#from anyone who knows what i mean when i say malware
kenzan-kiwami · 10 months
Your malware as requested
Got Damn he really put his entire pussy into that :miku:
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celestialalpacaron · 1 month
Ayo, someone by the name of Curly-B-Blog is redlining art of yours from 2020 (while pretending that it's actually Sai Scribble's work), and kind of being a dick about it. just thought you should know.
You know, originally I was just gonna brush it off, but then I went back to look at my old SU art from 2020 and did so much self reflection from then till now.
I think this was around the time I was just learning how to do perspective and tried to use the perspective tool on Procreate for the first time? :0 and I remember telling Sai “Sai I have this STUPID idea, I CANT believe it this stupid joke it’s so DUMBBBB, it’s living rent free in my BRAIN I SWEAR THIS IS GONNA BE SO STUPID DCIUWHEFIUWHIRFUIW4F” and being super excited to show her the finished product. People still think Sai created the Cursed Skin Gloves comic and I think it’s hilarious wjhwnuhwijwuiw
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The comic was received very well and it made LOTS of people laugh and I’m still proud of this comic to this very day! :D and tbh if it wasn’t for my obsession for Sai’s Switcheroo AU I never would have found my passion in comic work! (love you you stinky hoe @saiscribbles 🩷)
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HOWEVER…. I definitely still had lots to learn! I wasn’t very good at perspective at the time I’ll admit, but I was definitely having lots of fun learning :3
And throughout the past 4 years, ALOT has happened.
I graduated from college with TWO fancy pieces of expensive papers in Visual Development in Animation and Illustration learning from Will Kim and Jeff Soto, and as a I was working with the funny voice man Cougar MacDowall as a comic/story artist and reached in total around 7 million views for my fan series FNAF Security Malware Breached (it was even #21 on the trending list around the time of my birthday 🩷 what a lovely gift), had an insane opportunity to work with Mike Geno and with the voice cast from The Amazing Digital Circus for a fan song as a background and character asset artist, Vivienne Medrano liking and sharing my silly Overlord Husk AU comics, currently on my route to getting my certificate from Aaron Blaise’s Character design program and graduating from Marc Brunet Art School, and now I am completing my first year as professional colorist and art assistant for my storyboard and comic mentor Michelle Lam, aka Mewtripled! (Also I’ll be heading out to Lightbox Expo 2024 on October 26 with Michelle and the team so if y’all ever wanna meetup hahahajaj wink wink wink wink wink)
So you can say I learned ALOT and I enjoyed every minute of what I do :D I try to be humble about my accomplishments because blah blah being humble good yes yes but this time I wanna be selfish and say HELL YEAH I DID ALL THIS!!! AND IM SO EXTREMELY PROUD OF MYSELF FIUGEIURGERGGRS
Now here’s my most recent comic page that I posted like 2 days ago without the text.
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That’s pretty freakin wild to me, I can’t believe I used to draw Steven Universe art like that back in 2020 LOL LIKE GUYS I DREW THIS!! WITH!!! MY HANDS!!! IS THAT NOT INSANE!!!???
Anyways moral of the story:
Learn from everyone and everything! Yes, even then mean ones too! If you can learn to work with anyone, I promise you’ll get to where you want to be faster. People can be a little mean on the internet, but that shouldn’t stop you from being where you want to be in the future. I’m so EXTREMELY grateful for all the opportunities and to all the kind professionals who were willing to give me a chance. Seriously, I’m so graciously thankful for everything, and I hope everyone here will support me and my silly little comics I will do now and in the future!
And one more thing:
Don’t be a jerk. Be to be nice to everyone :D nothing good comes out when you’re bad to everyone.
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itsuki-minamy · 3 months
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Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Sukuna Gojo clicked his tongue when he saw the notification that appeared.
It was clearly a spam email that anyone could see. He won 200 million yen. "What do you mean?" Sukuna snorted. He doesn't remember buying a lottery ticket. In fact, he was curious to know how low one's IQ would have to be to fall for that kind of spam.
However, there are some suspicious points.
Sukuna's PDA is always equipped with top-notch security software that he has modified himself. Emails that are not identified will not be received first. How did someone who creates such suspicious spam emails get past that?
He opened his security software. It's amazing that he can "see through" the content of an email. Sukuna couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the sender on the list.
Hisui Nagare.
There is no evidence of fraud or kidnapping. This is definitely a spam email created by the “King” of “Jungle”.
"Hey, what is this?"
At the "secret base", Sukuna threw a tan PDA at Hisui. There that was like spam.
Nagare turned his wheelchair to face him and let out an "Ah." sound.
"That's the email I sent you. How was it?"
"No, I'm the one asking. What was your purpose in sending me this?"
Nagare nodded and said in a casual tone:
"That email has malware attached that I created. It's a "Trojan horse" that explodes the moment you open an email and steals all the data it contains."
"What did you do to my PDA?!"
Sukuna unconsciously hit the PDA against the tatami. Nagare looked emotionlessly at the PDA as it bounced and rolled.
"It's a good thing I was careful! What were you going to do if it really exploded?!"
"That's a success. I'm happy."
Nagare looked directly at Sukuna, whose face was distorted with anger.
"This email is the latest spam that has been distributed everywhere. By infiltrating large companies and public institutions, we can obtain important information for ourselves. As evidence for this purpose, I have selected Sukuna's PDA."
"Why me?"
"As far as I know, you have the strictest security environment. If I could get through your PDA, it would have worked elsewhere, but it seems that wasn't possible. It's a shame."
Sukuna pursed his lips and remained silent.
He still doesn't like it when someone tries to imitate him. However, if he said that it was for the good of "Jungle", he couldn't refute it, and furthermore, he was happy that Nagare recognized him. However, since he couldn't even contradict, he had no choice but to put on a poker face.
"Then you should say that from the beginning. Damn..."
Letting out a sigh through his nose, Sukuna took the PDA and scratched himself cross-legged.
"Well, I don't think there are any idiots who accept this kind of thing nowadays. I don't think there are idiots like that in large companies or public institutions, even if they have a very low level of literacy."
"In the past, they used to get a lot of attention. Lately it seems like there are classes, so it's quite difficult."
"Can't you be a little more creative with your wording? Choose a subject line that makes people want to open it."
"Statistics show that subject lines related to money or the opposite sex are more attractive to people."
"No, it's not like that... it's more of an email that makes the other person not want to open it..."
"Our opponents... for example, "Tokijikuin" and "Scepter 4" are interested..."
They both looked up at the same time and let out an "Ah!" sound.
Subject: [Urgent] The location of the "Green King" has been found!
Please excuse my anonymity. Everyone is looking for the "Green King" and we have finally discovered his hideout!
The "Green King" is a king who manipulates information, so we can't tell you in writing. We will inform you in the attached file. Thank you.
Location of the "Green King'' .doc .exe
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schm00by · 2 months
Mixed Feelings about the Malware Arc (Ben 10)
The Malware arc, to me, left much to be desired. With the lesson Ben was meant to learn in the arc and the emotional impact of its conclusion heavily dampened due to the pacing and lack of buildup.
Basically, from my perspective, the arc with Malware was supposed to teach Ben to forgive himself for losing Feedback. Which might I add, is already a daunting message to tell (to me at least, I mean it hit me like a truck). In retrospect, yeah that is a hard-hitting topic that contrasts heavily with the more “kiddy” direction Omniverse is taking, at least compared to its predecessor: Ultimate Alien which often (to the best of their ability when the network was breathing down their necks) tackled darker topics and had a moodier atmosphere.
This message was reached and confirmed with Past Ben and Present Ben interacting. I felt the entire scene with Past Ben and Present Ben interacting was honestly pretty hard hitting, at least for Omniverse’s first season. With Past asking Present if he learned anything, and Present saying, "yeah that losing bites" and Past, with his eyes downcast, asking if Ben was still mad at him after all these years was just wow. And when Present got down to Past's level and agreed that instead of beating up his past self about what happened, he’d instead focus on what he can do in the now (Ben's way of saying he’s come to terms with what happened and is forgiving his ten-year-old self). I actually really liked that scene; it would have been an amazing turning point in Ben’s character.
However, even with the little praise I give it, the entirety of it felt sorta misplaced. Now this scene could totally work if the pacing hadn’t been so butchered. If we had more scenes with Feedback and really saw the closeness Ben had with him then this scene would’ve hit so much harder. In this arc we barely got any Feedback scenes or really how the loss of Feedback really affected Ben other than a few one off lines about how he feels whenever anyone brought up Feedback or some, one off flashbacks of 11 year old Ben using him, as most of season one consisted more episodic episodes than an overarching story (not including the episodes with Zip and the Hunter, and Malware)
Literally in the episode RIGHT before the conclusion to Ben’s arc (the Past and Present scene) we are shown what happened to Feedback. (Malware literally ripping Ben from his alien form was just wow and I don’t even know where to start with that). If they have given us more time to digest and see the impact Feedback made on Ben when he was taken, then it would’ve been all the more emotional to see Ben be reunited with his favorite alien. Having us see Feedback’s death scene just for him to immediately be brought back in the literal next episode was just too much to swallow at once. It’s hard to explain but it would’ve been neat to see that scene with Ben losing Feedback earlier in the season. Perhaps when Ben first saw Malware, he could get a flashback, or we could have an episode focusing on Rook trying to get to know Ben better and learning about what happened through Gwen. Not only would it give us more time to digest what happened to Feedback before he is revived but we can also see more character interaction with Rook, a current partner of Ben’s, and Gwen, who used to be partnered up with Ben and maybe contrasting they’re views on him and what is feels/felt like to be partnered up with him. It moves the plot forward, does not give us mediocre, forgettable, and practically useless episodes, and we get more character interaction. Fillers are always a great opportunity to go more in depth with the characters when they aren’t doing something with the overarching conflict and a lot of fillers in Ben 10 are often wasted to random, fast action mini-plots (not to say that is bad because it definitely isn’t, I personally loved the Billy Billions episode and loved Billy and Ben interacting, but I wish there was more variety in the fillers than a one off crisis that is dealt with in random episodes)
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Ao3 DDoS attack- an explanation
For anyone missing their fanfics (like me), this article gives an general outline what going's on with Ao3.
For anyone hoping that they might be able to get to their fanfics soon, I suggest not getting your hopes up. Ao3 may be up in a couple hours (hopefully) , but there's a possibility that could last for several days depending on how how severe the attack is and how many resources the attackers have, Ao3 is handling this attack, and what response plans they have in place.
Some things to know if you're not familiar with DDoS attacks... it's time to use my education.
Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with Ao3 other than being a user. I don't know what security measures they have in place, or what their security is. This is my personal- though knowledgeable- thoughts what may be going on behind the scenes.
Also, if the idea of the DDoS attack is scaring you in anyway- take a deep breath. It's going to be OK, even if my post may come across as dark (if so, I am sorry about that). It only meant to inform and educate Tumblr users on what is going on, and what might Ao3 may be doing. Do not panic just because of this post.
So, let's get started.
a. DDoS stands for distributed Denial of Services attacks. So that means the attackers is using multiple third party devices (such as other servers, botnets*) to make so many requests (think millions per minute) to the Ao3 servers that the servers use up all their resources, preventing us legitimate users from using them.
b. A slight side note- I've heard some people say that it's because of one person that Ao3 is down. It may just be one person, but setting up a DDoS attack is easier with a team. It is likely it is a group of attackers behind this- most attacks have multiple people involved in one form or another. This isn't the most relevant point I have, but just something people should know- there may be more than one attack.
c. To stop this attack, Ao3 is going to have to block all malicious traffic from reaching the servers. However, since this is a distributed attack, they are going to have to block multiple IP addresses. This is going to take some time.
d. We also have to consider if Ao3 has a response plan in place. Response plans are, as the name suggests, what the organization does in the case of an event. For ao3, that means who are they going to contact to fix this issue. But if there isn't a response plan in place already, it going to take longer for them to stop the attack because they're fixing this on the go- a difficult thing to do.
e. Once the attack has been stopped, it won't be over for Ao3, there are two more things they need to do- complete forensics to determine any possible damage to their servers and complete an After Action Review.
e1. While it is most likely that everything will be back to normal system wise after the attack has stopped, Ao3 would be smart to conduct forensics on their system to see if there are any anomalies (malware or indications of a breach). Attackers sometimes use DDoS attacks to cover their tracks when they hack into a system. Not likely here, considering the target won't have super sensitive information that an attacker wouldn't bother with trying to get. But the possibility is always there- however small.
e2. if they want to mitigate the risk of such attacks happening again- they need to complete After Action review (AAR). In AAR, Ao3 is going to have to look at what happened, and determine what they can do to ensure this doesn't happen so easily again. Hopefully, this means writing up or editing and improving their response plan, improving their security measures, etc.
f. Most importantly, your information is unlikely to be compromised. The most damage you will receive is not being able to access Ao3's servers. Ao3 has said that you don't need to change your passwords if you have an account. That being said, if you have a weak password, definitely change it anyway. (like I'm talking is you're using weak passwords. See the following link for what weak and strong passwords are: https://security.harvard.edu/use-strong-passwords )
That's what I have to say for now. Again, this post is not associated with the team at Ao3, I am independent and have no insider knowledge, just knowledge from being a security student. Ao3 will likely say more in the future, so keep an eye for it, and hopefully we'll be able to back to our fics.
If you have any questions about this attack or general cybersecurity, my asks are open, there are comments, and I will respond to them as quickly as I can. If you are in security, and I got something here, please tell me because I do not want to spread misinformation or cause panic.
Heard from your mother (she don't recognize you), I'll be waiting for you.
*compromised computers or other devices with internet connection with malware
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thewickedkat · 2 years
i understand that Fresh Cut Grass is experiencing some growing pains, that they woke up from what was presumably a dreamless, formless sort of non-awareness after an interminably long period of time. i understand that they're disorientated, in search of who they were so that they can learn who they are and who they will become. i understand that they were grossly misinformed as to what their function was upon waking, because Dancer didn't truly know what she had just purchased (sidebar, i think it's kinda ick that D would 'sell' one of their own kind, assuming they knew that Aeormatons are generally sentient and capable of learning and growing, but that's another bone to chew another day). i understand that it is emotional and mental whiplash to think you have been created for Purpose A only to find out that you have Subfunction B buried like some sort of malware, and then Subroutine C effectively erases the memory of Subfunction B executing. and i get that on top of all that, you have friends who are trying, sometimes desperately, to inform you that can and should incorporate new knowledge into your understanding of yourself and the world at large. i know that it takes more than one heart-to-heart in squishy mortal folk to undo programming such as that, and so therefore i assume it's just as difficult for Letters.
but at this point, right now, especially in light of the latest 4-Sided Dive and last night's episode, FCG really reminds me of someone who battled some kind of addiction and got into one of those 12-step programmes...but only read the literature and went to, like, four meetings and said 'oh, okay! i get it! if i just substitute Faith (as i understand it) for Purpose and Function, then i've got this in the bag and i don't have to do anything else!' when, sweetie, it isn't that simple. it's a painfully human way of looking at the issue, wanting something terribly complicated to be easily reduced to a linear progression of Step One, Step Two, Step Three, etc.
and before anyone comes for me, i am an ACoA, have been involved with AA, NA, Al-Anon, and other 12-step programmes. i watched my father struggle with that very progression of steps and he too thought it was just a checklist of sorts before he bottomed out again. i watched friends do the same thing, for over thirty years, in the Rooms. i do not make this analogy lightly. so many folk sublimate their addictive compulsions into something else: working out, dieting, family, faith, etc. and for the most part, it works. but when it does not, it becomes a precarious foundation upon which to build a new identity, and that's what FCG is making me think of. because when that precarious foundation is tested in any way, it can be ugly and painful when it collapses.
FCG is still new to the idea of self-determination and is still looking for that Purpose, that Function, else they think their existence is bereft of meaning. the problem is, when everything you do or say could be boiled down to said Purpose or Function or the flip of a coin or 'the Changebringer told me to do this,' there is a sort of abdication of personal responsibility. he's trying to overcome his MurderBot Subfunction, and defying that programming so far, but doesn't seem to understand that every time he tosses that coin into the air, that is a choice they are making. not Purpose, not the Changebringer. when they barrelled into the Citadel last night, that was them, not Function.
i think it will take a while before they realise what the Changebringer really stands for, and there can be just as much fulfillment of Purpose in freely choosing who they want to be, but i hope it doesn't come at the expense of themself or any of the Hells.
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
okay so I was kinda right about Medjed! is that another victory in my column or not? hm
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After sleeping for I think 22 days, Futaba wakes up and gets to counterhacking the hackers.
Reverie and Morgana get bored and start cleaning up her room while she works.
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Reverie got them skills. I still want an AU where he's a housespouse who moonlights as a cat burglar, if the fandom hasn't written a dozen of them, what the fuck have they been doing.
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gurl, we need to get you some vitamin c and iron, holy shit. i hope you like edamame and oranges, it's all your eating for the next week.
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Does anyone else think this voice actor does NOT fit this character, or is it just me? It's a constant distraction.
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Aw he looks nice. What horrific creative crimes has he committed?
I finally belatedly noticed that the Palaces are all built around one of the deadly sins. "Arc, how could you not notice--" deadly sins are dumb, it's not in my authorial wheelhouse, blah blah. so anyway we did Lust, Vanity, Gluttony.... then the Thieves call out Futaba's sloth in the calling card, but she's actually associated with Wrath? Which is confusing. That means our options are.... uh. /googles.
Envy, Sloth, and Greed.
If the Final Boss is, like, the dude positioning to be the future Prime Minister, then I would say he should be Greed? Greed for power? But who even knooooows.
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OKAY SO I WAS KINDA RIGHT! She was Medjed! But it's basically Anonymous, it's a placeholder name for anyone who wants to use it. Yeah 'cause that always goes well.
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looks worriedly at Morgana
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Beige Boy shows up to sass Sae some more and
squints at these dialogue boxes
You know what I'm interested in seeing? I figure Akechi is gonna join the Thieves in some capacity at some point, it's being set up pretty aggressively. What interests me is whether we will see his persona awakening or if he'll already have a persona when he joins.
'Cause like.... Okay I'm pretty sure Akechi knows the Thieves aren't behind the mental shutdowns. I'm 70% sure. Ergo:
There is a 70% chance that Akechi is the black masked guy in the Metaverse causing the mental shutdowns.
Or there is a 30% chance that Akechi is being played by someone he trusts, who is giving him bad information re: the mental shutdowns. Which... would dovetail nicely into him joining the crew, actually, if they uncovered the true culprit and Akechi (like his Detective Prince predecessor) swapped sides to the Thieves upon realizing they're the only people who can stop the true perpetrator.
Actually, that would be an incredibly tidy bit of writing, I'm gonna say its 50/50.
He's still sus as fuck 24/7/365 though.
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hello i am here for the Futaba and Sojiro Show
Also Sojiro fucking drops the fact that his curry recipe was from Wakaba. He made her curry once and she was so intrigued, she asked for information on how to make it, then returned to Sojiro with a refined, scientifically reinforced recipe, and that's the one Sojiro still uses.
I love Sojiro, what the fuck.
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Makoto has this whole plan to basically give Futaba's interpersonal skills a workout until she's a little more able to handle Thief-y work, but of course Futaba latches onto Yusuke, because she has excellent taste and they are both kindred weirdos.
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oh yeah you guys are gonna be besties, i can tell
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She also keeps putting on a big costume head when she gets nervous, which is an interesting literalization of "masking" I guess.
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I have no intelligent commentary, I just like that when Futaba whines at Sojiro here, he stops and assesses the situation, deems it harmless, and goes back to what he was doing. There's no doubt he'd jump in to help if needed, but also I think Futaba is just the time to simper and tug at his attention because both of them enjoy that. It's very good, I like it.
Also, again: Futaba's VA choice is so fucking good. Love it.
Next up is a beach trip and I cannot imagine it beating P4G's incredible beach vacation, but we shall enter it with open hearts and open eyes.
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fandomn00blr · 2 years
sappy prompt for you - "a bowl of soup" and "heart eyes" for anders/fenris?
Auggghh...they are just the most sappiest, aren't they?! Thanks for this! I really enjoy any excuse to get these two arguing about food...because yes, that's what this is really about. Just the soup. That's all... ;)
(Oh, and FYI, this is set in my retro-modern-futurish y2k post-apocalyptic zombie Dark Sprawl AU, but all anyone really needs to know is that Link=Mage, Facility=Circle, and uhh, Justice is benevolent malware...yeah, that should clear everything up!)
"Awwww…” Anders fawns over the steaming bowl of soup Fenris has just placed in front of him on the island where he’s currently perched, looking absolutely ragged after another double shift at the clinic. “You cooked…for me?"
"It's soup. I just opened a can and put it in a bowl and microwaved it."
"That's three whole steps more than you're usually willing to take in order to feed yourself!" Anders exclaims. “I’m quite flattered.”
“Don’t be. You look like shit. It literally is the least I could do…”
Anders seems unfazed by this as he takes a big slurping spoonful of the soup. "Ow!” He spits it back into the bowl. “Fuck…too hot still…"
Fenris doesn’t even bother trying to stifle his chuckle. "Try blowing on it next time, maybe?"
"Thanks for the tip.” Anders smirks. “Not sure I fully trust it coming from someone who only eats seeds and berries and other random things gathered from the forest for every meal, though."
"I'll have you know that I can cook."
"Yes…” Fenris eyes him suspiciously for a moment, then his face softens a little as he explains, “It used to be a hobby of mine. Back when I had half-way decent ingredients available to work with…"
"Back in Tevinter, you mean?"
Fenris nods. But doesn't say any more than that. Which Anders has learned through trial and much error to take as a sign that he's getting dangerously close to poking at something painful. He's trying to be better about not prying too much, though it's hard for him, and for Justice, not to demand to know more about what, or who, made him want to leave such a marvelous-sounding place where Links aren’t all just rounded up and institutionalized and there are apparently enough fresh ingredients available to inspire even Fenris to take up cooking. For fun!
"Well, you've just got to be a little more creative here in perpetually post-apocalyptic Kirkwall," he says, trying to veer around it without completely changing the subject of Fenris’ cooking skills.
"Creative?” Fenris snorts. “You mean like Merrill? Bio-engineering chickens and hacking fruit trees to grow and thrive where they've no business doing so?"
Anders grimaces. "I try not to think about all of that when she gifts me a basket of fresh produce or delicious jumbo eggs. But if you're so dead set against using her stuff, I'm sure there's plenty of ingredients to be scavenged from the pantries of these abandoned estates."
"Years past their expiration dates, I'm sure," Fenris scoffs.
"Oh, c’mon! Most of those dates were just made up to get people to keep buying more!”
"I don't know if that's entirely true…"
"Fine. Continue eating your boring birdseed, then, while I enjoy these supposedly 'expired' canned goods." Anders takes another, more cautious slurp of his soup and finds it to be less scalding, at least.
Fenris watches him swallow it down with a forced smile. "You're not exactly selling it."
"It's not…the worst soup I've ever tasted. The stuff at the Facility was always watered down and flavorless, like they thought we might somehow be able to channel our connectivity through salt or seasoning and escape via our taste buds. This at least tastes like…something…"
Fenris grabs a spoon from the silverware drawer and pulls the bowl of soup across the island to himself with a frustrated huff. He dips into the bowl and tastes it, frowning.
"Needs more acid…" he mutters as he turns and heads back into the pantry.
He returns with a bottle of some dark liquid with a fancy-looking label in Tevene and drizzles it over the top in an effortless spiral, then passes the bowl back to Anders.
"Try it now." He steps back, bracing himself against the sink, and Anders can't help but appreciate the expectant look in his eyes. He seems to have stumbled upon something here. A hidden passion maybe, and the fact that Fenris is willing to share it with him…well, best not get ahead of himself. It's just a bowl of soup, right?
"What is it?" Anders asks, trying to temper the unexpected flood of fondness he’s feeling with a bit of feigned skepticism and his usual sarcasm. “Arsenic? Cyanide? Deadly nightshade?”
"Balsamic vinegar…very well aged," Fenris snorts, exuding so much smugness at his own terrible culinary joke that Anders now fears he may have unwittingly unleashed a monster.
He mixes it into the soup and tries another spoonful.
"Better?" Fenris asks, looking downright impatient now for his opinion.
"It's good," Anders drawls. But he can’t seem to resist the opportunity to needle him a little. "I think you could balance it out with something creamy…got any powdered milk?"
Fenris makes a disgusted face. "Powdered milk?!" He throws his hands up in dismay. "Are you deranged?"
"Creative…not deranged." Anders laughs. Maybe he is deranged. Or perhaps it’s the exhaustion hitting him now, or the relief he feels here, in Fenris’ ridiculous mansion, of all the places he could’ve ended up tonight…but seeing Fenris, who is normally so measured and stoic about everything, react so dramatically to a bad recipe idea makes him finally just lose it.
“What is so funny, Link?” He hears Fenris catch himself saying it, and he hears the hesitation in the softness of it. He hears him try to sharpen it awkwardly just at the end, too, but it's too late. Anders already knows it’s become a sort of pet name to him.
"It’s just…” He won’t mention the slip up. Not yet. It’s a bit too new and precious to him still. But Fenris is watching him with such heavy expectation again, so surely the situation calls for some kind of teasing? “Fenris…” he breathes, trying to draw it out a little bit longer.
“What is it?”
“I guess...I just didn't realize..." Fenris leans a bit closer, his eyes growing even wider with anticipation. "I had no idea you were such a foodie!”
Anders grins cheekily. And he’s pretty sure Fenris knows exactly what he's doing judging by the annoyed face he makes. But spite is a heck of a motivator…
“If Merrill has any interest in raising goats and making cheese from their milk, I may be persuaded to change my stance on her methods,” he tells him.
Anders can't help looking at him now with all the affection he's been trying to keep in check. “I’ll…be sure to let her know."
😍<- Anders (ok, me), at the thought of having Fenris and Merrill collaborate on a rotating dinner party schedule...
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I'm so glad that generative AI is dying, but please please please understand that chatbot AIs and art generation AIs and voice replicating AIs are not the ones I'm scared of, they're just the most gimmicky, and the easiest to fight in a court of law.
You should be concerned with facial recognition software being used in policing. Many of these AIs are trained on datasets of majority white males, meaning they become less accurate and less effective when used on someone outside of those demographics, meaning more innocent people of marginalized communities being accused and harassed by police.
You should be concerned with resume-reading AI. Amazon created an AI model that was trained on previous hiring data and used to filter out applications. The software recognized a pattern of applicants with non-white names being rejected and thus filtered out every applicant with any non-white name. This software was deemed a failure by Amazon and was scrapped, but highlights a big issue with AI in general. If there's a shred of bias in a testing dataset, that bias will be amplified by the software.
You should be concerned with autonomous weaponry used in warfare. See, when I say "I want fewer people to die in war", it's because I want less war. What I don't want is for large wealthy imperialist countries to be putting lethal weapons with little to no human oversight into warzones where they can 'identify enemy combatants' and 'eliminate targets' at the discretion of a computer program. You know it's bad when even Elon Musk has publicly supported a ban on autonomous weaponry.
You should be concerned with AIs being trained to diagnose medical problems. These AIs are being trained on diagnosis data of previous medical cases. Meaning using patient data for a testing dataset (HIPAA/PIPEDA/GDPR etc. violations??). Anyone who's been tossed around the medical system could tell you that removing the humanity from healthcare will only lead to more suffering.
These are only a few examples I know off the top of my head as someone studying computer science in undergrad. This isn't to say that all AI is bad. AI is such a huge category of software that lumping it all together is irresponsible. AI is used in maps and navigation, spellcheck, translation software, speech-to-text, text-to-speech, online banking, malware detection, hate speech filtering, and so many assistive technologies for disabled people.
I'm glad that chatGPT and AI art generators are dying, but they're barely even on my list of concerns when it comes to AI technology.
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greekbros · 2 years
"greek-Bros": Golden Showers
Athena: and THIS is the internet. *Shows a classic MacBook desktop computer*
Perseus, Heracles, Asterion and Achilles: oooooooooooooh. Aaaaaaahhhh.
Athena: yes. It is strictly used for educational and research purposes only, I put a parental lock on it so that no one here in Olympus can see the more...um...crude.... Side of the internet. Anyway have fun and please don't click any links sources you don't know and especially if you see them being sent from an email called *looks at her notes* "[email protected]" ....that would Ares's email address and he only sends malware. *Leaves*
Perseus: *already looking up what others know about him and his other demigods* hehehehe
Heracles: hmmmm it seem I have several...."movies" about me. I am truly flattered, but it seems they've all misspelled my name.
Achilles: *marvels at the one poster for the movie Troy having no context to it's a level of inaccuracy it has* ... 10/10 casting.
Asterion: *not incredibly interested but he does find it amusing to see there's a whole slew of nice pictures of cows* mmm.
Perseus: pssh. You guys are too busy looking up things about yourselves when you can clearly look up something a lot more interesting. *Starts surfing until he finds Urban dictionary* oh sweet I wonder what this site does.
*hours later*
Zeus: *reading a newspaper* ... *Flips a page*
Perseus: *kicks down the door with a fury of a thousand white dwarf stars* DAD HOLY FUK!
Zeus: GAH! *nearly gets a heart attack* PERSEUS WHAT ON E-
Perseus: *with tears of fear in his eyes gritting his teeth* DID YOU PISS ON MOM?!?!
Zeus: *completely dumbfounded* ...I beg your pardon?
Heracles: *deep sigh* we looked up what "Golden Shower" means. Apparently it's the sexual act of urinating on someone
Zeus: *horrified* Wut?! I would never!
Perseus: *on the brink of crying* TELL ME THE TRUTH DAD DID YOU PEE ON MOM?!?
Hera: *trollfully walks in and with the most sarcasm a goddess can muster* Oh what's this? Zeus do you have anything ELSE to severely disappoint me with?
Zeus: *trying to remember how it happened*...ah I remember, you see Perseus, I wanted to avoid making a lot of noise seeing how your dear mother was trapped in a tower...so I simple turned into rain, the gold part must have been from the ambrosia I had a little while prior. I would never do such an unsanitary thing.
Hera: *disappointed that she wasn't actually further disappointed* ugh, if anyone wants me I'm taking a nap. So don't disturb me.
Perseus: *calmed down a little bit* o...oh ok....*sniffles*
Heracles: *pats his back* there there.
Zeus: ....oh wait hold on, I turned into rain with edible glitter in it so that afterwards it would could count as after care. That...and I had a lot of inspiration from that OO7 movie, ...what was it...Gold Finger...yes...
Perseus: ....ok that's a little weird but it's better than piss.....
Heracles: well all is good than.
Zeus: What?! What for?!
Asterion: *holding on to an online bid for Achilles, who has decided to bid on a dining room table* ....*sees someone bid $1 more so he raised it but $500, let's just say Asterion doesn't know how math works* .... :)
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. Install the Vortex app. Download and manage all your collections within Vortex. Trainer works with version of the game. Last update: Thursday, May 22, ; Genre: Action; File size: KB. Note: The cheats and tricks. Hitman: Blood Money Cheat Codes, Trainers, Patch Updates, Demos, Downloads, Cheats Trainer, Tweaks & Game Patch Fixes are featured on this page. Hitman : Blood Money - Cheat Enabler. Trainers, cheats, walkthrough, solutions, hints for PC games, consoles and smartphones. 9 Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards Hitman: Blood Money Version 1. GTAIVisbest 12 years ago 1. I have Hitman: Blood Money version 1. I've looked everywhere in the internet for information, but nothing has come up. Does anyone know anything about this? MikePenance 12 years ago 2. The only way to re-enable the cheats is with the aid of a small program that is actually quite easy to find. I've used the program myself, and it indeed does re-enable the cheats, it also tries to access your system files every fifteen seconds. As fun as the cheats are especially the 'teleport here' code, which allows you to leave the map , it's not worth the hassle not to mention that there are multiple versions of this program, all differing in size and in the files they try to access. Thank you for th info. However, I very much want to enable the cheats, so I have a few questions: 1. Do you get this program off the web? If so, does it have viruses? Is there multiple sources to get the program from? Which one is the safest? Can you put the program on a USB key for transportation on to another computer? Does this program cost any money? Thank you again. Oh yes, and, for the "accessing my program files", does this mean that the program is trying to download malware? MikePenance 12 years ago 5. MikePenance 12 years ago 6. Yes, the program is off the web. It doesn't try to download anything, such as malware, but your anti-virus program will likely go nuts. The apparent explanation for this is that it's simply an intrusive mod, purely because it has to be to modify game settings. I don't know why it has to modify the game settings continuously, rather than just the first time the game is loaded, though. Despite this, it never caused me any actual problems when I used it. Yes, you can do that. It's free. Since that computer doesn't have internet connection, I'm not sure it has a decent anti-virus system, if at all. Should I get one before downloading? MikePenance 12 years ago 8. I'd certainly recommend it. So, without antivirus, you're saying, anything could happen? I guess I'll have to forget the cheats then. Oh well! MikePenance 12 years ago Product Deals. What key to press in pushing people using a keyboard? How can i go into the ingame cheats menu? How do accidents work? Who is the girl in "You better watch out"? Till death do us part? Main Quest. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. MikePenance 12 years ago 2 The only way to re-enable the cheats is with the aid of a small program that is actually quite easy to find. GTAIVisbest Topic Creator 12 years ago 4 Oh yes, and, for the "accessing my program files", does this mean that the program is trying to download malware? MikePenance 12 years ago 6 1. MikePenance 12 years ago 8 I'd certainly recommend it.
1 note · View note
hitman blood money cheat enabler 1.2 free download new 7U5H&
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. Install the Vortex app. Download and manage all your collections within Vortex. Trainer works with version of the game. Last update: Thursday, May 22, ; Genre: Action; File size: KB. Note: The cheats and tricks. Hitman: Blood Money Cheat Codes, Trainers, Patch Updates, Demos, Downloads, Cheats Trainer, Tweaks & Game Patch Fixes are featured on this page. Hitman : Blood Money - Cheat Enabler. Trainers, cheats, walkthrough, solutions, hints for PC games, consoles and smartphones. 9 Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards Hitman: Blood Money Version 1. GTAIVisbest 12 years ago 1. I have Hitman: Blood Money version 1. I've looked everywhere in the internet for information, but nothing has come up. Does anyone know anything about this? MikePenance 12 years ago 2. The only way to re-enable the cheats is with the aid of a small program that is actually quite easy to find. I've used the program myself, and it indeed does re-enable the cheats, it also tries to access your system files every fifteen seconds. As fun as the cheats are especially the 'teleport here' code, which allows you to leave the map , it's not worth the hassle not to mention that there are multiple versions of this program, all differing in size and in the files they try to access. Thank you for th info. However, I very much want to enable the cheats, so I have a few questions: 1. Do you get this program off the web? If so, does it have viruses? Is there multiple sources to get the program from? Which one is the safest? Can you put the program on a USB key for transportation on to another computer? Does this program cost any money? Thank you again. Oh yes, and, for the "accessing my program files", does this mean that the program is trying to download malware? MikePenance 12 years ago 5. MikePenance 12 years ago 6. Yes, the program is off the web. It doesn't try to download anything, such as malware, but your anti-virus program will likely go nuts. The apparent explanation for this is that it's simply an intrusive mod, purely because it has to be to modify game settings. I don't know why it has to modify the game settings continuously, rather than just the first time the game is loaded, though. Despite this, it never caused me any actual problems when I used it. Yes, you can do that. It's free. Since that computer doesn't have internet connection, I'm not sure it has a decent anti-virus system, if at all. Should I get one before downloading? MikePenance 12 years ago 8. I'd certainly recommend it. So, without antivirus, you're saying, anything could happen? I guess I'll have to forget the cheats then. Oh well! MikePenance 12 years ago Product Deals. What key to press in pushing people using a keyboard? How can i go into the ingame cheats menu? How do accidents work? Who is the girl in "You better watch out"? Till death do us part? Main Quest. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. MikePenance 12 years ago 2 The only way to re-enable the cheats is with the aid of a small program that is actually quite easy to find. GTAIVisbest Topic Creator 12 years ago 4 Oh yes, and, for the "accessing my program files", does this mean that the program is trying to download malware? MikePenance 12 years ago 6 1. MikePenance 12 years ago 8 I'd certainly recommend it.
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sirfrogsworth · 3 years
First, we had FREEDOM fries and FREEDOM toast... because French people can suck it. They know what they did.
But now BIG TECH is censoring EVERYTHING. You can't say a damn thing if you are a conservative in the US. At this point, why even bother posting on social media?
I mean, look at top-performing link posts by U.S. Facebook pages in the last 24 hours...
1. Fox News 2. Ben Shapiro 3. VOA Burmese News 4. Dan Bongino 5. Peachy Sunday 6. Fox News 7. Diabetes Awareness by GreaterGood 8. Ben Shapiro 9. VOA Burmese News 10. Dan Bongino
So we need another dose of freedom.
We need...
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The Freedom Phone is a new business venture started by Eric Finmen—the world's "Youngest Bitcoin Millionaire."
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Wasn't he adorkable?
You see, his folks gave him $1000 to invest when he was 12. He bought a bunch of Bitcoin. Naturally. And when he turned 18, it was worth over a million bucks. By 21 he had 2.3 million dollars and was the pride of capitalism.
So obviously that makes him a $BUSINESS GENIUS$
And because he is a business genius, he has decided to start a new chapter of his life as an entrepreneur. Because we definitely don't have enough of those.
His first entrepreneurial BIG BOY IDEA is selling the FREEDOM PHONE.
Let's check out the specs on this bad boy from the actual website.
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Large storage, you say? 6 inches of screen??? GREAT CAMERA!!!
Well, with specificity like that, I'm sold.
People get way too caught up in the gigahertz and megapixels anyway. You don't need to know that stuff. He says it is "affordable, yet fast" and I choose to believe him.
I'm sure it is on par with every other $500 phone on the market—all while being made in the good old U.S. of A.
Because you wouldn't call it a *FREEDOM PHONE* if it weren't American-made.
That would be dumb.
"In fact, Freedom Phone appears to be a simple rebranding of a budget phone called the 'Umidigi A9 Pro,' made by the Chinese tech company Umdigi. In an interview with The Daily Beast, Finman confirmed that the Freedom Phone was manufactured by Umdigi, but couldn't say immediately which Umdigi phone it was based on.
The Freedom Phone's $500 price tag would represent a substantial markup on the A9 Pro. The phone is available on Chinese retail giant AliExpress for $120—less than one-quarter of the price of a Freedom Phone."
— The Daily Beast
Is there anyone out there who can put a positive spin on this? Because I'm failing to think of anything at the moment.
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EXACTLY! The OS is chockfull of FREEDOM and that's what really matters.
Real AMERICAN developers toiled over the FreedomOS to make sure it was as free as humanly possible. I'm sure this OS is built from the ground up and that extra $400 expense is due to the extensive R&D needed to create this marvel of digital liberty.
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Annnnd... it is BASED on something called GrapheneOS, apparently.
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Okay, so full disclosure.
The FreedomOS developers may have used an already developed Android fork and skinned it to look more... Freedom-y. You saw the cool flag wallpaper, right?
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Truthfully, licensing that wallpaper was the bulk of the development cost. They may not have done much beyond aesthetic tweaks.
That is... except for the UNCENSORABLE APP STORE!!
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*patriotic fanfare*
*eagle caws in the distance*
*someone is shot in a hunting accident*
This is where that extra $400 of value comes in. No apps will be censored. EVER. You can get your Gab and your Parler and your Gettr. And you never have to worry about those apps being unavailable because Zuckerdumb said NO.
Okay, full disclosure again.
99% of the apps banned in the iPhone and Google Play stores are due to things like malware, viruses, and illegal activity. So for every Parler that goes uncensored—so does the app that looks just like Parler but is titled "Parler Totally the Real One" and is full of viruses ready to steal your banking information. And an app store without restrictions could also end up being a haven for child pornography and illegal drug sales.
Soooo... what happens if you don't like this incredible $500 phone worth $120?
Good news! There is a *stellar* return policy.
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You get the box. You stare at the box. You DO NOT open the box.
And if that experience is unsatisfying, you can return that box within 30 days.
If you get the box. Cut a hole in that box. Stick your freedom in that box.
Well... hopefully you like it.
In conclusion, it's hard to put a price on freedom.
Sure, this is probably a giant grift.
And this conservative Bitcoin douche doesn't seem to mind grifting his own political brethren.
Because capitalism is his mistress and loyalty is fleeting in the whitest rightest of wings.
But if you want FREEDOM in your smartphone, you should definitely pay this clearly trustworthy bleach blonde, scruffy chinned lottery winner $500 for a cheap Chinese Android phone that will fill up with viruses faster than you can boot up the phone (because it is made with inferior hardware and booting probably takes a while).
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killervibe · 2 years
If you're taking the ways to say I love you prompts: Killervibe “ i want you to stay, here, with me. “
Nothing stinks like the mortal desperation of Amazon’s biggest competitor knocking at the front door of Star Labs for help. Caitlin gave Cisco a call from his Argus office coincidentally as he was about to hand in his notice and he truly wondered if it was some divine intervention to get his ass back over to Central City. 
Iris, Allegra and Chester took two looks at the snazzy briefcase and glum kill me now face the poor short straw man had permanently etched on to decide they only wanted briefing notes for whatever the hell was going on. 
Which meant Cisco and Caitlin were paid to take a fancy private jet and paid to eat at five star restaurants and paid to stay off social media about their little trip so all in all Cisco isn’t at fault to forget this isn’t technically a vacation.
“Are we sure the lady is prepared for the subject matter of this meeting?”
Geez, what decade is this? Cisco sets up his laptop, laughing. “You mean Dr. Snow?”
The sun filters right in through the gigantic window, all the executive board members squinting through their rims of large black coffee cups. Luckily his goggles make perfect sunglasses and he’s not afraid for them to clash against the professional workwear theme in this conference room. “She’s lived through her husband’s death and pseudo-resurrection twice. If anyone is going to back down from what it takes to solve this, it’s more likely to be one of you.”
The room silences all but for the awkward throat clearing and awful scuffing of chairs. Cisco clicks his tongue. On cue, Caitlin returns from the washroom, pocketing her cell. She’s been phone-tagging Frost aggressive voice memos all weekend—Mark’s back in prison. Frost is heartbroken, and Caitlin is exhausted. Honestly—Cisco likes the drama. Nearly a year at Argus and the closest he got to his colleagues was at last successfully guessing their last names or birthdays. 
“Good to start?” he asks, brushing his hand against the sleeve of her soft blue blazer. Unlike the corporate drones, he hasn’t had any coffee yet and he finds he doesn’t need to. Simply working beside Caitlin again is a kickstart IV drip of energy to last him for days. 
Caitlin nods. Cisco clicks a button and sets up the projector on his live streaming for the PowerPoint presentation they spent all night on.
flashes the first slide in monochrome. Cisco reclines comfortably in the leatherback chair as Caitlin starts their speech with a grin on his face. One man with his blond hair swept and gelled down like rows of midwest cornfields casts Cisco a glance of pure panic at his calmness. 
“Do you think this is funny?” Corn hair snaps. “We have employees in crisis because of the human snatching AI virus.” 
“And yet it took you two years to come clean about it until Sue Dearbon threatened to sue you when her personal shopper went missing,” Cisco shoots back. “Who’s the real joke here?”
“Cisco…” Caitlin warns. He shuts up and pulls up the simulation. It’s a lot like the Mirror dimension, actually. Just. You know. With more Nintendo Mii menu vibes. She continues her next sentence cautiously “…And it likely has something to do with the DNA testing that was performed illegally. The algorithm got lonely and wanted companionship.”
“So,” says the busy dude that works for the other busy dude that’s too busy who works for the Jeff Bezos wannabe that didn’t bother to show up to the meeting that‘s intended to salvage his company from rumours of malware kidnapping humans. “Our software went all Scarlet Witch?” 
Caitlin looks at Cisco, still painfully clueless about Marvel references. They needed to fix that. Cisco nods curtly. 
“Yes,” she says. “That is…What we’re saying, yes.” 
“And how exactly are we expected to ever reach this…Digital Dimension?”
Cisco taps at his goggles. “That’s where Vibe comes in.” 
It takes six days and they free over six hundred people. Sue negotiates a settlement with her lawyer on behalf of the victims, setting them up with new employment opportunities and free counselling sessions.
“That went well.” Cisco rolls his suitcase down the never-ending airport hall. Caitlin has been uncharacteristically quiet. He nudges her with his elbow. “Celebration donuts at Jitters?” He can tell her his big surprise! Coming back to Star Labs plan there. It’s a pretty standard tradition for them to share big announcements at Jitters. 
“I guess you’ll be heading back to Star City soon.”
Cisco frowns. “Eventually…”
She keeps her posture rigid, eyes ahead and her jaw clenched tight. 
“Girl, what’s up?”
She takes a sharp breath through her nose. “You were like a completely different person this weekend. Why didn’t you take the mission seriously? Senior management at ARGUS but fooling around when people legitimately needed your help.”
“What do you mean?” Cisco asks. “I did help. I took my suit out of retirement.” 
“You were manic!”
Cisco scoffs. “I was happy! This weekend was the best I felt in a year!” It wasn’t that wild a statement—It was true. 
Caitlin studies him. “I was worried you would say that.”
“What do you mean?” 
“It hurts me to think you feel so stifled that you practically exploded the second you got to be yourself again.” 
His brows crease together, a retort at the tip of his tongue. That was so…! The audacity? He knew Caitlin could be blunt but was it really that bad? That was…Huh. 
He was done with boring button-down polos board meetings and fake pleasantries at 9 AM. He lived off staying all night creating something that didn’t theoretically exist twenty-four hours before. Building lego sets in the workshop to visualize the chaotic twelve-step plans in his brain. Walking in on Jitters getting robbed every week. Turning on tracking systems and hacking like his fingers are on fire. Scrapbooking binders with laminated metahuman trading cards. Sitting next to the best woman in the world with her nose scrunched up and tongue sticking out somehow delicately, mocking him mercilessly with a tiny graceful shrug. 
God, he misses it all so bad that Cisco has to stop walking, punched in the gut with nostalgia. 
“I think,” she starts with a voice crack. “I can’t ask you of something so big, but—”
“Try me.”
“I’m moving out of my apartment, I’m letting Frost live there to do what she wants, but I’m going to buy a house.” Caitlin bites her lip. “And I want you to help  me look for it.” 
“Oh.” Cisco relaxes, not sure why he felt suddenly so tense. “Sure.” He has experience with real estate back when he almost bought a house to live with Kamilla. Back when Kamilla was planning on coming to Star City after her gig in Miami. 
Caitlin shakes her head. “No, what I mean is...” She reaches out and takes his wrist. “I want you to stay here, with me.” 
Cisco stares at her, eyes wide. 
“I know you have your job at ARGUS but I know you, Cisco. I know you and I think if I can be bold for just two seconds–” 
“Be bold,” he breathes. 
“If I can be bold, I think you’re happiest when you are with me. So be with me. Don’t go again.” She flicked a highlighted strand of hair behind her ear. “You know, when it mattered, when it really truly matters? I don’t wait. I proposed to Ronnie when I knew it was what I wanted.” Her eyes said more. What you miss is us. What you want is me. And I am telling you what I want is you. 
Cisco leans in before he knows he’s doing it, her words swaying him until his hand is careful, slipping around her waist and his mouth is pressing against hers in a surprisingly easy kiss. “Just so you know, I’m not going anywhere,” he murmurs in the space between and Caitlin wraps her arms around his neck, smiling. “I already quit.” 
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britishassistant · 3 years
hahahaha, lol how about the town having a shipping war?, lol the MalleYuu stans are happy they now have canonical proof their ship is sailing, while the rest are trying to set up their favorite villain with yuu. so which one of them would rise to villain levels of insane just to be a match maker for their ship? hahaha lol match making and wingmanning instead of being scared is funny
I don’t think the town would have a shipping war among the civilians, per say, but there’d definitely be a few debates, and tv channels and magicam accounts would profit off of the scandal for a few days. Yuu is shipped with everyone they’ve ever interacted with, regardless of compatibility or length of interaction, much to their dismay.
They’re mostly pretty tame arguments, something you bicker about with your friends that may cause a fight for a few days, but nothing that anyone’s going to throw any punches or break up a relationship over.
The closest people ever come to “war” like behavior is the conflict between Yuu x Hero and Yuu x Villain fans. The Yuu x Hero fans say the villains are too “dangerous” or “unstable” to be in a healthy relationship with Yuu, while the Yuu x Villain fans point out that some of the heroes are kind of the same, when it comes down to it. At least Yuu looks like they’re enjoying themselves when they’re with the villains, rather than running away from the heroes.
The minions at least know better than to get involved, as their bosses become unpredictable and vindictive when jealous or flustered (as they often are by this kind of talk) and some of them are also in the running. It’s quickly understood that it makes for a better work environment to leave that stuff at the door.
Yuu has to hide their face when they go out, just to avoid the swarms of people pestering them over who they’re attracted to. It’s basically Magicam Monsters on a very personal scale. Yuuken tries to help out as much as he can, but he’s just one guy. The RSA are no help, making token protests, but not actually doing anything to stop it.
Jamil works out first that the best way to get into Yuu’s good books is to avoid talking about it unless they want to bring it up, and Snake Whisper’ing anyone who tries to harass them during his kidnapping attempts. When Yuu sees him rolling his eyes at the news and scoffing that don’t people have anything better to do with their lives, it gets him a smile and a chuckle at least, though they still have that hunted look in their eye.
So he tries to pull off his biggest, most bombastic scheme yet: stealing the entire office building of the Asim business after clearing out the workers, and replacing all of the company logos with his Supervillain symbol and decor, claiming it as an extension of his evil lair. All the discarded logos get dumped outside the RSA headquarters.
That gets people abuzz for a few days, but then the talk begins to die down—
Leona somehow alters everything that the Kingscholar Incorporated name appears on in the city so it now reads “Long Live The King” and steals Farena’s super suit.
Royal Flush tries to steal the victory for the Botanical Center’s “Best Rose” award by infesting the city with roses as large as houses that eat the competition (the other roses, I mean, not the people growing them).
Poison Queen kidnaps and holds all the manufacturers and promoters of shoddy makeup and clothing lines hostage, with the aim of keeping them captive until they learn how to make better products and stop profiting off a certain scandal.
Octo Dealer makes enough deals with people that are violated by talking or hearing talk about shipping Yuu that Leviathan can afford a whole host of unwilling volunteers to help him rob the city’s highest priced restaurants and galleries.
Charon just hacks into people’s phones to brainwash them into loving Zombie Girl Saga over Love Live! The fact that his hacking causes anything mentioning shipping to get deleted/freeze up/release malware is just an unexpected side effect.
Tsunotaro almost manages to trap entire RSA legion of heroes in their headquarters by surrounding the building with thorns that force people to take a nap every time they’re pricked by them. It’s only thanks to a few heroes that were outside at the time receiving the aid of the Prefect that the city wasn’t deprived of its defenders.
And so, the city moves on to the next big scandal.
And while what happened to Yuu doesn’t ever completely go away, they can at least walk around outside now and cover other news stories without getting stopped and questioned every five steps.
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crystal-moon-101 · 3 years
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Got good old Albedo next on the list for redesign and rewrite, and oh boy do I have a lot instore in how I ended up writing this character. There's just a lot to do with the idea of him, and I happened to pick a pretty depressing route, but I think it works in the end. Vilgax will be done next, though I'll be a little busy for the next two weeks so not much art will be done in a while, then eventually Rook and Rayona. But, onto the rewrite for Albedo!
Albedo's background is...something. When he was growing up, he exceled in many of his classes, projects, and many even theorized that he could have potentially become the next First Thinker if Azmuth hadn't come back. Because of this, Albedo grew up with nonstop praise, parents that would brag about him, and people building up this idea of him having a grand future. So, as you can expect, he became arrogant, prideful, and due to issues in Galvan culture, did look down on those lesser, mostly other species in the galaxy. When Azmuth arrived back and was giving the role of First Thinker, Albedo wasn't too bothered by it, either believing he would get it one day, or find something better for him, but he felt honored when Azmuth took notice of him, and suggested that Albedo be one of his assistances, and even apprentice. Albedo agreed, wanting nothing but the best of the best, and having Azmuth as his teacher would surely benefit him quite a bit.
But that's when his prideful fantasy began the start of it's downfall, those little cracks showing up. Azmuth was by no means cruel, but he wasn't one to give blinding praise, knowing criticism was good to shape a young ego, something he had also been doing with Ben at the time. What he didn't realize was that, because Albedo had been nothing but praised his entirely life, he didn't know how to handle criticism, especially since Azmuth does have a dry sense of humor and can sound harsh when he means well. It started making the young Galvan insecure, because he had to be the best, he had to be perfect, that's what everyone else said, so why did Azmuth see it differently. Did Azmuth not think he was good enough?...Of course, that wasn't true at all, and Azmuth saw a lot of potential in Albedo, but will admit he missed many signs of what kind of mental state his young friend was in.
It didn't help when it came to Albedo's behavior towards three other people Azmuth worked with, that being Ben, Myaxx and Eunice. Not only did he look down on them for not being Galvan, but he just couldn't understand what Azmuth saw in all of them. He saw Myaxx as loud, rude, and would never admit she was smarter than he gave credit for. Eunice, who is Azmuth's bodyguard Galvanic Metamorph, felt a little too free for his taste, since while she did do her job, Azmuth let her mostly do what she wanted, far too chipper for Albedo's taste. And then there was Ben...the most baffling out of the three. He was nothing but a dumb, chaotic, little brat that for some reason Azmuth saw so much potential in, and even had enough faith and trust in Ben to let him handle the Omnitrix. It didn't help that Ben could not only handle Azmuth's criticism and suggestion, but he even dear talk back against the First Thinker and test his judgement, and Azmuth would actually listen or let it slide. Just what exactly did Ben have that he didn't??
Eunice and Myaxx weren't really bothered by Albedo's attitude towards them, and Ben always had a proper comeback to tease Albedo, but Azmuth did tell him to knock it off often. Albedo did bring up his concerns many times, especially about letting Ben run around the watch, and while Azmuth tried to tame his worries, Albedo felt like he wasn't listen...or at the very least Albedo wasn't willing to see from a different view. And yet he still tried, and worked under Azmuth for a few years, even getting involved in the Malware situation which he tried to deal with in his own way, only making it worse though. He will admit he was somewhat happy that Ben stopped wearing the watch sometime after that event, but still annoyed that Azmuth let him keep it just in case.
It finally came to head when Ben put the watch back on and was getting involved with Highbreed stuff. Albedo just couldn't understand the relationship between Azmuth and Ben, especially when Azmuth gave a lot of his time to Ben (Because of the Highbreed issue), and Albedo still felt like he wasn't good enough for Azmuth. So, after trying to understand the whole thing in how he saw it, Albedo pinpointed the idea that it must be the omnitrix that connects all of this, why else would Azmuth care about some kid on earth? If he could prove to Azmuth that he could do just as a good of job as Ben, even better, then Azmuth would finally see him as the worthy Galvan he was...expect, that's not what happened. Albedo found himself trapped in Ben's body, and Azmuth was furious with him for making another watch, and when Azmuth said, for the first time in Albedo's life, he was highly disappointed in him. Something in Albedo finally just snapped.
Azmuth said he would help turn Albedo back to normal if he gave him back the copy watch, and to get help for this problematic state he was in, but Albedo refused. He now jumped to the idea that Ben and Azmuth were the route to all his problems, and that he was going to prove that his way of life and thinking was better than whatever Azmuth could come up with, even wanting to prove he could fix this human body issue he had going on his own. Azmuth will admit, he was surprised from this outburst, and is somewhat upset with himself that he didn't notice sooner to help...But for now, he ask that Ben keep an eye out for Albedo and make sure he doesn't do anything to harmful to him or anyone else, which Ben agreed to, feeling bad for Albedo and the obvious effect on how blind praise for years ended up hurting him in the end.
Now Albedo runs loose, crafting plan after plan after plan to prove he's better than Ben or Azmuth, as if trying to convince them he's worthy of something...or perhaps, to convince himself...
Because Azmuth still feels responsible for Albedo, he does send him supply packs of food, water, medicine, blankets and anything else he might need when he can. Ben also pitches in, by getting Albedo things human teenagers need that Albedo isn't too well versed in, and even gets him his clothes since they're both the same size. Albedo often tells them both to bugger off...but does even up using their gifts since he doesn't have the money to buy his own things.
Albedo is an albino Galvan, and all the aliens he turns into are albino too, or at least the equivalent for certain species.
After he fled, Azmuth had returned home to info others what happened, and Albedo's parents kind of...disowned him after that, though they weren't the best parents anyway, only really enjoying the fame their son brought for them originally. Azmuth did give them a good talking to about his disguised he was of them.  
Albedo isn't sure why he enjoys chillfries so much, since Ben admits he takes it to a whole other level. Maybe a glitch in the watch, maybe because it was cheap to get, maybe a part of him that he denies kind of likes some of the food not from home...
Azmuth knows he can't force Albedo to accept his help, as that would just make things worse, so he said he will always offer the chance to turn him back to normal, but Albedo has to be the one to take that help, and to still hand over the watch and perhaps get some therapy too. But he keeps rejecting this, saying he doesn't need Azmuth's help.
The moment that actually starts to make Albedo doubt himself in what he's trying to do was when Vilgax out tricked him and betrayed him at the end of Alien Force. Something about it was different compared to when Ben and his crew would win against him...Perhaps because of the idea that another alien race could do something he could not...But he wouldn't admit that...
Albedo does get involved during the Malware arc, due to his previous connections to it and Azmuth, making him a target for Malware. Begrudgingly, he does ask for Ben and Azmuth's help in that to stay safe...
Despite hoping Albedo would come back, Azmuth did eventually have to get a new assistance, another Galvan by the name of Abacas, who Albedo is aware about, and hates that his spot has been replaced, even if he was the one who up and left.
He does not get enough sleep, thus the bags under his eyes.
Since Galvans are insectivores. Albedo does still eat bugs as a human, mostly out of habit.
Is really bad at understanding humor.
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