#fic: i slithered here from eden
raayllum · 2 months
For Day Four of Snake Boi Callum Week: I would do anything for you / However dangerous, however vile Summary: Callum follows in Viren's footsteps in order to save Ezran. (Viren Heart theory) Word Count: 1.1k
When they were little, Ezran had gotten sick, and Callum had panicked.
It had, in retrospect, been nothing more than a toddler’s first cold, crying and coughing into the night. Harrow had patted his son on the back and rocked him, been at his bedside for as much of it as he could until Viren lurked in the doorway to bring him back to his duties, and leaving the nanny to fill his stead. Callum had been more fitful still, rarely willing to leave little Ez’s side, Harrow trying and failing to console and coral him, until—
“I don’t want him to be sick!” Callum’d wailed. “I don’t want to lose him!”
Harrow had paused, drawing back. “Is that what you’re afraid of?”
Shoulders not yet draped with a scarf, Callum had settled for wiping uselessly at his face with his fingers. “S-Soren got sick and then his mom left, and my mom left, and—”
“Callum.” Steadier hands had pulled him in for a tight hug, Harrow giving him a little squeeze. Callum had clung to him like a lifeline. “It’s just a cold. Ezran is fine. We’re all fine. He’s not going to get sick like Soren, and he’s not going to... Ezran is going to be okay. Alright?”
“Alright,” he’d relented, even if he’d stayed by Ezran’s crib that night and prayed the way Opeli had shown him to on Saturdays. 
Please, please, let Ezran be alright. I’ll be good, he swore. I’ll do anything. 
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imgoingtofreakoutnow · 9 months
Sketch me down, see me through – pt. 2
Summary: A couple of days after the sketch, things got a bit more complicated than what you expected
Pairing: Astarion x Tav
Words: 4.4k
Warnings: mentions of blood/sex/abuse, bit of violence, Astarion is a bit of a bitch but what's new, physical touch as a love language, first kiss, fluff
A/N: Enjoy the second part of this Astarion fic, here you can find Part 1 <3 (i wanted to post this tomorrow but i don't know how to queue posts correctly so @tripleyeeet @yn-ymn-yln enjoy!)
The cold light of the moon woke you up. It had slithered into your tent, bathing your pillow —and thus your face— with its silvery shine. You turned around, trying to fall back into your warm slumber, but with no luck.
Your head started roaming, thinking too much about everything. About the last few days and the subtle changes in Astarion’s behavior, his lingering gazes and the tension that stiffened his body every time you happened to tug him playfully or accidentally bump into him.
It was confusing, to say the least; making you rethink everything and pondering twice on every word you said before even uttering it.
With an irritated sigh, you pulled yourself up, sitting on your blankets as you stretched your neck and sore muscles. With another groan, you put on your boots and then walked outside.
The fire had burnt out, leaving behind just a few glowing embers that were bound to soon become cold, lifeless ash. The air stung the bare skin of your arms, colder than what you expected. You soon got used to it, thankful to that chillness for waking you up. Apart from a couple of owls shrieking in the distance and the snoring coming from some of the tents surrounding you, the camp was calm, a small Eden…
A rustling of leaves broke the silence, followed by some muffled swearing. Before you could reach for the dagger in your boot, a figure stumbled out of the woods, barely keeping themselves up. After a couple of unbalanced steps, the silhouette managed to stop, taking a deep breath as he straightened up, passing his hands through his silver hair.
The moment he noticed it was you in the shadows, Astarion quickly passed his hands on his shirt, brushing away the leaves and branches that had stuck on the fabric. Then his signature smile was back on his lips, his grin as smug as ever as he leaned against a nearby tree.
“Hello, darling.”
“What are you doing out here?”
“I was performing my duty and keeping watch.” He crossed his arms, tilting his head slightly as he scanned you, his eyes moving slowly up and down your body. “What about you, sweetheart?”
“Couldn’t sleep,” you shrugged, trying to ignore his piercing gaze. “Too many thoughts.”
“Ah, yes.” He nodded, his focus shifting to his fingers. “I am familiar with the notion.”
You watched closely as he picked his nails. What you first mistook for a nervous fidgeting revealed to be something different, a thorough cleaning that also had to do with the red streaks on his shirt —barely visible in the darkness— and those same scarlet hues that painted his fingers and the corners of his mouth.
You narrowed your eyes, putting both of your hands on your hips; in the same way your mother used to when she found out you had done something that was against her rules.
“Why were you lurking in the forest?”
He chuckled, showing the tip of his canines and his teeth, still blood stained. “Lurking… such an evil word. I’m almost flattered.”
Astarion looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to indulge him in his jokes the same way you often did since you had become… friends? Close acquaintances? Occasional lovers? The label on your relationship —if you could even call it that— seemed to change with every new dawn.
Whatever you two could be considered, you stared unimpressed at him with your hands glued to your hips.
“I was just having a midnight snack,” he explained with a shrug, his head tilting backwards against the tree but without ever leaving your eyes. “You can stop torturing that pretty brain of yours now.”
“I thought we had an agreement.” You took a step forward as you frowned in confusion. “I feed you so you can stay strong and defend us.”
Defend me.
“That was the deal,” you continued, ignoring those few words stuck in your throat.
“Indeed it was.”
Astarion was still looking at you, staring into your eyes as he always did —with a grin plastered to his face— but there was something different in them this time. A dark glimmer you had only seen when he was on the battlefield. The look he reserved only to his enemies.
Your entire body crumbled in confusion, your face losing its frown, your arms falling on your sides in defeat. “Then why didn’t you ask?”
You hated how your voice almost cracked at the end of that sentence. How small you felt, how desperate as you begged for an explanation, and all of this, because of that softness near the fire.
After that night and the sudden indifference that followed, you had wondered many times if you had misunderstood that look in his eyes. If that tenderness you felt in his touch had never been there in the first place but created by your delusional mind, always craving for something more. Something real.
Or worse, if he had faked it so well that you had fallen for it.
Astarion’s gaze softened ever so slightly as he moved from the tree and stepped in front of you. You cursed mentally when your breath caught in your throat.
“You were sleeping too peacefully for me to disturb you,” he murmured, taking your chin in his fingers. His nails grazed your skin but you bit down a yelp of discomfort.
“But I’m glad to see that you’re as eager to help as always.” With a flick of his wrist, Astarion hit the bottom of your chin. “That’s what I like about you.”
It didn’t hurt, you had endured much worse treatments in your lifetime, but you knew it was not meant to. Not physically at least. You felt the strike tear into your belittled pride, his condescending tone ripping through it like teeth in the flesh.
“You didn’t want to disturb my sleep,” you repeated, your voice almost trembling in anger.
He took a step back, his arms open as he shrugged with a smirk until his back met the bark of the tree once again. “That is what I said, darling.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Like that’s stopped you before.”
As you waited for a sassy retort that didn’t come, Astarion remained silent as he crossed his arms. His eyes wandered away from yours to the deeper and darkest parts of the forest where the light of the moon couldn’t get past the thick canopy. You couldn’t tell if his elven ears had sensed something you were physically incapable to, or if he was just ignoring you like he did the past few days.
Before you could stop it, your tadpole squirmed behind your eye, reaching for Astarion. Searching for answers he wasn’t willing to give you with his own mouth. You managed to get only a glimpse of that darkness behind his eyes —an anger that he was barely able to contain— before your conscience smacked against a wall.
At the same time, Astarion’s head snapped towards you. “Did you really try to slither into my mind?”
An irritated surprise dripped from his voice, but you caught the flash of betrayal that crossed his face.
“I’m sorry.”
You pressed your palms to your eyeballs, trying to get rid of the prickly sensation of blooming tears. You took that moment in the black void to put your thoughts back into place; to calm your racing heart and give some sense to the storm raging in your head. “I just want to understand what’s going on, if I did something-”
“Why do you even care if I feed on you or not?”
Another wave of confusion washed over you as your hands fell to your sides. “What?”
“It sure must be draining for you,” —with a smooth movement, he pushed himself away from the tree— “letting me drink your blood every other day. Yet you always come through.” He smiled, his teeth poking through his grin almost menacingly. “So zealous and happy to please.”
He started circling you, like a murder of crows over a carcass. A sense of unease started creeping up on you, sending shivers down your spine as you followed closely his movements. You didn’t think he wanted to kill you, but if he put his mind to it, he probably could.
“But the question remains…” He took a step towards you, close enough for you to smell the blood stuck on his clothes. You moved backwards, immediately hitting a tree in your way. Astarion stood in front of you, his eyes almost piercing your soul. “Why do you do it?”
“You said it yourself,” you said calmly even though the blood in your veins had never pumped so quickly, “you’re stronger when you drink-”
He chuckled, clapping once his hands together. “I fear my point is not really coming across, so I’ll rephrase my question. What do you gain from that?”
“I… I don’t think I-”
Your words were cut when Astarion’s hand wrapped around your neck. He leaned closer, his breath tickling your skin and waking up a desire that was entirely uncalled for while you stared into the eyes of a predator.
“Sex, darling.” His whisper ran down your spine, shaking you to your core. “That’s what you gain from it.”
Memories flowed in your brain and you couldn’t tell if it was you who brought them up or Astarion. The digging of teeth in your throat and the metallic scent of your own blood stuffing the air around hit you harder than a sledgehammer. You were back on the ground, pinned down between him and the dirt. His hands held you down as he drank, roaming over your clothes, unclasping buckles and grasping handful of flesh.
There was the aching between your legs and the release that followed when his undivided attention moved from your neck to the rest of your body. And above all else, the pleasure of being wanted.
“That was not in the deal.” You shook your head as much as you could while your neck was still in his grip. “It’s something between us and you also gain from it.”
“I gain nothing from it.”
His grip tightened around around your throat as he hissed in your face, his nails digging a little too deep into your skin. Your tadpole squirmed, anticipating a wave of disgust and shame that shook every nerve and cell in your brain. You squeezed your eyes, almost overwhelmed by the revulsion pouring into you.
“You started it.”
You still remembered the first time it happened, a week or two into your agreement. Slightly light-headed from the blood loss, when Astarion moved away from your neck it took you a second to realize that he hadn’t left. He was still there, looking down on you with blood still dripping from his mouth.
“I could ease your pain, if you want. Just this one time.” His hand accompanied his words, slowly gliding down your chest and along your thighs. “But you have to ask first.”
Then it happened again. And again. And again. And then there was not one time when he fed on you that he didn’t eat twice.
You swallowed the memory, your throat barely moving in his grip. “If you didn’t want it then why-”
“Manipulation, sweetheart!” Astarion widened his arms, posing dramatically and thankfully freeing your neck. “I saw an opportunity to bring you to my side and I took it. It was instinctive, really,” he continued with a shrug as you massaged your sore neck, “almost too easy creating a connection between pain and pleasure so you’d feed me willingly.”
A crease appeared between his eyebrows while his face crumpled in a pained expression. “It didn’t matter what it took to achieve it as long as it served me and my safety.”
Despite the fear still screaming inside, despite every survival instinct left in you, you stretched out your hand to him. Your fingertips brushed his bare forearm for a mere moment before he pulled away, his face distorted by an angry smile.
“But you have outplayed me.” He clapped slowly, loud enough for an animal nearby to scatter away in fear. “Bravo to you.”
You shook your head, even more lost than before. “What are you talking about?”
“Do you truly think me so foolish?”
His scream left his mouth like a curse, raw and jagged at the edges as his hand clenched his shirt right above his heart. The smug facade had crumbled, leaving behind a boiling anger that contorted his face. You heard more scattering in the forest: a rustling of leaves, flutters of wings, terrified chirps and squeaks as all the creatures in the surrounding area ran away.
Not you though. Immobile as the tree you were pressed against, you stood where you were, looking Astarion straight into his eyes as he pointed his finger to your face.
“You hide behind words of selflessness but you’re playing with me just as all the others before you. Always wanting,” he hissed, despair slowly filling his eyes as he lowered his hand and raised his chin, “always pushing for more.”
You clenched your jaw as the lump in your throat grew with every new arrow that Astarion aimed at your heart. “You’re painting me as someone I’m not.”
He scoffed again, as if your words were the mere whining of a spoiled kid. Taking another step closer to you, you could almost feel his anger blurring the air around him, its heat tingling on your skin.
“Then what was that? That desire next to the fire?” He tilted his head as his index moved up along your neck. “For a moment there, when I looked at the portrait you made, I thought you actually cared,” —his lips trembled with ache— “that I wasn’t just the pleasure I pushed you to want… but then I touched you and I saw it.” Astarion grabbed your chin tightly, making you impossible to look away. “That craving in your eyes.”
He leaned even closer, until your faces were barely apart.
“What did you want so badly?”
Finally all the pieces of the puzzle that you’d been gathering in the last few days finally snapped together. The blur in your head cleared and everything —or at least, most of it— started making sense once again. Sighing shakily your relief, your fingers slowly reached for the steel hand clawing to your chin
“I just wanted that,” you whispered as your fingertips brushed the pale skin of his hand. “That soft, kind touch.”
His muscles tensed under your touch, but this time Astarion didn’t jolt away. Inhaling sharply, he let you encase his fingers in yours, gradually loosening his grip around your face.
“The interest that you showed in me, the pleasure you gave me,” you shook your head, your gaze lowered on your joined hands. “It was flattering and I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it, but I always knew it wasn’t entirely genuine. However, that closeness,” —your thumb moved almost instinctively as it caressed the back of his hand— “that softness you showed me…”
Your gaze snapped back up to him as you tried to breathe in as much air as you could. “I just wanted more of that intimacy.”
Astarion remained silent for a while, looking into your eyes as if —by not breaking eye contact with you— he would be able to catch a crack in your act.
When your tadpole squirmed, sensing Astarion’s doubt as he searched for more reassurance than just your words, you didn’t oppose any resistance. You pushed down the tiny ache of knowing that he still didn’t trust you completely and let your truest emotions come to the surface.
The moment the realization hit him, the anger on his face disappeared into thin air like smoke after a fire; all that was left behind was a broken relief. Astarion took a few steps back, letting go of your hand as he turned his back to you. He threw his head back and took a deep breath in, his hands planted on his slender waist.
As you followed him from a distance, you noticed a movement coming from one of the tents. Wyll was looking at you, his eyebrows creasing in worry as they keep darting from your face to Astarion, who was now pacing back and forth on the grass.
You wondered how long he had been standing there. How much he had seen. The mere thought made you feel extremely exposed, as though your clothes had suddenly became invisible to the naked eye. You silently reassured Wyll, your tadpole squirming even more behind your eyes while connecting to the warlock’s. You waved quickly at him, responding to his small smile, before he disappeared back into his tent.
You exhaled slowly, moving your gaze back to Astarion. He was still giving you his back, however he stood still under the moonlight, his hair almost reflecting the silvery rays. He looked like the moon itself: so beautiful, and yet so unreadable.
A sudden thought crossed your mind, the question that had been bugging you since the start of that entire ordeal, and to which you hadn’t got an answer yet. You took a deep as you got ready to utter those words, terrified of what the answer was going to be. Scared that the response would break your heart.
“Was it real, that kindness?”
Your voice trembled, barely able to contain the worry that threatened to spill from your eyes. “Or was it just another ruse of yours?”
Astarion turned around. His face was scarred by hurting despite the smile that was pulling his face.
“Of course it was real.” He held out his hands, almost trying to grasp the words he needed, before his arms fell back to his sides. “Otherwise, it would’ve made keeping you away much less painful to bear.”
You had never seen him look so helpless, so defenseless as he stared at you. Your heart broke at seeing him like, but there was still joy gushing through the cracks as you moved towards him. Taking those last few steps that kept you apart, you stopped only when your bodies were just a breath away.
“Why didn’t you talk to me?”
Moving carefully, you pushed your fingers forth until they gently brushed his hand. Once more, he tensed under your touch but didn’t move away.
“I’m not like you, darling.” His smug smile made a brief appearance before it split into an aching wince. “I don’t open up easily.”
“Really?” You couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle, which gained you a raised eyebrow from him. “It took me over a month to bring myself to sketch in front of anyone else. Honestly, I might be more mysterious than you are.”
Astarion scoffed playfully. “Darling, I am a riddle in vampire form: forever unknowable.” As you softly chuckled, his fingers moved and hooked onto yours. “However, I must admit that your secrecy is… very intriguing.”
“There’s nothing that interesting about my life,” you admitted softly, lowering your gaze. “It’s been a pretty boring existence before meeting you and the others.”
A second later, two fingers moved your chin up until your eyes were back into Astarion’s. Your breath stopped for a second when they moved along your jaw before gently cupping your cheek.
“There is —and never will be— nothing boring about you, sweetheart.” His thumb caressed your cheek as you stood still, too scared that he would take it back to move even the smallest muscle. “And even if there was, I’d be happy to hear all the tedious details. And perhaps contribute with some exciting tales if things do get too boring.”
You shook your head with a chuckle, gently tugging his hand. “I expected nothing less from you.”
He grinned, his hand moving down your neck and then brushing along your arm. “Am I already becoming so predictable?”
Before you could answer, Astarion wrapped his fingers around your wrist and brought your hand to his face. He placed your palm on his cheek and leaned into it. You immediately felt the tension in his clenched jaw, the sharp breath he took in and the way his fingers tightened around your hand.
“You don’t have to do this, if you don’t want to,” you whispered softly.
“Trust me, I do.” He closed his eyes as he leaned more into your touch. “I want to feel your fingers trace my features and remind me of their existence. I’m just…” —he inhaled and exhaled shakily, before a small grin appeared on his face, “adjusting to it, you know?”
You nodded with a smile. You understood completely as your palm adapted to the edges of Astarion’s face, to his heat —slightly lower than yours— and to the way your cheeks were also flushing as you watched Astarion slowly relax into your touch.
Freeing your other hand from his grip, you cupped his face and gently pulled him with you as you sat on the grass beneath. The ground was moist, the due dotting the stems slightly dampening your pants, but that was the last thing that could bother you in that moment.
When Astarion sat in front of you, you leaned forward, kneeling as you pointed at his crossed legs with a nod. “Can I sit there?”
A mischievous glint shone in his eyes, something you should’ve expected, but you shook your head, your serious frown never leaving your face. “And feel free to tell me to go fuck myself if you don’t want to, because I will.”
His hands had moved to your hips before you were finished, pulling you in his lap as his smirk grew even wider. “Oh, I’m sure you gladly would, wouldn’t you?”
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head and biting your lower lip as your cheeks started burning up. “Shut up.”
Then your thumbs moved, circling on his cheekbones. Astarion closed his eyes for a moment, his eyelids shuddering at every brush of your fingertips. His fingers dug slightly into your hips when the warmth of your hands left his cheeks to the chill air of the night; when your fingers started wandering on the rest of his face. You traced his eyebrows and then moved your fingertips along his nose and back up, always under Astarion’s scarlet gaze. When you passed them on his forehead, the tension in his face disappeared under your touch. It was almost like a spell, some secret magic that your hands had always possessed but kept hidden from everyone, even from you.
While your fingers moved almost on their own along those features you knew like the back of your hand, you studied those smaller details that you couldn’t make out from a distance. The wrinkles and circles around his eyes, the small imperfections in his otherwise flawless skin.
“See anything you like?”
You smiled, mirroring his grin, as your indexes followed his smile lines until they brushed the corner of his lips. “What’s there not to like.”
“Good answer.” His smirk grew wider as his hand cupped your face. “Please, don’t hold any compliment back.”
Your thumb brushed over his lips, pulling down ever so slightly his bottom lip. “The same goes for you, fangs.”
Astarion cocked his eyebrow. “Fangs, really?”
“It’s cute, don’t you think?” You passed a hand through his hair, noticing the way his lips slightly fell open when you did. “Just like you.”
He snorted, shaking his head. “I would never use that word to describe me, darling. Not in a thousand years.”
His hands left your hips and moved to your face, caressing your cheeks before gliding to the back of your head. Your breath hung in your throat as he stroked your hair; as he pulled your face closer to his until your foreheads touched.
“But I have to admit, it sounds quite nice when you pronounce it.” His whisper hit your skin, warm and intoxicating, setting your face —your entire body— aflame. His fingers traced your mouth, a feather touch that you were not expecting.
“Perhaps,” he breathed again, even closer than before, “your lips could transform any monster in a docile and submissive creature.”
“Is that a request?”
“More a suggestion. For another time, perhaps. ” His fingers moved along your jaws, dreadfully slow. “But I wouldn’t mind a taste.”
His other hand, still wrapped on the back of your hand, pulled you in but your lips didn’t meet. Your fingers, that you had moved on his mouth, were keeping him away. When he moved back, eyes narrowed in confusion, Astarion was met with a mischievous grin.
“You should ask more nicely, fangs.”
His confusion was soon replaced by a pleased glimmer in his eyes. He snorted before cupping your cheek with his hand, his half-lidded gaze on you.
“May I taste your lips, darling?”
The low growl in his voice sent shivers down your spine, stirring your insides like a boiling stew, but you weren’t done. Not yet. You leaned in, stopping inches away from his face as your thumbs kept stroking his cheeks.
“I said nicely, fangs.”
Under your eyes, Astarion swallowed, his tongue darting in between his teeth and licking quickly his lips before he grinned.
“Very good.”
Your whisper brushed against his mouth a second before yours pressed softly on it, in a kiss so different from the rawness you were used to with him. So sweet and calm, even when he kissed you back, slowly opening and closing his lips on yours. He was in no rush as his hands stroked your hair, as they tentatively moved on your shoulders and along your bare arms —sending shivers alone your spine as he did so— until they covered yours. His fingers were almost trembling as they intertwined with yours.
You gently pulled back, gasping for air as you looked him in the eyes. They were still studying you, scarlet pools reading into the darkest depths of your soul and seeing things that they couldn’t understand yet. You weren’t used to that emotional closeness, to someone else being able to see you and wanting to know more.
It was terrifying, no denying that; but also kind of exhilarating.
Astarion smiled, almost as if he had just read your mind —and maybe, he really had. Nudging his nose against your cheek, he squeezed your hands in his.
“I believe you will truly ruin me, my dear.”
“For good or for worse?”
He kissed your lips again, a quick kiss but somehow deeper than before that left your head spinning even when he pulled back and shrugged. “That’s still to be determined.”
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aziraphales-library · 5 months
Hi! Anything you recommend involving Angel or Demon courting? I love a good “old fashioned courting” fic
Hello. We have some angelic and demonic courting fics here. And you may also be interested in our #wooing and #nesting tags, as these fics will somewhat similar. Here are some more fics featuring courting rituals...
Falling Free by Sodium_Azide (T)
With nothing holding them apart anymore, Aziraphale takes the first steps and first offerings in making things formal between himself and his demon. His Crowley deserves to be wooed the very, very old-fashioned way.
One More Chance by greygerbil (E)
Aziraphale is painfully aware that he may have rebuffed Crowley one time too many to still hope there will be anything else between them than friendship and the occasional tryst. Still, he was never one to give up easily.
Crowley's attempts at courtship (5+1) by p0psicle_ashtray (M)
The year is 1813, Crowley is currently in a gentlemen's club in Scotland when he runs into a familiar angel, they talk and Crowley realizes that he must do whatever it takes to make Aziraphale fall in love with him. He was going to court the pants right off him.
I slithered here from Eden, just to sit outside your door by doodlegirll (T)
Courting, in heaven, was all about pageantry. Crowley had been an angel, once. He remembered the pomp and circumstance of it all, how his fellow angels would damn near lose their minds trying to make sure that every little thing was absolutely perfect, to the letter. It had all seemed so silly back then, back when Crowley had gone by a different name and had woven galaxies and stars into nebulas across the cosmos. He’d rolled his eyes at it all, but he’d always secretly wondered what it would be like, to find someone that made all that fuss seem worth it. That was before the Fall, and the Garden, and a wall where a swordless angel asked his first question and shielded a demon from the rain. Crowley knew that if he was going to win the Principality’s heart, he was going to have to do it the old fashioned way.
The Courting Habits of Doves and Crows by vaguelydemonic (T)
Aziraphale and Crowley's tendencies to beat around the bush finally start coming to an end. They've been at their careful back and forth for millennia, but when notorious Gift Giver Crowley receives a present from Aziraphale, the ball truly gets rolling and the limits of how oblivious a pair of immortals can be are tested.
Pining and Posturing by Kittyknowsthings (T)
When Gabriel proposes an angelic bond to Aziraphale and won't take no for an answer, Crowley challenges him to a competitive courtship instead - and while Heaven considers courtships a mostly private matter, Hell's delegation to the Ineffable Parley certainly isn't going to politely ignore an Archangel walking into the negotiation room bearing an unauthorized demonic geas.
- Mod D
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vampzxi · 1 year
𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯
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preview: she hums as she pulls away, leaving a spit trail connected to her lips and your nipple. her mouth travels to your neck, and she nips at it, adding to the collection of purple marks that already stain your brown skin. her hands cup your tits as she kisses behind your ear, “fuck, you’re so perfect, y/n,” her breath tickles your ear, and you shiver, smiling at the sound of your name. “i need you to go in the room and lay down, pretty girl. can you do that for me?”
a/n: THANK FUCK this fic is finally finished it was kicking my ass so bad. very sorry for the wait, i had a bunch of shit going on at home and with my mental in general( a nigga was struggling☠️). i'm a little better now, but i'll probably be extending my break until a little after the 15th (a nigga is graduating!! :P). also this fic did not turn out the way i thought it was going to...who wrote this ? like hello ? also this is kinda unedited. if you see anything wonky, shh. i love u guyth. saur much. ok sorry for the long ass author's note, nobody reading allat.
word count: 7k+ (fics getting longer and longer..)
tags: LOTS of teasing, like i was pissing myself off writing this…riri plays too much, fingering, (semi) public sex, masturbation, voyeurism, phone sex?, dom!riri, sub!reader, slightly bratty!reader, avenger!riri, (slightly) cocky!riri, overstimulation, pussy eating, (slight) ropebunny!riri, crying, dacryphilia (listen…), face sitting (riri receiving), strap slanger!riri, degradation, humiliation, praise, video taping, there’s a plot if you squint, riri’s chain makes me hard, hair pulling, (slight) slapping, riri being a big softie at the end, umm probably more that i forgot. whoopsi!
dts!: @heejayy , @abenomeiiii , @playhousedistee , @cafehyunji , @amplifiedmoan @zayswriting , @vixentheplanet , @inmyheadimobsessed , @quintessencewrites , @marsolgy , @verachii , @saintwrld , @motheroffae , @dejaonline , @dominiquesheart , @izrinmabel1 , @mocha-aya , @shuriszn @yamsthoughts : i love you guys and every single interaction i have with you. u guys make me kick my feet so bad like...pls take care of yourselves. special dt to eden for giving me the idea to put raveena in here..love u fr.
taglist!: @because-were-pointless-ghosts , @yourfavdummy , @ihearttish , @biltongbite , @vspletitia3 , @sookiesookie , @letitiaslabyrinth , @iotusroses , @ppawmpkin , @prettymrswright , @somethingcleaverandwhitty , @icespiceluva , @sapphicvqmpires , @puppykitt , @pinkwright divider by: @firefly-graphics (lmk if i forgot anyone! taglist request form is here!)
ok ENUFF w that... here you guys go! enjoy ;P
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“no goodbye kiss?” riri pretends to pout at you.
“you can kiss my ass on the way out,” you grumble, slamming the door, “get the fuck out my car.”
you walk over to the trunk and grab her luggage as she steps out of your car. “baby, what i do?” she yells over the airplane taking off.
you scoff, rolling your eyes, “you kept teasing me on the way here. you know ion like that shit,” you say, handing over her luggage.
she smiles and reaches out, "aw baby, don’t be like that. it’s so easy to get you worked up, it’s cute. come here.”
you roll your eyes again and embrace her tight, letting her firm arms squeeze your torso, “i’m tired of your ass.”
she presses a quick kiss on your forehead, “i love you too,” she rests her head on yours, “it’s only for a weekend.”
you groan, “i’m sure the Avengers will be fine without ironheart.”
“and i’m sure you’ll be aight without riri,” she pulls away and looks at you smirking, “you miss me already, huh?” you gasp as riri pushes you against the car, her playful eyes lingering on your lips.
“ri, don’t start-” she presses her mouth against yours, and a quick moan slips from you. you feel riri grin against you as she hears you, deepening the kiss. as her tongue slithers into your mouth, chills travel down your spine despite the humid air. the knot in your stomach tightens.
she lightly bites your bottom lip as she slowly breaks the kiss, her eyes never leaving yours, “riri…” you sigh, her lips traveling to your neck.
“‘sup, ma?” she nips at your neck, sucking the dark skin hard enough to leave a mark. the pet name makes your knees buckle as you lean against the car. riri’s calloused hands slide up your shirt and rub your sides as you gasp lightly.
“there’s people…,” you tuck a moan into your lip as she bites at your collarbone, “you’re gonna miss your flight-fuck,” she slips her hand down your waistband, grabbing a handful of your ass.
“i embarrass you, ma?” she inquires, her voice muffled by the skin in her mouth as she presses her teeth into it. your entire body heats up as she looks at you, expectant.
“no..i just-riri!” your words die in your throat with a whimper as she pushes her fingers against your damp panties, laughing at how you squirm under her.
“she’s so wet for me, haven’t even touched her yet,” she runs her finger up your slit as you hold back a moan, “she’s begging me to taste her, yeah? what you think, mama?”
you nod quickly as she continues to rub you through your underwear, whining every time her finger passes over your clit. “really? i can’t tell, she aint loud enough for me.”
“riri please…” you make eye contact with a man struggling with his luggage, and you quickly divert your attention, your face turning hot.
“i should eat her right in front of the airport,” riri uses her free hand to caress your cheek, and you lean into it as she applies more pressure to your clit, “let everyone know who she belongs to. let everyone know how needy she is. she’d like that, huh?”
“fuck, riri,” you moan. you’re grateful for the sound of airplanes passing overhead, because if not for them, surely the entire parking lot would have known riri’s name. “i don’t care, baby, please. i’ll make a big mess for you right here and let you do whatever you want. just..please, riri. i need you.” the band in your stomach tightens as you listen to her giggle.
“louder, baby.”
“FUCK, RIRI, PLEASE,” you grind on her fingers as they move along your underwear, ignoring the curious glances of passerbys.
she kisses you tenderly, making you melt under her lips. “hmm..what i tell you?” she murmurs into your mouth, “too damn easy.” she slides her hand out of your pants and pops her fingers into her mouth, swirling them around. “make sure you pick me up at 6 on monday, aight, ma?” the sight makes your pussy throb, but you just scoff as you watch, frustration overtaking your arousal.
“nah,” you push yourself off the car, fuming, “you got legs, nigga. you can walk.” she opens her mouth but you cut her off, pushing your finger into her chest, “matter of fact, use that fucking suit you always messing with. figure it out.”
your jabs do nothing but amuse her as she watches you climb back into the car. “so…no goodbye kiss?”
you shut the door and roll the window down, glaring at riri. truth was, you really did want to kiss her. but your frustration barred you from even thinking about it. “text me when your plane lands.”
“yes ma’am,” she sighs. she kisses her two fingers and places them against your temple. you watch her walk away with her luggage and so desperately want her to turn around. to turn around and yell “fuck the Avengers!!” and hop back into the passenger seat and kiss you until the windows fog. but she doesn’t. you sigh and shove the keys into the ignition and turn your music to 100, pulling out of the parking lot.
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you open the door to your shared apartment, cringing at the silence. normally, ri would have her tunes playing, usually switching between Tyler, the Creator, Kehlani, Chief Keef, or Lauryn Hill. her inconsistent music taste always made your head spin, but now you yearn for it. if it wasn’t music, then she was sprawled on the bed, begging you to play just “one match” against her in Mortal Kombat or Smash Bros., knowing she would whoop your ass. you always gave in anyways, just to see the satisfaction on her face.
you drag yourself into your room and plop into bed, opening your phone. you haven’t checked it since you left the airport, too frustrated to even peek. you scroll through riri’s texts, your guilt building with every missed message you read.
you shoot her a quick “made it home, love you too,” and throw your phone into your pillows, groaning. she’s been edging you all day, building you up just to stop you from finishing. when you asked her why, she simply giggled and said, “to give you something to look forward to when i come back.” oh she pisses you off.
your mind wanders back to the airport. riri’s voice bounces around in your head, “it’s so easy to get you worked up,” and irritation builds in your gut. you think about the way her hands fit perfectly around your ass as she gripped it, her dull nails digging into your soft skin. you think about the way her fingers curled in you as you surrendered to her touch. you replay the moment in your mind, biting your lip. you embrace the familiar tug in your stomach, recalling the way riri’s fingers grazed you. your face turns hot as you clench your thighs together, breathing heavily.
you peel your jeans off and toss them in the corner. your hand slithers down to your wet front and you sigh as your clit finally gets the pressure it’s been waiting so patiently for. your fingers trace your slit through your wet underwear, your pussy begging for the release riri’s been denying you. her laugh echoes in the back of your mind as you push your panties aside, your arousal sticking to the fabric. you smirk, recalling how her breathing faltered when you would whine in her ear, the sound of your voice spurring her on.
you grab your phone and go back to riri’s messages, your fingers pressing the voice memo option before you can even think about it. as your phone starts recording, you slip your middle and ring fingers inside of you, moaning at how easily they slide in. you close your eyes and think back to riri, the thought of her listening to your moans sending shivers down your spine. you feel yourself getting wetter as you imagine riri's rough hands and tongue exploring every inch of you, imagining her whispers trailing up your spine, her mouth leaving marks on your neck. you drag your fingers in and out, the messy noises of your cunt filling the room. “fuck,” you groan into your mic as you curl your fingers into your g-spot. your hips buck under your hand as you pump them inside of you, dropping the phone on your chest. your other hand travels to your clit, pressing your fingers against the swollen bud. your back arches from the pressure, and another quick moan is stolen from your lips. you feel your body getting warmer as you get louder, giving in to the pleasure that's building up inside of you.
“riri…i’m so close,” you slip another finger in, whining as you speed up. you trace circles into your clit as groans tumble out of your mouth, rising in octaves. tears blur your vision as you near your edge, forcing yourself to go further. your gasps become shorter and quicker as you push yourself to your orgasm, “fuck, baby, i’m gonna cum! i’m cumming,” your head swims as your walls clench around your fingers, whining.
your eyes roll to the back of your head as you release onto your fingers, the white liquid gushing onto your sheets. you slide your fingers out as your chest heaves. you bite your lip as you press send on the audio message, smirking. you don’t know when she’ll listen to it, but you know the thought of you touching yourself when she isn’t here will send her into hysterics. and you giggle at the thought.
you pick up your phone again and open the camera, flipping it so your face fills the frame. you look crazed, with your curls sticking to your forehead and your brown eyes dilated. you smile and press record, dragging your fingers into your dripping cunt again. you moan at the sensation, your jaw hanging open as you push your digits into your overstimulated pussy. you stare into the camera and bring your wet fingers to your mouth, wrapping your tongue around them. you lick your cum off of your fingers, grinning into your phone, “was that loud enough for you, mama?” you suck your fingers and swallow the last of it, winking into the camera. you stop the video and press send, watching until it says delivered.
you toss your phone onto the bed and step into the bathroom to clean yourself up. after a quick shower, you throw on one of riri’s shirts and step out and pick up your phone again, checking your messages. your stomach twists as you see 3 dots in the corner of your screen, indicating that riri was typing. you hop onto the bed again, grinning hard enough to make your face ache. your head spins as you anticipate her response. you can’t contain the giggles spilling out of you as you imagine her reaction to the attachments, but that smile quickly drops when the dots fade away. you blink at your screen, waiting for them to reappear. after 5 minutes of nothing, you groan and shut your phone off, burying your face into your hands.
irritation creeps up your spine as you stare at your phone. was she really icing you out? whatever. you didn’t care. or she was probably busy at work, actively saving people, instead of listening to her girlfriend fuck herself. duty calls or whatever. your mind races through explanations so fast that your head starts to hurt.
you sigh and stretch across your bed, sleep creeping its way behind your eyelids. your finger hovers over the call button, contemplating. her contact image smiles back at you, squeezing your heart a bit as you remember her in her first ironheart suit, where she was too excited to even sit still. you took the picture before she successfully completed her first test flight, her eagerness evident on her face.
you sigh and decide against calling her, figuring she was busy. thinking it’ll be better to wait til the morning. surely she was too preoccupied to even pick up. you roll over, burying your face into riri’s pillow, letting her scent trace the inside of your nose. you inhale the cocoa butter smell, letting it lull you to sleep.
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you shoot up, sleep clouding your mind as you rub your eyes. you fumble for your phone and wince when the light hits your eyes. 3:17am. “hello?” you call out into the darkness, fidgeting with your hair. silence answers you, making you bite your lip. you slide out of bed and tiptoe to your closet, grabbing the vibranium gauntlet that riri somehow managed to swipe from shuri. you laughed at her when she told you to keep it, but now you’re silently thanking her as you creep into the living room. you slip the gauntlet onto your wrist, holding it out in front of you as you feel the faint hum of the vibranium travel up your arm.
you notice the door hanging ajar, and you stiffen, gripping the glove tighter. “i…i have a weapon!” you squeak out, heart racing, “wakandan, too! you don’t wanna fuck with me!”
a soft chuckle emanates from the couch, and you whip your head around, using the soft blue glow of the gauntlet to guide you. you point it to the figure shrouded in darkness that was sitting comfortably on your couch. “last warning,” you keep your distance from the figure, but you know the power of the gauntlet will reach them in seconds.
“babygirl, put that shit down before you hurt yourself,” her voice makes your blood run cold, but you also basked in the relief she bought, “you know you clumsy.”
“shit, riri what the fuck?” you turn off the gauntlet and throw your hands into the air, “i thought i was bout to end up on a fucking true crime podcast. what the hell are you doing here?”
“uh, i live here?” you roll your eyes as you reach for the light switch, flipping it on. the sight of her manspreading on your couch made your knees weaker. her red hoodie and matching sweatpants did nothing to help. “i figured i’d swing by ‘cause you missed me so much.”
you laugh, taking the glove off and setting it on the kitchen counter, “sure. what happened to being an Avenger? don’t you have babies to save, or whatever they do?”
she sighs and stands up, taking two swift steps to you. her R-chain glints in your eye as she stares down at you, smirking, “i’m sure the Avengers will be fine without ironheart,” you smile as she shoots your words back at you, “you’re so damn needy, couldn’t leave you alone for long.”
she reaches out and wraps her arms around your waist, pulling you towards her. your cheek rests against her shoulder as you murmur, “i’m not needy.”
“you ain’t?” she reaches into her pocket, pulling her phone out, “you sure?”
you scoff and nod, “yo ass just wanted an excuse to come see me,” you pull away, “hold on, how’d you even get here?”
riri opens her phone, scrolling, “flew in that fucking suit you were talking about earlier…here it is,” she looks at you, her face unreadable, “ain’t this yo needy ass?”
you stare at her, puzzled, until the sounds reach your ears. amidst the panic of thinking there was an intruder in your home, you completely forgot what you had sent to riri. it all comes crashing back to you as your sultry moans emit from her phone, making your face hot. the noises of you playing with your wet cunt filled the room, your heavy breathing getting louder with each push of your fingers. “riri…i’m so close..” you hang your head, but riri grips your neck, forcing you to look at her.
“you was so vocal earlier…what happened, ma?” she turns up the volume, letting your voice echo through the living room. the splashing noises of you fucking yourself grow louder, along with your whines, as your gasps come through the mic. you press your thighs together, attempting to hide the arousal sliding down them.
the sounds end as you finish, and she shoves her phone back into her pocket, never breaking eye contact with you. her eyes boring into yours made you shiver, a smile playing on her plump lips. her hand tightens around your throat, and a moan slips from your mouth, “there it is.” her hand travels down to your underwear, prodding your clothed slit, “she’s so wet and i aint even touch her.”
your legs buckle as riri pushes against your clit, amusing herself with the way you lean into her. “fuck, ri,” you widen the gap in your legs, giving more access to your leaking cunt.
“hm?” she pulls her hand away, “what you want, ma?”
you’re too pent-up to put up a fight. you sigh into her shoulder, mumbling, “i want you, ri.”
riri’s hand returns to your underwear as she prods at your bud once more, making you whine into her ear. her jaw clenches as your whimpers fill her head, wanting nothing more than to see you crying under her as she sluts you out. but you had to earn it.
“use your words, mama,” riri moves your panties aside, sliding a singular digit into you with ease. your grip on her arm tightens as she slowly pumps her finger in and out of you, her brown eyes staring into yours.
“shit,” you tremble under her, “riri no more teasing, please. i need you to make me feel good. put me in my place. make me your bitch-i’ll take anything you give me, baby,” you throw your head back as she slips another finger in, her slow pace making your mind foggy, “fuck me, riri.”
“you gon’ be a good girl and make a mess for me, baby?” she quickens her pace, making it hard for you to keep your balance, “you gon’ let me tear this pussy up?”
you frantically nod, listening to riri play with your arousal. her eyes light up at the sight of her fingers disappearing into you, entranced by the sounds of your squelching pussy. “i’m your good girl, ri. i’ll do anything you tell me.” your walls clench around her fingers, eliciting a low groan from the back of her throat. the sound makes you quiver, hungry for more.
riri’s boxers are beyond damp as she listens to you. “so messy for me,” she kisses your head as she pulls her fingers out and you gasp at the absence of her digits inside you, “do me a favor, baby, and i promise i’ll give you what you want.”
you whine as she steps away from you and you stumble slightly, “you promise?”
“yeah, baby, i promise,” you smile as she cups your face and kisses you gently, her breath tickling your upper lip. your tongue runs across her bottom lip and she grins against you. riri speaks in between kisses,“i need these,” she tugs at your underwear, “gone. and this?” she pulls at the shirt hanging from your body, “never wanna see it again.”
you giggle, rocking on your heels, “but this is your shirt.”
“i’ll be ight. it looks better on the floor anyways,” she watches as you slowly pull the shirt over your head, her eyes fixed on your erect nipples. she resists the urge to step forward and squeeze and lick at the brown buds, but she reminds herself to wait.
you toss the shirt onto the floor, and your panties are next. the fabric is borderline glued to your wet cunt as you peel them off and toss them in the same corner as your shirt. you look back at riri, curling into yourself as she stares at you. it’s been around a year since y’all got together, but her gaze still makes you nervous. you cross your arms over your chest, suddenly self-conscious.
“nah, baby, let me see you,” riri steps forward and moves your arms to your sides. her eyes fall to your chest again, and your breath falters as she reaches forward and envelops your nipple in her warm mouth. she groans under you as her other hand reaches up to fondle your other boob. you bite back a moan as you grip her braids, watching the way she kisses your chest.
“oooh! shit, ri,” she smirks as she bites on your nipple, making you wince. her wet tongue rubs over it, chasing away the sting she left.
she hums as she pulls away, leaving a spit trail connected to her lips and your nipple. her mouth travels to your neck, and she nips at it, adding to the collection of purple marks that already stain your brown skin. her hands cup your tits as she kisses behind your ear, “fuck, you’re so perfect, y/n,” her breath tickles your ear, and you shiver, smiling at the sound of your name. “i need you to go in the room and lay down, pretty girl. can you do that for me?”
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“fuck you, ri” you gasp as you throw your head back and clench your thighs, the incessant buzzing between your legs driving you to tears.
as soon as ri stepped into the room, wearing nothing but her boxers, her R-chain, and a shit-eating grin, you knew she wasn’t done teasing you. “i’m making you work for this shit, you think i flew all the way down here just to give in to yo needy ass?” she chuckled, “you got me fucked up. hands above your head.”
“say that shit again, ma. i might just consider letting you go,” she uses her vibrator to apply more pressure to your clit, making your back arch off the bed. your hands squirm against your restraints as you cry out.
riri’s eyes are glued to your bloodshot ones, grinning so hard, you’re wondering how her damn face doesn’t hurt. “ri..fuck,” you pant, your sweat-slicked chest heaving, “i can’t. i’m gonna cum-ah!”
riri uses her free hand to slip 3 fingers into your puffy pussy, pumping at a rapid pace, “you can. and you won’t,” your overstimulated cunt clenches around her as she circles your sensitive clit with the vibrator, “not until you apologize.” a whimper tumbles out of your mouth as you buck your sore hips.
your eyes roll as another jolt of pleasure courses through you, making your stomach tighten. you grit your teeth in frustration as she bites at your trembling thighs, the stinging bringing you closer to your edge, “i..fuck!” you crane your head down, making eye contact with the grinning girl as her fingers continue to pound into you, “haah..kiss my ass.”
you smile weakly to yourself as you watch irritation cross riri’s face, “aight, bet,” she laughs, slowing her pace. you smirk as she pulls her fingers out, praying she’ll finally end the assault on your clit. but your prayers go unanswered as she increases the speed of the vibrator, making you flinch.
your voice cracks as she slips her fingers back into you, this time adding an extra one. she moans at the sound of you, relishing the way you crumble under her, “yeah, you was so big and bad earlier. what happened?” she curls her fingers into your sweet spot, and you can feel your orgasm starting to leak onto riri’s fingers.
“i’m sorry!” you wail, spit forming in the corners of your mouth, “ri, baby, i’m sorry! please, please, let me cum. i can’t hold it anymore.” hot tears cloud your vision.
“huh?” riri’s digits twist inside you, making your back arch once more. you wish your hands were free so you could smush that stupid ass grin off her face, “ian hear you, baby.”
“i’m sorry! i’m so sorry,” you start to babble, rutting your hips against riri, “i won’t do it again. i’ll be good. i was being needy because i missed you!”
riri’s fingers slow as she looks at you, “who’s my bratty girl?”
“i am,” you huff, the buzzing of the toy slowly creeping through your entire body.
“who’s pussy is this?”
“it’s yours, ri!”
riri hums and removes her fingers and the vibrator, making you sigh in relief. her lips gravitate to your swollen bud like a magnet, kissing it softly. “good shit, baby. let it out for me,” her tongue dances between your folds, “flood my shit.”
“fuck, i’m cumming, ri!” you squirm against your restraints and moan as riri’s fingers dig into your thighs, stopping them from closing as she licks you up.
her tongue grazes your clit and you squirt on her without warning, fat tears rolling down your face as your orgasm splashes onto riri. she opens her mouth, not letting a single drop go to waste. your arms burn from the strain of them hanging pathetically over your head as you struggle against them, watching riri continue to suck on your overstimulated cunt. “ri, baby-shit. i came, i came!”
“yeah.” riri mumbles into you as she sticks her tongue into your entrance, slurping you up. she eats you like your pussy is a drug, never stopping to come up for air. your legs twitch uncontrollably as she moans into you, the vibrations going straight to your core. she reaches up and tweaks one of your nipples, making your eyes cross.
your safeword is resting just behind your lips, ready to tumble out of your mouth, when riri presses one final kiss against your entrance and pulls away. “such a pretty pussy,” she coos, eyes locked on the wet spot on the bed, “could eat her all day.” your chest heaves as you struggle to catch your breath, and your cunt throbs as you watch her suck the rest of your release from her fingers, her chain winking at you in the dim lighting as she sits up.
“let me go?” you mumble, head swimming. she finally looks back at you, taking in your blissed-out state. she smiles and kisses you deeply as you moan into her mouth.
“where you at, mama?” she looks down at you, concern swimming in her eyes, “just say the word, and i’ll run you a bath.”
while you would appreciate the warm water soothing the welts riri left behind, you also can’t get enough. you shake your head, “i..want more,” you look at her, a lazy smile playing on your lips, “wanna taste you,” you watch her bite her lip as she listens to you, “please, riri.”
riri rubs circles on your stomach, pecking your temple and humming, “you think you deserve it? have you been good?”
you nod quickly, “did so good for you…” she leans over you and reaches for the rope around your wrists, her low-hanging necklace brushing against your face.
as your arms are released, she gently takes your wrists and kisses them, alleviating the burn of your restraints. you sigh as you relax into riri, wrapping your arms around her. “thank you for being such a good girl baby,” she kisses you again, “you gonna let me sit on your pretty face?”
her words send shivers down your spine, and you whimper as you nod. “tell me how bad you want it,” she rubs her hands over your thighs, coaxing the plea out of you.
“please…riri. i wanna taste you so bad, i want you to smother me, i want your pretty pussy on my face. make a mess in my mouth and ruin me,” you babble desperately.
riri swallows a moan as she listens to you, trying to keep herself from becoming undone with just your words. “shit, ma. you got me so wet,” she admits, “you wanna see?”
she grins as you rapidly nod, giggling at your eagerness. her finger traces your belly button as she leans closer to your ear, her breath making your body quiver, “lay on your back for me, baby.”
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“just sit down, ri,” you coo, her thighs straddling your face as her glistening pussy hovers above you, “please, mama.”
“say ahh for me,” riri’s voice barely registers to you, as you’re too focused on the line of arousal slowly trailing from her cunt, your breath catching in your chest as you suppress yet another needy whine. your attention snaps back to riri as she pops your thigh, the sting making you suck your teeth, “open your fucking mouth. you ain’t have a problem keeping it wide open earlier.”
“shut the hell up and sit down,” you mutter impatiently.
“i don’t know who the hell you think you talk-shit“ riri’s cut short by you as you push down on her waist, letting her drenched pussy fall into your mouth. an abrupt moan escapes her as your nose brushes her clit.
“shit, baby, right there,” riri throws her head back as you suck on her folds, savoring the way your tongue fits perfectly in her. she tastes better than anything you’ve ever eaten, like nectar to a bee. ambrosia to a goddess. she writhes above you as you lap her up, eyes rolling to the back of your head. your grip on her thighs tighten as her hips rock, letting her cunt slide across your face as she hums, “you like this, don’t you? needy slut.”
you dig your fingernails into riri’s thighs, leaving small, crescent-shaped marks as her insult sends a shudder down your spine. you look up at her, watching how her face contorts as your lips wrap around her swollen bud. her jaw hangs open as she continues to ride your face, her chain swinging with each rut of her hips.
“fuck, i’m bout to..” riri tries to bite back a whimper, but your ears catch it. you slide your tongue into her, drawing out a long moan from the prodigy on top of you. her thighs tremble as she grabs fistfuls of your curls, grinding her hot cunt further into your mouth.
“you gon let me flood your pretty face, baby?” riri smiles as you hum your confirmation, the vibration of your voice making her head spin, “let me cum in that dirty mouth, yeah?”
you look up at riri as you press sloppy kisses onto her pussy, relishing the way she bounces on your face. “fuck, baby. feels so good..shit!” her back arches as you gather her clit in your mouth once more, sucking on it, “im cumming! im-“
riri’s hands fly to her tits as she gropes them, riding her orgasm out on your face. you moan as you watch, maintaining eye contact with her as she creams in your mouth, the thick liquid coating your throat. her legs twitch as you continue to lick her clean, your tongue traveling over her folds. “aight, baby, i’m done, i’m done, fuck!” she cries out as you release your grip on her thighs.
riri lifts off of you and plops onto the bed, chest heaving, “how i taste, ma?”
you roll over and press a long kiss onto riri’s lips, hands trailing down her body. she moans into your mouth, wrapping her arms around you to pull you closer. her tongue slips into your past your lips, swirling around your mouth. you push your hips into her, your throbbing clit brushing against her leg.
riri grins against your mouth before rolling on top of you and bringing her knee up to your cunt, “you want me to keep going?” she laughs as you nod vigorously, “needy ass.”
she slides off the bed and walks into the shared closet, disappearing for a bit. you sit up as you watch her walk back to the bed with her most prized possession.
“where’d you get that one from, ri?” you watch as she steps into the harness of her strap, staring curiously at the purple-veined appendage.
“don’t worry bout it,” riri fastens the strap to her and looks up at you, mischief dancing in her eyes, “hand me my phone.”
you knit your brows in confusion as you reach for her long forgotten hoodie and fish out her phone from the pocket. you toss it to her, “for what?”
“you’ll see,” she smirks at you, “you already know what position i like you in. bend over.”
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your eyes screw shut as riri aligns the strap with your hole, the tip brushing against your overstimulated clit.
“ri…please,” you mumble, squirming against the rope tied across your wrists once more. she uses one hand to dig her nails into your hip while she uses the other to stroke the tip between your folds.
“please what, baby?” riri coos, her voice dripping with disdain, “ask the camera. you had no problem doing it earlier.”
you shut your eyes tighter, mortification burning through your cheeks. riri had propped her phone up on the pillows in front of you after tying your hands behind you, letting them sit snugly on your lower back.
your eyes shoot open as riri’s hand slams down on your ass and you wince from the impact. “i know you heard me,” she grabs a handful of your curls and tugs at them, forcing you to stare straight at yourself in her phone camera, taking in your pathetic state. eyes puffy, tears staining your cheeks, your messy hair sticking up in various directions. riri takes pride in knowing she’s the cause of your current state.
her cold chain drags against your burning back as she leans over to whisper in your ear, “don’t act brand new. tell them how bad you want me to fuck your pretty brains out.”
panic seizes your chest as you crane your head away from the camera to look at riri, “‘them’? you’re gonna show this to people? what the fuck, ri?” you splutter.
“nah, i bet you would like that though, huh?” she chuckles, “wanna show everyone how much of a needy whore you are? want them to see how pretty you look when i fill you up?”
she turns your head back to her phone as you whine, feeling the familiar knot in your stomach. “ri…”
your whimper makes her laugh, “speak up, babygirl.”
the way your nickname rolls off her tongue pushes you to the edge, “SHIT, ri. just fuck me, please. i want you inside me, fuck me stupid. i wanna feel y-“
your words die at your lips as riri rams into you, the tip of the strap brushing against your cervix. “you talk too much,” riri mutters as you cry out. you can’t form a coherent response as she continues to thrust into you at rapid speeds, her groans making you clench around the faux dick buried in you. “she’s so fucking tight for me..god.”
“you..you can feel me?” you struggle against your restraints and wince as the rope digs into your skin.
“yeah…was working on it before…fuck, mama keep squeezing my shit just like that!” riri gasps as she digs into your g-spot.
“YES, riri, right there,” you watch your body in the camera, shaking from the impact of her thrusts, “i can’t…hold it” tears swim in your vision, and you fight against them, “please let me cum..oh fuck!” you choke out a sob as her hand slithers to your neck and her fingers tighten around your throat.
“hold that shit,” ri’s says through gritted teeth as her pace becomes sloppy. your pulsating cunt continues to constrict around her, causing her to emit a low groan, “you look so pretty when you’re full of dick.” the corner of her mouth quirks up into a smirk as she listens to your whimpers, “now tell the camera how good i feel.”
“please, ri,” you whine. she tightens her grip around your throat as a warning, and you involuntarily moan. “shit, riri fucks me so good. she makes my pussy feel so good!”
“yeah, good shit, baby.” riri’s hips kiss yours as she continues to slam into you, her dick burying into your core. you feel your orgasm approaching, the familiar tug in your stomach becoming stronger with each push into your puffy pussy. riri bites her bottom lip as your walls tighten around her, making her eyes roll to the ceiling, “can i fill this you up, mama? you gon let me cum in this pretty pussy?”
riri knocks into your g-spot and you finally let your tears fall as you moan, “YES, riri. please fill me up. flood my shit, baby!” your voice cracks as you yell, desperately wanting to break free of the rope binding your wrists.
“oh my god..are you fucking crying?” riri looks at your wet cheeks and scrunched face as she pumps into you. she removes her hand from your neck and grips your curls, turning your tear-soaked face around to look at her. she leans forward and presses her tongue flat against your cheek, letting the salty fluid settle on her tastebuds as she moans. “you see how lame you look? you’re so goddamn needy,” she smirks, dragging her tongue across your cheek, “i knew i couldn’t leave you alone for long.”
“ri…i’m so close-please,” you blubber, “been so good..for you.”
riri resumes her rapid pace and you chomp down on your bottom lip. “yeah? who’s the only one that makes you feel this good?”
“you, riri, only you!” your eyes cross as her palm smacks your ass, with riri fascinated by the way it jiggles.
“who’s pussy is this?” riri’s chest heaves, her pounding becoming erratic. her orgasm is quickly approaching, but she wants to watch you become undone first.
you scream in response, your back arching as you squirt onto riri. your release splashes on her as you moan, throwing your head into the sheets. “shit, baby, im..fuck, i’m about to cum!” riri groans, digging her fingernails into your hips, “ke-keep squeezing me like that. wanna feel your pretty pussy.”
“fill me up, ma,” you plead, throwing your ass back on the Avenger, “please, baby! wanna feel yo-”
“shut up!” riri says with a snarl as she shoves her fingers in your mouth, making you clench as she gags you. riri moans, throwing her head back as she drills her strap deeper into you, “fuck, baby. just like that! i’m…i’m bout to..”
your eyes roll to the back of your head as her seed shoots into your cunt, relishing the warmth that fills you. you bite down on her fingers and moan in sync with her, relaxing your body.
as she pulls out of you, her creamy release pours out of you, dripping onto the sheets. you collapse onto the bed, breathing heavily as your eyes flutter closed. riri chuckles and steps peels the strap off, tossing it into a forgotten corner of the room. she rubs small circles into your back and places her lips on yours, kissing you deeply. “you did so good for me, my beautiful girl,” you smile at the compliment, feeling her scatter sweet kisses across your face.
“can you walk, baby?” she asks softly, starting to untie the rope at your hands. you don’t even have the energy to talk, much less stand. riri understands your silence and let’s out a soft laugh, rubbing your wrists and easing the ache that your restraints left behind.
“i’m gonna run you a bath, then i’ll be right back,” you nod drowsily as she presses another kiss to your temple and walks to the bathroom, humming. you envy her endurance, the way she’s able to bounce back after leaving you strewn out across the bed. you turn your head, watching the muscles in riri’s back shift with each step. riri disappears into the bathroom and you let the sound of running water lull you to sleep.
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“you never answered my question,” you say as riri plays in your wet curls as your back lays against her chest. you’re positioned between her legs in the tub, letting the smell of the floral bubble bath and the sound of Raveena’s Still Dreaming surround you as you lean into her touch.
“you ask a lot of questions, baby,” riri chuckles and slides her hands to your thighs and starts to rub them. you relax into her, relishing the sensation of her fingers kneading into your soft skin.
you roll your eyes as she massages your legs, “okay, yeah, but you never told me where you got that strap from,” you huff, “like what was that?”
riri’s hands falter slightly at your question, but she catches herself and resumes rubbing your thighs. you pretend not to notice. “it, uh..” she sighs, “don’t laugh.”
“why would i laugh?” you scoff, turning your head to look at her.
“cause yo ass always giggling about something,” ri swats at you, and you smile, “don’t try and hold it back now. look at you, always ready to laugh at someone.”
“just answer the question, ri,” you say impatiently. riri sighs and moves her hands to your shoulders, gripping them firmly.
you sigh and melt into her touch as she rubs circles into your shoulders, “it’s just a project i’ve been working on for a minute,” riri’s hands glide down your back as she rubs your sides, “it started as a joke, but when i met you...i guess i actually had a reason to finish it.”
you bite back a giddy giggle as you turn around in riri’s lap, looking at her. she stares back at you, her eyes gleaming. your chest grows warm as you watch her smile, her perfect set of teeth on full display. “i told you not to laugh,” she pushes a curl from your head.
“i know, i’m sorry, baby,” you plant a kiss onto her forehead, “you’re just so fucking smart, like damn. how’d you even come up with that?”
riri’s eyes widen at the compliment as her grin grows wider. you know how self-critical she is towards herself, so watching her become undone with a simple compliment makes you melt. “thank you, mama,” she reaches up and grips your chin, her wet palm pulling you towards her lips. she kisses you fondly, relishing the way your arms wrap around her waist. the music and the smells fade around you as you get lost in riri’s touch, committing the way she tastes to your memory.
you shiver under her and riri breaks the kiss, leaving your lips cold. you pout at her and lean in for another one, missing her warmth. but she softly pushes you away, “the water’s getting cold, baby,” she smiles, “come on,” she motions for you to get out of her lap.
you climb out of the tub as she lets the water out, watching the bubbles disappear down the drain. you turn around, and riri startles you by wrapping you in a towel and throwing you over her shoulder. you shriek, swinging your feet and laughing, “ri!!”
laughing, she flips you onto the bed and kisses you, intertwining her fingers with yours. you giggle into her mouth and throw the blanket over your naked bodies.
riri groans as her phone starts to ring, breaking the kiss. “hold on, baby, i think that’s work.” you roll your eyes and huff as she reaches over to grab her phone, putting it on speaker. “yeah?”
“riri, where the hell have you been?” smooth xhosa comes from the other side of the line, “you left without saying anything…again.”
“hey, shuri,” riri runs her hands through her braids, “i uh…” she looks at you smirk, “family emergency?”
“i didn’t get this primitive device just for you to lie in my face,” shuri sighs, “hi, y/n.”
your eyes widen as riri rolls hers, “she ain’t even here, you trippin.”
“hi,” you say, giggling when riri scowls at you.
“right. anyways,” you can practically hear shuri’s eye-roll through the screen, “fury’s pissed and he has kamala and me out looking for you. i’ve been trying to cover for your ass but we need you. kamala’s getting annoying.”
“yeah. i’ll be there tomorrow,” riri ignores you when you swat at her arm, frowning, “tell fury i’m busy. ion even need to be there, for real, but aight.”
“yeah, okay,” shuri sighs, “he’s gonna chew you out for missing patrols again.”
“man, ion give a fuck,” riri laughs, “but i’ll hit you back later?”
“yeah. bye, riri. bye, y/n. don’t keep her up too late.” before you can object, shuri hangs up the phone.
“‘be back tomorrow?’” you cross your arms and pout, your frown growing deeper as riri laughs.
“baby, i’ll be back the night after,” riri scoots closer to you and spoons you, letting your hair tickle her nose, “and then no more trips for the rest of the year, unless it’s with you.”
“good.” you smile, relaxing into her arms.
“so fucking needy,” she whispers, laughing and kissing your cheek.
you both drift off to sleep together, with riri snoring softly. riri ended up oversleeping, causing her phone to constantly go off with calls from nick fury, shuri, and even kamala. both of you were oblivious, too busy snoozing in each other’s arms.
my masterlist!
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zonzolik · 5 months
Fluffy Good Omens fanfiction masterlist
huge thanks to @heller04, @turquoisedata and @smoxensweetpea from Garden of Eden server for this list of super fluffy angst-free ineffable fanfics🥳
legend: one shot, shorter fic, longer fic, series, a f*cking saga
Temporary Tattoo by cyankelpie - Crowley's snake tattoo wandering around, a lot of people love this one
Anthony J. Crowley, Retired Demon and Airbnb Superhost by TheOldAquarian - the title says it all and it's freaking hillarious
Put Out The Fire by Aleakim - a spell makes everyone fall in love with Aziraphale the moment they see him, except for Crowley, 'cause... you know
I Slithered Here From Eden by Cryptand_Bismol - "yeah, you probably should have kissed him sooner"
air conditioned, love unconditional by fractalgeometry - Aziraphale is a ceiling fan and Crowley is an air conditioner
where the lights burn low and you're only mine by hopelessromantic549 - they move into a cottage and Aziraphale is trying to be rational
Texts from an Unknown Number by GaryOldman - first of the Wrong Number AU series, human AU, Azi's text does not end up where he wanted it to
Family by Association by otherhawk - Warlock finding his nanny
snake time by RosePetalsAndRain - snake Crowley getting cozy in the bookshop
Getting a Wiggle On by Kedreeva - Crowley leaves Azi fake eggs to babysit...
is it that we are dying? by NeverNooitNiet - Aziraphale has to help a dying demon escape from a church in England, 1349 EDIT: put here by mistake, it's sad but with a happy ending!
Press My Petals To Your Heart by ranguvar82 - miscommunication queens talk with flowers
I want it to be an "us" by Mimisempai - first of the Ineffable Growing Love series, S2 fix-it
Fifty Ways to Kiss Your Partner by ICarryDeathOnMyWings - literally fifty types of kisses, how adorable is that, "Fluffy as heck, y'all."
Tangled Up by No1fan15 - just fluff I guess
The Duality of Grief and Forgiveness by SealandRocks - the others arrange a dinner so the ineffable idiots can finally talk
right in front of me by raphvfx - Azi and Crowley finding out about the Good Omens book
Scare me goodnight, my love by The_Rogue_Bard - Crowley being Aziraphale's sleep paralysis demon
The Coffee by Ghostofafruit - Crowley does not like Metatron's coffee
How to Woo a Demon by Bookwormgal - after Armegeddidn't Azi wants to admit his feelings but he just can't do it the normal way, can he
Starting A Trend by somethingscarlet13 - they wanna get married
In the bleak midwinter by HolRose - human AU, a rather confused middle aged bookseller bumps into a handsome red-haired man in black
Miracle me a house by IneffableDemon - After the Amrmageddidn't, the Almighty wants them to play house
Clear As Day by HopeCoppice - Crowley actually knowing Azi's filing system (not a good thing)
Let It Snow by inffablenerd - stuck in the bookshop because of a snowstorm
This Strange Sweetness by KannaOphelia - they admit they're a couple, also there's a pear
Find Out How Much Love The World Can Hold by ineffablefool - Azi starts saying "I love you" at the end of phone calls
The Whole Truth by Aethelflaed - a cursed tome in the bookshop
Forget-me-not by gothikmaus - Five times they erased each other's memory after accidentally confessing their love, plus one time they didn't.
Putting the Endearment in Dear by JoyAndOtherStories - Azi calling everyone my dear, including Crowley
Unrequited by Arielavader - Crowley being a jealous bitch
Happily Ever After by IneffableToreshi - snake Crowley can't change back + ineffable stupidity
Fortune Cookies by PlantsJustWannaHaveFun - Anathema's Armageddidn't afterparty with a bit of future telling
Please tag the authors so they know their work is appreciated❤️
Note: I have not yet read them all but I will be making an AO3 collection as I'll be going through the list
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cheriiyaya · 6 months
Bungou Stray Dogs: Fics!
some of my works aren't on here, but they can be found on my tag! #☾⋆⁺₊⋆ 𝕽𝖊𝖉'𝖘 𝕽𝖚𝖒𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖘 ⋆⁺₊⋆☾
Drabbles masterlist
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―୨୧⋆ ˚ -> this work is quite popular amongst the patrons!
~Osamu Dazai:
-You'll see my face in every place ―୨୧⋆ ˚
-Everybody wants to love you
-that rings out a note heard in heaven ―୨୧⋆ ˚
-Cause you're a villainous thing
-his sleeping beauty―୨୧⋆ ˚
-I slithered here from eden just to sit outside your door
-I'm liquid smooth, come touch me too
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~Chuuya Nakahara
-Chuuya with a physically affectionate s/o!―୨୧⋆
-All the quiet nights you bear
-I wanna make your heart be run like roller coasters
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Fyodor Dostoevsky
-To build a home
-You promised!
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-Moon tell me if I could (Dazai & chuuya x fem!reader) ―୨୧⋆ ˚
-My jealousy, jealousy (Dazai, chuuya, and fyodor x fem!reader) ―୨୧⋆ ˚
-From the start (dazai, chuuya, fyodor, kunikida x fem!reader)
-darling can i be your favorite? (yan!dazai, fyodor, nikolai x fem!reader)
-mascara runnin' down her little bambi eyes ! (dazai & chuuya + fem!reader)―୨୧⋆ ˚
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innamorament0 · 10 months
My fic for Supercorp BigBang @supercorpbb finally came out and I am so happy about it!
It's basically a 'What if?" AU, the idea was pinched on the discord server by my friend and I went and wrote 93k words about it. It was quite a hard work for me, my amazing beta @tedgruver69 and it have amazing illustrations by RedDevil6 ( I will not post them as they are illustrations for the plot and can be spoilers, but these are amazing, believe me!)
What if Kryptonians built a huge spaceship that would save some small part of them from extinction?
What if Kara would never go to Earth?
What if Astra would still get to the Earth and use Myriad, enslaving millions of people, making them flee and scatter all over the galaxy?
What if Kara would meet Lena in different circumstances?
What if they would slow burn in space, saving each other lives, loving each other despite any circumstances?
If you want to see what I came up with and also leave comment and let me know what you think, click on the link. I will be happy if you do!
It's rated E+ so be mindful! Read tags =3
Happy reading! <3
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micahmaeve · 10 months
you have been slowly converting me with all your icemav posting, and i recently rewatched top gun and i am s o l d. it has been consuming all of my thoughts! do you have any favorite fics??
omg, am I really?? welcome to the club!!
I’ve thrown myself head first into icemav recently so I can ABSOLUTELY rec some of my favorite fics I've read so far!!
When We Get Around to Talking About It by @compacflt is the pièce de résistance of icemav fiction I think, for me personally. It's masterfully written and nuanced and just so heartbreaking. the characterization feels so true to how these men would really be in real life and how they would deal with coming to terms with their feelings for each other and sexuality while being in the navy. and as if 90,424 words of beautiful prose wasn't enough of a gift, there is also a sequel/other stories called Debriefing (& Other Stories) which includes a more truncated version of the original but from mav's pov which is just 🤌🏻🤌🏻
Dreams of Impact by thecarlysutra is also very good. It involves a little supernatural flavor, which I enjoy, and revolves around how their lives could be different if they'd just made one single different choice.
come the same colors by susiecarter is a fav. It's a classic 'you got hurt and it's made me reckon with how I really feel about you, but I haven't figured out how to express that'. So basically it's amazing. this author also has a great catalogue of icemav, so it's really a jumping point to read all of her great work. A Shared Cup is another personal fav of mine from this author. it involves soul telepathic bonds. soooo good
a binary star by vannral is a really yummy piece of fanfic. the first line of the description is the perfect primer for how great the rest of the fic is: "Ice hasn’t ever given much thought to celestial things up in the sky but he knows that Maverick burns like one." like. c'monnnn
i'll ride in this life with you by sassenach082 is an ice and mav raise bradley after carol passes away fic, and it's full of sooo much lovely hurt/comfort that is so sweet it will rot your teeth. any fic with a plethora of baby bradley is going to be good for me
I saw beauty to the north by sortalively (tiisis) is a delayed injury fic set post TG:M. It has a lot of rooster and ice and mav reconciling in it which I'm a sucker for. and, if you like the exploration of rooster and mav's relationship (I'm a sucker for parental figure fics lets not unpack that) this author has some greaaaaaaaat fics on their page for that!
cloaked in the bruises of our failures by faerie_ground will rip your heart out. It takes the mission from TG:M and moves it to the 80s with our favorite class of '86 being trained to fly it, all while Mav and Ice are a few years post a messy 'break-up'. I should warn you that this one comes with a trigger warned from sexual assault from a person of authority to an employee, so if you aren't interested in that maybe skip this one. It is so beautiful though and treats the subject with the respect it deserves. slithered here from eden (just to sit outside your door) is another by this author that is very good and I am waiting patiently for an update
a higher fidelity by basedchamp is a classic slowburn with ice and mav developing their friendship before they realize their feelings for one another
no brighter diamond by qin_ling is a wonderful 'five times...' fic and it's so good. Everything by this author is fantastic so you should def check out their other stuff. as lions is about time travel. delish.
You're Gonna Be The One That Saves Me by an orphan_account is amazing. It's got mav struggling post hop 31 and Ice being there to offer emotional support and more if you know what I mean
'Til I Understand by Katastrophe (Karrington) is about Mav punching out of dark star and kind of fills in some blanks about what his loved ones went through while he was missing. Katastrophe is another author with a large catalogue to just go crazy in
PurpleArrowzandLeather has 153 tg fics on their page with a huge variety, some icemav, some flyboys of '86 (which I adore, I love fics showing their friendship). you can get lost in their page for a while haha. they also have their bookmarks public! so you can dig around in there, too
Sailor's Delight by saurora_borealis can be read as ice and mav or icemav and I think we both know which one I infer it as. Mal de Mer by them is like that, too
baby, baby, i'd get down on my knees for you by boasamishipper and simplecoffee is 'five times mav proposes and one time ice says yes' fic. It's sweet as candy
Is this arguably too long a response? yes. are all of these worth the read? also yes
I hope you enjoy!!
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🌻 'from eden' series masterlist 🌻
samuel lafferty x reader
part i part ii part iii part iv part v part vi part vii part viii
part ix part x
series moodboard HERE
a/n: I was really reluctant to write this at first as Samuel isn't one of Rory's popular characters but I absolutely love this man. So I was raised in a very Mormon household so I know a few of the ins and outs BUT this is fictional and obviously won't accurately portray true latter-day saint beliefs all the way through. Samuel also isn't married in this fic either 💜🧡
summary: you moved to Utah from Ireland with your parents and older sisters. you become infatuated with the only unmarried son of the infamous Lafferty family. you are convinced that it is God's divine plan, that you two are destined to be together. though it's always been said that God doesn't like a sinner
warnings: heavy religious content but I guess that's a given, descriptions of sins, swearing, dark topics, smut in later chapters, mentions of murder, blood and gore but other than that, this one's pretty tame and wholesome
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honey, you're familiar, like my mirror years ago,
idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on his sword,
innocence died screaming, honey, as me I should know,
I slithered here from eden just to sit outside your door
'from eden by hozier'
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“Slithering in our grasp” Triple A (Asa, Akemi, and Amaya) and Keiichirou (@gingerall ‘s oc!)
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A/N: Well… Its been super long since I made a fanfic, hasn’t it? Not to mention I barely made a fanfic with someone else’s oc! After a long long time, I finally got to writing my OCs with @gingerall’s OC Keiichirou which takes place in one of his fics called Eden and its downfall. I really hope I did him justice for you! Also I’m really curious as to how he would react to my OCs, especially Akemi…👀👀👀
The Sakamaki manor’s atmosphere seemed to have changed over the past few days. Never mind its usual macabre atmosphere and the faint stench of death from corpses past present it the earth below.
No. That is not the case, it all started when the current sacrificial bride decided to bring another man into the manor’s doors, for a school project, apparently. It was a strange school project not even the sadistic triplets knew or even heard in class, that is if they even paid attention in class. “I swear on it, Reiji! There is no project! That bastard is playing with us!!” Ayato exclaimed, running his hands over his ruby red hair in frustration, clearly starting to doubt himself and his memories of school fogged over the random things he thought of during class: Takoyaki, basketball, big breasts, whatever.
Reiji removed his glasses to wipe them, “Like I said, it would be beneficial for her to learn from Mr. Seong, her grades have been slipping as of late this year.” He explains cooly as he pushes his glasses back on. Ayato looks over at his older brother angrily before storming off in a random direction. “Stupid Reiji! What is he trying to fucking pull here? How dare Chichinashi bring another guy in her room who isn’t Ore-sama?” Ayato grumbled as he stomps his way down the corridor, paying no mind to the expensive porcelain on display, the assortment of portraits of several people he didn’t give two shits about hanging on the walls with their black stares nor did he pay any mind to who was in front of his way, fumbling over his phone as Ayato bumped into him.
“Oi, watch where ya going, you idiot!” The youngest snarled, the grip around his phone tightened as he scolds his older narcissistic brother only to curse out again as his phone beeps, “Fuck! Why won’t she pick up? Come on, come on already…” Subaru groaned in frustration while dialing the number on his phone again, his ear pressed harshly at the recently cracked screen to hear the phone ring. “Hah? Says you! You’re blocking my way! Why the fuck are you on the phone for?!” Ayato questioned the youngest, grabbing the phone from his hand without warning to look at the screen. “Shut up, I’m trying the get that jerk out of here! Give me my phone back!” Subaru hollered as he tussled with Ayato over the cracked phone that was still ringing in his palm.
“Subaru! Whatcha calling me for? Me and the others are just about on our way back from shopping. Did you want anything? Snacks? Some trinkets for your emo outfits? I can ask the familiars to go shopping again if you want since we’re like, in the car so you have to send me a list.” A preppy voice calls out, filling the room and stopping the two vampires from their fight, emerald eyes widen in recognition at the sound of the girl’s voice from the phone. Ayato takes the chance to push Subaru away, “Oi! Give the phone to Ghost Eyes for fucks sake! It’s urgent!” Ayato demanded, pressing his ear against the phone harder in hopes of hearing the girl better through the low signal as Subaru tried to claw at him to retrieve his phone. “Huh? Did you want to talk to Asa? She’s busy now, working for your father, remember? It’s Thursday, her busiest day?” Amaya stated bluntly, her voice choppy over the phone, “Anyways, Me and Akemi are just about on our way back anyway, why are you so bossy with me Ayato? Where’s Subaru? Why do you have his phone?” Before Ayato could answer, Subaru finally snatched the phone out of the other vampire’s grasp. “YUI BROUGHT A SHADY FUCK OVER! HE’S IN HER ROOM RIGHT NOW!” Subaru yelled at the phone frantically, shaking his phone as the call went quiet.
After what felt like forever, the moment of silence finally broke, “What do you mean?!! How did this happen??” Another voice rings out, her voice grows pitchy and high with worry. “Akemi, wait! Don’t pull at the phone! I’ll put it on speaker right now!” Amaya urged, the sound of static and shuffling can be heard from the other side. Subaru’s face softened slightly, trying to calm himself down after his outrage, “So? When are you coming back? Are you nearby?” He asks carefully in hopes of calming the distressed girl as white noise rings out from the phone. “It’s just trees and more trees at this point. I’m not sure if we’re even halfway?” Akemi groaned in frustration, “Yesh, it's been like, what? Almost a century since we came here and we still live neck deep into the forest- WAIT A SECOND, I THINK I SEE THE MANOR ALREADY, HOLD ON-“ Amaya squealed over the phone, the sound of a door opening and a pair of footstep can be heard from outside and in the phone, Ayato and Subaru wasted no time to dash over to the manor’s doors and slammed them open, letting the two other vampires inside. “Subaru, Ayato! Please stay put while we go to her room, don’t do anything rash, got it?!” Akemi hollered, already making her way up the stairs with Amaya close by, trailing after her.
Panting. Amaya does her best to catch up to her sister, running as fast as her legs can carry her as Akemi turns to another corner, “Akemi! Wait up a moment! Come on! Slow down!” Amaya yelled frantically, reaching her hand out towards her sister’s hand, and clasping it between hers. “DON’T TOUCH ME!“ Akemi cried out, her breath hitched in shock, causing her to stop abruptly and almost fall to her knees as she looked at Amaya over her shoulder, eyes wide and alight with small flames flickering at her blond lashes. “Hah…Haah… haah… hah” Akemi panted, yanking Amaya's hands off hers as beads of sweat stuck to her bangs and face which had grown paler with worry. “Akemi…?” Amaya called out carefully, making sure she didn’t step too close to her sister’s space, panicked, fiery blue eyes never left hers until the licks of flames had dissipated. “Kemi… you good now...? … You know I didn’t mean to do that…” Amaya whispered, trying to find the courage to stretch her hand out for her sister to hold. Akemi pursed her lips together and shook her head to get herself together, “Yeah, I’m fine… thank you, Amaya.” she breathed out as she took her younger sister’s hand in hers to pull herself up on her feet. Amaya’s dark brows furrow at the blonde “You gotta stop pushing yourself when it comes to stuff like this, Kemi.” Akemi could only nod once as they made their way to Yui’s room, hands linked together, “Come on, that ‘shady guy’ might still be inside Yui’s room,” Amaya urged, tugging at Akemi’s hand as they slowly reached to Yui’s door to the vampires’ surprise, was slightly ajar.
Just open enough for the two to hear light laughter through the door.
“Really, Keiichirou-san, I’m so grateful for your help.” A familiar voice chimed from the open door; Akemi quickly peeked through the small gap to inspect further. She presses her hand against the door and the knob with the other, careful not to make the door move as she looks through the gap to find Yui perched on her bed, a genuine smile on her lips towards what Akemi can only guess to be the young man that Subaru mentioned over the phone, an enigmatic student that she never bothered to interact with until now. “Hey, please don’t say such things, sweetheart. Remember what I said earlier?” A deep voice rings out from the room, Akemi frowns but stays where she is to not alarm the culprit behind the door, “I appreciate you; I hope you won’t forget it, Yui.” Keiichirou states softly as he pulls the small blonde girl into his arms, hugging her so intimately that Amaya lets out a small gasp at the sight.
Taken aback, Akemi tears her eyes from the two humans before her to silence her younger sister, “H-hey! Don’t look at me like that! I didn’t know Yui had a crush of sorts!” Amaya whispered fiercely, waving her hands dramatically as she tried to contain her excitement. “Did you see those shoulders??? He must be the handsome type! Aren’t you curious to see his face, Kemi?” Amaya squeaks as she peers at the gap, trying to glimpse at the red-haired human’s face as she presses herself against Akemi’s back. “Amaya, hush. They’ll hear us, keep it down.” Akemi scolds her fangirling younger sister, gently pushing her away from the door. Letting out a huff, Akemi turns back to the door to keep her eye on Yui and this ‘Keiichirou’ man. Hoping he was too focused on Yui to notice them.
Until a pair of icy blue eyes met hers.
Akemi forced herself from flinching away from this man’s gaze, to stand her ground and wait for his next move as his red lashes fluttered toward Yui, “That’s strange, it seems like I’ve forgotten to close the door properly…” Keiichirou noted to himself out loud, causing Yui to jump slightly, “I-Is that so? I can go close it just in case…” she slowly stuttered out until Keiichirou lifted his hand to reassure her with an easy smile on his face, “No no, no need, I can do it. It would be worrying if someone was sticking their nose where shouldn’t be.” He laughed lightly as he sauntered his way toward the door, his eyes flickered toward Akemi’s as he flashed her a knowing smile, sending shivers down her spine. Akemi’s mind started racing, ‘If he opens the door and exposes us, Yui will depend on Keiichirou more… but I don’t want to leave her with him, in her bedroom of all places!’ the blonde vampire cursed under her breath at the thought as Keiichirou gets closer, his long fingers grazing against the doorknob.
Thinking quickly, Akemi knocks on the door.
Keiichirou cocks his head to the side, curious.
“Yui? Are you in your room? We just got back from the mall.” Akemi calls out, knocking again for good measure as she glares at the red-haired human through the gap. Keiichirou’s soft lips parted, his eyes never leaving Akemi’s, even as Yui brushed past him to open the door. “Akemi-san! Amaya-san! Welcome back.” Yui exclaimed, giving the two vampires a small polite smile as Amaya pulled Yui into a tight hug, “It’s good to be back, you must have been lonely, haven’t you? Who’s your friend over there, hm?” Amaya hummed with a smile spread on her lips as she looked over to the red-haired human with questioning eyes. “Seong, Keiichirou Seong, pleased to meet you. I came here to help Yui on a school project.” he introduces himself, holding his hand out as he gives both vampires his best genuine smile. Akemi purses her pink lips as she takes Keiichirou’s hand in hers, shaking it firmly, “Pleased to meet you… I’m Akemi Sakamaki, this is my younger sister Amaya.” Akemi explained, pointing at her younger sister who gave Keiichirou a small wave, “Um… thank you for helping Yui out with the project while we were out. We were kinda busy.” Amaya mumbled, twirling her long black hair between her fingers. “Haha, it wasn’t too bad. We just finished it just about now.” Keiichirou laughs as he pulls out his phone to look at the time, “Oh dear, would you look at the time? I’m sorry about this but I need to call my driver to take me back home. It's such a shame, I would have liked to talk to you more.” Keiichirou lets out a sigh, feigning disappointment as his eyes find his way to Akemi once more, who only gives him a small, exasperated huff. "Well, it's quite late now, after all, I’m sure you have other places to be.” Akemi waves a dismissive hand as she lightly pushes at the boy’s wide back towards the other side of the door.
“Well then, farewell, Keiichirou Seong.”
Before Keiichirou could turn around, the door shuts in his face, leaving him alone to stare and huff in annoyance at the polished wood. On the other side of the door, Akemi turns her head towards the sacrificial bride, her delicate features now twisted in fear. “Akemi-san… why did you do that?” Yui asked quietly, “It’s all my fault, he didn’t do anything wrong, I promise…” She stuttered before the two vampires, her hands shaking as warm hands enveloped hers. “No… no, it's nothing like that, I promise. We were just worried” Akemi hushes, squeezing the human’s hands gently. Yui’s pink eyes cast down to the floor, her blonde bangs hiding her frown, “… But he wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. He treats me like I’m… normal…” Yui pressed firmly, her lips trembling as she tried to bite back her grief. Amaya’s face softens at the sight and places her hand on the girl’s shoulders, “Hey, come on, Yui. I know that your situation is not… Ideal in any way but if this keeps happening, you and this guy could get into big trouble if this continues…” Amaya murmured, trying not to wince at the sight of Yui’s expression growing more detached as she tried to reason with her.
“… I’m grateful for your concern but can I be alone for a while…? I’m kind of tired.” Yui mumbled quietly, retreating herself away from Amaya’s grasp, “I’ll be sure to think about it… I’m not sure if he even knows that both of you are vampires.” Akemi eyes widen at the human’s words as Amaya lets out a soft gasp, “O…ok, we can leave right now… see you later?” Amaya stuttered, unsure what to do but her feet were already making their way out of the human’s room. “That didn’t go well…” Akemi sighed, combing through her blond curls in frustration as they walk down the manor’s hallway, “No shit, we sounded like assholes to her.” Amaya groaned in return, thinking back at her words and Yui’s crestfallen face, “…Maybe they should at least hang out in school in between classes? Keiichirou seems nice?”. Akemi shook her head, looking over the large window of the manor, catching a glimpse of Keiichirou leaning against the gate, “I don’t know, he seems a little off to me.” She frowns at the thought, watching the young man’s red hair get blown in the cold night’s wind with a faint line of smoke emitting where his soft lips should be. Akemi crinkles her nose at the pseudo-scent of cigarette smoke filling her nostrils, she shakes her head at the memories filling her head, rubbing her hands together, dissipating the small blue embers in between. Even after all the years of practicing, old habit seems to die hard.
“Keiichirou Seong… just what is he planning to do?”
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raayllum · 2 months
For Day Five of Snake Boi Callum Week: ruthlessness / temper Summary: Callum didn’t think he’d ever be compelled to use the blood freezing spell on anyone. He was wrong. Oneshot Word Count: 1.9k
Ch5: Some Say In Ice
Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice.
—Fire and Ice, Robert Frost The celestial elves catch up to them easily.
Rayla supposes she should’ve known that they would. No plan she or Callum have ever made has ever, well, gone according to plan. There’s always a hitch or a slip or kind of snag. Usually it’s her. (Because she always chokes at the worst time. Even if Callum being the unexpected snag in her plans when she’d first come to the castle is the best thing that’s ever happened to her.)
This time, it’s just bad luck. 
She’s not sure why she’s thinking about their first meeting, as she and Callum stumble, sprinting best they can, through the snow, the stolen quasar diamonds in her pouch with the coins. The equally thieved Nova Blade in a sheath slung across Callum’s back alongside his staff.
Maybe it’s because they’re probably going to die, either because of the cold or because the celestial elves have gotten their hands on them. It seems like they’re almost always going to die. 
A sudden gust of wind kicks the snow up in their faces, feet skidding to a halt before the wall of wind can cut them. Rayla didn’t even know Sky magic could do that, Callum’s too helpful and gentle and—but Acheros hadn’t liked them even before they’d stolen from his people, the Skywing elf landing swiftly in front of them now.
He’s removed his blindfold, eyes wide and mad—crazed—as he takes out a sword and Rayla brings her blades up just in time to meet it. They clang, her feet struggling to find more purchase than usual amid the ice and snow. Acheros is bigger than her too, broader and taller, using every bit of it to her advantage. She wishes she’d spent more time sparring with Soren rather than running ragged after Viren.
“Callum!” she yells over the bitter, natural wind in their ears. “Run!”
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musings-of-a-rose · 2 months
Random title fic game prompt: Hozier lyrics and titles edition 🤗 take your pick!
Love’s Perfect Ache
Imagine Being Loved By Me
Slithered Here From Eden
A Foreigner’s God
Fear & Fire
In A Week
The Pillar of Myth
Tame Your Demons
Deathless Death
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Ok, I'm a sucker for a good play on words. And I know you said "Tame Your Demons" but my brain read it as "Tame Your Dameron" and how could I not?
Poe is a great leader. People follow him willingly because of his charismatic energy and his willingness to do what's right. But sometimes his quick thinking can get him into trouble.
Your out on some mission and yet again, he springs into action a bit too quick, which causes you both to nearly be killed. You manage to make it back to base, Poe following you to your room. The second the door closes, you turn on him, telling him off for behaving the way he did. That he could've gotten killed.
Then he gives you That Look. His eyebrow slightly raised as his head nods towards the bed.
"You think you're in control in this situation, Captain Dameron?"
"Maybe a little." That smirk.
So you spend the next few hours telling him exactly what you do, demanding he keep himself in check the next time he goes out. And by this point, he'll agree to anything you say 😏
Send me a random title and I'll send you an idea to go with it!
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hello!! does anyone know fics wherein either A or C is very shy/ nervous abt their feelings? kinda like ineffablefool's fic “Error 404: Crowley's Brain Cell Not Found” where u can just feel crowley's want to combust whenever aziraphale openly flirts with him. thank you for all the work the mods put in every ask!!!!!!!
Hi! You will find fics like this on our #flustered crowley tag! Here are a few more to add to the collection...
I Want To Know What Love Is by MacksDramaticShenanigans (G)
“My dear, I’m afraid you’re not having a heart attack,” Aziraphale tells him, amusement coloring his tone.
Crowley frowns, but his grip at his chest loosens a little bit. “But it’s… it’s…” he waves his hand in front of his heart mimicking the irregular thudding. “That’s normal?” He drags Aziraphale’s hand down and presses it flat against his heart where it hammers away so he can feel for himself.
“Not entirely,” Aziraphale answers truthfully, pressing his lips together briefly. He pulls his hand away from Crowley’s chest. “Though, given the other symptoms you seem to be experiencing…” he trails off, and his cheeks go a little pink.
“What is it, angel?” Crowley demands.
Aziraphale then titters into his hand, like he just remembered a joke Crowley isn’t in on. “Oh, my dear, I do believe you’re in love,” he says. The rosy color of his cheeks grows darker.
Crowley blinks. “I’m… what?”
The Nice and Accurate (and Accidental) Confessions of Anthony J. Crowley, Demon by Nayeliq1 (T)
"You really want me to say it?" The angel was still staring, opened his mouth, closed it again.
This wasn't a good idea. Not at all. It was probably the worst idea he'd ever had, and bad ideas were kinda his profession. Saying just one more word would be a terrible terrible mistake, he knew it. Because one word would possibly lead to another. And another. And another. For a moment, Crowley considered if maybe he shouldn't have become literate at all in the first place. Well, screw it, too late now. Then it dawned to him that he could simply choose not to let the words out he'd unfortunately learned. Yeah. Sure. Of course. Easy peasy. Just don't say it.
His mouth seemed to have different plans.
I Slithered Here from Eden (Just to Hide Outside Your Door) by casuallyneurotic (M)
A glimpse at the ever-evolving relationship between our two favorite idiots, through the lense of Crowley's various transformations into his scalier corporation. This fic spans the time just before Warlock and a little after the apoco-wasn't.
Small Intimacies by Elphen (T)
Based on a prompt list I found with the title "Non-sexual acts of intimacy", a collection of short stories of Aziraphale and Crowley being intimate with and caring for each other in various ways through their life together as only they can.
Endless Night by AppleSeeds (T)
Spending Halloween in an old cottage with his housemates, university student Crowley finds himself trapped in a time loop that repeats every four hours, with only the spirit of Anathema's dead witchy ancestor to help guide him. Agnes believes the time loop has been triggered by Crowley's own thoughts, and that the only way to break it is to ensure that Aziraphale, who Crowley is completely infatuated with, actually enjoys himself. Despite how flustered he gets every time he even looks at Aziraphale, Crowley does everything he can to try to make that happen. But no matter what he tries, things keep going wrong.
i've found a way (a way to make you smile) by curtaincall (T)
Crowley worked in Sales. He had never intended to work in Sales. It had just sort of happened. One moment, there he’d been, a newly minted university graduate off to change the world, exquisitely useless Philosophy degree in hand, and now here he was, having sauntered vaguely downwards into a Hell that consisted mainly of cold-calling new customers and sucking up to existing ones.   AU based on The Office.
And the one you mentioned...
Error 404: Crowley's Brain Cell Not Found by ineffablefool (T)
The "information technology professional coworkers" human Ineffable Husbands AU which… someone needed, possibly. Aziraphale is very fat and very pretty, Crowley is a lovestruck disaster, and your author is an IT professional who has seen a lot in a surprisingly short amount of time.
- Mod D
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ineffablehusbandos · 10 months
Ineffable Husbands Fic Rec #2
I slithered here from Eden, just to sit outside your door
Summary: Courting, in heaven, was all about pageantry.
Crowley had been an angel, once. He remembered the pomp and circumstance of it all, how his fellow angels would damn near lose their minds trying to make sure that every little thing was absolutely perfect, to the letter. It had all seemed so silly back then, back when Crowley had gone by a different name and had woven galaxies and stars into nebulas across the cosmos. He’d rolled his eyes at it all, but he’d always secretly wondered what it would be like, to find someone that made all that fuss seem worth it.
That was before the Fall, and the Garden, and a wall where a swordless angel asked his first question and shielded a demon from the rain.
Crowley knew that if he was going to win the Principality’s heart, he was going to have to do it the old fashioned way.
The Prize
Summary: Need a car? Date my brother. My brother is a real angel but needs a helping hand in the social/romance department, so I’m trying to help him find a good guy. Ages 35-50, employed, good looking, emotionally stable. After an entrance interview, if you successfully date my brother for a set amount of time and pull him out of his shell, I will give you my garage kept 1933 Bentley. Serious inquiries only. Contact [email protected]
Flaming Hair, Stardust In His Eyes
Summary: Before the beginning, Aziraphale tries to find out the identity of the angel he just met.
Which shouldn't be so hard, how many other angels have flames for hair and stardust in their eyes?
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diabolikpersonals · 6 months
do you have any fic recommendations where subaru plays a large role in the story?
sure!! I read mostly diaboy ship fics so I hope that's what you're in the mood for lol
i slithered here from eden (just to sit outside your door) - subakou, incomplete. subaru is the vampire king and he's struggling badly. kou has lost everything and he has no choice but to resort to seduction to save his family. CANNOT recommend this enough
fever dream high - subakou, oneshot. subaru and kou go on an amusement park date!
Tenderness - subaru/azusa, oneshot, nsfw. some good ol fashion knifeplay
i see my future in your eyes - subakou, oneshot. kou gets back from a world tour and brings subaru a preseeeeent :)
Lace and Love - subakou, oneshot, nsfw. maid outfit subaru, baby!!!!
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I know I said I wasn’t doing fics anymore, but I might as well share some little things that I think of on occasion.
Another Discord drabble, dogman Eden/wolf in heat fem reader. Dubcon on PC’s end rather than Eden’s, pregnancy.
Hnnnn dogdude Eden on the brain again. Like he lives out as a stray in the woods, defending his cave to the best of his abilities against wolves as he tries to live in peace. Town is too hostile and he hates being trapped in the shelter so out here is his only option. He prefers it, there's less noise to assault his ears, no car fumes to make him sneeze. He's had one or two wolves come up to him while in heat, but kicked them all to the curb because he knew getting caught with any of them would be a death sentence.
The most recent one just won't listen, though. She's insistent on having him, refusing to go back to her pack and spending all day and night outside of his cave howling for him to come mount her
He's half tempted to just go out there, drag her to the river and dump her in to see if the cold will shock her out of it, but she gets so grabby whenever he approaches. He hasn't been able to hunt with her pestering him, too.
He's uncomfortably hard on top of that. The scent of a female in heat keeps him constantly ready to go, even if he doesn't want to be. She knows this, has tried wrestling him to the ground and slipping him in while her thighs are around his waist. Worst of all is the sleep deprivation. He can't close his eyes, can't give her a chance to sneak in and try again. But he can't stay away forever, and so sleep he does. Exhausted, starving, aggravated to all hell, he lets his eyes close and drifts off when he thinks that she's sleeping too. And maybe she was, but she definitely woke up first. The wolf slithered right up close, trying to push him into his back or at least pry his legs away from his chest to get as his cock, all hidden away. Why did he have to sleep all curled up? Couldn't he have just let her have him? She fails to hold her temper, scratching, biting, growling and maybe punching at him until he wakes up in a panic. Eden almost feels guilty, seeing her crying as he pins her to the rocky floor of his cave. Still, she gyrates her hips up, trying to get him inside as he holds her still just to stop the assault. Just once, he promises to himself. Just once, then she can leave and he can panic about being killed by whatever pack siblings or parents she has. The crying stifles, becoming curious whimpers as he lowers himself down, carefully lining his leaking prick up with her cunt. Eden doesn't let her hands go. Doesn't lower his neck to be marked, doesn't even look her in the eye as he pushes himself in. He doesn't want to touch her as much as possible. Just quick, in, knot, out, force her to leave. That's the plan ... for about five minutes She's much nicer when she isn't begging. Much less annoying. It gives him a chance to appreciate everything he's been willfully ignoring. Like how lovely her hair looks, how soft the fur of her tail feels against his thighs, how her neck is just so criminally bare. It's just the hormones, he reasons. He's deep inside now, she's doing most of the work just pushing her hips against his. He doesn't want to move himself, that would be like admitting that it feels good. His hips still kick, an instinctual want to ram in as hard as possible. So he does. He gives in, turns his brain off and just pounds the little wolf as much as he can before his knot swells too much and he finds himself stuck, her pussy clenching around him and milking him for all he's worth. He'd collapsed onto her at some point, let go of her hands to support himself. His necks all marked up now, hers has few bites. He slipped up he doing it at all, but resisting her at all was important. Sent a message that he wasn't her mate, she couldn't stay. Or should have. 2 pups later and another brood on the way and she's still here, still snuggling up to his side and still eating his damn deer.
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