#for now my goal is 30 books for a year
aroacehanzawa · 6 months
Oh my gosh that's such a mood about needing to whittle down your reading pile before the end of the year wjejsjf ive been in an end of year reading panic for the last few weeks XD
fhsjfhjsdj right!!
i mean of course i don't think it is ever That Deep, but it is quite satisfying to whittle down the reading pile by the end of the year, and not have like a bunch of half started books that i don't know if i should count for my reading goal of this year or the next lol
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aceofbooks · 10 months
It should not be physically possible for someone to have a higher published titles average than James Patterson. And yet... And yet. There is the author of my current book for work.
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vamptastic · 7 months
woke up at 5pm stummy hurts head hurts i have to take 5 medications and do the goddamn dishes. life is hell. nevertheless i stay chill and relaxed. due to the medications.
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whisp3roftheheart · 11 months
Watching Julie and Julia currently, I want this next week to be nothing but feel good activities. I have the week off of work so I will be doing nothing other than watching movies and reading
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marmorenshud · 1 year
actually am proud of myself for reading two books in 18 days (300 pages each) I think that's the fastest I've read apart from the time I was suicidal which is really not a standard to hold yourself up to. but particularly impressed since I don't have a commute anymore. might even finish one or two short books more (~100p) before april runs out which would be incredible. previously I've read about a book a month (but somehow still falling short of 12 a year goal) but if I finish this one today, I'll already be at half my goal before any of the major holidays.
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messfc · 1 year
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do i raise my goal yes or no
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csuitebitches · 6 months
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Things I Have to do for My Sanity
1. Wake up at the first alarm - no snoozing and no going lying around in bed. Getting up straight away and head to the bathroom. It’s going to suck initially but you’ll get used to it in a few days.
2. Mental self care: 30 minute meditation, brain games mental math, reading, news. Knowledge is sexy and don’t deny yourself sexiness.
3. Daily review in my diary at the beginning and end of my day: what went well, what didn’t, what I need to accomplish to achieve my goals. This has tremendously helped my goals and keeping my motivation more consistent, especially at work. Analysing and correcting incremental changes creates long term success.
4. Cleaning up before bed - clothes, shoes, organising my bag, etc. I set a timer for 5 minutes and try to get as much done as possible.
5. Pick out my clothes the night before and steam iron them for the next day.
6. Face masks twice a week, a hair mask once a week, I scrub the soles of my feet with that foot scrubbing thingy once a week. Manicures every month because my nail beds are too sensitive to do it biweekly, iron supplements so that I’m not a moody bitch. Matching underwear to feel good about myself. Lavender spray on my pillow before sleeping so that I don’t get weird dreams.
7. Reading biographies and autobiographies. My mentor had suggested this to me and it’s amazing how literally I don’t have a single original experience - everything I’ve felt or mistakes I’ve made have already been done by someone else.
I’m going to curate a list of business books that I feel that have helped me the most recently.
8. I write a short essay everyday in the language I’m currently learning. I also end my day by talking about my day for at least 2 minutes in that language and I record it in voice memos to keep a track of my progress. I want to be fluent to a level where I can think in this language.
I don’t generally share a lot about my personal life - none of you know my name or where I’m based and I feel comfortable doing that. But I do want to start giving out more insights to what I’m doing personally in my career - the good, the bad, the ugly.
Being self aware and honest to myself has helped me improve a lot. I know that shame is my Achilles heel, so now I’m reading books to combat that. I’ve caved in and decided to try therapy for a bit to see if what I’m doing is useful or not. My first session is tomorrow. Staying disciplined was my initial hurdle but the systems I’ve set (waking up early + habit stacking) have helped me slowly overcome that.
Work side, I’ve started establishing myself publicly more. I don’t want to reveal too much about what I do exactly but the good news is that our biggest competitor has noticed my progress (a former employee of that company came to us for an interview and directly asked our top management about me). It’s been 4 months that I’ve been working here but I know that next year I really have to swing the bat and hit a home run. I’ve decided to work on the field more and less in the office to really understand people’s needs and create unique solutions.
The daily/weekly/quarterly diary is definitely credited to my recent wins. That’s the biggest change I’ve made in my routine and i can already see that it’s working well. I’m going to continue refining and implementing that method.
Recent work methods I’ve decided to start working on (I’m not required to do these but I do it for my growth):
1. I’ve started studying popular companies’ business and revenue models in detail. Everything is adoptable and adaptable, you just have to figure out how to tweak something for your company’s clients and needs. Now I’ve decided that I want to keep a track of our competitors, their business models, their owners names, pricing strategy, their target audience etc etc on an excel sheet so that I’m aware with what’s happening in the market. 
2. I’ve started making client profiles. Every time I meet a client, I note down their name, the company name, what they were like, anything specific they seemed to like or want, how much they had paid us for a service, what their paying capacity could be, etc. 
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Especially if you are on HRT!
HB1421 is a bill that severely affects access to gender affirming care, including for adults. It outlines goals to:
1) Prohibit changing gender markers on birth certificates
2) Require that gender affirming care only come from physicians (not nurse practioners) who take on liability insurance for 30 YEARS after they provide care to a patient
3) Require informed consent forms at every single appointment, including distributing literature to dissuade patients
4) Ban transition care completely for minors
5) Make it so providers who accept state funds cannot provide gender affirming services (this is the big one that stands to affect anyone who takes medicare/aid, is a university, etc.).
6) Make it so providers who accept state funds cannot reimburse for gender affirming services.
We are facing a return to the Harry Benjamin days, or worse, an effective ban unless you are fortunate/wealthy enough to find a willing provider.
If it passes, this bill would take effect July 1, 2023. That is not a lot of time.
I would not count on any Rx or refill request to be honored after this date if the prescribing and dispensing sources no longer are allowed to grant care or decide to drop care because of the penalties.
July 1, 2023. Unless we hear otherwise, that is your clock.
This sucks, but there is comfort in seeing a clear date to plan around and the worst case is no longer completely unknown. It begins July 1.
1) Get any and all your HRT appointments in now, including picking up your meds and doing bloodwork promptly.
2) If you think you will be living in FL come July, start looking now for providers where physicians - not NPs - provide the care. Get an appointment on the books for July. Be prepared to go in person for everything after July 1, because I believe telemed will also be shit-canned. Here is a map of informed consent providers.
3) If you are an old like me, also dig up your HRT permission slip from your therapist. Fuck, make a packet of all your transition documents, including Rx history.
4) If you are on private insurance, start budgeting now to prepare to pay out of pocket.
5) Create a simple spreadsheet of all your HRT dates (pls forgive, my experience is with shots on a 2 week cycle, so this is pretty easy for me to do) and plan out how long your current supply will last. Then, forecast how long all your upcoming refills before July 1 will last. Update it every time you pick up and take your meds. Refer to it for decisions like moving or finding backup providers.
6) Subscribe to the bill to get notified of changes asap
7) Follow this site to keep tabs on other very scary bills happening in Florida, including a bathroom ban and a child custody bill that is effectively kidnapping
8) If you need to change your birth certificate, do it now, pay the rush fees and write RUSH on the envelope. The Department of Health has the most up-to-date forms. Processing time for rush I last saw was around 18 business days.
9) Now that your own oxygen mask is on, so they say, boost mutual aid and recruit allies to assist in any way possible.
Do try to continue seeing your current provider as long as possible, as they likely will need your support. Talk to them frankly about their plans if the bill passes.
Now. I am just a little guy and not a legal expert, but the aggressive enactment date on this bill makes me feel like everyone should plan now instead of waiting to see if it passes.
Be safe, plan, and then get a little rest. Do not lose hope - this bill could still fail.
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byoldervine · 5 months
Motivation For Writing
Getting Off Your Butt:
1. Aestheticise it. Let the light in through the curtains, turn on your fairy lights, lay a blanket over your lap, light some candles, whatever you need to do to feel like a writer. The right vibes can go a long way
2. Picture that one scene. There’s almost always a moment you’re super excited about that basically inspired the whole book. Picture it, play it out in your head in full cinematic fanfare, gush to yourself about how cool it is and how everyone will love it, picture a future fanbase going nuts for it. You might get excited enough to go back to writing
3. Set a word count goal. During NaNoWriMo this year I think I wrote more than I ever have in one go. The thing that kept me coming back was the desire to not fall behind. I ended up with ~45K words after some complications irl caused me to drop off in the final few days, and that’s all just because I was adding up the 1667 a day word count goal and realising where I needed to be at to keep up. I definitely can’t stay as rigid as I did with 1667 words every single day, but seeing that you’re only a few hundred words off of a goal is super motivating - just be sure to set realistic, easy to achieve parameters for just general use, like 1000-2000 words per week. I know 200 words per day is a popular one for people trying to establish a writing routine that can’t dedicate forever to the craft
Maintaining Motivation:
1. Writing sprints. Writing sprints are a godsend for me, I like to set myself up in the living room with Abbie Emmons’ writing sprint video on. The video lasts two hours and is broken up into two parts; 25 minutes to write and 5 minutes for breaks between writing, so four 30 minute sprints overall. Having the timer and countdown with peaceful music and an aesthetic background is both relaxing and encouraging, as well as giving me a specific time for how much longer I have to push through. It’s easier for me to say “Okay, only ten more minutes, then you can take a break” then it is to say “Just keep going, we’re not stopping until I say so” which is too arbitrary for my brain to accept
2. Give yourself a choice. If you’re struggling to keep your focus, come up with a finish line and tell yourself you don’t have to do any more work once you’ve reached that point. Finish the paragraph, go for another five or ten minutes, keep it up until your next scheduled break. Whatever sounds realistic and doable without being overwhelming. And once you’ve met this goal, ask yourself if you still want to stop. With any luck, you’ll have gotten back into the zone and will choose to keep going. Maybe you’ll want to take a quick break but you’ll come back later on. And maybe you’ll decide that now actually is a good stopping point. Just remember that, if you do still want to stop, don’t force yourself to keep going. You can’t strike deals with yourself if you know you won’t keep your word and all you’ll end up doing is burning yourself out, which will lead to even less writing getting done
3. Try a new angle. If you can’t be bothered to write anymore, is there anything else you can do for your book? Plotting, editing, worldbuilding, character sheets, one-shots all that sort of thing can still be productive for your book while still being different enough to give your brain a slight respite. It also means less work in that particular area later on
1. Organise. Clean up your workspace and put everything away so it’s nice and neat for when you come back to it. Or if you don’t need to pack things out the way, set it up in an aesthetically pleasing way so it will tempt you back next time. Let it give you the writer vibe
2. Take care of yourself. Get a drink, have a snack, walk about, stretch your limbs, take a breath, cuddle your pet. Something that gets you away from straining your eyes looking at text for a bit. This is also a good time to reward yourself if positive reinforcement is something you use on yourself. If you always feel shitty after your writing sessions, you won’t want to go back to it
3. Positive reflection. Make sure to tell yourself you did good, even if you didn’t get as much done as you would’ve liked or it isn’t up to a standard of quality you’re aiming for. That can all be fixed later on, and you’re infinitely better off than you would’ve been if you didn’t do it. Be proud of yourself. Tell yourself you’re proud of your hard work and your dedication and your effort. Remind yourself that this is a fun thing you like to do. Marvel over how insane it is that you’ve gotten this far - not many people do - and that you’ve got all this tangible work to prove you’ve accomplished something so many people wish they could pull off. If this isn’t fun overall, there’s no point
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beegalactica · 4 months
The real 'glow-up' is all mental.
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With it being the prime season for the 'how to glow up' guides to make their rounds in the media we consume, it is always worth reminding yourself that the only way you are going to 'glow up' on the outside is if you 'glow up' on the inside.
I personally get annoyed with the whole glowing-up phenomenon because it perpetuates this idea that there is some kind of 'end goal' in life and once you reach it, everything will be perfect. In a world where the idea of what it means to be attractive, intelligent, successful, or desirable in any way is constantly changing, there is only one constant: YOU.
You are a lifelong investment, and you are worth every penny, second, and ounce of effort you put into yourself.
Let's go over some of my glow-up tips and habits for you this year and examine how much of your levelling-up will really need to take place in your head.
Invest in your hygiene. This doesn't mean buying the most expensive skincare and having a 30-step routine, this means brushing your teeth every day, taking showers regularly and looking after your hair. Of course, we all want to achieve that 'clean girl aesthetic' but to me, simple hygiene is the best way to send a message to your body and mind that you care. Nothing says "I love you just the way you are" to your body like taking the time to clean it, care for it and pay attention to what it needs.
Invest in your surroundings. Now I know, making your bed every morning can be an unnecessary waste of time, especially if you're just going to end up getting back into it at night, but I like to think that my surroundings reflect my mental state, so if my room is a mess, best believe my mind is a mess too.
Invest in your interests. Start a hobby, pick up a new skill, try to find a book that interests you, or even start a Tumblr blog 😉😉! This year, I am focusing on really cultivating myself and becoming an interesting person who has things to talk about with people, instead of mindless gossip or resulting in self-deprecation to entertain others.
Invest in your happiness. Do what makes you happy. Distance yourself from those who seek to pull you down, to prop themselves up. You are worth so much more than that. Sometimes, those people are in our households, and the only way to cope is to know what makes us feel good and chase that happiness. Know that whatever issue you are facing shall pass and you will feel good again.
There is a common belief among people who may struggle with their self-image that once they fix this, or change that, everything will be perfect, but as someone who has had that mentality, it won't. If you want to lose 10kg for example, but hate your current body, waking up skinny tomorrow won't fix that voice in your head that tells you that you're still not good enough. If you love yourself as you are, and acknowledge that exercising is a form of self-love, and it doesn't take away from it, that mental glow-up will begin to manifest itself physically.
What's the point of others complimenting you daily if you don't believe it or can't accept it because you don't think of yourself the way that they do?
Trust me when I say this, my biggest milestone on my 'glow up journey' was not losing x amount of weight, but looking at myself in the mirror, first thing in the morning with no make-up or styling, and still being able to say "Damn, I'm so beautiful." And I can confidently tell you that to reach this point, I didn't set the intention of losing weight and trying to become more beautiful, I set the intention of loving and accepting myself the way that I am and all the actions that followed after stemmed from this love that I have. I didn't feel the need to exercise because I wanted to be skinny, but because I knew that it was what my body needed, and I loved my body so much that I was willing to do that for her.
It's easy to get wrapped up in so many things and lose sight of yourself, but when that phone is off and you're all alone, disconnected from the rest of the world, what do you say to yourself?
P.S. If you're reading this thank you all for the love on my first post! Opening Tumblr every day to new notifications has created this sort of excitement and extreme joy that I didn't even know was possible! Stay safe and take care of yourself 💗💓
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quinton-reviews · 4 months
Hi Quinton!! I have been a HUGE fan of your stuff since a friend sent me the Tobuscus Fallen Titans (I used to watch him back in high school and was like "huh, wonder what happened to him after those allegations") and I gotta say, it is REALLY FUNNY every time my fiancé and I watch the iCarly videos again, because when you cover Gibby's stunt double breaking his ribs, you cut to a clip of The Official Podcast. I used to play D&D with one of the main dudes from the podcast, so when he talks during that clip I do a goddamn double take literally every time.
Anyways, I remember an original Patreon stretch goal being a Fallen Titans on Homestuck! I was really big into Homestuck in my early 20s, and was wondering if that's still on the table at some point? If not that's fine, I understand plans change! I just love Fallen Titans lol, the Fred episode and the Neil Cicierega unFallen Titans are some of my favorite videos of yours!
That's a real funny story!
So here's the rundown on the Homestuck video. When I first started making long videos, they were actually inspired by the relationship I had with other YouTubers at the time. I used to watch, like, H3H3 and Filthy Frank, etc; and I'd always see people obsessed with the versions of creators from the past. Like, "Oh 2015 H3 was the best" and "Oh 2012 Frank was peak." So I had this idea that it would be crazy if H3 posted, like, a video he spent a decade on and you got a new video with 2015 H3 10 years on. (I don't watch H3 anymore ironically)
So the original idea for the "long video" format was that it would be cool if, throughout a long, analysis/review/recap video, you kept noticing someone get older. Maybe my months, maybe by years. That's why I always like to get a haircut when I start one of these videos. If you scrub through and you see my hair get longer and messier as it goes on I think that adds something magical you can't fake.
So... My pitch to the Homestuck video was that it would be funny to work on it just once per year. To record one segment, say "That's it for 12 months", and then come back around to it. And when I was making the iCarly and Victorious videos I actually recorded a few minutes of the video! I think it was two segments in total. But then I had a bunch of personal stuff happen and my work drive has been much lower, so any "back burner" video hasn't gotten much attention since then.
Now that the iCarly mini-series is done with, I want to focus on some short one-off videos I can make before April. But once that's done with, I would REALLY love to start work on a few more long-term projects which will take months or years to finish. I think returning to work on the Homestuck video, to at least get the first 20-30 minutes done, would be a great idea this summer.
Now, if you want to know my pitch for that video, here it is. The video is not a recap of the creative history of the franchise. I do not get into drama, community hell, lawsuits, or other YouTubers. My idea is this: you always hear about Homestuck as an outsider but you never hear about the actual content. Most franchises on Earth I know something about, even and especially if I've never been interested in them. I can tell you a bunch of facts about wrestling and MLP and the Fast and the Furious simply through cultural osmosis and having friends who are into those things.
I can't tell you the plot of Homestuck, who the characters are, what the themes are, nothing. I've known a lot of people who were into Homestuck but nothing about the series!
So I thought it would thus be funny to make a video about a bunch of people who know nothing about the series starting from the beginning and giving their reactions, even if it's been years since it all started. I call this part of the video the "Homestuck Book Club." So the next step is me picking out the members (who all have to have no history with it) and making sort of a podcast setup. We'd then read and record every six months or so, IDK.
This is why the video has been stuck in production hell! Everyone who wants to work on it and messages me about it already knows the franchise. I don't want spoilers, I don't want people writing for the video who get it already. I want to capture the "what the fuck is this" energy of three dudes just getting in the middle of it.
Also, I think that I really like the theme of the video capturing our lives as they go by, capturing us aging and changing. If you came back from the future and told me this video comes out in five years, I'd say great. If you told me it comes out in ten years, I'd say awesome. Until then, the latest edit will always be on Patreon, even if you have to dig a little.
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How do plot a trilogy?
Plotting a Trilogy
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The best way to plot a series is to make sure you have a story that requires being told in multiple parts. And the best way to do this is to come up with a big story, from beginning to end, without worrying about dividing it up just yet.
Once you understand the big picture story arc from beginning to end, all of the major plot points, the timeline, and individual main character arcs, you can start to look for the natural breaks in the story. Start by thinking about basic story structure:
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An easy way in is to look for big events that fall in the first third, second third, and final third of the story. These will serve as each individual book's climaxes.
From here, you can think about the conflict that leads to each climactic event. The conflict is a problem the protagonist wants to solve, and the climax is the final attempt to do what needs to be done to resolve that problem.
Now that you know the conflict and climactic event it leads to, you can think about the protagonist's motivation and goal in resolving this conflict. In other words, why do they want to resolve the problem and how do they plan to go about it? With any luck, many of the steps they need to take in an effort to solve the problem (and end up at the climactic moment) should be naturally built into your story. But you can tease them out and expand on them as needed. Remember to think about the antagonistic force that places obstacles in the path of your characters as they try to resolve each individual story's conflict.
Finally, you can look at things like character arc (which goes from the beginning of book one to the end of the final book), world building, and all the little details needed to tie everything together.
Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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flusteredtuna · 4 months
Carmen Berzzato“The Bear” x !fem! reader
Contains: ( 18+ Mature Only ) praise, first kiss, head, and x-men movie.
Words: 2k+
Summary: Carmen, a good friend, shows up unexpectedly at your door late at night. Tipsy. And things obviously take a turn as he sobers up and you learn the true nature of his visit. ( no under the influence… do not fret )
I used a scene from Netflix’s series ‘Good Girls’ season 4 episode 6, as a main plot point and used the begging dialogue. I won’t name the scene as to not spoil the show ( it’s not a big plot point and the fanfic does not spoil it either. ) you can watch the clip here.
This was written for a friend 💕 ( and i had to repost due to an error ) This is also the second fan-fiction I have ever completed, so enjoy.
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It’s a relaxing Saturday evening in your quaint charming little apartment on the third floor. Warm lighting, antique cabinet, quilted blanket covering your lap, and a warm homemade mug of Earl Grey tea in your hand as you read your book.
knock. knock. KNOCK.
A heavy and lazy hand knocks on your landlord’s special white front door. It’s 10 p.m., who could be knocking on the door? You un-tuck yourself from your spot on the couch and with tea in hand, you head toward the door and open it.
It’s Carmen. You’ve been friends for about a year now, friends with feelings for half that time. You met through a mutual friend, one who works at his restaurant. The relationship between you two is close and has only gotten closer with having the same friend group. But even with the tension in the room during every group hangout, he’s never made a move. And neither have you. Maybe it’s because of his girlfriend. Who didn’t show up to game nights.
And yet here he is, making an unexpected visit to your apartment.
“This isn’t my house,” he says. He smells of beer and is definitely not sober. Both his arms hold his body up as he leans in your doorframe.
“Hey yourself…” your face is twisted with confusion. Carmy never came over, at least not by himself. “Are you…tipsy? Fried? any other word for not sober?” You try to figure him out enough to make him go away before it turns into something else.
He chuckles a bit, “Just a bit buzzed”.
“Why are you in my doorway, Carmen?” You lean against the open door.
“I was at the bar, with friends. Karaoke bar.” He huffs as he finishes his sentence which seems hard to get out of his mouth.
“I don’t even know who to feel sorry for there” you respond. A look of worry mixed in with your confusion.
You stare at each other for what feels like the longest five seconds of your life. His mouth hung open a little.
“I can’t be with her anymore” You wince at his words and your heart drops to your toes. Did he just say that? Has he told her?
“You should go home,” trying to prevent something from progressing.
“I don’t want to go home” he quickly responds
“Then you should go somewhere else” You grab the door leaning away, ready to close it on him. Although you don’t want to, you know you should.
“Can I uh- just please come in?” Starting to close the door he pushes back a bit “No, Carmy. Please trust me, just go home.” He places a firm hand on the door and abruptly says, “I think I’m gonna crap myself.”
You stop and look at him. It’s unbelievable that this is what made you stop. You swing the door open and do the same with your other arm, gesturing to him to enter. He walks in, and heads for the bathroom.
Setting your tea down you sit on the couch waiting for him to come back, you try to think of anything else other than the fact that Carmen is in your home. Possibly with the intention of cheating on his girlfriend with you. Attempting to stare at the patchy rug to find some sort of escape. The goal now was to just make sure he didn’t do anything crass.
He walks out of the bathroom and immediately slumps himself on the floor against the couch right next to you. “I wouldn’t go in there for at least 30 minutes.”
Raising your brows and giggling, “Feeling any better?”
Carmen doesn’t even look at you, he just looks straight on. “Not really.” He rubs his hands together.
“I broke up with Sarah.” He says quietly. Yet another string of words that makes your heart drop.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” You try to be reassuring but you’re not sure how to be in this situation. “Do you want to talk about it?” Carmen looks at you, his eyes glossy from his buzz.
“Nah.” You tilt your head at him and then look over at the TV, catching the slight reflection of your two figures lounging on the comfy yellow couch. “Do you want to watch something?”
Carmen’s nods face towards the black screen of the TV, and you reach for the remote to turn something on. “X-men?” you suggest as he gets up and sits on the other end of the couch. One person’s width away from you.
“X-Men it is.” He slurs his words a bit as he gestures to the TV with a hand and flops it back down in his lap. Turning on the movie, you make yourself comfortable by shifting your legs to bend and your feet resting on the middle cushion, pulling the blanket over you. Even with him sitting glued to the arm of the other end, you both are still somehow too close.
As the movie passes, the tension stands. Seeing each other glancing out of the corner of their eyes now and then doesn’t help. Finally, Carmey opens up a bit and starts to comment on the movie, “You know, I don’t know why they cast Evan Peters for this when he plays that other guy in that Wanda show. Fuckin’ stupid.” He sounds more like himself now, which eases the tension, making this situation a little more comfortable.
“Yeah I think there’s a theory about that,” You both continue to talk throughout the movie, he seems to sober up. It’s nice hanging out with him like this. Although the circumstances aren’t 100% preferred, you don’t seem to mind it anymore.
The movie ended with you both laughing at a conversation completely unrelated. Whatever it was it was something way more entertaining to both of you. So long of a conversation that the credits end. You both look over to the screen again. A prompt asking “How would you rate this film?”.
“Well, I guess it ended.” You chuckle a bit but look over at him, seemingly back in his head again. Maybe you shouldn’t have said that.
Now sitting up against the arm of the couch and crossing your legs, you feel like you should say something.
“You know the best wa-“ he interrupts you “I broke up with her so I could see you.”
Your eyes meet as he looks over to you, now sitting up a bit more. “Carmy I-“ interrupting you again “Y/N, I don’t want you to feel guilty or anything. I know this is a lot,” he puts a hand to his temple and starts to get a little more passionate in his speech. Almost defensive. “Shit. I just couldn’t see you without leaving and not feel fuckin’ guilty!” His hand gestures around as he speaks, like he’s in the kitchen talking to his staff.
“Carmen!” You try to steer the conversation away from him getting louder, “Why would you feel guilty?” You know the answer to that.
He rests a hand on his lap and his other on his temple again. Releasing a deep exhale, he looks at you. “Maybe I wanted to uh-,” he hesitates for a moment to look you up and down. “Feel something…else.”
You can feel the flush rushing to your cheeks so quickly after he says this. With wide eyes and raised brows, you try to pull out your best response, “Feel what? Pressed about…Marvel casting?”
He chuckles and moves a smidge towards you, putting a bent leg up on the couch, “No no no. no. Jesus. That, that’s ridiculous.” You smile a bit at his amusement, “Then what is it, Carmy?”
Rubbing his face and letting out another huff, he sounds like he’s holding back. And you aren’t sure if you want him to keep it bottled or release it.
Continuing to look at you with starry eyes, he rests an arm on the back of the couch. “Fuck. Look. I don’t want to be too forward and I definitely don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” You press your lips together in anticipation of what he’s about to say, “It’s something that I’ve felt for a while and I’ve been fucking ignoring it.” He pauses again and takes another huff, taking a look at the door. “I should just go.”
As he gets up you grab his wrist, stopping him dead in his tracks. “Carmy,” his eyes soften as he looks at you, “you don’t need to leave.”
As you let go of his wrist he sits next to you, closer. “It’s kind of obvious.” You chuckle a bit through your words. It is obvious. You’ve noticed this tension for a while now, he’s only just confirming it.
“What is? That I like you?” His tone is almost defensive like he was caught. A smile creeps on your face, “I mean…Marcus has noticed it too.” He raises his brows, surprised. “He said the tension is thicker than his dark chocolate mousse.” Carmen laughs at this, and so do you. It’s a sweet moment.
He pushes his hair back from falling more in his face, “I uh, I’m sorry I showed up like this.”
“If you mean showing up drunk at my door to use my bathroom and then sobering up while watching X-men with me…” You make it sound like a bigger deal than it is just to tease him.
“No yea, shit. I’m sorry I-”
“Then it’s more than fine.” Laughing again, like you are the only two people in the world. You both exchange a smile looking deeper into each other’s eyes.
“You’ve always had a nice laugh.” He says putting his arm back on the couch, and leaning in a bit.
“You do too.” It all feels like a dream. The fact that he’s here, making a move on you.
He brushes a strand of hair out of your face, so effortlessly, that you wish you could stay in that moment forever.
You look away for a moment, clearly a bit flustered, “Are you sure you aren’t still tipsy?” turning back you notice he’s gotten a little closer.
“I’m positive I’m sober.” He chuckles again.
You start to lean in a bit, not realizing that you have until your noses are about five inches apart from one another. His hand was still near your face, resting on the back of the couch beside you.
Looking at your lips he begins to say, “I uh. Just-”. He doesn’t even finish his thought. He’s too distracted by his lips on yours.
It was a soft kiss, one you’ve been waiting for, for the longest time. Pulling back you find his hand on your cheek caressing it. “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that.” He says, with a breath of relief that the hard part was over.
Jaw dropped, you look at his mouth again. He catches this and charges at you for another kiss, this time more intense. You hold both of his cheeks in hopes of him staying put. He almost hovers over you as you both continue to make out.
Soft and quiet moans escape your mouth as he reaches down one of his hands to feel the sides of your arms. Then tracing back up to your cheek. He pulls back. Your lips burn with sensation.
“Carmen,” the words escape your mouth through heavy breathing, “are you sure this is okay.”
He puts a hand to your chin, “Yes.” he kisses your cheek. “I wanna take care of you.” Your brain swarms with ideas of what he could mean.
You smile in approval while taking his free hand and putting it to your breast. He smirks as he follows his hand and where it landed. “Then take care of me.”
With a firm squeeze, he touches you through your shirt, while he moves his face towards your neck and kisses it. He takes his time reaching under your shirt to explore you with more satisfaction.
Caressing your nipple with his pointer and his thumb, already making you weak. And he watches as your face curls in pleasure.
Carmen then lifts your shirt to sit just above your breasts and kisses the center, making his way over the hill of your other breast and biting the peak. It makes you gasp. He puts a hand under the curve of your other breast and messages it.
Your soft moans only make him want you more.
He moves away for a moment, and you open your eyes to watch him, “wha- what is it.” He smirks and lifts the blanket you’re under, just enough to reach his arm in to place a hand on the side of your thigh. Scooting closer he leans over you now slouched on the couch.
Suddenly you’re kissing again, passionately. He feels your thigh up and down gripping it, then moving to the inside. Parting your legs he reaches a hand up from the bottom of your shorts, under your panties to grab your hip. Like it’s his. Then firmly and slowly sliding it back out.
“Take… them off.” You whisper through kisses. Pulling away he smiles and looks at your drowsy eyes. Without saying anything he lifts the blanket further and now using both his hands he tugs on your waistband, taking away the sleep boxers you had been wearing.
Touching you again in that spot that’s so sensitive, he teases you. Denying the pleasure of having the fabric between you and his fingers, out of the way. Your moans continue, still soft, as he caresses you further. The intensity builds as your lips meet again.
Backing away, he lifts the blanket once more, but now going in head first. Your heart drops, you know exactly what he has in mind.
With his head between your thighs he kisses your soft spot, and then taking both his hands on either side of your drawers, he pulls them off revealing you.
Carmen uses his fingers to carefully open you up like a flower, kissing the bud. He’s so gentle that you do feel like you’re being taken care of.
But then you suddenly feel another sensation. His tongue is on you. Swirling around. It makes you moan louder as your back arches. Ribs reaching for the sky. You grab onto the couch to try and ground yourself, but it doesn’t help much.
“You’re so wet for me.” He feasts upon you and now takes two of his fingers and plays with your entrance, spreading your wetness around like butter on a hot skillet. His free arm is wrapped around your thigh, holding on tight to keep you steady.
As he tastes you more and more. The finest dish. You lift your end of the blanket with the small strength you have and watch his head back away from your clit to look at you as he puts two fingers inside you. He starts to push them in and out of you and you throw your head back moaning in absolute hot delight.
“Look at me.” His demand is so dominating. Again, sounding like he’s in the kitchen.
“Make me.” You say through a heavy moan. He pulls his fingers out making you gasp grabbing your chin and pulling your face down to meet his eyes. “Yes, Chef”. He chuckles a bit, letting you get away with that one. You knew he might be thinking about that during his next shift.
You watch as he goes back down, shoving his fingers back inside. Gripping the couch once again louder moans escape your mouth. Picking up his pace you can feel him hitting your walls in the best way. “Fuck, Carmy…” You manage to moan out.
The closer you get the more you surrender to his pace as it gets faster. Your body clenches around him, making it tighter and tighter for him. “Cum for me.”
You nod your head rapidly as you’re too stimulated by the pleasure. Your back arches even further and you become stiff in your position as he hits the spot so perfectly. This is what you’ve been waiting for. The peak of your gratification inches closer and closer.
Finally…you gasp in ecstasy, his fingers still inside you pounding. “That’s it.” He whispers moving away from eating you out, to just using his fingers. Watching you as you finish on them.
Carmen pulls his fingers out slowly, watching your overstimulated body heave heavy breaths. He scoots your legs to the side to lie beside you on the couch. Between catching up with your lungs you manage to speak. “Carmen, you…” You take a clarifying breath as he props himself up on his arm, looking at you as he lays beside you. “You’re really good at that.”
He chuckles, “Of course I am, I eat for a living.” He tucks your hair away behind your ear, and you both take a moment to be present as your tummy buzzes with butterflies.
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bitchesgetriches · 1 year
Bitches I need some advice.
I'm fat, okay? I'm not ashamed about it. It just... Is. I'm fat.
Being fat is also fucking me up. It's causing me sleep problems, it's fucking my joints, I can't walk as far as I used to, I haven't run in years.
I want to lose weight. Not for anyone else. For me. I want to be fit again.
I'm surrounded by people telling me I'm "not fat" and need to "love myself like I am". I'm 210lb and 5'3". Ya girl is fat. And I'm okay with that it's not a bad word. I love myself. But I also love the things I used to be able to do when I was fitter. It's just really fucking hard.
I've got zero support left and right. And I don't know what to do. I know this isn't your area of expertise, but you're such great internet mamas that maybe you can help.
My darling child, we are SO humbled that you came to us with this. And while this isn't an area of our OFFICIAL expertise... weight and athleticism is something that I, Piggy, personally think a lot about! So let me see if I can offer some support to you, my beloved fat child.
By way of background: I have never been fat. Heavier than I want currently, but not fat. So I don't completely understand what you're going through. I have always been an athlete of one sort or the other. But more than that, I have always had the privilege of being relatively skinny without trying. At peak fitness I was running and rock climbing and doing all the stretchy and weight-trainy stuff. I was 5'5" and 130 lbs of jacked Bitch.
I am also a proud Italian American woman, which means that after 30 genetics decreed that I start putting on weight and rounding out and coming into my full Zia-ness. I'm currently 155 lbs. and running/climbing/stretching/jumping about/weight training is getting harder and harder. And that's frustrating to me.
Fat is not a bad word, merely a descriptor. So I'mma use it just as you have! I'm proud that you are prioritizing your health and ability to do what you love over losing weight for the sake of just being smaller. Because let's be clear: weight and health do not necessarily go hand in hand. If your goal is to improve your sleep quality, energy levels, and joint pain, then you should focus on activities that will work directly on those issues. Maybe that'll lead to weight loss--maybe not!
A lot of the medical establishment is cruel to fat people, so I'd be cautious about approaching this with your doctor. But you SHOULD get medical guidance before embarking on any kind of physical change. If your doctor says "Well, just lose weight through diet and exercise!" then you might want to look for a new doctor. If they instead offer practical solutions for incremental improvement, then great.
One of my favorite athletes is The Mirnavator. She's a fat marathon runner and offers a lot of information on how to start walking more and running as a fat person. I think she'll be a good role model for you as she focuses a lot on energy and joint health.
Also, you should check out Aubrey Gordon's blog Your Fat Friend and her podcast with Michael Hobbes, Maintenance Phase. She's also got some great books out! She's a fat expert on weight loss and diet culture. And her insights into healthy nutrition and body image are amazing. Her data-based approach will help you avoid the extreme dieting and weight loss trends that can hurt your health. Plus she's funny as fuck.
Lastly I will just say that mental health is tied to physical health. You're bummed about not doing the things you use to be able to do... and that probably makes it a lot harder to change! Acknowledge any depression or anxiety you feel about being fat and give yourself compassion. Start small and do what feels good.
Now here are two VERY old articles I wrote when I knew less about fatness. I think they still have a little bit to offer, though:
Why You Probably Don't Need That Gym Membership
Run With Me if You Want to Save: How Exercising Will Save You Money 
Any fat members of Bitch Nation who want to weigh in? Uh... pun not intended.
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nanowrimo · 6 months
Pro Tips from a NaNo Coach: How to Write a Novel in 30 Days
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NaNoWriMo can seem like a daunting task sometimes, for NaNo newbies and veterans alike. Fortunately, our NaNo Coaches are here to help guide you through November! Today, author Adiba Jaigirdar is here to share her advice on how to set yourself up for noveling success:
Welcome to the very first week of NaNoWriMo! I’ve done NaNoWriMo for (almost) every year since 2008. I’ve won some, I’ve lost some, but I’ve learned a lot along the way. In fact, I apply a lot of the tactics I learned in NaNoWriMo to all my writing. When I wrote my second book, Hani and Ishu’s Guide to Fake Dating, I ended up with a first draft of 74,000 words written in 30 days. That wasn’t something I would have thought possible in 2008 when I was slogging through my very first 50,000-word novel. That’s why I’m here today to share with you a few tips and tricks I’ve picked up through my writing journey, in the hopes that they serve you and your novel this November: 
1. Accountability 
One of the most difficult parts of writing a novel is that it requires so much self-discipline. It’s not like a job you show up to where your boss is holding you accountable for how many words you’ve written. Only you are ultimately responsible for how much you get done—which is why it’s easy to get demotivated and give up. So, you need to figure out ways in which you can be accountable for your novel this month.
You’ll be glad to hear that you’ve already taken the first step in doing this: you’ve pledged to do NaNoWriMo. You’re here, ready to write. But you can go a step further: ask your friends and family to hold you accountable by checking in on your progress during the month. If you have friends who are doing NaNoWriMo that’s even better; you can hold each other accountable. If you’re on social media, you can share updates every day and be accountable to your followers. There are a lot of ways to do it; so figure out what kind of accountability works best for you! 
2. Planning 
Planning a novel is definitely not for everyone. This is coming from someone who has pantsed many books! Planning can look different for different people. If you are a true-blue plotter, you might have your entire novel planned from beginning to end, with comprehensive chapter outlines. But if you’re not someone who plots out your entire novel before you’ve written a single word, planning is still important.
This planning can look like a rough outline of your book or finishing your writing day and jotting down a few quick ideas of what to write when you come back to writing the next day, or it can be leaving yourself voice memos as ideas spark when you’re nowhere near your novel. Going into every new day of writing without any idea of what the blank page will hold is very, very daunting, which is why planning ahead can be just the motivation that you need to fulfill your word count goal for the day. 
3. Figure out what works for you 
I have published four books so far and I’ve written many more. The process of writing each of these books has been very different. I drafted one in three months, one in 30 days, one was completely plotted with a rigorous outline, while one was plotted with a flexible outline, and two were completely pantsed. What I’ve learned about myself is that to make a book work, sometimes I have to try something different.
The only thing NaNoWriMo requires of you is to write those 50,000 words. How you go about it depends on you. You don’t have to write every single day if that doesn’t work for you. You can write at the same time every day, or a different time every day depending on what sparks your creativity. You don’t have to participate in writing sprints if writing with a countdown doesn’t help you focus. The point is that now’s your time to figure out what works for you and what doesn’t. You might be surprised by what methods you swear will never work for you but ends up helping you over that finish line. 
4. Have fun!
This is easier said than done, but try to enjoy writing your novel. Especially when it feels difficult. When I wrote 74,000 words in 30 days, it felt like a breeze because I was having a lot of fun with my book. Try to remember what makes you excited about your novel and go back to that when it’s tough. If writing is what you love, find the joy of it and nurture it throughout this month. The more you enjoy it, the more likely you are to keep writing.
Adiba Jaigirdar is the award-winning, critically-acclaimed and bestselling author of The Henna Wars, Hani and Ishu’s Guide to Fake Dating, A Million to One, and The Dos and Donuts of Love. A Bangladeshi/Irish writer and former teacher, she has an MA in Postcolonial Studies and a BA in English and History. She is the winner of the YA book prize 2022, the KPMG Children’s Books Ireland Awards 2021, and was a finalist for the 2022 Lambda Literary awards. When not writing, she is probably ranting about the ills of colonialism, playing video games, or expanding her overflowing lipstick collection.
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pablitogavii · 1 year
request: gavi and reader dont get along and fight all the time but they secretly have feelings for each other 1 day another barca player tried to flirt with reader and pablito got really jealous and eventually confessed his feelings😝 enemies to lovers type of thing 👀 so much fluff at the end pls✨
I'll use this request to start mini series of Pablo falling in love Pedri's little sister. Hope you like ti :)
Best Friend's Little Sister
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Pablo's POV
I just finished changing from a sweaty kit getting out of the changing room just to see her standing there on her phone probably waiting fro Pedri. Ugh! She infuriated me even when she wasn't doing anything!
"Ai big forehead! He's already at the parking lot!" I said and she looked up from her phone about to smile politely but when she saw it was only me, she rolled her eyes. Little pretty bitch!
"Nice miss Pablitooo!!" she smirked referring to the missed goal from the game and I clenched my jaw especially since she was using the nickname I absolutely hated!
"You're running your mouth too much bomboncita!" I said using the pet name that would always make her cuss me out but this time her cheeks blushed since other teammates heard me say it as they passed to the changing room.
"Whatever cabrón!" she said quickly when out eyes met again walking past me towards the parking lot and I caught glance of her #8 jersey wishing it was #30 instead..wait what!? No I don't! I ran after her since Pedri was driving me home tonight.
"Congrats on the win hermano! Good thing you don't miss..." she said when we met Pedri and he sighed looking at me but I just rolled my eyes knowing he was sick of us constantly bickering around him.
"Gracias. Vamos!" Pedri said telling her numerous times to be nice to his best friend but he knew better than to expect her to ever listen to anyone..after all, she might be one person who is more stubborn than Pablo.
"Youngsters in the back!" I said when she tried to call shot gun knowing she hated that she was two years younger than me which gave me a chance to call her out on it whenever I wanted.
"Can't you call a truce with her hermano?? She's my hermanita" Pedri asked me like always and I shrugged not being the one that started this little war she keeps initiating whenever she sees me.
I decided to try because of Pedri, so when we arrived in front of my house I got out opening the back door much to her surprise and asked her to come out for a moment.
"What do you want?" she smirked and I sighed feeling sudden urge to shut her little mouth up by crashing my lips on hers but then I recollected realizing her brother was sitting in the car.
"How about we start tolerating each other?" I leaned in and whispered into her ear noticing the way her skin filled with goosebumps and her cheeks blushed bright red.
"Um..okay" was all she muttered and for the first time I didn't feel infuriated..I felt excited?
"Goodnight bomboncita" I smirked kissing her cheek while she just stood there frozen before getting back into the car and leaving with her brother.
Your POV
"Pablo's coming over. Can there please be no fights?" Pedri said to you sunbathing in the backyard and you quickly jumped up pulling your sunglasses down.
"He's coming now?" you said sounding more nervous than angry which made your brother raise his brows in confusion while nodding his head.
"Okay..um..whatever. I'll be in my room!" you jumped and rushed inside which made him roll his eyes not understanding what was going in your head this time.
"Hola hermano!" you heard from your room gluing your ear to the door feeling your cheeks blush as the feeling of his lips keeps replaying in your mind. Why the hell did he kiss you!? And why did you like it!? No, you didn't!
You couldn't focus on your show, book or even to what your best friend was saying over face time when the only thing in your mind was the fact that Pablo was right downstairs and that you wanted to see him again.
"Gotta go to the bathroom. Bye!" you said hanging up and rushing to the bathroom opening the door without knocking not expecting anybody to be there. Much to your surprise, Pablo was in there tucking 'himself' and oh god were those who said he was 'small' were so wrong...oh shit! You closed the door quickly.
"Don't you ever knock?" Pablo opened the door quickly and you were frozen still thinking about what you saw and his smirk grew while he raised your chin to look from his crotch to his face.
"I was wondering where you were bomboncita..you should join us downstairs" was all he said before adding that the bathroom was free now and I ran inside closing the door in so much embarrassment. He was wondering where I was? Why? He hates me! What the hell is going on!?
Pablo's POV
I had to admit that wasn't how I wanted her to see 'me' but her reaction only stroked my ego and made me more interested to keep playing this new game we started. That's all it was-a game!
"Look who joined us.." Pedri said and I turned seeing her standing there with cheeks little less red but still blushed while playing with the edge of her hoodie.
"Can I play?" she asked and I smirked moving a little and patting a seat besides me which made Pedri smile thinking we are finally becoming friends..little did he know his sister was such a naughty little girl for me.
"This is new?" Pedri said tapping my shoulder before going to grab a soda from the fridge asking if we wanted anything but we were fine as I set up my joystick for her to play.
"So you move using these and kick on letter B. Got it?" I explained while she stared at my face more than what I was showing her before laying back grabbing a joystick and tossing her legs onto my lap which felt..strange?
"Watch the pro" she said and I chuckled gulping when her feet rested on top of my crotch and I was pretty sure she was doing it on purpose making me feel so freaking good...but then Pedri came back so I grabbed them making them stop moving but still resting on top of my now growing bulge. I'm so fucked up!
"They keep stealing my ball!" she whined making Pedri chuckle while being on his phone and I grabbed her waist pulling her closer putting my hands over hers and she froze as I helped her play better.
"Whining won't solve anything.." Pedri commented and she said it always works for her when she wants something done her way. I didn't doubt it is what thought to myself but quickly re-focused on the game.
By the end of the night, we scored many goals joking around and having fun until I started to feel guilty looking at my best friend and knowing that I am lying to his face..this wasn't the game and it was wrong!
I came back from the bathroom determined to end it when I saw her waiting by the stairs with a mischievous smile on that pretty face..little devil!
"What do you want?" I said a bit more coldly on purpose reminding myself that this was wrong and I needed to cut it fast before it becomes stronger and hurts her more. I didn't care about myself!
"A goodnight hug?" she blushed and I felt my heart beating faster that she was becoming more comfortable around me but I couldn't bring myself to do it..not when Pedri was downstairs..not when he said she was off limits the moment they became best friends.
"And why are you asking me!? Get a boyfriend or something!" I said my heart breaking when I said those words seeing her eyes fill with tears before pushing past me and walking into her room quickly as I went home. I couldn't sleep that night...was she crying?
Your POV
He was so confusing! Ugh I hated him but I wanted him badly at the same time! Why was he playing with me like this!?
The whole day he was so sweet, teasing me and occasionally even complimenting me. We started to talk like normal two people without sarcastic comments, even came close to opening up about things but then he just went cold. Why!?
"Que pasa? School?" Pedri noticed I wasn't feeling myself in the next few days (no snarky comments, or bad jokes) and I sighed asking if I did something that might have made Pablo hate me again.
"He doesn't hate you but he knows his limits.." Pedri said and that made you confused asking what he meant exactly. He told you about the 'rule' and suddenly you realized what was making Pablo pull away.
Him pulling away gave you a clear sign..you were not more important that his friendship with your brother. So, you had to move on quick and get him out of your head! Any means necessary!
Barcelona, Spain
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beach day w/ bestie @becca.girl
liked by pedri, pablogavi and 50K others
becca.girl: lindaaaa <3 liked by y.n.bebe
aurorapaezg: <3
y.n.bebe: <33
gaviobsessed: aurora commented??
pablotorree: bonita liked by 10K others
y.n.bebe: gracias pablito
barcafanclub: uhhhh something cooking here???
brunabiancardi: mia preciosa! <3
y.n.bebe: te amo tia!
barcawags: hottest siblings! @pedri @y.n.bebe
pedri: I'm hotter ;))
y.n.bebe: yeah right lol!
gavigirlfriend: why did Gavi and his sister like her post???
gavipedrifan: she is pedri's sister :)
gavigirfriend: good! I thought they were a thing now!
Pablo's POV
She's calling him Pablito now!? But she only calls me that! Mierda!
"Woah Gavi, take it easy! You almost hit Torree in the head with that ball!" Xavi said while Pablo walked up to me asking if everything was alright and the only thing I wanted was to hit his stupid face with a fist but I controlled myself.
"Fine." I said before leaving to get some water.
"Que pasa con él?" Torree asked Pedri and he followed after me to check if everything was alright which of course he couldn't know about. Mierda Y/n! Why are you doing this to me!?
Luckily, we won the game the next day and when I was walking off shaking hands with Pedri, I saw her in the stands smiling wide making his heart melt when our eyes met. But then she looked away...like she was looking for someone else? I left to the changing room not in the mood celebrate.
When I came out and saw her waiting once again, I couldn't stop myself from walking towards her angrily with a clenched jaw and hands held in fists.
"Are you waiting for Pedri or Torree ?" I said and she looked up from her phone straight into my eyes quickly sensing that I was enraged.
"Why do you care who I'm waiting for? You're not my brother Pablo!" she said about to walk away but my arm rested on the wall trapping her there as she looking up at me with big eyes. Ugh!! How badly I wanted to kiss her right now!
"Just because his name is Pablo too that doesn't mean he can make you feel the way I do..he doesn't measure up to me bomboncita" I said knowing how narcissistic that sounded but not giving the crap since I was angry and frustrated.
"You're a cabrón!" she said and I smirked leaning down into her neck before whispering into her ear slowly "maybe true, but I'm your only Pablito.." and with that I kissed her lips feverishly but quickly before leaving her flustered that when Torree finally came out she followed after me quickly..good girl!
"What do you want from me!? One minute you are acting like you want me and the other you tell me to get a boyfriend! And then when I try to do that, you..kiss me like that" she was yelling until I got close enough that her voice was breaking from nervousness.
"Tu me vuelves loco bomboncita.." was all I said taking in her strong perfume before walking away to meet with Ansu who was driving me home. I couldn't drive with Pedri today..I needed to think about everything!
Things were getting out of control..Pablo felt guilty..but he wanted her..badly.
Interesting story huh? Let me know what you think will happen next??
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