#feminine grass type
piccevo · 8 months
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shigella this floating seed is the 3 stage feminine grass type
it do be floating tho
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cowpokezuko · 6 months
I think one of my favorite genre of fandom slapfighting posts are the ones where people complain about not having enough masc4masc ships and that not every gay man needs to be feminine. Baby I know you spend to much time on tumblr.com but if you go outside, you will find that masc queer men are so much more socially accepted than fem queer men. Femininity when performed by men is still so taboo to so many people in the real world so maybe it's good actually that there's spaces where men are not ridiculed for being feminine and it's actually celebrated. I promise it's not hurting you.
Is there some valid criticism of fandom culture and the way they objectify gay men? Yeah, but femininity and feminine gays are not the enemy I promise.
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people who come up with pokemon teams for the strawhats, but then refuse to give sanji any of the NUMEROUS food-related babbus?
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hana-no-seiiki · 11 months
yan! school grass (most handsome/perfect guy)/rival x crossdresser! male! reader x yan! friends - part one
tw/cw: mention of abusive parents (but not reader’s) and yandere themes. also your rival has some repressed sexual urges, he really needs to get laid or some head or something-
Like I imagine this the best with stoic and/or tsun yans the best. You know those types that want to be perfect but only feels perfect when they’re with reader.
ive always loved these tropes as a kid, from mulan to that one tawog episode where darwin fell in love with fem! gumball and like this was even before i knew i wasnt cis but gahd AAAAAAA
also inspired by @moyazaika ‘s rival work. go read it!!
but anyways have the fic, lowercase intentional for first part to differentiate povs.
it was a dare given by your friend group earlier last weekend. wear the girls uniform and a wig for the entire month. it was easy to get the materials necessary for the most part. your mother had several wigs and was more than happy to style her son in feminine clothing. she was just amazing and supportive about your whims like that.
it didn’t take long for you to realize that no one recognized you in your new look.
the day started like many of your other ones at the school, you’d race your rival as the first one in class and whoever wins gets rights to a smug look on their face until the next thing you guys eventually compete on.
but unlike the crestfallen expression you expected — nay wanted — from that stupid pretty boy, you were greeted by what you could only described as complete bafflement.
“what?” despite having a different reaction from what you imagined, you managed to keep a composed appearance. “cat got your tongue?”
“ah. . .”
and that were the only words he said to you the entire day. nothing else. not a single groan of anger whenever you answered everything correctly, he didn’t even attempt at stopping you mid-way or disagree with you answer simply because he wanted to annoy you.
and so you couldn’t help it, as soon as the bell rang signalling lunch time you swiftly turned around to face him.
“are you alright?”
you inquired. not at all worried about his well-being at the slightest. you hated him with all your being after all and you didn’t make an effort to be soft with your tone either.
“h-huh?” he looked dazed. like his head had been in the clouds and you just yanked him down to ground.
your rival never got distracted.
“you—“ you reached out about to smack his face to keep him in check.
“if you’ll excuse me!” he smacked your hand out of the way, screeched at you, and then left in a hurry to who knows where.
nevermind that was definitely him. that silly brat hated it whenever you touched him. he must have just been having issues at home again or something.
Haoyu was trembling — shaking uncontrollably as his breaths turned more shallow by the second. His heart was pumping blood in places of his body where it shouldn’t have been in the middle of school hours. Sweat lined his entire skin and it didn’t help how the bathroom he rushed into had nothing to keep the temperature down.
Who were you?
You sat at his rival’s seat. That nasty kid that always got in his nerves. No one questioned the boy’s absence and he would have asked the teachers on what had happened if you didn’t suddenly take his breath away.
You were, ethereal. Otherworldy even. When he first saw you he was taken away by the way your hair moved in the wind (if only he knew . . .).
Still, he was far too distracted by [Y/N]’s absence to properly let the feeling simmer.
Then, all that went away when you reeled in his mind back at you again at class. You were incredible, capable, intelligent, and oh so perfect. But unlike that stupid child that usually sat in front of him, he did not feel an ounce of envy at all.
If only who could see your eyes as you spoke; the tone of your voice conveyed so much passion that he wanted to see in those beautiful (e/c) orbs.
And his prayers were granted by none other than the goddess that is you,
“Are you alright?”
Your voice? Oh your voice! Haoyu’s heard it already of course, but each new time you spoke it was like a whole new melody, a new piece that immediately turned into his favorite.
His mind was too fried with these thoughts, thoughts that his parents would no doubt beat out of him if they found out.
His feels the parts down there suddenly move. He wasn’t completely unfamiliar with the phenomenon. He wasn’t without his hormones after all. But this was the first time it ever reacted that way so strongly, like if he didn’t give it attention himself it’d explode.
And for the time in his entire life, Haoyu does something he knew his parents would definitely be disappointed if not livid about. A hand on his mouth, and another in his school uniform’s pants.
lunch time.
you usually spent those studying or preparing for the next class as hanging out with your friends always ended with you being too distracted to do schoolwork but today you had to show up with ‘proof’ that you went through with their dare.
“yiran ? yichen ?”
no response.
you sighed. as usual, the twins were late. what did you expect? those two would be caught dead before they could be early much less found in the library.
and so you spent the entire time reading,
unaware of the crowd that formed around you while you were busy studying.
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wishbonewitch · 2 years
common outdoor items & their uses
a guide to common outdoor items and their magickal uses.
acorns- luck, protection, wisdom, power
walnuts- healing, protection, self care
pinecones- fertility, masculinity, growth, nature
pine needles- cleansing, healing, strength, banishment
pecans- employment, protection, success, abundance, prosperity
grass- growth, learning, healing, new beginning, grief, recovery
maple leaves- feminine, travel, change, decisions, healing
oak leaves- truth, justice, knowledge, steadfastness, protection, guidance
birch leaves- protection, cleansing, fertility, purification
dandelions- calling spirits, divination, healing
dandelion seeds- divination, wishes, manifestation, dreams, luck
dandelion leaves- defeating negativity, steadfastness, growth, purification
2 leaf clovers- love, luck, courage, cleansing
3 leaf clovers- protection, luck, fidelity, divination
4 leaf clovers- spirit work, luck, psychic ability, attraction
5+ leaf clovers- wealth, luck, attracting money, sanity
wild clover flowers- animal magick, blessings, breaking curses, luck, love
apple seeds- love, secrets, knowledge, gateways, divination, prosperity
tree bark- protection, binding, banishment, cleansing, purification
rocks- many rocks have crystals hidden inside, the most common is quartz types. if unsure, rockcs can represent strength, stability, protection and banishing. if you suspect its a crystal, look it up and discover the correspondences that matter to you!
will add more as i can, feel free to add your own!!
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selineram3421 · 1 month
You're Off-key
Part 1
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Reader X Gravity Falls
Warnings ⚠
⚠ italics=thoughts, swear words, some or many book of bill spoils, blood, mentions of a concussion, minor panic attack, we pacing now lol, ugh Disney mention ⚠
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You woke up in pain and the sunlight hitting your eyes.
Everything hurt.
Like a lot.
Geez.. You thought with a groan. Why is everything so bright? What is this vividness? Disney?
Sitting up, you notice that you're still in the woods and it's around noon or at least in the afternoon. Rubbing the back of your head, you try to remember what happened.
I was in the woods..with spaghetti and..my best friend was going to take my picture. Ow-!
You hiss and you pull your hand away from your head, finding blood once getting a look at it.
"Oof ok, time to go get help.", you said to yourself and stood up.
Like any gamer out there, you checked your surroundings before checking your inventory. So far you were deep in the woods that looked oddly..cartoonish? And you had a backpack nearby with a water bottle, phone, and wallet inside.
Where's my flashlight? Wait, I had a flashlight? Also, where's by bestie?
Every time you thought about it your head would start hurting.
"Never mind that, I have to get moving before it gets dark out.", you sighed and began walking.
In all honesty, you did not know where you were going. Just picked a direction and decided that was good enough. Maybe you'll find civilization or maybe you're walking deeper into the woods. Who knows!
My brain is a little optimistic right now. You thought. Or maybe it's due to lack of sleep.. I was driving the whole time.
Then you started getting a little clumsy.
Tripping, swaying, falling flat on your face a few times, and overall just feeling drained. Also, you kept hearing maracas? Was that some kind of bird or something?
Ah, wait. Wasn't that the Hide Behind? You remembered about reading it in Journal 3 and that scene when Mabel says maraca owl. Maybe it is a maraca owl or maybe it's the tall thing that follows people.
Currently, you were laying on the ground because you fell..haha. AGAIN.
Thank Glob you landed on grass this time.
Ok. Do I or do I not take a nap? Probably not the best choice because I might have a concussion. Hm..the choices.
Deciding on one last try, you push yourself off the ground, take a quick sip of water, and continue on your journey! Nothing was gonna stop you now-!
Oh, a bird!
Then you ran into something, fell back and hit your head on the ground.
It was silly because it was kinda like a light switch.
You were awake and then you passed out,
OW! How many times am I going to wake up in pain!?
"Great job Dipper! You killed someone!", a feminine voice said.
"They aren't dead! They just hit their head and passed oUt after they fell!", another voice says with a slight voice crack.
"Haha ha!", the girl laughs. "Your voice cracked."
Slowly waking up, you feel a type of rocking motion, like you're in a car or something.
A car!?
You sit up quickly. Too quickly and almost fall out of the golf cart but someone manages to pull you back to the seat.
"Whoa! Careful, you do not want to fall out of this thing when going almost full speed.", the female voice says next to you.
Looking over, you find a brown haired girl wearing a keyboard sweater.
"Hi! I'm Mabel! I have a pet pig named Waddles!!", she introduces herself loudly.
You feel your head hurt at her polite screeching.
"Ow. Hold on, give me a sec.", you say and rub your forehead.
"Uh.. Mabel? It's not a good idea to be loud around someone who just woke up after hitting their head.", the guy says, who you are assuming is driving the golf cart.
"Oops.", the girl, Mabel, smiles at you sheepishly. "My bad."
You wave her off.
"It's fine, I've dealt with worse.", you reassure.
"Let me start again.", she says and extends a hand for you to shake. "I'm Mabel and the one driving the golf cart is my twin brother, Dipper."
The golf cart screeches to a stop and you hobbled your way out, beginning to pace back and forth.
"Uh..you ok there?", Mabel asks.
"Um? Maybe? I-", you begin but then panic about what to say next.
Shitshitshitshit! Think of something! Anything!
"I don't remember how I got into the woods..", you say and cringe.
Yeah! Nice job! Now you're suspicious! YA DOINKUS!
"O..k, so you hit your head harder than we thought.", Dipper speaks up. "Let's get you patched up and see what we can do from there, ok?"
Pros: Going with two of your favorite characters will lead to adventures. Cons: They might try to read your mind to see if you're a threat and might threaten you with some random weapons..
"I guess I can go with you guys until I can go to the hospital or something.", you say and finally stop imprinting foot prints into the dirt.
"Cool!", Mabel cheers. "Let's go! I've got Mabel juice in the fridge and I wanna see if the new dinosaurs inside taste different!"
"That's not how that works.", her brother mumbles and puts the golf cart in drive.
Hopping back on, you notice your backpack was opened.
"Uh? Who raccooned into my pack?", you asked.
"Racooned?", the Pines driving asks.
"Dug through your stuff? That was Dip.", Mabel says, completely understanding what you meant.
"Oh, sorry.", Dipper pipes up. "That was to see your ID, nothing else. I mean, wouldn't you try to identify someone after they passed out randomly?"
He is kinda right.
"Understandable racooning.", you say and start to brain storm ideas for a plan on how to stay under the radar.
Ok, so I might have/most likely freed Bill and now I have to do something about it before he's running wild around Gravity Falls again...fun.
You sigh and just decide to sit back and enjoy the ride for now.
Jerk didn't let me keep the pictures.
The sun was starting to set, within a few minutes you saw the Mystery Shack in the distance.
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~Seline, the person.
Part 2
@diffidentphantom @sleep-7372 @boredwithlifeatthispoint @mspurpl3 @+?
GF List🏞️ | YO-🎹
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hashtagloveloses · 11 months
im still kind of in disbelief that that the internet like...turned on lore olympus. i get the whole "once something is popular people make it their personality to hate something", and the "incredibly online people make age gap discourse about immortal gods bc they need to touch grass," and you're certainly not obligated to like it, it's not everyone's cup of tea, but like. it is a genuinely good comic. its issues are no worse than like, most serialized web comics that have to struggle with the medium, and its art style is engaging and interesting, and has improved a lot over time. i know there was a very t*rf-led movement on here a LONG time ago starting discourse about greek myths to get crypto t*rf shit about femininity across and i know thats where some critiques come from. and it's weird that many criticisms of "modern retellings" get blamed on lore olympus bc it doesnt actually follow them - like, demeter isnt some crazy bitch, she's a character with complexity and depth.
yes the original intent of the story is changed, a story that women in ancient times could relate to about the fears of marriage, but LO actually does what modern retellings of old stories do best - modify a story to serve a similar purpose, but reflecting the modern audience's contemporary issues. in this case, embracing the complexities of love and marriage as a survivor of sexual assault, something many modern women struggle with. persephone's relationship with demeter ALSO reflects a very real struggle many modern young women have, of finding identity and sexual agency as an adult when your entire life has been controlled by a helicopter mother, even with the best intentions, and with her own trauma.
i also find the criticisms of the body types and sexuality often misogynistic and weird - people want things with a distinct, interesting style, they want women with sexual agency to be promoted and not sanitized, and yet LO gets over-criticized. how persephone dresses, how the other gods dress, changes a lot depending on level of confidence, mood, etc, and is a part of the storytelling in an interesting way. you don't have to like it, and i know there's jokes about the LO art style of drawing women, but i have a body like some of those bodies. i know other people who do, or at least similarly. it's not like a lot of comics or manga or anime where everyone is a stick, and they get to be sexy! it's nice!
and when people complain that its the only webcomic people read well then thats a YOU problem. i read a LOT of webcomics. i talk about them to people, i recommend them. romantic and otherwise. do you? do you spend as much time complaining about lore olympus as you do talking up other cool webcomics that deserve attention?
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milliesdiary · 2 years
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𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭; you’re a general's pants-wearing daughter: a skilled fighter, headstrong, and teased by others for not being feminine. during a sparring session with your friend, aemond, you two make a bet: if you win, he has to show you his eye. if he wins, you have to wear a dress — and kiss him.
𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐬; aemond being aemond, confessions, just some good old sweetness ✨
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; thank you so much to the amazing person who asked for this :”) i hope i could do it justice! to be as inclusive as possible, i do not mention the reader’s father’s descent. i also do not specify her skin tone, body type, eye/hair color, or hair texture ♡ 
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Not like any other woman, at least. You’re strong-willed. Unshakeable. Not as naïve. 
As a child, you made mud pies, climbed trees, and kicked boys who made fun of you for acting unladylike. You would return to your parents with grime under your nails, grass stains on your pants, and a twinkle in your eyes. Blood never bothered you; you could get slashed open, bruised, and filthy, yet still make it home. 
Maybe it was because of your father — a stubborn general hardened by war, with a sharp way of speaking and a stern sentiment. He taught you the way of the sword at the age of 9, and instilled you with a sense of discipline. Not once did he try to force you into the stereotypes of being a woman; the fancy clothes, the manners, the expectation to give birth at any chance possible. 
That’s just not you. 
You're not the kind of girl who crumbles beneath the weight of insults, who loses her mind, who cries. You give the same treatment to those who hurt you. You are Bloody Mary, the venomous spider, the wicked snake. You are a creature that can wander through flames without getting burned.
So no, you are not like the other women.
And the townsfolk are always willing to remind you.
The second you step onto the training grounds, all eyes are on you, and there’s an intense discomfort at how they look you up and down.
They are taking in your appearance; your black flowy cape, leather pants, and the tunic cinched at your waist to match. It’s not the style they are used to seeing, comprised of silk dresses and chiffon gowns. 
People gossip about how you could steal the hearts of every man in Westeros if you just put on a skirt — if you sat with your legs crossed, prim and proper. If you smiled more often. 
“Such a waste of a pretty girl,” they whisper.
How stupid.
You shrug away their stares and try to focus on something else.
It’s a beautiful day, perfect for sparring; the November sunlight veils the world in a golden shawl, and the cool air is sweet as a mandarin. The temperature has risen enough so that you can train without getting numb or going home with an earache from the wind.
You’re more than ready for a fight, to get your hands soiled and feel sweat bead down your face. 
Walking over to a table where swords and blades of all kinds are spread along the surface, you feel that familiar rush of excitement. You’re about to grab a dagger until you hear someone call your name. 
It’s Ser Criston. He walks over, armor clicking with every stride and gleaming in the autumn sun, only to stop beside you. “I was waiting for when I would see you again. Have you come to train?” 
“Of course,” you say simply. “Did you expect any less?”
“Maybe not,” the knight replies, an accepting expression on his face. He knows that you enjoy playing dirty. 
Luckily, you and Ser Cristin get along. He is outside a lot of the time helping to train the others, so it was not unusual that you both talked from time to time. You aren’t sure if he is bothered by your lack of femininity, but he never mentions it, so you do not mind him.
You focus your attention back to the blades, picking up a particularly sharp sword. You weigh it in your hands; the grey metal is dense and heavy, brand new. Your reflection stares back at you in the steel. Ser Criston catches your hum of satisfaction. 
“That sword was gilded just days ago. A work of art,” He nods.
“Indeed it is,” you agree. Then you smile knowingly at him. “Is there anyone I can spar with?”
Ser Criston responds with a curt nod. Admiration dances in his brown eyes; he’s definitely not like the others. “Plenty.” 
Eager, you follow Ser Criston to the patch of land reserved for sword fighting. People are gathered in a circle around two men who are already sparring; the crowd cheers, made up of men who are desperate to make a good impression and women who have come to watch.
You glance at the pair of individuals who are currently engaged in a duel, following their sharp steps as they parry each other’s hits. You remain near the back of the crowd, bringing the tip of your sword to the ground and resting both hands on the hilt. 
You’re trying to act casual — but you’re actually itching for your turn. Impatient.
The fight turns out to be pretty boring. You’re able to guess every move before it’s done and correct every miscalculated block inside your head. It might be unfair to judge them so harshly; you’re a skilled fighter and have trained for years. The advantage is yours. 
But you also can’t bring yourself to care. These are the same men who boast about their power despite being weak.
You’re genuinely relieved when one of the men knocks the other down, leveling their sword at their opponent’s face. The people around you clap for awhile, and then the crowd slowly breaks apart as some leave to continue their duties. 
It’s fine; you don’t need the validation of a crowd during a match.
“Alright,” you say gruffly, ripping your sword from the dirt and skirting through the gaps of people, stepping onto the sandy soil of the sparring area. You turn to face a few of the trainees’ expectant faces. They are waiting for you to choose someone, though all of them seem pathetic. Might as well get it over with.
“Would you like to duel?” You finally ask a man toward the front.
For a second, he remains still. And then he smiles; fucking smirks like he’s a serpent and you’re a lamb ensnared between its teeth. He thinks you’re an easy opponent, all because you’re a woman. 
Beating him is going to feel good, you think. Beating all of them.
Balancing the sword in a hand, you spit into the dirt just to spite him — which is successful in making multiple people cringe. Good. You have to bite back a smile and prepare yourself for your opponent’s first strike. 
And you were right, of course.
They’re all useless, each more powerless than the last. There’s no challenge, no threat. Not even child’s play with any of them. You have more than half of your competitors on their asses before they even get an opportunity to attack, making every clang of your sword against another seem meaningless.
You ought to take pride in it, thinking back to their breathy chuckles as they whispered about how deluded you were. How unwomanly.
But you don’t. You don't feel prideful, self satisfied, or any emotion of fulfillment. It’s too easy. 
The blows from your adversary are repetitive, almost as if he is rehearsing a list of strategies. The movements are easy to predict, giving you the upper hand. It’s not difficult to knock him on the ground, sweeping his legs out from beneath him with a blow that you wish he would have jumped over.
There is someone who definitely would have dodged it, though.
The enigma, the cunning raven, the Prince — Aemond Targaryen. The one man who doesn’t judge you or stare condescendingly. The only person who you consider an equal, an acquaintance. 
Aemond is a man of honor. His eye is the shade of lavender, and every syllable that falls from his tongue is sliced apart by the sharp quirk of his lips. High cheekbones, fair skin, an eyepatch making a home over a scar that sits where his eyelid once was. 
A dark serpent. 
Just as you struggle with your identity, he does, too. You are aware of Aemond’s lack of restraint, lack of faith, lack of fear, and his internal conflict. You know why the man is the way he is.
Aemond had told you what happened once, after you had finished having a nice conversation with his nephews. It’s tragic: when a person doesn't feel valued as a member of a family, they develop a sort of outcast mentality. Childhood experiences of neglect paves the way for lifelong isolation, and as a result, Aemond withdrew. He started spending time alone.
But out of every person in the world, he chose to keep a spot open for you. It’s an honor, really.
The man you are sparring with gives in, standing to his feet with a grunt of humiliation and shooting you a glare. You return it with one of your own, ready to pick another opponent, and then—
“You have been busy, I see,” A familiar voice says.
You turn toward the sound of it, the lull and the accent — only to be met with Aemond standing in the front of the crowd. You size him up, sword dangling at your side. 
Aemond’s arms are crossed behind his back in a casual fashion, head held high with interest. His white hair is in a half-up half-down style, the ends flowing over his broad shoulders like a silk scarf.
“My Prince.” There’s no stopping the grin that blooms on your lips. As embarrassing as it is to admit, you always find excitement in his presence. “Dare I ask how long you have been watching?” 
“Long enough.” Aemond is silent as he scans you up and down; there’s not a single streak of dirt on you, nor a single cut. He takes notice. “Pray tell: how many men have you made fools of?” 
“I don’t know,” you dramatically sigh, acting indifferent. You retreat from the center of the sparring ground to stand in front of him. “I have not had the luxury to count. I was too busy winning.”
Aemond exhales a sharp breath from his nose — his way of conveying amusement — and slightly tilts his head. “It seems that they have not prepared themselves for a woman of your caliber.” 
It’s a compliment; a bit cheeky, yes, but a compliment nonetheless. It has you rocking back and forth on your heels in anticipation. “A woman of my caliber? I must say, My Prince, I am flattered.” 
“I would not say it unless it were true.” 
“Well, if it is of any comfort, you are not like any man I have ever known," you jibe. "You're like a character in a folktale. Someone from a history book.”  
"The prince, I presume." 
"No, you're the dragon. A magnificently evil dragon." Your tone becomes teasing. “How could anyone lead a regular life with a beast like you?”
“I should inquire the same, My Lady.”
“You just don’t understand a woman that dares to be different, that’s all.”
Aemond lets out a simple ‘hmm’ at that. You slap him in the arm playfully and he doesn’t flinch. He only graces you with the tiniest smirk.
The prince does not enjoy being touched, though the aversion seems to disappear when it comes to you. He can tell; he knows by how he does not scowl at the idea of your hand on his shoulder, or cringe at the feeling of your arm brushing against his. You do not give off negative energy. 
Perhaps this is why you have remained in contact with each other; you don’t judge one another for the things you are and for the things you can’t be. Somewhere, deep down, you both think the same thing: take me as I am, or watch my back as I go.
You know of Aemond’s true nature, and he realizes yours.
Much like him, you cannot be picked and thrown away like a flower or an old manuscript. You are a hurricane: ferocious, unflinching, and authentic. A dagger that will slice through the flesh of anyone who dares to cross you.
Though he will not publicly admit it, your spunkiness delights him.
“Come then,” Aemond says. 
You’re confused at his words — unsure of what he’s talking about — before he saunters to the center of the sparring circle. He brandishes his sword from a holster wrapped around his hip, the metal screeching into the air. “We have yet to train together. Demonstrate your skills to me.” 
It’s true. In the years you’ve known him, you have never once challenged each other. You know what Aemond is capable of though, so it’s intimidating. It’s probably the main reason you have never asked to spar. 
Maybe it’s time to change that; you’re not about to back down from a fight. It would hurt your pride too much. 
“Fine,” you agree, slinking forward to stand before him in the training area.
There’s so much you want to know about Aemond, you notice. So much that you’d like to learn. Your gaze is focused on his face, and his eye, and then that eyepatch — and you realize that he has never showed you what’s underneath the leather.
You’ve heard the rumors: how the socket has been replaced by a sapphire, a deep, saturated blue that reflects the light at every angle. You wish so badly to see it. For him to trust you with the imperfect parts of him. 
It gives you an idea.
“I will spar with you,” you begin, maintaining a serious tone in your voice. “But only if we make a bet.” 
The look on Aemond's face changes from being neutral to intrigued. He slices the earth open by shoving his sword into the soil. “And what would that be, My Lady?”
“If I win,” you quip, “you must show me your eye.”
The silence is deafening.
Aemond frowns then. You’re scared for a second; scared that you went too far and bit off more than you could chew.
Looking back on the past can be very frustrating. You have to let it go, you want to tell his younger self, clapping him on the back. If you did that, he might get angry. Or maybe cry. Maybe you would, too. 
You open your mouth to revoke the words, yet close it just as quick, unable to get a single syllable out. 
But then he speaks.
“Then it shall be,” Aemond says firmly. He leans his weight on his sword, crossing one ankle over the other. You aren’t sure if he actually doesn’t care or if he’s just hiding his anger. He’s always been an expert at keeping his emotions at bay. “If that is what you wish.” 
Relief is a godsend in that moment. You fix your surprised expression into one that is more calm. “…And if you win?”
Aemond seems to think it over.
Finally, he decides on something; with the mischief that glints in that one eye, you know it’s going to be less than satisfactory. “I propose you wear a dress for an entire day.”  
“What? There’s no way—“
“And kiss me.”
Your mouth drops open in surprise. 
Is this how he plans on winning? By threatening you with something so strange in the hopes that you will give up before you started? Like hell you’re going to kiss him. Fuck that. “You cannot be serious.”
“But I am,” he says coolly. Taunting. 
In that moment, you consider your options. One, you could retreat. Two, you could fight him and win, effectively seeing the thing he hides most. Third, you could lose, and have to wear a dress, and…
The thought has you reeling. But, at the same time, you do not want to run away from a challenge. You never have. And never, ever will. 
You’ll just have to win.
“It is settled then,” you nod, trying to remain composed. Your voice wavers a bit; if Aemond notices, he does not comment on it.
Aemond’s mouth creeps into the slightest smile. He tears his sword from the earth and spins it in the air with a flick of his wrist. “Whenever you are ready, then,” he deadpans.
“I have been ready,” you tease, stepping sideways as you both begin to circle each other. Your footsteps are light and airy in a silent prowl, a show of the expertise your father passed to you. “Are you?” 
“The first to hold the other at sword-point wins,” Aemond states, ignoring your question. There’s a sharpness to his words as he tries to draw a reaction from you. Provoke you. “I hope you do not hold back.”
“You must think lowly of me, My Prince,” You retort. “I would never do such a thing. Are you worried that I am going to beat you at your own game?”
Aemond licks his lips, fixing you with a predatory stare; it looks as if he wants to use his canines to rip apart the air, the world, your body that stands before him.
It urges you into action.
You lunge with your sword, but Aemond knocks it to the side with ease, spinning his own in a hand and making a swipe at you.
You don’t hesitate to deflect it — once, twice, three times — before parrying another of his blows. You manage to hit Aemond’s sword particularly hard the fourth time, and you catch a glint of surprise in his eye.
You take a quick step back, before confidently transferring your blade from one hand to the other without breaking eye contact. Your head is buzzing with exhilaration.
“Did you think it would be that simple?” You grin arrogantly. “As a man who studies the way of the sword, I thought you would be more of a challenge.”
To your chagrin, Aemond doesn’t gift you with a reaction. His profile remains composed, although there is a fire in his eye; he has finally found someone who tests him. 
You are about to say something else before he lunges for you.
Aemond is fast and skilled, the swiftness of his steps impressive, with a strength in his arms that could send you to the ground if you gave him an opening. With every clash of your swords, you know he’s evaluating your endurance, your attacks, the likelihood of you slashing him with your blade.
However, Aemond is not attempting to boast his power; not like the other trainees who argue like idiots about whose sword is the sharpest or who has the best balance. That’s what you like about him.
Aemond’s jaw is set and confidence keeps his chin held high, even as you deliver another strike to his blade. Your attention is drawn to the way his knuckles are white from the grip on his sword; veins protrude from the pretty skin of his hands, emphasizing the slender length of his fingers.
Strike. Block. Dodge. Slash again. You score another hit, but Aemond follows it immediately with a jab at your chest, which has you losing your balance. You respond with a stab at his side, though he dodges it. 
This dance of blades feels like it lasts forever; if it were anyone else, you probably would have won by now. Every second feels like a minute, each one longer than the last. 
Just before a leap, Aemond tightens his grip on the weapon’s hilt. Before you can react and fix your stance, the sword swings towards your feet, his speed and skill working together to knock you off-balance. You land on your back in the dirt, your blade flying somewhere.
You’re fast, yes. But he is faster.
Quickly you try lift yourself up and grapple for it, but suddenly Aemond pushes you back down. He straddles you, careful not to place his entire weight on your body, and then the pointed edge of his blade is at your throat.
You’ve lost.
Aemond lets out a breathy pant, a wicked grin on his lips — it sends a chill branching down your spine, all the way to your feet. Spite coils in your chest, your nerves trembling with adrenaline, and you see the thrill of the fight reflected in Aemond’s eye.
You are both the same in that way.
“You do put up quite a fight,” Aemond jests, his tone low and deep. You let both arms lay flat across the ground, every breath labored as your heart punches the inside of your ribcage. “Though I am afraid it was not enough.”
You've never experienced energy like this before. You’re trapped underneath him which is exciting in a strange way. You respond with sarcasm in an attempt to hide your embarrassment.
“You offer to spar with a woman only to fling her into the dirt,” you pant. “How polite of you.”
“And you spar with a dragon.” Up close, Aemond’s iris is a startling violet, and the pupil reflects streaks of shadow and light. He’s agonizingly gorgeous. It makes you feel warm. “Is that not what you called me?”
“You are a man of the most preposterous kind.”
“And yet you still wallow in my company.”
There’s nothing you can really say about that. In a final act of defiance, you stare him down as long as possible; in this small way, you feel undefeated. “You can release me now.”
Aemond hums in acknowledgment, letting his sword hang at his side and slowly standing. In a rare act, the prince offers a hand for you to take, but you slap it away. He is entertained by your glare. “You never fail to reject kindness when it is given.”
“Kindness does not serve me.”
Aemond is amused at your annoyance. He spins his sword between his fingers before sheathing it back into its holster, and you pick up your sword to pass it to an observing knight. When you turn back around, Aemond is staring at you. “What?”
“You owe me a debt.”
There was the bet; you’d almost forgot. Gods, you were going to have to wear a dress for a day, and — and…  
“Regretting your choices now?” The taught line of Aemond’s mouth evolves into a smile, coy and demure.
“No — no, of course not,” you snap. The words don’t come out as calm as you need them to, and it’s all because of him; he has a way of being frustrating. Always doing something to make you tighten your fists. But as much as you would like to blame him, it was your idea. You reap what you sow. “I never break a promise.”
“Good,” comes Aemond’s response. You both stare at each other for a bit, and then you realize: he’s waiting for you to kiss him. For real. Right here, right now.
“What is wrong, little bird?” He teases. “Do not fly away from me now.”
“I—“ you start, unsure of what to do. A split-second decision is made. “I am not doing this here.” 
Before Aemond can say anything, you are grabbing him by the arm and tugging him along. You pull him past clusters of townsfolk, ignoring their curious stares and keeping your gaze forward. He does not resist you.
After peering around an empty alley and inspecting it for any stragglers, you drag him into the stony darkness and nearly slam him against the wall. It’s not on purpose; you’re just reacting to the aftershocks of adrenaline. 
You need to be alone to do something like this. 
You’re so close to Aemond now that you’re breathing the same air as him, nearly pressed against his chest. You can smell his jasmine shampoo, can feel the warmth radiating from his body. You try to slow your breathing: in and out, to clear your head and push every doubt away.
When you find the courage to look straight at Aemond, you find that he’s already gazing at you. 
The light is dim, though you can still make out his profile. You expect his violet eye to be full of mirth, akin to a wild animal staring back at its prey — but what Aemond offers you is righteous and noble. It causes you to prickle with eagerness and anxiety. 
“Do not look at me like that,” you mumble.
“In what way?”
“That way.” You don’t even know what you’re referring to. You just want him to stop staring; it’s burning you up from the inside. “You always act like this when you feel like you have won.”
Aemond’s smirk grows before your eyes. His gaze flickers to the sliver of space between you, and then back to your face. “Sometimes I feel that you know me better than I know myself.” 
You would let out a sneer if you weren’t so terrified; you need to uphold your side of the bet. You know it. And you definitely don’t want to give him the chance to tease you for your hesitation. 
“Maybe I do,” you breathe. Then, grappling with every single piece of boldness you can find, you press your lips upon Aemond’s. 
The kiss is resolute — there’s no way you were going to half-ass it — and you fall into him roughly, slamming each emotion you feel onto his mouth. He tenses a little, but then his hands rise to your arms, thumbs pressing into the sleeves of your tunic.
And then it’s over. 
You break away from Aemond, almost shocked at yourself. Did that really just happen? Your blood pressure is through the roof, pulse thumping like a war drum.
You stare at him, and he stares right on back, both of you saying nothing. You can't look away, as frightened as you are. His expression is soft. So soft that it scares you, yet his eye darkens with interest.
You try to make a joke out of it, to rid yourself of this awkward feeling.
“With the way you are looking at me, My Prince, I would assume you actually like me,” you jest. It doesn’t work. Your brain is mush and the words are flimsy. Gods, you feel overheated. 
Aemond only blinks, those silver lashes fluttering against his cheeks. It seems like he has come to a realization, and you don’t know what that is. He’s testing the waters; waiting to see if you will run away.
“And what then, My Lady?” he finally replies.
Your body gets hotter in an instant. The implications behind his words are enthralling, holding you in a death grip and making it impossible to speak. You’re searching for something to say, anything, but come up empty handed. Part of you is glad when he fills the silence. 
“I must admit,” Aemond says slowly. “There is a certain quality to you. You seem unbreakable.” 
“You know that’s not true,” you whisper.
“Perhaps,” he says. “Though there are times where I am not so certain.”
“Tell me: what do you think of me?” Aemond suddenly asks. It’s not commanding, not a demand. It just feels…personal. You’re not sure how else to describe it, the sound of him speaking so softly. Your ears are accustomed to your father's stern instructions and peoples’ jeers of your boyish antics. His tone sultry, he asks, “Do I make you nervous?” 
“No—you don’t make me nervous,” you stutter. It’s hard to look him in the eye as the lie comes from your lips. “I do not really think of you much, honestly.”
“Hm.” Whether or not Aemond knows you’re lying, you have no idea. “You would be astonished then if you knew the ways I have thought about you.” 
“What do you mean?”
Aemond takes in your expression, gaze flitting down to your mouth and then back up to your eyes. “Would you like to know?”
“Yes,” you say automatically. You’re not sure why you’re hoping for something more — something other than just empty insults and jests. Almost as if he knows what you’re thinking, Aemond leans in. His lips brush against your ear as he speaks.
“You are alluring when you ache for chaos. The flesh of your opponents are beneath your nails and their blood stains your teeth, and I can see you are a woman on fire.” His voice just above a whisper, breath hot against your cheek. “We are both made of flame. You have stolen my attention, my love.”
My love. He has never called you that before.
And it’s in this very second that you have an epiphany. How could you not have noticed it earlier? Felt it? How did you ignore the passion whenever this man talked, the warmth he conjured within you, how grateful you were that he treated you differently than others? 
Aemond has feelings for you. And judging by how you are instantly filled with a massive amount of satisfaction, happiness, and excitement, you hold affections for him too.
But what is love, anyway? It must be the imprints someone creates inside of you—bruises, scars, gashes. Maybe he had maimed you in the same way, except you turned a blind eye to it. Truthfully, you never even thought you would experience something like this. 
After all, love makes humans do terrible things, and you do not consider yourself to be that bloodthirsty. So much of it is violent; there’s the desire to be split apart, defiled, twisted, and reinvented by another person. 
You have seen lovers approach one another in a wolflike manner, ravenous and feral for their attention. People who challenge their love get dragged in between them and flayed open without mercy. It’s terrifying, though it’s not watching the wolves tear others apart that scares you. 
It’s knowing that you would do that for him.
Aemond boldly stares you down. “You are unaware to the extent I defend myself and my sentiments. How you manage to get the truth from me is rather peculiar.”
He suddenly reaches out and touches your cheek; he does it slowly, almost as if you are a beast trapped in a snare and he might scare you away. 
Then Aemond moves his thumb to the corner of your mouth, before skimming it over your bottom lip and pulling it down slightly. He stares down at the inside of your lip — the sensitive, shiny flesh — wishing that he could brand his name there. If anyone tried to entertain you after, you could simply tug your lip down and show them who you belonged to.
This is not a simple bet anymore. 
The urge to kiss Aemond again breaks free from within your system. Against your control, the impulse expresses itself in dirty thoughts that invade the most intimate parts of your body.
Quickly, you grab Aemond’s wrist and tug his hand away so you can press your lips to his once more.
“I hate you,” you breathe against him, holding his face between your hands as your noses brush together. “I hate you so much.” 
Aemond retaliates accordingly; the way he licks into your mouth sends a shiver that ricochets throughout your body. He’s hot. So, so hot. His fingers cup the back of your neck to keep you close as your hands fly away from his face to hold every inch of him possible. 
Aemond’s chest is warm, and his lips are scorching when he trails them over the corner of your mouth and then down your throat. You let your fingers roam to his hair, exploring the softness of each strand that drapes over his shoulder blades.
Aemond knows he’s getting a reaction out of you, that you are starting to feel the prickle of lust. It’s humiliating. You refuse to give him the satisfaction of knowing you can be riled up so easily. It is not like Aemond would give in to your primal desires anyway; he cares too much about duty, about honor. The man follows house tradition — marriage comes before anything else. He is just toying with you now.
You break apart from him, something he surprisingly allows. You want to tell him that you love him, just so he knows. If only you had the ability to articulate such things. 
“Is this all you wanted?” You ask instead. “A kiss from me?”
Aemond places his hands on your elbows to coax you back a bit further; he wishes to see you entirely. His hand then rises to your cheek, where his thumb strokes at the underside of your jaw. “I did not want just a kiss, darling,” he reassures. 
“And for how long have you been thinking like this?” You steel yourself and continue more quietly. “How long have you loved me?”
“Since the boar hunt,” Aemond says without hesitation. “You begged your mother to let you join, and a girl said you might as well be a townsboy. You tackled her to the ground.”
“But that was the day we met.”
“It was.”
“…That is…quite a long time.”
Aemond only hums at that. The confession makes your heart flutter and threaten it to stop; you swallow down his words, grateful, and then try to collect yourself. You clear your throat. “My Prince—”
“Aemond,” he corrects. 
“Aemond. I need you to know something.” 
“And what is that, my love?”
“You can’t sweet talk me into wearing a dress. I will not do it.”  
“You will.” 
Damn it. He is really not going to give this up.
“I hope you burn in the Seven Hells,” you mutter. It’s a joke, of course. You can’t really be mad at him. 
Aemond’s lips threaten to twitch into a smile. An emotion akin to pride rests in his eye. “I shall only go if you accompany me there.”
And maybe, just maybe, you were meant to burn together. Whatever your destiny is, one thing becomes very clear:
You will ruin him, and he will love you for it.
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cardierreh15 · 8 months
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The Lady in Black
🖤☺️ eek
***i do not give anyone permission to repost or copy my work!!!
Warnings 18+: Dub-Con , Cursing , Smut , Cheating , Use of Restraints , Tentacles??? , Choking , Violence , Blood & Gore , Oral (Male Receiving) Pain Play , Doggy Style , Facial Shot , Licking/Swallowing of Bodily Fluids (Blood & Semen)
Pairings: Kal-El x Black!Female Venom 🖤
Description: When the subject of time and space has been disrupted once more, Superman and Lady Venom, have their first interesting meeting.
Word Count: 4.2K
Song: Demons by Doja Cat , One of Your Girls by Troye Sivan 🖤
Side Note: I wanna thank @milknhonies , Tokio and my amazing husband for beta reading and helping me basically bring this idea to life 🖤 I truly adore you guys.
Clark studied the area that was garnished with the limbs of unfortunate victims. He came to the quick conclusion that no human could’ve done something like this. He folded his large arms across his chest as he gently descended to the dewey grass. His face curled up in a grimace as he pondered on his next move. He felt terrible that he wasn’t able to make it here to save them, but sometimes these things happen.
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Brushing that guilt aside, he carefully examined the area once more. Being mindful with each step, he wouldn’t know how to explain to the chief of police why the ankles and wrists of these folks were flattened.
With the scent of iron and blood filling his senses, he was about ready to go. He wasn’t usually the type to have a weak stomach but with the lack of sleep he was receiving work and being Superman, anything would alter one’s brain chemistry.
Suddenly, a silver light twinkled into view. He’d approached it and lifted the blood stained metal out of the dirt. Running his thumb over the medallion to clear the face clean of blood and dirt, he read the words etched in it.
‘Life Foundation.’ It was unfamiliar to him so he flipped it over to read the contents on the back. ‘Stewart L. Mendoza. 0741670…’ Then he flipped it back over to study the etching once more.
His thick brows tugged into one as he tried to piece together some things but he just drew a blank. So, he just dropped the medallion and walked over to empty space where he’d landed. But before he could take off, he heard a burp.
Snapping his head over his shoulder, he waited patiently for the perpetrator to reveal themselves. But then, a twig snapped.
‘Show yourself!’ Clark exclaimed as he blinked once, activating his x-ray vision. But he failed to detect anything.
A voice rang through the air, a feminine tone but was masked with something inhuman and unnatural.
Clark turned around swiftly to see the white eyes of a creature standing on a branch. The rest of her body was hidden within the shadows of the setting sun.
‘What have you done with these people?’
‘They attacked me, I fought back… some of them are finding a home within my digestive system and the rest of them are amongst you.’ She said before she let out a gleeful snicker.
The glare of disgust and disapproval was written all over his masculine features. ‘Come down here so we can talk about what happened further.’
‘Hmm.’ The creature purred as she carefully stepped forward into the golden sunset. She was covered in slick blackness from the top of her head to her toes. She had big white intimidating eyes, and a monstrous smile with more than enough teeth to make a statement and a slinky yet alluring tongue.
She was nothing like Clark had ever seen before and he had seen the most oddities of things. He allowed his eyes to study her once more.
She had a curvy frame; large breasts that would even spill over within his grasp. Her hips were delectable and wide that matched her thick, doughy thighs. They looked soft to the touch, but he wouldn’t be surprised if they were padded with muscles by how toned her legs were.
‘Oh I don’t think so…See, I heard you Kryptonians could be a little… entitled.’ She let out a litter of teasing giggles as she plopped down on the strong branch and began to look at her sharp claws.
‘What do you know of my people?!’ Kal hissed, his heat vision blinding his own view.
‘Oh please, put those away before you hurt yourself!’ She fell back, hanging herself upside down on the branch, ‘I was only teasing.’
Kal’s eyes slowly faded back to their regular cobalt blue before he let out a gentle sigh. ‘Could you tell me what happened?’
The woman looked over at him with a blank stare, ‘Why? You’re gonna hurt me?’
‘Unless you give me a reason to.’
She sneered, ‘Hurt me. Tehehe, you’re cute.’ She mewed out seductively. ‘But I’m afraid I ain’t too much like the other bad men you play around with.’
Heat in his cheeks bloomed before traveling to his neck where he grew a little warmer than before. The way she spoke to him, she had so much sas! Usually, Kal knew what to do in situations like this but it was obvious he’d never dealt with someone— something like this.
‘Alright.’ He swallowed his spit and placed one hand on his hip, ‘Can you tell me where you’re from? And who were these guys? What is Life Foundation?’
‘Ugh!’ The being had finally swung herself off of the tree and landed on her toes as if she were a cat. ‘You’re nosey too? Sheesh.’ She folded her arms, popping her hip out as she admired him from where he stood. He was such a fine specimen. Good enough to eat… good enough to fuck.
The Kryptonian grew impatient with her antics, ‘Answer me or I’ll just have to force it out of you!’ His voice darkened.
‘Awwww you promise?’ She clasped her claws together in a begging manner while a big dreadful grin curled up on her face.
Playtime was over and his patience had run out, ‘This is my final warning!’
‘Oh boy. Someone’s a lil ang-wy! Careful now Kryptonian, I don’t take nicely to threats.’
‘Perhaps it’s not a threat.’
She rolled her eyes, ‘OK enough!’ Hissing before she ran towards him, faster than the speed of light and head butted him so hard, he flew through the trees. ‘Sheesh, you’re cute but you just talk too damn much!’ She snarled, her long tongue grazing over her pretty white canine teeth.
Kal had crashed into a large oak tree, ‘UGH!’ He exclaimed before he’d collapsed to his knees and then to his hands. ‘Aah!’
She’d already made it to him, hiding high up in a tree like a Leopard ready to pounce on her prey.
‘When will you learn that there are things bigger than you, Kal-El? … Stronger than you?’
Her words echoed loudly in the woods. So damn haunting but he was so blinded by rage, they sounded muffled over the piercing ringing in his ears.
Without warning, Kal’s head snapped up and he released his heat vision, burning and cutting through all the branches and trees before him.
Returning to normal, his eyes began to scan the area for her before his anger got to him, ‘WHERE ARE YOU?!’
She’d slowly began to scale down the tree, quiet as a hungry lioness. This was as intense as a nature documentary. The very fine line between what made predators the top of the food chain, and what made prey so dangerous when trying to fight for their life. She knew who she was dealing with, and if she planned this wrong, he could snap her in half all the same.
Hell, it may teach her some manners.
Once she planted her feet on the ground, she kicked Kal on the back of his knee causing him to drop to the ground once again.
‘Ugh!’ He exclaimed, ‘I’m trying to take it easy on you.’ He whimpered, he looked up at her as she stood before him in all her villainy glory.
‘Are you?’ She grabbed his jaw in her claws and lifted him up off of his knees and slammed him against the tree. Long thick tentacles began to arise from her backside and began to slowly journey up his intricate body. She could feel him this way too. Every tentacle had it’s very own series of nerve endings. She could feel his muscles tense and cringe with each touch.
‘Mmph!’ He grunted out, turning his head away as her tongue began to explore the side of his cheek. Her touch, stranger and more foreign than anything he’s fought, made his skin crawl.
‘Oh what’s the matter baby?’ She cooed out, giving him a big toothy grin as her extra limbs wrapped around his thighs and arms, ‘Afraid of a little BDSM?’ She cackled as a final tentacle wrapped around his neck.
Kal did his best trying to tear away from these extra limbs but the inhuman strength they had on him had him questioning his own.
‘Who…are… you?!’ He gritted through his teeth.
‘I’m the best you’ve ever had!’ She said softly as her dainty claws draped from his jaw to his abdomen where she pressed her claw into his flesh.
Kal erupted a loud grunt as his head fell back against the tree. Tears brimmed his eyes for a second at the sudden pain of being stabbed. He hadn’t felt anything like that since… well you know.
‘The best villain. The best teacher… the best— lover.’ She moaned softly before her tongue thrashed once more on the side of his face, tasting his salty sweat.
She slowly pulled her finger out of his abdomen and placed his blood on her tongue. The taste of iron and sweetness danced on her tongue. It had awakened something more salacious inside of her.
‘Mm, and you taste good…let’s see.’ she purred out as she placed her hands on his hips and slowly began to descend to her knees. Her tongue licked at his wound once more, causing Kal to whimper at the tender pain.
‘What are you doing?’ He breathed out as his head hung forward.
‘I hear… you have a woman.. Kal-El.’
Kal jerked as hard as he could against the tentacles but they held him nice and tight, ‘You don’t know anything about me!’
She smirked, looking up at him as she slowly rose to her feet, ‘Oh but I do, my sweet— sweet boy. More than you can imagine.’ A claw scraped down his cheek, cutting his flesh once more as he shut his eyes and gritted his teeth together.
Another taste.
‘I know that… humans… aren’t built to satisfy you. Not like you want to be. I know that you’re also having trouble receiving pleasure because you can’t explore and fulfill your full… potential… ain’t that right, Clark Kent?’
Kal’s head popped up to look at her in her eyes. ‘How do you know that name?’ He gritted through his teeth.
‘I told you sweet pea… I know everything… just like I know—‘ she reached down between them and palmed the semi-hard on that was in his bottoms. He felt massive in her palm.
Kal shut his eyes in defeat as his head fell forward once again.
‘Oh, you don’t have to be ashamed sweetie… it’s natural.’ She cooed as she clawed at the hips of his suit. ‘Just allow me to help you finally conquer your wildest dreams.’ She allowed her tongue to explore him one more time. And this time he didn’t fight, he let out a low sigh as she gently tugged his bottoms down below his hips.
With his member standing at full attention, he was everything she thought he’d be. Veiny and girthy with the length of a well hung porn star and big heavy balls to match.
He was literally perfect.
She dropped to her knees as the symbiote revealed her brown busty breasts. Then, she opened her mouth nice and wide for him as her freakishly long tongue began to tease and caress at the tenderness of his manhood.
Kal’s knees instantly buckled as he watched her tongue flick and lick at his dick before she finally wrapped her warm lips around him and began to suck him off. As she did so, she fondled and toyed with her tits.
Muffled moans escaped his lips as she went to work on him as if she were tryna get paid for it. It felt so damn good but he couldn’t let her know she was doing a good job. Plus, he was cheating on Lois! Was this cheating? He didn’t really want this… did he?
Trembling and flexing thighs were doing just enough telling. But it only encouraged her to snatch his soul from within him. Reaching beneath him, she squeezed his balls gently in her palm as she forced him down her throat.
And my, were they heavy.
‘Oh! —please. Please. Uh!’ He begged as his head lulled back against the tree, eyes crossing inward as he’d seem to lose control of his body. ‘Mm— don’t..‘ he couldn’t even form the words! His mind was so damn jumbled up with a little bit of lust and something else he’s never felt before.
She pulled away, teasingly stroking his member as a thick string of saliva snapped between them. Bubbles and sticky saliva dribbled down her chin to the valley of her pretty brown tits. ‘That’s enough of that.’ She bounced up gently before grabbing his face, forcing him to bring those disgraced eyes to her face.
Her monstrous grill had peeled back and revealed some full, supple lips with pretty white teeth behind them. Lips that just seem so familiar to him. ‘If it’ll make you feel better… I can give you the human body parts… two sets of pretty, soft lips.’ She drug the tip of her tongue against his trembling lips, ‘I’m not gonna hurt you baby. I only wanna make you feel good.’ She said before embracing his cool lips in her warm wet ones.
She slithered her tongue between his teeth, as he finally opened his mouth a little more to let her explore and evade. They both fought for dominance in each other’s mouths. For once, Kal didn’t feel like he needed to take it slow or be careful. He finally felt… free.
When she’d broken the kiss, she turned her backside against him and pushed her hips back against his throbbing cock where she began grinding her ass against him.
Kal’s head fell forward, licking at his lips as he watched her voluptuous ass hug and grind against him desperately. His bright blue eyes dilated with drool falling free from his lips.
Suddenly, the symbiote began to slowly peel away down her spine, exposing her gorgeous tawny brown skin. As she bent over a little, the thick, black sticky flesh peeled back more, revealing her two cute little back dimples before showing off her ass that reminded him of two globes.
Kal began to pant like a thirsty hound, as he writhed a little beneath the symbiote’s grip. Not to get away this time but to fuel his desires and needs. He had never felt such a powerful feeling like this! It was like he was going into heat! It clouded his judgment; making it literally impossible for him to choose between good and bad. An animalistic trait.
Perhaps this was good for him. He needed this release.
But he wasn’t thinking about those he’d hurt in the process… Lois. Or maybe he just didn’t give a shit at that moment.
She’d pressed her backside against him further, feeling the familiar warmth of desire brewing within her womb. Her core of her womanhood became sticky with the thought of his cock stretching her out as she sought to make him fit in every crevice within.
Hymns of purrs and moans escaped her lips as her own teasing began to drive herself nuts. She looked back over her shoulder at Clark who was gone with sexual hunger. She licked at her fingers slowly before descending them down to her pussy.
So turned on by the way he looked at her, she began to rub at her erected numb, collecting some of her sticky nectar and rubbing it out once more.
‘Mmm, you ready to stretch me out?’
Kal tried pulling from the tentacles again, he was practically foaming at the mouth! He gave her a hard nod before he murmured out, ‘Y-yes.’
A licentious grin curled on her lips as she took ahold of his member and caressed that sweet spot where the tip and his shaft intersected. She gave it a gentle squeeze, feeling the stiff muscle throb with mercy in her soft palm.
Kal let out a silent curse, as he balled up his fists.
Standing on her tipping toes, she guided the tip of his cock towards her core before she pushed her hips up against him, forcibly sinking him into herself.
She let out a raspy cry as his member delved and nestled deep against her walls, invading and creating its home within her.
Kal let out an animalistic groan as the symbiote’s hold on him grew tighter as if it wanted them closer together. ‘Uhhhh!’ He moaned as his cheeks burned with a fervidus fever. ‘God!’
‘Nuh uh baby…’ She shuddered out, feeling the numbness from her toes creep and kneaded it’s way into her belly with shocks and tremors of pleasure tingling at her chocolate kisses nipples.
‘Just me.’ She added before she began to slowly throw her ass back against him.
It was at that moment where Kal had completely forgotten about everything and now his main focus was on her. No worries of the world. Not having to worry about his responsibilities as Superman. Not having to worry about simply breaking or killing her because she wasn’t human. He felt like he could truly release the hold that stricken him for the past 40 years.
He deserved this. Or that’s what he was telling himself.
As she and the symbiote worked as one; pushing and pulling her body against him, they both let out a series of moans. She was having a damn good time taking advantage. But Kal on the other hand was becoming too needy and desperate. He wanted to touch her.
‘Release…me…please.’ He begged through his moans, ‘I want… feel. Ugh fuck.’
She muddled and twisted her hips in an arrhythmic dance. And it was driving both of them insane.
‘Uhhh! Please!’ His bright eyes flashed open, looking down at her.
She peered back at him before carefully pulling her hips away. ‘You’re begging… I found you attractive before but now… baby you look so miserable.’ She giggled as she gave the tip of his cock a thump. ‘Sexy as fuck.’
Kal flinched at the addictive pain and moaned. ‘I promise…’ he huffed out, ‘I promise I’ll make it worth your while just… let me.’
She stared at him for a long moment, ‘I suppose.’ She said before waving her hand, ordering the symbiote to release him from the hold. It slowly unwrapped from around his thighs and legs, then his waist and then his arms. He’d collapsed to his hands and knees before her.
She turned around and got on her hands and knees; ass up in the air as she arched her back, like a sleepy feline.
Kal stood up on his knees, grinning with eyes as crazed like a mad man who had just struck gold. He’d placed his large warm hands against her thick thighs and gave them a desperate squeeze. Just as he’d thought, soft like marshmallows.
He pulled her back closer to him before taking a hold of his uncut cock and kissed her slit with the tip of it. She was so sticky, so creamy and messy. He adored it! He wasted no more time before he rammed it into her tight abyss once again.
‘Aaah!’ She moaned out in a harsh gasp.
He began to thrust his hips forward, slowly and teasingly only to get payback.
‘Stop. Being. Oof! A. Teeease and fuck me!’ She moaned out ruggedly.
The symbiote began to wrap itself around him once again. Around his throat and down below at the hilt of his balls.
At the sensitive touch, it only fueled his desires further. All he wanted to do was unleash his full potential and he was going to do that and so much more. So, he began to thrust his hips a little faster and a little harder.
Her wails and cries echoed throughout the woods along with their flesh just crashing into one another like a neutron star collision. There was so much force, so much power… they could terraform this area within the hour!
‘Fuck, fuck, fuck! Kal! Aah! Don’t fucking stop, yes!’ She moaned out as her claws dug within the moist soil beneath them. She could feel him beating down her walls at every angle.
His thumb pads were pressed firmly within her back dimples as he held on to her tightly. ‘Fuck this feels so good!’ His brows tugged into one as he relished in this newfound pleasure. If he ever said sex with Lois was mind blowing like this… boy he was wrong.
He’d just never had his taste at alien pussy before and he knew he couldn’t go back to humans after this. They merely weren’t enough to handle him. Hell, she barely could!
Desperate grunts and howls flowed from Kal’s chest in a string of melodies as he continued to dig his hips into her, pining closer and closer to his release.
That was until he lost his grasp and she tried to crawl away. Trying to take her dominance back. But he merely snatched her back towards him.
‘Where are you going?!’ His tone was dark and filled with bane.
‘Aah!’ She exclaimed as her body began to heat up. ‘KAL-EL! Have mercy!’ She whined out as she reached between her legs and kneaded at her clit.
There was no way she was really asking him for mercy… after her evil ways.
‘No!’ He barked as he pounded harder.
A sick, carnal groan rumbled in her chest as she blissfully took this punishment from him. Sultry and sexy giggles left her lips as they took each other on a wild trip of ecstasy. Fueling each other’s salacious and dark fantasies. Now this was her idea of fun.
After a while, Kal’s groaning had become even more constant with his thrusts becoming staggering with lack of rhythm. He was close.
She began to twerk her ass against him, completely taking over in the final moments. The symbiote began to tighten around his neck and balls, causing a smile of pleasure to curl on his lips.
‘Fuck!’ He cried out as his blue eyes began to roll back. ‘I’m— I’m gonna—‘ he stuttered.
Quickly shifting positions at his announcement, she turned around to face him and wrapped her luscious lips around his member and sucked him clean. She then pulled away allowing her tongue to flick and tease at his tip.
His hips jerked forward as he began to leak on her tongue. ‘Hooo.. that’s it baby.’ As he reached down to cup her jaw before she began to suck him off again.
She throated him one good time before pulling away and jerking him off. Letting out a loud, ‘FUCK!’ His body tensed up as he began to unload thick ropes of cum all over her face. ‘God—mmph!’ He whimpered out as his body trembled from the after shock of the intense orgasm. Tears brimmed at his eyes as he watched her long tongue wipe her face clean of his nut before swallowing all of it whole.
With her claws covered in his semen, she sucked and licked them clean too. He fell to his hands… defeated. There was no way Kal would be okay after this.
Standing to her feet, her symbiote began to close up and fill in the open parts of her, fully becoming whole again.
‘You did well.. son of Krypton.’
He looked up at her with wanderous, adoring eyes. ‘How do you know so much about me?’
‘A girl never tells…’ Then, she heard the sound of shouting and shuffling. ‘I must go.’ She turned around, walking away.
‘Wait!’ Kal exclaimed, reaching out towards her.
She turned halfway, ‘Yes?’
‘What is your name? Will I see you again?’
She walked back towards him and squat down before him. The symbiote began to peel away at her once more, revealing her face. And what Kal caused his heart to stop in his chest.
A woman, beautiful dark curly hair with eyes as brown as honey and thick dark lashes. With a smile that had enchanted him on many occasions. His coworker, Aya.
‘Well you see me all the time, silly.’ She shot him a wink and gave his cheek a pinch. Her voice sounded a little more familiar, but still layered with its voice.
Aya Lionheart. They worked closely together on a couple of projects at the Daily Planet.
Kal couldn’t believe his eyes. He’d always found her to be such an attractive and beautiful person. But he never thought he’d get to sleep with her…not this way— not ever…
And to find out that she was as different as he was. ‘Aya?’
‘In the flesh.’ She stood back up and looked over her shoulder as the men began to gain chase. ‘I’ve got to go… behave… Mr. Kent.’ And she leapt off of the ground and into the trees where she’d disappeared into the forest void.
He felt like his breath was snatched out of his lungs for a moment before he slowly stood to his feet. It was then when he’d realized that his suit was basically torn to shreds. Between her claws and the symbiote ripping at it, he was gonna have to call his mother. But not tonight. He was exhausted. She took it all from him.
‘Hey! Over there!’ Someone shouted.
Kal snapped his head up at the group of people who held weapons up at him. And instead of being diplomatic and trying to investigate, he fled the scene, flying back into the city.
Just a Few Tags: @itsrubberbisquit @critfailroll @headcannonxgalore @ellethespaceunicorn @deandoesthingstome @milknhonies @mayloma @kurokrisps @elfqueen006 @gummydummy19 @ylva-syverson @peternoonewantsthat
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tfyoulookingatgiuxs · 11 months
Could you possibly do a cute opposites attract for Billy Hargrove? Not like a nerd reader, more like a flower child in a way. I think the idea would be very cute and funny.
I hope you have a great day!
•Interesting. I've never written something like this but I'm determined to be happy to try. In any case, I am ready to satisfy your request again. I want to point out how the word "flower child" stuck in my mind, making the reader a true flower child, in the literary sense. I hope you like it!
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Billy Hargrove x FlowerChild!Reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: The late warm spring afternoon in Hawkins looked spectacular. The flowers were blooming and the sweet breeze touched you making you feel like you were in a fairy tale. But the day had other plans in mind for you and you never thought you would find him.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: Fluff, slight angst? fem!reader, no use of Y/N, your surname is Williams, bad language, opposite attract, sigarettes, daddy issue.
𝐀/𝐍: Request from @unamused-boss ,I hope I have satisfied your request! I apologize for any errors and I also hope that I have exceeded your expectations. Sorry for my english this is not my native language. Please support and reblog! Hope you enjoy this one. (DIVIDER NOT MINE)
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It was a late afternoon in Hawkins. Spring had just begun and the flowers had just bloomed, coloring an isolated part of the forest forgotten by everyone. It was like an enchanted place, you had to go through the woods to get there but you didn't mind walking a bit. It felt like a real paradise, it was like your secret place. No one could get there, only you knew how to get in and you knew how to get out.
Every day after school you go there. School could be hard and going there among the greenery and flowers made you happy and let your emotions shine through.
The flowers that surrounded you were all sunflowers, a truly infinite field, with the presence of a few daisies.
You had always been a girl with elegant feminine tastes, high grades but also a strong and difficult character. Nothing could make you happier than nature and flowers in general. You had a nice green thumb, you knew how to grow and plant. This is due to the fact that your uncle worked for a long time in the countryside and when you went to visit him for the holidays there was always something new to learn.
Today you headed there once again, full of happiness. The sun warmed you as you walked through the green tall grass. You sat down, letting the fresh air and surrounding sounds carry you away. The wind, the birds singing..."Holy shit!" you heard in the distance. You reopened your eyes in confusion and saw something you never expected to see. Someone had managed to get to your secret place. The worst thing? It was Billy Hargrove.
Billy Hargrove was a boy who went to the same school as you, he was lazy, didn't work hard at school and only thought about having fun and going to parties drinking like crazy. Besides this, he was also a very attractive boy, with long blond curls and crystal blue eyes and a nice physique. In short, aesthetically he was very handsome, you couldn't deny it, but otherwise he wasn't really your type, he was your opposite, you couldn't hope to get along with him.
You hadn't spoken to him much, you had only tutored him last year to help him with his grades. Needless to say, he tried to persuade you by convincing you to do his homework but luckily you were smarter than him. Now he had improved, but it was clear that he didn't want to study or think about his future.
From the way he was fidgeting you could tell he got lost "Hey!" He screamed as soon as he saw you, most likely he didn't recognize you. You stood up from where you were sitting as the skirt of your white dress fluttered. Billy looked at your figure, you were more enchanting than ever and perhaps he had never noticed it until now. You got closer and Billy did the same thing. "Look who's here, Williams." he said sarcastically "Nice to see you Hargorve" you also added a note of sarcasm but still keeping a certain lightness in your words "You can call me Billy" he winked at you and you rolled your eyes.
To be clear. You don't hate him. You know he was teasing you and obviously you didn't get carried away by his games. He was just different and as much as you might hope for redemption from him, you had to accept the fact that Billy Hargorve was the same old bad boy who will never change, and that everything good he had is gone.
"Did you get lost by any chance?" You asked looking at the field and he took a cigarette out of his pocket and you ignored him "What do you say? Do you think I'm a guy who loves remote places?" He looked at you with an obvious look as he lit his cigarette. The nauseating smell of tobacco pervaded you while with one hand you tried to get rid of the bad smell "No, but apparently you love the woods. In short, to come here you have to go through the woods, so excuse me if I ask you, but what do were you doing there?" Billy didn't answer you for a moment, he could have said "it's none of your business" or "Don't mind any fucking business that doesn't concern you Williams" in a more vulgar way, but he didn't. Even though he could be harsh, he wasn't that bad after all and it wasn't appropriate to use such forced language in front of a damsel.
"I was... walking" he didn't add anything else while his curls fluttered a little from here to there. From his tone you felt like he wanted to tell you something, but he decided not to. Maybe he had a rough day? Or maybe he's just in a bad mood? You've started to speculate. Although curious about what that walk meant, you decided not to say anything else and responded with a simple "Okay" and then silence fell.
"And you? Why are you here? Is the little damsel lost too?" You crossed your arms at his typical womanizer nickname "Oh no. I'm not lost. I come here often" He raised an eyebrow as he blew smoke from his plump lips "Why? What's great about being here looking at nothing?" You laughed slightly "You can't look at anything! Being here relaxes me and helps me to... detach myself from reality" you said the last words with a sense of sadness.
Life could be really mean and even cruel, and the worst thing is when you have no one to ask for help. When you think that nothing can help you get up and move forward, but in the end you understand that even something abstract or something concrete like an object, or anything that is not human can help you in your difficulties. Yours was nature, this secret place of yours that you wished you had discovered sooner. Few perhaps couldn't understand what you find so beautiful in plants or landscapes, and honestly not even you could explain it. Billy, on the other hand, remained silent and looked at you and then threw his cigarette on the ground and crushed it with his foot "Nonsense, you can't detach yourself from reality" his tone was serious and you looked at his features, he was angry? No. He was injured.
"As much as you try, reality is always there, you can't ignore it, much less detach yourself from it..." he continued and then he met your eyes and let out a cough "...so, Here. I find it difficult to understand what you find here Williams, maybe you're strange" he finished the sentence as if nothing had happened, as if what he had said before didn't matter. You approached him and Billy looked at you carefully "Can't you? Or maybe you don't want to?" Hargrove looked at you as if shocked "From the way you speak it's as if you want to detach yourself from reality, but you decide not to, is it perhaps because you're more worried about what happens in reality? As if every little distraction could cause something bad than not can you ignore it?" At that moment, a face never known to you formed on the face of the boy with golden curls, a different Billy you had never seen before. It was like vulnerable...
“I'm sorry, maybe this makes you uncomfortable.” You panicked. You hadn't even realized your words let alone that maybe it might make Billy uncomfortable in some way. You tried to compose yourself and walked away, changing the subject "Now I can take you back out of the woods, I know the way to-"
“My father” you were interrupted by his voice which now seemed to have taken on a different tone “What?”
"My father i can't ignore." You didn't say anything, letting him continue "I always tried to think about other things, maybe focusing on going out for parties or going to basketball games. But when I did that, my father made my life even worse, making it total shit" the wind blew was lowered and Billy in the meantime leaned with his back on a nearby tree "You're right when you say that 'I would like to detach myself from reality but I can't' because I realized that I can't do it..." his words were so genuine, so sincere, but at the same time so suffering. It was as if the Billy you knew wasn't there. They weren't his words, yet they came out of his mouth.
Instinctively you placed your light hand on his forearm and he looked back into your eyes "It's never too late to try again Billy. Don't let just one person ruin you, because then you'll end up regretting it" you replied and then you smiled. He wasn't convinced, but you were willing to let him know. You gently grabbed his hand and he let you do it, as if he was enchanted by your touch "Come with me" you said and together you walked through what was the field of sunflowers.
"You know, the first time I ended up here I thought how the day couldn't get any worse. I was lost too. But I don't think I found a better place to be" the blue-eyed boy looked around and he was like carefree "Here you don't have to fear anything, here you are safe and not even your father can hurt you" you reassured him and your hands melted. Hargrove continued to remain silent and then sat up enjoying the wind caressing his face and simply nodded.
"Can I tell you something Williams?" You nodded "Sure" he got up and took a sunflower and cut off the stem. You felt bad when the flowers were pulled down but you decided not to say anything. He looked at it carefully and then glanced at you "You like flowers right?" You nodded again "So much" Billy continued to stare at you and then with his free hand he placed a lock of your hair behind your ear, placing the flower in the same place "Then you will know what the sunflower means" your cheeks turned red admiring Billy's face with enchantment "I'll give it to you, it suits you" your heart stopped beating for a moment when the boy with golden curls smiled at you and then walked away.
You watched his figure. The sunflower symbolized the sun, therefore the light of life. When you gave a sunflower to a person it was to tell them how sunny and cheerful they are. You didn't think Billy was capable of such a gesture or even that he knew the meaning of the flower. Apparently you didn't know Billy Hargrove for all intents and purposes.
What was it you said? "As much as you could hope for redemption from him, did you have to accept the fact that Billy Hargorve was the usual bad boy who will never change, and that everything good he had was lost?" It turns out you were very wrong.
"So, will you help me out of the woods or not?" He turned around noticing that you weren't following him "Yes" You shook your head coming back to earth "You must not tell anyone what I told you, I would like it to stay between us, clear Williams?" You nodded, laughing.
From that day on you began to see Billy Hargrove with different eyes.
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piccevo · 8 months
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volopress a…… it’s name has an origin I just forgot its the evo of twirlosa of course
this line was based on sky dancer toys
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chihuahuawashere · 3 months
During the two year time skip whenever Zoro and Hawks take their well deserved breaks after training Perona would float from the haunted mansion to the training ground, grab Zoro and float all the way to the flower fields to re-wrap Zoros bandages.
During those breaks Perona would teach Zoro how to make a lot of things, flower crowns, braids with flowers in hair (like rapunzel), all types of flower jewelry and time little bouquets.
He always thought that it was a waste of time, but Perona told him that this is one of the ways to make a girl like him (like he cares about girls) but Luffy leaned to more of the feminine side before they had to depart so maybe he’ll like these. That hope was what kepted him going and listen to peronas bickering.
So when the crew finally got back together after the two years the Sunny’s grass and orange trees over grew and flowers were everywhere. Chopper was put to the task to eat it all but he obviously took his time since no one seemed really bothered by it anyways.
One day while the Sunny was bobbing in the ocean and no enemy’s in sight, Luffy and Zoro basked in the warm sun light under the tree im the gress of the Sunny. Zoro feel asleep first naturally in the shade but when he woke up he found Luffy asleep on his leg.
Zoro carefully set up making sure not to wake him up in order to see Luffys peaceful face. As he was looking at Luffy he can’t help but feel crushed knowing that he missed out on this beautiful face for two years he knows that Kuma meant well but he can never forgive him for spittling them apart.
But now he can look at his face for the rest of his life and he never wants to look away again. As he pushed a couple of hairs away from Luffy face he realized just how much Luffys hair has grown. (It’s enough to put it into a small braid) he thought to himself.
As Luffy was still knocked out Zoro instantly started grabbing flowers and grass that were in his reach and made and little band for the braid that he was instinctively started doing as if his fingers were on auto pilot.
Once he was done with the braid he made the flower crown. The grass on the Sunny had a variety of flowers from all the islands that they visited. So all of the flowers were bright and exotic ranging from all different of shapes and colors, making each one of them stand out.
So the crown had one/two of each flower in patch of grass and twigs that dropped near him from the tree to make the crown more sturdy so it can handled Luffys enthusiastic energy. Once he was done with the crown he gently puts it on Luffys head to make sure that he won’t accidentally wake him up.
After the flower crown zoro then started adding flowers in all over his braid. With warm colors near the crown and more down to the end of the braid is cooler toned flowers. After putting some more flowers in between his ears. Luffy wakes up staring at Zoro with loving eyes that Startled Zoro for a second.
Luffy springs up and asked Zoro what he was doing and Zoro just said “I put flowers where they belonged” and with Luffy being Luffy he gave Zoro he bright smile and got up and ran into the bathroom to see it while screaming about how amazing Zoro is throughout the Sunny putting a momentary hold on over ones little relaxation day.
But Luffy left a normal looking Marino into a deep red tomato as Zoro heard Luffy from across the Sunny Saying how cool he looks now. The next time Zoro sees Perona again he really needs to thank her immediately. ❤️
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greenwitchcrafts · 7 months
Achillea millefolium
Known as: Allheal, angel flower, arrowroot, bloodwort, cammok, carpenter's weed, death flower, devil's mustard, Devil's nettle, eerie, field hops, gearwe, green arrow, herbe militaris, hundred leaved grass, knight's milfoil, noble yarrow, nosebleed plant, plumajilo, seven year's love, snake's grass, soldiers thousand seal., squirrel tail, stanch grass, tansy, thousand-leaf, thousand weed, woundwort, yarrowway & yerw
Related plants: Is a member of the daisy family Asteraceae that consists of over 32,000 known species of flowering plants in over 1,900 genera within it such as chamomile, coneflowers, dahlia, daisy, dandelion, goldenrod, lettuce, marigold, mugwort & sunflower
Parts used: Leaves & flowers
Habitat and Cultivation: This hardy plant is native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere in Asia, Europe & North America
Plant type: Perennial
Region: 3-9
Harvest: Harvest yarrow when the blooms only when they have fully opened. It should be cut right above the leaf node to encourage the plant to potentially flower again. Many choose to harvest the flowers in the late morning when the dew has dried before so that the plant is not stressed by the extreme heat. Hot, dry spells right before bloom seems to be ideal for producing the most fragrant leaves.
Growing tips: Plant in an area that receives full sun to encourage compact growth and many flowers about 1-2 feet apart. In partial sun or shade, yarrow tends to grow leggy. Yarrow performs best in well-drained soil. It thrives in hot, dry conditions; it will not tolerate constantly wet soil. Loamy soil is recommended, but yarrow can also be grown in clay soil as long as it does not always stay saturated with water. While this plant is technically considered invasive only in noncultivated settings, common yarrow still needs to be planted in an area where you don't mind proliferation. 
Medicinal information: Yarrow has a history of being used for fever, common cold, hay fever, absence of menstruation, dysentery, diarrhea, loss of appetite, gastrointestinal (GI) tract discomfort, and to induce sweating. Some people chew the fresh leaves to relieve toothache. Yarrow is applied to the skin to stop bleeding from hemorrhoids; for wounds; and as a sitz bath for painful, lower pelvic, cramp-like conditions in women. Some people chew the fresh leaves to relieve toothache.
Cautions: Yarrow is commonly consumed in foods, but yarrow products that contain a chemical called thujone might not be safe because it is poisonous in large doses. Yarrow is not recommended for use during pregnancy or chestfeeding as it causes risks of miscarriage. Yarrow might slow blood clotting. In theory, taking yarrow might increase the risk of bleeding in people with bleeding disorders. In some people, it also might cause skin irritation & is toxic to cats & dogs.
Magickal properties
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Air & Water
Deities: Achilles, Aphrodite, Cernunnos, Faeries, Oshun & Yemaya
Magickal uses:
• Add the flowers to a satchet or dream pillow to encourage prophetic dreams
• Hang a bundle above your bed on your honeymoon night to ensure lasting love for 7 years
• Place across your thresholds or plant near doorwaysto prevent negative energies & influences from entering your home
• Burn as an incense before or during divination to increase psychic abilities
• Wear as an amulet to attract love, friendships & give courage
• Place yarrow under your pillow & if you dreamt of your love, it was a positive omen. If you had a bad dream, or dreamt of other people, it wasn’t
• Combine with mugwort as tea to drink before divination to increase psychic powers
• Put near yourself while practicing divination to increase your psychic abilities
• In spells, use to re-establish contact with long-lost friends or relatives & attract their attention
• Braid into your hair to tap into inner wisdom
• The I-Ching divination was originally performed with dried yarrow stems
• Wash crystals& crystal balls with a yarrow rinse to bring about clarity of vision
• Drink yarrow tea & a cinnamon stick to  release hidden truths
• Place on a coffin or grave to help the spirit cross over/ let go
•For powerful protection, pick yarrow flowers and charge them in the sun. Once charged, take the flowers and sprinkle them outside your home to prevent negative influences and energies away from entering your home
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
The Encyclopedia of Natural Magic by John Michael Greer
Wild Witchcraft by Rebecca Beyer
Plant Witchery by Juliet Diaz
A Compendium of Herbal Magick by Paul Beyerl
The Herbal Alchemist Handbook by Karen Harrison
The Book of Flower Spells by Cheralyn Darcey
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pokestudentjune · 6 months
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In all honesty I'm pretty new to this whole rotomblr stuff, and I'm not all to osure how to work it that well.. But I'd still like someplace to document my life and experiences, as well as share my knowledge about pokemon and plants! Got plenty of cute pics of my pokemon and the ones I meet as well! Please feel free to reach out with asks about myself, my pokemon, or anything in general-- I'll do my best to answer to the best of my ability :)
Here is my current travel team!
Lotus the Ivsaur
Modest, highly persistent. A water lotus variant Ivysaur with a water/grass typing, and practically my soulmate. My first officially owned pokemon, gotten from my grandmothers venusaur as a child. Lotus has grown and matured with me through the years, and is always looking out for me! Shes trained in battle and performance, but we have since retired from coordinating and she'd rather sit back and experience life as it comes.
Scout the Lopunny
Sassy, likes to fight. One of my first wild-caught pokemon, and both me and Lotus's best friend. Shes quite a fan of my more feminine interests, often asking to share my clothes and music. Shes definitely one of my more battle + performance savvy pokemon, and we're working on learning mega evolution together! She wears a light blue letterman jacket I bought for her once, she wanted to dress similarly to an idol group we saw online once!
Grim the Joltik
Jolly, very finicky. He is literally the sweetest little baby ever. He was an unexpected capture, having hopped onto my phone one day and refusing to leave. He loves to suck out the battery life from practically my devices which drives me insane, but I wouldnt trade him for the world. Despite being small for the past few years, I think he doesnt want to evolve which is fine by me! I think he enjoys riding on my head or shoulder.
Jasper the Typhlosion
Rash, quick to fight. A large, bulky, fluffy, shiny typhlosion with a scar across his muzzle. Rescued from a "backyard zoo" situation, it took a long long time to fully gain his trust, but it was worth it. Hes very standoffish but protective of me and the team. Lotus was a big help in calming him during the beginning, and now he enjoys battling to blow off some steam.
Harlequin the Banette
Quirky, impetuous and silly. Perhaps my first ever pokemon friend. We met when I was a small child and he was still a shuppet. Its a bit of a long story, but he stuck through with me during some negative times within my early years even as a wild pokemon, and would frequently visit to keep me entertained through the years. I didn't catch him for many years, but one day after being a trainer for a while, I asked him if he'd like to join my team and has stuck around since. He wears a chunky bandana on his neck thats practically the size of him.
Jade the Noivern
Adamant, alert to sounds. One of the newer additions to the group, i had caught her within a cave and she showed fighting spirit right off the bat. I took the time to train her in between my studies and she evolved into a speed demon. She absolutely LOVES flying and I myself had always wanted to ride on a flying pokemons back, so its a win-win. She looks up to Jasper, and they often spar together.
I have plenty of other pokemon back at home that I'll introduce when the time comes, but these are the ones I think are best suited to help me during my studies! Perhaps I'll switch around the team, maybe I wont. It takes a while to transfer pokemon across regions but who knows where life will take me!
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// OOC
Hello hello! Just like June, I am very unfamilliar with tumblr as its been years since I last used it, but I've been religiously stalking rotomblr for years now and i figured its my time to make a blog! Heres a few things about how I'll be running this blog :3
• This will be a mix of anime and game, keeping it semi realistic as I love biology and science but still want to keep some magic from the pokemon games included!
• June is basically a self insert so no weird stuff!
•For Junes universe, fakemon, sentient pokemon, or pokemon/human hybrids or anything similar to that doesnt exist-- again, I'm keeping it a bit semi realistic. Pokemon crossbreeds are fine though!
• This is very casual!! Just for fun slice of life blog :3
• In this world, legendaries are gods and greatly affect the environment, so June may not interact with those who "own" legendaries because she greatly frowns upon messing with the natural order of things.
• Feel free to dm me or send me asks ! I'd love to get to know the community more :)
• Also i might not do many fully pieces and more colored sketches because I am very busy irl unfortunately
• Im okay with interactions from other OCs and canon characters !
If you want to see my art look at #june pics ! working on tags for informational stuff but #june talks will have some fun pokemon info + junes story so far!
• Pelliper Mail is : OPEN
• Magic Anon is : CLOSED
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rrat-king · 4 months
For Bee Applebees (I'll take any excuse to hear about your trans!Bucky headcanons, so please feel free to answer as many or as few of these as you like!) 🏳️‍⚧️😇👻👽💝🫂💔🪢📓👗🍫🖕
THANK YOU FOR THIS ASK I COULD TALK ABOUT BEE FOREVER I LOVE HER!!! (also thank you @allthecastlesonclouds for introducing me to this headcanon originally <33)
🏳️‍⚧️ A gender headcanon
she is a trans girl! she uses she/her pronouns!! bee kinda always knew she was different from her brothers and the other boys in church with her, but she didn't really have a chance to understand or accept who she was until she got to aguefort and got the chance to be around different types of people and realize that difference isn't evil
😇 A headcanon about their religion/lack thereof
i know a lot of folks want her to join kristen in following cassandra but i personally think that casssandra and like letting in doubt could be a part of her finding a way to worship helio in a way that feels good to her. similar to the way that tracker follows and influences galicaea, i see bee devoting herself to a reformed, more inclusive helio. we've only ever seen a very extremist standpoint of the harvestmen side of helio worship, but bee, worshipping the god of the harvest, of change and growth as a trans girl? i think thats lovely.
👻 A headcanon about what scares them
bee is so scared of the fact that their is so much that she just doesn't know. where kristen was so curious and excited coming into aguefort, bee is just scared cuz that's what she was taught to be. it's hard especially cuz she sees so much of herself in this stuff that she doesn't understand, and she was taught to hate what she doesn't understand
👽 A headcanon about a weird quirk of theirs
she is super particular about stuff being designated as 'hers' especially with the amount of things that she has to share with her brothers. she has to sit in the seat behind the driver's seat in the car, she has to use her yellow plate and if she has her comic book mug that no one else is supposed to use
💝 A headcanon about their love language
she is little miss words of affirmation. a lot of her growing up was seeing her sister being so praised and cherished in the church so when someone would take a moment and give her a little bit of affirmation too she just. melts.
🫂 A friendship headcanon
she joins the gsa in sophomore year and she becomes fast freinds with torek. she's kinda obsessed with the fact that torek is not traditionally feminine by human helioic standards but still is like confidently and obviously a girl as well as torek just being cool as shit and not taking any crap.
💔 An angsty headcanon
pretty much her entire life she existed in kristen's shadow and for so long she used to wish that she could just get a little bit of that attention, that she could be *special*, but then all of a sudden kristen is gone, and she is getting that attention she thought she wanted but she realizes really quickly that it's not good attention. she has to deal with all of this pressure from her parents while realizing what her sister had been going through, and all through it she doesn't know whether to feel bad for her sister or hate her for leaving.
🪢 A headcanon about their family
her and bricker are the closest in age so they did a lot of activities together as kids just cuz it was easiest but they are such total opposites. they were on a peewee soccer team together as kids and while bee was on the field trying her best and failing miserably, bricker, who was the best kicker on the team was sitting on the sidelines eating grass. they also shared a room until kristen left and it was a constant battle between bricker who is a slob and bee who Is Not
📓 A headcanon about their hobbies
she is a cub scout! she's been a scout since she was pretty young, used to be part of the kinda helioc version some folks at her church ran, but she eventually grew out of it and had to beg her parents to let her joinng the elmville scouts but they eventually let her. she loves camping, hiking, general outdoorsy stuff as well as all the folks in her troup
👗 A headcanon about their clothes
before she transitioned, she was a pretty typical polo and khakis church kid, but as she was able to wear more fem clothes and experiment a little bit, she is a lot more drawn to looser, more flowey and floral materials. a lot of her stuff isn't necessarily explicitly feminine cuz a lot of the girls in her life aren't really tradionally fem so she doesn't force herself to do more than she's comfortable with. also she fucking loves cardigans
🍫 A headcanon about food
she cannot cook to save her life but she isn't half bad at baking. she's great at following directions and it was one of the things that she got to do alongside her sister growing up when their family needed to bring something to a bake sale or a potluck. she has made so much cornbread in her life she can do it without even having to look the recipe she could honestly do it with her eyes closed
🖕 A headcanon relating to anger
the applebees household was not a place that allowed for tears, so growing up she was taught the only appropriate way to deal with negative emotions was through anger, so she is just so angry all the time and even though she hates it, it's hard for her to rewire her brain to think about it any other way. for a while she tried to just shut down, figuring if she doesn't feel anything than at least she's not angry but it just festers till she explodes. as she kinda deconstructs and reconstructs her religion and the righteous anger that seems to go with it hand in hand she quickly realized that anger can be used as a tool, those emotions leading her to let her feel that anger and then move with it and past it to fix the problem.
ask game here
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lovemaiyo · 1 year
୨˚୧ stay with me, (don't want you to leave) 💿 seishirou nagi x gn!reader, possibly feminine descriptions for reader
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⊹ in which : he likes you better when you're just with him.
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" what a waste of time... why do people even go out? you could be doing something waaay better, like catching up on that new season of the anime you really like, or gambling your life savings on this hot character's banner. or, you could just.. sleep? what was the need to go out? phone's are already invented, you can just call??? what is this, the 1700's?? those were just a few examples of the thoughts currently swirling through seishirou nagi's head. your highschool friends had invited you to a casual starbucks hangout, as a get-togther-after-highschool-lets-see-whos-still-living-in-a-basement-and-whos-a-millionaire type thing. you'd insisted seishirou came with you, and after a LOTTT of convincing, he agreed. "hey, sei, you know there's supposedly a thing called 'outdoors', and it has fresh air and grass? "nah, that's just a rumour... sei now wished he didn't come, so he didn't have to experience the disgusting sight in front of him.. "hey, (name), you know kei had a crush on you way back in highschool?? it-" "SHUT UP, REN.." the guy named kei said. to be fair, kei was nicely built and fairly tall, with black hair and blue eyes, and a beauty mark right below his dimpled smile. but NO WAY you, the amazing and beautiful (name), would go for such a guy when you already had him, right? "oh, you did? a lot of girls were chasing after you, why'd you like someone like me?" you inquired, swirling around your drink. "uhh, well, you were just really kind and stuff..." kei blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. ew. pick me behaviour. sei's only comfort was you squeezing his hand below the table. "EEEE!! (name) and kei would look so cute together.. oh, but (name) already has a guy.." the girl named arima shot seishirou an almost... flirtatious glance?? sei inwardly groaned. how much longer was he gonna have to watch that kei guy subtly flirt with you? "... (n/n), can we go now..??" he whispered. "why? do you not like it here?" you whispered back. "nooo.." he groaned. "...me neither!! let's go!!" you said, animatedly. sei stood up, and said rather boredly. "me an' (name) are going. bye." and started walking away. "hold on." a male voice interrupted. it was kei, but his voice no longer had the playful, teasing tone. "i wont stop you from going, but (name), can i.. uhh, have your number?" it happened in a second. seishirou stood up to his full height, and deadpanned at kei, his right eye slightly twitching. his hands were slightly clenched below the table, and sei was sullenly pouting. "you want their number, yeah? it's +1-500-fuck yourself." to be fair, the look of shock on kei's face as sei pulled your hand and walked off with you was worth the scolding he got. ୨˚୧ BONUS : "... stop staring at me..." sei groaned. you looked at him incredulously. "sorry it's just.. that was so badass.. '+1-500-fuck yourself'??? like oh my god..." "yeah? then maybe your little friend kei can take the hint.." "hold on.. are you jealous of kei??" "it's hard to be, really, when he looks like a lobotomy.." "oh my go-"
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⪩ ⪨ lovemaiyo 2022 - 2024 . choose wisely
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