genderqueer gwen and genderfluid merlin having a conversation about feeling out of place with societies views of gender, and finding solace in the fact they can both relate and dont feel so alone
meanwhile arthur is watching them both and proceeds to interrupt in in an arthur like manner and just rolls his eyes and says ‘yk its not all that unusual. when i went to gaius as a child, upset they everyone believed me to be a girl and that my voice wasnt low like all the other men, he gave me this magical medieval testosterone potion to make me feel better about it. he told me to never tell my father because it just wasn’t something people talked about?? Anyway im a man now.’
Gwen: arthur… there is a lot to unpack there but… join the club?!!!
Morgana: did u guys know i am a lesbian
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beaulesbian · 1 year
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Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023)
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thepunkmuppet · 1 year
yeah I relate to these characters no reason no reason
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chaos-has-theories · 4 months
Hunith leaned on her rake and watched as the car swerved into the driveway. It had barely come to a halt when the passenger door opened and Gwen climbed out. She looked tense. She was also drenched from head to toe. The hem of her jeans sagged, the rest of it looked damp and clammy. Her shirt must have dried during the drive home, but it had bits of seaweed stuck to it. Her hair was eighty percent frizz. When she saw Hunith at the fence, Gwen smiled unconvincingly, and sped towards her house just slow enough that it couldn’t be called a run. The driver’s door slammed loudly and Arthur came stomping around the car. He looked no better than Gwen: If anything, he was wetter than she had been. He didn’t even grab anything from the trunk, much less wait until he could lock the car. He just marched into the house and slammed that door behind him, too. Just as Hunith thought that scene couldn’t get any stranger, the back door opened and her son climbed out. The greeting died on her lips before it could escape. Merlin looked like a storm warning. Hunched shoulders, pursed lips, flashing eyes - oh, and he was wearing a dress. Not even a good dress. It was an oversized grey monstrosity and looked like it came from the garbage bin of a secondhand store. It was definitely not one of Hunith’s. Merlin had bunched it up at the hips in at attempt not to stumble over the long skirts, and he stomped past her and into the house with no sign that he had seen his mother at all. She could hear him all the way up the stairs, and then the slam of his bedroom door. Alright then. All the noise must have roused Gaius from his afternoon nap. He stuck his head out the door, looking exactly as bewildered as Hunith felt. „Was that Merlin?“, he asked. Hunith nodded. “And... a wig?” Another nod. „Hm.“ With a final puzzled look up the stairs, Gaius retreated to his study. Hunith turned back just in time to see Mordred clambering out like the smallest clown in the clown car. He was dry and dressed normally, but he was wearing an expression of utter defeat. With his towel held in front of him like a terrycloth shield he walked towards Hunith as if he’d much rather write a difficult math test. He dithered at the gate for a moment, and then met Hunith’s gaze only to sigh the world-weariest sigh she had ever heard. (Which was saying something. Hunith had lived with Gaius for most of her life, and would have previously named him world champion of sighing. Somehow this was still the most normal thing that had happened in the past ten minutes.) „My dads will pick me up in a few minutes“, Mordred told her morosely. „Can I wait here?“ „Of course“ Hunith hurried to say. „Do you want something to drink? Bal made cookies, if you want any. They’re in the kitchen.“ Mordred gave the door Merlin had stormed through a long, dubious look. „I think I’d rather wait out here.“ „Alright.“ Hunith watched as he settled himself on the doorstep, towel in his lap. With a deliberately casual air she picked up the shovel and continued weeding. „I probably don’t even want to know“ she said conversationally, „but what exactly happened at the lake?“ The child behind her made a noise like an upset mouse. „I don’t know“, he whined. „Merlin doesn’t tell me anything.“ Hunith looked over her shoulder to see Mordred scuff at the earth with his shoes, a frustrated expression on his face. „But I had to help Merlin put on a costume and Gwen and Arthur fell into the water and they both cried and everyone shouted and I think they broke up.“ „I see“, Hunith said faintly. That would fit with what she’d seen, but - she’d thought Gwen had broken up with Arthur a week ago? And anyway, none of this explained the costume, or really anything, but she’d decided to ignore that for now. „I’m sorry that happened. It sounds uncomfortable.“ „I’m sorry it happened too.“
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ro-ro-bbbi · 11 months
Can we talk about how if hobie is from the '70...
He defintly saw Stonewall riots
maybe in his universe they could even started in england, maybe because he strated them.
And how cool is that? He would just casually mention that he saw, or maybe even fucking started the most well known lgbt riot in the world.
And, if gwen is anything like me, as a futuristic queer kid, she would scream, ask him about it, if he is fine, how it went ecc.
Bc she been told about this big riot and how brave it was bc no fucking body would give a shit about gay rights at the time and how all the rights that she has now are possible thanks to the fight and the sacrifices that queer people did for creating the whole damn lgbt+ movement... and now she has a friend who might have been the one who started it.
Hobie ofc is always ready to rant about his riots so he tells her everything and if hobie was cool before now he is gwen's idol.
(This doesnt last forever, especially when she realizes that he is a dumb teen who makes dumb jokes just like every other spider-teen, but the respect and admiration for him would never leave, dont tell him though ((he already knows)))
Im projecting but it just has such a strong impact for me listening about queer histrory and i'll never stop complaining about the fact that in my country it isnt taught at school, and yeah... just another reason why i want to be hobie's friend (or more)... As if there werent enough reasons already.
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ophanim-vesper · 9 months
"You are hereby sentenced to witness your favorite animated tomboy characters get feminized in a future design"
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thegroundhogdidit · 9 months
val isn't a man or a woman his gender can only be described as that one time two little kids on a bus were arguing about my gender and one yelled "can't you see she's a boy!!!"
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laramarvelfan · 1 year
Just a new spiderverse AU of mine: Friend of Monsters AU!
▪Miles is a member of a monster hunter family, he doesn't like to hunt monsters bc he says "They mean no warm! You're just being rude to them!" but he has to honor his family by hunting monsters either way.
▪Gwen is a vampire, Dracula's grand-daughter to be more specific. She's the first monster Miles meets in this AU, he fell in love with her in the first place.
▪Hobie is a shapeshifter demon,they change his form constantly. It can shapeshift into people, other monsters and animals, doesn't have a limit about her powers, jokes people thru shapeshift.
▪Pavitr is a werewolf, he always sleepy even he has to be awake at full moon nights, sometimes she presents herself as feminine, but is rare to occour.
▪Margo is a enchantress/witch, they do magic and spells that normally goes wrong. REALLY clumsy in a atrocitous level,she have a crush on Peni.
▪Peni is a Harpy,a type of monster who are a mix of human and birds,a raven harpy in her case. They're really Agressive,some of Margo's spells can help him calm down for a moment, he tends to break everything who is around her.
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
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Miles Morales from the Spider-Verse movies is a bisexual guy!
He's dating Gwen Stacy, a bi straight transfeminine person!
The two are friends with Hobie and Pavitr!
Hobie Brown is a genderpunk unlabeled queer guy!
Pavitr Prabhakar is a bisexual genderqueer person!
Pavitr is dating Gayatri Singh, a bisexual girl!
They're also friends with Margo Kess, who is abrosexual and nonbinary!
dni link
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wonderbutch · 1 year
in my heart of hearts gwen stacy is transgender (transfem nonbinary/genderqueer she/they pronouns) and i KNOW THIS. plus like its coded so. AAGHGHHGHG
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moonstone-aquarius · 2 months
Being masc presenting agender is funny bc 99% of the time you're just vibing in boy mode and then once in a blue moon you identify with some rlly fem person and it's like... a reminder how it's actually just about the aesthetic. There's no gender envy, just wow I wish I could be that cool/pretty.
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justgotpunched · 1 year
Was I the only one who saw a brief glimpse of a trans flag in Gwens room in the introduction or am I just pride monthing too hard
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jeppyposting · 5 months
headcanon that gwen stacy played fritz in the nutcracker as a kid
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mercurysnotes · 1 year
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more spidey gender queer/gender void pfp
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enbeemagical · 2 years
Genderqueer for the picrews
and I hope you feel better soon!! 💜
*hugs* thanks!
Gwen, but she doesn't know it yet at the point I am in writing
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Also, a genderqueer flag picrew I did awhile ago for fun. They're not really a character but here you go anyways ^_^
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