, for some reason I was unable to find it in my Google Drive. I couldn’t even find the instruction document or the grading rubric. Not having access to this writing piece is truly one of the worst regrets of my life. I would give almost anything to have it back. I’m genuinely sad I don’t have it anymore. Fortunately, I still remember how it went, so I’ll give you all an abridged version of it here.
For context, in the chapter before this, Buck’s new owner John Thornton had made a bet with a man named Matthewson in a bar that Buck could pull a 1,000 pound sled for 100 yards. Buck succeeded and Thornton won the bet, but Matthewson offered a large sum to buy Buck that Thornton refused.
My chapter began with Buck, Thornton, and Thornton’s other dogs traveling through a wooded area when Buck heard a familiar whimpering. Buck followed the sound to find Sol-leks, cold and alone in the forest. My explanation for how he survived was that he was able to get out of the water and got lost in the woods. Thornton took Sol-leks in to nurse him back to health like he had with Buck, noticing that Sol-leks was one of the other dogs on Buck’s team when Thornton first found him. Over this time when Sol-leks was recovering he and Buck became very close, which is where that previously mentioned paragraph insinuating that they were falling in love comes in. When Sol-leks was healthy again, he joined Thornton’s sled dog team and they continued traveling. However, one night while they were camped outside, Matthewson tracked them down and, still bitter about losing the bet and not being able to buy Buck, planned to steal Buck instead. Buck was captured by Matthewson, but before he could get away, Sol-leks realized he was there trying to steal Buck and attacked him. Buck got free and watched for a moment, thankful that Sol-leks cared so much for him that he would put himself in harm’s way to save him, before Buck joined in on the fight. I don’t remember if they killed Matthewson or just drove him away, but they were able to continue their journey together.
And that’s how it ended. For the most part this story really only exists in my memories, but there are fortunately two things to prove this thing was real and not just a weird fever dream I had that got confused with reality. First is the memories from my friends who also went to middle school with me and remember doing the project themselves. The other one is this page in my sketchbook from 8th grade, in which I drew my own designs of Buck and Sol-leks. The drawing on the bottom was directly based on a scene in my story.
(For some reason its not letting me put the picture in this post, I’m going to post this as-is and reblog it with the picture)
Will I ever revisit this idea again? Maybe. If I have the time someday and the urge strikes me I won’t rule out the potential of me doing something with it. Do I think Buck x Sol-leks is a good ship? I don’t know. I haven’t read the original book in years, so maybe if I went back and read it with fresh eyes I would think differently. Sorry if there are any die-hard The Call of the Wild fans out there who were just scarred by my potentially horrid misinterpretations of these characters.
Also, the song I associated with the ship was The Sharpest Lives by My Chemical Romance.
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marsheelow · 8 months
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💈Lather and Nothing Else💈
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For English I had to draw the house from All My Sons so this is my entry for the day
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sunnysideoflife3 · 1 year
I wrote a story for english class the day before it was due, so sorry if it's bad. This is my first time writing something like this, I also wrote this on google docs so the format might be wonky. Tell me what you think!
I was walking around a park in the springtime, when the flowers were in full bloom. As I was enjoying the scenery I noticed a forlorn man sitting underneath an old oak tree. He was wearing chocolate brown dungarees with a forest green jumper.
"What's got you so sullen love?" I called out as I walked toward him. Once he looked up to see who was calling him, I swore I felt cupid's arrow pierce through my heart. He was beautiful. He was the most gorgeous person I had ever seen in my life.
"Love..?" He muttered. Once I heard his voice, I was at a complete and utter loss for words. His voice was as pretty as he was handsome. I stumbled my way through my next line hoping he wouldn't notice.
"Sorry, old habit. My name is Elias. Might I inquire what your name is?" I asked the man.
"My name is Abel" The man now known as Abel hesitantly replied.
"Abel... Abel...." I whispered to myself, matching the name to the face. I smiled softly.
"Abel suits you. Abel." I chuckled. He seemed to get flustered at that comment. Red looked marvoules on him as he blushed. I held my hand out to help him up from the vibrant green grass.
"What say you and I go to get some tea and biscuits?" I suggested. When Abel nodded I felt an unfamiliar feeling rush through me. I let my hand go from his grasp and walked on ahead, Abel trailing after me.
"Where are we headed?" Abel asked when he finally caught up with me, curious as to where he was being led.
"It is a small teahouse about 13 kilometers away called The Jasmine Dragon," I answered, glancing at him and seeing his green eyes widen. I noticed the color of his eyes matched the vibrant grass.
"From Avatar: The Last Airbender?" He asked with a surprised look on his tanned face.
"It is inspired by the show. We will need to take the rail to get there, is that alright?" I replied. As he nodded, I saw that his brown curly hair moved like it was in water.
As we both got to the tube, we entered our railcards and sat in unreserved seats. I looked out the window and noticed my reflection. My long orange hair was growing frizzy, probably because there must be a storm coming. The white highlights were considerably more frizzy than the rest.
I spared a glance at Abel before looking at my outfit. I was wearing a longsleeved rainbow jumper with baggy, neon green, trousers. I'm glad I wore this kit today since it makes me feel more sophisticated. I hope he likes it.
The train ride was quick and full of laughter. He is so funny it makes me love him more.
"It is about a 5-minute walk to the tea shop." I informed him.
"Alright, that's not too far." Abel replied. As we were talking, I looked off to the side and noticed a convention taking place. Many of the people attending were impersonating someone from an Anime.
"Oh, they are cosplaying as Ayano Aishi." Abel pointed to a person in the crowd. "She is the Yandere from Yandere Simulator."
"What do you think a Yandere is?" I asked Abel.
"A Yandere is someone who is madly in love with another person. They are so in love that they would go to great lengths to be with them, oftentimes blood will be shed." Abel unknowingly mansplained. I nodded in understanding.
"Ah, this is the place." I told him, gesturing to the shop.
We went into the shop and got to learn about one another.
As the days went by we got to know each other more. The more I went out to eat or talked with Abel the unknown feeling got stronger. Everything Abel does is perfect and flawless, everything he says is beautiful. Every subtle thing he does merits praise, furthermore he can do no wrong. He is mesmerizing
I started watching him more, memorizing his schedule to a T, observing Abel's each-and-every tiny habit.
It has been two weeks since I first met Abel and we are now having dinner at his house.
"Thank you for inviting me over, Abel." Looking around the room I noticed that things had become messier since last night. Though it was hard to see through the window that late.
"Was someone else over recently?" I asked Abel, he looked surprised at the question.
"Yeah, I had a friend over. She came over to visit, how'd you know?" I looked into his eyes and smiled
"She left your house messy. What is her name?" I demanded to know.
"Her name is Edith." He responded
"Hm, let us start dinner, shall we?"
~ Abels POV~
After Elias helped me clean up dinner, I went upstairs to get ready for bed when I started getting this vile headache. Soon enough everything started going black.
I woke up disoriented to the world around me, once I got my bearings I looked around to see where I was. I had my hands and legs tied to a chair, the room was dimly lit with one flickering lightbulb hanging in the middle. The walls, floor, and ceiling were all moist, grey concrete aside from an old, wooden door to the far right wall. To the left, there was a small, rotting table covered in a dirty, white tablecloth. Underneath the tablecloth, there were odd-shaped lumps. I heard footsteps growing closer. I began to feel more panicked. The door creaked open and out stepped a figure.
"You're awake!" They exclaimed, "You've been asleep for so long, I was beginning to get worried that you would never wake up!" The figure stepped into the dim light to where I could see them, and it was Elias. They had a crazed smile plastered on their face.
"Where am I? What's going on?" I was aghast
"Don't worry dear, this is all for us because I love you and I just know you love me as well!" They exclaimed, "You and I are going to stay here forever with no disturbances or little pests getting in our way." I could tell I had a horrified look on my face because they started laughing hysterically.
"That look of despair on your face is so beautiful, you know just how to make everything look gorgeous!" They laughed.
"You're crazy! I'll never love you no matter what you do!" I yelled in their face. Their piercing grey eyes once filled with crazed love washed into an emotionless void. They slowly stood from where they were leaning in front of me and walked over to the table.
"If I can't have you." They uncovered the dirty tablecloth to unveil a multitude of weapons. Their voice dropped an octave which made them more ominous.
"No one can."
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sleepingpastnoon · 5 months
goes crazy and writes a whole 8500 words in like half a day
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sjdigitalmarketer · 6 months
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Topic Presentation
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Climate change as an issue has been prevalent in politics for much of the time it has been observed. Its effects are widespread and obvious, the political debate surrounding what actions the U.S. should take to mitigate it hampers policies to counteract it. I chose this topic for two reasons. One, climate change is affecting us now, whether we are aware of it or not. Taking action on it is in our best interest, but political factors often hamper these policies. Additionally I had lost interest in parts of my earlier topics, and chose to move to this topic since it is both relevant and widely discussed. Unfortunately for me, the waning interest and general burnout would resurface again multiple times over the writing process. At the end of this all, I will at least have a clearer idea of how I personally write and how I should go about working on projects like this in the future. In terms of things I learned related to my topic, this quote provides an example; "The warming that's being locked in today won't be fully felt until today's toddlers reach middle age. In effect, we are living in the climate of the past, but already we've determined the climate's future." (Kolbert) In essence, the actions we take now are influencing the future of the climate. While the idea makes logical sense in my head, it wasn't something I had really thought about up until now. Additionally in the vein of "topics I was barely aware of until I researched them," I was unaware of how exactly religion affected beliefs on climate change. (As shown in figure 1 below.)
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Works Cited
Alper, Becka A. “How Religion Intersects with Americans’ Views on the Environment.” Pew Research Center’s Religion & Public Life Project, Pew Research Center, 17 Nov. 2022, www.pewresearch.org/religion/2022/11/17/how-religion-intersects-with-americans-views-on-the-environment/.
Neimark, Peninah, and Peter Rhoades Mott, editors. “Elizabeth Kolbert on Global Warming (2016).” The Environmental Debate: A Documentary History, 3rd ed., Grey House Publishing, 2017. Credo Reference, https://search.credoreference.com/articles/Qm9va0FydGljbGU6NDQ4MDIxNg==?aid=103264.
Menichelli, Elian. "Clouds Casting Shadows At Sunset." 2023. Author's camera roll.
Menichelli, Elian. "Glow-In-The-Dark Hanging Earth Ornament, Also An Accurate Depiction Of My Mental State." 2024. Author's camera roll.
Menichelli, Elian. "Algae Bloom On The Inlet." 2023. Author's camera roll.
Armastas. Global warming dried up a big lake. 22 July 2019. iStock, https://www.istockphoto.com/photo/global-warming-dried-up-a-big-lake-gm1163275009-319362515. Accessed 19 Mar. 2023.
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theriddlersunderwear · 7 months
The Library Creation Myth Part 1
Once upon a time, mankind was living drastically different lives than they do now. Humans lived with every piece of knowledge of the natural world, down to the smallest of facts. There was no earthly problem that they could not solve. Young girls possessed the knowledge to weave intricate animal sculptures from sweet grass, and the elderly learned complex knitting patterns that have been lost to the ages.
All of this knowledge came from a singular source: Wan Shi Tong’s library. Wan Shi Tong, also known to mankind as He Who Knows Ten Thousand Things, was a Deity of Intelligence. A shapeshifting spirit, Wan Shi Tong commonly took the form of a black barn owl with a stark white face that stood at approximately ten feet tall. He did not shape-shift often, only taking a new form when entering a battle. There were rumors among the humans that he could partially transform his neck to stretch and slither like a snake, while continuing to maintain his barn owl form.
Wan Shi Tong’s library was as massive as the Deity himself, standing at four stories tall and an incomprehensible length. The library was located at the center of human civilization in an expansive desert, where humans of all tribes could visit. The building’s white ivory pillars coated in gold brushed against the clouds, standing tall as a symbol of humanity’s wisdom. The large, ornate oak doors were rimmed with the finest silver. The doors had never been closed in the millennia that the library had stood, always thrown wide as a welcoming gesture to the humans that wished to learn.
Ever a generous Spirit, Wan Shi Tong never imposed a limit on when visitors could come, or how many books and scrolls they could read. He had only two rules: You must first present him with a story in exchange for your visit, and nothing could ever, ever leave the library. For the millennia that Wan Shi Tong had ruled, no creature had ever dared break the library rules. Until one day, a brazen soldier stormed into the building seeking knowledge. Consequently, this would be the very man to set in motion the events that caused humanity to lose their expansive knowledge forever.
The human man stood a mighty 6 '6”, and was adorned with golden armor that was only crafted for the finest soldiers. The golden plates glimmered in the multicolored light shining through the library’s stained-glass windows. A well-sharpened sword sat unsheathed on his hip, the fine tip scraping along the marble floors. The light scraping sound was akin to pointed fingernails running down a chalkboard, and the sound alerted the Deity.
Wan Shi Tong descended from the spiraling towers of the library. His feathered black wings stretched twelve feet in length, beating heavily as he lowered himself to the floor. The force was enough to stir up winds that blew the man’s warrior helmet from his head, sending it clattering across the floor.
The once brash soldier found himself shrinking back in fear. Despite being known for his friendly and accommodating nature, Wan Shi Tong was still a horrifying sight to behold. His grapefruit-sized eyes were entirely black, and they shimmered in the light like a beetle. No creature the warrior had ever slain could have prepared him for the sheer size of the Spirit. Wan Shi Tong’s mere presence demanded respect from even the most unruly of humans.
“And what might you be doing here?” The Knowledge Deity demanded, his deep voice reverberating throughout the open space. He bent his long neck slightly to make easier eye contact.
The man lowered himself to one knee as a sign of respect, “Great Spirit of the Mind! I have come seeking information from your wondrous library!”
Wan Shi Tong’s impassive expression did not change, “Then you should already be aware of the rules. You are to provide me with a story before going any further.”
“Of course, O’ Wise One. Let me tell you the tale of how I discovered a new breed of mushrooms–”
“Silence,” the Deity commanded, rising to his full height. His voice took on a cocky tone, “I am Wan Shi Tong, He Who Knows Ten Thousand Things, and you assume that I am not already aware of all existing mushroom breeds?”
“Wait a minute, Wise One! I was told that to enter your library all I must do is tell a story, why is it that you stop me?” The human protested as respectfully as he could, scrambling to his feet. This is not how his visit was supposed to go. When he asked the locals how to get inside the mythical library, they said that he just needed to tell the Spirit a story. So why was the Spirit rejecting his tale before it had even begun? Had he offended the Spirit?
Wan Shi Tong narrowed his beady black eyes, “That is correct, however, the story told is meant to present me with new information. People from all walks of life travel here, and each one brings me a story of new innovations and progress. You have the audacity to traipse into my library with tales of mushrooms?”
The traveler blinked slowly with understanding. He had not offended the owl, he had simply misunderstood the assignment. He cleared his throat,
“My apologies, Wise One. Please, allow me to tell you a different story.”
Wan Shi Tong was silent, contemplating the request. In truth, he had been insulted initially. He had believed the traveler was insinuating that the Great Knowledge Spirit was unfamiliar with every mushroom breed in the world, when, in reality, he was just stupid.
After a prolonged pause, he answered, “Very well, if you believe you have a story that can truly challenge my intellect.”
The mortal bowed, “Thank you. You see, my country has invented a new way to take the radio with you to work. It’s called the Portable Hat Radio. The name is rather self-explanatory, it’s a hat with a radio attached.”
“Hmm,” Wan Shi Tong hummed. “This invention is new to me, and sounds mildly useful. You may pass, Human.”
“Once again, I extend my sincerest thanks to you. My name is Nathaniel.” Wan Shi Tong did not respond, simply staring at Nathaniel until he awkwardly hurried deeper into the library. The scent of old books and aged parchment washed over him, a testament to how long the library had stood collecting its knowledge. His hollow footsteps echoed through the massive building, bouncing off the sleek stone walls and wooden bookshelves. Occasionally, he would spot a person huddled up in between shelves, sorting carefully through stacks of ancient books.
Using the faded signs posted on walls, Nathaniel was finally able to find the section he required.
He slowed down, running a finger gently along the book spines as he read the titles. Nathaniel paused after finding a title that interested him, How to Build a Cannon in 6 Easy Steps by renowned author R. Edogawa. He pulled the book from the shelf, coughing as plumes of dust flew into the air and clogged his nose. Once the dust had cleared, he opened the book as carefully as possible. The binding was hanging on by a thread and the yellowed pages crinkled like the skin of an elderly woman’s arm.
“Perfect,” Nathaniel whispered to himself as his amber eyes skimmed the instructions. Nathaniel set the book aside and fumbled in his pants pockets for a pencil and paper. Once he found a slip and a small piece of charcoal, Nathaniel set to work copying down the instructions. Less than an hour later, Nathaniel found himself walking out of the library with a sense of satisfaction. He had collected all the information he needed.
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0girlblog0 · 9 months
going to that concert was like traveling back to your dreams, when joy filled your face and you were king. a field flushed with bodies, screams so loud they somehow faded into the background, unbreakable magic. the air was infinite, hot, ecstatic. there was no end to the brilliance of the sunshine. the moments flowed fluidly, like dreams, into our memory.
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marrysmith5 · 9 months
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