#fanfic anti-rec
mikakuna · 2 months
Hi! :) I realized turnabout is fair play so this is me asking for any jason fic recs you might have for me.
Have a wonderful weekend! 💕
hey, yeah of course!! this list is gonna be mainly angst and whump, with some fluff! check the tags of each fic so you don't end up reading something you don't want to see!
Jason struggles with expectation and reality; what Superman had been for Dick, what he could have been for Jason, and the nothing that he ultimately was.
Jason finds the younger Arkham Knight version of himself held captive by the Joker below Arkham.
basically a series where jason escapes an abusive relationship and meets roy (protective batfam!! and small jason bc no capes au)
a series of stories within the same time line, exploring jason's history as a victim of human trafficking and child sexplotiation
an exploration of jason's parental figures
Jason falls. Of course, he falls. Bruce wasn’t holding onto him. (a fic that delves into jason's expectations of bruce as a parent and how he struggles to prove his worth as bruce's new child)
an exploration of jason and dick's brotherhood:
Following his disastrous confrontation with Jason in New York, Dick can't get the note Jason sent him upon leaving out of his head. He talks it over with his psychiatrist friend Clancy and comes to a horrifying realization: it's not emotional manipulation. It's Jason trying to cash in on a promise Dick made to him long ago. A promise to always be there for his little brother.
roy's perspective of jason's relationship with the bats
bruce, during and directly after jason's death (gore warning but also ABSOLUTELY heartbreaking omg)
Bruce is racing across Ethiopia to save his son. Bruce is fighting in the Batcave to stop his son. Bruce is 34 years old. Bruce is 39 years old. Then Bruce is looking at ...Bruce. Uh oh.
(a time travel fic where bruce and jason, on the day of his death, find themselves in front of bruce and jason from five years in the future)
married jaykyle wherein kyle has some words for bruce after the events of rhato 25
cute jason/joseph wilson multi-chapter fic where jason is also mute (from the batarang) and he learns what love is
Jason survives Ethiopia and returns home; this is the beginning.
(GENUINELY DEVASTATING like i cried omg.. i won't spoil anything but definitely read!)
Batman finds and apprehends the Red Hood after he attempts to murder the Joker, then surrenders him to the mental health facilities of Arkham Asylum. This is the best way to prevent more deaths, and it's also in the best interest of the Red Hood, who is clearly unstable.
Insane criminals cannot be permitted to walk the streets of Gotham. Certainly not ones raised by the Batman. Not under any circumstances.
(disturbing content; jason is abused at the hands of the staff in arkham asylum and is in a state of overmedication throughout the entire fic, amazing fic but read the warning tags carefully!)
a fic in which jason has dissociative identity disorder
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axleboost · 1 month
Naruto Fanfiction | Life Without Kurama, Chapter 6
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Hiruzen Sarutobi, A.K.A. "The Professor" is in the mix! The plot thickens...
Click the link to find out more.
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madeby-meru · 3 months
Favorite Zutara fanfics!
(always updating)
Bluetaraverse (series) by mielemare
91k words (not complete)
ATLA Book 4: Ashes by elayne_cypher
306k words (complete)
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lavndvrr · 21 days
Fic rec Friday!!! 1
Welcome to fic rec Friday where I give you about 5 (give or take a bit) fic recs for a certain thing (fandom, ship, character, trope, AU, etc.) once week :)
If you have any ideas/requests for a certain kind of fic, send me an ask and I'll try my best <3333
Sooooo were starting off with valgrace because who doesn't LOVE valgrace?????
secrets closet
Because he liked messing with Jason, Leo then said, “Why? Are you jealous? Of Calypso?” Jason stared at him. The hesitance left Leo dumbfounded, and the lightbulb over Jason’s head flickered. “Dude,” Leo said, embarrassed. He needed to get out of this closet now.
Short read but its super cute!
Better in the Dark
Leo is mad at Jason and then they kiss
Uhmm its really really really good!!!! I love everything about this fic so do yourself a favor and read it
you know me, I won't budge
Jason finds out about Leo’s plan to stop Gaea. He doesn’t like it one bit. How dare he.
I'm a sucker for dark! Jason Grace and this checks all the boxes, its such a good au and I plan on writing some for it once I get the motivation. I probably say this a lot but this is hands down one of my favorite one-shots
Flame on!
“I’m not sure this is a good idea.” Jason frowned at him. “Jumping off the roof? I think it’s a tremendous idea,” Piper snarked, notably less worried about Leo’s safety than Jason. “What could go wrong?”
I am also a sucker for pining and un-requited love lol (don't worry, the un-requited love part is just implied)
Jason and Leo talk about what they never had.
Its not a Fic rec Friday without a shameless self-promo, why? because I said so. This is a little thing I wrote when I actually thought I was going to participate in Whumpril and not give up 1 day in lol
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peach-fiz · 6 months
I actually didn't even bother watching the second season of Loki because of the cheap marketing and inconsistent storytelling.
It just felt like the plot was lifted off somewhere it would have made sense, and a character with a similar ego was replaced with Loki and goes through an arc that might have made sense for a blank slate character, but not someone who already has a backstory.
Loki doesn't even feel like Loki after three episodes in S1. The whole point of having a show like that just seems to be about the TVA and Sylvie.
Also the whole genderfluid thing. They 'confirmed' it in the promo and had a line in the script that went completely against anything they just said.
I knew at once that the writers, directors and other parts of production were really just pulling it in different directions and it would probably sound like a jazz trumpeter and a metal guitarist trying to improvise after knowing each other for 15 minutes.
I've been meaning to watch it just so I can have educated opinions on all of it but it's just,, so hard to get into. I definitely agree the marketing was cheap, they did with the 80s McDonald's like they did DB Cooper!Loki and made it centric to the advertising because McDonalds was also getting something out of it which is kinda ass seeing as realistically Loki Laufeyson would burn 6 of them down before he ate in one 😭
I personally don't like either of the major ships in the show but the forced Sylki shit in season 1 really got to me. Like not only did she completely replace him as the main character in HIS show, she's also a variant of him who he wants to make out with and overall it just reads as lazy writing and it's extremely disappointing that Mike Waldron has been put in charge of Multiverse of Madness and The Kang Dynasty since, due to the popularity of the Loki TV show. I was talking to my boyfriend about this last night but it kinda reminds me of the complaints people had ab the last Indiana Jones movie but opposite? Like everyone complained his best friend's daughter was gonna replace him bc she's a Mary Sue and she rlly isnt, she's more reminiscent of Marion in Raiders of the Lost Ark she just doesn't wanna fuck him. But the difference is Indy is a character who's majorly blank for little boys to project themselves onto. Which is great!! It works for those kind of movies, but they're not character development centric like the individual mcu movies tend to be. Loki is characterized in a way that he's drowning in identity issues and family problems and he experiences growth in every installment whether it be positive or negative. It doesn't make sense to take the formula of an Indidna Jones movie where he meets up with a woman who's typically a love interest and has her own issues that are only slightly touched on because that's not the focus, and they go do the plot.
Sylvie is not an Indy Girl, they straight up are trying to replace Loki with Sylvie. And you can tell the character wasn't supposed to have as much importance as she does in the show bc the character was worked on more after the actress they chose was buddies with a producer ( and this is no hate to the actress I'm sure she's delightful everything I've seen her in in terms of interviews has been lovely ).
I also absolutely agree they should've just made a tva mini series to introduce the tva rather than bringing back a dead character who soon will not make much sense anyway because Tom Hiddleston is getting older (and also he deserves to branch out in his career).
The genderfluid thing was a cash grab and it sucks ass, they just want money for acknowledging things already canon in the comics, same with confirming him as bisexual.
My boyfriend is actually writing a fic on ao3 called Find Me that's rlly good if you want Loki content that isn't related to the show.
(YES this is shameless promotion sshhhhshshsh) but fr the loki TV show makes me more confident in my screenwriting bc t h a t got put on disney plus. I'm also working on a Loki show rewrite in my spare time!!
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harringroveera · 7 months
Since I've finished my Scream AU for my rare pair Creelson, I decided to share it here as well.
Each chapter has a different plot but in the same universe, mainly based on Scream (1996). There's definitely some heavy stuff in this fic. Mind the tags and read the notes carefully.
Chapter 1: Ghostface Henry, Ghostface Jane (Murder Siblings). Eddie as Casey Becker. Chrissy as Steven Orth. That intro scene.
Chapter 2: Ghostface Henry. Eddie as Tatum Riley. That scene in the garage.
Chapter 3: Retired Ghostface Henry. Eddie as the Copycat Ghostface who thinks pulling a prank is fun (he learns that it's not)
Chapter 4: Heavy gory stuff. Ghostface Henry (as Billy Loomis) and Ghostface Eddie (as Stu Macher). Nancy as Sidney, Heather as Tatum, Jonathan as Randy. They're basically murder boyfriends. That last scene in Scream.
Chapter 5: Murder Husbands/Murder Family. Retired Ghostfaces Henry and Eddie want to reminisce about their kills together. An accident happens.
Scream, Baby, Scream on ao3
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elfswiftiestuff · 2 years
so i am looking for a very specific type of fic which has the 'Ron Weasley least loved' trope
Like he is not actively hated and abused by Weasleys but he is left behind, ignored, neglected, accidentally forgotten
I just really wanna read some Ron centric family angst, any recommendations? Any blog i can specifically ask for recommendations?
All help appreciated, please interact and ask anything you wanna know before you recommend!
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khruschevshoe · 4 months
When I say that Utopia/Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords is my favorite finale in Doctor Who, I am exclusively living in an alternate universe where everyone prayed for the Doctor at the end of the finale and Martha was the one who they thought of, because she is a true equal to the Doctor, because she deserves it, because is a Doctor, she is the Doctor to all of earth. It gives her proof that not only does she believe in herself, but the entire earth does.
(Thanks to @aletterinthenameofsanity for the fic version of that scene, because it corrected the one and only problem I had with that otherwise perfect three-parter. I'll link it here if anyone else is interested!)
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thedrarrylibrarian · 1 year
Hi Librarian! Thanks so much for your blog and all the hard work you do for our fandom!
I was wondering if you had any fics that showed Draco having a negative reaction to ferrets after Moody/Crouch's turning him into a ferret in 4th year. I'd love to see fics where this is explored! Even just a passing mention would be fine!
Thanks in advance!
Hi! Your holds have arrived! There's not a ton that I could find with this specific of an ask, but I did find you two that I think match your request!
the claws that catch by @flintandfuss (511 words, rated G)
What can he say that won’t sound ridiculous?
“I’m not fond of cats.”
Survivor's Joy by Lomonaaeren (23,916 words, rated M)
Harry works for the Aurors. Draco works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. There’s not much reason for them to meet—until someone starts selling diluted Wolfsbane potion, and they find out just how much the years since the war have moved them both on from simply surviving.
❤️ As always, if you find a fic you enjoy, please remember to leave the author a kudos or a comment! ❤️
Lots of Love and Happy Reading!
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spelunkingsnake · 2 years
looking for fic recommendations
Any sasuke centric fics that don't glorify itachi, team 7, or konoha? I'm sick of team 7 being so OOC and seeing fics where itachi is shown as a good guy.
Honestly, it's so hard to find good sasuke fics that actually do a good job at portraying all or at the very least most of the characters. Also I keep reading fics where naruto is some kind, empathetic and understanding, caring kid who knows too much and can do no wrong because he is better than everyone else. It feels so wrong to me, like that's not at all how he acts in canon. And a lot of those fics show part 1 naruto which is even worse because it's even more OOC for how they try and portray him.
I also usually find a lot of fics that I like at first, but then they glorify itachi and his actions, and I'm just like, "I can't read this anymore." Does anyone have any recommendations?
I guess you could say I'm pretty picky about what I want to read, but I'm tired of reading fics like that, they just don't sit well with me. And don't get me started on the fics where sakura's character is completely changed so that she can be this great, amazing perfect-at-everything girl where they give her insecurities that aren't canon to try and make her more relatable and sympathizable despite making her a pretty perfect and unflawed character. Honestly most fics written by sakura fans portray her so OOC it's not even possible for me to read it, I don't have the attention span necessary for that.
I don't have a long attention span unless it's a really good fic, so I'm looking for stuff that I can actually read. Is there anyone who can help me here?
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littybeech · 8 months
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recomendandburn · 9 days
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I really miss Loki. And not just any Loki, I wanna see my baby being pinned after, courted and chased bcoz you know what, he deserves it. He deserves to be appreciated and taken care of. Don't get me wrong, I love to see him as the one who is confident, makes the first move, is the one who falls first (and the angst. Oof, the angst is so delicious.) But I also wanna read about him getting the princess treatment. I love the range.
If anyone has any recs, please let me know. You can even have my firstborn in exchange lol
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dai-nana-han-agenda · 2 years
I'm not actually sure if you're a sasusaku fan (what are your thoughts on them btw?) but if you are, do you have any fics you could recommend? Sorry if this is a bother!
hey!! omg you're not bothering me, i can literally talk about naruto all day every day i'm so serious.
short answer, yes i do ship sasusaku, but not necessarily what we got in canon. i think genin!sasusaku was really fucking cute (idk what the antis say, the foundations were THERE) but they kinda lost me in shippuden? i still stand by them tho idc & no one can deny that the sasusaku fandom is super fucking talented. anyways, here are some fic recommendations!!
synergy by bttrmllw ─ this is a mulan-inspired AU & is quite possibly the best sasusaku fic i’ve ever read (& honestly, i would argue that it makes my top 10 naruto fics in general). the romance is well written, but what i love most about this fic is that it incorporates the konoha 12, kakashi being a competent sensei (canon!kakashi pls forgive me ily), sakura’s relationship with tsunade, & the uchiha brothers... so basically, all my favorite things. if you haven’t read this fic, i HIGHLY recommend it.
the long way home by the general girl ─ also more of an AU (or i guess you could argue canon divergent?) but i really like the progression of sakura & sasuke’s relationship!
a twist in time by wolf08 ─ for all my time travel lovers!! genin!sasusaku is simply superior idk what to tell you. also, because it’s a time travel fic, sakura’s been trained under tsunade before traveling back to her genin days… and idk about y’all but i absolutely love fics of genin!sakura kicking ass.
sticks, stones, and summer by bttrmllw ─ i just really love any fic where the naruto characters interact as children. this is more of an AU but it’s a cute little one-shot that made me smile.
i’ll misbehave (if it turns you on) by theformerone ─ this is one of the funniest naruto fics i’ve ever read & the author absolutely kills sasuke’s inner monologue.
stars exploding by blesseth ─ this is more of a pre-relationship fic but i love the depiction of sweet, post war sasuke!
the time being by CatFlorist ─ i’m ngl, i don’t remember this one too well since it’s been a while since i’ve read it, but i do remember really loving the plot. this one also kind of deals with time travel, but not necessarily in the way you would expect? idk i highly recommend!
interim by stannide ─ this is one of the few fics on the list that’s actually set in the time between sasuke & naruto’s final fight and sasuke leaving the village at the end of shippuden. i like how the author fills in the spaces of what we missed in canon & develops sasusaku’s relationship.
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clownwritesstuff · 4 months
Undertale fandom dead???
okay i made this blog specifically for myself LMAO i just wanna read undertale fanfics that i haven't read already </3 i will recommend fanfics i have read here !! A lot of my faves are probably most people faves, but i might have some stuff you haven't read if you have fanfics to recommend comment or make your own post please i need more to read <3 ( I specifically like reverse harem/anti-harem or big poly skeletons :P. BUT swapfell has a special place in my heart <3 so any swapfell is welcomed)
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id-kneel-for-loki · 2 years
loki show slander (and fic recs to heal your soul)
has anyone else watched the loki series and been left with a very weird, negative feeling? almost like you’re out of place or that something is wrong? because when I first watched the show, it made me feel super weird, but in a bad way. 
I couldn’t understand why at first because when I looked on twitter to see what other people thought about the show, every opinion I came across was super positive, praising the show for “showing Loki’s vulnerability” and “showing depth to the character”. 
this made me feel super terrible because loki is literally my favorite character, and yet I couldn’t understand why the show left such a bad taste in my mouth. I also felt really guilty because as a loki-stan, I felt like I was obligated to like the show, and yet I didn’t. 
but recently I started to come across other opinions that are similar to mine and suddenly so much things make sense. and better yet, I’m so relieved that I’m not the only one who thinks they screwed up the character and botched a show that had so much potential.
anyway if the show makes you feel like you want to bleach your eyes, here are some Loki fanfiction recommendations because most fans have a better characterization and more respect for the character than the actual writers of the show: 
Frostbite (by Maiden_of_Asgard)
“Iceland is nice - sure, you probably should’ve picked a time of year when the weather was a little warmer, but it isn’t too bad, and at least you’re away from your desk job, right? It’s a pretty big adventure.
You’ve always said that you wanted more adventure in your life.”
this is the best loki fic I’ve EVER read, and the one that started in all. I absolutely love his character in this, he’s so badass. 10000% recommended.
Aftermath (by Infinite_Monkeys)
“Thanos is dead. The world is saved, time is put to rights, and Earth has a team of capable defenders to, in theory, keep the planet safe from any further threats.
Fury thinks that his newly formed team might just drive him to an early retirement, if they don't give him a heart attack first.”
a crack fic to heal your soul
With One More Try (Can We Start Again) (by Infinite_Monkeys)
“Loki's attempt to conquer Earth has, to his great dismay, succeeded spectacularly. When Thanos sends him to collect the Time Stone, he strikes a deal with the Stone's keeper: he'll be sent back to the beginning of the invasion, and this time, armed with knowledge about his opponents, he can lose properly.
Or: a time loop fic in which Loki does increasingly desperate things to try and get the Avengers to defeat him already.”
The Undercover Boogie (by amcw117)
“In which Coulson's argumentation on behalf of the human race proves highly effective and gains S.H.I.E.L.D. a new agent with an interesting concept of covert operations. Naturally, things go awry pretty fast. Written for this prompt @ avengerkink on LJ.”
absolutely hilarious fic, love it
Throw Me (A Helping Hand) (by Quarra, RemingtonFae)
“Ok. Fuck. Here’s the plan.” Barnes casually stood up and leaned over to wrap an arm around Loki, careful to keep his back to those voices. 
“What are you---” Loki looked at Barnes in confusion, and pressed back a little, pushing him away. 
“You can illusion yourself, right? You should do that. And then I’ll throw you at them as a distraction.” Barnes tugged Loki closer and fought down the panic that clawed up his back. 
“What?! No! No, I do not like this plan. I object. Strenuously,” Loki babbled at him, and put a little more effort into shoving Barnes away.
Steve was right behind them. Right there. Within reach. 
Barnes couldn’t deal with that.
“It’s a great plan. Guaranteed to work. They won’t know it’s you, and I’ll be gone by the time they look up.” With his left arm secure in its grip on Loki’s shoulder, Barnes grabbed Loki’s belt with his right. “Better get ready.”
“Barnes. Barnes!”
Or, where Loki is an absolute troll for the Powers of Mostly-Sometimes-Good, Bucky is having the worst century ever, and everything still manages to turn out mostly okay.
please read this I beg you it will heal your soul
That Boy Next Door (He’s a Real Hit) (by STARSdidathing)
“Tony Stark made a terrible mistake years ago. He married a horrible woman. Oriana Stane was the daughter of his father's business partner; the man who ran Stark Industries into the ground and left him in debt.
Now, Tony's living in Canada with a wife who hates his guts. And frankly, the feeling is very mutual.
His life is a mess and he can't find the escape route. He's honestly stopped trying. But then a new neighbour moves in. The guy is hot and funny but his name is really familiar. It takes one conversation for the penny to drop.
Loki Odinson is a contract killer in hiding from the Norwegian mob and if that isn't dangerous enough, what happens next might just end up with Tony knee deep in multiple murders and forming an attraction to a man who is known for never keeping witnesses alive. Whole Nine Yards AU”
also an amazing fic
Stormbreaker (by ladylapislazuli)
“With a shock, Thor realises Loki is flirting with him. Ineptly, true enough, testing his charms without the verbal skill to dazzle, every bit an awkward youth, but he is flirting.
Thor… is not sure what to make of that.
- - -
In which an attempt to destroy the Infinity Gauntlet sends Thor back in time, and a young Loki appears to be falling for him.”
this one is a thorki wip so I get if it’s not your cup of tea BUT the characterization and depth of both Thor and Loki are absolutely amazing in this fic
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