dukeoftheblackstar · 5 months
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Existential crisis in which I was both equally relieved that Plo didn't die in Genosis but also very sad because Jango died in Genosis.
He's so dad coded here. Like look at him. Look at Plo. Like he's about to tell everyone bed time or no pancakes for breakfast.
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falloutspammer · 2 years
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new dnd group mates pc 🔥hestia🔥
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autisticaradiamegido · 2 months
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day 211
Regina Genosi revenge attack for @yoylecake420-art-gallery on artfight!
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UPG vs SPG vs VG
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Transcription for my friends using a screen reader:
Page 1: UPG vs SPG vs VG , Tumblr: Ladyiristheenchantress
Page 2: UPG, UPG - Unverified personal genosis. personal beliefs that have little to no historical basis about an entity. UPG is valid, however it doesn't mean its not subject to scrutiny. If your UPG directly contradicts historical fact, then you might want to consider re-evaluating your spiritual experiences.
Page 3: SPG, SPG - Shared personal gnosis. Several unrelated people have the same experience or revelation about an entity. Social media, some historical contexts, and ancient grimoires or texts can play a role in the creation of SPG
Page 4: VG, VG - Verified Gnosis, also called CG or Confirmed gnosis. VG means UPG or SPG is confirmed with historical sources. once it becomes VG it is no longer UPG or SPG but rather part of the lore. CG means it is confirmed mythology or backed up by something like archological records
Page 5: Examples,
UPG -'Aphrodite likes this candle' 'Freja loves this song' 'this ghost loves coffee'
SPG -'people who work with loki sometimes leave energy drinks on his altar'
VG - 'apollo is the god of music so he would like music as an offering'
Feel free to share these as you please!
Tip Jar
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gravity-valley · 7 months
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Padme on Genosis!
Padme is a beautiful graceful queen, but also a badass and I wanted to show that
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blackkatmagic · 8 months
I wonder how many slap fights happened after genosis. like, wasn't the clones first intro to jedi yoda? and I'm sure they had like lessons about jedi?? maybe?? at kamino but they're first look is yoda and its like oh great frogs BUT THEN ALLL THE PRETTY JEDI. FIGHTING. VERY MUCH. COOL SWORDS. and thus, slap fighting ensued
Honestly I can't imagine there weren't slap fights. Just. Constantly.
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Me: *ready and willing to write an entire chapter about Cal touching Anakin’s lightsaber, seeing the Tusken massacre, being horrified, trying to tell others, no one believes him because of course Anakin, the Chosen One, would never do such a thing. They know Anakin. They trust Anakin. They believe in Anakin. Only for them to find out that Cal is indeed telling the truth and Anakin has been manipulating everyone into thinking he’s innocent.*
Also me: *suddenly remembers that Anakin’s lightsaber was destroyed on Genosis and Cal is only able to interact with his new lightsaber which has never once seen a desert planet*
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p4nishers · 2 years
i need content of codywan that just started working together like the first few months where their dynamic is cody barely resisting the urge to strangle his general and obi wan being like. already fucking head over heels for him.
like cody was expecting someone highly impressive based on his records so he obviously is excited to work with him cause his batchmates already met him on kamino and genosis and they all liked him which was, looking back, probably a prank on codys sanity and his bastard gremlin vode were absulately dying laughing at him. anyway so he obviously has high expectations and then this slutty "hello there" mf turns up with no self-preservation whatsoever, a feral demon child of a padawan, half the republic tailing him for every bullshit imaginable and beef with EVERY SINGLE SITH EVER???? WHICH HE SOLVES BY ???? FUCKING FLIRTING WITH THEM????? so you can imagine codys not having a great time.
meanwhile, obi wan daydreams about cody constantly. draws up their wedding invitations before even meeting him. praises him every opportunity he gets. kicks his feet and giggles about codys sarcastic comments ABOUT HIM while being in a room with CODY. stops talking in the middle of his sentence when he spots cody across the room and waves at him with the biggest smile possible. sets up regular sparring practices with the vode just so he MIGHT have an opportunity to be close to cody. labels the time when cody accidentally fell on him because of an explosion and touched his lips for 0.00001 milliseconds as their first kiss and gossips about it to quinlan. calls bant regularly to update her on everything cody does ever. buys every kind of tea and caf he can afford as an excuse to talk to cody and go into his courters. flirts with cody 24/7 and blushes tomato red when cody smirks at him and thinks about it so much he constantly walks into walls and tables and chairs and shinies and. breaks a table after cody stubs his toe into it. passes the fuck out when cody carries him this one (1) time, not bc of blood loss or anything simply too much attraction. constantly searches the force for codys signature even when they're not in the same system. calls him disgustingly sappy petnames in every other sentence. corners all of codys batchmates and asks thousands of questions about cody bc he cannot get them out of the man for the life of him and yes, wolffe, he absulately will die without knowing codys favorite color what kind of question is that. cody smiles once a month and obi wan thanks him everytime. cody hands him back his lightsaber for the first time and he proposes, loudly, cody ignores him completely and walks away. convinces anakin and ahsoka to drop "subtle" hints that he would be a good husband.
and everyone around them is having the time of their life watching codys right eye twitch whenever he's in a room with kenobi long enough while the man himself doesn't take his eyes off the commander during the entire 4 hour meeting and blushes everytime cody looks at him without a fail. cody barely refrains from throwing his datapad at his general when he suggests some self-sacrificing bullshit again.
it's truly like:
obi wan, beaming and eyes possibly gleaming with adoration: hello there, cody. how are you today?
cody, grinding his teeth together: fine, sir. wanted to talk to you about this report cause it's seems to be mistaken. surely, you're not thinking of blowing yourself up just so that TWO man, who are not even in any immediate danger whatsoever, can escape. right?
obi wan, brightening even further bc he loves their daily "banter": oh but of course, my dear, they're valuable men and anyway, i promised anakin he'd get to use the explosives this time.
cody, right eye starting to twitch horribly: right, of course, stupid of me to ask. one more thing, general, you wouldn't decommission me for anything i do, would you, sir ?
obi wan: what– darling, of course not. why would you–
cody: alright then [punches obi wan then walks away]
obi wan:
obi wan: i'm so in love with that man.
it's said that to this day obi wan still giggles in the most inappropriate times about that punch because cody was SO HANDSOME YOU DONT GET IT MACE THE LIGHT HIT HIM JUST RIGHT AND–
anyway codys hatred lasts till obi wan saves rex by putting himself in danger and when they get back, both bruised and bloody but amazingly alive and obi wan smiles at him like he always does with rex draped across his scarred shoulder, something in cody just settles and thinks. oh. oh. so this is what bly was talking about.
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childofblasphemy · 7 months
[Clone Wars Timeline] [Foxtrot Squadron]
Authors Note:
I do not own Star Wars or any of its characters and events. This is fanfiction, and any copying/trading or other use without permission of this work is not condoned.
There may be timeline divergents within the canon lore of Star Wars for this fic.
(Also, it can be found on Wattpad. I might post it on Ao3 as well.)
(Let me know if it's complete dog shit, excuse my language.)
i. Canis Major
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The attack shuttle exited out of hyperspace, swiftly carrying itself to the republic fleet cruiser. A squadron of Clones stood in the hull, and their Captain turned to face them. "Foxtrot Battalion, it's our second mission. We have fought together already. We all felt the great loss on Genosis, but knowing what we face here on will only get harder. I may be your captain, but that means nothing without respect, which I intend to earn." He addressed, taking off his helmet. His face matched theirs. "We are a team, that means we have each other's backs no matter what." Gregor points, with the same hand that holds his helmet towards the others. Gregor puts his helmet back on and turns around as the shuttle enters the cruisers hanger. "Let's go, boys."
The ship docked at Republic Cruiser, and the shuttle had been expected. General Kenobi and Commander Cody waited for the hatch doors to open. A hiss sounded from the ship as the door opened, reveling a new squad of clones. Recently, having fought in the battle of Genosis at the start of the war, they were being issued to become a Special Operations Brigade appart of the 212th Battalion under the command of General Kenobi and Commander Cody.
The Captian of the new squadron leads them down into the cruiser to stand in front of Kenobi and Cody at attention. Saluting the superior officers, the captain introduces themself. "General Kenobi, Commander Cody. Foxtrot Group reporting for duty." Kenobi places his hand on his chin, aiming a smirk at the Captain. "Glad to meet your acquaintance, Captain Gregor. I wish we had time for introductions, but we have been ordered to aid Adi Gallia, who has fallen under heavy fire of the separatist while scouting to established base in the outer rim." Kenobi explained. "Follow us to the navigation room, where we'll discuss our strategy for the assult."
Kenobi, Cody, and Gregor left to discuss plans of their reinforcement. Leaving the rest of Foxtrot to prepare for the upcoming battle.
"Finally, we're about to see some action. Those training modules were beginning to get boring." The eager voice sounded. He took off his helmet, facing his brothers. "Don't get too excited, Haze. We aren't even at the battlefield yet." The clone bantered his bother. Three clones with orange painted armor walk past them, speaking to each other in loud voices. "Oh great, just what we needed." One groans. "Couldn't they have gone to another Battalion?" Another comments as they walk by. The commandos watched them as the clone toopers passed. "Don't mind them. They are just worried with you here. Cody won't pay attention to them anymore. You must be the new squadron." The owner of the voice greeted them. "Not just any squadron either, a Commandos Unit." Another voice joined. "That's right. We're Foxtrot Squadron. I'm Vishop." He introduced. "This is Haze. He tends to have a quicker mouth than blaster." He gestures to the clone who removed his helmet. "Lastly, is Tally." Vishop finished. Tally nodded his head. "Names Waxer." The clone introduced. "I'm Boil. Welcome to the 212th Battalion." Boil welcomed.
Waxer and Boil showed Foxtrot around the ship and helped them get ready for their assault. They meet with their captain after he finishes his briefing. "Men, we will be sent down to Adi Gallia to aid in their escape off their cruiser, which has been borded by droids. General Kenobi will be leading a squadron of fighter jets to assult the enemy heavy cruiser directly. Commander Cody will remain on the Crucible to aid the General in their assult, while we extract our men from the destroyed cruiser and bring them back to the Crucible. When we have everyone on the escape ships, we will contact General Kenobi. He will be able to exacort us back to the Crucible." Gregor delt. He placed his helmet back on. His squad followed his lead, placing their helmets on as well. "You know the drill, we have to be ready to leave as soon as General Gallia's ship is in sight, and we have been given an opening by General Kenobi." Gregor walked back to their shuttle. "We'll be taking three Attack Shuttles for evacuation. Dixon will be our advisor and pilot our shuttle." Gregor command. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to get us there in one piece ." Dixon saluted, then made his way to the ship's cockpit. "The other shuttles will be piloted by Gearshift and Frost. They will follow Dixon's lead. Let's get out there, Foxtrot, before they kill all droids." Gregor ordered. His men saluted him, boarding their shuttle once again.
Gregor waited for Kenobi to give the signal with his men and him ready in the ship's hull. He glanced at his squadron, noting their behaviors. "Tally, you look anxious." He walked over to him. "Sorry, Captain. It's just a bit of nerves." Tally confessed. Gregor placed his hand on Tally's shoulder. "It's our first mission since Genosis. We're all nervous. We have a duty. Don't worry, your brother's got your back." Gregor reassured. Vishop pounced on Tally's shoulders, placing his hands on either side of them. "It's okay, Tally. If you get shot, I'll patch you up." Vishop gave him a good shake. "Make sure you don't get shot. He'll probably just finish the job if he's the one to patch you up." Haze jeered. Tally gave him a chuckle, "I'll keep that in mind."
They received the signal from Kenobi, and they began their move on Gregor's command. Dixon lifted the shuttle from the cruiser into the fray of the fight. Kenobi managed to keep most of the attention on them, short two droid gunner ships. Which noticed the Attack Shuttles as the neared Adi Gallia's cruiser. Falling under fire, Dixon warned the other shuttle crafts. "Looks like some stragglers found us." He reported to Captain Gregor. "Do whatever you can to get us to that ship, Dixon." Gregor compromised. "You got it, Captain. It's about to be a bumpy ride." Dixon smirked.
Veering a sharp left, the squadron in the hull braced themselves as they were thrusted with the ship. Dixon dropped down vertically, bringing their shuttle's wings upward to increase the speed in which they could fall. The two other shuttles flew past them, the droid gunner ships raced towards them. Powering the thrusters and lowering the wings once more to add more power in their motion. Dixon was now able to use the front laser cannons. Blasting the closet gun ship, the droid not expecting their shuttle to turn so fast. It collided with the second droid ship because of their close proximity to eachother. "Wasn't that lucky." Dixon comments to himself.
Now, no longer under gunfire, he turned the ship back on route, following the two other shuttles to Gallia's aid. Dixon neared an emergency side port of the cruiser away from the main landing dock, which had become infested with droids. The two other shuttles docked at near ports. "Dixon, keep the ship running so we can make a quick exit." Gregor asked. "Yes, sir." Dixon followed. Gregor led his squadron out of the hull and into the cruiser. They crept through the air lock, staying alert of their surroundings. Checking both ways down the hall, he pressed forward.
They crept towards the command center of the ship where the survivors had escaped and now were cornered. Gregor ducked back into the he had just come from, hidding in the shadows as three droids passed by. He signaled to Vishop, who was behind him. Together, they shot the droids from behind. Gregor snapped in the opposite direction to check their backs. No droids were alerted. They pressed forward.
They made it right before the locked doors of the command center. They hid down the main hall, behind a protrusion in the wall that lined as support. A squadron of droids stood blocking their path. They were cutting through the secured blast doors with a laser extraction droid. Gregor turned to his men to give the signal. He pointed to Haze and Tally, motioning for them to go around. They nodded and moved back down the hall to flank the droids. Gregor motioned to Vishop, letting him know to push forward with him. Gregor got his Electro-Mag Pluse grenades ready.
Jumping into action, Gregor moved out into the middle of the hall, firing at the droids. In an instant, the droids turned on them, and they descended their attack onto the three clones. Gregor threw the pluse grenade, taking out the front five droids, allowing Vishop to push forward their attack. Moving down the hall, Gregor and Vishop found cover at the next protrusion of the hall. They exchanged shots with the droids. "Captain behind us!" Vishop notifed him of the droids flanking their rear.
Tally and Haze made their way around, catching the droids by the closed blast doors by surprise. Managing to down them all. "Clear up front." Haze called to connect their squad. Gregor and Vishop ran to join them at the doors. Tally and Haze gave covering fire against the droids that approached the two from behind. Two Droideka rolled in as support for the squad of Super Battle Droids that fired on Foxtrot. "Vishop!" Gregor called. "We need cover."
Vishop pulled a retractable shield frame from his backpack, attaching the grip to his forearm. Unfurling the frame, it was large enough to cover his full body. Holding the frame in front of himself, Vishop quickly activated his energy shield.
Stepping out from behind the wall, he allowed Gregor and Haze to move out behind him. Haze tossed six metal balls towards the Super Battle Droids, one on each side of the hallway and the other two straight ahead. Each activated creating a net mid-air, entraping 5 Super Battle Droids. Tally, who provide support, were able to help Gregor blast the remaining droids. Once the path had been cleared, Vishop took the opportunity to run into one of Droidekas with his shield. Haze followed after him, targeting the other. The Droideka's shots deflected off Vishop's shield as the clones approached them. Haze rolled a pulse grande under the second one's deflector shield. Vishop crashed into the first one, pressing it to the wall. He was close enough to stick his rifle through the shield and shooting the droid.
Gregor stood, turning to the locked doors. Tally contacted the survivors inside. The doors opened, revealing Adi Gallia and her men. "Captian, I'm glad to be seeing you." Adi smiles. "We have transports waiting at the emergency docking ports." Gregor informed. "Vishop, tend to the wounded. We are evacuating them first." He pointed Vishop to the other medic clones. Gregor removed his helmet as he approached the jedi.
"Captain, may I speak with you." Adi Gallia asked. "Alone." She added, glancing at Tally and Haze, who stood close by. Gregor nodded his head, signaling his two brothers to help Vishop. Tally nodded back and started helping bring the wounded to the medics of Adi's company, Haze helped load supplies. Gregor followed Adi to a spot out of the way. "Captain, we have some vital reports we procured, that is, on this ships database. It's what I believe the separatist are the true motives behind this attack. We are unable to erase the ships' memory, our main power frame had been cut off during their assult. It'll take too long to redirect power, I'm afraid." Adi explained. "We can't let them take the ship with those files."
Gregor stayed silent for a moment, thinking. "Well, then I guess we are just gonna have to make sure there's nothing left for them to take." He concluded. "You evacuate your men to the shuttles while my company takes care of the ship." Gregor deciceds. "You have a plan?" Adi questions, she crosses her arms and raises her brow. Gregor shrugs his shoulders, "Still working out the details." He admits. "Our main priority is to get you to safety."
Their conversation was intruppted by Gregor's comms going off. "Captain, come in. It's Dixon. The droids discovered our shuttles." Blaster fire could be heard in the background. "Copy. On our way." Gregor notified. "We need to move out." Gregor told Adi. She nodded, reassuring him. "I'll lead my squadron to the shuttles. We can reinforce Dixon and make an escape."
Gregor turned towards his squadron. "Vishop, you guide General Gallia to the shuttles. Dixon is being assaulted by droids and is going to need your help. Haze, Tally. You're with me." Gregor directed. His men nodded and started moving out. Vishop assigned clones to help move their wounded brother's. Adi Gallia headed off with a small group to clear a path. The rest of the squadron followed behind, tasked with guarding the injured and moving supplies.
"What are we going to do, Captain?" Haze asked, watching his brother leave. Gregor placed his helmet on and began walking. "We're going to give the ship some new renovations to welcome the separatist."
"You're going to have to trust me." Gregor persisted. "This is not just crazy. It's suicide. Are you sure we can't just wipe the data files?" Tally countered. "More separatist droid ships are entering the docking port. If we turned on the power and cleared the data, we would be overrun before we could think about getting out. This plan will at least give us a chance of making it out of here." Gregor strategized. Haze threw his gun over his shoulder, "I for one am in. The more time we waste, the less time we have." Haze concluded. Gregor nodded at Haze, turning his gaze to his other brother.
"Tally." Gregor pressed. Tally and Gregor stared at each other through their helmets. Tally nodded his head. "Brothers have each other's backs." Tally mirrored Gregor's words from the start of the mission. Gregor placed his hand behind Tally's head, colliding the crown of their helmets together gently. Gregor dropped his hand and leaned away from his brother. He began walking towards the deck's main panel. Haze gave Tally a good punch to his shoulder, "We are counting on, Tally."
The three begun their plan, Gregor stood at the main control's for the ship. "I'll reroute the ship. Tally, start arming the explosives. Haze, you direct the bridges power to the main frame and copy the data files onto the fob." Gregor delegated tasks. The clones wasted no time jumping into action.
Gregor moved to the navigation system, and he began turning the cruiser towards the separatist fleet. Gregor lifted his wrist comm device, contacting Dixon. "It's Gregor, come in Dixon."
"What do you need, Captain?" Dixon responded immediately. "Signal General Kenobi to have him and his men fall back, we're charting the cruiser's path right into the enemies' fleet. Make sure you're ready to get moving once we're back to the ship." Gregor commanded. "Yes, sir." Dixon complied. Tally started placing explosives under the control panels. Haze bumped into Tally as he downloaded the information onto their fob. "Will you be careful, we don't want one of those going off while we're still in here." Tally chastised. "You worry too much." Haze remarks back. Haze was able to divert the emergency power to the main computer to allow him and Gregor to work on navigation and pull up the data files. After a few minutes, Haze pulls the fob from the computer, signaling his Captain. "I got the ship's memory downloaded."
"Let's get going." Gregor spoke as he finished putting the coordinates into the navigation system. Haze, Gregor, and Tally ran through the hallway. A laser shot hit the wall in front of them, halting them into a stop. It was Droid reinforcements that must have been notified by their disturbance. They fired apon the commandos from down an adjacent connecting hall. Haze ducked forward to dodge the shots that barely missed his head. Gregor pulled Tally behind a wall with him. Tally switched the front of his rife to hold anti-armor rounds. The detonators went off, and an explosion could be heard from their distance, and they were able to feel the hallway vibrate. Taking this opportunity when the droids were distracted by the explosion. Gregor pushed Haze and Tally forward, signaling for them to run. Tally turned, firing anti-armor explosive round at the driods. He ran forward, trusting his aim enough not to look back.
They all surged forward, running down the hall towards the emergency docking port. More droids followed them as they got further from the stern. Vishop was waiting at the entrance of the connector tunnel. They gave covering fire as the rest of their squad boarded the ship. Vishop slammed the air lock closed once they were all in. Gregor went to the co-pilot seat upfront. "Detach from the cruiser before we're taken to hyperspace with it." Gregor warned. Dixon didn't hesitate to follow orders. Filpping the shuttles air lock switch, then pressing the button to release the door's attachment locks. Then, grabbing the controls, he lifted the shuttle away from the cruiser. Dixon contacts Kenobi, "General, it's CT - 5595. All shuttles have disembarked. Stay clear of the cruiser's course. Stay clear." Dixon informed the general.
"Copy, Dixon. My men have cleared the path. We'll cover you as you return to the Crucible." Kenobi ordered. The shuttle was escorted back to the cruiser, with the last of survivors on board. Landing safely aboard the Crucible, Gregor and his men watched Adi Gallia's cruiser speed towards the Separatist fleet. Inside the ship, the main frame panel and command center had been destroyed by the explosives they set. But not before Gregor had inputted coordinates into the navigation system, which activated the hyperdrive. Because the engines remained intact, the engines were able to power up despite the bridge being severely damaged.
The ship's thrusters were turned blue by the reflection of the heated flames spewing out of them. With a bright flash, the cruiser launches forward. It tears through the driod fleet. Appearing directly behind it is not a moment later. Adi's cruiser's hyperspace engines had failed cause it to stall out. Its parts laid thrown across space in front of the Crucible. Both Adi's Republic Cruiser and the droid fleet were demolished by their collision.
General Kenobi's gunner ship and the rest of his squad flew into the landing dock, safely into the Crucible. Kenobi jumped down from his gunner ship, walking towards Foxtrot's shuttles. Gregor and Adi Gallia meet Kenobi halfway. Gregor saluted General Kenobi when they had reached each other. "It's good to see you all in one piece." Kenobi greets. "It is good to be able to hear your jokes, Master Obi-wan Kenobi." Adi smiles, then turns to address Gregor. "Thank you for your help, Captain."
Gregor faced her at attention and saluted her. She nodded in response, Kenobi and Adi excused themselves to report back to the jedi council. Leaving Gregor to help direct his company to help the wounded to the medical bay. Foxtrot had helped the last of the wounded, leaving them to be attened to in the ward. Outside the room, they were greeted by two fimilar brothers. Boil and Waxer wanted to congratulate them on their successful mission. "Not bored anymore?" Boil started. "That was quite a show."
"You're now officially appart of the 212th Battalion." Waxer agreed. "That's just the beginning. There's more fun to be had." Haze coaxed. "Looking forward to working with you." Vishop chimed, giving Waxer a huge slap on the back. Making Waxer almost fall forward. "Haha," Boil laughed at his brother. "Make sure to leave some for the rest of us."
Waxer and Boils comms went off. They were needed in the bridge. "Never a moments rest for the weary." Waxer sighs. Boil faced the group. "We're going to paint our armor, with the rest of the 212th. You should join us." Boil invited. Waxer and Boil gave a small wave as they left. "Painted armor. That sounds like a fun idea." Gregor mused the thought out loud. "What do you boys think?"
"As long as it is within regulations, sir." Vishop agreed. Haze shrugs his shoulders, "White isn't my color, far too boring." Gregor snickered at his response. "There isn't much tactical use for all white anyway." Tally chimed. Gregor took off his helmet, walking down the hall. Foxtrot followed their captain. "Let's get some grub and slap some war paint on, then it's off to the next mission." Gregor commanded.
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dirksawesomesprites · 8 months
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Can you do a god tier sprite for Regina Genosi? Both god tier art and Farrago Fiction sprite are here.
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i hope this is correct :,3
i love your fantroll, theyre very cool looking !!!! ^_^
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One thing I always struggle with when it comes to Jedi defenders is that they view the Jedi attitude towards attachment as commendable
They define it as being able to hold onto something but be able to let it go easily, to be able to care about something and let it drift away without disturbing your peace in any meaningful way
They care about it but they can let it go because they weren't holding on to it too tight, which is, in the defenders view, the ideal form of attachment
And that's bull
Nothing I care about has been easy to let go
Even with things I did let go because it was the right decision, I've still been in pain over it
The people I care the most about are a hundred miles away from me and creating seperate lives without me, and I am happy for them but I mourn what has been,
I care about them enough to let them move on but I am still attached to them and in theory that is what Jedi attachment could be, caring about something without destroying it or yourself, for leaving, being upset without allowing the grief to consume you
But it's not
The Jedi see 'negative' emotions, such as grief as a bad thing, so even meaningful grief over letting go would be a failure to the Jedi, your grief has to be brief and easy to move on from, otherwise you were too attached
And this is best exemplified to me in the episode where Barriss and Ashoka are buried under rocks on Genosis
Luminara mourns her Padawan, very slightly (I have cared more about breaking a bowl but that might just be how she processes grief) but she's ready to move on
Anakin is angry and unwilling to move on, in denial over the loss of Ashoka, and by nature of it being Anakin, we are clearly meant to see Luminara as the exemplar of how Jedi handle grief
But Luminara is wrong, her Padawan is still alive and her willingness to accept Barriss as a lost cause would have directly led to Barriss dying
It is Anakin's unwillingness to follow suit that saves their Padawans' lives
In a situation where both of them could feel their Padawans' in the force, so could reasonably expected to know they're alive, Luminara gave up the moment they were buried
That's not attachment, that's not caring
I would hope a random stranger cared about me more than that, let alone the people I care about
The Jedi approach to attachment doesn't work because if you genuinely care about something it's loss affects you, you are emotionally distressed because you cared, if you didn't care you would be fine but then you wouldn't have been attached
I wasn't joking when I have been more upset about breaking a bowl than Luminara was over the loss of Barriss
I cared more about an inanimate object than the Jedi do over a living breathing being
What does that say about the people who are supposed to be looking after an entire galaxy
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laurabwrites · 2 years
Plotting out loud, because I can. Glimmerglanger/Star Wars edition.
I read a fun smut Padmé/Obi-Wan piece from @glimmerglanger (another author I will read basically anything they write) that had a an interesting author end note:
....and the galaxy is saved because when Anakin tries to flirt with Padmé she goes, "Sorry, kiddo, not interested," because she's busy trying to arrange a time and place when she, Obi-Wan, and anyone else who wants to get down can all meet up.
And being me, I decided to plot out how this AU changes the timeline/plot. Because I can. And maybe if I do, it’ll stop knocking around my head.
So, relevant ‘plot’ points to this exercise for those who don’t want to read smut:
In Attack of the Clones, Anakin took a minor injury chasing Zam Wesell and went back to the Temple for treatment.
Padmé and the handmaids had crushes on Obi-Wan in The Phantom Menace.
Most of Padmé’s sexual experience up to this point has been with her handmaids (and they with each other).
Padmé initiates; the sex is very good; Padmé’s reaction is “I should see if he’s up for an orgy with the handmaids, they deserve something this nice.”
So! How I would plot out what comes next:
1) Anakin still tries to flirt with Padmé. It’s just as embarrassing as in the movies. Padmé decides to bring one of her handmaids with her to Naboo, hoping she’ll act as a buffer with Anakin. Let’s pick Dormé.
Dormé tells R2 to hang around Padmé when Anakin is there & don’t be afraid to use his arc welder/taser if he gets too pushy
2) The sojourn on Naboo is going to include fewer picnics and more Anakin bugging Padmé while she’s working with Dormé on Senatorial work. I see this leading to at least one argument about political structures.
Dormé totally yells at Anakin that he’s proposing fascism
How can a former slave think the scaled up version of what he suffered is a good idea?!?
Well the Chancellor could get so much more done if—
Dormé slaps massive history tome down on table
3) Padmé has good memories of Shmi, so they still go to Tatooine once Anakin shares he’s having nightmares.
4) Anakin does a Mass Murder™️ out of Revenge™️
5) When Anakin has his little ranting confession to Padmé (because he’s thinks they’re closer than Padmé feels), R2 starts pretending to be shutdown in the corner and gets a recording of his confession. Because Padmé is not interested in Anakin romantically, her little “anger is human” part of the speech also includes a “and I’m going to be very careful not to trigger the anger of this person who can throw things with his mind and has a sword that can bisect people easily.” mental clause. It’s a textual medium instead of a visual one. I get to include internal thoughts.
6) MEANWHILE, Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan got a nice dose of happy brain chemicals before starting his hunt and has gotten a decent amount of sleep while bouncing around the galaxy chasing down this attempted assassin. Obi-Wan digs in a little further at Kamino compared to the movies canon. He gets a copy of the contract from the Kaminoans. He ducks meeting Jango until after talking to some of the Alpha class (who introduce him to a couple of their proteges). Jango cannot hurry luring Obi-Wan to Genosis because he cannot find Obi for a couple days. 
When Obi-Wan does talk with Jango there’s a lot more “why are you building an army for the Republic” and more paying attention in the Force to his answers.
Obi-Wan has concerns™️
Obi-Wan sends his concerns to the Council and Anakin with instructions to boost his signal to the Council and make sure it gets there. Also DO NOT COME.
7) Genosis. Obi-Wan sneaks around Genosis for a little bit longer before getting caught. He gets a little more information back to the Council. When Dooku says “there’s a Sith in the Senate”, Obi-Wan says “evidence or I think you’re lying to sow discord and ignore you.”
8) Padmé and Anakin get caught on Genosis just as fast as in the movie. Dormé and R2 do not get caught. They feed technical info about the droids and on the ground tactical information to the arriving Jedi and clone rescue force. The rescue force tries a more diversionary attack expecting Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padmé to get themselves out of the arena. Fewer clones and Jedi die. It’s still a shitshow with terrible numbers of casualties. Just fewer than in the movie.
9) Anakin still goes after Dooku. He still looses his arm. Dooku still gets away. Padmé and Anakin do not kiss, and do not sneak off to Naboo to get married.
10) Anakin is brought back to the Temple to start healing and doing PT for his new space-future prosthetic arm (see recent writing advice re:arm amputations and why they’re portrayed unrealistically). Obi-Wan is sent off on a mission with Alpha-17. Padmé, Dormé, and R2 speak with the council about Tatooine — the council diverts a Shadow to Tatooine for more evidence to back up the decision they know they’ll have to justify to the Senate.
11) Obi-Wan’s mission goes badly. He and Alpha-17 are captured and tortured by Ventress. Word of this reaches the Council and Anakin...
12) After his mother’s death, Anakin has slotted Obi-Wan into the ‘must not die, will burn down the Galaxy’ slot that Padmé occupied in movie canon. Padmé has made herself unavailable for the role since they’re not in a romantic relationship (although Anakin would like to and plans to continue pursuing her). So Anakin subconsciously choose the other parental figure in his life, instead of the female person he cares most about.
13) Anakin freaks the fuck out, runs off to Kamino, grabs the 212th being assembled for Obi-Wan’s return from this mission (which includes Rex and Cody), says he’s the General’s Padawan/Commander, and they’re going to go rescue Obi-Wan.
14) Anakin did not have an assignment to do this. Anakin is disobeying direct orders to come the fuck back to the Temple. Anakin takes the 212th and runs silently. No one in the 212th knows that they’re not in communication with the rest of the GAR and are in danger of being declared AWOL.
15) Obi-Wan or Alpha escape long enough to send a transmission to the GAR before getting recaptured. The 212th pick up the signal and rescue Obi-Wan and Alpha. Obi-Wan contacts his superiors (the Council and GAR military) and gets informed of the situation with Anakin. Obi-Wan orders them all back to Coruscant.
16) The dressing down of Anakin is a) in the medbay before Obi-Wan is dunked in a bacta tank and b) EPIC. Phrases used include “My life is not worth all of these men!” and “Do you have any idea what happens to AWOL clones?!” Obi-Wan has to arrest Anakin for fear the boy will accidentally start a mutiny by ordering the ship NOT to go to Coruscant.
17) The Jedi Council. Anakin and Obi-Wan think they’re there for Anakin’s punishment for absconding with the 212th and disobeying order. Nope. Surprise. You done did a mass murder. Into Jedi jail you got to go Anakin. “It’s not fair! You need me in this war!” excuse me? “They’re just animals” excuse me? “The chancellor didn’t think I did anything wrong?” ex-fucking-cuse me? say that one again.
18) So yeah, Anakin goes to Jedi jail, the Jedi Council decides to hide that fact to figure out the Chancellor’s involvement in that and prevent him from ordering the Jedi to release Anakin, Shadows start investigating the Chancellor (plus keep an eye on the Coruscant guard who have to interact with him), and sad Obi-Wan goes back to war while trying to investigate his concerns™️ about the Kaminoans and the clones (which is where I want the discovery of the chips to come in, but like, later. In a different story in the series. One where Ahsoka is Obi-Wan’s Padawan.
And yes, Padmé and crew do occasionally meet up with Obi-Wan during the war for some mutually fun sex.)
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this-acuteneurosis · 2 years
You know something I love with the Prequils that I see as an improvement over the Origionals is them showing how regular people can contest against Force sensitives? im mostly talking about Episode 2. Through the Chase against Zam, Obiwans fight in the Rain against Jango, and then Mace fight with Jango on Genosis+Dino man shot down, its shows the breath and depth on how Regular folks can contend? If You have hardware and Skill You can contest, even win, but heaven help you if you get grounded.
It took me a little while to answer this, because my first thought was, "Okay, sure."
But then I turned it around a few times and...I think I feel the exact opposite?
Like, I came up with a ton of examples the more I thought about it, but--
Luke. Is Force sensitive. And gets his butt handed to him all the time? From like, the first time Artoo tricks him and runs away and Luke gets beaned over the head by a Tusken, to RotJ where trained Luke gets abducted by teddie bears whose weaponry is literally sticks and stones, and he is incapacitated by rope (24 hours before he goes to confront two Sith lords). Lots of injuries and issues and stuff.
And like, Han. Han Solo. Sneaks up on Vader in a freight ship and shoots him. Vader. Foils Vader's pursuit by flying them into an asteroid belt in ESB. Han's pretty effective.
Artoo. Artoo is messing up Vader's plans all the time.
Leia was technically revealed as Force sensitive in RotJ, and post-prequels and "Chosen One" Anakin I think a lot of her experiences are retconned into being more Forcey by fans. But like, in ANH? She wrecks Vader's ability to find Artoo by lying badly to Vader's face. He knows she's full of shit, and it's meaningless. He still doesn't get the plans. No Force required.
I dunno, I feel like the entire vibe of the first trilogy is "scrappy underdogs have Hope and Love and Win?" And yeah, there's some Force stuff. But like, Luke wins the day by not fighting. And Vader literally picks up the Emperor and chucks him with a hand and a stub. So...?????
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demon----dean · 1 year
Reading the Wild Space novel, where Yoda is after Genosis: "LOL. Mothers die, why is Anakin so unstable? He needs to get over this NOW." And then blames Obi-Wan for not reigning him in and I'm like -- have you seen Anakin? He's a fucking force of nature. The council keeps digging their own grave by just pretending that one day Anakin will wake up perfectly emotionless and docile.
I just see how they are all so dysfunctional, and I guess it makes for a good story, but it also makes me want to scream. 😆 😅
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kaizzz · 4 months
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I don’t really see much Agent Kallus X reader on here, so I decided to write one >~< I’m planning for this to be divided into parts ( not really sure how many but we’ll see how it goes)
P.S English is not my native language, apologies for any errors T-T I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much I enjoy writing it <3
This is also my first fic on tumblr😆 If there’s any ideas you guys might want to be included on the next part, lemme know! >~< Again, have a good reading! <3
Word Count: 712
Genre: Romance
Pairs: Agent Kallus x Reader
Fandom: Star Wars: Rebels
Sets between Season 2 and 3
Getting stuck on the ice cold moon of genosis with Zeb have been an eye-opening for Agent Kallus to say the least. Although he refuses to acknowledged it. Deep down, he can feel it, the needs to feel alive, he misses it. Here with the Empire, everyone else feels so cold and emotionless, everyone seems to only care about getting the job done and following orders. For a second, he felt envious of zeb, how he have a crew, somehow a family that cares for him deeply.
His thoughts drifts back to you, y/n. It’s been awhile since you joined the Empire, you were a capable and strong-headed agent, never loses hope. When he had heard that there’s a newcomer agent joining his team, at first, he was distasteful. Sure, he did fail to capture the rebels and let them escape quite a number of times but that doesn’t mean that he’s not good at his job, perhaps at tracking the rebels but not so much on capture them.
When he first notice you was the aura you gave off; strong-headed,capable, serious, and very good at what you do. Slowly, as time goes by, he starts to admire you and your capabilities. You two strikes up a conversation every now and then but mostly were about the process of catching the rebels, nothing more.
With what started as just admiration, turns into something more. Kallus finds himself falling for you, caring for you more. Not that he dare to hope that you’d feel the same way. But this one time right after his encounter with zeb and after being rescued from the moon by the Empire, he ran into you on his way back to his quarter; trying his best to keep composure from his leg injury, he greets you and you smiled and greets him back, completely oblivious to his current state. Or so he thought. You stopped for a moment and ask Agent Kallus;
“ Agent Kallus, how’s your leg?”
Agent Kallus halt, you noticed, he thought to himself; before turning to face you.
“It’s alright, the pain is not that bad, I’ll be on my way”, Agent Kallus quickly replied. As he turned away from you and begin to go on his way when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Wait-”, he heard you said.
He turned back and give you a confused look, “ You’re leaping, come on, I’ll help you to your quarters”, you continued.
It took Agent Kallus a moment to processed what you’ve said before shooking his head and replied back, “That’s alright, I’m fine to go on my own”
You smiled and said,“ I insisted”, as you begins to take one of Agent Kallus arm and wrap them over your shoulders and begins to walk him back to his quarters.
Agent Kallus decided then that it no point resisting and allows you to help him walking back to his quarters.
As you reached his quarters and slowly setting him down on his bed, you smiled at him and said in a soft-toned, not the usual tone that he heard you speak; “ Get some rest and get well soon, Agent Kallus”
“Thank you” he said looking down.
Before leaving his quarters, you heard him ask, “ Why are you doing this?”
You turned back and face him, “ This?”, you ask, confused on what he meant.
“This, helping me to my quarters or just asking if I’m alright and all, most people do, was just ignore, said a quick greeting and carry on with their duties, at least here in the Empire anyways”
You stared for a moment, processing what he had just said before letting out a laugh and said, “ Why? Because I care, silly.”
Before heading out the door, facing your back to him, you raise one arm and said, “ See you later, Agent”.
This is new, seeing you smile and hearing you laugh makes his heart feels heavy but happy at the same time. It’s such a pretty sight to see.
Staring at the closed door, something small starts to light up inside of him, hope, the feeling of someone finally care. Before his thoughts get ahead of him, he quickly buried that feeling and brush it off before laying down and rest.
Part 2: coming soon
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