#genuinely can't believe another year's already come and gone
thunderxleafart · 2 years
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It's that time of year! :D Time for the annual art summary from yours truly! Honestly I had a lot of fun with my art this year! I tried out all sorts of different poses, tried more complex backgrounds, and generally just drawing stuff that was a little more out of my comfort zone. Although this was also the year where my Sun and Moon brainrot hit full-force, sooo.. there was plenty of art of them as well! x'D I'm overall pretty happy with how my art has progressed, and I'm certainly looking forward to trying all sorts of new and wonderful things this new year! xD Don't worry, though, there'll still be plenty of my usual fluffy ship content as well! ;3 It's fun to try new things every once in a while, but cute ship art is still my bread and butter! x"D So you best believe there'll be plenty more of that to come in 2023! With that, I hope you guys had a good 2022, and here's to an even better 2023!! :D 
I can't thank you all enough for all the support you've shown my art over this past year, and I'm super excited to bring y'all even more content in the new year! <3 And as always, thanks for looking everybody!~ ^w^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FNAF Characters (c) Scott Cawthon/Steel Wool Jackieboyman & Marvin the Magnificent (c) Jacksepticeye Art & Laela (c) Me! <3
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logansdoll · 2 months
the students are excited to have their old biology teacher back, but you can't be that great... right?
CW: fluffy fluff, the events of Last Stand didn't happen, Logan being Logan, reader is a chlorokinetic (controls plants), love at first sight, Logan's down bad off rip
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It was a couple months back when word of your return began buzzing around the mansion.
No one knew where the rumor started, or who started it, but the day wasn't even half over before the entire student body was obsessed.
Whispers muttered during class, lunchtime gossip chains, study group pow-wows.
Many couldn't believe it.
You? Come back?
No way.
Some could've sworn you were supposed to be gone for at least a few more years.
Others thought you weren't supposed to come back at all.
And a small few even believed that your arrival could come as soon as the following month.
But after a week or so of no follow up, eventually, the rumor was put to rest, interest diverted to the next, newest gossip on campus.
That is... until the story came out.
Apparently, one of the students—who seemed to have some sort of super-hearing—eavesdropped on a conversation between Scott and Charles, and found out you would, in fact, be returning to the school and your position as the biology teacher.
And that was all the students needed to go absolutely berserk.
It wasn't even a full twenty-four hours later before the first meeting of your welcoming committee was held, the new club already having about twenty-five members.
While they began making preparations and to-do lists for your arrival, another group began going out to your garden on the weekends, trimming the overgrown weeds and planting new flowers in their place, caring for them in the meantime.
Some students even started straightening up your old classroom, cleaning the clouded glass of the greenhouse and redecorating with your favorite blooms.
And, of course, Logan had to return from one of his trips right in the middle of it.
Now, at first, he didn't really give a shit.
But out of curiosity, he asked Rogue what all the commotion was about—especially after some kid ran past him with a trolley full of potting soil—and what he gathered was that you were some professor who left about a year ago to teach abroad.
Apparently, you were nearly every kid's favorite teacher, your fun and interactive lessons, along with your genuinely kind and caring personality, touching the hearts of damn near the entire student body.
Even kids who had never met you before were chipping in, helping out those who needed a little extra manpower.
It was almost unbelievable.
'If this chick doesn't show up, Charles is gonna have a nuclear war on his hands...'
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"Guys!" Kitty shouted, running straight through the front door and into the foyer. "I think her car just pulled up!"
The following stampede could've ranked as a 9.0 on the Richter scale.
It was eight in the morning on a Saturday, and half the kids were still in their pajamas, but they all moved with lightning speed, grabbing their signs and noise-makers before running down the stairs.
A boy with super speed sprinted to the lower level dorms and woke everyone else, while a girl with the ability to stretch hung up a welcome banner over the archway.
"Hurry! She's walking up!" Kitty reported, her head halfway through a window.
Quickly, the students formed a crowd at the door, the teachers slowly descending the stairs to join them.
"Mmm. She's here already?" Jean yawned, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she landed on the final step, hand in hand with Scott.
"Still as punctual as ever," he smiled.
"I'll say," Ororo grinned, crossing her robe over her chest, "She wasn't supposed to show up for another week."
Logan was less amused.
No one should have that much energy on a weekend.
Even still, he quietly settled himself off to the side, leaning up against a wall while the others joined the crowd.
'You wouldn't get this kinda reception if the President was the one coming...'
"Y'know..." Ororo started, seemingly out of nowhere, as she joined him on the wall. "I think you'll like her... she's just your type."
He turned to her, raising a brow, "Is she, now?"
Despite his playful tone, he wasn't entertaining the idea in the slightest.
All that true love-soulmate bullshit didn't exist for men like him.
He was 136, going on 137, and had loved and lost enough times to realize that at the end of the day, he'd outlive her.
So why bother?
His life would be one he forever walked alone—a fact he was slowly coming to terms with.
Or at least he thought he was.
Because as you walked through the threshold before him, flashing a heart-stopping grin, he felt all that shit go flying out his head.
You were absolutely beautiful.
And you'd think after 200 years he'd learn...
"Surprise!" the children cheered, proudly holding up their signs and tossing confetti into the air. "Welcome home!"
You gasped, dropping your bags and covering your mouth in shock as you admired the homemade decorations.
"Kids, you shouldn't have!" you smiled brighter than the sun, letting out a small laugh as they all rushed you for a group hug.
And, of course, you were happy to oblige.
"It's good to see you, (y/n)," Scott greeted, he and Jean walking over.
The name sounded like honey on his tongue.
"Logan," Ororo smirked, elbowing her friend in the rib. "You're drooling."
The man cleared his throat, closing his mouth and averting his eyes so they couldn't embarrass him any further.
"Some of you have gotten so big since we last met!" you cheesed, pulling back to examine each of them. "And I see some new faces, too..."
But, against his will, Logan's gaze trailed back to you, Jean's speech going in one ear and out the other.
And when it landed on your face again, he realized he wasn't the only one staring.
Your soft, (e/c) eyes were trained on him as well, their flicker of curiosity and awe completely contrasting your composed demeanor.
It made him feel hot, being subject to your gaze, and he could feel himself thoughtlessly straightening his posture, making himself appear taller, and slightly larger.
You let out a silent laugh, discreetly bringing a hand to your lips to cover it, but not before letting the man get a peak of your smile once more.
Fuck, that smile.
"Can you two quit eye-fucking? It's gross," Scott groaned, joining the two on the wall.
Logan ignored him, looking toward you with a small smirk.
Something about you gave him a good feeling... like things would be different.
Maybe love could exist for him after all...
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Two Peas In A Pod
—A blessing... or a calamity in disguise?
Fandom: Blue Lock
Pairing: Nagi X Fem!Reader
Genre: Crack, Humor, Horror
Format: Short fic
Warnings: Breast feeding, Jealousy, Probably ooc!Nagi
Word Count: 1.5K
A/n: Idk I just thought this would fit him lol. Might remind you of boss baby.
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There are moments in life which can never be forgotten. Long awaited moments that leave a sweet velvety taste in your mouth and get engraved on your memory,
Moments like this.
Nagi is in hospital, standing next to the delivery room with his infant in his arms. He's wearing the most genuine smile he could ever wear, staring at his baby boy's angelic face. The baby has the tiniest hands ever that would get lost in his if he were to hold them, and the cutest chubby feet ever. He could just eat them right away.
"Wow Nagi, he looks just like you!" Reo says, smiling at the sight while snapping a picture. "You two are like two peas in the pod, except that his hair isn't long enough to be as messy as yours"
"I know. I did hope he'd take after y/n, but he's still cute"
Your husband looks so grown up like this with a baby in his hands. That's what makes Reo to snap another picture, this time in full frame of both Nagi and the baby. His smile is as soft as when he watched him saying his vow to you, and he can't help but to feel happy for his best friend.
"I'm gonna go get a cup of coffee and call Isagi and others. They've been waiting for the news"
Nagi's gaze doesn't leave the baby's face to follow Reo's footsteps walking away. He persistently stares at the baby's closed eyelids, wondering if they're hazel colored like his, or have the color of your eyes. Maybe it's a mixture of both, he thinks, if it's possible. He doesn't have to wait for long to find out though, because suddenly, the baby's eyelids start shuddering and in less than a second, they're wide open, displaying the warm chocolate brown color of his eye balls.
Every inch of his figure resembles his father. Even the look in his eyes is curious, just like Nagi's is right now.
"Welcome home, little thing. We're gonna have so much fun together, me and you"
"I don't think that's gonna happen"
Nagi doesn't know whether he should believe his ears, or his eyes. A talking baby? That's a miracle! Babies don't start talking until they're two years old, but this one in his arms was definitely the one talking a little while before, since his intense stare is piercing through Nagi's heart.
I must have very strong genes.
"What do you mean, that's not gonna happen?"
"Oh sorry, I guess I wasn't being clear on the matter" The baby speaks in a semi-grown up voice. "I meant that, you won't be having much fun from now on"
"How come?"
The baby's innocent expression is all gone. Now there's a straight yet devilish look on his face which Nagi doesn't find charming. "I thought you would already figure out that much, but I guess I was wrong. Heh...what a pain"
"Stop giving me that shit and tell me already"
"You don't care much for sharing; do you, my dear father?"
Nagi doesn't like where this is going. He feels an unwelcoming sense of threat in his heart.
"So what? Are you saying you're gonna steal y/n from me?"
The grin on the baby's face isn't casual. All of a sudden, Nagi doesn't find a single thing resembling him. The baby looks more like... Light Yagami from death note, the blond version.
"...I'm saying that I already have"
This can't be happening.
"Tough luck. You'll never be able to split us off. Y/n's love for me is boundless. I'm her one and only"
"You were her one and only" His gums are visible through his demonic smirk. "Now that I'm here, you won't get a quarter of the attention you used to receive. From now on, I'll be the one who sleeps in her arms at— well all the time. She'll always be near me, looking after me since I'm just a fragile little thing. The time she used to spend alone with you is gonna be limited to less than ten minutes, and your share of affection will also be mine. Even if you two do get the time to be alone with each other, she'll be too exhausted to even look at your face. She wouldn't miss it, since she gets to be with me all the time"
The world comes crashing down on the white haired man. Through his storming mind, he can see himself curled up under the strangely ice cold blanket while staring at you frustratingly, asking you to get in the bed with him already. But standing on the other side of the room, it feels like you're a thousand miles away, voice barely making its way to his hear yet so destructively striking him, saying you have to put the baby to sleep first. Even after doing that, you're so tired that you pass out on the bed before Nagi can even lay a finger on you.
"Not only that, I'm gonna take away all the other things you enjoy as well"
Another illusion appears before his eyes, only this time he's sitting on the couch, and you're standing in front of him, wearing a somewhat annoyed expression.
"I'm sorry Sei, but we can't afford to buy more video games anymore. We have to start saving up for Light's college"
No.... that can't be real. He can't give up on his video games for a serial killer's his child's future. That's absurd. You're not expecting him to do that, are you? You know how video games are important to him.
"Just you wait my stupid father, I will take everything you cherish in your life, and it starts from this very moment, with your most loved one"
His most... loved one?
Just as he's about to ask the little demon about his intention, the door to the room opens and a nurse comes out. "Alright! It's the baby's lunch time"
No. Not that.
"His lunch time? You mean, y/n's gonna feed her...?"
Nagi's voice is shivery, like he didn't know about how the babies drink milk. The nurse is a little taken aback by that, but still keeps her smile on.
"Yes sir, he needs to be fed right now, so if I may..." She reaches out to take the baby from his embrace, but fails when Nagi steps back.
"You... can't do that. I mean, this baby looks like he should drink formula milk instead of breast milk. It'll be better for him"
"The hell are you talking about, Nagi? Let the nurse take him to y/n" Reo suddenly appears next to him, giving him a questioning look.
"No— You don't understand— I—"
"What's up with you man? Here, ma'am; take the little thing to his mommy"
Nagi feels all the misery existing in the world raining on him as he watches the nurse take the infant to you. Reo looks away when you pull up your hospital gown to reveal the enchanting sight of your breast that are bigger than usual and are full of milk, all ready to be devoured in the baby devil's throat. This is it. The beginning of his torment, the sight of his most comforting treasure being possessed by another person, shattering his heart into a zillion pieces.
The baby squeezes your right nipple with his hand, letting out a small whine.
"Stop it... No..."
You softly caress his cheek and baby talk him to enjoy his meal.
Why can't all of you people see his devilish smirk?
The baby looks at him from the corner of his eyes. He's taking his most special thing, his stress balls, his warm pillows he snuggles his face into at nights, his soft squishies he plays with whenever he's bored, his delicious jello balls he sucks on to help him go to sleep...
"No... No... No..."
You hold your left boob and snuggle him closer to help him drink, and he helps himself out, by brutally taking it into his mouth.
It happens.
Then Nagi wakes up from his sleep.
Through his blurry vision, he recognizes his room in the middle of the night, and of course, your kind hand on his shoulder.
"Sei? Are you ok sweetheart?"
Nagi keeps panting. He hurriedly looks around the room to see any sign of the baby, but thankfully, he finds nothing. He can't ignore the cute bump of your belly under your oversized T-shirt though.
"If the baby looks like me we'll give it away"
"Excuse me??!"
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All rights reserved © 2023 AshTheMadWriter. Please do not copy, repost, translate, or modify my works on any platform.
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I've been dreaming of the Knight of Lightning.
He vowed to have all bend the knee to his sovereign. That had been his wish, once upon a time. Not like this—he hadn’t wanted it to be like this.
How does a moment last forever? How can a story never die?
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Today is meant to be a joyous occasion.
Their friends, their Diasomnia family, gathered around for a grand party. Good food, good drink, and good company. A send-off for their seniors, a toast to their glorious futures.
This should be the happiest they've ever been.
So why?
Why has the chatter died and the celebration ceased? Why do their guests look positively disturbed? Why does Silver brandish his baton at the young master?
Why does he reject this happiness?
"What are you doing, Silver?!" Sebek angrily demands, punching a fist into a table. The cutlery laid upon it violently clatter. "I'd had enough of your crude jokes--lower your weapon at once! You're making a mockery out of the young master and Lilia-sama's celebration!"
"I'm sorry, Sebek. I'm afraid I can't do that." His aurora-colored gaze is serious and fierce.
"You cur! You DARE turn your sword against your master?!" Sebek takes a defensive step in front of Malleus, staring daggers at his friend. "You're breaking your oath of loyalty to your country, your prince--"
"Sebek..." For a moment, Silver hesitates. There is genuine hurt in his face, eyes wide and wet like those of a doe. But it is there no longer the next second, hardening into a steely shine. "Please stand down. I must do this."
"You've gone mad!!" Sebek's yell echoes in the decorated lounge. Mad, mad, mad... reverberated off the stony walls.
The first year tenses, putting a protective arm in front of Malleus. "Young master, get behind me! I will remove him from your sight."
"Do as you will, Sebek," Malleus replies coolly. His expression presents as almost disinterested, but there is no mistaking the slick of venom in his voice, the raging fire in his eyes.
"Boys!! I thought I taught you better than to brawl over trivial things like this," Lilia cries out to them--but Malleus lays a hand on his shoulder, silencing him.
Sebek produces his own wand--a baton of the same design as Silver's, green magestone embedded into its handle. He raises it to Silver, its end already crackling with an intense energy.
The impact comes, harsh and swift as a bolt of lightning.
"Rrgh...!" Silver braces against the strong blow, skidding several feet. His boots scuff the floor, marking how far he has flown.
Sebek is upon him in an instant, his baton pushing hard against Silver's. He meets the aggressive offense with a quick block and parry, pushing with shaking arms.
"I don't want to fight you!" Silver begs hoarsely.
"You think I want to?!" Sebek roars. His lungs sting, hurting with betrayal.
Silver grits his teeth and ducks--Sebek hurtles into a stone wall. The second year slides under his friend's legs and emerges on the other side, springing back onto his feet.
Sebek faces him, waving his baton in an arc.
"Listen to yourself, Silver!! Lilia-sama's magic is diminishing... Lilia-sama is leaving school and retiring?! The young master having an outburst... forcing us into a deep slumber?!"
With each declaration, he calls forth a new strike of lightning. CRASH, CRASH, CRASH!! They come down in a line, attempting to take Silver down.
He sprints, outrunning them by a hair. A curtain of smoke rises, the air smelling of ozone and destruction.
"They're the ravings of a lunatic!" Sebek shouts, summoning another wave of lightning. "Lilia-sama would never abandon us. The young master would never abuse his powers! They are..."
His everything.
Without them, what is he? What purpose does he serve? Sebek shudders at the thought.
Silver senses it--how his hand falters, his glare softens, his lower lip trembles. He calls out to him, an olive branch extended.
"I know you, Sebek. I know you're a kind person. That's why you want to put your faith in them. Believe me, I do too!" Silver pleads. "But this... This is wrong! It's twisted."
"You're dreaming!!"
"No." He shakes his head. It's you who's dreaming. I'll make you see for yourself...!!"
Silver charges, his baton clashing with Sebek's midair. They're even twin swords, crossing blades and trading blows in a deft, deadly dance.
Neither relenting.
"Open your eyes." Silver's whisper is a loud prayer. It's the moonlight in pitch black darkness, sunlight cutting through a murky swamp. "WAKE UP, SEBEK...!!"
Silver shoves with all his might, sending Sebek sprawling onto his back.
Memories spin, colliding in his head and calling forth thunder. Flashes go off. Light and sound gather, sparking a buried image and setting it into motion.
It's a tangle of ebony thorns knitting over Diasomnia. He sees himself standing among the bramble, his face crumpled with immense terror--and sadness. From somewhere in the memory comes a familiar drawl.
"Do not fear. You will no longer have to suffer. Rejoice!! This is my gift to you all: an eternal happily ever after."
Th-This is...!
Sebek bolts up, clutching his head with a groan.
He regards his dorm leader with newfound horror. "M-Malleus-sama... It can't be. Y-You...!!"
"Aaaah..." The prince draws out a sigh. He sounds like a child disappointed with a broken toy. "How unfortunate. It seems that you've been roused awake as well. Really, Silver. Not only do you defy me, but you actively recruit others to your rebellious cause."
Silver tenses, silently putting himself between Malleus and the still-dazed Sebek.
"Fufufu. No matter. Please, allow me to put you all back to rest. A sleep so deep... you have no chance of waking again!"
A black haze encases Malleus, and all Sebek can see are the bright, glimmering eyes from the darkness. Malleus dispels it with the wave of his hand and reemerges like a demon from an inky summoning circle.
Lattices of pointed vines wrap over his body, a tattered cape fluttering out behind him. His horns and tail glow with an eerie green light, skin greyed and zombie-like. But what frightens Sebek the most is the calmness in his smile.
it does not match the quiet fury in the rest of his face.
This cannot be.
"Y-Young master, wait!!" he stutters, trying to get onto his feet. "I-I beg for your forgiveness! We mean you no disrespect! If you could please just hear us out--"
"The time for talk is over." Malleus raises a hand--and with it, a wall of emerald flames erupts from the earth. "Sweet dreams, Sebek."
The ground at their feet caves into a jagged fault. Thorns creep out from below, seeking out their next victims. Sebek leaps away from them, but they do not stop advancing.
"Ready yourself!" Silver hollers. He lets loose a blast of fire magic, which whittles away at the closest thorns. "Malleus-sama won't listen to reason. We--you--have to fight!!"
He takes in the sad scene. The castle is crumbling, the party come to a sudden stop. Briar is quickly overtaking the area, covering furniture and swallowing up students.
And there is Silver and Malleus--light and darkness, mirror reflections of one another. On opposing sides. Enemies.
Sebek is trembling, finding it difficult to swallow the bitter truth.
But swallow he does.
This is a waking nightmare.
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alaydabug2 · 5 days
Yeah so I decided to take a happy song and make it sad again 🙂
Enjoy ☺️
(Keefe pov)
"Come on," Ro groaned. "Are you really not going to tell her?"
"No! Stop bugging me." Keefe turned around in his chair. "She's with Fitz. She's happy. If she wants him, who am I to tell her otherwise?"
"Don't you think you should at least let her know that she has another option."
"No. I'm not going to do that to her. That's going to complicate things, and I can't lose her."
Keefe sighed and went back to trying to draw the scene he was working on. It was when he had pranked his father the other day, covering him with goo.
"You've already lost her," Ro muttered. "She's with Captain Perfect."
"Ok and? That's none of my business. I need to stay out of it."
She rolled her eyes and stalked off.
"I can't believe it!" Keefe faked his smile. "I'm proud of you, dude. Finally manned up and proposed."
The war was over. It had been for quite a few years now. Sophie and Fitz had stayed together through it all. He didn't want his friends to hurt, but that small, extremely selfish part of him hoped that they'd break up. Give one more chance for him to shoot his shot. It never came.
"Thanks." Fitz's grin was so elated and genuine, Keefe felt awful for being jealous. Not that he'd ever tell him that.
He was happy for his friends. He truly was. But the emotional turmoil in his heart...
But... he was too late. And he knew that. The only thing he could do now was grit his teeth through it all and pretend he didn't feel his heart breaking apart every time he saw them together. Keep his tears in until he was safe in his room and cry himself to sleep.
It was torture. But he could do it. He'd been doing it for fifteen years at that point.
No, he couldn't....
Day of the wedding came. Ro had come to visit for it. Instead of the gloating he was expecting for never saying anything, there was a soft look on her face.
"You alright?" She asked.
Keefe shrugged. He adjusted his tie. "I'm ok," he lied.
"No, you're not."
"I'm happy for them," he insisted.
"That's not what I asked." She moved closer. "I asked if you were alright."
He cleared the thickness from his throat. "I have to be. I'm the best man."
Ro pursed her lips. She let out a sigh. "Ok, then. If you say so."
He played off the water in his eyes during the ceremony as tears of joy. They were anything but. He forced his lips into a smile. He had to make it through the ceremony. He couldn't have a breakdown at his best friend's wedding over the girl he was marrying because he loved her.
Gosh, he loved her. It physically hurt to watch. A constant beating to his heartstrings.
Then, it was announced for the bride and groom to kiss. Oh, he couldn't watch. It made him feel sick.
He had to, though. Had to pretend it was all alright. Cause he couldn't let all that hard work of pretending for years go down the drain. Two very important friendships depended on it.
He still couldn't stomach it, though.
The reception was next. He found a quiet table to sit at far off in the corner. In the distance, Sophie and Fitz were having their first dance. He could feel the waves of joy coming off of Sophie from where he was sitting.
They were happy.
That's what he had to keep reminding himself to keep him sane. They were happy.
He picked one of the dandelions out of the vase on the table. He gently blew on it. He stopped himself when he was about to make his wish.
For so many years, he would wish for Sophie to miraculously change her mind. But... that ship had sailed. It was hopeless now.
Instead, he wished he could get over his feelings. But he knew there was no hope for that either.
He could feel his composure breaking. A stray tear fell down his cheek. He smudged it away and fled to the bathroom.
He could only make it to lock himself in a stall before breaking out into heavy sobs.
All hope was gone. The girl he loved was with his best friend and he couldn't do anything to change that.
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orchideous-nox · 16 days
Thoughts on the Black sisters??? < 3
I know you sent me this after a conversation (which was now like 2 weeks ago) where I said I would talk about them when I've got more opinions but goddammit Alex 😂
I think Bella was very insecure during her Hogwarts years. She is the eldest of 3 daughters and gets a lot of pressure from their parents to be a certain way. Whilst they were all close, I think their parents put a lot of the weight of the Black family legacy on Bellatrix more than Narcissa and Andromeda and she kept a lot of that from her sisters to protect them. She sought validation a lot from her parents, which she rarely got, and relies heavily on Narcissa for emotional support as she gets older.
Her marriage to Rodulphus isn't a love match and I think she resents that a lot but doesn't resent him necessarily. They did what they had to do for their families, a lot of what Bella does is for the sake of her sisters. When she joined the death eaters to gain power and respect, she realised that fear was much more effective and this was her downward spiral. She'd spent years trying to do things right and properly, she'd gone through with a respectable marriage, she was the eldest daughter who did what was best for the family, but it wasn't enough for her. A lot of what she does is still routed in her loyalty to Narcissa, only made stronger after Andromeda leaves, and when she gets out of Azkaban she sees Draco and doesn't want him to be like Andromeda and to end up with no family.
I love seeing content about Quillkiller and, while it's not something I'd write myself, I think it's something that makes sense. With Bella having this strong sense of duty to the family that eventually shifts over to Voldemort, I feel like both her and Narcissa gave up one love for another, Bellatrix giving Rita up to marry Rodolphus and become a Death Eater, the final straw for Rita. There's potential that Bellatrix would resent her sister for still being able to marry for love, but this disappears over time, especially in Azkaban.
She's probably the sister I have the most thoughts on already. I've not really delved into this generation much because they're a bit older than the Marauders characters, but I kinda vibe with the idea of Nobleflower and Narcissa having to give that up to marry Lucius who she did come to genuinely love. I think Narcissa and Lucius are really lovely, they have genuine adoration for each other and it doesn't feel like the kind of marriage where Narcissa sticks with him because the family believe in duty over happiness. While yes, Narcissa appreciates the security of being married to Lucius, she cares deeply for him and their child and stands by him. She calms him and is with him during Death Eater meetings, she supports Lucius after he returns from Azkaban. Yes, she does ultimately put her own values above his sometimes, but she loves her family so much because they're hers.
I think she struggles with parenting Draco because of her own family and her upbringing. This gets worse after Bellatrix is sent to Azkaban and all eyes are on her and Lucius and their child, expected to be the future of both the Black family and the Malfoy family as everyone else is either dead, in Azkaban or disowned. Narcissa is so loyal, she protects her husband, her son and her sister for as long as she can. She's brave and isn't scared of lying to Voldemort by saying Harry's dead if it means protecting Draco and knowing he is okay.
Being the youngest, I think she looked up to Bellatrix massively and after Andromeda leaves and is disowned, they grow closer. She doesn't always agree with Bellatrix's ways but she can't lose her like she lost Andie and wants to help her in whatever way possible. However, I do think out of Bellatrix and Narcissa, the latter would be more likely to attempt amicable contact with Andromeda, I think motherhood would give her a new understanding. That being said, I don't think it would be an easy "you're forgiven", it would be a long road to even tolerating each other's presence.
I think the films do Andromeda so dirty, Sirius clearly saw a lot to love in his favourite cousin and seeing her marry Ted Tonks gave him the courage to leave home knowing it would be okay, and yet she's left out. We know that she looks a lot like Bella and I think there is so much that could be explored within that, no matter the distance she tries to put between them her older sister still follows her everywhere.
She's always been the most gentle of the sisters and I think Narcissa would go to her for comfort over Bella, but she certainly has a temper that makes Bellatrix roll her eyes whilst secretly being proud. I think she was quietly strong until her last year before being disowned when she became much more vocal, saying no to things she didn't want to do. Obviously, her parents didn't like this and neither did Bella because she took the brunt of their frustration when she'd hide away from them all. I can imagine Cissy knew where all her hiding spots were though even as a kid, and would hide with her or would bring her food or treats to coax her out.
In the same way that people think Narcissa and Regulus were close, Andromeda and Sirius were close. We know that they have a lot in common in terms of leaving the Black family and Sirius considers the Tonks' to be his family over his other two cousins, and I think Andromeda feels the same about him. She didn't believe he killed James and was probably heartbroken when she found out what had happened. People get angsty about Tonks being killed by someone who looks just like her mother, but Sirius was killed by someone who looked just like the only family he had left, and this would have broke her heart knowing her own sister did that.
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The BEST LINE in the whole of good omens season two (this is definitely an exaggeration because I can't remember the whole script and there were some absolute BANGERS, "we've been talking for billions of years" UGH and "was that a travel sweet" and "but it's pretty" OH MY LORD "she had balls" I'M IN LOVE) is when Crowley says to Aziraphale "if Gabriel and Beelzebub can do it, go off together, then we can."
There's so so much to say. The fact he specifies "go off together". This isn't really a love confession. He's asking Aziraphale to reject heaven. Begging him. They have loved each other for millennia. He doesn't seem to think that an angel and a demon can't be IN LOVE, he just thinks that they can't GO OFF TOGETHER. LEAVE HEAVEN AND HELL BEHIND. BUT GABRIEL AND BEELZEBUB HAVE SHOWN HIM THAT THEY CAN. And he seems to think, or know, that Aziraphale loves him too.
I think this is the line I related to most. It's an experience all queer people will know, feeling empowered by seeing others like ourselves. Realising that we are not broken or alone in loving who we do, or being who we are.
But it's an analogy. (Idk if analogy is the right word I'm tired)
Crowley and Aziraphale don't have to worry about being gay, because in their world it simply isn't a problem. And I think that's why so many queer people are drawn to Good Omens, not because there are two men in love, or because David Tennant is fit (although I guess this also factors in) but because of the absolute denial of the idea that queerness is inherently wrong.
Anyway, um. Crowley KNOWS Aziraphale loves him. He's not confessing, he's asking if they can "be an us", and leave heaven and hell behind. But, despite everything he has seen, Aziraphale still believes heaven is good. Or at least believes he can make it good. (Which is another INCREDIBLE parallel with the real life problems of christianity in particular catholicism and the culture of brainwashing and guilt that comes with it. Thanks Neil. Genuinely. You broke everyone's heart but you're making me discover things about myself.)
The confession is almost forcing Crowley and Aziraphale to love each other like humans do, with the potential for loss. It forces them to love in preparation for them leaving heaven and hell behind. I think that's why it's so difficult for Crowley to speak to Aziraphale, because their love has gone unspoken, and Crowley already thought they were an "us". Only now is he discovering that his Angel still believes in heaven. Aziraphale isn't naive. He is in denial and filled with guilt, you can SEE THAT IN EVERYTHING HE DOES.
Anyway yeah!!! No one will read this but I needed to get it out of my system. If it makes no sense that's fine it made sense to me for at least 5 minutes.
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aprismaticodyssey · 10 months
Hello; please read this, if you don't mind.
This isn't any sort of update. This isn't an announcement. I know I haven't been posting and I haven't been active, so I'm sure to a lot of you, I'm all but gone. For all my talk of "I'm writing this!" and "That's being edited!" I haven't shown you guys anything. I will get to that later. This post is to tell you about my dog and his situation.
That's right! I have a dog! A yorkie. I should have spammed you all with pictures of him. We had gotten him (my mother's idea) to help me through depression. He absolutely loves people, adores meeting new dogs (even if the bigger breeds scare him), and especially kids. He's a people person. He'd sooner lick you to death than ever cause anyone genuine harm. My dog's name is Monty. Monty the Monster. And he's certainly grown into his name when he would play!
Unfortunately, at eleven years old, I guess his time is... running out. You see, last month, we took him to be groomed at a pet store we frequent. When we came home, a couple days later, he would eat less. He wasn't quite as playful, but he was still more or less himself. After stressing about his lack of interest in food, we went to the vet. There, we were told he has a heart murmur, a 3 out of 6 on the scale, I believe. We were recommended to take Monty to a cardiologist and our vet personally recommended one that she had gone to.
The problem is... everything was booked up. Some places we simply couldn't trust with something so delicate. Others were full until next February or March. Last night, my mother had me call one more place and after the call, we were told to come in on emergency. Not ideal but everything was full and we had to get him looked at. His breathing is hard and fast, uncomfortable. Wheezing. A few coughs. Distress in his eyes.
So we left. The place was nice. The people were nice. The problem was what they found: metastatic cancer in the lungs. I appreciated that we were told matter-of-factly. Very straightforward. But I still cried nonetheless. And when we were left alone, I broke down. Our options were this: we give him a few days of medication and see if it helps him. If it improves his quality of living adequately, we could get more medicine. Or... after those few days... we come back and have him euthanized. My mother has looked into other avenues already. Further treatments. Tests.
But I've already made up my mind. It isn't fair for me to put him through all of that just to delay the inevitable. I feel like a horrible owner for thinking that. For saying it. Like I should be moving mountains to give him another week. A month. A year. But I can't. I just can't. I couldn't handle seeing my dog knowing that all I've done is bought him time, time his health has decided he doesn't necessarily have. I struggled going to sleep last night even after crying. I told him over and over that I loved him. That he's my best friend and how much he helped me. These eleven years are too short. Too soon.
So... the reason I'm posting this, the reason I'm saying all of this, is just because I would like you, any of you, to say a prayer or two for Monty. To wish him smooth passage into the afterlife and that he's able to eat all the things he never could. Like chocolate! God, he'd love it if he could have it now.
If there's anything I want left behind, it's this post. I love you, Monty. More than I'll ever love myself or anyone on this earth. You helped me more than medicine or therapy ever could. I love you. I love you. I love you. I hope you get to travel the stars. I hope you make friends. I hope you find grandpa somewhere out there and join him on his adventures.
And to those of you who read this... Thank you. I'm sorry for my silence. I'm sorry for not posting more. I'm sorry for not being here. I'll be here more and more soon. Eventually. Just... not yet.
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kuromochimi · 2 years
From Yesterday
XXIII: One sided
Suna x Reader smau
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♡ You were particularly fond of collecting antiques and by some twist of fate, you ended up buying an antique box filled with mysterious love letters. Trying to find the person who wrote the letters, unexpected detours and bonds were made. Something more was found. And even more at risk of being lost.
Series Masterlist
Content Warnings: angst, fluff, alcohol drinking, suggestive (and possibly sexual) themes, college setting, use of curse words, mutual pining eventually. Please tell me if I missed any! Pls ignore time
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Suna took a deep breath before pushing the doors to the cafe open. His eyes wandered around the place and it didn't take long for him to find mayu. She was dressed up, a glass of iced coffee sitting in front of her on the table. The glass was half empty and condensation quickly dripped onto the cork coaster below the it. She must have been sitting there for quite a while. He made his way to where she was. "Rin" She smiled and spoke in such a soft, adoring tone that suna almost lost the guts to turn her down. Maybe ghosting her would've been easier but he knew that he at least owed it to what they had to give them both proper closure. "Hey" he smiled back before taking the seat across mayu. "Rin, I- I just want to thank you for giving me another chance. I know that-" Before mayu could utter another word, suna had stopped her. "Mayu, I don't.. I.. I didn't come here to fix us." Mayu's sweet expression immediately changed to a frustrated one. "What? Rin we were separated for two fucking years and now you're telling me you don't want this anymore? I missed you so much and I tried to get better quickly because god knows I wouldn't have been able to face you in the state I was in a few months ago. I wanted to get better for you." At the hint of a mention of the accident, suna felt his heart clench because deep down, he still believed it was his fault and the weight of his guilt was still heavy. But he couldn't drag this along any longer than he already has. "Mayu look, I- I'm sorry for what happened. But this just.. it's not working anymore. This isn't what it was before." Suna remembered the astronomical pain he felt when he found out mayu had sold the box or when he saw mayu post photos with another man hugging her. Suna also remembered the exact feeling of when it all dissipated into thin air. The pain felt like it was dropped on him all at once and gone the next minute. Like something just looking for a reason to be let go of. "So you met a girl and after a few months, you just decided that she means more than me? Even osamu and the rest have been taking her side. That was MY place, rin." "It's not anyone's place. Please just.. I want us both to be happy and okay. But it obviously can't happen with us together. Look at me." Suna stood up to come closer to mayu. "I care about you still and I value what we had. I'm grateful for you, even. But mayu... I'm in love with someone else now and she's just.. she makes me happy. I hope you can understand that I never wanted to hurt you. I want you happy and I want you to be fine. Take care, mayuko." Mayu was left speechless. Because never in her life had suna given her a smile as warm and as genuine as what he just showed her.
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To be continued..
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a/n: This has been going on for literally years now! Sorry about that. But I really wanted to finish this because this is a fic that I love so much :( anyway, I’m going to fix the taglist some other time this week.
Taglist: @littlegirlblackheart @darlingkuroo @rintarhoes00 @bakugouswh0r3 @ntimacy @lilith412426 @kenmaslov3r @yshaaarin @goob-4546 @rintarovibes @ivana-an-iguana @moonlit-island @everytimeswift @ghostlyarcanum @a-katsukitty @kleeixe @kurosin @iworshipyelena @erinoikawa @littlemochi @dominikmagnus @akaaaashit @ahnneyong @stffychn @encrytpta @daninaninani @certifiedsunarintaro @pagkaiin @liv-laugh-die @rietvellld @youngestdelacour @winunk @advocate-thoughts @gojoussunglasses @xmyshya @sumebreaks @annonymous-writer-wannabe @creepykawass @rat-p1ss @fairybnha3 @slothqween3 @anime-meme-sanctuary @whitebread-wasian @iamapotat @heizenka @tjjjrsj
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sea-owl · 1 year
I was watching Queen Charlotte and seeing Violet worry thinking her new budding feelings would dishonor her love for her late husband had me wondering. Would yandere Violet begin having a life crisis realizing her need for Portia but simply ignoring what it means and just knows finding Portia is a must. Then that had me wondering what if Edmund didn't pass away would Violet still be yandere for Portia? And THEN that had my brain think of Felicity/Lucy/Gregory. I don't really know much about Edmund but would a relationship bloom between Portia/Violet/Edmund? I do prefer the idea of the 3 of em being together. But I could see Edmund and Portia having an understanding that they both love Violet and bond platonically while Violet is nuts for the both of em.
So I can't say anything on Violet's story in Queen Charlotte mainly because I have not seen it and will not watch it until the Writer's Strike is resolved. But this ask does interest me.
For Yandere Violet finding where Portia is takes priority in the yanderes and isekai au. She kind of already knows she has a need for Portia but it was more platonic until after Edmund's death. Then the part of her romantic yandereism that was focused on Edmund shifted onto Portia as part of an unhealthy coping mechanism. In her own crazy way it makes her path of moving on a little bit faster, and easier.
Now if Edmund had lived would be an interesting concept as well. I have always done my Violet/Portia shipping as a companionship turned romance after the death of a spouse. They don't mean for it to happen, truly what they were orginally seeking was a friendly companion since they were now alone for the first time in years, and then after spending so much time together they caught feelings. But let's say that Violet catches feelings for both and they work out a poly relationship.
Whether it does turn into a throuple or Edmund and Portia remains platonic while Violet loves both of them ( I can see both happening, or Edmund and Portia start off as platonic but then grow to care for one another much to Violet's delight) I do believe nothing would start until after the death of Portia's husband. I also believe Violet will be the one to drag Portia in, with Edmund's blessing of course.
Say Edmund lived through his bee sting but it was a close call, or Hyacinth's birth gave Violet complications and the family was forced to stay at Aubrey Hall for a bit longer than planned. Well during this time Portia woke up her past life memories and booked it out of London. Violet is not happy her friend is gone, and Edmund wanting to please his wife goes to investigate, starting with interrogating Lord Featherington. The man turns out to be useless, in more ways than one, and Edmund sees why Violet is always saying Portia would be better off as a widow.
Edmund doesn't like the way Lord Featherington speaks about Portia or her daughters. That is your family sir, where is this disrespect or lack of care coming from? Edmund comes home that night telling Violet she's right, Portia is better off as a widow.
When Portia comes back to town to confirm the body was indeed her husband, Violet was quick to get in Portia's personal space. Edmund reigned his wife, and Portia gave him a genuine smile. Oh. Oh, that's new.
Violet smirks at her husband. Oh things will definitely be interesting.
That becomes their dynamic for a while. Violet invades Portia's personal space, Edmund reigns her in, and then Edmund arranges business deals that Portia would have to be stupid to pass up.
Wait, that be hilarious. Edmund and Violet seducing Portia with business deals until one deal finally lands her in their bed.
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angryteapott · 1 year
So I went back and forth on writing this because I just really don't think I'm qualified, but I would like to reiterate again how jarring and horrifying the narrative use of Nanyin was in the main plot.
Not only were there tropes I'm only aware of as a foreigner because I was told (poison insects raised by "shamans", use of braids to denote villains, etc), not only were they centering the dominant culture and doing 0 actual research, not only was it "problematic" in a way I'm definitely not qualified to talk about the nuances of like sleuth of the ming dynasty or a league of nobleman, it is explicitly genocidal without even the bare attempt of "well they are people...". Our leads repeatedly refer to "wiping out Nanyin" 100 years ago as a good thing that lead to world peace, and the culture of Nanyin is reduced to evil mind control insects and using heads to scare off zombies as well as "spooky" shrines. There's a point where it's confirmed that one of our Nanyin villains has a bunch of Nanyin children as servants, and our leads don't seem to think of them at all as they leave the collapsing mountain. It's disturbing to the point of it being bizarre. The only nuances here are 1) they showed one of the creepy evil sorcerers was screwed over by a concubine so uh i guess he was slightly sympathetic as the victim of a women are evil plotline? and 2) that despite them once confirming a guy was a villain BY HIS FACIAL FEATURES SEEMING SLIGHTLY FOREIGN the lead himself secretly descends from Nanyin (as does the emperor lol). But that nuance is lost because they focus way more on their status of being from the imperial family than they do that.
It feels particularly sour because the last episode is about forgiveness, and how even if you do something wrong you should be allowed to genuinely change. Where's that for the remnants of Nanyin? While still problematic and dominant savioury they could've at least had them try to convince to remnants of Nanyin to turn back and not dwell on revenge by that logic, but they're treated as natural villains who they need to compete against no questions as soon as the word Nanyin is mentioned. It's kinda crazy just how extreme this was. Off the top of my head I can't think of another story I've read recently that does this kind of contradictory storyline to this degree, because even in qi ye our racist leads are blatantly and repeatedly shown to be bad people in general (shout out to the kid our woobified lord 7th had bleeped to bleep).
When I write it all out I don't know. I love so much about this show, but it feels a bit like liking apocalypse now or gone with the wind: it's so tainted by racism that it's hard to justify liking, even if I lampshade things, especially since I could see this nestling neatly to subconsciously support that genocidal world view if you've already been primed to believe in it. I'm in the process of writing fic for this show but I keep putting it down because it feels that gross. Maybe I'll come to terms with it, after all, unlike gone with the wind there's no point in me pointedly disliking it because I'm just not part of the conversation it's affecting. But gross. The writers and producers should be ashamed of themselves, and maybe I should be ashamed of myself too.
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thebiscuiteternal · 1 year
I have a prompt I'd love to throw your way for the jam:
MDZS/Untamed post-canon SangYao, another character (e.g. WWX or a snooping Junior) discovers that NHS has a little shrine/memorial nook set aside with JGY's hat, a lovingly painted portrait by NHS, and whatever other accoutrements strike your fancy (e.g. maybe a journal NHS writes in every day where he 'speaks' to JGY) that make it obvious the relationship SangYao once had. What they do with that is up to you, I just thought it would be fun (and potentially heartbreaking)
After thinking about it a bit, I've decided that I'm gonna set this in the same timeline as this one, so Jin Ling already knows that things between Nie Huaisang and Jin Guangyao were a lot less simple than everyone would like to believe, but he didn't know they were in a relationship at some point. Mixed canon, as per my usual.
~ I suppose I should be angry. Would it be easier for you that way? For me to roar and rage about broken promises the way Da-ge does instead of hiding away in tears?
Well, I can't. Just like I can't say I never saw this coming. As soon as I saw you in the Nightless City, I knew I had been set aside for someone better and more acceptable in numerous ways.
Before I even fell for you, I knew I would never be good enough.
So I can't be angry.
But will you be angry with me if I am too ill to travel the day of the wedding? I promise to send extra gifts in my stead, and to try to send Da-ge in a good mood. ~
Jin Ling frowned as he closed up the letter and laid it back among the dozens of other letters and notes and drawings from Nie Huaisang that his shushu had been keeping in an unassuming little box hidden deep within the protected room where all his other most closely guarded secrets were held.
It was dated a solid two years before Nie Mingjue had die- been killed, but even though he didn't remember the wedding itself, he knew from records that Jin Guangyao and Qin Su had married after the murder and Nie Huaisang had attended as sect leader and representative.
Had he already tracked down any of Jin Guangyao's secrets by then?
Jin Ling doubted that. Surely there would have been more mention of him other than the guest list if he'd made a commotion, as Jin Ling had discovered many, many records of indescretions by assorted cultivators and outside nobles and merchants that could have been used as blackmail as he went through the contents of the room.
And some of them had been about Nie Huaisang. Jin Guangshan had found it almost disturbingly amusing to catalogue the apparent downward spiral of his hated rival's little brother.
So if there weren't any from the wedding... no, whatever had been going on then must have been genuine.
Knowing what he knew now from having talked to Nie Huaisang and read everything he'd found in the treasure room, Jin Ling could only feel an aching sort of pity for everyone involved except his yeye.
His shenshen, not having any idea what horrors were lurking behind her happy day.
Qin-furen, knowing what she was unwillingly allowing.
Nie Huaisang, newly brotherless and forced into the role of playing smiling wedding guest as the man he loved married someone else.
He even felt sorry for his shushu. It must have been miserable trapped under the weight of his mistakes and the what-might-have-beens.
Wiping his eyes with the heel of his hand, Jin Ling leaned back against the wall and let out a long sigh.
Unlike the blackmail records -burned- and the demonic cultivation notes -given to his shijiu- and a number of other things he'd already gone through, he wasn't sure what to do with these.
They were far too personal to just be put back on the shelf, and yet-
He considered possibly giving them to Nie Huaisang, but he didn't know if that would be an insult. The other sect leader had been surprisingly kind to him in helping him sort out his grief over several talks and exchanges of letters, and Jin Ling didn't want to wind up pouring salt in an old wound.
But it felt wrong to simply get rid of them, and he couldn't think of any better place for them to go.
Though he couldn't go anywhere he pleased with impunity like his shushu once had, Jin Ling had discovered during his visits that he still had a surprising amount of freedom in the Unclean Realms. Whether it was because most of the disciples and staff still looked at him as a kid, or because Nie Huaisang allowed it as a side effect of their personal discussions, he didn't know.
But he wasn't going to complain about it right now.
His original intent had been to leave the box in Nie Huaisang's library or somewhere similar, but then he'd remembered That Room.
The one situated in the same hallway as the sect leader's room and Nie Huaisang's old room, that his shushu had indicated he'd lived in when he'd been part of the sect.
The one Jin Ling had never seen anyone else living in even when he was small, not even the current second in command.
Hoping he wasn't about to get himself in deep trouble for snooping, he tested the door latch and found it opened easily, as if it hadn't gathered any dust in the years since his shushu had left.
Carefully, he peeked inside.
Though most of the furniture was gone, a hefty three piece writing desk and a cabinet remained.
At first, he thought they'd been taken directly from his shushu's office, they were so similar. But as he looked closer, running his fingers over the wood, he found a few differences.
The beast head of Qinghe Nie adorned the drawer and door pulls, for one. The desk was missing the place where he'd accidentally nicked it with a toy sword. The spots where Rusong had tried to chew on the edge while teething weren't there.
This, he realized, must have been his shushu's desk and cabinet when he was still Meng Yao. A welcome gift from his sect leader and young master.
And Jin Guangyao had had it replicated more according to Lanling tastes when he'd moved.
Oh... things really had been complicated between them, hadn't they?
Curiosity overtook him, and he couldn't stop himself from looking in the drawers and cabinets one by one.
A hat that he couldn't bear to see for more than the time it took to open and then quickly shut the drawer. A set of finely made brushes. Some fresh notebooks. A set of beautifully-designed green and gold robes that had likely never been worn.
A painting of his shushu, looking younger and smiling brighter than Jin Ling had ever seen him.
Other bits and pieces he didn't understand the meanings of.
And, finally, a carved wooden box.
Jin Ling found himself relieved by that particular discovery, knowing immediately what had to be inside without even opening it. Taking the box he'd brought with him out of the pouch he'd stored it in, he carefully laid it down next to the one already there.
Then slipped out of the little mausoleum-of-sorts back to his room.
Jin Ling looked up from his breakfast to find Nie Huaisang staring at him over the rim of his teacup.
For a moment, he froze, afraid he was about to get laid into for his nighttime sneaking.
But Nie Huaisang merely tilted his head in acknowledgment, then went back to his tea.
And Jin Ling couldn't help but grin before taking his next bite.
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servin-up-surveys · 4 months
survey #210
In what form of communication did you last use to talk to the person you're currently interested in? Discord.
When was the last time something really cute happened to you? When I was at Girt's house a few days ago, when his mom got home, I called hi to her and she got so excited, exclaiming, "My girl's here!!" and she comes into his bedroom to hug and kiss my head and it was so adorable she's so pure
Has anything happened to you within the past month that's made you really happy? Girt started talking about engagement rings with me (he started it, not me) and was deadass taking notes in his phone lmao. I'm not in a rush or anything, but HIM bringing it up was validating that he genuinely wants to be with me forever. Ever since Jason I still struggle to imagine anyone at all ever wanting to marry me.
What was the last thing you looked up on YouTube? Rammstein albums, lol. I've gone through their entire discography before but I did a massive bulk of it a second time and I found I like even more songs than the first time, and that was already the vast majority of their entire history of songs.
Did the last guy/girl you kissed have any piercings? No, I could never picture him with any and I don't believe he wants any.
Do you actually love your parents? Yes. I would die without a millisecond of thought for my mom. I hold some bitterness and hurt towards my dad, but yes, I still love him.
Where did you get the underwear you are wearing right now? I'm in my pjs, I'm not wearing any. Who in the hell wears undies in their pjs, that entirely ruins the comf. I know for a woman it's not healthy to wear them 24/7, anyway. let yo pussy breathe
Do you feel uncomfortable sharing drinks with other people? The one and only person I'll comfortably share a drink with is Girt, if I can make out with him I can drink after the guy lmao. I'd still very much prefer my own drink, though. It doesn't really matter who you are.
Have you gone through a lot emotionally, or has life been easy thus far? blink blink blink
Last person to make you seriously mad? Our landlord.
Who have you recently made up with after fighting? Nobody.
Funniest name you have ever heard? This is a very mean question, next.
When people ask "how are you?" do you say "good" even if you aren't? No, actually. I might downplay how bad I am, but I don't pretend to be well if I'm not.
Do you wear your hair up or down most often? It's too short to go up, so.
Have you ever eaten tofu and if so, did you enjoy it? I don't believe I have. It doesn't look like something I'd enjoy whatsoever.
Have you worn make-up today? I couldn't even TRY to remember the last time I wore makeup...
Can you hear anything right now? I have "Tattoo" by Rammstein on.
What was the last fruit you ate? It was either pineapple or grapes.
Have you ever watched Parks and Recreation? I watched some with Sara when I visited her once, because it was one of her favorite shows. I thought it was fine, but I didn't have any strong feelings. Television shows normally don't do it for me.
Have you watched a movie this week? No, movies are another thing I don't generally care for much, unless it's a theater experience. I can't remember the last film I watched.
How far away is the closest McDonald’s from your house? Around 5-ish minutes by car, depending on what traffic lights you hit.
Have you ever been to Hawaii? No.
How old is the mattress on your bed? It's rather new. I don't think I've had it even a year yet.
Do you keep magazines by your toilet? No. Bring your phone bro
Do you watch movies with the subtitles on? No, unless it's very quiet or foreign. I generally find subtitles to be distracting.
Are you happy? I'm currently rawdogging my mental illnesses with no medication, no :^)
Do you still talk to the person who hurt you the most? Nope.
What do you wear to bed? Loose pj pants and a tank top.
What are you excited about? This weekend Girt and I are going to Charlotte to meet a couple that are some online/gaming friends of his, and we're gonna do stuff around the city. It's more than a three hour drive and we're going there and back in the same day so it's gonna be a long day, but I'm looking forward to it.
Best summer? I'm supposed to remember this?
What type of foundation do you wear? I don't wear it.
Have you read the Pretty Little Liars series? No, but god my sister Misty was obsessed with that and its show when it was a thing.
Do you actually read privacy policies when signing up for new things? Does literally anyone?????
Can you juggle? No.
Do you like Nerds candy? I love them.
What is your favorite color(s) of eye-makeup? It's all about the black, baby.
Do you have sensitive skin? Yes.
Who in your family would you describe as a “character”? My dad.
What color is your best friend’s hair? Black, although like his dad, he's graying very early so there's a lot of that grizzled in.
Do you think your neighbors have any complaints about living near you? No. We mind our business and our dog doesn't bark much.
Is there something you want to tell someone? Two somebodies. I doubt they'll ever be said, though.
Are you interested in more than one person at the moment? No.
How frequently do you pee at night? Once or twice. A night where I don't get up at least once is basically unheard of.
Is there a stuffed animal you still take places with you? No.
Have you ever done something illegal with a family member? What about with your best friend? Possibly, I don't feel like thinking about this forever.
Would you rather get high or get drunk? High, but only on like, weed. No serious drugs that are truly dangerous if you take a responsible dose. Being drunk doesn't sound pleasant in any way, tbh.
What was the last thing you cooked? I don't cook, I pop shit in the microwave lmao.
Have you ever gotten alcohol poisoning? No, that sounds like hell.
Do you want to see someone at this very moment? Yeah, Girt.
Think of the person who has hurt you the most in the past year, who is it? I saw the woman TWICE and it was my last psychiatrist. She did me so much harm in such a short time.
Do you think two people can last forever? 'Til they die, anyway. I don't pretend to know what's gonna happen once my body's dead.
Last person you talked to on the phone for longer than 5 min? My dad.
Are you a morning person or night person? Morning.
Who was the last person in your bedroom? Mom. Besides me, anyway.
Did you ever lose a best friend? What adult hasn't at some point, honestly?
How many piercings do you have? Six right now. Others that have closed either intentionally but mostly unintentionally due to being hospitalized and piercings having to come out.
What is your middle name? Marie.
Could you handle living with the last boy you texted? That's my dad, and yeah, I'd be fine.
Have you been to the beach this year? No, doubt I will.
Does it take a lot to make you cry? Sure doesn't.
Do you have a favorite classical composer? No.
Would you ever visit a psychic medium? No, they're scam artists.
Do you use a dishwasher or wash dishes by hand? Dishwasher.
Who was the last non-relative woman you spoke to in person? The woman who took my blood today.
What’s a topic you’ve drastically changed your opinion on? I was once a conservative dicklord of a teenager. Now I'm politically left and feel very strongly about these beliefs.
Have you ever had a dream in which you died? Multiple.
Do you use Snapchat? No.
Do you know anyone who’s struggling with addiction? Yes.
Have you/Do you know anyone that grows weed? Not knowingly to me.
Which accents can you emulate pretty well? British and country are about it.
Have you ever been a complete fangirl/fanboy over anything? ...........................................................
What’s the weirdest way you’ve ever heard somebody die of? Oh I dunno.
How many true heartbreaks have you had in your lifetime? One true one, romantically.
Do you have any gay family members? My mom's cousin or something named Tom is gay.
Who was the last person to sleep over at your house? Girt.
Would you ever get a boob job? If I lose all the weight I want, I want to get a breast lift. Obesity does things.
Would you be upset if you caught your boyfriend looking at porn? No. I would only be upset if he tried to hide it from me.
Have you ever been punched? No.
How do you feel about bats? I love bats, I think they're very cute. Especially flying foxes and similar species.
Has your Facebook ever been hacked? No.
Have you ever played laser tag? Yes, it was extremely fun.
Is anyone you’re close to in the hospital right now? No.
Who or what sleeps with you? Roman, my cat. He starts off in my bed, anyway; throughout the night he goes to different spots.
Are you pro-life or pro-choice? Pro-choice as fuck. It's not even a matter of whether the baby is truly "alive" or not to me, if it's in MY fuckin body, my wants and needs come first.
Who was your first kiss with? Jason.
What aren’t you afraid to stand up for? LGBTQ+ rights, for one. I'd die for the right to love and to be true to your own body and however it feels like home.
Do you have any STDs? I don't.
Do you have a favorite NASCAR driver? I couldn't care less about NASCAR.
Who’s your celebrity crush? a stupid german rockstar old enough to be my dad 😭
Have you ever intentionally trolled? Hm, not to my recollection.
What is your favorite type of cat? Oriental shorthairs.
What ancient culture intrigues you the most, if any? Maybe Egyptian.
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DS9 3x20 Improbable Cause and 3x21 The Die Is Cast thoughts (I'm re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!)
Shakespeare! The first mention of this Garashir-fic staple XD
Garak is so obviously flirting XD this is the exact same way Gilora was talking to Miles!
G: "I'd be more than happy to bring some by the Infirmary later this afternoon." B: "Why thank you, I'd like that." His smile!
Kira's "Garak. :/". She's just so annoyed by his existence and it shows XD 
Oh, this is where he fakes his assassination attempt!
"But who would want to kill me? A simple tailor?" Always with the tailor identity.
G: "And of course, there's always Major Kira." B: "This is serious, Garak." G: "I'm being serious. I don't think she likes me." O: "She doesn't. But if she wanted you dead, you would be." Everything about this is 👌👌
Julian is so fed up with Garak's lies, isn't he
And the moral of the boy who cried wolf is... "You should never tell the same lie twice." Of course, Garak. Sigh
"I have bad news for you. Major Kira has an airtight alibi." Garak's tight amusement at this
"What makes you think I haven't already looked thtough [your security files]?... I'm joking, of course." Needing to mollify Odo.
"Odo I -" Miles is so stunned to see Garak there XD
"They're known to be favoured by Flaxian assassins, and it just so happens a Flaxian came aboard the station just this morning." Oh, Garak is gooood
This guy, the Flaxian, is not acting innocent, he's being super slippery and suspicious - but if Garak blew up his own shop, it can't have been him? Unless he was hired by Garak, I guess...
Odo's surprise to see Garak in the shuttle XD
Okay so Garak is genuinely stunned by the other ship exploding? I'm so confused!
"Because if he did know, he'd already be spinning out an elaborate web of lies to cover up the truth." Odo knows Garak's MO too well.
"Considering those uniforms of theirs, you'd think they'd appreciate a decent tailor." XD Odo has an opinion on this?
The unusual Romulans activity, as though they're getting ready for an invasion - this is them getting ready for the Dominion attack with Train?
Another five Cardassians were assassinated? But I'm almost certain Garak faked his! 
"I am not Doctor Bashir and we are not sparring amiably over lunch." Love this outside perspective on Garak and Bashir's lunch dates.
"You blew up your own shop, Garak!" The shock on Garak's face! And Odo's pleased, "Welllll, heh heh."
Ohhh, so there was a real plot to kill Garak
"He retired some years ago. He was, I might add, the only head of the agency ever to live long enough to do so." The fact that Garak is still showing pride at Tain's accomplishment
The emotion on Garak's face seeing Mila :3
"Is there anything you need me to do while you're gone?" Oh, sweetheart!
"Eat it? You're joking." "Yes I am." Julian's fond smile coming out there <3
"Is it so hard to believe that there's one person in this galaxy who could regard me with a certain affection?" "I could believe there's one (BASHIR cough cough) but I wouldn't expect it to be someone who worked for Enabran Tain."
"Tell me, is there one person in this universe you do care for? One person who's more than just an interesting puzzle to be solved." Interesting that it would just be the one. Why do they care so much about Odo only caring about Kira, because that's what's being implied, isn't it?
Aaaand I've only just realised that this isn't just setting up for The Die Is Cast, TDIC is the next episode! I'd thought it was the end of the season for some reason ..
"Ah, Garak. It's good of you to come. It spares me the trouble of having to send someone else to kill you." ... Whoops
"Like I used to say. Always burn your bridges behind you. You never know who might be trying to follow." I always find it fascinating when aliens have a twist on an English proverb. 
"You blew up your own shop? You, my friend, are a true original."
"I never betrayed you! At least, not in my heart." The emotion!
"You'll pardon me if I appear a little startled." This episode has sure been a tough ride for Garak's emotional control...!
321 The Die Is Cast
Julian's babbling on over lunch :3
Miles trying to pretend he was listening and failing miserably XD
His soft smiles leading into a sad face at remembering Garak
"That's not entirely bad news." *hopeful eye contact*
The slow realisation it's not just one ship out there...
Garak's so happy! 
"I was good wasn't I?" Garak still needing that validation
"I've missed you too, Enabran." Very deliberate pause there
"Next thing you know we'll be crying over our lost youth." Oh that was very pointed, and you can see Garak knows it.
Dr Parmak mention - "When we get back, you should look him up." This is where all those fanfics start?
"Mila may not be around much longer." Garak's quick head turn. He's so easy to read?
"Is this a request I hear?" "Not at all! Just an observation :)" oh Garak. I guess protecting Mila is another reason you want to stay on Tain's good side.
G: "And believe me, if it were my decision, things would be-" O: "I don't believe you, Garak..." Yeah, legit
"You are imaginative, Constable, I'll grant you that. But I would suggest that you put those creative powers to better use. We would like you to share your unique insights on the Founders." Garak's trying to tell Odo to make it up, tell him anything.
"It sounds like you're hoping Tain will succeed." I mean, I can see why - the Dominion bring home would be beneficial, probably.
Eddington >:(
"I'd like permission to take the Defiant into the Gamma Quadrant and try to determine if he's still alive." No of course not. But you tried, Sisko <3
"I am not going to just abandon one of my officers." YES, Sisko, I should have known you'd not take no for an answer
"I consider this a volunteer mission, but don't volunteer yet. There's a good chance you won't be coming back." But it's still worth it to him to try to get Odo :3
Eddington is Not Enjoying This. I guess he wants to fly under Starfleet's radar and not get court martialled? I wonder why he volunteered... It would make more sense to me for him to remain on the station and get more entrenched there
Ah, so that's why Eddington came, to sabotage the mission. He IS sucking up to Starfleet
"You've turned us into sitting ducks for the Jem'Hadar!" Miles trying to attack and Sisko restraining him.
"Because I give you my word." "I make it a policy to never question the word of anyone who wears that uniform. Don't make me change that policy." Oh Sisko.... This hit harder knowing what Eddington will do
"Ohh, no, you're going to torture me, aren't you?" The sarcasm, Odo's so confident Garak can't do anything to him
"Tell me, what will happen if you can't revert to a liquid?" "I don't know." The fear in Odo's face.
"I can wait. The question is, can you?" Chills
"Major, leave the chief alone." XD
"Odo! Talk to me!" The emotionn. "Lie if you have to, but say it now!" He's saying the quiet bit out loud?!
Garak is so transparent! He cannot hide his need to keep Odo alive!
There's definitely something about Garak quoting the Shakespeare he disdained just a few days ago to Tain.
"Why are you doing this?" "Because no changeling has ever harmed another." You kind of let Odo be significantly hurt though... Like, that is a thing that just happened.
"To the Bridge, to get Tain." Odo's bewilderment, yeah we're all with you there!
"Odo, I hope you will accept my sincere apologies for all this." Always with the quest for forgiveness.
Odo's breathless, astonished "What?" as the Defiant appears! 
What a pilot! Jadzia dodging all those phases like they're nothing!
"It's good to see you again, Constable." "Likewise, Major." They are both looking at each other with heart eyes I swear.
This is very similarly shot to Odo's conversation with his Cardassian informant last episode, I like that choice. 
"Do you know what the sad part is, Odo? I'm a very good tailor." Oh, Garak.
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landthatplane-blog · 2 years
Random DR thoughts Part 34.5 - jk. Latest thoughts -
Who do people keep saying Daniel won't be back or this is his last F1 race ever? He needs the year off - he's explicitly said so. I hope even Jenson Button (clearly cares for DR but also hasn't helped by criticizing him publically) seems to finally get it. Loved how passionate Jenson is about him and his belief in Daniel, but he should just be a friend or speak privately) or publically acknowledge nobody knows what could happen. You can just see and hear it in Daniel's interviews. Man is ready to take a 2-month nap.
The truth is the same teams that are avail currently like Haas, Williams (and more) will still be there. For them to get someone of Daniel's caliber, the door will always be open. Daniel specifically said it isn't about Haas/Williams. And has stated if he gets in a car now, and doesn't have the spirit and fight needed and ends up in another failed campaign, his F1 career would be over anyways. He admitted he can't keep on weight from the stress. For the 10 years before he handled the stress beautifully, clearly this is an outlier. Can people please listen to him?
Clearly trying to maintain professionalism for the team/this year is taking its toll. Notice he did not thank or mention Zak or Andreas in his letter (nor did Zak post about DR today). He's started to slip by mentioning the contract situation during interviews - like we can't avoid talking about it. The truth is everyone's tired of maintaining everything's ok. Again - do I wish McLaren or even journalists would acknowledge McLaren's role more? Only Sebastian Vettel has dared to make such a remark. Everyone dances around it. Much easier to critize Daniel, then hold the team accountable for having gone about the process so terribly. No one wants to make enemies so everyone just skirts around. He, again, like a grown up, accepted responsibility for poor results. What is heartening is clearly the McLaren team love Daniel. I love that he and Lando found a way to, it seems, have a genuine friendship! In any event, EVERYONE is tired of maintaining the elephant in the room.
He just needs a break.
If Magnusson and Hulkenberg can bump into these team sideways and manage to find seats after 2-3 years away, why wouldn't Daniel have a chance to do so? I'm sure a DR at 100% in 2024, should he decide he wants to, will be fine. I kind of can't wait for him to be a menace during specific races in 2023 once he's had some time! Of course, his choices at top teams are limited, but the market will always have movement, and while re might not be better, one can only hope!
I saw some takes on here that did make me sad. Daniel should be able to have the same kind of send off as Seb or Kimi -it's true. Heartbreaking. I'm choosing to believe this isn't the actual end. If they started the send offs now, it would feel like a true ending. He does however eventually deserve a proper send off!
Fantasy thinking (for fun, joke): Max wants him back as a teammate, he'll clearly make it so!! I mean, that hug today 🥺?? Alonso and Stroll Sr and Jr will for sure have issues. Don't think Alonso thought through this move. If he's already pissed about Alpine/Esteban - why put yourself in a place where you have to work with your boss' son?! As sometime who has to work with a nepotism hire, trust, you can't win! Starting to feel like I’m writing 2023 DTS scenes. Ha. Someone said a lot of people on the grid need to be on their best because Daniel is a good option - and they do!
People forget F1 isn't singularly about the sport/results. It is a money driven business, and Daniel's value - in addition to his skills -come into okay as well. It would be curious to better understand how impactful it is.
(Ok, off soap box. Even as this entire day has been a dumpster fire of emotions.)
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missnobodymadness · 11 months
If you could choose a favorite oc of yours, who would it be? Can you send refs of them? Talk a bit about them, please
Omg, this is probably my first genuine ask that is not related to ask games, pretty excited right now, not gonna lie. ;-; Before I answer, I'd like to thank you for dropping an ask and for the interest, this means so so much to me. ♥ While my biggest obsession has been Attack On Titan for years now, my favourite OC is Myline, my Naruto fan character. Here is her reference sheet, I commissioned Xcaeli for this one:
Tumblr media
Visually speaking, she has a pretty simple design with some Uchiha blood in her, nothing really impressive about her, just another character with black hair that shares blood with the Uchiha clan, but for me she is perfect!
This girl was also the first OC I ever created, I have had her for 17 years, which is crazy! Her design changed only a bit as she has my favourite combo, aka black hair + red eyes, but her personality and story has changed several times over the years.
She is from my own fanmade village, which I called Yamigakure, an independent village that is now part of Ame No Kuni (fan name people use for the country of rain) after years of war and colonization attempts. She is the result of an affair between Yashiro Uchiha (who was among the ninjas that Konoha sent to Yamigakure to help protect the village from the invaders, a last resort mission that Yamigakure paid for) and her mother, Yabuza Mizuno, so she is fruit of a betrayal.
She loses her family to the war and is rescued by old Madara, who knew about Yashiro's affair and decided she'd probably be helpful for his future plans, later on he also rescues Obito and asks him to keep her alive once he is gone for their own future benefit. She is Obito's disciple.
She is an Akatsuki member, which makes her a villain, however, her character is full of nuances and has valid reasons for her goals in my opinion. She is a grumpy introvert and her lack of social skills mostly come from the negligence she suffered during her childhood and youth, while she looks very intimidating to strangers, she cares a lot and is extremely loyal to the few she loves and literally lives for them, sometimes she feels like she is no one, like she is just a shadow of Obito.
She is an extremely avid reader, books and ninja history are her passion and she is known for stealing books during her missions. As someone who was raised in poverty, inequality and oppression were not strangers to her, such life experiences made her respect the poor and the oppressed, especially the ones that can't do much about it, such as kids and the eldery. Whenever she can, she is seen helping people around Amegakure, not only with groceries but also with books as she believes that everyone should read more, so she likes to encourage people to do so, she is also often seen teaching children how to read and write as most parents can't afford education. And omg, I just realized I talked too much already, I didn't even realize it, I'm so sorry for the long answer!
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