#everyone loves remus lupin
exhaustedcatte · 2 years
Professor Lupin
“The weirdest thing just happened,” Remus strides into the common room a little dazed.
James and Sirius are bouncing scraps of parchment on a snoozing Peter’s forehead when Remus makes his announcement.
The two boys flick the last piece of paper, with the combined force of two incredibly talented Quidditch players, onto Peter’s head to wake him up; it does the trick, the poor mouse jerks awake.
“Well, what gives, Moony?” James asks curiously.
Remus brews a cup of tea and heaves himself into the armchair beside Peter.
“I went to retrieve my books from Charms, right? Flitwick wasn’t there, but his first years had already seated themselves,” Remus explains. “And when I walked in all the chatter died down, and the class stood up to greet me.”
Sirius raises a manicured brow. “Isn’t the respect a good thing?”
“No, they said Good Morning Professor,” Remus pitches his voice high as he stresses the greeting.
His focus on the enactment leads him to stirring his peppermint tea with a quill instead of a spoon.
Peter gently removes the ceramic mug from his hand, setting about to brew him a proper cup. Relieved of the fragile object in his hands, Remus smiles gratefully at his friend – now able to gesticulate the severity of the matter.
James cackles wildly, “They assumed you were the professor?”
“So everyone is finally catching our drift,” Sirius adds, smiling like a proud mother. “Good on you, Moons.”
“What about me screams Professor?” Remus scoffs.
The response, unexpectedly, comes from Peter. “I wonder what about your white shirt, sweater vest and slacks make you look like a dignified Oxford grad, Moony, I really wonder.”
“But I wear our uniform,” the boy points out, “doesn’t that make it obvious that i study here and not teach.”
“But I don’t think I’ve seen you in robes since the first day of class, years ago Moony,” Sirius rebuttals with a laugh.
“You look like the muggles in the films that Lily brings in those cassettes,” James nods. “It’s definitely your sweaters.”
“It’s much too warm for a proper jumper, but cold enough for a vest,” Remus argues half-heartedly.
“It’s not just that, you’re tall and smart and so –” Sirius interrupts himself. “You just emanate this professor-y aura. I, personally, find it incredibly sexy,” he winks.
“The point, my dear Moony,” James pushes his glasses with his shoulder. “Is that you’re like a teacher, and it’s not just your clothes.”
Given Remus’ conflicted expression, he definitely disagreed.
“Mr Lupin,” McGonagall beckons him into her chamber. “Please sit. How are your classes?”
“I’m enjoying them, Professor,” Remus replies, nicking two sweets from her glass jar.
The sudden pursing of her lips indicates her increased efforts to hide her smile. Remus knows she loves it when he jests with her.
“And I have heard,” she composes herself, “that you have been a wonder in Ms Sharma’s class. She doesn’t spare kind words easily, but she speaks of you very highly.”
“Defence is especially interesting,” Remus deflects the compliment, but his pinking ears deceive him.
Minerva’s eyes glint. “And what of Potions? Are you glad you dropped it?”
“I think Professor Slughorn is happier about that,” Remus snorted.
“Well then, what are you thinking of pursuing after N.E.W.Ts?”
The conversation drew up to a blank.
Remus chewed on the inside of his cheek. She had asked him the same question the last two sessions as well, and he had replied with a half-hearted I’m still exploring my options. They both knew his array of choices were rather limited.
“Don’t think too hard Remus,” she pats his hand kindly. “You’ll do just fine in whatever you choose.”
“You don’t think Ms Pince would let me be a Librarian here, do you?” He jokes.
The Gryffindor house-head cracks a small smile, “I think she would be more disappointed that you’re selling yourself too short.”
Not much leaves Remus speechless, given his constant company of troublemakers (he can talk about objectively repulsive things now without batting an eye or blocking his nostrils, he’s developed an immunity to things that would leave others flabbergasted). But this does leave him a little stunned.
“Don’t you have a study group to attend to? Or is it the Duelling Club?”
Remus snaps out of his stupor in record time, piling his pockets with a few more toffees from McGonagall’s glass dish.
He looks at the clock hanging behind her wide-eyed. “Duelling Club. Merlin’s balls, I haven’t any time to prepare. Shit, I didn’t mean to swear. Ah fuck, I did it again, didn’t I?”
McGonagall covers her mouth with her fingers, physically restraining a laugh. It would be inappropriate to encourage his vulgarity so openly. Not that she actually minded it, she had grown used to the potty-mouth that Lupin was.
He pauses for a second, and smiles sheepishly. “You know what, I’ll let myself out. G’night, Professor.”
Minerva watches fondly, as the boy straightens out of his slouch to scurry to the library to tend to his younger peers. She hopes he will see in himself what the rest of the world sees in him.
The last moon was just under a week ago, and according to James’ dramatic renditions of their treks that night, Moony had gone mental. And now Remus was left with a muscle ache in his arms.
After his last class, Care of Magical Creatures, for the day, Remus trudges slowly across the grounds, inhaling the crisp autumn air. He mentally creates plans of lazing by the fireplace with a mug of tea and a Sirius Black, it would be the best way to unwind.
His plans don’t get the chance to develop any further because that’s when he hears a resounding crash.
“Mona!” he hears a terrified shriek. “Merlin! I knew we shouldn’t have tried it on our own!”
Trouble not only follows him, it also seeks him out specifically.
Remus speeds his walk to the source of the sound. The huge oak tree shelters two frightened girls, and by the looks of it, Mona – he assumes – has definitely snapped a bone.
“‘ello,” He smiles his kindly, “I’m Remus. Are you alright? I heard the yell.”
“I’m Imaan. This is Mona, she was trying the spin that got Regulus Black the snitch today afternoon,” the young Slytherin explains, her hands flitting over her friend in terror.
Remus makes a mental note to congratulate Regulus and then placate James and Sirius.
Mona groans in pain, shifting her weight onto her bottom and kicks her broken broom away feebly. “Turns out its not advisable to try it beside a tree.”
Remus kneels beside the pair, “D’ you mind if i take a look?”
She nods affirmatively, going pale in the face.
“It’s not mangled, is it?” Imaan panics about Mona’s pallid appearance.
“No,” he reassures them and gently draws her arm out from her body. His monthly visits to the infirmary have taught him a lot. And this was a clean snap, which was an easy fix for him.
One wand-less Episkey later, her limp hand is sturdy again. Remus taps on it a few times to check if it had healed.
“Right,” he helps her up, “you’re good as new.”
The stare at him with pure admiration. “Oh, thank you so much!! We would have gotten into so much trouble otherwise! Thank you, really!”
Remus laughs, “Don’t sweat it, it was no trouble. Now, I must remind you not to try such tricks alone. Besides, I’m sure Regulus would help if you asked.”
“Do you think?” they blink up at him.
“Yes,” he nods sagely. “He would love to help.”
The girls thank him again and skedaddle, heads together in excitement.
Remus also leaves, satisfied. James and Sirius would love the little harmless lark he just pulled on Regulus – who couldn’t entertain a child to save his life, because he was the youngest of the Black family.
“You’re somewhat of a legend now Moony,” Sirius throws his bag onto his bed before climbing into Remus’ bunk.
“That’s nice,” Remus replies, not really paying attention. His homework wasn’t going to write itself, even if it was due only next week.
“The youngsters are incredibly protective of you,” Sirius informs him, laying his head down on his boyfriend’s shin.
“Is that right?”
“A fourth year Hufflepuff sucker punched one of Snape’s goons.”
“Say what now,” he sits up, alarmed.
Sirius smirks, fiddling with Remus’ pant leg languidly. “Minnie allowed it, you know. Rosier was starting shit again and I was gearing up to crack his skull open but I got beat to the punch.”
Remus ignores the pun. “Was it worth a cuffing though?”
“He was saying something about you being a swot and a suck-up and other things that I will not repeat. Regular bullshit from a jealous person, seeing as his grades are plummeting worse than Malfoy on a broom. And next thing I know, this little runt stalks up to him and throws a feisty punch,” Sirius relays the incident excitedly.
Remus watches the mono-act with slight amusement.
Sirius punches the air, “Don’t you dare speak about Remus like that.” He turns back to Remus with an amused smile, “He walked off after that, with kids from your study groups following him in solidarity.”
“I… fuckin’ hell. Did he get hurt?”
“Looked proud of himself more than anything. Minnie docked points from Slytherin for unprovoked fighting and gave the kid a detention with Sprout. Convinced me that she loves you the most.”
Before Remus could reply, there’s a knock at their door. Sirius unlatches it, to reveal a cluster of tittering third years.
“Hi, Remus. Are you busy?” Quentin asks.
There goes his homework time.
“Erm, no, not really. Is something the matter?”
“Would you mind helping us out with Defence? Professor Sharma told us to ask you, if you were free to tutor us.”
Sirius grins elatedly. “Right then. Professor Lupin, why don’t you take this classroom down, eh, I promise I’ll do my homework.”
“Alright.” He kisses Sirius goodbye and follows the group into the common room where the third year girls were pacing in anticipation.
“He came!” they cried in delight.
“Quite a Casanova you are, Remus,” Marlene raises her brows emphatically. “Teach me your ways, Great One!”
“Take that stick out your arse and kiss Dorcas, god knows how long she’s been waiting,” he whispers back. Remus doesn’t stay to hear Marlene’s stuttering.
He makes a pot of tea and gathers the group beside the fireplace. They sit in an eager semicircle in front of him.
“Alright, let’s begin with Bowtruckles. That’s what Sharma is doing in class next week, right?” Remus rolls his sleeves up.
“Mr Lupin,” McGongall looks up from grading her essays, surprised. “Do come in, is something the matter?”
“Good evening, Professor. Terribly sorry for interrupting,” He prattles nervously.
She adjusts her glasses. “You didn’t turn the Great Hall upside down like last time, did you?”
“That wasn’t us,” he protests weakly.
McGonagall waves her hand dismissively. “No one else can manage that kind of magic, Mr Lupin. So what is it? Running interference for Potter? Sirius having trouble with his, ah, his family?”
“Er, no, it’s something else.”
She waits patiently for him to gather his bearings.
“Do you think,” he starts, “that I’d make a good teacher?”
The smile he gets from McGonagall is nothing short of proud.
“I think that would be a very wise choice. You know, Ms Clarksworth and Ms Hassan were singing praises of your wand-less magic? They didn’t give much context, but they were very taken by you.”
Remus blushes under his golden skin.
“And the first years?” she shakes her head. “Remus, I think you’ve got an extensive fanbase, but also a very loyal army. Take pride in your efforts; your passion is palpable. But your talents are also unmatched.”
“So you’d encourage it if i wanted to pursue teaching Defence?”
“Indeed. I look forward to teaching alongside you at some point,” she smiles.
“Then I’d like to become a Defence against Dark Arts professor.”
She pushes the bowl of sour candy towards him. “And a mighty good one, at that.”
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not-rab · 21 days
*during a prank*
James: What do you think Sirius will do for a distraction?
Remus: He’ll probably make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do
*classroom explodes and several students start screaming*
Remus: ... Or he could do that
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norry-yippee · 3 months
Remus Lupin is a NERD and a LOSER stop these false ‘cool guy’ accusations!!!!
Everyone thought he was hot then they tried to have a conversation and baby couldn’t get a full sentence in.
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number1abbasupporter · 10 months
Sirius: i’m gay
James: that’s cool mate
James: everyone has gay thoughts though
Remus: boy do i have news for you
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pearlynia · 8 months
Sirius Black would wear a shirt that says "best dogfather ever" at Harry's birthday because him and James thinks it's hilarious and would laugh their ass off.
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lily0evans0gf · 4 months
“remus lupin doesn’t like physical touch-” SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! that man is always touching his boyfriend. all. the. time. there’s always a hand on the small of sirius’s back, arms wrapped around his waist, fingers playing with his hair. remus lupin cannot keep his hands to himself. ever.
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the difference between remus and regulus:
james: would you still love me if i was a worm?
regulus: no
sirius: would you still love me if i was a worm?
remus: you are a worm tho
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gender-thief2 · 6 months
now look i don’t wanna ship that rarepair…
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Remus Lupin with the bent nose that’s a little too big, with the soft tired amber eyes, with the soft jawline, with the slightly crooked teeth, with the spattered freckles all over his face, with the knobby knees, with the lanky limbs, with the skinny and completely un-muscled body, with the fluffy curly and inexplicably tangled tawny hair, with the awkward and hunched posture.
Remus Lupin who is so strange and weird that no one really understands why/how he’s friends with James and Sirius, and everyone is even more confused when he and Sirius get together and this literal god of a man is with such a dweeb (then you see them together and they’re so sweet and in love that it makes sense). He has to have a hand on Sirius at all times because, if he doesn’t, he’s scared that Sirius will leave and he won’t know where he is. He always wants to be in Sirius’ lap because he’s freezing cold constantly and Sirius runs hot, so he clearly needs to be cuddled, because why else would they be the way they are. He always has to be held and reassured that he is loved because he’s an insecure little baby.
Remus Lupin’s first kiss was Sirius, he lost his virginity to Sirius, his first relationship was with Sirius, because he’s scared of everyone else finding out he’s a werewolf. The only time he was ever called a Casanova was when his friends poked fun at him for so much as talking to someone outside of their direct friend group (Sirius, James, Peter, Lily, Mary, Marlene, etc.). He was an antisocial weirdo that shied away from conversations, and panicked and ran if any confrontation occurred.
Remus Lupin was not an active problem solver, his fight or flight response was permanently set to flight. He lived on chocolate and tea and whatever snacks his friends brought him when he was studying. He wasn’t a natural straight-O student, he had to work his ass off to get Es in most classes and Es and Os in his best ones. He couldn’t work for the life of him because he had a bad back and hips and knees and once hurt himself trying to lift a stack of books the wrong way (with his back not his legs). He’s allergic to pollen and dust and peanuts and he’s lactose intolerant and his stomach is super sensitive. He doesn’t smoke because he’s got asthma and is too scared he’ll get lung cancer or something because he’s drop-dead terrified of literally everything.
Loser kinda-ugly nerd Remus John Lupin needs to make a comeback because he is so cute.
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labyrinthhofmymind · 2 months
i’m so glad wolfstar exists
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messervixen · 3 months
Lily should have survived.
“Harry was saved by his mother’s love-“ Let me stop you right there.
I present to you: James Fleamont Potter.
You’re telling me that James didn’t love Lily and Harry enough to evoke the ancient love magic that Lily saved Harry with?
Mr. “Had an ego the size of a lake but a heart to match it?”
He loved both of them so much that he literally died trying to give them a chance to escape and that wasn’t enough?
I don’t buy it.
The only semi-logical explanation I can come up with is that he didn’t have his wand and maybe you can’t do something like that wand-less but did Lily have her wand?
Even then we’re talking about a guy who literally became an illegal animagus at the ripe age of 15.
He also loves and cares for people so deeply and it was LOVE MAGIC.
Look me in the eyes and tell me James Potter couldn’t have just saved BOTH of them without his wand.
Exactly, you can’t.
Honestly I could go on about all of the reasons James and Lily dying didn’t even make sense.
This is just another thing that makes me question why they died the way they did.
Them dying on an order mission would’ve been more realistic. There were just too many plot holes in them dying in Godric’s Hollow.
In conclusion, the ending of the first war didn’t make sense. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
Guys this post is not that serious I just mean that everything about what happened that night and the explanation for all of it felt like a stretch and kinda vague to me 😭
Even with the stuff about James not having a choice. Like yeah Voldemort didn’t verbally give him the option to back off but James still made the choice to try and hold him off.
Also James was a Pureblood and Voldemort made it known that he would spare them if they didn’t fight him because his whole thing was blood purity.
So like the “Lily was given a choice” still feels so vague to me.
Also Voldemort making the promise to Snape feels weird. Snape asked him not to kill Lily but Voldemort said that he wouldn’t as long as she didn’t get in his way. And Lily did get in his way of killing Harry so he didn’t break that promise by killing her.
Yeah he probably could’ve just knocked her out or something but he still didn’t break any promises.
And the whole reason Snape joined Dumbledore before the end of the first war is because he didn’t think Lily would just let Voldemort kill her son. He didn’t make an unbreakable vow or anything so Snape knew that Voldemort would probably kill Lily.
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spinderella-umbrella · 4 months
Everyone Knows (Except them)
@wolfstarmicrofic | 202 words
Lily watches the pair across from her in fascination. 
When Remus had sat down, Sirius had handed him tea that he had made minutes earlier, now at the perfect temperature for Remus to immediately pick up and drink, which he did one handed as he picked up several pieces of toast and piled them on his plate. 
Sirius was chatting animatedly with James when Remus dropped the first piece of toast, spread with butter and jam onto Sirius’ empty plate. Without skipping a beat, Sirius picked up the toast and took a bite, continuing to speak. After a moment Remus nudges him and Sirius sits back in his seat, eating properly over his plate and letting James get a word in. Remus slides him another slice of toast before he eats his own. 
Lily looks away from them when she feels someones gaze on her.
She raises a brow in question when she meets the eye of a smirking James. 
“Fascinating, aren’t they? They really don’t see what they’re doing.”
“Who doesn’t know what they’re doing?” Sirius asks with his mouth full, and Remus tutts at him, Sirius closing his mouth and chewing, throwing an apologetic look at his “best friend Remus.”
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rosekillerbf · 11 months
sirius has a mixtape with “Sirius’ cool hardcore punk-rock” written on it, with a black skull drawn next to the title in Sharpie
There is not a single hardcore punk-rock song on that tape, it’s all songs that remind him of Remus. From Remus’ favourite songs, to love songs that make him think of Remus, to the song he thinks should be their first dance. It’s sappy and adorable and Sirius thinks he’s being all cool and mysterious but Remus is absolutely aware of it
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bimoonphases · 5 months
@wolfstarmicrofic May 7 - prompt 7: Secret Relationship [word count 390]
They had discussed it, and decided they didn’t want to tell anyone for a while. Remus because he still couldn’t believe he was dating Sirius Black, and Sirius because he enjoyed having Remus all for himself. So they agreed on keeping their relationship secret while they figured this whole dating thing out.
The very first day of their secret relationship, James had to crawl out of the dorm they had thought was empty enough for an impromptu makeout session.
The first week of their secret relationship, Peter quietly levitated a chair to strategically block from view the fact that Sirius’s hand was resting on Remus’s thigh in History of Magic.
The second week of their secret relationship, Lily redirected a bunch of first years away from the library shelves they were passionately kissing behind.
The third week of their secret relationship, Marlene walked singing out loud on the Quidditch pitch, giving them enough time to get dressed and sneak out of the showers.
The fourth week of their secret relationship, Mary broke a pot in Herbology to startle them back from looking deep into each other’s eyes instead of pruning the Bubotuber.
The fifth week of their secret relationship, Peter got their Potions essays in order since both their owners were off doing who knew what (they all knew what).
The sixth week of their secret relationship, James had to swim further away than usual to avoid coming out of the lake right by where they were putting flowers in each other’s hair.
The seventh week in their secret relationship, Professor McGonagall flicked her wand and conjured a velvet curtain to keep the alcove they were making out in from prying eyes.
The eight week of their secret relationship they walked up to their friends in the Common Room hand in hand and finally told them they were dating. They got loud cheers, good wishes, hugs, kisses, enthusiasm and were urged to enjoy the empty dorm, that James and Peter were more than happy sleeping by the fireplace for one night.
The very first day of their official relationship, both Sirius and Remus wondered why all of their friends were so hangover at breakfast. From the main table, Professor McGonagall gifted them with one of her rare smiles as Professor Dumbledore counted the Galleons he was putting in her hand.
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icedcoffeebabyy · 5 days
if you ever hear me say «oh my god» i’m referring to remus lupin
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loserboyfriendrjl · 1 year
loser remus lupin. remus lupin who only knows how to tie his shoes with loops, remus lupin who doesn’t know how to tie his tie. remus lupin with a chronic tired face and remus lupin who rubs his eyes all the time. remus lupin who never brushes his hair and remus lupin whose hands are always stained with ink. remus lupin who always loses his book marks and who dog-ears pages. remus lupin who doesn’t know to smile and remus lupin who yawns even when he’s not tired, and when he wants to get out of an awkward conversation. remus lupin who cries easily. remus lupin who saves bugs. remus lupin who presses flowers and leaves. soft loser remus lupin
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