#forgive yourself for making mistakes
takemetodragonstone · 1 month
trying something new where i just decided to give myself a sweeping presidential pardon for everything that i’ve ever done in my life. so now when a horrifically embarrassing memory pops up i just say to myself “oh, i already forgave you for that” and then just move on with my day.
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thepeacefulgarden · 2 months
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hating hod is a red flag tbh. never trust a hod hater
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shhhhimwatchingthis · 3 months
ok yeah, I'm willing to put Young Royals up as one of, if not the best teen drama ever written
and not just writing! cinematography, costumes, music, performances! this show truly is a masterpiece
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solarisgod · 7 months
Generally speaking, it's a well common trait for a character to be loving to everyone except for themself, but it's important for the audience to keep in mind that Micah doesn't follow that archetype and fall into that strong consistent self-hatred when every single day since they reached to early twenties, they would be more kinder and forgiving to themself for what and how they are like. Micah does try to love themself more often from significant to smaller ways and from little to greater degree. Some of the practices that Micah engages in as a form of self-love are:
Drawing hearts with stars in marker around their recent small injuries.
When Micah forms a negative thought to themself, they try to find something positive about themself to retaliate that self-negativity.
Have journals to document solely their joys and comforts and accomplishments.
Although they are still lost with certain aspects of themself while there are parts of them that Micah is still anxious or insecure about, they do firmly believe that they deserve so much better, while they should be given the kindness and respect that they deserve to have from the world that doesn't love them enough
#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ : ⩇⩇ ⚠︎ [ 𝙴𝚇𝙸(𝚂)𝚃 : 𝙶𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ THOUGHTS . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ : ⩇⩇ ⚠︎ [ 𝙴𝚇𝙸(𝚂)𝚃 : 𝙶𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ STUDY . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ : ⩇⩇ ⚠︎ [ 𝙴𝚇𝙸(𝚂)𝚃 : 𝙶𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ MICAH . ›#[ I completely get the vibe of a character loving everyone while hating themself most and only ]#[ but for me personally ; I love a character who tries to give themself just as much love as they give to everyone else ]#[ like one of the things I extremely enjoy about Micah's character is that they do firmly believe that they deserve love and being loved ]#[ just as every good people does ]#[ and Micah always think that if people won't give them that ; then they can and will give that love to themself regardless of everything ]#[ and it IS hard. it isn't ever easy to not make yourself fall back to the fear and doubt in self ]#[ but Micah is very much aware of that and has been trying so unbelievably much to ]#[ be more kinder and forgiving to themself - especially when they do make mistakes or ]#[ when something happens that make them feel and think as they or certain flaws of themself are the direct responsibilities ]#[ idk I want more characters who loves everyone and especially they /try/ to love themself as much ]#[ and I'm extremely thankful and happy that Micah is like that when especially as the main protagonist of the story ]#[ I'd imagine how adored and admired Micah would be for that as one of the most endearing and inspiring things about them ]#[ I love them so dearly and infinitely much. they just want to love and be loved ; and so they will and will be so forever despite it all.
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angelsdean · 1 year
you know what i used to do as an extremely anxious catholic school kid who did not understand the concept of confession bc "if i do something bad i can just pray directly to god and be forgiven, why do i need to tell this random strange man what i've done wrong?" and also just being a normal good kid who isn't really committing any "sins"? i used to make up fake sins djkfdsf bc legit i never knew what to SAY. i was a kid and nothing bad i did seemed big enough or important enough to need forgiveness from GOD lmao. so i'd make up stuff (nothing crazy but just little things bc legit the only real thing i ever could think to say is "i don't always listen to my parents" "i fight with my sibling") and thennn at the very end i'd say "and also sometimes i lie" so then all my fake sin lying would be forgiven ajskfdk
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loving-elvis · 3 months
I have a shameful confession to make...
Before I became part of this community, I did sometimes laugh at the "Elvis dying on the toilet" jokes (most of these were made by my fellow high schoolers or clips from shows like Robot Chicken that I saw online).
After I started learning more about E and what kind of person he was, and learning how sick and out of whack his body really was, I now feel ashamed of myself for ever having laughed at those "jokes". I've apologized to E in my head more than once for it; I just hope he'd forgive me.
Oh Anon,
I think everybody makes mistakes, especially when we're younger and we don't really know any better. You didn't know him then, you can't really blame yourself for something you really didn't know anything about 🥹 You know now, and that's the important thing.
And if Elvis was anything, he was forgiving. He was a caring soul and loved people and was always forgiving of others. I'm sure he would forgive you of such a thing 💖
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(Obviously we all need to take responsibility for our actions but also sometimes you're literally a kid who doesn't understand how to handle such big and heavy topics and feelings, especially if you're raised in an environment that doesn't encourage healthy coping skills and communication)
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Forgive yourself for everything you've done wrong to yourself, other and to your life. We all make mistakes, it's part of life.
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syekick-powers · 1 year
every time a medical professional of some sort tells me i have a high degree of self-awareness, it makes me have an external reaction of "thank you i try" and an internal reaction of "honestly i think having as high a level of self-awareness as i do is at least a quarter of why i'm so miserable. :')"
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bamboozled-distress · 2 years
do you ever find a character that is literally so you that every flaw about them that even makes other people in the fandom dislike the character is literally one of your biggest flaws and you relate to them so much it’s borderline unhealthy
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thepeacefulgarden · 1 year
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bi-radiance · 2 years
I don’t know how common of an experience this is, but I feel like the older I get, the less cringey or embarrassing my past “cringey moments” feel.
And, of course, a large part of this is because more time has passed since those mistakes happened so they are no longer on the top of my mind. But I also think another part of it is that with more life experiences, you see so many other people make comparable mistakes to you or perhaps do things that are even more “cringey”, and you just realize that… like these things happen to everyone, so it really is no big deal.
Like, for example, when I was in college, I was in charge of planning some events for my dorm. I advertised the event, I told all my friends about it, I bought food, I got excited for it… but then no one showed up. A few of my friends stopped in to say hi, but they couldn’t stay for long. I felt a giant pit in my stomach and I almost cried when it happened because I felt so embarrassed that I tried so hard and it didn’t go well. But as I got older, I saw this same thing happen to so many people. I’ve seen other college students plan events that didn’t go well, coworkers who planned work parties that didn’t end up happening, friends who wanted to have get togethers that ultimately fell through. And of course this doesn’t erase all the embarrassment that one feels when they’re going through that… but I think it puts it more into perspective. Sometimes things don’t work out, and I’ve never thought less of someone just because they tried planning something that didn’t work out. And now I look back and realize that nobody thought badly of me when I planned that failed dorm event. It just happened sometimes.
The point being this — don’t beat yourself up too much if you make a mistake or if something embarrassing happens to you. Yes, you can’t help but feel your emotions in the moment and you should let yourself feel what you feel. But these things happen to everybody and if you wouldn’t judge somebody else who went through that, then don’t judge yourself too harshly.
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thoughtkick · 2 months
as you get older, you realize that you’re not always right and there’s so many things you could’ve handled better, so many situations where you could’ve been kinder and all you can really do is forgive yourself and let your mistakes make you a better person.
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baekuras · 3 months
throwback to that one morning where i caught the tailend of the whole religious 5minutes of the radio where they basically said "It's fine to make mistakes AS LONG AS YOU BEG GOD FOR FORGIVENESS FOR MAKING THEM"
like...bitch what the FUCK kinda stupid ass take is that?
you make mistakes every day. it came free with the being human.
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fryofthefrench · 4 months
"We were never monsters, just teenagers"
It lives in my head rent free
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