#finally am getting more cards of the boy that i like so I'm happy on that front
good morning!! :3
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Going Crazy About the LADS Boys Kisses (Entwined Shadow Event)
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His kisses are strong and needy but at the same time it shouts as a stablish relationship. MC (only) reaches out for him and hugged him tighter.
We know that they kiss before (Drunken Intimacy and Heart Within Reach) But this is something different. You can see how MC entrust herself to him. We got a full blown make out session with Zayne. I almost faint!
Since Zayne is a man of few words, its really bone melting to hear him convey his feelings directly.
He always exudes confidence, yet he once again like to confirm your feelings for him.
This card really makes me crave for him. Oh, Zayne! The man you are!
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He is as cryptic as always. He really like to spoke in riddles that always got me thinking twice but his kisses are different. He is sure and he really wants it.
I saw on twitter that the cherry MC holding cherry is a euphemism for something. Thinking about it, I feel that it's right considering Xavier also mentioned "It's also the first time". I just don't know how to chug this down. You can look at it as M/C proactively offering herself to him or Xavier asking it from her.
All of this making me feel that they are starting their relationship or going to another level. What do you think?
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His kisses is sweet and it is the first time he is more serious and I definitely like him this way.
Rafayel conveys his feelings in a way that is like joking or sarcastic, but this event definitely changes him. However, contrary to the beautiful and serene garden they are in, his words are deep and meaningful that is almost scary. It's like he is gonna disappear anytime.
This card almost feel like the start of their relationship and I am really happy for him. After pinning for MC for long time, masking his longing for jest, he finally allows himself to be with you wholeheartedly.
I always feel like he is scared from his own feelings. He has gave it all and he is finally doing it again. Oh I'm crying.
Final Thoughts (Just My Opinion Cause I Might Miss Something and I can be wrong)
After analyzing everything carefully, Zayne is definitely ahead when it comes to relationship. Their kiss and their body language says it all.
Xavier is somewhat tentative but he sure loves MC. He craves for us but did not know how to express it.
As for Rafayel, it's like he is taking his sweet time building a strong relationship with you. He is so cautious and borderline afraid to get things so fast. And I really really appreciate that.
This is the first time I wanna get all the cards and I hope everyone can as well.
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chaos-in-deepspace · 19 days
LADS Zayne: A Good Day | NSFW
Happy Birthday Zayne!!! Our boy deserves a good day because he's our little meow meow! I'm so happy with his event and today imma play his card because I've been holding myself back and AAAAAAAH I am so ready for this. Also this is going to have two parts, the other will be posted by mid-day!
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❧ Pairings: Zayne x Reader ❧ Warnings: Fluff, Dry Humping, Cum Eating, Hand Jobs ❧ Synopsis: Zayne's birthday is finally here, and he asked to have a simple, uncrazy day. So a hike through a forest and a picnic dinner by the lake sounded perfect. Halfway through the hiking trail though, Zayne decides he wants his birthday present early. ❧ Word Count: 4.5k
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Disclaimer: This is an original fan work for “Love and Deepspace”. Do not repost on other platforms or plagiarize. All characters shown in this fic is 18+.
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Blog Information | Masterlist
Part 2
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A Good Day
Being on a private hiking trail was certainly something that you weren’t used to. The path was well kept, but there weren’t any signs to your destination. While you were always used to running into people, even if it were one or two, you hadn’t seen a single soul. It was nice, for once, to be as affectionate as you wanted to on your walk with Zayne without having to worry about random passersby.
Zayne was still a little uncomfortable with PDA so you normally tried keeping it to a minimum. This entire hike you had been clinging to his arm, randomly pulling him down for a kiss, and just being all over him the entire time. It was probably why the hike was taking longer than anticipated. He didn’t stop you once, instead leaning closer whenever you tugged on him and giving a knowing look, sometimes commenting that he wasn’t going to walk off without you if you let go.
You had full plans on making it there for an early dinner so you could sit and enjoy the sunset while you sat by the lake at the end of the trail. Zayne had thought ahead and made sure you two left earlier than expected because he knew you, and he knew you’d probably get distracted and want to take a few breaks here and there. Your loyal doctor was, of course, right in this assumption.
Which is what you were doing now, sitting on a perfectly flat rock that was clearly placed on the trail for people to sit on.  The uphill climb was more tiring than you expected, especially with how you were practically skipping because you were so damn happy to be spending a vacation with Zayne. You once swore you would never be one of those lovestruck smuck, but there was just something about this man that had you acting like an idiot.
You felt something ice cold touching the back of your neck and you let out a small yelp at the sensation, almost jumping right off the rock. You turned your head and was met with Zayne having that ‘innocent’ smirk on his face, the one he always swears he doesn’t give you whenever he’s being a little shit. Everyone always thought this man was so calm and composed, but you knew better. He always had a teasing streak when it came to you, even when it came off with his dry humor.
Your eyes went down and you saw the water bottle he was holding out to you, which was the culprit of that freezing sensation. He had used his evol most likely to make sure it chilled perfectly for you. He always told you warm water was better at quenching your thirst, but after you had complained once he always made sure it was cold for you.
“You should hydrate,” he commented as you took the water from his hand. You stuck out your tongue, and uncapped the bottle; pressing it against your lips and taking a few sips, then  wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
“Thank you, honey dearest,” You said with a teasing smile. Watching the man’s face get a small flush from your endearing nickname was adorable as you placed the bottle next to you, “We’ve only been hiking for like…what an hour and a half? Why is this hike so hard?” you were whining now, although as a hunter this was nothing, you still wanted boyfriend sympathy. Sadly though, your boyfriend was a logical man and only gave you sympathy when you actually deserved some, not fishing for it.
“The first half is up a steep incline and we’re carrying a lot of supplies. Once we reach the peak it’ll be downhill so it should be easier,” Zayne pointed out. Right next to your feet was a rather large modified picnic basket. You had brought a lot of stuff, wanting to make sure you and Zayne would have enough for dinner. He had claimed he didn’t want to do anything extravagant for his birthday dinner, so taking it out in nature by a lake was the best solution you could find.
Just the two of you with beautiful scenery and some home cooking. You had even prepared a small surprise for him in the basket, which is why you had insisted you’d carry it. Zayne had protested a lot about that, but your stubbornness won out in the end when you told him this would be good training for you.
“Are we almost there?” you asked, knowing that Zayne had been the one to get the map so you two wouldn’t get lost. After your last little hike ended in a two hour detour because you swore you knew where you were going, he became the navigator.
“We’re about ten minutes from the top, and going downhill will only take maybe twenty minutes.” He stated and you let out a small sigh of relief. You couldn’t wait to get there and just relax and have a nice dinner. You had managed to work up a good appetite from the hike, and your stomach rumbled slightly as if reminding you it was still there.
“Good, I’m starving,” you commented. You had been preparing your dinner all afternoon, and as a result skipped lunch by accident. You did have a few samples of what you were making though, mainly because Zayne would keep stealing bits and then pressing it against your lips so you’d try it. It was most likely his attempt at making sure you didn’t become hangry later in the day. He used the excuse of helping you as well, not letting you say no when he asked, so you had given him simple tasks.
It had been fun having him helping you out in the kitchen. Especially when he had been content to just wrap his arms around your waist and rest his head on top of yours while you stirred a pot. Moments like those were irreplaceable and you wished you could do it every day. Sometimes your busy schedules were truly a hindrance. One day though, perhaps one day you two would get to have that domestic bliss every day.
“You know, you never did tell me what was in that mystery package when you put our lunch together,” Zayne said as he decided to sit down on the rock next to you. You glanced at him with a smile, knowing he was trying to pry information from you. The package was something you had made at your own apartment yesterday before you guys had even come to this cabin.
You had been very stubborn in telling him not to look in it when you placed it into the fridge, letting him know it would be for dinner. Of course it didn’t stop him from being curious, probably because he figured it was a dessert of some kind. He had been cuter than usual when he saw you place it in the fridge. He had pressed a kiss to your cheek and asked if he could have his present early. He even used your weakness of nuzzling his face into the back of your neck while cuddling, knowing it made you absolutely melt.
So far you had managed to keep it a top secret from him, but it looked like his curiosity was getting the better of him. Sometimes he really did like to push it since he knew you always caved in with a few looks and touches from him. This man knew the effect he had on you, and wasn’t opposed to using it to his advantage.
“I told you, it was a surprise,” you said, feeling his hand cupping your cheek. His thumb trailing over you then going to tuck a strand of hair behind your hair. He was being cute again, giving you a soft look. This stubborn man…
His hand went back to just resting on your cheek and you were now leaning into his touch, unable to help yourself. “Yes? Did you need something?” you mumbled, already knowing you would be caving in soon. Your resolve was already melting away and he just needed to push a little more and it was all over for you.
“Is it so wrong for me to want to look at my partner?” he asked, pressing his thumb against your lip now. You chuckled, looking at him and kissing the finger there. Zayne smiled, the tips of his ears only a little red for the time being. You leaned closer to him on the rock, your hand almost touching his thigh and he shifted himself in case you wanted to come just a little closer and close the distance between you two.
“Normally it isn’t, but I know you,” you pointed out, taking his hand in your own, and playing with it. “You’re trying to butter me up right now,” you turned his hand so you could place some kisses on his knuckles. A small shiver went down Zayne’s spine as he looked at you with slightly wider eyes. His expressions came a little easier since it was only you two right now. While to others he still seemed expressionless, you could tell from the most subtle twitch of his lips how he was feeling now.
“I’m doing no such thing, I’m simply admiring you,” it was a weak argument, but it was enough to make you blush. You let out a small whine of protest, knowing you were losing right now. He was flustering you too much, the butterflies in your stomach going batshit crazy because he was just so perfect you couldn’t handle yourself. Who told him he could act like this and make you feel things?
You suddenly felt his warm lips pressing against your cheek, causing another whine to leave you. You wanted more, you wanted to feel his lips on yours. When he leaned back he could clearly see it on your face, but instead of doing anything about it he just had that subtle, knowing smirk. You were pouting now, knowing you’d have to take charge if you wanted a kiss and play right into his hands.
Instead of giving in immediately you decided to just try to continue on your conversation, “Well, if that’s all…” you murmured, your eyes looking away from him. You squeezed his hand and he adjusted his grip to run his thumb across yours. It was his turn to bring your hand to his lips and kiss the back of it, making your breath get caught in your throat.
“However…” he began and you knew it. This was it. This was where you broke and gave the man whatever it is he wanted, “Perhaps a snack wouldn’t hurt to help us reenergize for the last leg of our trip,” there it was. It was almost relieving that you had gotten to know Zayne so well that you just knew what he was going to do sometimes.
You laughed, pushing him slightly on the chest and rolled your eyes, “I fucking knew it,” you huffed. You could see the ghost of a smile on him because he already knew he was getting what he wanted now.
“Language,” another eye roll from you was the result of his little comment. You leaned closer to his face until you were staring directly into those hazel eyes of his.
“Besides, it was merely a suggestion, I don’t know what you’re trying to imply with your comment,” he played coy, as though he wasn’t trying to manipulate you into giving him the treats you had packed. You groaned and leaned forward, pressing a kiss against his lips.
“You’re playing dirty,” you said against his mouth, feeling the tug of his smile as he leaned in for another peck. “Way too bold today…” Another peck was his response as he took your chin between his pointer and thumb to keep you in place.
“Was it not you who said the ‘Birthday Boy could have whatever he wanted today’?” he reminded you, pressing another sweet kiss to your lips. You were absolutely putty in his hands right now, wanting to just kiss him breathless.
“How dare you use my own words against me,” your complaints fell on deaf ears as he brought you in for a longer kiss. This time your mouths working together, pressed up and savoring the contact. You felt him nibble on your lower lip teasingly, making you gasp. He really was being bold today, and you were all for it. He parted before you could lean in to deepen the kiss, a small pout on your lips and you could hear him huff in amusement.
“You can’t be mad at me for being curious. You’ve been sneaky the past few weeks, claiming you were ‘busy’ and then coming back smelling like sweets,” He said after a moment, leaning away from you for a moment. You whined, knowing he was done kissing you for the time being. Normally he was the one who had no restraint when it came to these things, but the man was on a mission. 
He had probably been wondering what you had been up to since you continuously told him you had plans when he asked you to cuddle on the couch…which was easily one of the hardest things you had done in your life. Saying no to Zayne? Unspeakable. Still, you wanted this to be the perfect surprise, so even if you left his home almost in tears because you wanted to run back into his arms, you held strong.
“I told you, I was going out with Tara,” You reminded him. It wasn’t a lie, when you told your friend you wanted to do something special for Zayne, she suggested making his favorite sweets. The only issue is that his favorite sweets happened to be macarons. So she had been going to classes with you. You only thought you’d be attending one, but after failing miserably you went to four more just to make sure you had it down to a science.
“Then care to enlighten me as to what you were going out for?” He asked, trying to pry it out of you. You let out a little groan the moment you saw the look in his eyes. He was giving you those big, pouty eyes. The ones he swore he never made at you. You knew he was a filthy liar though, the look on his face could only be described as a kicked puppy. He was almost begging right now, knowing how weak you were.
“Did you want your surprise right now?” You caved in, knowing that it was futile. You shouldn’t have stopped at all, should’ve powered through the walk and gotten to the lake to avoid this. He would be the end of you. You could give him the entire world if that’s what he asked. It’s the entire reason you had made him take time off work so you could spoil him for his birthday. Spending a couple days together in a secluded cabin is all you wanted so he could relax.
You felt him kissing your cheek again, “Only if you feel like sharing with the class,” he said, happy to have won this round. You almost pinched his cheeks for that, he seemed far too satisfied knowing he got you to crumble.
Instead you groaned and nodded, “Okay, fine, but only because you’re being really cute right now,” you saw him frown a little at that. He always said he wasn’t ‘cute’, but anyone with eyes could see it, “You can only have one though. You can have as many as you want after we eat an actual meal,” you at least could hold strong on this stance. You refused to let his appetite get spoiled because he ate too many sweets. Sometimes he could really act like a child…not that you were any better. You two brought out the best of each other, the childlike whimsy coming back in each other's presence.
“That’s agreeable,” it better be. You brought him down for a quick peck again before parting and going to the picnic basket you had. The bottom compartment had a cooler in it that you had stashed the treats in. You rummaged around, finding the perfectly packed box that you had wrapped in a pale blue cloth with snowflakes decorating it.
“Alright, close your eyes,” You instructed him. He complied, closing them with a smile on his lips. You took out one of the macarons you had slaved over; it wasn’t perfect by any means. Still the top and bottom were smooth and not burnt, and the cream inside tasted amazing judging by how you kept sampling it. They certainly weren’t worthy of being sold in a bakery, but they’d suffice for the time being.
You placed one at his lips and he opened and took a small bite out of it. He covered his mouth as he chewed, finally opening his eyes to see you holding out the other half of the macaron. He took your hand and brought the rest up to him, taking it into his mouth and savoring the sweet treat. You flushed at his boldness as he made eye contact with you.
His eyes then went to the box in your lap where he could see the rest. Some of them were a little disfigured, but you could vouch that they tasted good, “You made these yourself?” he finally said and you nodded.
“Ya, I went to classes with Tara so I could make them for you, they’re not the best, but they taste good at least,” you said, suddenly feeling a little nervous. You watched as Zayne’s tongue poked out, licking the remnants off your fingers and you gasped at the action, feeling the teasing sensation on your fingertips.
“They were perfect,” he said and you swallowed thickly, not knowing how to respond. You looked away from him, your heart was beating widely now because of him. He knew what he was doing because he kissed the pads of your fingers in response.
“I-I mean they’re not that great…” you murmured, “If I bought these in a bakery I would be pretty mad,” you tried rambling on, avoiding eye contact. He let go of your hand and you felt your shoulders relax as you could now think clearly again.
“I’d prefer it if you didn’t talk down about my favorite baker,” Zayne said with a small sigh and you let out a whine from the back of your throat. His compliments were starting to get to you and you really didn’t know what you were supposed to say.
“I…fine,” you decided to just go with it. Arguing would only result in sweeter compliments being thrown your way. You sighed as you took the box and wrapped it back up, then placed it to the side so it was out of the way, “Well now that I’ve officially spoiled the birthday boy by letting you have a present early, I think we should get back to heading to the lake,”
Zayne had other ideas as you felt his hand around your waist, dragging you closer to him. You had to adjust yourself, throwing one leg over his lap so you could straddle him since you already knew this dance. Anytime Zayne could get you on his lap, he would. It was basically your favorite chair at this point, and it felt a lot better than the hard rock you were on.
“Yes?” you chuckled, waiting for him to tell you what he wanted. Instead you felt his hand on the nape of your neck, dragging you closer to him. Your lips met and you were still smiling against him. This time it wasn’t just a quick peck, it was a little more heated. His lips worked against you and made you moan once you felt his tongue prodding your lips, requesting access to your mouth.
He still tasted like macarons, sweet on your tongue as it glided against yours so perfectly. You couldn’t forget the irony of getting off of a hard rock, only to find yourself on a different hard object. Zayne’s hands went to your thighs, dragging you closer to his body, and you had to place a hand on his chest, moving your face away and watching the small string of saliva between you break as you panted.
“You’ve spoiled me, I think I want another present now,” his voice was a little more gravely as he pulled you in for another kiss. You moaned against his lips, feeling his hips rolling up into yours. You could feel his growing arousal pressing between your legs as you pushed your hips down on it. The way Zayne’s breath hitched at the movement sending a shiver right down your spine.
“Zayne, don’t forget we’re in public right now,” and on the edge of a hiking trail. Sure you guys hadn’t seen a single soul on the trail, but the thought of doing something so lewd in such an open area was…well you couldn’t say it wasn’t a turn on. You were just so used to Zayne being more modest about how he acted in public.
“This is a private cabin that the lake is connected to. Nobody else should be walking this trail,” Zayne said, squeezing your thighs a little harder. You moaned again as you began grinding down on him, “And you did say the birthday boy could have whatever he wanted today.”
With his permission you began grinding down on him again, letting out small moans as you felt his cock rubbing at you through your thin pants. His pants were already so tight that you could feel the outline of him perfectly through it.
Your hands were gingerly placed on his shoulders, giving you more support as you worked yourself on him, pressing down on him just right to hear small moans leaving him. The grip he had on your thighs was near bruising as he held himself back. He still rutted up into you, even through the layers of clothes he could still feel the warmth of your core against him.
“Zayne, you’re such a pretty boy. I love it when you become a mess just from something like this,” You moaned, looking down at his flushed cheeks. His hair was already a little disheveled, and he was panting, his kiss swollen lips parting slightly as he looked up at you with hazy eyes. Just the sight of him had your insides clenching around nothing.
He let out another groan and gasp, pulling you down tightly against his lap to stop your movements, “G-give me a minute to-,” he started and you could only chuckle. You pressed a kiss to his forehead, then another to his cheek. You could see he was taking one of his hands to bring to the front of his pants to take out his cock, so you grabbed his wrist and placed it back on your thigh.
“If you take your dick out here it could count as public indecency,” you chided, moving your hips as much as you could on his lap. There wasn’t much he could do, not when he found himself under your mercy as you rolled against his cock, the fabric only providing more stimulation to him.
He bucked his hips up into you, jolting your entire body as you began working on him again, this time pressing your hips harder onto his own, intent on making him cum just from a little dry humping.
The moment you could hear him whimpering you knew he was almost there. He always had the same, cute reactions when he was close to coming. The way his body subtly shook against yours, his thrusting became sloppy and erratic, and the way his noises got louder as he lost the ability to keep himself quiet.
“Zayne, are you fine with it in your pants, or no?” You finally said, panting now as you started pressing kisses along the column of his neck, being careful not to leave marks in places he couldn’t cover. He groaned at your words, holding your thighs still.
“No, out,” was all he managed to say between moans and you nodded. You unzipped his pants quickly and took out his dick. The moment it was in your hand you stroked it once and held your hand over the tip as he came. Your hand collected the warm fluid as he groaned, rolling his hips up into your waiting hand.
You watched as Zayne panted, pressing his forehead against your shoulder as he took a moment to calm down, his body still going through the after effects of his orgasm. You slowly took your hand away, satisfied you were able to not cause a complete mess in his pants. As much as you would’ve loved to, you knew you guys still had a full day of plans and it would probably be uncomfortable for him.
“Feel better?” You asked after a moment, noticing how his breathing started to go back to normal. He let out a small moan against you, lifting his head. He took a moment to stare at you which you decided was the perfect opportunity to bring your hand up to your lips.
You licked at his release, letting out an exaggerated moan at the taste. While cum wasn’t the best flavor, Zayne did take good care of himself so it lacked the normal bitterness. Zayne let out a groan from the back of his throat as you spoke, “Tastes even better than the macarons,”
You felt his large hand wrapping around your wrist and then dragging you forward onto him, locking your lips in a heated kiss. His tongue pressing against your own as he tasted himself on you. You smirked into the exchange, licking the roof of his mouth and making his gasp as you bit down on his lower lip.
“Is the birthday boy satisfied?” you finally asked, pressing a peck at the corner of his mouth. You watched as he cleared his throat, slowly coming back to himself. You began working his dick back into his pants and zipping it back up so he had at least some decency for the moment.
“Almost, we still need to take care of you,” Zayne said, looking down at his lap. Of course he would realize you didn’t cum just yet. You chuckled, cupping his cheek with your clean hand and making him look at you.
“You know, the picnic blanket I got is really comfortable. Maybe we can take care of one another and work up an appetite before dinner?” You watched as Zayne’s throat bobbed and he flushed slightly. It was clear he liked the sound of that, already thinking of all the ways he could have you by the lake.
“We can do that,” he said and watched as you stood up. You grabbed a napkin from your bag, wiping up the rest of the mess on your hand and running some of the water he handed you earlier. You then reached out, helping him to his feet albeit shakily.
“Oh and by the way…happy birthday,”
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Tadaaaa! And if anyone was wondering, yes the Rafayel fic is coming and soon. I just need to do the final edits and I'll post it. I wanted to get it out before Zayne's birthday, but it's a literal behemoth of a fic.
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tj-dragonblade · 25 days
[FIC] Past the Wit of Man (or, Bottom's Dream)
Fandom: The Sandman Pairing: Dreamling Rated: M Word Count: 3657 Tags: comedy, attempted comedy, comedy devolving into feels, identity reveal, sex worker Hob Gadling, advancing my Men In Lingerie agenda, long-haired Hob Gadling agenda, stretching timelines like taffy, Desire and Dream get along AU, but Desire is not actively in this, Dead Boy Detectives comic spoilers mentioned, miscommunication, Dream of the Endless finally uses his words, happy ending
Notes: Kudos props and huge thanks to everyone in the Mr Sadman discord who creatively interpreted a snippet I posted of something else and launched the whole idea of Hob working for a supernatural escort service; this would not exist without y'all and your beautiful brainstorming. ❤️
This fills the August monthly @dreamlingbingo prompt Identity Reveal, replacing square A2 (creature: Veela) on my bingo card
Summary: Hob is nicely settled in a new career and a new identity and does not expect to see his Stranger until 2089. The universe, apparently, has other ideas.
On AO3
~ "Your client is Dream of the Endless. He is extremely ancient and extremely powerful, an underpinning concept of the universe. Absolutely terrible about loosening up and letting himself relax."
"Don't think I'd be much good at relaxing if I was an underpinning concept of the universe either," Hob jokes, opening the profile that the Agency rep has just airdropped to his phone and thumbing through it.
The rep, a foppish vampire with curly white hair and impeccable fashion sense, arches one elegant eyebrow at him. "Apparently his most recent girlfriend dumped him quite harshly and his sibling has arranged this booking on his behalf; he's—and I am quoting here—'absolutely incompetent at managing his own happiness'."
"He knows he's been booked though, right? I'm not gonna catch the fallout because no one told him what kind of appointment this is?" It's only happened once, a prank played on a shy ace nixie by her well-meaning but ill-informed friends; all the same, Hob does not care to repeat the experience—particularly with someone potentially more dangerous.
"He is very much aware and in agreement, yes. We promised him our top companion." The rep dimples at Hob, a smile of saccharine sincerity that shows only the barest hint of fang. "And that's you, sweet Nick."
"And that's me," Hob agrees matter-of-factly, frowning at his phone, then turning it to show his guest. "No photo?"
The rep glances at the screen and makes a commiserative noise. "Oh, yes. Unfortunate, that. Cameras have a very hard time with this fellow, something to do with his general relationship to reality." His tone takes on a simpering air of great melodrama. "We were forced to use an artist's rendition instead! Tragic, really; it doesn't do him justice."
"Huh," Hob says, turning his phone back and studying the cartoony hand-drawn image. Guy looks like he's got some sort of steampunk insect for a head, dark and bolt-laden and bug-eyed, with a trunk that's strongly reminiscent of a disembodied spine. "Dream of the Endless, you said? Looks more like a bloody nightmare."
The rep gives an exaggerated roll of his shoulders, as if shrugging off his delivery duty now that it's done, and turns to leave. "Well whatever the case, an Endless is far above the average client, darling. Give him your best."
"'Course." Hob grins. "That's why you brought the assignment to me, after all."
"Just so." The Agency rep gives a lazy wave in parting and Hob closes the door, still scrolling through the profile as he makes his way to the kitchen.
"Dozens of titles and names", he murmurs, glancing through the list of them. "King of Dreams and Nightmares, alright. Contains the entire collective unconscious of every living being in. Every…universe…?" He shakes his head. "Has never taken a vacation ever. Bested Lucifer Morningstar and oversaw the reassignment of Hell—okay, wow. Billions of years old." He whistles, a long sound of awed disbelief. "Maybe I throw in a free massage for this guy; sounds like he could use it."
He shakes his head again, pockets his phone, carries on with getting breakfast together.
Bug-headed workaholic foundational concept of the universe. Won't be the weirdest client he's ever serviced.
It's been ten years since his stranger showed up late for their meeting and smiled so openly and named him friend. That had been their longest meeting yet, lasting all afternoon and on into the evening and it wasn't until the Inn had started closing up for the night that they wound down. His stranger had spoken briefly of the missed appointment in 1989, making clear that something at least mildly traumatic had kept him away and also that he did not wish to elaborate, and Hob had let it go. There was so much to tell of his own century past, his friend remarking with interest on a great many of his stories, and it was enough. His stranger, his friend, had come back, and they'd had a lovely long meeting. Perhaps in 2089 he would be comfortable sharing more of his own story, but even if not, Hob didn't mind. He was confident once more in the friendship he'd declared back in 1889 and willing to coax it out bit by bit, meeting by meeting. He had all the time in the world, after all.
Within a year of that meeting he'd wrapped up his teaching career, arranged for ownership of the New Inn to transfer to a 'relative' in the States who'd keep it running the next few decades, and started searching for a new career for his next identity.
He stumbled quite by accident into the broader supernatural world after being stalked by two dead teenagers helping that de Rais creep who wanted to steal his immortality. It all turned out fine in the end but opened Hob's eyes to exactly how much the supernatural had integrated into the modern world around him. And once old Hettie clued him in to the existence of a certain Service Agency catering to supernatural clients, his next career path was all but decided. What was he going to do, not seize the opportunity for fantastical sexual exploration when presented with it? Life was for living! Werewolves, vampires, sirens and fae and merfolk, the occasional ghost and even an extra-terrestrial or two; scales, feathers, tentacles, knots—Hob's shown them all a good time and earned a stellar reputation among the Agency's clientele. He doesn't plan to do it forever, but he enjoys exploring new avenues and stretching his limits and 'Nick Bottom' is the perfect persona to let him do so.
And now sweet high-priced in-demand Nick has been booked to rebound-fuck an uptight concept in humanoid form who looks like something straight out of a nightmare.
Hob can't wait to completely take this guy apart one orgasm at a time until he's a boneless puddle of satiation and send him home afterwards a brand new man.
Concept. Entity. Whatever.
The booking is scheduled for the following day and when the time comes, Hob is fresh and clean and set up in the Agency's most lavish suite. He's let his hair grow the last few years, sports a proper Hozier-like mane at this point, is wearing it down for this appointment. His beard is several weeks old, trimmed to artfully-scruffy perfection and well-groomed. He's lounging on the bed in a short open silk robe and a pair of lace panties that hug his hips and leave most of both arse cheeks exposed, a popular outfit in his repertoire sure to please the classiest of clients with the most discerning taste. Both pieces are a matching vibrant cobalt blue that complements his skin tone beautifully. He's wondering what fucking a concept is like, idly massaging his dick now and then to keep it primed, when finally there's a peculiar displacement of air and then a figure in dark robes with a weird spine-trunked bug-eyed head is standing in the middle of the suite. He's taller than Hob and inhumanly rail-thin; the robes plunge deep from the neckline, displaying milk-white skin without a hint of chest hair and clavicles that beg to be nibbled on. He's in profile, angled slightly away, and Hob has the distinct sense that this is a deliberate pose meant to make an impression, to instill awe and possibly fear in him.
So Dream of the Endless has a flair for drama, got it.
"Hello," Hob greets in his best breathless-and-sultry tone, rising from the bed to approach his client. He layers in a suitable amount of awe, pitching his voice toward 'smitten' with a subtle ring of sincerity to support it. "Oh, wow. You must be Dream of the Endless; I'm so delighted to get to meet you! I'll be taking care of you today; you can call me Nick."
The guy, the concept, Dream of the Endless, he goes stock-still as Hob speaks, and it's like the air in the room pauses with him. He turns, slowly, until Hob is face to face with his…oh, possibly that's a mask, then; the bug-eyed lenses are somewhat translucent in the light though Hob still can't see beneath them.
"There has been some mistake." The voice is deep and distorted through the helmet-mask, bone-rattling in an almost-pleasant way and, somehow, somewhat…familiar? "I was meant to be meeting with 'Nick Bottom'." The quotes around the name are audible.
"That's me!" Hob says, raking a hand back through his hair and shaking it to settle around his shoulders attractively, flashing his most charming smile. "At your service, love, whatever you need. I'm here to make sure you have a very good time, and—"
"Hob Gadling."
That draws him up short. He's currently Robyn Gadrin for tax-paying purposes in the outside world, but the Agency wouldn't give out his current identity let alone his true name, so how—
Hob's brain is babbling insistently about the note of familiarity in that voice and he finally lights on why as Dream of the Endless reaches up to remove his helmet.
Hob finds himself staring at the slightly-more-than-human-but-still-very-familiar face of his Stranger, his centennial touchstone, his friend.
Everything about his reality tips a little bit sideways, dominoes crashing one after the other in his brain until all that's left is that awful ringing alarm tone that features in emergency broadcast alerts on American telly.
Between them, the silence stretches awkwardly, until finally Hob breaks it, the first thing that comes to his tongue spilling out while his poor brain is still rebooting.
"Six-hundred some-odd bloody years, and this is how I learn your name?!"
It is five minutes later. Hob is sitting on the side of the plush bed in his short silk robe and lace panties, clutching a bottled water and seriously considering availing himself of the bar in the next room because his emotions are all over the place. His Stranger—Dream of the Endless, apparently—is seated next to him. His eyes are not the blue that Hob is used to, are fully black with actual stars winking in and out of them; it's gorgeous but uncanny. He's currently not looking at Hob, has got the weird bug-spine helmet gripped tightly in both hands. Which are still so pretty, Hob can't help noticing, his fingers longer and more spindly than normal, splayed wide around the curve of the helm, nails painted black. Or maybe not painted, maybe they just are black.
Pretty, regardless.
Not a helpful thought at this juncture.
It's not like he'd thought his Stranger was actually human, obviously, and okay yes the possibility of meeting up with him via this particular career choice had crossed his mind once or twice, might've featured in a private fantasy or two; but also he'd never seriously imagined it because it felt so entirely implausible that his prim and lofty Stranger would ever engage in something so mundane. So casual.
Apparently, Hob was wrong about that.
He's not sure how to feel about it, either.
The smooth inhumanly-pale chest on display in the plunging vee of those artfully-draped robes is also not helping anything.
His Stranger—Dream— moves slightly, glances at him with those starry eyes, flexes those pretty fingers on the helmet. "I will. Arrange. For another. To take your place, Hob, you need not—"
"Now hold on a minute," Hob interrupts, sudden direction presenting itself for his floundering emotions to flow. "What do you mean, 'arrange for another'? What's wrong with me?"
Dream, his name is Dream of the Endless, Dream looks perplexed. "Our. History—"
"Oh yes, our illustrious storied history wherein we have met all of seven times before now and, may I remind you, you took offense to my suggestion that we might be friends until you'd had time to digest it properly, yes."
"I visited your dream, before undertaking a daunting journey from my realm to another. We shared wine. You gave a most thoughtful toast."
"I. Okay." He remembers that dream, yes; he remembers the wine that followed him out of it, and now with the knowledge that his Stranger is apparently King of all dreams and nightmares suddenly it all makes brand new sense. But he will process that later. "Eight. Still not a factor in my ability to do my job."
Mostly. It is his Stranger, after all, and it's not like he hasn't ever wanted—
"Sex would be. Awkward," Dream insists, and Hob loses it, never mind he'd half-thought the same thing until a second ago; Dream saying it makes him refute the assertion with everything he's got.
"You dare," he says, setting aside his water.
Dream boggles at him, cosmic eyes wide, mouth slightly parted.
"You. DARE. To disdain my professional services just because we know each other?!"
"Hob— "
"No. No, your booking was very clear that you were to have the very best, and that. Is. Me. So you will not be re-booking with another companion on the grounds that our acquaintance makes it 'awkward'; if you mean to partake of the services you've hired you will partake of them with me."
"My sibling."
"My sibling hired your services. Did they know—" He's half talking to himself and Hob sighs, forcefully pulling the conversation back on track.
"Yes, right; your sibling booked you and here you are. Did you want to get laid today?"
"You need not be so crude about it."
"Forgive me. Of course. Did you come here hoping to have a sensual skillful sexual experience with a stranger intent on your pleasure with no judgments or expectations placed upon you in return?" He makes a valiant effort to rein in his sarcasm. "Because I can still provide that. Minus the bit where we're not strangers."
Dream looks positively miserable, a sodden wet cat of a man in sex-appeal robes hunched on the edge of the decadently-plush bed, and there is certainly an understandable element of embarrassment to the situation but Dream is taking it so seriously. Hob is not surprised, exactly, but christ—he's more than willing to follow through never mind any feelings he may or may not want to admit to, and Dream is the one who'd agreed to the booking in the first place. You'd think he could handle this hiccup with a little more grace.
"It was my intent to. Do, as you say," Dream says at last, and Hob sighs.
"Is that still what you want, then? I promise I'll take good care of you." He's actually really warming up to the idea, not that he was cold to it to begin with. It's his Stranger after all. He's been willing to say yes for centuries. "They really did book you the best, and I would love to show you how well-earned my reputation is—"
"Hob—" Dream sounds pained, gives an artfully-dramatic shake of his head. "My wants are. Manageable. If no one else is available. I cannot simply engage with you so frivolously—"
Hob leaps up from the bed, stalks a frustrated few steps away and whirls back, spreads his arms. "Am I not appealing to you, Dream of the Endless?" He tosses his head, shakes his hair back, gestures at the blue silk and lace that he knows looks absolutely spectacular on him. "Would you like me to change clothes? I have a dozen more ensembles I'd be happy to put on if you'd rather peel me out of one of those. Would the Prince of Stories prefer roleplay? Golden-age pirate, biker bad boy, Mr. Darcy or Elizabeth, cowboy, librarian, Starfleet officer—I'll dress however you like." He's fired up, he's…it feels like anger but it's more like alarm; he is absolutely not about to let a colleague fuck HIS Stranger if Dream's looking to unwind. Not with all the thoughts he's entertained the last couple centuries, not when Dream is looking so entirely miserable about the whole experience. Hob wiggles his bare toes in the plush carpet, forcing a deep breath; he is jealous and possessive and protective all at once and has no idea how to safely navigate this storm to get Dream what he wants without pissing him off.
"Your…clothing becomes you greatly, Hob." He's sneaking a glance as he says it, like he's not allowed to look but can't help it. "Your clothing is not at issue."
"Then what is?" Hob rakes a hand back through his hair, frustration fizzling, careening toward concern. "If you're truly that put off by me, I'll let it go. But you're here, for sex, which you did say you wanted; this is my job and I'm good at it and you clearly need—" Someone to take care of you, he'd nearly said, and while Dream has been giving him so much leeway in this conversation he thinks that might be one straw too much for this particular camel's back.
Nice to know he appreciates Hob's hairy chest and his dick in blue lace, though.
Dream levels him with a look that almost puts him right back to 1889, and Hob has half a second to start panicking before Dream closes his eyes, draws himself up, sets his bloody weird helmet on the bedside table with a soft leathery clunk. When he opens his eyes again, they are resolute, resigned, the eyes of a man headed for the gallows despite the stars winking hopelessly in their depths.
"I do not wish to be intimate with you. When you view it as simply a job. I. Would like—but not. If it is a transaction. If I am merely a client."
Oh. Oh.
Oh shit, really?
"You want. You want it to mean something?" Hob is embarassed at how small his voice comes out.
Dream closes his eyes, something like shame written all over his beautiful otherworldly-pale face. "I had thought. At our fifth meeting. That perhaps there was the possibility of. Attraction, between us." He opens his night-sky eyes again, meets Hob's resolutely. "Had we not been interrupted…" He shakes his head. "I pondered the idea until next we met, anticipating the possibility of. Seeing, where we might have come to. But you named what was between us friendship, you named me lonely; I perceived your words as mockery and acted accordingly. I spent the next century with a surplus of time to wander my own thoughts. They turned to you, Hob Gadling, with regularity. As I expressed when last we met, I regret leaving our previous meeting so abruptly, so harshly. Your friendship is of great value to me. I am content to let it remain friendship, in the interest of keeping it. But I am unwilling to engage with you, who named me 'friend', as I would a lover when I have yet to fully bury the wish. That you might have been my lover in truth."
Hob is desperately trying to keep from bluescreening again and while he's focused on that, his mouth runs along without him. "You never even gave me a name, but you wanted us to be lovers?"
"I am. Aware, of how foolish my wishes—"
"No, oh no. Dream. Love." He absolutely cannot let him think that. "All you ever had to do was ask."
Dream looks at him, starry eyes full of misery with the faintest spark of hope underneath, glimmering with unshed tears. "I. Could not—"
"That was then. Water under the bridge. What about now."
Dream shivers, his more-than-human face wary and pleading and resigned all at once and the last of the fight drains out of Hob. He approaches gently, until he is directly in front of Dream on the edge of the bed again; he half straddles Dream's lap with one foot still on the floor and a bare knee sunk on the mattress beside him, threads both hands into Dream's hair behind his lovely ears, tips his pale face up.
"Ask me now. Please."
Dream's hand settles above his bent knee, a gentle, tentative touch; his eyelashes flutter, and the sound that leaves him steals Hob's breath. That hand travels softly around to grip the back of Hob's thigh, slides hesitantly higher, and then it's Hob making the helpless noise as Dream's fingertips card beautifully through his leg hair, run up beneath the short robe. Dream's spindly black-nailed hand caresses up over his exposed arse cheek, squeezes, and all the while Dream's beguiling uncanny eyes are fixed on him, wet and wondering, full of blossoming hope.
"Hob Gadling." His voice is hushed, almost reverent. "I should like to have you, as my lover. If you are amenable." His face is tipped up, so close between Hob's hands, and Hob.
Hob's shaking. He's actually trembling, pent up, a little scared; daring, as he leans down and his hair falls around them both, hoping—
He brushes his lips to Dream's.
He kisses his Stranger, his friend, his touchstone.
And Dream of the Endless, who is all of those things, kisses him back.
It's nothing like he might have imagined, and ten times as wonderful, and over before he realizes he's ended it.
"Do you mean it." His voice is breathless, the words spoken directly against Dream's mouth. It's a stupid question, in light of the entire conversation gone before and the hand still on his arse, but he can't help asking. This entire turn of events is just too good to be true.
But true it is, apparently, and Hob's heart soars.
"Then. Dream of the Endless. My Stranger. My friend." He presses soft kisses to those plush pink lips between each moniker, dizzy that he's allowed. "Let me add another title to the list, darling. Take me to bed; the suite is ours 'til tomorrow. Let me learn how you would have me. Let me show you how I would treat you. And let me, at long last, name you mine."
= Started: 8/21/24 Drafted: 8/27/24 Posted: 8/30/24
If you're looking for a spicier take on this concept, @delta-pavonis has you covered: Dossier 54392 - please, give it a read, it's delicious.
(and here, have a post-script-y epilogue-exchange of sorts that did not quite fit:)
= "You chose to name yourself Nick Bottom?"
"What better name for a callboy to the supernatural than the bloke who got unwittingly embroiled in a fae lovers' spat and ultimately survived the entire encounter unscathed? Feels pretty relevant to me. Empowering, a bit?"
"Nick Bottom was less 'empowered' than simply lucky, perhaps."
"Perhaps. I'll not turn my nose up at good luck, either. But a name like Bottom in this business is also too good a pun to pass up, and I figure old Shaxberd would approve."
"I believe he would, indeed."
"The irony being that fully half of my clients want me to top them, heh."
"I do not wish to speak of your clients while you are in bed with me."
"Got better uses for my mouth, have you?"
"Other sounds I would prefer to hear from it, yes."
"Fair enough. Why don't you tell me what you want, Mr. Sandman, and see if I can make your dreams come true."
"Must you be so cliché?"
"You love my clich—mmph—"
"Stop. Talking."
"Yes love."
(Dream will tell him about commissioning A Midsummer Night's Dream at some other time 💖)
= Nick Bottom's lines from A Midsummer Night's Dream that lent themselves to the title: I have had a dream, past the wit of man to say what dream it was and also The eye of man hath not heard, the ear of man hath not seen, man's hand is not able to taste, his tongue to conceive, nor his heart to report, what my dream was. I will get Peter Quince to write a ballad of this dream: it shall be called Bottom's Dream
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hanafubukki · 11 months
But- Grim flower boy is just so cute idea 😭 It's like, the bride is here with her found family, Lilia is the one to take the groom and the bride to the altar.
Lilia first take his dragon boy, saying his parents would be so proud of the love he found, and that him, has the one who raised him, is so proud to have lived enough time to see this moment. He make the speech like with his causual funny tone, but you can see in his happy smile and in his sparkling eyes that he is about to cry.
After the groom, he runs outside again, and comes back a bit later with the bride. Nobody heard what they told to each other. But be sure Papa bat have the "Take good care of him" talk with his boy's soon-to-be wife.
The groom is speechless facing his wife (have already the title for a long time for him- The wedding is just a way to tell it to the whole world). The bride shine of hapiness. They look at each other like nobody is in the room, and their old schoolmate from NRC are all here for the ceremony.
The wedding start, official speech are told, traditional ritual make...and it's time for the rings !
Here he is. Entering like a prince in a white suit, the cat monster with his fierce look going to the altar with the rings. His whole being tell "Look all at me. It's me who have the rings. I'm the Keeper of the rings !"
He gave the rings, vows are exchanged, bleesings given, the groom kiss the bride. Some are happy and shows it. Some have a little teardrop under their smile. Some tries to keep their pride. Some success. Some other tries, but have an ugly cry. And finally we have the one who just have the ugly cry of hapiness.
And finally, quitting the wedding office, the bride and the groom walks in the aisle under a flower rain (created by Grim. Best boi trains for months to make the surprise -and be sure it doesn't end in a fire).
It was a memorable wedding.
And not only because of Lilia's surprise cake.
-🦋 Anon
Hello 🦋 Anonie,
What if I cry?? What if I just curl up and cry from happiness??? 🦋 Anonie, this is so so cute omg. I am shaking you affectionately. Ahhhhh the need to get this card increased more, but Grim still hasn’t come home 😭
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Lilia has found many joys in recent centuries. He hatched Malleus and watched him grow into the fine man he is today. He raised Silver and Sebek as fine young men. He couldn’t be more proud of them all.
Lilia had always wanted to wear a formal suit and he finally had a reason to, at his son’s wedding.
Malleus looked as handsome as ever and Lilia could feel the sting in his eyes, looking at him now.
“Come my boy, let me tie that for you.”
Lilia floated to him, helping him with his tie. Malleus watched Lilia quietly with a smile on his face.
Lilia noticed and teased, “What? Not going to say you are too old for this old man to help you?”
Malleus clasped Lilia’s hands in his, “If I have learned anything, it is that you could never be too old for a parent’s love.”
Lilia felt his tears fall as a smile graced his lips, he hugged Malleus tightly.
“Thank you for loving me.”
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Lilia watched as Malleus and YN got married. Grim in particularly vibrating with joy and looking smart in his outfit.
He didn’t blame him; Lilia himself was vibrating from joy.
So many joys in life he experienced, he was truly blessed.
Meleanor and Levan, I hope you’re watching this. Malleus has become a fine young man.
As the bride and groom walked down the aisle, Lilia smiled.
“Fufufu~ I hope they enjoy my special present.”
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🦋 Anonie, this was so so cute. Thank you for sending this in 💞💞
(I’m using this as a summoning circle for Grim, please come home.🙏)
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burrowbaddie · 1 year
This was a request for Dad!Joe celebrating his son's birthday. I hope you like it @mrsshiesty
Dad!Joe is the type of dad to go all out for his son every birthday. I'm talking about he wakes up at 5 am to decorate his door. Joe has kept a neat list in his phone of everything his son even glanced at or mentioned. Dad!Joe might have gone overboard and bought him every toy he asked for throughout the year.
"Joe, do we really need to do this. I think-"
"Shhh. You'll wake him. I think it's a good tradition. Plus, he really likes it. With the new baby coming, he's been feeling left out." Joe whispers. You nod your head and pass him the tape. When you announced you were pregnant, Little Joe didn't take it so well. He did not want a sister he would have to share his daddy with. You rub your belly, watching your husband put the final touches on the door. This year, Jojo was really into dinosaurs. He had you and Joe redecorate his room to a dinosaur-themed room, including a Jeep bed with a T-Rex head hanging over it.
"It looks great. Now can we please go to bed? I'm 8 months, my feet hurt, and if I don't get my sleep in, I will be even more cranky."
Joe nods and pulls you to the bedroom. You only get two more hours of sleep before the birthday boy comes running in.
"Happy birthday to me! Jojo is 5 now!" He shouts. Joe sits up, pulling Jojo into the bed. You watch your son bounce on the bed excitedly.
"Dad! Make me the oatmeal with the dino eggs, please!" Jojo screams. Joe scoops him up, and they disappear, leaving you to sleep for a little bit more. You wake up around 10:30 to the boys watching Jurassic Park. You can't even remember the number of times Jojo has made you both watch those movies. You could probably recite the lines. Joe crawls out of the tent to pepper your face with kisses.
"Have you guys just been watching this?"
"Yeah, it's what he wanted. Hurry up and shower; you know we're taking him to the dinosaur exhibit." He reminds you.
"Actually, I need to stay here and get things ready plus, I think this will be good for you guys to talk. Our daughter will be here in 3 weeks, and he still refuses to talk about it." You whisper the last part. Joe agrees and takes Jojo upstairs to shower and get ready. The boys return wearing matching t-shirts and shorts. You kiss your boys and wish them farewell for now. You need to get everything ready for the surprise party.
"Dad. I'm a big kid now. I can sit in the front, right?"
"Not yet, kiddo. You need to get a little bit older." Joe laughs, strapping him into his car seat. Jojo starts playing with his T-rex along the drive. When they arrive, Joe gets stopped by some fans in the parking lot. He takes photos, but when the crowd gets too much, he has to decline. He didn't want to ruin Jojo's day.
"Why are those people taking photos, Dad?"
"I'm famous."
"Because Daddy plays football professionally; remember we talked about it?"
Jojo stares at him.
"But you're just daddy. How can you be famous?"
"Umm, you know the movie we watch? The people on there are acting professionally, so they are also famous." Joe explains. Jojo stares at him again.
"Am I famous?" He asks. Joe chuckles.
"Kinda, but not really."
"I see. Look how big this brachiosaur is!" Jojo shouts, wiggling out of Joe's arms. Joe sets him down and watches his son sprint the outside standee. Joe snaps a few photos and sends them to you. Jojo takes his hand and leads him to the entrance. Joe takes out his card to pay, but the cashier lets' him know it's free.
"I can't do that. It's fine."
"We insist, Joe." The manager says.
"At least let me pay for the family behind me." Joe hands the card over and the manager charges it. Jojo taps his foot waiting for his father to come. Joe finally finishes and takes his hand.
"We should start with the North America dinosaurs, then make our way around," Jojo shouts, holding up the map. Joe does his best to let Jojo take the lead, but people keep stopping them.
"Dad! We're going to miss the show!" Jojo yells.
"I need to get-"
"You need to get us another ring." An older guy says with his buddy nodding.
"I will try my best. Next season we plan to go harder." Joe nervously laughs.
"Dad!" Jojo screams, causing everyone to look. Joe excuses himself and follows Jojo.
"Sorry, the show started and unfortunately once it started we can't let anyone in." The worker apologizes but Jojo's eyes start to water.
"I'm so sorry little man."
"Take me home! I want Mommy!" He cries.
"Look, we still have one more floor to go to."
"I said home!" Jojo runs off, and Joe chases him. He picks Jojo up and takes him to the last floor. Jojo buries his face in Joe's neck and refuses to pay attention. Joe mispronounces the dinosaur names on purpose so that Jojo corrects him every time.
"No that is Diplodocus, dad." Jojo corrects him smiling.
"So smart." Joe kisses his head and lets Jojo down to explore. This time Joe refuses photos and autographs, which most people understand. He is not there at star quarterback Joe Burrow. Today he is only dad. Joe takes Jojo back for the show, but the next show isn't until 3, and they needed to head home for the party.
"It's his birthday today, and it would really mean a lot."
"I understand, but there is nothing I can do."
"Can you ask you, manager, please tell him it's for Joe Burrow." Joe folds his hand, begging. He hated using the I'm Joe Burrow thing, but it was Jojo's birthday, and he wanted to see this show. Joe would do anything to keep him happy. The worker pages the manager.
"Play the show, Helen. Are you insane? Whatever Joe wants!" He replies. Helen laughs and lets Joe and Jojo in. Joe is happy they are alone because he is starting to feel bad turning down kids for photos. Jojo placed his 3D glasses on and sat back, watching the show go on. In the end, he couldn't stop smiling.
"Dad, when I grow up, I want to study dinosaurs! Unless you want me to play football."
"Jojo, you can be anything you want to be. If you want to be a Paleontologist, go for it. Your mom, sister, and I would be proud of you either way." Joe says, picking him up and placing him in the car. Jojo looks down at his new T-Rex plushie and frowns.
"My sister?"
"Yes. You know mommy is pregnant and carrying your little sister in her belly right. I know you've been upset about it but it will be fun to be a big brother."
"You're not a big brother; how would you know?" Jojo rolls his eyes.
"You're right, but I'm a little brother, and having a sibling is the best thing in the world. You remember in the film how the older triceratops protected his little sister?"
"Yes. That's what I will do too. I'll protect sissy!" Jojo smiles.
"You will. And me and Mommy will protect both of you."
"unless one of us is the weaker one, then Mommy will abandon us." Jojo mumbles. Joe laughs. Maybe he shouldn't use dinosaurs to explain family. When they arrive home, Joe takes Jojo to the backyard, where everyone jumps out shouting surprise. The backyard has been transformed into a Jurassic theme. Jojo squeals and jumps with excitement. He runs around, saying hello to everyone and then to the huge dino figure near the pool. Finally, he makes his way to you.
"Mommy, I can't wait for sissy to come! I'll be the best big brother."
"Aww, my baby." You bend down to hug him feeling your little girl kick. Jojo runs around with his cousin and friends, playing. When it's time to open gifts, you shake your head at the amount Joe got Jojo. After cleaning up, and when the guest leaves, you take a much-needed bath. You find your favorite boys in bed waiting for you. Jojo lies in the middle, smiling. You and Joe got pregnant fresh out of college. At 21, you had no idea what the future would hold, but you made the decision to be a stay-at-home mom and support Joe's career. It was the best decision you've ever made. 5 years later, you are still madly in love and expecting child number two. Joe kisses your head and then Jojo's head. Jojo kisses your belly and turns on Jurassic Park 2.
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xxcherrydevilxx · 9 months
Fated Eve
Fandom: BSD; Ranpo x fem!reader
Warnings: N/A, really just fluff
Summary: drinking a beer in the parking lot of a convenience store is not how many will be spending New Year's Eve, but it is for you. When a pretty boy drops some glasses and hurries off without realizing it, you spend the last hours of the new year trying to hunt him down. 
A/N Thoughts: Kept thinking about this idea while at work and just really liked the image of it. I knew I wouldn't be able to write it the day of new years eve so i'm trying to get it done quickly so errors might be apparent.
Word Count: 2811 
A/N Afterthoughts: so cheesy, so found family, wish this was my New Year’s, need more Ranpo fanfiction. Finished this up at 9 pm, have work at 9 am, hope you all don't die of sweetness overload, and have a happy new year! Perhaps you’ll find some cute guy’s glasses and have a Tumblr love story.
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The beer wasn’t as refreshing as you had hoped, and the concrete parking lot bumper wasn’t as comfy as your sofa would have been, either. But you couldn’t go back to your apartment because your roommate was throwing a New Year's Eve party, and you knew absolutely no one who was attending. You stepped out to get some fresh air after some random couple came tumbling into your bedroom hoping to get some “privacy,” you called it quits there. Maybe there was somewhere more comfortable to sit and drink alone. But as you leaned your head back and took in the countless stars in the night sky, you didn’t want to get up; this view was worth it. The air was practically fizzing with the anticipation of all the people waiting with bated breath for the final hours to tick down and for it to be an amazing new year, a year filled with new aspirations, goals, and anything you could possibly imagine. 
You are hoping for a few of your goals and dreams to get crossed off. Land a new job? Figure out a better living situation, and finish your bachelor's. The new year always held such innocent hope, despite nothing different from the ones past. 
You took another sip of your beer and stretched out your legs on the cool concrete, thinking back on your year with bittersweet memories. A car pulled into the parking lot next to you. You gave the driver a quick lookover; a man who seemed frantic as he patted down his jeans and rushed into the convenience store. Party stragglers, you had seen a few come and go as you relaxed in the biting cold December air. Teenagers trying not to get carded, college kids like you, stumbling and laughing out into the cold air as their breath billowed and faded into the night sky. Friends, lovers, family… and then there was you alone in your own bubble. You faintly felt the tug of loneliness as you watched all the different faces march on, their arms linked or holding hands, while you sat on cement and drank a cheap beer. 
A man jumped over the parking bump as he rushed toward the street, arms ladened with bags. You could see the faint outline of snacks: gummy bears, chocolate, all sweets. His step seemed to have a skip in it, and his outline against the pitch-black sky made you breathe in for no other reason but the beauty of it. The image of someone so alone like yourself, but still finding joy and rushing back to where he had come from. You knew he was probably racing back to a place filled with joyful laughter, goofy 20XX hats, and the murmur of the countdown playing in the background. You perched your chin on the top of your bottle, eyes squinting slightly in thought as the figure continued to get smaller and smaller. Your eyes were transfixed on the man you almost didn't feel the tap on your shoulder. 
“E-excuse me miss? Are these yours?” the man from before asked. The hasty one had now come back out of the convenience store with an armful of beer, the same brand as yours. You turned your head slightly, your hair swishing down your shoulder as you took in his face, then the faint object in his hands. Glasses.
“Oh, no those aren't-” the man let out a groan of annoyance. Before you could finish, you hastily changed your answer as if his displeasure was enough for such a white lie.
“Those aren't mine, but they are friend’s of mine.” you conceded, smiling up politely at the man who held a pensive look on his face.
“Great. Here,” he said,  tossing the glasses before turning and getting into his car. He spun out of the parking lot as you fumbled to catch the glasses, staring blankly at them and then back up at the red car lights of his; which was speeding down the desolate road.
  Whose even were these? 
You turned the glasses over in your hands, taking in the rims and the dark black color that made it fade into the darkness if you didn’t squint hard enough. No initials, typical, but you had a hard time making out if these were even prescriptions. They couldn’t be? Could they? Would someone be able to lose such glasses? Surely they would have been wearing them.
You deduced quickly; they weren't prescriptions, no way… so then, whose were they? You gently sat the glasses down beside you, pulling your hands close to your mouth as you blew warm air over your knuckles, the chilly December breeze finally getting to you. You don’t know why you were so intrigued about who these glasses belonged to; it didn’t matter, did it? You could simply give them to the cashier and let them deal with it. But another part of you, perhaps that innocent hope that had been blossoming since you sat out in the cold air and gazed up at the stars, found excitement in such a small task. A chase against time to find the owner! Or, as your roommate would call it, a goose chase to find who you think could be the owner. You eyed the glasses as the lenses looked out towards the road.
“Just whose owners are you, huh?” you mumbled out loud. Your chin resting on your knees that you had pulled up, and your hand tracing the rims. You were bored; that much was apparent, you were talking to someone's glasses for Christ's sake. You were also as curious as a cat, and the idea of chasing someone down on New Year's… finding them just as the time changed… maybe it would be a handsome man? Woman? Someone to make this new year start with a flourish.
Well, that did it. You jumped to your feet, clapping your hands together to gain some warmth, pocketing the glasses and taking one last sip of your beer for fools' courage; you got to work. 
You stood in the parking lot for a second, hands on your hips, as you looked at the double doors and the flickering lights inside. If the glasses belonged to someone who came in before or after the hasty man with the bad driving skills; giving them around a ten-minute window because if they had already been there for too long someone else would have either grabbed them or the cashier would have put them behind the register. You ran through the customers you had seen come in before the man; a woman and boy, perhaps her son, who had a silly News Year hat on and who clutched his mother’s hand tightly and stared wide-eyed at everything around at him, even waving at you when they emerged out of the store. If it was their glasses the curious boy would have probably picked them up, so you mentally crossed them off on your list.
Next up was a group of teens trying to illegally buy beer. You could tell because they looked so young there was no way they could get away with it… and because they asked you to buy for them which garnered a laugh. They never even entered the store, knowing their chances were slim, so the glasses must not be theirs as you would have heard the clatter if they did fall out of a pocket. 
All that was left was… Ah! The sweets boy! He came in shortly after the hasty man, and his hands were so full he couldn’t possibly have noticed the glasses slipping, his fast steps probably even blocking out the noise. You couldn’t have noticed either, being too busy watching the peppy man bounce off with glee, and the hasty man must have come out shortly after because he pulled you out of your lull and handed you the lost item.
Yes! That must be it! You quickly pulled out the glasses to look at their now smudged frames.
“I think I figured out your owner,” you said valiantly to the inanimate object. You rubbed the lenses clean and, for the hell of it, put them on. You had no trouble looking through the lenses, confirming to you that they were, in fact, not prescription. Now you just had to track down a joyful man who loved sweets on New Year's Eve. To some, the task might have felt daunting, how could someone find one ordinary person in a sea of party-goers? Great question!
You did not have an answer!
Maybe just- go down the road they went? Yeah, that sounded wise, maybe it was the glasses making you so smart. 
Throwing your beer bottle into recycling, you went on. Passing by apartments, homes, and businesses, all of which had their lights on, the faint hum of their TVs tuned to the same channel, and the murmur of laughter inside. You stopped occasionally, standing and looking in at the happy-go-lucky people, trying to pick out the boy you were looking for. None of them fit the description you had of the man, so you tossed your head and went on. Okay, think back… what was he wearing again? You hummed and closed your eyes, calling up the image of the black-haired man with some brown type of jacket over a button-up. You had originally pegged him as a college student, but now that you had to think, no college student ever dressed like that, or at least not the ones you ran with on campus. 
“Come on new years luck! Give me a sign!” you pleaded to the sky. Pressing your hands together in mock prayer and bowing your head as if the spirit of luck would answer you. You must have looked so strange to people who drove past or anyone who might take a look out their window. A girl with knee-high boots overtop their bare skin, a loose fitted shirt that was thrown hastily on over a tank top with glasses on and their head bowed.
“Dazai-san you don’t understand,” a voice whined across the street, making you open one eye to look over at the two figures, one being pulled by the wrist, the whiner, and a brunette who looked annoyed out of their wits. A car raced passed and shone a quick light on them.   
“Just retrace your steps,” the brunette told them, their eyes stuck on the ground as they seemed to be searching for something. Another car passed by and their lights flashed across their faces once again. The outfit of the man trudging behind made a spark light in your brain. “Sweets boy!” you breathed out, unclasping your hands and looking both ways across the street. They had yet to notice you, both talking to one another quickly and fast. They were quickly moving away from you, and a car was zipping down, meaning you couldn’t run across until it passed.
“Hey! Hey wait! I found your uhm- your glasses!” you called across the road. But obviously, they still weren't paying attention as they briskly continued down the opposite way from you. The car you were waiting on finally passed and you bounded across the road, your eyes caught on the now-distant figures. How could they walk so fast so quickly? Were they that worried about these little prop glasses that you wore? You took a deep breath, gosh you did not want to have to run in the cold, but alas… a good samaritan would under such circumstances. 
You were off, one foot in front of the other as you took a racing- okay, jogging -start down the street. Your steps must have alerted the brunette, who turned his head fast, cocking it and seeming to grow tense. He seemed to relax once you waved at them and he turned back around; he must have thought you weren’t waving to them, but instead to a friend in front of them he must not have seen. The sweets boy, the one you were ever so kindly helping, didn't turn or even care to look who was behind them. His head was down, and he seemed to still be whining.
You made quick work to get to them, reaching out to tug on the boy’s cape-like jacket. You bent your knees and took a deep breath.
“Hey! Sweets boy- Jesus, why are you both so fast,” you wheezed, coughing out the cold air from your lungs. The man you held onto turned fast, the brunette more lazily until he noticed the glasses perched atop your nose.
“Where did you get those?” he asked, striding forward to snatch them off your face. You held up a hand and took a breath.
“You dropped them at the convenience store, I was trying to find them to return em to ya!” you breathed out. a small laugh taking catch in your throat as you looked up at the man you had chased down all night. The cold air that was once your laugh traveled up and past his face into the night sky, and as soon as you could get a clear look at his face, you breathed back in.
Lady luck is truly on my side.
The man was beautiful, a smile seemed always imprinted on his lips, his green eyes looking down at you with an amusement glint. His arms were on his hips as if admiring your work to find them. You could tell his arms were lean and strong. You felt that one bottle of beer finally gave you one last push of courage; one sip got you to stay and sit at that parking stop, the next to play detective and find the missing owner of the glasses, and the last sip still working its way through your veins gave you the words you confidently spoke to your news year fated stranger, “I played a pretty good detective to find ya, if I had known you were so pretty I would have worked harder!” your cheeks flushed a faint pink, maybe from the run or the beer, or you know, the boldness that just overtook you. 
The brunette behind him let out a low whistle as he folded the glasses up and placed them in a pocket of his trenchcoat, and the green-eyed man let out a joyful laugh that just fit him, his entire being encapsulated into one sound.
“My my, if you are a detective like me and Dazai here then you should join us at our party!” His grin grew even wider at his words. You could see his white canines in his smile and you felt your stomach flip. You shook the flirtatious thoughts out of your head, had he invited you to an office party? Not just any office party, a detective office party? “Wait I was just kidding-” the man took your arm and linked it with his. And you could hear the brunette- Dazai -snicker at the action.
“Nonsense! This was the sharpest detective work I have seen!” He exclaimed. His joyful step infested you, and soon you were walking arm and arm with newfound vigor as the man behind you watched and seemed to hold back his laughter.
You walked together in the cold air, sharing pleasantries and getting to know one another. His arm never untangling itself from yours. Dazai chimed in here and there to explain how the party was going and where it was. As you turned the corner, you saw the festive lights of a cafe beaming, the sign on it flipped closed, but the people inside were obviously granted special access. You tripped slightly as you took in the sight, people all smiling and sharing drinks, arms wrapped around one another as they laughed in the new year. Ranpo made sure you didn’t fall, his green eyes turning to you.
“You’ll fit right in! And you can share with us your story!” you could already tell you would have a new crush for the New Year. Dazai walked ahead, his shoulders pushed back and his hands in his pockets, while Ranpo pulled you along, smiling and chatting with joy as he listed off the names and appearances of all his co-workers as if you would remember it once you got inside. 
Despite the December cold, you felt so warm, as if you were bundled in the softest and warmest sweater. The stars in the sky twinkled as if enjoying the puppy love romance beginning to blossom, but you were unaware of them because your north star was right in front of you, leading you to new friends and new stories. All your New Year's wishes seem to come true in an instant.
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Ep. 15 "The Cavalry Has Arrived" Review
To say that I am happy is an understatement. I am beyond satisfied with the finale of TBB. For me, it was perfect and I cried several times. This was about a family. Of course, there are small things I would've liked to see more of, but that's more nitpicking. I watched the finale twice today and I am happy. I guess if I had to say anything, it's that I wanted more. I love these characters and I could spend hours with them.
From a more constructive criticism side (just to get it out of the way): I definitely think the writers needed more time overall with this show. There are corners that had to be cut and you can see it. The pacing is rushed at times. While I'm still happy with the final result, you can tell it really needed more time for character moments. I don't necessarily blame the writers; I blame Disney for not giving them more time. Jen and Brad are very capable of both action and character depth, but it's clear they didn't have the time for both.
On another note, the music and animation were phenomenal. The rain animation looked so real to me, especially when dripping off of the characters. Everything was stunning. And the music, like my gosh. The Kiners popped off here. Crosshair's theme and Omega's theme are two absolutely beautiful pieces of music and I really enjoyed hearing them throughout the episode. And my gosh, tension during the final stand against Hemlock was perfect. The music was incredible and I rewatch that sequence because of it (and other things).
Spoiler time; you know the drill 😎 This will be long, fair warning.
Crosshair's conversation with Wrecker and Hunter was truly heartbreaking. You can hear the guilt in his voice, especially when he admits he feels like he deserves to 'Plan 99' himself. To hear Crosshair admit that hurt. His past mistakes weigh heavily on him. However, I loved that Hunter stepped up and told him no. Family sticks together no matter what. It's a far cry from S1, where Hunter and Cross both left each other. But now, nothing will split their little family up. Crosshair's theme playing over that whole sequence had me in shambles.
The whole fight sequences with the operatives was also really well done. I can't imagine what would've happened if Hemlock managed to condition the boys. Omega got Cross out at the right time; if he'd stay'd there a few weeks longer, then Hemlock would've definitely adjusted the conditioning machine in time to fully break him. Luckily, Crosshair avoided that fate. Still, to know that he suffered in that machine for 5 months is heartbreaking. The operatives are true killing machines, devoid of life.
I can't believe I live in a world where Crosshair got Jaime Lannister'd. AND IM A HARDCORE JAIME STAN. This wasn't on my 2024 bingo card! I will say though, I can see why some people personally don't agree with it as a writing decision. Cutting off his had doesn't magically "fix" anything; it honestly will just add to his trauma. But at the same time, I love whump and there is symbolism of Crosshair being truly free. He is now just Crosshair and that's enough.
Omega really learned from the best, didn't she? Seeing her help the other kids and free the Zillo was epic. I got so many Ezra vibes from her as she slipped in and out of the vents of Tantiss. The faith and trust she has in her brothers is truly heartwarming. And it makes the epilogue feel even sweeter. Omega knows they raised her well and she can take care of herself because of that. She's grown so much since that first time seeing her on Kamino. It feels like looking in a mirror sometimes, at least for me. I see a lot of my life reflected in her, just like I do with Crosshair. It hits home.
The final standoff with Hemlock was definitely my favorite part outside the ending. I loved the music, the animation, and seeing Hunter and Crosshair work together. There is such trust between the brothers and Omega. Despite Crosshair's worries, there is no moment that Hunter doubts Crosshair's abilities. Hunter knows Cross will make it. He assures Cross that Omega also trusts her brother's abilities. And the hug after Hemlock died was so beautiful. I love that Omega hugged Crosshair first; he needed that.
Hemlock's demise was perfect. I kept joking that I just wanted him to fall off of Tantiss because it would be so pathetic. And guess what? He did fall off of Tantiss (after getting shot before hand).
Echo of course was awesome! Loved how he commented that he knew Omega was the one to release the Zillo. I also loved how he did get to fulfill his wish of freeing the clones and even lead them into battle against the operatives. The last domino still stands and I couldn't be happier. (Also glad that Emerie lived. She deserved it after realizing how messed up everything was).
Nala Se and Rampart were also handled well. Rampart never changed and I'm glad he didn't. Some people are just not nice, even after getting served humble juice. Meanwhile, I will cut Nala Se some slack. I will never forget Fives. However, she did save Omega so there's that. And she took out Rampart.
Overall, I'm just really glad that everyone made it out in the end. I would've been fine with a sacrifice, but the Batch was constantly being forcibly split apart, I'm glad that they now get a break and can be family. (Tech lives on in all their hearts). They will be ok and they know that. TBB was my comfort show and seeing that final shot of the Batch reminded me that I will be ok. Stuff happens, but somehow, things will work themselves out.
And the epilogue! I wish we got old man Crosshair and Wrecker (maybe one day we will), but it makes sense why it was only Hunter and Omega. He's her primary father figure and their relationship has been one of the driving forces of the show. For so long, Hunter has been very protective Omega, almost going too far at times. However, he learns to let her go and trusts that she will be ok. He is at peace knowing he, Wrecker, and Crosshair (and Tech + Echo) raised her well. It reminded me so much of my own experiences with my parents and I couldn't have asked for a more perfect epilogue. It also hit hard seeing Omega as an adult; she was so tiny in the beginning.
Anyways, that was a long review. I am overall thrilled with the final and I'm glad everything wrapped up neatly. I'm sure we will see Wolffe, Cody, and Rex in another project; their story isn't over. But Clone Force 99's is. They struggled so much and are now finally able to rest. The epilogue confirms that Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair got to grow old and watch their kid grow up. For me, there's such a beauty to that. In a galaxy that is riddled by war and darkness, there is hope for a better future. The Bad Batch started as a group of "defective" clones, but in the end, they became something so much more: a family. And in my eyes, that is the perfect ending.
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typically-untypical · 9 months
A New Beginning
AU: Flower Shop
CW: Remus typical sexual innuendos
WC: 2,186
Date: 12/15/2023
The doorbell rang on his store front and before Janus could say greet his newest customer he heard the man slam his hand on the counter his register sat on. "How much money would it cost to get a bouquet that says 'you're an insufferable git' in flowers?"
It seemed his reputation preceded him. Janus was known for his beautiful flower arrangements, but he was more known for flower arrangements that told people to fuck off without actually saying it. He didn't actually know how to use flowers to properly say things but he knew enough about some of the split meanings for flowers to come up with something convincing. Also, there were a lot of people who wanted to tell someone off, a boss, an in-law, or a friend they weren't too friendly with and so Janus had a brand. The stronger his brand, the more people bought for their unsuspecting victims. Janus had seen people choose quiet violence and he was happy to be of service if it meant a little extra money in his pocket. There was nothing wrong with someone telling their mother in law they hated her as long as she never understood the message.
"I believe that's something I can do for you, but I'm going to need a little more information. For example, who is this for? If it's for a family friend I would probably choose different flowers than something for an ex-lover." Janus looked the man up and down, sizing him up. He had wildly messy hair, like he had slept on it wet, and the strands were all dyed a variety of greens. However, despite the unkempt nature of his hair, he looked put together in a strange sort of way. There was beauty in his chaos.
"It's for my twin brother. He's not a bad guy but he also has his head stuck up his own ass. He has this play thing tonight and I want to get him something nice, but I also want to tell him to fuck off."
That was a lot of mixed and complicated feelings which made choosing flowers just a bit harder. Janus drummed his fingers on the counter as he thought about what would make the right impression. “What about Dandelions for nuisance, Candytufts for indifference, Buttercups for childishness, Meadowsweet for uselessness and since it seems like you do care enough for your brother to be getting a bouquet, Daisies for joy.”
The other man laughed a bit. “Am I that easy to read?” 
"I'm just good at my job." 
The man was blushing a bit but his smile was spread wide across his face. “Yeah, that sounds perfect. Could you do it today? I probably should have preordered this shit but I didn’t even know if I wanted to get him flowers. I thought about teasing him and getting him a bunch of fake snakes, or a bouquet of dildos but I also gotta make sure not to piss my mom off.”
“Completely fair, I had an order cancelled so I have time today. If you come back in an hour I’ll have it prepared for you.” Janus already had the boutique designed in his mind, the mix of white and yellow would look bright and cheerful but it would also feel slightly off putting in a dressing room for a play. It would probably feel exactly the way this man wanted.
“Perfect, you’re a life saver. My name’s Remus BT-dubs, and I’ll pay for this now so I don’t leave you hangin. But the price, I’m not made of money.” He was shuffling around in his pockets nonetheless and Janus realized he almost expected the man to pull out a credit card just as much as he expected a wad of unfolded dollar bills.
“I pride myself in pricing well for my skills and labor but also decently affordable.” He wrote down a number, passing it to Remus who looked it over before nodding. 
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure I can afford that,” He smiled, finally pulling out a wallet which somehow wasn't what Janus expected. That seemed to organized for a man of this chaos. “And you didn’t give me your name. Should I just call you pretty boy?”
‘Pretty’ Janus mouthed, eyebrow quirked as he looked at Remus. The man was lost to his own world as he attempted to pull out the money he needed and Janus watched him, head tilted to the side.
“I’m very careful about who I give my name out to, however, I’m sure if you try hard enough you’ll be able to find it.”
“Challenge accepted.” The man slammed down the cash with a brilliant grin that was also a bit twisted. Janus felt his heart jump and he straightened his shoulders, eyebrow quirked curiously. Remus just continued to smile so without another word he got together the order form and passed it over.
Remus signed, waved, and turned to leave. “See you later, Venus.” 
Venus was the name of a god. Janus was the name of a god. There was no way he had figured it out already and made a joke based off of his name in that short time, right? No, it had to be something else. Not to insult the intelligence of a man Janus just met, but he didn't know anyone who could have figured out his name in that short of a time frame and then make a joke about it, not unless they already knew. Janus sighed and shook his head, walking to the back. It didn't matter. This guy was just a guy and whether he knew Janus' name or not wouldn't affect anything. Janus didn't flirt with patrons... well, not seriously. He might flirt a little bit to get a tip, but he wasn't going to go out with anyone. Anyway, he had a boutique to make and it was going to be the best bouquet he had ever made, not for any important reason. Just to prove a point. He slipped on his bright yellow gloves and grabbed his clippers. 
An hour later, on the dot, Remus returned. He had cleaned up a bit, wearing a suit that was just slightly loose on him, hair slicked back and no longer raging against propriety. His smile was still wild, and Janus felt his chest grow tighter, a sensation he promptly forced down. “Hey Venus, did you get my flowers done?”
“I did, but why Venus?" He had spent far longer thinking about it than he would have liked to admit. When he was arranging flowers all he was left with were his thoughts and he couldn't wrap his brain about why that one. Why Venus? Janus leaned his face into his hand, elbow rested on the countertop that separated the two of them. He had to know, but he didn't want to seem desperate for the information.
"Y'know, like Venus Flytrap, because you lure them all in. I feel like you've got a dangerous streak and you're more than willing to strike if you need to." Remus smirked at Janus, something devilish that sent an imperceptible shiver down his spine. He was thankful he was good at hiding his emotions otherwise he would give away far too much to a man he just met. "And I think Venus is a bit more appropriate than Janus. After all, you are very sexually desirable."
Despite the cackle that filled his shop after Remus' comment, Janus found himself blushing more than he could control, pushing his long hair behind his ear before he once again schooled his face into nonchalance.
"Not tryin to make you uncomfortable," Remus said, "But I also meant what I said. You're pretty hot." He reached for the bouquet, and Janus almost reached out to meet him but it was too soon. They had just met each other.
"You didn't make uncomfortable, in fact you would have to do something quite outrageous to phase me." Janus looked at his nails, though his true focus was on the man just past his fingers. 
"Is that a challenge?"
Did he want it to be a challenge? Did he want to see this man again or leave him as just another customer that occasionally came around. Who was he kidding. Self delusion wasn't his forte, so he smirked and tilted his head to the side. "I do ask you don't loiter here, I do need the space for customers." Would Remus get it? Would he understand the subtlety in Janus' smile or would he be just as dense as the recipients of most of Janus' flowers.
He got it, if Remus' smile was anything to go by. He pulled the bouquet close, hoisting it into his arms. "Alright, I'll show you what I've got." He looked Janus up and down. "Let the games begin." He didn't linger after that, waving a bit with his shoulders before pushing the door open with his foot. He wasn't supposed to flirt with customers, but this was fine. It would all be fine. He was sure Remus wasn't actually going to come back, so few people did when they made declarations like that. Their never got ahold of them and they disappeared from Janus' life. 
The distraction had been nice at least.
Cleaning up the counter top, Janus looked at the door. It was closing time. 
Two weeks later Janus' bell rang and he was surprised by the voice that greeted him. "Alright Venus, what can I get for my mom, something simple and beautiful so she thinks I'm a good son. Also, maybe something that if she looked up the flowers she would actually think I liked her, cuz I kinda do but y'know, I'm not gonna say that."
For a moment Janus looked at him, mouth hanging open. He was back? Remus had come back. Janus snapped his mouth shut to think. "Tiger Lilies," He started "They mean strength, Burgundy roses for commitment, and white hydrangeas. Hydrangea's typically mean family and white specifically can mean abundance. Overall it's a sappy combination that would make most people feel like they were cared about."
Remus nodded, "Make it so flower man, and while you're at it, throw in something for yourself." He was smiling that impish smile and Janus rolled his eyes, turning around so it would be far easier to hide the curl of his own lips. He had come back. That was a first and Janus was not going to admit how many times he had thought about Remus over the past fortnight. The other man was entertaining, at least that was the easiest thing to call it. He sparked an interest in Janus and sure he wasn't supposed to flirt with customers but fuck it. He was going to play along, at least until Remus walked away.
“What could I buy from my own flower shop that I don’t already have?”
“Good point,” Remus tilted his head. “What about something that says new beginnings? Or maybe fresh starts?”
Janus smiled, “I’ve always been fond of daffodils.”
“Good, one of those, and you can bring it on our date?” Remus wiggled his eyebrows. Another surprise. That was a bit forward wasn't it? What if this guy was actually a murder? That would at least be an interesting story if he survived, right?
"Oh really?" Janus responded, leaning back, "And where exactly am I meeting you on this so called date?"
"I'll pick you up here, take you to all the sites and wonders. By the time we're done you'll be so enamored with me that you won't ever want to leave my side."
Janus rolled his eyes with a slight smirk. "That's a pretty tall order, kidnapping me from my job and expecting me to get into an unknown car."
"Oh no, we'll be taken the bus. Cars are so espensy, and I'd rather spend my money on experiences."
"And can you truly show me a good time from a bus?"
Remus chuckled. "Of course I can, I'm a good time all on my own." He finished filling out his order form, leaving the money on the counter without asking how much it was. He did, however, turn around to plow Janus a kiss. "See you tomorrow." 
Janus looked down at the money that was obviously too much for the order. He sighed and picked up the form, running his fingers along it as he read it over. It would be hard not to fall for this man, the way he smirked and smiled as if he knew exactly how things were going to turn out, or better yet, he didn't care about the outcomes. There was something else written at the bottom of the form, put outside the bounds of any box. A phone number. It was so cliche, so dumb, yet Janus found himself pulling out his phone and typing the number in. He wasn't smitten. He didn't fall that easy, but he was willing to play for a little bit. 
So he named the contact Remus, and added a little heart.
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I saw your witchy s/o post while looking into the tmnt tag and I'm so freaking happy someone finally wrote for a reader that practices witchcraft!!!!
If it's alright with you, and if you accept asks (I tried to look for rules but so far saw what you don't write) could I have the tmnt bois (especially Leo) with a witchy s/o that works with deities and dragons?
If not then it's totally fine! Hopefully Tumblr doesn't eat my ask so have a good day!
abso-fucking-lutely!!!! this is so fun and as a folk practitioner who works with deities this is right up my ally. If it's ok with you, I'm not gonna include dragons as that's not a practice I'm familiar with and I wouldn't want to get anything wrong. But deities I can do! I'll switch up the deities each time so there's something new with each of these as well.
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"Can't, sorry, Loki said the vibe is off" you begin to leave the room and Leo is just following you like "What vibe? Who's Loki? Why is he telling you no?"
you're shuffling tarot cards and the fool pops out so you say, looking up, "I get it babes, please don't interrupt my reading like that, though" and Leo is so confused like "I din't say anything" and you just say "Not you, Loki"
eventually he tries to play into it like "Would Loki be ok if we didn't smoke cleanse the house today?" and you're just like "...yeah, I guess. But if you start feeling ill soon you'll know it's because he's pissed at you"
Leo does start feeling sick so you tell him to make an offering
he's never felt more stupid that when he pours wine into a glass on your alter but he soon feels better again and it freaks him out that it worked
"So he's a trickster god?" lots of questions like this and each time you're just like "Yes, he's a trickster, no he isn't going to hurt me, yes he fucks with me sometimes but it's all in good faith"
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You wake up from a really bad nightmare
"I thought your Goddess was supposed to have power over dreams?"
"She does, something must be wrong"
you look in your offering cup and the wine has fucking moulded
"ah shit, it's mouldy. Better get her a new one"
after that you have peaceful dreams
you come home with a bunch of white roses and Raph is all "are those for me?" and you politely have to let him down and tell him they're for Selene
any time Raph has a bad dream you joke that it's because he's fallen out of favour with the Goddess for how he's treated you
fast forward to a time you and him get in a big fight and he has the worst sleep/dreams of his life for a week straight.
he comes crawling back to you practically begging you for forgiveness.
Selene gets a big offering after that
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You're clearing a space in his room for your alter since the two of you moved in together
"I need a large space, Hades like a big alter"
"What's he compensating for?" Mikey jokes
and you just shoot him this look like "Don't fuck around when it comes to him"
not even 10 minutes later one of his drums breaks
you're just like "serves you right"
you come in one morning with a cup of coffee and Mikey gets all excited like he's about to get breakfast in bed and you have to tell him that it's for Hades who likes his coffee black.
kinda freaks Mikey out when you hold a funeral for each of the dead rats you find in the lair but you have to remind him "I'm a death witch and I worship the lord of the underworld. What else am I meant to do?"
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honestly he mostly just leaves you to it
he's pretty good with his hands so when you told him you worship Artemis he made a clay stature of her for your alter
you told him he'll be in her good books after that
that night Donnie caught 10 foot clan soldiers
"well, she is the Goddess of the hunt... I told you she was happy with you"
He really takes an interest in your devotional activities
always asking questions about why you do that or the significance of this
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amoscontorta · 4 days
hi. i read your recent fic “wine time with sylus” and had a lot of thoughts. i was typing them as comments in the tumblr post and decided the character limit is just not it. and then i tried to comment on your ao3 post of the fic but realized i’ll probably stain your other readers’ eyes from what i’m about to yap about. so here i am in your ask box im so sorry 😭
so anyway, WHAT A GOOD START TO MY DAY OMG. i actually read the fic earlier (right after i woke up) and was gonna start yapping away but then errands happened 😩 but now i can finally sit down and type!!
xavier’s appearance was such a lovely surprise!!! i love that he offered his support for mc in his own ways, which is so sweet eepy bunny of him 🫶🏼 BUT I AM A SYLUS RAT THROUGH AND THROUGH so i couldn’t help but mentally berate xavier for showing up the next morning and interrupting important relationship development time for crow man and mc 😤
i adore how sylus is such a wine nerd in this. and i can’t help but wonder if you, the wonderful author, are a wine nerd irl too? because the information i’ve gathered from this fic regarding wines and wine testing have been incredibly enlightening!!
and it’s amusing how mc’s thought flow and speed in this seem to be really jittery and all over the place — truly a reflection of how workaholic she’s been. and captain jenna’s “Go home, get your head on straight, and come back rested … and literate again, please.” made me ugly snort LOL
AND WHEN SYLUS HONED IN ON MC’S EXPOSED SHOULDER AND LEGS WHEN WEARING HIS CLOTHES. I SEE YOU BOI 🫵 and the way i cackled at “he is friend shaped, you will not ride the Sylus roller coaster, you will not ride the Sylus roller coaster—“
AND!!! “Yes, my heart’s delight?”!!! ARE U KIDDING ME. AHHHH!!!
and now please allow me to be unhinged for this segment but the last parts of the pic have effectively kickstarted my mind into overdrive. the POTENTIAL KINKS AND THEMES FOR THEIR, AHEM, SPICY ACTIVITIES ARE LIMITLESS. dry humping, sleepy morning sex, size training, thigh grinding, dom!sylus letting mc think she has the reigns and then he just takes over… i have more key words in mind but i shall keep them chained away for the sake of decorum 😭 AND THE LOVE BITE HE GAVE WHEN HE THOUGHT IT WAS A DREAM. WHAT WERE YOU DREAMING ABOUT SYLUS HUH 🤨
and if you ask me what my favorite paragraph is in this entire fic, it would be: “You lie like that for awhile, blissfully listening to his soft breathing, when suddenly you realize that pressed so close to him, you can feel every contour of his body, from your chest against his abdomen, his muscular, silk-covered thigh wedged between your legs, and his apparently very, very big dick pressing into your hip.”
no, i will not elaborate. to spare everyone from my disgraceful thoughts 🧍‍♀️
and it doesn’t help that the announcement on the upcoming multi-banner event came through right after i read the fic. i have a WHOLE NOTHER SET OF YAPPING ABOUT THAT but i shall spare you of this 😆
overall, i am the happiest sylus girlie today for that amazing fic and the new card 🫶🏼💕 WHAT A GREAT DAY, I HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY TOO
i gotta say, when i woke up this morning i did not expect to be hit with such a horny treatise, but i'm so happy that the vibe of the fic came across in the way it was intended!! i had originally written something a little more explicit, but due to the context of sylus being asleep, i was running into issues regarding consent and the whole thing ended up not feeling as hot as i think this pixel man deserves if i ever get brave enough to write full on smut for him.
first, thank you SO much for reading and for sharing your thoughts on the fic. it's such a joy to know that other people like what i'm contributing to the fandom enough to actually comment and send me asks about it. it's mind-blowing, really. i'm gonna respond to your points with a novel under the cut, including NSFW discussion if people want to avoid it.
second, i fully believe that sylus is a wine snob. he has that dialogue in the destiny cafe that he likes to repeat at me over and over when i just want something sweet from him and keep poking him, where he's like "to forge a new path, one must be... something something brave about finding new flavors" and it's the most pedantic, pretentious shit i've ever heard and i love that for him. so i definitely think it's in character that he would hold court in front of mc and insist on educating mc about his thoughts on the matter of good wine. to answer your question, i'm not a huge wine connoisseur or anything. my partner likes to think that he is, so i've absorbed information through him and also through a few wine tastings and enduring vinophiles like sylus wanting to share their knowledge over the years, but i had to google while i was writing to ensure that i was remembering everything properly. i like a decent bottle that won't give me a headache the next day with just one glass, and that's about it.
i'm also glad you enjoyed mc being a dumpster fire in this one and that it made you laugh!! and xavier is so precious and sweet, i love him so much, and i love that it's consistently hinted that he is batshit insane jealous/horny under his cute exterior. i will never pass up an opportunity to try to honor him all these aspects of him in my stories.
As for the CORE of your ask, to be completely honest i've never written smut before. this is the first time that i'm actually feeling enough inspiration to consistently write, at length, a story that seems to have an actual structure?? but i'm really just flying by the seat of my pants without a fucking plan at all. but i HAVE read a shit-ton of smut, so i'm going to see where the story takes me, and i think you really did get the vibes i was going for in this one--i wanted to build the emotional and physical intimacy through the wine tasting, and also let my take on sylus's sexuality shine through a bit. i definitely see him as utterly animalistic (biting, grinding, scenting, unhinged physical expression of bottomless hunger) contrasted with unbearable tenderness (sleepy morning kisses and fucking). i think you and i are sharing the same braincell in this respect. but like i said, i've never actually written smut before, so i hope you don't get your hopes up too high if it takes a long time to write it, or i chicken out, or if i do write it and it's as sexy as ... well, about as sexy as mc imagines mc to be).
Thanks again for sharing your thoughts!!
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jade-len · 10 months
hello yes i'm that one guy who was asking if people would be interested in svsss x / & gn or male reader fics (also tysm for the comments?? like i was not expecting so much support. i really appreciate it!)
i've decided on writing idea 3 first, the bingge one! ...albeit with a lot of tinkering lol. if you don't know what i'm talking about, feel free check out my last (and first) post.
however, because i am very indecisive and absolutely cannot make many decisions on my own without some guidance or opinion, i would like to ask for a little feedback!! please choose which idea you like more, and i might write that one first.
i feel like the themes in both ideas are pretty similar, though just approached a little differently. i don't really wanna spoil how it'll entirely go ofc.. but there def is more to them, i hope it'll be sorta clear once i present both routes!
i can't promise i will go with the more favored idea, but it will definitely heavily influence my final decision! please don't be afraid to ask any questions, i'll answer :)
if i end up choosing the one you were less interested in, don't worry! remember, this is what i'm going to be writing first. it doesn't mean i won't write the other one too.
route 1:
an enemies to friends to lovers type deal! a slow burn fanfic where you are pretty much the opposite of shen yuan's passive nature, absolutely fuck with luo binghe's plans (at least, the ones you know of..), and slowly find the small, bruised boy hiding under that proud front. will be rated M.
that manipulative bastard, luo binghe, hurt everyone you loved and cared about. he tarnished the sweet gongyi xiao's reputation, seduced your fiance, and shredded the small, remaining pieces of self worth you had left in your heart.
you played right into his clawed hands, believing his charismatic front and pretty lies. you were naive, downright stupid. you and huan hua palace welcomed luo binghe with opened arms after he crawled out of the endless abyss, and because of it, those you cared for suffered.
really, you were so easy to manipulate. if only you noticed earlier. you couldn't do anything. no- you wouldn't do anything. if you weren't such a coward, perhaps this would've all been prevented. this isn't fair for everyone else. why did you get to live, while those who fought back and stood up against luo binghe had to suffer?
the survivor's guilt eats you away every waking moment of your life. and, when that's not happening, your sleep is plagued with nightmares of what could've been.
it's too late. luo binghe is now the almighty emperor of the two realms. he can easily overpower anyone who gets in his way, and especially you.
while you certainly wish to beat luo binghe, you don't hate him.
maybe this is just the softer side of your brain, but for some reason, you can't shake off the empty, miserable look in his eyes. even as he's surrounded by countless of maidens and riches, luo binghe looks as though he he'll never be truly fulfilled.
what is it, luo binghe? do you need more power, more gold? a hundred more women, perhaps? do you regret killing them? do you regret not killing more? why is it that even with your intricate mask, behind it is a hollow shell?
it's strange. you should absolutely detest him, but instead, you pity the king. luo binghe is a man who has everything, yet it seems as though he cannot find any sort of happiness through it.
when you travel back in time - exactly right after the demonic invasion where luo binghe was pronounced dead - you are determined to make things right.
you won't let anyone suffer from his wrath. you'll play your cards smart with that very same poker face luo binghe uses. use your knowledge of the future to your advantage. be smart, all the way from the start.
when luo binghe enters huan hua palace, you are the stronger, better person you were too scared to form into before. "gifted with the knowledge most people can never obtain," the old palace master says. you're an essential part of the sect, whereas you were nothing before. maybe not the head disciple like gongyi xiao, or the child of the master like the little palace mistress, but definitely akin to a secretary in the disguise of an ordinary disciple. someone with very valuable information.
you'll save your dear friend, gongyi xiao. you'll save your fiance, and, hopefully have her be with someone who isn't a manipulative, two-faced asshole. you'll save everyone.
(perhaps you'll save a poor, hurt boy, too. one whose been hiding from his cruel shizun for years, using the face of a proud demon to muffle the sounds of his crying and the breaking of his already cracked heart)
you know luo binghe's advantages. you know of his plans. let's just hope he doesn't find out about yours and change up his too much.
aka, you severely confuse and frustrate luo binghe (why the hell aren't his plans working? who are you? why do you look at him as if you can see right through him?), and luo binghe severely confuses and frustrates you too (why the fuck is luo binghe doing that? that totally goes against what he was supposed to do! hold on, hold on- new plan guys!).
both of you are smartasses who are also, secretly, simultaneously dumbasses going against each other.
route 2:
this'll most likely be rated T, but it may change.
luo binghe stripped you of your very being. you were once someone who was proud and undeniable, and now, you are a person that people only pity and grimace when your name is mentioned.
you hate it. you hate him. you can't even remember what the outside world looks like anymore, you can't even remember that wretched man's face. the only thing that is burned into your mind is his demon mark and those cruel scarlet eyes. the only thing that runs through your head is revenge. the only reason why you're even still alive is because of the glimmer of hope that you'll do the exact same things he did to you.
you fought back against him early, while he was still rising the ranks. continuously, you tried warning people about his capability and evil nature. yet, no one listened to you. and then, it was too late once people realized. fuck! everyone was so stupid, believing his pretty face and lies! you'll get back at him, you'll carve his heart out and present it to his wives, the world, and everything that he has. you worked too hard to reach to where you were before luo binghe destroyed your reputation for daring to step in his way. you went from a mere nobody to a powerful cultivator, and it just all went downhill from there!! for... months? or years? you don't remember anymore - you wished to the heavens for a second chance. you'll correct his wrongdoing. only evil lies in his heart, behind his deceitful, flowery words.
after suffering from a qi deviation, your wish to prevent any of that destruction is granted, and suddenly you've been transported back into the past. way, way before you've even heard of the name... wait, what was his name? fuck, fuck! you don't even remember the outline of that- that monster!
you'll still get back at him, though. you recognize your clothing and the time.. it seems as though you're still just a wandering, rouge cultivator. if your calculations are correct, then you'll have more than enough time to prepare. when you fought back, you were still weaker than him. you'll get stronger and take him down before he can even dare to lay a finger on your hard work.
on your journey to gain even more power, you come across a poor, abused boy. he reminds you all too much of yourself. luo binghe, the orphan says that his name is. your heart can't help but still at it, but it's probably for no reason, right? you're in a little shock after literally going back in time.
how could this small boy with such pure, starry black eyes, hurt you after all? how could anyone hurt such a sweet thing, too? it's a shame how monsters like that man take advantage of people like luo binghe. a white lotus, you mentally nickname him.
he frequently visits you with a wide smile and some lovely tea (where did he get that from? this is some really expensive, fancy stuff. he couldn't have gotten it without stealing it from somewhere really nice, like shen qingqiu's stash, or something... haha, he would never! that pure boy!). you keep on telling luo binghe that he shouldn't miss out on sleep just to say hi, that maybe he should be with his friends instead, too. luo binghe doesn't talk much about his life at the peak, but it's nice to chat with him.
when you realize what's exactly going on, you take him under your wing. if shen qingqiu can't appreciate the little lotus, then you will (you'll put him right under that man on your "revenge" list.. which only consists of them two). perhaps it'll be good to have a successor, a disciple you can pass your teachings down onto. it would be handy to have someone else's help once that monster's actions come into light, after all.
its then you decide, you'll protect the little luo binghe, too. the world is much too cruel, and it'll especially be under that demons' ruling. you won't ever understand how people could become so evil, downright monstrous. you swear on your life, you'll keep that man in your grasps and end his tyranny.
unknowingly, you've already stopped it the moment you held your hand out to that very same monster.
oh, what will you do once nothing happens to you or anyone? once you begin to remember more and more of that man's face and find out just who exactly you've helped?
aka, you're an utter buffoon worrying over that man, while that same man is now just a little guy wanting to please his kinder (and kind of more improper) shizun.
. . .
i've planned a little more for route 1, but i have a pretty good idea for route 2 as well. route 1 will most likely be a little longer than 2 too since it's a slow burn with scheme-y little shits. ever since i posted, i've just been trying to plan out the plots lmao. please leave your thoughts! or not, but thanks for using your time to read all of this lol.
@happycandydinosaur @tuxibirdie @wilczymotyl sorry if you guys expected a full chapter with me tagging you three but i promise after this, i'll (hopefully) have a chapter ready! tysm for supporting my last post :)
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3 and 12 especially if 12 does not correspond to the list from 3
3. Rank the shows you are currently watching from least favorite to favorite.
Ok. So I just answered this one. So I guess this time I'll give some reasons for each one.
8.My Love Mix-Up! This one just started so there isn't a lot to say about it and what I got to say I kinda did when it aired. I'll be waiting to see if it improves because I like the actors. 7.Love Sea I literally just finished watching the first episode an hour ago. I'm not sold and the reason it surpasses MLMU is the ocean. I love anything a little bit more if I can watch the ocean at the same time. 6.We Are It's not breaking any new ground. But I'm enjoying the friendship moments a lot. The group is really fun and they are all very natural together. Tan/Fang are my favourites atm and I wish I had more than crumbs Chain/Pun, because I find Pun really fun to watch. 5.Knock Knock, Boys! It's really fun. I'm actually laughing in certain moments which doesn't happen all that often. I really like the house dynamics, it feels very real to me. Seng is great of course, but I like all of them. The food montage was a high moment for me. I was drooling. 4.Only Boo! They are so freakin adorable. I am in pain. That train break up was so sad. Well done but sad. I understand the reason, and it makes sense from what we know of Kang, but it was painful. And that title card '1 year later'... I hate it so much. We don't really know how much happened in that year so I don't want to preemptively criticize it, but I hope that something else changed and not only the calendar. Cause if you're gonna move past so many things, at least give me growth. 3.With You I Bloom This one is a jdrama and thanks to an amazing fansubber I can watch as it airs which is not always the case with jdramas. This is not a bl, but I don't think anyone has told the show yet. I started watching this one because there are a lot of jbl actors in it so I was curious. And I'm having so much fun. It's basically a bunch of dudes learning to fight with swords in very nice clothes. There are a bunch of couples pairs, with very different dynamics, several sad backstories, and the final theme song makes cackle every time because it's always a massive tonal shift, because it's so happy and honestly, so so gay. 2.Wandee Goodday It's a whole new level of idiots in love and I love it. Like there's idiot in love, and then there's Dee. He's going for first place and no one can even touch him. I think if Taem clearly and without reservations rejects Yak, he can accept his feelings for Dee properly. But Dee is all over the place and at this point I don't think the show is doing a good job at telling me why. He keeps going back and forth too quickly for me. I truly hope that final flashback he had when they were running was him accepting his feelings. Also I NEED to know about Cher and Oyei. I need that backstory. TODAY. 1.At 25:00 in Akasaka I love Hayama a normal amount. This last episode was a rollercoaster for me. That ending left me screaming. And then I went through a whole thing when @lurkingshan threw my glasses on the floor and I was able to see everything in a whole new way. Anyway I love this show. What they are doing with the two shows is so interesting, and the editing is so smart. And I love them both. Hayama has my whole heart though.
2. Which show do you think will have the best ending?
Honestly, I have no idea. Endings are hard. It's hard to tie all the loose ends and make everybody happy. Jbl's lately have not done a great job at them. I still trust them more than Thai bl endings and I feel like we are collectively dreading WG end because of that. So honestly. If I'm going by what I've seen so far, I'm gonna say Only Boo. Maybe because the stakes are not as high as for some of the other shows, I expect a solid ending that will leave me with a big smile and a full heart. And that's honestly more than I've been getting so I'll be happy.
Thank you so much for dropping by with questions. 💜
Currently Airing Shows Ask Game
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moonshine-nightlight · 9 months
Hello! I Just wanted to let you know that I LOVED the published ver. of "Don't Shoot the Messenger". And I was so excited to hear that Dale and Sana's story might get published too.
At first I was really unsure about getting the book, as I didn't want to be disappointed if the changes made didn't translate well compared to the original. BUT YOU KNOCKED MY EXPECTATIONS RIGHT OUT OF THE WATER!! IT WAS SO GOOD!!
Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I'm so excited for your future projects. And I wish you luck on your future publishing endeavours because I will be buying all future published books by you. And no one can stop me haha >:D
I also wanted to ask if there's a chance that any of your other previous works will also be published? Of course it's a huge effort of time and resources to publish something. But I do hold out hope that I might one day hold Heshi's story in my hands because truthfully it's such a comfort to me and I go back to it periodically to reread. I love that snakey boi. NO PRESSURE THO. If that's not in the cards, just the fact that it exists as a story is wonderful. Thank you so much for all the writing you do.
anyway, bye
hi! thanks so much! i really liked what DSM actually was and focused on my own edits and that of my editors just honing it to be the best version of itself - so i'm glad that came through and you liked it!
if ur interested in too much info about my self-publishing plans, pls see under the read more
Dale and Sana's story definitely will be self-published,its just a matter of when. it's also probably gonna get more tweaks than DSM due to the length and the way the story evolved over 2 years lol
thank you so much for your support and encouragement with publishing! i'm so happy people are excited about actually buying my stories lol
As for previous short stories that getting published, the answer is yes, i do have plans to publish them as well, they're just a lower priority for multiple reasons. firstly, me and everyone wants NWWD the most so its #1.
For 'Finally Woken' i actually already have the first 2 chapters converted to 3rd POV, however, its shorter than DSM and so would cost nearly as much to have edited but would sell for less (and amazon will try to tell me the spine is too narrow lol) so my current thoughts are to bundle it with 'Selfish' (helpfully already in 3rd person) and make a Naga Novella (called like 'Tangled Up in Tails' or something lol) with both of them in it so i can release it priced similarly to DSM.
For 'Sacrifice', i actually have plans to make that a 5 novella series about different forgotten deities returning to the same town, with 'Sacrifice' likely being offered as a cheaper, first book about a month or so before the second is published to get people into the series. the rest of the novellas would likely not go up on tumblr/AO3 at all and would only be published. i'd like to use this hypothetical series to see how that sort of model would work for me. i've planned out the 5 novellas to some extent but nothings really written yet besides 'Sacrifice'. as a complete project, its very low on my list after everything i'll b posting here and NWWD publishing, so since 'Sacrifice' is tied to that, its not likely to get published anytime soon.
For 'Snapped', i'd likely do something similar to 'Finally Woken' - write another short Sci-Fi/Alien story and bundle them together for publishing. However, i dont currently have anything written that would work so that's also a low priority evn if 'Snapped' is already 3rd POV.
I'm really excited to self-publish my work, but its expensive and what I've made from DSM has come nowhere close to covering my costs and likely won't. the only good thing is basically all the costs are up-front so its easy to jsut keep the books out there and making money when ppl buy it. i have a good job and am happy to spend my money to get my work out there and hope over time self-publishing will break-even, but that will take years at a minimum so it'll be slow going in the beginning.
my goal is to get everything self-published so it'll just be a matter of time - i too want to hold a copy of Heshi's story in my hands lol
thank you for all your support and giving me a chance to ramble about all my self-publishing plans!
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Last minute (rambles) thoughts before book 7 chapter 5 releases.
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== Cards ==
This time we didn't have a cad to go with this chapter which is interesting. We had one for ch 4 with General Lilia (I remember that day well) and for ch 3 with Cerberus Gear Ortho. Which were there for reasons, Ortho for being the last one awake in NRC in ch 3 and Lilia for being the main character of ch 4. So I find it interesting that there's no cards this time around. Maybe the plots of ch 5 is going to be a bit more messy.
Thought I am guessing (hoping) that Silver gets a SSR by the end of Book 7. This is a hope though.
== Banner ==
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On the banner this time there are two characters, Silver and Sebek. The characters on the banner are kinda important.
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For ch 3, this is just after malleus' sends everyone asleep. And the banner has Malleus and Silver on it. This makes sense as Silve is the main character for a good portion of this Ch and we also learn his UM here. Also for Malleus and we finally understand what a impact his UM caused.
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For ch 4, this one has General Lilia, Silver and Sebek. Which makes sence as this chapter is all about General Lilia and some Briar Valley lore.
For ch 5 it just has Silver and Sebek, which is a bit weird. No baul or Lilia. No other characters. No Idia or Ortho. Just what's going on...
Another thing to consider is emotions, mainly the emotions they display. For ch 3 Malleus looks happy with himself and Silver looks angry, For ch 4 Lilia has a mask on so we can't see his face but Silver and Sebek look ready to fight.
But in Ch 5 Silver looks to be in thought while Sebek looks angry. This could mean that in this chapter it will focus on them and deciphering the dream they're in.
Though another thought is that they're separated from Lilia's dream, probably by Malleus and, are sent either into thier own dreams or someone else's dream like Idia's.
This chapter could be an in between chapter, from Lilia's dream to what ever is next in the story.
(I would look into the background of the banner but (to my knowledge) it just shows where the characters were last.
Speaking of Lilia's dream...
== Lilia's Dream ==
Lilia's dream hold a lot to the lore of twst, especially for Briar Valley, we all had a lot thrown at us last chapter like:
- Silver Owls
- Knight of Dawn
- Malleus' Egg existing for a while
- Malleus' Mother and Father
And it will probably take another chapter to understand all of that and all the reveals that come with it (though some will probably be held onto for a while longer maybe.)
Something that I do find interesting that I don't believe anyone has mentioned (I may be wrong) but Lilia's acting weird in his dream. I'm Idias dream he has some memory of what happened ind NRC (Not fully but still), but with Lilia he is a different person.
Lilia is smart and is a changed man from his war crime days so why did he just go strait to a general who doesn't recognise Silver? I'd this is the same Lilia that we know he would recognise his boy instantly and try to help but he doesn't.
That has always stricked me as odd with Ch 4... Although it's a dream so Lilia shouldn't forget his memories, did Malleus make him forget Silver?
== Dreams ==
The entirety of NRC is sleeping and we're just going to explore Lilia's dream? Hopefully not.
This is again more of a hope than a theory, but I can see some other characters dreams being explored maybe in this chapter or next chapter. Especially the housewardens, we've seen Idias dream briefly but what about Leona or Riddle. Leona would probably dream about being king or possibly being liked by people and castle staff while Riddle would probably dream about his mother being kind or Heartslabyul doing good / behaving.
Again this is more of a hope though I would love to see this happen.
Though what of the world outside of dreams?
== Ortho and the awake world ==
So in the background of all of the general Lilia stuff, Ortho, his parents and Malleus' grandmother and all trying to put a stop to Malleus' overblot.
But we haven't seen them since Ch 3, so how are they? What is Malleus doing to stop them? Maybe they'll appear in this chapter.
== Unknown UM ==
There's still a good few unknown UM, these being the UM for...
- Ace
- Ortho
- Lilia
- Sebek
== Ongoing questions ==
And for this chapter, I'm gonna put some money on the table and say that at least one person's UM's will be revealed. Who? Well I would put my bets on Sebek personally. I don't have any hard evidence it's just a vibe really.
Questions from either earlier in this book or relevent to this chapter (possibly):
- Silver's lineage and crown pendant
- Crowley. Just everything about him
- Malleus' family
- Malleus' grandmother in particular
Anyway at the end of the day I feel like this :)
== ==
And that's it for my TWST talk.
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Can't wait to see what happens tomorrow, please keep us posted!
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haro-hawayu · 10 months
CCS: Clear Card Ch. 80
FINAL CHAPTER! I actually read this the day it came out, but didn't get to finish this post and it was sitting in my drafts for a few days TuT. This chapter can be found on CLAMP-net’s YouTube Channel. As always, please check out @meimi-haneoka's post on the latest chapter for EN-JPN translation differences!!
Links for previous chapter reactions can be found here.
Reading Reactions:
And for our final chapter, our wonderful protagonist/heroine, Sakura
Whoaaa, so did Sakura split the books in order to better hide them?
Fujitaka-papa so kind.
I also can't help but made me think of Yuuko's shop...
Eriol and Sakura keeping us readers up to speed on what's happened XD
Awww Flight is still there!!
Touya is the same as ever haha~always teasing, but always so kind
Lol, love that we can see Kero-chan and Touya being in the same scene even when things are back to "daily life" things
I really love how Yukito's bonding with Nakuru and Spinel~
I'm sad that she's transferring, but at the same time, am happy that she's happy.
I wonder if one of the major factors of Eriol deciding to help them stemmed from Clow & Yuuko stuff... oof, not the TRC/Holic feels again
Yes, KEEP TALKING KAITO! So many overdued words!!
Annnnd they're still keeping a space for her (i.e. Eriol buying the house so Akiho's stuff remains, Akiho's room remaining as is in the Kinomoto home), even tho she's leaving, she has a place with the people she's leaving behind, a place to return to
Awww it's cute that the boys are talking ahahah--they can actually be friends!! They even exchanged numbers!!
It makes so much sense too!! TuT
THE END (????)
Wow, just wow.
I'm sad that we didn't get to see Momo returning... I'm hoping that the special chapter that's coming out next year will address this... is it too much to ask???
For the most part, I am satisfied with this ending. There are some hinted tie-ins with TRC (the tattoo, the wand), prob a bit more than I expected, so I wonder if TRC will uhhh get a little jumpstart, or if we can see what's been going on over at the other side of things... Clear Card arc's end leaves things very hopeful. Even though the way they talked about how Kaito's time being "stopped" makes me think about Yuuko, there seems to be so much more hope that Akiho & Kaito will be able to find a solution to this, whereas with Yuuko, there seemed to be so much regret and problems as a result.
Speaking of Akiho & Kaito (I'll still call them as such LOL, their true names can be just for the ones they shared with... like how TRC SyaoSaku will always be SyaoSaku to me even after their name revelation), I'm glad they were able to have that talk in the end. With Kaito apologizing for his actions, and knowing WHAT he did wrong. As sad as I feel about the two of them leaving their friends, the fact that they will be together makes me feel very happy. I found it so cute at the end where Akiho shares her true name with Sakura and not Kaito yet bc she's still a bit upset with him XD oh Akiho~
This is so surreal because back then, it felt like such a far-fetched dream for there to be a CCS sequel. I still remember when TRC was FIRST announced ~2003 (wow 20 yrs ago), I thought it was a sequel since it's featuring Syaoran and Sakura. And when it was addressed that it's not the SAME two, I was hoping we will at least find out what happens after end of CCS bc of CLAMPverse (what I called CLAMP's version of multiverse). Seeing an ACTUAL CCS sequel just made me so so happy (although a part of me feared: but at what cost??!!--I think this was slight TRC/Holic trauma speaking). There definitely were some dark moments, especially involving Akiho, but I'm glad it had a good end. The anime adaptation was great as well, so I really look forward to the continuation.
CCS was the first anime series that I watched (USA dub) that got me into anime; in fact, it's still my favorite anime series of all time! But I was a very immature fan back then and it's kinda embarassing to admit LOL. I used to really dislike Meiling back then and wondered why they had to create her at all when I found out she was anime-only character (I saw her as a threat to SyaoSaku relationship). I also did not like the idea of Eriol x Kaho because I liked Eriol x Tomoyo more (ET still has a very special place in my heart... being one of my earliest uhh... fanon ships)... it was also to the point that I kinda disliked Kaho, until I rewatched CCS series in it's entirety. I love both Meiling and Kaho A LOT now btw. But gosh, I was such a silly child then... cuz I literally was XD I guess my point is that I'm glad that as an older fan, I am still able to follow Sakura's journey and the "essence" of the series/characters has not changed even after all this time.
Until next time~
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