#especially if it's a ghost of a child
mrsllyziy · 3 months
Ediths stronger than me bc I would NEVER go alone to a house where everyone who lived in it is dead
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like look at this nah id run away
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FNAF Cassidy knows how to “help” Michael Afton
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natelia-aldelliz · 1 year
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1 : Soap never had any idea that woman wanted him carnally, he's not the most observant on that front (he never noticed Ghost flirting with him and thought his love was one-sided for the longest time, but tbf Ghost was also very discreet about it)
2 : He sewed the hat, eyepatch and hook himself, because he's the best uncle and then got distracted as he was wrapping it up, so now he's watching a tutorial on youtube about how to build a voice box. Honestly how hard could it be, he builds explosive devices as a hobby (listen, Price doesn't have to know)
3 : He is out to his family, but doesn't want his mum to know he has a boyfriend because he knows she'll insist on meeting him and welcoming him to the family and making a big deal out of this, and he knows that Ghost isn't ready for that.
4 : Christmas is obviously a very hard time for Ghost, but he is very very in love with Soap and some days still can't believe that it's mutual, but then his Johnny does something like that and his head gets quieter while he's melting a bit.
5 : For the people that didn't see my other post : the bird is a Caique parrot, and they're supposedly very energetic, a bit loud, medium sized, unintelligible, very friendly to what they consider their family, adventurous and danger prone, with an explosive personality and a hate of boredom, so basically the adhd bird.
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krispyphan · 6 months
Danny phantom idea where he gets summoned to dc by a cult, but the bat fam had already defeated the cult before the spell could work.
Until one of them accidentally starts it, leading to Danny thinking the cult that summoned him is the bat fam.
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uncanny-tranny · 7 months
I think what might actually help the families of trans loved ones is to actually engage with where the trans person is at - especially if the family isn't quite understanding yet. When I came out, I was completely alone in figuring out my manhood. I had peers and I had exposed myself to so many trans people who explored gender, and while it was amazing, it isn't quite the same at times. I grieve quietly, sometimes, about all the missed opportunities that might have just made it easier for my family to have seen how utterly happy I was. It took them a very long time to actually notice that I was happy, especially once I got on testosterone. I'm lucky that they saw that happiness eventually, and slowly accepted it. My manhood is completely detached from their influence, both to my relief and chagrin. It's sad to me that I learned to shave from a kind online stranger, somebody who didn't even have a father and yet, I do. I have a father. I grieve at the loss of a potential shared experience. I grieve about the pain I went through when I was in that stage of transition, especially because it was raw and vulnerable. I grieve that many trans people today are traversing the path I had to, because it's sometimes lonely (even when you do have other forms of support).
It's hard to know that I will never have gotten my sense of being from my family. In many ways, it has severed a lot of connection with them because there were so many times that I was begging them to see happiness when they were focused on the idea that I was almost in a state of purgatory - flesh which felt warm but held no familiarity to them. I don't harbor ill-will toward them, I hope I don't leave the impression that I despise them. I understand what they felt, even if I can't conceptualize it myself. However, it's a raw wound in my heart, and I don't want to leave anybody else feeling that way, either.
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goldengirlgalaxy · 11 months
You know how there's a whole thing about how DC superheroes die and get brought back a lot? Well, for DPxDC, how about this?
Every time a Justice League member gets resurrected, their ghost remains in the Ghost Zone.
So you'll have a member of the Justice League bite the bullet for whatever reason, they'll form as a ghost in the Ghost Zone. They'll make themselves comfortable, maybe they'll even becoming defenders of peaceful ghosts who have no experience fighting or no desire to fight. Maybe they'll find dead family members and re-establish their bonds. Maybe they'll find other dead members of the Justice League and make and undead branch of the Justice League. Maybe they'll meet Danny and either help teach him how to be a hero (if he's still young) or become a hero group supported by him (if he becomes the king).
And then, for whatever reason, someone found the magical amulet that can revive a person, they somehow developed 1-Ups for a limited time, the revival machine finally got a tune up, the hero gets revived. But the ghost doesn't leave the Ghost Zone. Because of this, the revived hero doesn't have any memories of their time in the afterlife. The ghost probably doesn't even notice something changed and that their old body is up and running again.
This all ends up coming to a head when the GIW decide to push the manhunt for Danny Phantom and all other ghosts, lying to the Justice League in order to convince them to help. They eventually decide to hunt down Danny and corner him, ready to capture him...
… And suddenly he's saved by a bunch of ghosts that look identical to them.
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bidokja · 1 month
i want to slap ye zimu's father but he absolutely fascinates me as a character.
here you have a man who's own upbringing was some of the strictest and most impersonal bullshit, and who views the years where he even slightly broke out of that mold as the brightest, most colorful, most joyous years of his life. and yet here is a man who subjects his own son to the same strict and impersonal upbringing, even after kneeling in front of his wife's grave and saying that he understood her wish. that he understood that she wanted their child to be whoever he wants to be.
why? was he lying? did he give up? did his bitterness overcome his determination? is that why he raised their son like that? is that why he was so strict? so hurtful and cold and neglectful? why did he do that, when he said he "understood"?
multiple reasons. complicated reasons. simple reasons. even if he can no longer bring himself to love his own son, even if ye zimu only reminds him of his wife's death...ye zimu will always be the son loved by the woman he loves. and he wants nothing more than to fulfill her wish for their child. so why? it boils down to this: raising ye zimu that way was the only way he knew how to make zimu into a person strong enough to do whatever he wants in life. raising him like that was the only method he knew of to grant her wish for their son.
if you understand that, then you can understand everything about ye zimu's father.
does that make him right, or justified, or good? no. it makes him human. and the fact of the matter is that his efforts alone weren't enough. the fact is that his efforts tied ye zimu down more than anything. and just like he needed his wife to help him realize he was strong enough to break his mold, ye zimu needed ling chen and their friends. in the end ye zimu did choose his own path. once his father saw him doing that, and finally standing up to him, that's when he felt ye zimu could be whoever he wanted to be. and that's when he cut ye zimu off. his wife's last wish was fulfilled. his job was done.
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trans-xianxian · 8 months
very ironic that there have been several story beats throughout fontaine like "the melusines are often infantalized by people but they are fully autonomous beings who deserve respect" and then half of the fan base is like awe cute little melusine baby who is like a child and a kid and a baby who needs to be taken care of by other characters because they're like a human toddler 🥺. die.
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eenochian · 9 months
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the way this fandom treats characters is astounding. like y’all do realize that every single character is shitty, right? literally every last one. your blorbo is not an exception. no, “but my fave—” no exceptions. literally the only character that i can’t think of any issues with off the top of my head is farah.
#call of duty#cod#obviously some characters are worse than others#i think we can all hold hands and agree that makarov takes the ‘most evil character’ cake#and lots of people acknowledge graves’ actions#and i’ve even seen people bring up valeria’s actions#but the way y’all (general) just. pick and choose who to criticize#it’s important to acknowledge and discuss the flaws these characters have#and i think it’s important to allow people to explore problematic characters#but if you’re gonna do that— acknowledge EVERYONE’S flaws#price nikolai and gaz literally kidnapped a civilian woman and child. used them as ‘bargaining chips’. held a gun to a little boy’s head#soap & ghost may not have any highlights (that i can recall) but they’re SAS.#the military– especially the specops– are not known for being above board and clean#price’s catchphrase is literally ‘we get dirty world stays clean’#this cast is full of fuckin war criminals. they’re ALL shitty.#obviously some are worse than others (motioning to makarov valeria & graves)#but acting like the ‘good’ characters are unproblematic is harmful imo. there are real people that have been victimized by the military#–including the SAS. your blorbos are in an organization that devastates entire countries with war#i guess i’m sick of seeing people’s obvious favoritism in this fandom.#y’all (general) love to discuss shitty behavior and read-world equivalents until it involves your faves#and i’m not saying this to tell people to stop writing for everyone. i personally dislike the ‘don’t write for problematic charas’ mindset#but hold every single character to that standard for the love of god#and ‼️be mindful while writing/discussing potentially harmful stuff‼️#be sensitive to the groups that might be seeing this. remember that COD is a war game that romanticizes the military and war#with the sole intent of getting people to join#no one is perfect. they’re ALL shitty people. some are worse than others– but they ALL represent real-world issues#the ‘only enjoy unflawed characters’ mindset links back to purity culture and media literacy dying#seeing people expect an imperfect media to have a perfect fandom is draining#the community needs to be a safe space for everyone. but groups will inevitably clash and that’s why we have the block button and filtering#just like. don’t disrespect people. be mindful with your work. but also— BE LIBERAL with catering your fandom space!
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jesuisici33 · 11 months
Inspiration Saturday + One Line Preview
tagged by @hippolotamus and @wandering-night19
what's been inspiring Incubus!Eddie lately
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plus a one couple lines preview:
“You sure like hunting your ghosts, huh?” Buck comments to his sister as they drive up to the abandoned house in his jeep. “This is like the fourth one in two months?” Maddie scoffs. “I think you’re exaggerating, Evan. Besides, isn’t California famous for being haunted or something? We’re bound to get a lot of ghosts here. Sorry we can’t always get vampires or demons like you want.”
tagging @rmd-writes @apothecarose @mammameesh @alyxmastershipper @monsterrae1 @userdisaster @thewolvesof1998 @betty-boom @mallpretzles @a-noble-dragon @wildlife4life @lizzie-bennetdarcy @rosedavid @ramonaflow
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ppeuppeuppeu · 2 years
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more ryan corr! 🤩
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surpriserose · 8 months
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River monsters mentioned for the river monsters mutuals
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cuntstable · 11 months
i wish i could write meaningful poetry or even do comics properly to express ideas and things in my brain that haunt me a bit but i cant so im just left sitting on my bed staring at a wall and going Huh. Okay.
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erradox · 5 months
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In which I draw the kid named Green in everything but green. This time he's looking a little gastly.
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secondbetrayer · 1 year
if you were a deity, what you would be the god of?
dreams and fortune
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you have a free-spirited and naive nature. the physical embodiment of luck and dreams, anyone with goals or aspirations follows you in hopes their endeavors will be successful. failure befalls those who underestimate or disrespect you.
tagged by @mothersmalice ❤️
tagging @soulstcne @toxicmalicex and anybody else who would like to!
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anghraine · 2 years
Sometimes I wish GW2 had more of a following in "fandom" (scare quotes since of course it does have a fandom and a fairly big one, but less of a presence in the broader fandom circles I'm familiar with—approximately less than half as many fics on AO3 as P&P, for instance).
That said, I suddenly contemplated the "everything I dislike is somehow pedophilia" crowd's takes on sylvari ships and actually, relative fandom obscurity is pretty nice.
#i was playing out the early sylvari personal story and thinking the evolving dynamic with caithe is super intriguing#and could definitely end up with a shippy slant and then was like 'lmao wait fandom would probably think the pc is child coded'#and even in the smallish tumblr fandom i have definitely seen the conquest of ascalon presented as heartwarming by non-gw1 players#not like they have to but /flashes back to rescuing civilians enslaved by the charr or consoling ghosts of those they slaughtered#*not like they have to play gw1#i sometimes still see gw1 players who admit they can't bring themselves to play gw2 because of the charr#and it's like ... a pity bc gw2 is mechanically spectacular and has a lot of interesting ideas. but also i get it!#anghraine babbles#ascalonian grudgeblog#general fanwank#gw fanwank#i was thinking of sylvari/sylvari ships but IMAGINE the takes on human/sylvari or whatever#there are canon interspecies ships incidentally#and the uhh oeuvre of tyrian chuck tingle i mean snargle goldclaw tell us it's definitely a familiar concept at least#yeah tumblr gw2 discourse would suck even if it would also be sometimes legit#(the process of making the bifrost is painfully and uncritically colonialist imo)#(especially the earlier game has such persistently hot female characters regardless of age#that it verges onto the ridiculous [see: eir's character design while everyone goes on about how she's an old woman])#(not as extreme as gw1 can be with the objectification but. still)#long post#purely for the tag ramble
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