#funny & charming enough to pull it off i suppose
kitsuga · 1 day
Accidents Happen. {Mammon x Reader/MC}
A fic in which Mammon sucks MC into another attempt to make money and have to run from Lucifer; accidental confessions are involved
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Tags: fluff, accidental confessions, mammon and his money making schemes again..., reader is mc in this one!, wrote this based on base game mammon not nightbringer, not beta'd, not edited, gender neutral reader, mammon x reader/mc, obey me! x reader/mc, obey me!/obm/om, mammon
Word Count: 1,212
A/N: Written on: June 26, 2021 
Hes so CUTE I had to write this, there was no stopping my hand 
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“Calm down, calm down—we have enough photos for everybody!”  
“Mammon, we’ve got another one asking if we have any of ‘Lucifer sneezing’. Why are they so specific?” 
“It’s funny, and he’s vulnerable; the perfect photo!” 
“Do you... have one?” 
“Nope! Tell ‘em to think bigger!” 
Mammon lost MC in the crowd again as succubus and demon both surrounded him, looking to get their hands on exclusive photos of his brothers. He was all smiles, laying his charm on thick to get as much money as he could out of all the suckers—30,000 grimm for a photo of Satan asleep on a garden bench? 500,000 grimm for a photo of Asmo in a face mask? These people were fools and he was ready for the bountiful gold harvest. 
Luckily, MC agreed to help him. They said they were only in it so long as they got a cut of the profits, but Mammon knew better; they were always the person he turned to for shenanigans because they were the only one willing to jump head-first into anything with him. He scanned the crowd for them again, his smile growing even wider when he caught sight of them smiling with another demon, a devilish glint in their eyes as they exchanged a photo for cash.  
All was going well—they were almost out of photos and they had made an absolute killing; Mammon even had a card reader for his D.D.D. where that direct deposit tasted so sweet. Even better—not a brother of his in sight! No Lucifer, not even a Diavolo! He looked over at MC who gave him a knowing smirk and a thumbs up. Mammon felt as though he were surrounded by the sun, the comfort of finally winning wrapping around him like a blanket—it didn’t last long. 
With a crowd this big, it was sure to draw attention sometime; despite its size and the large amount of people pushing and shoving to get to the center, Mammon could still pick out the ever-authoritative Lucifer among them all. His fever dream snapped and started crumbling within seconds; he called out to MC. 
“Shops closed! Thanks fer comin’! Time to book it, MC!” 
Hopping off of his makeshift pedestal, MC met up with him; he grabbed their wrist and started to hightail it out of the crowd, pushing, shoving, squeezing through people as he told them off when they complained. He could hear people behind the two of them complain more about being shoved and others squealing over the appearance of Lucifer. For a split second, Mammon considered staying within the confines of the crowd, just running in circles between people to keep the distance between the two of them and the ball of fury that was on his way—it was a short-lived plan as he realized Lucifer was starting to disperse the crowd; what was he supposed to do? What was he going to do? He nervously called out to MC. 
“Hey uh, got any ideas?” 
They clicked their tongue and flipped the script, grabbing onto his wrist and pulling him along instead. 
“Follow me and keep your head down!”  
They lead him in a zig-zag motion through the people before bursting out of the crowd straight into an alleyway where they ran as fast as they could. They made their way through various streets, alleys, anywhere they thought they could get away from Lucifer; whenever they thought they were far enough, they ducked into one last alleyway and hid behind some stray boxes and trash cans. They both collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily and lounging as though they were about to fall over completely and pass out at any moment. Once they both caught most of their breath, they finally looked at one another and started in a fit of giggles, steadily growing to a stomach-aching laughter. MC started to settle down first, wiping away a few stray tears while Mammon worked on slowing down back to giggles. 
“You know,” MC started, pausing to take a few breaths, “Lucifer’s going to make us give all that money back.” 
“Yeah,” Mammon could hardly get out through his laughter. 
“We’ll probably be punished severely.” 
“I’ll just blame it on you.” 
“Hey!” Mammon pointed an accusatory finger in their direction. “You were in on it too! Don’t leave me hangin’ like that!” 
“Every person for themselves,” they stuck their tongue out and bit it, a smirk on their lips. 
Mammon glared at them, though it wouldn’t be for long since their smile turned to a shit-eating grin and he couldn’t help but reciprocate. They moved closer to him, tapping his chest with a fire in their eyes. 
“Besides, he won’t know about the money on Goldie if we don’t tell him!” 
Mammon’s smile grew from ear to ear, a warmth growing in his chest like a ripple with each tap of their finger. He didn’t realize they had moved so close, but he felt so warm and comfortable, he couldn’t help but look at them with a soft, loving look in his eyes. He spoke before he could think. 
“See? This is why I fell in love with ya, MC.” 
Their widened eyes staring back at him snapped him out of his love drunk gaze. He could feel his face heat up along with his chest this time, his eyebrows drawing together in false anger in an attempt to backtrack what he had said. His eyes darted around, looking everywhere except into MC’s, biting his tongue a lot as he tried to stammer through a few words, a few excuses, none of which were successful. He kept trying to turn his face away from them, but they simply followed his gaze, an evil smirk following his eyes around. 
“Quit it, will ya?” He closed his eyes and turned his face away again, “Forget it.” 
“Oh, come on Mammon, tell me what you said.” 
“I said nothin’!” 
“Something about falling in love with me?” 
Mammon stopped his back and forth arguing with them after they put a hand over his, leaning in dangerously close to his face. MC pushed his sunglasses up, taking a good look at him; he swallowed hard and found it almost impossible to look into their eyes, but pushed himself to do so anyways, even when they leaned all the way in and gave his lips a gentle kiss. 
Starstruck, lovestruck, whatever kind of struck he was, he couldn’t move. He couldn’t close his eyes, he couldn’t kiss back, he just sat there with wide eyes and his face as dark as it could go. MC didn’t stay long, pulling away with an innocent smile this time, reaching up to grab his chin gently and shake his face back and forth. 
“Well, you’ll have to love me later. Right now, I think we gotta get going.” 
They stood quickly and pulled him to his feet, taking off without him, laughing at him whenever he called out for them to wait. He sighed, both exasperated and in longing, and watched them as they went; maybe he’d take this money of his and take them out to a nice dinner for once. 
“Mammon...” A booming voice came from right behind him. 
Or... maybe not. 
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mildmayfoxe · 7 months
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re: my post awhile back about befriending servers went out to get dinner with a friend at the german restaurant bc it’s finally getting nicer outside & they opened their side patio and charmed the server so much that she gave us free shots at the end of dinner in little boot shaped shot glasses and asked us our names & said she would be happy to see us around more often. but before that i asked her for her recc from the dessert aperitifs list & she told me i should try this zirbenz stone pine liqueur (pictured) and i was like “yes please bring me the tree” and it was extremely astringent and piney but definitely worth the try. anyway there’s nothing better than peddling my little jokes into making a server laugh especially if it gets me free stuff at the end (never my goal but always welcome)
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.𖥔 ݁ ˖🦇 ݁˖ ݁𖥔 . |Webs And All|.𖥔 ݁ ˖🦇 ݁˖ ݁𖥔 .
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《When a Spider falls into a new world, she didn't expect it to be so.. "Batty" than the others she's been in.》
Hurriedly swinging on rooftops and walls, you gaze in awe of the night sky. Warmth filling your body as the night air floats on your suit. Taking in the night sky...
Before smog and gas cover it as you jump down on the roof top. Pouting at the loss of the clear sky as you frown.
"I forget how polluted this city is.." You grumble, going to the ledge as you place your arms on the railing. Gazing down at the city lights and billboards.
Blinking innocently at one of the paid advertisments, you squint at it curiously.
"Wayne Enter.. Prizes? Technology.." You giggle at the guy on the board. His charming smile and flirty wink was not something you've seen often for an ad for tech.
You start re-calling a few worlds that did, but with a another billionare..
"Hmm, well. That's enough day-dreaming!" You shake your body, wanting to get your jitters out before taking a deep breath... Shooting out one of your webs to a near by ledge as you run and jump off.
Feeling your body pulled downwards, you pull your web as you glide through the air. Twirling slightly as you smile underneat your mask. Laughing once more as you swing forward.
..Let's do things differently this time.
Your name is (Y/N) (L/N), you were bitten by a radioactive spider..
Yet you weren't the only one.
But now.. Your on your own, though you weren't the only one.
With a fleeting glance at you, the supposed.. Dark Knight: pays you no mind. Eagerly taking down villians left and right, as the two of you finish them off together.
You were supposed to be back at HQ.
Things didn't go as planned.
You made it work, with this "new" life of yours.
Stumbling over your shoes in a hurry, you place down the box of donuts on the big fancy board meeting table. Glad that the stairwell was open, sighing in relief, you miss the eyes that watched you leave the building. While you headed to your next job!
In this Au, Spider!(Y/N) is a temp-worker and delivery girl. Just an odd young gal doing jobs around Gotham, ordinary and sweet.
She has a multiverse-watch, handmade specifcally for her by Miguel. Being one of his first recruits to the Spider Society, yet with the new Multiverse-Canon she's stuck in, the watch forms within her body to make it more acceptable to deal within the world.
Due to this, she doesn't "glitch" is the best term
"Welcome! Lord Hades!" The man dressed in a toga greeted cheerfully. You squint in confusion. Glancing at your companion as you walked closer to his side.
"Ah.. And fair Persephone, it seems you've taken form as garden spider. How quaint!" He spoke jovially as he held out a golden goblet to the two of you.
"Be serious Max! That's Batman and-"
"But Batman is a mere mortal! And what mortal has reached the summit of Olympus and survied!" Placing a hand on Batman's shoulder, the man gestured to his cup.
"Come! Brother! Unveil yourself and your bride in the nectar of the gods!"
-Batman The Animated Series 1992 Ep: Fire From Olympus
Spider!(Y/N) doesn't know Batman's idenitiy, and funny enough. He doesn't know hers, in the beginning. I'd like to think maybe down the line there's a possibility! I just think it's silly-er.
I'd like to think the dynamic between the two is Batman served as a comedic foil to Spider!(Y/N). Sorta, "brooding guy-and happy guy". Also, I like to point out, they can both can be silly in their own ways!
Just them figuring it out with Batman is hilarious in itself.
Biting into the dish, you beam in joy! It tasted so sweet! And.. Tangy, with a bit of sour. Invested with the tasty dish, you fail to notice the striking blue eyes glancing at you from a distance. Naively standing alone in your waiter uniform as you nibble on the treat.
"Ah, Mister Wayne, good to see you." Jim Gordon, dressed outside of his usual detective get-up greets. Flattening down his suit before grabbing one of the fancy champange glasses from one of the servers.
"Oh, Commissioner!" He spoke in suprise, greeting him as the two started to chat. "-And there it was... Mister Freeze and that giant lizzard."
"Dinosur." Gordan corrected.
"Whatever, doesn't make any sense. What does Victor Freeze gain by destroying a bunch of bones?" The billionare huffed.
"That's the question alright, I wish I had the answer." The Commissioner sighed, brows lowering in thought.
-Batman The New Animated Adventures 1994 Ep: Cold Comfort
[This was a small personal project for me, I had this idea since Into the Spiderverse! I would honestly love some feedback for this! I also would love to hear your guys own ideas in the aak box!]
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appocalipse · 8 months
hello! can I please request "I really, really want to kiss you right now." with steve and our shy!reader friend?!
here you go my love! hope you like it ♥ 1.3 k
The rain catches the two of you by surprise.
It pours down relentlessly, the cold droplets stinging your skin as you and Steve hurry towards his car, sadly parked way too far away from the charming flea market you had somehow dragged him to earlier that afternoon. 
Well, not really dragged exactly — Steve himself had volunteered to give you a ride the moment he heard you telling Robin how much you wanted to go and see if you could find some new furniture for your apartment, maybe even some decorations. But you felt as if you had dragged him there because, c'mon, what kind of guy thinks walking around a flea market with a friend is any fun?
And to top it off, the summer rain had come out of nowhere, sending everyone desperately running for shelter somewhere. Some lucky vendors had their tents already set up when it started, others began trying to cover their wares with tarps or whatever else they had at hand. A good number of them simply started to pack up their things to leave though, as did most of the potential customers who had been taking a look around — you and Steve included.
He had left his BMW in the parking lot of a closed store. It had seemed much closer before than it does now, as you and him run through the rain, palms over your heads to try to shield your faces from the relentless water.
You accidentally step into a puddle. Water splashes around your ankle, wetting the bare skin all the way up to your calf. You mutter a curse under your breath, deeply resenting your decision of wearing a summer dress today. "Oh, great." 
Steve chuckles, looking over his shoulder to you. Then what you can only assume is instant karma happens, and he slips and falls into a larger puddle, splashing water all over his pants and shoes.
You try to hold back, you really do, but the laughter is already building up inside of you, threatening to come out. And besides, he makes no move to get up, sitting there on the ground all wet, looking up at you like an abandoned puppy.
You giggle, which makes him laugh as well. 
"Sure," he says, "go ahead and laugh."
"Sorry, I'm sorry!" you choke out, trying to hold back your laughter as you approach him, offering one hand to help him up. "Are you okay?"
But of course he is. Except for the blow to his ego, that is. And now, in addition to just being wet, his jeans are also partially stained with mud.
And the t-shirt — which is white, no less — starts to stick to his skin, giving you a view you didn't ask for but that's certainly hard to ignore.
Steve accepts your hand, but you use both hands and too much force to pull him up, so he almost collides with you when he finally stands, his face inches from yours. You both laugh, because it was supposed to be funny — his head almost bumps into yours — but he grabs your shoulders and the remnants of the laughter from before slowly die when you realize without a doubt that he's looking at your mouth.
And you at his. In the rain. Doesn't get any more romantic than this.
Except for the fact that Steve is Steve, the former King Steve, the boy who had a pretty girl on his arm every week, while you are...you.
You're not sure who pulls away first, who clears their throat, changes the subject. But before you know it, you're sitting in the passenger seat of Steve's car, staring at the dashboard as lightning cuts across the darkened sky in the distance, a storm clearly brewing.
And it's worse. This feeling you have whenever you look at him or he says your name or anyone mentions his…it's somehow worse like this, in this moment, inside this car.
As if that wasn't enough, he offers you a jacket that he takes from the backseat. His jacket.
"Thanks," you murmur, taking the jacket and putting it on. It's warm. You remember the last time you saw him wearing it and resist the urge to close your eyes for a moment, inhaling his scent that still clings to the fabric. It's like a mix of laundry detergent, soap, and something uniquely Steve.
You feel a blush creep up your neck, and you look away, trying to focus on something else. Anything else.
He hasn't started the car yet, you notice. Perhaps  he's considering waiting to see if the weather will get a little better? It doesn't look that bad that it's not safe to drive, you think.
“Sorry for dragging you here for nothing,” you say, when it’s clear he’s not going to say anything.
“You didn’t drag me,” Steve assures you, sitting half to the side to look at you. "And what do you mean, for nothing? You wanted to look at the furniture, didn't you?"
"Yeah, but we didn't buy anything and now you're all wet."
He chuckles so quietly you almost don't hear. "I didn't come here to buy furniture."
You think about asking what he actually came for, but that would be a stupid question, wouldn't it? A hope of hearing something that he probably won't say. He came so you could buy what you wanted. He's a good friend like that.
Still, when you turn your head to look at him, there's something different in the way he's looking back at you. You smile, hoping to God he doesn't notice the nervous edge behind it, "What?"
Steve opens his mouth. He's pretty sure he didn't give those words permission to come out, and yet they come out anyway,  hoarse and low, "I really, really want to kiss you right now."
You watch his lips move as he speaks, but it's like your mind can't process the words. 
And once you do, you blink, not quite sure what to say to that. Your heart feels like it's trying to escape your chest, a wild thing thumping against your ribs. But there's something else in there too. Something warm. Something you haven't felt in a long time.
The front seats are close enough, so Steve reaches out, cupping your cheek in his hand, his thumb brushing across your lips. "I've wanted to for a while now," he whispers, leaning in closer.
You feel hot all over, the air in the car suddenly too thick to breathe. 
Steve's fingers trail down your cheek, his thumb tracing the outline of your bottom lip, teasing you. It's a slow, deliberate movement, as if he's memorizing every inch of your face, every second of this moment. "Do you want me to?" he whispers, and the teasing tone in his voice makes your stomach flip over. 
Your mind is spinning, but somehow you manage to force out the words, "Yes." You mean it. God, you mean it.
Steve's smile grows in that charming, lopsided way he has when he's happy. You can feel the warmth of his breath against your skin as he leans in closer, closer…and then his lips are there, pressing softly against yours. Feather-light at first, like he's testing the waters, making sure this is what you want. But when you part your lips, letting him in, he deepens the kiss, his tongue dancing with yours in a slow, lazy rhythm, one of his hands coming up to cup the back of your head, holding you to him.
And then, all too soon, he pulls back, his forehead resting against yours as he catches his breath. "Was that…was that okay?"
You smile, leaning as close to him as you can without jumping over the gearshift.
"It was more than okay."
[join my 3k followers celebration! ♥]
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writingduhh · 1 month
Would love to see a Fake Dating trope with Schlatt if you want 👀
This trope has been rotting my brain 😮‍💨
YES I LOVE ITTTT! Sorry for the mega mega delay
Jschlatt || The Perfect Scam
Summary: When you need a date to your cousin's wedding, your best friend Schlatt suggests the perfect plan: fake dating. But what starts as a convenient arrangement soon spirals into something more. (fem reader)
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You had never been more desperate for a date in your life. Your cousin’s wedding was this weekend, and the idea of showing up alone while your ex flaunted their new relationship made you want to hurl. Unfortunately, every attempt to find a plus-one had failed miserably, leaving you with only one option: suffer through it or... well, you didn’t know what else.
Schlatt, your best friend, wasn’t much help either. He was leaning back in his chair, sipping a beer with a lazy grin as you ranted about your predicament. “You could always just tell everyone you’re happily single,” he suggested with a shrug.
You groaned, throwing your hands in the air. “They’ll never believe that. My family is obsessed with relationships! It’s bad enough they’re already convinced I’ll die alone.
Schlatt chuckled, the sound rich and amused. “What you need is a fake boyfriend,” he said, his tone dripping with mischief. “Someone who can make your ex jealous and shut up your nosy relatives all in one go.”
You looked at him skeptically. “And where exactly am I supposed to find someone willing to do that on such short notice?”
Schlatt raised an eyebrow, his grin widening. “You’re looking at him, sweetheart.”
The idea hit you like a ton of bricks. Schlatt... as your fake boyfriend? You couldn’t deny it made sense—he was charming, confident, and definitely knew how to play the part. But you also knew Schlatt, and the guy lived for chaos. Agreeing to this would be like handing him a golden ticket to mess with you for an entire weekend.
Yet, as you considered the alternative, Schlatt’s offer didn’t seem so bad. You sighed, the weight of the situation pressing on you. “Alright, Schlatt. You’re on. But no funny business, okay?”
He put a hand over his heart, feigning innocence. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
The days leading up to the wedding were a whirlwind. Schlatt threw himself into the role with an enthusiasm that both amused and unsettled you. He insisted on practicing hand-holding, linking your arms whenever you were out in public, and even coming up with pet names that made your skin crawl—and secretly your heart flutter.
“Come on, babe, we’ve got to make this convincing,” Schlatt would tease, slinging an arm around your shoulder and pulling you close. You’d roll your eyes but couldn’t ignore the way your pulse quickened at his touch.
The wedding day arrived too soon, and you found yourself standing outside the venue, nerves buzzing through you like electricity. Schlatt was beside you, looking more handsome than ever in his suit, his signature smirk in place.
“Ready to pull off the scam of the century?” he asked, offering you his arm.
You took it, your heart racing. “Let’s do this.”
Inside the venue, Schlatt played the perfect boyfriend. He was attentive, affectionate, and never missed a beat in making sure everyone saw just how ‘in love’ you two were. His hand rested on your lower back as he guided you through the crowd, and his fingers would brush against yours in fleeting, yet charged, touches.
You approached your parents, and your mom’s eyes lit up when she saw you with Schlatt. “Oh my goodness, you brought someone!” she exclaimed, giving you both a warm smile. “And such a handsome young man too.”
“Mom,” you warned, already sensing her wheels turning.
Schlatt grinned, taking your mom’s hand and giving it a charming squeeze. “Mrs. [Your Last Name], the pleasure is all mine. I’ve been dying to meet the woman who raised such an incredible person.”
Your mom practically melted on the spot, while your dad gave Schlatt a once-over, trying to size him up. “So, how long have you two been together?” your dad asked, his tone casual but curious.
“Oh, it feels like forever,” Schlatt said smoothly, slipping his arm around your waist. “I knew [Your Name] was the one the moment I laid eyes on her.”
You shot Schlatt a look, trying to gauge if he was joking, but his expression was unreadable. Your dad raised an eyebrow, still skeptical. “And what do you do for a living, Schlatt?”
Schlatt flashed a confident smile. “I run a few businesses here and there, nothing too fancy. Just enough to keep things interesting.” He winked at you, and you had to resist the urge to roll your eyes. Your dad seemed satisfied enough, nodding slowly.
“Well, as long as you treat [Your Name] right,” your dad said, his tone firm.
“Like royalty,” Schlatt replied with a smirk. “You have my word.”
You were just starting to relax when you spotted your ex across the room, walking hand in hand with their new partner. They noticed you too, their eyes narrowing slightly as they took in Schlatt’s arm around you. Your heart sped up, the old insecurities bubbling to the surface.
Schlatt leaned down, his breath warm against your ear. “Showtime, babe.”
Before you could respond, Schlatt was guiding you toward your ex, his posture relaxed, but his grip on your waist firm. “Well, well, look who it is,” Schlatt drawled as you approached, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Fancy running into you here.”
Your ex looked from you to Schlatt, their expression carefully neutral. “It’s been a while,” they said, their tone polite but with an edge.
“Yeah, it has,” you replied, trying to keep your voice steady. “This is Schlatt, my boyfriend.”
“Nice to meet you,” Schlatt said, extending his hand. “I’ve heard so much about you.”
Your ex hesitated before shaking his hand, his grip just a tad too firm. “Likewise.”
Schlatt didn’t miss a beat, pulling you closer and pressing a kiss to your temple. “You know, [Your Name] and I were just talking about how lucky we are to have found each other,” he said, his voice dripping with affection. “I don’t know what I’d do without her.”
Your ex’s smile tightened, but they managed to keep their cool. “I’m glad you’re happy,” they said, though it sounded forced.
“Never been happier,” you replied, leaning into Schlatt, the warmth of his body seeping into yours. You weren’t sure if it was the wine or something else, but being in his arms felt... right.
Schlatt’s fingers traced patterns on your back as he spoke, his voice low and intimate. “We should be get back to the party, babe. Don’t want to miss our song.
You nodded, letting Schlatt lead you away. Once you were out of earshot, you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. “You really laid it on thick back there,” you muttered, but there was no real bite in your words.
Schlatt just shrugged, his smile playful. “What can I say? I’m a man of my word. Besides,” he added, his voice dropping to a softer tone, “it’s not hard pretending to be crazy about you.”
You felt your cheeks heat up, and you hoped the dim lighting hid the blush creeping up your neck. Schlatt was always flirty, always joking, but something about the way he said that made your heart flutter.
The reception was in full swing by this point, the dance floor packed with couples swaying to the music. Schlatt kept you close, his hands resting on your hips as you danced together. The night had a dreamy quality to it, like you were floating on a cloud with Schlatt as your anchor.
“You’re a better dancer than I thought,” you teased, grinning up at him.
He chuckled, spinning you around before pulling you back into his chest. “I have my moments,” he replied, his tone light. “But you make it easy, you know.”
“Make what easy?”
“Being with you,” he said, his voice sincere. “I know this is just pretend, but... it feels real sometimes.”
You looked up at him, surprised by the honesty in his words. “It does, doesn’t it?” you admitted quietly.
The song slowed, and Schlatt’s gaze locked onto yours, something unspoken passing between you. The playful banter, the stolen glances, the way your heart skipped a beat whenever he touched you—it all started to add up to something more.
“Schlatt,” you began, but the words caught in your throat. You didn’t know what to say or how to say it, and the intensity of his gaze made it even harder to think straight.
Before you could figure it out, the moment was interrupted by your mom, who appeared out of nowhere, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “You two are just the cutest!” she gushed, clasping her hands together. “I knew you’d find someone special, [Your Name]. And Schlatt, you’re such a gentleman. We’re so happy to have you in the family.”
You smiled awkwardly, trying to process her words. Family? This was fake, wasn’t it? But the way Schlatt’s hand tightened on your waist as your mom spoke made your heart do a funny little flip.
“Thank you, Mrs. [Your Last Name],” Schlatt replied smoothly. “I’m the lucky one, really. Your daughter is... she’s amazing.”
Your mom beamed, clearly charmed by him. “Well, I hope you both know you’re always welcome here.”
“Mom,” you started, but Schlatt cut you off with a gentle squeeze.
“We appreciate that,” Schlatt said, smiling down at you. “Right, babe?”
You could only nod, your thoughts a tangled mess. The line between what was real and what was fake had blurred beyond recognition, and you weren’t sure how much longer you could keep pretending.
As the night wore on, the reception began to wind down, and the guests slowly trickled out. You and Schlatt stepped outside for some fresh air, the cool breeze a welcome relief after the warmth of the crowded hall.
“You were amazing tonight,” you said, turning to face Schlatt. “I can’t believe you pulled that off so well.”
He shrugged, his expression softer than usual. “Anything for you.”
The sincerity in his voice caught you off guard, and you found yourself searching his eyes for any hint of a joke. But all you saw was... him. The Schlatt you’d always known, but also someone you hadn’t fully understood until now.
“Schlatt, I...” you began, but your voice trailed off, the words dying on your lips. You didn’t know how to say what you were feeling, how to admit that maybe—just maybe—this hadn’t been as fake as you’d thought.
Schlatt stepped closer, his hand reaching up to cup your face, his thumb brushing over your cheek in a tender caress. “You don’t have to say anything,” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’ve been thinking a lot about us, and...”
“And?” you prompted, your heart racing in anticipation.
“And I think I’ve been falling for you for a while now,” he admitted, his eyes locking onto yours. “This weekend just made me realize it.”
Your breath caught in your throat, your heart pounding so hard you were sure he could hear it. “Schlatt, I... I think I’ve been falling for you too,” you confessed, your voice shaky but sincere.
The tension between you was electric, the air charged with unspoken emotions. Slowly, almost hesitantly, Schlatt leaned in, his lips brushing against yours in the softest of kisses. It was tentative at first, as if testing the waters, but then the floodgates opened, and the kiss deepened, full of all the emotions you’d been holding back.
When you finally pulled away, both of you were breathless, your foreheads resting against each other’s as you tried to make sense of what had just happened.
“That didn’t feel very fake,” you whispered , a small smile tugging at your lips.
Schlatt chuckled softly, his thumb tracing lazy circles on your cheek. “That’s because it wasn’t,” he replied, his voice full of warmth. “I don’t want this to be fake anymore. I want us to be real.”
You nodded, your heart swelling with a mixture of relief and joy. “Me too.”
And just like that, what started as a pretend relationship had blossomed into something real, something that neither of you had expected but both of you wanted more than anything.
As you stood there in Schlatt’s arms, the night sky above you, you couldn’t help but smile. Maybe this weekend hadn’t gone exactly as planned, but in the end, it had turned out better than you could have ever imagined.
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nightwngz · 1 month
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— 𝓐 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨 ✮!! eng.
fratboy!wally west x fem!reader
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀… drabble, porn with plot. smut. dirty talk, multiple orgasms, oral sex, fingering.
𝗰𝗼𝗽𝘆𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁. . . no copying of my work is allowed. Free translation is allowed as long as I am credited.
𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘂𝗮𝗴𝗲. . . as I said in my other posts, English is not my first language. I have tried to make corrections with the translator, but as you all know, it is prone to making mistakes, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes or if anything sounds weird.
𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲. . . A friend of mine gave me the idea for this, so I said, 'Okay, this sounds good,' and decided to write it. I hope you like it.
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Since you started university, you’ve always been part of the crowd. You never cared about being popular or standing out in class; you just wanted to get by like everyone else. You made an effort to fit in without drawing attention, avoiding conflict and focusing on passing with just enough.
Being part of the university meant interacting with certain people, even those you weren't particularly interested in but had to tolerate. Like the popular guys from a fraternity whose name you couldn’t quite remember, led by Richard Grayson and Wallace West—better known to their friends as Dick and Wally—or those slightly higher on the social ladder than you.
Dick Grayson was friendly, and his appearance clearly explained why he was so popular. He was also sweet and kind, so much so that if one of your friends asked you directly, you'd probably admit to having a crush on him. Wally, on the other hand, was a different story. Although he was funny and somewhat charming, and also popular because he was Dick's best friend, he didn't appeal to you as much. In fact, there were times when he would shamelessly try to flirt with you, but you would just respond with a gesture before completely ignoring him.
Conveniently, no matter how hard you tried to stay away from Wally, he always found a way to cross your path. Like the day you were sitting with Timothy Drake in the cafeteria when Dick Grayson came over to say hello to his brother. Wally seized the opportunity, walked up, grabbed Dick by the shoulders, and wasted no time flirting with you.
— Don't worry, babe. If you don't understand anatomy, I can give you a lesson or two.
You don't know what part of you thought it was a good idea to have Wally help you study. But you didn't realize how bad it was until the books fell off the bed where you were supposed to be studying and his face literally ended up between your legs.
You had never been with someone with such fast skills, so to speak. It was like being with The Flash himself. His tongue moved quickly over your wet pussy, causing your eyes to roll back in pleasure.
His tongue glided over your lips, tracing them from top to bottom, while his greenish gaze was fixed on yours. With one hand he helped you to spread your legs wider and with the other he filled your tight hole completely with two of his fingers. Then, growing restless, he moved to your clit, where he began to give you sweet, teasing licks. His mouth moved so quickly between your clit and your lips that it seemed he was caressing both at the same time.
And when you arched your back, with moans so intense that Wally was sure they could be heard in the hallway, he knew you would climax any moment, for the third time that night, with minimal effort on his part. It hadn’t even taken him more than five minutes.
Sweat trickled down your forehead as you reached your climax, and a wave of pleasure swept through your entire body. As you gasped, you watched as Wally pulled away from between your legs, a mischievous smile on his face. He looked beautiful, his mouth smeared with your fluids, and maybe that's why you didn't ask him to clean up.
— Damn, babe, that was so good. After what comes next, you'll be so dazed that the only name you'll remember from these books will be "Wally”.
You looked at him with wide eyes, confused by what he meant by 'after what comes next.' Hadn’t it ended? You wondered if you could handle more, given that you had already had more than you could bear.
— Oh, what? Did you think that was it? Unfortunately for you, we're not done yet. And I have enough stamina to fuck you for hours.
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kachowden · 2 years
Hii! I just saw your Loren art work and HE. IS.SO. CUTEEE!!! 💖💖 the pink collar around his neck is 😍😍 but it made me think of a funny scenario (most likely one where reader knows about his obsession with them and uses it to their advantage)
It was a huge game for the college team. Almost everyone and their grand mama came to see it! Two rival teams competing against each other, both known for their long streaks of winning, and not only that! Loren’s darling is on the sidelines cheering him on! (You are probably just watching the game bored out of your mind cuz the coach FORCED you to be there *saying it’ll give them a higher chance of winning*) unfortunately though Loren’s team seems to be losing by a couple points. The stands are restless and the other teams stands even started mocking the players! With Loren’s coach yelling and hollering he suddenly got an idea.
Coach: OY! Number 13’s (girlfriend/boyfriend)! Get over here!
Surprised at the sudden call over you quickly walked over to him. “What-“ “-no time for Lilly gagging! I need you to give number 13 a pep talk! Some type of motivation! You hear me!? I ain’t gonna let these assholes win!!” He cut you off and told you what to do. Thinking for a minute as he pushed you to where Loren was taking a break on the bench, a thought popped up. You sighed and stood in front of him, he looked up to you in with that cute gaze and a sad smile. “Hey (y/n), I know this ain’t look too good but I bet we can still turn this around!” He tried to stay positive (as positive as you can get when making a fool of your self in front of your crush). You just lowered yourself to his eye level and started talking.
(Y/n): don’t worry bout that, don’t worry about what already happened. Just focus on what you do next. Cuz like you said you still have time to turn it around. *you grabbed the back of his neck and leaned into his ear, whispering* if you do manage to win,I’ll celebrate with you-give you a reward. I’ll do things so VILE to you that it’ll make the devil blush~ *giving him a smirk and a kiss on the cheek you left him on the bench*
Meanwhile the other team:”We are destroying those fools!” “They can’t keep up with us!” “That trophy is—wait do y’all hear boss music??”
Long story short Loren’s team won, the other team had most of their players end up in the hospital and he didn’t leave your apartment for almost 3 days after. (He also couldn’t walk properly for a whole week and had to wear more “covering” clothes for a while) —💖💖 anon
I almost feel like I don’t need to write anything at this point! The scenario is too good too pass up though.
Loren was frustrated. You could see it from where you sat on the teams bench. Technically, you weren’t supposed to be sat their, as it was reserved for the team and all, but the coach had made an exception for you on account of Loren’s-….crush. Or whatever it was. You didn’t know and you didn’t care.
But you had to admit, seeing that look on his face was a little upsetting. The guy had been sweet to you. A little overbearing, but sweet. And you found it a bit hard to deny the butterflies in your stomach whenever he looked so eager for praise or attention from you.
You weren’t stupid. Loren had made his intentions very clear after the first few meetings. “My lucky charm” he so often said. You found that almost laughable, what with how unlucky you often seemed to be.
That felt all the more true when you watched Loren let out a frustrated sigh, his helmet being roughly pulled from his head as the coach called a time out.
You watched, in a somewhat flattered manner, as narrowed brown eyes found their place on you, and subsequently widened in shock and awe. A wide smile broke onto the star players face as he made a beeline straight towards you.
You stood up once he came to a stop infront of the bench you occupied, and handed him his water bottle.
Loren’s tan cheeks flushed darkly, though you weren’t ignorant enough to assume it was from sweat with the way he was staring at you.
It was intense enough to make your heart beat just a little faster.
He panted after a quick sip, trying to catch his breath and not sound more pathetic than he felt.
“What-“ a deep breath “what’re you doing here? I thought you had a test tomorrow?”
Loren didn’t do much to hide how happy he was seeing you. Though the embarrassment of his previous play seemed to quickly settle in when he realized you had been watching him flounder about on the field.
You gave a soft huff and folded your arms. “Yeah-, well.” You glanced to the side, a bit shyly. You weren’t embarrassed. Only a little actually. Maybe a lot. “I finished early and decided to come see the game. A friend of mine told me it was a big deal or something so I figured I’d might as well.” Actually you knew the whole time. And you skipped studying. The real reason you showed up was because you felt guilty after seeing his face when you first rejected the offer.
God it payed to be pretty didn’t it?
Loren’s smile became all the wider at your answer. Though you spotted what seemed like mirth dancing in his eyes, before he shook his head of the cold water he sprayed onto it and looked deeply at you.
“Well I’m glad you came. Though, I wish you hadn’t see us getting our asses kicked out there..”
Jesus that kicked puppy look was killing you. You imagined he probably felt the brunt of his teams failure. Since he was the captain and all. You felt a bit bad for the guy.
You bit your lip softly.
Am I really about to do this?
If there was one thing you learned about Loren, Is he was driven by motivation. And nothing got him more motivated than you. He was more like a dog than people realized.
With only a few minutes left in the game, you decided it was a now or never situation. Besides, it wasn’t the worse case scenario.
You didn’t mine the idea actually.
With quick resolve you gripped the front of Loren’s jersey with one hand, yanked him down to your height and gripped the hair on the back of his neck firmly with the other, earning a startled grunt from the burly player who looked at you with wide glazed over eyes.
The way he was staring at you was borderline…..
Whatever that wasn’t important right now.
“Loren. I don’t know why the fuck your playing like shit right now.” Your heart ached at the borderline whimper that poured from the poor brunettes chest, “But I know damn well you can kick this shitty little teams ass.”
Loren’s breath cought in his throat for a moment, and he stared deeply in your eyes as if searching for any hint that you didn’t believe what you just said. But when he found nothing he swallowed thickly with a raging flush.
Time to real him in.
With a heavy exhale you furrowed your brows and gripped tighter on to his shirt.
“If you make a come back and win this game…”
“I’ll give you a kiss.”
Somehow the deafening roar of the two teams crowds faded instantly into white noise. The bright lights of the night poles buzzed dully in your ears as Loren’s brown eyes burned so hard into you, you swore you’d go blind.
“On the lips?”
“On the lips.”
You watched as this 6’6 hunk of man slid onto his knees in front of you, and you forced yourself not to whip around in embarrassment at the sight and the possibly of a dozen eyes watching you.
Loren breathed deeply, pushing his head into your stomach softly, like a dog asking to be pet, and you couldn’t stop yourself from running your fingers through is soft wet hair.
He shuddered, and shakily exhaled. “Promise?” He begged this wasn’t a cruel joke. Something you were going to hang over head.
Holy fuck
You’d never seen a guy bolt up like that before. With nimble feet he grabbed your hand and placed a gentle kiss on the pads of your fingers, like a promise of what was to come, before turning around and marching onto the field, helmet now securely placed on his head.
The aura he had was intense. Like he was officially in the game for the first time that night. And it seemed both teams realized this, with the way their shoulders tensed and the audience grew more frenzied.
It was over before the enemy could even blink, and the sound of cheers that followed was deafening.
You could feel yourself smile a bit at the sight of Loren’s teammates crowding around him excitedly, like kids who just won a new toy.
He laughed loudly, though quickly jerked away from their hold and ran to you.
He was out of breath when he reached you, and the furious red on his cheeks was very telling. In fact, you were pretty sure the sweat and heavy breathing wasn’t from the game he just played.
Guess you had to commit now huh?
Loren’s gaze was nothing short of eager and desperate, and the way he licked his lips, seemingly unconsciously made the whole thing seem much more vulgar than it actually was.
It was just a kiss right? Probably barely even a peck.
You should’ve known that Loren was gonna get as much out of that single kiss as he could though.
With quick confirmation from you, Loren’s large rough hands took careful hold of your face. He already looked ruined from just touching you, though that may have been the post game sweat.
Time slowed briefly, and before you knew it you felt a heavy breath on your lips, where the star players hovered for a moment before finally pressing down.
It was soft at first. Gentle. His hand moved to the back of your head, pulling you closer amongst the screams and roars of the fans who watched in awe.
Some angry. Most charmed by the romantic display.
Though when Loren’s other hand slid to your lower back, and his foot inched forward to press further into you, causing you trip, the noises faded out again.
Because Loren didn’t stop kissing you. Even when you’d fallen and your mouth popped open to gasp slightly, and his arms caught your head and cradled it tenderly and possessively, he continued to kiss you. Deeply, passionately, and above all else desperately.
What was supposed to be a pretty and simple kiss quickly turned into a make out, Loren’s hands groping at varying parts of your body but never breaking away. Your hands subsequently finding themselves tangled in his spiky soft hair.
At the sound of a low groan pouring from Loren’s lips you snapped out of it and pushed him away, though he resisted for a moment before remembering where he was.
Lifting himself up, he didn’t appear the least bit embarrassed by the public display as he hovered over you on the dewey grass field.
He looked almost frustrated at the interruption if anything.
The sky was dark above him, and the faint artificial lights glowed around you in his eyes. Though you could’ve argued similarly.
He almost looked angelic. If it hadn’t been for the look in his eyes and the odd firmness on your thigh.
Your embarrassment reached its peak when the coach blew his whistle at the two of you.
“Alright Ortega quite snoggin and get your puebescent ass over here! We still gotta wash up and go over the game! ”
Fuck you wanted to crawl in a hole and die so badly. At least your team won the game right?
It was best you didn’t know the only reason they had been losing in the first place was because a certain wonder boy was pouting over your previous rejection.
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sourtoruu · 10 months
”Baby? can u call me back..it’s so lonely in my mansion..”
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Toji X f!reader ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
warnings! blowjob m!receiving, edging, pet names (princess, baby, & good girl) p in v, not proofread, pure filth
toji didn’t wanna leave you alone at the house this weekend, but he had other important issues to deal with. not that you were ever an issue or less important, but as he says it’s “for your sake”. you trust him so you know nothing bad is ever gonna happen to you. he won’t allow that.
it was only 9pm..& you were soooo needy! toji barely texted you all day.. the occasional “hey baby” followed by an update as to his location & hearting your message was beginning to make your patience run thin. without a second thought you picked up your phone with its cute little cake charms as you set your led lights to a hot pink then began to record yourself fondling your tits & teasing your clit with soft taps. shallow breaths leave your mouth as you pant & moan his name in a sweet tone.
|| miss u </3
seen 9:30pm
seeing this message made toji’s dick tighten in his pants. he couldn’t just leave the meeting, even if it was an embarrassing matter like this, he would just have to wait til he got done to deal with it.
lying down on your soft pink silk sheets as you ponder on if he actually watched the videos & paid any mind to them you hear rustling. you don’t bother to see what it is out of pure laziness & because whatever it was would’ve probably killed you by now if it was actually dangerous. snapping you out of your thoughts, a sudden slam of a door is enough to make you sit up. only to quickly realize it’s your buff boyfriend you haven’t been able to reach all day walking into your bed room. “toji..you scared me, i thought someone was coming to murder me or somethin” playfully pouting before getting up to kiss him. what was supposed to be a sweet, cute, welcoming peck became a sloppy, wet, dripping mess. “toji- wait.. you’re-“ barely managing to speak between each kiss he eagerly kept reconnecting between you two.“think it’s funny to tease me like that?” harshly groping your tits & giving each one a slap before turning you around to face the bed. whining as he drags his tip across your aching pussy agonizingly, you arch your back & press against him. unable to resist the way his dick catches onto your hole every time he slides up & down, he caves & slides in. “fuuuuuck..oh my go-mmph!” within an instant he starts slamming himself deep inside your velvet walls at a fast pace. “takin’ it so well baby..almost made me forget about what you..hah.. did.” grabbing a handful of the plump flesh on your ass before smacking it & grabbing it with a firm grip again. the sound of skin slapping aligned with your pathetic moans fill the room. the way you clench down on him relubricates his dick, creating a sloppy white ring around the bottom. “toji !! i canttt.. im gonna cum..” after another deep thrust he slowly takes his cock out just before you can finish, which causes a whimper from you in response to that.
“think you can jus’ cum that easily after today?” grabbing your hips to sit you up & turn your glossy body around he slowly begins to stroke his cock closer to your lips. immediately knowing what he’s indicating for, you prop yourself up on your knees & glance up at him. “good girl..” slapping & smearing the tip across your pouty lips teasing himself before pushing his length all the way into your mouth suddenly. “gonna use this throat til you can’t speak” leaving no time for you to react as he harshly slammed into your face. muffled sounds & squelching bouncing off the walls as you choke down onto his cock. he grabs a fistful of your hair pushing your mouth down further with a grunt.
“fuck.. just like that princess.” whining as you play with your puffy clit in a repeated rhythm.“want me to fill you up?” nodding your head eagerly as you’ve already been on edge since he pulled out the first time, rubbing your sensitive heat didn’t help. “please..” almost instantly he lifts you up into his beefy arms & aligns himself with your entrance. thrusting deeply as his pace begins to pick up speed, he holds your ass tightly as he empties his cum into you. grunting as he jolts his hips upwards into a few more times making sure a drop doesn’t go to waste. feeling yourself reach a high just as he does for himself you grasp his biceps for some sort of support. “nnngh..” panting & breathing softly as you feel him deep inside you before pulling out & planting a sweet kiss onto your lips.
“let’s get you cleaned up yeah?”
this was my first fic & honestly took way to long T^T i hope it wasn’t too rushed though !
please do not repost my work as your own ! thx
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Today just feels like a day for firsts so this is for them.
Chloe was sitting on her bed doing schoolwork when Red came, more like barreled, in. She had thought to greet her roommate or say anything really, but all the words got caught in her throat as soon as she looked up and saw the look on her face. There was this intensity to her eyes that would have been frightening if it wasn’t for the fact she was also smiling. Though their eyes met for only a second before she beelined it towards Chloe. Taking the Charming completely by surprise as all she could get out was a “Red, what-“ and then she couldn’t speak anymore. Suddenly her lips were too busy with something soft and tender and…oh.
Funny, she originally thought of herself as more resistant to give in but the minute she felt those lips she was done for. Her body gave a quiet sigh as it went limp, the only thing holding her up was Red who had wrapped her arms around her the moment she sat upon the edge of the bed. Pulling her closer and closer to the point Chloe felt like she would break, but also that it wasn’t close enough.
Chloe has heard and read about first kisses. None of that had prepared her for this. Where first kisses are described as slow, soft, and sweet. Red is quick, intense, and yet still somehow so sweet. While her movements may seem erratic Chloe could tell she was being rather mindful, especially with her teeth. At one point Red even bit her bottom lip, though only enough to tease not to hurt. Her hands, which travel up and down her back now, feel more soothing rather than needing.
How is it possible that Red is kissing her senseless, yet reassuring her that she isn’t losing her senses all at the same time.
It’s so Red. So very very Red. Just like this first kiss.
This perfect first-
After what felt like a lifetime, but was really only moments, Chloe had found the strength to place her hands upon Red’s arms and slowly push her away. Breaking the intensity but not the kiss, not completely anyway. Red’s lips chased hers, though she wasn’t the only one to blame.
“Wait, wait.” Oh good, she hadn’t completely lost her voice. She had been worried about that for a minute. Before she could say anymore, however, Red took her breath away once more for a completely different reason. Something was being held before her that she swears wasn’t there a second ago, something circular that looks oddly enough like a-
“What, Red?!”
“No this isn’t me proposing, not yet at least, this is me saying I don’t mind the thought of marrying you either. Someday.”
All Chloe could do was stare at Red, because really what is she suppose to say to that? Was she suppose to reach out and take the ring? Which was silver and plain looking, but that’s not what mattered. Chloe wouldn’t have cared if it was plastic, what she cares about is the person offering it to her and saying they’re fine with her.
“I talked to Principal Uma and she helped me realize a few things. Number one being, Chloe, if I ever get to the point where I do marry you. It’ll be because I chose to, and how could I regret choosing the first person who believed I was more than what I seemed?”
Chloe stared at the ring then up into Red’s intense yet genuine gaze. “But…I also told you that you weren’t more than what you seemed when we met.”
The answer came after a spot of laughter. “I told you the same thing too, I called you a privileged little princess.”
“I am-was a privileged little princess.” Chloe could admit that now. Red on the other hand was never evil, not the way her mom is…or well was?
“You sure you’re not still are?” She raises a perfectly constructed brow as she teases Chloe. Prompting said girl to shove her off the bed, ring still in hand. “Hey, at least accept this first before you kick me off.”
“Nope, keep teasing me and I might never.”
Red feigns a rather audible gasp. “You wouldn’t!”
Chloe looks down at the pouting child before relenting with a sigh. “You’re right, I wouldn’t, I love you too much to do that.”
There it was, Chloe said it. It was the first time she told Red that she loved her. Six months after you start dating, even if you hadn’t had your first kiss yet, was enough time right? She sure hoped so, except Red isn’t responding nor can she read the expression on her face.
Oh fairy godmother, this was a mistake wasn’t it?
It was a mistake. It was a mistake.
“It was-“
She couldn’t even finish as a pair of lips had defended upon her once more. Though this kiss was a lot different from the first. It was much more like the ones she’s read and heard about. It’s so very soft, slow, and sweet. It’s fireworks and fairy song and everything she’s ever imagined. Red’s arms are sitting on her shoulders this time so Chloe places hers around the other girl’s waist. Something small falls onto one of the sheets of paper scattered around her bed, but she’s too focused on Red to care about what it is.
She takes this to mean a good thing, even if Red hadn’t said it back. The fact that she’s kissing Chloe like this must be a good sign.
That thought gets reinforced when Red pulls away to rest her forehead against Chloe’s. “I’m not very good at the whole feeling thing so I didn’t know how else to respond. Just, know that it wouldn’t feel enough to say that I like you.”
Chloe’s smile in response is so radiant she’s pretty sure she should have gotten the name Charming for that alone. Red herself could barely look at it, but she couldn’t look away either.
Except suddenly that radiant smile turned into an amused frown. “Did you say you went to Principal Uma for advice?”
“Yes…look, I had to go to someone and Maddox is a whole kingdom away.”
“So you went to the Principal? Shouldn’t that be something I would do?”
“What can I say, maybe you’re rubbing off on me.”
“Or maybe you respect certain authority more than you like to let on.”
“Chloe Charming, you take that right back this instant.”
“Or else what?” At this point Chloe unconsciously starts rubbing Red’s back through the fabric of her riot jacket. Red’s response is to rub their noses together.
“Or else I’ll stop hanging out with you.”
“Hanging out? Is that what we’ve been doing?”
“Have we not, that’s what people do isn’t it?”
“Red, you really do need more friends.”
Red gently bites Chloe’s left ear causing Chloe to give out a soft yelp. “First of all, rude. Second, why would I need more friends when I have you?”
“That’s exactly what someone who needs more friends would say. Wait, don’t you dare bite the other one!”
Too late, she bit the other one too.
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redflagshipwriter · 13 days
Halfa Cass 9 part 3
TW for canon-typical violence under the read more, minor character death
Unfortunately, there was so only so much Danny could stretch out his production process when Brick started hovering over his shoulder. Brick didn’t seem that bright, if Danny was honest. But he was clearly on the lookout for foot-dragging. 
That meant Danny was mostly done with the outer casing on the second cannon when Brick looked up abruptly and cursed. Brick pulled a gun out of his pocket and pointed it at Danny.
Danny was still busy soldering metal and it took him a few seconds to parse that he was supposed to be under threat right now. He blinked at Brick. “...Sorry, what?”
“Sack of shit!” Brick cursed, lip curled up. His silly little mustache rotated and stuck out at a weird angle. His eyes were wild. “Who did you tell?”
Danny shrugged awkwardly. Should he like, pretend he was afraid of the gun? Should he defend himself? He looked down at his soldering gun. Um. He probably, uh, shouldn’t… use that on Brick, right? It wasn’t like the guy could do anything to him.
Brick jabbed the gun further into Danny’s personal space. Brick’s head exploded with red mush.
Danny blinked.
Brick slumped to the floor. The gun clattered away. Blood gushed furiously across the floor and immediately ruined Danny’s shoes. Fuck. Brick’s soul sputtered in consideration of evolution. It pulsed, once, twice, and then harmlessly dissolved, passing onto the next life without all the drama of becoming restless dead.
Danny turned off the soldering gun and pushed up the protective eye mask he had on for work with a disgusted grunt. Between that and the breathing protection, there wasn’t much of Brick on him except in his hair. Oh. No. He made a face and wiped at his forehead with the back of a sleeve before anything could get into his eyes. Brick was dripping down his forehead, nasty!! 
A gun cocked. “Yeah, yeah,” Danny acknowledged. He huffed and leaned over to grab at a shop rag. “Ugh!” He did his best to clean up. “This is gross. Just plain gross,” he bitched.
Footsteps walked down the metal stairs. “You work for me now,” said someone else that Danny had never seen before. Bigger guy. Older, ugly. He was balding and slightly gone to seed. Danny wasn’t exactly charmed.
Danny grunted. “My rate is 70 an hour,” he said. It had been 50 for the last group, but clearly his reputation had gone around enough for him to be recruited.
The gun pressed up against his forehead. “No, it’s not.” 
“Yeah, it fucking is, and I need $14 right now to go to the laundromat.” Danny made a gimme gesture. He ignored the gun to his head and jutted his chin out, ready for an argument. “You’re going to get rid of that, right? I do not do body disposal. I don’t have relevant expertise. That would be a sucky reason to get caught by the cops.”
The thug laughed. He put his gun back in his pocket and casually kicked at the recently emptied body. “I like you, kid,” he said genially. “Sure. I’ll tell the boss your rate. And I can get your laundry done. Don’t want your Mom to see you covered in blood?” He laughed again, like the thought of a teenager having to hide their criminal involvement was somehow funny.
Danny shrugged, not quite willing to lie that the feeling was mutual. This guy seemed like a dick.
“What’s this?” The new guy started nosing through the worktable, getting his grubby hands all over Danny’s beautiful new bazooka. He hefted it up and pointed it at Danny with a mean little smile. “What’s this do?”
Danny tried very hard not to go stiff. For the very first time, it occurred to him that he might be walking a little too close to the fire by making weapons that he could be harmed by. “Matter displacement tech,” he said casually. “Works on shit like doors.”
“Doors, huh.”
At this range, it would displace most of Danny’s torso. He tried not to calculate how many days it would take him to regenerate from a hit like that.
The man lifted his eyebrows, but he put the bazooka back down. “You’re pretty unflappable, kid,” he commented. He rifled through Danny’s odds and ends with a careless hand, messing up the neat organization. “Once you’ve finished that, I’ll come back and pay you for it… How many work days is one of these things?”
“Takes about two days to do one solo, can get two done in three days,” Danny said tonelessly. 
His new contact grunted. “We’re going to need weapons from you next,” he said, as if it was just a fact.
“I don’t do weapons,” Danny said. He shrugged. “Sorry, it’s just not my specialty. I can get you the list of specs for what I can do, though, I–”
“You can do weapons,” he got cut off. The older man gave him a disdainful look. “Your girlfriend’s a co-ed, yeah? Cutie. Gotta work like a big man to keep her paid up.” He clapped Danny on the shoulder. “Be smart. I'll send someone to clean up.” He turned on his heel and left.
Danny stood there, taking a few moments to buffer that bullshit. The penny dropped.
‘Ew. Jazz?! They think I’m dating Jazz? That’s nasty.’
‘Oh, fuck. He knows about Jazz. They’re threatening Jazz.’
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curtsycream · 6 months
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My Heart Lingers in Italy
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In which James Potter visits Italy for a school trip just to meet two girls that change him forever.
This is pretty short but it is only my first installment of this series if you want to call it that. It will be part of my summer project for my writing. So updates may be a bit slow but quality over quantity right? Anyway I hope you enjoy, it wasn’t beta read this time I wanted to get it out before I rewrite it completely or just scrap the idea. Also when they trade IDs it was supposed to be for Line and such like that but couldn’t find a face social media maker for that one, so yeah also English is not my first language so if my grammar or spelling is off I apologize in advance.
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“Lily, where are we going?”
The two girls held hands as they weaved through a crowd of tourists. The streets of Verona normally weren’t so packed but it was tourist season. Smiling Lily tugs Y/N forward as the two girls walk, “Remember you said you’d go to Piazza San Zeno with me. I explicitly remember telling you last week when you were busy talking with Sienna.”
Y/N smiled broadly, “don’t tell me you were jealous again. You know you never have anything to worry about, she just wanted to know if I would be applying to universities outside of Italy. I told her I’m going wherever you go,” she whispered.
Ducking her head down Lily tried to use her hair to hide her reddened cheeks. “You’re so annoying sometimes, come on!”
The two girls, one smirking and the other blushing made their way to the open flea market. It was packed with locals and foreigners alike. Y/N waved to any and everyone she knew running different stalls. When Lily stopped walking she bumped into the shorter girl’s back.
“What’s the hold-up, Donnina?” Y/N glanced up to notice a group of teenagers. All about the same age as the two of them. But what stuck out the most was a group of boys playing around near a booth. Their playful nature was animated and rather funny.
Grinning she wrapped an arm around Lily’s shoulder, “oh I see it’s those tourists. They’re rather cute I’ll admit,” she commented.
“What do you think about that one?” Lily asked pointing at a bespectacled boy with dark hair.
Squinting Y/N finds herself analyzing the boy from his charming behaviors to his handsome looks. “Attractive,” it was simple but for someone like Y/N, it meant a lot.
Lily and Y/N knew each other inside and out better than most people did. So a simple compliment from Y/N meant she wanted to get to know him too.
“Should we talk to him?”
“What about that thing we rushed here for?”
“Aldo will be here next Sunday with the book I want to look at, should we talk to him?”
The urgency in her voice was clear, it hinted at her fear of passing up on what could be a once-in-a-lifetime deal. Nodding her head Y/N nods her head in his direction, “Let’s go.”
Pulling Lily along she smiled softly when standing in front of the boy. Up close he was much more handsome than she gave him credit for.
James was listening to Remus explain the difference between the two books in his hands to Sirius. He knew Sirius only did this to rile him up. Looking away from his friends he noticed two girls walking towards him. One was short and flushed and the other tall and grinning.
He would be lying if he said that he didn’t feel something. They were opposites of each other yet they looked so good together. Like that of sunshine and rain where together they equal out to rainbows. A balance is what they represent one that he wanted to be a part of. It was a strange feeling but it felt meant to be.
“Ciao,” he said without thinking.
The tall girl smiled with a laugh, “Ciao.” While the shorter one looked away before looking back at him with a smile, “Ciao.”
“I, I didn’t really pass Italian just enough to end up on this trip,” he explained. He felt as if he had to as if he owned them something.
“No it’s fine, we know English. Your accent British?” The tall one asked with just as much interest as a puppy. Her accent is thick as she speaks fluently and confidently.
“Yes, I guess the accent was very obvious,” he joked.
“That among other things,” the words from the shorter girl made him grin. Her voice was lithe sneaking up on his ears with agility. While the taller girl’s voice felt like velvet wrapping around his eyes blinding him with mystery. Both were opposite but equal in the effects they were having on his senses.
“Oh, what are these other things?” He asked leaning forward enough to smell figs and jasmine on her. A floral and fruity scent that made him lean back some.
“If I told you so easily it wouldn’t be as fun,” she told him.
“She’s always like this if you’re wondering, you’ll have to pry her secrets from her cold little hands to know.” The glint of amusement in the taller girl’s eyes was evident. Just like the smell of mint and lemon when she stepped closer to whisper that to him. The crisp and citrus scent was exhilarating like a cool breeze sweeping over him.
“I’ll keep that in mind for the next time we meet,” he tells her.
The confidence in his tone was enough to cause Y/N to look away. Lily found herself squinting at him, “who said we would meet again?”
“I can’t say for sure but I hope so,” he says. “You’re both really interesting.”
“We’ve said less than five sentences each,” she tells him. All he did was shrug a look of certainty on his face. His expression revealed it all as if he knew they would.
“Then let’s trade IDs?” He asked them.
“How do you even know we have the app?”
“I don’t, but I’d like to hope you do, red.”
Laying in her bed whilst looking up at her ceiling Lily sighs. Sitting up she glanced over at whom she deemed her other half. The other girl was sculpting something with clay her headphones probably blaring some loud music.
Each time Lily tried to sleep her mind would wander to the bespectacled boy they met. His charisma was refreshing in a way she had not expected. Though she denied it on the trip back home she did enjoy his company.
His words so easily teased and left her cheeks red. She couldn’t understand how he so easily did so. Before she could think longer about the British boy she felt arms snake around her waist. A head resting on her chest, “What are you thinking so hard about, Donnina?”
Weaving her fingers through the taller girl’s hair the ginger sighs. A look of contemplation on her freckled face. “That guy…the British boy. He’s not easy to forget,” she uttered.
Mulling over Lily’s words she agreed, “I get that..he’s very charismatic in a way. But under all that, there is this heart tug where you can’t help but enjoy his company.”
“Exactly!” Lily exclaimed as she brushed hair out of the other girl’s face. Her finger trailed down her forehead and along the bridge of her nose. “I wonder if that’s normal…to feel that way about someone you just met.”
Humming softly Y/N’s fingers ghost over Lily’s sides before resting on her hips. “Maybe it’s a British thing? To be so charming and have people eager to see them again.”
“I thought that was the French?”
“It’s all relative, or how do people say Greek to me.”
Lily snorted shaking her head, “I think this is why you shouldn’t skip out on your literature classes.”
“Why would I stop when I have such a beautiful tutor to teach me when I don’t show up for classes?”
“You’re such a flirt.”
“You wouldn’t have me any other way, donnina.”
Verona was beautiful at night, James remembered Remus telling him it was the city of Romeo and Juliet. A lovely Italian city where lovers can go and enjoy the sights around them.
Lover or not he had to admit that the city was more than he expected. The town with its medieval architecture and the meandering Adige river. It was hard for him to stop looking out of his window as the moon reflected perfectly upon it.
He could hear Sirius and Remus’ hushed tones within the room. The two had spent the day with James although James made it clear he was okay alone. He didn’t want to ruin the time his friends could have in such a romantic place together.
But he was grateful, sighing he glanced down his eyes finally leaving the river. People were still walking about outside conversing. he expected the nightlife to not be as active. From the morning and afternoon being busy with bustling marketplaces, piazzas, shops, and gardens. But from the way people were chattering and laughing it seemed there was more to the city.
For some reason he found himself watching a duo of two women. One tall and the other short both of them laughing and clinging to each other in their drunken state. He wondered if they did similar activities, or rather he wondered what they were doing now.
A small ding left his phone, his hand dived into his trousers pocket to retrieve it. A message from Y/N appeared on his phone, eagerly he opened it.
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Typos are on purpose because they are messaging in English. To better clarify when it’s just Lily and Y/N speaking together it will be in Italian. I’ll better indicate that in the next installment, but Y/N is terrible at English but she tries. I’m such a sucker for this trio already.
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eideticmemory · 3 months
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You and your husband are house hunting together! :) It sucks! :)
Word Count: 3.2k
Warning/Includes: Husband!Matthew, Dad!Matthew, HusbandYouCan’tStopBickeringWith!Matthew all with a happy ending.
Inflection points are real. When you open one of those cheesy books like Before You Tie the Knot and What to Expect When You’re Expecting, they all mention it. Cohabitation and marriage and children, they’re decisions in your life that take you down a completely different direction from which there is no coming back. And on top of this insurmountable and self-inflicted change is the subtle implication that these are the last decisions you will ever make on your own. Which…sucks, which is different, which takes some adjusting, but it’s never been this hard. It has never been so hard for you and Matthew to band together, put your pride aside, and work as a team to make everybody happy. But this isn’t about something small like marriage or children. This is about a house.
This is serious.
When Matthew said that he was willing to pack up everything and move from California to your home state, you were so happy that you could’ve vomited. Your entire body vibrated with excitement and gratitude and peace. You tore his clothes off right then and there, you were so happy. You were so happy that you were going home and that your daughter would grow up riding down the same streets, that she would never know what LA traffic was like and even more so happy that Matthew didn’t suggest Vegas. You love him, you hate the desert.
And it is with this excitement that you crawled into bed that same night and started scrolling on Zillow. Nuzzled into Matthew’s side, giggling, giddy. Your eyes landed on a house and you clicked it, asking, “What about this one?”
And at the same time, you exclaim, “It’s so cute!” Matthew scrunches his face, saying, “It’s terrible.”
You turn to look at each other, very slowly, making eye contact with just the tiniest bit of fear. But, that was just the first house. You both assumed that it would get easier. That there would be some homes you could heart and save for later. But that never happened.
It just got harder.
Because for whatever reason, four walls isn’t enough for Matthew. No, it’s got to be just like his little lodge with all the nooks and crannies and secret trap doors and stupid spiral stairs that you have slipped on at least three times in the past month. It’s not that you don’t love it here but it is abundantly clear that Bachelor Matthew bought this and it is perfect for Bachelor Matthew, maybe Married Matthew and his Married Wife, but now there’s toys everywhere and a play pen that takes up the entire living room and you do not find it as charming as when you first visited. Nor do you want another house just like it.
You like victorian houses. You like the creepy attics and the creaky floors, stained glass windows and narrow, wooden stairs. You find one on Zillow and you’re so excited to show Matthew, but instead of smiling or hell, even just pretending to show interest, he taps the screen and scoffs, “Four bedrooms?”
And you nearly slap him across the head but married people aren’t supposed to do that. So instead you suck in a slow breath and exhale, “Yes…four bedrooms. What’s wrong with that?”
“So, our room, Rory’s room, guest room and room for…what, one other kid?”
“Who…who is the other kid?”
“Our other kid. Our other kids. Where are they gonna sleep?”
You stutter, shake your head to rescramble your brain, “How many kids are you trying to have, Matthew?”
“Well, I was raised mormon so anywhere between ten to twenty is ideal,” he smirks.
“You being funny? You trying to be funny right now?”
“At least with five bedrooms, we could throw in bunk beds.”
You turn to leave and Matthew grabs your hand, pulling you back into him, “Wait, wait, wait, okay, okay, okay. I think…five bedrooms. Minimum.”
“Oh, are you sure that will be enough for our multiple litters?”
“[y/n],” he laughs.
“Matthew, this house is gorgeous. It’s old and well kept. It’s in a great area, the primary bedroom is stunning, they already have a nursery staged, and you haven’t bothered to look because…because, what? Because we might have ten million children? I mean, we won’t. But what the fuck?”
“It’s not speaking to me. We agreed the house should speak to both of us.”
“Oh, okay, well, let me translate. This house is saying…” you pick up your phone and wave it in his face, “Good luck with those other kids, Matthew. I wonder who you’ll have them with.”
“Oh, that’s funny,” he says as you storm off. “That’s hilarious.”
When he approaches later with a house of his own to show you, you’re patting Rory to sleep on your chest and it kind of annoys you when she wakes up to the sound of Matthew’s voice.
“Look at this one, babe,” he takes a seat beside you. “Five beds, five and a half baths, look,” and you sit quiet, let him scroll through, a subtle nod to the patience he lacks. But, still, quiet, your face says it all and he asks, “Why are you making that face?”
“It’s…” you glance at him. “Boring…”
“What? Boring? It looks like a castle.”
“On the outside…the inside is completely modern. And where…” you tap the screen, “Is it? Oh, no, I don’t want to live at the country club. My daughter will not get mowed down in the street because she was on the back of some corporate heir’s golf cart.”
Matthew tilts his head at you, his jaw dropped in genuine confusion.
“It happens!” you whisper.
“It’s not speaking to me, Matthew, I’m sorry? What about you, Rory, huh? Is it speaking to you?” And your baby girl babbles, smiling, reaching out for Matthew and it makes him forget that you’re insane for a little bit. “I don’t think it’s speaking to her.”
Matthew takes her into his arms and holds her close, her head instantly falling on his shoulder. “This is about that tiny victorian house, isn’t it?” he asks you.
“Well…” you stand up. “It certainly wasn’t boring…not like you would know.”
“Okay, yeah, that’s fair…” he nods. “So…you do? Like this house, or…no?”
You roll your eyes and walk off, turning the baby’s sound machine on as you exit the room.
Immediately mediation is necessary. So the two of you decide to hire a realtor and poor Maci, there’s only so much she can do.
“Do you know what zipcode you’d prefer?”
“I personally love the downtown area or the northwest area?” you chime in. “Near the children’s museums and aquatic centers, y’know?”
Maci glances at Matthew but you’re quick to assure her, “Oh, he doesn’t know where anything is here. He’s western.”
And for some reason, that just sets him off? He furrows his eyebrows at you and says, “Well yeah…but I’ve been here plenty of times before.”
“Oh? You’ve visited? Did you grow up here?” you tilt your head at him. “Oh? No? Okay.”
Poor Maci, it was so uncomfortable. At this point, it’s her and Rory looking at each other to cut the tension. And she jots down all these must haves that the two of you fire at rapid speed. Like, for Matthew, it’s a three car garage and at this, you mutter, “Jesus…”
And he goes, “What could possibly be wrong with a three car garage?”
“Nothing! Nothing! We just…only have two, but whatever,” you shrug.
Like, you’d prefer an all brick house and at this Matthew scoffs.
“Oh, you want the wind to blow it down?” you snip.
“Ah yes, the only possible housing options…brick, plastic and straw.”
“There’s nothing wrong with an all brick house. It looks better.”
“So you say.”
“So it is,” you snap, tilt your head at him.
“I’m gonna take Rory outside for a bit,” he stands from his chair.
“Oh, good. Try to find a third car while you’re out there,” and the door shuts behind him.
Maci lets out a tense breath and you smile shyly at her, “So…yeah, brick. Let’s go with brick.”
By the time you get back to your hotel, Rory’s tired and full enough to fall right asleep in her pack and play and it’s perfectly quiet because Matthew hasn’t said a word to you.
“So,” you grumble. “You’re just…not gonna talk to me…forever? You don’t like me anymore?”
“You embarrassed the hell out of me in front of that lady.”
“Okay, well, I need you to be okay with me disagreeing with you sometimes. It doesn’t mean I don’t like you. I love you!”
And he says this with so much conviction that you feel your guard drop. “You love me?”
His face softens, “Yes…c’mon. Be serious. I love you more than anything. You’re just…ugh,” he pushes his hair back. “Easy to disagree with.”
Guard: back up. “Easy to disagree with?” you repeat after him, ennuciating every word. “What the hell does that mean?”
“Exactly what it sounds like,” he shrugs. “Exactly that.”
You stand there dumbfounded for a moment and can’t even look directly at him as you say, “Yeah, don’t talk to me anymore.”
He gives you the most passive aggressive thumbs up to ever exist, “Sounds good.”
You take a nice, long, long shower and when you come out of the bathroom, Matthew and Rory are watching Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood on the TV. They give you the exact same look when their heads whip around, definitely related, definitely happy to see you. Her tiny hands reach out for you and Matthew, with his face neutral, lifts the blanket to let you in. You crawl into bed and land in the crook of his arm because that’s your spot. Your head falls on his chest and it’s okay because, technically, he’s not speaking to you.
Maci lines up exactly five houses for you to tour on your next visit. She figures, surely, one must be a common ground. Out of them all, the right one must be there.
Poor Maci.
Two zipcodes. Brick. Plaster. Grand great rooms. Kitchen islands, sometimes two. Libraries. Bay windows. Basements. Each house sings its own special song. Some, you hear clear as day, calling you home. They speak to you. They don’t speak to your husband. Unfortunately, that matters.
In the last house, you follow Maci around until the dreaded, “what do ya’ think?” question in the kitchen.
“I love it,” Matthew grins. And that grin sinks when he sees the pout on your lips. Your arms across your chest. “[y/n] doesn’t.”
“Oh, don’t speak for me,” you roll your eyes.
“But you don’t like it, though.”
“Okay,” he sighs. He can’t hear you say that one more time. “Babe, no one knows what that means.”
“Um, I think Maci knows, soooo must just be you.”
The glare you two give each other, on either side of this luxury island, is intense enough to make the entire 3,000 square feet house feel small. Very, very small.
Rory is with your parents and without her, the drive back to the hotel is very quiet. Very tense. Matthew rushes into the bathroom as soon as he can and you plop down on the bed with a heavy sigh. When he emerges from the bathroom, he’s shirtless and pouting and moody and broody and you can feel it. You can see it in the way he stomps around and rummages through his suitcase.
He says, “So,” without turning to you. “Not one winner today?”
“Ugh!” It flies out of your mouth before you can contain it. You literally pull at your hair in frustration and Matthew watches with his mouth agape. You rip your shirt off your body and the cool air from the fan hits you immediately. Now you’re both shirtless and pouting and moody and broody. You don’t need to talk about it.
“Do we have to discuss it right now or can we postpone for like…an hour or so?” you ask. You insist. You are begging, tilting your head at him.
And his first thought is: no way she’s trying to fuck me right now? But you are. He can see it in your eyes and the way they lower as he walks over to you. Your hands plant themselves on his waist and you lean into his touch as his palm engulfs your cheek.
“Make it two hours?” he runs his thumb along your lip.
You shrug, running your hands up his waist, “Make it as long as you’d like.”
He nods, “Okay,” and pushes you back onto the bed where you land with a quiet ‘oof!’ before he crawls on top of you.
It kills a lot of time. Lot of tension to work out.
Your body is relaxed like never before as you lay there naked against his chest, with his lips peppering soft kisses on your sweaty shoulder. As you catch your breath, it’s the most comforting silence you’ve shared in a while.
You touch his lips and he kisses your fingertips, holds your wrist in his grasp. “Not one winner, huh?” he whispers, holding to catch you at peace.
“Mm-mm,” you shake your head and cover his mouth. “Not yet.”
He nods, nibbles on your wrist, “Fair enough.”
Your both in such a good mood when you go to pick up Rory. She crawls over to you at lightning speed and babbles excitedly and you coo over her like you’ve never met her before. You missed her.
And this joy is misinterpreted in a way that someone says, “You two are happy, did you find a house?” so your smiles drop.
“No,” you say in unison.
As Maci embarks on her next hunt, she’s opted for sending you virtual tours. She sends them in groups of four at a time and they are very useful. You can lay in bed, curled into Matthew’s side as he clicks around on his laptop and the serenity of it makes it harder to bicker.
Doesn’t make any of the houses suck any less, though. Doesn’t stop the annoyed sighs and smacking of teeth and the abrupt ‘whatevers’ to change the subject and the screen.
The very last of the bunch, you have your hopes up. The exterior is promising. The number of bedrooms, bathrooms. Matthew opens the view of the entryway and you just stand up, “I’m done. I’m going to shower. Goodnight.” And he, just as disappointed, shuts the laptop quickly.
It was nice to at least be on the same page with that one.
And poor Maci, she’s trying so hard. The two of you are stressing her out, but it’s hard to say what the outcome would be without a realtor equally as stubborn. Because when she thinks - no. When she knows she’s found the one, she calls your phone at midnight and leaves a voicemail saying - I am so sorry to call you so late but there is a house and I want you and Matthew to come see it as soon as possible. [pause] How soon can that be?
It’s soon. You make the trip back out there but it is done with very little enthusiam or optimism. You suspect that Maci knows this and she’s opting for suspense to lure you in. This is a blind viewing. She’s driving. You just have to wait and see.
“The country club?” is your first impression as she drives you into the neighborhood.
“Is this not one of the zipcodes you picked?” Matthew asks you and you roll your eyes.
“Yes. It is, I’m just making an observation. Damn.”
“You can opt in or out of being a member at the club,” Maci chimes in. “Completely voluntary.”
“Is this where we’re gonna live, Maci?” Matthew laughs.
“I think so,” she nods. “I really think so.”
Because all you and Matthew wanted was to know. To not have to think, but to see it and know. To see a house that was, at first sight, yours. To know.
And when you slowed down upon the house on the hill, you both knew. You both gasped. You looked at each other.
The driveway is gated and is almost like a rollercoaster up the hill. This rollercoaster ends at nothing other than a three car garage on an all brick house. Brick stairs leading the front door which lead to an entryway where you feel it. You know, with one step on the hardwood floor, this house is yours.
Maci goes into full tour mode, “So this is the foyer and all you walk in, you have your formal dining room on the left…” and you are holding Matthew’s hand. You are holding his hand and wrapped around his arm and the two of you are walking and staring at this house and Maci’s voice just sounds like “blah blah blah blah blah…”
There’s two islands in the kitchen. A large sunroom right beside it that gives entry to the lush backyard. A center fireplace in the living room. Built in bookshelves. A guest room, a guest bathroom.
It all just flows.
The main bedroom is upstairs and it has two closets. You nearly faint in each other’s arms - two whole closets!
There’s 4 additional bedrooms on the upper floor and so, yes, should it be that you have multiple litters of children, there’s room. Just in case.
Way below is the basement where there’s not only plenty of room to lounge but a full wet bar lined with green tile and neon lights lining the walls. You exit the basement and plant your feet in the driveway, coming full circle to Maci’s car. She turns to you both, her smile as wide as yours.
“So?” she asks anxiously.
You look at your husband and he’s already looking at you. “Speaking to you?” he grins.
“Yelling at me,” you laugh.
He giggles and can’t help but kiss your cheek. He turns to Maci and nods, “You were right. This is it.”
The paperwork and red tape is the last of the bullshit and that itself feels very short in comparison to the past few months. It’s the easiest. It’s the happiest. So far. By the time the two of you are alone in your car, you take a full minute to breathe. Then you look at each other and the words come rushing out.
“Is it really over?” you ask.
“It’s really over.”
“I love it. Do you love it?”
“I love it!”
“Me, too! Aw, I wish Rory had been there. I wish she had seen it.”
“She’ll see it. She’ll love it.”
“She will!”
And with the sweetest laugh ever, Matthew grabs your face and kisses you. You’re giggling so much that it’s not a true, proper kiss but it does its job. You get the message.
“Do you know what this means?” he says.
“Yes, now I won’t have to smother you in your sleep.”
“No no, you’ve still got plenty of time for that. Besides that, do you know what this means?”
You chuckle, kiss his nose, “What?”
“Furniture shopping!” He cheers.
You gasp, you tear yourself away from him just to buckle your seat belt. “Oh, my god. You’re so right. So true.”
He laughs as he buckles himself in, holding your hand in his, kissing your knuckles. He asks, “Are we friends again?” with a pout on his face and you can’t help but roll your eyes.
You bring his hand to your face and kiss his knuckles in return, “Best friends.”
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severeaesthetic · 4 months
I see that you are accepting requests so I would love to request a 7 minute in heaven scenario with all the dorm leaders plus Lilia. You can make it fluffy/suggestive and if you wanted to do an 18+ continuation. You can if you want to. Thank you
7 minutes too little
For the sake of keeping it gn as possible I will refer to the reader as Yuu and you
Some you're dating them some you're not
⚠️some NSFW content, mentions of male genitalia, some strong language⚠️
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle is already uncomfortable being at a party with the rest of the heartslabyul. Cater had the idea to play 7 minutes in heaven. Trey collected all the names and Riddle being the dorm leader pulled out two names. He got a little pissed off when he read it was You. he begrudgingly unfolded the other paper and let out a surprised yelp when he read his name.
I'm not gonna name names, but Cater charmed the fake papers to only say Riddle and Yuu.
I can feel the heat radiating off Riddle's nervous body as you two walked into the closet. Now this can go multiple ways. All of them involve him being in love with you.
So, if you return his feelings and haven't made them obvious, like me. I would be just as nervous as him and be awkward.
But if you are the opposite and constantly flirt with him, you might make the first move.
kabedon him. Or don't. I would. his face would be funny.
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I don't think Riddle would last the full 7 minutes.
He would probably get a boner and a nosebleed just from kissing you.
He would be too embarrassed after time is up and cover his boner with his cape and quickly walk out of the room.
This is when you slip Cater and Trey their 20 Thaumarks each for helping you make a move on Riddle.
Leona Kingscholar
Smug mfer.
There was literally only five of you. Leona, Ruggie, Jack, and Rook.
Leona didn't even read the name on the paper before he threw you over his shoulder and took you out of the common room leaving grossed out jack and Ruggie and a smirking Rook.
I hope to God that Leona knows a silencing charm like in Harry Potter.
Let's go with Beastmen have heat/mating cycles. and lets say leona had just started his the day you were all hanging out. Beastmen get time off from classes for their heat cycles, so their partners do too. So for the next week you are Leona's prey and I wish you luck. All you wanted to do was play a game of 7 minutes in heaven, not 7 days of rough sex (that was followed up by soft aftercare cause Leona is soft for you)
Azul Ashengrotto
Okay so you weren't actually playing 7 minutes in heaven. You were actually on your way to see Azul to work on a project. Floyd just so happens to scream really loud that Azul likes you and says that you should kiss and barricades you two in his office.
Azul wants to hide in his octopot. He is bright red.
He desperately tries to avoid looking at you as he tries to focus on the project you two are supposed to do.
Me personally I would wait until he thinks I forgot about what Floyd did then I would attack. A single kiss on the cheek then back to work like nothing.
"Are ya kissin em' Azul!?" Floyd yelled loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear which made him even more embarrassed.
The best you would get from him if he didn't have a heart attack would be a kiss on the hand before you leave.
If you made a move you could kiss him and he wouldn't complain.
Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim has no filter. So you might be playing 7 in heaven but there wouldn't be time for a closet before you could see big hearts in his eyes and gasping before immediately kissing you even if everyone was complaining.
He is super excited and he sits next to you after kissing you and holds your hand the entire time.
no joke there is no need for 7 in heaven. All you have to do is ask this sweet boy for a kiss or hug and he'll give it to you.
Vil Schoenheit
Bold of you to assume he would stoop to the level of childish games such as that. No no. He would never, especially if it would ruin his makeup or disrupt his necessary sleep.
No. He will not play. He only uses smudge proof makeup and so he will give you a kiss. A single kiss. Not only does he respect you not to go overboard with PDA but he also has an image to keep up.
So don't ask him to play that stupid game, just ask for a kiss little sweet potato (his words, not mine)
Idia Shroud
He doesn't ever leave his room, he would rather be caught dead than in a situation where this game would be played.
However, you would make your Thems (Sims) characters play this game which would still make his heart melt. I mean, he would call you a cringey normie but still. He absolutely thinks it's cute. He would record it and watch it over and over and over again. He won't tell you that though. (Ortho would sow you the video and Idia watching it)
Malleus Draconia
What is this heaven and why do you have to go in a closet to get there?
Poor baby is so confused. If you want him to kiss you why do you have to go to a different realm to do it?
I think Lilia would put you two up to it, not necessarily playing the game as Malleus wouldn't understand the concept. Probably like Floyd he locked you guys in a room in Diasomnia. He would be polite about it and ask to kiss you. Straight up no shame.
He wouldn't make out with you like a horny teen. All kisses would be romantic. However, he would absolutely tangle his fingers in your hair or put his hand on the back of your neck not letting you get away from the kiss.
He would not have sex with you in a stuffy closet if it escalated to that. That is for peasants. He's gonna treat you right with his incredibly soft bed and incredible love making. Also literally the king of aftercare. Any pain you have is taken away when he gives you a potion.
Lilia Vanrouge
you would literally just be walking down the hall and Lilia would appear and drag you into a closet
Cheeky mf
Literally would make a huge show of setting his timer. Actually it's an hourglass cause he's old. 🙃
He would take his time rolling up his sleeves like he's about to cook that nasty wonderful cooking he always does.
He would draw everything out to tease you saying shit like 'Oh I'm not as young as I used to be I don't know how to kiss anyone' like he didn't make out with you before class Spiderman style???
Anyways, after he makes this grand show he finally gets ready to kiss you.
He puts his hands on your cheeks, looking into your eyes all sweetly. He teases a bit by looking down to your lips and back to your eyes. He asks if he can kiss you, such a gentleman. You close your eyes and prepare for a kiss. You feel his breath on your skin.
Just as you expect to feel his soft lips against yours
Then you hear his little keehee tee laughter before he disappears and leaves you in the closet.
This man can't be serious in his old age. Ever.
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junipers-archive · 1 year
❥ James!potter x reader (You've had a crush on James for months now, he finally gets the nerve to ask you to be his Valentine, only to find you were on your way to ask him.) Word Count: 700
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"Jus' don't know if she'll like it!" James was in the common room discussing his singular girl problem with his friends. "I mean we've been friends for a while, but I still don't even know if she likes me!"
Sirius who was languidly laying across one of the armchairs nearby rolled his eyes as he answered, "Your delusional if you don't see it."
"He's right James, she really does like you, laughs at every one of your bad jokes enough." even Remus had enough of his jabbering, most of their conversations almost always ended up with James bringing up your name.
He was blushing at even the mention of you liking him back, "What if she already has a Valentines though? What if she doesn't really like me? What if-"
"Give her the Valentine!" It was Pete, laying on the ground in a star-fished position, he'd almost drifted off into a sweet sleep before he was woken once more by James' worried voice.
He got up from the couch he'd been stationed at, quickly and quite bravely if he said so himself heading for the door. "Fine. But if I get my heart broken you will all be very sorry!"
As he left they all let out a collective sigh, they'd been attempting to convince him all week, maybe, just maybe if they could finally get you two together, they'd get some peace and quiet.
When James gets to you he's panting, having ran down several flights of moving stairs to reach you. You had come to the library to return some of the books you'd borrowed to study, he knew this since he was the one who offered to help you, just so he could spend more time with you.
"Y/n!" He tried to look casual, all the same hiding the gift behind his back as he approached your figure.
"Oh, hey Jamie!" you eyes were bright and your heart fluttered at his flushed cheeks.
"Have you got any plans for the day?" He was hoping your answer was no, so he could take you on a proper date, something you deserved.
"M'no don't think so, why?"
"W-well I was just hoping, since you're free, and its Valentines day..." your heart beat faster as he continued, you'd waited months for him to realize you liked him back.
"Well maybe you could, or rather we could, w-would you be valentine?" He swears you're the only to ever make him this nervous.
When he see's your pleased expression however he gets a surge of confidence taking out your gift and handing it to you, a beautiful bouquet of your favorite flowers accompanied by a small box of chocolates.
"Yes!" Your reply comes far too quickly, but you couldn't care less, taking out the small card and chocolate box you'd gotten him from your bag.
You shove it towards him as he gapes at you, "I-What-What is this?"
"Well, you were taking far too long, I mean I went to every one of your quidittch matches, pretended I needed help studying so you'd offer, laughed at every single joke of yours, godric I even went to your friends for help!"
"I never thought you'd like me!" He was bright red, how had he not seen it this entire time?
"Jamie I laugh at every single one of your jokes." You were exasperated, how had you fallen for such a sweet oblivious boy?
"Is that supposed to be an insult? Cause if I'm being honest it sounded-"
You stop his jabbering, placing the gifts on the table nearby and pressing your soft lips to his. Your heart melts as his hand comes to caress your cheek as if you're the most delicate flower in the world.
Because to him, you were.
When you pull back you're both grinning so hard your faces hurt.
"S'not and insult, just a fact." And it was, you would laugh at everyone of his jokes, no matter how ludicrous or ridiculous they were, you found him funny. And charming, and kind, and beautiful, and perfect, perfect for you.
"Well then, my Valentine, shall we begin our date?" He held out his arm as you smiled sheepishly at his name-calling.
"We shall."
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azulock · 9 months
Now for day eight, we got Shidou and very much domestic shenanigans. I love this insane creature and his perfect eyeliner, he is the reason why I wanna throw some electric pink on my hair, too bad it's fucking blacker than black.
summary. when Shidou asked to help you in icing the cookies you'd made, you figured there'd be no issue, to be honest, you actually thought he'd get bored and give up halfway through. but he didn't, and even in this simple task, he still managed to surprise you.
pairing. Ryusei Shidou x Reader
wordcount. 917 words
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8. Holiday Cookies - Ryusei Shidou
"Fuck, why the hell is this so difficult?"
Shidou's loud cursing rang over the sound of the TV playing in the background, the news broadcasting a snow storm moving in the direction of England. Looking from the corner of your eye, you could see the tip of his tongue peeking from between his lips in concentration. It was actually adorable, to you at least - because his concentrating face looked downright terrifying to most people. As did his resting face in general, but to you, it was a feature, not a bug. It added a charm to him.
"Why are you complaining? You are the one that asked to do this," you questioned with a laugh, shaking your head at him.
"Only 'cause you seemed so damn entertained doing it," came your response, Shidou not even looking up as he spoke.
"Well, that's 'cause I've been doing this for years now, I know what I'm doing, and I'm past getting frustrated," you shrugged.
"Motherfuck-" you heard him exclaim, looking up only to see Shidou scraping a bit of icing off with the back of a teaspoon and then licking it off.
"Ah, I see you figured a way to eat it and erase your mistakes at the same time," you laughed and he followed suit, grin spread wide over his face as he finally looked up at you.
It was almost funny to see someone like Shidou holding a piping bag full of colored icing and hunched over a small cookie set on a table. Truth be told, you'd probably get those done way faster if he didn't get involved, but you decided there was no harm in entertaining his curiosity. Then, again, he'd just eat them just as fast. Maybe, this way, knowing how much hard work went into icing those things, he would take the time to appreciate them.
Hell, who the fuck were you kidding? He'd probably just take a picture of his own work and then eat the poor cookies in one bite. Well, at least you could be sure he liked how they tasted.
"Oh, you making progress?" You chirped, looking away from your own cookies and trying to peek at his work, but Shidou was fast to pull the tray away from your prying eyes.
"No peeking, I'm not done yet," he barked, smirking as you rolled your eyes and went back to your own work.
You two worked in silence for a few more minutes, your eyes darting back to him every so often, but he'd pulled his tray far away enough from you that you couldn't see whatever he was doing. When you got done with your cookies, you tried not to stare at him too much, instead watching the snow fall outside the window. But you couldn't really resist, it was cute to watch him work, completely engrossed in what he was doing.
Here and there his face broke from a focused pout into a proud smile, and it only raised your curiosity more and more. You'd watched Shidou struggle to even hold the bag properly, grip too strong for the flimsy plastic, so to see him take joy in what he was doing now really brought warmth to your heart.
"Okay, now, I'm all done," he proclaimed with the widest smile possible, although, not an entirely innocent one, and you couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in suspicion.
"Alright, let me see it," without a hitch, Shidou obliged your command, turning the tray over to you.
To say you were surprised was an understatement. But maybe, you shouldn't be. Somehow, despite cookies coming with a fixed shape and you leaving the sheet of paper with the images he was supposed to replicate right in front of him, Shidou still managed to completely stray away from your instructions.
That wasn't the most shocking part - that was just Shidou being Shidou. The true surprise was how he'd managed to turn Christmas cookies into what you could only describe as Christmas colored Halloween cookies.
"I mean, they are done surprisingly well. But I can't figure out how you managed to turn what was supposed to be a Christmas tree into a red bat," you marveled, taking the cookie in your hand and inspecting it from up close.
"You think I'd do something so boring like a tree? I'm not gonna follow a fucking sheet of paper, I'm an artist," Shidou grinned, pride clear in his voice, and you actually thought he deserved it.
"You know what? I can't really disagree with you here," you said with a smile, leaning over the table to give his lips a kiss. That's why you enjoyed his presence after all, with him around your days were anything but boring.
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shout out to: @fivenightsatwhoreville @minarinnn @loser-vxbez @pinksodacan
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crownedghostprince · 1 year
Two Queens on a Chessboard (Descendants) pt 1
Evie x Female!Reader.
Fandom: Descendants.
(Y/N) is the daughter of Snow White.  She’s been attending Auradon High for a little while now and Prince Ben, (the future King of Auradon) just declared he’ll be bringing over four VKs (Villain Kids) to help them choose their own destinies and not what their parents want for them.  (Y/N) loves all things girly, cute, pink and fun...but she didn’t know “all things girly” included liking girls themselves.
Requests: Closed. Requested: no.
Warning(s): None, this is just a cute, gay romantic and fluffy story.
Note: In this Evie is not at all related to Snow White or anything, as in this Timeline the Evil Queen did not marry Snow White’s father.  Instead, she attempted to date her father and when he died he left a will claiming her to be trustworthy of everything he possessed until his daughter (Snow White) was of age to inherit it all (18) and that’s how the story goes in this world. 
I hope that’s not confusing and enjoy!
Word Count: 2,700+ (roughly)
[First Person Perspective]
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(This incredible picture of Evie belongs to ‘lilicohirukoma’  on Tumblr.  Check her out, she has some fun relogs and other posts!)
I carefully observed as birds glided effortlessly across the sky, flapping their wings against the warm sun.  The sunlight drifted through my open window, lighting up my sketchbooks and coloured pencils.  I did my best to keep the wind from blowing my reference pictures off my desk as I drew the parrots above to the best of my ability.  Their coloured feathers that lit up the world as they passed it by were my favourite thing about them.  I was supposed to be getting dressed for the day, or at least doing something more productive, but I felt too at peace to move.
It took my mother knocking at my door to get me away from my desk to let her in.  Her pale skin came into view as the door swung open.  I reluctantly met her brown eyes as she spoke, clearly upset, “(Y/N) you should be dressed already!  I don’t care for these Villain Kids, or whatever Prince Ben is planning with them, but I’ll be damned if I let you leave the house not looking like royalty.  I swear, sometimes you forget you’re my daughter.”  She scolded, entering my room and shutting the door behind us so she could dress me in the outfit I chose.  “Look at this!  It’s so pink the pink tax could charge you twice for it!”
“Very funny, mother.”  I rolled my eyes and started to undress, letting her pull the pink dress over my head as she continued to comment on it.  While we were both distracted a couple of the parrots from earlier flew to the windowsill and watched.
“There’s so many frills I can’t see the bloody hem!  Do you think they added enough sparkles?  I swear this dress has more sparkles than the Fairy Godmother’s magic spells.”
“I think it’s a charming dress.”
“Charming?  Charming would be blinded by this dress’ glow!”  She scoffed, continuing to do up the corset and back bow.  The dress I chose to meet the Villain Kids in was a cute 1950s, Rock ‘n’ Roll inspired dress with the skirt reaching my knees with lots of frills, a bow in the back and lots of sparkles.  The top part of the dress was shaped with a scoop neckline and a simpler design aside from the corset so the skirt could catch people’s eyes first.  The skirt was the main focus of the dress and the top simply blended quite nicely.
I had chosen matching pink high heels, my nails were done with an almond shape in a very light pink colour.  Imagine white but with a tinge of pink, that’s the colour.  I was in love with the outfit and I even did my hair in a cute 1950s curly side bun hairstyle with a cute pink bow in my hair.  Can you tell I love pink?  I chose silver jewelry to match, a simple necklace and bracelet and some studded earrings.
But back to the present moment, my mother had finished doing up my corset and my outfit was finished with the added jewelry that she helped me put on.  She looked me up and down and shook her head.  “How did we go from my blue and yellow to your blinding pink?”  She sighed, putting her hand to her cheek as she tilted her head.  She doesn’t like pink all that much, she says only Aurora and her child, Audrey, should dress in pink as it’s ‘their colours’.
“Mother, you know I’m not a big fan of yellow.  Besides, I do wear blue!  I was just in a pink mood today.”  I explained even though we’ve had this conversation many times.
“I know, darling.  I just sometimes wonder who you get your personality from.  You don’t really act like your father or I at all.”  She stated completely ignoring that fact that I do many things she did at 17 years of age.  I guess she just blocked out those memories like most parents.
“Well, sometimes a little sugar needs some spice.”  I simply replied by saying our phrase.  She was always considered the sweetest princess and queen, which she was, and when I grew up to be quite more lively and sassy I was nicknamed her ‘spice’.
“Well, Little Miss Spice better grab her purse and leave for school if she wants to meet those Villain Kids so badly.”  She smiled.  I returned her smile and we both turned to my desk where my pink purse was and we noticed our audience.  The two parrots from earlier were there, but a squirrel, a bluebird and a doe had joined the window, watching with interest.
Like my mother, I naturally attracted animals and got along wonderfully with them.  But sometimes it was a bit unnerving to realize you’re never truly alone when you live right near the forest.  Oh, right, we live on the edge of Auradon, just outside a magnificent forest filled with many creatures - magical and non-magical - in a cozy castle.  It was more a mansion styled as a castle, but the comment stands.
“I’ll, uhm, be on my way then.”  I cleared my throat and grabbed my purse, giving the animals all a pet before turning back to my mother.  She sighed and gave me a quick hug, being careful not to smudge my makeup and eyeliner.
“Just promise me you’ll be safe and you won’t get too close to any of those children.”  She looked at me sternly.  Although it would be more intimidating if she wasn’t slightly shorter than me.
“I promise, mother.”  I smiled and kissed her forehead before jogging out the door and waving, “Bye!!  I’ll see you tonight!”  I skipped down the halls and a couple of the house mice joined me before running from our cat, Sherlock.
♡ ~~~~~~ ♡   
Finally, I arrived via limo to Auradon High.  Kids my age had already started gathering and the band was practicing before the kids arrived.  I stepped out, “Thank-you, Mister Desmond!”
“Have a lovely day at school, Miss White.”  He waved with his soft smile.
“I will!  Goodbye!”  I closed the door and skipped up to my two best friends: Jane and Elin.  Jane was the daughter of the Fairy Godmother and Elin was the daughter of Elsa.  Elin has ice powers like her mother, except her powers are smaller in scale and easier for her to control.  Well that’s what she told me, but I’ll never know for sure.  “Hey, Elin!  Hey, Jane!”  I called, finally skipping up to them.
“Hey, (Y/N)!”  They both greeted - Jane a little more nervous than Elin.
“Are you excited to meet the VKs?”  Elin asked excitedly.  Her soft blue eyes lit up as she smiled and finished braiding her white hair.  It was pretty long so it took her some time but it was always so worth it.  She was almost as good as Rapunzel’s daughter when it came to braiding hair.
“I’m really excited to meet them! I really hope they don’t cause us any trouble...I feel like they’ll be really cool to befriend!”  I answered, bouncing up and down a little.
“I’m not thrilled.  I hope they leave as quickly as they come.”  Jane gulped, nervously picking at her fingernails - an anxious habit she’d had for a while now.  I took her hands and squeezed them slightly.
“Don’t worry I’m sure they won’t bother us much.  They’ll probably think we’re all too prissy and princess-y to be worth bothering.”  I reassured her.  She smiled slightly but still looked worried.
“I’m more concerned about my mother forcing me to meet them and be near them more than I would like...”  She whispered uncertainly.  We both looked over at her mother who stood beside Prince Ben and his girlfriend Audrey at the front of the gathering, just in front of the band.  My mouth formed an ‘O’ shape as I realized what she meant.
Her mother was always so extroverted and confident and Jane was the total opposite, being more on the shy and reserved side.  “I’m sure she’ll take it easy on you, vennen.”  (Darling)  Elin reassured her in her thick Norwegian accent, placing her hands on Jane’s shoulders and giving her a little playful shake which elicited a little giggle from Jane.  “Besides, if you stick with us, we’ll protect you from them!”  Elin grinned and gave the air a couple fake punches to prove her point.
“Yeah!  And I’ll wear so much pink it would make any Villain gag from 30 meters away!”  I laughed and Jane cracked a smile.  Before any of us could joke around any more a hush fell over the group as Fairy Godmother clapped her hands three times like a primary school teacher and then shouted orders.
“Everyone hush!!  Listening ears and smiling faces on!  They’re coming down now!  Look bright and lively everybody!  Here we go!!”  She cheered and we all did our best to match her over bubbly personality.  Jane passed Elin and I some small flags made for occasions like this.  We excitedly waved them in the air as everyone cheered and the band started up once again.  It wasn’t the best welcome song, but it was pretty impressive considering they’d only had a week until now to practice.
The limo pulled up and the chauffeur opened the door.  We watched two boys tumble out, hushing us all with their arguing and battle for some piece of cloth.  Eventually a purple-haired woman stepped out and then followed a gorgeous blue-haired woman.  Her outfit, her hair, her smile - she was absolutely adorable.  I couldn’t stop staring and Elin had to physically close my dropped jaw with her hand.
Elin chuckled and gave me a discreet thumbs up, having hinted at me being bisexual in the past.  But...I always denied it.  I blushed and avoided eye-contact, my eyes slowly drifting back to the gorgeous girl rocking a stunning blue outfit and looking like she was a princess straight out of a fairy tale book.  I was especially in awe of her style.  She clearly had a good sense of fashion and she held her head high with confidence as she walked.
Her dress was a strange, but gorgeous, mix of leather with a blue jeans-inspired design and something similar to what the ‘Evil Queen’ from my mother’s past would wear.  She had a cute headband that matched and her whole outfit looked handmade, down to every seam.  She wore a contrasting red apple necklace; black, finger-less gloves and matching black and white tights.  Finally, I noticed how her hair was slightly curled, a bit like mine currently was, but her hair was fully let down and swayed in the gentle breeze.  She seemed ecstatic to be here and looked at everything like a small child seeing their biggest wish come true.
Elin snapped me out of my daze once again and we all watched as Fairy Godmother greeted them with her usual happy-go-lucky, primary school teacher attitude and then she introduced Prince Ben and Princess Audrey.  Prince Ben made sure to greet them all individually by shaking their hands and welcoming them, pausing a bit on the purple-haired woman and then continuing on afterwards.  I couldn’t see Audrey’s face but ever since her betrothal to Prince Ben I assumed she was pissed he wasn’t giving her all his attention.
Although that sounds ridiculous, I know Audrey very well.  She’s a very arrogant, ignorant woman who loves power and fame and money.  She cares little for other people, especially those actually in need of aid.  I remember watching once as she offered no food to a begging woman.  I made sure to buy some extra bread and cheese for the lady.  It wasn’t much, but she was thankful and that made me smile.  But for Audrey to pass her by without even acknowledging her?  Horrible.
We watched as Fairy Godmother wrapped it up and finished talking with everyone.  Prince Ben and Princess Audrey began leading them to the school, giving them a bit of a tour and talking about the history whilst everyone else in the area scattered and cleaned up any confetti.  I caught eyes with the beautiful blue-haired woman and we both paused for a second.  Even from a distance I could tell she was the daughter of The Evil Queen and she could probably tell I was Snow White’s daughter.  I felt my cheeks heat up and all I could do was smile, curtsy and wink and then quickly catch up with my friends.
♡ ~~~~~~ ♡  
“Pleaseee that was so embarrassingggg!!!”  I whined into Elin’s pillow.  Elin laughed in amusement from her office chair.  Elin was staying in a dorm room with Jane at the school as she travelled very far to attend and Jane stayed in the dorm room because she hated travelling such a long distance to school every day.
“I’m sure she found it cute, vennen min.”  (My friend) Elin shook her head as she spoke.  I looked up from the pillow more and stared pointedly.
“I assure you she probably did not, liebling.”  (Darling)  I tossed the pillow back onto her bed before standing up from the floor.  I brushed my clothing off and checked how I looked in Jane’s vanity mirror.
“How do you know?  You don’t!  In fact...there’s only one way of truly knowing.”  Elin grinned.  I watched her from the mirror as I fixed up my makeup before deciding to ask the dreaded question.
“And...how would I go about finding that out?”  I turned around and Elin stood up excitedly.
“At school tomorrow,” She grabbed my shoulders, “Introduce yourself and get to know her.”
“I--...I mean you’re not wrong, but...how would I even go about approaching her?”
“Well if you see you share a class, greet her then!  Maybe when you’re both leaving and also see what other classes you share!”
“Elin, mausebär.  (Mouse)  That’s incredible thinking!  You’re absolutely right!  I can just meet her at classes and then move from there!”  Elin and I giddily did a little dance on the spot.
“That’s the spirit!!  Overcome your fears!”  She cheered, her soft blue eyes sparkling with delight.  She began tossing little snowflakes above us like confetti.  “Jippi!”  (Yay)  She cheered.
We spent the rest of our time together with Jane, enjoying our lunches, joking and dancing around and doing each others hair whilst watching some movies like ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ and ‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’.  We had a lot of fun like we originally planned.  This day spent together and movie night is how we usually spend our last day before school.  My mother’s fine with me staying out until midnight, so I was able to do that again.
I tiredly said my goodbyes to Elin and Jane, hugging them both before I followed Fairy Godmother to the front door of the school.  We talked quietly, careful of the sleeping students.  “I’m glad you and Elin are friends with Jane.”  She smiled softly, looking up at the moon as we waited for Mister Desmond to arrive.  “She’s so shy and closed off.  I still remember the day she came home from middle school, ecstatic and talking fast.  She was so happy to have friends she didn’t say a single word correctly.”
I grinned, remembering how I first met Jane by walking into a wall right in front of her and balling my eyes out immediately at the slightest drop of blood that was created by the impact.  She’d always been such a kind person.  She leapt straight into making sure I was okay, screaming for Elin to help us both when poor Elin herself was lost.  Luckily our gym teacher was nearby and helped us get to the nurse’s office where we all sat crying and apologizing.
It was a silly way to meet, but I wouldn’t change it for anything else in the world.  I was so distracted talking to Fairy Godmother and thinking back on my childhood days with Elin and Jane, I completed missed the four students hiding in a bush just outside the school - waiting for us to leave so they could sneak back inside.  When I finally spoke up to Fairy Godmother about how we met, as Jane never coherently told her mother, I also missed Evie’s soft smile as she pictured the scenario I was describing.
It was a perfect night and a perfect start to a new school year...and a future relationship.
♡ ~~~~~~ ♡
(Part 2 coming soon!)
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