#feral Noldor
annoyinglandmagazine · 2 months
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My Nolofinwë brainrot is back in full force!!!!
Imagine growing up in a household where you KNOW your father loves you but not more than your elder brother who can do now wrong in his eyes even when he ignores your existence and probably hates your mother. Imagine growing up as a PRINCE of the Noldor but always coming in second in the eyes of the people because you’re NOT your brother. You don’t shine as bright as him, you’re not as crafty as him. The work of your hands do not inspire such devotion that even the gods above seek to bless it with their protection.
Imagine knowing that the sole reason for your existence is because your fathers beloved first wife was condemned to an entirety in the Halls of Mandos and thus causing your brilliant elder brother to despise your mother and ignore your existence so wholly it starts fracturing the Noldor. Imagine trying your best to be friends with your brother but him pushing you away at every turn so eventually you decide that if you can’t have his love you’d have his hatred because even hatred is better than the indifference he showed you growing up.
Imagine loving and hating your brother in equal measure, imagine hating him so much for condemning your host to the ice because of your choice to name yourself with an extra Finwë in your name yet mourning him so deeply when you cross the ice just to discover he is already dead and all your hate cannot be aimed at the person responsible because what good is holding on to that hate when he is already dead? What good is that hate when you KNOW you can never have any sort of resolution with him until the breaking of the world? What good is holding on to that hatred when your nephews are holding on by a string and civil war may very well break out due to your beloved and loathed half brother?
Do you think Nolofinwë thought of his much loved and much loathed brother Feanor when he rode out to Angbang to challenge the Dark Lord himself?
Do you think that he thought of how he might meet his end the same way Feanor did? Riding out before the host and getting ambushed by Balrogs? Do you think he thought that this is the one way he can one up his brother? By succeeding when Feanor failed? By wounding the Dark Vala so badly he refused to leave his black walls? Do you think at the end of his life when he saw Morgoths foot coming down on him, when he raised his sword for one last strike, do you think he thought that maybe, just maybe, his deeds of valour may finally make his brother proud? That maybe he lived up to his bright, fiery, spirited brother at last? That although he may not have made the greatest works known to man, but he succeeded where bright Feanor failed?
Do you think that he searched the halls for Feanor? Even knowing he may have been condemned to the void? Or do you think he, in his last moments, cursed Feanor more than he did when crossing the ice because if it weren’t for his oath to him, his children and nephews may still very much be alive?
I cannot begin to describe just how much Nolofinwë lives in my mind rent free. The angst growing up, the resentment that built up in him every single time he gets compared to Feanor, the desperation to get to know him anyways because that’s his brother! His older brother! The one that was supposed to love him but didn’t because of his mother. Gods Nolofinwë makes me feral in a way that not even the Sons of Feanor can.
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Thranduil is Miriel’s brother and it changes nothing but it’s funny af (not-canon)
Idk man, i personally think that the idea of Thranduil being Miriel’s brother would be hilarious bc everyone sees these noldor kinslaying monsters and screams bloodymurder, but Thranduil looks at what is his nephew and grandnephew and goes “goddamn it Miriel, they had to get your personality”
When Oropher gets re-embodied in Valinor alongside Finwe he will spend entire meetings glaring bloody murder at Finwe for Miriel’s predicament, much to everyone’s confusion.
Finwe: making my way down town, walking fast-
Messenger: Your Majesty, King Oropher’s here to see you!
Finwe: walking faster
Oropher: Finwe!!
Finwe: -fucking sprinting!!
The Noldor of Valinor get to spectate as their high king is running full speed away from this feral silvan king while screaming bloody murder.
What, you thought Feanor got his attitude from Finwe? No way, that was all Miriel.
(PS, this is all in an AU where Oropher is a silvan, and thus was not in Doriath or in Beriland at all when the first age shit went down, (though he feels the need to point out that, just bc they weren’t involved with the noldor drama, that doesn’t mean they didn’t fight against Morgoth, they were just not geographically close enough to be apart of the armies in Beriland)
Oropher, Thranduil, Legolas and other family and friends would all know, but they’re all collectively ignoring the Feanorian mess bc that bunch has been labeled “the insane half of the family” (completely ignoring their own feralness, as you do)
But, can you imagine:
Elrond: -look, they might have kidnapped me and Elros, but they were the best parents anyone could ask for-
Thranduil, drowning in his wine to hide his expresion: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
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a-hundred-musings · 8 months
You know, here's a small rant from me: I hate it when Celebrimbor is shown to be a "softie-boy" or a "naïve child" or just... someone condescending and stupid. Like, yeah I'm guilty of it too (who isn't?) but it just makes me wonder why he's presented as that in fics anywhere.
I read this fic on AO3? Celebrimbor is a stupid duck. Or he's just very naïve and easy to prank. I read another fic? Celebrimbor is a whiny baby who can't stand up for himself. I read another one? He's a man-child.
Look, I get why he's presented in that way, but can we not do that? Especially considering the things this boy has gone through which really wouldn't make him a "child-like" person, but more of a mature adult who has experienced things no one should ever experience.
Before and during the First Age, he's experienced so much:
Nerdanel and Feanor falling out -- that basically messed up entire Aman back then, but mainly their kids, so imagine how Curufin would have reacted to that.
The feud between Feanor and Fingolfin and Finarfin
The time when Feanor threatened Fingolfin
The time when the Two Trees were destroyed
The time when Melkor killed his great-grandfather Finwe.
Feanor going Mad™
The uprising of the Noldor
The First Kinslaying
His grandfather going feral and his father and uncles swearing an oath on a literal suicide-mission
One of his youngest uncles getting burned and basically died (or lived, depends on which version you follow)
A time of literal darkness. Like, no light at all. It really messed up the psyche of so many people.
Feanor abandoning his brother on the shores of Valinor -- that would mess up anyone really.
A literal battle. Like, more blood is being shed -- not only of elves, but of other creatures Tyelpe has probably never seen or heard of before.
His grandfather being so consumed by his fire and spontaneously combusting. That too, he either saw or heard of Feanor literally bursting into flames -- that is pretty traumatising.
The crossing of the Helcaraxe -- no seriously, that would mess anyone up knowing that people they love are literally walking on glaciers and over deathly waters with a 50% chance of survival.
Maedhros being crowned King of the Noldor, and an unspoken fact that there is more than one king of the Noldor -- the political implications here...
The abduction of Maedhros. Need this be explained further?
His uncles and father being concerningly close to starting a whole world-war
The rising of the Sun and the moon (like, what are those big spheres in the sky? Are they something from Melkor? Are they a sign of the End™? What is it?)
The arrival of Fingolfin's group, with more dead and furious people.
The mental health of everyone deteriorating. No, I won't explain because this era was filled with bad times.
No one knowing what to do now, since Maglor was naturally crowned the Regent King of the Noldor, and he has his own problems.
After 34 years of wondering what on earth has happened to Maedhros, he returns scarred with no right hand, and presumed torture marks.
Everyone literally holding their breaths for what will happen next.
Maedhros surrendering his crown to Fingolfin. That would hurt bad like a blow.
Literally only a few years of peace filled with tension.
Fingolfin decides to kick Melkor's arse and dies.
The Nirnaeth Arnoediad.
The Second Kinslaying.
The Fall of Gondolin
Making the decision of abandoning his father and uncles, going on his own separate path.
The death of so many of his family members and father and uncles. That is messed up. The amount of psychological trauma he's already been through...
Like, imagine his guilt of not being there with his father, imagine how much he second-guessed his actions...
The Third Kinslaying. The deaths of more elves, his uncle (or uncles), and really, just more death.
The crown of the Noldor being passed on so many times until it reached Gil-Galad. Imagine the humiliation and just the shock of the realisation of the number of people who have been crowned within a span of a few centuries.
The kidnapping of Elrond and Elros. While it probably wouldn't harm Tyelpe's psychological health, it must have been pretty messed up to find out that your two remaining uncles have committed a few more war crimes.
The War of the Wrath. Now, while it was mainly against Men, there is no doubt that some elves have been killed due to the war (given Gil-Galad's camps etc), so imagine him getting into some stray fights with the orcs or those Men who follow Melkor.
The Fourth Kinslaying. No need to further elaborate.
The death of Maedhros, and Maglor becoming a cryptid. Who wouldn't that mess up?
Surviving the First Age. Like, give this Tyelpe the recognition he truly deserves. Give him a few rings and trophies for enduring so long and he still hasn't gone down to insanity. That too, all this happened within the span of like, 600 years.
The Second Age:
Beleriand is under the sea
His "cousins" (Elrond and Elros) going their separate ways
The death of Elros (I think this is pretty self-explanatory, given the numerous HCs on the twins and Celebrimbor)
No one has any idea what has happened to Maglor. Is he alive? Is he dead? Who knows.
Rumours of a sinister evil lurking in the shadows and really, some tensions are visibly arising.
He finds this very powerful and alluring stranger who knows quite a bit about the art of smithing. They collaborate despite warnings from Galadriel, Gil-Galad, Elrond and a few others.
After giving thought to make powerful rings, Annatar watches over as Celebrimbor makes the rings for Men and Dwarves.
Newsflash: Annatar wants the rings, and he tainted them.
Celebrimbor makes the 3 Elven Rings in secret so Annatar can't get to them, but he gets kidnapped and tortured.
Like, really badly tortured. Annatar wants those 3 rings.
Celebrimbor eventually is killed, and is impaled on a spear, then given to Gil-Galad's camp after years of torture.
He went straight to his family. Can't tell if this will add to his trauma, but still.
While he didn't survive the Second Age, this boy went through so much pain, and... really, I feel like he doesn't get much of the appreciation he deserves.
Thank you for coming to my little rant as to why we need more fics that paint Celebrimbor as someone who isn't a stupid and naïve child, but more of a wiser version of Feanor and Curufin. He is not a tantrummy baby, for Ilúvatar's sake!
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lordgrimwing · 5 months
Stealthros AU
[from this ask!]
The Basics: Malkor establishes his on kingdom in Middle-earth, enthralling/enslaving most of the elves before being defeated by the Valar and tossed into Mandos to contemplate his bad behavior (no elves ever went to Valinor). When he gets out on good behavior, he steals three glowing eggs from a group of dragons, killing dragon!Finwe and wounding dragon!Nerdanel in the process (similar process to Melkor leaving in the book). He then flees across the sea back to Middle-earth to reclaim his kingship. The rest of the dragon family chases after him, desperate to get their unhatched children/siblings back. The dragons work with the free peoples to over-throw Melkor, Feanor is killed at some point never seeing his lost eggs again. — @nighttimepatrons has some fricken awesome art of these dragons. Go check it out! —
Now, the dragons never tell their tentative allies that the ‘silmarils’ are eggs, so as far as anyone knows, the silmarils are just special gems that the dragons want back. Once Melkor is defeated, the elves/men/dwarves don’t give the remaining dragons the silmarils as agreed upon when the alliance was first made, keeping them for themselves (the light of the silmarils helps crops grow and keeps evil creatures away and are just all around very tempting things to keep hold of in a war-ruined land).
Inevitably, this leads to the dragons turning on the newly freed peoples (ie, welcome to the kinslayings on a massive scale). The dragons die one by one, the eggs always just out of reach. Celegorm has a classic western dragon arc with Luthien and Beren before they slay him. Finally, it’s down to Maedhors (the Enormous) and Maglor, and Celebrimbor who never took part in the slaughter for the silmarils because he loves elves, and he’s actually living in Eregion with the elves.
Because Kidnap Fam is kind of a requirement for us, M+M end up with young Elros and Elrond after another failed attempt to get a silmaril. M+M raise E+E and they become half-feral, fearless foster sons committed to helping their dragon dads get what’s theirs!
Okay, that was a lot but there you have the basis for the AU. Now on to some fun details.
The AU got it’s name because Elros is a silly guy who is very proud of how sneaky he can be, how stealthy. He calls himself Stealthros (get it? Stealthy Elros. Steathros. We’re so funny)
Now, because Elros and Elrond are So stealthy and sneaky and want to help their dads, who by this time are starting to give up, they decide to sneak into the treasury of the Noldor King and get the silmaril hidden within. Things go great until they get caught. Elros manages to escape (Stealthros for the win!) but Elrond gets tossed into a prison cell while the king figures out what to do.
Let’s talk about Gil-galad, the King of the Noldor.
Gil-galad, like many of the Noldor, was a thrall of Morgoth, freed after the dragons defeated the Vala. He bares a passing resemblance to Fingon, one of the free Noldor kings who died during the wars and dear friend of Maedhros. With some coaching from Cirdan (who never was a thrall), Gil-galad manages to convince the newly freed and leaderless Noldor that he is the son/grandson of Fingon. Whatever your thoughts on this deception, he’s doing a great shop of rebuilding the world and ensuring people don’t starve. Maedhros refuses to meet with him for any kind of treaties to end the attacks because he knows this upstart usurper is no relation of Fingon the Valiant. Gil-galad has the scars of a setting/rising star cut into his forehead. He doesn’t talk about it.
He's a good king, and he’s terrified when he ends up with a silmaril. He feels the Doom hanging over him and a bit of disappointment: from the stories, he expected something far grander from a silmaril, something glowing with otherworldly light, bright and holy; instead, all he has is a slightly shiny rock that collects dust and invites two nasty dragons to descend on the city. Whatever goodness and power that was housed in the thing is long gone. He hates it.
Now he has this this wild half-elf, foster son of the same monsters, too. He’s so Doomed.
He tries to talk with Elrond. In an ideal world, he’d get an agreement where he frees the boy and gives him the rock, but based on history, even that could bring death flying on dragon wings.
The talk doesn’t go well. Elrond appears to have forgotten his native language, and he only hisses and snaps at Gil-galad, even biting his hand when he gets too close!
There’s only one thing for it: he sends a message to Eregion, asking for someone who’s learned dragon-speech from Celebrimbor to home translate for him.
Celebrimbor is kind of a busybody, though, so he flies over to Lindon himself to see what’s going on and meet the elf-child his uncles raised.
Elrond bullies Celebrimbor. He’s so mean to the dragon 100x his size, it’s unbelievable. He says all kinds of things about Celebrimbor abandoning his family. He punches him in the nose!—Celebrimbor has no idea how to handle this from someone so small. He maybe cries a little. Gil-galad tries not to get second-hand embarrassment.
And that’s kind of it. I Elrond gets back to his dragon dads (Stealthros probably breaks him out), Gil-galad and Celebrimbor probably don’t die (but couldn’t you just imagine a scene like that one from HotD, with Elros on Maedhros chasing them down? shivers).
I’m sure Nightie has more awesome ideas to share (especially focused on the dragons)!
Ask me about fics that live rent-free in my head!
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1, 13 and 25 for the choose violence asks please!
the character everyone gets wrong
Let's see, I already did Maedhros, and and I did posts about most of the other Fëanoreans as well (but seriously, everyone does get Celegorm wrong, he's politically ambitious and dangerous, not dumb and feral).
I think much of fandom gets the Valar wrong. The thing that I always come back to about the Valar is that everything they do is about love for the Eruhini and wanting them to be happy and safe and well. They err (because the Eruhini are meant for more than just being happy and safe), but it's all coming from that place of love and care. They ask the Elves to come to Aman so that they're not exposed to the dangers of Middle-earth. (I think they don't stay in Middle-earth in part because they remember Almaren and the destruction of the lamps, which ruined continents.) They let the elves do basically what they want - they've got virtually no rules besides "don't threaten to kill people" and "don't kill people", both of which come up in response to situations they really never anticipated. The rescue of Maedhros by Thorondor and the foundation of Nargothrond and Gondolin shows that they are clearly willing to help the Noldor, even after the Kinslaying and the Doom.
The difficulty is, in part the nature of their power. The Valar are at the same time tremendously powerful, to the point where they cannot have a direct war with the forces of evil without it levelling continents, and much less powerful than we expect them to be. They can't stop the Kinslaying by snapping their fingers and pulling all the elves' weapons out of their hands; that's not an ability they have, and getting involved would mean personally killing large numbers of elves, something they are clearly unwilling to do. They're far from omniscient; they don't always know what's happening outside Valinor. So people get confused and aggravated by them, because they simultaneously have the powers of gods and lack the powers of comic book superheroes.
13. worst blorboficiation
Finrod!! I get so tired of seeing him portrayed as a ditz, as a flake, as naïve, as sleeps-with-everything. Finrod is probably both the most intelligent and the most intellectually curious character in The Silmarillion (come on, the longest scene we get with him an an extended philosophical debate!), as well as being the wisest and most thoughtful. He's the linchpin of diplomacy for all Beleriand and things fall apart without him. He's not naïve; he walks to his death knowing that's what he's doing (he's already foreseen that his oath to Barahir will destroy him and that Nargothrond will not survive).
I think where it comes from is the fact that he's kind, and there's a sort of assumption running through society that kindness and intelligence/awareness are opposed to each other; that someone who is ruthless must also be intelligent, and that someone who is kind must also be dumb. (I partly blame House and Sherlock.) Neither are true.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
"Yes but the Silmarils are the Fëanoreans' property!" When did tumblr of all places start believing in the absolute sanctity of property rights? No need to go all stand-your-ground/libertarian about it.
I don't care. I really don't. I think that Beren and Lúthien achieving the impossible feat of getting one out of Angband, at overwhelming personal cost and in the teeth of Fëanorean opposition, does give them a right to it, and I think the Fëanoreans cease to have any right to make any demands whatsoever of the people they attempted to rape and murder, or of those people's son. The Silmaril itself accepts Beren's claim, in despite of the Silmarils being hallowed against "mortal flesh", even as it later rejects the Fëanoreans'. Beren and Luthien suffer greatly in order to obtain the Silmaril, they are meant to have it, and the fact that it is part of their family line enables the salvation of Middle-earth. That's enough for me.
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carlandrea · 2 years
do you have any more thoughts for the Silm Warrior cats au? It’s like crack catnip to me
oh DO I
Some scattered thoughts:
Huan is a dog. he's just like a wolfhound. Nightsong (Luthien) does still ride on his back.
I'm only giving the high kings the -star suffix, because otherwise like. pretty much everyone would get it? Because so many people are like the king of something or other. And that's just not very fun suffixes are fun. The noldor don't have a clan name yet because i haven't thought of a good one (Taking suggestions) but I do think they're less centralized and more prone to infighting than the ones we see in the warrior cats books, but they do only have one proper leader with the nine lives and the etc.
The fact that Morgoth is like. a human man with a gun in this au makes the Nirnaeth so much more fucking insane than like i think it feels in the silm proper—like we can't really conceptualize the idea of going to war with a god, but like. The idea of a bunch of feral cats attacking a human dudes house because he stole their special rocks
ALSO very funny that Morgoth stole some special rocks from the feral cats in the woods and EXTREMELY funny that he's so invested in the entire situation
The silmarils also need a fun warrior cats sounding name, but I don't think functionally they'll change that much? Like Warrior Cats has magic and starclan so like they can still be magic glowing rocks I think. And like I think we could just make them by having Fireheart (feanor) figure out how to carve and smooth either like gems or even shards of glass to make something like seaglass and then they were made magic by like. starclan. Still not sure what to call them
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starspray · 3 months
4, 18, 26 for the weird writer asks, please? :)
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
Something about the word gnashing just so perfectly encompasses what it is that it makes me--well, it makes me gnash my teeth.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, why is crepuscular such an ugly-ass word for what it means?? That should be illegal.
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
It's only 200 words and 2 scenes so I'll talk about it in its entirety: Ash and Blood
I've said before that I'm reluctant to write Maedhros, but when I was thinking about Feanorian week this year the idea that Feanor burned and then much later Maedhros burned struck me quite hard. And then the idea that Tolkien characters, even ones not particularly known for their foresight, are subject to a kind of foretelling of doom, often their own.
And then I was thinking about the kingship and Maedrhos' giving up of it, and I was thinking about symbols--actually, the image of the damaged and dirty crown probably came first and triggered the rest of this, now that I think of it.
I had to do a lot of fiddling around with the second drabble because I was damned if I wasn't going to include the line This is what it is to be the king of the Noldor. And through that fiddling I wanted to highlight the ice imagery that gets associated with Fingolfin as a foil to the hot fire of Feanor, but I also wanted to point to their similarities? I hope I succeeded, anyway.
26. How do you get into your character’s head? How do you get out? Do you ever regret going in there in the first place?
Honestly, I just start writing. Often it takes a lot of stopping and starting--I'll write a few hundred words and then delete them either immediately or the next time I come back to the WIP, rinse and repeat. Eventually I write my way into an understanding of the character and what's going on with them. A playlist with suitable vibes also helps, but hell if I can articulate what those vibes ever are.
It's kind of an odd question to ask if I ever regret it, though--it's not like I become the character, or whatever. I'm still me, and the character is still basically an imaginary barbie doll I am putting into Situations to see what happens. None of it's real, and it's not like I ever lose track of that.
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youareunbearable · 2 months
Rereading one of my fav bagginshield fics and it just casually mentions a bunch of stuff that would have such fascinating implications for the Silmarillion as just background lore/word building bits (ik its just cause the author hasn't read the Silm and is just dropping extra Tolkien tidbits for funsies) but it has me going feral trying to figure out the wider world.
Bilbo has a Beleriand rug??? And its implied that its a nice rug because its from a far away land and exotic instead of like, thousands and thousands of years old??
Smaug never came so the Dwarves still have a strong hold in the east?? But Moria fell?? Was it retaken???? So Balrogs are still a thing????
People just know the difference between Noldor Elves and Sindarin Elves??? Is this implying that there are enough Noldor to around that this is just common knowledge? Especially since the Shire is moved to be between Erebor, Dale, and Mirkwood?? Were there not battles and wars that decimated the Noldor ranks in the first and second ages?? Are their strongholds still standing??? Why do the Hobbits know Noldor Elves by sight alone???
Why are the Wizards here if there is no worry of a growing Shadow??? Ik Orcs are still around and a low key problem but why?? Was the last alliance at the end of the second age a thing?? Was sauron defeated? How did Beleriand play into it?? Are the Feanorians still alive???
What about the kingdoms of men around where the Shire used to be??? Are they still here or they gone?? What about Numenor?????
I've decided that this fic is the Thilbo End Of The Third Age AU for the Threadverse Silmarillion fic series
Maedhros and Fingon are both high kings of the Noldor; Maeglin, Celebrimbor, and Curufin are all running Eregion (its mostly Maeglin though); Gil-Galad is just vibing in Lindon, his little city just an alternative stop for traders/an in-between city like Thargelion a little more north.
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legitimatesatanspawn · 11 months
What if Beren and Luthien were genderbent?
Ooh, that's an interesting question.
Now, forewarning: this is just a bunch of theories and personal thoughts on the matter so don't take this as canon. It is rooted in what we do know of the families involved and a bit in how social structures work in the setting, but in this case it is completely me talking out of hand about this.
Names. This is a big thing to me because I love names and this will help me keep the idea separate from canon. Luthien is Quenyan for "flower-daughter" so let's go with one of the Quenyan suffixes for males… Luthion sounds good if a bit too on the nose. Another option for flower are Lot/Loth from Ninquelótë, Númellótë, and Vingilot. So Lótëmon? Now Beren was named after his maternal grandfather, but since I don't know his grandmother's name we'll go up the tree for his great-grandmother Adanel. I'm guessing his mother Emeldir got naming rights to go with Beren instead of him getting named after Bregor. Admittedly Lotemon and Adanel might not roll off as easily as Luthien and Beren but they work for this post.
Brief Discussion of Upbringing: Beren and Luthien Beren, or Adanel now as this will be easier. While Artanis (or Galadriel as we know her) is the biggest Noldorian female who stands out in my memory with the next one being Nerdanel who was the wife of Feanor who deserves her own loredump post, the laws of succession in Numenor which in turn are basically spread to the civilizations of Man to varying degrees in the known lands of Middle Earth are cribbed off of those of the Noldor. Which is why I'm bringing two Noldor elves up here. Basically titles go paternally to the nearest male descendant although in the case of a female eldest child she still receives family heirlooms as her birthright. (Doesn't make up for it but whatever.) Although I do remember there being a case where there were several older daughters onto whom one of the Numenorian kings tried to pass the title to but their grandmother spooked them like some grammas tend to do, so they refused and the title went to their younger brother. Now here's the fun bit: Beren's mother (much like Luthien's Melian) Emeldir is a BAMF. Her name and her title both basically were "the man-hearted woman". So Emeldir without doubt kicked ass, lived to at least 50 going by the events surrounding Dagor Bragollach (the Battle of Sudden Flame), and I like to think she raised Beren to understand important stuff like consent and a refusal being just that. So while I think that "Adanel" would be treated just as Beren would, she wouldn't get exactly the same equal treatment. But given her mother, her father would likely try anyway. So Beren's life as a woman would be largely unchanged. Luthien, or as she'll be here "Lótëmon", is still the only child of Thingol and Melian. Still half-maia, still likely beautiful and fairer beyond everything. Still probably has a thing for tall, broad shouldered, and golden-brown half-feral people spotted in the forest. Maybe a little more leeway when it comes to things and hopefully not kidnapped (which would mean no Huan) but considering he'll still be Beautiful and how beauty is often coveted in the setting… I suspect that "Lotemon" will also live largely the same life.
Quest and Future Rather than demanding the Silmaril as the brideprice, perhaps it is instead just a proof of strength or resoluteness or something. Again, Thingol would've probably thought Beren/"Adanel" would actually be able to do it but the sheer balls to go through with it and return with that damn bold claim of it being indeed still in hand when they return… The knockoff effects for the future will be different though. Luthien and Beren's story was fairly unusual and set the stage for an elf choosing a mortal, and a mortal pursing something dangerous in the name of love. A man may be viewed as brave in some societies/civilizations by their fellow men while a woman instead deemed foolish for the same actions which is disgusting but there it is. A woman using beauty to bewitch her enemies would be 'sexy' while a man doing the same would be different and perhaps seen as underhanded. Although it would be one of the goodside counterparts to Sauron's wiles and paint the idea that cleverness such as that is not always in service of selfish cruelty. It's possible that instead of singing of Luthien's beauty they'd be singing of "Lotemon" and his cunning. There's also some slightly different implications of the mortal woman dying and waiting for her love who when he joins her has to fight for the right for them to stay together in death or in life. This also means that Thingol taking in Turin would have a few more connotations of replacing his lost son instead of caring for a second child who is different from his daughter. So maybe Turin would be even more eager to run out to fight since he doesn't want to be seen as a pale shadow to "Lotemon".
TLDR Different names, slightly different upbringings, somewhat different after effects, but since the Song is a thing and the Silmarils are still a big big thing with the characters then the story would likely stay largely the same.
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fandomsandfairytales · 3 months
For the unwritten fics game - the terrifying sons of Fëanor and the baseball AU!
(Also you have to divide tags up into five per paragraph now, two of them didn't go through.)
Thank you for letting me know about the dividing tags!! I just updated the post, so hopefully they've all gone through now.
These descriptions got kinda long so I put them under a cut XD
Terrifying sons of Fëanor
This was largely (to my memory) inspired by reading in The Silmarillion about how Maedhros was scary and intimidating to the point that orcs fled from him in fear, and just reading about how people were fearful of the Fëanorians in battle in general.
This was one of the quotes I was thinking of from The Silm:
“Maedhros did deeds of surpassing valour, and the Orcs fled before his face; for since his torment upon Thangorodrim his spirit burned like a white fire within, and he was as one that returns from the dead.”
And also this:
"[Maedhros'] body recovered from his torment and became hale, but the shadow of his pain was in his heart; and he lived to wield his sword with left hand more deadly than his right had been."
I also recalled Maglor killing Uldor for betraying them in the Nirnaeth, and the epithet "Celegorm the Cruel." In my running list of ideas, I wrote the following down when I came up with the overall idea:
A story (or stories?) where we get to see how epically *terrifying* the Noldor are in battle. Please. I need to read about Maedhros being terrifying to any orcs crossing his path and scaring anyone around him. I need to hear Maglor softly whispering “Nelyo?” and see the battle-light fade from his brother’s eyes. I need to hear Maglor shrieking and his voice horrible and awful, ringing off the walls, sharp and overpowering with Song. I need to see Celegorm on the hunt, fierce and feral. I need to read about Caranthir, face and countenance as black as his hair, any hint of redness gone from his pale face (or, conversely, his face dark with color). I need to read about Curufin with crazy weapons, designed to be deadly, and he is terrifyingly, freakily calm as he strides across the battlefield, knowing even a tiny slice of his knife will cause an enemy to bleed out. I need to read about Ambarussa, cunning and sly and how nobody should ever, ever underestimate them as they work in a pair to drive their enemies back, orcs and elves alike. I need it. (It could be 7 chapters. Maybe 8, if I wanted to do each of the Ambarussa)
I think it would be intense and it could easily end up quite dark if I wanted to go that direction (I don't really want to, however), and I have the feeling I'd need to do some research. But I haven't read anything quite like it before and I would enjoy writing it and reading it later, I think. Each chapter could be a compilation of moments in battle, from the viewpoints of other characters—perhaps one or two from a brother and then others from enemies. If I write it, it might be pretty short, but I like the idea of expanding further on each individual sub-idea I wrote down.
Baseball AU
This was partly inspired by seeing something on Twitter about season 1 Rings of Power* and how Elrond's cloak/outfit had runes with Eärendil's name on it, and someone made a joke about how it's the equivalent of a sports jersey. (I really thought I took a screenshot of it, and I searched in like 5 different possible folders for it for about 10 minutes but couldn't find it, so if I ever stumble across it again I'll add it to this post.) Also, from a quick Google searching, apparently TheOneRing.net has an article analyzing the cloak, if anyone's interested.
(Update: I FOUND IT!!! It was this tweet. I don't think I screenshotted it, but I happened upon a response I had made in a Discord server to someone posting the tweet.)
Anyway, I was so amused by the idea that I drew a little picture of a baseball jersey with "Eärendilion" on the back, along with the number 8. (I liked the idea of incorporating both Elrond's biological and adopted family into the design.)
And then—this is where my memory gets a little hazy—I think later on in the summer, my family had baseball on the TV in the background, and one of the teams playing was the Seattle Mariners. I had either just been rereading The Silm (bc I did that last summer) or had been recently on Tumblr scrolling through Silm stuff or somehow remembered my Eärendilion sports jersey design. In any case, I had The Silm on my mind and noticed the baseball team and went to myself "hey. HEY. Mariners. Like Eärendil, get it?" and thought it was hilarious. I decided that if they ever had baseball teams in Valinor or Middle-Earth or wherever, they'd definitely have a Mariners team.
It didn't really go anywhere from there until earlier this year, when I came up with "Finwë Park," a play on Fenway Park (the Red Sox baseball team's stadium), and that amused me as well. I kept thinking that it would be cool to do more with this idea, especially with plays on names both in The Silm and in real life, but didn't have any more ideas until tonight, when we were once again watching baseball. I remembered a few fics I've read that are essentially sports commentaries, and that made me think "hey. I could probably write that. I think." And then went "well, hmmm, I feel like with a baseball game it would be less interesting because you have to *imagine* these things happening, seeing or hearing it is a lot more interesting than reading, and if you don't know baseball well it might get kinda boring....WAIT. WHAT IF...what if I made a podfic. Of sports commentary for a Silm characters baseball game. I could totally get sound clips of crowd noise and baseballs being caught and hit from online, and I could change the pitch on my voice so it's lower or higher to differentiate between commentators....oh heck yeah. This now sounds really fun."
I feel like this would take a while to get together (both the writing and the podfic), but I would want to release the text and audio at the same time. Summer is the prime time for baseball, so I'm going to try to pay more attention to baseball games over the next couple months and see what I can come up with!
Thank you so so much for the ask :D (especially for one of the unwritten fics that I came up with most of the ideas for literally tonight, lol)
Link to my not-yet-written/unwritten fics here.
*I am neither a ROP supporter or hater, I'm a...neutral and kinda "meh" party, interested enough to hear about where it goes but not interested enough to really get into it and develop strong opinions. I've heard plenty on both sides. I didn't really want to get into it in this post since that was not the point here XD
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‘more dangerous and less wise’ I’m sorry WHAT!? Is Tolkien seriously trying to tell us that the freaking Sindar are the feral ones out of all the Elven races? After the entire First Age? As for more dangerous, Galadriel is still here. You know, Feanor 2.0 the only one that actually survived. Using the Elven metric for being batshit insane yes, Mirkwood is weird, but not swearing blood oaths, setting everything on fire, murdering everyone in sight, telling the gods to go fuck themselves, challenging gods to one on one combat insane.
The line of Oropher isn’t even Thingol levels of mental. They’ve never even touched a silmaril or a ring of power! They’re downright sensible by first age standards! They’re arrogant sure, they have low self preservation instincts and seem pretty xenophobic (dwarf stuff). Also depending on your point of view there might be colonist undertones. All of which is just toned down versions of the First Age Sindar. They probably have developed weird customs from living in the murder forest so long and being pretty isolated but there’s nothing to indicate they’re all that bad. I mean they’re still alive and they’re holding on to their kings at a relatively steady rate.
I absolutely agree with takes going around that this is some sort of deliberate protection technique they have to ward off trespassers and that Thranduil is sitting there in his cave coming up with rumours to spread about all the messed up things they do to people. Because in the book they seem kind of chill? And this becomes a million times more funny to me if he bases the rumours off stuff he heard about from Elrond.
As in ‘Yeah we totally eat giant spider meat, that’s definitely a thing we do,’ and everyone’s reacting as horrified and scared or not falling for it while Elrond’s believing every word and just looks sympathetic, ‘Aww you guys have food shortages? I hear you, supplies were pretty shit during all that destruction of an entire continent in the War of Wrath. You know if you wanted more options I wouldn’t recommend raw orc meat before you build up a tolerance but I can defo show you how to butcher them properly!’ Thranduil just staring back at him like ‘Fuck you. I was trying to make up some story to scare children at night with, you guys actually did this shit? How hard is it to come up with something you fucking Noldor haven’t done already?!’
And also: Thranduil proceeds to take out a notepad, ‘Ok so tell me again about what the kinslayers did to interrogate those prisoners?’ And Elrond replies, ‘Oh, that wasn’t Maglor and Maedhros, that was a story about Gil Galad’s army in the War of Wrath.’ Thranduil ‘I’m sorry WHAT the actual fuck.’ Elrond nodding understandingly ‘Too much for the Third Age?’ Thranduil rapidly taking notes ‘No it’s perfect keep it coming.’
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imakemywings · 11 months
There is this one discourse that always makes me giggle and I would love to hear your opinion on it. You know how there's always that never-ending debate over the ownership of that rock or something (where people would always avoid using the religious themes implied in the canon for the sake of defending the fandom faves) and sometimes the most feral and popular takes love to say 'Oh the thieves should have given it to the feanorians' 'elwing is a thief and a bitch for not having given up the silmaril to the monsters of her childhood', 'luthein and dior and earendil and elwing are thieves and should be sued for idk stealing the rock', 'thieves thieves thieves' and all that stuff but like remember how the faves were thieves for idk stealing the swan ships (which was probably the most prized treasures for the teleri) and then burning it (the audacity) in losgar. Like so sad the rocks were stolen and one elf was killed and that they stooped so low by doing the same thing, stealing and killing too, but that debate is taken lightly and sometimes mockingly because the teleris weren't fandom faves like the noldor? I guess?
I think most fandom hypocrisy like this, not just in the Silm fandom, but everywhere, comes from so-called "character-centric morality" where people are just more willing to forgive or even totally overlook similar behaviors engaged in by their favs. I think I talked about this on one of the other posts, but people overlook or excuse things the Feanorians do which they would absolutely condemn Dior or Elwing for simply because the Feanorians are popular and people like them and want to excuse them, whereas they want anyone who stands in opposition to them to be clearly in the wrong.
Honestly a lot of the "Luthien/Dior/Elwing are thieves" crowd probably overlook entirely the theft of the swan ships. Others will probably place responsibility entirely on Feanor for that and say his kids were just going along with him.
If people are determined never to view the Feanorians as being in the wrong, there's not really much to be done ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I'm dying XD
Glorfindel after killing the balrog, dying with said balrog and coming back because the valar thought it was cool:
Silvans: first time, eh?
Some random Silvan: oh, so I kill two and no other elf bats an eye, but WHEN GLORFINDEL DOES IT SUDDENLY HE'S THE ALMIGHTY ONE, EH?! I'm sensing some favoritism-bullshit here.
All the silvans protesting how they’re left out of history (other than the necessities where the historians don’t get away with erasing them) bc they don’t care for the valar and the sailed elves’ opinions one bit: HELLOOOO??? WHY ARE YOU ONLY PORTRAYING OUR FAILURES??? WE FIGHT MORGOTH AND SAURON HEAD ON FOR MILLENIA AND THIS IS THE THANKS WE GET??
Glorfindel: - so that’s why I got chosen by the valar to come back in the time of need.
Silvans, who’ve been fighting balrogs regularly during the years of the trees and 1st age: wow, weak sauce.
Noldor elf: and that’s why we don’t trust the feanorians
Silvan: see, what I don’t understand is: we can’t die. Like, we literally cannot do that. So why are you so pressed about a little massacre? It spices life up a bit.
Silvans in valinor:
Silvan 1: which one would hurt more: being cut in half vertically or horizontally?
Silvan 2: I don’t know, but let’s find out-
The valar: No KiNsLaYiNg
Silvans: ok, but this is like, consensual murder. Murder with benefits, if you will.
In valinor:
Silvan 1: *about to drink poison*
Silvan 2: what are you doing?
Silvan 1: can’t sleep, so I thought I’d take a spiritual trip to the halls to catch some rest.
Silvan 2: can I use your body in an experiment once you’ve passed on?
Silvan 1: yeah go ahead.
Noldor, teleri, vanyar, sindar: life is sacred
Silvans: *cackling in the distance*
Thranduil, in the first age watching all these baby elves who could be his grand kids take offence over literally everything: jfc, what did the valar do to them. Did they loose their common sense???
Lasgen, his daughter and eldest: don’t ask me. I don’t get why they’re so worked up over a bit of murder. And very clearly goaled murder with forewarning at that!
This has turned into another incorrect quotes for my feral silvans au
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 years
October 10th - Campfire 🔥
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This one is dedicated to @maglor-my-beloved and all the other shippers of this pairing.
This story is NSFW!!! There will be bondage, female masturbation, teasing...a lot of unsavoury things, in short.
Words: 635
Warning: NSFW, smut
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Írissë laughed – a low, thrumming, electrifying sound that made Tyelkormo struggle even more desperately against the restraints she had wound around his body – and crouched down, legs falling open provocatively, in front of him with a mocking smile.
It had all started with one of those silly little challenges they made up to pass the time during the lulls in their hunting expeditions and it had quickly devolved into this; she was as naked as him and, thanks to her position, he could clearly see just how ready she was for him and the things she wouldn’t let him give her…yet.
The campfire cast odd reflections flickering over her beautiful skin and he bared his teeth in a feral, growling expression of his primal yearning for her flesh; had he not been bound hand and foot, he would have bitten and scratched her in retribution for her merciless teasing, but, as he was indeed trussed, he could only curse and beg her in quick succession.
She laughed again, trailing one fire-warmed, smooth finger along his weeping cock playfully; it had been an eternity of her touching him thus, driving him to the edge of insanity and then leaving him suspended over the abyss while the hooks and spines of unsatisfied desire dug deeply into his flesh.
“Sweet Tyelko,” she purred and spread open-mouthed, nipping kisses along the ridge of his collarbone, “what is it that you would have from me?” 
Her lips wandered along his bones – vibrating with penned-up lust under his rippling muscles – as if she was sitting coyly in the library, tracing the scientific drawings with an indolent finger. 
“Release me,” he begged, the ambiguity of his words lost on neither one of them. “Let me touch you, let me have you!”
Tutting in a perfect imitation of their mothers, she shook her head mournfully – just above his neglected member – and let her tongue dart out to harvest the drop of clear fluid like one would lick morning dew off a flower petal. “You’re angry, Tyelko,” she smiled, “and you’re dangerous when you’re enraged.”
“I. Am. Not.” He was beyond annoyance and fury now; his breath was ragged with despair as the crest her minute caress had pushed him towards flattened into dull, torturous pain once more.
“You are the most beautiful,” she asseverated, settling on her haunches and plunging her hand between her legs – squeezing and rubbing the swollen flesh – in a display of debauchery that drove tears to his eyes. “So much more than my brothers…or yours.”
Between the unexpected praise and the alluring sight of her eyes rolling wildly as she increased the pace and intensity of the caresses she now only lavished upon her own touch-starved body, Tyelkormo felt his insides catch fire again, bringing his rushing blood to an excruciating boil.
“Let me serve you then,” he pleaded, “let me taste the nectar you’re wasting on the uncaring forest soil. Beloved huntress, you may well slay your quarry by chivvying it to death. I yield, Írissë, I am begging you in earnest.”
A sound midway between a sob and a bellow tore itself from his kiss-bruised lips as her eyes flew open – dark with lust and seduction – and her mouth curled into the feline grin of a predator about to pounce upon its prey.
The blade she used to cut through his bonds – neither one of them having the patience to carefully untie what could be viciously unmade – bit into his writhing skin, but he cared not.
Throwing himself against her to pin her down on the warm, fragrant, mossy carpet of the clearing, the most handsome of Fëanorians – according to the White Lady of the Noldor – sunk his teeth into the soft skin of her throat and his aching cock into the welcoming heat of her body.
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@fellowshipofthefics be advised, this is a dirty one!!!
I hope y'all are not too disappointed/put off by this :D I love you all and wish you only the best ❤️‍🔥
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drawulan · 13 days
Hello !
Sorry to disturb you. Everytime you post something on Oromë and Celegorm, I'm totally in love. I really love their designs! They look so feral with this hunters' style. Sort of pagan and classical greek representation. I love them ! (Fan of Artemis here)
Do you think someday you'll do Aredhel with this type of style ? Your white lady of noldor is really pretty, but she seems really well-behaved in comparison to Celegorm. You know, to have some representation of a pretty lady doing fool things and living her best life in forest.
Anyways, it was just to express my admiration for your designs. Do not feel pressure to answer.
Have a good day 💚
- @laisrinel
Oh, thank you so much for such words! It means a lot to me that you feel that way about my art!
Sure, I’ll definitely try to do Aredhel the same way in the future 🥰 (after all, most elves of the first age are quite feral, in my opinion)!
Thank you for your ask! 💜💜💜
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