#from the other side. so its just ppl talking to themselves when they talk to graves
opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
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tgcg · 6 months
when I read HS years ago I didn't like davekat, because I didn't see it coming. but your art? it's so soft AND canon. now I understand why people like this ship
ive seen a couple other ppl say this in the tags over the months and its so… fucking cool. like. im honored seriously. i am really happy to hear this shit & thank you for telling me this anon
now stop reading here if you dont wanna hear me ramble aimlessly about dk
the softness is a rlly important part of it to me. karkats got this abject earnestness to him that dave is embarrassed by at first but warms up to as he moves into post-irony. its kind of like karkat is a mirror of the things dave wouldn’t let himself be. and karkat is exactly the kind of person to see through this veneer of irony and find someone who is really kind of fucked up, and a Fuck up (noun) like he is, but who is also a really considerate person when you look at his actions over his words. that goes both wayz. it’s like they accept themselves by accepting each other, and it’s a very soft thing
do you remember that moment in openbound where dave says he’s glad he and karkat have their embarrassing conversations in private, and karkat says, me too? haha that conversation was rlly awkward. but it changed me chemically i was like. is this real. anyways
“privacy” and “earnestness” are pretty major “words” i’d use to characterise how i see their relationship. it’s also major themes of their characters. it comes together nicely and they kinda solve each other in this department i think
to me they were always kinda 2 sides of the same coin as knights. and it always made sense 2 me they’d balance each other out, if they could get over themselves and the preconceptions they had of each other. which they did eventually and quietly. sad that was covered in the span of a single flash animation with no dialogue but yk. “homestuck is a first draft” theory and all
i was a davekat liker from the moment dave made fun of karkat for talking about his lips so much in the “famous encounter”, but i totally see why peeps wouldnt have seen it coming otherwise. honestly i kinda didnt i thought theyd just keep joking about it til the end but i mean yeah
its important to me and im glad i’m somehow able to convey that to other people
so yeah thanks a ton
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bigfatbimbo · 25 days
ellie. ellie oh my god. i forgot u wrote for arcane and now im absolutely TWEAKING trying to restrain myself from absolutely spamming ur inbox but. oh m y g o d. this is like the best news ever bc i like JUST watched arcane and im like 3/4 through. ANYWAYS onto me yapping !!!! most of this is ab sevika bc.... hehehdhdhddhehshshsshsheh pls shes so fine
ok smutty yapping first
ALRIGHT STARTING OFF STRONG but soft domminh sevika. she does NOT seem like the type of person to relinquish control easily, however i feel like with the right persuasion she would let her guard down and let you treat her nice. she seems to be pretty prideful and self assertive, even a bit aggressive, so i genuinely think she'd LOVE to be pampered and overstimulated. sevika would be PISSED if u tried to edge her or mock her during sex but once she's overstimulated enough and if she trusts you enogh??? urgrhhrrggr i just feel like she'd get so bossy and bratty. she'd complain that you're going to slow when you're eating her out and would taunt u SO MUCH about how pathetic it was that you were worshipping her... she def needs some tough love
anyways!!!! onto other ppl!!!!!
vi has a voice kink and would absolutely neeeeed to hear you, especially when she's cumming. she lovessss when you talk her through her orgasm, and even though she acts tough, she loves being praised and treated gently :((((
i also think she would be really into praising you, even when she's subbing she would always be telling you juussst how good your making her feel
viktor is a hardcore sub i said what i said this man could not dom if his life depended on it he is the male version of a pillow princess who needs to be taken care of i will die on this hill
he has the raspiest, whiniest moans too i just KNOW IT. viktor also melts w praise and i think he's the type to fall into subspace VERY easily and be super pliant towards whatever you're up to. like he genuinely just melts in your hands like putty snd will pout if you stop touching him its lowkey adorable
ok i need to stop
fluffy yapping!!!!
JAYCE IS A WONDERFUL HUGGER I JUST KNOW IT. IDK HOW BUT I DO. he gives the softest, mosy welcoming hugs and he always rubs your back if hes hugging you :(((
jinx gives great song recommendations and is v thoughtful when it comes to music. she would def make playlists for her partner and excitedly show them off, explaining why she picked each song and its importance
jinx is the type to NOT be very clingy our touchy at all before she gets to know someone and is very touch disgusted at first, however once she trusts you she's the clingiest person EVER and her fav form of affection/pda is sitting in your lap or holding ur hand!!! speaking of, she swings her arm when she's holding hands w u side by side and its v cute (ooc? idk her sorry)
MEL IS A MORNING PERSON AND WOULD ABSOLUTELY MAKE HER PARTNER BREAKFAST IN THE MORNING!!! if ur also a morning person she would love to have a routine w you, and would always ask for "help" getting ready and getting dressed so she can make eye contact w u in the mirror while you fasten her necklaces and jewelry. if you aren't a morning person, she always kisses you before she leaves the house and leaves you breakfast with a note on the counter. sometimes she'll make u lunch too, and always cuts fruit into intricate shapes for you (she would pass the orange peel test)
ok ofc i have to say sum ab sevika (the loml) but URGRHRHRH she would be such a good listener i just know it and she'd give painfully honest and brutal yet GOOD advice. i also think she's v protective of her partner, but knows thei can handle themselves so she steps back, but if anyone gave them a hard time they'd suffer lmao 💀
GODHSHAHHSHSHUSHSHD GOD JDJDHSHHS IM LITERALLY FUFCKING OH MY GOD. I literally love Arcane so much this makes me infinitely happy. I know my arcane related posts never get as many likes but… shut the fuck up.
absolutely tweaking out at the idea of her being a sub.
Like oh my god you’re so right, she’d be so bossy. She would egg you on so hard, like “Is that the best you can do?” “I can take more of that, you know.” “Are you always this slow?”
But she’d struggle to keep up her complaints when your fingers work faster in her and you hit her at just the right spot.
Reassuring her thats it’s okay to let her guard down???? She’s biting back moans and trying to keep her cool.
AHHSJSHS THE REVERSE SIZE KINK??!!?!? Absolutely. Like letting you push her onto the bed as if she would have even budged if she didn’t trust you enough.
OH AND VI AND A VOICE KINK? She needs to know you’re there, like fully. She didn’t have anyone in prison, and just reassuring her that you’re with her and it’s alright because she’s doing so good.
And she’s definitely praising in the bedroom, too or bottom. She’ll tell you she likes what your doing, and how good you are at it, if she’s domming or not.
VIKTOR IS A SUB. THAT MAN IS A SUB. Like fully not lifting a finger in bed just taking what you give him while whining and moaning for more.
Jayce is absolutely a great hugger like he is THE MAN. He’s literally such a teddy bear when you need a hug, just bury yourself in his arms.
Jinx would be soooooooo clingy in a relationship too with someone she trusts. Like she’s the type to just randomly sit on your lap too if you’re not giving her enough attention. And she’d be all over you 24/7, very touchy.
Always on your arm or leaning on your shoulder or playing with your hair or tracing up and down your arms.
If she trusts you enough, she’d literally need you too sleep at night, too.
(She’s my favorite by the way)
She’d be such a morning person, it’d almost be annoying at how coherent she is in the earliest parts of day.
But then you smell delicious breakfast wafting down and you’d be very grateful. She makes your favorite every once in a while, seriously pampering you omg.
Also yes, omf she’d absolutely ask you for help with getting ready and whatnot. Zipping up the back of her dress for her, clasping her necklace, maybe planting a kiss there too.
Overall princess treatment for her because she is a QUEEN.
Ending things with Sevika my baby girl because YOUR SO RIGHT. her listening skills would be off the charts. Like imagine sitting on her lap and playing with her hair while yapping about your day.
She’s all ears. In fact she’s so quiet and concentrated that you wonder if she’s even listening. But she chimes in with a brutally honest remark every now and again.
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inoreuct · 3 months
More weretiger Zoro thoughts bc I'm crazy abt it-
Before joining the crew, Zoros had a lot of bad experiences with ppl trying to kidnap/capture him, whether it be for his pelt or to keep as a pet or just to have as a spectacle. When bounty hunters come after the crew one day and somehow manage to cage him, it dredges up some bad memories. He fights the hunters off of course, hes stronger now, and has his friends by his side, but the encounter leaves him shaken. He tries to brush it off as nothing, stays in his tiger form so he has an excuse not to talk to anyone, but the crew can tell hes feeling uneasy, sulking around in the shadows, fur bristling at any loud noises or sudden movements. They hatch a plan, and lure him to the kitchen where its warmest, where theyve built a nest of pillows and blankets for everyone to curl up in together, and surrounded by his crew gently petting his fur Zoro feels a lot safer <3
ooh,,, weretiger zoro lore YES PLEASE 🤭 thank you for the ask anon!!
call it twisted, but zoro is used to running for his life. fighting for it. before everything (before safety, before them), people catching a glimpse of him could only mean three possible things: a leash, a cage, or a skinning knife. years of evading trappers and hunters and rich bastards who thought they could own him (dead or alive, they hadn’t really cared) had honed his survival instincts knife-sharp and taught him how to keep himself out of trouble. he’s ever only been in a cage once, and never again.
but he’s gotten lazy. his crew and the solace of their ship on the open sea— they had lulled him into a false sense of security. he’d let down his guard and now he’s looking out at the deck through metal bars with clammy palms and his throat tight, and it’s chaos.
there are bounty hunters fucking everywhere, like a swarm of roaches trying desperately to gain the upper hand; they had clearly overestimated themselves, based on the way his crew’s wiping the deck with them. a thrill of vindictive satisfaction threads through zoro even as a group of the bastards prod at him with bayonets and swords. that satisfaction only grows when he snaps at them, snarling and baring his fangs, but he can’t hide from the fear that pools underneath.
that, he isn’t quite so used to. fear is not something that roronoa zoro feels on a regular basis; he’d picked up his swords and turned himself into a weapon of a man, half out of necessity and half just for the way people pissed themselves just hearing his name. then it had been bar fights to duels to bigger bounties and then sudden safety, stability, Merry’s gentle rocking under his paws as he prowled the deck and then Sunny, afternoon warmth on his fur as he curled up on the grass to nap.
the roiling in his gut and the tension at the back of his neck is something zoro hasn’t known since he was very, very young, and weak, and alone.
he snarls again when the tip of a sword swipes a hairsbreadth under his chin, cursing himself for losing his focus as he backs up against the other side of the cage, resisting the urge to peek over his shoulder. the ocean rolls gently at his back; he can hear her, but it’s a small comfort. if he tips the entire cage into the water and fails to pick the lock, it would drag him down to a watery grave and he is not ready to die today. nami yells somewhere, her voice followed by a crack of thunder, and zoro bites down a manic laugh as he remembers her trying to teach him to lockpick and him being honestly quite dismal at it— not an option, then.
the cook had fared better at it, nimble fingers and all that. said cook goes flying past with his leg on fire and slams his heel into a bounty hunter’s face with a solid crunch. as zoro takes stock of the deck, everybody else is busy and that realisation doesn’t make him panic a little, it doesn’t. breathe, he reminds himself. they took his swords, but it doesn’t matter. he fights plenty well enough with his fists, not to mention the damage he can do in his other form.
one of the hunters bangs his rifle against the bars and zoro’s heart jumps, a shudder rippling down his spine as the man pspsps’s at him like— like he’s a fucking cat. “who would’ve thought,” he begins, laughing nastily. “roronoa zoro, the elusive green tiger. how’s it feel to be backed into a corner, hm?”
“all those years of stealing our bounties, taking all the money— don’t worry, now,” another sneers. “you’ll make it up to us when we get paid for the fur off your back.”
the disrespect makes him growl, deep in the back of his throat. he wants to rip off their heads. he wants to run away and hide. their cackles are loud and obnoxious, and the closer zoro looks the more he realises that he knows these guys. knows their faces, anyway, and he has those faces categorised in his head as nothing more than riffraff. he wraps his fingers around a bar discreetly by his hip, squeezing tight until he feels his claws extend, and cool metal presses into his back as his breathing comes quicker.
once before. he’d only felt this once before, icy against his too-thin fur, curled up in a trembling ball at the corner as jeers and the banging of metal on metal filled his ears. switching between boy and cub on instinct because he couldn’t control it with his heart pounding hard enough to hurt.
his gaze flicks around unseeing before he finds usopp, loosing rapid-fire shots of something that sends his targets into violent gasping fits, clawing at their throats before going still. the moment they lock eyes, zoro straightens; there’s a question there, a quiet moment of stillness as usopp holds his form, waiting. do you need us to come get you?
zoro steels himself, takes a breath and grits his jaw, and he shakes his head minutely. no.
a small nod, and that stillness shatters. usopp dives out of the way with his hands over his head and a startled yelp as luffy’s fist flies out of nowhere, and zoro sighs through his nose.
“not my fault i was just better than you,” he says, offhand and unbothered, tipping his head back against the bars as he surveys the hunters around him coolly. they react exactly as he expects; loud outrage and yelling and more clanging around, and he feels that urge to curl into a ball and hide shift into something more spiteful. more vicious.
it heats his blood as he notes the lock of the cage and nearly raises an eyebrow, because of course the whole damn thing’s made of reinforced metal except the latch. he’s seen enough of franky’s work to know shoddy workmanship— they skimped on quality because of the cost, probably because they’d planned to be dealing with a mindless beast and not a man. zoro huffs a laugh.
and sure, nami could try all she wanted to teach him how to pick a lock.
sometimes, though?
zoro inspects his space and backs up as much as he can. the cage is small, but it’s enough. he’ll make it work. metal scrapes against the taffrail as the ship rocks beneath their feet.
sometimes, old-fashioned’s just the way to go.
he crouches down, waits for one of franky’s cannon’s to draw the hunters’ collective attention, and pounces.
the door slams open as he rams it with his shoulder, cheap metal snapping like straw as he bursts onto the deck and fuck, the momentary standstill before the panicked scrambling starts feels electric. he shifts in an instant and yawns, prowling around the group of hunters, crowding then back against the cage as his tail lashes like a whip.
they’d just caught him off guard and coerced him into an enclosed area. fools. he melds back into his human form, eyes glowing gold as the wind ruffles his hair. “you should have collared me,” he chuckles, just the slightest bit cocky because please, he’s earned it by now. “maybe a leash. rope, at least. what the fuck made you think just caging a tiger was a good idea?” zoro flashes his fangs, bright white and lethal, and a man whimpers as his grin widens.
his footsteps are silent as he shifts back and stalks towards them. there’s a reason he’s known as the demon of the east, after all, and he thinks it’s due time to give the world a reminder.
“so…” usopp begins, fiddling with a short piece of rope. “who’s gonna address the elephant in the room?”
luffy looks around at the bounty hunters sprawled over the deck, all in various states of consciousness. “there was an elephant?”
usopp holds in the urge to sigh and drags a hand down his face. “tiger in the room. whatever.”
their captain tilts his head. “zoro’s not here.”
“exactly!” usopp exclaims, before he checks his surroundings and ducks his head to hiss, “exactly.”
“he’s probably off napping somewhere,” chopper offers, but even that doesn’t sound very sure.
the swordsman had disappeared after he’d shoved the group of mauled bounty hunters into the cage and bashed the lock in to seal it shut before chucking the whole thing into the sea. he’d stayed just long enough to watch it sink and then crept off somewhere— and he still hasn’t reappeared.
“oh— you know what he’s like.” nami rolls her eyes, perched on top of an upside-down crate, arms crossing as sanji squeezes her shoulder. “he’s fine. nothing shakes him.”
“you didn’t see the look on his face,” usopp shoots back, feeling strangely defensive. he knew what zoro was feeling, read it clear as day; he was intimately familiar with the kind of fear where you felt too small and too trapped to do anything.
he knows about zoro’s past. they all do. and the thought of zoro, fearless, larger-than-life zoro, undefeatable zoro, crammed into a tiny cage and getting poked at like a zoo animal? it makes something in usopp rankle so strongly it surprises even himself.
he startles as a gentle hand rests on his back. “i do believe our sniper’s right,” robin hums, leaning into franky’s side. “we should make sure he’s fine, don’t you think?”
there’s a general murmur of assent, and usopp leans back against the taffrail with a feeling that it’s gonna be easier said than done.
zoro doesn’t remember ever being this shaken.
he’d just been… numb, when he was a kid. not yet warmed up to the idea, the reality, that he’d be hunted just for what he was. after that numbness faded most of what he’d felt was rage; he’d indulged the instincts to hunt, to sink his sharp edges into muscle and viscera, until luffy had earned his loyalty and then the rest of the crew after him.
now he can’t stop feeling like he’s gonna tremble out of his skin, and he hates it.
it’s been days since the fight. he shouldn’t be affected. shouldn’t have been affected at all. but now without the adrenaline of battle, everything’s coming back crystal clear— the panic that had nearly choked him when the cage door swung shut, the sound of the lock clicking bouncing around his skull like a rubber ball. his own blood rushing loud in his ears, heart thumping a staccato against his ribcage, his eyes searching for someone, anyone, shoved back by the gritted statement that he didn’t need anyone to save him.
he hadn’t. he doesn’t. he shouldn’t.
and yet he hasn’t shifted in days, prowling the shadows of the ship on four legs, head ducked low and ears pressed down as he keeps his belly close to the deck. he tells himself he’s hunting for imaginary mice and jerks at every sudden noise. he’d let his guard down and then he’d payed the price and now it’s driving him mad; every creak and shift of the Sunny has him on edge, fur standing on end, and he hates it.
without his battle instincts, he’d have been stuck in that fucking cage. usopp had snapped him out of it a little— he’d made it out, but barely. the stupid metal box had been so small that if he’d shifted he wouldn’t have been able to move, and even now the thought of it makes him feel like throwing up.
the feeling of being locked up is not one that you can forget. bravado can only get you so far; he’d been a fool to think that being part of luffy’s crew offered him infinite protection, no matter how strong any of them are. he’s supposed to be able to handle himself, and he can. he can.
he hates this.
he’s been wandering aimlessly, strolling around without particular reason. his crew’s been trying to get him out of his funk; franky made him a whole new scratching post. sanji’s been leaving his favourite booze in the crow’s nest. brook had played jolly sea shanties for hours (and admittedly, zoro had felt terrible about just slinking off midway) and jinbei had tried to talk to him, but he gave it up when zoro just gave him a look. he knows they care, and he loves them for it, but he’s oscillating between wanting to go on a rampage and hide in a cupboard. the promise of safety still feels too good to be true after a refresher on what the rest of the world means for him. he knows he’ll have to get back to routine soon and he will, he just—
his ears prick up, and he pauses. listens.
he chuffs. it’s nearly midnight; what the hell is the cook calling him for?
“marimo! get your mossy ass in here now!”
and okay, wow. rude much. he wouldn’t put it past sanji (or any of his nakama, for that matter) to try another funky attempt at cheering him up, but on the off-chance that there’s actually something wrong…
he growls low in his chest, half-annoyed, padding around the corner and shouldering the galley door open.
he takes one look and turns around to walk right back out.
there are pillows and blankets piled everywhere on the galley floor, and the oven door’s open. the whole space smells like dark chocolate and cookie dough. zoro can’t do this.
everything after that happens in quick succession: he hears luffy laugh, he thinks oh no, and then he yowls as he’s grabbed and yanked into the midst of the massive pile of bedding. he flashes his teeth in a baseless threat, whipping around to hiss at his captain, but luffy just snickers and pulls back his arms.
he’s disgruntled even as the rest of his crew slot into place around him. it was a trap, and he admits he’s literally fallen right into it as he hears nami whisper, “told you he’d come if you called—” and then the sharp, mildly reproachful click of sanji’s tongue.
the cook turns to him, cross-legged with a pinstriped pillow hugged to his chest. “you don’t have to say anything,” he says plainly, eyes flickering to the side as he fiddles with a corner of the pillowcase. “or do anything, for that matter. just… stay.”
zoro stays quiet and lets himself look around. everybody’s in their pyjamas, smelling like soap and chocolate; franky has a nightcap on. luffy shoves a cookie in his mouth whole, and jinbei pretends that he doesn’t nudge the plate closer for their captain.
zoro doesn’t need them, maybe. but he remembers years of irregular sleep from watching his own back, stuck in his human form, always hyperalert and pushing for the next paycheck.
he’d been miserable before them. he really doesn’t need them— he can survive just fine on his own.
but that’s all it’d be, wouldn’t it? surviving. not living, not really. he doesn’t need them but he wants them.
it’s easier to admit than he expected. nothing changes. it’s no big revelation; just one that he’d been too afraid to acknowledge until now.
the anxious feeling in his stomach has settled some, and soft chatter starts around him as he lays down to rest his chin over his paws. after a while there are fingers in his fur— he allows it. if only just for tonight. let us help, is what he hears as he feels nami’s nails scrape gently between his ears, luffy playing with his tail, the warm wash of lamplight making sanji’s hair gleam dark gold. brook’s laughing quietly in the corner, and he can feel chopper’s chest rise and fall against his side.
sleep comes easily, for once. these people, his family— they make safety a little easier to believe.
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pastadoughie · 6 months
Read over what was going on with anon asks and your posts, and tbh, if you are 16 and you are reaching this kind of critical thinking and actively trying to better yourself through meaningful debates and convos, you are doing god's fucking work from early. I couldn't even begin to form the kind of arguments you are articulating at your age in your posts, so fucking kudos.
I have a similar opinion of sexism being bad no matter the form it takes, patriarchy affects everyone because it imposes roles on everyone, not only women. Breaking those roles on all sides and genders should be the ultimate goal, not try to benefit from the system to become the oppressor.
In any case dude, good luck with the unavoidable influx of people who will misinterpret your posts. Also, your art is hella cool!
i think that alot of ppl just have a rlly hard time like, getting over the gut response to defend themselves when they recieve some kind of serious critisism, like, i think ppl understand on some level that sexism as a concept is stupid, but it can be hard to fully see all the nuances it takes and like, actually recognize it when its subtler
sexism is bad and when i point out that alot of you guys believe ideas that are like, really sexist then thats like, im assuming none of you are like "YEAA SEXISM RUELZZZ!!!! I HATE PEOPLE BASED ON THIER GENDOR" and u rlly rlly dont wanna be lumped into that group
its rlly normal to not wanna be mischaracterized and if you dont self identify as sexist then when someone points out sexist retoric it feels like an unfair and reductive veiw of u
and its like, you really really really need to work past that, im talking abt this stuff because i want ppl to change and be better and if you want that for yourself u have to like rlly chew on these kinds of things
i think what alot of people have issues with is like, relatability in artwork, like "of course im gonna like art with queer women in it more and find it more valueble if im a queer woman" but i think that this points to a really rigid and uphelpful veiw of gender
ive discussed before that, because the mind numbing ammount of biological differences people have theres no actual objective definition of sex or gender, its socially constructed and entirely arbitrary and subjective
i think that labels for sexuality and gender are useful shorthand in our current society though ideally we wouldnt need them, but you need to remember that these things arent rigid
butch lesbian is not a definable group, gay man is not a definable group, they are arbitrary words that mean something different for literally every different person
likewise acting like those meaningless labels somehow make some artwork more or less valueble just points to a bias against people with a certain label
like, the labels dont mean anything they shouldnt change your veiw of a work, if you resonate with a peice of work why does it matter what label is put on it? why does that affect your veiw on the peice?
and yes you are objectively going to relate to some experiences more then others, but i dont think relatability should effect how you value the work, infact id argue seeing perspectives different then your own is incredibly incredibly valueble and, if your disregarding (even subconciously) certain things because theyre made by men then that not only hurts men but it hurts you, it isolates you
maybe i didnt word that perfectly im not always the most articulate but like, i think most of the issues people are having with this are coming from me articulating things maybe not as intuatively as i could or from people refusing to properly engadge with what i have to say
idk, regarding the people accusing me of transmysogeny i just wanna say that like, I AM NOT ALLERGIC TO TALKING TO YOU ABT THIS!! i want to be better and i dont want to be mysogenistic! and if you do see concerning behavior in me i want to be told of it, you keeping these kinds of things to yourself or refusing to engadge with me when i actively am trying to be like, thourough and nuanced about things is just kinda, not productive
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will80sbyers · 6 months
Saying "but Palestinians did bad things too" is literally skipping over 75 years of oppression and occupation from the state of Israel as an entity in a systematic way towards a people that have been living under its control and constantly killed, abused and made to leave their own homes for the illegal settlers from around the world that come to Israel
it's like saying that yeah white supremacists were bad but black people oppressed by them should have been nicer about the fight to stop the oppression???
It just shows somebody is ignorant of the facts and all the evidence that shows how Israel as an entity is the one with all the power
Not even counting the fact that the Palestinians literally tried protesting peacefully for years and the majority doesn't even agree with Hamas and are MINORS that didn't vote for them
What Israel is doing now is a response completely not proportional to what they have experienced the 7th seeing all of this context around, if they really just wanted to save the hostages and protect their citizens without hurting innocent civilians they would have tried to negotiate before bombing everywhere seeing that all parties involved are capable of it because they are doing it now and the hostages were kept alive proving that the idea from Hamas is not just mindlessly killing all Jewish people, it's an organized attack to have some leverage against the biggest opponent
there is a reason this fight goes on and these people are so angry that they resorted to this violence ( for how much I don't approve of it morally, and I don't approve of people having hostages etc either ) and the things happening in the west bank where Hamas is not present are an ulterior demonstration of why people are this angry, they are under oppression every day of their lives and have lost innocent people too murdered before the 7th of October by Israel
The state of Israel controls electricity, water and the movement of the Palestinians in Gaza and in various Palestinian territories, at one point they even had a plan put in place to control the amount of calories that the people there should be able to access, they have control on what goes in and out of that land so much that people in Gaza have resorted to build the tunnels so that they could smuggle stuff for commerce first of all because they are being kept in a position of poverty by Israel's rules (+ many other things that I have to admit I was ignorant about before this awful month because there was almost no coverage of the Palestinian plight in my country)
So instead of trying to integrate the population and reach a point in which it is beneficial for both to live side by side they have decided to keep this division in place, using some of their own people to keep the majority subjugated obviously, because they want to maintain the purity of the Zionist state and keep the resources and houses that they stole when the Nakba happened
And if that wasn't enough there is also a big (racist) propaganda in place from the state of Israel to their citizens and to Jewish ppl around the world to make it seem like Palestinians are sub humans and inherently violent without reason and this is something Jewish people have talked about themselves admitting it themselves, not something I'm saying
Even Amnesty international is saying that Israel is upholding an apartheid system towards the Palestinians and has been for years, this anger doesn't come out of nowhere, I find it ridiculous to keep denying it and saying they are just the poor victims without any guilt while they have also now doubled down on the previous abuse by killing half the population of Gaza for more than a month now !
Wake up.
That state must be stopped and the government completely reformed towards a future for a state where both People are protected under the law and can live together and are BOTH protected and that's the only way this can end positively for everybody... otherwise the regime will continue and hamas 2.0 will be born after they destroy all of Gaza and no one in Israel will feel safe either
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mazeyphaedra · 16 days
Ep 19 is so conflicting for me because it was fun but even giving it all a little bit of thought it’s really just 😬. Like yeah y’all really just did that. And that. And that. Okay. It’s just kind of sad in so many ways once you start to think about it all. For both the RGs and the BKs if that makes sense? It’s obvious with the Rat Grinders but Like the bad kids really think they’ve beat Porter’s game but this episode kind of proves that they’re worse than they used to be. That everything Porter and Jace and the RGs did DID affect them and when it comes down to it they didn’t have to do much to get them there beyond annoying them. I feel like in the end they’re becoming the versions of themselves that the Rat Grinders hated. Like okay you’re popular. You can fucking decimate anyone you choose to. But do you actually care about the people around you anymore? Or is it just being adored and showing the only people that dislike you in basically the entire school up?
ooouughhh anon im being so real w u this can be its own post. i had drafted a whole response but that was about pc choices i was kinda horrified by but then i had a talk w a friend that put things into perspective for me so i just decided to share part of my side from that convo:
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which i guess segues me into ur last two qs: the bad kids were in their own way caring abt the ppl around them!! (im being so gracious rn. i think, tho they were reacting in defense of mazey, that they way they treated ivy was awful.) in even just the pc Hero thing of Saving The Town like that counts as caring right.
as for showing the only people that dislike you in basically the entire school up. i dont think this is the case actually bc (and many other ppl have said this more eloquently) the rat grinders are not on the bad kids' radar! like at all. they simply dont register. like to me they feel like the people at school u forget about when u graduate.
ive also not been here the whole time so the 'this was always going to happen. [all of our beloved story beats have not been resolved in a satisfying manner] since the beginning' thing is made more disappointing for me. but i still love this season and if i detach the part of myself that enjoys the story over the game for just long enough i can ooh and aah over bad kid badassery for an untold number of hours
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beyonsatan · 11 months
My next astrology post was gonna be about the chart ruler in astrology but I just saw a tik tok about pisces that received the ugliest laugh from me and so decided that i will be talking about pisces and after closing the casket on a few stereotypes and western astrologers who have absolutely no idea what they're talking about yet charge for readings, I'm gonna hurt some feelings haha 😁...
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So let's create a list of the misleading stereotypes that modern astrology have successfully managed to attach to pisces and then i'm going to debunk a few or all in order and I'm going to do this in the most polite way :)
• Ditzy (you might've heard "pisces is debilitated in mercury so it makes sense why pisces aren't the smartest or are 'easily fooled'" WRONGGGGG! In fact, ancient astrologers believed that pisces was in its detriment while in mercury because you can't think properly when you're in love. Venus the planet of love feels the strongest in Pisces, venus is pisces dignified ruler, pisces is the only sign that's dignified in both benefics (Venus, Jupiter) so if you asked me what sign i think is the most in love with love i would say with confidence pisces. This is why often when you hear a pisces talking about something or someone they love they stumble over their words. Contradictory to popular belief, pisces are very intuitive and can spot people trying to take advantage of their giving nature. A person who is intuitive and knows when something is up is not dumb, being both intuitive and gullible is already a contradiction. Saying that a jupiter (planet of wisdom) ruled sign is dumb does not fit the bill or even make sense for that matter. Mercury In sagittarius is debilitated as well but not because sagittarius is stupid, gullible or can't reason but because sagittarius is the jokester and is all about exposing the truth and their delivery is usually harsh which can rub people the wrong way. It's all about the delivery with them, there can be instances of blurting out things at the wrong time, things that would be considered offensive, that doesn't necessarily translate to them being dumb, they're just blunt lol. A good example of this would be nicki minaj
• escapists (the only true one I have actually heard so far but I also think that the stigma around escapism needs be brought to a stop. Pisces is dignified In both benefics so they do not prefer to indulge in things that are meant to discourage them like fear, anger, self doubt and turmoil so in order to keep themselves on their feet they distract themselves with things that are meant to inspire or otherwise entertain them to keep them going. This claim that they get consumed by their fantasies, can't face reality or take decisive action is a myth and stems from this idea that certain aspirations or wish fulfillments are out of reach and too unrealistic to be put into plan. so while everyone else is doing only what's within their reach thinking things can't get any better for them, pisces is dreaming big and this is where people can often confuse delusion with staying optimistic. How wise would it be to call someone "stupid" or "an escapist" because they're choosing to see the bright side of a situation or not succumbing to negative emotions? Not very wise at all right? Out of every zodiac sign I would argue that pisces is the most likely to recover from difficult times Because the benefics always keep them in good spirit
• drug addicts (i just wanna say that if you've ever gotten a paid reading from an astrologer who has said up out their mouth that "pisces is the most suspectible to drug and alcohol abuse," you have been scammed and should request your money back, these astrologers either think that pisces is ruled by neptune or they think having pisces placements is the same as having 12th house placements, ps: it is NOT the same and they CERTAINLY do not make you more artsy, dreamy and whatever other terms ppl use to deem pisces.) the 12th house is where you can see some unhealthy habits and addictions, that is true but once again pisces does not rule over the 12th house nor does pisces get its meaning from this house and anyone that told you otherwise lied 💞
• poor self esteem (I'm not even about to dignify this imbecilic talking point with a lengthy response 💀 if pisces was a sign with poor self esteem, the sign wouldn't be comfortable in the planet that literally rules over our values and self esteem, 'venus' lol)
• compulsively lie ( one more attribute that came from neptune. I'm not gonna say pisces is perfect but alot of these stereotypes aren't really aligning with jupiterian and Venusian energy) you wouldn't lie to a person that you truly love (venus) and you wouldn't be able to easily fool someone who is wise(Jupiter) does that make better sense to yall??) Why do you think it makes sense for a zodiac sign that's notorious for their contempt of lies and deceit(Scorpio) to be compatible with a sign that modern astrology famously dubs as "liars" that doesn't make sense either does it? Of course not, cause it's not true lmao, every sign is capable of lying.
Summary: Once you register through your mind that there is no connection between pisces and neptune in astrology, everything that you've learned about pisces through western astrology and their antics automatically vanishes or becomes null and void. There is (and ima highlight 'no' in bold just so yall know how serious i am) NO reason to believe that the oldest sign of the zodiac on record pisces is gullible, stupid, a liar or any of the things I mentioned in the bulletpoints. The infantalizing of pisces in astrology MUST stop and I will do everything my power to make sure it does and that this knowledge reaches everyone, *mic drop*
that's all, hope thiz helps xx
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fob4ever · 1 year
pete, patrick & andy on elvis duran 3.24.23
one time during a snl performance they were jumping around so much that it shook all the snl sets because they didnt know they were all connected lol
patrick talks about early days fob, how he never expected fob to be anything more than a side project for pete & andy bc they were in bigger bands at the time. he didnt even expect it to last the summer!
andy: “i can see into the future so i knew.”
interview: “[when touring] do you keep away from each other or spend a ton of time together?” andy: “all of that. seriously. we know when to stay away, we still hang out, we go to movies together, we get food together but also have our separate time.”
patrick talks about how it took a while to understand anger/frustration of people in the band “it’s like, ‘is pete mad at me?’ no! he’s frustrated with something.” talks about how theres not a lot of leaving the room and going “what was up with HIM???” anymore. “you know what everybody’s feeling, it’s kind of intuitive now.”
pete likes how genre-less music is nowadays
interviewer asks if pete gets opinions from his kids re: fob music. pete: “they give a lot of feedback, in general. [...] i don't take all of their advice, i don't let them a&r all of the songs, but they're pretty good at it.”
patrick does a johnny carson impression (bc andy quoted a line from a skit.. cute)
patrick talks about feeling like an older brother/”parental” when ppl injure themselves at shows now “i hope they’re okay! don’t break something!”
patrick: “i think i sleep so much less now than i ever used to... with kids, and i'm a little bit of a workaholic so when im not on stage im doing other things. i need to relax a bit i think.”
patrick [on working with neal avron again]: “it's like going back to your childhood home, but now you can drink.”
pete talks about how nihilism can be paralyzing for him, and how he sometimes doesn’t want to do anything because of it, but he feels that “life is short, so you gotta do a lot of stuff, you gotta make friends, do crazy things, make art... you just have to do things, and that’s important.”
patrick: “that was a heavy answer!”
pete: “life lessons are not meant to be [p&p in unison] light...”
interviewer asks how joe is! patrick: “he's good. i talked to him yesterday. i think its tough for him because he knows that he has to do it, but then he also hates not being here. it's difficult for him but he needed it. i think it's great to check in with him because he's just so excited to get back to it.” joe <3
interviewer asks about social media, and how it affects them because their radio station can get a bad tweet/review and it affects them badly, how does fob deal with it?  
patrick: “i left. that's one of the reasons why i left. it just became this wild place for a little while [...] i'm also one of those people [that puts] it all into music, so i can't really communicate through other things."
pete pulls his sleeve down over his hand to sneeze into it. i just thought it was endearing lol
pete is pro-tiktok. he likes that people takes it and makes it their own through remixes/memes 
suddenly! someone’s phone goes off. their ringtone is “fake out”. patrick gets SO excited he cuts the interviewer off mid question- “is that someone’s ringtone?! that makes me so happy! :D” he talks about how he never knows how the new stuff is going to be recieved so hearing it as someone’s ringtone made him super happy :D
AI talk in music (this kills the man --> me)
patrick: "i will say that if a song doesn't go over really well, and it's really hard to sing, i'm like: 'we don't HAAAVE to do that one, right?!'"
patrick: "we made [folie a deux] with neal avron and it was very experimental and we were pushing things and seeing what we could do, but we as a band at that time were very fractured and all over the place... i had this wanderlust to get back in the studio with [neal] now, because we are a such different band of people at this point. we get on so much better, we communicate better- both interpersonally and musically, so i was like, 'i would like to see that again'. [...] andy, you said it was like 'superpowers' we all have superpowers now. so i feel like the sound of this record is really just us actualised as us, at the height of our power.” (they say that last bit together : ) )
pete: “this is a record where we were able to realize that, 'oh! guitars are happening, and there's this fest happening in vegas, mgk, all these things...' and my friend was like, 'you guys should just do swgd part 2!' and i remember thinking, 'we absolutely have to NOT do that.' but we've got to do something that's adjacent, something that reminds everyone of fall out boy and i think with this record we've blended all of the eras of fall out boy together.”
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I’ve been struggling how to word this, and I’m sure it sounds terrible, but I don’t have much sympathy for de trans ppl. I’m not saying they deserve it or that I’m happy some suffered, especially if they’re young but it’s really difficult to hold sympathy and concern when most trans ppl are very obnoxious and delusional. Let me explain: I have a lot of trans friends that it’s very difficult to get them to listen and they’re very stuck in their mindset. I know a guy who looks like a man, calls himself nonbinary and has said he uses the woman bathroom. He takes estrogen and use to have a big beard. I asked him why he wasn’t shaving before and he said his beard doesn’t cause him dysphoria….it seems like a lot of trans ppl are very narcissistic and don’t listen anyway. It’s like when you’re trying to help someone and they keep rejecting you and falling deeper. I am worried one of my friends will definitely de transition in the future, and by then well, it’s gonna be too late, the testosterone has done its damage and she will suffer. I read the de trans subreddit, and I do feel sorry for some and most talk about isolating themselves from family and friends. sorry this is getting long. I feel bad about it, and I’m trying to hard to emphasize but many trans ppl make it difficult. It feels like a massive “I told you so” situation. Please give me advice on how to develop a kinder understanding so I can stop feeling guilty…..
So I wanted to take my time to answer this one because I think this taps into an especially heinous thing the modern left + social media has done to people and it’s the belief that a good person has endless empathy for everyone always and has special empathy for marginalized people.
But here’s the truth. You literally aren’t built for it. At the most basic psychological level you are not designed to have deep empathy for strangers. Your brain has a hierarchy of how much you care about others and a healthy mind prioritizes the people closest to you. More importantly, love and empathy are finite. You actually do have a limit on how many people you can truly care about. That’s not my opinion it’s proven science. We have a literal number (I think it’s about 80).
So it’s a beautiful thing when we care about people outside of our circle. It’s even more beautiful when we care about people far away that aren’t like us. But it’s beautiful precisely because it isn’t natural. It’s a conscious effort to care enough about earthquake victims on the other side of the planet to donate and raise awareness.
My point being that it’s okay that you don’t overflow with love for a group that is hostile towards you AND is full of narcissistic trenders. You can have sympathy for the people that regret surgery without absolving them. And maybe I intuitively understood this because I had to love so many addicts growing up. But empathy doesn’t mean never holding people accountable. It breaks my heart that my aunt has emphysema but she brought that fate on herself, one cigarette at a time. You can have sympathy for people with genuine dysphoria and still think they’re deluded. You can have sympathy for people that were brainwashed as kids and still expect them to examine their values. And you can think others are just self absorbed assholes. You can condemn the patriarchy for convincing so many young that they are worthless that they are choosing the Trans man path and still hold them accountable for throwing around homophobic slurs. You can have sympathy for trans women that are fighting sepsis from bottom surgery and still regard most of them as sex pests.
Empathy is finite. It is not on or off. It is not something we owe to a person because they are struggling.
Treat the people around you with kindness and respect. Pour your energy into a few meaningful things instead of dozens of empty ‘causes’. Torturing yourself over if you feel nice enough on the inside is so…Catholic. It’s female socialization.
Breathe. You’re a good person.
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dnpbeats · 3 months
Just going a little more into the whole thing about understanding young dnp differently now that we have the whole story, something else I have been thinking about so much is queer rights movements and legislation in the uk. Im a good decade younger than them, when gay marriage was legalised I was 12. I was old enough to understand what it was, but i didnt really have any sort of understanding of how it affected me bc i hadnt even started to figure out who i was yet. To me it feels like so long ago, i feel like ive always had it, which is an immense privelage. But dan and phil were not only already in their mid twenties and in a 5 year strong relationship, they already had an active career on youtube. Watching ditl in london, that was the year gay marriage was legalised in the uk. That was who they already were as people and as creators. I cant imagine what it would have been like when the bill passed. They were still so closeted, but that was also such a big win for them and the whole community. I wonder if at the time it still seemed like such a far fetched thing anyway, bc i cant imagine they were even close to wanting to come out yet. Idk if they thought at that point they ever would. And then i think about the fact that they had been in a committed relationship for 5 years at that point. I cant imagine what it would be like to be with my self-proclaimed 'soulmate' and know that you can not legally recognize your relationship. To not know if you ever would. Which then makes sense as to why its not necessarily a priority for them now. Idk, its like you said. Its strange and a little sad to know now who they were then, but in the end it all worked out. They made it to the other side and i could not be happier for them.
oh wow yeah!! im about the same age as you I think, and yes it was much the same for me in the sense that I was aware of same-sex marriage legislation being passed but I had no real grasp on like, what that actually meant for people lol. this got me curious so I went back and tried to see if they ever even talked about same-sex marriage being legalized in the UK. from what I can see they didn't tweet about it at all, and im assuming they didn't make any other statements about it? then in 2015 when it was legalized in the US, they did both tweet, but quite impersonally (I mean I get why im not saying they should've been making grand statements or anything like that). like even setting their relationship aside for a moment, I can imagine it was incredibly difficult for them as two closeted gay men to navigate how to address things like this publicly—obviously when it came to the UK they didn't even address it at all. but im sure it was a huge deal for them to see it legalized just in the sense of what it represents. but even with this landmark that represented lgbtq+ ppl being more generally accepted, they were still closeted, so there was only so much they could say. like I would love to know their thoughts that they couldnt express in 2013/2014/2015 on what it meant to them! but also how it affected them that they couldnt share their thoughts
but then yeah I do wonder how it was for them in the context of their relationship. bc like before it wasn't even a possibility that they could get married. and then they did have the option, but actually not really because they were still closeted, so even if they wanted to they still technically couldnt without outing themselves. but obviously just knowing you now have the option when you couldnt before meant a lot to them im sure
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alloutofgoddesses · 2 days
- Okay I avoided everything but the stills for the most part so I am Nervous but going in as blind as I can
- The ads shut the fuck up ads the fire fam is waiting for me
- this is rough and w just started
- Helena and Ramon I will get you
- I mean he’s not wrong but I still hate him
- Hi Maynard
- Oh god Athena can we just let other ppl do their jobs
- An “Ay, Dios” at least a apart of my prayer of “Eddie speaks more Spanish” has been answered
- Oh god
- Athena put the gun back oh my god
- Who is Polly Martin
- Why are you here though
- You could have like knocked
- Where’s Harry also
- MADDIE HAN!!!!!!!!!
- At least we have one person making it out of this episode mostly unbothered
- Also Hen Chim bestieism
- Athena is DEFINITELY the danger right now
- Leave him ALONEEEEEE
- Yeah he’s a travel nurse
- Can we all do a quick prayer circle for the demise of this fuck ass bob
- Oh boy oh boy
- This is the reason Eddie doesn’t speak more Spanish bc the writers room is writing this shit instead
- Oh my god and bringing Herman in
- Over it over it over it
- Why do ppl keep projecting themselves onto Amir
- I hope he makes it out of this and changes his name and moves to the middle of the woods
- Let’s all leave Amir alone okay
- Athena are you for real right now
- Okay Mrs. Bobby Nash does kind of eat but really
- Really
- Setting a fire when there are still people inside
- Really
- Hi 133
- Amir now is the time! Leave! Go into witness protection so ppl will leave you ALONE
- Yeah Bobby’s fine
- Buck wouldn’t go have a date if he wasn’t
- Hi Bobby welcome back your wife went a little insane
- Hi Karennnn
- Madney side eye
- Oooooo they’re so gonna foster Mara until Henren can take her back
- And Phillip SUCKS ASS
- Sure bud
- Why? Would you want? Girl what
- He’s so weird. I’m so sorry but he keeps being so weird
- Ughhhhhhh hate this hate this
- I totally get it but why THEM Chris
- Hi Harry!
- Hi May!
- Aaawwwwww
- The little head shake oh god
- That’s his SOUL I’m gonna lose it
- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
- Augh
- Can this please be the start of MaddieKaren bestie time PLEASE
- I will accept it since he talked Bobby into not retiring
- oh god this is gonna be a MESS
- I hope it’s resolved by the end of the first episode of the season bc I don’t know how much Gerrard I can take
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msookyspooky · 1 year
Not gonna lie. All the posts about Billy and Stu w/ kids, and the recents gifs of Bo Sinclair got me wondering what the Sinclairs as dads would be like😂.
Sinclair Brothers as Dad's
TW: Mentions of past abuse, corporal punishment and trauma
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- A giant kid himself
- No rules other than be respectful and nice towards ppl bc yes you can eat Chocolate bars for breakfast or play in mud but you are still gonna have some Southern Manners and Good Morals
- Teaches them how to skin dead animals and make bone jewelry from roadkill at a very questionably young age
- Constantly cracking out the knock knock jokes and Dad jokes
- Is the most emotionally understanding with his kids when they're angry or sad
- Rarely gets mad but when he does he's more likely to walk away and take a breather. Even if he does ever yell, he'll apologize and take them out for ice cream to make up for it
- Makes his babies his whole world
- Plays hide and seek and tag with his kids instead of just supervising
- Has candybars in his truck for all occasions
- Shamelessly does fashion shows or plays make beileve with his kids no matter how silly
- Has a song he made up specifically for them
Vincent Sinclair:
- The least emotional of all his brothers and can come off detatched as a Dad
- Doesn't always know the right things to do for them emotionally and any tantrums has him at a loss bc it reminds him of his childhood watching Bo and how his parents handled it
- Instructs them and teaches them things more than plays
- When he does play its more along the lines of hide and seek or board games
- Would let his kids wear whatever they want.
- Never forces them to express themselves if they don't want to; he understands completely
- Loves seeing them have creative outlets
- Has craft day where he just pushes projects aside and creates things with them as much as they want.
- Teaches them sign language (Even if it's not offical ASL and just a made up Sign language he learned himself) so they can communicate better
- Rarely lets even his children see his face and tries to hide the 'monster' from them from under the mask
- Would probably cry if one of his kids ever hugged him w/o his mask on
- Would never ever make his children think they're anything but beautiful bc to him they are beautiful
Bo Sinclair:
- The most hard to pinpoint of all his brothers bc he has a bad and good side to him as a Dad and can go from one extreme to the next
- Refuses to parent how his parents did when it comes to tying them down or playing favorites if it's more than one.
- Tries to not parent like his parents at all but his emotional rages he's prone to can make it hard sometimes. If he ever yells and sees tears in his little ones eyes he's instantly on his knees apologizing and begging them to not be scared of him. He remembers what it was like to be scared in his own home and he vows to never make his babies feel like that
- Would never use a high chair EVER
- Sad to say because of how he was raised its 50/50 if he'd repeat the abuse or refuse if his kid pisses him off. I vote TRY not to just because his kid would be his everything. He is also raised Southern and old fashioned so he would definitely threaten ass whoopin's in his house when they keep pushing it. But 9 times out of 10 it never happens and if it did he'd secretly feel horrible a few days afterwards and if he feels bad enough/it was harsh enough he'll talk to them about how sorry he is it got to that point but trying to also make them understand they gotta learn boundaries and to respect people. A kid is just a giant learning curve for him. Him and the kid are learning together.
- Has trauma responses to them throwing tantrums bc yes he knows what it's like but it also reminds him of how his parents handled it so he probably encourages his kids to go outside and scream their heads off till they don't have anger any more. Anything but hearing and seeing them act like he did and bringing all that back.
- Is strict but also spoils them rotten.
- Will give them 'the look' to make them mind in public. That usually straightens his kid up so he can spoil them any other time.
- Is very physically affectionate to his kids. It's something he didn't get growing up and craves so he naturally hugs and kisses and tickles and wrestles with his children daily
- God help any kid that bullies his kid. He'd definitely teach his kids how to fight. His child would be more in trouble for not standing up for themselves than fighting.
- Let's them control the radio while he tinkers on cars.
- Going for a drive and then to get a hamburger at some Drive in has become a regular Sunday thing
- Watches tv with them with a beer in his hand and a root beer in theirs, dog in between them. (He's just creating a mini Bo; congrats Vince you got two of them bossing.)
- Let's his kids help lure victims and is proud when they do a good job (Bad parenting Bo Bad!)
- Does the girl voices for Barbies and just about kills Vincent and Lester when they tape record him; running away wheezing with laughter.
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Run Ghost Run 9
A03 Master Prev Next
Tim talks to Danny. Jason makes progress with Danny.
The traffic light café was good as a place as any. Really Danny wasn’t picky. He didn’t know the area or what else was around.
The café took its name seriously. The entire cafe looked like someone barfed up red, yellow, and green. Tables and chairs clash against each other. The only normal part of the whole café was where you ordered. A standard corner counter. Coffee machines and flavoring on the wall. Cash register upfront.
They sectioned off the tables from where you ordered with rope barriers.
The cash register was oddly placed. Scooted at the edge on the opposite side. A special menu has plenty of room up front. It’s like they fully expected someone to grab it and run.
The colors made him think of that kid, Robin.
Right now, the café was empty. Drinks sat on the counter a few iced drinks and hot drinks in to-go cups his best guess would be mobile orders. The mug is probably a worker's drink. The café had just opened. So, it was around 6 am.
The cashier had rushed to the back to grab the till. Left him all alone up front. That was until he felt a chill.
He felt it even before the bell rang. Another contaminated. A guy with black hair and blue eyes. Just a tad taller than him. He wasn’t sure why. But the guy looked at him as if he knew him. It gave him stalker vibes.
You know that second-look type thing. Except his posture stayed the same and his head didn’t move. Either this guy is very good at concealing his emotions or Danny was being paranoid again.
Considering everything that moved seemed to set him off. The latter was more likely. At this point, he just needed to expect everyone to set off his radar.  
Danny planned to keep his order simple. No sugary concoction just an iced americano and a croissant. Nothing too awful. Honestly, who knows? It could cause gut problems. Coffee was not the best thing to be having. He didn’t care. Caffeine was essential.
He could feel the guy behind him still.
He was a weird one. Offering to pay for his items albeit forcefully. The dude came in front of him slamming a card down. Which was nice and all. This guy was just a tad bit intense. You didn’t do that back in Amity. Everyone in amity knew one another. You only bought things for friends and ppl you cared about. Not for some rando.
The guy introduced himself, Timothy Drake, call him Tim. He looked like he needed a nap, maybe a full night of sleep. His bags had bags. Getting coffee wouldn’t help that. Danny shouldn’t judge to harshly seeing as he was doing the same thing. The dude got 5 shots of espresso in a mug. The way the lady taking orders looked at him made it seem like a frequent order.
Tim kept trying to make conversation while they were waiting. Danny was hardly paying attention to him. Just enough to not be rude. He did buy his drink after all. When Danny had his drink, he had gone towards the exit. Danny stopped in his tracks to turn and face Tim. There is no way he just said he jumped out a window to get coffee.
“You… jumped out a window??? For coffee” He was not ready for what Tim had to say next
“Sneaking out of windows is my thing. Used to use them to go look for Batman and Robin.”
This guy was a whole different breed. He was essentially admitting to stalking them. How else would he know all these stories about Batman and Robin? There was no other explanation he was certainly way too old to be Robin and wasn’t the same build as Batman. Definitely a stalker.
The stories he had about them while impressive, the good in Gotham and all. It sounded like they cared a lot about Gotham. Heros themselves seemed to be attached to the government. Now he was most likely a wanted fugitive.
So that’s a no from him.
Jason has been doing his best to avoid his family. He’s seen the messages on the chat. There is no way he’s admitting that what happened to the replacement and Damian happened to him.  He would ignore the whole glowing green situation.
No involvement from him.
Besides nothing has happened to him since then. He doesn’t want to deal with their constant worry and attempts would surely happen to keep him in. Jason did not have to follow orders from Bruce.
The bats had been busy handling the batgirl crises to get on his case. Jason wouldn’t be surprised if they just forgot to turn their comms back on. Steph did fake her own death before.
Any situation those two got in. They could handle it. Regardless he had his own mess to handle right now. There was a new gang messing with his territory adding in the fact they’ve been using children; he’s got his work cut out for him.
Then the weird dreams of some lady in black. She always faded in and out from white to black. Jason noticed the little crown holding her veil up. One with little bats at the tips of the points. All saying a prince needed help. Without it, there would be consequences. It had been non-stop. The last few nights had been restless.
Red Hood still had to patrol despite these dreams. Make sure he didn’t lose any street credit.
He had been alerted to a kid being spit out by a shadow. Could very well be the one Duke saw. His first guess was a meta with some form of teleportation power. Potentially two working together. Worst case scenario kid got nabbed by a meta. Which just wouldn’t do.
No kids getting hurt on his turf. It’s a well-known rule. He always followed through.
Potential metas in Gotham are not great. Nothing against the superpowered. It’s just that if they are easily manipulated or misled, they would end up as pawns. That would be bad for all parties involved. Gotham likes to twist and corrupt people.
If someone got their hands on a meta kid, it could be disastrous. Depending on the control of his powers he could injure someone or reveal his powers to the wrong person. Traffickers were still out in Gotham some prepared for metas. Who’s managed to get a hold of power suppressants.
He’s cleaned the streets of the worst of them. More always just showed up. Metas and children would be best to stay away from crime alley. He’d have to handle this efficiently.
Plan was simple. Get to the alley he was last spotted. Begin to search for him. Then one of two things. Ensure the kid safely got out of Gotham or take care of a potential trafficker and get the kid out of Gotham. The unlikely chance the kid wasn’t running from something and got displaced from his family. Jason would help get them reunited.
Scouting out for the kid was easy. He noticed him from the roof. Only for the kid to whip his head right at him. The best even scrounged up his nose as if he caught a wiff of something disgusting.
Look like he was going to have to act. If the kid spotted him following him would yield no results. Seeing as the kid was out alone no one in sight. Approaching may just work. With the shadow report in mind, he was going to have to watch his back. I’m the chance a shadow launched itself at him. He had a bright light on him. Light makes shadows stop, who knows it could have the same properties.
The closer he got he could see the kid had just checked out as well and the closer the temperature dropped.
Only jolting when he landed in front of him. Falling straight on his butt as a reaction.
Jason was able to look him over. It was the same kid from the library. The photo did not do justice to the kid’s injuries. His eye was dark more swollen the marks on the wrist looked far worse. The sweatshirt had rolled up from the fall.
The rope burns on his wrist were red and bruised. The very edges were puffy and a deep red line through the center. Cuffs had cut into the right where the burns were. Less then a week. His eye was swollen with deep red bags underneath them. Danny if he recalls the name properly was ghostly pale.
This was done against his will. Kid fought back causing the fallout to be worse. Someone purposely bound him. Jason had no doubts. Whoever hurt the kid had done so intentionally. Barbara had relayed the ecto acts to them and how to find them.
He looked them up. Pain to find.
Read them.
They needed to go.
Everything pointed to Danny running away. Which is expected when someone has the injuries he has. Having a full bag meant he knew there was a chance it was going to happen or had outside help.
The fall he took most of set off a hidden injury. He could smell iron in the air. Somewhere the kid was bleeding. And it had to be a lot. There was no playing nice. Danny was a flight risk. Jason had to change his stance in preparation for him to flee. The brat kept playing off the injury with a simple it will heal. Yea no. He heard the kid wince.
Danny was getting medical attention and protection. If the government was after him claiming, he was un-sentient and unable to feel pain he wasn’t going back. They were fooling themselves to get away with sentencing an entire species to experimentation or eradication.
He went to grab the kid. Only for his hand to phase through him. Danny looked like he was flickering going from translucent to fully visible. A meta maybe an alien, of some kind. If he listened to the government likely an ecto entity. It tracked. The research and running were factors in favor of him being an ecto entity.
As Danny moved so did the chill. Tracking his movement was easier with that. A second attempt for the same result. Where his hand had gone through was freezing. It had to be at least 5 degrees cooler than everywhere else.
He followed until he went through a building. One after another. When he lost sight, he tried to follow the chill in the air. Only for no luck to be had.
The rest of the patrol was searching. No luck. He was about ready to text the chat. Then Dick texted.
He had eyes on him.
Only for said brat to jump off the roof.
Jason was hoping he used his powers to land in the sewers below Gotham. Now Jason should have informed the chat about the intangibility. Confirm the suspicions of him being a Meta. Given he disappeared from the ground he’s sure they know that part. The intangibility part is probably not. The running theory in the chat was teleportation. Jason didn’t buy that. The kid ran from him through the buildings and didn’t disappear in the shadows. There could be limitations on his powers making it only useable so often so he couldn’t fully dismiss it.
If he did text the chat, it's headache city. He’d get lectured for ghosting them and he didn’t want to deal with that. Then chewed out for not reporting his encounter with Danny earlier. Besides Jason wanted to get Danny first.
The others were a bit much.
So here he was out in Gotham midafternoon. It’s not like he had a day job. His plan was to stake out the area to see if he could spot him. Walking around as Jason Todd. He had a bag with a mask and a red jacket. If he ran into him, he’d try the Red Hood first. Maybe a less intense approach. Not so grabby. Mention he is a crime lord. That way the kid would at least know he had nothing positive with the government. If anything, he was a wanted man.
Jason didn’t have all the facts. Enough to know the kid had every right to be wary of anything government related. He’d end up trusting a criminal much quicker than any government official. Although loose as they were the bats and birds had connections. They could be found online. The kid is obviously trying the whole solo thing. It couldn’t last forever.
The intangibility would be a problem. Perhaps the flickering wasn’t normal. He seemed to struggle through it. His breathing had picked up. Throughout the encounter, the temperature was constant. If he went closer the temp dropped. Thermals may come in handy in a search. He’d go that route if he failed to find him. There is always the chance the kid got spooked and ditched town.
For now, walking by back alleys would be his best bet.
Jason heard it before he saw it. The sounds of a mugger demanding money from someone. Then the sounds of a body falling on the ground. The same voice that lied about being fine was now complaining about spilling his new iced americano.
Was the kid a coffee addict like the replacement?
Grabbing his mask and jacket. He walked into the alley. It was a small space. About the width of two cars. A full dumpster in the alley. Behind the kid, there was a guy in a mask unconscious. The dude got what he deserved and was drenched in coffee. He’d take care of him after he dealt with the brat. Danny himself didn’t look so good.
He was sitting on the ground against the wall. Arm positioned over his stomach. Pain is evident even with his eyes closed. Much like their first meeting. Considering Danny hadn’t noticed him. This time he stood a chance. Danny looked like he was about to pass out. Could be as easy as grabbing the child.
The kid seemed to slump. Jason got directly in front of him with no reaction. Did he pass out?
Perfect time to try just grabbing him. No reaction when he touched his shoulders. He could be seriously injured even if he didn’t see them right off the back. He’s guessing he jolted the kid wrong when getting him in position. He was met with a bite on his shoulder. It went through his jacket.
Jason is positive he heard Danny hissing as well.
“This is the worst kidnapping attempt. 0 out 10” That opened a whole new line of questions.
“You’re the one passed out in an alley next to a mugger.”
Jason could hear the disappointment in Danny’s words “That was good coffee too.”
“Gonna run the minute I put you down or just plan to go intangible again.”
The air around them got colder than it had been. His foot especially. Huh. Not just intangibility. The brat froze his boot to the ground. Not that well, if he wanted, he could just pull his foot out.
“How about you just let me down and chill out.” Dick would like this kid.
“You need medical attention” Jason had an idea “If you’d rather ill call an ambulance, they get close and ill ditch. Don’t want any run-ins with the authorities myself.”
“NO. No cops no ambulances.” There was worry laced in his voice. He could work with this.
“Cool. We can just hang out here then” Kid wasn’t going to get out without using his abilities. He hadn’t yet so it seemed less and less likely.
“I’m fine” The go-to saying.
“Three choices. Me the crime lord, the ambulance, or we can stand here indefinitely. I’m sure one of those vigilantes will show their faces.”
“a crime lord?” The voice he spoke in led Jason to believe this might just work out.
“yup” Plain and simple. It was silent for about five or so minutes when the kid finally spoke.
“Fine. I’ll go with you. No cop or those weird vigilantes”
The ice disappeared and Jason let him down. He was happy to relieve him of his bag. Little incentive to have him not run. Danny was pouting and annoyed at the situation. Complaining that he was fine. The go-to lie. That he could carry his bag and walk just fine. Then dropped like a sack of rocks. Jason may have underestimated how badly he was injured. Getting him to a safe house would be simpler at least.
Once he was back in a safe-house kid passed out on the couch. He looked him over for any major injuries. Kid's torso was wrapped completely in bandages, the wrist burn he was aware of, and only several small surface-level wounds, which he tended to. Jason wasn’t going to do anything too invasive. The brat would no doubt run if he did. Its not like he would be able to keep him in the room easily. Intangibility and all, not to mention the ice powers.
He supposed it was time to hop back in the chat.
Red Hood: kids a meta who goes intangible and has some form of ice power.
Nightwing: Where have you been?
Nightwing: How do you know
Red Hood: met him obviously.
Robin: I wish to gather the knowledge of why we turned green. He fled the previous attempt.
Red Hood: so your saying the kid on the run. Likely has a government agency after him and you guys approached as a vigilante?
Nightwing: technically
Red Robin: i said he’d run
Red Hood: Kids going to be terrified of you guys. Be real with yourselves and think for a second.
Red Hood: whose the kid going to trust? The crime lord or the vigilantes.
Red hood: don’t answer. Seeing as he’s on my couch now.
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ariscats · 7 months
Averyjameson in the brothers hawthorne
A big, big, part of both of their characters is how they change once a game steps in, SPECIALLY Jameson. Jameson is describe with having a major laser focused on games and anything that comes around with it (and occasionally a laser focus on Avery too) and so is Avery (but i would say that Jamesons is stronger than hers). So is not out of character or anything that there wasnt any big love demonstrations scenes, bc they were both focused on the game and their relationship just got sided way, which is normal in long term relationships. (the closer we get to see their “normal” state is at the start when they are at falls, but even then its not the normal normal bc Jameson is freaked out abt Prague)
But is not bc there isnt big scenes btw them that there wasnt any, they were just rl small scenes that show how both of them love each other, but again, this is normal in a long term relationships. Jameson love language is physical touch, Avery’s is quality time and words of affirmation, and throughout the book we see, over and over, small scenes were those traits show up.
Relationships arent only made of big gestures, but also everyday small ones. I think ppl forget that the super-date Jameson planed Avery wasn’t for a normal Wednesday, it was her birthday. It was a occasion that basically required a big gesture. And all of the “big love speech’s” that they gave each other were only made bc they were fighting (they literally only said those things to solve the fight, not bc they dint meant it but bc the occasion required them). In tbh, there was not birthday, not fight, just them living their life.
Their relationship and the love dint change from tfg to tbh, but the context and themselves changed. They werent teenagers living in the Hawthorne House with the rest of the characters anymore. A year had pass (lets ignore the fact that they dint got older and lets focus on the maturity and experience level here), they were traveling the world together, alone, and done lots of things and taken all kind of risks. Jameson passed, what ill assume is, a traumatizing situation in Prague (for the way he talks abt it) and Avery got a super job and started to form the base of what will probably be the rest of her life. They were at the top of the world and everyone knew abt the Hawthorne name after Averys donation found. They changed, a LOT, but the very core of their relationship dint.
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1eos · 4 months
I’m actually so insanely sick watching “democrats” and liberals and late night show hosts talking about Biden like he’s our savior against trump and being made to feel guilty when I say what’s the point in voting, because when it’s Kids in cages everyone is, RIGHTFULLY, enraged but when it’s Palestinian children dying from US provided military arms, when it’s the US vetoing ceasefires, it’s VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHAT. So attractions are only atrocities if the other side commits them in office? At what point will white liberals realize the old farts they’ve put into office are just conservatives with blue paint???? Sorry I’m just so so upset about all of this and want to scream at my democrat friends who are telling me to vote blue even after all this…
alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll of this. its actually very very disturbing. like the average democrat can't actually understand that human rights violations are bad unless a republican is in office when they're enacted? like if trump were president he would be giving aid to isntreal and all the ppl who are acting like biden can't be criticized would be raining down entreaties on trump. its been obvious for the past decade or so but the american two party system is just picking which vernacular you want your fascism to be loaded with. our current foreign policy is even more barbaric than when trump was in office but now its wrapped up in rhetoric that's only quietly racist and zionist. enough so that white ppl who want to feel good abt themselves and believe theyre committed to social justice can blow genuine concerns off as 'fear mongering' or being a 'psyop'. i just saw something the other day where someone asked a biden official what they had to say abt arab american voters and the bitch said some shit abt how isntreal has a right to defend itself??????? and if that isnt deranged and evil enough the vote blue no matter what dipshits will deadass look u in your face and act like blue is the better option. huh???????? the american voting system is the epitome of illusion of choice bc you're getting fascism regardless
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