druidposting · 5 months
Not to crosspost on main, but in regards to Liliana, im reminded somewhat of a conversation between Ed and Riza in FMA.
When Ed sits down with Riza after the whole Gluttony and Envy debaucle, Riza admits to the atrocities and warcrimes commited by the state alchemists and soldiers of the Ishbalan war - herself included. She doesnt shy away from admitting her fault, rather, she embraces it as part of her story. She then goes on to explain how she and Roy plan on taking over the military so that finally, them and their comrades can be tried fairly for their crimes, whether that means leniancy, jail, or even death. They pledge to carry the bodies of the fallen across a river of blood.
Contrast this with miss Temult, who had commited a slew of her own crimes and atrocities against innocents, is now literally facing a VERY direct consequence of her deliberate actions, and is still so deeply steeped in the cult that she says she still thinks Predathos means well.
I just think the diference between these two characters is so so interesting to pick at. One has had the time and maturity and emotional intelligence to recognize what she did was horrific and unforgivable, and the unyeilding devotion to right what's wrong. The other is so deeply lost in her own cognitave dissonance that she cannot fathom the fact that the deaths of her daughter's friends loved ones were in part, her fault. Both characters are deeply flawed in strikingly different ways. And i think that in real life, people like Riza are rare, while those like Liliana are exceedingly common.
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juniper-bunch · 3 months
Alright, hot take!
People should stop bashing on chronically online people. Sometimes people struggle going outside and doing things for a multitude of reasons, wether it be depression, anxiety, chronic illnesses/fatigue/pain, any other disability, etc.
Sometimes people can’t exist outside of online at all. We ourselves have chronic fatigue and chronic pain. We have depression and anxiety to the point we struggle with daily life. We have other disabilities that make it difficult and even dangerous for us to be out and about. Being online is the safest space where we can exist happily without too much worry. Without the major risk of danger and flare ups that being out and about cause.
This applies to other people for so many other reasons. It’s upsetting seeing people bash on people for being chronically online and just labeling them as lazy when that’s all they can really do.
Don’t even get me started on the “you just need to try more” people. While that may be true for some, it’s not true to others. It’s actually probably a lot less true than people think it is. I’m tired of pretending that if we just exercise and eat a healthy diet we’ll quickly become able bodied to other able bodied people’s expectations. We won’t. Nor will a lot of other people.
Please, for the love of whoever, stop bashing on chronically online people. Stop writing off everyone as lazy. It’s not fun to deal with, and it isn’t helping.
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[A package arrives. Inside it is a book about Fox Pokemon that has been heavily annotated, correcting percieved errors or elaborating on certain points. A note is attached.]
"Happy birthday, Professor. You've taught me a whole lot so I figured maybe I could return the favor and teach you something."
-Caleb (@fox-poke-fanatic)
Thank you Caleb!! This is fantastic and I am genuinely excited to read through this. You must have spent so much time on this, I am honored. It will get a place of honor on my lab bookshelf.
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thrushppelt · 1 year
knocks on your door bc i'm back n isn't that lovely?
tbh i kinda like oakheart, but he and blue rly met, hung out, then fucked which- accurate but damn ok
tho... if you're doing a bluesnow au and still want to add in misty, stone, and moss, you could totally have platonic oak and blue and he's like "sure, lemme help you add to your family with her" and is the platonic supportive edge blue needed
also you can't convince me that blue wasn't giving snow a lil goodnight kiss and said that she will commit war crimes for her (then proceeded to gut thistle like the now dickless bitch he is) like that is canon and real, i was there.
ohoh and totally see whitestorm never realizing he had a dad. someone asks him about it and he's just like, "my dad was the wind. idk his name and i honestly do not care to." (blue caused this but yk)
i also like the idea of them being adorable mates come fire joining the clan so he gets two moms and some siblings. (also imagine the sheer amount of angst you could write if tigerclaw killed snowfur and bluestar's mania really hit then-)
Anon you wanna get married
OAKHEART ISNT BAD there’s just NO CHEMISTRY when they barely talked 😭 and blue doesn’t feel anything abt the fact that he (very inadvertently) caused snows death
One night stand/platonic/whatever oakblue IS fun to think abt but I also like the thought of thrushpelt being their fathers :,) (ignoring the plot consequences by having them all live in a perfect limbo where everything’s ok and they’re HAPPY) no seriously blue deserved happiness and she got FUCK ALL!!!!!!!
Blue can have a little a morally gray by Accidentally having a fox or badger or monster kill thistle, it’s ok no one cares :) (and tiger Probably wouldn’t be as evil either LOL)
White just had two moms that were sisters also it’s ok :) it’s fine ASHFKGK it would be so satisfying seeing him say “fuck you” to his dad realizing how much of a dickbag he is. Thistle can be the divorced dad who tries yet still fails, that’s all I’ll allow him
DONT MAKE ME THINK ABOUT THAT………… ouhhrhhhhgg fire seeing a healthy (for the most part) and respectful blue just fall apart in DAYS …….. I’m gonna b thinking about that. Fuck you (affectionate)
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the-ellia-west · 5 months
TCOT Release Date GOAL
This is not a confirmed Release Date, but a Goal.
I hope to Finish TCOT by March of Next Year.
This is my Goal, and I really hope with all the free time I'll have this summer, that I can do it.
I want all of you to know I love you, and I'm writing this story for you <3
I hope you can stand to wait for it a little longer :]
Thank you for being here and Being excited for my stupid little stories. I hope you'll all like it when its done.
(No one has said they want to be taken off the tag list... so tell me if you do) Or if you want to be added to the list Tell me as well,
@oliolioxenfreewrites @friendfromdsmp @thepeculiarbird @corinneglass @phoenixradiant @sunflowerrosy @kia-is-poisoned @rivenantiqnerd @aestheic-writer18 @ryahisbored @nkikio @somethingclevermahogony @mjparkerwriting @sl-vega @darkandstormydolls @agirlandherquill @baconandeggs-25 @alnaperera @fantasy-things-and-such @ajgrey9647 @aalinaaaaaa @cybercelestian @danielleitloudernow @illarian-rambling @idunnobutliaiscool @jeremy-no @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling @fandom-pits-dweller @xenascribbles @katwritesshit @smudged-red-ink @sunnyjustice @thelazywitchphotographer @pastellbg @louudthoughts @bigwipscholar @killingthemoon84 @fenatics @attemptingwriter @purplehandshumanfeelings @bluberimufim
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anulithots · 8 months
Badly summarized WIP tag game!
(I'm counting Anuli and Kamari as two WIPs)
Thank you @holdmyteaplease and @the-stray-storyteller and @mylee-sketches for tagging me!
Rules : post a poll badly summarizing your WIPs and let your followers pick their favorite one.
And for the one that gets the most votes, I'll tag as many people as possible who voted and post a snippet!
@waitingforthesunrise @sm-writes-chaos @holdmyteaplease @full-on-sam @awleeofficial @clearcloudlesssky @gummybugg
Let me know if you wish to be added/removed to the tag list <3
Additional tags! @forthesanityofstorytellers @natyune-writes @distortedsense @imslowlydisintegrating @fenatics @emabatis @emberlyric @bassguitarinablackt-shirt @writingdeliberately @briarborealisocs
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novemberthewriter · 4 months
@kathaliabloodyrose tagged me to post titles of documents related to my current WIPs. thank you!
interesting tag ... so i have 2 fiction WIPs and 2 nonfiction ones rn and half of the associated documents are in an actual physical folder 😂 i had to go comb thru it alongside my digital files lmao
-> for Dagmar
-dagmar deluge
-MAC & [redacted character bc it'll spoil my story]
-Zeke & Dodie, The Dead Friend
-[redacted character] DIDN'T DO CALIGULA
-[redacted character]'s NEEDS
-> for Dave & The Family Davenport
-> for the TV show retrospective
-You Can Count On Me, Babe!: A Michael/Joey Manifesto
-ship manifesto: the case for michael/joey from my two dads (1987-1990)
-quotes/timestamps/evidence etc
-> for the fanfic history thing
-I've been reading fanfiction for 17 years
you're supposed to tag as many people as you have files ... im getting 13:
@heartshapedgreen @kyuponstories @cybercelestian @halfbit @literarynecromancy @willowbsullivan @lead-to-code @fenatics @borisyvain @mjparkerwriting @bookish-karina @floribach @wiltingwxrds
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transthadymacdermot · 4 months
Tagged by @fortunatetragedy for this wip questionnaire tag game! answering for my histfic wip the nobler grave
What’s the first part of your WIP that you created?
The characters! Many of them are carried over from earlier things I've written so of course
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Oughhh probably a version of either arthur mcbride or the unquiet grave! both thematically appropriate (imo) folk songs so either works
What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
Of the characters who feature in this story, it's a tie between my bestfriend Eoin O'Donnell and my daughter who has every disease Sarah Connolly... mostly because I find them both rlly interesting characters who deal with the horrible things which have happened to them in really interesting and simultaneously deeply unhealthy and also deeply understandable ways. I also really like Charles, Lord Drenning for his insane imperialist hubris which is deplorable but fun as hell to write
What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share?
Probably things like black sails + the terror + sharpe for similar time period and vaguely similar themes. Also there are a bunch of lesser known pieces of irish historical fiction which heavily influenced NG in many ways which I think people who like NG would probably like, and also like. Real Irish History. I write for the people who also have 6000000 crusty pdfs even god doesn't know about on the topic of nineteenth century irish governance in their google drives and those people ONLY
What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
I would say the historical stuff but honestly it's probably specifically language related... there's plenty out there on how people in the early 19thc spoke and plenty out there on hiberno-english but comparatively little on how peasants in mid-ulster in 1810 would have been talking to each other. it's not nonexistent I'm just having to do a lot of very dedicated research lmao
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
The only really significant animals are charles' 'wolfdogs,' his pack of hunting dogs which are like... mostly irish wolfhound wrt their breeding (☝️historical note: wolfhounds were mostly if not totally extinct in ireland by the time the story takes place, only a few people still had them and mostly as status symbols. so the fact that charles is using them to actually hunt is significant!). There are six of them and their names are Gaineamh, Méar, Sicín, Ciarsúr, Arán, and James. for reasons which I will leave currently only known to ppl who speak irish the man who named them (charles' kennelmaster) is viciously mocked for what he called them
How do your characters travel/get around?
Largely on foot, sometimes on horseback and sometimes in carts. The wealthier characters ride more often, and some take carriages. Trains and cars haven't been invented yet 😔
What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
Working out the details of the government committee charles is on -- fleshing out the members, figuring out What The Hell It Actually Does, who it answers to, etc. lots of reading and rereading accounts of how the government worked in late georgian britain and ireland yayyy
What aspects (tropes, maybe?) will you think draw your audience in?
Historical fiction with (hopefully) a high amount of attention to detail
People who are allowed to be very 'bad' victims because people often become deeply unpalatable and lash out after trauma and that is literally that
The bizarre psychosexual obsession between like. all of the characters
Commentary on perception of history
The unavoidable tragedy of it all
Let's Hate The British Government Together 🫴
What are your hopes for your WIP?
I'm just having fun writing it, man. don't rlly have any specific goals atp other than entertaining myself and my best friends who reply with fire emojis every time I tell them about it
Tagging @ettawritesnstudies @orphanheirs @fenatics @macabremoons @scorpiothesaint @poethill + anyone else who wants to take part :3
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surroundedbypearls · 9 months
Get to Know Tag
Thank you for tagging me @thatndginger! This is the first tag game I'm managing to do in a while, I've been v neglectful of the ol' blog
Rules: Tag 10 or more people you want to get to know better
Relationship status: Cat lady
Favorite color: I don't really have one anymore but it used to be blue, I still like blue
Song stuck in my head: I swear I had a song stuck in my head yesterday but I can't remember what it was!
Favorite food: Some form of pasta, probably. Also chocolate
Last song listened to: It was Taylor Swift, I think it was out of the woods
Dream trip: I'd love to go to Japan some day, also to NYC again
Last tv show/movie: Currently watching a bit of Brooklyn 99 with my sister but last show I watched/finished other than that was Hilda!
Spicy/sweet/savory?: Savoury, I know I said I love chocolate but that's really the main/only sweet thing I eat, I don't eat a lot of sweets
Last thing I googled: A local restaurant to find out when they closed lol
Tagging @mrbexwrites, @cherrybombfangirlwrites, @ohnomybreadsticks, @fenatics, @emberlyric, @queen-tashie, @that-chibi-writer, @toribookworm22, @yors-truly and @wordwings!
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em-dashes · 8 months
Badly Summarized Wip Game
Rules : post a poll badly summarizing your WIPs and let your followers pick their favorite one.
Tagged by @fenatics!
I'm gonna tag some people in my followers list! @sparrow-orion-writes @fayeiswriting @quill-writes @elhuei @antique-symbolism
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15 questions, 15 people
thanks @transboyzuko for tagging me! legit read your post and was like 'aww i wish i got tagged to do stuff like that:(' and then you tagged me! anyways:
1. Are you named after anyone?
My middle name was my mother's middle name, and my initials are the same as my fathers(i think that's where the gender started). Also, I have the same name as a locally famous guy from my hometown, so I used to say all the places named after him were named after me instead lmao
2. When was the last time you cried?
A few days ago while watching a kdrama (rowoon is such a good actor y'all)
3. Do you have kids?
Haha, good one
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I played tennis for most of my childhood through high school, and was on a pop/cheer dance team for like five years when I was a kid, and I still dance for fun :)
5. Do you use sarcasm?
why would I do that
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
I'm autistic, this is a terrible question.
7. What's your eye color?
Good question. I'll let you know when I figure it out.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings all the way babey! I'm too soft for most scary movies, unless they're fun and thinky
9. Any talents?
Sure, I'm mildly good at languages and artsy stuff. I'm also a bitching (and, technically, professional) whistler
10. Were were you born?
In a hospital(read it and weep, bitches)
11. What are your hobbies?
Learning about languages, linguistics, etc. Some music-y, artsy stuff. Writing. Reading. Picture me as a an artsy gay rich man from the Victorian age, but one who dabbles and doesn't get too good at any of it
12. Do you have any pets?
Yes, my two sweet babies, a purebred husky(inherited) and a little street mutt that's probably some mini schnauzer/Irish wolfhound combo. They're both adorable and have big personalities
13. How tall are you?
Like 5'8" ish, I think it's like 173 cm?(I'm ~American~)
14. Favorite subject in school?
Any foreign language! After that, probably English bcs you get to read and write and talk about it. I know, shocking, right?
15. Dream job?
I do not dream of labor.
But yeah like a cushy bs job with good pay and benefits that can afford me a comfortable lifestyle in which I can pursue my passions in my free time
I, in fact, do not have 15 active mutuals lmao so here are some mutuals/people I follow/people who follow me: @jatersade @aire-bnb @themainbeetleboy @killmongerdreams @negativeginger @theneurospicecabinet @muspellssynir @thisblogiscool @adriannlily @gender-luster @lostmy-waa-aa-aay @cristaldacier @criscrave @fenatics @the-modern-typewriter
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elsoldesantiago · 14 days
Ministerio de Cultura anuncia celebración del Festival Nacional de Teatro RD 2024
Santo Domingo.- El Ministerio de Cultura anunció hoy la celebración del Festival Nacional de Teatro (Fenate) 2024, el cual se desarrollará del 20 al 30 de octubre bajo el lema “El teatro es para todos” y estará dedicado a la destacada luminotécnica y productora escénica Lillyanna Díaz. La ministra de Cultura, Milagros Germán, realizó el anunció en un encuentro con la prensa que tuvo lugar en el…
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norteenlinea · 2 months
La FeNaT presentó un amparo ante el decreto del gobierno que atenta contra derechos constitucionales
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lordascapelion · 4 months
WIP Questionnaire
Tagged by @fenatics, thanks!
I'll do this for Pulse Saga, which is technically sort of finished? But oh well who cares.
What's the first part of your wip you created?
Pulse Saga had a definitive starting point when I devised the central twist that takes place at the end. Everything else about the story grew around that, from the magic system, to the other characters and the world itself.
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Hmmmm a tough one, to be sure. I've matched songs to certain scenes or concepts, but not an OP...
What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
Probably Irene, the mew friend of the main character, Eduardo. I put a lot of my own traits onto her and I find her desire to break out of the confines of her societal role to be compelling. Also, the main villain, Wormwood, who's a fun character to write- an arrogant bastard who enjoys messing with people and knows just how strong he is.
What other pieces of media do you think your fan base would share?
Pulse Saga takes inspiration from 90s JRPGs, so I'd hope that fans of those might find it appealing. Probably would have fans for anyone who likes more character-heavy sci-fi and fantasy action anime, such as Blue Exorcist.
What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
Cutting is always really difficult, because you naturally want to keep everything and sometimes you have to cut something that's really near and dear to your heart... but alas. I also had to come to the realization that I basically had to cut the book in half at one point, because it was too damn long.
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
Uh, animals? I guess. Farm animals and random wildlife. It's not really a huge part of the story.
How do your characters get around?
On foot or in armored personnel carriers. One character can fly!
What part of your wip are you working on right now?
It's actually done! But now I'm to the point where I have to query and that... ugh, what a nightmare that is.
What aspects (tropes, maybe?) will you think draw audience in?
The setting: Post-apocalyptic, but more of a "green apocalypse", where nature has filled in to fill the void left by humanity's near destruction. Biomechanical killing machines roam the forests and anyone who remains outside of walls for too long is liable to fall prey to a curse that drives you mad.
The main character's conflict: Eduardo has to realize that the world he grew up in is far from the perfect world he had thought. He has to question what his authority figures have told him and is plagued by uncertainty. He's the kind of guy who is never content with just what's on the surface and that takes its toll on him.
The action: I think that my action scenes are pretty well written (at least my critique partners and beta readers said so!) Should be fun for anyone who likes reading about magical powers and special talents.
@supreme-leader-stoat @dasha-aibo @2urban2fantasy @supersoftly @edgar-allan-possum
have fun!
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larkinarting · 5 months
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Writing a little story in my brain, I havent decided on the name yet but they use he/they/she pronouns and have lots of gay sex with a gardener/animal fenatic.
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anulithots · 7 months
Intro post
100 followers character interview extraordinaire
(I don't know how to do thisssss)
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I have kidnapped all my characters (and JJK blorbos) and stuck them into this room. I've threatened asked them to be nice and answer any asks they receive with a gift. Here's how they responded. Have fun!
Ask Anuli for a story:
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"OHHH is this one of those stories where the protagonists get suddenly transported to a fantasy realm? The cliches in that genre are so overdone. 'Protagonist was a normal person and blah blah blah the fire nation attacked.'
At the very least, there should be some genre subversions. For example, I am a villain. I could destroy this entire plot line with my presence alone. BE VERY AFRAID! "
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".... a gift? That's a mistake. I have nothing to give, nothing to offer. I'm honestly not worth your time. I'm sorry for rambling. All I have are broken stories."
~ A story (book/manga/anime/show/movie) recommendation based on your vibe!
Ask Kamari for a song:
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"People? What are tho- never mind. Hello, if I give you a song, you promise to help me negotiate for my freedom, yes? I'd hate to resort to extreme measures."
~ A song recommendation based on your vibe!
Ask Ankh for flowers/plants:
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"Poisonous flowers seem like proper retribution for kidnapping."
~ a random plant that I'd associate with your vibe!
Ask Cassiah for 'advice':
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"You did well coming to me for advice. I don't know how you could've possibly done... whatever you were doing on your own. Not everyone can just know everything like I do. It's okay. Not your fault whatsoever <3 <3 <3"
~ A random biology fact coupled with a silly tip on productivity. (neurodivergent friendly)
Ask Teddo for the secrets to the universe:
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(He's still a work in progress...)
"I am unsure of how easily feeble minds could comprehend such talks. After all, it is feeble minds that make up the lies society runs on, and it is feeble minds that continue to perpetuate the lies they use for their own sake. It's disgusting.
Truth is maddening. But it is the only thing I can strive for."
~ A random quantum physics fact or a random deep thought.
Ask for Noorie to go crazy over Jujutsu Kaisen:
This scene made me scream. It has taken over my blog. I've reread the Hidden Inventory Arc at least eight times. I've written essays about Itadori. Fanfic one shots about a slice of life version populate my brain. I rarely have a non-JJK thought.
~ Receive some character ramblings or a fanfic idea! And/or some of my screenshot collection. And/or some random headcannons. (Gojo being asexual and thinking being flirtatious is something people do for funsies is a nice headcannon to me <3)
Gently tagging: @mylee-sketches @holdmyteaplease @imslowlydisintegrating @27paperlilies @waitingforthesunrise @osbob-the-existent @awleeofficial @emabatis @forthesanityofstorytellers @gummybugg @noveldivergence @fire-but-ashes-too @full-on-sam @sm-writes-chaos @fenatics + anyone who wishes to participate can do so! It is much appreciated and I hope you all have fun <3
(thanks for listening to my rambles and my stories. It means the world to me.)
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