#eye opener. game changer. reality something something. you get what i mean
ackee · 3 months
i feel so emotional over matpats retirement despite not watching a singular video of his LOL
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bonafidexdopeness · 1 year
Dodging Bullets
It happens to everyone. I’m not looking to pitch or convince. I am simply doing the work.
I’m getting closer.
When do you love what you do? When you decide to. When you invest in it and train yourself to see the positives. What we all want is to feel accepted. This is juts a memory. You’re only reliving it; remembering how the day went. You’re viewing what landed you in heaven or hell in real time. If you believe in that stuff. Never forget: to be in the right place at the right time can change the trajectory of your life. If what you have in your head can make you money and you see how it can be sustainable and secure don’t leave it in your head or to live as notes. Actualize and draw it out. Draw. Pull. Pull it out into reality.
Illustrate, conceptualize, collaborate, trouble shoot, reverse engineer, and tweak daily. You can’t be “the game-changer”, “genius” who “didn’t take the common road and broke social norms that changed history and the status quo” and “exposed the agenda of the secret government” by applying to schooling debt, believing what you never researched for yourself, applying to dream killing 9-5’s, never doing the work and letting it speak for itself by letting quality defend it and consistency promote it. If a 16K animation gig is sitting in your email and you start training for your restaurant manager job tonight so you can save enough money to become an animator is clocking-in placing you in a right place right time scenario? Why not clock in as the animator? This is a memory, remember? Do you not remember today changing your life?
No one else is supposed to say you make sense for creating your own fantasy world and living in it. When to be around you means to forget what you thought you knew, that’s when you’re causing rifts. Shortly there will be glimpses of your fantasy bleeding into other’s realities too and being around you is more like being in your world to them. This world does not exist without you to them at this point. But to achieve this your fantasy world must not cease to exist despite what your ears, your eyes, you bank, your day, your family, your friends attempt to convince you. Unless you asked to be here, this world owes you something and you can have anything. You must be adamant about convincing yourself that you don’t have to make sense to anyone but to those who will show you the roads and open the doors. Honestly everyone else are just bots.
So where you at the desk when you got the email? The one about the job with the 40K monthly retainer, the 40K sign on bonus, and the 280K salary? Or did you have to quit a job to respond because your boss said no phones. Was it your office desk? No office? The desk in your home studio? No house? Were you working on your apartment coffee table on the couch? Because your life is about to change from doing the work. Not from getting your life together so you can do the work. Tell yourself you love it.
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dhierro · 2 months
Transform Your Doors With Iron Wine Cellar Doors in Dallas
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Have  you ever paused in front of your wine cellar and thought, “This space  could really use a touch of elegance?” Many wine aficionados reach a  point where the ordinary wooden door just doesn’t do justice to the  collection within.
What  if you could elevate not just the form but also the function of that  entrance? So, let’s talk about a game-changer in-home luxury Iron Wine Cellar Doors in Dallas.
Now,  imagine a door that not only encapsulates the essence of your personal  taste but also reflects a bold statement of style. This is what Iron  Pivot Door Dallas can do for your space. So, why should you consider  this upgrade? Read on to know!
Beauty Meets Durability
First  of all, custom doors bring a great sense of refinement to your home.  And with Modern Iron Door Design Dallas, these aren’t just doors;  they’re art pieces. They blend seamlessly with both traditional and  contemporary home settings, also ensures that your wine cellar becomes a  focal point of admiration. But wait, it’s not all about looks!
These  doors are also tough as nails, literally. Iron is known for its  strength and long life, keeping your precious bottles secure. And worry  not about clanking sounds or rusty hinges; Modern Iron Doors in Dallas  means top-notch craftsmanship with whisper-quiet operation and  resistance to wear.
Customization at Its Best
“Can  I really get what I envision?” Of course you can! Going for Custom  Pivot Doors Dallas means you get to have a say in every detail. From  choosing intricate patterns that mirror your unique style to selecting a  finish that complements your interiors, the customization aspect is  quite frankly, intoxicating.
Now, why are home improvement enthusiasts all over Dallas opting for this?
Personal touch: Nothing says ‘you’ like a door designed by you, for you.
Matchless elegance: It catches the eye of every guest with a design that’s impossible to find in a run-of-the-mill store.
Increased home value: Whenever you decide to sell your house, this little addition might just seal the deal for potential buyers.
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The Heart of Your Home
The  wine cellar is often considered the heart of a connoisseur’s home,  beating with stories of vineyards and vintage years. So, why not shield  that heart with something as breathtaking as an Iron Pivot Door in Dallas?
Also,  it’s not just about what’s on the outside. When you swing open those  doors, you want the inside to be just as captivating. Hence, consider  the ambiance and sense of occasion that Wine Cellar Doors Dallas adds to  your wine-tasting events. Could anything be more sophisticated?
Final Words: Making the Decision!
Now,  we’ve talked up quite the vision, haven’t we? But here’s the thing,  this isn’t just daydreaming. It’s a reality within reach. Have a look at  these benefits:
Lifetime investment in unparalleled quality
A first impression that says ‘luxury.’
Custom features that represent your lifestyle
So,  what are the next steps? Easy. It’s time to get in and start  visualizing. Imagine the ironwork patterns that speak to you. Think  about walking into your wine cellar, the glow of soft lighting bouncing  off the intricate door design. It feels good, doesn’t it? And then make  your final decision!
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Some Kind of Way (My Hero Academia)
ShinDeku AU
Summary: Shinsou begins to realize he may have feelings for Deku, and it makes him act so out of the ordinary that his crush decides the best way to help him relax is the very thing that kickstarted his feelings in the first place.
A/N: I am so unbelievably excited to finally share this with you! This one has been waiting in the wings for quite a while! Welcome to the first fic in my official ShinDeku AU! This story takes place after the events of "Say Mercy" and creates an entirely new storyline. While these two remain good friends in the Primary Universe, in this AU, things go a little differently.
I will admit this is pretty self-indulgent, but I know I'll want to keep writing for these boys, and what better excuse than to create an alternate reality in which they get together? Cute boyfriends and lots of tickling - what more could you want? I hope you enjoy! <3 <3
Word Count: 2,275
Midoriya: Video games at my place! Kaminari and Todoroki are coming – do you wanna join??
Shinsou stared at his phone screen for so long it went dark on him three times. He’d nearly forgotten that at some point he and Deku had exchanged numbers. Their spring break had just started; today was Monday, which meant that Deku’s mom was probably at work right now, as it was just after ten in the morning.
It really shouldn’t have been this hard to reply to a text. Yet here he sat, struggling to do just that.
It’s video games, Shinsou berated himself. You’ve played video games with him before. That’s what you were doing the last time you hung out. Just answer his text!
Shinsou: Yes. I don’t know where you live, though.
Midoriya: I’ll send you the details! Can’t wait!! :D
Shinsou set his phone aside, heart racing. This is ridiculous. What’s happening to me? He rubbed his eyes tiredly, his mind flashing back to the last time he’d hung out with Deku. They’d gotten into a tickle fight, which he’d ultimately won, but there had been a…a moment. When he’d pinned Deku for the last time and ordered him to beg for mercy. The way Deku had screamed the word over and over through hysterical fits of laughter…
He swallowed. It had been so satisfying, but more than that, it had been…cute. No, adorable. Completely, utterly adorable. Deku was adorable. And for the first time, Shinsou was noticing.
He tried not to think about it as he gathered up his things and walked out the door, heading to the destination the green-haired boy had provided him with.
Seeing him in person was so much worse.
Deku opened up the door with a bright smile and an invitation to come inside. It was the first time Shinsou had seen him without his school uniform or hero costume on. He wore a bright yellow All Might t-shirt and blue shorts, and he was barefoot. Shinsou awkwardly took his own shoes off in the entryway and followed him into the small living room, where Todoroki was already seated on the floor.
The icy-hot hero raised a hand in greeting. Shinsou nodded at him, then took a seat as well.
“Kaminari should be here any minute,” Deku said, pulling out his phone to check for a text from the blonde. “It’s so cool to finally have friends over at my place! Make yourselves at home. We’ve got juice and soda in the fridge if you want some, and later we can have lunch together, too.” Deku smiled so brightly it lit up the whole block. “Plus I’ll get to introduce you to a racing game that’s not Mario Kart for once!”
Shinsou couldn’t take his eyes off of him. He found himself noticing things more and more. The particular shade of green that his eyes were. The spattering of freckles across his face and arms. How scarred his right arm was. How muscular he was despite his smaller stature. Shinsou noticed all of it, and it made his heart beat faster and faster. Crap, crap, crap, he thought frantically. I…I’ve got a—
Someone knocked on the door, Deku hurried to answer it, and the spell was broken. Shinsou blinked several times. Seriously, what was happening to him?
“Heyyy, it’s my man Shinsou!” Kaminari greeted enthusiastically, slapping him on the back. “And Todoroki, of course. Ready to lose some video games?”
Shinsou let out a sigh of relief, then smirked up at him. “The joke’s on you, Kaminari. Midoriya says we’re not playing Mario Kart.”
“Dude, what?” Kaminari whipped around to face Deku. It was so much easier to look at him with Kaminari in the room as well. “You can’t take my crown away like that!”
Deku grinned. “I’m introducing you to a different racing game. Kacchan and I play it sometimes – Team Sonic Racing!”
“Sonic has a racing game?” Kaminari asked, then hummed. “Well, he is a speedy little guy. I guess it makes sense.”
“Team racing?” Todoroki asked. “What does that mean?”
Deku lit up at the question, then launched into a long, rambling explanation of all the ways it differed from Mario Kart, and why it was superior, as well. After a little while they finally got to the actual playing part of it, and before they knew it, the morning hours were long gone.
Getting lost in the world of Team Sonic Racing did wonders for Shinsou’s mind. He was able to focus on something that wasn’t Deku, for once – even if Deku’s character of choice did cause him a lot of trouble during the races. It gave him a chance to calm down, clear his head, and get back to his normal self. At least, until a couple of hours later when it was lunchtime.
Kaminari had announced early on that he had lunch plans with some others from their class, so it was expected that he’d leave after a couple of hours. But it was a surprise to both Shinsou and Deku when Todoroki announced he was also leaving.
“My apologies,” he said, “but I got a text from my sister that asked me to meet her downtown for lunch with her and my brother. I’m…trying to get back in touch with them, as it were. I can’t really do that while I’m at the dorms.”
“That’s okay,” Deku said, sounding sincere. “I understand. Go have fun with your family.” Then he turned to Shinsou. “Do you want to stay, or do you have somewhere to be?”
Shinsou’s heart was racing again. He was about to be alone with Midoriya again.
“I…I can stay,” he said, nodding. “If that’s all right with you.”
“Of course!”
After bidding farewell to their other friends, Deku led Shinsou back into the kitchen and opened up the fridge, pulling out various things they could use to make sandwiches. Shinsou got the bread out of the pantry (after struggling for a few moments to even find the pantry), and soon they were both at work making lunch for themselves.
“How’s your spring break so far?” Deku asked.
“It’s…fine,” Shinsou murmured. He didn’t really have anything exciting to report on. “You?”
“Great! I kind of took it easy this weekend because All Might insisted I actually rest, but we trained together this morning before I invited you over for video games. We’ll train again tomorrow, too.”
Shinsou glanced at him. “It’s spring break.”
“I know, but I don’t want to stop training. I’ve got to work as hard as I can to get even stronger.”
“Rest is important, too, you know.”
Deku smiled. “You sound just like everyone else.”
“Because we’re right.”
“I’m resting more than I’m training this week. Don’t worry, Shinsou. I won’t burn myself out.”
Shinsou nodded. “Good.”
“So,” Deku continued, expertly changing the topic as he finished up his sandwich, “want to play some more after lunch? Or we could watch a movie or something instead. What do you want to do?”
“Um…” Shinsou hesitated. Again that image of Deku laughing and begging entered his mind. He shoved it away. “I…I don’t know. Midoriya,” he added quickly, before he lost his nerve, “why do you want to hang out with me so much?”
Deku went silent for a moment. “Because you’re my friend? And you’re really cool! I think it’s so awesome that you want to join the hero course, and your quirk is so useful, especially with that voice changer thing you have now, and—”
“Useful?” Shinsou turned to look at him, surprised. “No one’s ever called my quirk useful before.”
“Then no one’s really known you before,” Deku replied confidently, taking his first bite of his lunch. “Mmm, this is good! What’d you make?”
Shinsou glanced down at his half-finished sandwich and reached for some lunch meat. “To be determined.”
When they’d finished eating and cleaned up the kitchen, Shinsou and Deku went back into the living room, where Team Sonic Racing sat waiting for them on the screen, should they continue to play it.
“Are you okay, Shinsou?” Deku asked, his voice gentler now. “You seem bothered about something.”
Dear god, was he really so easy to read? Shinsou cleared his throat. “No, I’m fine. I’m just…” He searched for the words. How could he explain to Deku that he was pretty sure he had a crush…on Deku? “I’m just…I don’t know. Fine.”
“You know, if you’re not up for video games anymore, we could play a different game,” Deku said. Shinsou glanced up at him, hearing the teasing tone in his voice, and his eyes widened when he saw the green-haired boy wiggling his fingers and smiling wide.
Instant. Blush.
“Uh, I-I mean…I mean, i-if you…want to, then…” Shinsou stammered, hating every word he tripped over. It had never been difficult for him to speak to Midoriya before. Why was it suddenly the hardest thing he’d ever done?
“Actually, maybe we shouldn’t have a tickle fight,” Deku announced even as he lunged for Shinsou and tackled him to the floor. “Maybe I should just tickle you! You really need to relax, Shinsou. You act like I’m about to bite you or something.”
“I d-dohohohohon’t – I cahahahahan’t help it!” he giggled, the light pinches along his sides and ribs enough to help him loosen up a little, but not enough to really make him panic just yet. He fell onto his back on the floor, letting Deku tickle all over his torso, drawing giggle after much-needed giggle out of him.
“You don’t have to be nervous around me,” Deku continued, oblivious to Shinsou’s struggle. “We’re friends! If you want to talk about something, I’m happy to listen.”
Crap, crap, crap! Shinsou brought his hands up to cover his face, growing really, truly flustered now. “I’m sohohohohohohorry, I cahahahahan’t – I cahahahaHAHAHAHAN’T!! NAHAHAHAHAHA!!” The violet-haired boy shot his arms down to try and shove Deku away when he reached his hips, squeezing with a wicked smirk on his face. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHO!! MIDORYA!!”
“Relax, Shinsou~” Deku teased, swinging a leg over to straddle his friend and pin him more firmly in place, still squeezing his hips. “Sometimes it’s best to just laugh it all out, right?”
“Why do you think I’m tickling you there?” Deku laughed, too, finding his hip bones and pressing in deeply. “Tickle, tickle, tickle~”
“DOHOHOHOHOHOHOHON’T!!” Shinsou cried, flustered and embarrassed but also having a lot of fun despite himself. He let out a loud shriek and kicked his legs when Deku focused on that one spot that drove him absolutely crazy. “NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! MIDORIYAHAHAHAHA!!”
Deku chuckled. “Feeling better? Feeling relaxed yet, Shinsou?”
Shinsou squealed, prying his eyes open just enough to see Deku’s huge smile, his bright eyes, his looming form over him, and the boy from 1-C simply could not take it anymore. “PLEHEHEHEASE!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP IT!! MIDORIYA, PLEHEHEHEHEASE!! MERCY!! MERCY MERCY MERCYEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!”
Deku stopped, but didn’t climb off of him. Shinsou gasped for breath and looked up at him, still giggling, surprised to see a tiny blush on the boy’s freckled cheeks. He blinked a few times. “M-Midoriya?”
“I…I’m s-sorry, I, uh…” Deku stammered, blinking as well. His cheeks got even pinker. “Oh! I’ll let you go—”
Shinsou reached up faster than either of them could think and grabbed onto Deku’s arms, stopping him from climbing off just yet. He forced himself to make eye contact with the smaller boy, and when he did, what he saw there gave him the encouragement he needed to finally get this off of his chest.
“Midoriya,” he said quietly, “I think I need to tell you something.”
Deku swallowed. He suddenly seemed nervous, too. “Y-Yeah?”
Shinsou’s heart was pounding against his ribcage. “I…I kind of…like you. Like…you know. That way.”
Deku let out a little gasp in response, but he never broke eye contact. His cheeks went from pink to red. “I…I t-think I like you, too, Shinsou…”
Shinsou finally moved to sit up, wrapping an arm around Deku’s back to keep him from falling over as he did so, and when he was upright again the two of them were face-to-face. Shinsou’s eyes flicked all over Deku’s blushing features, from his shining eyes down to his lips and back up again. Then he brought his free hand up to scribble against the smaller boy’s side.
Deku immediately smiled wide, giggling slightly, and Shinsou’s suspicions were confirmed. “Ugh, you’re adorable,” he muttered, pulling him into a bear hug and burying his face in his shoulder. “You know that? Adorable, Midoriya.”
“I-I think you’re cute, too,” Deku stammered, sounding incredibly flustered.
“Only cute?” Shinsou teased, digging his fingertips into the boy’s ribs, feeling him jolt in his arms but holding him tightly all the same. “Wow, and after I just poured my heart out to you.”
“Ahahahahaha nohohohohohoho! I’m sohohohohohorry!” Deku squealed, giggling and squirming but unable to go anywhere or protect himself. He tossed his head back and laughed freely. “You’re adohohohohohorable, too! Plehehehehehease, Shinsou!”
“Too late, Midoriya,” Shinsou replied, grinning into his shoulder, feeling more confident now. He slid one tickling hand down to Deku’s hip and laughed with him when he spasmed so hard they both fell to the floor. “You said I was just cute. Now you’ll have to face the wrath of the tickle monster!”
“Nohohohohohohohoho!” Deku cried, giggling hysterically, but it was obvious to both of them that he didn’t really want any of this to stop, and neither did Shinsou.
So it didn’t.
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kisekinodrabbles · 3 years
Sam you're back!!! Can i get a request where aomine preparing a proposal marriage to his so but accidentally mention it to his so? And it ended up funny please!! I've been waiting for your ask box to be opened 🤗🤗
alwkerjalkejr im sorry this is so late and im bad at Humor so this is the best i can do for now, i hope u enjoy it 
Aomine wasn’t a planner. Not even close. He had breezed through high school with poor grades and actions decided solely on impulse. He had faced college head on with no particular direction and went where the wind sent him. The only thing he was certain about had been basketball and that had been the only thing pushing him forward. 
However, of course, it was different after he met you. The game changer, some called you. No one would guess that Aomine would’ve settled down at the raw age of 24 with a woman he had known for exactly seven months and three days. A blind date first encounter, several dates and sexy times later, the two of you had made it exclusive. 
And Aomine was whipped to say the least. 
24 was a far cry from his expected settlement age. The two of you butt heads on many things, including your relationship and the long-term perspective. He viewed marriage as a trap, a cage to keep him locked up and away. But you had illuminated the difference in his mind. 
Marriage wasn’t a prison, it was a commitment. Commitment that didn’t leave him feeling stuck, but instead liberated. The thought of spending the rest of his life with you both terrified and enthralled him. Terrified not because he feared giving up the rest of his life, but because the idea of losing you imprinted a searing pain into his heart.
He twiddled with the ring box in his hands, feeling the smooth velvet underneath his fingertips. He had bought it on impulse - a glance into a jewelry store when the two of you were out for your biweekly date (given your busy schedules – Aomine with training and you with your mundane desk job). He had gotten a bonus for the season for doing particularly well, not that it was hard.
It was the extra cash, he would say, that made him do it. When you traipsed off into a bakery, he wandered in the opposite direction and ended up back in front of the glimmering diamonds. He was just going to take a look, he figured. No harm done.
However, he ended up walking out with a small bag that he quickly hid from sight in his gym bag – the weight of the tiny compartment placing a heavy burden on his shoulders. His nerves crept up on him as if the box would sear right through the fabric and you would find out that This Idiot had bought a ring on a whim. A pricey one at that (he had to recalculate his budgeting for the month after this).
“Daiki,” you called, snapping your fingers in front of his face.
Aomine descended back to reality and to the meal before him. The two of you were sharing dinner and apparently you had been sharing a story about your coworker who he couldn’t really give less shit about but he just enjoyed listening to the sound of your voice fill the room. 
“Huh?” he asked, mouthful of pasta opening to let bits fall out.
You crinkled your nose in disgust, eyeing the fallen pieces on his plate. “You’re gross, first of all. Second, you’re not listening to me.”
“Yes, your coworker has stolen multiple pens from your table and hasn’t given a single one back but you’ve seen it on other people’s desks.” Years of “not” listening to Momoi nag his ass off had trained him to pick up on key points of conversation. He had gotten multiple earfuls from his childhood friend for not listening and he was almost thankful that he had a skillful ear. 
Oh. That had you closing your mouth and blushing. Cute. “Okay, fine, so you were listening. But still!” 
“Babe, it really isn’t a big deal. Just ask for them back from your other coworkers, I’m sure they’ll be cool with it.”
“I guess,” you mumbled. 
Aomine’s lips quirked up. You didn’t like confrontation and especially not over something so small. Cute.
“Are you cleaning the bedroom tomorrow or am I?” you said, collecting both your plates and leaving them in the sink. Aomine instinctively followed after you to get started on the dishes – he had been well-trained in the art of kitchen hygiene mainly through your incessant criticism of how bad he was at it. 
Meanwhile, you headed over to your shared bedroom only to be dismayed by the sight of his gym bag. You could practically see the smell leaking out from it. “Daiki,” you groaned again. What was it this time, he wondered. He was distracted by getting every inch of stain off the plates when you grumbled, bringing out his bag. “What did I tell you about leaving your gross, used uniform in your bag? We have a laundry basket, babe.”
“Yep, sorry, forgot,” he noted almost robotically. This happened weekly and, no matter how many times you reminded him, he was going to keep forgetting. It wasn’t as if he wasn’t going to sweat in the clothes again. 
He heard you distinctively moan some more in the background but he was so focused on that one sauce mark that he barely processed what you were saying, answering your questions with half his attention on you.
“When did you bring these back?”
“Two days ago.”
“Two days ago! Do you not smell it?”
“My god, what is this mess? What’s this stain?”
“Probably the burger I ate with the team.”
“Your towel has another stain.”
“Oh, Eiji spilled his soda on it.”
“What’s this box?”
“Engagement ring.”
It didn’t register with him what he just said. It was another answer to another question, nothing else. It was only when the silence weighed heavily in the air that he turned to check on you.
You who were standing frozen in your spot, velvet box still in hand and eyes the size of saucers. “A what?”
Aomine blanked out then. How in the fuck was he supposed to get out of this situation? He wanted to do this properly, the way that you deserved. It wasn’t as if you were a die-hard romantic who needed roses spread across their apartment, but he certainly wanted to give you something equivalent that you would enjoy. A gesture that you deserved for all the time you spent putting up with him. 
So he thought of the next best thing. “For my friend. Um, he asked me to pick it up.”
“Daiki, I know all your friends and I don’t think any of them have significant others.”
“It’s a distant friend, he did it to not be suspicious.” 
You shrugged, shoving it back into his bag. For a moment, he could’ve sworn he saw a flash of hurt across your eyes. It wasn’t as if you hadn’t brought up marriage before, but it’s something Aomine had always waved off. Perhaps you were instantly convinced, a dream close to your fingertips but still out of reach. 
“I lied,” he quickly blurted out, getting up from his seat to approach you and pluck the box from your hands. He ran his thumb across the smooth cover, taking in a deep breath. “This is for us. For you. I wanted it to be a surprise, but I also want you to know that I am serious about you, no matter how many times I joke about it. You... mean the world to me and there’s nothing I won’t do to keep you by my side.” 
He watched your lips part in surprise, a revelation that had struck you to the core. Aomine, who had been so adamant that marriage was nothing but a lie, was thinking of proposing. You could feel your brain shortcircuit and it seemed to show on your face.
Aomine chuckled, ruffling your hair, “Don’t look so shaken. I’m not going to do it now. Like I said, it’s going to be a surprise so I’m not going to ask you now. But just know that I will ask you—and ask you properly. When that time comes, you better be ready to say yes.”
You smiled, “I’ve never been readier for anything.”
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slade-neko · 3 years
Saw this video game tag thing pop up on my dash a few days ago. Wanted to do it.
1. First game you played obsessively? Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, I believe I was 5yo. Still waiting on that FF7 Remake treatment.
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2. A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc. Well if I play a game and like it, then I'll create sims of it. Does that count?
3. Who did you play with as a kid? My brother from the day I was born.
4. Who do you play with now? My brother FROM THE DAY I WAS BORN.
5. Ever use cheat codes? I wasn't lying when I made this post. {link}
6. Ever buy strategy guides? Yes! Mainly to look at the artwork though. (Don't need no guide!)
7. Any games you have multiple copies of? Lots of games, most being Left 4 Dead with 6 copies (3 Xbox 360, 1 PC case, 2 PC digitally.) What can I say, its a GOOD GAME!
8. Rarest/Most expensive game in your collection? Gold cartridge Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (maybe that's rare?)
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9. Most regrettable purchase? I don't regret my purchases, but I have received games I have never played like Cubix (PS2) no clue where that game came from, but I have it somehow. Madagascar (Xbox 360) came with my Xbox 360, never opened it from its case. And Monsters Inc. Scream Arena (Gamecube) or something... it was a gift.
10. Ever go to a midnight game release or stand in line for hours? No, because then I'd have to interact with people.
11. Have you ever made new friends from playing video games? I'm only friends with people BECAUSE of video games, so yes.
12. Ever get picked on for liking games? No, that'd be ridiculous.
13. A game you’ve never played that everyone else has? Probably a lot, I'd say Call of Duty, but I technically played CoD 1, 2, and 4. The campaign mode was alright, but I don't really care for CoD games at ALL.
14. Favorite game music? Koji Kondo and Grant Kirkhope are two BIG ones.
15. If it was a requirement to get a game related tattoo, what would you pick? Triforce is the most basic option, but I'd rather not get a tattoo.
16. Favorite game to play with your friends IRL? Super Smash Bros. Brawl with hacks, but that was over a decade ago.
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17. Ever lose a friend over a game? No, that'd be ridiculous.
18. Would you date someone that hates gaming? No, that'd be RIDICULOUS.
19. Favorite handheld console? PSP. 3DS is great, but PSP Monster Hunter has ALL of my portable gaming memories. Like playing in school after End of Grade tests with my friend.
20. Game that you know like the back of your hand? Sims 4 I like to think I know everything about Left 4 Dead. Quite a bit about Monster Hunter, more so of a series though than a specific game.
21. Game that you didn’t like or understand as a kid but love now? I'd say Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. I loved it as a kid, but had a lot of complex pen & paper RPG mechanics that I never understood. I understand a lot more of it now, but its still complex as all heck. I just know you hit things, they die.
22. Do you wear game related clothing/accessories? That's the only thing I wear.
23. The game that you’ve logged the most hours into? Not sure so I'll list a few. Sims 4, Smash Bros. Brawl, Monster Hunter (its a series though), or Left 4 Dead
24. First Pokemon game? Leaf Green
25. Were you ever an arcade game player? No, don't like paying to play.
26. Ever form any gaming rivalries? No.
27. Game that makes you rage? I don't get mad at games, but I had a custom modded Hard Eight mutation in Left 4 Dead that is absolute bullsh*t!
28. Ever play in a tournament? No, because then I'd have to interact with people.
29. What is your gaming set up? A giant wall of video game consoles spanning from NES to Switch, 4 TVs, but I sit at a desk with a PC.
30. How many consoles do you own? "I own every console that's ever existed." - I Don't Play Games When I Play Games (My STRENTH) original song by Smooth McGroove BUT no seriously I own 32 consoles including handhelds.
31. Does the 3DS and/or Virtual Boy hurt your eyes or give you headaches? Yes. 3DS gave me headaches though I only really played with the 3D feature in Ocarina of Time 3D. I think my eyes broke because I couldn't get my 3D to work very well after.
32. Did you ever play a game based on your favorite show/cartoon/movie/comic? Sure I play games based on a lot of things. Literally any anime game. If I had to pick Dragon Ball Xenoverse is kinda like a dream Dragon Ball game. Oh, Attack on Titan 2 is pretty neat too!
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33. Did you ever have any bootleg games or plug-n-play games? Some SEGA plug-n-play thing once. Played it like once and now its lost to time (or my closet.)
34. Do either of your parents play video games? Yes. Mom and Dad played NES Super Mario Bros. My Dad went HARD at that game until he saved the Princess. Then he quit forever.
35. Ever work in a game store? Or do you have a favorite game shop? "Hi. Welcome to Gamestop!"I never want to hear that again, but it was my main store until I went full digital/ online orders.
36. Have you ever shed actual blood, sweat or tears over a game? No, I don't tend to get upset or emotional, but Bill dying in Left 4 Dead made me pretty pissed.
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37. Have you played E.T. for the Atari 2600? Do you think that’s the worst game ever, or do you have another nomination? Never played it. I don't really play "bad" games, but maybe Sims 4.
38. A game you’re ashamed to admit that you like? The Sims 4
39. A sequel that you would die for them to make? Dragon's Dogma 2 WHICH I think is actually in development, so I'd have to say Fallout New Vegas 2. C'mon Bethesda you cowards, hand the keys back over to Obsidian so they can make another good Fallout game!
40. What to you think of virtual reality headsets or motion controls? Two part question, two answers. VR Headset to immerse in world, yes. Motion Controls, no.
41. A genre that you just can’t get into? MOBAs and MMOs. I don't like paying to keep playing.
42. Maybe it wasn’t your first game, but what was the game that started you on your path to nerdiness? Nintendo 64 opened me up to what video games could be as a kid. Sad to say my parents' NES didn't really do that for me. And years later Fallout 3 was a big game changer for me too.
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43. Ever play games when you really should have been concentrating on something else? Every day of my LIFE.
44. Arcade machine that has consumed the most of your quarters? None. I'd rather emulate.
45. How are you at Mario Kart? Pretty dang good. 3-STARS MARIO KART WII, BABY!
46. Do you like relaxing games like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon? Yes, both of those. I preferred when Animal Crossing had more character to it. New Horizons looks so pretty, but feels so bland compared to classic AC.
47. Do you like competitive games? No. Not really. Usually amongst friends or if I can get competitive against AI Bots. I love my machine bot friends cause they don't cry like 10 year olds when they lose.
48. How long does it take your to customize your player character? Too long. I've seriously restarted games because I wasn't happy with my character's appearance.
49. In games where you can pick your class, do you always tend to go for the same type of character? Yes, I am always the magic man, my brother is always brute warrior, and my friend is the ranger.
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50. If you were a game designer, what masterpiece would you create? I don't really know. Honestly, I'd rather mod already good games to make them better than create something completely new.
51. Have you ever played a game for so long that you forgot to eat or sleep? No, that'd be ridiculous. But I've had a friend fall asleep playing games at my house 3 different times and currently dozes off during our Minecraft sessions. So, maybe that's not a completely ridiculous thing after all.
52. A game that you begged your parents for as a kid? Kirby 64 apparently. My brother tells me we had to count out pennies to buy it. I must've been too young with no recollection, but I believe it.
53. What’s your opinion on DLC these days? It's good if its not in the game's files from the beginning and is actually developed AFTER launch... and pre-order bonuses should be standard DLC a month or two later. Some games have content lost to time because of that pre-order bullsh*t.
54. Do you give in to Steam sales? Of course. If you want a game and its on sale then why not? I typically wait just for Steam sales to get games.
55. Did you ever make someone you hated in the Sims and did mean stuff to them? No? I typically make people and characters I like in Sims. I've made villains like Dio, but he's an anime villain and I don't really HATE him despite the horrible things he's done.
56. Did you ever play Roller Coaster Tycoon and kill off your guests? No. Never played that game.
57. Did you ever play a game to 100% or get all of the achievements? I try to for all the games I really like.
58. If you can only play 3 games for the rest of your life, which ones do you pick? The Sims 4, Skyrim, & Fallout: New Vegas. Mods make them live forever. Left 4 Dead and Monster Hunter are good choices too.
59. Do you play any cell phone games? Those aren't games.
60. Do you know the Konami Code? No? But I'll take a guess. Is it make an IP and forget it exists?
61. Do you trade in your games or keep them forever? Keep forever... even the bad ones.
62. Ever buy a console specifically to play one game? PS4 Pro for Monster Hunter World. It was basically for early access since the PC version was being developed and releasing after PS4, but I don't like waiting.
63. Ever go to a gaming convention or tournament? Sort of. Been to anime cons and walked into the gaming tournament rooms only to walk out less than 10 minutes later.
64. Ever make a TV or monitor purchase based on what would be best for gaming? No, but I'm going to be doing that soon, hopefully.
65. Ever have a Game Genie, Game Shark or Action Replay? Did it ever mess up your game’s save file? GameShark for N64, PS2, Gameboy, and Action Replay for Gamecube, DS, 3DS. And no not really, I would cheat responsibly... but there was this one time at school my friend and I borrowed another friend's Gameboy game, loaded it up with my Gameshark, tried playing, it crashed, loaded it back up, save file corrupted... we just stared at each other jaws dropped, "Here's your game back, dude. Make sure you don't play it til you get back home!"
66. Did you ever have have an old Nokia with Snake on it? No, but I remember seeing them on billboards in the game DRIV3R on PS2.
67. Do you have a happy gaming-related childhood memory you want to share? Every game I play is filled with happy memories (mostly.)
68. Ever save up a ton of tickets in an arcade to get something cool? These tiger plushes. My brother got white and I got orange. They were the coolest. Got a butt load of tickets from some jackpot spinning light game thing as I was good at the timing with repeated jackpot hits.
69. In your opinion, best game ever made? I've played quite a few masterpiece games, but to pick one, I'd say Fallout: New Vegas
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70. Very first game you ever beat? Super Mario 64. I was a mere child on a Sunday morning and ate celebratory pancakes made by my Dad.
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Wow, that was long... I get the feeling this was supposed to be a "send me ask with numbers" thing, but answering all at once is more fun.
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vasiliquemort · 3 years
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Hi I saw your post about wanting requests about Secunda and I just wanted to say... I absolutely love the game, no lie at all. The prose is so beautiful and poetic, it inspires me! I love all of the characters of course but there's just something so heady about the allure of Tizian as your soulmate and I love him so much... I don't know exactly what to request that wouldn't be spoilers, but. if you have facts to share about Tizian? that would be amazing!! Thank you for all your hard work!!
Thank you so, so much!! *--* 
In fact, you can probably guess that Tizian is the most special for me - this is a character that I have been thinking about for a long time and for whom I have very related feelings. I am sincerely glad that you also loved him, and your question put me into a state of such inspired frenzy that I decided to specially make a small drawing to please myself and you;з
 This is not much, but it helped me to get out of a completely devastated creative state, so thank you so much, and I am just bursting with pride that my words and art could inspire someone~ 
There, after the cutout, there are quite a few different things that in one way or another mattered when I wrote Tizian, and which may seem interesting. Words on different topics - sources of inspiration, general motivations, connections with other characters and trends in relationships, some words about Edwardis, Charet and Cybele also. A lot and rather generalized, simple and non-artistic language, but I hope you will like it;*** 
Thank you so much again;з
Tizian's cultural origins are quite diverse, but to a greater extent I imagine him as a Georgian - a man from the warm lands of a dark vineyard, a man of the sea and the refined gloom of a medieval city. But he is a traveler and absorbs culture and traditions as much as he wants, and other sources of inspiration were Mongolian, Greek and Persian culture. He has a southern sensuality and temperament, but at the same time a cold-blooded disposition and a refined gloom of the north. He changes his guises, and the modern empire of magicians, the new Epirus, which was inspired by old Rome, influenced Tizian's perception of himself as a man and a magician dramatically. At the same time, the old Epirus is more based on the Macedonian and Persian empires. 
As I said, Tizian was the first for me in all respects, and, as with the creation of other characters, the Mill, a Russian folk group, greatly influenced me. Their songs have many elements that inspired Secunda and my view of creativity - ballad “Road of Dream” about kindred souls found in the world of dreams, “Believe” about the raven lord of the underworld of Colchis, who offers himself and his helping hand, as well as "Tristan" about the faithful and powerful knight-changer, and, of course “Night Mare”. Charet, for example, was inspired by the song "Hold Me", where it is sung about the king of snakes, who transformed the one who was enlisted for him alike himself and later stole them, and "My Joy" about the loving embodiment of the logos, the demon burning from the inability to be near his human. Holt was inspired primarily by “The Queen” about the lady falcon, the mistress of the northern mountains, who also comes to her bard in her dreams, but remains as distant as a star, a ghost, and partly “Winter”, and “the Lord of Mountain Roads”. 
Tizian was inspired by different characters, or rather my own idea of ​​the villain-sorcerer with all the primal passion and sophistication of the demonic image of the night. Initially he was inspired, for example, by Pitch Black or Walter Padick (Matthew McConaughey), but over time this feeling has become very blurred. Now I draw him after Lisa Edelstein, especially thanks to her curls, striking eyes, refined smile and general refined femininity, which is amazingly easy and pleasant to interpret. In my work, the idea of ​​hyperfeminity and androgyny is in itself important, and Tizian dances between them all the time, although he remains the most masculine and close to the traditional idea of ​​a man from all other LIs. 
Tizian is extremely manipulative, he is one of those who everywhere demonstrates amazing openness and sensuality to the majority of those around him - he is a talented negotiator and diplomat, everywhere uses his natural softness and sensuality, hiding under them an unfeigned rapacity and cold calculation. He is attentive and careful, always trying to play a seemingly unsuccessful situation in his favor, Tizian does not feel any shame, playing on the feelings of others, always remaining impartial and alienated inside, but hardly worth driving him into a corner, he will strike mercilessly and deadly. He loves to confuse people with his contrasts, rumors about him are gloomy and frightening, and he will gladly use any disguise that falls into his hands. 
But his attitude to the Archon is strikingly different - the character scares and attracts him, and every word you say will affect his train of thought - from the very beginning he builds intrigues and subtle games in an attempt to get closer. He is cold and passionate, distant and loving at the same time - his need and love are sincere, but he is infinitely careful and manipulative while trying to achieve reciprocal feelings. In his relationship with Archon, the imbalance of power is constantly playing, and, as with all LIs, the whole process consists in liberation from these boundaries and dangerous dependencies. But Tizian under no circumstances will become a source of danger and burdens for the Archon - on the contrary, in his plans to be the first and main ally on your side, he will try to use all the resources and opportunities available to himself to support your ambitions - and he is selfish enough so that at the same time he was not affected by the needs of others. Depending on what the Archon needs from him, Titian will behave differently - outwardly, he can either leave the appearance of mutually beneficial business relations based on the exchange of power and resources, or he will emphasize their connection, alone or in plain sight, and push the Archon by all means into a waiting embrace. 
His followers do not seem to him as a family, with a big stretch they can be friends for him - in them he sees a personal interest and treats them the same way as they used to treat him - a tool and a resource. He is a talented and cautious leader, but he always treats people with deep calculation - he had a family that he was deprived of, and he does not easily replace someone, he is not able to love a random person enough. He is deprived of constancy and peace, although all his life he strives and needs them, therefore the only constant that he is able to afford is his soul mate, and for most of his life his thoughts and motivation have always been aimed at this opportunity to get everything he needs. next to them. He is very dangerous if something stands in his way, he has no other place or opportunity to realize himself, he is aware and terrified of his tendencies, but still carefully feeds his demons. 
 Tizian is a talented necromancer and is especially drawn to the dark arts - this is the gift of his patron, Cybele, but from his unobvious talents is the reading of runes and the creation of skillful witchcraft. In reality, he is not as interested in power and knowledge as he wants to appear - his needs and interests are met by few, he is more likely to spend time reading poetry and historical chronicles than aimless greed of arcanic knowledge. Of course, he is greedy and all-consuming in his rage, and in the worst moments his temperament quickly picks up, but anger and a thirst to dominate is not the quality that he would like to see in himself. 
Once in the south, he will face many difficulties and concerns, but, like for the Archon, these lands will not be something that broke him. He is disappointed in the Secunda’s society and its orders, but not surprised, for him these difficulties are just one more step on a long path, he has no special expectations, but he knows exactly what he needs right now. Tizian is a man who needs amazingly simple and understandable things, but is forced to build long multi-walkers in order to achieve these goals. 
In relationships, I would describe Tizian primarily as a person who is amazingly gentle and affectionate - for him there is a significant difference between how he is obliged to deal with the Archon who will not give anything beyond their own benefit, and the Archon who really loves and wants see him near. Tizian doesn't care about power or domination, but he is a person who is easy and pleasant to rely on - usually he will let you do and decide whatever you see fit, but he is always at arm's length if you need his help. First of all, Tizian seeks calmness and comfort, he is amazingly gentle and homey, if you know how to handle him correctly.
The first meeting with him can be described as a moment of instant recognition - as if you see a person with whom you have passed your whole life, but this is not a moment of longing and desperate need, this feeling is very soft and pacifying in itself. In this situation, the Archon will be obliged to maintain their distance and be careful, while Tizian suffers from a lack of attention and a desire to be closer. For Tizian, this will be the right time to demonstrate his ability to influence people and how he can wrap his abilities for the Archon, although to society their relationship will immediately seem strained and cold. Their real meeting, when they can be alone, will have a special impact on Tizian, but at the beginning of a relationship he prefers to play from a distance, watching your actions very closely. He is very open with his desires and feelings, but will allow you to close the distance on your own, he seems invariably reserved and careful, but he has an incredible temperament and passion, which is very easy to let flare up. 
 Titian builds a special bond with Edwardis, their motivations and life experiences are almost identical, and although they have a sharp difference in temperament and position in society, they have a strong relationship based on mutual benefit, interests and respect. These relationships cannot be called paternal or brotherly, they prefer to maintain a respectful distance and observe each other from the sidelines, preferring to influence the Archon separately, without mixing their feelings and attention. But Tizian has the same tendencies as Edwardis - his life was destroyed by a witch hunt, but even if he was not born a magician, he would have to live in a society and under the hand of traditions and laws that are insensitive and inhuman to anyone. Cybele guided him, gave him her own guiding star and the promise of a future he desperately needs - and thereby endowed him with a crushing rage and cruelty that swept away everything else. But as long Tizian will get what he needs so badly, as long he will be next to the Archon, the snake will twist into a ball, and he will become a completely different person - his natural gentleness and caution will be revealed, he has an amazingly gentle and calm disposition and many other possibilities self-realization, not only manipulating and inflicting pain for the sake of survival and personal gain. 
With Charet, as already mentioned in novel, Tizian's relations are very difficult - in one of the outcomes they can create a powerful triad with the Archon, uniting to take care of them and their interests, in the other outcome he will be the best ally if the Archon wants reject their patron. In both cases, Tizian has the most advantages, Cybele knows him very well - as well as the fact that he can change the dynamics of the Archon's relationship with Charet for the better, and at the same time remain happy and satisfied in all respects. At the same time, Tizian has more opportunities and desire to oppose both Charet and even the Archon themselves, he is ready to go against his kindred spirit, if by this he will push them towards liberation from burdens and vices, if then they can be with him forever in the halls of Cybele Tizian tends to be an external, destructive or creative, force, and he is no stranger to being a villain for sake of himself and his soulmate. 
The personification of Cybele is a mare, and Tizian has always had a tender love for horses, like a nomad he was always attached to them. He lost them in order to move to the islands - but in his belongings remains the skull of his old friend, Morena, whom he summons when he needs her. The mare who appeared in dreams was Cybele - in the subtle worlds the patrons are associated with their vassals, in the same way the Archon always feels the movement of the scales of snakes on their skin. In turn, Cybele is a Greek and Roman goddess who personifies the feminine principle, whose lamia priestesses dressed in black horse hair and worshiped the night. Her priestesses were always chosen from the most beautiful and skillful in lovewomen, but they were just as striking and dangerous, as the appearance of a black mare in dreams could be both an omen of death and great love. In the same way, another mare goddess, Hecate, patronized horse breeding and dark magic, she also led the Wild Hunt, raising crowds of the dead, red-eyed dogs and demons in the night.
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encfinalproject · 3 years
Social Media: A new day and age
           Over the past year or so we have seen some crazy things happen in this world, the shutdown of sports, restaurants, and basically, anything that you were used to doing daily did a complete 180-degree U-turn. So, like anything bad we’ve experienced, we started to find ways to work around these things. With that being said, it was presented as one of the hardest things that I’d ever have to do in almost twenty years of my life. Specifically figuring out ways in which my studies; sports management, can find ways to work around it. This is where we saw social media start to play a role in the everyday lives of individuals in the world of sports, and not just the world of sports but also companies, celebrities, etc. There are many reasons social media has received such good output, but there are also some negatives that revolve around it and I will also be going over some of those. It gave us as raving fans a different way to look at the game and it has taken over in that aspect. Giving us visuals through Instagram and YouTube, as well as applications like Twitter as a way for fans to communicate amongst themselves. Social media is truly changing the game and it proved that over these past 16 months where we thought nothing was possible.
           To begin with, Sports teams themselves have started to use these online instruments very religiously to connect with the fans more. Social media has seemed to change the name of the game in a lot of ways. Connecting the fans to the players like nothing we’ve ever seen before. Nowadays, there’s nothing like commenting on your favorite team's Instagram and them commenting back to you. People love it and it's awesome to see that. Even players themselves have started YouTube channels and Tik-toks as a way to see them as actual people and not just football or basketball players etc. Social media has seemed to change the name of the game in a lot of ways. An article titled “Social Media and Football Fan Culture,” explains just how awesome social media has been in connecting fans with players, explaining that “Social media marketers and sports journalists could never have predicted how hugely important the internet has been with opening up a line of communication between sports stars and their fans”. I have even caught myself doing this, if you love watching these players on television, you love hearing them postgame and all these other things. Then watching them later in their own home where they feel the most comfortable. You get a whole other side to their story; it becomes personable and I believe that’s the biggest factor in this. It is one thing to know a person as a superstar but it’s a complete game-changer to get to know them as an actual person. This is something I think the limelight does is it blocks us from the fact that these people are human and not superheroes, and we must respect them for what they do behind closed doors.
           To add on, I got the opportunity to interview Kyle Schackne who is the operations manager for both the Tampa Bay Rays and Tampa Bay Rowdies. As an operations manager, his job is to oversee the facilities that the team offers, helping out with events hosted by the teams, working with the social media team, and generally just being a Swiss army knife for the organizations. Kyle went to Flagler college where he played division two baseball and studied sports management. He is also an avid user of social media and believes in what it has done as far as connecting us the fans to these superstars that we all look up to. Explaining that the pros outweigh the cons as long as you are using it the right way and choosing the right direction when doing so. He talked about how awesome it is that they can build their resume on the field where they make their money and off the field in the way they interact with their fans. In an example,  he explained how he is an avid Ohio State Buckeyes fan living in Florida and for obvious reasons struggles to keep up with what happens on campus and the social life behind it. But with social media, he can connect with the teams and the students wherever he may be in the world. In another example he gave me he says how much more personal the game of sports is today with what social media has given us. It was great to talk to Kyle and get an expert opinion on my topic, and I’m very glad that we could both agree without even shaking each other’s hands. This also shows just how impactful social media is outside of my general topic of sports management.
           In addition, as I start to read more and more about social media and the way that it has impacted players and organizations. It seems that athletes either love what social media has done or they hate it. Some players have these YouTube channels while others are too scared to make a post on Twitter. In an article I was reading a player stated that “But as a professional athlete, in my case, sometimes it’s better not to post.” What does this mean exactly? It means that there are people out there that want to ruin your entire career, digging up tweets from the past and most of the time telling lies about these players. Social media although it has its pros, brings to the table more cons than you would think. In the age of Instagram and Snapchat news spreads in the blink of an eye and before you know it your life’s work could be at risk. This goes for everything though, not just these professional athletes, you have to be careful what you say and when you say things on social media. I believe that one of the biggest reasons for this is how high of a standard these people are held to, and for good reason. There are kids and kids especially wanting to be like just like Lebron James or a Lionel Messi, and just for this reason, they have to watch every single word they say. One mix-up in what is trying to be said and you may never hear the end of it. By nature, we are very invasive creatures and don’t like to give people their space especially when they need it. Being in the spotlight isn’t easy work for these athletes and that’s all the more reason why maybe social media isn’t the best idea for this group of people. In another article published by Zipper Studio, it talks about athletes and their personal life explaining “Should athletes be allowed to live a personal life? Absolutely. We think that’s all the more reason why they should not be involved in the social media space!” I completely agree with this and it sums up what I was trying to explain before. The spotlight is a lot of work and it should be enough work for these players. Social media has turned this world upside down and from an article written by Jarred Prier he exclaims “how social media is a modern tool for information-age warfare.” This is the foundation of understanding what information you are reading, by this I mean understanding what you believe is right or wrong. Something that in this day and age is very hard to understand. Leading you to many misdirections that you may not even be able to understand in the slightest. These are the many cons of social media but I hope the pros give you more hope.
           Nevertheless, I still believe in what social media does for us as fans, fortunately for us, we aren’t the ones that have to worry about what we post as much as stars have to. That’s not to say we should take to the screens and voice every opinion we have but gives us reassurance that we aren’t being attacked like these athletes and stars are. As I was scrolling through Instagram just now, I again saw the effect that social media has on our society. A sideline reporter for the NBA was removed due to the recent backlash she received on her social media accounts. She has made multiple comments about another person and just like that she is on the hot seat of losing her job. I just hope as you have read this you have taken a step back at the harsh reality of social media. I’m not telling anyone to delete social media, I’m just hoping to raise a little more awareness of the negative effects that it can have on your own life. I still believe in what social media has set out to do and I love to watch some of my favorite stars and athletes. Although the many different cons that it brings along for the ride, the pros outweigh them completely. Just don’t let your emotions take over when using these applications, take a moment to sit back and think about what you’re saying. Because it’s not like you’re in front of thousands of people and need to say something on the spot. You are the only one that controls you’re Instagram so there’s no excuse in saying something that just doesn’t need to be said. Keep those harsh opinions to yourself and you may just find the good in what social media has to offer. A JSTOR article titled “Sport and Society” written by Frey and Eitzen mentions “that once an entity is displayed on television the sports organization is forever changed.” This is exactly what I have preached this entire essay, don’t make that dumb decision that could alter the course of your life. I know I have been explaining this in my world of things, consisting of my major and my hobbies. But this goes for anyone using social media whether it’s a professional athlete, big business owner, and even just everyday people. As I’ve repeated over and over again social media has brought our world closer to each other. As long as you are doing the right things online and not being a nuisance then there is no reason, we should see athletes and others stop using Instagram and Twitter among others. One thing I leave you with comes from an article titled “Social Media” which explains what it means to be “out of touch.” This means that you aren’t following trends in the world, not following trends in the world generally means you aren’t present in social media, and after reading what I have to say why the heck aren’t you?
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nachohypno · 4 years
Nate and Dave Ch. 10
So… I have a boyfriend now.
My first boyfriend, huh. And he’s a werewolf. And according to him, we’re each other’s soulmate.
Lucky guy I am to have found my soulmate so quickly in my life, huh? And there’s people who say that high school romances won’t last. I mean… Anything could happen but he and I are made for each other or something like that?
Dave did seem a lot more affectionate know that we’re officially dating, and that’s pretty nice. He was driving towards my house, and I thought it would be pretty nice to have him at my place tonight. Our first night together as boyfriends, huh.
Sounds nice to think about it.
The jock couldn’t help but smile each time I looked at him, and again, he took any chance he had to stop the car and look at me with loving eyes.
“What?” I asked, as we were about to arrive at my house.
“N-Nothing, it’s just that…” He stopped talking for a while to concentrate on the road, and take the last turn. “I’m just so happy to be your boyfriend, bro”
Who would think that big mean Dave is actually a piece of cake on the inside? Bah, the soulmate bond made him act like this but I’m not going to complain, he’s still an amazing guy.
He stopped in front of my house and turned the car off. “You really want me to spend the night with you? I can give you space if you want, babe. You don’t have to feel forced to anything—”
“It’s still, I wouldn’t have brought it up if I didn’t want you around” I said, trying to give him my best smile to reassure him.
Dave nodded, and we left the car. He ran around it and stopped next to me, then placed his arm around my shoulder, but this time he managed to control his strength to avoid putting extra pressure on my body.
He was getting better at controlling himself, huh!
We entered my house, and walked straight to my room. House alone again, we had to make the most of our time together.
The puppy boy followed me with a dumb grin, probably waiting for me to say something to him. He came a while ago, but I could tell by his bulge that he was horny and out for another round already.
“What do you wanna do, bruh?” Dave asked, after we entered in my room. I closed the door behind me, for safety reasons, and walked up to him. The jock was incredibly excited, and his eyes darted around with much more energy than he usually seemed to have.
This had become a habit for me by now, with Dave around a lot of the time at my room or myself going with Dave to his place and spending the night. It was a nice thing, and I felt like it wouldn’t get old soon. It would probably be easier at university…
I did have an urge to tell him to strip all his clothes and just stay there for me to admire him. It was weird, but at the same time, it wasn’t? I don’t know how to explain it, it’s like a dominant side of me just appeared lately and I was okay with it.
It’s not like an urge to mistreat Dave or hurt him, but more like use my bond with him for more… close action, if that makes sense?
I did feel a bit bad for using him like that while he declared his love for me, again. But at the time it was like something natural to do. Like it was right for me to play with my puppy boy.
“Uhm… Wanna play for a while?” I said, nervousness returning to my voice.
“Say no more” He grabbed me from the back and the legs and lifted me. Then, Dave carried me over to my bed, and softly left me on the edge. After that, the jock kneeled in front of me and held his hands like a pleading puppy, looking up at me with his tongue lolling out.
“I meant the ps4 but… this’ll work too. Just like when the day we met…” I whispered, looking down at him and softly caressing his face. He looked really cute when he was zoned out like this. “Hey boy, paw” I said, holding my hand out for him.
The jock placed his own hand on top of mine. I grabbed it and pulled him closer “Geez, you’re heavy…!” I mumbled, trying to move him to lay down with me. He seemed to hear me out, because his body suddenly started to be as easy to move as a big rag doll. “Oh… that’s better. Thanks, puppy boy”
“I really gotta have better control of my weight, babe. My mind just gets sorta fogged when we speak and I just want to be your good puppy boy, so that messes me up a bit” He managed to say, before starting to pant with his tongue out. He was really happy, that part was obvious.
“It’s okay, alpha pup. Just relax and rest for a while, alright?” I kissed his forehead before getting up and sitting on the edge of the bed “…And sleep, can you do that for me?”
He nodded with excitement, before quickly dozing off. “Anything for… youu… bruh…”
He’s amazing, I’ll give you that. I’ve never had a boyfriend before and I’m really nervous about this, but at the same time it’s not like I have any choice on the matter. He’s my soulmate, I love him and he loves me too. Yeah, he’s sort of… forced to do it via some weird supernatural thing, but it’s not a bad supernatural thing.
He enjoys it, according to him.
I sighed. ‘This is too much to think about. Werewolves? Real. Soulmates? Also real. A werewolf claiming that I’m his soulmate, and me falling in love with him some days afterwards? Triple real.
I mean, it wasn’t a real game changer. When Dave revealed his werewolf nature, it was a really unexpected thing. How can you ever expect a classmate who has been around for probably a year and a half and never talked to you to declare his love for you, multiple times, after he smells you while passing by?
I looked at Dave, who was snoring as he slept on my bed. The guy is perfect. He’s handsome, has amazing powers, every girl or gay dude would lust after his perfect frame, and a bright future ahead of him if he manages to enter the NFL.
‘I’m doing good so far’ I told myself, reassuring me that being with him was the right thing to do. I loved him, after all. And according to his Mr. Walker, if I broke Dave’s heart it could be devastating for the poor werewolf jock. I didn’t want that to happen, and god bless my head for making me fall over for the alpha puppy.
In reality, Dave was improving a lot with his studies in such a short time. If he keeps going like this, he’ll also get good chances of going to a really nice university.
My grades are good, mostly because I don’t like social reunions to spend the time at, so I either play games all day or study for fun. It’s a nice habit I’ve developed over the years, and always thought it was something nice to have.
My diverse interests in different careers proved it, I had a love for learning and I can’t get enough of it. Let it be enemy attack patterns or strategies for videogames or how to build a bird’s house for the garden, if I don’t feel lazy and have the time to do it, I’ll do it.
My friends seemed to adapt very well to the idea of me and Dave being closer these days, even after meeting less than two weeks ago.
Dave’s friends… Almost all of them, including his ex-girlfriend, seem to be pretty amazing! I still have to personally meet the football team without dying on the inside, but Leslie was a start, right?
“Hey, puppy boy?” I said, softly tapping his shoulder.
He opened his eyes, quickly. Oh, that was faster than I expected. “Yeah, bruh?” He sounded sleepy, but not zoned out at all. He wasn’t in a trance right now. I looked at my phone’s time, he’s been asleep for like 15 minutes now.
“How was that nap?” I asked, and Dave smiled at me.
“Honestly, I would’ve preferred to sleep with you. But being near you is enough for me to be happy, my love” He’s cheesy. He’s not like this normally, just for me.
But I liked it a lot. “Aww, such a cute puppy boy you are” I placed my hand near his ear, and he playfully started to move his head, probably wanting me to scratch his sweet spot again.
I did just that, and he started with that motor-like sound again. His blue eyes looked up at me with such adoration, like a dog looking at his owner. The varsity jacket around his torso made him look way cuter than he credited it.
“You’re simply amazing, bro” He said, then leaned in towards me to give me a quick smooch on the lips. “Something on your mind, or should we just cuddle like we always do?”
“Hmm… I was thinking we could play something on the ps4 but…”
“I mean; I love video games as long as I play with ya. Besides, I love beatin’ your beautiful ass in COD” He proudly interrupted me. Huh, so that’s how it’s going to be?
“But… why don’t we go take a walk instead?” I finished, getting up from the bed and walking over to the closet. I opened it and there was the dog leash, hanging beside a few belts.
After grabbing the leash, Dave got up and went to his school bag, grabbing the bowser collar and then moving over to me. “Where are we going today, babe? Oh, wait. I have to change into wolf form first, right? Gimme a sec”
But I shook my head. “I have something else in mind. It’s still quite early so… why don’t we go to the forest again?” I knew he loved the forest. I didn’t like being outside at night, but it was still sort of sunny outside so… Let’s make the most of the time, right?
The jock nodded, grabbing the leash from my hands and putting it alongside his collar inside his school bag.
I liked he wasn’t completely careless about his werewolf status and thought about hiding those things until we were completely alone at the forest. He’s smarter than he seems.
I went closer and gave him a long, nice kiss, which he seemed to enjoy a lot, before we walked outside of my room and headed to his car.
The forest normally? Cold. Empty and scary. Especially now since it’s almost 6 p.m.
Dave probably loved this, and the god rays going through the leaves of the tall trees and illuminating the path was really nice to see.
I’ve never been a fan of camping, so it would probably be some time until I proposed something like spending the night at the forest with Dave. I felt safe with him though, so I really shouldn’t worry about little stuff like that?
“Arrived, should I change now?” Dave said, stopping the car near the usual spot. The nice part of the forest in fall/almost winter is that it’s actually really empty. People prefer hanging out at the cafeteria, the library or the park.
Staying at home isn’t a really bad idea neither, so it wasn’t weird to see a few of my classmates in social media posting pics while playing games or joking around with their friends.
Staying at home with Dave… It definitely was good, but we only played COD (Where he beats my ass) or cuddle and take long naps together. Not even having sex as a regular thing, since Dave still hadn’t fucked me. I also contemplated the possibility of fucking him too, but I couldn’t tell if he would like that.
At one side, he had to do everything I said without a chance of resisting, so he would be blissful about it. On the other side, Dave has stated that he’s not gay, so I’m really not absolutely sure if he really enjoys being with me, but then goes back to his old ‘I hate fags’ self.
Those little insecurities crossed through my mind multiple times a day, especially when I’m with him around. It’s definitely something I have to work on if I want this to work out for both of us.
I shook my head “Not now. I’ve got an idea, but let’s head to one of your safe spot first, puppy boy”
“A’ight, bruh” Then we left the car. He grabbed his bag, and I took a deep breath. I grew used to being here the last few days we’ve come together.
“Oh, and Dave?” Before he could turn towards me and ask me something, I finished with a “Could you turn into a werewolf?”
Just me ‘asking for it’ was enough, apparently. Dave nodded excitedly as he always does when I ask him for something, then stood still with his eyes zoned out.
I looked around, just to be sure we were alone, as Dave’s body changed drastically to his werewolf form. The snout was back, his eyes were bigger and his ears were on top of his head, like a normal wolf.
His body, now covered in fur, grew a few inches as usual. Curiously, his clothes seemed to be pushed to the limit, but he still seemed able to move freely without tearing them apart. And you could also see the shape of his abs and pecs on his shirt.
His bulge also grew a bit, and I poked it with a finger just to see if that would interrupt his transformation. Luckily, it didn’t, but Dave did let out a deep, little “Huhuhuh…” as the transformation continued.
A tail appeared on top of his butt, wiggling left and right rapidly, and his hands grew the wolf pads and nails once again.
A few seconds later, he blinked a few times, before looking at me with a caring smile that showed off a few of his fangs.
“What was that for, bro?” He asked, his voice way deeper than his usual dreamy jock voice. I liked it, but I preferred the old one, to be honest.
“Nothing important, just wanted to see you transforming again” I said, while caressing the spot now behind his wolf ears. ‘Wonder how the magic works to shift his audition system to the ears of the top after the human ears disappear’.
I would love to learn more about supernatural creatures, but I really doubt that’s a career you can follow once you join a university. It’s not like there’s a sort of Hogwarts out there for supernatural creatures, right? Would be funny if…
Hmm… Now that I think of it, it’s not really that impossible if there are actual supernatural creatures out there.
“Well, now that I’m in wolf form…” He reached out for his bag and grabbed the bowser collar. “Can we please go for a walk? It was really fun the last time!”
He broke me out of my thoughts, but it was alright. I liked last time too, although he wasn’t really in werewolf form. I wanted to see his wolf form in action, but it would
I nodded, and grabbed the collar from his hands as he straightened his neck for me to put it on him. I tried to buckle it on the usual spot so he could move freely without feeling too restrained.
After that was done, he passed me the leash from his bag and I attached it to the collar.
“Want me to carry you? I’d love to do that so you don’t get tired, bro” Aw, such a cute puppy.
“Nah, it’s alright. I should do some exercise too. Besides, I like having the leash of the situation” I said mockingly, as I lifted the hand with the hang of the leash.
The werewolf nodded “Yeah, well joke’s on you. I actually like when you have the leash”
I chuckled “Okay, puppy boy. C’mon, let’s do the walk before it gets dark and cold out here”
Dave didn’t complain, as we started walking away from the car and into the forest.
The only sound breaking the silence was our steps crushing brown leaves under our shoes, and Dave’s werewolf nose sniffing a lot, probably to recognize as many smells as he could?
We kept going like that for a good while, probably 15 minutes or so. It was relaxing, just us, together, walking in the forest like nothing mattered. Like a dog and his owner.
“Y’know, tomorrow’s the big game, bro. I know we’ve talked about this already but i’m not gonna force you to go and cheer me up.” He said, breaking the silence as he stopped walking and turned around to face me “I’d really appreciate it if you were there for me. Like, a lot, bro”
Dave grabbed my hand and moved it towards his chest, waiting for my answer while giving me puppy eyes.
“Pretty please? For me, bro? I’ll do anything you want afterwards, promise!” He insisted.
I smiled “Hey, the team is also sort of expecting me to be there, right?” He nodded “Then, if I want to help you with your plan of slowly coming out, wouldn’t it be easier if I helped you with that, as you originally planned?”
Werewolf Dave seemed mildly confused by the logic. He had a thoughtful expression and rubbed his snout a bit.
I softly pulled from the leash attached to his collar, breaking him from his train of thoughts. “Hey!” I pulled again, and he smirked “Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be?” Then he got in four legs, clenched his knees, and jumped towards me.
I didn’t have enough time (Nor reaction skill) to avoid him. We fell to the ground, Dave on top of me with a blissful expression on his face. I looked at him, and he took the chance to lick my face just like a few days ago. It was like a big, way stronger than me-dog was trying to give me some love.
“Uh— Dave— Not— again…!” I tried to say, as he covered me with slobber once again. I managed to reach his sweet spot and started scratching it, making him stop licking my face immediately and getting off me, rolling to the side with his arms and legs extended and his tongue lolled out.
I cleaned my face with my sleeve and sat beside him. Then, I started rubbing his belly like I would to a real dog before he could go back to licking my face. “Who’s a good boy? Who’s a good boy, David?” I said with a childish voice.
“I am! I am a good boy, bro!” He responded, panting. “I’m your good boy!” His leg was kicking the air as I rubbed his belly and I honestly found that adorable.
“Oh, really?” He got up and kneeled in front of me, nodding rapidly with his tongue still lolling out, and still panting. “Let’s see… roll!”
He did as I said, his tongue going back inside of his mouth as he laid down on the floor and started rolling like a dog, just like he dared me to do a few days ago. ‘Sweet revenge’ I thought, as I remembered that little moment.
“Talk!” I ordered him, and then Dave stopped rolling and got back on his knees, holding his ‘paws’ out while barking. “Good boy! Now, chase your tail!”
He got in four legs, and looked behind him. He growled at the tail behind him and started barking as he tried to catch it.
His tail, however, didn’t seem amused by Dave’s attempts to catch it. So, the puppy boy was struggling a lot with following that order. But it was alright, he was an amazing puppy boy.
“I was joking! You can stop now!” I said, before he hurt himself or anything.
Dave got back to kneeling in front of me, waiting for any other command. ‘Just one more thing won’t hurt, right?’ I thought, as I grabbed a fallen branch on the ground. I showed it to Dave, and he followed it with his eyes as he panted in excitement. “You want it, boy? Go get it!”
I threw the branch towards a nearby tree with some flowers on its base. The werewolf ran after it with a lot of determination, before stopping on his tracks in front of the tree.
Confused after he kept staring the flowers, I walked up to him and asked “What’s wrong, puppy boy?” wondering what was going on.
“Nothing, bro” He said, still very focused on the flowers. He broke out of the puppy role by now, going back to the big handsome jock. He leaned in and audibly smelled the flowers. “It’s just… Wolfsbane, can’t touch that”
Hmm… I remember hearing about it. But Dave seemed to notice my puzzled face, so he proceeded to explain it to me. “It’s a toxic plant, bro. I’ve seen it a few times, the bitch grows in a lot of places, even when internet claims it only grows in mountains”
He threw a look of hate to the plant, before covering one of his hands with the sleeve of the varsity jacket, and slowly getting closer to it. Then, he grabbed the stick I just threw and passed it to me. “Here. The smell is really bad, so let’s just move away from it and grab another stick, a’ight?”
I was mildly surprised that he found another way of fulfilling my order of ‘Go get the stick’, even when it was surrounded by dangerous plants.
I nodded, throwing the stick away before grabbing the hang of the leash again and walking with him to another part. “Are you alright?” I asked him, as we walked in complete silence. I was sort of hoping him to tell me a dark story about wolfsbane and him but apparently that wasn’t the case.
“Yeah, sorry. Got lost in thoughts there. That shit’s smell is really awful, bro. Makes me wish I didn’t have heightened smell!” He finished with a deep laugh.
“It’s alright, we can keep playing at another place. Would you like that, puppy boy?”
He looked at me, excitement coming back to him. “Yeah! Can’t wait to catch that branch this time! I love you so much for playing with me, bro!” Huh, he really takes any chance he has to tell me he loves me.
Not gonna complain though, I really loved it.
It was already after school of the next day, and I was nervous, as always.
Is it weird to say that I’ve never been at a football game during my whole life? I don’t think so.
High school football games aren’t mandatory (Luckily) but our professors encourage us to attend to keep our school spirit as high as possible. And honestly I’ve never noticed how many people were into this thing.
Lots of parents and families walked over to the football field, as the bus from today’s rival team parked near our school.
A bunch of “BOOOOOS” Could be heard from the people as they passed beside the bus.
“Hey nerd” Someone said behind me. I turned around, hoping to see my good playful puppy boy. But instead, I was greeted by Butch’s frown.
I looked around, searching for my knight in shining armor as Butch took a step closer to me. I was surrounded by people, he wouldn’t be so stupid to try something against me in public, right?
“Hey Butch—” I tried to say, but he interrupted me right away.
“Listen, I don’t want any of your shenanigans” What the hell was he talking about? He’s the one who approached me. “I’ve talked with my bro last night, and even if I still think you’ve made some weird fag shit to him, we’ve reached an agreement”
Huh, that was interesting. “What was it about?”
“The game” He explained, looking around and lowering his voice. “You probably have a lot of options for universities, being a nerd and all that. Wouldn’t be surprised if you even clung to that lgbt shit to get free benefits”
That was pretty rude, and I was sort of amazed how he managed to turn his attempt of an explanation to a way of insulting me. “But me and a few mates from my team know that we’ll only get an scholarship if we play like gods during this last year. So, big D and I talked yesterday and teamed up again, like things were before you showed up”
“It’s not like I really did anything, you could just try and chill out a bit” I said, getting a little fed up by his asshole behavior.
He clenched his fist and took another step closer, but then backed again and relaxed “Don’t be so cocky, I ain’t gonna hold back when my bro is done with playing around with ya”
I gulped, then nodded. “If that was all, I think you should head over to the locker room. Your team should be waiting for you” I replied, pretty coldly. He gave me a rough pat on the shoulder before beginning to walk away. “And good luck on the field!” I said, after he took a few steps away, heading to the school.
I couldn’t tell if he heard me or anything, until he gave me the middle finger without looking back. ‘Geez, what a dickhead’ I thought, as someone else patted my shoulder again.
“I hope he wasn’t too aggressive with you, bro. We’ve chatted last night and—” I turned around and found Dave, his hair was a big messier than usually and he had a gym bag. He looked nervous, but also really excited. And I wondered if he ran out of the gym before coming here.
“I know, he told me about it. He was… decent, I guess” I shrugged it off, it’s not like I care about Butch anyway. I forgot how it was being afraid of a jock, probably because of all the time I was spending with the werewolf now.
“Wish I could kiss you right now, for good luck” Dave said, scratching the back of his head. I noticed he was blushing, and looked around a lot.
I grabbed his hand, and ran towards the side of the school’s main building. No one seemed to be around here, so it was a safe place. “Anyone around, puppy boy?”
He looked around, and I noticed he seemed to be pointing his ears as he moved his head to face other parts of the building. “Nope, we’re safe here” but before I could do anything, he was the one who kissed me.
I kissed him back, happy to give him the ‘good luck kiss’ he wanted. He pulled away quickly, probably to avoid drawing attention.
“Thanks, bruh. I’ll do my best to win that game for you, don’t wanna disappoint the love of my life while you’re watching me out there” He said, blushing a bit and looking away nervously. He seemed really worried about this.
I caressed his face, then quickly reminded myself that we’re on public and then patted his shoulder. He seemed confused about this, but I decided to speak before things got more confuse.
“You should go to the locker room too. The rivals just arrived so it’s only a matter of time until the game begins”
Dave seemed a bit disappointed, but agreed with me “Yeah… I was just making time to be around you a bit more. You’re just so handsome that I couldn’t resist, bruh” He said, before looking at the field’s direction.
“It’s okay, I know you’ll do great, big alpha guy” I gave him another pat “C’mon, it’s going to start in any moment and you still don’t have your uniform on”
He nodded, before giving me a quick smooch on the cheek. “Gonna need more luck, but I’m not going to disappoint you, bro!” Then he ran off to the locker room.
I walked back to the front of the school, and noticed Sam standing near the entrance. I walked over to him, wondering if the president had a special seat or something at the bleachers.
The game was over, and as I suspected, we won.
The rival team played fair, I guess. I don’t really know how football works, but the local team didn’t seem too mad while they played.
Dave was as amazing as I’ve seen during the practice after we’ve first met. And being in the bleachers, barking like a crazy dog each time our team did something great felt pretty awesome. Again, I couldn’t tell when that happened so Dick had to give me a Football 101 class as the match played out.
He also noted how good my puppy boy was at the game, moving with perfect agility and trying to synchronize himself with his teammates capabilities, rather than them being able to catch up with him. “I really don’t like your friend, but hell if he’s a great player. Looks like the Messi of American football, just dumber and not really likeable”
“He’s been trying to be nicer lately. It was nice when… you know, I stopped being afraid of him. Not being worried about having your head slammed to a table is nice” I said, trying to ease him into the thought of me dating Dave. If that ever happened to come up at the chat.
“I know you and ‘im have been… closer lately. I’m not going to give ya the usual shit of ‘be careful’ and bla bla bla. Just be honest, is somethin’ happenin’ between you two?” Dick looked at me, not with a worried face but more like a curious stare. Like he was trying to figure out what was on my mind.
I nodded slowly as we both got up from our seats and started walking out of the field. “Don’t tell anybody, alright?”
He made a movement like he was zipping his mouth, and said “Your secret is safe, lil’ bruh. He’s your first… thing, right?” I nodded again “Then hell, just enjoy and have a great time. Don’t worry about other fuckers meddling in if he really chose you to explore his sexuality or whatever”
It was nice to hear that from a friend. Although he did sound sort of dismissive, and he disappeared into the crowd before I could answer. That was great though, because I had the intention of going to congratulate my boyfriend.
The football team was still on the field, doing victory dances while the more mature guys chatted with the rival team, saying stuff like ‘It was a good game, you guys rocked out here’, trying to be nice winners.
I honestly preferred Dave’s approach to winning, he was howling to the sky a lot and yelling “HELL YEAH! WE WOOOOOOOON!” but it was probably because I knew that howling was a natural thing for him. The rival team just stared at him with hatred in their eyes, while trying to stablish a chat with the members of the local team that were actually interested in not winning but having fun.
It was clear that Dave never got that lesson from Disney during his childhood.
I waited for him and the team to leave the field, hoping I could catch him before heading home, but he suddenly started sniffing the air and looked in my direction.
I blushed, and remained there. He gave me a wink before making a showing me the palm of his hand, probably telling me to stop here and wait for him.
A few minutes later, the jocks from both teams left the field. The local team went back to the locker room to get changed and shower, while the rival team went to their bus, back to their own town.
Dave approached me before heading to the locker room and quickly said “Did you watch the game, bro? How was I?!”
He probably still had a lot of adrenaline, but he did play amazingly. “Very great job out there, big guy!” I answered him, after checking out we were effectively alone. There were a few parents about to leave the scene so it was me and him all by ourselves.
He seemed proud of my answer, and held his chest out. “Hey, my team wants to go celebrate to a dinner and eat a lot of burgers but…” He placed his big hand on my cheek, softly moving his thumb around. “I’d really rather celebrate just with you, my love”
I smiled “Sure. I actually have an idea for a reward. I didn’t want to say it before, to avoid making you… you know, play harsher with your powers, hah. But why don’t we go to my room again? I think you’ll really like this idea” I whispered, just in case anyone was near enough to hear us.
Dave’s eyes showed more excitement than before, and he nodded frantically. “Give me a few minutes! Gotta return the school’s armor before heading out and I’ll drive us there!”
He waited for me to nod, before running away at an impressive speed. As I said, I waited for him and he came back with his gym bag and his varsity jacket, ready to go.
It looked like the puppy boy wanted to lift me up and run at all speed towards my house, but he tried to contain himself pretty well.
This was going to be amazing.
Back at my place, I knew mom would be out for at least one or two hours more.
Dave seemed like a beast doing the best he could to contain himself. He anxiously tapped the car’s wheel every time we reached a traffic light, and he ran out of the car and locked it with his key as soon as I stepped out.
He could perfectly grab me, break my house’s door with a kick, then do a long shot with me to upstairs just so save up more time, but I don’t think the big guy would do that because I could end up hurt.
Once in my room, he almost ripped off all of his clothing. Luckily, almost. I was impressed by this energy boost he was having, even more since we were about to… do the dirty a few days ago, and he didn’t seem nearly as excited as he was now.
Probably because he had an awful day back then? Today must have been a rush because of the football game. Classes were pretty vague already with most of the professors rambling and letting us free class time to do other works or just chill out before the game.
“Ready for action, bro!” He said, striking a pose in all his naked glory. His hard cock was twitching and leaking a bit of pre already.
I took my time and fully undressed in front of him. He followed every movement I did with cautious precision, like a predator looking over for his prey. If he was in werewolf form at the moment, I bet he would stick his tongue out at every moment.
I walked towards him, only separated by a few inches. He leaned in and kissed me in a sort of nice way, as he always did. A few times, he would break the kiss and breath quite heavily. “Uh… I’m really horny now, bro… Do you… do you really want it? I’m not going to force you to—“
“Yeah,” I interrupted him before he started with the usual ‘You’re the boss here’ speech. “Yeah, let’s get on with this”
He nodded, and lifted me up from the floor. The horny werewolf walked over to my bed and gently left me on top of it, facing my mattress. “Never rimmed a guy before” He said, chuckling nervously “Can’t be too different from a chick’s ass”
I let out a little sigh, trying to relax myself, as Dave pushed my butt cheeks and started licking my hole.
It felt weird.
I mean, it felt kind of good, I guess? But also knowing that his tongue was doing that… I think I would have preferred if he just spat on his hand and inserted his fingers, like I saw on some videos. Too late to back out now, right?
Dave was the expert on sex so… he knows how to make it hurt less, I assume.
After a few minutes doing that, the jock got up and walked towards his gym bag. I moved to look at him, and noticed he took out a condom from one of the bag’s pockets. “You always carry condoms around?” I asked, honestly curious.
The werewolf shrugged “I’m always up for having sex, have that in mind” He replied, with a wink.
‘I’ll do, don’t worry’ I thought, as he ripped the condom’s envelope and placed the thing around his cock.
“Now, the important part…” He started in a really serious voice, getting in position behind me. I could feel him aligning his cock to have a clear entrance to my ass “If it hurts, or you’d like to make any request, don’t hold back. I want you to enjoy this as much as I will, and you’re my priority, bro”
Dave leaned in to kiss my back, then went up and kissed my neck softly. “Understood?” He finished, as I felt his cock pressing against my hole.
“Y-Yes, let’s do this already” I answered.
He chuckled, and kept giving me little kisses, probably to distract me. His cock was already sliding in. “God, you’re so tight…” He whispered near my ear “I love it…”.
I won’t lie, it felt good so far. Barely any pain at— OH, SON OF A BITCH!         
‘It’s okay! I can handle it! It just hurts at the beginning!’ I told myself, as Dave finished going all the way in, and started thrusting in and out quite slowly at first.
The pain diminished little by little as he kept fucking my ass. I was worried his cock might be too big for my virgin ass, but it was good so far. I barely felt any pleasure though, it was just like a very weird thing.
And then, Dave touched the sacred spot. I let out a moan, and Dave said “Huh, good to know that”, probably referring that he just found my prostate. After that, it felt like heaven. The werewolf’s movements were perfect, and even if he barely moaned now, I could tell he was enjoying it.
I was tempted to order him to turn into a werewolf, but if his dick grew inside of me like it did when he transformed, I would probably be in a lot more pain that I was a few moments ago. And the condom would probably break too.
After a few more minutes of Dave fucking me, he pulled his cock out. Then, he turned me around with his impressive strength, and lifted me by the butt. I surrounded him with my legs, as he positioned me again on top of his cock and slowly made me go downwards on it.
Now we were facing each other as he fucked me, and we took the chance to make out, only interrupted by our moans from time to time.
This was amazing, he was amazing, everything was amazing.
“I could last all night if you wanted me to, bro…” He whispered, in between pants. Now that he mentioned it, I could feel myself getting closer to blowing a load. “Just tell me when you want me to cum, a’ight?”
I nodded, and he kept making me go up and down on his cock. The pain was long forgotten by now, and I felt it sliding perfectly in my hole.
Then, I came on top of him, as he sat down on my bed still holding on to me.
I was extremely disappointed by how quickly I came, but Dave’s cock still felt good inside of me. But…
“Cum” I told him, and he didn’t waste a second. His eyes unfocused for a bit, as his cock exploded inside of my ass. Afterwards, we both fell on my bed, facing each other.
His cock was still inside of me, and I was sure he would get hard again if I ordered it.
But my first time had been amazing so far, so maybe this was enough for today?
Dave smiled at me, leaning in to give me a kiss. I kissed him back, wondering how could I live so far without this beefcake around. Everything was so different unlike two weeks ago, where I would look forward to senior year ending so I could stop hiding from the mean big jocks.
“I love you…” Dave whispered after the kiss was over, looking at me with adoration in his eyes. “I hope I did good during your first time”
And now, I didn’t want it to end at all. Everything was so perfect right now.
“It was, puppy boy. Thanks for it… and I love you too” I managed to say, glad that my stutter didn’t ruin the moment. And glad that I had a werewolf soulmate.
Chapter 11 isn’t available yet, but feel free to check out my Patreon for the first chapter of my next story!
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datninjalyfe · 4 years
Stay, Part 1: Chapter 7
Chapter 7: A Brief Fight 
Four days went by and Katsuki had Shinsou put him to sleep every night.  He didn’t make eye contact with Shinsou until then, but he found himself staring constantly at Izuku throughout the day.  He tapped his pen against the sides of his notebook and watched Izuku take notes, writing furiously, intensely concentrating.  He watched as his face would go from slightly confused to lighting up once he understood the material.  Katsuki just wanted to run his hands through those curls.  Kirishima tapped him on his shoulder, bringing him back to reality.  
“I really need help with this, I have no idea what’s going on.” Kaminari told him.  “Here let me show you my work--,” 
“Yeah, I’m having trouble too.” Izuku said to himself, but Katsuki was out of his seat, looking over Izuku’s shoulder.  He bent down, studying the mistake Izuku made.  He found it almost instantly, but wanted to stay like this for a bit longer.  He leaned into Izuku slightly and could feel him shaking.  
‘Is he scared or something?’ Katsuki’s lips were so close to his ears, he could just whisper into them, something like, ‘Don’t be scared,’ but looked down towards Izuku legs and saw a piece of exercise equipment used to strengthen thigh muscles.  He remembered that Izuku had done something similar last year.  He just wanted another second next to him, but decided it had been a second too long and said, “It’s here.” he pointed.  
Izuku looked at it and then blushed.  “Oh.  Thanks, Kacchan.” 
“I need some help too, Bakugou--,” Kaminari started, but Bakugou sat down.
“Why are you such a fucking moron, Kaminari?” Katsuki snapped at him.  When Kaminari looked upset, Katsuki sighed and said, “Fine, bring it here, dumbass.”  He looked in the notebook.  “Christ, are you illiterate?  I can’t read a fucking word.”
Izuku giggled.  “I’ll help you, Kaminari.”
Later that day, they had a bit of another moment when they were changing into their P.E. uniforms.  Izuku needed a larger sized jacket because of his muscles.  Without thinking about it, Katsuki said, “Getting bigger, huh?” and he winked at him before closing his locker and walking away.  
On the fifth night, Katsuki asked Shinsou, “Same thing?”  Shinsou nodded, saying nothing to the others whose faces clearly had questions.  Katsuki was concerned for Kirishima, of course, but couldn’t help but continue to look forward to the end of the day.  He knew that if he even tried to go after Kirishima, the teachers would hang him by his balls, so he decided against even trying to go after him.  
Instead, he tried to focus on those moments at the end of the night.  He was so sure it was Izuku he was kissing that on the fifth night when the fluted voice asked to come in, Katsuki said nothing.  “Kacchan?” the little voice said.  “Are…are you in there?”  He said nothing, so sure it would be Izuku that walked through the door.  
He heard the door creak open and Katsuki closed his eyes, but was surprised to hear Shinsou’s voice, “Bakugou, you have to answer me in order for this to work.”  Katsuki opened his eyes and saw Shinsou taking off his voice changer.  
“What--?” He was horrified, so sure that it was Izuku he was kissing.  
Shinsou sat on the edge of the bed and Katsuki hugged his knees to his chest.  “I’m sorry.  I know that this must be hard—,” 
“Shut the fuck up, asshole.” Katsuki said, but he didn’t mean it.  Did Shinsou have another quirk?  The more his reality set in, the more angry Katsuki became.  “Are-are you the one who’s been kissing me?” he asked quietly.  
He exhaled a sigh of relief when Shinsou shook his head.  “Do you want to know how it works?” Shinsou asked.  “My quirk, I mean.”  Katsuki started to shake his head, but then changed his mind, nodding quickly.  “The mind is a powerful thing.  I can trick you into thinking Midoriya is actually here.”
“No, I’m stronger than that.” Katsuki snapped. His hands heated quickly with that statement and he maneuvered himself so he didn’t explode. 
“I don’t think that’s the issue.” Shinsou placed his hand on the back of his head.  “Kaminari has me put him in a field with...how did he put it?  Buzzy beautiful sunshine or something?  I just kind of stick him in a field of flowers with a rainbow and he passes out....”
“Don’t compare me to that moron.” Katsuki shook his head, still not quite believing what he was hearing.  He was so sure it was Izuku.  “Fine.  Show me how it works.”
“Do you want to see Midoriya?” his voice changed slightly—there was almost an echo to it, a ringing sound.  
“Yes.” he said at last.  He became lightheaded, almost as if his skull was filled with air.  
“Midoriya will appear in the corner of the room.” The strong voice Shinsou had rang through his ears.  Again, there was an echo in Shinsou’s voice, as if multiple people were talking all at once.  Katsuki became even more lightheaded, as if the room was spinning.  But Izuku appeared in the corner of the room next to the door, just like Shinsou said he would.  He was a phantom presence, most of his body transparent, but Katsuki could still make out the outline of Izuku’s curly hair, his body shape and his bright green eyes.  The shadowed ghost moved towards him.  “Touch him.”
Can Shinsou see him?  Katsuki wondered, but he felt the shadow’s cold hand lightly touch Katsuki’s face. Green eyes pierced into him.  But the phantom moved his thumb along Katsuki’s jaw, lifting his chin up and brushed his lips against Katsuki’s.  It felt so real and he leaned into it, but then the illusion vanished, gone. And the lightheadedness left too.  The boys were quiet.  “Quite the quirk you got there.” Katsuki finally said. 
A smirk crept across Shinsou’s face.  “I’d like to think so.”  They were quiet for a moment.  “Don’t worry, I haven’t said anything to anyone.  About Midoriya, I mean.”  
Katsuki couldn’t even mutter a thanks.  There was no going back at this point.  He knew about Katsuki’s feelings.  Katsuki remembered it wasn’t just Shinsou who knew either.  “How come I can’t hear it when you tell it to do things?” Katsuki asked.  Shinsou lifted an eyebrow, so Katsuki rephrased, “How is it that I heard you tell me where he was going to appear, but not that he was going—going to—,” 
“Oh.” Shinsou said, understanding.  “I can brainwash you so don’t hear that stuff.  Kind of like making you forget.”
“So, you control it?” Katsuki hated that.  He hated this entire thing.  But he loved the feeling of Izuku more, even if he was just a phantom. “So where do the ideas come from. I mean, you can’t just think of this stuff on the spot.” 
“That’s almost exactly what happens..” Shinsou said.  “I have a pretty active imagination.”
They were quiet once again, not speaking a word to each other.  Katsuki tried to convince himself it was a good thing that Izuku didn’t know.  That it would all be better that way.   “How—how does Deku ask to go to sleep?” Katsuki asked. 
Shinsou looked at his feet.  “He doesn’t ask for much.  He can ignore my quirk with his own, I can’t lure him to sleep the same way I do you.  I just ask him to sleep and he normally lets me.”  
“Could you put me to sleep?  Tonight’s the last night.” Katsuki asked, trying to keep his voice hushed.  
Shinsou clicked his voice changer back, covering half his face like a mask.  “Close your eyes and lay back down.” Shinsou told him.  Katsuki did what he asked, his eyelids closing.  
“Kacchan.” It was Izuku’s voice.  There was no echo to it.  It was clear, crisp.  “Would you like me to put you to sleep, Kacchan?”  
This isn’t him.  It’s Shinsou. his mind repeatedly told him.  But it felt so real, he decided to play into the fantasy.  
He felt soft lips touch his lightly, through the kiss saying, “Sleep, Kacchan.” 
“I love you, Deku…” and his world went completely dark.  
The next morning was rough for Katsuki.  He got up late for class, put on the wrong uniform for P.E. and forgot to bring his homework.  He found it incredibly hard to focus on anything and during combat training, he let Dark Shadow overtake him.  ‘I have a fucking quirk that produces light.  Why the fuck doesn’t this bird just fucking die already?!’  But above all, he fucked up even more every time he looked at Izuku.  His combat training was (“Why the fuck do they always get paired together?!”) with Todoroki and Iida, since they had an odd number in class.  He did his best to focus on the opponent in front of him, but Tokoyami’s Dark Shadow had grown incredibly strong and Katsuki started to get desperate.  He couldn’t concentrate.  All his blasts were swallowed up by the darkness.  Even though momentarily Dark Shadow dulled slightly, he just grew back larger after each of Katsuki’s blasts, forcing attack after attack on Katsuki.
“Alright, partner switch.” Aizawa clapped at them.  He called out a few partners, Izuku being paired with Yaoyorozu.  “Todoroki, you’ll work with Bakugou.” Aizawa thought about it for a moment before saying, “And Shinsou.”  
Fuck.  Not Todoroki.  Shinsou he wasn’t worried about: he just had to not respond to being talked to.  But he was off his game and Todoroki would certainly be an opponent.  
“You two against me first?” Shinsou said, putting his hand behind his head.  He locked his voice changer into place, covering his mouth.  “Ready?” he asked, his voice echoing through the gym.  They both nodded.  
“Go, Todoroki!” he heard Izuku’s voice yell out.  The sound came from all around, echoing through the gym.  Katsuki just rolled his eyes, knowing full well he started to feel jealous. 
“Fucking nerd.” Katsuki whispered to himself.  There was a sort of uneasiness in the air.  He grew incredibly uncomfortable.  He tried to shake it off, but it was persistent.  
“STOP!” Todoroki suddenly screamed in agony and he covered his ears.  The scream was loud and Katsuki shuddered.  What the hell was he yelling at?  He closed his eyes, but when he did, his chest felt heavy and he started to shake a little.  Opening his eyes, Katsuki looked around, but it was just the three of them, the rest of the room covered entirely in a dark smoke.  “Bakugou?!  Shinsou?!  Where the hell—?” Todoroki called out.  Shinsou walked backwards, his hands in his pockets, disappearing into the fog-like smoke that covered the room.
“Icy Hot?” Katsuki called to him, but Todoroki sank to the floor, holding his stomach, vomit pouring out.  “Get up, Icy hot, we have a job to do!”  Katsuki could feel the heat rising and falling in his chest with his breathing, but his hands wouldn’t spark up.  A voice in the back of his head was telling his quirk to stop, despite his head yelling at it to go, to leave his body.  At this rate, his body would overheat.  He would be blasted up from the inside.  Could that even happen? 
“I’m so sorry, Mom…” Todoroki started to say, hugging himself.  
“Todoroki, are—are you okay?” Izuku emerged from the smoke.  He bent down and touched Todoroki’s head, rubbing his left side.  “It’s okay, you’ll be alright.”  He wrapped his arms around Todoroki’s shoulders, holding him in a protective embrace.  They looked at each other longingly.  
“I’m better now that you’re here.” Katsuki heard Todoroki say.  Another blast of jealousy ran through Katsuki’s body, but the heat didn’t come out of his hands.  Instead, he felt a tiny burn on his fingertips.  
“Fuck!” he shuddered.  He hadn’t been burnt in a really long time.  
Izuku turned to look at Katsuki.  His gaze narrowed, his clutch against Todoroki tightening.  “What did you do to him?” 
Katsuki raised an eyebrow.  “What—it’s not me.  I didn’t—,” 
“You fucked up Kirishima,” Izuku told him.  “You made him feel like I have my entire fucking life.  As if we’re just second place to you.  You always fucking looked down on us, on ME, ever since we were kids.  And now he’s missing.  But that isn’t enough for you, is it, Kacchan?” Izuku said, standing up.  He put his fists up to his face.  “You think you’re going to change anything?  You’re too fucking violent.  You hurt Shoto—,” He looked at Todoroki, their eyes locking into place.  Izuku leaned in and kissed the top of Todoroki’s head, directly where the white, soft right side of his hair met the coarse, rough red part of the left.  
“Deku, I’m not hurting him.” Katsuki told Izuku.  
“Shut the hell up, Kacchan.” He didn’t take his eyes off Katsuki.  There was something different in those eyes that looked back.  There was anger behind them.  “I’ve always hated you.”  
‘Is he going to fight me?’  Izuku’s hand still raised, his feet positioned in front of Todoroki, who was still hurled over.  “Deku, what—” Katsuki said in a hushed voice.  There was a pause, but Izuku said nothing, just staring at him.  “I—did—do I really mean nothing to you?”  Katsuki tasted salt.  Was he crying again?  ‘Fuck.’  “I love you, Deku.” 
The eyes didn’t even blink as the words, “You’ve always meant nothing to me.” left Izuku’s lips.  
“SHINSOU!  ENOUGH!” Katsuki heard Aizawa’s voice yell.  The smoke surrounding him and Todoroki immediately vanished.  As did the Izuku that was in front of Todoroki and a new Izuku appeared, standing next to the left of Yaoyorozu.  His eyes were wide in shock, his freckles dark against his red face.  No anger in those eyes.  Just confusion.  Katsuki looked over at Aizawa, whose eyes were fixated on Shinsou, his hair standing straight up.  
Katsuki understood. 
Heat flared from his chest.  He was sweating profusely, dripping down his face from his hair, running down the sides of his cheeks.  His hands, not able to control himself, sparked in an uncontrollable rage that echoed the explosion loudly.  “Bakugou, no!”  Aizawa yelled, turning his stern gaze to Katsuki before he could blast Shinsou to fucking hell.  Feeling the heat leave his body, Katsuki cursed loudly and took off his equipment.  He threw it like a grenade at Shinsou.  The gear blew up in front of him, blasting him backward in a cloud of smoke.  The shock from the explosion made some of the students scream, closing their eyes and putting their hands against their ears.  Even Katsuki didn’t know how much sweat was stored up in his costume, but it didn’t matter.    
“Kacchan!” an echoed flute yelled.  ‘Is that even Shinsou?’  Not able to tell, Katsuki ran at Shinou.  Echoes of Izuku’s voice pulsed through him.  “No, Kacchan, don’t!” 
“Shut the hell up!”  Katsuki yelled.  He didn’t need his quirk.  Shinsou was a deadman.  But as abruptly as he moved, he stopped just as quickly.  His head felt like it was floating through nothingness.  His mind screamed at his body to move, but it just stood there, completely motionless.  
Shinsou got up off the ground, his voice changer was broken partially, so Katsuki saw his lips move to the sound of Izuku’s voice saying, “Sleep.” 
Katsuki, enveloped in darkness, fell to the floor before he felt a strong hand catch him just before his head hit the ground.
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Hey Petting Zoo, I was wondering if any of you guys could offer some advice or support with something. I've developed a panic disorder which has led to a really big issue with derealization. I know, logically, that the world around me is real (all the evidence is there!), but for some reason my brain can't seem to grasp it. I'm coping okay thus far but it's still stressful and upsetting and scary. Have any of you guys ever had to deal with something like this and do you have any suggestions? 💜
Hey Vix,
First of all, I am so so sorry you have to go through all that. I can absolutely relate though because my dissociative symptoms also mostly fall in the derealization category. It really is a horrible feeling, but there are things you can try that might help, and as shit as it sounds, it's also something you kinda get used to after a while, but let's hope it won't have to come to that.
Okay, so I guess I'm going to start by describing my own experience a bit so you can compare and maybe find some similarities you can relate to.
Basically, I usually describe the thing as having a major disconnect between my visual input and visual processing. Meaning my eyes are perfectly fine, and I know I'm seeing things, but my brain doesn't parse the incoming data as "reality", which kinda makes me feel like I'm somehow not seeing right, which, in extreme cases goes all the way to temporary functional blindness, where I mainly operate on memory and if I'm in an unknown environment I'm just completely fucked. But usually it's "just" the feeling of things being super distant, kinda unreal or as if I'm somehow out of sync with the rest of the world. Also as I listen to podcasts pretty much non-stop, sometimes it also feels like I'm way closer to the world of the podcast than the one my body is in. It's hard to focus on looking at things or read/write, my thoughts feel sluggish and I'm kind of in a daze, like being half asleep or really high, and just kinda floating through reality without being able to touch it.
Okay, so I assume you experience something similar to this, so I'm going to try and collect some general tips and tricks that help me and maybe you'll find something that can help you too.
1, Grounding techniques: One of the things that does wonders is grounding. Even though sometimes it's really tempting to just give in to the call of the fog (I forgot to mention, dissociation doesn't feel bad at all for me, it's actually very pleasant, albeit if I have to focus and do stuff and I can't just entertain it, it can get very frustrating), if being dissociated distresses you or you just don't have time for that shit, finding ways to pull yourself back into reality is a really handy tool. Here's some of the things I do:
Close your eyes and take away all visual input for a while. This forces your other senses to engage more actively, and if the dissociation isn't too bad, sometimes this in and of itself is enough to snap me out of it.
Touch things. I usually keep my eyes closed at first and just touch/squeeze the objects around me, because that still feels real, and after I made sure I'm familiar with the texture of the thing, I open my eye and I try to connect the two inputs and bring my brain back into sync. This second part takes a bit of practice, but once you get the hang of it, it can be really useful.
Sleep. Yeah, if you have the option, a good old nap is the most reliable way to "reset" your brain.
Just let it happen instead of fighting it. Sometimes, especially if the dissociation is bad and/or you are at a safe space and you don't have to engage with complex tasks for a while, it's easier to just roll with it than trying to fight it, because sometimes the energy you'd spend on trying to snap out of it, especially if you're not ready to snap out of it yet, can actually make you more exhausted and make the episode be more intense or last longer.
2, Try to figure out why it's happening. Dissociation is a defensive measure the brain uses when it is faced with something traumatic or that it deems too damaging for you to handle "sober". This can involve things that aren't directly traumatic but that your brain has a hard time dealing with, like monotonous, repetitive tasks or driving, where you have to low-key focus for a long time without much happening. Our brains are way better at paying intense attention for shorter bursts, and having to do it for extended periods can be very difficult.
In your case it probably has to do with your panic disorder, which of course has its own causes, which may or may not be part of why you're dissociating. I mean, I don't know enough of your situation to say anything further, but chances are that your brain is trying to protect you from A, whatever causes you to panic and/or B, the feeling of panic itself.
If you can somehow eliminate the situation/circumstance/source that makes you panic, that of course will also help with the dissociation.
3, Look out for patterns. This might be obvious, but if you can find any kind of pattern in what makes you dissociate, that can also help you find ways to avoid these situations, or at least be better prepared for them if they are unavoidable.
4, SLEEP! Seriously, this is so fucking crucial, I'm going to leave it all bold. Sleep is the single biggest game changer you can do for yourself. If you have access to plentiful and qualitative sleep, that can help so fucking much with all this, it really makes a world of difference.
5, NEVER randomly stare at your own hands. Seriously. Just don't. In fact, that goes for every mentally ill person, I mean, it's not a stoner trope by accident... It's just some seriously crazy making shit that'll just make you spiral. Nobody needs that shit.
Okay, this is all I can think of on the spot, I'll write more if I suddenly remember something. Also, other dissociated parties, feel free to add your own advice!
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wewillwriteyou · 4 years
Crazy Little Thing Called Love || Chapter 11
A few elements from the main plot: A fine line falls between fiction and reality: what starts as a musical slowly becomes a game-changer. Tables will turn and it will get clear as the sun that the only unstoppable power in life … is love.
Summary Chapter 10: Elizabeth and Joe finally have the chance to spend some time alone. Will it be the right time for them to admit their feelings? 
Word count: 4.8K+
Warnings:  SMUT! (protected sex and graphic descriptions) towards the end of the chapter - Please read it only if you’re 18+; cuteness and FLUFF are all over the place & some language here and there as usual
A/N: Believe us, folks, you are not ready for this chapter! Sit down and enjoy the ride, a pretty wild ride if you ask us 🌶😏💗
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Tuesday, 24 December 2019 
“Because you are the only one for me.” “How can you be certain? We were all fooled by the spell cast by the love filter…” “I never needed a spell to look into your eyes and see love”
“Do you think he’ll keep his mouth shut?” Joe asked, without averting his eyes from the book he was holding. He was laying on Elizabeth’s bed, his head on the pillow and the book in one hand, while the other flipped the pages.
“Who?” Elizabeth asked, briefly looking in his direction without stopping her pen on the notebook. She was practising drawing buildings in perspective and she had chosen the 9th dormitory as her first try: she knew that building like she knew the insides of her pockets.
“Ben,” Joe answered and Elizabeth stopped drawing to look at him. She was sitting crossed legs beside him, her back leaning on the bed’s headboard.
“Why wouldn’t he?” she asked, furrowing her eyebrows.
“Dunno, - Joe licked the tip of his finger to flip another page – no reason, I guess… Just wondering if we should be more careful…”
Elizabeth hesitated a moment: did he meant he regretted moving in with her? Was that his way of telling her?
“Joe, - she took a deep breath – if you’re having seconds thoughts about this I understand, I-”
Joe shut his book and sat up to look at her, “What? No that’s not what I meant.” He gently threw the book at the end of the bed and turned to cross his legs as well, “I’m just worried something could jeopardise my year… or yours, for that matter… or even the play, I don’t know what I’d do if they expelled me or worse… - he took a pause – if they cancelled the play.”
Elizabeth chuckled while going back to her drawing, “You need to sort out your priorities…”
Joe laughed, “Ron Wesley? Seriously? You’re throwing Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone to my face?”
Elizabeth slowly nodded, biting her lip to keep from laughing as well and drew another windowpane to the building.
“It’s your fault, Hermione… – she giggled – Your life spins around that play a bit too much if you ask me…”
Joe opened his mouth and brought a hand to his chest, exaggerating his shock, “Excuse me?!”
Elizabeth couldn’t stop giggling and she knew her lack of concentration was messing up her drawing, “Stop making me laugh! I can’t work like this!”
She uncrossed her legs to get up and go sit at her desk, but a hand trapped her arm and made her fall on her back on the mattress. She squealed and left the grip on the notebook, that fell on the floor with a thud.
The girl giggled and realised she still had the pen in her hand. It took less than a second to Joe to understand what she was going to do and he reacted immediately, but he wasn’t fast enough. Before he could trap both her hands by her sides, Elizabeth had managed to draw a small line on his cheek.
For a fraction of a second, they stared into each other’s eyes.
Joe raised an eyebrow, “Really? How old are you? Five?”
Elizabeth giggled shrugging her shoulders, “It was self-defence”
“Oh really? – Joe grabbed both her wrists with a hand – And how do you defend from… the tickle monster?”
“What! – Elizabeth widened her eyes and tried to wriggle herself free from his grip - Let me go, Joe”
She got out of it before it was too late and she swiftly turned around to trap him against the headboard, the pen in her hand and a wily smirk on her face.
“Don’t mess with me” she theatrically threatened him.
Joe couldn’t stop smiling and giggling like a dork, he was well aware of that. But he didn’t care. Because in that moment, in that room, there were only the two of them. And it felt like a jump in the past when they were in middle school and they were always at each other’s houses.
He didn’t want to interrupt that moment of silliness but he couldn’t resist. He began chuckling to himself, “You know? This will sound weird but… this reminds me of when we were thirteen – he looked at Elizabeth and she had sat back in front of him, deposing her fearful weapon - I’d sleepover at your house and you at mine and we’d play Nintendo till past bedtime… I still remember your mom yelling at us to turn off the light and us laughing and turning it off just to turn it back on once we’d hear her climb under the covers.”
Elizabeth giggled, “Yeah, I remember that too… And my mom does too, for that matter…- Joe chuckled as well – She still asks me about you sometimes.”
Joe was surprised, “Really? Martha asks about me?”
Elizabeth lightly slapped his arm, “Of course she does… she wants you to stop keeping me up playing Nintendo games all night”
Joe chuckled, “So I’m the bad influence on you?”
Elizabeth forcefully nodded, “Sure, she says I should really stop seeing you… - Joe acted shocked and she couldn’t keep a straight face – But don’t worry. I’ll never get rid of you, babe”
And in saying so she theatrically and gently caressed his cheek.
It would have been completely normal for them to act that way, but in that moment, as she caressed his cheek, even if she was play-pretending, she suddenly felt embarrassed and the warmth spreading on her cheeks betrayed her. She blushed evidently, partly because of what she realised she’d sad and partly because of how close they were in that very instant.
From Joe’s point of view, the situation had become awkward as soon as Elizabeth had trapped him against the headboard and he couldn’t help but think about what else could have happened there besides threatening each other with a pen.
When her soft hand had caressed his face and redness had spread on her cheeks, he’d understood she had probably perceived the awkwardness as well.
He cleared his voice, “Well we should tell Martha, that her daughter’s not very good either… she draws on people”, he decided to say instead, trying breaking the tension.
Elizabeth lightly chuckled and without thinking about it twice, she licked her thumb and rubbed the black line she’d drawn on him. It was a reflex, something that had looked innocent in her head. Something she had already done in the past and it had been fine.
But that night, it was everything besides fine.
It was like everything they did they could only make the situation more awkward.
Did we lose our chemistry?, she asked herself. Are we not friends like we used to?
She feared those three weeks of reacquainting with one another had been a waste of time. What if their friendship had been damaged permanently?
Joe gulped, the tension was back to make his spine stiff again and his ability of reasoning weaker.
Elizabeth let out a burst of constraint laughter, “I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s gotten into me tonight…”
She shifted on the bed and instead of sitting in front of him, she sat by his side, her back leaning on the headboard and her head abandoned to fall backwards.
Joe glanced at her and cleared his throat again, his voice serious, “It’s okay, Liz.”
He saw her closing her eyes, biting her lip and lightly shaking her head. She probably thought it was imperceptible but he’d seen her.
He took a deep breath. He had to say something. He had a feeling all that was happening for one reason. And he didn’t know whether to be happy, confused or scared that the reason might actually have been what he was hoping for.
“Liz, - he started quietly, slowly turning to look at her as she did the same, the head still resting on the headboard – you remember how we used to play true confessions in high school?”
Elizabeth sluggishly chuckled and nodded.
“Well, - Joe continued – I have a confession to make.”
He paused for a few seconds, knowing he was going down a one-way road, with no chance of turning back.
She frowned, “What, Joey?”
Joey, he thought to himself. If on the outside he looked nervous, the mention of that stupid nickname was causing a storm of emotions inside his head. Joey and Lizzie were how they called each other anytime the other needed to talk about something serious: those nicknames had always made them laugh so they seemed perfect to mention when all the other person needed was a smile.
It worked like it had every time before.
Joe smiled before continuing and Elizabeth smiled at him back.
“Lizzie, - he started again with a half-smile – I know I’ll be talking nonsense from now on, so please stop me if you decide you don’t want to hear it. Because once I say it I won’t be able to get it back…”
The girl furrowed her eyebrows again. Her instinct was telling her she already knew what he was about to say. At least, she thought she knew. She hoped, she knew.
She shifted again and turned her body towards him, leaning on her side on the headboard, a silent gesture to say ‘I’m listening’.
Joe exhaled for the hundredth time in those last five minutes.
“I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while now - he began slowly - Well actually I didn’t know I wanted to tell you at first… I thought I was misreading things and I tried to forget about it all, but then Gwilym happened and I didn’t know how to talk to you… you had disappeared from my life and I couldn’t stand –”
Elizabeth’s smile widened. She still didn’t know how to feel about what was happening. She was feeling too many emotions to choose only one.
“Joe-Joe–” she tried interrupting him, but he kept on talking, his sentences speeding up as they followed one another.
“But when I saw you that day at the park and I told you I was fine, I knew you knew I wasn’t and when I found you alone there, I couldn’t help but feel relieved, even it that makes me a terrible friend to Gwilym. I was happy I could try again and-”
“Joe could you just-” she chuckled: it was like trying to have a conversation during a rapping contest.
“And then, – he continued undaunted, his lips curving into a smile because he knew she had caught on where he was leading to - I came here to tell you because I wanted to know what you wanted to say to me that same day at the park but I saw-”
Elizabeth rolled her eyes, the biggest smile lighting her face.
And without thinking of it twice, she shut him up properly.
She swiftly turned and, placing a hand on his cheek, she guided her lips onto his.
Joe hadn’t registered immediately what was happening and the kiss remained barely a long-lasting smack for a couple of seconds.
When he realised words weren’t strictly necessary to let her know what he wanted to say, he smiled against her lips and, bringing a hand behind her neck, he inclined his head to deepen the kiss.
Elizabeth felt like someone had lighted a hot air balloon inside her chest. She couldn’t stop smiling between one kiss and the other and Joe curving his lips in a smile as well could only make her smile more.
They pulled away at the same time, both breathless and with a spark in their eyes. They stared into each other’s eyes for a few instants, before bursting out laughing in unison.
Elizabeth rubbed her eyes, trying recomposing herself. Joe placed a hand on his belly to stop himself from laughing more.
“Why are we laughing?” he asked, still chuckling.
Elizabeth brought a hand to her forehead and shook her head with a small giggle, “I really have no idea…”
They both sat back, their gazes fixed on Elizabeth’s desk at the end of her bed.
“So…” Joe started again.
“So,” Elizabeth echoed him, turning her head to look at him, a small shy smile on her face.
“So, you liked my confession?…” Joe asked and Elizabeth pushed her shoulder against his chuckling.
She looked at her hands fidgeting in her lap, “I don’t know why I did that”
The smile slowly vanished from her face as she thought about it. She had been impulsive. Again. Just like she had done with Gwilym. And look where it has brought you…, she thought to herself.
She hated jumping back and forth from happy to worried all the time. Doing something and then overthinking about it. She was sick of it. Why couldn’t she be more decisive? Why did she have to always question everything her own mind thought?
Joe slowly stopped chuckling and stared at the weaved blanket at the end of the bed, confused. What did that mean? Why had she kissed him if she was already regretting it? Had it not meant the same to her as it had to him?
“Did you… - he tried to find the right words – …want that?”
Elizabeth forced herself to think about the answer. YES. More than anything I’ve ever wanted, her heart shouted. And please tell me you wanted it as much as I did.
“Yes, - she said instead calmly – but I wish it hadn’t happened… I think I might have made things weird”
“Oh, - Joe replied, more disappointment in his voice than he’d wanted to let transpire – then… why did you do that?”
Elizabeth knew he wouldn’t have stopped asking questions until she’d told him the truth and sometimes she hated how well she knew him.
She huffed, “I don’t know, Joe…”. She got up from the mattress and picked up the notebook.
Yeah, I do, she thought to herself.
“I think you do,” he replied, a little bit of anger mixing to the set of emotions he was feeling in that moment.
“No, I don’t”, she walked to her desk to put down notebook and pen.
Stop lying!
“Yes you do, Liz, stop lying!” Joe got up as well to follow her.
“Stop reading my mind!” she shouted back, not realising that was supposed to be just a thought.
Joe raised an eyebrow. Anger and confusion were having the better of him, “Why can’t you be honest? I exposed myself over there! – he pointed at the bed where they’d been sitting – Why can’t you do the same?”
“I’m trying to protect you!” she shouted back staring at him, her eyes slightly watered by the emotions she was trying to push down.
When he frowned again, she averted her eyes and looked outside the window, where darkness had already taken over the sky.
“I don’t want it to happen again, - she confessed under her voice – not with you”
Joe’s expression softened, “Can you please articulate your thoughts?”
Elizabeth forced her hands down her sides so that she could stop fidgeting.
“I don’t want what happened with Gwilym to happen with you as well” she repeated.
She huffed and brushed her hair away from her forehead, “Nothing good comes from when I get impulsive. I only get myself into trouble and end up hurting myself and others - she paused for a second – I already lost a friend. I don’t want to lose you…”
Joe furrowed his eyebrows shaking his head, “Who says you’re going to lose me? – he took a step closer and fixed a loose strand of red hair behind her ear – Just because it didn’t work with Gwilym doesn’t mean it won’t for us…”
Us. At the bare thought, she could feel butterflies flying in every direction inside her stomach. She had never felt that way. With anyone in her whole life. Maybe it’s a sign, her hopeful heart commented.
“How can you already talk about ‘us’? - she half-smiled – And even if what you say is true, do you really want to risk everything? Knowing it might not work out and it might end like it has for me and Gwilym? Do you want to sacrifice everything we’ve built for an impetuous decision on a casual Christmas night?”
Joe registered everything she had listed and he really wished he could think everything through. Twice. But he had already made up his mind at the first half-smile she had given him.
“Liz, - his lips curved into a smile, unable to contain the excitement of the anticipation – you are worth the risk.”
He watched the redness spreading on her cheeks and the smile gleaming on her face but he didn’t give her the chance to reply. Before she knew, his lips were on hers and his hands were already holding her.
Joe had longed for that moment for such a long time he couldn’t believe it was happening. He thought at any time his alarm would have rung and he would have woken up like he had done several times in those last few months.
And somehow even if he had imagined it, kissing Elizabeth was nothing like he’d thought. He figured there would have been hesitation and shyness from both sides, but it couldn’t be further from reality.
There was an unspeakable hunger for the other person from both sides. They looked for each other in every kiss, every touch, every breath, and faster than they could realise, they let passion drive their bodies.
Without breaking the kiss, Joe stepped forward to the desk, making her walk backwards and hit the wooden surface with her lower back.
She effortlessly jumped on it and opened her legs to let Joe stand closer to her. He smiled on her lips when she did that and adrenaline shot up to her brain. She wrapped an arm behind his back and pulled him closer, while his hand found the way behind her neck beneath her loose hair.
Joe felt like soaring a hundred feet above the ground. The scent coming from her hair was inebriating and he felt like he was losing the last brims of lucidity he had left. He felt incredibly happy and the excitement of finally being with her was almost overwhelming.
He was well aware of her doubts and he felt like he could not blame her after everything he had watched her go through. But somehow his gut was telling him that anything could have happened to them and they still would have made past it. Together.
Elizabeth could feel the excitement running through her veins, a sensation she’d never experienced before. Not at that extent at least. It was like someone had poured fire inside her veins and in the few fractions of a second she was lucid, she thought that with Gwilym it had been nothing like this.
Her ability to think straight was being obfuscated by Joe’s hands holding her tight and roaming around her back, but she was well aware of what she was feeling. And she knew, deep inside her self, that Joe could have been endgame.
She suddenly pulled away to stare into his eyes, looking for something even she wasn’t quite sure of. Something to tell her this time her instinct may have been the right path to follow.
Joe simply smiled, asking with his breath short, “Is everything okay?”
She cupped his chin with her hands and lightly brushed her thumbs on his cheeks, returning him the smile, “I’m okay”.
Joe’s smile grew brighter as he leaned in to kiss her gently. He slid his hands down to her lower back and moved her legs to wrap around his waist, picking her up from the desk.
Elizabeth broke the kiss giggling, “What the hell are you doing?”
He did not seem to be handling it well and chuckled, trying to hide the effort he was actually putting into it.
Elizabeth could not help but laugh the whole way to the bed – which took three steps – and her laughs grew louder when he dropped her on the mattress and collapsed beside her.
Joe tried to push down his laughs as well not to interrupt the rather passionate moment, but her laughter was too damn contagious.
“I thought it’d be hot and romantic…” he said between chuckles, a tingle of disappointment in his tone.
Elizabeth got up on her elbows, laughter slowly fading away, “I’m sorry, Joe – she extended her arm to caress his cheek and guide him closer – It was really romantic”
Joe chuckled and shook his head, “You’re a terrible liar,” he said, closing once again the distance between their lips.
He rolled on top of her, holding himself up on the elbows. Her hands climbed up his back, beneath the sweater and t-shirt and it felt freezing cold against his hot skin. That contrast only helped his excitement to grow and a hushed groan disappeared into the kiss.
Elizabeth ran her hands up to help him get his head out of the sweater and for a brief moment they shared a look that meant ‘is this really happening?’.
He came down to kiss her again, hands flying at the brim of her sweater, taking it off with a few rapid motions. His lips left hers only to trace a trail down her neck and above her collarbone. Elizabeth exhaled deeply, her hands roaming on his back and through his hair to keep him close to her body.
The moment he nibbled at the skin underneath her ear, her brain was no longer in control of her actions. A hand rushed to the edge of his shirt and pulled it up so that she could throw it on the floor.
Pulling away for an instant, he got her out of her t-shirt as well. His brain was acute enough to realise it was not the first time he had seen her bra, but it sure was the first time he had seen it and felt the urge to rip it off.
Without a warning, Elizabeth got up and undressed from her pants, while Joe followed with a burning gaze. From a drawer in her desk, she pulled out a silver square and with all the nonchalance she could find, she walked back to the bed, pulled back the covers and gestured him to join her.
Joe was still startled and had trouble thinking and acting straight. The direction they were heading towards was pretty final and irreversible and he couldn’t help feeling a little nervous.
He got out of his pants as well, suddenly feeling… exposed in front of her. He kneeled back on the bed and looked for comfort into her eyes. He could see she was thinking the same. As she rested a hand on his shoulder and gently pulled him closer to crash her lips onto his, he kept thinking how crazy it was doing all that with her.
They shifted so she could lay down on her back again and without breaking the kiss, Elizabeth reached out and turned off the switch of her abatjour, leaving the room in almost complete darkness if it wasn’t for the street lamp outside the window and the decrescent moon watching over them.
He lowered himself and broke the kiss to trace a trail of kisses down her neck to the middle of her breasts. She hushed a moan and ran her hands in his hair, as his lips proceeded down her belly until the elastic of her panties.
“Joe,” she uttered, lifting her hips to help him pull down her knickers.
He smirked on her skin, planting a kiss right where the elastic had been and climbed back up to kiss her lips again. Her hands grazed his skin till the elastic band of his briefs and very slowly pulled them down.
Joe thought he could have cum just because of how slow she was rolling them down: it was torture. He shifted so that he could climb out of them with a sigh of relief.
As he came up to hover her again, he slid a hand underneath her back and unhooked her bra. She got out of it and threw it on the floor with the rest of their clothes, exposing the last piece of herself.
They looked for each other’s eyes in the darkness for one last proof it was all real and just smiled, nodding at each other.
This is it, that meant.
She opened the silver package and Joe adjusted himself and after another brief glance of reassurance, he sank into her, hushed groans leaving his pink lips.
Elizabeth arched her back and exhaled heavily, quiet moans escaping her lips as Joe found a slow pace. Her arms and legs involuntarily wrapped around his body as if to cling to him and keep him as close as she could.
At that new angle, Joe was nearly overwhelmed with pleasure, he shut his eyes and bit his lips to hush himself from groaning out loud.
“G-God… Liz, you’re killing me…” he managed to say and she let out a brief breathless chuckle but couldn’t bring herself to articulate any words.
She roamed her fingertips up and down the soft skin of his back, causing him to mutter something that sounded like fuck under his breath.
While he had slowed the pace to rest a little, she held the grip with her legs and rolled both of them over so that Joe was now laying on his back. As she sat up and started circling her hips in a slow deadly pace, Joe ran his hands through his hair, moaning and muttering swear words.
When his hips spasmed upwards, signalling he was close to his climax, Elizabeth let her head fall backwards, overcome by a rush of pleasure. It felt like electricity in her veins. She felt her core clenching and she knew she was very close as well.
She stopped her hips and lowered herself to kiss him again. Joe took the chance to roll over and thrust a few times more before letting the climax rush through him. As he kept moving for a few seconds after, waiting for Elizabeth to come undone as well, he intertwined his hand with hers and held it tight.
They collapsed next to each other. And for a few seconds, the room was dead silent. The only noises were the radiator and the freezing wind shaking the plants outside.
Elizabeth was still incredulous of what had happened, and even if she may have thought about comparing the experience with Gwilym’s before, she knew she had no reason to. She didn’t want to. They were two completely different matters.
“You literally know everything about me now,” she whispered, a dopey smile on her face.
Joe slowly chuckled, sliding his arm under her neck and intertwining their fingers together, as Elizabeth rested her head between his shoulder and chest.
He hesitated, suddenly vulnerable and insecure, “Did you… regret this?”
Elizabeth tilted her head back so they could look at each other in the eyes, “This may be the first time in my life when I am sure I have done the right thing.”
Joe’s smile widened as he let out a sigh of relief and leaned to kiss her forehead.
“Well, you have done me, - he continued in his usual playful tone – so that would make me ‘the right thing’?”
Elizabeth chuckled and shook her head, “You’re a doofus as always”.
Joe was glad she looked relaxed: he’d worried he’d forced her into something she didn’t want to be dragged into, but now that they were back to their usual shenanigans, he knew they were fine.
“Funniest thing is – Elizabeth continued – Hardy thought we had already done this… I mean from the look he gave us, he seemed to think, if we hadn’t already, then we would have done it soon…”
“Well, we proved him wrong…” Joe sarcastically said they chuckled, as their fingers kept intertwining and untangling.
Elizabeth’s phone lighting up partially ruined the quiet atmosphere. She excused herself and got up to fetch it from the desk, while Joe headed to the bathroom to dispose of the condom.
“It’s my mom… It’s past midnight,” Elizabeth said, before realising she was standing butt naked in the middle of the room.
As she picked up her knickers and Joe’s pijama t-shirt, Joe reappeared into the room with a new pair of boxers and a sweet smile on his face, “Merry Christmas, Lizzie”
He walked up to her and planted a chaste kiss on her lips.
“Merry Christmas, Joey - she replied with a smile, - We are in big trouble…” she added, rotating the screen of her phone in his direction.
Joe furrowed his eyebrows confused and tried focusing on the chain of notifications, “Holy crap,” he just commented.
2 voicemails.
5 missed calls.
3 missed video calls.
37 texts.
All from Alex, the last one saying: ‘I am gonna kill you, woman’
Chapters: ⬸ previous | next ⤑
Pretty spicy and damn cute, don’t you think so? Let us know your opinion, reblog and like the chpater if you enjoyed it! Stay safe during these hard times! 💖
Cheers, folks! xx 🌷
Tag List: @littledarlingwellaway​ - @petriwhore​ - @bohemiandelilah​ - @misshystericalqueen​ - @loki-lover095​ - @inthelapofthe39​ - @starsoflovingness-wq​ - @minetticatinwonderland​ - @cairdes20​ - @friendswillbefriendsblog​ - @o-holynight​ - @trash-record-collection- @please-stop-me-now​ - @imgonnabeyourslave​ - @babygotblueeyes​​ - @mi55chanandlerbong​ - @deaky-with-a-c​ - @luckytrashgooprebel​ - @thosequeenboys​ - @rogerismyfairyking​ - @killer-qu33n-of-disaster​ - @sunshine112​ - @a19103​ - @queenlover05​ - @modymody99​ - @bensrhapsody​ - @peterwandaparker​ - @sjeunhaelover​ - @franciu95​
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segenassefa · 4 years
3. A Semi-Original List of Things To Do During Quarantine
Niggas all over the timelines are baking banana bread, doing headstands, and making Tik Toks. Yeah it was fun the first few weeks – but now we’re almost four months deep into quarantine and the gworls need some change! A bit of variety. Some pizazz, if you will.
Well, fear not!
I am here to help (as per usual). Digging into the depths of my chicken breast-like brain has been hard, but I’ve done it to compile a list of things to try now that quarantine is dragging along. Some of these you’ve definitely heard before (but they were so good, it was worth mentioning again), some of these you may have considered but never really saw the value in, and some of these seem like I pulled them out of my ass, but I promise, they’re a fun time and definitely worth the try.
Take up a new workout routine now that gyms will probably cease to exist.
I can’t even speak on this one (my record this quarantine has been four days without leaving my bed), but health comes in different forms. Even back in the early stages, one of my favourite things to do was get a coffee and aimlessly walk around downtown – it got me out of the house, it didn’t feel like exercise, and was an excuse to take advantage of the warm weather. Exercise is both important for physical as well as mental health, as cited by a million and one studies, and can break up the monotonous cycles of online shopping, self-loathing, and eating that everyone seems to be trapped in these days. Your options, however, go beyond yoga and walking. Buy some weights or use one of the jars of canned tomatoes you have sitting your pantry (…) and do a weight routine. Go for a run. Climb some stairs. Bring back step aerobics like the bad bitches from the 80s. Ride a bike (Queen’s Quay is really nice, and pretty empty on the weekdays). The other benefit to establishing a good routine now is that you can carry it out through the winter. Maybe not the bike riding part, but you get my point.
Socialize (safely).
           I never understood the obsession with patios until I went to El Jefe a few weeks ago, and it got me thinking about how fun that actually must be when everyone isn’t terrified of getting a virus from the person eating chips and guac two tables over. But! There are alternatives! I know you don’t believe me but there are! Toronto has more parks and green spaces than you’d think, and now is the perfect time to take advantage of them. Connect with nature, friends, and socializing in an environmentally friendly space (throw those White Claw cans in the trash, please) and you and your friends will literally be the peak of ecofeminism. If you’re tired of wearing your crop tops and lashes to the grocery store, picnics and beach days also give you a reason to look cute in public again (and with a mask, you don’t even have to put foundation on the bottom half of your face. #win). Some of my favourite places include Trinity-Bellwood Park and Woodbine Beach. If you have a car (or a lot of patience) Scarborough Bluffs is also definitely worth the commute. I think it’s a game changer that “going out” now means sitting in the grass making small talk, instead of getting hammered in some dark, damp club, but maybe it’s also improvement.
Clear out the clutter that you always tell yourself you’re too busy for.
           I know you see it, bitch. That box of clothes overflowing in the back of your closets. Or the basket of random hair ties, scraps of paper, and pen caps on your shelf. What about when you open social media – Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, whatever – a see all these random people on your feed that you don’t remember following, much less ever meeting in real life. Quarantine has forced us to retreat to our own spaces, physically, mentally and emotionally, and now more than ever is the best time to reflect and take inventory of what brings you joy and (God forbid we’re in this situation again) what you’d be ok with surrounding yourself with 24/7. It may be hard – times of crisis especially encourage a scarcity mindset instead of an abundance one – but it doesn’t hurt to try and reframe your thinking!
The 3 Restaurant Rule
If you’re anything like me, then you love Uber Eats. Since this virus has stripped the joy of going out to eat from my small and soft hands, we’ve had to find ways to work around this. One of these compromises has been Uber Eats. But that, much like anything else in life, can soon get repetitive (and niggas were clowning me for actually enjoying Swiss Chalet. Fuck y’all.) So, I established some ground rules, one of which being the three-restaurant rule. Do I follow it all the time? No. But knowing that it exists had made trying new foods more like a game. Here’s what you do:
1.     First, pick a type of cuisine (I’m partial to sushi, so we’re going to use that for this example).
2.     Next, really study Uber Eats. Find the best restaurants in your area specializing in that kind of food and pick three restaurants that look the best to you. Another alternative (especially if you’re lucky enough to live downtown where a majority of restaurants are doing take out) would be to curate a list of places on Yelp! I loved doing this when outside was open – it made eating out feel a bit more purposeful, almost like it was for research).
3.     Then, keep a lil list – on your phone, on paper, in your camera roll - wherever. When you’re not in the mood to cook, consult the list, and don’t pick a restaurant twice in a row. Start building up a list of places that you can say you’ve tried. Keep tabs on how you felt about the food to compare it to in-person dining when restaurants re-open, or make it an event with friends. Dress up, get together, crack a bottle of wine (or some beers, or sake, ya know – whatever floats your boat) and make it an event.
The other upside to this is now when people ask me for recommendations, I can give them with confidence instead of bullshitting like I would have before (sorry y’all LOL).
Learn how to do your own personal upkeep.
           It would probably take me ten hands and feet to count the number of videos I’ve seen of nail salons throwing customers out for being black or on the prejudice of race and/or class, or the number of hair salons and stylists who charge extra fees for thickness, length (or lack thereof), or for specific styles and modifications, etc. If you knew me, you know I was devoted to my nail salon. I loved the feeling of getting a full set of acrylics, having all the work done for me, the little burn on my cuticles when they’d slide my hands under the UV light. But in quarantine, a lot of things happened – nail salons closed, I became unemployed, and suddenly, $60 manicures every two weeks were not realistic. YouTube has so many videos on how to do basic self-care - things like cutting or dyeing or braiding your own hair, doing your own nails (whether it be acrylic, gel, even a basic polish manicure), doing your own eyebrows – the possibilities are all there. And, if you get good enough – you can always go ahead and make it your own side hustle (with salons operating at half capacity, the demand for people that do house calls is rapidly increasing). I’ve recently swapped my acrylics for press on nails and let me tell you – game changer. They last just as long, look just as good, and allow me the freedom of talon-like nails without having my bank account scream at me (a post on how I do my faux-acrylics at home coming soon!)
Try to watch something that isn’t reality television.
I know 90 Day Fiancee is that GIRL. And if you’re like me, you tend to get very sucked into YouTuber mukbang drama as well (if anyone wants to discuss Nikocado Avocado with me, I am more than willing). But after a while, it gets kind of repetitive, and there’s no harm in educating yourself on other topics. Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, even YouTube all have so many documentaries on a variety of topics – from crime, to health, to cults – there’s literally something for everyone. Plus, there’s something really self-satisfying about learning something on your own. If you need a place to start, my personal favourite is Bikram (Netflix) and any of the Vice documentaries on YouTube, but there are so many, so browse around and find one that suits your personal taste.
           There are also many documentaries on environmentalism and the Black existence/experience/life in America and globally. Considering all the things that are going on right now, it would be wise to educate oneself, especially when the tools for doing so are a few clicks away. My personal favourites are 13 and Who Shot the Sherriff, but there’s so many that you don’t have an excuse not to at least learn SOMETHING.
Severe ties and blame it on the pandemic.
This one is pretty self-explanatory. Maybe there’s the persistent wanna-be friend who you tried to avoid in your Thursday 11-1 lecture and would incessantly text you for notes. Or the creepy guy who would always be in your study spot in Deerfield and message you after with the dumbass eye emojis. Maybe it’s that one friend you used to call to console you of your issues, but by the end of the chat you felt more unnerved than understood. Whomever it is, don’t be afraid to stray away a bit and use the excuse of social distance or “getting your head together” to gradually give yourself some space and make things a bit obvious without having to be a total asshole. It can help, tbh, and the last thing you need in a time like this is to feel guilty for someone else’s feelings.
Be ok with doing nothing.
Life is always on some go,go,go shit. With people posting all those fucking memes about hustling or whatever, it can be easy to feel like you’re sitting in quarantine wasting your life away because you haven’t joined Forex, or OnlyFans, or started three side businesses, or taught yourself a new language or whatever. But listen – look at quarantine like a break. You had a nice long break to re-cooperate and self-indulge a lil bit and you know what? That’s ok! You’re not less of a person because you chose to rest or hang out in bed more than you should have. Don’t let other people’s progress (or lack thereof) be a measure of your own. How can you expect to bounce back after a GLOBAL PANDEMIC if you spent the entire time beating yourself up for not living up to other people’s idea of success? …Exactly. This list is just for fun and personal growth, but realistically, quarantine is for doing whatever the fuck you want (safely and sanely, of course), but literally look at this time off as God, Allah, Buddha, whomever, pumping the brakes on what is a normally hectic life. Slow down, enjoy the small things (ALL the small things), and allow yourself to be what you are – a human being, not a fucking machine.
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t-oresama · 5 years
My thoughts on Sulli, her life and death
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I wanted to gather my many swirling thoughts on the passing of Sulli, especially because it’s taken me a little while to truly process that she's gone, so her we go. There is obviously going to be mentions of death, depression, bullying and suicide, so there's your warning for this reality that Sulli was bravely facing for so long. There will also be mention of Jonghyun, but only to show the drastic differences in what led to he and Sulli finding their ends the way they did.
Sulli has been a Korean celebrity for 14 years. She debuted as an actress when she was 11, and debuted as a singer in f(x) when she was 15. I honestly didn't know that she was only 25 until today, because she's been around seemingly for forever. 25 years old. Barely in her mid-20s. The time where you're finally starting to get a grasp on this thing called adulthood and enjoy it. There was a video floating around from a variety show she did where she said she wanted to be a mother before she died. She won't get to now. She had her dream cruelly ripped away from her. And I've found in this processing that I've been more angry than anything. Yes, I'm sad, shocked and heartbroken over the loss of this beautiful, spunky, and brave girl, but I'm mostly just so, so pissed off.
There is an obvious understanding for idols or any celebrities that their personal lives are not very personal after becoming famous. Everything they do is magnified because they have become so prolific and, yes, idolized. But this doesn't mean that their privacy entirely should be taken away. It doesn't make them any less susceptible to pain, frustration, fatigue, and sadness. And it doesn't mean that, just because their actions are magnified, that EVERYTHING they do HAS to get reported on, does it? Surely not. But ever since Sulli's "laziness" controversy and subsequent leaving f(x), every post, every picture, every quote out of Sulli's mouth became an article. For 5 years, she has had to defend herself for believing in women's rights for equality and choice, for loving a man that happens to be older than her, for not wearing a goddamn bra. This year has been rife with extremely vile and illegal accusations and convictions. Never once did Sulli break the law in any action she did or said. She was still a young woman trying to find herself, and good for her if she wanted to act outside of the "proper Korean lady" norm. It never hurt anybody. But because she was famous, it was weird and scandalous. She was called a pig, she was called a feminazi, she was called an attention whore, and that is just the beginning of what she had to endure from every salacious article and malicious commenter for 5 YEARS.
I hate to bring him up like this, but this is the second suicide of a high-profile K-pop idol in 2 years so I must bring this up to make my point. And I preface that I am not a therapist or psychologist, but unfortunately looking back now, the signs become more evident in death than in life.I despise when people pin the cause of SHINee's Jonghyun's death on K-pop, and that the industry is what drove him to suicide. In fact, I ranted about just this a couple of weeks ago. He had a horrible illness in depression that was made worse by the pressures and nearly unreal expectations of K-pop, but depression had lingered with him for years. Nothing in the outside world suddenly drove him over the edge. His depression just engulfed him one day to the point of no return. But with Sulli, I do blame the industry.
I blame the industry. I blame the Korean media and the Korean media translation sites, some that cherry-picked the most negative and controversial headlines to gain clicks. I blame the netizens who hid like cowards behind computer screens attacking a young woman with the ferocity of a fictitious video game villain, throwing insults, slurs, and expectations at every new pointless article. I blame Korean society for having these high expectations to begin with, and still, YEARS after Jonghyun's death, stigmatizing those who suffer from mental illness and write it off as "a bad day" or "attention seeking". Her environment did not help her, but hurt her. It kicked her while she was down for all these years with no relief. I mean, for goodness sake, Sulli joined a show literally called "The Night of Vicious Comments" in order to attempt to show strength in the face of so much adversity and get people to understand that words hurt, especially how many she was getting on a daily basis. Some of her last mentions in Korean media was her doing a live broadcast on two different occasions, and having one where a man wouldn't leave her alone and one where her breast was exposed for all but a half a second. Never were these considered by the public at large to be mistakes, but ploys at attention seeking. Rarely was there sympathy for this girl who was just trying to find her place in the world and fight back against oppression. She was already suffering from mental anguish-- the reason she left f(x) all those years ago-- but no one except for Sulli herself can ever convince me that it wasn't the culmination of all this hate for all these years that drove her to her breaking point. Now these same publications-- some even cashing in like they did for Jonghyun releasing multiple articles on the deceased for website hits-- and these same people who left these vicious comments and the Korean society at large want to say "Oh, what a tragedy. What a shame we didn't stop this sooner. She was human after all." Shame on the lot of you. I never would wish anything ill on anyone, but I hope the people who left even one hate comment for Sulli or any other celebrity take a good look at themselves and realize their words can kill. I hope they realize what they've caused.
Her last Instagram live had Sulli saying that she wasn't a bad person, and asking desperately why people send her hate. That is so heartbreaking. She was bullied relentlessly and all she wanted was to know why. For being herself? For being outspoken? For going against this inhuman mold of K-pop idols and Korean celebrities who are chaste and pure and robotic that the industry has set as a standard? For not wearing a goddamn bra? Heartbreaking. I do believe she was already suffering from sort of mental strife, whether that was depression or something else, but it was perpetuated by a society that completely and utterly failed her. My first thought reading the news of her death this morning was "I'm so sorry, Sulli," and not because I ever left her a hateful comment (and, honestly, you are entitled to not like a celebrity, but to waste so much energy constantly bombarding them with hateful messages? Like, how do so many nasty people have time to do that?). But because I saw it happen. Because I would click on the occasional clickbaity article and give those publications a motivation to keep translating the absurdly controversial. Because I never commented something nice. And, as a result of her death, I've seen a flood of comments of concern and love go to some idols Sulli was closest to, like Taeyeon and Tiffany and Amber and IU (and countless more), asking if they are okay, showing them support. It truly sucks that this is what it takes for the good to truly outweigh the bad, and that this is inevitably too little too late. But I think any normal person who knew what Sulli was constantly up against feels some sense of sorrow or guilt for what's happened, even those of us who don't live in Korea who don't impact Korean celebrities like those in Korea. There's also guilt for not seeing the signs of her suffering until it was too late. But, as with Jonghyun, those most open about their pain, who try to put on this brave front, can end up being the ones who suffer most. There needs to be a greater vigilance in online commenting, privacy protection, sensationalist articles, and insuring the well-being of Korean celebrities. This involves a total shift in how the Korean industry has been working for decades, but part of me wants to hope that THIS death, not the first of its kind, can lead to something to change. I selfishly and maybe foolishly hope that something can change.
To end this very long post/rant, I want to dedicate this last paragraph to Sulli. Choi Jin Ri. The effervescent Peach. The big baby of f(x). The princess of eye smiles. The girl who dared to go against an industry just to stay true to herself. Again, I am so sorry that we have collectively failed you. You deserved so much more than what you had to endure. And I am so sorry that your dream of being a mother will never be realized. I am sorry the plethora of milestones that laid ahead for you you'll never experience. I'm so sorry you were suffering. I hope wherever you are that you are finally, deservedly, at peace. No bad words or malicious intentions can come close to touching you now. Thank you for both what you have generously shared with us in your solo work and your work as a member of f(x). You are a legend and a true game-changer. The world wasn't ready for someone like you, and some of them didn't deserve you. But thank you for leaving us with so much of you in your songs and performances and words and true, uncapturable beauty. Rest in everlasting peace.
Finally, if you reading this are suffering with negative thoughts or mental anguish, please find the hotline that corresponds to your country and seek help. https://ibpf.org/resou…/list-international-suicide-hotlines… There are people who are there to help. Take time to practice true self care and love over these next few days. Stay safe and stay strong.
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cap-samwilson · 5 years
guardian angel
don’t ask me where this came from. this is a mess of lore, ideas, probable typos, and feelings that came out in about a few hours of furiously pounding on my keyboard. i hope reading it makes someone happy somewhere. heavily inspired by this by @persehpone and this by @mechinaries.
“sam, i’m coming in.” 
it’s the result of his failed attempts to prevent steve from opening the door - first by nonchalantly trying to brush off the light coming from under the bedroom door as a faulty fixture, then by frantically shouting “no” as the door knob began to turn. if he had been in a better state of mind, perhaps he could’ve had some kind of persuasion push through. but the fact was that living as a full-time avenger and avenging angel drained a guy, especially when his power had to be muted to keep him on earth and not burning people’s eyes out at the sight of him in the first place. 
so, the door opens. and there he is, in all of his glory, the signature brow furrow by captain america himself startled off of his face as he looks at wings that fill the damn room, white as hell and still itchy from being kept hidden for so long. 
sam huffs, and it’s not a blush on his cheeks, because angels don’t blush. they aren’t flustered. it’s more a... frustrated tinge of color as a result of being flummoxed by steve rogers’ stubbornness. 
“well, are you going to stand there with the door wide open where anyone can see or are you gonna come in, dammit?” 
sam wilson is made before the beginning of time itself, and knows that worlds that spin on an axis tend to be born, live, and then die. there’s a beginning for them, and sometimes he envies that - being able to start from scratch is a blessing that none of his kind get. they were made. by something, by nothing they were breathed into the air, perhaps. gone one moment and there the next. which moment? it’s... uncertain. fully formed, though, they are, and then the rest of the cosmos come and go in a flash around them, whirling in spirals of color and stars until something new comes from them. something like life.
space, power, reality, time, they unfold like a map before all of them, him and his siblings. the first cries of life echo through the emptiness and something answers back. souls are molded, 
these things grow. they evolve, become better. faster, stronger, smarter. there’s beauty in all of it, watching the skrulls begin to shapeshift on their own, or the klyntar learn to bond to their host. these things don’t come all at once, y’know, something had to do it first. 
except, sometimes, they need a little help. 
because when worlds come and go, you see a lot of endings. see a lot of implosion as well as explosion, an entire species, or planet, or fucking galaxy coming to an end in a spectacular display or... or dying out with a whimper. those are the ones that hurt, that have sam sobbing in his rooms on earth at night. when you dream you see those endings, hear them like a ghost. 
but not all endings have to be bad. sometimes with a world, hurtling toward destruction, a simple push toward the right direction can right its course. turn the tide. 
not all, of course. some set their paths from their first step, and the angels try to ease their pain before they go. but others, it just takes a little nudge, and... well. 
that nudge is sam’s whole job. 
“so you’re... an angel?” steve asks, and sam is stopped in his weaving of the tale. it sends him hurtling back to reality, this reality, where he’s sitting on a bed with his wings reaching wall to wall, with steve rogers sitting in front of him. he looks pale, but his jaw is set. as if he’s determined to listen to the end of this story before waking up from whatever dream he’s sure he’s in. 
his mind has never been the clearest when he’s in a form like this, so sam takes a moment to answer, his hand lowering from where it was dramatically raised to frame the ceiling in his mind’s eye - seeing beyond it to where the galaxies he’s describing rest. 
“i... guess that’s what you’d call me, yes,” sam answers, and his voice comes off a little petulant before he can stop it. it’s... more than that, but he knows it’s the nature of the beast. they’ve been around for forever, and so their mark is left on civilizations all over. but here and now. wings, slight glow, coming from above - just go with it, wilson. “called different things, to different peoples, but, yes. to you, or at least a lot of humans, an angel.” 
“are you a fallen angel?” steve asks next. his voice is a little warmer, now, almost joking, and sam snorts a bit. 
“not exactly. i mean, i didn’t fall to get here.” 
well. he kinda did. 
sam feels the planet called earth by its residents, midgard by others, terran by others still - a species all their own, and he feels them all. feels their struggles as they build great cities and the walls come crumbling around them, their joys as they bring new life where they can with crops and bountiful harvests. 
he takes an interest in them. why? maybe it’s their smiles. the way they walk. the odd songs they sing. earth isn’t particular special, but. there’s something about them that he’s drawn to. 
so when he goes to observe the rest of the cosmos, dances from place to place, sometimes its an earth song in his ear. his siblings tease him for it, but they all have their favorites. they’re not perfect. 
perhaps that’s what has him visiting the first time. asking around for a way to walk along their streets. just for a moment. 
that first moment ends up being a century. and it takes a lot out of him. the first time he attempted, the ground was scorched, and he learned his lesson about announcing his presence due to the faces that melted at the sight of him. 
“wait, wait, wait. like that movie?” 
“what movie?” 
“raiders of the lost ark. the one we watched with tony. their faces, the nazis, melted off at the sight of the inside of the ark of the covenant. like that?”
“i... guess. kind of.” 
“that’s... kind of gross.” 
“you know that i can melt faces and you’re insulting me?”
“it’s not an insult. just an observation that it’s kind of disgusting.” 
“turning it into a movie reference like that spider-kid does not make it any less offensive.” 
“or less gross.” 
“you gonna shut up and let me finish?” 
he visits more often. fine tunes what he can and can’t reveal. and slowly there’s an attachment that can’t be shaken. no matter where he is, his heart longs to be back, to walk with them once again. the teasing from his siblings turns into cruel truths, reminders of what happens to those they choose to watch from above. 
they die. 
all of them. eventually. even the ones that live the longest eventually fall. it is only angels that can withstand, and that immortality comes at a price all its own. 
but even when he sees it up close, weeps with them, there is no changing the heart. the soul. 
his light grows a little dimmer than his siblings. the glow a little less sharp. but even through his pain, he can’t change his compassion. the fact that since the beginning his steps walked him toward those that needed him the most, from planet to planet, people to people. 
so, he makes a career out of it, you could say. come in, fix things, and get out. the ultimate game-changer. the key part being leaving. eventually, he rises up above them once again. there is only so much a being can do, even a celestial one, and... sometimes they don’t follow his advice. but he always has to leave eventually. because in the end, he doesn’t belong. he is not one of them. no matter where he goes, his siblings remain in the sky. some join his noble quest. others don’t, but they all have a home far above the ground. 
he pauses. 
steve’s walking close to him now. they’d moved since they started talking, as the hour got late and sam’s wings folded up once again. the pair of ‘em had vanished with a blink, and watching steve almost fall over at the sudden shift had sam laughing loud enough that jarvis politely requested they quiet. 
he remembers where they are, of course. a tower, with more than just the two of them. so sam urges the two of them to take their conversation outside, into the trees in central park, where the cameras end, the surveillance equipment cease. 
a little help from sam makes it so. 
it’s a long way. but they both make it eventually, and sam takes the time to think about his next step. does he tell all he’s done? what he’s changed?
but, too soon, they’re seated again, sharing a log that had fallen where no one could hear, and steve looks to him expectantly. 
“until what, sam?” 
until the earth screams. 
it happens over and over again, and that’s the only way sam can describe it. a call for help across the universe, and he answers. 
his hands are messy at this point, with earth’s blood. but that only means he stumbles with them as they pull themselves back to their feet. he is in the ears of prophets, of leaders, of generals. he finds himself working to save those he knows he can’t. his fate and this puny world’s are so intertwined, he no longer hears from his siblings anymore. can barely make out their words over the cries of a rock in the middle of ths solar system. 
but there’s something here that calls to him, even if he can’t discern it, yet. more than just the people, the animals, the trees, the waters. there’s power here. and it will rock the heavens with its might. 
it ebbs and flows, sam’s touch. sometimes he pulls back enough that he can almost see the heavens once again. but before long, he gets dragged back into the depths, saving lives, touching hearts, looking for what can chill the blood of an angel. 
and then. 
steve rogers aims to bury the nose of a giant flying ship into the northern oceans. 
it’s before sam can even think that he’s back at earth again, watching from his view from above with a proverbial hand against the glass. something about this scene has his heart racing, his body thrumming, the world calling out to him, begging for the turn of the tide. 
steve rogers crashes into the waves, and sam feels it. what shook him to his core. and before he can think, his hand reaches out, and the waters freeze, and for a moment he is there, alone. a heart beating beneath the ice. and... something else. 
“the tessaract.” 
this is a journey that sam has never seen. a path that sam has never dared to take. but this path wasn’t one of his design, of course. no, chance rolls the die, and the earth suffers for it. 
the night air is quiet. it’s early morning, before the sun even thinks to rise, and sam has told it all. how much this “something else” scared him. how much power it held, how little this tiny world could handle. how his hand reached out to try and protect the earth and ended up hurting as well as helping. 
but he had done his best, with the time he had. found people on this planet who could turn the tide. there’s something in all of them, something selfless, and he dares to make their steps turn together. steve rogers freezes. natasha romanoff escapes. thor odinson steps onto this world and sam corrals him into a corner, makes him care for those lesser than he. tony stark survives. again and again, he survives, he perseveres, and clint barton sees things where no one else dares to look. bruce banner’s anger becomes a force for good, and soon they’re walking together, the walls of the tower thick with their laughter. sam feels their lives weaving a tapestry, thick and colorful, and before he can force himself to stop his own existence becomes a piece of the puzzle. it’s a family, he realizes, a little too late, when he’s looking over a glass of wine at the merry band of misfits he’s collected. 
one he’d hate to lose. 
there are others. around the world, who will be urged, he’s sure. but for now, this is who he has. and he looks at their faces, and realizes that he’s scared. 
“there’s something big coming, steve,” he whispers. his breath comes out as steam. the future makes his hands tremble, like nothing else has dared to do. “you’ve heard it from tony stark, in his own way. and now you’re hearing it from me. there’s something big, and... i don’t know if we can stop it.” 
but of course, it’s steve rogers. that only seems to make his brow furrow once more, and he tells him how they’ll face it together, like they do now. 
“everything we do, we do together,” he insists, and it makes sam’s heart pound in his chest. 
“and if i’m wrong?” sam challenged, standing suddenly, his collar tight. there’s a glow coming from him, unbidden, and the air warms around them. “if i did this for nothing? if i can’t protect you guys? never mind that i know i’ll watch it all fall apart eventually. if i can’t save you... i’ll go on living and knowing that i failed you. all of you.” 
there are tears, he’s realizing, as they drip into the grass. they shine before a moment before disappearing into the earth. he sniffs, and wipes them away as best he can, and when he turns to look at steve his smile is shaky. a strange creature luxury, to cry. 
“this is my home, now,” the angel whispers, and he shakes with that truth. feels his bond to the heavens ache with the stretch, feels his feet plant on the firmament beneath him. this little planet, and all its people, and the lives that are sleeping in that damn tower, ready to save it. “you guys are my home.” 
steve is standing close, now. sam’s surprised his brows haven’t singed. there are hands on his shoulders, and surely they are burning, but he doesn’t even flinch. 
“it’s mine, too,” steve tells him. “and tony’s, and nat’s. it’s bruce’s and clint’s and even thor’s, in his own way. it’s our home, and... well. if i’m to believe a guy with wings, it’s all thanks to him.” that’s said with a little grin, one that means joking and teasing, and sam manages a laugh through the sniffles, his wings flutter, too, breaking the illusion of vanishing, and steve doesn’t even flinch this time. 
“not all of it,” sam manages, shrugging. “i didn’t make you guys who you are. i just... made sure the way forward was a little more clear than it might’ve been.”
steve laughs again, a little softer. and his hands squeeze tight. “you really trying to be humble, right now? this is a pep talk, okay?” 
“well, i’m waiting for the pep,” he intones drily. 
“and here it is,” steve returns, without missing a beat. “this is our home, okay? all of us. and we’re gonna protect it. no matter what. it’s that simple. no matter what happens, no matter what portal or doorways or... tessaracts come to find us, we’ll save the world again and again and again. together. that’s a promise, sam. you hear me? together.” 
the world is quiet. the future is uncertain. but sam looks up at steve, his eyes wide and still and little shiny, and he knows. 
it’s a promise he’s gonna keep. 
with another sniffle, sam pulls steve close enough that he can bury himself in him. they grip each other in the light of the morning sun. its rays are warm, the dew forming like it does with each new day. it rises past the horizon and shines on their skin, and they’re still in yesterday’s clothes. soon their feet move toward the tower again, and the central park authorities are none the wiser. 
together. all of them. 
and sam’s gonna make sure it happens. 
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popatochisssp · 5 years
Hello! I know this is very specific, but how would the skeletons react to a scientist s/o? Someone who is just as capable as the smartest of them, but who is only serious when it's 100% necessary. Unless they're working, their s/o is a goofy, cheerful child in a tiny adult's body. To the point that most people forget they're a very capable person, with their fair share of past issues. How would this relationship go? Love your work, by the way ♡ you're amazing ♡
Aw, thank you, you’re sweet, I’ll take a crack at it! ;D
Sans (Undertale): Hey, nice! He’s got a pretty similar philosophy– you’ve gotta be a Level 50 best pal (or s/o) to unlock his Science Nerd backstory because he just likes being a comedian and a prankster so much better that he hardly ever bothers with that stuff anymore, no matter how good at it he is. He likes having somebody around who can probably relate to that, plus somebody he can casually talk about advanced stuff with and they can keep up and not make a big deal out of it later.
Papyrus (Undertale): Well, that’s pretty neat! He takes it perfectly in stride, it takes a lot more quirkiness than that to throw the Great Papyrus! He’s more of a social sciences kinda guy himself, but he can probably hold his own with at least a solid 80-90% of what his s/o is talking about when they’re in Serious Mode. He generally doesn’t pay it much mind, though: his datemate is his datemate and he’d think they were very cool and impressive whether they were a genius or not!
Sky (Underswap Sans): S…same hat? Same hat… Same hat! Sky is a pretty similar combination of cheerful and intelligent– he definitely majored in chemistry back in his school days and had a lot of fun with it!– but that was then, and now he’s onto lots of other things instead. He likes to keep moving forward and, to use an ironic word choice, experiment with lots of different hobbies and interests, and knowing his s/o has a similar capacity to himself would be really exciting news. Think of all the things they can try out together without his s/o getting confused or upset by something that might be a bit beyond the average person’s understanding: so many more possibilities!
Paps (Underswap Papyrus): Doesn’t bat an eye, and not just because he doesn’t have any. He’s a pretty laidback kinda guy to begin with and he’s usually good at rolling with the punches. He may be a little surprised by how different his s/o can be from moment to moment, but if that’s just how they are, he’ll get used to it. He’ll….try not to brag too much that he’s got a pretty cool datemate but can’t always resist an elbow to the nearest bystander to point out how adorable they are.
Jasper (Underfell Sans): Well, damn. Didn’t see that coming… He’s…maybe a little hurt if it’s deep enough into the relationship and his s/o never even told him about this other side to their life. Did they think he was too dumb to handle it, or something? He was a mechanical engineer Underground, he worked on the CORE, for fuck’s sake, he can handle a little shop talk! …But he’s guarded about his feelings more than anything else so he’d sulk awhile until he got over it rather than start a fight or anything and just…hope they’d trust him a little better going forward. Provided they did tell him, though, he’s very proud of his bubbly little genius of a s/o and won’t try to restrain his bragging at all. Whenever they do something really cool or smart unexpectedly and baffle a bunch of onlookers, Jasper’s the first one to break the silence and say, “that’s my date!” all annoyingly smug about it.
Pyre (Underfell Papyrus): He’s very surprised, definitely guilty of having underestimated them. Not that he didn’t think they were intelligent! He wouldn’t…! Why would he ever want to date someone if he thought they were stupid?! He just…maybe didn’t expect that level of intellect out of such a cute little human… He’s very flustered and embarrassed about it, clearly his mistake to underestimate them, but in retrospect, he decides it makes a lot of sense. Of course his s/o is amazing and capable, that’s probably what attracted him to them in the first place and he just wasn’t consciously aware of it! …Really, though, Pyre’s not a very scientifically minded person– he’s an edgy theater kid to the core, so when they get to talking about really advanced stuff he’s definitely not going to be able to follow and will feel kind of embarrassingly inadequate over it, even when it’s the kind of stuff you can study for years and still struggle to understand. For the sake of his ego, and to keep him from feeling too stupid all the time, his s/o will probably have to be kind and take care not to rub his nonexistent nose in how smart they are– nobody likes feeling like a dummy next to their partner, so just…have some care for his feelings when they’re showing off their impressive brain? There’s different types of intelligence and nobody should have to feel inferior about it!
Mal (Swapfell Sans): Ah, excellent, Mal is delighted by this turn of events! He’s something of a nerd, too, he loves numbers and mathematics of all kinds and having his s/o turn out to be somebody he could discuss it with is the best kind of surprise! He also likes the ‘secret weapon’ factor of their usual persona being so much different than what people would expect out of a genius. It means they’ll be underestimated and can maybe turn out to be a real game-changer in dire situations. As much as he adores his s/o just because, Mal is very practical and tactically focused person and it’s hard for him to stop thinking of life as a very, very, very high-stakes poker game and an ace up his sleeve is always welcome. He still thinks his s/o is adorable, but it’s nice to know he has someone who’ll understand him if he feels like talking about the beauty of numbers, and he feels like he can rely on them a little more instead of only thinking of them as someone he has to protect.
Rus (Swapfell Papyrus): Oh, shit, okay, wasn’t expecting that one??? But okay, cool, little supergenius s/o, this can be Rus’ life, he guesses. Why not? Again, he’s a Papyrus and intellectually more drawn to the arts than the sciences, so it’s definitely not something he’s going to relate to and find common ground with his s/o on, but it’s still pretty neat. He’d mostly trust them to handle their own business anyway, even before he knew how smart and capable they were. He feels like most people probably have their lives more together than he does, as a general rule. But basically, nothing much would change there and Rus doesn’t think of it as a very big deal.
Slate (Horrortale Sans): Wow, a real smartypants, huh? Cuteness and brains, guess he hit the jackpot……is what he’d say, and even what he’d tell himself, but the reality is… he’d probably be pretty jealous of his s/o. ………Jeez, he feels terrible even thinking it, and it’s not that he’s not proud of and happy for his smart and competent partner, because he is! It’s just that…he can still remember the days when he was a really capable genius scientist, back when his skull was whole. He wasn’t ever passionate about it so that just adds another layer of annoyance at himself that he’s jealous of his s/o now, but it’s not the job he misses as much as being quick enough to do the job. His head wound’s slowed him down, a lot, he forgets small details constantly unless he writes them down and it was just a really big adjustment for him having to go from ‘one of the brightest minds of his generation’ to………….well. What he is now. And as unintentional as it is, his s/o’s intelligence is bringing a lot of those feelings back around, opening up old wounds and self-esteem issues that are definitely going to have to be addressed somehow if the relationship is gonna have a chance. Good luck…?
Papy (Horrortale Papyrus): Goodness gracious, that’s impressive! He is very proud of his tiny genius datemate and will have to be stopped from loudly extolling their merits to anyone who will listen if his s/o is the type of person to get embarrassed easily. He may not get all of what his s/o is talking about when they’re in Serious Mode, but he can follow along with enough of it to know how cool and unique their mind is and he’s determined to support them in whatever it is they want to do. He’s glad their intellect hasn’t made them lose their joie de vivre because as far as he’s concerned, there’s nothing more important in this life than enjoying it the way you want to, to the fullest, so if they’re a goof the rest of the time it’s because they want to be! And that’s great!
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