#fucken bee brother
bl00dlight · 3 months
Question for the Culture...
Some thoughts on s2, Aemond needing mothers milk, alicole pussy rubbing, the Greens writing & characterisation.
After some consideration, I think the reason way the brothel scene is so jarring is because we've spent so little time with Aemond as a character, and S1 purposefully set up this very real mystique around him - espeically regarding duty, having disdain for Aegon's depravity (and literally being above it himself?) Etc, that we didn't get to see the process of what actually led Aemond there as a character. I actually do think it's because we are getting so few episodes that they are bypassing the very needed character progression that Aemond 10000% needs. It feels out of character because the show has set up a character which was exceedingly adverse to that behaviour. And you can feel the shift in his character, this season. To me he feels completely different, which shouldn't be the case just yet since like... Luke supposedly died only two weeks prior to the start of the season. We didn't get to see his progression into going from Alicent's #1 ride or die, to being her biggest hater? Nor did we see his progression into why he was even at the brothel? The leaks spoke about Aegon taking him to Cock Inn during B&C and well, we know that was the case because the Madam mentioned that. But? Why would they not show us that? Why would they not show us Aemond's progression into making that decision in the first place and the after effects leading him to returning back there? I think the scene was within his characterisation but like... not out of the blue. It felt like something we needed to see unfold. Because also, now all of his mystique is shattered. Like those are such STRONG choices to make him a milk drinking, fetal position, mummy's milkers ass bitch straight off the bat. Like??? Considering that two weeks ago he was like "Bro I am so much better than Aegon. I don't do that depravity shit. I'm dutiful, I should be King cause my brother is fucken gross and weak." Well? Okay... now Aemond is objectively grosser and weaker. Which was likely always the case, but it's something that should have been developed and revealed with time? They inadvertently destroyed the idea of his "mask" and his character being a massive antagonistic force that parallels Daemon. Because we've spent 10x more screen time with Daemon and we know underneath he is also fragile and vulnerable. We know that his dependence on Rhaneyra is significantly more complicated than it being about ambition. But it's not shown yet, he still actively is maintaining this incredibly antagonistic mask that makes him more elusive to the audience. We don't truly know his true intentions, his true vulnerabilities yet. So his actions come across as significantly more threatening, for all we know he could truly just be that malevolent while at the same time - we have seen glimpses which prove otherwise, that he is vulnerable and does desire love, comfort etc. But we don't quite know what that vulnerability truly is yet.
But with Aemond it's fucking beyond on the nose having him laying in an older woman's lap, drinking MILK and having his head patted while being cooed upon. Like okay so now we know exactly what the fuck is wrong with him. And he loses all complexity (currently) because we've not been shown the progression of this drastically opposing character choice. We've gone from a dude who was licking his lips at the sight of Daemon slicing and dicing Vaemond, who was posting up to his kid nephews and literally denouncing Aegon for his sexual depravity - to homeboy needing mummy's milk straight off the back, no inner conflict shown. It would've been nice to SEE him actually struggle with this level of vulnerability. It would've been nice to see his character unravel to the point where that scene didn't feel like I've just skipped several episodes of characterisation. And yall can say what you want, but I am right on this. It would've been far more compelling for them to keep his mystique for longer, to keep that vulnerability of his hidden and watch him struggle with it. Because now I know exactly what the fuck he is thinking, exactly what is wrong with him. There is no ambiguity left in his motivations nor whether or not his whole black leather edgy boy thing is a mask. Because now we know it's a mask, so all of his choices don't feel as.... threatening? They feel more like an angry teenage boy who needs a hug. Which is totally fine, but it's more intriguing if it weren't so explicitly shown to us that's what he is. I'd rather that be woven into his character and his of mask edgelord666 not be so suddenly stripped from him? Because now I know he isn't a raging psychopath, now I he isn't driven by his chaos. With Daemon, he still gives the impression he genuinely might be unredeemable. And that should be the case with Aemond.
And while we are here, I fucken hated the line of the brothel Madame reminding him of the smallfolk.
1) What authority does she hold over him to essential give him council or reprimand him on his behaviour. Why does she have the confidence to council him in the first place given she is in a position of vulnerability. That's the paradox, he could absolutely have her killed or hurt her and face zero consequences. So what gives her the security in knowing he wouldn't respond negatively to being counciled on the political repercussions of his behaviour? Why have they not SHOWED US their dynamic? Because I'm going into this knowing Aemond is about to commit mass genocide against the smallfolk? So unless that comment was just a throwaway liner to set that up, why would she feel compelled to be direct in that way? Why would Aemond a man who actively does not give a SHITTTTT about the lives of those below him, let a brothel Madame get away with saying that? And since he did let it slide, WHY???? Show us WHYYYY he would accept that advice?
2) If that line was used as a recalling to Aemond potentially feeling regret for the choices he is about to make, then just cut the cameras. Cause I think that would be an absolute waste of his characterisation. Everyone already feels bad about the smallfolk. They are really hammering it home. Even Otto gives a shit about them. The last person I want to see care is Aemond. Because it just doesn't make sense, why the fuck would he care? He has no reason to care given the role he plays in the war.
I want to use Cersei Lannister as a point that you don't need to implement a sense of societal empathy for your antagonist to have softness within them. Cersei is like number 1 bad bitch, doesn't give a fuck, is a number 1 hater and will straight up blow a bitch UP. But we see glimmers of softness with her children, with Jamie and even Margaery. And I think that just makes her so much more intriguing because we know something else resides within her other than malevolence but we the audience have to watch her go through the motions of it.
So far I've seen Aemond go through ZERO motions and I've seen the writers play their cards already. I hope I'm wrong. But we have 6 episodes left of s2. And so far, I've learnt so little about him as a character, while also knowing exactly what his core wound is.
I'm a tad worried for s2, and I'm a tad worried that the short season lengths are forcing the writers to speed up the way they allowed these characters to develop. There have been some incredibly strong ass moments, like Otto being THAT bitch and telling Aegon what's good. That was unbelievably incredible. Literally the entire scene between Daemon and Rhaneyra. IMPECCABLE character work, IMPECCABLE acting 10/10. Oh and everything Helaena at the moment is also beyond perfect. That funeral scene was harrowing.
But the downsides have been huge. To me, Aemond is drifting into a territory which is making me kinda not enjoy his character so much. Cause now I know what's good, he doesn't compell me right now. Knowing what lies beneath the surface isn't always a good thing, espeically given he has had like maybe 40 minutes of screen time overall in the series. And Alicole suffers the same fate. It was implied in season 1, 100000%, but uhhhhh its jarring because we never got to see HOW it unfolded. The process that lead alicent and criston into this very complex reltionship. It feels like they've been fucking for years, yet it's been like two weeks on canonically? Oh and having the green siblings not interact after B&C is diabolical. That is fucking lazy writing. Sorry. Because they haven't mentioned the fact Helaena has had neither Aegon nor Aemond acknowledge her. Which again, feels so fucking out of blue? It doesn't even have to be a whole process, it could've been one scene where one of them attempt to comfort her and fail because they fundamentally don't know how to display that level of kindness towards one another. It's that easy. Oh and Daeron? Fuck off. That was an ABYSMAL way to introduce him. Why does Otto need to remind Alicent that she has another son? What grandfather says "remember that third son you've always had and have forgotten about for the past 6 years? *wink, wink*" Like fuck off.
I think they are suffering from too many ideas all at one. And trying to rush major character arcs in order to get to the dance. But what makes GRRM writing and works so interesting and what made GOT (early seasons) so good was the fact they took time to develop the characters and show those lengthy discussions/character interactions. It's ABSOLUTELY insane we haven't seen the green siblings interact properly and may not at all. There is no reason for that, you can't put it down to "dysfunctional family dynamics" if you don't SHOW us the dysfunctional family dynamic and the siblings failing at communicating. B&C would've been the perfect time to show the audience WHY they can't comfort each other and HOW their family system has failed them. It's so deeply unbelievable to me and getting the actors justify it as it being a poor family dynamic is LAZY. Show the audience. Don't have your actors tell us.
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rokishimizu4 · 24 days
Orphan almost breaks a Bat rule
(I’m gonna focus more on my second blog when I’m done with Cass, Bruce, and Damian, because I’m in a TMNT faze and want to write some 12! Casey x Turtles) I do ship Cass and Steph and in my AU they act like they are married, but Steph treats the Wayne brothers like her brothers-in-law)Mostly because they are fucken cute together and honestly, Steph isn’t adopted by Bruce. (Cass is because her and Damian, Jason, Dick, and Tim are sister and brothers, don’t @ me)
It wasn’t uncommon for Cass to people watch and targets a certain person, either because the person in question was a BatFam villain, just a threat in general, or did something to her family.
But, the person in question checked none of the marks and she found it almost strange with how often she finds herself following the person in question when she is not on patrol, spending time with family, or on her dates with Steph.
Cue Cass silently following a woman that reminds her of a field of flowers and trees on a warm summer day, with bees and birds relaxing, just listening to the songs that the wind writes.
She keeps the target’s car in sight as she jumps from roof top to roof top, in her full Orphan outfit when she notices that something else was tracking the same car as her from across the street.
The other person seems to notice her, but focuses on the car and even jumping onto the moving, at full speed down the busy street, car without hesitation.
Cue Cass jumping onto the same car and hanging onto it along with the stranger, only to realize that the person is wearing a dark red/purple oni mask with glowing gold horns, and a screaming mouth full of white tiger-like teeth.
However, before she could figure out if the person is a human, demon, spirit, or something else, the car jerks to a full stop and threatens to buck the her and the other person off.
Four armed men pile out of the car and starts trying to shoot at her, in the middle of the still very busy street with a shit ton of innocents to protect.
“Get the kids and take off!!” One man screams at the people still in the armored car as the masked men surround the outside of the car with guns pointed at Orphan and the strange person.
Orphan quickly jumps off of the car and attacks the first man with a batarang and hitting another man’s gun out of his hands with a kick.
However, as she focuses on the men around her, the guns going off near her and the innocents around her, that she barely notices the car trying to speed away from the scene. At least until the car splits in half, horizontally.
The battle freezes for that moment as the strange person slowly pulls a razor sharp electric guitar out of the severed armored car, that was built like a smaller version of an armored bank truck, with ease.
The person then plays a few cords the electric guitar, which was not plugged in anything, and the front part of the car starts to crumble onto itself like a paper ball.
The men surrounding Orphan drop their guns and put their hands up, begging for the person to stop, to let the two men in the car go, that the two men were the only ones of the group to be forced into kidnapping the kids.
The men start to crumble under the invisible forces of the stranger’s playing as Orphan watches in shock and growing horror as the people around her start to crumble as well, grabbing at their ears and begging the person to stop.
But the stranger continues to play, playing note after heavy note until the bad men ears’ start to bleed from the sound.
Orphan slowly starts to hear the music from the stranger’s electric guitar, like first a soft whispering that continues to grow in volume and tone until it starts to sound like a banshee’s song on full blast.
Orphan silently screams in pain as she uses one hand to cover one of her ears, and uses the other to pull out her katana and rushes the stranger, unconsciously aiming for the middle of their throat.
However before her blade could make contact with the stranger’s neck, a black/purple goop rushes out of the severed back end of the car to quickly cover the two of them completely.
Next thing Orphan/Cass remembers, she wakes up on the roof of the Gotham City Police Department with Stephanie shaking her awake and crying her eyes out.
“Cass! Cass wake up!!!”
After returning home with Steph not leaving her side, she learns that the kidnappers and around 50 people were hospitalized for ruptured eardrums, and at least two of the six kidnappers suffered from broken legs as well as ruptured eardrums.
”Oni, Banshee song, ears hurt. No more electric guitars, please.”
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bloodigutz · 4 months
fucken bee brother that's a big ass bee /ref
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thepiguy1 · 6 months
fucken bee brother thats a big ass bee
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sniper-rifle-coffee · 8 months
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Just me & my brother doing insane things lmao 🤣 so happy the days should bee 🐝 🤗 easy now after clearing this strip out wooo woop woop 🙌 so happy & to make this day better 😄 got approved to move out on the 1st woop fucken woop!! Then also made an easy quick 300$ for my dryer that was super amazing so fuck yeah loving today going swell! 😍 🌹 🌙 🌹
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patchworkgargoyle · 10 months
Had a fucken wild dream where I was in an Ethel Cain album, and the story was one of these twins disappeared (River, in case Ger, Bee, and Read see this) and I was either acting out the other twin's story of trying to find her brother or she'd possessed me sorta because she never solved the mystery and knew Id want to solve it too, and every "scene" of the dream was like a music video from the album.
And the whole time I'm being hunted down by this person who's face kept changing and I tried to stab them with a box cutter but it didn't do anything and in the final scene they like floated after me as they chased me down a hallway and there was music from the Ethel Cain album going in tje background describing what was happening and there were these terrifying whispers surrounding the person chasing me telling them to cut me because they had a razor blade and dream logic told me the whispering was the missing twin.
And at the end of the hall and the video the person chasing me turned into a friend and had caught me by the wrist and I knew I couldn't stop them from doing it, but I begged them to "make it not hurt" and they said "okay" and I felt the blade on my sweater cuff and the next thing I knew my right hand was fully cut off and my left wrist was bleeding and though it didn't hurt the sight was so shocking I actually whimpered aloud in real life while I was still kinda dreaming and that woke me up.
And now I'm annoyed I never solved the mystery and that this Ethel Cain album doesn't exist.
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strigital · 2 years
Ventum Tenebris Dramatis Personae
in shitpost format, so i don't lose track of who's who
Assassin Kassandra Saryn aka Kass
tragic MC disease
literal feral child
flower picking after murder as a form of self-care
Speaker Lucien Lachance
Madam Joselle Monnique
Silencer Saren Lethallas
not gay, but acts like one
Pretty Boy™
an aprax due to: none of your damn business
Silencer Gwendolyn aka Gwen
Baron Vicente Valtieri
icon of homoerotisism
always ready for a heart-to-heart with tea and cake
will rip your fucken throat out if need be
Matron Ocheeva
strong dom vibes
hates The Lusty Argonian Maid
will ground you
Shadowscale Teinaava
definitely a sub
loves The Lusty Argonian Maid
would kill for a library membership
Infiltrator Marie Antoinette
very gay, doesn't act like one
has a different persona for every occasion
Tracker Telaendril Camoran
Green Pact abider
killer cook
lady in the streets, animal in the sheets
Death Knight Gogron gro-Bolmog
absolutely in love with Tel
wants lots of kids
looks like he can kill (and he can), is actually a cinnamon roll
Quartermaster M'Radj-dar
momma's boy
evil bastard
secretly kindest baby boy you ever met
Ex-Companion Havilstein Hroar-Blood
dog person
immune to drunkedness
Ex-Companion Fafnir Hroar-Blood
wishes he was half as sexy as his brother
glorified doorman
probably an incel
Speaker Banus Alor
very gay, acts like it too
soft heart, kind eyes
can't stand violence
Silencer Mathieu Bellamont
def a necrophile
easily manipulated
Assassins Maria and Blanchard
a total of one brain cell is being shared 24/7
born together, die together
Speaker Arquen of Alinor
fashion diva
big dick energy
wants to fuck Lucien so bad it makes her look stupid
Assassin Salmo
sweetroll king
none of his stock is poisoned, promise!
unironically good baker
Mortician René Korbin
broke ass rich boy
med student
just happy to be there
Speaker Belisarius Arius
male Karen
too old for this shit
"y'all MFs need Sithis!"
Keeper Alval Uvani
clinically depressed
needs vacation ASAP
Silencer J'Ghasta
boxing star
buffest kitty cat you ever saw
always sus, always turns out right, always ignored
Seer Shaleez
communicates with the dead
sees future
probably severely mentally ill
Samson aka Shady Sam
if it exists and it's illegal he'll sell it
awake 24/7 yet not a vampire???
knows everything that happens in IC
The Dark Stranger
probably the devil himself
The Inquisitor
like the Gray Fox but for murderers
no idea who tf he is
big daddy of TDB
The Viscount of Blacktown
very sus
probably very corrupt also
who tf voted for this clown?
Baron Emille Du'Cast
either was, is or will be Vicente's bf
just a happy little antiquarian
will sell you any kind of info you may want
Huntsman Honditar
occasionally does awoo in the night
just a kind old man
misses his baby Kass every single day
Witch Melisande
emigrant from Glenmoril
keeps grumbling about how y'all are a bunch of ungrateful kids
actually just loves everybody
Lazare Milvan
useless whinny brat
will harass everything that moves
fucken deserved what he got
Gotye Milvan
bezos of cyrodiil
disappointed in his son 24/7
doesn't have a heart
Odette Milvan
doesn't understand her boy is 25 not 5
no fucks given about anything at all
pretty but dumb AF
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plaguerare · 5 years
actually you know what? fuck it. fuck them.
every single dragon in fr is trans. every single one.
Crim is a trans woman. Pinkerton is a demiguy. Tomo is a he/him trans lesbian that adores his nonbinary bff, Scribbles.
Swipp is a trans man and he loves his trans daughter [Tripp] and his agender child [Pipp]
Roundsey is genderfluid with a preference for 'feminine' honorifics
Baldwin is THE trans king but we all been knew
Galore is Galore [aka nonbinary that uses he/him pronouns]
Joxar's nonbinary and strictly gender-neutral
the courier dragons are all trans
the three dragons on the header are trans
the deities are SUPER ULTRA trans
they're all trans & transphobes can die mad abt it
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
The Best Worst Ex Ever, Julia Cole and Alexandra Kay.
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I have discovered this new song (Above) that i love and will be listening to for the next few days, at least, on repeat and its made me think of a funny, stupid little scenario XD
Ex's of Horror Villains getting together for group therapy (Probably set up by Leslie's ex) that just becomes each of them trying to convince the rest of the group that
their ex was the worst.
Sharing horrible stories and anecdotes that make the rest go oooooof, no!! but still feel convinced that they had it worse, and drinking wine or beer or cordial or whatever, making it a drinking game (Alcohol not necessary), rating each other's different accounts, slandering the horror villains, b o n d i n g (Because in the end this is all huge fun, even if their is competition involved), laughing at how horrible and weird all of what they went through is because what the fuck?? he was a doll! A DOLL!! these are not normal experiences man- , ordering pizza, maybe sleeping over (Locking all the doors and windows and then handing out the appropriate amount of Hypnocil like butter menthols on the playground because y'all are now in this together and that asshole would love nothing more then to crash a sleepover made up of slasher ex's.) because like??? Who else are you gonna complain about this with???
You all need closure-
"When it comes to him, I know I'm gonna win.
No one's ever done bad better.
I've got the best. Worst. Ex. Ever. "
(Unedited dialogue below cut)
"- And then his brothers crashed in and I screamed, because ya know, I'm NAKED- "
"Ugh, twins. Let me tell you about the Sin-Fucking-Clairs- "
"Oh twins are a joke- I had to deal with Hoyt. Do you know what happens when Monty gets his hands on a victims LSD and the fucken 'sheriff' get whiff? No, you don't, but I'll tell you- "
"Every night was an LSD trip with Freddy!- "
"Oh my god... do you remember when he went after Jason? Jason locked me up in his cabin for the duration with 20 boxes of Twinkies and V energy drink."
"W h a t- "
"Oh oh oh! Brahms did that when I tried to leave him!! ... I got various roast beef's, though."
"Oh you bitch- "
"You said bitch! Drink!"
"- Wait roast beef??? Michael burnt my cup noodles, one time."
"Chucky couldn't even reach the damn microwave- of fuck, doll joke. Drink."
"Does anyone need a refill?"
"Yes please. Did I tell y'all that Stu tried to make me have a threesome with him and Billy??... While Billy was with Sydney? Didn't happen, I can tell you that for sure."
"What a douche!"
"Yeah- "
"Ahahahahahahaha... haha... Its funny that you guys think you can beat me in the weird sex stuff category." ( <- Freddy's Ex S/O, to be clear)
"I fucked an ALIEN- " "A ZOMBIE- " "A man made of BEES!!"
"... yeah... I dunno if this is, uh, you know, relevant, or whatever... but Leslie got me to play Laurie Strode to his Michael Myers, once... "
*Michael's ex S/O can be seen fighting back laughter desperately, in the back*
"...- oh fuck I cant believe I haven't told you this yet! Otis propositioned me while I was with Baby!! It was really awkward! I've seen that man fuck himself on corpses. YES PLURAL- "
"Oh my god."
"Actually, should we be drinking at mentions of bad sex?"
"- Fuck no, we would die."
"New topic! Final Girls- "
"- And Andy - "
"Yes, and Andy."
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The Excuse: Donny Donowitz x Reader (Postwar AU)
requested by the homie @struggling-bee :' )
@owba-chan @war-obsessed @inglourious-imagines @tealaquinn @struggling-bee @frozenhuntress67 @kwyloz @sodapop182 @marlenemarauders @what-the--curtains @taikawho
Let me know if you wanna be added to the IB or OUATIH taglists! :)
_____________ ***January, 1946*** Donny was walking through his neighborhood, just like he had every afternoon since he got back from the war. He never did that before... He was tired, but he could never sleep. He was angry, but there were no nazis he could (legally) scalp.   He couldn't seem to settle back down. Things in his mind didn't quite quiet down. Sometimes, it seemed like the war was still on. Donny was the man that killed Hitler, after all. It was hard to go back to being just Donny, Sy Donowitz' boy. He couldn't even seem to find someone to talk to. All the guys he used to go to school with, or play baseball with were either busy buying houses, busy with a baby or two, or busy with a brand new business. Some of those guys had bum knees now. Some of them just never came back... And the girls they all used to hang around with had 'just married' signs on their cars, or busy fighting to keep running the jobs they had the keys to during the war. They weren't the same kids sneaking into bars, playing ball, and dancing to brass bands. They were soldiers.
He walked with his hands in his coat pockets, looking down at the pavement. His shoes over the concrete were a stark contrast to worn down boots over snowy forest floors and enemy bones. He shut his eyes, wondering where the boys were now? Of course, he knew Aldo was in Tennessee....but where? Was he sitting up in his cabin? Was he visiting his sister? Telling his nieces and nephews stories they wouldn't believe till they read their history books? And Hugo? He'd moved to a quiet, small, almost impossible to find town in Connecticut. Was he finding the heart to talk to the girl at a corner store? Smitty?  Smitty lived in New York. He'd promised Donny he'd go back to school. He made it into NYU, was he in class right now? Was he visiting his grandparents? And Hirschberg? Was he out with his girl? Was he finally looking for a ring? And Omar? Wicki? What were they all up to? Were they all having a hard time going back to the way things used to be? Donny glanced at his watch. 5:47 PM. A year earlier this time, they'd be camped out somewhere between France and Germany, listening to Aldo telling stories. Hugo would be sharpening a knife.  Omar and Donny would be fighting about baseball. He sighed, walking around the corner, finding his street. He heard a dog barking. An old, half-blind, but excited pitbull trotted up to the fence. "Hey Bugsy! Hey girl!" Donny smiled, as he crouched by the fence and reached through, petting Bugsy. His neighbors had that dog since he was in high school. Bugsy belonged to the kid next door, Andrew. He went to school with Donny. He played ball with Donny. He went to war with Donny. He was a marine. He never came back. But, ever since Bugsy was a puppy, she'd always seen Donny and Andrew walk down the street together, after school, after practive, after games. Ever since Donny came back from the war, and walked down the street, back to his home, with his uniform on, Bugsy whined and cried excitedly, thinking Andrew was following. And every time Bugsy saw Donny, she'd bark and whine, happily thinking Andrew wouldn't be long. Donny sighed, as he patted her head, "Sorry Bugs. He ain't comin' home today either." He started to get up, and she began to whine. He sighed with a soft smile, "I know, Bugs... I miss him too." She sat, putting her paw up against the fence. Donny chuckled a little, "I'll be back tomorrow. Promise," as he walked over to his home, just next door. He shuffled through the rest of the day blankly, as he did most days. Soldiers... He sighed, Most of them seemed to be perfectly happy, somehow settling back in seamlessly...At least, it seemed that way to Donny. He was happy to be back in his dad's barbershop again, but...he'd often look out the window with a quiet sigh, missing some things he'd left behind. Like the basterds. Life seemed to move ever so slowly now...And there was no one he could share it with. Night bled into morning, and he was working again. He was sweeping up his dad's shop, just before opening. He smelled coffee, and remembered the day after the war ended. The basterds woke up in a tavern, somewhere in Paris they hadn't been before. Covered in streamers, with headaches, and a flight home, they all drank some coffee to ease the aftermath of the last night's celebreation The bells at the shop's door rang, and he turned around, snapping out of that distant memory of a small pub in a forgotten corner of Paris. It was afternoon now... "Mikey!" Donny grinned, seeing his kid brother standing there. When Donny left, he was just a sweet kid, somewhere in the middle of that awkward middle-school age. He was halfway through high school now, following in Donny's footsteps as a star on the baseball team, and almost as tall as him, too. Time felt so slow now that he was home, but it seemed to have gone by in the blink of an eye when he  was gone. "Donny!" He seemed as though he had the secrets to the universe in his hands...but Donny, and everyone in their lives, frankly, was getting used to that. He was beginning to take a psychology course...and...he thought he had half the damn neighborhood figured out. He went on a million-word-per-second kind of rant, but Donny picked out a few things. Something about war, veterans, sleep, and emotions. "I'm fine, kid." Donny shook his head, grinning. "You worry too much." He stopped for  a second, and looked at him. "You're like ma, y'know." "Very funny, look!" He shuffled through a folder, and dug out a diagram, and all the symptoms that matched what he saw in Donny. At the very top, underlined, highlighted, and pointed out in arrows were  three words: Thousand-Yard Stare. "Mikey! Your mother's been looking all over for you!" Sy Donowitz, their father, emerged, half saving Donny from his brother's persistence, while saving himself from his wife's wrath. "Alright pop..." Mikey sighed, though he glanced at Donny. Donny was red in the face, frustrated. To him, it was like Mikey airing out his dirty laundry, so to speak. "He means well, Donny." His father patted him on the back. "Yeah, I know." Donny sighed, now feeling guilty for feeling angry, and angry for feeling anything and everything. And then nothing. He sighed, as he sat on his bed after work, muttering "Fuck a duck." Something crumpled beneath him, and he stood up. It was Mikey's diagram, along with a school report. Mikey's first draft for a psychology paper, and he chose to write about veterans. Donny read half of it, and had to put it down. He knew he needed some help, but he wasn't sure where to begin. He walked downstairs, and went out for a walk, as always. Only this time, he went farther than usual. Halfway across town. In fact, he made it downtown. He couldn't get his mind off of the essay. He knew Mikey meant well. Donny wasn't sleeping much, he couldn't get his mind off war. He just couldn't go back to being Donny. His mind suddenly snapped back to Boston, to 1946, to the present. He saw you, on the ground, right in front of him, trying to pick up some papers. He'd literally run into you. "Fuck a duck," He leaned down, helping you pick some of them up. His hand brushed against yours, and you looked at him for the first time. "Say..." Your heart skipped a beat, and you smiled a little, "You're Donny Donowitz." "That's me." He smiled, though he sounded a  little exasperated. You stammered, a little star struck. After all, it's not every day you meet a war her like that....Well, it's 1946, you do... But it's not every day you meet one of the basterds. He'd picked up on that, and chuckled a little, used to it. "Nice to meet ya..." "Y/n." It took you a moment to remember your own name. "Y/n," he repeated with a kind smile, slowly handing over the papers he picked up. He spotted pictures of dogs on different sheets, and realized they were some sort of records. "What's that?" He seemed genuinely curious. You sighed, shuffling the papers back in order, "Records of the dogs' vaccines, just updated them. Gotta bring them back to the-" You laughed a little at yourself, realizing he had no idea what you were talking about. You took a breath, starting over, "I train  therapy dogs." "Really?" His face lit up a little, and you didn't quite catch on to why just yet. You nodded with a grin. Even thinking of your work made you feel happy. "It's been real busy for a year or so. Lots of veterans have been looking into it." He smiled, "I might, too." "Everyone's gone home for the day...maybe...you'd like a private tour?" You winked, and he asked, "You won't get in trouble for it, will ya?" You laughed, "Ah, fuck the rules." He smirked, knowing you'd get along just together just fine. He followed you to your work,  you brought him out to see the dogs. You left for a minute to go file away the papers, and came back to find Donny sitting on the ground, playing with all the dogs. One dog in particular seemed to instantly be attached to him. "Hey boy!" Donny laughed as he petted a border collie. You crouched by, smiling "His name's Charlie." "He's fucken adorable." Donny kept playing with the dogs, though that one in particular melted his heart. "Isn't he?" You chuckled. You'd realize that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Donny came by every day, just after closing time to spend time with Charlie. (There was a little more to it than that, but  you didn't catch on yet) You didn't mind staying a little late. You liked Donny's company. And...it made your heart sing to see him so happy around the dogs. A few months passed. You realized there was an empty spot, and your heart dropped. Charlie had been adopted. "Oh no..." You sighed, knowing someone needed and deserved a dog like that. It was going to happen eventually, after all. You'd told Donny there was a big demand for therapy and service dogs lately. So...why did it hurt so much? You were always a little down when a dog was adopted, but never this much. You sat by your desk, and slumped a little as the day went on. You got frustrated with yourself, denying the reason you were so upset. With Charlie gone, maybe Donny would stop coming by. You shook your head, denying that was what upset you. But...you weren't much of a liar. "Maybe just a little..." You sighed, watching the hours go by, knowing at the end of the day you'd have to break the news to Donny.
It was closing time, your coworkers left one by one, and you sighed, "Fuck..." You realized in that painfully long wait that you were hopelessly in love with that basterd. There was a familiar knock on the window. You turned around slowly, and your heart broke, seeing how excited Donny seemed. Even more so than usual... All the more heart breaking You opened the door, about to break it to him... Rip the bandaid off, really. But before you could say anything, you realized Donny was holding on to a leash. "It was YOU?!" "I adopted Charlie!" He laughed, though he seemed happy, there was one more thing he wanted. "Are you...busy?" He smirked a little, already knowing the answer. Now that you didn't have to sneak Donny into work, your schedule was wide open... He knew that. He'd have to find new excuses to come see you. But, for now,  as you walked with him through town, and his arm wrapped around you gently, but protectively, you both knew it was the beginning of something more.
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skyystars · 4 years
oc info about all my ethermourne stuff below the cut, if anyones interested! it is. a lot. 
edit: after writing this what the fuck thats so much- if you have any questions about them please dont hesitate to ask but i would not blame you if you took one look at this post and ran HSJDFH there’s like 35 listed and thats still not all of them. zoinks
ethermourne is your typical dnd esque world. theres two kinds of people in the world, commonfolk and enchanted, and enchanted are people that can use various forms of magic. in the current story, a secret underground rebellion is going on against the kingdom, in order to free enchanted and bring justice to the world. theres a million and one characters here so bear w me. all characters belonging to my friends are marked with a *
on the black rock pirate ship,
captain shining - a fierce and protective leader. human. she’d do anything for her crew. commonfolk. damn near unstoppable with a sword. lifelong partner to orion ethermourne
johnathan bramwell - the first mate. human. quiet and reserved but goofy when he opens up. storm mage. lover of the sky- hates being in crowded areas on land. intelligent, loves to read and write letters. eventual boyfriend to nordwood thatch
aspen* (no lastname i dont think?) - boatswain. human. somber and stoic, a bit detached. big on family. half blind. ice mage. acts as a father figure to delphi
calvin - carpenter. old soul. human. does a lot of the heavy lifting for the ship. excellent storyteller. fire mage. usually brings some sort of wisdom or moral to someone on the ship.
nellie - cooper. human. misses her family, but has a heart of gold for the ship. scottish- often times hard to understand. ability to turn invisible. has a crush on tobi
galen* - doctor. timid and polite. wants to help people, will sacrifice his own health and safety to look after someone else. human(?). necromancer. arrived on the ship with enmea and quickly became like a brother to kaido
delphi - gunner. a young girl, easily excitable and a bit of a romantic. human. looks out for the people her age on the ship, acts sisterly to them. able to read a few moments into the future. 
kaido - navigator. young, free spirited, reckless. human. flight and telekinesis. eager to fight or find adventure. causes trouble. protects enmea like a younger sister, and is looked after by galen, who he eventually accepts as an older brother.
enmea* - powder monkey. goblin, steals and bargains with the crew for fun but never means any real harm. witty and sarcastic. illusion and misdirection magic. especially loves to bother bramwell and nordwood with her antics. 
faine* - cook. satyr. loves to be the life of a party. has lived many years and mostly achieved peace but like, loves to dick around. plantaemancer. has a big crush on aspen. 
nordwood percival thatch* - bard. half sun elf. cocky, expensive tastes, confidence, and flirty. magic can summon figures of light/magic to do his bidding/can impact emotions of people in vicinity. hopelessly in love with bramwell.
on land,
artemis ethermourne - the king of the empire. sun elf. main antagonist. commonfolk. younger brother of orion and husband to rietta
orion ethermourne - original leader of the rebellion. sun elf. warlock (jack of all trades), considered one of the most powerful of his time. was publicly executed by his brother when caught. left apprentice muriel in charge. partner of shining.
muriel becker* (murr) - aasimar enchanted. missing his halo due to an incident he doesnt mention. wants to become skilled in magic and art. raven symbolism- along with having his own companion raven, keeha. very tired and stressed. secretly dating amaris.
amaris hayles* (mars) - hunter/scout, commonfolk. drow/moon elf. dry humor, but a lot goes over his head. responsible and caring, looks out for much of the rebellion. doesnt talk much. dating muriel.
chevel troubleice - inventor, commonfolk. human. low self esteem but he’s Trying. interested in alchemy and learns more about magic through his teacher, murr.
evercon archer - enchanted rebel scout. wood elf. air magic. considers himself a loner. nomadic, feigns a know-it-all attitude. doesnt like cities. under technical responsibility of amaris. eventually falls for woodrow.
tuka archer - enchanted rebel worker. wood elf. fire mage. responsible for helping safe travel for other through the woods. fur trader. big social personality, loves people and doesnt care too much what anyone thinks of him. brother to evercon and eventual lover to phinehas.
phinehas* - aasimar. i assume hes enchanted but now im actually not... sure....???? omg. anyway he’s soft, kindhearted and a poet. loves to write and is into theater. level headed for the most part. in love with tuka, ex of murr but on good terms!! theyre still friends
woodrow jace andes* - enchanted tiefling bard. extremely sad but makes jokes to cope. sad jokes. the kind that make everyone else uncomfortable. necromancer. lives in a fucking dragon skeleton which is kind of badass. is embarrassingly soft for evercon.
vaughn hayles* - moon elf. idk if he’s enchanted or nah. protector, guardian, soft spoken. looks after a village, family means a lot to him (despite being unmarried). amaris’ dad.
elena bramwell - human, commonfolk, deceased. was small and determined. bram remembers her fondly, and recalls that she enjoyed music and dance, as well as having a talent for making flowercrowns and storytelling. bramwell’s mother. 
tobi* - tavernkeep. commonfolk. he is liddol and irish and knows how to play the banjo. has a massive crush on nellie. i love him dearly
on the sundancer pirate ship,
captain sylvan skybridge - enchanted human. light magic. is very tired but patient with his crew. false confidence has kept him going for almost a decade and hes not stopping now. only slightly concerned about... everyone on his ship
paige* - first mate. commonfolk witch, able to just barely cast spells and enchant objects. jack-of-all-trades, cunning, and incredibly clever at problem solving. mothers the crew if anyones in need. has a crush on michael.
michael grey* - doctor. commonfolk? enchanted? we just don’t know. a little disillusioned with reality. can see ghosts and has a small gang that follows him everywhere. sylvan and paige are the only crew members hes vaguely familiar with. has a crush on paige. **note: michael has 4 ghosts that follow him but im not listing them here just yet hh
ashton everett* - gunner. commonfolk human. fearless, exhausted of the shenanigans, genuinely just looking for a hot siren girlfriend and dismantling the monarchy. 
oscar* - boatswain. chaotic, will start a fight- but hes pretty terrible at getting himself out of trouble. needs tucked in at night. inseparable from lew.
lew* - boatswain. calm, collected, used to oscar’s antics. helps take care of the ship, has a turtle. 
rhubarb* - cook. human enchanted. plant powers. just trying to get along with everybody. don’t insult his cooking he’s trying his hardest. probably the oldest on the ship.
waverly* - enchanted human. like a bird selkie, can turn into a raven. spends a lot of her time this way. escaped from a traveling circus and joined the crew to help free others like her. 
cloud* - siren. tried to bring down the sundancers crew to prove herself, failed miserably and ended up liking them all. flirts relentlessly but is god awful at it. 
additional notes:
-some of them exist in a modern au, mainly involving bram/nord/mars/murr as a ghost hunting gang who always finds themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. bram and mars form a brotherly bond over time. in modern au elena is discovered to be alive. vaughn winds up falling in love with her (it is very cute).
-i often draw sylvan and captain ryan of the silent requiem. this pirate ship belongs to my friend sept and is placed in her own world, so none of that crew is mine ;w; most of their shenanigans are in a crossover state where a very sylvan begs ryan to teach him what to do as a captain, and ryan looks after him like a son (though he’d fucken deny it). young syl is far too curious for his own good and gets into trouble a lot. sorry dad
creds: galen, aspen, enmea, faine, nord, murr, mars, tobi, phinehas, woodrow, vaughn, and paige are all characters that belong to my friend bee. michael grey belongs to my friend jake. ashton belongs to my friend rueben.  oscar and lew belong to my friend kenzie. rhubarb belongs to my friend pasta. waverly belongs to my friend cal. cloud belongs to my friend sara. 
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fuckassbitchboy · 3 years
i fucken hate being asked to behave. i hate the word, i hate the statement, i hate it with every inch of my being. specifically in a school setting.
behaving is just suppressing bad behaviors that authority doesn't like. it is telling me that you will be upset if i do something wrong. that i have to walk on eggshells to keep you happy because you don't like who i am or how i am.
Behave. Dont move too much. don't be too loud. dramatic. hyper. chatty. drama queen.
pay attention and answer the question. don't think too hard just answer the question. answer right or don't answer at all. the embarrassment.
"leave me alone" is rude but "stop humming it's annoying" isn't.
a specific quote stuck with me from Brittany. and it was 'we only sing in music class, okay?' like she was better than me. she also pretended to be my friend but that's an issue for another day.
sometimes i think i work myself up on purpose just to feel something. the positive isn't enough. it doesn't break anything. anger, sadness, and bitterness break everything. my skin, mind, heart. relationships.
i want to wake up one day and be able to say i love being alive but im so scared to even try to get better. im so scared of change when it comes to myself. What if i lose myself. what if i lose my stability?
and when i was in kindergarten i was never able to go outside to play because i didn't do my homework ever (that was before i got my adhd meds in 3rd)
i actually got an award in 2nd grade for always pulling through.
the only bee havin award i got was in kindergarten for god knows what and i was so happy i skipped all the way to the office. i got back and got scolded for 'running in the halls' even though sir dude wasnt even in the hallway.
then i proceeded to never get an award after that. it wasn't on purpose. i cried last year of elementary school because i didn't get a Dynamite award or anything. wasn't good enough. didn't socialize with the teachers often enough. wasn't enough. barely ever got even a participation certificate, like when i did chorus fest.
i was also known as '(insert Brothers name here)'s sister'. because he made a name for himself. because he's good enough to get the keystone student award. he's good enough to get help. he's good enough.
im. not, apparently.
"you were the only one i ever wanted" you just wanted to prove you could make a girl. which i guess you fucked that up too. it's been a year and you're still in denial.
i didn't deserve to be hit because you thought i ate your oreos. i didn't deserve to be hit when i said i trust scientists more than my dad with general medical information. "i didn't even hit you that hard" well you shouldn't have hit me at all, you dumb fuck. im your child. not your punching bag. if you cant tell the difference then you shouldn't have had children.
im slowly getting more angry and i wonder when it'll all pop. when do i get to break. when do i get to scream. when do i get to scare people like they scare me on the daily.
also mrs. myers if you're reading this, go to hell. or quit your job. you're a bitch, and i do not regret writing all those pages about you in my vent notebook which you confiscated. you're a bitch and you're bad at your job. I would unplug your life support to charge my 100% charged phone no questions asked. that's just how shitty you are you fucking bitch.
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milkymoos · 7 years
50-99 hav fun :)
i hate u but im gonna do it.
left or right handed?
righty tighty !!
are you scared of spiders?
sure diddly am 
favourite food?
avocados or potatoes and green beans 
favourite foreign food?
sushi i suppose 
are you a clean or messy person?
clean i think but my room and bathroom are both realllllllllllllly messy rn
most used phrased?
what the hap is fuckening or henlo lads or hello! im a lesbian hfjaklsjhfhsj
most used word?
fuck or gay
how long does it take for you to get ready?
if its in the mornings before school like fifteen minutes bc fuck school but if im doing my make up and going out with friends like 2 hours sorry
do you have much of an ego?
do you suck or bite lollipops?
give em a good succ
do you talk to yourself?
no, never. yeah ofc i fucking do what kind of question is this? everyone talks to themselves
do you sing to yourself?
yeah lmao
are you a good singer?
i already answered this but for ur sake; no. leah says sometimes i am but really i am not i just sound like a goose being stabbed, but i mean u can be the judge.
biggest fear?
abandonment, but thats too deep so like the dark
are you a gossip?
i love some gossip every now and then
best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
dunkirk, that was pretty dramatic
do you like long or short hair?
long hair but like does it really matter? no
can you name all 50 states of America?
yeah but im not gonna prove myself because thats so much typing and i have to spell every state right wtf
favourite school subject?
photography and english
extrovert or Introvert?
somewhere in the middle
have you ever been scuba diving?
no, but my brother has
what makes you nervous?
lol a lot of things?????????????????????????????
are you scared of the dark?
literally did i not just say that i was
do you correct people when they make mistakes?
yeah cause i love the drama of it all…lmao no it depends on what it is
are you ticklish?
this is sensitive information
have you ever started a rumour?
i dont think so
have you ever been in a position of authority?
i mean like i babysit kids and if they piss me off i yell so yes? is that what the question us asking? im a bottom??????
have you ever drank underage?
im a child of jesus h christ
have you ever done drugs?
i take four different prescription pills everyday so yeah! 
who was your first real crush?
what larrie made this
how many piercings do you have?
zero, but i would like some
can you roll your Rs?
no, doesn’t mean im not good with my tongue tho ;))))))) dahklfhjsdfafo
how fast can you type?
it depends if its something normal like an essay maybe like two words a minute but like if harry does something gay like 4821794087567234856 words a second ya know
how fast can you run?
am i being chased by a bear?
what colour is your hair?
brown, it used to be blonde and i think next year im gonna go back to blonde spoiler alert!
what colour are your eyes?
brown rip
what are you allergic to?
bees and pollen
do you keep a journal?
sorta, i have one that i barely write in
what do your parents do?
my dad is a software engineer and my mom steals money from my dad lol she’s wonderful!
do you like your age?
no im too old jfhalkjfhaog;a
what makes you angry?
my mother and donald trump, but other than that not much
do you like your own name?
 i mean not really but u win some u lose some u know
have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
yell heah i used to have like a whole list of names on my phone cause when i’d write i needed name references, but then i got a new phone and my life got screwed over anYWAY thats not that point uhhhhhh i like u know what its embarrasing NEVERMIND  
do you want a boy a girl for a child?
i want whatever my child want how bout that u stinky birb of a question 
what are you strengths?
uhm well excuse me while i talk myself up a bit but im caring and funny and im a good listener and im freaking adorable thanks for ur time lol idk i have no strengths i h8 myself bye
what are your weaknesses?
i get too attached to people and i give people too many chances and im too nice ok but uhm thats also too deep so cute animals and people that are named after flowers thanks for ur time haHa
how did you get your name?
i just asked my dad and he laughed and said “what do you mean” and then went “we just picked it” and apparently my name was supposed to be nicole ashley then ashley nicole and now its allison nicole. i have no significance to the world apparently. my chinese name is siaw rui
were your ancestors royalty?
my last name means king/emperor in chinese so careful ur talking to a princess 
do you have any scars?
yeah mostly from petting cats that didn’t want to be pet and then them attacking me sajdfkahf but all the other ones are like on the inside sjkdffasjdkfhsdfsdfkl hsdfk;sadjfhsklfsjfs IM LAUFHIGN
colour of your bedspread?
i have three ones like yellow, turquoise, and has branches on it, then the other one is just turquoise, and then i have a brown one  
colour of your room?
i also already answered this one and you know, but it’s white
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thiscityneedsyounow · 7 years
can you answer #1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 and 147?
Good lord. Sure though, I’ll do it. Under the cut~
147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn!146: Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla.145: Night or Day: Day.144: Oranges or Apples: Apples143: Curly or Straight hair: I don’t care one way or another?142: McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds.141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Both!140: Mac or PC: PC139: Flip flops or high heals: Neither, blegh. 138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: I don’t really care? Sweet & poor.137: Coke or Pepsi: Depends on what I’m eating. 136: Hillary or Obama: Wow how outdated is this. #BringBackObama135: Burried or cremated: I’d like to be cremated tbh134: Singing or Dancing: Singing!133: Coach or Chanel: Uhhhh.. Coach?132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Who?131: Small town or Big city: Big city, all the way.130: Wal-Mart or Target: Target.129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Ben Stiller I guess?128: Manicure or Pedicure: Manicure.127: East Coast or West Coast: EAST COAST BEAST COAST @wan-shailu126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas.125: Chocolate or Flowers: Chocolate.124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney.123: Yankees or Red Sox: Red Sox all the way.[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: ‘What do we need it for?’121: George Bush: Good lord I’ll take HIM over the orange cheetopuff now.120: Gay Marriage: Dude, love is love. Let people be.119: The presidential election: WHAT THE HAP IS FUCKENING 118: Abortion: Pro-choice.117: MySpace: Never had one.116: Reality TV: Fun to watch when I’m bored.115: Parents: Mine are actually really cool.114: Back stabbers: Fuck ‘em. Betray my trust and I’ll never trust you again.113: Ebay: Kinda cool tbh.112: Facebook: Ehh. I use it like once a month.111: Work: A necessary evil.110: My Neighbors: Chill folks, don’t really talk to them that much.109: Gas Prices: A bit higher than usual right now, they’re ok.108: Designer Clothes: Stupidly overprices and they never fit right.107: College: I still want to go one day.106: Sports: Watching? It’s cool. Playing? fuck no.105: My family: I love ‘em, honestly. A really good family.104: The future: Eh. Your path is what you make it.[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: Not too long ago, my little bro.102: Last time you ate: Uhh.. A few hours ago? 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: I mean.. I’m talking to an old friend I haven’t talked to in ages if that counts100: Cried in front of someone: Not in over a year.99: Went to a movie theater: Uhh.. Shit Alex when was the last time.. Force Awakens? Deadpool? Whichever came out more recently.98: Took a vacation: Lord don’t ask me this question.97: Swam in a pool: Same as above ^96: Changed a diaper: Not since my little sister wore them, so 5 or 6 years.95: Got my nails done: Never.94: Went to a wedding: Not since my dad’s second wedding. Think I was 9 or 10?93: Broke a bone: Freshman year of high school.92: Got a peircing: 9 or 10? got my ears pierced91: Broke the law: uhhhh90: Texted: Technically? I haven’t[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: No one particular person. The people in the pineapple chat do a lot though88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: My cats, being close to my family87: The last movie I saw: Regrettably, The Bee Movie.86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: No idea right now.85: The thing im not looking forward to: Above.84: People call me: Crazy. Magpie. Mira. Yawny.83: The most difficult thing to do is: Overcome your fears.82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: Naw, I don’t drive.81: My zodiac sign is: Virgo.80: The first person i talked to today was: Also my little brother.79: First time you had a crush: Hmm.. 4th grade I think? I don’t remember his name, something with an E.78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: Hydra is one, Sam is another. Alex (both Alexes I know) too.77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Last night, something about cats.76: Right now I am talking to: Daniel, and the group of nerds in the pineapple chat75: What are you going to do when you grow up: Man, when do we ever grow up? But honestly, being a falconer would be so amazing.74: I have/will get a job: Eventually.73: Tomorrow: Wake up. Cook food. Talk to people. Sleep.72: Today: Same as tomorrow.71: Next Summer: Who knows, we might all be dead.70: Next Weekend: Same as tomorrow.69: I have these pets: Two black cats, Merlin and Gwen.68: The worst sound in the world: Tornado sirens…67: The person that makes me cry the most is: well fuck I dunno66: People that make you happy: See questions 89 and 78.65: Last time I cried: Over a year ago.64: My friends are: All over the place. They’re amazing.63: My computer is: pretty important to me.62: My School: lmao what school61: My Car: lmao what car60: I lose all respect for people who: Betray trust. Aren’t honest.59: The movie I cried at was: Kubo and the Two Strings.58: Your hair color is: Reddish/brown57: TV shows you watch: Merlin, Bob’s Burgers,Raising Hope.. Not a lot else rn56: Favorite web site: Uhh… I spend a lot of time on youtube?55: Your dream vacation: Any vacation, at this point.54: The worst pain I was ever in was: Hmm..53: How do you like your steak cooked: Well done pls52: My room is: A little messy, kinda plain. Like a safe haven.51: My favorite celebrity is: I don’t really have one.50: Where would you like to be: Somewhere up north?49: Do you want children: Ehhh, maybe.48: Ever been in love: Yeah. 47: Who’s your best friend: I don’t really have one best friend.46: More guy friends or girl friends: Most of my friends are guys, yeah.45: One thing that makes you feel great is: Talking to friends, tbh.44: One person that you wish you could see right now: 43: Do you have a 5 year plan: lol nope42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: 41: Have you pre-named your children: HAH you’re funny40: Last person I got mad at: 39: I would like to move to: 38: I wish I was a professional: [ My Favorites ]37: Candy:36: Vehicle:35: President:34: State visited:33: Cellphone provider:32: Athlete:31: Actor:30: Actress:29: Singer:28: Band:27: Clothing store:26: Grocery store:25: TV show:24: Movie:23: Website:22: Animal:21: Theme park:20: Holiday:19: Sport to watch:18: Sport to play:17: Magazine:16: Book:15: Day of the week:14: Beach:13: Concert attended:12: Thing to cook:11: Food:10: Restaurant:9: Radio station:8: Yankee candle scent:7: Perfume:6: Flower:5: Color:4: Talk show host:3: Comedian:2: Dog breed:1: Did you answer all these truthfully?
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isaacathom · 6 years
ok this is actually a fun bit of writing here, even if the preceding shit was kinda garbage
tl;dr this bitch has to rant about this stupid book because i naively want to learn something about my family’s history and this is the only fucken way to do it
‘When he discovered he had to work to help provide for this instant family of a large flock of children, ‘Mick’ showed his true self and devotion to the family.
Within a year of the marriage, he left the fold, leaving his wife to fend for herself in the daunting task of raising her children.’
like.aside from just being kinda awkwardly worded (he bangs On and On about how his mum was the 11th of 11 children like fuck i get it its a big family, holy shit) i think thats just. a good concept there. the space really sells the punch. wouldve been better if we hadnt been told beforehand that Mick was a cunt, yknow. but thats nice
also lets keep going. ‘6 step brothers and 4 step sisters’ theyre actually her Half Siblings. they all share the same mother. theyre related. she’d be step if she was adopted, which she was not, because if she were, surely we wouldve been told about those circumstances.
‘[his mother] easily met that high standard as she was a very pretty young lady’ please dont perv out over your fucking mother you pig of a man. also you would hope ‘jock’ (his name is fucking robert but ok, Jock) was interested in more than how pretty Nellie was when they got together, right......... like there had to be more to it. am i naive? perhaps
‘scottish clan gordon’ the what. but we arent gordons???? are you. are you hundred percent sure. are you positive about this. are you sure thats why your name is gordon. alright buddy
‘according to buzzy’s story’ please never refer to yourself in the third person
‘hotels rarely burn down’ ?? i dont buy that at all. my guess is this famous hotel (which.... you didnt name so ok)
ok so theres a picture in here of my dad standing at some random gate, and he says its the same gate as a picture of his dad..... where is THAT picture??? this picture means nothing without that historic context, and it feels hollow if the actual picture isnt there.
granddad you dont. you dont need to wikipedia article dump me information about glasgow??? i mean sure, cool, id rather just be reading the wikipedia article.
jesus christ. so hes talking about his dad, right. who he’d technically set up earlier by saying he came to melbourne at 19. before he launched into a whole thng about his mother and shit. and suddenly hes come back to his dad to explain that his dad (so gordons grandfather) used to beat him! and its like, wOAH, where the fuck did that come from??? shit dude. thats rough. but he just mentions it suddenly out of nowhere. oH JESUS actually. sorry. i misread (yknow, because its written like shit). he means.... his brother??? right, he means his Brother Robert, was beaten by his dad, also named Robert, who was the one who came to melbourne aged 19. ok. ok that makes slightly more structural sense but ooof. ouch. poor robert (the younger). in my uh, defence, this book is written awful and i've never met robert? (my.... understanding is that he probably died before i was born? like with mary, who i dont recall having met either)
ok uhhh ‘most of the gorbal’s tenemenets were eventually demolished by the wise founding fathers many decades later, in the 1980s’ the WHOM. this isnt fucking america, this is scotland, what in the actual fuck are you TALKING about????????????????????????????? ‘modern day replacement improvements and architecture designed to achieve, what?’ fucker they were trying to fix the mistake they made in crowding 90k people into the fucking gorbals. maybe they didnt succeed (they didnt) but they were trying, it was naivete rather than fucking malice, you bitter old fuck. like, you visited in the 1980s.... and published this book in 2007......... without thinking to check back......... like hey maybe theyve gotten better? (newsflash - they fucking have) sooo... fuck
‘could the [my family] be related? [to the mcdonalds]’ yes??? we literally are. theres no question of that. being a sept of clanranald, we are Literally related to the fucking macdonalds. you absolute buffoon. yea its distant, and maybe thats your point, but when combined with you launching into this giant diatribe about rhw Campbells for shit that happened long ago, it seems youre picking and choosing how close ‘related’ is. we are. literally. related to the macdonalds. also it wasnt thought up in glasgow, they were from fucking new hampshire. but sure. 
‘his sheila wife of his’ excuse me?
‘so the name was related to a buzzing bee i suppose’ ? i still dont get it. like, he then explains that apparently his twin sister had difficulty saying Brother, so she called him Buzzy. that makes sense to me. i can understand that. but the buzzing bee thing? not sure i follow, given the prior context he provided. i dont get it. this is written like garbage. theres no structure. we went from jumping forward in time to the birth of my uncle Dale (my dads older brother) and suddenly we’re talking about Mick’s running career and gordon’s childhood! what the fuck happened.
‘coupled with the bigoted attitudes that were rife during those periods’ says the man who got angry at a black (i THINK, mightve been a separate story)  frenchman who couldnt speak english in France because ‘we saved them’. fuck off. youre just like them, you old codger.
also hes decrying his grandfather mick for being ‘no true irishman’ even though micks dad was full irish? by that exact same metric i can call my grandfather no true scotsman, because his dad is full scottish and thats it!!! you fucking fool. no true irishman, holy shit, how little self awareness could this man have.
‘then excessive drinking liquor isnt for me’ but is Is for your wife, is it gordon??? drinking wine when shes on antibiotics??? fucking incredible. god theyre. theyre so stupid.
‘not proceeding as a scholar as i could have’ you literally admitted like 5 pages ago that your twin sister was Far smarter than you, but sure! ~scholar~. if you were meant to be a scholar surely you wouldve bounded back from missing days with a vengeance. youre talking complete tosh.
im confused why theyd be doing bombing drills in South Yarra.... in preparation from a japanese air raid.... like im sorry, if the people north are doing their jobs, theres no physical way they couldve gotten to south yarra....... but ok. thats not his fault i just think thats strange.
im 110 pages in and he hasnt actually gotten to the point where he meets eleanor??? aside from a few time jumps forward and a brief mention of ‘meeting her in a milk bar in south yarra’ so like. hoi vey? the fuck.
oh jesus thats. thats a heavy thing to just chuck in the middle of a sentence??? like ‘oh yea after Skete the next scout leader was a paedophile who abused me and the others’ wwwOooahhh there buddy back up. what???? holy shit. ouch. thats. thats rough.
‘absolutely belted this poofta bastard’ yknow what? fair. id also beat the fuck out of a pedo with my boot. thats Relatable. good going on that, i suppose.
ooh thats full third person, weird.
one thing that is definitely kinda interesting, and very telling about his relationship with his family, is that he only ever refers to Nellie as ‘mum’, but refers to Mick as, well, Mick! rather than ‘granddad’ or anything of the sort. like its just sorta interesting when you get this big family photo and Nellie is the only one not called by her first name.
‘returning to those earlier days’ NO! FUCKING MOVE FORWARD IN TIME YOU GIT!!!! holy shit i just want to read about new fucking shit.
......... so like, at some point while playing footy, an opposing player kicked him in the leg and caused a fractured tibia. so a few weeks later... one of gordons friends took a mark on that player and kneed him straight in the head, with that player never playing again. and he’s PROUD of that!!! he’s proud of his friend for ruining a guys footy career. like yea, the guy was a dick, he broke your leg and it was at least partially malicious, but like........... you fucked him up????? hardcore?????? a straight up ruination. but go off i guess.
its interesting that he doesnt go even remotely into eleanors history beyond the fact (so far) that her father Leo didnt say much but was a good dude. then again the books all about him soooo fuck it i suppose.
‘recognition of our scottish heritage’ eleanor isnt scottish tho. shes irish. shes an o'donoghue. what the fuck. like yea naming them dale and glen is a ‘clever’ nod back to scotland (i actually do think thats cute and clever, joking aside. its the exact sort of ‘clever’ shit i love pulling) but............. shes not scottish. unless we’re waiting for volume 2 all about eleanor.
hE USED TO LIVE OUT HERE??????? IN SPRINGVALE????? fuck me. no fucking wonder we live here, huh, jesus. that. certainly explains something, i suppose. like ‘if you were raised in holbrook and YOU were raised in thomastown, why do we live in knox?’
so granddads being a dick, as usual, and he’s on some tour in paris. and the tour guide launches into a long thing about the glory of france, like french history and the fighting record, etc. and granddad calls out and tells him to knock it off, because ‘our australians died by the thousands for your country’
i. eh... uhh............... is he. is he aware? of how many french people died???? for france?????? how many????? il tell you how many - apparently 1.44% of the total population of france. thats 600000 people. how many did we lose? around 35k. thats, uh, a smaller fucking number. than the amount of french people. who died. for fucking france. you fucking idiot.
it kills me. is he gonna include the french speaking one too???
oh hell that sure is a picture of my father. good heavens. holy shit my brother really does look like him. thats uncanny, man.
‘one son Scotty’ his name is Scott, actually. not scotty. but cool, i got a really small shout out, weirdly BEFORE my older cousins did???? oh dear is he gonna talk about my uncles divorce actually. oh god. thats. thats terrifying to consider. oh, cool, he didnt in that small section, hopefully it doesnt come up haha (i can only IMAGINE what sort of vile shit he’d say about cathy)
also, ooh, more nuggets on grandma’s family. her dad was a freemason! thats cool.
ooh! he was the president of holbrook shire council! thats kinda neat actually.
ooh! the glenndale motel actually still exists! thats cool as hell. not that granddad told me that i just googled it
Ok first off ‘i slammed my fist into the counter and said very calmly’ yea no fuck that, youre fucking lying. theres no way you slammed the counter and spoke calmly. you almost definitely abused this poor french metro worker who, being a French Man living in France, is not required to know english. you fucking babboonnnnnnnnnn
apparently he nearly fell off a mountain innnnnn geeermany? austria, austria. and as he mentions my dad pulling him back up, he words it as ‘stopping me from falling to my final destiny’ what fucking wording IS that. my god.
uh well ok thats. about it i suppose. there was a big hullabuloo about like, hotels and shit, and there was probably some racism about Islanders in there (like i find it hard to believe there wasnt but im not gonna go back and double check, because this book reads like absolute garbage). but eh. yea?
uuhhh so that was an Adventure, for sure
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Heart’s Wish: DonnyxReader
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_____ Donny grumbled, looking up at the Swiss alps the basterds just had to trudge through, as they snuck through a small town. "Who the fuck are we lookin' for anyway?" Wicki nodded, "I understand the general said this is top secret but...it might help if we knew who it was, Aldo." Hugo grumbled in agreement. Aldo nodded with a defeated sigh. His eyes weren’t what they used to be. He looked down at a folded up, blood and coffee stained document that was marked for his eyes only. "Staff sergeant Y/n L/n." He narrowed his eyes, looking at the small identifying black and white photograph in the file, and shrugged, "Didn't think they let people that good lookin' into the damn army," he chuckled, "Maybe the fucken navy." Donny had frozen over, "Did you say...staff sergeant Y/N L/N?!" His voice was alarmed, his eyes were wide with urgency. "Uh huh," Aldo hadn't taken notice. Donny was known to....overreact. Donny peeked over Aldo's shoulder, "Lemme see th-" He gasped, almost in absolute horror. The moment he was able to draw some meager breath, he huffed, "FUCK. FUCK. FUCK A MOTHERFUCKING DUCK!" Aldo now took notice, "Well what the hell's all this about?" Omar looked up at Donny, his eyebrow raised, "Is that, Y/N L/N....OUR Y/n L/N?!" The look on Donny's face was answer enough, and Omar, and almost every other basterd, ignored protocol, and looked at the top secret document. Omar muttered under his breath the moment his eyes lay on the picture, "Holy shit... it is Y/n L/n..." Hirschberg turned to Omar, "Who the hell is Y/n L/n..."
Utivich managed to peek over everyone else's shoulders as he stood on the tip of his toes, "Yeah, who the hell is that?" Omar glanced at Donny, now ranting to no one, as he walked through the streets, past some innocent, and mostly confused by-standers. Omar cleared his throat, and said, "Well...Y/n L/n is...basically...well, y'know the comics they got a rival? An arch nemesis?" "Yeah?" Aldo narrowed his eyes. "Well....Y/n L/n was Donny's. You'd think it was the Dodgers, but it's...it's Y/n L/n." Aldo sighed. This could complicate things. "Donny!" "Yeah?!" He was just about composing himself, thinking, at most this mission together would run a week or two, granted nothing went wrong.... Aldo sighed, "Staff Sergeant L/N will be joinin' us as a basterd, so you best get all this...bullshit out now/" "L/n's goiNG TO FUCKING WHAT?!"
...so everything went wrong. Wicki handed his booze filled canteen to Donny, who promptly stopped ranting, while Hirschberg asked, "What's so bad about Y/n L/n?!" Smitty frowned, "And why do we have to keep saying Y/N L/N...Why not just-" Omar shook his head, "Because this is THE Y/N L/N." "Never heard of-" Omar nodded, "Exactly. But that's not why Donny's...like that." Wicki asked, "Then why is he? What's so bad about this kid anyway?"
Omar chuckled a little, "Nothing. That's the problem." "What the hell's that mean?" "Well..." Omar sighed, remembering the days in bootcamp. The three of you just so happened to train together. After that, you were in different companies. "One day, back in bootcampp..." Donny shook his head, "Omar, don't fucking-" Omar stopped talking. He and Donny looked right at each other, in silent, childish threats. "You wouldn't fucken dare." "..." Omar smirked, and in a single breath said everything he needed to, "We were playing football and Y/n L/n tackled and hu-fucking-miliated Donny before he-" "OkAy! If we fucking played baseball, things would have been so different!" Omar remarked with a sly grin, "Oh yeah, sure. You woulda ended up on top instead.” "OMAR I SWEAR TO-" Before any of the basterds asked what that meant...Aldo rolled his eyes, "We're here." Donny looked up at the tavern, defeated as he repeated, "We're here..." A figure emerged, dressed in civilian's clothing, just like them. In a worker's pair of tough overalls, and boots for the snow and forest, you saluted Aldo, "Lieutenant Raine." "Staff sergeant L/N, welcome to the team. These here are the basterds." Aldo pointed behind him, and you smiled in acknowledgement, until..."Aw fuck." "Y/n." Donny basically gritted his teeth. "Donny." You spoofed with an amused, raised eyebrow. Omar cleared his throat, and looked up at you, grinning,  "....Y/n...." You outranked him now, which was weird to him, but... You looked at him, smiling, remembering he was there that day too. "Omar." As soon as the introductions were done, Aldo directed everyone back northwest, to France. Donny wasn't happy at all...He lagged behind everyone else, and glared at you. Hugo smirked, "What are you staring at the Y/N L/N for?" "Shut up! Y/n'll hear!" You rolled your eyes from up ahead, and called out, "Too late." By nightfall, you were all in Fighting France, you’d move to nazi-occupied France in the morning.  You were at the bar, getting drinks for everyone, since you were shockingly the only one who could pull off a French act. Meanwhile, Aldo chuckled, "Damn well 'bout time I brought that kid in." "What's that supposed to mean?" Donny narrowed his eyes. Aldo shrugged, "I had 58 files to chose from, and only eight of you could be on the team. By the time I got through the damn files, one or two of the ones I wanted to pick were taken by other task forces or operations." Omar bascially choked on his drink, his eyes slowly moving toward Donny, as did everyone else's. He was indignant. "So you wanted to choose Y/N over someone at this table?!" "Don't put words in my mouth," Aldo muttered, "But you have to admit, that's one skilled sum'bitch." Donny grumbled, " Yeah, 'sum'bitch' alright." Donny couldn't get the idea that Aldo wanted to choose you over him, since you were his rival all that time. He muttered, "If Y/n's so good, what the hell happened to the team that took that asshole before you did?" A few beers were slammed on the table, and Donny turned to find you smirking, "Well, we finished our mission, so we disbanded." "Oh yeah? And what fucken mission might that be?" You rolled your eyes, "Classified." You tossed a crumpled piece of paper at them. It was the top secret document Aldo had been carrying of you. One of the basterds had dropped it. "Some of us can keep a secret, you know?" You smiled, and it eased the tension at the table. As the night went on, you and Donny were left alone at the booth.... Hirschberg was there, but he was asleep. And when that boy slept, he slept. You and Donny were quiet. He was too quiet, you knew it wasn't like him. Donny Donowitz was sulking and you knew it. How? Well...if anyone knew that basterd, it was you. You sighed, as you rolled your eyes, and reached for something in your pocket. Without a word, you set something on the table as a  peace offering. "Hey...my baseball!" He reached for it, with a wide grin, then looked at you, "You kept it?" "Yeah, yeah, whatever, nothin’ special, pretty boy." You crossed your arms, a little too defenisively. He smiled, stealing a side-eyed glance at you. "Why'd you keep it?" "I know what it meant to you." Donny smirked, "Oh you did listen, huh?" "Listen?! You never used to shut up about it!" You rolled your eyes, trying so hard not to smile, as you muttered,  "You never shut up about anything." Donny looked the ball over in his hand. Just before he enlisted, he took his little brother to a red sox game. His brother caught the ball, and gave it to Donny. When Donny left boot camp, he somehow forgot it. It had slipped behind his headboard, and fallen to the ground. You found it because your bunk was beneath his. By the time you found it, Donny was long gone. You had a nagging thought to keep it. Who knew? Maybe you'd get a chance to get it back to him some day? And there you were, after so long...  Donny chuckled, "Admit it... you didn't just tackle me to get the football. You-" "See, you never shut up!" You left in a huff to get another drink, and Donny kept smiling, as he looked at the baseball. Meanwhile, some of the boys slipped back into the booth. Donny sighed, "It appears my heart wishes to untie me with my only enemy." Omar frowned in confusion, "What the hell was that?!" Donny shrugged, "Rome and Juliet." Wicki tilted his head to the side, "Are you sure?" Donny grumbled, "Yeah, I'm sure!" Smitty asked, "You...I thought you hated Y/n?! What...I...What the fuck is going on?!" Omar sighed, remembering bits and pieces of bootcamp that used to annoy him. You and Donny used to go back and forth, like an endless game of ping pong. "I've been asking that since they met." Donny shook his head, speaking under his breath before taking a drink of beer, "It's...uh...well it’s fucken complicated." Wicki teased, "Oh, what? Like Romeo and Juliet?" Utivich shook his head, "Donny...do you really wanna end up like Romeo and Juliet with Y/n?" Donny looked up, and spotted you at the bar, "M...maybe.....No...yes...wait! Fuck! Yes?" Aldo chuckled, "You know how Romeon and Juliet end up, dont'cha?" "Together...." Donny narrowed his eyes, thinking of the implications of the idea of being together, with you... Everyone was quiet for a moment, before breaking out into laughter, and he responded, "I was absent that day!" Utivich shook his head, "I'm so confused...Do you hate Y/n or not?!" Donny muttered, "It's fucking complicated ok?!" "That why you ain't let go of that ball Y/n gave ya?" Aldo mused with a smirk, as he sniffed some tobacco. Donny rolled his eyes, "Look, Smitty's barely old enough to buy beer back home, ok? He don't understand these things yet." Utivich shook his head, "You sure you're not makin' these things harder than they needa be, Donny?" "Ah, what do you know?" ”Well, I’m engaged, so...that’s what I know.” Smitty smirked as he took a drink. Everyone rolled their eyes at him. Smitty got engaged before being shipped out, and he always hung that over their heads when they said he was too young for something. Smitty shrugged, "Well if you like Y/n and Y/n likes you-" "Like is a strong word." Donny took another drink of beer. Omar smirked, "Yeah? Well you definitely liked it when Y/n tackled you-" "Ulmer. If you don't shut up I'll-" You came back, with another drink, chuckling, "Still threatening Omar after all this time, huh? Some things never change." And when you looked at Donny, you took a breath, resenting the fact that some things really didn't change. You thought it would be different...but you still felt the same about him. And you hated it.
************* And that constant game of ping pong between 'meaningless' flirts, and snarky comments went on, driving each of the basterds crazy. Months later, you were in the forest, ambushed by nazis. "DONNY!" "WHAT!" He yelled as he ran between some trees. You ran as fast as you could, raised your gun, and took a shot at a nazi, just before you tackled Donny to the ground, one of your legs bent over his hip, and your forearm resting against his chest. "Fuckin' again, Y/N?!" He was starting to turn red, and you smirked, "Still take your breath away after all this time, huh?" "I hate you," he muttered, while some of the basterds started to notice. You rolled off Donny, reached your hand out to help him up, but he refused. "I had that under perfect fucking control!" "Oh did you?" "Yeah," he grumbled, and you rolled your eyes."Then what the hell is that?" You pointed to the tree  just behind him, where the dead nazi's knife was lodged, just at the height of Donny's head. "Thanks." he muttered.
Utivich ran by at top speed, huffing between breaths, "REMEMBER WHAT WE TALKED ABOUT SARGE!" Just before throwing a grenade and taking cover. You and Donny took cover behind the same trees, and you turned to him, "Talked about?" "Who cares right now, just get this done!" Donny yelled through the gunfire, and you chuckled as you shot down a nazi, "When did you get to be such a hard ass?" "Hard ass?! ME?!" "Yeah you!" He groaned, and when he turned to look at you, he didn't find you. "Y/N! COME BACK!"
You were running a few meters away, "I'M A LITTLE BUSY, DONOWITZ."  You flung your knife, directly into a nazi's eye socket, and Donny's mouth dropped. He'd never been so attracted to anyone in his life until that moment. He whispered "Holy shit..." as he watched you go.
At some point, the two of you reconvened, and took cover together again. "Y/n, I know we didn't have the best start, but-" "I hated you, you hated me, we're square." You caught your breath, looking to the side for a way to keep moving. "Hated?" "Well...like isn't the right word, is it?" You smirked, briefly glancing back at him. "So you don't hate me anymore?" You rolled your eyes, as you looked back at him, "Don't put words in my mouth, Donowitz." "It's what you meant," he smirked as he peeked around the tree, and took another shot, clearing the way for the two of you to run to a more secure spot. He caught his breath, and looked at you, eye to eye, for a heart to heart, for the first time, "Y/n...can we just start over?" "No." That definitely did not go as he'd planned, "N...no?" You smirked, just before running again, "You think I wanna forget the time in basic training when we-" You were within earshot of some of the basterds, and Donny's eyes widened, "OK OK FINE!" But that smirk gave him away. He most definitely was living for...whatever it was between you. "Can we at least just-" "I don't like you Donny." You said, to his face, then ran down the line, taking down two more nazis. When Donny managed to get to your side again, he smirked, waiting for you to say something. You sighed, "Fuck. Fuck! Fine. Just because I don't like you doesn't mean I don't....that I don't...." He grinned, "Love me?" "Watch it." You grinned as you ran down again, clearing the way, as he followed. "It appears my heart wishes to untie me with my only enemy." You narrowed your eyes, "What the hell was that?" "From Romeo and Juli- You know what, forget it." "Aww, so you're a softie now?" You chuckled.  "Shut up." "Donny, y-" "SHUT UP, GET DOWN!" This time, Donny tackled you. He finally got even...but he wasn't as fast as you. He got hurt. When it was all said and done, Donny was going to be ok. But...you knew he did it to save you. So, once it was all over, you brought him back to the hideout, and you stayed up until he opened his eyes. You giggled, "Oh, good morning, Romeo." He groaned a little, but smiled softly, "Fuck off..." You kissed him on the cheek.
Which...surprised both of you. You were as equally stunned as he was, both of you staring at each other, speechless. "....Say a word about that and I'll.....I'll..." "You'll what? Let ‘em put another bullet in my side?" He tried not to chuckle, because it would hurt, but he couldn't help but smile.
You rolled your eyes, "You'd like that." “I'd like to see you try." It was only then, that you realized the rest of the basterds were standing behind you. Hirschberg narrowed his eyes, "This...this is fuckin' weird, right?" Omar nodded, though, he'd been waiting for this moment for years. He smiled, "Definitely." Utivich shrugged, "I don't know....maybe we should leave them alone...." "They'd kill each other." Hugo shook his head. Wicki chuckled, "If we don't leave, they'd kill one of us." Omar turned around, ushering everyone back through the door, "I've been waiting too long for this. Everyone out, let's go!" You looked back at Donny, "Omar's been waiting? For what?" "For this," Donny smirked, reaching up to you, his hand against the back of your head, as he kissed you. You giggled softly, and teased, "You know how Romeo and Juliet ends, right?" "....yes..."
"Do you?" He sighed, "Fine. I got a summary from Wicki..." He chuckled as he started to put his arms around you, "We're not gonna end up like that, if that's what you meant." You sighed, "We're at war Donny...There's a chance we might not get a happy ending...” But you looked at him. You got the chance to give him back his damn baseball... Who's to say you wouldn't get the chance to get a happy ending? Even the chance to fight for it? You sighed again, and smiled softly, "But we're not at war with each other," You smirked, "At least....not anymore." Donny grinned, "You're damn right we're not."
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