gilmores-glorious-blog · 10 months
if you refer to gabriel and beelzebub as a straight couple i am in your walls and prepared to strike
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armageddidnt · 9 months
I just want to use this post to talk about how much I appreciate the way Good Omens does gender. Angels/demons canonically don’t have sexes and don’t subscribe to the concept of gender at all. Throughout the show, we see lots of angels and demons varying gender presentation and it’s considered perfectly normal. Even with all the rules angels/demons have to follow to avoid getting into trouble with their respective sides, there’s never been any rules whatsoever regarding gender. Angels and demons exist, they have names, they dress how they want, and whatever humans think is irrelevant. As someone who is non-binary and agender, it warms my heart to think of an existence where gender isn’t limiting at all. I’m really grateful to Neil and Terry for making a story about existing beyond gender that has had such widespread impact.
And regarding how they interact with humans, on the show we’ve seen a variety of pronouns but what I find interesting is the characters use only one at a time. Gabriel is always he, Beelzebub and Muriel are they, Shax is she, Aziraphale and Crowley are mostly he. And Neil said in an ask reply that any pronouns you use for angels/demons aren’t wrong because to do it right, you need to know the tongue of the angels. I guess it’s sort of my headcannon that when they talk about each other, angels/demons instinctively translate into whatever human pronoun they want to use. Like they could never misgender each other because human language is too limited anyway and they’re just using it as best they can. Idk I just really appreciate seeing a race of beings that innately understand each other’s gender/identity and have absolutely no concept of judgement about it.
Finally, please enjoy my favorite Good Omens screencaps of characters not giving a flying fig about human gender norms.
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Our favorite gender-fluid/genderqueer demon
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Angels having gendered and non-gendered names but only one clothing style: bureaucracy
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Aziraphale rocking Madame Tracy’s dress
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The Gender Ambiguity that is Lord Beelzebub
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Whatever the heck Hastur is doing here
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Mutt’s wonderfully delightful non-binary spouse
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Pollution saying “no gender only garbage” (which is relatable honestly)
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littlekohai77 · 8 months
This game is very much.... Uh... Steamy. At least 16+ for sure.
Anyway there is this new otome game out and it's called ✨What In HELL Is Bad✨
And I've had it on pre order (is that what you call it?) But didn't have the time to really open it up and explore the insides.
So let's do this together. Hopefully I can find it in myself to make fanfic on this cause I've been on the block for months.
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*
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That is an extraordinarily distinct shape each of these countries have. That's quite fun. :D
So little information that I got after clicking on them,
𝑨𝒃𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒐𝒏: This is a region that Asmodeus rules. It's a place where lewd and inappropriate things are quite the norm and you can see people doing the forbidden tango in a Walmart parking lot apparently. Just very normal you see? This is also the place where lunatic devils gather apparently. So... Psych ward here is top notch I guess.
𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒕: This place is hell but not really (not sure what that means) and is ruled over by Lucifer but he isn't the king. Not really. He's more of... A person who just controls things... Dictator?? The description had a lot of yes but nos. And devils who gather here are apparently very hurt... Wounded. Emotionally maybe? Maybe this place has great therapy centers.
𝑵𝒊𝒇𝒍𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒎: This place is very military oriented and very much like a power house which is a surprise considering this place is ruled over by Belphegor, who btw is the demon of sloth. People of this place don't go anywhere alone and always move in groups (hopefully that's different when going to the bathroom) and they have great military power and a lot of the population is very physically stronge and... Solid.
𝑨𝒃𝒚𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒔: The most chill and fun place apparently. Full of casinos and entertainment shit. Didn't find this place too interesting. Apparently the people here get piercings from Beelzebub (the ruler here) to prove that they are a citizen? Which is kinda random but seems like a fun tradition, I would like to know the history behind that. And Beelzebub is apparently never around. Feels like bro doesn't wanna pay child support.
𝑮𝒆𝒉𝒆𝒏𝒏𝒂: Ruled by Satan. People here have a bicker gang type of aesthetic and they're the most kindeat demons you could encounter in hell but they do have a horrible temper and anger issues. Also this place is famous for having great sceneries. Which is great :)
𝑻𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒐𝒔: This place is by far the most advanced in terms of science and technology. And is also the richest country. (Like the country literally looks like a slab of gold, what did you expect?) And this place is ruled over by, you guessed it, Mammon! This place has the highest level of freedom and the people here trust Mammon a lot.
𝑯𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔: Now... This place honestly sounded lowkey like a cult. Cause killing yourself to prove loyalty is pretty.. Um hardcore. Also this place is the most scary and terrifying place in hell.
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When I hit that side of my screen, the one that has my front camera, is makes this bouing bouing sound. I'm not bothered by it but I'm intrigued for why that is happening. Is there a chance there are gonna be other countries on the other ends?
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Ok that's very nice of them. To include both genders but it would've been even more great if they included a non binary option. Just a little more inclusivity for people who are non binary to feel more comfortable when playing. But again, this much of an option is a great improvement too, cause it's rare to see something like this, at least for me as most have she/her and the mcs tend to be female by default. (Unlike in Obey me)
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I promise I chose the most non inappropriate options. And I'm not upset with this result. I've always liked the design of his eyes. I'll confirm though that their description of me couldn't be further from the truth.
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*
Thank you for reading this :)
I hope you enjoyed it!
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cultofquietus · 8 months
Welcome to the Cult of Quietus!
This is a Cult of the Lamb AU written by @itsbaku! It will involve a comic series, but if I am unable to continue it in comic format for any reason, I will proceed to write it out. I hope to get at least two chapters/pages out monthly.
This au differs from the main story in several ways, but mainly that the Lamb is my own fan oc: Quietus!
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I don't wanna spoil too much, but he's a wonderful soul with a goal to liberate himself and to fulfill his goal of slaying the bishops. Why does he look like that? Why does he want to slay the bishops? We'll, I'm sure we'll learn.
This comic will include gore, occasional/possible crude language, and possible uncomfortable imagery. If any of this bothers you, I do not recommend reading the au!
It is also very much spoiler for most of the story of the og game. I recommend playing the game first or watching a video explaining the lore.
About The Author!
@itsbaku is a non-binary individual who loves Cult of the Lamb and many other things. They strive to achieve their dreams of writing books and turning those books into films. They enjoy drawing art of their own ocs and of their favorite characters from media. They are also a huge fan of dragons.
None at the moment!
Notable Characters-
Quietus: The Main Lamb, The Satanic Anarchist, Quietus himself! He's a genderless lamb with a tendency to come off as aloof when he just sucks at understanding people immediately. Truthfully, he's a kind and empathetic soul at heart. However, he can get violent if you choose to stand in his way.
Narinder/The One Who Waits: The Classic Black Cat of Death himself. He's the god of death, but he's hoping his vessel will set him free. A kinder god in this au, but he's manipulative and cruel.
The Bishops, Leshy, Heket, Kallamar, and Shamura: The Chaos, The Hunger, The Sickness, and The Psyche. While Leshy and Kallamar are definitely more kind in this au, Heket and Shamura force them to be more cruel and authoritative with their ruling. The Bishops are cruel, and they hate the slightest bit of change. Anything they don't like is reason to go to the extreme. Desenter? Murder them. It's simple, but cruel.
Lucifer: A black rabbit who is Quietus' best friend! She's kind and compassionate, and helps him out in his worst moments.
Beelzebub: A bee who's great at cooking and is a great help around the cult!
Desmodus: A bat who's a ex-priest who helps Quietus with the religious aspects of the cult, and also has a huge crush on Quietus.
Ask Box?
You can ask any of the characters any questions that you please! No inappropriate questions though, that's not ok. You can also ask about the characters or anything au related!
It's always open(unless I say it isn't), so don't be shy and drop an ask! I don't bite!
I hope you enjoy my au, as I've been working on it for a while. Please feel welcomed, in this cult we are friends.
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goldenviolins · 10 months
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BARACHIEL. true archangel. endless. non binary. prince of heaven. saint of blessings. patron of thunder , lightening , marriage , family. owner of the lightening sword of heaven. punished.
chiel , goldie , angel eyes , bitch are many names referring to barachiel.
barachiel is one of the seven true archangels of heaven , often prayed to for blessings ; marriage ; family - and they always listen. she has six two wings that are white but have golden tips and streaks and she prides herself on them but as all angels - terribly groom them. they are eternally upset with their sibling lucifer and the falling - they thought themselves close to the fallen sibling and doesn't really show hatred or animosity towards them like others. they miss him.
barachiel loves humans - has spent many centuries on earth during the middle ages and some time in the modern age among them. they are often talked down at because of this but is quick to show that they are no push over. if chiel had been convinced a little more - she would have been part of the fallen. would probably have known crowley in the before as they hung around their sibling often.
the archangel has been punished with memory. she remembers everything from every second - every detail - every pain and loss. it all started from when they were in the middle ages - having fallen in love with a human prince in her time on earth. they would have forsaken everything for the prince - given up immortality ; their wings. but when a war was caused from the love - allegiances betrayed and barachiel the cause of it. the prince was taken - their soul banished to never be reborn or sent down or up. ( so she shows jealousy and envy towards gabriel and beelzebub if that part is written in canon in threads. why can they have it when she couldn't? the same is said about aziraphale and crowley but is more gently approached as they do care for aziraphale. )
right now - they are just trying their best to exist.
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iwannawritelots · 2 years
Obey Me! Babes with MC Binding Unhealthily
Originally written June 2022
My brain is just so fucking full help. I can’t sit down and actually write well because I’m too upset from family shit so I’m making this headcanon just in case I can’t get anything done. (Also part of why I’ve been publishing so much old stuff that isn’t on here recently lmao.) Whenever I write headcanons there is a chance I’ll make them into fics so lol
Written for AFAB trans MC who binds! (I know some cis women bind too but MC is pretty trans coded here)
Please take care of yourself when you bind!
TW/CW: gender dysphoria, unhealthy binding
will lose his fucking mind if you bind too long or in a dangerous manner
Like what are you thinking!?
This is assuming he’s even aware, considering demons have different rules and he’s always working so he may not even notice.
he scolds you out of habit, but then feels a bit guilty after remembering that binding just helps you feel better about yourself
It takes a while for him to swallow his damn pride and apologize for how he addressed it, and reminds you it’s only because he cares that he got upset
If you are one to wear your partner’s/partners’ clothes, he’ll find something of his for you to wear if it’ll help comfort you when you need to stop binding
tries to be nicer when he addresses your unhealthy binding from now on
He’s one of the ones I usually headcanon as transmasc so I imagine he can understand it lmao
tries to explain that he’s worried but also he’s a fuckin’ tsundere and doesn’t know how to properly express his concern
“It’s not like I care but ya shouldn’t bind so long! You’re a human and your body can’t handle that much bindin’!”
If you have a smaller build than him, he’ll let you borrow any of his clothes that are baggy on you
will definitely buy you whatever you need no matter what though. He will go bankrupt for you (please don’t encourage this)
You will not hear the end of it if he finds out you exercised in a binder (without sizing up)
Another one I usually headcanon as transmasc lmao
he has so many hoodies, just take them when your binding time for the day is up. He will not understand why you’d want his hoodie though, he’s a yucky otaku! Another grim in the “self-deprecating comment” jar
He’s a bit too afraid to confront you about it because he doesn’t want it to somehow sound like he doesn’t like you binding in general??? He’s so anxious please
Ends up stammering about how he doesn’t want you to break your ribs by binding too long or accidentally falling asleep in it
He just cares a lot
I headcanon him as transmasc non-binary/demiboy so um
like Lucifer, he scolds you out of concern
reminds you that it will make complications in your health if you bind too long or without breaks!
reminds you to cough after binding to loosen any built up liquid in your lungs
he will offer any of his sweaters if you want to wear them for comfort/to mask your chest shape
he really tries to be nice but your health is super important! Might get a little agitated if you repeatedly do unhealthy binding
assures you that you’re still very masculine when you need to stop binding for the day and he doesn’t see you as anything but the gender you are
will help you find the best sports bras and baggy clothes to help you feel better about things
(Also probably makes sure you have more than one binder because of all the sweat/grime buildup that will happen if you don’t wash them enough)
Frequently reminds you to take breaks and always makes sure you coughed after taking it off
don’t even think about unhealthy binding habits with Asmo around!
probably doesn’t even notice until the others mention it to him
Then he makes sure to watch out for it a lot more
he’ll notice without being tipped off if you exercise with him because??? Why are you struggling to breathe so much??
he’s very gentle about it
If you’re smaller than Beel, he definitely won’t mind you using his clothes that are baggy on you
Makes sure you take breaks and reminds you to cough after binding
He’s kind of indifferent about it until he finds out how much it can actually hurt you
if you’re getting ready to nap together he always makes sure your binder is off
will help you bundle up in a hoodie, sometimes even with a bunch of big blankets too if you want
Lord Diavolo❣️
he’s so clueless lol
probably has to be told by one of the brothers that you have a habit of binding unhealthily
he does his own research on how to properly ensure you’re careful, but most of the time he just asks how long you’ve been binding for since he doesn’t want to be mean
once he’s more comfortable he’ll be a bit more strict about you taking breaks and not exerting yourself while you’re binding
like Asmo, just don’t even try
you’re a minute over the eight hour limit? here’s a sports bra, go change
you haven’t taken a break yet? Go take one
Did you remember to cough after taking your binder off? No? Cough right now. He wants to see you do it.
You’re sick and have a binder on!? Go take it off right now!
he’s strict about it but as soon as you ask if he has any clothes you could borrow he’s all pink in the face and muttering about “why would you want my clothes? I’m not all that interesting. If you insist.” You make him put a Grimm in his “self-deprecating comment” jar.
he just wants you to not break your ribs or hurt yourself somehow but he also doesn’t want to hurt your feelings
comes prepared with a hoodie before he tells you to change
will bury you in blankets if you want
if you’re particularly upset for whatever reason that day he’ll do his frickin best to help you mask your chest shape
reminds you to cough when you take it off
often asks about how your chest is feeling in case you need to take it off
yet another I headcanon as transmasc
he is a bit more lenient since he’s a human himself but he won’t let you get away with too much
reminds you to cough when taking it off, to take breaks, when your time will be up
he’s nice about it but if you fight him he will get a bit frustrated
He knows it’s only ‘cause you want to be comfortable with yourself a bit longer, so he manages to not be upset with you lol
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otakusheep15 · 2 years
Obey Me Sexuality HCs
I’ve already done the gender hcs, so why not do sexuality (and romance) hcs. And remember, this is all just my opinion, so there’s no need to start a fight if you disagree lol. 
Lucifer: Bisexual demiromantic 
He has an easier time hooking up with people and then just brushing them off the next morning. It’s super rare that he actually feels a genuinely romantic connection with someone. When he does find that connection, it confuses him and he can’t differ that feeling from his other desires, so it takes him a while to get used to it. In terms of preference, he doesn’t really have one, especially romance-wise. 
Mammon: Pansexual panromantic 
Same sexual attraction as his romantic attraction. He’s still a major disaster though. Constant pan panic every time he sees someone even remotely attractive. He identifies with the pansexual label the most, but he will admit that he does have a slight preference for non-binary and gender non-conforming individuals. Something about them is just so cool to him. But it’s only a very small preference he didn’t realize until very late into life. 
Leviathan: Asexual grey-romantic 
However, he’s a very sex positive asexual. He does enjoy the pleasure of sexual experiences,  he just doesn’t feel sexually attracted to real individuals. And as for romance, he doesn’t particularly care for it. He’s fallen in love with 3D individuals once or twice, but never that often. It also has a lot to do with his shut-in nature. He’s just too shy to go out and make connections with others. In general, he just prefers his 2D characters. 
Satan: Demisexual demiromantic 
Another one who’s sexual and romantic attraction match up. He’s just never had much of a need for any kind of relationship, sexual or romantic. He much prefers platonic relationships. Not to mention, he doesn’t have much time for those types of relationships. They just feel like a burden to him most of the time. However, there’s always that one-in-a-blue-moon individual that changes his mind real quick. 
Asmodeus: Omnisexual demiromantic 
As is obvious, he loves sex, and he feels sexual attraction very easily. However, he very rarely feels a connection beyond that. In fact, he finds he only really feels romantic attraction towards those he’s very close to, like Solomon. He actually does have a preference for more male/male-presenting individuals, both romantically and sexually, but he’s honestly up for anything. 
Beelzebub: Grey-asexual panromantic 
Genuinely has no preference towards gender in the slightest, especially in the romantic sense. In terms of sexuality, he’s just never really felt a need for it. He supposes he enjoys it every now and again, but he rarely ever craves it. In fact, he’s only ever felt any serious cravings for sex when he was with serious and long-term partners. Back to romance, he doesn’t really seek that out either, but he’s not as opposed to it as sex. 
Belphegor: Asexual demiromantic 
He doesn’t really mind having sex, but he’s never been one to initiate it. If he just so happens to have a partner who wants sex, he’ll indulge them if he’s in the right mood. Speaking of partners, he’s also never been that interested in having one, but there have been a couple of times where’s he’s wanted to date someone. However, he only has those feelings towards people he’s close to and trusts a lot, meaning it’s usually close friends. 
Diavolo: Homosexual panromantic 
(this is definitely going to offend at least one person lol) So, he feels romantic attraction towards anyone of any gender. It does not matter to him. However, he only feels a sexual attraction towards those who identify as men/more masc-presenting people. He can’t explain it, I can’t explain it, but that’s just how it is for him. Oh, him and Lucifer have totally done it before btw. 
Barbatos: Asexual aromantic
So, like, let’s be real here. As much as we’re all in love with him, him being aroace just makes sense. His main focus is his work and taking care of Diavolo. And that job takes up basically all of his time. Plus, he doesn’t seem like he’d be all that interested in relationships if not for the fact that he’s in an otome game. 
Simeon: Asexual panromantic 
And before you ask, no, I did not make him asexual just because he’s an angel. Personally, I just can’t see him being sexually attracted to anyone. Would he consider having sex with a partner if they asked? Of course. But it’s more for them than for him. And in terms of romance, gender/gender presentation doesn’t mean anything to him. He looks more for personality. 
Solomon: Bisexual demiromantic 
He probably has slept around with a lot of different people. It was most likely as a coping mechanism because he felt lonely, but he still did it. It’s rare that he’s felt any romantic attraction towards someone because he doesn’t want to go through that burden of losing someone to their own mortality. He sort of just sleeps with whoever he finds and then leaves the next morning. (then he met Asmo and barbs and now they are all dating) 
Bonus Luke: Questioning
He’s still a kid, and so he’s still trying to figure stuff out. Yes, I know children (myself included) can and sometimes do know what they are from a young age, but he doesn’t. No one ever really taught him about this sort of thing, so he’s never had the chance to think about it. But coming down to the Devildom and seeing all of these different types of orientations made him realize there are options. 
Also, all of the non-Lukes are poly and/or open to poly. I may or may not expand on that later, but who knows? I sure don’t lol. 
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helloooooo!! can i request some headcanons for the demon brothers with a MC that is Non Binary but is afab and insecure about being afab and doesnt feel like they are Non Binary. platonic or romantic either one is fine. thank you. also Jaehee is a Queen period.
I haven’t had Mystic Messenger installed on my phone for like a year and this blog is mostly, if not exclusively Obey Me rn, but I refuse to change my url because it remains true. Jaehee is the best and deserves the world <3
Also don’t mind me casually throwing in some Devildom/Celestial Realm gender headcanons as an intro~
Warnings: Mentions of gender dysphoria, internalized transphobia, insecurity gang rise up. I’ll try and keep it more general since this is meant to be a comfort/fluff piece.
The Brothers With an Insecure (AFAB) Nonbinary MC
As a whole, the Devildom doesn’t really do traditional gender. The variety in demons’ and fallen angels’ appearances makes for such a diversity of body types that markers of femininity and masculinity are easier to disregard. It’s commonplace to provide one’s pronouns along with their name when meeting someone new, and any changes in a demon’s presentation are noted with little more fanfare than a new haircut.
Even angels don’t really get preoccupied with gender: in fact, as MC discovered one day while talking with Luke and Simeon, most barely grasp the concept of what a gender is. Simeon had mentioned that this occasionally resulted in him forgetting the genders of his characters, resulting in TSL being extremely popular among transgender and nonbinary fandom communities.
But MC is not from the Devildom, nor are they from the Celestial Realm. They’re from the human world, with its reductive views on bodies, presentation, and identity. A year in the Devildom can’t erase a lifetime of cissexism.
Some days, it wears on them more than others.
Lucifer is always aware when MC’s self image starts wavering
As someone who has fought tooth and nail to remain true to himself, he understands the struggle of facing resistance to this
But the idea of it coming from within is somewhat foreign to him
Nonetheless, he’ll do anything within his power to make MC feel better
Will calmly, but firmly assert that MC is the only one who can determine their identity
It’s not about how they were born or raised, but who they know themself to be deep down
If it’s their gender dysphoria making them feel invalid, he’ll try and minimize it however he can
Need a different RAD uniform? No problem. Worried about being perceived a certain way? Anyone who stares at MC for too long or even dares to make a comment about their presentation is getting the Lucifer Death Glare.
Physical/body dysphoria? The Devildom has tons of temporary and permanent solutions for that, they can try whatever they’d like
It is vital for the success of the exchange program that all the students feel comfortable and well-accommodated
Also MC is very dear to him and he hates to see them suffering
As soon as he notices MC is upset, he is READY TO FITE
Who’s been messing with them?!
What? They don’t feel like they’re really nonbinary? Are they questioning again, or—
Oh. Oh…
Well that’s stupid! What do you mean you don’t “look nonbinary”?! What’s there to look like? Humans are so weird about this stuff, look: you want to know what someone’s deal is, you ask! And their answer? That’s it! End of story, there ya go!
It’s not so simple in the human world, MC tries to explain
Mammon huffs and mumbles something about how it should be, but he can see this avenue isn’t making MC feel better
It seems whatever junk ideas the human world has about gender really gets into people’s heads…
Well, whenever Mammon wants to take his mind off of something, he opts for something exciting! Hitting the casino, making new plans that’ll definitely work this time, maybe even try and pull a prank on one of his brothers…?
But if MC just wants to cuddle and watch some mindless TV or play video games he doesn’t mind doing that either…
Levi knows, without fault, every single TSL characters’ pronouns and identities, if and how they change through the series, and between different media adaptations
He can (and will) list all the nonbinary characters like a gender Pokemon Rap, with special attention on those who match MC’s presentation and/or AGAB
(Not that AGAB is essential or even always available information, but dysphoria is not a rational creature, and Levi is very familiar with irrational emotions)
Would MC say that any of these characters aren’t really nonbinary because of how they look or how they started out? Then why are they any different?
But if something about their appearance is really bothering them, he might have a solution
Well, sort of
Crossplayers use all sorts of techniques to masculinize or feminize their appearance when necessary, and Levi’s pretty familiar with most of them
So if MC wants to try some out to see if it makes them feel more comfortable, he wouldn’t mind showing them! You know… if they’re… interested…
Also double-checks to make sure it’s okay that he calls them his “Henry” and assures them that it’s about the character’s role and personality, and not some sort of gender-based comparison
Unless... they like the comparison? andwouldliketocosplayasHenrytohisLordofShadows??
Who said this to you, MC.
Names. Now.
Boy gets frothing mad when MC explains it’s a societal and cultural problem, not an individual one, that fuels their insecurity.
If they don’t want to hear an hour long rant about the rich history of human gender expression and identity, they need to cut him off fast
If he could maim the concept of transphobia, he would
But alas, this is not a problem that can be solved (entirely) with violence
So he has to find other ways to show his support
Ask him about any notable trans, nonbinary, or otherwise gender nonconforming figures from human or demon history. He’ll happily tell MC all about them.
But, at the end of the day? In his opinion, there’s one person that shines above the rest
Someone who braved the longest odds, who persisted against the fiercest enemies and even turned them into their closest friends
Who saw others at their worst and sought to bring out the best in them…
*stage whispers* He’s talking about you
If there’s anyone who’s going to believe in the right to self determination and the irrelevance of your origins to your present identity, it’s Satan
And if anyone ever does try to tell MC that their doubts about themself are true?
Just give him their name and don’t ask questions
So they’re worried about being too feminine? Is there such a thing?
If that’s the case, they can be “too feminine” together
Asmo’s gender nonconformity has earned him praise all throughout his life, so the idea of being ashamed of such a thing is alien to him
But he does know what it’s like to have an audience who expects a specific image from you
And the fear of disappointing them
But gender isn’t a performance
Well, it is, sometimes, poor choice of words: but it’s a performance for you
Asmo presents the way he does because it’s what makes him happy, same with the rest of the brothers
MC shouldn’t be any different
If they’re looking for a more masculine wardrobe or just want a change of pace, he’ll happily help them find clothes that make them feel more comfortable, but his main concern is that they know they’re free to wear what they’d like, act how they’d like, and it doesn’t change who they are
Whatever image they want to make of themself, he can get them there, but only if it’s because they want it, not because it’s what they think they’re supposed to be like, okay?
When MC first confesses to Beel that they feel like they’re not really nonbinary because of their body, he kinda looks around and gestures as if to say “really? Down here?”
Has MC ever noticed that RAD doesn’t have gendered sports teams?
Yeah, if they separated people by something as irrelevant as gender or Diavolo forbid, sex, people would get seriously injured or worse
There are so many ways to be a man or a woman or a nonbinary person, and they’re not always what you’d expect
Some of Beel’s best teammates and scariest opponents look and act nothing like you’d expect them to
If they’re feeling disconnected from their body, Beel is totally down to work out with them, keep them grounded in all the good their body does for them and that they can do for it
And yes, also the good food their body lets them experience
He also definitely reaches out and gives their hand a lil squeeze if he ever notices them feeling down while they’re out together
He cares for them a lot and just wants them to be happy at the end of the day
Oh yeah, that’s one of the stupidest things about the human world
Belphie remembers being mistaken for a woman a lot when he used to visit the human world, and how confused he was when people got into such a tizzy over his gender
Why waste all that energy on something that doesn’t matter? If you must know, just ask the person and be done with it
It doesn’t matter what they look like
MC is MC
If they say they’re nonbinary, that’s good enough for him
If they don’t want to be touched, especially in certain places tiddy pillow naps, he might get pouty, but he’s all bark and no bite, he’ll respect their wishes
His approach to making MC feel better is more geared towards normalizing their identity
If he accepts it as a fact, then maybe they’ll catch on that people will respect them if they know what’s good for them?
Also, if they hear him mumbling about correct pronouns and punching transphobes in his sleep… No they didn’t. He’s not dreaming about them, he swears...
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jonbinary · 3 years
Sees you have headcanons for gender in the devildom/celestial relm. My eyes do the anime glasses thing dispite not wearing glasses.
YES YES thank you for asking abt this uhhh i have been dying to post something about it but i wasn't sure if other people would be interested ? since it's fairly niche but uhh apparently you would >.>
under the cut so as not to utterly flood people's dashes with my ramblings but! click if you'd like some unnecessarily in-depth discussion of 1) how the different realms in obey me deal with gender/gender identity and 2) my personal gender headcanons for the obey me characters. this is mostly pieced together from one night when i went all pepe silvia in discord but hopefully its now somewhat digestible. thanks for your patience! 
ok so first of all: all three realms interpret and approach gender differently. i don’t think any of them are inherently wrong or bad, it’s just unique ways of viewing the same concept. i prefer the devildom way of looking at it but to each their own :] it maybe goes w/o saying but trans people are supported in every realm, no matter how they view gender !
obviously, the human realm in the om! universe views gender pretty similarly to how our world does. this is sort of like our baseline, where humans generally view gender on a male/female binary. (tho i do like to think that this version of earth is more welcoming to nonbinary and trans people, just cuz i do like a bit of escapism <3)
ultimately gender in the human realm is the most simplified version we will see. i actually have a small headcanon that MC, regardless of gender, is referred to with they/them because this simple gender structure doesn’t translate over well to the other realms
with that in mind, we can talk about how the celestial realm views gender. this gets into the whole ‘what is the gender of angels/god’ which is probably outside my expertise to talk about, but i will anyway! 
the celestial realm views gender as, ultimately, unimportant. what matters about a person is who they are, like one’s willingness to help others. most of the angels present masculine and use he/him, as in the image of their Father. there are some who choose to use she or they or present feminine (or any combo of pronouns/presentation), but they arent necessarily ‘boy’ angels and ‘girl’ angels. 
it’s basically like this:
so what are you?
i’m an angel!
no, i mean, what’s your gender?
i’m a messenger of our Father
ugh, that’s not what i meant. what’s in your pants?
oh, so that’s where my halo went!
transitioning, for lack of a better term here, is pretty rare in the celestial realm, but it does happen occasionally. michael will update the records with their new name if they so choose, and celebrations are thrown heavenwide in honor of the angel!
now, on the flip side, the devildom almost...reveres gender? since they’re the polar opposite of the celestial realm, demons tend to hold gender up into the spotlight instead of rejecting it. this is why we see so many demons presenting as men but having feminine aspects (like asmodeus wearing pink off the shoulder tops or the demons’ painted nails). 
for angels who Fall, this difference can be very jarring and hard to deal with when they become demons. expression is important in demon culture! while angels see all others as made in their Father’s image, demons emphasize the things that make them different from one another. fluidity of identity is particularly celebrated!
now here’s the fun part, which is how i interpret these characters! feel free to let me know your own headcanons, i love seeing how others view the same characters :] 
LUCIFER: sure, he’s a demon now, but he still somewhat aligns with the celestial view of gender. to him, a person’s character is much more important than how they label themself. he’s just...lucifer. (agender man, he/him) 
MAMMON: has always considered himself a man! one of the rare instances of someone transitioning in the celestial realm. lucifer helped him pick his name :] (trans man, he/him)
LEVIATHAN: levi my beloved <3 ive shared some headcanons on levi’s gender in this post, as well as in the tags of this post. i think he really likes the freedom of demonic gender identity, and is very fluid (genderfluid, he/she/they/it)
SATAN: looooves fucking with gender, particularly if it irritates lucifer. he’s read a ton of gender theory and would love to have discussions about human gender with MC if they want. feels a connection to masculinity, but not to actually being a man (transmasculine, he/they)
ASMODEUS: loves fucking with gender even more than satan does. had gender with your mom last night ;) super gender non conforming, though most of the time you can’t even figure out what gender he is! basically the definition of ‘gender is a performance’ (nonbinary, he/she)
BEELZEBUB: probably doesn’t think too much about his gender. he was told he was a man so he just kind of goes with it. it’s really important to him to align with a healthy form of masculinity! doesn’t seek out pronouns beyond he/him, but wouldn’t mind she/her or they/them (nonbinary man, pronoun indifferent)
BELPHEGOR: similarly to beel, probably doesn’t think too much about his gender. he knows he enjoys being a brother and a twin, but doesn’t care much beyond that. he used to ascribe pretty heavily to celestial gender theory, but after Falling he’s shifted from gender apathy to like. seeing that feeling as his gender identity itself (agender man, he/him)
DIAVOLO: literally just a guy. like hes just a dude but in a slightly fucked up demon way (nonbinary man, he/him) 
BARBATOS: literally look me in the eyes and tell me this dude isn��t a he/they.  he’s not a man, he’s a butler (agender, he/they)
SIMEON: really subscribes to the celestial view of gender/believes that who you are in other people’s eyes is just as important as who you are in your own! doesn’t really identify w gender in any way since angels don’t technically have a binary to deviate from, but in human terms he is (nonbinary, mainly he/him but she/her ok too)
LUKE: also transitioned in the celestial realm! the brothers tease him, but if anybody misgenders the chihuahua, they should be prepared to eat shit (trans boy, he/him)
SOLOMON: started out as a sorcerer while trying to alchemize testosterone. he’s been living as a man so long that sometimes he forgets he’s trans in the first place (trans man, mainly he/him and occasionally they/them)
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rose-lord-of-simps · 3 years
Obey Me Masterlist!
I felt it was time to make one! made 1/9/21
Updated 3/14/21
I also have blogs for: Mystic Medsenger, The Arcana (feel free to ask for those links!)
Obey me!
All characters included!
Female obey me character headcannons!
Fluff! Not an x reader! All characters included!
Exactly what it sounds like!
Female Oney Me Quotes!
Some swearing! Quote head cannons! Not an x reader! All characters included!
Quotes from the obey me sisters! I know it says Oney me, it’s a typo I make often and I thought it was funny so I left it!
Obey Me Brothers Playing Monopoly HC
Not an x reader! Fluff!
The brothers and new datables playing monopoly!
Obey Me Sisters Reacting to Puppy Eyes HC!
Female obey me brothers! Head Cannons! X reader! GN reader!
You give the sisters puppy eyes! Who cracks first and who is immune?
You become Little Misfortune reaction HC!
Platonic x reader! Some swearing! GN reader!
Obey me brothers reaction to you becoming a child like Little Misfortune! Little Misfortune is the name of the game from this request, the reader is Gender Neutral!
The Obey Me Women Asking for Cuddles HC!
X reader! Luke included, she is platonic x reader. GN reader! Fluff! Head cannons!
The obey me women want cuddles, here’s how they ask!
Obey Me in Winter!
Semi x reader! Gn Reader! Fluff! Head cannons! Female obey me characters!
The obey me ladies favorite parts of winter!
Obey Me Brothers in winter!
Male version of the one directly above!
Gimmie Snuggles
Fluff! Characters are male! A one shot technically?!
Imagine you have a bad day and on your way back to the HoL you see all of your favorite people who want to do nothing but support you.
The Obey Me Women on Valentine’s Day
Fluff! X Reader! GN reader! Head Cannons!
Head cannons of the obey me women on Valentines! Including Luke, on Palentines!
Obey Me Men and Piercings HC
Head Cannons! Not and X Reader! Luke excluded!
Head cannons of what kind of piercings the obey me men would get/have! (Luke is not included in this one because I feel like he’s too much of a goody two shoes to get a piercing, maybe clip on earrings)
What the Obey Me Brothers go to Each Other for Advice About
Fluff mostly! Not an x reader!
Head cannons of what kind of advice the obey me brothers would ask each other for!
OM! Brothers with a SO with trust issues falling asleep on them!
Fluff! X reader! Head cannons!
Head cannons of the brothers’ reactions to a SO who falls asleep on them for the first time
Lay All Your Love On Me - Brothers
Sfw! X reader! Gender neutral reader! Uh brief mentions of cheating and not great past partners!
Dia lets you go back to the human world briefly while on break. What happens when you run to your favorite brother after discovering your ex had been cheating on you and they find out none of your past relationships had been that great?
How the Obey Me Sister Kiss you Goodnight
Fluff! X reader! Gender neutral reader! Head cannons!
Head cannons of where and how the obey me sisters kiss you good night!
The OM Brothers with and Asexual MC!
Fluff! Romantic and platonic! Gender neutral reader! Both romantic and platonic! Mentions of hypothetical homophobia and talk of sex but nothing explicit and technically SFW I think.
Head cannons of the brothers with an asexual MC!
💙 Lucifer
Lucifer playing piano HC
Semi x reader! GN reader! Fluff mostly!
Just HC of Luci playing piano
Diavolo x MC x Lucifer 1
X reader! GN reader! Fluff!
Dialuci x reader! Mostly of when they both realized they both liked you
Diavolo x MC x Lucifer
Dialuci x reader! GN Reader! Poly! Fluff!
First date with Dialuci head cannons!
Female Lucifer cuddle cannons!
X reader! GN reader! Fluff!
Cuddle head cannons with Female Lucifer! Luci!
A Dialuci holiday! HC?
Dialuci! Fluff! Not an x reader!
Dialuci only want one thing for Christmas. This is written in head cannon form!
Fem Lucy Saying I Love You HC
Fluff! X reader! GN Reader! Female Lucifer!
Head cannons of you and Lucy saying the L word!
Red Strings are Never Wrong Part 2
Not an x reader! Dialuci! Soul mate AU! Red strings!
Everyone has a red string that leads to their soul mate. Even Angels and Demons. But how is Asmodeous supposed to guide his oblivious-to-his-own-feelings brother to his very own soul mate?
Lucy Loves Lipstick!
Gn reader! Female Lucy! Fluff!
Lucy only ever wears red lipstick. And there is always a reason.
Goodnight Kisses.
GN reader! Female Lucy! Fluff! X reader!
Lucy has a long day and wants to give you a proper goodnight kiss.
💛 Mammon
Mammon plays guitar HC
X reader! GN reader! Fluff!
Just head cannons about Mammon playing guitar!
Female! Mammon HC
Female Mammon! Head cannons! Fluff!
I love Mammon so more head cannons of Fem Mammon!
Female! Mammon Comfort Cannon!
Female Mammon! Head cannons! Comfort fluff!
Bad day? This is how Mammon comforts you!
Female Mammon saying I Love You HC!
Female Mammon! X reader! GN reader! Fluff! One swear word!
Head cannons of Mammon telling you she loves you for the first time and beyond!
Female Mammon Cuddle Cannons!
GN reader! X reader! Female Mammon! Fluff!
Just some cuddle head cannons (cuddle cannons) with female Mammon!
Mammon x GN reader! Platonic or Romantic! Fluff!
Imagine naps and late night chats with Mammon.
Mammon Loves You.
Mammon x GN Reader! Fluff! Possibly could be platonic?
You make mammon feel loved, and he wants to make you feel loved.
Mammon is the Best Friend.
GN reader! X reader! Fluff at first but becomes angst.
Mammon is a great best friend. He just wants you to be happy.
Mammon Knows.
GN reader! X reader! SADDNESS! Not fluff. Reader is actually with Beel.
Mammon knows how he feels about you. And he knows how Beel feels about you. So do all his brothers.
I Wanna Boi
Male Reader! X reader!
Warning: swearing and sexual themes
Song fic - I Wanna Boi by PWR BTTM
Mammon wants his boyfriend.
Mammon Angst HC!
Kind of X reader? Angst!
Head cannons I have of mammon that are angsty!
Mammon’s reaction to receiving nice words from his brothers and MC!
Partial x reader! Fluff!
Head cannons of Mammon’s reaction when one of his brothers says something nice to him!
Mammon Angst Head Cannons 2
Not an x reader! Angst! Wanting: mentions of running away and game spoilers
More angsty mammon head cannons
Mammon Angst Head Cannons 2.5
Warning: mentions of possible transphobia
When Mammon Finally Snapped.
Warnings: swearing and light gore (not a lot, just slight blood but nothing detailed)
Mammon has been put down by his brothers for so long that when they finally cared, he snapped.
We’re all touch starved!
Fluff! GN reader! Can be read as platonic or romantic!
When both you and Mammon are touch starved, cuddles ensue.
Mammon Thirst Part 1
NSFW! Head cannons! Kind of X reader? NO SPECIFIC GENDER MENTIONED.
I love him so much I’ll probably thirst for him a lot more but here are a few of my favorite thirst head cannons
🧡 Leviathan
Levy saying I Love You HC!
Female Levi! Gender neutral reader! X reader! Fluff!
Head cannons of Levy telling you she loves you!
Comfort Coco 1 Part 2
GN Reader! X reader! Comfort fluff! Trigger warning! Mention and small talk of depressing voices in head and some self deprecating thoughts! Spoiler warning! If you don’t know what the TSL Trivia thing is in the obey me plot line then there is a small spoiler for it in here but it’s one line and never mentioned again.
MC is passionate about two things. Other people’s comfort. And hot coco. So what happens when a certain Avatar of Envy sees them make coco for everyone but him.
5 Times Mammon Interupted Levy. 1 Time she Didn’t.
X reader! NSFW! GN reader! NOT PURE SMUT! Comedy piece!
Mammon has Interupted Levy too many times. But eventually she learns. Note: um- this isn’t smut and the x reader part doesn’t come until part 3 I think. (All parts are in this one chapter.)
Levi and WAP
Kind of an X reader! Comedy! Crack piece!
Warning: swearing and kinda cringe worthy.
When Asmo and you play WAP but Levi knows the timing for E-Girls are Ruining my Life.
💚 Satan
Santana Saying I Love You HC!
Female Satan! X reader! Gender neutral reader! Fluff!
Head cannons of Santana saying she loves you!
I knew.
Female Satan x Reader! Gender Neutral Reader! Fluff!
You knew Santana would never let you go.
Satan Going to Lucifer for Advice
What happens when Satan goes to his big brother Lucifer for love advice?
Satan is Daddy Issues 3.0?
Warning: spoilers for Satan’s origins.
My “I’ve lost concept of time” thoughts 1, Satan edition!
💖 Asmodeous
Non-binary Asmo HC!
Fluff technically! not an x reader!
Just a short head cannon of Asmo being NB!
Asmo Saying I Love You HC!
Female Asmodeous! X reader! GN Reader! Fluff!
Head cannons of Asmodeous saying she loves you!
Asmo Headcannons!
Head cannons! Not x reader!
General asmo head cannons I have for his birthday!
❤️ Beelzebub
Beel pocky game HC!
X reader! GN reader! Fluff! Short
Exactly what the title says
Beel saying I Love You HC!
X reader! GN Reader! Fluff! Female Beel!
Head cannons of Fem Beel telling you she loves you!
💜 Belphegor
Female Belphie Pocky Game HC!
X reader! GN Reader! Short Head cannons! Fluff!
You and Belphie play the pocky game! This ones short.
Female Belphie Saying I Love You HC!
X reader! GN reader! Head cannons! Female Belphie! Fluff!
Belphie tells you she loves you!
👑 Diavolo
Dia x MC x Lucifer
Head cannons! GN MC! Poly! Fluff!
Dialuci x you! Head cannons, mostly of when they both realized they liked you
Dia x MC x Lucifer part 2
Head cannons! GN MC! Poly! Fluff!
First date with Dialuci head cannons!
Dialuci HC!
Dialuci ship! Fluff!
Just Dialuci, not an x reader, cute little head cannons of them as a couple
A Dialuci Holiday! HC?
Fluff! Dialuci! Not an x reader!
Dialuci only want one thing for Christmas. Written in Head Cannon form!
Dede Saying I Love You HC!
GN Reader! X reader! Female Diavolo! Fluff! Head cannons!
Dede tells you she loves you head cannons!
Red Strings are Never Wrong Part 2
Not an x reader! Dialuci! Red string AU!
Everyone has a red string that leads to their soul mate. Even Angels and Demons. But how is Asmodeous supposed to guide his oblivious-to-his-own-feelings brother to his very own soul mate?
Dia’s Attempt at Bonding HC
Not an x reader! Dialuci! Fluff!
Lucifer’s family is important to him and Dia knows this. So naturally, Dia wants Lucifer’s brothers to like him. So he tries to bonde with them!
Who taught Dia to make Paper Planes?
Fluff! Head Cannon!
Just a small head cannon of who taught Dia to make a paper plane! Feel free to leave your own Head Cannon in the comments or in a reblog, whatever you want!
Platonic Protective Dia!
Fluff! Head cannons! Platonic x reader! Gender Neutral reader!
Head cannons of your best friend Diavolo being protective of you!
🌹 Barbatos
Barbara Saying I Love You HC!
X reader! GN Reader! Fluff! Female Barbaros!
Barbara telling you she loves you head cannons!
Don’t tell DeDe!
X reader! GN reader! Fluff! Female Barbatos!
You got into shenanigans. Again.
🌹100 Followers Special!✨
Barbs x MC x Solomon! Poly! GN reader! Fluff!
For 100 followers here is the entire fluff alphabet with our favorite shady wizard and one hell of a butler who are both in love with you and each other!
Barbatos Cuddle Cannons
X Reader! Gender Neutral Reader! Fluff!
Just some head cannons of cuddling Barbatos!
✨ Solomon
Sabrina Saying I Love You HC!
Female Solomon! X Reader! GN Reader! Fluff!
Sabrina the witch telling you she loves you head cannons!
🌹100 Followers Special!✨
Solomon x MC x Babrbatos! Poly! GN reader! Fluff!
For 100 followers here is the entire fluff alphabet with our favorite shady wizard and one hell of a butler who are both in love with you and each other!
🕊 Simeon
Simone Saying I Love You HC!
Female Simeon! X reader! GN Reader! Fluff!
Simone tells you she loves you.
🧸 Luke
Luke coming out HC
Comes out to the reader! Platonic! GN reader! Kinda sad! Trigger warning? Unsure if this counts? Internalized homophobia trigger warning! (No one is mean to him for being gay.)
Head cannons of Luke coming out as gay to the reader
Luke coming out to Simeon HC
Kind of sad! Trigger warning: it’s kind of sad but! Nothing bad happens, no words are thrown just Luke being scared to come out to Simeon.
Luke comes out to Simeon!
Luke Winning a Fight HC!
Not an x reader! Not angst but not quite fluff? A little fluff? Fluff!
Luke wins a fight! What’s everyone’s reactions? Head cannons!
Luke Having a Crush HC!
Platonic x reader! Fluff!
Luke has a crush on a cute demon boy and tries to keep you and Solomon from realizing.
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catwithangerissues · 3 years
Hi I'd really like a matchup if they're still open! I'm a 5'4" ish, Leo, INFP, and Hufflepuff, I am nonbinary(afab) as well and I use they/them. I have short, fluffy dark brown hair and tanner skin, and I have dark brown eyes and glasses. Some of my favorite things are fantasy novels, frogs, kpop, and cacti. I own 7 cacti and they all have names (Frederick, Steven, Allison, Lil Timmy, Beelzebub, Fresca, and Beyblade) but I'm hoping to get many more in the future. I work as a cake decorator at a small bakery in my hometown. I love to draw and paint but my preferred art medium is charcoal. I've played euphonium/baritone since I was 10 (so for a long time) and I've been singing for about 12 years now and I love it. I do have pretty bad anxiety and depression at times and have a really hard time opening up. I can be pretty excitable and I have pretty much no filter, I am full of useless information and I tend to talk a lot, especially if someone with let me ramble on. That being said, I don't think I could date someone that has the same amount of energy as I do because it would be exhausting for me to deal with someone like me all the time. I like the idea of someone that will take care of me when I'm busy making sure everyone around me is ok. I'd love it if my partner could make me laugh when I'm feeling down and they'd need to be able to handle the mood swings I sometimes have. I hope this is good enough! (Sfw pls)
I’d match you up with...
✨USHIJIMA WAKATOSHI✨ I wrote this song to Mr Loverman by Ricky Montgomery 🥺 Please read and listen at the same time to be super emotional 😭
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-Height difference? Adorable. He’s like 6’3 and you’re 5'4"🥺 He doesn’t tease about it, mostly cause he’s not that big of a teasing person. But he’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy it. He loves to kiss the top of your head or your proportionally much smaller hands, he also enjoys your hugs a lot <3 You find him pulling you into his arms when he’s feeling needy and wants your attention<3 poor bb is touch-starved :(
-Probably isn’t familiar with non-binary at first, but he definitely doesn’t mind. He adores you for who you are :) (I’ve had people tell me before that they couldn’t get used to using my pronouns, cause they were “too hard.” Wakatoshi definitely doesn’t do that. He’s an open minded and very accepting partner<3) Even politely corrects people if they use the incorrect pronouns (please I need this🥺)
-Headcanon that he offers to clean your glasses for you when you need it🥺
-100% learns the names of all your cacti and helps take care of them. 🥺 He enjoys watching you care for them and really enjoys hearing you talk about plants or the novels you’ve been reading lately. He finds himself staring at your lips a lot when you talk, but he always listens to what you’re saying.
-He likes to visit you at work, and really enjoys looking at pictures of your creations. He once tried to bake and decorate a cake for you, but it wasn’t near as good as your are, he was kinda insecure to show you, but when he saw your face light up at the sentiment, his heart melted <3
-He absolutely loves when sing to him. It relaxes him much more than anything else could, he likes to lay next to you after a long practice and just listen to you sing whatever your heart desires. He also enjoys watching you draw, and takes pictures of your artwork so he can admire it at other times. <3
-If you play your euphonium/baritone for him he’ll absolutely smile and compliment your playing! (I play euphonium too btw!!!!)
-He’s very patient. He’s willing to wait as long as you need for you to open up, he understands how hard it can be to completely open up to someone. He tries his best to calm you down when you’re anxious, often opting for rubbing your back slowly and hugging you gently, allowing you to feel more grounded. He whispers sweet words to you and gives you soft hairline/top of head kisses.
-Like I said earlier, he’ll let you ramble for hours if it means he gets to hold you and just listen. He finds it adorable how excited you get about things that interest you.
🌱Headcanons, cute couple things, scenarios, whatever else I feel like writing lmao
-Buys you another cactus to name and raise together like it’s your child 🥺
-Buys you an anklet with both of your initials on it <3
-Sometimes visits you at work and brings you lunch or small presents <3
-Reminds you when you need to do certain things to take care of yourself, and checks on you throughout the day<3
-Dates to a pet store or shelter to play with animals? He’ll never be happier.
-Dates to the zoo or aquarium? Beach dates? Library dates? Picnic dates? He’s so down bro.
-He gives you his clothes because you look adorable in his clothes. His sweatshirts are his favorite on you<3
-Talks to Tendou about you and his future with you<3 Tendou often texts you to tell you he’s being a big softie again 🥺 Brings a smile to your face every time<3
-Gives you massages when you’ve had a stressful day🥺 Gets super happy when you repay the favor <3
-Big sucker for hand holding and domesticity with you. Cooking together, doing chores together, running errands, and whatnot. ( @almalckd iykyk) He just loves picturing a future with you<3
-Starts a plant collection of his own and has you help with coming up with names for each of them<3
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🌱Hope you enjoyed the matchup! Thank you for requesting!
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squidsy24 · 4 years
Things I've learned from reading to much Good Omens fan fics (specifically Human A/Us)
Likes cats
Probably either best friends or roommates with Madam Tracy or Miss Device
Book seller, teacher or librarian
Very much So a classic man
One of them he had a flip phone in 2020... Yeah
Never thinks Crowley likes him back
Falls in love fast
Family wealth
Claims to be named after an angel
Loves books and lives in them
Adores Crowleys cuddles
Names his plants
Sings in the car (although not when zira is there)
Has some kind of eye problem / thinks the shades make him cooler then he is
A ball of anxiety 80% of the time
Good with kids
Wild in his youth but has aged
Falls fast and doesn't want to push it
Aims to please Zira a little to much
Cuddle king
Worries he cuddles too much
Side characters
Madam Tracy/Mrs.Device
Is roommates with zira
Close with Mrs. Device/Tracy
Is the one who gets Zira to tell Crowley he loves him
(T) -pins after Shadwell ever since they meet
(A) -he and Newt get together quick and are always cute af
A co-worker
Not in it long
(N) is adorable with Device
(S) can't tell that Tracey likes him (less homophobic then you think in my opinion he doesn't care as long as they both have only 2 nipples)
Non-Binary Badass
Best friends with Crowley like always
Goes by Bee or Beelz
Short and done with your shit
Ziras Boss/Brother (occasionally ass whole ex so that's fun)
Basically the same
Minor af
Usually just partners with Gabe or Beezl
Gay? Usually not (more likely homophobic)
Can't be separated? No never
Annoy Crowley? Always
The Them
Adam seems to always be Crowley s nephew
Really just there to show the Crowley is really good with kids (because he is)
This has been my Ted talk thank you
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tarakau · 5 years
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I have been quite ill since September (actually quite a lot, and it doesn't seem like it's going away anytime soon), but I still managed to finish my Beelzebub from Good Omens cosplay on time! I'm quite happy with it, since I've always wanted to cosplay something by @neil-gaiman, who has been my most favorite author since I was a kid, and I finally had a chance to do so. Non binary, nasty looking character rocking some messy dark hair? I mean, same? I had a quite a blast. Too bad I didn't have enough time to properly play with the prostethics and make up, but oh well, it did its job anyways! And look at all the other lovely GO cosplayers!
Fun fact, the morning dress is antique and over 100 years old!
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zzzzzzir · 5 years
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repost, don’t reblog !
FULL NAME. Beelzebub NICKNAME. Beez (from me, but no, generally no nicknames) GENDER. non-binary demon HEIGHT. 152 cm AGE. 6000+ ZODIAC. Aquarius, but is unaware of it. They tried to read up on Astrology as a concept once but it made so aggressively little sense that they gave up. Equally aggressively. SPOKEN LANGUAGES. English, Latin, Hebrew, Greek, Chinese, Lithuanian, Irish Gaelic, and Persian (although not Persian that would be recognizable to anyone today)
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR. Black EYE COLOR. Light icy blue SKIN TONE.  Cave spider-pale BODY TYPE.  Smol and petite VOICE.  Intense, with a underlying background buzz from the Swarm DOMINANT HAND. Any. Both. POSTURE.  Effortless big dick-presence SCARS.  Loads TATTOOS.  None that anyone would know of BIRTHMARKS.  No MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).  no longer has feather wings but opalescent, bluebottle fly wings 
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.  Heaven HOMETOWN.  n/a SIBLINGS. all angels and demons PARENTS. Shit Mom Doing Her Best God
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.  Prince of Hell CURRENT RESIDENCE. Hell CLOSE FRIENDS. largely verse dependant, but Dagon for sure RELATIONSHIP STATUS. aggressively single FINANCIAL STATUS.  rich enough that it took them an extra century to notice currency. They still think it’s ridiculous and arbitrary compared to trade. DRIVER’S LICENSE. what? CRIMINAL RECORD.  lol no VICES. most notably Pride, Wrath, Avarice and Lust. A few more detailed ones would be port wine, nice suits, and Beelzebub being Beelzebub
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION. pan PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE. submissive | dominant | switch PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE. submissive | dominant | switch | good luck LIBIDO. er... lots? TURN ON’S.  being proven wrong. They consider it wildly kinky. TURN OFF’S.  grovelling LOVE LANGUAGE. acts of service and quality time with a side dish of gift giving. They’re absolute crap at verbal expressions of love and they’re not prone to unnecessary physical contact either - although the latter may change RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES. protective. will move heaven and hell to keep you safe while making it look like they don’t give a shit. will always help you bury the bodies if you’ve had a bad day - even if the people are still alive. will install netflix in hell for you. will debate you mercilessly until you fall backwards on to the bed and use millennia of fucked up skills to keep you there
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG. If I Burn - Emilie Autumn HOBBIES TO PASS TIME. they like biology and was in fact quite enamored with the study of life as an angel. After the Fall the interest turned into collecting, and in their little nook (well, palace) of Hell they have what can only be described as a massive museum LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED. left PHOBIAS. the possibility that all suffering and hard work has been for nothing SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.  cosmic VULNERABILITIES.  pride and whatever unlucky soul might be the object of their affection one day
tagged by : @weirdtongued - thank you! ♡
tagging : (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚YOU
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diavolosthots · 3 years
Do you do yandere? If so, and if it's alright, can you do a fic with Belphie being yandere or at least bring possessive with a female MC? Thank you much, and love you 😘
I do so yandere although here's my official disclaimer since i dont believe this is my strong suit 😅 love you too, I also kept this GN since it wouldn't really change with a male/non-binary MC and no sex is involved.
Warning: yandere, kidnapping, mild non-con (NOT NSFW, just kissing), unwanted touching, choking
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It made him laugh. You… made him laugh. How gullible you were, how easily manipulated and bent to his will, seen perfectly in how willingly you helped him get out of that attic. He won’t lie, that’s probably the moment he realized you were the one. The moment he realized you’d be the easiest target, much easier than Solomon or even Luke. In all honesty, he couldn’t help but laugh at it and if you were in his shoes, you would be laughing too. The only thing that made your cluelessness even better was the sheer fear in your eyes when he choked you that night, edging you closer to death without really meaning to; that’s what brought him true thrill. That’s what’s been getting him off and keeping him going these past few weeks. The thought of seeing that face again as you beg him not to, your body struggling in his grasp… it was far beyond the simple need to get rid of a human. It turned into a need to have you, to use you, and to scare you. He didn’t necessarily love you for you; he just loved you for the excitement you brought to him. 
It was almost too easy too. You never expected it from him. He slept, mostly, and if he didn’t sleep, he was just too lazy to do anything, so it was quite simple to hide things from you. His longing glances, you brushed them off as him simply zoning out. The days he ‘fell asleep’ on your shoulder were also just explained by his Avatar, not by his very real need to feel close to you. Even his anger directed at Mammon or Levi, or basically any other brother, was easily explained by annoyance. So where did he mess up? Beelzebub. He messed up with his twin. He snapped at the glutton when he got a little too close to you, a moment he instantly regretted in fear of blowing his cover. 
Things just weren’t the same since then, and you actually turned toward Beelzebub more, which only angered the youngest. You were his; his toy. Granted, you may not know it yet, but that’s exactly why you needed him, too, so he could show you. “(Y/N). Come with me.” Something inside of you told you against it, and you hesitated, something Belphegor quickly picked up on. “Don’t worry, I won’t bite.” “You killed me before.” it was meant as a joke; you even laughed right after, about to just follow him anyway, but he stopped, turning back around to face you. “Are you still holding that against me?” You started to shake your head, about to speak, but he interrupted once more, “I’m not like that anymore.” Lies. “I simply wanted to show you something.” Lies. He was getting angrier, agitated,... you could tell. 
“Belphie, I-!” Before you could even finish your sentence, he had grabbed you, dragging you out the House of Lamentation and down the busy Devildom streets. You struggled in his grasps, yanking at the article of clothing he had such a tight grip on, to no avail. He dragged you down several streets and alleyways, never once speaking to you until he stopped at an old abandoned shack that you weren’t quite sure anyone has used in centuries. You were thrown, quite literally, inside, onto a dusty old bed as he shut the door. For a moment, everything was pitch black and fear kicked in as your eyes tried to adjust, albeit too late so. He was sitting beside you now, quick to pull you into his lap and hold you, as if he was trying to protect you from the bad, not realizing the bad was him. 
“Belphie let me go!” “Now why would you say that? I’m simply holding you.” You shook your head, unsure of if he could even see it as you continued to struggle against his iron grip. “You’re hurting me! Why did you drag me here?” A hand, almost too soft given the circumstances, caressed over your face and you quickly turned your head, causing him to grab it firmly so he could look at you, “to have you for myself. You’re always hanging out those pesky brothers of mine… I never get to have fun with you anymore.” Something about the way he said that made you uneasy; it made a shiver run down your spine as you continued to push against him, screaming out. 
That, to him, was the best part. He laughed at you, letting his head fall back, “yes, scream. See if anyone down here would save you.” Suddenly, you were pushed back against the mattress, the dust flying up and hitting your nostrils, causing you to cough, “choking? Let me help you.” but all he did was wrap his hand around your throat like he did once before. Fear shot through you as your own hands wrapped around his arm, trying to pull him off, “don’t be like that… can’t you see I’m doing this for us?” His head dipped down and you barely registered it before his lips landed on yours. You squeezed yours together tightly as he tried to nibble on them, your body still squirming beneath his, “no… no this is just you. I don’t see you as that.”
His grip on your throat tightened as he leaned back, lifting you up by your neck and making you choke. A chuckle escaped him, “No? You’re clinging to me, holding my arm so tightly…” You wanted to protest; obviously you only did that to get him off, but he was currently cutting your air supply short. Before you knew it, your head hit the mattress again and he leaned back over you, breathing out against your lips, “Don’t lie to yourself, (Y/N). Don’t hide it any longer… “ You were confused, tears slowly forming at the corner of your eyes as thoughts raced through your mind of what he could mean; what he could do. 
His breath tickled your ear with his next words, followed by a dark chuckle, “I’m yours… just as much as you are mine. Only mine.” You wanted to scream again, but he was quick to cover your mouth with the hand that was previously around your throat, barely giving you enough time to take in a much needed breath, the tears finally falling, as your mind prayed to whatever was out there, that he wouldn’t go too far. 
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