#genderless pronouns
knuckleblaster · 2 years
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t-u-i-t-c · 4 months
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Toku Pride Month Challenge │ LGBTQ+ Characters
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scoutpologist · 2 years
How do I even do that?
There are multiple methods for referring to those who use no pronouns, shown below. (Examples here taken from this page, a very good resource.)
Use names or initials instead of pronouns
I talked to him yesterday → I talked to Sky yesterday.
She is really beautiful → Soph is really beautiful.
Her graduation starts soon → J's graduation starts soon.
Passive voice
He answered the phone → The phone was answered.
Wen takes good care of her cat → Wen's cat is well cared for.
Rephrasing the sentence (circumlocution)
Lior did it all by himself → Lior did it all without any help.
Gael talks in his sleep → Gael talks while sleeping.
Replacing a pronoun with a descriptive noun or phrase
She landed the plane safely → The pilot landed the plane safely.
This is Lea, she is into painting → This is Lea. My friend is into painting.
She argues that… → The person who started this discussion argues that…
Dropping pronouns
Did you buy Tex her gift? → Did you buy Tex a gift?
Yes, I bought it for her. I will give it to her tomorrow. → Yes, I bought it. I will give it tomorrow.
Why not just use they/them?
For many people who use no pronouns, the issue with they/them pronouns is the implication of a neutral gender rather than no gender. Nonbinary people have often been lumped into a “third gender” category, and for agender/genderless people, this feels just as restrictive as having to “settle for” a binary gender. They/them pronouns can feel like being forced into another category, especially as the popular perception of people outside the binary has become a monolith, and can be very dysphoria-inducing.
Who can use no pronouns? 
Anyone! Most commonly, this specific way of expressing oneself is used by agender/genderless people, but anyone can use no pronouns if that’s what that person wants. 
Can I include you in group pronouns? (Example: They all went to the beach.)
It’s up to the person whether or not that’s alright, but I’d wager most of us would say that yes, that’s fine! It can’t hurt to ask.
Are second person pronouns alright to use?
Same as above. Most would find it perfectly fine, but if there’s ever doubt, please ask!
Isn’t that transphobic? 
When asked for sincerely, this is not transphobic. Some transphobic people might say they “don’t have pronouns” in order to make fun of trans people. There is a big difference between someone genuinely stating their preferred pronouns (or lack thereof) and being transphobic. 
Are you trolling?/Is this satire?
No, this is not a joke or an attempt at making anyone look bad. If you asked if this is satire, I also urge you to take a look at what satire actually is and it’s history as a form of comedy. Trolling and bait are not satire.
Aren’t you harming the community with this?/This will make transphobes think we're stupid!
I am, by definition, a trans person just trying to be comfortable. I am part of the community. While people inside the community can definitely harm it, expressing myself in a way that makes me most comfortable is not harmful towards anyone. If transphobes think I'm stupid, I can't stop them. They'll think I'm stupid no matter what.
How do I try these out for myself? I think this might be for me!
Here's a website that allows the user to input a name and ask for no pronouns in a sample sentence. No matter your conclusion, I wish you the best on your journey of discovery!
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some---weirdo · 6 months
I love not telling anyone my pronouns, not in a transphobic way, but in a "your guess is as good as mine" way
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aromantic-diaries · 1 year
Do you ever look back at old OCs and think wow I created the most aromantic motherfucker in existence
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if you refer to gabriel and beelzebub as a straight couple i am in your walls and prepared to strike
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spookmuth · 1 month
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ok last one im going to bed now I prommie
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My fullest support and love for genderless people, people who don't care about gender, who use any pronouns at all, who refuse pronouns, who present in an androgynous way, who mix and match their presentation, who are unsure what name to use, who change names frequently, who aren't sure about labels, and who reject labels altogether. You're doing great!
- Your Bigender Big Brother 💙💚
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ezlo-x · 4 months
Happy Pride
Tarú now has She/Her pronouns
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sing-you-fools · 1 year
pronouns and gender aren't the same thing
a fictional character not having a gender due to not being human or experiencing that in the way humans do does not mean that character uses they/them or another pronoun set
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Janet uses she/her pronouns even if she's not a girl and if one more person "corrects me" by telling me to use they/them I'm gonna scream
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and it feels less egregious to me (maybe because people are using pronouns this way but not *correcting* me) but I'm seeing a lot of chaotic pronoun use for Crowley and Aziraphale when we only see them use he/him except when specifically fem presenting (in Crowley's case, and I'm assuming Aziraphale's too if we'd gotten that 1960s scene but who knows maybe we couldn’ve gotten a he/him butch angel)
if you do this it's not like Horrifically Problematic or anything and honestly I don't imagine any of these characters would CARE one way or another but I invite you to question why you feel like you should
and I do very much worry how this might translate to real-world human beings who are openly nonbinary but use binary pronouns, because I absolutely have seen people using they/them when someone says "I use he/him or she/her" and that's very not okay
respecting people's identity is important. respecting how they want to be addressed is part of that.
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thepersonperson · 1 month
MAAAAN THESE SUKUNA ANALYSES... THEY'RE SO GOOD... I've always related to him super hard just on first readings as a trans disabled person who is an ambulatory wheelchair user. I'm incredibly violent and confrontational, too. If I could just fuckin kill the people who dehumanize me constantly, I mean... that kind of power is tempting! The way you read him is so satisfying to my brain, and it definitely makes sense in the text as well. Overall I'm just really happy to see somebody managing to put into words what I subconsciously grasped the first time I watched and read JJK. I was literally internally like "omg omg omg they put it into words!! omg!!!" the entire time I've been reading these posts. I can't wait to see what other analysis posts you've made and if there's other stuff for fandoms I enjoy. Thanks a lot for what you do! People like me appreciate it so much.
Oh thank goodnesss you feel this way. Everytime I post always I think of this image.
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Thank you for confirming I'm still at secret esoteric knowledge.
Sukuna is very cathartic for me as a character in that way too. He basically gets to act out where I would restrain myself.
It’s funny that you mention you’re trans. At the risk of tipping the scale to mental illness, I think Sukuna is a very gender character. I find his refusal to introduce himself very relatable. He just kind of lets everyone call him whatever. The only time he ever identifies himself is when not doing so could put in his life in danger.
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That’s it. “I’m the Fallen/Disgraced One”. I don’t believe he ever refers to himself as a man either. He just uses a masculine speaking style.
I also like how he doesn’t seem to care about being associated with feminine things. The marketing leans into this for some reason, pairing him up with Hello Kitty, which I think is great.
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He projects this “I’m too strong to care about gender” aura I’m obsessed with. It might stem from his dehumanization as well. Both himself and other people are not really sure if he’s a curse or a human, so why on earth would he outwardly identify as man? It's not like curses have genders to begin with.
But the moment anyone tries to concretely observe him, like Mahito or Yuji touching his soul, he flips out. That really captures the vibe of “acknowledge my existence, but do not perceive me.” And if you find that relatable you should read Umineko.
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Sukuna is on the border of everything, so he reads like an allegory for multiple minority groups all at once.
He’s masculine in his presentation, but isn’t considered human enough to be called a man. That’s very trans of him.
He’s extremely ablebodied at a glance, but his abnormal features make normal day to day life a constant battle. That’s very invisibly disabled of him.
He may be Japanese by blood, but he’s deemed a monster and pushed out from society for not meeting certain physical features. That’s very biracial of him.
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anti-kawaii-daily · 9 months
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Today's Anti-Kawaii Character of The Day is Hanyo Usagi, also known as the All-Purpose Bunny, a character created by Mori Chack! They are associated with Gurokawa (though not to the same degree as Gloomy Bear), due to their cute appearance and surprisingly dark backstory!
This character was requested by anonymous!
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crispycreambacon · 3 months
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Leave it to me to figure out my identity AFTER pride month is over and then make a silly comic out of it
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finishitjoker · 11 months
The lack of clear gender that outsiders see for Vertin is so tasty as a nonbinary player
Is that a girl? A guy? I dunno but they are about to get all their friends and partners to beat you up!
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I bought pads for a charity thing today and a real person scanned them and I was ok!! I think it was mainly because I also bought a bunch of toothbrushes and canned food and stuff like that that I was ok because they probably guessed it wasn’t for me, but I’m kinda proud of myself to have not freaked out about even being near a pad in public (I’m ftm and they give me A LOT of dysphoria but I’m getting better at managing it!!!)
Hey dude that's great! Buying period products can be hard to do as a trans person, but it should be normalised because guys/masculine-presenting people can have periods too. <3
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noandpickles · 10 months
My list of demands for the next mass effect game:
2. he/him asari companion
thank you
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