hazel-wand · 1 year
Happy New Year, everyone. May 2023 treat us all kindly.
In celebration of the new year, I have two fic recs. I read both of these in the last couple of days. They're fairly different, but both great reads that feel like Stucky classics.
This is a post WS domestic fic that is lightish on the angst and features beautiful rapport between Bucky and Steve. Their getting together feels inevitable and right, and yet also a little like a dare that neither of them wants to back out of. There are flashback snippets that show the evolution of their relationship, and the kind of writing that sometimes makes you stop and reread a line just to marvel at how perfect it was.
My second rec is a modern childhood friends reunited AU. Again, there's tragic back story aplenty and yet it's dealt with in a way that, even though Steve and Bucky have each done their share of wallowing in sorrow, the story does not. It's hopeful and fluffy and sweet, and makes teacher training sound far less stressful than it actually is. It's also left me thinking about the concept of home, and the people, places, traditions and experiences that build our understanding of home. I'm one of those people who straddles places and sometimes I don't quite feel I belong anywhere. This story helped with that feeling this year.
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god i can’t believe ive waited this long to read fenario it’s sooooo good 😩
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booksandabeer · 2 months
Celebrating 10 Years of CA:TWS — A Stucky Rec List
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Rec list for the CA:TWS 10th Anniversary Event @catws-anniversary (thank you so much for organizing this event! 💙) | Prompt: Memories
10 years, huh? 10 years of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. 10 years of what many—myself included—still consider to be the best MCU movie ever made.
But also 10 years of post-TWS fanfiction. 10 years of Bucky Barnes Recovering and Steve Rogers' Sadness Errands; of Up All Night to Get Bucky and Revenge Road Trips; of Winter Soldier Trauma Umbrellas and Everybody Needing A Goddamn Hug; of Good Bros and Soft Epilogues. 10 years and tens of thousands of Steve/Bucky fics later, here we are.
So, to mark the occasion, let's take a trip down memory lane and celebrate the movie and the stories it inspired: One fic from each year since it all began:
There's really only one rule here: All fics are set before, during, or after the events of CA:TWS and/or reimagine its plot in interesting ways. Naturally, many of the fics on this list are post-TWS canon divergent, but I tried to go for a nice variety of length, genre, and popularity to keep it interesting. Speaking of popularity, this is very much not intended as a round-up of ‘most popular fics of each year’ because—and I say this with all the love and respect in my heart for those stories and their authors—nobody needs a rec list for that, and I believe in spreading the love. Here we go:
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Poltergeists by enemyofrome | 17K, T
Author's summary: When the helicarriers blow up and the Winter Soldier goes on the run, he takes Steve with him. He's got a name written in Morse code on the inside of his arm, a ton of questions he doesn't know how to ask, and now, a new handler with absolutely zero sense of self-preservation to contend with. Life is hard. In which Bucky tries to figure out whether he's a human being, Steve does everything he can to keep from losing him again, and there are lots of explosions.
Starting off with one of the best versions of the 'Bucky didn't leave Steve, he took him with him after the Potomac' fics that were (and still are!) so popular post-TWS. This one stands out because of its fantastic beginning, its interesting take on how Bucky was broken and remade into the Winter Soldier, and because it allows both characters to be messy. It's a popular fanon trope that it's Steve who brings out a ruthless, almost vicious streak in Bucky, but here it's emphasized that this is very much a mutual thing. Just like Bucky, who's often afforded the "excuse" of still figuring out how to be a person again, Steve gets to be difficult here—without ever turning him into a stubborn asshole. They're both traumatized, and they're both allowed to show it and to lash out, including at each other. Also, this fic will give you capital-F Feelings about morse codes and apples. Believe me.
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sleepwalk back to the battle site by ftmsteverogers | 22K, T
Author's summary: “I’m going to track down every HYDRA agent that’s left,” Bucky says, buckling his gun deftly to his belt. “And then I’m going to kill them.” “Oh,” Steve says. “Come with me?” Bucky asks, dangerous hands tucked into his pockets.
A classic post-TWS fic that picks up right after the movie ends. Equal parts Revenge Roadtrip, Bucky Barnes recovering, and Steve Rogers being in urgent need of a good hug. This starts out intensely melancholic—Steve's despair and helplessness are palpable and there's a scene involving a drinking glass that still brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. Halfway through, the story changes pace and becomes much more action-heavy, but it still manages to allow space for the quiet, intimate moments between Steve and Bucky. They have both become sharp and deadly men, but they're also allowed to be soft with each other. Their coming together feels sweet and inevitable. I also really enjoyed the Steve characterization here. His absolute conviction that Bucky is still Bucky at his very core and always will be, but also his emotional and intellectual flexibility to adapt to this still-new-to-him, changed version of Bucky rang very true to me.   
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Surveillance by Sproings, 7K in 2 parts, G
Author's summary: If there are ears everywhere, that means it's somebody's job to listen. I hate my job.
Do you ever think about how SHIELD bugged Steves DC apartment and how horrible that was, but also...you're kind of curious what they might have overheard? Do you ever wonder about the people who listened in on his sad, lonely life? Well, here you go. An outsider POV fic told "through the ears" of an unnamed SHIELD agent assigned to spy on the private life of a man who doesn't really have much of one. The story begins just before IM3 and takes us all the way through the events of CA:TWS and beyond. It's clever, original and told with great empathy for both the subject under surveillance and the person carrying out that surveillance—who increasingly questions its purpose. Here's a small snippet to give you an idea of the fic's style:
He got a phone call, once. He put it on speaker, too, which was very exciting for me at the time. It was from an archivist at the Smithsonian. They seemed really surprised that he answered his own phone calls. The two of them talked for a long time about an exhibit the museum was planning. A very long time. As if one of them was starstruck, and the other was desperate for any kind of human interaction.
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What Gets You Through by velleities | 12K, M
Author's summary: For Steve, getting through each day is a process – one he’s currently failing at spectacularly. Feeling out of place in this brave new world, he hopes to find a home in Bucky, and looks for him with everything he’s got. But Bucky doesn’t want to be found, and when he does touch base with Steve, he never sticks around for long. Bucky has embraced the modern age, leaving Steve lagging behind – or so Steve believes, until Bucky shows him otherwise.
This post-TWS fic revolves around five encounters in liminal spaces, and each time Bucky has pieced himself back together again just a little more. Despite their increasingly longer and more honest conversations, and Bucky's incremental progress, he always disappears again, leaving Steve to grapple with his heartbreak. There are quietly gorgeous moments in this fic (the bus and the church in particular were my personal favorites) as well as wonderfully crafted characterizations. Bucky is initially portrayed as somewhat feral in some ways yet surprisingly well-adjusted in others, and I love that Steve can't help but be a little annoyed at that. However, it quickly becomes clear that, in good old Bucky Barnes fashion, much of it is really just a front put up for Steve's benefit...
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A Real Boy by itsnotbleak | 5K, T
Author's summary: It took the Winter Soldier three weeks to remember that human beings needed to sleep and eat. It took Steve far too long to realise the Winter Soldier was sleeping in his bed.
A wonderful, short-but-doesn't-feel-like-it fic (in the very best way) set immediately after CA:TWS, in which Bucky secretly and then soon not so secretly visits Steve in his apartment. Follow along as Bucky Barnes argues with his brain about sandwich toppings, the importance of a good night's sleep, and the necessity of personal hygiene. Also: how to best go about becoming a real boy (again). And who the hell is that Bucky guy anway? This is as soft and sweet a Bucky recovery fic as you're ever going to find. It's funny but not silly; sad in a way that all of these stories inherently are—because, well, these are some tragic boys—but not super angsty or depressing. A beautiful story with a lovely, hopeful ending.
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Savage God by PottersPink | 36K, M
Author's summary (abbr.): Past, present, future, Steve knows Bucky Barnes. It’s why he recognized him when he found him in that alley in April of 1942, even though Bucky was older, stronger, wearier; he called himself The Asset, and had a metal fucking arm. He flinched when Steve tried to touch him, and when Steve told him he loved him, his first response was to ask why. Seventy years later, Steve wakes up in the twenty-first century, and he doesn’t know whether to be heartbroken or hopeful when some of the things Bucky revealed to him in 1942 start falling into place.
An absolutely riveting AU that will have you on the edge of your seat the whole time. I'm itching to talk about it more but I cannot since it would mean spoiling the hell out of it. What I can say is that it's a very intriguing and clever exploration of what would happen if Steve knew about the future but without really knowing any of the details. How would it change the events of CA:TFA and CA:TWS, and how would it change Steve himself? I so very much appreciate this characterization of Steve as smart, competent, and unwavering with a hefty dose of no fucks left to give. This fic features some really nifty time travel and plotting, great action sequences and a very satisfying ending where certain people get their much-deserved comeuppance. Plus: Bonus Shrinkyclinks (kind of)!
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Charlie Lock by seapigeon | 105K, M (hard M)
Author's summary (abbr.): The Winter Soldier knows that sometimes, in order to make the kill, you must destroy what the Target lives for. Steve Rogers knows that he can't fight his captors. If he fights, they'll kill Bucky. But the price of his life is steep. Tony Stark has nothing left to live for, but he's needed. So all these miserable motherfuckers better stay alive, too. Clint Barton never expected to be a leader. But a leader he is, and no one else is going to die on his watch. --- A story in which the first wave of Project Insight succeeds, and the Avengers must pick up the pieces and find a way to stop Hydra from completing its work with Zola's algorithm.
This is not only the longest fic on this list, but also the angstiest one—by a mile, so please heed the tags. It's dark, disturbing, and brutal. However, it is neither relentless misery porn nor is it shocking for shock's sake, where everything is magically forgotten and/or healed the moment Steve and Bucky start kissing. Instead, the author puts these characters into an absolutely horrifying situation and then slowly, gently guides them out of it and into the light.
It's a Stucky fic but it's also a multi-POV ensemble piece featuring all the Avengers and other familiar faces. If you are someone who'll always be a little bitter about the unfulfilled promise of an Avengers found family, then this is for you. In this AU, they do not only fight together, but grow together in every way. They truly become a team, not just co-workers barely tolerating each other. The story takes its time exploring the characters and the group dynamics. Steve and Bucky are definitely at the center of the narrative but there is space here for every member of the team to grieve and adjust to the new reality and to find at least some measure of healing. It's a story about the meaning and the consequences of revenge, about hope and resilience, and about love in all its many forms. It also has one of the most satisfying title drops that will have you pump your fist in triumph when it happens. It's a tough read, but ultimately a very rewarding one.
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SPELEVINK by Ginny_Potter | 10K, G
Author's summary: Bucky’s back. He’s leaving me messages through IKEA plushies, Steve texts Sam. jesus christ, rogers, Sam texts back. Or, Bucky lives in an IKEA Tiny Apartment, Steve is a dancing monkey once again, and somehow they find their way back to each other.
This is an absolute DELIGHT of a fic that will have you alternately laughing out loud and crying quietly into your SVARTFIBBLA blanket (super-soft, recycled polyester, 47x63"). It's ‘crack treated seriously’ at its very best and a clear homage to the fandom classic Infinite Coffee… (that’s not a dig or a spoiler, the author says so in the author’s note).
Now if you know me, you’ll know that angst o’clock is my happy hour and I’m usually not very into these heavy-on the-humor quasi-absurdist fics (because I’m super special and not like all the other girls, obviously). But. I LOVED this story so, so much. It’s such a fun read—even when it makes you cry—and it really became one of those ‘huh, I guess I’m into this after all’ moments of joyful (self)discovery via fanfic for me. I never thought a pair of oven mitts could move me like that, and I'll never be able to walk into an IKEA again without muttering "F******!" under my breath (iykyk). Absolutely fantastic.
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a handful of dust by RecoveringTheSatellites | 20K, M
Author's summary: Steve looks for Bucky for a long time. But the thing is that Bucky doesn't get found, Bucky finds. Bucky always finds Steve. This takes a hard left after the Potomac and stumbles through the dark a lot after. Take a bit of running, the occasional synaptic misfire, the resurfacing of old memories, a dash or two of PTSD, and (eventually) a nice dose of action, stir, and serve over some unresolved issues.
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Honestly, the second paragraph up there perfectly sums up the story. It's a good ol' fashioned Bucky recovery fic with some angst, some action, and a whole lot of healing and devotion. Steve and Bucky get to be very sappy about each other, but also extremely Badass Battle Boyfriends™ when somebody threatens their hard-won happiness. Both are allowed to be messy, unstable, and very co-dependent.
This was the first time this author played in the Stucky sandbox and I mean it 100% as a compliment when I say that you can tell. This is someone with "fresh legs" diving headfirst and very deep into the Stucky trope pool and they're doing it with great relish and enthusiam. The result is a story that rejects some of the tried and true conventions of the post-TWS fanfic canon and lovingly embraces others, but that is definitely aware of and in dialogue with the body of work that came before it. Also, it's just a really fun read that gives these two the very soft ending they deserve.
Everybody is Supposed to be Dead by pollutedstar | 22K, M
Author's summary: In 1944, Bucky Barnes falls off a train into the Alps, missing and presumed dead. Months later, Steve Rogers nosedives a plane into the arctic. In 2010, the Winter Soldier project is uncovered by S.H.I.E.L.D., and Bucky Barnes is found alive. Three years later, Steve Rogers’ frozen body is found in the ocean.
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A really interesting AU and a fascinating exploration of what could’ve been; the impact it would’ve had on the events and characters if Bucky had been the one to be “found” first. How would it affect Steve to come back into a world where he isn’t quite so lonely and adrift, and where he does have the relief and reassurance of having Bucky by his side and at his back? How would that have changed the way he acted and reacted to this strange new world and the people and organizations trying to recruit him to their cause even though the ice hasn't even completely melted off his body yet?
There are a lot of astute and precise observations about characters like Tony, Natasha, and Clint in this story, and on top of that, it offers up some very compelling insights into Steve's conflicted and difficult relationship with his role as Captain America.
it's never over (hey orpheus) by romcommie | 12K WIP, 2/?, M
Author's summary: He remembers a song first and then everything else follows, burying him below. Or, Bucky Barnes pieces a life back together with a few choice verses, some duct tape and seventy years worth of spite. Steve Rogers tries very hard to relearn there's a life to be lived in the first place.
Ok, listen up, people! This is a WIP and there are only 2 chapters posted so far, but I haven't felt this absolutely bonkers excited about a post-CA:TWS fic in a long while. We're talking frothing at the mouth here. I have such a massive crush on this fic, it's a bit embarrassing, really. It's one of those fics where you know after just a few paragraphs that you're in very good, very competent hands. The wealth of historical and cultural detail; the way the story shifts/flips/flickers back and forth between time, perspective and narrative levels; the Bucky voice—it's all so well done! I'm so insanely excited to see where the author takes this!
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faithdeans · 1 year
fic recs let's gooo
these some of my personal favourite long-form/multi-chap fics
***please mind the tags! the horror fics are kinda fucked up and i know that isn't for everyone so just make sure you know what you're about to read ps i might make a separate list for other horror fics?***
under the cut because there are so many sorry and i added comments because i can't shut up apparently.
so, in alphabetical order....
The Cheapest Room In The House by biggaybenny [E | 89k]
what if instead of a very sincere and earnest love confession dean just found out cas was gay? no confession, no god-jack endgame. just post-s15 stupidity. just dean being deranged. the dean downloads grindr for cas fic
you know it, you love it. thee chaotic boy besties fic with parts that will also rip you open
Fenario by ftmsteverogers (@/sodomitecastiel) [E | 47k]
“We did good, Dean,” Sam says. “We got him back.” Dean huffs a hollow laugh, because yeah, that’s always what it’s about, isn’t it? Cas or Sam or Dean getting themselves lost or dead, and then taking turns dragging each other back from the brink. He shrugs, shoving his hands into his pockets. “We got him back, yeah,” he says. Sam nods, watching him. “So now what?”
once again you know it and you love it. THEE lake house fix it fic. also love that they are jewish and you can tell how much of the author's heart clearly went into this. one of those fics where it will ususpectingly knock you to your knees with a single sentence
Linden by fleeceframe (@/tasteslikevelvet) [E | 67k]
Castiel’s heart stumbles before he can stop it, before he can think about how pathetic that is. To think that every interaction the Swans have proceeds them, that everyone is just waiting to get a glimpse of one of them to fuel their gossip circles for the next three days. Even the invisible shy flutter in his stomach at the thought of the Swans (not the Swans, just one of them, just one single man, but is that any better?) makes Castiel feel like he’s participating in the blatant objectification that he’s uncomfortable just witnessing. The Swans are only people. This is something that Castiel holds onto. Just people who happen to have a generational curse in their bloodline. And when he interacts with Sam Winchester or Eileen Leahy at his stall, it’s easy. He says hello, they say hello back. The Swans are just people. And yet, Dean Winchester remains unfathomable.
ohhhh this fic feels like springtime and sunlight through the trees and everything that is good. i devoured this fic, it is so sweet and captivating and wonderfully poetic. a comfort read fr
The Lord of The Lake by rhinestoneangels (almondrose) (@pinknatural) [T | 29k]
The lakehouse is haunted.
this fic is so special to me. there's emma. there's a cat. they're a FAMILY. there's ACE DEAN!?? it's thee ace!dean fic for me and steph did such a wonderful job exploring that
Muder Ballads (Red Right Hand) by Duckyboos [E | 85k+]
It all starts with the mysterious note left on Dean’s chair. It all ends with Dean coming to terms not only with what he’s capable of, but how much that knowledge doesn’t bother him.
hehe this is one of the ones you need to make sure you're comfortable with before you read it... it's yeah.. it's real dark. the storytelling is so compelling and i could NOT put this down. sometimes you gotta read something kinda fucked up. especially when it is so well written. also if you do like this then i recommend everything duckyboos has written hehe
Put Up Your Dukes by saltyfeathers [E | 38k]
Dean can't sleep. Cas offers to tire him out.
i mean *i* have always considered this a classic. honestly it's so fun and funny and just ugh i just love it, so read it pls
Revelation 13 by fullvoid [E | 44k]
It’s Dean’s day off, and he’d like to spend it how he always does—by kicking his feet up with a cold one and watching soap operas—not by discovering an enormous, creepy hole in his bathroom wall that definitely wasn’t there when he went to bed last night. But it’s no big deal. He can just patch it up and still devote plenty of time to Dr. Sexy afterward. There is only one problem. He can’t leave his apartment, and there’s a message on his front door written in…is that blood? And why is it signed by someone named “Cas”? Things can only get better from here, right?
hehe i know nothing about silent hill but i DO know that this is an amazing horror fic!! read it in one sitting and would do it again!
Russian to the Altar by MalMuses [E | 144k]
“I need you to marry Castiel.” They weren’t the words Dean expected to hear from his business partner’s mouth before their bakery-slash-chocolate shop opened for the day. He’d been quite happy being single—and who the fuck was Castiel, anyway? It turned out that Castiel was a Russian erotic novelist in need of a ticket to America, and Dean… well, Dean was a last resort.
i LOVE a romcom fic and this one is soooo fantastic (it's a classic, right?) it has bdsm. it has destiel being idiots in love. it's also incredibly sweet. what more could you want?
Seek to Know You Better by ahurston [E | 33k]
Dean and Cas, a long stretch of highway, and 36 questions empirically designed to make two people fall in love. As if they weren't already.
The Shawnee Trail by emmbrancsxx0 (@/valleydean) [E | 166k]
In 1887, Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak lead a peaceful life in Lawrence, Kansas. Dean and Sam are stagecoach messengers for Wells, Fargo and Castiel is the town doctor. When Castiel's patient, Kelly Kline, knocks on their door one night about to give birth, she asks for the Winchesters and Castiel's help in protecting her son against one of the west's most notorious outlaws. To fulfill that promise, the men set out on a journey full of shootouts, trouble with the law, gambling, and an important discovery: Dean and Castiel really need to define the nature of their relationship.
WESTERN AU. also to quote myself: "fics that make you pace around your room at midnight while sobbing". also once again i can't believe this isn't a piece of classic literature it's just that damn good.
So Says The Sword by komodobits [E | 85k]
The briefing was simple: ‘Stand guard over the Michael Sword until the battle is ready to commence. Await further instructions.’ Castiel doesn’t mind working security duty; he was briefed shortly after the initial salvation of the Sword from the pit, and again before taking up his position. He knows what to do. However, it’s easy to forget that the green room isn’t real. Time moves differently there, the space ever-changing to make a prison of mountains, cathedrals, salt flats, orchards, and whatever Castiel was led to believe about Heaven’s greatest weapon—Dean Winchester is something entirely unexpected.
we all agree this is canon, right? a classic. it completely shook me up the first time i read it, and honestly it change my perspective of the entire show, for the better of course.
Vagabonds by chevrolangels [E | 89k]
Dean is a sheriff in a tiny town in Colorado, restless and unsatisfied with his life. It's not like what he's read about in the dime novels since he was little, capturing dangerous outlaws and being the last word of the law. More like tossing the town drunk in a cell to sober up when they get a little too rowdy. But Dean's chance comes when a thief rolls through their town. He pursues the thief, which puts him right into the path of Emmanuel, a notorious outlaw. When he is captured by the outlaw and his gang to be held for ransom, Dean starts off on a journey he could have never envisioned, and learns that perhaps there's more to Emmanuel than meets the eye.
another western au!! this list would not be complete without this fic. one of my very faves. it's my ultimate comfort fic. i get so sad whenever i finish it because i never want it to end. i can't praise it enough i don't have the words
What Baking Can Do by cowlovely (@dollhousemary) [T | 63k]
She lets out a low whistle. “Damn,” she says, not even bothering to look up as Dean comes to sit on the counter beside her. “You guys did well yesterday, huh?” Dean shrugs. “I guess. Wednesdays get a lot of foot traffic. Dunno why.” Jo gives him a sidelong look. “It’s because on Wednesdays, we have your ‘Strawberry Heaven Pie’ or whatever the hell you call it.” “Strawberry Chocolate Oasis Pie,” he corrects. “And there’s absolutely no way to prove that. People probably just like to get some sorta treat in the middle of the week or whatever.” “I absolutely can prove that, when was the last time any of that pie was left at the end of the day—hell, at the end of the morning shift?” “Okay, that’s definitely an exaggeration,” he retorts. “It’s never sold out before lunch.” “Can you stop being a bitch and accept that people like your pie?”
i have no idea what waitress is and it literally doesn't matter because ivy makes this its whole own world... if you want something insanely sweet, with amazing character depth and that feels like a warm hug, look no further. this is one of my comfort fics and i have read it multiple times and will read it again!!!!!
Who Ya Gonna Call? by saintedcastiel (@saintedcastiel) [M | 49k]
Finally free from Chuck's machinations, Dean flees the bunker to make a home for himself away from the hunting world. He settles into his new life but can't quite shake the feeling that he's not alone. There's a ghost haunting him, tied to the last thing on Earth that Castiel touched. As the spirit gets angrier and more dangerous to the people around him, will Dean be able to bring himself to let him go?
if you're reading this the day i post this you might have seen me losing my mind on the dash. read it one sitting because it pulled me in instantly and would not let me go. so beautifully written and it's... it's the ending we deserved. i think this needs to be the next fandom classic i am Not joking. one of the few fics that made me sob my eyes out i don't even know what to say anymore just read it please trust me it's WONDERFUL.
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xoxobuckybarnes · 1 year
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January 2023 Stucky Fics
Tattoo Your Last Bruise (Rated: E, Words: 9K) by ftmsteverogers 
Summary: “If you wanted, you could share the bed again,” Steve said, still studiously looking at the wall directly in front of him. “We used to do it all the time, before. It isn’t weird. Not for me, anyway.” Whatever Bucky had been expecting, that hadn’t been it. “Oh,” he said. “I’m gonna go brush my teeth,” Steve said, and disappeared down the hallway.  
The Sweetest Spark (series) by deadto27 / @deadto27​
The Sweetest Spark (Rated: E, Words: 73K)
Summary: Steve Rogers runs a successful business. He has great friends and a great life. It seems like he has it all. So why is he sitting in a diner on a Friday night alone? Maybe he's just a little lonely. Maybe Bucky Barnes can help with that.-----It wasn’t just how he looked. Of course, the fact that he was ridiculously stunning was what Steve had noticed first when he’d spotted him across the diner and had left him staring with his mouth open before he’d realised what he was doing, but how could he not?...Or: basically everything I love in a Steve and Bucky fic rolled into one.
We Agreed To Love Each Other (Rated: E, Words: 14K)
Summary: Steve and Bucky tie the knot. Follow up to The Sweetest Spark. Pure fluff.-----“It’s just one night, Stevie,” Bucky reminded him. “Then you’ll be stuck with me for every other night after that. Until. You. Die,” Bucky said ominously, pronouncing each word as a sentence, poking Steve in the chest.
We Got Bad In Common (Rated: E, Words: 41K) by LolitaBlue
Summary: "You better be quiet if you don't want anyone to hear us," Steve cautioned. "Wouldn't want everyone knowing your dirty secret." "Oh, shut up," Bucky panted. "Get a move on and fuck me like you hate me." "I'm about to." ----- AKA I've been manically typing a stucky enemies to lovers high school au... welcome to the bad love!verse
***This fic is complete, but the series (bad love!verse) is not***
wanna do bad things with you (Rated: E, Words: 5K) by LolitaBlue
Summary: Sitting on the couch next to Steve was a stunning brunette girl with bright red lipstick. She was wearing a tight black sweater and jeans, her curly hair subtly tousled. Bucky looked back and forth between her and Steve, stunned. Her cheeks were almost as red as her lipstick and Steve's mouth also had a rose-colored tint. Bucky blinked a few times, realizing what was going on. Steve's lips don't get that red from kissing alone. Bucky knew that, he's seen those lips swollen and spit-slick on numerous occasions. Steve's mouth was red because he'd been kissing the undeniably hot chick pressed against his side and her lipstick was smeared on his face. "Uh, hi Bucky," Steve said, clearing his throat. When Bucky didn't say anything, Steve took it upon himself to fill the awkward silence. He gestured to the girl who was frantically smoothing down her hair. "I'd like you to meet Peggy Carter."
***This fic is complete, but the series (bad love!verse) is not***
i’ve traveled half the world to say "i belong to you" (Rated: E, Words: 14K) by steviepie
Summary: “I got my family, my team, my boyfriend, for that matter,” Steve says, the iciness in his tone having nothing to do with the temperature inside the rink. “I’m plenty taken care of, but thanks for asking.” “Plenty taken care of,” he echoes absentmindedly, arms crossing across his chest and his chin jerking up and down as he tries not to make his glare into the camera exceedingly obvious. It’s only after he’s spoken that he realizes that in doing so, he’s forgotten what else in this situation he’s supposed to be tampering down. Oh, fuck. Way to run their mouths. (alternative: steve and bucky but as hockey players who have been together since day one)
In the Air Tonight (Rated: E, Words: 8K) by otakugirl08x
Summary:  Missing scene. In Wakanda; the night before Bucky goes into cryo Steve has a revelation.
Lessons in Normality (Rated: E, Words: 38k) by relenafanel / @relenafanel 
Summary: Things Steve knows about his boyfriend Bucky: How he looks with his face relaxed in sleep. That he can perfectly flip pancakes. The way he’s open about things Steve is still adapting to, like therapy and depression and sex toys and being a millennial. The way he laughs with his mouth wide open and his eyes squinted, and the cheerful way he cheats at cards and loses at laser tag. The way he seduces Steve with a knowing glint in his eye. The way Steve responds to it, stronger each time, taken by his beauty and competence and snark and compassion (or the compassionate way he boots Steve in the ass when he needs a push).Things Steve doesn’t know about his boyfriend Bucky: That he’s an undercover operative gathering intel on Hydra, SHIELD, and which Steve is affiliated with. Otherwise known as The Honey Pot AU
All the Ways to Say I Love You That Don’t Work (Rated: E, Words: 22K) by buckybarnesdeservestobehappy  
Summary:  Finally free from the grips of Hydra, Bucky Barnes needs all the help he can get to acclimate to life in the twenty-first century. Steve's always at Bucky's side, providing support, explaining things, and throwing a reassuring arm around his shoulders, which gives Bucky all kinds of warm feelings. The other Avengers notice their closeness, as well. When Bucky overhears a discussion about whether or not Steve and he are dating, he isn't bothered. He likes being with Steve, and he likes being treated respectfully. Determined to let Steve know how much Bucky cares about him, he uses his research on modern dating to woo his best friend. As he ratchets up his campaign to catch Steve’s attention, sparks fly. Or maybe those sparks were there all along.
off the record (Rated: M, Words: 37K) by sparkagrace / @sparkagrace
Summary: The Avengers have a problem. Six months after the Battle of New York, public opinion is beginning to turn on them and they are in dire need of a PR boost. Reporter Bucky Barnes needs to impress his boss enough to get a promotion onto the Features desk. This assignment might get him there, but the fact that he really hates the Avengers is the least of his problems today…
fire escape (Rated: T, Words: 6K) by  sparkagrace / @sparkagrace
Summary: “This dumb cat thinks it lives here.” Bucky is peering through the window of their one-bed apartment in Bed-Stuy. There’s a white cat outside on their fire escape that is practically a ball of fluff against the wrought-iron. Steve joins him at the window and coos. “Aw, it’s cute.” “It’s begging for scraps. It’s a scam,” Bucky gripes.— There's a cat that keeps coming to their fire escape. Bucky doesn't like it. Pre-series fic but can be read as a standalone.
***This fic is complete, but the series (al, pal and alpine) is not: the question (Rated: G, Words: 2K), the pancakes (Rated: T, Words: 6K), ballet shoes (Rated: T, Words: 3K), post-match (Rated: T, Words: 4K), london calling (Rated: T, Words: 10K), mouth bones (Rated: T, Words: 4K), & flower girl (Rated: T, Words: 3k)***
Treading Water (Rated: M, Current Words: 56K) by sparkagrace / @sparkagrace
Summary: Olympic swimmer Bucky Barnes always believed that when the time came to retire, he would walk away with his medals and world records firmly in the history books and never look back. He never thought the water would leave him first.
***Be sure to check out the rest of this amazing series : Lane Lines: Lane Lines (Rated: M, Words: 132K), Lumière (Rated: M, Words: 5K), & New Traditions (Rated: M, Words: 6K)***
***Also, check out the amazing artwork for this fic: Pick up your shirt from the floor (Rated: G) by Dyslexic_Fetus / @reagy-jay ***
Atoms (Rated: M, Current Words: 35K) by Andrea1717 / @andrea1717 & art by kahey2804 / @kahey2804
Summary: After a hard year and the end of both his military and his short career as a personal bodyguard Steve Rogers did not expect the call from his best friend and ex- colleague Sam Wilson. He offers him a job, full time and long term, starting on the next day. At first it sounds perfect to finally move forward from the devastating events in his past career and life - being one bodyguard in a group of four for a rich kid from a famous lawyer. How hard can that be? What Steve didn't expect was the kid - Bucky Barnes, twenty two, traumatized from his dark past, devastatingly beautiful and a real brat. After a while on the job Steve not only discovers that Bucky seems to play a role most of the time, he also discovers that parts of his heart who seemed to be dead for a while are very much alive.
An Appropriate Omega (Rated: M, Current Words: 177K) by BeauRadley
Summary: Steven Rogers, the Duke of Brooklyn, is in a bind. The provisions of his father's will mean he must marry before his thirty-fifth birthday or lose his mother's inheritance. The catch? He has to marry a suitable omega. James Barnes is the third child of the impoverished Barnes family. If he or his sister don't marry before the season is out, their family will fall further into poverty. If he doesn't find someone else soon, he'll be forced to marry the sinister Lord Pierce. The two men realize they can solve each other's problems, but will their marriage of convenience turn into something more?
Expect the Unexpected (Rated: E, Current Words: 178K) by SmutConnoisseur / @smutconnoisseur​
Summary:  While Navigating fatherhood along his angst a teenage son and balancing a career, Steve Rogers finds himself in the crosshairs of one James Barnes, a protective single father of his own.
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musette22 · 1 year
Hi! I wanted to ask you if you know any fics (on tumblr or ao3) in which Bucky is found after he falls from the train or in which Steve falls too.
I also wanted to say that i really like your blog and (as someone who’s native language is dutch) I find it an inspiration that you can write so beautifully in another language. So thank you!! <3
Hi sweetheart!! Thank you so much for your super lovely message, and apologies for the late response! I've been on holiday so I've mostly been offline, but I'm on my way back now so I'm finally getting around to answering some messages! I'm so happy to hear you think my writing is beautiful despite English not being my first language 🥺 Dankjewel!!
As for your fic question, I found you these. It's not much (so if anyone else has any other fics, please do chime in!) but hopefully this helps a little! 💖 Sending you love!
Falling Back on Forever by ftmsteverogers
Freefall by SkyIsGray
This slumber that creeps by childhoodinfamy
And there might be some more that fit the bill in the @stuckylibrary's They both survive WWII tag?
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makeadealwithdean · 1 year
makeadealwithdean's friday monday fic list - multifandom
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here's a list of the fics i've read lately and highly, highly recommend! these fics are not mine and belong only to the writers, so writers, as always, if you don't want to be mentioned on here, message me, and i'll take you off no questions asked! also, most of these fics are smut* and 18+ ONLY, so minors dni!! (gif is mine)
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radiance* by faster_than_the_speed_of_sound
between sex and death and trying to keep the kitchen clean* by ftmsteverogers
operation brain bleach* by briston
you're my dream come true* by redamber79
riptides* by sharkfish
tripping* by hatteress
dying to let you know* by bisexualsage
wanted man* by constant_reader13
negotiating the spot* by shiphitsthefan
"yes, sir"* by redamber79
what you deserve* by nayeliq1
molting* by katiegangel
do what feels good* by catchclaw & cymbalism
dean winchester:
rough sex from dean* & aftercare - after dean by @nowitswetme
hide n seek* by @strwbrrykss
the death of peace of mind* by @alexsoenomel
healing by @chucksfavouriteprophet
broken like me by @jawritter
steve harrington:
always you by @huffle-pissed
hard-pressed* by @fettuccin-e
late night visit* by @cherrychilli
call it what you want, steve harrington* by @maelialuv
thigh riding with steve harrington* by @forourmoons
heaven to me* by @ameliora-j
eddie munson:
pumpkins and kisses by @huffle-pissed
coffee + cream* by @munson-blurbs
you get me closer to god* by @eddies-ashtray
period sex with eddie* by @chainsawmunson
easily* by @roanniom
i want your video* by @sherifftillman (my note: i'm FERAL)
teach me* by @urfavstargirl1
knocking on heavens door* by @usedtobecooler
the risk in the kiss* by notevenclosetostraight on ao3 (my note: holy fucking shit, this fic fixed me and cured my depression for like a month)
this one where billy loves being held* by @thissortofsorcery
this one with perv!eddie (eddie x reader x steve)* by @usedtobecooler
helping hands (steddie x reader)* by @daddyreid
inked (eddie x reader x steve)* by @muertawrites
we want to help you (steddie x reader)* by @beep-beep-sherlock
this one with protective!steddie by @eveatethefruit
this is so wrong. part iv (steddie x reader)* by @corrodedcorpses
last time's list || my fic rec masterlist || my masterlist
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scoobydoofenshmirtz · 2 years
fic recs for...no particular reason
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[Image ID: Screenshot of Ben Wyatt from Parks and Rec saying "Pizza? Never heard of it," edited so that "pizza" is replaced with "finale." /.End ID]
Wild that after 15 seasons Supernatural never actually had a finale. Oh well, we have fanfic. Here's a collection of some of my fav fics that fill the void of never having a finale. Click here for my full rec list.
Recs under the cut sorted by category, listed by wordcount
dean's coworkers vs the heteronormative agenda by cowboydeanwinchester T, 4,106
Hey Stud by mrhd M, 4,715
Perihelion by someonetoanyone e, 11,610
Haircuts and Harboring Hope by City_Of_Paper_And_Ink T, 14,558
six hundred sundays (and many more) by sobsicles M, 15,689
Learning Curve (I just want to say I love you) by tsujiharu M, 20,206
*thunder road by dothraki_shieldmaiden E, 20,883
Good Times, Bad Times, Past Times by LazarusRose E, 25,313
swimming with the fish pond fishes by februyuri E, 25,674
so good at crashing in by Wintertree M, 26,430
Fenario by ftmsteverogers E, 47,085
the home we make together by vaudelin E, 48,133
The Things You Cannot Change by marbleflan E, 67,867
Right Where You Left Me by outdean E, 93,581
*take the long way home by dothraki_shieldmaiden E, 95,043
take the bones, begin anew by JustStandingHere M, 103,254
dumbassery, denial, doing (the three d’s to the destination) by sobsicles E, 108,427
*written pre november 2020
We always were but never knew it by frightfullyrude G, 3,819
The Jensen Mistake by fellshish T, 5,087
foundations by rhinestoneangels (almondrose) T, 6,236
of fire and circles by rhinestoneangels (almondrose) T, 7,939
adam bites the apple by sicsempertyrannis T, 10,946
the valley of the shadow of death (keep walking) by p1013 E, 16,006
Waveform Frequency by LeverDrift M, 20,419
On Labor by a_good_soldier E, 24,661
Damn, I Wish I Was Your Lover by ImYourHoneyBee E, 26,300
Orbital Velocity Around a Celestial Body by LeverDrift, M, 26,718
things happen (they do, they do, they do) by sobsicles E, 27,918
according to all known laws of life/and he’s back (with a mind of his own) by sobsicles E, 29,727/38,219
straw house, straw dog by bsmith0708 E, 31,646
fools and pilgrims by lagaudiere T, 31,904
if it all fell to pieces tomorrow by spocklee M, 37,130
Fracture Mechanics by Rend_Herring E, 43,442
ascend by quiettewandering M, 53,277
Heart’s on Fire by chaoticdean, savetheclaypots E, 72,017
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cassierobinsons · 10 months
between sex and death and trying to keep the kitchen clean by ftmsteverogers
(in response to me asking for cas POV fics)
oh you mean this gem by the ever talented @sodomitecastiel? i read it almost as soon as it dropped, but i'll take this message as a sign to reread asap :)
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your fanfic taste is so immaculate so please give me your all time top 10 spn fics, thx
omg anon i am SO fucking honored that you think that!!! but also i feel like such a fraud answering this because like...i just started reading fanfic at the beginning of 2022 and so i've only read about 45 long fics so far... soooo i just want to answer this with the caveat that there are SO many good fics that i haven't read yet. but so far these have been my top ten (mostly in order of most favorite but it gets harder after like the first half):
1. take me home country roads by saltyfeathers (canon demon dean)
2. crossing lines by sometimeswelose (canon s15) - beware this one made me cry harder than anything i've ever read
3. spirit of the west by teen_dean (90's horsegirl dean au)
4. to build a home by intothesilentland (childhood friends to enemies to lovers au)
5. the dean winchester beat sheet by saltyfeathers (college au)
6. a room of ones own by northernsparrow (canon like s8/9 i think?)
7. a complete kingdom by komodobits (canon case fic) - beware this one literally gave me nightmares and is the only one on my list that doesn't really have a happy ending (in fact the ending still kind of haunts me)
8. fenario by ftmsteverogers (post series canon)
9. 91 whiskey komodobits (wwII au)
10. right where you left me by outdean (post series canon)
and i want to give an honorable mention to last call before close by kathscradle (post series canon) because it isn't finished yet BUT I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!
also i am kind of a nerd so i track and give a rating to all of the long fics i've read on a spreadsheet so if you're interested it seeing all of the ones that i have a 5/5 to let me know because there are a lot of good fics that i LOVE didn't make it on this list
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bookgeekgrrl · 5 months
My media this week (10-16 Dec 2023)
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🥰 Second Chances in New Port Stephen (TJ Alexander, author; Aden Hakimi & Feodor Chin, narrator) - 2nd chance romance between 2 former HS sweethearts after Eli comes back home to his small FL home town (post-transition & unemployed due to proximity to an industry scandal) and reconnects with Nick (who left for college, came back, got married & divorced and became a (hot) dad). Also there is a fat ginger cat named Sweet Potato. I kind of love what a mess Eli is. Nick is also a bit of a mess but masking it better. I loved them both.
💖💖 +120K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
The First Rule of Book Club series (Deisderium) - MCU: stucky, 28K - reread for stucky bookclub; a forever fave where recovering Bucky joins a book club - just a warm hug of a series, with a fantastic OC (unfortunately does have period-typical reading of HP but I was able to just focus on everything else)
tattoo your last bruise (ftmsteverogers) - MCU: stucky, 9K - great post-WS recover fic
Blood, Sweat, Ambrosia (AidaRonan) - Stranger Things: steddie, 4K - amazing gift of a monsterfucking fic. aida has truly blessed us this holiday season
Doctor Who: The Giggle (2023 special #3)
D20: Fantasy High: Sophomore Year - e8-15
The Sporkful - How Do Michelin Stars Actually Work?
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Diddy, Hip-Hop, and #MeToo
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Ol Pejeta Rhino Cemetery
Our Opinions Are Correct - What Makes Us Quit Reading a Book in the Middle?
Today, Explained - A concrete solution to climate change
Wiser Than Me with Julia Louis-Dreyfus - Julia Gets Wise with Darlene Love
NPR's Book of the Day - Jordan Peele curates a new Black horror story collection 'Out There Screaming'
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Knoxville Weather Kiosk
Pop Culture Happy Hour - 2023 Pop Culture Favorites [love that D20's Dungeons & Drag Queens made this list!]
Switched on Pop - Nicki Minaj's Roman Empire
The Allusionist - 186. Ravels
It's Been a Minute - Music trends that took us by surprise in 2023
Shedunnit - The Murderless Christmas Mystery
Vibe Check - It’s Like an Inspirational Relay Race
⭐ 99% Invisible #563 - Empire of the Sum
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - New Bedford Whaling Museum
⭐ Off Menu - Ep 216: Dawn French (Christmas Special)
Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - Tournament of Champions
Ologies with Alie Ward - Quasithanatology (NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES) with Bruce Greyson
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Gourdlandia
One Year - 1990: Art on Trial
Sara & Cariad's Weirdos Book Club - Persuasion by Jane Austen with Andrew Hunter Murray
Not Another D&D Podcast - D&D Court: Sneaky Snowmen, Horny Dogs, and The PC vs The People’s Champion
Wiser Than Me with Julia Louis-Dreyfus - Julia Gets Wise with Rhea Perlman
Up First - Gaza Post-War Plans, Ohio Prosecutor Misconduct, Comer Shell Company
What Next: TBD - Shein’s Newest Offering? An IPO
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Wonka And What's Making Us Happy
Dear Prudence - I Rejected A Friend’s Sexual Advance—Now He’s Being Weird. Help!
Endless Thread - This song wants you to stick out your what!?
⭐ Welcome to Night Vale #240 - He Is Holding a Knife
Today, Explained - Why millennials dread motherhood
Classic Rock Instrumentals
Presenting Stevie Ray Vaughan
Presenting Santana
Dropkick Murphys Radio • Familiar
New Blue Sun [André 3000] {2023}
Throwback Workout
my christmas playlist
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wartyfrogfish · 2 years
my favorite spn fics
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take the long way home by  dothraki_shieldmaiden
The Supernatural Bullet Journal AU by enochianprayer
What to do when a good man hurts you by  fellshish
If you were queer by  fellshish
Just My Soul Responding by nickelkeep
To pray on or wish on or something like that by queenbryt
Talk Some Sense To Me (Kenopsia) by ImYourHoneyBee
Vagabonds by chevrolangels
swimming with the fish pond fish by februyuri
We’ll be the most convincing couple this monster has ever seen by toopreciousforthisworld
A Need for Breathing by Phyona
Under The Midnight Sun by NorthernSparrow
An Exercise In 'Worthless' by glassedplanets
all this and heaven too by ftmsteverogers
There Are Many Things by imogenbynight
trying to know somebody you've never met by watchriverdale
Put up your Dukes by saltyfeathers
Seek to Know You Better by ahurston
Put up your Dukes by saltyfeathers
tell me about the dream by playedwright
Dead Men Walking by BexTra
Everything alright in there? by knifegirlruby
Cinnamon and Vanilla by curlynerd
Red Penny by kalymnos
Irrational Numbers by shiphitsthefan
Valentine's Eve by midnight_star (wishful_stargazer)
Thunderstorms by Abby_S
jo, aged 13, removes nail polish behind a locked bathroom door by thereweresunflowers
Comfort by ilikebigassbuttsandicannotlie
Milestone by ilikebigassbuttsandicannotlie
Jo Daily by thereweresunflowers (this is one of my favourite fics of all time and please, please you have to read it<33)
Hunts and Lavender Flowers by transgenderisms101
Skin Trade by netweight
nobody will lose their head by halfwheeze
be still, my beating heart by thereweresunflowers
welcome to your life (there's no turning back) by ElasticElla
all golden like honey by thereweresunflowers
Easier by transgenderisms101
Sum of All by lunardreamed
Happy Birthday, Jo by knifegirlruby
A Weight Lifted by knifegirlruby
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profoundbondfanfic · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you could recommend some post-canon fics where Dean and Cas fix up a house together and basically live happily ever after? Thank you!
Hello! Yes, here are a few we've enjoyed!
A Second Grace by sometimeswelose [Mature, 26k words] (Cas is in the Empty for most of the fic, so they don't necessarily fix the house "together" but Cas eventually joins Dean and they get their happily ever after)
Cas dies and Dean starts referring to himself as a widower. This is somewhat confusing for everyone involved.
Best To See These True Colours (Than To Follow One Of Your False Virtues) by ImYourHoneyBee [Explicit, 34k words]
Two months after Team Free Will beats Chuck, Jack brings Cas back and Dean wants so badly to respond to Cas's confession in the dungeon, but to do that he needs to shed a lifetime of trauma, self hatred, and internalized homophobia. After moving in to a farmhouse with Cas, Dean secretly starts going to therapy every Thursday afternoon. He also starts working on getting the tattoos he always wanted in an effort to reclaim a body that he's only ever seen as a tool. or Cas stole Dean's favorite Zeppelin shirt, Dean steals it back, Cas steals it again. A shirt-theft war like nothing you've ever seen ensues. The entire family takes sides. Is it foreplay? Yes. Is it good clean family fun? Sometimes. Are Jack's god powers used unwisely in the name of the Zepp shirt battle? Yeah, probably. Is Dean messier than a sloppy joe? Nooooo, not at all.
Fenario by ftmsteverogers [Explicit, 47k words]
“We did good, Dean,” Sam says. “We got him back.” Dean huffs a hollow laugh, because yeah, that’s always what it’s about, isn’t it? Cas or Sam or Dean getting themselves lost or dead, and then taking turns dragging each other back from the brink. He shrugs, shoving his hands into his pockets. “We got him back, yeah,” he says. Sam nods, watching him. “So now what?”
Kriah by ioascc [Explicit, 54k words]
Dean can do this. He can. He can raise Jack Kline, Lucifer’s baby. No, not Lucifer’s… Cas’ kid. Their kid. With his mother gone, and Castiel dead, Dean finds himself hanging on by a thread. Castiel has died so many times on him, Dean is half-convinced himself that Cas will return to him. Dean evades the pain of the truth, carrying on in false hope until his soul renders into a million pieces. He learns quickly that taking care of a newborn is not for the faint of heart, sleep-deprivation, grief, and feedings rule most of the early days. During this time, Dean is forced to build a new life for himself. With a new name and identity change, Dean becomes a Dad. Something Castiel would be proud of. Dean cooks, he cleans, he reads, he sings his ABCs and 123s, and ultimately Dean does his best for Jack. It’s not until Jack grows into a small child that Dean feels like he can breathe again. The grief no longer suffocates him. His new life has meaning. He sees family and he allows himself to miss Castiel. To mourn him, to love him in death. And when Jack goes to school, Dean is once again reunited with friends and enemies from his past.
Talk Some Sense To Me (Kenopsia) by ImYourHoneyBee [Explicit, 244k words]
Scrambling to his knees Castiel hugs back, burying his face in Dean’s neck, breath coming in fast little pants against his skin. Dean closes his eyes and just breathes him in, barely able to believe that this is real. At any other time in his life, closing his eyes against a threat like Death would be an inexcusable lapse in his hunter’s judgement. Right now, he doesn’t give a single fuck. Death can reap him for all he cares, he’ll die knowing Cas is going to be ok. Alive. “I will see you soon, Dean,” Death tells him, that deliberate voice of his soft enough not to intrude on the intimacy of the moment, “Raincheck on that grilled cheese.” “Thank you,” Dean croaks, propping his chin up on Cas’s shoulder, unmindful of the tears trickling down his cheeks, “Thank you.”
take the bones, begin anew by JustStandingHere [Mature, 103k words]
“What else was I supposed to say, Sam?” Dean asks him. “I’m not...look, Cas is my best friend, and I care about him. That’s it.” “And you renovated a house for him,” Sam continues. “And live with him.” or: a year in the life, in which it takes some time, but they figure it out
take the long way home by dothraki_shieldmaiden [Explicit, 95k words] (it was written before s15, so it's not canonical, but it does feature post-canon and dean and cas fixing up a house!)
Three months ago, when Dean decided to retire, he thought his life was going to end up differently. He'd thought that he might get to have it all, Sam, Cas, Jack, and nice little place to live. Instead he gets Sam and Jack off on their Summer of Love Tour, radio silence from Cas, and a never-ending road trip consisting of himself. Still reeling from the loss of his grace, Castiel travels the country in search of hunts. Driven by a need to prove his usefulness, he pushes himself beyond all limits of endurance. Together, with the help of a few friends, a crumbling Victorian house, and a stray cat, Dean and Castiel patch themselves back together and create a home together.
There's Only One Sure Thing That I Know by blinkiesays [Explicit, 20k words ] (it's not post-canon but they get a house together)
Dean doesn't even get halfway through explaining before Bobby starts laughing. When he lets himself think about it for more than five seconds, Dean can almost see Bobby's point: he's faced down demons, witches, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, angels, and Satan himself and now he's been defeated by the God damn Midwest.
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casbeeminestiel · 1 year
omg thank you for the fic writer recs!! i already knew nathaniel ftmsteverogers because i’m into stevebucky and to be honest. part of me getting into spn now is so i can enjoy his destiel fics with the level of emotional anguish they deserve lmao
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autismsam · 7 months
adn this
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pinknatural · 8 months
HIIIII idk if 15x18 fix its count as the late season stuff ur looking for but some of my faves are: between sex and death and trying to keep the kitchen clean (ftmsteverogers), according to all know laws of life (sobsicles), and my ALL TIME FAVE (not 15x18 fix it and this might not count as late seasons, it’s kinda vague) though the course may change (imogenbynight). They’re pretty well known I think so sorry if u know of them already but 💕💕💕
i’ve def read the sobsicles one and maybe the others but who knows, i’ll check ‘em out !!!
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