#fellow kids energy is strong here as well
thankstothe · 1 year
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More Lore Stuff magical girl AU
I had a back-and-forth with @dannyphantom-justiceleauge on Dircord. I got some more video recomanations for more stuff. And we chatted a lot about lore stuff they were curious about after my first post, so here is the summary of what we discussed + some extra bits. Their magical forms Regarding their magical forms, they do gain a bit of heightened flexibility. But they have to train in it to unlock more power-up forms. They do not change with them as they age; they are in the limbo stage at almost adulthood. (Insert joke about Tim forever being 17, blaming the magical girl curse for his stature. p.s it's not the curses doing) It's a curse and not a blessing, so why? First of all, the curse is all about self-preservation over the well-being of its Robins; it will heal them from lethal wounds as it needs them to be as strong as it is, but their mental healing is neglected. It is partly self-aware to the point that it wants to grow stronger. How does it get stronger? by having more people cursed into magical girls. But it can't curse people in quick succession. It has to recharge. It heals by forcing the Robin to transform when they are not in view of interference. the magical veil kicks in hard drive. So, the only one who can see her for the rescue portion is a fellow Robin. And the cursed has stay as magical girl form for the duration of the healing prosses. As the curse comes with an unwanted genderswap for everyone. it takes a toll on some of them harder than others. Can't exactly reassure the family you're fine when you're not you; they are lucky they can text. (Good thing Dick got a big apartment) The side effects of healing are also no joke. They are felt as phantom pains for every Robin, sharing the burden of hurt and taking energy to heal. In magical form, this manifests as a white streak on the individual who has had a prolonged stay in their magical form to heal. Babs, Jay, Tim, and Dami, I'm pretty sure, are in Got streaks club. The curse is also a danger magnet. The stronger it's Robins, the stronger it gets, you know. It also comes with the side effect of not being able to speak about the curse or warn anyone about it. The only one they can communicate about the curse freely is a fellow Robin. This is part of the magical veil I talked about. It makes people unable to connect the dots on who the Robins are as civilians. but it can also hide them from detection if they get badly hurt for eveyone but thier fellow Robins. Or for shorter times when to be in public as normal is needed. The Curse also makes them forget where they got the powers from. So, they have a hard time keeping track of the cursed music box. However, it usually stays close unless it wants more Robins. Living situation. They are more spread out, such as Cass staying with Babs. Tim gets smuggled into the manor under the pretense he can stay until his parents return from their trip. (it's been months) Dick gets his apartment still as they need some to go, not under Bruce's watch. How did it get to that point? Well, someone accidentally took the OG cured box with them to school on "accident". That's how Tim found it after it got " lost". Bruce is a bit of a better parent in this AU; got therapy for kids, as he saw them struggling and them "not" being vigilantes meant they could make use of therapy, unlike him. Though the Curse's Gaise is keeping them mum about their identity. So, they have to speak in metaphors if they want help from the therapists. So I read this book, I had a nightmare, on the news, scary game. Not to mention the body dysphoria. But that one is a bit of a sliding scale for who took it worse.
as @dannyphantom-justiceleauge put it; "I could see Tim being more fluid, and Cass being agender. Dick isn't as bothered by it as he feels he should be but that's more because he has a healthy relationship with gender than because he's comfortable with the.. changed parts. Hes him no matter the body even if its a bit weird Tim and Cass are fully in the, eh it doesnt matter camp. Babs, Jason, Damien, and Steph are having struggles tho
Duke also strikes me as less bothered by it. He has different priorities."
Jay may not have had to deal with voice cracks for his extended stay as a magical girl, but the growing he did, but not know it, it was a bit of a shock to him. bigger body and different voice when he finally got turned back into a guy really rocked his mental health. But on the positive side of things where, they could adapt the coping skills they learned in therapy. Bruce don't know what the kids are up to with the magic thing. He just thing they got close sibling bonds and likes to hang out. Alfred knows the kids are up to somthing but can't say for sure what they are up. His best guess is they are hanging out with friends doing gymnastics with friends as a sort of club thing. Bruce's thoughts on the Magical girls. Of course, he is worried for their safety, as he has been repeatedly saved from peril by them, who would jump in the way of lethal attacks to protect him. He is under the misconception that they are using tech and not magic. He made the mistake of commenting on the white streak in someone's hair. And got the explanation that it's a side effect of them kinda dying for a bit. causing him to jump to the conclusion that if their hair turns all white, they'll die. (They won't, but he doesn't know that) all in all, causing him grey hair. He likes that the use non lethal attacks, and kinda has a mini freak out when he learns they got a lethal mode. Who are they fighting? Rouges, mostly, But they are trying to Cleanse Gotham of curses cuz that's the only way to break their curse. We talked about weapons having 3 forms. The initial one you see in the first post is an alt mode and their lethal mode. Because i planned on doing power ups. The weapons also come with sound effects. Think Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha's weapon with voice effects. Also, on a side note, Dami was not happy with his base form weapon, only to be likewise annoyed when a long time after he found out the lethal version of his weapon is a sword. The first one to unlock lethal mode is Dick after what Joker did to Jay and Babs. (when the gloves come of their is penance to pay clown) Think escrima sticks with eclectic blades attached. His alt mode is just bigger flags. Babs i've also fully wotk out it starts as a hula hoop, turs cyr wheel in alt mode then a Giant Shuriken for lethal mode. Cas's Weapon Voice clips.
Tim's, I will have to share later Cuz I accidentally exceeded the limit of uploads in a day ops. But to make it up to you, I'll tell you Tim's full weapon sequence.
Base form twirling baton, alt mode is a more extended staff, and lethal mode is a scythe. and a bonus vids for @dannyphantom-justiceleauge suggestions that gets included in the AU.
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boxbugdotcom · 3 months
I TOLD you all my last post wouldn't be the last I rambled about the Buttercubs band AU. I wanna talk about some of the characters more because they will NOT leave my brain !!!! (As I mentioned, this isn't just my AU, fellow creators will be tagged at the bottom)
Specifically I wanna talk about Doc. I mentioned him briefly last post, and even though this AU focuses mainly on the Buttercubs, a LOT (if not all) of the side characters have their own storylines and arcs and are just generally all fleshed out really well. I won't list all of the characters here lol, mainly because there's a lot and more might be added as time goes, plus I've got a big ol' google doc I'm working on organizing, but a character list will be made eventually!!
Anyways. Doc. In this, as mentioned, Doc is a goat/creeper hybrid. One of his arms is mechanical and so is, like, most of the left half of his face. He's also SCARILY tall, coming in at like, 7 feet tall, about. He's got sharp canines and he's hard to read and he's just weird. He doesn't know how to express emotions well, he has bad tone control, he has a hard time being vulnerable. Most of this comes from just.... being how he is. The world isn't kind to different things, especially when that thing was born with sharp teeth and horns. Maybe in subtle ways, maybe in obvious ways, the world has always reminded Doc that he's not like them. He's different and Other, even when he was a kid and he wasn't half machine he was still odd. He made creeper sounds when upset, he gnawed on things that he shouldn't have (cans, wood, cloth, etc. He IS part goat, after all), he stared and smiled with all his teeth. My point is, he's spent nearly all his life being Othered, and then suddenly he's half machine, and it all gets worse, because he's not Human (that's been made abundantly clear to him), he's not Machine, he's some ugly mix of the two that people only call monsterous. And maybe he's fine with it, or he tells himself he is, because he's acted okay with it for this long- he even leans into it a LOT.
But that's so distinctly not what Doc wants. Sure, he doesn't get bothered when someone says it, but late at night, in the moments he won't tell anyone about, he does wish he could just be... soft. It's all he wants; Doc isn't scared of murderers or ghosts or anything ordinary quite as much as he's scared of how badly he wants to be soft. And, if you remember, I mentioned that he and Grian dated for a few months while they were in Uni (which I could make a whole post about that era on its own). And it wasn't... great... for them, to say the least. Not that they were abusive or anything like that! They just both had undiagnosed/untreated bpd and that heavily influenced the relationship. Doc wanted (still wants) something steady and strong and stable and gentle and domestic, he wants his love to feel slow and warm and dependable. But he'd never gotten that, so this was brand-new to him and he had no frame of reference. Grian, at the time, was going through hell and back because of his family, and the only two things keeping him even remotely stable/grounded was Mumbo (because Mumbo was always going to be there for Grian, no matter what) and Uni, and Grian was clingy and needy because all of the love he had experience in the past was ripped away. And then Grian met Doc, someone who matched his intense energy, and they collieded in a firey explosion of messy emotions and unhealthy attachments. Grian would collapse, sobbing, into Doc's arms, tearing into him with claws because that's the only way Grian felt secure, and Doc would hold on tight and talk him down despite the nagging feeling that this wasn't right. And Grian's avoidant-attachment issues were acting up, so all he could do was hold Doc's hand and keep him at arms length. And when it finally ends, Doc never blames Grian, and it all goes inward, and he sits there and he wonders if, maybe, if he'd been different, if he'd been anyone else, if he'd been better, maybe it would have turned out okay. Maybe that was what love was supposed to be like! This was all Doc had experienced in the way of love, so maybe it was all like this, this was all he could get, this was the best it ever got.
That was years ago. Now, they're both doing well for themselves- better, anyways. As well as they can be, of course. Grian's with his band, and Doc... well, Doc sort of stopped looking for anything after Uni. He focused on his redstone, his music, anything other than what happened and finding something better. He and Grian are still friends, they're close, Doc is friends with all the Buttercubs at this point. Then, Doc meets Ren. He's not sure when, or how. He just knows that there was life before Ren, then life with Ren. He can't remember the in-between period. And Ren is made of soft ears and hands and he's social and kind and funny and interesting. And Doc... well, he's Doc, he's made of sharp teeth and claws and horns and it doesn't matter that Ren wiggled his way into Doc's heart like it was nothing, because what's the point of doing anything about his little crush? He only borught it up at all because Grian pushed him to. And! Ren feels the same! And Doc wants, more than anything, he wants to make this work. It's about someone who's been told they're a monster all their life, who's begun to lean into it because if the world will flinch when you smile then why try and fight it? It's about the monster meeting someone who's not scared, who should be scared because everyone else has always been, but they are not and they see the world in this person. It's about soft paws holding deadly claws and realizing that the paws have claws too. It's about realizing that if someone like this, someone as beautiful as this can love you as you are, then maybe it doesn't matter what the world has thought. It's about finding someone who has sharp teeth and doesn't flinch when you smile.
(fellow au creators: @las--nevadas @pndrax)
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vibratingskull · 11 months
Hey! :) saw you were taking requests and I got one for you. 👀
Thrawn's Jedi wife (she/her) takes herself and Thrawn away from Lothal (like Ezra does) with the help from Purgils. They're both stranded alone together, they talk about a lot of things and they make love and just decide to start a family together during the 10+ years. 👀👀
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You turn off your lightsaber and wince in pain.
Your baby just gave you a new kick in your stomach. You caress your tummy tenderly, sighing dreamily, they are already so strong! You regret that the Chimaera isn't equipped for pregnant women, it would make things easier.
But you have the Force to guide you. So it will be okay.
You didn’t tell it to Thrawn yet but the Force whispered to you they are twins. You go sit on the bench of the dojo to wipe your sweat off with a towel. Exercising with a pregnant belly truly is something else! But you don’t want to lose your touch so you grit your teeth and continue to train.
“I was sure you would be here, cha’cah.” Thrawn voice raises next to you.
You look up to him and smile tiredly.
“Do not overwork yourself.” He gently chides, sitting next to you. “We do not have the equipment in case something goes wrong.”
“I know, dear. But I know what I’m doing, do not worry.” you soothe him, wiping your face.
“I trust you. I am simply encouraging you to be more attentive to details.” He pushes a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Everything is okay! They even gave me a kick!.”
His gaze lowers to your swollen tummy and presses his warm palm on it. The babies give another hit and his smile grows larger. You look at him with love pouring out of your eyes.
“They already so full of energy…” He mutters almost to himself.
“Yes.” you smile blissfully. “They are like you, I can feel it.”
“I hope they are more like you, it would be best for them.” He counters.
“No, why? I want an army of little clone of you! That would be adorable.” You nudge him.
“It would be absolute chaos, cha’cah.” He leans forward and kisses your stomach reverently.
“Yurk. Are you doing your disgusting adult things?” a little voice makes you both jump of your skins.
At the door of the dojo your daughter looks at you, pouting, disgusted by this physical demonstration of affection. She pinches her nose, sticking her tongue out.
“Well, hello to you too, miss.” you gently mock.
The little girl took so much from her father, blue skin, red eyes and regal features but her hairs are unmistakably yours.
“Can I play with your lightsaber, mom?”
“Absolutely not, miss.”
“Pleaaaaaaase…” She pleads, joining her two hand in prayer.
“Your mother told you no.” Thrawn intervene, “But I can train with you if you want.”
She looks at him with a deeply focused expression.
“Alright!” She exclaims joyfully.
Thrawn get rids of his white jacket and seizes a staff on the wall, joining her on the tatami. You cross your legs in a meditative position and stretch your back. You terribly need a back massage…
You make your spine pop as your husband and daughter exchange staff hits, circling each other in the dojo. Since you ended up on this wretched planet thanks to Bridger, training became a survival essential, even for the kids of the Chimaera.
You’re not the only couple that started a family, quite a number of stormtroopers and officers got together and babies started to pop up everywhere. Not enough to fill a class, around ten little ones started roaming around the corridors of the Chimaera. Thrawn wasn’t too sure about that but you only felt relief, knowing your baby daughter would not be alone, you know the presence of fellow kids is so important for a child brain’s formation. You made him the remark that it was pretty hypocritical of him to deny his troop the right of a family while starting his own. He recognized it and since accepted the situation. 
It is so new to you all, this mess of a situation forced everyone to adopt new roles and take on new responsibilities. As the highest authority Thrawn had to marry people and conduct ceremonies. It is not his field of expertise, not at all! His place is in the battle room, strategizing campaigns, not direct weddings… But he stepped up and accepted his new role. You remember him coming to you to help him for a speech, completely lost and on the verge of panic. Everything went well in the end, the ceremony was short but really touching, after the disaster the troops needed good news for morale, weddings and birth were perfect!
But you know what they really crave is Bridger’s demise and returning to the Empire…
It’s been 6 years already…
You never spoke about it with Thrawn, but you helped Ezra escape the Chimaera when you crashed on Peridea. A last nice gesture between jedis. You warned him next time you would cross paths as enemies, he nodded and disappeared into the night.
In your heart you know Thrawn is aware of that.
But he never confronted you or punished you.
Simply remained silent and started the hunt.
Because he knew you already had enough on your plate on your own. Making his troops accept a jedi as his fiance was hard enough as it was.
You’ve never been too popular on the Chimaera, and still are now. You are only tolerated.
You accepted it.
“Look mom! I hit him!” Your daughter shouts excitedly.
“My! Congrats, dear.” You applaud.
She throws herself at him with the ardor of youth and naivety, and Thrawn seizes her by the hips to throw her on his shoulder. She cries, indignant, but he only chuckles. You laugh with him at this charming display.
“Not fair! Put me down, dad!”
“No. You should not have plough forward without thinking.” He spins on himself.
“Haaaaaaa! Mom! Help!”
“You should have thought about it further, sweetie.” you laugh.
She screams as he spins, threatening to puke on him. He pulls her in his arms and throws her in the air. Your eyes follow her as she flies in the room before getting caught by her father. He launch her again and you catch her in the air with the Force.
“Alright, that’s enough I think.” You let her come down on the ground gently. She’s completely disheveled now.
“That was not fair, dad!” she complains again.
“May this be your lesson. Think before throwing yourself to an adversary.” He counters.
She walks wobbly to the bench and sits next to you, your circle her shoulders with your arm and press her against your form.
“It is for your good, sweety. There is danger outside of the Chimaera.” you explain.
“I know.” She growls, slicking her hair back. “I know, mom…”
Thrawn sits next to her, sandwiching her between you two.
“It will also be your role to protect your little brother or sister, you have to be ready.”
She looks up to him perplexed.
“Enoch won’t protect us?”
“Captain Enoch may die, as will me and your mother. We are preparing you for the future, dear.”
She let herself fall against his shoulder.
“Alright, dad.”
“Good girl.” And he encircles both of you in his arms for a big hug like you love them so much.
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@Bluechiss @thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar
@thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @elise2174 @debonaire-princess @twilekchiss
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thesymphonytrue · 4 months
okay here is a draft of the first meeting between Sherlock&John and Peter&Neal. Sherlock comes off really strong here, but I feel like he always does tho???
Let me know if the characters are tracking, my fellow fans:
Moments later, two men came into John and Sherlock’s living room. One had dark brown hair, brown eyes that seemed to be in constant concern. He wore a khaki colored trench coat, a dark suit underneath. The other man had dark hair styled to perfection, brilliant blue eyes and donned a fitted pea-coat complete with a scarf and…fedora? 
Oh Sherlock’s gonna love this, John thought sarcastically, then pondered, Yes, Mrs. Hudson is right, he does favor Henry Cavill…
“Hello,” Sherlock greeted them, “Sherlock Holmes. And this is Dr. John Watson.” 
John stood and nodded cordially. Sherlock held out his hand to the man in the trench coat.
“Special Agent Peter Burke, FBI,” he said, gripping Sherlock’s hand firmly and shaking it. 
Before Peter could introduce the other man, the blue eyed kid (seriously, how old was this fellow? 22?), grinned and held out his hand. 
“Neal Caffrey, artistic consultant,” his eyes glimmered with mischief. 
Peter rolled his eyes, “He’s my CI.” 
“Yes, yes, I know. Criminal informant,” Sherlock said, eyeing Neal. 
Oh dear here we go, John thought, I hope they are ready for this. 
Sherlock’s first impression deductions were always humbling, but John felt like for these two, it would be like dunking them head first into arctic water. Even John could see their affection for each other sparking back and forth like circuit energy.
With utter glee, Sherlock pulled a badge out of his pocket and examined it.
“Peter Burke…FBI…” he mused.
Peter patted his coat where his badge would be and immediately glared at Neal, who shrugged, equally annoyed, and glared at Sherlock. 
“That’s my move,” Neal muttered to himself, jamming his hands in his pockets and looking at the floor. 
“Just like Lestrade,” Sherlock murmured to John, chuckling.
He handed the badge back to Peter. 
“You’d think you would keep this in a more secure place considering how many times Neal Caffrey has slipped it from your pockets,” Sherlock said. 
Peter smiled, embarrassed, and stuffed the badge back into his pocket. 
“A past baseball player who joined the FBI as a plan B career. So fascinating,” Sherlock paced around Peter and Neal, circling them like a lion, “Shoddy coat, wedding ring, hair that has been cut in the same way for ten years based on your hair tan lines,” 
Sherlock paused, eyes scanning, brain filing away every piece of Peter Burke it could get its hands on. 
“Devoted husband, honest to a fault, and…often bored. Had to get a CI to keep work interesting for you. Now that you have your wife in a marital commitment, there is no longer a chase and you have a need to chase someone. I gather you have running shoes in that duffle bag and your dress shoes are scuffed on either side—revealing that you chase well and chase often.” 
Peter’s eyes were wide with astonishment and Neal was grinning wildly, impressed, but also seeming to adore seeing Peter put under a microscope. 
“And of course, you have deep affection for the man next to you. Not only because he runs and chasing him is addictive, but you've grown fond of him. You stand close enough to defend him if necessary, but not so close that he can pick your pocket at will. Your eyes move to him once every thirty seconds, meaning he is almost never out of your sight. I saw you tense as I opened the door and you stepped in between Neal Caffrey and myself, in case I was a threat to his safety.  He is your weakness and you know it and you do your best to keep that weakness under control.”
Silence filled the room as Sherlock’s deductions hung in the air.
“Damn, Peter, he’s got you pegged,” Neal whispered, but then gave Peter what John could describe best as “puppy dog eyes,” “ Do you really have deep affection for me?” 
Neal was teasing, but Peter blushed nonetheless and swatted him away. 
“And Neal Caffrey, prolific crime artist and conman,” Sherlock broke their banter and his icy blue eyes turned to Neal. 
John shuddered inwardly. Sherlock did not like criminals. He dedicated his entire life to eradicate them. The fact that someone like Peter was working willingly with someone like Neal, probably baffled the genius of a man. John had already prepared himself for lengthy venting sessions from Sherlock once this case started. 
“You are wearing a mask for me, but I will see right through it,” Sherlock said and then nodded to Peter, “He certainly can see right through you and yet, here you are…solving crimes together.”
“Sherlock,” John started.
“I can handle it,” Neal said, straightening his stance.
“You carry a scientifically calculated outward appearance. You call yourself an artist, but the mask you have designed is nothing more than a mathematical formula.  I can find nothing amiss. Right up to the starchy collar of your dress shirt, everything is neat and clean and…perfect,” Sherlock stepped closer to Neal, squinting to examine him, to find the flaw that would give away the interests of his heart.
John could see that Sherlock found nothing. Absolutely nothing to deduce on Neal Caffrey. He was a clean slate. Other than the lingering glances at Peter Burke, that betrayed much more than Neal probably thought, there was nothing that Sherlock could find. 
Sherlock stepped back. 
“Other than viewing Agent Burke as a pseudo father figure but also somehow a soulmate, don't ask me to deduce that I'm very confused myself at the notion--- I can’t find anything to deduce on you. Well done, Neal Caffrey.” 
John thought that perhaps this would delight Neal, but it did quite the opposite. Neal’s shoulder shrunk and his once charming grin melted into neutral lips. Peter, on the other hand, was dazzled, watching Sherlock Holmes with awe and reverence. 
Ahh yes, the Sherlock spell, John thought. 
He knew Peter would snap out of it soon, though, 
Everyone always did, especially smart ones like Peter Burke.
Soon enough, Sherlock’s quirks and observations would hit a nerve and send sparks (harmful sparks) flying. Everyone was outstanded with Sherlock, but very few could handle him on a daily basis. 
John could. 
John always would.
He still felt as though he was under the Sherlock spell sometimes, amazed at what that man could do. 
“So, the case at hand,” John started, ready to get on with business.
“It’s tantalizing!” Sherlock said, eyes growing round with excitement. 
“Ignore him,” John mouthed to Peter and Neal, bringing a tiny hint of a smile to Neal’s face and that warmed John’s heart. He felt for the kid. 
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cowboyjen68 · 2 years
Its really comforting to see a fellow lesbian being able to live their life in the midwest. I love the midwest (I actually live not to far from where youre at) but it is so disheartening to live here when so many people are against you. I live in a state where our governor is dead set on eradicating us, and it gets to be so much to feel all the hate here. I am just so glad to see that youre happy and able to live your life here. It gives me hope that I haven't felt for a while
I feel particulary lucky living in Iowa. When I was coming out I happened to live in Iowa City which has a long and strong history of lesbian activism with one of the first lesbian printing houses and a strong community focused on everything from small gatherings to organized activism to help our gay friends during the AIDS crisis. Those women actively invited in younger lesbians to be their friends and learn from them.
We were the third state to get same sex marriage and it was two friends of mine, a quiet, unassuming couple, who brought the law suit. They sought not to go down in history but to assure they could marry and adopt and have legal protections for their family.
When I moved to this country I immediately became involved in local community out reach. I volunteered with Meals on Wheels and helped tap the Keg in my small towns "big" summer celebration. I helped the neighbors put up hay, mowed their lawn when they had broken equipment and several times helped the familly up the street put the cows back in the pasture and repair the fencing in the dead of winter. I didn't do any of this for any other reason than it is just Me. I like to help and would want someone to do the same for me.
What I have realized through the years is that is helped me in the long run. It is really hard to hate someone who just rescued your wife from a snow drift or drove your kid home when he wiped out on his bike on the gravel road. I can't say I have had any issues living in a red county. I have hung a rainbow flag up since 1999 when I moved in. A new bright flag every June first and removing it when the summer and it is fading.
I do recognize that I am extremely lucky and have a lot of privilege because I just don’t face the anger, outright rudeness, threats or push back that so many lesbians face. I can’t say if my little corner of the conservative midwest is different or I have just been lucky or what. I do definitely feel I have more to fear from political extremism (from both parties if I am being honest) than I do from most of my neighbors whom i have one on one interactions with almost daily. 
I have an older lesbian friend who often says “the best way to win is by living well” and she is right. I don’t need to focus my energy on othering people or by deciding to hate people I don’t know or understand. I can turn that energy into my happiness and making my life and those around me better. I love lesbians and I get up every morning thankful to be one and to know so many. 
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Hello! I am here from your post of the BG3 matchups / hcs!
I was reading fanfics when I should be sleeping for college and I came across this and figured this might quell my indecisiveness.
So I guess a bit about my Tav / Me:
My Tav/OC is named Maelyra, and her traits are that she is really outgoing, adventurous, kind, you know, the usual (Given that she is a Bard and a Half-Elf). She's very optimistic and friendly and welcoming to new people (a bit ADHD). She is also smol, not dwarf small, but she is 5'1. She also tends to give one too many second chances to people regardless of how much they hurt her. The only time she does not give second chances is if they hurt anyone she cares about because she is insanely loyal and would lay her life on the line for an in an instant for her friends.
She also tends to be a little bit of a hypocrite in some regards, as she spends a lot of time taking care of people and telling them that they are always worth it, no matter what and they should never feel ashamed of anything or that they have to hide parts of themselves. Yet she does not like to tell people about her past and usually masks her pain with happiness (not to say she isn't ever geuninley happy b/c 99% of the time she is actually happy), because she's afraid it would make them look at her differently (she is usually the sunshine of the group).
Her hobbies and skills are mainly on the artistic side. Dancing, singing, drawing, painting, playing music. Anything that is in that regard. Hence, the Bard stuff. She loves, loves, LOVES kids - thinks they are the most cute things to ever exist. And she also tends to daydream a lot. She tends to have a strong dislike for insanely physical activities if it isn't for fun and gets bored easily if the activity isn't something she is interested in.
(Sorry if that's long, I get carried away a lot)
I am fine with boys and girls (coming in a bi-queen!), but I would like them separate if that's alright :)
Thank you so much, and sorry if this is so long!
A/N: Reading fanfics when I should be sleeping is practically my life story lol. Because you (as a fellow bisexual queen!) specified you wanted separate male and female answers, I’ve got two companions for you down below.
For you @seanymphcalypso , I think your best matches in companions would be Astarion (Male) and Karlach (Female)!
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⭒ Astarion is a great match for Maelyra, even if it may not look so on paper. At first glance, the two have more differences than similarities, however, if you look closer, their differences are perfect counterbalances for one another.
Astarion may put on the charm, but a good amount of that is a facade- one he was forced to wear to lure victims to Cazador. He’s more introverted than he lets on. Although I do believe deep down, he truly is an extrovert, he’s less of a conspicuous one. He would do well with someone friendly and outgoing enough to initiate, within a relationship- and that’s where Maelyra comes in. She’s friendly, kind and very sociable. There’s no doubt in my mind her extroversion would enable her to slowly unpeel the many walls and guarded layers of Astarion’s heart. He is rather disarmed by someone who is genuinely cordial all the time- it’s sort of refreshing to think there are people out there who are sincerely kind and not just feigning kindness or interest to get something later on.
Astarion himself isn’t a big guy. He’s slender, and not incredibly tall so Maelyra’s shorter stature wouldn’t bother him in the slightest. He finds it rather adorable- that so much energy and personality could be stored in such a small person.
If anyone could use a boatload of second chances, it’s Astarion. He wasn't exactly the kindest person before his capture, and he still isn’t exactly the kindest person now. He’s endured 200 years of nonstop trauma and torture. So much of how he thinks, how he acts, and how he reacts is based on survival, not on personality. He lashes out, and he’s probably going to lash out often, even when he knows better. It’s not that he wants to hurt his new companions, and he especially doesn’t want to upset Maelyra, it’s just that he’s not used to having permission to experience all the newfound emotions. He’s inexperienced when it comes to processing them, compartmentalizing, and responding to them appropriately. He’s so grateful that she understands how hard he’s tried, how hard he’s trying to be better. He thinks she must be part celestial or aasimar to have the level of patience and forgiveness she does.
It’s also so meaningful to Asatrion that she refuses to let people cross the line with him and with her friends. No one has stuck their neck out for him like that before. (Huh, get it? Neck??) He used to believe he wasn’t worthy of such defenses. But thanks to Maelyra’s affection, he’s starting to think differently.
Astarion understands Maelyra’s hesitance to share who she truly is, so he won't push her to open up until she’s ready. He may bug her with some teasing questions here and there, but as long as she takes what he says to her on faith, he figures it’s the least he could do to return the favor. But whenever she is ready to share, he’s ready to listen. And he promises to do his best not to judge.
He loves that she’s interested in art. Back as a magistrate, Astarion found he quite enjoyed the fine arts- the theater, art shows, higher fashion- all that sorts. Especially the way Maelyra manages to capture his appearance on paper or canvas. After he was turned, he never thought he’d see his appearance ever again. But thanks to her talent, he can see himself through her eyes: with such precise brush strokes, and detail, he can tell he’s loved just by looking at her depictions of him.
Astarion may not be the fondest of children at the moment, mainly because they bring back horrible memories of what Cazador forced him to do. But he does like how happy Maelyra is when she’s around them. It fills his undead heart with glee every time he sees how her face lights up around a baby. Honestly, the idea of having or raising children never used to cross his mind. But now that he’s free, and now that he’s with her, the idea doesn’t seem so impossible. He doesn’t feel ready yet- and he probably won't be for quite some time. So in the meantime, he just grins and bears it as Maelyra makes him sit amongst the children for song/story time. And he tries his hardest to maintain a stoic, indifferent disposition, even as some of the little ones weave flowers into his hair.
Astarion doesn’t mind taking it easy, as a matter of fact, he prefers it. A lazy day spent lounging in each other’s company sounds much better than hiking through humid weather or getting trapped amongst an unruly village crowd. He’s very similar in that if he doesn’t want to do something, he’ll make sure to let everyone around him know. The two of them can be quite stubborn that way, much to some of the other companions’ chagrin.
At the end of the day, Astarion feels great love for Maelyra. And he knows she loves him in return. And thanks in part to her love, he’s beginning to think he might one day love himself.
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♨ Karlach is such a great match for Maelyra because they’re like two peas in a pod! Karlach is loud, outgoing, and extroverted as well, making her able to match Maelyra’s more sociable energy. They’re both optimists and choose to look on the bright side, despite the darkness in their past. That’s not to say being hopeful comes easy to either one of them, but with Maelyra and her infectious eagerness by her side, Karlach feels empowered to choose happiness all the more.
Karlach is big and tall. She’s a tall glass of water for sure. And she thinks it’s adorable that Maelyra’s shorter than her. She loves their height difference and how it makes Maelyra the perfect height for forehead kisses. Plus, it boosts Karlach’s ego when she can lift Maelyra and carry her around on her shoulders as if she weighs nothing. It’s also Karlach’s way of letting Maelyra know she can defend and protect her from harm. If any evil thing comes Maelyra’s way, she can just step behind her giant barbarian girlfriend.
Karlach is also fairly forgiving when it comes to second chances. Despite being a barbarian, she’s empathetic and thoughtful before going in for the attack. She chose to reason with Wyll rather than engage him in battle when he first hunted her down. She isn’t the bloodthirsty devil people think she is, and she wants people to know that. So she forgives. That being said, Karlach certainly doesn’t forget. If someone dares try to take or hurt her friends, she will go into a rage. God help anyone who dares try to hurt Maelyra.
Karlach is truly impressive in that while she does often take on the burden of her friends, she also manages to put her needs first. It’s great for Maelyra to be with someone who knows how to balance goodwill and self-care as it sets an example for her to follow. With Karlach reminding Maelyra to take time for herself, Maelyra is even more effective at caring for her friends. Sleep and proper care for yourself does wonders, and it makes you all the more ready to tackle the day. And Karlach loves that Maelyra knows how to have fun. Fun is super important, especially when you’re tasked with saving the world. It’s the only thing that keeps you from going completely crazy. So KArlach and Maelyra are often the ones to initiate game nights or visits to a local tavern. (They may also be the only two left standing after a couple rounds of shots lol.) However, just because Karlach is extroverted and happy-go-lucky more often than not, doesn’t mean she isn’t serious. She knows when to be positive, and she also knows when people just need to vent. She’s willing to listen if Maelyra is ever willing to talk. She wants Maelyra to feel safe with her- in both happy moments and in bad ones.
And ooh boy, kids! Karlach lights up around kids! Did you see how wistful she got when meeting Jaheria’s family? She’d love nothing more for her life to be about protecting and nurturing as opposed to destroying and claiming. She and Maelyrn would have hour-long conversations, dreaming about what their family might look like in the future. Sure, there’d be a ton of logistics to work out, but in the meantime, that doesn't mean they can’t dream.
Karlach needs physical activity. She needs tons of movement or else she’s gonna go crazy. So to work Maelyra into her workouts, Karlach will either use her as excess weight or as someone to count her reps. Maelyra could get comfortable on Karlach’s back, reading or writing, or even drawing as Karlach continues to do push ups. Sometimes Karlach will alter the count, just to see if Maelyra’s listening. “24… 200… 201” “Don’t you mean 26?” “Of course love, what did you think I said?”
They’re basically couple goals. Everyone else in camp is lowkey jealous af.
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seyoonlgc · 7 months
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A new project? The company was looking for eligible male trainees? Hell yeah, of course, he would be auditioning!
Seyoon straightened his shirt, smoothed down his jeans, ran a comb down his messy blonde hair, and waltzed into his interview session. He chose a morning slot because the sun gave him POWER and he intended to outshine his competition to the best of his ability.
"Good morning," he greeted, bowing his head with a smile. "I am Kim Seyoon, here for my interview!"
Why are you interested in being in NEWKIDS NEWDREAMS? [135]
Let's start with a refreshing bit of honesty then, shall we?
I want to be famous, wanna be a star, and be in magazines. Also want to see the world, drive nice cars, and have groupies-
No, that would be too much honesty.
"This project is a debut opportunity and will give me a chance to fulfill my dream of becoming an idol. As a hopeful trainee, I would be kicking myself if I didn't try to take advantage of every opportunity I am presented!" If this project was called OLDMEN OLDFARTNIGHTMARES, Seyoon would still be auditioning. As a man who worshipped at the altar of beauty, Seyoon was very well aware of just how fleeting youth was. He only had a few years to make his debut happen, otherwise, all of these past years spent on training would have been a waste of time.
"While we don't know much about the project, I do think the concept would fit me, judging by the name alone." Seyoon laughed. "To me, New Kids sounds like the company is looking for younger trainees. People who give off a bright, energetic vibe maybe. I think I am a good fit for that!" If there was one thing Seyoon did not lack, it would be stamina. He was constantly bouncing off the walls, and if they observed him in the practice room, they'd definitely see that aspect of his personality.
"Also...I guess I just want a chance to be seen at my best," Seyoon admitted brightly. "I want my parents, grandparents, and younger brothers in Canada to hear the new songs I learned. And my high school friends, scouts buddies, and fried chicken shop regulars too." My mother also. I want to be so goddamn famous that she could not avoid the sight of my face because it would be everywhere. I want her to know despite the fact she won't acknowledge me, I exist.
Considering the current confirmed members, what can you add on and off the stage? [160]
"Off-stage...Uhhh...I mean, I know all of the people in the group and get along with them? BK and I are friends." Fellow partygoers, yeehaw. "I've worked with Noeul on different things before. Misaki and I are buddies, we were also dormmates before. I love Wenjun so much- Sorry, am I answering this question wrong?" Seyoon tapped on his temple, prompting his noggin for more useful tidbits. "Right. I got in a workshop about commercial acting and was pretty good at that so maybe when we are not performing as a group, I could pick up commercials or minor acting roles to boost our popularity?"
"On stage-wise, I can bring my energy, enthusiasm, and good singing! From what I can remember in the practice rooms, BK and Noeul are good rappers. Misaki is a strong dancer, and Yichen is an excellent performer. Wenjun sings beautifully but no group could stand with just one great singer, right? There was always room for another! Oh, also, I am from Canada and fully fluent in English. Do we need an English speaker?"
which skill do you want to be known for & why? [163]
"I would like to be known for my singing because that's where my talent lies, I believe." Seyoon rubbed the back of his head. "I've been singing since I was a child. No lessons, of course, we couldn't afford those since my parents ended up having more kids than they initially planned, and my grandfather on my dad's side was not in good health. I was always in some sort of choir though. Both in schools and at the church. My stepmom always told me I had a far-reaching voice." He made quotations with his fingers. "I think what she meant was she could always hear me from all the way at the back of a room. But if I debut, then those words could take on a different meaning - my voice would be far-reaching because it will be heard by more people and maybe touch some hearts." He laughed. "Seriously, the moment I make it into a permanent group, I am going to call her and tell her that she's predicted it...That she had special powers and knew all along."
what kind of concepts are you good & bad at? [86]
"When it comes to concepts, I think I can do cute, energetic...dark too. Oh, I don't think I will excel at elegant. I am not going to lie - I am not really the princely type." Instead, he was a questionable man who hid his unwashed shorts under his bed and constantly had mud on his shoes. "I think that has to do with growing up on farmland. Sometimes expensive restaurants and formal events can make me feel out of place. I can learn, though! Just put me through a few classes and show me an example of how I should behave. I am a fast learner, I promise."
what kind of group would you ideally want to be part of and why? [87]
"Group-wise, I think being known for great live vocals would be nice because I love those performances the most." He thought about it harder. "To be honest, I just really want to be in a group that is...successful." Would he risk sounding too ambitious with that? "I enjoy groups that have great live vocals. The ones with strong stage presence are amazing too! Ultimately it won't matter, though, if the group doesn't last. Ideally, I would want to debut in a group that has longevity. One that is versatile, can adapt to the trends, and stay relevant for as long as possible."
Seyoon just wanted money. Sometimes he wondered if it was wrong of him to be focused on the financial aspect when a good number of the other kids were entirely invested in their dreams. He supposed everything would be different if he was like some of the other trainees in this company. CEO connections, famous parents. Waving around their black cards while waiting for their chauffeurs in their well-tailored coats. They had more opportunities. If this whole idol situation failed, they could start businesses, go back to school, or even just lie around because their parents could afford to feed them for the rest of their lives. Ugh, sometimes he felt so envious of those people that it hurt.
And that was the end of the interview.
"Thanks for the chat," Seyoon said, bowing first to show his respect, then straightening his back to do a big over-the-head heart. "I am sure there will be a lot more trainees interviewing after but don't forget me, okay?" He grinned. "I really want this!"
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oathofpromises · 1 year
29.     felt a rage so strong that it scared them. — for Stella
A sense of foreboding washed over Stella, as if the very essence of her village was tainted by some malevolent force. The Au Ra couldn't shake the feeling that she was walking into a carefully orchestrated trap, designed to lure her back to this place she had tried so desperately to forget. But there was something else, tugging at her heartstrings, urging her to press forward. It was the memory of the children she had once cared for, their laughter echoing through the streets, their innocent faces etched in her mind. None of them were responsible for the pain she had experienced here by the hands of others.
In the face of the ominous atmosphere, Stella found solace in the fact that G'raha had chosen to join her on this perilous quest. The woman was well aware that the Miqo'te had his own matters to attend to, yet he had a undeniable yearning to accompany her. Now that she thought about things, it truly had been quite some time since the two had embarked on a quest of this nature, with only each other. Most often they would find solace in the presence of their fellow scions. However, deep within her heart, there resided a fervent desire to shield the world from the knowledge of the individuals she had been raised amidst. Stella couldn't shake the lingering ache, nestled deep within the confines of her heart.
Upon their arrival at the quaint village, a noticeable absence of children pervaded the atmosphere. With bated breath, they seized the opportunity, stealthily infiltrating the hallowed abode of the revered elders. To their shock, they discovered a myriad of glistening crystals, casting ethereal hues that danced upon the walls. As their gaze wandered, it alighted upon a weathered scroll, its delicate parchment whispering secrets of an ancient rite. It became abundantly clear that the journey undertaken thus far had a singular purpose - to ensnare the illustrious Warrior of Light, beckoning her back to this very refuge. In the elder's unrelenting attempt to rid himself of what he had long deemed a vexing thorn in his side, the man had embarked upon a journey that spanned countless years.
Stella's hand curled into a tight fist, her slender fingers trembling with a mix of determination and frustration. With a resolute yet pained expression, she pivoted on her heel, directing her pent-up energy towards the unforgiving wall before her. The impact was forceful, causing the surface to yield, albeit only slightly, as fragments of shattered plaster rained down like confetti. Amongst the debris, sharp shards of glass found their mark, piercing her knuckles with a searing sting.
In the depths of despair, one could not help but ponder the agonizing question that plagued the mind: why did these innocent children have to endure such unfathomable suffering? Did they dare to find amusement in the spectacle of surrendering all these kids very souls to the insatiable hunger of a malevolent demon? The moment that elder assumed authority, it became abundantly evident that this tribe had deviated from its customary ways. The sight before her stirred memories too painful to bear, evoking a haunting echo of the tragedy that befell her beloved parents. In the depths of Stella's heart, an inferno of fury blazed, unlike any tempest she had ever encountered. Inside, an insidious desire took root - to exact retribution upon the elder, and make him taste the bitter anguish he had so callously inflicted. To witness his torment, as his soul suffered without salvation.
Stella trembled, her very core rattled by an unseen force. In the midst of this disorienting chaos, her breaths grew shallow and rapid, as if desperately seeking solace. A trembling hand instinctively rose, seeking refuge against her heaving chest, as the once familiar surroundings melted into a hazy blur. In the midst of a tumultuous storm of panic and anger, she found herself inescapably drawn into the warm and comforting embrace of G'raha. The scholar had never once implored her to stop, for he was well acquainted with the depths of her history. The amount of trials and tribulations she was forced to withstand during her childhood years in this very place.
'My Star,'G'raha whispered, gently intertwining his hand with hers as she let their fingers entwine. Their foreheads pressed together, tears streaming down the sides of her face.
"All these children should not have had to endure any suffering. I despise him, Raha, for causing harm to innocents and for taking my parents away." Stella whispered, struggling to suppress the overwhelming anger coursing through her. There was too much pain inside Stella and being here was breaking down all the walls she had tried so hard to maintain.She was genuinely frightened by the intensity of her desire to thrust her sword into the elder's chest. To witness his life force ebb away, as he slipped from this realm, aware that none of his ambitions would ever come to fruition again. She wanted to ensure that his selfish actions would not cause harm to anyone else.
Stella's lips parted, releasing an agonizing scream that pierced G'raha's heart. The two of them gradually crumbled to the ground, their grip on each other remaining unyielding. Overwhelmed by the situation, the woman was aware that she had to persevere. In order to bring an end to the long-standing horrors that have afflicted this tribe.
"I need to end this..for good. No more running away, this is my fight...please Raha. I can't leave without ensuring that the innocents are safe."
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I'm still not allowing myself to be excited for the One Piece live action but after having seen the trailer a few more times I'll say that as long as the pacing is good (bad pacing trips me up so hard) and the show captures the essence and spirit of the story, I won't hate it.
I just hope the rest of the writing is better than that "Not a crew" scene, I'm still not very happy with that. Sure, a lot of the comedy from the manga and the anime doesn't translate very well into live action but they can still bring out the silly parts without relying on the same kind of 0815 quips that are used by every action adventure movie since the beginning of the MCU.
Something I didn't learn until today is that Oda himself was heavily involved in the adaptation, including greenlighting the cast, which I guess gives me a little more confidence that the show won't be a trashfire.
I really like the cast (and now that I know Oda gave his okay for Nami's and Sanji's actors I'm putting my earlier reservations to the side), I like their energy, I highly appreciate their love for the One Piece universe, so I have a feeling they may be my favorite part of the adaptation.
Something that's also been pointed out is that the characters are wearing a lot of outfits from color spreads from the manga, which is really cool, I like that a lot, it gives them realistic costume changes while still staying true to their designs.
As for some of the criticism I've seen float around the tag:
"WHY ISN'T LUFFY WEARING FLIP FLOPS????" I was a little put off by that at first, too, but I honestly doubt that we'll pay a whole lot of attention to his feet when we watch the actual show (and who knows, maybe they'll show up at some point)
"WHERE IS SANJI'S CURLY BROW??????" This is probably completely a Me thing but when I watched the trailer for the first time I didn't even notice that because I was honestly much more worried about his hair before the trailer was released; I totally get that him not having the curly brow is a little disappointing and leaves out some of the greatest bickering between him and Zoro, but it's still possible that they'll bring it into the show some other way, even if he doesn't have it all the time; same goes for the smoking (which, given that it's an American production that is aimed at kids, isn't really surprising, since smoking/tobacco is its own content warning on American TV), we might see him light a cigarette here and there but we were never gonna see him chainsmoke the way he does in the manga/anime
"WHAT ABOUT USOPP'S NOSE????" Okay, let's be real here, had they given Usopp his Pinocchio nose through either CGI or VFX make-up, everyone probably would have complained how stupid and cringe it looks translated into live action; Jacob has a very expressive face that more than makes up for the lack of the Pinocchio nose in my opinion, but maybe that's just me (Jacob was also the first cast member I was fully on board with from the start, so maybe I'm biased, but that's how I feel)
"BUGGY LOOKS TOO SCARY" Guys, we only got one shot of him and we don't know the context for it; maybe this is his introductory shot, maybe this is a special dramatic shot, maybe this is how other people describe him, we just don't know; just wait until the show is out
"THE FOOTAGE IS TOO YELLOW" While it is likely that this is the final color grading, it's also possible that the final color grading wasn't done by the time they put the trailer together (like, some of the shots look like the yellow isn't as strong), they still have more than two months until release, they could still be doing final tweaks until then; and maybe they wanted to emphasize Luffy's sunny personality, who knows, the cinematography probably looks different in emotional scenes
Also, and this is only of interest to my fellow Germans, the German anime voice cast is dubbing the show, so I might actually watch it both in the original version and with the German voices because the nostalgia is reaaaaaaaallll
Be still, my heart, so you won't be disappointed, but be hopeful, be so so hopeful 🥲
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swiftieinlove91 · 2 years
thank u taylor
hey taylor. hey tumblr.
this is my first tumblr account, and I made it because I know Taylor Swift lurks on here sometimes, and I hope this message finds her.
Taylor, I want to say thank you, and I didn't know of any way you might see it better than tumblr. You have been such a huge influence in my life - sometimes in ways I haven't always realized until years later. I remember the first time I heard one of your songs, and connected it to you, and realized I loved it. It was "Love Story," and my mom was driving me to Friendly's before school started that day to meet up with a bunch of fellow drama kids the morning of opening night of one of our plays (it was a tradition for us to meet for breakfast). I remember that the sky was a steely blue-grey, and that I was full of anticipation and nerves and hope for that night. I'd been homeschooled most of my life, and it was my first time joining in on this breakfast tradition. I hoped some of the other kids liked me. I had a crush on one of the stage crew boys. and Love Story came on the radio and something about it hit me in that moment - I was young, I was in love, I had hopes and fears and parents who I couldn't always count on to support me. your song affirmed and soothed all of that, and added to the young, naive, fragile, intense beauty of that moment.
later, i was in grad school and 1989 had just come out. i had the cd and it was the only thing i ever played in my car, just on repeat. from the joyfulness of "welcome to new york" (which i would play without fail every time i drove from grad school in maine to home to buffalo, NY, making sure to have it blasting at exactly the moment when I crossed into NY), the no-f's-given attitude of "shake it off," to the devastating, wrenching, cleansing sadness of "clean." I played that album so much that friends i carpooled with regularly inadvertently became swifties as a result of me driving them around xD
then, later, i was a young woman who had just ended an engagement, after a 6-year-long relationship that started when i was 19, in my mid-20s and feeling hot and vibrant and sexy and strong and powerful and untouchable for the first time ever. Reputation came out and i felt all the strong, sensual energy in every single song. It became the anthem to my being. you helped me, you showed me that it was possible and beautiful and completely okay to step into my power. i was single and i was living alone for the first time ever and i was so unsure and so scared but you helped me feel like i had power, and I would figure all those things out.
lover buoyed me as i tried to re-navigate love again after ending such a long and serious commitment. it provided both salve for the wounds, in terms of beautiful songs like "death by a thousand cuts," as well as hope for more and better, in songs like, of course, "lover."
and then the pandemic hit, and you literally saved my life. "folklore" and "evermore" were incredible, precious gifts. they felt so authentic - like less-planned, just loving gifts to your fans and the people who love you. they are what got me through 2020. i was living in Dakar, Senegal at the time the pandemic started, and in late march i was mandatorily evacuated by the US govt back to buffalo. i had nowhere to live, no car, no savings, no health insurance, no plan (my plan had been to continue to live and work abroad for a few years, then pursue a doctorate degree abroad). i watched everything i'd planned and worked so hard for fall apart in the matter of a week. and then folklore came along, and it helped soothe me, and helped me feel connected to everyone else in the world who was going through similar things - our lives and plans and dreams coming derailed by something none of us had planned for, could have possibly planned for.
this was also when i started to really reflect on myself and who i am (i had a lot of time lol). i finally felt free and strong and ready enough to step into my queer identity. i don't know if it was intentional or not, and i don't want to assume anything about your personal life, but songs like "seven" and "betty" and "august" helped me come into that truth about myself. again, i don't want to assume anything about you personally, but your songs helped me find and be okay with myself, and i want to thank you.
and then evermore was just icing on a gift-cake ;) i went through another really bad breakup in 2021, one that shook my perception of reality to its core. your songs kept me grounded.
and now, here we are, post-midnights. i met you there at midnight. i stayed up til 4 am on a worknight to listen to the full album, several times through, and then the bonus tracks. i SCREECHED at the beginning of "vigilante shit." i danced along to the full album. i cried during "question...?" and "sweet nothing."
in between all of this, for the last several years, I watch your "artist of the decade" performance and your live in paris performances from lover and your performance of "false god" on snl and your tiny desk concert and your interviews.
i don't know how you've managed to do it, but i feel like i've grown up with you, and i feel like every album you release is exactly what my heart needs at that moment in time. you've taught me so much about how to find oneself, how to overcome adversity with class and grace, how to tune out the haters, how to believe in myself and my power. thank you. thank you thank you thank you. your music and your words have been here with me throughout my life, buoying and affirming and teaching and loving and powerful. i am so incredibly grateful to be alive in a time and space where i've gotten to grow up alongside you, and so incredibly grateful that you have pushed through everything you have to be the shining light you are.
thank you, taylor <3
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crewel-intentions · 2 years
[waltzes in here] hi buddy hiiiiiiii
If you had to pick a region outside of Hoenn to base this blog, where would it be and how would the setting change affect things if affects it at all-
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and hmmm that's a toughie--
The EASIEST would just to keep everything in Johto, since that's where Yuko is originally from. If she didn't leave to Hoenn, she'd probably have a much harder time climbing the ranks since Hoenn was neutral ground. People didn't know her; they didn't see that upward struggle. They would have just seen this tiny cutthroat lady that gets things DONE. She probably would have clashed a lot more with Lance as well. I think the BIGGEST change is that she would have been a much bigger threat to Giovanni. She may not have been the most popular, but she was a still a proven, EFFECTIVE commander. Had she remained in Johto, there's a very good chance that she would have taken advantage of the location and Giovanni's absences to make herself leader.
how about the other regions?
Kanto? Same business, but also I hate Kanto, so I'm not talking about Kanto. If she had her way, she would oust Giovanni and take over operations entirely
Sinnoh? Very easy at first, but rapidly becomes more difficult as Cynthia inserts herself into the picture. Lance is strong, moreso since Yuko doesn't have any types to combat Dragons, but he's uh... He's not stupid, but he's also not quite the same strategic battler than Cynthia is. Thankfully, Cyrus' upstart with Team Galactic could be a very useful distraction (assuming they don't clash like Aqua and Magma)
Unova? Yeah, she would have a tough time here. Ghetsis may be a c*nt, but his pokemon are strong, and she's not exactly proving his cause wrong. Alder is strong, but he's a lot more lenient than Lance or Cynthia, and more likely it would be Drayden bringing the hammer down. And it would come down hard. But considering how urban and modernized Unova is, it would be very easy to make and keep connections here.
Kalos? She might actually have an easier time here. Team Flare is a bunch of pushover fashionistas, and I have a feeling that Lysandre might be able to be swayed if Yuko has the patience for it. If not, he's not that strong of a trainer, and hey, there's always a nice bullet to the head. Yuko would probably be interested in the Ultimate Weapon as a bargaining chip or as a power source, but she wouldn't use it AS a weapon. She has some standards.
Alola? Difficult for some unusual reasons. She could easily ally with Team Skull, giving them resources and training to turn their punk rebellion into something actually dangerous. The Aether Foundation would be easy to ally with, since Yuko and Lusamine are both shrewd business women and Yuko herself shares an interest in worlds beyond our own. The bigger issue is the lack of connection between islands and the totem pokemon themselves. There are plenty of rare, strong pokemon to be caught, but having to fight for your life in the territory of supernaturally-enhanced pokemon? Not fun. Plus, I doubt the Tapus would approve of their presence and would actively interfere.
Galar? As long as she approaches under the guise of business, she would be fine. Chairman Rose is onto something with utilizing the Dynamax energy for power, and she would be happy to collaborate on that project. Oleana would probably hate her and try to do petty things to get in the way, but otherwise, this one is basically a freebie
Paldea? Hello fellow kids, would you like a REAL cause to join? Is the academy turning a blind eye to your troubles? Would you like to get back at those who hurt you? Join Team Rocket today :) ....Why are there mechanoid pokemon running around-- Oooo forbidden ancient legendaries just hidden away behind a lil old lock? Don't mind if she does~
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deep-hearts-core · 2 years
2006 - final
originally posted 7/20/20
Switzerland Not entirely a bad way to start off. Strong vocals here, and even though this is a Ralph Siegel song it feels much less out of place than his entries in the late-teen years. It does lack a certain cohesiveness, though, in vocal style and in the styling. Moldova This one is repetitive as fuck, in such a way that I know I'm not going to be getting the chorus out of my head for a couple days. That's good, it stands out. Vocals are rough here though, not gonna lie. Natalia and Arsenium are somehow not singing into their mics, which should be impossible because they are literally wearing their microphones. I also could have done without Natalia in the swimsuit. Overall, though, it wasn't as bad as I was expecting from the clip, if that counts for anything. Israel Apparently people don't like this? I don't get why... it's a perfectly nice song, and Eddie and his backing singers have nice voices. There's a subtlety to this presentation that most aughts Eurovision, for lack of a better word, well, lacks. It's not really something I'd qualify as one of my favorites, but I can see it ending up midtable in my ranking.
Latvia A Cappella in Eurovision is always a little weird. While this is better than Belgium 2011, it nevertheless takes quite a while to get going - it's not until all six of them are singing that I actually know the form of the song. That beginning was super weird. As was the puppet? Robot? Whatever it was that the beatboxer was kicking around onstage for the latter half of the song. They are all good singers, though, which helps. Norway I like it. I enjoy entries that try to be mystical/magical and can actually pull it off. That chorus is especially good - like yeah she's not singing words or whatever but Christine sounds so gorgeous in her high range. The verses aren't as good though. It feels like she gets drowned out by the instrumental at times.
Spain I mean, it's okay. It's better than some of the other songs. The girls are relatively unified in pitch and in movement - but that staging was just weird. The office chairs thing as a whole is like... what???... and there are parts where it looks like they're at the hairdresser's about to get their hair washed. Malta  Fabrizio is not the most on pitch guy ever, but his song is better than his sister's by MILES. The chorus is catchy here. I can see how this placed 24th, though - Fabrizio might have an OK song, but his vocals aren't really up to par. That's the difference between him and Claudia, I think - Claudia has a good voice but got a shitty song, whereas Fabrizio's song was better but he just didn't have the voice for it. Germany Wait, I super like this actually. The whole staging has the vibe of, like, a Texas theme park glorifying the Wild West, but it actually kinda works. The chorus is super fun, and I think the lead singer here has a voice that really works with the song. I'm eh on the verses, but not enough so for me to not really enjoy this performance. A+, Germany!
Denmark Aughts ESC is truly the era of Western countries singing in genres that make no sense for them. I like the vibe of this song though. Sidsel has a good voice for this genre, and she keeps the energy high throughout the entire performance. I like early rock as a genre, so I enjoy this one. Romania Tornero, as a song itself, is I think one of my favorites from the year. Mihai has an awesome voice for this, too - that key change is epic. The staging is for the most part pretty cool, but I don't understand the "plot" part of it where the ballet dancer is sitting around looking sour, and I do have my issues with the styling - especially Mihai's hair. United Kingdom Another one going the "hello, fellow kids" route. This could have been a lot worse, I think? I'm bothered by the way Daz goes about his rap and the annoying accents of the background singers, but like... I can kind of see why people liked this. Greece A nice solid host entry. This song is so delightfully angry and sad, and Anna has the perfect voice for it - melancholy in her lower range, but also good for belting the more furious parts of the song. This song (and its styling, shockingly!) holds up even fourteen years later. France  This is nice. Virginie is a good (albeit a little sharp) singer, but there's absolutely nothing happening onstage. It's a level of plain that even I can't appreciate. Croatia This is apparently popular. I don't see it. The song... there's no mincing words here. I hate it. That chorus is especially irritating. The performance does salvage it a little - mostly Severina herself. She has a lot of energy and a good voice, she's styled well, she's just really fun to watch in a way that makes me hate the song just that much less. My top 37
Bosnia & Herzegovina
United Kingdom
North Macedonia
Seriously, it was so hard to choose between Belgium, Turkey, and Lithuania for my top three. It seriously could have been any of them - like, I sat and stared at my computer screen for AGES trying to decide. 
Voting/intervals Wow, so Greece really went all the fuck out on this opening act. It sure is memorable, but who the fuck is that soprano that they were showcasing? That interval was pretty cool though. I do love me some music history. Ok can someone explain to me why the fuck Serbia and Montenegro was allowed to vote in 2006 despite NOT FUCKING PARTICIPATING? Like I understand the mechanics of "late withdrawal, EBU made a decision on the matter" but why the fuck did the EU make the decision they did... smh. This Dutch presenter seems like such an asshole... what the fuck is he doing offering to give Sakis his number and actually doing that onscreen......... Thoughts after watching I sincerely enjoy Maria and Sakis as hosts. Maria's very funny to watch because she's never interacted with Eurovision before, so she's a little confused, but she's got the spirit. She's also very honest whenever technical difficulties happen lol. I... hate this stage? I like how parts of the floor can rise up, that was used to people's advantage a lot, but also the stadium walls sucked. And the way that artists could move them and reshape them... idk it made the stage look weird.
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maharghaideovate · 2 months
How Educational Administration Are Shaping the Future with Distance Education Symbiosis
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Ever wonder who is at the helm in our schools? Well, let's get down to business and discuss educational administrators and why they matter in today's world of distance education. Symbiosis Distance MBA leads the way in this area and is changing the way things are done. Here is the lowdown.
Today's Education: It's a Whole New Ball Game
Education isn't like it used to be. Here is what is shaking things up:
Educational Administrators: More Than Just Big Desks and Titles
So who works on these problems? Enter the educational administrator. They're the architects of change, and Symbiosis is preparing them for the digital age in the field of distance education. So here's what they do:
Big Picture Thinkers: Teachers focus on today; administrators plan for the future.
Money Magicians: Every dollar counts when they make a budget.
People Connectors: Students, teachers, parents—you name it—on the same page.
New Idea Ninjas: They aren't afraid of new ideas, including the latest in distance education. Symbiosis is teaching them how.
Problem Crushers: When things go sideways, they straighten them out.
Real-World Wins: Administrators in Action
Let's look at some examples where educational administrators, including those trained in distance education by Symbiosis, knocked it out of the park:
The Digital Divide Conqueror
Problem: Kids without computers at home falling behind.
Solution: Teamed up with technology businesses to give every student a laptop.
Result: Higher grades, fewer dropouts.
The Teacher Keeper
Problem: Droves of teachers leaving the school.
Solution: Started mentorship, improved work-life balance, listened to teachers.
Result: 40 percent more teachers stuck around.
The Community Glue
Problem: Parents not involved with school.
Solution: Organized events, initiated volunteer programs, opened classes for adults.
Result: School became a community hub. Kids did better in class.
The Budget Wizard
Problem: Running out of money.
Solution: Initiated energy-saving programs, renegotiated contracts, mastered grant-writing.
Result: Retained all the teachers and began new programs.
The Online Learning Pro
Problem: COVID-19 shut schools down.
Solution: Trained teachers quickly on the online platforms; set up tech support for families; delivered meals to students.
Result: Learning kept going - from home.
Distance Education Symbiosis: Training Tomorrow's Admin Superstars
Now, let us discuss how Symbiosis Correspondence Courses is changing it all in becoming an aspiring educational administrator:
Flexible Learning: Study when it works for you. Perfect for working professionals looking to level up.
Real-World Focus: Everything you learn at Symbiosis is stuff you'll actually use in the real world.
Global Classroom: Connect with future education leaders from around the globe. It's like a worldwide brainstorming session.
Cutting-Edge Content: The education world keeps on changing, and so do courses at Symbiosis.
Tech-Savvy Training: Learn to manage schools in the digital age. Symbiosis does distance education in practice.
Leadership Lab: Try out your new skills in the virtual environment. It is like a flight simulator for school management.
Network Building: Build a network that will stay with you throughout your career. Your fellow classmates today could be your collaborators tomorrow.
Why this matters to you
Be it a parent, teacher, or anyone who cares about the future, good educational administration affects us all. Symbiosis is ensuring that, with distance education, these skills reach every corner of the world.
The Bottom Line
At a time when the world is changing faster than one can say "distance learning," the requirement for strong educational leadership is on every lip. And that is exactly what Symbiosis Centre For Distance Education is creating in distance education.
Next time you hear about some school or killer online learning program someone's doing, chances are there's a rockstar administrator behind it. They don't wear capes, but they're the closest thing to superheroes in this world of education.
Want to be among them? Well, it's Symbiosis Distance Learning that may get you on the road to becoming that game-changer in education.
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How to Turn From the Burn of Burnout
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Where There’s Smoke, There’s a Fire!
Like a candle left unattended for too long, burnout is a hazard that can create extensive exhaustion and detachment if not attended to. If you're a manager smelling the smoke, fear not! This guide is your secret weapon to not only extinguish burnout and combat depersonalization, but to send them packing like disgraced party crashers.
Picture this: your team is a well-oiled machine, but suddenly, there's a creak in the gears. That's burnout – a chronic state of stress-induced exhaustion, often accompanied by depersonalization, where colleagues start looking like cardboard cutouts rather than fellow humans.
Research has well-documented data to support why you should be concerned about stress-induced exhaustion and depersonalization in your workforce. If you’ve experienced burnout, you would know how impactful it can be to the work-related domain and your personal life. It depletes your energy, diminishes work performance, and can ruin the quality of your relationships with others. That is NOT something you want to deal with.
Shedding Light on the Shadows: Operationalizing Burnout
Now, let's get practical. How do you manufacture a workplace without burnout and depersonalization? With the proper tools, of course! The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) is your trusty temperature gauge that can check the wellness of your organization. It breaks down burnout into three parts: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment. This gauge helps identify where the heat is coming from.
To understand why your team is feeling the burn, the Conservation of Resources (COR) model can serve as your guide. It's like the GPS that tells you when your resources – like time, skills, and emotional support – are running on empty. Stress happens when there's a threat of resource loss or when your employees don’t have the mental, physical, and emotional resources needed to perform in the first place. Another way that burnout and depersonalization can occur is through the multidimensional appraisal of stressors and their subsequent responses to them. In this view, individuals go through an appraisal of their situation, and then go through an appraisal of their options in responding and coping with their stressors. At work, you can imagine how it may feel if you were to ask your subordinates to stay a couple of extra hours to finish up some work. Do they hesitate to agree? Are their kids waiting at home? Does this overtime help them pay for that new couch they bought? Do they feel a strong commitment to the project? These factors all contribute to how your workers appraise their situation. If they are feeling the burn in burnout because of the stress that this may induce, then these workers may not have the necessary resources or adaptive skills to handle what is being asked of them. Be mindful of this, and always ask questions! Once the symptoms of stress infect your crew, it can be troublesome to ameliorate these effects and get your plans back on track. So, what can you do about this?
Keep it a Fad: Burnout is out
Here are some mighty suggestions:
Walk the talk and lead by example. If you're on the brink of burnout, chances are your team isn't far behind. Show them it's okay to take breaks, set boundaries, and prioritize well-being. I promise this is a game-changer!
A pat on the back works wonders. Recognize efforts and celebrate wins – big or small. It's not just a morale boost; it's a resource refill.
Bottling up stress is so last season. Create an environment where your team feels comfy expressing concerns. It's like a pressure valve – release the steam before the pot boils over. You can spot the warning signs. I would keep an eye on changes in behavior, energy levels, and interpersonal dynamics. Addressing issues in their infancy is like catching a cold before it turns into the flu.
Life outside work is not just a rumor. Embrace flexible schedules and offer stress management programs. A balanced life is the antidote to burnout.
Finally, adopt a resilience mindset. I firmly believe that resilience doesn’t get the recognition it deserves, but the benefits of adapting to stress can be enormous. You can encourage a growth mindset, emphasizing that setbacks are opportunities to learn and bounce back stronger.
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antlersacornsandallium · 11 months
Got back from Earthskills Rendezvous and boy oh boy do I have thoughts!
So, Earthskills Rendezvous is a non-profit organization that facilitates a large week-long event twice a year. This has been going on for decades. The event is centered on... well, earth skills. A smattering of survivalist skills like fire building, a lot of foraging and wild craft like bowl and spoon carving and tanning leathers, and also some workshops on the more... let's say spiritual side of things.
Basically it's a free-range adult summer camp.
It's a very cool event and it has a strong community with wonderful elders and experiences that you don’t normally get in your day to day life - unless you're one of the people within that group who have made it your lifestyle. More on that later.
Now, why am I posting about this on my heathen blog? What does this have to do with paganism? Well, see, I have opinions, and here they are.
I came to this event for a couple of reasons. The first was to learn how to make cool shit. Which I did! So much cool shit.
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(deerskin moccasins, wisteria vine coiled baskets, recycled leather sheath for an axe, an awl in-progress, and a set of crochet hooks made from roadkill deer bones)
Is there anywhere in my life I will wear deerskin moccasins? No. But they were fun to make. And the rest of it I do actually use frequently, so there’s that. The baskets I use for gathering up garden fruits!
The other reason I went was to try and connect with other pagans. That went... not as great.
To be honest, most of the spirituality expressed at this place was in the form of energy work, group therapy (there was a grief circle) and vague non-denominational new age. Which is fine! Not a problem with that.
Except... well. There’s a bit of a problem with it. And it may be just my perception, biases based on experiences! But just in case it’s not...
Yeah, this place was very, very insular. Welcoming! But uh... the perception was young, white, heterosexual. At least on the week I went. And a lot of the side conversations I either participated in or overheard were, to put it lightly, shallow.
Which is to say: a conversation about shadow work that completely divorces the concept from spirituality and does not acknowledge the spiritual traditions they come from... does not lend itself to meaningful work. As an example.
Being there for almost a week, I could not identify a single other pagan. I saw more earth-centered spirituality representation at my local ren faire. Which blows my mind, because if there’s anywhere I should be seeing fellow pagans, it should be at an event whose emphasis is on earth skills and connectivity.
But what I saw was a lot of well-meaning but cringey younger white kids who talked about their spiritual “experiences” in the same ways that the kid who studied abroad for a semester comes back and dreamily talks about how the experience changed his life. I’m sure that it did, but it’s tourist talk. It’s a shallow understanding of a broader world. They’re better for the experience, but they’ve idealized it and it’s now divorced from any real-world context. They talk about spirituality like they read about it in a book one time, took a “shamanic journey” for 8 weeks with someone they paid a couple thousand dollars to teach them, and now they don’t know what to do with it.
It’s annoying and frustrating, is what I’m trying to say.
It’s a very neo-liberal kind of thing, I think? For lack of a better way to describe it. Welcoming and accepting to the point of blandness. The event leadership makes efforts to attract POC to the event, but from what I observed it’s not been very successful so far. As far as queerness - I saw very little of that either. Overall it reminded me of a hippy commune vibe: plenty of naked babies and packs of children running around freely and a loose community sense, drum circles and blankets laid out on the grass and communal fires. But for the dozen or so obvious het couples (I say obvious meaning cuddling at the very least) I saw exactly one queer couple other than myself and my wife. It honestly made me slightly uneasy, despite knowing this was a safe and welcoming space.
Anyway, I’ll attend again because it is honestly a fun and interesting event with great people - but the next time I’ll know not to expect anything deeper than “come learn how to make a wood bowl”.
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