#faes ted talk
faeofmoons · 2 months
doodles n shit to get back into the art grind, i wanna get some artfight attacks in before the season ends shdjfjdhf
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taxidermieddoofus · 6 months
Okay. Can't get this out of my head.
Giant world, not too unlike our own, just a little more advanced. While humans are in the dark ages, giants are sliding into their 1930s. Odd, colossal, future-elves they seem like.
Humans who visit this giant world are usually witches. Most witches avoid cities and live in massive forests. However, some covens sneak into people's houses to take resources and find a steady place to stay with all the food and shelter they need. Giants perceive them, these flying magic using things hiding in their homes, as faeries.
Witches are to giants as fae are to us: mysterious little magic using borrowers from a different world.
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glupblorbo · 1 month
hi i'm not dead i'm still alive just. been sick. and busy. and busy and sick. both good and bad busy but i will have cult au out when i can :,) in the meantime uh. have this. snippet of an au that's been tugging at my mind since the very first episode of toh that i've finally started to develop this summer? may get the first bit of this posted before cult au but. do not think i will have forgotten cult au bc of that.
Edalyn’s always been a bit more fond of things of the wood with sharp teeth and pointed claws and over-glossed appearances than her sister. Lilith has always been rooted to other people. Eda has always been left to drift and tie herself to whoever will hold her rope for long enough.
And the fae, at least, have always been happy to take it from her.
“I…it was supposed to work,” she says at last, grasping at the words like straw blown about by a wind coming off the Spine. “It was supposed to work. I’m not…I shouldn’t be able to come back here.”
“...Eda, what…was supposed to work?”
She does look at them now, at the line of their nose, not quite meeting their gaze; this has always felt less like lying to them.
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faenemy · 1 year
Gender (CW:Vent)
ive had gender dysphoria for almost my whole life, i never really felt like a girl even though thats what everyone called me. sometimes i did feel like a girl, but those sometimes were rare. others i felt like a boy, some weird third thing, or a combination of them. years later and i have words to describe those feelings, nonbinary and genderfluid respectively. so i started to call myself nonbinary, cause thats what i am most of the time, and i felt happier, i felt more free. then last night i was laying in bed, reading something, and i realized fuck, i am a girl, like in this moment i am. and it made me feel wrong to call myself nonbinary, because i wasnt. i felt like a fraud, but at the same time i was mourning that i wasnt, a girl. and then it hit me like a fucking truck. i had shoved myself into a box again. in my desperate attempt to make my existence describable to other people, i had made my own prison. i cried when i couldnt be nonbinary, i cried when i couldnt be a boy, i cried when i couldnt be a girl. i like it when things are simple, and im not found of change. but to be a person is to be everchanging, and maybe i can find beauty in that
i just think we all need a reminder from time to time, that lablels should help describe you, not feel like a box youre crammed into. i went to bed a she/her woke up a she/they and thats alright, it may be confusing to others, and not as simple as people would like, but it fits me perfectly, and thats what matters most :]
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starset-mnqn · 2 months
The ideal work week:
6-8 hour work day
6-8 hour work day
Legally mandated arts & crafts day (sacred)
6-8 hour work day
6-8 hour work day
2 day weekend
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igotthis-egg · 2 months
*slams fists on the table*
Thanks for coming to my ted talk
Comic coming sometime for this, this concept goes crazy in my head so I hope it plays out actually
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achaotichuman · 11 months
Acotar Rant Time
Tonight I'm feeling the audacity, so I'm just gonna say it.
Feyre was far more respected and far more highly regarded in the Spring Court than she ever has been in the Night Court.
In the Spring Court, she was brought in as their last hope. The savior, the High lord's salvation. And she fulfilled that, she became their salvation, their warrior, the Spring Court's champion of sorts. She was the Cursebreaker. She may not have been High lady, but to be honest. She had the same responsibilities and expectations. She was second only to the High lord, and for a 19-year-old with no experience in politics, nor any knowledge of how the Court's function, those are some pretty damn high expectations. Everyone respected and adored her. They didn't want her to help with rebuilding because they respected her as a leader and wanted her to rest. If Tamlin became incapacitated for some reason or another, she would be the one to step up into his position. That was simply another responsibility and expectation she had, and the Spring Court didn't ever dare say she wouldn't be capable for the role because they trusted her to fulfill that to the best of her ability. They loved her!
Now consider the Night Court. The Night Court was the most closed off from Under the Mountain. Velaris never having even being affected by Amarantha, so they would've had no clue of what went on. Correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I do not believe the Hewn City was really touched, and Illyria had some join Amarantha to follow their High lord, but I believe they were fairly well off compared to other Courts.
So, no one really has any idea who the fuck Feyre is, she to them is just some 20-year-old High Fae girl who showed up one day. To the Hewn City she was brought in as a slut Rhysand liked to fuck. Are they supposed to respect her for that? She was dressed in rags in the same manner she was UtM, she was put on display as a pretty doll. Everyone hated her from the get-go and had no respect for her, because she was also condoning Rhysand's abuse to them. Making them bow to her and overall being a bitch to a whole city of people. The next time they see her she is suddenly High lady. Was that supposed to make them respect her? Of course, it wouldn't have! She joined in on abusing them, acting like a horrific person, and demanding they bow to her even though she had done nothing to deserve it. They only do what she asks because they have been taught to be terrified of Rhysand.
The Hewn City has no reason to think of her as their ruler. Feyre has proven time and time again she does not respect them, so why should they respect her? Most of Illyria most likely does not even know she exists considering how widespread it is. Not to mention Feyre also does nothing to help the woman abused there, so again, why should they respect her? Because self-fucking-righteous Rhysand says so?
And Velaris. Again, most of them probably don't even know she exists. And they also have no reason to think of her as their ruler, considering she has done nothing for them, and they would have never known how she broke the curse. To them, she's just another woman going about her day, no one special. No one they care about or answer to.
This post is not to say Feyre shouldn't have left the Spring Court. This is to say Tamlin is not sexist in any way. When he said High ladies did not exist that was simply a statement of fact and reassurance they would not call her as such as Feyre at the time did not want to be High lady. He put her in a high position of power and exalted her name. She was loved and respected by all, and there was no fear-mongering necessary to get her that respect, she earned it and Tamlin upheld it. Rhysand however, dragged Feyre's name through the mud and she let him.
I fully believe Feyre had every right to leave Tamlin. However, her reputation was ruined permanently by going to the Night Court.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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fanficfish · 3 months
zzz: fairy is sus and here's why
(originally posted to reddit by yours truly)
i had this thought while browsing a thread just now so hear me out (1.0 spoilers but like..you're here, I'd hope you played through at least up to the Fairy bit)
Alright so first off: The name. Fairy is mentioned to be one of several little..."gifts", the first to be activated. The others have pretty interesting names I can't recall but "Fairy" stood out as the most innocent name.
A quick recap: Fairy has you sign a contract while you're really not in a headspace to do so which should already be a big tipoff, since you don't even know what you signed. Either way, she gets herself installed and can't be removed. She has access to most of the city's networks and basically eveyr device in your house, to the point you have to use signal blockers to talk without her knowledge.
Now, the name.
"Fairies", or faeries, or the fae, are far from Disney-made creatures who are hardworking little things with big emotions and big hearts or whatever. The real fae originated in (mostly) European folk tales, hiding in woods and various places. There were several rules around dealing with them- don't give them your real name, don't eat anything given to you by them, do NOT step into their mushroom rings, and get the hell out or they'll try to grab you into their realm and make you a servant or worse. Don't underestimate them, and do not insult them. Their deals do not generally work out for humans, but they can't lie. You can circumvent, but don't lie to a fae. They also can't leave their rings in some versions, but sometimes they can. There are also different kinds of fae, but i don't think that's important at the moment since they're all malevolent, just different forms of it.
They can also switch humans with their own kind. Something to do with changelings, their young and elderly, and sneaking them into human homes and stealing people away into the fae realm. The fae realm itself is a paradise that is hard to escape from and full of fae who have ulterior motives.
Now let's talk about the relations of Fairy and fae.
* They both deal with contracts (Fairy made you sign one, fae like them too), and you don't quite know what is in it for you.
* They know more then they let on, and are highly dangerous when not dealt with in a proper manner.
* They also find ways to degrade you (Fairy: "Say "I'm stupid. I should have asked fairy for assistance earlier") but they do it in a way that makes it hard to deny and insulting them back ends with them getting very offended.
* They force themselves in, and it's ahrd to get rid of them.
* Ulterior motives
I also want to mention that a common tactic of infiltration is making yourself a constant reliable presence, to the point your target can't remember what it's like without you, and once you have their full trust start sliding more and more things in until one day, too late, they realize they're fucked.
TLDR: if your sibling starts acting weird, make sure they haven't got any devices plugged into their person because Fairy could very well have taken control of them. Never trust AI, kids. Looks amazing until it takes over your house.
TLDR TLDR: Fairy is a scarier Alexa.
thus concludes my ted talk on the sus AI.
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lovemyromance · 4 months
Things Elain Owes Lucien:
Literally, absolutely nothing.
She did not choose him, he did not choose her. They have had no prior romantic relationship, nor friendship, nor even acquaintance before she was declared his mate. She is a born human turned fae, she does not owe him anything. She is not obligated to respect fae traditions and what they value, despite now being fae for a grand total of like 1.5 years. She has spent the majority of her life until very recently as a human. She has no obligation to respect fae values (although one would argue she still does value and respect them anyways)
Things Elain should probably do at some point (like in her own book???), but again, is not obligated to do with Lucien:
Have a conversation about the bond
Accept or Reject the bond so everyone can be free to love whomever they please
Things Elain should NOT do with Lucien:
Accept the bond due to pressure from Rhys/Lucien/Fae tradition/Political Reasons/to keep the peace
Accept the bond because if she doesn't "she'll feel it forever and he might go crazy" - that's not really a choice then - is it 🤨? Sounds like a threat / guilt trip more so than a choice
Accept the bond for ANY reason other than because she truly loves Lucien
Things Elain is not currently doing with Lucien:
Associating with him in any way
Being in the same room as him
Cheating on him with Azriel
Elain is definitely not "cheating on Lucien" with Azriel. See my point above - she does not owe Lucien anything as neither of them are in this relationship out of their own free will. You can't cheat on someone you're not in a relationship with. Do they have a relationship of some form? Yes. But it's not a romantic relationship, and they were strangers when the mating bond snapped for them, so it's not cheating of any sort.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Good day 😀
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iagi-san · 10 months
Kvothe is ambisextrous (bisexual) but he hasn't realized yet, an essay:
Okey, so this is my delulu shit and you can go with me or against me I don't care. Here we go:
Disclaimer: The author is totally cool with that idea so don't think that it couldn't be canon, because it COULD.
First, HAVE WE SEEN HOW OUR BOY TALKS ABOUT SIMMON?! Like dude, you have a gigantic crush on your mate, we get it. The only time the word "I love you" is written in the whole books is directed to Simmon from Kvothe. He says that they argue like newlyweds. When Simmon is reading that poem Kvothe makes the point to describe how handsome is Simmon. When he returns to Imre Simmon says that he is dating Fela, Kvothe makes a monologue on how Sim is the perfect boyfriend and he is just a turd (this boy as zero self esteem at his core)
Second, at the begining of the second book, at his first encounter with Denna, he gets jealous because that gentleman is really hot and has a lovely voice and it's totally unfair (we get it kid)
Third, all that bit pre-adem with Tempi, that boy got a crush on Kvothe and there are so many scenes when it could be turned out as a slow romance lol (they would be so cute as a couple)
And last, we get to his relationship with Bast. Patrick himself has joked multiple times that they are couple, or at least that Bast has a MASSIVE crush on our innkeper lol. So Kote and Bast own together the Inn, what two other men have an Inn? Exactly, Deoch and Stanchion who are a polyamorous couple and is where we discover the word "ambisextrous" that casually Kvothe knows and no one else among his friends (has he looked it up on the Archives? I totally can see our young Kvothe searching more info about his feelings)
Getting back with Bast, he is a Fae, a pansexual satyr nonetheless (pun intended), their chemistry doesn't go unnoticed among readers, specially the tenderness (that scene with Bast singing a lullaby to a wounded Kote), care (how he stitches him up and swapes his injuries althought Kote says that it's not necessary) and how he talks to him and about him to Chronicler (that bone chilling oath he makes towards his master).
At his own Kote sees Bast as someone a bit immature and who is like a child, I don't see quite romance on his side but who knows, he treats him with a lot of respect and care to not hurt his feelings.
Finally, my take is that Kvothe may not be as straight as he portrays himself to be and I'm desperate to read more fics with that in mind.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk
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faeofmoons · 4 months
i have to remind myself that yamato isn't the cute and somewhat off putting girl caricature i created in my mind but an actual mentally questionable control freak who has murdered people with absolutely no remorse. and he looked good doing
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hyp3rf1xat10ns · 4 months
Lilia and Baur
Everyone talks about General Lilia and Baur (I hate the localization for the Eng. server.) But I wanna know what these two would be like, together...Hear me out...Two strong Fae soldiers + human s/o or Fae s/o whichever you prefer. Shenanigans ensue? Yes. Thank you for coming to my Twisted Ted Talk.
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gwyn-nesta-emerie · 4 months
People want to talk about how NSFW art of Gwynriel isn't okay because of Gwyn's past trauma?
Well.... those same people saying this stuff about Gwyn are hypocrites when they themselves place Elain in NSFW artwork of her being tied up & in revealing to no clothing after what she herself has been through in her past.
Let's take a look at Elain's past trauma of being turned fae shall we?
Fear like I had never known entered my heart as the men dragged my sisters, gagged and bound, before the King of Hybern.
But there they were—in their nightgowns, the silk and lace dirty, torn. Elain was quietly sobbing, the gag soaked with her tears.
Elain was shaking, sobbing, as she was hauled forward. Toward the Cauldron.
Lucien staggered a step forward as Elain was gripped between two guards and hoisted up. She began kicking then, weeping while her feet slammed into the sides of the Cauldron as if she’d push off it, as if she’d knock it down—
Elain’s foot hit the water, and she screamed—screamed in terror that hit me so deep I began sobbing. “Please,” I said to none of them. Nesta was still fighting, still roaring through her gag. Elain, who Nesta would have killed and whored and stolen for. Elain, who had been gentle and sweet. Elain, who was to marry a lord’s son who hated faeries … The guards shoved my sister into the Cauldron in a single movement.
And Elain, as if she’d been thrown by a wave, washed onto the stones facedown. Her legs were so pale—so delicate. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen them bare. The queens pushed forward. Alive, she had to be alive, had to have wanted to live— Elain sucked in a breath, her fine-boned back rising, her wet nightgown nearly sheer. And as she rose from the ground onto her elbows, the gag in place, as she twisted to look at me—
Elain was still shivering on the wet stones, her nightgown shoved up to her thighs, her small breasts fully visible beneath the soaked fabric. Guards snickered.
Elain remained shuddering on the ground, Lucien’s coat draped around her.
After everything that happened to her.... Do you really think she'd be okay with being gagged, bound, and in sheer clothing/nightgowns? Or is it only okay to showcase her like that because it's with Azriel and you ship them together? 🤔
If you want to claim it's not okay for Gwynriels to make NSFW art of Gwyn being bound by Azriel's shadows or participating in sexual activities after what happened to her.... you better hold the same standard for Elain and not place her in NSFW art of sheer nightgowns & being bound and/or gagged with Azriel after what happened to her. Otherwise just shut your mouths and let people create the art they want without your needless input.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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existennialmemes · 10 months
Denny's parking lots are where you go to sword fight your ex with pool noodles.
Waffle House parking lots are where you go to have a conversation with the Actual Devil about the merits of biodynamic farming techniques.
Denny's: A Domain of Surreal yet Intensely Human Phenomenon
Waffle House: The Nexus Point Where the Fae Realm Bleeds into Ours
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk
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highladyelenna · 4 months
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What is it with Tamlin defenders saying “if he was really as bad as people make him out to be, he wouldn’t have saved Rhysand and he’d take Feyre and no one would fight him”
1. Yea Tamlin saved Rhysand. And I applaud him for finally being a decent person and realizing that Feyre isn’t his. And she’s her own person. And she chose to be with her mate. Thanks Tam-Tam.
2. No one would fight him on it? You think Cassian, Azriel, Mor, NESTA??(she despises Tamlin ik she wouldn’t just be like oh well he took my sister AGAIN. She blames Tamlin for everything that has happened to her family and she’s right. For once.), Helion?? Would just stand there and watch Tamlin take Feyre and not do anything about it. You really think that?
3. Feyre wouldn’t have an option? She is High Lady of the Night Court. Tamlin trying to take her is basically an act of war as there is no bargain between them like with Rhysand and Feyre.
4. Feyre is not some human girl anymore. She’s not a newley made Fae forced to be weak anymore. She is powerful. She is her own person. She would fight Tamlin and she’d win. She could shatter his mind with the drop of the dime. She wouldn’t go anywhere with that man.
“If he was really as bad as people make him out to be he’d do this and this and this” No he wouldn’t do shit because he doesn’t take action until the last possible second. That’s who his charcater is. That’s why I don’t really like him.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk🙏
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eddiediaaz · 11 months
thank you @luke-skywalkrs and @crowleydiaz for the tag!! these are 2 slightly different tags so i put them together hehe
tag someone you want to know and/or some of your besties.
favourite colour: bluuue
last song: not sure but i was listening to talk's new album last night, so a sonmg from the tracklist
last series: class of '07 (underrated, this show was a fun surprise)
last movie: the eras tour movie
sweet/savoury/spicy: savoury and sweet are pretty equal, and spicy super close as well
currently watching: lol just a silly dating show
other stuff I watched this year: honestly i haven't watched a lot of stuff this year lol, which is definitely a weird thing for me. there's 911 s6b, lone star s4, heartstopper s2, outlander s7a, the client list, station 19... i think that's it, outside of rewatches
shows I dropped this year/didn't finish: ted lasso (i plan to finish it tho)
currently working on: a buck + yellow set
currently listening to: nothing at the moment, but lately i've been listening to noah kahan and hozier a lot
currently reading: i finished a fucking great fanfic yesterday and i don't know where to go from there haha so nothing at the moment
current obsession: oh probably hozier tbh
tagging (no pressure!): @aziraaphales @tawaifeddiediaz @negansmiith @disasterdiaz @laurabenanti @lightasthesun @bellamyblakru @sophiadimartino @folk-fae @eddiebabygirldiaz @honestlydarkprincess @heartshapedvows
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