#fan fic polls
saradika · 4 months
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alwaysxlarrie · 2 years
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k9effect · 6 months
Reblog for a larger sample size!
No "show results", if you're not a fanfic writer just be patient.
I saw a post about an anon saying it was embarrasing to have an ao3 account in your 30s (it's absolutely not), so I want to do a poll and see what the age range actually is.
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biaswreckmepls · 7 months
Please reblog once you've voted to increase the sample size as much as possible!
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poll-polls · 6 months
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itisformythesis · 19 days
Please take this survey for my thesis!
What is this thesis?
I am a sociology student preparing to write my thesis for my masters degree, looking at Goffman's dramaturgical theory and applying it to fanfiction writers and their relationship with sharing their writing.
How can I help?
If you write fanfiction (or have in the past), fill out this survey! It's entirely anonymous.
If you don't, please reblog this post, or share the link! I need as many responses as I can get!
If you'd like to additionally help, I am also looking for interviews (via zoom unless you reside in my state and want to meet up irl), or if that's not your thing, an extended version of this survey with more written out answers, to explain nuances.
If you're curious in this process and would like to read it/view results at the end, follow this blog! I made it just for my thesis posts. Additionally, all questions can be answered through my email listed there, and also the ask box of this blog.
**if you are under the age of 18, unfortunately you can not participate due to the level of IRB approval I received. Please share it though!
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gaypiratebrainrot · 6 months
the #author wants to hear about dead batteries tag has always kinda bugged me, in part because i suspect porn writers who don't want comments about readers getting off to their porn are a small minority of porn writers, which would mean that the norm should be it's cool to comment "do you know how much i masturbate to this", and authors who don't want those comments can have their own tag instead.
but i am speculating wildly, so please reblog and give me some data!
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duelbraids · 4 months
a question for fanfic readers
What is the longest you think an individual chapter of a longfic should be, ie, at what point would you balk and not read?
edit: what i've learned from this is that: - my anxiety of long chapters being disliked was unfounded, and i'm fine actually, lol. - my data is likely skewed by virtue of being on the 'hyperliterate nerds' website - people love talking about the long fics they adore and its honestly so sweet <3
edit 2: no one gets to reblog this anymore because people started being fucking mean <3
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writingwithfolklore · 14 days
(We chatted about this a bit in the discord. I'll tell you what won over there when this poll is up. Don't wanna skew the numbers. But I'd be curious what people think over here...)
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blueberryrock · 11 months
Calling all fanfic writers cause i am very curious about what y'all do!! I normally reread my fics all the time but I know a lot of other don't so please reblog this so many other writers see this!! and it doesn't just have to be for fics if you've written something that wasn't fanfic related!!
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alwaysxlarrie · 2 years
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ohyoufool · 3 months
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leveragehunters · 1 year
Fanfic writers
Do you want to be a traditionally (trad) published author, ie have an original work accepted and published by a commercial publisher?
Super curious about this, tbh.
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hellofriendhawke · 1 year
yes yes i know a chapter should end at wherever the author feels is appropriate of course or just however much they want to write, I'm asking how much are you, a reader, most comfortable reading for a single chapter. Like if I had a 250k fic fully written out would you prefer I divide it into five 50k word chapters or fifty chapters all about 5k in size?
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Research Study: Fandom & Generative AI still looking for participants!
I'm still recruiting research participants for my PhD dissertation study!!! If you've already participated, thanks so much! If you haven't participated yet, please consider responding to a quick survey, and sharing with your friends!
I'm interested in understanding fans' perspectives on and experiences with generative AI (text and image generation software). That means perceptions both positive and negative! However you feel about genAI, I'm interested in hearing from you. We're especially seeking diverse perspectives from underrepresented demographic groups of people.
If you're over 18, can speak/understand English, and are interested in participating you can learn more information and take the survey here. I've also made a FAQ post about the study that I've pinned to the top of the blog, and you can see more info on the shareable flyer below. You can also view posts on Twitter/X, Bluesky, and Reddit about the study and share info there! Spreading the word is greatly appreciated :)
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The study is anonymous and voluntary, and you'll be asked about your fandom background, attitudes towards generative AI, and demographic information. The survey should take about 15-20 minutes, and you can skip over any questions you want. You can also elect to participate in a follow up interview, if you want to. The full details are on the consent form, which you'll be able to read before taking the survey! Feel free to reach out with any questions.
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poll-polls · 5 months
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