#fic: for only the strongest shall rule
💙 Chapter Update: For Only The Strongest Shall Rule 💙
The link below now sends you directly to the latest chapter of my longfic. ☺️ My knucklehead self just realized that the “share” option on AO3 (at least as far as I’ve observed 😅) shares the entire fic from the beginning, even when I’ve used the feature through the page of the latest update.
Yup, I know I tend to write super long chapters, but I also do it when there’s a long gap in between updates. (Also I tend to make sure I cover most of my chapter outlines lolol)
Always grateful for engagement: comments, kudos, etc 🥰 Oya!! 🙌🏼
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starry-pierrot · 10 months
A Fighting Chance
You've trained for this for years, friends have helped you and you've dreamed of this moment every night since you've started this plan. You hope it's enough.
Royal Jester AU Eclipse X Reader (Gender neutral)
-Fighting with swords
-Blood mention
-you're a giant cry baby, I don't make the rules you get a piece of me.
Hello hello! Okay first things first-this is FANART. This is not at all canon in Cloud's AU. I took liberties and none of this in fic should at all be considered cannon, so please don't go asking them questions about it!
Second this story has TWO endings, neither one is wrong or right they're just more fun. Both endings will be labeled.
And lastly, @head-in-the-icloud I hope you like this! I also hope I didn't butcher Eclipse.
Anyway enjoy!
Your newly gifted sword was held tight in your hands as you pointed it at your best friend and comrade, Eclipse. Today had been the day when you were to be knighted and join the royal guard ranks as an official Knight. But it was also the day you would declare your proposal.
“Marry me!” 
The room was quiet while others looked on in surprise at your bold demand, it was no secret that you had fallen for him many moons ago. But no one expected you to do this at this very moment. 
And you had just been appointed a knight.  
The Queen and Neptune looked on in stunned silence…though Moon and Sun both smiled at one another.. Of course they did, they helped you prepare for this after all. 
Eclipse stood tall and stiff as he looked down at you, obviously he was processing what you just said and was caught off guard with the demand. But soon his surprise turned into a wide smile on his face. “No wonder you’ve been demanding I spar with you so much. Had this planned for a while did you?” 
“You have no idea.” A laugh slips from your throat, you had this plan thought out for years. Ever since the knight had pulled you out of the way of a runaway cart during a delivery. Sure maybe it was a bit tacky to fall for someone who saved you once but your heart left you no room to argue. You were a romantic afterall. 
Getting in was easy but the training was grueling even when it was just the training bot! Never had your hands been so sore before.  
It was a struggle but every time you saw him it only made the feelings inside you grow ever stronger for the knight. During your time as a novice you came to get to know him better and spent many days making conversation. You even became friends with the two princes who were more than happy to help.
You believe Moon’s words were, “About time that firestarter gets his rear handed to him.” Moon fenced with you but encouraged you to look around, see how quick the pickpockets of the town move. Study them. And Sun even prepared a final surprise. 
“I accept your challenge.” Eclipse said as he moved forward with a hand raised to tip your sword down. “Let’s move this outside. We wouldn’t want to ruin the Queen’s castle now do we?” he said leaning in close before pulling back and walking towards the room’s doors. 
Without missing a beat you quickly follow him, you don’t miss how the room is suddenly loud with footsteps and excited chatter behind you. 
The courtyard was large and just enough room for the two of you to fight without harming anyone or the buildings around you. Eclipse had his sword out at the ready with his hands poised on top of the handle, patient. 
“Are you prepared?” Eclipse asked as you adjusted your cloak on your shoulders before looking at him with a smile. 
“You know I won't go easy on you,” he warned, “friend or not.” 
“I wouldn’t expect anything less, Sir Eclipse.” You were ready. You can do this. 
Eclipse’s sword flashes with light as the fire twirls and dances around the blade, it was one of his strongest abilities. “Then we shall begin.” 
The crowd watching you was silent as you both stood still, you can hear Sun cheering you on as all eyes are on the both of you. 
Then suddenly the field burned. 
Ellipse was quick as he made the first move, you just barely countering it. The heat from his flames were scorching against your skin as you grunted. 
“Come on now! Don’t disappoint me!” Eclipse’s wide smile looked down on you and with all your might you managed to push him back. Just as you expected he’s putting his all into this.
“Disappoint you? Never!” Charging at him the two of you clash, to the outsiders it looked like a dance of fire as the kingdom's knights fought. Eclipse was nothing but a force of power and fire, easily knocking you off your feet but you were quick and crafty. Managing to just get around his attacks or at the very last second block it. 
You knew when you started this you’d be staring down the Beast of Pleiades and you think the stories of him don’t quite empathize the ‘Beast’ part as much as they should. Eclipse was a monster in battle. But no one was unbeatable. 
Eclipse roared as he swung his sword, fire shooting out and surely would knock you off your feet if you didn’t wrap your cloak around you and huddled down. 
You can feel the heat wrap around you but the cloak keeps it off your skin, the magic spell casted on it doing its job. Thank you, Sunny! 
Unraveling the cloak once it was safe too you stood in front of Eclipse who was once more stunned. 
Before he lets out a bellowed laugh, “Ahaha-! I see someone’s made powerful friends!”
“Hey I needed a counter to that sword of yours.” There was a wide smile on your scrapped face, Eclipse laughed a moment more before he swung his sword absentmindedly. 
“Impressive. Impressive. I see you thought this out…but will that be enough?” Then he was back at it, sword alight once more and dashing towards you.  
The two of you continued to fight, aiming for any sort of weak point like his joints and Eclipse either taking the hit or managing to fend you off and vise versa. 
WINNING ENDING--------------------------
The onlookers while captivated wondered when this would all end, the both of you at this point looked like you two had been through hell and back. Blood caked the side of your face and a leg and oil ran down Eclipse’s back. 
Neptune had been worried they'd let it go long enough and could potentially lose a new knight but Gaia assured him that Eclipse knew what he was doing.
With a final blow you knock Eclipse hard into the dirt, his sword slipping from his grasp as he grunted. A heavy weight settled on his chest with a knee as you knelt over him, your own sword pointed at his neck, you were panting. 
“Yield!” you demand. 
“Never!” He refused and made a grab for his sword only to let out a yell of pain as his right arm couldn’t be lifted for more than a few inches before he had to put it back down. His left hand however gripped your sword once he realized he couldn’t reach his own. Tried as he might he couldn’t pull it from your grasp, far too weak to put any real strength into it. 
“Y-you…my joints…” Eclipse realized. 
“Can’t use a sword without the use of your arms, Eclipse. Damage will do that.” A smirk on your face as he struggled to pull the sword from your grasp, frustrated grunts as he tried but ultimately his hand fell back to the ground. 
He seemed to take you in. How you were over him and pinning him down. Someone finally defeated him. 
“I yield.” His expression turned to one of relaxation as he smiled up at you. 
With a stumble you stood and raised your sword, “He yields!” you yelled to the crowd that erupted into cheering, you can see the Queen,her sons and Neptune racing towards you two. 
You did it. You won. 
Suddenly the world went dizzy and you stumbled a little before falling down on your ass next to Eclipse, your body had no energy left and even your sword tumbled out of your grip. 
“Are you alright?” Eclipse asked. 
“Y-yeah..just…holy fuck that was hard..” 
A laugh from the defeated night, “I did warn you.” 
While resting you felt a warm metal hand meet yours, his weak one could barely move but you squeezed it and smiled down at him. 
“So…where do you want to honeymoon? We can go overseas on a ship. Maybe be pirates for a day.” 
“Does anyone oppose this union?” 
Another laugh, “I think…I think I would like that.” 
The priest asked as both you and Eclipse stood before him, the room behind you full of friends, family and even those gossiping old crows who would talk about Eclipse's sword being his secret lover. You were sure there were more people outside but the room had been filled and the doors were closed. Who knew seeing the Eclipse of all people get married would be a big event for the kingdom? 
Must be his reputation. 
The room stayed silent at the priest's question, not a soul daring to interrupt your union. “The rings please.”
Eclipse delicately placed the ring on your finger, it was silver with gorgeous ruby and imperial topaz gems adorned along it. His name had been etched into the inner side and it fit like a glove. 
Slipping on his ring it was an opal and moonstone on the same sliver as yours, along with your own name etched on the inner side. It stood out against his colors but you don’t think you could have found anything more beautiful on him.  
The two of you said your vows, you began to cry a little during yours and Eclipse was very patient and encouraging as you stumbled through it. Even making a little joke making you smack him and telling him to ‘Shut up!’, getting a few good laughs around the room. 
“You may kiss.” 
This is what you’ve waited for, what you’ve worked so hard for the past five years. Careful hands gently cupped your face as he leaned in and kissed you. 
Your heart beat hard in your chest as you couldn’t hold back anymore and reached your own arms around him and dragged him down to deepen the kiss. 
Cheers and whistles filled the church as your heart soared. 
You won. 
LOSEING ENDING—---------------
Eclipse's blows were starting to take a toll on your body and if you didn’t knock him down soon you were going to lose. The simple idea of that reigniting the fire in your chest as you two fought. He must have been going easy on you in sparing because he’s never been this fierce before! 
But you expected this. You knew he wouldn’t be easy. That’s why this plan had taken so long, so long to put together and your practice with Moon and asking Sun to enchant your cloak so you had a bit of an edge! 
“Agh-!” Suddenly you were thrown off your feet, rolling into the dirt before coming to a stop. Looking up you quickly doge a metal boot’s stomp as you roll out of the way. 
“You’re slowing down!” Another swing of his sword you barely manage to get out of the way of the fire, “Getting sloppy!” 
He was right and you knew it. You needed to end this before he got the upper hand, with a yell you ran in close and made to aim for his naked shoulder hoping to damage the joint somehow. But before your sword could even scrape his casing you were knocked back hard by a knee. 
Scrambling to get up your thrown once more by the heat of fire, unable to reach for your cloak in time you feel the fire burn on your skin. You doubt he would kill you, no you know he wouldn’t. But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t scorch you a little. 
A groan of pain as you finally roll to a stop, breathing heavily as the aches in your body begin to pulsate and scream at you. You could heat his footsteps getting closer, “You’ve certainly put up quite the fight. That cloak I’d say was a very smart move.” 
You tried to get up only to wheeze out a breath when his boot stood firmly on your chest, not enough to cut off your breathing but enough to keep you down. “But it seems your plan wasn’t quite enough.” 
He sounds so disappointed it makes your guts twist, looking up at him that manic smile is gone and replaced with a frown.
“I-I’m not done!” You say as you struggle to get his foot off you despite the protest of your burned and weak body. 
“Oh dear…it’s best to stop now. You’ll only hurt yourself more.” He was trying to let you down easy but you didn’t want to stop now. Not even him pointing his sword at you would stop you now. 
“No!”, your hands fly up and grip his sword, luckily you had leather gloves so you don’t feel the sting of the blade but you do feel the heat left on the blade. But you hold tight and weaky try to pull it out of his hands. 
He watches with a bit of sadness in his gaze, undoubtedly wanting this done with, “You probably can’t even stand anymore. Yield.” 
“No!” You couldn’t give up now! Not after everything. Not after the days of studying how pickpockets moved in the streets, sparing with Moon, the waste of Sun’s time and energy for his magic and all your research in the library for sword techniques! You tried too hard to let this be the end of this! 
But as you continued to try you were finding that your body was too sore to continue, not even your grip was strong anymore as your arms eventually gave out. 
“Do you yield?” Eclipse asks. 
You didn’t want to. You hated to. But there was no way around it, you had lost. With no strength in you to continue you nod, tears filled your eyes as you gave in. 
Eclipse was quiet for a moment before nodding, lifting up his sword and stepping off of you, “They Yield!” 
You weren’t sure if the crowd was cheering because it had been an amazing battle to watch or if some in the crowd were happy you had lost. A large hand helped you sit up as you sniffled, you tried to hide it behind a hand not wanting him to see you like this. 
But Eclipse didn’t let you hide tugging your hand away. “You know it’s alright to lose sometimes.” he said, “You gave me a good fight. Even brought in something I didn’t expect from you.” He was smiling.
“Maybe try again sometime.” 
With that he stood up and ruffled your hair, the princes came to your side along with Queen Gaia and her assistant. Sun helped you up and let you lean on him, worrying about getting you to a healer but you weren’t quite paying attention as you hid your face into his royal fabric. 
You grunted as you practiced with Moon, now healed from your fight with Eclipse two months ago you were back in tip top shape. 
You hoped he wouldn’t get mad at the tear stains. 
“You’re going to try again?” Moon asked you as he parried your thrust. 
“Are you kidding? Course I am!” 
“But you were such a crybaby about it!” He teased with a laugh,“What? Are you just a glutton for punishment?” 
“Wh-oh shut up! I just have big emotions!” You nearly smack him with the fencing sword as you advanced. Moon swiftly dodged and thrusted his own sword, getting you on your side. 
“Ah-! Hey!”
“I win.” He smirked as he lowered his sword, “But really…do you think you can handle another loss? After that performance I’m sure plenty of others would marry you on the spot.” 
You sigh and roll your shoulders, “It’s not about marrying someone just to marry someone. I love him. And no one else will do.” 
“Then I guess you better be practicing more.” Suddenly he moved forward making you jerk in surprise and just managed to dodge his attack. “Come on. You have better reflexes than that!” 
“Oh you sneaky-!” With a yell you pushed back and continued to spar with Moon. 
You might have lost the battle, cried about it for a little-well okay you cried about it the whole two months. But you’re not giving up that easily, after all the tears dried up your determination came back in full force! 
You’ll keep trying. But if you never win…well at least you can enjoy Eclipse’s company. That’s more than enough. 
I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to leave comments : )
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burntblueberrywaffles · 9 months
the desperate anidala bitches shall rejoice, because i come offering a second rec list 😌 /lh
My Anidala/Vaderdala rec list! (part 2)
You can find the first rec list here!
sorry I took so long this got buried way down in my drafts but it's finally out 🫡
some of these are not complete so do check chapter count and pls dont yell at me asdfhgkjfh
Modern AUs
The Bet
Anakin's had a crush on Padmé since fourth grade, and after putting up with his pining for seven years, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka are finally stepping in and making a bet that he can't ask her to junior prom in the spring. Meanwhile, Padmé is realizing that Anakin isn't as annoying as she'd always thought. In fact, her feelings towards him are starting to go in quite the opposite direction...
Snow Place Like Home
For genre-typical convoluted reasons involving ill-timed blizzards, Padmé is forced to spend the holidays at Anakin's house. Anakin isn't as upset about his boss staying with him for Christmas as he probably should be.
Second Chances
When Luke Amidala and Leia Skywalker meet at summer camp, they're shocked to discover that they're long-lost twins. The logical next step? Getting their estranged parents back together.
I usually avoid Parent traps AU just because I dislike it as a setup, but when it comes to Anidala a bitch is desperate, and this was a cute and fun one, I really enjoyed it!
“What other secret fantasies do I have that are glaring neon signs for you?” Anakin asks. “You’re conflicted,” Padmé says, “because on one hand you want to be a very good boy for me, but on the other you want to misbehave so I have a reason to punish you.” He blows out a plume of smoke and taps the ash off his cigarette. “You know, I really thought you were a nerd. I thought I'd have to be like, ‘Hey, how about you tie me up sometime.' Get you into this stuff little by little. But no, you’re diving right in like we met on a BDSM subreddit or something.” Or: Padmé has car problems. Thankfully she knows a good mechanic.
normally, I probably never would have checked out this fic, (mommy kink is just not my thing) but as previously stated, A BITCH WAS DESPERATE and you know what it actually slapped 😌
Padmé Naberrie has just been broken up with. She wasn't prepared for a night out with her girls to find her a rebound. She certainly wasn't prepared for Anakin Skywalker.
Sith-Raised Anakin
the inevitable end of dancing with the devil
"Maybe it was too crass to compare the devil to such a creature—Lord Vader wasn’t the devil, he was worse." Senator Amidala was undoubtedly one of the most respected and adored public servants to walk the galaxy. Lord Vader was not. Vaderdala AU. Arranged Marriage AU
A Worthy Sacrifice
Chancellor Palpatine has dropped the act and decided to rule the galaxy openly as Darth Sidious. His reign wouldn’t be half as successful without his unhinged attack dog Darth Vader, a much rumoured warbringer who appears in black robes with a saber red as blood and brings even the strongest revolutionaries to their knees. Padmé is not only fighting for her home country but the freedom of the known regions and she is desperate to turn the tides of this war which is why she agrees to the deal Sidious offers her: A child with this favourite Sith Lord in exchange for her home: Naboo.
This is one of my favourite fics with this trope!
Pearl in My Head
Padmé's just starting her career as a Senator when she attracts some unwanted attention from the Emperor, who has decided on a very different role for her in the Empire. [empire already exists, arranged marriage/forced proximity au! loosely follows some aotc/rots events]
What Was I Made For?
Darth Vader was not a man made for love, but this was not love. Or, Basically, Padme and Vader are friends with benefits, but she's so nice to him that it makes him question his entire existence.
FOR YOUR LOVE (i’ll do whatever you want)
𝐬𝐨 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲, 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐰? 𝐬𝐨 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲, 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐰? 𝐢'𝐯𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐢 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐡, 𝐢’𝐯𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐢 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐢’𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 He gave her that devilish smirk of his. The one that had gotten her into this mess in the first place. “I’ll give you what you want.” OR, A rare moment of intimacy happens for Padmé and Anakin – whose relationship is strictly carnal.
I have yet to read the second chapter (will get on that when I get out of the snowbaird hole lol) but I really enjoyed the first one!
love me, love me (like you used to do) 
In which Vader fails to capture his son, but gains a daughter, his wife, another pair of twins... and the past.
this fic was SO GOOD holy shit literally made me feral when i fiorst read it
Love Like Ghosts
There are very few people who know the location of the Rebel Alliance’s base on Naboo. Even fewer who know the names of any of the people who work there. So when Padmé gets up on a cold morning, the windows frosted and harsh wind rattling the doors of the large house that’s been the headquarters of the Alliance for nearly two decades, to see a package with her name on it sitting on the doorstep, her heart stops in her chest.
loved this fic but as a heads up it doesn't provide "they get back together" closure so be ready for that
news of old by @ineedausernamel829
Padme is a member of the rebel alliance. During a mission, her past relationships with darth Vader comes to light
No vaderdala interactions, but exploration of the relationship through Padme talking about it - It’s so so good
Sad Vaderdala hours
Imperial Socialite
In a timeline where Darth Vader doesn't face immolation and Padmé Amidala lives, their marriage continues in a form that is at once far more honest and deeply dysfunctional. Though Padmé tries to remain within the Imperial Senate, the trauma of her husband's betrayal--and the apparent deaths of her children--force her into early retirement. Too much of a liability to aid the emerging Rebel cause directly, Padmé seeks out new avenues of defying the Empire: by leveraging her connection to Vader to mess with the Imperial Elites of Coruscant.
it could be sweet
an interconnected collection of stories based on the idea of what would have happened if Padmé had lived. (aka me finally writing down my self-indulgent vaderdala daydreams aka me living my best life)
This series is so good in a "rip my heart out of my chest and steps on it" way
all joy sucked dry
Her husband had fallen, her life’s work had crumbled, and her own babies were strangers to her. But she didn’t even care, and that was the worst part. Or: Padme deals with postpartum depression, and Vader is ill-equipped to help her
Across the Seas
Padmé Amidala - the daughter of the royal governor of Jamaica - never expected her life to be much more than it already was. Her routine is to dress in her finest clothes, put on a pretty face, and ensure she is presentable to not only the people but to the many men attempting to court her. However, Padmé's world is flipped around when pirates attack, and the young woman finds herself in the company of their fearsome, brash, (dashing) Captain. Initially sickened by the roughish man, Padmé will quickly learn there is so much more to the mysterious Captain Skywalker. A pirate's life for me
The pirate AU I didn’t know I needed. So good
Right & Wrong
After they watch a holoshow that portrays reprehensible content, Anakin unwittingly reveals the concerning way Chancellor Palpatine acts towards him. Padmé will not let anyone harm her husband — and she’ll make this Obi-Wan, the Jedi Council, and even the whole galaxy’s problem if she needs to.
when the grooming is actually adressed >>
cestrum nocturnum
Summer on Naboo, the Clone Wars have yet to begin, and Anakin is tasked with protecting Senator Amidala after an attempt is made on her life. It's too bad that every moment with her has him in agony, and every moment apart is even worse—especially after that night in the courtyard ... Or: Anakin spends a torturous time on Naboo in the company of the person he loves because he doesn't know how to tell her his true feelings.
Naboo smut 🤭
And that's it! if anyone has recommendations for a fic that isn't in either of my rec lists, please let me know! I am so so desperate I need my anidala fix
Since I was deep into the Star Wars hole and desperate, I’ve also been reading non-Anidala/non-Anidala centric fics about Darth Vader/Anakin/the Skywalker family, so I will be posting a rec list for that soon! (When i say soon it can mean anything from a day to months, my brain is not always great at tasks, if anyone wants to be notified when I do post it lmk and I’ll tag you ❤️)
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littlerequiem · 1 year
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— we all bleed red - vampire levi x f!reader NSFW
1880, Paris. What was meant to be an evening of lifeless smiles and dancing turns into a night of horror, filled with bloodshed and vampires. You meet Him, the man with dark eyes and darker secrets, and your life is toppled forever. ˚⁎⁺ ongoing, 122k, 20/35
— we mourned the sea - postwar levi x f!reader NSFW
Levi hasn't seen you in a year, and he wonders how you will find him. Changed, perhaps. Broken, definitely. or: After the war, you and Levi learn to live in this new world. ˚⁎⁺ ongoing, 6k, 1/12
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— the hitchhiker's guide to isekai - levi x gn!reader
Levi gets transported to the real world. Chaos ensues. Isekai/slice of life. ⁎⁺ completed, 1.1k
— midnight ventures - levi x f!reader NSFW
You shouldn’t have looked and he shouldn’t have been there. But Fate can have a funny sense of humor. The punchline that night? Stumbling onto your naked Captain in a hot spring… and doing something about it. ⁎⁺ completed, 11.7k
— a lesson in dancing - levi x gn!reader
Levi doesn't think you should be with an old man like him. You show him otherwise. ⁎⁺ completed, 2.2k
— wings of snow, wings of freedom - levi x gn!reader
You teach Levi how to make snow angels. Turns out warm things can blossom in winter, too. ⁎⁺ completed, 1.4k
— with you, at the end of all things - levi x gn!reader
You and the Captain stare at the ghosts of the Survey Corps at Fort Salta, and say your goodbyes. You are glad to be with him, at the end of all things. A tribute to Levi. ˚⁎⁺ completed, 1.4k
— you honor them by living - a levi ackerman gen fic
He learned the rules from a young age: Sleep only for a few hours. Sleep with one eye open. Sleep with a weapon tucked under a pillow. And no matter what, don't look back. ˚⁎⁺ completed, 1k
— enchanted - levi ackerman x gn!reader
Levi Ackerman, Humanity's Strongest Wizard, enters a quaint violin shop to buy himself an instrument. And then, he meets you. ˚⁎⁺ completed, 1.1k
— cause i'm a mastermind - levi ackerman x f!reader NSFW
Levi has had enough of holding back from you. He's played this Game of cat and mouse for far too long. Tonight, he puts an end to it. ˚⁎⁺ completed, 5.5k
— if we meet again, we shall smile - erwin smith x levi ackerman
Was continuing to live in this wretched world really what Erwin deserved? Maybe he deserved more. Salvation. Levi's decision in Midnight Sun. ˚⁎⁺ completed, 2.3k
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Levi x Erwin SFW drabbles
Levi x Reader SFW drabbles
Levi x Reader NSFW drabbles
Levi Ackerman Thoughts/Headcannons
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Levi Week 2023
Levi Month 2024
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copiousloverofcopia · 8 months
No ask, just super excited for more young nihil fic!
I hear you Ghestie... and I have wonderful news.
As a special VALENTINE'S DAY/LUPERCALIA treat I present to you all the first chapter of my fic featuring the original Emeritus Cassanova, YOUNG PAPA NIHIL!
Here it is......................
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Glitter Wasn't Gold
Nihil Emeritus is the only born son of Papa Inizio Emeritus, head of the Satanic Church. When his father fails ill, it is decided that he shall ascend as Papa but only after making a promise to carry on the Emeritus bloodline.
Chapter 1: Duty of the Son
Also available HERE on AO3!
Read below the cut!
He could hear the bell ringing as he approached the Abbey. Knowing all too well, what it's chiming signified. The days were drawing closer and closer to the time when Papa Inizio Emeritus would pass. A time when his only son Nihil, would rise in his place to become the leader of the Ministry. 
Nihil was only 18 years old and still had a whole lot of life and learning ahead of him. Conceived in his father’s twilight years, he was hardly the type someone would expect to lead the church. An impetuous and reckless child at the best of times, his only saving grace as he grew up was that he was Inizio’s son. Constantly causing trouble for all those who crossed his path. 
The black cat of the Ministry. Known to bring with him a bit of bad luck and an air of mischief. He had been abroad in the Americas for a few years, when the Ministry summoned him back. Nihil knew instantly, from the moment he saw the seal of the letter, what was inside. His time to ascend to the Miter was now.
When he entered the Abbey, two suitcases in either hand, he was guided by the familiar walls of Luciferian tapestries towards the grand staircase. His senses overwhelmed with the nostalgic scent of ash and frankincense. The sounds of chattering, filling his ears as he stepped closer and closer to the floor of the Papal suites. Stopping just outside the last massive oak door at the end of the hall that led to his father’s chambers. 
Before Nhil could knock, he was beckoned inside. Rows of bishops and cardinals were there to greet him as he stepped into the room. Towards the shadowy figure that lay tucked into his father’s canopy bed. To Nihil, it might as well have been a courtroom. Knowing that the second he walked inside he was being judged. 
Capturing all the eyes of men Nihil had known his whole life—secretly doubting him, patronizing him to his father’s face. All the while knowing how much they disapproved of him. How much they all wished to be in charge in his place. The position Nihil was born into, felt deserved as the next Emeritus in line for ascension. 
As he stepped up to the bedside, looking down at the once powerful man who ruled the Ministry, he was taken back. Feeling nothing but pity inside him. Staring at this man who once commanded the strongest of armies behind the scenes, revered as the highest of ghoul summoners—now was but a pile of skin and bones. Wasting away into the nothingness from which he came. 
“Nihil… Nihil is that you?” Inizio asked, unable to fully open his eyes. Coughing so ferociously that Nihil thought he would die right then and there. The sound of it echoing through the room and into the corridor. A sound that would haunt Nihil for the rest of his days. 
“Yes, I’m here.” Nihil replied. Taking a seat beside his father on the bed. His father, trying his best to sit upright to greet him. Helped by Cardinal Angelo, a respected family friend who had helped a great deal with Nihil in his childhood. Keeping his more distasteful antics under the rug from otherwise prying eyes.
“My son. I have not long for this world. There is no time left…so I want you to pay very close attention.” he told him. At that moment all of the other clergymen in the room began listening intently. Waiting for what would inevitably be said. The tension was thick within the air. So thick that Nihil felt the need to clear his throat. Need to loosen up his black clerical collar, leaning in to hear better.
“Go on.” he urged his father.
“I will not let you be Papa.” Inizio began. 
With his words the room suddenly erupted with gasps and widened eyes. All the cardinals and bishops, wondering to themselves who among them would be chosen as Papa, if not the only remaining Emeritus son. If one of them would receive the cursed eye—a gift given to the Emeritus descendents by Lucifer himself. Proof of his favor for them to rule on Earth in his stead.
“What?” he asked, anger fuming inside him. Standing up from the bed, ready to strangle the feeble old man right where he lay. 
“If you do not ascend, all will be stripped from you. Your title as cardinal, your wealth—your power. You will live your life as a simple man.” his father continued. As if this unsettling turn of events weren't enough the thought of losing his only real interest in the Ministry, wealth and power, infuriated him. Realizing he was to lose all hope of phoning in his rule, while reaping the benefits when he replied. 
“You can’t be serious. It is my right. I am your only son.” Nihil hissed. The room, waiting with bated breath for Inizio’s response.   
“That you are…and the only way figlio that I will allow you to take the Miter is if you agree to take on a Prime Mover.”
“You gotta be joking? Cardinal Angelo are you in on this?” Nihil laughed nervously, but it was clear that his father was indeed serious.  
“It is no joke Nihil, your father is quite certain in this. There will be no changing his mind.” Cardinal Angelo assured him. Nihil began to panic inside. Feeling the cold sweat dripping down the small of his back. His black shirt, beginning to stick at his spine. His heart, racing. 
“And if I refuse?” he asked. His father, coughing hard before he was able to speak again. Nihil, silently taking note of the blood staining his father's neckerchief. 
“Allora sarai fuori sul tuo culo, piccola merda ingrata!” Inizio said, coughing once more before Cardinal Angelo came to help adjust him in bed. The coughing fit raging for what seems an eternity. His father's mouth, covered in blood and spittle. “You would disgrace the family name. I would rather someone else take up the Miter than have you tarnish it with your selfishness.” he growled. 
“Father I—” Nihil began, cut off by his father lunging unexpectedly towards him. A raised skeletal finger in Nihil's face.
“No… you will meet with Sorella Violetta at once.” 
“You mean…”
“Shh…she has been chosen for you as a suitable match. Nihil you will take her as your Prime Mover and you will do as your position requires of you and that is FINAL! Angelo, get him out of my face.” Papa Inizio said, waving away as he began coughing once more. The group of cardinals, led by Cardinal Angelo, taking Nihil away from his sight.  
Nihil was dragged down the hall by them. Knowing just how much these fools, these false prophets must be enjoying his dissension. Smiles on their pious faces and whispers of amusement on their tongue. Nihil, continuing to whine and struggling against them as they walked.   
As they reached the end of the hall, Cardinal Angelo signaled for them to let Nihil go. The group, dropping him to the ground, his body thudding against the floor.  Angelo dismissed the others, allowing them to return back to  Papa Inizio’s bedside. Hoping that he could talk to Nihil alone. Angelo, slapping him across the face, gaining his attention and effectively stopping the young Emeritus’s sniveling in its tracks. 
“What is the matter with you? Pull yourself together or you shame your family even now.” Cardinal Angelo snapped, rubbing his sore hand, reddened cracking off Nihil’s face. Nihil himself, wiggling around his jaw to make sure it hadn’t dislocated from the impact. A loud pop, heard as it dropped into place. 
“That fucking hurt, you Stronzo!” he yelled at him. Rubbing his jaw and his white eye burning with fury. 
“Good, maybe now you will pay attention and stop acting like a fucking child.”
“I am no child Angelo… though he will never see me as anything other than—”
“Stop your insolence. You can pity party for yourself another time. Now you must do as he says and quickly.” 
“Now or…or I am to take your place if you do not do as you are told.” Angelo confessed. Looking around to make sure that no one else had heard him.
“Sí, do you really want that? Are you that fucking stupid?” Cardinal Angelo asked him. Nihil paused, taking a moment to suck in a deep breath through his nose, then exhaling slowly from his pursed lips. Trying his best to regain some modicum of composure. This wasn’t what he wanted, but he had no other choice. If he didn’t agree he’d be no better than a sibling–if that. 
“You’re right.” he began, spitting out a bit of blood that had pooled within his mouth. “I don’t want anyone else taking what is mine.”
“Good, then you'll come with me.” Cardinal Angelo insisted, holding a hand out to help Nihil get up. Nihil stood up, refusing his hand, grunting as his sore body lifted from the floor. Working quickly to brush himself off a bit before they continued on their way to wherever Angelo would lead them. 
“You are a stubborn ass, you know that?” Cardinal Angelo remarked. Nihil let out a half hearted chuckle. 
“Always.” He replied. The two of them, remaining quiet for the rest of the walk. Only the sounds of footfalls on the marble titles between them. When they finally arrived at the chapel doors. 
“Here? Why?” Nihil asked him.
“In the chapel, Sister Violetta waits for you. You know what you need to do.” Cardinal Angelo explained. Nihil nodded his head, his palm placed on the door as he took in another deep breath. Pushing it open slowly to see the dimly lit room. His eyes zeroing in on the only thing he could see.
Down the nave, illuminated in candlelight was a woman. Adorned in a long black lace veil, quietly waiting in the pews. Her face turned away. Her hands brought up in prayer as she looked to grucifix.
“Here goes nothing.” Nihil whispered under his breath as he approached her. Cardinal Angelo watching silently from the doorway. 
As he got closer, the sister remained still. Her unintelligible words of prayer whispered between her and Lucifer. When he finally reached her pew, he could see just how beautiful she wasl. Her smooth olive skin and luxurious dark hair, tucked beneath her veil. Beautiful brown eyes, blanketed in lush lashes. A natural beauty–no makeup on her that Nihil could discern. He was thrilled that if someone had to be picked out for him, at least they chose someone he would approve. 
“Good evening sorella.” he said, waiting patiently for her response. He was surprised when she smiled, but not the innocent smile of a naive virgin. No—this was a smile of a woman who was in no way clouded by his position or his charm. A woman who was intelligent, self assured–seeing right through him even before he spoke.
“Good evening Cardinal.” Violetta responded, calmly turning to face him. Nihil was beginning to feel a bit threatened by her, however more so intrigued. She seemed to disarm him from the minute he sat down. He was fascinated by her already.
“Well now. Not sure how much you've been told but it seems you and I are supposed to get to know each other… seeing as they expect us to—”
“I am well aware of the expectations. You won’t get any push back from me.” Violetta told him.
“Is that so?” He asked, curious that she'd answered in such a calm, collected way. No emotion that he was used to dodging when it came to the more feminine type. 
“I make no mistake in thinking this is anything other than a diplomatic relationship.”
“I see.” Nihil responded, surprised once again by her candor. 
“There is no need for you to pretend you love me. We are both only doing this for the church—the Ministry.” she told him, the smile from her face falling into a thin straight line. Nihil began chuckling to himself, sitting back against the pew and putting his arm around Violetta. She stared over her shoulder at his hand, as it rested on her, with an expression of acceptance–seeming to resolve herself to the situation. 
“Fine with me doll face. Glad we are on the same page.”
Allora sarai fuori sul tuo culo, piccola merda ingrata.- Then you will be out on your ass, you ungrateful little shit. 
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reveluving · 11 months
you're shining (more than any star)
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summary: what the wedding & having a kid with Trystan would be like.
pairing: m!trystan thorne x f!mc (written as ‘you’, no name usage)
warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, major spoilers from book 2!
a/n: oh you thought it was over?? HAH. this isn't even my final form! but no, thank you @kyra75 for this ask!! I had so much fun making this, and I hope you enjoy it just as I did! and don’t forget to leave some sugar! ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
» fancy reading another choices fic? check out my m.list!
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Marriage? Yes!
Two weddings shall take place; as expected, having one in Drakovia is a must. Royal rules and all but I’ll be focusing on the one taking place in what you and now, Trystan call home; NYC. 
Believe it or not, Trystan is all up for your small wedding idea! But he has given you a fair warning that the wedding may be recorded and then televised. But he’s definitely up for a more intimate affair. Consider the one that took place in Drakovia a more ‘scheduled’ event, having to keep up with the itinerary. But as for in The States, the only royalties involved will be his family and a handful of their relatives or closest friends. And we can’t forget our girl, Olivia! She, Maksim, Viktoria, Lydea, and Marguerite are the most grateful for the smaller affair since they’ll be able to truly enjoy the moment without the fear of the press scrutinizing their every move.
That’s not to say they will completely sit back and forget their places. Lydea, especially, since she offered you her Royal Guards to keep watch of the venue. 
Unbeknownst to you, Trystan may have overheard when you quickly shot Captain Thompson’s so-called ‘offer’ down for the same services. So, like the attentive fiance he is, he may or may not have told Lydea about it, plus a quick backstory of what had happened when you were in the NYPD. Though your friendship with Lydea isn’t the strongest, you best believe when she replies with an ‘okay’.
Consider it the family’s long-overdue token of appreciation.
Glasshouse or outdoors-y venues. Just a hint of fairycore especially with the twinkling lights and chandeliers, plus tall glass candle holders plus pastel flower stand combo because I'd imagine young Rose yearning for a magical wedding before repressing her more 'domestic' wants shortly after Jimmy's murder. Plus, the view is absolutely breathtaking as dusk rolls around.
Just a little side note, but ‘Mr & Mrs Rose-Thorne’ written on the boards? It may be a hit or miss but I personally find it cute!
And fret not, for a ceremony that is still attended by royalty, not all of the food will be served as small as hors d'oeuvres or sourced from questionable ingredients. Fancy and filling, your buffet would offer an array of delicacies, ensuring to cater for those with allergies or any certain diets they have to follow. 
A simple cake! Single or double-tiered, the cake flavour is of your choice, perfectly layered with Swiss Meringue buttercream by the best baker in town. Nobody likes a grainy frosting or a dry cake!
A moment of silence for Jimmy, Juliana and Sebastyan with their framed photos at the very front of the altar. Though no one outwardly says it, you and Trystan can see the gratefulness in the family’s eyes. You’ve even caught some of them curtly bowing to Jimmy’s picture after the cake-cutting ceremony.
Alice (or however you've named your Boxer pupper!) as the ring bearer! An absolute sweetheart when Matty directed her to the alter, only to rush over to you and Trystan excitedly upon recognition, demanding pets from the both of you before commencing the ring exchange. It’s a wholesome sight, as you can imagine; earning a share of laughter with the guests, even a small smile from the queen herself as your right-hand lady drops her ‘professionalism’. Then, she'd instinctively sit beside Trystan during it all, barking in excitement with the guests clapping as you and Trystan sealed it with a kiss.
Photos! One of your favourites is a candid picture of Trystan spoon-feeding you crème brulee just after you shared with him some of your mini caramel trifle just after exchanging vows.
Another favourite comes in a set at the floral photo booth with the crew. You, Trystan, Uncle T, Mafalda, Ruby, Luke and Alice! Trystan points out that he likes the last one the most; Tommy and Ruby are clearly cooing as Trystan kisses the back of your hand whereas Luke and Mafalda are (affectionally) judgy. 
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Now, children? Depends!
We know Trystan isn't into the whole reproduction idea, but I do imagine him thinking about adoption deeply even months before the proposal. Be it an actual child or even a sibling for Alice. But say he does grow fonder of the idea of having his own kids, the most important thing is that he can’t think of anyone better to be the mother of his kid other than you. 
Adoption or not, I can already see him with a daughter, affectionately calling her ‘Bug’.
Come, as we venture into a few HCs of Bug!
Being the very best of friends with Alice!
Bug being spoilt all the time, especially by her grandparents; both the NYC and Drakovia's side, Aunt Mags and Aunt Ruby (and maybe Uncle Luke, if she’s lucky) but is also still the most respectful cutie pie!
Bug excitedly running towards Lydea with an ‘Aunt Dee!’ before hugging her legs upon reaching Drakovia. Imagine the sheer terror on the faces of anyone new, including her guards who have known the queen as strict and a lady of no-nonsense. And yet, here she was, the corners of her lips quirking upwards as she bent down to carry Bug in her arms before greeting you and her brother. 
Any of the members, namely Maksim or Trystan calling the Drakkos Zoo a day before your arrival to ensure Bug gets the full, more satisfying experience. You may have been very wary of introducing her to the old and wise Orlenna, but you’ve grown weak to her puppy-dog eyes. It started off as saying hello and babbling to the majestic viper, then after a certain number of visits, possibly your fifth or sixth (or at an older age), you slowly but surely give in. 
And just like your first visit, Orlenna nuzzles into the young girl’s hand, eliciting giggles as her tongue tickles her skin. You don't even bother shutting Trystan up as he chuckles at how you sighed in relief. Heavily.
Can't forget about your family's favourite part; the otters!
You may or may not have a whole photo gallery of her with the chirping critters.
You trying to make sure Bug isn’t alone with Astrid, Patryk, Kaspar or Emika, though soon, you’re a little more open to the twins. But Trystan and Lydea are a step further than you, warning them (and especially Patryk, who they most definitely don't want Bug to be around) with God knows what as the craziest thing you’ve ever seen the twins do to bond with your daughter is introducing the oddest couture outfits they’ve ever worn.  
Visiting the graveyard to commemorate those who have passed on, just as you do so she would also remember her Grandpa Jimmy. The story where you and Trystan duelled in Kovmorti never fails to bring sparkles into Bug’s eyes, but you can tell she imagines the whole scenario as a fantasy thing; Uncle Seb’s spirit form watching her parents honour him with actual swords and in royal garbs and all.
Just to personally indulge on this request, I wish to share with you a faceclaim of (my) Rose in a wedding dress (if you're curious, this is Joy filming for the drama 'The One and Only'!).
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But by all means, you are free to choose—to be creative! You (or your OCs) are Detective Rose, too!
And as Trystan would believe, no matter how your dresses may be, no matter how grand the party is, or whatever the future holds for the two of you, nothing beats you. 
After all, you’re always shining, more than any star.
˚ · . f i n . · ˚
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» tagging @choicesficwriterscreations for fic of the week ;; & the gorgeous dividers by @firefly-graphics ♡
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newpathwrites · 9 months
1, 13, and 24 for the fanfic asks? This is @pentechnics btw! 💖
Thank you so much @pentechnics !
1. favorite fic you wrote this year - Well, most of my fics are WIPs that have been going on 2 years now because I’m so slow updating lol. The only new fic I wrote this year was Linked, a predictive one-shot I posted before the Mando S3 finale where I put all of our wild finale theories together, and I love the dynamic I created there between Din and Bo-Katan. I have no vested interest in DinBo particularly (though I think it makes some sense), but regardless of the ship, I think I got my demi Din headcanon just right in this one, and it got more good feedback on AO3 overall in a short period of time than my most popular long fic.
13. favorite writing song/artist/album of this year - Sorry, I can’t answer this one. I’ve been struggling with misophonia and noise sensitivity the last few years and rarely listen to music.
14. favorite fic you read this year - Wow, that’s really a tough one. I read a lot of fic, and there have been so many amazing stories. But I think if I must choose, the honor goes to @the-kittylorian for For Only the Strongest Shall Rule. It’s essentially an epic, Din’s journey as a leader post-S2, and so beautifully written. I think Kitty must be smarter than all of us, considering their masterful use of the English language. It has a wide array of fleshed-out characters, too, who feel so real it’s uncanny.
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stealyourblorbos · 2 years
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Weekly roundup of fanfic and art recs! Thank you all the lovely people for sharing your creativity with us, y’all are amazing and a gift to this fandom! Also huge kudos to everyone who found time to share the love. 
Point of No Return by @the-blind-assassin-12
Chasing butterflies by @joel-miller
For Only the Strongest Shall Rule by @the-kittylorian
The Space Between Us by @novemberrain221
More Than a Job by @flightlessangelwings
The Mutual Series by @the-scandalorian
Burning Hour by @juletheghoul
I Think of You by @prolix-yuy
PPCU characters masterlist by @nobodys-baby-now
Javier Peña portraits by @veebeeart
Pedrito sketches by @Пизделорец
Soft helmetless Din by @hello-th3r3
Autumn Pero by @lights-on-the-ridge
Cutest Grogu art by @moodsworks
I wonder... by @manofbeskar
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sytortuga · 2 years
SYTortuga's masterlist
The Mandalorian artlist
My personal favourites
-"Under pouring rain"
-”Kriffin' Jawas"
-"Dark Din"
Screenshot studies
-”Kriffin’ Jawas”
-”I disintegrated a few of them”
-”Mand’alor Din Djarin”
-"There, Concordia"
-"We are Mandalorians!"
The whump collection
-"Merely marching away"
-"We'll be alright"
-"In the debriefing room"
-"Under pouring rain"
-"It'll be fine, ad'ika"
-"Lost everything"
Fanfic inspired
-"Yluuk", OC from my fic "Silent help".
-"Naya, Mandalorian medic", from "For Only the Strongest shall Rule" by @the-kittylorian.
-”QM-5”, from “You are not in this alone” series by @itzagoodthing
-”Rebirth”, from “You are not in this alone” series by @itzagoodthing
-”Brothers”, from “We are Mando’ade” by POTFFAN (@novemberrain-writes)
-”Chilling out in Sorgan” from a fic of mine, “Final Sacrifice”
-”The galaxy is a dangerous place” from “A heart for a heart” from TheHeartofAMandalorian” (@foxlace)
-”Mir’shupur”,  from “You are not in this alone” series by @itzagoodthing
Mando x Omera
-”Anything for our children”
-”Been thinking about you”
-”Welcome back Keldabe kiss”
Mando and Grogu
-”Where do we go now?”
-”Aliit ori’shya tal’din”
-”It will be fine, Ad’ika”
-”I choose my buir”
-”I’ll see you again, I promise”
Din Djarin
-"Dark Din"
-"We'll be alright"
-”Bounty hunting is a complicated profession”
-"Under pouring rain"
-”Have you ever removed your helmet?”
-”Encounter in the living waters of Mandalore”
-”Long live the Mand’alor”
-”Meeting the Alor”
-”Lost everything”
-”Rally for the Mand’alor Din Djarin”
-”Duel for the Darksaber”
Paz Vizsla
-"Merely marching away"
-"Paz Vizsla lives"
-"Paz Vizsla"
-"We are Mandalorians!"
-"Rescuing Ragnar"
-"Ragnar enters the covert"
Boba Fett
-”From orphan to crime lord”
-”Boba Fett returns”
The Bad Batch artlist
Republic Commando artlist
I have my Republic Commando artwork totally neglected, sorry for that, but more stuff to come soon!
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tears-of-burden · 2 years
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AU/Canon Divergence Friendly - RULES
Follow From: @eunoiaastralwings
Other RP Blogs: @luthriel-tinuviel | @quiet-flower-wonderlings | @illicit-unknown-shadows | @son-of-the-moon-and-sun
Non-Tolkien: @shadow-hazehuntress | @spider-lily-droplets
Feel free to reach out – with an idea of your own
Heartbroken Niélë | Niélë | Niélë
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Epesse: Cóloniélë
                      q. Tears of Burden
Sindarin:  Pelineldes
                      s. Fading Star Woman
Reason: Given to her by the Sindar when she is in middle earth as she a star (referring to the light in her) ready to fade away. 
Nicknames: Niélë
Home: House of Nienna (Far western Valinor, near Mandos)
Race: Maia
Ethnicity: Ainur
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Height: 7′2
Build: Lean and silm
Hair Color: Black, with highlights of golden brown
Hair Style: Left long or small bun on the top of her head, down to her waist. 
Eye Color: Deep brown
Eye Shape: Almond
Skin: Fair
Hands: Thin, long fingers, squoval nails
Scars: None
Types of Clothing: simple silky gowns - usually darker colors than pastel or light.
Usual Accessories: Long earings
Feet Appearance: Usually in flats in Valinor - boots in Middle Earth
Mannerisms: Nods her head a lot when talking - biting nails when nervous or anxious.
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Alignment: Lawful Good
Occupation: Mental Healer
Canon Love Interest: Nerdanel
RP Love Interests:
Multiship: Yes
Sexuality: Panromantic Demisexual
Likes: Art, reading, painting, romance plays, music
Dislikes: Fëanor’s oath and the pain and sickness it brought.
Fears: Melkor. Nerdanel fading
Favorite Colors: darker richer colors.
Literature: Anything with happy endings.
Hobbies: healing, reading, painting.
Favorite Memory: Meeting Nerdanel.
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What words or phrases do they over use: “Let me heal your mind. . .” or “I shall take the pain. . .for I must.”
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic: Pessimistic after Nerdanel marries Fëanor and all that followed
Love Language: Acts of service, quality time, words of affirmation and physical touch.
Strongest Character Trait: Her mental healing abilities.
Weakest Character Trait: Refusing to treat her own health.
Greatest Fear: Melkor winning and Nerdanel fading.
Overrated Virtue: Temperance.
If they could change one thing about themselves: Not to change - but really whatever she does not have that Nerdanel saw in Fëanor.
What Haunts Them: The constant fear of Nerdanel fading.
Smell: Vanilla
Songs: Can I be Him by James Arthur, I'll Be Waiting by Cian Ducrot
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Cóloniélë is maia of Nienna - Nienna and Cóloniélë are almost close as mother and daughter. She has the ablity to heal people mentally. She touches them and heals them mentally - helps them get over their fear or stress and guilt. But it inflicts on her - she feels their pain and it flows through like liquid fire in her veins - she cries and screams the worse they are - or faints if she cannot take it.
Niélë used to be lively and happy - her most precious memory is meeting Nerdanel, she was the happiest then and slowly fell in love with the daughter of Mahtan too.
She never liked Fëanor - or how close he was trying to get to Nerdanel.
But just as when she was about to confess her feelings, Fëanor had won Nerdanel’s heart - it had completely shattered her, especially when they decided to get married at their young age. Niélë had to watch Nerdenel get married and never be able to have her heart - as elves only loved once. Nienna tried her best to comfort her, but what can soothe a broken heart?
Niélë is devasted and hates Fëanor completely when he takes the oath with their sons- leaving Nerdanel heartbroken and left behind – she tries to comfort her while keeping her feelings hidden – she never reveals not wanting to burden her. Plus – since elves only love once, so Niélë will never have her chance. . .
Niélë travels to middle earth sometimes to give comfort as ordered by Nienna - when she returns Nerdanel asks her about her sons and unfortunately, Niélë never has good news for her until the time Maedhros and Maglor had taken in the Peredhil twins.
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hideyseek · 10 months
3, 9, 30? :) -meikuree
hehe hiii @meikuree mwah thank you for the ask !!! some of these are doubled up but never fear i am the strongest at talking about myself so i will simply, answer those again, differently (hopefully that's ok!!)
ao3 wrapped
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
ok so in the other ask i talked about a drabble i wrote (actually the most recent thing i finished) but from early this year (january) i would say the fic i'm proudest of is bet on losing dogs, which is a kakeru/haiji underground fighting au. i was reaaally captivated by a verse in mitski's "i bet on losing dogs" and wanted to transpose the dogfighting part more literally into a fic. i'd also done a lot of reading of grimier, shall we say, fic toward the end of last year and the start of this year. this was the first thing i wrote that captured some of my interest!! (it still did not really end up particularly violent despite the premise, but it got me started, hehe.)
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
ahahahaha. when i was reading over this list after reblogging it, i was like, oh probably kakehai. i shake those two guys in a jar so much. but actually it's arthurcobb from inception!!!! i was surprised at how much i gravitated toward writing the dynamics of what i imagine their pre-canon relationship to be in the two drabble competitions i did this year, and i'm extremely extremely pleased with some of the core emotional aspects and events that i unearthed that way!!
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
hohoho i wrote about the discoveries from learning to write smut already but another big surprise this year is that drafting doesn't have to be like ... i sit and bang my head against my laptop keyboard for an hour and emerge bloodied, exhausted, etc.
i've started to do this thing where i'll be faced with like, an outline of a scene or the vague idea of a scene without the actual words of it. and i'll sit down and write a set of 3 approach to it, with a 3-min timer for each. my personal rule is i can go past the timer but i can't stop beforehand. i borrowed it from this post!
sometimes each version highlights a different aspect of something that's important to me in the scene that i only knew subconsciously before, sometimes the first version hits it all and i move on to the next bit of the scene for the second 3-min timer, sometimes the first approach is so wrong i can rule it out. but for me the key thing is i'm only throwing away 3 minutes of work, if that last case happens, and but this has made drafting SO unbelievably faster for me that i no longer actively dread it. BIG yippee!!
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Chapters: 67/77 Fandom: The Mandalorian (TV), Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: Rebels Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Din Djarin & Grogu | Baby Yoda, Din Djarin & Original Mandalorian Characters, Din Djarin & Paz Vizsla, Din Djarin/Omera Characters: Din Djarin, Bo-Katan Kryze, Cara Dune, Luke Skywalker, Paz Vizsla, Axe Woves, Grogu | Baby Yoda, Original Mandalorian Characters (Star Wars), Din Djarin's Father, Tarre Vizsla, Original Characters, Boba Fett, Fennec Shand, Tristan Wren, Fenn Rau, Koska Reeves, The Armorer (The Mandalorian TV), Omera (Star Wars), Moff Gideon (Star Wars), Background & Cameo Characters, Winta (Star Wars), Migs Mayfeld, Pre Vizsla (flashback) Additional Tags: Protective Din Djarin, Children of the Watch, Mandalorian Protectors, References to Star Wars Legends, Mand’alor Din Djarin, The Mandalorian Darksaber (Star Wars), Force-Sensitive Din Djarin, Father-Child Relationships, Some made up mando lore, Headcanon, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Din Djarin whump in some chapters, Moral Dilemmas, Tags May Change, Mandalorian Culture (Star Wars), Chock full of Mando OCs but they all have a part to play, Force Visions (Star Wars), Canon Divergence, Epic Bromance, Mandomera in later chapters, Good Parent Din Djarin, Worldbuilding, Slow Burn, Fluff and Angst, Death Watch | Kyr'tsad (Star Wars), BoFenn in later chapters, Good Parent Paz Vizsla, slice of life chapters, Character Study chapters, Occasional Dark Themes, Background Relationships Series: Part 1 of Honor Thy Clan Summary:
The prologue begins at midpoint: Din Djarin has been Mand’alor for over a year. Survivors of the Purge are mostly war orphans raised on uncertainty and hidden fears, who lack proper guidance and combat training. They slowly see Din as a father figure as much as their sole ruler, while broken warriors piece their own lives back together. Din’s Covert is yet to be found. Unknown numbers of Mandalorians are scattered across the galaxy, awaiting a call to arms. Meanwhile, an ancient Mand’alor reaches out to Din in cryptic ways, blurring the lines between the past, present, and future. The long journey to healing and reclaiming Mandalore begins, and it would take the strongest to lead them.
FIRST PART of a two-part series. (Note: The first part happens before midpoint; the second part will cover events happening after.) Headcanons!! Slow, detailed world-building. Diverges completely from season 3.
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isshua · 2 years
Messianic Aureation
Chapter 1: The Return of the Beginning, and the Start of Something Greater
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Here we go, first Sagau fic I'm posting on this site. I haven't used Tumblr in years so bear with me while I remember how to use everything.
You can also find the fic here, under the same name, where it'll probably be updated sooner compared to here.
Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated! Enjoy! :)
Chapter 2 is here
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There is a false god in Teyvat.
The winds know it and the earth knows it. The animals know it and the plants know it. The monsters and the storms and the clouds and the sea all are aware. Teyvat cannot be deceived. And yet, it cannot do anything to stop this false god. It is powerless against a higher power, a heretic sitting upon a throne of lies. All Teyvat can do is watch and pray that one day, the rightful owner of the title Creator will return.
The false god has tricked the people of Teyvat. Gods and mortals alike bow before them and swear their undying devotion to a puppet. They cannot see through the trickery of the heretic’s words. The false god stays in power and rules with a cruel fist with no room for mercy within their cold heart. Teyvat feels it and suffers. It weeps for its true Creator, the Almother Caratrice, to descend from her heavenly plane and smite the false god with her Veritas Incarnata, Truth Incarnate, a sword fused with the power to reduce Celestia to ash if need be. Alas, the Divine Creator remains absent from her world. And Teyvat continues to weep.
There is a prophecy, one written in the stars and banished from all forms of text by the hand of the false god. A prophecy that speaks of heroes, of battles, of blood and death and a fight between gods that will shake Teyvat to its very core and bring mortals and immortals alike to their knees. It speaks of the Divine Creator rising up and defeating the false god to reclaim her rightful throne and free the people from the chains of Madness with the aid of her nine champions. It is a prophecy of freedom. It is a prophecy of hope.
When the earth shakes and the sky crumbles,
when the blind’s hunt is done…
When the Truth and the Madness collide,
the battle for Teyvat will have begun…
From the night sky oh holy Caratrice will come and rise up to reclaim her throne.
With the help of the new Nine Choirs, Teyvat will welcome the true Creator home.
Lupus, Rota, Ocellus, Fila, Peregrinus, Alatus, Monoceros, Iracundus, and lastly, Palmatum.
Nine names, nine Choirs, defenders of the Ideals.
Find them, bring them together, the Truth shall be revealed.
The Creator and the Nine will free Teyvat from the spell,
and the heretic’s Madness shall be quelled.
And if the prophecy is not fulfilled,
blood will stain the earth,
and the world will suffer still.
3,000 years before the Archon War, the Creator was at war with Armageddon, the Destroyer, god of the apocalypse, her twin brother and corrupted counterpart. Teyvat was in ruins, and life was on the brink of extinction. The Nine Choirs, human beings who were chosen by Caratrice to rise to godhood and fight as her warriors, were tired. Humanity was tired, and the world was close to being consumed by the Destroyer’s darkness. So, the Creator, in all of her compassionate glory, sacrificed herself to save Teyvat. She gave up her light to chase back the Madness and died with the promise to return someday to finish off Armageddon once and for all. For this solution was only temporary: Caratrice’s light did not kill her brother, only wounded him. Beneath the earth in which the Crossroads was built is where Armageddon slumbers. Someday he will awaken, and the god of the apocalypse will rise once again.
The Nine, not only Caratrice’s strongest fighters but also her dearest friends, mourned her loss and disappeared without a trace. Teyvat was safe, but without its founder. Life could go on, but not without the possibility of Armageddon returning. Without its godly protectors, the darkness could be left to fester and constantly fight back against the light.
There is a false god in Teyvat. An imposter, an impersonator. This false god abuses the power wrongly bestowed upon them to trick the people of Teyvat with a veil of Madness. But this heretic’s time is limited. And they know, sooner or later, the true Creator will keep her promise and return to the world she conjured so many ages ago. Teyvat knows it, and it is prepared, ready to embrace the reincarnated Caratrice with open arms. The prophecy must be fulfilled. The Primal Light will awaken again.
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She stood on a thin line, a sheer cliff that went straight down on both sides.
Surrounding her was a veil of darkness. Below her was the abyss. Above her was nothing but an empty void of swirling gray and black. There was no light except for the faint golden and purple glow that seemed to be emanating from her. Cara knew she was dreaming. Her body was numb and disconnected from her brain; she couldn’t move. It was strange, to be experiencing an out-of-body sensation such as this one, and yet having no control of how things went. With no choice other than to simply go along with whatever her subconscious mind was conjuring, she stood there, watching the abyss roil and the darkness churn.
The voice that bellowed out from the shadows sent a deep vibration through her body. On its own accord, her head tilted up to the sky. The light within her pulsed and brightened.
“Can you hear me Caratrice?”
Something was descending from the sky. Cara saw the bright flash of wings and felt the burning gaze of something massive staring down at her. The light within her pierced through the darkness and responded to the foreign entity. Cara was blinded to the point where she couldn’t see anything at all.
“You must return to the world you left behind, Caratrice. Your creations need you.”
Her mind was alight with memories that did not belong to her. Beautiful blue skies. Green hills and towering mountains. Constellations and the voices of people she didn’t know. All she could see was gold and purple.
“Wake up Caratrice.”
“Wake up.”
“Wake up!”
Cara shot forward with a gasp, a cry leaving her lips as she lurched out of the darkness and into an entirely different environment. She panted, sweat congregating on her forehead as she clutched her t-shirt and closed her eyes, struggling to control her breathing and calm herself down.
When she opened her eyes again, she observed her surroundings. She wasn’t standing on a cliff that was on the edge of darkness. She was sitting in her bed with her covers drawn over her legs. Morning light filtered through her bedroom shades. She could hear the chirping of birds outside of her window and the distant rumble of cars.
She was safe. The abyss, the golden and purple light, the voice. It had been nothing more than a nightmare. She was okay. She was alright.
That’s the fifth time this week.
They were growing more consistent, and Cara was not happy about it. Every time she shut her eyes and fell asleep, she was plagued by the same nightmare. She didn’t know how much longer she could handle this. Every single one ended with the same outcome: a loud booming voice yelling for her to return to her “creations.” She would wake up in a cold sweat, terror seizing her heart as she was forced out of sleep and back into the real world. She had no idea what these nightmares meant. There had to be some hidden meaning behind them. But what could it be? It was frustrating to wake up from the same dream every morning and have absolutely no idea what it was implying about her life.
Well, it didn’t matter anymore, did it? Sleep was impossible to grasp now, and after lying in bed for a few minutes with nothing to do but stare up at her ceiling, Cara sighed and slowly got out of bed to make her way to her bathroom. Switching on the lamp stationed above the sink, she blinked a few times to get her eyes used to the light, then turned on the faucet to splash some water over her face.
It was refreshing and cool. Cara enjoyed the feeling of the water, closing her eyes with a deep breath. When she opened them again, she took a moment to study herself.
Dark bags hung under her eyes, a clear sign that she had been having trouble sleeping for weeks. Her cheeks were pale, and her pupils were dull with exhaustion. To put it simply, she looked absolutely horrible.
These nightmares are going to be the death of me. Cara shook her head and turned off the light, trudging back to bed. She crawled back under the covers, but all hope of going back to sleep was gone. Maybe it was because the water woke her up, or maybe it was because she didn’t want to have another strange dream.
She groaned and buried her face into her pillow. Another sleepless night.
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The sound of her friend’s scream ripping through her headset made Cara wince, her fingers stuttering over her keyboard and causing her to lose focus. She watched as the Cryo Regisvine they were fighting slammed itself into the ground and killed Xinyan, Yoimiya, and Diluc at the same time. She groaned in frustration.
“We died,” her friend, Nick, said sadly.
“Yeah, no shit we died.” Her other friend, Casey, sighed. “Guess we have to try again.”
“We wouldn’t have lost if you hadn’t screamed like a banshee and caused Nick and I to get distracted,” Cara commented.
“It was an involuntary reaction!” Casey protested. “What was I supposed to do, sit there and be happy we got killed?”
“This is why we never let you take charge of boss battles.” Cara teleported to the nearest Statue of the Seven. She clicked on Yoimiya’s profile icon to heal her. “Next time, I’ll lead the boss battle.”
Casey made a small noise of protest that immediately got drowned out by Nick. “Hey, I thought you said I could choose the next boss battle.”
“We still have to defeat the Cryo Regisvine,” Cara said. “I need to ascend Kaeya to level 90.”
“And I need to ascend Noelle. The Cryo Regisvine can wait.”
“Okay, okay, before you two start arguing, let’s form a plan,” Casey cut in. “Since we’re closest to the Cryo Regisvine, let’s take that on first. After we beat that, we’ll help Nick ascend Noelle. Sounds good?”
“Yes,” Cara answered. “Sounds like the perfect plan. Nick, you in?”
Nick, ever the peacemaker, agreed. “Yeah, that’s a good plan, I guess. You always come up with the best plans, Casey.”
Cara could envision Casey puffing up with pride in her mind. “Don’t encourage her, Nick,” she laughed. “She might start to take you seriously.”
“No, no, Nick, do go on, I insist,” Casey said. “Tell Cara how much better I am at this game than she is.”
The three of them laughed. These were the times that Cara enjoyed; on a cold winter evening with nothing to do, playing Genshin Impact with her friends. Casey and Nick had convinced her to start playing over five months ago, and ever since then, she was hooked. The game was fun, with interesting lore, enjoyable characters, and fun enemies to fight. Nick and Casey had truly gotten her invested, and they joined up over Co-Op to play together every week. When Cara wasn’t playing Co-Op and had free time between her busy work-college schedule, she would spend time doing quests and leveling up her characters. To say the least, she was invested.
As they were traveling back to the Cryo Regisvine, a tingle shot through Cara’s fingers. All of a sudden, a burst of static erupted from her headset, causing her to gasp and throw it off. The screen of her computer glitched, momentarily freezing her gameplay.
The glitch ended as soon as it had begun. Cara stared at her screen, heart pounding. Hands slightly shaking, she picked up her headset and slipped it back over her head.
“Cara?” Nick called. “Are you okay?”
“We heard a loud thumping noise,” Casey said. “Did something happen?”
“I-I don’t know,” Cara replied. She clicked her mouse a few times and moved Yoimiya around. “My computer suddenly just glitched. I don’t know if it was lag, or bad internet, but it just sort of broke for a moment.”
“Is it working now?” Casey asked.
“Yeah, it seems fine.” Cara shook her head. “That was so weird. I just checked earlier to make sure my computer has no viruses. What the hell was that?”
“Maybe you should check again?” Nick suggested. “Or it could be your internet. Is something wrong with your router?”
“Let me check the connection for a moment. I’ll be right back.” Cara took off her headset and stood up. She left her bedroom and headed into the living room of her dorm. Beside the television, her internet router was hooked up. When she knelt to check on it, she saw that everything was completely normal. The router wasn’t unplugged, nor did it seem like it was having any trouble producing an internet connection.
So weird, she thought to herself. Never had she had something like this happen to her. After looking over the router one more time, she got up and went back to her bedroom.
“The router’s fine,” she said into her microphone after she sat back down. “It must have just been a glitch then. I hope it doesn’t happen again. That was absolutely terrifying.” She paused, hearing, to her surprise, nothing but silence. “Guys? Are you still there?”
No response. Cara checked to see if she was still connected to the voice chat the three of them were in. Nick and Casey were still there, unmuted. She unplugged her headset and replugged it back in. “Guys? Can you hear me?”
Her keyboard felt warm to the touch, and she noticed that strange tingle had returned to her fingers. Cara studied her computer screen, noticing, for the first time, that Nick and Casey’s characters had disappeared. The only one there was Yoimiya, and for some reason, it looked like she was deliberately staring at her through the screen. Cara felt the hair on the back of her neck stand on end; she got the distinct feeling that she was being watched.
What the hell is going on? Cara called out for her friends one more time. “Hey, guys? This isn’t funny, answer me!” My computer has to be glitching out. I should restart it.
She moved her mouse to shut Genshin Impact down. Abruptly, pain flared through her hands and shot straight up to her forehead. Her screen flickered again, more violently this time. A full roar of static rose up out of her headset. Cara fumbled to throw them off and get away from her computer but found that she couldn’t pull her eyes away from the screen. Purple and gold flashed across her face; she couldn’t think, couldn’t move, could only continue to stare in shock and horror as everything went haywire.
The voice was coming from her computer. “Accept your godhood Caratrice. This is meant to be. It is fate.”
“Return to your creations.”
“Save Teyvat.”
And then, her vision went black. Cara had the distinct feeling of being sucked into something before she passed out.
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an icarus and his sun: chapter 15
A/N: well, the end is finally here. I’m not done with this lil au by any other means, there are some oneshots (like missing scenes from this story that I couldn’t get to flow with the rest of the fic) and some oneshots that take place before and after this story. there is also a nature wives sequel that I am contemplating. anyway, I just wanted to give a HUGE thank you to all the love this fic has gotten. when I set out to write this, I never imagined it getting this much love. I was writing this story mostly for myself, and this has been a work that I have never been more motivated to write, and that is largely due to the love that it has gotten. again, thank you so much. and I wrote this chapter while listening to Like Real People Do by Hozier on loop, I think it fits the mood of this chapter very well.
Warnings: pretty much nothing, just kissing and a ton of fluff
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Quite some time had passed since that fateful day that Jimmy had saved Scott from the corruption. Jimmy still didn’t quite agree that his kiss was what had saved Scott in the end, he was sure Scott had something to do with it too- safe to say this was a common debate between the two. Debating was something that had not changed between them in the slightest. They still bickered, but it was lighthearted, more affectionate now. Their arguments, if they could even be called that, were filled with laughter that glittered like gold and grins that shimmered like bronze.
The defensive strategies that the new and improved House Blossom Alliance came up with helped a great deal- not that they really ended up needing it anyhow. Fwhip and Sausage kept to themselves most times these days. Both of them seemingly felt guilty about what had happened, even if they made no moves to try and repair the bond that had been broken. That stung more than some of the former Wither Rose Alliance members cared to admit. Pearl and Gem both wanted to see the best in Fwhip and Sausage, but even if either of them came crawling back for forgiveness, neither one was sure they would give it to them. And Scott wasn’t sure how he could handle even seeing one of them again.
Then there was the matter of the corruption. The containment box Gem had made seemed to be working enough, but every now and again one of them would spot a strange red plant growing from the ground, and would have to uproot it and add it to the box. Luckily nothing seemed to be spreading too far yet, and there was no sign of the “he” that the red Scott spoke of. Shelby seemed constantly on edge, and Jimmy caught Scott staring up at the statue of Aeor and asking for answers on more than one occasion. But Jimmy was confident that the containment would work, and since they beat it once, they could beat it again!
But it was silly to worry about those things, not on a momentous day like this. Jimmy adjusted the pale green bow-tie for about the millionth time, and fidgeted with the suit jacket, unused to the blinding white color of it. He wasn’t wearing his cod head- and he didn’t have a cod mask either- but the bronze scale-like pattern dotted here and there on the white suit was enough for Jimmy. Besides, for once, he wanted his head to be entirely visible today. However, upon Lizzie’s insistence, he did don a bronze-colored crown inlaid with emeralds.
“You ready?” Lizzie asked softly, holding out her arm to Jimmy. She had traded her dress with its blues of the Ocean Empire for one with the greens of the Cod Empire. Jimmy swallowed nervously and nodded with a smile, not trusting his voice to break. He took Lizzie’s arm, and the two of them walked out of the hallway and down the aisle of the new ceremony room of Katherine’s castle. Joel waited for them at the front, while all of Jimmy’s friends- Pixl, Katherine, Shelby, Pearl, and Gem- were sitting in the pews on either side of the aisle. Once they made it to the front of the ceremony room, Lizzie squeezed Jimmy’s arm encouragingly before taking her seat in the audience. Joel gave Jimmy a supportive smile, before the music began and both of them looked to the entrance of the ceremony room. Everyone rose from their seats- and in came Scott.
He was breathtaking. The dress he wore had white lace detailing, while the skirt itself was satin and had a layer of tulle over it, with more lace detailing at the hem. It was sleeveless, and must have been backless to make room for his wings. Gold jewelry adorned him, including the crown on his head, and in his hands he held a bouquet of blue orchids picked from Jimmy’s empire. Jimmy felt himself getting a bit misty-eyed, and couldn’t keep the adoring smile off of his face as Scott made his way down the aisle, finally coming to a stop to stand across from Jimmy. The bouquet was handed off to Joel, who set it down on the table behind him, but Jimmy was too busy gazing up at Scott, hardly able to believe that this day was happening.
“We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Jimmy, the Codfather and ruler of the Cod Empire, and Scott, the winged elf ruler of Rivendell. Their love is one that was won through adversity, and may they always have each other through whatever trials they may have to face,” Joel said, then turned to retrieve the pillow that held the two rings on it from the table. Jimmy took one of the rings, the one that was gold with a sliver of bronze through it, and reached out for Scott’s hand.
“With this ring, I declare my love for you. No matter what you say I did to save you, I still believe that you are one of the strongest people I know. You are as imposing as the mountains you rule in, yet your smile is like morning sunlight and your laughter is glittering gold. My love for you is as steady and sure as the ground beneath me, and as strong as the ocean's currents. I could stumble, or get swept away- but I know you'll be there to save me, as you say I have saved you," Jimmy said, gazing at Scott as he slipped the ring onto his finger. Scott's eyes were glassy as he tried not to cry, smiling that sunshine smile that never failed to make Jimmy’s heart soar. Scott took a deep breath, then took the other ring- this one was bronze with a sliver of gold through it, the inverse of the one Scott now wore.
"In the red dreamscape you saved me from, the corruption made a comment about you and I. It said that you are an Icarus, and that I am your sun. But I think it's the other way around. Sure, you can certainly be an Icarus- ambitious and determined, but you are my sun, Jimmy- warm, radiant, and dazzling. If I am the mountains, then you are the sun that peeks over them. My heart soars for you like I do with my wings, I fly ever closer to catch the beams of light you give off- and I fell. I fell for you- sweet, brave, wonderful you- despite everything. So with this ring, I declare my love to you- my Icarus and my sun," Scott said, taking Jimmy’s hand and slipping the ring on his finger. Jimmy wiped at his eyes with his free hand before taking Scott’s other hand. He looked away from Scott for a brief moment to nod at Joel, before looking back to Scott. Joel turned again, setting down the pillow and trading it for two lengths of ribbon- one gold, and one bronze. An amused sparkle came to Scott’s eyes, and Jimmy gave him a look that said not-now-Scott-not-on-our-wedding-day when Joel began speaking as he looped the fabric around their wrists.
“May the threads of these ribbons never unravel, just as your love will not. May your bond stay strong and true, just as the ribbons that connect you now,” Joel said, removing his hands once he was done. The gold ribbon was looped around Scott’s right wrist, then under their clasped hands to wrap around Jimmy’s right wrist. The bronze ribbon was looped around Jimmy’s left wrist, then over their clasped hands to wrap around Scott’s left wrist.
“Guess you’re stuck with me now,” Scott murmured, voice low enough that only Jimmy and Joel could hear him. Jimmy let out a soft laugh, and Joel rolled his eyes fondly.
“Scott, do you take Jimmy to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, as long as you both shall live?” Joel asked, looking to Scott.
“I do,” Scott said softly, all joking and teasing gone from his expression, leaving only unabashed adoration in its place.
“Jimmy, do you take Scott to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, as long as you both shall live?” Joel asked, looking to Jimmy.
“I do,” Jimmy said, unable to keep himself from grinning widely, feeling like he would float to the ceiling if Scott wasn’t keeping him tethered.
“Then by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom,” Joel said, nodding to Scott. Jimmy barely got the chance to lean in before Scott tugged him closer by their clasped hands and kissed him softly. Jimmy couldn’t stop smiling into the kiss, and he let out a delighted laugh when they broke apart. Their friends were cheering and clapping, and Joel threw blue and green confetti over them, Jimmy giggling at the way it got caught in Scott’s hair. They slipped their hands out of the ribbons, carefully handing it over to Joel as he handed the blue orchid bouquet back to Scott. The two of them then walked arm-in-arm down the aisle, married.
Jimmy didn’t think he had stopped smiling since the ceremony started. He even kept smiling all throughout Lizzie’s speech full of embarrassing stories about Jimmy at the reception. He definitely smiled when Scott threw the bouquet, and Shelby enthusiastically leapt up and caught it- only to stumble back into Katherine’s arms when she landed. The rest of the night, the two of them kept exchanging sheepish glances and Shelby held the bouquet close to her chest for most of the evening. Jimmy couldn’t even bring himself to be mad that someone else seemed to be finding love at their wedding.
Jimmy’s smile finally settled to something softer as he and Scott shared their first dance as a married couple. He could feel the other’s eyes on them, but that quickly faded to the background as the way Scott held him and gazed down at him captured all of his attention. Jimmy couldn’t stop stealing glances to their matching rings, heart fluttering at the reminder that they were husbands now. If you had told Jimmy at that first House Blossom Alliance meeting that he would end up married to the winged elf that badgered him into picking a fight, he would have never believed you. In fact, if you had told Jimmy anything about what was going to happen to him and Scott, he would have called you crazy. Yet here he was, dancing with someone he once swore he hated, with the man who he had been to hell and back with. And Jimmy wouldn’t have had it any other way.
Taglists below! Ask if you want to be added/removed (I will be keeping the aiahs taglist for any future parts of this universe)!
MCYT General Fic Taglist: @corazon10000 @damiensaidno @franticfandomfanatic @gattonero17 @hetapeep41 @space-ace123 @vyeoh 
AIAHS Taglist: @anty-kreatywna @beepa99 @devilwoodkitty18 @logosbottm @riobug
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thesleepy1 · 3 years
My King Shall Have Everything
A/N: A fuck load of people seemed to like my last Merthur fic. I even got a request for a sequel from @antobcq who wanted a 5+1 fic where Arthur couldn’t get anything done without Merlin on his lap. I haven’t done one of these fics in ages but I’m down with this prompt. I also love the headcanon where Merlin is a better court member and adviser than Arthur and completely leaves Arthur in the dust during diplomatic meetings. Unbeta’d as always, we die like Arthur.
Extra note, this turned out much longer than I expected it to. This might be my longest fic yet. I didn’t mean for it to be like this but I spent too much time on it to just leave it alone. And much to my surprise, it’s a linear storyline as well. I hope you all enjoy it and feel free to give me some feedback. Do you prefer the linear storylines or short snippets of scenes? Also, kind of sorry for the slight angst. My bad. It got worse towards the end, I was getting really tired and wasn’t completely sure how to end it. It’s not on the highest note is all I’ll say.
Pairings: Merlin x Arthur, slight Gwen x Morgana
Summary: Five times Arthur couldn’t get anything done without Merlin on his lap and one time where Merlin couldn’t get anything done without Arthur on his lap.
Word count: 10,485
Warnings: Lap sitting, fluff, physical touch, sexual content, grinding, angst, wounds, violence, character death, more warnings to be added, more tags to be added, proceed with caution, breeding kink, impregnation kink, mentions of dub/con, possessive behavior, obsessive behavior, eugenics, blood, gore, hurt/comfort, angst/comfort, whump, injuries, begging, character death, mentions of public executions, long fic, foul language, asphyxiation, strangulation, choking,
Arthur was good at many things, but being on time was not one of them. Especially, when at the end of the hall he had to attend a council meeting with some of the most stuck up people he had ever met, and that was saying something considering he had to spend the last winter with his extended family. His advisers had been up his ass all week about the new rising kingdom beyond the continent. A kingdom so far away, he had just heard of it several months prior. It was like the kingdom had appeared overnight, suddenly a new ink blotch taking over the lower side of the map.
Personally, he didn’t believe it was real in the first place, having a squadron of knights and hired mercenaries sail over to investigate this so-called Kingdom of Le Lubrique. Much to his disbelief, they didn’t come back empty handed and instead returned with a message. A greeting, as his advisers and Merlin had called it.
To Arthur, it was merely stiff aristocrats getting together in too large a room to talk about dull nonsense. Something he had enough of in his own kingdom. Every other month he was already forced to put on a brave face and converse with the other ruling kings and queens of the continent; he didn’t need another to add on to the mix. He already loathed the balls he was required to host.
“You’re late,” Merlin hissed at him as he entered through a side door so as to not alert the others of his presence.
“That’s kind of the point of me coming here long after the time I was supposed to, Merlin,” Arthur rolled his eyes, sneaking behind the other advisers present to his seat. Merlin begrudgingly followed right on his tail.
“This is serious Arthur, you should have been here ten minutes ago!” Merlin nagged a tad too loudly.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the great king of Camelot himself. I’m delighted to see you have graced us with the honor of your belated attendance,” said an adviser from the guest kingdom with a tone that made Arthur want to stab him, wars be damned.
“I hope you could excuse my tardiness just this once,” Arthur began, trying to come up with a plausible excuse. He looked over to Merlin for help, but the warlock looked clueless as usual. “It...was just that I was caught up with...making sure my...uh...husband’s family were making themselves at home. The in-laws are visiting, you see. You know how hard it can be to keep them happy.”
Merlin looked like he wanted to hang Arthur with his own entrails at the king’s quick thinking. Camelot’s advisers seemed to be considering throwing themselves from the window. And the guest advisers seemed content with Arthur’s answer; though not pleased.
“Oh, believe me,” one of them began, a tall woman with high cheekbones and piercing brown eyes, “I know exactly how tiring in-laws can be.” She let out a high pitched laugh like the sound of dying blue jays; the sound made Arthur want to join his advisers as they inched towards the open windows.
“Well, yes, hahaha, they can be quite a hassle. Especially people that are related to my husband here,” Arthur clapped his hands, smiling at Merlin as he took his seat at the head of the table, “Shall we properly begin then?”
Arthur truly and wholeheartedly regretted agreeing to the whole thing. It was hour after hour of mindless words with little to no meaning. They just went on and on about things that meant little to nothing. He tried to tune out their voices but the tall woman’s laugh was like the crack of a whip, bringing him back to reality each time someone made a vaguely funny comment.
“Are you alright, Arthur?” Merlin said in a hushed tone next to his side. Concern had brought his dark eyebrows together. Arthur was tempted to take his fingers and smooth out Merlin’s worry, but perhaps that was too intimate an act for a meeting. Then again, when did Arthur care about what other people thought of him and his husband.
“I’m fine, Merlin,” Arthur sighed, “Just so bored with all of this.”
“How could you be bored? Have you been listening to half of what they’ve been saying? For a kingdom so small they have so much potential. Their farmlands double ours, as well as their ores, and their medicine is even on par to Gaius’s.” Merlin continued on with such a light in his eyes that Arthur was distracted like a moth to a glowing flame.
“Arthur, have you been listening to what I’ve been saying?”
The king shook his head softly, slightly ashamed for not paying attention to his husband. “I’m sorry. I’m just so distracted. I need something to ground me if I’m going to survive another dreadful hour of this,” he groaned, thinking over if the fall from the window would kill him or lethally wound him. Either way, he’d be away from this horror with Merlin at his bedside playing nurse. At the private thought, an idea crossed his mind that had him delighted.
“You know what would help me?” Arthur began, a smirk tugging at his lips.
“What?” Merlin gave him a suspicious look, having seen the grin on the king many times before.
“It’ll really help if you were on my lap.” Merlin gave him an incredulous glare, ready to smack him across the back of the head for such a suggestion during such a crucial conference. “Please, Merlin? You really do help me focus.”
The warlock seemed to be thinking over Arthur’s request, a frown twisting his face. He looked like he was going to say no, but the pleading look on Arthur’s face made him change his mind. “Just this once. I don’t want to make a habit of this, Arthur,” Merlin warned in a hurried voice.
“Just this once,” Arthur lied through his teeth.
The second king of Camelot sat himself on the first, his side pressed against Arthur’s chest. Arthur wound his arm around Merlin and held him tightly. The action seemed to have garnered the attention of the visitors who looked at the pair strangely. And for some odd reason, the visiting ladies of the guest kingdom seemed to be glaring intently at Merlin.
“We are ever so sorry to be boring you, your majesty, but there is still much to discuss,” a visiting high lord coughed, glaring at the pair. “I apologize that our talk of declining population, racial biases against commoners and sorcerers, and ever so low birth rates have made you tired, but considering it may be the undoing of Le Lubrique, I deem it vital,” he practically snarled.
Arthur’s grip on Merlin tightened, his other hand palming Merlin’s thighs. The warlock couldn’t hide the grin that was stretched across his beautiful face at the touch. The king absolutely loved that grin. Arthur glared right back at those who dared question his behavior, for him showing his love for his king. He sounded in a stern voice that left no room for argument, “No apologies needed. Please, continue.”
“Don’t let us disturb you,” Merlin added with a more snarky tone, commanding the same amount of respect. “You have our full attention.”
“Must I attend? You’ll be there, is that not enough?” Arthur whined as Merlin buttoned up his shirt.
“We are hosting a party in the Kingdom of Le Lubrique’s honor. Their queen has traveled all the way here to properly meet us,” Merlin pressed a kiss to Arthur’s cheek for the effort. “Must I continue?”
“Only if you wish, my dear,” Arthur pointed to his other cheek, waiting for the same treatment as the other.
Merlin rolled his eyes, pressing another kiss to Arthur. “I’m serious, Arthur, this could mean an all out war or the strongest of ally ship. I mean, have you read the reports of what their kingdom is like? It sounds, and excuse for my word choice but there really is no other way to describe it; magical. I would love to visit the country myself. If we make a good impression they might invite us for a stay,” he continued, tying a red handkerchief with Camelot’s crest around his own neck.
“And that’s why the second king of Camelot would be in attendance.”
Merlin left Arthur in their room after that, knowing that Arthur would follow him. “Are you really going to make me sit there and listen to them go on and on about their plan to repopulate their country, or over tax their people for the food that’s in abundance? Come on, Merlin, we could have our council handle it.” Arthur stepped in front of Merlin to block his way. “Why don’t we head back to our room and make this a more entertaining night?” he wiggled his eyebrows to make sure Merlin got his point.
Merlin heard him loud and clear and rightfully ignored Arthur’s attempt to get into his pants. He sidestepped the man to continue on his path, turning a corner to the ballroom. “Do you hear yourself? What kind of impression would that give Le Lubrique if you just suddenly disappeared?!” Arthur turned to run back to their room just to prove Merlin’s point, but the warlock quickly magicked him back to his side. “You’re coming with me whether you like it or not.”
And that was how Arthur ended up sitting on his throne, bored out of his mind and unwilling to be civil or sociable when he could have spent the entire evening snuggled inside Merlin. He could have been in bed by now, having Merlin moaning his name underneath him, but instead Arthur watched as the guest and court mingled and danced. The instrumentalists bobbed their heads in tune to their upbeat song.
Despite refusing to speak to anyone besides Morgana, and Merlin, and occasionally Gwen when she could spare a moment from dancing; he had learned quite a bit about their guests. The fact that although they had a vast amount of farmlands, they had little people to work in them. Which came as a shock to Arthur because he had learned earlier on that Le Lubrique consisted of mostly sorcerers.
Le Lubrique’s queen was the tall woman with a voice that made Arthur’s ears bleed. Her lady in waiting seemed to be a distant relative from their shared trait of high cheekbones, drowning brown eyes, and dark hair. The two were glued at the hip, her lady in waiting obsessively trailing behind her like a newborn duckling wherever they went. They were both strong magic users if Merlin’s gushing was anything to go by. And also very beautiful with fancy perfume that complimented each other so nicely that they smelt like heaven, from Merlin’s words of course, not his. If Arthur didn’t know any better, he would think Merlin fancied them; the queen and her lady in waiting.
Even when the queen was dancing with a number of council members, the servant would be right next to her. It was quite amusing to watch them struggle to sway in time with the music. Arthur had already made bets with Gwen on the number of times party guests would refuse dances with the pair because they refused to separate. So far Arthur was winning.
That was until the queen smugly asked Merlin for a dance. Her lady in waiting immediately stepped away like someone had called for her assistance, leaving the queen alone with Merlin. Much to Arthur’s disappointment, Merlin happily accepted the dance. He took the queen’s hand and off they went, twirling around as if they were the only ones in the room. His hands on her shoulder and waist, her hands virtually tearing his clothes from his chest.
The way the queen of Le Lubrique looked at Merlin made a sick feeling build up from the pit of Arthur’s stomach. She was undressing him with her eyes, the brown in her gaze turning an almost pitch black from lust. The woman said something that made Merlin taken aback, something about dragons and druids, but it was hard to hear from the chatter of the room. For all Arthur knew, it could have very well been a spell.
Merlin recovered quickly with a grin and laugh that had Arthur’s heart skipping a beat. Then the two of them had the audacity to continue dancing as if nothing had happened, the queen still shamelessly pulling at Merlin’s fine clothes that only Arthur was allowed to rip away.
Arthur didn’t know why Merlin didn’t stop the queen when she pulled his handkerchief from his neck. The king was almost killed for even playing with Merlin’s handkerchief and now this woman was doing the same without losing an arm and a leg? Completely unfair. That was proof in itself, she had casted a spell on Merlin.
“Merlin,” Arthur called out to his husband sternly only to be ignored once more. “Merlin,” Arthur stepped away from his throne, making his way towards his husband and the queen.
“I think you should go to bed before things get ugly,” Morgana gently warned Gwen, gesturing towards Arthur’s outburst. “It could either go well or we’ll die of secondhand embarrassment.”
“Thank you for your concern, my love,” Gwen replied with a smirk, “But I want to see how this unfolds.”
Morgana laughed at that, glancing between Arthur and Merlin. “Suit yourself.”
The two high ladies watched as Arthur pulled Merlin away from the queen of Le Lubrique, dragging him away from the woman as she stared on in horror. To Gwen's and Morgana’s surprise, the queen tried to pull Merlin back into her arms. Merlin seemed to be in a daze throughout the whole skirmish. His eyes glazed over, even from afar.
“Should we step in?” Gwen asked with concern, ready to intervene.
“Arthur can handle it, probably.”
The queen called her lady in waiting to help her. Three heads tugged at poor Merlin like he was flax rope at a kingdom fair. The lady in waiting tried to block Arthur from getting a good grip on Merlin while the queen tried to take more of Merlin’s clothes off. A crowd was forming and Morgana distinctively noticed coins being passed around in bets.
“Are you sure, my love?”
“Oh, It's just getting good,” Morgana grinned like a Cheshire cat. “How much are you willing to bet, my beloved?”
Finally, as the crowd began cheering, Arthur twisted out of the lady in waiting’s grip and grabbed hold of Merlin’s waist. The king lifted the warlock up in a bridal carry and turned on his heel for his throne, the crowd parting in heckles and laughs. Arthur blatantly ignored them, sitting down on his throne with Merlin in his lap. Unfortunately, he was unable to retrieve Merlin’s handkerchief, a matter he will surely not hear the end of for quite some time. But between a measly piece of fabric and Merlin’s life, Arthur would choose Merlin time and time again, his own life be damned.
Taking a moment to throw a sneer at Gwen and Morgana who were snickering, Arthur tried to shake Merlin out of the haze. “Are you alright, Merlin?” He stroked Merlin’s arms gently, trying to bring him back to the present. His blue gray eyes were a stormy glaze, seemingly out of it. It made an ugly feeling swirl around in Arthur’s head, the fact that some queen had touched his Merlin in such a way made Arthur sick.
Merlin shuddered in Arthur’s hold, looking down at himself and then at the ballroom floor where others had returned to dancing. Confusion crossed his face, “Of course, I’m alright,” he furrowed his eyebrows, “How did I get here?” Merlin rubbed at his temple, trying to soothe the ache that had formed there.
“Arthur carried you like the jealous brute he is,” Morgana explained, passing Gwen a handful of coins.
“Jealous brute?” Merlin questioned, looking at the trio for a real explanation.
Arthur was about to defend himself when a member of Le Lubrique’s court approached them. “Haha, I couldn’t help but notice the spectacle that you put on there, sire,” the man addressed Merlin.
“I’m sorry, I don’t quite follow.”
The man laughed again, mirth in his eyes. “I guess you wouldn’t,” he said vaguely, “The queen does have a way with words.”
“What do you mean by that?” Arthur butted in, holding Merlin a tad too tight. Merlin squirmed in Arthur’s lap but Arthur seemed to hardly notice.
“Well, you are a warlock, aren’t you, sire?” the man addressed Merlin once more. Merlin nodded despite himself. “A warlock as well as a dragonlord under the queen’s attention is bound to feel the efforts of her magic. And her special attention for that matter, hahaha.”
“Sorry,” Merlin began, more confused than before. “What do you mean by that expactly?”
“Our queen is a lovely dragon tamer. Her family is the last of their kind. Although taming a dragon is much easier when you have someone who can speak to the creatures,” the man laughed as if telling a joke only he knew the punchline to and walked away as if nothing had happened.
Least to say, the rest of the night Arthur didn’t let Merlin out of his sight. He had no idea what a dragon tamer was and Merlin seemed as lost as he was, but he wasn’t taking any chances. No one was going to “tame” his lover. Whatever that meant. Morgana and Gwen could laugh and call him jealous all they want, Arthur only had Merlin’s best interest at heart.
“I doubt having me be a lap warmer is in my best interest.”
It had been weeks and Arthur naively thought they were done interacting with the kingdom of Le Lubrique. He had hoped to be finished with the rising kingdom, to leave them alone as long as they left him be.
He was rarely fortunate these days. Never even.
Apparently, Merlin was not deterred by almost being kidnapped by the queen and her lady in waiting. Merlin even said he enjoyed their company and their attention to his every breathing word. Arthur loved the man, but sometimes he could be quite an idiot.
Merlin, without Arthur’s knowledge, had invited a member of Le Lubrique’s court to stay at the castle. Who else to volunteer to come to Camelot but the queen’s lady in waiting. She was only supposed to be in the kingdom for a couple of weeks, but unfortunately that wasn’t the case. That couple of weeks turned into a couple of months and eventually the woman practically lived there. She had made herself at home on day one, much to Arthur’s dismay. He couldn’t really kick her out without making a bad impression towards her kingdom, despite what her queen had already done.
He was a king. Much to his reluctance, he had to act like it. And that meant acting like you liked people that you hated to the core.
“And these are our forests,” Arthur gestured to the thick wall of trees that signified the beginning of the woods. “I typically take neighboring kings hunting here. If you’re interested, we can go if you’d like.”
Sylvy, the lady in waiting, sat on her horse with her head held high. For someone with a position like her’s, she acted like she was queen herself. Arthur had spent the whole day trying to show her around for the utmost time. She was never satisfied with what he showed her, as if she were looking for a break in the walls of the kingdom.
Every morning she demanded to be taken around on a tour and every afternoon she was left with a deep frown on her face. Nothing made her happy it seemed, and Arthur had truly tried to make her feel at the very least, welcomed. It was just so difficult to do so with the knowledge of what she had done to Merlin. Had enchanted him, put him in a daze of some sort.
If Camelot still had the ban on magic, she would’ve been dead the moment she laid a hand on Merlin. On the crown’s orders, she would have been hung or burned, some form of public execution. Her dark hair would go up in flames as the fire burned higher and higher, her head would hang low as the bucket was kicked out underneath her. Arthur was still considering having her prisoned for what she did and simply explained to her queen that there had been a freak accident. If he were a lesser man, a lesser king, he would’ve done so and let it be a warning.
“I despise hunting as a sport, it’s just mindlessly cruel,” she snarled, her lips curling as a show of disdain. She held the reins to her horse like a vice, afraid that she’d be ripped from the saddle and forced to participate in such barbaric practices. At least, that was what Arthur thought was swimming through her mind.
“Yes, yes, but some like the adrenaline rush of a good hunt,” Arthur explained without real passion, merely a form of continuing the dry conversation. Sylvy had woken him up so early that morning he barely had a chance to give Merlin a goodbye kiss. “Some have to do it to survive.”
“There are other ways to live,” Sylvy began, urging her horse to turn by towards the main part of the kingdom, seeing as they were on the outskirts. “Le Lubrique for one replies solely on farmlands. We have no need for meat or the slaughtering of innocent animals. Everyone can live without such a horrible act; people and sorcerers alike. Meat is simply murder.”
Arthur half heartedly nodded, trailing behind her while trying not to fall off his horse. “I can’t argue with you there.” He didn’t want to argue with about anything her to be truthful, he had had enough of that already.
They traveled at a moderate trot in silence before she spoke up again. “Why haven't you invited me to a council meeting? I’ve been here for ages. Surely you have these sorts of things at least once a month.” She tried to act nonchalantly, but Arthur could see right through her. “I mean, there must be all sorts of things to discuss. An heir to the throne for one, seeing as neither you nor king Merlin can bear children.”
“We just haven’t had any council meetings, nothing interesting to report that couldn’t be done with a quill and parchment is all,” Arthur lied with a fake smile she could not see. “And an heir doesn’t need to be of blood. They just need to be taught how to properly command a kingdom like a fair and just ruler. To know what’s best for a kingdom, who to trust and who to leave behind in the woods.”
A look of abhorrence lingered on Sylvy’s face at Arthur’s words, bothered that he would even say such a thing. But Arthur was right, it didn’t matter if his heir was not his child as long as they were just and fair to all that passed them. Arthur could only imagine what Le Lubrique was like if all their subjects thought the same way Sylvy did. It must be all out war for them if a bastard appeared in court one day; though in reality royal bastards were a dime a dozen.
Sylvy went quiet for a moment, calculating her words while mulling over what Arthur had said. “With a kingdom as large as yours, surely there’s action all around? Suitable women all around. Something worthwhile must have happened during my stay,” her voice took on a tone that Arthur didn’t like, a light flush painting her cheeks like some teenage girl with a crush, “What about king Merlin?”
“What about my husband?”
“What has he been up to?” Sylvy asked indifferently, trying to hide her curiosity from Arthur. If only she would try to hide that damn blush. Merlin was physically attractive, Arthur knew this as an undeniable fact, but to be so unabashed while in front of the man’s husband? What was he? The first king of Camelot reduced to chop liver. Unbelievable!
“Well, he’s the second king of Camelot. A king’s job is never done. There is always more work than one man can handle. I should know, I used to be the one doing all the work.”
They reached town just as Sylvy took on an accusatory tone, “Then what are you doing here?”
Arthur resisted the urge to strangle her in front of so many people. His fists clenched around his reins so hard his knuckles turned ivory. “I’m showing you around, just as you had requested,” Arthur gritted through his teeth, trying so very hard not to glare at her.
“And here I was, hoping to attend a meeting with the second king.”
“Really now?” Arthur could feel the mare under him shuffle on her hooves at his fury. “You know what? There might be one later today.” What he had planned was so unbelievably petty and a tad childish, but at this point, he didn’t give a damn. Sylvy was getting on his last nerve. “I’ll have a servant call you when it’s time. For now, why don’t you explore our lovely town by yourself? Walk around without a king hovering over you and all. That way, I could get back to doing my job.”
Sylvy brightened up in spite of Arthur’s words. A smile was forming on her face, her high cheekbones pushed up even farther. Her brown eyes crinkled at the notion that she’ll be able to see Merlin. “I can’t wait,” she said, unsaddling and handing the reins to her horse to Arthur. “I must get ready,” she said to herself loud enough for Arthur to hear.
“Take all the time you need.”
Arthur would regret those words later that night when he sat among his advisers. Sylvy, their honored guest was over half an hour late and the others were beginning to feel on edge. Many of them were not planned for a meeting so soon after the one they had earlier that week. It was an unprompted get together for the lady in waiting’s sake, Arthur had explained to them.
On days like these Arthur was glad he was king and that there’d be grave consequences if he were murdered by one of his advisers. They would be in the right to do so, kill him that is; but he was hoping to live long enough to raise a couple of children with Merlin.
“Why are we doing this, Arthur?” Merlin asked, hiding a yawn with his hand. While Arthur was riding around the kingdom with Le Lubrique’s queen’s lady in waiting, Merlin was left to run the kingdom by himself. The haunted task of commanding and keeping an eye on so many people was taking its toll on the sorcerer. Merlin hadn’t properly slept in days, too busy keeping the kingdom in one piece.
“Sylvy wanted to be present for a council meeting. As a member of Le Lubrique’s court, we have to answer to her call until her stay is up.” Merlin gave him a look that called Arthur out on his poorly constructed plan. “And I may or may not want her to know that you’re taken.”
Merlin rolled his eyes along with most of the present court. They should all be used to Arthur’s antics at this point. What were they expecting? An honest to god meeting to discuss important topics with their visitor from foreign lands? Never. A fake meeting just so Arthur could flaunt the fact that Merlin loved him and not some conceited queen and her lady in waiting? That was more like it.
“Sometimes I can’t believe I asked you to marry me,” Merlin yawned again, giving Arthur a tired look in more ways than one.
“Feels just like a dream, doesn’t it?”
“More like a nightmare.”
“You love me,” Arthur opened up his arms so Merlin could take his place on the king’s lap. Merlin shook his head at the gesture, so incredibly done with Arthur. “Come on, Merlin. You know you like it here.” He teasingly patted his lap. “You can rest until our guest arrives.”
“Fine,” Merlin said begrudgingly after a moment of hesitation, his mind clouded by the want for sleep. “But you better wake me up when she comes.”
“Of course,” Arthur assured, inviting Merlin over once more. This time Merlin made himself home on Arthur’s lap, his head going to rest on Arthur’s chest. He curled in Arthur’s lap like second nature, having done this so many times over the years. Arthur wrapped his arms around the younger man, making sure he was supported and comfortable. Merlin fit perfectly nonetheless. Within moments, a soft snoring sound could be heard from the man on Arthur’s lap, content in where he sat. The second king finally got the rest he deserved. “I wouldn’t wake you for the world,” Arthur whispered, rubbing soothing circles on Merlin’s arm and leg.
Another half an hour passed achingly slowly without the esteemed lady in waiting’s presence. Arthur was about to call off the whole thing and make his way to his bedchamber when at last, the doors to the room opened to reveal Sylvy. She was no longer dressed in her usual servant attire with its cream apron and blue gray dress. Instead she had ransacked the queen’s wardrobe, wearing something befitting a ball.
The dress was elegant and detailed with silk and satin; a deep shade of bourbon that brought out her brown eyes. Her hand was even done up in cascading dark curls that perfectly fell from the knot atop her head. A glittering wine hair piece sat nestled against her hair, matching perfectly with the studs in her ears. She was beautiful even without the time spent enhancing what was already there, but now she stood ready to rule a kingdom.
Sylvy took her seat across from where Merlin would have sat. “Where is king Merlin?” she asked, not noticing that the man in question was currently sleeping on Arthur’s lap.
“I’m sorry for how unprepared we were, but I can relate to your troubles of not having enough hands to run a kingdom. My husband had taken the task of ruling all alone while I tended to your needs.” Arthur pressed a kiss to Merlin’s hair when he stirred in his sleep, continuing on his over sweetened words. “He’s beyond exhausted, but still wanted to take part in our meeting. Please understand that he really did try his best to stay awake.”
The emotions that crossed Sylvy’s face came in a blur; she was unreadable. But one thing was for sure, Arthur had won this small battle. He had shoved Merlin’s unquestionable favor for him in the lady in waiting’s face. Merlin was his and his alone. For good measure Arthur pressed a deep kiss onto Merlin’s lips, the sorcerer smiling in his sleep.
His advisers on the other hand felt cheated. If the death glares shot his way were anything to go by. Though there was one from Sylvy as well. A lot of people wanted him dead at the moment. But he was perfectly happy. They could string him up after the meeting for all he cared, the unintelligible look on Sylvy’s face was worth it. She was utterly speechless.
“I’m ever so sorry we were late to start, but would you like to commence this meeting?” Arthur asked like a gentleman with a cocky grin, making sure to stare right at Le Lubrique’s envoy.
When Sylvy left Arthur rejoiced. She was finally out of his hair. Things could go back to normal and he could go back to spending his free time with Merlin instead of on horseback through a bare orchard. No matter how many times Arthur explained to Sylvy that their crops were not aided by magic like Le Lubrique’s, Sylvy insisted on seeing their “mortal” development.
Everything was put back into its rightful place. He couldn’t wait to put everything about Le Lubrique behind him and move on.
He was back on the throne with Merlin, leading the kingdom just as they were before the whole ordeal with Le Lubrique. Their advisers especially liked the fact that Arthur was back with Merlin; it meant less work for them. The moment that Sylvy left their grounds, Camelot’s advisers piled parchment after novel after demands on his table.
Those selfish bastards.
The so-called requests were so thick that Merlin didn’t even make a sarcastic comment comparing it to Arthur’s ass, and, or his thick skull; the warlock simply went to work. If Arthur himself wasn’t already terrified of the workload, he would have shocked himself to the grave at Merlin’s willingness to submit to their advisers. The two kings of Camelot knew when they met their match.
What felt like weeks passed where Arthur and Merlin did nothing but what their advisers ordered. They were slaves to their own court. The two didn’t leave their room for anything, not food, not training, not even a breath of fresh air. Their knights would occasionally knock on their door to make sure they were both still alive, but once the knights of the round table had been turned down a couple dozen times, they stopped caring. Merlin and Arthur shut off the world. They were practically locked in there, all because of their own doing.
Well, mostly Merlin’s doing. He was the one who invited the envoy over and wanted to make peace with the new kingdom. Arthur had nothing to do with that prolonged visit from the devil, he was only paying the price. His hands ached like it had been shorn off at the wrists, his back screaming for him to rest. He didn’t remember the last time he touched his bed, the neatly tucked in linens calling him to slumber. But he couldn’t, neither of them could until their work was done. Their kingdom depended on it and their kingdom came first, Arthur and Merlin’s comfort second. They both knew what they had signed up for when they decided to wed.
“A-Arthur,” Merlin groaned late one night, the sun mere minutes from the horizon.
Arthur immediately looked up from his book, putting his full attention on Merlin who was on the other side of the room. Neither of them had talked in days besides the few grunts they exchanged while passing over important text. The fact that Merlin was straining his voice now meant something serious was going on.
“What’s wrong?” Arthur coughed, his throat parched and dry as a desert.
“I-I-” Merlin began, rubbing harshly at his hurt eyes, “I think that’s the last one.” The sorcerer signed one more parchment with a flick of his wrist, setting it aside to dry along with the rest.
And the thing was, Merlin was right. There was no more work to go through, to tirelessly read; everything was finally done. “I’m so tired I don’t think I can see straight, b-but that was it!”
“We’re finished, you clophole," Merlin smiled, taking Arthur’s breath away.
Arthur leapt out of his seat, pure joy masking the aches and pains as he rushed over to Merlin’s side. The king pulled the sorcerer from his chair, lifting the man into the air, Arthur kissed Merlin like it was their wedding day. Deep and full of all the longing he had for the man, grasping at him as if he could protect Merlin from the world.
He only pulled back for air, inhaling lungfuls before pressing his lips back against Merlin’s. Arthur missed his husband so damn much despite having worked across the room for each other. He hadn’t touched the other man in ages, it was heaven to feel his heartbeat beneath his pained fingers. To kiss down Merlin’s pale neck and mark him until the whole castle knew exactly what they had been up to. To pull at Merlin’s clothes, ripping his tunic right off of his chest, the buttons flying across the room.
“Arthur,” Merlin moaned, gently pushing Arthur back so he could speak. “I liked that shirt.”
Arthur thumbed at Merlin’s trousers, holding his hips tight enough to leave marks that Merlin would feel for days to come. “I’ll get you a new one.”
“But my mother made me that one,” Merlin complained, wrapping his arms around Arthur’s neck. His strong hand went to cup Arthur’s cheek, making the king look at him. Forcing the king to calm down and evaluate things. “We have to get something to eat too, dear,” Merlin told Arthur in a loving tone. “We’re both too exhausted for this.”
“I’m never too tired for you,” Arthur bit back, leaning into Merlin’s hand. He may have been putting his weight on Merlin’s desk so as to not fall over, but Merlin didn’t need to know that. Arthur could most definitely ravage Merlin while on the brink of death.
Merlin pulled Arthur close to kiss him softly, “If we go to bed now, then we can spend all of next day together,” Merlin tried to bargain, eyes teary from lack of any sort of sleep. “You’re going to hurt yourself, you ass,” he chuckled with a small smile that made his eyes crinkle with mirth.
“I don’t want to,” Arthur whined, “I’ve worked for weeks on end. Now I want my reward for behaving.” Arthur sat back on Merlin’s desk, pulling the man on top of him. The desk groaned under their combined weight, but Arthur hardly cared when he had Merlin on his lap and straddling his thighs. “You’re all I want.” He embraced Merlin, the warlock half naked and moaning as Arthur kissed along his arm. His mouth sucked at Merlin’s skin, teeth leaving markings on pale skin claiming Merlin as his. Arthur worshiped Merlin until his stormy eyes were hazy with unabated lust.
“Just you….”
Arthur slumped forward, out like a dying candle before he even knew it. Merlin had to stifle a laugh, though he doubted anything would wake Arthur then. The king was out cold, snoring like there was no tomorrow. Too bad Merlin had to carry his fat ass over to their bed. The warlock was beginning to rethink their plans for tomorrow. Sometimes he wished Arthur wasn’t such a stubborn ass and listened to him. It would save them both the trouble, Merlin was right most of the time after all.
“Get some rest, you oaf,” Merlin said to the asleep man, tucking him into their bed. Arthur’s blonde hair was like a halo against their stark white pillow, the dark bags underneath his eyes a contrast with the paleness of his skin. His old tunic was a dull red from overuse, the buttons holding onto the fabric for dear life. Merlin stripped Arthur of his boats and stuffy tunic leaving both men in their trousers. A much better way to sleep if anyone asked.
“Good night, Arthur,” Merlin whispered into Arthur’s ear, snuggling up against the king. He threw the blankets over himself and laid on Arthur’s chest. The pull of sleep had Merlin out just as quickly, the moment he allowed his breath to even out, there was nothing that would stop him from getting the well earned sleep that he so needed.
“Rest well, Merlin,” Arthur answered in a murmur, pulling Merlin in close. “Sweet dreams, you idiot.”
“Arthur, calm down and try to see reason!” Merlin all but yelled at the king without his crown. The man in question was in his knight gear, armor and chainmail strapped tightly to his body for protection. His sword hung to his side, within reach at all times. Arthur could feel something ominous looming on the horizon, it was Merlin who was still seeing the world with rose colored glasses.
“I tried to see reason. I tried to play nice. And this is what I get in return,” Arthur gestured to the pile of charred wood on the round table. Wood that was once the homes of innocent farmers who played no part in the altercations of royals. People that Arthur was supposed to protect, their livelihoods and homes included. “We were nothing but good to them and this is what happened. Dozens of houses burned to nothing overnight!”
“We have to act now, Merlin.”
“Going in there with your swords raised in offence isn’t going to do anything but start an all out war,” Merlin insisted, urging Arthur to reel himself in, to not lash out at the closest thing. If it were anyone else Merlin would have already smacked them over the head for raising their voice at him. Unfortunately, Merlin was sleeping with the man and didn’t want to be smothered in his sleep. “That’s what Le Lubrique wants; a reason to fight. We can’t give them that.”
“Then what exactly do you expect us to do, Merlin?” Gwen piped in across the table from Merlin. Morgana stood to her side, eyes darting between all the speakers in a frenzy. “They attacked first. It’s only right that we return what they have given us.” Gwen picked up a piece of wood, charcoal rubbing off on her hands as she turned it over. “Arthur is right, we just can’t sit idle.”
Merlin stared at Gwen, hoping that she would be on his side on this. She solemnly shook her head, denying her friend’s offer. Gwen wanted to go on the offence just as much as Arthur, her friends were harmed when Le Lubrique’s soldiers set fire to a section of the kingdom. They burned down acres of farmland, dozens of homes with children and elderly. Luckily, nobody was killed in the process but many were harmed. Gwen wanted vengeance for them. She was a loyal ruler, loyal to her people.
“And we won’t,” Merlin bargained, “We won’t let them gain any more than they already have. No one here knows exactly what they want from us, but we do know that they’re willing to play dirty to get it,” he went on, talking with his hands to release some of the tension. “Let me be a spy and-”
“Absolutely not.”
“You didn’t let me finish.”
“No,” Arthur said firmly, daring Merlin to argue. “You stay right here with me. I will not have you risking your life for measly information.”
“It's not measly information, Arthur. It could be the difference between thousands dead and a simple treaty. We don’t know what Le Lubrique wants, but if we do, we could try to bargain with them. No blood needs to be shed,” Merlin tried, laying a hand on Arthur’s shoulder, forcing the man to look at him. “The queen wants me. She made that very clear. She won’t hurt me if she thinks I’m on her side.”
Arthur stared at Merlin, watching the sorcerer for any sign of hesitation. When he saw nothing of the sort Arthur sat down in his chair with a huff. Merlin really wanted to do this. Spy work is equal to a as rushing in with their flag flying and swords shining; both could end with Merlin buried six feet under. Even the implication had Arthur feeling like hell.
“How am I supposed to get anything done with you gone?” Arthur questioned genuinely, much to the snickers of the knights and ladies. “I can’t function without you,” this was whispered softly to Merlin, just for Merlin.
The anger and stress dissipated from Merlin’s eyes, his shoulders slacked in resignation. Realization slowly but surely dawned on the sorcerer. Arthur was simply afraid. The first king of Camelot was worried, on the brink of tears from it if anyone looked close enough. Merlin rolled his eyes, even after all these years Arthur was still undoubtedly the same.
Without a care for the other people in the room, Merlin sat down on Arthur’s lap, hands on the other’s chest to stabilize himself. Merlin leaned in close and pressed a kiss to Arthur’s lips, cradling his jaw like it was something breakable. “Everything will be alright, Arthur. I can protect myself just fine,” Merlin reassured in a careful voice, stroking Arthur’s cheek. “You won’t even notice I’m gone.”
“I always feel empty without you, Merlin." Arthur pulled Merlin in for another kiss, this one deeper than the last. The two only pulled away for air and even then they went back for more. They couldn’t have enough of the other, constantly needing to feel the other person. A give and take only the other could provide. “What am I supposed to do if you don’t return?” Arthur asked quietly, resting his forehead on Merlin’s. “How am I supposed to live?”
“I promise to you, you’ll never have to find out. You’re stuck with me," Merlin smirked, running his fingers through Arthur’s hair. "Till death do us part, darling.”
Arthur wished he could believe Merlin’s promise. He swore on his mother’s grave that if Merlin fulfilled his promise that he’ll listen to everything Merlin has to say. He’ll never question Merlin again, never talk back to the warlock, shove his stubbornness down and never speak of it again. Arthur would have done anything for Merlin, only the man asked.
Not a month later Arthur received news in the form of a messenger. Le Lubrique had declared war on any who dared try to take the last living dragonlord from them. Merlin was theirs, they stated, the dragonlord belonged to dragon tamers. The two are vital for the continuation of dragons in the old religion. One to gain their trust, the other to keep the creatures in chains where they belong. Any and all who tried to take away their dragonlord would be faced with lethal consequences.
At that Arthur sent the messenger to be put into the stocks. Lethal consequences. Arthur will show them just how deadly he could be. Le Lubrique will pay, a month without Merlin was torture but if they dared to lay a hand on Merlin they would all burn. Gwen was absolutely right, Arthur required vengeance, he wanted them all to feel just what angering Camelot will do, what angering him will do.
And after making such a claim over Merlin’s life, Arthur will show them no mercy. Le Lubrique had declared war on Camelot and Arthur would answer tenfold.
It took around two weeks for Arthur to prepare for battle against a kingdom full of sorcerers. Another week was spent traveling with his soldiers over land and sea. Through it all he couldn’t help but be eaten alive by the nagging feeling that he was too late. That he would arrive only to find ash; bones if he was lucky. Day and night he was slowly being killed by the fact that he could very well be walking into his husband’s grave.
“He’s going to be okay,” Morgana reassured him one day as he leaned against the railing of their ship. They were perhaps an hour if not less from shore and Arthur hadn’t slept a wink. He could feel exhaustion mixing with the worry brewing in his mind, ready to overflow at a single inconvenience. His sword was once again at his side, the memory making everything so much worse. “Merlin will be teasing you for worrying so much if he were here.”
“But he isn’t, is he, Morgana?” Arthur said more harshly than he intended. “He could already be dead for all we know.” And it would be all Arthur’s fault, though he kept that notion to himself. By the look on Morgana’s face, she must have been thinking the same thing.
“It's not your fault, Arthur. Merlin chose to go on his own free will.”
“But I was the one who allowed it,” Arthur bit back, standing straight on his feet. “I sent him to his death.”
“You don’t know that,” Morgana crossed her arms. She should be used to Arthur’s self destructive behavior but even this was getting too much for her. “If what that messenger said was true, Merlin’s probably being pampered to death.”
That seemed to be the wrong thing to have said because Arthur’s despair did not lighten. It seemed to have gotten worse. “What if he likes it better with Le Lubrique’s court? I’m no warlock, I can’t compete with their magic!”
“Arthur, you’re overthinking this,” Morgana was done with Arthur’s antics. She was ready to gag him and throw him in the ship’s makeshift prison cell until they had properly docked. “Merlin will run right into your arms the moment he sees you. I’m willing to bet on it, just you wait and see. Merlin loves-”
At Morgana’s silence, Arthur looked over to the direction of her gaze. Their ship was making speed but Arthur suddenly wished they had stopped right where they were and sink. The sight took Arthur’s breath away, making his blood go cold. Le Lubrique was burning and it looked like it had been burning for a very long time. There was no shoreside to speak of, just endless flickering flames. Where the castle should have been standing tall like a beacon was nothing but flames, ruble, and ash.
“Merlin!” Arthur yelled even though his voice would not carry that far. “Merlin!” he called again, his heart sinking to his stomach. He wanted to drown at sea. He never wanted to reach the shore, to be lost in the ocean and never have to face what he already knew was there. The absence of what he knew should’ve been. “Merlin!” he shouted even though it was futile.
“Arthur, please!” Morgana struggled to pull him back from the side, afraid he’ll jump and swim the rest of the way himself. Or worse. “Just an hour, please. That’s all you have to wait for. You- you don’t know for sure.” Even Morgana was not so sure of her words, the picture in front of them was hard to paint as lies.
“I sent him to his death….” Arthur whimpered, “I killed him. I killed my husband.” The king sank to his knees, kneeling next to Morgana. The woman could barely hide the tears in her eyes at the sight. Everything she wanted to say, every reassurance died on her tongue. Whatever she said could very well be a lie and nothing more.
“We will make them pay, Arthur. We will make them pay for what they’ve done,” Morgana decided instead, pulling Arthur to his feet. “They won’t get away with this,” she stated sternly, much like their father when he had set his mind to something.
Less than an hour passed where the tension was so thick, one could slice through it with an unsharpened sword. All on board prepared for battle, despite the fact that the fires never stopped burning. Regardless of the fact that they might be too late to be of much good. The fighting had already begun long before they docked, a civil war where the same flag was flying on opposite sides.
“Go search for what is left, we’ll handle everything else,” Gwen informed Arthur when they stepped foot on the raging battlefield. She was dressed in chainmail armor just like everyone else, Camelot’s colors making her blend in with the searing fires. Her helmet was covering most of her face, giving her the appearance of a frightening soldier ready to take lives at a moment's notice. If Arthur was in a better mood, he would have been sorry for the folks who would come face to face with Gwen, the quick footed soldier instead of Gwen, the gentle, kind hearted high lady. At the moment he was on the verge of breaking and was ever so glad that Gwen was as cut throat as she was.
“Thank you,” Arthur told her from the bottom of his heart, “We should have listened to you from the start.”
“You followed your husband’s request, I can’t fault you for that.” She pulled Arthur in for a hug before sending him off. “Go find our king.”
Gwen didn’t have to tell Arthur twice, he was off before she finished speaking. The only thing is his mind was finding and holding Merlin. Nothing else mattered. Not the war thriving around him, swords clashing, arrows flying, Camelot’s red against the duality of Le Lubrique’s purples; nothing. The sorcerer was all that was worth living for and Arthur had a guess as to where Merlin would be.
The castle with Le Lubrique’s flag flapping against the blistering wind was as good as any place to start. Arthur climbed the hill that the palace stood on with lead in his stomach. It felt like every step he took he was merely walking into a trap. The castle should not still be in one piece, the battles around the structure should have made it no more than debris. However, it still stood on weak support.
Going against the nagging voice in the back of his head Arthur called out for his husband, “Merlin!” He walked closer to what would have been the courtyard. Around the perimeter were burning shrubbery that must have been a sight to behold at one point in time. Now there were nothing more than flares and the source of black smoke. The cobblestone center was stained with a drying red that Arthur did not want to face the source of. “Merlin!” Arthur sounded out in the courtyard.
“Arthur,” a hoarse voice groaned weakly. Arthur ran in the direction it came from, his sense of self preservation be damned. Merlin’s life could be on the line.
“Merlin, stay with me. Keep talking!”
“I-I’m over here,” Merlin hissed out helpfully, not informing Arthur where, “here” exactly was. Why did Arthur have to marry such a buffoon? Sure, no one could compare to Merlin, but at the very least he could have courted a smarter man.
“I’m coming, just stay where you are,” Arthur said hastily, rushing through the crumbling courtyard. “Don’t you dare die on me, I’ll kill you myself if you do!” he threatened, searching every nook and cranny for the warlock.
“That’s my line, you ass,” Merlin moaned in complaint, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. “Come up with your own catchphrases.”
Sometimes Arthur couldn’t believe his choice in a partner. Merlin was really making banter with him while possibly on the brink of death. He was definitely going to kill Merlin for this. “Make me, you bastard,” Arthur cursed, rounding a sharp corner that fell apart as he passed it. His breath was taken away for the second time that day when he saw Merlin on the ground.
They were in what must have been a parlor, the stained glass windows shattered on the ground as a number of the fine furniture burned to cinder. Arthur could imagine the room as something beautiful if he were to be invited over for tea. Now he just saw it as a smoking mess, something that he was glad was going up in flames. Though, without him or Merlin in it would be nice.
“There you are!” Arthur exclaimed, rushing over and kneeling on the floor next to Merlin’s frame. The sorcerer was half naked with sharp nail marks littered across his pale skin. Merlin’s neck was a raring red as if a hand had been wrapped around his throat which didn’t let up until he passed out from the lack of air. His form was covered in a thin sheen of sweat and tears, his rib cage stuck out in unpleasant angles. It looked like he hadn’t been fed in days. The sight made Arthur furious, but Le Lubrique’s court could wait. Arthur had to get Merlin to safety first.
“Took you long enough, you oaf,” Merlin hissed through his teeth, his lips chapped from dehydration. The corner of his mouth was bleeding as if he had been back handed across the face. Arthur reached out a hand to touch it, to make sure Merlin was real and not just some illusion made by a sick sorcerer. “Stop that, it already hurts to talk,” Merlin coughed, his eyes hazy.
“What happened?” Arthur couldn’t help but ask, shrugging off his cape to throw over Merlin’s bare chest. It didn’t offer much coverage but it was protection against the flying embers. As a bonus it covered the markings that made Arthur’s skin crawl.
“I arrived under the guise of an envoy, just as we had planned. Everything seemed to be going fine, but they found out I was a spy early on. It was like they could read my mind, and I don’t doubt that they have the knowledge just for the spell,” Merlin explained, pulling Arthur’s cape close, the soft fabric offering a sense of shelter. “But they didn’t seem to care that I was there under ulterior motives. They were only glad to have me, mind and body,” Merlin shivered at the thought. “Le Lubrique’s queen wanted me to father her children.”
Merlin paused to let the thought sink in. He watched Arthur for his reaction. Arthur’s face twisted in a disgusted sneer, baring his teeth at the implication. The king clenched his fists until his nails dug deep enough into his palm to drag blood. Arthur wanted to feel the pain, something to ground him farther so he didn’t march off to kill someone who might already be dead.
“Le Lubrique wanted dragons as slaves, no king would be dumb enough to go to war with a kingdom with dragons on their side; no matter its size,” Merlin went on, his eyes glowing yellow at the notion. “They needed me as a stud.”
Arthur was repulsed at the notion that Le Lubrique would even conceive of such a thing. He must have looked ready to vomit because Merlin quickly added, “Le Lubrique’s queen even tried to make herself appealing to me when I denied her advances.” Arthur could only imagine what the woman did. Sylvy’s antics immediately came to mind. “She magicked her hair blonde and made her eyes your shade of blue.”
Arthur couldn’t help but darkly chuckle at that. Of all the ways to make Merlin fall for someone, blonde hair and blue eyes weren’t it. “Did she really think looking like me would get you to bed her?”
“No,” Merlin began again with a pained yelp that he tried to hide. “What she said was what made me comply.”
“What did she say?” Arthur growled, his earlier fury seeping back into his bloodstream. “What did that harlot say?”
“She threatened your life, Arthur. Your honor, your dignity, and reign as king. Everything,” Merlin got teary eyed at the memory. “The way she took her pleasure from me was painful, but it was nothing compared to the thought of what she said she would have done to you.”
Arthur was shaking with rage, his whole body trembled with the urge to tear Le Lubrique’s queen apart, limb by limb by his own bare hands. His hand hovered over his sword subconsciously. He wanted to kill her, needed to destroy her for what she’s done. For the fear she incited into Merlin. Arthur was bloodthirsty; he hoped that Gwen was just as demanding of blood.
“I wanted to kill her.” Merlin’s quivering voice brought Arthur back to the present. “Let me kill her, Arthur,” Merlin begged his husband, his lip beginning to bleed.
“Of course,” Arthur wiped Merlin’s tears away with his thumb, his hand caressing Merlin’s cheek gently. “Anything you want, I’ll give it to you in a heartbeat.”
“Now, Arthur. I want to kill her now.” Merlin tried to sit up but the cry of pain had him falling right back to where he was. “She deserves to suffer.” His eyes lit up in a gold light, trying to magic his way upright but failed and fell down once more. The warlock’s body was in a worse state than he appeared, he shook in a cold sweat like an infection induced fever.
When Merlin began coughing fistfuls of blood at the strain Arthur was forced to act quickly. The king straddled Merlin’s legs, sitting down on his lap to keep Merlin on the ground. “Shhh, I’m here, Merlin. I’m safe, I’m alive,” Arthur barricaded Merlin with his arms. “I’ll bring you her head, I swear.”
“Let me do it, Arthur. I can kill her myself,” Merlin barked, another fit of coughs had him squeezing his eyes shut.
“I’ll bring her to you, alive. You can do anything you want with her court,” Arthur tried a different approach, tears forming in his eyes at the sight of Merlin in this state. “You can make her pay for what she’s done, make her feel the same pain. But please, Merlin,” Arthur begged, stroking Merlin’s face as tears fell on the man’s face. “Stay with me. Keep talking.”
Merlin opened his eyes at Arthur’s request, pain painting them a disorientating blue. “It hurts, Arthur. She did so, so many horrible things,” Merlin admitted in the burning parlor room. He reached out angry scarred arms to wrap around Arthur, pulling the king flush against his chest. “Everything aches, it feels like I’m being burned alive.” Merlin had Arthur in a death grip, there was barely enough room for either of them to breathe. It felt like home.
“They will pay, this I swear,” Arthur made an oath, kissing Merlin to make it true. “By the end of this day their bodies will be put on display for all to see.” He kissed down Merlin’s neck, burying Le Lubrique’s queen’s markings with his own. “Do you want her kingdom as well, Merlin? Say the word and it's yours.”
“I want you. I want her gone. I want her kingdom. I want it all,” Merlin’s mind was spinning with searing fever, screaming pain, and the constant pleasure of Arthur licking at his throat. He squeezed Arthur’s neck with his shaking arms. “Give me everything.”
In a burning parlor of a dying country with a queen and court that abandoned it, the first king of Camelot made a vow to the second king; an apology and a promise. Everything the licking fire was eating, everything destroyed by its own queen; the country, and the sea that surrounded it. The never ending farmlands, the people that survived, and the bones that would be buried by ash of its own making. The entire kingdom; dead, dying, or thriving. All of it would be Merlin’s.
All of it is Merlin’s.
“My king shall have everything.”
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stealyourblorbos · 2 years
I wanted to suggest one of the last fics I've read, "For only the strongest shall rule" by @the-kittylorian. It has it all, politics, drama, intrigue, action... Beautifully written
Aw Gina thank you so much for the rec! Now I know what I'll be reading tonight 🥰 excited!
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