#full of ranting and rambling today
see-arcane · 2 years
I think the thing that bothers me more than Dracula media killing off/sidelining Harker is the "Since he's so bland in canon, let's make him a cheater to give him some spice. (And because we can't think of other ways to create drama between couples.)" Like. You might be projecting here my dudes, but this man is physically incapable of cheating.
And if you want to make him flawed, he actually has flaws in canon, go focus on those instead of inventing OOC ones like being a cheater. (Even if it's a sequel and they've learned their lesson to always communicate, there are other flaws that aren't infidelity. Like maybe his xenophobia toward eastern Europeans won't affect his relationship, but his recklessness and single-mindedness could.) (Also they could have conflicts that have little to do with personal flaws or sex, damn!)
See, all of this is making the assumption that these people are actually reading and comprehending the material. Or reading it at all, rather than doing a Wiki skim of Francis' Gary Oldman fanfic film.
But yeah, highlighting his actual flaws as a character would be an interesting change!*
*I have said it 1000 times, but I'll say it again: Jonathan and Mina's clinging to physiognomy and/or outright xenophobia feels so SO ripe for examination as two people in an Othered demographic hiding behind the expected norms (putting down other Othered groups) as a defense mechanism. They both came up poor, Mina's an Irish immigrant and orphaned girl, and Jonathan's quick leap to a kukri as his weapon easily drops a hint of potential Very Not-Anglo heritage.
My main theory for why Jonathan specifically clings to physiognomy and selective ugly attitudes to Dracula's choice of cohorts (leaving aside the direct Bram influence of him only having his info secondhand from biased guides) is that, growing up, Jonathan maybe got treated to some fun racial remarks from some prick classmates. But, being that he's Jonathan, he still draws friends like flies--said friends coming to his defense with the 'science' of physiognomy. They point out that, sure, he's not white, but just look at his face. He's got good bones.
Read: He was attractive enough by everyone's standards that he 'passed' the bullshit pseudoscience test. And Jonathan clung to that as one of few small shoddy shields he had as a lower class, also parent-less (or at least fatherless) boy trying to claw up the rickety social ladder. Same goes for Mina, whose whole character--from the New Woman put-downs to her own unfortunate belief in Lombroso--screams Dutiful Orphan Who Must Be Good and Useful and Not Like [INSERT ICKY BAD GROUP HERE].
It would make sense for them both. It wouldn't be an excuse, but it would be a reason. And, in light of all the very sudden, very harsh, very world-shaking thresholds they were forced to cross in the wake of Dracula's mess, I'm betting this is a good foundation for both Harkers to start growing past these old biases.
There's definitely a wide open door to start with--learning new languages, cultures, and beliefs from the so-called 'Old World.' Because hey, those superstitions have proven themselves pretty fucking real and it was only by the locals' warning, aid, and charity that Jonathan made it out unbitten and with his mind intact. And it was their exact same aids that Van Helsing employed, bar the wafer crumbs.
There is SO MUCH POTENTIAL here for the Harkers--and, we can assume, the Suitors and Benignly Misogynistic 'Hooray for Man's Brain' Van Helsing--to evolve under the right adaptation or sequel.
But I'm not holding my breath.
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lunityviruz · 6 months
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I think post likes these are so fucking stupid and so fucking annoying “guys blow this post up so I can prove him wrong about transmasc lesbians 😎” orrrrr you could take your fucking ass off tumblr and gather actual information on the topic and THEN show him how many lesbians identify as transmasculine. Like what is 10k likes and reblogs gonna do to change his mind compared to actual information
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wanderingmind867 · 18 days
I've been actively panicking about school coming back tomorrow, so I'm getting snappy and paranoiac in my head. By which I mean: I'm becoming even more nervous and irate than usual about how my posts aren't getting attention. Because I have a series of vent posts ready to be posted, but I don't want to post them and have nobody actually interact with them. I think that would probably tick me off, what with how stressed i seem to be. So I'm going to post this, I'm going to cue my vent posts to be posted within the hour, and I'm going to prep a post for when I go to school tomorrow. But if mine of my vent posts get any attention, I will probably be making this post again. sigh...
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biioniic-biiohazard · 2 years
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desi-yearning · 2 months
4:30 and I'm still awake🙂
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dvrcos · 8 months
Andrew Minyard mic’d up if aftg took place today and the Foxes did social media promo
Andrew absolutely refuses to be mic’d up for a long time
When he finally agrees to do it it’s during a game against the Jackals
Everyone is sure it’ll be a bust and they won’t get much of Andrew actually talking
But to everyone’s surprise, Andrew turns his inner monologue outwards and doesn’t shut up
He commentates the game from his perspective
‘And there’s the son of Exy Kevin Day running the ball up- and oh yeah no he’s down for the count’ *huffs a laugh through his nose*
‘The other fuckers have the ball now, if my brother dearest let’s them get it to my goal I’ll kill him’
And when the opposing teams striker trips Aaron up and gets past to Andrews goal he shuts them out of course
‘He’s dead. Find a new backliner coach’
When he gets bored of the game and the backliners are keeping the ball away from his goal he starts to sing
He does a full rendition of “Life is a Highway” because Neil and him watched Cars on the bus ride to the game
And he gets into it
He makes the guitar noises with his mouth and everything
He even sings it in the best low, country voice he can do
He interrupts himself in the middle of the song suddenly, feeling the need to give his full synopsis and review of Cars
‘If I was the stupid fucking car and I fell out of my sentient truck/trailers ass I would keep driving in the same fucking direction. Simple’
‘Josten would do the same thing as Lightning McQueen. He would fuck up an entire town, he’s already done it once actually, when he came here.’
‘Stupid junkie, I hate him’ he adds but there’s a fondness in his voice
‘How do the cars reproduce? Are there humans in this universe that build cars and then make them sentient? Do the cars bang?’
Halfway through his rant one of the strikers gets past Matt and Aaron and he doesn’t even stop talking when he smacks the ball halfway across the court
When the other teams strikers start breaking through the backliners more frequently Andrew doesn’t even seem to care
He just swats every attempted goal away, squawking a quite ‘mine’ like the seagulls from Finding Nemo after hitting each one
Mine *smacks* mine *swats* mine *swish*
He keeps his goal almost completely shut down the entire game, spare a few times when the other team can get the ball past him because he’s not paying attention
‘I wonder what coach is buying us for dinner after this. I hope it's good since we’re’ *his goal lights up red* ‘Oops, anyhow it better be good, I’m working my ass off out here,’
‘What if we all started moving in slow motion. Josten and Day would look stupid running up the court like that,’ *a ball flies past his helmet* ‘If we were in slowmo I would’ve stopped that’
He plays the entire game (Renee's out with an injury) and he shuffles through doing all this the entire game
He sings verses of whatever song pops into his head
He reviews the movies he’s watched recently
He commentates the game in his dry manner, listing off every stat he knows about the other team and then explains why they still suck
He makes fun of his Foxes and the other team
He talks about his random hypotheticals
All while keeping the goal almost perfectly defended against the other teams strikers
When the game ends and the Foxes are loaded back up on the bus they listen back to the recording of Andrews mic
And they’re shocked that he doesn’t stop talking once the entire game
They listen to his entire recording on the ride back to campus
All of the Foxes are laughing the entire time
Even Neil is smiling (even though he’s used to this version of Andrew that is weird and likes to ramble)
When they post his mic’d up highlights to their social media it goes viral
It’s their most viewed and liked mic’d up video
Their fans are begging for more of Andrew mic’d up but he refuses to do it again
He got the enjoyment out of doing it once and doesn’t feel a need to do it again
The foxes do start to pay a little more attention to what Andrew’s saying while in goal (and all the time)
Aaron Mic’d up
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silkythewriter · 8 months
I had an idea for a few headcanons you could do if ya want—
Maybe Sir Pentious with a reader who is so obviously in love with him, and keeps pining over him while literally everyone else but Sir Pentious himself can tell they like him? Like he's just really oblivous until reader finally straight up tells him.
Sir Pentious with a clearly in love reader!(●’◡’●)❤︎︎
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Warnings!: Non!
Fandoms!:Hazbin hotel!
Summary!: reader who’s clearly in love with our favorite snake demon
❤️Written by silkythewriter Do not steal or repost on any other platform please! ❤️
“Call me, you can call me
Boy, just call me (call me, call me)
While you stalling, I'm evolving
I'd give all me”
!🐍✨Sir Pentious✨🐍!
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First of all, just to get out of the way, THIS MAN IS OBLIVIOUS!!!!, Autism be damned my boy can pull without even telling!!!!!
No but in all seriousness he is oblivious to your obvious longing for him.
Everyone can see you giving him shy longing stares only for him to be ranting about his latest invention. Not only would he not be able to tell but he’d always think your just being nice!
Of course he’s crushing hard behind his bedroom door to his little eggs. Happily stating and going on rambles of how gorgeous you looked today. He’d state everything! From the new hair style you tried to the new piece of clothing you bought and wore. When I mean he notices everything I mean it, but for some reason he can’t pick up on your obvious love for him.
The way he could stare in your eye as you tell him he looks breathtaking and still think you mean it just to be nice is astonishing. OF COURSE HES BLUSHING AND KICKING HIS TAIL, but he can’t bring himself to think you like him anymore than just friends!
He’d go to his egg boys and sadly rant on how you’ll only see him as friend. And the egg boys all share one Brain cell so they can’t tell you like him aswell!, maybe they might accidentally spill, or almost spill the secret of him liking you but he quickly knocks them away before you can make sense of what their saying.
All the residents watch as you do your best to drop hints only for him to complete miss it. Even angel cringes as he watches him completely be oblivious to the obvious flirting, it’s take Charlie and Vaggie to stop him from pointing out the obvious.
Husk almost always gives Sir Pentious as gaze of just utter confusion and tiredness.
He’d gladly take flowers from you that you gifted him and take care of it for weeks on end without realizing the romantic gesture!
Alastor, as always finds it humorous, although he usually doesn’t indulge himself in romantic like things he’s find it hilarious. “Even with three eyes he still can’t see the obvious! Ha!”
Charlie tries to help to the best of her ability to help guid him the right direction but it’s just end up with him more confused. Vaggie just face slaps internally,
honestly the whole crew wasn’t having high hopes for him as dim as that is. , look! He ain’t bad looking, but not many people would prefer his clumsy self, so they were honestly hoping he’d figure it out before you possibly moved on.
Even when your upset at the obvious frustrating situation he’s still be confused while trying to do his best to comfort you.
“Well I think the man isss clearly as dumb as a rock!”
It took you starring dead in his eyes for him to question if you were alright. Before you stated it was him
The way he just stood staring at you in pure disbelief, before snapping out of it and embarrassed as his previous words. But after the said embarrassment he’s full with giddy, why of course you love him!, he’s the great sir pentious!
Yea his embarrassment would quickly turn into pride, considering he got someone as beautiful as you to fall for him.
Definition of a clumsy gentlemen, he’d open doors so fast it’d smack him in the face, or pull when it’s a push door and be confused why it’s not opening.(´ω`💧)
He’s just a silly lil guy! (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝)
I feel like the crew in the hotel would be relief to find he finally figured out.
At the end of the night he’s squealing like a high school girl as he rambles to his egg boys about you in a new light!.
He’s gift you small little trinkets or happily spend hours with you talking!
He’s as lovesick as your are! He’s just a bit dense when it comes to accepting the fact you love.
It’s like the roles switched! Now he’s daydreaming-ly staring at you happy to have you as his, and him a yours.
Like I’ve said before! He’s a total drama queen, he can’t help it!, deny him a kiss teasingly? He’s crumbling down to the ground and holding his chest as if he just had a heart attack! (¬_¬)
He’s not at all secretive of his love for you, even if he wants to, to keep his image “professional”, he just can’t help and dote on you!
overall he’s a big dote and softy even if he tries to hide it, loves you with his whole being! ( ˘ω˘ ) He can a be a bit over the top sometimes but you’ll come to accept it! And hey who wouldn’t want a silly snake demons who’s tripping over their tail for you. Yea you got him in and over his head but he wouldn’t have it any other way. The roles have truly reversed(≖ᴗ≖✿)
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sthrnstar · 8 months
simon doesnt text . not really anyways .
can't carry a conversation for shit , sounds too blunt , hates emojis , down right refuses to learn either . so he sends photos and voice memos . tells you about his day when he has the time , sends pictures of things that reminded him of you or what he thought you might like . ( pictures of his meals , the unit , holding his tea with the bracelet you gave him on full display )
he likes how much you text him though , no matter how long he doesnt reply you always keep him updated on your day . goodmornings and goodnights , rants about rude coworkers or customers , what cute dogs you saw today , how your cat shredded the corner of the couch again . he likes the little things . makes him feel like hes at home , listening to you ramble while you clean or relax after work . gives him something to look forward to thats not just clean clothes and his measly cot after a day out in the field
and if you send him more than just updates . . give him something to hide away in a private folder of his phone , guard with his life when the sergeants ( and price for that matter ) tease him . well who is he to say no to getting such gifts from his sweet thing back home . maybe he'll send a few of his own when he has the time alone .
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euaphora · 11 months
give it to me on the daily!
✎ᝰ toji x reader
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as much as toji hated to admit to things, he loved letting people know the ways you made him feel and what better way to admit his feelings for you than alcohol in his system.
He went out drinking with his friends for a couple drinks, his eyes felt so heavy and body felt like it was going to collapse.
It was a good thing Geto had called you earlier since he always knew before hand how much toji would drink.
“…like around twelve is good, we’re at the bar with like the thingy with the outside poster that says “enter if you dare” I think it’s for Halloween or something…so come when it’s time to pick him up.” Geto slurs, alcohol hitting him hard in the face already.
He would rarely go for a couple drinks, especially if it was with his friends, geto and gojo. Though, this week was kicking him in the ass so what better way to end the weekend off than with his friends and a couple drinks.
You got into you and got the car warm with the heater, holding you hands out while you start the car. Checking the time you realize it’s barely about to hit eleven so you get on the freeway and head downtown to the bar Geto mentioned.
Slowly pulling up to the gas station and parking your car, you step inside the store and buy some snacks for your boyfriend to munch on when you would pick up, not trying to get ready to hear his rambling. He would always get so hungry when he would go out to drink and begged you to make food or pull up to a fast food restaurant.
Walking over to the door to the bar you can hear someone whistling in you direction behind you and hear them screaming names at you, getting cat called pissing you off with the way how nasty guys could be. As soon as you enter you could immediately hear the loud laughs of familiar men making you smile.
“She even got me these cute black Uggs for this cold ass weather, I was ‘gonna wear them today but I didn’t want any…beer on them. And don’t even get me started…” toji hazily said, cutting himself from talking when he drops his fry that you were standing a few inches from.
He quickly looked up after realizing who’s shoes those were since you would always wear them with your gold anklet he bought you for your birthday.
He gets up from his seat while Gojo continues with his rant , automatically towering over you, looking down at you with low red eyes and a sly grin placed on his face, “Nice to see you..my sweet girl,” he gives you a passionate kiss on the lips, “did he call you again?” He asks, his hands holding onto your love handles.
“I think we both know the answer to that, you having fun?” You question, tilting your head while you bat your lashes up at him. He slowly nods, making you giggle at his slow demeanor.
“I’m fucking ready to leave, do you mind if we drop off the guys first?” He slid his hands off you and clamps his hands together, with a pout look in his face.
Reminding you of a little boy.
“Well of course, don’t want them to crash either,” you slightly laugh but then stay serious, looking at them you see them still rambling about work,“you guys ready to go already ?”
Heading out the bar, toji’s arm was wrapped around you for support so he wouldn’t fall and it seemed pretty impossible since his body weight was insane, muscles taking up most of his body weight.
Placing him down on the passenger sea, he mouths a small thank you and pulls himself off the seat to give you a hug. On the other hand, as soon as the other two boys entered the car, they knocked out the minute they felt cushions. You look in the backseat, watching them drool in their sleep.
Driving towards Gojo’s house, you feel a pair of eyes on you without having to look. Pulling out the bag full of snacks behind your seat, toji’s eyes lit up and grabs the bag once you pulled it out in his direction.
Fucking knew it.
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weird-is-life · 8 months
helloo! okay this might be a long request so buckle up. idea for spencer based off of my day; let it be know that i relate to spence, even if I have a "low" iq, what i mean is, I ramble. and watching people shut down spencer when he's about to rant always made me sad (obviously). but i realized it's because that happens to me. I'm a very geeky person so i get passionate and i understand why people would shut me down (still hurts tho). but today one of my friends asked a question it was about simpler animals and what the difference was. me loving animals and knowing the answer, well I spoke up but immediately got talked over about something not relevant. my real idea is, what if spencer had someone that rambled with him and appreciated his rants. like i think it'd be cute and they don't have to rant about the same thing, just both like in the corner talking absurdly fast together. and the team probably rolling their eyes. maybe??? (sorry if it was to personal) hope you have a great dayyy!!
Hiii lovely, ty for the request💕!! Hope this is okay, warnings: fluff, like one pet name (0.6k)
Sometimes Hotch kind of regrets hiring you (not really, you're a great  addition to the team and everybody loves you), but when he sees you and Spencer together, the thought crosses his mind.
What he really does regret, is putting your desk and Spencer's desk next to each other. Big, big, big mistake.
You and Spencer are hunched over something at your desk, talking very quickly, as you two often do. Hotch finds your conversations, against his better judgement, cute. But not when he's trying to start a meeting and you two can't seem to notice.
He and the team see this on a regular basis, it's nothing new, that you and Spencer talk and talk about something, anything, completely in your own world.
Your conversations are still the same just like the first time, you and Spencer met. Maybe they got even worse. You two can ramble on and on for hours like it's nothing.
And you love it. You love talking to Spencer. The topic of your conversation is never a problem, you can talk about anything and nothing at the same time.
Just the fact, that you can talk to each other without being talked over, interrupted or hushed down is everything to you and to him.
Spencer feels the same. He loves talking to you. Your sweet, sweet voice makes it even better. He loves even just listening to you talk, it's maybe his favourite thing in the world.
Especially, when you two talk about the most silly, random stuff, while lying in the bed late at night. Chuckling and rambling without a care in the world. Maybe he loves it so much, because the team doesn't know about it. It's like something sacred between just you and him.
That's definitely his happy place, just you two having a quiet conversations with sleepy voices.
"Spence, have you read this book before?" you ask, pointing at the book lying on your desk.
"Oh," Spencer's face lights up with recognition," I have. It's really good, right?"
"I don't know, I haven't started it yet. I want to, but I can't bring myself to read it after a day full of work," you say to Spencer.
"I-I could read it to you?" he hesitantly offers.
"Spence, it's almost 800 pages long...." you chuckle at his offer.
"I don't mind," he quickly responds.
You think about it, but not for too long. You don't really need convincing, not when it comes to Spencer.
"Well, okay then. But only if you really want to," you give him a smile.
"I want to," he reassures you," and i do have some suggestions...."
"Like what?"
"Like books, that are similar to this. If you like this one, I could lend them to you-" Spencer's fast rambling gets interrupted, but not by you, never by you.
"Yo, lovebirds, we'd be very happy to let you talk about whatever nonsense you're talking about, but we all want to have this meeting over with. So if you'd be so kind to join us, that'd be nice," Derek basically yells at you from the conference room's doorway, making everybody in the room look at you and Spencer.
Your cheeks go a bit pink at Derek's words, you haven't realised that they were waiting on you and Spencer.
"Relax Derek, we're coming," Spencer says back loudly, " come on sweetheart, let's go there before they get mad at us," Spencer tells you, rolling his eyes over Derek's words.
"We'll talk about the book more later, yeah?" Spencer promises.
"I could come over tonight?" Spencer unsurely proposes.
"That'd be great, I'd love that," you'd never pass an opportunity to spend time with Spencer and getting to listen to him talk.
Somebody would maybe find reading to each other boring, but you and Spencer would never. It's like your love language.
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ooo can i suggest prompt six? "Did you lie to me?" hehe
Thanks for sending a prompt, Nonny! It's my daily ficlet for today!
Daily Ficlet 6
Steve's never been a secret before. He's too likeable (or hateable) for that. He's never had to hide a relationship before because what girl wouldn't want to be with him? All his friendships are well known, or were, back when he was in high school. There weren't even secret rivalries!
So, it's an adjustment, keeping this thing with Eddie a secret. But he's trying. Even though all he wants to do is hold his hand every hour of every day he refrains because. Because?
Well, he's not really full on those details. He knows it's partially because Eddie isn't out to anyone in the group except Steve. He's not even out to Robin, and Steve thought for sure they'd figure each other out and bond over it but that hasn't happened yet. Eddie's also said something about keeping it to themselves so they can just be themselves, together, without other people. When Eddie had whispered that it had sounded so sweet and romantic. But that was, like, two months ago and it's.... it's still romantic, but Steve wants to ramble about how beautiful Eddie is to Robin.
Also! This secret keeping is causing Robin to worry! He can't keep secrets from Robin, he never has. He told Robin he thought he might like guys exactly 0.4 seconds after he'd realized it! In fact, he's so bad at secret keeping that he's told her he has a boyfriend. Won't say who, and Robin won't push. All he had to say was his boyfriend wasn't ready to come out and that was that.
He's out to the Party, too. Mostly as an accidental outing he didn't back down from even when Will offered him an out with his quick thinking. Jonathan knows, too. That was an on-purpose telling after Will came out to Steve when they were finally alone, and Steve learned Jonathan knew about Will.
Anyway. Steve's never been a secret before. He doesn't want to continue being one. He just wants Eddie's permission to tell Robin. He'll be fine with waiting even if Eddie says he's not ready for Robin to know, of course, but he just. He wants Robin to know who the amazing person he rants about is.
So, imagine his surprise when, halfway down the stairs to the basement at Eddie and Wayne's new house to talk to Eddie about telling Robin, he hears his name.
"-because it's Steve Harrington, y'know?" Gareth's voice floats up the stairs to Steve and he freezes. Is Gareth a goddman psychic!? How did he know Steve was here?
"That's your reasoning? Because it's Steve?" Eddie asks, and oh. They don't know he's here. They're talking about him. Steve should make himself known. He shouldn't just stand here and listen. But. Well, if Eddie's finally telling his friends about them, he kinda wants to hear it. Want to hear Eddie spill the secret so they can quit being so secretive.
"Well, yeah. You're the one who's always saying people don't change. Did you lie to me? To us? Has Steve changed?" That's Jeff's voice, and his questions make Steve gut twist. But Eddie's not Nancy. He's not- they aren't bullshit. Eddie knows that. He'll defend Steve. He'll tell them the truth. There's silence, though. Eddie doesn't defend him.
"What's with the silence?" Frankie asks, when Eddie's been quiet too long. Funny, Steve wanted to ask the same thing.
"I'm trying to not snap at you all," Eddie says, and he sounds angry. "I get that you guys might still be hesitant or whatever, but you don't get to come here and throw accusations when you haven't even tried to be friends with him! This is why I don't invite him to come hang out with us! 'Cause you can be a bunch of dicks sometimes!"
Steve feels a warmth bloom inside him. He knew Eddie would defend him, he did. It's just hard to believe sometimes, and he's not going to make that Eddie's problem. But hearing it. Hearing that Eddie does defend him even when he doesn't know Steve's around to hear it. Fuck, it makes him want to kiss Eddie so bad.
"Hey, man, I'm sorry," Jeff says, "you're right. We are being dicks, and pretty standoffish with Steve. We aren't giving him a fair chance."
"You're not!" Eddie agrees aggressively. "Even if he wasn't my b- my friend, he's still the reason I'm even fucking alive. So, respect that at least."
Steve stands at the midpoint of the stairs until the conversation turns to a different topic before he tiptoes back to the top of the steps to turn around and thunder down the stairs loudly, giving everyone in the basement a warning to his arrival.
He'll tell a lie, that he was driving around because he was bored and thought to stop and see what Eddie was up to, and get invited to stay and hang out. Eddie's friends are more open with him than they usually are and Steve doesn't waste the opportunity to try and really engage with them, get to know them.
He can be a secret just a little longer, he supposes, when he looks away from Jeff and catches Eddie staring at him with the same adoration he sees on Eddie's face when they're alone. And judging by the almost slip up earlier, Eddie might be getting closer to not being a secret, too.
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nedtylue · 1 month
Hellooo!! im sure you know why im here (hehehe),
May i please request some lucifer fluff, like how mc would have to go about (lovingly) forcing him to take a damn break, (mans may know he doesn't need as much sleep as a human but he still needs the normal amount of sleep a demon does) and i know the first idea is kind of overused when it comes to luci fics and headcannons buuuuuuut it could be reversed so that its mc who overworks themself (tbh relateable) and luci has to (attempt to) help them to relax and during his attempts hes like 'am I this bad when I overwork myself' (and a mc who overworks themself could be a prompt for all the bros if yoou wanted to write something with them all)
(also i may return with another request if i get anymore ideas your writing is very good (20/10 would eat if possible/hj) the second idea kind of sounds like im trying to sell you a car or smth lol i promise im not)
sorry if its alot i started ranting a lil bit (btw me mentioning 2 ideas usually means i had one and then it split as i was typing and my brain went maybe they want a choice)
(feel like i've typed too much) thank you for reading the ramble thing if you read all of it feel free to write it hw you want and have a good day/night (morning, evening, midday, lunch, breakfast???)
Hey sweetheart! I love this especially since I've been working on an angsty fic for a while so I really appreciate the fluff! Anyway I decided to just make it a full fic with only Lucifer, hope you enjoy!!
Please take a break
“Lucifer, could you please take a break? Just a quick nap, or even fetching a snack from the kitchen will do”
“I will, dear“ Lucifer replies, not looking up from his work “Just after I finish this paper”
And Mc sighs. They refrain from telling Lucifer that this is the fifth time he said that today. Saying so will only make him more stubborn
So Mc just settles in their chair and tries to get cozy. They check their DDD, knowing that it's way past their bedtime, and they're met with the clock mocking them that they'll have to be at RAD in four hours. Exhaustion washes over them, and they silently beg their future self to forgive them for the suffering they'll bestow on them
They put away their DDD, and when they feel their eyes droop shut, they feel a bit of defeat settle in their heart. This won't be the first time they fall asleep in Luci's study, and they know Lucifer will stop his work soon, will carry them to their bed, and will make sure they're well tucked and cozy.
They just hoped the break they give him this time wouldn't be the five-minute walk from his study to their room
But Mc still begrudgingly counts that as a win, because if this doesn't count as a way to distract Lucifer from his work for at least five measly minutes, then Mc might just go mad from watching this man work his life away
And soon enough, when Mc fell asleep and soft snores accompanied the sound of pen on paper, Lucifer would look up at his beloved darling. A small smile will appear on his face as he admires Mc and how peaceful they look while they're asleep. He still feels a sense of wonder every time Mc falls asleep in his presence, amazed by how at ease Mc is in his company that they'd let themselves be so vulnerable.
He'd admire their beauty for a long time, pen still in hand as if he could snap himself out of his trance anytime and continue working, but he knows he won't. Not when Mc is sleeping in such an uncomfortable position. He would sooner or later get up, and carry Mc in his arms to their bed. He would lay gently, throw the covers over them, and watch them. His hand would lightly move a few strands of hair from their cheek and would stay there, gently cupping his beloved's cheek, lightly caressing them when the love and adoration in his chest became too much for him to handle.
He sees the dark circles under their eyes and he winces, feeling a pang of guilt stab at his chest. Mc is just too stubborn. He's already told them that he's fine, that he doesn't need to sleep as much or eat as often as humans, but they still try to get him to take a break from his work. He even urges them to go and rest, knowing that humans should sleep for eight hours a day, but they refuse, saying that they'll rest once Lucifer takes a break.
He can't believe he fell for such a stubborn human
And yet, he smiles like a lovesick fool as he watches them sleep.
Lucifer feels a stir in the house. Satan must've woke up, and is making his way to the kitchen to start making breakfast. Lucifer checks the time and sees that Mc will have to wake up in an hour. He knows he must leave now, he's still got work to do before he has to make sure that his brothers are up and ready for school.
But then exam season rolls in, and something they didn't expect happened
He leans in, his lips briefly touching his beloved's hair, then he slowly gets up and leaves Mc's room, throwing one last glance their way, watching how their chest slowly moves with every breath, before he finally shuts the door behind him and makes his way to his study.
The brothers have seen how often Mc tries to get Lucifer to take a break no matter how much he refuses, and they let them. Soon, Mc will realise that there's no getting Lucifer away from his work (Unless there's an emergency, of course) They just gotta wait for Mc to make this realisation on their own
Mc now refuses to stop studying.
It was funny the first two days, exams haven't even started yet, they're going to start a whole week from now, and yet anywhere you see Mc, there's a book in their hands, or notes, or flashcards, or-
The point is, wherever you see Mc, they're studying. They'd get startled whenever anyone tries to talk to them, and if they agree to go somewhere or do something with the brothers to, you know, give themselves a break, they would agree. And show up with something to study with
Slowly, this stopped being funny when Mc and turned concerning very quickly stopped showing up at the dinner table, opting to eat in their room surrounded by their books. When whenever anyone would ask them anything they'd say 'Sorry, not now, maybe after I'm done studying' Even if they asked Mc what day it was, that's their answer!!
And they're never done studying! Even if you catch them without a book, they're mumbling to themselves various formulas, answering imaginary questions, and generally not beinh fully there! Their eyebags became so deep Belphie tried knocking them out one time, but Mc just sidestepped him. Their hair is disheveled Asmo tried taking them on a spa day, but the workers were so unnerved by Mc's constant mumbling and suddenly moving to check a lesson, a spell, or an answer on their DDD
It was also unnerving everyone they knew, the brothers, Diavolo and Barbatos, the angels, and even Solomon. They all tried getting Mc to take a break, but Mc refused. They keep telling them that they're fine, that they've slept enough, that they eat and take regular breaks (never mind that they barely sleep for one hour before they wake up for RAD, and take a half-hour nap max if they really, really feel like shit. never mind that all their food is snacks or that their 'regular breaks' are their bathroom breaks)
And Lucifer of course isn't just idly watching Mc wither away like this. He tries to take them on dates, tries to convince Mc to sleep at a reasonable time, and tries to make them eat anything that doesn't come pre-packaged
He's never seen them push themselves like this
“Well of course they will,” Asmo tells him as all the brothers look at him accusingly “that's all they see you do!”
“Yeah, you hypocrite” Mammon crosses his arms and shakes his head “How are they supposed to listen to a word you say if you do the exact same thing?”
“I'm a demon” Lucifer defends himself. He won't keel over if he works too much for a while, Mc will
“It doesn't matter to them,” Satan says “You showed them that overworking oneself is normal, now they're going to work until they burn themselves out”
Mammon rushes for the water-
“Not literally, Mammon”
Lucifer lets out a sigh
“I'll talk to them”
“That's not gonna cut it” Belphie glares at Lucifer
“You need to take care of yourself, Lucifer, and once they see you do that, they'll follow”
Lucifer stares at Beel, then slowly turns to look at the rest of his brothers. They all seem to agree, and that makes him sigh. He'll try, of course. For Mc, he's ready to do anything.
The tic-ticking of the clock stopped bothering Mc a long time ago. They stopped checking the time, watching the time pass makes them feel so nervous. Instead, they rely on the numerous alarms they set up on their DDD to tell them when they should sleep, wake up, eat, and check if there's anything they've put off doing for too long
“hmm?” They ask, still reciting under their breath how an Angel's muscles replicate the movement of a diaphragm when a human is near-
Something in the back of their mind tingles. They think they may have heard a knock on the door, and they might have mumbled “Come in” but they aren't entirely sure. They've been way too focused on memorizing the difference between angels' and demons' respiratory systems to notice the door opening and closing, to hear the footsteps, or sense their favorite demon coming up behind them. They only slightly turn their head when they feel a hand on their shoulder gently shaking them
“Mc? Could you leave your books for a moment?”
“I'm busy now. Maybe after I-”
“It's four in the morning, Mc”
Mc tilts their head slightly, looking at Lucifer in confusion before turning to look at the clock. There's no way it's four already, it was just one like half an hour ago-
But the hands of the clock show that it is four fifteen now. Shit, now they don't have time to revise the spells in chapter five before they go to sleep, and the General Spells exam is in three days-
“Mc, please look at me” A touches Mc's cheek and gently guides them until they look into Lucifer's eyes. He looks so sadly at them. It makes Mc wanna cry
“You've been pushing yourself far too much, my darling. What happened?” He asks, and something in how soft he sounds makes Mc lean into his hand until it's the only thing supporting their body
“It's just been a hard semester” Mc mumbles as they stare into his eyes. They shine so beautifully in the soft glow
“I see” Lucifer replies, feeling a bit of relief spreading through him. He's so glad Mc is actually looking at him, actually replying to him, and not just repeating that empty promise they've been saying for the past week-
Mc suddenly pushes themselves away from his hand and tries to go back to the book
“I have to study. I'm behind, I was supposed to be done with anatomy three hours ago. Can we talk later, Luci?”
A hand again guides their face, the other slowly turns the chair until Mc is facing at Lucifer. He’s kneeling on the ground and looking so gentle and tender and warm that Mc wants nothing to do but sink into his arms
But if they do so they might fail their classes, and Lucifer will be so disappointed in them
“Lucifer, please, leave me alone. It'll just be for one week, then I'll spend time with you all you want” Mc was now looking at Lucifer, a hint of frustration could be seen in their eyes. They really just need to get past this week, only this week, just one more week then they can rest
But their voice was laced with a hint of desperation. They can't let their grades slip, they can't
And something in Lucifer just breaks at seeing his darling like this.
His brothers' words echoed in his ears
He really is the one to blame for Mc's state here. How could he call himself a deserving partner when he's let Mc slip from him like this?
“No, Mc,” Lucifer whispers so tenderly as he takes their hand into his
“You need to rest, to eat. Come on, love”
He gets up and pulls Mc until they're standing up, then starts guiding them out of the room.
Mc resists weakly. They really feel tired, and they've been ignoring their hunger for-for… how long now?
“But Luci…” They still try protesting, hoping that he could at least let them study while they eat “I'm not done yet with todays studies”
“No, love” Firmness. He opens the door, and continues guiding Mc towards the kitchen “That's enough studying for today, and for tomorrow, if we can help it-”
“No!” Mc turns around so quickly and looks at Lucifer in panic “I can rest for today, but not tomorrow!”
Lucifer just chuckles lightly, feeling amused by their reaction and kisses their forehead
“Alright, you'll rest for today, and then we'll see what happens tomorrow”
Mc just sags and hums, closing their eyes and lean into the kiss, and Lucifer could feel his heart swell in his chest
His Mc is just so adorable
And so Lucifer makes them sit in the kitchen while he makes them a light snack, and watches them eat it. He guides his beloved to his room, where there's nothing they can use to study, and lays them in his bed, joining them so he can engulf them in his embrace.
He watches them as their eyes droop and shut, as their breathing evens out, and their body goes slack in his arms. He watches them for a long time, until sleep gets a hold of him too, and he finds himself drifting away into the land of sleep.
He wakes up to his beloved trying to get up, to leave his arms and go to RAD, but he just shushes them and holds them closer
“Shh, you're not going today. We can ask Satan for notes late. Rest for now, love”
And Mc goes back to sleep in mere minutes, and Lucifer decides to just follow them. He hasn't been around Mc for a whole week, would it be that bad to spend the morning drifting in bed with them?
Soon, Mc stirs and wakes up, and Lucifer feeling them stir opens his eyes. After a quick look at the clock to check how long they've been asleep for, he relents and lets Mc get up
“Where are you going” He squints at them suspiciously as he sees them move towards the door, and they look back sheepishly, like they've just been caught doing something they know they're not supposed to be doing
“I'm going to my room?” Lucifer shakes his head
Mc pouts at Lucifer but obliges, muttering under their breath a quick “Do I really?”
“No, go to the bathroom and take a bath. A long one, Mc. You deserve one”
“Yes, you do” Lucifer sighs and gets off the bed. He moves towards Mc and gently cups their cheeks in his hands
“You deserve to rest, Mc, you've been studying non-stop this past week” He leans forward and kisses their forehead “Now, go take a shower. I saw Asmo sneak in some products for you to use. I'll go prepare some breakfast for us, and we could eat in the garden, how does that sound?”
Mc nods, and Lucifer lets go of them. He goes to prepare some french toast- one of Mc's favorite breakfasts- along with various sweet fruits for them to eat and goes to prepare their little picnic in the garden
Soon, Mc joins him looking far more relaxed than before. He hugs them, his fingers combing through their soft hair as the smell of the strawberry shampoo wafts through the air
“How do you feel love?” He feels Mc's arms around him tighten as Mc snuggles just a bit closer, then they release him. It takes him a moment to release them too
“Better” They say, their voice so soft and they smile so warmly at him, Lucifer almost wants to pull them back into his arms
But he knows that his love hasn't been eating well, and he'd hate for their breakfast to run cold, so instead, he holds their hand and pulls them towards the table he's prepared for them
They eat in silence, enjoying the serenity of the moment, the presence of each other. Lucifer basks in the peace and quiet only the absence of his brothers give him, while Mc's enjoys how calm and silent their mind has become after their rest.
Lucifer seems to notice Mc's mind wandering back to their studies, and he frowns slightly at that
But exams aren't done yet, they still have a week of suffering before it's over. They really should be studying right now
...But they could have this nice morning for themselves. Just this once, as a treat
He lowers his cutlery, and looks at Mc, his expression serious yet soft as he calls for them
“Yes?” They know what Lucifer will try to say, and they know how to respond. They really need to study hard, or else their grades will slip-
Mc turns to look at Lucifer as they pop a bloodshade into their mouth, enjoying the sweet-sour taste of the fruit
“would you stop pushing yourself too hard if I stop too?” Mc startles at this question
“…what?” They stare at Lucifer, tilting their head in confusion. Where did that come from?
He puts his hand over theirs, and Mc sees guilt in his eyes. It's not a good look on him. Mc wants to squish it out of existence
“My love, you're always trying to get me to take a break, and I've always brushed off your concerns. I feel so foolish now,”
“You were acting like a fool, Luci” He huffs out, but mirrors the smile on Mc's face
“Yes, I suppose I was, but if watching me made you feel even half as worried as watching you study, then I ought to apologize to you. I'm truly sorry for brushing off your concerns, Mc, and making you worry about my well-being, and will take as many breaks as you want from me, dear, if you promise to stop overworking yourself"
He brings Mc's hands to his lips and kisses his knuckles, sending a wave of warmth travelling through Mc until it rests in their cheeks
"How does that sound, darling?” he asks and looks at Mc so sincerely that it almost makes them feel overwhelmed
So Mc smiles brightly at Lucifer. They nod, agreeing with this deal, and feel their heart skip a beat at the smile that appeared on Lucifer's face
Mc has known that they were overworking themselves, and maybe the thought that 'if Lucifer can do it then they can too' have crossed their mind once or twice, but they didn't think that Lucifer would get so worried. Worried to they point that he'd put his work aside, basically put Diavolo aside just for them.
Maybe they've pushed themselves too much. Maybe they need to slow down a bit, if only to stop the others from worrying, to stop their boyfriend from worrying.
And this sounds like a pretty sweet deal. Mc is not going to look a gift horse in the mouth
Yes, this is quite the sweet deal they have
Welp, this was fun! Sorry it took me more time than I thought it would, it was supposed to be a quick thing but, oh well
Also dw I also rant a lot it's like my brain just screams mid-writing You Know What Would Sound Better??!!! So yeah I enjoyed writing this and I really hope you enjoy reading it ^^
Also I really love your energy and I hope you have a fun day/night!!! (Brunch/ lunch /dinner??) :>
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clemkruckinnie · 6 months
Can you write something like your ‘first time’ fic with Dalton, except the reader is a virgin and Dalton isn’t, maybe Dalton is the reader’s first bf too?
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rocky road- d. lambert
a/n: i’m so sorry it took me so long to get to this! appreciate yall so much <333
it’s one of the first warm days on campus, after a long and brutal winter.
the courtyards are full of your classmates, the dorms practically empty as everyone tries to soak up the first few rays of sunlight.
you and your boyfriend, ever the introverts, decided to take advantage of the empty dorms, grabbing ice cream from the place right outside campus and eating it on his bed. dalton’s never been the type for a big social gathering, preferring his own company to anyone elses’. that is, until he met you. you, with your bright smile and warm personality, always ready to listen to his ramblings, or just let him sit in silence with you.
that’s what you two are doing today, finishing off your ice cream and taking turns catching up. dalton’s in the middle of a rant about his partner for a group project, when you notice a smear of his rocky road ice cream on his cheek.
“so i emailed my professor to let her know bryson had done zero percent of his- hey!”
without thinking, you’d leaned forward, licking the side of his face.
“what? it’s too good to waste.” you defend yourself. “i’m listening, keep going.”
“that’s pretty much it.” dalton shrugs, “that’s all i was gonna say before you licked me.”
you shrug, smiling.
“ok, you go next. did your roommate finally break it off with that tinder dude?”
“no! i don’t understand why. dal, when i tell you this man is the literal worst-“
your ice cream drips onto your thigh, the coldness stunning you momentarily.
the story you were about to tell dies on your tongue as dalton’s meets the skin of your thigh, licking off the drops of ice cream off your skin.
he comes back up, running a hand through his hair to push it back, then notices your flabbergasted expression.
“something on your mind?”
“you just-“ you gesture to your thigh, dalton raising an eyebrow.
“yeah? you licked the side of my face earlier.”
“that was your face, though, this was-“ you trail off.
dalton smiles softly at you, heat creeping into your cheeks at the way he’s looking at you.
“different?” dalton offers. when you don’t respond verbally, he shakes his head.
“tell me.”
“it was different. it felt- i just pictured-“
you sputter, your mouth moving faster than your brain.
“pictured what, baby?” dalton urges you. when you look down, silent, he grabs your hand, squeezing it lightly.
“hey, i’m sorry. i know you’re a virgin and i understand if you’re not-“
“i pictured your face—lower.”
you’re not sure where the confidence came from, and judging by the way his eyebrows shoot up, neither is dalton. he puts his hand on your knee, looking at you for assurance. you nod, heart in your throat.
“lower like—“ dalton moves his hand up, towards the middle of your thigh. “here?”
“no, lower like-“ your breath catches when he finally inches his hand towards where you need him, fingers ghosting over the fabric of your shorts.
“i can make that happen,” dalton offers, “if you want.”
you nod rapidly, dalton’s intense blue eyes meeting yours.
“i need to hear it, baby.”
“yes.” you breathe out.
dalton grins at you, leaning in for a kiss. this one’s different than the other times he’s kissed you—he’s needy, desperate to get his mouth lower, and lower, and…
he leans into you, your legs parting around him as you lay back into his pillows.
he pulls back from the kiss, leaving you dizzy as he tugs the hem of your top upward.
you oblige, lifting your arms up so he can get the item off as fast as possible. it’s flung into some random corner of your room, dalton moving to your bra before you can complain.
“can never fucking— there we go.” dalton gets the clasp undone, the way he phrased it reminding you once again he’s more experienced than you. it’s not something you should be insecure about, yet it is anyway, and dalton picks up on your shift in mood.
“baby?” dalton asks , fingers still pressed into your back. “you okay?”
the softness in his voice makes your stomach flip, and before you can even attempt to lie to him, it spills out.
“i’m just worried i won’t be good enough for you.”
dalton’s gaze softens, and he moves back up. you think he’s going to kiss your lips again, but he moves up higher, pressing his lips to your forehead. then, the bridge of your nose, then, under your eye. you giggle at the feeling of his lips on your face, and feel him smile against you.
“there you are.” dalton pulls back to look at you. “you are more than good enough for me. you’re everything.”
you catch yourself nodding as you look into his eyes, almost hypnotized.
“this isn’t a competition, okay? i just wanna make you feel good.” dalton assures you. he redirects his attention back down, sliding the straps of your bra off your shoulders.
“let me?” he offers.
you know better than to stay silent, but what comes out of your mouth next surprises both of you.
dalton’s pupils dilate. “oh, good girl-“
and he’s kissing you again, the intensity turned up somehow as he pulls off your bra.
before he does anything else, he pulls his own shirt off, flinging it like he did yours as he leans back into you, skin to skin.
“you’re warm.” you tell him, dalton laughing softly at your honesty.
“you are, too. and soft,” he trails his fingertips up and down your sides softly, his delicate touch making you shiver.
“you’re so responsive,” dalton tells you, “i love it. helps me figure out what feels good.”
“when i touch myself-“ you start, growing shy when you realize what you’re about to describe.
“go on,” dalton urges you, the sweetness and genuine curiosity in his gaze giving you the push you need.
“i start out by playing with my chest.”
dalton nods, sliding his hands up. he moves to cup your breasts in his hands, running his thumbs over your nipples. he groans softly as you buck into him, surprised at how quickly he’d found one of your sweet spots.
“like that?” dalton asks, already knowing his answer.
“yes.” you sigh, letting his hands work you over.
“never had a tongue on them, though. right?” dalton asks again. “bet that’d feel even better.”
“please, dalton-i wanna feel your mouth again.”
he tilts his head back slightly, adam’s apple on display before he moves back down. “you beg so nicely.”he tells you, not giving you any time to respond before he licks one of your nipples, leaning back and blowing cool air on it as he plays with the other one.
“oh-“ you moan out, dalton leaning back in to the other nipple and repeating his actions.
“look at you.” dalton marvels, sliding his hands back down again. “as fun as this is, i wanna taste you.”
the way he talks about it sends a pang between your legs, parting them further as dalton moves backwards. he reaches the hem of your shorts, grabbing the waistband and tugging as you lift your hips.
“you’re just as eager as me.” dalton jokes.
“maybe more.” you joke back. “only by a little, though.” you smile, dalton returning it before his gaze drops back down between your legs. he hooks his fingers into your panties and pulls them down, you repeating your previous motion to fully reveal yourself to him.
“oh.” dalton marvels to himself. “baby, look at you.” before you can even think of shutting your legs, he seemingly reads your mind, grabbing one of your thighs and pressing down to keep you open for him.
“i’m gonna take my time with you.” dalton tells you, eyes flicking from yours back down to your pussy. with his free hand, he trails a finger up through your slit, slowly dragging your wetness upwards.
“dalton-“ you whine, desperate for more than what he’s giving you.
“i know, baby.” dalton attempts to soothe you. he presses an open mouthed kiss to your thigh, fingertip ghosting over your clit.
“i need you, please-“
he pulls away, cool air settling against the patch of your skin he’d been kissing moments earlier. you’re about to ask him what’s wrong when he finally has mercy on you, dragging his tongue through your folds, circling your clit with his tongue once he reaches it.
you moan embarrassingly loud, thankful that your neighbors work the night shift as he starts to work you over. he’s slow and meticulous, savoring you as you whine and gasp under his mouth. it’s almost too much, and you find yourself squirming underneath him.
he puts a stop to that quickly, wrapping his arms around your thighs and tugging you closer to his face.
“don’t run from me.” he warns you, the seriousness in his voice making you dizzy as he continues to eat you out.
“won’t—“ you moan, voice giving out to a whine as he takes your clit into his mouth and sucks. “i promise, just wanna be good—wanna be your good girl.”
he moans against you, the vibrations rolling through your body as you shudder.
“fuck—gonna be the death of me.” he mutters. before you can respond, he takes your clit into his mouth and sucks, whatever comment you were going to make giving way to a loud whine.
“oh my god, dalton!” you cry out, hands flying to his hair to grab onto something, anything to keep you in your body.
his jaw goes slack against you as you tug, pulling him as close as you can as he continues to lick you. your brain feels fuzzy, each stroke of dalton’s tongue feeling like a little jolt of electricity as you get closer.
“baby,” you gasp, “i’m so close, please-“
dalton speeds his motions up, looking into your eyes as he does. the coil in your stomach winds tighter and tighter, until dalton pulls away, lips making a lewd smacking sound against you.
“do it, angel,” he encourages you, “cum on my face.”
the sultriness of the words he chooses and the harshness he sucks your clit with push you over the edge, nearly screaming dalton’s name as you cum.
he detaches himself from you, shaking his hair out of his face and moving to get on top of you.
“feeling good?” dalton asks you, only able to give him a dazed nod as your chest heaves.
“catch your breath.” he tells you sweetly, kissing your temple as you finally come down.
“i’m good. i’m really, really good.” you tell him, finally able to speak again.
“good. i can, uh-“ dalton sputters, as if he didn’t just tell you to cum on his face moments prior, “i can tell. do you want some water, or-“
“i want you.” you tell him. “i’m ready, i want you.”
“you don’t have to, i’m fine just laying here-“
“dalton, please fuck me.” you plead, his eyes darkening as you do.
“well, i can’t tell you no, not when you beg like that.” dalton relents, kissing you chastely before he pulls back to dig through his drawer.
“there we go.” he pulls a condom out of the drawer, tearing the wrapper open. he discards it soon after, pulling down his boxers and letting his already hard length spring free.
“woah.” you marvel. “is that-“
“because of you? yeah. you try listening to your girlfriend’s pretty moans with her thighs around your head without getting hard.”
you grin up at him, watching him intently as he slides the condom on, pumping himself a few times before he moves to line himself up with you.
“hold onto me.” he tells you, you obliging as he slowly starts to push himself in.
“oh-“ you gasp, clutching at dalton’s shoulder blades as his tip starts to stretch you out.
dalton pants above you, tilting his head back as he pushes in further. “so fuckin’ tight, shit—you okay?”
“yeah,” you tell him, “yeah, just keep going slow for a bit.”
dalton nods, grabbing his headboard so hard his knuckles turn white as he pushes further.
“almost all the way in,” he tells you, “you’re taking me so good, pretty girl. you ready?”
you nod, looking into dalton’s eyes as he finally bottoms out, his blue eyes rolling back at the feeling.
“oh my god-“ dalton moans, “fuck.”
the dull ache of being stretched open for the first time subsides pretty quickly, because the pain isn’t as strong as the arousal you feel from watching dalton. he looks angelic above you, face glistening, hair still messed up from your hands.
“move, dalton, please-“
he finds his pace quickly, his eagerness making your head spin as he fucks you. it’s like it’s the last time he’ll ever get to feel you like this, wrapped around him, clinging to him like he’s your savior.
“sweetest pussy i’ve ever fucked, shit-“ dalton groans, his words making your stomach flip. “‘s all mine, right? you’re all mine?”
“yes!” you whimper, scratching down his back. “i’m yours, i’m yours-“
dalton tucks his face into your neck, sucking and biting the skin there, marking you from the inside out as his thrusts get sloppier.
“i’m so fuckin’ close, you gonna cum again? gonna cum around this dick like the good girl you are?”
before you can answer, dalton brings his thumb down to circle your clit harshly, a broken moan clawing it’s way out of you.
“do it baby, cum with me, i’ve got you, i’ve-“
your second orgasm hits you like a freight train, clenching around dalton as you scratch his back.
“good girl, good fucking girl, good—oh, fuck! “
dalton’s thrusts slow to a stop as he pumps the condom full, head hanging low, strands of his hair brushing against your forehead.
he leans down farther, kissing your forehead again as you both catch your breath.
“you’re so beautiful.” dalton marvels, moving the hand not supporting him to caress your face. “how are you feeling?”
“tired.” you tell him honestly.
“aw, i wear you out?” dalton teases you. “i’m gonna pull out, ok?”
he eases himself out of you, tying off the condom before tossing it into his trashcan.
“here,” he hands you the hoodie he’d been wearing and your panties, pulling his boxers and sweatpants back up as you get dressed. he climbs back over you, pulling you into his bare chest as he lays back down.
“i can hear your heart beating.” you tell him, slinging an arm around his waist as he tucks his chin on top of your head. he rubs your back, content to just lay with you.
“get some rest, pretty girl. i’m not done with you yet.”
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hypnos333 · 8 months
I can’t help falling in love with you
Clarisse la rue x Black Nike reader
Synopsis: You are always wining in capture the flag and such but some of the kids in Artemis got sick of you winning
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“Wise men say Only fools rush in But I can't help falling in love with you” You singed to yourself quietly watching the girl love fell in love with laugh with her sibling. Your siblings watched you with a smirk all Nike’s children are all full of victory and between a week they were all claimed.
You were no different with a gift from your mother of a gold leaf crown.
You were the most important to Nike, because you are her full breed. And her only full breed, that’s what her gift was made for you.
“___! Today’s capture the flag help me with my Armor sis. Please, Please, Please” Your younger brother begs making you look away from Clarisse before holding his hand as he leads you towards the Nike cabin to get ready. Without your knowledge though Clarisse stares at you with liking and interests before getting ready herself.
This time Nike is partnered with Ares which made you excited to work with Clarisse. Ares and Nike are allies in away both desperate in winning and take pride for they’re victory.
“Tell us the plan Victory” Clarisse teased making you roll your eyes before telling them the plan and that made Clarisse made interested in you then expect.
“I’ll have Clarisse back on the trees and for better view of the flag, good luck” You told everyone but pacifically to Clarisse as you looked at her in the eye before climbing the tree jumping roots to roots. As Clarisse run from below ahead of you. Everything was going great until you were shot down by an arrow someone shot making you fall on the ground harshly making you cry in pain as your back crack out of place.
“Well well well it seems we were right about you being in the trees to bad you accidentally fell” A Apollo kid states holding his bow and arrow out on you with three other of his siblings. As you continued crying in pain.
The kid kept on ranting until a punch was sent his way making blood spill and the kid was on the floor. You looked up to see Clarisse in a protective stance. “C-Clarisse we didn’t mean t-to right ___-“Shut up” she interrupted him before punching him countless of times. His siblings long ran away, and when she was finally done she carried you back to camp.
You continued the cry in pain as she tried to counsel you “Shhh I know I know we’re almost at the medical center” She said softly. and as she promised you did make it on time luckily a medic was there and gave you nectar to heal from your broken back.
Clarisse was there by your side every step of the way and when it was still too painful to walk she carried you on her back and you always thank her with a kiss of the cheek. She’ll always grab you lunch for you or even feed you but you weren’t that helpless.
Once you did get better, your life turned even more better the next day.
As you walked back to your cabin with your younger sibling you noticed clarisse on the porch with white roses. “Clarisse what are you doing here?” You asked as she handed you the flowers ignoring the question as you thanked her.
“I wanted to ask you out on a date” She mumbled out making you shock before smiling instantly.
“Of course I want to go on a date with you, I thought you’ll never ask” You said excitedly wrapping your arms around her as she had her hands on your hips. She watched as you rambled to her excitement making her lean you into a kiss.
You smiled in the kiss thinking how perfect this turned out as she couldn’t help but to fall in love with you.
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redr0sewrites · 6 months
I don't usually see him in that light but the fluffy vox headcannon was absolutely adorable and definitely a pleasant read. I'm not one to steal ideas but any chance of some Charlie comforting fluff at some point? Time with that cinnamon roll just seems perfect after a bad day.
ADJDHSHE TYYYYY!!! i had a bit of a shitty day today myself and i love charlie sooo yea ♥️
🥀Cw: none really, fluff, lil bit of angst to comfort
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how does it feel to have the sweetest gf in the world?
seriously though, charlie cares about you so, so much. she's also pretty perceptive, maybe not incredible at reading people but emotionally intelligent enough to be able to tell when your upset. charlie is definitely very empathetic and once she knows someone well, she can tell how they feel very quickly. sometimes you won't even realize how upset you are until she asks you if you're okay, and the weight of the past day or so comes crashing down around you as you finally feel genuine comfort.
charlie is very cuddly, and when you're feeling down she's always willing to offer some hugs or affection of any kind. however, she's also very understanding in the case of you not wanting to be touched, and will offer to get some snacks and blankets and just sit together!
charlie is an amazing listener, always providing great advice and sweet solutions. you'll be laying with your head in her lap as she plays with your hair, rambling about your shitty day while she listens carefully, occasionally pausing to press a soft kiss to your forehead before you continue
charlie, like vox, would also be the type to sing to you when you're tired, or even dance with you after a long day. you both are definitely the type of couple to dance in the kitchen to soft music, and this often occurs unprompted. you'll be sitting, looking miserable and tried and charlie will scoop you up and pull you along until your both swaying to the rythm, and she'll twirl you and dance with you until giggles fill the room and a smile is on your face
YOU TWO DEFINITELY HAVE SPA DAYS TOGETHER!!! when you're overworked and exhausted she pleads with you to take the day off and you indulge, allowing yourself to be pampered by her. you guys will do facemasks, paint eachothers nails, do full skincare and haircare routines, everything! she'll even give you a massage, forcing you to relax. she truly does care about you more than anything
she def likes to talk to you about her day when you're too tired to rant, and she stays close to you when she knows that you're not feeling great. she doesn't want to be irritating, but she wants to let you know that she's there if you need her ♥️
overall, charlie is very caring and a TOTAL sweetheart when it comes toy our wellbeing. she genuinely cares so much about your feelings and you matter to her a lot, so she always wants to make sure your happy and content
"hey baby!! how are youuuu?" charlie grinned, opening her arms as you stepped inside the hotel. your smile didn't meet your eyes as you stepped into her embrace, leaning against her as she ran her hands through your hair. "m' fine," you murmur, pressing a kiss to her cheek as you pull away. charlie arches a brow, not pausing for a second before scooping you up into her arms. "you don't look fine," she hums, carrying you towards your shared bedroom. "you need rest! you look exhausted- what did i say about pushing yourself too hard?"
you chuckle at her endearing tone, her nose always scrunched up when she ranted and you can't help but kiss her again. charlie flushes, entering your bedroom and dropping you unceremoniously onto the mattress. you grumble for a second as she joins you, wrapping herself in a blanket and grabbing some snacks from her nightstand. "lets just chill, we can watch a movie!" charlie offers excitedly, and you nod, relaxing against her. soon, you feel your eyelids start to droop as exhaustion takes over.
i am so tired and i feel like shit but i love herrrrrrrr!!! i need more reqs for the fem characters fr‼️ sorry this is so short i am very tired and i cant breathe through my nose and my throat and head hurts and i am Trying My Best
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nevernonline · 1 year
✧.* crash into me; lsm one shot.
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A one shot based off what transpired before these texts.
✧ Synopsis: Lee Dokyeom was your closest friend. After a friendly dinner you head back to his apartment, to play a game little did you know it would crash the friendship barrier between you two.
✧ genre/s: fluffy, friends to who knows?, 
✧ warning/s: suggested smut, suggestive humor and theme, kisses, lots of hands, some light drinking. 
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Sitting at your favorite table awaiting the arrival of your best friend Seokmin, felt like a lifetime. It was a Friday night so of course the line was accumulating outside the restaurant and the patriots were waiting for your seat where you selfishly look like you’re taking up a table for you and your seltzer water. 
Through the large glass windows waiting at the cross walk you spot him looking for a chance to jaywalk across the street safely and sprint breathlessly to your side. 
As Ola, you and Seokmin’s favorite waitress brings him to the table alongside your cocktail orders, you can feel at peace again. That’s what he was to you, peace. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I got stuck helping someone with a task just as I was ready to leave. I feel so bad.” 
The brown haired boy now stripped of his denim jacket, resembling a puppy now flipping through the menu as if he wasn’t sure what to order. 
“It’s okay, seriously. I just mainly feel bad because all of those couples outside were starting to give me the stink eye. Also, I already ordered for you, why are you looking at the menu?” 
“You’re so right, I don’t know. I’m really flustered for some reason.” 
You slide his gin and tonic closer to him. 
“Drink this, please. You’re going to pop a forehead vein if you don’t settle down, Seok.” 
“You are right, for the second time. Maybe you should take up gambling.” 
As his breaths get back to normal, he takes another look at you. Your hair was up off your neck elegantly, a cream colored blouse with brown trousers, and the loafers he bought you for your birthday last year on your feet. He noticed you wore makeup today, a rare occasion for you since you didn’t need it. 
“Why do you look so beautiful today?” 
The words just escaped his mouth like word vomit, he couldn’t help but tell you. 
“Do I not look like this everyday?” 
He leans back in his chair to get a better look at you, sizing you up again. 
“No, something is different. Not that you don’t look beautiful all the time, but something is standing out to me..” 
You raised your hand from your side of the table to rest on top of his. 
“Seok, you’re rambling again.”  
His long fingers enclosed around yours as he held onto it a moment longer than normal. 
“No, I’m just trying to get my point across. I’m doing a bad job of it, but you are really beautiful. Got it?” 
A blush rose to your cheeks as your hand found its way back to the now sweaty glass and finished off the liquor inside. 
“Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself.” 
 His megawatt smile flashed itself your way and you continued to enjoy your meal without any more of Seokmins semi-sober ranting. 
┄┄ ︰ ┄୨୧┄ ︰ ┄┄┄┄ ︰ ┄୨୧┄ ︰ ┄┄┄┄ ︰ ┄୨୧┄
“GOD, I am so fucking full. That was amazing.” 
You giggled slamming the front door shut behind you, making your way into Seokmin’s apartment. 
“You know it’s extra good when I can sleep on your shoulder the whole bus ride without you smacking me.” 
“Seok, I do not.” 
“Uh, yeah you do, you're like some little old woman.” 
Suddenly a t-shirt hit your lap, coming from the entryway of Seokmin’s bedroom door. 
“I figured you’d want to wear that to sleep, I’m not letting you leave here alone when you’ve been drinking.” 
Your head turns slightly to your right to reply, but your eyes caught a glimpse of Seokmin in only his boxers changing into his own sleep shirt. It’s not wrong to stare at your best friend, right? 
“Do you want to watch a movie or play a game, maybe have wine?” 
His voice grew closer as you were still stuck staring at him. 
“Uh, can we do all of the above?” 
“Yes. Hurry up and go get changed, dummy.” 
You’re now standing in the same spot Seokmin was moments before, not at all baiting him to glance your way, but for some reason you couldn’t help yourself. With your back turned to him it’s impossible to see if he’s actively watching you, but you can tell by his sudden silence that he just might be. 
“Okay, so what shall we do first?” 
Sitting down next to him now matching his own outfit, underwear and his t-shirts.  
“I say we put on some music and play that funny truth or drink game you made me for a gift a few years back.” 
“Only if you want to die tonight, you NEVER answer any of the questions unless it’s like ‘golden retrievers or huskies?’”
Seokmin slapped your arm, removing himself from the floor to hunt down the laminated pieces of paper. 
“Okay, well how about we only get three chances to plead the fifth, any other question you have to answer or you have to drink.” 
Your eyes roll watching him move swiftly through his home, now grabbing a freshly opened bottle of red wine. 
“Plus it's only wine so we can cap it off at one bottle otherwise I do have opened tequila.” 
“Seok, do you not remember what happened the last time I had too much tequila?” 
“Sort of. I was equally as drunk as you if not more, all I remember is you’re  clingy as hell.” 
Taking the space across the coffee table from you, he placed the stack of questions down, and poured half of the red liquid in two coffee mugs. 
“Ladies first.” 
His eyes crinkled on the side as he smiled, waiting for you to read the first interrogating question. 
“Okay,” A laugh escaped your lips before reading out loud. “What’s the shortest amount of time you’ve known someone before hooking up?” 
“Oh come on, you can answer that it’s easy.” 
“Hm, I really was a little crazy when I first went to college. I’d have to say maybe a half hour?” 
Seokmin just nodded, nothing about that was too crazy. He knew about your freshman year of college. 
“Alright, Seoky. Saddle up.” 
You giggled, taking a sip of your wine out of turn, watching the face of the other player turn red. 
“What’s your most embarrassing fantasy?” 
He flirts with the idea of answering that most of his recent fantasies have involved you, but instead he takes a swig of his drink. 
“Oh come on. You’re no fun. Pick another card, Seok.” 
“That’s not how this game is played, you go.” 
“What’s the most embarrassing time you got turned on?” 
You stretched your head thinking you should confess to your friend that watching him change earlier brought on some sort of fever, but decided against it. 
“Actually, this is embarrassing. But, do you remember my friend Jeonghan from college?” 
“Yeah, of course. Tall, blonde, and gorgeous guy.” 
“Well one time we were studying for a biology exam and the AC in the library was broken, so it was ridiculously hot. We were both sweating a bit, but he was wearing a sweatshirt and I fought and fought him to remove it so he could be more comfortable. Like, it was clearly distracting him. But, he told me he didn’t have a t- shirt to wear underneath.” 
As your story continued Seokmin felt himself catching a wave of jealousy. 
“Lucky for him, I did have my gym bag for later. So I lent my workout top to wear. When he came back from the bathroom he was in a white crop top and for some reason I got so turned on by him wearing my clothes and studying. Like when he burst into the room I swear I almost fucked him right there.” 
“So you got turned on by a guy wearing your clothes? You’re such a typical man, Y/N.” 
“Hey, shut the fuck up. Men wish they were like me.” 
Seokmin’s face now hotter than ever reached back into the pile. 
“What’s the dirtiest text you’ve ever sent?” 
He tried to think of anything even remotely scandalous he could tell you, but came up flat and a little embarrassed. 
“Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever sexted in my life.” 
“There’s no way you haven’t.” 
“No, I’m serious. The only girl I really dated long term used to try to send me stuff like ‘oh i want you so bad, Seokmin.’ or ‘I wish you’d come over to take care of my problem.’ But I was oblivious and would just respond with things like ‘Well you already have me.’ and ‘What’s wrong?’ I promise I’ve never sexted or even tried too, I would be awful at it. I can barely flirt and make it obvious.” 
“She was trying to get you to fuck her and you thought she had an actual problem?” 
“Yeah, I’ve never been good at flirting.” 
As you laugh at his innocent mistake, and continue to drink your wine you come up with an idea. 
“Okay, let’s practice.” 
“Practice what?” 
“Flirting, like we can roleplay you flirting with me right now, let’s go.” 
“Are you serious?” 
You patted the floor on your side of the glass table trying to get him closer to you. 
“Deadly, now come on.” 
He still didn’t move, so you pushed yourself off his carpeted floor and sat facing him at his side, finally turning to you, you noticed how nervous he seemed. 
“Look, it’s just me. Nothing bad can come out of it.” 
“How do we even start doing this?” 
“Hmm, here scooch is a little closer to me. Just tell me a line.” 
Seokmin placed his warm hands on your criss-crossed knees and looked deeply at you, almost into your soul. Your stomach fluttered at the closeness, even though touching for the both of you wasn’t unusual. 
“Hey, baby. I -” 
You cut him off blissful with laughter, nearly spitting your sip of wine onto his white t-shirt. 
“Oh, come on. I wasn’t that bad was I?” 
Dialing it back slightly, your now crying eyes and painful belly, just shook your head. 
“Why were you so serious? Like be yourself, come on.” 
“Let’s just stop. I can't do this, it's too embarrassing.” 
“Fine, here. I’ll teach you.” 
You stood up now, gesturing to him to follow. When he does, you hand him his mug and give him a little nod. Walking over to the knob for the lights to be more dim, only the sound of your feet and the soft party playlist lingering in the background, you strutted back over to him.  
Your free hand snaked its way up to his shoulder as you gave it a little squeeze indicating you’re going to start now. 
“So, I was over there.” Your hands gesturing to the very bedroom you watched him changing in earlier. “And, I just wanted to tell you that I think you’re really hot.”
“You do?” 
As you nodded, his eyes followed the traces of your exposed neck all the way down to your bare legs. 
“Do you want to dance with me?” 
A question a little silly for you two just being in his apartment, but anything to make him more comfortable without having to talk. 
Seokmin took back both of your mugs and placed them down onto the table, wrapping his hands tightly around your lower back as yours reached into his hair and laid your head down onto his shoulder. 
As you swayed looking out the window to the sparkling cityscape you felt him pull away slightly from you. 
“What are you thinking about?” 
A simple question. 
“How badly I want to kiss you.” 
The words left his mouth with honesty. 
“See that’s a good line.” 
“It’s not a line, I just really want to kiss you.” 
Your head came up off of his shoulder to search his eyes. 
“I, uh. You do?” 
Suddenly you were the one rambling, finally not in the dominant position. 
He just nodded, leaning down to your wine stained lips and planted a kiss as light as a feather on your face, just missing the target. 
You now rolling your eyes dug your fingers deeper into his brown locks and crashed into him. 
The two of you still swaying your bodies to the song started to go deeper into each other, kissing more rapidly now. 
When he stopped for a minute to lift you into his arms, Seokmin’s lips reached the spot on your neck that was just sensitive enough to have a moan breathe out. 
No words were exchanged as he laid you down on his perfectly made bed and continued exploring you, not until it was over did he mutter something that he often says to you, but it had a different meaning now. 
“I love you.” 
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