#entertaining tips
nightshadenookdecor · 8 months
Mastering the Art of Wine and Charcuterie Pairing
The Basics of Wine and Charcuterie Pairing Pairing wine with charcuterie is an art form that elevates simple gatherings to memorable occasions. The key to a successful pairing lies in balancing flavors, where the richness of the meats and the variety of cheeses on the charcuterie board complement the wine’s body, acidity, and sweetness. Understanding this balance will transform your dining…
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lavandamichelle · 9 months
Mouthwatering Menus and Midnight Munchies: Ring in the New Year with Delicious Delights
Forget the pressure-cooker panic and last-minute grocery dashes. This year, step into your New Year’s Eve bash not as a frazzled host, but as a culinary conductor, orchestrating a symphony of flavors that will have your guests raving long after the confetti settles. As a seasoned party planner with glitter permanently woven into my DNA and enough canapé recipes to fill a cookbook (or three!), I’m…
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thatsbelievable · 16 days
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satans-knitwear · 9 months
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Lingerie reveal ✨🎀
Treat me ~ Tip Me ~ More of me
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coochiequeens · 5 months
When I say "Stop transing minors" I don't just mean medically transitioning, I also mean stop exposing kids to overly sexualized situations.
By Shay Woulahan April 24, 2024
A 14-year-old girl who identifies as a “drag king” and is being transitioned to a “boy” has reportedly been performing sexually suggestive shows at LGBT clubs and bars across Vancouver, Canada. The minor, who is disabled and autistic, goes by “he/him/they/it” pronouns and is taking testosterone under the permission of her mother.
The child, who was born female but identifies as a “boy,” uses the stage name “Nova Tropica” and has performed in at least three LGBT bars in Vancouver, all of which are adult venues that serve alcohol. Among the clubs Nova has danced at are The Fountainhead Pub, Steamworks brewpub, and The Junction.
According to Gays Against Groomers, during her performance at The Foundationhead Pub, a gay bar located on Davie Street, the child danced with only tape covering the front of her breasts.
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The child as seen in an uncensored video posted to Instagram.
Nova maintains a YouTube channel where she often uploads footage of her performances.
In August of 2023, she shared a video of her dancing on stage in a bar to the song “Bubblegum B*tch” and is seen collecting dollar bills from audience members. In another video, Nova is seen dancing alone to the Britney Spears’ controversial song “If U Seek Amy,” which is intended to sound out the letters “F-U-C-K me.”
In some of the videos posted to her YouTube account, she is seen dancing to an adult crowd wearing only a cut-out bathing suit, an outfit she has also posed in for photos shared to her social media while wearing clear, stiletto “pleasers,” a form of platform high-heel most frequently associated with stripping, pole dancing, and the sex trade.
As well as posting footage of her performances to YouTube, Nova also maintains an Instagram page where she posts clips of herself dancing on stage while exclusively adult crowds cheer her on. In many of the videos, Nova is wearing revealing clothing and, during one performance, she even spreads her legs for the audience.
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On her Instagram, which was made private shortly after her activities were first exposed by Gays Against Groomers, Nova also frequently posted about her mental health struggles, though continuously insisted her “neurodivergence” was unrelated to her desire to transition.
“The only way they could even correlate is through the way I view my gender,” Nova said in the caption of one post where she described herself as a “demon boy” and said she’s “everything Lucifer wants her to be.”
In another post, in which she wears a cut-out swimsuit she has performed in, Nova said she “loves” how testosterone is starting to affect her muscle definition.
Nova’s transition has been supported by her mother Chrysta. On her own Instagram page, Chrysta posted about how she had been struggling to access hormones for her daughter since she was just 11 years old.
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In the post, Chrysta acknowledges that Nova is experiencing poor mental health, but attributes her condition to “being born in the wrong body.” She also condemns the Canadian political parties attempting to pass legislation which would protect children from medical transitioning.
“I will not allow any government to MURDER my child,” Chrysta said in one post. “Forcing a child to live in a body that is not authentic to their person is MURDER.”
The post was made in reference to the People’s Party of Canada, which developed a 7-point plan to protect women and children from the harmful effects of gender ideology, such as banning men from women’s spaces and sports and banning genital mutilation surgeries and cross-sex hormones for minors.
Not only has Chrysta facilitated Nova’s transition, but she also confesses to monitoring her social media, meaning she is aware of the inappropriate videos and photos being posted online of her minor daughter.
In one post, she addressed rumors that an adult Drag King had behaved inappropriately in messages with her young daughter, claiming the concerns were “false accusations.”
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But her notice was not the only suggestion that Nova has been in contact with adult drag performers.
On Instagram, Nova spoke about attending a youth summer “drag camp” hosted by “Rose Butch” and “DeeDee LaCraze.”
DeeDee LaCraze also operates a YouTube channel called “Drag4Kids” where he has made multiple videos in full drag singing nursery rhymes. LaCraze hosts his youth drag camp along side Rose Butch, a trans identified female who calls herself a “non-binary drag thing.”
The summer camp, held in July 2023, was made available for children as young as 7.
There has been an uptick in the number of children performing drag, often in bars and clubs, in recent years. Last April, a video went viral showing a young “drag queen” dancing at a party sponsored by a gay hookup app.
Arguably one of the most well-known “drag kids” is Desmond Napoles, who goes by the name “Desmond is Amazing.” Desmond rose to fame at only 11 years old in 2017 after being featured on RuPaul’s Drag Race. Soon after, the child appeared in YouTube and Facebook streams alongside adult men, and was even filmed joking about snorting ketamine.
With the increase in “drag kids” has come further scrutiny of the sexual predators involved in the drag scene. In 2022, a “drag kid” mentor and a former elementary school teaching assistant faced child pornography charges following an investigation into exploitative material shared on the internet.
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ink-asunder · 5 months
"You're being entitled!" These bitches are asking us to fund their Hollywood-quality content dreams like Walt Disney pleading a bank he was in debt to to give him another loan to finish Bambi, a movie that did not see any monetary success until it rereleased seven years later. I have to pay so much big money in medical expenses every month that I don't have any "treats" (a starbucks coffee, a different subscription, etc) I can go without. I'm not the entitled one here.
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dougielombax · 1 year
Analog Horror be like.
1. Don’t make any loud noises.
2. Find somewhere safe to hide.
3. Try using any household objects you have for self-defence if necessary.
4. Do Hold Your Wife in your Arms Every day While You Still Can!
6. Lock and barricade all windows and doors.
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ahb-writes · 4 months
Fantasy Worldbuilding Questions (Arts and Entertainment)
Arts and Entertainment Worldbuilding Questions:
What are the most celebrated arts or entertainments in each region of this world? Are there symbols in common between cultures?
How are the arts valued in this world (and by whom)? Are artists venerated, looked down on, kept by patrons, penniless? A mixture?
Who are this world's most popular entertainers or artists, and why?
Who produces art and how do they learn (e.g., apprenticeship, classes)?
Where is art or entertainment such as plays typically enjoyed, and who has access to these spaces?
Where do artists draw inspiration or material from? Are any subjects or personages off limits/outlawed?
When does the knowledge of art and entertainment history stretch back to? What has been lost?
When do artists or entertainers begin training typically?
Why is an art object or performance considered 'good', under what conditions?
Why would someone want to become an artist or entertainer in this world?
❯ ❯ ❯ Read other writing masterposts in this series: Worldbuilding Questions for Deeper Settings
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foreshvdowing · 4 months
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i’m sleeeeeepy but i don’t wanna sleep
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adelfie · 2 years
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Some fanart of one of my favorite shows 💖
[Text ID: "I don't have time to explain, but just, can you chew through these ropes? He's gonna kill me if you don't. He's a madman."]
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kazucee · 27 days
★CANT BE MORE DOWN BAD THAN I AM ! It's the way a smile could easily coax a heartbeat to race. It's the way that lingering unintentional stares manage to leave one on just teetering the edge of insanity. It's the way that despite everything, at the end of the day you'll both still remain roommates, but then the start of a new day begins and suddenly you're questioning everything all over again.
In which our favourite scribe and architect struggle with feelings and their painfully obvious pining, for the lovers who up till now don't know where they stand in the positive negative line of relationships. Pairings: Alhaitham x Kaveh ! [Wk: 897]
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Tall, blonde and gorgeous. Like that stupid french fry meme that has done its fair share of circulation throughout sumeru. It was stupid really that Kaveh had been the first to come to the scribe's mind when Cyno had mentioned it a few days ago during their annual TCG card gathering, it was stupid how Alhaitham can't seem to keep his mind off the architect after that event. It was fresh in his mind, burrowing and making a home in the alcoves of his brain cavity, making its unwanted and pestering presence known throughout the entire day. His entire day. Kaveh. Kaveh. Kaveh. With blonde hair that reminds him of a sunflower. The brunette ends contrasting to his golden honey spun hair making themselves known everyday, every minute, every second of his damn life.
It was an imperfection, unsymmetrical, a product of Kaveh’s laziness—since the architect had stopped bothering to hide his natural hair color with that hideous brunette hair dye that always smelled a little too pungent for Alhaitham’s liking—he couldn't tolerate but found himself staring at for a moment too long. It was bothering him. Kaveh and his stupid blonde hair and the stupid brunette tips at the end. It was a painfully ethereal reminder that the blonde was in fact the object of his desires, the recipient of his pathetic pining and silent adoration.
Even at this moment, with Kaveh sitting innocently enough on that green couch that he claimed was hideous, the scribe thinks—no feels that he must be at the tipping edge of his sanity, grasping at the strings desperately. It's just Kaveh. His roommate. With the stupid blonde hair, the brunette tips and the red clips stuck in different directions driving him to the point of madness as he casually sits there and sketches his latest commision and blabbering about nonsensical things.
Despite showing his complete disinterest towards Kaveh’s complaints about his latest client, the blonde still yammered on. Alhaitham tries, desperately, to find it in himself to switch on that damned noise canceling button and be done with his roommates voice. But he found himself listening, though with disinterest, book in hand, headphones on and hearing every single word, it's like an old record that one resonated with by chance and it won't stop playing it's hypnotizing tune. He needs fresh air. And he'll keep needing fresh air, he thinks that it's the fact that they've been living together and he had gotten a little too used to the others' constant presence.
If Kaveh noticed Alhaithams change in the way he regarded him, more softer, like how your lover would whisper sweet nothings to you at the dead of night, under the lavender scented sheets and away from the world's view. Kaveh had truly mastered the art of ‘if you convince yourself enough, then there's nothing wrong with your roommates sudden change in behavioral patterns.’ The blonde will pretend that waking up to a warm blanket that definitely wasn't there the night before was normal and Alhaitham was probably just making sure he's still alive to pay rent by the end of the month. He'll pretend that he definitely didn't suddenly start picking up on ancient runes just so that he'd have a ground for conversation with that nuisance of a roommate of his. His. Roomate. His nuisance of a roommate that he'd catch looking at him with a pinch of sweetness and warmth, with that smile that he pretends isn't there when Kaveh tells him cheesy jokes or his usual complaints.
It didn't matter that Kaveh wanted all those secret looks and smiles to mean something, at this point he'd take anything from that dense scribe's mind. He didn't know exactly where Alhaitham fit in his scale of friends, he had Tighnari for whenever he has some gossip to spill, Cyno for when he needs someone to carry him home should he ever end up drunk to the point where he can't stand straight, Nilou for when a casual day comes by so they can sit down and have tea together and chat about all the lovely things. But Alhaitham—there is no set definition of where their relationship (no friendship) stands. There's too many variables that come into play whenever he's involved, he's his roomate, his best friend, the person he could see himself spending the rest of his life with—but the latter thought is saved for those nights where he'd indulge in all those variables, where there's no need for a set relationship, where Alhaitham would stop sending him all these signals and still not act upon them.
Denial is not only a river or the act of deluding oneself. Denial is two roommates, polar opposites, with an ever changing and confusing relationship, with mixed signals, imperfections that seem to still appear perfect to the other, thoughts about the future. Their future. When those multiple variables finally reach a derived conclusion. A conclusion that they both wished would desperately happen, but until then they'll keep dancing on that fragile line of best friends, roommates, and maybe in those quiet slow days, lovers.
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Small a/n: this drabble was so impulsive and so not proofread haha. See I'm supposed to be asleep right now but my body clock won't allow it for some reason so I thought 'oh I should write about Haikaveh'. College is sucking the life out of me but hey there are times where I get random bursts of 'oh go write this it'll be fun' moments. Anyways for the Haikaveh' enjoyers, it's so hard to come by Haikaveh fics here on Tumblr- or I'm just looking at the wrong places?
The characters are from genshin impact ! Fic by me © All rights reserved.
𐙚 Reblogs, likes, and comments are much appreciated !
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thatsbelievable · 6 months
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satans-knitwear · 9 months
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Smooching u 😘
Treat me ~ Tip Me ~ More of me
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khaotunq · 9 months
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At it again.
I do intend to actually clean the Sand one up and do it properly because I do have it partially built in the Sims because that's who I am as a person, but apparently we're doing Ray's rich boy rooms first.
In crayola coloured pencil and crayon because I never actually went and got my architecture degree and I can do what I want.
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If you are bored you should look up a random date on YouTube. You get loads of random home videos that are good for the following ideas
If you want to
feel like you inheriting your Grandparents house and going through the attic
Find great horror movie plot fodder
watch other people's memories to cope for generally lacking any of your own memories from childhood.
Find Inside jokes.
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butchkaramazov · 5 months
Bro you're ugly as hell
& thriving <3
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