#everyone look away from the 37% Billy
Billy Butcher fic! H/c with a lot of c a bit of fluff and just a minute of soft!Billy for fun! 18+
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“It ain’t an insult, ya know. Callin’ ya princess. Think of it like…what’s that story…Beauty and the Beast.” He gestured to himself on the word ‘beast’ and she turned to face him. She couldn’t help grinning.
“You have a talking tea cup hidden somewhere in that coat?” she teased him, her eyes shining as she stepped closer. 
He reached out to her, sliding his hand around her waist beneath her robe and tugging her closer. “No, but I can make some magic if ya like. Just say the word.”
“Hmm,” Addison hummed. Such a bastard.  
more below the cut!
I also just started a x reader fic with Karl's character from Pete's Dragon! Check it out here! Gavin x reader
Tag List: @2dead2function @secretdreamlandmentality @nosebeers @vavafaure1994
This takes place before and during the last ep of Season 3! I really really hope you enjoy! Thank you so so much to everyone reading, you're the best! I am so sorry I've been so slow, things have been really hard lately <3
Karl Urban Masterlist
Part 1
previous (Part 36)
Part 37
As soon as she turned the shower off the next evening she heard his heartbeat. She stepped out, drying off quickly and pulling on her nightgown and robe before she went out to the living room. 
Butcher was standing by her big glass windows, scrolling through something on his phone and she watched him for a second before she spoke up. He looked good, no cuts or bruises, no scowl, but still there was something weighing heavy on him, she could tell. Something besides Ryan, and..and the other stuff.
“Hey,” she murmured softly, rounding the high counter to go into the open kitchen. 
“‘Ello, princess,” he looked up and turned toward her, stuffing his phone in his pocket. 
Addison grabbed a tea kettle, filling it with the filtered water from her fridge. “You’re never going to stop with that are you.”
“You’re wearin’ a French silk robe, sunshine. It looks more expensive than my whole apartment.”
Addison bristled. “I’m…sure that’s not true. Anyway, I have sensitive skin,” but her lips quirked when he caught her gaze with a cheeky grin. “And I bought it for myself for my birthday. When I didn’t get anything else, you know,” she lifted her brow. 
“Aye,” he winced, “sorry, love.”  He came into the kitchen, leaning against the counter while he watched her turn the stove on. “It ain’t an insult, ya know. Callin’ ya princess. Think of it like…what’s that story…Beauty and the Beast.” He gestured to himself on the word ‘beast’ and Addison turned to face him. She couldn’t help grinning.
“You have a talking tea cup hidden somewhere in that coat?” she teased him, her eyes shining as she stepped closer. 
He reached out to her, sliding his hand around her waist beneath her robe and tugging her closer. “No, but I can make some magic if ya like. Just say the word.”
“Hmm,” Addison hummed. Such a bastard.  
He seemed to take that as word enough and he added his other hand into the mix, curling his strong fingers around her hip and pulling her against him. He dipped his head, pressing his mouth to hers and she sighed softly as she easily gave in to his kiss. His scent filled her senses, his beard tickling her skin and she made some soft little sound that made him press her closer but she pulled away again almost immediately. 
“Oi,” he protested. 
Addison searched his dark eyes. “Just checking. I thought you might turn into a prince,” she whispered, grinning up at him. 
He shook his head. “Sorry, princess, still a right bastard.”
“Ah well…”
He captured her lips again and she reached up to twine her arms around his neck but the tea kettle whistled and he had to reluctantly let her go.
“Sure,” he answered. 
“Any luck finding Mindstorm?” she asked carefully, pulling two cups down from the cupboard.
“Not a bit,” Billy answered and secretly she felt a swell of relief. Mindstorm was unpredictable and terrifying. She wasn’t sure Billy even understood how much. 
They curled up on the couch together and Addison put on an old movie. When she was done with her tea she set it aside and Billy lifted his arm to draw her against him, her head against his shoulder. When he started running his fingers through her hair all hope of staying awake left her.
Halfway through the movie she had fallen deep asleep against him. She only woke up again when he scooped her up in his arms to carry her into the bedroom. 
“Mmm,” she half-protested sleepily. “I’m too heavy now.”
Billy scoffed. “Don’t be daft. You’re perfect, love. I can carry ya both.”
It was the very next night, Addison was woken up by Billy climbing into her bed in the middle of the night again. She flicked her gaze to the bedside clock. Two am. She couldn’t help a little flutter of…relief? Joy? …whatever it was - that he had come back another night in a row, even if she was annoyed at being woken. 
He climbed in the bed slowly at least, lifting the heavy blankets and trying not to jostle her, but it was of no use. 
Addison smiled to herself and made a soft little noise, shifting lazily. She couldn’t help teasing him. “Mmmmm,” she breathed. “Joe, is that you?”
Butcher froze and she could just see him rolling his eyes in the darkness as he huffed at her and flopped down on the bed, yanking the comforter dramatically. “You think you’re a real comedian, dontcha?” he grumbled.
Addison chirped happily, but then he slid his hand over her waist and it was freezing, making her yelp.
“Come warm me up now, love, to make up for that, yeah?”
Addison laughed quietly and he dragged her body into the curve of his, her back pressing to his chest. Though his hands were cold the rest of him was warm and toasty as usual and she almost moaned at how good it felt. 
Pressed against him now, she quickly drifted off again and was only woken hours later by the sound of Billy’s heart starting to speed. He was entwined with her, wrapped tight around her body and clinging as if she were his lifeline. 
“Billy?” she whispered. Another nightmare. He squeezed her tighter, his body jerking violently, but holding her seemed to calm him and he fell back asleep. His pain was palpable and she felt her own heart squeeze. She laid down, closing her eyes, but keeping close to him. 
When she woke again he was still clinging to her. Soft morning light was just starting to peek around the curtains. 
He blinked slowly, his gaze landing on her as he came to. His arm moved and he pulled her closer, pressing his lips to her hair.
“I didn’t expect you two nights in a row,” she murmured after awhile. 
“I don’t think it’s…this…is…a good idea,” he murmured gruffly. “But I ain’t disappearing either. Not now.”
“Well I never said I thought it was a good idea,” she deadpanned. But it was true. “But now it’s done, I can’t help but want this. I meant what I said Billy. I can do this on my own. But I still want you as long as you’ll stay.”
He shifted, tucking her in against his body. “I can’t say I won’t be terrible at all of it. And I can’t say I’ll stop… But I want to know…” he shifted again, and her eyes pricked with unshed tears at him finally admitting he wanted to know the baby, before he spoke again. “But I won’t risk you. Not at all. And you damn well better take your own safety more seriously now because I will not stay just to see you get hurt or worse while you’re…” he swallowed. He still couldn’t quite say it out loud.
“I will,” she whispered. 
“But Addi…” he moved and turned her so he could look into her eyes again. “You gotta promise me…don’t let me fuck this up. If I…” he frowned closing his eyes for a moment. “If I fuck up, you do what you have to. Get away from me, protect…her or him, at whatever cost to me, it don’t matter. Promise me,” he whispered fiercely.
“I promise.” She whispered. Of course. She would. 
“That's my girl.”
“But you have to promise me something in return. Please try to just stay alive. Please.”
He didn’t answer. 
Addison’s phone rang just as she was getting ready for bed a few nights later. It was late, and Billy almost never called. She dried her hands quickly and went to the bedroom to grab her iPhone off the nightstand.
Grace Mallory.
The only thing it could be was very bad.
“Hey boss,” Addison answered curtly. 
“Addison. Are you with Butcher?”
“Nope,” Addison sat down on the edge of her bed, tense, although she tried to pretend she wasn’t. She didn’t mean to be short but it was just in her nature not to give any more information than she had to. Even to Mallory.
“He’s not answering my calls, and now his phone’s off,” her tone was strained, and Addison sensed there was a lot she hadn’t been told.
“Why wouldn’t Billy answer your call?” she asked. Of course, Billy was never predictable, but since Ryan was with Grace, he was unlikely to ignore her. Which meant there was something else going on.
“It ended…poorly…the last time he was here,” Grace answered, her tone sour.
Addison sighed inwardly. They both had a temper and a mean streak. Something bad must’ve  happened and whatever it was must’ve been awful for Ryan, but that seemed to be a problem for another time. “Well, he told me he probably wouldn’t be reachable tonight.”
“And you’re just fine with that?” Grace scoffed.
“Yeah. I am Grace. I’m not going to be his fucking keeper. Why? What’s going on?”
“There’s a problem.”
“Isn’t there always?” Addison answered dryly.
“If you hear from him, tell him I need to talk with him urgently.” And she hung up. 
It wasn’t even an hour later Vought Tower blowing up was all over the news.
Addison’s phone was across the room when it rang again the next morning. She’d barely slept all night but she was racing across the room and fumbling the answer button on before the first ring even finished. 
“What the fuck M.M.. Is everyone ok?”
His answering sigh was the heaviest she’d heard yet. “Not Maeve. But otherwise…yeah. It’s bad, but Butcher’s alive.”
Addison took a huge breath, slumping to the counter stool. Her hands were shaking but she managed to keep the phone pressed to her ear, while she pressed her other hand to her face. She knew she had to be prepared, but to lose him now… “Thank fuck he had that shit running though his veins then, I guess...”
“He didn’t.”
Addison’s head shot up. “What?” she froze. There was no way…
“He didn’t take it, Addi. I don’t know why, but he didn’t take it.”
Part 38
I'm working on the next parts now, plus more Gavin x Reader and Billy x reader requests! This is the first time the story is taking a major turn from the show, hope it’s fun to read!
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nikkisheep · 2 years
Steve Harrington x Hargrove!reader
Warnings: mentions of Billy fighting, mentions of drinking, mentions of blood, billy being soft, fluff
Summary: Billy is seen as super mean and tough, but what happens when someone from the team finds him being soft with his sister?
Requested by @manyfandomsfanvergent
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Billy Hargrove, the new heartthrob in the high school. Your older brother. He was a sight for the sore eyes of many girls who were single or taken. It didn't matter. Everyone wanted a piece of the new boy in town.
Billy was your typical mean guy who gets stuck in a small town with nothing better to do than fight, drink, and party. It was his specialty to throw the biggest parties of the year and have everyone drunk in a few hours. You were kind of like Billy. The partying, the guys wanting you, everyone curious about you.
That's how you ended up dating Steve Harrington. He and your brother never got along but when it came to you, everything was okay. As long as Steve didn't hurt you. Steve only ever did what you wanted him to do. He was a gentleman, contradicting the rumors of him being King Steve. He changed.
So Billy would get into fights, one being with your boyfriend when he was drunk. Another was so bad that the guy had to go to the hospital downtown. He ended up with 37 stitches and a bloody nose. Billy mostly fought when he heard people, mostly guys, talking shit about you. How much they want a piece of you or whatever. The moment your name comes out of their mouths with anything ill toward you, it gave him the green light.
Basketball practice had just started when you came into the gym with a friend. Billy turned to you and he smiled. Most of the guys missed it. Not Brad. No, Brad noticed and he was going to dig into Billy about it. It was weird for Billy to be nice. The only thing is, Brad had never met you nor did he know that you were Billy's sister.
You waved for Billy to come over so you could tell him you were leaving with your friend, Vanessa so you could go to the mall. He shot once more and then jogged over to you. Brad stopped the guys and they all watched as you two were talking and smiling. Billy looks like he is listening to everything you say and laughs.
"Why the hell have we stopped?" Steve asks, walking over to James.
"Look, Billy got another girl thirsting after him."
Billy wrapped his arms around your shoulders and drew you in for a hug. He whispered something in your ear and you laughed before slapping his shoulder. He let you go by pushing you in the brotherly way and you were off. Billy came back with a smile before it disappeared at the guys talking to each other.
"Dude, leave him alone. What is fucking wrong with you?" Steve whispered-yelled.
"Dude, chill. It's just weird seeing him happy and shit."
"He just being himself."
"Being himself? Billy beat the shit out of me like three days ago. That ain't normal."
"You wouldn't know because you do not go to his house like I do." Steve turns away from Brad and leaves.
"What you want?" Billy said.
"We saw you flirting with that girl," Brad smirked.
"Ew. Gross."
"What? She's hot."
"Dude, that is my sister."
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"Nah, you good man." Billy said before throwing a punch square in the boy's face. He fell to the ground and Billy climbed on top of him, punching him in the face.
"Billy, stop. Billy," Steve pulled him off.
"Walk it off man, let's just get back to practice."
"Don't fucking talk about my little sister."
Billy turned to the other guys, "So let's get to it."
Brad was bleeding on the floor but no one wanted to help because they didn't want Billy to fight them. Billy started dribbling the ball when he smiled at Steve.
"Let's get ready to win this game,'' He said before making a lay up.
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Sins & Amends Chapter 37
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(Gif by @ banditthewriter)
Billy Russo x Female Reader (60 part story)
This follows pre- the punisher into the storyline of daredevil, punisher season 1 and beyond
This is NOT Canon Billy. This is decent human being Billy left with bad options over worse decisions
This was also posted to A03 under: WaywardGaPeach. That account and this one is the only place you'll see me post this. If you see it on any other platform/account know it's not me.
Chapter Summary/Warnings: The city knows Frank's alive and heartbreaking realizations crash down on you and Frank
In the last day of your life Curtis had been seriously injured by Lewis and Frank framed as his partner. When your alarm clock went off you seriously started to call out. Chief Michelson would understand wouldn't he?
You pushed that thought away and climbed out of bed. You had a job to do. Hell Karen was going to interview Ori at the hotel he was holding his charity banquet at. The only thing giving you even slight piece of mind was knowing Anvil had been publicly hired as Ori's security. If his employees were half as good as Billy at that line of work she'd be safe.
You could manage to go into work. After the incident with Kayla you didn't think there would be a lot of slurs thrown your way but you did have to face Alice and her realizing you'd been hiding something so huge from her.
The only thoughts in your mind were about Frank and Karen. You hadn't spoken to Frank since he called to ask if you were ok. Micro wasn't even answering and well Curtis was very vague about what happened between Frank and Lewis so that left you to worry.
"Y/N Y/L/N" was screamed across the station house before you even managed to get completely inside. You winced at the tone in Alice's voice and felt every eye on you. She made it to your side and asked loudly "Did you know?" you took a deep breath then dropped your bag on the floor before climbing on top of the nearest chair.
Everyone was watching you by this time and you saw Chief Michelson coming out his office. You looked around before saying "No I did not know Frank was alive. That being said if any of you buy the bullshit the papers are selling about him being in cahoots with Wilson, you're full of more shit than any politician" 
"Y/N get down!" Jason said coming in behind you. When you climbed down he shook his head "We know Castle isn't a terrorist. Now go get ready for your shift" you glanced towards Chief Michelson who nodded. You didn't have to look to know Alice was following you to the locker room. 
The moment it was just the two of you she stepped close enough her chest was a breath away from yours. Her voice was barely a whisper it was so low "Y/N I'm not mad. I'm hurt. I would've kept Frank's secret. I know he's not who the media has made him to be. That being said, I'm here if you need me" you glanced around then started to say "Alice it's not like that" but she cut you off with a raised hand "I know you had your reasons. We're good babe" you smiled and pulled her into a hug allowing yourself a moment to breathe.
It was around ten thirty when a call came in that made your blood run cold. The hotel had been attacked by Lewis. You threw a look Alice's way as the two of you ran out to the bay.
When you rolled onto scene squad cars were everywhere. Hell a uniform had to clear traffic for you to get through. 
You grabbed your bag as did Alice before both of you walked to the nearest cop. "Responding to a nine one one call?" He nodded then told both of you what floor and radioed your names up. The walk through the lobby you picked up "The punisher" and "Never would've thought" but not much more. So Frank happened. That must mean Karen was safe.
You knew you were fidgeting on the elevator even before Alice swatted your hand "We're medical professionals Y/N" you nodded then explained "Karen was interviewing Ori and Anvil was working security" "Oh shit" she breathed her eyes wide "Yeah" you replied with a sharp nod.
When you walked off the elevator none other than Madani was talking to Karen in the hallway. You breathed a sigh of relief at seeing her. You glanced back at Alice and nodded for her to go to the Senator while you gave Karen a once over. She nodded and waved at Karen before following the cop away. 
"Y/N" Karen greeted and you could see she was holding a lot back due to the company. You smiled at Madani  and said "Um Dinah if you don't mind she needs to be seen to before she gets questioned any further" 
"I'm through talking to her Y/N but I need to talk to you too. Not just about Frank" she leaned closer and added "Found out more about Rawlins and Cerberus. Your name came up" you had no idea what she meant and knew your face gave you away that once. "Take care of Karen. I'll find you" she said before walking away. You weren't sure if that was a promise or a threat. 
After you cleared Karen of any serious injuries she gave you the basics of what she knew. It made your heart twist to see tears in her eyes. "Frank was hurt Y/N. He's going to need you" you knew her well enough to know what she was feeling without her giving voice to it so you simply nodded  "I know. As soon as I leave here I'll tell Alice it's an emergency. I have a few vacation days I'll cash in then go find him. You stay safe though ok?" She nodded and squeezed your hand "you too"
You managed to slip out the hotel without being cornered by Mahoney (who was apparently intent on questioning you about Frank still being alive from what Karen said) or Madani.
When you made it back to the ambulance and mentioned to Alice you needed to take off she gave you a long look then said "I'm supposed to pretend this doesn't have something to do with Frank right?"
You'd known Alice since you first got certified and knew to a certain point she wouldn't try to rat you out so you shrugged "I've got to do what I feel is right. That means as soon as we get back to the station I'm cashing in the week of vacation time I have and heading out" she nodded before you pulled out onto the road. You were almost back to the station before she said "Stay safe and stock up before you leave.. I'll mark it as having been used"
"Thank you" you told her with a smile and she nodded then squeezed your hand "Frank's your family. I've got your back"
A part of you wondered what Madani meant about your name being mentioned in with Rawlins and Cerberus but your concern for Frank outweighed any and all curiosity.
You headed home as soon as you left the station house. You knew Frank was hurt but you also knew you needed to transfer your supplies over to a crossbody bag. Just in case you had to move fast.
You had the bag packed and thought about it for a second before putting your gun in the top. You grabbed your jacket and ran out the door, locking it behind you.
It took you twice as long as usual to get to Micro's hideout. You didn't know how serious Madani and Mahoney were about talking to you and didn't put it past either to put a tail on you in hopes it would lead to Frank.
When you finally made it and walked through the door Micro jumped up from the screens then saw it was you "Y/N.. He isn't here" you nodded "I can see that. Mind if I stay until he gets here?" He ran his hand through his hair "Yeah sure"
You must have dozed off at some point because you woke up to Micro calling your name so you stumbled from your seat in the corner to stand next to him. Your breath caught in your throat when you saw Billy on the screen and heard him saying he was helping the man hunt for Frank.
"No" you breathed and weren't sure if it was a denial or a prayer to be wrong. When the reporter asked what he would say to Frank you felt an urge to throw something at the tv when he said "What happened to you Frank?" 
You glanced up and realized Frank had walked in. His eyes skimmed over you as he stood stoic and you realized he was checking for any visible injuries because you were doing the same to him clocking what clearly looked like a bullet graze on the side of his head and the fact that he was favoring his right arm. "Frank" you gasped and moved towards him but he turned and walked away towards the bathroom. 
"Do we follow him?" Micro asked and you scoffed "I damn sure follow him" you grabbed your bag and headed behind Frank when you walked in he was struggling to get his shirt off so you walked over in front of him "Let me help" he grunted in response so you took that as permission and moved to help him get the torn shirt off his body.
You took a breath when you saw all the cuts littering his body and the piece of shrapnel sticking out his arm. You could feel the anger and pain rolling off of him but remained silent as you dug what you needed out your bag and laid it out. 
Micro looked from you to Frank before saying "Are you going to talk to me? I mean I can fill in some holes from the last time I saw you. Whole world knows you're alive, city thinks you're a terrorist and you had something to do with blowing up a hotel I think?"  You glared at him trying to get the message across to shut up. You were pushing your own feelings down at finding out about Billy's apparent betrayal, you didn't need to hear him going on and on about it.
"And just a guess but seems your buddy Billy Russo was dirty after all?" "David shut the hell up!" You snapped and Frank cut his eyes at you. You moved to see the piece of shrapnel, trying to concentrate on what you could control. "I can handle it" Frank all but growled with his rough voice.
You knew he was hurt a lot deeper than these surface wounds, hell your mind was currently chaos embodied but you met his harsh gaze head on "Frank I don't know what all happened. I'm guessing Billy shot you, I don't know why but if he betrayed you, betrayed Maria.. He deserves to die" your voice cracked so you swallowed hard before continuing "but I'll be damned if I'm not going to help you now. So shut up and let me do my goddamn job" 
Micro looked shocked at your outburst while Frank simply nodded and leaned his arm against the wall. You pulled gloves on then grasped the shrapnel with a clamp and pulled it out. It clattered to the sink with a metallic ting followed by blood squirting out from the wound. You moved quickly stitching up the hole, your body was moving on autopilot. It knew what to do from so many years even when your mind wasn't involved.
Billy was involved with Rawlins. Did he know? Did he know Maria and the kids were going to be killed? Did he hold you at the service knowing that? You felt a wave of nausea as memories of your last night in his arms flooded your mind. He'd know. God why? What was worth betraying the only family he'd ever known?
When you were done with his arm and side you grabbed your stapler and moved to his head. Him and Micro were arguing but you were doing your best to ignore them. "I'm done" Frank told Micro then glanced at you "You done?" You nodded numbly so he walked out the room. 
You took a deep breath then gathered your supplies and followed him without a look at Micro.
"Frank!" You spoke harsher than you meant to but it worked because he stopped and looked at you "Talk to me, please" "What am I supposed to say? You loved him. He was like a brother to me. He's the reason why we lost Maria and the kids" 
You tried twice before finding your voice to ask "Do you still trust me Frankie?" He covered the steps to you then leaned down to look you in the eyes "No matter what. You're my family sweetheart but I'm going to kill him" you slowly nodded "Just survive it please. I can't lose you too Frank"
You stood between Frank and Micro as they argued. Frank was gearing up for war and while part of you agreed the other part kept flashing images of Frank truly dead through your mind.
You walked into the area where the computer screens were and stared for a second at the image of Sarah's kitchen until you realized something was wrong "BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP AND COME HERE!" 
They both quickly came into the room and Frank looked where you were pointing. "Take it back" he told Micro who rewinded it to the point that all three of you were forced to watch helpless as Sarah and Zach were kidnapped. 
"How long ago was this?" You asked. "Um less than an hour" Mirco was a mess and you couldn't blame him but the same thought occurred to you right before Frank said "They're coming here. Rawlins and Russo. Sarah has my number"
You were trying to slow down your mind enough to form a coherent thought. Billy was dirty. He'd betrayed all of you and was now what? Ok with kidnapping women and children? 
"Wait. They didn't get Leo" you said so Micro switched around to the camera at the back of his house. All of you watched as Leo climbed down the side of the house then took off running. "Attagirl. She got a phone?" Frank asked. "Yeah" Micro replied so Frank told him to call him. You understood his hesitant response to some degree. 
Frank called her instead and told her to meet at the pool playground. When she hung up he looked at Micro "You go meet her. You're her father now go to your babygirl"
"What are you going to do?" Micro asked him but you already knew. If Rawlins and Billy wanted a fight Frank was going to give them one. "I'm gonna meet these assholes head on. Y/N you go to Madani. Meet me at Greenpoint terminal. If I'm not there by midnight David you go in and tell her everything you know. Ok?" 
You nodded slowly then Frank asked "Got your gun on you?" You pointed to your bag so he leaned down and unzipped it, then dug around before he found it and held it out "Wear it at your lower back" you placed it where it usually rode and he nodded "attagirl.  Anyone seem like they're aiming to cause you harm before you get to Madani  shoot first. Ask questions later. You hear me?" "Yea. I will"  you knew you were taking a big chance but fuck it was worth it.
You glanced at Micro as you leaned down to pick up your bag "He'll get them back" "I know" you nodded once then headed back out the way you'd came in. Karen would be worried but she was safer out of this for now.
You watched Dinah walk around the park you'd told her to meet at for about an hour before finally hopping down off the low branch you'd been sitting on. She didn't see you so you called her name and she spun around but relaxed when she saw it was you "Thought you'd stood me up" you smirked "Nah. Just making sure it's only the two of us"
You gave her a quick run down of the fact that Frank and Micro were willing to go on record if Homeland helped to recover Sarah and Zach. "Where are we meeting them?" She asked once you were done so you checked the time "Greenpoint terminal, forty five minutes" she nodded "want a ride?" You shrugged and followed her to her car.
You slid in the passenger seat and sat your bag at your feet. She eyed it for a moment then asked "How long have you known Frank was alive?" You waited until she pulled out onto the road to answer "Who do you think patched him up?" 
Dinah had thankfully not tried to talk to you. You climbed out the car to wait for Frank. You finally heard a sharp whistle and glanced up to see him walking towards you. You patted the hood "C'mon" 
Dinah locked her car then followed you across the open space. The three of you met up at Micro's van that was parked nearby. He hadn't know any of you were there yet.
After Frank checked on Leo, Micro asked what was next. "We get you and Frank on record then we get your family back sound good?" He nodded so you glanced across at Frank "Guess that means we all willingly walk into Homeland?" 
You climbed into the van with Micro, Sarah and Frank. All of you were silent. You tried and failed to not think about Billy. Had everything been a lie?
When and why did he decide to give up everyone for money?
You looked across at Frank and wanted nothing more than to hug him. You also wanted to ask what happened with the team that was sent to the hideout, you needed to see if he was hurt.
For now all of you had to get to Homeland, luckily the Special Agent in Charge was following right behind you. How the hell were you supposed to be the same after this? How were any of you supposed to have an after?
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cmbynwritingfests · 1 year
CMBYN Drabble Challenge
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CMBYN Drabble Challenge took a small break from posting new prompts to give everyone time to catch up on older prompts. But we'll be back soon with a new prompt!
CMBYN Drabble Challenge prompts :
* Prompt 1 : First Times | WC : 267
* Prompt 2 : Snow | WC : 319
* Prompt 3 : “I dare you.” | WC : 455
* Bonus Prompt 1 : Birthday Cake | WC : 425
* Bonus Prompt 2 : Trust
* Bonus Prompt 3 : Rose
* Prompt 4 : “When you meet someone so different from yourself, in a good way, you don’t even have to kiss to have fireworks go off. It’s like fireworks in your heart all the time.” | WC : 321
* Bonus Prompt 4 : Thunder
* Bonus Prompt 5 : Lewis Capaldi - Before You Go
* Prompt 5 : Sunset | WC : 298
* Bonus Prompt 6 : Candy
* Bonus Prompt 7 : Dancing
* Prompt 6 : Billy Joel - Piano Man | WC : 362
* Bonus Prompt  8 : “Look at me.”
* Bonus Prompt 9 : Water
* Bonus Prompt 10 : A phone call.
* Prompt 7 : Bobby Vinton - Sealed with a kiss | WC : 441
* Bonus Prompt 11 : Bonus Photo #1
* Bonus Prompt 12 : Absence. POV Annella.
* Prompt 8 : “Midnight, on the bridge. Come alone.” | WC : 238
* Bonus Prompt 13 : Dire Straits - So Far Away
* Bonus Prompt 14 : Reckless
* Prompt 9 : “You can find something truly important in an ordinary minute.” | 395
* Bonus Prompt 15 : Bonus Photo #2
* Bonus Prompt 16 : Prepare.
* Prompt 10 : ABBA - One Of Us | WC : 476
* Bonus Prompt 17 : “This is where I live.”
* Bonus Prompt 18 : Don Henley - The Boys of Summer
* Prompt 11 : Agastopia | WC : 328
* Bonus Prompt 19 : Chocolate
* Bonus Prompt 20 : Destroy. POV Oliver.
* Prompt 12 : Photo #1 : WC : 254
* Bonus Prompt 21 : Truth / Lie
* Prompt 13 : Mask | WC : 403
* Bonus Prompt 22 : Baby Queen - Want Me
* Prompt 14 : Bananarama - Cruel Summer | WC : 379
* Bonus Prompt 23 : Pillow
* Prompt 15 : Photo #2 | WC : 461
* Bonus Prompt 24 : “What’s the point?”
* Prompt 16 : “Ring a bell?” | WC : 286
* Bonus Prompt 25 : Bonus Photo #3
* Prompt 17 : Anniversary | WC : 337
* Bonus Prompt 26 : Shelter
* Bonus Prompt 27 : Consequences.
* Prompt 18 : Photo #3 | WC : 184
* Bonus Prompt 28 : Robyn - Missing U
* Prompt 19 : Tony Bennett - Winter Wonderland | WC : 482
* Prompt 20 : Bonus Prompts | Trope : Different First Meeting
* Prompt 21 : Photo #4 | Word : Dreaming
* Prompt 22 : Soulmates | WC : 399
* Prompt 23 : Harry Styles - As It Was | Trope : Exes To Lovers
* Prompt 24 : Photo #5 | WC : 268
* Prompt 25 : “The truth is rarely pure and never simple.” - Oscar Wilde | Word : Pride
* Prompt 26 : Photo #6 | Trope : Blind Date
* Prompt 27 : Getting a tattoo / piercing | Word : Eagle
* Prompt 28 : Photo #7 | WC : 428
* Prompt 29 : Photo #8 | Word : Frighten
* Prompt 30 : Cinema | Trope : Hurt/Comfort
* Prompt 31 : Photo #9 | Word : Angel
* Prompt 32 : Pen pals | WC : 371
* Prompt 33 : Claude Monet - The Flowered Garden | Trope : Royalty AU
* Prompt 34 : Christmas Music | Word : Grinch
* Prompt 35 : Photo #10 | WC : 295
* Prompt 36 : “I’m sorry that you had to go through this.” | Bakery AU
* Prompt 37 : Photo #11 | Word : Resort
* Prompt 38 : Temporary | Trope : Mysterious Past
* Prompt 39 : Sam Park - Portofino Treasure | WC : 439
* Prompt 40 : Finale | Word : Goodbyes
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Oh hello, episode 4. Let’s see if you have more memorable things than the first three episodes did.
1.) It’s hard for Max to see that Billy is wrong ‘cause he’s always a kind of a jerk.
2.) I love Max telling El about comic books, especially Wonder Woman.
3.) I forgot how crazy the old woman is acting when they take her away in an ambulance.
4.) I can’t remember if Heather survives this season, but she’s gonna need a lot of therapy if she does survive and does remember it, because leaving her begging, sobbing parents in a basement to be possessed isn’t something you really get over.
5.) Real shitty of the mindflayer for making people be awake for the possession. Like c’mon.
6.) Why is Hopper not in a hospital?
7.) The boys are terrible at communication.
8.) Robin has a plan and took all the tips.
9.) I had thought that Heather’s dad looked familiar and had already forgotten until I saw him again that he’s the douchebag head of the paper.
10.) Is Mrs. Driscoll actually a paranoid schizophrenic or were they just having this man be weird?
11.) Nancy and Jonathan got fired.
12.) We gotta get El on a roller coaster.
13.) Learning about hosts for the Mind Flayer.
14.) Larry is a terrible liar. You’d think a politician would be a better liar. Actually scratch that, that makes sense.
15.) It is very hard to blackmail someone who has blackmail on you too.
16.) “Don’t give me that dead daughter sob story, because I just don’t care.” Shocked Hopper only broke his nose and not killed him.
17.) Ohhhhh. I forgot Hopper threatens to chop the man’s finger off with a cigar cutter.
18.) “Oliver Twist routine” Nancy really is classist. Also if Ted Wheeler really did make 6 figures in the 1980s, they really really were well off.
19.) Dustin is like Gumbo.
20.) I didn’t know Billy even owned a shirt. Did the Mind Flayer have to go shopping?
21.) ‘Boys only’? You’re being dumb, Mike.
22.) Having Erica be a huge fan of capitalism sucks. Bare minimum I need someone to have her eventually grow out of this immature phase and be like, “yeah, no, that was stupid. Capitalism sucks.” Because kids, capitalism sucks. It hurts everyone but the ultra rich.
23.) I forgot the mayor keeps the papers in his ugly house.
24.) I really do like to see Hopper outside of his work uniform. I also like to see JOyce putting stuff together.
25.) Aw, Nancy actually went to her mom.
26.) Like this is really a surface level reading of feminism to think ‘I am a woman and therefore damn the fallout and consequences because I am woman, hear me roar’ is the end all to be all. Like I love Nancy and Karen talking and loving each other but she did still blow up Jonathan’s spot and refer to him talking about his economic circumstances as ‘Oliver twist routine’. Like that was fucked up.
27.) I forgot how genuinely worried Max was about Billy. She really really hoped it wasn’t Billy that was the new host.
28.) Operation Child Endangerment is a great name, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, Erica.
29.) You’d think a guy like a mayor would have handcuff keys by his bed.
30.) Steve is so fucking worried up until Erica walks through those doors.
31.) The wild thing is I’ve thought Billy’s actor, Dacre, is attractive in other things, but I do not think he’s attractive at all as Billy. Like both because of the hair and the attitude. He’s just terminally unfuckable to me. And it’s one of the many reasons I hate Steve/Billy. I also hate Eddie/Billy.
32.) Billy hit the back wall hard enough to break tiles. Either that or they’re shitty tiles.
33.) Fun fact, HIPAA didn’t exist until the 90s so the only thing stopping Nancy from just being a concerned neighbor getting answers would be hospital policy and how willing to talk the front desk woman is.
34.) “If you die, I die.” “…Okay.”
35.) I forgot that the fucking elevator plummets like it’s a goddamn roller coaster ride.
36.) I had blocked out Billy sobbing in the sauna and saying ‘he made me do it’ entirely.
37.) Max is so sad and so worried about Max.
38.) if Will didn’t have Spidey senses, Max would have gotten stabbed with broken tile and sauna glass.
39.) I forgot Billy gets pinned to the wall with weights and it keeps cutting back to Mrs. Driscoll looking horrifying.
40.) I also forgot that Billy’s body is forced to choke El. Also that Mike is the one who takes a bat to possessed Billy to save her.
41.) And then Billy got thrown through a brick wall before getting up and walking off.
42.) There’s so many people in that abandoned factory.
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maxmayfieldirl · 2 years
Why am i not surprised lmao
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ascendance - 04
PAIRING: mob!bucky barnes x reader
WARNINGS: abduction, age gap (reader is 23, bucky is 37)
A/N: hello!! i hope you enjoy this new chapter as i dive more into bucky’s past. italics in this work symbolise a flashback in case anyone’s confused. hope you enjoy it xx
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The entrance hall of the Barnes household was pilled up with people. Between his mum barking orders left to right and caterers bringing food in and out, the once silent room turned into a busy crossroads which meant James had retreated back to his room. He was sat down in his bed, cashmere black suit on and hair pushed back, Dead Souls opened on top his legs. He was lost in between the small black letters printed on the yellowing paper, so lost that the sound of his window opening went by him until a loud thump woke him up from his literary daze. Bucky looked up to see his younger sister, sat on the floor of his bedroom by the window with her dress partially on and hair messy due to the windy weather outside. He sighed, closing his book and putting it off to the side.
    - Can’t you climb into your own bedroom? - Bucky got up from bed, leaning down to help her back onto her feet.
    - Yours is closer. - she brushed the dirt off her baby pink dress picked by their mother. - Shouldn’t you be downstairs?
    - Shouldn’t you be in your bedroom? 
    - Touche. - she pointed. - Can you not tell mum? She’ll freak out if she discovers that I went out on dad’s big day. 
    - Go on, I’ll keep mum occupied while you sort out that bird’s nest hair. 
    - Thank you! - she smiled, giving him a short hug. - What am I gonna do when you go to Princeton? Who’s gonna cover for me?
    - I guess you’ll just have to form an alliance with the maids.
Y/N and Bucky were silent, barely speaking to each other if even looking into each other’s eyes. She merely remained there in her operatic costume, the corset doing the best of jobs at enhancing her female features and almost making her look like a femme fatale out of a classical movie in rich red and green fabrics decorated with what he guessed where heavy metal gold pieces resembling precious jewels and golden rings. He did not know which production they were putting on, he hadn’t even heard her sing before but she looked like she belonged in that stage, like she would have been showered in praise the moment the spotlight grazed her. 
She paced around the living room not exactly sure what to do, the beads which made up her skirt and would suddenly peak to show her legs making a slight rustling noise as her eyes studied the book shelf which was filled with tons and tons of books from the classics to mere economy books. Maybe she could read them whenever the tension between of them wasn’t so apparent. She couldn’t help but sometimes look at the badly fixed window and wonder if she could make it, maybe when he wasn’t looking, maybe when he was sleeping yet looking at him; tall, muscular, fast, definetely much stronger than her, she knew that even if she managed to get outside, he would easily get her back. Her mind battled her positive side as she wondered if this was it, if this was home now. Suddenly, her old flat no longer seemed old and she would give everything away if only she could go back, back to being told to do errands that really did not concern her, to stepping on bobby pins laid on the ground, to way too strong makeup which looked ridiculous in proper daylight. She would give everything, if she could go back to what her life had been. 
The man whose name he hadn’t even dignified himself to tell her yet was sat on one of the high chairs by the kitchen with his eyes trained on her. She briskly turned around, arms crossed under her chest with an almost child like pout of someone who had just been punished. In reality, I’m the one who’s being punished here, he thought to himself.
     - You could tell me your name. - she said, not looking into his eyes, instead rubbing her worn out ballet shoes against his hard floor. 
     - You don’t need to know my name. - he was quiet yet imposing. Y/N could not deny he seemed to have a strong presence despite barely raising his voice. It was almost magnetic as if he was made to be looked at, yet she felt he didn’t want to be seen. 
     - What if I need to call out for you? 
     - I would know. There’s no one else here, is it?
Y/N did not reply to this, instead rolling her eyes and sitting down on the couch. There was not much to do in the small one bedroom apartment other than pace around, eat and watch television. Her hand flew over to the remote, pointing it at the TV to turn it on which opened on the news channel. She guessed this was the way she had of now knowing what was happening outside the four walls she was being held captive in. There wasn’t much happening and even if it was, all the local news could talk about was about the upcoming mayoral election. It was a circus with advertisements and rumours flying around about each and every candidate and while it was almost painfully enjoyable to see men over thirty acting like gossip mean girls in school, everyone knew who was gonna win. 
She’d always been told that behind every great man, there’s a great woman and in this particular election it couldn’t be anymore true. The favourite candidate to win, Robert Moore, also known as Bobbie, was married to an senator’s daughter but not just any senator, Senator Barnes. She was too young to remember his policies or even his public persona, yet from what she knew, he had been a very well liked and well respected Senator, coming from a prominent family and building an even more prominent family. Being married to Rebecca Barnes, now Rebecca Barnes-Moore, was a one way ticket to a good career in politics. The two stood in the television screen, side by side in an almost JFK and Jackie Kennedy fashion with sunny smiles looking like the picture perfect Americana couple. It seemed all his ads showed him, his wife and their new born baby. High school sweethearts, it seemed.
    - Are you gonna watch that the whole day? - she turned her head around, looking at his annoyed expression, whiskey glass in hand. 
    - They look good together. 
    - It’s a circus. - he snickered, sitting by her side. 
    - What are you? An anarchist? - those words flew out of her mouth without any filter, mostly out of nuisance. - Her father was a great politician and he is young and likeable.  
     - Young and likeable ... sounds like great political traits. 
     - What do you know about politics?
     - What do you know about politics? Do they have a crash course in politics at whatever company you were in? 
She rolled her eyes, turning the volume up to listen to the broadcaster tell the love story of the future mayor and his wife. Her face softened as she heard what was probably a highly modified version of the actual truth yet she couldn’t help but slightly smile at the idea of it. They seemed in love and as someone who had a degree in pretending to be in love while singing, it warmed her heart to see it. She liked that idea, the idea of Ms and Mrs Americana, the idea of having someone to lean in. Well, she liked the idea of someone. Sure, maybe the man whose name she still didn’t know and was starting to believe was never going to learn was right, it was a circus, all elections are but she couldn’t help but be pulled by the myth of it, by the we against the world mentality no matter how morally wrong it was. 
She continued to watch the coverage of the election run as the man next to her got up from the couch to pick up a phone call. Her hearing slightly moved towards what he was doing, mind always thinking of escaping but even though he was talking on the phone, his gaze was trained of her as if she were his prey. He mumbled something on the phone before turning it off and moving his eyes to text someone yet after that his eyes were on her once more. 
    - Try not to escape for the next hour.
    - Do you have a nameless anarchy convention to attend?
    - Billy is coming to watch over you. No funny business. 
    - Will. - she corrected him. - He doesn’t like being called Billy. 
    - As long as you don’t pull a mission impossible on him, I will call him whatever you want. 
Will didn’t take long to arrive, dressed in a tennis-like outfit as if he had been pulled away from tennis which sounded like something he’d do. Bucky exchanged a few words with him before leaving the two of them together. He trusted Billy, or Will, was smart enough not to let her escape or run away. God, he didn’t even want to think about what John would do to him if she escaped, much less what he would do to her if she escaped. He made his drive to John’s condo in fifth avenue, parking his bike somewhere before making his way up. The condo was always weirdly filled with chatter talk yet he could see no people, it was as if the ghosts of the people he had taken out followed him in his own home and Bucky couldn’t say he pitied him. After all, he had his own ghosts too. 
He looked into John’s office where he was sat in the couch, the coverage of the election run on the television on low volume. John’s eyes immediately found Bucky’s figure looming at the entrance, never really entering, just standing behind the line which separated the hall from the office. 
     - How’s the roomie? - he motioned his hand for him to come in. - Still pretty?
     - What do you need?
     - I just got an invitation to a fundraiser. Zemo’s going so I want you to go. 
     - I can’t, I have her to watch over Y/N. She’s not very keen on remaining in the flat.
    - Chain her up for all I care. It’s in two weeks and I’ll be damned if I’m there by myself with Zemo. Besides it’s your sister’s fundraiser, I always love to see Rebecca. 
    - She’s not gonna be there. - his jaw locked. - A fundraiser for the mob? It’s mostly free alcohol and networking with them not showing up. 
    - Maybe you should bring your roomie. She’s pretty and if anything I’m sure she can sing and if not maybe she can entertain in another form. 
    - The NYPD is probably looking for her, it’s not wise ...
    - Do you make the rules? - John interrupted him, leaning against the couch with arms crossed. - You seem to have forgotten who makes the rules, soldat. 
    - I just don’t think ...
    - You don’t think. - he interrupted him once more. - This election is important and since I do not have the right person here to get ahead, I will make do with what we have. I don’t give a fuck about what you do when you’re at your flat but she is mine. She is my get out of jail card. Are we clear, soldat?
    - Yes. 
    - You can go now. - he dismissed him. Bucky turned around, eyes open wide yet emotionless face as if he were disconnected from his own consciousness. He guessed it was for the best to remain disconnected, to not know what was going on.
He drove himself back home, standing alone at night looking at his flat; the window still broken while the lights were flickering. He thought about running off, starting his bike and running off into the night and just drive until the tank was empty but he couldn’t. He had strings, strings which kept him tied to where he was right now. He guessed that now she was another string keeping him here. 
Bucky sighed as he walked back to his flat, opening the door to a rather serene sight. Will was by the kitchen watching the football game while Y/N was laid across the couch, book in hand which he recognised as one of his old ones. Her hair was different, she probably had taken off her wig and for the first time since those few minutes in the costume room. It looked soft, framing her face and getting in front of her eyes as she herself got lost in the room. Will excused himself, leaving just as he noticed Bucky before he could be yelled at by using his television. Yet again, Y/N and Bucky were alone in that small flat. She looked up from the book and at him before returning to read.
He left her with the book, walking to his bedroom which was probably now more hers than his to grab one of trousers and hoodies before returning back to the living room. Still reading. At least she wasn’t trying to break any more windows. He put the hoodie and trousers by her side, turning off the television as more screams for the football match came through. 
   - You can change into those. - he pointed at the clothing, getting her attention as she closed the book. - Those beads can’t be comfortable. 
   - Oh 
   - The bathroom’s there. - he pointed at one of the few doors in the flat. - You can shower too, there’s towels. 
   - Thank you. - she grabbed the things he had put out for her before leaving him in the living room by himself.
And then it was just him once more, alone, tied to this city which screamed everyone’s name but his.
TAGLIST: @lookiamtrying​ @buckyswillows​ @blossomslibrary​ @juliesland​ @iloveshawnieboi​ @unmagically​ @red-head011​ @poisonous00​ 
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sakura-83 · 3 years
Things from Anne with an e that I feel like writing down
Season 1 Episode 6: Remorse Is the Poison of Life
1. Diana having to run through the dark with nothing but a lantern and quite reasonably tripping. I never really thought about how dark it would actually be out because there’s always light.., somewhere in a modern city. It’s dark but you can usually still see
2. Every time Anne and Diana are separated they end up reunited during some great tragedy and are like “I missed you so much!!” Like yeah that’s great but. Please focus
3. It’s terrifying how easily children could die before modern medicine. They still can die very easily and that’s still terrifying but back then there was no quick fixes or easily accessible help
4. “It’s an old wives tale.” “I might be one but not the other. Evidently one doesn’t have to be either thing to know it.”
5. Anne knowing how to treat croup because all of Mrs. Hammond’s sets of twins had it
6. “I was supposed to be a boy but when I wasn’t, they decided to keep and raise me.” “How extraordinary!”
7. Minnie May almost choking to death on her own phlegm and Anne ultimately saving her because there’s no way the doctor would’ve made it all the way from Soencervale in time
8. “I believe I need a brandy.”
9. It’s really interesting how much of the script comes straight from the book
10. “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are white frosts, aren’t you?”
11. John Blythe’s love for adventure and how Gilbert undoubtedly sees it in Anne
12. Eliza apologizing for how she misjudged Anne
13. “My darling Diana”
14. “I can’t tie myself down to anything so unromantic as dishes at this thrilling moment!”
15. “Even aunt Josephine said she’d like to see you again, and she doesn’t like anyone.”
16. “Shes disinclined to stay home alone since her companion passed away.” “Her companion?” “Her best friend forever and ever.”
17. “Aunt Josephine never married. Neither of them did, they lived with each other their whole lives.” “I’d live with you forever if I could. But I know you’ll leave me the date you get married to some wealthy and handsome gentleman. I hate him already.” “How’s Gilbert?”
18. “It’s very likely Gilbert’s father isn’t going to get well, so it’s more than possible that when Gilbert finally comes back to school… he’ll be an orphan.”
19. The cut from that conversation to John Blythe’s funeral
20. Matthew grabbing Marilla’s arm because he knows how much john meant to her
21. Gilbert watching the snowflakes melt in his hand
22. Marilla’s flashback
23. Young Marilla teasing john
24. Him giving her the same hair ribbon she later gifts to Anne
25. Anne and Gilbert being just like their parents, mirroring their romance and yet achieving the love Marilla and John could never have
26. Anne trying to make Gilbert feel better but making it seem like it’s about her. I often find it hard to articulate my relation to others in a way that does sound like I’m relating and not like I’m making it about me
27. Aunt Josephine on a stroll in the woods
28. Anne’s ranting about her “extensive knowledge of being an orphan”
29. Her calling Gilbert a dumb boy and refusing to think about him
30. “Romance is a pesky business. No sense to be made of it.”
31. “May I enter your humble abode.” About Anne’s run down little shed
32. “I couldn’t be less interested in Gil- that boy!”
33. “Let your ambitions and your aspirations be your guide.” “But I have so many!”
34. “I’ve always wanted to be a bride, but I don’t really expect to be a wife.” “Interesting!” “So you see the conundrum.” “I do. I have the following thoughts to offer. First, you can get married any time in your life, if you choose to do so.” “That’s true-“ “And two, if you choose a career, you can buy a white dress yourself, have it made to order and wear it whenever you want.” “Why didn’t I think of that!? I love that idea! I’m going to be my own woman!” “I’m a proponent for making ones own way in the world.”
35. “If you become a doctor, perhaps you can discover a cure for old age.”
36. Anne calling aunt Josephine her new role model, as well as Marilla and Matthew
37. “I’m going to be the heroine of my own story.”
38. Marilla finding an old letter from John
39. The theme Unrequited Love playing during this scene
40. It’s fascinating when you come to recognize the instrumentals by name, the names actually have a lot of double meanings in relation to the show. Fire in The Town not only plays when there’s an actual fire, but also when Anne’s rumors about prissy set the town ablaze
41. “If the key to a mans heart is through his stomach-“ “Which it is!” “Then, we have to make sure that this is the best shepherds pie that Gilbert has ever had.”
42. Anne wanting a boy to loved for her brain and personality rather than her abilities to keep a home
43. “Don’t you think Gilbert looks even more handsome now that he’s sad?” “I didn’t notice.”
44. I just noticed aunt Josephines mourning clothes, I know she was grieving but I didn’t put two and two together
45. “Take the boy the godforsaken pie before I suffer a mental collapse.”
46. Anne rambling excitedly about Jane Eyre.
47. Anne almost spoiling the book, just like Gertrude used to do
48. Anne suddenly breaking down over death. I’ve done that before, far more frequently in middle school when I realized that we all die someday
49. “It must be awful beyond measure to lose someone that you love deeply. In a split second, a heartbeat, they’re gone forever… and there is nothing you can do to change it or bring them back…”
50. “Anne? You’re crying on the potatoes.”
51. “There’s nothing wrong with saying ‘I’m sorry for your loss’, Ruby. And I’m going to say it because I am.” “You’re just going to make it worse if you say that. His father!! Just died!!!” “That’s what people say when someone dies.” “I don’t want you to upset him.” “He’s already upset because his father just died!”
52. “We hope you like shepherds pie.” “Everyone LIKES shepherds pie 😡. We hope it’s a comfort to you, Gilbert.🥰”
53. Anne telling “but I would make a terrible wife!” And running out.
54. Matthew offering to help Gilbert get his farm back in order
55. Gilbert not wanting to be a farmer but having an entire farm shoved off on him when his only family does, despite being… 14 at most? 15 maybe?
56. Matthew losing all his crops when the Dal Marie sank
57. Billy wanting Gilbert back to control the “ugly orphan” and Gilbert defending Anne
58. “She’s smart, deal with it.”
59. Gilbert telling billy to read a book for once
60. “I’ll give you a tip, okay? I’m not your bud. And if you ever hassle Anne again, you’ll regret it.”
61. “What’s your problem?” “Ask me that again. No, seriously. Go ahead.” “Why you gotta be like that?” “Ask me!” “…what’s your problem?”
62. Gilbert throwing his stuff at billy to preoccupy his hands and THEN punching him straight in his stupid face
63. The boys are fighting!!!! And rolling around in the snow too that’s kind of funny looking
64. Gilbert beating billy in that fight
65. Marilla telling Gilbert about his father
66. All of Gilbert’s siblings died
67. Gilbert’s father taking him to Alberta before he died, where Gilbert was born
68. “You resemble him in many ways.”
69. “He asked you to go?” I’ll always be grateful to him for thinking I’d be brave enough. Obligation… can be a prison.”
70. Anne trying to write a letter to Gilbert apologizing for what she said
71. Anne visiting aunt Josephine for advice and accidentally interrupting her grieving
72. “Emotion is rarely convenient and often intolerable, but I find at the moment that I don’t mind it.”
73. “Grief is the price you pay for live, you see. So it’s alright.”
74. “You and I are not the marrying kind.” “Ah, but I was, in my way. And we had a full and wonderful life together, and I gave no regrets. That’s all you really have to decide Anne, to live a life without regrets.”
75. Anne kissing aunt Josephine on the cheek and running off to live said life
76. No Matthew don’t make that loan deal!!!
77. Anne sprinting to Gilbert’s house bit for the first time of many to come, being too late to reach him.
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c-130jsuperhercules · 4 years
What I believe is the chronological order of the Bigtop Burger episodes.
I feel like these episodes were given to us out of order. I think the actual chronological progression is 3,2,4,1,5, and I'll explain why, under the cut.
TL:DR, 3 shows them as new and a little uncomfortable around each other, 2 and 4 shows them settling into and learning the ropes, and 1 and 5 depict them as they settle a bit more into the strange workplace that happens around Steve. 1 and 5 especially have some connections between them, for instance, the guy in a blue hat enjoying his magic burger.
So, in the third one, they seem to talk about Steve as if he is just "some guy" because they're not fully familiar with his antics yet, mentioning how he has a weird vibe. The three lower clowns seem to be more comfortable around each other than Steve, making him out to be some sort of "other"  by the way they talk to each other about him. Steve, too, seems to not be as comfortable with his employees at that moment, the most eldritch of his powers happening in that episode He referred to Penny as Peggy, impersonated Tim, and appeared as a small boy. He impersonated Tim because perhaps he didn't know if Tim was able to work the grill well, and sort of took his identity/role for a second just in case Tim was unprepared. Right before that, he appears as a small boy, asking for a bowl of soup, an item the burger truck probably does not have. This was to test his employee's ability to handle customers with strange requests, or that were, well, off the beaten path. His shrinking disappearance could signify his approval/disapproval of their customer skills, or perhaps regret on taking a rather oblique evaluation. Next, he manifested physically as soon as Penny says his name. This can be likened to a rookie waiter, checking up on a table as often as he can, or an overbearing boss, micromanaging his new employees. We can surmise that they were all somewhat recent hires.
Next, episode two, which I believe take place at least a week after three. To be honest, two and four could be interchanged, but I'm putting two second because of a little comment Billie makes at the end of four. All signs point to the lower clown trio being a little more familiar with the workings of the business themselves as well. As to the order they were hired, I believe that Tim was first, followed by Penny, who was followed closely by Billie. Or, perhaps they were all hired at the same time, and Tim simply has the most experience in commercial food preparation(signified by him being the only one to actually be referenced working the grill). Either way, they all seem to be more comfortable with each other, the burger truck, and Steve. In two, we observe Steve putting on what can only be described as a show for his employees. That little 'Hrmmm!' he does when he spots the elk is not glee for extra food, but for the opportunity to put on a little entertainment. He goes and plays with the elk, while his bemused, yet worried employees look on. Now, Billie being the the one to step out and offer help adds to my theory about her being the last or least experienced hire. Penny and Tim have spent enough time with Steve to expect the situation to work itself out, Steve bring the chapter to a close in some amusing, strange way, as is shown he is wont to do by episodes 1, 4, and (sort of) three. However, Billie is either concerned that Steve will actually get hurt, or that this will take too long and they will miss the "brunch rush". So, Steve acknowledges her concern, putting a quick, funny end to his act, and rushing her and everyone else back onto the road.
Episode 4 takes place almost immediately after episode two, speeding down the highway to the next town. They encounter Zomburger, who Penny and Tim have briefly encountered either before Billie was hired or while she was taking a day off. I say briefly, as they appear to know the name and motivation of Zomburger, but not much more than that, as this is the first time they hear of their strange business model. Everyone in Zomburger appears to have been long at odds with Steve and Bigtop Burger, spewing comments at the rival food truck that seem to hint at a much longer past. Plus, they appear to know that Bigtop Burger will only go down when Steve goes down, as they aim for him, despite the three lower clowns being much easier targets. This, coupled with the "This is the day you DIE, Bigtop Burger!" comment from Frances hints at a previous flock of (actual?)clowns who worked with Steve, but were killed off by Zomburger, hence their recent human replacements. I believe this happens immediately after episode two for three reasons: one, the lower clown trio all stand bemused, staring at their assailants, despite several cannons being fired at them, as they are still sort of in shock from the whole elk incident, and believe this to be another trick, or are simply unable to really process the danger they are in. Two, Zomburger appears to have been chasing Bigtop Burger, and the little diversion with the elk gave them the chance to catch up. Three, right at the end, Billie asks "Is this normal food truck stuff?" which I believe points to her being jarred enough, first by the elk and second by the attack, to really contemplate and sort of process what the hell is going on.
  Next, episodes 1 and five. The most obvious link is that the customer with the blue hat is in both of them, first ordering and then being halfway through the burger Steve got him. In these episodes, all of them appear to be the most at ease with each other, and the three lower clowns are the least confused and questioning about Steve's strange powers. I heard no questioning about Steve's ability to teleport, to have the strength to rip a stove out of the wall, and questioning not the logic of turning rocks into treats, but using the stove when it's not plugged in. Even Tim's "Now hold on one minute" when Steve materializes the burger was not out of confusion, but indignation, because if Steve can just manifest burgers at will, then what was the need for him to slave away over a hot stove. And then, they don't further question the sudden appearance of the burger, but how he wished someone Merry Christmas in June. Now, Steve manifesting the burger is actually another tie to episode five. It's the end of the day, there hadn't been many customers for a while, so Steve thought he'd fool around with the oven. However, a sudden customer appears, and Steve gives him a burger as quick as possible, so that they could close up shop. Even the times evidenced by the shadows of the light poles seen at 1:52 and 8:37 in the season one video match. Steve and the gang then go for dinner, altogether, as friends. I must say, that must've been a strange first couple weeks.
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davidmann95 · 4 years
Thoughts (if any) on DC's April 2021 solicitations?
Let’s take ‘em in order! I should be able to muster up a comment on just about everything one way or another.
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Green Lantern #1: Oh this is gonna be bad. Heard only the worst about Thorne’s Future State: Green Lantern, and I assume Jo Mullein’s DCU debut will be wasted here to either function as some kind of ridiculous ‘popularity contest’ with Teen Lantern for who gets the bigger push, or as a way to put TL over with a few “good work kid, you got a future” comments. Also, and granted I don’t know how Morrison will end or this will begin, is the New Guardians angle being immediately dropped?
Robin #1: Dope suit, art, and premise, but it’s Williamson so I don’t care.
Batman: The Dark Knight #1: I’ll read this and I expect to like it, but between this being Kubert’s first big Batman project since Master Race, the ‘old but not quite retirement age yet’ angle, and the title, I’m concerned the shock ending here is that it’s actually a stealth DKR prequel.
The Next Batman: Second Son #1: So they really are committing here, though weird that this kinda makes Ridley’s Future State book basically a longform teaser for this. And I’ll get it as it comes out since it turns out this won’t be in that John Ridley’s Batman collection after all - sorry Dustin Nguyen, I love your stuff but I won’t buy an entire trade of material I otherwise already own just for one new story by you.
The Batman & Scooby Doo Mysteries #1: I got that whole great-looking Scooby Doo Team-Up run by Fisch for free on Comixology, I should read that sometime and see if this’ll be worth getting too as well, because it sounds like a hoot.
Challenge of the Super Sons #1: Glad people who want it are getting it, I do not care.
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Action Comics #1030: His powers waning definitely won’t help the standard pre-run fuming by a lot of Superman fandom, but it’s an interesting pairing with PKJ apparently doing mainly cosmic Superman adventures so I’m curious where he’ll go with it. That it’s particularly cited as being tied to Death Metal might validate my suspicion that the new ‘everyone remembers their entire mainstream publishing histories’ thing will play into Johnson’s description of Clark really feeling his age at the start of the run. And Janin on covers even before he gets in on the book proper! And that Midnighter description!
Superman #30: This sounds like where Johnson’s gonna start with that worldbuilding he touted, and I’m curious; definitely reads in this instance like him shoving Clark and Jon into some swords-and-sorcery-esque territory he’s familiar with.
American Vampire 1976 #7: Not reading, don’t care.
Batman #107: I assume ‘the events at Arkham Asylum’ are the ‘A-Day’ ominously brought up in Future State solicits. Tynion Batman, Jimenez as the regular artist now, whatever the Unsanity Collective is, all entirely my shit. More importantly than any of that though, GHOSTMAKER BACKUPS. And drawn by Ricardo Lopez Ortiz, artist on Steve Orlando’s excellent The Pull! Dope!
Batman: Black & White #5: Any other issue and ‘Jamal Campbell doing a life story of Nightwing’ would probably be the highlight, but in case you somehow hadn’t heard Gillen/McKelvie are making their DC debut on a Batman vs. Riddler story here, absolutely wild.
Batman: Urban Legends #2: Even more excited for this now that I’m onboard for the Grifter and Outsiders stuff given how much those features pleasantly surprised me in Future State.
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Batman/Superman #17: Injecting it isn’t enough anymore, I need to be on some kind of constant IV drip with this book. I was wondering whether it’d take the premise to further generational riffs or follow a history of mass-media Supermen and Batmen, but instead it’s veering off in a direction I never could have guessed and I couldn’t be more excited.
Batman/Catwoman #5: Wondering how this Harley involvement plays in - I don’t imagine it’s quite what it seems given how King’s written her before. And love that Joker by Mann on the cover, major Clown at Midnight vibes.
Catwoman #30: No reason to assume this run won’t continue to rule.
Crime Syndicate #2: Dammit, I don’t think this book is going to be good, but I’m kinda tempted.
Detective Comics #1035: Wouldn’t be psyched, but Dark Detective was another pleasant surprise so I’ll give this a chance.
The Dreaming: Waking Hours #9: Again, not reading.
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Far Sector #11: Sucks a little knowing we’ll never see that little ‘Young Animal’ label in the corner again after this wraps. At least it’s going out on its highest note.
The Flash #769: In a vacuum this would sound dope but I have less than no faith in this, and goddamn that’s a terrible cover.
Harley Quinn #2: I’m sure it’ll be fine, no interest.
The Joker #2: I wanna believe Tynion will be able to make this work, he keeps talking like he has more freedom on this than he has some other books, but everything about this reads like the price he has to pay for relative post-Joker War freedom on Batman.
Justice League #60: It’s Bendis/Marquez on Justice League, lots of people will complain but I’ll mostly dig it. More interested in Ram V briefly getting to write the main crew in the JLD backup.
Man-Bat #3: I’d ask why this exists - and as a matter of fact I still do - but checking out some of DC’s digital-first output recently I see Dave Wielgosz has something on the ball, so maybe he’ll be able to make this work? Perhaps I’ll check it out in trade someday if worth-of-mouth is on its side.
Nightwing #79: I maintain, this is gonna be huge. And clever move to make for how to justify Nightwing keeping up his standard way of business after Bruce loses most of his money.
Rorschach #7: A comic I will purchase and let’s continue leaving it at that.
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? #109: DC’s highest-numbered comic (that hasn’t gone through an interim renumbering), astonishing. Not getting it myself, but respect.
Sensational Wonder Woman #2: Can’t say this sounds like my thing.
Suicide Squad #2: I’ve been swayed into checking out the Future State debut, but that’d have to really blow me away for me to follow into the main book.
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Superman: Red & Blue #2: Sadly if unsurprisingly DC’s clearly not stacking this with AAA attention-grabbing names in the same way as this latest version of Batman: Black & White, but there do seem to be some interesting names from outside the usual big two roster here. And the main and Bolland cover may disappoint but holy cow that David Choe variant.
The Swamp Thing #2: I have no doubt it’ll be incredible but time and again I learn I simply don’t have it in me to care about Swamp Thing regardless of the objective quality of the effort put into him.
Sweet Tooth: The Return #6: Another one I’m not interested in.
Titans Academy #2: Oh lord so this is where they stuck Billy Batson.
Truth & Justice #3: I continue to have no idea what if anything the unifying idea of this anthology is supposed to be.
Wonder Woman #771: Wonder Woman as troubleshooter for mythological mishaps isn’t a permanently sustainable or desirable status quo but I’m down for it for as long as it lasts if it’s any good (though that Immortal Wonder Woman preview...concerned me, in spite of Jen Bartel’s jaw-dropping art).
So that’s 19-23 out of 37 I’ll be getting - if DC’s standard for success with Infinite Frontier is the proportion of their line people will be checking out, I guess it’s winning with me.
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15x20: Soft Epilogue
Here I go writing fix it fic again. It’s almost 2am and I couldnt sleep until I posted it. I hope its enjoyable. Definitely fluff and a little angst thrown in as well. The soft epilogue with happy endings that Sam and Dean deserved. I didnt get a good place to mention this in the fic, but I believe Sam and Eileen would have rebuilt the American Men of Letters together. :)  _________________
Sunlight glinted against the black impala as she flew down the back country road. It was midday and the air was warm. Turns out when you are fighting for your life, you forget to pay attention to the seasons change. Sam was grateful they could pay attention to that now. 
He checked his phone again. No response yet. Where is she? 
“Hey um... Eileen hasn't called me yet and she's not answering. Do you think she didn't come back?” Sam asked, glancing over at Dean who was tapping his hand on the wheel. 
“Jack wouldn't do that, he would bring her back with everyone else. It's okay Sammy. She'll be there.” Dean assured him, he gave Sam a smirk and looked back at the road. “She probably just doesn't have a phone remember?” 
“Yeah, you're right.” Sam sighed, running his hand through his hair. She has to be there. Dean noticed Sam fidgeting and stepped on the gas.
In the backseat, Miracle barked in approval. 
Before Dean even had the car in park, Sam opened the passenger door and ran up to Eileen's door. Dean chuckled as he watched Sam bound up and the front door opened quickly. Eileen ran out to meet him and the two crashed into each other. Smiles, kisses, laughter. Good Dean thought Sammys happy. For the first time, Dean isn't worried about his little brother anymore. They changed the world, for good, and now Sam has a real chance for a real relationship. Eileen is good for him. 
Eventually Dean got out of the car, Eileen gave him a hug and signed while saying “Thank you.”
Dean looked at Sam, who hadn’t stopped grinning ear to ear, and smirked “Yeah well, now he's your problem.” “Yeah okay” Sam laughed. “I’ll call you later”. Eileen wrapped her arm around Sam’s waist and Dean was confident he wouldn’t be hearing from his brother for a while. 
“Yeah yeah” Dean smiled, “You kids have fun.” 
“I'm 37, Dean.” 
Dean gave them a shit eating grin and slid into the impala “I'm gonna go check on Jody and the girls. Apparently Claire is really pissed she got zapped and missed everything. She keeps texting me.” 
Dean put the car in reverse and he noticed Eileen jump into Sam's arms and kiss him as the car pulled away. Deans phone was laying on the passenger seat and it vibrated with another text from Claire: 
How is Cas? Is he with you? 
The lights flickered on in the bunker as Dean walked in with Miracle at his heels and he shut the heavy door behind them. The emptiness of it felt especially loud as he had spent the last few days sleeping on Jody’s couch in a house full of teenagers. 
He sighed as he remembered telling them about Cas. He couldn't meet Jody’s eye the entire time. He kept it simple, just told them what he had told Sam and Jack: 
Cas summoned the empty. 
Cas saved him. 
Cas was gone.  
Claire especially didn't take it well and the first night she fell asleep leaning on Dean's shoulder in front of the TV. Kaia came downstairs and Dean woke Claire up long enough for her to let Kaia lead her up to their room. 
Poor kid he thought as he picked up the decanter and filled his glass. He had gotten a text from Sam: 
Going on a trip with Eileen actually. We thought some time away might help us find normal again, if that's even possible. Call you later? 
Dean sent a short response telling Sam that was fine and tossed his phone on the library table.
What to do now? 
The whole world was open, skys the limit. For the first time he had no one to protect, no world to save, no monsters to hunt...just his own thoughts in an empty bunker. Well, except for his dog curled up next to his feet. It was terrifying and Dean found himself pounding down whiskey a lot faster than he intended. 
A few glasses in and he started praying. 
“Cas…” he whispered to the silence “Cas..I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.” Dean felt his eyes fill with tears. “Cas...why didn't you tell me before...”
Dean's head shot up. He must have really drank way too much because there was absolutely no way this was real. But there Jack was, standing in front of him with the same white jacket, same innocent smile on his face. 
“Hello” he said, raising his hand. “I'm here for your advice.” 
He said it so sincerely, Dean couldn't help but let out a sad, drunk laugh. His body relaxed a little and he looked up at him. “Man you can't just pop in- I mean you can it's just….Jack, I'm not in the place to be givin’ you advice anymore alright? Besides, I thought you were going to be all hands off?” 
“I am, mostly. I think. I don't really know, I'm still figuring it out. Amara is helping me.” Jack waited patiently while Dean’s intoxicated mind took in this information. 
“Alright” Dean stood up and leaned against the table, his arms crossed. Strangely, talking to Jack as whatever he was, was easier than he thought. He missed this. “What’s going on kid?”  
Jack nodded at Dean’s approval to ask. “I want to take Cas out of the empty but Amara said I should ask you.” 
Dean froze. His mouth went dry. Cas. “So you- you can get him out?”
“Yes, it seems quite possible. Chuck showed me how in his memories. He was able to pull Lucifer out and Amara told me it should work for Cas as well.” 
Dean's head was spinning. “I..um well, why are you asking me then?” 
“You are very important to him Dean.” Jack said with such firm resolve, “If you think this is a bad idea, I will respect that. Amara said it should be up to you.” 
Dean's heart leaped at the thought of seeing Cas again. Panic mixed with pure elation. He was terrified but of course the answer was obvious. “Yeah..” Dean whispered. “Yeah” he repeated louder, clearing his throat “Yeah, Bring him back.” Dean swallowed and looked at the floor. His mind desperately trying to understand that this was happening, this was real. Cas.
Jack smiled “That's what I told her you would say. Thank you Dean. Give me a moment.” and disappeared. The silence was deafening and then Dean heard his phone vibrate. He spun around and almost fell over a chair getting to where it laid abandoned on the table. “...Cas?” 
“No, Dean it's Sam. Are you okay?” “Sammy I um....” Dean couldn't find the words “Jack, he was here.” 
“What? Dean what's going on?” 
“He-...” And then Miracle started barking and Dean let his phone drop to the floor.
“Hello Dean”
He was standing a few feet away, this couldnt be real.  “...Cas I..” Dean started but he lost the ability to speak. He was really there. Rumpled trench coat, crooked tie, tousled hair and bright blue eyes. Dean tried to speak again. Why couldn't he say anything else? Too drunk, too stunned and too afraid to move. Damn it. “Cas...you’re here.”
“Yes” Cas smiled “I'm here.” Dean sensed a nervous caution in his voice. “It's good to see you Dean.” “Cas, what the hell were you thinking?” Dean’s voice was low and Cas furrowed his brow.
“I was protecting you.” 
Dean shook his head like he didn't want to hear it. Like he wouldn't accept that as a reason.
“Dean, BIllie would have killed us. You know that. The world needed you alive Dean. I needed you alive.” Cas paused and met Deans’ gaze again. “It was more important to make sure you were safe.” 
Dean pursed his lips and closed his eyes in frustration. “Im sorry, more important?” Dean looked at Cas again,  “No. You don't get to dip out. You should have told me about that deal! I could have helped you! I could have-... Damn it Cas!” Dean slammed the chair next to him and heard it clatter on the floor. 
“Dean I did what I needed to do. And I don’t regret any of it.” Cas let his voice raise a little in responsive anger but he chose his next words carefully, “I don't regret what I said and I don't regret saving your life.” Despite Dean's outward display of anger, Cas knew Dean was reacting out of love. This anger was misplaced guilt. “You owe me nothing Dean. None of this was your fault.” 
Dean was just drunk enough that he faltered, his voice breaking as he said “Cas, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry Cas..I didn't stop you...I couldn't tell you...” 
Cas moved toward him then, reaching a hand to wipe away the tears Dean didn't realize were falling down his face. Dean could feel his heart aching against his ribs. How did he tell him that images of that moment came back to him every night, swallowed up in black? Cas crying, Dean reaching, Cas disappearing. Over and over they haunted him.
Cas lifted his hand away but felt Deans rough fingers stop him, holding his hand in place. “Cas….Tell me again. What you said..please..”
“No I..” Dean breathed out “I need to hear it Cas. Please tell me again.” 
Cas brought his head closer to rest on Dean’s forehead, closing his eyes. Dean lowered their hands, still grasping on in desperation. Cas could feel Dean shaking as he moved closer to him. Dean let his eyes flutter closed when he felt Cas rest against him. After a moment of silence, Cas said in a quiet voice “I love you Dean.” 
Dean wasn't sure if it was the whiskey or the feeling of Cas’s skin, warm and real against his face.Maybe it was just the pure joy that Cas was here or the relief that he would never leave him again. But he needed more, he needed to feel Cas. He needed to touch him. He moved in slowly, brushing their noses together. Cas’s breath staggered as he let Dean make the decision. Dean grazed his lips along the angels mouth and everything felt warm. The kiss was soft and cautious. Dean moved his mouth slowly, carefully and Cas leaned in slightly, letting Dean set the pace. And then, realization. 
Oh. Oh.
The energy changed and Cas felt Dean’s kiss deepen, his hand reaching up to wind fingers into Cas’s hair. And it was then that Cas allowed himself to grab onto Dean, pulling him in by his flannel. He breathed in Dean's scent, pine mixed with bourbon and aftershave and Dean let his other hand up to rest on Cas’s neck. He could feel the angel’s pulse racing as he pulled back to look at him. “This is...okay right?” 
“Yes” Cas breathed, and immediately pulled Dean in again. 
When Sam walked into the bunker he noticed the lights were on and a chair was toppled over in the library. Deans phone on the floor. But he didn't see anyone. “Dean?” 
Eileen followed after him, calling out for Dean. Sam ran to Dean’s room and when Eileen followed, Sam stopped her before she called out for Dean again. He gestured into the room. “Look” he signed to her. 
Dean was sleeping, his head resting on Castiel’s chest. Miracle was curled up at the bottom of the bed, her head resting on Dean's leg. Sam noticed Cas, in nothing but boxers and a t-shirt, calmly placing his fingers on Dean's temple. A pale blue glow kept Dean’s dreams peaceful and Cas ran his fingers through short hair as his hunter slept soundly. 
 “Cas?” Sam whispered, in disbelief that the angel was alive. Cas gently slid out from under Dean and moved to the door, shutting it carefully behind him.
 Sam smiled “It's so good to see you Cas.” He pulled the angel into a hug. “I thought you were in the empty. How are you here?” 
“Jack,” Cas smiled “He brought me back” Cas looked back toward the bedroom.”Dean and I have been...catching up.” 
Sam smiled and let out a short laugh “Yeah I can see that.” 
“I love him Sam” 
“I know you do. I never wanted to push him but I knew.” Sam let out a breathy laugh and ran his hands through his hair. “Wow I cant believe Dean finally figured it out. I can't believe this is really happening. What are you going to do now?” 
“Whatever makes Dean happy.” Cas said, so matter of factly that Sam shook his head in pure amazement and laughed again.
It was a small outdoor ceremony, but Sam and Eileen couldn't have been happier. Dean beamed with pride standing next to Sam, his tux pressed and black shoes shined. They held the reception in Jody's backyard, string lights and cheap alcohol. It was perfect.
Cas walked into the kitchen, slightly intoxicated and saw Claire sitting on the counter rubbing her feet “I hate heels.” 
“They do look very uncomfortable,” Cas replied. “These suits are restricting as well. My neck is very itchy.” 
Claire beckoned Cas over and loosened his bowtie. “You don't really need it all the way on anymore. Ceremony is over.” She smiled, “Your boyfriend took his off hours ago I bet.” 
Cas never will be used to hearing Dean referred to in that way. “Where is he?” 
“I think he’s out front on the porch.” She said, jumping off the counter barefoot and walking back out into the yard to find Kaia for a dance. She popped her head back inside “Oh hey, tell him I can work that Sunday shift he asked about okay?” Cas nodded and Claire spun around and headed to the dance floor. 
Cas walked out onto the porch to find Dean. The night air was cool and crickets chirped loudly in the fields. As Claire had suspected, Dean’s tie was long gone. His dress shirt was unbuttoned enough to reveal the t-shirt underneath, and to see the necklace filled with Castiel’s grace glowing on his chest. He took another drink from his beer and looked up. “Heya Cas.”
“Hello Dean.” He paused and then remembered “Claire said she can work the Sunday shift.” 
“Ah, good. That kid is killing me. That's what I get for owning a bar, I guess. I’m a freakin boss now.” He laughed to himself, “It still feels weird to say it. Like I'm gonna mess it up.” 
“You’ve earned it, and you certainly are not messing it up.” Cas sat down next to him and smiled as Dean wrapped his arm around him, “How are you Dean?” 
“Eh, I'm fine.” Dean looked down, picking at the label of his beer. “Sammy seems happy, huh?”
“Yes, he does.” Cas reached out and pulled Dean’s hand away from his nervous movement, entwining their fingers together. “He's going to be fine.” 
“I know.” Dean says, squeezing Cas’s hand. “I just hate that he doesn't need me anymore.” 
“That's not true, he’ll always need you.” Cas reassured him. Dean leaned over and kissed Cas, gazing at him for a moment before saying “I love you, you know that right?” 
“I know,” Cas replied, “I love you too.” It didn't matter that they had been together for over a year, 6 months since Cas had made the choice to be human, it still made Cas shiver to hear Dean tell him he loved him.  
“You sure you don’t regret giving me this?” He holds up the glowing grace pendant. Cas shakes his head “No, not once.” and Dean pulls him in for another kiss. 
Jack watches from afar, a smile on his face. 
The sounds of the party last long into the night. 
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padfootagain · 4 years
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Hello everyone! I'm so happy to host a new event for my blog! It has been a while since I made one of these writing events, and I hope you will enjoy it! I've organized it to celebrate my blog hitting 4.7k followers!!! This is unbelievable, tbh, I have no idea what you guys are doing around here, but thank you so much for it anyway!!
So, for the coming weeks, I'll be writing your requests, that you can send me using the prompts I'm proposing in this post, under the cut! I hope you'll have fun!
 Carole, what is going on now?
 For this event, I'll be answering some prompts! The idea is simple: you choose one of the characters I write for and a few prompts, and I will write a one-shot for the character you have chosen, using the prompts you have chosen. You can also indicate more details that you would like to be included in your request (a specific AU or situation… ). It's super easy, and it makes you choose what I'll write for the next 2 or 3 weeks!
 How do we request something?
 In order to send a request, all you have to do is send me an ask through my inbox (please, do not use the dms, it is much harder to manage for me and I will probably forget about your request…). You can choose between 1 and 5 prompts amongst the prompts listed below the cut. The prompts are pieces of dialogue, and it will be my job to imagine a scenario where the characters use these lines. Choose also a character. It has to be a character in my masterlist (at the exception of Billy Russo and Regulus Black, their requests are closed). If you're a little shy, don't hesitate to switch on the anon function, I will still accept your request! Please, only ask for one request, because I want to write for as many people as possible.
And that's it! Super easy, isn't it?
 A sum up?
 In order to get a one-shot:
-Choose a character in my masterlist (except for Billy Russo and Regulus Black, their requests are closed)
-Choose between 1 and 5 prompts that you would like to see appear in your one-shot. There are 100 of them, and they are all gathered below the cut! No need to send me the whole prompt, just send me the number corresponding to your prompts!
-Send me a message through my inbox (no private messages)
-You can only make one request, so choose wisely ;)
-You can ask as an anon if you're a little shy
-I'll be working hard on your request, so a little nice message or at least a 'hello' would be lovely :)
 The requests will be open for 48 hours (September 8 – September 10 2020), and they are open beginning… right now! The duration for the opened requests for the event might change, depending on how many requests I receive.
Please, be understanding that there is no way for me to judge if this event will be popular or not. If I receive too many requests, I won't be able to write all of them. I'm sorry if I don't have time to go to your request, please, be understanding if that happens. But maybe I'll have time to write all of them! It is hard for me to judge beforehand.
I hope you have fun with this event, and thank you all again for your support!
The prompts for the event are listed below. For a few of them, they might include several lines. All prompts are given a number, all you have to do is send me the number corresponding to the prompts you want, no need to type the whole thing in the ask.
Have fun!
NB: I have no idea why so many of those give off some serious idiots in love and idiots to lovers energy, but… it happened…
 2. "You are too far away."
"I am literally on the couch with you..."
"But are you in my arms? No. See? Too far away."
 3. "If you weren't so cute, I would break your legs right now."
 4. "Wait… are you jealous?"
 5. "Stars and tequila. It's perfect."
"No. Stars, tequila and you. That it perfect."
 6."I think I've made a mistake. Very big mistake. The kind that makes me wonder if I should escape to another country..."
 8. "Maybe I love you a little too much, and that's why it hurts sometimes."
 9. "Does it hurt?"
"Not that... OUCH!"
 10. "I can't believe you got punched in the face."
"For you. I got punched in the face for you."
 11. "It's dark, and it's late, and I'm cold and I'm drenched with this freaking rain and yet all I can think about is that I love you."
 12. "I know you don't love me. It's okay. I will be whatever you want me to be."
 13. "You don't need to love me for me to love you, you know? That's not how loving works. It would save us all from a lot of pain if it did."
 14. "What do you mean you have a date?"
 15. "I propose that we get excessively drunk and then ruin our lives as a consequence. Sounds good?"
 16. "I'll always be here for you. Don't you know that by now? That I'll never leave?"
 17. "I think we need... to make something explode."
 18. "I'm pretty stupid, aren't I?"
 19. "Huh... is that my shirt you're wearing?"
 20. "I miss you. I hate it. I hate you. I love you."
 21. "I'm proud to be with you."
 22. "So... huh... are we gonna mention that you've just snogged me or...?"
 23. "What do you mean lying to your family about us? What do you mean you need a 'plus one'?"
 24. "I have only one thing to say: that is the stupidest idea I've ever heard. Let's do it."
 25. "Huh... were you going to... propose?!"
 26. "Will you marry me?"
 27. "Look... I don't mean to be blunt but... you and me, it's a forever kind of thing. And there's no escape from that."
 28. "Fate? Me loving you, you think it's fate? Nah, it's not fate. It's a choice. I choose to love you and to give you everything I own and everything I am every single day. And that's why what we have is true love."
 29. "Do you have ANY idea of how worried I was about you?"
 30. "I think you've just… puked on my shoes."
 31. "I swear, if you die, I'm going to kill you."
 32. "You're perfect."
 33. "I love you. Do you think you could ever love me too?"
 34. "Cuddles, cuddles, cuddles!"
 35. "I'm sorry. For everything. I'm not going to ask you to forgive me though, cause I know that I don't deserve it."
 36. "Just… shut up and kiss me."
 37. "Please… stay."
 38. "But if you leave now, what am I going to do with the rest of my life?"
 39. "I don't want anything but you."
 40. "You deserve so much more than what I can give you."
 41. "I wish I did, but I don't deserve you."
 42. "You make me so happy, it hurts a little."
 43. "What if we don't make it?"
 44. "Are you… are you bleeding?"
 45. "I… I'm begging you… if you must kill someone, then kill me. But please, please… let him/her go."
 46. "I can't lose you."
 47. "What do you mean… you're pregnant?"
 48. "You are so annoying…"
 49. "You're an idiot. I love you."
 50. "Don't leave me. Don't ever leave me…"
 51. "Well… that was hot."
 52. "So… good morning?"
"We're in the same bed. What the fuck are we doing in the same bed?!"
 53. "I mean, we don't have a choice… there's only one bed. And I am not sleeping on that dirty carpet."
 54. "Us being together, it's a terrible idea."
 56. "This is the worst Halloween costume I have ever seen."
 57. "Promise you'll always love me."
 58. "I need your word. Promise me that you'll come back to me."
 59. "So… does that mean… farewell?"
 60. "I think we’re excellent at making memories.”
 61. "Did you… did you sleep with him/her?"
 62. "Where are you?"
 64. "Dear God… I'm surrounded by idiots…"
 65. "I don't want you to go with him/her. I want you to choose me instead."
 66. "What if we stayed in bed all day?"
 67. "You fool! Fear my wrath!"
"Babe, you're threatening me with a broccoli, it is not very convincing."
 68. "Karaoke night!"
 69. "I am full of surprises!”
“Sadly, yes, you are...”
 70. "Dance with me. Please?"
 71. "I would do anything to convince you to give me a chance."
 72. "I know it's hard. I know that life keeps on getting in the way. But I love you. I love you with my entire being, and I'm willing to fight for you. I'm willing to fight to keep you."
 73. "Are you… are you crying?"
 74. "Stop stealing my blanket!"
 75. "Happy New Year!"
 76. "Merry Christmas!"
 77. "Is that for me?"
 78. "Happy birthday!"
 79. "So… is that… a date?"
 80. "What do you mean it was a date? It wasn't a date!"
"Of course, it was a date!"
 81. "Well… that… was a good kiss…"
 82. "I'm a complete moron! I'm an idiot! I am the epitome of stupidity! It took me forever to realize it, but now I see it, and I'll be damned if I let you walk away. Because it took me all that time to realize it, but I love you. I love you so much. It's always been you."
 83. "Are you drinking my cocoa?"
 84. "Please, just… hold me. Please, hold me close."
 85. "I'm cold."
"I'll keep you warm."
"Nice try!"
 86. "It hasn't stopped snowing. We're stuck. We're gonna die."
"I know that the important information here is that we're gonna die, but I'm very upset that you don't want to do it specifically with me. Why not? I'm a dream!"
 88. "Can I try some of your food?"
 89. "I should have told you long ago."
"Tell me what?"
"That I love you."
 90. "I am not going through a thirty-hours drive with you. There is absolutely no way."
 91. "I used to hate you. Then, I simply disliked you. Now, I hate you all over again."
"Well, the feeling is mutual. But maybe it'll change."
 92. "I really like you."
"I love you."
 93. "Well, if you really were that clever, then you would know that I love you!"
 94. "You have fever, you need to drink this. Come on, now."
 95. "I just… I feel like I'm truly myself when I'm with you. I want to be myself when I'm with you. So now, if you're scared, don't call it love yet. But whatever you want to call it, it's incredible, and I'm not going to give up on this. I'm not going to give up on us."
 96. "You're my home."
 97. "Why is summer so hot?! I'm melting!"
 98. "Have you ever felt like… memories get attached to a word and they almost change their meanings? Like… whenever someone says 'apple' I think of my grandma's pies, to the point that I almost forget that they're talking about the fruit. Well… your name… it's the same for love. When I think of love, I think of you."
 99. "What wish did you make?”
“To spend the rest of my life with you.”
 100. "If you only let me spend the rest of my life with you, I'd be happy with that. I don't ask for anything else, really. My life is complete as long as you're in it."
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interstellarflowers · 4 years
affection | billy hargrove x reader x steve harrington
                    AFFECTION | Billy x Reader x Steve
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summary: High school sweethearts are only so sweet, maybe an old friend is more to your taste.
t/w abusive relationship, language
gif isn’t mine
How did you end up here? In this situation? You supposed that to figure that out you would have to go all the way back…
He was a player, known for it. When you heard the name “Billy Hargrove,” you knew it meant trouble, you knew it meant heartbreak. Every cell in your body told you to leave it alone, that if you got too close to the flame you were sure to get burnt, but you stepped right into that fire. Why? You wished that you could say that you didn’t know, that you were just completely blinded by your emotions, that you didn’t know why you couldn’t leave, that you just couldn’t, and maybe that was partially the truth, but it wasn’t the whole truth. You loved him and you knew why. Billy was harsh but Billy was honest, he was rough and he was raw, you loved that about him. Billy cared, enough, Billy could be good, when he wanted to. You loved him for his very best moments, letting them blind you from his worst. A fire is a fire. It’s painful to the touch and leaves a scar, but Billy Hargrove, Billy Hargrove was a different breed. Billy Hargrove was hot concrete. You step on it barefoot, it’s hot to the touch but if you stand there long enough you learn to ignore it, you learn to like it, it can even feel good.
You knew you were fucked the second he approached you in the school parking lot. The hair, the car, everything screamed burn. You didn’t listen, you were too blinded by the good things, by the light, to realize that it was slowly killing you. 
When it was bright, it was bright. 
“Hey baby,”
“Billy,” you giggled as he pulled out a bouquet of flowers from behind his back. Everyone told you he was dangerous, but how could this boy standing before you with flowers be dangerous? 
      Cold. Back pressed against the refrigerator, the handles jabbing into your shoulder blades, you grit your teeth and forced your gaze upwards at Billy’s words,
“Look at me.” You forced yourself to look into his eyes. 
Writers and film will tell you that when people do things like this that they’re barely recognizable, that their eyes are different, that whoever they were hurting would look at them and say something like, “This isn’t you,” or think to themselves how the person they love is bigger than this, that this just isn’t them. It wasn’t like that at all. As you stared into Billy’s eyes all you could do was think about how they weren’t different, Billy wasn’t some sort of Jekyll and Hyde, it was still Billy. They were his eyes, it was his gaze, and it was his hand around your throat. You felt tears prick your eyes, not because of the pain, not because of the way Billy was looking at you, it was because you knew that no matter how many times he pulled shit like this that you knew that you would still love him. 
              “Billy where are we going?” 
“Patience is a virtue (y/n).” You laughed, a genuine laugh, as Billy brought you up a hill. 
The walk uphill was tiring and tedious, but it was worth the journey. The top was beautiful. That was how you used to look at Billy.
It was dusk and the sky was a watercolor painting, bursting into pastels and dark blues, light and dark. There was a warm breeze that blew through your hair and messed up Billy’s mullet. He looked golden, you were golden. Everything felt perfect when Billy took your cheeks into his hands and he kissed you, he kissed you like you could trust him. You felt like you would never need anyone else ever again. 
        His palm banged into the fridge, right next to your head, his other hand still having a grasp on your throat. You couldn’t even remember what you guys were fighting about, you weren’t even sure if he remembered, yet ever upwards it continued to escalate. 
“You belong to me.” Billy looked at you with such venom and his grasp only tightened, “Understand?”
       “(y/n),” you shook your head as you shut your locker and started to walk away, “Please, just listen to me!” 
You turned around annoyed, “What Steve?” 
“Listen,” he ran his hands through his hair, a nervous tick you had come to be very familiar with through the years, “I care about you. A lot, I just, I want you to be careful please. I’m not trying to tell you what to do, I would never try to control you, but please. We know what he’s capable of. That’s all.”
You nodded slowly at him and turned on your heel walking to class. That was the start of you growing apart from Steve. Of course you two still stayed in touch every now and then, but ever since Billy, your relationship with Steve had just never been the same. You supposed that Billy could be partially to blame for that. 
          “Stay away Harrington,” Billy spat on Steve and you flinched as you forced your tears to hold their place. 
In that very moment you knew it would haunt you forever. Steve, bloodied up and bruising, Billy screaming at him, unhinged, scary. But most of all you, just standing there. A bystander to the attack on your friend. On your best friend. All because you had decided to hang out with him, and all you could do was just freeze. 
Billy had many faces, but it always came back to this. 
        You always felt horrible for him. His situation, his past, and deep down you knew that you couldn’t excuse him, his actions, because of it, but you couldn’t stop. Always justifying it for one reason or another. Six years of your life spent making excuses for him. As you looked into his eyes as he raised his hand to you you realized that this was not a person who loved you. You weren’t sure what it was but now you were certain, this was not love. 
“No.” It came down hard on your cheek, you were sure it was going to leave a bad mark, but you stood your ground. 
“Excuse me?”
“I do not belong to you Billy.” He chuckled, the same maniacal laugh that was all too familiar to you.
“Baby, don’t kid yourself, you always have.”
 You knew you had to move fast, so you kneed him. Right in his groin. Billy quickly released his grip on you and you ran. You grabbed your keys and your wallet off the table in the apartment’s entryway and you ran. 
Starting up the car, you looked back up at where your apartment was, and you realized that you weren’t leaving much behind. You weren’t leaving anything behind. That was never a home. Pulling over into a gas station you made your way to the payphone, you knew exactly who to call. 
You knocked on door 37 in the Hawkins apartment complex, it was strange to be back. You hadn’t revisited Hawkins since Billy insisted that you and him fled what he liked to call the “shit box.” 
He started to ask you what happened but you cut him off and threw yourself against his chest, embracing him,
“I missed you so much Steve.” 
Steve went to speak again but closed his mouth and wrapped his arms around you.
       Six months. It had been six months since you fled from Billy. Steve took you back about a week after fleeing to get your things while Billy was at work. The apartment was a wreck, beer bottles everywhere, dirty laundry, dishes, it would’ve broken your heart if Billy hadn’t broken it long ago. 
You were certain that you would never love again, that you could never heal, that you had become broken beyond repair, but everyday Steve proved otherwise. 
He was patient with you. He was soft and gentle with you, and he really truly cared about you.
The first time he went to hold your hand you flinched away from him. He didn’t blow up, he didn’t move to do anything, Steve just told you to-
“Take your time (y/n).” he looked at you with such patience, “I’ll be here when you’re ready.”  You placed your hand over his and your fingers laced together like puzzle pieces.
 He had been there this whole time, you couldn’t help but mentally beat yourself up about it. Of course, Steve Harrington. 
Years went by and he never asked you to move out, never asked you to leave. So you didn’t and eventually you moved from the pullout to Steve’s bed, and found that your hands weren’t the only things that fit together perfectly. 
Steve wanted to take you somewhere special, “Somewhere scenic,” he had said making you smile, “Somewhere almost as pretty as you.” 
The drive was like the one all those years ago. Except now the car was moving the speed limit and the music was turned down low so that Steve could hear every word of your conversation clearly. 
The hill was still tough to climb, but the top made everything worth it all over again. It was early, really early, the dawn of a new day, the sky was coming alive with pastels and a pale blue. A summer breeze moved through your hair and the trees and as you turned around you saw Steve on one knee.
You were home.
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cmbynwritingfests · 2 years
CMBYN Drabble Challenge
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CMBYN Drabble Challenge will be taking a small break from posting new prompts to give everyone time to catch up on older prompts.
I’m still hoping to do a new round of CMBYN Bingo or CMBYN Roll The Dice over the summer, so keep an eye out for more information on that if you’re interested.
CMBYN Drabble Challenge prompts :
* Prompt 1 : First Times | WC : 267
* Prompt 2 : Snow | WC : 319
* Prompt 3 : “I dare you.” | WC : 455
* Bonus Prompt 1 : Birthday Cake | WC : 425
* Bonus Prompt 2 : Trust
* Bonus Prompt 3 : Rose
* Prompt 4 : “When you meet someone so different from yourself, in a good way, you don’t even have to kiss to have fireworks go off. It’s like fireworks in your heart all the time.” | WC : 321
* Bonus Prompt 4 : Thunder
* Bonus Prompt 5 : Lewis Capaldi - Before You Go
* Prompt 5 : Sunset | WC : 298
* Bonus Prompt 6 : Candy
* Bonus Prompt 7 : Dancing
* Prompt 6 : Billy Joel - Piano Man | WC : 362
* Bonus Prompt  8 : “Look at me.”
* Bonus Prompt 9 : Water
* Bonus Prompt 10 : A phone call.
* Prompt 7 : Bobby Vinton - Sealed with a kiss | WC : 441
* Bonus Prompt 11 : Bonus Photo #1
* Bonus Prompt 12 : Absence. POV Annella.
* Prompt 8 : “Midnight, on the bridge. Come alone.” | WC : 238
* Bonus Prompt 13 : Dire Straits - So Far Away
* Bonus Prompt 14 : Reckless
* Prompt 9 : “You can find something truly important in an ordinary minute.” | 395
* Bonus Prompt 15 : Bonus Photo #2
* Bonus Prompt 16 : Prepare.
* Prompt 10 : ABBA - One Of Us | WC : 476
* Bonus Prompt 17 : “This is where I live.”
* Bonus Prompt 18 : Don Henley - The Boys of Summer
* Prompt 11 : Agastopia | WC : 328
* Bonus Prompt 19 : Chocolate
* Bonus Prompt 20 : Destroy. POV Oliver.
* Prompt 12 : Photo #1 : WC : 254
* Bonus Prompt 21 : Truth / Lie
* Prompt 13 : Mask | WC : 403
* Bonus Prompt 22 : Baby Queen - Want Me
* Prompt 14 : Bananarama - Cruel Summer | WC : 379
* Bonus Prompt 23 : Pillow
* Prompt 15 : Photo #2 | WC : 461
* Bonus Prompt 24 : “What’s the point?”
* Prompt 16 : “Ring a bell?” | WC : 286
* Bonus Prompt 25 : Bonus Photo #3
* Prompt 17 : Anniversary | WC : 337
* Bonus Prompt 26 : Shelter
* Bonus Prompt 27 : Consequences.
* Prompt 18 : Photo #3 | WC : 184
* Bonus Prompt 28 : Robyn - Missing U
* Prompt 19 : Tony Bennett - Winter Wonderland | WC : 482
* Prompt 20 : Bonus Prompts | Trope : Different First Meeting
* Prompt 21 : Photo #4 | Word : Dreaming
* Prompt 22 : Soulmates | WC : 399
* Prompt 23 : Harry Styles - As It Was | Trope : Exes To Lovers
* Prompt 24 : Photo #5 | WC : 268
* Prompt 25 : “The truth is rarely pure and never simple.” - Oscar Wilde | Word : Pride
* Prompt 26 : Photo #6 | Trope : Blind Date
* Prompt 27 : Getting a tattoo / piercing | Word : Eagle
* Prompt 28 : Photo #7 | WC : 428
* Prompt 29 : Photo #8 | Word : Frighten
* Prompt 30 : Cinema | Trope : Hurt/Comfort
* Prompt 31 : Photo #9 | Word : Angel
* Prompt 32 : Pen pals | WC : 371
* Prompt 33 : Claude Monet - The Flowered Garden | Trope : Royalty AU
* Prompt 34 : Christmas Music | Word : Grinch
* Prompt 35 : Photo #10 | WC : 295
* Prompt 36 : “I’m sorry that you had to go through this.” | Bakery AU
* Prompt 37 : Photo #11 | Word : Resort
* Prompt 38 : Temporary | Trope : Mysterious Past
* Prompt 39 : Sam Park - Portofino Treasure | WC : 439
* Prompt 40 : Finale | Word : Goodbyes
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ben-hardy-jones · 5 years
Keep it secret
Author: @ben-hardy-jones​
Pairing: Billy x fem!reader
Warnings: slightly smutty, mild gore (description of blood) 
Song: War Of Hearts by Ruelle 
Word count: 4.000ish
Summary: Reader, aka Eight, always felt a certain way about Four and it was mutual. After Turgistan, the tension escalated quickly. But will they be able to keep their hands to themselves and their relationship a secret? It was already enough that Two and Three were together and you weren’t sure how One would react to another couple. 
♡ Feedback is always appreciated! ♡
A/N: Dedicated to @valentina15. I loved writing this so much. Thank you for your request because I wouldn’t be able to come up with something like that at all. I hope you like it! 
→ Back to my masterlist ←
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Meeting One was one of the most terrifying yet freeing moments you've ever experienced. When he proposed to make you free of your previous life, it was hard to decline. Two months later, you found yourself in Turgistan on a luxury yacht of Turgistan's dictator that was about to sink.  When you successfully got rid of Rovach Alimov and his democracy-loving brother Murat became the new president, that's when you found yourself in bed with no other than Billy, better known as Four.
It all started during the planning of the mission. Ever since you met him, there was no denying your attraction towards each other but as you were told by One, the leader, any kind of intimacy was strictly forbidden between any of you. There were occasional touches, Four brushing his fingers against your hip whenever he would walk past you or you gently nudging his hand with yours. However, you kept it at that. Nor you nor Four tried to go any further.
That was until Two and Three's secret about fucking each other since Vegas was exposed. After that, you decided to throw all barriers to the side. So after your return from Turgistan, you visited Billy's trailer. It was supposed to be just an innocent confession of your attraction towards him. You were sure he felt the same way. Still, you didn't plan on finding yourself in his bed that night. His arms gripping your hips as he thrust inside you, your moans so loud he was forced to cover your mouth with his palm.
Waking up in his arms, surrounded by his scent and warmth, was something you got easily used to. However, you agreed to keep it a secret. Mostly because One was barely okay with Two and Three being together and you weren't sure how he would react to another couple in the team.
Keeping it strictly confidential wasn't the easiest task. You tried your best not to stare at Billy any time he was near. It was hard for you. The light green color of his eyes reminded you of leaves hit by sunlight in summer, the plumpness of his pinkish lips and those cute little freckles splattered across the bridge of his nose that you didn't know about until his face was less than two inches away from yours made it a great effort not to look at. He looked like a masterpiece that belonged to the museum. And he was all yours.
Billy wasn't making it easy either. Whenever you were close enough, he wouldn't waste a second and he'd touch you everywhere he could reach. The very next day after your first time, he kept on touching you anywhere he as able to. That escalated quickly after just a week.
You two were like some kind of horny teenagers. Any time you two were alone, soon enough you were naked, bodies grinding against each other as he made you moan his name repeatedly. It didn't matter where. You remembered that one time when you went to a near-abandoned skateboard park to see him. Billy would always go there to clear his head, practice his skateboarding skills and keep himself in shape.
This time, with you sitting on the edge of one of the ramps, he didn't care about his skateboard. Just few minutes after you came to watch him out of boredom, his lips were already on yours, his hands squeezing your naked thighs only hidden underneath a simple beige skirt.
"Billy," you moaned his name between the kisses as his fingers worked on you with your underwear nonchalantly thrown on his black skateboard. Rolling your shirt up to expose the fabric of your bra, he planted wet kisses on the newly visible cleavage. His kisses were aiming lower and lower until he reached the place you craved his attention the most.
He let you be as loud as you pleased. You were alone and completely careless of the fact that if one of the ghosts decided to come near the skateboard park, his head between your legs with your fingers tightly gripping his hair, his hand palming your breast, your back arching in pleasure, and his name leaving your lips would be the first thing they'd see or hear.
Next week, you were on a plane to the Vatican. A group of people were about to assassinate the current pope and One was ready to get rid of the threat before it was too late. Sitting next to Billy, his hand was resting on your upper thigh, maybe too high, but nobody seemed to notice it. No matter how many times you told him to keep his hands to himself around the others, he became more and more frequent with his touching.  
Feeling the tension growing between you two, you looked around. Two and Three were sitting in front of you with their backs towards you, Seven was in the pilot's cabin with One and Five seemed to be way too interested in one of her medical books to notice what you were about to do.
Billy was looking out of the window and didn't notice you either. Biting your lip to hide the grin, you placed your hand straight on his bulge. He jumped out in surprise.
"Y/N," he breathed out. His brows were raised as he looked at you, silently saying Are you serious? with his eyes.
"Two can play this game."
"No, love, she can't," he smiled. Squeezing him, you felt his cock twitch as he sighed.
"That's not what I meant."
"Someone will see us."
"Two and Three are way into each other and Five forgot about the rest of the world the moment she started reading that crap," you motioned towards her with your head, your eyes never leaving Billy's wide ones.
Gently, you started to massage him. He swallowed, letting you. Unfortunately, too soon One's voice interrupted you, informing all of you that you will be landing soon.
You pulled away but not before planting a swift kiss on the corner of his lips. Five looked at you as you passed her, a look in her eyes that made you question if she heard or saw something. Not saying anything, you made your way towards one of the cars parked nearby, Billy right behind you with One and Seven occupying the vehicle as well.
The ride seemed to be going on forever as you sat by the left window, watching the beautiful architecture Rome was offering. You could feel Billy's eyes you, occasionally stealing a look at you.
It was close to one in the morning when you finally arrived at the cheapest, dirtiest two-floor motel anyone could ever imagine. Parking in front of the building, everyone left the car and One went straight to the reception.
Billy's shoulder brushed yours, his hand quickly landing on your bottom as he stopped next to you, watching incoming One.
"Okay, listen, guys," he announced, bringing everyone's attention to him, "there are four rooms with only double beds available for us. I'll be in 37, Two and Eight in 42, Three and Four in 49 and Five with Seven in 56. All rooms are on the ground floor. Everyone will be right here," One pointed at the ground to make a point, "at seven am sharp."
"I want to be solo," Five folded her arms in front of her chest, staring deadly at One.
"You're sharing with Seven," One tried to dismiss Five but her stare made him shiver. After a silent minute of their staredown, One gave up.
"Whatever, Five's in 56 alone and I'll share with Seven in 37 then," he rolled his eyes, throwing her the keys. Five walked off with a proud smile.
"I don't wanna share a room with Four, papi, nor one bed," Three started, making One throw his head back dramatically with an exaggerated sigh.
"Don't start now, Three. I'm not giving you a room with Two. It's enough that you're fucking  loud enough in California, I'm not letting you disturb my sleep tonight," he came closer to Three with an angry expression, "you are sharing a room with Four while Two sleeps in one bed with Eight."
"You let Five have her way," Three remarked, the rest of you just standing there watching curiously.
"I have a feeling someone's gonna get killed soon," you whispered towards Billy whose hand was still on your bottom while both of you faced the others. He only nodded.
"No. End of discussion," One raised his voice slightly, still trying not to bring any attention to the group. With that, he threw one pair of keys to you and the other to Billy and motioned Seven to follow him to their shared room.
"Fucking feminist," Three shook his head.
"C'mon man, I guarantee you I'm not that bad of a bedmate," Billy joked, wiggling his browns as he and Three made their way towards their room, leaving you and Two alone.
"Sometimes I really want to shoot someone," Two rolled her eyes and picked up her bags.
"One or Three?"
"All of them."
"Camille, did I leave my shorts on the bed?" putting your hair in a ponytail, you left the bathroom only in a slightly oversized shirt and underwear, searching for the missing shorts.
"Don't see them," the blonde replied, reading a magazine while laying on her stomach on the bed.
"How could you when you don't look," you mumbled.
Looking around, you couldn't find them anywhere. Someone knocked on the door, making you and Two jump up, guns that were previously lying around now ready to fire.
She opened the door only to be greeted by a sleek looking Three in a black button-up and a glass of champagne in his hand, a flirtatious smile on his bearded face.
"We're having a date?" you asked, taking the champagne from his hand.
"Oh, champagne delamotte," you read in a fake French accent, Two rolling her eyes at you, "sounds fancy. I like it."
"That," Three ripped the bottle from you, "is not for you, ocho," his eyes sliding down your body, realizing how underdressed you were, "but you can stay if you want."
"What do you mean by 'if you want'?" you put your hands on your hips, "I'm sleeping here tonight."
"No, you're not," Two stood between you two, her back towards Three.
An exaggerated gasp left your lips. Two took the bottle from Three, gripping your shoulder and leading you towards the door.
"Wait, I still don't have my shorts," you protested but it was to no avail. Two smiled gently at you in the doors before closing them and locking them.
"Traitor," you whispered. Instantly, you pushed the shirt more down in an attempt to cover yourself from any possible passersby.
"Guys, seriously," you banged on the doors, hearing their voices, "where am I supposed to go?"
"You always find yourself a solution, Y/N. Good luck," Three said, his voice muffled by the doors.
Throwing your arms in the air, you turned around. It was deep in the night. Nobody seemed to be near. Cars of all brands and colors were parked in front of the motel, suggesting the place was nearly or fully booked. It didn't take you long to come up with a plan. Flipping a bird at the doors, you went to the room 7 doors away from you.
Knocking at the red doors, you held your shirt down as you waited for him to open. Billy was still very much awake, dressed in a simple white shirt and black Adidas pants. His wet hair indicated he took a shower recently, the smell of cheap motel soap enveloping you as he looked you up and down and raised his eyebrows, seeing you in only a shirt.
"I was forced out of my room," you stated, "and have nowhere to sleep."
"Three mentioned something about screwing One's dumb rules," Billy wondered out loud, stepping to the side, "come on in, love."
You entered the room that looked exactly like yours, just slightly less messy. The doors clicked, Billy locking them and putting a gun he had hidden behind his elasticated waist on the small table next to him.
"Aren't you cold in that?" he furrowed his brows, eyes fixed on your legs, a look of worry mixed with awe on his freshly shaven face.
"If Three let me put on my shorts, I wouldn't be cold."
Billy walked pass you, grasping a pair of plain black pants he had ready for tomorrow.
"Here," he crouched down in front of you, "these should keep you warm."
Letting him dress you, you stepped into one leg at the time. Your hands gripped his broad shoulders as he put the pants on you and tied them. The close proximity of his warm body mere inch from you made your own body tingle. His hands stayed on your hips. His eyes bored into yours, your lips parting. Billy's eyes slid down to them as he licked his own lips. His right hand moved upwards to cup your face and you automatically leaned into him.
It felt like hours passed as you just stared at each other in silence, heart beating so fast you thought it'll jump out of your chest.
"Can you just kiss me already?" you breathed out.
Billy's lips curled up in a smug smile. Next second, his lips were on yours as his tongue immediately slid inside your mouth. Putting your hands on his brawny chest, you could feel his muscles contracting underneath your touch. Pushing forward, he was soon sitting on the double bed, your legs on either side of his thighs as you sat on him comfortably. You circled your hips, pushing yourself onto his hardening groin and at the same time, you started to nibble on the skin under his jawline, careful not to leave a mark. Billy groaned.
His hands frantically fumbled with the knot on your pants he created just moments ago.
"Why giving me pants when you're gonna be taking them off within a few minutes?" you smiled, your lips still touching his flesh. A growl erupted from his throat alongside your name.
After a small number of failed attempts, Billy finally managed to get the knot loose. His hands grabbed your hips and he easily threw you further onto the bed and on your back. Your pants were off of you in seconds, Billy's lips on yours instantly afterwards. His hips pushed your legs more apart as he settled between them, thrusting against you.
"Fuck, Billy," you could feel yourself getting more and more ready for him and he didn't even touch you properly yet. Being the sadistic bastard he was, he teased you to the fullest before submitting to the awaiting pleasure.
Turning around the corner, you shot the first man that appeared in front of you, the other falling down with a headshot by Seven, and took the outside stairs. You cursed underneath your breath at the horrendous choice of clothing as you had to take the stairs in a little black dress with a fully sheer side. It was extremely questionable why One put Three in charge of today's clothing for the gala as Three was the worst outfit picker, let alone nightgowns for women.
"Eight for Four," you whispered into the earpiece firmly put inside your right ear, masked with your hair pinned to the side.
"Yeah?" Billy responded, his voice soothing, making you slightly less nervous. It was already a stupid idea of One's to send you to the bad guy's room alone, only with Four as a backup. You hated it but apparently, only women were allowed to the upper floor because of reasons. Five wasn't a fighter which made her unavailable immediately while Two and Three were supposed to take care of the guards outside the mansion. So it was only you left as a choice.
"I'm almost there, where are you?"
"Right 'bove you."
A shriek left your lips as he landed next to you. He had to cover your mouth quickly, putting a finger on his lips before showing you a cheeky smile.
"What was that?" One's angry voice echoed in your earpiece, "Eight, I swear if you fucking sabotage this mission."
"Everything's fine, boss," Four answered without delay. He wiggled his eyebrow playfully. Gripping his machine pistol, he turned to the doors and gently nudged you behind him. You both got ready.
"I see four people including out target inside," Seven's voice was heard in your earpieces, "but the glass is bulletproof so it's all on you two, guys. Can't help you there."
You nodded, knowing Seven was watching through his scope. Billy looked at you reassuringly, his hand swiftly squeezing yours. Taking a deep breath it, you watched Billy kick the doors open.
The bodyguards began shouting in Italian instantly but you didn't understand nor cared. Instantaneously, you fired your first two shots, hitting the nearest dark-skinned bald man in the arm before firing again and shooting him in the neck. His body fell to the ground with a thud, revealing your target hiding behind his robust body.
It all felt like you were in slow motion. Turning your head to the side, you saw another beefy man on the ground with his face completely destroyed by Billy's bullets.
Feeling the air thicken, you saw a movement. The target lunged at you, his arms extended towards your gun. The training kicked in, your body going into instant combat mode.  Stepping to the side, you kicked his knee. He grunted and turned to you with an angry snarl. Without a second thought, you hit him in the face with the back of your gun before kicking him right in his groin with all the power you could gather.
The target stumbled backwards, stumbling over the dead body of his bodyguard. He fell backwards, hitting the back of his head against a table in the process. His unconscious body landed on the ground.
"No, no, no, no," you whispered, feeling your heart racing as you came to his body and checked for the pulse, "don't be dead. If you're dead, I'm dead dead too."  
A sigh left your lips covered in bright red lipstick as you felt his pulse beating strongly. He was still alive.
A grunt echoed through the room. Billy was still fighting with the last bodyguard, his pistol thrown on the other side of the room. The man was huge, at least 6'5 tall and weirdly enough, he resembled a bigger version of Jason Momoa.
Billy was holding up surprisingly well. Ever since he got his ass kicked in both Hong Kong and Turgistan, he trained daily to be better. And it paid off. Using his parkour skills, he swiftly moved between his punches. It looked like he was actually dancing.
His face, on the other hand, was evidently not doing that well. His lip was busted, blood slowly oozing from the crack as well as from a small laceration under his left eye, right on his prominent cheekbone that you were so jealous of.
Even in the state of being quite badly beaten, you found Billy extremely attractive. His moves stayed fluent, deliberated.  
You could see him avoiding using his left hand, indicating he was hurt more than you could see at the moment. Raising your gun, you aimed at the man's head, praying to all the gods he would not move fast enough.
The bullet left the muzzle with a bang, ending in the guy's left temple. His blood splattered across Billy's cheek and neck as well as the near wall, painting the white walls crimson red.
He stood still for a second, looking at the body before turning his wide eyes towards you. Billy's chest was rapidly going up and down, his breathing loud.
"You could've killed me," he walked over to you, lips parted, and looked at the target's unconscious body over your head as his chest came  in contact with yours. Billy's hands went to your elbows, steadying your subtle shaking.
"He could've too," you whispered, placing your gun on the table next to you before grabbing his hand and looking at the angry looking bruises forming around his wrist.
"I think it's broken. Five will know for sure."
Looking up, your eyes followed every inch of his face. His eyes never left yours. He stood close to you. Warm tingle settled in your tummy as you wiped away the blood from his chin, careful not to touch his wounded lip. You bit your own lip and felt your cheeks turning pink.
"Sorry, I think I'm turned on," you muttered, trying to put a distance between you and Billy but he caught you by your wrist, holding you still.
"You're turned on by me having my ass handed to me?"
In that very moment, when you looked up to him, the blush on your cheeks and your wide eyes, he felt his heart stop. Forgetting about the world, he smashed his lips against yours, groaning slightly at the burning pain in his wounded lip.
"You're hurt," you tried pulling away but it was unsuccessful. Billy held you close, completely ignoring the protests his body was giving him as he overlooked his broken wrist and beaten face.
"Don't care."
Still trying to pull away, his lips followed yours as you bent slightly backwards. That was when you realized there was no point in protesting. This man was not going to give up.
Relaxing your body, letting it melt into his, Billy took the lead and put you on the table right next to your gun. Opening your legs as much as your dress allowed you, he was still not able to step between them. A growl left his mouth as he took the hem of your dress, pulling it upwards until it was around your hips, your underwear completely exposed to anyone as he finally stepped between your legs. His hands stayed on your thighs.
You could feel the blood on his lips as he moved his mouth down, kissing your jawline before moving towards your ear. You were completely lost in the pleasure he was giving you, tilting your head back. So lost you didn't hear One the first time.
"I said," his voice was louder now, "what the fuck is going on?"
Eyes wide, you pushed Billy away and jumped off the table, speedily pulling your dress down. One was standing in the doors with Two and Three on each side. Five and Seven were nowhere to be seen. Three was strongly trying not to laugh as Two had the same expression she always had but you knew she was amused as well.
On the other hand, One was furious. His face reddened as he walked towards the target who was slowly and quietly trying to crawl away which you also didn't notice.
"Look, boss," Billy took a step towards One but was stopped when he raised his hand, aiming his gun at Billy.
"Don't," he grabbed the target, pulling him on his feet and putting his gun back at the holster, "you have a lot of explaining to do but right now, we have more important things to take care of."
There was no doubt your face was red as a tomato as One left the room with your target, Three laughing as he followed him.
Two looked at Billy and then at you.
"You have a little blood and lipstick on your face," she motioned to her jawline, showing you where you were dirty before turning away and following the rest of the group.
"This is gonna be a long night," Billy announced, biting his cheek.
"Tell me about it," you breathed out and began following the group with Billy by your side, slightly terrified about what was to come.
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awideplace · 4 years
Jesus' Revelation was final. There is no new revelation. Folks, Jesus said, "Don't let anyone add anything to this book. If anyone will subtract or will add, let him be anathema. Let him be accursed." Jude 3, "Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you and exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith, which was once for all delivered to the saints. Revelation 22, "For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book, if anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the book of life, from the Holy City, and from the things which are written in this book."
Bible Bite: Is the Bible Still Being Written?
We hear a lot today about “extra-biblical revelation” and there are great emotional responses on both sides of the issue. The only way to make our way through the emotions and opinions on the matter is to look to the word of God. Some argue that God only speaks through His written word and never to individuals. Others say God speaks to individual things that are equal to the word of God. Regardless of one’s opinion on the matter, the Bible is the final authority on the issue.
Does God speak to us as individuals outside of reading His word?
Acts 16:6-10 Now when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia. After they had come to Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit did not permit them. So passing by Mysia, they came down to Troas. And a vision appeared to Paul in the night. A man of Macedonia stood and pleaded with him, saying, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” Now after he had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go to Macedonia, concluding that the Lord had called us to preach the gospel to them.
This one scene gives us so many answers to the hotly-debated issue of “extra-biblical revelations.” Paul and company were forbidden by the Spirit to preach the word in Asia. Why? We do not know. How? We do not know other than the Holy Spirit was the agent of communication. The end result is that God the Holy Spirit was speaking to Paul about something that would never be found in the Scriptures. But note that what Paul was told was exactly what Paul needed to know in order to carry out what the word of God told Him, and all of us, to do; Go to the world and preach the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15).
Psalms 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way.  
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
The Bible doesn’t say, “Jim Elliot, I am going to call you to go to Ecuador in 1950.” The Bible doesn’t say, “Billy Graham, I am going to launch you into international evangelism in 1949 in Los Angeles.” These men obviously were spoken to by the Holy Spirit just as He spoke to and directed the path of Paul.
Yes, God speaks to us outside of His word but never in conflict, contradiction, or in addition to His word. You may be thinking, “Isn’t directing our steps a form of speaking to us in addition to His word?” The Bible will again be the source for the answer.
Mark 7:6-9 He answered and said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written: ‘This people honors Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men—the washing of pitchers and cups, and many other such things you do.” He said to them, “All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition.
Acts 17:11 These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.
1 Corinthians 4:6 Now these things, brethren, I have figuratively transferred to myself and Apollos for your sakes, that you may learn in us not to think beyond what is written, that none of you may be puffed up on behalf of one against the other.  
Jesus rebuked the scribes and pharisees for equating their commandments to the doctrines of Scripture. Paul said in Acts 17 that the Scriptures are the source of verification for all teaching and he warned those in Corinth not to allow their interpretations of any matter to go beyond the boundaries of Holy Scripture. This tells us that while God will speak to us as individuals, direct our paths, and order our steps, there is no “revelation” that applies to the whole church in addition to the written word of God.
With the word as our guide, we can well understand that those who claim apostolic authority or the office of the prophet today, who claim to be bringing messages from God for the whole church, are making false claims and are to be avoided. How do we know? We cannot verify their claims from Scripture. Not only that, we cannot verify their claims of office from Scripture. Nowhere does the Bible say that in the last days there will be another group of apostles likened unto the first century apostles and prophets who will guide the church into dominion over the world. They are doing exactly what Jesus rebuked the scribes and pharisees for doing, equating their words with Holy Scripture.
2 Peter 1:2-4 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
Everything we need to know about living a godly life is given to us in the word of God through the Holy Spirit’s inspiration. The Holy Spirit will guide and direct us as to where and to whom our godly lives are to have an impact and influence, but there are no additions to the written word of God. Nor are there extra-biblical revelations that God has sent us through modern-day prophets and apostles.
We also have everything we need to know about future world events lined out for us as well through the prophetic books of the Bible. That means if anyone says there is a future for the church that contradicts what the Bible says, we are not to heed their words!
Revelation 22:18-21 For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.” Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
- Amir Tsarfati
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