#figured out i was hearing them Behind me and proceeded with caution. i ended up fine.
orcelito · 2 years
I wonder how mentally tortured I have to look to be let off the hook lol
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Haikyuu Boys and the moment they thought their child came from satan
Characters: Akaashi, Washio, Konoha, Kita, Suna, Ushijima, Yahaba, Iwaizumi, Futakuchi, Daishou, Numai and Iizuna
Warnings: Children, children can be cruel- please proceed with caution, the guys being called not-nice-things cause kids are (albeit cute) incarnates of satan. I say this with love, and yes I have trauma, mentions of injuries, nerf guns and shooting someone with them, pushing someone down the stairs
Akaashi Keiji:
When your son was first born, he was very much a parents-only child. He didn’t like to be held by strangers, which were anyone not his parents.
But there was one exception to that rule, and that was Bokuto.
Which was good because even as an adult I don’t think Bokuto could handle being rejected by little Akaashi.
As he got older, he slowly warmed up to more people, but he was still very shy everywhere not home.
Bokuto had been visiting for the weekend, wanting to come see his friend and his family!
Bokuto had left that morning, and your son was still not happy. He really wasn’t a difficult kid, but this weekend had been a long and active one, so he was very tired.
And seeing as he was indeed Akaashi’s son, he was also very blunt.
“Come on buddy, let’s go take a nap. I know you’re tired.” Akaashi tried to coax his son to come with him, eye brows furrowing when his son shook his head and refused.
“Why not?” his son pouted as he looked up to his father.
“Cause I want uncle bokuto…” Akaashi frowned as he kneeled in front of his son, “I know, but he’ll be back to visit soon.”
His son shook his head, “No, I want him now, I want him to tuck me in.” One of Akaashi’s eyebrows rose, his head tilting to the side abit, “Why Uncle Bokuto? Why not daddy?”
His son sighed, “Because I don’t like you, I like Uncle Bokuto.” Before he trudged off towards his room, dragging his blue blanket behind him, leaving Akaashi speechless and betrayed.
You wasted no time in assuring Akaashi that ‘he didn’t mean it!’ and that ‘he probably won’t even remember it when he wakes up’. But that didn’t do much to sooth the seething pain of your first born betraying you✌😔
Washio Tatsuki:
Washio was outside with the kids, watching over them while they played.
You were inside, talking on the phone with your mom and sipping a cup of tea/coffee.
You were flipping through a magazine, laughing at a memory your mom had brought up, when the front door burst open.
Turning around, the smile on your face dropped when you saw Washio holding your youngest (3 yr old son), who was balling his eyes out.
Apologizing to your mom you stood up from the couch, immediately walking over to them.
“What happened?? Did he get hurt?” Washio sighed as he gently handed him off to you, running a hand through his hair as he shook his head.
“I don’t know, he won’t tell me. All I know is he’s scared, but he won’t tell me what scared him.”
You frowned as you held your little boy, cradling his head against your chest as you slowly rocked back and forth, whispering words of comfort into his ear and kissing the crown of his head.
Eventually, he stopped crying, he was still a bit sniffly and had a few hiccups, but he had settled down quite a bit.
You sat down on the couch with him on your lap, Washio standing after he had brought the twins in as well.
“Wanna tell me what scared you baby?”
Your little boy looked at you, slate gray eyes shimmering with tears as he wiped his cheek before turning to look up at your husband.
He pointed a little finger, “Daddy, daddy’s scary.” He then proceeded to dive back into you, head snuggling into your neck.
You quickly looked up to see your husband's eyes widen as his jaw dropped, looking down to your son in complete and utter disbelief.
It broke your heart the way he clung to you that night, head buried in your chest as he quietly asked if he was a good father, conclusion: kids can be cruel…
Please don’t hate me, i guarantee this hurt me more than it hurt you
Konoha Akinori:
You had brought out old videos from Konoha and yours high school years, wanting to show them to your kids since they were curious. And you and Konoha had wanted to trip down memory lane anyway.
You had chosen a game of Fukurodani vs Nekoma, since those were always good ones.
Your kids were more than entertained to watch it, since dad had long hair?!?!?
They also liked seeing some familiar faces, like Komi and Saru and others obviously.
But one of your children found a specific moment a little...too funny.
It had been a rough match, and a close one as Konoha had remembered it. Akaashi had been subbed out after a ball caught his nail, Washio had very minorly twisted his ankle, and Bokuto had already gone through 2 emo modes, the 3rd not far away.
Konoha had been getting over a cold, he was no longer sick but he wasn’t at 100% yet, so he wasn’t completely in it.
Not to mention he had to make up for the absence of both Akaashi AND Washio.
It was half way through the second set, he was in the back and Yamamoto was up to spike, only Konoha wasn’t expecting Yamamoto not to hit and instead for Kuroo to come up from the back, meaning the ball his Konoha right in the face, knocking him down on his butt.
You all kinda laughed at that part, I mean, who wouldn’t? (don’t lie-)
But what you didn’t expect was a full on demonic cackle coming from your 3 year old who was sat in between you and your husband.
It wasn’t a chuckle, or even a laugh, IT DIDN’T EVEN SOUND LIKE YOUR 3 YEAR OLD!!
It was...unsettling, and when she bounced back not 2 minutes later, you snuck a glance over to your husband, who was slowly scooting away.
Kita Shinsuke:
Kita came in from the fields, closing the door and slipping off his shoes, stretching his hands above his head as he groaned.
He smiled when he heard little foot steps echoing through out the hallway, watching as his little girl ran towards him and into his arms.
He smiled wider when you walked out of the nursery, little baby in your arms as you came up to him and gave him a kiss.
Time skip to dinner that night, all 4 of you are sat at the dinner table.
Kita is sat at his usual spot on the end, you sitting to his right as his daughter sat to his left, you feeding the baby.
He put down his fork to rub his neck, fingers trying to work out the knots that had formed over the past few days.
“You know, granny and I are going to get massages this weekend, why don’t you join us? Gin said he’d be willing to watch the kids.” Kita smiled towards you as he nodded.
“That’d probably be a good idea, thanks honey”
You nodded as you continued to feed your youngest, sending silly faces and smiling at her little giggles.
Kita was about to continue eating when his oldest daughter asked him a question.
“Hey daddy? Why do you need a mass-age.” He chuckled at the way his daughter said massage, going back to eating.
“I’m goin’ cause my neck is sore sweetheart, it’s just from work, nothin’ to worry bout.”
Your daughter nodded, returning her attention to her plate as well.
“So, basically, daddy’s just really, really old.”
You turned away so your husband wouldn’t see your smile, and it worked until you snorted and started laughing.
His small glare towards you only making you laugh harder.
“It’s not bad daddy, you’re just really old, but s’okay, I still love you.”
He shook his head, eating the rest of his dinner with a pout as your daughter carried on like nothing happened and you explained why she shouldn’t say those things.
Suna Rintaro:
Suna was sat on the couch with his oldest son and daughter, watching a movie.
Obviously it wasn’t scary or inappropriate for children, I mean, it was a kids movie. But he had to admit, this one was cutting it a little close.
He would have turned it off but...it really wasn’t that bad and the kids were sitting quietly and watching it, so he figured it’d be okay.
His kids weren’t exactly squeamish, and they didn’t scare easy, but they were also only 8 and 6, so he wasn’t going to risk it.
He also didn’t want to risk it with you, he had a comfy bed and he’d prefer to continue to sleep in it😊
Sometime after the half way point of the movie, a scene came up that was questionably violent for a kids movie. There wasn’t any gore or anything, but it wasn’t a clean death either.
He reached for the remote to change it when his kids started giggling.
Not like uncomfortable awkward chuckles, I mean real and sincere laughter...AND SOME DUDE HAD JUST DIED?!?!?!
Suna texted you with a ‘please help, our children are demons’ as he tried to return his focus to the movie and not his snickering children.
Ushijima Wakatoshi:
Ushijima had just picked 3 of his kids up from school, and was taking them home.
His 2 oldests were talking to each other about school while his youngest (of the 3, not in all), just sat quietly and listened to the radio.
His oldest had asked about his day, and Ushijima told him all about his practice and the practice games they played.
The 2 oldests were entranced, and loved hearing about the sport, his middlest however did not.
It’s not like he hated the sport, but it wasn’t really for him. He much preferred martial arts to volleyball, which was fine with Ushijima, at least his son was happy!
Anyway, Ushijima and his 2 oldests started to talk all about volleyball, the middlest looking confused.
“Wait, why is it like that?” Ushijima peaked in the rearview mirror, “It’s the rules, like how there are rules in Jujitsu.”
Your middlest turned towards the window, “Yeah, but Jujitsu is cool, volleyball sucks.”
Ushijima almost crashed, and it wasn’t long before he got home, pulled into the drive way, parked, and turned to face his middlest with a face that said ‘where did I go wrong…?’
His son just turned to face him, “What?” Ushijima shook his head, turned off the car and headed inside.
When he got inside and walked past you, all you heard was him muttering ‘no child of mine will say that about…’ as he headed straight for the bedroom to lie down.
Yahaba Shigeru:
Yahaba was walking around the living room, sorting through the mail as he separated bills and important things from junk mail.
He had been working in his office all day, doing paper work and what not, and right now he had his ear buds in since he was technically in a work meeting. (muted with the camera off cause how else do you do things virtual?)
So he was completely unsuspecting of his two sons as they snuck up behind him, both holding nerf guns in their hands as they crept closer and closer.
Yahaba had paused, slipping his phone out of his pocket as he started to talk to his coworkers about something when all of a sudden the unmistakable whirring of the automatic nerf gun started.
Before he could even turn around his sons had open fired right on their dad, Yahaba yelping as he started to run, grabbing a pillow from the couch as he fumbled with his phone, desperately trying to mute himself between being pelted with nerf bullets.
“ACK- hEy! You two! Quit it!-” He had made himself a shield out of the couch cushions, finally getting his phone and apologizing to his giggling coworkers, he wasn’t in trouble obviously, the distraction and entertainment was a gift to them all.
The meeting then finally ended, and Yahaba turned to find his sons searching for bullets, him shaking his head as he walked towards them.
“Nice try boys, but I collected the bullets as you shot me, so there’ll be no more of that.” His youngest shrugged as he then decided to instead throw the toy at Yahaba, his oldest then hitting him with it as he shrieked and made his way to the master bedroom.
Iwaizumi Hajime:
You and Iwaizumi had 3 boys.
3 boys who were close in age and high in energy, never a great combo when they’re stuck indoors because of the rain.
You had been taking a nap due to a weather-related head ache, while Iwaizumi did some work from home.
He had heard some questionable sounds coming from the basement, but he didn’t pay them any mind, figuring they were just being kids.
That is until he heard a distinct ‘ow!’ from his middlest.
Walking down the stairs he could hear his youngest chanting something like ‘fight! Fight! Fight!’ which obviously made him move faster.
He rounded the corner to see his oldest and middlest in the middle of a circle, each with one of his boxing gloves on as they circled each other.
“The heck are you guys doing??” They all turned to face him, that was when he noticed they had drawn on themselves to, what he guessed, look like pro-wrestlers, the basement was also a mess.
“Having a cage match, it’s 2 for 2 so far, this round decides the world-class-gladiator-basement-fight-to-the-death match, and the loser gets sacrificed.”
He almost let it go as his boys were being normal boys, until the last part hit him.
“Wait- what?! Sacrificed to who?!” His son giggled, “I don’t know, it’s only pretend, daddy.” Deciding he could no longer bear their empty stares he made them clean up the basement before spending the next 1 ½ hours cleaning off marker.
Futakuchi Kenji:
You guys had taken your 3 girls to the park to have a play-date/picnic with Aone and his wife/kids.
You were sitting and chatting away with his wife, while Aone and Futakuchi talked about their high school days, Aone gladly telling Futakuchi’s embarrassing moments.
Your youngest daughter was 3, and so far it has proven to be the worst of any age they had experienced yet.
Or rather...he had experienced yet.
For you, she was a perfect little angel, sweet and giggly, super cuddly and very much a momma’s girl.
But towards her daddy? She held nothing but malice. She would often smack him and run away to you giggling, or scrunch her nose up at him when he tried to get a hug or kiss.
You guys didn’t know what brought on this sudden hatred, but you were sure it would pass someday.
Your baby girl had waddled up to the picnic blanket and plopped herself down on your lap, playing with some nearby grass as the more adults continued to talk.
Deciding to try his luck, Futakuchi got the attention of your daughter.
“Hey, why don’t you come sit in Daddy’s lap.”
Your daughter turned towards him and shook her head, “No.”
Futakuchi pouted, “Why not?” Your little girl huffed as she only turned her head this time.
“Because I don’t even like you dada.” She then plopped her head back down on your chest while you and Mrs. Aone started laughing and Futakuchi’s face showed only pain.
“hEy! I helped make you, the least you can show me is some gratitude!” Your youngest only stuck her tongue out at him, causing an audible chuckle out of Aone and more pain for Futakuchi.
Daishou Suguru:
When you and Daishou had your first child, your daughter, you never had a hard time getting her to sleep.
But for some reason, lately she had been getting out of her bed in the middle of the night, with seemingly no reason.
Now, don’t get me wrong. Daishou loves his little girl.
But sometimes...kids can be creepy, and yours were no different.
When she woke up at these awful hours of the night, she’d just go to you guys’ room and...stand there...she wouldn’t say anything, just stand there with her teddy bear in one arm and the other hanging limply at her side.
It was almost 3 am, so naturally Daishou had long since been asleep.
He had just rolled over to the edge of the bed to grab some water when he almost screamed.
Standing right there was his daughter, just standing there, watching him.
He sat up, rubbing his eyes as he took a deep breath.
“I- go back to sleep, it’s late.” Your daughter just nodded, turned around, and walked out of your room and back into her own.
Heart still beating out of his chest he got his sip of water, laid back down and tried to go to sleep, which proved difficult with the blank stare of his child still stuck in his mind.
Numai Kazuma:
You, Numai, and your 4 children had taken a road trip as your big summer vacation.
Currently, you were all driving through this cute little town on the out skirts of one of the cities.
Two of your boys were sleeping, one reading his picture book, and your youngest and only girl was looking out the window.
You had taken a turn driving while Numai had taken a small nap, although he had woken up a little bit ago.
You guys had gotten to the outskirts of this small town, and were coming up on a cemetery.
Your daughter was 4, so she knew what a cemetery was. You guys weren’t too worried, she had grown up with 3 older brothers so things like bugs or ghost stories never really bothered her too much.
You and Numai had started talking to each other when you heard your daughter speak up.
“Hey mommy, hey daddy,” You took a peak into the rear-view mirror, your husband turning to look at his daughter.
“Yeah baby? What is it?” Your husband asked as he smiled towards his little girl.
Smiling, she turned towards the window and pointed to the cemetery.
“That’s where all the dead people are.”
Numai blinked as he just nodded and turned back around in his seat, slumping down as his eyes held a certain ‘deer in headlights’ look, slowly turning to see you as he pointed towards your daughter than to you.
“That came from your genes, not mine-” He winced when you slapped his arm, shaking your head as you too tried to erase the utter creepiness you were feeling after that.
Iizuna Tsukasa:
Iizuna yawned as he walked out of the master bedroom, having just woken up from a 3 hour nap.
Today had been a particularly intense game, which they had won, but had left him exhausted.
You were downstairs in the bathroom, working on washing the magic-marker your other children had put there off of your 10 month old baby while your 2 oldests were upstairs in time out where you left them.
Iizuna walked through the hallway, smiling as he heard his two oldests talking and playing. Or at least, it sounded like they were playing.
Recently, your oldest, your daughter who’s barely 4 and your son who just turned 2 had been bickering all the time, fighting over toys and had resorted to pinching.
When you had caught them and put them in time out, Iizuna was dead asleep, so he didn’t know his kids were supposed to be in timeout, and at the ages they were at it wasn’t unusual to see them play together.
Turning the corner his smile dropped as he sprinted towards his kids, watching in horror as his oldest pushed the middlest down the stairs, simply watching as her brother tumbled as Iizuna lost 10 years of his life.
Quickly scolding his daughter he ran down the stairs and carefully grabbed your son, who thankfully had no injuries, heart beating out of his chest as he sighed.
You, having heard tumbles and then tears, speedily rounded the corner with your now marker-free child in your arms.
It was safe to say neither of you knew how to respond to that, your oldest simply waving from the top of the stairs as Iizuna now has a significant amount of trauma.
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The Magic Phrase
This SMUT is part of my Kumandra Memorial Hospital story, BUT this can be read solo! So ENJOY! (18+ content!)
OKAY! So I've noticed the lack of toys in SMUT! Trust me, I love all-natural as much as any other but thought it would be fun to write something new.  
Warnings: Vaginal fingering, light BDSM, praise kink, foreplay, toy-play, oral sex, overstimulation, lots of teasing, and dirty talk.
Word Count: 5604
     Raya looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. She was wearing lingerie that somewhat resembled the colors of her old military uniform. The bralette and thong were a lacey royal blue color. Her emerald green leather garter was simultaneously attached to her waist and upper tighs.
     Her hair was in a messy braid so she could wear her emerald green military beret. She chuckled as she readjusted it upon her head, tilting it a bit down. Raya choice to include the hat because Namaari had revealed days before that many of her sexual fantasies included fucking her in a military uniform. And Raya wanted to provide.
     She bit the inside of her lip as she looked back into the mirror, psyching herself up, "Why are you nervous? She loves you! You could be wearing sweatpants and a baggy shirt, and she'll still devour you! YOU GOT THIS." Raya finished her mantra and chuckled, remembering she told Namaari she was too tired to do anything tonight when in reality, she's going to cave to several of her desires. She exhaled as she grabbed the silk white robe hanging from the bathroom door, putting it on and letting it rest on her elbows. 
     Raya opened the bathroom door and spotted no Namaari in the hallway. However, she does spot Tuk Tuk at the end of the hallway, staring at her, tilting his head in confusion; she quietly chuckles as she continued to her destination. Once she got to their bedroom, she slowly opened it and peaked her head in, spotting no Namaari. She entered quickly and closed the door behind her locking it. She needs to make sure all the supplies are at reach. Tonight Raya was giving in entirely to Namaari, allowing her to do anything she desired once she earned it. 
     She looked under their bed, pulling out a box that held their straps. Quickly tossing them onto the small couch at the end of their bed, yet she had a feeling Namaari wasn't going to gravitate towards them tonight. 
     Raya then maneuvers to their nightstand, pulling out a regular bullet vibrator with a corresponding hand strap, a feather, cuffs, a flogger, a clitoral vibrator, a curved beaded glass dildo, a rabbit vibrator, and finally, some silicone lube. She settles on only these options for tonight. They only have the rest of their lives to explore new ways of pleasure, but for tonight, the possibilities should be more than enough! After retrieving all the toys, she places them on the small couch.
     "What else? What else" Raya whispers to herself as she retrieves her phone, pressing play on her premade sensual playlist. She almost runs her hands through her hair, only realizing she is wearing a hat. "Lighting," she suddenly remembers, running to the door, unlocking it, and dimming the lights just enough so they can see each other but dim enough to set the sensual mood. 
     "Perfect," Raya declares. 
     Raya then quickly makes her way to the bed, resting on her knees, spreading them apart; Before arching her back slightly as she places her right hand on the mattress, her left hand running up and down her left thigh. "NAMAARI, COME HERE FOR A SECOND" She screams as she bites her bottom lip, nervous while also dying in anticipation.
     Namaari hears Raya scream for her as she watches TV on the couch; she quickly turns off the TV, standing up, leaving her sleeping kitty on the couch. Making her way to the bedroom, assuming Raya wanted to cuddle. 
     Once Namaari reaches the end of the hall, she hears Raya's sex playlist emulating from their bedroom. "Guess she changed her mind," She whispers to herself, opening the door. She's greeted by dim lighting, sensual music, but the greatest gift is Raya's beautiful and provocative pose on their bed.
     Raya just looked absolutely stunning to Namaari.
     Namaari felt her jaw almost hit the floor, seeing all of Raya's exposed skin. She was overwhelmed by a warm, tingling sensation as she ran her eyes up and down Raya's attire and body. Once her eyes set on the military beret, a huge grin appeared on her lips, knowing Raya was giving into one of her deepest desires.
     Raya seductively crawls off the bed, her eyes locked onto Namaari's chocolate eyes as she does. "I was thinking...I give a little tonight," she whispered as she approached the other.
    Namaari's back hit the door as she pushed it shut, licking her lips as Raya stopped in front of her. "You want me to submit you? When you look like that," Namaari chuckled as Raya pushed herself up in her tippy toes to be at Maari's level.
     "Mmph only until you say the magic phrase...Only then...will I bend to all your wants and desires," Raya whispered into Namaari's ear before gently nibbling on it.
     Namaari shivered against Raya's breath as her eyes widen with pure suspense and want. "Fuck" She stuttered as Raya grabbed onto the straps of her sports bra, tugging at them before turning them around in a swift movement, shoving at her chest, pushing her back.  
     Raya attentively watches as Namaari goes tumbling back onto their bed: her legs touching the bed before she's forced into a sitting position when falling. Her face is covered in shock, but there is also darkness in it; her lust. "That's exactly what I'll do if you don't guess the phrase," Raya purred as she started swaying her hips to the sides, running her hands up and down her body. 
     Namaari was squirming as she sat on the bed, "Princess, come closer," she whimpered.
     Raya pressed her lips together as she stepped closer to Namaari, still doing her dance. However, as Namaari reached her hands out to touch her, she stepped back. "I have two rules you have to follow, handsome."
     I'm so done for, Namaari thought as Raya chuckled at her.
     "I want you; that's the phrase, right?" Namaari stated with a raised eyebrow. 
     Raya smiled as she stopped dancing, kneeling in front of Namaari, hoovering her lips over the others, "Nope," She whispered as Maari had pushed her lips forward, just as she stepped back, regaining her posture. "Rule number one; I'm the dom until you guess the phrase," She states as she begins to remove her robe slowly. "Rule number two; you cannot touch me... or kiss me until you do..."
     "WHAT?" Namaari exclaims as her eyebrows crease, and a frown appears on her lips; even so, she feels her core begin to pool warmth.
     "Extend your arms, daddy," Raya orders as she lets the gown hit the floor before reaching for the flogger.
     Namaari does as she told, entending her arms out, "Mommy? or Mamas?" she questions as Raya shakes her head no. She watches as Raya lightly brushes the white flogger onto her skin before looking into Namaari's eyes. For just a second, she watches Raya push away her lust as pure love replaces it.
     "Handsome... Remember, green means keep going, orange means use caution, and red means stop completely," Raya says in a soft voice while Namaari huff's at her amused. 
     "I know, love...I trust you," Namaari breathes out as Raya subtly runs the ends of the flogger onto her arms, easing her into the new feeling.
     Raya's breathing deepens as she sees Namaari's eyes close before humming into the sensation of the leather against her skin. That's when Raya pulls the flogger back and whips Namaari's open palms. Maari slightly jumps into the feeling before Raya hits her other hand. "Green," Namaari purrs as she lets her hands fall. 
     Having permission to keep going, Raya begins to whip other places of Namaari's body. Such as her thighs, her abdomen, her shoulders, and her collar bone. Each whip received with a groan of pleasure from Namaari, "You're so sexy," Namaari whispers as she opens her eyes, looking at Raya, whose slightly sweating from the physical strength needed to whip the other.
     Raya drops the flogger after a few whips as that wasn't the activity she was genuinely looking forward to performing on Namaari. "Hand's up," she exhaled. Namaari only smirking and doing as she told. Raya knew the other had figured out the magical phase but was waiting for the perfect moment to say it.
     Namaari watched as Raya began to sway her hips again, and just as she did, the song Moan by Kodie started playing. Raya grinned from ear to ear when she heard the music: playing her movements to sway with the song. Namaari lightly bites her inner lip looking at Raya's pear-shaped body. Raya was perfect to her. Her breasts were about the size of a B-cup; she had an average waist, a visible four-pack, and wide hips that complemented her bigger than average ass. 
     With one hand, Raya grabbed her braid, tossing her over her right shoulder as she grabbed Namaari's hands, gently leading them up and down her body as she swayed: Never allowing the other to touch her. Namaari grunted, growing sexually frustrated. Raya sighed as she dropped Namaari's hands and turned around, grinding her ass lightly on Namaari. "I love you," Namaari whispered as her hands quickly gripped Raya's ass, massaging it. Raya only chuckled as she continued her lap dance. 
     Having guessed the phrase, Namaari would be rewarded. 
     Namaari indulges herself in groping Raya's ass for a few moments before running her hands up Raya's waist. Before wrapping them around her chest and grasping her boobs. Raya only moaned as she proceeded to grind her ass on Namaari's lap, making her head spin--Namaari was enjoying this, but she wanted control. So as Raya briefly lifts her ass off her, she gripped her waist once again before standing up. Then in a swift motion, Namaaril turned them around before roughly tossing Raya face down onto the bed. 
     "I love it when you toss me around, daddy," Raya declared against the mattress, making her voice sound muffled.
     Namaari's cheeks quickly turned a shade of red, feeling even more turned on. Even so, she crawled onto the bed, hovering over Raya, spreading her legs with hers. Before quickly grasping Raya's arms with her hands, pinning them over her head as she began to kiss and suckle at her neck. She could only hear the muffled hums and moaned escaping from Raya's lips. "Be loud for me, princess," Namaari whispered into Raya's neck only to be answered by Raya nodding yes into the mattress. 
     Raya feels Namaari bite down on her neck, right on her pressure point. An audible moan escaping her as she pushes her ass up against Namaari, wanting more of her. 
     Raya was very aware of how her heart began to race, her temperature had risen, and her core, well, it was hot and very moist. 
     Namaari finally pulled back from suckling on Raya's neck as she felt her briefs soaked, and it wasn't her who drenched them. "Raya, did you cum already?" She chuckled as she let go of Raya's hands, placing them on either side of her, pushing herself up. 
    Raya is a squirter and usually cums multiple times before orgasming; this wasn't new's to the both of them. However, to Raya, this is an inconvenience, but to Namaari, it's hot and completely undoes her. 
     "You'll be punished for that," Namaari stated as she crawled off the bed, leaving a shivering and whimpering Raya lying face down on the bed. She quickly grabbed the flogger that was on the floor.
     Raya purred, "Whatever punishment you find fit, daddy."
     Namaari huffed, slapping the flogger against her left hand. "On your knees."
     Raya didn't hesitate and quickly stood up from the bed; before kneeling at the bed's edge, her back facing Namaari. Raya's breathing was becoming harder to maintain at a steady pace. And as Namaari brushed the ends of the flogger over her shoulders and neck, her breathing began to falter. 
     Having dabbled in pain infliction pleasure before, Raya quickly extended her right hand, showing she was ready for the first whip. Raya was mentally prepared to feel the whip; however, her body still shivered while the flogger was against her skin. Noticing this, Namaari eased Raya into the feeling, making sure to slowly and gently run the flogger down her whole arm before resting it on her open hand. Only then did Namaari lift the flogger before bringing it down roughly on Raya's open palm. Raya only winced at the slight pain but found herself in love with the euphoria of it. 
     "Green," Raya whimpered as she moved her hands to rest on her thighs.
     After getting the green from Raya, Namaari ran the flogger over several areas of her skin before whipping her, each time being received by Raya with a wince of pleasure. Namaari did this for a while, using the flogger against Raya's shoulders, back, and bottom. Yet it was very straining actively, so she found herself sweating and tired. To catch her breath, she dropped the flogger and made her way to the edge of the bed, sitting down, simply patting on her lap, singling to Raya what she wanted.
     Raya grinned, standing up and throwing herself over Namaari's lap; her pelvis spread across Maari's lap while the rest of her body was on the bed. "I love you," Namaari whispered as she pulled down Raya's underwear, as far as her upper tighs, only getting them out the way. She then gently began to rub circles into Raya's ass. Raya only whimpered before closing her eyes, trying to feel most of the following sensations.
     Namaari began slowly by rubbing circles into Raya's ass before lightly tapping it to signal her following movements. "You're the only one for me," Maari grunted as she brought her hand up, slapping down: Raya flinching as she received the hit but relaxing after, moaning. 
     Namaari repeated this process, rubbing, tapping, then slapping. Yet with each new slap, an added pressure and strength was added, usually resulting in a pleasurable moan from Raya.
     "Plus, this ass is--" Maari began to say as she noticed Raya's body began to tense. Having seen this shift, Namaari grounded herself by rubbing circles into Raya's ass; she was also hoping this action would also bring Raya back to the present moment. Maari patiently waited for Raya's body to relax, tapping on her ass again, right before slapping her hand down, this time more gently. "It's delicious," Namaari growled as Raya moaned. 
     "This feels so good handsome, but...I need more, I need you," Raya managed to communicate between her spanking. Her significant other, Namaari, only chuckled as her cheeks turned red. 
     Wanting to shift her focus, Namaari rubbed circles into Raya's ass one more time before noticing her handprint beginning to show in red. She quickly bends over and lightly nibbed on the already sensitive skin. "MAARI," Raya moaned, causing Namaari to laugh into her ass cheek before letting go of the tender skin between her teeth, lightly kissing the area after.
     Namaari only snickered. "What happened to daddy or handsome?" before letting her back fall onto their bed, which resulted in Raya quickly positioning herself to be on top. This position was okay for now as Namaari closed her eyes, feeling her core lingering with several sensations radiating throughout her whole body. 
     They both were dripping messes.
     Raya quickly rid herself of her panties, leaving her garter's on, as it would take too long to free herself of them; before properly adjusting herself on Namaari's core, thrusting her hips into her. She watched as Namaari's eyes remained closed as her lips slightly parted. Raya was sure Namaari was about to orgasm, but she suddenly opened her eyes and looked her up and down hungrily. 
     Namaari grabbed Raya by the waist and stopped her from grinding onto her. She wasn't going to allow herself to orgasm until she fucked the shit out of Raya--Seconds after grabbing onto Raya's waist, Namaari aggressively tosses her off and onto the side of the bed. Raya only gasps in surprise as her back hits the mattress. 
     Within seconds Namaari was crawling onto Raya before crashing her lips onto hers. The kiss was messy yet so intoxicating. Their tounges engaged in a tango of sorts, each of them taking their turn to lead. The only breaths are taken from their noses or when one of them bites down on the other's bottom lip. 
    While exploring every crevice in Raya's mouth with her tongue, Namaari's left hand is unclasping her bra. Simultaneously, her right hand is slowly making its way down the ride side of Raya's body, only stopping at her right knee, gripping the bottom of it, bending it to grant her better access. Only then does Namaari part their lips, slowly kissing and suckling on Raya's jawline. Her left hand now massaging Raya's left breast. 
     Raya purrs, "That feels good, daddy."
     Namaari hums, "Just wait Dep La."
     Raya's hands this whole time have been weakly running up and down the other's biceps, but her mind was foggy, lost in her pleasure. 
     Namarri's right hand swiftly grabbed the lube placed perfectly on the couch nearby, not needing to stop her previous activities. Once the lube was in her grasp, she works her mouth down Raya's body, leaving passionate kisses against her skin. Concurrently Namaari's left hand was kneading Raya's right breast; before stimulating her nipple between her fingers. For a brief second, Maari tears her sight from Raya's body only to generously squirt lube on Raya's outer labia, who reacts by shivering to the coldness of it.
     Raya was going to remark when the cold lube touched her hot core; however, feeling Namaari's right hand already rubbing it into outer labia caused her to lose her words. Namaari was gentle and teasing as she ran her fingers throughout all of Raya's folds, being sure all the surface area was coated in a generous amount of lube. Simultaneously, her mouth had engulfed Raya's entire left breast in her mouth, gently sucking and rolling it. Raya's back arched as her ecstasy overtook her; however, Namaari hand and mouth stopped. "Only release when given permission, love," Namaari whisperers against her left breast, lighting kissing it.
     Namaari pulls her face away from Raya's breast as her eyes land on the glass dildo. She grabs it with her left hand as Raya lays beneath her, trying to control her breathing. With her right hand, she grabs the lube and squits some on the dildo, quickly stroking it to make sure the lube was distributed on the toy. Namaari then lowers her face down to Raya's collarbone leaving gentle kisses as her right hand returned to Raya's core.
     As Raya tried to control her labored breathing, she felt Namaari begin suckling against her neck as her right hand was teasing her entrance. Raya brought her hands up to Namaari's neck, her left hand gently pulling on her hair while her right scratched the back of her head. She needed to concentrate on anything that wasn't the tingles and pressure pooling in her core. So she kept her eyes closed, trying to memorize the touch and feel of Namaari's scalp against her fingers.
     Namaari stopped teasing Raya's entrance and inserted two fingers. She watched as Raya's eyes opened only to roll to the back of her head before she arched her back, pushing her pelvis towards her hand, wanting more. 
     Raya saw stars as Namaari's fingers pumped in and out of her, curling to hit her G spot. Suddenly Namaari's face was hovering over her, and she pressed their lips together. "I love this pussy!" Maari mumbled into their kiss. 
     Namaari continued to kiss Raya passionately while Raya kissed her back tenderly, struggling to focus. 
     Namaari only pumped her fingers inside Raya a few more times, trying to memorize how deep Raya's G-spot was. She then pulled her fingers out, causing Raya to whine. However, in seconds the dildo once held in her left hand was now in her right hand, which she teasingly placed on Raya's entrance. Her left hand still kneading one of Raya's breasts; without ever breaking their kiss.
     As Namaari watched Raya's breathing began to labor again, she finally pushed the dildo inside her, only deep enough to hit her G-spot before pulling it out almost instantly. Raya whimpered against her lips as she did this a few more times. 
     Raya's whole body trembled, feeling the beaded dildo enter her so easily. Namaari had it gripped in a way that made sure it applied pressure onto her G-spot each time it went in, making her whimper against her lips each time--She no longer tried to kiss Namaari back as the glass dildo was pushed all the way in. Her whole body tensing as she felt a rush of heat elevating all over her body.
     Once Raya stopped kissing Namaari back, overconsumed by her pleasure, it pushed Namaari close to her own edge. Even so, she continued to press gentle kisses on Raya's jaw and neck as she varied how deep she trusted the dildo. "Release on the count of three," She murmured against Raya's neck as she moved her left hand down to Raya's clit. She gently lifted the hood off the clit and started rubbing circles into it; as she continued to thrust the toy with her other hand. "one..." Raya's whole body was arched as she trembled to keep herself from finishing, "Two..." Namaari pulled her lips away from Raya's face only to watch her crash. "Three." 
     Raya couldn't believe the high she reached before coming crashing down, the moans and groans escaping her lips echoing throughout the room. "Just like that Dep La," Namaari said, coaching her through the orgasm. Her left thumb continuing to stimulate her clit as her right hand trusted the toy in and out of her at a slower rhythm.
     As Raya's back relaxed, and the fogginess of her mind began to dismiss. She opened her eyes to see Namaari's glistening in her sweat and panting resulting from the pressure she caused her. Raya also became aware of the tight grip she had on Namaair's hair; quickly letting go as she giggled, "Ohh, daddy, that was--"
     Namaari cut her off as she pressed a quick peck onto her lips before pulling out the toy from within her. Raya only gasped against her lips as she began trailing kisses down her body. "I'm not done, Raya...Relax for me." 
     Raya felt her bottom lip quiver as she nodded yes. Each of the trailing kisses of her partner burning into her skin. Her legs were slightly trembling as Namaari's kisses reached her navel, her hands dropping from the other head and neck landing onto the mattress. 
     Raya had bent both her knees at this point, spreading her legs apart, knowing Namaari was going to eat her out. No sooner had she spread her legs had Namaari crawled off the bed and kneed down in front of her, however before diving in, she rid herself of her sports bra, knowing things would get messy.
     Namaari was buying Raya some time to cool down from her first orgasm before coaxing her into a new one. Raya is very intuned with her body, and pushing her into another orgasm way too soon can be more painful than pleasurable. This isn't a problem for Namaari as it allows her more time and space to worship Raya.
     Raya looked down at Namaari, who ran her hands up and down her inner thighs before pressing kisses into her sensitive skin. Once Namaari found a tender spot that made Raya whimper, she would gently nibble it or suck a hickey into it, causing subtle moans to escape her partner.
     Once Namaari heard Raya's breath settle as much as it would. She trailed her kisses towards Raya's core. Taking a moment to admire all of Raya's folds, the way her clit had retracted back into its hood, how her outer labia was painted in a rosy pink from her arousal. "You're beautiful," she admitted as she looked up to Raya, who tossed her head back giggling. Nevertheless, Namaari could still see the red beginning to appear on Raya's cheeks.
     The way Namaari appreciated her body made Raya's heart skip a beat. She was so in love with her. However, Raya's train of thought disappeared as she felt Namaari's flat tongue exploring her core. 
     Namaari explored Raya's outer lips, vaginal opening, and perineum before she began gently licking Raya's inner labia, making sure to brush her tongue against all her folds. As Raya started to whimper, she gently sucked on her folds, causing Raya's whimper's to amplify. She knew the anticipation was probably torturing Raya, resulting in her arousal increasing. Namaari was purposely ignoring her clit, trying to postpone the second orgasm.
     Raya groaned as Namaari licked her entrance before slightly dipping her tongue inside her. Yet that was a tease as Namaari continued using broad strokes to lick up and down her vaginal opening, no longer penetrating her. Raya was tired of waiting, so she moaned and pushed her pelvis up, forcing Namaari's face into her entrance.
     Namaari's face was engulfed by everything that was Raya. The pungent sweet smell, the slight taste of tartness from her vaginal fluids, and the slipperiness of the lube. 
     Raya kept her eyes shut tight as she grabbed the sheets. Her breathing becoming heavier as Namaari's pointed tongue gently explored her inner core before beginning to pump in and out. Raya moan-groaned, thinking to herself she had to get back at that teaser in between her legs.
     Namaari used her tongue to penetrate the other however felt Raya's wall's almost instantly tense around her. Soon after, Raya began to shake from her overstimulation but moaned to make it clear to Namaari it was more pleasure than pain. Knowing it was okay to continue, Namaari tenderly ran her left hand up Raya's abdomen, running her fingers through all the muscles as she inserted three fingers from her right hand into Raya, as her tongue retreated.
     Raya's moans sounded broken as Namaari's fingers worked on stretching her vaginal wall, her tongue now circling her clit. She was going to orgasm, and she couldn't hold back. 
     "Release when you're ready," Namaari growled into her Raya's clit. She had been swirling her tongue over the hood, so she brought her left hand down, exposing the clitoris in its swollen pink state. After doing this, she moved her left hand lower to spread apart Raya's labia. Her tongue shifting from circles to up and down on Raya's clit. After a few strokes, she retracted her tongue and gently held the other clitoris between her lips before tugging on it ever so slightly. 
     Raya felt her legs trembling as she felt herself release, with a death grip on their sheets. Her whole world was dark with speckles of color with her overstimulation. She couldn't hear herself anymore, but she was confident the noises escaping her mouth portrayed the pleasure she was feeling.
     Namaari was overjoyed watching Raya squirt onto her fingers. Some people are addicted to nicotine, but Namaari is addicted to the taste of Raya's cum. 
     As Raya was coaxed through her pleasure waves by Namaari's tongue and fingers, she felt her senses began to return. The sound of her vaginal juices was the prompt sound hitting her ears as Namaari curled her finger inside her. She could also hear her own broken moans and Namaari's grunts and growls. Her grip on the mattress loosening, and she let her back lose its arch.
     Once Raya's wall's relaxed around her fingers, Namaari pulled her fingers out quickly, licking them clean before dropping her face in between Raya's folds. She then made sure to lick all the juices off Raya's outer core before dipping her tongue inside her and licking her walls clean. "Enough of that." Raya panted as she pushed Namaari's face away from her entrance. 
     Once Raya was able to look at Namaari's face, she noticed her slick all over her face. She also noticed how dazed in her own arousal Namaari was, so Raya wrapped her hands around her neck. Raya then pulled Namaari up from in between her legs before pulling her down to her. She then gave Namaari a tender kiss before quickly shifting their positions; Raya was now on top. Raya was exhausted, but she was going to return the favor! Plus, Namaari was about to hit her breaking point.
     As they continued to kiss, Raya began to pull Namaari boxer briefs off, which Namaari was quick to help her. Once they were off, Raya separated their lips, turning to look at the couch and reaching for a feather and a bullet vibrator with its hand strap. She quickly wrapped the strap around her right hand and placed the bullet vibrator in its specialized pocket. The toy was resting on the palm of her hand--Once the toy was secured onto her hand, she began kissing her way down from Namaari's jawline down to her collarbone. Her left hand was running the feather over Namaari's exposed body. 
     Namaari exhaled deeply, closing her eyes, feeling the tender kisses all over her chest, the feather stimulating her body into further arousal. She was trying to flourish in this feeling as she knew it wouldn't last once Raya touched her where she longed to be touched.
     Raya ran her fingers through Namaari's folds, only briefly knowing she didn't need to coax her into arousal; she was already there. 
     As Raya's two fingers entered Naamari, she was greeted by a river of wetness and a warmth that almost felt to be emulating from a furnace. "You're so wet for me," Raya purred as she began curling her fingers inside the other "That's a good Dep La, get wetter for me.
     Namaari felt her body trembling in approval of Raya's actions and words. She knew her core was on fire, and now her cheeks were too. She felt her jaw tense, trying to keep her moans in as Raya's speed increased. "A good Dep La would be vocal for me," Raya whispered into her chest before filling her mouth with Namaari's right breast.
     They have a well-established dynamic: When Namaari tops, Raya calls her Daddy or handsome, but when she bottom's, Raya calls her Dep La. In contrast, Raya doesn't mind what Namaari calls her, resulting in Maari calling her whatever feels right in the moment of arousal. This dynamic works wonders for these girls.
     Namaari relaxed her jaw as she felt Raya drop the feather to the side and move her left hand to her burning core. Suddenly she felt Raya's fingers slow the speed of their penetration before her fingers were vibrating inside her. 
     Namaari groaned. "FUCK" 
     Raya's only responded with a subtle mischievous laugh as she bites her bottom lip. "That it Dep La." Namaari's eyes rolled to the back of her head as Raya started spreading her fingers inside her, while her left hand was gently stimulating her exposed clit. "Tell me how it feels?" 
     Namaari growled, trying to find words for the crazy sensations focused on her core. Apparently, Raya got restless, waiting for an answer as she stopped touching her clit and made the toy vibrate at a higher speed. "...It feels...so...good," she groaned.
     Raya grunted, "Want to make me happy, Dep La?"  
     Namaari nodded yes without opening her eyes. Raya only chuckled as she began to move her wrist with her fingers, making her curling all that much more intense for the other. 
    Raya watched as Namaari's body tensed and her back arched. Her left hand went back to stimulating Maari's clit. Raya quickly noticed the tightening of Namaari's walls around her fingers and the grunts and growls becoming that much more breathless. "Cum for me," She breathed out.
     No sooner had those words escape Raya's lips as Namaari felt herself release. She trembled with the overpowering stimuli all over her body and even felt her toes curl in pure pleasure. Raya's fingers working slower to help her through all the stages of her orgasm, but what brought her back was Raya's praise."That's it--You got this--That's my Dep La--Mmphh so beautiful--Take your time, my love."
     Once Namaari breathed through her last wave, she smiled before opening her eyes. Raya's stopped stimulating her clit and turned off the toy. Once Namaari opened her eyes, she saw a panting Raya pulling her fingers out from her core, cleaning them with her mouth before letting herself fall onto of her. 
     Raya felt her chest collide with Namaari's. Their breast's pressed against each other—their combined panting to regain their breaths, the only sounds echoing in the room. 
     Namaari wrapped her arms around Raya's waist, pulling her closer as if that was even possible. Raya quickly barred her face into the crotch of her neck, placing a gentle kiss into it. "That was--" Raya began to say.
     "Amazing," Namaari purred as she pressed a kiss onto Raya's forehead, feeling the other kiss her neck. Then Namaari used her nose to push the hat off Raya's head. "That hat is hot but was kinda in my way."
     Raya laughed into the other's neck before she felt Namaari cheek rest upon her head. "I love you so much! And this was fantastic, but let's hold off with toys and BDSM for the next few days; my legs need the rest," she said with a chuckle.
     "Agreed." Namaari whispered, pausing for dramatics, "I love you too."
     There they slept, both of them way too hot to shift to be under the sheets.​
AHHHH I had so much writing this. Of course I only touched the surface of BDSM, kinks, dirty talking, and worshiping to name a few; but this one-shot was already so long.
Anyway I hope you guys love it! 
Taglist: @isitbussinjanelle @iboobro @sisilovesmochi @ihavenoideawhatiamdoingjustgay​
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mintvender · 4 years
UTOPIA [ 1 ]
Pairing: BTS x Y/N
Synopsis: Y/N L/N, the name of the current monarch of Corea. They became the ruler after successfully ending the previous king along with the dynasty as well. In their harem, countless men are present to help balance the court’s power. However, is this truly their intentions? The palace was always a place that needs to be proceeded with caution but as time goes by, recklessness would most likely outweigh it. You found yourself unable to prosper the kingdom without being too connected to it.
Warning: Profanity
Word Count: 3.1k
a/n: This is the first official chapter of the series “ Utopia”. It is connected to the series “ When the Stars Meet their Sun” which is the prequel to this one. It explains the major events that happen to the major characters and will get released along with this serie.
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Being a ruler for some, would be a blessing. Others would shudder with just the possibility of said position. After all, isn’t the crown the most desperate for blood?
Unlike wild animals, humanity has long hunted for more than they could ever need. It happens so often that people would say that greed was the worst trait for a ruler, but little do people like to admit, greed was something that was inevitable. Everyone has at least some greed inside of them, either burying or flaunting it as their unique trait.
Y/N L/N, the current ruler of Corea was yet to be an exception. Though, they have enough conscience to at least hide it and be a decent ruler.
Using their right palm to steady their head, they continued to look over the countless ministers standing in front of them as the regular audience continued to take place.
“ Your majesty, we need to send troops to the east to defend our borders immediately.”
The eastern border connected Corea to the ancient nation that owns the eastern sea. As a result, those people were extremely arrogant and deemed themselves superior because of the amazing achievements that their ancestors have done years ago.
“ The eastern bastards are causing trouble again?” Y/N asked, annoyed.
The ministers couldn’t help but flinch hearing profanities come out of the monarch’s mouth. Everyone knows that such words could not be said during a formal meeting but who were they to lecture the monarch?
“ Yes, your majesty. Even after our recent victory, they have yet to turn around and surrender to our nation.”
Y/N’s eyes glanced up from their nails to the nervous individual, irises gleaming in interest.
“ Is that so? What have they been doing?”
“ Reporting to your majesty, the Grimores’ guards have been destroying our farmlands and threatened many of our people there. As a result, agriculture has decreased by a large amount. People living there are suffering under Grimore’s violence.”
Perking their left eyebrow at the somewhat expected eyebrow, Such ignorant people, Y/N thought.
The eastern land was one of the best places in Korea for hurting crops and agriculture. The crops there almost took up half the entire stock of supplies that the palace gets every week.
So that’s why the servants were complaining, they thought.
“ Do you have any suggestions, General Kwong?”
General Kwong, a name that would bring fear to people across all lands. He was part of the four leaders that have guarded the borders for years on end and have made many outstanding achievements because of it.
“ I believe that it is best to send troops over to the border and eliminate them all.”
After hearing those words, the monarch’s eyes turned cold.
“ General Kwong, you truly do have some courage,” tilting their head, Y/N continued to taunt the general, “ Are you not afraid that they would retaliate? Even if we were to bring victory home, our relationship with them would be on thin string. Are you willing to take such responsibility when such things occur.”
Cupping his left hand over his right, General Kwong brought them to his forehead before executing a low bow to show his respect.
“ My bloodline would take all the responsibility if the eastern bastards were to declare war with our nation,” he announced.
Letting out a smirk, eyes gleaming with bloodlust, Y/N glanced at the bowed figure.
“ How are you so certain that they will not declare war with us?”
He affirmed, “ Compared to the Grimores, our nation is prospering at an inhumane pace. Even if we are much younger than them, they would still have to show some face and be more pliant. The guards at the borders are just teenagers who know nothing and just want a taste of power, I am sure that the intrusions have yet to even reach the main city.”
Have not yet reached the main city, does he mean that…
“ By that, do you mean that the imperial family have no idea about the attacks. And that it was caused by children?”
General Kwong shivered at their tone, feeling all too warm in a sudden.
“ I’m afraid it is so.”
Y/N glared at him, “ You mean that you were incapable of protecting the border? To what? Measly children who have even yet fallen into reality? How daring of you, General Kwong!”  
Practically letting gravity push him towards the ground, he frantically tried to come up with an explanation.
“ My apologies, your majesty! This servant does not know that those bastards were going to threaten the border.”
Y/N did not like shortsighted people to serve under them. People who only focus on what may benefit them would not put out the necessary effort to ensure that they were safe from less ideal possibilities. Hence, why Y/N have to deal with the current mess the east is facing now.
It has only been a few hours after the sun has rises but they could already sense that a headache is brewing.  
“ How shortsighted you are, General Kwong,” Y/N seethes out, “ Did those dozens of years out in the battlefield crippled your brain that you were unable to even think of such a possibility?”
“ T-this servant acted rashly. This will not happen next time, your majesty.”  
Sighing, Y/N shook their head, “ Make sure to keep this promise, General Kwong.”
General Kwong nodded his head immediately, mouth rambling promises to help support his genuine apology. He only stood back up after Y/N motioned him to.
“ Send 1000 soldiers to the eastern border. General Kim, you will be leading this mission,” the monarch commanded.
General Kim stepped up from his position, and bowed down, accepting their command.
General Kim, one of Y/N’s most trusted officers. He was once their companion who has travelled together long before Y/N have to ascend the throne. General Kim was already notorious for his sharp knowledge on various weapons along with a keen mind. As a result, he was one of the first people to be granted a position after the new dynasty was formed.
Knowing that he will definitely complete it, Y/N let out a satisfied nod.
“ Make sure that those kids will never escape from their job again. You can do anything to educate them. Children like them need a strict instructor in order to blossom,” the monarch said, satisfied.
And with that, the topic came to an end.
Seeing the previous topic have finally come to an end, another soon appeared.
“ Your majesty, regarding your harem, this s—“
“ Minister Jung, why are you so persistent in expanding my harem? Isn’t three already enough?” Y/N interrupted.
Minister Jung, another old officer from the previous dynasty who has switched sides in order to survive. He was also a man known for his greed yet a thoughtful insight who would choose the absolute best option, even if it meant being a two-faced bastard. Even though his personality wasn’t the best, he has helped Y/N multiple times in the past thus granting him the position of higher rank.
Minister Jung, was also infamous for his suggestion on constantly wanting to admit new concubines every couple of weeks. Regardless of how powerful he seems, however, he does not get to have the final say. Never in his life would he get the chance to do so.
“ Your majesty, just by having three consorts doesn’t give the imperial a natural balance. Your majesty’s harem has been the most limited in the entirety of Corea’s history!”
All the officers nodded in agreement. They all knew that if their son were to enter the harem, and even gain a piece of the majesty’s favour, then their house’s name will become known for as long as the monarch was on the throne and hopefully even after that.
“ And where are you going with this, Minister Jung?”
“ Your majesty, I suggest a competition to help select a few more concubines.”
Ah… the same old idea, how utterly boring.
“ Continue.”
“ A concubine selection would occur at a good time where the imperial family will be recruiting whoever you see fit.”
Looking contemplated, Y/N then looked over to their bodyguard to see his uncomfortable face. Obviously wanting to tease him, they decided to follow whatever plan the minister was setting out.
“ The selection will definately be happening,” Minister Jung lightened up at their words, but that quickly changed when he heard what came after.
“ But when it's happening will be undetermined.”
“ Y-y-your m-majesty, please reconsider. Your age is not that small anymore, if we were to pass your young adult years, it will be much harder to recruit concubines later on,” Minister Jung then motioned to the rest of his section to follow his lead.
Soon after, over one third of the ministers all yelled out while bowing down to the monarch, “ Your majesty, please reconsider! Your majesty, please reconsider! Your majesty, please consider.”
Seeing how much of a fraction Minister Jung managed to gather for himself, Y/N began to think that all the effort they had put in was all in vain. After all, they didn’t need disloyal bastards? Who knows what they could be planning behind their back?
“ Tch, who do you think you all are?”
Everyone in the room shivered at the monarch’s tone, knowing that if they did not upset them with bringing up this topic, they clearly have now.
“ You think that you could control me with your little words? How daring of you!”
“ Y-your majesty, we don’t mean it that way. W-we all j-just want the b-best for you,” Minister Jung stuttered out.  
“ The best for me? You think that you’re in the spot to do so?”
“ Y-your majesty, p-p-please dwell your anger, it will affect your h-health.”
“ My health? Are you taking me as a joke? Thinking that you can control me because I have yet to fully mature?” Y/N seethed out.
Though, the current monarch was yet to be the youngest but they have still not reach a mature age to properly decipher from right or wrong.
Well, at least that was what they all thought.
Standing up from their throne, they made their ways down the stairs while looking into every single pair of eyes that were previously begging them to reconsider.
“ I believe that you have forgotten that I single-handedly killed the previous king hence ending the Min dynasty. I was also kind enough to save your disloyal asses to enter my court and serve me, knowing the possibility that you all will change sides when another one appears.”
With their words, all the ministers bowed down in shame, knowing that it was true.
“ I was also the one to help you build your fame. You all were lower rank nobles and didn’t have that much influence. I was the one who guided and helped you to become what you are now! And what did you do to repay my kindness? By forcefully controlling me for your own gains?”
Y/N walked to where Minister Jung was, “ It looks to me that I didn’t train you all enough… No, if you even dare to even repeat this same mistake, don’t even think of entering this room ever again!” Y/N announced, “ We’re done for today. Jungkook, let’s go.”
Jungkook then snapped back to reality from Y/N’s mentioning his name. Immediately after, he quickly rushed towards their walking figure and both left the room.
☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️
Not being able to conceal his curious gaze, Jungkook kept glancing at the powerful figure in front of him.
Obviously sensing his curiosity, you could help but rub the area between your eyebrows to help soothe your headache.
Sighing, you told him, “ Asked whatever you want, Jungkook.”
Flushing at how obvious he seemed, Jungkook shyly fidget the violet tassel of his sword, not knowing how to start the conversation.
“ If you don’t mind me asking, how were you able to… to do that?”
“ Do what, Jungkook?”
Jungkook pouted, knowing that you obviously knew what he meant.
“ How you managed to win.”
“Win? I didn’t think it was that much of a victory…In your perspective, how did I do it?” You questioned back.
As he continued to walk behind you, Jungkook tried to recall what he earned in the previous lessons he did with you. Unfortunately, all he got was a few unnecessary words and a black mind.
As a result, he could only go for the most obvious option.
“ Hmm… you managed to control the situation by poking at their weakness?”
“ That... is part of it but it occupies quite a small part in how I managed to do it.”
Jungkook nodded, obviously intrigued at your previous actions.
“ At the beginning, I acted quite intrigued at the suggestion to lead him to where he could possibly make a mistake. You must know, Jungkook, that anyone will make a mistake when their adrenaline reaches a certain point. You must take hold of such opportunities and use it to your advantage,”  you explained.
“ What did you do next?”
“ You must observe the situation and predict what will happen.”
Not understanding your words, the boy stopped in his tracks, seemingly lost in his own thoughts.
“ How does that work?”
You stopped in your tracks and turned around, staring into his doe eyes, you let out a smile.
“ That is a lesson for another time but for now, you need to do something for me.”
Letting out a small pout, Jungkook looked at you curiously, “ What do I need to work on.”
“ Your emotions.”
“ My emotions?”
“ Yes, you wear your emotions on your sleeves, practically letting everyone the chance to manipulate you.”
“ Please elaborate.”
“ Alright, hmm… you know how predators always sneak up on their prey and wait for the right moment to finish them?”
Jungkook nodded, “ Unlike you, these predators are always calm and act strategically, making sure that they leave no tracks behind while approaching the prey. They hide into the background and stay silent until the perfect time where they launch towards the prey and end them.”
With this explanation, Jungkook becomes more confused.
“ So I need to be the predator?”
You nodded, somewhat happy that he understood the overall concept.
“ Yes, you need to be aware of what you are letting others know about you. You have to be able to use what you have to your advantage,” you said, “ Do you understand?”
Not hearing his response, you chuckled, “ You don’t need to understand it now. We will continue to work on it. If you want, go to Taehyung whenever you are free and ask for his assistance.”
You then lift your right hand from their position from your side before setting them on top of his head. Ruffling his ivory black hair before turning away.
Jungkook, on the other hand froze at the feeling of your hand on top of his head.
“... Y-yes, your majesty.”
“ Good, let’s go.”
And with that, you continued your way to your office, content with the current outcome.
☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️
Walking into your office, you couldn’t help but let out a tired sigh. Today was truly one of those days that exhausted most of your energy. Unfortunately, being the person who makes the final say in all the decisions of the nation does not leave you that much time to relax and have your way.
Taking off the outer jacket of your hanbok, you stretched out your back before making your way to the expansive desk in the corner of the spacious room.
Contrary to popular belief, your office was rather simple. With just your desk and a little table for guests as the centrepieces. There were multiple shelves displayed on the other walls. You liked to keep the space simple as the place mostly gets covered in the amount of work you finished over the spans of days.
You made yourself as comfortable as you can in the seat, and began with the papers that were underneath the paperweight. Picking up the brush nearby, dipping it into the already grinded ink, you then began to work on the necessary papers that were starting to pile up.
To say the least, your office was a busy destination. There were constantly people entering your office day and night but you made sure that those people were yours; to ensure that no unneeded individual could get any information that was likely going to threaten your position.
Minutes then morphed into hours leading you into the familiar embrace of the night.
Deciding that it was time to take a break, you stood up from your seat and began to organize the paper into piles that were going to be returned to the different departments the day after.
After that, you began to stretch out your sore limbs to try and relax your tense muscles. Groaning at how your muscles seem to refuse to move, you tried to warm it up by doing a few exercises.
As you were warming up, you noticed that the lavender oil that you have used earlier was still permitting a comforting fragrance within your study. Impressed by the quality, you found yourself spending some time inhaling the scent while stretching out your muscles.
When you were finally able to move properly, you walked towards the desk and pour yourself a cup of tea.
As you continued to work, Jungkook constantly entered the room to refill the pot of tea despite you insisting that you don’t need it. Though, you were thankful for his thoughtfulness as you got to enjoy a cup of hot tea that was tingling your numb senses.
Blinking a few times to help clear your vision, you looked over to the shadow that was behind your closed doors. Knowing who it is, you began to walk your way towards the door after setting your cup down, feeling the need to go for some fresh air.
However, before you managed to even take five steps, a figure suddenly approached Jungkook.
His shadow was quite tall and was quite similar to Jungkooks. The pair seemed to be arguing about something that you didn’t quite manage to catch on. Confused at whatever they were talking about, you started to contemplate whether or not you should intervene.
That worry soon came to an end when the door was pushed open.
“ Y/N?”
Letting the bitter taste of the tea coat your tongue, waiting for the effect to sooth your tired self and come back to life. Your tired eyes that were previously blurring your vision from how strained it was, slowly loosen up before clearing up.
Oh, how you missed this person.
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Copyright © 2021 MintVender
All rights reserved.
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
Summary: your child is freaked the fuck out
Warnings: a baby throwing a tantrum while anothet chases that one with a simple stuffed toy- AND PROBABLY TYPOS
(Oh and- if just cry already doesnt come back im thinking of some new series. Id explain them and then do a vote)
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“ITS GONNA GET YOU!” Oliver yelled, chasing wes through the halls as tears falled down his cheeks dramatically and his little arms swinged from side to side as he tried to escape the toy.
“NOOO STOPPPPPP” he whined looking behind him and screaming louder before trying to run faster.
You and tom looked at each other confused, you both were currently cuddling and watching horror documentaries while his hand rubbed on your butt inside your pants.
“MOmmYYY hES gOnNa GeT MeEeEEE!” Wes ran in your shared room, climbing up the bed.
“Woah woah woah- whats wrong bud?” Tom asked, stopping his movements and slipping his hand out of your pants.
“LOoK!” He pointed at oliver,
“Its grinch wesley, what about it?” You said while he cried harder.
“AHHHHH I DONT LIKE ITTTTTT” he crawled to tom, holding onto his head and trying to grip something but ends up scratching his eyes while he tried to close his own.
“WESLEY ITS GRINCH- calm down!” You took his hands off as tom groaned rubbing his eyes “i dont like grinchhhhh!”
“Thats what you get for stealing my doll house!” “It had an airportttttt!” He cried as oliver laughed at him. You and tom sat there confused tryibg to figure everything out, it was too chaotic.
Wes fell of the bed and you both let out an ‘oh’ but he didnt cry, instead he ran up to his sister and grabbed the toy screaming and going into the kitchen, throwing it in the trash.
He rubbed his eyes. “WHY YOU DO THATTTT!” Oliver yelled, stomping to her brother. “It scared me!” Wes said. “You suck! I want my doll house back!” “No!” “Or else im telling mommy!” “FINE FINE FINE” wes ran to his room and grabbed the million dollar Malibu house and threw it at oliver before running back to his room and hiding under the blankets.
“Why does this happen?” You muttered, looking in toms eye as he asked you if something was wrong with it, wes didn’t scratch the actual eyeball just his eyelids so when you told him nothing was wrong he sighed in relief. “I have absolutely no idea” he sighed, getting closer to you and kissing your cheek before laying his head back on the pillow.
Oliver peeked in wesleys room. “Buba?” She asked gently. “What!” He yelled from under the blankets. “Do you want to play roblox with me....?”
“Yes..” he muttered “huh?” Oliver asked, not able to hear him. “I said yes”
Oliver and wes ended up grabbing oreos and milk and collecting their ipads before playing roblox, escape mcdonalds obby.
You brushed some of tons hair out of his face “when are we gonna have another one?” He asked and your mouth dropped. “Thomas im not havin no more kids- at least until these ones are teenagers”
He smacked his lips at you “whyyy?” “Because look at this madness!” You ponted at the door as tom groaned, knowing you were right. “Just promise” “im not making any promises tom- you can forget that”’
Both of them stormed off in your room. “Mom dad can you help us?” Oliver said raising the ipad. “Yes i can” you smiled turning back to them. They both hopped on the bed and you took okiver while thomas had wes.
“No you dont go that way-dad!” “How am I supposed to play this!” “Its parkour basically” you eyed tom as his face scrunched “this clearly isn’t parkour” “uhh how are you gonna tell me” “because i do it??”
You and tom had a small petty arguement over the game but wesley ended it saying “fine whoever wins gets to claim if it isnt or if it is!”
And of course you and oliver one, making tom roll his eyes and wes demand a rematch.
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woopboopboop · 4 years
as the seasons pass
A/N: feels like this is the longest one shot i’ve ever written and feels like it took the longest time too. maybe the time illusion finally gets to me. this one is actually inspired by a prompt; ‘Your wife changes her hair color every season and her personality adjusts slightly. You’re secretly only in love with Autumn wife. She just came home sporting her Winter color.’ thought i give it a shot and here it is! 
TW: ANGST, heavy issue, mental health, strong language. this piece might not be for everyone as it can be very triggering. if anything, proceed with caution.
[harry and his love are helpless when she changes her hair colour (and herself) every season]
It was autumn.
 That is when he first met her and had immediately made a fool out of himself. He was too engrossed in whatever was on his phone that he didn’t realised he was literally walking into someone. He was ready for her to be mad at him when gasp left her mouth. She had the right to; given the coffee stain on her shirt and a copy of her South of the Border, West of the Sun lying face down on the pavement as a result of their collision.
He was waiting for any fiery comments that match her red-orange hair but her reactions were total opposite. She gave him a small smile, waving him off when he suggested to take responsibility of the situation. It was only after his consistent and numerous reassurances that it was indeed his fault that she said yes.
 “Yeah… sure.”
She finally agreed to him even though she was a little bit unsure. On the other side, he was fighting off his growing grin. Without him knowing, just like the falling leaves during autumn, he too, was falling for her.
She then said yes to the following meet ups. Yes to the dates. Yes to the kisses when the autumn sun found residence on the horizon. Yes to dressing up in ridiculous costumes. Yes to every chance that they get to be together. Yes when he asked for her hand in marriage years after.
He didn’t notice it at first. Not after the first few years of being husband and wife. And certainly not during their dating years. The change was unidentifiable since they were too busy making time for each other despite them both having chaotic and contradicting schedule plus they were living apart from each other.
Now that they are living under the same roof, he sees the pattern as the seasons pass. As winter, spring, summer and autumn are the opposite ends of each other, so does her personality during those time of the year.
Summer brings out the wild side of her. She takes every risk that is in her way and most of the times, it involves mixing alcohol. The later is not an alien topic for Harry since he himself enjoys drinking except for the burning sensation that it comes with.
 But not her. Not the summer her.
He finds himself carrying her home drunk one too many times, cleaning the messes that she left around their house after one night of drinking and holding up her dirty blonde hair while she hurled whatever is in her stomach into the toilet bowl. When asked why does she do this to herself, she mumbles that it is for no reason and that she likes how it burns in her throat.  
“Oh c’mon! Live a little, h!” She exclaimed, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Harry shook his head, feeling a mixture of worry, sad and confused brewing in his chest before proceeding to change her clothes and bring her to bed.
Even though she is a handful during summer, there is still her somewhere in the wildness. She is vibrant and full of life. Closer and temperate.
Winter is the worst of all for him. And it is for her too. Just like a migratory bird fleeing and searching for a warmer weather, she flew away when winter visits, leaving only the shell of her by his side. He would say that the distance that grows between them is understandable and try to aid it with hanging out together and frequent phone calls especially when they are hundred thousand miles apart. She is aware that their relationship is straining and frigid during it and despite him being understanding, she knows that it becomes more and more unbearable. But he always stays as he promised in his vow and she couldn’t be more grateful for it.
When spring comes, so does she. It’s like the spring version of her makes up for everything. Her eyes are dewy and apologies dripping from her lips like honey as she stands before him, tucking a loose strand of brown hair behind her ear.
People would say that it is mere manipulation from her side. That he is too wrapped around her finger to snap out of what seem to be a cruel cyclic heart game. That he can’t rationalise that she is different person every season and there is nothing healthy about the change. He is aware to be honest and contemplating. It’s just that he couldn’t help but feel the love blossoming once more just like the flowers during spring and as the ground is thawing, so does his heart. And by autumn, he is deeply, ardently in love like before.
 Among all of this, he loves autumn the most. The autumn her. Not that he doesn’t accept her for who she is during the other seasons but it is the most her out of all. Stripping from the carefree spirit she sported during summer into someone who is still beautiful and playful but more reserved with rosy nose and warm heart.
Today marks two days before winter. Harry is home while his love is out. She told him earlier that she is going on an errand. He knows well what is going to happen as soon as she steps into the house later on. He is preparing mentally on how it will be for them based on how it has always been. During winter, there are common sights of shutdown, isolation, growing distance, anger, silence and frustration.
She is also preparing herself for when the time finally comes. Preparing for when he decides that it’s best for them be apart and she completely understands the decision. It will hurt, of course but at least she is the one who will be on the receiving end. Her heart gets heavy every time she sees how he is tip toeing around her. At times she catches him quickly wiping away the stray tears on his cheeks before turning to her with smile on his face.
Does she feel like she is a burden to him? Yes.
Is she aware of his struggles regarding the seasonal shift in her? Definitely.
Is she aware of the efforts that he makes for her? Certainly.
Does she tell him that she appreciates all of the things that he has done for her? Probably not enough.
Every thank you’s, be it verbal or through actions, doesn’t seem to compensate for his efforts in making her feel better. With the blizzard emerging in her head, she is unable to tell him whatever is going on in her mind and her heart. If she does, it doesn’t make the situation any better because she will either sounds irritated or uninterested.
The clicking and shutting sound of the front door stops him from strumming. Just like his initial thought, she comes back to the house with different hair colour. Her hair is bleached white. A striking comparison to the dark, shadowy parts of her that has started to engulf her being. When she kisses him, he waves off the fact that her body is held at a distance from him and the kiss is more of a peck on the lips.
It’s something atleast.
Two weeks in, Harry starts to stare at himself in the mirror. Pondering if it’s his fault instead that his love is withdrawing away from him and the world. Thus, he tries harder. Let her pick what movie to watch, cook not only during dinner but also lunch and breakfast if he doesn’t have studio sessions or interviews to attend to, buy her flowers or other gifts, shower her with more love, spend more time. Not that he hasn’t been doing all of this before. It’s just all the things that he used to do with her during spring, summer and autumn are done more regularly in winter.
But every time she looks his way, she looks at him the same. Her gaze is not of one who is loving nor condemning his actions. It’s just empty.
And she hates it. She absolutely hates the fact that she can’t control herself and always inflicts pain on him. She has no problem reigning the summer storm, dancing in the spring rain and she is even unbothered by the autumn chill. But why does she have to surrender into the coldness of winter and be one with it?
You’re a cold bitch she tells herself.
You’re heartless, cold bitch.
You’re nothing but a burden. He tries so hard to make things better but you can’t even show your love back.
You’re heartless, cold, ungrateful bitch.
“Love?” She hears him calling out for her. In her peripheral vision, she sees him standing at their bathroom door. Eyebrows knitting together, eyes are still very much sleepy, trying to muster what is she murmuring under her breath.
Sometimes, when the nights are longer, when the branches outside knock at the window, when the wind changes from softly whirling to strongly howling outside their house, he feels the other half of the bed empty as he sits awake. She is somewhere in the house, staring into nothingness and occasionally mumbling something under her breath.
He always tries to coax her to go back to bed. Squeezing her shoulder while running his thumbs up and down. At times he is successful even though after that they will go back to sleep with untouching body.
“Are you – is there something bothering you?”
A stupid question Harry thought. But it is a needed one because he knows even though she despises how the question carries a powerful weight, she still is truthful to him. It might not seem like an okay situation for anyone who sees her looking into his eyes and smiling at him for a fleeting moment before brushing past his tired figure and go straight to bed with her back facing him. But the quick smile from her is enough to settle the gnawing feeling inside.
Somewhere in mid winter, she loses it. She is always on the edge Harry notices. But now the blizzard that howls inside her is being unleashed and its coldness is spreading to him. What supposed to be a relaxing dinner turns into an intense screaming match. They are fighting from home to the restaurant and from the restaurant back to home.
She is already so exhausted with voice straining. He is no different with his red eyes and heavy breathing. The reason behind the fight and its content are long forgotten and it has taken a total different path than it usual does. Usually he gets a grip of this kind of situation. Yes, they have multiple fights before but he is able to take control as to not let it get too much. But not tonight. He ends up sleeping in the spare room.
It feels different. Not having him in the same bed as her.
She is aware that she is being selfish and greedy towards him. Wanting him to be with her but at the same time pushing him away.
What the hell do you want? She hisses at herself.
Their fight throughout the course of the evening comes alive before her eyes and she regrets every harsh word thrown at him earlier. He doesn’t deserve that. Never. Not when he has been doing everything he can by putting her first on his list.
She shakes her head as she positions herself to sit against the headboard, knees tuck closely to her chest. The dimly lit room and its chillness should lull her to sleep but with racing thoughts and restless feelings, she finds it difficult to sleep. With head rested against the headboard, she looks up to the ceiling. Blinking every time her eyes are out of focus. It’s not long before the heavy feelings creep up on her, forming a lump on her throat and burning her eyes.  
She swallows down the lump harshly and blinks hard in hope that she can deter the heaviness over. However, it’s inevitable. When her lips start quivering, few tears slipping away, her ears ringing, she knows it can’t be stop. The only thing that she can do is to let it go. So, she does and she is shaking uncontrollably while flinging her hands to cover her face in order to suppress her sobs.  
“Love? Hey, hey,” he soothes. “What’s wrong?”
She feels the bed dips in front of her. His sudden presence ceases her crying and the sobs that he heard when he was walking towards their shared bedroom to check in on her has quiet down a bit. It’s the expectedly unexpected moment like this that he is unsure on what to do. Uncertain if he is making the right choice or will he just end up pushing her over the edge once more. She is so stoic and blank during winter, barely talking and moving. To have this sudden outburst is so unusual in the household that he doesn’t know what kind of approach to take.
“You – you can tell me – talk to me,” he says with a hushed tone, searching for the right words to say. He turns his body so that he is sitting facing her. Waiting for her to give any sort of response is nerve wrecking. Breathing deeply, he cautiously tugs her wrists away from her face, placing both gently by her sides on the mattress before retracting his hands to his lap.  
The sight in front of him is truly heart breaking.
“Please, love,” he whispers not trusting his own voice. One lone tear making its way down his face and he quickly wipes it with his wrist. He supposed to be the stronger half during time like these. But he can’t bring himself to look at her sad and exhausted face for too long before breaking down on his own.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” She whispers through her tears. She must’ve looked and sounded pathetic she thought. She usually keeps this sort of sight to herself during nights where everything felt too much and she can’t help but hide herself in the bathroom until the raging blizzard in her turns into soft blowing wind.
“I’m so sorry.”
To have him see her like this is the last thing in her list. After all that he has gone through with her during hard times, after the fight earlier, he should’ve been resting. But here he is, sitting crossed legs in front of her, red-rimmed eyes and curls dishevelled.
He shakes his head and swallows. Clearing his throat and silently prays that he doesn’t crack. “No, no. None of that.” He lifts his hands from his lap for a few inches before letting it fall again, squeezing them in a tight fist. He wants to hold her so bad but he is uncertain if she will be okay with it. So, he holds himself instead.
She lets out a shaky breath trying to steady herself in front of him. The hesitancy that he has makes her crumbles once more, choked sobs falling from her mouth. She shakes her head, looking away.
“I’m sorry I’m like this. I’m so – sorry you have to deal –” she breathes in shakily, wiping away tears with her palms before continuing, “deal with all of this. I’m sorry I’m such a mess.”
“Stop. Don’t you ever say that.” The words delivered are stern. For as long as they have been together, he knows how hard she can be on herself. It’s baffling, really because he sees her trying her best in life but she fails to see it.  
“It’s the truth, h and you… you know it” She sniffles, meeting his gaze before turning away as she shifts slowly, mirroring his sitting position.
It is indeed the truth. That everything is a mess. That they are a mess. But it doesn’t matter as long as they are together. “It’s the truth –,” he says, slowly reaching for her hands. And when she doesn’t flinch, he takes it in his hold, “ – and I’ve come to terms with it.”
Did you listen to that? You are making his life harder than it already is.
“Look at me.” He gives her hands gentle squeeze because he feels that she is beginning to drift away. He can see she is biting her bottom lip a little too hard, jaw clenching. “Please?”
Their eyes don’t lock immediately but hers rather trail from where he rubs her knuckles to his eagle tattoo before finally settling on his pleading green eyes.
“I… I want to take care of you.” He swallows. “You are my wife. I promise you in sickness and in health, remember?”
She shakes her head at that but she is not answering his question. It’s more of she is unable to comprehend why is he able to be so considerate and willing to stay despite her literally shutting him out for a long time.
“You are so good to me and – I’ve been nothing but terrible to you.” She grimaces at the thought, whimpering. “You are always taking care of me but I – I haven’t been doing the same and… and two people in marriage doesn’t do that, h. Married couples take care of each other.”
The words hurt but as it flows, some weight lift off of her chest.
“Yes but you are sick and it’s my turn to take care of you. And I don’t mind, at all. Because I love you.” His eyes water further as he feels sobs building up in his chest as he goes on.
“Harry, I’ve been shutting you out every time and it makes you so sad.” He is about to cut her off, denying her words when she quickly dismisses him.
“No. Don’t say you are not. I’ve seen you cry when – you think I’m not looking. Heard – heard you’ve been worrying about me through phone calls too. I know… I know it seems like I’ve been in my own head all the time but I see… you. And tell me, Harry. Look at me and tell me that you are not sad.”
Her sentences break occasionally as she chokes on her own sobs. At that point, there is no use for him to twist her words so he tells her what he feels.
“I am but that’s because it breaks my heart to know that you are sad all the time. You, love, you are my other half and whatever you feel… I feel it too. Might not be the same but it’s similar.”
You hear that? You make him sad. He is not happy and you make him like this. It’s only a matter of time before he leaves.
“I don’t make you happy.” She trembles. “I don’t make – God, I’m so sorry, h – I want – want you to be happy. I promise you that but I don’t –” Her thoughts are running wild, words fighting off each other to escape from her throat causing her to fail in talking and breathing.
“Breathe, love.”
Her shoulders shake as she sobs uncontrollably into her hands, gasping. His hand quickly finds place at the side of her arms, rubbing up and down slowly in an attempt to soothe her and he closes the distance between them until their knees are touching each other. He feels the tears in his own eyes making their way down his face while he swallows the lump in his throat. He is scared because she has never been like this.
Her hands then fall to his lap, grasping on his sweatpants while tears trickle down on her arms and some on the cotton fabric. A string of whispered sorry’s falls out of her mouth as she let her body falls forward into his hold.
“Hey… hey… it’s okay.” He is shushing her through his own tears, despising how there is little to none that he can do to comfort her. At that point, he is taking any kind of opportunity that he has to offer her solace. And if that means he has to hold her trembling body while she put her head against his collarbone until the next day, then so be it.  
She breathes in sharply and lifts her head from his collarbone to get a clear look of his face. “You are so understanding and loving and such beautiful person and I – I understand if you… Other people can treat you better.”
He is shaking his head to her words, further furrowing his eyebrows. Bringing his hands to her cheeks, he wipes her tears with his thumbs. It’s quiet for a moment. The room is chilly and the only heat radiating is from their flushed skin.
“I’m not leaving if that’s what you’re thinking. I love you… only you. And I want to be here with you. Nowhere else.” He promises, keeping steady gaze on her eyes.
“But I’m – making things harder than it already is,” she whimpers, trying to retract from his touch but he is not letting her go.
He moves his hands to the side of her neck, holding her face firmer. “Listen to me. I don’t care,” he says, stopping for a moment to make sure she is there with him. To make sure she is looking back at him.
“I don’t care. It’s hard because everything worth it is hard. And you, love, you are always – always worth it.”
She quiets and some part of her starts relaxing. Both of them are looking at each other, observing each other exhausted stances. He brings his lips to her forehead, kissing her softly.
“I love you,” he whispers against her skin as she blinks her last tears away.
Having to hold her close after long winter nights is the warmest feeling ever. Instead of just having a quarter of her by his side like he always does in winter, he is having more than that from her tonight. She falls asleep with her head on his chest, his heartbeat lulling her to sleep. He stares at the ceiling, thinking of her flushed cheeks, the way she sounded when she was crying, every sniffle, every sob, every voice crack and anything in between.
She has been out for hours and it’s the first time she went out for reasons other than work since she entered the house sporting her bleached white hair few months earlier. He wonders if something inside her has stirred after those nights ago. The clicking and shutting sound of the front door stops him from strumming. She comes home, kisses him on the lips a second longer. He can tell that she is hesitant but it’s something at least. Small steps.
“I – um… Sorry I was out for a long time,” she says, sitting next to him. The guitar on his lap is long forgotten, placed on the coffee table in front of them. All that matter at the moment is her. So he is focusing all his attention to his love.
“It’s okay,” he assures her. He then notices a package on the floor not far from her and nods towards it, “Can I take a look?”
She has a small shy smile on her face when she reveals few medications in it. “I’m trying to get better,” she whispers, “I promise.”
There is a tad of disappointment in her that she addresses to herself. It’s sad to see that doing something that she should’ve been doing for a long time, a necessity, makes him smile brightly and proudly. He is scrambling for the right words to say and before he can voice out his heart, she hugs him, nuzzling into his neck with arms around his shoulder.
“Thank you for helping me,” she mutters, “For everything.”
As they hold each other, they are aware that there are still numerous blizzards that they need to go through and tame. It’s not going to be easy. They are not going to suddenly be complete. But they are both learning and that’s what matters.
 And as the seasons pass, there are more parts of her coming back to him.
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zoefandom127 · 4 years
this literally came up out of nowhere. I was thinking about this YJ fic i read a while ago when Artemis got poisoned then i started thinking about Mikasa's family line and how she has SUPER STRENGTH (don't try to argue with me, just let me believe what i want to believe lol) So i got to thinking and this is what came to be. This totally does not correlate with the plot and i think it may a little all over the place...but let's see how well i did!
The Durability of an Individual
She had never heard of another person with her last name. The last people she knew with the name Ackerman were her parents and her memory of them in her life was pretty short-lived.
Kenny the Ripper. Kenny Ackerman.
Captain Levi. Levi Ackerman.
What a fucking family tree. She was related to an expert killer and a blunt, emotionless captain. Well, at least there's somewhat of a personality resemblance with Levi.
When Levi had finally brought Kenny into custody, she thought she'd get some answers. But the man was as silent as a dumbbell, refusing to say anything until his hearing. She'd been watching him be interrogated by Levi and Erwin and hoping for a little slip about her family.
Where are they from? Why were they persecuted? Where is everyone else? Anything would suffice her need to know. It had been a good ten minutes before her legs got tired and the fluorescent light started to burn her eyes. She made a beeline for the exit and was met with the afternoon breeze of Ehrmich.
"Hey." She turned to meet the voice and was met with the two boys who were always by her side.
"You okay?" Eren said with a worried expression at her dejected face. Of course, her face remained neutral but with a simple glance, he could always understand what she was feeling.
"Yeah, I just...I finally found my...I don't know what they are and—" Mikasa looked down at the floor she stood, suddenly finding the cracks in the stone pretty interesting. "I want to know more about myself. You know, where I come from, what I am, who my parents were." Her voice cracked at the end.
She felt an arm wrap around her waist and pull her body into the side of his. She heard Armin shuffle to her other side and place a comforting hand on her shoulder. Letting out a heavy sigh, Mikasa laid her head on Eren's shoulder.
She typically refused to think or talk about anything that involved her parents in fear of having the memory of that night replay in her mind. It still haunted her to this day though she wished it didn't. Not just her parent's death but the people she murdered. That was enough trauma to last a century.
Before she basked too long in the presence of her friends, a door opened only to reveal a stone-faced Levi.
"Ackerman." Mikasa quickly turned her head to salute her captain, feeling Armin and Eren do the same on either side of her. Levi waved them off and set his eyes on her. "You can try to get answers out of the bastard but I guarantee he won't budge. Good luck." Levi stepped aside to allow Mikasa to enter.
Hesitating, Mikasa strode through the door, hearing her friends shuffle in behind her. Making a left on the second door of the hallway she stood before the man who was her supposed "family". Her breath hitched when she saw him bloodied and bruised. Not that she had expected anything less, this has become the Scout's forte now.
Kenny lifted his head slowly, taking in the sight in front of him. He gave a wide, toothy smile and let out what seemed to be a laugh. "Really, kid? You gave up so you sent in the girl? I know I didn't raise a quitter."
Mikasa almost flinched when he yelled the last part. "I…" Mikasa pushed her shoulders back farther than they already were and made her face colder than it was before, "You're a part of the Ackerman clan. Tell me more about them."
"Heh. Not a lot I can tell you, kid. I don't know much more than you." Kenny spoke with a menacing tone, keeping his eyes firmly on her causing her to shuffle slightly on the balls of her feet.
"You don't know anything? What about where we're from? How we got scattered? What makes us able to do the things we do?" Mikasa almost sounded desperate. "Who we were? Just give me that much."
"Sorry. Beats me." Kenny smiled condescendingly and proceeded to look Mikasa up and down escalating her discomfort. "But...you do look familiar."
Mikasa's eyes narrowed at the outward thought. She'd never met him until now so what the hell could he possibly mean by that statement.
"Ah. I get it now. You're Linda and Jamun's daughter."
Mikasa tensed immediately. Her whole body stiffened and her eyes widened, the only indications that his words surprised her. "How did you—"
"You were the girls they were after. You know I dabbled in human trafficking myself, right Levi?" He nodded his head towards the expressionless man leaning against the wall next to the door. "A real doozy business. Quit after about 3 months. But for a short while, I became the commander. You know; calling all the shots, deciding who to kill and who to take."
Mikasa felt her fists clench and unclench repeatedly, trying to figure out where he was going with this whole spiel.
"I remember seeing the name 'Ackerman' on the list and thinking 'Huh, what a small world'. Honestly, I just wanted to test if these were true Ackerman's, you know? Strength and all. Of course my men, dumbasses I'll tell you, killed one too many. I asked the system the next morning why they gave me a group of incompetent shitheads and—"
"What are you saying?" Mikasa demanded, voice shaking.
Kenny seemed a little irritated at the interruption and looked at Mikasa through one not swollen eye like she asked the dumbest question ever. "My, my. You got one almost as dumb as you, Levi." Kenny smiled a menacing smile and gave Mikasa a look that sent chills down her spine. "I sent out the order to kill your parents."
Her feet went cold. Her heart started to beat hard against her ribcage that she thought it might bust out. There was a faint calling of her name from the hallway but she couldn't quite place the voice. She stood frozen in front of "The Ripper", his smile never wavering. Her nails dug into the palms of her hand as she tried to keep her composure but even she could feel her body trembling.
"Well, parent. Singular. Like I said those men were stupid as he—" Kenny didn't even get the full sentence out before a fist made contact with his face in record time and strength. A satisfying crunch filled the silence of the room. As soon as the first hit happened it didn't stop.
Punch after punch rained upon Kenny's body and with his hands tied firmly behind his back he was left defenseless. Usually, Mikasa was the calm one. She was always level headed and never one to fight unless it's needed. But something inside of her snapped. Either it was the careless way Kenny confessed to her parent's murder or the fact that this sick man was her relative; she had no idea. All she knew was that he was in front of her and he was punchable.
"Mikasa." She faintly heard Eren's voice caution her in the background but she didn't stop. The punches became faster and more forceful. She was blinded by rage, she didn't even notice Kenny loosening himself from his bindings.
She felt multiple hands attempt to pull her back but she shrugged them off with a strength none of them could attend to.
"Ackerman!" The commanding voice stopped her in motion, her fist suspended in mid-air. She turned her head to meet Commander Erwin's calm but serious eyes. "Leave."
Her fist throbbed as she slowly lowered her arm. The shaking in her body was less prevalent but still noticeable. Her face was etched in what seemed to be a dangerous scowl as she looked around the room.
She could feel everyone's gaze on her which only made her more uncomfortable. Armin gave her the same worried look he'd give Eren when he went off the rails. The concern that showed in Eren's face was almost alarming but she paid no attention to it.
Sparing one last glance at Kenny, Mikasa turned on her heels to leave the room. But before she could get too far, a strong hand grasped her wrist with an unyielding grip. The hand yanked her forcefully towards the body it was attached to and turned her so that her arm twisted painfully behind her back.
"Ah!" Mikasa let out a cry of pain as she wiggled to release herself but the hand only tightened more around her wrist.
It happened fast. Everyone stood straight in alert and turned their attention to Mikasa in a split second. Eren's eyes scanned the scene and narrowed in a frightening way.
"Now, now. Don't resist. It'll only hurt more. Right, Levi?" Kenny spoke, sadistically.
Mikasa struggled mercilessly against his grasp, almost releasing herself but Kenny simply reevaluated his grip and squeezed harder. Her strength wasn't going to get her out of this.
As for Levi, his eyes turned dark and colder than they already were. He was starting to get tired of Kenny addressing him as if he was still his caretaker. If you could even call him that.
Kenny was always one to have tricks up his sleeve. How had he not seen it sooner?
"Let her go," Eren growled, his eyes never leaving Mikasa.
"Aw, stop being so serious, kid. Learn how to smile." Kenny chuckled in Mikasa's ear. She nearly cringed at his breath.
Mikasa's wiggles became more violent but Kenny kept his hold firm. "She definitely has that Ackerman strength," Kenny muttered as he used one hand to try to keep Mikasa still and the other to reach into the back of his pants and pull out a syringe. The syringe was filled with a clear green liquid from top to bottom.
"Levi, you remember this? 'Only a true Ackerman with immeasurable strength can take this vial'," Kenny looked at the vial then shrugged. "Or whatever bullshit that bishop told me."
Kenny positioned the needle of the syringe inches before the skin of Mikasa's neck. Eren started to charge almost immediately at the older man but Levi pushed him and spoke first.
"What do you want?" Levi all but glowered at his Uncle. Huh. Never thought he'd be saying that.
Kenny's smile grew wider, showing his bloodied teeth. "Easy there, buddy. I just wanna see what the drug does. 'Course I'm not gonna test it out on myself. That would be dumb!" He moved the vial closer to Mikasa's neck. "Nah. Why not try it on someone I don't know."
"Wait!" Eren yelled. Kenny paused his movement. "Why does it have to be her? Can't you find someone else?"
"Sorry, but it has to be Ackerman blood that takes this thing, and unfortunately, no one else but me and my stupid nephew have it in this room. It's nothing personal. Just taking advantage of the opportunity I'm given...just like I taught you, Levi."
With that, Kenny plunged the syringe into Mikasa's neck. She jutted at the sudden insertion and scrunched her face in pain as she felt the liquid be injected into her body.
Loud noises of protest filled the room. Kenny had been ripped from behind her and shoved to the ground but the damage had already been done. He just laid there with a satisfied smile as guards began to point guns at his beaten body.
It was excruciating. The substance entered her and left a fiery, hot path as it passed through the blood in her body. Her knees buckled to the floor, suddenly feeling that her body was too heavy to hold up. The veins within her boiled beneath her skin and her senses became overwhelmed.
She suddenly became aware of every scent, every sound, and everything around her. Her heart thumped loudly in her ears. She didn't even notice how her bruised hands reached up to cover her ears and how a guttural scream ripped from her throat. Her eyes were scrunched shut in order to block out the dim light that illuminated the room, even with how dim it was it still blinded her. She heard her name get called repeatedly from the side of her as her back hunched over but it sounded so distant.
Her eyes flung wide open as she gasped for air that was all around but couldn't seem to be inhaled by her. Wavering on her knees, she slumped to the ground. Her eyes grew too heavy to keep open and the world spun around her.
Eren's face popped into her line of sight, the panic evident on his face. She could see his mouth moving but she didn't hear a thing. Suddenly too exhausted to keep up, Mikasa's eyes shut once again, finally succumbing to the darkness that enveloped her vision.
this was really fun to write! I'm not used to adding or rewriting plots and details like this tho so i'm not sure if it's good but i like it. hopefully you guys did too!
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shadedrose01 · 4 years
Only Us
Ship: Parksborn (Peter Parker/Harry Osborn)
Authors Note: A fluffy drabble I wrote quickly for fun. Based off the Spider-Man 2017 cartoon, not edited. Hope you guys enjoy! ❤💞❤
Edit: I'm stupid and forgot to add a spoiler warning. Spoilers for season 1 of the cartoon!!
It'll be us, it'll be us
And only us
And what came before, wont count anymore
Or matter. Can we try that?
"Get home safe, you two!"
"We will, bye!" Harry calls over his shoulder, to their three friends sitting on the steps Horizon High, Gwen and Anya in their fancy blue and red gowns, respectively, and Miles slicked back in his full black tux.
Peter echoes his words as he matches their steps, trying not to stumble as his attention shifts into the same thing it has been all damn night, Harry fricken Osborn himself and his goddamn suit. Because, while the rest of their friend group had dressed up nicely, him included in his burgundy hand me down vest and pants from his Uncle Ben and nice white dress shirt, Harry had outbeaten them all. To Peter, anyways.
The taller boy was wearing a dark navy blue velvet tux, with a bright white shirt tucked into his pants and a matching tie to bring it all together, and man is it doing things to Peter he'd rather not admit. It fits him in all of the right places, most likely tailored to him (unlike Peter's too big around the shoulders coat and rolled up pants), and the darker color brings out the lightness of his eyes, almost a cool gray in the light of the moon and yellow from the street lamps, while simultaneously meshing with his jet black hair, mostly slicked back except for the front, which had puffed back up in the hours of stuffy heat and the jumping that he had called dancing, combed back into a quiff only by his hands, messy and unmade but still so unbelievably perfect to Peter. It makes him forget how to breath, the ethereal beauty that is Harry Osborn, the perfection of the diamond that had escaped from the heat and pressure of Norman Osborn's clutches, and he barely notices that he's walking right towards a light post until he's right in front of it, and jerks out of the way at the last second.
Harry snorts of a laugh, and places a hand onto his arm to help steady him and help him keep up with the steady trot they've started. "You alright, Pete? You didn't sneak in some alcohol behind my back and didn't tell me, did ya?"
Peter turns to retort, to give back some snarky response as he always does, but then he's staring at harry again, into his bright, shining orbs and wide grin and raised eyebrow and his words dissolve on his tongue, his breath mysterious gone again. "Uhm, n-no?"
"You sure about that?" The taller boy starts at him quizzitively, but there's a hint of something else, of concern in his gaze. "You've been acting kinda weird tonight."
Peter feels his stomach twist with a guilt he hasn't felt around Harry in a while, since he had told Harry about Spider-Man honestly. After his biggest secret (or, what had been his biggest secret) had come to light, and the inevitable fight that came after was over, the two friends had been closer than ever, thicker than thieves, and they had promised to tell each other everything. No more secrets, no more lies. And Peter had broken that.
At least, for the past few months. He didn't mean to! Not really. He hadn't even noticed that he was gaining feelings, and feeling more for his childhood best friend until Anya and Gwen had cornered him in the lab and asked how long they'd been together, why they hadn't told them. After they talked, and he figured out he liked- no loved, its love at this point (oh god)- Harry, he didn't know what to do. How was he supposed to tell him that? When there was no sign that Harry felt the same (no matter how many times the girls, and then Miles too once he caught onto it, told him otherwise), when it could ruin everything between them. He didn't want to lose his best friend. Not again.
But that was the thing, wasn't it? The last time Peter had kept a secret this big away from Harry, it had almost ended in them severing, in the loss of their friendship, and Peter couldn't handle that. He couldn't lose him, not completely.
So, he had gathered up his courage, as much of it as he could muster being Peter Parker and not Spider-Man, and told himself and his friends that he was gonna do it tonight. He had planned to do it before the party, and then at the party, and then during the dance, and had proceeded to chicken out each and every time. But he knew he had to do it. He had to. And it had to be tonight.
"Yeah, yeah I'm sure." He breathes out, glancing anywhere but at the boy beside him, matching him step for step, inhale and exhale, heart beating at almost the same time, Peter's only slightly quicker in his nerves. "I'm okay, Harry, I promise."
"Okay, if you're sure." Harry shrugs it off, as he always does, something he truly, utterly loves about the boy. He knows when to back down, and trusts that Peter will tell him whatever he needs to know. Its the simple, whole hearted faith in him that makes Peter's heart swell, and his face warm, even in the slight chill of the early summer night. They take a few more steps, their feet crunching in the light frost coating the pavement sidewalks beneath their feet until he speaks up again, his voice light, barely a sigh, almost a whisper, a shy truth. "Today was amazing. I almost don't want it to end."
"Me neither," Peter murmurs honestly, his heart stuttering as he realizes his time for telling the truth is running out. He spots the shadow of a jungle jim in the distance, the shine of the street lights reflecting off of the metal slide, dented and scratched up with use, and stops. "Maybe it doesn’t have to, yet."
Harry stops beside him, basically as soon as he does, so in tune with Peters sudden antics that it happens almost subconsciously, leaning on his right side as his eyebrows furrow. "But we already texted Aunt May, she's probably waiting on you to come home-"
"She can wait, she'll understand." He rushes forward, then, glances quickly both ways before running across the street and towards the playground, hearing Harry bark out a laugh and a "Peter!" before his lighter footsteps trail behind him. Peter just chuckles with a grin, flipping around to stare at his best friend and ignoring the stutter in his heart. "Don't you remember this place? We used to play here all the time!"
"Oh I remember," Harry grins as he catches up to him, "You used to push me off the slide all the time."
Peter scoffs playfully, and shoves him roughly with his shoulder. "Yeah, but only because you would do it first."
"Not true!"
"Absolutely true, and you know it!" He sticks out his tongue just as the reach the swings, the bright red paint of the seats almost a pink now due to sun exposure, and peeling, the metal chains holding them up rusty and old. "And these babies!" He exclaims, practically jumping onto the seat and hearing it creek dangerously under his weight, and holding his breath, releasing it only when the swing holds. "We used to play on these all the time."
"See who could go the highest." Harry agrees, sitting on the one beside him with much more ease and caution than Peter had. "Who could go the furthest when they jumped off." There's a hint of sadness, of melancholy in his voice now that Peter hates, hates so so much that he has to turn and face him, to see what was wrong, to see if he could make it better.
But Harry wasn't looking at him. Instead, he was staring up at the sky, at the galaxies and stars barely noticeable throughout the clouds of smoke and smog of the New York City skies, with a hint of a frown tilting his lips, and the multitude of worlds shimmering in his eyes. He's still beautiful, stunning even with the etch of sorrow and nostalgia on his features, his hair swaying slightly in the faint breeze. "It was so easy, back then." His voice is soft, again, barely audible to normal ears but crystal clear to Peter's inhanced ones. He thinks he would've heard him either way, as all of his focus is now captured, captivated by the boy. "We didn't have a care in the world. No stress of saving New York, no fears of- of dying, no pressures of taking over the Osborn Mantel. Just-" He pauses, taking a shuttering breath. "Just innocence. Naivety. Just... us."
"At least that hasn't changed, hey?" Peter murmurs, trying to lighten the mood, and beams when he hears Harry laugh. A faint chuckle, but its a start either way.
"Yeah, yeah." The light smile fades just as fast as it came, the light twinkle disappearing from his eye. "I hope it never does."
"It won't." Peter states, sitting up abruptly, his heart and mind racing as Harry gaze drops from the sky and looks over to him, swirling with so much pain, grief, loss, fear that it makes Peter ache, and he knows what he has to do, knows what he can do to hopefully wipe all those fears away. He just hopes his friends are right, and that it doesn't make everything so much worse.
The smaller boy leans forward, giving plenty of time for the taller to lean back, or move away, giving him plenty of chance to escape this situation if this isn't what he truly wants. But... Harry stays. He stays put, watching intensely as Peter moves closer and closer, his pupils growing as their shaking breath starts to mix, as their noses brush and eyelashes flutter shut, as their lips gently press together with ease, fitting together perfectly almost like two pieces of the same puzzle, almost as if they were made for each other. And then, he's leaning forward too, grasping at the collar of Peter's blazer and pulling him closer, tilting his head to deepen the kiss as Peter grabs at his arms and holds him there, hoping, longing to stay here, in this moment for as long as they possibly can, all of the worries for the future and sorrows of the past disappear in the heat and warmth of the now.
But all too soon, Peter's lungs start to ache, so he eases back just as Harry does, still so in sync even at a moment like this, resting their foreheads against one another as they breathe the same air, Peter's eyes fluttering open to see Harry already staring back, the storm grays turning into bright summer skies, so full of light and warmth and excitement, so full of hope that it makes Peter's heart sing and his chest warm, making a wide smile break onto his face. "It won't." Peter reiterates now, bumping his nose with Harry's just to hear him giggle, light and breathy.
"It better not." Harry warns, his nose scrunching playfully, gaze teasing. "You better not be the type to kiss and leave, Parker."
Peter bursts out laughing, leaning back heavily and causing him to swing slightly as Harry follows suit, chuckling beside him. Once settled down a bit, he glances over with a warm, bashful look. "I wouldn't even dream of it. Not for the world." Harry's face flushes at that, and he glances away shyly, a wide smile on his face.
They don't discuss titles, or what they are, really. But they don't have to. Both of them know, now, that no matter what comes their way, no matter what life throws at them, they'll get through it, together. And thats all that matters.
The world falls away...
The world falls away...
And its only us
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blueangelicrose · 4 years
Reset: Welcome to the Underground: Chapter 5
As the next two days went by, Frisk started getting worried. Don't get her wrong, she loved the time that she spent with Tori. But she was starting to worry that she might never make it out of this mountain. She HAD to keep going. But she couldn't bear the thought of leaving not only Toriel, but also the other sweet monsters that were trapped down here.
As she tried to come up with a strategy plan for her escape, she passed by the living room window and something caught her eyes. It was that strange glowing yellow star. It was just there, floating right outside the window. She went outside and stood right in front of it. An idea popped in her head and started to rub her chin thoughtfully. She then decided to test this little idea of hers through via a second witness. "Toriel! Can you come here for a minute?"
Toriel was just finished making a nice and warm dinner for her and Frisk when the young adult called for her. Tori wondered what was wrong. She hoped it wasn't a monster coming to pick a fight with her. As she walked outside to where Frisk was she asked, "What's wrong dear? Is there something or someone bothering you?"
Frisk turned to Tori and shook her head slightly in a "no" nod. Then decided to put her idea into action. "Tori? Can you look to where I'm looking right now and tell me what you see?" Toriel looked confused at her for a minute but obliged to her request. She looked over to where Frisk was looking at but saw nothing there. Just old fallen red leaves from her old maple tree. "Do you see anything Tori? And tell me the truth, even if it's weird." Toriel looked even more confused if that was even possible, and said, "Dear there is nothing there. I maybe see a few old tree leaves. But that's it. Nothing out of the ordinary. Well ordinary as it goes down here, but you know what I mean." Now it was Frisk's turn to look confused and even a little frustrated and disappointed. How can she not see it?! It's RIGHT there!!! Glowing as bright as a lighthouse beacon! 
Toriel noticed the expressions on Frisk's face and sighed. "Well, anyways. It is time for dinner. Come back inside and wash up. I'll call you when dinner has cooled down a little." After Tori left Frisk couldn't help but glare in frustration at the little star.
Suddenly a familiar and unwelcome voice piped in from behind her. "You know, staring at it won't get you anywhere except for a few awkward stares from other monsters and maybe a headache. Well, depending how long you stare at it without blinking. Idiot." 
Frisk immediately turned around behind her. And low and behold, there was the one and only Flowey. He smiled at her with a snarky smile with one "eyebrow" raised in amusement.
"W-what are you doing here?!" Frisk quickly and frantically asked while she backed up a step with caution. "You do realize that we're in front of Tori's house right?! I don't think you want to be a fire roasted weed." Frisk hissed in defense, getting ready to call Tori at any second.
Flowey's raised brow twitched in irritation and his amused smile tensed up at the all-to- familiar nickname that a certain lazy skeletal figure had come to call him by. "Okay, listen up brat," he started with his own defensive time. "First off, don't call me "Weed". Secondly, I just came by to give you a heads-up on what's going to happen VE~RY soon." He said the last part very mysterious and evilly. 
Frisk flinched when she heard his all too creepy tone of voice and said, "Okay? Yeah? Well… first off, don't call me a brat! I'm eighteen! A legal adult by human standards. I don't know how it goes for you monsters down here with your age system, but technically I'm a woman and a lady and should be treated as such!"
Frisk breathed in and then out to calm her nerves. She hated when she was being looked down on just because of how young she looked and the fact that she was an orphan. And that she honestly preferred monsters and myths over humans and reality. So whenever someone made a comment about the way she looked or what her tastes were in terms of her hobbies, she got really mad and defensive. And if she didn't tolerate that from above with her kind, she as heck wasn't going to let some prick-like monsters push her around just because of what she is.
"Secondly," she started again, "what do you mean by that?" She asked warily. Flowey smiled manically and explained that those stars, that she now sees, are called 'Save Points'. And that, while she's stuck down here, Everytime she "dies" and "resets", she ends up back in time to where she "saved" at the star. 
Frisk couldn't help but make her more previous thought known to the evil looking flower. "What is this, a video game? Because this sounds too much like one." Flowey didn't respond and looked away from her in a way that said, "Yeah-----😑, pretty much."
Frisk, not wanting to tempt Fate with her devilish tricks with reality, stupidly asked, "How can I know for sure that what you're saying is true?" Flowery then smiled smugly. "Well why don't you touch it and see what happens, huh~?"
Frisk wasn't sure at first but proceeded to reach out to the star and touch it. And right there and then an all too familiar screen popped up before her. "DO YOU WANT TO SAVE? YES OR NO." Frisk gulped and pressed for the "YES" option. Suddenly the star glowed a bright yellow and then turned full yellow. "Okay? What happens ne---". She was cut off short when her Soul was pierced by one of Flowey's thorny vines. "What happens next, is that you die!!!" As her Soul shattered and her vision was being consumed by the darkness, she could hear Flowey's loud maniacal laughter and Frisk could faintly hear Toriel's worried voice calling her name.
When Frisk woke up, she was in the void again. But instead of hearing the unknown male's voice encouraging her to keep going, she heard a different and all too familiar voice instead. "Well, that was stupid." The voice said bluntly and driely. "Did you seriously JUST walk into that, that easily? How can someone be outsmarted by a FLOWER of all things? I swear, you're too much like him sometimes…" The feminine voice said the last part like whoever she was talking about, she dearly missed.
But before Frisk could ask her a question she started first, "O-KAY, so. Let's get down to business. I would first like to introduce myself. My name is Chara and I am currently one of many occupants that resides here in the "Void". Secondly, what I am exactly is that I'm a human ghost. I died a long time ago and how I died is none of your business. But what IS your business, is that, out of the seven Soul traits, you have the same Soul trait as mine was. Meaning..."
She trailed off for a minute in thought. But Frisk brought her out of her thoughts. "Meaning…? And also, do you mind if you show yourself? It makes it easier to talk to someone instead of talking to an empty void."
Chara giggled at this. "Meaning that you're the last element of the Soul traits that can release the monsters from underground. And it's my job to make sure that you make it out of the underground alive. And sure, give me a second."
Slowly a figure of a young girl that looked almost like Frisk appeared before her. Only this girl was paler in comparison to Frisk's tan skin. And the girl's hair was more of a Chocolate brown than a dirty brown like Frisk's. And Frisk couldn't help but note that Chara had amber brown eyes but they were such a deep shade that they almost looked red. And with a small mischievous smile, Chara asked, "Like what you see~?" She giggled as Frisk's face went red with embarrassment from staring at her for too long. 
Chara then went back to the matter at hand, "Anyways, we need to talk about a few things before you can continue and that the old man can give you one of his encouraging pep talks." Right then and there, Frisk could've sworn that she heard someone grumble in the darkness. Chara apparently heard this as well and just rolled her eyes in a "whatever" manner. 
"Okay Frisk, the first thing that we need to talk about is that we STAY AWAY from the talking flower. All he wants is your Soul. The reason we shatter your Soul like that 💔, is too prevent monsters or anything else from getting their grubby hands on it."
"But why do the monsters want my Soul so badly? I mean, I know Souls are powerful, but I don't see why they need mine so bad. Why is mine so special? Is there something you're not telling me?"
Chara sighed. "I was getting to that Frisk. Like I said before, your Soul is the last one they need in order to be released from their prison. And before you say anything, it's because the spell that our ancestors put on the mountain has one weakness. Using seven Souls to seal the monsters away the same can be said vice versa." Chara looked at Frisk skeptically. "I can assume that you know the story of our ancestors and the war they waged on the monsters?" Frisk frantically shook her head up and down. "Most of Ebott has remembered the story. But it's been so long, that it's turned to what it is. A story. To scare children no less. But I've always felt sympathy for the monsters of the mountain. I always wanted to help them in some way or another, but even after years of research, I couldn't find anything. The others always made fun of me for believing in fairy tales, but I always tried to ignore them. If dying is what it takes to set them free. Then I wouldn't mind giving up my Soul for others who deserve freedom and a normal life." Frisk looked to her feet while smiling thoughtfully.
Chara on the other hand looked shocked, amazed, but yet angry. Shocked and amazed that she would give up her life for others in such an unselfish manner. But she was angry that this wonderful girl would give up her life so easily without batting an eyelash. Doesn't she have ANY hope for having a happy life above ground? What happened to her in order for her faith to shake so strongly? Chara's metaphorical blood boiled at the thought of her wretched kind harming a fellow monster lover like herself.
Chara reached out to Frisk, gently held her chin, and tilted it upwards where she can see Frisk's golden brown eyes. "Frisk, we understand your determination to free the monsters. We really do. It's what both of our Soul traits are made up of. But me and the old man are trying to figure out a way to free them without you sacrificing yourself. A while back, when the monsters were JUST sealed away, a prophecy was foretold. "An angel will fall from above and free us all." Thus the monsters Runic symbol was made to represent that prophecy. But what most of the monster population doesn't know is that the prophecy foretold that the angel will lead the monsters back above ground and become the symbol between humans and monsters. An ambassador of sorts. So that means, whatever happens to you, won't be pretty. But, we promise that you'll make it out of this alive. We're working on a theory as we speak but we're not entirely sure if it's full-proof yet if you're still in the Ruins."
Frisk looked shocked at the fact that the prophecy was possibly talking about her. Ambassador? Really? Her? But if Chara was telling the truth, then that would explain the weird symbol above the doorways and on Tori's robe. 
But now she was determined more than ever to try to make it out of the Ruins. She was about to say something, but Chara interrupted her before she could get a word in. "I know you're trying to come up with a plan of escape now but you need to keep in mind of something. Toriel has lost a lot of important people in her life. More than a mother and wife should go through. There might be a possibility that she won't let you go. Even if you ask her nicely, there might not be a good ending for you. You might even end up here a few more times because of her. And before you even ask, nobody will remember that you died or that you reset. Very few actually remember. One of them being that flower. He's more than he appears to be. So you need to watch your back from now on. So are you up for the challenge?" Chara questioned.
Frisk was hesitant at first, but Determination filled her Soul. So, with her golden brown eyes full of hard emotion, she nodded in approval. Chara smiled a soft smile. She held out her hand for Frisk to take and said, "Nice to know you agree, partner." As Frisk took Chara's hand to shake. And as soon as she did, the option window came up behind her. Frisk looked behind her and used her other hand to press, 'Continue'.
Before she even knew it, a blinding light overtook her and she was back in front of Tori's house. 
She looked around frantically for the offending talking flower. But he was nowhere to be seen. Which, was, in hindsight, a relief for Frisk. But she had another problem. Toriel.
"How am I going to break it to her? I doubt she'll let me leave so easily. What do I do?!" 
Just then Toriel called out for Frisk to come inside for dinner. "Oh, well. I'll figure it out as I go." She thought to herself. Basically, she was going to wing it.
And wing it she did. (If you've ever played this game then you probably already know that she epically failed at least a dozen times). 
Now facing off with Toriel once again at the entrance to the rest of the underground, she just about had it with her and was going to FIGHT her. But then she thought better of it. She took a deep breath and remained calm. She kept hitting the MERCY option. Which in turn, made Toriel so emotional that she purposely kept missing her with her fireballs. Until finally, she gave up.
Frisk saw her crying and went up to her and gave her a hearty hug. Toriel looked shocked at first but then melted into the hug and gave an affectionate kiss on top of her dark brown hair. "Even though we've only known each other for a short amount of time, it feels as if you're one of my own flesh and blood child. I love you Frisk. Never forget that. I'll be praying for your safety. And you can call me anytime you want. Just, don't forget me, okay?" Toriel whispered sweetly to her like a mother would.
Now it was Frisk's turn to start crying. After their ten minute goodbye Tori left to go back upstairs. Frisk took a deep breath and walked through the door. She kept walking down the corridors until she saw "him".
"Well it's about time you finally got here! I was starting to think that you actually might've stayed with that old hag." Flowey said in a cocky-like manner with a smug face. Frisk wanted to rip him apart right then and there but reframed from doing that and followed Chara's advice and stayed a good few feet from him. She put on her famous stoic face that she KNEW made others uncomfortable.😑
"... That's, uh, a pretty intimidating (?) face you're making there." Flowey said in an uncomfortable manner. "Well anyways, we both know that you can't keep up this PACIFIST charade for much longer. I mean, you're a human. Violence is in your nature. THAT I know for certain." As Flowey said this he looked a little solemn? Frisk was about to ask him about it, he cut her off before she could talk. "Anyways, you'll mess up sooner or later. And when you do, I'll be waiting~. It's only a matter of time~. See you later~..."
As he said this, he went back into the ground and was gone. Frisk relaxed her face and saw the last set of the huge double doors. "OKAY! Let's do this!!!" Frisk said as she pushed her way outside. But little did she know, that's when things were going to get REAL interesting.
To be continued...
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quinoaquinao3 · 5 years
Unknowable (1/11) - dark!Crowley fic
"Oh, angel," he purred dreamily, "too good, too good for me," and Aziraphale wondered briefly whether he should be worried by how quickly Crowley got lost in this again, how easily his hesitance and caution melted away, how quickly he forgot to worry about doing the wrong thing. But Aziraphale didn't want to think about that right now, he didn't want to be smart and responsible and to play it safe. He wanted to indulge - to bathe in Crowley's praise and adoration, so intense it could only stem from something dark and dangerous, an unhealthy obsession. But God, it felt so good if he let it. 
Mind the warnings in the tags, please :) Human AU with a dark-ish Crowley and endless angst.
Chapter 1: You Can't Control What Crosses Your Mind
Spring, 1994
Anathema met Crowley when they were both children. Crowley had just moved into the neighborhood, taking up residence in what Crowley called a house but Anathema thought was a castle - turns out, as she learned many years later, castles can be houses if you're filthy fucking rich.
Naturally, Crowley's family also owned lots of beautiful, white horses, and that's how it all started - with "the horse incident".
Anathema could hear the animal's cries from where she was playing at a river nearby, and without thinking started to run as fast as she could towards the source of distress. She was out of breath when she made it to the top of the hill, bending forward to rest her hands on her knees and take a few deep breaths as she scanned the field before her. Then she saw it - a beautiful, snow-white horse lying on the ground, tied to a post with a rope. There were angry red marks running across their body, visible even from where she was standing. The horse was attempting to stand up, struggling pathetically.
Anathema noticed two figures a few feet away - an older woman was holding a boy with dark red hair - who was holding a whip. As Anathema began to run closer, she noticed that the woman's face was stained with tears, but the boy's eyes were dry. The woman let go of the boy suddenly, pushing away at him halfheartedly, and when he fell back to the ground she walked quickly to the injured horse. Anathema hurried over to the boy. As she offered her hand and helped him up, she noticed small blood splats over his clothes and hands.
When Anathema's mother came looking for her more than an hour later, the two kids were playing in a tall field of wheat. Her mom promptly dragged her away from the still blood-covered boy, and when they got home, she sat her down and told her to never go near him again. Your father saw it, she said, he beat that horse, nearly killed the poor thing.
As soon as Anathema finished her cereal the next morning though, she ran over to where she last saw the boy, and found him not far off. "I'm gonna follow you forever and make sure you never hurt another horse!" Anathema screamed at him then, and proceeded to do just that.
She followed him around the entire day. Crowley rarely spoke and was just so strange, Anathema thought, not at all like her other friends, but there were so many fun things to do in the castle Crowley lived in that Anathema soon forgot all about it. And maybe her dad was wrong, anyway. She was old enough now to know parents weren't always right about everything.
.   .   .
More than twenty years later, Anathema was still by his side. Crowley never hurt another horse again - at least as far as she knew - but he was still... him. He was still that same boy, with that sometimes unnervingly empty look in his eye that seemed to come to life at the wrong time and in all the wrong ways.
Despite all that, Crowley did seem to genuinely care about Anathema, and even went so far as to tell her he loved her a few times. She took those confessions with a grain of salt and didn't particularly enjoy hearing them in the first place - she'd learned that love meant something very different for Crowley, and wasn't sure she wanted to be on the receiving end of it. But he wanted to "be good" - he told her so often and meant it, as far as she could tell. He also trusted Anathema to teach him what that meant. And she tried, for years and years, keeping Crowley close - because he was her friend, her best friend really, but more importantly... he was her responsibility. If Crowley ever... if anything ever happened to someone, Anathema would blame herself.
So this was her life. Probably forever. Because although he did seem to be improving, even managing to feel something good every now and then, Anathema could never really be sure. She could never really know. Maybe he was just getting better at what Crowley used to call 'the performance' - swearing he only ever did it for other people, not her. Indeed, Crowley didn't pretend, not with her. Oh, no. She got to have the absolute mis-fucking-fortune of knowing him.
   Fall 2002
"Always tell me the truth, always always always," Anathema told him many years ago after finding a girl Crowley had sworn he had no interest in, passed out from drinking and locked in Crowley's dorm closet. "You said you didn't want to hurt her. Now tell me the truth, all of it."
And Crowley did as he was told - told her the truth, all of it, uncensored, with none of the usual sugar-coating. Anathema watched him as he spoke, Crowley's face as neutral and dead-looking as ever as he described... unspeakable things, awful things, and Anathema was kneeling in front of a trash can, emptying her stomach before Crowley even got to the juicy parts.
"You said the truth," Crowley said from behind her, defensively. "And I wasn't going to do any of those things."
Anathema stared at her half-digested lunch in the trashcan. She didn't want to turn around, couldn't face him, not yet. "I know," she said. Lied. Because she didn't know, not at all.
How could she possibly trust this man wouldn't do the things he'd described when he was capable of thinking them in the first place? A normal, healthy person wasn't capable of coming up with that sort of shit and- and... fuck, Anathema cursed under her breath - she couldn't let Crowley see her right now or he'd know, he'd know she was thinking those hurtful things about him. Though the fact that she just vomited merely from hearing his unfiltered thoughts might have tipped him off.
(Every now and then, Anathema swore she could sense the dark energy radiating from him, sinister and malevolent and unpredictable, and then she'd hear those... godawful screams of the white and red horse in her head and remember the blood-stained hands on that little boy, and it would all just be... too much, just too much for such a young girl to bear all on her own, and she'd be unable to stop the frustration and fear and hatred and disgust that she sometimes felt for her best friend from overpowering her love for him and becoming visible on her face. And in those moments she just went by instinct, curling her lips in disgust at him, slamming her fists against his chest, hurling objects in his direction, screaming hateful accusations at him or doing any number of things she later regretted but dammit, she just wanted to hurt the- the vile thing in front of her sometimes. Not the way he wanted to hurt others, of course - her need felt... righteous, like something she had to do, like it was good. Like pouring holy water on a demon or cutting a poisonous serpent's head off with the sharp edge of a shovel. And when she succeeded in hurting him, when her cruel words managed to shake up his shell of a soul enough for him to feel it, it would be only moments before she was apologizing and telling him she didn't mean any of it, 'but at least it made you feel something, right, this is good, it's a good thing, Crowley' and he'd nod and she'd be forgiven, and they would both try their best to do better until one of them failed again and the cycle repeated.)
Her thoughts were interrupted by a light touch on her shoulder then and she jerked violently, jumping forward and away from the touch, spilling the contents of the trashcan as she scrambled over it before turned around. Now facing Crowley, she saw something that - perhaps - looked vaguely like hurt on his face. It was too strange, too Crowley for it to be his 'performance' - he could do better than that. He seemed to recognize her reluctance.
"Sorry, sorry, it's fine, I'm fine," she said, trying her best to hide the fear and anger and revulsion she still felt throbbing in her chest. Crowley looked unconvinced.
"You're a bad liar," he told Anathema, who held his gaze.
"Yeah... You aren't though, are you?" she returned unkindly, more of a statement than a question, and Crowley was the first to look away.
"I don't lie to you," Crowley said quietly at his feet, keeping his body limp and slow as he shuffled slightly back and away from her, trying to appear harmless - just the way Anathema had taught him throughout the years. (1. "could you not freaking loom, Crowley?", 2. "stop staring at me like that", 3. "fuck, don't- don't touch me, you-!", 4. "don't raise your voice like that, it scares people".)
Ah shit, thought Anathema, he saw it. He's gonna crawl back into his shell and send out some... hologram, and play a recording of some emotion he saw somewhere, on someone else. She finally got up from the floor, standing to face him.
"Right," she sighed as she cleaned some of the sick off her shirt and pants. "You don't lie, you just don't tell me things."
"I can't tell you every single thought that crosses my mind, how would that work?"
Anathema felt a spark of anger. "Don't play stupid, Crowley. You know exactly what sort of things I'm talking about."
Crowley's eyes darted away again, and he was clearly trying to think of a way to get out of this and ah, here we go, she thought, wily fucking bastard. Anathema felt like punching him for the millionth time since they've known each other.
"You know I can't always tell," Crowley said, looking at her now, his eyes big and vulnerable and his voice soft and innocent. "That's why I need you, Anathema."
Motherfucker, she thought, her hands forming tight fists. "Don't pull that shit with me, Crowley, or I swear to god I'm gonna walk away right now and fucking disappear."
Whatever emotion Crowley was attempting to simulate on his face was gone with a blink, and Anathema was too fucking pissed off to shiver. That wicked energy of his was suddenly pouring off him in waves.
"You're not going to leave me," he said, quietly, calmly - confidently, the fucking bastard - and Anathema could hear the threat behind it. She pressed her lips into a thin line.
"You sound mighty sure of yourself there, friend," she hissed, an unkind tone to her voice. "And you're gonna make sure of that, are you?"
They stood there, watching each other, neither willing to admit to the other that they were afraid.
"Yes," Crowley replied, finally.
Anathema's nostrils flared, face contorting in anger. "How you gonna do that, Crowley?"
He was almost like a statue, unmoving and silent.
"You gonna lock me up in your closet? Huh? Gonna keep me like a fucking pet?"
Crowley said nothing, but the words that were coming from Anathema were having an effect. Snake - meet shovel.
"Yeah, you've thought about that, haven't you? Any other sick fantasies involving me I should be aware of? All that- all that- fucking- psycho shit you wanted to do to that girl? What's stopping you from doing that shit to me, huh? Why don't you just bash my fucking head in right now and-"
For what seemed like the longest moment of her life, Anathema actually thought she was going to die. So many thoughts ran through her head in those few seconds that they seemed like a fucking eternity as she stood trembling in her friend's strong hold. And on the question of fight or flight, she was, it would seem, in favour of the third option - freeze in complete terror. She couldn't breathe, couldn't think. She opened her eyes when she felt a warm palm slowly and softly drawing large circles on her back. Air rushed into her lungs again, kick-starting her brain. The circles on her back continued, and slowly but surely began to relax her taut muscles. He's hugging me, she thought in disbelief. She heard Crowley whisper something but she couldn't make it out though the loud drumming of her heart.
"What?" she managed.
"I'm sorry."
Crowley squeezed her harder then, pressing her closer, only to loosen the embrace again when Anathema tensed. He kept moving his hand on her back.
"You said to tell you the truth. All of it," he said, sounding a little desperate.
"Yeah. I did, didn't I," Anathema returned, trying to chuckle but it sounded more like a sob. Christ. This was life with Crowley. The man who felt barely anything but made you feel so intensely a mix of emotions that did not belong together. Like affection and disgust. Love and fear. Anathema swore to herself she would be more prepared next time, she wouldn't get this hysterical again when Crowley was honest with her. (Which is what she told herself every time.) "I can't control what crosses my mind," Crowley said to her once, and Anathema told him that sounded like a lazy excuse. Crowley agreed.
But it was Anathema's responsibility to know his thoughts, wasn't it? That meant she had to be able to handle hearing him speak about these things and, more importantly, he had to be willing to speak of them and that meant she had to do better. She had to stop punishing him for thinking.
She felt the hold tighten again, only slightly.
"I won't ever harm you. Not you. I swear it."
Despite everything, Anathema believed him. That was the last time Crowley ever threatened her for a long, long time.
But then... that man came along.
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ichigo-daifuku · 5 years
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SLBP Fanfiction [Read on AO3]
Sanada Yukimura/MC; Sanada Nobuyuki/MC
In a place called Shinano, she was beloved.
Explicit | Warning: Mildly Dubious Consent. If you have decided to proceed reading, please do so with caution. Thank you!
Word Count: ~5k
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The steam that surged from the warm water clouded my vision as I sank in its depths. One ripple came after another with each step I took until I settled down and leaned against a giant rock placed on the side. The temperature was perfect. At the sudden onslaught of warmth that seeped through my skin and soothed my tired body, I rubbed my palms together and hugged myself. The relief was instantaneous; I felt my tense muscles loosen up and my nerves finally calm down.
Save for the occasional sound of water dripping from my skin, it was quiet. Not another soul was present around the area, the moon above and the bamboo trees that surrounded the onsen served as my only company. I let out a sigh and relished in this rare moment of tranquility that life has offered. The anxiety I felt moments ago seemed like an illusion. I was at ease, left to wallow in my thoughts as the swirls of steam formed abstract figures above the waters.
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It seemed like it was only yesterday when I bid my family and our restaurant in Kyoto goodbye to go on an adventure in a far away place. But in reality, it has almost been a year since I began working for the Sanada clan in Shinano ‒ a good year.
Even before I met them, I had heard of them. Snippets of conversations from our customers in the restaurant kept me informed of the happenings in places beyond Kyoto. There were discussions focused on Sanada Masayuki, the clan’s current head, whose strength and brilliance in military strategy made the clan a formidable opponent in the battlefield. The reputation of the Sanada clan made everyone aware of the two sons in its bloodline. People who allegedly encountered him said that they never met a more warm-hearted and gentle soul than the elder Sanada brother, Nobuyuki, whose wisdom would leave the clan in capable hands as its intended heir. The younger brother, Yukimura was known to all as a valiant warrior. His faithful devotion to the Tiger of Kai, Takeda Shingen, was noted to be nothing like any relationship between a liege lord and a retainer fellow samurai had witnessed before. They spoke, some with reverence and others dislike, of the warriors of Sanada, who were unafraid of death, ready to cross the river to the underworld with the six coins embedded on their crest. Despite my knowledge of the ruthlessness in the realm of the samurai, I shivered at the thought.
At first, it was only the honor of working for a prominent samurai family that spurred me to do well in my job as a cook. But as time passed, it became more than that. Never in my life did I expect that a family of such high social standing would treat their workers in a way that almost felt like family. From the very first day, everyone in Ueda Castle had been welcoming and friendly, even the members of the Sanada family themselves. I was so grateful that I would regularly visit the nearby shrine to offer my gratitude to the gods who brought me to this wonderful place. Now, it felt like every victory of the Sanada was my victory, too; as if every warrior's wound was a mark that bled against my own skin.
But perhaps, my feelings on the matter were so strong because I had fallen in love, deeply, to a man of the Sanada.
I remembered that day ‒ that particular sunny morning in Ueda. It was not the spirited battlecries of training men that attracted my attention when I arrived to sit on the veranda by the garden, but rather the faint murmurs of two boys hidden by the bushes.
“Come on… You need to take the first step to becoming a real man!” Although I could not see him, I knew that voice belonged to the younger Sasuke. He was a charming kid, that one. I was sure he would get along well with Yahiko if they ever got to meet one day.
The other one was far taller than Sasuke. The thickets did nothing to cover his muscular frame as well as the bright color of his kimono. Lord Yukimura scratched the back of his head and frowned. After a few moments of silence, he blurted out, “Hey! What do you mean ‘first step’?”
Sasuke paid no heed to Lord Yukimura’s question and hummed in deep thought. “A-ha! Lord Yukimura, if you do this right, you’ll make the Sanada clan proud!”
“Really?” Lord Yukimura tilted his head sideways as he considered Sasuke’s words. His expression changed into a more determined one, voice full of conviction, “You’re right, Sasuke! For the Sanada clan!”
Lord Yukimura emerged from the bushes and unexpectedly, marched straight to the veranda. He stopped a few steps in front of me and I looked up at him, confused. In a stiff motion, he reached out the hand that was hidden behind his back and held towards my direction a bright blue gentian. Despite his obvious nervousness, he held the flower carefully, a handsome blush painted on his cheeks as he suddenly averted his eyes when mine met them. “For you.”
Our fingertips brushed when I received the flower with an equally nervous hand. Lord Yukimura’s blush seemed to be contagious. Still, I cleared my throat and managed to answer, “I love it. Thank you, Lord Yukimura.”
“Can you…?” He pointed to my head.
“Oh, um… of course, Milord,” I replied, a bit shy. I placed the gentian on my hair through the ribbon that secured its plaits. “There.”
“Ah… well… it… erm… suits… you.”
“Aw, maaaaan. Just when I thought you were being cool, Lord Yukimura!” Sasuke said from beside us.
“You…! You’re still here?” Lord Yukimura jumped slightly, flustered. I don't blame him. I myself didn't notice when Sasuke arrived!
Sasuke’s brows knit in confusion. “Huh? Where else would I be?”
“Come on. Time for training!” Lord Yukimura picked up Sasuke and deposited him on his shoulder. He walked a few steps and came to an abrupt stop. It seemed like he forgot something. I wondered what it was. 
Lord Yukimura turned around and raised his hand in a small wave. “Later!”
Oh. I smiled and waved back. “Yeah, later.”
Lord Yukimura and Sasuke went on their way while I sat there and fiddled with my fingers. The weight of the flower in my hair made me feel giddy. I swung my legs back and forth the ledge and touched my cheeks. I knew I was smiling like an idiot but I couldn't help it, I was just so happy. Footsteps against the wooden floor made me straighten up and turn to the direction where it came from.
“Good morning,”  Lord Nobuyuki greeted as he emerged from the corner.
“Good morning, Lord Nobuyuki.”
He proceeded to sit down on the veranda with me. Immediately, his eyes zeroed in on the flower that adorned my hair. “Oh, it’s a gentian.”
“Ah, yes.” I shifted my gaze self-consciously as I remembered what happened minutes ago. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
“Yes, very.” He smiled. “Stay still.” Lord Nobuyuki reached out to adjust the flower given by his brother on my hair, the back of his hand touching my neck. “There you go. Perfect.”
“Thank you.”
“It’s been quite some time since you came to us. How are you liking your stay in Ueda so far?”
“It is a beautiful place, Milord. Although I miss Kyoto, I can’t say I haven’t fallen in love with Shinano.”
“I am glad to hear that.” Lord Nobuyuki’s smile broadened. “Who knows? Maybe you’ll end up falling in love and marrying a man of Shinano, too.”
I couldn’t help but laugh at that. A spark of hope lit inside my heart. After all, the man I had fallen in love with, Sanada Yukimura, was a man of Shinano.
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The bamboo trees rattled against each other as the wind blew. With it, the crickets hummed, loud but unobtrusive in the background. Was it midnight already? I couldn't be sure. Barely a sound came from the inside of the inn where our small camp rested for the night. After tonight’s stopover, we would be back on the road on the way to Mikawa, to Hamamatsu Castle. It was for the diplomatic negotiations between the Sanada and the Tokugawa. Eyes closed, I folded my hands together and prayed for a successful outcome. In the time that I spent with the Sanada, I continuously witnessed Lord Yukimura back and forth the battlefield. Every sendoff was filled with worry, every homecoming filled with relief and joy. I would have loved to run into his arms each time he left and came back, but I could only fight the urge to do so. I wasn't his woman. I didn't have that right.
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A few weeks before the trip to Mikawa, I finished my chores and sat down under a tree in the garden. After my materials were placed neatly on the ground, I began to sew a pattern on a small cloth. With each prick of the needle through the silk, I whispered a prayer of hope that no sword nor arrow would harm Lord Yukimura in the battlefield. With every inch of the thread, I expressed my silent affection and wished for him to live a long, happy life. It was all I did until a shadow stood against the sunlight and loomed over my hunched form.
“Hm? What are you up to?” It was Lord Nobuyuki.
“Good afternoon, Milord. I’m making a protection charm.”
“For Lord Yukimura.”
“May I see it?”
“Of course.”
Lord Nobuyuki’s eyes crinkled at the corners as he sat down on the grass with me. I handed him the half-finished charm I had been working on for the past hour. I was suddenly aware of how numb my fingers had become, but I paid it no mind. This was the only thing I could do in hopes of protecting Lord Yukimura. A little pain on my hands was nothing if it meant I could do something for his safety, no matter how silly a protection charm was.
Lord Nobuyuki traced the stitches of the embroidery between his thumb and index finger. “You’re very kind.”
“You are far kinder, Lord Nobuyuki,” I said, my words sincere. I tried to respond to his smile with one of my own, but I only managed to make an awkward curve of my lips as it trembled. My shoulders followed suit. I couldn’t help it. I burst into tears, worried for Lord Yukimura.
During breakfast that day, the clan’s discussion centered around the huge possibility of a war with the Tokugawa. I nearly dropped the bowl I was holding as Lord Yukimura stood up and volunteered himself to lead the frontlines. Of course, Lord Yukimura would. He wasn’t known as the hero who appeared once in a hundred years for nothing. Even that bravery, I loved about him… But at times like these, I wished he wasn’t always so ready to die. I cleared the rest of the dishes with shaky hands as I caught the wind of Lord Nobuyuki suggesting negotiations with the Tokugawa with Lord Masayuki.
Embarrassed by my sudden outburst, I moved to wipe my tears with my sleeve when Lord Nobuyuki reached out to me with a green handkerchief.
“N-No, I couldn’t possibly ‒ ”
At my refusal, Lord Nobuyuki himself wiped my tears. The fresh scent of his handkerchief made me cry even more. It smelled the same as Lord Yukimura.
Lord Nobuyuki did not ask a single question as I let the pent-up emotions out of my system. He continued to wipe my tears and pat my back every now and then. Truly, he is far kinder than I could ever be. Lord Yukimura was lucky to have him as a brother, and the Sanada to have him as its future liege lord. I remembered everything I heard about him long ago and knew that Lord Nobuyuki deserved every word of praise given to him multiplied tenfold.
When I calmed down, I kept my gaze on my lap, embarrassed for breaking down in front of Lord Nobuyuki. He must have thought I was a strange woman, mad even. Unbeknownst to him, my tears were for his brother, whom I was lucky to be even be considered a friend of. Every day was a struggle to bury the romantic sentiments I had for Lord Yukimura. It grew stronger by the second. I didn’t know what to do anymore.
At the sound of my name, I hesitantly shifted my attention to Lord Nobuyuki. I opened my mouth to apologize for my behavior, only to be met by a poke on my cheek. “Milord, what…?” I started to say, only for Lord Nobuyuki to poke my cheek again. Again. And again. What was he doing? Despite my sullen mood earlier, I couldn’t help but giggle at the silliness of it all.
“It worked.” He smiled, pleased with himself.
“What did?”
“The magic trick my mother taught me ‒ to make a someone smile.”
In the time I stayed with this clan, that was the only time I heard of the late Lady Sanada. I was always curious, but I respected the people of Ueda far too much and never dared to pry. One look at Lord Masayuki and I gathered that Lord Nobuyuki and Lord Yukimura had gotten their beautiful baby blue eyes from their mother. After that encounter with Lord Nobuyuki in the garden, I found what he said lingering in my mind. The magic trick. I didn’t understand what was magical about it. But it wasn’t long before I did.
I finished the protection charm. The little trinket was tucked safely underneath my pillow, hidden away from everyone else. Only one other person knew that I made one for Lord Yukimura.
As I was coming back from a walk one afternoon, I found him, my beloved, pacing back and forth by the gates ‒ waiting for me. Lord Yukimura greeted me as he always did but an unusual silence fell between us. He had a somber expression from his face, so different from his usual happy expression that I loved so much. “I was hoping to ask you to make me some sweets…”
When Lord Masayuki announced the plan for peace talks, Lord Yukimura’s facial expression darkened at the mention of the name of the Tokugawa’s liege lord. I gathered he was not exactly thrilled to go to Mikawa. Seeing Lord Yukimura upset like this made me lonely. I asked myself what I should do when a thought came to my head.
“Please don’t fret, Lord Yukimura.” I poked his cheek with my index finger. His lips part in mild shock at my gesture until he gave me a smile ‒ that same smile he showed me when he gave me the gentian. It seemed, even for a moment, he was relieved of his worries. It worked. The magic trick worked.
“How about some donuts?”
His face lit up in childlike joy and I fell in love all over again. “Really?”
“Yes, I made some a while ago. Wait in the veranda, please. I’ll get them from the kitchens.”
I walked inside the castle with a spring in my steps; I made Lord Yukimura smile. That thought made me happy. I hummed as I prepared the donuts for Lord Yukimura. I hoped he would liked them, or at least I hoped they were something that would ease his worries. Tray in hand, I walked out the kitchen. I turned to a corner and bumped into someone coming from the other direction. The tray shook from my grasp, but it was steadied by the person I bumped into. His other hand flew to my arm to stabilize me from the sudden impact. I blinked as my sight registered the familiar green finery of Lord Nobuyuki.
“I am so sorry, Milord!”
“Are you all right?” Lord Nobuyuki peered into my face, worried.
“Y-Yes, I’m really sorry.”
“There, now. There’s no need to apologize.” He stepped back to give me some space. I steadied the tray once more and the action caught his sight. “Hm?”
“Oh, um, would you like a donut, Lord Nobuyuki?” I offered the tray to him. “Please take one, as a token of apology from me.”
“Ah, well, I always love your cooking,” Lord Nobuyuki took a single donut from the tray, “And if you insist like that, it is impossible for me to say no.”
“Thank you. I hope the donut is to your liking, then.”
Lord Nobuyuki and I passed each other as we parted ways to go to where we were headed before my clumsiness. To my surprise, he called my name just after a second. I turned around in curiosity to see a hopeful expression on Lord Nobuyuki’s face.
“Do you think you can make anmitsu next time? For me?”
That was the first time Lord Nobuyuki has asked for anything from me. “Of course. Anything for you, Milord.”
Lord Nobuyuki gave me one of those dimpled smiles. This time, I could smile back at him before I turned around completely and continued on my way to the veranda.
“I’m back.”
Lord Yukimura turned his head at the sound of my voice. He was an enchanting figure against the orange and red hues of the sunset. He flushed the moment I sat down next to him. As I handed him the tray, I wished it were always crimson blushes that would stain his cheeks, never the same fiery shade of blood on his armor.
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The thought jolted me back to the present and strengthened my resolve for what I was to do on this night, why I was here in the first place. I emerged from the comforts of the warm water and rinsed my body from a nearby well. Dressed in the thin fabric of my sleeping robes, the protection charm that was once in my pocket now in my palm, I gathered all the courage I could muster and left the comforts of the onsen.
Tonight, I was going to confess my love for Lord Yukimura. Even if it was supposed to be the main issue, it was not our difference in social status that bothered me, but rather the question whether our feelings were mutual or not. If he felt the same way, then I would be more than happy to be with him. Just the thought of it was enough to make my heart pick up its pace. But if he felt otherwise… it would hurt me. Still, I would nurse my broken heart in the shadows and continue to support him like I always did.
Lord Yukimura and I were always in the company of other retainers, so I decided that tonight would be the right time. Upon our arrival, I overheard Lord Nobuyuki setting our room assignments with the innkeeper and asked him about it.
“Since most of the rooms are taken, some of us will have to stay in the upper floor, others in the lower floor.”
“What about me?”
“You’ll be staying in the lower floor.”
“What about the warriors like… Lord Yukimura?”
“In the upper floor.”
“I see.”
In the pitch black darkness, I tiptoed through the corridor with the stealth that would rival a kunoichi. When my nervous breaths threatened to turn into hyperventilation, I covered my nose and mouth with my palm. I dared not to bring a lantern. I couldn’t be found by anyone. To another person, I had no reason to be here, and at midnight… but I did have a reason, one that only Lord Yukimura needed to know.
At last, I arrived and slid open the shoji door of Lord Yukimura's room as silently as I could. The area was smaller than our place in Ueda, but was nevertheless well-kept and comfortable. With the knowledge of the identical placement of essentials in his room and mine, I treaded across slowly. The further I went, the closer the sound of steady breathing came. I became hesitant to continue my plan. There were more than a hundred reasons why I shouldn’t continue. Maybe Lord Yukimura didn't feel the same way. Maybe he would get mad at my audacity to barge in his room in the middle of the night. Maybe I would get thrown out of Ueda afterwards.
In my moment of distraction, I tripped and fell on something… No, it was a person’s body ‒ Lord Yukimura!
He grunted at the sudden impact and I panicked. My hands fell on his shoulders. I felt him stiffen in shock. “Oh, no! It’s just me! I’m so sorry, Milord! Are you all right?” I quickly straightened myself and sat down beside his beddings. “I ‒ I’m so sorry for barging in.” This was it. This was now or never. “I know it’s so sudden but please hear me out.”
The rustle of cloth told me that he had set his blanket aside and sat up properly as I rambled. “I have something to tell you ‒ something I’ve wanted to say for a long time.” My mouth suddenly felt a bit dry, I cleared my throat before I continued, “I… I’ve never met anyone who makes me feel the way you do. Each moment I spend with you is just… so precious. I appreciate everything you do for me. When you’re happy, I am happy. When you’re sad, I feel sad, too.” Emotional, I paused and tried to find the right words to say. “If you’ll allow me, I want to experience every laughter and tear with you ‒ the two of us together. There is no one but you in my life. I love you… and if you will have me, then I am yours.”
I touched his arm, and then his shoulders, until my fingers found the sharpness of his jaw. I leaned closer to press a kiss on his cheek, but instead his plush lips were what mine connected with. Surprised, I tried to pull back abruptly. His firm hand flew to the nape of my neck and held me in place. A startled cry escaped my lips at the action. My mind fell blank. I couldn't believe it.
Our first kiss was chaste. It was a firm touch of Lord Yukimura's lips on mine. I felt our warm breaths mix as we explored the taste of each other for the very first time. It was gentle, everything I imagined it would be and more. Each kiss that followed turned more passionate. There was not a hint of hesitation even as the sound of our mouths meeting in the otherwise silent room made my cheeks heat up. My lips parted and met his tongue halfway, the kisses from then on deeper than ever. It dawned to me that I was kissing him ‒ really kissing Lord Yukimura, the love of my life, and he was kissing me back. In that moment, I dared hope that my feelings were not one-sided. With every brush of our lips, I felt as if it was the both of us who were succumbing to the yearning that had been left unexpressed for so long ‒ not just me.
The protection charm in my hand fell somewhere on the floor, lost in the darkness as Lord Yukimura hoisted me onto his lap, his hands on the back of my thighs. I clutched his robes, accidentally loosening them in the action. Pressed close to him like this, I was enveloped in the fresh scent of him that I loved so much. His fingers grazed the back of my collar slowly, while the other hovered around my belt. Somehow, I knew what he asked for.
I broke away for a moment. “I… I’ll do it.”
His body fell back into the bedding while I worked on the knot that held my robes together. Together with the blanket, all my clothes and second thoughts was discarded on the side. Skin bared, I was suddenly aware of his intense desire as I settled myself back on his lap. I couldn’t help but cover myself up even if it was dark, which I felt was ridiculous since I had been the one to come to him. He knew it. He pulled my arms away from my chest and replaced them with his palms. He sucked in a breath as he met my bare skin, flushed not because of the bath, but out of the need for him. The warmth of his touch made my pulse quicken as he caressed my sensitive body, giving undivided attention to my breasts, to my abdomen, down to my thighs.
“I…” I began to say, only to be cut off by a moan I failed to stifle. He traced the skin on my inner thighs, not far off my most delicate area. “Please…” I begged, not even sure what I was begging for.
But he knew what I needed. Lightheaded, my breaths turned uneven as he tenderly caressed my slit. It was slow, odd at first, until his ministrations sent waves of pleasure all over my body. Instinctively, I found myself moving against him. I felt the need to do something ‒ anything ‒ to chase the strange feeling that loomed within me. He moved back and forth, around and all over. At some point, I started to feel unsteady. He bent his strong legs against my back so I could lean on him. I bit into the back of my hand to quiet myself as my body twitched reflexively, meeting my release.
I panted, mind still in the midst of the haze of pleasure as my trembling hands fumbled with his robes, struggling to untie it to quicken his pace in undressing. In the dark, the both of us could not see, we could only feel. I indulged in the contact of his bare skin and leaned down to kiss his sculpted body, up to his chest, where I heard the quick pace of his pure heart, alive and beating. Somehow, I had imagined Lord Yukimura's fingers to be more calloused, his skin rougher, his body more scarred. But as I reached his waiting lips and drowned in his kisses again, I realized something.
My fantasy didn't do him justice.
I leaned back and shifted my shaky legs in position, eager to reciprocate to the gratification he had given me. His hands on my waist, he guided me as I eased myself down his hard length. Slowly, until my slick heat accomodated him to the hilt. In all sense of the word, I was one with him. For better or for worse, there was no way my relationship with Lord Yukimura could be the same after this night. He let out a strangled groan at the way I took him. I winced at the slight pain and feeling of fullness I'd never experienced before and paused to regain my breathing. I knew of the hushed conversations of women in the castle about life's sensual pleasures. To hear about it was one thing, but to experience it was another.
I rose and fell on his lap in fractions and moved in the same, steady pace until I started to feel the pleasure gradually overcome any initial discomfort I felt. The pace of our movements picked up and his hips began to meet mine with every thrust, each slap of our skin distinct in the quiet. The beddings turned askew while the floor creaked slightly in our desperation to be closer than we were before. Once again, I felt the sweet sensation of pleasure rising up in my abdomen. I arched my back and this time, I was unable to stifle my scream in ecstasy. Still in pure bliss, I felt him pulse within me. My body would remember him as I took all of him and everything he had to give. He was the one I loved, after all. Nothing could ever change that.
Still one and the same, he shifted to a sitting position and embraced me. His arms caged me in their protection and I dared hope I was his beloved, as he is mine. He buried his face on my shoulder and showered light kisses along the collarbone. His hair tickled my cheek and I brought my hand up to run my fingers through it.
His hair...
Two voices were audible from the corridor. They grew closer by the second, perfectly clear through the thin wooden walls of the room. Although the two attempted to be hushed, their familiarity made their conversation seem louder to my ears. One of was all calm, in contrast to the other who sounded anxious as he voiced out his worries to the former.
“I told you it’s nothing to concern yourself with, little lord.”
“But she’s not in her room…”
“Who knows? Maybe she’s still in the women’s baths. Would you like to check?”
“W-W-Women’s baths? N-No… Why would you even suggest that…?” The flustered, distraught voice paused before he spoke again, “But I – I heard something here… I thought I heard her voice…”
The other man sighed. “You must have been dreaming, dear.”
“Y-Yeah… Maybe I was…”
I shivered, on the verge of putting everything all together.
Footsteps grew nearer with every second. The shadows came first, until the light from the lantern brought by the two people who walked along the corridor passed through the shoji door and illuminated the room. The moment was short, but it was enough.
His hand darted out to tuck a stray lock of hair from my face behind my ear. I found myself caught in his affectionate gaze, entranced by his dimpled smile. The hand that rested on the small of my back reached up to cup my face and the pad of his thumb brushed along my cheek. He spoke the words I longed to hear that night, his voice that deep, beautiful, and gentle lilt that has brought me comfort many times before.
“I love you, too,”  Lord Nobuyuki said, reverent and satisfied, “I love you so, so much.”
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( ಠ ͜ʖಠ)
ANYWAY! During the Hearts Awakened & Enthralled Event Story, Nobuyuki joked that perhaps MC "should marry a man of Shinano". Although this fic was not set in that ES, it got me thinking of how the phrase could refer to either Sanada brother.
The story might have been a bit odd, or even far-fetched at some points, so thank you for humoring me. I hope you enjoyed it, no matter what interpretation you ended up with. Thanks for reading! xx
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Tagging @pseudofaux because this was the WIP in the Plot Question Tag Game! 💓
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Ichigo Daifuku's Masterlist
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126 notes · View notes
aileysmirnov · 5 years
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◇◆Ailey Villains Gallery: Scarecrow◇◆
Scarecrow's face claim: Adrien Brody
Secret vs Scarecrow! How did they met?
Ailey (Secret) and Scarecrow met 'thanks' to Batman:
One night in Gotham, Scarecrow infiltrated the Iceberg Lounge with the intention to Kill some of Penguin's Henchmen.
With a more "upgraded" (and letal) version of his fear gas.
Just as a way to send a message to Oswald who had stolen some of his gas and now was selling it for a very high price on the dark market.
To prevent Batman from intervening, Scarecrow convinced Riddler and Dr Pig to create a "distraction" (if murdering almost 11 people between the two and then make an "spectacle" about it, can be called like that) for the Bat.
And unfortunately when the "Caped Crusader" realized it was a trap (thanks to one of Riddler's "funny" riddles) he was already too far from the building.
Too far from stopping Scarecrow.
He analyzed all of his options pretty fast: he couldn't send Damian, he was with him, Dick was in Blüdhaven, He already send Tim after Riddler and Steph after Pig, Cass and Barbara where in another state with the Birds of prey, Duke and Kate where teaming up to solve a crime involving a new rising homicidal cult and Jason…he wasn't in good terms with Jason…again…and he losed his track at least 2 weeks ago.
And so…he reluctantly took the phone and dialed the number of the one person he could think of.
Ailey was doing the usual: shouting angrily and throwing a tantrum towards her employees (like the good little tyrant she is) for a last minute cancellation of 4 of the stellar models for the upcoming Winter collection of SVELLYO. When all of a sudden she received a call from the one and only: Bruce fucking Wayne.
—B! What a perfect timing! Is not bothersome at all!—she remarked the words sarcastically annoyed a tone that sounded like the venomous hissing of a snake.
—Listen Ailey, I don't have time for thi-
She cut him off
—What a coincidence! Neither do I, B's man! Byee~
—Ailey…—He didn't shout at her but his more menacing (than usually) tone, make her feel like he did; it was a voice tone that Bruce normally just used when he was with Joker and when he used it. Oh boy, You just knew the man ain't taking any shit.
—Listen to me. And listen. C A R E F U L L Y. Scarecrow is in the Iceberg Lounge it's 2 minutes away from you by flying. I need you to go after him and prevent whatever he's up to against Cobblepot.—He said a little more ""nicer"" (if it's even possible) this time, but still with a hint of frustration in his voice.
—yeah…well…I also need this little favor, B—Bruce was about to fucking lose it in that moment, there where lives in danger and this CHILD was just thinking of herself!! But before he could lash out at her with a "I'm dissapointed" speech; Damian took the phone.
—He said he'll do it, you have my word. Now…Go! —Robin said without thinking twice
—Thank you, my zelenyy*! I'm on my way! —and with an Angry Bruce Lashing out at every single thing on earth on the background, Ailey hanged up, wrote a quick note to his secretary, asking him to give all of her employees a rise (including him, of course) and sprinted out to SVELLYO's roof top; without a word to the perplexed staff.
Once she stood there.She could feel the cold night breeze hitting her face and without any doubt she jumped abruptly from one of the highest points in the city.
Her eyes opened at the middle of his falling, adrenaline and renewed energy cursing trough her veins, her blonde hair replaced with a glowing rose gold, a metalic blue growing in her gaze and her outfit conveniently transformed on an all black bodysuit with slight hints of gold on the bottom of her sleeves.
His whole body defying gravity, flying through the night sky with the same grace and glory of a swan and leaving a subtle trace of light glowing pink as she passed by.
She arrived at the Iceberg Lounge back entrance at least 5 seconds earlier from what Batman had predicted.
Penguin's henchmen where all gathered in what appeared to be a small cellar on the very back of the casino, they were complaining about an out of the blue"meeting".
Secret (Ailey) assumed it was Scarecrow's way to get them all in the same place and avoid any unnecessary complications.
With extreme caution she stood and watched near the skylight, trying to fade away her own slightly glowing nature with the moonlight.
Her eyes searched quickly inside the room, ans she soon spotted atleast 6 gas tanks oddly put in some of the poorly lighted corners of the cellar.
But no sign of the maniac
Or so she though until the abrupt pain in her neck and the obscure presence behind her sooner than later make her realize; she wasn't alone.
She could feel the infernal pain from the toxin filling his lungs and cutting her breath and her vision becoming a little bit dizzy.
—You should know better than spying on people, dear…It might not end up being what you expected—his voice was deep and unforgiving, a condescending tone and the weight of countless sleepless nights leaked through every word.
She tried to speak but only felt her throat closing.
—Now, now, dear…all will end up soon. —His tall and lanky figure covered by worn out clothes to match his own psychotic aesthetic made him look intimidating. And without any glimpse of empathy he proceeded to toss her body aside with a kick like if she was a filthy dead rat, and continue to watch expectantly to the ignorant henchmen above.
He was waiting, waiting for one of them to foolishly reveal where his beloved toxin was and after a couple of minutes one of them casually mentioned a secret basement where the most important items waited patiently for whoever was able to afford his almost ridiculously expensive price.
Crane smiled wickedly to himself…he had just what he wanted…almost.
He activated the slightly hidden tanks of fear gas and watched in admiration as some of the henchmen faces started to change into a horrified expression.
—Head's up, asshole!—He didn't even had time to process the situation properly, when Secret's hands where at both sides of his head, the tip of her fingers illuminated and emanating Rose gold strings of pure energy attaching themselves to Crane's mind.
And at that exact moment he remembered: the pain, the panic, the fear.
The very first time he tested his toxin, was on himself: he was laying in to that dirty old shack for what felt like an eternity; he screamed and begged and yet the hallucinations didn't leave him, his mind was racing with the most horrible thought it could possibly even consider, everything so real and yet so distant. He felt hopeless.
And the delicate strings clinging tight around his mind. Lord, what a bittersweet nostalgia! He felt the same, the same way as the first time, he could hear the screams, the voices, the endless discontent. But couldn't find anything around him…just…hollow and for some strange reason…that scared the shit out of him.
Ironically it had been years since the last time Crane felt genuine fear.
When Crane woke up, he was already in that horrible place: a worn out cell from Arkham
But strangely he didn't feel any kind of anger or frustration. No…he felt…elated in the best way possible almost like if he had reborn!
And so…he stood there; staring blankly at the small window with an almost devilish smile across his face.
Waiting for the next encounter
Ailey felt so proud of herself, she had successfully managed to knock out Scarecrow, control the gas leak and save Penguin's henchmen! All alone! And even took the liberty to recover all of Crane's toxin samples Penguin had!
She couldn't wait to see Bruce's face, Oh that man owed her BIG TIME!
When Bruce and Damian finally arrived at the Batcave, he was welcomed by her.
She looked like a 10 year-old who approved one of his test and was proudly showing off the paper to his parents.
Wich made Bruce smile…a little (even if he doesn't admit to it)
—See? You can trust me, B!—she said handing him the samples.
—So you send him to Arkham? Hmm…honestly I didn't though you'll made it…but good job…I guess…?—Damian admitted, while taking off his mask.
—Well, I'm glad I'm not THAT disappointing, sir! —Her tone expressing the sarcasm and slight frustration and offence in every word. Which Damian only replayed with a faint little smile.
—…Good Job, Ailey…—Bruce spoke for the first time since they arrived
—…and thank you for your help…—He completed with a slightly more """friendly""" tone (which just means less stiffness in his voice but still maintaining his authoritarian tone)
—yeah…well…don't thank me yet…we had a deal!—She said while playfully floating around him and touching the ears of his Bat-suit; Bruce could only do as much as to touching the bridge of his nose trying to contain his very obvious nuisance.
—…What do want? —He said sighing heavily.
—Nothing much, really! I want You, Damian, Dick and Katy modeling for SVELLYO winter collection catwalk, next week! —
OMG! That was fun! I was going to put a small and cute little drawing of Ailey touching the ears of the Bat-suit but I still haven't finished yet! So yeah…I will edit it once I have it done!
Anyway! I loved writing this, and I will be uploading more content for Ailey, wich now she has her official anti-hero name! And is called
Shout out to @melyaliz / @insideoflit for the name idea! I honestly struggle so much with names 😅
Thanks to @Shiro.GURu (on insta) for helping me with this! Love ya, girl <3
Tagging: @lobodesaturno @snowflake2sstuff @lord-carstairs @weam0theblueblues @morefarthanaway
16 notes · View notes
Facade- Chapter 7
Pairing: OC x Tetsuya Naito; OC x Minoru Suzuki
Genre: Romance
Warnings: Smut and Language
Previous Chapters: (Masterlist)
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“Where is he?” Layla snapped, ignoring Despy’s attempts to block her from the locker room. She unceremoniously shoved past the masked man, sneering when she realized Suzuki was not amongst his faction mates.
“You showed up just in time,” Taichi remarked, fingers gripping the waistband of his towel. 
“You’re disgusting,” Layla said, deciding she would have to force on of the members of Suzuki-Gun to reveal Minoru’s whereabouts. Layla easily located Taka who sat away from the rest of the boys. You see, Taka was always privy to Suzuki’s plans. “Where is he?”
“Why?” Taka asked in return, finding his phone screen far more pleasing to look at.
“He asked for me to valet his match tonight,” Layla said. “Who the fuck does he think he is?”
“He’s the boss,” Taka shrugged, offering Layla no sympathy. “You used to do it all the time for us, why is it a big deal?”
“You wouldn’t understand,” Layla snapped, frustration boiling over because she was slowly catching on to Suzuki’s plot. It was clear that the older man was trying to relive the past, forcing Layla to do the same shit she once willingly complied.
“Oi,” Zack called out, far more embarrassed to be caught fresh out of the shower than Taichi had been. “What are you doing back here?”
“That’s what I’m trying to figure out,” Taka replied, still ignoring Layla’s presence. 
“Listen,” Layla sneered. “Tell him that there’s no way in hell I’m escorting him to the ring tonight.”
“Well, you don’t really have much of a choice do you?” Taka suddenly leered, abandoning his phone in favor of fixing Layla with a fierce glare. “You agreed to do whatever he asked. I’d hate to see what might happen if you disobeyed.”
Layla resisted the urge to reach out and strangle Taka, especially given the arrogant smile he wore on his weathered face. “He’s an asshole for doing this.”
“Are you really surprised?” Taka asked.
Layla didn’t respond, but she was far too pissed to give Taka the satisfaction of the fight he wanted. Instead, Layla thought of Naito and took a deep breath. “I’ll valet for him tonight, but you can tell him he’s not winning this game.”
Taka’s laughter was haunting but not nearly as worrisome as his parting words. “When has Suzuki ever lost?”
“You looked pretty out there, princess,” Suzuki complimented Layla the moment they were out of the audience’s view, safely behind the curtain.
“It wasn’t for you,” Layla said quietly, still reeling from the strange encounter. Suzuki had suspiciously ordered Layla to wait in his corner while he proceeded to beat the shit out of some cruiserweight who probably had no idea what he was getting himself into. But that wasn’t the point. The real mystery was Suzuki’s seemingly normal request for Layla not to interfere. 
Because Layla used to always interfere in Suzuki’s matches to help him win. However, tonight Suzuki had been perfectly fine with Layla acting as nothing more than a piece of eye-candy, wearing skin-tight wrestling shorts and a low-cut tank top that left little to the imagination. And Suzuki fought the match fairly, needing no outside assistance in securing the victory.
“It was nice just knowing you were there,” Suzuki grinned, eyes wandering over Layla’s body. “Taichi picked out the gear.”
“I bet he did,” Layla retorted, cautiously remaining mindful of Suzuki’s neverending tendency for schemes. 
“You’re coming out with us tonight.”
“That wasn’t part of the deal.” 
“The deal is whatever I say,” Suzuki growled, gripping onto Layla’s forearm with dominant force. “Unless you want Naito to get an unwanted phone call.”
“Fine,” Layla huffed, pulling her arm free from Suzuki’s grasp. “Where are we going?”
“The boys could use a distraction,” Suzuki mused, completely ignoring her question. “And you could afford to relax too, princess.”
“I’m not drinking.”
“I never said you were,” Suzuki quipped, eyes widening as he nodded towards the locker room. “Change into something more appropriate.”
And because Layla was feeling atrociously reckless these days, she found herself walking into a sleazy bar with Suzuki and the rest of his faction mates wearing a tight black dress that she even hesitated to wear around Naito. Unsurprisingly, Taichi was greatly pleased, irritating Layla to no end when he commented that she was starting to look like herself again. But that was the last thing Layla wanted to hear.
Which could possibly be part of the reason why Layla allowed Taichi and El Desperado to drag her around between poker tables, betting an endless amount of money and drinking as much alcohol as the waiters could bring them. Layla wasn’t quite sure where Suzuki had wandered, but she found she didn’t really care. Instead, she threw caution to the wind, a rather dangerous decision, while she laughed with two of the worst men she had ever met in her life.
Yes, perhaps Layla was losing the game after all.
Taichi frowned as he listened to Suzuki on the other end of the phone. Layla leaned into his arm, eyes glassy with the influence of alcohol, while she watched Despy throw down another twenty, shoving the cash towards the Dealer. “Come on, Layla,” Taichi grumbled once the call had ended. 
Despy cursed when he lost his hand, downing the remainder of his beer. “What did he say?”
“We have to take her to the back,” Taichi said, grabbing Layla’s arm. 
“Why?” Layla pouted. “I’m having fun!”
“I know you are, sweetheart,” Taichi grinned. “The boss wants to see you.”
“Well, I don’t want to see him,” Layla insisted, even as Taichi refused to relinquish his grip, leading Layla through the crowd of patrons with Desperado following behind.
Eventually, Taichi paused next to a large booth, pushing Layla forward so that she was standing in front of Suzuki. The main in question took one look at her before growling in Taichi’s direction. “What did she drink?”
Taichi shrugged nonchalantly. “I don’t know.”
Suzuki jerked Layla closer, glaring at Taichi and Desperado. “You were supposed to watch her.”
“We did, boss,” Taichi said, tucking his hands into the pockets of his trousers. “She wanted to drink.”
“And that’s not being very responsible is it?” Suzuki spat in their direction. “Go find someone else to play with.”
Taichi frowned but relented when Despy roughly nudged him in the side, nodding in the direction of the bar. Taichi followed his faction mate while Suzuki invited Layla to join him at his table. Layla rolled her eyes, but her pounding head eventually proved to be enough influence for her to give in to Suzuki’s wishes.
“Those little assholes just let you drink whatever the fuck you wanted, didn’t they?” Suzuki asked, grinning as Layla’s body fell over him. “You seem to forget that you’re a lousy drunk.”
“I’m not drunk,” Layla grumbled.
Suzuki chuckled. “Sobered up already, princess?”
“I do have a massive headache though,” she said, leaning her head back against the booth.
Layla didn’t protest when Suzuki grabbed her by the waist and drug her onto his lap. “Do you still hate me, Layla?”
“More than you will ever know,” she retorted.
“I guess you are sober then,” Suzuki said, hands playing with the low hem of her dress. “I like that fire though, it makes me hard.”
Suzuki gripped her hips tighter, grinding her down and letting her feel just how hard he was. “Fucking pervert,” Layla snarled at him, yelping when one of Suzuki’s hands tangled in her hair and pulled roughly.  
“Don’t flatter me, princess, you know how much that dirty mouth of yours turns me on.”
“Even more of a reason to hate you,” Layla remarked, glaring into his brown eyes.
Suzuki smirked knowingly. “You didn’t always hate me, Layla. Remember when you got drunk the night after I won the GHC Heavyweight Championship?”
Layla did remember, with way too much clarity considering how wasted she had been:
GHC Championship
Suzuki was sitting at a table with some other wrestlers, slowly nursing a whiskey. They were talking about the promotion and how much they enjoyed the tournament currently taking place. Suzuki was growing bored though, and his eyes swept over the dance floor, searching for a familiar blonde. His eyes landed on Layla who was dancing with Taichi and Taka. He knew his boys wanted nothing more than to get their hands on Layla, and he usually had no problem sharing his girls with them. However, something about Layla prevented him from giving them the permission they desperately wanted, and it was only their loyalty to him that kept them from trying to bed her.  
As if Layla knew he was thinking about her, those lovely blue eyes met his from across the room. She looked absolutely irresistible, and Suzuki was quick to crook a finger and beckon the young woman to him. Layla responded immediately, parting from Taichi and Taka and taking measured steps towards Suzuki. When she was finally close enough, Suzuki pulled her down onto his lap, moaning when she eagerly ground her hips down on his. Ignoring the other men, Suzuki wrapped one of his hands in Layla’s hair and brought her face close to his. “Just how drunk are you, princess?”
“Why does it matter?” she murmured back, leaning in to trail her tongue seductively across Suzuki’s jawline.  
“I’d hate to take advantage of you,” Suzuki teased, his other hand spreading across her ass.  
Layla pouted. “I’m not that drunk.”
“You’re pretty wasted,” Suzuki remarked, closing his eyes in pleasure when Layla started to move her hips again. “You’re always horny when you’re drunk.”
“Why do you give a fuck?” Layla asked. “Don’t you like it better when I lose control?”
Suzuki growled. “Let’s go somewhere more private.”
Layla was more than happy to acquiesce, grabbing Suzuki’s hand and pulling him along behind her into a secluded booth near the back of the club, out of sight from the other patrons. Suzuki slid into the booth first, pleased to watch Layla crawl over him, straddling his lap. Layla moaned, grabbing one of his hands and placing it on her breast. “Do whatever the hell you want to me.”
Suzuki squeezed the flesh, earning a groan from his wonderfully responsive girlfriend. “You don’t know what you’re asking for, Princess.”
Layla laughed, a delightful sound that sent even more blood rushing to his already hard dick. “I’m asking you to fuck me into oblivion. I think I know exactly what I want.”
Suzuki leaned in close again, demanding a kiss from Layla who welcomed it with an eager tongue, slipping into Suzuki’s mouth. “That damn tongue,” Suzuki moaned, pulling away. “Suck my cock and we’ll see what kind of fucking you’ll get.” Layla was more than happy to oblige, pulling open the button on Suzuki’s jeans and reaching in to pull his hard dick from the uncomfortable confines of his underwear.  he licked a circle around the tip before opening her lips and swallowing as much of his length as she could. “Shit!” he cursed, rolling his hips and feeding more of his cock to her. Suzuki had never experienced anything better than a blowjob from Layla. “Don’t make me cum,” he warned her, seeing the teasing glint in her eyes. “I want to cum inside your pussy.”
Layla hummed around him and the vibrations sent him even closer to the edge. Suzuki grunted, wrapping his fingers in Layla’s hair and rolling his hips against her eager mouth. She responded in kind, taking him in to the root, her nose brushing against his pubic hair. Suddenly, Minoru shoved Layla back, feeling himself about to explode down her throat. “Good enough?” Layla shot at him, and he took a brief moment to appreciate the sight of her beautiful, swollen lips and tear-streaked cheeks.
“You never fail to disappoint,” Suzuki spoke fondly, pulling Layla down into another long, lavishing kiss. He chuckled as he watched her pull her dress up over her waist, exposing her tiny red thong. “I really like this one,” he complimented, fingers playing with the thin straps at her hips.  
“Yeah?” Layla purred. “I thought you might.”
“Ride me,” he suddenly commanded her, pleased when Layla reached for his cock to line it up with her entrance. Moving her panties to the side, Layla sunk down onto Suzuki’s length, moaning as she tossed her head back. “Pull that dress down and show me your pretty tits too, princess,” Suzuki bit out, thrusting up roughly into Layla. She did as she was told, pushing the sleeves of her dress off her shoulders and shimmying the lace material down to her stomach, exposing her lovely breasts to his eyes. His hands went up to grope at the flesh, fingers twisting at her nipples.
“Fuck,” Layla cried out, doubling down on her efforts as she rode down on him harder and faster, fucking him like her life depended on it.
Suzuki matched her thrusts, sitting up enough to suck at her breasts, kissing and nipping at the flesh. “Oh hell, Layla,” he grunted, reaching down to circle his thumb over her clit. “Cum for me, baby. I love watching your face when you do, it’s so fucking sexy.”
“Soon,” she whispered, eyes closed together in pleasure.
After several more thrusts, Layla wrapped her arms around Suzuki’s neck, burying her face against his shoulder to muffle her cries when she came. “Look at me,” Suzuki growled, grabbing her chin and forcing her to meet his gaze. Just the sight of her was enough to finish him off, and he came with a grunt, spilling his seed inside of her.  
Suzuki let out a deep breath, falling back against the booth. Layla tossed her hair behind her, hands running along Suzuki’s chest as she lavished kisses over the exposed skin of his chest. Suzuki ran his hands down her naked back, indulging in the sensation of her flawless skin. “Round two?” Layla whispered to him, and Suzuki smirked.
“You’re insatiable,” he told her, pulling her down into a rough kiss. “Fix yourself before someone notices.”
Layla did as she was told, pulling the straps of her dress back onto her shoulders and tugging her dress down her thighs. “Nobody is looking over here at us anyway.”
“What if one of the boys had come looking for me?” Suzuki asked, holding Layla firmly against him.
“So?” Layla returned, laughing at the disdainful expression on his face. “Would you be jealous if they saw me like that?”
“I don’t get jealous,” he muttered darkly.
“Not even with Taichi?” she asked, a sinful look in her eyes.  
“What about Taichi?” he asked, watching as Layla grabbed her phone off the tabletop. He hadn’t even noticed that she had brought it with her. Layla pulled up her messages, clicking on Taichi’s contact and scrolling down. With a mischievous smirk, she handed Suzuki her phone, watching with delight as his expression darkened. Taichi was lucky that he was such a loyal soldier, or Suzuki would have sought him out immediately and kicked his ass for texting such vulgar things to his girlfriend.  
“Ignore him,” Suzuki told her gruffly. “Have you sobered up yet?”
“I’m fine,” she assured him, leaning in to suck at the skin between his neck and shoulder, a spot that always elicited the best responses from him. Suzuki moaned and Layla smirked triumphantly. “You don’t have to worry about Taichi. I would never fuck him.”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better?” Suzuki asked mockingly, hating the triumphant look in her eyes.
“Maybe I like your reaction,” Layla teased, leaning in close. “I like the way you fuck me afterward.”
“Be careful what you ask for, princess,” Suzuki warned the intoxicated object of his affections. 
“I know exactly what I want.”
Layla was abruptly pulled from her recollections when Suzuki’s lips brushed across the sensitive surface of her collarbone. “Do you still know what you want, princess?” 
Layla moaned, reluctantly allowing Suzuki’s touches. Because, if she was being truthful with herself, Layla really wasn’t sure what she wanted anymore.
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mintvender · 4 years
UTOPIA [ 2 ]
Pairing: BTS x Y/N
Synopsis: Y/N L/N, the name of the current monarch of Corea. They became the ruler after successfully ending the previous king along with the dynasty as well. In their harem, countless men are present to help balance the court’s power. However, is this truly their intentions? The palace was always a place that needs to be proceeded with caution but as time goes by, recklessness would most likely outweigh it. You found yourself unable to prosper the kingdom without being too connected to it.
Warning: None
Word Count: 3.6k
A/n: Can anyone do me a favour, either through your account or anon and tell me how the story is progressing? I understand that it’s still early but I want to know if I’m going too fast and whatnot. Will greatly appreciate it,thx.
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Just by glancing at the person’s posture, you could already tell who it was. Your ability to know them naturally accumulated after years knowing them. It all became much easier as the person continues to grow under your watchful guidance.
“ Come in,” you announced, walking back to the table, “ there’s no need to whisper.”
As if waiting for your permission, the doors immediately were pushed open followed by quick stepping sounds.
The steps hurriedly took its way to your spot before stopping behind you, waiting to see your next actions.
You, on the other hand, didn’t feel the need to greet them and instead settled your attention on the various treats displayed on the table. Pretending that there was no presence behind you, you extended your right hand to one of the treats and peacefully munched on them.
You almost groan at the heavenly taste that quickly covers all your senses. It has seemed that you have been neglecting your hunger too much that a simple treat could bring you such satisfaction.
You were about to continue to further enter that mindset when a high-pitched whine from behind suddenly snapped you back to reality. You then realized that you may have forgotten about a certain someone.
Turning around, you find yourself faced with a tall yet lean figure who was pouting at your mistreatment. Only offering him a smile as an apology, you ushered him to come to the table.
The individual, thankfully, obeyed you and placed himself beside you before letting out another whine.
“ Y/N-iee, we haven’t talked to each other for so long. You even neglected all my invitations and when I came to visit you, you even ignored me?” he asked, while clinging onto your left arm.
Knowing how touchy he could be, you could only let him do what he wanted.
“ You know I was busy, Taehyung.”
The pout that was on his face became much more prominent the moment he heard his full name coming out of your mouth.
“ Nooo, don’t call me by that name! You know that I don’t like it, “ Taehyung leaned on to your arm, “ It makes me feel like we’re strangers.”
Finally deciding that you have teased him enough, you brought him into your embrace and hugged him. Feeling Taehyung naturally melting into you, you couldn’t help but let out a chuckle.
“ Alright, alright, I won’t tease you anymore,” you said, “ How have you been with the training?”
At the mention of his combat training, he stopped snuggling into you but still stayed in your embrace, deciding that not speaking would be the best option to get away with having to answer it.
Understanding what he meant, you could only let out a sigh.
“ Have you been missing the training, Tae?”
Again, he refused to answer and make eye contact with you.
“ If you don’t tell me then someone else will be doing that,” you said, “ Jungkook!”
Immediately after hearing your command, Jungkook entered the room, and waited for your next orders.
“ You have the responsibility of watching over Taehyung whenever General Kim is away. Tell me, how is Taehyung with his combat training?”
Jungkook looked at you before setting his gaze at the cowered figure still in your embrace. He wondered if he should take which side. His friend’s or yours?
Taahyung and Jungkook have quite a miraculous relationship. Unlike the others, Jungkook immediately bonded with the elder. If people didn’t know their status, anyone could have mistaken them as biological brothers from how close they seemed when together.
Obviously seeing how indecisive Jungkook seems to be, you knew that both of them were hiding something from you.
“ Jungkook, I don’t care how close you are to Taehyung. I was the one who made you my bodyguard, not him,” you reminded him, “ You work under me and obey me, understand?”
Both males flinched at your warning, knowing that there aren’t many things that you have distaste more than disloyalty.
Jungkook, who was the main target of your warning could only sent Taehyung a sorrowful glance as an apology.
“ Y-yes your majesty, I will make sure to not repeat my mistake again,” Jungkook said, “ Regarding the Royal Consort’s combat training, he… have made very little improvements.”
Somewhat expecting this result, you felt a wave of disappointment hit you. Looks like he still doesn’t understand what’s best for him.
“ I will hold your word accountable, Jungkook. Now, leave us be.”
Jungkook bowed down to the both of you before rushing out of the room, seemingly allergic to the atmosphere that was slowly intensifying.
“ … Care to explain to me what you were doing at that time?”
Knowing that he would not answer your question, you brought your right index and thumb finger under his chin before tilting his head up to meet your gaze.
Unfortunately for Taehyung, he could not break himself out of your hold and had to suffer from facing the abundant amount of guilt that he has created for the both of you.
“ … I’m sorry, I really tried but I kept slipping out of order. I didn’t want to disappoint you so I…” Taehyung trailed off.
“ So you think that me finding out by another person would be better?”
Taehyung did his best to shake his head, denying your claims.
“ I didn’t think that Jungkook would rat me out like this.”
“ You should have expected that, little mastermind. He works under me after all.”
You then released his head before gently patting it.
“ I understand that physical combat isn’t your best domain but you still need to understand the basics.”
“ But I understand the basics, Y/N.”
“ Are you sure?” You calmly asked.
Taehyung who was about to nod his head decided that it would be best to think again when he heard your overly calm tone.
“ I’ll… give it a try.”
Shaking your head, not knowing how to deal with such a sarcastic comment, you pinched his pouty cheeks and smile.
“ You little minx! How many times have you promised me and broken it? You, yourself know all too well that you won’t keep it!”
Slapping your hand to let go of his cheeks, he continues to let out pitiful whimpers.
“ Ouch! I’m sorry, Y/N! Won’t do it again. Ouch! Ouch!”
Releasing his soft cheeks, you gently rubbed them to soothe the pain while laughing out loud.
“ Alright, alright. If you do show up on most of the days, I’ll even accompany you whenever I’m free.”
Taehyung, who was previously sulking and pouting, immediately changed his demeanour when he heard your comment. His face practically lighting up when he heard that you will be joining him.
“ Really?”
“ Of course,” you assured him, “ You know that I will never break my promise.”
He nodded before once again tackling you into a tight hug, now satisfied that he gets to spend more time with.
And with that, your little personal conversation came to an end.
Once he finally let go of you, standing up, you make your way towards the desk and bring back a pile of paper. Seeing what you were doing, Taehyung immediately moved all the plates somewhere else to make room for the pile.
Placing the pile in the centre, you skillfully separates them into all the topics.
“ Today’s audience, I’ve been informed by General Kwong that the Grimores are attacking our eastern border,” you informed him, “ However, this was done by adolescents that have yet to fully mature.”
Looking over the papers, Taehyung asked, “ Then how did they managed to break into the warehouse and destroy all the crops there? Children who have no experience can’t possibly do that.”
You nodded in agreement, “ I agree. Even though it is a possibility but the chance of it is too unlikely for that to be the main reason.”
“Their actions were also quite bold. It doesn’t seem too irrational at all.”
“ You mean that it’s all planned out?”
“ Yes, it’s very possible. All their actions were thorough and seemed experienced. I have a feeling that someone is secretly guiding them in the dark.”
You looked into Taehyung’s stern eyes, seeing how serious he is, this might really be possible.
Taehyung, besides being known as your Royal Consort, is also infamous for his sharp and observant mind. Combine that with all the training that he has done, anyone would have to put his words into heavy consideration.
With you knowing him for years, you have almost absolute trust in his intuition and mind. After all, what would people think of you if Taehyung’s mentor didn’t trust him? People would most likely think that you are using your status and clinging onto his title to benefit your own intentions. You definitely did now want that type of influence.
“ What should we do now then?”
As if expecting this question, he simply answered, “ We’ll just have to wait.”
Sighing, you nodded. Even though you have faced these types of scenarios countless times, this silent obstacle was always the worst. Through time, you have somewhat managed to cope with the raw feeling that constantly gnaws at your insides to take actions, and instead follow the detailed plan that you have spent countless hours working on.
“ Mhm, I will send some people to go and watch for any suspicious people there.”
Taehyung nodded, satisfied with your plan, “ How is the alliance with the Ecenyths?”
“ It’s… proceeding as planned but slower than what we need it to be.”
“ Do the Ecenyths still think that we are unworthy.”
“ Might be so. They are known for their prideful selves after all. Even if they desperately need this alliance, they would never be willing to ask for it.”
Taehyung rolls his eyes at the thought.
The Ecenyths occupied the entire south of the continent. As a result, they have the largest land for agriculture which offers them many alliances with the neighbouring countries and beyond that. Even the Grimores, who take up most of the land that links the mainland and the sea have to give them some face in order to receive a stable supply of crops.
If the Grimores were considered to be arrogant, the Ecenyths would be somewhat too prideful for their own good. This was a result of the many countries that backs them and victories they have won throughout history.
Despite this, Taehyung still found himself despising them courtesy to a certain merchant from said nation.
“ What were they thinking sending such a chatty and loud merchant? Are they seriously toying with us?”
You, unable to keep your laughter to yourself burst out laughing. You somewhat always knew that Taehyung didn’t favour the funny merchant, but you didn’t think that it would be to this extent of him downright degrading him.
“ You think so?” You teased, “ I don’t think he’s that much of a nuisance.”
Taehyung glared at you, “ Hmph! Of course you wouldn’t. He basically becomes overly sweet and flirty whenever you’re around. How wouldn’t you like him if he was like that?”
You raised your eyebrows, amused by Taehyung’s sudden outburst.
“ Are you jealous, my little consort?”
“ Hmph.”
What’s the special occasion today, I wonder.
“ Let’s get back on track with our previous conversation.”
Taehyung reluctantly nodded, still mad at the thought of the merchant.
“ The drought season is slowly approaching. I can feel the humidity rising during the day,” you said, shivering when remembering how sweaty you were underneath the dozen layers of your hanbok.
Sighing, Taehyung turned towards you before composing himself and joined the conversation.
“ Yes, it is expected to be extremely dry this year.”
“ We need to take precautions to minimize the damage that it will bring to our economy. With water becoming a rarity during this time, everyone will be on edge with the prices of products increasing.”
“ People in the Amber section would suffer the most.”
People of the Amber section, is a commonly used term to describe commoners. They are people, who are not of nobility and most likely work jobs of intense labour. The next rank is the people of the Malachite section. They are people who consist mostly of merchants and owners that are somewhat wealthier than the steel section. On top of them is the Topaz section, people of nobility who mostly work as officials. Finally the rank that tops all the rest is the diamond section, royalty for short.
“ With the increased price of products, they would not be able to pay for it with the amount they earn.”
“ Yes, even though we have already established a minimum wage for every worker, it is still extremely hard to track that. Only established shops would abide by such rules. And even with that, they would not be able to afford the products.”
“ What do you suggest then?”
Looking over the papers, Taehyung immersed himself into his own world, trying to come up with the best plan.
“ We need to come up with a plan that ensures the Amber section could survive this season.”
“ Elaborate.”
“ Providing families of the Amber section with necessary materials will need to be done.”
You nodded, taking his suggestion into consideration.
With this plan, however, there are several setbacks that you should be able to work around to minimize how much money will have to be deducted during this time. Knowing that many ministers will disagree if this has a big budget, you need to come up with a persuasive plan in order to win the majority.
You and Taehyung continued to work together on the possible plan through the night, only stopping when realizing that the sun was about to rise.
Waking up to a blinding light entering your eyes, you were quick to try and swing your arm over them and shield them away from the light. Unlike other times, you were unable to lift your arm, feeling a weighted object was crushing your arm. As a result, you could only continuously blink them until they have adjusted to the light.
Finally realizing that something or rather someone was lying on your arm, you look over to meet with a familiar face snuggling into your arm.
Smiling to yourself, you turned to your side to admire his ethereal face.
Taehyung has always been a beauty, but you found yourself adoring his visuals the most during the early mornings such as this one. Contrary to him complaining about how puffy his face is in the morning, you were the complete opposite. Wanting nothing but to smother his face with reassurance whenever he’s insecure about them.
Right now, you couldn’t help but bring your free hand to caress his lips, admiring how soft they really are. Slowly, you extend your hand to other places, continually surprising yourself at how soft his skin was.
Unlike you, who have been trained at combat since young, and whose hands were littered with callouses. Taehyung on the other hand, possesses clear and porcelain-like skin. As a result, you were somewhat envious of that.
You snapped back into reality when you felt the body next to you stirred around, arms coming up to your neck to only interconnect behind them, snuggling closer into you.
Chuckling at his cute action, you let your arm rest on his back and pulled him closer.
“ Tae, it’s time to wake up now. You get to train today.”
Feeling him pout against your neck, you gently rub your hand down his back.
“ Nooo, it’s comfortable here,” he whined out.
“ You can’t, Tae. We have a busy day ahead.”
Despite your protest, Taehyung continued to whine, trapping you into his hold.
Even though the thought of staying in bed for hours was an appealing idea to you, you knew better than that. If Taehyung was not being obedient then you will use another method to force him to wake up.
“ Taehyung, get up.”
Immediately after hearing his name, Taehyung sat up and look down at your still lying figure, pouting at you.
“ Why do you always use this method?”
Sitting up, you offered him a pat on the head before making your way to the edge before standing up.
“ You were being stubborn, Tae. I could only use such methods,” you said while stretching your body, “ Apologies, my little consort.”
Begrudgingly leaving your bed, he sleepily walked towards the table, sitting on one of the chairs and waited for food to be served.
“ How did we arrive at your bedroom last night?”
“ I carried you to bed, Tae.”
Looking over at you, he smiled, praising you.
“ Aigoo, my Y/N is so strong. How could I live without you.”
You, who was still stretching, froze at his comment before awkwardly walking towards the table, sitting in front of him.
Seeing how you were hesitant about his comment, he suspiciously asked, “ But you will stay with me right?”
Knowing you couldn’t escape his questioning if you didn’t reply to this, you could only agree.
“ Yes, Tae. I will stay with you.”
“ Forever?”
Offering him a small smile, you nodded.
Being the observant person he is, Taehyung obviously does not quite believe you but decided to let you go.
Like on cue, maids began to scurry into the room, bringing various dishes made the both of you forget the previous conversation. Soon enough, you both started to eat while peacefully talking to each other.
Amidst the feast, Taehyung whined about having to go through his training in the early morning which was answered by you ignoring him. Deciding that it would be amusing to surprise him later.
After finishing your meal, Taehyung took his time getting dressed by the maids.
“ You certainly took your time.”
“ Of course, I’m the royal consort after all.”
“ Stop procrastinating.”
“ I’m not procrastinating!”
“ Then let’s go.”
Taehyung, who was getting ready to work looked at you, confused.
Seeing how puzzled he looks, you hold out your hand, silently offering it to him. It might not be as grand as you have imagined but at least you still get a laugh out of it.
“ What are you achieving just by standing there? Let’s go, we’re about to be late for practice.”
Finally understanding your intentions, he rushed towards you and grabbed your hand. Holding it between the two of you, Taehyung pulled you towards the exit.
“ Tae, why hurry?” You teased.
Taehyung who was pulling you only pouted as a response but immediately blush when the maids behind the both of you giggled at his cute antiques.
“ What are you laughing at?” He growled out, immediately shutting everyone’s laughter which resulted in all of them awkwardly avoiding his gaze.
Knowing that he wouldn’t actually punish your people makes the scenario much more amusing to you. After all, you and Taehyung have known them for years.
After that, the entire crew walked to the training ground in complete silence and continued to do so until General Kim arrived at the scene.
As soon as General Kim entered the training ground, he flinched seeing your presence.
Desperately rubbing his chest to calm his heart, he asked, “ Your majesty? What have brought you here?”
Offering him a small smile, you answered, “ I’m here to watch over the little minx to make sure that he is focusing.”
General Kim chuckled hearing your response. You always managed to surprise him with your duality. You could be making jokes one moment before becoming terrifyingly in the next. The transition being so smooth that if people were not there before would think that you have been acting like this for hours.
“ Lucky for you, Royal Consort. We’ll be running laps today,” General Kim announced.
Taehyung, who was originally standing beside you bolted in the opposite direction after hearing what they were going to do today. Unexpectedly, you caught up to him long before he even managed to move ten meters, and was dragged back to where he previously was.
“ Look at him being so excited for today’s activity,” you teased.
Pretending to be impressed, General Kim said, “ Now that’s a first.”
“ Haha, you really want to kill me today.”
Taehyung looked at you then at General Kim, before repeating that motion a few more times, somewhat regretting pulling you here with him.
“ Let’s move to the fields now.”
The both of you then followed General Kim to a grass field not far from the training ground.
After that, you quickly settled onto the ground and began to warm up your muscles.
When you guys were finished with the warm up, you both walked towards one end of the field and waited for future instructions.
“ This section is specifically for testing your stamina so go at a speed that you know that you will be able to last the longest.”
You and Taehyung nodded, and started running.
To not let Taehyung be alone, you followed his pace, knowing that it would be much slower than you.
Seeing how you were at his speed, Taehyung insisted that you should speed up.
“ Don’t worry about me, go at your own pace.”
“ Don’t talk, it will exhaust you more. Let me do the talking,” you shushed.
Knowing what you meant, Taehyung didn’t talk for the entire time, secretly appreciating your kind gesture.
After what seems to be like half an quarter of an hour, Taehyung was on the ground panting heavily while you were breathing a little harder than normal.
Knowing how hard he tried, you ruffled his sweaty head, praising him for his effort.
“ Good job, Tae.”
“ Why. is. this. so. important?” He groaned out.
“ Because you need it in order to do physical missions,” you answered simply.
“ I have done countless physical missions but never needed ‘stamina’,” he whined out, still out of breath.
Opening your mouth, you were about to protest when you heard a person yelling out your name. Confused, you turn around only to be met with a pale orange patch blurring your vision. Before you knew it, you were on the ground, seemingly getting crushed by the weight on top of you.
What’s with people wanting to squish me today?
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Copyright © 2021 MintVender
All rights reserved.
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soft-sarcasm · 5 years
Pairing: jung hoseok x reader. Genre: a n g s t. that's it. Word count: 3,2k+ a/n: i keep going ages without posting and when i do post its never what i've promised but i swear the stuff i said before is going to arrive sometime in the next millenium. i don't know really where this came from or what it is but it followed out really naturally because for me i either sit down and write something to its completion, or start something, get like almost mid-way, stop and never come back it. so here it is, whatever it is. p.s i listened to these songs from the your name soundtrack while writing the end of this and almost bawled my eyes out so if you want to go full emo enjoy. also this conversations by ciaran levery is really good for this. @kaylee-jade-camp
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The first 48 hours are crucial, in both a missing persons case and a 'might have been broken up with' case. Okay, perhaps the latter isn't quite as crucial as the former, but it certainly felt like you were missing something, perhaps your heart, as you stared blankly at the neatly digitalised words that had been haunting you for the past 20 hours since they had initially been received;
'This isn't working out.'
Now it may seem a bit dramatic to instantly jump to the conclusion that you were being broken up with, and you would agree if it hadn't been the conclusion to a near-hour long fight that had raged between message notifications and furiously tapping thumbs. Text messages and phone-calls had been the customary medium in which the majority of your relationship-centric arguments had taken place throughout the year that there had been a relationship to argue about. It had become so customary to expel all of your frustration and disagreement through sharply worded texts and the purposeful absence of any reassuring emojis that you sometimes wondered if there was any other way to communicate such feelings.
Thankfully such instances didn't occur too frequently but when they did it usually happened when one, or both, of you, were seriously sleep-deprived and stressed out. This meant that it was far easier for fingers to type on their own and for hurtful words to be sent off to the other without a coherent thought. Something similar had transpired during the early hours of this morning when a simple 'have a safe flight' message to Hoseok had turned into something so much more. How or even why you couldn't be sure but somehow a match had been struck and a flurry of unresolved issues had been ignited.
'I just want some space.'
'You're barely in the country. The only thing that's ever between us is space.'
'You don't understand how hard this is for me.'
'I would if you would just tell me.'
'That's what I'm doing now and you aren't listening.'
'Because all I'm hearing are excuses.'
Those were just a few of the highlighted exerts from your far too dragged out debate, the in-between lines being stuffed with sentiments of a similar miscommunication. And then the dreaded 'this isn't working out' had been sent that was quickly followed by a complete radio silence which you knew you could logically account to the 16-hour flight Hoseok had been in the process of boarding when your fight had broken out. Even then the illogical part of your brain had decided matter-of-factly that Hoseok was officially done with you, that if he wanted he could use some of the all but limitless money he earned to purchase some of the airlines overpriced wifi and contact you but was choosing not to.
You were over. Finished. Nothing else to say and yet you couldn't help but hold out some semblance of hope that when he finally touched down on to home soil that you would receive a relieving ding followed by some sort of explanation about how he was still willing to work things out.
And yet nothing. You knew sometimes there was a delay between the landing and being out of the airport but even then, cell-service was not limited to being clear of Incheon and again, if Hoseok wanted to, he could have contacted you. 
But it was clear that he didn't want to.
You had attempted to function with the knowledge that the relationship you had devoted so much energy and devotion to was just over. You went to your job, typed out mindless translations only to be later berated by your superior for the multiple discrepancies in your work. You had then proceeded to leave work and had a lonely meal for one in the tiny Udon place on the corner of your street, wallowing over you overcooked noodles as the radio blared the symphony of your boyfriend (potentially ex-boyfriend's) group as if to mock you.
You now found yourself curled into the crevice of your couch, staring down at the fluorescent screen of your phone with your message app opened to your conversation with 'Hobi.' Your responding message had yet to be read but you knew there was no way that Hoseok had spent this much time without looking at his phone, eve the tech-addict as was the majority of your generation.
'What does that mean for us?'
The silence was pretty clear answer to your question, there was no us left to mean anything.
Introspection was not something you excelled at. In fact ignoring and suppressing emotional issues was far more your style, as was it Hoseok's. Hoseok for all his sunshine and smiley cover, one he maintained even when he had landed which you knew thanks to fansite photos that had been posted as soon as he walked out of the Arrival gates over three hours ago, was a complex Rubix cube of a human. It took ages to figure him out and twist out all of his colours to get six sides that you could actually understand. Over the year you'd like to think you had gotten pretty close to having six completely solid faces but it seemed that you had been mistaken and there was still plenty of squares for you to decipher; not that you would be given the opportunity now.
It felt surreal like you were somehow caught in some dreamscape where you didn't know whether or not to trust your surroundings which was why you didn't instantly react to the serious of melodic dings that signalled your doorbell had been rung. The robotic sound echoed throughout your otherwise quiet apartment and when the final ding rang out there was a silence before the entire melody was set off again. 
"Coming," You muttered quietly, shuffling through your flat that you hadn't even realised had become all but entirely dark since you had reclined to wallowing in the final hours of sunlight and had yet to do anything since. So you proceeded to turn on the lights as you reluctantly pulled yourself up to the screen that would reveal who was summoning your presence.
Even with the pulled down bucket hat and mask tugged under his chin it was undeniably Hoseok and his appearance was so startling that it took you a moment to actually comprehend that he was real and not a figment of your imagination. Your heart ached after not seeing him for so long and your palms felt clammy as you pressed the green button labelled 'Unlock.'
It was difficult to breathe with the anticipation lodged in your throat as you watched the door be pushed open and Hoseok to follow in after it. He didn't look at you as he made quick work of slipping off his shoes and trading them for the pair of house slippers that over the course of his visits had become his. When there was no task left for him to distract himself with he finally turned to where you stood, legs near quaking as you waited for him to say something.
"Hi." Was all he uttered and you had to stifle a scoff.
Anger threatened the creep into your system, attempting to punch words out of your mouth like 'what the fuck is going on,' 'why did you never reply' or what you really wanted to say 'are we really over?'
But you swallowed such questions and opted instead for a strangled, "Hi." Followed by an equally strained half smile that made your facial muscles ache. He stood awkwardly in the entrance to your home and the sight reminded you so much of the first time he had been there, hands stuffed idly in his pockets to keep himself busy as he attempted to keep his balance due to the alcohol that had coursed in his system thanks to the numerous cocktails you had shared at dinner. The air had been much lighter then, so much so that when you realised he hadn't followed behind you, you had turned back, an instant fit of giggles summoned by the look of uncertainty on his rose hazed face.
"You know, you can come in," You had said through tinkles of laughter, smile so big and heart so warm with your increasing adoration for this man that it had almost hurt, "You can always come in, no matter what."
Maybe that was why the look of hesitation on his face now hurt so deeply, that things had changed so thoroughly in your relationship that that meaningless promise you had made all that time before in between laughter and happiness didn't even apply.
"You can come in," You repeated, somberness twisting the words that once possessed so much merriment. You didn't say anything else.
Hoseok merely nodded and took a tentative step forward, so much caution that you literally had to turn away and busy yourself by migrating towards the kitchen. Hoseok's dancing abilities kept his steps light as he trailed behind you but thanks to the silence you were still able to hear when his movements stopped just at the threshold. A further sense of unfamiliarity and alienation crept up your spine and you had to stabilise yourself against the counter before mindlessly reaching over to switch the kettle on.
You heard a rustle which made you assume Hoseok nodded but he seemed to realise pretty quickly that you couldn't actually see the movement with your back to him, "Yes."
This had to be the fewest words that had ever been shared between the two of you. You were both natural chatterboxes and even during the moments of silence shared between you there was still the loud comfort of the other's presence. There was no comfort remaining now as you stood what felt like oceans apart on the opposite sides of your shoebox kitchen. It was almost ironic, how you had actually spent weeks near months apart separated by actual, physical oceans apart and yet you had somehow felt closer then you did now.
The distance only seemed to stretch alongside the quiet as you both waited for the water boil and the distraction of placing two leaf-filled filter bags into separate cups before drowning them in scalding liquid. After a moment of steeping, you finally turned to Hoseok, half-looking at him as you extended a mug in his direction. He reached to take it with a nearly silent thank you before you both moved towards the living room.
Living room seemed to be a bit of a grand title for the make-shift space that doubled as a place you watched tv and ate but it would have to do today as the setting for this 20-hour dreaded conversation.
"I don't know where to start," Hoseok started quietly after one too many moments of silence had ticked past, "It's so different being here, like this."
"You mean in person?" You attempted to joke but knew that your words landed more as a blow by the way Hoseok winced at this, "Yeah, I know what you mean."
His lithe fingers tapped up and down the ceramic cup in his hand while you simply fumbled with the handle of your own mug, "Where do you even begin?"
"I think with something similar to 'I don't think this is working out," Again your words seemed to injure Hoseok as he flinched, "That's where our last conversation dropped off isn't it?" He seemed unnerved to be confronted with the reality of the situation, of the reality of his previous actions or lack thereof. It was as if he had almost expected you to ignore it, as though it hadn't been how you had ended up here.
"Yeah about that-" He swallowed as if to rid himself of a lump in his throat, "- I wasn't really thinking clearly when I sent that- you know how it is sometimes with the late nights and the early morning, I didn't mean it-"
"-Are you sure Hoseok?" You cut in even though you knew that it wasn't most likely the most sensitive thing to do in this situation but you could barely stand this situation as it was and his rambling with just going to prolong the agony. It was better to cut to the chase, to snip the steel cords that had once kept you so solidly tied together but had now been tugged down into weak, meagre whisps of wires that were now so easily snapped. "Are you sure you didn't mean it?"
"Of course I didn't," He answered instantly, eyes meeting yours for what felt like the first time, "Sure, sometimes this is a bit difficult but I never wanted to end things."
"Are you sure?" You repeated like some sort of broken record and for a moment you questioned yourself, why were you actively talking Hoseok out of making up? Why were you so set on causing the thing mere minutes ago you had been so fearful of.
Maybe it was because there was a part of you, the more logical part of you that was usually pushed to the background in emotional situations that understood Hoseok's true feelings, that knew that he had meant what he said even if he had yet to fully realise that himself.
"What are you even saying right now?" 
"I think," Your hands all but rattled against the handle of your mug as the shook, "I think that you did- do want to end things."
You could hear the bewilderment in his voice even though you couldn't look at him to confirm your suspicion, "What- I don't understand-"
"I think," You continued, a familiar pricking sensation occurring in your eyes, "I think it's best if we do end things here."
Hoseok choked, "Where is this even coming from?"
Where was this coming from? Hadn't you been denying the reality of this situation mere seconds, breaths before Hoseok had officially arrived? Hadn't you spent the last 20 hours clinging to some semblance that this wasn't where your relationship ended? That after months, years even of putting up with the distance, the stress, the strain that this was it.
But the thing was, before Hoseok arrived it had been easier to pretend that there was still a carved space for each other in your lives. The actual shock of Hoseok being at your place reminded you just how long it had been since you had actually physically spent more than a few hours together. There had been the time nearly two weeks back where you had met at the company building, prepared to eat lunch together when suddenly your time together was cut to a short twenty minutes when Hoseok was suddenly called away for some urgent work thing. It hadn't been an unusual occurrence, more often than not your dates, nights together were cut short. You couldn't even remember the last time you had had sex, maybe two months ago, between the American and European tours in which you had paid him a surprise visit in London which had again been abruptly interrupted when there had been an emergency back at work that couldn't be taken care of over Skype. 
When you actually started to think about your relationship there was very little of it to even recall, or at least to recall from the past few months. Except for the everyday mandatory text, all connections and efforts had dwindled. Which was to be expected and had happened before in the past but usually one of you would catch onto the separation sooner and would reach out, pointing out the distance and an effort would then be made to work harder, to talk more. But nothing had been brought up for months. Instead your relationship had turned near monotonous, a dull repeat of 'how was your day,' 'good morning,' and 'goodnight' with no real substance or interest in between. You used to know the latest tour story or funny antic by one of the boys but as you sat there in the heavy silence you couldn't remember the last time Hoseok had shared anything but the barest, most mundane details of his day. 
"We barely talk anymore Hoseok, which was made pretty clear by this morning, and even when we do it's not really about anything." 
"That doesn't mean we have to break up," Hoseok argued, adamance clear in his tone as he took to his feet, leaving his tea abandoned on the coffee table, "We just -I just need to work harder, I know sometimes with my job it feels like I'm a million miles away but I swear I can work on it-"
"-Hoseok," You interrupted softly turning to face him now, your heart shaking at the look of utter frustration and sadness on his face as his eyes burned with unshed tears, "This isn't just your fault, it's both of yours. Sometimes it just isn't the right time- maybe right now it isn't the best time for us-"
"-There won't be any us if we end right now." He stated, "That's how this works, if we decide that right now isn't the right time there won't ever be a right time and then we'll move on, you'll move on, and then there won't be any time for us because we'll be nothing but strangers."
A watery smile tugged at your lips, "Everyone's a stranger before they come into your life, and some people are just meant to continue being strangers."
"But not us," His voice was becoming more and more desperate as he tried to reason with both you and himself, "We were never meant to be strangers, I'm your pers- you're my person."
Slowly Hoseok sunk to his knees on the floor, the tears finally pouring out as his body and resolve caved in and you slipped off the couch to join him. You placed your hand gently on his knee as he wiped furiously at his eyes, "And there's going to be another person after me Hoseok, and if they aren't right there'll be someone else until you find the right one at the right time and it'll just all make sense."
"How can you say that? How can you be so calm?" He sobbed as if not taking notice to the shatter in your voice and the tears that trailed down your cheeks in steady dripping streams. 
"Because I know it's true," You spoke so softly you barely heard yourself, "And so do you, you know that there's someone else that's going to make you so fucking happy and you're going to think back to this moment and know."
"No, no, no," Hoseok began to chant in between sobs before flinging his arms around you so you could physically feel his tears, "There won't ever be anyone else, that's not how it works."
You clutched him back just as tightly, staring at the ceiling as you blinked back tears to ground yourself, "Yes it is Hobi, and I can't fucking wait until you meet someone who gives you the happiness you deserve."
He pulled back to look at you and you couldn't help but reach to brush some of the remaining tears from his face, "This isn't how it's supposed to end, over something so stupid."
"Sometimes we don't even realise that what we're feeling is just love rather than being in love." 
"Why are you so fucking smart? What am I going to do without you stopping me from doing stupid stuff?"
It was a genuine tug of happiness that curved your lips upwards as you wiped a final tear from his check, "Find someone smarter."
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feed-the-birdss · 5 years
I posted my first official story! It’s not “James Asked” because that is turning out to be much longer than expected, but I will finish it soon!
I hope you all enjoy, and please let me know what you think!
Read it on Fanfiction.net: Kinda
Fourth Year
“Alright, that’s it for today. Your three rolls of parchment on the importance of stirring counter-clockwise four times before adding in the valerian is due on Monday, and I am hoping to see more effort than I did with your last essays” said Professor Slughorn as he gave a pointed look toward Sirius and James who both snickered in response.
As they cleaned up their desks in preparation to leave the class, Sirius turned next to him to ask James, “So do you still plan on asking Evans out today?”
“Shut it, would you?” croaked James with wide eyes as he quickly looked toward the front of the class to make sure the red-head couldn’t hear. “I don’t know yet. I haven’t decided how I am going to do it.”
“What do you mean? You just go up to the bird, put your arm around her, and tell her you’re taking her to Hogsmeade. It’s not even a question these days. The ladies like confidence,” assured Sirius as he winked over at Mary MacDonald who giggled in response.
James ran his hand through his hair before picking up his bag and following Sirius out the door, “Lily is not the kind of bird who likes being told what to do mate. I mean, remember what happened when Snape told her to not take Divination?”
“James, don’t be daft. There is a difference between a greasy git like Snape bullying her around, and a confident git like you telling her that she’s being taken to Hogsmeade. Besides here’s your chance right now,” cajoled Sirius as he shoved James in her direction when she quickly walked past them. “Oi! Evans! James here needs to talk to you!” yelled Sirius before turning in the opposite direction towards his Ancient Runes class.
Lily turned around with a suspicious look in her eye as James proceeded to send a dirty look in Sirius’ direction and then make his way over to her, “What’s up Potter?”
“Well Evans, not much I guess…you good?” He said with his hand ruffling the back of his head.
“Yep, all good.”
“So…is there something you needed or can I go?” she asked.
Sirius’ words about confidence echoed in his head. So James stood up a little straighter as he put his hand through his hair once more, and put on his signature smirk that always made the group of second year girls who fawned over him blush. “Actually, there is something I need from you Evans. You see, you’re kinda cute and all, so I figured that we should go to Hogsmeade this weekend together.”
A copper eyebrow raised in response.
“I am going to take that silence as a yes. So I’ll meet you at around ten in the common room,” he proclaimed as he began to walk backwards to catch up with Sirius.
Lily’s brain seemed to have caught up with what he was saying, and quickly replied with “What the Hell Potter!? You can’t just…I mean…that wasn’t even…UGH. No James, I will not be meeting you in the common room at ten, NOR will you be seeing me at Hogsmeade,” she cursed, then swiftly turned on the spot, her red-hair billowing behind her looking like a plume of fire as she briskly walked down the corridor.
James just watched her go with his mouth hanging open.
Lily’s mouth, on the hand, was tightly pressed together in a thin line that would make McGonagall proud. Kinda?!, she thought, that prick thinks I’m “kinda cute”!? What does that even mean!?
Fifth Year
Sirius, James, Remus, Mary, Marlene and Peter were all sitting in the common room pretending to pay attention to a game of Exploding Snap Sirius and Peter were not really playing. Each of their eyes kept shifting towards the portrait, waiting for the red-head to come back inside.
“Maybe I should go check on her,” said James for what felt like the one hundredth time in the last five minutes.
“No James! How many bloody times do we have to tell you that YOU are absolutely the LAST person she wants to see right now…or ever really for that matter,” said Marlene.
“Well that seems to have changed,” Sirius muttered, earning a scowl from Mary, Remus and Marlene.
“Don’t be a prick Sirius. He was her best friend. She is only just coming to terms with the fact that he won’t be any longer, and you saying things like that won’t help with anything,” said Mary.
“Right, sorry,” he apologized as he and Peter continued to play the game absentmindedly.
While the others engaged in shallow conversation about their OWLs, James couldn’t even try to participate. His eyes were glued to the portrait.
When the portrait finally opened a few minutes later, and the red-haired girl slowly walked into the common room, James’ heart couldn’t help but break as he noticed the tears falling from her very red eyes. As soon as those red eyes came into contact with the group by the fire, she slowly made her way over to them.
Mary and Marlene jumped up as soon as the door opened and met her half way to engulf her in their arms, one of them on each side of her. Sirius, Remus, Peter, and James all watched with frowns.
“Are you gonna be okay love?” asked Mary sweetly.
Lily gave her a watery smile as she nodded weakly. “Yeah, it was a long time coming anyway. I just wish it hadn’t ended so disastrously…or publicly,” sniffed Lily.
“Right, sorry about that Evans. I guess that’s kinda my fault, eh?” said James as he lifted his hand towards his hair, but stopped midway when he remembered Lily’s words at the Lake, and awkwardly put his hand back down.
“Really Potter! Is that the apology I am going to get from you? Only admitting to it being ‘kinda’ your fault? Honestly, you seriously need to learn to take responsibility for your actions,” spat Lily with a face as red as her hair. She then loosened herself from her best friends’ arms and marched her way up the stairs towards the girls dormitory.
“Way to go mate.”
“Shut up Sirius, it’s not like you weren’t involved either,” accused James.
“Yeah, but my apology would’ve been better than that,” said Sirius.
“Whatever,” was James’s retort as he too stalked off toward his dormitory with a red face.
Sixth Year
“All right Evans?”
“What do you want Potter? I’m busy!” snapped Lily.
“Merlin’s Beard Evans, don’t get your knickers in a twist. I only wanted to see if you’ve invited some of the other prefects from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff to Remus’ surprise party tomorrow night.”
Lily sighed, “Right, that. Yeah. I’ve invited Bertram, Benjy, Dorcas, and Jane.”
“Excellent,” replied James as got a good look at her up close and examined the red-head’s messy hair, dark eyes and crumpled uniform. “Are you good?” puzzled James, as he had never seen her look this haggard before.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Why?” inquired Lily.
“Well…you look kinda tired I guess.”
Lily’s eyebrows immediately scrunched together, “Ugh, Potter! You are honestly one of the most annoying prats on the planet. Why do you always say that awful, heinous, and annoying word!? Every time you say it I am so bloody tempted to just smack that stupid smirk right off your face!”
“Uhhhh…what word Evans?” cautioned James.
“Kinda! You’re always, ‘hey Evans, you’re looking kinda a cute today’ or ‘hey Evans, that joke was kinda funny’. Just—” she sighed exasperatedly, “you’re just kinda kinda kinda KINDA all the Agrippa-damned time, and I am so bloody tired of it James. Just mean something fully, or keep it to yourself and don’t say it all!” fumed Lily.
“So you’re saying that you wished I said that you look fully tired?”
“Right, noted.”
“Good.” Approved Lily as she relaxed a bit more.
“So I’ll see you at the party, right?”
“Of course. I wouldn’t miss Remus’ party,” Lily said kindly.
“True, Remus is kinda the best,” smirked James with a glint in his eye.
Lily couldn’t help the smile that grew on her face after rolling her eyes in response, “you’re a prat Potter.” She then stalked off toward the library to finish the three essays she had due the next day.
“A full prat or kinda a prat?”
Without looking back, Lily responded with a gesture that would have given her a week’s worth of detention if McGonagall had seen it.
 Seventh Year
“Mate, she likes you back! I swear to Merlin she does,” pleaded Sirius as he followed James to the Heads Office where he was meeting Lily for their rounds that night.
“Shove off Padfoot. If she liked me back, I would know it. I mean, I know her. Almost as well as Mary and Marlene.”
“Yeah, but you’re blind when it comes to this stuff Prongs! Remember when you thought that Benjy hated Emily, but it turned out that he actually fancied her?”
“This is not the same. I know Lily doesn’t hate me seeing as we’re good friends now, but because we’re good friends now, I also know that she doesn’t fancy me.”
“You’re being an idiot Prongs,” sighed Sirius as he went down one corridor to head back to the common room, and James headed down another toward the Heads Office.
James pondered what Sirius had said. It couldn’t be! It just didn’t make any sense to him. Sure Lily and him have been getting along great lately, but it’s because they have been forced to spend all this time together! She has no choice but to like his presence at this point or she would’ve been driven mad! And true, she has been getting a bit touchy-feely after he tells a joke, but the other day, Mary had grabbed onto him too, and there’s no way Mary likes him. Sure it had been because she was about to trip down the stairs, but it was still a touch!
I mean, Lily does touch him all the time though…Is it possible?
NO, James thought to himself. He can’t go down that path right now. He needs to focus on just making her fall in love with him the old fashioned way, slowly but surely. They’d only been actual friends for a few months, so he figured he still had time. He can’t get distracted by possibilities. The next time James Potter asks Lily Evans out, he needs to have no doubt whatsoever in his young, but brilliant, mind that she is going to yes—with enthusiasm, and then she would snog the living daylights out of him.
Well okay, the last part doesn’t have to happen, but it sure as Merlin would be a welcomed reaction.
As James approached the doors to the Heads Office, he could hear the bickering voices of Lily and Marlene. “Merlin’s Beard! Lily, you have to tell him!” burst Marlene.
“I know. I will. I am going to do it tonight I think,” she responded.
“You’re going to tell who what tonight?” asked James as he waltzed into the room.
Lily’s head turned so quickly he was worried she might have hurt herself for a second.
“Oh, um, I have to tell Benjy that I think I saw his toad the other day,” squeaked Lily.
“What? I thought Benjy had an owl?” puzzled James.
“He has a toad too Potter. Didn’t you know? Its name is Arnold,” assured Marlene.
“Oh…no I didn’t. Well, yeah, you better tell him then.”
“I will! Right after rounds,” replied Lily giving Marlene a grateful look as she left to go back to the common room.
“Good, well, we better get going then,” reasoned James motioning her out the door.
As they wandered through the corridors, occasionally checking broom closets and classrooms for any misbehaving students, they talked through their usual topics: their days, stories from their childhoods, Sirius’ ridiculous comments in class that morning, Remus’ deteriorating health etc. However, James noticed that Lily seemed a little off tonight.
“Lil, what’s up? You seem nervous?”
“Oh, yeah, I guess I am,” said Lily quietly.
“Well, for starters, I lied earlier, in the Heads Office. Benjy does not have a toad named Arnold.”
“I bloody knew it! Benjy is way too cheesy to choose a name like Arnold. He would choose something dumb like Mr. Toad.”
“Oh my God, you’re totally right! He would choose a name like Mr. Toad,” laughed Lily.
“So why’d you lie Lils?”
“Right. Well, it’s because you’re the person I actually had something to tell tonight.”
“Oh?” inquired James.
“Yeah, cause you see Potter…well, um, I kinda fancy the pants off you.”
James eyes went wide behind the frames of his glasses, and he stopped walking mid-step.
“I fancy you James,” said Lily slowly stopping in front of him.
James’ silence continued for what felt like ages to Lily. She debated with herself as to whether or not she should say it again, but thought better of it. She could see the cogs turning in his beautiful messy-haired head. So she just watched him patiently as he processed the best news he had ever heard in his life.
After a minute or two, James finally responded, “Evans.”
“Yes Potter?”
“I need to clarify something here.”
“Do you fancy me? Or do you kinda fancy me?” James asked with smirk as he put his hands around her waist.
“Don’t be an idiot Potter,” she replied, and then, to James’ utter astonishment, she weaved her hands through his hair, bringing her face close to his, and proceeded to snog the living daylights out of him.
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