#funny how chapter ten is also my first fight chapter
s4sharkteeth · 1 year
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yes chapter caption here idk I have so many to get through
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kitthepurplepotato · 4 months
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Chapter 2 - Smile for me, Red.
Summary: Kirishima comes to collect his usual coffee with a worn down, fake smile on his face. Y/N’s having none of it.
I know I said the next chapter will come in two weeks, but you guys sent me so much love I can’t help but post another one. The next one will be late, though!
Warnings: Swear words
First Chapter Master List
“Did you just come in through window?” You deadpan as your himbo of an uncle sneaks in through the manager’s office window, ten minutes late.
“Didn’t want people to see me.” The old man sighs as the plops down on the nearest chair.
“You shouldn’t have put your signature on the wall then.” You raise your brows and your manager nods approvingly. “Also, Red Riot works next door. He won’t be much of a help to the society if he dies in a heart failure after seeing you sneaking around their private parking spot.”
“How did the boy like the present, Y/N?” Crimson Riot winks, his hair just as obnoxious and spiky as always; okay you have no right to say anything about his hair as your own is the same color, but still, those spikes might have worked when he was 30, but they aren’t working now. “I can’t believe my little girl finally met her crush. Do you remember, when…” Your uncle is about to start reminiscing but you ain’t having any of that.
“This is a work meeting, Uncle. I know you hate talking about numbers but you are the fucking owner so shut up and listen to my manager.” You sigh, already knowing he’ll try to change the topic again as soon as the meeting actually starts.
Okay, so here’s the deal: your uncle is like a second dad to you. Why? Because your mom and dad are both businessmen and they travel around a lot which made your retired uncle your almost full time babysitter after you grew up enough to be able to move around and exist without choking on air. Your parents love you, you know that but they live for their jobs.
Watching the school festival in the TV was one of your favorite things to do with your uncle; he adores seeing the young heroes challenging each other without the putrid smell of death lurking around the corner; being a hero can be quite fun when you are still in school but the real deal is nothing like the silly little work studies; it’s gruesome and cruel, full of blood and loss, but watching these young students fight so seriously for nothing but a gold medal kinda makes you forget about all of the dark side for a second and just enjoy the show.
You were around fourteen or fifteen when the young, sturdy hero wannabe appeared on the screen for the first time; his passion and positive attitude caught both of your eyes right away and it didn’t take long before the word went around about the boy being a massive Crimson Riot fan so needless to say, you two spent most of your time searching the internet for more information about the young boy and eventually, this became a family tradition every time you had to spend the night at your uncle’s house. First, it was only tiny articles you could find, but eventually as he got older there were full interviews available for you to watch with your uncle after a shitty day at work. You don’t come by his house that often anymore, but when you do, Red Riot always comes up. The story your uncle was about to tell is probably about you having an absolute crush on the boy when you first saw him on the screen; you remember getting really flustered by his adorable smile, shark teeth and all. Crimson Riot always liked to joke about how funny it would be to have Red Riot join your little family and you always yelled and laughed at your silly uncle for being ridiculous, but seeing him in really life really made you question if your uncle secretly wanted you two to meet and make your dreams a reality, hence why the cafe ended up to be so close to their agency.
Also, it’s not like you actually had a crush on him; maybe when you were 15 you really did crush on the boy but now you are 25 and definitely way past the celebrity crush phase; you two kept up your tradition and watched his interviews every week, but it was more of a habit than anything else.
The meeting doesn’t take long; your manager mumbles out a bunch of numbers then after one look at your uncle’s confused face she realizes that “the big boss” did not check his e-mails this week so she tells him that the business is going well and that’s enough for him to leave your manager alone for another week or so. He doesn’t really care about the money anyway; having a cafe was on his bucket list so he made it happen and he really doesn’t give a fuck about the rest until he’s not actually loosing money on it. This whole meeting isn’t really necessary to be honest but it’s a way for him to feel included; he doesn’t want anyone to know his connection to the cafe so he can’t really lurk around during opening hours. It’s quite silly as the name of the coffee shop literally has his name in it, but to be fair, he’s been retired for a decade, no one really gives enough fucks to put one and two together. Except Red Riot, but he’s too busy being an excited golden retriever to question how did you manage to get him a signature so soon.
“Okay, it’s almost opening time, let’s get shit done.” You sigh, not ready for another 12 hour shift.
Why do you work so much? The answer is really easy; you have nothing else to do. Yes, quite sad. Now let’s move on.
“Language!” Your manager reprimands but you only roll your eyes at that; you’ll never understand why are people so obsessed with swear words. They are just words. They are completely harmless.
Red Riot appears a few minutes after the doors open; he doesn’t jump around this time, doesn’t even look at his favorite poster, just comes straight to the counter with the fakest smile on his tired, but handsome face.
Oh no.
First of all, Red Riot being sad? That’s unacceptable. That guy is a ray of sunshine all the time, you swear you can see a trail of rainbow coming out of his gorgeous and juicy ass as he skips towards his agency every day.
Second of all, how dare he look so fucking handsome even with those massive Gucci bags under his eyes? How dare he make you feel like you need to smush his face between your boobs until he gives you that typical shark-smile you adore so much?
Oh man, you are so gone. So fucking gone and the man in front of you has no fucking idea about it.
“Can I have my usual, please?”
“No.” Red Riot looks gobsmacked. He’s clearly not in the mood for teasing but he schools his face anyway; he tries to laugh it off, he really tries, but he can’t hide the sadness in his eyes. “Not until you tell me who made my favorite customer look so miserable. I need to start plotting a murder here, fella.” You mumble to him in a baby voice. Your upper body is basically laying on the counter at this point; you try to get as close to the red haired hero as humanly possible without being too obvious. Well, this is already extremely obvious but you have a feeling you could kiss this man on the mouth and he would still think you are just being friendly. Silly boy.
“You can’t murder something that doesn’t exist, Y/N.” He tries to smile again and fails miserably.
“It’s all in your head, isn’t it?” You mumble to yourself, but he jumps into your sentence.
“No, I mean there is no problem, I don’t know what you are talking about! Can I have my coffee? Please?” The redhead begs, but you can’t let this go. This man won’t leave this shop until he gives you a real smile.
“There is a lot of things I hate you know, but what I hate the most is when someone I care about lies into my face.” You retort angrily. “But I will give you another chance to redeem yourself by asking this: what can a poor little barista do for you to make that smile on your face a real one?” You can’t help it; your hand reaches out to the two sides of his lips and you push the skin up to force him to “smile”. His cheeks redden from the sudden closeness and it’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen. “I’m a good listener, you know. I also give good advice. This is also the perfect opportunity for you to say that a date with me would cheer you up. I’m just saying!” You finally let him go. Damn, thank god for your poker face because deep inside, you are absolutely freaking out about how close you were to him just a second ago. He smelled so fucking nice, quite strong but there is a hint of sweetness to it which you absolutely love.
“I… I think… that… maybe…” The man stutters adorably, his whole face as red as a lobster. “I just need a …hug? I might cry a bit though. I feel a bit lonely today plus I had a nightmare and…” You don’t wait for him to finish his sentence. You jump right through the stupid counter; you did get some training from your uncle so you are more than capable to do all kind of tricks like that; then run right into the stupidly tall man’s arms.
First, he just stands in one place, his arms hanging by his sides as you cuddle into his humongous chest; then slowly, he lets the facade crumble. There are tiny sniffles coming from the redhead as he finally puts his arms around you; the hug is tight, almost suffocating, but fuck if it doesn’t feel amazing. You are not sure if it’s him who needed that or it was just you.
“Stop being so nice to me, I’ll fall in love with you.” He mumbles into your ears; you can feel the goosebumps going down your spine from his husky voice.
“Stop lying to yourself, Red, you are already in love with me.” You giggle as you leave a cheeky kiss on the man’s chin to make sure he has something else to think about today.
“Guilty as charged.” Red Riot’s signature grin is finally back and damn if it doesn’t hit differently from this angle. Your heart has a really hard time with the fact that he didn’t even try to deny his crush on you.
“Go to work, Red.” You smile at the hero and make your way back to finally make his coffee. “On the house.” You give him his latte, but not before you leave a tiny kiss on the redheads cheek. “And this too.” You smile at him fondly.
“Amazing customer service. 10/10. Tell your manager to give you a raise. Or something. Yeah. Uhm. Bye.”
You’ll never forget his manic grin as he ran out of the door and went the wrong way by accident. He almost head butted a pole as well.
Fucking hell, you absolutely adore this man.
Is it a crush? Is it love? Or is it just fondness? You have no idea. One thing for sure; you can’t wait to meet him again tomorrow.
Kirishima is in pieces.
He got a hug from his favorite barista. And a kiss. On his chin. And his cheeks… fuck, that’s two whole kisses. Not one, but two. And a hug.
Did he say, he got two whole kisses today?
Oh. He did.
Well, he will say it again.
Kirishima Eijirou just got a kiss from the most amazing girl in the whole city.
Who did?
He did.
“Wake the fuck up, Eijirou!” Katsuki yells into his face, the violent action topped up with a not-too-sneaky explosion attack, but even that’s not enough for him to completely get out of it; he stares at the lovely coffee in his hands, caramel latte with extra whip cream and chocolate shreds.
You know who made this coffee for him? The girl who kissed him. She did. Kiss him. On the cheek. And on his chin. Two kisses. Two.
Ahh, what a day to be a guy named Kirishima Eijirou.
What a day indeed.
“Katsuki, I think I’m having a fat ass crush.”
“Fucking marvelous, now can you give me the fucking agency stamp before I explode you through your asshole?” Katsuki sighs.
Kirishima is so proud of his bro. He’s been through a lot this year; he’s lost his assistant (no, she’s not dead, just pregnant. No, not from Katsuki, you cheeky bastard.) then got a new one he fell in love with, then he almost lost that person due to a quirk accident. Oh, and he almost died due to a quirk called “anguish” that makes you relive your worst nightmares until you give up and decide death is much better than the suffering that comes with it.
If that’s not enough, Katsuki’s feelings were reciprocated and Katsuki is basically a married man now who wakes up early every day to pack two bentos for his fiancé and himself, sometimes three when he feels generous towards his best bro. Katsuki is still his own, explosive self, don’t get Kirishima wrong; but he’s also much more emotional, much more patient when it comes to Kirishima’s silly flaws. He loved the old Katsuki just as much as he loves this one but he does feel like they’ve got much closer since Katsuki managed to open up to the world a bit more. He’s so proud of his best buddy.
“Sorry, bro.” Kirishima smiles at his best bud with nothing but fondness. Katsuki only rolls his eyes.
“So… how is she? Or he. Or whatever. They. Dunno.” He mutters and Kirishima perks up right away; his bestie is so open-minded, goddamit!
“She’s beautiful and kind. She smells really nice. She teases me all the time and doesn’t even see me as a man I think, but every single moment with her feels like a gift.”
Katsuki doesn’t say anything first, he just looks at Kirishima, searching for something; Kirishima has no idea what he’s looking for.
“You know there is one thing I realized since I… uhm. Fell in love or whatever…”
“No one will be able to love you if you can’t even love yourself.” Katsuki retorts with his ears tinted red. “So work on that before you do anything stupid.”
Hm. Love yourself. Kirishima can do a lot of things, but self-love ain’t one of them. Self-hatred? Kirishima is secretly a pro at that. Self-pity? He’s number one at that as well.
But self-love? Zero points.
He has a long way to go before he can ask the girl of his dreams on a date then.
… Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- Wow, this chapter was so short! Sorry about that! The chapters will get longer as the story develops by the way, so don’t worry :D
- Thank you so much for all the love on the first chapter, I couldn’t fucking believe it, to be honest. I literally thought no one will respond to it, yet it got hundred likes in less than a week. Thank you so much, you actually made me tear up. I hope you will like this story until the end! 💜
TL (how is this so long already, I love you guys so much, honestly!): @porusuniverse @sixxze @unofficialmuilover @cheesenmax @readingfan @sammmm29 @pwinglez1 @happydragonfrog @magicalhandsherringclam @lovingnightharmony @theequeenofcurses @kirishima-eijirock @nerinefy
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the-puppet-bracket · 6 months
Spamton propaganda:
"You know someone had to do it.
This guy's whole thing is not wanting to be a puppet anymore, but uh-oh-spaghetti-o! Dude now has physical puppet strings!"
"Making a [SPECIL] deal by placing his [#1 SALE SYSTEM] into a [CLASSIC!] body, Spamton believed he could be more than [HYPERLINK BLOCKED]. But the strings told him otherwise. He lunged at Kris in [LIMITED TIME OFFER], trying with all his [50% OFF!] to be more than a puppet."
"Spam email bot who was exposed to something that drove him mad and he spent the whole rest of his existence trying to cut his strings, only to die (maybe?) when he finally manages it."
"He is the most tortured dumpster man alive. Also, not literally a puppet, but metaphorically!!! There's some mysterious outside force controlling him and limiting what he can say and god, he desperately wants to break free, trying to kill the protagonist (his only friend in years) for the chance of ""being let loose from his strings"". In his secret boss battle, he thinks he'll be free after getting a new body but he isn't, as his new powerful body has literal strings attached. You fight him, because he thinks your soul (long story) will gain him access to freedom. During the pacifist route of the battle, you cut his strings until there's one more left, he's ecstatic, being able to break free from the narrative of the confines of the game. He decides to break his own last string, and he falls to the ground into pieces. It turns out he relied on the strings after so long, and couldn't recover without them. Afterwards, he's deshevaled, hung up by vines in the dark basement that resemble his old strings and he says ""It seems after all I couldn't be anything more than a simple puppet."" This ties back to how Kris, the protagonist of the game is feeling the effects of being controlled by the player and really shows the core focus of the game and it's characters. And that's why I entered him into this poll!
Also he is genuinely so fucking hilarious bro just play Deltarune already what the fuck are you doing the chapters that are out rn are free dawg (play Undertale first though, it's like ten bucks or something you'll be fine)"
"Spamton best blorbo. Very good blorbo. Exquisite blorbo even. He's sad and adhd and insane and weird and I love him and you should too. Pipis"
"he spamt"
"he's living in a goddamn garbage can. let the big shot win. it'll be funny. does he deserve it? that is up to viewer discretion. but he is our beloved tumblr sillyman and as such we need to pay him respect in some manner. <3
(iirc spamton is a puppet? probably. oh well if he doesn't count ignore this i'm not read up on
my deltarune)"
"frankly i'd be surprised if he's not one of the most submitted. anyway his whole Deal is about being a puppet and having other things control him and so he seeks to regain that control through either manipulating the player into murdering half the city or to take the red soul and use it to become a god. yet in his super powerful NEO form he still has strings attached to him (that he won't even notice if he succeeded in the player manipulation thing) and in either case he ultimately becomes an item you use just for stats. guy really isn't a fan of puppetteers"
"you propably knew this was coming lol
Tumblr's favorite awful little puppet desperately fighting to get rid of his strings
the pinocchio references are strong in this one
OR... so... I... thought.
"Tries to become a real boy, ends up as another puppet look guy. He's shady, he's a scammer, he's got cringefail swag and I love him"
"He's just a little fucked-up little guy"
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cariantha · 2 months
A Chance Encounter (3/3)
Book: Open Heart (Pre-Series) Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks) Rating: Teen Category: Fluff Word count: 1.3K Series Summary: Ten years before meeting at Edenbrook, Ethan and Sawyer have a chance encounter during spring break.
Chapter Summary: Almost two years after moving to Boston and meeting Ethan Ramsey, Sawyer realizes her spring break dream guy and current boyfriend are the same person.
Part One | Part Two
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Part Three: The Realization 
March 2024 - Boston, Massachusetts
“Okay, okay! Truce!” Sawyer surrendered with breathless laughter. She and Ethan, and most of the surfaces in the room, were dripping wet in the aftermath of their impromptu water fight at the kitchen sink.
Ethan playfully swatted her bottom with a dish towel before he started mopping up the countertop. “Hey!” she jumped with a laugh. “You started it, mister.”
“Uh-uh. You did when you gagged at my recipe idea.”
“Sorry, not sorry. But it was a terrible idea. Who puts raisins in pasta? Who puts raisins in anything? Gross,” she shivered in disgust. Changing the subject, “Hey, speaking of terrible things… did you hear about all those spring breakers who ended up in the E.R. last night?”
“I did. I saw it on the news as well. It’s a miracle no one drowned. Fifty people crammed onto a pontoon boat… what a bunch of drunken idiots,” Ethan commented and shook his head.
“So, I take it you never did anything crazy or reckless on your spring breaks?” She stopped what she was doing and turned to face him. “Did you even go on any spring break trips?”
Nearly a year and a half since meeting in the lobby of Edenbook, Sawyer still hadn’t remembered their encounter over a decade ago. And Ethan didn’t want to tell her. He wanted her to realize on her own and was still hopeful she would. Something would eventually jog her memory and he wanted to witness the moment she finally connected the dots. The more senior doctor had always been fascinated with how his protege’s mind worked, how an everyday random thought became the key to unlocking a medical mystery. He wondered if it would be like that when she finally remembered. But then again, Sawyer didn’t even know there was a mystery to be solved, so maybe not. 
“Once what?” Sawyer asked, walking to the dining table to collect the wine glasses, “Once you were reckless or once–” She cut herself off as her foot slipped out from under her. “Whoa!” she yelped, clipping her elbow on a metal cabinet handle as she fell on her rump. “Owww,” she whimpered, cradling her throbbing funny bone. 
“Shit! Are you okay?” Ethan rushed to her side and crouched down. He peeled Sawyer’s hand away from her elbow and saw red. “Come here.” Scooping her into his arms, he stood and gently deposited her on top of the kitchen island. Reaching for a roll of paper towels, he tore a couple off. “Here, keep pressure on it. I’ll be right back.” A minute later he returned with a first aid kit. 
Needing a distraction from the throbbing pain, Sawyer watched him sort through the kit. “Tell me more about your spring break. I can’t quite picture you partying on the beach in Florida. Isn’t that where all the east coasters go?” 
“It was during med school,” he answered. “Tobias’ stepdad had a house at the beach, right on the water. We spent a few days there with a couple of other buddies from school. It wasn’t anything wild like the scene in Florida… pretty upscale… but Tobias did throw a big party while we were there.” Having gathered the needed supplies, he lifted the paper towels and examined the gash on her elbow. “What about you? Let me guess… Mexico? Lake Havasu? Vegas?”
She shook her head as she also assessed her injury. “I was on scholarship. I couldn’t afford to go anywhere. But sophomore year, my roommate invited me to go with her to New York. She was a nanny for a super-rich family from L.A. They let her bring a friend since she was giving up her spring break to travel with them.” 
Standing between her legs, Ethan cleaned the wound. When Sawyer turned her head and flinched from the sting of the antiseptic, he leaned down and blew on her elbow. 
Sawyer snapped her head back to him. When he lifted his eyes to meet hers, memories of her time in the Hamptons with a handsome young stranger came rushing back. The stranger who traveled with three friends and whose roommate had a wealthy stepfather who owned a house on the water. A medical student at John Hopkins. A coffee snob with eyes the same color as the ocean.
“You– You didn’t say where you went for spring break,” she commented quietly.
Ethan stepped away to dispose of the bloody gauze and paper towels. His back was to her when he answered. “The Hamptons.”
When he turned around, he saw the realization dawning in her glassy eyes. 
Sawyer stared back at him for a moment. "Moondoggie?" she asked softly, her throat suddenly tight as she swallowed her choked-up tears.
Ethan smiled as he returned to the counter and rummaged through the first aid kit for the right size bandage. 
“You’re… it was… it was you?" she stammered, putting the puzzle pieces together. As he applied ointment to her wound, her mind wandered to the countless times he had lovingly kissed and caressed the barely there scar on her thigh. "Why haven't you ever said anything?" 
"It was complicated. You were an intern. I was an attending. Cracking that door open would have made it even harder to keep things professional.” 
"When exactly did you realize?" she wondered. 
"In the waiting room of the E.R. The moment I saw and called you over to help,” he admitted, tearing the wrapping away from the bandaid. 
“But you acted like you didn’t know me.” 
“I recognized you immediately. How could I ever forget these bewitching green eyes?” he said, his knuckles caressing her cheek. “I just didn’t know your name.”  
She held her tongue as he concentrated on placing the butterfly bandage just right. When he was done, Sawyer slugged him. 
“Ow! What was that for?” he moaned, rubbing his shoulder.
“We met. We had this incredible connection. Had a magical night together. And thennn, we meet again ten years later, unable to resist each other, and you still don’t believe in soulmates?!” 
Ethan shrugged. “You know I believe in science, not star charts. There’s a perfectly logical explanation–”
Sawyer shook her head and cut him off before he bored her to death with scientific reasoning. “Ethan… I can’t believe this… you were my… my–”
“Spring break hook-up?” he tried to finish for her.
“No… well yes, but you were my– my first.” 
He stopped what he was doing and looked her in the eyes. “Are you serious?” 
“Well, clearly it was not very memorable,” he poked fun at himself as he started to move away and clean up.
Sawyer quickly grabbed his shirt and tugged him back. “Are you kidding?! I’ve never forgotten that night, Ethan. I never forgot how you made me feel,” she told him, wrapping her hands around his wrists to keep him close. “You know, the first time I saw a picture of you, I thought you looked like him. The guy I met on spring break. It was always at the back of my mind, but I figured it was just wishful thinking...” She trailed off, stroking his cheek with her thumb. “It's probably why I didn't recognize you as my medical hero when we saved that woman's life. Seeing you again short-circuited my brain," she chuckled. Locking eyes with him, her tone became more serious. "That guy from the beach was my dream guy. I’ve never forgotten him and I compared everyone who came after to him.”
“Is that so?” he asked in a near whisper, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Yes.” Sawyer shrugged her shoulders. “I’m sorry I didn’t remember right away. I suppose once I started to get to know you… once I found the real thing… I didn’t need to hold onto the memory of the dream guy anymore.” She locked her legs around his waist and her arms around his torso, drawing him as close as possible.  
“I see,” he said, planting a soft kiss on her lips. “Well, maybe if I play my cards right, I can be your first and your last.”
“Take me to the bedroom, Moondoggie,” she smiled. “You can be my first, last, and right now.”
Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @peonierose @potionsprefect @trappedinfanfiction @jerzwriter @queencarb @coffeeheartaddict2 @quixoticdreamer16 @jamespotterthefirst @liaromancewriter @zealouscanonindeer @tveitertotwrites @tessa-liam @youlookappropriate @kyra75 @socalwriterbee @txemrn @midnightmelodiz
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kyouka-supremacy · 7 months
hi! I've been going through your blog and I love all your analyses, we may not agree on everything but it's definitely fun to read and eye-opening and I'm grateful to see someone looking into bsd with such depth and whipping out whole essays <3
On that note. There was a fan theory I read when dead apple came out (for the life of me I cannot remember the source, if anyone knows please tell me) that Atsushi's healing ability applies only to the injuries caused by other abilities, and he can't heal from non-ability things like guns etc. The op cited the scene in ch18 where Atsushi is caught in a shooting, and healed by Yosano in the next chapter.
This theory came about because 1) in dead apple, Shibusawa says that the tiger is "the antithesis to all abilities" and "the ability everyone desires." Then we never get the reason why Shibusawa was so obsessed with Atsushi. And 2) in ch7 after sskk's first encounter where Atsushi's leg is severed, Yosano takes a look and thinks "there's no scar, it's more of a restoration than a regeneration."
The gist of this is that I like the idea of Atsushi not being 100% invulnerable. And, if his is indeed the antithesis to all abilities then I'm excited to see what that entails; it implies that in the face of a time travel ability, he would be able to turn back time (if he knew how to use it ofc, cough Fukuchi fight cough). If the book is tied to an ability, Atsushi may be able to undo changes done by the book? he may also nullify Dazai's nullification? idk this opens many doors. Anyway! this is my fave bsd theory. I think, with how Akutagwa's ability sort of completes Atsushi's, and with the whole Rashomon being able to eat space, maybe with this development it will also "eat" a portion of the timeline, as in, undoing the events that occurred? is this making any sense? sorry for the rant I'd love to hear what u think, thanks <3
Hi!! Thank you for your kind words, they mean a lot!!! Could this be the post you were looking for? Funny enough, it was at the very top of my reblogs queue. Indeed, it's an extremely insightful theory!!!
So, there's a lot to unpack here. Ever since I've read that theory, I've found Yosano's thoughts regarding Atsushi's healing from chapter 7 extremely interesting. It's curious, because the nuance gets completely lost in the official English translation:
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(Raws → fantranslation → official Yen Press English translation). As you can see, the meaning gets totally lost in the last one. It almost makes me wonder if it was an intentional change due to the fact that the plot point won't be brought up in the manga in ten years (much like opting out of adapting the Steinbeck Guild uprising in the anime, since that plot point has been apparently discarded), but I hope it's not the case.
All taken into account, I don't think it's a stretch to say Atsushi's ability, due to his quality of denying other abilities, can only quickly regenerate as far as other abilities wounds go. When I was reading the manga I thought it was only plot conveniency and suspension of disbelief, but taking a closer look perhaps the pattern of wounds not caused by abilities taking longer to heal isn't concidential: it already happened with the wounds he suffered from in the orphanage, which ended up leaving scars (chapter 28), with the Guild's attack, which was of unknown nature but required Yosano's help to heal (chapter 18-19), with Twain's sniper attacks, which as the theory's Op point don't seem to have healed immediately (chapter 29). But in my opinion it's still too little instances to be able to affirm with certainty that it's not just coincidences dictated by plot convenience.
I do have a feeling there must be Something to Atsushi's ability. it can't just be tiger transformation and wounds regeneration. He's the protagonist, and leaving it at that, that's about the lamest ability of them all (sorry!! I love him still!!). I like the idea of Atsushi's ability being truly special, carrying qualities that have yet to be unfolded that make it different and somehow above the other abilities. I really think it'd be the most satisfying progression narrative wise, because so far Atsushi has gotten really little to claim for his protagonist role, being constantly overshadowed by Dazai; but he's the main character still, and it's like the story itself is waiting to reveal what makes him special. And there being something special to his ability has been, though subtly, consistently underlined: the extraordinary bounty on his head that nothing about what we know seems to explain, the fact that the Guild wanted to capture him specifically, the no further elaborated on fact that he's the key to finding the Book, Shibusawa's concern with him and, most importantly, the ability's quality of tearing through other abilities. Like, that feels very relevant; it's different from Dazai's nullification ability in the way it doesn't just temporarily nullify the other ability, but straight up denies it. I feel like in a manga that is so littered with meta commentery on literature, it'd be fitting to have an ability that denies other abilities' very existence, like moving a rubber through the page. It's certainly interesting to think about. And I like the concept of Atsushi's ability as an alternative to Dazai's nullification ability. Dazai has been feeling invulnerable so long, it would be gratifying to contemplate the existence of something that's outside of his sphere of influence, and potentially even more powerful and destructive than he is.
Again, there's already so many elements that make it impossible to ignore the uniqueness of Atsushi's ability; but even then, they're still so sparse and obscure it's really hard to take a guess on what it could really be about, or what is the reason why it's special. There's so much space for soeculations - a connection with the book, a singularity, a God-like ability just to name a few -, but in my opinion none of them have any concrete enough canon basis to leave space for theories. I think I'd rather limit myself to say it would make a lot of sense for it to be an ability superior to other abilities, since it's something that has the power to tear through abilities themselves, and I believe that such quality is also coherent with its link to the Book as another ability-originated, extremely powerful object. The ability's power to rewrite reality, if only to a smaller extent compared to the Book, may further hint to its connection to the Book / being originated from the Book / sharing origins with the Book. When the ability immediately helps Atsushi regenerate from ability induced wounds he is lowkey rewriting the story to portray a reality where Atsushi wasn't hurt, and when he tears abilities apart it is lowkey rewriting a story where the ability didn't exist. In that, I believe it wouldn't be too far-fetched to draw similarities with the way the Book works. This also made me realize that where it's confirmed that the Book's altered reality to the point of changing the ada's memories so they remembered committing the terrorism crimes, I'm pretty sure that we never got the confirmation the same happened to Atsushi. Then, what if the book can't have effect on Atsushi due to his ability, but only on the reality surrounding him.
So yeah. I'm curious to see how this will unwrap, although I have my doubts I'll still be around when it does (man, the manga is going to take another six months just to catch up with the last anime episode, so you know). I really really like the concept of Atsushi's ability developing in a way that will make it more functional in a rematch against Fukuchi. I've been advocating for a sskk vs. Fukuchi rematch for years at this point, and it seems like we will indeed be getting it; and sskk BETTER win it this time, it wouldn't make any narrative sense to be otherwise. But to do that they'll have to overcome their biggest disadvantage that is Shintou Amenogozen's time manipulation, so you know!! Looking forward to see a sskk that is now mature and experienced unveil new skills to their abilities.
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promptcorner · 5 months
Will you ever write that dp x tfrb fic? The one with the cody/danny? Cause the idea is genius...the pairing is so cute, two disaster teens lol
When would Danny get to GR? The dude is so damn overpowered that its hilarious, even if he holds back, so imagine the Burns faces when they watch him lift the boys ship with a single hand and the brat says "oh, this? This weighs like a bunch of grapes lol". And when he tells them all his adventures and that he defeated the ghost version of Unicron on steroids and several minor deities.
What do you think of the "kid is next in the line for the throne by right of conquest because he made old peepaw Dark go to sleep once again"?
Some hc of the cody/danny ship? As in, actual couple hc. Who does what and all that stuff...
Good question!
I’m writing the second chapter actually! The first chapter is being edited, I hope to post it on AO3 with my other fics by the end of the week! Hopefully that comes into fruition, if not, then within this month.
I can’t say much on when or how Danny gets to GR. All I can say though, is that it happens in the first chapter. Danny and Cody meet in the first chapter too and mysteries are put in place.
Pttt! Peepaw Dark is a great name! Gold stars! 🌟🌟🌟
I am going to go the Ghost King route, but I won’t go into detail on how. ;3
Danny is an overpowered boy with great humor. But man, he can be such a dork with cringe fail action. Cody is definitely the most mature out of the two, but not by much. He tends to create trouble by his wants and actions when he doesn’t think things through. The Trash-compacter episode comes to mind. Danny does similar stuff.
They’re both nerds, have older red headed siblings, work as heroes, have some sort of relevant connections to royalty and pirates, fight machines, fight ghosts or ghost adjacent stuff, and both have friend(s) who are knowledgeable in things they’re not. The list can go on.
With that dynamic into perspective, here are my cute romantic hcs:
Danny, as Phantom, would often call Cody, “Boy Scout.” But as Danny, he would call Cody, “Codes.” Even before they get together, he calls Cody these names as a way to separate his ghost side from his living side. It doesn’t work, however. Because Cody would be like, “Hang on, how do you know I was as a scout? I don’t wear my sash everywhere I go… Wait, I recognize that hair cut!” Cody would notice that Danny is Phantom almost immediately. But he wouldn’t say anything and just roll with it. He’s seen some weird stuff, this wouldn’t be any different. Danny would also call Cody his Guardian Angel or Psychopomp due to how they met as a little inside joke. But the joke becomes real. The irony of the protecter spirit actually having a protector is funny to me. But this would go both ways.
Cody would a hundred and ten percent believe that Danny is an alien before finding out he’s a ghost. The entire Burns Family and the Docs would believe that as well. Even The Bots would think he’s some strange shifter species from space like them. Danny just happens to either be half alien, or an alien who grew up with human culture, those types of theories. So they brush off obvious signs of ghostly activity for a while. But Cody would be the first to know via Danny telling him. The angst would be obvious.
And just like Cody being the first to know, he would also be the first to gain feelings for Danny before Danny catches feelings for him. It’s a slow build, but he notices them and develops his first crush. He would act all shy, stutter occasionally, and doze off with a dreamy expression.
He would constantly think Danny’s eyes are brighter then Energon, would want to comb through his hair, and go on hikes to the top of GR and watch the stars with him. Heck, he would find a way to the stars with Frankie’s help.
His siblings would notice this immediately, since their love lives have been active since the dawn of time, especially Kade’s. And they would both get nervous and excited. The Bots would look on in confusion, but realize Cody is having feelings, and also get excited.
But hey! Cody’s the baby, so there will be plenty of, “Gah! No! Not the baby! He’s going through puberty! He’s gaining a crush! Oh the humanity! They grow up to fast! What do we do?” \TAT/
The Docs, Frankie, and Mr. Burns would be the only few to handle this with any form of maturity.
Danny would be slower in catching on. But he develops feeling not too long after Cody.
He would stutter too, doze off, but would still give Cody various pet names. However, where in the beginning he said certain names more sparingly, now he’s saying them ever time they hang out. Names like Angel, My Guardian, Soul Mate (I explained why in my last ask, but it’s because they have similar shoes but inverted), Sunlight, Capella, Aviator, the list goes on.
Danny would ask for hugs more often, and help around whenever he sees Cody doing something like cooking and junk. At first, he would ask if Cody needs help, but eventually he just does stuff with Cody without asking first. They get into a grove, chat, and be done with cleaning or fixing something very quickly.
Danny would start to make fudge, to, and give it to Cody as a gift. He would even tinker around and make machines to gift to Cody, like a mini telescope, a compass that looks old but is too advanced for any government to use, and various other items.
I want to say more, but I’m going to cap it off here. The want to speak is dwarfed by my want to show it all in the story.
Thanks for the ask! <3
Update there is now a fic!
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minniiaa · 6 months
⚡️ H E L L O ⚡️
welcome to my blog! i'm minniiaa (minniia on AO3) this is mostly a one piece blog but i love lots of anime, manga, book, and just funny things in general! (ok truth is i mostly just simp and write headcanons for lawlu but shh)
Below is a master list of my currently ongoing and completed fanfics. if you are interested in reading stories about some horny gay pirates, please check them out!
DMs, asks, and replies are always open. i love chatting, and shitposting, and venting about life and am always open to talk about life, anime, ships, writing, whatever!
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A Reason to Stay (One Piece, Law x Luffy, Explicit) Law lost everything—his family, friends, and dreams of being a doctor. Overwhelmed by grief, he turns to a life of drugs and sex. On the first anniversary of his only friends’ deaths, he decides to end his hopeless and lonely existence. However, fate has other plans, and Law wakes up in the hospital accompanied by Luffy, a handsome firefighter who recently moved in next door and discovered Law just in time.
Law had been searching for a reason to stay, and he finds that reason in the form of his sweet yet stubborn savior who selflessly decides he is going to be by his side while he overcomes his addiction and faces the ghosts of his past. LENGTH - 9 Chapters / 80.949 Words
a place to call home (One Piece, Law x Luffy, Explicit) During the fight with Blackbeard, Law loses his home and family, narrowly escaping with his life. Bepo takes him to Elbaf, hoping the Strawhats can save his grief-stricken captain from a new enemy—himself. Luffy comforts Law and vows to help him avenge his friends, inviting him to join his crew. Law eventually accepts and begins to realize his feelings go beyond that of friendship or allies.
Five years later, Luffy is King of the Pirates and also Law's husband. Though Law will never forget the home that Blackbeard stole, he has found a new one on the Island of Laugh Tale, in the arms of the man he loves.
LENGTH - 1 Chapter / 6,927 Words
Entropy (One Piece, Law x Luffy, Explicit) Law spent ten years praying that his soulmate would never find him. He couldn't accept that his life would be decided by something as arbitrary as "fate." Even after he met his soulmate, Luffy, and everything felt right, Law still desired to break free from the chains that tried to bind him.
Luffy had been waiting for his soulmate for as long as he could remember. He is overjoyed when he finds him in the form of Law. He's everything Luffy ever dreamed his soulmate would be and more. He just can't understand why his Law won't simply love him as fate decided.
Together, they face a problem much bigger than their feelings for each other—soul bindings are absolute. If you reject your soulmate, you die. LENGTH - 7 Chapters / 63,938 Words
Only You (One Piece, Law x Luffy, Explicit) Law is a medical student who thinks he is too jaded and busy for romance. Until one day while napping in the library, he is awakened by a warm hand stroking his face. He meets Luffy who makes him realize that maybe love could be in his cards after all. LENGTH - 13 Chapters / 93,782 Words
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it was always you (One Piece, Law x Luffy, Explicit) In his youth, Law was a devout follower of the Sun God Nika who also happened to be his first love. Law knew Nika would never reciprocate his feelings but he loved him nonetheless. That is, until everything was taken from him and no matter how much he pleaded for Nika to save him, he did not come. Law's faith came to an abrupt halt, feeling abandoned by his god whom he had put over everything else.
Law continued with his life as a godless man, never believing in anything or anyone until he met Monkey D. Luffy. He watched as the Captain freed the oppressed and performed miracles, all with a smile so reminiscent of the Sun God Law he once devoted his life to. Along the way, Law started believing in Luffy, not as a god, but as a man. During the battle with Kaido, Law watches in awe as Luffy bursts through the ceiling of Onigashima looking identical to the Nika he had fallen in love with all those years ago.
Law deals with the aftermath of Wano and his conflicted feelings for Luffy as he tries to come to terms with the fact that Luffy may have been the god he was looking for all along and what that means for his and Luffy's future. LENGTH - 4 Chapters / 41,110 Words
love you in the morning (One Piece, Zoro x Sanji, Explicit) Sanji had been hiding his feelings that had grown for Zoro after they returned from their two years apart. Feeling insignificant after the events of Wano, he decides to drink away his problems. Drunk, he gives in to his desires and seduces Zoro. When he wakes up, he remembers nothing. He tries to deny what happened but Zoro won't let him. He never lets go of what's his. LENGTH - 4 chapters / 28,840 words
a drop in your ocean (One Piece, Law x Luffy, Explicit)
Law could figure out anything if he tried hard enough. He could obsess over even the most difficult questions and eventually find an answer. Yet Strawhat Luffy was the one thing he couldn’t understand and that drove him crazy. He wanted to figure out what made him tick, what lay beneath that happy and carefree exterior. What happened to that shattered boy whom he saved in Marineford? How had he gotten from there to defeating Kaido in only a little over two years?
Fuck, he did want this. If only to finally lay to rest his unhealthy obsession with this man. It was absolutely stupid but Law had a feeling that if he could sleep with Luffy and find his answer, he could close the book on this chapter of his life where his eyes followed Strawhat Luffy wherever he went.
Luffy seduces Law the night before they depart from Wano and Law allows it because he has been "secretly" infatuated with him these past two years. What is there to lose, they'll go their separate ways in the morning and never see each other again... right?
LENGTH - 1 chapter / 11,053 words
one last time (One Piece, Law x Luffy, Explicit) Six months ago Luffy broke up with Law to pursue his dreams of being an actor. One night, Law is at a bar when he sees Luffy for the first since since that fateful day. Luffy approaches him and asks if he will sleep with him again, one last time.
“Can you sleep with me just once more? Please? I promise I'll never ask again," Luffy asked and Law’s heart stopped. Time stopped. Everything stopped. Was he hearing things? Luffy wanted to be with him again but only for one last time?
LENGTH - 1 chapter / 6,961 words
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sameheart-sameblood · 2 years
Missed Connection
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Missed Connection Ch. 2
pairing: carmy berzatto x f!reader
summary: after being best friends since culinary school, you and carmy have had somewhat of a falling out. while opening up a restaurant in chicago, you try to make amends and get your friend back
words: 2k
warnings: 18+ eventually but nothing of real note in this chapter, some angst, eventual friends to lovers, dummies who can't just say how they're feeling, slow burn, me not knowing how restaurants or chef things work
a/n: sooooo this was meant to be self-indulgent porn. but i should know by now i can't write porn without plot. it's my curse. also i just love carmy so much that i wanted to spend some more time with him. this might only be two chapters, but i have a feeling it'll be more than that. only time will tell!
read on ao3!
“Well well well, if it isn’t Food & Wine’s Best New Chef.”
Carmy’s head snaps up, almost comically, ready to fight whoever is bringing up that damn accolade yet again. It’s been almost ten years, for christ’s sake. 
You smirk playfully as his eyes find you. His soften and you see the hint of a smile tugging at his lips. But Carmen Berzatto doesn’t show his emotions easily. Thankfully, you’ve known him long enough to be able to read the ghosts of expressions that play at his face. You didn’t just learn how to cook at culinary school. You learned how to decipher your enigmatic friend. That’s what years of cooking together side by side will do. 
Carmy comes around the counter, ignoring the obvious stares from his co-workers. He pauses in front of you, then pulls you into a tentative hug. Your smirk disappears, replaced by a comical look of surprise. Chefs aren’t known for being touchy-feely people, Carmy least of all. But you haven’t seen him in almost a year, people change. 
You awkwardly return the hug, which ends all too quickly. Carmy studies you, like you’re an old recipe he hasn’t attempted in years but once knew by heart. “Long time, no see, Rosy.”
Smiling at the nickname he gave you in school, you answer back with his pet name. “Right back at you, Bear.”
Carmy introduces you to his staff. Everyone greets you with different levels of enthusiasm. Marcus, the pâtissier, grins at you as he shakes your hand, instantly offering you a piece of his cake to give your thoughts on. 
Before you can enthusiastically oblige him, Carmy is pulling you away to continue the introductions you know he’s feeling awkward about. Syd, the sous chef, offers you a half smile but seems much too busy for you. As a chef yourself, you take no insult to this. The food comes first. 
Tina also has no time for you, giving you a quick once over before yelling at whoever stole her stock pot. Richie smiles knowingly at Carmy as he greets you, calling “sweetheart” and offering to show you how the kitchen works. 
“She’s Chef de Cuisine at a three Michelin star restaurant, cousin. I think she knows how a kitchen works.”
Richie holds up his hands “I don’t even know what the fuck that means. Was just being friendly.” 
Last is Ebra, who gives you his name then asks you point blank if you and Carmy are dating. Carmy sighs a Jesus fucking Christ as he pulls you into his office and slams the door shut. 
Once safe from prying eyes, Carmy quickly clears off a pile of papers from a chair and offers the seat to you. He takes one opposite you and lets out a sigh. Running his hands through his wild hair, he smiles ruefully. “Sorry. They’re a great staff but they can be…a lot.”
After the kitchens you had been in through the years and the jerks you had worked with, the crew at The Original Beef of Chicagoland seemed like goddamn angels. “Nah, they seem nice. If just a bit nosey.”
Carmy nods, huffing out a small chuckle. You study his face, the familiarity of it making memories rush back from your shared past. With those memories comes a funny feeling in your stomach. For years, you had mistaken that feeling for anxiety. It was the only feeling that was always a constant in your life as a chef. 
Carmy was always there alongside you, so you just assumed the environment caused that tingle in your gut. But slowly, you had realized the difference between your anxiety and your feelings for your friend. 
The anxiety felt cold and empty, like a bottomless pit you might never claw your way out of. The feeling Carmy gave you was the polar opposite. His presence left you feeling warm and surrounded, completely taken care of. You had missed that this past year…
You could dwell on your crush later. Right now, your main focus was getting your friend back in your life. He stares at you and you realize you’ve been gawking at him for entirely too long. “Not that I’m not happy to see you but…” He glances to the clock. 
“Lunch rush, huh?” it’s less of a question from you and more of a commiseration. No matter how long you’ve been in a kitchen, the lunch rush is always the most dreaded. Carmy nods, fidgeting in his seat. 
“I know you’re busy but I’m gonna be in town for a bit and just wanted to say ‘hey’” it sounds lame. Saying ‘hey’ after not speaking for a year is pretty weird. 
Carmy’s eyebrows knit together in worry. “Work ok?”
You hurriedly nod, sorry you caused him anxiety when he already looks so run down. “No, no. It’s good. Great, actually. We’re opening up a location here and I’m taking point on it.”
His worry doesn’t fall away like you expect it to but he nods “That’s great, Rose. Happy for you.” You choose to believe his words rather than his expression. 
“Thanks…” you look into his eyes and search them for permission for the next subject you want to broach. You want to talk about why you’ve both been so silent this past year when you’d been best friends for the last decade. 
But his eyes dart back to that fucking clock and you decide against it. This conversation deserves all the time it needs. 
You get up, understanding Carmy’s time is precious and you’ve already eaten up enough of it. He jumps up, more worry etched into his face. “You’re leaving already?”
You look between him and the clock. “I just…lunch rush, right?”
Carmy nods dejectedly. “Yeah, those sandwiches won’t make themselves.” As if on cue, you hear a pot fall in the kitchen and the sounds of muffled yells. Carmy once again runs his hand through his hair, seemingly as a way to self-soothe.
You’ve seen your friend stressed beyond belief before. But this is something different. He looks like his tether to sanity is fraying and fast. It breaks your heart and so before you know what you’re doing, you’re blurting out an offer that you’re sure he’ll refuse. 
“I can help with prep if you want? Many hands and all that.” You see him thinking it over, certain he’ll rebuff your offer. He was never one to ask for assistance. But he surprises you with a gentle nod. 
“That would be great, Chef. Thank you.”
The lunch rush is…insane. You’re not sure what you had been expecting but it wasn’t this. How much business could one little hole in the wall sandwich shop do you had thought before service started. 
The answer is a whole fucking lot. 
Regulars crowd the tiny shop as tourists meekly try to edge their way in as well. 
You help with prepping the vegetables, knowing it’s one of the most hated jobs in the kitchen. It’s also the perfect job for staying out of the way but being helpful. 
The rest of the staff instantly love you for this except for Tina, who studies you as if trying to figure out what your angle is. You’d love to explain to her the only angle you have is spending time with your best friend whom you’ve missed dearly. But before you can open your mouth, Carmy is yelling out for more orders and it’s back to business. 
At the end of the rush, the kitchen is in shambles. Your face is flaming hot and flushed, like a tomato come to life. It’s how you earned your nickname in culinary school. You hated it at first but then learned to love it, realizing you looking like this meant you’d put in the work, got the job done and made the customers happy. 
Everyone else in the kitchen looks completely exhausted. But the strange thing is they’re happy. You’re not used to these vibes. Exhaustion is always a given. Maybe you’ve worked in mostly toxic environments but usually by now, everyone would be at each other’s throats. 
It’s not to say the chefs here don’t give each other shit. An outsider listening in on them during the rush would have thought the day would end in murder. But to an insider, that’s kind of just how kitchens sound. But the chefs at Original Beef are able to weather the insanity of lunch and still crack jokes and thank each other for their hard work at the end of it. 
You watch them happily as you all clean up, feeling like one of the crew already. Watching Carmy leading them makes you long for the days where you two worked together. But you know that’s probably never going to happen again and you push aside the brief sadness and revel in the joy that you got to work side by side with him again, if just for the day. 
“Thank you for your help, Chef,” Carmy leans against the counter next to you, smiling tiredly. 
You take off your blue apron and fold it neatly, handing it back to him. “Anytime, Chef.”
You’re due back at your hotel to change before you meet up with the investors. Once again, the tension is back between you two. God you miss the days where there was never an awkward moment between you and Carmy. 
He accepts the apron, looking small as he clutches it to his chest. “Duty calls?”
You sigh soullessly. Cooking is what you excel at, not business. You were flattered when your boss asked you to take responsibility for the opening of your Chicago location. You just didn’t realize how much handshaking and negotiating you’d have to do. “Time to wine and dine the investors. Really important, world peace negotiating level type stuff.”
Carmy smiles at you. It’s tiny and doesn’t quite reach his eyes but it’s a start towards what you two used to have. “You’re putting the work in. Gotta get through all that bullshit to get to the stuff that really matters.” The food.
He’s right and you nod, accepting that fact. You don’t want to leave him yet but it’s your turn to be distracted by the clock. “It was great cooking with you again, Chef.” 
Carmy smiles again but this time the sadness under the surface is evident. “Just like old times, huh?”
“Yeah. Well, I’m in town for the next few weeks at least so…”
“Dinner sometime? Or, you know, any meal that works best for you.” 
You think on the offer and counter your return. “Hey why don’t we do get brunch tomorrow? Mimosas are on me.” 
You let out at laugh at Carmy’s look of horror that quickly morphs into a relieved grin as he realizes you’re taunting him. “Fuck you.”
Grabbing your jacket, you throw a “dinner sometime would be great” over your shoulder. 
Your chest feels full in the best way as you realize you and your best friend are back together again. All might not be right with the world but it’s as close to perfection as it’ll ever be. You stop and turn to the tired chef. 
“Hey, Bear?”
He watches you, blue eyes sparkling. “Yes, Rose”
“Fuck you, too.” 
It’s as close as I love you and I missed you that you’ll get. Carmy grins as you laugh and turn reluctantly towards the exit. Neither of you have ever been good at conveying your emotions. But you know he can read between the lines and decipher what you really meant. He just hopes you know it’s what he feels too. 
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amoneki-ramblings · 5 months
this is a pass to do a couple things:
finish the manga!!! u can do it so u can follow all the other blogs without getting blindsided by a spoiler
do the ship ask thingy for amoneki :]
Gahh I'm trying !! I'm so busy with school and life stuff so it's hard to squeeze in time to read but I'm trying! I'm getting through volumes very slowly but hey, I'll get there ! Just. Well. There's 16 volumes so. Okay it might take a bit orz
For now I'll just be in my little fandom limbo corner I suppose orz, as for the ask thingy:
when I started shipping it if I did: Several months ago, probably a few months short of a year? It's a bit complicated, Basically I decided to rewatch the anime (because my original exposure to tg was. the anime :') ) and vaguely remembered that I really liked Amon (honestly the encounter at Kanou's Lab/Cochlea was one of the scenes I remembered the most), and after rewatching and seeing Amon and Kaneki's interactions they piqued my interest again. Then I got into the manga and. Yeah that interest turned into insanity and now i'm here
my thoughts: Well I have a 119-slide 15K+-word google slideshow for starters. But I'm taking that to my grave so I guess I gotta condense that somehow. On one hand I feel like everything needs to be said about these two to the point that there's too much to talk about but also nothing needs to be said at the same time. They parallel each other in just about every way possible, it's impossible to ignore the ways that they foil each other. They also have had irreversible effects on the others' character. Kaneki finds resolve in Amon's words ('the world is wrong'), and turns to them at pivotal moments (when he leaves Anteiku, Kaneki's own mantra is also basically a derivative of Amon's, wishing to take out the "bad/wrong" things in the world, and he basically takes them to his grave, "The world is wrong", Amon's own words, being his opening to his final dialogue in the last chapter of the original series)
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Similarily Amon is just haunted by Kaneki. Like. In general. He thinks about him constantly (even under more mundane circumstances, in the novels he gets reminded of Kaneki just by staring out a window because it reminded him of the Aogiri raid. lmao). Kaneki is basically the catalyst to his character development, and Amon is constantly bothered by his presence/existence, and even comes to recognize how they always encounter each other at important moments. Amon is so haunted by This Guy (creature) it's both a little funny but also makes me very insane. He's basically being a failure of a ghoul investigator, and it's even more ironic, given his hatred of himself for being raised by and potentially caring about a ghoul (also he's catholic, something something religious guilt), yet he seems to have a lot of faith in Kaneki, even to a faulty degree (I'd daresay it's almost to the point where he puts Kaneki on a bit of a pedestal/idolizes him to an extent. I have a whole other ramble about Just that on the self-rb'ed half of this post. Like I'm sorry but Amon definitely fell hard for this guy I'll die on this hill and I'm going to poke fun at him endlessly for it, he could've done so much better, he starts off the manga hating ghouls with a passion and his mentor's disdain for ghouls runs ten times as deep but nope now he's chasing after the dangerous somewhat unhinged (/affectionate) half kakuja guy and it's not even to fight/kill him like okay, sure.) They have affected each other in irreversible ways. They reflect each other so much even if they don't know it. They just want to sit down and have a conversation. They didn't get to. And instead They Killed Each Other (okay not really but it was very close and they absolutely could, not that they want that) ((It's also partially Kaneki's fault for losing control of himself and he feels awful for that (sidenote but any scenario with Centineki and Amon make me lose my mind))). They're also married by first-encounter marriage bite, apparently. I think we should talk about that more that's kinda?? Donato approves btw
What makes me happy about them: Everything that makes me miserable about them makes me simultaneously happy about them because I am an Angst Guy but honestly just how much they clearly respect each other. While they're not allowed to understand each other because of their circumstances they still very much Want to. They recognize that they probably share a lot of views and could really have a meaningful conversation with each other, and it really shows, even if they're fighting. Amon again has a surprising amount of trust in Kaneki (not assuming he's fighting for Aogiri when he saw him during the ward 11 battle, having faith in Kaneki as a person even if he just saw him potentially killing his superior and being presented with the possibility that maybe he was just being fooled all along, when he's nearly dying at Kaneki's own hands but says he won't die because that would make Kaneki a murderer, having faith still that he hasn't turned into one). They recognize that they're equals (well technically they're not, obviously Kaneki is much stronger objectively, being a ghoul, and a kakuja at that), but they treat each other as equals and that's what really matters. I just think it's a very neat dynamic and their roundabout way of caring about each other despite their positions makes me happy :)
What makes me sad about them: I was gonna put images but then I quickly realized that I'd basically be pasting almost all of chapter 133-134 just uh. The fact that Kaneki really lost control of himself and the parallel with him biting Amon's shoulder escalates to him cutting off his entire fucking arm, the way that Amon's first thought in regards to that is simply that Kaneki is strong, how he doesn't reprimand him for it whatsoever (also Amon's blow pretty much takes out the entire area of where Kaneki's kakuhou should be, which is a detail I find Extremely Interesting and I think it should genuinely be talked about more). This fucking line that happened literally the panel before all of that despite their mutual wishes for the other to simply Not Die:
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Amoneki divorce. Absolutely life ruining :thumbsup:
(Also just. Again Amon Please. This guy bit your shoulder (probably gave Amon rabies honestly) and almost ate one of your colleagues; when he loses control of himself for the second time you just tell him to take a break, and now he's cut off your whole damn arm and you're Still not complaining and are instead praising him by calling him strong. I just. Yeah that's Not Normal. It's kind of impressive, really /derogatory)
Oh yeah also the fight at Kanou's lab also kills me and takes over my brain constantly but I wouldn't classify that as making me sad I would classify that as making me lose my mind, laugh hysterically and start climbing up and clawing at the walls (like Centineki, actually)
things done in fanfic that annoys me: Maybe I'm just extremely picky but I feel like people tend to fumble Amon's characterization a lot. It's kind of a fine line, and Amon has a lot of conflicting feelings as is, so I get it, but I'm especially bothered when Amon is written as way too harsh. When he's first introduced he has a strong hatred for ghouls, and it's not like that just goes away, but when he's written as especially harsh or even cruel towards Kaneki, especially if it's just because for him being a ghoul it feels like it kind of defeats the point, as Kaneki is supposed to be the reason why Amon starts changing his mind. When Amon sees him for the second time he doesn't think about fighting him at all, even that early on he decides he wants to talk instead, 'cause He's Different. I don't see this kind of characterization too often but I don't really vibe with it at all when I do (Also this is definitely just a me-thing but I wish there was more angst in the tag. Which is ironic considering these guys are surprisingly normal most of the time and have so much potential to be actually Happy but uh *vague hand gestures*, hurt-comfort would also be a decent compromise)
things I look for in fanfic: I love pre-:re fics that explore the complicated-ness of their dynamic. I'm really fond of fics where they kind of dance around each other in a sense, they won't just straight up completely directly interact because that's Still a bit dangerous but they see each other in passing, maybe Kaneki watches over Amon sometimes, etc. Also you probably saw this coming a mile away but yeah religious references mean instant bonus points from me. I could go into some (too much) detail but. uh. stares down at my feet look I'm normal I swear
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:  Saying Amonhaise is definitely cheating but I'm not really invested in any other Amon ships. I'm not particularly against any I'm just neutral. As for Kaneki, like I mentioned in a previous post, I see potential with Etoken, and it's pretty hard to go wrong with Hidekane, though neither drive me to insanity like these two do at the moment
My happily ever after for them: Let them finally officiate their marriage ghsfdljbhf
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Well that's pretty easy huh. Kaneki small spoon he is a Little Guy just let him feel comfortable and secure y'know? Kaneki is probably someone who runs very cold and Amon is very warm so it works out :) If he's super tired he very carefully (and cautiously) wraps his kagune around Amon he will now be Trapped there until Kaneki wants to get out of bed (good luck)
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Well I would say that Kaneki loves cooking for Amon probably. He makes food at home and tries to make new sweets following recipe books. It's a bit of a mess because y'know, he's a ghoul, and at first Amon tries to hide that, unfortunately, his previous experience with cooking does Not, in fact, hide the fact that he cannot taste or smell human food, but eventually Kaneki is able to get a hang of it (with Amon's help) and it's very nice :) That's what I would say but. well. Amon is Also a Ghoul now so that doesn't really work :')
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twoidiotwriters1 · 7 months
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Ara is just a clown and the whole world is her circus -Danny Words: 2,556 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'Someone To You' -by BANNERS
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XXXVIII: They'll Get Over It, They Just Gotta Be Dramatic First
Percy tells Lily where to find her sister and she leaves right away, wanting to make sure Annabeth is out of danger. My brother eyes me carefully. "How are you feeling?"
I shrug. "I wasn't fighting..." I pout, unable to control my tears. "I can't complain."
"You have the bombs?" 
I nod, but I can't speak, so Percy hugs me. "I... I'm sorry," he says weakly. "I broke the bridge, I didn't retreat when Annabeth told me to. I thought I could—"
"You can't get hurt like before, can you? You did something to yourself."
He tells me what he and Nico did the night prior. He also tells me what a manipulative asshole Nico turned out to be. He doesn't say it like that of course, Percy's too noble, but I know what to do now.
"Go to sleep," I tell him. "You look exhausted."
"You should sleep too."
I shake my head. "Cabin Seven just lost their counselor, and Jake needs me. I gotta help, I haven't done enough."
He gives me a funny look. "You sound like Silena."
"Well, we're sisters," I notice she hasn't come to check on me and my stomach drops. "Where is she?"
Percy's quick to put my mind at ease. "Went to get Clarisse. Michael gave her the chariot, but she still refused to come..."
"I'll see that she thinks twice before pulling another stunt like this one."
He smiles. "Now you sound like Michael."
"He trained me," I state proudly.
Percy squeezes my shoulder, I feel a wave of guilt coming out of him, but something in me can't lighten his discomfort. My brother goes to sleep, but I look around for Jake Mason. I find him struggling to bandage his hand. 
"Let me," I take his injured hand and wrap it properly. "Where's Nyssa?"
"She and Connor came back ten minutes ago," he tells me, nodding a silent thank you when I finish with his hand. "Connor found a couple of walkie-talkies, you should take one."
I make sure his bandages are tight and in place, then I look up at him. "Everyone okay?"
"Yeah," he shakes his head. "There were so many, Ara..."
I frown. "Listen, counselor, we're not gonna give room to those thoughts. We're a capable army, and we can handle this. Beckendorf trusted I could help, and that's what I'll do."
He glances at me, speaking quietly. "Sorry about Michael..."
I let go of his hand and take the walkie he's offering me. "I can't blame my brother for what happened, so I'll beat up Clarisse once I see her."
"Ara, cut her some slack," he sighs. "I'm trying my best but look at me... perhaps she's in over her head, too."
"A leader knows when to step in. That's all she had to do, and she failed. She should know better, considering who her father is."
Before I leave, I check if Almighty's still in my pocket, I don't know if it's the same as Riptide, I've never thrown it away to see if it comes back, and now's not the time to risk it.
"Sleep, Jake, we have to set those bombs around first thing tomorrow."
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"So?" Lily crosses her arms. "What's so important that you have to tell all of us at once?"
Ara asked Lily, Jason, and Piper to meet her outside the Big House on the morning of her departure. Leo's standing next to her, fidgeting with loose screws and avoiding Lily's eyes at all cost.
"I'm not even sure I should make a big deal out of it," Ara starts. "But I guess—"
"Let's just say it," Leo urges her, he looks like he's about to pee his pants. "You're leaving in thirty minutes."
"Okay! Well, uh..." Ara locks eyes with Piper, her smile encourages her. "Leo and I are dating."
Lily's face is pale on a normal day, but right now she looks like one of Nico's ghosts. "What!"
"Congrats!" Jason says.
"I'm happy for you," Piper grins. "I mean you, Leo. I feel bad for Ara."
"What!" Lily repeats again, eyes wide. "You've known each other for like a month! Barely!"
Ara knows this is insane from her best friend's perspective. Lily can't trust as easily as Ara, even Connor, who's been her crush for the last few years, had to earn that the hard way, and he doesn't even know it. Connor thinks Lily tolerates him most of the time.
"Well, it's been a long month," Ara replies, unable to be serious. "C'mon, Lils, it's not like you didn't see it coming."
Lily replies in disbelief. "How was I supposed to know? You spent years swearing you would never date a Cabin Nine camper and I—"
Ara laughs. "Are you happy or not? I can't tell."
"She probably isn't," Leo jokes even though Ara knows he means it. "I'm the bad boy, right? You said something like that to Annabeth."
Lily blushes. "I said you're untrustworthy when it comes to following rules. You sleep at the bunker the days Ara isn't around, and you lie when she asks you things."
"What?" Ara looks at Leo frowning. "What are you lying about?"
Leo scowls at Lily. "Are you spying on me?"
"Yeah, and good thing I do!" Lily argues. "I knew Ara liked you, so I wanted to know if you were—"
"Lily, I told you not to spy on Leo!"
"But he lies!" Lily insists. "He doesn't eat and doesn't sleep, he's going to faint or drop dead and then it'll be up to you to carry on with his work and you'll stare at that picture of him in your room all day and—"
"Alright, let's take a moment!" Piper intervenes.
Ara turns to Leo. "For Gods's sake, just eat. I want to come back to a living, healthy boyfriend, not your malnourished corpse. Don't take Lily's actions as an attack, she's trying to help you."
Leo understands of course, after the talk they had last night. He mumbles and shrugs, still poutig. Ara then turns to Lily.
"Promise me you won't be harassing Leo to make sure he follows orders."
"I know," Ara interrupts calmly. "But even Michael respected our free wills, perhaps more than anyone we ever knew. You're a lot like him, Lily, you see the potential in people. Please do that with Leo as well, and be nice. He'll need your guidance sometimes."
She looks between the two. Lily and Leo are blushing out of annoyance.
"Truce?" Ara presses.
"Not truce," Lily crosses her arms. "But I'll give him the benefit of the doubt."
"Wow, how generous," Leo scowls.
"Cool!" Ara continues. "So, uh... that's all we had to say."
Jason clears his throat, he glances at Lily with a bit of concern. "Well... we're happy for you two. You guys make sense together."
"Totally," Piper agrees. "I see it, though it's still kinda weird."
Ara is pretty sure Lily is muttering something about elves, then she sighs and shrugs. "Well, at least I get to do this." Lily pulls the walkie-talkie from her belt and presses on its button. "Connor?"
He replies almost immediately. "What's up?"
"Start plan 19."
"What's plan 19?" Leo whispers to Ara worryingly.
"I don't know," she raises a brow. "Lily—"
The girl lifts a finger asking her to wait. There is a long silence before Connor replies.
"Are you serious right now?"
Lily presses the button again. "I'd never joke about this, Stoll."
"Connor, what—" Ara tries to take the walkie but Lily is quick to pull out one of her daggers. 
"Stand back, Jackson," she warns her. "Let us do our job."
Ara is deeply confused, but then she spots Connor, his brother, Malcolm, and pretty much all of their Cabin Nine and Cabin Ten friends hurrying to meet them uphill. The Stolls are carrying towels and the evilest look in their eyes she's ever seen.
"Oh, shit," she backtracks.
"Wait," Leo grins. "Is it lake time?"
Ara looks back at Lily almost pleadingly. "Lily Saggio, I'm your best friend."
"Save it," her friend smirks. "You would show no mercy if you were in my place."
"It's the middle of winter!"
"If you get sick, you got your boyfriend to look after you."
"Yeah, no problem!" Leo says, bouncing on his spot. He waves at the small crowd. "What's up! I believe you're here for me!"
"I can't swim!" Ara exclaims.
"Are you lying to my face right now?" Lily questions, eyes bright with amusement.
Malcolm scowls when he sees who's standing next to Ara. "Aw, man, it's Leo," he groans.
"Pay up, loser," Lily extends her palm out to her brother.
"Buckle up, Birdy," Travis smirks.
Ara is not a coward, but she tries to run anyway. Naturally, she gets caught almost immediately. 
She hates the cold. Genuine hate. Even the thought of it makes her angry and now her friends are about to throw her into frozen water, and she wonders if anyone actually cares about her because this is basically like a murder attempt.
"You okay, sunshine?" Leo has a huge smile on his face. "Now's your last chance," he holds out his hand.
Leo lets Jason, Piper, and his siblings carry him like this is a game, which of course it is, but Ara is playing rough. She knows rules are rules and she's dating someone, therefore she's got to take one for the team, but the gods above know she'll complain about it up until the last second.
Ara seizes his hand. "Oh, it's too late for anything."
"Think about it this way," Jason says happily. "Leo's finally going to take a shower!"
"Hey!" He hits the back of Jason's head. "I don't smell that bad!"
Ara tries not to, but a laugh escapes her. Lily whistles, pointing at the lake. "Take them!"
"Have a nice swim, guys!" Jake Mason exclaims.
As soon as they make contact with the lake's ice-cold surface, Ara's entire body screams in agony, but Leo's hand is still firmly wrapped around hers, making sure she stays close to him. 
They resurface gasping for air, Ara shivers like crazy. "Holy f—"
"It's fine, it's fine! I'm right here," Leo squeezes her hand, pushing the hair out of her eyes so she can see. "You okay? Nothing broken?"
"N-No," she coughs out, swimming to the edge.
"The world didn't end," Leo teases her. His lips are slightly purple, but he doesn't seem to care in the slightest. "And now we get to be together in public! I love this camp..."
Ara sneezes and hurries to where her friends are. "Do me a solid, Valdez. Don't talk to me until I'm out of the water."
The Hephaestus kids hurry to pull Leo out while Ara's siblings tend to her. Lily is quick to wrap a towel around Ara and Piper approaches with a leaf blower.
"You had a plan for this, really?" Ara raises a brow, still shivering.
"I wasn't going to just throw you in a leave you wet, though I should've," Lily rolls her eyes. "I have a plan for everything, Queen B. I'm also prepared for a breakup if things go bad."
Ara laughs and shakes her head, looking at her friend with admiration. "Honestly, I should just date you instead."
Piper uses the leaf blower on Ara, and then she smiles at Lily. "I love the girls in this camp, you're all so fun to hang out with."
Leo approaches with a towel around his shoulders, mostly dry. "That was fun! I don't know why Jason complained so much about it."
"'Cause it's winter and I was wearing socks," Jason makes a face. "Who in their right mind enjoys that?"
"And yet you still threw me in," Ara points out.
"Yeah, it's fun to watch," he grins.
"Well, this was great, but my girlfriend is leaving in like, fifteen minutes, and I haven't seen the picture she keeps of me in her room," Leo wraps an arm around Ara's shoulders. "See y'all— scatter, or whatever. What's that thing you say, doll?"
"You're dismissed," Ara replies in an embarrassed tone, blushing at Leo's proximity. 
Once they're out of sight, Leo kisses her cheek and speaks in a more serious voice. "It's over! I'm having nightmares about Lily and her knives for the rest of the month."
Ara laughs. "She's harmless!"
"Yeah, right. I've heard the stories, sunshine. She is far from harmless—and you're even worse!"
"What makes you think that?"
"All the times you've tried to kill the son of Hades—"
"He had it coming," Ara rolls her eyes.
Leo raises both hands in surrender, then adopts a playful expression. "Is it true that you got a picture—?"
"Oh shut up, I know you kept the stupid hat my mom gave you," she says defensively.
"Hey, that's different! I collect hats!" He argues.
Ara stops. "You what?"
"I collect hats," Leo repeats casually. "I like them."
"Yeah," he smiles. "Unique hats."
Ara can't tell if he's joking, and that's enough to realize he's not. "When you got to camp you didn't have any hats with you."
"Well, I don't carry them around," he rolls his eyes, "but I had hats in my dorm, in Wilderness School. I never went back to get them, so my collection is lacking again."
She smiles a little. "No new hats since you got here?"
"I've got the hat your mom gave me, a party hat from when the drunk nymphs tried to kill us—when you first kissed me remember?—And I got a winter hat from the last time Thalia and her hunters visited camp."
Ara notices that as he lists these items, his skin glows like gold. "Leo, you should've told me, I could've given you a hat as a present for Christmas!"
"You can give me one for Valentine's Day," he winks. "But it's got to be super weird or magical, like Annabeth's cap. Got it?"
Ara pecks his lips. "I'll keep it in mind."
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I point at Lily without stopping and gesture at her to follow me. "You're coming with me."
She gets up and seizes her knives. Connor tries to stop her. "Woah! Where are you going?"
I glare at him, he stops and looks at me with a bit of apprehension.
"Where is Grover?" I ask him.
"I-I don't know," he looks around. "Have you asked Percy?"
"He can't know I'm leaving," I squint. "Is that clear?"
Connor glances at Lily, she's calmly placing her knives in place, concealing them under her armor. Her eyes are red and puffy, but she's determined to join me.
"Just be careful," he says. "Lily?"
She nods without looking up at him. "Sure."
When we find Grover, I use charmspeak so he tells us how Percy got into the Underworld, and then I make him forget. We walk out of the Plaza toward Central Park, and Lily doesn't say a word until I speak.
"I'm visiting your patron."
She points to a bunch of rocks. "There's an entrance there, I can feel it."
I draw out Grover's flute, and play a lullaby he taught me years ago during our first quest. The entrance opens, and I take one step forward. 
"It was Nico's idea," I explain as we enter. "You know what that means?"
Lily sighs. "That he took an educated guess as to why we wanted to contact Achilles?"
"He guessed wrong," I scowl. "And he's gonna pay for that."
Lily frowns. "Why?"
I tell her what Percy told me, but she isn't as angry as me. "Well, it worked, right? Percy's invincible. Strong enough to destroy a bridge..."
I stop. "That was Michael's idea."
"Yeah, after Percy messed up."
"Are you blaming my brother?" I stare at her, annoyed, but she's grieving as much as I am, there's no point in arguing about it. Her mind will clear up eventually. "Look, this is exactly what we needed. Your patron wants a godsend and Nico wants to win our trust back."
"I have both in the palm of my hand," I reply, my gaze stuck on the dark horizon. "I'll make a deal with Hades."
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frostironfudge · 2 years
I Think I Met You In My Dreams Once - Bucky Barnes - Seven
Summary: After receiving an honourable discharge from his military service that was caused by the loss of his arm, James Barnes begins to come to terms with several things. He also finds solace in youtube videos, memes and on social media, where he happens to find you.
Pairing: Ex-Military!Bucky Barnes x Fem! Plus Size!Reader (Modern AU)
Chapter Warnings: angst, swear words, smut, fluff, discussion of bucky's arm, family dinner drama, protective!bucky, dom!bucky (i gave over control to bucky basically during the smut soooooo)
Word Count: 6234 Dividers: @firefly-graphics
Fic Masterlist || Main Masterlist || AO3 || Fic Playlist
Chapter Six || Chapter Eight
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Bucky sighs at the lingering exhaustion as he sits on the soft worn couch. Winnie Barnes sets down a small tray of her trademark brownies and the scent reminds Bucky of a childhood untainted. Full of warmth like the soft steam from the tray that is cooling in the kitchen.
He loved how scents were a powerful tool for memory. How they would bring forth nostalgia from the depths of his mind. 
Then his mother walks in, a soft scent of freesias from her perfume further takes him down memory lane. Swing sets, sandcastles, the soft dew drops from the grass he ran on pretending to be an airplane, hands abducted out wide. Rebecca laughing at his funny faces. His father nursing a drink, the scent of the harsher alcohol has him scrunch his face. 
He inhales deeply allowing the gooey chocolate scent to overtake his mind again.
“Been a while since you came down to meet your old mum. You should stay the entire weekend more often.” Her voice is light but he knows she misses him dearly. He did too. 
“Sorry Ma, work has been… hectic.” He says for lack of a better word than chaotic. 
“And how is Y/N doing?” Winnie pulls his cheeks when he blushes. 
“She’s great, we had our first argument/fight thing but we sorted it out three weeks ago. Been good since the past week.” He says with a smile. 
“I’m glad you both worked it out. Becca was supposed to join in, too. You know how her thesis things go.” Winnie shakes her head, then shrugs.
He grabs a brownie from the plate and relishes the taste. Winnie just smiles at her son. Happiness finding her heart at his happiness. 
“You’re happy with this long distance thing Bucky?” She asks after a moment of silence, “I know you’ve had experience with being away from family, this is different.” She glances at him with worry lacing her voice and eyes. 
Bucky’s blue eyes soften, taking in his mother’s demeanour. 
“I, it is hard. Somedays it is as if she stays the strong one for us and other days it is as if I stay strong for us, but most days? We’re equally strong.” He admits, placing the half eaten brownie on a tissue. 
Winnie nods, “How is the trial going?” She gives a small smile, Bucky winces, forgetting he never told her to avoid her worrisome questions and having her stressed over him. 
“Bucky.” She says using her mom voice, the very tone that had him admit he was the one who ate all the ten cookies left in the cookie jar when he was seven. 
“Well, um, about that…” He scratches the back of his neck and then his fingertips graze over where the mounting plate was on his left axilla. All he feels is the material of his t shirt the one you bought him from the merchandise of Buzzfeed Unsolved.  
“What is it?” Her brows furrow and he wants to kick himself, he takes a deep breath beginning to explain what occurred. When he is done Winnie is wiping stray tears from her eyes and his thumb wipes away the few that she can’t get too within time. 
“So that’s it?” She asks, a hope within her crumbling. 
“Ma, I’m still me, I don’t need the arm.” Bucky assures. 
“I know, I just, it would be helpful to you, you participated for a reason.” She straightens the crumpled tissue in her hand, tracing over the damp splotches of her tears with her finger. 
“I know, but I am leading my life without any issues.” He reminds her, she nods. 
“You know I worry.” She explains, a watery laugh has her son engulf her in a hug. 
“I hope you know I’m proud of you.”
“I’ll always try and make you proud. I love you.” He kisses her cheek as they pull away. 
“Are you planning to visit her?” She questions as the doorbell rings. 
Bucky rises from his place, smiling at the prospect, “I might have thought about it.” 
“James Barnes.” Winnie grins, “What are you planning?” 
“Well first off, Doll has sent you a bouquet ahead of our lunch/late dinner date with her.” He holds the beautiful vase of  roses in his hand and Winnie raises a brow.
“Check the note.” He urges with a smile, this was all your doing. 
Winnie touches the flowers and finds the note nestled into them, its typed out, she can’t stop smiling as she reads it. 
Dear Mrs. Barnes,
First of all I would like to say thank you for agreeing to meet me and i’m so excited to finally meet you, Bucky speaks so highly of you and it as honour to meet the woman who raised the man i love.
I know this isn’t the most ideal way to meet you and get to know you but i want to look at it in the positive that there are more events of us meeting in the future which is why today we’ll speak only through computer screens. 
i hope you like the flowers Bucky said you adore red and pink roses so i picked those, i hope i was able to make you smile, he says he loves seeing you smile it brightens his day and based on the pictures he showed me i can see why 
Thank you once again, i look forward to our lunch-dinner also please remind Bucky to vacuum pack and send me some of your brownies he keeps teasing me about not being able to taste them. 
Winnie turned to look at her son, a beaming smile on her face. 
“I think I already adore her.” She admits and Bucky’s smile widens. 
“Told you, she’s just so purely loveable.”
“I can’t wait to meet her also, no more brownies and find out how can we send her som.”
His eyes widen, “Ma!” He says complaining. 
“You’re the one making her feel bad again and again, no more brownies.” She says sternly raising her index finger. 
You cost me my brownie dosage. Mum revoked my access because of your note she loved the flowers by the way. 
Serves you right. Tease. Now i get to have them and you get to feel left out. I’m glad she did, I hope they brightened up her smile like you adore. 
Bucky smiles warmth encasing his heart. You were always so thoughtful. God he couldn’t wait to just pull you against his chest and keep you there forever. 
Bucky gazes at your picture lovingly, then his brows furrow when he reads your text. 
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To say you were nervous was an understatement. Nat had been on texting standby and you had probably been the reason for her screen time to increase by tenfold. 
Your latest message to her way full of worry. 
What if I say the wrong thing? What if Mrs. Barnes hates me? Oh god what if she thinks I’m not worthy of Bucky? 
I’m going to have a meltdown, Bucky says she liked the flowers, but i just oh god what if the note was a stupid idea. It was wasn’t it? Why the hell did you not stop me?????
Nat, fuck, i think i’m going to throw up. 
When your phone chimes you open Bucky’s text then freeze, you had texted him instead of Natasha. Fuck this device, fuck the fact that un-send does not exist on iMessage. Fuck. 
Doll, she already adores you so much, honestly i think after today she’s going to think i’m not worthy of you. 
And she loved the note, adored it, she’s googling food courier services as we speak for your brownies. 
I know you’re nervous, I was too, remember when your dad just stared me down for five minutes, I went into cardiac arrest. 
And you remember what you told me?
You smile recalling what you had texted him from under the table. You even screen-shotted the conversation. 
I texted you from under the table that imagine i’m holding your hand and rubbing soothing circles, that even if it’s intimidating its just two people who will come to love and adore you as I have. 
exactly so, i’m holding your hand Doll, and not letting go one bit during lunch/dinner, even if that means I can’t eat, lol, one arm problems.
Oh so you can make jokes about your trauma but I can’t? Unfair, unfair i tell you. This will be sorted in the court of Her Honourable Judge Alpine. 
Bold of you to assume she won’t side with me, she loves me more.
I’m her dad and she loves me most. 
Right, right well, we’ll see about that Mr. Barnes. 
Getting formal are we?
Maybe or I just like to see you riled up, Mr. Barnes. 
You giggle when the typing dots appear and the disappear, he’s trying to come up with a biting reply. 
You kick it up a notch sending a voice note that has Bucky feeling his pants are very constricting. 
“Mr. Barnes,” You’d dipped your voice by an octave, trying to sound sultry, “Have I caught your tongue? Or is it simply begging to taste something sweet?” 
Doll, you will be the death of me.
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Bucky had to eat his words because just as he set up the laptop on the dining table doing a test call, Alpine jumped on the table and booped the screen and meowed at your smug face. 
“I believe the Judge is in my favour.” You chuckle, cooing at Alpine. 
“You’ve just bribed her with toys.” He huffs while partially true, only three of her toys are from you but she loves them dearly. Bucky directs Alpine off of the table and she gives his hand a playful bite and you giggle.
“Good girl, Alpine, my best girl.” You praise her much to your boyfriend’s dismay at the two of you seemingly pairing up.
“You’re just a sore loser.” You roll your eyes at him then straighten up when Winnie appears in the frame, nerves shoot through your spine and you stand up. 
“H-hello Mrs. Barnes.” You give her a smile, laden with nerves. 
“Darling, you have to call me, Winnie. Hello to you too, I’m so glad we could do this also I apologise we couldn’t do this at a timing more suitable for you.” Winnie sits on the chair giving you the softest, kindest gaze you’d ever received. 
“Oh no, not at all, Bucky and I tend to switch around with our meals so it's not too bad, also it is just ten thirty. Not too late.” You reassure her and she seems to relax. 
“Now is my son treating you right? Or do I have to ban brownies permanently?” She gives him a curt glare and you laugh at Bucky’s look of utter panic. 
“Ma, why—,”
“Oh hush, Y/N continue.” She urges with a gesture of her palm. 
“He’s treating me in the best way, Mrs. Bar—Winnie, sorry, um, I, he’s so respectful and kind, understanding as well so loving. Honestly I can’t believe my stars I found my way to him. It is just surreal.” You admire Bucky and Winnie smiles. 
“No brownie ban then.” She pats his left shoulder. 
Your eyes nor demeanour change in the slightest and Winnie finds a weight on her heart lift, you saw her son as whole. Not incomplete. 
“Thank god for my manners.” Bucky says with a shake of his head, relieved. Then he laughs. You laugh as well.  
“Well Bucky here sings praises of you and I can see why, tell me then about you and your family?” Winnie smoothes her hands over her jeans. Bucky never spoke about what happened in detail over the dinner that took place with your family but she could see he was slightly worried about your father’s opinion. 
“What would you like to know?” You didn’t let your smile wavier, you knew the parent meeting at your house was less than ideal and given your dad caught Bucky watching you sleep. 
Technically he was working while you dozed off but your father seems to have not taken a liking to the man who held your heart better than what your dad had over the years of his parenting. 
Bucky sees the slight shift in your eyes, the rolling on your shoulders to not allow what haunted you to clamp down into your flesh and drag you into painful memories. 
You flicker your gaze to Bucky and his own blue eyes that harbour your world harbour the knowledge about your mind’s current thoughts. 
“How about where you grew up? Did you move around? We had too for quite some time till Bucky’s father passed away.” She says, giving you a second to refocus on the conversation. Bucky and you both notice the small twinge of nostalgia that grips her for a moment. 
“Oh um, no we never had to move, we’ve always been here at home though my great-great grandparents hailed from another state but since my grandfather the family has called this place nine hours and thirty minutes away from Bucky, home.” 
He takes his phone out to message you, Winnie gets distracted by the timer she had set for the dish she made for dinner. 
You smile at him as she excuses herself. Your eyes glazing over at his message. 
i’m holding your hand under the table, giving it squeezes
i’m squeezing your hand right back. 
You look up at him, he gives you one of his Doll smiles, named by Morgan. The ones only given for you, where his eyes crinkle at the sides and you feel it in your heart to erase everything that would ever cause that grin to fade. 
“I love you.” He mouths.
“I love you.” You mouth back. 
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Bucky observes as the earlier tensions had left your body and now they had shifted into the drawing room while you chose to sit on the floor at the foot of your bed.
All three of your nursed desserts, tiramisu. Winnie had given Bucky the recipe so you could make it at home, your practice batch had turned out successful so this was your fifth attempt and it was really good.
Bucky was covering his face, cheeks tinged red. As Winnie told you the story of how he insisted on dressing up as a tellytubby for halloween when he was younger. She had to give him whipped cream mixed with food colouring to make the tubby custard because he hated actual custard.
What made things worse for Bucky was when she put on her reading glasses and managed to screen share a whole album of his images from childhood.
“How—you call me when the wifi router needs rebooting.” He seems taken aback but also proud.
“I asked Sam and Steve to teach me.” She grins smugly. 
“I’m going to kill them.” He mutters and you laugh.
“Honestly you make a cute tellytubby, the blue brought out your eyes.” You give him some praise but the next picture has you doubling over and Winnie joins in and Bucky just groans.
Greeting your screen is Bucky Barnes, aged ten, halfway out of the costume, just the blue pants on, his face, torso and arms all covered in the aforementioned tubby custard.
“The pink just wouldn’t fade.” Winnie says between laughs, you wipe a tear, baby Bucky looks absolutely taken by the sugar rush, a dazed but focused look on his features. You raise your phone to snap a picture but they all grow blur because you can’t stop laughing.
“Alright that is enough.” Bucky warns reaching over and stopping the screen share.
“Hey! I want to see my boyfriend as a baby.” You protest as the picture disappears and then pout at Bucky, who only rolls his eyes at your dramatic tendencies.
“I’ll email the folder to you.” Winnie assures with a wink then as she glances at the watch she straightens up, “Oh dear, I’m so sorry, darlings, I did say I would meet my friends from the book club at three. I’m so sorry I kept you up this long dear.” She looks apologetic and Bucky watches as you shake your head.
“Not at all, I had a lot of fun, it is an honour to get to know you.” You smile, she returns the smile.
“Bucky go fetch my purse and keys would you in my room, check the drawers and cupboard if things aren’t there.” Winnie urges him on and once he is out of ear shot, you gulp, this is it, this is the moment she tells you to leave her son alone.
“Y/N, I, you know, when Bucky told me about you, I was elated that finally he found someone. When he told me how many miles and oceans separated the two of you I had my concerns. I still do, over what has happened over dinner with your parents.” She gives you a knowing look.
“I wouldn’t ever hurt him. I love him.” You say, voice cracking slightly, you’re still sure her next words will be of disapproval.
“I know, I could see it in your eyes the minute I walked into the room.” She gives you a warm smile, “He’s never had anyone look at him like he handpicked the moon from the sky and gave it to them. Only we see him as a complete man. Today when I kept my hand on his shoulder, you didn’t flinch, make a face or have any negative emotion. You see him as whole don’t you?” She looks hopeful.
“Bucky, he, he completes me in a way that I don’t feel a hollowness in my being. I don’t know how anyone can think he is anything but more than complete, so full of love and live. Honestly? He did handpick the moon and give it to me. Everyday with him feels that way. Even on days that might be hard for either of us, he still handpicked the moon for me. He’s I believe he’s the love of my life. No one ” You confess wiping your face with the back of your hand.
“Oh, Y/N, if you were here I would give you a hug. I absolutely adore you, ever since you cause the light to return to his eyes.” Winnie wipes a tear herself.
“I could honestly use it. Mum and I are trying to make dad realise his opinion is wrong. I’m, I’m glad I can make him happy and feel loved.” You say, blinking at the tears. 
The whole ordeal had left a bitter taste in your mouth. You could only imagine how much more it affected Bucky. You had apologised profusely, he assured you each time that it was not job to apologise for the words of your father.
“Dear, convincing a parent is difficult, we had the same issue, it took my father a while but when the time came and George wanted to propose, my dad accepted him.” Winnie laughs at the memory then a dark look graces her features, it passes as quickly as it had arrived.
“I, I just want him to respect Bucky. He doesn’t deserve that, I told my dad off. I just wish I could undo that part of the night.” You admit and Winnie’s head turns to the staircase and Bucky sighs loudly, exasperated.
“How does your purse get lost in your own room, Ma?” He then chuckles and she shakes her head. You straighten up as well.
“Were you crying?” He asks her, you squeeze your eyes shut, his observation skills never failed him.
“No, just something went in my eye.” Winnie lies and you open your eyes just as Bucky graces the screen.
“Oh.” He looks at you and you shrug. He narrows his eyes. Deciding to table the discussion for later, he places you on the small cabinet in the doorway, as you both bid goodbye to his mom as she leaves for her plans.
You hold your breath, knowing he would ask or it would be something else. He walks upto his old room, placing you on the bed, next to his right side.
“Did Ma, say anything?” He looks at you sternly, you know he is watching every move, no longer Bucky but in his Sergeant roots. 
You let out the breath through your mouth slowly, contemplating.
“If you’re thinking of a lie, don’t.” He warns.
“I’m not, she’s worried about you.” You confess, you could give him bits and pieces.
“She didn’t say anything to you right?” His hard gaze waivers for a moment.
“No, she, she said she was happy when you told her about me, she said she adores me. She’s worried over what my father said… over dinner…” You let that statement hang in the air, a week after the Sharon fiasco was the dinner with your parents.
You mother had been nothing short of lovely, asking questions making sure he was comfortable. Shutting down her husband with a small tap on his arm in warning if he became insensitive. He could only be tapped so much. Your mom couldn’t face Bucky for days.
He sighs, running his hand through his hair. You gnaw at your bottom lip.
“I told you and her, I don’t care about what he said. The only opinion that matters is yours, Doll. he can hate me, call me bullshit things. He should not have insulted you. It would not have prompted my response.” Bucky’s voice beings to go towards anger, his blue eyes flash with suppressed range.
You stand, no longer wanting to sit on the floor, and sit back at your desk.
“Y/N, no. I’ve been over this before. I told him he can fucking say all that he wants to me. When it comes to you I tolerate no fucking crap. He may have liberties as an emotionally abusive fuck but that ends. It is high time.” He glowers.
You bite your lip, this had been a back and forth point, ultimately a stalemate.
You were used to the shit your father said to you but you tolerated nothing against Bucky not even a whisper on an insult.
Bucky responded exactly the same, he could take all that your dad dumped on him and more, but he would be damned before he allowed anyone to insult you even if it was your dad.
You both needed each other. Anchors, saviour angels, lifelines whatever title was given isn’t enough to eloquently cover what the other meant. You needed to feel him, more than his words, more than his heated gaze. 
“Bucky,” You say again and he meets your eyes, his heart warming at the way the light reflects upon your irises. His anger slowly moves away. You move to your door, locking it then returning sauntering slowly towards him. 
His blue eyes, darken, breathing deeper he watches as your top comes off, followed by your jeans. You keep your eyes locked in on him as the straps of your bra slip down your shoulders and he stops you by raising his index finger.
“Show me.” He breathes, cock hardening as you turn and the now dimmed lights of your room illuminate your skin. Soft curves needing his touch, his lips, him. 
“Fucking gorgeous.” He praises and then you preen at the deep gravel, wanton timber of his voice.  
“Every curve, dip, line and mole. Fuck, Doll—,” He groans as you move your hands over your body, tracing over your bra, pinching at your hardened nipples, a whimper from your mouth goes straight to Bucky’s dick and he might just come untouched the way you gaze at him.
Your eyes darkened with lust, skin covered in a thin sheen of sweat, he wants to lap at the bead of sweat that makes its way over your sternum. Bucky gulps when you take off your panties. The colour difference makes him groan, his own darkening as his precum stains his clothing.
“Need to see you.” You look at him settling onto your bed, legs spread. Bucky stands, ridding himself of all the confines that keep you from admiring him.
“Fucking gorgeous.” You praise and he smirks.
“Oh little one,” His voice sinfully deep, and these new headphones made him sound as if he was right next to you, whispering in your ear, “What am I going to do with you?” He questions, eyes raking over you.
“Anything you want.” You whisper and He needs to close his eyes to get a grip on himself. He traces your features again with his heated gaze, admiring how you become needier with just the way he gazes at you. 
Bucky wants to get on his knees and worship you, because that is the only way he can thank his luck for allowing you into his life.
“Touch your nipples, through your bra, did you wear the pretty lace all for me?” He raises an eyebrow. You mewl as the touch sends shivers to your clit, arousal dripping over your folds and Bucky licks his lips, humming as if he can taste you.
“I asked you something, little one.” He reminds, you nod.
“Words.” he commands, 
“Yes,” you hiss, twisting your nipple harder, “James.” You plead for more.
You hear his low growl, primal, watching you get wetter for him.
“Show me how wet I’ve made you.” He gestures with a nod of his head, your hand moves over your abdomen, touching the curves and dips, Bucky drinks the sight of you in, he held pride as you touched yourself, not your clit or your cunt, but when you touched your body, squeezing the flesh. It drove him wild, needy, helpless and he starved to do the same with his hand. Fell you, love you, touch you, fall apart inside you as you held him in.
“So fucking beautiful.” He praises as you gather your arousal and show him your glistening fingers.
“Want to fuck you with my tongue. Will you let me taste my pussy? You are so fucking sweet aren’t you? I wouldn’t leave from between your thighs for days. Have them tremble, shake, beg to close. But I would just keep devouring my pretty pussy.” 
You throw your head back nodding, Bucky only smirks, “Go on, touch yourself the way you like little one, but I want to watch each stroke, each circle, and when you begin to fuck yourself onto your fingers.” He begins to circle his thumb on his cock, hissing at the contact he finally allowed himself. Your hips begin to rut against your fingers at his words. 
“Yes, little one, just like that, imagine it is my cock, buried deep you can feel me everywhere, claiming you, marking you as mine.” Bucky pants, his hand moving over himself.
“Want to feel your cock, Bucky, want you to feel your pussy clench around your cock.” You mewl out, your hips grounding against your fingers you needed more.
“Fuck, little one, grab that firmer pillow, fold it.” He instructs, your walls clench at the loss. Bucky wants to swallow all those pretty little sounds against his lips. He watches you straddle the folded pillow, the fabric rubbing your clit so deliciously. 
Bucky moves the laptop onto the desk, you can see him sitting on the chair, cock being fisted by his hand, his vein prominent and you grow wetter at the thought of how it would feel in your mouth.
“See this little one?” He gestures to his cock, your clit twitches, “All because of you. Know why I made you switch?” He rakes his eyes over you and you want to just combust. 
“You want me to ride you.” You realise, slowly moving your hips in sync with his slow strokes to his cock.
“My little one, you think correctly, go on grind on that pillow, take off that bra, fingers on your nipples. While you ride me, I’d play with those gorgeous tits.”
Your stomach tugs at the combined sensations with his words, picturing it, his hand on your hip, setting the pace, his mouth on your chest. Biting, sucking, marking you as his, you moan as your orgasm builds,
Bucky’s hand moves in pace with your hips grinding down, your lips part, he knows your close.
“Will you cum with me little one?” Bucky requests, a groan of your name falls from his lips,
“Bucky, please—, need—, I” You beg, beg for something needing him to coax you to your orgasm, needing him to be the one that shatters you.
“Need you,” you choke out as the orgasm starts to build and his words get filthier. 
“Fuck, Y/N, just a little more, need my cock in you? I’d fill you up, till you cum around me, dripping all over my cock and your thighs, you want that don’t you?” 
Bucky and you moan in sync as the coil snaps, your orgasms shatter through you, both continuing the movements brokenly, watching the other fall apart with hooded eyes. Soft pants and watching Bucky’s cum coat his hand and abdomen you lick your lips.
“Want to taste you Bucky.” You say and he groans.
“Fuck, little one, you’re already needy for more?” He chuckles, cleaning himself.
You lay back against your pillows, hair sticking to your scalp. 
You look down at his cock that twitches at his own words.
“Fuck my mouth, Mr. Barnes.” You challenge, he huffs a laugh.
“If you’re insatiable now…” He trails off, knowing he is growing hard again at the sight of you, fucked out, hair messed, eyes bright.
“If you aren’t leaving from between my thighs, it’s because my legs are holding you in.” You grab the very pillow used, your confidence in showing him what you wanted, touching yourself had grown.
Your legs wrap around the pillow and Bucky does a double take of the sight. Fuck he can’t wait to taste you. He fists his cock. You smirk at him.
“Insatiable, little one.” He teases, you bite your lip, anticipation thrumming at his next words.
“Get on your knees, pillow under you. Better not cum before I say so, little one.” He instructs, voice deep, bliss, needy for you. You whimper doing as he asked. Bucky stands, giving you a glorious view of him, fuck you wanted to taste him.
You open your mouth for him to see, oh you would be the end of him. 
Both of you ruining anyone else for the other.
That evening, Bucky falls asleep at the dinner table. When he tells you how you had him spent, pride swells in your chest and his own. The two of you had come so far in this aspect of your relationship, being able to expose more and more of your skin and exploring all that worked for the two of you. Nicknames, types of touches, scenarios. 
All of it, all consuming, burning bright.
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The day after you were having breakfast and Bucky a late dinner. You had resorted to being in your room when your dad was out and about the house, Bucky was trying to explain to you to not give him that power but you couldn’t even look at him without feeling bile in your throat.
You’re mid bite with your chosen meal of cereal and Bucky is in between explaining how yet again Brock’s mounting plate is falling off when he pauses looking behind you. Your brows furrow, anger ebbing at the prospect of your dad yet again intruding. You turn mouth set into a hard line.
But you don’t meet the eyes that watched you grow up. You look into blue ones, but they are dull, lacklustre. Not the azure your heart contentedly drowns in daily. 
You frown.
Then blink, wait,—
“You forgot me already?” The person says, your brain clicks.
“Who even—,” Bucky is cut off as the man pulls you into a hug. His hand tightens around his spoon. 
This guy better fucking stop his hand from moving any lower on your back.
“Quentin,” You tighten your shoulders, moving away, looking at Bucky who might just discover teleportation just to punch the smug guy whose hands do not leave your arm even when you step away, again.
“Y/N, you haven’t changed at all.” Quentin Beck muses.
You feel a shadow cast over your door. Bucky looks right at your dad, jaw set. Your dad crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow in challenge.
“He better get his hands off of you.” Bucky growls and you shiver, moving away again and Quentin finally gets the hint, you move closer to the desk, trying to stay close to Bucky.
“The Becks are here to visit, I invited them to stay with us. Given how you and Quentin were joined at the hip, I think it would be nice to catch up.” Your dad gives a pleasant smile, but you don’t give any visible response.
Bucky’s nostrils flare, as Quentin ducks to wave at him.
“Who is this?” He questions an unabashed grin on his face, compared to Bucky’s scowl.
“My b—,”
“A charity case. You know her loves playing nurse.” Your dad says dismissively.
“Ah, yes, I was always patient.” Beck jokes and you feel venom pool your mouth, you swallow it down.
“He’s my boyfriend, James Barnes.” You say loud enough so Dad’s cheek twitches, a tell for his annoyance.
“Oh, hey man, I’m Quentin Beck, an old friend. Let’s catch up sometime over drinks?” He waves at Bucky.
You take off your headphones, Bucky breathes, once twice. Your dad watching and waiting for a reply.
“Im in New York City.” Your boyfriend looks to you, you’re on edge. Fuck he wanted to whisk you away from there. 
“Long distance?” Beck scoffs, “Hard shit man, how long before you both started LDR?” 
“We got together over long distance.” Bucky keeps his expression stoic. Understanding that this guy was someone who thrived getting under the skin of people.  
“Oh, well that is something.” Quentin looks to you, “Join in for breakfast?”
“She’s on a breakfast date with me, so you will have to excuse her.” Bucky buts in, close to seething. 
Quentin only smiles in response, something about it sets Bucky on edge as well. 
“Well then, I will catch you later, since I’m here for a while.” Quentin closes in on you again.
Bucky watches helplessly as you go rigid. 
“I’ve missed you little princess.” Quentin strokes your cheek, fanning Bucky’s anger then turns to leave behind your father. 
You close your door quietly. Refusing to look at Bucky because you’re at a loss of words. 
“I do not know what he did, but I am killing him.” Bucky’s jaw clenches and his knuckles are white with how hard his muscles are tensing. 
“Bucky, he, he was my first boyfriend. He broke everything in me before leaving.” Your voice cracks. 
Oh Bucky is livid now, “Your father knew?” 
You nod, he clicks his tongue. 
“Its on purpose.” He places forth his theory. 
“Buck, I hate Quentin. I’m not going to get back together with him even if he was the last person left on earth.” You look up at Bucky his gaze slowly growing warm again. 
“I don’t trust him.” Bucky states, neither man worthy of trust. Not one ounce of trust. 
“I don’t either.” You agree. 
“Come on, lets get back to breakfast/dinner. We’ll deal with that piece of shit later. One wrong move, Doll and I don’t care about anything, I will fuck that guy up.” Bucky’s words tug at you. 
“You won’t have to cause I won’t let him do anything.” You assure. 
“Even if not, that stunt he just pulled? Evading your personal space.” Bucky’s thumb bends the fork. Your eyes widen. 
“Just, tell me something to distract me.” He requests, continuing to eat his spaghetti with the spoon he had gotten for dessert. 
You bite back an endearing grin, but he catches hints of it and his anger simmers into nothingness. 
“Found that cute did you?” He grins, shaking his head. 
“Absolutely. I find you very cute.” You praise and admire the red tinge on his cheeks. 
“I’m not cute, I’m—,”
“Hot? Sexy? Devilishly handsome? Sweet? My everything?” You offer, deepening the crimson over taking his skin. 
“Doll.” Is all he says but his smile tells you all you need to know, its the Doll Smile. 
“I love you, Bucky.” Your heart always warming at your words. 
“I love you, Y/N.” He says, causing your heart to somersault with his own. 
He reaches out, touching the screen with his thumb to stroke your cheek. You lean you head, as though you can feel him. 
Bucky finds his heart clench, he had to get to you beyond the confines of his laptop screen and city.
Dreaming about having you close was not enough. 
Dreaming about meeting you, laying beside you, having you play with his hair as his rested his head in your lap. 
It was never enough. 
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A.N: hope everyone reading, enjoyed this chapter! let me know! also thank you for reading! this fic is honestly my comfort space and i really enjoy writing it so much so thank you for reading and interacting!! 💖
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185 notes · View notes
kyogre-blue · 8 months
SS continues. Seteth is handsome and I think I would be okay with this normally, but I played VW first and Claude was cuter.
Not to be mean, but that's pretty much literally the only difference so far. Off screen Claude even supporting character magics us into getting the same reinforcements in the same place and going to the same next map. (I tell Seteth I want to go to the Kingdom this time. Seteth says no. I feel like at least Claude didn't pretend I had options. Did I just agree with him on everything...? That is also possible.)
It's kind of... even some of Seteth's lines don't seem to be intended for him. I heard from interview that SS was written first, so I figured that playing it would make VW feel like a reskin, but I dunno if it's the order I did them in, but tbh VW so far feels a more "natural" progression, Edelgard stuff aside.
Aside from that, using church units on the church route has some funny effects like that one general going "your army of children," but I'm actually... using almost entirely adults...
Live blogging notes:
Oh, I didn't notice, but the "village" where we wake up is in ruins. There are burnt remnants and half-collapsed brick walls in the background.
Interesting point: I didn't keep track of the months before, but now I see we fell asleep in March 1181 but wake up in December 1185. I kinda thought it would be the same months, but it's not.
Edelgard's tone at the reunion is...... hum. Not very emotive? Don't get me wrong, Claude doesn't exactly get worked up much either, but Edelgard has a lot more personal stakes in all this, and she should really have a deeper investment in regard to Byleth. It was like this when they parted ways in Garreg Mach too.
Edelgard says "friend from our Black Eagle days have chosen to join me in the fight ahead." But that's... hum. First, why is it a fight ahead for her? She's been fighting for 5 years and is winning, according to the info dump. Second, did the students actually join her? I got them all killed, so I won't know either way, but my impression is that this is not actually the case to begin with.
Edelgard is using a wavy sword... Levin Sword?
Kinda meh sword battle scene.
The fact that Edelgard is older than Byleth now... haha. Claude switches to calling you "my friend" but Edelgard is still pushing the teacher angle.
The info dumps about the political situation post timeskip are slightly different all around, but the only real difference seems to be that Lorenz leads the Empire supporter faction in the Alliance, which iirc was not the case in VW. That checks out. Dimitri is still presumed dead and Faerghus is a Dukedom.
Flayn says she forgot something at the Holy Mausoleum, where we meet up with her... Not sure what this is about. (Update: She and Seteth hang around there later too. Really not sure why.)
SS savefile has the banner I presume Claude also makes you use in VW - kinda blue-grey background with a pink Crest of Flames.
Lol, I killed everyone, but the chapter crawl still says students from the Black Eagle house are working with the Church. Instead I recruited all the Church units, so they show up to help in the new month.
War phase SS has the same monastery music and yellow skybox as VW. Kinda disappointed, tbh. I was (vainly) hoping that each route would get something a little different.
I did notice that they have wooden construction equipment type structures in a lot of places, which I didn't realize before. I guess it's supposed to show how the monastery is in a rundown, damaged state, but even seeing it, I don't think it works too well.
Shamir says that Dagda was "destroyed" ten years ago.
Seteth has been refusing Hanneman's requests for 21 years. So even though Flayn came to the monastery very recently, Seteth has been around for long enough that his physical age is going to start looking weird lol (his info on Serenes Forest says he's physically 27). Notably though, he and Jeralt didn't know each other (iirc), so based on the timeline, Seteth came pretty much immediately after Jeralt faked Byleth's death and disappeared. I wonder if it was because Rhea would have been "in a state" about Byleth's supposed death (and the loss of Sothis's crest stone).
There are no records of anyone except Seteth having a Major Crest of Cichol. In fact, it seems like there's probably no one who has a crest of Cichol at all. Seteth says he is a commoner and has no idea how he ended up with a crest. Hanneman when Byleth says the exact same thing, while being just as sus:
There's some cliff rubble on the monastery defense map... looks like there was a rockslide during the Imperial attack.
The fact that I've forgotten half of VW already is making this a little more tolerable, but looking at the chapter list for VW, we did have a monastery defense map before going to get Judith's troops, and in SS we are...... also going to get Judith's troops.
There's some snippets about how Judith and Daphnel have mostly remained out of Imperial attention and how Judith is a devout follower of the Seiros faith, but tbh it feels out of place here compared to VW.
Oh, there's a spy. Man, was this in VW? I remember nothing.
I've seen this mentioned in fic, but the quest for the Almyran merchant in disguise mentions a Nader bear (which is an Armored Bear Stuffy in your inventory). The thing you give him is "Zoltan's Beast Idol" that mentions the famous craftsman Zoltan who was believed to have made only weapons. I wonder if there's some weapon in the game that was made by him?
Seteth repeats the legend about Ailell being caused by the goddess's wrath after a battle there long ago. Which... is a weird thing, given that he should theoretically know the actual cause -- Agarthan missiles getting deflected from the monastery by the protections on the Holy Tomb.
Oh, Judith suggests she's helping because Claude asked her to. My sus man <3
Reiterating that the Oghma mountains are to the south of the monastery and between it and the Empire. You can't enter the monastery from the Empire directly. You have to go through the Kingdom or the Alliance.
Why do they give you the choice between east and west approaches?? I picked west because I already saw the Alliance stuff, but Seteth just directly shoots you down...
Claude continues to be a proper side character by giving us a way to get into the Empire through the Alliance. "I don't know exactly why, but I feel that I can trust you," my dude, it's because you are a side character who exists to fill the needs of the plot. It's the damn bridge again. SIGH
Also, I was worried for a moment when I couldn't talk to Ashe, but apparently you don't need to. Just kill him and he magically survives. There isn't even a little scene about him coming back or anything...?
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pantherlover · 10 months
An Artificial Night Re-Read: Part 3
Hello again! Onto part 3:
Chapter Seven:
'The odds are against me ever having a knowe of my own' I don't know, Toby, I think there's at least a non-zero chance at this point.
Toby's definitely gotten better at eating whenever she can than she is in this book.
I wonder if Fetch's names are always connected to the person they've copied.
Did Sylvester mention Amandine because he thought she wouldn't like Luna sending Toby into danger, or because he thought she'd be able to stop Blind Michael?
Okay, it makes more sense that Toby was so blase about Blind Michael in the first book if most of the time he was 'old man yelling to get off his lawn' levels of nuisance.
I'm honestly super curious about what Luna's relationship with the Luidaeg looks like. Luna's Blind Michael and Acacia's daughter, so does Luidaeg fight with herself about liking a descendant of Titania, or is Luna being a child of her favourite brother enough to make her at least neutral to her? Luna seemed okay enough with her that she wasn't worried about sending Toby to the Luidaeg for help; have they interacted with each other at all? Or do they politely pretend that the other one doesn't exist?
Chapter Eight:
Can we talk about how Toby and Luidaeg have only known each other for, what - two years? A year and a half? - and Luidaeg already feels comfortable enough with Toby that she doesn't assume that Toby's calling because she needs her? I know Luidaeg is terrifying, but her capacity to love is pretty awe-inspiring.
Also Luidaeg has to help kill her brother! Her favourite brother, one of her only siblings left, because she knew her brother would eventually become a monster and she's the only one who can make sure Toby has a chance to do it.
Luidaeg calls Toby a child of Oberon and Toby ignores it. Luidaeg might not have given the most direct hints, but she really did try to tell Toby about her heritage when she could.
"He'll hold them until Halloween night... and then they'll Ride. It's [Blind Michael's] way of remembering our mother. Her Rides were always held on Samhian night." This is kind of surprising to me, given that we just learned in the latest short story that part of the reason he became Blind Michael in the first place is because he went to his mother for vengeance after his children were murdered and she turned him away.
I have to try to pay attention to when a fancy knife is described now, just in case the knife Luidaeg commissioned to kill Eira with shows up.
Chapter Nine:
Raj!!!! I forgot how many characters we were introduced to in this book!
OOF, Raj is having a *bad* day. Have Raj, Dean and Chelsea argued over who was having a worse time when the met Toby?
Chapter Ten:
"The Luidaeg is the only Firstborn I've ever dealt with on a regular basis, and her power is subtle, damped down until she can seem human to the casual observer. [Acacia's] power wasn't hidden at all." Given that Toby's regularly been around *two* other Firstborns at this point, this makes me wonder how Amandine and Evening were able to hide what they were for so long. I could see Amandine being able to hide her power through some type of blood magic, but what about Eira? Part of it could've been explained by Toby just not having a good grasp on what a normal Daoine Sidhe's powers looked like compared to Evening, but Evening hid it from *everyone*. Were her illusions just that good?
"It's Raj. I... the forest is very dark." Oh noooooo Raj would HATE it but I want to bundle him up in a blanket and hug hiiiiiiim
'"My father says Uncle Tybalt's friend October is an adult." He paused. "And a hussy."' I realize there's no way I could've appreciated this enough the first time I read this, given we hadn't met Samson yet, but this is seriously SO funny. I desperately want to know what Tybalt's behaviour looks like from his Court's perspective during this time period.
Chapter Eleven:
"[Blind Michael] hadn't just changed them on the outside. He'd changed them all the way down to the bone." Do we know what Blind Michael's first children were/what they could do? What Toby's doing here sounds like some kind of blood magic, but I don't think Maeve's descendants are really known for that; plus, everything Toby's ever about her powers are that you can take away a bloodline but you can't add one, which is exactly what it sounds like Blind Michael did. Is it just a really extreme form of transformation?
There's something extra brutal about Blind Michael taking one of the few Roane left, possibly during one of his first Rides. I wonder if that's what caused Luidaeg to try to kill him?
"You're Amandine's daughter, aren't you? You are. I can smell it on you. Why are you here? She never came, and once a road is set aside, no other feet should claim it." So THIS implies that Amandine had a road she could've used to save kids before, or at least used to visit Blind Michael's lands. I would've guessed it was the Blood Road, but as far as I remember the only issue was using that road was that Toby ran the risk of bleeding out before she got back, not that it was closed off from anyone to use. So if it wasn't the Blood Road, could it be a road connected to Janet?
That's it for now! Please feel free to come to discuss things with me. See you next time!
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final-girl96 · 1 year
Firefly Chapter Thirteen
Spring 2010
"Are you fucking crazy talking to a stranger over the radio?" I rolled my eyes as Joel gave me a lecture about talking to strangers like I was a child. "Oh, my god, Joel, chill out." If looks could I would be dead ten times over. "Look, they're someone you can trade with!" He held his hand up to stop me. "They're? There are more than one?!" He yelled. "Only two Frank, the man I'm talking to and Bill…"
"Jesus Christ, firefly! For all you know he's trying to get you there so they can take advantage of you!" I laughed and he glared at me. "What the hell is so funny?" He asked. I cleared my throat and tried to control my laughter. "Nothing. It's just–I'm not they're type," I said. :and how the hell would you know? Huh?" He asked. The corners of my mouth threatened to lift higher as a laugh bubbled up. I took a minute to contain it before answering him. "Because, you're more their type."
I couldn't stop the loud laugh that left me when his eyes widened and his mouth formed an oh shape as he realized what I meant. He cleared his throat and fidgeted in the spit he was standing in by the dinning table. "Does that bother you, Joel, that they're gay?" I asked. He looked at me and shook his head. "What? No, of course not. It doesn't change anything. You shouldn't–"
"Talk to strangers. Blah blah blah. Yeah, I know, but I want friends, Joel. Nice friends that won't turn their backs on us," I said. "We have friends," he said. I raised an eyebrow, "who?" I asked. He shrugged, "Tess. Tess is our friend." I scoffed, shaking my head, "no, she's your friend, Joel, not mine. Just please…please just meet them and if you don't like them we cut communication I promise."
He walked over to the couch and sat down, propping his elbows on his knees, and putting his head in his hands. I walked over and moved them so I could sit on his lap and look at him. "And while we do what you say goes. I'll follow your lead and do what you say." His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me so I was straddling him. Moving his hands to my hips he looked at me. "Fine. We'll go but you better do what I say." I sighed in relief and smiled. "Good! Because we leave tomorrow so we can be there by the end of the week." He dropped his head back with a long exhausted sigh.
"Also, can it just be us?" He lifted his head back up. "We haven't really been able to have a lot of alone time these past few months. With you always going off your little smuggling adventures with your bestie all that and never letting me come along…anyway, I just miss you. Starting to feel like we're not even a couple anymore. I mean I've had a few people ask me if we split up and if you and Tess are together now. People give Mr petty looks when they see me."
His grip on my hips tightened, "shit, baby, I'm sorry. It can just be me and you. Where are they from?" He asked, pulling me closer. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, "Lincoln." He hummed, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to my lips. "Alright. Be ready to go before dawn." I nodded my head and kissed him again. "Thank you."
"I really would prefer you to stay here and let me and Tess check them out first…" my face dropped and I scoffed, going to move away from him but he held me by the hips tight. "But…if you can do what I tell you and not do anything…stupid, then I'm fine with it. I don't like it but you're right I've been neglecting us–you. I just want you safe."
"I know. But, Joel, I'm safest when I'm with you. I wouldn't have made it this far if it wasn't for you. You keeping me locked and being over-protective is just going to push me away one day. Not that I don't appreciate you always wanting to protect me but maybe you can teach me how to fight better and to shoot better rather than trying to lock me away like a dirty secret." He was silent for a little before nodding. "Okay, I'll try and do my best."
"Keep close to me." Joel and I were almost out of the QZ. All we had to do was get past the guard posts. I stayed close to him just like he said as we ducked down and made our way across to the concrete drain piping and crawled through it to the other side. Once in the clear we headed through the city of Boston. "It feels so good to be out of that fucking QZ and apartment." Joel hummed and grabbed my hand. "We'll head through the hotel to get out of the city quicker. We should be good after that."
"Alright, focus on that can. Focus and take a deep breath–" Joel stood behind me, arms wrapped around me with his hands over mine that held the gun. "Kind of hard to focus when you're pressed against me." I didn't need to look at him to know he was rolling his eyes. I took a deep breath like he told me to. "Alright, finger on the trigger and shot." I did as instructed, putting my finger on the trigger and pulling. When it hit the can I turned around to look at Joel. "Come on, babe, I can hit that can a hundred times over."
"You asked me to teach you to shoot," he said, pulling me closer to him. "Mm…I asked you to teach me how to shoot better. I already know how to shoot." I wrapped my arms around his neck. "You just wanted me pressed against you." I bit my bottom lip, shrugging. "Maybe. Can you blame me?" He shook his head and kissed my forehead. "We better get going so we make it there by late morning."
The early mornings were still chilly but as it got later and we got closer to Lincoln it got warmer. When we got to the gate a man was running towards us with a gun with another man running after him. "Bill, stop! These are the people I told you about!" I looked over to see Joel pointing at the man named Bill. The other man that I assumed was Frank came up beside him. "You must be yn and this must be Joel."
"And you must be Frank," I said. He smiled at me and walked over to the gate. He punched in a code and the gate door opened. As soon as we were inside Bill pointed his gun at me. I just stood there and looked at him. "Hello…Joel!" I looked at me while keeping his gun pointed at Bill. "Put your gun away, Joel." He didn't move and I sighed. "Now, Joel!" He reluctantly put his gun down and I looked at Bill. "Hello, Bill, I'm yn." I held my hand out to him and he looked at it.
"Damnit, Bill, put that gun down and shake the girl's hand!" Bill looked over at Frank and Frank set him with a stern look. He put his gun down but didn't shake my hand. Instead he turned around and walked away. "Sorry, about him." He walked over to Joel and held out his hand. "I'm Frank," he greeted. Joel looked down at it and I groaned. "For fuck sake, Joel!" He grumbled but shook his hand. "Follow me."
We followed him down the street to a nice looking house. "So, you guys have the whole town?" I asked, walking beside Frank. "Well, part of it. Bill was one of those doomsday preppers. So when the military cleared everyone out he came out of his little bunker and started going around town grabbing supplies. He built the fence and the whole place is booby-trapped.
"There's water, hot water at that, and power. If you'd like you can take a shower and change clothes. We shouldn't have a problem finding something that fits." I looked behind us at Joel and gave him an excited smile. I made a good choice in trusting Frank and I couldn't wait to make him admit it. And I also couldn't wait to take a hot shower.
fly Chapfer Thirteen
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macawritesupdates · 2 days
Aww, modern a/b/o fic is so good. Yuuji's kind heart is lovely to read about. I want to know who hurt Sukuna, and am I allowed to attempt murder on his behalf? I'll fight, I won't win, but I'll fight damn it. Pack dynamics when written well are a favorite or mine I remember when I first read a/b/o and getting super disappointed by the way most authors wrote an animalistic society with complex non verbal communication and scent markings without actually doing anything at all with the concept. I like the trope best when people explore the deeper world building aspects instead of just going for the sex. The sex is fun to read, of course, but come on, there's so much more to explore here. For long fics at least, one shots don't have to go in depth. I just feel like a lot of the coolest concepts get shoved aside and ignored, so it's really nice to read your work and get some fun world building and a look into social dynamics and the like. It's interesting to see Sukuna trying to hide his dynamic a bit like someone has tried to make him ashamed. looks to me like someone has treated him awfully and he's internalized some sexism because of that. poor guy I wonder if he might be projecting on Yuuji a bit when he accused him of stalking, guilty conscience perhaps or is Yuuji living rent free in his head causing him to pay way more attention to him than a normal person which makes him feel like he's seeing Yuuji more than he really is. … ok I might be trying to dig too far into this man's head. we're only on chapter two, lol. The bullies were kinda funny to me obviously I hate that Yuuji's going through that shit but knowing he's so much stronger than them and that this fic is about him ending up with the world's toughest omega makes their comments kinda hilarious. That cute baby faced alpha is ten times the alpha you are, and the only reason you don't know that yet is he just so happens to have incredible self-control. I'm so proud of his self-control. Yuuji holding on to his convictions because he's a good person with morals, not a hormonal beast makes me happy. I kinda wonder how Sukuna must feel watching Yuuji not react with violence if he's used to awful alphas who throw their weight around and bully others for dominance. How must it feel to meet an alpha who could be top dog but chooses not to because he's a kind person. Yuuji does not equate the ability to hurt and rule over others with a person's value, which must seem so strange to Sukuna. Maybe at first it'll make him dislike Yuuji even as it draws him closer. How long before Yuuji's kind heart starts to make Sukuna feel safe, how long before he's willing to accept that safety? It takes strength to reach out a hand to someone who's hurting, but it also takes strength for someone in a bad situation to grab on to the offered hand and accept that life can be better. I hope Sukuna finds that strength within himself. It's a very different type of strength than what he's used to, but it's no less important even if society doesn't recognize it as such. Again, the little pack moments were very sweet, and Yuuji's family time was beautiful. I love my grandparents so much. I'm happy Yuuji gets time with his grandfather even though his health is failing. There's that love but the dark knowledge that you might not have much time left together hanging in the background like a spiritual bruise. I'm glad Choso is there so that Yuuji doesn't have to go through things alone. … I feel like I've typed out Yuuji's name fifty times today good lord haha. Ah man, well, thanks for the new chapter it was lovely. I can tell already that this will be a new favorite fic of mine!
I'm glad you are enjoying this fic! I also like when the world has more depths and uses the scents/marking/behavior in the concept of a society and world c: Just being super animalistic can be fun, but it would make it hard for individuals I think to fit in ; w ;
I love writing time for friendships too! This fic focuses a lot on not just the romance, but also the family relations and friendships as I have more cute family moments planned, especially in the next chapter! Part of the comfort in this is showing Yuuji has all theses good supports in his life....
Which is going to contrast more as it is revealed what type of situation Sukuna is in as the behaviors you are noting are all intentional little gives! Want to be subtle until the revela for sure!
Thank you for the long comment! It is much appreciated!
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emptylotfiasco · 4 months
my review for yakuza 1 on the ps2 it is a really good game. you should play it forever and ever. i will probably replay it one day or like get round to finishing kiwami cause it was really fun i had a lot of fun with it <3 the minigames are cool and the substories are good and the localisation is funny and worth experiencing for urself but it also like its not a haha play this game cause its so bad its fun it is acutally a good game and i liked it a lot. 10/10 ten million thoughts under the cut
first of all minigames love in heart massage parlour my favourite it is very funny. talking to prostitutes minigame is fun i completed all of them. almost. haruka cock blocked me for one of them. baseball is good it turns me into the devil sometimes but i like it. gambling. suprisingly not that bad everytime i had to do it. i wish they would have let me skip the 60 second long roulette animation because i know that is not real. crane game. AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! moving on. slot machines. sucked but thats okay idgaf they should have figured out not to put it in subsequent games though. colliseum yeah i did it it was fine pretty typical.
substories were good i did almost all of them excepttt i missed the casino royale one because i progressed the main story too far rawr </3 oh i didnt finish the gangbusters either because i run away from random encounters as much as i can. so i also didnt fight amon. but i like how maybe because ps2 limitations and resource limitations substories were super short and simple. i think in kiwami it was mixing the longer formatted substories with what were originally very basic premises and it didnt work for me. it is what made the substories feel like a slog to me in the remake. but in this game it is easier to gaf about a simple substory when it doesnt take that long to complete. the original game had a lot of the funny ones the one where you give tissues to a guy who ran out of toilet paper in the public bathroom and the one where kiryu picks up a dead guys phone and follows every instruction given to him by a complete stranger until he is eventually hired to kill himself. and the one where tghe guy makes kiryu get all the toys from the crane machine for his sugar baby. and the one where kiryu has to talk a guy down from suicide. and there were ones that werent funny but i still liked like that one with the street artist because I thought it was cool how you can use items from that substory to complete other substories and that one really long chain of substories that takes you all over the map.
Unmm jingu is a shitty villain but I think that has been knew. I thought the story and the way it unfolded was really good until the very last few chapters where the government stuff really kicked in. I did know most of the story already but like. Some parts I liked were helping the counterfeiters at the hostess club and them saying they did a forgery for kazama 5 years ago. The body of the fake mizuki being explained by a a copycat bar that was trying to capitalise on Ares success having someone pretend to be mizuki and that person getting killed. I thought that was cool and interesting I like this level of detail in my weirdly complex crime drama plotlines. I think it was funny that he was voiced by Robert atkin downes. i liked haruka trust meter i thought it was so cute i liked increasing it by buying her things. I think Yumi is interesting and Reina <333 Reina <33 Reina <3 lalalalala Reina <3 kazama. nishiki wasn't interesting but like I've played yakoza 0 so like I know he is so it's fine. Sera... Idgaf like I kind of gaf but not really. I think maybe because the only involvement he had was the jingu stuff and jingu sucks so. That one guy that tortured kiryu. Actually that is an interesting part of his character that I have heard surprisingly little about. Who else. Oh yeah shinji. Anyways. Who else.
Majima category oh yeahhh Majima oh yeah . Majima was awesome because Majima is alsways awesome. People like to say wow can you imagine playing Yakuza 1 on the ps2 and thinking that one day people are gonna want to bone Majima. That must be so crazy so insane. My asnqwr is that you're not a real Majima fucker. I've always wanted to fuck him. I've alwayyysss wanted to fuck him. I was there from the start. And I want to fuck mark hamilljima too. There is no shame in this. I don't care how many polgyons he has the sleazy bpd princess with the steel tipped shoes leather pants snakeskin jacket eye patch knife bat and tits out is a monument to sex. When he threatens that one sex worker and he's like so what do you say you wanna be my bitch I'm like ohhhh do I. plus the whole point og his appeal is that hes kind of ugly. he was pretty in yakuza 0 because they gentrified him that is not the real majima. look at his ugly ass hair cut. hes fourty yhears old and a bowlcut on his head. So if you do nat wanna bone him then you cannot be trusted and I'm the only one allowed to fuck him sorry that's the rules. I swear I was going to actually write a review part here I don't know what happened. I'm just gonna move on.
the localisation is my favourite part of the game i really love how comically vulgar it is it gives me the same enjoyment factor as the silly writing from yakuza 0. it made the game very interesting and i would miss it dearly if it wasnt there. i liked it when kiryu said are you retarded or just deaf. and when yuya said look at you fuckhead. and when kiryu said i did have the urge to hit some balls today. seems like yours are gonna have to do. and when he said step the fuck up its time to die. i loved ten years in the joint fight. come on fucker bring that shit kazuma ten years in the joint made you a fucking pussy it made me say its kiryu time and i kiryued all ovedr the millenium tower. the delivery made everything really funny and like ueah it undercut the dramatic moments but it also made me like enjoy the finale scene with jingu because i kept laughing at everything everyone said so i think there was a net benefit. there was two scenes where i thought the english dub delivery made things funnier on purpose. one was where kiryu took haruka to the bath house and he was like its take your daughter- its a social studies field trip and the one scene where date was like lets break open the amulet and reina and haruka were like NO!! and he was like haha nevermind just kidding. and the one where kiryu explains what a bath house is to haruka was funny too. i love this va i think like. as strange as the action hero deep voice is for kiryu when u have not expereinced this game hes also so sooooo awkward. so awkward. and it wraps around to sounding very kiryu. cause like that kind of is him like hes intimidating but hes also awkward and autistic and doesnt know what a cell phone is or how to babysit a child so he lets her gamble away all his savings. by the way his ps2 model has very beautiful eyelashes.
OH YEAH. i like the combat. sorry. i forgot about the central gameplay mechanic of the whole game i got distracted. like of course it is clunky its a playstation 2 game. but it also was really fun <3 i especially liked. i forgot his name but the moveset of that guy that is like the captain of the nishikiyama family is kind of sick and it was cool to fight against. the combat in this game is the exact mixture of satisfying and so frustrating makes me want to rip the skin off my face and eat it that i love. kiwami is also like this. and i liked how short andd snappy the heat action animations were not to say i prefer them but just that like. i guess it made the fights feel fast paced and it felt just as good to do them as the overly animated ones. i liked how even hough some guys had huge healthbars fighting them didnt take ten million kajillion billion years. WAIT but fuck the komaki training i couldnt even complete it cause it was too hard. that was fucked up they were fucked up for that.
i really liked the style of this game i liked the art and i liked the models and. i looked at some of these cutscenes in a very damnn that looks good kind of way. that one post that is like ps2 is peak aesthetic is so true cause it looked really nice at times.
okay the end. do not expect anyone to read this becuse i said it all for myself. i wish i did get round to making the html copy of kiryus blog work cause that is probably where id ramble about yakuza. but i hate java script and also i dont care. so tumblr post.
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