#exclusionist alert
crystalsandbubbletea · 4 months
Just found an exclusionist who claimed asexual can't be a spectrum 💀
The username is @/girloninterweb
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playawner · 4 months
Twitter is literally the only site where I somehow end up seeing people unironically defending death threats (death threats directed to mind you a 15 year old) just because the person getting threats from identifies with the "wrong label" and shit.
Wow, you support grown people telling kids to die, stalking, and straight up harassing them over labels. How amazing. Surely it will help the amount of issues we have in the community, won't it?
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1) Funny- the request needs to be humorous, memes usually the most popular but dnd in jokes and other shitpostery is welcome. i abide by the MBMBAM NO BUMMERS rule - there are plenty of sad/deep/beautiful calligraphers out there who’d be happy to work with yall, but this isn’t that sort of channel
2) Length - aim for no more than 75 characters a request, my cue cards are only so big so I can only fit so much on each one and still not look like garbage. There is a little leeway but if you send me smth with like 120 characters it aint getting written
3) Amount of Requests - I am trying to be fair but i am one person running almost the ENTIRE thing, logistics, tech, etc, I have twitch mods and a roommate for retrieving things and that's it. In order to be fair, please restrict yourselves to 3 requests per person to let everyone have a shot, if you send in more i will ctrl-f your username and pick my favourites
4) Content - I will not do anything I consider under the umbrella of general assholery - this includes racial slurs, edgelord bullshit, exclusionist jackassery etc. Please be kind to each other. Please let me know if I’ve taken a request that is some incredibly obscure piece of assholery, someone once tried to slip a really obscure antisemetic piece of slang by me once
5) Repeats - I keyword tag EVERY SINGLE piece i’ve ever done on this blog, if you think I might have written smth already but aren’t sure, the /search/[keyword] is your friend, check if i’ve done your request before
the proper inbox is theshitpostcalligrapher.tumblr.com/ask , not a dm or submission to the blog. I’ll close submissions too so people don’t get the boxes confused. DM me for any actual clarifications, kind words, etc so they don’t get swallowed up by the behemoth of my askbox for months, but I will probably NOT see my tumblr dms until the event is OVER. If you need to flag me down RIGHT AWAY you're GOING to have to go over to twitch chat ask there.
the BEST CHANCE of getting it written live today is to send in your requests with 3 different asks within the first hour or so of the stream going live. after the first hour, it's not gonna matter if it's in one or three asks cuz I'll be scheduling them out in advance and everything that follows the rules above will get written eventually
If you want to jump the ENTIRE queue and get your card done immediately, there are ways to donate on the twitch stream to get your request done with an ink of your choice. You can still submit 3 free requests in addition to what you pay for.
I’ll be streaming the entire time the askbox is open on twitch @ miathecalligrapher, trying to get as many of these done today as possible live. Once 10PM EST hits, the askbox will close but if you get your request into the askbox by then, it will be done eventually as I always have 4 cards up per day.
Here’s the link to my twitch, we’ll start a little after 2 o’clock EST.
Here is a direct donation link to my streamlabs, it works like a ko-fi but I’ve got it set to give me alerts on my twitch so I can see and thank you straightaway for supporting my takeout order
If you would like to receive the card you buy/request for, physically in the mail, here is the shop link:
feel free to dm me first to discuss discounting if you'd like multiple of your cards in a bundle
if you subscribe to my channel on a regular basis, I'll keep your cards back and send them out periodically regardless
there'll be 2 donation goals - one as a forty dollar threshold for ordering food, and the other one will be set at $160 since that's ABOUT the equivalent of living wage for the amount of time I'll be streaming.
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arotechno · 9 months
bat, hornets' nest etc. but it is has always really bothered me the way that any time an aspec person posts literally anything exclusionists take it as a lofty statement about deeply rooted systemic oppression and queerness and it's like... bro i am just talking. "you're not lgbt!!!! this doesn't make you lgbt!!!!" ok. and? i am just sharing my experiences. on my personal blog. this isn't a Discourse Topic. like, what, should we alert the news? local blogger writes about experiences with personal relationships, NOT OPPRESSION, story at 11!!! should we tell the pope
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reveseke · 2 years
Thought about a what if reader was insomniac and was found sleeping with Jack by Jessica?
PT. Thought about a what if reader was insomniac and was found sleeping with Jack by Jessica? PT end
Trope ... Mainly fluff
Feature ... Aaron Hotch Hotchner | Derek Morgan | Jessica (Hotch's SIL) | Jack Hotchner | Masc! Reader (he him)
CW ... Talks of insomnia | a fear of death/ not waking up anymore mentioned | also me swearing lol
Disc ... I'm not suffering from insomnia myself, i hope i didn't get something so fucking wrong lol. I know something off of insomnia, some little research I've done in past that stuck with me and I'm using some of my own sleeping problem experience on this but that's minor.
Edit ... I'm not actually sure her name was Veronica? For some reason I have a small itch it was lmao. Ok new edit, it was Jessica not Veronica and I'm editing it out lol
DNI - Fudanashis/fujodashis, women & fem-aligned, profic/proship, anti - LGBTQ+ folk & exclusionists, anti-antis, Necro- Zoo- Pedophiles + (NO)Maps(and other terms), basic DNI criteria, kink/nude/nsfw/sh/vent/pro-ana/ed/18+ blogs
So i got a thought of insomniac Reader who may as well stay awake for who knows how long being somewhat terrified of sleeping.
He may be plagued by nightmares of some kind, having a fear of not simply waking up anymore or possibly just too many thought that run rampant and he can't keep them still enough.
Just lying in bed with both the men as they either sleep or one or both are still awake and try to help him. But they have a little time window sometimes which means Reader may be alone most of the time and left with his own thought more than they'd like to let him.
Thinking how he'll greet them when they wake up to a case and come back just working as normally as he can manage both of them seeing how the lack of sleep is dripping off if the man.
I think both of them be dragging the poor man to bed one at a time if he starts wandering bc he's restless as fuck.
The one time they actually hear about him sleeping when on a case is when Jessica, Hotch's Sister-in-law (is it ex?-sister-in-law bc Hayley's dead? Idk may be), comes to pick up Jack.
The silence in the house was uncanny, it felt displaced as Jack wandered around the house he called home. It was usual for him to see one of his dad's wondering around mumbling to himself about something he never could catch as Aaron and Derek had left for another case.
The boy knew it wasn't exactly normal for him to be in a house of silence. Wandering to the master bedroom door, he slowly and lightly opened the door with a creek.
It didn't do anything to alert the man inside as all the boy heard were soft snores. Otherwise the room was completely silent, sun pouring in and dappling spots on the bed and the covers where he could see a imprint of a person splayed on the bed, spotting strands of (h/c) hair on the head that was slightly tucked under the covers.
The morning was silent as Jessica opened the door, looking around lightly and calling out to Jack and Reader. Nothing came of it as no answer was heard, wandering inside the house for a little bit she found the master bedroom's door ajar.
The view of seeing her nephew hugging a body of one of the lovers of Aaron was adorable, just laying besides him and making a shushing motion towards her as she called out Jack's name. The boy understood that R had difficulties sleeping and he didn't want him to wake up yet, it was unknown go R if that was the reason Jack staid with him or not. Just guarding, bc he had heard Jessica tell about a fly that the boy was trying to slap out of the air when it came too close at least once.
Except that yet turned into sleeping three days with R regretting everything. At least he could have been blessed with some pictures of the scene or a possible stuffed animal or two besides him bc Jack didn't want him to be alone when he woke up.
I really think the boys all of them would do something small for R to try to help him. Doing subtly things that would not irritate him if he was known to be really easy to be irritated when lacking a lot of sleep.
Jack would absolutely share his studies with him, saying they'd scare off the nightmares or thoughts if R had ever answered a question from the boy on why he was up. Not that R would take them, he'd give them back at the end of the day saying it's important that they're protecting Jack instead of him and stressing about it to the boy. But he does not hear it.
I think R would be doing things out of boredom at night when he's restless and doesn't feel comfortable cuddling with Aaron and Derek for the moment. Were it baking, maybe crocheting, crafting or doing something else if R is handy enough and there's something to fix he could do it, he would do it to pass time.
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ABOUT ME!!! (strawpage for more info(?))
Names: Ace, Obsequious, Oliver/Oli (Oli being a nickname that I like for that name :3) + any nicknames idrc (as long as they're not weird)
Pronouns: he/they/it
Art blog: @ace-draws-stuff
Matching icons/pfps with @/projectcolorcast right now!!!! :D
.> Vocaloid
.> GHOST And Pals
.> Project Sekai
.> The Post Traumatic Manifesto (WeevilDoing)
.> Slime Rancher
blue = current main hyperfixation
red = current hyperfixation that will NOT leave my brain and I will reblog lots of probably XD
Project Sekai Player ID (feel free to friend req lol): 443164046783647750
I have a youtube channel btw :3
and a soundcloud acct :3
Art Requests: OPEN!!!! X3
Just put a request into my ask box and I'll get to it eventually. But rn I'm only accepting requests from mutuals/followers (sorry other ppl) and it has to be a character from a fandom I know OR an OC (bcuz yeah I don't trust myself to draw characters I don't know 99% of the time- sorry :/)
FEEL FREE TO DRAW MY OCS AND SONAS!!!!! ^^ Just credit/tag me in the art pls!!!! :]
Tags (or whatever they're called idfk): #COOL ART ALERT‼️‼️ <- Art reblogs, #my art <- self-explanatory but it's my art :3
If I go offline for more than, like, three days or smthng, just assume that I'm either hella busy, or my mom took away all my technology because she found out I'm on this site lol
DNI (do not interact) if ur any of the following:
• Nsfw/kink blogs
• TERF/RadFem/Gender Critical
• Racist
• Proship/Anti-Anti
• Any Exclusionist
• Ableist
• Anti-Neopronouns / Xenogenders
• Anti-Kin
Other stuff:
This blog is MAINLY Ghost and Pals and vocaloid stuff (maybe occasional pjsk stuff idk)! :)
My ask box IS open... Pls ask me stuff I'm lonely /hj--
I POST RANDOM SHIT IDFK (Also I talk in all caps 85% of the time >:3)
Oh yea I swear/cuss (idk which one is the right word) sometimes btw
If I start typing/talking differently (ex: more/less emoticons, more/less all caps, ect.) it either means I'm just feeling REALLY SILLY (probably a kinshift)!!!!!! or I'm just really eepy/just woke up lmao
I tend to make humor out of my own problems- sooo when I make the occasional vent post (I usually don't tho) and I put 'lmao' and stuff in there, I'm NOT making fun of anything, I'm just brushing off my own problems :3
I apologize. A lot. If I THINK I did something wrong I WILL apologize profusely-
If I say something like "Sorry I'm so stupid XD" or smthng like that, it's not in a pick-me way- Idk how else to explain it?? Idk I make fun of myself all the time tho lol
ANYWAY fun fact: My birthday is May 14th :3
yea I think that's all you need to know! :]
Side note: If we're mutuals, expect a LOT of interaction from me :3 /silly
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vvindication · 5 months
crypto-terf alert: funkylittleghosty / funkyghost-discostyle
I noticed this person interacting with my posts in the fandom recently and when visiting their blog, saw that they* often reblog from blogs marked with the shinigami eyes extension and who are very clearly TERFs (trans exclusionist radical feminists) based on urls and/or posts. I searched their blog and found no evidence of terf posts, but I dont trust them considering their social circles.
I messaged them anonymously asking why they followed terfs and was blatantly ignored.
*(no pronouns in bio, defaulting to neutral pronouns)
visual proof under cut.
reblogging from "foxmulderswaifu5ever" who posts radfem content
alt text: an image showing a screenshot of the blog view of user funkylittleghosty. it shows they reblogged a text post one day ago (note: April 18th) from user foxmulderswaifu5ever highlighted in red, reading, "task manager kill this man". it has 29,122 notes.
a second image showing a screenshot of the blog view of user foxmulderswaifu5ever. it shows they reblogged a filtered post from user amenamy-aphoticamy on March 15th, the hidden post reading "This post contains filtered tags. radfem, radical feminism" with a view post button.
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reblogging from "farm-lesbian", a self-proclaimed radfem
alt text: an image showing a screenshot of the blog view of user funkylittleghosty. it shows they reblogged a photo post three days ago (note: April 16th) from user farm-lesbian highlighted in red. the original poster is mediaplay-deactivated20130204.
a second image showing a screenshot of user farm-lesbian's blog view, showing their icon and blog description. it reads "farm-lesbian / farm-lesbian.tumblr.com. 26, lesbian, radfem, aspiring normie. ao3" with a link to their ao3 account.
a third image showing a screenshot of user farm-lesbian's blog view, showing the recommended "blogs"Blogs like this one". it lists users butchfeminist, who is highlighted red, kashmiribarbiedoll, who is not highlighted, old-school-butch, who is highlighted red, and yesfeministsarerad, who is highlighted red.
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sheepie-self-ships · 1 year
Welp! I redid my blog again, and now I can redo the pinned post like I wanted to lmao
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HI! I’m Sheepie!!
I’m 19, I use they/them pronouns, and I’m mostly just here to have fun :)
Here’s my carrd! But if you don’t want to look at all of that, here’s the important info on there under the cut!
I have an nsfw self ship blog, dm me if you want the url 💀
The tag for my self insert references is #self insert intros
The tag for my art is #sheepies art!
Rambling tag is #sheepie talks
Asks tag is #asks go brr
Crush tag is #sheepie crushes 😳
Storytelling is #sheepie lore
Gush tag is #sheepie gushes
Credit to pepper jackets for my pfp!
You fall under general DNI criteria (LGBT+phobic, ace exclusionist, terf, racist, xenophobic, map/pedophile, pro ship, etc etc, basically if your vibes are rancid there’s the door 🚪)
You want to start drama. No one has time for that, I’ll block you on sight 👁️ 👁️
You don’t like self inserts/self shipping. If you got here and aren’t into it, you’re in the wrong corner of tumblr broski.
THIS IS NOT A FANDOM BLOG!!!! Aqua.bats fans I’m looking at you!! (/lh,silly) but for real, uhhh I am. This is a selfship blog, don’t go harassing me abt what I do over here when there are tags I have that you can block so you don’t have to see the things you don’t want to!
I’m comfy sharing almost all F/Os, but if you aren’t that’s cool :) either block their corresponding tags (I like to think I tag all my things correctly but sometimes it might slip through) or don’t follow, it was nice seeing you and I hope you have a good day :) my F/O list is below and in the carrd, linked above. I will say, I’ll probably update this post more often than the carrd, so be on the lookout!
I don’t tag a lot of TWs, or if it’s NSFW I normally just tag it #nsfw or I don’t reblog it 😅 if there’s something you want me to tag lmk!
I’ve said a few times I think but I’m comfy with sharing F/Os! The only one I am uncomfortable sharing is Toshinori, but you can still follow! I just need a tag to block <3
They all have individual tags if you would like to follow me but aren’t comfortable sharing
I have more f/os in my carrd!!
These are just my main guys! I post and reblog the most about these ones :)
All Might/Toshinori Yagi
My Hero Academia
tag: #no. 1 hero in my heart 🌻
old tag: #toshi 🌻
villain AU/All Smite tag: #evil toshi 🥀
status: Fiancé :))
anniversary: 6/14/18
Shadow/Hiromi Higa
Sk8: The Infinity
tag: #he was a sk8er boy 🌷
old tag: #hiromiii 🌺
status: boyfrien
anniversary: 4/21/21
Eagle.bones Falcon.hawk
The Aqua.bats! Su.per Sh.ow!
tag: #bonesy 🦅
Aqua.bats Platonic/General Tag: #AQB Lets Go! ���
status: depends on the point in the lore timeline LMAO
anniversary: 10/25/23
⚠️ Presidential Alert ⚠️
I do NOT ship with Ian Fow.les. Just his character in the show!
Billy Hargrove
Stranger Things
tag: #bad reputation 🚬
old tag: #Billy H. 🚬
status: boyfrien :)
anniversary: 7/18/22
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mxbrightsky · 2 years
you know what, typically when i see a post that bothers me i don't post about it and instead just send it to my partner and rant abt it but fuck it, i'm posting about it this time, why not
this post bugs me;
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and I'm gonna explain why now
so, with the final note being "are you aware that you are responsible for the funniest post on this site" that makes the clear framing of this be that the second commenter is completely ridiculous
and sure, yeah, on the surface, that reblog does seem kinda silly! like "the original post was just a vampire joke, where the hell did you get 'aphobic or possibly terfy' from???" but like.... idk, if you were part of the ace community at that point? it's not entirely bullshit, even if I myself Wouldn't directly assume that the op was making the post as an exclusionist
here's the thing; [@ all my friends who worry they aren't "real vampires":]
exclusionists were, you know, excluding aspec people. insisting they weren't really lgbt.
and exclusionists also liked making fun of aspec people for reassuring each other that their identities were, in fact, valid.
so, like... if you're an aspec person who's on high alert for exclusionists because of how vicious they could be, towards your identity... I can see why this post might raise some red flags. I'm not saying the post was made with that intent! I haven't checked the op bc I don't really care about the actual original post enough to do it, so it's entirely possible that was nowhere near their intention and I'm not assuming it was.
[adding it here because i hadn't mentioned it yet; the "possibly terfy" also comes from the fact that there is, whether people want to admit it or not, an aphobe to terf pipeline built off excluding more and more people from the lgbt community.]
but my problem with this whole thing is that the frame of this popular post is the implication that it's SOOOO funny that someone would ""randomly"" call the og post aphobic; or, underlying that, that it's hilarious when aspec people are wary of aphobic people. that's my problem with it.
and hell, i bet some people would think this post deciding take the time to talk about it is "funny"; after all, it's just a joke, isn't it? it's just a joke, but you had to write a whole bunch of paragraphs about why it Bothers you? that's HILARIOUS! you're so stupid and sensitive for actually caring about this instead of just moving on.
well sorry. i just don't think it's all that funny.
[addition; i'm not angry at people who reblogged the post without thinking about any of this stuff. it is a joke after all, and on the surface it does seem ridiculous, and so i don't think it's a huge moral problem if none of this stuff i've said crossed someone's mind before reblogging. I'm just... elaborating on something that bugged me about it]
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spaceysoupy · 2 years
I wasn't trying to argue with you, but I see now that you weren't going to be anything but hostile if you didn't think I agreed with you. I fundamentally disagree with you on the concept of gender and sexuality in general. Gender is a really bad way to define attraction because it can mean so many different things to different people, often in contradictory ways. Lesbian doesn't needed to be divided between multispectrum and monosexual because because gender isn't that simple anymore. The only reason to put qualifiers in front of the word lesbian is to give cover to people attracted to binary men who don't get enough warm and fuzzy feelings from identifying as bisexual. Monosexual means attraction to only one gender. How is that not impossible? You can't really know someone's gender without talking to them, and you're not going to stop being attracted to them if their gender is something you never heard of or it doesn't fit your past experience with that gender. People are not attracted to labels. Basing how you define your attraction on labels is restrictive and crisis-inducing. People don't need to modify their identity every time they find someone attractive. What I think makes a lot more sense than what you tried to tell me, and it's inherently non-exclusionist without causing misunderstanding or requiring further explanation.
Look, I’ll reply to you once more asking you to leave me alone. After that, if you send an ask about this again, I will be blocking you. I don’t know where you got in your mind that I was going to be “hostile” (interesting choice of words there) after I simply told you “I’m not willing to engage with anything like that at this moment, I am incredibly busy and, honestly, tired of discourse entirely” and told you to have a nice day. Ending the conversation. But nice job projecting I guess!
As someone from a culture where my gender is incredibly important to my people and our future, I do not and will not agree with you that it is some nebulous concept for everyone. Perhaps with a eurocentric background, but spoiler alert not everyone who talks about gender and sexuality is talking about the colonially imposed concepts peddled by cisheteropatriarchy. Which I was pretty clear with in my original thread on twitter, which I assume is where you came from. Unless you saw me tag something as 2S or mspec lesbian positivity and decided to fuck around in my inbox, which would be incredibly weird, but I’m choosing to give you the benefit of the doubt.
If you believe monosexuality is impossible, fine, good luck telling conservative cishet white people that. I’m sure they’d love to hear that they’re actually attracted to multiple genders./s
I never said people have to modify their identity every time they find someone attractive, that’s purely you and your prescriptivism talking. Which I talked about.
And, yes, before you call me “hostile” again, I AM being snippy, because you’ve wasted my time when I thought you might be open to having a genuine conversation, called me hostile, and your bimisia and views on gender are fundamentally incompatible to us having that conversation. Clearly neither of us are going to change that, so I’m asking you to leave me alone. Again. I will not engage again, I will just delete your ask and block you. Have a nice day.
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aro-ace-and-proud · 1 year
wonder how long i'll keep having these hypervigilant 'have to check every even slightly sys blog to make sure they're not an exclusionist or a terf or whatever' moments. real tired of that. just saw a url that reminded me of 'crazy acey in spacey' and I'm back on high alert basically
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LMAO you're so comfortable shitting on us pansexuals but then standing up for attention seeking cis-hets who call themselves "ace" WHAT A JOKE MY GUY
Asexual people aren’t a shitty biphobic rebranding my dude, it is its own ‘original’ thing that is valid and asexual people face discrimination. “”Pansexual”” people are LGBT, but they’re bi people who decided to be lazy and instead of facing the internalized biphobia that makes the “pan” label feel “more comfortable” to them, IDed as pansexual and spread more misinformation about what bisexuality has always and will always stand for, making “doubting” bisexuality’s place in the community, calling it old-fashion or straight up offence mainstream and acceptable. Generally if you decide that a group of people whose struggles revolve around sexuality (or lack thereof), who deal with discrimination and need the support of the community, shouldn’t be allowed into the community, that’s a you being a bigot problem not a them problem. Ace and aro people face similar discrimination to what the rest of us do, ostracizing them makes us as bad as the REAL cis het people who believe in the power of corrective rape, harassment and forced relationships.
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ground rules:
1) Funny- the request needs to be humorous, memes usually the most popular but dnd in jokes and other shitpostery is welcome. i abide by the MBMBAM NO BUMMERS rule - there are plenty of sad/deep/beautiful calligraphers out there who’d be happy to work with yall, but this isn’t that sort of channel
2) Length - aim for no more than 75 characters a request, my cue cards are only so big so I can only fit so much on each one and still not look like garbage. There is a little leeway but if you send me smth with like 120 characters it aint getting written
3) Amount of Requests - I am trying to be fair but i am one person running almost the ENTIRE thing, logistics, tech, etc, I have twitch mods and a roommate for retrieving things and that's it. In order to be fair, please restrict yourselves to 3 requests per person to let everyone have a shot, if you send in more i will ctrl-f your username and pick my favourites
4) Content - I will not do anything I consider under the umbrella of general assholery - this includes racial slurs, edgelord bullshit, exclusionist jackassery etc. Please be kind to each other. Please let me know if I’ve taken a request that is some incredibly obscure piece of assholery, someone once tried to slip a really obscure antisemetic piece of slang by me once
5) Repeats - I keyword tag EVERY SINGLE piece i’ve ever done on this blog, if you think I might have written smth already but aren’t sure, the /search/[keyword] is your friend, check if i’ve done your request before
the askbox is theshitpostcalligrapher.tumblr.com/ask , not a dm or submission to the blog. I’ll close submissions too so people don’t get the boxes confused. DM me for any actual clarifications, kind words, etc so they don’t get swallowed up by the behemoth of my askbox for months, and if you want to give me live encouragement the twitch link is right there, and is the ideal way to inquire more about any of the day's rules.
If you want to jump the ENTIRE queue and get your card done immediately, there are ways to donate on the twitch stream to get your request done with an ink of your choice. You can still submit 3 free requests in addition to what you pay for.
I’ll be streaming the entire time the askbox is open on twitch @ theshitpostcalligrapher, trying to get as many of these done today as possible live. Once 10PM EST hits, the askbox will close but if you get your request into the askbox by then, it will be done eventually as I always have 4 cards up per day.
Here’s the link to my twitch, we’ll start a little after 3 o’clock.
Here is a direct donation link to my streamlabs, it works like a ko-fi but I’ve got it set to give me alerts on my twitch so I can see and thank you straightaway for supporting my takeout order
I've planned on a few donation goals this time! They help pay for all the hours I put in and the material costs. Every time we hit a goal, I'll refresh it to 0 and math out whatever overlap to add to the new goal
$20 > Time For Tea! I make a sparkly, food safe glittery tea that looks like ink to enjoy with yall on stream
$30 > Jackbox Break! My Discord VC and potentially chat plays a few games
$40 > Takeout O'clock: It is time to order a food, Mia! Polls will probably be involved for food options
$200 (I am fairly sure we won't get this one) > I bought all the requisite items to bleach my hair to prep for a dye. Let's do this shit LIVE ON AIR BAYBEE
Also of Note: I will be moving house sometime in the next week and a half, which means I will be RECYCLING ALL OF THE CARDS I'VE WRITTEN IN THE PAST TWO AND A HALF YEARS (save for the ones folks pay for on stream, those are earmarked to be mailed out anyways) so if you've gotten something written by me from september 2021 to january 2024 or so, please remember that there is an an etsy shop where you can snag any card from the blog for a few dollars. dm the shop if you'd like to buy a bundle of randoms, I WILL give you a sale about it
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mogai-timezzz · 3 years
🔅 New Gender Alert! 🔅
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Noctofloric is a gender related to flowers and nighttime and stars.
Requested by anon ♡︎
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TERFs, Truscum/Transmeds, Proshippers, Cringe Blog, (No)MAPs, LGBT Exclusionists and those here to start discourse, don’t interact!
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rolaplayor101 · 3 years
World Hero Mission Spoilers but I want (NEED)everyone to read this!!!
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[ID: A thread of tweets from @rolaplayor101​ on twitter that says, : RODY SOUL IS A TRANS WOMAN a thread (spoiler alert for #MyHeroAcademia #BNHA #mha #MHAWHM #MHAWHMTweets #MHAWorldHeroesMission ) At the theatre they hand out these special feature mini books that has a bunch of info on characters and stuff. One of the characters is the bird—
Rody’s quirk, Pino. Now in the movie Pino is never referred to with any pronouns, but In the book they gave us, it shows that Pino uses she her pronouns. Now, Pino is the manifestation of Rody’s thoughts and feelings. It means Rody can’t lie cause Pino always expresses the truth—
So why, instead of just using it it’s for the bird, does Pino have specifically she her pronouns??? Why not he him, since that’s what Rody uses and they’re the same?? If Pino uses she her, then the logical assumption is that the bird is a girl. But if Pino is the manifestation of
Rody’s thoughts and feelings, and Pino is a girl….then Rody feels like a girl. All the time. Rody feels LIKE A GIRL, SHE’S A TRANS WOMAN IM TELLING YOU AND HERES MORE EVIDENCE
Pino, in the guidebook, is drawn to resemble Rody in some ways: Rody’s hair, her hair band that is used as a mask, and the expressions she makes. She’s drawn to resemble Rody, because she is Rody, to an extent! She looks like Rody, acts like Rody, and she uses she her!! So Rody
Must use she her! Or wants to use She Her!!!! Rody’s trans! She’s embarrassed by her quirk not only because she can’t lie, but because she’s closeted!!!! Rody’s a womannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn she’s a tommboyyy trans womannnnnnnnnn #rodysoul #BokuNoHeroAcademia #MHAWHM 
Under the thread is a set of four pictures of Rody in front of a trans flag and transfem flag. /END ID]
Can't believe i have to say this but DONT INTERACT IF Proshipper/antianti, queer exclusionists of ANY kind, nsfw/kink blog, or racists
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just-antithings · 3 years
Since we know you're going to ignore this, try to refrain from calling us slurs. And cool it with the sexual harassment already.
Do not involve this blog in MAP or IRL incest discourse.
This blog is a safe space for plurals regardless of their origins.
pro shipping (fanlore link)
"controversial" stances:
we do not support celebrating peoples deaths or harm towards others
fatphobia is bad
pro choice
trans men also face transphobia and oppression and if that simple statement bothers you you should leave
trans men talking about their experiences is good and should happen more often
you don’t need dysphoria to be trans!
nuanced discussion is good actually
attacking people for creating hp fan works actually doesn’t do shit for actual trans people
if you don’t believe in harassing people over ships, congratulations! you’re anti anti
if you believe that censorship is bad, congratulations! you're pro ship
Mod Erin
local incest shipper, og mod, Tired, queer, she/they, 28, Euro-American (white), ravenclaw, also over @youareagoodperson and my incest ship blog @bromo-homo. perpetrator of yorse puns. bullier of els and roxases and noodles. here’s my ko-fi! Racism accusation clarification (spoiler alert it was just bad formatting). I’m currently looking for people to help me mod my bi, ace, and aro positivity sideblogs as well as my steins;gate sideblog. feel free to message me if you’re interested!
Mod Sunset
plural system of two [el and roxas]
Mod El - Disaster Child, huge butch lesbian (they/she), 21, Euro-American (white), resident dimitri von fire emblem simp and known blue lion. can be found crying @roxas-von-fuckyou. may yorse heart be yorse guiding key. often disappears without warning because adhd brain go brr but i always return eventually
Mod Roxas - tunglr ate my first pinned post. ;-; but he/him. 21. bi and polyam as fuck. el's protector. don't fuck with them.
Mod Seraphim
plural system of ???, they/it, adult, euro-american (white), the mean one. hope you enjoyed your days of peace.
Mod Gatito
Block God (if you get blocked I probably pulled the trigger) Age gap conossuire, bi married he/they/purr (purr/purrs/purrself), 25, Hispanic-American (mixed), little black cat and mife (male-wife shortened) find me @botanicbones . lover of all things romance and minor fandom denizen
Mod Noodle
Simply a Noodle, queer and asexual, they/them, will ship things out of spite, will go from boop noodle to danger noodle dont try me, cannot be perceived in any form
Mod Magma
An improbable joke setup. (Plural system of boy, a rabbit, and their demon) Currently tagging as mod RHO (he/it), Mod Vannity! (she/her) and mod red (he/him) respectively. 21, aroace, indigenous, chronically ill. If it's fucked up and fictional we probably enjoy it. Banner + IDs can be found here.
Racefaked by antis: II
Mod Jay
Queer, aroace, it/its or she/they. Known age gap shipper, occasional dabbler in other problematic dynamics.
Mod Plasma
DID system of over 100. he/him collectively. Hyperfixated on emh
Mod Rainbow
They/them, fandom old. Queer as a $3 bill; multiply neurodivergent; CSA survivor; disabled; reads everything from fluffy adorable wholesomeness to wtf dead dove do not eat; white Canadian living on ancestral unceded Indigenous land.
icon by shironaut. no the icon is not the aromantic flag, it’s the shidge flag.
tagging conventions:
just anti things: discourse related to antis
just exclusionist things: discourse related to exclusionists
just asshole things: miscellaneous posts that don’t fit into either category of people being jerks
mod shenanigans: mods being off topic
personal tag: tag the seraph system uses for all their random bullshit
housekeeping: blog rules and announcements
users to block: users who that should be blocked due to harassment or posing a danger to others, being in this category does not mean that a person should be harassed. users only go in this category if they are harming others or they pose a threat
currently tagging for: pedophilia, csa, csam/csem, incest, loli/shota, all caps, reylo, voltron, rwby, mentions of food, hetalia, attack on titan, pregnancy, mpreg, transphobia, acephobia, panphobia, queerphobia, incels, abuse, sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, onceler, taliban, bestiality, neuroscience, rpf, parents, Dante Alighieri, A Serbian Film, homestuck, kiwifarms, jkr, doxxing, harry potter, minor rpf, eye strain, murder, mass shootings
ask to tag: for posts that may need more tagging than the mod was aware of at the time of posting, if something is tagged ask to tag it may not have everything tagged for so read at your own risk
feel free to ask if you need anything else tagged and we will try to comply within reason. we will not tag queer as q slur
Criteria for DNI hall of shame: too long (more than one page); vague; refers to people they dislike as freaks or other slurs; includes threats or suicide baiting; impossible to read/eye strain. if you submit a dni with the username visible, unless that user is an active threat to others, your submission will be deleted.
we take payment in the form of pet pics!
if you want your ask to be answered privately please indicate that in your ask, otherwise it will be answered publicly. same goes for submissions.
if you are a minor and you interact with a post tagged minors dni you will be blocked. we don’t have an age restriction on who can interact with our blog but if you won’t respect our boundaries you’re not welcome here
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