#gar's finally in the red dimension I NEED TO SEE
undertheknightwing · 2 years
I'm not done talking about Gar yet, the scene where he's sitting on the stairs after connecting to the Red RYAN'S ACTING THROUGH FACIAL EXPRESSION AND BODY MOVEMENT IS SO GOOD
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nightglider124 · 2 years
Maybe it is me but I don’t get the vibe that dickkory’s small convo was flippant on either side (i mean a little on dicks at first cos he be like ViSiOnS dOnT eXiSt) but at the end, Kory was like ‘like you said, to hell with visions’ but she seemed so sad about it like she thinks he won’t accept their shared vision bc he doesn’t want it with her. (We all know he does like duh)
I saw some people annoyed that that is all the conversation was but i think it speaks louder than just what was said. I mentioned it on another post but Brentons acting was real good in that scene bc he seems to really wrestle with what to say and although he just says ‘idk’ i think he feels torn. And they’ve also got much bigger issues than that particular vision at this point. Like we can circle back ya know?
Poor Kory though like the convo with Rachel in the beginning when Rae is like did he not tell you and shes just like no he didnt…
Ugh i want the angst. I am also v curious as to when Kory gets hurt since they’ve left off with Jinx dead (for now).
Other thoughts:
I get now why Lisa posted that stupid ass ig story 😂 bc jinx still be into Dick a little it would seem which back off bitch he has a whole child with Kory on the way so leave 😂 nah but I don’t think that will be explored more - i reckon that is more so a wistful thing on Jinx’s part but nothing will come form or at least i hope nothing does cos lets face it she isnt dead dead 🤷🏻‍♀️
Very curious how Jason will be appearing this season. It was said he is in Joshua and Teagans livestream a couple weeks ago. Not that i want to see him but im curious how he slots in in this particular season 🤔
MY BABY GAR 😭 he is going through it and when i tell you i was cryING when he grabbed Kory in a hug like i needed a GarKory hug more than I realized. 😭 I am extremely interested in Gar’s whole story this season. I LOVE that he is finally getting more. He seems to forgotten in other seasons and that is a crime. I worry about baby boy but am super happy that its getting explored more.
On the note of Gar, I’m assuming Sebastian or Brother Blood now I suppose was the one to send them to another existence or dimension but Gar went to the red so I am guessing Gar is separated from the team to begin with in part two of the season. I am v excited for part two of the season for multiple reasons.
Connor irked the shit out of me. I get it; tis his Lex side and I completely understand why but the attitude is so grating. Joshua plays it so fucking well but my God every time he spoke I was like stfu 😂😂
Rachel got her powers back and became White Raven!! I was v surprised to see the white dress and cloak but I was like OOOOOH. Her powers are gonna be fierce af in the second half of the season. And talking of powers, Kory’s having gone up to 80% has me NERVOUS. I bet that is how she gets hurt. I fucking bet she supernovas and fucks herself up. Like why else would they mention it?? 👀 i am scared for my fave in second part. 😭
Tim and Bernard are cute. Like it was sweet when they had that litte scene. And omg when Tim was like we kissed to the team, Kory had like a lil smirk on as did some of the others and Dicks like oh big night for everyone then - loved it.
Jinx may annoy me cos of the whole Dick history and clearly being into him still but she really does have me giggling. When she got stabbed i was like aw gurl ya took too long with taunting her frozen self 🙄 but I appreciated in the RV when she was like ‘i could take her out, fucking nut her’ feels so fucking British and I greatly appreciated it. I literally hear people talk like that all the time so I enjoyed that part 👀😂
I can’t think of much else now but I liked the episode. Wasn’t the absolute best imo but it will tide me over til second part of the season which I hope is sooner rather than later- anyone know when it’s meant to be returning??
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nervousgardenerkid · 2 years
Hey, I love your writing 🫶
Please can you write an Eddie angst pleaseeeee.
The idea is that reader has been in love with Eddie for years and when he dies they’re distraught. The gang helps them through all the stages of mourning. Months later they wake up feeling really good so they go to one of the gangs house where they all will be hanging out. They all are acting really off and try to make them leave and then Eddie walks. Reader thinks they’re hallucinating until Eddie starts talking to one the kids and then it dawns on them that their best friends and the person they love have been lying all this time knowing the suffering they’ve endured. An argument and a confession follows, where they try to explain they did It to protect them but reader isn’t having any of it. All they want to do is hug Eddie but they can’t even look at him. They leave on bad terms with everyone. I can’t think of an ending heheh :))
I’m so sorry that request is so long. Thank you so much hope you have a lush day :))
In the back of my mind, you died
a/n: ANON I LOOOOOVEEEEEE THIS IDEA SO MUCH!!! YOUR BRAIN IS SO SMART FOR THIS!!!! i'm sorry it took so long my life has been hectic rn😭i'm not sure if i'll be writing a part two to this?? the ending might be fixed/changed cause idk how i feel about it,,anyways i hope you enjoy it and credit to the gif owner! <3
read part two here!
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Denial. That's all you've been doing is denying. Eddie didn't die, no. He's just decided to lay low until this whole "earthquake" shit and him being a murderer dies down. That's all he's doing you think to yourself, but that doesn't stop the nightmares of him dying in your arms. Every time you close your eyes you see the exact moment where the life leaves his eyes. You can't escape the horrible memory no matter what you do, you don't want to consider therapy cause how are you supposed to say that the love of your life died in the claws of bats from another dimension? Exactly, you can't.
You appreciate your friends, you do. You love them so much but you wish that they can leave you alone.
“I’m not broken, you know that right?”
Steve looks up from the magazine he's reading on your bed and smiles.
“I know that.”
“So why are you guys on babysitting duty with me?”
He sighs.
“Y/n, we're just worried. You've been ignoring the fact that Eddie-”
“Don't.” you cut him off.
“He's gone y/n. We're not rushing you to let him go, take all the time you need.” he stands up from his spot on the bed and crouches down to be eye level with you.
“But you're going to have to accept it sooner or later, and when you do we promise to all be here for you.”
Tears start to form and you throw your arms around him finally letting go of all the bottled-up emotions you have.
Anger. Pure anger is running through your veins when you see students gathered in front of Eddie's locker. Some are writing mean things, others are leaving sincere notes either way it pisses you off. Nobody in this school liked Eddie! It was always just you and hellfire who stuck up for him, so why the hell is everyone acting as if they care?!
“This is bullshit,” Gareth mumbles next to you.
You scoff. “Tell me about it. He's gone and suddenly the whole town loves him?”
“Like they weren't accusing him of murder weeks ago.”
If there was anyone you knew who was taking his death as hard as you, it was Gareth. Gareth knew Eddie his whole life, Eddie was practically his brother, and the fact that he doesn't even know what happened to him kills you.
“I fucking hate this town.” You whispered while shaking your head when the cheer team leaves a teddy bear in front of his locker.
Gareth chuckles, you take it as a sign of agreement.
“If I could I burn it to the fucking ground.”
You turn your head to look at him. His eyes are red and you're not sure if it's cause he's been crying, or because maybe rick gave him the hookup but you give him a soft smile. You've talked to Gareth before, and you consider him a friend. You glance down at the watch resting on your wrist and look back at Gareth.
“Do you wanna get out of here?”
“Hell yeah, let's go.”
You Gareth quickly exit the school and you both try to ignore the heartbreak you feel when you think of how happy Eddie would be knowing his best friends have someone to watch each other's backs.
Bargaining is something you find yourself frequently doing. You toss and turn through the night and look at your alarm clock. The bright red 1:00 taunting you. You let out a quiet tsk and decide enough is enough, quietly searching through your dresser you pick out the first pair of pants and grab the first shirt you see. You open your window making sure to leave it a crack open for you for whenever you sneak back in. You're not sure where you're going yet, your brain is not up to full speed with your body but soon you start recognizing that you're going to Eddie's trailer. Before you know it you're a good distance away from it but you stop in your tracks. Your heart is pounding and it's the first time you ask yourself what exactly are you doing here? We're planning on going to the upside down to find Eddie? Were you even looking for Eddie? Your thoughts are cut short when you see a familiar set of curls hidden under a hat exit the trailer quietly.
His body tenses and he turns around slowly to face you. He smiles at you nervously and waves as you take steps to get closer. You weren't supposed to be here, he hasn't even spoken a word to you and the guilt is already starting to eat him alive.
“Y/n! What are you uh, doing here?”
You cross your arms.
“I should ask you the same thing.”
Dustin stood frozen on the porch speechless, his eyes scanning your body trying to find any kind of clue as to why you're here. He wants to come clean and say it but he made a promise, and he was way too scared to break it. He narrows his eyes at you and something in his clicks when he sees the determined look on your face.
“Were you going back?”
“I-i think so? I don't know.”
Dustin mumbles out a Jesus Christ and stumbles over to you, dragging you away from the trailer.
“Are you insane?! What exactly were you gonna do?”
You stop walking, causing Dustin to look at you. His heart sinks when he sees tears falling down your cheeks as you stumble over your words.
“I just want him back Dustin.” you cry out.
Dustin wraps his arms around you and holds you as you cry, his brain is screaming for him to tell you. To just end all the pain you've been feeling but he made a promise. They all did.
He pulls away from you and gives you a sad smile.
“I miss him too, but y/n, you can't risk your life going back in there for something that's not even there.”
“We just left him there Dustin. His uncle never even got to see him.”
The both of you are crying now.
“And that's killing me, but there's nothing we can do.”
You look Dustin in the eyes and you have a strange feeling in your gut that he's hiding something but you're too exhausted to question him. You nod your head, wiping away the tears that fell down your face, and take a deep breath.
“Yeah. Yeah, you're right.”
“C'mon, let's go home. You can ride my bike, my leg is killing me.”
You hum knowing his leg is a bit more sensitive since the incident and agree to take him home.
“I'll walk home after I drop you off.”
“My mom thinks I'm at Lucas’.”
Silence is shared between the two of you as you slowly turn to look at Dustin.
“You mean the Lucas who's practically living at the hospital reading to Max?”
Dustin kicked a rock and mumbled out how it sounded better in his head. You shake your head and chuckle, throwing your leg around his bike and waiting till you felt his hands resting on your shoulders. While Dustin was getting on the bike you took a glance at the trailer that sat behind you two and you could be sworn you saw a figure that you knew all too well.
“You ready?” Dustin asked you. You looked at him then back at the trailer only to be met with nothing. You cleared your throat and nodded your head.
“Yeah, let's go.”
Everyone was worried about you the second Eddie was gone, but to their surprise, you were still up and moving. What they should have been worried about was the third month of his death. Depression hit you like a semi and you couldn't get out of bed to save your life. Everyone would stop by to drop off some food and water only to throw it out the next day when they saw it was untouched. They tried everything to get you out of bed but were unsuccessful every time.
It was midnight now, Nancy was sleeping on the couch in the living room as you rotted away in bed. They usually didn't spend the night but you haven't eaten in five days, to say your friends were worried about you was an understatement. You stared at the picture of you and Eddie laughing that rested on your nightstand when the familiar feeling of needing to use the restroom came back. For the first time in days, you slowly took the blanket off of you and began to sit up in bed. The room spun a little bit but now you were sitting up and looking at your bedroom door.
Go. You thought to yourself. Just go pee and then you can get back into bed. The thought of standing alone was enough to exhaust you, let alone use the restroom. You know you should get up, your bladder was starting to hurt from how long you haven't used the restroom but you couldn't move. You look down at your feet and see one of Eddie's shirts on the floor, it was his favorite, and now it's dirty. It's dirty, it's on the floor, and it was nearly forgotten about until now. The pain in your bladder was getting stronger but you didn't move, you stayed sat in bed looking at the shirt with tears streaming down your face.
Your thoughts are cut short when you feel a sudden pang of pain in your lower abdomen. You let out a gasp and quickly put pressure on it but it only makes things worse. I need to pee. Was the only thing running through your mind. You start to stand up but let out a small cry from how much it hurts.
“Y/n?” You heard Nancy call. You stayed quiet trying to steady your breathing. You take small steps toward your bedroom door, counting down how many you have left to go to the restroom when you fall to the ground. You hear Nancy start to run to you as you cry and clutch your side tightly.
“Jesus Christ, what happened?!” Nancy asks as she rushes over to you. You push her away determined to get yourself to the restroom. You know what she's thinking. You know she probably thinks you're insane at the fact that you could get a kidney infection trying to get to the restroom by yourself cause you're thinking the exact same thing. You curl into a fetal position on the floor, your breathing rapid as the pain gets worse with each passing minute. Nancy decides enough is enough and helps you up while whispering how you'll be okay. She helps you stand up and gently shushes you when you let out a whimper.
“It's okay, you're gonna be okay,” she whispers. She takes you toward the restroom and turns on the bath for you. She makes sure the water is warm before she looks at you, you have your shirt pulled over your legs as you sit on the toilet finally giving your bladder some ease.
“I uh, I'm running you a bath,” she says gently. “If you need help with anything, call me, okay?”
You nod your head and watch as she leaves the bathroom and closes the door, leaving it a little open.
You sigh and slowly get off the toilet, holding onto the wall for support as you flush it. You step into the bathtub with your shirt still on and sit in the warm water. Nancy knocks on the door and peeks her head in to check on you. You both make eye contact and you clear your throat.
“C-can you wash my hair?”
Nancy nods her head and rolls the sleeves of her pajama shirt up. She sits on the edge of the tub and gently strokes your hair as you rest your cheek on your knees.
“There's a cup in the cabinet. Eddie would bring the dog that lived next door and we’d give her a bath.
Nancy makes her way to the cabinet and grabs the small cup, filling it with water and counting down before she gently pours it onto your head. Comfortable silence is shared between you two before she drains the water and grabs a towel. She helps you stand, squeezing out as much water as she could from your shirt before you grab onto her hand.
“Thank you. F-for helping me.”
She gives you a sad smile and wraps the towel around your shoulders.
“I changed your sheets, and there are some clothes laid out for you.”
You hold onto her hand as she helps you out of the slippery tub and onto the cold tile floor. She leads you to her room, closing the door all the way so that you can change out of your wet clothes. You place the towel on the floor and toss the shirt on top of it knowing you'll take it out soon. You slip into the comfortable clothes and sit on the edge of your bed, your hands rubbing over the clean material of the new sheets Nancy changed for you.
Your eyes drift back to the picture that's on your nightstand and you swear that you can hear Eddie's voice in your head telling you to eat something. You hear three knocks on your bedroom door and you're guessing you told Nancy to come in cause now she's leaning up against your door and smiling at you.
“I know it's nearly one in the morning but are you hungry?”
You wanted to say no, you're too tired to eat anything and you just want to lay in bed and sleep until you feel better, but you don't. Instead, you slowly nod your head.
“I think there's still some pizza in the fridge from when Steve and Robin came over.”
Nancy gave you a genuine smile, happy that you finally decided to eat some food. She started to leave your room to reheat the pizza when she heard you call out for her.
“Thank you. Seriously, this whole…healing process hasn't been easy for me.” You clear your throat and send her a small smile. “So thank you, really. You've all helped me so much, I don't know what I would do without you guys."
Something in Nancy shifted, you could tell from the way her shoulders dropped and the small smile she gave you.
She wants to say it. She's seen you suffer enough and it's killing her not to tell you everything she knows. It's on the tip of her tongue, she's so close to saying it. You look at her with raised eyebrows.
“You never have to thank us. What are friends for?”
A few more months pass and little by little you start to feel okay, normal even. Is currently Friday, which is movie day at Steve's. It started as a way to get you out of the house but it's blossomed into something more now, you park the car in front of Steve's house and grab the snacks that are in the passenger seat of your car. You hum out a tune and gently kick at the door with your foot. Robin opens the door laughing but quickly stops when she sees it's you.
“Y/n! What are you doing here?”
“Haha, very funny.” you teased. “It’s movie day! Here grab the snacks so I can come in,” you say while dumping some snacks into her arms. She stumbles over words and her feet as you make your way into the house, you throw a hey to everyone and place the snacks onto Steve's counter.
“Geez, why is everyone quiet? Did you guys start the movie without me?” you chuckle out. You turn toward your friends who are sitting on the couch staring at you with wide eyes.
“Jesus, are you guys okay? It's like you've all seen a ghost or something.”
“Thanks for giving me my vest back Steve, I've been dying to see her again.”
Your body stiffens and your blood runs cold when you hear a voice that you've missed for far too long. Your eyes lock with Dustin and suddenly everything clicks. The night you found Dustin at Eddie’s trailer, the way everyone looked at you with guilty eyes, how everyone seemed like they were walking on eggshells when they were around you. They knew. They all knew.
“It's no problem man, I washed like three times- oh shit.”
This had to be a trick. You must've not been over his death yet and now your brain is making you hallucinate him. You slowly turn around to face him and tears instantly form in your eyes. Eddie feels himself freeze under your gaze, feeling like a criminal that's been caught. You shake your head and walk up to him, you raise your hand as if you're going to rest it on his shoulder but you freeze.
“You're not real.” You whisper while shaking your head. You let out a laugh like it's some kind of sick joke and turn toward your friends.
“Please tell me he's not real.”
The lack of answers confirmed it for you. You then turned toward Eddie with tears streaming down your face, but there was fire behind your eyes.
“How long have you been here?”
“Y/n, hear me out-”
“How long?!”
Eddie stays quiet and decides his shoes are much more interesting cause he can't bring his eyes to meet yours. You let out a scoff and look at your friends.
“Okay, since the fucking ghost doesn't want to talk I'll ask you guys. How long has he been back?”
“Ever since you caught me at his trailer,” Dustin spoke up.
You sniffled and nodded your head.
“So did you all know?”
Everyone on the couch nodded their head and Steve mumbled a quiet yeah.
“Was anyone going to tell me?”
“We wanted to,” Mike began.
“That's not what I asked. I asked if you were ever going to tell me.”
Everyone was silent once again and to be honest, you were getting fed up with it.
“you know what?” you chuckled out. “I think I'm done.”
“Done?” Nancy asked.
You grabbed your keys and started to walk toward the door.
“Yeah. With you guys.”
Everyone started to talk over each other and Eddie rushed to stand in front of the door, blocking you from leaving.
“Hey hot shot, just hear them out. Hear us out.” He begged.
For the first time in months, you look Eddie in the eyes, and it feels like you're back at the very beginning.
“Get out of my way Eddie, or else you'll wish you were dead.”
Defeated, he steps out of the way but chases you outside. The sun was no longer in the sky and the dam finally broke. Tears were streaming down your face and you felt arms wrap around you. You try your best to push him away but he's not letting you go.
“Get off of me!” you cry out.
“Sweetheart, please.”
“No! Do you know how fucking miserable I was Eddie?! Did you know that I considered going back to that hell hole to get you?!” you're pushing him now and you catch a glance of your former friends watching you from the window.
Eddie grabs your hands trying to stop you but you twist out of his grasp.
“For months people you love have suffered Eddie! This isn't even about me anymore! Does your uncle know you're back?! What about Gareth and the rest of the party?!”
Eddie shakes his head and tears are forming in his eyes.
“Really?! You're crying, Eddie?!”
“You weren't supposed to find out this way.”
“Then how? How the fuck was I supposed to find out Eddie? Were you going to come to my house with a bouquet of flowers? Were you gonna wait until I tried to go back to the upside-down again?”
Eddie stayed silent. He never really thought about how he was going to tell you, or how you would react. He knew that the more time dragged on the more difficult it would be, but he still had hope.
You saw a tear fall down Eddie's cheek and it took everything in you to not wipe it away. You've dreamt of this moment, you've even prayed for it but this isn't how it was supposed to happen. You were supposed to be happy he was alive, jump into his arms and finally kiss him as you've always wanted to do.
“You know,” you started as you walked to the driver's side of the car. “You may not be dead anymore Eddie,”
You start the car. “But you're dead to me.” you nod your head at everyone gathered by the window.
“They are too. I don't want to see any of you ever again.”
You drove off after that, you weren't sure where you were going, considering all your friends lied to you about something that big. Part of you wants to rationalize what they've done, and you can kinda understand why they did it but you would've never done that to them.
Your heart is pounding out of your chest as you walk up to the front door of the last person you should be seeing. You knock three times and wipe away the tears that are streaming down your face, you look like a mess right now you're sure of it but you don't care.
“Y/n?” Gareth asks with concern. “What's going on, why are you crying?”
“Eddie isn't dead.”
Gareth wants to laugh, but he can't. He won't. The way you look right now, the shakiness in your voice. He wants to think you're joking but what kind of sick person would make a joke about this? He steps to the side and opens the door wide for you, silently asking you to come in. You step inside his home and stuff your hands into your pockets, not bothering to wipe away your tears anymore.
“You've got a lot of explaining to do.”
You let out a humorless chuckle. “How much time do you have?”
Gareth let's out a sigh and hugs you, his hand rubbing your back gently as you cry into his shoulder.
"I've got all the time in the world right now."
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srose-foxfire · 4 years
Can you write a Damirae prompt on like their first date??
A/N: I been wracking my brain all day to pick just ONE idea for this particular prompt and being Valentine’s Day today. I wanted to give you all a small gift that I hope will bring you smiles. ^_^  Happy Valentines Day!!!
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“Hold me, whatever lies beyond this morning,
Is a little later on,
Regardless of warnings,
The future doesn’t scare me at all,
Nothing is like before.”
~ Simple and Clean by Hikaru Utada
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A soft summer breeze swept Raven’s short hair, the young mage allowed the night cool air to sweep away her worries she had that evening. She didn’t understand why she was feeling uneasy. She has faced countless enemies before, and they would bring even the best hero some fear. But tonight, was a different battle, one she had never experienced before and could only rely on the knowledge she knew from her books. Her first date.
Raven always imagined and even dreamed what her first date would be; spending valuable time with someone who would understand better than she understood herself. Perhaps reading certain novels together, going to watch some movie at the cinema, or even just having a drink outside a nice small café. Raven had dreamt her first date would be awkward since it was just the start of their relationship, but she wasn’t sure if the feelings she was currently feeling were right. Raven felt restless, like she had no control over anything happening tonight. To make matters worse she felt her stomach turn inside of her, making Raven fear she would ruin the night if she hurled whatever she may consume.
Raven had prepared herself mentally not to act different. To keep being true to herself, but no matter how much she had meditated earlier that day it didn’t help. Who could act like nothing had changed when her date was none other than Damian Wayne? Publicly he was seen as Bruce Wayne’s second son and the heir to Wayne Industries. Internally? Raven knew him as the new Robin who had joined the Titans just five years ago.
The two would train and patrol together Jump City most nights. Now it was all different, Damian had come to her room one night asking for her presence in the training room. When Raven had gotten there, she assumed he wanted to continue her lessons in close combat training. Instead Damian wasn’t dressed in his Robin uniform he was wearing his civilian clothes with a bouquet of assorted purple flowers in his hand. His face had turned the strangest shade of red, before handling her the bouquet.
“I have feelings for you, I don’t know if you feel the same way, but I needed to tell you. Raven would you like to go out with me?”
And here she was. For their date, Damian had brought them to the same amusement park they had gone when he first joined the titans. Raven was sitting while Damian had gone off to get a snack while they rested. Raven lowered her head onto the cool metal table, she had acted foolish around him all night. First of all, for transportation Damian brought them on his cycle. Making Raven hold him tight for dear life and also making her very well aware of his hard abbs. Then throughout the evening she tried making small talk and somehow confess her own feelings. Though every time they got around to that specific topic Raven would go silent or change the topic. What was she evading? Did she not like him? Damian did make her feel differently, but she couldn’t quite put the words to it. Maybe-
Her train of thought was stopped as someone cleared their throat behind her; “I thought you would like something to drink?” Damian placed a soft drink in front of her.
“Thanks.” With shaky hands, Raven grabbed the drink from him. Damian sat down on the chair next to hers and opened up a small box of fries and onion rings. He gestured to her with a nod of his head and Raven timidly gave him a small smile before grabbing a fry, dipping it into some ketchup. They ate in silence, yet Raven wished she had the courage and speak to him about how she truly felt.
“Is there a particular ride you want to get on?” Raven looked up to find Damian looking through the park’s map. “We have three hours till the park closes.” He then added.
“Um… there’s that new rollercoaster Gar mentioned, we can do that?” Raven suggested, she put her drink down and she scooted her chair closer to his to take a peek at the park’s map and schedule. She found an event that would be good to end their most awkward night. “And there’s a firework show happening at midnight we can watch that… if you don’t mind.”
“Not at all.” Damian added gently, without even realisng it Raven had rested her head onto his shoulder. Raven looked up, to see his emerald eyes looking down warmly at her. Raven had never noticed how green his eyes had been or how they seem to almost glow. She could feel her own face start to flushed, she quickly sat up and took the final sips from her drink.
Damian stood up and went to throw away their trash, he then returned extending his hand towards her. Raven took it but she couldn’t help but look away from him as her face grew hotter when Damian tighten his grip. He gently pulled her and the two started walking towards the rollercoaster. Was this it? She questioned herself, would her spun her around spontaneously and crushed his lips onto hers? No Damian wouldn’t do that, deep down she could feel he wanted to respect her and give her all the time she needed. Damian would act like a complete jerk to the team sometimes but underneath the bad boy act he was kind. Raven had seen it first hand.
Screams of terror were heard from above, she looked up as a speeding coaster whooshed by very quickly. From this point she saw two loops and a few spiraling twists. The ride looked amazing. Raven felt all giddy and before she knew what she was doing she gave Damian a big smile and pull him towards the ride’s entrance.
“I am glad to see you smiling and enjoying yourself.” Damian said in between huffs after the ride. They both had screamed their lungs out and now they were out of breath. “I couldn’t help but notice you’ve seemed distant all night.”
“I am not good with all this, it’s new to me and I just want to- I don’t know make it memorable for you as it’s for me.
“Raven, you accepting my invitation is most memorable for me, these past few hours with you have been amazing. Shall we continue?” Raven could only smile and take his hand once again.
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The night was nearing to an end, the fireworks were about to start, Damian had gotten them on a Ferris wheel before the show. Damian had even given a generous tip to the ride operator to have the ride stalled for when the fireworks started. They sat their together, awkwardly glancing around. This made Raven remember the first time they had share a ride on a Ferris wheel. From the corner of her eyes, Raven noticed Damian hand was trying to reach for hers while he looked away.
Raven could see his cheeks start to flush, she smiled as she reached and took his hand in hers. She looked up into the night sky and saw the full moon radiate of its silver glow. She turned her head and saw Damian was also looking up to the sky. That’s when it all made sense to her.
Raven let go of his hand, Damian turned looking at her with a lifted brow. She leaned in and wrapped her arms around him, resting her head on his very loud beating heart.
“I have feeling for you too, Damian Wayne.”
Raven couldn’t help but let out a deep sigh as she buried her face into his hard chest. As Damian wrapped both his arms around her, holding her tight against him. She felt silly to think she was dreading this night at the start, but now here in his arms Raven felt nothing but peace consumed her very soul. It made all sense now, when she and her friends imprisoned her father Raven had felt she couldn’t have a home anymore. That she would have to live out her days in Trigon’s hellish dimension, all alone. Then Damian came, in her darkest moment he brought a small speck of light that warmed Raven’s world. Damian Wayne brought her home, he was home.
Raven was content and she couldn’t stop the tears streaming down her face as the night starry sky was illuminated with thousands of fireworks.  But she couldn’t see them, all Raven could see was Damian. Carefully Raven slipped her hands up to cradle his face, she smiled and pulled him in for their first kiss.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
A/N: This was the second prompt that was requested. Feel free to send me any prompts ideas you may have though my next plan is to update the next parts to “First Impressions” and “Under an Autumn Moonlight” afterwards share the first two chapters to a longer Damirae fic (aprox. 15-20 chapters). So I have lots to write and I am very excited to share with you all what I have envisioned in my brain! Till next time! 
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slashy-ashy · 4 years
I think I like Dick so much because I just like vibe with him because I vibe a lot with my older sis, so it’s like she’ll be unapologetically her and I’ll be like “wow thats my oldest sib 🤩” and then I’ll relay what she did and like imagine what if Dick did this or said that🧐 so this is all to say that Dick has picked up roller skating and you can’t tell me that back in the day Dick wouldn’t be hitting the rinks up and it helps that now there’s this resurgence of people going roller skating or blading so this is what has been in my head for a literal year now, Dick Grayson with his own personalized roller skates, but like at first he has some regular ole skates that he just takes to the rink with him but on his birthday Tim’s like “I noticed you’ve been skating a lot so I thought that you’ll love these” and just hands Dick these absolutely beautiful red,green, and gold or some blue,black and gold skates I don’t know I’m leaning towards the blue, but Tim made sure to wrap them up in like this wrapping paper covered in chirping cartoon robins which gets a laugh out of Dick, so after Dick tears off the paper he sees this unassuming box and he starts thinking “oh no, please don’t let this be a prank” and so he flips the lid but the object is covered in some thin paper so he just bites the bullet and rips the paper off. He looks down at the skates and up at Tim, before again looking down at the skates again. Now the rest of the family don’t know what he has right now because Tim made sure to be secretive about his gift, so they’re all thinking some variation of “oh, is this a prank? Is it a good one or a bad one?” But Tim already had his phone out recording so he can see how Dick is unconsciously widening his eyes and how his hands are shaking a bit, so this goes on for three seconds before Tim asks him with a smile in his voice “so...you like them?”
And Dick SHRIEKS and he covers his face with his hands while squirming in his seat, because the minute he got to his apartment he was ‘kidnapped’ by Robin and Black Bat and was taken back to the manor where they forced a birthday hat onto him and sat him at the head of the table and they hadn’t let him get up before singing happy birthday and handing him his gifts, so Dicks like in almost hysterics and screams “I LOVE them!!” Before pulling out the skates and so everybody follows suit and starts feeding off the positive vibes and giving them out, and Dukes like “ aye, I bet you can’t wait to take’em out for a spin” and Dick, still grinning from ear to ear is like “yes I want to go to the rink right NOW” but Tim is like “you still have to open all these other gifts!” And Dick is like yeah your right so he puts the skates right beside him and he’s so happy that when the doorbell rings that surprises them because it was supposed to be only them so who could that be? But Alfred already knows who it is, so he opens the door and in comes Jason looking all cool in his leather jacket and what not so he goes into the dining room along with his family and gives Dick a hug, and Dick’s confused but he welcomes the hug anyway, so when this hug goes on for a while Dick’s confused and asks if Jason’s okay but he just pulls away and says surprise and moves out the way, and Dick’s scream was so LOUD but short too, because in comes Donna, Wally, Roy, Garth, Gar, Vic, Kori, Rachel, even Joey and is that...? Clark, Lois, and Diana!? Oh! And they brought Jon and Konner. And Dick justs sits dumb founded for a minute before covering his mouth, “you said you weren’t be able to make it!” He says shrilly, Roy shrugs a shoulder “ I said that MAYBE I won’t make it, and besides like I need an excuse to come see you” and goes up to hug him and Dick most noticeably has tears in his eyes when he looks at the others, and Roy looks at him with both his eyebrows raises “are you crying right now!?” He asks incredulously, “well what do you expect he OBVIOUSLY wanted me to hug him, now move you didn’t do it right” Roy was then hip checked by Wally and Dick couldn’t help but not laugh at how offended Roy looked, “but seriously dry those tears the fun has barely begun!”
He said before drying Dick’s face, “did you really push me out the way West?” “I told you before and I’ll say it again Harper, he wanted me to hug him, seeing that ugly mug of yours frightened him” he said condescendingly before he went to hug Dick and putting a big show of patting his back and rubbing his hair, even had the gall to add in a couple “there there’s” while he was at it. Dick smiled and pushed Wally off of him “ but really what are you doing here? I thought you guys had plans for tonight” Donna came and pushed Wally out of the way and got an offended “hey” from her actions and a couple chuckles out of Roy “we do” she said pressing a kiss to the crown of Dicks head “ and those plans include taking you out to the rink” and Dick gasped “really?!” “Yeah dude, we called around and did you know that apparently out there is a skating dimension? I mean really, entities love creating dimensions for fun” Wally said, a slice of cake in hand “ so whenever you’re ready you can come take those new wheels out for a spin” and he gasped before diving for the skates beside him “did you guys see them yet! Look at the colors and Tim even got more wheels! Thank you so much Timmy!” Tim laughed “ no problem I’m happy you like them!” He grinned “like them I love them, once I get through all these gifts we’re all going to the skating dimension no if’s ands or buts, I can’t wait to test these puppies out!” Dick said.
And so he open ups the rest of his gifts and they go to the skating dimension and he tears that place up, I mean the place defies the laws of gravity so like imagine that one ride at the fair/carnival that has you lean on the wall and the ride spins so fast that you can stand up perpendicular to the wall, I think it was called the tilt a whirl, or something like that? It looked like an space ship. So anyways Dick skating forwards, backwards, even takes one skate off to do a trick before putting his skate back on and is just living his best life with his friends and family, and it’s even better if he puts on a outfit that closely or is radiating the disco aesthetic, and one thing I love about Dick is out of the many hairstyles and lengths of hair that he rocked you could just pick and chose a style and length so I imagine him with his longer hairstyle and say what you want but I have seen mullets make a comeback so he can either have a mullet or he’s rocking his natural hair which I imagine to either be 2/3 a type of curl pattern. Haaa it feels good to finally get this all down 😌
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sweet-sammy-kisses · 3 years
Fallen Bird
Make the World Bleed Chapter 1: Fallen Bird Fandom: DC Comics/Red Robin/Batman/Young Justice Pairings/Characters: Conner/Tim/Jason, Bruce/Clark/Diana, Core Four, Cassandra & Tim, Dick & Tim, Dick & Damian, Bruce & Tim, Tim & his Assassin Trio Summary: The Core Four have a bond that will never break, will never fade. When one of their own is hurt by someone who should be family to them the other three respond in force. When Tim's line is cut and he is seriously injured Conner, Bart and Cassie are ready to declare war against anyone who stands in their way of helping Tim, even if that means making a devil with the Devil himself, Ra's Al Ghul.  Author Notes: Written for the @badthingshappenbingo my prompt: falling from great heights. I love stories that deal with Damian cutting Tim’s grappling line and the fallout and aftermath that and my love of the Core Four turning into their dark selves this because one of their own is injured by someone is supposed to be family.  You can also read it on AO3
There were few things Tim Drake loved more than flying through the Gotham night sky as Robin and even though he was no longer Robin, something that still left a deep ache he refused to let the loss of Robin take away his wings and he was finally finding his place soaring as Red Robin.
Gotham was once a place that Tim called home. Once he thought he had found a family but the feeling of home and family were nothing but seemed in the distant past.
No longer could he call Wayne Manor or the Penthouse home. Nor could he call the other Bat's family.
He had realized that the hard way that he no longer belonged or he had never really been a part of the Wayne family.
Tim could feel himself on the edge there was only so much more he could take from Damian, only his team, Cassandra and surprisingly Helena saw how much the abuse was getting to him and the fact that he was just to turn the other cheek was slowly breaking him.
None of them could understand why the adults in Damian's life never once thought to take him aside and explain why he can't treat Tim the way he does. Not one of them set bounders for him. They reprimanded Tim because as the older of the two he should know better. And it was getting to the point that even Raven and Gar, who Tim didn't want them to get involved due to their strong bond with Dick, were reaching their breaking point. Several times they had to stop Raven from tossing the Bat-family into a hell dimension in their underwear.
Helena, Conner and Bart had been all for that idea and it was only because Tim begged her not to did Raven back down.
"If they keep placing the blame on you for Damian's actions I will do it," Raven warned, her normally warm eyes blazing with rage. Raven's vow whispered through Tim's mind.
No, shoving those thoughts to the back of his head Tim lost himself in something he loved.
Tim loved flying between the buildings it was one of his favourite things as a hero. His grapple line gave him a sense of freedom.
Freedom from the tension in the cave.
Freedom from the feeling that he didn't belong in the cave.
Freedom that he had lost a second family.
Then he heard it, something that shouldn't be happening not with a Bat-approved grapple the snapping of his line.  
Tim only had seconds to hear the snap before he was falling. "Conner!" He knew that he could count on him, his best friend who kept his promise that he would always be listening to his heartbeat.
But deep in his heart, he knew that it was going to be too late. 'Please Conner don't blame yourself.' Tim pleaded before darkness claimed him.
The pure terror in Tim's voice will haunt Conner 'Kon' Kent for the rest of his days as will his guilt for being a second too late in catching Tim. Looking at the broken boy of his best friend Conner felt like his heart had been ripped out of his chest.
Pressing his comm to the rest of the Titans, "Guys you need to get to Gotham." Conner didn't care that his voice wobbled there was no way that he could stay strong or even pretend that everything was alright, nothing would be alright after this.
"Dude, what is wrong Conner? You are scaring me here." Bart's worried voice came over the line. It wasn't often that Conner would suggest that they break Batman's no meta in Gotham's rule. There was only one reason he would do so.
Bart's worse fears were confirmed when Conner whispered, "It's Tim, he's hurt badly."
Only the movement of his hair alerted Conner to Bart's arrival.
"Oh god." Bart felt like he was going to be sick at the sight he arrived at, he and the others had always been protective over Tim as he was the only human on their team but the one time he truly needed them and they failed him.
"I'm going to kill whoever did this." Bart snarled out, Tim was family and he would do everything in his power to keep those he loves safe.
"First we need to get Tim's help." Whoever did this will pay but getting Tim's aid comes first.
It was no secret among the Bat-family that there was a rivalry between the two youngest sons Timothy Drake-Wayne and Damian Wayne.
Richard "Dick" Grayson had hoped that they would grow out of it, he couldn't understand why Tim couldn't see that as being Damian's older brother he was to not let Damian's words get to him. Damian had come from the League of Assassins and his abusive upbringing was all he knew. Of course, he was going to lash out and Tim to Damian was an easy target.
Tonight Tim had let Damian get to him once again and stormed out of the cave, Dick only hoped that when he returned he was willing to apologize to Damian.
Jason Todd was fighting the urge to slam some heads together and at the top of his list is Dickie and the smug brat Damian. He had heard from Cass and Helena that things were pretty bad when it came to Tim and Damian and how Damian was allowed to get away with everything while Tim took the blame.
Yeah, he had tried to kill the kid, something that Jason hasn't forgiven himself for. He had allowed Talia to twist him up and he took it out on the one person who didn't deserve his rage. Tim might have forgiven him but he did and Dick sure as hell didn't. So he couldn't understand why Dick was allowing the demon brat to emotionally, verbally and physically abuse Tim and stay silent when he saw it first hand or got angry when Tim defended himself.
'For someone who claims to love family, he sure has proven that he can only love one brother at a time.' Jason felt for Tim. He was trying to be there for Tim but it was a work in progress.
It just baffled him and pissed him off that Bruce, Dick, Alfred, Stephanie and Barbara never once questioned why they allowed Damian to get away with treating Tim like he was trash. Why they never spoke up when Damian time after time told Tim that he wasn't wanted, that he wasn't part of the family. Why Damian sought to kill Tim and only Tim. Jason just hoped that they would wake up before it was too late.
It turned out it was too late.
For all of his skills, Damian found he couldn't move as the speedster kept him pinned to the wall, one hand wrapped around his throat the other vibrating right above his heart, "One wrong move and I vibrate my hand through your chest and into your heart." Bart Allen hissed, his happy-go-lucky personality replaced by a hardened man with no mercy left.
Damian refused to show any fear for that was a sign of weakness and he was anything but weak.
No help was coming as Cassie Sandsmark had Stephanie wrapped up in her lasso, she looked every inch of the Amazonian warrior she is.
Richard had his hands full with an enraged Superboy who was out for pure blood and Raven along with Huntress were keeping his father and Todd busy.
'I always knew that she was not to be trusted.' Damian thought bitterly at the betrayal from someone that was supposed to be one of their own. "I have no idea what you want but I suggest that you let me go and vacate the cave as well as Gotham and I might not seek revenge."
Bart's eyes burned with untamed rage, "Of course you would threaten violence for all the claims that you have changed you still fall back on old habits and isn't hurting Tim tonight enough for you? Or do you wish to stain your hands with blood some more?" Bart hissed at him.
Dick who was close enough to hear was confused, "What happened to Timmy?"
"Don't act like you don't know! You let this happen!" Conner snarled as he felt his eyes heating up and oh how he wanted nothing more than to unleash his heat beam on those who had harmed his Tim.
"Conner, I need you to calm down. I'm sure that Damian didn't mean for this to happen." Dick pleaded he needed to make Conner as well as himself believe that was true that Damian hadn't meant to hurt Tim. "I'm sure if we could talk to Tim we can clear this all up."
"Lies!" Conner hissed out, "This isn't the first time that little demon has tried to kill Tim and because he was never told by you Bruce or Alfred that killing Tim was wrong he found it acceptable and kept trying and now he has succeeded in seriously harming Tim. You are to blame as much as he is because you never took the time to explain that Tim is very much as a family as he is and Tim has the right to feel safe in his own home! Tim is fighting for his life right now because none of you had the balls to tell that demon spawn that killing is wrong!"
Damian froze a flicker of fear as Conner's words vibrated around the cave and all moment stopped.
Dick was sure that for a second his heart had stopped beating, "What do you mean?"
"I mean that Tim screamed my name as he fell knowing that I would always be listening for him if he needed me. I found my best friend's broken body laying on the ground. Bart found the cut zip line and Helena got Vic to look at the footage and what he found proved all of our fears Damian cut Tim's line, he fell because of him!"
Cassandra Cain was torn, she loved her family but Tim, Tim was special he was her little brother, her little bird, the one who never gave up on her and the first one to trust her.
"Hurt brother. Cannot forgive. Cannot trust. " It hurt Cass to say those words but she knew deep in her heart it was true.
Nodding his head Jason crossed his arms over his chest, "I agree with princess here. I knew this family was messed up but hell letting me then the demon spawn tries and kill replacement without consciences is a new low. At least I did my best to make amends with Timmy, and for some reason, he found it in his heart to forgive me."
"You were his big brother, the first one to believe in him and you turned your back on him." It was Helena's words that cut Dick to the core.
"Don't bother looking for Tim, he is somewhere safe and you will never see him again," Conner growled. Bart and Cassie stood united with him. They had once seen a future where they turned dark, where they crossed lines and for Tim, they were willing to do that now.
If it meant taking on Batman, his family and the whole Justice League they would do so in a heartbeat to keep Tim safe.
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i preserved in him what he needed to believe about you.
i wrote yesterday that this episode had a lot riding on it. for the most part, it delivered--mostly in anchoring both dick and slade’s arcs, expanding on the themes introduced in s2, and in firmly establishing jericho as My Favourite Forever And Ever. it was also very flawed, but in (mostly) interesting ways. let’s talk about it!
1. jericho has my whole heart and then some. i think it would’ve been very easy to paint him with broad strokes--my fear was they would drag the innocence all the way to the edge of infantilisation, which, good god NO--but while he is enthusiastic and ready to believe the best of both his friends and family, there’s a sharpness to him, a kind of reckless guile, and quite a lot of unresolved and complicated feelings about father figures. 
1.25. he is obviously very proud of his father having served in the military--he’s even tangentially aware that he was experimented on, given his nonchalant attribution of his own powers to “drugs” that his father took while serving. (this awareness has to include the fact that his father definitely took a number of lives as a soldier.) even the awful assault that took away his voice and eventually his father from his life tracks with a single, knowable truth. knowing this helped him ground his own identity--the problem comes when he realises that what he’d used to build himself on was itself built on a lie. 
there is a tension, then, between his loyalty to these friends who used him but ultimately revealed the truth to him, and his desire to have that cornerstone of his life back. his compromise is to talk to his father, but only with dick’s permission; in it, he would know if his father was finally ready to be completely honest with him, and if there was more to dick’s friendship than merely using jericho to get to his father.
1.3. of course, it doesn’t exactly work that way: in the final fight at the church, there are two men who insist on their truth while pushing him to the side. in it, he sees one of them ruthlessly cut down the other, and he sees the other using his own body and life to protect him. jericho makes his choice in the end.
1.45. dick i think was absolutely right and justified in bringing jericho to a safe place where he can explore and learn to control his powers, even if dick was surprisingly blase about the potential ethical tangles of being able to possess other people’s bodies without them being aware of it. it was honestly a bit disturbing to see that hank was chosen to demonstrate jericho’s powers, given his history and the fact that he describes the experience as a “blackout”. i’m just going to assume that he would’ve come around to it eventually.
given the relative paucity of Big Bads and grand superhero battles, i’m kind of taken with the idea of the titans essentially being a support group for young troubled superheroes who need help and training and ways to ground themselves before heading back to their corners of the world. 
1.5. ultimately this episode once again drives home what should be the essential question in a show that revolves around a team of superhero sidekicks: are we destined to be what we were moulded to be? is the point of their existence to perpetuate what their mentors/fathers did? slade and jericho both struggle with this; so do dick and donna in this episode. so do rose, and jason, and rachel, and conner, and kory in the broader context of the series. the answers they find are complicated and at the cost of a great deal of pain, but the process is always interesting.
1.8. obviously jericho isn’t actually dead. i wonder what that initial dreamscape sequence was all about? is it some secret pocket dimension that jericho jumped into at the last minute when slade killed his body? is that where he’s been for the last five years?
2. dick grayson is lost. he is utterly buried under artifice and armour. i mentioned in a previous post (i think the one for 2.07) that he performs quite a bit of emotional labour for the team on top of being their leader in a tactical sense. here, he’s trying to hold it together for the team after a devastating death; he’s spearheading an effort for revenge he thought they all supported. he pulls on batman-goggles, trying to look at what he’s doing from a logical, emotionally-removed perspective, even while burying his bleeding heart as deep as he possibly can. no wonder he’s acting “like a ghost” and “burning at both ends”--it’s a terrible burden to bear. 
then the team turns around--once they’ve already gotten the info they needed, mind!--and tells him to cut jericho out of this operation; that it’s wrong and awful to have involved him at all. when he tries to do just that, he sees that he can actually help jericho as a friend and teammate, and at the urging of dawn, comes clean to him. meanwhile garth’s death and donna’s grief is still an unrelenting pressure on the back of his neck, driving him to find deathstroke at any cost--except when that cost is betraying jericho’s trust. ultimately slade nearly murdering donna is what breaks him--and he decides to follow jericho to slade anyway.
at every point he is so desperately trying to do good by everybody that he loses himself in the process. that his reward for this is being beaten up, a truckload of survivor’s guilt, and being abandoned by his closest friends is just so fucking awful. his friends are so used to his artifice and he is so used to absorbing all the blame that they think nothing of both praising him for being someone that saves people and believing he would sacrifice innocent lives for the sake of a mission in the same day.
(but this makes dick/kory so beautiful and refreshing--she has no time for his artifice and he doesn’t have to Be Someone around her. their relationship is defined by being undefined, and in that sense--at least for now--both of them find peace in the other.)
2.5. slade commenting coldly on dick’s fighting skills and the way he uses dick’s feelings for jericho to distract and defeat him makes me think that slade’s been playing this game with dick for far longer than he was aware: slade used both jericho and donna as bait to lure dick to that church, fought him in a cold, critical way undoubtedly reminiscent of a thousand sparring sessions with batman, and drove him utterly to the ground not just to prove a point to the titans and the superhero community at large but to jericho as well: this man is weak, manipulative, and ultimately a poor substitute for slade. 
2.75. who knows for how long dick wallowed in his failure, still seeing jericho take the blade that was meant for him, utterly alone? did he go back to the batcave, utterly defeated, and did he listen to bruce call him out on his mistakes? how much do you think he internalised all the terrible things he’d been told he was until he believed it all to be true? until he couldn’t live with himself and spiralled and spiralled until his self-hatred lead to outright self-destruction?
like--no wonder he completely fell apart in the present day when deathstroke showed up again. he’d just started to trust--he’d just started to build a family again. and here it is, a reminder of his biggest failure threatening to have him fail spectacularly once again. 
... this boy needs so much therapy. or at least a long nap and a series of hugs.
2.8. (that fight between him and slade tho... goddamn. even my shitty quality stream couldn’t take away from how thrilling it was to watch.)
3. dawn is... well. i know it’s been frustrating to follow dawn this season, as she’s been either non-existent or, uh, flat, but there was something interesting in the way her dynamic with dick moved and shifted in this episode. she thrills to ideals without considering the consequences of actually following those ideals. in the space of a few months, she can implore dick to act like batman, then tell him no, she was wrong to have asked him to do that, then say that she loved him for saving people and then barely days later abandon him for being a reckless sociopath who exploited innocent lives. in the present day, she can support hank in his retirement and rehabilitative process, yet still think it’s perfectly ok to go behind his back and continue being a vigilante. she supported protecting rose in the tower but still piled on dick for going off on his reckless suicide mission to try and save both jason and rose. she endorsed (and once praised) dick taking on troubled young superhero charges, yet turned around and berated him for daring to open up titans tower and “put them in the firing line”. 
i mean, for all that she takes the considerate, sensitive line in conversations, it’s almost always in contradiction to a position she’d taken earlier. it’s too consistent to be a coincidence, and i think it’s fascinating.
4. i didn’t realise amazons could be defeated and killed so easily?? who issued the contract to kill jillian in the first place and what was the “important work” they were doing in san francisco in the first place? a mystery within a mystery...
5. if this season were the draft of a story, i would go right in with a red pen and start moving around all the parts to make it flow better; excise entire passages and rewrite a few others. the pacing has been terrible, and this has meant that the younger titans--and the team we came to know and love through the first season--have gotten almost nothing to do, either plot-wise or emotionally. even if kory and gar and rachel become absolutely vital to the story in the last 4-5 episodes, it would still be a fairly significant failure, storytelling-wise.
that’s a pity because this show is packed with a stellar cast, always looks gorgeous, and is filled with genuinely insightful human relationships that are allowed to unfold in ways you just don’t see in other superhero media. just--*vibrates* a little more love and care from the people making and producing the show please!
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theravennest · 5 years
So...I watched the Titans S2 premiere.
*Spoilers for Titans S2E1.
Just as I suspected it would’ve worked way better as a finale for S1.
Some stuff I liked. A lot of stuff I did not...
They really yada-yada’d Trigon, huh?
If they only wanted to do Trigon for one episode then I would’ve changed the Trigon story so that instead of him being destroyed in two seconds flat, Rachel would’ve banished him back to his dimension or into her red crystal heart. Then he could come back later when they were ready to do a fully fleshed out story with him. Or they could leave him banished and never revisit him, if they prefer.
The dialog stated that he couldn’t fully manifest until Rachel’s heart breaks so just have Gar reach her before that happens and Trigon snaps back through the mirror. Then they could’ve done a whole character arc with Rachel where she’s struggling to keep Trigon at bay or perhaps she has to take care of her emotional stability and if her heart ever breaks again, it would threaten to let Trigon back into our world.
Alternatively, if they wanted to do a full story with Trigon but not have him be the main baddy for most of the season, they could’ve axed the CGI monster form (except maybe in shadowy glimpses) keeping the actor and then had an arc where just Trigon’s presence in our dimension causes darkness and hatred to foment in the hearts of humanity. Have him out in the world, his dark influence seeping out and causing people to destroy Earth and each other. 
Maybe the return of Slade is because Trigon being on our plane of existence contributed to Slade’s renewed desire for hunting the Titans.
Blah, whatever. Clean slate, I guess.
Stuff I did like:
The found family themes continuing so strong. This is the best part of this show and they really need to lean into that. I love our main four Titans the best but I enjoyed seeing the others meet each other.
I love the idea of Dick finding peace with his demons (so to speak) by reliving his greatest regret--not catching his parents as they fall--yet getting to catch Rachel this time. Obviously what happened to his parents was not his fault but the heart feels what it feels regardless of logic sometimes. I like that this experience caused him to rethink his feelings about Bruce and even somewhat reconcile with him.
I love that Gar is the one who saves Rachel from Trigon’s influence. He is so sweet and wonderful and I love my child. Of course his light is what guided Rachel out of the darkness. Speaking of Gar...he finally transformed into a new animal! Yay!
Kory is the light of my life, of course, but she didn’t have as much to do as I had hoped. A victim of the truncated story the writers obviously re-wrote in the off season. Hopefully, based on the trailer we saw, this will change. I will mention that I loved Kory making the decision to do her own thing but Dick still invites her to join him while they lightly flirt next to the car. The back and forth is still very sweet. We can thank Anna and Brenton’s great chemistry for most of that, I think.
As for Rachel, I like the concept of Trigon ripping out her heart, crystallizing it, and embedding it in her forehead. The imagery of a red crystal heart hardened, compacted, yet positioned so vulnerably on her forehead is very compelling to me. They just needed to capitalize on that as a metaphor by having Rachel trap Trigon inside of it. 
Tho this does leave me with the question...does Rachel no longer have a beating heart inside her chest? What would an X-ray look like for her now? Is she kinda...quasi-dead now? I mean, she’s a cambion so I completely believe it. It’s kinda rad, tbh.
I have a feeling next episode will feel like the real premiere and we won’t have a true understanding of this new season until then.
We’re off to a rocky start but I’m hopeful.
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pinkrae · 5 years
Can’t fake love || Chapter 9
The fight for the soul
--- Previous
The room was mostly dark, with candles scattered all around, lighting the room just enough to see one another. They were all sat in a circle, in the middle of which a symbol was drawn on the floor. None of them quite knew what to expect. Some were skeptic about this even working, some were worried that this plan would fail just like all the other ones they had tried so far. But everyone was dead quiet. At this point, they were willing to try anything at all.
A spell was cast and the symbol lit up. For a while, the room was still incredibly silent with the exception of the silent otherworldly murmuring of Zatanna as she continued the spell. It felt like everyone was holding their breath as they waited for something to happen. The air was so dense you could cut it with an axe. It was the fourth… fifth? Time that they were doing this already. 
Jaime argued that if the spell didn’t work the first time around, it wouldn’t work for the next three either. But Damian insisted to try again. And again. And again. He wasn’t going to give up this easily when this was probably their best shot at finding her. And at saving her. There was no way he was giving up on this plan just yet.
“Damian…” Kory whispered, leaning closer to the boy, “I think it’s--”
“Not yet, Kory,” he was quick to interrupt her, his green eyes never leaving the changing rays of light in front of him as he desperately tried to find something that wasn’t there before.
The Tamaranean sighed softly and sat up straight again, though her face expressed concern. For Damian. For Raven. For this whole thing. It felt like they had been at it for hours and with little to no results. Whenever they thought they found something, it disappeared almost immediately and their hopes were shattered over and over again. But he didn’t want to give up. He couldn’t. 
“Just a little longer,” a quiet voice grabbed Kory’s attention and she looked over to Gar who gave her a small smile as a silent request to give it a bit more time. Even in this dimly lit room she could still see that there was hope in his eyes too. They all wanted to find her. And despite how baffling the idea sounded at the time, she was certain Zatanna knew what she was doing, so if there was anyone who could help them, it had to be her. 
“Zatanna, is that… it?” Donna’s voice suddenly made everyone jerk up and look at where the girl was pointing. Everyone released a quiet gasp when they saw a levitating orb amidst ever changing the rays of light.
“It is,” Zatanna nodded and frowned a little bit, readjusting her focus, “now we have to hope we don’t lose it this time before I determine where exactly she is.” 
The orb seemed to be constantly changing shape and disappearing, like a beeping dot on a radar screen, but Zatanna did her best to keep track of it.
“Why does it keep doing that?” Kory asked the magician.
“I think… She’s trying to stay on this plane.” She responded. 
“What do you mean this plane?” Gar asked, slightly confused by the phrasing.
“Her aura disappearing and reappearing like that means that she’s trapped between two planes of existence. Dimensions, if you will,” Zatanna explained as an idea crossed her mind.
“Stand aside.” She instructed the Titans, who got up immediately and stepped back, as she cast a spell that made a holographic-looking map appear right above Zatanna’s symbol on the floor. But it didn’t look like any map any of them had ever seen before. Now, every time the orb disappeared from the light rays, it appeared in the map below it, making her release a hum in confirmation of her suspicion. All the while, the team just exchanged worried and confused look among one another, waiting for an explanation. 
“She’s stuck between Earth and… purgatory,” Zatanna stated, seeing the confusion in the room. “Since she’s neither alive nor dead, she can’t go to heaven. Or hell. But she’s forcing herself to stay here. That’s why she’s falling in and out of existence.”
“Great, we have that settled, can you find her now?” Damian was glad they finally got a stable connection, so to speak, but he was getting impatient and just wanted this to be done and over with. Zatanna nodded and tried to pinpoint where on Earth Raven was currently at. And a tense silence settled in once again until the others noticed a frown forming on her face.
“Is there a reason why she would be in the Middle East?” Zatanna asked suddenly and Damian frowned.
“Probably for the same reason I’ve been keeping an eye on that place.” He replied and saw it in her face that she expected him to elaborate, but, honestly, he didn’t feel like it was the best idea right now. “Explanations can wait, we need to get there.”
“Is there a way we can contain a soul somewhere?” Donna asked and looked at Zatanna.
“There can be a way, yeah.” The woman nodded after a moment of thinking.
“Nrut eht pam otni a ssapmoc!” Zatanna cast a spell and the holographic map shrunk down to the size of a compass, levitating right above her right palm. 
“Maybe we should get some backup before going there,” Kory suggested.
“Yeah, if Raven shows up… God knows what could happen,” Jaime finally spoke up after being quiet this whole time. Of course, no one wanted to admit that they were scared of the possibility to face their friend, but the reality was what it was right now. Anything could happen and they weren’t sure they were ready for it yet.
“We’ll do it when we get there,” Damian responded dryly before shifting his gaze to the magician again. “We have no time to lose. Any chance you can help us with getting to where she is?”
Zatanna smiled a little with a nod and cast another spell: “Deal su ot s’nevaR luos!” And with that a portal opened right next to her and everyone walked through, stepping onto a very familiar place to most of them once they were on the other side of it. This place brought back memories. And it was weird to be here again.
“It’s straight ahead of us,” Zatanna said once she came out of the portal as well, oblivious to the inner tensions among the team members. Quickly pulling themselves together again, they followed the marker on their magical compass. But the further they walked, the more it seemed like something was off.
“Guys, do you remember this place looking like this?” Jaime asked somewhat unsurely.
“I mean, it looks the same, but… It feels different,” Korry added with a frown on her face as she looked around.
“It’s giving me the heebie jeebies,” Gar shook a little as he felt a shiver down his spine.
The team exchanged words about how creepy the place felt and something about dark forces surrounding it, while Damian was deep in thought about how he could’ve missed all this. Nothing in any of the surveillance cameras ever changed. Checking it even now, everything seemed to be in order. God damn it! How could he have been so stupid? Of course she’d hide her tracks! It seemed like full demon mode Raven had quite a few tricks up her sleeve. And he didn’t like it. This meant she was even more unpredictable than he had anticipated. But then… 
A sudden stop.
A collective gasp.
“Well, I was wondering when you’d all show up,” Seeing the group in the distance, a mocking laugh came from a certain red-skinned girl, currently sitting on a chair on top of the hill, making it look almost like a throne. But it wasn’t the most shocking thing about it. The more frightening fact was that she was surrounded by hundreds of demons at the bottom of the hill with a portal opened behind her where more demons kept coming from.
“She’d been raising an army this whole time,” Kory gasped, looking at the horde.
“How did we miss this?!” Jaime exclaimed. “Robin, how did we miss this?”
“This place is surrounded by magic,” Zatanna was quick to explain. “Can’t be detected by normal cameras.”
Jaime cursed under his nose, while Kory tried to reach Dick to call for backup because at this point it was crystal clear that they would need it, but to no avail. “Comms don’t seem to work either.”
“Great,” Damian gritted his teeth and looked directly at Raven who easily caught his stare as well. Even hidden behind his mask, she could feel the hurt and rage in his eyes. 
“That’s why the soul’s roaming around too,” Zatanna then mused with a hint of sadness in her voice, looking up at a small glow in the foggy sky. “It’s too weak to pass through the barrier.”
“Then we have to break it,” Damian said, looking up as well.
“The only way to do that might have to be--”
“I know,” he frowned at her and spoke with determination, facing forwards again. “We will break it.” 
If there really was no other way this could go, the least they could do was to save her soul. He made a promise and he intended to keep it. But he wasn’t going to abandon the hope to save her till his very last breath.
--- Next chapter already available here
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nightglider124 · 5 years
Dickkory Week: Day 6
LOL only about 2 days late but got there in the end. 
I based this last day on the live action ‘Titans’ and it was... interesting to write their live counterparts. I don’t think I did an astounding job on this or writing them tbh but... it was a first attempt so I’m happy enough with it.
Hope ya like it and I hope everyone had a fab dickkory week.
p.s - because i just wanted this finally posted, it has not been proofread so soz if it’s a grammatical mess XD
They were like tiny beacons in the dark sky; millions of them, all shining brightly and looking down on the world as they remained a celestial spectacle for all. The stars were like a puzzle; pieces scattered throughout the universe with no business being forced together, rather spread apart like the cosmic wonders that they were. 
Kory watched them in the same way she had been for the past hour. It was late and she should probably be in bed, no worries or concerns pulling her in a hundred different directions. But, lately, her mind and body hadn’t exactly been in harmony with one another so here she was; sat on the balcony of the newest hideout they had taken up refuge in. 
She idly wondered just how many safe houses Bruce Wayne actually had dotted throughout the country. They’d traveled across several states and stayed within two; not counting the ones that they had no knowledge of at all.
This one was different from the last one in Chicago. It was bigger, more of a house than some modernized, super apartment and it was a lot more hidden. It was out in the country, hidden by an army of trees and lost down several winding dirt roads, assuring all of them that they were more protected now than they were before.
Things had been… strange since Trigon. 
Dick had been pulled back from the demonic influence that had a tight grip on him when she and Donna had finally found a way through the ethereal dome surrounding Angela’s house. The two of them had burst through the door and Kory hated to admit how much it scared her to see the hollow blackness replacing Dick’s eyes; the way his skin had turned so much paler than his usual tone. He looked sick and unlike himself; trapped in whatever torment Trigon had conjured up in that mind of his. 
The rest of that night was a blur when she tried to think back on it now. 
Rachel had been the one to end things. After Jason showed up with two others she had never met before who she now knew as Hank and Dawn, it was like an explosion went off. 
They all banded together, trying to decrease the power and the hold that Trigon had over their friend and makeshift leader of the little group he had put together. It had little effect, even with Gar morphing into at least 3 other animal types; something he was still trying to figure out how he did since all he really knew was a tiger.
Kory closed her eyes as she sat on the stone railing that ran around the edge of the balcony, a bitter breeze causing goosebumps to appear upon her dark skin. Despite the burning fire at her core, she felt cold and she couldn’t pinpoint why that was.
Thanks to Rachel, they had won against her demonic father. A power had surged up from inside of her, one that not even Kory was aware she had buried away. Purple and black had swirled around the kid, like some kind of magical tornado and Trigon had been powerless to stop her shear strength. 
He’d been pulled in, sucked away from this dimension as easily as he had walked into it through the planes of that mirror Angela had set up in her living room. 
She had fought him the whole time, refusing to let such a monster who would hurt Dick as he had, into their realm without strife. 
It had taken her time, with Angela screaming at her to stop and how helping Trigon was her destiny before ultimately being restrained by Donna’s glowing lasso. 
Trigon had disintegrated before everyone’s eyes until he was trapped in the newly formed red gem that was stuck to Rachel’s forehead on a daily basis now.
Ridding Trigon from their world seemed to undo all of his mistreatment, including releasing Dick from the nightmarish hell that had been plaguing his mind since the minute he ran on ahead into the house. 
He’d been out of sorts for a few days after that, always checking to see what was real and what was simply in his head. 
Slowly, Dick had begun to regain his self assurance and he was falling back into his old self, his personality renewed as it had been before. 
It had been a couple of weeks since that all happened and a few things had changed.
Rachel had started to harness the darkness inside her, rather than running scared from it. She was learning, piece by piece, what she was capable of doing. She’d decided on a bit of a makeover too. She’d changed her hair and her style, ever so slightly and surprised Kory to see that she was no longer the same terrified girl that she had rescued from the nuclear family about 2 months ago. 
They had all sort of become a makeshift team or unit, since Dick hadn’t warmed to using the former term as of yet. It was still the 4 of them, except now they were joined by Donna, Jason, Hank and Dawn. 
Their little ‘family’ had some extended members now and it… took some getting used to.
Kory wasn’t sure what she thought of them. She and Donna had started to get along, better than when they’d first met at least but the other 3 were still a bit of a mystery to her. She didn’t know them and she certainly didn’t trust them yet. After all, she only just about trusted Rachel, Gar and Dick.
Kory had changed herself a little too. Her clothing style had altered and so had her hair, now flowing down her back in loose, wavy curls rather than the afro of tight ones she had been sporting since she stumbled across her little group of misfits. 
Something was heavy in her chest; a weight that had been there for days now and she was growing more and more frustrated by the second, wanting to figure out what the cause was but also not having a single clue how to do that. 
Sighing, Kory lifted her knees to her chest from her position on the balcony railing. She hugged them close, trying to provide comfort to herself. 
It was hard being one’s only confidant and even harder when one couldn’t remember a thing about themselves.
She tilted her chin, eyes going to the stars again; a gesture that brought her much relief and again, she didn’t have an answer why. 
Her emerald eyes were searching, looking for something of importance but failing to find it.
“What’re you doing out here?” 
She jerked at the voice from the doors behind her and she briefly turned her head but ultimately refused to shift more so that he could see her face.
“Uh… I just needed some air. That’s all.” She lied,
There was silence on his end; a sure fire hint to know he was analysing her, doing that detective thing of his and trying to dissect her without words or questions.
“That’s not all.” He paused and his voice grew louder, having stepped closer, “You okay?”
Kory took a deep breath, holding her arms to comfort herself, “I’m fine, Dick. You should go back inside. You need the sleep.”
More silence followed and for a moment, she thought he had truly listened to her and gone back inside, leaving her to dwell on her insecurities in peace.
That was until she felt him pull himself up onto the stone railing, sitting with one leg on either side. He was facing her, staring at the side of her face as he tried willing her to look back at him.
“Can you stop staring at me?” Kory sighed, finally meeting his gaze,
Dick shrugged, “I can… once you tell me you’re okay and you mean it.”
Kory tried to ignore the way heat rose to the back of her neck as she glimpsed at Dick’s bare chest, the muscles in his arms flexing as he lifted his shoulders. 
“Are any of us okay? Really?” She barked out a laugh and shook her head, “I’d say we’ve all been pretty fucked up recently.”
Dick smiled, “That’s an understatement.”
“I promise, I’m as fine as anyone else in this safe house.” Kory told him, her eyes on the hands clasped in her lap,
He fell back into that bout of silence for a long while, just breathing and looking up at the stars occasionally as well.
“You know… I’ve been having nightmares… about what happened with Trigon. But, I guess being possessed by an ancient demon can do that to you.”
Kory glanced at him, her eyes stuck to him like glue. He hadn’t really talked about what had happened to him with Trigon. He had been brief but Dick hadn’t once truly opened up about what went on in his mind whilst Trigon was in the driver’s seat.
He was staring out across the field surrounding their safe house and it reminded her so much of the first time he had unknowingly opened up to her at that crappy motel, or at least; he had started to open up before he realized it and clammed up again.
“It was so real. All of it.” Dick pressed his tongue to the roof of his mouth and shook his head, “I had so many memories of that life and yet… I’d only been in it for an hour. There were good points of it… like Rachel and Gar being at college, like normal kids.”
Kory quirked a small smile at that; the idea of those two living a life away from the craziness they’d had to endure so far. 
“But… beyond that, I had this life that… I didn’t actually want. Bruce was… unhinged. I haven’t always agreed with his way of doing things but… he was a cold blooded murderer in that world. Despite everything, he isn’t that.”
She nodded her head a little, her eyes shifting between him and the stone of the railing they were both perched upon.
“And then there was you.”
Her head snapped up to find his intense gaze on her now, a hesitant vibe flowing off of him. She gulped and lowered her chin slightly, as if prompting him to tell her.
“You were… a cop.” Dick snorted, earning a dual smirk from Kory.
“What?” She asked,
He grinned, “I was confused and surprised too.”
“Why a cop?”
Dick shrugged, “I suppose Trigon didn’t have enough memories of you to know exactly where to place you in the dream world… so a partner of sorts was what he settled for.”
Kory felt her heart flutter but tried to ignore the implication that she meant something to him; enough to have a prominent part in the nightmare Trigon had played out for him. She refused to let that thought enter her mind. It was still very early days and the pair of them were still way off having that talk. At least, she felt they were. She couldn’t speak for him. 
But, she still had a lot to figure out by herself before she was going to consider any kind of romance with the man sat in front of her.
“But, you were still you. It’s what made it hard to know what was real and what wasn’t.”
“What’d you mean?” Kory queried, tilting her head ever so slightly,
She saw his adam's apple bob in his throat as he paused, “You were still doing that thing where… you become some kind of voice of reason. There were plenty of moments in this dream life where I had the chance to go back and not fall into Trigon’s trap including you, telling me to go back and forget about saving Batman…” He shrugged, “It… was very like how you are in the real world.”
“Calling you out on your bullshit is trait of mine.” Kory lightly teased,
He raised a brow and smirked, “And the attitude was there as well. Made it extremely difficult to tell the difference.”
“I can imagine.”
“And then… Bruce killed you.”
Kory felt cold suddenly, “He what?”
“Killed you. Shot you with a freeze gun while you were getting ready to light him up but... he got you first.”
“Oh… right…” She replied, not really knowing how she was meant to feel about dying in his fake world,
“After that, I gave in to whatever darkness Trigon was trying to push on me and… I killed him.”
Kory’s brows hit her hairline, “Who?”
Her mouth fell open without realizing. She would never have thought that was what turned him into that possessed husk of a man she had stumbled across when she and Donna got over the threshold. 
“Shit…” She mumbled, not knowing what else she could really say to that, “I didn’t realize what he actually did to you…”
Dick hunched his shoulders a little, his fingers laced together with the furrowed brows that were so apparent on his face most of the time; like he constantly looked troubled with the burdens of the world.
He exhaled and refused to meet her gaze, “Yeah well… I haven’t exactly been shouting it from the roof or anything.”
Kory gave him a playful smile, “Good thing too. Don’t want anyone thinking you’re batshit crazy.”
Dick lifted his chin, his cool stare meeting the fiery green of her eyes under the dim moonlight and he chuckled, the tension of his story easing and clearing. Conversation and opening up came fairly easy between the two of them. Despite not knowing one another for a terribly long time, Kory often felt an unspoken trust that had formed between them and she couldn’t understand why.
There was a… connection there and she was still trying to pinpoint what it meant.
“So…” Dick prompted after a few minutes,
Kory rolled her eyes and gave him a look which soon crumbled and she smiled at him in disbelief, “What?”
“What’s going on?”
She ran her tongue across one of the upper canine teeth in her mouth and half laughed, shaking her head. Her knee bounced up and down in rapid succession as she contemplated telling Dick the truth but there was a hesitance in her heart
Kory could sense the way he was looking at her so finally, she sighed and faced the stars.
“It’s nothing, I just… everything with Trigon and what we found out about me at that warehouse… it’s just a lot is all…”
He remained quiet, waiting for her to continue since he assumed she wasn’t quite explaining everything.
She shrugged and chewed on her bottom lip, “I keep wondering… if I’m ever gonna remember everything about myself.”
“Your memories have started coming back in the last couple weeks… that’s a good sign, Kory.”
Frowning, Kory looked at him, “It’s not enough, Dick. I only know pieces about my past and myself… I just…”
“It’s frustrating.” He surmised,
Kory sighed, “More than anyone seems to understand. I came out here to try and prompt some memories of my planet but…” She dropped her chin, eyes on her lap, “Nothing.”
Dick’s brows knitted together in sympathy; he could only imagine how surreal it would be to not remember anything from an entire lifetime. 
“We’ll find the answers, Kory. I promise. We’ll all help you.” 
She took a deep breath and shook her head, “How? I don’t even know where to start so I doubt any of you will have more luck.”
He kept his mouth shut, not wanting to irritate her even more than she already was.
“Sorry… I just… I’m tired of not knowing anything.” Kory murmured, playing with the gold ring around her finger,
Dick nodded, “We’ll figure it out.”
Kory didn’t share the same level of hope Dick seemed to. She felt like she was at a dead end and that her answers wouldn’t be found by spending more time on Earth.
“Dick… I think… at some point, Earth won’t give me any more answers. I think I might have to figure out the way that ship works and go back. I think I’ll need to go home to Tamaran.”
He felt a cold, sinking stone in his stomach. He’d been afraid she would say that. It made sense, of course, but he didn’t think he was quite ready to say goodbye to her just yet. Having her around felt right; the four of them had been together since this all began with Rachel finding him first. 
Sure, they had more people around them now but still… he needed Kory with him and so did Rachel and Gar.
“Yeah… I thought you might say that.”
She gently nudged his knee with her own and he looked up to see her smiling at him slightly, “But… that won’t be for a while. Like you said… memories are coming back… just slowly. Might as well stick around for now.” She paused and her lips curved into a smirk, “Sides… you’re all growing on me. Can’t go just yet.”
Dick smiled at her, the ache of his heart ebbing ever so slightly.
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reallyautomaticvoid · 5 years
Calling It Good Intentions: Chapter 6: You Know What They Say About Assumptions
Selina talks about brunch. Garth and Dick catch up. And then the Titans make a plan.
Bruce glares at the Batcomputer.  A week flew by since Batman and Tim had their conversation.  Though Bruice tried to…rearrange Tim’s out town Breakfast meeting, and, failing that, tried to cancel Tim’s plane ticket but found out that Tim had bought three…going to three different places so Bruce isn’t even sure what where Tim went.  
So he’d made a few calls to find out if anyone at WE knew where Tim had gone.  Bruce had been met by an irritated Tam who had informed him that, as far as she knew, Tim didn’t have any out of town breakfast meeting.  And what did Bruce mean Tim wasn’t in Gotham anymore?  
Bruce shrank back from Tam’s anger before remembering that he’s Batman.
So, after an intense conversation with Tam, who, somehow, got more answers out of him then Bruce got out of her which he did not like, but did respect, Bruce found himself going over all the recent data the Bats had on Tim which wasn’t much.  
A few blurry photos of Red Robin with the Titans and who is Tim Wayne dating now tabloids articles is all he and O could find.
Bruce is using his best Batman glare on his unhelpful computer when he feels a pair of hands rubbing on his shoulders.  
“You know, if you keep staring at the screen like that, your face might freeze that way.” Bruce’s grimace deepens.  “Yeah, that’s better.”  Selina laughs.  “What’s wrong?”
Selina straightens.  “What?  Is he okay?  Oh shit, he’s in the hospital again, isn’t he?  Damn it, I told him to call me the next time that happens.  I can—” Bruce interrupts her.
“He’s fine.  Well, physically, as far as I can tell.”  Bruce scowls at his computer.  “I just can’t tell a whole lot right now.”
“Well, you are looking at Gotham’s Most Eligible Bachelors Under Twenty-Five.”  Selina clicks her tongue.  “Dick will be so disappointed to know that he didn’t make the cut.”
“He’s over twenty-five.”
“What’s that got to do with anything?”  Bruce snorts because, point.  Selina kisses Bruce’s temple.  “There’s a laugh.  So tell me, what brought on this sudden bought of worry?  Tim seemed fine the last time I saw him.  Maybe a little tired.”
Bruce stills.  “When was that?”
Selina hums.  “A week ago?  Maybe two?  We had brunch.”
“You had brunch?”  Bruce’s mind refuses to accept this new piece of information.  
How had Selina seen Tim so recently when Bruce had not?
“Yes.  Brunch.  We get brunch every time he’s in town.  Or, at least we try to get it.”  Bruce finally turns around to face her.  Selina gives him an odd look.  “Yes?”
“Why didn’t I know about this?”  Bruce struggles to keep his tone neutral. 
Selina’s eyebrows shoot up.  “Oh, I didn’t realize I needed to tell you every time I had a meal with one of your kids.  Heads up, I’m having lunch with Dick next week, and I’m getting coffee with Damian later today.”
Bruce flinches at her tone.  “That’s not what I meant.”
“Okay.  What did you mean?”
 “I haven’t talk Tim in or out of the uniform for months before last week.”
“I know.”
Bruce’s eyebrow furrow.  “How do you know that?”  
“Whenever you talk to one of your kids, you always brag about them.  You tell me what they’ve been doing and how they’ve been.  What member of the Rogue’s Gallery they’re taking on this week.”  Selina shrugs.
“Okay.”  Bruce nudges her when she stops talking.
Selina gives Bruce a piercing look.  “You’ve stopped talking about what Tim’s doing.  You didn’t mention him at all when I knew he was in town.”
“Why didn’t you say anything to me?”
Selina gave Bruce a what?  Am I new here? look.  “I figured you guys had a fight or something.  I thought you’d tell me about it when you were ready.”  She pauses while she searches Bruce’s face.  Bruce isn’t sure she found what she was looking for when she continues,  “I thought that you were still…disappointed in Tim.”
Bruce turns away from Selina, shame burning in his gut.  “We’ve gotten past that.”
“Really?”  Selina's voice is dripping in disbelief.  “Because you haven’t talked about Tim since then.”
Bruce grits his teeth, not saying anything.  
*     *     *
Dick and Barbara had been up for days looking through computer logs.  It had been nine, almost ten, months since Red Robin had sent out a distress call to any of the Bats.  Almost as long since he filed any report on the Batcomputer.  
Damian was right; Tim had fallen off of Dick’s radar, and Dick hadn’t noticed.
Babs had gone home hours ago to get some sleep.  Dick, however, had yet to be able to get any.
Dick sighs as he ruffles his hair.  He glances at his cellphone.  
It’s not going to be that bad. It’s not like you’re asking them to give you a liver or something.  
Somehow, Dick thought it’d be easier to get a liver.
Finally, screwing up some courage, Dick dials his phone.
“You’ve reached Titans’ Tower.  If you’re calling to make a noise complaint, please press one now.  If you’re calling to make a complaint about the smell, please press two now.  If you’re calling to report the giant sea monster that’s coming out of the ocean, please call again later.”
Dick snorts. “Hilarious, Garth.”
“I try.”  Garth chuckles.
“How are you?”
“Well, other than I’m on monitoring duty, again, which sucks, I can’t complain.  You?” Dick could just see Garth laying on the couch watching TV while waiting for something exciting to happen while he stuck on monitoring duty.
“Been better. How’s Rae?”
“Magical.” Dick hears the smile in Garth’s voice.  “She’s meditating right now.  Did you want to talk to her?  I could see if she can talk.”
“No, no. That’s okay.  I was—I was just hoping you could do me a favor.”
“Dick, I don’t care if it’s in vogue again, I’m not getting a mullet.”
“It was a phase.  Are you ever going to let me live that down?” Dick laughs.  
“Probably not, no.  Have you seen the picture?”
“No, I destroyed all of them.  Although, Babs might still have some.  Last thing I need is for Damian, or worse, Jason, to find them.  God, they’d probably end up taking out a billboard.”
Garth howls with laughter. “Tell them I’ll chip in for that. That’d be hysterical.  Gotham most eligible Bachelor.  Man, I can just see your face!”
“Don’t you dare give them that idea.”
“Do you think I’d do a thing like that?” Dick could hear the glee drip in Garth’s voice.  
“Fine, fine.  I won’t give them any ideas.  Chillax man.” Dick makes a mental note to check there weren’t any photos floating around the manner.  
Just to be sure. 
“So, why’d you call, Dick.” Gar asks as he munching on something crunchy.
“I need a favor, Gar,” Dick repeats.
“Yup, you said that already,” Garth crunches.
“And I want you to be honest with me.”
“Sure man.  Whatever you need.”
“Can you—How’s Tim doing?” Dick winces at the awkwardness in his own voice.
The other end of the line goes dead.
Dick takes he’s phone away from his ear to check the call hadn’t dropped.
It hadn’t.
“Why?”  Garth’s voice has a hard edge to it that Dick isn’t used to hearing.  
Not even on Slade after the whole Terra thing. 
Gar, the Titan who’s first to make a joke or pithy comment, is pissed.
“Why the sudden concern?” The hard edge of Garth’s voice increases while the volume hush.  
Dick shrinks back from the sound.
“It has recently come to my attention that I may have…I may have slipped up a bit in the brotherly department.”
Garth give a humorless laugh. “Slipped up a bit,” he repeats. “Jesus, Dick, I never pegged you as stupid before.”
“Gar, I know—”
“No, you don’t know.  You don’t know the half of it.  Hell, you probably don’t even know an eighth of it.”
Dick rubbed his temples. “So tell me.”  
It is just shy of begging, but Dick couldn’t bring himself to care.  Dick was ready to do just about anything if it meant getting his brother back.
“No,” Dick winces at the tone.  “Look, Dick, we’ll always be friends, and I’ll always value your friendship but you—you and the rest of the Bats—made this mess.  Now,” Gar give another grim laugh, “it’s up to you and the rest of the Bats to clean it up.”
Dick’s head fall back onto his pillow.  He hadn’t expected to get this much resistance (or anger) from Garth.  It was one of the reasons why Dick had gone to him.  Raven…well, he’s sorta surprised (and really, really relieved) that he isn’t in a Hellish dimension fighting off demons in his underwear.  
Dick shutters at the memory.  It’s never fun when Raven’s pissed at you.
“I just—how about a jumping off point?” Dick was begging at this point, and both Dick and Garth knew that. “Or calling if he’s in real trouble?”
“No, Dick, I’m not spying on my teammate for you.” Gar’s icy tone make a shiver go down Dick’s spine.  “Besides, we did that.”  
Dick raises his head. “What?”
“After an attack from N.O.W.H.E.R.E., Rave and I called you.  Completely disregard Tim’s wishes, by the way.  He made it clear when he came back with the new suit that he didn’t want anything to do with you guys.  Said you guys didn’t care about him anymore.  Said that you guys had a new Robin and didn’t care about Red Robin anymore.” 
Dick’s blood ran cold.
How could he think that?  How could he believe they didn’t care about Red Robin?  
Dick, of course, knew the answers to these questions:  Because you shoved him out of the way to make room for someone else to take his spot.  Because you took his cowl and you didn’t even talk to him about it, you just assumed it would be okay.  
Welp, you know what they say about assumptions.
Garth, oblivious to Dick’s musings, keeps right on going. “Me and Rave didn’t believe him; we knew you.  We knew you’d cared. We’d seen it.  Hell, we’d watched you take Batman down a peg or two when he was getting too hard on Tim.  So, we called you after the attack.  We weren’t sure Tim was going to make it.” Garth clears his throat, taking a minute to regroup himself.  “It rang twice before going to voicemail.  You sent us to fucking voicemail.  And then, you never bothered called us back.  Next time I saw you at Wally’s poker game, you didn’t even mention it.”
 “When was this?”  Dick’s voice was hollow.  
“About two years ago.  You and Babs had just gotten back together for the millionth time.  Rave and I decided after that not to bother you about Tim again.  And you never called to check on him.  None of you did.  So the team—we figured Tim was right about the Bats; they didn’t care anymore.”
A shot of rage ran through Dick, causing him to jump up. “He’s my little brother.  Of course I care!”
“Okay then, Dick,” Garth’s voice could make it snow in hell, “how old is Tim?  What did he do for his last birthday?  Is he dating anyone?  What college does he go to?  Does he even go to school anymore?  When was the last time he left the country?  When was the last time he took a vacation?  If you can tell me the correct answer to any of these question right now, I’ll take it all back and shut up about it.” 
Dick opens his mouth to answer, while the rage simmered down into a new, familiar feeling of guilt because, shit he doesn’t know.  Any of it.  
Garth seems to know what Dick was feeling. “Thought not.”
“Damn it, Gar, I know I fucked up.” Dick paces. “I don’t need it to be pointed out to me.”
“I think you do. I’m not just saying this to be an ass to you.” Dick couldn’t help the snort. “I’m not. We’ve already had to pick up the pieces once.  I really don’t want to have to do that again.  I’m not sure we’d be able to do it again.  It was hard for both the team and Tim.  But—” Garth pauses for a moment before continuing, “but I am rooting for you.”
“Then can you help me?  Please?” Dick’s begging, but he doesn’t care. “I just want my brother back.”
Garth groans. “Fine.  I’m not promising anything, but I’ll bring it at the next Titan’s meeting. We’ll put it to a vote. I’ll let you know in a few days.”
Dick felt himself smile for what felt like the first time in years.  “Thanks, Gar.”
“Don’t thank me yet; I haven’t done anything.”
*     *     *
“I thought you weren’t coming until this weekend,” Tim looks up from his bike he’s working to see Bart.
“Change of plans.” Tim puts down the wrench. “I thought you had school.” Tim picks up a towel, starting to clean up.
“Change of plans,” Bart mimics.  Tim throws the towel at Bart’s head.  Bart catches it in a whoosh before cleaning up the entire garage. “Come on. It’s time for dinner. We’re having Chinese.”
Tim grins. “Steamed broccoli, over brown rice?”
Bart shakes his head. “You know, when you live in SF, home of some of the best food in the world, it’s practically criminal to only eat healthy food.” 
Tim shrugs.  “Food is food.  Might as well eat healthy.”
“Dude, I’ve seen you eat a gummy worm pizza with chocolate sauce.”
“Yeah, and I was fourteen.  I’ve grown up.”
“Growing up does not mean you only eat healthy food.” Bart hits the button to call the elevator.
“No, but it does mean you need to mature.”  The elevator dings before the doors open and the pair enter.
“Pff, maturity is overrated.” Bart pushes the button.  The elevator starts moving.
Tim laughs.  “You would thinks that.”
Bart smile falterers. “Seriously, man, what are you doing back here so soon? It’s not that I’m not happy to see you or anything, but I thought you were itching to get out of here for a few days.”
Tim smile slips. “Yeah, I was but I develop a Bat infestation.  Probably going to have to move to get rid of it.” 
Bart moans in sympathy. “Wait, you’ll move to get rid of Bat but not the Demon’s Head?  You realize that’s fucked up logic, right?”  
“Hey, Ra’s pops up once every couple of months.  He does something to get my attention,” Tim starts.
“Yeah.  Like kidnap you,” Bart mutters.
Tim continues, louder, ignoring Bart. “We go back and forth a few times, he calls me detective, I call him an old geezer, I thwart whatever plot he’s trying to do, then I put kiddie shows on a loop for a few days, easy-peasy.  But Bats,” Tim sighs, “once one gets in, you’ll have a whole flock before long.”
“I thought birds had flocks, not Bats.”
Tim snorted. “Fine, a colony of Bats, then.”
Bart nods. “Ah, yes, that makes much more sense.” He and Tim stare at each other for a few seconds before bursting out laughing.
“The crapping thing is, Tam’s already called to chew me out.” Tim absentmindedly rubs his ear. “I’m going to have to go back to Gotham soon, or she’s threatening to bring all the paperwork here.”
“Oh, please let her do that.  I’d love to see Con’s face when he sees her.”
They were laughing when they finally reach the kitchen where Garth’s unpacking the food, Raven and Conner are getting dishes, while Cassie’s getting drinks.  
Tim pauses, admiring his team for a moment.  They are all working in flawless unison; one person would flow in as one of the other flowed out. 
Conner notices him first. “Tim!  I thought you weren’t going to be here for another two days.” He grins at Tim.
“Change of plans.” Tim shrugs but smiles back.
“Yeah, apparently, he has a Bat infestation.” Bart zips to Garth’s shoulder. “Did you guys remember my Mu Shu?”
Raven holds up a box which disappears in a blink.  She raises an eyebrow. “Bat infestation?”
“Yeah, apparently the Bats have decided to worry about me. Where’s my steamed broccoli?” Tim nonchalantly asks.  
Because it doesn’t matter.  Tim isn’t going to get sucked back in.  
Not him.  
Not after all of the tries and fails that happened over the years.  He isn’t going to get sucked in.  
He’s moving forward; not backwards.
Raven and Garth exchange a look.  It’s their patented, we know something but aren’t sure of how to tell anybody because it’s gonna piss people off look. 
“Well, there was something I was going to bring up at the next team meeting,” Garth starts slowly, “but, uh, Dick called me Tim.”
The kitchen froze.  
Tim shoves the burning wave of jealousy that threatens to consume him whenever Garth or Raven casually mentions how close they are with Dick.  
After years of practice, Tim could barely feel a thing.  
Or, that what he told himself.
“Oh?” Tim asks, not looking at anybody (which nobody misses) as he spoons brown rice onto his plate.
“Yeah.”  Garth’s voice is cautious.  “Dick wants me to keep tabs on you for him.  Give him updates.  About you.” Tim stops dead, mid spoonful.  Bart glares at Garth, who put his hands up. “I told him no, but he kinda—he kinda begged, Tim, so I told him I’d ask at the next meeting.”
Turning to blink at Garth, Tim tries to process the information he had just gotten.  
Garth take his silence as anger. “Look, dude, I can totally tell him to go to Hell.  It was kind of a dick move, anyways, asking me to spy on you.  Which I told him by the way.  I mean, not in some many words because he is still my friend, even if he is a dick to—” 
Raven puts a hand on Garth’s shoulder. “Stop talking.” She looks at Tim with a serene expression. “Why don’t we eat?”
Tim mechanically sits down, staring at a plate which is filled with cooling brown rice and broccoli.  
There’s a gentle hum of noise as everyone eats.  
What is Dick up to?
Silverware clink.  
What about Bruce? 
Bart does something goofy which makes Con laugh.
Why the sudden concern?
Tim goes through the motions of eating, not tasting anything.  
Cassie, who’s sitting on the right of him, make an irritated noise.  She’s been watching Tim going through the motions of eating while trying to engage him in conversation.
“Why don’t we just give them some bad intel and then maybe they’ll leave us alone.” She mutters so quietly, Tim’s sure he isn’t supposed to hear.
However, Tim does. 
“Let’s do that.” He loudly announces.  The table starts.  Clearly, the rest of the table didn’t hear. “Let’s do what Cassie said,” all eyes turns to Cassie who squints at Tim. “Let’s give the Bats bad intel on me.” 
The cogs in Tim’s mind are whirling.  There are so many way they could do this.  So many things they could do with this.  
Tim looks up to see the table staring at him like he’s gone nuts (minis Raven who’s unflappable). “No, really. Let’s tell them crazy things, like I went to Jamaica to find myself or Singapore to get dinner or some shit like that.  Maybe if we send them on enough wild goose chases, they’ll leave me alone.” Tim grins.
Cassie shakes her head. “Oh for Goddess sakes, Tim, I was being facetious.”
“I know, but, just imagine it for a minute: Gar what new with Tim?” He causes the table to jump at his ability to mimic Dick so well. “Whelp, he’s got a secret girlfriend and a secret boyfriend that he thinks we don’t know about.”
Bart grins like it’s Christmas. “Oh hell, I want to be there to hear Dick reaction to that. It’d be fucking hilarious.”
Raven frowns. “Tim, Dick and the rest of the Bats are intelligent. They’ll eventually figure out that we’re lying to them.”  
“So we’ll pepper in some truths too.”  Tim leans back in his chair, plotting.  
“Yes, but, what do we do when they figure out we’re lying to them. Batman’s a member of the league.  He could make our lives difficult when he finds out.” Raven points out.
“We’ll worry about it then.  I have a few ideas though that should circumvent any problems that we might have.” Tim smiles. “I think this could work.”
“I think it’ll be fun.” Bart leans back in his chair.
Cassie shakes her head. “I think this end in fire and destruction.”  
“Yeah, but, what a ride.  Besides, with all of the jerking around that they’ve put Tim through, I think they’ve earned this.” Garth smirks.  
Cassie inclines her head.
When Tim looks around at Conner, he can tell the meta is deep in thought.  Tim gives him a raised eyebrow, Conner says, “what do you think about, ‘sorry Dick, Tim’s not here right now.  He went to Smallville to get a hug’?”
Who's ready for some shenanigans?
Thanks for reading!
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shy-badger · 8 years
Who Could Love A Monster? Chapter 5
My first attempt at fanfic. I plan this to be a multi-chapter BBRae story.
Read chapter one, two, three, four
Robin and Starfire have started trying to date. As their affection grew it stirred some longing in some of their fellow titans, Raven doesn’t think anyone could love her because of her demonic nature. This doubt has to be put on the back burner as a new threat looms over the city, but during the fight Raven is reminded she isn’t as alone as she thinks in this department. 
Raven looked on as the portal began to warp and rotate in odd ways. The instability of the portal made crossing over dangerous, but still very possible. The demon lord’s men still came through, though in uneven intervals, as she knew that those that made it through were the lucky ones. The other Titans fought hard against the dark intruders, as Raven prepared herself for the spell.
“I’m going to close the portal. If I get interrupted I’ll have to start all over, so keep them back.” the dark haired girl instructed. “Alright everyone, keep our new friends right where they are.” Robin said as he looked back at the empath. His gaze lowered to the Beast below her and he made an amendment, “but don’t get too close to Beast Boy.”
Raven turned to the portal. To close a portal was fairly simple, but to close this one would be considerably harder. The powerful demonic power that summoned it was heavily reinforced and warded, most likely so it could handle the summoning of Trigon. The real challenge was getting through those wards. Amethyst eyes went pitch black as Raven focused her energy on the task before her. She began to identify and inspect the cursed magic as the world around her once again faded away. 
Once she had worked out what she needed to do to close this doorway to her father’s evil dimension, her surroundings reappeared, no longer did she need to drown out the fight as long as she wasn’t attacked. Ancient words in foreign tongues spilled from her lips as she began the spell, making sure not to mispronounce anything. As she worked, the Titans fought on. Robin and Starfire stood back to back, fighting to keep the other safe. Cyborg circled the portal, trying to dispatch any newcomers before they could get a foothold in their plane of existence. Any minions that came after Raven, however, were quickly stopped by ferocity incarnate. The Beast made short work of anyone who came too close, growling all the while.
Time seemed to drag on as Raven wove her dark magic. Ward after ward, reinforcement after reinforcement, she broke down everything keeping the portal open, until she finally uttered the simple spell the sealed the barrier of her dimension. The dark world within was replaced by the uninterrupted sight of the street beyond. Relief flooded through the now exhausted Titan. Before she could relax though, she realized that more demonic men still assaulted her friends. There was still work to be done. 
“Azerath metrion zinthos.” The two men at Cyborg’s back were surrounded in black shadows before rising into the air above him. With a through of her arms, the men in her grasp flew into their allies in front of the eldest hero. The captive men didn’t stop there however. Raven lifted her hands and the now unconscious enemies rose once more. Again these two were used against their own kind, as the enemies to Robin’s right were next victims of her rag doll toss. This provided enough of a distraction for Starfire and her boyfriend to defeat the remainder of the opponents surrounding them.
The battle was long and arduous, but it was finally over. The team relaxed as they allowed their fatigue to take hold. Cyborg took a knee, looking to his mechanical arm for a status report. Starfire and Robin sat on the ground, back to back, and hand in hand. Raven landed softly on the ground, breathing heavily from the effort it took to survive this accursed day. The Beast approached her, its heavy breaths ragged and vicious. Now that he wasn’t attacking everything near her, Raven turned her violet eyes to his green mass. Though the thick fur made it hard to see, the empath noticed that the Beast was covered in wounds. He leaned in and nudged her with his forehead again before the ground shook.
“RRROOOOO” the roar of the monster snapped all of the Titans out of their restful trance. “Why won’t you just stay down?” came the exasperated response of the blue robed girl. The monster that greeted them at the start of the fight, had returned, carrying a car above his head. What was most dis-concerning was the man in the front seat, panicked and screaming. More and more detail showed on his terrified face as he drew closer to Raven, not because the monster approached, but because the car had been thrown at her. 
“Azerath metrion...” CRASH. The car halted in its course, caught by the Beast. “RRAAA!” the Beast prepared to return the projectile back to it’s sender, filling the empath with dread. “Beast Boy NO!” shouted Cyborg. The car was launched anyway, the driver screaming the entire time as he flipped end over end on his way back to the monster. “Zinthos!” The man in the car yell continuously as his vehicle was softly set upon the ground by Raven’s powers. A whistle filled the air as Robin’s little disk flew towards the monster, impact causing it to explode and encase the black and red attacker in ice. “Why don’t you just chill out?” Robin remarked.
Raven skirted around the Beast and confronted him. “Beast Boy, You need to calm down.” She instructed, a low growl the only reply. Raven looked at the Beast before her. This was no monster, this was her friend. Beast Boy, who earlier that day tried his best to help her, now needed her help. Memories of the green changeling flooded her mind. His laugh, his smile, the way he was always the first one to figure out when something was wrong with her. This annoying boy, at some point, wormed his way into her heart and made her care for him more than she thought she could. So it was, that she realized her level of affection for Beast Boy, why she had been thinking of him so much lately, and why it hurt so much to see him in this state.
Raven’s voice dropped as she softly placed her hands on the sides of the Beast’s face. “Gar, you did it. I’m safe, now please come back to me.” She plead, deciding that since the Beast had protected her the whole time, then maybe he would calm down once she was completely safe. The Beast stared at her for an eternity before his ragged breathing finally slowed. “Garfield.... I need you to come back to me. Please... Give me back my friend. Come back to me Gar.” she pleaded with her friend’s inner fury. The seconds felt like hours as she waited. Then, she felt it. The hair in her hands began to shorten as the Beast shrank before her, claws receding, fury abating. Finally Beast Boy’s green eyes met hers and Raven’s heart sang. Relief flooded her so much that, without thinking, she wrapped her arms around the changeling’s neck and pulled him into a tight hug.
Beast Boy’s wounded arms wrapped around her waist. “Uhh, Rae? Not that I don’t like the hug, but what happened?” Came the shapeshifter’s shaky voice, a welcome sound to her ears. Before she could answer however, the man in the car had finally gotten the nerve to get out of the vehicle. “M-M-M-M- Monster. Y-Y-Y-You’re a monster. You tried to throw me into some...some...some...devil creature!” The now crying bystander proclaimed.
“Okay pal. That’s enough. How about you thank us for saving your life by going to the hospital. Like now.” Cyborg ordered as he pushed the man towards the street corner. Beast Boy grabbed Raven’s shoulders and pushed her to arm’s length. “Rae, did I really? What happened?” he questioned. Raven’s heart sank to think of the state he was in. She knew how she felt when she lost control and imagined the Beast was similar, if less memorable. “You lost control, yes, but you didn’t hurt anyone.” the empath said, trying to tell him the truth and comfort him at the same time.
“What about that guy back there?” the green Titan asked, pointing to the now empty car. “He said I tried to throw him.” Raven couldn’t meet his eyes. After all she had been through today, she didn’t want to recount it aloud. All the violet haired girl wanted was comfort. The recent hug flashed through her mind, and Raven had to admit that hugging him again sounded like it would help calm her down a lot.
“Maybe we should all go home and settle down before we talk about this.” Robin offered, trying to appease the shapeshifter. “Yes! And when we arrive, I can cook a traditional Tameranian victory feast to make our spirits do the livening!” Starfire added. After a moment’s pause, Beast Boy sighed. “Yeah okay.” 
“Now I guess I’ll call a tow truck.” Cyborg wept. After he completed his call, the Titans returned to the tower. Robin returned on his motorcycle. Starfire carried Cyborg, as the T car was no longer and option. Raven offered to carry Beast Boy, so he didn’t have to agitate his wounds. She felt her face heat up when she thought of holding him close the entire way across the city. “That would be nice. If I transform the wounds would carry over. Thanks Rae.” he said, smiling at her.
At the tower Cyborg insisted they all get checked up in the med ward. Robin had some cuts and bruises, Starfire and Cyborg were both mostly unharmed. Raven had some internal bruising and was told to stay hooked up to the monitors for the night. Beast Boy was the only Titan who took any serious damage. Cuts, bruises, a few deep gashes, and his arm was fractured. Cyborg brought in another bed and ordered him be monitored for the night as well. The Titans then recounted the day for Beast Boy, who was uncharacteristically quiet the entire time. 
His stomach was in knots as he listened to what he had done.  “BB? You ok?” came the concerned voice of Cyborg to snap him back to the moment. Beast Boy decided to make a joke to convince them he was okay. “No. I’m scared you are going to make me some of that terrible hospital food.” he jested. “Man shut up or I’ll...” Cyborg was interrupted by the beeping coming from his arm. “Its getting kind of late. We should let these guys get some rest anyway. Get to feeling better guys.” Robin said. Starfire and Cyborg said their goodnights and the three left the room. Before the door shut Beast Boy heard Cyborg start talking to the lovebirds. “I can’t believe they both lost control on the same day.” The door slid shut behind them and Beast Boy was left alone with the dark beauty that was Raven.
To be continued in ch. 6.
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sweet-sammy-kisses · 4 years
Cream Puffs and Puppies
TimKon Week Prompt: Bakery/Coffee Shop  Author Notes: This is a two chaptered story the next chapter uses the final prompt for TimKon week.  You can also read it on AO3
After losing Robin, his place in the family, his spleen, and his creditability within the hero community Tim Drake-Wayne came to a decision.
"I'm retiring from the hero community."
Tim decided to inform only those who care and that was those in front of him, his team, no his family. The Titians were all lazing about the living room when he made his announcement.
Conner had been expecting that for a while. "Well if you are out then so am I." There was no way that Tim was going where without him, the last time he let Tim out of his sight he lost his spleen.
Tim started at his lover, "Are you sure? You love being a hero."
Conner smiled gently at his partner, as he took Tim's hands in his and looked into those blue eyes he loved so much and spoke from the heart, "True but I love you more. I am perfectly okay with being just plain old Conner Kent."
"I'm happy for you guys but Tim you are Timothy Drake-Wayne you are pretty recognizable." Bart pointed out to his friend.
"In Gotham I am but if I move to San Francisco I am not Gotham Royal here so I would be just another face in the crowd," Tim explained.
Silence reigned over the tower as everyone stared at Tim, they had known things weren't going well between the Bat-family with Tim staying more and more in San Francisco, he only went back to Gotham one to two weeks a month and he had completely moved out of the manor.
"You know we will support you in whatever you decide to do dude, is this something you really want?" Gar asked softly. He made a mental note to call Dick and give him a long talk. 'Or I could just ask Raven to send Dick to a hell dimension in his underwear, again. That might open his eyes up better than talking to him.' Gar decided that he would talk to Raven later.
Tim was expecting that question. "I have and the only ones I talk to are Cass and Jason. No one else from Gotham has reached out to me. I will keep in contact with them and make sure that they let Alfred know that I am okay but it is time I put myself first. Things haven't been the same since Bruce went missing. And as much as I love them I have doubted that they felt the same with how easy Dick could take Robin from me and when he considered putting me in Arkham that fractured our already strained bond." Tim was thankful when no one said anything about the way his voice cracked when he talked about Dick.
"We understand Tim and like we said we will support you." Raven sent Tim a small smile and Gar knew at that moment he wouldn't need to ask Raven anything she would be sending Dick to a hell dimension.
"So what are you going to do?" Cassie asked.
Tim and Conner exchanged a look. "I have no clue," Tim admitted in a soft voice.
Conner and Bart came with Tim, Cassie, and Cass stopped by when they could. Cassie couldn't leave the Titans she was their leader after all Tim hadn't seen Dick, Bruce, or Damian. He talked to Alfred once in a while the only one he saw was Jason.
"You opened up a coffee shop and bakery? How the hell did that happen Baby Bird?" Jason asked as he entered what could only be considered a geek paradise somehow Tim had become the owner of a Pokémon-themed cafe.
"It just kinda happened." Tim never meant to open a coffee shop and bakery.
Jason could only shake his head, "Only you. But coffee is your love after clone boy so we really shouldn't be that surprised. But that doesn't explain the kittens and puppies." Jason looked down at the puppy who had bounced over to him, wearing a Red Hood poncho of all things. A smile appeared on Jason's face as he picked up the pit-bull puppy who wagged its tail as it covered Jason's face in kisses.
"It was Conner's idea, he found them in the streets and brought them here. We got a permit to have them here, we act as an adoption center, you would be surprised to see how many people will stay and cuddle with an animal while they drink and eat and once they formed a bond with them and then adopt them. The clothing was made by Cass." Tim explained. He could see that Jason was slowly losing his heart to the pup in his arms. "Her name is Elizabeth."
"Well, of course, a classy lady like this needs a classy name. Come on sweetheart let me tell me about your namesake." Jason wandered off to a free table.
Tim could only shake his head as he watched Jason settle in pulled out the book that he carried on with him. Elizabeth looked at home in Jason's arms and Tim knew at that moment he would be seeing a lot more of his older brother.
Jason stared at Tim as he handed him his Red Robin suit and everything that was Bat related. "I'm proud of you baby bird." Jason finally said as he took the box from Tim.
Of all the things Tim expected to hear that was not one of them. "Really?" He couldn't remember the last time that one of the Bats told them they were proud of him. "Thank you, Jason, that means the world to me."
"No problem baby bird."
Conner's arms wrapping around him pulled Tim out of his thoughts. "It looks like Jason has a new admirer," Conner commented as he rested his chin on the top of Tim's head, he loved the height distance between him and Tim.
"Bart is going to be upset but he should know better to bet against Cass." Tim didn't know how his sister figured out that Jason would bond with Elizabeth but she had been right from the moment she put Elizabeth in her homemade Red Hood poncho and the fact that she would cry and whine when it had to be taken off to be washed showed that she had chosen her favorite hero.
Tightening his grip on Tim Conner enjoyed the feel of Tim in his arms. "Are you happy?"
There would always be an ache in his chest of what could have been with the others but right now Tim could honestly say, "Yeah, I'm happy."
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