marciabrady · 2 years
reading an adriana caselotti interview from the 80s and she mentioned how so many people love snow white and it isn't dated because snow white seems like such a "regular girl" and i think this is to say that snow white was very human and identifiable and not just a rubber cartoon character and how she credited this to the film's longevity...
only for us to find ourselves, 80 years later, with princesses that exclusively have to be supernatural. women can't just be women, they have to have snow powers or magical hair or a supernatural connection with the ocean. i think it just goes to show where all that criticism has gotten us- the standard to be a woman is raised that much more while men are encouraged to go the opposite and be more flawed so we can find them more relatable. it's funny thinking about all the grief people have toward cinderella when she has such a progressive story, while aladdin's more closely resembles people's misconceptions about cinderella but...he really doesn't face criticism ever about his choices or romantic interest or his autonomy
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dommnics · 5 days
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Finally, here’s the last villain kid of my Descendants redesigns, Jay! For his character, I imagined that Jafar implemented rougher parenting than Queen Grimhilde or Cruella, and subjected Jay to living the life of a street rat to toughen him up (I love the live action take on Jafar where he’s a social climber and started off like Aladdin as a street rat and a thief), give him the natural tools to fend for himself, and scrapping with brutes on the daily. I liked the idea that that would be where he naturally gets his athleticism and good instincts in his physicality. Any gold items and trinkets on his person are things he’s swiped from others, and unlike Carlos, because Jafar is exiled from the palace and without his genie magic, Jay hasn’t inherited any fineries for his wardrobe.
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jujumin-translates · 3 months
🌻 Summer Troupe's 11th Performance - Water me!! ~The Promise of Year 333~
"A grand adventure of the unpredictable—Three wishes clear the path to the future!"
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Tenma Sumeragi as Alibaba
Yuki Rurikawa as Scheherazade
Kazunari Miyoshi as Aladdin
Misumi Ikaruga as The Genie of the Lamp
Muku Sakisaka as Sinbad
Kumon Hyodo as The Genie of the Ring
Now happily married and living together peacefully, Alibaba and Scheherazade receive a written invitation from the Genie of the Lamp for his 333rd birthday celebration.
The invitation also mentions that it is a joyous year for the Genie, as this is the year that his contract with the Magician expires, meaning he will finally be freed from the lamp.
In the midst of the celebration, Aladdin rushes in saying that the Magician has taken his wife and palace from him.
Unable to give up on the fantastical paradise oasis, Alibaba decides to follow Aladdin on his quest to find the Magician—.
Title: Never End Wonder
Sung by: Tenma Sumeragi & Yuki Rurikawa
Lyrics, Composition, and Arrangement: Yuyoyuppe
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princess-ibri · 11 months
Darkside Disney Princesses: Jasmine
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This story features another twist in the tale with a loved one lost to the snow, this time Aladdin, who is unable to make it back to Agrabah from the frozen ends of the earth. Leaving Jasmine, the Sultan, and the people of Agrabah to the torments of Jafar.
Jafar discovers soon enough that the Genie can’t force anyone to fall in love, and Jasmine is more then willing to claw his eyes out if he tries anything.
But Jafar, more interested in seeing her humiliated, then actually possessing her in such a way, knows that while Jasmine might not be willing to be his ‘Queen’, he can still bring her low in other equally cruel ways.
He also knows she’s definitely going to be plotting to get the lamp away from him as soon as she possibly can, and wishing away all his ill gained power.
So he takes her voice.
“I’ve always thought it best that a woman should be seen and not heard, wouldn’t you agree?”
Jasmine is kept as an ornament, adorned with jewels, in mockery of her status, and kept chained to Jafar’s throne; a pretty face to be shown off to those who come to try and treat with Jafar, a warning of what could happen to their own wives and daughters should they not comply. Just as the puppet Sultan serves to show their potential fate.
And trapped by chains of steel and scilence, Jasmine seethes. Every day she stands, forced to hold Jafar’s food and wine and watch as he plays with people’s lives like toys, and every night she dreams her dreams of vengeance, of all the things she would do to him if she was free.
A possiblity that seems farther and farther away as Jafar extends his reach out into the rest of the Seven Deserts. He is the most powerful sorcerer in the world after all, why not rule it then?
There are those who fight back of course. Both mortal and magic users alike. Jafar might be the most powerful but he is far from the only one. Their magic might not be enough to overcome him, but working together they can at least hold him back for a time.
But there are also many who choose to fall in with the sorcerer king, either to try and escape his wrath, gain some of his power, or both.
Tribute pours in, gold and jewels, slaves and sacrifices. All to try and appease Jafar, to keep his capricious temper in check. Jafar of course has never been one to excercise moderation, and demands more and more. The palace is awash with treasure from across the Seven Deserts and even beyond.
And this is what eventually turns the tables.
For one day, Jafar, glutted on drink and reveling in the newest swathes of tribute, slips a ruby ring onto Jasmine’s ring finger, another mocking ‘gift’ to remind her of her fallen state.
Had he been less drunk on fine wine and stolen power, he might have noticed the tinge of magic on the ring. But he is the most powerful sorcerer in the world after all, who holds one of the cosmically powerful genies at heel, magic flows through the palace like water,who would notice a drop in an ocean?
As it happens, it is not until nightfall, when Jafar has left Jasmine alone in the darkened throne room to once more dream her dark vengeance, that the ring’s power is discovered.
Jasmine had thought herself long since grown used to Jafar’s cruelty. But today he has been particularly vile, plotting new tourtures for a city he has managed to subdue. Jasmine feels a tear course down her cheek at the memory of it, and quickly brushes it away, for she has long since learned that tears avail nothing.
But in doing so, she rubs the ring, infusing in with the tears of her sorrow.
And the ring awakens
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What pours out of it, wreathed in crimson smoke, is another genie, yet one as unlike the poor gentle souled slave of Jafar’s as can be. Eyes like burning coals, licks of fire dance across its skin, two long spiraling horns bursting from a head of flaming hair.
The genie turns it’s fiery gaze on Jasmine, taking in her shackles, both the physical ones around her wrists and ankles, and the magical one that binds her tongue.
“Oh princessss, I sssee we have both been bound by the magicsss of men. This sssorcerer has bound you, as accurssed Sssolomon sought to bind all jinn across time and ssspaccce.”
The genie’s voice is like the hissing of steam, and the crackling of flame.
“You cannot sssspeak, and ssso you cannot wisssh for your voice, your freedom, your vengeance, just as I cannot be freed from my chainsss, cannot kill—Unlesss…”
The genie reaches out to Jasmine, tracing the track of the tear that freed it from it’s ring, and steam rises up from its touch.
“There isss one thing we could do, to gain freedom for us both.”
“ Grant me the ussse of your body, your bonesss and blood and breath. And I will grant you in turn my ssstrength, my ssskill, my voiccce. I ssshall make it ssso that none can ever ssscilence you ever again. Do you accept thisss exchange, thisss bargain? You need only nod to accept…”
Jasmine stares up at the fiery being before her, at this one chance in a thousand for freedom that has come to her, through chance or destiny, she knows not what, nor does she care. For she knows that if she does not take this chance now, another may never come.
She nods.
Flames and smoke swirl around her, a whirlwind of fire, with her directly in the eye of the storm. The fire rises up and up, and then comes pouring down, a burning wave, down into her throat, scorching her from the inside as the genie burns itself into her bone marrow and blood, sinking into every space within her.
Jasmine spasms, choking, shaking, falling to the floor. For a moment she lies still as death
And then she rises, takes a breath, and rips the manacles from her wrists as if they were made from paper.
The ring on her finger glows in unison with the fire that now glows behind her eyes.
As she stalks through the palace, her steps are so silent they don’t even raise an echo—and yet she leaves the floor beneath her shattered with each step.
Jafar has long since thought himself secure within the chambers of his stolen palace, protected by the wards he’s set that should imolate any mortal who attempts to break them. Wards that the princess now walks through as though they were nothing more than spider webs.
For Jafar’s power was granted by a genie, and one greater than that being now stands above his sleeping form, one that has no fear of fire.
She reaches out with one hand towards his slumbering parrot familiar, and with the other for the lamp that sits on his bedside.
Jafar wakes to the sound of a crunch, but has less than a moment to wonder at the cause before one of the jeweled swords that he’d hung in his chambers is sinking into his heart down to the hilt.
The spells he set crumble and fall within an instant. All those ensorcelled by the mad vizier return to their original forms; the people who are brave enough rush to the palace to see who it is who has freed them; the Sultan freed from his puppet strings races to find his daughter, to see if she too is now freed from their horrid imprisonment.
He finds her sitting upon his throne, the lamp resting in her lap as she cleans a long knife, a strange ring casting a red glow upon her face as she looks up to see him.
“Father”, the princess says calmly, her voice echoing strangely around the room. “We sssee you are well. We do hope you weren’t looking too forward to taking this throne back. After all, it was you who let Jafar in at the door. And We really can’t have anything like that happening again. Rivalsss for power make things ssso complicated after all.”
She strokes the lamp as she speaks, and the blue genie pours out, looking down at the princess with utter horror, more than he’d even shown to Jafar. The princess just smiles up at him.
“Dear cousin, We hope you know this is nothing personal. It’s sssimply good business sssense. Neither of us wish to be bound again ssshould your lamp fall into the wrong hands. And ssso for our first, and final wish, We wish that you, would no longer exist.”
Reality itself seems to bend together for a moment, as the lamp in the princess’s hands crumbles into itself before crumbling into dust, the genie tied to it fading away like mist beneath the morning sun.
“And now,” the princess says, with a wide, gleaming smile “We can truly start to get to work…”
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doodle-poofes · 2 years
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More stuff for the Aladdin AU! Mostly just ideas for outfits. Max feels very out of place in the palace. Yakko, Wakko, and Dot have plans to live in a castle one day because of an old legend :3c
Also not sure if it’s been done before for this kind of au, but I added to the first wish and had Yakko wish for Genie to make him a Disney Prince(TM). So he gets a Disney Toon form! Neither Max, Wakko, or Dot recognize him in that form (at first), so shenanigans ensue
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Snow White Yuu: the story line is the same but what if when they were running to the house of the seven dwarfs they ended up finding the portal to the world of twisted wonderland and their stepmother is not the evil queen
I know it’s supposed to be Snow White!Yuu but I couldn't really specifically think of Yuu being in Snow White's shoes. So instead, this is all I could think of. I’ve always wanted to write this ever since I learnt of Twisted Wonderland.
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Descendents of the Great Seven
As it says on the title, Yuu is the descendent of one of the Great 7 (kind of). In another world, the Great 7’s actions created Twisted Wonderland but because of the butterfly effect, something quite different happened in Yuu’s world. Featuring a much more kinder (?) Great Seven.
Queen of Hearts - In here, the Cheshire Cat didn’t or couldn’t antagonize the Queen of Hearts successfully for reasons, thus not making the Queen of Hearts get angry and put Alice in trial. Since the Queen is actually kind of a decent person as long as her temper doesn't go off, Alice stayed for a lot longer in her castle and experienced new and different things. She learned to appreciate Wonderland’s madness but at the same time she never lost her own sense of reality and logic. Instead, she just made the two work together in a more balanced way. Perhaps cohabiting in the castle also made the Queen of Hearts soften up and realize that maybe ‘her way’ isn’t just the only way. She became less childish, still short-tempered though, but overall has a character development. Years later, Alice became the heir to Wonderland and eventually the next Queen of Hearts.
Scar - Honestly? Haven’t seen Lion King ever. But, for the sake of the butterfly effect, Scar intended to kill Mufasa and Simba to rule over Pride Rock but he stopped himself and instead thought it was better to guide Simba and make his nephew dependent on him. Of course, just like how I like my tropes, Scar becomes fond of Simba in a tsun-tsun way and thinks ‘his father is stupid, might as well teach him stuff so he doesn’t end up like his father and end up killing himself’. Simba soon takes over as a great leader, looking to Scar for advice whenever needed but ultimately an independent and sharp thinker just as Scar taught him to be.
Ursula - Instead of trying to trick Ariel using the loopholes in the contract, she went for a wait-and-see attitude to let Ariel see that the human prince she fell in love with at first sight isn’t as nice as he seemed to be and let the mermaid break the contract out of her violation. Of course misunderstandings and that stuff was soon bound to happen since Ariel couldn’t talk properly with the prince so she went to Ursula and decided in the heat of the moment to become a Sea Witch and help other merfolk like her. Ursula, thinking that molding and using Triton’s daughter was much better and was more a secure way to get back at Triton, accepted Ariel as her apprentice. But gradually, she learned to care for Ariel like her own daughter and strived to actually fix her reputation in the Seven Seas as a Sea Witch.
Jafar - Also another movie I haven’t seen. But for the sake of the butterfly effect again, let’s say he wanted power so he would be respected. Let’s also ignore and pretend the trying to marry Jasmine, who’s 16 years old mind you, thing never happened for our sake. He desired power and to be respected so when he saw that Jasmine was besotted with Aladdin, he thought, ‘Why don’t I use this street urchin who knows nothing of palace politics to become my puppet once he inevitably becomes the married to the princess’ because obviously Aladdin’s words are going to have weight since he’d be known as the princess’ husband. Of course, as I would like to have it, he began to care for both Aladdin and Jasmine as time went on and the two began to respect all the work that Jafar had to do. He would also even become the godfather of their future children. Both he and Genie would even fight for the title of the best godfather.
Evil Queen - Instead of trying to kill Snow White to become the fairest in the land, the Evil Queen thought that it would be advantageous if the people saw her as ‘benevolent’ and ‘kind’. That way, people wouldn’t only call her beautiful in looks but also beautiful in heart, thus spreading her name out more to distant lands. Initially, she just thought of Snow White as a charity case, with her losing both her father and mother but grew to care for her as time went on. Inevitably, she also realized that although Snow White was considered fairest of all, the citizens still called her beautiful for her heart which made her realize that she shouldn’t need to be the most beautiful in looks to be the most beautiful in people’s eyes. She also taught Snow White a lot of things ranging from sorceries and witchcraft and to keep on striving to be the most beautiful of all, both outside and inside.
Hades - Eh, what was his dastardly evil goal again? He wanted to take over Olympus, right? But that could only be possible if Hercules didn’t fight him. So what does he do? Does he go and attempt to kill baby Hercules? Of course… not! Not unless who wants to die, damn, the baby has strength. He instead decides to raise Hercules himself since the Fates said that he’d be successful in taking over Olympus after 18 years so why not just keep Hercules close to prevent him from gaining power and indebted the boy to him? It worked, for the most part anyway. He became a father figure to Hercules, obviously. Sure, Hercules felt slightly betrayed when he found out Hades wasn’t actually his father and he got kidnapped as a baby but then went all, ‘Eh, the underworld’s gloomy and the other gods never visit Fath–Hades. Might as well rule Olympus and invite Hades over to get him out of this place and get some fresh air.’ Hades may have not specifically ruled over Olympus but Hercules, whom he considered as a son as time went on, did so it was kind of basically the same.
Maleficent - Here, Aurora’s parents considered leaving Maleficent in the invitation but changed their mind at the last second because, hello? Maleficent? You really want to exclude the strongest sorcerer? Lmao, if this was politics, you’d automatically be dead the moment you stepped into the battlefield for trying to antagonize a powerful person. Make her your ally, get on her good side, and that’s what Aurora’s parents actually did in this timeline. They invited her and although the other fairies were wary of Maleficient, all of them were civil. Turns out, Maleficient was a chill person as long as no one antagonized her. In the end, Maleficent became a somewhat decent godmother to Aurora. She’s kind of like that dramatic aunt that appears every now and then but Aurora’s vibing with it and always looked forward to Maleficent's visits and witnessing her magic.
Although Yuu isn’t really related to the Great Seven, their parents did (kind of) get adopted so that still counts as being the Great Seven’s descendant, especially when it was the Great Seven themselves who were acting as their godmother/godfather and teaching them all kinds of stuff. Now that I think about it, Yuu’s technically the main character’s descendant rather than the villains but eh, let’s ignore that.
So anyway, basically with the single flap of a butterfly’s wings, it drastically changed history and Yuu grew up as the descendent of one of the Great Sevens. And then they get yeeted to Twisted Wonderland.
Imagine Yuu, looking at the statue of their ancestor and becoming haughty and proud because of  course their ‘meemaw/peepaw’ is great! It’s only right to celebrate them!
Not to mention pitting Yuu against the overblot boys.
Any sign of disrespect given to Yuu, the heir of the Queen of Hearts, is immediately dealt with by Yuu themselves. Their mood shifts as quick as they are to get angry, much like Queen of Hearts. Imagine Riddle trying to ‘Off With Your Head!’ Yuu, only for Yuu to counter back with an even angrier ‘Off With YOUR Head!’
Vil meets Yuu, heir of Snow White’s Kingdom, and he’s immediately threatened because this person gives him Neige vibes! What’s worse was, they seemed interested in watching them make poison so Yuu almost constantly never leave them alone and people are starting to compare the two of them!
Then there’s Azul who tries to rope Yuu, heir of the Seven Seas, in with a contract only to be dealt with an Uno Reverse card and have Yuu attempt to rope HIM in with a contract.
Of course, Yuu doesn’t tell the inhabitants of Twisted Wonderland that the Great Seven they look up to so much were their godparents back in their own world. They were smart enough not to get themselves mobbed by people. They wouldn’t be a very good heir to their kingdoms now would they if they didn’t know how to keep people in line, no?
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kudouusagi · 7 months
Speaking of the Arab setting, I think that the writer Taku Kishimoto is clearly basing Bucchigiri on the original Aladdin story in Arabian Nights. Aladdin there is even depicted as a perverted thief who finds a lamp and selfishly wishes for power and riches to impress and marry a princess. I think we're at the point where Aladdin "foils" an arranged marriage with the vizier's son and marries the princess himself, building a bigger palace than the sultan in the process.
Yeah. They're definitely basing it on One Thousand and One Nights.
(though Aladdin wasn't in the original book, it was later added by a French man.... but shh we're ignoring that for now)
There are a lot of different versions of Aladdin, but they say original Aladdin was a poor boy from China (does that explain Arajin's Chinese shirt?) who gets tricked into taking the lamp from a cave and gets trapped inside... I don't think he was a perverted thief in the original. But there's so many versions there probably is one where he was.
Other random ramblings I don't know how to make coherent sense in this post:
Usually the genie gets stolen from him and he has to use something else to get it back, so that will be interesting if that happens.
Arajin's last name is Tomoshibi which means "lamp" and he has a genie inside of him lol
The Genies in this story don't seem to have the ability to grant wishes like other genies... he just gets really strong if he has a really serious belief in something.
Also the genies names are Senya (one thousand nights) and Ichiya (one night).
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waterfire1848 · 3 months
Azutara Aladdin au with Azula as Princess Jasmine and Katara as Aladdin?
Zhao as Jafar
Hello, anon!
Disney and Azutara together?!? 🥳🥳🥳
I can see this working. Katara is living on the streets after her family passed away with Momo as Abu. Toph and Suki are street kids too but Katara, being more outspoken, is more likely to steal during daylight and confront people when she thinks they’re being unfair.
Azula lives in the palace with her mother, brother and a pet dragon (in place of Jasmine’s tiger), because I can’t see Ozai as the Sultan, and is supposed to get married. Zuko is already married to Mai and they live somewhere else, maybe in her country/kingdom which gives Ursa even more of a need to find someone for Azula to marry so she can take control of their kingdom. Zhao, Ursa’s advisor, similar to the movie, mind controls her so that she’ll force Azula to marry him.
Zhao: You will make Princess Azula marry me.
Ursa, being mind controlled: I will…
Ursa: But you’re so old.
That line never fails to make me laugh.
Aang as the Genie and Appa as Carpet. Aang making references would be too funny because I can totally see him referencing Avatar properties, other Disney movies and pop culture (I’m a sucker for that kind of humor too). Plus Aang would totally be telling Katara to just be herself around Azula instead of continuing to lie to her that she’s a princess.
From there I think the rest would play out fairly similar to the movie with Zhao stealing the lamp, revealing that Katara lied, forcing Azula and Ursa to serve him as the new Fire Lord (?), a big battle between Phoenix!Zhao (?) and Azutara (because you can’t tell me Azula wouldn’t just break out of that hourglass) and everything is returned to normal with Aang being freed and him taking Appa to explore the world.
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permanently-stressed · 4 months
Dexiana/Aladdin AU
Do with that what you will🤷
oh. Oh. OH
Biggest change to the Aladin story would be adding Fitz to the royal family
Alden is still very protective over his daughter so leaving the palace alone?? Nuh uh
Dex is an ingenious thief who only rarely has to run from law enforcement
They meet when Dex tries to steal from her in one of her sneaking out episodes (we have a microscopic enemies to lovers going on heheheh)
Biana punches him in the nose reflexively
"Why did you do that?" "I could ask you the same thing"
But this causes a commotion and the soldiers start running after him, and he tells her to run
We have "One Jump Ahead" but it's him explaining to Biana what his life is like
He takes her to his little hideout thing and they talk and they both become infatuated Disney Style ✨✨✨
But she still has to marry a prince! And another suitor is on his way!
There's a hasty goodbye but he's determined to find a way to get to see her again
So Tiergan (who is Jafah in this world) (I'm sorry he's the only one who hates Alden enough) chooses Dex as his diamond in the rough
Dex goes and gets the lamp for him but becomes caved in
I want to make the genie someone in canon but I have no idea who
He gets out with a wish and wishes for him to become a prince
Shennanigans ensue and it basically follows the movie's plot to the end
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artist-issues · 6 months
Could you elaborate on your “you can make your wish come true” =/= Disney’s true message idea? I really like it and want to incorporate the sentiment into my Wish rewrite, but I’m having a hard time finding a solid idea that makes it so different from the aforementioned “believe in yourself and it’ll come true” concept
The idea is not to believe in yourself. Thats super counter-characteristic to Disney heroes. It's all over their merch and songs, but in the actual story, the character isn't usually rewarded for doing things their own way and making it happen. They're also not usually rewarded for chasing their own dreams. They really aren't. Hear me out.
Tiana is not rewarded by the narrative for all her hard work. She's actually scolded by the narrative for being so focused on her dream, and her own way, that she forgets more important things.
Pinocchio, too. The narrative won't let him, or Geppetto, have their dream of Pinocchio being "a real boy." Instead, he has to be brave, truthful, unselfish. Again, the story puts more emphasis on "more important things" than the character's dreams or abilities.
Instead, Disney movies usually reward the character for giving themselves (what they want, what they like, what they dream of) up. For just doing the right thing. More examples and fleshing out here and here.
When I sit down to try and "script doctor" what went wrong with Wish, I change the message from: "You alone have the power to make your wishes come true, so keep trying!" to "Have faith to do what's right, and even more than what you wished for will come true."
Break it down like this:
"Have faith" - Focus on a truth outside of yourself and what you want and what you like, and keep focusing on it no matter the circumstances or how bad you feel. (Think Cinderella "finding the good points" of her stepfamily, or Belle sacrificing her dreams for her father's sake.)
"To do what's right" - This is where faith means taking action. Cinderella doesn't just daydream about things being better, she makes them better for her household by doing her work cheerfully. Aladdin doesn't just finally tell the truth: he gives up his chance at being with Jasmine and sets the Genie free. Tiana doesn't just change her mind about wanting love more than her restaurant; she breaks Facilier's necklace and won't let Naveen marry Charlotte. Faith = action based on that faith: the character focuses on doing what's right. Even and especially when it means giving up their "dreams."
"And even more than what you wished for will come true." - Usually, the characters dreams actually change. They no longer wish for a thing or a set of circumstances, like living in a palace or having their own restaurant. Instead of wanting a thing, they want a Good. Belle goes from wishing for more out of life to getting true love, which is "more out of life,"—and a way better version of "more" than just vague adventures in the "great wide somewhere. Tiana goes from wishing for a restaurant to wanting love. Pinocchio goes from wishing to be a real boy to wishing to be good, for his father. And then it turns out, that's what being "real" meant all along.
The reason the "power to make these wishes come true yourself" is never mentioned is because in most Disney movies, it's not ABOUT you. The main character learns to just do the right thing and stop focusing so much on what they want. They usually sacrifice something, in the name of something bigger than themselves. And when they do that? They're rewarded.
By what? What are they rewarded by? (The narrative, yes, but what does that mean?)
The first Wishing Star Disney ever had come down to reward a main character for doing good was Pinocchio's Blue Fairy. When Pinocchio did the right thing, she literally rewarded him. And the same is true in Princess & the Frog: Tiana finally humbles herself and wishes on a Star, and instantly meets Naveen, who turns out to be better than what she wished for.
The idea is that the power to make your wishes come true is actually NOT in you. The power to make your wishes come true comes from something or someone outside yourself: the Blue Fairy and the Wishing Star represent that. It's like a higher power. Thats exactly what it is.
There's no reason for Tiana to be turned human, or get her restaurant, after she smashes Facilier's necklace. None at all. She broke the thing that could've gotten her to her goal. She gave her goal up. She thought she was choosing to "stay a frog." In fact, she also wasn't even wishing for love on the first place: she humbled herself and wished for her restaurant. Even though she didn't believe in wishing stars. That step of humility was seen and rewarded by a higher power—and the reward wasn't what she would've picked out. But it was exactly what she needed.
And she couldn't have done it herself. In fact, originally, she didn't even wish for the thing she needed, herself, in the first place. The star sent her on a journey to not only get what she needed, but want what she needed. The star did it all. All Tiana did was take one or two faith-based steps that, from her point of view, were actually giving up on her wish.
I hope that clears it up.
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OMG THAT IS PERFECT! Because hands down Lucas owned MAW era the whole concept and MAU itself was a amazing and they were clearly going for a genie in the lamp, Arabian Nights, Aladdin theme and one of Lucas' outfits just screams ALADDIN to me and so I was gonna ask if I could request for an Alddin AU with Lucas as Aladdin and the male reader as Jasmine and for a fun twist Jackson Wang is gonna be the genie (if you don't write for Jackson you can surprise me with who you prefer the genie to be or which ever character and idol you wanna add I just love Jackson and Lucas duo lol ;)) I love Aladdin both the 1992 animated version and the 2019 live action adaptation so I wanna be surprised with what you can come up with, take us to A Whole New World and have fun! Thanks in advance!🧞‍♂️✨️🌌🌙🐒🩵🐅
A Whole New World
Pairing: Aladdin!Lucas x Jasmine!Male!Reader (feat. Genie!Jackson)
Word count: 609
Warnings: none
Author’s note: I’m a bit more familiar with Aladdin but still it’s been a while since I’ve watched it!! I tried my best
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In the bustling city of Agrabah, Lucas and m/n had become inseparable. Their love had flourished and taken root, weaving a tapestry of passion and devotion that seemed to defy the constraints of time. Their secret meetings in the palace gardens had now become cherished traditions, a sacred place where they could share their dreams and fears without the judgment of the outside world.
One evening, as they strolled through the moonlit gardens, Lucas playfully plucked a flower from a nearby bush and tucked it behind the m/n's ear. "You look even more enchanting with this," he said, his eyes sparkling with affection. The m/n chuckled, his heart warmed by Lucas's charm. "And you look like a prince out of a fairy tale," he replied, admiration shining in his eyes.
Lucas smiled, his heart swelling with happiness. "You know, sometimes I feel like this is all a dream. That I'm just a street rat who stumbled upon a palace and found the most incredible person in the world," he confessed, his voice filled with sincerity. The m/n took Lucas's hand in his own, squeezing it gently. "You are so much more than that, Lucas. You are my world," he said, his voice soft and tender.
In that moment, they were interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching. Panic washed over them as they realized they were no longer alone. Quickly, they pulled away from each other, trying to compose themselves. To their surprise, it was the genie, Jackson, who had appeared before them, a knowing smile on his face. "Ah, young love. It's a beautiful sight to behold," he said, his voice warm and teasing.
Lucas felt a blush creep up his cheeks, but he couldn't deny the happiness that filled his heart. "You're not going to tell anyone, are you?" he asked, trying to sound playful despite his nerves. Jackson laughed, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Fear not, my dear master. Your secret is safe with me. I am here to grant your wishes, not to meddle in your love affairs," he replied, waving his hand theatrically.
M/n chuckled, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. "Thank you, Jackson. We appreciate your discretion," he said, his gaze lingering on Lucas, who smiled back at him. "Oh, it's my pleasure! You two make quite the enchanting pair," Jackson said, his tone sincere. "Now, if there's anything else you desire, just give me a shout. I'll be off, then!" With a theatrical bow, he disappeared into a puff of smoke.
As they watched the genie vanish, Lucas and m/n couldn't help but laugh. "He's something else, isn't he?" Lucas remarked, shaking his head in amusement. "He certainly is," m/n agreed, his heart filled with gratitude for the magical friend who had brought them together.
In the days that followed, Lucas and m/n continued to explore the depths of their love, finding joy in the simple moments they shared. They reveled in each other's presence, discovering new facets of their personalities with each passing day. Their love remained a secret, known only to the stars that watched over them and the genie who had inadvertently played a part in their love story.
Yet, as much as they cherished their stolen moments, they longed for a day when they could openly express their love for each other without fear of judgment or repercussions. In their hearts, they knew that their love was worth fighting for, that the world deserved to witness the magic they had found in each other's arms.
And so, they held onto hope, knowing that someday, they would be able to dance through the streets of Agrabah hand in hand, with the entire world celebrating their love. For now, though, they found solace in the quiet intimacy of their secret love, knowing that they had a love that was as vast as the desert sands, as bright as the stars in the night sky, and as enduring as a tale passed down through generations.
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tornrose24 · 5 months
Last part of my TGAMM Aladdin ideas. Now I can finally conclude this. Like last time, the previous part can be found here.
Part 4
-Back in the kingdom, night has fallen and things aren’t so great. Jinx has imprisoned a lot of people–including the royal family–and already made a few changes to the scenery.
–Meanwhile, Scratch is still in utter despair over the loss of Molly. There was a time where he would have been glad to be rid of her, but now he just wants her alive and back with him. He didn’t realize it until it was too late, but he was happy being with her and her friends and family. He was happy that she didn’t want to instantly make any wishes and actually spent time with him, even if she did drive him crazy a few times. He would have even gotten over his fears and accepted her offer to wish for his freedom–he could even accept the short lifespan of a mortal over his current life–but he lost his chance and is now bound to this awful woman until she makes her last wish, which is starting to either look unlikely or impossible.
-It’s around this time that Molly and Libby manage to return and sneak back into the palace.
–Jinx decides she’s done having a bit of fun and demands for Scratch to bring the original ruler back to life. Scratch flat-out tells her that he cannot do that as one of the three rules that he is bound to.
-At this point Molly manages to sneak into the throne room. Jinx decides that she will do the resurrection herself… but first she wants to torture the royal family for a bit and brings them in.
–Ollie is able to spot Molly and while he’s happy to see her again, realizes what she is after. He decides to use Jinx’s ego and obsession against her by asking why she’d even want to bring back the original ruler and if he was really as great as she says. Jinx buys into it.
-Molly comes upon Scratch who is overwhelmed with relief and joy to see her alive and this time HE’S the one who does the hugging first. They only get a few seconds to reunite before she can continue to go after the lamp that is conveniently abandoned on the throne.
–Unfortunately, despite Ollie’s best efforts, Jinx is able to spot Molly just before the girl can grab the lamp and knocks him away before stopping her.
–Everyone tries to get the lamp–Ollie, Libby, Molly–but they all get stopped somehow. (And likely have to deal with something pun related courtesy of Jinx).
-Then Jinx turns herself into some kind of monstrous creature that goes after Molly. By this point Scratch finally can’t stand by and tries to help the girl, but cannot use his powers against the one he is in servitude to.
-Despite her efforts, Molly isn’t any match for Jinx who begins to slowly crush her as well as Scratch. And of course Jinx is enjoying the hell out of this moment.
–Realizing he is going to lose her for good, Scratch finally confesses to Molly that he should have taken up her offer if he knew this would happen. He would have been happy living a mortal life of freedom with her in it than a life of eternal servitude without her.
-While Molly is touched by Scratch’s confession, this also gives her an idea… so she taunts Jinx and says that Scratch is actually more powerful than her. If he was forced to give her power, he could also take it away.
–Scratch is confused and terrified by what is going on until he realizes where Molly is going with this.
–Jinx takes the bait as she feels like she could have more power than before. She demands Scratch to turn her into the most powerful being imaginable as her third wish. Scratch–gleeful to pull the ‘jerkass genie��� card once again–screws Jinx over by turning her into a genie.
–While Jinx has a brief power trip in her new form, the two friends smugly remind her what being a genie means by revealing her own lamp…. Which she is sent into as she screams and curses them out.
–Scratch gets the honor of banishing Jinx’s lamp to elsewhere. When asked if he’s absolutely sure no one will find it, he just brushes it off. “The odds of her coming back is like planning a third part of a story, only to be shot down by higher powers,” is his weird reasoning.
–Scratch allows Ollie to wish to change all of the changes and damage Jinx is caused and things go back to normal.
-Molly happily reunites with Libby as well as Ollie. She apologizes to Ollie for all that happened and that she truly wanted to tell him the truth–she was scared the first time, but then she meant to do it the second time. The boy understands though he is worried as to how his parents will react.
-Not wanting Molly to get in any more trouble, Scratch offers to fix things for her. He can make everyone forget that she tricked them, or even send her and her family away. However…. Molly now knows that Scratch truly wants to be free… she knows what her final wish will be.
–And so, to Scratch’s surprise, Molly wishes for his freedom. “I’m keeping my word Scratch… you’re free!”
–And… well… this happens.
-But for those who can’t see the scene/drawings for any reason, Molly’s wish not only frees Scratch, but turns him into a mortal human man. He is freed from his prison, free to do or go wherever as he wishes, and is free to be around Molly and anyone else of his own choosing. While he is stunned at what has happened to him as well as Molly actually giving up a wish for his sake, he is overwhelmed with happiness and the two embrace.
–Ollie decides to come clean to his parents. Fortunately for him, Reuben and Esther have learned from the recent experiences and not only decide to drop the marriage thing, but will not imprison Molly. They admit that perhaps it would do some good to keep Molly around since she did bring some badly needed aid to the kingdom when it needed help the most. They will see how her and her family could be of more service to the kingdom in the future, so Ollie promises that he will stay in touch with Molly.
–With the carpet still in her possession, Libby offers it to Scratch, as she and Molly are aware that he probably doesn’t want to stick around for too long.
–Scratch considers it…. However he’d rather stay with Molly just for a bit longer until he can figure out what he wants to do with his new life and freedom. (He will use that carpet to see the world eventually, and that scene would go down just like in the original animated movie.... just not yet.)
–And so Molly takes Scratch back to her home. As for what happens beyond that? Well, perhaps that’s up to you to decide.
(Side note: I don't have anything for the sequel films or animated series. I didn't think that far ahead and I don't think I could come up with a whole lot).
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ssadumba55 · 2 years
Masterlist: Walt Disney Animated Pictures (Pt. 1)
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All my writing for Peter Pan, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, A Goofy Movie, Hercules, Mulan, Emperor's New Groove, Atlantis: The Lost Empire and Wish will be linked here!
Imagines full one shots with your favourite Disney characters
Peter Pan Neverland (Gender Neutral Reader)
Aladdin The Palace (Gender Neutral Reader)
Genie Piano (Gender Neutral Reader)
Nothing Yet
Ariel Muse (Gender Neutral Reader)
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Kuzco Puppy Love (Female Reader)
Milo Thatch Sidelines (FtM Reader)
Headcanons Headcanons that relate to Disney characters
Max Goof and Bobby Zimmeruski Crush Headcanons (Gender Neutral) Christmas with Max Goof (Gender Neutral & Autistic Reader) Dating Peter Pan Would Include (Gender Neutral) Christmas on Neverland Would Include (Gender Neutral) Princes/Villains Kissing Headcanons (Gender Neutral) Disney Characters Tucking You In (Gender Neutral) Disney Characters Cuddling (Gender Neutral) Spending Halloween with Disney Characters (Gender Neutral) Being Aladdin's Friend (Gender Neutral) Disney Princesses and their Ideal Partners Pt. 1 (Gender Neutral) Disney Princesses and their Ideal Partners Pt. 2 (Gender Neutral) General Emperor Kuzco Headcanons (Gender Neutral)
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sicklyseraphnsuch · 4 months
Scarabia Section Predictions
Since we're going backwards through the chapters then Kalim and Jamil are next in that order. Malleus seems to have specific safeguards around the former overblotters so Kalim first then Jamil. And since none of the overblotters have gotten a new SSR card (probs in prep for making the OB form later?), then Kalim will likely (not guaranteed) a dream SSR.
Im looking forward to that the way I look forward to a car crash. Kalim is likely to copy Rook's route and forget that Jamil overblotted at all. And here's the sticky part, Rook's dream had no basis in Disney canon but Vil's did. Vil had Neige serving him the way the Evil Queen had Snow White serving her. So Kalim's dream doesn't have to mirror Aladdin...
This could mean a shallow dream where everything is exactly the same except Jamil never overblotted. But since at least one dorm student (excluding the overblotter) gets to have a dream SSR, then Kalim should have some kind of special story outfit. And he can't have that with such a shallow dream premise. A bigger change could easily mirror the Disney canon where Princess Jasmine pretends to be a commoner and escapes the palace walls. So we can have a Kalim who's not Rich Boy AF. That could make for an interesting SSR.
That said, since Rook's SSR was him being in Savannahclaw. What if Kalim's dream SSR was him in RSA? This is like one of the longest held speculations for him. Exceeeept, I'm failing to see how Kalim attending RSA would fulfill his wishes. (Not that I could've predicted how Rook staying in Savannahclaw fulfilled his wishes either...)
Maybe Kalim's wish is to meet Jamil as a stranger. And we would see how OOC Jamil becomes in Kalim's dream as well - maybe through that idealized friendship that Kalim still hopes to have with Jamil. (Which would then show Kalim how he's not taking Jamil's grievances seriously enough? That the Jamil he "knows" isn't the real Jamil?)
Speaking of, Jamil's is easier to predict because his is supposed to mirror Disney canon. And remember, the way Jafar dealt with Aladdin (before Aladdin used the genie), he effectively killed or removed Aladdin by trapping him in the Cave. Given that the whole Asim family represents the Cave of Wonders, it's very possible that Jamil's dream is simply that Kalim never "escaped" the Asim home. So Kalim doesn't exist in Jamil's school life, effectively "killing" or removing him.
Alternatively, Jamil's dream could pull from Jafar's genie wishes and he's the Rich Boy AF with Kalim serving him. At the same time Jamil might realize through this dream that by taking Kalim's place, he doesn't get to earn his accolades. But maybe that's too similar to Vil's dream.
(Then Kalim would wake Jamil up by showing him that forgetting their shared past is an insult to all of Jamil's grievances?? Maybe?)
My biggest dread is that the Scarabia section will be thinly developed and neither boy will make any character development.
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comfort-clubhouse · 1 year
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Disney Comfort Characters (Waves 1-9)
Hades (Hercules)
Jafar (Aladdin)
Iago (Aladdin)
Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Lilo (Lilo & Stitch)
Mickey Mouse
Minnie Mouse
XR (Buzz Lightyear Of Star Command)
King Candy (Wreck It Ralph)
Angel (Lilo & Stitch)
Faline (Bambi)
Claude Frollo (Hunchback Of Notre Dame)
Snow White (Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs)
Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)
Stitch (Lilo & Stitch)
Mirabel Madrigal (Encanto)
Pepa Madrigal (Encanto)
NOS-4-A2 (Buzz Lightyear Of Star Command)
Felix (Wreck It Ralph)
Melody (Little Mermaid)
Captain Hook (Peter Pan)
Clarabelle Cow
Figaro (Pinocchio)
Jack Sparrow (Pirates Of The Caribbean)
Hector Barbossa (Pirates Of The Caribbean)
Davy Jones (Pirates Of The Caribbean)
Hugo, Victor & Laverne (Hunchback Of Notre Dame)
Djali (Hunchback Of Notre Dame)
Gideon (Pinocchio)
Daisy Duck
Lumiere (Beauty & The Beast)
Kronk (Emperor's New Groove)
Quasimodo (Hunchback Of Notre Dame)
Geppetto (Pinocchio)
Tigger (Winnie The Pooh)
Oswald The Lucky Rabbit
King (Owl House)
Esmeralda (Hunchback Of Notre Dame)
Genie (Aladdin)
Clopin Trouillefou (Hunchback Of Notre Dame)
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Miraculous Ladybug)
Alya (Miraculous Ladybug)
Della Duck (Ducktales)
Eda Clawthorne (Owl House)
Yzma (Emperor's New Groove)
Drakken (Kim Possible)
Antonio Madrigal (Encanto)
Bruno Madrigal (Encanto)
Doofenshmirtz (Phineas & Ferb)
Evil Emperor Zurg (Buzz Lightyear Of Star Command)
Willow (Owl House)
Gabriel Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug)
Thumper (Bambi)
Zero (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Oogie Boogie (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Kuzco (Emperor's New Groove)
Tutter (Bear In The Big Blue House)
Ursula (Little Mermaid)
Winnie The Pooh
Piglet (Winnie The Pooh)
Eeyore (Winnie The Pooh)
Kanga (Winnie The Pooh)
Roo (Winnie The Pooh)
Rabbit (Winnie The Pooh)
Nathalie (Miraculous Ladybug)
Archdeacon (Hunchback Of Notre Dame)
Phoebus (Hunchback Of Notre Dame)
Cruella De Vil (101 Dalmatians)
Evil Queen (Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs)
Lucky (101 Dalmatians)
Smee (Peter Pan)
Dr Facilier (Princess & The Frog)
Ortensia The Cat
Gus (Cinderella)
Luz Noceda (Owl House)
Manny (Ducktales)
Donald Duck
Shellsea (Fish Hooks)
Lambie (Doc McStuffins)
Scrooge McDuck (Ducktales)
Dewey Duck (Ducktales)
Sebastian (Little Mermaid)
Chip (Beauty & The Beast)
Fifi (Beauty & The Beast)
Honest John (Pinocchio)
Mushu (Mulan)
Jaq (Cinderella)
Oscar Proud (Proud Family)
King Andrias (Amphibia)
Baymax (Big Hero 6)
Swampy (Where's My Water/Swampy's Underground Adventures)
Pleakley (Lilo & Stitch)
Goliath (Gargoyles)
Zooster (Jungle Junction)
Wander (Wander Over Yonder)
Molly McGee (Ghost & Molly McGee)
Otto (Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go)
Antauri (Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go)
Collector (Owl House)
Scratch (Ghost & Molly McGee)
Raine (Owl House)
Circus Of Ooze Crew (Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go)
Anne (Amphibia)
Sprig (Amphibia)
Tilly (Big City Greens)
Cricket (Big City Greens)
Marcy (Amphibia)
Penny Proud (Proud Family)
Suga Mama (Proud Family)
Sasha (Amphibia)
Brandy (Brandy & Mr Whiskers)
Berry (Palace Pets)
Miss Featherbon (Palace Pets: Whisker Haven)
Daisy (Palace Pets)
Dreamy (Palace Pets)
Bill (Big City Greens)
Lena (Ducktales)
Mr Whiskers (Brandy & Mr Whiskers)
Lily (Palace Pets)
Tiana (Princess & The Frog)
Alice (Big City Greens)
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mak3itr7ght · 10 months
Pair: Jeon Jungkook x fem!reader (Aladdin Au)
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'Dad! Dad! Tell us one of your stories!!'
I see my little children running towards me and hugging me.
'Kids! IIt's bedtime. Don't disturb your father'
With a nod, I look at Y/n, who is trying to convince our little ones to go to sleep.
But they don't seem to give up, they are my children, after all.
I invite them to sit next to me.
'Let's have a deal... I'll tell you the story, but then you'll have to go straight to bed, okay?'
The little bipeds nod, sitting next to me.
I clear my throat.
'This.. is a romantic story, the story of two dreamers, and.. a genie!!'
I say, doing this move:
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The kids start laughing. Me with them.
'Once upon a time...'
Jungkook's POV:
'Sire! It's not possible that every chance you get, you try to escape from the palace!'
'Come on, Karim, don't you think you're exaggerating?... I don't do that..often'
'it's the 24th time...this month...'
'oh... I think you're wrong, I count 25'
'25? Impossible- HEY!'
Luckily Karim didn't notice the open window. Sometimes I feel sorry for that poor guy, but I can't stay enclosed in that building, it goes against my nature.
My sister recently became the sultan, she has always been my source of inspiration, but first, I have to find my path, my purpose, and for now, I want to know what is outside the palace, what she thinks our people, what do our people dream of!
By climbing along the buildings of the town, I manage to elude the guards who are looking for me. Finally, I can enjoy the bazar, my absolute favorite place: hearing people's laughter, their conversations, the smells of spices, the sand in the air, the children running and playing, the bright colors of the fabrics and flags, because here there are not only peoples from Arabia, this is a place full of travellers, who come from every land and... the most beautiful thing, the music, which transports me with it every time, makes me travel, makes me dream , makes me dance, makes me sing and frees me from every chain, from every role, from every responsibility.
I start singing a song and, together with all the other people, we start dancing among the stalls! it's always so nice to share these moments with my people.
Once the song is over, a huge applause starts. I look around, but one stand in particular steals my attention. I get closer to take a better look at what was displayed on that table covered with a beige tablecloth. Jewels. Not even in the palace have I ever seen such beautiful ornaments, enriched with such colorful and shiny stones. One ring particularly attracts me, adorned with a blinding red ruby.
'Excuse me, ma'am, how much do you want for this ring?'
I turn towards the hooded woman, owner of the stall.
'It's 22 denarii'
She tells me, coming closer and lowering her hood.. who would have thought, I was wrong, she is a girl and.. she is beautiful, I might add. I remained enchanted by that charm for a few seconds, as if I had ended up under some magic spell ..
'Mh? Everything's alright? Did you see anything strange?'
The girl says, waving a hand in front of my face, unlocking that state of Trance into which she herself had led me.
'Oh.. yes yes, here you go..'
I take out my trusty bag where I keep the coins and then hand the 22 denarii to the girl, while she, in turn, hands me the ring.
'Thank you! it's a really beautiful jewel... did you create them?'
The girl shows a slight smile.
'Yes, just me, I often find these stones along my travels and make them into jewels'
'You're a traveler then. It's obvious you're not from here haha'
'Actually, my mother has Arab origins, while my father comes from the distant West'
Uhh.. exotic, I like it. Probably she inherited those expressive eyes from her father’s side.
'You know.. I found that ruby not too far from here, near a very unique cave.. I hope it will bring you luck, Your Highness'
I widen my eyes in surprise.
'H-how did you know-'
Oh Karim... always at the wrong time..
I hide the ring in the pocket of my robe and am forced by the guards to return to the palace. Before going, however, I turn my gaze towards that girl, who I forgot to ask her name. She was already observing me, and once our gazes align, like the sun and moon during an eclipse, we exchange a smile, while then she raises the hood on her head, going back to rearranging the necklaces on her stall.
Y/N's POV:
I Sigh. Putting the jewels I couldn't sell today back into my bag. Today was different from the usual.
I return home, noticing my mother cooking in our kitchen.
'I'm back!!!'
‘Darling! How was your day? Did you manage to sell anything?'
'Something..yeah. In particular, I sold the ruby ring.. to the Prince Jungkook'
I see my mother jump.
'Prince? Did the prince himself buy one of your jewels?'
I nod, chuckling.
'and tell me.. what he said to you??'
'Nothing that interesting, mum. Sorry but we can't talk now, I have to rush to the workshop, I still have some stones to cut and tomorrow will be another busy day, many travelers will arrive and therefore more chances to sell!!!'
'Y/n! My baby! But don't overdo it with all this work...'
I immediately run upstairs, straight to my work table. I take out of my bag an ocher stone that I found a few days ago, I was thinking of dividing it in two and making a pair of earrings.
'Oh.. where did I put the razor blade.. Here it is!'
I stop for a second, looking at some old canvases that are near my bed, I stop for a moment, but then, shaking my head, I return to my work.
Who knows if, when the prince looks at the ring, he will think a little about me.. pff.. what am I thinking? He is a prince, he will have an infinite number of rings, what he bought today must have been one of the many whims that nobles have...
Jungkook's pov:
'Jungkook, now you're exaggerating with these constant escapes from the palace.'
'But, Jasmine, I-'
'Listen to me, it's not that I don't want to get you out, but, don't you think it's time you start studying? Acculturate yourself? One day, you will be the sultan'
'Jasmine, I don't want to lock myself in a library and waste my time there, I.. I'm a-'
'yes, a dreamer, you always say it..'
'Wasn't it your desire to escape from the palace that made you meet Aladdin? Or am I wrong?'
'no but..'
'Then why don't you let me out?'
My sister doesn't respond.. it's the first time I've managed to dismantle her, I stay and watch her while she turns and leaves my rooms, apparently annoyed.
I don't understand what's wrong with her. Since our father died, she has changed, her husband also thinks so.. however, it is not easy to manage an entire nation alone, being a woman, many ""people"" sometimes don't believe her and even allied countries tend to always put it in the background. Maybe that's why she doesn't let me out, because she doesn't want me to become like her... but it's senseless. I sit on the bed and the ring I bought this morning comes out of the pocket of my dress.
'I forgot about you'
I'm starting to talk to objects... good, I'd say.
'I wonder what the name of that girl who sold you to me is.. I can almost see her angelic face in the reflections of your scarlet shades..'
I lie down on the bed, still observing the jewel, and then my sight look out the window... it's the ideal evening to walk in the garden, with the light of the full moon illminating the landscape, a light which, colliding with the ruby of my ring , causes a blinding glow emanate from it. I'm probably going crazy, but I feel some sort of strange energy coming from the jewel.
'I have decided! Tomorrow I will go to the market again, with my sister's permission, and I will visit that girl!'
I smile, and then, instinctively, give the ruby a light kiss.
As soon as my lips left it, however, the glow that had appeared before, reappeared, but this time, it couldn't be thanks to the moon... A pink cloud begins to emerge from the ring, spinning around me. Surprised, I throw the jewel across the room, while the cloud continues to spread across the room.
I continue to observe the scene with my mouth open.
The cloud takes the form of a creature... or it would be better to say, a lady, more precisely, and my surprised look soon becomes a confused one.
I observe the creature, when it begins to speak to me.
'At your service, master! Tell me, what is your wish?'
'Oh...but you, you are a genius!?!?!?'
'Who else should I be? A pink unicorn?'
I burst out laughing, above all, at the joy I'm feeling.
'so I have the three wishes available, right? Okay, so the first-'
The female genius looks around.
'You have to be careful what you wish for, I'm not the lamp's genie..'
My gaze returns to confusion.
'What do you mean?'
'Well... unlike him, you can ask me more than three wishes, but... I can only help you when, to make that wish come true, there is no other way out'
I still don't understand... that's why I limit myself to looking at the creature with the same disoriented look.
'Pff.. you princes.. you are all the same.. Let me explain better, then..'
The genie makes a blackboard appear with some doodles.
'if you were in prison, sentenced to death, you call me and wish to escape, I can do it with just a snap of my fingers! However, if next to you you have the bunch of keys to your cell or a file to cut the bars on the window, I can't help you..'
I finally understood.
'But then you're useless...'
'Yes, sorry.. but.. listen, the only wish I have in mind right now is to want to meet a girl-'
'Ah and I can't grant wishes related to love! It would undermine free will, don't you think?'
'I don't want to make her fall in love with me. I just want to meet her and talk to her, I don't feel like I'm affecting any free will. Furthermore, objectively speaking, now I have no other methods to reach her because I don't know where she lives, I don't even know her name.. '
The genie looks at me, confused.
'So you fell in love with a girl you don't even know?'
'she was the one who sold me the ring with your ruby, do you understand?? This is destiny! And..for the record..we spoke this morning, so..I know her..I know her enough to say that..she has a soft voice, delicate skin, big expressive eyes and hair that looks so soft.. it's perfect!'
'and you're head over heels for her...alright, Prince Charming, I'll take you to her, I understood who she is'
Y/n's pov:
'They're wonderful eheh'
I take the ocher earrings I just made, holding them up in front of the window so the moon can give them some light.
'but now it's late.. I'd better go to sleep..'
I put away my tools, and adjust the for tomorrow.
Suddenly, something bursts through the window of my room, which makes me jump in fear. I hold myself against the wall, petrified, trying to understand what has just entered the room.
'it was crazy, genie!!! We have to do it again!'
'Will you calm down!? Look who's in front of you!'
That male voice is not new to me... the shadow of the male figure who is hidden in the room, approaches me towards the moonlight coming through the window, revealing his identity.
'Your Highness.. what are you doing here? And.. and what is that??'
I say, in panic, trying to settle down a bit.
My eyes widening at the sight of that pink human-shaped cloud..
'Hey hey hey, calm down, don't be afraid. I understand that you feel disoriented but I will explain everything to you! She is the genie of the ring!'
I remain silent, still not understanding.
'Oh.. well.. she's basically a very powerful entity, who can make anything you want come true, she popped out of the ring I bought from you, this morning'
I let myself slide along the wall, with my mouth open, ending up sitting on the floor. The prince laughs, and comes to sit next to me.
'I know it all seems like a dream.. and I'm sorry to have surprised you like this, at this time, but.. I wanted to meet you so much! Taking you to the palace and maybe getting to know each other a little, what do you think?'
The boy approaches me, dangerously, and slightly arrogantly. Annoyed, I get up and look at him irritated.
'but how dare you? Alright, you're the prince, but doesn't that give you the right to barge into my house, into my room, at this hour, aided by this... being and then order me to come to the palace with you and get to know each other better? You nobles are all the same, arrogance comes out of every pore. Get out of here!'
I say, pointing to the window.
'But I-'
'I said out!'
'but at least.. you could tell me your name'
So the prince, silently and apparently mortified, approaches the genie, and once the latter snaps her fingers, they disappear before my eyes.
'maybe I exaggerated...'
Jungkook's pov:
What happened shocked me almost more than when they told me that my father was no longer here, maybe now I'm exaggerating the situation... but really...
'What did I do wrong, Genie!?'
I say sitting on the ground, frustrated. The genie sits next to me, putting her hand on my shoulder.
'Prince, I think you made the wrong approach to that girl..'
I turn towards her, with a confused and... annoyed look.
'She called me arrogant! I didn't do anything wrong!'
'Maybe not everyone fully understands your behaviour, what for you may have been an innocent invitation, for her seemed like an order...'
'So what should I do?'
'Maybe tomorrow you should go back to her stand and apologize'
I nod..laying on the bed and praying that the night would pass quickly.
the morning
As soon as the slightest ray of sunlight caresses my eyelids, I open my eyes wide. I have to run to the bazar. I get ready, take the ring and start to go out the window, when something stops me... maybe it's that "common sense" I've always heard about... I decide to go to my sister.
'Jasmine.. first of all, sorry about yesterday.. I promise you that I will start studying and stop running away.. but you have to allow me to go out, only today.. please'
I bow before my sister, begging her to give me permission to go out. Raising my head, I see Aladdin placing his hand on Jasmine's hand, urging her to grant my wish.
'Okay, Jungkook, go, don't worry, it won't be the last time I'll let you out, but lessons will start next week'
Out of joy, I run to hug my big sister and her groom. Then i run out of the building, straight towards the market. People sing, dance, but in that moment, for the first time, the music fails to captivate me. Among the crowd, I manage to glimpse the girl's stall and... her! With her hood, with her back turned...but still her!!! I smile and move closer.
'Hey hey hey! Sorry about yesterday... I was a fool, I exaggerated, so much that you misunderstood my intentions-'
The girl turns around, lowering her hood... it's not her.
'Oh.. sorry, maybe you are looking for my child- But.. sire..'
The woman raises her hand to her mouth in surprise. I grab her other hand, squeezing it.
'Ma'am.. can you tell me where your daughter is?! I have to talk to her..'
The lady, still a little shaken and confused, hesitates for a few words.
'I think she went to the stand where Omar sell the paintings... it's right over there'
'Thank you very much, ma'am'
I say, kissing the woman's hand. I move towards the stall of paintings, I know the good man who creates and sells them... now that I think about it, yesterday, despite the mess that happened, I noticed some paintings placed in a corner of the girl's room..advancing among the people, I finally manage to glimpse my mysterious girl, without a hood, focused on admiring a painting of a starry night.. the people seem to advance from the opposite side of the market, allowing me to get closer to her. I remain there, next to her, observing that painting..
'It's a really nice painting, don't you think?'
The girl slowly turns towards me.
'Youe Heighness..'
'I'm sorry about yesterday..'
'No.. I'm the one apologizing.. I went too far.. I thought about the words you said to me, and there was nothing arrogant about them..'
'I was the one who let you misunderstand'
I approach her.
'Anyway.. my name is-'
I put a finger in front of the girl's mouth, not letting her finish a sentence. I smile, then give her a note.
'I hope you will come..'
I turn, walking towards the guards who escorted me, feeling my heart lighter.
Y/n's pov
I remain petrified by the prince's gesture, but, at the same time, it makes me chuckle. I look at the folded note in my hands. I open it and read the contents.
In seven moons, in the royal garden, don't worry, there will be guards to take you there, wait for me at the gazebo at the end of the path. I hope you'll be there...my dreamer.
No one has ever called me that..
'Okay, your highness, I'll play along' i said to myself, carrying the note close to my chest, almost as if I'm hugging it.
One week later
I arrive in front of the door of the immense palace, there are two guards there, I approach them.
'Name.. please'
The prince doesn't know my name.. how can I make them understand that I have to meet him.. what if..
The two guards look at each other, exchanging a few glances, and then nod and open the door to allow me access. Smiling, I advance, heading towards the garden that his heighness told me about in the note. I can already see the gazebo, adorned with an limitless variety of flowers and illuminated by moonlight. Once inside, I find a canvas, some brushes and a box full of colours.
'So you came!'
I turn towards that voice, which I now recognize immediately... seeing a beautiful and elegant boy coming towards me. Now that I think about it, every time I've met him, he's always wearing ordinary clothes, never anything that fancy. He approaches me.
'I noticed that you like painting, and that you used to paint in the past... tell me, what made you stop'
We sit on one of the benches in the gazebo, looking at that empty canvas makes me think of my childhood... this makes me move.
'My father was a painter, when I was little, I hoped to become like him, until a few years ago, I painted an indecipherable number of canvases... I took some to the market, but I couldn't sell even one... my dream is always been to portray the most beautiful moments on a canvas, so as to be able to ensure true immortality for those memories... but, when I lost my father, I decided to give up that dream, both because, due to my origins, it wouldn't have made any money, and because I had to take care of my mother..'
The prince wraps his arm around my shoulder and brings me to him, instinctively, I rest my head on his shoulder.
'I'm sorry about your father...I really am, but, in my opinion, you should start painting again, it's your dream in the end, and isn't it the very act of doing it that keeps your father's memory alive? You know... sometimes it happens that we are forced to put our dreams aside... it's happening to me, right now, you know... before, I didn't have a real dream, on the contrary, I wanted to find one. Before meeting you, I understood that my dream is probably to dance, sing, compose music... but now, like a good prince, I have to put all this on the back burner, because I have to prepare to become the future sultan.. but.. do you know the beautiful thing about being a dreamer? They manages to make their dreams come true, because they believes in them, because they sees them, because they maintains their passion for them..this is my path '
'ours...you mean.'
I say looking into the boy's eyes, while I caress his hand with mine. He smiles, and then turns his gaze towards the canvas... then, I get up, start taking the brushes and colours... and off we go. Hours pass, the night gets deeper and deeper. I can feel his tall gaze as I paint. Once finished, I look at my hands, now smeared with colour, together with the white dress I had worn for the occasion. The prince approaches, taking my hand.
'Heighness! There was paint on my hand'
'Well then?'
The prince states, dipping a finger into the purple paint and then running it along his right cheek. We burst out laughing, and then we look at the canvas..
'what do you plan to name it?'
'I think the most suitable name is... Dreamers'
Present Jungkook's Pov:
By now the night was fading, giving way to dawn...and a new day...the two remain observing each other for a few minutes, in silence, when suddenly the girl takes the boy's face, bringing it to hers, zeroing the distance between them, with a kiss full of love and sweetness. The guy wraps his arms around the girl's waist, while she does the same around his neck, after their lips part, they bring their foreheads together, closing their eyes.
'And by the way.. the name is Y/n..'
'it's beautiful..'
'Thank you.. haha..'
'But I'm not just talking about your name, I'm talking about all of this'
'I had guessed it, your highness'
The two laugh.
'So... that means you and your mother are coming here, right?'
'As tall as you wish'
'At that response, the boy, whose name was Jungkook picked the girl up, hugging her and kissing her again. Luckily, her sister Jasmine had already removed the law that forced nobles to marry other nobles. So, the two prepared a stylish and colorful wedding, where everyone danced and sang and then... the two dreamers had children...'
'Stubborn like their father'
Y/n says, crossing her arms and looking down at us.
'But with their mother's temper'
We all burst out laughing as my babies start climbing on me.
'but dad! And the genie? Where has she been?'
'You didn't tell us how the painting was made!!'
I get up from the couch, picking up my two puppies.
'Am I wrong or did you promise me that once the story was over you would go to bed? If I don't see you in your bed in five minutes, tomorrow I won't tell you what happened to the genie and I won't show you the painting!'
'You mean the painting is here!!! LET'S RUN TO SLEEP COME ON!!'
The two little bipeds immediately run into their little room, while I fall back on the sofa, tired, but happy, with my Y/n, leaning on my chest.
'Is it possible that they never noticed?'
'I think they'll pay attention to it tomorrow, my dreamer'
The painting is located right in this room, on the wall in front of us, it portrays me and Y/n, under the gazebo, accompanied by the bright colors of the flowers and illuminated by the moon. Yes, that is a moment that will never die. I think, hugging my sweet Y/n even closer to me, and observing for a few seconds, the ring with the red ruby, on the table near the sofa, which shines more than usual..
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