#fuck it might try and suck it up and motivate myself with the promise of coffee later
lit-in-thy-heart · 1 year
fucking hate moving
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ofmermaidstories · 10 months
So I've got an Idea for a fic or even just a piece of writing. I really like the concept and get excited about building upon the idea to the point where I feel unmotivated to actually write it because I'm worried I won't be able to execute my ambition.
Do you have any tips to get started? And then, after that, to keep writing?
(Sorry if you've already responded to stuff similar to this. I've been told I'm a good writer, but I just don't see it, so I get caught up in trying to preserve my favorite ideas.)
oh emi. 🥺 idk if what i’m about to say will be in any way useful—the problem with advice about anything creative is that it is always subjective to how your brain works. but i will tell you what gets me through the rough patches, and out to the end, and maybe between that and us and the magic of your idea, it’ll help a little. 📒
tbh the one thing that i hold over myself is the fact that no matter what i write, it will not be perfect. 🥹 that is just a fact, and it’s true for all of us. you are always, always going to lose some of the glitter of your idea when you try to get it on a page. your brain does its little loopy-de-loops and twirls and spins around happily and like, doesn’t have to worry about like—transitional sentences. word choices. awkward sounding phrasing. LOL. your brain just gets to amuse itself in with this perpetual daydream and it doesn’t have to build it into a reality, word by painful word. it can ignore the labour because that labour doesn’t exist in the imagination!!!! so like, you have to make a choice. would you rather keep this idea of yours, this something exciting, as a colourful, perfect daydream—or would you rather try and see what it’s like in reality with you, tangible and there? will you regret it if you never try it, because you’re worried? 🥺 the gap between what we want to create and what we can—or think we can—can be so scary sometimes, but i think learning to recognise it for what it is (a gap of fear; a gap that might just need a little jump, or maybe a gap that needs the work of a ladder, or even a bridge) and say, “fuck it let’s do it” is vital to any sort of creative fulfilment.
it’s the same as all other things, really; sometimes we just have to do them to have them. 🥺 and emi—you sound like you really want to write your idea. 🥺 the hardest part will always be starting. the whatifs can be soooo strong and personally i always get hung up on the first sentence LOL, but you just have to go for it, if you really want it. 🥺
tbh this is the same kind of mentality you’ll need to finish your WIP, too—you only get to the ending after you’ve gone through the beginning and the middle, and the only way to do that is to do them. and the thing is, even if it’s not about creative discipline it will, eventually, be about motivation—because you are writing and posting a fic, and fic is so, so community driven. you will always need to want to finish it for yourself—people like to brush that aside in favour of the “engagement matters!” argument and it does it does it does and i’m not saying it doesn’t, but i am saying that you will need something to give you a backbone in the face of like, even benign rejection (a friend promising to read it, and then not. someone who interacts with you on everything else, but this. people who are there from chapter one disappearing, but still showing up in the notifs on someone else’s writing). you are human and you are working on something so wholly important to you and only you and maybe, luckily, one other person will like it! and then maybe two more will come after that, and then maybe ten but then maybe one day you’ll wake up and it’ll just be you again. it will suck, it will suck, and if you want to shelve your idea and get some space from it then you need to do whatever you have to so as not to let the bitterness ruin writing for you—but it’s you, you’re the one that has to make those decisions and you’re the one that has to write it and you’re the one that gets to decide what you want out of the experience that will be this fic.
everything i have finished, i’ve only finished because not bringing it to a close was worse for me than like—pushing through whatever horrific bullshit my brain was trying to convince me of at the time. i hate writing!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i start it and i end it because the alternative of not starting it, not ending it, is even more painful. if i didn’t write—no matter how messily, no matter how topsy turvy the reality is from the daydream of the idea—i’d be so bored. i wouldn’t know what to fill that gap in with. it’s like baking. like sewing. the long start and then the realisation that you’re holding something you made in your hands—that’s the feeling i want. and that’s the feeling i prioritise over everything, whenever i get the wobbles or the humdrums or the “meh no one will notice if i shelve this who cares”—i will notice. i care. i want to flip through the pages of my fic in an ereader, i want to hold it printed out—i want it, here, with me. not a glowing daydream. but real and imperfect and proof that i can do it—that i can do whatever i want, with a bit of work. there will always, always be other ideas—other perfect daydreams. you won’t be wasting anything by breathing in and making your choice with what you want to do with this one, emi. 🥺 no matter what happens. 🌷📖💕
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
i've been trying to write but i've had the worst writer's block for literally 3 years now. if you experience it, how do you overcome it?
hi anon! i'm so sorry you're struggling with this, especially for so long 😔 i know how demoralizing it can feel to feel 'stuck', or unhappy with anything you manage to get out. i can't promise that i have all the answers, but here are some different strategies that often help me!
fill the well
i think i stole this term from 'the artist's way' but i can't actually remember if her definition is the same as mine, so. when eye say filling the well, what i mean is: i take a purposeful break from attempting to create content, and i consume. i eat eat eat whatever i can get my hands on. poetry, books, music, movies. i go to an art museum, or go see a live performance of something, if i can!
i find that getting myself out of my own head and fully invested in someone else's creations tends to get my wheels turning. and it's therapeutic, that feeling of discovering some piece of art that speaks to you and reminds you that you're a human. it helps reconnect me to the purpose of why i create, the way i strive to give someone else that same experience by writing stories that i hope people can see themselves reflected back in. seriously - consume stuff! NEW stuff! go out there and find a thing that you love that someone else created.
box yourself in
this is a strategy i had never really tried before until last year, when i was struggling with wicked "i hate everything i write" syndrome, and the love of my life @gimmethatagustd gave me this tip! it's so weird, but it worked for me, so maybe it'll work for you too! they said that as someone who had to write a lot for school, even when they were blocked as fuck, that sometimes they would assign themselves specific rules or prompts for a piece in order to switch things up~
maybe for you, this looks like churning out a few drabbles, and forcing yourself to make them EXACTLY 100 words long. maybe it's writing something only in dialogue (a thing i actually did once when super blocked lmao!). maybe it's trying a new genre, maybe it's trying to write ~in the style~ of someone else, maybe it's writing member POV if that's not something you normally do. maybe it's looking up specific writing prompts/challenges, or playing some weird game with yourself where you try to fit song lyrics into a piece, or make each new sentence start with the last letter of the sentence before it - i don't know! get crazy with it! don't ask me why, but sometimes giving yourself more rules to adhere to makes it easier to write - or just gives your brain something else to focus on, at least 🤪
show up anyway
i hate that sometimes, this is what works, but it's the truth. stephen king has said a lot of things (including many racial slurs lol 🥴) but one of the not-dumb things he's said is along the lines of: "don't wait for the muse. ...your job is to make sure the muse knows where you're going to be every day from nine 'til noon. or seven 'til three. if he does know, i assure you that sooner or later he'll start showing up."
sometimes, writing is showing up, putting down crap, hating it, and doing it anyway. (this might go along with #2 - maybe your drabbles suck! write them anyway!) turning on the tap and running it until all the junk in your pipes gets out and the water runs clear. it sucks! when i'm in a place where that's all i can do, it's the worst feeling in the world! but there have been times where i've found that my "writer's block" was just me wanting things to come easily, like they do in a moment of fresh inspiration. and sometimes, you don't have inspiration. sometimes, you don't even have motivation. you gotta be disciplined and just do it anyway, and just keep shaking your brain like a piggy bank until something good eventually comes out of it.
rest. but like, actually rest
"but m! you just told us to push through and do it anyway!" okay, yeah, well. sometimes that works, but also, brains suck, and sometimes it doesn't work. if none of the above strategies have worked, or i'm stressing myself out so much that i'm like, actively bursting into tears over writing, that's when i know i need to rest.
there's this idea that i actually use a LOT in life - and not even exclusively about writing. when i have a friend who is struggling to get something done, and i ask them "did you rest?" and they tell me they did, i like to fire back: "did you actually rest, or did you spend the entire time feeling guilty about how you weren't doing X thing?"
guilt, as it turns out, is not rest. thinking about how much you wish you were writing is not rest. worrying about how you'll never be able to write anything good ever again... is also not rest! when i know i'm burnt out, i give myself a timeframe - it can be anywhere from 48 hours to several weeks, depending on severity - and i make a promise to myself: for that time, it is ILLEGAL to think about writing, to feel bad about writing, to want to write, or to even so much as TOUCH a word processor. AGAINST THE LAW, YOU HEAR ME?
i force myself to do anything else. if i feel like being creative, i'll pursue non-writing avenues to do so. but if i don't? i'll do fuck all. i'll watch a season of a terrible reality show. i'll take naps on my couch. i'll eat ice cream or do a puzzle or read a book or learn a language or whatever else. but i don't touch my writing, i don't think about my writing and i do not feel bad about my writing, or lack thereof.
usually, by the time my sentence in anti-writing jail is up (the only kind of prison i believe in lmao ✌️) my energy levels feel restored, my outlook is more positive, and i'm chomping at the bit to get back to it, with a renewed sense of appreciation for my work and my ideas. sometimes you just need to take a break, a real break, and that's okay!
accept it
sort of a continuation of my last one - and i know this sounds kinda dire, but i'm saying this with only love: not every season can be a season of harvest. there are some seasons where the ground is frozen, and nothing can grow. we cannot always be making all of the time. some seasons of life are for other things instead. healing, changing, starting over. i went through a years-long period of really wanting to write, but never managing to get words out when i tried. and guess what? it came back to me, eventually. but for a long time, i had to just... not write. and go live my life. and the world kept turning.
banging your head against the wall when it's not coming out won't solve anything. if you've tried it all, and it's still not happening? it might not be your time right now. and you might be doing yourself more harm than good by trying to force what's not, in this moment, meant to be. so deep breaths. chin up. know that it is okay to move on to the next season, and trust that it will come back when the time is right. life is long. nothing is forever, good or bad. there is so much more out there for you. infinite possibilities. i really do believe that!
sorry for the rambling lmao 😓 but hopefully you find some/any of this helpful!!! i'm here for you if you ever wanna talk more about writing struggles, bc i am no stranger to them. i love you! fighting!! 💜
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booksandchainmail · 2 years
Pale 6.z
I love these diagrams in the extra materials. They've come a long way from simple circles. But the notes are right that the whole thing feels icky.
You do realize I’ve been working on toying with hearts since I was four?
Actually, makes me wonder about her interactions with Ms. Graubard. She was being the opposite of endearing there, wonder if there was a deeper motivation? Or did she just not care.
others might hate me but I don’t care. I target the people I want and I win them over.
So who was she winning over in that class?
“I think about Louisa every day, Chase.  To remind myself of what I need to do."
practitioner families suck! I wonder if this was gendered, or just about not living up to expectations
I can try to play smart for teachers like Raymond and be the whiny child for the substitutes that don’t know how to teach,
ok, still not entirely sure why she wanted that, but it was deliberate
I’ll study hard and I’ll do as the family needs, and I get money and clothes and training in exchange. Better deal than most get.
She's not wrong, but man that's a low bar. The practitioner world desperately child protection laws.
Gods this whole conversation is fucked! I wouldn't even know what bits to quote. Eugh. Years of resentment, a very hierarchical family. And Chase is feeling scared enough that regrets are coming to the surface, trying to reach out to his little sister. But Fernanda is very aware that they don't actually have a close sibling relationship, and that the power differential sits between them. Just painful and uncomfortable to read.
“You’re not in my good books, Miss Throop,” Fernanda said, quietly.
Making sure this is quiet, so none of the boys hear. Doesn't make Fernanda look weak or unaware for having more boys show up than expected, and being unhappy about it. Doesn't embarrass Laila by scolding her in public, which might create a grudge. But calling out Damaryon publicly, making a show of her strength, putting pressure on his friends to either make him apologize or draw back from him, putting Fernanda in a position of authority over their group. Also implying that Fernanda is the arbiter for offenses against Laila, and that her own revenge is something Fernanda grants Laila. She's good at this.
“You’re my best friend.  Why wouldn’t I?” Laila blinked a few times.
was not expecting that one, huh?
She’d given Laila nothing concrete, but she’d gotten a pledge in return.  It was the product of months of establishing friendship, from last year until now, that let her set that into motion.  It didn’t matter that Laila was her best friend, because it helped her feel like she was inching toward a better place. 
yeah... I noticed how quickly things went from "I can help you with social stuff, because we're friends" to "Promise you'll back me up" to "If you teach me, I'll forgive you"
“Prettier, richer, more powerful people win more.  That’s a lesson.  It’s not a nice lesson, especially for those who are less pretty or wealthy, but I’m personally very fond of imparting it.”
A way to score a huge win for the family, elevating all of them, and simultaneously free himself from all of the immense expectations that had been chasing him in recent years.
Man, Bristow is good at this
We stop being even a facsimile of a family. But all of us are happier alone. Except me.
oof. Guess that explains why he was so desperate to make a connection with Fernanda
“Very well,” Alexander said, his voice level.  “I hereby name you forsworn.  For filial promises made and taken to the grave by the other party.”
oh. wow.
“I would.  I might not like you in the slightest, but forswearing as a practice should be left well in the past.”
... yeah. I get that being able to hold people to their word is important, but forswearing is brutal and there doesn't seem to be a way out of it.
“It may have been hollow. But in these cases, a promise can be made and broken,” Seth said. “I may be gainsaid, but among her last words to me were her wishes that I had a good life ahead of me. And her expressed forgiveness and love.”
good to have confirmation that the person a promise was made to can forgive it being broken, and that prevents forswearing. I suppose it gets harder if the promise isn't made to an individual.
She forgave you, but it was not for her to handle the broken oath, then. I had taken on that responsibility by then. And I will not forgive. The universe has not seen you forsworn because I have been in firm custody of it, judgment pending.
well fuck
Nicolette shook her head.  “The open future clause.  Is there a feasible future where you could fulfill the oath?”
Nico's doing pretty well as an impromptu pro bono defense lawyer
“I would give Seth Belanger my protection for the time being,” Nicolette said.  “I would take him into my custody, and be a shield between him and the world.”
and she's a hell of a good person, despite everything the world has pushed her to be. Oh, there's plenty that can be done with someone who is forsworn and has no defense left, and I'm sure this wouldn't be entirely altruistic, but as Charles said near the beginning, even if he was taking on curses every day for Kennet, it would still be a good deal for protection.
“Do you think he’s the only one I could forswear, right here and right now?” Alexander asked.
oh fuck. Even if he doesn't right now (and I don't think he will), he's holding a blade over their heads. And after Seth they all know he's willing to drop it.
“Okay!?” Zed asked.  “No, Ray.  You’ve let a lot slide before, but this?”
he let a forswearing slide before!
“I think virtually every parent of a child at this school would agree a teacher should be suspended for a time after forswearing a student, until things can be assessed.”
ah. That's how he's going to use this
“Alexander shouldn’t be suspended because, number one, you probably planned that all along, and number two, he’s hot, in an older guy sorta way, and it’s a tragedy to lose that.”
love this terrible defense
And Laila, who had so recently made promises, trusting their friendship was more important than practice, visibly diminished.  If she wasn’t gainsaid now, she would be later.
well fuck. that poor girl.
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keefwho · 2 years
March 18 - 2023
8:30 AM
I guess my natural motivation has dried up for now. Now I gotta fight for it until it comes back. Sucks because I was hoping to get a lot done this weekend but I probably won’t be as productive as I thought. Or enjoy it as much. It’ll help if I stop thinking that failing to do all my current ideas is a bad thing. I lose nothing from not finishing something that wasn’t promised or announced in any way. All I can do is gain, if I get them done. 
9:05 AM
I mostly don’t want to feel too ‘meh’ or spiral into sadness today. Not that I think the latter is terribly likely. It’ll be a delicate balance between getting busy and resting like I should be on a weekend. 
Also the people I want to hang out with all seem busy this weekend so I can’t rely on anyone being around. I don’t like feeling lonely like this but it’s a good chance to try and overcome it again. I always have VRchat so I can talk to strangers at least. And knowing my friends will still be there for me when they are done makes it a little better. 
As much as I like to believe I enjoy my alone time, I am not very good at being by myself. Im always just waiting for the next time to hang out.
Its tough but I think the move is to exercise presence and ignore unhelpful thoughts. I always find myself stuck in this headspace where I can’t focus because I’m thinking about things that aren’t true, or everything else I have to do. I have to work hard to force focus on what I’m doing in times like this. 
9:38 AM
Here’s something that bothers me but maybe it’s because I’m just so out of the normal loop. People that have been in tons of relationships. Or casually drop how much sex they’ve had. Because from my lonely fucking point of view, have a single relationship or fucking for the first time would be a treasured experience. Maybe it’s just because since I haven’t had these things, I cannot take them lightly and I feel like it’s become TOO common to take them lightly. But that might just be because I am unable to get out and be normally social like a normal person. 
At this point I feel like it’s impossible to find someone like me who will take a relationship or sex at this stage in our lives as seriously as I do. Or maybe they will and I’ll be unable to understand how since they’ve had it many times before. 
For other reasons unknown, I’m just jaded at this topic. Fuck all these people going on and on about their many exes and partners while I’ve been alone my whole life. Which is completely my own fault too. 
Here I go spiraling again. 
10:13 AM
Damn Craig of the Creek for making me cry this morning. Im SO ANGRY that I had to move around so much as a kid. It’s not my fault I’m fucked up like I am but it is my job to fix it. Its so fucking stupid. I get it was probably out of everyone’s control but why couldn’t my parents just settle the fuck down somewhere? And then they place they DID choose is the middle of bumfuck nowhere. “Why don’t you have any friends? All you do is stay on the internet” Why the FUCK do you think???? I was a teenage in the WOODS. WHERE WAS I MEANT TO GO DUMB FUCK? On TOP of that, they never wanted to drive me to where people my age actually were like they do with my sister now. Maybe they learned how important it is to actually be social at that age and don’t want a repeat of me happening. FUck them. 
Im upset at all the old friends who wonder why I changed so much and became so “moody”. They don’t understand the turmoil I started going through when I became aware of how much I was covering up. They were NOT supportive of it either. And thats part of why we aren’t friends anymore. But I think to them, I just ‘went crazy’ and they’re probably waiting for me to get over it or have abandoned me entirely. 
Now I’m always fighting to keep the friends I do have because I feel like they could give up on me at any moment. It’s hard to believe they won’t sometimes. But I know this stems from my own self worth. Sometimes I’m unable to see what they see in me because all I can see myself as is worthless. 
11:29 AM
I guess I’m just being depressed in my room today while everyone I know is out doing meaningful things and moving on without me. 
I really wanted to avoid this today but I have no will to do anything.  How many weekends am I going to spend crying because my friends are busy with more important things and i have nothing else to distract myself with? Its always been like this with everyone. People have real lives that dont include me. Im just a weekday plaything.
2:01 PM
I thought maybe it’d be a good day to clean since I can’t bring myself to be creative but I’m unsure I can clean either. I don’t know what I have the heart to do at all. I’d like to clean the area outside my door, especially all the dog vomit stains on the outside carpet but I do not know how. I don’t even know how to clean the wood floor properly. Maybe I’ll try anyways. 
3:36 PM
I decided to jerk off really hard because at least being sad gets me some good nuts. 
I was gonna try something drastic. Keep rambling here until I feel better or at least get anywhere. First of all I’m afraid I’m only in a temporary high because that usually happens before I fall way back down into despair. I’ve come to the conclusion that once this has all started, it is inevitable that it will keep going. Trying to stop it or redirect it has not worked at all yet. Maybe I have to accept I’ll be depressed this weekend. 
All because I can’t learn to love myself and in turn, can’t feel loved in general. So then I feel really alone like I do today. And I think attention from certain people will fix it but it is only ever a bandaid. Because even when I think someone hates me and they are literally telling me how much they love me, it just doesn’t get through to me. 
I’m EXTREMELY frustrated and upset because I don’t know where to go from here. I don’t know how to value myself more. I just don’t get it. Why have I always been predisposed to feeling like I’m lesser than everyone? That I am always the loser because thats how life programmed it? Is it my fault or life circumstance that taught me to be like this? I just don’t know. 
But I feel a little better knowing that I have to be able to get better and I’ll keep trying until I am. Even if the next milestone is nowhere in sight, all I can do is keep trying. Someday I won’t berate myself so much, I’ll at least feel average. And I’ll have faith that my loved ones love me back more often. 
I feel so weak that sometimes I can’t just sit my ass down and draw something I have the heart for. Things I WANT to create for myself but mostly others. Although sometimes I feel the need to draw for someone because I feel like if I don’t, I’ll start losing them as a friend. Something I know is not true but its how I feel about it. I feel like I have to keep letting them know that I won’t leave them so that they maybe won’t leave me either. 
Maybe to improve my self worth I can start doing nice things for myself like I would for a friend. I can roleplay I’m someone else to make it easier. I can make myself some good food and enjoy it. I could let go and listen to what my heart wants to do and do that. I don’t know. I just don’t know.
I dont even see the point in feeling happy if no one is around to share it with.
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
Power Couple
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing 
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Summary: Sean, Felix, Dave, and Joel welcome Corpse’s girlfriend to a game of Party Animals. It’s her first time playing and she has to deal with a lot more than just the controls and objectives - her boyfriend being a cute, cuddly sweetheart with ulterior motives to his clinginess.
Requested by @susceptible-but-siriusexual. Thank you so much for your request! Hope I captured what you wanted and how you wanted. Feel free to send any other requests you may have XOXO
It’s been one hell of a day. Had to correct twice as many documents as I was originally supposed to at work; found my car with a flat tire in the parking lot as I was about to go home; argued with my boss over the phone while stuck in a traffic jam. It’s been a rough twelve hours, but it has led me here and that’s what I’d rather think about.
By ‘here’ I mean I’m sitting on the couch in Corpse’s recording room, my computer in my lap, my screen displaying the screen to the game Party Animals. The suggestion was Corpse’s. He immediately picked up on my below par mood and wasted no time finding a solution to bright up the remainder of the day, shadowing the shitty portion of it. I am not what you would call a gamer. Sure I’ve played Among Us with Corpse and his friends a few times. Even that I struggle to do because I’m internally fangirling over all the people in the lobby. Yeah, dating a youtuber doesn’t mean you automatically stop gushing over the many content creators on the platform you’ve been watching for quite some time now. Corpse knows how nervous I get so he’s always near me when we play with Sean, Felix and the other. All he has to do is give me that encouraging smile and wink of his and I’m good to go. Side note: massive props to him for going easy on me in Among Us, getting teasingly called ‘simp’ by his friends in the process.
“You’ll love it.“ He promised me over and over again as the game was downloading on my computer.
“I don’t doubt that, Corpse. But I am going in completely blind and I seriously don’t wanna embarrass myself.“ I mumble a quick ‘nor you‘ under my breath, hoping he doesn’t catch it because I’m in for a pep talk if he does. 
To my dismay, he does, “Listen here, you couldn’t embarrass me even if you actively tried to do something outrageous. Most likely scenario, I’d join you in the act.” He ducks in front of the couch so we’re at eye level, his hand coming up to cup my cheek in the sweetest, most comforting gesture ever. “We’ll show em who’s the boss at stealing candy.”
I can’t help but laugh, feeling unable to express just how much this man means to me. Words can’t do the feeling justice.
“Corpse Wife has arrived!“
Hearing all the greetings lights a flame in my chest, the warmth spreading all the way to my neck and cheeks. “Hi guys! Missed playing with you!”
“We missed you too!“ Dave, the only one of the gaming gang I’ve actually met in person, replies to me, his words along with all the others’ wrapping around me like a comfort blanket. Despite them knowing I’m a fan of theirs, they’ve always made me feel welcomed, comfortable, nothing less than them.
“You know anything about this game?“ Felix asks me.
I shake my head, almost forgetting he can’t see me, “Corpse told me it’s funny and cute. It sounds like the perfect game for me.” 
“Oh no, this is a game of survival. Survival of the fittest!“ Sean shouts excitedly, a bang following his shout I can only assume was him hitting his desk.
“I’d like to think I’m pretty fit.“ I shrug my shoulders, laughing along with the guys.
“This is the only way to find out if you actually are.“ Joel’s voice comes through my headphones in the form of a tease.
Sean mumbles quietly to himself as he’s deciding how to separate us in two teams. “Guys, a little help here. We all suck at this game, it doesn’t really matter who’s in which team.”
“Actually...“ Felix trails off, “Corpse and Y/N are the ultimate power couple in Among Us. Chances are they will be in this as well. So, the only logical move would be to...“
“I’m taking Y/N, you take Corpse.“ Sean declares. “Joel, Dave, who do you guys wanna be with?“
And the game starts. Sean, Joel and I are the Meowfia while Corpse, Felix and Dave are yet to choose a team name. We throw around snarky, cocky comments at each other, taunting the opposite team as we struggle to take the candy to our respective sides of the map.
“Don’t you dare pull that lever, Dave!“ I launch at Dave, knocking his cute avatar away from the lever, buying Joel and Sean some time to steal back the gummy bear Corpse and Felix took from us.
“Y/N! Joel is out! Help me!“ Sean is freaking out now. I ditch Dave’s unconscious body and run to Sean’s aid. 
As I’m helping him push it towards out area a member from the opposite team latches onto my avatar, weighing me down and hindering me from doing anything.
“Hug!“ Corpse laughs as he has literally turned into a koala, holding onto my avatar.
“Corpse, you know you are actually supposed to hinder Y/N, not hug her. It’s cute though, don’t get me wrong.“ Felix laughs as him and Sean continue to struggle over the gummy bear.
“Nah, his tactic’s great. I can’t do shit.“ I desperately try and shake him off, “Babe, this is unfair. I can’t even be mad at you!“ I whine, staring to panic now that Dave is back to life and Joel is nowhere to be seen.
The round is won by Felix, Dave and Corpse who, if I might add, didn’t let go of me for the rest of the game.
We switch maps, now every man for himself. We’re on the submarine, recreating the Hunger Games with cute fuzzy animals. The thought passes through my mind, causing me to giggle.
“Y/N, you sound exactly like I’d imagine your avatar to sound. You’re so cute.“ Sean’s avatar circles mine a few times as he laughs.
He’s not wrong, my pale blue puppy is indeed cute. Apparently immortal as well.
“How is Y/N still alive?! Holy shit, her and Corpse really are a power couple.“ Dave shrieks when he sees me pick up the freeze gun. “NOOO!“ He shouts, devastated by the fact I shot him, sending him straight to his death.
“Chill, Dave. It’s all cool. Nothing personal.“ I struggle to hide my laughter, “No hard feelings, right?“
“Of course not, love.“ I can tell he grits the sentence through clenched teeth.
“Aw Dave, you are such an ice guy.“ I giggle, now shooting Joel with the gun.
“Someone take that gun from her!“ Sean cries as him and Felix race up the submarine.
Suddenly, the avatar of my boyfriend again wraps itself around mine. I hadn’t seen him in a while, considering Sean knocked him into the ocean earlier in the round. 
“How are you still alive?!“ I try to spin my puppy to get him to let go but he holds on tightly. “Babe, I swear, you are cute and I love you, but this is ridiculous. How and why are you alive?”
“That’s his superpower! He never fucking dies.“ Felix laughs, letting out a yelp when he briefly slips while climbing.
“Immortals!!! Immortals!!!“ Sean breaks out into a song, a song I really like, breaking the restraints I had on my laughter.
“Drop the gun or we’re dying together.“ He says almost seriously. Even though I can only see the back of his head I know he’s grinning.
“A Titanic/Romeo and Juliet mashup? Why not? I can live with dying a double historical death.“ Even though I appear accepting of his offer, I’m still trying to set myself free.
In the end, Sean claims his first win of the game and the rest of us are dead at the bottom of the ocean. Corpse and I did indeed die a Romeo and Juliet/Titanic death, getting everyone in their feels. We make a deal to get together and play again as soon as possible and we all go our separate ways, exiting the Discord call.
*Later that night* 
After a dinner consisting of takeout and two thirds of a shitty romantic comedies, Corpse shifts from next to me, starting to get up from the couch. I am surprised to feel jolted out of a half sleep as the room is now completely silent, the TV being turned off.
“Hey where’re you going?“ I ask groggily, rubbing my sleepy eyes.
“I have some editing to do. Don’t worry, I won’t stay up too late.“ He kisses my forehead before grabbing his phone from the coffee table.
Just as he’s about to walk away, I wrap my arms around his legs. He laughs, catching onto what I’m insinuating. His chuckle brings a smile to my face and butterflies in my belly. No matter how long we date for or how much time we spend together, some things never change. 
“Payback, huh?“ He asks, the smile audible in the question. I keep my eyes shut but nod, my arms still around his legs. “Alright, you koala. You’re coming with me.”
In his recording room, he settles in his chair placing me in his lap in a way that my legs dangling off to the side, my side leaning against his chest, my face hidden in the crook of his neck. We’re both comfortable, content and relaxed.
I don’t know when exactly it happens, but all my mind has registered is a quiet ‘I love you’ and the soft touch of Corpse’s lips on my temple. I manage to reply with an ‘I love you too’ before my sleepiness consumes me, my body completely relaxing against his, the warmth of his body, his scent, the sound of his breathing making me feel safe and loved: the two feelings I want him to feel with the same intensity when I’m in his arms.
Something tells me he does.
@simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @hacker-ghost  @itsminniekat  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17 @chrysanthykios  @annshit @i-cant-choose-a-username-help
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hanazuma-inactive · 3 years
Hey, thinking back to your “conversation” with the Kaminari anon, I got an idea.
Basically- Y/n (M! Reader) and Kaminari are having a competition at work, and the winner will get to top that night. The competition is pretty simple; at the end of the day, they will count up how many civilians they helped and how many villains they took down each. The one with the highest number, is the winner. The two had done this challenge quite a few times before, and Y/n had won almost every time due to Kaminari’s quirk’s side effect. But this time, Kaminari had made sure to prepare. He had trained with Bakugou to try and build his tolerance and had also gotten help from Kirishima to figure out which streets were busier and full of people during the day. And after convincing his boss to let him patrol that particular street, it had all worked out. He had won the competition, and what was waiting at home was a long night.. kinky-
Take your time and don’t rush it, Rei. Have a nice day/night! :>
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lust games (nsfw), denki x reader
pronouns: he/him (FEMALE ORIENTED DNI!!)
warnings: edging, flirty denki, vibrator, light bondage
a/n: i love denki sm ty for this request, this was also an amazing prompt
pro hero chargebolt and h/n, always arriving at the scene just in time and occasionally a little late. the citizens could always depend on the couple to save the day with their amazing synergy and playful manner of defeating the villains. you and denki mostly patrolled near each other during work so the two of you usually help each other out when needed. or y'know, the blonde hero might casually stroll over to your area with a cup of coffee in his hand and lay a few flirtatious words on you.
"i'm winning today! and there's no doubt about it!" is a sentence you hear from your boyfriend almost every single day but never fulfilled his promise. he came close before but it never actually happened. this little game of yours started when the two of you started to lose motivation to work in general. knowing denki being the horn dog he is, you proposed this game. whoever helped the most civilians, or captured the most villains will get to top for that night. and ever since then, you've been winning everyday without fail, leaving denki as the bottom for the night.
he didn't mind as long as it was with you but a competition is a competition and he tries everyday to reverse what usually happens. little did you know today was the day it finally happened. denki had been training secretly by himself so that his quirk wouldn't overload himself as easily. it might also count a bit as cheating but he asked his friend, kirishima, to leak him all the locations near his area where civilians need help. in a way it's kind of sweet to think about all the things that he would do just for you. at the end of your patrols you tallied up the counts.
"56...57 and 58, how bout you denks?"
"56, 57, 58 and...59. i won! i won! you know what that means?! denki shouted and jumped in joy.
"alright alright! good job, i knew you could do it. i'll be waiting for what you have in store then~"
"oh just you wait baby boy, i'll give you the night of your life!" denki said while shooting finger guns at you.
you weren't expecting anything special, just usually what you do to denki but in return. what tricks could he have up his sleeves anyways right? you headed home with denki after that and enjoyed a hot bath and dinner together. you cooked denki's favorite hamburgers to reward him for doing so well at work today. the two of you watched some tv afterwards and relaxed in each other's arms, almost forgetting the big event for tonight.
"hey babeeee~" the blonde cooed in a flirting tone.
"hm? what's up."
"did you forget what i won today?"
"oh yah, you did win that huh. well, i'm ready for anything you're gonna do to me so…do your worst."
"with pleasure~"
denki picked you up with his arms bridal style and carried you inside the bedroom. he settled you down the bed and sat you up as he towered over you. not fazed by his actions you giggled a little at his attempt to top but it was still cute. your boyfriend gave you an angry pout and placed his lips onto yours. caressing you and stroking your arms gently while he was at it. you were usually rougher with him so it was a surprise to you how gentle he was.
the kiss ended with denki blushing and a smirk from you. despite all the preparations denki made he still gets flustered whenever he shares a kiss with you, it was adorable of course.
"a-alright! you won't be ready for this!"
"oh? let's see what you got, baby boy."
denki moved his lips down around your nipples. lifting your shirt up enough so that your abs and pink nipples are exposed, kaminari started to work on them. he was surprisingly well with his tongue. the blonde has been on his knees many times sucking your dick, but this was a different type of pleasure. it made you more sensitive than usual and you felt your cock start to rise inside your pants.
"wow~ look what we got here baby?"
you look down to see the bulge in your pants. unable to contain it any longer, denki took off your pants to reveal the cock that's been throbbing ever since he got started. he reached for your cock and started to stroke it while kissing your nipples. the stimulation from both below and above felt so good it didn't take long for you to start leaking some precum. seeing this, denki rubbed the tip of your cock and spread the precum onto the rest of your length for lubrication. he started to speed up his strokes and just when you were about to cum, denki stopped stroking your cock and focused on your nipples, making you orgasm from them instead.
the cum got all over your abs and some on denki's face. he gladly licked it all up and gave you a grin in return.
"just wait baby...if you felt good with that you won't be able to handle what comes next…"
you were a little scared of what denki was about to do next but excited at the same time. the blonde reached into the nightstand and grabbed a small rope to tie your hands up with.
"h-hey denks! what's this for?! you're kidding right!"
"ah uh uh~ this is to make sure you stay still for later hehe…"
you realized resistance was futile against your boyfriend and he had entire control over you right now. you let go of your defense and let him tie you up to the headboards. he reached into the night stand again to pull out an egg looking toy with a remote around it. you knew what it was but you didn't know when and how denki got his hands on it. denki placed it on the side and licked two of his fingers. lifting your legs up right after to prepare your asshole. he reached your prostate so fast and it felt amazing.
"f-fuck denki, right there...that's the spot o-oh fuck-"
"hehe~ these are just some tricks i learned by myself, glad to know it's making you feel good baby."
denki continued to loosen you until his fingers can enter and exit smoothly. it also wasn't a surprise your cock was hard again and dripping with precum. denki's eyes lit up seeing your hard cock and he grabbed the egg shaped toy he put out earlier. carefully, he strapped the toy to the tip of your cock and grabbed the remote control himself. he tested some different levels of vibration and found the right one judging from the volume of your moans. you started panting after denki finally settled down with the remote but you realized he wasn't done there. he won the game and he hasn't got what he wanted yet.
"alright baby boy! time for the main course, get ready for the night of your fucking life…"
denki took off his pants and stroked his cock a little. aligning the tip with your ass and slapping gently a few times before entering.
"oh fuck baby...didn't know you were this tight."
"hnngh…denki a-ah~"
denki struggled to fit in his entire length in your ass but managed after a few min. his cock immediately hitting your prostate and the vibrator on your dick getting you close.
"denki...please start moving, i want it…"
"you asked for it baby, here i go, hnngh!"
your boyfriend slowly started to move his hips, thrusting his cock into you again and again, deeper and deeper every time. you've never felt this type of pleasure before being the top and it left you speechless. it was a little painful at first but eventually felt heavenly. denki began to move faster because your moans became louder. his flirty attitude disappearing as he gasped for breathe in sync with you.
"f-fuck y/n, baby, i'm gonna cum soon, your ass feels too fucking good."
"please d-do, cum inside denki, cum inside!"
denki leaned over to you and connected his lips with yours while you wrapped your arms around his neck. his cock pumping cum into your ass while you came as well from his cock. both of you left breathless after the new experience you had. denki gave you a faint smile, glad to know you enjoyed it as you grabbed him back in for a kiss. leaning your foreheads together you two giggled, laughing at each other. he layed down next to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, you were pretty tired too so you let it slide today without cleaning up. denki snuggled into your back as you gave him one last kiss on his forehead before heading to bed.
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dr0wning-in-hell · 3 years
Wonder - Peter Parker
Summary : During a heated make-out session while studying Peter gains the confidence to move things forward with his girlfriend Y/N, relating in some steamy sex.
Word Count :1.8k+
Warnings : SMUT!! Making out, fingering, oral(f), cursing, sexy times all around my friends, dirty talk, literally porn with no plot
Pairing : Peter Parker x reader
Prompt : “91 and 100 with peter please!” - anonymous |91. “Your lips make me wonder what the rest of you would taste like..” |100. “You’re so beautiful all spread out like this, just for me.”
A/N : Y’all I’m really trying to post more I promise, I just haven’t felt like myself so I have like no motivation for anything. I’m super sorry. But please enjoy this post!!
New masterlist | prompt list | color prompts
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Peter and Y/N had stopped studying about 15 minutes ago, and now all their school work was on the ground and Peter was holding Y/N in his lap as their lips were tangled together. Absentmindedly, Y/N started grinding down onto Peter’s crotch, resulting in a low groan to escape his mouth.
“Your lips make me wonder what the rest of you would taste like...” Peter mumbled against his girlfriends’ lips. She pulled back and looked at him, wondering if he was really serious.
“Are- are sure? Are you being serious?” Peter nodded, his hands still holding Y/N close to his body. 
“I know I’ve been hesitant to uhm- do it, but I love you so much and I’ve been thinking about it a lot and I’m ready. I’m ready to do this with you,” Peter watched as Y/N smiled widely before nodding and kissing her boyfriend. He smiled back against her lips before starting to lay her down on the bed. Their hands roamed each others bodies as the air in the room grew thick with the smell of lust and sex. The two teens grew needier, tearing the others’ clothes off to leave scratch marks and hickies along their newly exposed skin. 
Peter stared down at his girlfriends’ body which made her a little subconscious as she was thinking that he he didn’t like what he was looking at. “So fucking perfect,” He said lowly, “And all mine,” His hands went to grab at her covered chest, quickly disregarding the material and letting his hands hold the soft flesh. Y/N stifled a groan as he massaged her breast and pinched at her nipples. He could tell what he was doing to her and in one swift motion he lowered his lips to her hard nipples and sucked on them hard enough to leave hickies.
Y/N couldn’t help the moan that escaped her lips after that, the new sensation of his lips around her, the soft biting, it felt so new and so good. After leaving two extremely large purple bruises on her chest he moved down and continued to litter the marks down her body. When he reached the area where he knew she need him the most he took his time in teasing her. 
Peter ran his fingers along her clothed clit, applying just a little bit of pressure. He watched as Y/N squirmed under him, her legs tensing at the new feeling. 
“No teasing,” She groaned. “Please, I just need you.” 
“Is someone a little needy? Hm? Does someone need to be taken care of?” Peter whispered as he lowered his head closer to her heat. He watched Y/N nod her head, her pupils blown wide as she waited in anticipation to see what he was about to do. Slowly pulling down her panties he discarded them and stared at the sight in front of him. He felt his pants tighten even more causing him to rut his hips against the mattress. This was something new for the both of them and even though they hadn’t gone that far yet they could both tell they weren’t going to last long.
Peter licked his lips before laying his tongue against Y/N’s slit, spreading her folds as he tasted her for the first time. Y/N’s body lurched forward, a loud moan falling from her lips at the sensation. Peter grinned and continue to lick at her cunt, sucking both folds every once in a while and then releasing them with a load ‘pop’. 
“You taste like heaven,” Peter groaned as he continued to lap at her folds and feel her aerosol fall onto his lips. “You’re so beautiful all spread out like this, just for me,” he mumbled against her lips. After feeling arounds for a few more seconds he wrapped his lips around her clit and sucked it into his mouth. 
Y/N’s mouth fell open, a silent moan failing to escape her throat as it got caught. “F-fuck, Peter. Feels so good, fuck- pl-please I need more,” She begged, her hands going to push themselves into his brown locks and pull even closer. The chuckle that fell from Peter’s lips vibrated against her skin, causing the hairs on her body to raise. Peter pulled his mouth away just enough to start pushing one, then two fingers into his girlfriend’s leaking hole. He watched in amusement and lust as her tight hole seemed to swallow his fingers, just begging for more. Peter curled his fingers, hitting the soft, spongey spot inside her. Based upon her reaction of her back arching and a squeal erupting from her, it was no doubt that he just found the perfect spot inside her.
“Does that feel good, angel? Do you like my fingers spreading you open?” Peter taunted as he sped of his fingers. Y/N could only nod as the feeling was too much and she could barely remember to breathe. The boy’s eyes watched her body twitch and spasm, her legs closing tightly around his fingers as a sign she was about to cum. His head fell back in between her legs, his tongue finding and available space against her cunt as she came without warning. Her juices leaked onto his hand as he slowly moved his fingers from her core, licking them clean and then going back into her core to taste her even more.
Y/N watched as he tasted her, his pupils blown to cover his entire iris. It was a sinful sight, one only she got to witness. When Peter was done with his mouth he pulled his lips up and along her body, leaving wet and sloppy kisses all across her body until he reached her lips. He captured her mouth within hers, both of them moaning against each other as she tasted herself against his lips and he let her take control of the kiss. 
After a few moments he pulled away so he could take off the remainders of his clothes and grab a condom. “Are you sure you’re ready for this? We don’t have to do anything else.” Peter asked as he stopped himself from pulling down his boxers.
“I want this, please, I want to feel you inside me.” Y/N begged, her mouth watering at the thought of what his cock might look like. She watched with sharp eyes as he pulled the last bit of material from his body and his aching cock finally sprung free from it’s prison. Peter let out a deep groan as his hand just barely touched himself. Without wasting any more time he ripped the foil package open and slowly rolled it onto his shaft with a hiss. Peter climbed back over Y/N’s body that was now covered in a thin layer of sweat and Peter’s drying kisses.
“I love you so much,” Peter mumbled as he pressed a long and slow kiss to her lips.
Y/N grinned, “I love you more, but if you don’t put your cock in me I’m doing it myself.” Her comment made Peter laugh, but he nodded as he sat on his knees and pulled Y/N’s hips up to wrap her legs around his waist. He teased her hole at first just to annoy her, but then finally began to push into her tiny entrance. Y/N gasped, her hands going to grip his biceps as he pushed in till he was balls deep in her. They were both panting heavily, their breathes fanning against the other’s skin as they waited a moment. 
The nod Y/N gave Peter to start moving was all the conformation he need to start. His hips moved slow at first, going all the way into her hot heat before pulling out and continuing his movements. The sounds Y/N let out were uncontrollable but they only urged Peter to go on. After finding a steady rhythm he began to move faster, his hips becoming flush against his girlfriends’ as he tried to get as close as he could to her.
“You feel so good around me, angel. Fuck, just swallowing me up. Such a greedy whore.” Peter grunted as he pounded into her core. 
This new side of Peter was completely different from the shy kid who would barely kiss her in public, and it made her heart speed up. “So big,” Y/N whimpered, her eyes glancing down to look at where their bodies connected. “Can’t believe we waited so long. Don’t think I ever want this to end.” 
Peter’s hips stuttered a bit but as he moved to bend her legs to her chest, getting a deeper angle. He hit the special spot inside her, causing her Y/E/C eyes to roll to the back of her head, letting out the most pornographic sound either of them have ever heard. His face was right above hers. his lips ghosting hers and giving her just enough of a taste that it left her wanting more. 
Peter fucked into her cunt harshly, chasing both of their releases. Y/N whined loudly, her hands going to reach for Peter’s as she pulled him against her. “ ‘M gonna cum, fuck- want you to cum.” Peter nodded and pressed his lips to her, trying to maintain his speed.  
“I’m right there, fuck, cum for me angel. Want to feel you milk everything out of me.” That was all she need to hear as she clenched hard onto his cock, her back arching and body spasming as she came from her high. Peter came right after, his hips stilling inside her as he released his load into the condom. He could feel her tighten around him just a little bit more as they finished their highs, both panting in exhaustion. 
Once Peter caught his breathe he pulled out slowly and watched his girlfriend’s slick slide down her thighs. After discarding the condom he went to the bathroom to get a warm cloth and clean her up. Y/N whimpered at the contact and tried to pull away but Peter gave her a scolding look as he cleaned her up. 
“I don’t think I’ll be able to walk tomorrow,” Y/N yawned and snuggled up to her boyfriend while he crawled under the covers. 
He chuckled a bit and wrapped his arms around her, “That’s alright, I’ll carry you everywhere.” She grinned, her eyes falling slowly until they were closed and she was asleep, Peter soon following her.
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justanotherblonde23 · 4 years
An Unexpected Surprise - A Marcus Moreno Story
Author’s Note: So with some encouraging from my friends, I decided to post my writing! I know that technically we don’t know anything about Marcus Moreno, but that superhero dad has been taking up space in my mind rent free all week. I tagged people that I know wanted to read this and a few that I thought might enjoy it. Please let me know what you think! -Kat 
Content Warnings: smut, oral (female receiving), P in V
Tags: @autumnleaves1991-blog @dindjarindiaries @frannyzooey @zeldasayer @hdlynnslibrary @jollyrancher87 @bisexual-space-slut @woakiees @scribbledghost @softpedropascal @catfishingmorales
Marcus trudged into the house, it was at least 2 in the morning, and he was absolutely exhausted. He was always exhausted these days; his age was catching up to him. He may be a part of the Heroics, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t getting older. He was balancing heroism, kids, a spouse, and trying to give them some semblance of a normal life. He was ready to retire, be involved in every aspect of the kids’ lives, and see his wife in more than just the middle of the night and before leaving for work. He had given enough of his life to the service of the world; now, it was about time to provide all of himself to his family. Missy, his eldest, was already 11 and getting older every single day. Jules, the baby of the family, was about to turn 5, just about to leave the toddler years behind her. He felt as if he had missed so much of their lives; he didn’t want to miss anymore. 
Most of the house lights had been turned off, signaling that most of the inhabitants were fast asleep. He hoped that at least he could get a kiss or two from the woman he loved. Maybe she would still be awake. He made his way up the stairs, checking the kids’ rooms. He planted soft kisses on their foreheads, smiling at their serene expressions. What beautiful little girls he had, he was the luckiest father in the world. 
He frowned, opening the door to the master bedroom; the soft glow of artificial light bathed the room in a yellow haze. There she was, his love, sitting in the middle of the bed, clearly wide awake, wearing her glasses and frowning at the hologram in front of her. Someone was working even later than Marcus himself. He took in her form; she still hadn’t noticed him quite yet. She was wearing a silky nightie that hit her upper thigh and a matching robe loosely tied around her. His cock stirred in his pants. Even as spent as he was from the day, the view in front of him made him want to take her to bed and fuck her senseless. 
“Dr. Moreno, hard at work, I see,” he teased. 
Her eyes shot up, smirking at him. I’m not quite Dr. Moreno yet, Marcus. You’d have to marry me first,” she teased. 
“We had a ceremony-” he started.
“And someone still hasn’t mailed the marriage certificate, even though it’s been two months. All you gotta do is bring it to the post office, baby. I’d do it myself, but somebody insisted that he’d be the one to do it.” 
Marcus groaned, falling onto the bed beside his wife (that’s what she was to him, even if he didn’t mail the marriage certificate yet). He heard some shuffling and a command for her AI system to file the holograms working on for the night. He’d lived with her for four years now, and he still hadn’t gotten used to all her tech. If he was a hero in name, she was the genius behind every piece of technology in his arsenal, as well as all of the other members of the Heroics. Her superpower was her mind, that gorgeous, intricate, genius mind of hers. Her ability to retain information, learn, critically think, and create was almost impossible to fathom truly. At 33, she had twelve doctorates in various fields, including engineering, physics, nanotechnology, and art history. Her thirst for knowledge and eagerness to invent was unparalleled, even among other enhanced individuals. He would never stop singing her praises; she was a wonder. 
“Marcus, baby, do you wanna shower and go to bed? It’s late.” 
He sighed, starting to relax into the feeling of her fingers carding through his hair. “Baby, if you keep that up, I’m gonna fall asleep right here and now. I took a shower at HQ before I left, so I’m good.” He opened his eyes when her fingers stilled, looking up at the beautiful woman with the soft smile leaning over him. 
“Do you think you can stay up for a little bit longer, honey? I have a surprise for you.” 
He sat up, scooting up against the headboard, kicking off his shoes. He felt wide awake now. His wife wasn’t typically one for surprises on any old day. He wracked his mind, trying to make sure that he hadn’t missed her birthday, their dating anniversary, or any other consequential, momentous occasion. 
“I didn’t forget a special day, did I? Fuck, amor. I’m so sorry if I did. I’ve been spread so damn thin since the wedding; I’ve been running around like a madman.” 
She placed a tiny cream-colored box in his hands, his wife sitting right in front of him, eyes sparkling with excitement. “You didn’t miss anything, Marcus, just open the box. You’ll like it, I promise.” 
He nodded, pulling at the perfect bow holding the box closed, carefully opening the lid. For a minute, he just stared at the contents of the box, his eyes wide with shock. Ever so slowly, he picked up a pair of teeny baby booties, placing them in his large palm. He took the second item out, a pregnancy test that digitally read, PREGNANT. His hands began to shake; tears began to overflow, tracking down his cheeks. He looked up, his gaze locked on the woman in front of him. 
“Sweetheart, are we-? Are you-? We’re- we’re having a baby?” he managed to choke out. 
There was one more item in the box, at the bottom, an ultrasound labeled Baby Moreno. He studied the picture intently, his thumb moving over the little blob on the paper. That was his baby, their baby. They were having a baby. 
“Holy shit,” he murmured, “we’re having a baby!”
A giggle made him raise his eyes once again. “That’s what I said, too. I’m about ten weeks along now. You’re going to be a daddy of three, Marcus Moreno.” 
He scooped up everything in his lap, dumping it on the nightstand. He quickly grabbed his wife, flipping her so that she was under him. He covered her face in kisses, whispering how beautiful she was, how she was so loved, so treasured, so cherished. How their baby was made of nothing but love, how they were precious cargo, and how he would protect both of them every single day of his life. He kissed down her jaw, down her neck, eliciting breathy moans from the woman underneath him. His kisses went lower and lower until he reached her belly, pulling her nightie up around her waist so that he could get to her bare stomach. He planted dozens of kisses all over her belly, in awe of the life growing in there. 
“Hey baby, it’s your daddy,” he cooed softly. “Your mommy and I already love you, little one, and you’ll have two big sisters that I just know will love you too. I can’t wait for you to be here, little baby. I promise I’ll be here for you.” 
He looked adoringly at the mother of his youngest child, grinning as if his world had been made complete, and in all honesty, it had been. This baby, this tiny little one growing inside of the woman that he loved most, filled a hole in his heart that he hadn’t even been aware of. 
He bit down on his lower lip, smirking while ever so slowly pulling off her panties. He would lavish the woman he loved with every ounce of devotion, adoration, and love he had to offer. A breathless Oh please, Marcus was all he needed to motivate him to continue. He opened her legs up, giving him access to her slit, wet and wanting. He groaned, the sight making his mouth water. If he had it his way, Marcus could spend hours between her thighs. Two fingers lightly toyed with her slit, moving up and down, collecting her slick. 
“Look at you, baby, so wet for me, and I’ve barely touched you. If this is what pregnancy does to you, amor, I might have to start keeping better work hours so I can spend my time between your thighs.” 
He could see her hips try to follow his fingers, desperate for more than he was giving her. “Marcus, don’t tease, please,” she whined. He chuckled, easily giving in to her pleas. He couldn’t say no to her, not tonight. 
He buried his head between her legs, tongue coming out to lick a broad strip all the way to the top of her slit, his nose nudging her clit. She tasted like heaven, making him moan into her core, sending pleasurable shivers up her spine. He speared his tongue into her, getting as deep as he could, fucking her pussy with his tongue while her fingers tangled themselves in his curls. He kept exploring her folds with his tongue, hitting all the spots he knew would make her see stars. 
He easily pushed in two fingers, causing her to buck her hips up, matching his pace. He focused his tongue on her clit, alternating between drawing lazy circles and sucking her into his mouth. His fingers hit that sweet spot inside her with every thrust, bringing her closer and closer to her release. Before he knew it, she was cumming around his fingers, squeezing him tight and pulling him deeper. His mouth flooded with the taste that was uniquely hers, prompting him to moan. He could feel himself rock hard in his pants, leaking with his arousal. 
He crawled off the bed, swiftly ridding himself of his clothes, placing his glasses safely on the nightstand. He grabbed her glasses as well, placing them next to his own. She had shrugged off her robe and nightie, languidly watching him, her eyes blown wide with desire. 
“Marcus, I need you inside of me,” she begged. His large cock rested heavy against his stomach, tip red and leaking. The thought of him inside of her was almost too much. She needed him, and she needed him right now. 
He settled over her, catching her lips in a deep, earth-shattering kiss. His tongue explored her mouth, letting her taste herself. Marcus was intoxicating, enthralling, and all she wanted was more. Finally, they broke apart, panting slightly. 
“Dr. Moreno, my lovely wife, mother of my child, let me make love to you. Let me show you how happy you make me, sweetheart. I want to make you touch the sky,” he whispered into her ear. 
She beamed at him, cradling his cheek gently. “Yes, baby, I’m all yours.” He leaned back in, catching her into another searing kiss. He worked his length up and down her slit, coating himself in her slick, bumping her clit a few times in the process. At last, he began to leisurely enter her, inch by inch. They both groaned when he bottomed out, fully seated inside of her. 
“Fuck honey, you’re just so tight, so wet, so warm for me,” he whimpered, moving inside her with slow, deep strokes. He wanted to make this last, to draw out her pleasure. With every thrust, he told her how good she felt, how beautiful she looked underneath him, how her pussy was made for him, how perfect she was. He could’ve gone like that for quite some time, slowly bringing her closer and closer to her high. Only her pleas of more, faster, harder made him speed up. 
He grabbed one of her legs, placing it higher on his hip, allowing him to hit deeper inside her. Her hips moved in unison with his own, meeting each thrust into her. He would never get tired of the pretty sounds she made for him when he was fucking her. Those breathy moans she let out, the babbling it all spurred him on. He could tell she was close. She always got so fucking wet and even tighter right before she came. He dropped a hand between them, rubbing hard, tight circles around her clit. Not even a half dozen thrusts later, and she was wailing in ecstasy, clamping down on him like a vice. He wasn’t far behind, spilling himself deep within her, muttering her name over and over like a prayer. 
He rolled off of her, panting, taking a minute to catch his breath as he gazed at her blissed-out form. Hair a mess, chest heaving, lips swollen from his kisses to Marcus, she was stunning. He couldn’t think of a moment when she was more gorgeous than right then and there. He could look at her forever, just like this. 
Eventually, he got up and grabbed a warm cloth, gently cleaning her off. Turning off the light, he climbed back into bed, pulling her body to his, cradling her close. He let his hand wander, rubbing soothing circles over her belly. 
“You’re gonna look so stunning, honey, all round with our baby. I promise I’ll take such good care of you. I’ll do whatever you need.” 
He could feel his wife sigh, completely relaxed in his arms. He held her close, basking in her warmth and the love between them. He let his mind wander, thinking of the future, thinking of this baby. 
“I’m gonna cut back at work, move more into an advisory role in the Heroics. As your pregnancy progresses, I’ll be able to work from home and take a solid chunk of paternity leave when the baby comes. I’ve given enough of myself to the world. It’s time for me to give everything I can to my family, to you, to the girls, to this baby. I’ll go drop off the marriage certificate tomorrow before I go into HQ to talk about restructuring my job. That way, you’ll officially be Dr. Moreno, even though you’ve already been that to me for a long time.” 
She answered him with a happy sigh and kisses to his hand that entwined with hers. “I’d like that, Marcus. It might be selfish, but I want you here, with us. We love you so much; it’s nice when you’re here. It makes our family complete.” 
They spent a few more minutes talking about the future, drifting off into deep, dreamless sleep. The thought of tomorrow was full of bright promises, just waiting to be embraced. 
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rhysismydaddy · 4 years
Casual Ruin Pt. 2 (Elriel)
Elain’s part of the Damnation Series
Part 1
“No,” I emphasize, shaking my head to further get the point across. “I’m not getting on that thing!”
Azriel tilts his head, still leaning against the motorcycle with casual arrogance and twinkling hazel eyes. “It’s perfectly safe. And we both know you love to ride.”
My face heats at that little joke, but I hold firm in my convictions. “Can’t we just walk?”
We’re going to a beach on his recommendation, but apparently, the one right behind us isn’t good enough. “No.”
“Okay, then why don’t we take the bus?”
He looks at me like I just suggested we crawl all the way their on our hands and knees. “No.”
He offers no other option, just looks at me and waits patiently. 
“Don’t you trust me, dolcezza mia?” he purrs, sliding his hands in the pocket of his dark jeans and smiling.
The walls of my refusal start to crumble, because I’m such a sucker for that smile. I’m starting to think he knows it, too.
“I’m in a dress,” I point out weakly. 
“With a swimsuit underneath.”
I try again. “My hair will get tangled.”
Azriel sighs like he’s over my shit, lips twitching. “You and I both know you’re dying to put a scarf over it like one of those cliché movies you love so much.”
Thelma and Louise is my favorite movie... 
And he does look criminally handsome leaning against the motorcycle, dressed in black like always, sunglasses low on his nose. 
An image pops into my mind of me, riding behind him with the sea a landscape behind us, scarf and red lipstick on, the sun high in the sky. 
I purse my lips, and because he can tell he’s winning me over, his eyes turn amused and victorious. 
What cements the deal is him saying, “I’d never let anything happen to you, Elain.”
His voice is so serious and deep, it sounds like he’s making a solemn vow to me. So I give in.
“Promise you’ll drive slow.”
Azriel dips his chin in agreement, and a huge smile breaks over my face as I run back inside.
Five minutes later, I step back out, still smiling like an idiot. Azriel now sits on the motorcycle, looking like something out of GQ, and he snorts as he looks at the additional  scarf, lipstick, and sunglasses. “Donne.” Women.
Ignoring that display of sexism, I walk over to him and take his offered hand, sliding onto the bike behind him. My hands link in front of him, and he chuckles at how tightly I hold on to him as the machine under us rumbles to life. 
Oh, God. 
Slowly, like promised, he pulls away from the curb and onto the almost-empty street. Most people are at breakfast in one of the busy cafes or sitting on their porches, but one woman smiles as we pass because we obviously look freaking adorable.
I start to relax as we go, because like everything else he does, Azriel drives with complete control and confidence. He acts like nothing could go wrong with him in control, and it puts my nerves at ease. Honestly, I don’t know why I was worried in the first place.
He said he’d never let anything happen to me, and despite knowing him less than a month, I believe him.
He navigates us through the city and to a slightly larger road that runs along the coastline, and I take a minute to appreciate the movie moment.
He shifts to drive with one hand as we go, the other residing on my knee next to his hip. His thumb brushes over my skin softly, and I press my face to his neck, overwhelmed by the moment. 
I never knew I wanted something like this, but considering I feel like I’ve been split open and stuffed with sunshine, I did.. He does that, I’ve noticed; somehow, he knows what I want before I do.
I’ve never asked him for anything, yet every time I’m with him, I feel like I’m receiving a present.
Just a summer fling, I remind myself, even as I press a kiss to the side of his neck.
We ride down the coastline for about twenty minutes, eventually coming to a stop and walking onto a completely abandoned beach. 
It’s secluded, shielded by dunes on either side, and quiet. The sand’s almost white, and the water’s so blue, it looks like the background that comes with a new computer. 
“How’d you find this place?”
Hands in his pockets, he jerks a chin towards a beautiful, sprawling property about a hundred yards from us. “Because I live right there.”
Despite sleeping with him for almost four weeks, I haven’t seen his house before now. I’ve seen him naked, yet for some reason, knowing where he sleeps at night feels more personal. 
Maybe it’s because I get the feeling he’s letting me into his life a little by taking me here.
And maybe it’s because I feel like he never does that.
A smile pulls on my lips as I look between him and the house. He’s obviously trying to play it cool, but there’s a stiffness in his posture that isn’t usually there. I realize why, and my smile grows. “You like me.”
He scowls, making me grin. “Of course I like you, Elain.”
He says it like it’s obvious, and I narrow my eyes, stepping closer. “Yes, but you like me, too.”
He looks toward the sky and thoroughly tries to ignore me as I put my hands on his chest and smile up at him. I kiss the underside of his jaw softly, then murmur, “Don’t worry. I like you too.” 
His lips turn up at that, and he presses a quick kiss to my lips, then takes my hand and tugs me towards the water. 
Pulling off my sundress, I look over his apparel and raise a brow. “You’re swimming in that?”
Amusement dances in his hazel eyes as he responds, “Of course not.”
He pulls his shirt off, revealing his tan, tattooed chest, broad shoulders, and toned stomach. I sigh, fucking sigh, because looking like that should be illegal, and he laughs. 
Then pulls his pants down.
If possible, my brows go up even higher at the sight of him in nothing but his black briefs. “Um, what are you doing?”
“Swimming,” he retorts simply, and before I understand what’s going on, he’s naked as the day he was born.
He turns and walks toward the sea, leaving me slack-jawed and with an uninterrupted view of his backside. And what a nice backside it is. 
By the time he’s wading in the water, I’m still standing on the beach, eyes wide, watching him. 
His black hair’s wet, hanging around his face like spilled ink, and the water’s so bright and blue against his tan skin and the dark lines of his tattoos. 
He looks like a goddamn model, and I’m momentarily paralyzed at the sight of it.
“Venire qui.” Come here.
I walk far enough that the water brushes my toes with every wave, cool and calming and serene. 
“You’re naked,” I point out like he might not be aware, still shocked.
“It’s a private beach, tesoro.” 
I take a look around, even though I know it’s empty, and he laughs and walks backward, going deeper into the water. He’s relaxed as he wades in, like he does this every day. 
For all I know, he does.
I’ve never been naked in public, but I’m assuming to be as comfortable with it as he is, it happens a lot.
Az shakes his head, water flying from his hair like rain, and my mouth drops open as things start to move in slow-mo. His tattooed shoulders are above the water, and he just watches me in that dedicated, heated way he always does.
I bite my lip, trying to keep myself from groaning. He notices, and even from the distance between us, I see his eyes darken. “Are you going to join me?”
His voice makes it sound like he’s asking if I’m going to join him in going nude, not just join him in the water. 
“I think you have ulterior motives,” I say back.
He smiles that damn smile, running a hand over his jaw. “Always.”
I make the decision in less than a second and throw the bikini off in almost as little time, then sprint into the water to lessen the chance of anyone seeing me.
He laughs, a full-bodied laugh with his head thrown back, and mutters, “Ridicola.”
“You’re the ridiculous one,” I accuse as I swim over to him, scowling. “Getting naked at 11:30 in the morning.”
The water’s deep enough that I can’t stand, but given he’s half a foot taller than me, he can, so I brace my arms on his shoulders to stay afloat.
“There are no time constraints to when a person can be naked.” His hands span my rib cage, pulling me in close. “And with you, I happen to think you should stay this way all the time.”
My lips twitch. “My teachers might not appreciate that.”
He hums his agreement but seems distracted by the sight of me wrapping my legs around his waist and leaning back to float in the water.
“Bellissima,” he murmurs, almost like he doesn’t realize he’s even saying it. “Troppo bella per le parole.”
Too beautiful for words. 
He spins us around in the water, causing me to laugh and relish the feel of the water swirling around me. 
Between the sun warming my face, the cool water relaxing me, and the man making me smile, I’m happier than I’ve ever been.
My life feels like a fairytale, and I don’t delude myself about why. 
Pulling myself up, I slide my hands in his hair and kiss him softly. “You make me happy, Azriel.”
He tilts his head, surprise flaring in his beautiful eyes. He looks like he’s uncomfortable with the compliment, despite always giving them to me. The man calls me treasure, yet doesn’t understand that he makes me happy?
Shaking my head in frustration, I kiss him. He deepens it instantly, meeting my tongue with his, and I’m lost. His hair is wet between my fingers, soft and silky and the perfect tool to pull his head back so I can devour him properly.
I suck on his lower lip, and he makes a low sound, almost like a warning.
“I knew you had ulterior motives,” I breathe as he kisses a path down the column of my throat.
His hands cup my breasts, bringing them up and burying his face between them, making a low sound of satisfaction. “It isn’t why I brought you here, but... I can’t think with you around.” He nips my breast, making me yelp. “It’s very irritating.”
I scoff, about to say that sounds like his problem, not mine, but then his mouth closes around my breast, and the retort dies in my throat. 
I can’t believe I’m doing this. I really can’t. 
But when in Rome. Or Sicily. Close enough.
“Lean back again,” he urges, hands running down my back. 
I comply, tightening my thighs around his hips and floating back. 
His voice goes low, and he whispers, “Close your eyes, caro.” 
They slide shut, almost against my own will, and then he’s pushing inside me with one thrust, making my back arch up almost completely out of the water. My eyes open to find his watching me, looking down at the place where we’re joined.
“Eyes closed,” he gruffs, staying perfectly still until I do just that.
He starts to move, doing all the work as he lifts me and brings me back down, going in time with the waves around us.
His hands grip my hips with demanding pressure, but his pace stays plateaued.
One on my back urges me above the waterline, and I blush at being laid out in front of him so exposed, but remembering the heat in his eyes, any embarrassment dies down. 
The waves threaten to move us, but Azriel’s a rock in the storm, never losing his footing, never faltering. 
I hear his quiet, steady breath, the crash of the waves around me, and I feel like everything’s heightened. My body’s buzzing, and I glide my arms through the water, the feeling of the cool water on my over-sensitized skin making me tremble.
“Fuck, Elain,” he says under his breath, hips thrusting a little harder. His name falls off my lips on a moan, and the sound of him groaning in answer does it for me. 
I tighten around him as I come, and he follows immediately, pulling me by my hips until he’s seated deep inside me. We’re still, letting the waves bring us even closer.
He pulls out of me but continues to hold me in his arms, pulling my chest to his and burying his face in my neck. “I can’t get enough of you. I should let you go, but I can’t.”
I open my eyes in confusion, wondering why the hell he’d think that, but pause when I see the look in his eyes. 
It’s a reflection of my own, showing all the things I want to say but am too scared to. “Az...”
“Sei mio,” he says roughly, without a trace of doubt or hesitation. 
The words ring in my head over and over as he carries me back to the beach, then leads me up the dunes and into his house. 
You’re mine.
The day after our beach trip--which, honestly, was only about thirty minutes of beaching--I come to the conclusion Azriel’s holding back on me.
He’s shown me his home, fucked me on every square inch, and has given me everything I want whether or not I ask for it, but... he’s holding out on me. 
I’ve been around enough people who are hiding something to know that despite seemingly being open and honest, there’s something he’s holding back. 
Even when he’s rough with me, it’s like he has a leash on himself so tight he won’t really let go. 
It’s like he’s afraid I’ll run in the other direction if he does. Like he’s afraid of scaring me off. 
Which is ridiculous, so I’ve also come to the conclusion it ends today. 
I need him to be as happy and free as he makes me, and I think this is the way to do it.
So I’m going to surprise him.
I’m on my way to his house, being driven by a cabbie who asked twice if I was sure this was where I wanted to go, with one plan in my head: make him lose control.
He’s always so composed, so relaxed, and I’m tired of it. I want him to know that no matter what happens, I’m not running. Not from him.
It’s time I find out who he really is. 
I have three rules in life. 
Three rules that have kept me alive and in this game when the odds were stacked against me.
1: Never leave the house without my .45. 
2: Never give into temptation. 
3: Trust no one.
Rule 1 is easy to follow. I have more enemies than friends, and I’m not stupid enough to allow someone an opportunity to off me while I’m defenseless. 
Rule 2 is usually just as easy to follow, because I’ve lived long enough to have learned how to block myself from ever really wanting anything. 
I have to say usually, though, because lately, it’s a complete fucking bitch to follow. 
Ever since Elain stumbled into my life like a walking, talking version of every dream I’ve ever had, I’ve been fucking helpless against her. 
And I refuse to feel helpless. 
But I also refuse to let her go. 
Which is so unbelievably selfish and fucked up, I can’t hardly stand myself. 
Every time I’m with her, I swear it’s the last time. But then she has to go and be unforgettable, beautiful, kind, and the best lay I’ve ever had, and I’m back to being helpless. 
Oh, and now I’ve gone and fucked rule 3, too. 
Because never, in my entire life, have I shown a civilian where I live. I’ve taken a few women to one of the few apartments I keep, but never my actual home.
I don’t really know why I did it, considering I knew--while doing it--it was stupid. It was like I wanted, needed, her to see at least a part of me that’s real.
Rolling my neck, I try to push all thoughts of her and her infuriatingly addictive smile out of my head and focus.
Luca glances over his shoulder, raising an eyebrow like he can sense I’m not paying attention, and I nod for him to keep going.
He squeezes the pliers, and screams fill the air as another finger falls to the floor. 
Blood splatters on the toes of my boots, and I narrow my eyes at it. I just fucking washed these.
Luca pauses his work when the guy strapped to the table passes out, walking over to me and lighting a cigarette. “Maybe he’s not going to talk, boss.”
I almost laugh. “They always talk.”
In fact, it’s a little annoying how predictable this shit is getting. Sure, some men, like the one in front of me, are a little stronger and hold out longer, but they all eventually crack. 
It just depends on applying the right pressure. 
Something Luca knows, meaning there’s a reason he’s getting antsy.
I narrow my eyes at him. “You got something better to do?”
He blows the smoke out, doing a piss-poor job of fighting a smile. “Matter of fact, I do.”
I take a cigarette from the pack he holds out and light it. “What’s her name?”
He rubs the back of his neck, looking uncomfortable, and I know it’s going to be someone I know.
“Gianna,” he finally tells me, and I take a deep inhale of smoke to keep from laughing. 
Yeah. I definitely know her.
He shoves my shoulder when I let a chuckle out, and I at least make the effort to stop being a dick. 
But I can’t help but tease him a bit. “She still into-”
“Yes. Now shut up.”
Another laugh escapes me, but I drop it, considering I’m not exactly doing a great job of controlling my own sex life at the moment. 
The only reason Luca gets away with talking to me like he does is because he’s my Underboss and happens to be one of the only non-useless people around me.
I take in the man on the table with narrowed eyes, trying to figure out how to get him to just fucking confess. I know he’s guilty, and he knows he’s guilty, but we both also know he’ll die as soon as he damning words leave his mouth. 
He’s only got four fingers left, has multiple broken bones, and is missing an eye from where Luca lost his cool earlier. 
Clearly, cutting him isn’t doing shit, either, if the gaping wounds on his torso are any indication. 
Stubborn bastard.
“Electrocution,” I decide, pushing off the wall and going to grab the jumper cables. The traitor groans, but doesn’t say the magic words.
Luca frowns. “It always smells like burnt hair when we do that.”
Ignoring the prima donna in the room, I hook one cable to the car battery we keep down here and the other two his chest. 
“Have you, or have you not, been selling secrets to the Irish?” I ask, my voice betraying the boredom I’m fighting. 
He shakes his head, and I have to hold back a sigh. 
The sooner this stupid bastard confesses, the sooner I can go to Elain’s. 
Walking back over to my place by the stairs, I pull out my phone and scroll through the contacts until I find her name.
I want to see her so bad I’m almost chafing with the effort not to press down, and it only gets worse as the memory of yesterday comes to mind. Of her floating in the sea, breasts bouncing with every thrust, full lip between her teeth. 
I run a hand over my face, trying to shove the image out, but it refuges to budge.
Damn woman. 
I snap out of it, looking up to find Luca watching me with a strange expression on his face. Considering he almost never calls me that, I take it that he’s been trying to get my attention for a few moments. 
“70 or 130?”
I narrow my eyes at the stupid question, and he rolls his eyes before setting the charge to 130 and connecting the dipoles.
The man screams as electricity flows through his body, his wounds bleeding worse as his heart goes into overdrive. 
Luca unclips the cables when he passes out, smoking his cigarette and frowning when he doesn’t come to. 
A shot of adrenaline to the arm wakes him right up, though, and when he sees us standing over him watching patiently, he curses. 
“Ready to confess?” Luca asks, equally ready to get out of here.
The idiot just glares at him. “Accendilo, cagna.”
Light it up, bitch.
If I weren’t so irritated at how long this is taking, I’d laugh. 
Although, I have to admit it’s kind of satisfying that he isn’t breaking. He’s one of our own, trained and raised by us, so it’d be insulting if he broke down and confessed after one day. 
The longest run we’ve ever had is four days, but the man in front of us might just give the record a run for it’s money. 
But then Luca turns the battery on maximum volume, shocks the ever-living shit out of him, and punches him to keep him awake the whole time. He’s probably a little pissed about the “bitch” comment. 
And that’s the game.
“Basta, basta! Per favore!” 
Luca gives me a victorious grin as he unclips the wires, making me shake my head. Violent bastard. “Parla, cagna,” he demands. Talk, bitch.
Definitely a little pissed about the bitch comment. 
The man shakes from the shocks, managing to say, “I told them about the shipment coming in tomorrow night.”
“Told who?” Luca prods, running a knife under the man’s quivering lip. 
There’s a pause, then he spits, “O’Connor.”
Aka a pain in our asses, but more so for the Chicago operation than here. I’ll give the Capo there, a long-time friend of mine, a call. Luckily, that means it shouldn’t be a problem for me any longer. 
Plus, we still have time to reroute the shipment.
Plus, now I can kill this idiot.
The traitor’s eyes go to me, and he nods, accepting his fate. Not that he has a fucking option. 
The sound of my gun’s the last thing he hears, the bang echoing off the walls loudly. 
Not loud enough that I don’t hear a gasp from behind me.
I turn around instantly, gun drawn and pointed toward the intruder, finger ready on the trigger. 
And look down the barrel right at Elain.
Part 3
@elorcan-trash @januarystears @emikadreams @swankii-art-teacher @biggestwingspan-az @bookstantrash @mari-highladyof-feels @teddytdr @perseusannabeth @cursebreaker29 @a-bit-of-a-cactus @elriel4life @girl-who-reads-the-books @shinya-hiiragi @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @ireallyshouldsleeprn @highqueenofelfhame @rowaelinismyotp @nahthanks @ghostlyrose2 @lovemollywho @inardour @tillyrubes10 @claralady @tswaney17 @rowanisahunk @superspiritfestival @thegoddessofyou @awesomelena555 @booksofthemoon @greerlunna @jlinez @studyliketate @over300books @justgiu12 @maastrash @aesthetics-11 @bamchickawowow @b00kworm @sleeping-and-books @musicmaam @hizqueen4life @maybekindasortaace
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fieryghxul · 4 years
Margaritas, reunions and confessions. [a.h.]
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                                    ✧。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✧
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Warning(s): fem!reader – dom!hotch (well i tried) – last season’s spoilers – drinking – cursing – smut –  unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it tho) – oral sex (fem receiving) – slight chocking – a bit fluff at the end.
A/N: hello everyone! this is super random but i came up with this in the middle of the night and i couldn't shake the idea out of my head. i am not a writer and english is not my first language so if there’s any mistake, i apologize in advance. also, this is my first hotch smut so i hope it’s good. enjoy!
                                     ✧。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✧
[March 14th, 2020. 8:30 pm.]
“I have to go but promise me that you’re going to stop thinking about work and that you’re going to have fun these days.” You heard the pleading voice of Penelope Garcia on the phone as you walked out of the bathroom.
“I promise. I love you and I’ll see you when I get back.” You smiled and you knew that she was smiling too.
“It’s a date, angel. Love you more.” And with that, the line went silent.
You put your cell phone aside and took a look at the open suitcases on the bed. You didn't have anything planned but you knew you have to go out to clear your head and relax, things at work have been very stressful lately so when Prentiss told the team about taking some vacation time, you didn't hesitate to get a ticket and get on the first plane you found.
And that's why you were currently in a hotel room in Santorini, Greece. Yes, it seems like a lot, but nothing you can't afford.
A few minutes later, you finished applying some mascara and lip gloss, and took a few steps back to stare at yourself in the mirror. The navy-blue self-tie slit dress hugged every curve of your body perfectly; you paired it with a pair of black heels and a black jacket, just in case it gets cold at night. After taking one last look and smiling slightly at the reflection, you turned to grab your bag and left the room, hoping to have a good night once you were out of the hotel.
                                                       ▪ ▪ ▪
People flooded the streets and it was understandable, the night was really beautiful, there was a light breeze and the full moon was perfectly reflected in the sea. You have been walking for almost 2 hours, taking photos of almost everything and enjoying the night until you came across a bar, the word "cocktail" in the name of the place definitely caught your attention so you didn't think twice before walking into the place.
You walked to the bar and waited for the bartender to come up to you. While you were waiting, you could feel the back of your neck burning, someone was watching you but you didn’t want to deal with anyone yet, so you just ignored it, concentrating on reading the menu even though you already knew what you were going to order.
“Good evening, ma'am. Are you ready to order?” You look up from the menu, a brunette in her 20s is at the other side of the bar was smiling at you.
“Uh, yes, a margarita would be fine.” You ordered, mirroring her smile, and the girl gave you a little nod before walking away.
In the meantime you took your phone out of your bag and opened the ‘bau ladies’ group chat to send one or two of the photos you took a few hours ago with a “next time, i’m bringing all of your cute asses with me.” below them.
JJ was the first to reply, “oh my god, it’s gorgeous!”
Followed by Emily’s “look at that and some of us are still doing paperwork :( get drunk on my behalf please.”
You chuckled under your breath at her text and the margarita arrives just in time, “i’m on it, boss ;) isn't it a little late to be doing paperwork?"
Penelope replies next, “paperwork hahaha what a weird way to spell tara’s name“ and two “PENELOPE!” appear automatically in chat.
“you two are so obvious and spencer owns me 20 now.” You hit the send button before graving the margarita, taking a few sips of it. It takes about 3 minutes for your phone to vibrate again and you were about to answered but you are interrupted by the bartender.
“From the man at that table, ma'am.” She says placing another margarita in front of you and discreetly pointing at one of the tables that were on the patio of the place, you turned around but the only thing you see from the bar is his back. “Don’t worry; it doesn’t have anything weird on it.”
“Thank you...” The bartender walks away again and you stare at the drink, debating for a moment about whether or not to go and face the mysterious man. Fuck it. You decided before putting you phone back in your bag, forgetting about the messages and graving that and the drink before making your way to the table.
“Uh,” you cleared your throat once you reached said table, "can I seat here or are you waiting for someone?"
“Please.” He murmur in a low voice while gesturing toward the empty chair, indicating that you can sit down and a strange feeling of familiarity floods your body at that gesture. You shock your head trying to ignore that before placing your bag aside and sitting down in front of the man.
“I just wanted to thank you for the—“
The words got stuck on your throat and the world seemed to have stopped when you finally laid your eyes on the suited man that you thought you'd never see again.
Holy shit.
You stood still, a part of you fearing that if you moved he might disappear. Your face probably showing clear signs of confusion and shock as Aaron Hotchner sit right there in front of you.
He still looked serious and intimidating, his gaze reimaging cold to those who didn't know him and you remember all of those times you teased him about being a robot, there were times when you actually managed to make him laugh.
Yet at the same time there was something different about him. There was a different glow around him, he seems more relaxed and you could see it in his expressions, even in his posture.
“Hello, Y/N.” Hotchner said, voice still low but strong enough to bring you back to the present.
“Hey.” You said, still processing the fact that he was here with you and in the most unexpected place. “I, uh, it’s been a long time.”
“Almost 3 years.” He said before taking a sip of the glass that rested on his hand, you assumed that it was scotch.
3 years in 6 months, 13 days, 1 hour and 65 seconds. Give it or take.
“Almost, yeah… so what are you doing here?” You asked, “I mean, you were more a city type of guy.”
“I still am, Y/N, but Jack and Jessica insisted on me going on a little vacation because apparently it’s been a while since I had some ‘me-time’.”
Your face light up a bit at the mention of the kid, Hotch noticed it. “How’s Jack? I can barely remember when the last time I saw him was was but he must be so big now.”
“He’s 14 and almost as tall as me.” A smile appeared on Hotch's face, he didn't used to smile a lot and you thought it was a bit normal considering the work that you two shared, but those times that he did you used to felt butterflies in your stomach. Still do apparently. “What about you? What are you doing here? I mean, you were more a city type of girl.”
You chuckled softly when you heard him repeating your words and you shrugged slightly, “I'm having some vacation time, it's rare to have free time at the BAU, you know? So when you do, you take it without thinking twice.”
“How’s the team doing?”
“Good. We're working on some things, going through a few changes, the usual I guess.” This time it was you who drank, taking a long sip of the margarita that was still in your hands.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Do you want to hear me talk about it?”
“Of course, unless, do you have somewhere else to be, Y/N?”
“Not anymore. We might need a few more of this though.” You pointed to the drinks on the table and flashing him a smile, catching a glimpse of his before calling the bartender and ordering another round of drinks.
And then you started talking, Hotch listening carefully to every word that came out of your mouth. You started with the cult that kidnapped Spencer and Garcia and then launching into the saga of the Everett Lynch a.k.a "The Chameleon", you mentioned how Emily is now shortlisted to be the next FBI director and how she would name JJ as the next unit chief of BAU unit, but that remains to be seen; you also talked about Garcia leaving the team to work in Silicon Valley and Hotch noticed the sad tone in your voice when you mentioned that but in part he was happy that everyone was moving forward with their lives, making new decisions and following different paths. You continued with Spencer being a consultant and teaching at the same time and finished with Rossi getting married again then talking about retirement but not fully doing it.
“That’s because Rossi’s never going to retired.” You and Hotch said in unison, laughing after noticing that.
“A lot of things had happened then.” He said, not very surprise and titling his head to one side, you nodded mutely. “But you forgot of someone, Y/N.”
“I did?”
“Yes, you. What about you? How are you?” He asked, his tone of voice changing to a concerned one.
“Oh… I, uh, I’m good.” You began but more hesitant this time, “I will never get used to the changes but its part of life so I just have to suck it up and live with it. I don’t have an outer motive yet so I'm not leaving the BAU, that's for sure. I always knew that that's where I belong and I can’t even bring myself to think about other options.”
“You have always been an important asset to the team, Y/N. The BAU is still lucky to have you.” Hotch said, still sounded like the boss but you didn’t comment anything out loud about it. Instead, you smiled kindly at him and both went silent after that, staring at each other every now and then and finishing the rest of your drinks. It was a comfortable and familiar silence, one of the many that you two used to share while working together in the office or in the long nights in the jet after finishing a case.
Your gaze swept over the bar, noticing the few people that was still there and the employees staring to clean up the place. You took at deep breath, pulling out your wallet.
“Well, Hotch, this was fun. Unexpected but fun.” You left some money under your empty cup, paying for your part of the drinks and Hotch did the same thing. “I should get going now, so—“
“Let me walk you over to your hotel.” He cut you off, grabbing his blazer from the chair and turning to look at you.
“Hotch you don’t ha—“
“Please, Y/N. I insist.” He said and his voice serious once again, just like when he used to get too bossy with the team but with a smile that contradicted that tone and you couldn’t say “no” to that.
“Alright, Sir. Let’s go.”
You grabbed your things and started walking out of the bar, Hotchner walking behind you.
                                                          ▪ ▪ ▪
The walk back to the hotel was shorter than you thought; maybe it was because you were so focused on Hotchner and the small talk that you stopped paying attention to your surroundings.
“Thank you, Aaron.” You murmur while grabbing the room key from you bag, “But you didn’t have to come up here though.”
“I know, but I wanted to.”
You could tell he wanted to say something, but he didn't dare to do it and it doesn't feel good to pressure him, so you settled for just smiling at him.
And in that moment, standing in outside of you room and looking closely at him, you realized how much you missed him. You didn’t admitted that out loud after he left the BAU, you couldn’t do it because you also never fully admitted your feeling for him. Partially it was your fault, feelings were never your thing and you were afraid of what might happen if you confronted him about it so looking for excuses and reasons to not doing it always seemed easier.
For a while you truly did believed that it was just a stupid crush on your boss, something temporary, until the days turned into weeks and then months, years even, but then… he was gone.
You couldn’t really blame him for that though; he had a good reason for leaving so suddenly.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” Hotch finally mumbled.
You looked at him in confusion, “For what?”
“You did it to protect Jack; it was the right thing to do.” You reassure him with a smile, you unconsciously took his hand in yours. He didn’t pull away. “Don’t ever apologize for keeping your son safe, Hotch.”
“I know, choosing to be a full time dad to Jack is something I do not regret. It was something that we both needed it, especially after everything that happened with Haley.” You gulped at the mention of the name, remembering how devastated he was after her death. He took a deep breath, “But what I am trying to say is that I am sorry I didn't came back to you or the team, I should at least have called to let you know that we were fine but I got so caught up with the mundane life that it was a little too late by the time I realized about everything I left behind.”
To you.
Those two little words echoed in your head as you look at those chocolate eyes that used to drive you crazy without knowing it. You noticed that he was even closer now, slightly towering over you. It’s now or never, Y/N. You thought to yourself before speaking.
“I waited for you. I never told anyone but for a whole I waited for you to come back, hoping one day to see your demanding self in an expensive suit walking through the BAU doors again but deep down I knew that eventually I had to let you go.” You let out a breath that you didn't know you were holding until now and smiled sadly, “That was easier said than done considering that I never stopped thing about it, about you. Because the true is that I loved you, Aaron. Maybe I still fucking do… but I doubt that this makes any difference now because maybe you never saw me in the same way that I saw you or just because it’s a little too late now.”
You finished and Hotch frowned, probably processing what you just admitted to him. He was silent for a few more seconds and you took it as your cue, letting go of his hand and turning around to open the door of you room. “I had an amazing night, thank you. See you around.”
But before you could even step foot in the room, you felt his hand grabbing your wrist and your chest hitting his. The next thing you knew after that was that his lips were on yours.
Aaron Hotchner was fucking kissing you after admitting your feelings for him.
He pulled away before you could react properly, keeping his eyes fixed on yours; this time he looked at you in a way that you had only fantasized about until now, there was love and lust on them and you could feel it, just all those feelings that you tried so hard to keep locked in the deepest part of you.
And that's all you needed before grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and kissing him again, in a matter of seconds you two were inside the room. His lips were warm and the kiss quickly turned into a desperate one once the door was locked behind you, you could already feel yourself melting in his arms.
You didn’t even realize how it happened, but in one quick moment you were being totally pinned against the door with Aaron holding you by your thighs as your legs were wrapped around his waist. The position was now lifting your short dress, leaving your thighs even more naked but you didn't mind considering that now you could perfectly feel Aaron's hand caressing your hot skin. You move your hands from his shoulders to his chest, undoing the buttons of his shirt and stripping him off it, dropping the piece of clothing somewhere in the room. As you were doing that, he broke the kiss and moved his lips to your neck, nipping and teasing the area just under your ear, turning you into a moaning mess almost immediately. The sounds being like music to his ears.
“Aaron , please.“ You moaned, this was good but you need it more. You needed him.
“Tell me what you want, baby.” He asks, slightly biting the skin of your neck and you bite your bottom lip.
“Please, Sir. Fuck me.” You let out, noticing a sparkle in his eyes that you've never seen before and that only turned you on even more.
“Since you ask so nicely…” He said before walking to the other side of the room where the was a big bed in the center of it, Aaron kissed you lips and put you down in front of him, his hands moving to the zipper of your dress. “Are you sure about this, Y/N?”
“You’re kidding, right?” You asked and Aaron stares deeply at you, the sudden seriousness on his eyes making you gulp. You nodded.
“Words, Y/N. I need words.”
“I’m sure of this, yes.”
“Yes, what?”
Fuck, he was hot.
“Yes, sir.”
He bent down, his hands working on your zipper as he whisper “Good girl.” in your ear and you bite your lip once more, muffling down a moan.
He finally pulled down your dress, tossing it onto the floor completely and leaving you with only your red lace underwear; you weren't wearing a bra tonight, so you were much more exposed to him than you thought. He took one really good look at you before throwing you onto the bed, knocking the breath out of your lungs. Guess that we’re done playing around.
He kneels down on the bed, moving your legs with his knees and positioning himself between them. His hands are caressing your legs again, making their way up to the sides of your body and he leans in, kissing you again, your hands flew up to grab his hair, eagerly responding the kiss. You didn’t care how needy you seem right now, you’ve been waiting year for this, fantasizing about it, and now you had it, not really knowing for how long and that only gave you more reasons to enjoy every second of it.
“You know?,” Aaron began, his lips leaving yours and making his way down your neck, placing kisses all over your skin, “if I had know about how much you wanted me, I’ve would done something about it earlier.”
“Yeah?” You asked, arching your back as he bites one of your nipples gently, his other hand working on the other one.
“I would've pinned you down on my desk and take you right there on the office, baby. Not caring about anyone who could hear us.” He casually said, like he thought about it before and you moaned. You definitely thought about that particular situation too.
When he finally reached the place where you needed the most, he stopped and you were about to complain but Aaron shut you up by grabbing your ankles and yanking you down the end of the bed. He kneels again, parting your legs a bit more, placing one of your legs over his broad shoulders and kissing you inner thighs, slowly making his way to your soaked panties.
“I barely touch you and you’re so wet for me already?” Hotchner asked teasingly, rubbing circles with his thumb on your clit but over the fabric before taking a hold of them and ripping them out. And with no more words, Hotch held both your legs open and buried his face between them, making you moan in a matter of seconds.
He swept his tongue over you pussy swiftly, tasting my arousal first and groaning again your skin. A shiver ran through you as he stared circling your clit with his tongue and then moving down between your folds before going up again, alternating his speed and pressure.
When you thought that it couldn’t get better, Aaron proved you wrong by teasing your entrance with one of his finger and looking up at you, locking his eyes with yours. He wanted to see your reaction. You try to maintain the eye contact as he slowly started pumping his finger in and out of you, curling them an hitting the right spot, a string of cursings leaving your mouth.
It didn’t take much for your legs to start shaking around his head, the knot forming on your lower stomach.
“I’m- fuck, I’m close.” You breathed betweens moans and just when you were about to reach your high, he pulled away.
“Hold that thought, sweetheart.” He shortly kissed your mouth and you tasted yourself in his before he got up off bed, his hands immediately went to unbuckle his belt and now you took your time to watch him. From his messy hair, to the red marks on his shoulders caused by your heels -oops- and then stopped at the large bulge formed in his pants, you groaned at the sight of that.
Fuck, he is big. God, if you weren't so desperate to feel him inside you, you wouldn't hesitate to drop on your knees and start sucking him.
“Do you like what you see, sweetheart?” He asked with a smirk on his face while taking off the rest of his clothes.
“Just fuck me already, please.” You begged and he positioned himself between your legs again, but he was hesitant. “Hotch?”
“I don’t have condom on me and I doubt that you have one, Y/N. I’m clean but if you—”
“I’m clean too and on the pill so don’t worry.” You smiled at him and gave a little nod.
And apparently he was as desperate as you because at all at once, Hotch took grip of your hips and pushed inside you. You immediately arched your back, moaning loudly in both pain and pleasure, your hands grabbing the sheets at your side. You were surprise that you didn’t ripped them apart yet.
“Fuck, Hotchner.” You screamed and he didn’t move for a few seconds, letting you adjust to his size. He really is big.
“You’re so thigh, baby.” He moaned in your ear, the raspy voice sending shocks straight to your core. He was capable of making you cum by just talking.
That’s how much power he had.
And then he finally started moving, pounding in and out of you slowly at first and working his way up, picking up a pace that had you both groaning and moaning.
“F-fuck, Y/N. I love hearing you scream my name.” His lips attacked your neck again and you threw your head back against the pillows, giving him all the space that he needed to play with your neck. And he took this as a perfect opportunity to sneak his hand around it, squeezing under your jaw around enough for your eyes to roll back in total pleasure as you instinctively wrapped your finger around his wrist, holding him in place. You didn’t expect him to be into chocking but you were definitely not against it.
“Harder, S-sir. Please.”
“You’re taking it so good, just like I expected it.” He growled, pulling away enough to look at the whimpering mess that you were right now, his hand never leaving your neck as he pounded even harder into you with every word. “Calling me ‘sir’ and everything, I didn’t even had to ask you to do that. You’re such a slutty responsive whore for me, aren’t you Y/N?”
The sudden dirty words coming out of your ex-boss’s mouth did nothing but to turn you on even more, if that was possible at this point. You weren’t able to form a proper sentence so you limited to nodding and moaning his name. He didn’t like that.
“I asked you a fucking question, sweetheart, answered it.”
“Y-yes, I am, S-sir.” You chocked, the knot on your stomach forming once more and by the way that his pace flickered you knew that he was close too. “I’m close, Aaron.”
“Then cum for me, baby.” He commanded, continuing his thrusts and you were already oversensitive from his earlier work so it didn’t took you long before you started clenching around him.
“Fuck, Aaron.”
“Say it louder, Y/N.”
“Aaron!” He bottom out inside of you again and you moaned loudly one last time as your body reached its limit, hitting your climax with every nerve in you tired body.
“That’s a good girl.” He said between moans, his dick twitching softly as he release himself inside of you with one last and hard thrust.
He let go of your throat but didn’t’ pull out immediately after that. His breathing was a little erratic, his lips were red and swollen, and there was a thin layer of sweat all over his body. He looked disturbingly hot.
Of course he did. He’s Aaron fucking Hotchner.
It was as if these last 3 years had never existed.
Neither of you said a word as he slowly got up and walked into the bathroom of the room to grabbed a wet towel to clean you up, doing the same thing on him before putting back his boxers, you didn’t have the strength to grab your clothes so you just put the sheets of the bed on top of you, covering you nudity.
“Oh, sp now you’re shy?” He snorted, chuckling softly and you smiled.
“Shut up and come here.” You patted the bed and he didn’t hesitate on laying next to you, wrapping his arms around you. You felt safe, like there’s was nowhere else you rather be in that moment.
“Thank you.” He whispered after a moment breaking the silence, his face resting on your shoulder.
“For what?”
“For all of… that.”
“You’ve always have such a ways with words, Hotch.” You chuckled as you looked down at him. “Thank you for ordering my margarita in the first place.”
“It was a pleasure.”
“It really was, wasn’t it?” You wiggled your eyebrows at him in a playful way.
“How long are you staying here, Y/N?” He finally asked and you let out a tiny sigh at the question.
You knew you weren't here for a long vacation and neither was Aaron, you two have your lives outside this room , but being here now felt so good and peaceful. So… right. This, also, was probably a one-time thing, something that was destined to happen eventually, no matter how long it took.
But you didn’t want- no, you couldn’t face the fact that you may have to let him go again. Especially not after what just happened. I mean, how could you?
And little did you know that Aaron was feeling the exact same thing.
“Enough not to have to worry about it right now.” You answered with a shrug while your fingertips trace invisible circles on his back.
“Good. I can live with that, for now at least.” And then he broke the comfortable embrace by getting up and out of the bed, you furrowed you eyebrows and he extended on his hands towards you, “Come on, let’s take a shower so we can sleep properly.”
“Yes, sir.” You took his hand, getting up with his help and trying your best not to limp as you made your way to the bathroom, “By the way, where are you staying while you’re here?”
He turned around at the question, pulling you closer to him and softly kissing your lips before using a more serious tone to say, “In the room above this one.”
Of course he was. You thought while you watched as he began to prepare the bath for the both of you.
Funny how destiny works sometimes.
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A dead girl walking part 2
AU:I really wanted to write part two, so when I got a comment about it, I guess I got the motivation I need. I hope you like it. Let me warn you IT IS SMUT ALL THE WAY
We were riding with the wind on his motorbike. The ride wasn't long or unpleasant in any way. I was enjoying the wind in my hair, the stars above us and the fast moving sceneries around us. But I was very impatient to reach his trailer. I was thinking about the things he whispered in my ear in the restroom of the Wyrm.
Soon enough we got to his trailer, to his home. He stopped the bike, turned off the engine and got off. He extended his hand to me so he could help me get off, as well. I took off the helmet, took his hand and got off.
"C'mon! The fun is yet to come" he said smiling as we was still holding my hand pulling me towards the trailer. I bit my lip and followed him obidiently. He unlocked the door and we went in. He didn't turn on the lights. Insted he closed the door and pushed me to meet it with my back.
"What's with you and the doors, boy?" I asked laughing. I was eager to feel him where he was just half an hour ago. I was so wet, that I could feel pain between my legs. I was aching for him. Just like he knew it, his hand unbuttoned my jeans one more time and got inside my undies touching everywhere. I let out a loud moan and squeezed his neck in response.
"You seem to like it when I do that? I can do it more and more and more untill I have to hold you in my arms so you would not fall to the ground" he whispered in my ear as he slowly pushed his finger inside of me and kissed my neck.
I shivered under his touch moaning louder with each finger he inserted. I was already feeling his growing erection pressed against me, so I decided to release him from his jeans. I let go of his neck and undid his belt and jeans. I pulled them down with his boxers and slowly strocked his penis. He awarded me with one husky muffled moan. I was head over hills about this whole situation. But it was my time to act.
I stopped his hand and took it out of my jeans. Then I took him by the same hand,wet from me and led him to the couch. I pulled his shirt up and over his head,of course he helped me with this. Then, when he tried to kiss me, I pushed him down on the couch. Slowly, with dancing moves, I took off my own clothes. He pushed off his jeans and undergarments and waited patiently to see what was my next move.
I went up to him bitting my lips. Then, not breaking any eye contact with him, I kneeled down and started strolling him again. He threw his head back with deep moan. I bowed my head down and licked the tip of his member. I started making circles around it, all the while stroking it firmly with my hand. He looked down at me with a chuckle.
"Are you going to tease me now? Is that your aim? Remember that I can get even any time!"
"I have no intention of teasing you but of breaking you from pleasure. Let me do it for you but my way! Just so you know next time not to challenge me to a dead end game!" I said with the most lustful voice I could do.
He smiled at me and bit his own full lips. I got back to business. I took only the tip in my mouth. Then I started going further down inch by inch taking him all in. His groans were able to drive me totally nuts. I established a pace and started sucking him, still stroking him with my hand. His very own hand got its way to my head and tangled in my hair. He was pushing me to go faster and faster, bucking up his hips. I was using my free hand to play with his balls, making him moan in his deep sexy and husky voice.
I was going full on him, taking it all in my mouth. And then, just as suddenly as I decided to do it, I stopped. I lifted myself off the floor, looking at his face. Then, without saying anything, I put one leg on the couch next to him and my other leg went over him. I was sitting in his lap kissing him passionately. The place between my legs was so wet. I could feel drops rolling down my inner thighs. He took the hint and didn't wait for a minute. His hands cupped my butt cheeks and he positioned me so he could enter me in one motion, without the help of his big and masculine hands, which were extremely sexy to me.
He started moving his hips up and down slowly at first. Then I took the control and became the wild rider. I rode him like crazy. My motions on top of him were fast. His big and hard dick was pushing in and then pulling out making me scream each time. He was gently slapping my butt and biting my boobs. I could tell this was giving him the pleasure I was talking about. I was a mess. My hair was messy, tangled and all over my face. My hands were in his hair, gently pulling on it. Then I started kissing his neck, just over his Serpent tattoo. Then I was kissing his lips, and then his tattoo again. I was losing my mind.
He felt how close I was. I was getting really tight around him, screaming and moaning his name. The moment his name slipped my lips, a smile played on his. As he was holding my butt, he tightened the grip around me and stood from the couch. He took me to the bedroom, not letting me down. He kicked the door open and placed me on the bed, directly falling over me.
He started kissing my lips, bitting them. Then he switched to my neck. His hands found mine and interwined our fingers together bringing my arms up above my head. He held them there, kissing me all the time. He started moving inside me again taking me back to that amazing sensation of him inside my wet spot. I wasn't going to last much longer, nor was he.
His trusts were deep and fast. I stretched my legs to give him as much access as I could. My head was spinning. I arched my back and moved my hips towards him. He was pounding in me relentlessly. His breaths were heavy and fast. He was kissing my neck, never stopping his moves. I could tell he was about to come and so was I. He cursed and said my name as he pulled out and came hard on my stomach.
"Fuck! Finish me, Pea! Now!" I said pulling him towards me to kiss him. He broke the kiss and looked at me with a grin that said to me "You are a dead girl walking" He kissed his way down from my lips to in between my legs, not even skipping my stomach with his own traces. He buried his face in my wet clit and started licking and sucking like mad. I was mad by that time. My hand was in his hair and the other over his on my breast. I was moaning and screaming and arching my back. I was not able to control my body. I was watching the scene from above us and experiencing all this sensations of the orgasm threatening to explode. His other hand helped him send me over the edge. He entered me with his fingers and continued licking me untill my body was shaking and I was screaming his name again and again.
He laid down on his back next me trying to catch his breath. I was over the moon. This moments, kisses, touches and screams were definitely going to make me wet just by the sight of him.
"What the hell was I doing all this time away from you, Serpent?" I was laughing.
"I've got no fucking idea but I am pretty sure you will not go far away from now on." he joked on his side.
"Oh, no! Not anymore. I might as well come live here so you can do with me all sort of good things on daily basis." I said turning to him and leaning my arms on his bare chest. I kissed his chest and looked at him as he turned his head towards me.
"You do realize there is no turning back now, right? I think you are bound to me. Who knows, maybe we are endgame!" he said.
"And you got this by one crazy night of incredible fucking?" he simply nodded at me. "Well, who knows, maybe we are endgame indeed. I could be a Serpent girl but there is one condition."
"And what is that?" he laughed gently drawing circles on my back.
"Well, you still haven't showed me what you can do in the bathroom. If you do well in there, and you promised me to fuck me there, I will consider being a Serpent for you" I winked at him.
"You mean my Serpent girl?"
"Maybe or maybe not! Only one way to find that out." I said as I stood up and slowly and teasingly walked to the bathroom.
"Give me a break!" He laughed but still got up and followed me.
"No break for you. I have high expectations" I said turning to him ready for a kiss. He lowered his head and met my lips while his hand lifted me up from the ground.
"Lord, give me strenght with this slakeless woman" He laughed into the kiss, pressing my bare back to the cold tiled wall, making me wet all over again. I stretched my arm to turn on the shower as he kicked the door closed. We got into the shower, me still in his arms. And there under the water we did not fuck again. It was different. I was slow and amazing. It was, maybe just maybe, love.
AU: I hope you like it. I wanted to wright it so bad so here it is. Leave comments for me. Thank you for reading!
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Dear Quil, it's June. I was right. It hasn't stopped. But you know what? It's fine. I just don't care anymore. I'm going to focus on my studies, and try and work hard so I can go to a good university and have a good life. If I look to the future and hope it'll be better, I don't need to worry about the present. Right?
Hey June! That sucks, I'm sorry it hasn't stopped. Especially since this is so quick after they promised it would, you didn't even really get a chance to enjoy a break from it.
Just one quick thing I'll add: please continue to care about yourself at the very least. You absolutely have no responsibility to invest time and energy into your parents' relationship or arguments, and the not caring attitude sounds like it could take a lot of stress off of you that you were dealing with. But please try not to lose sight of taking care of yourself in the process. Even if you no longer care about the situation, continue to stay hydrated and do things you enjoy and care for your space and your body. I know when I've had a "fuck it I don't care anymore" attitude in the past I can sometimes forget to take care of myself because I'm so over everything, so I wanted to give that little reminder
I hope focusing on your studies goes well! I don't necessarily know what that means for you, whether that's putting in more effort in school or taking on extracurriculars or something, but whatever it turns out to be I'm wishing you success. Though I will just add that I think it'd be a smart idea to make sure you're incorporating things that you enjoy into all that. Going to a good university and having a good life are solid goals, but what does that mean for you? What's a good life to you? Is it monetarily successful, creatively successful? Social? Peaceful? Productive? What's a good university?
You don't have to listen to me, I just think it's nice to have a more solid idea so you can better achieve what you want and so you don't get sidetracked and end up somewhere else thinking it's what you want. You also don't need to have all the answers! I certainly don't, I just like to let them ruminate in my head as a sort of guide.
Focusing on the future can be a helpful way to get through the present, keeping your attention on the bright spots and the light at the end of the tunnel. I know I've certainly done it before, usually when class work starts to get stressful and then I'm focusing on when I'll be done or the week/semester will be over. Sometimes you end up ignoring other things in the process, so that can be something to look out for. That's not to say you should completely abandon this method if it's what's working best for you! You know yourself best, so I trust your judgment, it's just something I've noticed in myself
I can't tell you whether or not to worry about the present, but I can say that there are good things in the present you might not want to miss. So if by not worrying you're ignoring everything, you might miss some things that would've otherwise brought you joy! So I guess my conclusion here is it's okay to look to the future for inspiration and strength and as motivation to get through whatever sucks in the present, but just because there are things that suck in the present doesn't mean it doesn't have good things to offer as well.
I'm sorry about your parents, and I'm sorry that you have to make these calls and decisions. It's unfair to you and I wish I could do more to help. The sorry's probably sound redundant at this point, so if you ever need anything just let me know and I promise to do my best to help. Sending love over the internets <33
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writingblock101 · 4 years
Doctor’s Orders (Jason Todd x Reader)
Yeah, so this wasn’t the next request. I wrote this in the notes of my phone (it was suppose to be a few lines of dialog oops) then I was going to wait to post it until after I finished the request, but then I was really unhappy with how the last Duke request came out so I wanted to give y’all something I was actually happy with. Enjoy! 
Word count: 1300 
Warnings: Got a little horny on the main, but kept it low key cause I wanted it to be gender neutral. 
Tags: @idkmanicantenglish @mayahoelland2013 @incrediblysadstudent (I wanted to tag you in a fic I was actually happy with but bless you for reblogging the last one!) 
You walk into your apartment but immediately groan at the sight of Jason slumped on the floor, under your window. He's holding his side, meaning he's bleeding...again. 
"Jason, this is the third time this week you've tried to bleed out on my living room floor," You whine, crossing the room to squat in front of him. 
He chuckles weakly. 
"Old habits die hard." 
"Yeah, so do dumbasses with very little self preservation," You mutter, pulling his jacket back to examine the wound. "You need better armor." 
"I'm on a budget," He argues with a grimace. 
"Your dad is Batman," You roll your eyes. "I'm sure he can spare a few dollars if it means his dumbass son won't bleed out on some poor nurse's floor." 
"I think he'll be more focused on the nurse than on my corpse," Jason grins then winces as you prod at the bullet wound. 
"Please tell me you can walk," You beg. “Because there is no way in hell I can carry you to my bathroom." 
"Not with that attitude," Jason bites. 
You blink, a small smile trying to force its way into your face. 
"Are you using my own line against me?" 
"I hope to use a lot more than just a line against you," He winks. 
You roll your eyes again, and pull Jason's arm over your shoulder then shift your weight, ready to stand. 
"Alright, we're going to stand on three, you ready?" 
Jason grimaces then braces his hand on the window sill. 
"One, two, three," Jason groans in pain and you clench your teeth under the weight but push with your legs more and are able to stand with Jason weighing down on you.
"Wow," He grins weakly. "You work out?" 
"Shut up," You mutter, slowly guiding him to the bathroom. 
Luckily, Jason is using you more as a crutch than you actually lifting him. He seems lucid so clearly he hasn’t lost too much blood, he just needs some guidance. 
"With an ass like that, you clearly don't skip leg day," Jason continues, his hand slides down your back to grab your butt. 
"Jason," You sigh, trying to maneuver him through the doorway. 
"It's that college drop out music, every day leg day she be too thick," Jason sings. 
"Will you stop flirting with me while you're actively bleeding out?" You snap with no real heat while lowering Jason onto the toilet lid. 
"Does this mean I can hit on you once you stitch me up?" He asks hopefully. 
You sigh again, pulling out your first aid kit. 
"Sure. I think two years of dating has earned you that right." 
"Good," Jason grins as you help him pull his jacket and shirt off. "Cause what fun is it to have a hot nurse if you don't get to let them know?" 
"I can think of a lot of things," You mutter, cleaning away the wound. 
"You're right!" He exclaims. "Role play." 
"Oh my gosh," You roll your eyes again with a small smile as a blush works it way into your cheeks. 
"You're blushing!" Jason exclaims. "You're into it!" He drops his voice to the one you've dubbed his "Red Hood" voice. "You would like that, wouldn't you?" 
You're truly ashamed at the shiver his low voice sends down your spine but you regain your composure as you prepare your sutures. 
"What did I say about flirting with me while you're bleeding out?!" 
"Sorry," Jason grins with an completely unapologetic smile. His voice drops again. "I'll be sure to make it up to you." 
You shiver again, feeling heat pool in the last place you want heat pooling when you're about to stitch someone up.
"Stop it!" You snap, leaning forward to start stitching up Jason.
"Sorry, baby," He pulls you closer by your hips into a long, heated kiss. "But you just do things to me," Jason growls against your lips, his voice dropping again. 
You nearly moan, melting into the kiss, then remember you are in fact holding a needle and pull away. 
"Jason! We're talking five minutes to stitch you up!" 
He grins again, and even soaked with sweat, and covered in blood, he's still so damn handsome (hell, you might argue that the blood and sweat are what add to the effect, but you're not going to admit that to anybody.) 
"I'll let you work," He holds his hands up innocently. "But I can't promise I'll keep my hands to myself after," The look he gives you is downright sinful. 
"Yeah," You mutter, leaning forward and stitching the wound together. "Well, you're not going to be able to do much with your stitches." 
"Good thing I've got someone to help me out," Jason brings his hands back to your hips and kisses the side of your head. 
It takes a single glare for him to grin at you unapologetically again. 
"Uh huh, sure you are," You roll your eyes. 
"Trust me, baby, if you could see what I see every day, you'd get my inability to keep my hands to myself," He pulls on you again, his voice lowering to a growl again. 
"I thought I banned you from flirting with me while stitching to up," You mutter, pulling tight on one of the stitches. 
"Can't help it, gorgeous," Jason kisses your neck, making you shiver again. "You make me lose my self control." 
He kisses your neck again, making you shiver and close your eyes for a moment. He's about to make you lose your self control too. You breathe in sharply, and snap your eyes open, and hone in on threading the last stitch. 
"There!" You declare, securing gauze and tape over Jason's fresh stitches.
He immediately lifts you by your thighs and pins you to the wall, capturing your lips in a searing kiss. 
"Started thinking about you on patrol," Jason growls in his low voice. "About how I can't wait to have you under me, moaning my name," He begins to suck a hickey on your neck.
You moan softly, knotting your fingers into his hair, and your legs around his waist. 
"I want you sprawled out on the sheets, begging and desperate," He continues, biting lightly where your neck and shoulder meet. "I want to feel your fingers in my hair, your nails scratching down my back," Jason thrusts against you, showing how hard he is. "You feel that?" He murmurs to you. 
"Yeah," You respond breathlessly. 
"That's all for you, baby," Jason growls back. "Do you have any fucking clue what you to do me?"
"I might need a demonstration," You reply, grinding down against Jason. 
His hand slips into your pants. You groan, your head hitting the wall, his fingers moving in all the right ways, stroking, rubbing. Jason leans back from his spot against your neck to watch your facial expressions as he speeds his movements up. Your nails dig into his shoulders and you gasp. 
"Open your eyes, baby," He murmurs to you. 
You manage to force your eyes open, and lean forward to rest against his forehead. 
"Jason," You moan shakily. 
"That's right," He murmurs. "I want to hear you," Jason kisses you again, your mouth going slack against him. 
He slows his movements, making you whine.
"Jay," You beg, grinding into his hand. 
"Something wrong, baby doll?" Jason grins, leaning forward to pepper more kisses down your neck. 
"Please," You beg, grinding against him. "I need you." 
Jason pulls you into another long kiss.
"Well, since you asked so nicely, why don't we move this to the bedroom so I can show you my gratitude." 
He carries you to the bedroom and sets you on the bed before crawling over you, and boxing you in with his huge form. Jason gives you another long kiss as his warm hands run under your shirt. As your fingers curl back into his hair, pulling him closer to you, you don't care about his stitches reopening, especially if it means you'll get to ride Jason. You suppose being Red Hood's nurse has it perks.
I don’t know why it’s been hard to motivate myself to write, but I promise that Damian request is coming soon! Hope y’all liked my blackbear reference.
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guqin-and-flute · 3 years
🍄 cus I could use the good damn help
🍄how do you get yourself in the mood to write?
GOD I WISH I KNEW. Okay, well, barring that super helpful answer
Usually, there are 3 major reasons I can't write; Executive Dysfunction, burnout, or I'm stuck and I don't know it. This is what I do for these occasions!
Executive Dysfunction
Make sure I've taken the proper meds/supplements (I'm trying out rhodiola rosea and DHA currently and they seem to be helping!)
Get cozy--go to the bathroom first, set up a nice environment where you have a drink, a little snack and are the proper temperature so you don't get distracted
CHANGE LOCATION. If there is somewhere that I usually write but I'm just sitting there feeling awful, I go to a different room, sit outside (weather permitting), and when things are all safe, I might go to a coffeeshop or bookstore and try there
Try to be patient with myself--beating your brain isn't gonna make it work
Stretch! Time to think or space out, I feel better afterward, and I have better blood flow
Try to do something adjacent that might help me slip sideways into the mood; fill prompts, reread finished bits of WIPs, answer Ao3 comments, rewatch/reread source material (if it's a fanfic), watch/read something in the same genre that might spark an idea
If I'm getting too frustrated, go for a walk for roughly half an hour--I either listen to music or just vibe and let my mind wander and sometimes, the mood will hit me and I'll turn around and go straight home and write--really can't overstress how many times this has happened to me. I just needed to get out of the house!
Put on music the same mood/vibe of the scene/fic I'm working on and listen to it while I'm driving, walking, or sitting and trying to write
Figure out if I'm over or understimulated and fix it (Under--usually with background music or ASMR, over--go somewhere quieter or put on comfier clothes so I can ignore them better [are you wearing a hat? I can't deal with hats sometimes])
Take deep breaths and remember that there is always time to try again tomorrow
This one can be so tricky to identify and frustrating to deal with because I WANT to write but I just can't--chances are, I've been thinking about what I want to write nonstop. I give myself permission to take a break, mentally and physically, from the narratives I'm thinking about. Just totally unhitch myself from it for the rest of the day and go do something else. The promise that I won't be frustrated at myself again for the rest of the day makes it more restful
Make sure you have the basics done--enough food that makes you feel good, water, shower, clean environment
Seriously, making a promise to not worry about it for the rest of today can feel so good because you're not cycling those feelings of shame and frustration constantly. Acknowledge you're not even going to try for the rest of the day and let yourself rest
Okay, not everyone works like this, but I do--when I know what needs to happen but I just can't get myself to write, I reread what I've written and consider the turning points of the scenes; would [x] really say that? What if [y] did this instead? Would they really react like that if they were (happy, sad, angry)? What would be said into a silence instead of this reaction?
Make sure the dialogue really does sound like the character--did I just make him say that because it needed to happen? If that's so, does it need to happen, or would it happen a different way?
Be flexible to the idea that you won't be able to fit in everything that you wanted. It sucks, but it happens
Be aware that sometimes, characters do whatever the fuck they want and it can really screw up your plans, but chances are, there's a reason they feel strongly enough to hijack--it's you noticing something without noticing it
Try to write something else. A short something, a something you don't care that much about. See what happens and see if you gain any insights while you were away from the WIP you really wanted to write
For fanfic--read other fanfic! See what characterizations you agree with, see what you don't. Make a list of character traits that you want to remember for your fic and check it over occasionally to make sure you a) still agree with it and b) are adhering to it in the part you're having trouble
Find someone to talk it out with--sometimes explaining it out loud will help you realize things you didn't inside your head. You get outside insights, someone to be accountable to, and someone who can motivate you!
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newathens · 3 years
okay okay, abt ur post, what do u think the theme/message of chb chronicles is supposed to be? like i agree it has to be depressing because the LOGICAL direction for the plot to go when deciding to make it very clear at the beginning of HOO that the gods weren’t going to change or honor their promises would’ve been an arc abt like…fed up demigods staging their own revolution or something similar but less dramatic. cause listen i haven’t read TOA but everything i hear is just like…the cycle continuing and it makes PJO so fucking sad when u look back on it (tangent: the cycle continuing /almost/ or could potentially kinda make Luke a martyr which is a weird place for his character to be ending up cause his whole thing is like ‘cool motive, still murder’) like sure they fought and won but everything still sucks for them like…what’s ricks endgame here? i truly do not understand and i don’t think anyone does least of all him lmao. i have no idea what i’m asking u anymore tbh that post just made me want to discuss what a lack of a planned overarching theme to the chb chronicles has made the theme become because there Has to be one right 😭💀
oh there’s so much here. luke becoming a martyr over time im so here for that very much desire that to happen. question what part of the beginning of hoo makes you think that the gods weren’t going to change, where did you hear that. it’s a genuine question im interested because i haven’t read them in awhile. i would think the part that would seal the deal on that is when leo found calypso. i think the lost hero has elements that shows the gods were trying to stick to their deal, because piper and leo are claimed relatively quickly
yeah when you consider the chb chronicles as a single cohesive unit things get muddy incredibly fast. and it can be argued that there is no reason for three separate series to follow a theme, but they do have similarities. absolutely they do. going extremely broad i would say family, friendship, power, hardship. getting a little more detailed we could say the pursuit of power, the intricacies of paternal and maternal relationships, how hardship is easier to overcome with the support of peers, etc.
when you get to a series this large it’s so hard to pin down a single theme, because there isn’t one. it’s too big. but while we sit here and try to dissect each of these series by themselves it’s hard to deny that there are connecting plot points in each of them that string together beautifully like a pearl necklace.
here’s where i think everyone gets confused, or maybe where riordan himself began to have difficulties and had to make tough decisions. people love to characters, they love reading about characters, they love delving into characters lives. riordan doesn’t just have characters. he has greek mythology, which might as well be a character of its own. and that beautiful pearl necklace of plot points doesn’t have to have anything to do with our hero characters. that necklace is just the story going on in the background. there is percy’s story. then there is that necklace. a story on top of a story.
and im getting away from myself so let me just spit out something. i think that everyone loves to focus on characters—with good reason, they’re great—and that’s why the chronicles work. that’s why they’re popular. people become friends with these characters and the development of these characters is good. you know, at the end of tower of nero, riordan puts in extra effort to tie up everything with a pretty blue bow.
but the story at large, the necklace story, the story that CONNECTS all these characters and all three separate series and all the WHYs and the WHAT FORs and so on, that story is never finished. that’s why it’s hard to pinpoint ONE theme or one message or ONE story itself. to me it should be a story of change, a story of renewal. and that is actually a story that doesn’t have to be sad. but nothing really changes when you look at the big picture and that’s why the ending feels moot. and it only feels moot in a certain way. because on the surface, for our characters and for apollo, the ending is incredibly hopeful and heartwarming. but underneath we are left with the same world we entered into. i really hate to say that but it 100% is. and it makes these moments of analysis incredibly difficult, but that in itself is why we are here on the internet still talking about it, it’s why people will gladly take more of it and that is where i start to wonder where the intention lies. does riordan want to keep people reading or does he simply enjoy writing this type of series, because there are plenty of authors who prefer it. but that’s another discussion.
hope this was the type of response you were looking for.
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