jarsarahere · 16 days
I'm just so tired
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brave-little-star · 4 months
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Then said person arrives to my house hrs passed agreed time to then come inside to sleep while I delt with their kids for almost 3 hrs. Completely destroying all my plans for day.
And I gave them fresh muffins that I made for them and their kids..
And not once a thank you! For watching their kids, the sleep over nor muffins!
Well called me fucking done. Cause I'm so over this bullshit. 2024 will be the year where I demand at least Common respect... also.. thanks for eating My dinner.. fm l
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lloronajpeg · 2 years
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had a weird head day this week
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mentalillnesshell · 2 years
My best friend was describing how she was dissociating while high. I told her oh I do that without being high. Welcome to the world of mental illness. The places were you can go without being under the influence of anything
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kickdrumheart68 · 2 years
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lifeandwhatnow1996 · 1 month
"I don't wanna die, I just wish I'd never been born at all"
Just tired of hurting the person I love. what If i don't exist then she will no longer be hurt. She will be freed from me and finally be able to achieve the life she deserved.
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twilightaiko · 1 year
Sometimes a warm hug or a long hug can cure your exhausted life... It's true.. But dude sometimes your solitude can hug you better than a person and it's a fact🍁
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black-diary · 1 year
even my mom wants me dead i’m so tired of this hell i feel like things will always get worse
i feel like i’m seriously alone in this world
no one is there for me none even care for me
i’m feeling like i’m on thin ice
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fewthoughtsbyme · 2 years
If you're loved you're lucky.
If you love and are not loved back....Well what can I say worst pain ever.
It kills.
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jarsarahere · 1 year
I'm just kinda done with it all
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Totally and utterly serious here but you can’t address your anxiety living a life running from crisis to crisis. It’s further building in that constant state of adrenaline and making even small problems seem like emergencies.
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Im really jealous of people who can fall asleep so easily and have a proper sleep routine 
So exhausted and tired... literally 
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thehelper53 · 2 years
I'm just so tired of living, every day I feel like I'm enslaved to making money, every day I'm not working makes me feel I'm causing myself harm. Yet I am barley able work more than a couple days. Every time I've worked a proper full time job I get sent into a giant spiral and typically ends with me lossing my job due to becoming mentally unstable. I desperately need professional help. Yet I can never afford it because I can never keep a full time job. Then on top of that my family just uses me and treats me like shit. I feel like I can never catch a break. I've tired disability and was denied. Ive tried everything in my ability to get better but it always feels like a losing battle. My depression just keeps getting worse. My ideations have been getting darker and stronger. It's so hard to just drag myself to the next day.
Living with unmedicated and untreated and progressively worsening mental disorders leads to so many issues. I've always had bad anger issues and since young the only way I was taught to cope with them was to bottle the feelings up. But that only lasts for so long before it boils over and I just udderly explode and cause damage to myself and those around me. As a adult I recognized it's a problem yet no matter what I've tried I always seem to fall back to bottling emotions. Which keeps leading me to blowing up. Anger is such a unpleasant emotion to feel but I feel unable to stop it. It's almost like clockwork. Every few months i start feeling overwhelming anger and rage. Typically leading to me lashing out at friends causing them to leave. I always hate myself for it. But it keeps happening every time. Everytime my anger starts to show people start insulting me for it making to worse.
Having to mask my personality around people truly wears one spirit out. I just want to be myself yet everytime I do, I get treated like a outsider. So few friends get to even see a glimpse of my true self. As almost every time I do show myself they just leave. I've lost multiple friends when they noticed I wasn't "normal". Then when at work I have to keep that fake smile on no matter how uncomfortable I feel, at all the little jabs at me and all the unwanted physical contact. I just have to keep smiling because I just can't afford to loss the job. I just want to be able to work without feeling out of place and uncomfortable.
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Shes a Sleepy Softie
Pairings: Weems x Thornhill x reader (platonic)
Word count: 3K
Summary: You have been hacking trouble sleeping and the teachers finally find out.
TW: insomnia (I guess), Exhaustion, passing out (kinda?)
A/n This is cute.
It's not that you found botany boring, the opposite in fact, but you were so tired. To say you hadn’t been sleeping well this past week would be an understatement. Ms Thornhill was stood at the front writing on the board and drawing diagrams. But the way you laid your head down on the desk was almost involuntary. In this new position, with you head resting on your folded arms on top of the table the battle to stay awake grew so much harder.
Mentally you reasoned you would be able to get the notes from Yoko at the end of the day when the two of you were back in your shared dorm. Your eyelids drooped and you gave in to the temptation of sleep letting it wash over you. Your breathing began to slow and become more even. Your pens and pencils, notebook and bag were a mess on the table, but you trusted Yoko to wake you up in time for class to end.
Ms Thornhill had just assigned a worksheet and gone to sit back at her desk. She glanced over the classroom, her gaze settled on you. She sighed mildly annoyed, standing she walked over to your desk and stood beside you. Her hand reached out to rub your shoulder to wake you up, but a voice stopped her.
“I wouldn’t recommend that Ms thornhill.” Yoko said not looking up from her notes.
“And why would that be Yoko?” Ms Thornhill said letting her hand fall back to her side.
“She hasn’t been sleeping this past week. Im honestly surprised it took this long for her to drop.” She said finally meeting the teachers concerned gaze.
“At all?”
“Maybe about an hour since last Monday.” Yoko shrugged. “I wanted to tell someone, but she begged me.”
“Good god thats not enough. Thank you for letting me know. I’m going to step outside to make a call to get her excused from classes for the day. I trust you to keep an eye on her.” she said, and Yoko nodded.
Ms Thornhill walked to the classroom door glancing back at your sleeping from before turning the door-handle and stepping into the hall. She fished her phone out of her pocket and scrolled through her contacts. Finding the principal number, she listened to the dial ring.
“This is principal Weems.” The headmistress answered.
“Hi Larissa.”
“Hello Marilyn whats the matter? I believe you have a class now, correct?”
“Yes. Yes, i do. I was wondering if i could have Ms L/n excused from classes for the day?”
“Is she ok? Whats the matter?”
“Yoko has informed me she hasn’t been sleeping this past week. She finally fell asleep in class and i was hoping to let her have the rest of the day off to catch up on sleep.”
“Certainly. However, I will come get her when class ends, there’s nobody to supervise the dorms right now and i have an idea to assist her. Please also keep Ms Tanaka there when class is dismissed. I will be down soon.”
“Thank you, Larissa.”
“Anytime Marilyn.”
the two hung up and the teacher stepped back into the classroom. Checking her watch and then the clock on the wall she waited the last fifteen minutes of class to dismiss the students. Keeping Yoko behind.
Once the rest of the student body had left, some sparing glances to where you stayed asleep, Ms Thornhill walked over to Yoko and your desk. Yoko had packed up and was now carefully cleaning up your stuff as well, being mindful not to wake you as she slipped the notebook from under your arms. By some small miracle you slept through it.
A few minutes passed of Yoko packing everything up and Ms Thornhill keeping an eye on the both of you. A quiet knock sounded on the doorframe and Principal Weems came into the room.
“Ah I see what you mean, she sure looks exhausted.” The principal said softly, and Yoko snorted.
“Exhausted is an understatement. I’ve been waiting for her to pass out all week. She’s stubborn as a mule.” Yoko said and the principal raised an eyebrow.
“Well, I plan to take Ms L/n here back to my office to keep an eye on her. Yoko would you be able to get her anything she may need for the night from your dorm and bring it to my office? I will write you a note for your next class.” Weems said studying your sleeping form. The three of them were stood around you.
“Sure. Don’t worry about the note. I have a study period now anyway.” She said. “I’ll grab it and come back soon. You good to carry her? Because she’s not waking up anytime soon.” Yoko said with a mischievous smile that showed her fangs.
“Im sure i can manage thank you Ms Tanaka.” Weems said with a smile.
“Suit yourself.” Yoko shrugged and took both bags and left.
Ms Thornhill who had silently watched the exchange decided to say something now Yoko was gone.
“I had no idea she was struggling so much.”
“It’s quite alright Marilyn. I believe Y/n is a master in charades. If she didn’t want us to know she would have made sure it stayed that way. It is nobody’s fault.”
“I still feel i should have noticed earlier.”
“All we can do now is our best to help her get the rest she needs. Will you accompany me to my office? Someone needs to open the door and i doubt it will be sleeping beauty here and my hands will be full.” Weems joked.
“Sure. Lead the way, Larissa.” Ms Thornhill said, and Weems gently leaned down to place her arm under your knees and another around your torso. She softly scooped you into her arms and held you close as you continued to sleep with your head now resting on her collarbone. She straightened her back, standing back to her full height with you bundled in her arms. You sighed softly and turned your face into her collar. Ms Thornhill chuckled softly.
“You're quite the natural at that Larissa. She seems to like it.” Ms Thornhill joked.
“Well, I don’t suppose I hate it either, she is refreshingly warm to hold. And seems to be a cuddler.” Weems said with a lighthearted smile.
“That she does.” The botany teacher agreed as you turned yourself further into the principals embrace.
“Well, we should take this one to my office.” Weems said and the two left the room. It wasn’t far to the principal's office and there were no students in the hall. Weems heels clicked as she walked with Ms Thornhill trailing behind her. They made short quiet conversation about students and staff alike as they walked.
Arriving at the big oak doors Marilyn stepped forward and opened them, holding it wide for the principal to step in with you in her arms still. Your heads lolled slightly as you continued to sleep. Weems was reluctant to let you go, afraid of waking you, but regardless she set you down on the couch. Supporting your head like one might a small child as she laid you down into the nest of pillows. Marilyn appeared and gently laid a blanket over you which Weems noted was from where she had discarded it on the floor in the early hours of the morning. the principal thanked the botanist and went to put another log on the fire to keep the room warm. You wiggled around a little on the couch before settling which made both teacher chuckle.
A soft knock sounded on the door.
“I’ve got it.” Ms Thornhill said and went to open the door. She let Yoko into the room where she grinned devilishly at your sleeping form. She had decided to take revenge for one of your most recent pranks on her. She held your black bag in her arms and had a blanket over her shoulder.
“Ms Tanaka, I believe i have blankets.” Weems said frowning.
“Yes, but I doubt you have Y/n’s weighted blanket.” Yoko smiled.
“You are correct.” Weems said.
“She doesn’t sleep without it. Actually, she’s very particular about how she sleeps.” Yoko said.
“How so?” Ms Thornhill asked her curiosity piqued.
“Watch this.” Yoko said smiling with a feral grin that weems knew meant trouble. Yoko crossed the office and began to unzip the bag; she pulled out two stuffed toys and Weems raised an eyebrow. Yoko placed the toys next to you on the couch and whispered something in your ear. Almost immediately you reached out and grabbed them wrapping an arm around them and tucking them, so they rested under your chin.
Weems stifled a smiled at how cute it was as Marilyn cooed softly. Yoko snickered.
“Shes a big softy.” The vampire grinned looking back at the two teachers.
“I packed her a change of clothes, her Pjs, her toothbrush, her sketchbook, the blanket, her phone and her noise cancelling headphones because as i said earlier she’s a weirdo and sleep with them on.” Yoko said looking at you with a soft smile and both teachers knew there was no heat behind the coy insults.
“Right, well thank you Ms Tanaka.” Weems said and took the blanket from Yoko. “Christ thats heavy.” Weems said the weight catching her off guard as Yoko held it with ease. She just shrugged.
“Vampire strength has its perks.” She smiled and her fangs glinted in the flickering firelight.
“Yes well, what a blessing. Now, i best recommend you return to wherever you are required to be.” The principal said and Yoko smiled and crossed the room to her door.
“Enjoy your sleepover Ms Weems and thank you for setting be free for a night.” She said and left cheekily.
An hour passed and Marilyn had elected to stay, she was sat across from you on the couch reading the book she had propped up on her knees. She was cradling a mug of tea while the principal sat at her desk typing out emails. You were beginning to show some more signs of life as you stirred. Ms Thornhill looked over the top of her book at you, studying you as you blinked a few times as you adjusted to the light. She gently set the book down after placing her bookmark in the spine.
“Good afternoon, Ms L/n.” She said with a grin. You blinked at her, and she noted you still seemed exhausted.
“Hi?” You said, voice deep and gravely from sleep. You looked around slightly confused, gaze catching on the principal who had stopped typing was was watching you from her desk. You took a moment and Ms Thornhill took her chance to tease you. The principal had kindly decided to not mention the stuffies under your arm, but Ms Thornhill decided to have some fun after all, you did fall asleep in her class and the two of you got along well. She smiled at you wolfishly.
“So, Y/n who are your little friends?” She asked.
You looked down finally noticing the toys and blushed a deep shade of red and buried them under the blankets making Ms Thornhill chuckle and the principal smile.
“Oh, Yoko’s dead” You groaned.
“I assure you Ms Tanaka is quiet well.” Weems said.
“She won't be once i murder her.” You grumbled softly but they both heard you.
“May i take this chance to remind you i do not allow nor condone grievous bodily harm to students?” Weems said with a smile. You frowned grumbling softly under your breath. Deciding to opt for a subject change you sat up keeping the toys under the blanket.
“Um… Principal Weems? How did I get here?” You asked looking around.
“Well, Yoko informed me of your sleeping habits or rather, lack thereof” Weems said with a disproving frown, “after you fell asleep in Ms Thornhill’s class, we brought you here.”
“Not that I’m not grateful but why am I here?”
“Well, we cannot leave you unsupervised in the dormitory during the day and all the staff have classes or marking to do. And based off the sleeping pill I plan to give you, you need to be with a trusted adult to ensure you're alright in the event of an emergency, however unlikely, in the night. As you would most likely not wake up yourself. And based off the fact the infirmary beds aren’t very comfortable and it’s rather loud, aside from the fact the nurses go home for the night at 10pm I thought it best you stay here. With me. Unless you have a problem with that?”
“N-no. Thank you principal Weems.”
“Now Yoko has brought your things from your dorm. I’ve sent someone to get you some food from the kitchen, so you have something in you before you take the medicine.”
She said and Ms Thornhill stood and grabbed the bag handing it to you. You quickly stuffed both the teddies into the bag, and she saw what they were. Both toys were white as snow, and one was a monkey and the other a dog with a small yellow t-shirt. They both looked well loved. She smiled gently; you were cute in your own way. A softie as Yoko had said.
“So am i ever going to get to know their names?” She asked gesturing to the bag.
“Fine.” You huffed. “But i named them as a seven-year-old so you can't judge me. Also, as a kid all my toys i slept with had to be white. I don’t know why. I had one before these two and it was also white. The monkey is named marshmallow, and the dog is the older one, I’ve had her longer; her name is snowflake. Happy?” You huffed. And Ms Thornhill smiled.
“Very.” She said with an air of finality.
“Well Ms L/n-“
“Y/n.” You corrected the principal. “Ms L/n is too formal. It reminds me of when I’m in trouble.” You said wincing slightly at the uncomfortable memories. Weems sensed the change in you disposition and nodded.
“Y/n.” She corrected, “We should get you ready for bed. The food should be here soon, and you can have an early night. Ms Thornhill and I will eat with you and then it's off to bed.” She said and you nodded slightly embarrassed with the kindness and attention you were unused to.
“Come change and then we can eat.” She said and stood from her desk to come to your side. You grabbed the Pjs Yoko had chosen and sighed as she had at least gotten you something with a little dignity. It was a faded black AC/DC shirt and a pair of fluffy black long pants. You grabbed the clothes and let the tall blonde lead you to the bathroom in her private quarters with a hand on the small of your back. As the two of you left Ms Thornhill went back to her book. She looked up at another knock on the door. She stood, thanking the cook and taking the tray of food into the principals' quarters, she was good friends with the blonde and had been in there many times, so it was ok. She set the food down on the large glass dining table. The principal came and joined her bring plates from her own small kitchen to serve the food on.
A moment later the heard the door open and you stepped into the room looking slightly awkward.
“Come sit.” Ms Thornhill said and patted the seat beside her.
“Yes. You to eat and then it's back to bed with you.” Weems said and smiled.
The two teachers talked amicably while you opted to silently eat. The exhaustion had returned, and you kept spacing out while you fed yourself. Something that did not go unnoticed by both teachers as they grew concerned.
After everyone was finished Weems left and returned with a glass of water and a pill. She handed them to you and nodded. You took them sluggishly and popped the white tablet into your mouth downing the water and setting the empty glass on the table. Weems helped you up and led you to a spare bedroom. She folded back the sheets for you.
“Brush your teeth and do whatever else you do before bed and then I’ll tuck you in so to speak.” She said with a soft smile. “Bathroom is the second door on the right. The other ones the closet.” She said.
You got ready and hopped into the bed. The principal came back in a moment later.
“I expect you to sleep Y/n. I don’t want to find you were awake tomorrow. I will be in the next room or my office if you need anything at all. Don’t make me use the baby monitor.” She said sounding serious.
“Baby monitor?” You asked.
“How do you think I keep other students in bed when they stay here?” She asked raising a brow.
“You have other students here?” You asked getting sleepy.
“Oh, darling you're not the first who has had trouble sleeping. And I know a certain raven who insists on trying to sneak out. Hence the baby monitor.”
“Ha!” You laughed. “Wednesday’s baby monitor.” You said grinning and closing your eyes.
“Yes. Now sleep child. Sweet dreams darling.” She said and turned the lights out and pulled the door closed but not shut, leaving it slightly ajar.
You mumbled goodnight and rolled over. You grabbed the teddies from your backpack and burrowed under the blankets.
An hour later both teachers peaked into the room to check on you, smiling when the say the white fluff of the teddies peeking out from under the blankets. Weems grinned.
“Yoko’s right, she is a softie.”
“A sleepy softie.” Marilyn nodded and agreed.
Both teachers smiled at each other and went back to the principal's office to talk and enjoy a glass of wine.
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sarcasticscribbles · 1 year
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TimSasha doodles only
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ohmyarda · 1 year
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My friends don’t find me as funny as I do, I’m under appreciated in my time
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