#fuck the dursleys anyway
padfootastic · 1 year
Sunday Snippet
(is that a thing? idk but i literally just wrote this for FoD and it wont be posted for a few chapters--so a couple months minimum--but i just. really wanted to share it so. enjoy)
He casually points a finger at the hideous vase behind their heads, levitating it wandlessly and wordlessly. If he was around other wix, they would’ve been amazed and perhaps, slightly awed. That it was Muggles--and this particular set at that--meant they were almost vibrating out of their skin in fear. 
“Do you know,” he started with a pleasant smile, bringing the floating vase closer to them, enjoying the way Petunia’s mouth opened in a wordless scream. He didn't even have to Silence them. “they thought I could kill 12 people, just like that, with one word. Not one person, not even my closest friends, believed otherwise.”
Once upon a time that statement would’ve hurt, it had hurt him everytime he was conscious enough to think about it in Azkaban. But he’d made his peace with it now, had accepted that there was a part of him that was inherently repulsive, untrustworthy, broken. 
“There was a reason for why they did that. My brother--you know him, James--was murdered. They thought I lost my mind, and perhaps I did, a little bit.” 
Because James was the last--and only--person who’d never turned away from him. He’d taken all of Sirius’ ugliness, all those rough edges he’d tried so hard to hide, cutting himself and the world in the process, and kept those with himself. Sirius never had to worry about himself around James, because he knew he’d take care of him. Wouldn’t let him break. 
At least, that’s how it should have been. They should’ve grown old together, stuck at the hip until their hearts and their magic gave out. James shouldn’t have been buried in the ground at the age of twenty fucking one while Sirius still had to live without him, god, it was so unfair. 
It was--
He shouldn’t be living without James. He was nothing without James. 
It was that thought that sent a fresh wave of anger through his veins, anger he knew was very plainly visible on his face, reflecting in his eyes, because the moment he looked at the Dursleys, he could hear two distinctive whimpers at once. 
“So,” he said, voice rough like gravel, almost unrecognisable to even him. He knew his eyes would be closer to black than their usual grey, the Madness stirring within him, wanting out. “What do you think I’ll do to people, to vermin like you, who touched my godson?” 
His only response was a slow, trickling sound and a pungent smell filling the living room. 
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greenerteacups · 1 year
Ok. First of all, I am obsessed with Lionheart. You are amazing and I could sing your praises for hours. However, I have a question regarding Wolfstar. Your fic was actually the first time I came across that ship. (I know now it's really popular). However, I would love to hear more about your thoughts on Remus and Sirius. Whether it's canon or your interpretation of them. I always found Tonks and Remus to be a strange couple in the HP books. Was that your impression as well? How do you think a romantic relationship between the two characters changes them, if it does at all? Thanks!
Totally! Thanks for the ask!
I think Remus and Tonks getting together suffers from the same thing that a lot of canon relationships do, i.e., that JKR doesn't really know how to write romantic chemistry. There are very few times in the books where it feels like there's genuine sexual or romantic tension happening on the page. So that's layer 1.
Layer two is that Remus and Tonks aren't themselves on the page for most of Books 5-7, so their "love story," as such, is 90% exposition. The only scenes we get of them as a couple are Tonks scolding Remus for not dating her and Remus guiltily shooting her down. It also seems out of character for Remus, who is defined in many ways by his attachment to the past and who has been living out of Sirius's pockets for two years, to show little or no apparent grief at the death of his best friend of twenty years, not to mention one of the last people alive who loved James Potter. Harry grieves Sirius more than Lupin seems to, and Harry knew Sirius for about five minutes compared to Lupin. That's not to say that grief always looks the same — it's different, and I'm sure Lupin compartmentalized it for the war effort — but it should, in theory, stop you from jumping into a high-intensity relationship with your dead best friend's niece. (If you look at the timeline on Tonks and Lupin's relationship vis-a-vis Sirius's death, it is absolutely wild.)
The Wolfstar in Lionheart is subtle, but as overt as I thought was realistic for two men who hadn't seen each other in years and are also, by necessity, only seen by the reader in the presence of their thirteen-year-old godson. I wanted to capture the energy of "closeted on-again off-again lovers in the 70s and 80s before having a VERY messy breakup" (which, believe it or not, is a broader demographic than you'd think), both because I think it's a fun way to write them (the vibes! the possessiveness! the old-married-couple meets shy-first-relationship of it all!) and because it explains why Lupin is totally alone before Prisoner of Azkaban — in particular, why he never made an effort to contact Harry. It's hard enough to be a closeted man in Britain in the 1980s; throw in a case of lycanthropy and an insane amount of personal trauma, and what you've got on your hands is the kind of guy who'd go totally radio silent on everyone he knows for 13 straight years.
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Honestly, Petunia Dursley drives me up a wall. I can't think about her character for too long. Imagine having a sister that you love but you lose your love for her after a series of unfortunate events. Your sister's magic emboldens a boy to approach both of you and insult and hurt you (yes, I know Snape's actions are his own but he never would've approached lily or petunia if the former were not a witch. I'm sure petunia thoughts were along this line.). Your parents rave over your sister because she's magic and you're not. Your sister leaves for months at a time. You don't get to see her after school. You see her on holidays and that's it. When she graduates, she marries a boy that you don't like, moves out, has a child, and then dies a year after that child is born. You never got much time with your sister after she turned 11. Fucking 11.
Not only that, but the child your sister had has been left in your care. You cannot escape the world that your sister was apart of even though you, yourself, were rejected from it. This world crops up in the worst of ways. People breaking through your fireplace. Your own son gets his tongue enflated to where it chokes him. When your nephew turns 17, you're told that you have to leave your own home because the person hunting him may come after you.
I'm not saying the Dursley's were good people. But my god. This story, from Petunia's perspective, is a horror story where you're refused a starring role but somehow get all the pitfalls of the limelight anyway.
She makes me insane.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 4 months
Bellatrix Lestrange having a daughter around Tonks/Charlie’s age who is like a younger, more unhinged but still somewhat replicated version of her this is very, very inspired by Jenifer Check, I love her sm so when you think of Lestrange!Daught it’s pretty much Chrck lmao which she thought she’d absolutely love except her kid won’t do anything she asks for her and absolutely will not serve the Dark Lord cause she worships the ground the Reader walks on, whatever they want and whenever they want it, she’ll do anything for them
Narcissa can’t help cause she doesn’t have a daughter for plots sake we’ll say Cygnus raised her alone meaning the kid had mad freedom, old man just wanted to chill after losing 2 of 3 daughters over politics so Bellatrix goes to Andromeda
and for a solid five minutes all Andromeda can do is laugh because her older sister is coming to her for vague parenting advise
inevitably Andromeda connects the dots and then starts laughing again pointing out the hilarious parallel about Bellatrix being obsessed with Voldemort and now her daughter being obsessed with her own morally questionable criminal or better yet the Reader isn’t a criminal but gets up to sketchy shit sometimes and doesn’t understand why this pretty, violent girl is following them around but goes with it anyways
worst part is that after Rodolphus and Rabastan died which I assume they did in Azkaban then Lestrange!Daughter would’ve inherited the vault, cutting off the death eaters funding and access to the Hufflepuff’s Cup hidden inside, because she’s not gonna betray her darling for some nose-less fuck
Are we talking like an OC?? Cause I actually really love that idea. Especially, regarding Harry’s twin!Reader or something like that, just the parallels between the two only Belatrix’s daughter is on the literal complete opposite side. But in the circumstances it would be Harry and twin!Reader with this older girl staliking following them around, especially outside of Hogwarts. Like, she just hangs out outside of 4 Privet Drive just watching, even breaking in and just wanting to be close to the Reader. You can bet Bellatrix’s daughter would give the Dursley’s a piece of her mind. Or maybe even just take Harry and the Reader to live with her.
I just imagine the Reader waking up in a completely new place all by themself with this older girl hovering over them. And the Reader being kind of okay with it since they’re away from the Dursley’s but they ask their captor/“savior” to go back and get their brother too.
The Lestrange house/manor/estate would probably become the new Order of the Phoenix headqaurters, mainly because Bellatrix’s daughter won’t part with the Reader so they can’t go with Harry to live with Sirius so Sirius moves in to keep an eye on everything. And his reaction to his batshit crazy cousin’s batshit child being obsessed with one of his godchildren would really be something. Like, FUCK NO!?!?!
Like, I could imagine Bellatrix’s daughter having been obsessed with the Potter twins since it came out that they were able to survive and best Voldemort even when being just mere babes. And just her like revolving her world around getting to meet them or something. Maybe when Bellatrix’s daughter was younger but still older than Harry and the Reader she ended up wandering to 4 Privet Drive or having her house elf take her to meet them or something and she did, even if it was for a few minutes.
When it comes to the idea of Bellatrix’s daughter being obsessed with a criminal or a bad witch/wizard, I could just imagine Potter!Twin!Reader having nicked something small or lied about something insignificant and from then on Bellatrix’s daughter was like “That’s the one for me”.
Also, just the idea of Bellatrix’s daughter having stalked Harry and his Twin!Reader for most of their life. Like, I could see them getting Cygnus or their house elf to take them to 4 Privet Drive and she would just watch the whole place like a hawk. Never taking her eyes off of it and getting excited at the smallest bit of movement or liveliness at the home. Or even having the house elf sneak her into Harry and the Reader’s school to pass herself off as one of the students and getting to befriend the Reader even just for a brief time. But afterwards, Bellatrix’s daughter would use that as her excuse to interact with the Dursley’s. She’d happily knock on their door asking the Reader to play with her, that she was their friend from school as to not draw any suspicion. Hell, Bellatrix’s daughter would go as far as getting one of the houses on Privet Drive just to stay close and ending up living there the rest of the time the twins are across the street/down the road.
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lunar-serpentinite · 6 months
assorted hjp headcanons
he takes to guitars like a bird to the sky. acoustic, bass, electric, you name it, he'd slay it
he eventually finds a way to force kreacher into retirement, but still lets the house elf have absolutely free reign in the former bedrooms of his beloved departed masters
harry has this habit of just picking up all the even mildly pathetic/helpless strays he finds on the streets and ends up raising them. 12 grimmauld place looks a lot like a menagerie now, and he kinda likes it
he went to luna for help on how to take care of his newfound animal roommates and thats how he befriended luna's then-penpal-turned-bf rolf scamander
eventually he moves to a quaint little cottage right outside of godrics hollow to be closer to his parents' final resting place. it's heavily warded, fidelius'd, and nobody except for ron, hermione and luna know the address
he never really did like living in a gated community / suburban neighbourhood, it reminded him too much of privet drive
the first time someone mocked him by calling him freak, harry blacked out a bit and the next thing he knew he was standing over a decently beat-up person
creatures associated w death like corvids, moths and the like are weirdly attracted to him. hell, he even found a whole vulture in his backyard once
harry is pretty apathetic about the notion of his own death post-battle of hogwarts. he told luna once that it felt like he was just idly waiting by for death to come by again
differences aside, he and pansy (my characterisation of her anyways) wld bond over being nosy, gossipy little shits
he would've said yes if cedric and cho invited him into their relationship lmao
i dont think hes necessarily a naturally jealous/possessive person. he just doesn't know how to properly have a grip on himself if the few scant ppl and stuff that he considers his are in danger of being taken away from him, born from trauma from the dursleys ofc. make him feel secure enough and he'd be chill
hes kinda shit at potions especially without proper instructions and motivation because he learned how to cook first, and potions deals w exact measurements while cooking is just measure based on vibes
he would make an excellent beekeeper. idk but he just gives me that vibe
harry's vibe checks are rarely wrong but he doesn't say anything abt em anymore bc hes used to ppl automatically assuming that hes a liar
"harry, why didnt u tell us" "you didnt ask. and if u did ask, youd probably assume im lying"
hes a bit of a hoarder lmao he has a small room in his new cottage thats just filled w his trinkets
he has absolutely no qualms in lying to everyone's faces if he thinks he's justified based on his own criteria of justice
he cant dance those fancy formal dances but at some point he will discover that he likes other types of dancing, just not in front of other people
harry would abuse the FUCK out of slang so he can say as little words as possible. his convo partner is confused but he also doesnt like them ? theyre a grownup with access to books, they can figure it out by themselves
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liquidluckandstuff · 3 months
which character would u love to give a bottle of liquid luck and what would u want their goal to be
Ok I have two ideas one Tomarrymort and one Dadmort and i'll do that dadmort one.
Harry ends up with a bottle of Liquid Luck. How does he get it? We don't know. That's not part of the focus right now. He is at the Dursleys and having the absolute worst time. Sure he is leaving in a few days but he can't stand another minute there.
Besides, Dumbledore promised him he wouldn't have to stay there very long and he wasn't sure how well he could trust his word anymore.
Anyway, Harry drinks the potion (he doesn't even know what it is. He just knows that it is supposed to help him somehow) and suddenly has the desire to go for a walk. He just leaves and no one stops him. Not his relatives, not the order, no one.
He walks long and far enough that someone ends up seeing him on the side of the road and offers him a ride. Harry takes it and ends up having a nice conversation with a stranger. "Where ya headed," they ask. "This way, I think. I'm pretty sure something amazing is going to happen," replied Harry sounding drugged as fuck. The stranger doesn't care. They are high as a kite too.
They drop Harry off in the middle of some old muggle town that is pretty far off from anywhere of note. Harry gets out and waves them off cheerfully.
Then he goes and grabs a coffee from some bakery so he can sit outside and wait. That's all he does. He just waits. Someone left a book behind that ends up being something Harry is interested in so he isn't bored.
An hour or two later, a shadow appears in front of him. The man doesn't look familiar, but Harry gives him a kind smile anyway.
"Hello," Harry says kindly. "Are you waiting for someone too?"
"You're not supposed to be here," the stranger says bewildered.
"I'm not supposed to be anywhere," Harry shrugs. "But here I am."
"Why are you here," the stranger snaps with narrowed eyes. "Where are your guardians?"
"I dunno. Off somewhere having dinner I think. They are probably celebrating my disappearance. Do you want some," Harry says as he offers the man a piece of his cookie. "The woman at the shop gave it to me, but it's too sweet for me."
"I-" the stranger looked down at the cookie and shakes his head. There was something strange going on, but Harry was too happy to notice. Whatever potion he took, it made him feel like he was walking on air. "No, thank you."
"Suit yourself," Harry shrugs before turning back to his book, and then shouting in protest as it was suddenly snatched from his hands. "Hey!"
"You shouldn't be here," the man snaps dragging Harry up by his arm.
"I can go where I want. There isn't anyone left to give a shit and stop me." While he said it, the happy feeling that kept him moving faded away and in its place his resentment bubbled up. "Leave me alone."
Harry pulled his arm away and turned to walk away but was stopped by the stranger pulling the collar of his shirt.
"Wha-Hey STOP what are you doing?"
"Of all the stupid idiotic things to do. They let you just wander off? Have they taught you nothing? What happened to Dumbledore's great protection? Why aren't you being trained? Why are you just out here--" The man hissed is parseltongue, not that Harry knew.
He responded in the same language, "Dumbledore? What about Dumbledore?"
"You speak?"
"What do you mean I speak,"Harry mocked. "We've been speaking this whole time. Let go!"
But the stranger pulled him in closer. Harry didn't have a chance to fight back before he was apparated away.
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dufferpuffer · 2 months
"Why didn't anyone do anything to help Harry" Alastor Moody did.
Arthur too, bless him - but Mad-Eye doesn't fucking hold back. And he's only known Harry for a few spotty meetings over a year.
“Well — shall we do it, then?” “Yeah, I reckon so, Arthur,” said Moody. ... ... “Good afternoon,” said Mr. Weasley pleasantly to Uncle Vernon, coming to a halt right in front of him. “You might remember me, my name’s Arthur Weasley.” ... ... “We thought we’d just have a few words with you about Harry,” said Mr. Weasley, still smiling. “Yeah,” growled Moody. “About how he’s treated when he’s at your place.” ... ... “I am not aware that it is any of your business what goes on in my house —” “I expect what you’re not aware of would fill several books, Dursley,” growled Moody. “Anyway, that’s not the point,” interjected Tonks, ... ... “The point is, if we find out you’ve been horrible to Harry —” “— and make no mistake, we’ll hear about it,” added Lupin pleasantly. “Yes,” said Mr. Weasley, “even if you won’t let Harry use the fellytone —” “Telephone,” whispered Hermione. “Yeah, if we get any hint that Potter’s been mistreated in any way, you’ll have us to answer to,” said Moody. ... ... “Are you threatening me, sir?” he said, so loudly that passersby actually turned to stare. “Yes, I am,” said Mad-Eye, who seemed rather pleased that Uncle Vernon had grasped this fact so quickly. “And do I look like the kind of man who can be intimidated?” barked Uncle Vernon. “Well . . .” said Moody, pushing back his bowler hat to reveal his sinisterly revolving magical eye. Uncle Vernon leapt backward in horror and collided painfully with a luggage trolley. “Yes, I’d have to say you do, Dursley.” He turned from Uncle Vernon to Harry. “So, Potter... give us a shout if you need us. If we don’t hear from you for three days in a row, we’ll send someone along....”
OotP, Chapter 38 (edited for brevity)
Met this boy a handful of times and says: "The Muggles treat him bad? Nope. I ain't standin' for that." Clunks over, scares the shit out of them - and makes promises he intends to keep as a support network for Harry.
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findingtomarrymort · 2 months
I read this fic a while ago and I'm sure it was completed. It revolved around voldemort kind of getting a hold of Harry and Harry just using his time captured to not being the boy who lived and he starts really connecting with V. A scene I can provide for you is when Harry wakes after being taken he's in a kind of garden house filled with snakes and he's laying in a bed- V's bed. And another is when Hermione and Ron find him Harry tells them to go without him and they do and he just goes back to V and now V is really worried about him leaving bc Harry really could if he wanted too. There was also a part where V was rubbing harrys eyes and Harry said it was sweet but he was worried about having V's claws so close to his eyes. So yeah, they're in malfoy manor pretty sure. [FOUND: The Fire, Burning by freakydeakymoonmagic]
Hello I'm searching for a fic where The Gaunts married other Parselmouth lines in Britain until the Gaunts were the only ones left, and only then they resorted to inbreeding. The Gaunt history is a minor detail but Parselmouths are attracted to other Parselmouths only so it's good that Harry isn't related. And it's not a Lomonaaren fic.
Hello! Im looking for the fic where Harry ends up adopting all of the horcruxes and keeping them as his children while hes on the run from Voldemort? I'm pretty sure it was incomplete, it was very exhausted teen dad Harry. [FOUND: Mary Magdalene by hanamichi]
Hi i was looking for a fic that was on AO3 i don't remember the title or author no matter how hard i tried to remember. Its starts with fem!harry after war she's in love with Tom became friends with kinda Malfoys she goes to ball Malfoys host Lucius sees her laying toms bed they talk then he blood adopts her and send her back through time. She goes as abraxas twin sis? She meets tom tom claims his lordship they go to Hogwarts as 7th year there is this whole pureblood culture thing about curtsies and stuff.
hi so i really wanted to reread this one fic i found on ao3, no clue what it was called sadly :( it was a single chapter and simple smut. its a non-magic au, where tom’s just some guy, and harry’s underage but fully consensual but just needs money to get away from dursleys. the fic starts with tom bringing harry home and straight up asking how old are you and whats your name because its definitely not __. anyways they fuck :]
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noahmullariii · 6 months
a much too whiny rant about fic icks
I die a little every time pup, cub or Prongslet comes up in a wolfstar raising Harry (together or separately) fic. especially cub - it makes literally no sense????? are you sure it's Remus John Lupin I'm reading about??? it's his evil doppelganger, I'm telling you. I'm not even sure I could stomach that word ironically.
Prongslet is fine in moderation, I guess, but only as an inside joke, only coming from Sirius and only when Harry's a smol bean. but when it's Prisoner of Azkaban compliant I wanna claw my eyes out.
it's even worse when those terms are used not just in dialogue but in Remus or Sirius' internal monologue as if pup and cub are Harry's freaking pronouns or something. my cub, my pup, cub did this, pup did that... just call him boy or kid or his name for god's sake. I once saw sprog pop up and was delighted cuz at least it's actually british slang.
and don't get me started on Hadrian(us) James Orion Potter-Black (which is just... why the fuck would James give his son the name of his best mate's horrible father AND the last name of his horrible family?? and why would Lily agree to that?) who's simultaneously Lord Potter, Black, Peverell and Slytherin (and, sure, I have a visceral reaction to aristocracy wank in general but even ignoring that - the last 3 literally make no sense since "Lord Black" is Sirius until his death; and both Peverell and Slytherin lines bled into other families ages ago. so being a Potter automatically means you're descended from Peverells as well as being a Gaunt - from Slytherin. and the last of those is Tom Riddle Jr. but that wouldn't make any Potters "Lord Peverell"s or any Gaunts/Riddle "Lord Slytherin"s. those last names are dead. smh).
but, uh, this tangent technically has nothing to do with my initial complaints, it's just that at some point I started thinking of this naming stuff in tandem with nonsensical nicknames as they began appearing in fics together. which is a double homicide, truly.
and look, I definitely understand the desire to make Harry's original name something else cuz it fits nicely with POC Potters headcanon and Dursleys being racist dicks about it, but... Hadrian? I mean, it's not really a big deal when the fic mentions it being his full name but both narration and characters still refer to him as Harry for short - that makes total sense. however when after the name reveal Hadrian replaces Harry completely, it feels super weird and uncanny, making it hard to identify Harry's character in the story altogether.
although I guess you should all knock me off my high horse for being the biggest hypocrite ever, cuz I myself have a headcanon for Harry's name, even if it's less elaborate than Hadrian. also less Roman? that's another thing I don't get - if you want to create a better connection between Harry and his roots, why choose a name of a Roman emperor for a desi kid? since he's usually explicitly desi in all the Hadrian fics. so it's not that I have a problem with renaming him, per se, I just don't understand the choice of Hadrian.
for example, I recently read a fic where he was Pakistani and his name was originally Hami, which is a nice idea, actually, and makes sense for such headcanon. mine is Hari btw (हरि in Sanskrit), since I headcanon Potters as Indian, but I didn't come up with that name myself - just saw it somewhere a couple years ago and liked it. I think it's actually a pretty popular hc now? anyway, it's closer to Harry than any other name I've seen and has many beautiful meanings that resonate with what I think James and Lily felt towards their son. now, even though I still prefer his name being Harry regardless of ethnicity, I do entertain this silly headcanon from time to time - so yeah, I'm one to talk, boo me.
now, I probably should shut up since this rant has been entirely too negative already, but while I'm on the topic of icky names/nicknames I should circle back to wolfstar cuz gods know I'll never be brave enough to talk about this particular pet peeve in its own post.
Siri, Remu and Remy make my blood boil. Siri could be kinda cute when it's a silly childhood nickname from Regulus, but if any marauder or Lily calls Sirius that - immediate death. Si and Re are a teensy bit better in moderation and if used ironically, but still stab me in the chest. a couple times for good measure. the only somewhat acceptable short form of any of their two names for me is Rem, albeit with a stretch and only because it's an actual version of the name Remus in Catalan and Russian. I know I'm being way too dramatic about this (just like with all of my previous points) but I just don't understand the need to shorten their names. at all. they're only 3 and 2 syllables long and so mystical on their own that any shortening just makes them simultaneously more nonsensical and less remarkable.
both characters literally have established quirky nicknames in canon that you can play with and even shorten to Pads and Moons if you want. Sirius is not a digital assistant and Remus is not the main character from Ratatouille. stop this madness.
plus James is right there. his name has a ridiculous amount of diminutives - Jamie, Jimmy, Jim, Jam, Jem, Jay and even Jimbo if you're into that. why strip Remus and Sirius' magical names of their charm if you can have fun with common names? but I digress.
at the end of the day, my pet peeves are mine only and I should live with them in fragile peace. this post is a personal rant first and foremost and if you disagree, I'm genuinely happy that you enjoy the things I can't. fandom is a playground and we can all find some fun in different corners. I'd also like to point out that I'm not trying to take a jab at fic writers who use any of the aforementioned terms, names or diminutives. I'm only one person, so if I stop reading your work because of my petty biases, it's only my loss and not your problem. hundreds of other fans will enjoy it instead. so keep doing what you love and writing those characters however you want, it's your right!
so yeah, writers and readers - don't take it personally and have your fun! don't listen to me being mean! I'm just making my fandom experience way too convoluted for my own good.
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ququb444hm · 11 months
𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭, 𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝
part 28 / TYPE SHIT ☆
warning(s): profanity, possible typos
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part 27 cramps <- | masterlist | -> part 29 secret little personal diary
note(s): sometimes i forget the little facts i add throughout the story like how yn mori rin kozume and keiji literally share a fucking history class... like why am i literally only now utilizing it ... anyway my justification for that is mr. ramirez hates his students and doesn't want to see them irl so he's been having asynchronous classes up till now bc of plot +none of the pictures used are mine!!
✩⡱ taglist !! + @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @sherryuki-callmeyuki @anny-bah @ast4rg1rl @sukunasrealgf @dani-shitting-around @whokillednyx @vernon-dursley @limaswife @sugawara-levi @sixxze @ryoiii @literally-a-ferret @444sunarin @llearlert @lloyd4x @usermins @2baddies-1porsche @vernon-dursley @lyzisbitchingagain lmk if u want to be added (msg or inbox)ヾ(・ω・`;)ノ
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vroomlesbianvroom · 1 year
If the Wizarding World had Ofsted, Hogwarts would have been closed down in at least Harry’s first year.
Also, either Dumbledore was in fact manipulative and the mastermind behind almost everything wrong in Harry Potter or he’s senile as fuck. Either way he never should have been Headmaster.
Every single year this man is mentally deranged at that school, he should have been fired in first year at least. (I go into more detail if you click read more).
Philosopher’s Stone
He has Hagrid introduce Harry to the wizarding world - normally it’s a Head of House - Hagrid then very suspiciously collects the Stone (he must have known Hagrid was not the man to be subtle here)
He makes a big spectacle of not going to the third floor corridor - he could have just said it’s closed this year and put some wards up to stop children but in fact all he did was lock the door and then teach them how to unlock it
Students must not go into the Forbidden forest at any time unless it’s a punishment in which we’ll send you with just Hagrid and then you’ll split into groups anyway. What a smart idea
How did no one notice that Voldemort was on the back of Quirrells head? You’re telling the best wizard in the world couldn’t work it out
Three first years managed to get past that little questy maze but it was supposed to stop one of the strongest wizards in the world
Speaking of the maze, it’s all things that they’re good at or have learnt - Devils Snare, chess, the troll they’ve already caught, flying, and a little riddle - Voldemort definitely couldn’t get passed those everyone knows the Dark Lord is shit at chess
When Harry has just killed a man, Dumbledores like it was love. No that is a traumatised child.
Chamber of Secrets
Not a single teacher (or any of her four brothers) noticed that Ginny was possessed for almost an entire year
Some creature is going around and petrifying students and the teachers only plan is to set a curfew and cancel quidditch
Hermione Granger, a twelve year old, manages to work out the creature but Dumbledore can’t - the man had 50 years to work it out
Lockhart is obviously a hack and somehow gets the job anyway
Ron and Harry then manage to work out where the chamber is located but no one else can - they’re not exactly the most observant of children
Harry also talks to a diary that talks back - can someone teach these children that that’s not normal, please stop?
Prisoner of Azkaban
This is possibly the book where Dumbledore’s the best behaved
He does allow a thirteen year old to use a time turner to attend extra lessons - yeah, just let her possibly rip apart time and her own existence that’ll be fine
He also must know that Sirius is innocent and does nothing to help him
They also continue doing quidditch even with the soul sucking creatures floating above them
You need a parental consent form to go to Hogsmede but not to fly on a broom and be around deadly soul sucking creatures that makes complete sense
With the ministry they put dementors in a school full of children but they don’t continue looking after the year ends
Goblet of Fire
This has to be Dumbledore’s worst year
Harry gets signed up to the deadly tournament without his consent and they don’t even really try to get him out - I refuse to believe that a minor could sign a legally binding contract without any form of consent - I also refuse to believe that someone else can get you in a legally binding contract
If they could, why didn’t they just do that with Voldemort
Dumbledore doesn’t notice that his old friend is acting a little bit strange and is in fact a death eater in disguise
You’re telling me Harry can’t go to Hogsmede without the Dursley’s permission but can enter a deadly contest Willy nilly
He allows minors to be fight dragons, be tied to the bottom of a lake and be teleported to Voldemort without even trying - no one checked the cup before putting in the maze
Moody is allowed to teach the unforgivables to children and practise one on them
Order of the Phoenix
This year he’s not awful just a prick
Voldemorts back and Harry’s having creepy nightmares/visions and Dumbledore just keeps running away - just talk to the boy
How did no one in that school notice that Umbridge was using a blood quill on students - how shit are these teachers
Please just explain to Harry’s what going on - this is what we’ve been building up to this whole time
Half Blood Prince
This is when he fully stops caring about any student other than Harry
He knows the whole time that Dracos been forced to take the dark mark and has to kill him and he doesn’t even try and help the boy
He knows he’s dying and gives Harry very little information about the Horcruxs and also uses him to find out information about how many there were
He knows Harry’s a horcrux the entire time and just doesn’t mention it coz he needs Harry to die when the times right
Dumbledore is either mental and needs a hug-me jacket or he’s evil and needs to stay away from children. He could have prevented so much pain and suffering. He could have stopped Tom Riddle from becoming Voldemort in the first place.
He grooms Harry to fight Voldemort and die when the times right and doesn’t even seem to care. Right when Harry needs him, he’s no where to be found.
This is only what we know from Harry’s perspective I imagine it’s a lot worse from everyone else’s.
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toxikgato · 7 months
megapost with my fics
(other places you can find me)
harry potter/draco malfoy
goodnight hero, goodnight prey
After the war Harry wakes up inside his cupboard, in the body of his ten year old self. It can only mean one thing. His plan worked.
A Harry from a dark future goes back in time for less than altruistic reasons, taking down all the Death Eaters in the process will just be the cherry on top.
good morning, love
Harry wakes up with the sunrise.
He hates doing it, always has, but all those years being forced to get up at five in the morning just to cook breakfast for the Dursleys that he wouldn't even be allowed to touch left him with that particular quirk.
But he's not there anymore
He's not in Hogwarts, either. Somehow, he survived his school years, he survived a war, he won that war, and now he's living in Grimmauld Place and feeling... quite good actually.
After all, he has his Draco sleeping next to him.
Draco tried to curse Potter with a chastity spell. Potter bounced the spell back to him. Draco wouldn't be able to come unless Potter allowed it.
Draco was beyond fucked.
All Harry knew was that Malfoy was definitely up to something, and he was going to figure out what it was.
Then blond shit shot that damn spell at him. In hindsight, that had been one of the best things that ever happened to Harry.
lately it feels alright
Draco isn't even planning on having morning sex. He's getting ready to leave for class when Harry pounces. The four eyed monster just drags him to the bed and kisses him like hasn't seen him in years, like they haven't just spent a night in each other's arms. Potter's ridiculous like that.
Draco just knows he'll end up being late for class (and he hopes Harry's dormmates are heavy sleepers.)
angels like you
It slips out of him while he has Draco pinned down on the floor.
"Let's have another one," Harry says as he sucks on the bite mark in Draco's beautiful neck.
It turns out to be one of his best ideas.
bad idea, right?
Draco knows he shouldn't be doing this.
As he stands in front of the mirror, looking back at a face that doesn't belong to him, he knows that what he's doing is a mistake, but he keeps going anyway. He doesn't recognize the person in the mirror, but he knows he looks great, he looks sexy, like temptation.
It's perfect.
If Harry is going to cheat on him with someone, it's definitely with this girl.
let's (not) pretend
His wife has filled the house with chintz. To keep it real I fuck him on the floor.
You Show Me Yours (And I'll Show You Mine)
"What is that!?" Draco practically shouted. "That—thing between your legs! What is it? and why is it so... big?"
"My prick?" he asked, confused. "It's always been big."
Draco frowned at him. "It's weird. I've never seen one."
That just confused Harry. "Then what do you have down there?"
"It's just different," Draco huffed, his eyes locked on Harry's cock. “Maybe it’s a muggle thing.”
"Show me?" Harry asked.
Draco bit his bottom lip, considering it. "Alright."
when rome's in ruins
The first time Draco met the Boy-Who-Lived, he'd been drunk in a muggle bar in the middle of London.
The second time they met, Harry had been sitting on the front seat for his first Potions class of the year.
Needless to say, Draco knew he was in for a long year.
hit the brakes before you crash your broom
Punishment was not something Draco liked. It was by definition never enjoyable, and he more than understood that, but he also accepted that it was something he desperately needed.
That's where Potter comes in.
“Your problem, Draco,” he said conversionally, “is that you always want to have the upper hand, always have to have the last word. You don’t know when to stop, whether you're winning or losing, and tonight, I’m not stopping either.”
Meeting Harry Potter for the second time doesn't go the way Draco expects.
shades of green
"Malfoy. Draco Malfoy," he introduces himself with a hand stretched out, trying to follow the script he had memorized in his head.
Harry gives him a cold once over, and ever so slowly, he takes Draco's hand in his own, his grip so tight it almost hurts.
That's his first clue.
A glimpse of silver is all it takes for Harry fall hard and fast. He may not know who, or even what the creature is, but he's nothing if not stubborn, he had to learned how to survive on his own, how to live, how to thrive and go for what he wants.
The Road To Here
Harry's not sure when exactly he went from wanting to break Malfoy's face whenever he saw him to wanting to stuff him full with his pups, but if he were to make an educated guess, he'd say it was about... five minutes after he figured out what wanking was.
But still, he was a rational human, he could fight Malfoy during the day and then wank to images of Draco during the night, it was a perfect system… Right until he presented as an alpha and all of his repressed desires bursted out of him like a dam breaking.
The Birth of Venus
And what he wants is for the pretty blond to want him as much as Harry does him.
sirius black/harry potter
You Put A Collar Around My Neck (I Call It Love)
If you were to ask anyone in Privet Drive about Sirius, they would tell you that he’s little Harry Potter’s dog. He’s a bit scary given his size, almost as big as the boy himself, but he’s otherwise harmless… as long as you treat Harry well, that is.
If you were to ask Harry, the answer probably wouldn’t be much different, either. Sirius is always Harry’s obedient puppy. He’s trained him very well, after all.
james potter/severus snape
contact with the enemy
No plan survives contact with the enemy. Severus should have remembered those words before he tried getting one over James Potter.
But luckily for him, he gets exactly what he wants, just maybe not how he wanted it.
sirius black/harry potter/James potter/lucius malfoy/draco malfoy
oh brother, we'll go deeper than the ink
The parchment seems to contain a family tree. Right below Sirius, and connected to James Potter and Lucius Malfoy are two names written in perfectly clear calligraphy.
Harry James Potter Black ; Draco Lucius Malfoy Black
His jaw falls, leaving his mouth wide open while Draco finally regains his voice. "So you're telling us that Sirius Black—"
"Sirius got both of our dads up the duff!?" Harry interrupts, finishing Draco's sentence for him.
the one where Harry and Draco discover their true parentage almost one year deep into their rivals-turned-friends-with-benefits situationship
we'll take the trail marked on our fater's map
Sirius should have known this would happen eventually.
He doesn't say anything when he sees it, but he notices it. It's impossible not to.
He sees the way Draco’s eyes travel down when Harry stretches in the morning and his shirt rides up, the way Harry's breath falters when Draco bends over to pick a stray piece of the board game they’re playing.
He notices because he’s looking, too.
the one where Harry and Draco band together to make their dad(dy) lose his mind.
i'll be harder than your husband to get along with
It all started when the Dark Lord lured the Potter brat into the Department of Mysteries, only to end up being exposed to the masses after Lucius failed to get the prophecy from him.
Lucius knows what that means for him. It's the third time he has failed Him, amd he knows this time he won't come out of it alive.
Maybe that's why he does it. When he apparates, he goes not to the Dark Lord, or to his wife. No. He goes where he promised himself he would never go back to.
He goes to Sirius Black.
the one where Lucius is not having a good time, and gets some comfort from his family
my lover's blood rushes right through me
There's a boy sleeping on the chair next to James' bed.
When he wakes up, he blinks a couple of times, running a hand through his hair to push it out of his face, and in doing that he reveals a pair of familiar green eyes, and a scarred forehead that James would recognize anywhere.
“Harry…?” he asks, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Dad?” the boy—his son replies, voice full of something raw, green eyes shining with wonder.
the one where James wakes up from a very long nap and then proceeds to question his life choices.
blaise zabini/ron weasley
Set after chapter 4 of Buckshot.
Ron leaves the party drunk and is followed by Blaise.
They both know what they want, even if only one of them is willing to admit it.
It's no matter, Blaise will give it to him regardless.
derek hale/stiles stilinski
he's all that and more
One of the first things people learn in St. Ailbe's is that you don't mess with Stilinski. At first he doesn't seem like much, just 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones, an hyperactive kid with gangly limbs that is unable to speak without some form of sarcasm, his first impression is harmless enough. But that impression never lasts long. or 5 times Stiles showed he was more than he seems + 1 time he didn't need to
midnight present
By the time the moon went down and Derek came back home, Stiles was deeply asleep. The sight of his mate would've been enough to work him up on a regular day, but then he noticed them. Stiles was wearing gray boxers. Stiles was wearing the special gray boxers.
Douche Wolf
When Stiles Stilinski appeared at his door asking him to go with him to look for a dead body, Jackson knew he only had two choices: one, close the door on his face and spend the rest of the night worrying that he was going to get himself stuck in a bear trap and die or two, suck it up and go with him so he can get him out of the bear trap when he inevitably gets stuck in it. He could also ask Danny or Lydia to go with them, but Danny was busy taking care of his little sister and Lydia would rather eat glass than spend the night running around in the preserve. So really, he had only one real option. - Or, a season 1 retelling where Jackson gets bitten instead of Scott, because there is no Scott at all
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I can give Dudley the redemption arch because he was a child following after his parents (very abusive behaviors) but people are really defending Petunia and Vernon???? What the fuck?? Like it pretty much says in the first sentence of the whole series that they’re assholes! And it is canon that both Vernon AND Petunia were physically, emotionally, and mentally abusive to Harry until the last moment he left private drive.
The only reason I can give Dudley any kind of redemption or forgiveness is because we see him change in the books after the Dementor attack. I don’t think he and Harry will ever be close or very friendly, but I can see them having a civil relationship at least for their children. Or even just to make up for their shitty childhood that they shared together, as Dudley was also abused too. But this would definitely be after years of therapy and trying to make amends, it wouldn’t happen until many years after the war was over.
You would be surprised on how many posts I’ve crossed where people almost worship Petunia and say that Vernon is the one who forced her to hate her sister!!!
I believe that Dudley deserves redemption cause as you said he was a young person living in a very toxic environment. However, I’m always rather conflicted on how his relationship with Harry is post-war. I’ve read a few fics that had different perspectives on what their relationship have come to, and they’re all very interesting! But I’m not set out on one opinion. Sometimes I think Harry would try to leave it all behind him, but sometimes I think that maybe they’d reconnect as Dudley was obviously a very huge part of Harry’s life (even though it was horrendous) and the same goes the other direction. But I’m sure of one thing; I don’t think they’ll ever have a “close brotherhood” kind of relationship. Maybe sending presents over the holidays or reconnecting every few years, but never close, yk?
But anyways let me get back to my rant about Petunia. It’ll be under the cut :)
CW: mentions of abuse
Let’s get one thing straight: Vernon did not make her hate Harry nor was he pulling the strings in that house and the abuse regarding his nephew. It was Petunia. She collected ALL the hatred in that house and made sure it was taken out on Harry. Why? Because she’s a petty, small-minded and disgusting woman who abused the power she had over a child. All that to let out some of the childish jealousy she had against her DEAD little sister.
Here are some quotes from the books to use as a starting point:
“Mrs. Dursley pretended she didn’t have a sister,”
“They didn’t want Dudley mixing with a child [Harry] like that.”
“she [Petunia] always got so upset at any mention of her sister.”
"He [Vernon] cleared his throat nervously. ‘Er — Petunia, dear — you haven’t heard from your sister lately, have you?’ As he had expected, Mrs. Dursley looked shocked and angry. After all, they normally pretended she didn’t have a sister. ‘No,’ she said sharply.”
“Mr. Dursley wondered whether he dared tell her he’d heard the name ‘Potter.’ He decided he didn’t dare.”
“‘Harry’ [Said Petunia]. ‘Nasty, common name, if you ask me.’”
So these quotes are from the first chapter of the first book (Philosopher’s Stone).
As you can see, pretending the Potters don’t exist is a mutual decision from both sides and it seems that Petunia is more bothered by the mention of her sister than Vernon is because when he tries to bring up the Potters his main concern is upsetting Petunia. Never once does he mention his own disgust with them when trying to bring them up. No, it’s Petunia’s reaction he’s worried about. This doesn’t seem like a behavior of someone who is forcing his wife to hate her sister.
If anything it seems to me that Petunia have explained to her husband how much she dislikes the mention of her sister (and her sister’s entire family too) and so Vernon got the memo that the Potters should never be brought up. Which shows that Petunia is the one who fuels the hatred for the Potters in their household.
Now I’m not saying that Vernon is completely innocent, no he’s hates the Potters too. But his is more personal. After the whole double date incident when he felt that James was taking the mickey out of him and undermining his power. A bully like Vernon who likes to show off his money and power being insulted by a teenager made Vernon hate James’ guts.
“…James was amused by Vernon, and made the mistake of showing it. Vernon tried to patronise James, asking what car he drove.”
“Vernon could not tell whether he was being made fun of or not, and grew angry. The evening ended with Vernon and Petunia storming out of the restaurant.” -Pottermore
And I think that Vernon usually likes to pretend that the people he hates don’t exist, he’s way to high to be bothered by a cocky teenager who ‘doesn’t have a future’. He feels way too superior. During his wedding he made sure not to give James any attention, but made sure to return the humiliation he felt during the double date.
“Vernon refused to speak to James at the reception, but described him, within James’ earshot, as ‘some kind of amateur magician’.” -Pottermore
After Vernon obviously felt satisfied with his comeback, he never gives James a glance.
That’s why when mentioning the Potters he doesn’t even mention the double date incident because technically who’s that James next to him?? No, his wife’s reaction is the main concern.
And that’s the difference between the hate Vernon has towards the Potters and Petunia’s hatred. Whereas Vernon hates James specifically for undermining him and his money and power, Petunia hates them all because she ‘knows’ she’s less superior and special. This fuels her jealousy and anger towards them.
Therefore; Vernon’s ultimate superiority and Petunia’s ultimate loathing.
And you can see that Petunia already has it out for Harry even though she hasn’t met him yet; calling his name “Nasty”. Now I know some of you might interpret her sentence as Petunia criticizing her sister’s choice of names, but if that was the case she would’ve claimed the boy’s misfortune of having such a name or the kid’s misfortune on having parents like the Potters. But no, she mainly focused on the child. Which gives the impression that she’s disliked Harry the moment she knew about him.
“she [Petunia] received from Lily and James the announcement of Harry’s birth, and after one contemptuous look, Petunia threw it in the bin.” -Pottermore
These things sets the foundations for her dislike towards Harry. So when the moment comes where she actually meets him, he will be connected to the ‘detestable’ announcement and the ‘nasty’ name.
Then the times comes where she has to handle that child’s responsibilities and raise him.
And she did take him in, no one’s denying that, but this happened:
“She did it grudgingly, and spent the rest of Harry’s childhood punishing him for her own choice.” -Pottermore
She spent the rest of Harry’s childhood punishing him for her own choice.
She took him in. She hated every single moment of having to raise him. So she made sure he was punished for it.
If that is not abuse as some people like to say, then what is exactly???? Punishing an innocent child for taking him in? Are you guys serious?
That’s why her character disgusts me so much. I cannot stand her at all. Because if anything this is a psycho level of behavior. A sane person wouldn’t dream of hurting a small animal let alone a child. Her nephew.
And as for Vernon’s hatred towards Harry it stems out of the humiliation he felt when he met James. The fact that Vernon made sure to return that humiliation during the wedding satisfied Vernon and he didn’t have to think about James anymore. But Harry ( the carbon copy of James) serves as a constant reminder of that feeling, so his hatred towards Harry stems out from his injured masculinity. As Pottermore says:
“Uncle Vernon’s dislike of Harry stems in part, like Severus Snape’s, from Harry’s close resemblance to the father they both so disliked.”
So ya this is my rant about them. Sorry if this is all over the place, English isn’t my first language and this topic pisses me off so much🙂.
And I’d like to conclude that I hate them both, but hate Petunia at tad bit more :)
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dark-elf-writes · 9 months
Okay but hear me out cause I 10”% also thought of this: Harry who wishes hard enough he gets transported to a relative that’s not the Dursleys. Said relative is in Faerun and there’s a stable portal between the worlds but anyway-
Relative is Tav. Tav who is travelling to get rid of the parasite now has a child with them. Tav who is told by Winthers the child has to stay with them.
Cue chaos.
Tav: This is a human child
Withers: Yes.
Tav: I am related to a human child.
Withers: It is a distant relation.
Tav: And I have to raise this human child when I may turn into a mindflayer at any moment.
Withers: Yes.
Tav: Are you fucking ins-
Harry: I can leave if you don’t want me… no one else does
Tav: I would burn down worlds for you without hesitation.
Withers: So the parental instinct has already taken hold.
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liquidluckandstuff · 4 months
Another Dadmort Idea / Supernatural au?
Shared from Up to Some Good I'm going to word Vomit here because I've got another fuckin dadmort fic in my head that doesn't make sense to anyone but me but if i get it out now i can focus on other things.
A Supernaturalish/HP crossover Where Harry is a SORCERER not a Wizard (DnDish Rules, Wizards have to LEARN magic where Sorcerers have a natural aptitude for magic and don't really need crutches like spells or wands or anything).
During the Yule ball harry wanders off because he is a little overwhelmed with the noise and ends up running into a woman being attacked by demons. Harry ends up kicking their asses but the hell hounds get her anyways. Harry is a little panicked but CROWLEY himself comes up and talks to Harry about it.
Saying he doesn't belong at Hogwarts bc he isn't a wizard but surprise surprise there is a school for people like him (Aka a school for all the kids who are a little different and don't fit into the wizarding world like children of demons, werewolves, banshees etc) Crowley even says they have a "summer program" aka these kids have no home to go to and stay in school year round.
Anyway. Harry says hell no at first (pun intended 🥁 ) But then the graveyard thing happens and Harry has a total meltdown about going back to the dursleys and dumbledore is a little forceful about it. Harry sends a letter to Crowley asking to go to school at his school
The Dursleys have to sign a demon deal basically (but not for their soul) agreeing for Harry to follow the schools rules and so he can stay there year round what they DON'T realize and nor do they care of course, is that they basically just sold him off.
there are a bunch of demons at Kings Cross waiting to escort him. The Order of course freaks out but Harry tells them "I told you I wasn't going back. You didn't want me, so I had to make other arrangements."
They try to argue about his saftey but harry says "When tf was i ever safe with any of you? I wasn't safe at hogwarts and who is supposed to protect me from the Dursleys? At least here I KNOW where I stand." Etc Etc.
Anyway, the summer + First part of the year go surprisingly well. Harry makes friends who don't give a fuck who he is past "Harry" and he makes a few rivals of COURSE.
Well, harry gets into a fight with one of them and Harry ends up with a few good scrapes and a bloody nose, but the other kid ends up in the hospital wing.
Headmistress says "well we have to call in your guradian" and harry is like "idgaf they hate me and aren't gonna come anywyas" Not realizing that 1. this is a demon and 2. they don't follow normal guardian rules.
With a letter that gets sent off and a few moments later, suddenly Lord Voldemort himself ends up in the headmistresses office. Turns out, they follow Blood relation rules, not legal Guardian rules. And since they share blood now (and maybe a little bit of actual realation) voldemort is literally the strongest canidate out of ANYONE to be Harry's guardian.
After a WTF is happening from both of them, The headmistress who doesn't gice a fuck and sees shit like this all the time (bc remember these are all misfit kids with wack ass parents) she sits them both down (demon powers baybeee) and starts her talk.
First she goes over what Harry did and he is NOT looking at either of them because he is embarrased/ terrified as fuck.
Then, she goes over his grades in his classes. He is doing above average in most classes EXCELS In the Dark Arts class of course, but struggles in poitions. She says that his teachers suspect his vision is the problem but can't do anything about it without signed permission from his guardian.
Voldemort is absolutely stunned about the whole thing (I mean a sorcerer?! what?!) and then she leaves so they can chat privately.
They are quiet for an awkward amount of time while Voldemort reads over the paperwork that she gave him with his grades and classwork etc. and then after some back and forth bickering, pulls a "you couldn't at least done this OFF campus so I didn't have to get dragged here? At least you won… " or something and Harry has no fuckin clue what to say to that.
Then, he freaking SIGNS the permission slip to get Harry's eyes fixed, AND AND signs him up for potions tutoring and then fuckin leaves just like that. Harry is STUNNED.
(If he doesn't cooperate, then it might ruin what little relationship he has with the Demons and it might cost him the war so he HAS to do it. Crowley invited Harry to the school to be a little shit. ) So now, you got reluctant father son moments because if VOLDEMORT doesn't cooperate, then he might lose the Demons on his side. If HARRY doesn't cooperate then he has to go back to the Dursleys and Hogwarts where literally everyone hates him.
Harry def gets a howler because he skipped a class or two to go hang out with his friends at the muggle town to get drunk. Aka he got to be a normal kid.
He is completley MORTIFIED that he got one, but then everyone is comparing "Well when MY mom/dad sent me a howler" and then Harry realizes that he is completely normal here and acts up a little more to get his attention bc that is the only way he knows how.
The teachers of COURSE catch on this and they have another Conference explaining the whole thing and that's how Harry gets to go home for christmas
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elisedonut · 1 year
i feel like alot of the Harry/Percy soulmate aus that live rent free in my head just end up spiraling into Percy becoming practically a guard dog who wants to rip out Dumbledore's throat more then he normally does
Like Percy just doing his best to fuck up his plans
like the moment he turns old enough invoking a left over rule from centuries ago that let's an older soulmate practically take over custody of an underage one because i just think that would be a thing
i think it would of been a muggle hating type of law to be honest that started from wanting to take muggleborns away from their parents
just maybe repackaged to make it not so obvious depending on when it was made
but i don't think it would stop Percy from trying to use it to his advantage since I do think he would know about how the Dursleys treat Harry in this situation and by the time he graduates he would have so little respect for Dumbledore i could see him doing it even though its just to get him out of that house
anyway I love thinking about how laws would be different in a world where something like soulmates are a thing because i can easily see them being like at the top of the hierarchy in the way like marriage is in alot of ways but like even more
Even more so if only Wixen have then
like yeah your parents are your parents but your soulmate is your soulmate kind of vibe i don't think everyone would view it that way but i do think a lot of laws would to be honest
Or trying to convince Harry to practically sit out the tournament by doing the bare minimum for the cup to count it if he can't find a way to get him out of it entirely (though i don't really think he would succeed he would try though)
i also don't think marriage would be much of a thing at all in a world with soulmates thats a bit random but still
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