#feel free to like even if i already owe you something or we've got a thread ongoing!!
revengesworn · 1 year
Like 4 mikey starter hehehe >:)
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What would you do for a Ghost? Pt. 2.
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They were looking at you, expectant, waiting for an answer, you were contemplating the idea, debating on what to do, after a few moments you sighed and looked at them.
- I'll do it, I'll help you. If this is the way I can help, then I'll do it, I'll take the risk. Follow me please.
You walked to a hidden door in your office, it was just where your security cameras were, you let them in, they were already preparing the microphone, you were looking at the three man when you felt a hand taking yours, you found yourself with Simon's eyes, he was worried, even if he tries to not show it, you knew him, you smiled at him.
- you don't have to do this, we can't find another way...
- Simon, it's fine, I want to help you, I owe you this! You saved me once, remember? Now it's my time to pay the debt.
- You don't owe me nothing...
- I still wanna help, let me help you.
He squeezed your hand softly and you did the same. Soap approached and Ghost let your hand.
- Alright... Ahhh... Sorry, I think Ghost didn't introduce us, I'm soap
- I'm (Y/n),
- nice name, well (y/n) put this on your... It can be your hair or your dress, you can decide that.
- okay. Stay here guys, you can check every interaction in every room, window, and door around this place, this is my personal security room, feel free to use it.
The phone rang again, you ran to it, fixed your hair, your dress and looked at the boys once more before leaving.
You walked to the VIP zone with a bright big smile, you found the man ghost has been following.
- Welcome Sir! Sorry, the phone call took me more time than I expected. What can I bring you?
- Hello little one, it has been a long time, you already know what I like to drink, please.
He took your hand and kissed it, that Russian accent, all the 141 can recognize it. Ghost is tense, nervous, angry, anxious and jealous? Why do you let this guy call you like that? Why are you allowing him to kiss you?
- The Best vodka is for my best client, are we waiting for more people or will it be only you tonight?
- Three more, darling.
That's all he said, you were quick, you came back with a few bottles of vodka and three glasses of ice, served.
- can I offer you something else Sir?
- why all this formality (y/n)? We've known each other for a long time, am I wrong?
He got up and Caressed your check running his finger all over until he stopped on your lips, you felt anxious running through your body, but did your best to keep yourself calm and give a small step back, creating enough distance between you and him.
- I'm sorry V, you're right, how are you? What have you been doing? You disappeared for a long time.
- Ahhh (y/n), I feel excited, I wish I could give you details but you will see, you will know it soon, but at the moment I can just tell you how happy I am to see you after all these years.
- I hope so, I'm glad you're back in town...
- (y/n) tell me something, are u single? You're so pretty for being single.
He barely looked at you, but you blushed, you couldn't stop thinking about Simon, he was listening to the conversation, you shouldn't be worried, you're just friends, no?.
While you were talking, Simon and the team were listening, but Soap was still curious about you and ghost.
- So, Lt. How did you and (y/n) meet?
- I helped her.
Simon and those simple answers, he knows that wouldn't be enough for Soap.
- did you help her? To do what or with what did you help?
Simon sighed, focused on you and his target.
- She lost her parents and old brother, somebody killed them, I found her escaping from the people who were following her, she was injured, I was walking to my house when I listened to all that noise, I saved her life and took her with me, when she got better she thanked me, gave me her number and the club's address, after that I started to visit her here, she talked to me about this place, the clients who visit it... That's why I thought we would obtain information here.
That's all he said. Soap didn't talk, so he turned to look at him, just to notice everybody was paying attention to his story.
- Was it love at first sight?
Gaz broke the silence with his question, Soap laughed and then stopped after looking at Simon's eyes.
- I didn't say that.
But In fact, he fell for you from the moment your eyes met his.
- yes but I think all of us noticed the way she looks at you, no... Soap? Price?
- Yes.
- affirmative.
Even the Captain agreed, maybe it is time to confess the feelings he has for you, more than ever before, because now his target, his enemy, is flirting with you.
Suddenly a conversation in Russian caught everybody's attention. They're focused on it. But ghost is focused in the way Vladimir Makarov is holding your waist.
You're too busy trying to be as close as possible to the conversation and be helpful to ghost and his team that you didn't notice how Vladimir is holding you.
- I'm glad you're back in the game Makarov!
- thank you, everybody worked hard all these years I can't be more pleased, I have to confess I'm also excited for what comes soon, without setbacks, am I right?
- indeed Sir, is all ready, the subway routes, I brought the map with me, just in case you want to check everything is in order.
- Good, let's check it quickly, but first, my dear (y/n) would you be so kind to bring us more vodka, please?
You smiled and kindly nodded at them and walked away. You were picking up a bottle and softly you whispered on the microphone.
- if someone is still in the security room, focus all the VIP cameras on the table you will have a clear view of the map they were talking about.
You went back with the bottle and new glasses, you were ready to leave again when Makarov took your hand.
- Don't leave darling, we actually were talking about you.
Your heart froze, an overdose of adrenaline was running through your body.
- Is it true this place is yours young lady?
- Oh... Yes sir, familiar business, I'm the last of my family though... So indeed I'm too young to run this place but I do my best to honor all the sacrifice my family put on this place.
- I must admit you're doing a great job, I like it, actually I was telling Makarov I would love to have a private event here to celebrate him. What do you think? Would that be possible?
- for sure, Vladimir is one of my best clients and an old friend of my parents, will be a great honor to me.
Makarov took your hand and you tried to avoid eye contact, continuing with the conversation and ignoring the interaction between you and him. The night ended quickly, you went back to your office and once you were sure no one would Interrupt you, you walk to the room with the guys, they thanked you for the help, they finally introduce themselves since Ghost forgot to do it once again, he was quiet, observing the interaction between you and the team, without saying anything, they were ready to leave, just waiting for ghost who asked you to talk in private.
- Simon, what's wrong? You've been quiet... More than usual.
- sorry about that, I wasn't sure about bringing all of them here, put you at risk, a lot of things ran into my head when I saw Makarov close to you... Flirting.
- I have to admit I was afraid, but thinking about you and that I was helping you, calmed me and made me feel brave, Si... I think I have to tell you, I... I love you Simon.
You didn't dare to look at him, you felt like you were doing something bad, but then his hand found yours, you looked up at him, he was staring at you with those soft eyes, His other hand caressed your cheek, he took off his mask quickly, before you could realize it, you were kissing, was a passionate kiss, with a taste of whiskey but sweet too, it was better than you imagined all this time. When he stopped you was already missing the taste of his lips and the touch of his hand on your cheeks.
His raspy voice provoked shivers through your whole body, he finally confessed what he feels.
- I love you too, I love you, I love you.
«Lt. We need to run!» He put the mask on again and looked at you, he gave you another kiss but this time in your forehead.
- I have to go, but I'll be back, we will talk about this, I promise you.
You smiled at him and hugged him, you wanted to live under his skin to never separate from him, but he was right, he needed to go.
- Okay, we'll talk about it, I'll be waiting for you Simon, I will be here.
- Makarov will not live long enough to put his hands on you and will not be able to flirt with my girl ever again, I'll take you to a proper date, I promise that too.
You laughed and squeezed his hand.
- Go, save the world Lt. And please come back to me.
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just-french-me-up · 2 years
*cracks knuckles* I am dying for some dream x reader! From the second link: ❛ show me how much you missed me. ❜?
Rating : Smut | E ( as in ExcusE mE 👀👀)
Pairing : Dream x Fem!Nameless!Reader (3rd person, no (Y/N))
Tags : Established relationship | PWP with feelings | 1.7K
Author's notes : This prompt kinda got away from me and got way smuttier than expected. Oh well... Enjoy! Feel free to yell at me afterwards (please do yell in my general direction)
There was a soft knock on the door. She smiled to herself as she picked her earrings from the vanity and turned towards the full-length mirror. The Lord of the Dreaming might not need or ask for permission to enter dreamers' most intimate thoughts, but he did make a point of announcing himself around his palace. Even if it meant knocking on the doors of his own chambers.
"Come in."
She barely had time to put on one earring that Morpheus' reflection had joined hers in the mirror, leaving the door untouched. She briefly looked over her shoulder, greeting him with a warm smile.
"Welcome home, beloved. How was your sister?"
Dream stood behind her, his dark frame envelopping hers in the mirror.
"She is well. I am to give you her fondest regards," he said, absently.
His mind seemed elsewhere. As she slipped on the second earring, she noticed his gaze in the reflection, travelling up and down her body, as one gazes at art. A quiet smile danced on his lips. Gods she'd missed him.
"Perhaps I should leave more often if you are to greet me like this when I return."
He planted a kiss on her shoulder, settling his hands on each side of her waist, feeling the fabric of her dress, one of his creation, one she knew he felt particularly proud of. She melted into his touch, allowing her back to rest against his chest.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?"
She gave out a small sigh. He wouldn't be pleased, but there was no dancing around it.
"I'm afraid we've received an invitation."
Dream's reflection frowned slightly.
"An invitation? From whom?"
An expected displeased groan rolled out of his throat.
"They said the Threshold was ours to visit whenever you would be available," she added, only worsening his sullen expression.
"Must we?" he complained.
"It would be impolite to refuse, unfortunately. We don't need more tension between you and your sibling than already exists."
Morpheus rolled his eyes and gave her shoulder another, though significantly more frustrated, kiss.
"I have barely set foot in the Dreaming!" he protested against her skin. "Am I to obey my sibling's every whim now? I have my kingdom to attend to! And you! I don't wish to share your company with anyone else just yet!"
His annoyed gaze met her eyes in the mirror. She rested her hands on top of his, in a comforting touch. She couldn't help but find him endearing in his discontent. And terribly handsome.
"I missed you," he grumbled, kissing the top of her nape. His breath sent a warm shiver down her spine, leaving her skin yearning for more.
"Oh, have you now?"
Oh just to hear him say it... She couldn't hold back the resquest burning her lips.
"Show me then."
Their eyes met again, Dream's now alight with a mixture of surprise and amusement. Gone was his disgruntled pout, as it was quickly replaced by the hint of a playful smile.
"Pardon me?"
"Show me how much you missed me," she repeated, holding his gaze intently through the mirror.
At once, Dream tightened his hold against her waist, his hands shifting to her hips as he pulled her firmly against him.
"It is a dangerous game you're playing, love of mine," he murmured in her ear, his eyes never leaving hers.
"Is it?" she teased, a familiar warmth flooding through her at his touch. His gaze had been reverent before, but it had shifted to something darker. Hungrier. She could feel her heartbeat racing from its intensity alone.
"It would make us late," he reminded her, though he did not sound concerned in the slightest. Eager was more accurate. "Awfully late."
"Surely you haven't missed me this much." She could feel her throat getting dry with every word. The warm breath blowing against her neck was the sweetest of torments.
"I shall prove you wrong, then."
Promptly, Dream wrapped his arm around her waist, leading her to the nearest piece of furniture he could find. She found herself pressed against his desk, before he lifted her up on it. Relieved sighs escaped them both as their lips met, quickly replaced by more feverish sounds, each kiss more demanding than the next.
Her fists closed around the lapel of his coat, tugging him closer. There was a need within her, an urge to feel him, to reacquaint herself with the touch and the taste of him. Morpheus responded in kind. His hands hooked behind her knees, he pulled her hard against him, drawing her gasp from her.
"I once asked you what your thoughts were when we were apart, remember? he whispered against her lips.
As he spoke, one of his hands travelled up her thigh, fingers scorching her skin, while the other cupped her cheek. He ran his thumb over her lower lip, the softness of it clashing with the fierce kisses he'd offered her just a second ago. Short of breath, her head spinning, she hummed in response.
"Shall I tell you mine?"
His fingertips danced on her thigh, only adding to the heat radiating from her. She could feel him hard against her, his desire as obvious as her own.
"Please do."
The small smile he gave her was nothing short of devilish. There was power in his words, he knew it. They could undo her as well as his hands could. No, better. For his words would haunt her, catching her off guard days later, leaving her as flustered as she had been when she first heard them. As flustered as she was now.
"When my mind wanders it always finds you," he whispered, his breath dripping with lust. "Visions of you. Your body underneath mine." His hips rolled against hers at an excruciatingly slow pace, enough for her to feel all of him through his clothes. "I can almost feel you when I picture you writhing against me, your pleasure almost unbearable. You look exquisite when you surrender to it."
He stole a kiss on her lips, the hint of his teeth accentuating her already laboured breathing. Her frantic heartbeat echoed furiously in every part of her as he leaned forward, pressing his mouth against her ear.
"You feel so heavenly when you're about to come, my love. I could lose myself in the memory of it all day long. Picturing how helpless you look when your trembling body is about to give."
A quiet moan answered his words, the heat of them matching the one consuming her flesh little by little.
"My love?" his affected innocent tone was as frustrating as it was alluring.
"I want you to show me," she panted. "Make me feel it. All of it."
She was lifted off the desk before she could realise it. When her back hit the mattress of their bed, all the fabric keeping them apart had vanished, leaving their skins burning against each other, their heaving chests meeting with every breath.
Dream's hands explored her body, his fingertips running over the curve of her breasts, brushing over the tip of her hardened nipples before continuing their journey to draw her waist and hips. She wrapped her legs around him, waiting for him to push inside her, but Dream decided otherwise. Gently, he turned her over on the bed, her stomach against the sheets.
"I wanted to look at you," she protested.
"You will, I promise," he reassured her, pressing multiple kisses against her shoulder blades.
Her frustration was forgotten as she felt the head of his cock press against her entrance. His hands holding her hips, he pushed slowly inside her, a hoarse sigh companying his thrust. She pressed her forehead against the mattress, welcoming the sensation with a pleased hum of her own.
"Look up my love."
She forgot to listen. Lost in the feeling of him, she kept her face down, focusing on the pleasure growing inside her with every measured thrust. She felt his skin against her back as he leaned forward. One of his hands left her hip to tip her chin up gently. When she looked up, her own eyes stared back at her.
"You wanted to see how much I've missed you," Dream breathed heavily against her, his eyes burning into hers through the reflection of the many mirrors now surrounding the bed. "Let me show it to you."
It was the strangest thing, seeing the effect he had on her. How flushed her cheeks were. How her body responded to his. How arousing the sight of her own pleasure was. Dream quickened his pace, his eyes hardly ever leaving her, only closing them when the sensation of her got too much to bear. He threw his head back once, exposing his neck, breaking out a deliciously low moan, and she thought pleasure would overtake her at the sheer sight of him.
"Look at you," he told her breathlessly. Each thrust was harder than the next, getting her closer to her climax. "How could I not miss you when you look at me like this?"
She moaned loudly into the sheets, unable to hold his adoring gaze. Any second now, she could feel it. Her heart was about to burst out of her chest. A series of warm, languid kisses travelled down her back, making her whole body shiver.
"Let me see you," he said, the pleasure in his voice making it awfully close to a plea. "I want to see you when you come."
It took all of her strength to look up and meet her reflection. He was right. She did look helpless, alluringly so. All it took was another thrust and she came undone, her eyes drowning in his. Listless, she couldn't help but watch as pleasure washed over Morpheus soon after, his lips parted in another wanton sound she couldn't get enough of.
Panting heavily, they both fell back onto the mattress, bodies numb and heads filled with stars.
"Perhaps you should leave more often indeed," she chuckled, her chest struggling to keep up. "Just enough for you to miss me."
Dream pulled her closer, removing a few strands of wild hair from her face.
"Perhaps I should."
They stayed like this for moment, body against body, trading gentle touches until their breaths steadied somewhat.
"We should go," she reminded him.
"I am aware."
She tried to sit up, but his arm kept her close.
"One more minute. Please."
One minute turned to two. Then three. Then, lulled against his chest, cloaked in their shared warmth, numbers ceased to exist. As did the rest.
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alluralater · 4 months
Allura help you can't just post these dorky lovey things how the fuck am I supposed to survive the yearning???? I'm stupid madly in love with my best friend she makes me feel so alive but we're both in a relationship.
We flirt and tease so much and the closer we get the more guilt stacks up but I just can't help myself she just makes me lose control..
Polyamory is on the table for me + my partner in a nebulous future but her gf is so insecure and jealous and feels incredibly threatened by me. And like the longer this goes on the harder it is for my friend to even try and start this conversation cause it would mean admitting what we've been doing behind her back.
I'm just,,,,,,, eating myself bouncing off the walls kicking my feet giggling disintegrating when she's on my mind and let me tell you that's very often. Whaddahell do I do :((((
you have gotten yourself into quite the situation. alright eye anon, let's do this.
if i were you, i would stop. not because it's wrong or whatever, just because i don't think you'll achieve anything that you want when you go about it like this. let's say things did work out. let's say that tomorrow she came to you and her girlfriend agreed to being poly with her, but she didn't tell her partner anything that had been going on between you. would it feel as good? maybe at first, sure. but the guilt truly would eat you alive because you'd find out you got exactly what you wanted and it did actually cost you something. having her girlfriend's trust means something. if you were to have it, you'd feel awful for having broken it prior to her even agreeing. as someone that has a track record for making partners jealous (i literally don't do anything, they just get insecure about me) i would recommend you talk about this with your best friend and figure out whether you need to stop. i assume you've talked to your partner already but it's hard to tell from the way you worded it. i'm gonna go with yes and just focus on the friend. it is not too late to stop. and listen listen look at me, if you love her, let her come to you in a way where she will have zero guilt about how things worked out. you don't want her to enter into any kind of relationship with you and feel like she had to deceive someone to do it. if you love her, take a small step back and do what is best for her and yourself. if you're both in monogamous relationships (no gray area), you do owe your partners honesty. feel free to drop more info for clarification!
not gonna lie, the feral part of me wants to tell you to go for it but i'm ovulating so we don't trust that part <3
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Naughty boy
Tw:drug use,alchol use,impact play,slight knife play, mommy kink, violence, degrading,choking, hisoka is a warning himself,not established relationship, stalking
If I missed any feel free to comment and tell me.
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He watches you as the muscle of your thighs flex and every groove is traced out to him nmby sweat.The sheer power of them radiates gracefully and yet so aggressively  off of you.The determination,the excitement Hisoka found in your more dilated than normal eyes,were something not often seen,but so often savoured.He has to, otherwise you might become too bitter of a fruit to pluck.You smirk in delight,his aura tantalizing ,his arousal not so evident to the crowd but to you...it was quite a show to see the tent in his pants form.The feeling was somewhat mutual,the slick starting to make its way to present itself on the otherside of your panties.A succesuful fight would increase your fragile ego much more and make your mental stability much more unhealthy.Lose and you lose your mind.
Strength is a gift,often debated on what it specifically is.But there is one thing that you can best describe it as to help you understand; power.Eventhough it is a synonym,your backstory understands this word much more.You still remembered how it felt to scrape up coins together,you can still remember how malnourishment smelled.It was probably for the best as all you had were leftovers from your rich and prospering neighbouring city,thrown away into trash bins where you still remember the crunching of ... somethung between bread.You wouldnt be able to tell what it was even if you were to look for it . It was that or the bread contaminated in toxins,the same toxins that killed off your family and almost you.
Hisoka watches you with greedy eyes , consuming every angle of your...rubenesque image.From what he's heard you can be quite a toxic bitch if your not in a good mood before a fight. He can confirm this,his protection allowed you to grow beyond your limits.He knows what your good and bad moods are and your in a great mood.That's a shame.Or atleast it would be if he hadnt tried to piss you off.
Hisoka launched himself towards you,hand already balled into a fist and flying past your face,only because you were alert.Your fingers wrap around his wrist,tightening  to a lethal vice grip before your knee is digging into his gut.
The two of you danced across the ring,blood spewing left and right from each other, paying no mind to the blaring of the speakers or the cheering crowd.You were lost in his eyes filled with lust  and that was one of the many things you had in common despite being so different.You had been drawn to this man despite the fact his only want for you is the want for your blood on his hands.Just like the people you hated,you killed them with no regret.no love,no trust of their words of change and their empty promises.Something hisoka was willing to sacrfice for his own needs with no hesitation and not an ounce of guilt.
As you try to kick his side, his fingers wrap around the ankles of your leather boot only for you to ruthlessly strike his neck.Hisoka immediatley stumbles back the excitement,the bloodlust slipping through that “innocent” magician facade.You run towards him easily dodging a kick,but before you can strike his gut again the back of his hand crashes against your jaw.
Your sent tumbling back as you can feel our teeth grinding at each from impact and all you can do is slightly glare at the man ,who stood tall and proud as the referee announces a clean hit.You want to protest but your lips are sealed shut with your blood that is already trickling down your chin only for you to wipe it off and immediately punch hisoka in the chest.
An eruption of your name nearly brought hisoka to his knees,but it was at this moment he began to shiver,lips curved into a smile and trembling profusely, eyes wide open and crazed as his finger teases you to come play with him.Your cheeks starting to pale again as your blood had slighlty cooled the last thing you want is to kill the man who saved you and given you a chance in Heavens Arena.But at that moment,everything went to shit.
Your pulled towards him ,his fist slamming into your face, cheek first before gliding into your nose. Blood spurts from your demolished nose as you can already taste a bruising forming at your cheek.Hisoke dives for another taste but is stopped as your eyes darken and your nails dig into his trachea leaving him gagging on his own spit.The world is nothing to you now all that is left is you and hisoka shamelessly whimpering in your clutch.His heel clashes with your jaw but you simply slam him down.He is quick to move as your boots rise and drive into the very concrete his very own head layed on.You nearly killed him,such a thoughtless and savage act had him craving and he still fealt there was more to prod.
"Y/n "he moved to begind you and he whispered ,his lips brushing against the back of your ear "If that's your best you dissapoint me"and with that an uppercut is dealt he is practically ragdolled across the platform and you follow him.Hips seem to subttly but automatically thrust up as you sit on his bulge.His dick poking at your hole even with both of your clothes very much on.A frenzy of punches has him moaning out your name falling now on the ears of the poor referee whose now already ended the fight with you as the winner.Hisoka knows he's lost but he's somewhat glad as he knows he taught you well,despite the fact he wasn’t even trying to fight you.His hands wrap around your balled hand stopping you from beating him to death and therefore never being able to bear witness to you again.
A simple pull towards a hug has you calmed down after a few moments.His hands bloody and stained .You stare at the floor eventually giving up to his embrace now recognizing the wetness from his pants spreading to yours.
"Y/n did you really have to attack me in the hallway after the match?"You scowled as you dug the cloth futher earning a quick whimper "Cut the crap,way you were looking at me you were begging for that"
"The hell ,hisoka.You know how i get."You scold as you clean his wounds a bottle of wine by your side as you just couldn't be bothered to go to the store and get something."You know i couldn't help it, y/n~"he chuckles before he slightly winces,letting out a small whimper as you dig the cloth into a cut you made.
"Mmmmmm,already know me so well~"
A small hum of question erupts from him."what exactly did you see in me?"Hisoka seems to tense at the question only for a second before he works to stifle his laughter.He turns to see your face inches from his,eyebrows knitted in annoyance.
"You..."He starts ,seemingly trying to get a lump out of his throat,which dug into your insecurities. Hisoka Morrow, a floor master,who shamelessy moaned upon impact of your hits,who didnt care about what other thought of him,who had opened his door a few minutes back naked when you came to check on him and almost walked down the hallway to your room so, if you hadn't intervened.The sneaky bastard couldn't give you an answer and it pissed you off.
You sigh grabbing the nearest alchol that wasnt the wine you were using and started chugging. "Y/n I-" He begins,nowing at the rate you were consuming alchol as a lightweight it would get emotional.But his efforts are short lived as you turn to him tears in your eyes "Was I really just like everyone else!When everyone tried to cripple me with bloodlust,why did you take me in even though I didnt know shit about nen!"Pent up frustration finally bursting out of you was a sight to behold. Hisoka's jaw hit rock bottom.The same girl whom he had met,whom he had watch walk through bloodlust as if with ease despite not knowing nen,was crying,not just emotional but crying.All those years he has known you,he never took you one to be so affected by another persons view of you,atleast not like this ."I-I don't want to be replaced..."Your back hits the fridge as you slide down it.A small packet drops down from the top,right for hisoka to see.
Before you can quickly grab and dispose of it,Hisoka flings it towards him with bungee gum observing the contents.
"Is this methamphetamine?"
"Y/n is this methamphetamine?Answer me."He says these words so calmly and yet you snap"What the fuck do you think?!"You yell,eyes puffy and red,a harsh sweat trailing down your brow and snot running down your face.Hisoka simply stares.He looks at the bag again then at you then the bag finally landing back on you before puting the delicate thing on a nearby counter and walking over to you.
The look in his eyes was pity amongst so many unreadable emotions.You would feel comforted to know that the unpredictable hisoka was still in a way there if not for the pity and the fact he was now cornering you against the fridge.
"What are you doing?"
"Hisoka."You slightly more tense and even so you have no reply.
"For fucks sake Hisoka!Scream,shout,say anything!"
He halts,just inches away from you. He looked you up and down,sweaty,with bags under your eyes,your frame frail and skinny,your eyes screaming with anxiety.Your lips are trembling more than your body,your breath heavy laced with alcohol.Subtle hints of the drug effect during your fight now put on full display. It would be such a repulsive sight and yet he leaned down,gently cupped your cheek,and placed his lips on yours.You both are bruised and toughened from the fight earlier that day but never did you anticipate that he would kiss you and gently was a shock on its own.You were expecting to have your nose broken a second time if he kissed you as he would slam his face to yours,his hands groping everywhere after he had ripped your clothes off.Never could you anticipate that his kiss would be so gentle and caring to you when you where at your worst and under the influence. Your eyes are still wide as he places a hand on you back , keeping one in place to slowly stroke your cheek.As he opens his eyes again he senses you ease slightly.
"Enjoyed that didn't we-"He grind smugly until you are practically dipping him,hands smushing his face together as you kiss him tounge first.You watch him through half lidded eyes,teasing and condensing him as he squirms in your grip."Y/n as much as you make me want you,your under the influence too easy to break."You stare at him and watch as hisoka can no longer predict what you do.
The order from your brain in quicker than you think, as you slam your fist into his face.Leading him to tumble back,leaning on a counter.You feel hisoka tense as you grab him again by the hair lifting his head to face you,to which he headbutts you.You grab a knife as he pulls out his cards,hurling them at you.The knife slices the left side of your shirt revealing your bra.You lightly chuckle before shoving him on the floor knife digging into the wound you had been cleaning.
He slightly whimpers as he notices the position the two of you are in,he's on the floor with you straddling his bulge,which you diabolical self rocks against.He gives out a soft moan"too easy to break huh?"You stare down at him.He looks back at up at you with something he's not ao sure of. One day you'll be at each others throats,the next you could be undressing each other with your eyes and then literally.
Your nails trail against his chest slowing to a halt once you reach his waist band as you wait for his approval. "Y/N please..."he mumbles as you smile taking the knife from off his wound hand still at the waistband."Y/n please."his voice a little more stern.You fiddle with the waist band of his boxers pulling it up before releasing it back at his skin.He waits impatiently,not daring to squirm as not to feed you his ego but you tracing his hips with your other hand only made things harder.You slowly begin to hump against his hard on making his jaw go slack eyes widened,back arched and skin a vibrant red unlike the normal ghostly pale colour."Y/n I-I nghhhh~"his teeth clench as you roll your hip faster edging him closer while your lips grace of his adams apple.Then you stop.Everything.
"Y/n!Wha-"Hisoka whines at the tantalising effect of release."Y/n please dont stop,please!" He moans out yet again.A subtle grin is what gives him his words."Mommy...please fuck me~" he begs,the sinful groan paired with his words has you stunned for only a moments as you fingers finally hook under his waistband and tug his pants down enough for his cock to spring free.You remain straddled on his lap as you bring your shirt over your head tossing it over somewhere.
Your eyes widen at the sight of Hisoka's dick. His nicely groomed pubic hair is unnoticed as your given eye candy of Hisoka's raging red hard on,leaking misty white drops of precum.His size intimidates you with an erection of atleast 9 inches .The girth is unimaginable ,veins decorating the side of his cock. Soft touches of Hisoka's hand on your thigh brings you out of your trance."Are you still sure?"He asks one final time,a characteristic that is still scaring the shit out of you.Your fingers softly claw at his cheek earning you a shudder of arousal from him.His hands begin to shimmy you out of your pants as you slowly stroke his cock.
You still are enchanted by the flushed red tip,how painful it looks all because of you. However,you were willing to assist him with it as not only did he feed your ego with his begging but because as much as you’d hate to admit you couldn’t really handle much more of your own teasing .You get up taking off your pants along with your soaked panties,a cocky smirk now being seen on your face instead of his for once.The sight of your bare cunt has his cock twitching as he tries to squirm up to his feet and then he realises he can’t even do that.He stares at you wide eyed trying to atleast put some distance between the two of you.He trapped where you want him by your nen ability.He looks up at his hands binded above his head by his own nen ability but he cannot control it.
A noticeable weight straddles hisokas and he gasp at you almost instantly taking him into you cunt without any prep." Nghh!Y/n..."his voice is strained as you glare at him using him how you please. Though it might not show Hisoka is a mamma's boy and you get along with children unsettlingly well considering you have beaten children in the ring half to death before.All of these factors plays into your need for dominance,to essentially be the iron fist of a mother,mother or not.
Hisoka's cheek stings as a harsh slap meets the side of his face,he would have killed you for that had you been any other person. But he couldnt care less as you raised your hips,before slamming them back down."Ah!Please...Y/N!I-" he's met with another slap to his face,now becoming red as he sinfully moans."Get my fucking name out of your mouth asshole."You scowl a mix of frustration and lust lacing your tounge as you ride him hard.Hisoka chokes in response already feeling he's quick to come close from your violent ,degrading words and the act of you using him."P-please ahh!"He tries to whimper out before you slam your hand down onto his throat choking him."Shut .the fuck.up."You threaten him as your grip tightens your pace merciless,tears forming at the corners of his eyes.You continue to ride him,small groans escaping your lips from time to time as Hisoka still struggles to breath.You ride him harder and harder the two of you becoming progressively louder as you begin to have your cervix bullied therefore making you strangle his cock.Words reach your ears and it brings you over the top as you both climax not even bothered about pull out. "Mommy...did you like that..."he chokes out,a large purple mark of your hand imprinted onto his neck,his face red and puffy from tears as well as your hand,body twitching from his high and cum splattered on his stomach.
You kiss him on the cheek"Yea....But I'm not finished."you chuckle as Hisoka lets out a nervous laugh knowing that you won't stop until you've both passed.
After the third round you had dragged Hisoka to your bed,as he was completely dumbed down by you forcing him not to cum until you did.Which he mostly obliged to .With a string of incoherent curses and praises falling from his lips you continued to overstimulate him until you were trembling as much as he was.
"Y/n?"you hear hisoka whisper as you lay on your side facing away from him.You hum a response to which hisoka wraps his arms around you,landing a kiss on your temple. "You know that invite that you got,for you to come to Heavens Arena"you freeze slightly before muttering out a small 'yea'.
"That was me."
"You watched all my matches,you wanted me to win every time before you became a floor master."
"You're cute.Was back then still are?"He gives you a kiss to the joint were your ear lobe and jaw connect. "So in otherwords,that invite was you asking me out?"you become flustered as he buries his face into your neck muttering 'yes' as he begins to kiss between your neck and shoulder. Your mouth is almost wide open as you hear the words from him. " Did you like the-aagh!"You begins but you pushing him almost off the bed, in embarrassment has him shocked.He begins to laugh before he crawls back to you,sits beside you and pulls you to hia chest to face him."Still so cute..."he speaks, moving a strand of your hair out of your face as your lay on his chest between the two of you."Come let's take a bath." He says kissing you on your forehead,before lifting you up into his arms and making his way to your bathroom. Almost instantly your arms wrap around his neck,which cause him to chuckle shifting you to one hand as the other begins to run the hot water into the bathtub.After a while he places you into the tub before getting in himself admiring how tiny and flustered you are compared to him. "No need to be flustered dear , if you want we could go get icecream after we're don-is that love hearts in the form of shampoo he points only to be shocked as you nod."No wonder why you always smell like that hard candy.You know maybe we can go try find some.I know they're manufactured halfway across the planet by some guy named Swizzles yada-yada but we might get lucky-"He jumps slightly as you press your lips gently on his hand cupping his check as the other supports you against his thigh. "I would like that...and sorry for...you know...being a bitch."You blush profusely averting your eyes from him afraid of seeing that teasing smile.You can hear him chuckle before you feel something hard against your thigh.Eyes are widened as you look up at him."You know what that is-"
"Hisoka stop being horny."
"Aww but Y/n~"
"No.I will end up breaking your dick off."You say splashing him with water only to have him retaliate.The floor was flooded by the time the two of you got out and hisoka had almost fell if you had not dipped him."Aww Y/n,kiss?" He asks while using his miserable excuse of puppy dog eyes,miserable but effective,as the next few minutes would be that of kissing.Your lips begin to fight again until you drop him back onto the floor.He watches you from the floor,marvelling at your beauty even if it was just to him.You stood above him staring down, a small smirk on your lips as you turn,giving him an eyeful of your ass.
"Go get changed.We have to go on a date don't we?"
"Wait hisoka how did you know where I live?"
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lunarflare64 · 1 year
Hello! Disability ask meme: 1, 3, and 8 please
(Disability ask meme)
As promised, the chatterbox train got rolling, you're welcome for the read more
1. Ooooooh boy here we go, its a whole ass List.
Autism, ADHD, OSDD/DID (we aren't certain enough to find out which on our own), ARFID, Non-24 sleep/wake disorder, anemia, Raynaud's syndrome, POTS, and arthritis (we're not sure which type specifically yet, we're on a waiting list to see a rheumatologist)
2. For mobility aids we primarily get around on crutches, on a good day at home we use our cane, and hopefully soon we'll be getting our wheelchair for the bad days. Our first set of crutches got the full sticker treatment, the second set we just haven't gotten around to yet (but we do have the stickers ready, they're neon). Despite us getting the cane first its remained customisation free, every time we consider decorating it we chicken out because unlike with the neon stickers we wanna put stickers from fandoms on it, and we're worried about wasting them because the cane.....we should get a better one, its really not good.
For sensory aids we just have our headphones, we mostly just use them when we're out and about because unlike outdoors where we're tense and on guard all the time and thus hypersensitive, indoors we NEED to be able to hear lots of little things, we freak out otherwise (and having headphones on all the time while you're a glasses wearer........."fucking OW" is putting it lightly)
We also uses braces sometimes, mostly for our wrists and knees (thats where the arthritis is), but we tend to use compression more, since the stiffness from braces can cause its own issues. And as for meds, we've got a low dosage of Ritalin for the ADHD, and some opioids for the arthritis pain. We also need iron infusions once every year and a half or so, since our body isn't the best at absorbing it in our diet (and to make things worse our diet isn't very rounded, thanks to the eating disorder)
8. Oof, identity question for the freshly hatched egg carton (do you like that term? We love it, what a fun term for a plural egg), this is already confusing. I mean, obviously the plurality affects every aspect of our identities in a large scale, its a given, so we'll brush past the specifics of that one. How our disability affects our gender? I'm not one of us who has that, gender is such a hard thing to define, the others have gender in the sense that they are pulled to masc or fem presentations, but I don't know if any of us really understand it. But we HAVE heard that not understanding these concepts isn't an uncommon thing for autistic people, so I guess that's one way it can be affected. Queerness (in terms of attraction) is the same, generally we're aroace (with some oriented-ness from some of us), that's also a common autistic thing, a decent portion of aroace folk are autistic, its no biggie to us.
Culture? We're assuming culture here means "the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society", but we're white and Australian through and through, not much there to be culture-y about. If we were to pretend Australia had a culture that was found though its own community and not theft from others, there is a MASSIVE issue with foods. A lot of "classic Australian foods" are the exact things our eating disorder wants us to avoid, family gatherings (which are ALWAYS barbecues, don't laugh its just how it goes here) are miserable for us (and it was so so much worse when we were a kid and people would yell at us for not eating), we can't eat anything, and even if we CAN find something its always a pasta salad that you can only eat so much of before you want to curl up in a ball and wither away, its an isolating experience, not being able to bond with family through food. We don't even feel that big of a draw to our family and it still hurts to miss out on eating with them
Aaaaaanyways, hobbies and life goals. We're not so good at the life goal thing, picturing the future is literally impossible, we see nothing and we want nothing, we very much live in the present (is that the autism, the ADHD, or the plurality? Hopefully we find out one day), but hobbies? Oh boy here we go
We have many. Many many many many hobbies, and dream hobbies too. The dream hobbies aren't really possible for us anymore, things like surfing, gymnastics, archery (chronic shakiness and sharp flying objects sounds like a bad combo), pole dancing, skateboarding, canoeing, dancing, hiking, and trampoline tricks (you could say all of these are possible with the right accommodation, but its too much for us now). One hobby we do have that we don't get to do often now is baking, we loved baking so much, we would do huge batches of cakes and cupcakes and cookies and breads and then give them out to people we knew, we didn't really keep much of it for ourselves, we just liked baking for the sake of baking, and the joy of giving treats to others was a great bonus. Nowadays we can't really do that much even on the rare occasion that we CAN bake, the heat makes us pass out and all the movement and standing sets our arthritis off so bad, its best to save any baking for when someone can be there to make sure we don't get hurt.
We don't let it get us down too much though! We have so many other hobbies, drawing and writing and knitting and crochet and loom weaving and the guitar (even if we haven't touched it in a while 😬) and drums and animation and architecture and gardening and photography and sculpting and woodworking and candle making and learning about oceanography and biology and physics and so so much more, our hobbies list is a literal list, we have it in front of us now, the ink has faded into odd colours and it COVERS the page, top to bottom, no space wasted, we have a lot of things we like to do and want to try, some things cant be done anymore but it doesnt even cross half the list off, our disabilities shape what we can do, but its hard to let it get to us when we have so much to do
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reallybadfeeling · 3 years
My Obikin Playlist Masterpost
I'm gonna try to explain my reasoning, but you can give each song whatever interpretation you want. Also, use them however you want if any of them inspire you to make something creative.
(PS: Sorry for my ranting on the first song. I'm very passionate about it in particular.) (Tagging @imtryingsstuff because she asked for it. Even though I was already working on this post before she asked. I have way too much free time.)
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❧ Heart + Bones - Roisin O
I've tried to sit down and write this song out Feels like a thousand times But I was always too scare of what I might find But if I keep on blocking this pain out It might be too late To heal my heart somehow Don't wanna open that wound Don't wanna replay that night Don't wanna think about you You are no longer mine Don't wanna write you a love song When I know that love is gone 'Cause if I let myself think of you I might lose my mind It's the heart and bones It's an empty soul The dreams at night that shake me to my core And I can't get up off this floor It's in the bones of me An empty soul in me The dreams at night that shake me to my core I can't get off this floor [...] Don't wanna think about you When you're no longer mine Don't wanna write you a love song When I know this love is gone [...] The dreams at night that shake me to my core I just can't take this hurting anymore [...] Don't wanna think about you You are no longer mine Don't wanna write you a love song When I know this love is gone 'Cause if I let my mind think of you I might lose it all I've tries to sit down and write this song out Feels like a thousand times
A fair warning: each and every break-up song in this playlist is basically me crying at the idea of a very heart broken Obi-Wan post RotS alone on Tatooine. But for this song in particolar I mention the repetitions with the slight differences because in my eyes they are actually HUGE! The more the song goes on, the more Obi-Wan is spiraling! The way it specifically tells that the empty soul is his the second time, like he accepts that despite what Anakin did he still thinks there's a soul there to save, and the idea of not doing so makes his soul feel empty. And the switch from "get up off this floor" to "get off this floor", literally him being so desperate he stops thinking that he wants to get up (and the last time it literally becomes "i just can't take this hurting anymore", because Obi-Wan had to see so many people he loves die, he literally can't take any more breaking of his heart). The first "you are no longer mine" is the realization hitting him, but then it becomes "when you are no longer mine" and that feels like acceptance of that realization (but then later in the song it turns back to "you are no longer mine" like he's so desperate he wants to deny it once again, distance himself from it)! The switch from "that love" from "this love", like the first time he's thinking about how Anakin no longer loves him, but then realizes that no matter how much he still loves Anakin, there is actually nothing he can do about how everything is broken. But most of all the first time it's "if I let myself think of you I might lose my mind", which is Obi-Wan still being rational about things, or at least trying not to let his mind linger on the thought of Anakin; but then at the end it becomes "if I let my mind think of you I might lose it all", because he's already thinking about Anakin and he can't let his mind linger on it, otherwise he would realize how much he lost when he lost Anakin, which is everything. And the ending too, by repeating the start, but now it has a feeling of resignation to it, like at first he was literally scared to let himself linger on his feelings because he knew he would find heart break, but now he's just empty and at the same times he knows he'll feel like that a thousand times more, because he just can't let that hurt go, he can't let his love for Anakin be forgotten. ... I love this song and it shows. I mean, the playlist is literally named after it for a good reason. I swear I'll be less wordy for every other explanation.
❧ Black Hole - Griff
It seems like things are going really well for you I wish that I could say the same about me too I wish that I could say the same [...] Without a trace You disappeared and took some of me with you, babe Like the way I used to laugh untile my belly ached Well, that's all gone away now And boy, you know I've tried to pray, I've bruised my knees I've tried to bring you back to me I've tried my best to find some kind of peace Don't you see? There's a big black hole where my heart used to be And I've tried my best to fill it up with things I don't need It don't work like that, no, it's not easy To fill this gap that you left in me
So, I see this as a song for an AU, maybe a Modern Au. Something basic like the two of them maybe being neighbors and Obi-Wan maybe being a tutor for Anakin when he was a teen, and Anakin having a huge crush on him. But then Obi-Wan marries and Anakin is heart broken. (Don't worry the idea is also that Obi-Wan gets a divorce and comes back to Anakin, but still, the song fits for the first part of this idea). But feel free to see whatever else you want in it.
❧ Gone, Gone, Gone - Phillip Phillips
I'll lie, cheat, I'll beg and bride To make you well, to make you well When enemies are at your door I'll carry you away from war [...] Give me reasons to believe That you would do the same for me And I will do it for you, for you Baby, I'm not moving on I'll love you long after you're gone
This is honestly a classic. It would fit with any ship, but that line about lying, cheating, etc... That screams Anakin. Like, literally canon that he would do anything to keep the person he loves with him.
❧ What You Talking About? - Peter Bjorn and John
You used to be my hero Now you're just another boss [...] Five years as your understudy When I can't understand what you talking about [...] Tell me lies and I will listen Tell the truth and I'll be gone Tell me why I need permission [...] Shining in your shadow How could I sink this low? Our acquaintance has been so-so And I can't understand where my patience's gone
These lyrics just give me very frustrated Anakin as a Padawan trying to navigate his relationship with Obi-Wan. Not very romantic or shippy, but still relevant in my opinion.
❧ Bruci la città - Irene Grandi
(Let) The city burn down or live in fear (that) within two hours everything will disappear anything else will disappear [...] I can't stop (myself) from screaming That I hold you to my heart To protect you from evil That I wish I could soothe Your pain, your pain [...] (Let) The stars explode (Let) The whole thing explode (Let) Everything other than the two of us die At least for a little bit At least as a mistake [...] I want to get my act together Maybe be better And shield you with my heart From catastrophe and fear
Don't really know why, but this makes me think of a quiet moment in the middle of the Clone Wars, just Anakin and Obi-Wan alone in a tent, hoping to have a moment of peace in each other's arms. (If you want the full lyrics translated let me know, I just picked my favorite parts)
❧ Atlantis - Seafret
We got here the hard way All those words that we exchange Is it any wonder things get dark? 'Cause it's in my heart, it's in my head I never take back the things I said [...] I can't save us My Atlantis, we fall We've built this town on shaky ground [...] Now all the birds have fled The hurt just leaves me scared Losing everything I've ever known It's all become too much Maybe I'm not built for love If I knew that I could reach you, I would go
SO MUCH OBI-WAN ANGST POST-ROTS! Like, the birds that have fled are the Jedi that survived Order 66, the things impossible to take back a reference to the entire conversation between Anakin and Obi-Wan during their duel... And the one thing that always breaks me: "maybe I'm not built for love", which makes me think about that "infinte sadness" thing that comes from one of the novels. *chef kiss*
❧ No Time To Die - Billie Eilish
I should have known I'd leave alone Just goes to show That the blood you bleed is just the blood you owe We were a pair [...] You were my life, but like is far away from fair Was I stupid to love you? Was I reckless to help? Was it obvious to everybody else? That I'd fallen for a lie You were never on my side [...] I let it burn You're no longer my concern Faces from my past return Another lesson yet to learn
Don't know about you, but this always makes me think of a lonely and bitter Obi-Wan after RotS. There's also another way of reading this honestly. This could absolutely be Anakin spiraling at the end of RotS, convinced that Padmé doesn't love him anymore; and then Vader facing Luke (the face from the past returning) and realizing the one who always lied to him was Palpatine.
❧ White Flag - Dido
I know I left too much mess and Destruction to come back again And I caused nothing but trouble I understand if you can't talk to me again And if you live by the rules of "it's over" Then I'm sure that that makes sense But I will go down with this ship And I won't put my hands up and surrender There will be no white flag above my door I'm in love and always will be And when we meet Which I'm sure we will All that was there Will be there still I'll let it pass And hold my tongue And you will think That I've moved on
There's no doubt that this song has been overused. And it is a very classic meme, so sometimes it's hard to take it seriously. But I still love it. And I can't help but relate this to something with Vader trying to redeem himself but failing at that too, and his and Obi-Wan's relationship still being broken as fuck.
❧ Fight the End - The playground
When it's all falling apart I'll be the one who can hold you Console you When everything's getting dark And you can't find the spark To get through I'll fight for you till the end Whatever's broken I'll mend For you If you think it's all gone Just breathe in and hold on Till the end of time
Once again, just some H/C during the Clone Wars kind vibes, but also good for an apocalypse AU of some kind.
❧ Hanging On A Lie - Striking Matches
I'm not mentioning a specific part of this song, because the entire thing in my head is just the whole journey of Anakin turning to the Dark Side and then turning back to the Light right before he died. Seriously, up until the first chorus, it's just Anakin talking about what he feels like about Padmé's supposed betrayal. ("Baby you've been up to something / don't you tell me it's not what it looks like" but also "I might have been naive but I'm not blind" and "Don't you know you should know better than this / Than to cover up the truth with your poisonous lips/I'm not falling for it this time"). The second half of the song is Vader facing Luke. ("I'll be the one who got away from you when you / finally figure it out / you won't find me"). And the last part is Vader realizing all the lies Palpatine told him all alon. ("I'm not fallin' for it this time/try and try too little too late" and again the "you should know better than this/than to cover up the truth with you poisonous lips") A bit of a weird interpretation, that's for sure. But look at me making a song about cheating all about Anakin's journey!
❧ Bloodsport '15 - Raleigh Ritchie
Your love is worth it and for that I will wait And though you hate me when you have a turn I drive you crazy, but you always return [...] Although you love me, sometimes we're mean Things can get ugly, but we're still a team We are an army that breaks from withing but That's why we're stronger and that's how we'll win [...] I've got your back, and though it's stacked against us I've got your hand, it's us against consensus And I will burn the people who hurt you the worst and I will no learn Cause I am too young and too dumb to consider the terms of breaking the law And I'll curse the day that they return With a smile on my face as their heads hit the floor And they're done, now it's curtains, the bloodlust's a clusterfuck, it hurts but it's working And even if you ask me to stop, it's too late because I've already decided their fate It's not a distaste, it's pure hate and it pulsates and it works its way around my brain Anyway, what I'm trying to say is I'll protect you till the day I meet my maker So don't fight me now cause you might need me later Loving you is a bloodsport Fighting in a love war It's not what I'm in love for, I'm yours I don't know if you can help it, maybe I'm just being selfish
Soooo, basically Anakin doing to Obi-Wan what he did to Padmé: loving him so much he thinks he has to turn to the Dark Side to save him. The first part I can almost imagine said by Obi-Wan, actually. Like, he's aware that sometimes Anakin hates their dynamics, but also that they are both in love... Which just ends with total madness.
❧ Sweet Love of Mine - Joy Williams
I was broken, I was blind Lost in a moment I thought I left behind Then you woke up this dark soul of mine Carrying a light I thought I'd never find When you found me, I was all alone The whole world around me, but nowhere to call home I heard your voice sing like heaven's choir Gathered up my fears and threw them in the fire
I'm well aware this song is about pregnancy and how the singer found herself in the experience of becoming a mother. BUT, hear me out: what about an AU with either one of them being a Sith and the other one is still a Jedi. Instead of fighting each other, the Jedi tries to save the Sith, because they realize that the Sith actually never had a chance to be anything else since they grew up with a Sith as their "parent" and Master. But if we still want to keep the pregnancy element, fuck it! It's perfect for an Omegaverse AU, with Anakin maybe about to fall when he finds out he's pregnant and that is how Obi-Wan and their unborn child save Anakin. (Is this very specific? Yes. Do I care? Nope, and that's why this song made it into the playlist.)
❧ Senza fare sul serio - Malika Ayane
There's a post on my blog already about why this song makes me think about the Jedi Order in general. I know I should probably keep it in a different playlist. Alas, it's still here. Have a link to my previous post if you are interested on reading a complete translation and the explanation of my reasoning. HERE!
❧ Conversations in the Dark - John Legend
I will never try to change you, change you I will always want the same you, same you Swear on everything I pray to That I won't break your heart I'll be there when you get lonely, lonely Keep the secrets that you told me, told me And your love is all you owe me And I won't break your heart [...] And we, we got places we both gotta be But there ain't nothing I would rather do Then blow off all my plans for you
It's just such a lovely love song, I couldn't help myself. This seriously gives me sappy Obi-Wan vibes in any way, shape or form.
❧ If You Ever Leave, I'm Coming With You - The Wombats
You know I'll do Whatever you want me to [...] Take you out of this You reluctant optimist And if you ever leave, I'm coming with you Stuck to the gum that's stuck on your shoe If you ever leave, I'm coming with you [...] Am I losing you in the dark baby? No more breaking stuff No more acting up Filling your head with doubt
A song about the obsessive kind of love that hints of a way too dependent relationship? Something that mentions losing themselves in the dark? Of fucking course I relate this to Anakin and the way he loves people!
❧ Transplant - Sea Girls
You're breaking all the promises tonight I'm always dancing by myself as the music plays I'm always one step behind, off-beat, out of place Now I'm looking for you, you're looking away [...] Your heart changed Mine stayed the same I don't recognize your voice when you're saying my name Your heart changed And mine beats the same way [...] Wish I could be back in the moment We were shining, we were making mistakes 'Til your heart changed Mine stayed the same
Have I mentioned that I have a lot of RotS feels? Yeah, so, in my head the "dancing" works like an analogy to fighting and the "music" is literally the sound of battle. Which is why this fits perfectly as far as I'm concerned. An even the "always one step behind" part is just Obi-Wan not realizing Anakin was slowly turning to the Dark Side. But it can be related also to how Anakin basically felt like he didn't truly belong with the Jedi.
❧ Read my Mind - JONES
Can't control my thoughts But I'm trying every day [...] But sometimes I want impossible things When you hear my voice, what does it say? Need a language, we're lost in translation From impossible thoughts and feelings Why don't you know before I know? What I need to say, before I can How come you don't have the answer Before I asked you the question? Wish you could read my mind [...] It's been a long time since we've been together In the same world, just want you to look at me Like I was everything you ever wanted again [...] Just hold me like I'm everything you wanted again
A good song of the two people pining will always make me think of those two dorks. And their feeling are definitely lost in translation even in canon, with Anakin never realizing how much Obi-Wan actually cares for him because of Palpatine's manipulations.
❧ So Much It Hurts - Niki & The Dove
Oh, I ask you where you've been 'Cause you always come home late nowadays What a fool was I to think we were safe From the thieves in the temple [...] Oh, won't you bring it back? After all that we've been through together Is it now you gonna throw it all away? Oh, a love like ours Tell me, was it worth it? Oh, the thieves in the temple Oh, but you said that For better for worse You would always be there for me Always be there for me Always be there for me like I'll always be there for you Good times and bad times
So this screams Padmé being cheated on. Like, Anakin still married to her, yet he is always sneaking away after they spend time together to be in the Temple with Obi-Wan. Like, Obi-Wan is literally the thief in the Temple that steals Anakin away from her. (Which I'm sure is actually a metaphor for how the couples' marriage is the temple and someone is disrespecting it by taking away the other's lover. But look at me making this literal, 'cause why not!).
❧ Power & Control - Marina
Give a little, get a lot That's just how you are with love [...] Think you're funny, think you're smart Think you're gonna break my heart Think you're funny, think you're smart Yeah, you may be good looking But you're not a piece of art [...] Power and control I'm gonna make you fall I'm gonna make you fall We give and take a little more 'Cause all my life I've been controlled You can't have peace without a war
Another song for an AU, this time one with both of them being Sith, most likely being enemies too at first. Before they decide to work together against Anakin's Master.
❧ No Hero - Elisa
Don't you shut your eyes And hide you heart behind a shadow 'Cause you can count on me As long as I can breathe [...] I've fallen from grace Yeah, I'm much less a saint than a sinner Oh, no I ain't no superhuman 'Cause that's just in the movies, I know But I'll carry you throught the night Through the storm Give you love, always love in return I can't jump over buildings I'm no hero But love can do miracles I can't outrun a bullet 'Cause I'm no hero But I would take one for you [...] 'Cause I'm no hero But I'd spill my blood for you If you need me to I'll be there
Another song from an Italian artist, but this one is in English! And I totally see this song for a scenario where one of the two isn't a Jedi or even for a Modern AU. But it can totally work for Canon compliant too because Anakin is the one every calls hero with no fear. It fits then if Obi-Wan tells Anakin that he doesn't feel like a hero, but he would do anything for Anakin.
☙ ✤ ❧ ☙ ✤ ❧ ☙ ✤ ❧ ☙ ✤ ❧ ☙ ✤ ❧ ☙ ✤ ❧
SOOOO, this post is getting way to long (like, it was way too long even just with the first song). And I made it to an even 20 songs. I feel like this a nice place to stop for now. Don't worry, these are just the first 20. I have more in my private playlist, but I want to make another post like this when I add them to the public one. Because I can. And that's what I'm gonna do.
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
💖 first time reader click here 💖
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Five more chapters to go, guys. This is coming to an end 😭 I enjoyed writing it so, so much! In this chapter we have fluff. Literally only fluff and snark, because my babies have suffered enough. And the remainder is gonna be the same. Because fuck pain.
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Coulson was mad. Outwardly, of course, he seemed as level-headed as ever, handing out orders and signing papers out left and right, but coming to sit within five feet of him seemed like the worst mistake I had recently made. His phone was ringing practically non-stop and he answered every call, sometimes speaking in different languages I didn't understand, sometimes in rapid-fire English that sounded like Morse code to me.
I'd never been sent to the principal's office but I imagine that's how it feels like. Finally, his shoulders sagged and the breath he took in left his lungs slowly, deflating his body into a tense ball of quiet fury.
"You and mister Brock ruined months worth of investigation and undercover work," The agent finally spoke. "But I can't even be mad at you properly. We've apprehended the main culprit, detained all of his followers except select few that Dr. Xavier took upon himself to handle," His words shocked me; not at all the scolding I was expecting. A deeper part of me was even afraid I'd be taken away and buried under so much red tape not even Tony's seemingly endless money and influence could have gotten me out. "I... Really don't know what more to say." Coulson folded his hands atop the desk, looking over me with a blank look.
"A thank you would be nice," I let my mouth run before the words even really registered in my brain, the cursed thing.
The agent chortled, "Perhaps, we really do owe you a solid one," Before standing up and walking over to the coffee machine in the far corner of his office. "Coffee?" He motioned to a pile of empty cups next to it. I nodded and he set to work. "The guys should be back in two hours, tops," He remarked off-handedly, watching me out of the corner of his eye. There was no way he had missed how my body relaxed into the uncomfortable office chair at the news. "Nobody is hurt except Rogers but I think he'd find how to hurt himself even on recon duty." The man laughed, bringing over two cups of dark, delicious, steamiy hot bean juice. Nhghhgg.
"Steve is a dumbass," I agreed amicably, blowing over the rim of the cup. The stone of coffee on it's own seemed to wake up my previously anxious, half-empty half-racing brain. The past twelve hours were full of urgency, the team being called in for assistance in mere minutes after my and Venom's return to the tower.
They barely had time to wipe their tears and shelf their worries before the suit-up call came, haste hugs and kisses being traded on their way to the quinjet. Coulson showed up not much later after that, a quinjet of his own and a stack of papers for Eddie to fill out, stern instructions for me to follow him and stay glued to his side at all times. I didn't need to ask: it was obvious there was a rat in SHIELD, again. Thankfully, the rat was discovered before they could come and try to increase their odds by doing something to me; I'd hid out in Coulson's office, crashing down into a strange, most likely Venom-induced sleep as footsteps raced past the door.
I'd woken up anxious and disoriented, the owner of the office pacing along the furthest wall and pointedly whispering into his cellphone. The rest was history.
"Your father called," The agent remarked, watching my reaction carefully. "Said to call him back whenever you can."
I was drained, beyond wrung out, and not just from my latest stunt as a parasitic symbiotic alien's host. The past couple of months were a nightmare, an anxiety-riddled, paranoia-spiced mess of a shit show. I was very much looking forward to breathing freely and enjoying my science without hiding my WIPs, enjoying my relationship (s) without fear of being abducted and sending my men into a panicked, destructive spiral.
My voice remained even as I carefully contemplated and spoke my next words. "He can go fuck himself. Him and that harpy of a woman," I sighed: disappointed in my parents, but not surprised. "I'm freshly out of fucks to give. I'm done."
Coulson, if he even was surprised, didn't show it. His expression remained neutral and supportive. "I understand you. There's enough basis for us to aid you in creating a new identity for you, if you'd like," He pushed a stack of papers towards me.
I chewed on my lip in contemplation. It would be handy, sure, I could be rid of the curse that became of my family name and my parents couldn't legally do anything at all to me; on the other side there was my name plastered on several inventions and projects I'd done over the years. In all my years, I was taught that my name is to be my business card.
The decision was obvious. "No, thank you," I looked at him, hoping to convey the sincerity. "I think I will be okay."
He smiled and went back to his paperwork, all but verbally dismissing me. As soon as I finished my coffee and washed the mug, the couch called to me once again and I curled up under the fleece blanket Coulson had thrown over me while I slept, alternating my attention between sneaking glances at his concentrated form and my cellphone and the few meager games it had. There was no signal and no wi-fi access on the Helicarrier. Security reasons, blah blah blah...
A knock sounded out, startling me out of my sluggish thoughts; one of Coulson's hands crawled down to one of the drawers on his right side where I assumed he had hidden a gun. "Come in," He called out, shooting me a pointed look. I sat up, alert.
"M'here to pick up - uh - a Baby," A tired but amused, familiar voice called out. Clint stepped into the room, still wearing his dirty and bloody uniform, and, as my eyes briefly scanned him, the archer appeared to be unhurt save for a few bruises here and there. His eyes landed on me immediately, visibly relieved.
"Waa," I deadpanned indignantly, raising my hands like a toddler would do when they wanted to be picked up. The only thing Clint was missing was a courier's ball cap.
"I assume the mission went smoothly?" Coulson asked, a soft grin and even softer eyes landing on our interaction.
Clint nodded affirmative, walking over and picking me up with ease, disregarding my shierk completely and stopping only when I poked him in the ear - closest appendage to me - in retaliation. His eyes were laughing and his tone was flat. "Caw caw, motherfucker," He announced to me flatly, waving goodbye to Coulson.
We passed more than a dozen agents giving us the biggest side-eye as I dangled over his shoulder, ass up in the air, fiddling with the numerous straps of his gear as Clint power-walked us to the Avengers quinjet. I'd even stuck out my tongue to some dude pointing a finger at us.
My family was already loaded into the vehicle, all in various stages of dirty, bloody and undressed. Coulson's words were true - only Steve sported a wide bandage over his shoulder, neck and head - one look at Bucky and I just knew the Captain would be regretting his stupidity in a few hours time. Even Stephen was there, looking unhurt but very annoyed and tired, as he hovered a few feet off the ground with Cloaky majestically swaying behind him.
"And what the fuck was that little performance for?" I asked once Clint deposited me in the very front row, between a dozing Bruce and a tinkering Tony.
"I had strict instructions from the Hulk," The archer grinned, pushing a few buttons on the dashboard of the vehicle. In seconds, we took off home.
"Oh, hi," Bruce must've heard his green counterpart being mentioned; his eyes cracked open just as I smiled at the scientist and reached over to brush his curly mop of hair out of his face. "M'yes, Hulk is demanding you do not set foot on the ground these days," Bruce was sleepy and warm, so soft when he kissed my hand, I felt my heart swell.
"Gonna spoil me rotten, you lot," I snorted, keeping the happy smile and the warm feeling as Stephen came back from the Astral world, opening his eyes and giving me a grin of his own.
"That's my job," Tony mumbled, still very occupied with a part of his suit. I turned around expecting a kiss; I had to stifle an ugly snort upon discovering one of the parts of his Iron Man suit got damaged and stuck, making a part of the chestplate render one of his arms temporarily immobile. Tony looked like a frustrated toddler building Legos.
"Someone get me a screwdriver and some pliers," I gently pried away the calloused fingers away from the jagged piece of metal, kissing Tony's cheek in the moments until Natasha handed me the required instruments. Tony was free, grimacing in discomfort as he stretched and rotated his arm, in little under ten minutes. "What happened to the nanosuit?" I asked, not remembering the last time I'd seen Tony in one of his older, clunkier creations.
"They had some sort of technopath mutant," He grumbled - I had discovered the source of his ire. "Turns out, Bruce snuck in my special anti-mutant suit I'd made ages ago. Nanosuit got destroyed in seconds and Hulk had to carry me back to the quinjet for a change of equipment," Despite his sour mood, Tony was visibly more relaxed than since the day I confessed I'd been drugged. "Brucie-bear, this is exactly why it remained a prototype."
"It's better to get stuck in a suit than to be a meat pancake on the sidewalk," Used to Tony's tantrums, Bruce merely blinked and continued eating the chocolate that he procured only God knew where.
I locked eyes with Stephen, both of us shaking our heads in almost identical, semi-fond semi-annoyed way. Ah, sweet sweet normalcy.
There were towers of pizza boxes as we arrived in the tower; a couple of agents got all but yeeted out by Tony, with little to no thank you as they had been the ones that arranged the food for us - still, I understood Tony's dislike of the super-secret organisation and merely paid the two for the pizza, politely waving goodbye as they side-eyed Tony with disdain.
Then, I had to tow both Clint and Thor as they attempted to begin eating, still wearing muddy bloody clothes - of course, I did not possess the physical strength required to handle two adult men, so I merely began a small lecture on parasites (Stephen gleefully joined in) and both of them scattered towards the showers like two spooked little first-graders.
I also used the brief moment of stagnation to hug Loki; these days he didn't freeze in surprise but rather warmly hugged me back, whispering something cheeky to me as I buried my face in his chest. Stephen was the one to cough extra-loudly to attempt to separate us - it was, once again, unanimously decided to have a family dinner and a cuddle pile straight after. Food coma had never sounded nicer.
"So, what'd Coulson say to you?" Clint asked curiously as we all settled in, freshly showered and those who needed it, re-bandaged. I was warm and toasty between Tony and Stephen, wearing the former's gym shorts and the latter's hoodie, Bruce's t-shirt underneath it. The scientist himself was drooling onto Tony's shoulder, somwhere between sleep and awareness, glasses askew.
"He basically thanked me and offered me a new identity," I shrugged, polishing off the last of my smoothie and handing the second bottle over to Loki. As usual, no food was wasted and I always had someone to finish my leftovers, especially since Bucky tended to think I could eat as much as him and kept trying to overfeed me like a foie gras goose.
"Congrats, you've been adopted," Natasha snorted from her place between Clint and Steve. Only the red of her hair was visible behind the man-bulk and the blankets.
"Uh," My response was, as always, deeply informative and astute.
"He likes to take in strays," Clint full-belly laughed. "Me at first, then Natasha. He's got a soft spot for Tony and Bucky but he won't admit it."
My eyebrows rose. "That's... That's my job?" I remembered the whole Venom/Eddie situation, our rogue wizard. Coulson was aiming for my place- the audacity! "He can't just do that!"
"And you can?" Stephen's finger booped my nose, making me huff and cuddle up to Tony, turning my butt towards the sorcerer to show him exactly what I thought about his observations. He only laughed harder. "Sounds like someone's a little jealous."
"Okay, boomer," I rolled my eyes. Stephen Strange, a supreme troll is what he is.
"But that's why you love me," He continued as others around us groaned and snorted, too used to us teasing each other about our age difference and my old man kink. Whatever, I got to bang my hot old men anyways.
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mimisempai · 3 years
Wait for me on the other side 4/8
Chapter summary :
Where we learn more about the past of Mobius and Loki... Where Croki is uncontrollable... And where everything ends in surprise...
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2021 - Loki's apartment
Loki steadied himself with a pounding heart and picked up, "Hello?"
-It's Sigyn.
It took Loki a moment to realize who it was and let the slight disappointment fade away.
-Yes, I'm in New York. I came for a conference but it got canceled, so I figured I'd call you. To see if you were free.
An hour later, Loki and Sigyn were walking around in awkward silence. Loki hadn't wanted Sigyn to get any ideas, so he'd preferred to meet her on neutral ground.
"Thanks for coming."
"Sure, no problem." replied Loki.
"It's been too long."
Loki didn't answer, he didn't want to start a sensitive discussion. Actually, he didn't want to be here at all.
"How is Croki?" continued Sigyn.
"He's fine."
"Is he adjusting to life in the city?"
"Yeah, he's doing well."
"Good. I miss him."
Here we go... get out your handkerchief...
Exactly the kind of discussion Loki didn't want to start. Again he preferred not to point out, and again let the awkward silence settle.
"Have you eaten, by any chance?" asked Sigyn.
"No, but..."
"Me neither." replied Sigyn, not even letting Loki speak. "I just realized I'm starving. Maybe we can get a quick bite somewhere."
Loki reluctantly nodded. They passed a small, elegant restaurant, "Freya's restaurant".
"What do you think of this? It looks good." raved Sigyn.
Loki protested, "Oh, no, Sigyn, this place is way too...".
But Sigyn was already heading inside and Loki had no choice but to follow her. The place was small, elegant and serene. And it was completely crowded. Sigyn approached the hostess.
"Good evening, table for two, please."
The hostess looked taken aback and asked her, "For tonight?"
"Yes, please."
The young woman replied with an apologetic tone, "I'm sorry, Miss. We are completely booked for tonight."
She looked at the reservation book before continuing, "But in three... no, I'm sorry, four months from now we have an opening for dinner if you want to make a reservation. Five-thirty or eleven-thirty?"
Sygin, turned on her heel, clearly disappointed and Loki followed her.
A little later, they were eating in a pizzeria on the corner.
Seeing Sigyn's dejected look, Loki took pity on her and said gently, "Don't feel bad. This is one of the best restaurants in town. It's okay that there's no table, that's what I was going to tell you."
Sigyn sighed, "It's not that..." she paused and then resumed, "I didn't do it right."
Loki realized she had lied to him, "You didn't have a conference, did you?"
She shook her head and Loki waited for her to continue.
"I thought you'd see me if it didn't seem like a big deal, a surprise, a quick coffee... But coffee could turn into dinner. And dinner could turn into..."
"What?" asked Loki dryly.
" Anything." replied Sigyn sheepishly.
"So it was an ambush."
"Yes..." sighed Sigyn again.
Loki exasperated, said, " Another one."
Sigyn, on the defensive, asked him, "What do you mean?"
Loki replied wearily, "Sigyn. You were always jumping ten steps ahead. A week after we met, you were already planning our entire lives. When I was still in college, you were picking out real estate. I'd come visit you for the weekend and you'd invited all your high school friends, the whole town to your house to meet me."
Sigyn replied defiantly, "At least I didn't go out with anyone else."
Loki surprised her by asking, "What do you mean?"
"At the party..."
"Oh my God Sigyn. I didn't go out with him! I kissed him once, and he was just a random guy and it was years ago.... I can't believe you remember that."
"Okay. You're right. I don't want to fight. It's just... part of me wonders... if I had moved to New York when you wanted me to..."
Loki replied firmly, "You didn't and leaving was the hardest decision I've ever made. I hope you know that. But that's water under the bridge and it's time to move on."
Sigyn looked disappointed but nodded, "I'm sorry. I never should have called. I just... miss you."
Loki didn't answer. He didn't want to, because if he was honest he would have to tell her that he didn't miss her anymore.
He couldn't stop his thoughts from slipping to his mysterious pen pal and the connection he had with him.
They finished their meal in a heavy silence. Loki was eager to get back to his apartment.
2019 - In front of the TK building
Mobius got out of his pickup, let out a big sigh and entered the imposing building.
When he reached the third floor, he knocked on the door.
The familiar voice answered, "Come in."
Mobius paused in the doorway, waiting for Ravonna to look up.
"What a surprise, the prodigal son has returned," the woman said by way of greeting.
"I was in the neighborhood..." he paused, uncomfortable, then continued, "How are you?"
"I'm fine." replied Ravonna who said nothing more.
Mobius entered the room with an uncertain step.
"Why don't you get to the point, Mobius."
Mobius stepped forward and placed an envelope on Ravonna's desk.
Ravonna took it and pulled out a check.
"What's this?"
Mobius replied calmly, "It's what I owe you."
Ravonna looked puzzled, "I beg your pardon?"
"It's about the same amount of money I would have made for TK if I had stayed on for the duration of my contract. So there you go, we're even."
"So you wasted your money," Ravonna replied, "You didn't owe me anything."
Mobius replied firmly, "I feel better. We were both in on this project originally and I feel like I let you down, so we've come full circle."
"If it makes you feel better. Good for you. Is that all?"
"I bought the house on the cliff."
"I heard about it. Finally, despite your high principles, it seems you don't mind making money right?"
Ravonna looked briefly at the check and pocketed it.
Mobius, annoyed by her coldness and what she had just said, said, "You know it's not the same thing... but you know what? Let's just forget it, we'll never agree. Everything is perfect the way it is! Have a nice life!"
Mobius stared at her for a moment. Then he stormed out, slamming the door behind him.
Ravonna jumped at the sound of the door slamming and pulled out the check again. She looked at it, then slowly tore it in half and threw it in the wastepaper basket. Then she opened a desk drawer and took out a photograph.
It was a picture of the House on the Cliff under construction. Ravonna and Mobius looked about 7 or 8 years old and were holding hands.  Mobius was pointing at the house and smiling. She remembered that day, the orphanage had taken them on a field trip to the New Asgard forest and as usual, Mobius and Ravonna had slipped away and stumbled upon the house under construction.
At the time the picture was taken, Mobius was telling her that one day he would move back here. This is where they had decided that they would work together one day, that they would make plenty of money to come back and live in this house. Stupid childhood dream. An utopia.
Ravonna looked at the picture for a moment, started to throw it in the wastebasket, then decided not to and put it back in the drawer.
An Autumn Afternoon - 2019
Mobius had taken Croki to the veterinarian for a regular check-up and had taken the opportunity to pass by Sylvie's store, to see if she had any old daggers. Maybe he would find something to send to Loki. Although offering a blade seemed a little weird for him. But after all, their relationship itself was weird.
They were going through some daggers that Sylvie had selected, the young woman a little too close for his liking.
He had well noticed that she often tried to attract his attention, but Mobius was not interested at all. He just didn't know how to tell her without hurting her feelings.
"Yes Sylvie."
"You told me you were here with Croki, your alligator, didn't you?"
"Uh yes, he's in his crate, in the trailer of the pickup."
"So that can't be him I just saw running past the store then?"
"What?" Mobius ran over and said as he drove away, "How many people do you think are driving around with an alligator in their car?!"
He looked to the right and then to the left, and saw Croki disappear around the corner.
Mobius shouted but the alligator didn't stop, Mobius ran after him, vaguely aware that he was being followed by Sylvie.
He chased Croki into a nearby residential street. Croki was really fast. Mobius swore and speeded up his pace.
Croki snuck through someone's garden and Mobius was still chasing him. They arrived at a house where Croki seemed to have stopped. Finally.
In front of it, a woman was unloading the trunk of her car and was watching Croki with a slightly frightened eye. Mobius managed to walk up and grab Croki.
"There you are, you rascal. What's gotten into you?" Then turning to the woman who looked familiar but whom he didn't think he knew, he added, "I'm sorry, this is the first time he's run away like this. He's never done this before. But he's harmless, don't worry."
The woman asked him with a curious look, "What's his name?"
She walked over and bent down to Croki, "Hi, Croki. I should get one like you for my boyfriend.He loves animals and especially anything reptilian."
Mobius noticed how much the young woman had to unload, there were many cases of wine and offered, "Do you want help with that? To apologize for the inconvenience caused by Croki."
She shook her head, "Oh no, I have time. Besides, you're already loaded" she replied, pointing to Croki in Mobius' arms before continuing, "in case you're wondering, I don't intend to drink all this alone."
The young woman is very talkative and Mobius listens politely.
"I'm a real estate agent, and you, do you live around here?"
"I have a house on the cliff above the lake in New Asgard."
They were joined by Sylvie, out of breath.
"Thank God! You've found him!"
The young woman greeted Sylvie with a nod.
"Hi, I'm Sigyn."
Then she continued, turning to Mobius, "Concerning the wine cases, I'm having some high school friends and neighbors over tonight. You're both welcome to come if you feel like it. It's always nice to have new faces."
Mobius and Sylvie exchanged a look.
Sylvie replied, "Thanks. We have plans."
Mobius wondered what plan they were supposed to have, and what was sure was that he had only one plan, to go home, see if Loki had written to him and write to him. Alone.
Sigyn shrugged and replied, "No problem. It was nice to meet you anyway. See you later maybe, Croki. Oh, hey, Mobius..."
Sigyn reached into her pocket. "Here's my business card, I could look into renting a place on the lake myself. If you hear of anything, let me know."
"Will do."
"Thank you. That would be very helpful. I love this house, but my boyfriend doesn't. You know how it is."
"No worries." replied Mobius starting to leave, he inwardly ranted, wondering how he managed to stumble upon the chattiest women on earth, when Sigyn added, "I promised him a view of the lake if he moved in with me after art college."
Mobius paused.
"He's in art college?"
"Yes in Brooklyn, he wants to be a professor of literature and is majoring in Norse mythology. He visits here on weekends."
Mobius froze and realized that Sigyn was the one he had seen with Loki on the station platform and that Loki had kissed.
Sigyn continued, not noticing Mobius's confusion, "He's coming tonight, a little later, actually. That's why I'm having this little party."
Under Sylvie's exasperated gaze, Mobius inquired, "What time does it start?"
The same evening - 2021
Loki went out after work, tired, and started to head home. When suddenly he changed his mind and stopped to turn around. After a few detours, he found himself where he wanted to go, "THE BIFROST", the bar where the other professors had wanted to take him on his first day.
The place was almost empty. Loki went to the bar and sat down, looking gloomy and ordered a glass of white wine.
At the same time - 2019
When Mobius and Sylvia arrived at Sigyn's house, the party was already well advanced inside and there were many cars parked in the driveway and on the street.
As they entered, Sylvia turned to Mobius with a pouty face, "This better be good. I had something else planned for us."
Mobius rolled his eyes, because he had never intended to spend the evening with her in the first place anyway.
In the hallway, Sigyn was among her friends and neighbors, talking and laughing.
She came over to Mobius and Sylvie as soon as she saw them, "Hey! Glad you could make it. The bar..." she emphasized the word with quotes in the air, "is in the kitchen..."
They moved around greeting people here and there, Mobius looking for Loki with his eyes, Sylvie then gave him a look and asked in an acid tone, "Why are we here?".
Mobius pretended not to have heard her, the noisy discussions around them giving him a good excuse.
They ended up sitting on the couch next to a couple in their thirties. They exchanged greetings and chatted, Mobius half-listening, wondering again where Loki was.
Same time - 2021
When Loki was halfway through his drink, someone came and sat next to him. Surprised, he saw that it was Thor who ordered a drink before turning to him and saying with the smile that was his, "According to most social norms, a person shouldn't drink alone after 10 p.m. unless they have a good excuse. What's yours?"
Loki shrugged.
"I don't have one."
"I do. My fiancée just left for six months for her research. She's an astrophysicist, and we won't be able to see each other for that long."
"Tough." replied Loki, "And your relationship will put up with that?"
"Of course!" replied Thor, "It's not the first time, and luckily there's facetime and stuff." He pointed to Loki's glass before adding, "I see your glass is empty, do you want another one? My treat."
Loki nodded, "Yeah."
Thor ordered and two minutes later their drinks arrived.
After a moment of silence, Loki said quietly, "Actually, I have an excuse to drink alone after 10pm."
Same time - 2019
Mobius and Sylvie were still on the couch with the thirty-something couple. Mobius was honestly getting bored and apparently so was Sylvie, because she turned slightly to Mobius and whispered from the corner of her mouth, "Go get our coats."
Mobius stood up and excused himself, before going in search of the coats.
Just as he was about to reach the coat racks, he saw Sigyn, who was looking out the window, suddenly turning around and saying rather loudly, "Okay, everyone!  It's time!"
She switched off all the lights in the room and everyone fell silent.
Mobius saw a figure appear behind the glass door. The door slowly opened and he heard Loki's voice for the first time, "Hello?"
Sigyn abruptly turned on the lights and everyone started shouting "Surprise!" and "Happy Birthday!"
Someone brought in a cake with lit candles on it.
Loki looked stunned as Sigyn threw herself into his arms and kissed him full on the lips while Mobius could do nothing but watch.
Will Loki and Mobius finally meet?
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 (End)
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quirkdotcom · 4 years
Hey everyone !! I am super excited to post this as part of a collab with my fellow members of BNHA Sanctuary! The prompt was " _____ is concerned bc (y/n) isn't sleeping." I chose Izuku Midoriya as my character because he needs a little more love ! So I hope everyone enjoys! Don't forget to check out the other collab writers fics too !!
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Technically, Midoriya wasn't supposed to have anyone over in his dorm, even in college he had tried to follow that rule knowing that if he didn't, Iida would probably find out and scold him, but as he flipped over and looked just above your shoulder, his All Might themed alarm clock read out "4:12AM" with red numbers, and he gave a small sigh.
Tonight was one of the first nights that you had been able to sleep before 5am, but the reason was unknown. Midoriya had asked you plenty of times, each time you resulted in you shaking your head vigorously and eyes watering until he just hugged you tightly, saying that you would find another time to talk about it. 
Slowly, scooted closer to you, wrapping an arm around your side, pulling you closer to him.  
The movement, which Izuku had thought he was being slow with, actually woke you up. You blinked a few times before turning and nuzzling into his chest, quietly mumbling, "Are you awake Izu?"
"I'm definitely sleeping…are you awake (Y/n)?" 
You hummed, starting to wake up more now, "A little bit," Yet despite your words, you didn't make any effort to move, "What time is it?"
"4:14 in the morning," he responded, pulling back a little so he could look at you
Slowly you sat up, pulling yourself free from his grasp, suddenly wide awake. 
"Baby?" He sat up next, eyeing you slightly as growing concern seeped in. 
You looked back to him, offering up a smile, "Don't worry Izu, I'm still tired enough to sleep," 
He seemed to relax some, the tension slowly leaving his body, "I'm glad then, because I think it's too early to get up for the day, and that's coming from me of all people,"  he then proceeded to lay back down, hugging the comforter to his chest
You laughed lightly, then paused, letting out a heavy breath, "Hey Izuku, I owe you an explanation, I shouldn't make you worry all the time and have to have me over in your dorm like this," 
Again, he sat up, scooting closer to where you were sitting, "Whatever the reason is, I'd be happy to help you over and over again, okay?" 
You nodded, leaning against him, glad to have that reassurance of support. 
"Well...my quirk has some nasty side effects…" You paused, closing your eyes and allowing the shadow like mass begin to rise from your body. 
It was a lot like Tokoyami's dark shadow in the sense that it was almost another being but attached to you. It could take a multitude of shapes, and most items couldn't pass through it, rather instead would get stuck to it. 
Most of the time you used it to create a large beast of sorts, and it only grew stronger from the fear or unease of your opponents. 
However it's main and personal drawback was arguably the worst. 
"When I don't use my quirk enough, it turns on me in my dreams…well nightmares. The Mass as I call it, separates from me and chases me down. In the end it envelops me and...well I start to suffocate. So I've been staying up late to try and put off the dreams as long as I can," 
In the dark of the room, your quirk was even more unsettling. It looked to be wriggling around, crawling amongst the edges of the room. But the one area it wouldn't go near, was the spot where Midoriya sat. 
Instinctively he wrapped his arms around you, feeling your trembles.  He thought for some time about what you had said until finally, he knew what the root of this issue was. 
"(Y/n) my love, don't let it feed off you," 
You turned at his comment, looking up to him, his oddly calm demeanor throwing you off guard. Normally, most people tended to draw back from you and your quirk, but Midoriya never did.  
"You said that your quirk grows stronger when people are scared or uneasy, and I think that it applies to you as well. It's easily taken over the whole room by now. " 
As you looked to the room, watching as the Mass would slink around the room, at times catching a ray of moonlight, seemingly drowning the light in itself. 
The longer you looked, the more it started to grow, your heart raced, you couldn't find a spot for your eyes to stop, they just kept looking. No one spot in the room was safe from it's grasp. 
Before you could fall further into its depths, two arms circled around your waist, pulling you close, "(Y/n)...you're safe…" 
All at once, the mass receded, leaving the room as it was before. 
With that, you laid down, pulling Izuku with you. While you didn't fall asleep very fast, you still knew that you'd be able to come back tomorrow to try again. 
And you did. You continued to do so for about a week, every night repeating as it had been the first night of that week. 
You still got hardly any sleep, and were starting to fall behind in both your classes and your training. In fact, there would be times where he would catch you fighting the urge to doze off while just hanging out with friends. 
Midoriya found himself asking for the help of your best and closest friend.
"Hey, Tanako, can I ask you something?" 
The water vortex hero-in-training looked up, as she was currently focusing on a book, "First, Midoriya, you can call me by my first name by now, but what's up?" 
"Ah sorry Katsumi…" he gave a sheepish smile and took a seat across from the brunette, "You know how (Y/n) stays up all the time? I've been trying to help them but...nothing is working," 
Katsumi dog eared a corner to her book, closing it as she hummed, "Well, when we were younger, we used to sleep in forts, and had lights strung up so that it wasn't so dark," she met brown eyes to his green ones, "I'm not sure if it would work now...but I think it's worth a shot. " 
Izuku nodded, standing back up, "I'll need to get some lights then..and figure out a good setup for a fort, Thanks Katsumi ! Have fun reading!" 
He started to walk away but didn't get too far before your friend called back out to him.
"Oh and Midoriya, thank you. We've all gotten pretty worried for (Y/n)," 
He nodded, turning back and going over his plan in his head. 
His first stop would be the store, finding some fairy  lights to hang up. He also decided to buy a few extra blankets, and another pillow. 
With that being done, he headed back to the university dorms, making his way to his own and luckily for him, he had some time before you were supposed to come over. 
He started to move things around, pulling the bed over towards the window, and his desk to the other wall. From there, Izuku started to round up all his extra blankets, grabbing extra tacks to hold them up. 
What took up the most of his time was the fact that he couldn't settle on a good way to have the blankets and the overall shape of the fort, after all he only had so much room to work with. 
In fact, he was still working on putting up the blankets by the time you had let yourself into his dorm. 
Midoriya jumped lightly, and turned around to face you, a blush spreading across his face as he realized he had been caught, "Uh..surprise?" 
You took a moment to look around his dorm, noticing the changes in where your bed was, and where he was currently sitting, blankets in hand. 
"Are you...building a fort?" 
Despite all the evidence you had already seen, he quickly glanced around and hid the blanket behind his back, smiling embarrassedly, "I uh...I was..I mean yeah but…" 
But to his surprise, you barked out a laugh, letting your bag slide off your shoulders and to the floor as you made your way over to him, "That's cute ! Let me help!" 
And so, together you both figured out the best set up, easily hanging up the blankets and lights, then using the rest of the blankets to create a comfy space on the floor underneath the fort. Midoriya pulled out his laptop, playing your favorite movie and starting it as you grabbed a few snacks. 
Once fully settled in, he wrapped his arms around you, and let you rest your head against his body. 
In his arms was perhaps the safest spot for you to be. He was warm, comfortable and you knew that you wouldn't have any troubles as long as he held onto you. In fact, you could hardly keep your eyes open in the moment. 
Within the next ten minutes you fell fast asleep. Izuku flicked his eyes to the clock in the corner of his laptop, smiling as he read that it was only around 9:38pm. H3 let out a small and content sigh, holding you a little tighter and closed his own eyes, getting ready to sleep, letting the movie play out in the background.
"I love you, (Y/n)..." he murmured, though you couldn't hear him, he was sure that you knew...and you did. 
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peterparker2001 · 3 years
New pt. 1|| peter parker/spider-man
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a/n-This is my first full story! This takes place during Civil War. I did change things up so don't come at me if everything is correct, because not everything is.
summary-y/n is new, but not that new to the team. she has powers like wanda, but they are grey. not a lot of people like her on the team because they think that she is doesn't really speak up and there is already someone on the team with similar powers. she is on steve's side in Civil War. she meets someone new before the fight, spider-man.
I joined the Avengers about two-two in a half years ago when I was 16. I'm now 18. I didn't really seem to fit in because there was already someone on the team with my same powers. And to be honest I don't like talking to people.
It was about halfway through the day when we were all called down for a meeting.
When I got down there everyone was sitting down already.
'Always late y/n. Always'
"Sorry, I'm late." I whispered before sitting down.
Apparently the Secretary of State was here. Why would he be here you ask? I have no clue. One way to find out.
"I just have one question. Why are you here?" I speak up.
"Good question. I was just getting to that." He said back to me, but mainly to everyone else.
"The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt. You have fought for us, protected us, risked your lives, but while a great many people see you as heroes, there are some...that prefer the word 'vigilantes'" He spoke.
"What word would you use, Mr. Secretary?" Natasha asked him.
"How about 'dangerous'?" He said sternly.
"I'm sorry, but weren't we the ones who save countless lives?" I spoke up.
"y/n don't." Steve argued.
"No. I'm sorry, but how many people have you saved Mr. Secretary? Hmm?" I was starting to get pissed off. I get pissed of easily now a days.
"None. That's right. At least we save people and not make people feel fucking bad about themselves." I was about to blow up. And the others could tell because my eyes were turning grey.
"y/n please clam down." Wanda tried calming me down. It worked a little bit, but I was still in rage. I sat back down and finished listening to what he had to say.
"What would you call a group of US-based, enhances individuals, who routinely ignore sovereign borders, and inflict their will wherever they choose, and who, frankly, seem unconcerned about what they leave behind?" He spoke. When he spoke it sounded like venom. It was fucking disgusting.
'Those people are called fucking heroes'
He started showing the fights that the Avengers fought in.
"New York...Washington, D.C....Sokovia...Lagos..." He said all those places.
"I'm sorry, but if I do recall, we saved countless of lives. No matter the damage, we still saved people. And if I'm not mistaken people can rebuild the buildings, but not the people who died." I spoke up.
"I'm sorry, but you saved people after putting them in danger." Mr. Secretary said back. Oh how much I would like to make him have another heart attack and let him die right here.
"That's enough." Steve told Mr. Secretary.
"For the past four years, you've operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That's an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate." He went on to say.
"But I think we have a solution." His assistant or something handed him a big book and handed it to me. "The Sokovia Accords."
'The what?'
"Approved by 117 countries it states that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization. Instead...they'll operate under the supervision of a United Nations panel only when and if that panel deems it necessary." He explained.
"The Avengers were formed to make the world a safer place. I feel we've done that." Steve argued.
"Tell me, Captain, do you know where Thor and Banner are right now?" Mr. Secretary argued back. "If I misplace a couple of 30 megaton nukes you can bet there'd be consequences....Compromise. Reassurance. That's how the world works."
"And if the world was falling apart we would be there helping it out. Saving it, if I'm not mistaken. And now you want to put us on a leash and control us?" I bit back.
"Well, three days from now the UN meets in Vienna to ratify the Accords. Talk it over." He spoke before he started walking out.
I caught him before he walked out and said, "And if we come to a decision you don't like?"
He stopped, looked back, and said, "Then you retire."
I just looked at him with a smile and argued, "We'll see."
And with that he left.
About 5-10 minutes later we are all in the lounge room talking about it. Well, Sam and Rhodey are arguing about it.
"Secretary Ross has a Congressional Medal of Honor...Which is one more than you have." Rhodey clearly stated.
"So let's say we agree to this thing. How long is it gonna be before they LoJack us like a bunch of common criminals?" Sam looked annoyed.
"117 countries want to sign this. 117, Sam, and you're just like, 'No, that's cool. We got it.'"
"How long are you going to play both sides?"
Vision and Steve are now talking.
"Are you saying it's our fault?" Steve asks.
"I'm saying there may be causality. Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict...breeds catastrophe. Oversight...Oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand." Vision stated.
"Boom." Rhodey said to Sam.
Everyone kept talking then Steve had to go.
Nat looked at me and asked, "What about you y/n? You are now old enough to sign things, and this is a major thing to sign."
"Oh, you want my opinion now? Fine I'll give it to you!" I begin to say.
I then clear my throat and begin to say, "Fuck those Accords! We fucking fought for this country. I fucking fought for this country. Hell. We all fought for this world. And now we have to be babysat? No, I will not let that happen. Isn't this country about free will? I will not just sit around while countries are falling apart! I can't see people die if we can help them! I will help them no matter what. And if there are consequences, then let there be consequences! I don't give a fuck!" Wow, I just surprised myself!
"You really feel that way y/n?" Rhodey asked.
"Yes! And you guys should too! You guys have been fighting with no hands behind your back! And now you want both hands tied behind your back?" It was true. If they signed they would be held back.
I just wanted to vent out. So I stood up and went into the training room.
After a while of training I hear someone coming in. I see a knife and i put it in front of them. Then I see someone I've never seen here before.
"Way to invite your new guest." He says. His voice sounds calming.
"I'm sorry, you just scared me." I said as I dropped the knife.
"Yeah, well I just heard someone in here and Mr. Stark told me to look around." He stated.
"Tony sent you in here?" I asked.
"No? I am new. He recruited me for the fight."
"What fight?"
"Apparently something like Captain America going off and everything about the Avengers future?"
"Right that."
"What do you mean that?"
"The Accords. It is basically saying that the Avengers have to be babysat by the government and 117 countries."
"Oh, well I'm not quite old enough to sign anything so Mr. Stark is putting my name in it for me."
"How old are you?"
"Almost 18."
"What's your name and power? I guess."
"I'm Peter and I'm Spider-man."
"I'm y/n. And who?"
"You don't know who Spider-man is?"
"Basically I shoot webs and I have super strength, and I'm sticky."
"Oh. Well, thanks for stopping by. I guess. See you around."
"Yeah, see you."
I caught him before he left, "Wait!"
"Where is this 'fight' happening."
"Germany. The airport."
"Are you coming."
"No. I think it is best to stay here." That was a lie. I needed to go. I needed to see what was going on.
"Ok, well I hope to see you around sometime."
"Yeah, me too" I said as he left.
When he left I immediately got my suit on and took a jet over to Germany. It was a long flight, but I got there, and just in enough time too. I caught Steve, Sam, Wanda, Clint, and two other people.
"y/n! What are you doing here?" Steve asks.
"Could ask you the same thing?" I asked back.
Steve looked at the guy standing in front of him and he said, "They tell you what we're up against?"
"Something about some psycho-assassins?" The guy said.
"I-I'm sorry. Psycho assassins?" Who?
Steve looked at me and was talking to the guy too I guess, but he said, "We're outside the law on this one. So if you come with us you are going to be targeted."
"What do you mean?" I asked Steve, but he didn't answer.
"We got a chopper lined up." Clint said.
"Steve what's happening. I want to help." I tell him.
"Fine, but you are going to have even more of a target on your back." He sternly told me.
"What is there for me to loose?" I question him, but mainly myself.
"They're evacuating the airport." The other guy says.
"Stark." Sam tells Steve.
"Tony?" I ask.
"Suit up." Steve tells the group.
written-july 27, 2021
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motleyfuckingcruee · 5 years
Rocket Queen
1.9: New Years Betrayal
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Henley's P.O.V
It's been five days since Tommy left. He said he had to get straight back to Los Angeles to start recording their new album. I didn't believe that, but I let him leave anyway. I'm sure he wanted to party with the insane rockstars that he hangs with. I don't blame him, though. I'm sure hanging with them is more fun than hanging with three teenagers that only have booze.
Now I sit in the living room of the boys' apartment. Steven and Duff sits on either side of me, avidly arguing about who can play guitar better. I wince as Steven's voice goes at least four octaves higher. It was to the point where Bella started to whimper. I laugh at how when Steven argues, he starts to sound like a girl with how high he forces his voice to go. I look down at the pug in my lap. She starts to fall asleep once again in my lap.
I haven't really went home since our 'party' Christmas Day. I only went to get changes of clothes, even though Duff would rather me wear his clothes. I've managed to keep Duff sober for three days. It doesn't sound like much of an accomplishment, but he was goin' through a bottle a day. I just don't want him to get addicted. Drinking is fine. I can drink as much alcohol as the next guy. It gets to be a problem when the person is dependent on the feeling that alcohol gives you. I don't want that to happen to Duff. I love him too much.
Yes, I said it. I love Duff.
Over the five days I've stayed here, I finally realized it.
I haven't really been apart from Duff since I practically moved in. We've been attached at the hip. Even a few times, Duff sat on the toilet seat while I was in the shower just to keep me company. I've done the same for him multiple times. One time nearly gave me a heart attack, however.
I was just sitting on the toilet, talking about music as I always do, when I heard a bang inside of the shower. I hopped up and pulled back the shower curtain. Duff was sitting in there with tears running down his face. He looked like he was hyperventilating. I knew instantly that he was having a panic attack. I managed to get him calmed down, but not after I climbed into the tub and held him for what felt like hours. He was so embarrassed when he calmed down, but I didn't mind. I was so worried about him. I'm just glad I was able to calm him. Now I'm more on edge about it.
Panic attacks aren't like anxiety attacks. Anxiety attacks are triggered by something specific that the person is thinking about. Panic attacks, however, are more spontaneous. They hit you even when you're in a good mood or have no reason to freak out.
That's why I have to pay closer attention to Duff now that I know about these attacks. I want to be there to help him at all times. I want to protect him all of the time.
Madeline still hasn't appeared. She didn't even call Steven. I guess she's really pissed. Stevie still has no idea. He's been torturing himself trying to figure it out. Eventually, I got him to calm down by watching some stupid movie I found. If I'm honest, I'm pretty pissed at Madeline for treating Steven like this. I'm sure he didn't mean whatever he said, and she knows it.
"Hey guys?" I say, interrupting their argument. They both instantly go quiet. Their attention is now solely on me. "I have to things to say." I hold up one finger. "One, what does it matter who plays the guitar better? Stevie, you're a drummer and Duffy, you're a bassist." I put up two fingers. "And two, would you guys want to go Sasha's tonight?"
"Why would we go to Sasha's?" Duff asks. "We've got everything we need here."
"We've been holed up in this apartment for days," I respond. "Don't you guys want to go out?"
"I'm in!" Steven says almost immediately.
I giggle. "I knew you would be." I turn to Duff. "What about you?"
"I'm in if you are, babe," Duff responds, kissing my temple.
I roll my eyes. "Of course I'm in. It was my idea."
Duff just laughs, standing up from the couch. He glances at the clock. "It's already nine."
"Let's go then!" Steven says happily, taking Bella from my lap and transferring her to the couch. He hauls me up, throwing me over his shoulder.
"Put me down, Stevie!"
"No! You're too pretty to walk!"
"That's supposed to be my line," Duff whines, following Steven out of the door.
"Too bad. You should've picked her up," Steven says, not letting me down despite my protests.
"I would like to be put down now!" I say, wiggling around. It was a failed attempt to get free. I hear Steven laugh at me. "Come on, Stevie! Put me down!"
"Not until we get to Sasha's," He responds.
I look up at Duff who's walking behind Steven. "Duff, please?"
Duff just laughs, leaning forward and kissing me on the lips. "Sorry, babe. I think this is pretty funny."
"Fuck you," I growl.
"I'm sure you will later," He winks.
This shuts me up. I feel my cheeks heat up with embarrassment. Duff just grins at me. He winks, then moves to walk next to Steven.
"Hey, I got a nice view of your ass up here," Duff laughs.
I swing my leg out and hear a satisfying "Ow!" from Duff. I grin evilly to myself as I wait to be put down. I love these two to death, but damn they can be pigs.
I sigh in relief as Steven finally puts me down. I smile as I see the familiar bar. It's been too long. I grab Duff's hand and guide him into the crowded bar. It seems that business is booming for Sasha. I grin as I see Sebastian and Colin both behind the bar. I watch Sasha rush back and forth between tables. Getting orders and giving drinks. I guess she's waitressing tonight.
She stops as she sees me. "Hey!"
I grin and hug her. "Sorry I haven't been 'round lately. It's been pretty hectic."
"Don't worry, darlin'! It's just good to have you and Madeline around again." Sasha's huge grin is contagious.
"Wait, me and Madeline?"
"Yeah! She's over at your usual table with some guy," She explains. I open my mouth to respond, but then someone calls her name. "Sorry, hun. We'll catch up later I promise!"
"Who could she be with?" Stevie asks, looking very put out.
I frown and walk over to our table. I feel my blood boil as I see Eva, Madeline, Jake, and Hyde at our table. The thing that really pisses me off, however, is the fact that she has her tongue down Hyde's throat.
"Madeline, what the fuck is wrong with you!" I yell, seeing Steven turn around and walk out of Sasha's the back way. I turn to Duff. "Go check on him. I'll be out in a minute."
"What do you mean?" Madeline asks, a cruel smile on her face.
"I mean, why would do this to Steven! He fucking loves you and you're doing this to him. He's heartbroken! I don't know about you, but I really don't want to see Stevie cry!" I yell at her.
I can tell that my words hit her hard, but she doesn't get a chance to speak. Hyde talks for her.
"A real man doesn't cry. He's obviously a pussy."
I don't think about what I'm doing. Before I know what's happening, I draw back my fist and punch Hyde square in the nose.
"Fuck you. Fuck all of you. Go rot in hell for all I care," I say, feeling my emotions take over.
I rush out the back way, my eyes searching for the boys. I spot them at the end of the alley and rush towards them. I can see Stevie crying. I don't say anything. I just pull him into my arms and hug him. He immediately hugs me back, happy to be in my arms.
"She doesn't deserve you."
All fics: @the--blackdahlia @sugar-content @sharon6713 @siliwanoel @charlyallise @lo-bells @lauravic @livingdeadharley @kawennote09 @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness @hllywdwhre @abbysdogcollar @nikkisixxwiththebass @waywardprincess666 @tommyleeownsme  
@rock-n-roll-soul-frankie @unholy-brat @eak1996 @madsthegroupie @sinningsixx @Kissyourrosegoodbyemotley
Duff: @daisystuffsstuff
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raflovestuffs · 5 years
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Hey there People! I’m so glad that I’m finally able to present you the first os of a two parts story I wrote and called "Upcoming Age". I have this in mind since a long time but wasn’t able to write it!
@poppysfanworld gave me the idea of the flashback and I also was inspired by the artbook and the piece of art of @looneylolita!
I hope you’ll enjoy this chapter :)
Like a dancing ballet, the dragons flew to the hidden world. The spectacle of their flapping wings showed the greatness of these majestic beings. Hiccup had spent five years of his life with them and witnessing their departure was by far the most difficult thing he had ever faced. Toothless’ glanced down even more. He looked at his human friend from the edge of the cliff with his big sad eyes, still hesitating to take off. The auburn-haired man smiled through his tears to reassure him, as if to say, ‘It's going to be alright’, and Toothless gave him one last look before flying off to his freedom.
The Berkians stayed long in front of this cliff, gazing at the sky, even after all the dragons had left. Thereafter, everyone had finally returned to the camp. The dragon riders had wanted to stay a little longer, but eventually did the same. Only the chief remained.
In the absence of his artificial leg to support him, he had taken a seat at the edge of the cliff and remained there until nightfall, lost in thought. The tears he had let flow earlier, had dried on his cheeks.
He heard footsteps behind him. Someone crouched down by putting their hand on his shoulder. Without having to turn around, he knew it was Astrid. His gaze crossed hers and the young man's face relaxed. His features softened as he smiled at her.
"Come on, it's time to join the others."
Hiccup sighed before agreeing. She helped him to get up and he leaned on her shoulder to walk. Astrid supported him in his steps to where the villagers had gathered. Small groups had formed around improvised campfires.
The couple passed through them, stepping over a few people. They watched the men rub their hands to warm themselves by the fire. They told each other stories from the good old days, smiling at the memory of the dragons.
Berk obviously needed to gather after the sad event that had just taken place. Sharing the happy memories that their friendship with the dragons had given them seemed like good therapy.
The further he went, the more amazement could be seen on the young leader's face. Seeing his people gather in this way made them happy despite everything that had happened.
Astrid turned to him.
"What should we do when our loved ones are not with us?"
"We celebrate them," he replied without hesitation.
That's what his father always said. He always had the right words in difficult times. Hiccup was happy to have Astrid at his side for this, among other reasons. She reminded him a lot of his father and it helped him to move forward.
They finally found their old friends sitting in a circle around a fire. The gang was complete. Fishlegs was crying in Ruffnut’s arms as she gave her brother a sadden glance. Snotlout, who was next to Tuffnut, watched the scene unfold without saying anything. They looked really bad. They looked up when their group leader and friend arrived. He smiled at them before sitting beside them.
"So what are you doing out here?" he said to them.
"Well, like everyone else... " Tuffnut replied.
"We’re telling each other stories," her sister added.
"We were recalling the time when the twins almost burned down the shoreline with the fireworms fiasco," explained Snotlout, somewhat amused.
"And I was explaining to them that it wasn't completely my fault... maybe Ruffnut’s," retorted the male twin.
Snotlout was about to say something, but Hiccup cut him off.
"The Edge... it was the good old days, wasn't it?"
"We were young and free," Astrid agreed.
The others then let themselves go to their good memories.
"The Dragon Eye... when we discovered it, it changed everything. It allowed us to explore the world... a world so vast... " his voice broke when he realized that he could never explore this world in this way anymore.
Astrid grabbed his hand and squeezed it into hers, as if to testify to his presence, she was there for him.
"It also allowed us to expand our knowledge of dragons! " exclaimed Fishlegs, who had just dried his tears. "We've discovered so much! Between the Night Terrors, the Death Songs, the Sentinels, the Eruptodons, the Razorwhips..."
This last evocation inevitably reminded him of Heather, for whom he had been of particular interest for some time. As he looked at others, he realized that they had thought of her too. Astrid put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
"I miss her too," she sighed, trying to smile.
"Ah... she still had the coolest dragon of all," exclaimed Tuffnut, looking nostalgic.
Everyone laughed at his dreamy gaze.
"We experienced a lot of things there, though... " said Ruffnut. "We learned to work as a team, didn't we, Astrid?" she said while giving a light punch to Astrid’s shoulder.
"Aha, that's right."
"And we have met so many different people, different cultures, different places..." added the chief.
"The last few years have been really rich," concluded his girlfriend.
"Rich in twists and turns, yeah," Snotlout suddenly exclaimed. "Don't forget that we almost got killed, I don't know how many times, by dragon hunters! Not to mention the volcano on the shore, which almost destroyed the entire island! And do you remember the time you and Fishlegs almost-"
Astrid had presented him with her axe in front of his eyes and Hiccup had hastened to lower it down gently.
"And you forget how many dragons we were able to save because of our recklessness," Hiccup reminded him.
The brown-haired man looked down, grumbling, and Hiccup continued his speech.
"We left Berk to live new adventures, to learn how to manage on our own. And that's what we did. We've been through... so much there. These last six years have undoubtedly been the best years of my life. I've been through... incredible things with Toothless, with all of you. We learned to help each other, to support each other in the most difficult times."
He turned to Astrid and looked into her eyes.
"To love each other."
The blonde's blue eyes grew larger; a smile appeared on the corners of her lips. Hiccup took her hand, squeezed it, and kissed her, before facing the gang once again.
"And as for today, we left Berk to offer a better life to our dragons and new adventures that await us."
He squeezed the hand of the young Hofferson, once more. The rest of the dragon riders looked disconcerted. They were stunned by the words of their leader. They all nodded with big eyes. All except Tuffnut.
"That's all well and good, but can you tell me who's going to take me to see Chicken now?!" he exclaimed.
The others looked at him strangely before laughing with a good heart.
Hiccup felt as if a breath of fresh air was invading him. Like he could breathe again. As if any tension had dissipated. His friends had managed to cheer him up. He felt good in their presence. And he knew he owed it to one person.
"Thank you," he said, turning to the one he loved.
This one smiles at him. With a glance, he invited her to get up to escape from the group. She took him under her arm and they left the others with a last nod.
As they moved away from the crowd to their respective tents, they observed the landscape around them. They had a whole village to rebuild, a whole life.
In front of the distracted look of her boyfriend, the blonde called him by name.
"Hiccup, are you all right?"
"I feel better. Thank you again for taking me to see them. I needed this."
The girl looked down and smiled.
"You had to make a serious decision today. It was essential to the survival of the dragons and to ours as well."
She raised his head and looked into his eyes.
"I just want you to know that even though it was hard for all of us, you made the right decision, Hiccup."
Hearing Astrid say it aloud reassured him somewhat because it was true that he had asked himself the question and had turned it over several times in his head after the fact. But Astrid knew him too well and she already knew all that.
"I'm going to miss him," the young leader whispered.
They had just arrived in front of his tent. Astrid helped him to sit on the floor while keeping a comforting hand on his shoulder. In his saddened look, she held his head in her hands.
"I'm going to miss him too, just as much as Stormfly, but you did it for their own good."
The young woman lowered her hands down along his chest.
"And, they'll always be there," she had finished saying by placing a hand on his heart.
She managed to get a smile from Berk’s chief, who covered her hand with his. His other hand caressed her face by releasing it from the golden strands that concealed it.
"You've always been there for me, Astrid."
He kissed her on her forehead.
"Toothless is my best friend. He helped me to become the man I am today. But none of this would have been possible without your support."
The girl's eyes opened wide.
"Living without him will be a difficult ordeal, but you know what, Astrid?"
He paused.
"When I picture myself happy, it's with you."
Hiccup’s face relaxed. He smiled, with misty eyes:
"Do you remember the promise I made to you when we were children?"
"As if it was yesterday," the young woman agreed.
"So I’m asking you Astrid Hofferson, do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?"
Winter was already well settled in when young Hiccup Haddock decided to leave home. As usual, he had left without permission. Anyway, his father Stoick the Vast wasn't there to stop him. And with Gobber as his only babysitter, he could get away.
At just ten years old, the future village chief was an intrepid boy, in love with nature and its beauty. He liked to get lost in the woods. He didn't really have any friends among the children in the village, but he claimed to love his solitude. The truth is that he was only looking for recognition from his village, and for them to stop treating him a ball and chain.
He soon arrived at the entrance to the forest. He rubbed his arms to warm himself up a little before venturing inward. His feet treaded on the snow-covered ground, leaving footprints behind him, sinking deeper into the forest. The young boy had planned to land in a quiet place to observe the few birds that would hide in the hollows of the trees. In this period of extreme cold, the dragons had left as they did every time the Snoggletog period arrived. The small animals could therefore find a quiet life where they did not have to constantly escape from their dangerous flames.
Hiccup then took a position on a tree trunk from which he could observe some birds coming out to wash themselves. He grabbed his notebook and, with his left hand, began to scribble some sketches. Despite the cold and his red cheeks, he continued to draw for nearly half an hour. After a while of staying in the same position, he decided to move to another place. He went a bit further into a more densely wooded area, and settled again. He began to draw the trees around him and the white carpet at their feet. A noise, however, made him lift his head from his notebook. He closed it with one hand and approached the sound he had just heard. It sounded like cracking wood. He then, continued to walk a little further.
Someone seemed to be making a physical effort. He approached again.
It was a girl cutting wood. She seemed to be his age. Two blond strands of hair protruded from her white fur hat. A wolf's skin as a coat, the little girl didn't seem to feel the cold.
She chopped one more log. Hiccup was watching her closely. This figure looked familiar to him, but he was not sure of himself until she turned around. Without realizing it, he had laid a hand on a branch that had broken under the pressure of the latter. The noise had alerted the blonde. He instantly stooped down to hide.
"Is anyone there?"
That voice. That authoritarian voice that could only belong to one person. Astrid Hofferson. The girl had always occupied a very large place in his heart. So much so that he fell in love with it. He had fallen in love with her fiery temperament, her ability to handle the axe like no one else and her beautiful blue eyes. Hiccup was desperately in love with this girl but he was too shy to confess it to her. Yet he wanted to, but he was too afraid of being ridiculed.
"Have you been here long?!"
The young boy jumped. He hadn't seen it coming. He immediately got up to face her. She crossed her arms on her stomach and raised an eyebrow. And Hiccup knew what it meant; she wanted answers.
"Well... that is to say..."
"What exactly were you doing?"
He gulped with difficulty.
"Well, it's just... I was in the forest and... you were there and..."
"And what Haddock?"
He was stuck. She would never want to believe it. He had to invent something. Or not. Why not go for it?
"There, I followed you because... I love you Astrid Hofferson. Since forever and... one day I will marry you."
He had done it. He had said what he had on his mind.
"It‘s never gonna happen."
And she had dashed all his hopes in less than five seconds. Hiccup stood still in front of her, wondering why he had said all these things. The poor boy didn't know where to put himself. He finally regained his senses and turned back.
"Goodbye, Hiccup."
She had said his name. Astrid had said his name. And she said goodbye to him. The young boy's legs became all shaky. He smiled a little stupidly at her before leaving, red cheeked, for his hut. Gobber could lecture him tonight, it wouldn't change anything about what happened earlier in the forest.
Astrid had tears in her eyes.
"Of course, Hiccup."
He took her in his arms and held her very tightly against him. They were both so happy. They had come a long way. Astrid was so proud of what he had become. By doing that, Hiccup was finally taking full responsibility for himself.
Astrid slipped her hand over his cheek. She looked at his face.
"I love you Hiccup Haddock," she said before kissing him tenderly.
Huddled together in the chief's bed, Hiccup and Astrid were not asleep. They didn't need to talk either. One look was enough. And Hiccup looked her in the eye. He had a question.
"When?" he asked, clasping her hand.
"When what?"
"When are you going to be my wife?"
She smiled.
"In winter, just like when we got engaged."
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 32)
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Colson's slowly collecting his stuff. He has a show in NC on the 10th and then is fully on tour until July. Sighing he shoots Ashley a text asking about Luna. She lets him know that she's with her.
"At least she's safe." Even though he's sure Pete is probably right, he's still worried about what could have upset her. He notices the time. "Damn she runs fast." He thinks impressed as he finishes his joint.
Ashley sits at the kitchen table while Luna paces. "It's the fucking principal. He's basically holding my music hostage, with a fucking Top 40 Hit as the ransom. Its fucking ludicrous!! Like, what the fuck makes anyone think they can fucking own me!?" She shakes her head, knowing exactly what, a Fucking contract, as she looks around for her purse. "Fuck, I didn't even bring my bag. You got any bud?" She asks Ashley.
"Yup." Twisting her pen in her hand. "Sit." She directs Luna.
She does, continuing to vent to her best friend. "And this fucking Alabama shit is insane!! It's like we're taking 10 more steps back, every fucking day." She hits the pen a few times.
"So we do, what we do. Write a fucking Riot Grl song, like we talked about, only now we have a clear message. I know you like being small Loons, but we let it be a top 40 and use it to do something about Alabama. At least draw attention to it and figure out a way to help the girls there." She takes the pen from Luna and hits it herself. "Think about what you do for Flint. Just bigger and more exposed. Fuck, my fans love merch!! We can donate all those proceeds somewhere!!" Ashley can see the wheels turning in Luna's head.
"I can't fucking feature with you, he'll demand another 40, locking me into 2." She sighs.
"So, you feature me. If they wanna play red tape, with a Fucking WORD, we'll wrap them motherfuckers up in it. You said you have Monica going over your contract. Have her look into you featuring other artists."
Luna nods. Texting Monica right then. She also asks her to please look into possibly helping local Alabama organizations. Monica texts that she will, and that she already has her ear to the ground. Luna hits the pen again. She looks at Ashley. "I think we should change some things around. Write it from 2 points of view. An 'I and Us' kinda theme." She peers at Ashley. "Am I making sense?"
"Yup!" Says Ashley excited, pulling out the book they had wrote in the night before. "How about this?" She asks changing some lyrics 🎶We've been polite//But we're done with this trend//Of men thinking//They can tell us//What we can do//In our beds🎶
"Ohhhhh!!! That's fucking nasty, Ashh! I Fucking love it! I wanna change the Exs lyric to record executives..." She takes the pencil from Ashley. 🎶Keep the record executives//In check//In their basements//Their ideas are tired//Or worse//They're complacent//I have played nice//But will now be The Bully//We're tired and angry//Coming for The Hill//So scared//Is what you should be🎶 She shows Ashley.
"AHHHHHHH!!! LOOOOONS!! We're gonna be murking motherfuckers out here!!" Ashley screams, jumping up from the table after she reads it. She's dancing around singing it to a barking Jagger. "I'll be right back." She walks out of the room. Coming back in with her guitar. They finish reworking the lyrics, over their initial melody. Then they write the rest of the music. Using soft and hard drum ideas, guitar, keytar and a solid bass line dropping in and out. Ashley is playing guitar, while Luna bangs rhythms out on the table. They're working the hard/soft formula and wanna see if Colson and his band will back them.
"I'd trust Slim and Baze to produce it." Luna says confidently.
"Oh yeah, deff after the other night." Ashley agrees. After about an hour the girls sit back, satisfied.
"What should we call it?" Luna asks. Still sitting back, Ashley thinks for a minute. 🎶I'm no sweet dream but Imma hell of a night🎶 She looks at Luna intensely as she slides her arms across the table towards her. "Nightmare." She says with nod and wicked smile.
"Fuck yes." Luna agrees biting her lip, thinking hard. "We open to you reciting The Lords Prayer." Matching Ashley's wicked smile.
Ashley laughs. "I FUCKING love THAT!! This is going to be AMAZING!!"
"They're not gonna know what fucking hit 'em." Luna agrees, her wicked smile turning into an evil grin.
Ashley starts dancing around the kitchen again, singing. This time mimicking CCR 🎶There's a Bad Luna rising, I see trouble on the way🎶 Both girls laugh before Luna calls Colson. She needs to shower and change her shoulder's dressing. She's gross from anger-running and her shoulder is throbbing.
Colson is smoking a joint, working in the studio when Luna calls. She apologizes for running out. She was mad at her lable and AL and said she didn't wanna take it out on him.
He gets it, he'd looked it up, AL is a big deal. He asks her why she's mad at the lable.
She explains some douche bag is anticipating their record being a Top 40 Hit and how, because Luna's mainly low-key, he wants his own Top 40 from her before he'll release her rights to Bad Things.
They know that they have the music in their physical possession and can do what they want with it. They also know that without her lable's permission they can both be sued and the song legally blocked from the air. They both agree it's bullshit. Luna's already decided she's deff walking in June.
She then asks if he would mind backing her and Ashley on their record with his band? He laughs agreeing, asking if she wants to record today. She responds with a grateful yes please. They get off the phone agreeing her and Ashley will be over soon.
Luna calls Monica to get an update on the legalities and include her in the possible new ones with Ashley, Colson and his band. She tells Luna she can't find anything to get Luna out of her contract, that she does indeed have a feature for feature clause but that HER lable is responsible for all production, publicity and artist costs on her records. Before they disconnect, she reminds her that her contract is up next month. 
"Oh, Imma ride the shit outttta of this." Luna happily schemes more artists into the project.
Before getting to Colson's, Luna places a handful of personal calls. If she wants to lay the track this evening and shoot the video tomorrow, she HAS to move quickly. Her friend Hannah has agreed to shoot the video. Her grandmother, Frannie, Paris, Billie and Lana are all free to show up. Luna asks them to spread the Riot Grl word, that she wants a BIG SHOT at 7P, bring, send, anyone and everyone they can. EXCEPT Joan, she tells her grandmother. She then shoots a mass text out to Cara, Lily, Nikki, Bella, Phem, Steph, Ri, Nix, Zoë and Ruby letting them know what her plan is, asking if they wanna be involved, esp in the BIG SHOT and to bring whomever. JUST NOT JOAN. Her phone is exploding as she drives with Ashley to Colson's. Everyone's in. They're equally pissed about AL and excited to be involved in the project. Most can fly in tonight, others tomorrow. Definitely before 7P. Luna responds with 😍🙏💃🎉
The thread still rolling through out the night with details and updates. Luna appreciating her friends.
Ashley heads into the studio first, to recite The Lord's Prayer over Baze's eerie keytar. Luna's pleased with how sick they sound together.
Once they finish, EVERYONE piles into the studio, Luna and Ashley are side by side. Colson and AJ each have a guitar. Rook is on the drums, Baze still on the keytar. They need certain elements. Slim is outside the booth working the board. They had given it a couple dry runs and feel confident they can get it on one take. Luna kisses Colson, smiling at him. "Let's kill a Fucking nother one, Guys!!!" She shouts as they start.
Slim plays Ashley's voice over their headphones. As her voice ends and Baze's keytar continues, the band kicks in together fiercely as Ashley's vocals pound along with them. The room zaps to life.
🎶I!🎶Keep a record of their wreckage and their lies🎶We're startin' to weaponize our powerful minds🎶They talk shit but we won't take it this time🎶And they'll realize🎶
The band stops as Luna steps in alone, slowly coming in behind her vocals.
🎶I'm out for blood and it won't be sweet🎶Tired of having the rugs🎶Pulled from beneath our feet🎶Done trusting lies🎶Done trusting Men🎶Picking each other up🎶And putting ourselves🎶Back together again🎶
Luna's voice is strong but delicate as she glides over the lyrics with passion. She continues.
🎶We've stared in our mirrors🎶And punched it to shatters🎶Picked out our pieces🎶To have our own daggers🎶Society has us🎶Pinching our skin🎶With our own fingers🎶Wishing we could cut our parts off🎶With some scissors🎶
The room is buzzing as Ashley steps in harmonizing with Luna.
🎶They say🎶Come on Little Ladies give us a smile🎶No we ain't got nothing to smile about🎶
Ashley falls out as Luna continues into the mic with more anger in her voice. Rook's drums push hard.
🎶We've got nothing to smile for🎶I waited a while for🎶This moment to say🎶WE DON'T OWE YOU A GOD DAMN THING!🎶
The band crashes in after Luna, Ashley belting the first chorus again, nailing it.
🎶I!🎶Keep a record of their wreckage and their lies🎶We're startin' to weaponize our powerful minds🎶They talk shit but we won't take it this time🎶And they'll realize🎶
The band stops again, only Baze on keytar as Ashley softens her voice.
🎶That I'm no sweet dream🎶But I'm a hell of a night🎶No, I'm no sweet dream 🎶But I'm a hell of a night🎶
Luna and Ashley exchange excited looks as Ashley drops out so Luna can step in again with Baze, Rook rumbling behind her. She sings with fire.
🎶No, I won't smile🎶But I'll show you my teeth🎶And I might let you breathe🎶If you just let us be🎶We've been polite🎶But we're done with this trend🎶Of men thinking they can tell us🎶What we can do in our beds🎶Keep the record executives🎶In check in their basements🎶Their ideas are tired🎶Even worse, they're complacent🎶I have played nice🎶But will now be The Bully🎶We're tired and angry🎶Coming for The Hill🎶So scared is what you should be🎶
Luna snarls, grinning at Colson as she joins Ashley again for the second chorus. Colson plays his guitar flawlessly, dick getting hard as he watches Luna bounce around. The girls mock each other playfully as they sing together.
🎶They say🎶Come on Little Ladies give us a smile🎶No, we ain't got nothing to smile about🎶
Ashley drops back as Luna slams into the lyrics again.
🎶We've got nothing to smile for🎶I waited a while for🎶This moment to say🎶WE DON'T OWE YOU A GOD DAMN THING!!!🎶
The booth EXPLODES as Ashley and band come in harder than ever over the original chorus.
🎶I!🎶Keep a record of their wreckage and their lies🎶We're starting to weaponize our powerful minds🎶They talk shit but we won't take it this time🎶And they'll realize🎶
The band lightens as Luna and Ashley harmonize together again.
🎶Women like me🎶Can be real nightmares🎶Completely aware🎶But I'd rather be a real nightmare🎶Than die unaware🎶Yeah🎶Women like me🎶Can be real nightmares🎶Completely aware🎶But I'm glad to be🎶A real nightmare🎶So save us your prayers🎶
The band kicks in with Ashley again HARD for the final run of the main chorus. The booth going insane.
🎶I!🎶Keep a record of their wreckage and their lies🎶We're startin' to weaponize our powerful minds🎶They talk shit but we won't take it this time🎶And they'll realize🎶
The band fades from under her as Ashley leads them out over Baze's keytar.
🎶That I'm no sweet dream🎶But I'm a hell of a night🎶No, I'm no sweet dream 🎶But I'm a hell of a night🎶
Everyone is wide eyed with adrenaline. Slim comes over their head phones. "THAT was fucking SICK, Yo!" He tells them to their cheers. Luna and Ashley squeeze each other excitedly before Luna pulls back outta pain. They head into the studio for the playback.
Luna sits on Colson's lap, swigging a beer as they listen to the record. Everyone is pumped with excitement. Joints are flowing. The song is raw and fierce, exactly the way Luna and Ashley wanted it. She sends the raw cut through the mass text.
"You were fucking sexy as hell in there, Kitten. Imma fuck the shit outta you later." Colson whispers into Luna's ear.
She giggles, thanking him for his help before kissing him deeply. Then she turns to the room "By the way guys all of tonight, and today Ash, are billable to Charles Fucking Ward at Riot Records!!" She announces lifting her beer. They all laugh and cheers.
After a bit, everyone heads upstaris to unwind and get fucked up by the pool.
Finally alone upstairs. Luna pulls the red dress she has on, off over her head. Colson comes up behind her, moving her long blonde hair to kiss the back of her neck. Even exhausted he sets her on fire. She cranes her neck back, pulling his head to her, kissing him over her good shoulder. Their kisses are sloppy, wet and firm. Colson slides his hand into the waistband of her panties. Slipping his middle finger inside of her, swirling her clit with his thumb. Panting, she kisses him harder before pushing him away. She looks coyly over her right shoulder at him as she slides her panties off. Bending over his dresser, she wiggles her ass in the air at him.
"Ooohhh... Dirty Girl wants to play? He laughs, dropping his pants.
"Yes, please." She giggles with a smile.
"Mmmm." He bites her on the ass, making her jump. Then he grabs her by one hip, sliding himself slowly into her wet pussy.
"Bunnnnyyy....." Luna coos to the girth of his dick.
"You like that, Kitten?" He asks, pulling her hair, pumping into her hard.
She yelps. Moaning "Mhhhhmmm." As she bucks against him hard. Catching his eye in the mirror, she bites her lip. She gives him a devilish look as she begins slamming into him. "Who's dick is it?" She asks.
"Yours." He says, body flush from her pussy and stare.
Not breaking eye contact, she asks again feeling her body heat up as she fucks him. "Who's dick is it?"
"Yours." He says louder, breathing hard, gripping her hips as she fucks him. He's close as they continue to stare at each other in the mirror.
Bucking hard, just about to cum, she licks her bottom lip before biting it again. "WHO'S FUCKING DICK IS THIS!?" She demands one last time, daring him with her eyes.
They both cum as he yells out "YOURS!!!!!" before carefully falling on to her back.
"Your fucking right it is." She tells him. Still grinding against him. She's greedy with his cock.
"You're a crazy fucking bitch." He tells her, kissing her bare back, making her purr. It's an action they both cherish.
As they climb into bed she asks him if Casie can come to the video shoot tomorrow.
"I think it's gonna be really iconic, there's going to be a lot of strong, smart women involved. And, if it's ok with you and Emma, I think it would be an awesome experience for Cas. Especially for her to be included in the BIG SHOT. THAT would be fucking epic!" She grins getting excited.
He loves how she reacts to things but even more how she thinks of Casie. He checks the time.
"Lemme call Em now." He says reaching for his phone. "Hey..." He says when she picks up. "Nah, everything's cool. How are you and Cas?" "Cool." "So listen, I know it's last minute but Luna's shooting like a women's empowerment music video tomorrow and she was hoping to involve Cas..." Emma's talking. "Yeah, yeah... If you could fly her out, that'd be awesome." "Cool." "Thanks Em, see you tomorrow."
"AAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Luna squeals jumping on top of him, kissing him all over."This is gonna be SO fun!!!"
"I Fucking love you." He smiles, pulling back her into him for another orgasmic night cap.
After going to bed late and waking up SUPER early, before she even showers, Luna asks Colson for an Adderall. He looks at her a little crooked as he hands her a 30xr. She REALLY shocks the fuck out of him when she cracks the capsule and snorts it in one shot. "It's gonna be a long day." She one shoulder shrugs.
"I FUCKING love her." He thinks laughing to himself, as he kisses her on the head.
Colson goes with Luna in the morning to greet her grandmother. Luna introduces her to Colson, whom she embraces warmly as she invites him out to NY for dinner. He graciously accepts while blushing. Patti flew in with her dear friends Joni, Debbie, Annie and Susan. Luna is excited to see all of them. She had anticipated lots of touching and hugs so she popped 3 30s, ate a bag of CBD heavy edibles and smoked an extra joint to pick them up. Luna's grandmother still doesn't know she was shot and Luna's goal is to keep it that way.
Colson drops Luna and the women off at the abandoned building she had rented for the shoot. It's nice to have credit in the straight world. Luna's billing every fucking thing from tody to Charles Ward at Riot Records. Red tape, Motherfuckers.
Luna's grandmother and her friends tease her over how cute and sweet Colson is. He's grabbing them breakfast from The Griddle before going to get Casie from the airport.
It's a fun day of filming. Filled with excitement, empowerment, ideas, laughter, bonding and surprises.
Luna's friends begin to arrive at the location at different times, bringing other strong women with them. Everyone truly coming together like a family. Each woman being involved, blending in with the other cast and helping create different scenes that Ashley and Luna play out. The women change wardrobe multiple times from street fighting, punk clothes to sweet lingerie. And everything in between. Causing Pattie to notice Luna's injury. Luna promising to tell her grandmother about it later.
Casie is on set having a blast. Interacting with everyone while Luna keeps an eye on her. Colson had dropped her off, saying Hello to Pattie and kissing Luna deeply. Leaving before becoming overwhelmed by the overflowing estrogen. It's agreed Casie will only be in the BIG SHOT. Luna's grandmother finds the girl especially sweet with her quick wit. Making Pattie laugh many times throughout the day to Luna's delight.
Luna talks to Monica regarding Nightmare and Bad Things. Monica has drawn up and had Charles sign a contract confirming that once Luna releases Nightmare publicly, she will have full control over her rights to Bad Things.
They also touch base on AL, how there are still 3 functioning clinics. They're being funded by an organization named Yellowhammer. Luna tells Monica that she and Ash were thinking about printing out merchandise in promotion of the track. She asks her to start setting that in motion. Linking all proceeds to Yellowhammer. After agreeing, Monica then tells Luna she found a Dr who is looking for help. Luna asks her to set up a meeting. Thanking Monica as always, telling her to look for the link to their hardwork on Monday morning before they hang up.
Juuuuuust before 7P. A black Aston Martin pulls up. It's Beyoncé.
"Ohhhhhhh!!! FUUUCCCKK!!!!" Luna clasps her hands over her mouth laughing. "This is gonna cost them sooooooooooooo much money." She thinks happily.
After the BIG SHOT, they reshoot the opening sequence to include Beyoncé. Who had heard through Jay, who had heard through Nikki. Whom is Luna's dear, laughing friend, that she squeezes as hard as she can in gratitude with her wounded body. ----------------------------------------------
Once they wrap, hug and cheer. Luna reminds everyone to bill Charles Ward at Riot Records for their time. CAST AND CREW!! That she'll send them all the link Sunday night and to please drop it promptly Monday morning at 7A with #nightmare. Everyone agrees, excited to see and share their finished project. Colson pops in for a drink and to congratulate and kiss her. Then he takes Cas home for bed, both promising to see each other later. The cast and crew continue to celebrate their victory late into the night.
Luna puts her grandmother into an uber with her friends back to their hotel. Promising each other to text when the other arrives to their final destination. Before kissing goodbye, Luna thanks the ladies for their help, to their smiling, excited pleasure.
Benny picks up Luna and Ashley from the set. Colson is at her house with Dom. The girls say goodbye, being happy-exhausted as Ashley sends Colson out to the Rover.
He slides in tipsy. Kissing all over Luna. Her neck, her mouth. Zapping her back to life with the elecrity from the day still bubbling inside of her. She climbs on top of him as Benny knowingly puts the partition up and turns up the music. Kissing him hard and wet, she unbuckles his pants exposing his huge, hard cock. "Mmm...Someone missed me." She murmers in his ear as she slides her panties over and him slowly inside. He groans, kissing her all over as she shifts and adjusts him inside of her. His mouth makes her body tingle. Once comfortable, there is no slow with them. Luna rides Colson hard, bucking against him, while holding on to his shoulders. Digging her nails into his skin. He holds her steady by the hips as she continues driving him deep inside of her. Fast, hard, fierce.
Pulling his head back by his hair he moans "Kiiittteeeennn...."
"Do it Bunny." She demands, bucking harder against him. Making them both explode.
Sunday night Luna schedules emails with links to the finished track to be sent to every major radio station across America at 7A. She schedules the upload to her YouTube channel and Twitter page. She then sends the link to any and everyone who participated, reminding them to drop the link at 7A with #nightmare. Followed by many thank yous and tons of love.
Monday morning at 7A Charles gets a text from Luna. It's a link to her YouTube channel. He clicks on the link. It's a video entitled Nightmare. The video opens to a mugshot of Luna. Followed by different flashing scenes before landing onto a fishnet and leather clad lineup of That Brooklyn Bitch, Rihanna, Halsey, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga and Nikki Minaj. It holds for a second before the hard, catchy, pop punk song kicks in loudly. Featuring clips of Luna, Halsey and the other famous faces embodying various personas, from punk rockers to dominatrixes to pin-up models to housewives to businesswomen. Including an all women fight club scene, little girls in front of a school bus and women rioting. Showcasing how multifaceted women are. It holds on a frame of her grandmother Pattie Smith, Joni Mitchell, Annie Lennox, Debbie Harry, Lita Ford and Siouxsie Sioux together. All in leather. Mean mugging the camera. Then flows into the BIG SHOT. A group of women marching, towards the camera. A little girl is leading the pack, holding a sign that says "We WON'T Smile". Others are holding banners and signs saying "We Support The Women of Alabama" and "Not Your Bitch". As the group gets closer to the camera, Charles is recognizing all of the women. Luna, Halsey, Ruby Rose, Lily Depp, Cara Delevingne, Pattie Smith, Annie Lennox, Joni Mitchell, Debbie Harry, Siouxsie Sioux, Lita Ford, Frances Bean, Paris Jackson, Billie Lourd, Emma Roberts, Zoë Kravitz, SZA, Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Nicole Richie, Britney Spears, Rihanna, Bella Thorn, Lana Del Rey, Phem, Nikki Minaj all mixed together. It ends abruptly after mugshots of each of the 26 famous women flash across the screen. It's goes black before a link to the Yellowhammer Foundation pops up. Charles is speechless. It's cinematic history and pop gold.
Thinking of the cameos.
Just as another text from Luna comes in.
It says: "There's your Top 40 Motherfucker. Hope you enjoyed it 📃🎥💸💸💸💅"
He can't help but be impressed by her conniving cuntlyness.
To be continued......
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Bea & Fraze
Bea: You don't have any lectures Friday this term, right? Fraze: Right Bea: I thought so Bea: so you could be here Friday @ 8PM Bea: realistically Fraze: Yeah Bea: Okay good Fraze: Is it? Bea: Well Bea: Unavoidable social events aren't anything to shout about but they are what they say on the tin Bea: need someone to go with, one of those things Fraze: You ain't really selling it here, babe Fraze: Get that lad who wants to fuck you to do it Bea: Come on Bea: I'll owe you one Fraze: You should've led with that Bea: I'm not gonna lie to get you here Bea: just a birthday meal, we've endured worse Bea: but everyone is coupled up and I can't show up alone Fraze: I'm not gonna lie that I'm thrilled for the invite Bea: I don't need you to lie Bea: just need you to do it so what will that take Fraze: I'll do it 'cause you asked me Fraze: You'll owe me when I need it Bea: Alright Bea: deal Bea: air on the smarter side of smart casual for the dresscode Fraze: Alright Bea: Lemme know when you've booked your flight Bea: can stay after if you haven't got other plans Fraze: I'll do it now Fraze: Before I get other plans Bea: Thanks Fraze: Don't thank me yet if any of their posh cunt boyfriends wind me up you won't be Bea: It's a boy's birthday Bea: and he's from somewhere up North so I'm not sure how posh he is Bea: they're alright Bea: you'll be fine for a night Fraze: I don't need his entire autobiography, like Fraze: He'll be the one blowing out the candles and I'll be gone not too long after Bea: Hardly Bea: don't need you wishing the wrong person happy birthday Fraze: I don't need to wish anyone anything, he's your friend not mine Bea: 🙄 Bea: You don't get to call an IOU if you're gonna come and be a twat Fraze: You don't get to tell me how to socialise Fraze: I'll buy him a couple of drinks, job easily done Bea: So you're just being awkward with me Bea: I wouldn't have asked if it weren't necessary yeah Fraze: If I was being awkward I'd have said I was busy Bea: Whatever then Fraze: It ain't whatever, you're here 'cause you want something, end of Fraze: You ain't bringing the pleasantries so why the fuck am or would I? Bea: I said you could stay Bea: if you're coming we could at least try to have a nice time Fraze: You said I could stay 'cause otherwise you owe me bigger Fraze: It ain't just flights both ways and whatever the fuck this dinner party is, it's all that one after the fucking other Bea: No I did not Bea: don't make me out like I'm so fucking calculated Bea: and yeah, that's exactly why I said make a weekend of it so it isn't here and immediately back Bea: but if you can't do it then don't agree to, it's fine Fraze: I'm not making you out to be anything, like I said, you led with what you led with, babe Fraze: If you wanted me to stay, if it was about me at fucking all, this conversation would've been entirely different Fraze: You know what you want and you know how to get it Bea: You're hearing what you wanna hear, more like Bea: just 'cos I was honest and didn't try to sell this as the party of the year, you've decided to be in a mood about it Fraze: I'm reading what's written Fraze: You have no idea what mood I'm in 'cause you ain't asked me Fraze: But yeah, sorry it ain't a pleasure doing business with you Bea: Oh my God Bea: forget it, it's fine Fraze: I've booked my flight, like I said I would, so that ain't really an option unless you wanna refund me Fraze: [imagine flight details sent here cos what do I know about it] Bea: Really Bea: alright, we'll just have to make best of a bad situation then Fraze: Lucky for us we've had loads of practice at exactly that, yeah? Bea: Lucky is exactly how I'd put it Fraze: Saved you a job then Bea: Gee, thanks Bea: whilst you're at it, can you grab the dress I wore for NYE Bea: got nothing that's cutting it here Fraze: You're so welcome, princess Fraze: Sure, not like I have to pack loads of shit for myself, quickest of visits, like Bea: You're so welcome Fraze: I know Bea: you want a hotel room or what? Fraze: You got any single friends or what? Bea: Yeah so you've not been reading what I said Bea: as suspected Fraze: 'Cause I assumed they weren't all gathered in one room Fraze: I didn't realise you were living some kind of murder mystery Bea: You know my course is selective Fraze: So I got the wrong book and Cambs is more like Hogwarts Fraze: No mixing, yeah? Bea: What'd be the point? Fraze: Could be friends who don't celebrate with wanky dinners, but we'll never know now Bea: That's irrelevant Bea: wouldn't want to go either way Fraze: It's irrelevant 'cause it ain't gonna happen, like I said, the wanky dinner is the only option Bea: It's irrelevant because getting pissed in a restaurant is no different to getting pissed in a pub Bea: you're the snob in this situation, they've seen the inside of the SU and they live in filthy student accommodation, if it makes you feel better Fraze: That's bullshit that you don't want my da to hear you spouting, first of all and second of all, fuck off Bea: It's true, whether your dad reckons it or not Fraze: It ain't even close to true Fraze: The truth is, you weren't excited about this and they're your friends so don't be a fucking hypocrite and expect me to be Bea: Don't judge them when you don't even know if they're a girl or a boy Fraze: I could give a fuck about 'em Bea: Then shut up talking about them either way Fraze: I've barely said a word about 'em Bea: No, that's me Bea: you're the one going on speculating about my friends Fraze: Am I fuck Bea: Sure Bea: it ain't a big secret Bea: I'll give you their socials beforehand, like Fraze: You sure? You're well touchy on their behalf Bea: Yeah right Bea: because you're not just judging them, you're judging me and you're being a cunt Fraze: I am a cunt that ain't news, I don't know 'em to judge 'em I've never met 'em before this Fraze: Asking if you've got friends outside your course ain't a judgement it Fraze: its a question Bea: They aren't mutually exclusive Bea: it's more than capable of being loaded with both Fraze: You're more than capable of realising what I mean and what I don't Bea: Yeah, I am Fraze: So what's your problem? Fraze: The actual one Bea: I've said Fraze: Nah Bea: Yeah Bea: you're the only one with shit to say Fraze: What I'm saying is what I've already said, you've seen me judgemental and your friends are getting off light Fraze: Try again Bea: I don't care Bea: I've actually got shit to do Bea: see you when you're here Fraze: If you didn't care you wouldn't have to tell me you don't Fraze: But whatever, I've got my own shit to do Bea: I would when you won't stop talking Fraze: Bullshit Bea: How is it Bea: seriously, you do not know how to take a hint Fraze: You know how to shut me up Bea: Clearly not Fraze: Nice try Bea: Fuck off Fraze: Come on, that ain't ever worked, go again Bea: Seriously Bea: you're being stupid now Fraze: You're treating me like I'm stupid Bea: No, I'm treating you how you're happy to be treated Fraze: You're losing your touch with me if that's what you reckon, babe Bea: If you like Fraze: You clearly do Bea: You don't know any more than me Fraze: If you like Bea: Can't have it both ways Fraze: Maybe not in Cambs Fraze: I can have it any way I want, cunt's prerogative Bea: Almost convincing Bea: Not Fraze: Not you I have to convince Bea: Lucky again Fraze: One word for it Bea: Feel free to throw any synonyms you like around Fraze: We've both got better things to do Fraze: It ain't going towards my word count on any assignment Bea: Glad you're finally seeing sense Fraze: 'Course you are Fraze: You got what you wanted, no need to keep the conversation going on your end, like Bea: You really want me to rise to it Bea: Interesting Fraze: For you maybe, I'd call it boring Bea: Yeah, insult me when you've shown too much Bea: that'll work Fraze: If I was insulting you, I'd do better Bea: No proof of that Fraze: There's years of it Bea: All those years have been reduced to a piece of paper and some letters Bea: don't you know none of that matters now Fraze: If I didn't before I do now Fraze: Cheers for that Bea: Should've covered that in freshers week Bea: so you're welcome again Fraze: Yeah Bea: We all good here then? Fraze: Is that a rhetorical question? Bea: Nope Fraze: Shame Bea: Easier for you, I understand Fraze: Nah, easier for you, as per Bea: I'm not the one avoiding the question Fraze: You're avoiding the answer Bea: Ooh Bea: deep Bea: didn't know you'd switched to Philosophy Fraze: You don't know fuck all about any of this shit Fraze: We've already established that Bea: Please do mansplain it to me Bea: not enough of that in my life Fraze: As much as you'd love for me to be that cunt Bea: We've already established you are Bea: regardless how I feel about it Fraze: Nah, we haven't that's the point Fraze: I'm a cunt, that one ain't it Bea: You keep saying lots of things are the point Bea: becomes less and less persuasive every time but I get it Fraze: What, you can only keep up with the one? Fraze: I'm keep it well simple for you then, fuck you Bea: Cool Bea: if you'd have just answered 20 messages ago Fraze: Next time feel free to stop answering whenever the fuck you like Bea: Awh Fraze: Don't Bea: Why not Fraze: You know why not Bea: You're the only one that gets to be a cunt Bea: I don't think so Fraze: Yeah, 'cause that's the first time you've been a cunt Bea: Finally he says how he really feels Fraze: It ain't how I feel it's how it is Bea: Same difference Bea: Least you ain't being a pussy no more Fraze: You wish, babe Fraze: Not everything's about you, it shouldn't be news Bea: You wish, babe Fraze: Yeah, I do Fraze: I'd love for you to be my only problem right now Bea: If it's a problem you're doing it wrong Fraze: Again, you wish Fraze: That weren't even close to what I was talking about Bea: Yeah, essays, I remember Bea: we all have them Bea: this year doesn't count Fraze: Jesus, forget it Bea: What Bea: Stop talking in riddles and be a person if you want a fucking conversation Fraze: I don't want a fucking conversation with you, I said forget it Bea: Fine Fraze: Good Bea: There's your rhetorical Fraze: If you say so Bea: 👍 Fraze: Yeah right Bea: Fuck off Fraze: Ladies first Bea: You aren't funny Fraze: I ain't in a joking mood Bea: What's wrong Bea: seriously Fraze: For fuck's sake Bea: Just tell me Fraze: Shut up Bea: No Fraze: Don't make me repeat myself Bea: Then tell me Fraze: No Bea: then fuck you Fraze: Then fuck me Fraze: Whatever Bea: It isn't Fraze: And what? Bea: And you could do something about it Fraze: I'm not fucking stupid, don't talk to me like I am Bea: You're not talking to me at all Bea: what else can I go on Fraze: It's not a mystery for you to solve Fraze: Go do something else Bea: Can't make me Fraze: Don't be stupid Bea: Why not Fraze: 'Cause you ain't Bea: When it's convenient Fraze: Bullshit, it's inconvenient as hell right now and I'm still saying it Bea: How is it inconvenient Bea: not like I've worked it out Fraze: You won't fucking drop it either way Fraze: And when I show up to this birthday dinner unable to hold my cutlery 'cause you keep winding me up it'll be exactly that Bea: If you just told me, it would be dropped Bea: and you aren't blaming me if you hurt yourself Fraze: I've already told you, I don't wanna fucking talk about it Bea: Fraze Fraze: Don't Bea: You first Fraze: Seriously don't Bea: Don't come Bea: I'll send you the money Bea: whatever, I don't care Fraze: Alright Bea: Good luck with Bea: whatever it is Fraze: It ain't about luck Fraze: Save your breath Bea: So I can't say anything now? Bea: Fine Fraze: I don't need your help or whatever the fuck that was Bea: I didn't offer help Fraze: Like I said, whatever the hell you are offering, don't Bea: I said I don't need you now Fraze: Fuck off then Bea: You're more than capable of ending the conversation yourself Bea: I'm not doing it for you Fraze: Do it for yourself Bea: Like you care Fraze: 'Course I do Bea: Yeah right Fraze: Yeah right Fraze: I love you Bea: I wanted you to come Fraze: I'll be there Bea: It's a stupid reason to come Fraze: That's not the reason I'm showing up Fraze: It's an excuse for why I can Bea: I miss you so much I can't think properly Bea: it's fucking me up Fraze: I know, me too Bea: I don't know what we should do Fraze: I know what you should do, it's what you're already doing Fraze: You belong there, babe Bea: That's not the answer to the question I asked though Bea: just an answer Fraze: Yeah well Bea: I know Fraze: Nothing's how I thought it'd be or how I want it but I'm trying to work it out Bea: I'm proud of you Fraze: Don't be Fraze: Not for this Bea: Alright, I'll be proud when you work it out Bea: better? Fraze: Yeah Bea: It's just another stepping stone, yeah Bea: it's not permanent Fraze: I fucking hope not Bea: Me too Fraze: I don't know how to explain how wrong all of this is Bea: I'm the one person you really don't have to explain it too though so Bea: that's something Fraze: If it was just you, us Fraze: But everything is so fucked Bea: Like what else Bea: please talk to me Fraze: I've made too many mistakes here, with this Fraze: I don't know if I should've done any of it Bea: Your course or uni as a whole? Fraze: Maybe it'd be different somewhere else, maybe it wouldn't Bea: You can transfer credits, but yeah Bea: a gamble on a maybe Bea: there's always options, different ways to get to what you want, you ain't trapped Bea: alright, remember, like Fraze: I ain't a quitter either Bea: Then don't Bea: but you're no idiot Bea: so you wouldn't stay if it made no sense Fraze: I've stayed this long, I feel like an idiot Bea: It's a big deal Bea: you wouldn't wanna drop out then regret that, you need to be sure what you wanna do Fraze: I know Bea: You're not an idiot Fraze: Don't be nice to me now Bea: Fuck you Bea: better? Fraze: I miss you Fraze: If you wanna feel sorry for me over something it can be that Bea: I mean Bea: yeah, that's a shitty state of affairs to be in Fraze: Exactly Bea: Of all the people in all the world to miss Fraze: I picked the best one Fraze: Not that much of an idiot, clearly Bea: Shut up Bea: you aren't allowed to be nice either Fraze: You can't make me and you seriously can't stop me Bea: Give you the former Bea: but I've definitely just proved I can stop you being nice easy as Fraze: That weren't you it was me Bea: You're really gonna hit me with that cliche now? Bea: Ouch 💔 Fraze: It's a cliche for a reason, Red Bea: 'Cos people rely on it when they don't wanna be honest, like Fraze: And 'cause it's a numbers thing and in this case it's always gonna be me being a cunt more than it is you Bea: Nah Bea: I don't like to be outdone, thank you Fraze: Give me this one thing, yeah? Bea: Hmm Bea: begrudgingly Bea: if we never speak of it again Fraze: I'll take it silently Bea: 😏 Fraze: Shut up Bea: I didn't say anything Bea: rude! Fraze: I know what you're thinking Bea: Interesting Bea: but actually Fraze: But actually don't start, you already know I miss you Bea: Fine Bea: boring but fine Fraze: It ain't boring to want to survive until I can see you in person Fraze: Or touch you in person Bea: I really wish your flight was sooner Fraze: If I could change it, I would Bea: Be worth the wait Bea: always is Fraze: You always are Bea: Don't be saying that to anyone else Bea: just me yeah Fraze: I'm not waiting for anyone else, just you Bea: Still Fraze: Come on Fraze: You know you're the only one worth anything to me Bea: I don't wanna talk about them Fraze: I'm talking about you, nobody else Bea: Yeah Fraze: Yeah Bea: You don't need a hotel room Fraze: I don't want one Bea: Good 'cos I'm not paying Fraze: Buy me a drink and I'll get over it Bea: I don't know Bea: not your birthday Bea: we'll see Fraze: It ain't NYE either but I'll still see you in that dress again Bea: Exactly Bea: Don't push your luck Fraze: It's my luck, you can't tell me what to do with it Bea: I have missed you Fraze: Good Bea: Do you know what you're gonna do this summer Fraze: Find a job Fraze: Why, what are you gonna do? Bea: I don't know Bea: Probably the same Bea: that lot are talking about traveling but I don't think I fancy it Fraze: 'Course not Fraze: I can picture the kind of bullshit they are planning to do Fraze: Don't even have to know 'em Bea: Least it's not ski season Bea: I'd rather get ahead in any which ways I can Fraze: There or here? Bea: Don't know that either Bea: depends if there's any point being near the uni or I'll have to do it myself Fraze: Fair point Bea: Not like I'm ready for an apprenticeship or anything but might be something more relevant than working in a shop again or whatever Fraze: Exactly Bea: Depends depends Fraze: You can make something happen Fraze: This place has summer shit going on and it ain't as fancy as yours Fraze: The professors are already trying to get anyone who will to give 'em a hand Bea: Yeah Bea: I guess Fraze: Come on Fraze: You're top of your class ain't you, all the teachers will be tripping over themselves to help you out Bea: Obviously Bea: it ain't that Bea: maybe I should go somewhere as well Bea: it's not all about the academics is it Fraze: You'll have time to do both Fraze: If you want Bea: You're right Bea: it's just prioritizing what I want most Fraze: Nothing new there then Fraze: That's all life is basically Bea: Pretty much Fraze: You'll figure it out, you always do Bea: 'Course Bea: not complaining, got enough time to sort all that Bea: right now I need to get ready Fraze: You and me both, babe Bea: What you up to? Fraze: Gym first then it'll get put to a vote so half the lads don't cry off before we've even started Bea: That's cute Bea: very diplomatic Fraze: You're not the only one with wanky friends, what can I say? Bea: 😏 Bea: should connect them up Fraze: Fucking hell cheers for that thought, like Fraze: Not good enough to distract me from asking where you're going though Bea: Tragically the gender gap means there's like 3 other girls on my course so naturally yours will be devastated but can't fix that one myself Bea: Gonna go London Bea: got a free tomorrow Fraze: But gay Jordan will be in his element Fraze: Speaking of, say hi to your besties from me then Bea: Swings and roundabouts Bea: Will do Fraze: Cheers Bea: 'Course Bea: any message, I'm your girl Fraze: 'Course Bea: Has Joe spoke to your 'rents recently or do I actually need to nag him Fraze: Don't be stupid Fraze: Like you he only starts a convo if he needs something Bea: Right Fraze: It ain't but it also ain't my problem Bea: Mine either Fraze: Why bring him up then? Fraze: You don't love to nag that much Bea: Because he'll be there Fraze: It makes no odds to me, I won't Bea: It'd be weird if I acted like he wasn't Bea: no need to think on it any more than that Fraze: It's weird that he is, but whatever Bea: What do you mean Fraze: What I said Bea: And that is? Fraze: Him hanging out with that lot is weird Bea: Just different from what you wanna do Fraze: If you like Bea: They've got stuff in common Bea: why not Fraze: I'd have shit in common with your Cambs mates if I tried hard enough, don't mean I'm gonna come back to hang out Bea: You aren't related to any of them Fraze: Don't Bea: Well, don't you be stupid Bea: it's obvious, whether you want to think about it or not Fraze: Shut up Bea: Whatever Fraze: Go get ready Bea: I am Bea: but message received Fraze: Whatever Fraze: I've gotta go Bea: Have fun Fraze: Yeah, you too Bea: Slainte Fraze: [time skip moment let's all take a sec to appreciate them both rocking a look] Bea: [naturally, as if you didn't miss each other enough lmao] Fraze: [this is why I LOVE you both so much] Bea: [see if I can find a pic but lord knows] Fraze: [likewise but we know the luck I have with boy clothes] Bea: [are they opposite each other or next to each other it's important] Fraze: [lets commit to opposite for the eye contact if no other reason lol] Bea: [definitely] Bea: See, they aren't THAT bad Fraze: I never said they were Bea: Your face is very expressive Fraze: If you look long enough, 'course it is Fraze: [a look because I must] Bea: [just smirking and catching his eye before looking away really fast] Fraze: [shaking his head but not in a shady way we know he loves it and her bye] Bea: See? Bea: Blatant Fraze: You already know what I'm thinking, I ain't gonna bother putting a front on, like Bea: I didn't say I mind Fraze: You don't have to, I know you don't Bea: What else do you know, smartypants Fraze: I know you look even better in that than you did at New Year's Bea: I'll take it Bea: you're not as wasted as you were then Bea: [looks at him like she's checking] Fraze: Not yet Bea: You reckon you can get on that level tonight Bea: Doubt it Fraze: 'Course I could Fraze: Easy Bea: Better get a round in then, hadn't I Bea: call it consolation Bea: [is getting every hoes order] Fraze: [helps because he's that bitch] Bea: [whatta couple] Fraze: [let's take a moment to appreciate how sociable he actually is though despite the moody cunt he also is casually he's my dad haha] Bea: [hence she woulda invited him, beyond the obvious of wanting to, 'cos he's not gonna embarrass her like bronson accidentally would lbr] Fraze: [oh bless him he's not the one you need in a time like this] Bea: [at the bar like 'would your dad pay you for the summer, like?'] Fraze: [he shrugs but we both know he's thought about it 'depends who else he's got on the payroll'] Bea: [nods and nudges him, 'worth a thought, worse ways to spend a summer'] Fraze: [nudges her back and gives her a LOOK which we know means he can think of better ways too] Bea: [blushes and says 'shut up' as if he's said anything but still returning the look whilst they wait obvs] Fraze: [eye contact 5ever cos its my fave thing but 😏 because when you're that pale there's no hiding that blush soz Bea] Bea: [when a nudge turns to a shove but he's tol and you're smol so not like he's going flying] Fraze: [he'd just lol because loves it] Bea: [making him carry most of it 'cos you're faux mad] Fraze: [not gonna faze him cos 1. he's that bitch and 2. his dad literally owns a pub we know he's got this 3. he'd probably take more than she needs him to in order to show off anyway cos also that bitch]] Bea: [when you love that bitch] Fraze: [when you're just looking at her like deny that was impressive] Bea: [raises her glass/eyebrow at him sassily] Fraze: [backatcha on both counts of course then he's talking to whoever just casually being the life and soul like fine I'll play to my impressed audience] Bea: [tbf you better socialize too babe, don't lose your friends, at least one should be a relatively hot lad for the jealousy moment] Fraze: [omg yes do it talk to him girl] Bea: [can't all be harmless nerds, like] Fraze: [at least he can retaliate by talking to the hottest girlfriend there cos its all couples and they can't all be gay either haha] Bea: [imagine lmao] Fraze: [some of them should be cos clearly she attracts the gays to her by being such a bad bitch] Bea: [gay men are always here for a bad bitch so true, just casually fuming rn, you two are so petty] Fraze: [smoke break even if the rest of them probably fucking vape now or whatever cos likewise he is mad lol] Bea: thanks for the invite Fraze: I reckoned you'd be too busy Bea: Firstly, how Bea: secondly, not the point Fraze: You and Ollie getting on like a church on fire is both the how and the point Bea: With his girlfriend right there, please Bea: Point is you clearly would rather be out there with Bea: I don't even know her name Fraze: Maybe if you chatted to any other cunt besides him you would Bea: Ridiculous Bea: I haven't talked to anyone more than anyone else Fraze: Yeah, you are Fraze: Spotlight's meant to be on the birthday boy, remember Bea: You wouldn't know who I'm talking to Bea: you ran away Fraze: I went for a smoke Fraze: You'll still be laughing at his jokes when I'm done Bea: I ain't laughing, trust Bea: everyone knows I smoke, so I look like a twat, thanks Fraze: So tear yourself away from that twat and come out now Bea: If you think I'm following you anywhere Bea: that's miles worse Fraze: Christ's sake Fraze: I'll come and carry you out if you don't, how's that for worse Bea: That about sums it up Fraze: 'Cause you'd rather stay with him Bea: Yes, obviously Bea: it has nothing to do with how you've behaved at all Bea: just wanna fuck him so much, present company be damned Fraze: Yeah, obviously Fraze: If I was behaving badly I wouldn't be here Bea: I'm meant to thank you for that, am I Fraze: I'd take you not assuming I faked needing a smoke so I could fuck Kate up against the bins Bea: Shut the fuck up Fraze: Make me Fraze: You'll have to get his tongue out your ear first though so I won't hold my breath Bea: [Obvs gonna storm out there for better or worse, 'scuse me everyone Fraze: [I have a mental image like that song in rent when everyone's just looking like OMG then following the sing fight I am lol] Bea: [lmao if only you could be so shameless people] Fraze: [posh or middle class peeps could never tbh you gotta be full fish wife hanging out the window like oiii] Bea: [tbf you'd be getting a show so like stay seated please] Fraze: [for real though Kate needs to fuck off sharpish also please] Bea: [also triggered by her being called Kate tbh, too close to home, don't need them mems] Fraze: [I'm so rude I know] Bea: [Lbr she'd probably ask her to leave, not like she's on her course, not gotta be besties] Fraze: [she might not even go to that entire uni so who cares] Bea: [tbh, soz honey, but then purposely staying a stupid distance away from him as she lights up her own cigarette] Fraze: [we all know he's just waiting for her to break first so he doesn't have to be the one to say/do anything oh so casually smoking but staring at her like] Bea: [ah the casual game of wills] Fraze: [the literal years of this though don't even start thinking about it] Bea: [just being cocky af and looking at him like 'nothing to say?' 'cos that means she's shut him up so a win either way on this one I'm afraid] Fraze: ['I've got loads to say, it's just that none of it's to you, that's your problem with me, babe' because he knows exactly what that look means of course] Bea: [Scoffs 'Bullshit' we all know Kate was not that interesting Fraze: ['You wish' but she's right and that's the tea] Bea: ['That's why you were paying so much attention to mine and Ollie's conversation then, sure'] Fraze: ['That's why you were flaunting it'] Bea: ['I'm not pretending to be interested' bit rude to your friend but ok] Fraze: ['That makes two of us' when you've finished your 🚬 but you don't leave] Bea: ['I don't believe you' when you say it with as much confidence as you can but this is the time of doubt so fun] Fraze: ['So what if you don't' ouch don't be so rude we all know you care] Bea: ['So- we're done here' when you clearly are not done with your 🚬 but you gotta throw that shit anyway 'cos you can't] Fraze: [when she doesn't have a sleeve so you gotta grab her wrist to stop her going and we all know what a dangerous game that is] Bea: [pushing him way harder than any bants earlier, onto whatever bench situation is out here so she can kiss him harder, eventually breaking away 'Go fuck her now'] Fraze: ['We're not done. You and me we ain't ever done' and if she needed the proof then of course he's kissing her as hard as she kissed him] Bea: [I'll be mean and stop them before it becomes x-rated by someone coming out then awkwardly being like whoops, but we're moving onto this club so come on] Fraze: [soz to that poor random individual] Bea: [Won't be Kate she's already traumatized] Fraze: [Hopefully it's none of her friends she don't need that] Bea: [although if it was that'd be a thingTM 'cos boys, however nice, would be weird about it like ooh 'cos she's hot and now a dark horse] Fraze: [omg good point actually I change my mind] Fraze: [also the 💋 everywhere is making me die bye] Bea: [gotta clean his face for him before they go] Fraze: [that shouldn't be as hot as it obviously would be oh you guys] Bea: [when you'd be tempted to leave some 'cos territorial Fraze: [she's so gotta cos he wouldn't care we all know it] Bea: [with a casual lovebite probably] Fraze: [it's a mood] Bea: [this club ain't, typical student fare though] Fraze: [oh god it'd be so shit] Bea: [drinks would be cheap-ish at least] Fraze: [yeah that's always the one good thing even if they taste like shit as a result these two ain't me so they ain't gonna be fussed] Bea: [and if you gotta be here and interrupted, like] Fraze: [exactly you know he'd go straight to get many drinks that they both need] Bea: [shots shots shots] Fraze: [needs must] Bea: [get a booth you posh boys] Fraze: [gotta have at least one use thank you] Bea: [cosy cosy everyone] Fraze: [how awkward I could not] Bea: [like hey kate hey ollie] Fraze: [shamelessly talking to the others and not him or her god bless you boy] Bea: [she'd notice 'cos both as extra as each other and shamelessly appreciate it like] Fraze: [and of course going up the bar again even though it ain't his turn just so he can leave the booth for a hot sec] Bea: [when you get up like you're gonna help but then you make your way to the dancefloor] Fraze: [we all know he's shamelessly looking at her along with many other peeps] Bea: [enjoy this glimpse of messiness lads] Fraze: [when you're torn cos on the one hand you wanna go get her and be like don't but on the other hand you wanna let her do her thing because it's a mood oh boy what are you gonna do] Bea: [at least nothing too outrageous is happening, just being perved on lowkey] Fraze: [she's used to that and worse but don't think about it] Bea: [she's only checking he's watching lbr fuck the lot of yas] Fraze: [oh girl you know he couldn't look away if he wanted to and he doesn't want to anyway so] Bea: [hop off to the bathroom honey] Fraze: [when you wanna follow her but what she said earlier is true] Bea: [don't worry, I has a reason lol] Bea: you wanna come get a line Fraze: Thought you'd never ask Bea: you didn't know I had any Fraze: It's term time, of course you do Bea: Not for long, babe Fraze: [shows up to your function]
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lovemecharlie · 6 years
Uh Oh, Charlie
This is directly after Good Time, Charlie. Italics were written by Angel and taken from her fic 32 Weeks.
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“I think we should fuck consistently until you’re over him.”
“Tuh.. Sounds like a lotta fuckin, let’s get started.”
Over the month Charlie had been messing with Trevante, they barely spoke about her husband, choosing to act as if she were single. In Charlie's mind, she was. Charlie knew burying feelings was an ineffective and unhealthy way of dealing with the anger and bitterness of rejection, but she also didn't want to dwell on negative feelings knowing that her life had to go on. Trevante was more than willing to play distraction, wining and dining her at cute spots that were out of his comfort zone. It was cute and he was honest. She felt more herself than she had in a while.
As for their arrangement.. It was sex, sex, sex, and more sex back to back and for hours whenever Charlie and Trevante had free time. They'd had sex on the hotel bed, chair, in the shower, on the sink, in the women's bathroom on the main floor, in the pool, in her car, in his car, in his barber's chair at work when no one was there.. that was her favorite because he gave her a clean undercut after.. in his bed, on his kitchen counter and table, in his bathtub, on his couch. The sex was great and it was often.
However, something strange had been happening. For perhaps the fifth day in a row, Charlie woke up feeling like Hell above ground. She woke with nausea and an aggressive case of heartburn that felt like acid reflux. Her body was fatigued and she felt achey like a virus was coming on. She still felt the ghost of Trevante's strong fingers hard on her sides and on her hips. Rolling from the bed, she ran to the bathroom and emptied the contents of her stomach, wiping her mouth with tissue and rinsing with mouthwash. On her return to the bed, Trevante was awake and he looked concerned.
"That's the fourth time that I've seen you vomit this week.. and that's only what I've seen. I think you should go get checked out and before you say you're fine.. you're not fine." His voice wasn't loud or accusatory like N'Jadaka's would've been in that moment. Trevante was way easier to deal with.
"It's probably a virus or maybe I got food poisoning from the Thai restaurant we went to last week."
"We ate the same thing. I don't think so," he squinted. "Plus, if you had a virus I'd be as sick as you as much as I'm around and up in you."
"I don't know what else it could be," Charlie shrugged crossing her arms stubbornly.
"I have a guess," Trevante's brow raised and they stared at each other in a long moment of silence.
"...It's probably heat exhaustion. Oh my God, it's a heat stroke." The look in Trevante's eyes said he knew the truth and Charlie needed to accept it and come to terms. She didn't want to even think of it. "Tre, it's probably the heat," she reasoned again silently begging him to agree. The hotel had A/C, it wasn't the heat. She simply felt awful. "...And I'm supposed to go to Angel's gender reveal party today and be all fancy in a gown and heels? I don't know how this is going to work."
"You don't owe anyone an explanation of what we've been doing." His hands folded behind his head, vibes of tranquility wafting from him to Charlie, keeping her calm.
"I don't wanna talk to my estranged husband at all. I don't wanna see him, I just want to support my Angel on her big day." She moved to the small closet to grab her white and gold dress laying it on the bed. "I think I'm pretty much over my anger and the whole situation, but real talk. I've been thinking about this for a while. What if my husband found out we were fuckin and came to attack us?" She stared at Tre as his calm smile widened. He didn't take it seriously. "Tre, I'm serious." She felt paranoid, but she knew Erik's mind.
"With all due respect, Charlie? Like I've told you again and again.. I'm not afraid of him. I'll be in the same barbershop he saw me in before, cutting hair. It's good. He can come through anytime, get a shape up," he joked.
"You're not taking this seriously, do not underestimate him. He's done some things."
"He's crazy, I know," Trevante nods rolling his soft eyes. "Half the niggas on my block crazy. Everybody crazy. Don't worry about me, beautiful, I've been crazy too. I can revert if need be."
"How are you so level-headed and unbothered about all this?" Charlie sighed. He sat up and climbed from the bed, still fully naked in all of his chocolate glory to wrap his arms around her in an embrace.
"Stop worrying so much. Peace is attainable if you're vigilant."
"You and that poetry," she smirked.
"Okay, everyone!" An ever stunning Janelle Monae spoke into the microphone. Angel had asked her to host the event, and much like most people, couldn't tell her no. "It's time for the moment we've all been waiting for! Ryley and Henny planned the coolest gender reveal ever, a firework show! So if you're ready, let's travel outside of this lavish tent and see the show!"
Charlie felt as though she were being watched and she had the suspicion that it was of Erik's doing. It was definitely something he'd do, hire people to watch her. Her nausea increased. How much had they seen? There were people left and right and she looked at all of their eyes. Erik's eyes were the only ones she avoided since she could sense a conversation in those dark brown peepers that she didn't care to have.
It was a sticky situation she found herself in. She absentmindedly felt on her own stomach pudge, praying for the nausea to be a product of food poisoning as everyone watched the night sky. A baby was not ideal. She'd been good on her own needing Erik for nothing and she'd already begun to rediscover herself and her own happiness. She refused to go backwards.
"Charlie! Come sit with the fam," Homie pulled her so that she sat with the other wives who greeted her warmly with hugs. She did miss them all, each and every one. They looked beautiful in their stark white, glittering gold, and deep emerald green. Angel herself looked exquisite and was glowing. Girl had gotten thicc enough to bite.
“5, 4, 3, 2, 1!” They watched as fire shot up into the sky, flying up at the speed of lightening until….
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Charlie's jaw dropped and tears slipped down her awed face thinking of what it meant as blue and pink lights rained down.
Pink and Blue. A boy and a girl. Twins!
The house would be getting boy and girl twins. She couldn't wait to hold them and squeeze their cheeks and read to them. She wondered if they'd be tiny babies or fat like cherubs. She hoped they were fat like cherubs.. and healthy. Health was most important. Her hand went to her stomach again. She didn't take back her wish for food poisoning, but she figured that maybe having a baby wouldn't be so bad. Angel was already on the road to childbirth.. all Charlie would have to do was watch and take her cues from what Angel did. She could make it work.
After the fireworks, she caught up with her sisterwives, glad they weren't asking too many questions. She just wanted to talk about the twins and how everyone had been without her. Angel was happy to see her, giving Charlie a careful hug, her baby bump serving as a large barrier. As Charlie stood talking to Homie and Kimora, she looked over and saw Erik coming her way. That was her cue to leave.
“Hold on, Shy.” He spoke before running over to Charlie. “Ayye,” he said before grabbing a hold of her arm to stop her. She froze as she felt his touch, stopping in her tracks. “Where you headed off too? You leavin already, Charlie?”
Charlie turned around with a deep breath to look at him before speaking. “Yeah Daka, I’m a bit tired. I wanna head home and rest.”
“Home huh?” Erik said, looking her over, analyzing her body language. She did look tired, but she also looked nervous…. he could tell she was hiding something. He also noticed how she had unconsciously placed her hand on her belly. He decided he’d let her off easy this time, wanting her to come to him on her own. He wouldn’t let her keep her secret for too long however.
“Alright princess, take it easy then.” He said as he went in for hug. Being sure to take in the scent of her full hair.
“Y-yeah, I will.” Charlie said as warmth filled her body from Erik’s tight hug. Her sensitive body quickly being effected from his touch. She was sure she was covered in goosebumps.
Dammit, she thought feeling powerless all over again. No matter how far away she went physically and mentally, he still had this effect.
“Alright Daka, let me go big boy.” She said with a laugh, ready to get away from him. Her thoughts were becoming too clouded & she was afraid she’d do something she’d regret.
Finally Erik loosened his grip, giving her his signature smirk. Naturally he knew what effect he was having on her, he always did.
“I’ll let you go. For now.” He said, his eyes filling with fire & a promise. 
"He's watching us," Charlie blurted over the phone when Trevante picked up. She was changing out of the white and gold gown in her hotel room that had become more of an apartment. "Remember what I said to you?"
Trevante wasn't afraid and no matter what Charlie said or how much money she offered him to leave and start over elsewhere in financial comfort and safety, he wasn't with it. "Have some faith, shawty. It'll be okay." She could hear the buzzing of his clippers in the background. He was so unbothered.
Charlie on the other hand was sick physically and with stress. Trevante said to take a test and common sense told her to take a test, but she didn't want to take it and see a positive because then she'd have to deal with the fallout and plan the rest of her life around a surprise factor. She put it off like she pocketed her feelings for her husband.
"Hello? Charlie.. Charlie.." She heard the clippers stop.
"Huh? Sorry, I zoned out thinking about the chaos that is my life!"
"You're the one who has to make the decisions. Don't panic until you take a test." Solid advice.
@poosypoosy @bastioncarterstevens-udaku @hennessystevens-udaku @itsangeludaku @alyshastevens-udaku @itskimorafireudaku @allhailnjadaka @bidibidibombaclaat @blackpinup22 @destinio1 @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @leahnicole1219 @vikkidc @thehomierobbstark
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