#for clouts sake
lancelotslair · 2 years
Happy Halloween 😊 heres a video of the actual canonical way Giovanni meets his zorua in Hindsight
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spooksicl-e · 2 years
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hello victorian!holmes nation
edit: happy public domain day!!!! husbands!!!!!!!!
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ohworm-writes · 1 year
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RATING Parental Guidance Suggested, Some Material May Not Be Suitable for Children (Limited swearing)
SYNOPSIS A random assortment of Jschlatt headcanons, nothing more and certainly nothing less. Be it of his mannerisms, likes and dislikes, preferences and whatever else may be.
AUTHORS NOTE I’ve been thinking about Schlatt for the past hour or so, give or take, and I’ve come up with a few random headcanons for him. I will admit, a lot of these are self serving, meaning that I made them whilst thinking of the things I do, but I do believe that, at least in my eyes and heart, that these are true and applicable to him. My favorite streamer and person in the whole wide world. <3 Yes, it’s a little different when compared to my typical works, but let me be! I want to do these for more characters, I think, so let me know your guys’ thoughts on this! I hope you enjoy. :)
His hands naturally run a little colder than most. His fingertips feel like ice, almost comparable to the feeling of touching metal after it’s been left out on its own for hours or days on end. However, he doesn’t typically notice it until his hands touch a surface that isn’t icy or cold beyond belief. At that point, he does make an effort to put his hands somewhere warm- maybe sitting on them or putting them at his sides, whichever works quickest and most effectively. 
He likes audiobooks more than physical novels. Putting hours of effort into concentrating on words alone is frustrating and boring to him. He needs constant stimulation to be able to fully take in something, so once he’s introduced to the wonderful world of audiobooks, he’s hooked. He’s very picky on who he chooses to listen to though- the voice of the person needs to be engaging, not something dry or monotone or bland, a voice that can keep his attention. Once he finds a good person to listen to, though, he’ll listen to books at every chance he gets- editing, doing a grocery store run, simply relaxing- it’s his way of winding down.
He hates vacuuming with a burning passion. Absolutely loathes it. It’s not as though the task requires much exertion or effort or anything like that, he just hates it for what it is and in its entirety. Sweeping or mopping he’s absolutely fine with, it’s just that vacuuming requires so many unnecessary steps (or so he thinks is true) such as having to first unwind the cord from the thing and then plug it in and then heave it back and forth and back and forth and back and forth across the floor. And by the time he’s reached a steady rhythm the cord is suddenly too short. It infuriates and frustrates him beyond words, and if he can get out of the chore by any means, best believe that is what he’s doing.
He likes calmer animals more as opposed to wildly energetic ones. Yes, whilst he does have Jambo as his companion, a wild little ball of energy on his own, he loves it when he can just lay down with Jambo sleeping next to him. It’s not necessarily that ‘oh, he hates energetic animals and would get rid or steer clear of one if they were energetic’, it’s just that he enjoys more tame environments than high energy ones. That being said, he loves to play rough with animals- for instance, wrestling with big dogs or playing ‘keep away’ with them, or playfully swatting at cats or something of the like. He can only do it in doses, though, because again, he likes tame environments when it comes to animals and pets.
He fucking loves dancing, like- he’s absolutely enamored with the act itself. Mind you, it’s not as though he’s a dancing professional, but the act of just letting the tune of a song determine the way one’s body sways and moves and shimmies is his favorite. He puts on little concerts of his own when he’s alone, turning his headphones on blast, playing some song that fits the mood right and using his phone as a microphone and absolutely rocking it out. 
Speaking of dancing and music in general, he really likes to dance to either older and calmer songs (smooth jazz/soul/swing and et cetera) or really high energy music (hip hop/electronic/Hi-NRG and et cetera). It depends on how he’s feeling, obviously, but if he’s particularly energetic or tense or something of the like, he’ll put on some high energy type music and just- rock his absolute heart out. I’m talking silently screaming and shouting the lyrics of a song, doing an elaborate and on-the-spot dance sequence and jumping all over the room to a song. And, on the other hand, he can slow dance to a calm, older song from time to time (think of Nat King Cole or Frankie Valli) and he’ll just jam out softly, sway from side to side or laying out on his bed, limbs sinking into the bed as he softly hums to the tune of the music. 
He deals with sensory overload of overstimulation quite often. Sometimes, an environment will just be too loud and he’ll cringe, wrinkle up his nose and either plug his ears with his fingers, cover them with his palms or put in his headphones to mentally ‘get out of there’. It’ll happen at home, too. Sometimes, everything will just feel… bad and wrong. This could include audio, visual, tactile stimulation or anything of the like- if there’s too much of something in an environment, he’ll get overwhelmed. Though, he deals with it very sparsely, as he’ll simply leave the situation or environment if he can and decompress somewhere else.
He absolutely loves to cook and bake. Now, this is not to say he’s the best at cooking, but he is competent when he’s in the kitchen and can cook more than boxed mac and cheese or plain eggs, of which can, at times, be a bit tricky to make. Nonetheless, he really enjoys cooking and making something new, so if he sees a recipe that looks interesting online or from someone else, he’ll put 110% effort into making it to the best of his abilities. He excels in baking, though, always very adamant about trying some random recipe as soon as he can because it either looks good or looks interesting. Granted, he’s burnt a lot of food or overcooked/undercooked a few dishes in his life, but that doesn’t deter him.
He doesn’t bullshit people when he interacts with someone. If a person does or says something that’s generally rude, mean, inappropriate or anything of the like, he’ll either immediately tell them to cut it out, interrupting them, or he’ll wait until he can speak to them privately. He doesn’t play around when it comes to matters like that. He knows how easy it is to lose people or make them hate you by saying something stupid, so if he sees or hears something, he says something. And if the person is beyond repair in their thoughts, words or actions, he’ll very quickly cut them off and inform any relevant people he knows personally about it.
He actually really loves animated films, especially ones from the mid to late 90s and very early 2000s. They hold a place of nostalgia for him and he genuinely loves taking a day or night to just sit down and watch a ton. Chicken Little, Meet the Robinsons, Brother Bear, The Brave Little Toaster- ones around that vein are the ones that he can sit down and watch for hours. It’s not necessarily that he ‘turns his brain off’ when he watches them, but he likes to just sit and take time to enjoy them for what they are, were and meant to him. 
He’s an ‘acts of service’ and ‘quality time’ type of person in terms of what love language he shows to others. Doing little tasks and things such as cooking a nice, comforting meal or helping around the house or running an errand, anything he can do to lighten someone’s load is his favorite. And he needs the same done for him from time to time. Additionally, quality time! A comfortable silence that he can share with someone is key. Simply being in a person’s presence- perhaps just working on something with them in the room or anything of the like, it’s his favorite.
He’s not one for sappy words, although he does use them from time to time to show his appreciation of a person, since he believes it’s what most people are familiar with in terms of being shown recognition/appreciation, but it’s not his favorite. He also hates giving gifts, namely because he thinks he’s bad at picking out the right ones but also because he thinks the act is a little empty. The idea of buying someone’s affection? No way. Physical touch is a big no-no with him. He hates public displays of affection, and the only reason he’s alright with it is if it’s in the comfort of his own home, and even that’s a stretch sometimes. 
In a similar vein, the love language he prefers being done unto him are ‘words of affirmation’ and ‘acts of service’. Though he’d never say it, he needs to be told from time to time that he’s doing a good job, to have genuine encouragement and appreciation of what he’s doing or anything else of the like. He’s so hard on himself that he needs that saving grace- a voice to silence the loud ones in his head. Similarly, he likes it when someone is willing to lighten his load- maybe organize his projects and compile them in a format that’s manageable or perhaps getting him something to eat or simply cleaning up his workspace. Generally, he really appreciates it when someone goes out of their way to aid him.
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butterfly-95 · 6 months
I just want to say that if you, in any form, support the eradication, erasure, or demonise any group- be it an ethnic one, an orientation, gender, religion, etc. please get tf out of my blog and don't even think on interacting with my posts unless you've done plenty of self-reflecting and chose to be on the right side of things.
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ceasarslegion · 11 months
One day tumblr may learn that blockbuster movies arent activism and are in fact just movies.
Apparently that day is not today
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dailyfatefigures · 1 year
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shoutout to the most merch campaign ever
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jewvian · 1 year
Idk you guys it truly feels like the goyim who yell about the antisemitism in the new hp game only do it because it's convenient for their arguments against the game.
I actually looked at some of the posts on the game's tag and honestly? Too many users jumped on the antisemitism wagon to "defend" their "fellow Jewish friends" while their blogs show zero interests in protecting Jews against actual, life threatening antisemitism.
Wait, let me rephrase that a bit.
In those blogs, that gained hundreds or thousands of notes mind you, I saw nothing else about antisemitism. Nothing about the rise of hate crimes, nothing about the constant usage of slurs on social media, nothing about actual threats being posted all over the fucking internet. Nothing. It's as if... Gosh, it's like they only care about the Jewish community when it serves their agenda! As usual!
If you wanna hear about antisemitism go ask an actual Jew what they think, not reblog a fucking clout post that does nothing to protect Jewish lives.
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pbpsbff · 21 days
not a big fan of “reblog if you think (marginalized group of people) are valid” posts because if i have to reblog a shitty post to make that apparent on my account then idk. i’d feel like i’m doing something wrong!
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yotd2009 · 9 months
going from "i like ayaka but i'm going to pull for her brother instead bc i already have a cryo sword user + i want to replace my barbara w a 5*" to ayaka's biggest wanter and a ride or die barbara stan who doesn't even use ayato. every day i regret my decisions made during 3.5
#he's at level 39 w a dull blade and random artifacts. i originally just threw whatever on them but then harvested them for other characters#also my anti barbara era was soooo pathetic like. i just wanted 5*s for the sake of having 5*s despite the fact that barbara Literally Is A#5* under the 4* label (she was meant to be a limited 5* but then hoyo realized that they never gave us a free healer so they changed#barbara's rarity and gave her out for free. which is the reason why she's the only 4* w a 5* burst animation)#also 'i don't need ayaka when i actually use my kaeya' was dumb too. you Can't be playing genshin w only one functional team it's just not#sustainable + not as much fun. genuinely this was during the period of time when my kaeya was lvl 80 and everyone else was ~lvl 40 or lower#bc i wanted to replace them and i just had kaeya solo everything and wondered why i couldn't complete the rank up quest/do big numbers#n e ways. now that i've forgiven qiqi for the crime of not being scara + fallen in love w layla + still am a kaeya main + actually#understand how genshin team comps/building characters work i've realized that a. cryo sword users have my fave gameplay and b. you can make#a fully rounded genshin team w just them (ayaka is a main dps. kaeya is a sub dps. qiqi is a healer and layla is a shield) and i haven't#seen anyone else use them all together that way and i want to be the first. but first i need ayaka.#+ all their signature weapons bc. c'mon. how much cooler would that be (read: i feel like i'd get more clout for it)#romeo.txt
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will-you-pick-me · 2 months
youre just gonna let lilith steal your reblog chain idea like that? ok
Yup. Sure fucking am.
To me, it's 1) not stealing, it's an idea I put out into the community in the hopes of starting some change, and I'm glad to see it's been picked up. And 2), I know full well that it has far more reach and influence in aer's hands than mine. I'm a smaller blog - as far as engagement goes, RH is a mountain and I'm a pebble.
So yeah. I sure fucking will let them have it.
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turntechgodhead · 4 months
How does it feel to have gotten a really wanted url?
feels good feels organic. the bitches eat it up
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seek--rest · 1 year
I don’t even know what’s wrong with being a Hollywood it girl really. They get a brief burst of superstardom that basically financially sets them up for life (so long as they’re smart with their money), then relative obscurity/a moderate amount of lifelong fame. The only real downside is the weird misogynistic stigma that they were poised to be the next actress to reset the industry or whatever and ‘settled’ for being an ‘it girl’. And unless Zendaya is struggling to maintain a stable income there really isn’t any reason for her to really strive for groundbreaking acting roles or anything. Unless she specifically wants to be the next big Oscar winning actress for clout or legacy or something. In that case I do kind of feel sorry for her because she’s at the age where she should be ramping up to the golden era of her career, but she’s just not getting any notable roles.
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I’d say the misogynistic stigma is a HUGE downside and speaks to the way Hollywood eats up and spits out young women who are “past their prime” and by prime, they mean anyone who looks older than 25.
I won’t speak for Zendaya but I… don’t really vibe with this idea that people do a job like hers for the income. Acting is an art and a craft, one that from what I understand she’s been doing her entire life. If all she wanted was stable income, she could’ve stuck with Disney or gone the route of other lesser Disney actors. She very clearly wants to make her mark as an artist, which I really push back has anything to do with “clout” or “legacy” and more “respect in her chosen field”
She’s a media darling that has far more hype than credits to her name. She needs a solid win, since we all know how brutal the industry can be— especially to Black women.
Challengers will be a litmus test for her, one that at least in my pov I hope she actually gets a decent chance with.
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seilon · 10 months
i usually dont comment on these kinds of things because they shouldnt be treated with the level of weird parasocial interest they tend to be on social media generally but. claire (lil tay) was so fucking young. it doesnt take knowing her personally to feel just how jarring and genuinely tragic her sudden death is. like shit. she was only 14. she didnt even get to live her own life. sorry if this is pointless and theres no call to action or anything here but. jesus.
#kibumblabs#cw death#havent looked too deep into it because im still conflicted over it feeling voyeuristic and disrespectful to do so or not but#from what i have heard it seems sketchy re: her brother and idk i dont want to accuse anyone of anything without proper basis especially#when that someone also passed away but. considering his history of controlling behavior over her image and how it put her in some#serious danger at worst - situations a child should not be in at best... if he did have any part in this i. well i dont know.#cant exactly say he needs to see justice considering its a bit late for that but. i dont know#depending on the circumstances one of her parents may need to answer to some neglect charges. but anyway it all feels so trivial when its#already too late.#you know what. what i think i can say for sure is that i hope she's properly remembered and honored for who she actually was and not as#'lil tay the worlds youngest flexer'. a persona her brother made up that put her in dangerous situation for the sake of clout. by no means#is the public entitled to anything but if anything more is put out there in memorium i hope its something#letting the world know who she was as a real teenage girl with her own interests and personality and favorite songs and teenage obsessions#she looked like such a sweet girl. i hope her friends and family who actually knew her are haunted as little as possible by her#bastardized image on the internet. i hope they– as well as anyone else really– can separate that character from the innocent young girl#who actually existed and who's life was cut so. so fucking short.#i know i said i didnt want to comment too much about this but idk man. it really got to me. maybe because its such a novel situation thats#never exactly happened before- the way her image was on in the internet and how this case will inevitably be treated on the internet#how young she was and how little say she had in how she'd be portrayed on line– much less now how she'd be REMEMBERED.#its disturbing. and deeply deeply tragic.#2009. she was born in 2009. fuck. thats just. wrong
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oak-the-wolf · 2 years
All the mobs for this year's vote have been announced! I'm voting for the sniffer for sure. I think a new cute companion mob is overdue, for one, and for another, the plants could be new food or potion ingredients!
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uchitiddy · 2 years
hey guys since im seeing them pop up a lot on my dash. user @sakunalu is a reposter. Nearly all of the content on their blog is stolen art. please don't reblog stuff from them!
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morallygay · 1 year
I hate when people try to make ‘how [tumblr] works’ and ‘tumblr etiquette’ guides it’s like they’re just telling any random person walking into the saloon which floor boards are creaky
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