#feel a bit like a bad person for being jealous. but also i am only human. and also hungry
rowenabean · 1 year
The thing about crying into my falafel is that as soon as you phrase it as "crying into my falafel" it makes you laugh and therefore breaks the problem
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fellow-anime-weeb927 · 5 months
Mashle (Mash Burnedead & Finn Ames)
A/n: this is a mashup post for @misti-chan, we did talk about this, hope they aren’t too OOC, please enjoy!
Mash Burnedead
-cream puffs every day~!
-I wonder if he would play and style your hair (if he could)
-you being on his back while he does push-ups are a must!
-hand holding in public —> cuddling in private! <3
-but I can see him also hugging you from behind or holding you close by your waist when hanging out with his friends too!
-Lemon would be so jealous of the relationship yet fangirling(?)
-kiss his cheek, he will have a subtle blush on his face hehe
-bonus points if he stutters and looks away!! (Ajskmefkmcdscd)
-he might have a tiny smile on his face when you show up!
-when he’s jealous, he would 1. hug you and bury his face in your neck while staying silent or 2. walk up to you and ask you if you’re done talking to the other person ehe
-please hug him, he needs it pleASE-!
-quality time and physical touch are important roles in your relationship!!
-you and Finn would get along, he might wonder how did you two have chemistry but he won’t question it, as long as Mash is happy, he’s happy for him
-you and Finn would deal with Mash’s usual behaviour like door breaking, zoning out, stuttering when lying, getting bad grades, making a lot of cream puffs, exercising in various places etc.
-when you and Mash are alone, expect him to be clingy, wanting to kiss you all over and cuddle you (you are more important than his cream puffs <3)
-he would nuzzle into your neck or let you nuzzle into his neck
-he would be the big spoon mostly but sometimes the little spoon when he has a rough day
-just pamper him would you? <3 :D
Finn Ames
-innocent baby~!! <3
-omg please protect him and beat up the bullies!!
-he would somehow always get into trouble so please be his shield
-he would definitely hug you tightly while crying and saying ‘thank you’s repeatedly
-when you two start dating, he would be overthinking whether he deserves you or not
-so please reassure him lots! He would only focus on you <3
-you and Mash would somehow get along and eat cream puffs, he would welcome and congratulate you and Finn’s relationship
-Finn would be so shy when around you, even when you’re just standing close to him!
-a simple kiss on the cheek is enough to make his face tomato-red!
-he would stutter and fumble with his words in embarrassment (even more if you smirk and coo at him hehe-)
-hand-holding and kisses on the cheek would be a bit much when in public but he could handle it, just don’t make him too flustered~!
-in private, go ahead and shower all of your affection and words of affirmation to him, he deserves it!!
-he would be nothing more than a blushing and stuttering mess by your soothing words and tender love to him <3
-he’s definitely a little spoon mostly but if you have a bad day, he would be the big spoon once in a while to comfort you like you always did for him <3
-go ahead and vent to him, he won’t judge you, he just wants the best for you and listen attentively!
-you both would rely on each other, trust is the key to your relationship!
-reassure him and give him tons of kisses, he would feel so happy and cry while hugging you closely!
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runicarbiter02 · 1 year
Helllooo! Request are open and I'm running over here. Can I request hdc for alejandro vargas and ghost, being jealous because there crush is a little bit touching with another men. Thank youu honey.
A/N: This is definitely an interesting one! I'd be happy to write these for you, since you specifically specified them, I'll just do them for this one. :) I hope you enjoy, darling! I'm still learning how to write for Ale, so I apologize if he's a bit OOC! Also, thank you all for over 1,000 notes on my first headcanon request! I am so, so happy you all are liking the post! ~ Hannah
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I imagine with Alejandro, this would be a slow burn friends to lovers sort of situation. You, Alejandro, and Rudy have all been friends since you all joined up together. Alejandro has always been on the flirtier side with most people, which is why whenever he flirts with you, you don't tend to think much of it. That's just who he is, right?
Los Vaqueros had just gotten a new member, a young, handsome man in his mid-twenties. He's conventionally attractive and funny, which some of the other women definitely admire, but your thoughts are elsewhere. Unfortunately - or fortunately, if you look at it a certain way - you were assigned to show him around the base and get him up to speed.
Cut to the both of you in the mess hall on base, chattering away. Alejandro sees the both of you, and his blood boils. Who does this hijo de puta think that he is?
What really pisses him off is when the young man leans in, saying something that makes you laugh and you playfully shove him away with a coy smile. Alejandro quickly storms out, furious with the young man, but furious with himself for getting so upset.
He doesn't realize you follow him out until he feels your hand on his shoulder.
"Ale? What's wrong, hermano?" If only you knew how much he hated that nickname coming from your lips.
When he turns, one look at how concerned you are, and all his frustrations come spilling from his lips. He's just about to brush it off as him being silly when you don't respond right away before a laugh is erupting from you.
"Ale, he's not into me. He's just friendly. I thought he was flirting with me earlier, but he let me know that he's no even interested in sexual stuff. He's ace," You reassure, and suddenly, Alejandro feels ridiculously stupid. But that falls aside when you stand on your toes and brush a kiss to his cheek. "Now come on, cariño, you need to eat." His eyes follow you as you return to the mess hall, and he's stunned into silence.
Maybe he feels a little less bad about getting jealous.
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This man hates his jealousy. Despises it.
But, it's a part of him nonetheless, and it's something he has to live with.
I imagine it as quiet, little things around base that really gets to him: you're a medic, a really good one at that, and the men absolutely love you for how kindly you treat them all. You have patience, but you aren't afraid to bark orders at them if they're acting out of place.
"MacTavish, if you rip your stitches one more time, I'll kick your ass into next fucking week." "Captain, I don't care if you have more paperwork to do, get your ass in bed before I drag you there myself." "Hold still or I will personally strap you to this cot myself, rookie."
Your feisty nature and take-no-shit attitude is absolutely what drew him to you initially. Cue almost a year of pining on his end, and on your end, but not to his knowledge.
The final straw that ultimately cracks his resolve is a young sergeant that is trying to flirt with you while you stitch up a bullet wound on his side. It's obvious you're just being polite as you accept his compliments and hum in response at his attempts at flirting, but it still rubs Simon the wrong way.
Simon's jealousy is quiet, boiling, settling in the center of his chest. Every touch of yours against the sergeant's skin merely stokes the flames, but he does nothing, continuing to brood in the corner. He waits until you're done, shooing the young man off with a half-assed threat of harm if he ruins his stitches. That's when you finally notice him.
"Ghost, what have I told you about lurking in my med bay?" You tease softly before taking note of the hard look in his eyes. Slowly, you put two and two together, chuckling softly. "Ah, I see. C'mere, big guy."
He isn't mad. Not at all. All he can think about is that young man, who has all he doesn't: charm, good looks, youth, and the blessing of a childhood unscarred by a demon of a father. Simon isn't so lucky.
He can't stop himself as he follows your instructions, stepping into your office and taking a seat at your desk as you close the door. You sit on top of your desk and smile down at him before you hold out your hand expectantly. He furrows his brows but gives you his hand anyway, grumbling something about how he "doesn't know where your filthy mitts have been."
As soft kisses are pressed to his knuckles, however, he goes quiet. "Silly, jealous man. Can't even see that I look at you the same way you look at me. Eyes of a hawk, my ass," You tease.
He turns every shade of red beneath his damn balaclava, and you're damn certain to tease him about it as he melts back into the seat.
Hijo de puta - Son of a bitch
Hermano - Brother
Cariño - Honey; dear
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jqngkooz · 6 months
tis the damn season’ (2) | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x reader
rating: 18+ (no smut in this chapter just a makeout scene 🙈)
genre: f2l? more like idiots to lovers, mutual pining, angst, fluff, eventual smut
warnings: infidelity and just general bad decision making skills lmao, jealousy, arguing, swearing, one mention of a dick, kissing, making out. jk’s a bit of a player but he has his reasons.
w/c: 3.2k
a/n: pt.2 is here!!!! so sorry it took a while. enjoy :)
summary: When Jimin convinces you to spend christmas in a cabin in the middle of nowhere with your entire friend group, you’re forced to face the feelings that you’ve been suppressing for your best friend Jungkook after all these years.
“I must say, you’re the most stable person I know and I don’t think I’ve ever seen you crumble like this.” Yoongi is kind enough to be up at 6 am with Jungkook, making him coffee as he sits at the kitchen island with his head on the cold surface.
He spent the whole night tossing and turning next to the girl he’d stupidly invited in an attempt to not seem like a loser to you. Clearly, you didn’t feel the same way, that was evident by the fact that you almost married another man and still didn’t even reach out when you broke the engagement off. He just didn’t want you to think he was a loser who had spent the last three months sulking. He had.
“I know, I’m a mess,” Jungkook starts, face pressed into the table, “and she’s nice, Isabelle I mean, and I like her…”
Yoongi places the cup of coffee next to Jungkook and finishes his sentence for him, “But she’s not y/n.”
It’s weird. In senior year Jungkook had gotten a girlfriend. She was a cheerleader with a swishy ponytail that had latched onto your friend group, always wanting to be around him. You’d gotten weirdly distant at that time, cancelling your after-school study sessions only for him to find out you were doing them with Jimin instead. It’s like sometimes he got the feeling that you didn’t want him to be with other people and that gave him hope that you might have felt the same, but you never told him. No angry love confessions in the rain, nothing. You never made a move. And it messed with his head until he felt dizzy and utterly confused about just what the hell you wanted.
“Did you invite her here just to make y/n jealous?” Namjoon’s voice booms a little too loud as he comes down the stairs and into the kitchen, causing Jungkook to sit up and wince.
He sighs, “Yes, well- no not exactly.”
“Then why?”
He looks up at Namjoon who looks slightly disappointed and his heart pangs a little, suddenly feeling like that 15-year-old who would do anything for Joon’s approval again.
He groans, “I thought she’d be mad and ignore me or something.”
Namjoon shakes his head, he knows you would never.
“I just thought if I brought another girl she’d think that I moved on and we could just go back to being normal again.”
Jungkook looks up at Yoongi as if he’s checking for approval, he’s met with a very disapproving stare. Yoongi sighs, “Jungkook, are you stupid?”
He frowns, big round eyes staring at Yoongi. “No?” Maybe he was, waiting 10 years to tell you he loved you when it was far too late was kind of stupid.
“She loves you, you realise that right?”
Jungkook sighs, “Yeah I know b-”
Yoongi cuts him off, “No, not as a friend idiot. She loves you.” He shakes his head rapidly.
“You know she messaged me every week asking how you were after you fell out? She made me send pictures of you and Bam because she missed you. Jungkook, you put her in an awkward situation, she was engaged. But that doesn’t mean she didn’t feel the same way. You never asked her how she felt, did you?”
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Taehyung knows Jungkook like the back of his hand. He knows that his guilty pleasure is chilli cheese fries, he remembers a time in college when that was all he ate for an entire week. He knows that Jungkook unwinds on a weekend by watching crappy reality tv because he caught him one time before he could change the channel. He also knows that Jungkook doesn’t like losing. And that’s how he knows this plan will work.
Truthfully, Tae has always been flirty with you. He’s flirty with everyone, but you usually laugh him off, never taking his compliments seriously. That’s why Jungkook’s a little confused at your sudden interest in him. All day you’ve been clinging to him and laughing at his jokes like he’s the funniest guy in the world. Jungkook knows he’s not that funny. Even now as you all attempt to build snowmen in the cabin’s garden you both look like something out of a hallmark movie, all bundled up with hats and scarves as you throw snowballs at each other.
It’s Seokjin who notices Jungkook’s frown as he stands next to his snowman watching you and Tae.
“Why is your snowman buff?”
Jungkook breaks his gaze away from you two, turning to Seokjin. He can still hear your giggles as Tae shoves snow down the back of your coat and chases you with another lump of it that’s probably big enough to knock you out.
He shrugs, “Wanted it to look like me. Why does yours have a dick?”
“Wanted it to look like me.” Seokjin remarks, eliciting probably Jungkook’s first smile today. “What’s got you all frowny?”
Jungkook shakes his head, the tassels on his woolly hat shaking with him, “Ah, nothing.”
“Does that ‘nothing’ have to do with those two?”
Now his attention’s back on you again. You’re far too close to Taehyung’s face, brushing snow off of his cheeks and apologising, saying you hadn’t meant to actually get him in the face.
“Just didn’t know they were that close.”
“They’re not usually.”
It’s when you come jogging towards Jungkook and Seokjin that the conversation stops. You’re a little out of breath from all the running as you stand in front of them, admiring Jungkook’s snowman with a smile.
“Always the perfectionist. Mine’s already fallen apart. How is yours so stable?” You laugh.
“I dunno.” He answers, unusually sharply and it has you turning to look at him with a cock of your head.
“Everything okay?”
That’s Seokjin’s cue to leave and he busies himself with trying to kick Jimin’s work of art down.
“Yeah. Why wouldn’t it be?” He doesn’t know where to look and settles on his shoes. At least they’re not boring into his soul like your eyes are right now.
“Okay yeah, I don’t know. Just checking.” You smile again as if you truly have no idea why he seems upset. Of course you do, yours and Tae’s whole act is painfully obvious to everyone else in the cabin, but Jungkook isn’t exactly the most rational thinker when it comes to you. “Where’s Isabelle?”
“Oh, she’s uh, inside. She doesn’t like snow.”
You frown, “Who doesn’t like snow?”
He shrugs, finally looking up at you.
“I think my toes are gonna freeze off if I’m out here any longer. I’m gonna go warm up so I’ll check up on her.” You add.
No. That’s the worst thing that could happen. You and Isabelle alone? Talking? She’d surely tell you that she wasn’t actually Jungkook’s girlfriend, just a casual hook-up and that she has no real idea why he invited her. He shudders at the thought.
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“So you’re not dating?”
Once you’d pressed yourself up against the heater until your fingers gained some colour again and double-layered on fresh socks, you padded down the stairs to find Isabelle sitting on the couch alone.
“No. He made it very clear it was nothing more than sex for him, which is fine, but I don’t know if that’s what I want anymore, in life you know?”
You nod. Isabelle is lovely, she’s sweet and gentle and you’re sure you would have been friends in another life if she wasn’t fucking the guy you’d been pining over for years.
“And I guess I’m a little confused. When I brought up getting more serious he avoided the conversation and things got awkward. Then he invites me here, it’s all a little confusing. I don’t wanna talk badly about him, I know he’s your best friend and he’s a great guy but- I feel like he’s messing with me.”
“Isabelle, this is our first conversation and I can already tell how good of a person you are. I care about Jungkook too but you’d be crazy to think that hook-ups are all you deserve,” You sigh, “If you want something more, go and find someone willing to give you that.”
And you truly mean that. Sure, you’d had conversations with his past girlfriends like this, and maybe those times you had an ulterior motive when you advised them to go and find someone else, but seeing her sit in front of you so vulnerable, you mean it this time.
She nods, “I’m well into my 20’s, I’ve never had a serious relationship and I want it. I want kids one day. I want it all. How do you do it?”
That makes you laugh.
“Not very successfully. I was engaged, for a while. I broke it off a few months ago. He was a nice guy, he was stable and he was always there, but I never had that feeling you know? That teenage excitement. I never felt that with him.”
Well, that’s not entirely untrue. He never did give you that electric feeling that you’ve always been searching for, you just leave out that only Jungkook seems to give it to you. You’d had endless arguments with Mark where he’d pressed you to just tell him why you weren’t putting your whole heart into it. He could always tell that he was far more invested than you were, and he knew the reason why. He knew exactly what, or who, was stopping you from fully committing to him. He hadn’t blamed you as you left him, he understood that you just don’t pick who you love.
When everyone starts piling in from the garden, you excuse yourself into helping an almost frozen Taehyung warm up.
Jungkook can’t bear the sight. You carefully take off Tae’s hat and scarf as you rub his arms in an attempt to warm him up while he watches you far too lovingly. He’d rather retreat upstairs to his room and let his head spin with the image of you and Tae and the worry of what you and Isabelle had been talking about while he slips further and further into madness. He doesn’t expect you to follow though, bumping into you in the hallway.
“Hey,” you start, “can we talk?”
“About what?” He’s still pulling on a fresh sweater as you stand in front of him in the quiet hallway. All the noise of the house is coming from downstairs and he worries you can hear his heartbeat in the quiet up here.
“What are you doing with Isabelle?”
That catches him off guard and he frowns down at you. “What do you mean?”
“Don’t you think it’s unfair messing with her like that? I’m only saying this as your friend, she’s such a nice girl. What exactly are you doing?”
“I don’t understand what you’re insinuating?”
You cross your arms. It’s one of his more frustrating traits, pretending he doesn’t understand when he doesn’t want to talk about something.
“Jungkook.” You deadpan.
He runs a hand through his hair, “No, I’m sorry, I don’t understand why you’re interfering with my love life. I don’t know what she said to you but what we have right now is working perfectly fine.”
You scoff, loudly. How very rich of him, to criticise you for interfering when that’s all he’s done to you your whole life, interfere with every guy you’ve ever liked. “Seriously? You wanna talk about interfering?”
He laughs dryly, looking away from you. He knows you’re right. All he can do is attempt to deflect.
“I didn’t interfere with you and Mark. I never did, I told you how I felt. It’s different.”
“What and you think I was able to just carry on after that confession? You think I brushed that off like it was nothing?”
“Sure seemed like it.”
Now he’s just being hurtful, and he knows it. He can see it in your eyes. Whenever he’s mean to you, you get a look. Eyes glossy and eyebrows peaked in confusion.
“That’s not fair Jungkook.”
“What’s fair about any of this?” His voice is louder now and you pray everyone downstairs isn’t listening in on the conversation, especially not the girl he brought here. “What was fair about you turning me away that night? Do you think it was easy for me to see you with him? It was fucking horrible, okay? I hated every second you were with him. Now today you’re hanging off of Tae’s arm. So excuse me if I’m not being fair, I’m not exactly having a nice time right now.”
Tears threaten to spill down your cheeks and you mentally scold yourself for being so damn emotional. You know he can see right through you right now. He stands with a hand on his hip, looking like he’s mad at you and you hate it. You hate it so much that your face tells him just how much you hate it.
He continues, a little softer this time, “I just mean that maybe I’m not exactly over what happened, okay? You didn’t even hear me out. You dropped me from your life. That’s hard to get over and I’m- I don’t know.”
“I had to drop you Jungkook. There was no chance of me having a successful relationship with you in my life.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
You’re exasperated now, frustrated that you have to spell everything out for him. This time your voice is louder. “God, every single boyfriend I’ve ever had has hated you. You have literally ruined all of my relationships and you don’t even realise it. I couldn’t physically bring myself to commit to anybody with you looming over me, always like a damn question mark in my head, okay?”
Truthfully, he had no idea you felt like that. He’s always been pretty poor at picking up on hints and cues and he completely missed that. He always felt that you meant so much more to him than he meant to you. You went about your life and your relationships just fine while he sat at home and yearned for you, that’s what he had thought up until now.
“What?” Is all he can manage.
“How am I supposed to be with other people when you’re always a possibility? As soon as I think I’m finally over you, you come back and-”
“Over me?” He steps towards you, like a reflex at your words. “What do you mean over me?”
“You know what I mean.” You’re practically whispering now. It’s somehow embarrassing to be so vulnerable and you feel even more sympathy towards the Jungkook who turned up at your door and confessed to you now that you’re in his place.
“You never even told me you liked me, now you’re telling me you’re over me?”
“How could I tell you Jungkook? I was engaged.”
His head is a complete mess, spinning and cartwheeling.
“You’re telling me that that night, when I told you I loved you, you didn’t turn me away because you didn’t feel the same?”
“No!” You shake your head, “I thought it was so obvious, how was it not obvious to you? I turned you away because breaking one guy's heart was easier than breaking two. If I told you I felt the same, Mark would have left. That’s why I had to leave him because it wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair being with him when I’m in love with someone else, okay?”
He’s completely silent. Just staring down at you. There’s a lot he wants to say, years and years worth of things, but his brain can’t even string two words together. Maybe he is stupid, but he never thought that you felt the same. Of course, he considered it a possibility, but a far-fetched one. Hearing you say that you love him doesn’t even feel real, he’s not even sure if he’s awake right now.
“You love me?”
“Yes. And you’ve moved on and I know that’s my fault because I missed my chance to tell you I felt the same but-”
He cuts off your rambling, “I haven’t. Moved on I mean. Not at all.”
“You invited a girl. Obviously, you have, and that’s fine.”
Now he has that desperate look again, bottom lip tucked between his teeth as his eyes dart across your face. “We’re not serious. I’m in love with someone else.”
It’s your turn for your head to spin. Sure, he’d said it once before, but you never expected he’d still feel the same way. It’s weird, how you two always seem to pull together. No matter how bad of a time it is, it’s like you can’t stay away from each other. Even now with your faces inches apart, you’re spiked with the horrible feeling that you’re doing something bad. Even if he’s not serious with her, it’s not right for her to be sitting downstairs while he’s up here with you, yet again confessing his love.
“What’s going on with you and Taehyung?” He says quietly.
You reply far too quickly, “Nothing. Was trying to make you jealous.”
That’s enough for him and he steps impossibly closer again. He sucks in a sharp breath, looking down at your face as if he’s weighing up whether or not this is a bad decision. The little devil on his shoulder wins because he’s grabbing your face and crashing his lips on yours. It’s hungry and desperate the way he kisses you like he can’t bear not being on your lips for a second longer. You melt into him as you wrap your arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. You can taste just how sweet this moment is and you savour every second of his vulnerability.
“Bad idea” You mumble onto his lips as his hands move from your face to wrap themselves around your waist and pull you flush against him.
“Don’t care.” He replies, pulling back for a second to catch his breath. You pull him back in, afraid that if he has even a second to think this through you might lose him, but he kisses like he wouldn’t dream of letting you go. He lets none of you go to waste and it’s a dance of tangled breaths as he finally softens, slowing down a little. He pulls away again, looking at you for a while before planting a small kiss on your mouth, pulls away, and plants another one. You feel winded, you’re out of breath, your lips a little swollen and your chest heaves slowly with an endearing warmth that you swear you’ve never felt before. It’s Jimin calling your name from the bottom of the stairs that makes you both jump and pull away from each other.
“We should probably go down.” He breathes out, scratching the back of his head. It’s so charming, how he kisses you like you’re the last meal he’ll ever have and almost immediately regresses into his shy self the minute he pulls away. His cheeks are dusted red and his lips are covered with your pink, smudged around his mouth and down his chin a little.
“You have lipstick all over you.” You point out, giggling quietly.
“Oh shit. Get it off.”
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mysacredmuse · 4 months
hihi so i saw your bio and i have to say that i’m also currently obsessed w aventurine 🙈 can i ask smth abt him, one with the good ole jealousy trope + IPC reader, in which he ends up realizing his feelings that way.
Maybe it can be when the both of them were in penacony and reader gets close with the Express, or maybe one with the reader fawning over robin nd sunday🤭 maybe even people in general showing a bit too much interest in reader. However, any scenario you’ll think works best is completely fine, im happy with anything🩷 !! lots of love:)
hello my dear !! we are all obsessed with him, it seems :3 also of course !! I added a bit of everything you mentioned in the mix just for funsies :3 <3 I hope that you will enjoy it :) lots & lots of love for you, my dear !!! <3
this is a bit long...I hope you don't mind 😅 also, I kinda imagine Aventurine to shut down when he is jealous, especially if it's before a relationship. Either way, I hope this will satisfy you :)
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oblivious idiots in love who can't communicate, reader is kind <3 but a bit impatient and spiteful at a few moments, fan behavior towards robin from march and the reader, jealous aventurine, snappy aventurine, gender neutral reader, no usage of y/n, fluff ! :) perhaps a pinch of angst..?, but mostly lighthearted :3
dividers by @/saradika-graphics :)
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Being Aventurine's subordinate had its bad sides and good sides. Bad sides were his irresponsibility at times that left you overworked, but paid quite well. However, one of the benefits was an already paid trip to the Penacony!
You were very excited given that Penacony was a Dreamland filled with amazing ways to have fun and enjoy yourself. 
"I haven't seen you this happy in a while." Aventurine notes in a soft tone as you run up to him, dragging your, beyond huge, suitcase behind you.
"Of course I am happy! I finally get to have a paid vacation, it's been years!" you emphasize as Aventurine takes your suitcase, neatly packing in the back of a trunk of a rather fancy car he ordered.
"Thank you for indirectly telling me that I am a horrible boss." he chuckles as he closes the trunk, slightly readjusting his sleeves afterwards.
"You became my boss only a couple of months ago, so I am not calling you horrible. If anything, you are my favorite!" you say happily as you check if you packed everything in your bag.
Aventurine's gaze softens, there was something odd, yet warm around his heart anytime you'd make a comment like that.
"But I am mostly excited to personally witness Robin's concert! It's going to be incredible, I already got the tickets. She is sososo pretty, it's going to be amazing!" you speak in a happy tone as you show him the two tickets, a smile spreading across your face.
Something stings.
"Ah..well.., we are still going there to work, don't forget that. Job comes first, entertainment second." he states in a firmer tone, slightly crossing his arms.
"Am I hearing that right? Aventurine wants to take the job seriously? We will see how much of that attitude you keep once we hit the casinos." you chuckle as you close up your bag.
Aventurine scoffs, a soft smile appearing on his face as he opens the car door for you, gesturing you to go inside. You nod in silent gratitude as you move a bit so he can enter.
The car ride is more fun than you anticipated. You keep showing Aventurine all the locations you want to visit, all the cool attractions and read the reviews of the hotel. Aventurine seems to be in good spirits as well, listening to you intently and enjoying the ride himself.
Couple of hours pass and you finally arrive at Penacony. It's even bigger and more luxurious than you thought! Good thing that Aventurine is paying for this. 
You enter the hotel lobby, your expression adored in pure awe as you enjoy the beautiful details and huge space. There is some commotion at the reception which catches your attention. It catches Aventurine's attention as well it seems from the serious look he gives you. Both of you walk towards the reception, seeing a couple of people having a discussion with the lobby staff.
"So, because we couldn't arrange it months prior due to her not being on the Express, now she can't come with us?" a red-haired woman speaks, evidently annoyed. However, you notice softness, silkiness in her tone regardless.
"That's what it seems to have happened. We apologize for not notifying you in advance." a polite lady bows down, remaining still for a few moments.
"Now what?!" a pink-haired girl asks in a semi-pitchy tone, her disappointment making your heart soft. You hesitate whether to join the conversation or not, but you think about what if this happened with Aventurine and you. You would want someone to step in, so you try to subside your worries.
"Excuse me.." you say softly, making your way closer to the group. Aventurine gives you an odd look, following right behind you.
"Is sharing rooms not possible here?" you question in a gentle tone, trying not to cause more commotion.
"Not exactly. All of their rooms are for one person only, but it would also be rather troublesome trying to enter the Dreamscape from one bath." the polite staff replies, straightening herself as she looks at you.
You give Aventurine a worried look before you speak up again.
"Can she use my room by any chance?"
"That's kind, however what are you going to do then?" an older gentleman asks you with slight worry in his tone.
"My room is big enough for the two of us, so perhaps we can schedule it when it comes to entering the Dreamscape." you shrug, gazing at Aventurine. He sighs, slowly moving in front of you.
"That won't be necessary. You can be in my room, I just won't enter the Dreamscape. Not that I need it anyway." Aventurine shrugs, a slight boredom in his tone.
"Two people sharing a room that is meant for one is strictly-"
"Please." Aventurine deadpans, slowly urging the staff to move to the side with him. You can't hear their conversation, but it's not that it matters at the moment.
"I am March by the way! This is Himeko and this is Mr Welt Yang!" a pink-haired girl happily approaches you, extending her arm for a handshake. You take her hand, smiling softly.
"And this is Stelle, the one you wanted to give your room to. We are from the Astral Express!" 
Stelle nods, smiling at you and you nod back. You introduce yourself, slightly bowing while doing so.
"The Nameless? To think I'd run into you here. By the way, I am from the IPC and that's my boss, Aventurine. He is a bit much at the times, but he means well." you chuckle as you point at Aventurine, receiving soft smiles from your new friends.
"It's settled, you will be sharing the room with me while she gets your room." Aventurine states as he comes back, earning a big hug of yours. 
"Thank you so much!" you say in an upbeat tone before slowly pulling away from him.
Odd feeling again rushes through Aventurine's body.
"Ah, you are not the one who needs to express gratitude." he says in a semi-playful tone as he gazes at the Trailblazers.
"Thank you very much. We would like to express our gratitude by inviting you to go out with us!" March says enthusiastically and you nod.
"That would be lovely, right Aventurine?" you give him a soft expression and he sighs before he nods as well.
"I suppose we could. It's not every day that you get to indulge with the Nameless." he says in a lighthearted tone and you give him a sweet smile.
"It's settled then!"
Unfortunately, Himeko and Welt had some other plans, so only March, Stelle, Aventurine and you were able to go and explore the city. 
"Also, are you two a couple?" March tilts her head, earning an elbow hit from Stelle. She yelps loudly without a shame which makes you chuckle.
"No, we aren't." you shake your head.
Truthfully, you would never even try to pursue Aventurine given the differences in your positions. Plus, it's not like he had feelings for you or anything, but it was all a nice dream.
"Oh, makes sense." March nods as she thinks about it for a moment.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Aventurine interrupts, his tone holding an offended note to it.
"Oh, no! I mean, it makes sense that the two of you weren't sharing a room already. You know?" she asks shyly, nervousness washing over her.
"Ah, I thought you were implying something else." Aventurine relaxes, nodding slowly.
"See? It seems that you aren't way out of my league!" you laugh as you give him a small wink.
Weird feeling.
Your walk continues and you mostly indulge in a conversation with Stelle. She is a sweet girl, a bit weird, but overall nice. She keeps talking about her missions as a nameless, while also giving you compliments from time to time. 
"She is usually the silent one..what happened to your stoic behavior Stelle?" March teases her, giving her a playful smile.
Stelle's cheeks get a rose shade as her eyes widen at March.
"And you are usually the super talkative one! What...or rather who made you so shy?" she quickly teases back, earning a laugh from you while March lets out noises of nervousness...at least you think that's what it is. Aventurine was fairly silent the whole time, but now he finally speaks up.
"As much as this is fun, we need to head back. We have some business and meetings to attend to." he gestures to you to come closer to him and you do.
"Oh, okay. I will see you later?" you ask, softness in your tone. March opens her mouth to say something, but suddenly an excited scream escapes her throat as she looks somewhere behind you.
"Is that Robin?! The star Robin?!"
"Where?!" you exclaim loudly as you turn your head, quickly noticing her. You panic as March quickly comes up to you, holding your hands and squeezing them tightly.
"Are you also a fan of hers?!" she asks with an evident excitement and you nod, giving her equal excitement back.
"Oh aeons! Should we go and say hello?!" March almost jumps from excitement, her grip on your hands tightening.
Aventurine and Stelle just stare at the two of you with disinterested gazes, even awkwardly.
"I don't know! Wouldn't that be creepy? Plus, she seems busy!" you say a bit more loud than you anticipated, only to hear a silky tone behind your back.
"Never busy enough for my dear fans!" Robin chuckles softly as she puts her hand on your shoulder.
"Oh, especially not if they are this attractive." she gives you a soft smile, her eyes glistening with genuine glow.
"She is touching you..!" March whispers in a panicky manner and you freeze. 
"Can we.., uh.., take a picture with you?" you ask nervously and she nods, gently caressing your back. You quickly, yet clumsily take out your phone and the three of you pose for the picture. You take a couple, your hand a bit shaky from excitement.
"What is a grand star like you doing here alone anyways?" Aventurine asks in a firm tone as he crosses his arms and the three of you turn around. You give him a serious look, urging him to be polite.
"Oh, I am not alone. I am waiting for my brother, we have some special guests to welcome." she replies kindly which makes your heart calmer.
"I am so sorry for his behavior, miss Robin." you bow down a bit, your tone genuinely apologetic.
"Don't mention it! It's nothing. Oh-!" her voice switches from soft to a surprised one as a man, who seems to be her brother, approaches the crowd you made. 
"I told you not to go too far, people are starting to notice you." he sighs, putting a hand on his hip.
"It's okay! If I hadn't, I wouldn't have met my biggest fans. Aren't they cute, Sunday?" she giggles as she wraps her arms around his arm, smiling at March and you afterwards. 
"A sight for sore eyes, indeed. Excuse my behavior, but there are a lot of fans who are...overbearing at times. I have to keep my little sister safe, I hope you can forgive me." he talks calmly and you can't help but enjoy his elegance. 
"It's perfectly okay, we understand!" March exclaims happily and you nod.
"It's not a problem." you confirm, eyes fixated on the two of them. Both are so damn beautiful.
"Oh? You arrived too, Aventurine." Sunday notes in a calm tone.
"I have, but unfortunately I have to cut this meeting short as we have business to attend to." he emphasizes in a slightly annoyed tone, gazing at you firmly as he grips your biceps.
Your expression turns into a panicky one for a moment as you let go of March, making your way next to Aventurine rather quickly.
"I hope that I will see you around soon." Sunday smiles warmly at you and you smile back, while Aventurine keeps poker face, not really expressing anything anymore.
"Me too! Make sure to come to my concert, cuties! You will get VIP seats." Robin blows you and March a kiss, giving a soft wink. You swallow, slightly nervous from Robin's rather intense presence. 
"I already have the tickets." you reply shyly, taking the tickets out of your bag.
"So, I will see you there." Robin smiles, her tone relaxing you.
"So do I! Uh..uh.., where did I put them..?" March trails off as she clumsily searches her clothes.
"Stelle, did you take them? Because if you did, I swear-!"
"No, I didn't. Maybe you left them in the room?" she tilts her head, more calm than you would've been.
"No, I kept it in this pocket! Oh no..-, I lost my ticket." March sighs, her tone pitiful.
"I mean, that's what you get for keeping it in such a tiny pocket." Stelle shrugs, not giving her friend much empathy.
"You are so mean!" 
Aventurine grows impatient, lightly tapping his foot on the ground. You want to leave, but you hear your name being called.
"You have two tickets, right?" Sunday asks, slightly pointing at you.
"Uh...I do, but.."
The other one was for Aventurine. He didn't know that, it was supposed to be a surprise.
March gives you a pleading expression and you crumble on the spot, taking your ticket out of your bag. You give it to her and she jumps from excitement, hugging you tightly.
"You are the best! Thank you!" she exclaims in your ear and you notice Robin and Sunday smiling softly.
"Sure.., but we really have to go now. I will see you guys later." you slowly lean away from March, waving at all of them as Aventurine and you finally go your own way.
The walk is silent. Awfully silent. You walk behind Aventurine, hesitant to say anything. There is a lingering nervousness inside your tummy, even though you didn't do anything wrong. He didn't know the ticket was for him anyways. As your mind overflows in worries, Aventurine's voice brings you to reality.
"You wanted to give them a room, now you gave them your ticket, what's next?" he finally asks, not turning to look at you.
He doesn't understand his behavior or the reason behind his annoyance. You were always kind and helpful which is why he enjoyed your presence. He can't pinpoint the cause of this stinging feeling in his stomach. It's not like the two of you are a couple or something.
"Nothing "is next". I tried to help them." you reply in a defensive tone, but still feeling guilty for no apparent reason. 
It's not like the two of you are a couple or something.
"Whatever you say. We will have a meeting with Sunday this evening, try not to drool as hard as you did just now." he continues in a cold tone, still not looking at you. If anything, he walks faster and you try to keep up.
"I wasn't drooling! Plus, aren't you the one who mentioned that he is "the most handsome man on Penacony"? you imitate his tone from months ago. That was when he announced the trip to you and was walking you through the people you'll be meeting.
"I never said I didn't, but I wasn't the one who was unprofessionally drooling all over him and his sister." he shrugs as he keeps walking quickly, making it a bit harder for you to keep up.
"Well, excuse me for acting accordingly upon seeing the most beautiful man and woman I have ever seen!" you state loudly, for some reason your heart drops to your stomach. You felt as if you wanted to hurt Aventurine, to spite him due to your own feelings.
Ouch. Something in Aventurine snaps for a moment.
He quickly stops, turning to face you.
"And excuse me for not being a better wingman. Tonight I will go to the casino by myself and you can have some alone time with the most beautiful man you have ever seen." he states in a borderline angry tone, his expression difficult to read regardless.
"Of course if that's enough for you since the most beautiful woman you've seen will be busy, unfortunately." he continues in a petty tone before he turns to continue walking.
"What is your problem?!" you ask loudly, but he remains silent, still walking further away from you. You run up to him in order to catch up, however still not receiving a response. You continue walking alongside him, silently and with a very low mood for the rest of the day.
Business meetings go semi-okay as the two of you are unable to really communicate properly. There is a lot of tension which leads to unnecessary bickering, but somehow you finish up everything in a beneficial way for the IPC.
Aventurine is still cold, awfully distant which makes you even more nervous as you make your way to the last meeting. The Sunday meeting. 
He welcomes you in an elegant manner, but you can't shake off the jittery feeling out of your body. It's hard to concentrate, especially because Aventurine keeps up the passive-aggression towards the both of you. Sunday focuses more on talking to you and you welcome it kindly, earning dirty looks from Aventurine. 
Sunday is quite a pleasant man, but he could never be Aventurine.
As the meeting reaches its end, you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, too much tension finally getting to you. You try to calm yourself down, not really understanding what's a big deal anymore. You were supposed to come here and have fun, but now you feel like everything you do is utterly wrong and judged by Aventurine. For no apparent reason at all.
The only thing that comes to mind is that, perhaps, he realized the other ticket was for him, so he got mad when you gave it to March. It would be too late and too impolite to ask for it back, so you just swallow the guilt, making a new choice. You go back to the two men waiting for you to wrap up the meeting, still feeling a bit nervous.
"I will be taking my leave now." Aventurine slightly nods, crossing his arms for a moment before he walks away, not saying anything further. You want to reach for him, but Sunday's voice takes your attention away.
"Your boss told me that you admire me quite a lot which makes me quite flattered." he bows down, soft smile on his face.
"Now, that the business is over, would you be interested in having dinner with me, by any chance?" he asks in a silky tone, extending his arm to you. 
That idiot.
You think about it for a moment, biting down on your bottom lip as you watch Aventurine leave. He turns around for a moment, giving you a gaze that you couldn't quite read before he exits the room.
"Thank you, Mr Sunday, I truly appreciate the offer.., but I have some other things to finish." you bow down in an apologetic manner.
"That's quite alright. If anything, I expected that." he nods with a soft smile on his face. You give him a puzzled expression and he just points at the direction where Aventurine took his leave. You widen your eyes at him, soft warmth spreading inside your tummy.
"I shall excuse myself then." you bow down again and Sunday nods, watching you leave the room. You are aware that Aventurine went to a casino, but you decide to go to your shared room. He should blow off some steam and you could use some alone time too. You finally reach the room, swiftly dropping on the sofa. A loud sigh escapes your lung as you quickly take out the ticket out of your purse, gazing over it for a moment. 
If that's really the issue, screw the concert. 
You think to yourself as you rip the ticket apart, leaving its pieces on the table in front of you. Now, all you have to do is wait to confront Aventurine. However, your nerves won't remain still as you keep checking your phone for any message of his.
To your misfortune, none arrive. You try to indulge yourself in reading and catching up to some IPC workers, specifically Topaz, in hopes for the time to fly faster.
Hours pass and you find yourself getting tired. 
Perhaps he won't even sleep here tonight. 
You slowly lean your head back in the chair, letting your eyes close for a few moments as the tiredness washes over you. You have no idea when, but you doze off, having some sweet dream.
The door opens rather abruptly which makes you jump out of the chair. You see Aventurine who gives you a puzzled expression.
"Already back from your date?" he asks in a semi-petty tone, closing the door behind him.
"I didn't go." you say sleepily, slowly straightening yourself in the chair.
"Oh? Why? Did Robin catch your eye more? I can get that done for you as-"
"Aventurine." you cut him off coldly as you stand up to face him. He gazes to the table, noticing the pieces of the ticket.
"I don't know what your exact issue is, but I am sorry." you say softly, barely looking at him.
"You're sorry? What for?" he almost chuckles as he stands in front of you.
"I don't know!" you exclaim in slight annoyance, mind racing with thoughts.
"Did I irritate you that much that you had to rip off the ticket?" he tilts his head, gazing at the pieces.
"No.., that…" you trail off, sighing.
"I ripped it off because I thought you were mad that I gave March your ticket!" you admit, your confusion about the whole situation and even your own logic growing more expressive and loud.
"My ticket?" he tilts his head again, evidently confused as well now.
"Well yeah. I got two tickets for the two of us. It was supposed to be a surprise, but I thought you figured it out when I showed it to you this morning." you shrug, slightly playing with your fingers to calm down your nerves.
"I didn't. I thought you got two in case you lost one." he replies in a regular tone.
You remain silent.
"So, you thought that ripping the ticket would do...what exactly?" he finally speaks, tone a bit softer as he realizes.
"Make you not be mad at me for whatever reason!" you finally look at him, eyes filled with distress and tiredness.
Aventurine's expression softens as he slowly comes closer to you. He cups your cheek, making your body freeze, yet grow insanely hot within seconds. He rubs gentle circles in your cheek using his thumb, eyes lovingly observing your features.
"You are an idiot." he states bluntly, earning an offended gaze from you.
"I am an idiot." he corrects, chuckling a bit at your reaction.
"I wasn't mad at you, I was selfish." he sighs, swallowing his pride.
"Huh?" you tilt your head, slightly leaning more into his touch.
"I was selfish because...I have feelings..-"
"We all have feelings, Aventurine. Spit it out already!" you exclaim as your nerves get better of you. He pauses for a moment, face a bit more serious.
"For you, in particular." he says slowly, letting his words linger between the two of you for a few moments. An intense warmth spreads through your body, your brain still not connecting all the dots.
"So, I was being selfish by expecting from you to only have eyes for me today and despised the fact that other people were getting your attention..and compliments." he finishes up, slowly leaning away from you.
"I will get you a new ticket for the concert-"
A sudden warmth rushes through you, as this you wished for this moment for quite some time; your hands cupping his cheeks as you press your lips onto his.
He doesn't miss a beat, arms wrapping around your waist as he pulls you closer to him; his tongue finding yours as the kiss grows more needy and passionate. You slide your arms to his neck, tightly wrapping them as you suck his bottom lip between your lips, letting your tongue slide over it. He does the same to your upper lip, his arms tightening around you. The kiss becomes more desperate, soft whimpers escaping both of your throats and getting muffled by the kiss. Aventurine pulls away, slightly breathless.
"I am sorry for being an idiot.., but I just want you all for myself. If I realized sooner, you'd be mine a long time ago and none of this would've happened." he says with a pinch of desperation in his tone, slowly pulling you even closer.
"Don't worry, we all get jealous sometimes." you tease, soft chuckle following as you give him a soft kiss.
"I wasn't exactly jealous-" he tries to explain himself, but you shush him with another long, passionate kiss. Your body fills up with warmth as Aventurine deepens the kiss, his neediness breaking through each second. He pulls away for just a moment, breathing heavily as he speaks.
"Do you still think Sunday is the most handsome man on Penacony?" he asks breathlessly before he continues kissing you. You chuckle before you pull away for a moment, whispering softly.
"Let's not talk about that." you say playfully, pulling him closer to you.
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dawnagustd · 1 year
like that || jjk
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⇝ title: Like That ⇝ pairing: jungkook x f!reader  ⇝ genre: slight college au | house party au | smut ⇝ summary: Running into an awkward situation at a house party? Your first instinct is to hide. And because you have the worst luck, your hiding spot is already being occupied... by another awkward situation.  ⇝ rating: 18+  ⇝ word count: 1.7k  ⇝ warnings: unedited | strong language | rejection | a little tension | mentions alcohol but no one is drunk | consent because that’s hot | biting | scratching | bit of a strength kink | jealous/possessive!jk | soft dom!jk | praise | protected sex | dirty talk | eye contact | f*cking against the wall | restraints (wrist pinning) | teasing | big dick!jk because that’s the brand | ass grabbing | body shots?...idk what to call it but not exactly body shots | i think that’s all  ⇝ author’s note: See how late I am? This is why I’ve been absent. I have so much going on, when I have free time I just... yeah. Anyway, here it is as promised. I know it’s a mess lol.
masterlist | permanent taglist form | read on ao3
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You’ve always known your luck was shit, but running into your crush at a party was the last thing you thought would happen. Especially the day after you finally talked to him only to discover he has a girlfriend. You found out also that he’s an asshole who likes to lead people on until he feels like crushing their feelings.
You can’t see him right now. Not like this. 
Peach Cîroc staining your top, now soaked into your flesh… It’d be too embarrassing.
So, you hide. But the room you’ve chosen is already occupied.
“The fuck are you doing here?”
“Oh, shi–”
Someone’s in here, and their voice startles you. Your right palm lays flat on your chest, trying to settle your racing heart. You turn around expecting to give an apology and be on your way, but once again, shitty luck.
“Jungkook? Seriously?”
How can things go from bad to worse?
Let’s just say you’ve been… Well, you’ve been avoiding one guy so you can chase another. A couple of months ago, you went on a blind date with a guy, and he just so happens to be the person standing in front of you. Only one person enjoyed that date, and it damn sure wasn’t you.
You knew by the way your friends described him that he was too good to be true. On paper, Jungkook sounds amazing—brown eyes, healthy hair, smart, talented… hot. But no one talks about his competitiveness. The 8-year-olds at the trampoline park will never be the same.
Instead of attraction, you can only feel annoyance when it comes to his arrogance. You would rather take the walk of shame than be stuck in here… with him.
“I’m leaving.”
“No,” he interjects. “You’re hiding.”
Jungkook takes the remaining steps to close the space separating you two, and like a deer caught in headlights, you’re frozen.
“Is someone bothering you?”
“What?! No, I’m not.”
The beginning of a chuckle travels past his lips, openly mocking you. 
“You squeaked. You’re lying.” Jungkook tilts his head. “He’s out there, huh?”
Great. Everyone knows.
“Fuck off, Jungkook.”
This time he doesn’t even try to hide his amusement. His smirk just continues to grow as he stands toe to toe with you.
“Or I can do you one better,” he suggests.
Your eyebrows lift involuntarily as curiosity invades your thoughts. The thing about people who are full of themselves, they sure do talk a good game.
Tension appears to grow after his finger beckons you to come closer, his minty breath hitting your skin when he leans closer. The vibration from his words sends a tingle through your body. You suppose lack of sex will make the smallest things feel electrifying.
“...I can fuck you senseless right here against this door.”
“Oh, you’d like that, huh?”
Jungkook pulls away, taking the soothing scent of his Versace with him.
“I would,” he agrees. “And so would you if you ever gave me a chance.”
“You wouldn’t even know what to do with me.”
“You wanna bet on that?”
Silence dominates the dark bedroom as the stare-down begins. Neither of you wants to look away because that would mean defeat. That’s not an option when it comes to Jungkook.
“Scared you’ll want more, huh?”
“The lies you tell.”
Jungkook’s crooked smile never fades as he shakes his head. “I bet you’re a runner.”
“Shut up.”
In the morning, you’ll think back on this and be mad at yourself for allowing him to get you worked up.
But that’s tomorrow's problem.
“Why? Don’t want to hear the truth–”
“You get on my nerves.” You grab Jungkook’s shirt and even he’s surprised. You could care less about his taunting because this is how he behaves when he wants your attention, but that smirk has got to go. 
“I don’t care. Do something about that.”
Those glossy dark orbs hidden beneath his thick lashes focus directly on your lips. Your eyes explore his features, lingering on the tip of his tongue peeking out to bring moisture. He sucks his bottom lip between his teeth and slowly releases.
“Give me an excuse to pin you against this wall,” he whispers.
“Shut the fuck up.”
Kissing Jungkook was not in your plans tonight, but something comes over you, and you do just that. Your teeth click, and you grab at each other’s clothes as he guides you backward. When your back hits the door is when he finally comes to a stop, and his mint-tainted lips begin to venture lower. 
Jungkook grips your ass while he nips the skin of your neck, leaving traces of him along your feverish skin. Your hair entangled in his hair pulls him closer as if there is any more space left between you.
“Hold on,” he breathes. “I smell alcohol. You good?”
Thinking about earlier, you roll your eyes as you recall some frat guy bumping into you.
“Yeah, I’m okay. I just got here. Some guy made me spill my drink all over myself.”
“Oh, yeah?”
He grips your hair and tilts your head, granting him more access to your collarbone and cleavage, two areas he can’t seem to abandon. “Remind me to kick his ass before we leave.”
A shuddered gasp escapes your lips when Jungkook’s teeth attack your flesh. He scoops you off your feet in the same motion, pinning you against the door with his hips while he leaves your skin wet and bruised. You can feel his bulge when he pushes up your skirt.
“Jungkook,” you mewl, raking your nails down his biceps.
He removes his jacket so you can feel more of his warmth beneath your palms. You feel Jungkook’s hand slip between you so he can pull down his pants. In this position, it’s impossible to see what he’s working with, but you can tell by the pressure probing at your panties that you’re going to feel every inch of him.
“One sec,” he murmurs.
Jungkook reaches for his wallet and finds a condom instantly. He opens the package and rolls it effortlessly. He’s probably done it more times than you can count, but that’s none of your business. It’s your turn now.
You pull your panties out of the way, and the blunt tip of his dick begins teasing your entrance, testing the waters until he’s sure it’s okay for him to sink into your pussy.
He makes you look at him while his cock slips inside of you, wanting the image of your initial reaction in his memory. You try to give him something decent to remember, but the stretch is so overwhelming your eyes roll back.
Jungkook eventually buries his face in the crook of your neck, trying to muffle his own moans, but you hear how desperate he is to fuck you. With your permission, he makes small strokes until you both can overcome the sensitivity. 
“Pussy’s too good for you to be stressed over a piece of shit,” he murmurs into your bosom. He licks the sticky substance coating your breasts and moans. “...And you taste too good.”
He starts thrusting harder, and your bodies cause the door to rattle and shake. Your cries begin to fill the room, and Jungkook encourages them by filling your head with praises.
“You’re so hot and beautiful. You think that guy deserves to fuck you like this?”
He grabs your hands and pins them above you, supporting you with nothing but his slender but toned waist. You’re left in awe as he bounces you on his dick.
“Even if he deserved it. He couldn’t,” Jungkook adds. “He could never fuck you like this.”
You sob his name as your muscles tighten, pressure building within you as you near your peak. His forehead presses against yours, and he looks into your eyes while he fucks you. 
“But I can do it. I can fuck you like this.”
“Please,” you rasp.
“Why should I?”
You knew he’d be a little asshole. Your pride does not compare to your pleasure, however. 
“I need to come,” you mutter.
“What was that?”
After gritting your teeth, you just allow the words to flow from your mouth.
“Please let me come!”
“Fuck. Okay, love.” His pace quickens, and your moans get louder, startling everyone outside the door. Sweat forms on Jungkook’s forehead as he puts in the work to make you reach your high. “Your moans are so fucking beautiful.”
His praise drives you over the edge, and your orgasm ripples through you without warning. Your body shudders as Jungkook guides you through an intense wave of pleasure before his thrust becomes wild and he spills his load into the condom.
“You owe me a second date,” he sighs as his dick slips out of you. Both of you groan. You from the emptiness, and he from the loss of warmth. “You’re paying this time.”
“I swear you get on my nerves.”
“I still don’t care,” he laughs.
Jungkook keeps you in this position while he caresses your thighs. You’re enjoying the gentleness of his touch. So, you don’t even complain. It’s a peaceful moment, and all the concerns you had recently have been buried underneath your dickmatized state.
After some minutes go by, Jungkook finally speaks.
“I’m going to put you down now, okay?”
When your feet touch the ground is when everything sets in. You bask in it all as you both rearrange your clothing. You try to avoid Jungkook’s gaze, but it wouldn’t be him if he didn’t demand your attention.
“So, two options.”
“I’m listening.”
“We can pretend it never happened, or…”
“Or what?”
Jungkook smirks.
“We can pretend it never happened and go back to my place for round two,” he suggests.
The thought has you smiling before you even realize it. 
You respond a bit shyly. “I like option two.”
“Oh, yeah?... Well, let’s go then.”
He grabs your hand, but you both pause before opening the door. There’s no way to explain this situation to anyone, and the second that door opens people will begin talking. You aren’t entirely sure how you feel about that.
As if he can read your mind, Jungkook speaks up.
“Come on. We’ll deal with it tomorrow.”
And you know… Maybe Jungkook does deserve a second date. 
No trampoline parks, though.
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taeraeszn · 11 months
hi!! i absolutely adore your blog, im always so happy when you post ☹️ it makes me smile sm 🫡 would you mind doing a zb1 when they’re jealous reaction ?? it’s okay if not though !!!
when zb1 are jealous
hi anon, tysm for requesting!! here is yet again another table turn reaction post with zb1 being jealous instead of the reader!! this was also quite fun to write <3
i am aware that other writers have written this exact scenario for zb1, these are all completely my ideas and thoughts. any similarities are purely coincidental.
btw these are pretty long my bad
warnings: mentions of food, jealousy?, lmk if there is any more!!!
kim jiwoong
when he sees your friend casually putting their hand on your shoulder and getting closer to you, it makes him freak out even more on the inside.
and seeing you not mind it one single bit also makes his brows furrow
for some backstory, you two had been out and stopped at a local diner when one of your old friends that you haven't seen in a long time recognized you and asked how you'd been. but this friend wouldn't bother talking to jiwoong, only giving you the full attention and asking you a bunch of questions, mostly about your whereabouts
you being the kind person you are began conversing with them and sharing everything that you have been up to, such as meeting jiwoong
even then, you noticed that your boyfriend's facial expression had become more sour as he was either looking around or glaring at your friend directly
jiwoong then reached a breaking point when it had been an hour of your friend being there, along with the fact that you had barely spoken to him, he got up from his seat causing you to divert your attention to jiwoong
"jiwoong, is everything okay?" you asked, he nodded but seemed upset from the look on his face.
"yeah i just got a call from our manager, i have to go." but you noticed that his home screen didn't have a kakaotalk notification, was he lying?
he said goodbye to your friend and walked away, you heard him sigh as he walked off
you then excused yourself, "just wait." then rushing to see your boyfriend walking to the sidewalk. your footsteps quickly catched up to him and you softly grabbed his wrist
"babe, please tell me honestly. did i do something?" you asked. he then turned to face you, obviously looking disappointed at what occurred.
"i was really excited to go on a date with you, but i didn't expect for you to ignore me completely." it was then that you realized that you fucked up
"i'm sorry jiwoong, please know that i love you. i would never purposely hurt your feelings. i have no feelings for that friend, it's all you."
"i know that, i just don't want to be ignored on our dates." 
you pulled him into your arms, "i'm sorry my love, please let me repay you. let's go somewhere else, hmm? just the two of us?"
it was then that you saw his smile (yk the one where he lowkey is smirking), "i would love that."
rest of the members are under the cut!
zhang hao
you and hao were both cuddling in bed, excited to devour the food you had just placed an order on
"ugh when is the food coming?!" hao exclaimed, pouting while stretching his legs. you giggled and just as you were about to reply to him, the front doorbell rang. hao sprung up but you offered to get it, he decided to stay in bed and continue watching the film without you
but a few minutes passed and hao was wondering why you weren't coming back to bed, as he slowly rises up from his position, he heard you laughing
"wow that feels just like yesterday! i was wondering where you went after graduation." you said to the delivery worker who happened to be an old classmate from school that you hadn't heard from in a while
"well i had to move to another city for a while but decided to come back here and now i deliver food to people!"
"i'm glad your doing well!" hao's curiosity got the best of him, he followed your voice and saw you conversing with your former classmate
"oh, hello." your classmate greeted hao, he did the same and casually wrapped his arm around your shoulder
"you've been talking for a while so i decided to come out and see what's happening." he grinned, you leaned into his touch
"hao this is (name), we were classmates in high school and i just got to catch up with them! it's crazy how fast time flies by!"
"right?" your friend replied, just then they looked at their phone, "i got another delivery to go do...hey (your name), text me, i gave you my number right?" you nodded, "for sure, see you!" they then left and you shut the door.
you then faced hao was seemed like the most happiest man alive. you crossed your arms, "you're happy that they left, aren't you?" he shrugged, "i have no clue what your talking about." he walked back to your room. 
"oh please, i saw the way you were glaring, we're just friends. nothing else. why would i want to be with anyone else that isn't you?" a smile tugged at hao's lips
"you mean that?" you nodded and kissed his cheek, "a hundred percent." 
sung hanbin
"and it's just a group project?" hanbin asked for the billion time, you nodded
for the last five minutes you had been standing by the front door with hanbin, you were supposed to be out the house by now but hanbin kept asking you that same question
"yes hanbin, it's just a group project. we're just going to work on it then i'm heading home." he still seemed unsure and crossed his arms
this all began when you informed hanbin that you were heading out to work on a group project with some university classmates, though he was unsure of how to feel about it
the main reason being that one of those members in your group had confessed to liking you and still having some feelings for you, though you still ensured hanbin about it, he had mixed feelings
one of his biggest fears was you leaving him for that friend if they tried to persuade you further about going out with them
"okay...i mean, i'm totally fine with you hanging out with classmates!" he randomly said, you raised your brow, "are you sure?"
it was then that his smile faded and he became a bit more serious
"maybe i am a little bit jealous...i know that one of your group mates have confessed to liking you and it makes me wonder if their going to try and ask you out."
you sighed, placing your bag down and wrapping your hands around hanbin
"i promise that nothing is going to happen. i know that they like me but i only have feelings for you and only you hanbin. ever since that day we met, i know who i want to be with and i choose you everyday."
you could finally see his cat whiskers form after he smiled at your words, "well that makes me feel much better."
you gently kissed him, "i'm heading out now okay?" he nodded, "have fun my love."
now hanbin was certain that nobody would steal you from him
when the door shut, he grinned, he knew you were all his and only his to love
seok matthew
(yeah i'm going to make you guys really unbearable in this one LMAO i'm sorry!!)
matthew was thrilled to hear that you landed a job with a great pay, location, and hours. he knew how much you wanted to get a full time job and now that you were working, he was more proud than ever
but as you began sharing stories about your workplace and the people there, he realized that you were often mentioning one specific co-worker
this co-worker was someone who had their office right next to yours and a person you found yourself conversing with often due to your similar interests
at first he didn't seem too bothered by it as he thought that you were just getting to know them, but it later came to the point where you were bringing them up a lot at home and outside such as dates
for instance, when you were out shopping, sometimes you'd bring out the "oh (co-worker's name) likes this drink a lot!" or "i bet (co-workers name) would love this!" 
that's when matthew reached a breaking point and decided to have a chat with you about it
"(name), i understand that your getting along with your new co-worker but i'm seeing that your continuously bringing them up in every conversation. i don't have a problem with your friendships but i can't help but feel a bit..." he looked away, "jealous."
you understood and realized that it must've made matthew feel uneasy and were now regretting continuously speaking about them
"matt i'm sorry for making you feel that way, please know that it was never my intention." you said sincerely, he could only look down
"i'm not mad that your close with them, i just want you to think of how i feel when you constantly keep bringing them up." 
"i completely understand matthew. their just a coworker and that's all. i'll stop bringing them up constantly. i'm really sorry for that, what can i do to make it up to you?" 
he smirked, "i just want a day of us together, no mentions of anybody, just us as a couple. after all, your work has stolen hours that we could've been together."
you giggled and rested your head on his shoulder, "what about that new restaurant that opened nearby?" you suggested
he pecked your forehead, "i would love that."
kim taerae
you were watching one of your favourite groups perform on tv with your lightstick in hand, shouting their names for the fanchat
it had been a while since they had came back but their comeback was definitely worth the wait as the song had been on repeat everyday since it's release
taerae finally returned from practice and the first thing he saw was you screaming at your tv
"please not them, please not them." he repeated in a mantra. as he got closer to the tv, that's when he saw that group performing
he had been hearing this song all day whenever he returned home and he had already memorized the lyrics thanks to you putting it on loop
but to be fair the group performing had great stage presence and even taerae couldn't help but get sucked into their watching their performance 
"oh babe your back home?" you said, snapping him out of his focus
"yeah we just wrapped up practice. what are you doing?"
you giggled, "oh, you know that group i really like? they just had a comeback and i'm SO in love with their new song! they just performed on inkigayo!"
taerae knew about your obsession with this group, but he knew that you loved zb1 equally as much as them, you had just been into this one group longer since zb1 had just recently debuted
he then nervously glanced at you, "well babe...have you been listening to our debut? y'know in bloom is a really good song." 
seeing taerae like this was a bit cute, you knew he had mixed feelings over you saving this groups photos, watching their lives, and consuming ever content of theirs
and seeing how this group had a comeback, he knew you'd fall back into this habit and make him even more jealous
"kim taerae, don't tell me your jealous." you joked, his dimples showed as he looked away, clearly smiling in defeat
"okay yeah yeah i am." you got up and cupped his cheeks
"you know that you're the only person i love romantically taerae. they don't stand a chance against you." 
"thank you my love, i love you."
just then the performance wrapped up and now another group began performing, taerae looked at the screen and back at you, "well i guess it's me time now right?" he giggled
"yup, you have me all to yourself." you reassured
shen ricky
you and ricky were on a date at a fancy restaurant to celebrate your anniversary, ricky went all out by making sure the place had great reviews, good service and delicious food
you were enjoying it as well, devouring in the delicious food quickly not wanting to waste any more time
but just then, a server came over to get your check. ricky being the tall and handsome guy he is, handed the server his card without hesitation
“babe you don’t have to, here i’ll pay.” you offered, pulling out your card as well. ricky chuckled, “babe it’s ok, tonight is all for you.”
your cheeks began heating up at his words but then the server spoke up
“excuse me?” you looked up, “yes?”
“i just wanted to say that you look absolutely breathtaking.” your eyes widened at the server’s kind words
“oh my...thank you.” ricky smiled as well, “they're not wrong.”
“oh you stop it!” you exclaimed, “but seriously, thank you for your kind words.” 
the server shook their head, “it’s nothing. i couldn’t help but stare at you from afar. you really catched my eye.”
despite you enjoying the continuous compliments, ricky couldn’t help but feel some type of way about them, especially seeing how the server completely ignored his presence
as the night wore on, the server continuously approached you to say things to you. ricky noticed how you were living for the praises but was a bit frustrated at the server ruining your alone time with him 
(also because he was jealous that someone else’s words could swoon you)
at the end of the date, you were driving home and ricky couldn’t help but sigh in the car
you noticed his sour expression as well, “babe is everything okay?” 
he shrugged, “i don’t know, maybe you should go talk to that server since you were giggling at their compliments.”
you then put the pieces together, ricky was jealous, and you loved it. it was a rare sight to see ricky jealous but you were living for it
“ricky…that server isn’t my partner. you are. even if someone does flatter me, you are the one who makes my heart beat the most. you are the one who i’m with.”
you could see a smile begin to form on his lips, “really?”
“for sure.” he then softly held your hand while his other was on the steering wheel
“looks like i’ll need to find a new restaurant next time.”
kim gyuvin
one thing you absolutely loved was pranking your boyfriend since gyuvin gave the best reactions to almost everything
you saw the tiktok trend of where people call their partners by different name and so you decided to prank him with that exact idea
the setting was perfect! gyuvin was at your house and you two were home alone. you were now waiting for the right moment to strike
he was on his phone, seeming unbothered and scrolling through twitter. it was now time! you positioned yourself up properly to begin the shenanigans
you got your phone out and opened tiktok to go to your likes, “gyumin! look at this video!” you shoved your phone in his face
it was then that gyuvin-or gyumin paused and looked straight at you with a blank expression
“what?” his eyes looking completely puzzled
“look at this video, it’s so funny!” he then pushed your phone away lightly, eyes daggering at you
“who’s gyumin?” he said. you pretend to act laid back
“oh sorry? did i say something else?” now his mouth was wide open with his eyes popping out, you almost burst out laughing but concealed your laugh
“uh, yeah! Who’s gyumin?!” he exclaimed, “are you close with someone else named gyumin? since when did you know someone named gyumin? give me their number, i want to have a talk with them.” he suddenly said in one breath.
“calm down! It was just a mistake.” gyuvin still seemed unsure, his brows furrowed
“y’know, i should be the only gyu that you know.” he pouted
you cupped his cheeks, “gyu it was just a prank. obviously i don’t know anyone named gyumin!”
his facial expression suddenly changed as he began laughing and pulled you into his arms
“how dare you!” he yelled, then kissing you gently on the forehead
you giggled, “what was that for?”
“just to remind you that i love you.” he murmured, “i love you too, gyumin.” you blurted out
park gunwook
“noooooo!” your boyfriend yelled, refusing to let go of you. You sighed while playfully rolling your eyes 
“gunwook, i have to go.” you said for the thousandth time
“why don’t you just get tutoring from me?” he suggested. 
“are you sure about that? You struggled on conjugating ‘to eat’”. you then attempted to grab your bag that was lying on the floor
“hey! that was a one time thing.” he whined, “and anyways, I’m not letting you leave.”
to put it short, gunwook was jealous of your new tutor as they were incredibly attractive
gunwook also knew them personally and the last thing he wanted was for you to fall for them
he didn’t want you to leave and tried everything to prevent you from leaving, but in the end, he knew you would have to leave for the lessons
“gunwook, i promise that nothing will happen between us. they're just teaching me japanese, that’s it!” his facial expression thought otherwise
“yeah sure and then what happens? maybe they’ll confess!” you sighed
“do you actually not want me to go?” gunwook then freed you from his arms and seemed more relaxed than before
“i don’t know, it’s just…i liked you for so long before confessing and i don’t want to think of someone else taking you away from me.”
you giggled, “yeah i remember when you chased after me for months so that we could become close."
gunwook’s hand gently held yours, the silence was calming as it showed your love with your boyfriend
“i’m sorry i overreacted, if you want to go for your lesson now then i won’t stop you.”
you smiled, “it’s okay gunwook, i’ll be sure to show you everything i learned!”
you finally saw his grin return, “okay, have fun!” he waved
It was then that you could finally grab your bag and say goodbye to your boyfriend, then leaving the house to head to your tutor’s place
han yujin
in class you were sitting at your desk that was situated at the corner of the class, just scrolling on your phone out of boredom
you had a small break in between your classes and yujin had just left the class
as you looked up from your screen, you saw your classmate minseo standing in front of you
“hi (name)!” they greeted. minseo was the class president and someone who was very well liked among your classmates
“hi!” you put your phone away to give your full attention to him
“i was wondering if you wanted to head to the convenience store nearby at lunch since all my friends are gone today.” you knew minseo was someone who liked having someone tag along with them rather than being alone, and you two had recently began getting close with one another
“sure why not?” you grinned. just then yujin walked in with his earphones in, he noticed you and minseo having a conversation and slowly took them out to hear your conversation clearer
“great! want to meet up at the front door when the bell rings?” they suggested, “sounds good!”
“thanks (name), i really appreciate it.” you waved goodbye and minseo returned back to their desk at the front
yujin approached you, “what did minseo say to you?”
you shrugged, “they asked if i wanted to hang out with them at lunch since their friends are all absent today.”
knowing how nice you were to nearly everyone, yujin assumed that you said yes to minseo’s offer, but deep inside he was wishing you’d hang out with him at lunch instead
“oh…so did you say yes?” you nodded
“oh, okay..” he walked back to his desk but you noticed that yujin grew much quieter afterwards, not speaking much to his peers and only when the teacher called on him
when the bell for lunch rang, everyone rushed out and you were the last to leave. but as you were about to head for the staircase, you felt someone softly grip your wrist
you turned to see yujin, “are you actually going with minseo?” you nodded, “yeah, i’ll see you later okay?”
“wait!” he exclaimed, “can we spend time today after school? I want to also hang out with you.” he shyly looked down
you chuckled, “don’t tell me you're jealous han yujin.” he looked up, “how did you know?”
“it’s quite obvious since you kept glaring at minseo the entire class, and now your saying you want to hang out this afternoon when you usually head to the academy.”
he looked away in embarrassment, “okay you got me.” he then softly held your hand, “have fun okay?” 
“i will, and i’ll see you after school.” you waved goodbye and went your different ways
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anthurak · 5 months
-claps hands- OKAY, big family drama theory time!
After watching the last couple of episodes a few times, not only am do I have a VERY good feeling about Rosie an incognito Eve, I think we actually have some hints of some drama that may have gone down between her, Lilith and Lucifer.
First of all, EVERYTHING between Rosie and Charlie just screams ‘secretly a close family member’ vibe. From Rosie referring to herself as ‘Auntie Rosie’ to Charlie, to the way she gets oddly invested in helping Charlie despite seemingly being some random Overlord while also pushing Charlie to grow and take charge for herself. And of course, that whole line about Rosie’s ‘first husband’ absolutely feels like a dig at Adam, as well as bringing that visual gag of him eating ribs in the first episode hilariously full circle.
Frankly, at this point the ONLY other character who could feasibly fill Rosie’s role would be Lilith herself, and thanks to that ending reveal, she’s off the table. Basically I am really going to be more surprised if Rosie ISN’T Eve at this point.
Now for the relationship theories, because Episode 8 dropped the VERY juicy confirmation that Eve apparently did in fact leave Adam for Lucifer and likely by extension, Lilith.
Which in turn puts Rosie’s relationship advice to Charlie regarding Vaggie the previous episode into likewise a VERY interesting context. Particularly the bits where Rosie discusses making mistakes in a tone that all but SCREAMS that she is speaking from personal experience.
Putting all the context clues together, I’ve now got a hunch that Eve left Adam for Lilith and Lucifer. Then at some later point, something bad happened between the three of them, possibly eventually being a factor in Lucifer and Lilith separating, and Eve/Rosie blames herself for causing it. Perhaps she got jealous of Lilith after falling hard for Lucifer? Or maybe she got jealous of Lucifer after falling hard for LILITH?
Then of course we have the design choice of the greyed out dots on Rosie’s cheeks that look curiously similar to Charlie’s red dots, which could easily turn out to be a hint at Rosie/Eve being Charlie’s real mother. Which in turn could imply all sorts of juicy drama about Eve possibly seducing Lucifer.
Or heck, maybe Eve seduced Lucifer AND Lilith and Charlie’s actually got Gilgamesh-parentage (personally I like this idea more XD)
Either way, I am quite intrigued by where this might end up leading.
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heartilywrites · 16 days
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀،، 𝓜ine ; Korra
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resume: where Korra finds herself wondering about you.
content warning: comfort ; Korra x fem!reader ; Mako and Bolin being wingmen ; no use of y/n
wc: 1.1k
a/n: HI HELLO 👋🏼 i reappear here with a short tiny spontaneous korra fic to thank you for 100 followers and also to thank all the love you give to my writes you have no idea how it melts my heart knowing you all like what i write <33 i had my doubts since english is not my first language, but you all really make me want to keep writing !!! this os goes also for the ones asking me for more korra content and for the ones that have requested and i haven't posted your request, know that i am working on them. HOPE YOU ENJOY AND I'LL REOPEN REQUEST SINCE I'M BACK <33
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“ I can't help it, I'm just selfish, there's no way that I could share you.
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Mako was almost sure he could hear the way Korra's teeth were grinding. Her blue eyes were fixated in one specific point and her jaw clenching, he followed her gaze and his own eyes met your silhouette laughing with some other girl who was a little bit touchy with your arm
Korra and you didn’t have a romantic relationship... yet, she always says, it's only a matter of finding the right time and place to tell you and it definitely wasn't in a party celebrating the probending championship.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “You'll hurt your teeth if you keep doing that.” the firebender called for the avatar, cutting her thoughts on how she could fight the girl for you. “You should maybe do something about it and stop killing people in your mind when they're with her.”
Korra looked back at him, he knew about the girl's crush on you, just as Bolin and Asami did. Everyone in the group were well aware of how she ogled you at every chance she had to look your way.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I don't think here is the correct place, you know.” her eyes went back at the two of you, you now looked very interested in whatever the hell the girl was saying and that made her heart dropped.
That should be her making you laugh, that should be her having you look fondly and interested in anything she said. The avatar crushed her cup of water in her hand, Mako watched with his brows raised.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I'm just saying, you should start working before someone else make a move on her.” he finished taking a sip of his drink.
And for you... Just one person was aware of how you would ogled her when she was distracted.
Bolin gave you the idea on making Korra jealous so she could action, you tried to be the one to take the first step before and were met with a one-sided flirt or an interpretation of a friend outing instead of a date, so you gave up.
You didn’t know if your flirting was just bad and sad or Korra was ignoring it since she didn’t feel the same way about you, but it was the earthbender accidentally being a wingman saying how Korra didn’t stop talking about you and how pretty she found you on one of your dinners with him that made you decided that maybe you would wait for her to make a move when she felt comfortable enough... But it felt eternal.
You knew the plan your friend gave you was working when in a quick glance of the place while the girl was talking about some weird bending move she claimed to create your eyes bumped into Korra's for a second and the way her blue eyes looked cold and electric sent chills down your spine, so you continued with the plan.
Your hand looked to caress the firebender's arm with what would be interpreted as a second intention which made the girl move closer to you and Korra stood up from her seat scaring Mako who looked at her.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Uhh, Korra, I need you to think with a cold head what you'll do.” the guy at her side said and she moved her hand to shush him.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I got this, fuck time and place.” she said before making her way to you.
You were way too focused on not looking away to not give another impression that when the avatar took you by the arm and pulled you away you stumbled a little bit with your own feet.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “What the fuck!? Who–” your exclamation stopped mid sentence when your eyes met the blue ones and your legs almost failed you. “Korra...” the calling of her name left your mouth as if you were out of breath.
And you kinda were; the avatar had this serious grimace painted on her face and her aura felt intimidating. You heard the girl you were talking with protest to the avatar on how she was speaking to you, her eyes shot at her and Korra straightened her posture.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Yeah, well, she's going with me now.” she said tilting her head to the side. “Any problem with that?”
The firebender looked for help on your side but you were way too concentrated on Korra to notice anything else. She shrugged and went back to the bar.
Her eyes got back at you and you could actually see how they softened at your sight, non-verbally Korra requested to be out the place with you and you agreed.
The walk out was quiet, once the talks and music sounded distance you two took seats in the concrete stairs outside the place. Your eyes never left Korra, it was clear at how mesmerized and stunned you were at the scene, you imagined everything but that.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I'm sorry if I was too harsh on you, I just...” her words mixed in the wind, she stopped to think of how to follow. “I was, uhm, I was jealous.”
Your heart skipped a beat, it worked.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “It's just... I couldn't bear to see you with anyone else that isn't me.” she continued, her gaze was avoiding yours until that sentence. That electric blue that made your legs shake met your curious eyes. “I've liked you for quite some time now... And I know this isn't the time or place to say it–.”
Your lips didn’t let her finish whatever she wanted to say as they were pressing hers, at first it was a shy tiny kiss which had Korra stunned at the action. When you pulled away, a flirty smile was growing in your face.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “You like me, you think of me, you couldn't see me with another girl, you were sooo jealous.” you teased her speaking over her lips. That gave Korra the courage to take you by the waist and place you on her lap, your eyes opened with surprise.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “What if I am? You're mine now, I don’t have to share you with anyone else.” she attacked back, feels of tingles at the brush of her lips on yours. “You're mine, aren't you? Can I call you mine?”
It definitely felt almost like a dream, one which you didn’t to wake up anymore. A big smile began to grow in your own mouth. “Of course, I'm yours all yours.”
You had so much to thank Bolin the next day.
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How does it feel to be in love with you + How does your current/future lover view you?
It's been a long time since I have done a reading as I was on a break I guess but I am back for now and I sincerely hope you will love this reading.
¶How to pick a pile : If you have difficulty choosing a pile. Then take a breath and close your eyes. After opening your eyes, the picture you see first is your pile. Don't doubt your gut/intuition. Trust your intuition.
¶Disclaimer ⚠️ : This is a general reading. So, take what resonates and leave behind the rest. Some messages may not resonate with you. This reading is for entertainment purposes. Don't make decisions depending on this reading. You are the only one who creates your own reality.
ᴘɪʟᴇs -> 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
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Group 1
How does it feel to be in love with you?
It's ethereal, to be in love with you means someone is getting a devoted lover who will be there for them 24/7 It feels to be lucky to be in love with you. You take care of likes and dislikes of the person. You constantly check upon your partner are they feeling all right without bring too obvious about it. You like to romanticize your partner a lot, a lot I mean. You are a lover which we see in rom-com you have a unique kind of humour which everyone thinks is kinda weird but you love making your partner laugh. You have your flaws too, you may sometimes be seen as an overprotective person and you are easily jealous. Your love language is gift giving and words of affirmation and a little bit of everything. The best part is that you respect the boundaries of your partner. Also the best supporter they could ever get. When they are anxious about something, you help them calm down by finding a logical solution. If there is a special occasion you will always prefer to plan a surprise for your partner. You may like to plan a small and cute date with them too (They find it cute though).
How does your lover view you?
Are you in a relationship currently? If you are, it's from them.
They see you as someone who is dreamy. They are so cute, gosh. They have such a sweet vibe to them. They respect you so so much and they may speak/type a bit faster than normal. They always think about you and find excuses to see you, meet you and talk to you. They may like to play an instrument or sing something for you. They want to travel with you. Their thoughts are filled with you. They seem to think how can someone be so pretty/handsome and still be with them (they are insecure of themselves a bit). Your saying is a order to them (not in a bad way) but they want to serve to you, surrender themselves to you. You seem out of their league to them. They may wear glasses/contact lenses. They were/will be in love with you when the first time they laid their eyes upon you. They want all of you for themselves only. But the thing they dislike about you is that you seem to hide things not to burden them but they want to share your worries too. Like they want to say, "If I laughed with you in your happiness then I want to share your sadness in bad times that's what I am here for you".
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Group 11
How does it feel to be in love with you?
You are a childish and mature person at the same time. No one, seriously no one can expect what will come up next with you. It's a blessing to be in love with you. It's being like the partner is being taken care of and you need to be taken care of by your partner (emotionally, mentally and physically) You are an independent person and you don't cling too much. Your maturity is the best part you handle every situation like no one else can whether it be at home , work or in love. You may not look like but you care for your lover so so much that even they don't have the idea. You take some time to open up to someone. You may love to buy things for your lover and being touchy with them. You want to see them every minute of the day but somehow you don't make it obvious. They are on your mind all the time. You think you have gone crazy by how you feel because of them. You daydream about your future with them and want to be complimented by them. You want their focus to be on you and you only. You treat them the best and you respect them. Your lover is always admired by you. You both are team and want to fight against odds together.
How does your lover view you?
Your lover exudes the same energy as you. They love that you are an independent person and you don't need anyone to take care of you but you still have fallen for them. Your love is genuine for them. You understand them the best maybe in their life most people misunderstood them and they're very much glad that their lover is the best. They see you as god/goddess and literally want to worship you exactly like "I kiss the ground, she walks on." Your lover is wealthy like filthy rich and they want you to be spoiled (in a good way). You take their breath away every moment they see you even if you are just laying on your bed. They love to adore you. You both are mature persons, both of you can disagree on something (and that's totally normal) but both of you take care of it so maturely. This may be a long-term comittment or even lead to marriage. They love your mind. Your lover is someone who is just sexual as you. The sexual tension you both have, Oh Ma Gawd don't even get me started. They love going on dates with you and spending quality time together. Their love language may even be acts of service. They love you so so much, you better be ready for them.
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Group 111
How does it feel to be in love with you?
Being in love with you is the best feeling. Everybody wants to have a taste of your love. Do you have a thing for sweet eatables or chocolate? You would do anything for your lover, anything. You love to be in love. You give butterflies to your partner just by being yourself. You are more chatty around your partner than normally. You are different person in front of others amd your person. You are mysterious, detached towards others while soft, cute in front of your person. You brag about them in front of your friends, parents about how they take care of you and are so good to you. You may like public display of affection because you live to show off in front of others (in a good way ofc) You maybe into social media and you never forget to mention about them whenever you get the chance. You love baking and cooking for them. You are a good cook tbh, keep it up. You make sure when you leave/enter your home to interact with your partner. You are the cutest and sweetest, dang.
How does your lover view you?
Your lover has only eyes for you, when they are with you nothing else matters for them, you are the only one who matters to them. Your lover will be always ready if someone hurt you, kinda protective but not overprotective. They view you as a kind, calm soul that is familiar to them, maybe you both have a past-life connection. Whenever they are sad your one smile fades all that away. Your kindness is fascinating to them. You love kids and animals. They just want you to lean on them a bit more because you seem to go through everything on your own. You never let anything get in your way whether it'd be a person or any obstacle. You are brave and courageous and they admire that. You have that work-life balance you maintain that they may have not. You give extra attention towards your health than anything else. You may like to get dressed up and they like your fashion sense maybe it's a bit quirky but still you slay it like a king/queen.
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❥ Thank you for reading this. That's all I have for you today. If you want to check my other pacs, then click here. Hope you have a great day ahead :)
© fantasticnerdluminary ™ all rights reserved 2022.
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dangerpronebuddie · 18 days
Been talking to a bunch of people about a bunch of things since that episode, and despite how mad I am, I still have hope. (Foolish? Quite possibly).
Hold onto your hoola hoops folks, this is long lol.
I'll start with the issue that affects the most characters: our beloathed bigot, Captain Gerrard. He has something against each and every one of the characters: race, gender, sexuality, what socks they wore on Thursday. This jackass hates everyone.
Judging by the still Tim shared, Ortiz had a hand in putting him in charge. It's honestly the most logical explanation since we could've easily had Hen or even Chim as captain again if push came to shove (and captain Han again could've been really interesting considering 6x14 but I digress). Regardless, he's there. And he's going to make everyone's lives misery. And no one is going to let him. He's intruding on a family. Not one of them is going to willingly stay silent. It's much more likely they'll have to hold each other back.
The one person that likely won't stick up for them? Tommy. Don't attack me yet, hear me out. We know how he was in the Begins episodes. But when he came back in 7x03 he had a dry sense of humor and an attitude that could've mixed well with the 118 (I'll admit it. I liked him in 7x03). But 7x04 emphasized not only Buck's jealousy that Eddie was spending time with Tommy, but also Tommy's jealousy of Buck and the fact he has a family at the 118 and with the Diaz boys. He has high expectations and gets pissed when they aren't met (re: expecting Buck to be completely comfortable and out for their first date just days after their kiss and then leaving him on the curb when he wasn't). He dismisses Buck's wants and concerns (not even trying for the bachelor party and then waving off Buck's worry over Bobby because his real dad's alive). That last bit, that 7x10 scene was quite deliberate.
I'm not going to get into the kink joke. That's not even an issue. But Buck was worried about his surrogate dad and wanted someone to lean on, only for Tommy to dismiss said worry and then spin it to be "woe is me" about how he didn't have that found family, or a real family. The jealousy he feels towards present day 118 keeps on being addressed. Any topic Buck discusses with him is waved off as if it means nothing. What does that mean for Gerrard being back?
Well. Tommy's "tough luck kid" attitude towards Buck isn't likely to stop. They've made no move to suggest it will. So when Buck wants to vent about how bad Gerrard is, Tommy is going to dismiss it. "I had to put up with it too, ya know." No empathy, no support, just diminishing valid worries and making Buck the butt of the joke, as always. (Side note: see a pattern? Any specific characters ring a bell... at all?)
Why does this matter? Jealousy started this relationship. Jealousy will end this relationship. Just like Abby finding herself started and ended that, Buck's job started and ended Ali, Taylor's job started and ended that, and Buck's death started and ended Nat. Jealousy (in general and involving Eddie) started BT. Catch my drift? When Tommy gets jealous that the 118 stick up for one another and support one another and when he sees Buck and Eddie lean on each other more and more, he's not going to stick around long. Will it be a confrontation? Most likely. Unless he gets the LI treatment and it happens off screen. I think it would be more fulfilling on screen and show the most growth from Buck, like the Taylor breakup did.
As for dealing with the bigot himself, he's either going to be reported, replaced, or rigor mortised. I see Bobby having to do some intense healing both physically and mentally before he returns either to work in general or as Captain (I really have no idea whether they'd basically demote him to have Gerrard or not. I don't get it pero ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯). Also, his heart stopped for 14 minutes and he just walked away?? Sure, Jan. But maybe it's a 911 miracle. Or it could be like Buck in 3x01. An injury you think is completely fine only for it to come back to haunt you. But considering Bobby mirrors Eddie, it's much more likely his mental health takes the biggest hit and gets to heal (unlike my poor Eddie. I'm still so pissed. More on that later). He also resigned. That has to be fixed. He'll probably be forced into therapy, either by the department or Athena (who should go herself and I'd be incredibly disappointed if she didn't suggest he see someone). And once that's all dealt with, he'll be back to work. How long that will take? Don't know. Whether he directly replaces Gerrard or if the jackass is already gone when he gets back? Also don't know. (Little side note that's totally unrelated: I want to see Eddie as Captain at least once. It would be interesting to see).
And then there's Ortiz, the supposed puppet master. Drama for the sake of drama. I think they just couldn't have more than two or three happy characters in a finale so they decide to traumatize the children and torture Hen and Karen as usual. I hate it. But I'm focusing on what they'll do with it. I've hated storylines before and some have been resolved, some have been dropped (for now). But what they'll do with this woman? I don't know. Will she find out Madney has Mara and go after them? I don't know. Her end goal and their plan for her is the one thing I simply cannot figure out (yet).
And the most heartbreaking and infuriating of all... My Diaz boys. I cannot begin to tell you how upset I am over that. I can't. There's so much they could've done instead and so much I hate about what they did. These boys have been fighting since day one to heal and as soon as they take a step forward, they're yanked five steps back and punished for being in pain. I cried twice yesterday talking about Chris. So I won't get into all that. My anger is not the point.
Right now, Helena is the victor. She proved herself right. Eddie is unfit, incapable, unstable. She didn't want Eddie to drag Chris down with him and Eddie has spent the entire time since she said those words preventing it. He's tried to show Chris they're enough just the two of them, that no one can tell Chris he's different, that people do stay, that running from the problem won't sto-
*Record scratch*
Eddie learned from experience that the Diaz way of handling everything (re: not at all) doesn't work. You can't run from the problem and expect it to go away. That's how you start piling up those boxes Frank warned him about. He knows that running doesn't work, and he (and Buck) have consistently shown Chris that staying is what matters (insert Buck's definition of love). But Helena and Ramon just showed Chris he can run from his problems.
Now, Chris is a smart kid. Like Carla said, I think he understands a lot more than we'd like him to. 7x01 broke my heart when he admitted that love didn't matter because everyone just leaves anyway. He's still in the mindset that whether or not you stay makes no difference. He's going to realize that, in fact, it does. Because the way Eddie loves him is vastly different than the way his grandparents do. And it won't take long for him to realize that. The only way Helena will see that Eddie is a good dad is if Chris confirms it.
Whether or not he and Eddie will have patched things up by the time he wants to go home is still up in the air. I think I would personally prefer to see the work they put in to repair this. I love how Eddie and Chris communicate. No matter the issue, they always talk about it eventually. It may take a little bit for them to get to that point, but when they do it's beautiful to see (the skateboard, Eddie's therapy, Chris' independence).
And speaking of communication, can they please clarify that Eddie only hugged Kim???? Everyone acted like they found them in bed together! I need that cleared up because the reactions from the others were disproportionate. (Chris I understand, but Buck implied Eddie and Kim slept together and so did the parents. Bad editing. Happened a lot this season).
As for buddie, I have no complaints on them this season at all. The communication, the openness, the vulnerability they had with each other was remarkable. We made headway this season. And now, for however long Chris is away, Eddie and Buck will only be BuckandEddie. They are the only thing each of them is allowed to have, and I'm really hoping they actually lean into that. Feelings realization on one part at the very least. What sparks it? Who knows! It could be Chris' absence making them reexamine their relationship, Tommy pointing out their bond, one of them getting hurt and the other absolutely losing it (Drown Buck 2024/ Trap Eddie 2024). (I have way more buddie specific specs but here isn't the place for them all lol). The possibilities there are endless. And I am excited for it, despite of- and in spite of- that finale.
Am I still incredibly pissed at the episode? Yeah. Was the season lackluster overall? Also yeah. Ten episodes and constantly changing plans doesn't make for a good season. But I'm still going to stay hopeful. It's a beautiful story and I'm letting them tell it, but these bonkers decisions really need to be fixed. And soon.
Anyway, if you read this I love you 🩷 (and tell me your own specs/ hopes for the next season!)
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shhh-secret-time · 4 months
is me again hiiiii:•)
you don't have to do it right away, but the sp writing fandom is pretty busy with irl stuff from what i can see and i'm literally dying of withdrawals from no lovesick-idiot mccormick like its such a vital need for me to be alive. suave kenny is great, but STUPIDLY red-faced kenny fumbling a corny pickup line? [SLAMMING THE TABLE]
if you have a crumb of anything at all with kenny being a dummy when it comes to his lover, spare please if you want actually i'm not forcing give it now it's ok 🤲
- 🪼
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Well hi you! I'm glad to see you back! I hope you guys don't mind that I combo'd yours together again! I'm so glad more of you are asking for Kenny! I couldn't resist the "Can't take a compliment to save his life" Kenny. Because same.
Warning: NSFW, Strong Language, Bad Flirting, Praise Kink
Pairing: Kenny x GN!Reader
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The way his hair lays across your lap makes it look like little strands of golden thread. Such a peaceful look on his face would make any man jealous. That little thought tickled the front of his brain, how lucky of man he was.
Kenny opens his eyes just a bit, heavy lids beckoning him to close them again. It takes all his willpower not to listen to the sleepy siren song. But how could he even consider that when you look so beautiful.
He takes in every little detail he can. Watching your eyes move across your phone, it's hypnotic. You're not paying attention to him and sometimes he likes it that way. Getting to admire you in peace like this, without you trying to hide the things he loves so much about you.
But sure enough, when you feel his loving eyes on you, you stop and raise a brow down at him. He can't stop the lazy smirk that tugs at his lips. It makes you smile in return and Kenny feels his heart pounding in his chest.
"How's the most beautiful person in South Park feeling?" Kenny purrs up at you.
His flirting makes you chuckle and run your fingers through his hair. It only encourages him, you know that. Just a bit of attention from you and he becomes an addict wanting more and more. All you did was smile and laugh, and he's already pushing for more of that sweet sound.
"I don't know, how is he feeling?" You hum softly as you push the shaggy bangs out of his face.
You have to stifle back another laugh when you see his eyes widen. Even more so when a small blush begins creeping up his neck. He'd be lying to himself and any God that was listening if he thought you were going to shoot back like that. His heart wasn't ready, not by the way it slammed against his chest.
"You're a big flirt Angel. C'mon now, don't upstage me at my own art." He says trying to recover from the little counterattack.
"But Kenneth," Oh the way you say his full name. Even in that playful tone, it would make him stand at attention. "You're the real piece of art here."
And oh, the way your fingers trace down his jawline, like you're trying to memorize all his features on touch alone. Kenny's breath hitches in his throat, hoping that you don't feel the way his face heats up under your touch.
"S-Sweetheart. You're laying in on a little thick."
"Am I? I don’t think I tell you enough."
How can you sit there and tell him something like that so easily? The shade of your eyes holding such a deep passion. You look at him as if he's the most precious thing in the world, like the most devoted would their God.
"I don't think you hear it enough. I love you, Kenny. I love you so very much." You pause for only a moment, "From the way you smile at me with that earnest smile. I know you're trying so hard…even when you're tired, you're smiling and it's so beautiful."
"Oh, and the way you take care of those around you. I could go on for hours about how I adore you for that. You always make sure other people are happy before yourself. That heart of yours is gorgeous."
Fucking shit.
"And the way your eyes light up when you get excited. Oh, it's so cute! Pretty lavender eyes, I get envious when they're not on me. How could I not admire you as art?"
But they are! Always! He wants to tell you that, but the way you speak so softly. The way your voice drops to a whisper, tracing his lips as you speak. He can do nothing but open his mouth in awe. The blush on his face deepens and crawls up to the tip of his ears.
Just as he throws his arm over his eyes, burying his flustered face into the crook of his elbow, you let out a laugh. The sound rings out like a bell, a sound he wants to remember for the rest of his life.
"Kenny, don't hide from me baby~. Please." You know his weakness, a whisper against the shell of his ear in that pleading tone.
Kenny groans and slowly moves his arm away. He's barley able to look you in the eye. The way he tugs his bottom lip in between his teeth tells you everything you need. His face is such a deep red you think his skin is going to be permanently stained by that cherry color. In between nibbling on his bottom lip, the soft pink flesh quivers into a wavy line. From the way his fingers tap against his knuckles you know he wants to pull his hood up and pull the strings to hide his face.
So, you take them in yours and bring them up to your lips, pressing a kiss onto his bruised looking knuckles. You trail your kisses from his knuckles to the palm of his hand where you nuzzle into the warmth.
"And how could I forget these hands. These hands that protect people… these hands that hold me when I need it. The way you touch me with them makes me feel so loved." You hide the little smirk in his palm, watching the way he tries to hide into the side of your thighs.
"I-…I do love you. I love you so much." You think you hear him moan but it's hard to tell from the way his muffled voice barely reaches your ears.
If it was there’s no way you were going to let him hide them from you. You let his hands face go and cup the side of his face. Just like before you bend over and guide his face back towards yours. Your lips brush against his not quite kissing them yet, you want to see if his mind is still working.
Luckily, it still is. Once he registers that you've got your beautiful soft lips on his, he presses into them with a shaky breath. It feels like he can't catch his breath the way the kiss pulls the air out of his lungs. The rhythmic pounding of his heart picking up speed made its way up into his ears. Every time you pulled away traces of mint would make his mind hazy, only for your lips to anchor him right back in.
Kenny's kissed you before, plenty of times he'd ambush you and pepper your faces with an assault of his love. He’s snuck up behind you and dipped you in his arms, placing a passionate kiss before you could even register what was going on. A few times it earned him a smack on the shoulder or a punch but every time it was worth it.
Kenny's kissed you with want and need behind every little press of his lips. Everyone who knew him knew he was a physical lover, expressing admiration in touch. What better way to tell you how badly he craves you than with a long-drawn-out kiss?
Kenny kisses you with a toothache, how sweet you taste moving your lips across his.
He reaches up. His fingers through the locks of your hair, intertwining fingers through them so carefully one would think you were made of glass. His faded lifeline brushes against your chin and settles right on your jaw line.
His lifeline.
"I love you." Kenny repeats himself.
"I love you too." So do you. Sneaking in the affection, weaving it between the kisses that just won't stop.
You can't stop, not when you can feel all the love, he's giving you. Normally it's his tongue that sings your praises. Kenny McCormick gave you all he had and more. He was a well of devotion and how you wanted to just keep pulling from him.
But sometimes you needed to remind him to take his fill. He could take from you more than he does, that it was alright to be a greedy man. That he didn't need to give so much without getting a little in return.
"No other man makes me feel like you do. When my time comes, I'll always remember you Kenny and all that you do." You whisper with that beautiful smile coming across that gorgeous face.
God if you only knew what you were saying to him. If you knew how heavy your words sat in his heart. You'd remember him? Through everything you'd remember him.
Your words echoed in his mind, your voice sounds like you are worshiping him. It should be the other way around. It's always been the other way around. He was put on this earth to serve, and when the universe gave him you, he was rewarded. Every time he felt the cold embrace of death, he'd wake up the next morning with his head in your lap.
Warm and safe. Home.
Does a man like him deserve more? Does he deserve to have his heart beating so deeply from your praise. Did he deserve to feel the way your lids lower, staring at him like he was the low lamp light of heaven?
"Can I tell you something Ken?" You start to say, snapping him out of the spell you've put him under. "I think I'd love you no matter what universe we were in."
Did you know just how much he'd do for you? The things he'd do to get back home to you. That there wasn't a god or death in the universe that would keep you from him. What he would do to anything that tried to get in between the two of you?
That was it. This is what was going to take him out, but if it was you maybe he wouldn't care.
Luckily it doesn't, not this time anyway. Kenny pulls away from your touch, sitting up with his back facing you only for only a moment. He knows he hasn't said anything in a while, but his silence doesn't scare you. You know him better than that. You know him better than any person has even bothered to.
He twists his body until he's facing you with either leg resting by your hip. His knees propped up to cage your body with his. Hands find home on your waist, pulling you into their lap. Kenny tilts his head like he's going in for another kiss.
"I know we would. I'd find you and give you my heart every time." Confession never sounded so saintly, not by the way Kenny says it.
The blond doesn't even seem to mind that his face is still a deep crimson, that he's all but shaking while holding you. The man's a lovesick fool.
"And I'd give you mine. My Kenny."
"My Angel."
Lips connect again ending the praise and sweet names. Hands begin exploring bodies, mapping every inch of skin. Calloused fingers push up against your soft skin and Kenny can't help but damn himself for how rough they feel against you.
But you seem to love it. You seem to love everything he does. When the pads of his fingers trace up and down your spine it makes your arch your back, chest pushed into him. The barrier of clothes has never really been a problem for Kenny, but tonight they were the source of his frustration. He needed to feel you against him, to touch you and feel that warmth that makes his skin buzz.
When your shirt is peeled off you expect him to dive straight towards your flesh like he had done so many nights like this. Instead, his hand comes up to the back of your neck and he presses his forehead against yours. He calls you an angel again, reminding you that you’re his, before his eyes trail down your form.
Why couldn't he just put into words how you made him feel? Put it in a way that wasn't a stupid pick-up line or some filthy comment. Kenny wishes he could just tell you, tell you how you're the only thing that makes him feel like this. He wants to tell you all the things you're so quick to tell him. But he can't. He can't form love on his tongue like you. He forms love on his tongue the only way he knows how.
His head dips down right where your shoulder connects with your neck, pressing a kiss into tender pulse of your heartbeat. Hoping it'll carry down your body landing right where it needs to. The pleased sigh it pulls from you tells him that's exactly where it went. Kenny speaks to you through chapped lips on skin trailing down your neck. Where he'd normally leave red splotches, tonight he leaves promises.
I love you. - a kiss on your collarbone, he lays you on your back against the bed.
You mean everything to me. - he bites your flesh and swirls his tongue, tasting you.
Don't forget this, don't forget me. Please. - he begs with a shaky sigh as he comes up for air only to dive right back to the other side of your neck.
Your hands slip into the folds of his orange jacket to push it down his arms. He tears himself away from you just long enough to grant your silent request. Sitting on his knees, he tosses the jacket to the side where it disappears somewhere in your room. Next is his worn-out tank top that leaves him bare to the cool air.
"You're so pretty Ken." Your voice and hand beckon him back down as you trail fingers up his chest.
He groans into the crook of your neck followed by a soft moan. He can feel himself slipping each time you compliment him. The feeling fuels him further, tugging your bottoms off. You feel him fumble for a moment until his thumbs hook into the waistband of your underwear, there he smooths out the flesh under them with the pads of his thumb. Rolling your hips up against him, you can feel just how pretty he thinks you are.
"M'gonna make you feel so good baby." He promises as he finally removes the clothing separating you.
He finishes removing your underwear and starts working on the rest of his clothes. Pants with a silver chain on the side and boxers that only served to keep him away from you. His silver necklace dangles off his neck between the both of you as he crawls back over you. Somewhere along the way he hooks his arm under your leg, pushing it up towards your head. His other hand follows by skimming up your thigh and gathering it up into his palm. They guide your legs apart, opening you up for him.
"I know you will." You laugh. Not at him. But in a way that's so carefree, "You always do, you're so good to me."
Kenny's hips buck forward in response pulling another sweet moan from you. Another one of many he hopes. He bites his lip when you take his member into your hands, gently guiding it into your warmth. It's slow the way he nudges the tip against you, opening you further to him. He wants you- needs you to memorize every inch of him so he takes it slower. Sinking further into you until he bottoms out.
Moans mix in the silence of your room. Until you lull your head to the side with that same pleased smile. "That's it. You feel so good Kenny. Come on love, have me like only you can do."
He almost feels bad when he squeezed your thigh, so sure that you'll complain about the bruise later, but you know what you're doing. You know praising him lead to this point, even if that wasn't your intention. To pull a gasp from him was just a little treat, one you were happy to have again and again.
When he drags his cock out of you, you mewl and squirm under his grasp. Your back arches again trying to encourage him to take more of you. Every long drag brush against your walls, every move feels calculated. He knows your body, knows where to push and grind to pull every sweet sound out of you.
Every time you call out his name, he feels his control lose and any other time it wouldn't be a problem. Right now, he hates it, he wants to take this slow and show you what you mean to him. But he can't, not when you press a kiss onto his throat whispering praise after praise into his pale flesh.
Kenny's hips snap forward, long slow thrusts have turned to sharp quick ones. "Say it again." He pants in-between each slam, "tell me you want me."
"I want you! God, please!" You cry out just as you wrap your arms around his neck.
"I want you, Kenny!"
He can feel it, he's at the end of his rope. That fire at the pit of his stomach is raging, consuming too much, but he can't finish yet. Not when you haven't. He inhales trying to focus on making you feel good. Making you feel like the way you should, but it's so hard when you're clenching around him and saying all the things that make him weak.
That's when he hears it, the way your tone pitches up an octave. You're not moaning anymore, they're silent cries of pleasure. Your nails dig into his back, and he hisses, you're close. So close.
"Ken- I'm gonna…I'm gonna cum!"
He doesn't even register when you do, not when you pull his own release from him. Kenny's moan is muffled by the way he turns his head and captures your lips again just as he spills himself into you. His cock twitches and throbs inside you, where he stays locked and connected for a few more beating moments.
A breath.
Shame washes over him, this was supposed to be about you. He was supposed to take his time.
A heartbeat.
Show you just how much he loves you because this was all he was good at. All he was ever going to be good at. Using his body to-
A laugh. Yours.
You're giggling and peppering kisses across his face. Gentle hands cup his face and hold it there. That smile that wakes him from the internal battle he put himself through.
"Kenny! You're crushing me baby!" The way you say it makes him think you don't really mind. The way you kiss his nose makes him think you're just happy he's in your arms. The way you hold him makes him think. Why'd he ever wants to be anywhere else. He smiles and presses his lips into your cheek blowing a kiss, lips make your skin vibrate.
Kenny’s just happy to have a home.
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turbulentscrawl · 25 days
Hullo! Hope you are having a good day/night. I stumbled into your blog a bit ago and I am absolutely(how do you spell that??) In love with your work! Since your requests are open can I ask for nsfw hcs (or scenarios depending on what you are familiar with) with Fredrick Kreiburg × a s/o that's into freakier stuff(kinkier stuff)? How would he handle it? Etc.,
You're in luck, anon! (or maybe not? idk what you have in mind as "kinkier") I've thought about this a bit over the break ewe
Under the cut for obvious reasons.
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-Fred is not a fan of intentional pain in the bedroom--that's the most important thing here--and if you try to bring it in any way he's going to pull away from you. Like, some rough handsiness is one thing, but kindly do not roughly spank, or claw, or pull his hair like you're trying to rip it out.
-He's a bit more neutral to most non-harmful kinks. If you like restraints, gags, toys, and other things of that nature, he can be convinced to humor them occasionally on either you or him. Just note that his patience probably isn't as good as yours is, if you're looking to tie him up and be a tease. He wouldn't be as fond of gags because he wants to be able to tell you when it's going on too long and he's losing the mood.
-As for what he'd enjoy himself, you all probably know I HC Frederick as having a foot fetish. This generally has more sensual applications than sexual--he likes giving you massages, for instance, but when his head is in the right space, he also occasionally likes being stepped on or used as a footstool. (In a gentler way than I think most people would picture.) Basically, if you happen to push against his hard-on a little while he's knelt on the floor...he might get a little breathy and shift his knees open wider.
-He might be ok with vaguely semi-public sex when he's feeling jealous. Sex up against a window, with only a thin, lacey white curtain to slightly veil your bodies from anyone below who might see. He doesn't really want anyone to hear your sweet sounds, though. That symphony is just for him.
-Some degradation is fine, too. He's so used to people kissing ass to his face and then talking bad behind his back, that if you taunt him up close and personal, it feels a little like a treat, somehow. It has to be smooth, though, nothing that would put him down too much or target the major insecurities only you would know about.
-Somewhat in line with the degradation...I think Fred might occasionally like watersports. Preferably, him being urinated on. But make sure to do it outside, or in the shower or something. No one wants to clean that mattress after. If you don't like it, that's fine though. It's probably something he wouldn't even consider unless you brought it up, honestly. (He just maybe doesn't mind if you go to the bathroom where he can hear it....)
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sweetaliencheeks · 1 year
THE ONE WHERE THEY’RE BEAUTIFUL Rocket had developed a habit to point out things that remind him of you.
THE ONE WHERE THEY EAT CEREAL Rocket felt lonely and woke you up to have a midnight snack.
THE ONE WHERE SHE HELPS Definitely not a qualified nurse, but love can heal, too.
THE ONES THAT ARE SILENT 1 & 2 Sometimes words aren’t necessary.
THE ONE WHERE SHE DANCES Got some units to spare?
There’s an unexpected package at your door.
THE ONE WHERE SHE GETS OLDER Honestly, I just hate my birthday.
THE ONE WHERE SHE FALLS IN LOVE Sometimes you can just pinpoint the right moment.
THE ONE WHERE HE’S BABY I mean, that was literally the only option.
THE ONLY ONE WHERE HE’S TALL Please, I don’t know exactly what this is but I was force fed Tall Girl and thought this was a good idea… Also, kinda naughty.
THE ONE WHERE THEY CUDDLE Sometimes all you need is the right person to bring out the best in you.
THE ONE WHERE THEY GET ENGAGED Honestly, the plan wasn’t bad, but you had to have sausage fingers, didn’t you?
THE ONE WHERE THEY RUN AWAY Based off of a weird dream I had, gotta love a Runaway Bride moment…
THE ONE WHERE HE COMES BACK Slightly angst, I guess. But always with a sweet ending.
THE ONE WHERE THEY SHARE A BED Obviously a mandatory fic, and also a self explanatory one.
THE ONE WHERE HE TELLS HER Alcohol makes you say things you don’t wanna say, and do things you don’t wanna do. Like betting with Ravagers!
THE ONE WHERE HE’S COLD I know that global warming is fucked up, but how cold can it be during summer?
THE ONE WHERE THEY MEET Needed to write something that took place during those five years. Those were lonely times, we could all use a drinking buddy…
THE ONE AT THE MARRIAGE Admit it, we’re all suckers for the “I’m going to my best friend’s wedding to watch him marry somebody else while being hopelessly in love with him” trope. And come on, who doesn’t love a wedding?
THE ONE WHERE HE KNOCKS Post GOTG3. had many complaints about crying. But happy tears only!
Julia Roberts would be so jealous…
After you’ve died, any moment is good.
What song are you?
THE ONE WHERE HE BETS Peter bet he could get a secret out of you, and he’s very bad at keeping secrets.
THE ONE WHERE THEY’RE USELESS Just a little everyday struggle when your friends aren’t that good with feelings.
THE ONE WHERE THEY COMMUNICATE Maybe next time try to be a little bit more literal…
So I followed the advice of my lovely readers and finally got around to do a masterlist so it’s easier to find everything! Let me know if I forgot anything. I was actually surprised by how many fics I have written over the years, and I want to say how grateful I am for your support and kind words 🤍
Also, I want to precise that although some of the titles contain the pronouns “she/her”, the fics are mostly gender neutral. I’ll get around to fix the titles eventually!
Keep rocking you beautiful space babies
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iminloveweveryone · 11 months
Grumpy simon smut
Here you go since I’m bad at writing smut without plot like gr anyway I think this is cute he’s kinda jealous a bit grumpy
Also if you have requests send them in! I’m always looking for ideas.
“So? Are you in?”
“Good, you leave tomorrow. 6 am.”
That’s how I found myself on a helicopter in the early morning, being transferred to the base where task force 141 resides.
I stared out the window quietly, since I’d run out of things to talk about with the pilot. I see a large building come into view as we slowly start to descend.
The heli lands and I grab onto my large duffel bag, swinging it over my shoulder. I look over our surroundings and see four men standing in the distance. I recognize only one, captain price.
I step out and walk over towards the group, a smile on my face.
“Hi, I’m Alessandra.” I say as I look between them. “John price, I’ve heard about you, laswell
Says your one hell of a shot.” He smiles at me and I only nod along.
“Soap, you can call me John if ya like lass.” He says with a grin spread across his face, I can’t help but notice his hair, which is cut into a Mohawk. I smile at the friendly man and shake his hand.
“I’m Kyle, team calls me Gaz though.” He nods at me before crossing his arms.
I look over to the last man who stays silent before Soap speaks up. “This here is si-“
“Ghost.” He says cutting off soap. I nod and give him a small smile.
The walk me through the base and what missions may come up soon, before dropping me off at my room and letting me settle in.
I place the few items I have around the rooms before smiling to myself and exiting. I wander down the hallway to where I remember the kitchen was.
It smells good?
I walk in and see price in the kitchen, storing something in a pot. “Ooh what are you makin?” I ask curiously as I take a seat at the kitchen counter.
“Chilli, perfect for winter, no?” He glances at me and I nod. I turn my head as soap walks into the kitchen “he says it’s world famous” he grins “honestly he probably stole the recipe from some old woman” he says making me laugh.
Price serves us a bowl of chilli and a piece of bread on the side. I begin eating when I look around and notice Ghost is absent from the table.
Gaz must have noticed me looking around as he speaks up. “Doesn’t like to eat around new people” he shrugs “don’t take it personal” he says with a friendly smile.
We all finished our food and have moved onto to board games, which I have to say i am the best at by far.
We’re playing charades, which Ghost has decided to not show up for either.
I was partnered with soap, and we were winning by a lot.
“Okay three words.” Gaz nods at the captain “first word.” He starts waving his arms around like a distressed seagull.
“Uh..windmill” He shakes his head and starts doing the motion again. “Damn, uh..” the timer goes off and soap and I cheer.
“It was flying a kite! I was trying to do a flying motion like a chicken” he puts his head in his hands dramatically.
“Chickens are horrible at flying idiot!” Price shouts before we all burst out into laughter, soap practically falling to the floor.
We play a few more rounds before calling it a night and everyone starts to head off to bed.
I’m waking down the hallway as I hear price call out to me, I turn to look at him.
“So you know, you’ll be shadowing Ghost tomorrow. Just to get a feel of things round here.” He says before patting my shoulder and heading off somewhere.
I head off to bed, practically falling asleep as soon as my face hits the pillow.
I’ve been looking for a Ghost for a while now, since I was supposed to shadow him. But he really lives up to his name since he is nowhere to be found.
I reach a shooting range which seems to be empty until I spot him at the very last lane. I walk inside and stand a few feet away.
He puts his gun down and turns to face me, somehow sending I was there..
He gives me a blank look probably wondering what I was doing but not saying anything.
“Price said I would shadow you today, to get a feel for things I guess?” I say as he only sighs and starts to put his gun away.
“So where are we going? Do you have to do much around here or is it more like waiting for the next mission?” I wonder out loud as he stays silent which urges me to talk more.
“And about the mission, how do you guys plan them? Or is it price who does most of it and then you guys kinda just follow the plan.” I say not even facing him anymore as I ramble on.
“Jesus..” I hear him mumble under his breath as he starts to walk out of the room. “Hey! Where are you going lieutenant?” I ask as I trail behind him.
He walks down a long hallway, a few soldiers passing by us and giving him a nod. I look around curiously, not having yet explored this part of the base.
I follow him into a room at the end of the hall, which starts to look more like a office the more I glance around.
As soon as I fully step inside he’s slamming me against the door and locking it. “Don’t know how to be quiet, huh?” He asks as he pins my arms above my head.
I can only sit there and stare at him, fully at a loss for words.
“Acting all friendly with everyone, don’t you know when to shut up? Don’t you notice all the people eyeing you.” He says in a cold tone as his face is inches away from mine.
“Need someone to teach ya?” He stares me dead in the eyes. I nod my head at him slowly.
“Words sweetheart, words.” He mumbles as he looks down at me. “Yes..”
“Yes what?” He asks teasingly “yes..please.” I swear a see a smirk under that mask.
“That’s better.” He mutters before slowly lowering his head and lifting his mask just enough to show his lips. He kisses along my neck sloppily, leaving hickeys all over the place.
I let out small whimpers, trying to stay quiet in case anyone decides to walk by here. His hands roam down to my waist and gives it a little squeeze before he’s picking me up and putting me back down on his desk.
He slowly reaches down to my pants, harshly pulling them down without any warning. His hands find the hem of my panties and he tugs on them before looking up to me, seemingly for permission. I nod at him eagerly as he drops the to the floor, letting them fall in some unknown corner.
I hear heavy breathing and the sound of his belt clanging as he moves to undo it. His pants drop along with his boxers.
I look down and damn.
He moves closer, holding onto my thighs with his large hands. He lines it up with my entrance and slowly starts to push in, giving me a few seconds to adjust.
I let out whimpers and moans at the feeling of him inside, which only seems to feed his ego and make him more eager.
He starts to move, his pace slow at first. “Fuck, so tight..” he mumbles into my neck as he thrusts faster. “Doing so good f’me”
His hips rocks into me, pounding harder until I can practically feel his tip in my stomach. I let out loud moans at the feeling.
“Gotta stay quiet sweetheart, yeah?” I bite down onto my lip, trying to keep any sounds inside. He moves relentlessly, practically feral.
“Gho..” my voice is hoarse as I speak.
“Hm?” He says breathlessly. “M’ so close..gonna cum..” I whine into his shoulder. “Fuck, fuck..gonna cum for me? For your lieutenant?” He grunts into my ear as I only nod at him eagerly.
He holds onto my thighs harshly as I feel the waves of my orgasm hit me, hard. My legs shake a little but he holds them down, as he cums right after me.
“Think ya can give me one more?” He says cockily before he starts pounding into me again. I let out whines as he only goes harder this time.
“S’too much..” I moan out “you can do it, you’re doing so good.” He encourages as his hands find my waist and he clamps down on it.
“Fuck, gonna leave marks all over your body.” He grumbles “everyone will know who you belong to then.”
I stay silent, too lost in the pleasure he’s giving me to respond. I feel myself once again reaching a high and my hands find his back, probably leaving marks all over.
“You close?” He asks and I nod eagerly. I open my mouth a little as the feeling in my stomach rises. “You wanna cum?” He asks “yes!” I practically shout. “say your mine then.” He says coldly.
“I’m..yours, please..” I pant out as his grip on my waist tightens “good girl, so good f’me.” He says as I come undone on his cock.
Heavy breathing fills the room as he holds onto me tightly. Letting me relax in his arms before pulling out.
“Tired?” He ask softly and I nod against him. He picks me up and dresses me before leading me to my room and letting me fall asleep on his chest.
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spurious · 6 months
HELLO feel free to ignore this obviously but you seem like the best person to ask - i’ve had a shitty week and am in desperate need of mcshep fic recs. what are the coziest most sweetest soppiest saddest ones youve ever read???
I am so sorry to hear you’ve had a bad week anon!!!!!!! Let me grab some of my best Warm Blanket fics for you 💖
Painted Blind by aadarshinah
John rather thinks he would know if he and Rodney were dating.
Or: Idiots in love, take twelve.
This one is soooo sweet and funny and THEM
I Do by cathalin
The feeling expands and grows and words are pushing up his throat, and he finds himself speaking. “Is that a promise?”
This is just. 🥹🥰🙏💖
Comfort Break by @salchat
On the usual mission-gone-wrong, John and Rodney are hiding in a ruined house. John is hurt and being overly stoic about it as usual and Rodney wants John to admit to being in pain and accept his help. They talk.
Rodney being caring in his stubborn, bullheaded Rodney way 💖
four boots, five thousand two hundred and eighty feet by Pares
"So what you're saying is, learning to love yourself really is the greatest love of all!"
Just a really fun, well-written, sexy body swap fic.
In Plain Sight by lamardeuse
The day they repealed Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Rodney marched into John's office and dragged him out.
Soooooo romantic I love this one!!!
Number Theory by Valdomarx
On another version of Atlantis, John is a mathematician who is better with numbers than with people.
But he's going to have to learn to get on with his team and their bossy leader, Rod, if he wants to survive here.
Set in the parallel universe from McKay and Mrs. Miller.
Hard-won and gradual vulnerability with a lot of team feels!
Monomial Factors by anonymous
Rodney wants a cat. John's always been a dog guy.
SOOOOO sweet this one.
The Reverse of Fascination by shrift
"I only have one idea left," Rodney said, because the situation was dire. It was desperate. It was this, or Rock Paper Scissors, and he didn't have a handy copy of the official strategy guide.
One of those fics where you can just HEAR the dialogue
Loop the Loop by alsaurus
One man's quest to comfort a friend. And maybe himself, just a little.
(AKA the one where John takes Rodney out on a million dates without realizing it.)
One of my absolute FAVES. This one is SO good and SO sweet and SO them!!!
The Suite Life by CartWrite
John did not ask to sprain his ankle, to be reassigned to the best quarters in Atlantis, or for Rodney McKay to become his new neighbor. But that’s what happened. Post-series.
Bit of a longer read but GOD is it worth it. Absolute comfort fic, it’s SO good.
Bare by @alienfuckeronmain
“Did you not know,” Teyla says carefully, shooting a concerned look at Ronon over their mostly empty plates, “that Lt. Colonel Sheppard enjoys the company of—”
“No, I did not!” Rodney manages to grit out, sucking in air desperately before grabbing his glass of water and downing it. “Since fucking when?!”
According to my ao3 history I’ve revisited this 79 times. Rodney thinking he’s homophobic when in fact he’s jealous is SUCH a good amazing trope. Also the sex scene in this is SO incredibly good 🫠
Okay I’m stopping there but like, if anyone wants to reblog with their own fluffy faves for this anon? Yes!
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