#even if that's with a hate group or a cult
creature-wizard · 10 hours
So, I just read It's Not Impossible: Healing from Ritual Abuse and Mind Control by Svali.
For those who don't know, Svali is a conspiracy theorist who popped up in the early 2000s claiming to be a former Illuminati/New World Order programmer. Her claims are based on the stuff put out by the likes of Mark Phillips/Cathy O'Brien and Fritz Springmeier/Cisco Wheeler, which in turn derives from stuff like The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, blood libel, witch panic, Michelle Remembers, and Alexander Hislop's anti-Catholic conspiracy theories. It's full of your typical Project Monarch psychological pseudoscience that can effectively be used to blame literally any symptom or behavior on programmed DID, whether or not someone actually has DID at all. It's got all the usual stuff about an alleged global cult that practices the most absurdly complicated, messy, and risky forms of mind control instead of just using the regular ol' indoctrination and manipulation tactics that work just fine for your more typical authoritarian assholes.
She is regarded as a ritual abuse/alter programming expert by people such as Ellen Lacter and Alison Miller, and if you search through the citations on many ritual abuse/RAMCOA websites, you'll often find her name. If you didn't have any familiarity with Svali's outlandish claims before, I think after reading this you'll agree that no sensible person should ever be citing her as an authority on anything. Here are some of the weird and ridiculous claims she makes in this book:
Fetuses are tortured and programmed in the womb. They are capable of making choices presented to them in-utero. (Yes, according to Svali, fetuses can fully understand language and process questions.)
Children can be forced to forget things by threatening them with death if they don't. (Literally not how memory works. If anything, death threats would make it harder to forget.)
Toddlers are trained as assassins and sent to kill wealthy targets, because wealthy people tend to have, shall we say, a predilection for children. (Yes, some wealthy people are child molesters. But claiming they're all into this as a group is absurd. It's also two antisemitic conspiracy theory tropes with the serial numbers filed off.)
Alice In Wonderland programming includes games of croquet where the balls are the decapitated heads of children. (Always with the absurdly over-the-top programming methods.)
The conspiracy programs people from birth to have a visceral fear and hatred of Christianity. (The function of this claim is to deny the traumatic impact of Christian religious abuse.)
"Many occultic groups" hate Israel and aim to destroy its national security through infiltration. (Of course we're going to get Christian Zionism in this conspiracy theory.)
"Higher occultic groups" round up Christians "from prisons and camps in third world countries under oppressive regimes" to torture and crucify them. (Typical oppression fantasy of white American Christian conservatives.)
Genetically enhanced individuals were first produced in the 1940s. (Quite unlikely, given that DNA's role in inheritance wasn't even determined until 1943.)
Claims that "The Light of The World" is an occultic painting that depicts the Antichrist. (Actually, it just depicts Christ.)
Theta systems are trained to psychically kill from the time they're in the womb. Theta assassins have sex with the target, then use the resulting soul tie to demonically kill them. (You know you're into some deep far right shit when they're talking about "soul ties" like this.)
Chi is a demonic power. (Always with the racism.)
Kabbalah is used to open portals to install demons. (And of course, the antisemitism.)
Druids can shapeshift into animals and trees. (This is how druids work in modern RPGs.)
Mages can shapeshift into various animals. (So many occultists WISH this was true!)
Cult children are genetically enhanced for intelligence. (Meanwhile in the real world, not a single alleged survivor has ever demonstrated said intelligence.)
Saturn, Prometheus, and Vulcan are demonic deities. (Pure religious bigotry here.)
Mothers of genetically enhanced fetuses are brutally tortured and gradually dismembered throughout the entire pregnancy. Supposedly, miscarriage is prevented with the cult's "state-of-the-art technology" that's "at least 50-75 years ahead of what's publicly known."
Supposedly, "all videos, CDs, computer games and other digital media now have subliminals embedded, that are fed at 0.03 microseconds." She claims that you can't pause the video to see the message because the images will be blurry, as they're only visible when the media moves. How very convenient, Svali. (By the way, conspiracy theorists have been claiming media is full of dangerous subliminal messages for years, programming children to turn into mass murderers and whatnot. So far there is zero evidence that rock music turns you into a killer.)
Direct quote, "It is amazing how desensitized our population has become to sex, violence and the occult due to this mind control technology that sits in everyone's living room." (Literally your old-time Satanic Panic rhetoric.)
Direct quote, "I personally believe that we are very close to the “end times” of Revelations, and that the Occultic messiah (or antichrist) is alive." (Always with the End Times mythology with these people.)
Yeah, so this is one of the people that therapists pushing this idea that alter programming is a real thing regard as an authority. They're citing a far right conspiracy theorist who claims toddler assassins are sent to kill wealthy targets and that druids can actually turn themselves into trees.
I'd like to reiterate here that the type of alter programming people like Svali claim exist is not something there was ever any real evidence for, and the whole idea originated among conspiracy theorists. This was not a case of something that actually existed just being co-opted by bad faith actors. It is very literally a witch hunt, and one way we know this is that the early modern mythology of satanic witches and today's mythology of alter programming use many of the exact same tropes. And we also know that people can be coached into confabulating memories of events that never took place (you can see very obvious examples of this yourself here and here).
None of this is to say that human trafficking, sex abuse, religious abuse, institutional abuse, and so on aren't real; they very much are. But the kind of stuff that people like Svali push is not, and it's so full of pseudoscience and far right bigotry that it will harm survivors of extreme abuse even more. The function of this mythology, and the quack psychiatry that goes along with it, is to push people into hyperconservative Christianity and scapegoat the religious trauma it causes.
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highfantasy-soul · 11 months
On the one hand, I love weekly drops for episodes because you get time to sit with each section of the story and really dig into it.
On the other hand, some people don't quite understand that characters can say/believe something at the beginning of the series and then - gasp - grow and change through the episodes so that by the end, they don't believe that thing anymore!
Also, what a character believes isn't necessarily the 'message' the writers are pushing - the character could have a flawed world view that turns out to be in need of change.
Anyways, apropos of nothing, Loki s2e4 was great, huh? Nice little debate about philosophy between two characters - neither of which has the 100% right idea at the moment and events might transpire to get one or both of them to alter their 'goals'.
Almost like media isn't there to be a guide to life you need to follow word for word but rather an exploration of fantastical problems and how flawed characters deal with it through their own, limited frame of reference
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coelacat · 5 months
the three ways to make me INSTANTLY dislike you:
unironically call an animal (or any living thing rly) "useless" because if it exists there is inherently use for it. thats how evolution works dumbass
"art is dead"/"theres no good art anymore"/i dislike modern art"/"i could paint/write/sculpt that"/any variation of some bullshit about how any sort of art is lesser than another
"i think anyone who believes in religion is stupid and should be embarrassed" and im especially deadass about this one. it puts you in such a bad mindset its not even funny. you can hate bigots all you want and the way bigotry may intersect with religion is always an interesting study but. genuinely. if you hate religion AS A WHOLE for just. like. being a reflection of a population. i think you seriously need to get your head checked.
#i think the religion one is probably the most controversial but it really shouldnt be#the universe is scary#it can be so scary to think about how everything is just a dice roll. youre only here because of random chance.#no shit people dont wanna think about that#its grim!#its much more comforting to have a higher power who put you here with a purpose than to just be some ape that became bipedal#and evolved a big brain from there#and now we're doing taxes n shit#like!! i get why some people would be freaked out about that and would hate thinking about it#not to mention religion has a giant history and its always been more than just believing in higher powers#religion can be a large group of peoples history#i really love looking into and learning about judaism for this reason#religion is so interwoven with history and tradition and folk tales have been a driving force of human socialization for forever#another thing is that i think a lot of people forget that religious people are. p. people. even if its a religion you hate for good reason#im not gonna defend mormonism. lol. but people tend to forget that the mormon church wants you to be an asshole to mormons#thats kinda how the whole thing operates? creating a fear of the unknown and outsiders?#same as any cult#sorry for all of this i just saw a really awful post#idk. is it that hard to just be nice to people and not assume everyone around you is an idiot#because thats gonna make you hate people and then make you lonely#id know because ive been there#if dnis worked i think these three things would be the only things on it#theyre the people i dont wanna engage with the most. mostly because theyre annoying
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kimtaegis · 2 years
finished about 80% of a comp of this run bts special but you know what. no lol
#I’m so full of rage tonight I could really feel it build up over the last few hours#triggered by this – forgive my language – stupid ass fandom#the love I have for those boys is really being tested over and over again#and I don’t know how much longer it’ll hold against the absolute stupidity of a (way too) big part of this fandom#the utter bullshit I have to read makes me want to constantly bang my head against a wall#maybe then I’d be able to nod along and still have a good time#cause boy that has been tough#from hating on every other group over harassing people who dare to say one critical thing about bts to wanting#to ‘boycott’ sk because of the enlistment news#are you actually hearing yourself?#like who do you think you are?#this superiority complex mixed with that utter hate and negativity many armys spread makes me SICK#do you think bts would be proud of you for looking down and hating on everybody#for only supoorting their country and its industry#not because you genuinely like/ enjoy it but because you follow them like cult members that tell you what to do?#for turning them into these untouchable beings that are only allowed to like each other and everyone else is below their standard#and shouldn't even dare come near them. what a lonely life you wish these men istg#suddenly you're all spokespersons for grown adults you don't know shit about#or you're playing polticians who know excatly what's going on behind the scenes cause you read a tweet about it#I genuinely wonder how these people go through their life? are you defending your actual loved ones like that too?#are you capable of not throwing a fit when someone else has a different opinion than you or criticises you. actually YOU. not some band?#how can one abandon every bit of critical thinking like that? I just don't get it#what's wrong with just being sad about them leaving for a while#WITHOUT being the most ignorant arrogant hateful assholes#never in my life have I encountered this much spite and toxicity#just...chill. just listen to their music make cute edits watch their videos but please for the love of god. just shut up for once#I could go on and on but. also no#could already kick myself for even being this affected that I had to write it down#contributing to this senseless discourse and putting my own negativity out there#I feel at least a little bit lighter now
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jooyeone · 1 year
need to go back to enjoying kpop without engaging in fandom spaces
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vaugarde · 1 year
yeah im sorry maybe im just failing media literacy here and im not seeing it but the wings of the magias give me the same vibe as “yeah so this marvel villain wants to stop workplace abuse but like!!! he killed a baby to do it unprompted!!!! so you cant expect me to side with him!”
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leatherbookmark · 1 year
my favourite thing abt tumblr mass-finding out about the origins of the “poor little meow meow” phrase is a couple of people in the tags, who listen to things like, i assume, punk or rap, going “oh so THIS is what people got so emotional over? wow they wouldn’t last a day over here” or “ah, this, yeah a couple of guys from our side did it too”. refreshing
#i feel like it would also benefit people to realize that like. the fact that kpop is FULL of random phrases and more and more groups promote#overseas to the point of having the hour of their comeback be convenient for the US rather than just korea... absolutely DOES NOT!!!#DOES NOT!!! mean they all speak perfect (or even reliably passable) english and are knowledgeable about the things english-speaking#internet cares about. every once in a while there's a new twt storm because some idol says or does something insensitive and hurtful to a#group of their fans and its like. well yeah it's a horrible feeling but i cannot overstate how many of these idols just Don't Know Shit#like. idk. black people. i'd say most kpop idols -- who are just some guys and not tumblr/twitter users -- associate black people with like#music artists. rappers. they're cool and they have those cool braids! i'm doing a rap song and i want to be cool like them! lemme put on#those braid extensions! yahoo! <-- everyone hated that.#this is not to say that koreans are wee little babies who shouldn't be held accountable or that they're all stupid#but even despite kpop's insane worldwide popularity i doubt any of those idols are getting worldwide-flavoured sensitivity training#they're all perfect at saying cloyingly sweet bullshit to their fans -- i will love you all for the rest of my life! bro WHO would believe#that it's so embarrassing just sing your fucking songs -- but that's it! hell the younger groups are even bad at knowing how to act in thei#OWN country; with older idols complaining that the newbies talk to them casually (not using the polite language like you should) or even#flat out ignore/don't saw hello or bow to them. twt people are like 'korea has the fastest internet in the world' aye and they use it for#games and teenage internet stuff; not educating themselves on things they know nothing about#the sermon was 100% unintelligible to myg and he just picked it because it had a Tone that must have fit the image of the song in his mind#it's like all those people getting 'chinese' tattoos that say stupid shit like pork belly or baka gaijin or a bunch of misspelled character#tilted by 90 degrees#like i myself didn't know about the cult leader until the sample drama. so#some kp/op fans are absolutely rabid though. especially on twt#shrimp thoughts
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llycaons · 2 years
oh my god I found a fic that makes the lan sect out to be a cult
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here i am trying to reminisce in old zelda stuff and i see fuckers in the damn linkcest tab whining like the little fucks they are. yeah yeah yeah you hate it we’ve heard it before also we can alter shit so they arent related because they are fictional and also your little popular au aint shit and aint canon im so sick of that damn au and clown 
tbh the name still sucks we still havent changed it lmao
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trans-leek-cookie · 12 days
so kusakabe and higuruma Megumi and fucking MEI MEI can survive but Mechamaru Nanako Mimiko and Mai had 2 die. Alright.
#JJK spoilers#Everytime I'm like ''i don't actually care that much I shouldn't be so negative'' I remember that Gege treats disabled characters like shit#And also fucking fumbled some of the characters with the MOST POTENTIAL (THE FUCKING NANAKO MIMIKO AND MAKI MAI PARALLELS)#Anyway I'm killing us allllllllll ❤️#Also I feel like the idea of ''strength'' is never really actually. Fully criticized like maybe I'll have clearer thoughts later but it's#Very much ''dont look down on the weak bc they might be strong'' instead of ''dont look down on the weak bc. They're human beings.''#And that just annoys me personally. Like Suguru is Wrong but the narrative doesn't actually Prove Him Wrong y'know. In the story#He's mostly wrong bc he's the antagonist not bc he's created a whole fucked up worldview as a deeply traumatized teen and then#Created a structure that was abusive not only to the ppl he didnt value but also the ppl he did and NEITHER GROUP IS GIVEN SUFFICIENT FOCUS#AAAAAAAAAGHHHH. <- guy who's interested in cults and cult abuse and wants to see fiction that actually reflects#How cult survivors are affected by said abuse and also recover. Can you tell I'm not over Nanako and Mimiko's deaths because they were#REALLY FUCKING INTERESTING CHARACTERS. CAN YOU. CAN YOU. CAN Y#Somehow everything I write Abt JJK ends up being about how I wish I could enter the story and crucify Geto. I hate that motherfucker#(he's was my first favorite character in the series and even tho he's been rightfully usurped he's genuine fascinating both in general and#Also specifically bc his character touches on some of my preexisting interests and also I feel like no one else understands him.#And when I say that I mean no one else wants to beat him to death with bricks and rocks and blunt weapons for the right reasons like I do)
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nunap · 11 months
Ofc skz never comes to Europe we have even worse taste than americans
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d4rkpluto · 29 days
ᴛʜᴇ 1° ɪɴ ᴀꜱᴛʀᴏʟᴏɢʏ - ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪᴠɪɴᴇ
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involves my own research along with the help of janduz.
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♱ the 1° is the first degree to belong to a sign, which is aries. this degree specifically means being in unity for something, being a singular, and individual and being the divine. it speaks of the possibilities that can be reached, taking control of the future and embracing changes, where you are innovative, in risk and doubtful. it is a degree of the universe and being a trendsetter.
♱ 1° in aries - pioneers, trend-setters, dare-devils. they're willing to grab any opportunity they come across, they see the potential in themselves and everything along with other people. they're confident but can be very arrogant and even too violent/aggressive. they like to take the control of their lives, hate it when other people tell them what to do.
♱ 1° in taurus - divine beauty, can be stubborn to embrace changes, this could make them be considered as bratty people. could over-spend and are likely good at cooking, unique way of creating/embracing art. independency with money, possessive as well.
♱ 1° in gemini - can be very mean people, could make people do whatever they want. pretty hands and trendy people. though they might follow the crowd too much and be very anxious. intrusive thoughts and doing things impulsively, indicator of being popular online. beautiful siblings or children.
♱ 1° in cancer - protective over family, willing to do anything for them. a momager, or has one. sometimes can be lazy; could come from a well-off family or could make it happen for theirs. could be the first to move out or could move out really young. great mother, and doing something different to what family expected. emotional outbursts.
♱ 1° in leo - very arrogant and prideful people. known for something specific. can be very optimistic and wise. likes to be challenged, and challenges a lot of people, could change a lot, and has much passion for stuff, the type to make their passion into a job and can succeed.
♱ 1° in virgo - has many skills, being very competitive, can be honest people and very anxious. can achieve success in many ways/work-fields. sport/health oriented and can be religious. the type to realise their destiny is their own, and other people might find it hard to have the native with this degree listen to them. spiritual healing is important.
♱ 1° in libra - dresses like a goddess, like to be spoiled. generous and gentle, likes to please people and be liked by others. a popular person in their friendship group, popular in general. likes to feel like they belong into a friendship group. learning how to be dependent on themselves.
♱ 1° in scorpio - generous. could lead or join a cult, a magician, a survivor, being a successful person, wealthy. other people might copy them a lot. they inspire a lot of people. they're popular and magnetic. can be obsessed with wealth, the type to betray others over it.
♱ 1° in sagittarius - creative people, other people could look up to them. divine knowledge, can be very stubborn, active and direct. likes to be the centre of attention, could get in trouble a lot and can doubt beliefs, specifically systematic religion.
♱ 1° in capricorn - owning a company, very intelligent and clever. being a leader, the oldest relative/sibling. confident, might have authority doubt them and their beliefs. they oversee a lot of stuff, they could sometimes feel like they have the entire world on their shoulders.
♱ 1° in aquarius - innovative and unique people. popular people in their group, the face of a group. successful and wealthy people. intuitive/psychic people. known online or in a community. first to do stuff and having others follow their ideas. divine knowledge.
♱ 1° in pisces - very magical people. psychic dreams and divine energy, can be very insecure and doubtful. sacrifices a lot and strong ancestors/ancestry. believes in strong principles and morals, and can be people who can be lazy and care free.
♇ 1° in sun - definitely being someone who gets much attention, and can be unsure with what they want to do in life, they inspire other people to creative. having divine aura and likely can have a respect father figure, or they're the person who is respected, can be given lots of opportunities. native can be explosive.
♇ 1° in moon - beautiful people. intuitive/psychic people. "divine woman" and divine wisdom. might follow the heart too much. can be explosive and has unpredictable feelings. beauty spots and having the need to belong to a tribe.
♇ 1° in mercury - very straight-forward people. can be excellent at marketing, and are popular people online if they try. can adapt to new situations easily and might have the habit of speaking over people, loud relatives and a clair. can be very articulate.
♇ 1° in venus - normally the one to initiate the first move. other people could want to copy their style or their beauty. likes to make money and be around friends. face of the beauty standard/conventional beauty, divine beauty but could get insecure easily. can do risky stuff related to beauty like botched surgery. likely to have envious friends. can imply of having a beautiful spouse.
♇ 1° in mars - explosive anger, likely to get into arguments with men/the same sex. very competitive and are likely to get into accidents, be careful with cars! though could have an infatuation with cars. "you only live once" attitude and can be very confident and controlling. can be aggressive as well, depending on the aspects. can imply having a beautiful husband.
♇ 1° in jupiter - very creative people, innovative and directors. could have a God-complex, could be worshipped or could worship others. can be someone with a strong belief/moral system. could have a high horse and can be someone who takes control of their lives. can make many possibilities for themselves and can be very direct.
♇ 1° in saturn - could like to be alone. leader of other people. owning a business. politicians/strong political views. struggle to believe in themselves and being someone who has controlling authority figures around them. can be one themselves; respected people.
♇ 1° in uranus - first to do something and could appear as other-worldly to other people, whether it be aura or features. something about them stands out. popular friendship group, unpredictable/doing stuff on the whim. psychic people. car racing, likely to embrace changes or bring them to other people.
♇ 1° in neptune - clairvoyant or has another clairy. always in their mind. maladaptive day-dreamer. doubts themselves a lot. beautiful person, can get walked over, can be someone who is one with the universe. can be unsure with how they look, very dreamy people.
♇ 1° in pluto - fiery person and mean. possessive and has a specific life path. always aiming for opportunities and can be someone who can be arrogant and conceited. stubborn to embrace changes but life is working hard for them to listen and go through stuff. much influence and popularity. could be prone to accidents.
♇ 1° in north node - very bright path. fame indicator. first to accomplish something. hot-headed. scars on the face and distinct features and can be someone who likes to be dominant. they see the potential of other people, the type to take on any path they want.
♇ 1° in black moon lilith - could be known for something specific, can be hated on. could surprise everyone by doing better than expected. slut-shamed and having dangerous beauty. Dark Goddess like beauty. vengeful and can be against authority. indicator of from rags to riches.
♱ 1° in the first house - divine beauty, structured faces and prominent cheekbones. confident person, sees possibilities every where and can be an opportunist and innovative. they can be very head-strong as well. taking direction of their own lives.
♱ 1° in the second house - beauty indicator, always finding a way to make money. family-oriented, can adapt to different financial changes, nice/divine singing voices. great money-makers.
♱ 1° in the third house - main sibling/cousin, pretty relatives and pleasing or direct voices. might have a lot of siblings/cousins. might've had to change schools a lot. popular on the internet, nice nails ideas. but can be hesitant when it comes to do things. but can sometimes say whatever is on their mind.
♱ 1° in the fourth house - main family member. mother is top-dog or doubts herself. native could get embarrassed easily. religious/active family. supportive family and can sometimes be the black sheep family member. beautiful home, could be ancient or historic.
♱ 1° in the fifth house - performers. karmic children and love life. broadway or influencer. beautiful children and also someone who is generous and sympathetic. ego can get them into trouble, main child in the family, could be someone who wants everything.
♱ 1° in the sixth house - competitive people or has competitive enemies. can be someone who is spiritual/religious. can be a person who wants to make it, can be someone who is anxious. could doubt their own skills, might change workspaces a lot, loves/close to pets. could live a risky life or do a risky job.
♱ 1° in the seventh house - risky relationships. can be an insecure person. someone who gets hesitant with relationships, likely to believe in soul-mates. successful spouse and being someone who wears the pants in the relationship. could be obsessed with romance. can easily get partnerships, could like to feel like they belong somewhere.
♱ 1° in the eighth house - be careful with finances and drugs. could be obsessed with sex. can find out secrets/information about other people easily. can change their life around easily, could be protective over friendship groups, over themselves. could have religious psychosis; lucid dreams and shifting. likely to be in a cult.
♱ 1° in the ninth house - cult indicator. can be a leader or preacher for/to others. having adventures around the world and can teach people new information. parent might've been a priest and could be very spiritual and taking life in their own hands. could have unique opinions and can be someone who appreciates other religions ad cultures.
♱ 1° in the tenth house - having a career they want and not following what other people want them to do. ceo energy and competition in the work-space. much responsibilities and can be the face of a company or a product. any career can suit them, they're confident but needs to learn how to take the leap of faith.
♱ 1° in the eleventh house - internet famous. loved on the internet and can be people who are seen as a Goddess or teacher. can be seen as someone who starts new trends. unpredictable future, unsure of what to do. finds new way to make more money or friends. karmic/soulmate friends, but could be paranoid of them.
♱ 1° in the twelfth house - spiritual psychosis. anxious person. mind can be their own enemy or even fame. manifestors and feels like they have to teach or protect everyone. hesitant people. another indicator of shifting and lucid dream; can be a victim of bulling. expressive eyes. can stall a lot.
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degree theory masterlist
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toast-on-dandelioms · 8 months
What if reader accidentally called superman "dad" while they were on a mission? Like Batman needed some help tracking down some new murder cult and thought Spider could help? But they wouldn't come unless superman wasnt there since Spider does NOT trust the batfam?
Ok so, I'mma make a scene with your idea and then say what it would happen. Just to then explain how the Batfam would react.
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You were called with Clark to a mission, knowing the Batfam was there but you didn't care since you knew Clark would protect you from them.
Plus you made sure to grab two tasers this time and incorporated a new type of web fluid that could emit electricity when it hits someone.
You did create it so you didn't have to use a taser but also so you could tase anyone of the Batfam that would dare to get too close to you or even touch you during the mission.
Clark finally landed while you adjusted your mask since you took it off while you were flying to feel the air in your (long/short) hair.
You looked at the batfam, already annoyed when they didn't even do anything but just their presence was a source of anger and annoyance for you.
While the Batfam was also annoyed that Clark was there but he had to come or you wouldn't even consider going with them to a mission.
You didn't say anything to them, just giving them the blank stare your mask provided and just stayed next to Clark, listening to them talk about what everyone was supposed to do in the mission.
Bruce did try to make you go with him or any of his kids, making you nervous since you couldn't really refuse without any excuse. You did have one but you can't really say "I refuse to go with any of your kids (directed to Batman) because I hate all of you".
But Clark surprised you by refusing any option of you going with any on the Bats and stated that you would go with him, making you smile a little and lean a little on the kryptonian.
Which made all of the Bats jealous and angry at the kryptonian.
At the end you were supposed to go with Superman in the hideout of the cult, which you were happy about it and quickly followed the kryptonian while ignoring the glares of the Batfam that were directed towards Clark.
Well, during the mission you got separated from Superman in the fight against the cultist when they suddenly ambushed both of you, making you panic since you never fought so many people at once.
Yes you did fight small gangs but usually they were just kids and you just had to punch one and all of them backed down immediately. So fighting a large group of people that knew how to fight was a bit difficult and extremely different from what you're used to.
Plus your panic doubled when you saw Damian and Dick approaching, probably to help you but in the fight and the panic in your mind made them seem even more dangerous than the cultists trying to stab you.
So you did the only reasonable thing that your scared mind wanted. You called for Clark while fighting three cultists at the same time, tasing a few of them while fighting.
The problem? You accidentally called him dad.
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Bruce Wayne: oh god how angry was he when he heard that from Dick and Damian's coms.
(He still doesn't know who you are behind the mask but already sees you as one of your kids even though you're already are)
He quickly finished fighting the leader and ran to where you were supposed to be, quickly knocking out anyone who was in his way.
He did kill a few of those in his way, but he made sure to hide the bodies and will deal with it later by burning down the hideout.
He finally arrived at the spot where you and the others were supposed to be and he saw something that made him want to grab his kryptonite batarang to hit Clark.
Why? He saw you in Clark's arms, hugging him with all your might while he flew so neither Dick and Damian could reach you.
Plus the worst thing was the sick smile Clark had in his smile, like he planned it. Like he knew you weren't ready to go in such a big mission and would probably call him in a panic.
Bruce just glared at the kryptonian and signaled him to get out with you so they could get rid of the rest of the cultists.
Basically Bruce would be a jealous bitch even though he doesn't care about you when you don't have the mask on, and would use his anger against all the cultists there since he blamed them instead of blaming himself.
Clark Kent: oh he would be so smug whenever he sees Bruce and you're not with him.
Especially since he planned it. He might not be as smart as the Batfam but he knows people and especially you.
He knew you weren't ready for such a big mission since you mostly trained with him and fought small gangs in Gotham.
He knew you would panic while fighting and knew you would call for him when you couldn't do it anymore.
The dad part was a surprise but a happy one for Clark, he became so smug when you jumped in his arms when he quickly flew to you.
He did see the glares he received from almost all the batkids and especially Batman, to which he responded with a smug smile while rubbing your back.
He left with you since you didn't want to stay and he also knew Bruce caught the leader so he didn't have any reasons to stay.
Not sure if you also wanted the Batkids but I didn't add them, just comment if you also want to have the batkids reaction and I will add it!
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bbqhooligan · 2 years
bts so funny cuz you have fans who see two men looking at each other and type and post "they fucked each others holes yesterday i just know" and send tweet that goddamn string of words and then another group of fans who reply "theyre platonic soulmates, brothers for life" under a video of one of them telling the other they wanna kiss them.
AND THEN which is the best part YOU get death threats for commenting "haha its like his mom n dad" abt jin and suga babying jk in their own ways because turns out, they ran Jin Is The Mom Of The Group joke to the ground, for years, to the point of feminizing and fetishizing the guy, to the point he came out and said " please stop calling me a mom i am a man" and you wouldnt know because the joke itself is harmless in every other situation, and fans feel good like they protected the integrity of their idols, even though they tweeted a rm wrecks sugas hole joke 46 mins earlier. whatever.
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jewish-vents · 1 month
I've got a friend who's a fellow member of the tribe who's falling down the JVP rabbit hole and it's just so painful to watch. No matter how many sources I send their way about how JVP is a hate group masquerading as a jewish org, they don't seem to believe me. They once sent me a fucking JVP video where their "as a jew" jews (who often times aren't even jews bc JVP encourages "self conversion") had the fucking AUDACITY to say that 'intifada' DOESN'T mean antisemitism. Despite all the statsics I give them, they claim that antisemitism isn't that bad rn, that the pro-pal movement actually is barely antisemitic, and that I'm on the wrong part of the Internet. They keep begging me to watch "Israelism" a documentary whose central premise is that we jews are all brainwashed into loving Israel in our (((zionist))) indoctrination camps, *ehem*, I mean synagogues. I don't even want to humor that kind of garbage. And honestly, it's so sad.
I feel like I'm losing my friend to a cult.
I feel the same way people who lose their loved ones to q-anon feel. And I really REALLY don't want to lose this friend. I've been friends with them since childhood and love them like a sibling!
That's what makes this whole ordeal so depressing tho.
I'm angry, scared, don't know what to do, and am downright blood-boilingly pissed that this gate group has its talons in my friend.
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andvys · 7 months
Dancing with our hands tied | S.H.
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Chapter five ⭐︎ 'Cause you know it could never be
Warnings: alcohol consumption, mentions of the upside down, mentions of unrequited feelings, mentions of Stancy (I guess), but none really
Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Summary: Weeks had passed since your conversation with Steve, and things between you have shifted into a different direction...
Word count: 8k+
Author's note: @hellfire--cult shoutout to my bestieeee, thank you for helping me and for keeping me in check, I love u
Series masterlist ⭐︎ Previous chapter ⭐︎ Next chapter
As the weeks passed, the warmth slowly started to surround Hawkins. The flowers have all bloomed, the sun is blessing the town with light and it’s something you greatly appreciate, knowing that things could’ve been so different had victory not been the outcome weeks back. 
The day Steve had come by to apologize and talk, things had started to change between the two of you. While you tried to avoid him at all costs, fearing more confrontations and arguments, Steve had done everything to show you that he really wanted to keep the peace between you both. 
You felt awkward around him for the first few days after your conversation, especially because it felt like he was walking on eggshells when he was around you, he bit his tongue whenever you tried to throw a jab at him, he looked at you differently, he was careful with his words and it annoyed you to no end. You never wanted him to feel like he had to be nice to you after what happened. Luckily, he couldn’t keep his act up for long, the moment you said something that was enough to set him off, you went back to your usual banters – though, it didn’t feel as rough as it did before. 
You were also dragged into everything involving the whole group. It’s something you would have hated if it wasn’t for Eddie who somehow had nestled his way into your life and reached for the title ‘best friend’ before you could even blink. Despite the fear that still lingered deep inside of you, you let him in and you are glad that you did so. You really needed a friend. 
But you are not the only one who grew close to Eddie in the past few weeks, Steve has also taken a great liking to him, and you now see more of him than ever before, because now it isn’t only the weekly movie or game nights that you spend time with him, it’s also Tuesday nights at the hideout, Wednesday nights at the movies, Sunday mornings at the diner and… you don’t mind for a single second. 
You used to watch him from afar, now he is everywhere you go and while the relationship you two have isn’t exactly friendly, you still appreciate it. You’ll take anything you can get when it comes to him. 
You eye Eddie through the vanity mirror, watching as he lounges on your bed, flipping through some old magazine he had found on your shelf. His curls are wild on his head, a little tamer than usual though, a few new rings adorn his fingers as well as the new shirt that doesn’t exactly fit the occasion. 
“Eddie, you could have at least put a nice shirt on! A black one! Without a stupid band logo at the front!” 
“Stupid?” He gasps as he sits up, staring at you, looking very offended, “let me remind you, Sweetheart. None of them are stupid, they are meaningful and artistic.”
Max scoffs at him, trying not to shake her head as you’re still using the hot curling iron on her hair. 
“Right, because the music video of that Samuel made absolutely fucking sense.” 
He drops the magazine and jumps up from the bed, his jaw dropping at her words. 
“You mean Samson!?” He almost yells, “Biceps of Steel is a masterpiece, Red!” 
You and Max share a look of amusement through the mirror, scoffing simultaneously. 
“Yeah, you made me watch that video like four times,” she rolls her eyes at him. 
Eddie squints his eyes at her, continuing his ramble while you smile at their bantering. 
Not only did you and Eddie grow closer, he and Max did too. Eddie’s new home is close to Max’s, just like back in the trailer park. And the teen just loves to bother Eddie and Uncle Wayne, more so Eddie in the early morning hours, knowing how grumpy he will get. She still snaps at him and judges his ‘poor’ taste in movies and music but he only judges back, though playfully. They behave like siblings and you never get bored watching their banters. 
Eddie is the brother Max deserved to have. 
“Bla bla bla,” she rolls her eyes at him, sighing in relief when you finish up with the final touches. 
“Who taught you to be so rude, Red?” Eddie shakes his head in disapproval.
Max only laughs in response, she leans closer to the mirror and turns her head to the side as she touches her curls. Her eyes meet yours and a smile appears on her face, “thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” you smile as you put the curling iron on your vanity. 
Max gets up from the chair, she walks out of the room and into the hallway, still limping a little but the cast on her leg is already gone.
“I’ll call Lucas and see if he’s ready,” she says as she walks down the stairs. 
You turn to face Eddie, who is staring at the dress you are wearing, like he only noticed it now. The playful smile on his face is now gone, replaced by a teasing one. 
“Got all pretty for someone?” He asks, wiggling his eyebrows at you. 
You tilt your head and squint your eyes, “it was a formal invitation, Eddie! You just didn’t get the memo.” You point to his band shirt before you turn away from him and sit down on the chair, picking up your lipstick that you haven’t applied yet. 
Eddie rolls his eyes at your words, walking closer to you, he leans down and puts his hands on his knees, staring at you through the mirror. 
“Darling, apple of my eye, sweetheart, long lost soulmate… I am not buying shit.” 
You keep staring at your lips, careful not to go over the lines as you apply the rosy tone to them, only when you’re done and you put the lipstick in the bag you had picked out earlier, you look up at him with a sigh. 
“It’s the same as always, Eddie.”
“Is it?” He tilts his head, still looking at you with that same teasing smile. “Cause while you do wear all these trendsetter outfits, I never saw you wear a dress this… fancy.” 
“Trendsetter outfits?” You laugh, furrowing your brows at him. “And fancy? It’s just a black dress!”
He raises his brows, stepping away as he looks down at the silky fabric on your form. 
“A little black dress.”
“Well, look who’s the trendsetter now!” You snort. 
He walks back to your bed, picking up the fashion magazine that has a little black dress on the cover. He raises it up, showing it to you, “Vogue taught me.” 
Shaking your head, you look back at your reflection and add the final touches to your hair, before you apply your favorite perfume. You get up and smoothe down your dress, it’s beautiful and you have been dying for a chance to wear it. But your stomach suddenly fills with doubt because of his reaction. Are you overdressed? No… right? It’s truly nothing special. It’s just a dress, a little black and silky dress, nothing fancy about it. 
Besides, Joyce invited you all to a formal dinner, after all. You can’t show up in jeans and a t-shirt, even Max put on a skirt today and that girl hates dresses and skirts with a passion.
But maybe Eddie was right, maybe… you did think of a certain someone when you bought this dress, and maybe you do feel your insides tingling at the thought of seeing him again tonight, maybe you did get pretty for him – even when you know that he will have eyes for somebody else all night. That thought makes you want to stay at home and hide from the world but you can’t back out now, you couldn’t even decline the invitation you got from Joyce herself when you ran into her at the coffee shop two weeks ago. 
She is one of the few people in this godforsaken town that you have always liked. Finding out that she is now dating Jim Hopper – the very alive Jim Hopper, wasn’t exactly a surprise to you. You heard all the rumors about them, even before you were dragged into the mess your new friends had been in for the past few years. – The bored middle aged women who met up at the coffee shop every Wednesday afternoon just loved to talk about all the existent and non-existent relationships in this town and well, you loved to hear about all the gossip too, though you always acted like you were immersed in the books you had brought, you really never read a single line whenever they were providing each other new drama. 
On the drive to the Byers/Hopper house, you picked up Lucas before you made a quick stop at the store to buy a cake, none of you wanted to show up with empty hands and you didn’t know what else to get – besides the little bouquet of flowers that Lucas got for Joyce. 
As you look out the window, watching the passing trees, you listen to Eddie’s conversation with Lucas. 
“You ever wonder how Hopper explained his return from the dead?” Eddie asks as he plays with his sunglasses, “cause I’m really curious.” 
“I am too,” Lucas says from the backseat. 
“Do you think he went with the kidnapping story?” Eddie asks, his sunglasses low on his nose as he glances at you. “Imagine he told Chief Powell and Deputy Dumbass about the upside down.” 
“Don’t say that too loud, Eds. Or the suit wearing dicks will come back to take all our hush money back,” you snort. “And then you’ll lose your fancy house and your fancy Barbecue grill.” 
He waves his hand at you, “I’ll take my fancy Barbecue grill and move in with you. I’ll still have a fancy house, rich girl.”
You snort. 
“Oh, can I move in then too?” Lucas asks, grinning at you. “You always got the best snacks,” he points to the store bought cake on your lap. 
“Eddie and I chose the cake together,” you chuckle. 
“Well, duh, we’d make great roommates, sweets,” Eddie winks at you. “Same taste in food – but you still need to up your music taste.”
You scoff. 
“Honestly, I think a girls only place would be so much cooler,” Max says to him, “just peace all the time, no boys, no stinky clothes lying around… just pure girls heaven.”
Lucas frowns at her, tilting his head, “you say that to your boyfriend?” 
Eddie snorts at the offended tone in Lucas’s voice, while you shake your head in amusement. 
The burgundy BMW is already in the driveway when Eddie pulls up, he parks his car behind Steve’s. You inwardly curse at yourself for feeling a rush of something just from looking at his car. You tear your eyes away from it and take in the beautiful sight in front of you, instead. 
The light blue house has a big porch, flowers on the grass in front of it, a big willow tree on the right side – it’s so pretty and this neighborhood is a quiet one, it’s perfect. 
Lucas rings the doorbell, waiting patiently with the flowers in his hands that Max keeps teasing him about, giggling and making jabs at him until he finally gets fed up. He picks out one of the daisies and turns around to face his girlfriend, he brushes her hair back and tucks the little flower behind her hair, which shuts her up immediately, her eyes widen and she starts blushing furiously. 
You press your lips together, so you don’t burst into giggles at the look on her face. 
Lucas sighs in contentment when she grows silent, he turns back to the door. 
Eddie though, he starts chuckling. 
Max clenches her jaw, she sends Eddie the deadliest glare you have ever seen. It only makes you want to laugh even more. 
The door opens and you’re all greeted by a very happy El, a bright smile on her lips as she waves at you. 
“Hi guys, come in!” She reaches forward to Max, grabbing her hand and pulling her into the house, “I need to tell you something.” 
The two girls scurry away and up the stairs, leaving the three of you standing on the porch. 
Lucas shakes his head, sighing, “you know, I wouldn’t be surprised if Max left me to be with El.”
Eddie throws his arm around Lucas’s shoulder as they both step inside the house, “every girl has a girlfriend, just deal with it, Sinclair.”
“What?” You laugh, following them,“I don’t have a girlfriend.”
“Oh, it’ll happen magically, Sweetheart. Once you have a boyfriend, you’ll also find a girlfriend.” 
“That literally makes no sense.”
“Oh,” Lucas smirks, looking over his shoulder at you, “he means, once you and Steve stop acting like you hate each other and you’ll fall in love and get together, you won’t only have a boyfriend, you will also have a girlfriend which is his best friend,” he wiggles his eyebrows at you. 
You roll your eyes and ignore the way your cheeks heat up at the word ‘boyfriend’. Steve will never be your boyfriend, he won’t even be anything close to it. Hell, he is barely even a friend. He is your frenemy. 
You open your mouth to speak when Joyce walks out into the hallway, smiling at the three of you before a gasp falls from her lips when Lucas hands her the flowers. 
“Oh, you’re such a sweetheart, Lucas,” she smiles down at the flowers. 
You feel a little out of place, being new to this group, being in a tight friend group for the first time in your life feels nerve wracking. And while you aren’t the only one, Eddie is definitely way more sociable and open than you are, where you struggle to make conversations, he rambles on just about anything. 
But Joyce makes you feel welcome, she greets you with a warm smile, placing her hand on your arm. 
“We got you your favorite,” Eddie grins at her, taking the cake from your hands so you can greet her properly. 
“Oh, you shouldn’t have! You’re all so kind,” she smiles at the both of you, “come on, I’ll put it in the fridge for now. You guys go ahead, Jonathan and Nancy are in the backyard with Hop, the kids are in the living room.”
When you step inside, you notice the smell of food from the kitchen and the dining room, the sound of music playing from the stereo – Joy Division. You know right away that Jonathan was the one who put on the music. 
You greet Mike, Will and Dustin who are in a heated conversation about something D&D related. 
Robin walks into the living room, her blue eyes meet yours and a smile appears on her face. 
You eye her up and down, she’s wearing black dress pants, suspenders over her red blouse. Your lips curl into a smirk when your eyes meet hers. She opens her arms for you and you hug her, leaning closer to her ear, “if I was into girls, I’d be on the floor for you right now, Buckley,” you joke, suggestively. 
She gasps and slaps your arm lightly, “naughty.” 
A giggle falls from your lips when you pull away from the hug, “it’s the truth, you look hot in this outfit.” 
She shakes her head, biting her lip as she tries to hide the blush on her cheeks. 
“You’re one to talk,” she whispers, smirking when she takes a look at your dress, “how did Munson not crash the car?”
Your lips part in shock, and you look down, “i-is that too revealing?” You whisper, tugging at your dress.
She starts chuckling, “no, I just mean because you’re so gorgeous,” she winks. “I know I’d crash the car, I’d be too busy staring at you.”
“Oh my god,” you swat her arm this time, “Eddie and I are not attracted to each other.” And you’re certainly not lying about that.
“Robin, I see her the same way you see Steve,” Eddie suddenly says from behind you, throwing his arm around your shoulder. “Difference? I’m heterosexual,” he whispers to her before he looks at you, “no offense, it’s not that you’re not hot, it’s just that you’re a little gremlin to me already.”
Your eyes flash with amusement and you put your hand on your chest, “I will take offense to that actually.” 
Your stomach flutters when your eyes fall on the figure in the kitchen. 
“Sucks to be you then,” he chuckles, “anyways, how’s Vickie doing?” He wiggles his brows at Robin. 
You don’t even hear Eddie’s words, you’re already too far gone, staring at the one you had your eyes set on since forever. You don’t know how he always does it, but he looks so gorgeous. His fluffy hair looking better than ever, a smile lingering on his face as he talks to Joyce.
His white shirt is tucked into his dark brown slacks that he paired with a black belt. He looks like he walked straight out of a 60s movie and god, he looks really good. He turns his back to you, and you watch as Joyce leaves the kitchen, walking out into the backyard. 
You don’t feel your feet moving, but you feel yourself being pulled into the kitchen, still admiring Steve – his broad shoulders, the way his muscles are moving underneath the shirt. 
You are practically drooling over the guy, and you feel shame but not enough to stop yourself from ogling him, maybe you’d feel a bit more ashamed if things between you haven’t shifted into something else, you still get on each other’s nerves, the bickering is still there, poking into each other's ribs to see who bends first, but all that is never too much or hurtful. The scowls are there, they never left, the scrunches of noses, the deadly glares. But you noticed that the bickering had gone from yelling to soft talking. Enough for just the two of you to hear, no one else. 
It’s all still the same… but it also isn’t. 
And you can’t help but love it.
Steve is cutting vegetables and throwing them into the bowl. Your heart flutters as you take another moment to look at him. While the others are chatting in the living room and in the garden, Steve is helping Joyce prepare dinner. Cute.
You lick your lips, moving closer to him, you brush your hand over his shoulder as you walk past him, not even realizing how soft your touch actually was. 
Steve tenses up, not because he doesn’t like your touch – but because he does. He likes it, even if he would never admit it. He recognizes you by the sweet and flowery scent of your perfume, something that makes his insides tingle in an unfamiliar way.
“Hey, Lego head,” you greet him, leaning against the counter next to him, “nice mousse on the hair.”
A smirk tugs at his lips, he puts down the knife as he opens his mouth to speak, though when he turns to look at you, his breathing stutters, his heart stops beating and his eyes widen as the smirk slowly falls – instead, his cheeks heat up and he presses his lips back together, gulping as he takes in the sight of you in your beautiful dress. It’s not any different from the sundresses that you’ve been wearing a lot lately, but it would be enough to make him stutter if he tried to talk right now, because somehow, you look even more beautiful, right now.
You turn away from him, looking around at the food he had already helped prepare, giving him the perfect opportunity to ogle you. It’s a good thing he stopped cutting the fruit, and put the knife down before he saw you, he surely would’ve chopped a finger off by now, and he’s not sure if he would have noticed because, all that he is focused on is how pretty you look, with your glowy, smooth skin and the makeup that you don’t even need, the dress that almost has him on his knees. 
But he gets dragged back into reality when your eyes meet his and he remembers who you aren’t supposed to be – a girl who effortlessly manages to make him blush. No one has ever made Steve Harrington blush, absolutely no one, and he surely won’t let you be the first. 
“Do you think they’ll let us drink?” You ask, looking around as you try to spot anything but soda. 
Steve chuckles, shaking his head. 
“Are you twenty one yet? No. What makes you think that Hopper will let us drink?” He picks up the knife again, forcing his eyes away from you. 
“We fought monsters and had near death experiences multiple times,” you roll your eyes and cross your arms over your chest, “will alcohol hurt us?”
“No, but it might turn you into an alcoholic, better not start with that, kid.” Hopper suddenly appears from behind, causing you to flinch. 
Steve watches from the side, laughing at the wide eyed look on your face. 
You turn to face the older man, scrunching up your nose when your eyes instantly fall on the beer in his hand, “oh, really? What’s that in your hand then, alcoholic?” You mock him. 
Hopper shakes his head, chuckling. 
“So that’s where El’s attitude has been coming from lately.”
“Told you, miss sunshine over here is a bad influence,” Steve jokes. 
“Don’t know which attitude you’re talking about, I don’t have one.” 
At that, both Steve and Hopper burst out laughing, the latter squeezes your shoulder as he walks past you, “you keep telling yourself that, kid.” 
“Well, aren’t we celebrating something today?” You ask. 
Hopper opens the fridge, taking out another beer after throwing the empty can into the trash. He looks at you with raised brows, a smile tugging at his lips. 
None of you know what this celebration even is about, that you all got invited to – except for El, Jonathan and Will, of course. They know all about it. 
“So… can’t celebrate without the drinks,” you shrug, giving him a sheepish smile. 
You’re unaware of the smile on Steve’s lips as he watches you. 
“You’re nineteen, wait two more years–”
“We fought interdimensional monsters, this one almost got strangled to death,” you point at Steve, “not to mention all the times he got his ass kicked–”
“You didn’t need to go there, Blondie,” he rolls his eyes. 
“I almost died! A girl can have a drink, come on!” 
Hopper sighs, crossing his arms over his chest as he looks between the two of you. 
You are desperate for a drink, it’s been months since you had any alcohol in your system, and you’re craving the buzz, feeling careless and free. All you felt after the night at the Creel house was pain… and more pain. Your head was constantly hurting, your vision blurred every time you got up, the dizziness drove you crazy – it’s still there sometimes, but you feel better now, much better, good enough to have drinks again. 
But the stubborn man won’t let you have it and you can already tell by the look on his face that he will say no. So, you pull out the big guns.
You smirk at him, tilting your head. 
“My dad told me what you used to get up to in high school.”
He holds his hands up, squeezing his eyes shut in annoyance. 
“Didn’t you and Joyce used to smoke pot behind–”
Steve’s eyes widen as his lips part in surprise. 
“Get this demon a drink, Steve.” He waves his hand and quickly leaves the room, sending you another warning glance over his shoulder. 
“Why me…” Steve mutters.
“Cause you’re maid material, chop chop, Harrington.”
He sighs, rolling his eyes again. 
“Oh hey Hop, long time no see.” You hear Eddie’s voice in the living room, followed by Hopper’s groan. 
If you weren’t so fixated on Steve right now, you’d be watching Eddie’s and Hopper’s interaction, right now. It’s never not amusing. 
“You sure you want me to make you a drink?” He steps away from the counter and bends down to open the cabinet he saw Hopper putting the whiskey into earlier, he looks through the few bottles and reaches for the rum. 
You watch the way he furrows his brows, licking his lips as stares at the bottle. He straightens his back and steps up beside you again. 
“Well, didn’t you used to throw parties and mix cocktails?” You shrug, tilting your head to the side. 
Steve watches you, the way your flashes flutter as you blink, the way you look at him so innocently, something that makes him feel… intrigued. 
“I never got to taste it,” you pout. 
He swallows harshly.
“I’m craving something sweet on my lips right now, so please… Can you make me a drink?” You ask with a sickly sweet tone in your voice, not intending these words to sound so… suggestive and you don’t even notice it either. 
But he does, and he almost drops the bottle he is holding. Your flirty words make his eyes widen and his stomach flutters. It’s not the first time something like this happened, you threw suggestive words or glances at him before but all this time he was certain that you did this unintended – even now, because the look on your face is innocent, genuinely innocent. 
You aren’t teasing, you aren’t even aware of how flirty you can be sometimes.
He turns away from you, walking over to the fridge, he grabs the pineapple juice and puts it on the counter next to the bottle of rum. 
He looks up at the shelf, where all the long drink glasses are. How convenient it is that you’re standing right in front of it. 
While you do everything unintended, he doesn’t. He knows what he is doing when he steps towards you. He looks down at you with that same innocent look that you just gave him, the only difference is that he isn’t innocent. He places his hand on your waist, testing the waters. “Excuse me,” he murmurs, squeezing your waist ever so softly. He reaches over your shoulder as he grabs the glass, he keeps his eyes on you, biting back the smirk when he sees the way your eyes widen and you visibly gulp. 
Your lips part and you start blinking, looking up at him before your eyes fall to his chest and you squirm beneath his stare. 
Got you. He thinks. 
You stop breathing and your heart freaking jumps in your chest, his innocent touch is almost enough to make your knees buckle. 
Despite the nervousness, you look into his eyes, watching the way they twinkle with mischief. Bastard. Is he doing this on purpose? Because he somehow knows that every slightest touch from him drives you crazy? 
He takes way too long to get that stupid glass from the shelf but fuck, you can’t help but love the way his big hand feels on your body, or the way he is almost pressed against you, the way the smell of his cologne makes your stomach flutter.
And then, he steps away like nothing happened. 
Because it was nothing… to him. 
Even when there’s a hint of a smirk on his lips as he prepares the drink, you know that this was only because he wanted to get a reaction out of you.
“Here,” he slides the drink over to you, still smirking, “try it.” 
You wrap your hand around the cold glass and take the straw between your fingers, stirring the ice around, furrowing your brows, “what’s this called?” 
He crosses his arms over his chest, “the King Steve special,” he winks. 
You scrunch your face up at him.
Wrapping your lips around the straw, you look into his eyes as you try it, the sweetness from the pineapple juice definitely overpowers the taste of rum, and you don’t know if you like it or not. 
Steve ignores the way his stomach tingles from watching you – watching your glossy lips as they’re wrapped around the black straw. 
“Jesus, that really is a high school drink, King Steve.”
He squints his eyes at you, “it’s a fucking drink, Blondie.”
“A horrible one at that.”
He places his hand on his hip, rolling his eyes at your words, but a smirk tugs at his lips and he suddenly leans closer to you to whisper in your ear. 
“You really fooled me with that dress of yours… if only you kept your mouth shut.” 
He wants to stay and keep staring at the shocked look on your face, at the way you grow so flustered beneath his stare. The smirk that lingers on his lips grows even wider when he sees the way your lips part but close again. 
He left you speechless. 
He reaches for the bowl of salad, “gonna bring this out,” he says, tilting his head into the direction of the garden, “they set up the table outside.” 
You don’t even hear his words, you just stare at his lips before your eyes fall on the chain around his neck. You swallow and look down, hiding your flustered face as you take another sip of the drink. 
Steve holds back the chuckle, he turns away begrudgingly and walks out, he would’ve loved to see more of that look on your face. 
It takes you a moment to recover from whatever that was, you nearly down the King Steve Special in one go. And maybe preparing yourself a second drink is a mistake, knowing that you will probably feel more than just a slight buzz, you only had breakfast and you skipped lunch because you were too busy getting ready and stressing over your hair that never looks nearly as perfect as Steve’s does. 
You step out into the backyard, the table on the porch is already filled with food and drinks, the smell of the Barbecue lingering in the air. Jonathan is standing in front of the grill with Nancy by his side, her chin on his shoulder, her arm wrapped around his waist, they’re talking and smiling at each other. 
As you watch them, the sudden realization that you will never have anything like they do, fills you with a slight sadness. 
You don’t envy them, you’re happy for them, you’re happy for anyone who gets to experience love. But maybe, you envy the love someone else still holds for her, someone you will never have. 
You look down, frowning at your drink. 
The teens all stumble out into the backyard as Joyce ushers them to the table. 
You flinch a little when you suddenly feel an arm around your shoulder, instantly recognizing Eddie’s cologne, you turn your head to look at him. 
“This could be us if you weren’t such a gremlin,” he says as he points to Jonathan and Nancy who are now kissing, in front of the sizzling meat that is probably now burning. 
You squint your eyes, shaking your head disapprovingly. 
You know he’s only joking, and it fills you with relief, because as much as you crave what they have, you definitely don’t crave it with Eddie. You crave to have this with Steve, and it’s something you feel stupid for. The guy may not hate your guts anymore, but he’s surely not your biggest fan either.  
“You know, you’re a gremlin too, Eds.”
“That’s why we’re best friends,” he chuckles, patting your shoulder as he looks down at the drink in your hand, “what’s that?”
“King Steve Special,” you snort, offering it to him, “well, this one was made by me.”
“Can I try?”
You hand it to him, and his curious eyes widen when he takes a sip, “wow, that is uh–”
“Too sweet?” 
He shakes his head at you, curls bouncing, “nah, it’s perfect.”
“Well, you can have it, I might get drunk if I finish that.”
“Already!?” He scoffs, shaking his head at you, “lightweight.”
"Uh, excuse me? I haven’t had any drinks in months, Eddie. Months.” 
“Well, I haven’t had any in weeks, I’m still standing.”
“You only took one sip!”
He takes another sip and grins at you, holding up two fingers. 
“Two sips.” 
You can’t even help but laugh, slapping his shoulder lightly, “you are so–”
“Funny? Handsome? Perfect?”
“Too cocky?” Lucas says behind Eddie, grinning at him. 
“Me and cocky?” Eddie raises his brows, “never.”
“Oh no, that kid is right, boy. You’re cocky,” Hopper sighs, “trust me.”
“Well, I am also very fast, Chief,” he smirks, winking at the older man, “but you already know that.”
Hopper’s amused face grows serious, a hardened look takes over and he grumbles something under his breath as he stares at Eddie. You can’t even help but giggle. – A sound that doesn’t go unheard by Steve who just sat down across from Robin, not even hiding the fact that he no longer listens to her rambling about some movie she watched with Vickie last night. All he can do, all he can see, all he can hear right now is you, just you. 
The sound of your giggles is not something he is used to – he is used to your grumbling, to your sarcastic chuckles and the smirks on your face. A giggle? A very unusual sound to hear but something that he’s been hearing quite often lately. If your friendship with Eddie wasn’t so obvious, he might’ve thought that you took a liking towards him, but it’s clear that your friendship with him is just like his with Robin; Platonic with a capital P. 
He can’t help but smile as he watches you, not because he likes you, god no. He just likes watching you. You are pretty, gorgeous even. He always knew that, even through his dislike, he always saw your beauty – he isn’t blind. And seeing you like this makes his chest feel… warm. 
He eyes your dress again, the lace on the straps lay so prettily on your shoulders, the silky material fitting your upper body so perfectly, it’s loose on your hips, and it’s short, not too short but enough to make him gulp. 
The chair scrapes against the floor, but even that sound doesn’t tear his attention away from you. 
Nancy steps up beside you, exchanging a few words with you and Eddie before she turns her head into Steve’s direction, she lifts her hand and points at him, something that instantly makes Steve tense up, because not only did Eddie catch him staring at you, you did too. 
With his cheeks blushing red, he clears his throat and turns back to Robin who is now rambling Dustin’s ear off. He places his elbow on the armrest, running his fingers through his hair nervously. 
What is wrong with him? Since when does he spend time staring at you? Since when does he blush because of you? 
“Here you can sit next to your favorite person, gremlin.”
He doesn’t know who he expected to sit down beside him, but he surely didn’t think it’d be you. He goes to lift his head when you pull back the chair. Just as he’s about to glance at you, he suddenly feels your hand on his knee and hears your groan as you stumble forward a little. 
“Almost broke my ankle, for fucks sake. I’m sorry, Lego head,” you mumble, inwardly cursing at yourself for tripping over the stupid leg chair and using him to steady yourself. You remove your hand when you finally sit down, turning away from him to hide the flustered look on your face. 
He blinks, swallowing the lump in his throat, he plasters a smirk on his face, “are you drunk from that one drink, Blondie?” He chuckles, watching the way you roll your eyes at his question. 
You feel a slight buzz, but you’re not sure whether it’s because of the alcohol or his ‘flirty’ comment that certainly had no meaning. 
Steve loves to flirt and he does it every chance he gets but he definitely wouldn’t flirt with you, no matter how desperate he’d be, you’d never be good enough for Steve Harrington. 
When everyone is finally seated and the rest of the food is now on the table, Hopper is standing up with a drink in his hand, waiting for the teen boys to stop talking so he can finally open his mouth to speak. He tries to be patient, he really tries. 
Joyce looks down in amusement. 
Jonathan waves at Dustin, trying to shut him up, but the boy doesn’t see, too focused on the conversation with Mike. 
“Mike,” El whispers, nudging him with her elbow. 
He looks away from Dustin, and turns to look at his girlfriend when his eyes find Hopper glaring at him with that very intimidating look on his face. 
His face grows pale and he slowly leans back in his seat, punching Dustin in the arm to shut up. 
Hopper clears his throat, he puts his hand on the back of his neck, squinting his eyes a little. It’s silent now, except for the faint music that still plays in the living room. His throat bobbed as he looked around the table. 
You can tell that he struggles to find his words, by the note that sticks out of the pocket in his flannel, you can tell that he had already prepared a speech. 
Joyce gives him an encouraging nod as she reaches for his hand. 
“I uh– I just, I thought that it would be a great idea for us all to sit down and uh… chat. I’m not good at all of this so I’ll just jump straight into it,” he starts, chuckling at his own words, before seriousness takes over his features again, “you kids went through a lot, you went through too much, every single one of you. But you were all so brave, you stuck together and defeated that… son of a bitch.” 
Giggles erupt around him and his lip twitches a little. 
“We defeated him,” El says, smiling at her dad, “we defeated that son of a bitch, “together.” 
“Language, kid,” Hopper chuckles but he shakes his head at her, “but yeah, together.” 
“The past few years haven’t been easy for any of you,” he continues, looking at all the young teens, at his daughter, at Jonathan and Nancy but also at Robin and Steve, and then he looks between you and Eddie too. “You all lost something or someone, you shouldn’t know what it’s like but uh, I guess in all of this chaos, you all found each other and I-I think that’s, that’s something, that means a lot.”
You can tell that he is struggling to say these words out loud, you hear the shakiness in his voice, the way he is holding himself together, the way he is speaking so softly because of how emotional he is after he spent the past few years in darkness after losing people he loved. 
El and Joyce stepped into his life and so much chaos followed when he was dragged into a mess he had only seen in movies before, but it also brought him so much light and happiness again. 
Just like it did for you and you wouldn’t change a thing about it. 
If you had to go back and relive all the awful things you had to endure those few weeks back, you would’ve done it in a heartbeat. Because, despite the horrors and the darkness you had been pulled into, you have found friends, a family. You found a best friend again, Eddie who sits across from you, smiling at you because he too, found a best friend in you. 
And you and Steve, you aren’t close by any means, but you are happy to have him in your life now, even if only like this. 
“And I, I found a family and my uh beautiful soon to be wife.” 
It takes a moment for the words to sink in. 
It takes another moment for everyone to lose their calmness. 
When the soft smiles vanish and the shocked and surprised looks take over your faces, Joyce and Hopper can’t help but laugh. 
“W-Wait what!?” Dustin shrieks, “you’re getting married!?” 
“Yep,” Hopper nods, smiling proudly. 
El is smiling excitedly, clapping her hands together, like she is relieved that it’s no longer a secret, “and I can’t wait for the wedding!” 
Nancy and Jonathan laugh at her excitement, while Dustin still looks between the older couple. 
You glance at Eddie, who is staring at Hopper like he wants to say something but he bites his tongue, not wanting to ruin the sweet moment with one of his jokes. 
“And we want you all to be there,” Hopper nods with a small smile on his face, “it wasn’t my idea to invite you all, just so you know.” 
Everyone laughs at his words and the fake grumpy look on his face, by now you all know that the former Chief isn’t as mean and cold as everyone always knew him to be. 
“It was his idea,” Joyce smiles, cheekily. 
“Of course it was, he loves us!” Dustin grins at Hopper.
“Well, congrats,” Robin smiles brightly, “I can’t believe you’re inviting a bunch of kids but hey, I’m excited!” 
Joyce gives her a warm smile, while Hopper grumbles something under his breath as he looks between Dustin and Mike. 
After all the congratulations go around, Hopper finally takes a seat, pointing at all the food on the table, including the few pieces of chicken that Jonathan had burned because he was too busy making out with Nancy, telling you all to finally ‘dig in’.
The conversations flow easily between everyone and it feels familiar despite being new to this circle. 
And while you and Steve don’t really talk to each other, you feel his eyes on you every once in a while. You feel his arm brushing against yours, his hands grazing your knuckles whenever he reaches for his drink – and every slightest touch shoots electricity through your veins and your heart beats a little faster every time his skin touches yours. 
You curse at yourself for feeling so weak for him, for almost crumbling after only these small and very innocent touches, for liking someone who spent most of his life hating you. 
You spend the rest of the night avoiding him, trying to lean away, trying to look at anyone but at him. And even then, you can still feel his eyes on you and it’s driving you crazy and you suddenly can’t wait to get away from him so you can finally breathe and stop feeling so delusional – his comment, his touches, his glances are all getting too much. If he was someone else, you would think that he was flirting but he is Steve Harrington for god's sake, and he would never flirt, not with you. 
You feel relief rushing through your whole body when hours later, Eddie announces that he is going home, you almost jump up and bolt towards the door but your best friend seems to have other plans. 
With his hands on your shoulder and an apologetic smile on his face, he opens his mouth, “Buckley is driving my car tonight, I wouldn’t want to put you in danger, sorry sweets, you’re with Harrington tonight. Don’t worry, you’ll be in good hands.” He winks and pinches your cheek before he scurries away.
Robin follows him, winking at you as she walks out with Eddie’s car keys, and the teens following her.
Max gives you a sheepish smile, mouthing a ‘sorry’ before she walks out, as well, leaving you standing in the hallway. 
What the hell. 
You have been waiting to get away from him, now you’re forced to drive home with Steve? No. Just the thought of being alone with him makes you feel nervous. 
You look around the empty hallway, you already said your goodbyes to everyone and no one will care how or who you went home with. You can just walk home… by yourself, and you won’t have to suffer through another car ride with Steve. 
But as you reach for the knob, the sound of keys jingling stops you from opening the door. You close your eyes, clenching your jaw. You don’t have to look to know who it is. 
“Running away from me?” Steve asks. 
You look over your shoulder, meeting his eyes and the smirk on his face. Hazel eyes glowing beneath the dim lights. 
“Come on, Blondie,” he murmurs, eyeing you up and down as he steps up behind you, placing his hand over yours so he can open the door. 
His hand touches yours. His hand envelopes yours fully. His chest is almost pressed against your back. Your heart flutters and your knees almost buckle for real, this time. 
His lip twitches and he licks them as he looks down at you. 
You tear your eyes away from him when he opens the door. You quickly step out and breathe in the fresh night air, hoping that it will calm your racing heart.
“I-I didn’t know you’d be my ride tonight.”
Steve watches the way your dress sways as you walk down the porch steps. Fuck. He clears his throat, but feels unable to look away as he follows you. You don’t even look back at him, not until you’re standing next to his car and giving him a very annoyed look.
“Is that a problem for you?” 
He shakes his head with a chuckle as he unlocks his car. 
“Get your ass in the car, Blondie.” 
Steve doesn’t know what it is about you today, but everything you do, everything you say drives him crazy. That cheeky smile that you throw at him as you open the door, the way you tilt your head as you lick your upper lip before you say “yes, sir.” Has him clenching his jaw. 
He looks up into the night sky, taking a deep breath before he gets in the car. 
He tries not to look at you, but it’s hard not to when he for some reason feels some sort of electric pull towards you tonight. 
He starts the car and pulls out of the driveway without another word. 
Neither of you speak on the drive home but Steve can’t help but steal glances, while you are completely unaware of it, just like you’re unaware of how much your dress rode up, not enough to reveal too much but enough to make him sweat. 
Steve is under your spell tonight and you don’t even know it. 
The drive to your house is too short for his liking and unlike him, who seems to be eager to spend more time with you tonight, you seem like you can’t wait to jump out of the car and get away from him. 
You open the door, mumbling a ‘thanks for the ride.’ 
“You know, I really didn’t think that you could dress like that, Blondie.” He says, intending those words to sound… flirty.
A laugh falls from your lips because of how absurd this is. He didn’t think you looked cute, he probably thinks you dress too feminine for the attitude you have towards him, that’s all. This new kind of teasing is hurting you, but you can’t say anything about it to him, you can’t say that this hurts you, that it’s making you go insane. He would ask why, and you would have no excuse. You can’t face rejection, at least not right now… So you play along. 
“Careful, Lego head. You’ll give me the wrong idea and make me think that you have a crush on me or something,” you joke with words he said to you not too long ago. You throw a wink at him and shut the door before he can even open his mouth to say something. 
With his hand on the steering wheel and his eyes still stuck on you, he breathes heavily, his heart pounding and his cheeks burning as he slowly comes down from whatever high he had been on all day. 
He swallows harshly, but his heart fucking flutters when he can smell your perfume that still lingers. 
He watches you disappear into your house and shutting the door without giving him another glance or something. 
He slumps back in his seat, throwing his hand into his hair, he runs his fingers through it as all the events come rushing to him. 
The teasing, the touches, the… flirting. 
Steve is stunned by his own actions, by how he acted towards you today – something that you were very unaware of, something that he is now glad about… Yet, he can’t help but feel a little disappointed that you didn’t notice the teasing.
He doesn’t even know where it all came from but he blames it on his desperation to feel something again, something that he had been craving for so long. 
He was guided by lust, not by interest. 
Because in no way, would he ever be interested in you. 
All he saw today was a pretty girl in a pretty dress, it didn’t matter that it was you. He just needed to feel something, and he did… by teasing you. 
But it’s something that will never happen again. 
He swears, it will never happen again. 
tagging friends and mutuals
@prettyboyeddiemunson @taintedcigs @mysticmunson @wroteclassicaly @maroon-cardigan @munsonlore @munson-mjstan @sherrylyn628 @ibellcipem
I'm sorry if I forgot anyone again (I'm the worst at taglists)
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