#finally getting to it and.. yeah it's pretty brilliant. i get why it did so well. folk horror tradition but washed through with ideas about
dronebiscuitbat · 2 days
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 30)
They sat next to each other, Uzi immediately leaning into N, holding onto his arm and into his shoulder, N did his best to keep himself from blushing, instead wrapping his arm around her back.
Lizzy was already visibly uncomfortable, trying her best to not look at them, Uzi grinned up at N, this was gonna be easier than she thought.
If she was honest, PDA was not something she enjoyed, if she was going to be affectionate, she'd prefer to do it only between them, behind several closed doors. But! making Lizzy suffer was a chance she wouldn't pass up.
“Alright… V! Truth or Dare?” Thad began, looking to his side and making a finger gun at her, V's tail twitched once before she responded.
“Dare, I'm no coward.” She replied, and Thad leaned back and thought for a moment, tapping his foot idly.
“I dare you to… Tell N he's great at something.” He said after a moment, making V jump and Uzi snort, it sounded so simple but she knew she would struggle.
“Aw ugh, why that?” V protested, grumbling at Thad while he looked up at her nervously, visible sweat trailing down his visor.
“It'll be funny?” Uzi suggested, trying to back Thad up, she gave the worker a thumbs up, and he smiled gratefully.
She grimaced, eyes drifting over to N who was looking back at her with curious and slightly amused eyes. She flushed.
“N.” She started gruffly, clearly forcing every word.
“Yes?” N replied, amusement dancing in his tone. Uzi was already snickering, trying to conceal her laughter behind her hand.
“You are pretty good at… calming people down. I guess.” She finally finished, blushing heavily and averting her gaze from her fellow disassembly drone, N's face lit up in a smile made of sunshine.
“Aww thanks V!” His tail wagged behind him.
“Yeah don't get used to it.” She replied, quickly recovering from her fluster, she looked over at Lizzy, who despite hiding her face had in fact been giggling to herself. V blushed harder.
“Now it's your turn V.” Thad explained, it was clear that he had also been chuckling, only he knew better then to make it obvious, especially while sitting right next to her and not being Lizzy.
“N, Truth or Dare!” She barked, at her voice Lizzy turned back to face the rest of the group, looking up at V.
“Truth!” He stated immediately, tail still wagging from earlier, he squished Uzi closer to his side, she'd told him to “indulge in every sappy thought he had.” So that's what he was doing.
“Wimp.” V and Lizzy said at the same time.
“Hey!” He complained, but was silenced by Uzi's hand on his leg, he wasn't sure it was part of Lizzy's teasing or something only for him, he flushed anyway, tail beginning to curl around her waist.
“Do you want more kids?” V smirked as she asked it, it getting wider as N's breath was instantly taken away, if he was flustered before, he was about to perish now.
“Agh! V!”
He flushed a brilliant gold, glancing down at Uzi who had flushed similarly, although she did have a questioning look on her face, as if she too was curious.
“I-I yeah, eventually.” He gulped, feeling the nerves crawl up his spine. Was this how truth or dare was played? Trying to embarass the other people playing or expose them? “If… if Uzi wants them.”
Uzi ripped her gaze away, oookay that was something to keep in mind. She hadn't thought about the prospect at all herself, but knowing N had was… exciting? nerve-wracking?
He fully expected for them to last forever, if he was already thinking about things like that, it brought a wobbly smile to her face. She wanted them to last forever too… and maybe they would have more, together.
“Looks like she does~” V teased, taking great satisfaction in making her fluster.
“Bite me! I didn't say anything!” Uzi snapped back, Tera giggled in her lap, making a digital equivalent to a snarl to copy her tone, although it sounded more like a mewl.
“It's written all over your face.” V smirked.
“Gross! Cut it out V!” Lizzy interjected, shoving V lightly in the shoulder, V only laughed, both at her request and her pathetic shove.
“What? We were all thinking it.”
“I wasn't!” She seethed, looking pouty up at her freind, V smirked down at her, and Lizzy only lasted a few more seconds before she flushed a bright pink and looked away.
“Alright, Alright, N's turn.” Thad gestured to the family on the loveseat, Uzi was resting her head on N's lap, rolling Tera around on her chest, what started as a way to tease someone was quickly being converted into real affection, although Uzi would never admit it if asked.
“Thad, Truth or Dare.” N repeated everyone else's words, he was kinda liking this game, it seemed harmless enough, even if it could get a little embarrassing, it was all in good fun! Subconsciously, he was running his fingers through his girlfriends hair as she laid there.
He couldn't remember the last time he was in a room with this many people and all of them liked him; or at least didn't hate him.
“Truth.” Thad replied, leaning back into the couch, his foot propped up on his leg, he looked… very comfortable, maybe a little weird considering he was sitting beside someone who had tried to kill him. And unlike N, had actually meant it.
“Lame.” V hummed, causing Lizzy to nod in agreement, it was then that Uzi noticed that V had put an arm around Lizzy subtlety, at first it was resting on top of the couch, now it was over her shoulders.
“Nah.” Was the only sound out of Thad's mouth, giving the while situation a wave with his hands.
“Hmmm…” His eyes fell to V, and he got an idea, if the purpose was to embarass them, then;
“Do you think V is cute?” Thad blinked, before slowly turning his head to look at the disassembly drone, she looked back, clawed hands in crossed arms and her eyebrow raised.
“N are you trying to kill me man?”
“It's just a question.” Uzi backed him up, giving him a sideways glance as N looked down at her, eyes slowly softening as he got lost in his admiration.
“Well? Do you?” V asked him, turning her head to look down at him instead of Lizzy, inquisitive, visible sweat began to fall on the inside of his visor, clearly thinking very carefully about the next words out of his mouth.
“Uh. I wouldn't use the word cute, you're… attractive? In a intimidating… you'd probably kill me kinda way?” He tried to delicately explain. He wasn't blushing but he did look incredibly nervous, V stared at him for a moment before curtly nodding her head.
“Good answer.”
Lizzy looked past V and right at him, giving him a glare that told him precisely what would happen if he ever made a move on V, he wasn't! But that didn't mean that he didn't find her attractive, she could kick his ass! She had kicked his ass.
Thad found most people a little bit attractive, just not enough to ever do anything about it… was he supposed to?
“Hah…” He gulped, before quickly trying to change the subject. “Oookay…my turn again then.”
“Lay it on me.” She said nonchalantly, head leaning back on V's arm without drawing much attention to it. Uzi would have called her out, she wanted to, but Lizzy was lucky she had respect enough for V to keep her mouth shut.
“Truth or Dare.”
“Dare.” She said, recrossing her arms, V nodded approvingly in response.
“I dare you… to hold Tera.” Thad said after a moment of watching Uzi play with the droneling, letting her roll into the crook of her neck before what he said caught up to her and she lifted her away.
“Um hey, I have problems with that.”
“Aww come on, Lizzy won't drop her, right Lizzy.” Thad reassured, looking back at Lizzy who had hollowed eyelights for a moment before quickly catching herself.
“If Doorman has a problem with it, then you should pick another dare, Thad.” She gritted her teeth clearly trying to-not-so-subtly tell him that she really didn't want to.
“Uzi, come on, we won't let Lizzy drop her. V?” He looked up at V, who rolled her eyes for a moment before turning back to Lizzy.
“Liz?” Oh, her voice was so soft when saying her name. Uzi almost wanted to laugh if she didn't know if she did he would be the world's largest pot calling the kettle black, hers did the same thing when talking to N.
“Ugh. Fine! I won't drop her, I promise or whatever.” It seemed Lizzy noticed it too, because she had flushed again and unfolded her arms to hold them out, ready to except the droneling.
Both parents swapped glances, Uzi slowly lifted up Tera and brought her over to where Lizzy was sitting, gently dropping her in Lizzy’s awaiting arms.
She held her correctly, surprising her, and even held her chassis tenderly, clearly not wanting to actually harm the baby. Tera looked up at her and squinted.
“There? Happy Thad?” She asked him, deadpan, gesturing to the baby in her arms, but making a point not to look at her.
“Uh… Lizzy?” Thad's eyes were hollow, pointing at the infant currently in her arms.
“Wh- Ah!”
Tera's screen was now a single unblinking purple “X” and she was completely still, gazing deeply into Lizzy's visor. The entire room lost their breath, N's eyes went hollow, as did Uzi's.
Did she… Did she have the solver? Oh robo-god did she somehow transfer it through her oil or something? Was it contagious that way? Oh shit, oh f-
Lizzy looked terrified for a breif moment, before the X disappeared, and Tera was laughing mischievously. Clearly having done it on purpose to scare her.
Either copied from her or N.
“Hah! Someone has a sense of humor!” V snarled out a laugh, and relief hit both parents, it was something she'd learned, not a symptom of… that.
“Take your freaky kid!” Lizzy quickly held Tera away from her, as far away as she could possibly without dropping her.
“She's not freaky!”
Uzi took her anyway, cradling her daughter in her arms which was currently giving her a very familiar smirk.
“You shouldn't scare people like that.” She spoke down to the little one.
“Hehehe, Mama!”
She went back over to the loveseat, core still racing after witnessing her daughter display such a tell-tail sign of being… different. Even if it was only something she'd picked up from them.
“Who you picking Liz?” V asked after having her laughing fit.
“Oh what a surprise.” Uzi rolled her eyes, how typical was that?
“Truth or Dare.” She asked, a snarky bite to her voice that often made Uzi want to beat her head in, or maybe slit her throat, her kit would need the oil soon.
Wait, what?
“Dare, no blackmail material for you.” She spoke before she could dwell on that thought, sighing as Tera giggled up at her, still an even temperature.
“Fair.” Lizzy shrugged, before a sneer came back to her face. “Make out with N.”
“You two have been lovey-dovey all day just to annoy me. So I'm calling your bluff. Bet you won't.” Lizzy had her hands on her hips, aside from the one that was now pointing at the both of them, gold met purple, and both blushed.
“Isn’t that a little much Lizzy…?” Thad tried to interject, trying to save them.
“Don't tell me you haven't been watching them make googly eyes at each other this entire time, doesn't it make you uncomfortable?”
“No? Not really.” Thad replied, and he was being honest. Not only had he not really noticed, but what little he had he thought was nice, they looked happy!
“Well, it does me. So? Are you doing it? Or are you scared?”
Uzi Doorman wasn't scared! Not of anything, especially not kissing her boyfriend! Spite was the prime emotion she was feeling when she turned to N, who's eyes were hollow as he realized that Lizzy had just said the magic words for Uzi to do anything.
“N. Are you okay with this?” She asked first, and he nodded nearly instantly despite the fact all the eyes on his head was looking out into the room full of people, his mouth went dry as he flushed more.
“I'm not scared of anything!” She yelled out at Lizzy before placing Tera on a pillow next to them and gripping his jacket, giving him only a moment to prepare himself before she was kissing him roughly.
His tail shot up and kinked on itself, eyes somehow getting wider for a moment before he started to melt, eyes fluttering closed as Uzi moved to hold his shoulder and grip him firmly.
His tail came around to pull her closer, and while it started chaste, like their first kiss, Uzi slowly began to deepen it, he felt himself shudder in delight as her tongue ran across his lip, asking to continue.
He made a groan as he aquestied, letting her do whatever she wanted with him.
To Uzi, she was acutely aware of the people watching them, and couldn't really let herself enjoy the moment, unlike N, who has completely forgotten the existence of other people the second she deepened the kiss.
She pulled away, a string of saliva still connecting them for a moment, both panted for a second, N's eyes reopening as the world came back in around him.
Holy Crap…
He could… understand the appeal now. He internally apologized to both Rebecca and Darren as well as all the horror movie characters he'd slandered.
She wiped her mouth with her hand, blushing profusely as she locked eyes with Lizzy, who looked like she was about to hurl, or maybe flee.
“Not. Scared.”
V began to howl of laughter, as N's eyelights were replaced by both a yellow heart and and a swirl, a blush overtaking most of his visor as he became one with the couch, sinking into it in his dazed state.
“I think you broke him…” Thad said, looking sheepish, rubbing the back of his neck. This seemed to be enough to make him blush in second hand embarrassment, green coating the bottom of his visor.
Uzi turned her attention back to her boyfriend, who had the biggest smile on his face as his tail was wagging wildly, now returned to it's place behind him instead of wrapped around her.
“Are you okay?” She asked, trying not to die of embarrassment herself as she slowly lifted him back into a sitting position, one of her other hands finding Tera, who immediately squealed the second she was touched.
“I’m perfect, biscuit~” He replied, still a little dazed, eyes drifting over to her in a lovestruck stare.
“Awww.” Thad cooed.
“Bite me!”
V continued her laughter, Lizzy huffed in annoyance, and the game continued, the tension between all five drones slowly dissipating into nothing.
Next ->
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avaf00rd · 5 months
Arsenal x teen r where she has had a really tiring day and falls asleep on the bench during the game. (Minor ausenal x r bc she’s a Tillie)
the big screen
Arsenal x teen!reader
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super short but pretty cute
Warnings: none
You were still sprinting. It felt like you hadn’t stopped in days. Receiving a ball from Lia you made your way around some of the west ham girls, ball at your feet, running towards Beth who seemed to be completely open and running up with you, before you no longer felt the ground at your boots and were knocked down.
Quickly getting up and throwing your hands up at the ref who kept on running with the play, you were running up and down once again. Your body was younger than the rest of the team, so you could physically handle longer minutes than most of the older girls. And were usually playing a full game, but, tonight it was killing you.
When you finally found your number on the substitution board you quickly made your way over to the sidelines, bringing in Kyra for a split hug before she was taking your position for the remaining time.
A few of your closest teammates were currently on the bench. You hugged Jonas briefly and he acknowledged your great efforts, Viv and Vic split from sitting next to each other so you could sit in between, vic shuffling over one seat.
Puffer and water bottle now in hand you comepletly collapsed into the seat. Throwing your head back in exhaustion.
“Brilliant work tiny!!” Vic cheerfully said ruffling your hair
“Thanks” you smiled at her
“Yeah you played incredible” Viv said rubbing your arm. Leah quickly made her way over from where she was to squeeze both your hands standing in front of you.
“Brilliant effort so so proud of you” she smiled at you.
During the match, you managed to assist two goals in the first half, with Beth and Steph.
2 minutes later, your head met Viv’s shoulder. You were incredibly tired and as the hammers slotted in their first goal, you sighed, your eyes slowly shutting.
commentators ;
“Now looking at that incredibly talented bench for the um Arsenal. Including injured Leah Williamson, England captain, who is set to play her first match back in early 2024”
the camera quickly zooms over to you asleep.
“And our teenage star for Arsenal seems to have fallen asleep” the commentator laughs along with the other two on the microphones. Some in the stadium laugh at your fast asleep state on the big screen amongst emirates stadium.
Vic, wanting to see your reaction, quickly shakes you awake, your eyes slowly flutter open with both Viv and Vic laughing. You immediately saw a replay of your face asleep, now flicking back to the present image of you laughing. Face bright red. Before it quickly pans back to the game.
“Why did you let me fall asleep!” You exclaim hitting Viv in the chest.
“You’re a cute sleeper tiny” Viv giggles.
You were pulled by Leah to join her post-match interview with Alex Scott. You were familiar with the ex Arsenal girl and looked up to her as a role model.
“Hello star!” Smiled Alex as she hugged you, before hugging Leah. Someone working for the broadcast handing both of you microphones. “Now y/n, you ran insane, you were always on the ball. Your performance definitely impacted the result of today’s victory. How are you feeling right now?” Alex said slightly giggling with the last part.
“Physically; tired-“
“Oh sweetie we know” Alex laughed with Leah.
“You know I’m not super proud of Emirates stadium seeing that! I don’t know how I managed to fall asleep right there” you exclaimed laughing
“no but obviously a little sore in the legs but mentally so so proud of this team. To Steph and Beth for both of there incredible shots. And everyone who gave their ultimate effort, we took another win and we will take it again next week” you smiled with pride.
Slightly looking at Leah as you spoke, looking for an acknowledgment that you were saying the right words. She would just smile and nod at you to keep going.
“I’m sure the team is so proud of the effect you have made on the team since your singing” Alex said, directing towards Leah
“Yeah we all watch her play and give it 100% every weekend and it’s incredible, and you know in training she’s a tough player to get past I won’t lie” you smiled as Leah spoke, hearing the girls you have looked up to since you were a little girl made your heart heat up immensely.
“Oh awesome well I’ll catch up with you lot later and enjoy your night”
“Thanks Alex” you both smiled before leaving the interview and hugging her goodbye.
“Now let’s get you back home so you can sleep hey?” Leah said squeezing your shoulders as you walked across the pitch.
“Har har. Now please carry me” you said sarcastically before smiling at the taller girl. She slightly rolled her eyes before turning around ready for you to jump on her back.
“Woo!” You yelled as Leah ran with you on her back.
kinda made me cringe at this writing but oh well.
Love you all xx
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Saga!! You’re baaaack!! Lovely to see you around these parts again hun 😘 If you’re in the writing mood, can I interest you in a little gif of our favourite Camden based reprobate as inspiration? 😉 xxx
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Thank you love! Good to be back (and make my favourite Camden gangster talk nonsense in my fics 🤭🤭🤭)
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“That is still a ‘no’, luv, all right, and that is final.”
“Alfie Solomons, I am your wife!”
“Playin’ the wife card, are we, right, but two can play this game, sweetheart, yeah? Now, I ain’t one to play dirty, right, and don’t you roll those pretty eyes of yours at me, ‘cause I know what you’re about to say next and the answer’s still bloody ‘no’!”
“Alfie, I am begging you…!”
“Oh, now she’s beggin’, ain’t she, isn’t that a clever thing to do to your husband, right, makin’ ‘im feel all sorts of notions just to win the argument, right, now listen to me, Mrs. Solomons, you women are a clever little breed, right, entirely overlooked and undervalued, yeah, I realise that, luv, an’ I can see that ‘cause you yourself are exceptionally clever, my love, so much so that you went an’ married a clever man, right, a trait that doesn’t apply too often to my kind… There she goes and rolls her eyes again, bloody hell, come back here, woman!”
“Come back here at once, ya vexin’ creature, an’ no stompin’ on the bloody stairs, you’ll wake the dogs!”
“Don’t bring the dogs into this!”
“I’ll do as I damn well please in my own fuckin’ house that I paid for!”
“You, Alfie Solomons, are unbelievable!”
“Thank you.”
“That wasn’t a compliment and you know it!”
“Hush now, luv, let’s not argue, right, ‘cause I can take no more of this–”
“Right, an’ I can be the bigger person here, darlin’, and to say I love an’ cherish you more than life itself would be an understatement–”
“So I forgive ya.”
“Go to hell!”
“How many times must I tell ya I already got the ticket done and paid for?!”
“I swear on my brothers, Alfie, I will join you there, because I’ll bloody go and murder my own husband if his nonsense continues!”
“Right! Fuck! Now that right there is just fuckin’ brilliant, right, ‘cause your lovin’ brother is what started the whole fuckin’ thing!”
“Alfie Solomons, you put on a clean shirt right this instance and accompany me to my brother’s wedding or I swear to God, I’ll gut ya with a butter knife!”
“John bloody Shelby gets married at least every other October, what fuckin’ difference does it make if I come or not?!”
“You take that back!”
“Why should I fuckin’ take it back, right, if it’s true?!”
“A butter knife, Alfie Solomons, I swear to God!”
“Naaah, but do ya promise, dearest?! ‘Cause it’s a lovely set your Tommy got us for our anniversary, shame if it fuckin’ goes to waste…! What are ya laughin’ about now?”
“Nothin’… Oh God, Alfie, I bloody love you, you know that?”
“That a trick or somethin’…?”
“No! I just… God, Tommy always said I took after Polly, I just never knew how much… This is bloody ridiculous.”
“Right, you… Right, stop laughin’, woman, you’re bloody ridiculous, stand still… Now your lipstick’s all over the– an’ what was that for?”
“I love you, Alfie Solomons.”
“Right, now, I love ya too, alright, even though you Shelbys are all equally fuckin’ crazy...”
“You knew what you married into.”
“That I bloody did.”
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
Injured On Purpose
pairing: harry potter x female reader
warnings: just fluff, possibly obsessed harry, mentions of things like cuts/gashes and bruises, kissing
summary: you are a healer in training, one year older than harry, he keeps getting injured while you keep healing him. you start to wonder if he does it on purpose, to which you find your suspicions to be correct - requested by @ashdreams2023
a/n: i absolutely adore this idea!! thank you for sending it love xx (i also didn't know what age you wanted so i just made her a 7th year and him a 6th, hope that's ok :)
song: love me love me say that you love me - the travelling kisses
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Harry knew he was done for when he first laid eyes on you in the infirmary.
He had gotten injured during one of his Quidditch matches. He had taken a nasty hit from a bludger.
When he arrived, he figured Madam Pomfrey would be the one to heal him as usual.
However, it was a pleasant surprise when he heard a soft voice and looked up to see a beautiful girl standing before him.
So beautiful that he had to take of his glasses and wipe them clean to make sure he was seeing correctly.
You were oblivious to his dreamy gaze as you scanned over his papers.
"Hello, Mr. Potter-"
"Harry, call me Harry," he quickly says.
"Okay Harry, I'm y/n," you smile at him.
"Pretty name for a pretty girl," he whispers under his breath.
"Oh- um- nothing," Harry blushes.
"Alright, well it seems that your shoulder had been broken. But don't worry, I'll be able to fix it right up in no time," you explain.
You take out your wand and some ointments.
You say some different spells for fixing any broken or cracked bones.
"Do you mind sliding your shirt down just a bit so I can rub this on the bruses?"
"N-no not at all," he stutters and slides it down.
"You are new here? In the hospital wing I mean," he asks as you rub the medicine on him.
"Mhm- well, not that new. I've been here for almost two months. But I want to be a healer when I get out of here, so some of my professors thought it would be helpful if I worked here first," you clarify.
"Oh, well that's brilliant if you ask me!"
"Thank you," you grin.
"What year are you?"
"I'm a seventh year, you're a sixth year right?"
"Yeah," he nods.
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"Merlin Ron, you should have seen her," he dramatically sighs.
"Harry, stop being all lovey-dovey," he wacks his best mate in the back of the head.
"But you don't understand. Her hair looks so soft- I think I'm in love," he falls back onto his bed.
"Blimey," Ron shakes his head.
When they went to dinner that night, he let his eyes roam the Great Hall in search for you.
Finally, his eyes landed on your angelic figure as you talked with some of your friends.
He hadn't realized he had been staring until he felt Hermione hit his arm with a book.
"Gosh Harry, I think your drooling," she rolls her eyes and goes back to reading.
He quickly brings his hand up to his mouth to check if Hermione was right. When he realized she was just messing with him he shakes his head and puts it on his hand, resting his elbow on the table.
"Harry, you only talked to her for like ten minutes," Ron glances at you.
"Yeah but it was the best ten minute conversation of my life," he runs a hand through his hair.
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Since that day, Harry had purposely gotten injured from things like Quidditch, dueling, and any other things he could think of.
Why he did this, just so he can be sent to the infirmary to see you.
You had thought he showed up often because he was just a clumsy boy.
Over the visits you have grown to know each other well. You had become somewhat close.
Whenever Ron or Hermione told him that he should stop, he brushed it off by saying, "she's a pretty girl and a guy has got to do what hes got to do!"
He loved when you would have to rub any type of liniment on him, just to feel your warm and soft hands on his skin.
While you were busy writing things down, he would stare at your precious, pink, plump lips. He begged Merlin to one day be able to kiss those lips. He often dreamt about what it would be like as your boyfriend.
Today was another day where he had been hit with a spell that caused some gashes on his stomach.
He was laying in bed, waiting for his lovely healer to come in.
Soon enough, he sees you stroll through the doors as you make your way over to his bed.
"Harry Potter! What brings you here today," you greet with a bright smile playing on your lips.
"Hello, love, just some cuts on my stomach," he informs you.
You blush at the name and nod your head.
"Do you mind lifting your shirt for me?"
He happily complies and brings up his shirt, revealing his toned stomach to you. You tried your best not to look like you were checking him out, you were also glad no one else was in the room to notice.
"Oh Harry what happened," you gasp as your eyes land on the bloody wounds.
"Oh- uh- I was hit with a spell," he tells you.
"I'm sorry," you frown.
"No need to apologize"
"This might hurt a bit," you warn him as you get a medicine covered cloth to clean the injury.
You finish wiping his cuts and put a bandage over them. You sit in the chair that was next to his bed and look at him.
"You know, you come here at least twice a week," you start as he stares at your pretty eyes. "Is there any reason you are always getting hurt?"
"Oh- er, no, um..." Harry rubs his neck nervously as he suddenly avoids eye contact with you.
"You... you're not getting injured on purpose are you?"
"What?" Harry laughs nervously. "Of course not!"
Realization fills your head, it all makes sense now. Your friends told you he was always admiring you in the Great Hall, he always had a pink blush on his cheeks when you would look at him intensely, and you had heard him ranting to his friends over some girl.
You stand up and sit on the bed. "Are you sure there isn't another reason?"
"Well- umm- maybe there is one," he fidgets with fingers as he looks out the window.
"Yeah? And what would that reason be?"
"Isortakindafancyyou," he rushes out so fast you couldn't understand.
"I have no clue what you just said," you tilt your head with a small smile.
"I sorta kinda fancy you," Harry blushes as he looks you in your eyes.
"Do you now," you whisper as your face moves closer to his.
"Y-yeah," he mumbles while staring as you lips.
"Well, then I suppose you might want to know that I sorta kinda fancy you too," you say, glancing at his lips as well.
He can't take it any longer. He reaches a hand behind your neck and pulls your lips towards his.
He sits up while keeping your mouths connected. He cannot seem to get enough of your warm, soft lips.
His tongue slides into your mouth and you almost let out a moan from how passionate the kiss is.
Eventually, you slowly pull back, leaving his mouth trying to follow yours. Both of you are breathing heavy while wearing smiles.
"You are a great kisser," Harry says breathlessly.
"Not too bad yourself, Harry," you grin. "I'm sorry, I have to go, but we should do this again sometime," you stand up and go to turn around.
"Wait," he stays and he grabs your wrist gently. "Would you want to go to Hogsmeade with me sometime?" Harry kisses your hand.
"I would love to," you beam, bending down to peck his lips.
"Brilliant! How about this saturday?"
"Sounds perfect, bye Harry," you wave walking out of the room.
Harry licks his lips, wishing yours were on them again. He closes his eyes and falls back onto the pillows with a dreamy smile.
When Harry got back, Ron and Hermione never heard the end of it.
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imyourbratzdoll · 11 months
hi since you have opened up for female characters would you be interested in writing something for Wanda with girlfriend reader? maybe they are trying new things and wanda realises her girl has a small crush on Bucky and arranges something? 👀
or if this is too much then something with just Wanda and reader please. only if you feel like it thanks
hello! I apologise for taking so long, and I hope you like what I wrote!
summary - your girlfriend notices that you have a crush on a certain super-solider, so she decides to do something special for you.
warning - smut, bi stuff, sharing kink, cuckolding, voyeurism, swearing, oral sex, fingering, magic use, squirting.
18+ only please, the gifs I use aren't mine, divider by @newlips
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Wanda had watched you blush whenever Bucky would enter the room or talk to you, noticing how you had gained a tiny crush on the troubled super-solider. She thought she’d be jealous, but instead, she had a brilliant idea, wanting to treat her little girl to something sweet. She smiles when she enters your shared room, spotting you sitting against the headboard, Bucky waiting patiently outside. “Hey, honey. I want to do something kinky tonight. Are you up for it?” 
Your eyes widen, swallowing as you nod. “Y–yeah… What did you have in mind?” You watch her eyes glow a bright red for a split second before Bucky enters, and you choke on your saliva. “Wands… Why is Bucky here?” You clench your legs together, feeling your core pulse and leak at the thought of what will happen. 
Wanda walks over, tucking your hair behind your ear. “I know you have a crush on him, honey. So, I thought, why not let you have a taste of him.” She leans closer, looking you in your eyes. “You want that, honey? Do you want to get a taste of Bucky? Want him to fuck your cute little pussy?” 
You whimper, squirming in your spot. Your eyes flicker between the two, staring into the darkness of Bucky’s eyes. “Please…” You beg, biting on your bottom lip. 
Wanda smirks, “My needy little baby.” Her hands slide down your body, grazing your soft breasts and landing between your legs, cupping your sopping cunt. Wanda gently rubs your swollen clit over your drenched knickers, smiling sweetly at the sounds that escape past your lips. Bucky groans, adjusting himself, eyes locked between your legs. “I’m going to sit back and watch him take you apart, honey. Let you have a free pass on getting fucked by a man. Do you want that?” 
You whine, squeezing your eyes shut and nodding your head. “Yes, yes, please!” Your back arches as she continues to rub you. “Nooo!” You whine when she stops touching you, moving to the chair in the corner of the room, wanting to watch. Bucky takes the nod Wanda gives him as a sign to go, and you moan when you feel something cold touching you. Your head moves to the side, mouth hanging open as Bucky rubs you through your knickers before pulling them to the side and rolling your pretty little clit between his fingers. “Oh…” 
“That’s right, doll. Feels good, doesn’t it?” You nod, moving your body closer to the large man, your head fuzzy as a fantasy of yours has finally come true. Bucky groans, watching your juices leak onto his fingers, covering him. “Your girlfriend is so good, doll. Letting you get touched by me, you should be thanking her.” He moves down to your hole, poking and prodding until he slowly pushes a finger inside, followed by another.
You grip the seats and clutch onto his arm, and breathless moans leave your lips. “F–fuck, thank you! Thank you so much, baby!” You clench and unclench around him. You feel yourself getting close, right on the edge, until the core inside of you snaps. Your back arches, and you whine. Your juices squirt out of you as Bucky curls his fingers. “Oh, god!”
Wanda sits back, feeling herself throb as she watches you get pleasured by somebody else. “He’s not done, honey.” Her eyes move to Bucky’s. “Fuck her, and don’t hold back. She’s a whore and doesn’t deserve anything gentle.” She crosses her legs and rests against the chair, hooded eyes staring directly into your dazed ones. 
Bucky shrugs, looking down at you. “Well, you heard her. I have to fuck you like a whore.” He pulls his shirt over his head, and your eyes widen, whimpering as they slowly move down his body, watching as he unbuckles his belt and slides his jeans down. You let out a choked gasp as your eyes landed on his bulge. It wasn’t like his size was a mystery, as his pants always showed he was packing, but the fact that he was standing in front of you, hard and ready to fuck you made you whimper. “Aww, doll. Don’t worry. I’ll make it fit.” He smirks, climbing on top of you and spreading your legs. 
Your mouth falls open into a silent scream as Bucky pushes his thick member into your tight cunt, grunting as you squeeze him. “Jesus, fuck, doll! You’re so fucking tight!” Your legs wrap around him, pulling him deeper into you. 
“Bucky… Please, move!” You moan, trying to fuck yourself onto him. Bucky pins your hands down, glaring down at you as he begins to pound into you, fucking you fast and hard, splitting you open from the inside. “Oh, god! Feels so good!” Your eyes connect with Wanda’s, and you whimper as she smirks. 
Bucky snarls, gripping your chin and making you look at him. “I’m fucking you, not her. You look at me, understood?” You nod, moaning, and your eyes roll to the back of your head as he pounds into your sweet spot. His pubic hair rubs against your clit, causing tingles to shoot through your body, and your toes curl. “Fuck, you’re squeezing me so tight, cum for me, you fucking whore.” He lifts your hips, stuffing a pillow underneath as Bucky goes feral, slamming into you harder and harder, grunting as your walls tighten around him and your juices squirt out of you. “Shit! Can I cum in her?” He looks over to Wanda, not slowing down.
“No, cum in her mouth. She wants a taste.” Bucky groans, and you whine when he slides out of you and drags your body down the bed before stuffing your mouth full of him, thrusting in and out, his heavy sacks hitting your chin. “Like that, do you like that, honey?” 
You moan around Bucky, trying to nod as your hands grasp his thighs. You gag and choke as he thrusts deep into your mouth, a bulge appearing. Bucky grips your hair, his hips stuttering and his balls tightening. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! Your mouth is so fucking good, doll!” He grunts, burying his cock deep into your throat as he releases, spurting thick amounts of cum. 
You swallow, licking him clean and giving his tip a little suck. You whimper when you pull off, sagging into the bed, feeling all tingly between your legs. Bucky moves next to you, sighing as he lies down, and Wanda makes her way over. “You were such a good girl for us, honey.” She drags her finger up and down your thigh, slowly moving between your legs and slipping two fingers into you, causing you to whine. “Shh, it’s okay.” She slowly thrusts them in and out before pulling them out of you and bringing one finger to her mouth, sticking it in and sucking. “Mmm, always taste so sweet for me, honey. Have a taste, Bucky.” She leans over you and sticks her other finger in his mouth, causing him to groan.
“Fuck, taste so good, doll.” Bucky sucks your girlfriend's finger, and you moan as you watch, squirming beneath them. “Round two?” Wanda’s eyes glow a bright red, and your back arches when you feel pressure on your clit. Her magic swirls around you, and you moan, knowing you are in for one hell of a night.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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midniiights-garden · 5 months
Your Eyes... They're like Diamonds. Fem!Reader x Mizu
Summary: You, the reader, stumble upon Mizu bathing. Instead of being distracted by the fact that she is very much naked, but by the dazzling view of her eyes.
Possible TWs!!: Nudity? idk if that counts as a trigger idk
Note: Mizu is called a man in the beginning.
Stumbling upon Mizu naked was defintely not on my agenda.
We had set up camp in a secluded area of the forest, finding a hot spring much to our relief. Mizu had sent me off to forage for food, claiming that 'he' was going to porperly set up the tents. So that's what I did, muttering about the cold and the snow and everything that a woman could possibly be complaining about.
When I returned I was met with the sight of the tents set up but Mizu nowhere to be found. So, naturally I begin to worry. Mizu was a capable warrior, but 'he' could still be ambushed. No one was perfect. So I scurry off towards the place I last saw Mizu, following a trail of footprints that most likely belonged to 'him'.
After following said trail for a while I reach what appears to be a natural hot spring. My eyes widen- this was a brilliant place to finally get clean. But that wasn't the point right now, I had to find Mizu.
Before I actually had the proper time to comprehend anything or even begin properly looking a familiar blade is pointed straight at me. Startled, I step backwards, falling onto my behind with a small 'oomph'.
My trail of thought is cut off as I looked up. I realised right then two different, very important things. One: 'he' was not a he. Mizu was a girl. Very obviously so considering she was buck ass naked in front of me and had no dick. Secondly- she had stunningly pretty eyes. I had never gotten a proper look at her eyes as she always hid them but now that she was bare I could see them. My breath catches in my throat and I can't help but stare.
"You're eyes-" I begin, only to be promptly cut off by Mizu.
"Yeah? What, gonna insult me as well? Actually, wait what are you even doin-"
"-they're like diamonds," I finally blut out. "They're so... clear. Like the ocean around Japan or, well, diamonds."
Mizu seems taken aback by your blatant compliments. She sheaths her blade, stepping back slightly. Her brows are furrowed as she contemplates whether or not to believe you. She's had people compliment her to distract her before but... you seemed completely sincere. A little too sincere considering that from her perspective you hadn't stopped staring.
It was true, though. I hadn't managed to take my eyes off of her. She was so... beautiful. In all aspects. After seeing her as she was a lot of things finally made sense. Why she always had so many bandages on her, why she kept her neck hidden and so on. But wow... she was really the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.
If it wasn't obvious to Mizu that I was a raging lesbian before, it sure as hell was now. I was looking at her as if she hung the stars in the sky for me to see. She was suddenly very aware that she was naked in front of you now. Mizu unsheathes her blade, pointing it at you once more.
"Don't even think of telling anyone about this," she growls, trying to mask her confusion with aggression.
"Please stab me-" I blurt out.
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Guile & Guilt (Ch. 04)
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Pidge offered to let you shower and change in her room so that you could be warm again and in clean clothes. You took her up on it, eager to feel the hot water and steam heat your skin.
Roger was already snoring, dead asleep on the sofa in the living room, and Johnny - or Soap, as Bekah had named him - disappeared into his room for a bit, looking for his own shower. He was absent while you and Pidge tried the cake samples from the Stiff Peaks bakery. She gushed about the flavors and the use of spices in the cake and its icing. You even got a few moans of culinary approval from Hamish whose high standards were impossible to reach. All in all, it felt like a success.
So why did you feel so empty? It was more than just the text from Bekah. There was some piece missing, something you got wrong and needed to fix. But, what could it be?
Johnny had confessed his feelings to you, and his kiss had felt… well, it had felt like a kiss should feel. It was the kiss that every young person imagined they might experience one day when the softness of someone else’s mouth finally found their own, their tongue icing the flesh of the other’s like a knife through a creamy, sugary glaze. The heat of their wet lips burning their edges, locked into a primal embrace of ownership and consumption, eating without feeling full. Devouring and yet becoming hungrier, increasing your appetite, gorging on the sweetness, until finally…
Johnny’s door popped open and he came to join you in the kitchen. His eyes went to you before eventually settling on Brigette,
“So? What’s the verdict, then? Dinnae meet the mark?”
“Sure,” Pidge smiled at him, “Right on target, you wee nugget. Good thing I sent you then.”
Johnny nodded to you, sitting in the bar stool next to yours at the kitchen counter. He gestured to you,
“She kept me in line, so she did. Would’ve gone for the chocolate myself.”
Pidge nudged you,
“Aye, what’d I tell you.”
You offered the other half of the cake to him, passing him your fork. He took it, cocking his smile into a mischievous grin,
“You’d have been proud of your wee hen here, Pidge. She made a pretty convincing bride. Might have to recruit her for our next mission. Be needin’ some espionage.”
Pidge laughed without even glancing up at him, her voice full of bitterness,
“So, havin’ you and da’ throw away your life on spyin’ wasnae enough. Should be my best friend, too?”
The whole room went cold. Johnny was mid-chew when he heard his sister’s comment, and he spat out the cake into a napkin in disgust. Pidge cut him off before he could say anything,
“Don’t forget to give little miss James Bond here a ride to her fitting tomorrow. I’m off for my shower,” she squeezed her brother’s forearm, seeming to understand that she had hit a nerve. He did not respond to her words nor her touch.
Johnny turned inward, closing off from conversation. You tried to coax him back out,
“Hey, here’s your phone. I think you missed a call.”
Without saying anything, he took the phone from you. He flipped through the message, and his expression remained unchanged.
“Gonna steal some of tha’ stew Hamish has been hidin’. You want in, thief?” He asked you, reaching for the pots and spoons before cracking open the freezer.
“Aren’t you gonna go to the pub?” You asked, trying to be as unbothered as possible.
He froze in place, holding the pot by its handle, locking eyes with you,
“No, not unless you wanted to do dinner with me, lass. Cravin’ samosas?”
It was a test. You had promised yourself you wouldn’t, but here you were, playing games. Could the party boy resist a party? You were about to find out.
“Yeah,” you nodded, “Maybe a little. We could get take away.”
“Brilliant,” he grabbed his keys and followed you to the door.
Now that night had settled in, it was too cold in the Jeep. You held your arms right to your body and tried to shield yourself from the wind. Johnny dug around in the back and dragged out a camo jacket with his name tacked onto the chest.
You put it on and it swallowed you, warming you up from the inside out. The fold of the collar flapped just under your nose, letting you smell his orange, woody scent. There was something else, too. Gunpowder. You smelled like fireworks and winter citrus.
“Thanks,” you said, wrapping it tighter around you.
“You make it look good,” his smile was bright and full of innocent praise, “Warm enough?”
You nodded, suddenly shy. You regretted your decision to drag him out of the house again. You should’ve kept him all to yourself, covetous and selfish like a hoarder, locking him in like a shorn Repunzel, playing like Circe with her pigs. But, you didn’t want to be Circe. You wanted to be Penelope. Permanent, as impossible though it may have been.
Was he Odysseus? Or Narcissus?
The car park was packed. He dropped you off at the door and you waited for him to find a spot in the back. He pulled the keys out of the Jeep and did a bit of a jog to catch up to you.
He commented on the crowd,
“Match is on. Rangers and Aberdeen. Whole town should be out tonight.”
You made a quiet noise in assent, not knowing enough about football to comment.
He held the gate open for you, and you walked through the smoky, crowded courtyard. Ettrick’s had tons of outdoor space, and the tall heat lamps made it cozy despite the nip in the air.
Inside, the noise hit you like a punch. It was a small space and the din was overwhelming. Warmth and bodies and smells tumbled over you like a wave. Johnny pulled a menu from the host stand, positioning himself as a barrier between you and the chaos.
He had to lean in close to you for you to hear him,
“Samosas, yeah? And we gotta do the chicken khorma. It’s top notch here, lass. Trust me.”
“Sure. Sounds good,” you smiled and watched him look around for the host.
Just as he rounded the corner, you heard a loud shout,
“MacTavish! You made it,” Lachlan’s voice carried through the crowded bar and you watched Johnny’s face light up in recognition.
He shook Lachlan’s hand and Bekah came up behind him, wrapping her arms in a tight hug, which he returned, just as tightly. They chatted together for a moment until you saw Lachlan look over Johnny’s big shoulder right into your eyes. He waved you over, and you tried to control your face. So much regret. But, you made your bed and now you had to lie in it.
“Hey, babes,” Lachlan and Bekah hugged you as well. The tall, handsome man made a point to leave his arm around your shoulder when you pulled away, “You can’t miss the game. We told Johnny you’re eating in, no complaints!”
“Yeah,” Bekah clung to Johnny’s heavy arm, “We’ve got plenty of room. Come have a seat.”
“Well…” Johnny started to make an excuse, giving you an out, but the look on his face was so earnestly disappointed that you interrupted him,
“Okay, thanks.”
You followed her to the table, and Johnny fell in behind. The waitress took your order. You watched the game, and you fell into a quiet lull. The room was bursting with energy, and you watched as Johnny slipped into the excitement. He fed off of the highs and the lows of the match. He barely touched his food, and you ate alone. He was right about the khorma. It was delicious. You wrapped up your leftover samosa and put it near his plate. He’d find it eventually.
You pushed your chair out and stood to leave. He turned to you and caught your hand. You stared at his hand and he stared down at it too, dropping it after a breath, forgetting himself for a moment,
“Where you off to, bonnie?”
“Ladies’ room. See you in a bit,” you ducked out of the crowd and into the bathroom for a moment, trying to get your thoughts together in the silence.
You washed your hands and avoided the mirror until you had to look. Then, there it was, the embroidered “MacTavish” across your chest, a little too ironic.
You took a deep breath and went back out into the fray. The Rangers scored, and Ettrick’s went wild. Bekah and Johnny held each other by the arms and screamed with joy into each other’s faces, nearly leaping over the table in celebration.
Johnny’s focus on her was so intense, the look in his eyes so full of fiery admiration, you could barely look at them. He could have Bekah. There were no rules against her like there were for you. You shouldn’t have had the nerve to even consider that he might choose you. How could he go against the wishes of his own sister? How could you?
You were right next to the back door, so you made your exit. It was a long walk back to his room, and you were nearly frozen by the time you got there. Rodger was still snoring away, and Pidge’s door was closed. So, you stripped down to just your shorts and a tank, and you crawled into bed, defeated.
“There you are, mhèirleach! You had me worried sick,” the deep rumble of Johnny’s voice and his heavy weight shifting onto the mattress pulled you from your sleep.
You groaned, trying to deter his attention. He smelled like the bar, and himself, but mostly the bar. All you felt was guilt and shame and you wanted it to stop.
“Are you alright, lass? Why’d you go? I would’ve taken you back.”
“It’s fine,” you mumbled.
He didn’t reply. You fell back to sleep, starving for something you couldn’t eat.
You awoke to a strong nose and jaw nuzzling your hair and neck, taking long deep inhales of your scent and breathing heavy. Johnny had his arm snaked up through the bottom of your shirt, his huge hand sticking out of the crew collar, holding you firmly against the base of your clavicle. His thumb was feeling the crescent curve where your throat met your body, over and over like he needed to memorize it. Like he wanted to find it again in the dark and know it was one and the same.
Was he awake? You couldn’t tell. You could tell, however, that his cock was pressing hard between your thighs, the fabric of your shorts shoved out of place by the fabric of his boxer briefs, straining against the thin cloth.
“A bheil thu milis, a mhèirleach?” Are you sweet, thief?
You decided that no, he wasn’t awake. He knew you didn’t speak Gaelic, and you had no idea what he was asking. Yet, your body seemed to. It recognized his aching timbre, its dark dulcet layers folding over your senses like silky caramel.
His hand retraced its path, sliding back through the valley of your breasts, exploring southward, finding the gaping waistband of your shorts and your lack of knickers under them. Upon discovery, his big body rocked into you, his thick rod riding into your thigh, begging for relief. A ragged, shuddering sigh left his lips and you felt it race across your skin.
“Feumaidh fios a bhith agam.” I need to know.
His words all slurred together. You were too busy melting under his hand to care for a translation. His wrist finally dipped low enough for him to slip one thick finger into your wet heat, soaking itself there like a wick in wax, coated and milky.
Your breath stalled. You couldn’t breathe in, nor out, and you felt your pussy clench around his knuckles, kissing his fingertip as he slipped it back out. Then, you watched as he slowly brought it to his lips, right next to your face, and you saw him feed himself with your slick, sucking it off of his skin, licking the knuckles of his fingers, eager for any missed drops.
Wild, crazed pleasure mixed with cold guilt in your chest. So, you called for help,
“Johnny?” Your voice was just above a whisper.
He breathed into your neck again, and then his tone changed. His language changed. He changed.
“Mm,” he whispered, “Sorry, thief. You stole my covers.”
With that excuse, he took some of the blanket from you and turned back over, breathing deeply again, leaving you there in a million little pieces.
Chapter 05
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Idk why this popped into my brain but it occurred to me that Eddie was probably on those celebrity editions of game shows. Celebrity Jeopardy, Celebrity Who Wants to be a Millionaire, etc…
And it just made me laugh so hard. The idea of Eddie Munson with Regis. Of calling Steve as a phone a friend for a basketball question and Steve being like Eddie I don’t know everything about basketball. But the answer is Larry Bird.
Just TikTok finding clips of Eddie yelling “suck it, Dan Cortese!” after obliterating them all at final jeopardy.
This fills me with so much joy! I love it so much.
Eddie does not go on Celebrity Who Wants to be a Millionaire by choice. He pissed off the band’s manager just enough that they signed him up for it without his knowledge, and he’s not doing it. He got the letter in the mail and it’s not happening.
Eddie ‘Six Years of High School’ Munson is not going on national television and making himself look like an idiot when he doesn’t even get to be in on the joke. No way.
“Dick move, man,” Gareth shrugs after Eddie put his foot down. “Even if you fuck the first question, they’re still gonna donate to your charity of choice. And like, maybe this is just the amount of money needed to cure cancer. Or epilepsy.”
“…You fucking suck, Gareth.”
“Yeah, I do!”
Eddie begrudgingly shows up and goes through the whole rigmarole to get mic’ed up, just ready to make a fool out of himself and call it a day. It turns out that he knows a lot more than he thought he did because he breezes through the first round of questions.
He knows enough about history, music, and the arts just from planning his D&D campaigns and reading about things he likes. He’s surprised by how much surface knowledge he’s gained from listening to the kids logic their way through their science and math homework, but sports are a bust.
He gets lucky on a few questions, but ends up using his Phone a Friend to call his partner, Steve. Steve and Eddie spend the first fifteen seconds arguing about how Eddie shouldn’t have wasted his phone a friend on Steve because he doesn’t know anything. And then once he hears the question, he’s like, “Larry Bird” and hangs up.
Eddie doesn’t win a millionaire dollars for his charity, but he wins quite a bit.
Afterwards when he’s still so hyped up about not being dumb, Steve’s just like ???? “Ed, you were never dumb. You just had trouble taking tests and none of your teachers accommodated your very obvious ADHD. You’ve always been brilliant.”
“Now everybody knows it.”
“Yeah,” Steve agreed. “Yeah, they do.”
Eddie signs up for Celebrity Jeopardy himself.
One of the first things that Steve and Wayne bonded over was a love for Jeopardy. Wayne has watched Jeopardy before he left for work for as long as Eddie has known him, and Steve was more than happy to sit with him when it was on. They both continued to watched even after Steve and Eddie moved to Chicago and sometimes they’d call each other if Final Jeopardy was “crazy.”
The band wasn’t touring as much as they used too and they’re all pretty much working on their own projects at this point. Steve’s finishing up his master’s degree while teaching full time and doesn’t really have a lot of time for him. Eddie is in between projects and creatively tapped out, and worst of all, he’s bored.
So when his manager passively mentions Celebrity Jeopardy, Eddie tells him to sign him up for it. When they accept his application, the only people he tells about it are Dustin and Nancy.
He only tells them because he wants their help studying for it because he wants to win this time. So, they study and it sucks. If Eddie ever sees another world famous Nancy Wheeler flashcard again, he’ll tear off his arm. He hates every second of their study sessions.
Eddie makes it through the quarterfinals and then he makes it to the semi-finals (knocking out Dan Cortese). He doesn’t win the tournament because he bets big on a Daily Double and gets it wrong, but he’s fairly close to the lead after Final Jeopardy.
It’s not bad for a guy that failed his senior year three times.
The fun part comes when it airs. He painstakingly sets up their camcorder so Steve won’t notice it before the show starts. The video he gets has a good five minutes of Steve fussing with a blanket up until they say ‘Eddie Munson.’
Steve looks up and then looks at Eddie, and then back at the tv, “Wha- what? Is that – that’s you! You’re on Jeopardy! Eddie, you’re on – oh my god, we’ve got to call Wayne.”
Before Steve can even do that, their phone is ringing and Steve answers it like, “HE DIDN’T TELL ME EITHER!” while Eddie is laughing his ass off.
When Eddie posts a TikTok about it like, ‘LOL remember when I was on Jeopardy?’ it includes this moment. It also includes footage from the semi-finales where Steve is just pacing the living room and repeatedly telling Eddie to just tell him if he won or not. Steve cheers like he’s at a football game when Eddie wins.
It’s just as tense when the video cuts to Steve watching the finale. Steve knows the answer to the daily double that Eddie gets wrong and is like, ‘This is why they should do Jeopardy Couples, we’d win so hard.’ Steve’s not even disappointed that Eddie lost, keeping the same enthusiasm through the show and then is like, “I’m married to a Jeopardy contestant. I’m so telling Janet about this at the staff meeting tomorrow.” 
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engrambug · 3 months
And she had no fear
There are many reasons why I love (Don't Fear) The Reaper, and none of them have to do with being a legend. Chasing glory will never get you far.
Friends get you far. Love does.
Most of those reasons have to do with how I roleplay my V and what makes more sense for her to choose at the end of it all. She knows that Panam would ride to hell and back with her, same as Rogue would for Johnny, but she'd rather not let anybody else die in her wake. A further reason (a bigger one) is that V doesn't want to surrender her body to Johnny for what could be her final hours. After all they've been through, however, she doesn't want to spend them without him either. They've been through hell and high water together. She had taken his hand, she had become like they are.
CDPR gave us many opportunities to bond with Johnny throughout the game, be it through casual (or not-so-casual) dialogue or by giving him closure with some of his friends and ex-lovers. None of that is enough to unlock this ending, though, and in my opinion that's one small, brilliant detail (among many) in how Johnny was written.
You see, this man had his own way with people for a long, long time. And when they realized what brand of asshole he was, they turned their back on him--which, hey, fair. Now there's this merc he screws over just as he did everybody else who cared about him, and she rightly gives him shit for it. V knows him better than anybody else at this point (Johnny is a literal witness to that knowledge), and yet, she finds it in her to give him another chance. The last one, sure. But nobody had done that before, knowing what she knows.
It's no wonder that the ending in which he trusts V enough to storm Arasaka tower with him, on their lonesome, is only possible when V shows Johnny she trusts him enough not to blow his last chance at friendship.
So yeah, there are a lot of reasons why I absolutely love this ending, and most of them are sappy. Sorry, this was meant to be a funny one. Let's get on with it: Did you know that the Arasaka guards at the HQ will get more scared the longer you fight hordes and hordes of them without going down? I've compiled most, if not all, of them.
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They're fairly confident in the lobby. A random merc just strolled in like it was a supermarket, no biggy. Shit starts to get real when the random merc manages to make her way down to netrun operations control.
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The sheer panic in their voice is conveyed even through text. Yelling about needing backup, covering fire--wondering how the fuck she's still standing against a building full of Arasaka soldiers. They're not just scared, they're bewildered.
By the time V reaches the tower's mainframe, they know they're not getting out of there alive. Some kind of demon has been unleashed in Arasaka HQ, and they're cannon fodder.
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I have to give it to CDPR: They wrote one hell of an end for V's story--both the meaningful trigger and the mission itself, full of little details that make it feel viscerally real. The relic eating away at what's left of V's body while she's still in it; Johnny's help and support, for the first time letting go of the snarky façade; tasting the fear of your enemies in their voice as you perform a feat never seen before. There's no going back if you flatline--it's an all in. You, and the tech that was designed to replace you, fighting side by side against impossible odds.
We all know there are no happy endings in Night City, and Cyberpunk 2077 is a tragedy in three acts. But I would be lying if I said that there is no happiness at all in some of the choices we make, the causes we fight for, or the ways in which we say goodbye.
All in all, I'd say this is a pretty good one.
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nelkcats · 1 year
Amity break the silence
What? what made this city so special?, the Justice League wanted to understand
After years of unsuccessful investigation, the Justice League managed to contact the reluctant people of Amity Park, who took themselves as independents, claiming that they did not need heroes since they had defended themselves long before the League existed and the government accepted their political independence in exchange of giving them nothing.
The League did not understand this, why were they forbidden to pass? Why did all their reconnaissance missions fail the second they entered? (Amity is a small town after all, they do recognize each other, this was never going to be helpful) after years of trying to ask the government itself the League was offered a bit of information.
The villagers invited them to see a tradition in the town, something private, just so they could understand a little what was happening. They forbade cameras and information release but they were advised to bring a magician and a curious enough member to the event, of course they were refused to interfere in everything that happened.
The League was surprised by this information but they agreed; when they got to the place Constantine was almost hysterical by the amount of death aura everywhere, the Amity Parker's denied and motioned for him not to say anything. This was directly the veil to the afterlife after all.
In the center of the city, 91-year-old Dash Baxter was smiling, and saying goodbye to his family, the League tensed at this, but the old man only dismissed their concern "It's my time" he whispered affectionately, and smiled at everyone who was reunited "I shouldn't keep him waiting so long."
Slowly and calmly, the old man sat down in one of the armchairs in the old park, right next to a flower-filled but nameless memorial grave, with a smirk he looked at the teenager who had appeared next to him the moment he moved closer to the grave "Did you finally come for my Fenturd?" He questioned mockingly.
The League was shocked at the suddenly emergence of a brilliant teenager, his appearance screaming "other world" but his demeanor calm and humane ; with a sad smile and a hand extended to the old man the boy spoke "We've had our good times Dash, but time always runs out, you're the last of us right?"
"Yeah, it was a good life you know? Even if I had to see Kwan and Pauli holding your hand first" the old man commented looking fondly towards his grandchildren, who were holding back tears "Do you know where I'll go now?"
"Well, I was hoping you'd tell me, but wherever you're going, I know I'll walk you there" the teenager stood up from the bench, taking the old man's hand gently.
"Yeah, I guess so, Kwan and Star are waiting on one side and Pauli on the other?" He questioned sadly, as if he was torn between impossible decisions, which he probably was.
"Yes, Paulina is beyond where I can reach her, will you go with her or will you come with us? Even if you decide to stay, you'll see her again when you fade away, so don't be so quick to decide, ¿eh? I know you're impatient."
"I don't know, it's still a pretty tough call, but before that" he looked at the League and then at the teen, assessing "I need to say, you're a good hero Phantom"
"Uh, that's something you haven't told me in years, back when you were a fan" the boy blushed a bright green, ignoring Dash's mutterings about remaining a devoted fan "Why bring it up now?"
"Because the new heroes need to learn that there are moments where it's not just about saving, but also saying goodbye, their circumstances aren't the same, but even they will have to say goodbye to their cities at some point" he sighed, his exhaustion was easily visible, reflecting in the old age of his face.
"You're being a bit harsh Dash" Phantom chided, though not entirely disagreeing "I was only given the privilege of accompanying you all, I don't think they will get the same treatment"
"Maybe I am, but you could have not done this you know? You always had the choice to run away from Amity, say goodbye, never look back; instead you stayed behind all the years, watching everyone you knew go extinct, how everyone ages while you continue the same until of your acquaintances only I remain, and even with the pain that everything causes you, you took the hand of each one of us, you accompanied us, you met our children, you were part of the lives of our grandchildren, always the first to arrive and the last to finish crying"
"Maybe it was out of selfishness, maybe I wanted to follow them to the other side too, hoping to find a peaceful end."
"Maybe, that doesn't mean that you never left Amity to her fate, even with all the threats to the world everywhere, you stayed here and I think that no one deserves a rest as much as you but you refuse to do so"
"Maybe Amity is all the world I need," Danny shrugged, "and rest would take it off my hands when I'm not ready to let go yet."
"Always the humble" the old man sneered "fine, have it your way"
Very few of the League guests could hear the conversation, but Superman seemed on the verge of tears as they watched as the old man closed his eyes satisfied with his last words, his breathing slowed and his heart stopped beating.
Slowly the teenager bent down to kiss the old man's forehead, keeping their hands together as a feeble spirit rose from the aging man, Phantom took the newly formed shadow's hand and motioned for it to come forward to his side, with an endearing expression in his face.
The last thing the heroes could see were the guiding lights illuminating Amity Park houses where both spirits were passing, until both simply faded from view.
"Oh" for the first time, Constantine seemed to be at a loss for words "That's why you didn't want us here" if anyone had paid attention, they would know how touched he was.
"That was Phantom" the old man's daughter smiled, wiping away the tears that had stubbornly remained in her eyes "Amity's first ghost, the only hero, who accompanies each one of us until the end"
"He lives in Amity?" Constantine questioned, still in shock.
"Yes, you could say, he lives in both Amity's" the woman replied with a small laugh "On the other side of the veil, where all the spirits that once inhabited this place are, and here, protecting us from everything, is a good boy"
"But, he's just a boy" Flash whispered, wanting to deny the existence of anything like ghosts, but Constantine's sad appearance or Zatanna's gaze didn't help his case.
"Don't let his appearance fool you" denied a girl next to the woman "Phantom has existed long before the League, when heroes were dangers and children dreamed of reaching Mars, did you want to know why we stay here? Why did the government agree to leave us alone?" She pointed to the spot where Phantom and the spirit vanished "For him, they put a bounty on his head long ago, so when they begged for help with their strongest threats, he refused."
"Why would they ask him for help?"
"Because he was the first hero, but he preferred to save Amity before the world" pride could be heard in the girl's voice "He made a deal with the government more or less, they leave us alone and in exchange if a universe level threat falls right here, he will take care of it"
"I don't know how helpful a kid would be," Flash muttered, still hesitating, but he was heard.
"Don't underestimate it, your strongest enemies are nothing more than mindless thieves to us" a boy from the crowd crossed his arms "to him, they are like children playing with plastic weapons"
"I understand" Constantine ended the conversation "thank you, for letting us see- all this, it's beautiful; someday do you think he will also take hands with someone from out of town?"
"I don't know, but if you die here after staying with us for a while, well, maybe he'll agree to accompany you too" the old man's daughter spoke again, the woman's eyes were warm, gentle even to him, a damned soul. "He already thinks you are good guys, or the barrier wouldn't have let you in"
"Was there a barrier?" Zatanna was in shock, she hadn't even felt a bit of it, it was impossible.
"Yes, all over the city, but that doesn't matter, are you satisfied with your information?"
"We are, we'll stay away from Amity" Constantine nodded, paying no attention to the protests from the paranoid heroes behind his back or the complaints about having more help on planetary threats.
"Thank you, and Constantine? You're one of the good guys too, remember not to forget that; when the time comes for the veil to part for you, I'm sure the Ghost King will pray for a peaceful end to your soul."
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nikethestatue · 4 months
A Match Baked In Heaven
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Chapter IV
Strange Times
Warning: Explicit
The plan was solid: Piglet was going to eat some flowers (they didn’t taste bad, just weird, like cucumbers, and Piglet hated cucumbers!), then get a mild tummy ache, get his Elain all nervous and then guilt her into giving him chicken and rice. Once he was full of chicken and rice, he was going to be let out of his enclosure, having lulled his unsuspecting humans into a false sense of calmness and security. Then he was going to jump on the tree, topple it, and finally destroy all the shiny balls. He was sure he was going to get in trouble. But did he care? Nope. It would be worth it. 
What his plans did not include was a trip to the vet in the middle of the night. 
Or an angry dad, who was super mad at him, as he strapped him into his new dog seat in the car.
“Don’t think I don’t know that you are faking,” Azriel hissed. “You think I can’t spot a faker when I see one? I’ve played Neymar! That silly fucker dives like he is gunning for an Oscar. You are not far behind. There is not going to be any chicken and rice for you. No meatloaf,”
At that, Piglet expelled a horrified squeal.
“Yeah, too late to be moaning now,” Azriel rounded the car and got into the driver seat. “You done a fuck up, lad. Also, I don’t know how much this little excursion is gonna cost me, but it’s all coming out of your IG sponsorships and allowance. No more Fuji water. You gonna drink tap.”
But, let’s rewind. 
“But where are we going?” Elain wondered, as Azriel’s heavy palm squeezed the back of her neck and he gently guided her down the spacious hallway.
There was an open den, where the walls and shelves were covered with trophies, trainers, kits, medals and lots of Arsenal gear. 
“My little spot of pride and gloating,” Azriel joked.
“Nice,” she shook her head, but she was also proud. And therefore, she turned her head to him and said, “and I happen to think that you are brilliant.”
“Aww, baby,” he smiled. “Are you going soft on me?”
She blushed but didn’t answer, only asking, “so?”
“I want you to hear a song that I love. I think that it’s about us,” he told her, a bit bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“A song?” That was unexpected. Elain knew that Azriel was musically inclined–he always hummed something to himself, there was music playing in some manner whenever he was at her house, he made up songs for Piglet, and sang in the shower–she had to admit that he did it well and had a husky, gravelly voice, which had a lovely sexual quality to it.
“Maybe we can dance to it as well,” he proposed quietly.
“Oh, a slow song then?”
“Pretty slow, yeah,” he nodded, and opened the door. To his bedroom.
Elain swallowed, but put on a brave face and entered, though her hands were balled into little fists and he smiled to himself. 
It was a huge space–completely unlike her own bedroom, which was lage, but also cosy and personal. This was right out of a modern hotel catalogue–vast, comfortable, but without an identity.
“Yeah, I know. It needs a woman’s touch,” he chuckled, as she looked around the space. At least it had gorgeous views. 
“None of your lady friends stuck around to redecorate a little?” she asked, her tone a bit tart, as she stared at the oversized luxurious bed. 
“Oh, is my matchy a little bit jealous?” he teased, spinning her around carefully, until she was facing him, her expression sour.
“Not. At. All.”
“Hmmm, you sure pretty girl?”
“Why would I even care?”
He shrugged and then threw himself across the bed, while propping his head and watching her. 
“I’d care!” he argued. “For example, I care about your Lord Eris. I don’t like him very much at all. Not at all. In fact, I think he is a bit of a cunt.”
“Azriel!” she gasped, whirling to him.
He shrugged. 
“What? I am jealous. I am jealous that he got there first. I am jealous that you loved him…kind of,”
“Kind of,” she murmured to herself. 
“I am jealous of all the time he’s had with you that I didn’t,” he continued. 
“You’ve spent all the time with me since you’ve met me,” she reminded him.
“Still ain’t enough. Still doesn’t change the fact that I can’t stand the cunt,” he said roughly.
She bubbled her lips and shrugged, “well, doesn’t matter. You don’t need to worry. I’ve not heard from him in weeks and he didn’t even wish me a happy birthday. I think we can conclusively say that it’s over.”
Azriel smiled, his smile a little too knowing, and then declared, “Fucking brilliant. I am more than happy to hear that.”
“Meanwhile,” she bristled at him, “what about your girlfriends? Mr. Orgy.”
“Ehhh,” Azriel waved his hand dismissively. “My orgy days are long behind me. Don’t have girlfriends. Well…one. She is standing in front of me now. And don’t worry, no one’s been in this bed except for the lonesome me.”
She stared at him so hard, he thought smoke was going to pour out of her ears. 
“I ain’t lying, beautiful,” he raised his hands in futile defence. “Okay, maybe a little,”
“I think Cass slept here after shoulder surgery, when I played his handsome nurse,” he recalled, smirking.
At that, Elain’s expression softened and she cooed, “You nursed him?”
“Someone had to. He was as dramatic as Pinky when you break his treat into halves.”
“That’s very dramatic,” she agreed solemnly. 
After a pause, where they looked at each other, Azriel pulled out his phone and Elain asked, “What about this song you wanted me to hear?”
He searched and quickly found what he was looking for. A slow, mellow melody came from the speakers. Then, a woman’s voice sang:
It’s gonna take a bit of work
Oh work
Now that you are here, 
Oh work
Because people come and go
But I think you should know
That I, I think this will work
It’s gonna take a little time
But with you by my side
I won’t let go, till I got what’s mine
Because people come and go,
But you should know,
That I, I’m taking it slow
There was something haunting about the simple rhythm and when Azriel got up from the bed and slowly approached Elain, wrapping his strong arm around her waist and pulling her closer, she succumbed to the flow of the song immediately. Azriel’s scarred palm squeezed her own and he placed it against his chest, as they swayed steadily to the song.
This was their song. Nothing about them and their relationship was quick, and everything took work. Nothing was quick, other than Azriel Night falling in love with Elain Archeron. Because that took no time at all.
When Azriel kissed her at last, he was so slow. So indulgently slow, as his body moved languidly and gracefully against hers, sweeping the two of them in a gradual circle around the room. Elain closed her eyes, giving herself over to the music, but also wholly to him. His lips were hot on her mouth, the kiss lingering there for a while, moving with assured intention. He pulled her closer to him, her breasts smashing against his chest, as she melted in his embrace, her arms circling his neck instinctually, while he made her back arc in his big hands, as he leaned against her. From the small of her back, his warm hands travelled up, and he squeezed her waist and then appreciatively ran his palms over her sides, up and then down, until he splayed his fingers over her bottom and gave each cheek a generous squeeze. 
“Oh,” she gasped into his mouth, but he only cupped her ass in his palm and pressed deeper into her soft flesh. 
If there was a true ‘ass man’ then Azriel Night was the definition of one.
Their kiss was unhurried, but it felt otherworldly in its dreamy hotness. It was like with every kiss, another barrier was broken. Azriel chipped and carved at her defences with lustful, unyielding determination, and Elain clung to him with needy desperation which might not have been attractive with anyone else, but with her, it only ignited the spark of blind, all-encompassing love within him. As he moulded his mouth impossibly closer to her lips, breathing and drinking in her oxygen, he thought for a moment that if they’d cut him right now, he’d bleed Elain. That’s how deeply she was ingrained in his very soul.
Elain stroked his neck with her hot little hands, her nails lightly raking over his skin, pressing into his collarbones and then gripping his broad shoulders. 
When the song ended, it switched to the sexy intro of ‘Beast of Burden’, the riff of Keith Richards’s  guitar completely unmistakable. And Elain loved it. Moving her hips within the circle of Azriel’s hands, she gyrated to the tempo, her head buzzing from the champagne and for the delicious taste of Azriel’s lips. She wasn’t sure what she was doing exactly, but she pulled on his black hoodie’s zipper and bared his sculpted, incredible torso with flourish. 
Azriel tore away from her mouth only to kiss down her jaw before sinking his teeth into her neck. Elain figured that he needed to ‘refresh’ his nearly-permanent hickey that he sucked into her skin. 
“I have to feel you,” he growled into her neck.
“What?” she breathed, half-drunk from their kiss.
He pushed her back towards the bed and all but collapsed on his knees in front of her, his hands on her thighs, rubbing them slowly up and down. 
“Let me give you another present for your birthday,” he pleaded, his voice urgent. 
“What present?” she breathed, though Azriel’s rough, large hands slipping under her knit dress and resting on the bare skin of her thighs, while he fingered the clasps of her garter, which held her knit stockings, told her enough of what he desired. He groaned, as he caressed her fleshy thighs, his palms slipping between them, parting her legs slightly. Elain acquiescent, allowing him to touch her in a manner in which he’d never dared to before. 
“Fingers or tongue?” he asked, his voice rough. Before she could answer, he dragged her dress high up, baring her legs, her stockings, and finally her thighs. Elain’s chest was rising and falling erratically, her breathing heavy and rapid, especially when Azriel rubbed his knuckle over her flowery panties. He shrugged off the hoodie completely, tossing it on the floor and Elain was faced with his absolutely incredible body. Unable to stop herself, she reached to touch the stacked cobbles of his abdomen, carved with an almost obscene precision beneath his bronze skin. The sculpted shoulders and his big, muscular arms flexed and gleamed in the sexy buttery light of the bedroom, thick, black swirls of his tattoos spilling from his shoulders down to his arms and over his pecs. She couldn’t resist tangling her fingertips in the dusting of soft dark hair beneath his navel–and he was right when he teased her about it. Even back then, she couldn’t tear her eyes away from it. Or from his ridiculously defined Adonis Belt which lewdly pointed straight down towards his cock. It was inescapable.
He didn’t wait for her final decision, and instead, gripped the side of her panties. Before she could even squeak, he ripped the underwear at the seam and crumpled it in his fist, before stuffing them in his back pocket. 
Pressing his forehead to hers, he smiled at her with encouragement and then thrust two thick, long fingers straight into her tight, tender hole. All at once. Rough. The noise that Elain made was something like a pathetic, shocked rasp, while her pussy responded to the invasion with an erotic, almost profane squelch, sucking his fingers deeper. 
Elain’s head lolled back and she fell on the bed, shuddering visibly, her thighs tense, while Azriel settled between her legs, opening them up brazenly and exposing her soft, wet, pink slit. Elain’s moan was loud, explicit and it was obvious that she relinquished all control of the situation, opening her legs further, even without him prompting her to. Azriel smiled and kissed her knee, soothingly stroking her with his free hand between her legs. His eyes were literally glued to her pussy and he was physically incapable of looking anywhere else. It was the prettiest, most perfect pussy he’d ever seen–and he’d seen many. It could be that he was completely pussy blinded right now, and seeing Elain’s for the first time was almost a religious experience. 
She felt tight and soft against his fingers, enveloping his hand greedily, like she’s been hungry for him, or maybe for someone to pay attention to her.
Elain felt so incredibly full with only his fingers inside, and yet, the beautiful torture of having him in her was worth the discomfort. He moved slowly, but firmly, exploring, stretching, spreading her with appalling, delectable vulgarity. God she loved it. Fucking loved it. That hand was brazen and strong, and when the tips of his fingers found her sensitive her front inner wall was, she bowed on the bed, digging her fingers into the plush duvet. 
“Keep like this,” he ordered, “so I can finger you like you need.”
How he knew what she needed, Elain had no idea, but she obeyed him, legs falling open, her pussy fully exposed, as he pressed on her inner thigh with considerable force, keeping her in place. His other hand began to move rhythmically, with deft, knowing movements inside her hole, and she bit her lip so hard, she tasted blood. The intensity of the movements was almost painful, as he took from her with glutinous need, but she couldn't even keep her eyes open from the savage pleasure that she was now experiencing.
Azriel’s voice, hypnotic and breathy with lust, whispered, “is this good, beautiful? Getting what you need?” and then he leaned over her and kissed her deeply and filthily. His fingers never paused or changed their perfect rhythm and Elain clutched the rock-hard muscles of his shoulders, raking her nails down his arm.
She couldn’t explain what he was doing, but he hadn’t even touched her clit, and yet she was arching and shaking like she was being exorcised. But his fingers…god, his fingers. He was so horribly ruthless too–pushing a third finger into her, burrowing deeper and deeper, while whispering, “you are going to be a good girl for me and take it all in your sweet, tight pussy for me?”
She made some inhuman noise and Azriel laughed darkly. The prodded further, stretching and pumping her hard and oh-so beautifully, half of his heavy body covering hers, as he watched her reactions and listened to her loud moans. When she didn’t answer, he murmured ‘yeah you are, gorgeous” and even if Elain rebelled internally for being so predictable and so easily broken, she couldn’t argue, and succumbed to his demanding hand that filled her so completely. Azriel kissed her, slow and tender, his lips in complete contrast with his hand. 
“Can you take one more, sweetheart?” he asked, voice husky, eyes dark, perspiration covering his chiselled chest. Elain grabbed at him just when he pulled his three fingers out and the emptiness had her gushing with her sweet nectar. He breathed heavily, inhaling the scent of sex and her essence, and then leisurely licked his fingers until dry. Elain was panting, watching him half-lidded, desperately needing him back inside of her, So she didn’t ask, but took his hand and brought it back to her plump, bare mound which leaked like an overripe fruit. 
“I want more,” she told him simply, biting her lower lip.
He kissed her brow and nodded,
“I know, sweetheart. Here’s more.”
And he plunged four fingers inside of her with one firm thrust.
“Elain,” he groaned, his own eyes closing, as he felt around inside of her. “You are so fucking tight, baby. I can’t wait for fuck you for real. My cock is gonna go nuts!”
He slowly pulled his fingers back, almost all the way out, but the soft walls of her pussy squeezed him and dragged him back in, before he pressed his thumb into her clit.
“Oh fuck,” she moaned.
Elain felt like she was being torn apart by his savage hand, but the pain was so glorious, and the way it mixed with pleasure only had her opening further for him. She was no longer concerned with any propriety, all her modesty having flown out the window a long time ago. Here she was, turned inside out, groaning and panting, holding most of Azriel’s huge hand inside her pussy and loving every second of it. 
Yeah, this was a gift that kept on giving. And how grateful she was that Azriel decided on giving her another present today. 
His pace was merciless, four fingers inside, pushing and rubbing at her tender inner walls, two fingers curled and massaging that wondrous spot inside of her, while his thumb worked her clit roughly and unforgivingly. 
“Bite me, Ellie,” he offered and Elain didn’t know that that’s what she needed. But when she latched onto his neck and bit him hard, feeling the throb of his blood beneath her tongue, she realised that it was perfect–the taste of his skin, the scent of his body, musky, lightly spiced with cedar, the strength of him–all beneath her tongue.
“That’s good,” he approved, moaning softly with his own pleasure. “Do you want to come for me, sweetness?”
Did she want to?
Yes, the smouldering heat of her body, the spasming muscles of her pussy, the gorgeous pressure on her clit all told her that she was about to explode like never before. But part of her yearned for this to continue for as long as possible. And Azriel was patient. So patient with her, even though he was basically fisting her at this point. She never knew that she’d be able to stretch like that, to accommodate almost all of his hand up to the wrist, where only his thumb remained firmly pressed to her clit. God. It was positively crazy. It hurt and it ached and it was blissful and intense and the sounds that her body emitted–all the slurping, squelching, groaning, moaning–would’ve been completely indecent in any other situation. But today, Elain didn’t care. She guessed that Azriel was the type of man who liked his woman undone. Feral. Unbound. Uninhibited. 
“Azriel, Azriel,” she screamed out, jerking upright, unable to stop, or keep from thrashing against him.
“Say my name, Ellie. Let it all out.”
Fuck, did she ever. An orgasm to end all orgasms. Azriel’s unique gift, his personally crafted orgasm that only he could’ve given to her. Only he had the skill and the unflinching ruthlessness to do this so well. 
Elain came and came, her hole sucking him in almost fully, her voice hoarse from screaming. She probably looked possessed, but she didn’t care. And Azriel was probably going to be evicted, but it would be worth it. It was so brilliant–waves of pure ecstasy crushing all over her body, every muscle inside of her alive with pleasure and tension. 
And then she blacked out.
Legitimately blacked out. 
…Azriel was chuckling.
Elain was being jostled about, something around her getting tugged and pulled. 
When she opened her eyes, while moaning, she saw his smiling face hovering above her.
“What...what happened?” she mumbled, disoriented.
At least the jostling began making sense–Azriel was pulling off her dress over her head. 
Yes, she was still wearing her dress. 
“I might have semi-murdered you with some light fisting,” he said innocently.
“Light?!!?” Elain screeched, a nice, but definitely acute soreness radiating from between her thighs. “You call this light?!”
He was laughing, while he manoeuvred her out of the dress, folded it nicely and left her only in her bra and the stockings, which had descended all the way down to her knees. 
Then, Elain watched him get up from the bed and unbutton his trousers, pulling the belt out of its loops in one crazy, half a second move. She stared, open-mouthed, while he tugged the trousers down and she tensed.
“Sweetheart,” he chuckled. “You pussy ain’t ready for my dick tonight,” he assured her. “I’ve given it a nice gentle pounding,”
“It was not gentle!” she protested.
He stepped out of his pants, got rid of his socks, and stood there, in all of his almost-naked glory. 
That body.
It was almost unfair how stunning his form was–so long and so firm, every tendon and muscle on display, gorgeous lean sinew wrapping around his muscular thighs and the robust shoulders.
“Didn’t I tell you before that I was rough?” he reminded her, crossing his arms on his chest and looking down at her sprawling in his bed.
Elain fucking Archeron, in his bed. 
It was incredible.
Her pussy bare and wet, because of him. Her body, naked and glorious, for him. Her fucked up hair, her smudged mascara, which made her look extra sexy and wanton. The way she looked so cosy and comfortable on his sheets. 
He couldn’t comprehend it. That after all this time, months of courting and cajoling, or slow, baby steps, they were finally here. Elain naked. Happy. Satisfied. Actually passed out from the orgasm that he gave her. 
If he’d known then that he should’ve cherished that moment even more he would’ve. But he didn’t. So he just enjoyed watching his girl in his bed.
Her cheeks turned pink under his scrutiny and he tracked her eyes staring at his raging boner beneath his black boxers. 
“It’s out of your hair tonight, sweetness,” he assured her, palming his cock for emphasis.
“You don’t want me to…” she swallowed nervously and he chuckled.
“Choke on this dick?” he clarified.
She reddened ever more and he thought that it was completely adorable.
“Well, yes,” she nodded.
“Not tonight. It’s your birthday, after all.”
Elain looked down, at her bare stomach, her bare pussy, the swollen, glistening folds, remembering how just a few minutes ago he had his hand in her and squirmed, feeling embarrassed.
“May I have something to wear?” she whispered. 
Azriel landed on the bed next to her and brought her face closer to his, before kissing her lips.
“Baby, you ain’t got nothing I haven’t already seen,” he reminded her, his smirk salacious.
“Well…ummm…still,” she tried, her little toes curling, as she tucked her legs to her belly.
“But I like you naked, in my bed,” Azriel wrapped his arm around her and drew his thumb over her skin which pebbled with gooseflesh.
Elain threw her arm over his stomach and snuggled to him.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“What for?” he asked curiously.
“The best birthday ever.”
He smiled,
“Better than Annabel’s?”
“Yeah. Better than that.”
Elain didn’t know that this was the happiest birthday. She didn’t know that she needed to cherish the moments with this man whom she loved. She didn’t know how things would change.
When Elain woke up, she was disoriented. 
She knew where she was–at Azriel’s, because she wasn’t that far gone–but she had no idea what time it was. She was still nearly naked, her pussy lips splayed over Azriel’s thick thigh. She’d drooled all over his bicep–very sexy–but he didn’t mind, and kept her bundled up next to him like she was his plushy toy. Outside was dark, with night lights twinkling all around. She carefully extricated herself from Azriel’s heavy embrace and slipped from the bed. She tiptoed to the bathroom, closed the door and turned on the lights. The bathroom was as opulent as expected–enormous everything, shower so big, you could wash a car in there, a long sink that resembled a trough, a gorgeous bath tub, and even a sauna tucked in the corner. Elain looked at herself in the mirror. Yeah, she looked a proper state. Naked. Her hair a terrific mess, as were the remnants of her makeup. She washed her face, scrubbing at her eyes, then saw Azriel’s hair brush and with no alternatives, combed her hair, before breaking the handle of the brush on a mega tangle. Well, that was just wonderful!
There were bruises on her thighs, and she was sure that it was from the grip of Azriel’s fingers. Her pussy lips were swollen and overly pink. It was obscene and sexy and she didn’t mind the sight of it. Of course she snooped behind one of the mirror panels, finding nothing incriminating, other than an alarming number of face and hair products. Well, that was a surprise. Mr. Night had a skincare routine apparently. There were nice French creams, some very expensive, some cheaper: moisturisers, retinol, anti-wrinkle. Serums, oils, argan and olive oil extracts, Japanese and Korean hair care products, fancy tubes of lip balms from Sweden. 
“Well, don’t mind if I do,” she muttered to herself, as she lined the products on the counter and began sniffing and trying them out.
She was so into it, she didn’t even hear the door open and Azriel padding into the bathroom.
Before she could even begin to lie and weasel out of her predicament, Azriel dropped on his knees behind her and wrapped his arm around her thighs. He rubbed his stubbled cheek over her bare behind, before latching onto her ass cheek with his teeth. 
“Awww!” she cried out, but he only laughed, but also licked away the pain that his teeth caused.
“That’s for breaking my brush on your wild horse mane,” he told her.
“I do not have a horse mane!”
“Right. More like an unkempt lion’s mane.”
“It’s still my birthday!” she complained. “You have to be nice.”
“Oh yeah? How do you figure?” he asked, his hand caressing her hips, both of her bum cheeks before he nosed below and buried his face in her pussy.
“Ohmygod! Azriel,” she moaned, gripping the trough sink, when his tongue swept from one hole to the other. She’d never been licked like this. And when his tongue poked boldly at her butthole she thought she was going to pass out…again. To imagine that Eris or Graysen would do something like this to her was laughable. Eris barely ever did any oral, his sex drive never very high, so much so that he didn’t even ask for oral himself. 
Azriel, ever the biter, bit her puffy nether lips, bit her ass again, lazily licked over her hole, pushing his tongue inside, before scooting back on his hunches and sitting on the floor, crossing his long legs at the ankles.
“I can’t believe you are not just a snooper, but also a user,” he scolded her humorously, shaking his head like a disappointed parent.
“Why do you have all this?!” she demanded instead.
“Don’t change the subject, snoop!”
“I was simply trying out your weirdly huge collection of face products.” she huffed.
“Turn around,” he told her.
“Turn around,” he repeated. “I want to see your pussy.”
Elain blushed like crazy and he watched her squeeze her thighs tightly.
“I can’t,” she mumbled.
“I am not used to this….this familiarity…you are still,”
“If you say ‘a client’ you will make me angry, Elain,” he said sternly.
She bit her lip, not saying the word, but Azriel saw it on her face and sneered with annoyance, before getting up.
“No, don’t be mad,” she begged, grabbing his hand.
“Well, then don’t be daft,” he told her. “Decide what you want from me and for yourself,”
“I know what I want,” she argued.
“Are you sure?” he cocked his brow at her.
“You are being very cross,” she pouted.
“Then give me a reason not to be cross,” Azriel said instead. “Sometimes, I find you very frustrating, Elain.”
“I am sorry,” she whispered guiltily. 
“Why won’t you just let go and be mine?”
Before she could answer, they heard an audible moan.
Azriel rolled his eyes and groaned, “Oh fuck. Now what? What did he do?”
Because the moan was definitely Piglet’s. It was a touch dramatic, which made Azriel wonder what the hell was happening and whether the pug got to a bottle of whiskey or something as questionable as that. Wouldn't surprise him though. 
“Oh my!” Elain cried out, “it’s Piglet!! What happened to him?”
Before Azriel could even respond, she was running off, barefoot and naked, her perfect ass bouncing with every step. Azriel followed, because he knew that he had to see it for himself.
Piglet was in his enclosure, laying on his side, moaning. Flowers from Elain’s bouquet littered the floor around him. They’d left the vase on one of the side tables near where he ended up. Well, apparently, he was so starved for snacks that munched on a bunch of flowers and petals, tearing them off the stems. He only ate the heads and only specific flowers. 
“Piglet! What did you do?!” Elain wailed. “Oh my god. Is he going to die?!?!”
“Of course he is not going to die,” Azriel sighed. 
“How do you know?” she was almost in tears. “We need to go to the vet!”
At the word vet, Piglet immediately quieted down and the moaning ceased just like that.
“See, he is faking it,” Azriel nodded towards the dog. “He probably just wants chicken and rice or something,”
At those words, Piglet not only stopped moaning, but also raised his head, giving Elain a hopeful look and a little bark of encouragement. 
“You don’t know this!” she argued.
“I do. I know men and he is a man. He is faking it to get attention and to get the food that he wants. He wants his woman–you, in this case–to cook for him and feed him.”
“He ate half the bouquet!”
“Yeah, probably on purpose,” Azriel noted, to which Elain rolled her eyes. 
At first, things were going well and according to plan. Piglet gave a pretty good moaning performance and soon after he began, he watched his Elain run into the big room. He wasn’t sure why she was naked, but maybe she was drowning herself for fun, like humans tended to do. He trusted his Elain with his own drowning, but he wasn’t a big fan in general, though he enjoyed it when she soaped him up and scrubbed him with a brush. But the drowning…he didn’t like so much.
Then dad mentioned ‘chicken and rice’ Piglet whooped internally and gave himself a high four. But then the words ‘vet’ began spoiling his hopes. What the hell? He didn’t want to go to no vet! Defeated, Piglet watched dad get his phone and start doing something on it, while Elain picked him up and carried him around the room, rocking him like he was a baby.
“Baby, you know it’s Christmas Eve,” Azriel kept saying, as he dialled what felt like the fifteenth number for a vet clinic in and around Canary Wharf. No one was picking up–not surprising, because it was around 11 pm and most outgoing messages stated that the clinics would be closed for the Christmas holiday.
“Can’t we just give him a laxative? So he can shit flowers?”
“This is not a joke, Azriel!” she exclaimed, stroking Piglet’s head and kissing him.
It’s not that Azriel didn’t want to help Piglet–even though he was convinced that Piglet wasn’t as sick as he pretended to be–but Azriel wasn’t trying very hard, because he was currently entranced by the fact that his gorgeous Elain was walking around his home, circling the vast expanse of the flat basically completely nude. He sat back on the sofa, threw his legs on an ottoman and made calls, while watching Elain and her bare pink pussy. Just like that. He didn’t even have to ask for it. It still blew his mind and he knew it was going to take him some time to get to terms with what was happening in his life and that Elain was almost his…but he’d have to deal with that later.
“Yes, yes,” he was surprised when someone finally answered. Elain stilled and looked at him. “We have a pug who ate some flowers…no…not garden…from a bouquet. How old is he? He is two-ish. Oh…I don’t know. He is a big pug. Short legs though,” at that, Piglet offered him an unimpressed side eye. Amazing, how Piglet miraculously understood everything whenever he wanted to. “I don’t know…he is kind of chunky. I’d say 13 kilos? Just under 30 pounds…Well, like I said, he is a big pug. No…not fat. Just bigger than normal pugs.”
He is? Elain mouthed, looking at Piglet.
Azriel nodded. How did she not realise this before? Piglet was only slightly smaller than a Frenchie. He was the biggest pug Azriel’d ever seen, with short little legs. 
“Alright. Thanks mate. We’ll be right over. Yeah, yeah…we have money and insurance too.”
Piglet raced down the wide hallways and sitting rooms of the palace. 
He wasn’t exactly sure whether this was actually a palace, but this was the biggest house he’s ever been in. He came here a few times a year with his Elain and with Fey, and some of the times Aunt Nesta came along as well. Mostly, he loved it because it had a huge park around the building, and in the summer, there was a pool, where he could splash and where the sisters swam and played with all kinds of toys. Pool was different from the drownings that he was subjected to, and therefore, he loved the pool. And then, there were the meals! Oh, the wonderful meals, where he got chicken and steak, where he ate sweet potatoes, and rice, he ate ham and hard boiled eggs for breakfast, he drank the best water and had so many treats, he couldn’t even count them (okay, he didn’t know how to count). There were fruits and berries in unlimited amounts and pup cups whenever he wanted. Oftentimes, grandpa came as well, and Piglet spent most of his time with him–they went for walks, they played, Piglet could run with all the sticks, he could zoom as much as he wanted, and then grandpa gave him treats, or let him nap in his study. 
As he ran along, Piglet noticed a whole lot of big trees, with lights and shiny balls on them. In fact, the whole house was decorated with shiny things and he was contemplating how he was going to get to some of them.
He and dad came to an agreement earlier in the day.
While Elain was sorting out insurance information at the vet’s, Azriel told Piglet the following,
“Not only do I know that you were faking all of this, so you could get food and attention, I also saw how you’ve been looking at the Christmas tree.”
At that, Piglet made a show of looking indifferent and almost surprised.
But dad, unfortunately, was too smart.
“Here is how it’s gonna go,” Azriel continued, also making a show of watching Elain, because he was always watching her, instead of what he was actually doing, which was scolding Piglet. “You will leave Ellie’s tree alone. You are not going to jump on it, poop under it, or try to tear any of the ornaments off. By the way, they are glass, and it won’t be fun for you, if you do. It’s mum’s tree, she loves it and you will remember that.
“In exchange,” he continued casually, “I will ask the vet not to stick anything up your butt.”
Piglet swallowed audibly.
He hated the vet so much.
And he especially hated it when they put things…up there. Which they did, almost every time. Thinking backwards, he was now regretting the whole flower-eating plan. It was stupid and he shouldn’t have done it.
“The tree stays, and nothing goes up your ass,” Azriel concluded. “If you attack the tree, I’ll tell the vet that he is free to do whatever he wants.”
Piglet quickly barked in agreement. The tree could stay.
“Wise move,” dad approved. 
True to his word, Piglet didn’t get anything stuck up in his butt. They gave him a pill, he had some diarrhoea in the park and that was that.
Mid-day, they all got dressed up and piled into the car. 
Piglet had to wear a tuxedo today–his black dungarees, a white shirt and a bow tie. Dad looked very similarly to him–he wore a tuxedo as well. Today, they were like a real father and son duo, and Piglet liked that. His Elain was dressed so prettily, in a beautiful dress, and she couldn’t touch him, because the dress was so fancy.
There was tension in the car, which Piglet didn’t understand. They humans spoke, but their tones were clipped and there was something going on that he couldn’t quite put his paw on. So when they reached their destination, he was very happy to get out of the car and run to find grandpa, because he was tired of the drama.
That’s what the country seat of the Duke and Duchess of Velaris was called. Rosehall Manor.
Manor was an understatement of the century. It was an enormous estate, with over 10,000 acres of land around it, and a stately mansion with 140 rooms. Though technically it belonged to the current Duchess of Velaris, which was Nesta, the ownership documents stipulated that the house and the land belonged to all the female members of the family. The estate was shared equally between the three sisters, with all of their female cousins having access to it as well.
The family always celebrated Christmas with a formal Christmas Eve dinner–hence the tuxedos, followed by a more informal Christmas lunch the following day. 
It’s not that Azriel was unfamiliar with this level of wealth and old money extravagance, but this was something straight out of Downton Abbey or something. Legions of servants, footmen, maids, butlers, valets greeted them as he helped Elain out of the car. Once unclipped from his dog seat, Piglet dashed inside the manor, feeling perfectly adept with all this finery and not giving a fuck. Azriel envied him. 
Elain took his arm, a lovely smile plastered on her face, but he knew that things between them were tense, at best. She didn’t show it though. When they entered the foyer and then the reception hall, Azriel saw Rhysand and Feyre, posing on the grand staircase, while professionally-looking photos were being taken of the two of them. 
Feyre wore an opulent gown of heavy pale silk with sheer sleeves and neck, embroidered with all kinds of gems. She looked regal and bridal. And happy, draped over Rhys’s imposing, tuxedo-clad form. 
“Happy Christmas. Helios Day, Hello Magazine,” a man approached them, slick and professional, handsome and curious. He handed out his card, which Azriel absently thrust into his pocket.
“We are here to take Christmas photos of Lord and Lady Darling. Their nuptials were so unexpected–but we are lucky to have snagged the first interview and the first photos of them as a married couple.”
He then turned to Elain and said,
“Lady Elain, do you have a few words for the article? And then, if you don’t mind, we’d like to take a few photos of you and Mr. Night,”
Azriel was surprised how quickly the man recognised him, but he supposed that that was his job. 
“And then of course the Duchess of Velaris and Mr. Cassian Night as well…”
Azriel hid his smile. Cassian hasn’t even gone on one date with Nesta, and yet here they were, being photographed as if they were a couple. Apparently, Hello Magazine just christened them as one, and was going to declare it to the world. He wondered how well it was going to go over with Nesta. But Nesta had invited Cassian to Christmas dinner here, at her family home. She didn't have to, but she did act like he was something more than a guest, so perhaps, she wouldn’t be affronted by the insinuation that they were a couple.
Speaking of Nesta–she appeared in the reception hall, with Cassian looming behind her.
She looked beautiful, in a blue gown with a lace overlay, which fit her gorgeous body like a glove. 
The three sisters were pulled to the staircase, and photographed together. Feyre–the bride, Nesta–the blade, and Elain–the flower. 
He might have been biassed, but Elain looked the best. She also wore a lace gown, with a very intricate pattern, in a sophisticated shade of pink, and with a full skirt. She definitely looked like his little princess tonight. 
Dinner was a traditional, if elegant affair held in the Walnut Dining Room, and thankfully, Azriel was seated next to Elain. The Darlings were here too–meeting of the families and all–and it seemed like Sir Charles and Lord Darling knew each other from before, and found each other companionable and there wasn’t any odd tension to contend with. Nesta and her father played hosts, he recited grace and then dinner was served. 
There were platters of chilled seafood, blinis with caviar, and cold oysters to start off with, and bottles of champagne. The ubiquitous roast turkey was the main course, but it was stuffed with apples and chestnuts and tasted spectacular (for turkey). Indulgent dauphinoise potatoes, and roasted vegetables made Azriel think that he’d soon need to go on a diet. He was barely training, not playing, and eating apple crisps, and cheese, and bacon sandwiches every day because of Elain. He loved it. Loved every moment of it, but still…And speaking of cheeses–then the cheese course arrived and…well, he couldn’t say no. Lastly, there was trifle and Eton Mess for pudding.
“Interesting menu,” Azriel commented, attempting to start a conversation with Elain.
“It’s been the same since Victorian times,” she answered, sipping her coffee. “Curated by my great-great grandmother,”
“The infamous Elain,”
“Indeed. This is what the Duke of Velaris liked to eat, and what she enjoyed as well. It’s been the same for generations.”
“Not bad. Not bad at all. Beats Brussel sprouts and weird bread sauces.”
“She loved trifle, and he loved Eton Mess, so here we are.”
And then Elain smiled at him and Azriel realised that he lived for that smile.
“What’s wrong with you tonight?” 
Cassian’s booming voice sounded even louder in the glass enclosure of the Winter Garden. 
“I think all things considered, everything’s been going pretty well. Nes even agreed to get her photo taken with me. So I guess I am now ‘the boyfriend’.”
He snickered to himself at the idea.
“I think it took her by surprise.”
“But she didn’t say no,” Azriel noted. 
He had loosened his bowtie and took off his jacket. He’d come here after dinner, leaving the revelry behind, because guests began playing charades and Rhys even got behind the piano, urging everyone to sing along to Christmas carols. 
“So, what is it?” Cassian pressed, seating himself in a wicker armchair, not so close to Azriel that it would feel like a confessional, but close enough to listen.
Azriel shook his head with annoyance, and Cassian waited. 
He knew his brother.
Azriel would speak only when he was ready. And that is IF he even decided to speak. The man was not exactly in tune with his sensitive side. 
“Hey beastie the pug!” Cassian suddenly cried out and Azriel knew who he was talking about. “My little wingman–wingpug–got me together with Nes at Fey’s birthday. Come here, boy.”
Piglet trotted to Cassian and Cassian picked him up and laid him on his lap, and as soon as he did, Piglet promptly fell asleep. 
“I am alive! I am dead! I am asleep! I am running! I am dead again! I am asleep!” Cassian muttered, and Azriel couldn’t help but smile. That really was Piglet in a nutshell.
Suddenly, Azriel began speaking, and Cassian stilled, listening and not making a sound. 
“I don’t know what to do, Cass. Like she is driving me crazy. I am so consumed with her, I can hardly think straight. Everything is her. Every word, every gesture. I over-analyse all of it until I give myself a headache. If I don’t talk to her, I stalk her social media, to see if she posted anything…I have this photo of her that she sent me a while back. She was wearing my jersey in it, it was before that game with Liverpool. And I’ve looked at it so many times now, I think I’ve poked a hole in my phone screen. 
“My thoughts…I scare myself sometimes. If she ever said no to me, if she tried to break it off, I think I would kidnap her, Cass. I would steal her and I would keep her in a cage,”
“Whoa,” Cassian breathed.
“I know. And I’d feed her my dick when she got hungry.”
“No, you don’t understand. She is everything to me, Cass. I want to hear her voice first thing in the morning. I want her face next to mine. I fucking want her to submit to me and be fucking mine!”
“I am assuming we are talking about Elain,” Cassian said carefully.
“No. About Kevin!” Azriel snapped.
“Okay, okay. But–I don’t understand–aren’t you with her already? Aren’t you two dating?”
“We are…kind of,” Azriel agreed. “But it’s like she has this wall around her that I can’t seem to penetrate. It’s tug and pull all the time. She is so skittish with her feelings,”
“Elain?” Cassian confirmed in disbelief. 
“Yes! Elain. You think only Nesta is all prickly and cold? You’d think Elain would love all the lame couple things! But no. The moment I push even a little bit, she pulls back, as if she is scared…I’d never hurt her!”
“But others have,” Cassian said reasonably. “Wasn’t she engaged once? And the bloke cheated on her? And her current one–he is AWOL too,”
“I am her ‘current one’!!!” Azriel snarled viciously.
“Okay, sorry, I know,” Cassian said quickly. “That’s not what I meant, you know,”
“That’s exactly how she thinks as well! That somehow, this isn’t real. We are not real. That one day, I would walk away like those other cunts. But that’s not me. She’d have to cut me out of her with a knife,”
“Mate, enough with the graphic imagery today!” Cassian raised his arms defensively. “I just ate.”
“We had a fight today,” Azriel muttered. “A really stupid fight,”
“Aren’t most fights stupid?”
Azriel ignored him.
“What happened?”
“We had to take Pink to the vet,” Azriel explained. “And she texted me something in the car and when it popped up on my phone, she saw what she is saved under,”
“Which is what?” 
“Mrs. Night.”
“Oh, well…” Cassian didn’t know how to respond to that. 
“And she flipped out!” Azriel snapped. “She yelled at me and said that it’s too soon, that she didn’t ‘sign up for this’, that we’ve only known each other for a little over two months, and that I am–and I quote–her client!”
Cassian sighed. He sympathised with his brother, but he also understood Elain.
“Maybe you are moving too fast and it’s scaring her?”
“Oh, fuck off! This is not what I need to hear,”
“Maybe you need to give her a bit of space,”
“Out of the question,” Azriel said sharply. “I am not giving her any fucking space. She is mine. She was born to be mine. I love her and I will make her mine. She will be Mrs. Night. She will carry and birth my children. And we’ll die on the same day.”
“Well, I am glad to see that you are not all weird and intense about it,” Cassian said helplessly.
Azriel buried his face in his hands, shaking his head.
Cassian gently lifted Piglet off his lap and picked him up, cradling him to his chest. Then he got up from the chair and proceeded to give the worst piece of advice that he could possibly give.
“Why don’t you stop obsessing and do what she asks of you. Don’t push. Dial back the intensity like 134%. If she asks you for something, just do it, and show her that you’d be there for her. That when she needs you to do something, you’d do it.”
“Like I haven’t been,” Azriel groaned. 
“Just keep going. Don’t talk about babies and how you’ll make her Mrs. Night. And I’d keep quiet about the cage thing too.
“It’s not a big thing, you know. It’s just a little fight. Everyone has those. Elain just need a bit of time.”
“So, do what she asks?”
“Yeah,” Cassian shrugged. “Do what she asks.”
**The song that Elain and Azriel danced to is called “Work’ by Charlotte Day Wilson
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The Archeron sisters Christmas dresses (left to right: Feyre, Nesta and Elain)
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louloulemons-posts · 5 months
The Criminal And The Princess IV
Grumpy!College!Eddie X Sunshine!Skater!Reader
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Summary : the aftermath of billy and eddies fight, but who gets punished for it?
Word Count : 2.3k
Warnings : wrote at 4am, mentions of billy (he doesn’t appear), swearing, dad is an asshole again, talks of food issues, eddie fluff, cute friendship fluff.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Eventhough dad had said I didn’t need to go into the rink this weekend, I knew the ice would clear my head after all the drama the night before.
There was barely anyone in, your dad’s office dark. Lacing my skates, I popped in my earphones, making my way to the ice, gliding along.
I practiced my spins, dad had mentioned they were sloppy too. Apparently my whole routine for regionals was, that’s why he’d pulled Yrene back in. She’d been on maternity leave.
The music took over and I ignore the few people around me, leaping, jumping, spinning. Again and again. I went through the whole routine, replaying the song over and over again - it was a good thing I loved Hozier.
The song built up as I went into a triple spin, breaking out and leaping into a lutz, making sure my arms and legs were straight enough. I sighed, too wobbly.
Coming to a halt, a bit of the ice kicking up under my blades as I did. Again, the whole thing again. The sweet sound of guitar began playing, then the man’s melodic voice filled my ears, “You know the distance never made a difference to me.”
It started slowly, gliding across the ice, a few gentle spins just to show off a little bit. Catching my the top of my blade in my hand, I spun around twice - that was better.
My layback spins were always pretty good, one of the moves I always found joy in watching mom do. Once again the song built up, a few axles and then a lutz, finally followed by a triple jump.
I landed with ease, gliding along the ice, a few more spins here and there, one again holding my skate in my hand making it level to my head and the leaning back slightly. That was much better.
The lights flickered, there he was. Chest heaving I skated over to the man, noting how grey he was beginning to be. “What are you doing here?” he asked.
“Needed to clear my head, what did you think?” Pulling out my earphones I popped them back in their case. “Better, still needs to be brilliant though. Work on your lutz.”
I hummed, biting the inside of my cheek, that was the closest thing to a compliment I’d get from the man. “Ah there you are! You’re late,” my father said to someone.
Turning my face scrunched in confusion, “Eddie?”
“You know this young man?” dad asked.
“Uh yeah, what are you doing here?” Eddie was about to explain when dad cut him off.
“Mr Munson took it upon himself to injure one of my best hockey players, therefore will be helping out around the rink until I think he’s made up for it.”
“Is this about Billy?” I turned to my father, instantly feeling angry. “Yes, how did you-“
“Dad it isn’t Eddies fault! Billy is a vile piece of work and you know it!”
“Eden,” I heard Eddie speak from behind me.
“And what punishment will Billy be getting?”
“Why should Billy be punished?” I let out a breathy laugh, “Oh I don’t know, maybe grabbing your daughter and threatening her?” The last part came out in a snap.
“What? He didn’t tell me that,” my dad said, almost untrusting in the way he did. “Of course he didn’t. He’s an arsehole.”
“Language Eden. I’ll talk to Billy again-“ I cut him off, “Talk to Steve, he was there. He’ll tell you.”
“Either way, in this college we don’t condone violence, Mr Munson, if you’ll follow me.”
“Will you talk to Steve?” I asked.
“Yes! Fine I will talk to him, I don’t understand why you’re so insisted in defending-“
“Finish that sentence I dare you.” His eyes widened at me, and I could feel Eddie tense behind me. “Practice your lutz Eden, I’ll see you for lunch tomorrow.”
“Yeah,” I grumbled, going back to the ice, not before throwing a sympathetic glance at Eddie. Once again I started the song, letting it take over, yet I felt myself shaking with anger.
Of course Billy made it out like Eddie was the bad guy - he was a real piece of work. Next time I see him I’m gonna shove my skate up his - oh shit time to jump.
Spinning three times, I landed again, gliding along, feeling the ice becoming more damaged with every one. I don’t know how long I was going for, but I must have listened to Unknown / Nth about 10 times.
Pulling out my earphones, I heard a clapping sound. Meeting chocolate eyes I couldn’t help smiling, skating over to him. Leaning on the side, he spoke, “You really are a princess on that ice, you’re incredible.”
My face burned, luckily it was so cold in the rink I could blame my maroon cheeks on that. “Thank you.”
“No worries. I think I’d break my neck if I did that spinny thing,” he laughed, “I dunno who I’m kidding I’d break my neck just walking on the ice.”
“You can’t skate?” The boy shook his head, I smiled when a few curls fell into his eyes, he blew them away with ease. Yet they fell back into the place they just were. “I can teach you.”
“I think your dad would-“
“Munson, I didn’t ask to have you here so you could distract my skaters,” my dad shouted from his office above. ‘His skaters’ not his daughter, wow.
“Oh shit sorry, yeah you’re practicing.”
“It’s okay, I’ve had enough for today anyway.” Sliding down the one of the gates to the rink I climbed up, sitting on a cold seat and took off my skates.
“I’m really sorry about this, what’s the old grouch got you doing?”
“Basic maintenance, cleaning and stuff.”
“That sucks.”
“It’s fine, I have to fit it around work for the next few weeks.”
“He’s acting like we’re in highschool,” I scoffed. “I do kinda feel like I am,” the boy chuckled. “I can stay and keep you company if you want?”
“Nah it’s okay, I think it’d just make Bennett mad.” I hummed, throwing my hoodie on and zipped up my bag. “Well are we still good for the library tomorrow?”
“Of course, I’ll meet you there at 3?”
“3,” I repeated, smiling, walking away from the boy. I made it to the door when I heard my dad’s voice again, “Munson get back to work.”
I couldn’t help but shake my head with laughter, what a sweet boy.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
The rest of my Saturday went uneventful, spending it with the girls, that was before Robin had to head out somewhere. “Anywhere nice?” I asked.
“Just uh .. meeting a friend.” She threw a jacket on, grabbing her phone and keys. “Steve? I thought he was working.”
“You guys and Steve aren’t my only friends, you know. I’ll see you guys later.”
Nancy called after her, making the girl stop with a questioning look. “Tell Vickie I said hi.” Robins face burned as she flipped us both off. “Oh my god!” I shouted, throwing myself back so my head way lay on Nancy’s lap.
“I know, you should have seen them last night. So cute. Anyways how was your night with Munson?”
“Good, we went to a diner called Benny’s.”
Nancy hummed, “Yeah I’ve been there with Jonathan, it’s nice.”
“Yeah, well we got milkshakes and then he walked me back.”
“I can’t believe your dad is punishing him for defending you.”
“That’s what happens when you go up against Billy Hargrove,” I rolled my eyes.
“Anyways, have you heard anything off your mom about Holly?” I asked.
“Mike did, said mom was shouting at him, then he kicked off at her. So he took Holly with him and they had a sleepover with Will and El at Joyce’s house.”
“That sucks, I’m sorry to say Nance but we really have shit dads.” She nodded, letting her fingers play with a piece of my hair. “You know my dad called me one of his skaters today.”
“Please can I hit him?”
“Get in line,” I laughed.
“Do you feel okay to eat with me today? We can make something together if you want.”
“You know that sounds fun, can we have those spicy chicken wraps?” She squealed, “God E, it’s like you can read my mind! I’ve been craving them for so long.”
“Craving? You’re not!” I sat up quickly, meaning that Nancy tugged the hair of mine in her hand. “God no! Jesus E, I’m due on!”
“I was kidding,” I laughed, running away as she went to hit me with a pillow.
It was always therapeutic to cook with Nancy, she never made me feel like I was any less because of my difficulties with food. Her and Robin were the best for that, along with Yrene.
“Did you get on okay with the milkshake?” Nancy asked, as she chopped up some veggies for our wraps. “Hm?” I looked up from chopping the chicken. “Well you don’t really like to drink them, especially around people you don’t know.”
Oh. I hadn’t even thought about that. I’d been laughing and learning so much about Eddie. Finding out that he lives with his Uncle, Wayne, and that he works at his garage a couple times a week. “Uh yeah it was fine.”
Nancy made a sound, I could hear the smile on her face. “What?” I asked.
“You um … just seem very comfortable around Eddie.”
“He’s a nice guy,” I shrugged.
“You shouted at your dad about him.”
I laughed loudly, “Yeah I did. Now, how are those veggies?”
“Done! I’ll grab some plates, you start making the wraps.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
I woke up early on Sunday, showering and planning an appropriate outfit to wear one that dad wouldn’t moan at me for. Jeans and a knitted jumper would do. I sat on my bed, drying my hair, it was 10 so I had enough time.
“Hey,” Robin said, knocking the door before she popped her head round. “Hey!” I smiled at her through the mirror. She sat on my bed, making herself comfy against the dark green bedding.
“Cute outfit,” she smiled.
“Thanks, you’re very chipper. Good night with Vickie?” She bit her lower lip, trying to hide her grin. “Tell me everything right now!”
“We may have … kissed.” I screamed, calling for Nancy. “What?! What’s wrong!?” she shouted running into my room, only to be met by two large grins.
“This better be good because I almost had a heart attack.”
“Robin and Vickie kissed!” I said clasping my hands, hair drying long forgotten.
“Robin Carolin Buckley, you tell us everything right now!” Nancy said, squeezing next to me on the bed. Both of us looking expectantly at Robin.
“You’re meant to be meeting your dad, we can talk about it later,” The girl said. On that note my phone buzzed. Picking it up I couldn’t help rolling my eyes at the message.
Dad : Emergency meetings come up, have to cancel lunch.
Eden : Yeah it’s fine.
Not that he cares if it’s fine, because when does he ever care? “I’ve got nowhere to be until 3pm.” Nancy squeezed my hand. “Hey no being sad over shit dads, it’s time to hear about our wonderful friends love life.”
“So we went to a music store, they were open late having an open mic night for small indie artists. We were just stood there listening to this girl sing and she just … took my hand,” Robin couldn’t help the smile that broke out on her face.
“And then she just kinda kissed me. It was real sweet but so good,” she couldn’t help laughing as she fell back against my pillows, cheeks burning bright.
“Are you gonna go on another date?” Nancy asked. “Well she text me this!” Robin handed us her phone.
Vickie 🥰 : sorry for the early message, but I had a great time last night!
Vickie 🥰 : would you want to do it again sometime?
Robin 😚 : Hi! I had a great time too and yes i would love that.
Vickie 🥰 : well i’ll plan this date, are you free wednesday night?
“And you haven’t replied?” I said loudly.
“Well Wednesday nights are girls nights and I didn’t want to bail on you guys.”
“Robin if you don’t go I swear to god,” Nancy said sternly.
“Are you sure?” Me and Nancy looked at each other before saying in sync, “Yes!”
“Okay okay!” Quickly she text back confirming that she’d love to go out on Wednesday.
“Our babies growing up!” I cried, Nancy took me into her arms. “I’m literally older than you!” the girl said with a half serious face. “But now she’s got a love life, potentially a girlfriend, I’m so proud!”
“Oh shut up! What about you and Eddie, you’re having a study date later right?” she asked. “It’s not a study date! It’s just studying.”
“It’s a study date.”
“We’re studying James Hetfield, dunno how date like that’ll be.”
“Who?” Nancy asked.
“He’s from Metallica.”
“Oh Eddie loves those guys.”
“So I’ve heard,” I smiled.
“Oh my god!” Nancy said shaking me and Robin leaned over to clasp my hand. “What?”
“You like him!” Robin exclaimed.
“I’ve literally know him a week!”
“I knew Vickie for an hour and was figure out who’s last name sounds better when we get married.”
“Jesus Robin,” I laughed.
“Do you like him?” Nancy asked.
“I don’t know, come on I haven’t even really dated before. There was 2 relationship, one in highschool and one in middle school which doesn’t count - plus they lasted like 5 months combined.”
“It’s okay to not know. I just think it’s sweet you feel so comfortable around him,” Nancy smiled, squeezing me again in her arms. “Yes very sweet, now let’s leave her to get ready,” Robin pulled Nancy from my bed and out of the room.
Those girls were something else, but I wouldn’t have them any other way.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Writing Eden, Robin and Nancys friendship melts my heart 🫶🏻
taglist : @gnrquinn @flawiette @taylorswiftsloverfr @mygirlchaos @marvelcasey05 @ali-r3n @browneyes8288
let me know if you want to be added 🫶🏻
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mechanicalpiper · 1 month
May I request Villain’s henchman and Hero’s scientist share snide comments with a touch of flirting?
Adore this prompt!! This one's pretty short, but I really like it~ Thank you!
Also, cw: suggestive :3
Snippet #10
Scientist huffed into their gag as they were set down from an over-the-shoulder carry onto what felt like a wooden chair.
They briefly struggled in their bindings out of petty defiance when put down, but stopped when they felt their unknown captor grab the knot of their blindfold and untie it. As the cloth was removed from their eyes, they blinked rapidly in the sudden light.
"Pfff~ Thought this catch couldn't get any easier, but you're the lightest carry I've had yet!"
As Scientist's eyes adjusted to the bright room, they finally got a good look at their captor.
Henchman, looking down at them with a taunting expression and a hand on their hip.
Scientist grumbled into their gag, meeting the cocky expression with a glare.
"And good timing, too..." Henchman mused with a somewhat dramatic turn to pace behind the bound Scientist, who let their head drop back down with a small 'Hmph.'
"It's been ages since I've been ordered to snag anyone besides Hero." Henchman grabbed the knot of the cloth used for Scientist's gag and began to untie it. Scientist slightly grumbled, looking off to the side with the same glare. "I don't know what it is with Villain and that dumbass, but thank god we can finally grab someone actually useful to us."
The gag fell off. Scientist was quick to spit out the gag stuffing as Henchman walked back to the front, eyes locked on the captive.
"Hmpf. Flattering." Scientist's voice was dripping with sarcasm... but, on some level, it really was flattering. They turned their attention back to Henchman, still defiant. "Let me guess- you need me to build some kind of large-scale weapon."
"Brilliant deduction, Einstein."
"Yeah, yeah. But you couldn't just find someone actually willing? There's tons of people as smart as me out there. You all can't even plan properly."
"Oh, what is it with you Agency members and practicality?" Henchman grumbled. "Villainy isn't about practicality, sweetheart. It's about impact."
Henchman did another rather dramatic turn to pace back and forth as they rambled, taking a small knife out of their pocket to flip it around in their hand. "If we were practical, this ornate lair would be hidden and efficient. We'd wear combat armor instead of intricate outfits. We'd strike quickly and cleanly at night."
Henchman stopped in front of Scientist, turning their gaze back to the frustrated captive. "But we don't. We're loud and flashy, because it makes an impact."
They leaned in further, looming over Scientist. The captive kept their cool visually, their expression staying firmly as an angry glare, but... well, their heart was racing as the Villain's servant towered over them.
"So tell me, Scientist. What makes a bigger impact? Hiring some generic, bland mad scientist to do the dirty work for us..."
Henchman leaned further in for emphasis, the two's faces nearly touching. Scientist's breath got shaky.
"Or making the Agency's finest little researcher create the very machine we'll use to destroy it?"
Henchman leaned back, looking down expectantly at Scientist trying their hardest to keep themselves composed.
They couldn't find the words to respond. They simply stared at Henchman, expression furious. Frustrated they couldn't do anything to fight back.
Unsure why it was so, so flustering.
"Aw~" Henchman giggled. "See, you've got the adorable anger down already! You're picking up the damsel in distress role quite nicely."
Scientist's glare directed to the side as they let out a growl.
Henchman let out a satisfied, infuriating giggle. They took another step forward, slipping their hand under Scientist's chin to tilt their head back up.
"We'll be getting you to work tomorrow. And don't even think of trying anything- on top of some loose cuffs, I'll be supervising you. Got it?"
Scientist's eyes narrowed defiantly.
Henchman gripped slightly harder, although not painfully, and leaned in a little further. Their voice was stern.
"Got it?"
Scientist let out another shaky breath... then a defeated sigh and a small nod.
"There we go~"
Henchman stood back up, moving the hand from Scientist's chin to instead gently pat their head, met with a grumble.
"Theeere's a good lil nerd. The Agency's certainly not utilizing you well... we'll put that pretty head of yours to good use, don't worry~"
Scientist was furious.
Furious they couldn't help but love this.
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secondjulia · 1 year
Oh my god... it that 1.2 seconds of Ferdie getting felt up in Silo that can fuel an entire Dreamling fic?! It is? It is!
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Rated: M for pretty clear implications Warnings: None Ao3 link
Dream gave a tiny, unimpressed sigh, his eyes flicking imperiously down toward the square of chocolate cake. 
Hob had spent centuries pining after that lordly, impossible-to-please face. And despite his efforts to drag his dignity and self respect into the twenty first century, there was still a small part of his heart (and certainly other places) that leapt to attention at the sight of Dream’s distain. 
Still, it seemed a bit harsh for a simple piece of chocolate cake.
“That was not the dessert to which I was referring, Hob,” Dream said, sounding as disappointed as he had when Hob shared the news of his knighthood.
“Well, the cookies are gone,” Hob said defensively, pushing the plate into Dream’s hand. “And this isn’t half bad. ’Bout as good as you can expect from a work party—“
Hob stopped abruptly as Dream’s free hand brushed his arse. 
Dream’s other hand set the offending cake aside where it might as well have disappeared into the void at the end of the universe. “I wished for… a different sort of sweetness.”
Hob swallowed hard as Dream’s long fingers more firmly explored the juncture at the top of Hob’s left thigh. Dream’s other hand moved to his right side. Hob glanced around at his coworkers milling around the History Department’s atrium in stupid holiday sweaters and availing themselves of the free food and wine. But he couldn’t keep his eyes off his horny boyfriend for long. 
“Dream.” Hob leaned in close and kept his voice down. “Did you learn how to use innuendo?”
Dream scoffed in the lowest, most dignified way a person could possibly scoff. “I am Prince of Stories, Hob. I know how to employ metaphor.”
“Yeah, but you don’t. Not here. Not like that.”
Dream shifted in his seat and pouted. “People’s wishes are… clearer in the Dreaming.” He looked up at Hob in that way he always did when struggling to explain exactly why the little absurdities of the waking world were so absurd. “I may craft stories, but even those things that pass the Gates of Ivory have a clear purpose. The waking world has more rules about what is said and what is not.”
“And you’ve decided to learn the ropes,” said Hob. “Brilliant!”
Dream’s left hand crept around Hob’s backside in what Hob could only assume was retribution for his snark and for underestimating the Prince of Stories. Hob’s breath caught as Dream’s long fingers pressed almost into the crack of his arse. He glanced around again at the lackluster party. It was not nearly crowded or exciting enough for an extended grope by the dessert table to go unnoticed. The front of Hob’s jeans was starting to feel uncomfortably tight. And the smirk that had replaced the imperious expression on Dream’s face said that he’d noticed.
“Perhaps,” said Dream, “with your… instruction… I might learn a great many things about the interactions of waking men.” He gazed up at Hob with a smoldering look which would have been abundantly clear even without the glaringly obvious words and absolutely lascivious tone.
“Yeah,” Hob breathed. “I could teach you a thing or—“
“Robbie! Robbie’s boyfriend!” An exuberant mass of dark hair appeared beside them. A bit of wine sloshed out of a plastic cup and onto Hob’s shoe. “Hello!”
“Hi, Jess,” Hob managed, making a valiant effort to smile in the natural and totally not-intensely-aroused manner appropriate for a work function. He wriggled slightly out of Dream’s grasp. He didn’t know if he should be grateful for the sheer quantities of alcohol academics could put away when they finally got a fucking second to relax. Or if he should be afraid of the tongues that might wag being loosened by it. “This is Morpheus. Morpheus, Jess.”
“Indeed. I hope you are enjoying the festivities,” Dream said, standing. “We are just taking our leave. Ho—Robbie was about to show me to his office. It seems he has left some of his… duties… as an instructor undone.”
“Of course! Holidays are the worst!” Jess rolled her eyes. “Can’t we ever get a break?”
“Never,” Hob said, taking Dream’s hand in a punishing grip, which his lover returned in full. “At least enjoy the food!”
And then he practically marched Dream out of the History building atrium and away from the prying eyes of his colleagues.
“You know I don’t have my own office,” Hob said as they wound through the deserted halls. “Seven other people have the key.”
“Hmm.” Dream looked thoughtful as Hob led him to his office anyway because what else was he going to do with a boyfriend who’d suddenly decided to use his indomitable power of words for such purpose?
When Hob opened his — thankfully empty — shared office, Dream paused in the doorway. Then in a swirl of sand, Dream was suddenly holding a shiny black mechanism.
“What is that?” Hob asked.
“A lock fashioned from the dreams of a master locksmith. No one in waking existence has the key.”
Hob’s breath caught as, in another swirl of sand, a part of the door dissolved into dreamstuff and Dream set the new lock in place and — more sand — reconstructed the barrier. The bolt slid shut with a hard, heavy sound.
And then Hob was being backed into the edge of his desk and there was no mistaking the meaning behind Dream’s questing hands nor the nature of the desert Hob would be serving his love tonight.
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asta-writes-stufff · 2 months
Hii could I request a campbell x reader, meet cute fic? Either pre-, or post-canon would be perfect :)
Thanks so much for the request!! I wrote this with post-canon in mind but I guess you could read it as pre-canon too. Not very edited and Im not the biggest fan of the ending but I still think its ok :)
cw: nothing :)
wc: 849
You hum quietly to yourself as you walk through the small aisles of the record shop you’re in. You’re not really looking for anything specific, just browsing and seeing if anything catches your eye. It’s been a long day at work and you’ve got things to do this afternoon. All you can think about is how much you can’t wait to get home later, throw on a new record, and relax. 
You’re idly flipping through the rock section when you glance up and spot a Queen album on display up on the wall across from you, one you’ve been looking for for at least a few months now. You stare at it, hardly believing you’ve finally found it. It’s like the album is calling out to you, begging you to come over and remove it from its place of honour on the wall. You immediately bee-line for it, speed-walking through a few short aisles, just to poke your head around the corner and see someone gently picking it up from its display stand. 
The man holding the record turns to look at you when you let out a huge sigh. You realise you just did that out loud as he stares at you. He glances between you and the record for a second before holding it out to you. 
“Did you want this?” He asks you, giving you a smile that’d absolutely melt your heart if this record wasn’t on the line right now. You blink at him for a second before snapping back to reality to respond.
“Yeah I did, but you keep it, you got to it first.” You try to laugh gracefully but it just comes out awkward and horribly staccato.
“No, really, you can have it.” He insists, thrusting the record towards you. “I’ve already got the album, I just wanted this particular record.” He waves the record at you. Your eyes are drawn to how the fluorescent lights flickering above you flash off of the plastic wrap of the vinyl. God, you want that record.
You slowly reach out your hand to take it from him, finally processing how handsome he is. Cute hair, pretty eyes, fairly tall too. “If you’re sure…” You say slowly, flicking your eyes from him to the album in your hands. God, it’s almost as pretty as he is. 
“Yeah, o’course. S’all yours.” He chuckles at how awestruck you seem by the vinyl in your hands. “You been looking for this one for a while?” 
“Yeah. I have. Months. Can’t believe I finally found it. Been to every store in this damn city looking for it.” 
“Don’t blame ya, it’s a great album. Always loved Queen.” 
You suddenly remember your manners and look back up from the record in your hands to face him. “Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.” 
He gives you that brilliant smile again and this time it does melt you. 
“So what other bands are you into?” You ask him, desperately trying to prolong this conversation between the two of you. 
You both talk for another ten minutes before you remember you’ve got somewhere to be. God, why do you have to be busy now? When you’ve finally got this album you’ve spent hours and hours searching for and this really cute guy in front of you?
“I should probably get going,” You share hesitantly, “Pretty busy this afternoon. Thanks again so much for letting me have this record, you really don’t know how much this means to me, I mean I’ve spent weeks…” You trail off as you wander towards the checkout counter with him following behind you. 
He smiles at you again, clearing his throat once you get to the counter. “Before you go, I was wondering if maybe I could get your number? You’re really sweet and pretty and we seem to have a lot in common and-”
“Yes!” You cut him off, immediately cringing at how eager you sounded but brushing it off quickly. You scan your surroundings for a second, wondering where and with what you can write your number down before he’s gently pushing a pen into your fingers and holding the back of his hand out for you to write on. You give him a quick grin before turning your attention to his hand and writing out your phone number for him. 
The store clerk notices you at the counter and rushes over to check you out, and soon the record is finally, officially yours. You thank the clerk excitedly and turn your attention back to the man in front of you.
“Hear from you soon…?” You ask him, trailing off, realising you don’t even know his name. 
“Oh, Campbell. Bain.” His face flushes just enough for you to notice (and swoon) before he’s asking you your name. 
You tell him your name, giving him one last smile and a wave before pushing the door to the small shop open and stepping outside, taking in a deep breath of the fresh air. That has to have been your most successful trip to a record shop ever.
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yellowhollyhock · 2 months
so. Roman writes a script for an episode that he knows is good. He's very excited. He feels like he finally did something right.
Shows it to Logan. Gets it back all marked up.
accidentally got long
It starts a big fight. Easy for us to imagine how this goes because they have this or adjacent fights all the time.
Janus is on Roman's side which would make Roman more angry. Virgil is on Logan's side which hurts especially (idk if there's new content but last I know Roman and Virgil were pretty much the only consistently getting along, maybe Janus and Remus idk). Remus is there for a good time (see Roman's ideas are not good you should use mine). Patton manages to hurt everyone's feelings by taking Roman's side but sounding unsure about it (poor little guy is trying so hard to take care of everyone).
Roman has some good points: why is Logan criticizing his work when it's going to be reviewed by the writing team anyway? Isn't the most important thing at this stage for Thomas to be excited about his own ideas?
Virgil probably gets a little defensive here, like okay wow I'm sorry that Thomas can't always feel great and excited about his creations all the time. Did you even think about how much worse it would be if it was the writing team making all these corrections instead of Thomas doing it within his own head?
And then something clicks for Logan. All these corrections? What do you mean?
And now Virgil's defending Roman as best he can and still be honest with himself. You did kinda rip into it, Teach. I know you're holding is to a high standard but geez, look at all this red ink
Logan: Huh. It sounds as if the two of you think that because I marked it excessively, I disapproved of the script.
Thomas, glancing between them: Well yeah that's usually what red ink means (?)
Logan: No--I mean, yes, but this isn't high school. We're working at a higher level here.
Roman: And now you're calling me a high schooler?
Logan *adjusts glasses*: I specifically said this isn't high school. It is true that, especially for beginning writers, revision marks are usually an indication of
m i s t a k e s
Logan: Wow. As I was saying, Roman is not a beginning writer. I marked the text so excessively because I was engaging with the text. Seeing as it is, in fact, a draft, and will be submitted to peers for review, it is important that Thomas i prepared to discuss the material.
And they're all huh wha? but he wrote it tho?
Logan: Yes, but it's my job to take it from a daydream to a plan. If you read my notes, you would find--
Patton: Red ink!
Logan, thrown off: Yes, that's--we've established that I've made marks--
Virgil, recognizing an Epiphany from the Heart when he sees one: What are you getting at, Patton?
Patton: I mean, this isn't high school anymore!
Logan: Okay, you're just reiterating what I've said.
Patton: Sorry, what I mean is--when Thomas was in school, revision wasn't really treated as part of the creative process--it was a judgment from an authority figure, like a teacher! Or a parent
Logan, now interested: What are you getting at, Patton?
Patton: Thomas has a negative emotional reaction to the color red in that context.
Roman: But that's ridiculous!
Janus: Red has more positive connotations than negative. That's basic color theory :3
Virgil: Don't.
Patton is horrified
Logan, annoyed: Patton, you were saying?
Patton: Oh! Glitter pens!
Thomas: Glitter pens?
Roman: Glitter pens?! Now is not the moment for a consolation prize!
Logan: Oh, that's actually quite brilliant, Patton.
Virgil: What??
Logan: As I was saying, way back at (time stamp) before I was I N T E R R U P T E D, if you were to look at the notes I've made, you would find things circled that were phrased particularly well that I believe should go untouched to the final draft.
Roman: ... we would?
Logan: You would also find extensive notes on how the things you've implied in this script fit into the larger lore, which you have done particularly well this time.
Roman: Oh, I, uh--
Logan: I've noted places where we could have an opportunity to research a topic you've touched on and elaborate further, if the run time permits. If not we could possibly link relevant articles.
Roman: ... Oh.
Logan: Of course, minor grammar mistakes or small inconsistencies are also marked, but you do make a valid point there were not many of them this time.
Patton: So if we started color coding the different things Logan does when he revises, we could get Thomas to start thinking about the revision process differently!
Roman: Logan, I'm so sorry, I've been approaching this all wrong. I felt like you weren't even looking at my contributions or giving them a fair chance, and the truth is that's exactly what I was doing to you.
Logan: I appreciate you acknowledging that, Roman.
anyways the whole reason I put this on tumblr and not ao3 is because it has been sitting about here for uh. years now. So yeah they color code things and it helps Logan feel like he has a place in the creative process and also helps Roman not to take feedback so personally
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