#get two (2) separate people to specifically request me to do it and then still wait 1-2 weeks for me to respond
I want to know if you have discord. That is what i am telling you.
Hah omg this is so funny cause a few days ago I also got a non-anon message also asking me if I had a Discord! 7 years I’ve been here and only suddenly now in the space of a week I get two Discord requests it’s wild. When I first made this blog I wanted so badly to be popular here and I didn’t manage it despite being in the thick of the Super the Who AND the Lock. And now that I don’t care anymore I’m as popular as I figure it’s physically possible for someone with my personality to be. THAT is Charles’ power. His impact! 
Anyways I didn’t have a Discord but now I do, because you asked! ^_^ The only problem is Idk how to use Discord at all :( Like I’m not even sure if your Discord username is something that’s smart to give out publicly? But I will share it now with you anyways because you look very polite. My Discord username is apparently CEWIII#5581. So if ANYONE among my mutuals and followers wants to follow/add/whatever you do to people on Discord to me, PLEASE do so omg. You want to add me on Discord....... You want to add me on Discord so bad....... Yes......... Yesss........... Come closer........... 
(Also just as a disclaimer, sorry in advance for any awkwardness @anyone who interacts with me there because I'm new the the platform and also because I'm really bad at and unfamiliar with socializing. When I do talk to other people it's via email where it's normal to take a while to respond. Tumblr DMs is the only IM I've ever used and my Messaging there is not exactly Instant haha.)
Also if anyone has any tips for using Discord and servers and stuff (the same way we sometimes pass around tips for new Tumblr users on here) pls. let me know. before I accidentally @ every user in the entire thing somehow lmao. 
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mjanelupinblack · 5 months
starving creatures | chapter two 🖤
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pairing: xu minghao x reader // jun x reader (mainly lol)
description: starving creatures have arrived at your homeland in forks. little do you know, they not only intend to drain the blood out of you... they'll also to break your heart in two.
genres: slowburn (please bare with me), fluff, angst, vampire!au
warnings: blood drinking, lot of blood related themes, repressed emotions, family issues, miscommunication, kinda toxic friendship with cheol? blood and smut will be mixed. emotionally and physically starved vampires oops. did i mentioned blood?
minors dni!!!
Check out the fic’s playlist 🖤
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Not even two days were necessary for your neighbors to become a sensation at the school hallways. Rumors are quick travelers, as you told Joshua before. But you forgot to warn him about how easily they tend to blend with the truth. Especially when they linger around people with such an enigmatic aura, like Jun and Minghao. How maddening it is to know that they have so many adventurous stories to tell, but neither of them dares to share a word about them! How unfair to admire their beauty from afar, since they won’t come close enough for one to scrutinize their eyes. Locals get upset with strangers who refuse to comply with their requests...
That’s when fantasy starts to play its game.
Who are they? Orphans of neglectful parents. Why did they leave California? A girl accused Jun of leaving her pregnant but he’s actually not the father and she ruined his reputation and his life. Some people even say their parents kill themselves, but there’s no way of knowing the truth. So, what are they doing in Forks? Protecting each other. Trying to heal from generational trauma. Finding refuge. Surviving. And it is a heart-rending story. Minghao would do anything to protect his younger brother and the only reason why you’d find them separated from each other would be because of school… where Jun sits next to you.
And who are you? Of course, Cheol's friend, but they've never seen you around that much. That is probably because you used to miss the majority of your classes and now you don't because Jun is here, so you must be a gold digger. A freshman asserts he heard you and Cheol get into a fight because of Jun the other day. Another one is saying that your aunt is sick. But one of your classmates bets that, actually, she's a witch. So maybe you are one too. Who lives in the middle of the woods in plain XXI century anyway?
You never liked the attention. You neither want it, nor need it. It’s impractical in a town like Forks. So, during history class, you decide to confront your seatmate about it.
“I would like to know how you handle all this stuff, because it’s driving me crazy.” You say, assuming he will know exactly what you’re talking about. Most of the time, he does.
“Ignore them,” he advises. “They will find someone else.”
“You ignored them, they found me, how do you fix that?” you say. “They say I’m a witch.”
He chuckles. His usually petrified gesture gives up and breaks into a wide smile. You start laughing too, given the ridiculousness of the situation. Rumors are so dumb.
“Mr. Wen,” Professor Moon calls. “As you are so distended in my class, I’ll assume you know by heart all of the themes we’re talking about in this lesson. Please, enlighten us with your knowledge. Let’s go back to World War I. Maybe you can tell us why it was initiated.”
“That’s a tricky question, professor,” Jun answers, still cheerful. “But if you want a concrete answer, I’d go with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.”
“Place and date?”
“Sarajevo. 1914.”
“You said a concrete answer. Let’s go with the wider one.”
“I’ll have to ask you to be more specific about it. What do you want me to talk about? The alliance system? Economic factors? Nationalism? I can go on all day.”
Well, well, well… If someone had told you Jun would’ve been so thrilled about playing trivia with Professor Moon, you wouldn’t believe them.
“That’s enough, kid.”
After that, he comes back to your conversation.
“You could be a witch, you know?”
Before he can say anything, Jun stops himself.
“Nothing,” he answers. “It’s a compliment.”
Minghao avoids discussing the details about the night he got turned. As for most of his kind, it’s a sensitive topic; no one wants to remember the moment they lost their right to die.
He hardly discusses the topic with Jun. Primarly because his brother was the sole reason he ventured into this sick lifestyle.
After a century of consumption, it would be easy to believe that Minghao would have grown accustomed to replacing his bitter coffee with morning packs of blood, but that isn’t the truth. The heavy liquid turns his stomach the same as the first time he tasted it. However, after all these years, the feeling comes hand in hand with the pleasure of satiety and the twisted desire for it not to come from an animal, but from a palpitating neck.
An unthinkable notion that no one dares to speak out loud, leaving Minghao feeling horrible about it.
Joshua tries to reassure him. He says that, in terms of nutrients and structure, pig blood is the most similar to human blood. They’ll have to endure it for a couple of months, at least until Vernon gains the trust of the hospital staff and it becomes easier to sneak out some bags of human blood.
Minghao envies Josh’s lack of interest in human nourishment. Many times he tried to free himself from his appetite, but his instincts won every battle, obliging him to succumb to hospital blood. His instincts are stronger and also wiser than he is. Nevertheless, he tries to suppress them every chance he gets. He does so by exercising, or perhaps painting. He no longer dances because he found movement is a catalyst that, sooner or later, will make his needs erupt like a volcano. So he replaced it with painting, meditation and pottery.
Given the circumstances, his knowledge as a nurse is only a remote memory.
He’s grown accustomed to suffocating his desires to the point where he completely forgot how to experience them. You, on the other hand, aren’t quite as skilled at concealing your emotions.
“You’re Minghao, right?”
Minghao answers without ceasing his task. With his upper body unclothed, you find him outside his house, leaning over his pottery wheel, his clay-stained arms embracing the wet piece as if it were a long-awaited lover. A wave of heat quickly flushes your cheeks. Your neighbor stares at you, likely curious about the reason for your interruption. He’s used to being interrupted while working. Encountering a nearly naked man in the middle of the forest isn't something you can claim to be accustomed to, on the other hand.
“Sorry for interrupting. Have you seen a white cat?” You ask, with a jar of sardines in your hand.
“Cotton ball-like fluffy, with a black spot on his left eye…”
“Sorry, I’m afraid not,” Minghao answers. “What’s his name?”
“Cat,” You say, a bit embarrassed of your thirteen years old self. “Just cat.”
“I’ll let you know if I find Cat then.”
“Great! I’ll keep looking. Thanks.”
As much as you’d love to continue chatting with Minghao about anything —truly anything— else, your lack of creativity doesn’t stop at your difficulty to name your pet. He continues working on the edges of his raw ceramic vase; fingers sticky from the wet paste he tries to stick the handles with. You don’t have the heart —nor the ideas— to interrupt him once again. And that’s when your seatmate comes to save the day.
“You’re not going anywhere, y/n,” Jun says, appearing next to you like a magician mesmerizing everyone with the trick of teleportation. “I mean… not alone. Especially with a storm coming. Where are your manners, brother?”
“Shouldn’t you be studying or something?”
“Get your ass off that wheel and help us look for the pet. One cup less isn’t gonna hurt anyone.”
“It’s a vase.”
“Honestly, I couldn’t care less.”
You thought he’d be harder to convince, but as soon as Jun orders it, his brother stops the wheel and puts on the t-shirt he was sitting on. Minghao's resistance to the cold weather impresses you. His muscles don’t even flinch at the freezing breeze coming from the north.
“A penny for your thoughts?” your neighbor teases.
“You’re so annoying.”
It was a huge mistake not to get rid of that mirror the moment they got it.
There was no use for it in the middle of the living room. But there was also no reason to keep it in the basement, as Vernon had insisted. It usually wasn’t pleasant to get into a discussion with his friend. So, as he attended his interview to get a job at the town’s hospital, Joshua found himself following his orders and carrying the furniture down the stairs and to the basement.
The material it was made of felt unbelievably heavy, even for a human-fed vampire. Like Sisyphus, Joshua repeated the same routine until he reached the cellar; going down two steps, stopping abruptly, and trying to catch his breath before continuing.
When he finally reaches the ground, he understands the reason behind Seungkwan’s little present. And he’s grateful that Vernon is not there to see it.
In front of him, he finds his own image. First young, like he hadn’t seen it in more than a hundred years, and then gradually rotting until his skin starts to detach from his cheeks. So that’s the infamous Life Mirror. There are very few in the world, and Joshua never thought he’d get to see himself in one. The more you mesmerize yourself at your young image, the more crudely it’s going to show you the reality of your soul. Joshua used to believe it was just a myth from the vampire folklore. But he should’ve known better. Myths tend to be history for the immortals.
“Son of a bitch.”
That's the last straw. Joshua doesn't care about Vernon's instructions when the Boo Family's welcome was, in fact, a declaration of war—a war they're not ready to fight, nor would they be even if they wanted to. Years of weakened minds and bodies are not so easy to recover, not even with a gallon of fresh blood.
He needs to destroy that mirror before his friend comes home. But his knuckles aren’t strong enough to do it, and the hammer is near Minghao’s workspace, who’s most definitely going to be curious about the reason behind his urgency. As a temporary measure, he decides to throw an old blanket over the structure.
He needs air.
Outside, the ground shakes with the wind. Minghao is no longer at his station, yet the piece he was working on lies unfinished over the wheel. Rain will catch it any second, converting it into a liquid vestige of what could’ve been a beautiful plant vase. That’s an odd behavior from him. Where could he possibly be?
His question is quickly answered by laughter emanating from behind the lodge. Joshua follows his senses until he finds Jun and you jumping like crazy to reach one of the thickest branches of a tree.
“Stop! You’re scaring him.” You tell Jun, who insists on being the one to bring the cat back to the ground.
“Scared? No! He rubbed his head on my wrist.” Jun complains. He sounds very determined.
“Jun, Y/n is right. It’ll be better to bring a ladder. He doesn’t know you.”
“I got…I got him!”
“Wait! He’s gonna…”
Blood. Lots of it pouring from your hand. Maybe trimming your cat’s nails would’ve been a wise decision to make before throwing yourself in the territory of four very thirsty vampires. Your scent is strong, like cold pennies resting on the palm of your sweaty hands, but it is also sweet. Pig’s blood could never be that sweet. The thought of it makes Jun’s fangs start showing without him being able to notice. Minghao notices and quickly grabs your wrist. He turns you around to face him, leaving a trace of dry clay over the spot your blood flowed.
Clay and blood, intertwined.
Your heart races. Minghao's touch is both frightening and tender. He worked hard on his self-control just to be able to handle these types of situations. If you saw Jun in that state, it would be over for them.
“Are you okay?”
But now that he thinks about it, your blood smells like candy taken out of its wrapper. And it running so fast due to your nervousness releases a scent he never sensed before. One that has him dying to let go of his virtues and succumb to sin.
And Joshua notices.
“T/n! Come here, let me see.”
He rips you out of Minghao’s clutcht to check at your wound and you head inside together.
“Guys, grab the cat and come inside before it rains. T/n, does it hurt too much?”
In another scenario, you might have noticed he was trying to distract you. But right now, the spot where Minghao's hand was grabbing still feels hot and throbbing when Joshua touches your hand. It’s hard to concentrate. He gestures for you to sit on the sofa, and you comply. Not even two seconds later, he returns with a first aid kit. You can't help but contrast Minghao's firm grasp with the compassionate way Joshua is holding you while disinfecting your cut.
“You must think I’m a terrible mother,” you say, watching Joshua shake his head as he kneels in front of you to examine your hand more closely. “He’s not usually like this. I don’t know why he got so scared.”
Animals rely on their intuition. They detect danger and protect the people who love them and take good care of them. Joshua knows you’re not a terrible mother. It was Jun’s hand your cat was trying to sever.
“Don’t punish yourself,” he says. “He’s lucky to have you. It was Jun who drove him crazy.”
“He was so nice though, trying to help me,” you hiss at the strong liquid Joshua pours over your skin. “Do you think Hao is okay? His eyes went all weird when he looked at the scratch.”
“What do you mean, weird?”
“I don’t know, dark? I think it disgusted him.”
Thank goodness you think that, among all the things Minghao’s look could have made you think.
“Oh… Yes. Hao can’t stand blood. There’s no wonder he refuses to become a doctor.”
“He doesn’t need to. He’s so talented in ceramics.”
“He is. He will appreciate it if you tell him. Do you see all of the pots and vessels in the house? They’re all his work. Minghao is an artist, he’s always been.”
He truly is. The fact that the piece he was working on has already lost its shape due to the rain makes you feel sad and guilty about interrupting him. You're amazed at how your neighbor achieved most of the patterns and textures. They highlight the house, once yours, with the sparkle you thought it would never regain after your uncle’s death. It’s fascinating to realize that Minghao’s mind is so vibrant with colors.
“You don’t stay behind,” you say to Joshua, as he bandages your now disinfected hand. “Suddenly it doesn’t even hurt.”
“You are too kind,” he answers, smiling shyly while he stands on his feet. “I appreciate the compliment. But I hope I never have to display my skills on you again.”
“Sorry. I’ll pay you next time.”
It’s heartwarming to make him laugh. Before making the comment, you had a hunch that Joshua would crack a smile if you told him something along those lines. His smile is not only kind, but also genuine. It makes you wonder how many of the ones you were given before might have been only half as sincere.
“God, no, t/n,” he answers. “Please just take care of yourself.”
After a few minutes of watching the storm shake the trees, a soaking wet Jun opens the door for his brother, who enters with your cat purring in his arms. You wonder if your eyes are deceiving you. Cat is an animal of strong character and delicate temper. Yet, he sleeps like a baby in your neighbor's embrace, as if he has been charmed into tranquility.
“He liked Hao best,” Jun explains, with his hands on his waist. “I don’t care. I’m not a cat person anyways… Now, who’s making dinner?”
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Heyyyyyy let’s play a game. I write and you tell me how many taylor’s songs possible references you find ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ (there’ll be many lol)
Taglist: @90s-belladonna @milopenne @angel-ishere @cheiyoma @hipsdofangirl
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masterlist | next chapter (soon)
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hiya! so I was thinking about Peter Quill with an artistic reader (in the form of headcanons) bc omg i think that'd be absolutely adorable and ive been going in a spiral for him lately
Just a thought! You dont need to do it if youre busy, have a great week!
hii! omg yes I love it. and don’t worry me you and everyone else feels the same way😭 ive been defending him in comment sections for years so im glad he’s finally getting recognition he deserves. big up quill. I also did this first, as it was a fun sorta break in between other writing. thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌 have a great weekend also. xo
headcanons/ imagines (2)
Peter Quill x reader (gn)
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warnings || none
masterlist + rules
- he doesn’t always have the best attention span, but when it comes to you he could watch you paint/ draw for hours. it’s something that keeps him entertained
- he likes to ask questions/ communicate while you work “that’s cool, what does that do?” or “how did you do that?” feel like he’d be mesmerised watching the canvas come to life
- you both listen to his music while you do anything artsy, the combination is the best of both worlds
- but if he’s not watching you/ hanging around at the same time, you like to listen to his music so it feels like he’s still there. he’s silently caught you a few times and it makes him feel special that his music means so much to you
- he definitely brags to the other guardians about how talented you are (like tony and thor talking about their girls in age of ultron)
- I feel like he can be a great helper- if you’re at the easel, he stands next to you holding the things you need so you don’t have to keep bending/ reaching etc. or if you need a brush cleaned, he’d do it for you
- if you wanted to do pottery, he’d get rocket to make you a pottery wheel, whatever you needed, rocket will make
- if you live with him in his apartment on knowhere, he’s moved his things about so that you could paint by the window/ designated a space/ area for you to work at (he remembers watching bob ross a couple times when he was a kid, so he used the tips he learned and put them into practice for you)
- if and when he sees any kind of art materials on other planets, he definitely brings them back for you. over a while you’ve acquired quite a diverse set of tools that’s broadened the quality of your art
- I feel like he’d kind of pimp you out- would put your name out there to get more people to commission work from you
- you’re now the go-to that people come to when they want new things for their houses. a majority of people on knowhere have probably bought work from you
- you’ve made pieces for every guardian, something specific and detailed that has meaning to each individual (kind of like the holiday special) you’d be very creative and intricate in tailoring the work to the person
- mantis absolutely adores what you made. nebula was apprehensive at first but you caught her smiling when she thought you weren’t paying attention. drax goes into great detail when he describes what he loves about it, always using crazy big adjectives. rocket said he doesn’t care for art, but the way it’s displayed in his apartment tells you otherwise. and groot was super happy to have something made by you
- quill has treasured everything you’ve ever made him, he can be very sentimental so all the work you made is something he deeply appreciates. something minuscule you made at the beginning of the relationship, is kept in one of his memory boxes (like a flower made of tissue)
- maybe you’ve made things to honour his parents, using stories he’s told you into creating something beautiful (two separate pieces- one of meredith and one of yondu) they are something he has hung up and displayed in his apartment. I feel like it’s helped him deal with his grief- and over time he’s been able to look at the artwork without feeling sad. now he can smile when he sees their faces
- its definitely made him fall harder for you
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fairy-writes · 1 month
1600 Followers Event!
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Hello everyone! While it wasn’t that long ago that we celebrated 1500, here we are at 1600! Thank you all so much for supporting my silly little blog with my silly little writing! Here’s to hopefully many more!
Anyway! Onto the event! I’m doing a thing where I’ll write a little reader-insert thing (ranging from drabbles to full-on one-shots) based on a character and a prompt that you send me! I have a list of 20 angsty dialogue prompts for you to choose from!
So pick one and a character from one of the fandoms listed, and I’ll write a little blurb or a one-shot based on the request! 
Just be warned: I will cross off the prompt once it’s chosen TWICE. That way, I won’t have a million requests for the same prompt. 
The event will be open for two weeks starting August 13th and will run to August 25th!
The Rules Are: 
All orders are written as character x reader!
Everything is gender neutral reader unless specifically stated otherwise (e.g., you request a female reader)
Please send them in separately so I can keep track of everything!
Any orders that do not follow the rules will be deleted. 
All requests will be tagged under #fairy1.6kfollowers
“I loved you first.” (1/2)
“I was alone.” (0/2)
“I should have been there.” (0/2)
“Don’t leave me. Please.” (1/2)
“I wanted you to fight for me.” (0/2)
“You meant nothing to me.” (1/2)
“Keep breathing, you’re doing great.” (1/2)
“You know, they say crying has all these health benefits.” (1/2)
“Oh, excuse me for freaking out. I only thought you were dead!”
“I can’t find a pulse!” (0/2)
“No, don’t go to sleep. Hey! Eyes open!” (1/2)
“Can you please come and get me?” (1/2)
“Because nobody cares about me!” (0/2)
“You don’t need to do this!” (1/2)
“I thought you were my friend!” (1/2)
“I’m tired… So so tired.” (1/2)
“You don’t have to fight anymore!” (0/2)
“Tell me to stay, and I will be here for as long as you'll have me.” (1/2)
“It’s funny. Nowadays, people always expect a gun, but never a knife.” (1/2)
“Tell me, my Dear, can a heart still be broken even when it stopped beating?” (from The Corpse Bride) (1/2)
I Will Write for the Following People: 
Arcane: League of Legends: Viktor, Silco, Jayce Talis, Vander
Bungou Stray Dogs: Nakajima Atsushi, Nakahara Chuuya, Dazai Osamu, Kunikida Doppo, Fukuzawa Yukichi, Saigiku Jouno, Suehiro Tecchou
The Case Study of Vanitas: Vanitas, Noé Archiviste, Roland Fortise
Demon Slayer: All the Hashira, Akaza, Kokushibo, Douma, Kamado Tanjiro (aged up), Agatsuma Zenitsu (aged up), Hashibira Inosuke (aged up)
Doctor Who: The Doctor (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th), Jack Harkness
Fullmetal Alchemist: Roy Mustang, Greed (not Greedling), Alex Louis Armstrong, Edward Elric (post-FMAB), Alphonse Elric (post-FMAB), Ling Yao (post-FMAB)
Grimm (NBC): Nick Burkhardt, Hank Griffin, Sean Renard, Drew Wu, Monroe
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Toji, Geto Suguru, Nanami Kento, Itadori Yuuji (aged up), Fushiguro Megumi (aged up)
Kaiju No. 8: Hibino Kafka, Ichikawa Reno, Hoshina Soshiro, Narumi Gen, Furuhashi Iharu
Moriarty the Patriot: William James Moriarty, Albert James Moriarty, Louis James Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, Fred Porlock, Sebastian Moran, James Bonde
Tokyo Ghoul: Uta, Kaneki Ken, Kirishima Touka, Kirishima Ayato (re: age), Nishio Nishiki, Tsukiyama Shuu
Trigun Stampede: Vash the Stampede, Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Millions Knives
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monodramatic-cannibal · 3 months
⚠️☣️💛Pinned Post💛☣️⚠️
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This is my Undertale au (Mainly Sans aus) blog, my main is @cryingbluez. Will mainly be posting my own artwork, and answer asks. I will sometimes reblog others posts too.
Asks are open, also may do doodle requests too. You can also send me random head canons or thoughts on characters too, I'd love to hear them!
Asks will be open for both me and my characters/aus just make sure to specify who the ask is for. If no one at all is specified and its not clear who its for I will just use any character to answer lol.
I'm also super okay with unhinged asks/tags on my stuff (as long as it isn't nsfw) I'm also okay with spam likes/reblogs/asks. I'm also okay with anons wanting specific anon names e.g. an anon referring to themselves with an emoji.
Also I'm okay with fanart of my characters! :D make sure to tag me and you can even send an ask in to make sure I see it lol. And I'm also okay with your ocs interacting with mine. Either it be through asks or art.
(This blog will have swearing in it. So if that's something you don't like please be careful when viewing my content)
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You can call me Monodrama, or just Mono for short. Heres the ref for my skelesona.
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Some lore on my sona :D :
Despite the title of ‘Skelesona’ my technically not a skeleton. More so some sort of parasite controlling a puppet/doll that looks like a skeleton.
Monodrama means ‘a dramatic piece for one performer’ (Nickname "Mono"). Given me saying my skelesona he’s actually more of an oc/mascot he doesn’t fully act like me, he's more so a being I can talk through.
His eyes and the bunny features as well as the horn and tail aren’t actually his own, since he’s a sort of parasite he can consume people/monsters and can gain a feature or two that he can use whenever he wants. E.g. he ate someone who had yellow eyes, giving him yellow eye lights, he ate a rabbit monster gaining bunny features, and he ate a reptilian monster for the horns and tail. (Also it explains my blog name lol)
Does have ecto, but rarely has it active
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This blog is just a place for me to shove my Undertale au/Sans au artwork, feel free to send asks or doodle requests in. I have a few undertale ocs too :D
I'm open to answering asks about myself or any au/oc stuff I do, I will try to include doodles whenever I can, so bear with me if I don't answer it quickly. If you sent a doodle request and I don't do it please don't be mad. After all it's free art, I get to choose what I want to draw.
I do utau ships, and have my own sans au that I'm working on. Main utau ship I like is CrossMare (Cross x Nightmare), I enjoy drawing Nightmare a lot so you will see a lot of artwork of him. I tend to go for either fandom versions of characters personalities or my own interpretations of them.
Some of my fav bands/artists are, Glass Animals, Vundabar, Girl in Red, Rio Romeo, TV Girl, Machine Girl :DD
My writing style tends to be very blunt, so I try to put in emojis/emoticons. I try not to spam them, but just warning ppl that I don't mean to sound mean I just type like that D: .
I'm still trying to figure out how I wanna draw skele's, so bear with me with that, my style might change.
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Some links to posts of mine that I find relevant! :D (will be adding to this as I post more)
Info/boundaries on oc/au ask stuff
OC refs:
My sonas ref (I count him as an oc as well,ik his ref is above, but this is it's separate post)
Raiden's ref (Crossmare ship kid)
Nix-Ceto's ref
Tanue's ref
??? au (No name for the au yet):
Memento Cadre (Omen's team info)
Omen's ref (Omen=Nightmare)
Orca's ref (Orca=Cross)
Cleaver's ref (Cleaver=Horror) (not posted yet)
Alloy's ref (Alloy=Killer) (not posted yet)
Soot's ref (Soot=Dust) (not posted yet)
Renegade au:
Renegade info (Ut sans au)
Renegade au refs 1 (Can also look at my tag '#Renegade ref' to find refs)
Renegade au refs 2
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Tags I use (will be adding to this as I post more):
#Monodrama #Monodrama rambles | These used for posts of my sona, or me answering things, or just random text posts
#Monoart #Monos art #art #digital #digital art | My art tags
#Renegade au #Renegade #Renegade!(insert character name) #Renegade info | Tags for a ut sans au of mine
#ask #asks #doodle response #text response #anon #(insert user of who sent the ask) | tags for asks, doodle response is when I reply with a doodle, text response is when I respond with text (will probs end up using both tags since I have a feeling I will include both text and a doodle). Anon or someone's user is when either an anon sent an ask or whoever the user is that sent in the ask.
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DNI Homopobic, Transphobic, Xenophobic, etc Racist, Sexist, Ableist, misogynistic, etc Proshipers, Pedophiles, etc Just basically all the problematic stuff. I also won't be responding much to people who try to start things with me, I will just block people. I just don't have time for it, if your polite about it I will most likely have a discussion with you.
Page divider (user @.animatedglittergraphics-n-more)
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thesoulesscollection · 10 months
Ellie & Henry; An Unbreakable Bond
Hello. I don't have much in the way of request but I do have two ideas all involving Ellie so likely separate oneshots
#1: An alt ending to an existing scenario or your own scenario where Ellie dies and Henry witnesses it (Think of it as Ellie's version of the "Valiant Hero" ending) the circumstances are up to you it could be Henry and Ellie on their own, them being members of the tophat clan (or Henry as the leader) or them being the good guys with Charles possibly in the story I'm fine with either route
#2: Henry after escaping the wall stops and with hesitation turns around and heads back for Ellie feeling a twinge of guilt for using her and leaving her behind
This one was a lot of fun for me to write even if it took me a while. Down below are the tags for each prompt;
1) Tw/Tags: Toppat Recruits, Heavy Angst, Hurt/Little To No Comfort (Depends On How You See It), Major Character Death, Blood, Emotional Distress, Mild Mentions Of Depression, & (RoseMin) Relationship Can Be Seen As Platonic Or Romantic
2) Tw/Tags: Developing Friendship, Light Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Betrayal, Inner Turmoil, Complicated Relationships & Hopeful Ending 
This isn't supposed to happen. It was never part of the game. Nobody is meant to die in this timeline. Not anyone that he particularly cared for but not her. 
Not Ellie. His best friend and companion in crime. 
She was meant to be here with him. After all they went through together she shouldn't be ripped from his grasp. 
Until now she was. Forever gone and he isn't able to change it. He didn't know what to do, even witnessing her totally preventable, and irreversible demise took its toll on him. It was his fault. He could've done something to stop it from happening though it was yanked out of his hands. 
Said hands are shaking as he kneels down to her still warm corpse. The death rattle having been seared into his brain. They fist up then relax, clutching tightly like a vice on Ellie's bloodstained shirt. 
It wasn't until much later, realized the severity of what had been done, that he's screaming his lungs out, crying, and in such a frenzied state nobody can get him out of it for hours on end. 
Afterwards, when someone else in the clan, he couldn't tell who it was, had managed to tear him away from her, he was somewhat able to cool down. He's put in a safe place, alone per his weepy wish to cope. 
She was dead because of him. 
She choked on her own blood, withering in awful pain because of his mistakes. 
Her gorgeous eyes once full of love and pride stared at him with a glassy unfocused haze, fresh with her own tears as life slowly slips from her. 
It was torture knowing he was alone again as he's left to wallow in his misery. Often he laid in the same bed she would lovingly and so carefully drag him out of when he himself was too depressed to get up. 
But nobody was there to do that. No one who does it like her. They tried, surely in their own unique way however it wasn't the same. Him and Ellie had a specific deep bond. 
So it was difficult accepting her death, a slow progression, and it was a hard pill to swallow, that's for sure. 
In the unfortunate circumstances, he noted in a rotten grimace, that there's nothing he can do besides sucking it up. At the start, a few days after Ellie's death, he didn't try, instead played ignorance. His words exact, rarely he does speak, will only consist of the topic that she will come back to him in some shape or way. 
Eventually, people grew tired and left him to his devices, he understood why. Still they did try their best to be a shoulder to lean on if he allowed them. For some, he did do that when he couldn't fight anymore. Oftentimes he was eerily silent, still crying but it eluded him once he realized that no longer did anything come out. 
And so he stands on the special balcony for the orbital station that's shielded nicely with a thick, sturdy glass. The void of space colored in blacks, blues, purples and his favorite, red was refreshing as it is a daunting beauty. His sore eyes were dry when he wiped his sleeve across them, sniffling and wincing a bit at the slight pain. He grips his shaking hands on the banister, breathing deeply through his nose as he watches the larger than life twinkling stars hover above him. 
He is going to get better for his sake. Ellie's even since he knows she wouldn't stand for this. 
Regret seeps in like poison. Henry was used to being alone, always on his own. So when climbing through the vents and popping out, he hesitates to move forward. It wouldn't be the first time he betrayed someone or had the same happened to him. 
Though this was different. Somehow unlike the times he did this, Henry felt bad. Guilty. 
In a world, cruel and unfit towards people like him and coincidently her as well should know better better to blindly trust. That's why he did what he'd done without having looked back to see her reaction as his experiences with the same hardened him. 
She was down on her luck. Just like him but she entirely gave up. He still had his fight in him. That's why he's here to begin with, right behind two guards chattering away unaware of his presence, while deciding what to do next. About to make a break for it.
Maybe he should head back just for the heck of it. What would go wrong? 
So he did, begrudgingly, mind you, he wasn't used to this. 
Once he returns to the hole in the ceiling, he cautiously peeks over, taking in the scene of the redheaded woman now curled up in the furthest corner. In the room already so empty and cold, near the door, is the warden’s right hand looking straight ahead, again unaware. 
Softly he makes a noise in order to get her attention which she wasn't bothering to try, even ignoring to seemingly in his growing annoyance. The redhead must know he's here for her. 
He's just trying to help her! In some way he was trying to apologize and that's rare for someone like him anyways. 
As the thief resists the urge to hiss louder or even cut his losses and turn back, he hooks his feet on the hanging staircase. Why it was there is beyond him. Then he curses it upon losing his footing, falling to a crumpled heap in front of the shocked woman. 
Before long he stumbled on his feet, she was gobsmacked to see him as he grabbed onto her arm. Unsurprisingly, the warden’s deputy noticed, stormed into the waiting cell, seeing that Henry was without his cuffs. It won't be long when the true shit goes down so he'd have to rush for it. 
Hope for the best outcome as this wasn't his plan. 
With her in tow, forcibly behind him, he made a beeline to the door. He may be a scrawny guy at least compared to the other man but he isn't a literal pushover. Thankfully, as by pure luck it remains at his side too once he barrels past, knocking the other down with ease. Another surprise to him is that she's running alongside with little resistance.  
The blaring noise of sirens rings in his ears seconds later. He kept going, huffing from the exertion and the mild irritation that throbs in his head. Soon he takes a sharp turn down the hallway, a path chosen in his mind. 
It won't be his smartest, cleverest ones out there, just one that would work for right now at this moment. At the hall's end, close to an office, he slams a fist into a circuit board on the wall, all in the dwindling hopes it's the right choice. 
The door slams shut so it was to his relief. 
He lets go, turns to face her, when he does is instantly met with an angry scowl, and a cold glare. Worse, he is caged in and she can do anything to him. She doesn't, instead stands there, hunched, in stiff silence, except for her ragged breaths filling the air. The cuffs that completely covered her hands so that may be the sole reason why.
In his hesitancy, Henry steps forward, hands up in faux surrender, with no words that he's no threat to her. Eyeing her cuffs then at the room they're in, he notices one, the decently sized trophy likely carrying a heavy weight and secondly, the vent in the ceiling. 
Moments later, trophy in hand, he bashes the cuffs until they drop on the ground broken. In a groan, he steps back, leaning on the table and motions to the ceiling. She runs her free hands together, as if attempting to gather the warmth. 
Of course, she's highly skeptical. Right until he's on his knees ready to boost her up. He doesn't mind being the one to do the lifting this time. She looks around and he knows she's searching for another exit. Then she moves quite quickly, placing her foot on his knee. 
In a flash, the hinges of the vent break apart and she climbs up. 
Henry stands up, dusting off and he hears the sound of people outside the door get louder. 
When he does look up at the ceiling, almost surprised to see she remains there, allegedly waiting, maybe uncertain about the choices laid out for her. It won't shock him whether she takes the grand opportunity to simply leave him behind. 
Until she stretches a hand out for him. 
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fereldanwench · 7 months
Hiya Wench! <3
It's me, the chick who always wants you to explain things xD. I have another polite request (won't be upset if you decline, but I have to try).
I had an epiphany about my posts today - I tag for other people, not myself (twitter influence). And I realized I don't even know how to quickly get to some of the older posts.
And then I remembered your page and how it's all neatly organized xD I previously haven't realized all your tags were actually separating your posts into categories and such... I love it. I had some big brain moments today xD
Would you please have any quick tips (perhaps you already do have them on your blog, I just forgot how to display the blog with the template on) for how to get started with your own template and neatly organized posts you can always find? Maybe even some template creators and such?
I used to do HTML & CSS back in the day, but it's been a long while, I don't have that much time to do trial and error anymore, and any actual coding is out of the question for me. It's gotta be user-friendly. (Free would be best, but I'm ready to reward the work done.)
I'm loving it here now and I post A LOT... I'd hate to reach a point where I don't even know what's on my page anymore.
Thanks! <3
Hi, bb! 💙
I've been asked about this a few times, and I honestly never feel I have a good answer for it, haha. I just like organizing and categorizing things, honestly. Best I can do is share my thought process and a couple of handy tools--Hopefully that'll help give you some inspiration!
My tagging habits actually come from ancient Tumblr functionality--Back in the day, the search function didn't exist as it does now (in which it will (theoretically) scan the body and tags in the post), and you could only find posts if they were tagged in a certain way. Sometimes I wanted to post about game stuff, like Dragon Age, but I didn't want my post to appear in the main tag (because of fanwank hell) BUT I also still wanted to be able to find it later because my blog is for me first and foremost.
So I started using "s: dragon age" to gather all things related to Dragon Age (in which "s" in my mind stands for "series") and "g: dao" for posts specifically about Dragon Age Origins, "g: da2" for Dragon Age II/2, and "g: dai" for Dragon Age Inquisition. And if it was a post I did want to go into the main tags, like a GIF set or fanart, I'd use both the default tags (Dragon Age, Dragon Age Inquisition) and my personal ones for my own blog cataloging.
Tumblr search hasn't worked like this in years, but by the time it changed, I was already in this habit for a while so I've just kept doing it. I do change the way I organize stuff from time to time, and there are some tools that make that easier:
Xkit Rewritten This is a life-changer and has a ton of great features to improve your Tumblring experience, but the "Tag Replacer" specifically is awesome if you realize you want to change a tag en mass.
Tumblr Tag List Generator And this is really helpful if you need to do some tag wrangling and figure out what tags you've used. I periodically run my blog through this to catch inevitable typos in tags so I can change them, and see if I can consolidate any similar tags (e.g. catch if I was using both "g: da2" and "g: da ii" so I could figure out which one I liked more.)
As far as the organization itself and how I choose the categories, it's just vibes, haha. It's just how I catalog things in my brain. Which I know is probably unhelpful. Prefixes like "inspo: ###" and "shows: ###" are pretty self-explanatory. "extras: ###" is for the random stuff that doesn't really fit anywhere else, like shitposts and cute animal pics. "topic: ###" is for more serious subjects and discussions, like LGBTQ+ issues. "mine: ###" is for the stuff I've made.
Two things I wish I had done a better job of is 1) organizing other people's OCs by fandom (if you visit me on Pillowfort, you'll notice I use tags like "other's ocs (cp77)" instead of just "other's ocs") and 2) separating my edits tag into a gifs and virtual photography tag. Calling all video game imagery "edits" is also sort of a holdover from Tumblr days of yore, but I wish I had made a distinction there. (I had never even heard the term "virtual photography" until about 2022, though, and I've been on Tumblr since 2010 so yanno. Whatever. This blog in particular is 8 years old, and I'm not sifting through thousands of posts just to amend that.)
And this is a mostly comprehensive list of all the tags I use, if you wanna see the categories and whatnot in action.
With regards to blog templates, I've actually decided to stop focusing on that here because Tumblr has increasingly become a more app-driven userbase, and the pretty blog templates are only visible on desktop. Tumblr also nuked a lot of functionality of the custom pages you can make, which is where I used to keep my tags displayed. I still have a custom theme, but it's pretty bare-bones compared to what I used to do. (Now I get my CSS fix working on my Neocities website, although that is very much still a WIP.)
But there are fortunately still a lot of folks keeping the custom Tumblr themes alive! You can browse some of my personal favorites under my tumblr: themes tag, and @theme-hunter is a fantastic resource to find free user-made templates.
Oh, and because Tumblr is pushing more for a generic and uniform app experience, you do have to opt-in to activate your custom blog. It's this option under your blog settings:
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And if you want to view someone's custom blog (if they have one), you'll have use the https://fereldanwench.tumblr.com/ URL. If you want to view the dashboard-like version of their blog, you'll have to use the https://www.tumblr.com/fereldanwench URL.
Hopefully this made sense and can give you some ideas to get started!
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maydaymayramble · 5 months
my final opinion on Fashion Dreamer as a devoted fan of style savvy
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so as my initial deep disappointment started wearing off, i realised that it was unfair of me to immediately compare Fashion Dreamer to the style savvy series so harshly because they are simply not the same! Fashion Dreamer IS co developed by synsophia and it IS a game that revolves around fashion, but otherwise, they’re two completely different games.
you dont have a boutique to run, you dont have any customers to assist, you cant make connections with people and gradually make a name for yourself, you cant improve the community in the setting you live in etc etc. your just an influencer doing vague fashion related tasks and irl “influencer” would do.
tl;dr once i separated the two and started to see Fashion Dreamer as its own game instead a style savvy without any charm i started to really enjoy it for what it is
there’s no real tangible story here at all, only faint goals to achieve very early game and then thats it, and its obvious that they were never going for that in the first place because this isn't style savvy! its a completely new game that only has SynSophia working on in collaboration with another company. im sure if nintendo didn't decline SynSophia's request for another style savvy game on the switch this im sure this conversation would not exist but unfortunately, they did, and now we only have Fashion Dreamer, which serves as a descendant of a successor to the style savvy games.
now that i've managed to separate Fashion Dreamer and style savvy as two completely different games i want to talk about what i actually /like/ about Fashion Dreamer. i was super super disappointed my first time playing not only because i immediately held it to exact same standards as a style savvy game, but also because by itself it felt quite unfinished.
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with my very first time playing i felt like after 2 hours or so i had already seen all the game had to offer. and while i wasn’t wrong and the gameplay just had to grow on me, still i wasn’t all that motivated with the goals you had to complete or the rewards it gave you. it also doesn’t help that there isn’t anything all that challenging about creating lookits for other muses, or any way to fail them.
yes, you have to create lookits to get epoints to make more clothes for your brand and level up so you can unlock even more clothes for your brand but ah, that part isnt really all that impressing. its just fine
i can appreciate all the effort that went into the clothes making process though, that’s definitely the most impressive part of this game. i’d say its the most impressive thing out of all the fashion games ive ever played. i have soo much fun making my own clothes! as an artist i feel like my creativity has no limits and i can literally make whatever i want, however i imagine it. for me, this one amazing feature alone is enough to carry the rest of the games mediocrity.
once i have an idea for a piece of clothing i think would look nice, i can just take out FD and create what i thought of immediately. even though i forgot about it for so long, for a brief period as an adolescent i really really wanted to be fashion designer and this feature reminded me of my silly wish and made me love it all the more
i also like the photo egg stuff, the poses are all super cute and i like the expressions the muses make. im very glad that they put in a scrapbook feature that allows you to save specific ensembles (that and no way to filter clothes by color were probably my biggest complaint) i already have a bunch of outfits saved in my notebooks that i absolutely adore. i do wish they were prettier backgrounds for notebooks though
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and the event stuff.. is just fine. it's not the worst thing in the world, i enjoy creating outfits for character or player muses out of all but it also isnt that fun. a little grindy and annoying, but just fine. if this game had a story or plotline to follow i think i would be able to enjoy it alot more maybe? running around cocoons doing vague influencer-like tasks just isnt all that engaging for me.
the last thing i'd like to say about FD is that i actually do get happy when ppl like my stuff. like wow, they actually like my product! it does make me kinda feel like i do have a semi successful brand that people are paying attention to. ofc most of my reasons for designing clothes is because i was inspired too, but getting those fake like notifications make me want to display them just in case others would like them too.
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in conclusion, all of this to say what exactly?? i enjoy Fashion Dreamer now! i like it quite a lot, i find it enjoyable and satisfying, and it scratches those fashion related itches ive been having but didn't know how to make them go away. i really love being able to create clothes exactly how i imagine them, and i enjoy being able to dress my oc's up so prettily and accurately. i also really enjoy the overall art direction of this game, the backgrounds really caught my eye and they all stand out individually in my mind.
im not 100% sure but i think FD is popular in japan? which makes me happy because i know overseas and english speaking fans of style savvy really dislike this game, especially upon initial release. i was one of them but now i can say i dont hate this game at all anymore. once i stopped comparing everything to style savvy, for what it is, is just fine. the reason why i made this long ass post in the first place was because FD already gets SOO much hate online from everyone, and i think its a little unwarranted. if this me talking about everything i dislike about FD this post would probably be much longer lmao, but i didnt want to add to all the flack it gets. if you stopped playing after a few hours like i did i'd say its definitely worth a second chance! just see it for what it is and you'll have a much better time
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hackearneyexchange · 1 year
summary of changes for 2023
Here’s a list of changes that are being made for the second round + explanations for the changes for those who are curious. Not really necessary to read, mostly if you’re interested in behind-the-scenes thoughts... Maybe more interesting for those who participated in the first round, but if you read anything, please just read the updated Rules, FAQ, and Sign-Up Guide if you are thinking of signing up for the exchange, especially if you are new this round (and welcome if you are!).
Two author check-ins at Week 6 and Week 10.
These check-ins just help me get an idea of where participants are at and if they’re in any need of additional support, or a soundboard, or maybe thinking of dropping out. Life happens! But this also helps me prepare as much as possible, and I appreciate as much of a heads-up as you can give me.
What I will be asking:
Week 6: How far are you in your draft? If you haven’t started drafting, do you think you’ll be able to write a completed story in the remaining 6 weeks? Do you need to drop out?
Week 10: How close are you to completing your story? Do you need to drop out? Do you need an extension, and if so, how much of an extension? (see #2, and also the FAQ for the drop-out process)
Extensions are limited to days, not weeks. Participants who require more than a few days’ extension to submit their completed work will have their assignment defaulted to a pinch-hitter.
As I said, life happens and things come up. Nevertheless, I have to consider fulfilling my commitment as the event organizer to ensure each participant receives a completed story. Longer extensions will not be granted; however, those writers may still submit their work to the exchange collection as a gift to their original requester. I’m hoping that this will give our pinch-hitters more time.
Do-Not-Wants still aren’t required, but I strongly urge people to consider specifying your DNWs unless you are truly willing to give your writer carte blanche/you are willing to write anything.
DNWs are not just about triggers/squicks. This is also about the content that you’re not a fan of reading in general. This is an anonymous exchange; therefore, anything that you do not specify here will be fair game for your writer. Clarifications will be limited unless the request/offer involves sensitive content. Some examples of questions that have come up:
Are you okay with the inclusion of non-Hackearney ships? What about Travis and/or Laura paired with another character (whether that’s backstory, on-page, etc.)?
Are you okay with infidelity storylines? Pregnancy/kidfic?
Max: What role/characterization do you prefer him to have in the story, if present at all?
Are you okay with ”dead dove”/darkfic content? Please be as specific as possible if your request/offer involves anything involving archive warnings at minimum, and any general sensitive content. If you are unsure, please check in with me.
All requests and submitted works must be ship-centric; i.e. focused on relationship between Travis Hackett and Laura Kearney.
What does this mean? This is a shipping exchange; therefore, the main focus of the submitted story should be on those two characters. This was not previously included as a rule for the exchange, but it has been added now.
The sign-up form has been simplified. A sign-up and request guideline is available to help participants and clarify this process.
Based on feedback from last round, I’ve put together a guideline to help walk people through the sign-up process. Additionally, the form has been simplified to focus mainly on the description of the prompts & content preferences.
All requests still must include at least two separate prompts. General likes/dislikes are still non-mandatory but strongly encouraged. The more specific your requests, the more prompts I recommend you include. I may ask you to add or expand on your request. Similarly to the DNWs, including the things you generally like about a story are strongly recommended to help guide your writer. e.g. What are your characterization/relationship dynamic preferences for the ship? What genres of fic are you more drawn to (i.e. more fluffy stories, or angst)?
All works are revealed on the story reveal deadline. Delayed stories will be revealed as they are submitted.
I liked the batched releases, but this was a more time-consuming process for me to organize. This just simplifies the process for me, and feels more fair to the writers who will not have to wait longer than others for their works to be revealed.
And that’s it! If there are any concerns or questions about the changes I’ve made, please feel free to reach out! DMing me directly is probably the best way but feel free to send an ask as well.
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seiwas · 6 months
selly my love, hello! i hope your weekend was lovely - filled with all the things you love most!! ✨️
today i come by with a question (if you're cool with it ofc) — what did the process of writing your nanami fic look like? were there any parts you found challenging?
hello my dear birdie!! my weekend was relaxing, i watched dune 2 (which was so good omg) then slept through most of sunday hehe 🥹 it was great!! & ofc i am cool with a question, i love answering em!! 🥹 this is such an interesting one too!!
this might get long so i'll put it under the cut!
the nanami fic was really intended as a birthday gift to @mididoodles (it still is)!! but bc of my mountain of wips rn, i was checking for whether it could double as one of my event pieces too—which coincidentally so happened to be one requested by midi as well!!
with that in mind, i tried to conceptualise something that fit the prompt: showing i love you in all the ways you aren't used to while being relatable to midi—which brought me to an artist!reader au.
i've always wanted to write smth separated by sections that symbolised stages of a relationship, and this felt like a good opportunity to use the different steps of making a structure.
i know nothing about sculpting or anything art related in general sdjfbjhsa so i had to do a bit of research on the different types of medium and what specific material the reader could specialise in (cos there are some that do marble, stone, etc. too!). i eventually landed on clay/ceramic because the parts corresponded more in my head. while outlining, i was watching videos of people doing ceramic sculptures from start to end!
ideas come to me very fragmented during ideation, and i kind of have to fill in the in-betweens while i'm writing. i had some scenes i knew i wanted to happen, but had to get a feel of what to put as the transitions to get there. and because of that, i really leant onto the general mood/feel of the fic a lot! i had some songs to guide me, which helped a lot, but while writing it, i was overall really nervous because the pacing was really slow and i didn't know if it was engaging enough or if the reader and nanami had good chemistry.
the fic is longer than i expected it to be but also still shorter than what it would be if i didn't try to condense it. i would have added another scene or two towards the last part, extended the breakdown scene, and added a date scene if i wasn't so much concerned with the length!
i will say though, that writing it had less friction than when i write stuff for gojo or col; dialogue was tricky (tho it always is for me anyway) but in terms of me scratching my head and struggling to get the words out, i didn't have that so much here. it also helped that each step in the sculpting process served as markers for the stage of their relationship i was writing for.
i focused on parallels a lot in this fic, mirroring scenes that happened before to happen later on but in a different stage of their relationship. overall, i took my time writing it and didn't have to force myself so much to pump it out. i'm not sure if this answers your question but i hope it kind of gives a picture of how my writing process went?
challenging parts
mostly accuracy of the sculpting process. trying to come up with the descriptions for the sculptures were hard too (i'm no artist or anything). figuring out the root of reader's problem was tough as well—i had a kind of complex/deep backstory for her and i didn't get into it too much bc i felt that it would have been too heavy already. overall though, i'd say writing it didn't make me want to pull my hair out so that's a good sign 🥹
thank you for asking this lovely question birdie!! im so touched you're curious about the process of my writing!!
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//I'm going to send this 2 days early because I don't know if I'm free tomorrow
Can I request a ficlet of Safrina video calling Brandy(cause she's still in bed) and showing her ranger in training duties around galar? You can pick what duties it is, Safrina's just happy she can talk to a ranger that's willing to talk to her
//Hihi we dm'ed so you already know but for the other readers' sakes saf's mod is in a totally different time zone so I was fine with the early submission!
First fic, hot n ready and full of fluff! Under a readmore for length. Saf n Brandy have a lil video chat.
It was a quiet night. Or rather, if you want to be pedantic, a quiet morning. A quiet 1:16 in the morning, if you want to be both specific and pedantic. Brandy was sprawled out on her bed, her good leg hanging off the side and her face alight with the dull blue glow of her phone as she aimlessly scrolled. She knew she should be asleep. Sleep was important for proper healing, and the recently stitched up gash on her leg needed all the healing it could get. But she had been on strict bedrest for the past few days, and barely able to hobble around even her own apartment in the cast they had set her leg in to keep it immobilized. The first day the immobility left them fidgety, and they spent the day bouncing between trying (and failing) to learn how to crochet, reading, talking with her poochyena, and texting anyone who might text her back. That energy evaporated over the next few days, leaving Brandy with a dull headache and the urge to do nothing other than lay in her bed, cycling between restless sleep and scrolling through her phone.
Their scrolling was suddenly interrupted by an incoming video call. Brandy furrowed their brow at the number, which caller ID did not recognize, and which seemed to be coming from outside Paldea. Probably a telemarketer, given the time. Although telemarketers didn’t typically try to videocall people. Confused, Brandy accepted the call.
“Hi, Ms. Brandy!” A familiar face popped up on screen. Safrina, described by Brandy as “the only child I will ever interact with” was smiling brightly and waving at the camera. She appeared to be outside, a backdrop of snow complimented her bright red winter jacket. The bright sun confused Brandy for a moment, before she remembered that the two of them were in completely separate time zones.
“Whoa, hey Saf. Was wondering what that phone number was. One sec, you probably can’t see me, let me turn on a lamp.” Brandy pushed herself up, careful to not jostle her wounded leg. Michael and Macaroon, who were both sleeping with her in the bed, huffed slightly in annoyance. Brandy clicked her bedside lamp on and leaned back against the wall. “There we go.”
“Wow, I’ve never seen you before! You look…” Safrina paused, taking in the face that was looking back at her from her phone. Brandy looked, in a word, bad. Dark bags hung from dull, red eyes and her dark hair had clearly not been washed in a good long while. “…Kinda like papa! A bit.”
“Yeah I guess I don’t…really…post pictures of myself-“ Brandy started to respond, speaking slowly as she took in what Safrina was saying, “-wait, what do you mean I look like your papa?”
“I found your number in the ranger database! Raixu showed me how.” Safrina brightly plowed on, ignoring Brandy’s question.
“…Guess that makes sense. Is something up? You need advice?”
“Um, sort of? I thought that since you’re sad about not being able to go outside that I could call you and bring you on patrol with me. Like a virtual patrol! So maybe you won’t feel so stuck inside and so you can tell me stuff about how you patrol.”
‘Little scamp’s tryna get free training out of me.’ Brandy thought, a small smile briefly pulling at the corner of her lips. “Sure, kiddo. Sounds nice. Let’s rock and/or roll. Flip that camera around so I can see what you see.”
Safrina beamed, and seemed to bounce slightly on the spot in excitement judging by the sudden shakiness of the camera. The camera flips around, and Brandy is shown a view of the snow-covered hills surrounding Circhester.
“I’m not too far from the base today, since I’m by myself. They wanted me to take a look around and just look for anything weird or out of the ordinary. They tell me to do that a lot, but I don’t actually know what’s supposed to be weird, really. Oh, and there’s a bergmite! We get lots of those guys…” Safrina happily rambled on as she started marching through the snow, being careful to hold the camera up and point it at whatever she was looking at. Every now and again she would steal glances at Brandy’s face in the camera, trying to gage the older ranger’s reaction. Brandy’s face, however, gave next to nothing away. She continued to show almost no expression, looking almost bored as Safrina chatted away.
‘Maybe that’s just what she always looks like.’ Safrina tried to console herself, her stomach clenching in nervousness at Brandy’s continually bored stare. She lifted her water bottle to her lips for a drink, trying to figure out how to keep the conversation going.
“Oh, hey. Piece of advice. Staying hydrated is important or whatever, but you don’t want to be too hydrated.”
“So I…shouldn’t drink lots of water when I’m working?” Safrina asked, somewhat confused.
“Nope. If something happens and you get knocked out or badly injured you do not want to have a full bladder.” Brandy rolled her eyes to the side, clearly remembering something unpleasant. “Trust me.”
“Oh…okay.” Safrina replaced the bottle of water into her bag, clearly still conflicted about this particular piece of advice.
Finally, after a few minutes of trekking through the tundra, Brandy’s expression shifted from neutral to inquisitive, her eyes narrowing as she leaned in far too close to her screen, giving Safrina a great view of her greasy, pillow-creased forehead.
“Hey, Saf, what’s that plant over there?” They asked, still squinting at the screen. “I think like 20 meters ahead and slightly to the left, about a foot tall. The little clump.”
“Oh, that?” Safrina spotted the plant Brandy was looking at, stomping over to it through the snow and crouching down. “Um, I’m not really sure. Raixu told me about some of the edible plants and berries around here, but he didn’t mention this one. I think it’s really common, I see it around a lot.”
“Oh, hell yeah. I don’t know it either, we can go through how to identify it together.” A proper smile appeared on Brandy’s face, and her apparent excitement eased some of Safrina’s nervousness. “Do you have a field guide? Also, do you know what to look for when identifying plants?”
“Um, there’s a field guide back at the base, but it’s supposed to stay there. And I think, kind of? You gotta look at what it looks like, right?”
“Yup, visual appearance is definitely an important piece. What shape are the leaves? Are they toothed or smooth? What colour is it? Is the stem hairy, or thorny, or smooth?” Brandy propped herself up further, going into full lecturing mode. “There are other things you want to look at too. Like, what state is it in at this time of year? Is it blooming yet? Also, what kind of conditions is it growing in – is it in direct sunlight, shade, on a hard or soft surface, what kind of elevation is it at, that kind of thing. And then also, what else is growing around it? Is it mostly others of the same species, is it growing next to a particular type of tree or bush, is it growing in a clump or more spread out? Getting the whole context of where and how it’s growing is super important.”
“O-okay! That’s a lot, let’s see…” Safrina crouched down, getting a better look at the plant she had seen a hundred times before. She furrowed her brow, trying to remember the long list of questions Brandy had just rattled off. “It’s got long, thin leaves, kinda like grass. And um, the stem is green and smooth. It’s got a big white fluff on the top, it looks like a cute little buneary tail. It’s in a big clump of itself, and there isn’t much else nearby. Oh, there’s a couple trees way over there.” Safrina points the camera away for a moment so that Brandy could get a look at 2 trees visible in the middle distance. “I think they’re pine trees.”
“Yup, those are white pine. Good eye, kiddo. White pine has nice, long, soft needles that act as a natural dewormer for wild pokemon, and the fallen branches and stumps make for a great fire starter. And they smell amazing. Great trees, white pines.”
“Okay! The plant is also in direct light, and the ground underneath it is pretty hard, and we’re up in the mountains so I guess the elevation is…a lot?”
“Got it. Good stuff.” Brandy was visibly excited now, smiling as she scrolled through whatever it was she was using to look up the plant using the details Safrina had provided. “Looks like that’s probably fluff grass, as you said it’s pretty common in that area. The cottony fluff breaks apart in the wind to spread its seeds, and is sometimes used as stuffing. It’s got lots of medicinal properties – the leaves can be used to treat diarrhea – must be high in fibre – and the stem can be used to treat tapeworms in humans and pokemon. It prefers high elevations with more acidic soil – which the falling needles from the pines would provide. That would make them a great litmus test for the overall health of your area. If they start to wilt out of nowhere there might be something wrong with the acidity of your soil, which could point to something wrong with the pines.”
“Oh, wow!” Safrina blinked, pulling out a blue, sparkly notebook to write down everything Brandy had just told her. “They can do so much, I thought it was just normal grass!”
“That’s the amazing thing about trees and plants and stuff.” Brandy was beaming now, clearly happy to have learned about a new plant alongside Safrina. “Everything is so much more complicated and cool and intertwined than they look. There isn’t a single plant out there that isn’t worth learning about. And once you learn about one it tells you so much about everything else around it.”
Brandy’s excitement was clearly contagious. Safrina’s eyes were practically sparkling as she looked around eagerly for more plants to show Brandy. “There’s some bushes over that hill over there, can we learn about those too?”
“Fuck yeah we can! Look at you, knowing immediately what’s in your area. You’re killing it as a ranger, Saf. Let’s go look at those bushes.”
Safrina beamed at the compliment, and shot off over a nearby hill to find the bush she had mentioned to Brandy. The two of them spent the next couple of hours hunting down as many plants, bushes, trees, and lichen as they could find, both of them equally delighted at every new fact they discovered about the world around Safrina’s base. It wasn’t long before Safrina’s notebook was filled with notes and drawings of everything they found. It wasn’t until a notification came through on Safrina’s phone that they finally stopped.
“Aw, I just got a message telling me to head back to the base,” Safrina said, clearly disappointed.
“Yeah, I guess we have been at this for a while. That’s fine, that gives you a chance to cross reference everything we found with the field guide that’s at your station.”
“Oh yeah, that’s true! I’ll do that. Thanks for teaching me how to look up plants! I had lots of fun.”
“Same here, kiddo. Hold onto that sense of wonder, it’s what makes this job worthwhile. Thanks for the call, Saf. It was super helpful.” And indeed, even though she remained greased up, unwashed, and eye-bagged Brandy looked leagues more alive than she had at the start of the call.
Safrina beamed, pleased that her plan to cheer Brandy up had worked out so well. “I’m glad! Byyyyye, Ms. Brandy!”
“See ya, kiddo.”
The two of them hung up. Safrina started heading back towards her base, a spring in her step as she walked. And Brandy put down her phone and finally, blessedly, was able to catch some real, actual sleep.
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Da rules:
Hello world and welcome to da rules, here I will write all the rules, and bellow the rules are the fandom's i write for :)
Now let's get started!
❥︎ I WILL write any type of love language suggested, rather it be physical touch, words of affirmation or more i will do it
❥︎ I WILL be writing up to 6 characters per request, any more than that and I will either ignore the request or remove 1 or more characters, depends on how many more you requested
❥︎ I WILL write platonic and romantic relationship between two people
❥︎ I WILL write headcanons, or oneshot's, about multiple people separately
❥︎ I WILL write smut, you can suggest kinks, scenario's ect.
❥︎ I WILL write fluff, you can suggest a specific love language(s) that will be in the fic and of course the scenario, but if it isn't said on what love language it is, i will write about physical touch since that is my love language
❥︎ I WILL write angst, even though I can barely write angst i can still try :')
❥︎ I WILL write character x character
❥︎ I WILL write any type of reader, the reader can be gender neutral, female etc.
❥︎ I WILL post at least 2 to 3 posts a day, so sorry if I don't get to your request quickly enough
❥︎ I WILL with no hesitation delete your request if it was either sent while my requests were closed, or if they break any of the rules
❥︎ I WON'T write any disgusting kink's, if you suggest any type of shit kink, piss kink, or any that are similarly disgusting your request will be ignored and removed
❥︎ I WON'T write any poly relationships, although i do support poly people i just don't want to write anything that will offend poly people in any way
❥︎ I WON'T be writing any scenarios that include rape or non consensual stuff
❥︎ I WON'T be writing any adult x child reader unless it is platonic
❥︎ I WON'T be changing a characters sexuality from the fandom's down bellow, for example, if the character in that show is a lesbian i will not be writing a male reader, same goes for other sexualities
❥︎ I WON'T write any yandere stuff, because it makes me uncomfortable to just write stalker type activities and or other creepy stuff
❥︎ I WON'T write any smut roleplay stuff, just makes me really uncomfortable for some reason :/
Fandom's i write for:
The owl house
I will mostly write for Hunter but you can still suggest different characters :)
I will probably write for Casey when i have ideas but still suggest whoever you want
Stranger things
Will probably mostly write platonical relationship's
Camp Camp
If it involves the campers it will most likely be platonic
Because i love Tom, that's it
Spooky month
Skid and pump are adorable and i wanna hug them till their heads explode
Steven universe
I'm not really that in to the fandom, since my undiagnosed ass can't watch more than a 100 episodes or so. Since I get bored when watching even two episodes from a fandom. But I mostly know what it's about so...
Sweet tooth
Just binge watched both of the seasons and I am absolutely in love with the show, if you don't request anything I will make my own fanfics.. just not creepy ones, but probably platonic ones
Watched the first movie a long while ago & I bought the book :D (that I didn't even read half way ;-;). But anyway I will mostly just write for the IT 2017 movie characters :)
Call Of Duty (specifically mw2)
I downloaded the game on my ps4 and I'm mclovin' it for now. I'm on mission 10 (I think) and everyone has such a thick accent, it's honestly hilarious to me idk why
I just watched the first season, and I can't find the second one so... Yeah.. I'm mostly obsessed w Dr. Flug, also I love Demencia and 5.0.5 is adorable as well. I will write other characters as well as do some research (also please tell me where I could watch the whole villainous show w English subtitles or an English dub, please, I'm desperate 😭)
The Quarry
I'm really late on this one, ik. But- I was bored and while I was working on a school art project I had to have something in the background to help me work... So I watched a playthrough of the quarry. I really love the characters and don't really have any character that I specifically hate. Dunno if there are still the quarry fans here though...
Harry Potter
Got into the fandom rly late, I'm guessing, since I don't see much posts on it. I've heard that ppl got beef w the writer or that the writer of the books had a bad reputation, but I've been debating whether or not I should watch it for more than two years I think. Finally decided to watch it and I'm on the fourth film (Goblet of Fire). Harry is quite a snack tbh... I didn't say that ☺️
I will update this if i enter a new fandom or when i think of new rules :)
Ps I absolutely adore named anons :)
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Red Eyes
Corpse Husband x Reade (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: None :)
Genre: FLUFF, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: A listening party has gathered around on discord, counting down the minutes until the release of Corpse’s new song. Unfortunately, he has no clue how hard he’s been outed thanks to his own creation.
Requested by Anon. Hi dear! Thank you so much for your lovely request! I’m so sorry it’s taken me a long time to write it and turn it into a fic but I hope the final product makes your patience worth it! Love, Vy ❤
Sykkuno, Rae, Toast, Felix, Jack, Tina, Brooke, Loey, Emma and Charlie have gathered around in their Discord server and have hopped on a call for the mass livestream they have been planning since Corpse announced the release of a new song which was said to happen soon. The wait ends today, in one minute to be exact, and it’s safe to say his friends are beyond excited about it. Corpse himself is also going to join the call once his friends have heard the song and have had the time to form an opinion on it.
“Guys, the countdown!“ Brooke alerts the gang as the numbers on the timer to of the premiere are now narrowed down to fifteen seconds. Just a quarter minute separating them from the big moment.
They watch the seconds pass, inwardly counting down as well, the suspense building up.
What am I to do? What am I to you? What is to be said? when there’s nothing I regret You seem like the type to ruin lives But baby I don’t mind You could ruin mine Anytime Yeah you call me selfish Then tell me to go Then you call me, saying You don’t wanna be alone You’re fucking with my head Lead me to my death bed But I could never leave you Don’t believe the lies you read Love ain’t gonna do you well Not with me It’ll be hell Red eyes glaring Voices blaring But in the studio you look at home like you’re its backbone like my heart was never a stone And I don’t wanna know if it flows both ways or what So tell it to my face if I’ve lost you by now Cuz the song is just a sound that’ll get lost in the crowd But you’ll be by me, wearing the crown You brought this to life Made me feel alive So this is my try To make you mine Maybe you ain’t for me Neither am I for you But two negatives make a positive So what do you choose? Take a risk or jump the gun Hold me close or even run And though it’s me you always cursin’ I know I can be your person
There’s a brief....no, a long pause after the end of the song, filled with the almost audible turning of the gears in the heads of the listeners. It’s safe to say it’s not what they expected from the song and most definitely didn’t expect the dangerously melancholic and sentimental tone to Corpse’s voice as he sang the lines, almost as if directly talking to the person the song is meant for.
Listening to the song, it felt like taking a peek behind closed doors in the life of Corpse and the unknown recipient of this song. There’s always one specific person songwriters and singers want their song to be heard by. And, in those cases, it’s easy for other listeners to feel like intruders.
Which is exactly how the majority of the people in the Discord call.
“So...“ The deep and super familiar voice of the person behind the song itself slices through the silence, startling a few of his friends who were still processing it, “What’d you think?“
That’s when the gates to all the praises opens up, flooding Corpse with the compliments and congratulations on his work. He knew he’d receive such feedback, not because he thought the song is great, but because his friends are great.
Not that the song isn’t a masterpiece but there’s little in this world that could convince him to believe that.
“Wait, wait, wait...“ Rae puts a halt to the chatter, provoking some nervousness in Corpse. “I gotta ask what I’m sure everybody’s wondering...”, given that her tone is teasing and is the vocal comparison to poking a stick at someone, he relaxes, “Who’s it about?”
So much for relaxing... 
He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck anxiously, glad no one can see, “Um, well I was just writing what came to mind, you know. No one specific in mind....”
Just as Rae’s about to reply with a statement of agreement and understanding, Toast pipes in with a disapproving hum. “That’s not what my chat is telling me, Corpse.“
The chat in question is going wild with its theories:
“The credited producer, he’s singing about them!!“ “It’s Y/N! They are a music producer!“ “Y/N L/N, they wear red contacts!!“
“To be fair, guys, I think ‘red eyes’ is a metaphor.“ Toast, as much as he likes good tea and a rumor, he’s still keeping it real.
“Wait, Y/N L/N as in the producer that’s friends with Dave?“ Felix interjects, offering his own guesses, “I’ve heard great things about them. Did you work together, Corpse?“
He doesn’t want to lie but he doesn’t want to stir the internet’s pot of rumors either. To be fair, he can’t lie, Y/N’s literally credited at both the end of the video and in the description. He’d be a fool to lie.
“Y-yeah, they’re really cool. A very talented artist.“ He says stiffly, running a hand through his messy hair.
Chuckling mischievously, Felix decides to add, “And they do have red eyes.”
Way to throw me under the bus, Pewds - Corpse thinks to himself, knowing damn well he’s been exposed. He might be a professional impostor, but he sucks at lying in real life.
And it really shows...
In the meantime....
“Talk to you later, Joel. Bye.“ With a soft smile, Y/N hangs up the call they’d been occupied with for the past twenty minutes, discussing a new tune with their long time friend in hopes of helping him out with it.
When they go on social media, however, they are taken aback by the amount of pending notifications. They were expecting to receive them, knowing Corpse would credit them in the song which wouldn’t fly by unnoticed.
However, the last thing they saw coming was the possibility of people...well, calling them out on being the person the song if meant for.
They smile, I wish, they think to themself as they read the tweets which to them are comical. They could never imagine Corpse having a crush on them - but then again Corpse isn’t able to imagine them having a crush on him either but here we are - with two fools who have unknowingly fallen for one another.
Their fans figured it out in no time, but my head hurts at the thought of how long it’ll take for these two to realize it.
@maat-the-prescriptive  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @itsminniekat  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat  @idontknowwhatthisisfam  @evi-ka  @classyandfabulous00  @redperson58  @lilysdaydreams @solowheein  @mythicalamphitrite  @axen-gers  @luckygirl144  @nj01  @buddyemily   @the-albino-lioness  @stardream14  @gdhdkfnn  @nomadicgypsyy  @preciousskye  @fluffysuicideunicornsworld  @o-kaelin  @manacharlotte  @awkward-youtube-trash  @lolalee24  @bonky-beerns  @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian  @strawbrinkofdeath  @teenloves  @tams0527  @browneyespinkhair  @starstruckllamapuppy  @daisychains012  @y0ulooked  @tinytacosuitcaseflap @supernatural-is-my-only-life  @jula-pauline  @melodykitty  @just-that-bi-girl  @crazybutconfidentaf  @lowellshade @alphakees  @bellero  @weallneednamjesus  @starryhanji  @boiled-onionrings  @husherstan  @fockingwhore  @melaningoddessthings  @prettypastelpetals  @haleypearce  @godwhyamiawkward  @y-napotat  @daisychainyoonmin  @little-miss-rebel3  @free-wheelin-bi-sexual  @redmoon261 @darkacademic2  @wiseflamingoqueen  @into-the-end  @namikhai-i  @nastiablr  @thelittleplantlover  @mirktuan  @dont-hyuck @jjk-bunny  @vintagegothlover  @easygoingtheatre  @itsrandombooklover  @miiaivi  @emmybaybee  @befourgolden  @jjk-is-my-shit  @eternalteaaars  @spacebadgerx  @princesslunalight  @acequinn14  @samm48  @misselsbells06 @simp-lykawa  @fo-love  @marishimomura-blog  @therealglenncoco  @cinnamonbun332  @killtherandomness  @sanshinexxxsan  @fee-btheweeb  @press-lay  @cathleenpotgieter16  @jazzydoesstuff  @moonlxghtbay  @forestrain2000  @hyunjinhugs  @blood-of-fandoms  @lovellylies  @ukiyolixx  @simpforhpcharacters  @chrisdylan17  @parkerjisung  @pedernille  @theodonyous  @wineandionysus  @malfoystilinskii05  @morbid-x  @coryisagee  @jessewa26  @scoobydooluver97 @mindintheskies365  @raeanneinwonderland  @indecisive-empanada  @gluttonypalace  @loriane2503  @btsiguess-kpop  @khaoticbunny  @lucidlycactus  @smiithys  @rottenroyalebooks  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @fangirl-tc27  @fr0z3n-1  @notmesimpingfortechno  @shotarosleftpinky  @kunoi-chan  @idk-whats-wrong-with-me  @yikeroonie  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @poetry-and-tea  @ama-do-writing-stuff  @wishbonewolf  @emeraldxhope  @t0xick1tty  @kusuinko  @speakyourselfloveyourself  @sophia902103  @lo-manburg  @classsykittykat  @dmgama  @depressedpuppythatneedscoffee  @btsiguess-kpop  @akaashi-baby  @gun-jong-simp  @geschichtenfee  @yerapotato-wp  @browneyedgirl365  @thysagclub  @sparklycloudnight  @helloatomicshadow  @queentorresstuff @vtte @val-gal  @lucy-bunny17  @aaliyahh0  @katluckybear  @boyleanti  @straybids  @franchesca-791  @cosmicstorm19  @averyisbackinthetrashcan  @aomi-nabi  @xlanawriter  @allensimpsforcorpse  @sunnyrae-cessh  @ladykxxx08  @meowiemari  @renupf  @booklover76  @sra-verissimo  @beatrhizn  @blueberrystigma  @beatrhizn  @chicken-taco-burrito  @scorpios-echos  @nyctophiliiiiaaa  @squirreljoe
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raggaraddy · 3 years
Tae’s first time with a virgin if your still taking requests?
A/n: Thank you for the request! It was fun to write. Enjoy xx 💜💜💜
Trigger warning: Smut, first time, oral, D/s themes, examples of a bad D/s dynamic, dirty talk, mild spanking.
You pull out your phone and type the message. Over and over. Deleting it and re-writing it about 30 times.
Until you see the typing bubble pop up on Taehyung's side.
If you have something to say, get it out. He writes.
Damn. You really should have written this on paper first. But too late now.
You had spoken with Taehyung for months and had met him in person for the first time last week. With clever wording, so far you'd gotten around telling him your secret. But you know you have to tell him before your first play session tonight. You don't know if a guy can tell or not, but if he can it's going to be embarrassing if he finds out that way.
It's not like you haven't done things before, you were probably more experienced than most when it came to other areas. You've played with other kinky people before, hooked up with girl friends and guy friends, and you've had a full D/s relationship that was filled with BDSM. It's just that you'd never done that one thing.
Really, you don't even know why you held onto it for so long. At first, you were trying to be smart and not give it away too quickly or easily, but then it almost became something you had a sense of pride in and tried to protect. But Taehyung was special. Someone you felt connected to. And you know, it's time to get it over with. Both telling him and the act itself. You have to simply rip the bandaid off and tell him. He shouldn't be mad. You didn't exactly lie about anything.
Its just about tonght :)
Please don't be mad. I ddnt know how to say it before
But you should probably knwo I'm a virgin
Three separate messages. Typed so quickly they're riddled with spelling and grammar errors. The words are not nearly as well prepared as you had wanted. But at least it was done.
The read symbol appears, and then nothing. Staring at your phone for what feels like 5 minutes, there is no reply. You're running over a dozen new messages, typing them in your head first. Wanting to explain that you didn't lie and that everything you told him, you really had done.
Typing the first word, his answer finally comes through. Only 3 words that make you relieved but also anxious from their conciseness.
See you tonight.
After spending hours getting ready, it was finally time to meet him. You came to his house and were perfectly on time. Although, you had a moment of concern thinking you were at the wrong address. When Taehyung said he had a big apartment you hadn't expected it to be a 2 story, riverside, penthouse in the middle of the city. He never wanted to tell you anything about his job, and now you were a little worried he's someone famous or that he runs a drug cartel or something.
Feeling a bit out of place and with the upcoming plans looming ahead of you, you start the night filled with nerves. However, Taehyung's confident demeanour as well as some casual conversation and a few drinks, eventually help you start to relax. And soon you're even beginning to get a little impatient.
A mix of anticipation of what is to come, steadily becoming tipsy, and having not touched yourself for a week, your mind is already running with all manner of dirty thoughts. But unfortunately, you're far too shy to initiate anything so you are entirely dependant on Taehyung's schedule. And he is taking it slow.
Normally, he would have a girl naked and on her knees by this time, but you were special to him, also. And especially now knowing that you're a virgin, he is determined to make the night last. Sat on the couch with him, there are small touches here and there, provocative topics of conversation, and his commanding tone of voice that makes you melt. Your excitement peaking as he passionately kisses you, pulling you onto his lap.
Nearing 2 hours of talking and teasing, Taehyung finally starts the main event. Taking you with him into the most stunning playroom you have ever witnessed. An industrial meets a minimalistic-modern theme. A beautiful king four-poster bed, with an x-frame top, a wooden headboard, and a white canopy. Making you think that this must be where princesses who liked to get spanked come to play.
Never parting his lips from yours, slowly and gently Taehyung undresses you. His delicate removal of your clothes and his tender kisses are in explicit contrast to the sharp, rough tugs on your hair that he uses to move you around. The combination making your skin burn with lust.
Sitting you in the middle of the bed, he remains fully clothed. A prickle of excited nerves shivering up your body. You're beyond needy and ready. Your hands starting to pull at his shirt, unable to refrain yourself any longer.
"Please," you whine. As his mouth comes off yours, you pull him into you a little firmer.
"What do you want?" Taehyung asks. His voice coming out deep and lowly spoken.
"I want," you gulp trying to think of what to say. Your face heating. "you?"
"That wasn't convincing." He moves forward, his hand pressing to your chest, pushing you flat onto the bed. "I asked you," Leaning over, his mouth comes to your breast, sucking your nipple. Your gasps turning to moans as he bites down before repeating himself. "What do you want?"
"Whatever you want, Sir." Your hands cling into the blankets trying to stop yourself from digging them into his perfect dark hair instead.
Looking up he smirks. "Mmm, when you call me that," he grabs your wrist, bringing it to his crotch. Pressing your open palm to the hard bulge straining in his pants. "it really turns me on."
You whine as he pulls your hand away. You'd been fantasizing for weeks about what he must feel like and now you were so close to having what you dreamt of.
"Don't worry about me, Y/n. I'm going to get what I want. But what I want right now," his hand suddenly cups your pussy making you gasp, "is for you- my horny, wet, little virgin," instinctually you spread your legs wider and his middle finger presses deeper, slipping between your folds making you wail. "to tell me what you want."
"Anything," You're trying to make yourself say more, but your mind is swimming and you're glowing with embarrassment thinking about actually saying what you want him to do to you. His piercing stare, his beauty, his hard cock, you're aching to have him. He knows what you want. It's not fair for him to make you ask for it.
"Y/n," your eyes lift to his face upon hearing his rumbling voice call your name. "Have I given you the impression that I tell you to do something so I can hear my own voice?"
Your eyes get big as you chew your lip, shaking your head. Even his light scolding is turning you on.
"Good. Then I'll ask you one last time, and if you make me ask you again, I'm going to put your panties back on, and they won't be coming off again tonight." he purrs making you whimper at his threat. "I was going to accept your little two-word answer, but now you've made me ask you multiple times, so you'll tell me in detail. What do you want me to do to you, little girl?"
You feel like curling under the blanket from shame, but you start to push the answer out. "I want... you... to," you swallow looking down, "fuck me." You can see his eyebrow raise, telling you to go on and give him the specifics like he asked. "I want to have you inside me, Sir. I want," you're thinking of the next words while feeling near to tears from discomfort. Unable to even glance at his face. "I want you to be the first man to fuck me." It's nearly inaudible by the end of the sentence, but you get it out. Hoping it's enough to make him happy.
Finally building the courage to look up, Taehyung is brimming with satisfaction and hunger. Looking ready to devour you.
His fingers gently hold your chin, lifting your head a little higher to meet him as he hovers over you. "Thank you, Y/n." He says softly, making your stomach swarm with butterflies. His warm reaction has you even more confident in your choice. "Put your arms above your head, and interlock your fingers." He instructs hushedly.
Too eager to follow his order your arms stretch above you, knocking into the headboard making your wrists bend. Holding your hips, Taehyung yanks you down the bed giving you the space to hold your arms out straight.
Pressing down on your wrists his face softly becomes more serious "You're not going to move your hands at all until I say. Not in any direction. Do you understand?"
With a little smile, you nod. Already having fun. "Yes, Sir."
"Good girl," he praises making you blush for what is surely the 100th time tonight.
He releases your hands and you push them down making sure to follow his order.
Slowly Taehyung shifts down your body, his fingertips lightly tracing down your arms and your sides, making you flinch and squirm. Fighting through being ticklish to hold still and keep your position.
Setting between your legs he continues to play with you. Your eyes clenching shut as his touch runs down your neck, your chest and stomach, gripping your thighs, tracing your lips. His fingers softly pinching your nipples producing a moan, your hips bucking up as your breathing deepens.
Moving lower still, Taehyung pushes your thighs wider. Lifting one of your legs he has you bend it upright, kissing from your knee down your thigh. Trailing lower until his lips touch your core making you bite your lip to stop from crying out. Needing to bite back even more vocal cries as his tongue flicks out, kneading against your clit. Starting to suck and lick you. Your legs spreading further on their own accord. Quickly losing your senses to pleasure.
His nearly painful grip on your hips jerks you down, pulling you into his tongue as it dives inside you making you cry out. Instinctually, your hands want to cling onto him and lift an inch from the mattress. Quick realization making you panic and slam them back flat.
Soon you're fussing, calling out his name as the flat of his tongue strokes you, eating you like a man starved. His long fingers deep inside you, massaging you in the same insisting manner. Pushing you to the edge without pause. Cumming with a yelp you bite your cheek in lieu of your arm. Your orgasm not stopping him, instead, he spreads your legs further lapping up all of the juice you spill. And just when you can't stand anymore and your body is starting to shake, he finally springs up smacking his lips with a satisfied open mouth grin. Wiping your cum from his face.
Flopping onto the bed alongside you, he rests over you again, kissing you deeply, letting you taste yourself. Leaving you breathless when he finally parts.
"How are you doing?" He asks, his mindlessly touch once more trailing along your skin. "Good?" he presses for confirmation.
"Yes," you giggle, feeling lightheaded in the afterglow. Wanting to touch him back you, accidentally lift your arms off the mattress again. "Oh," You gasp, settling them back.
Raising up, he leans on his elbow. Digging into your joint hands, he clicks his tongue. "How many times did you lift your arms? Hmm?"
"Um," You feel like your cheeks burning under his inquisitive gaze. In truth, you hadn't counted. But you think at least 7 times. "Seven," you whisper.
"And how many times did I say you could move them?"
Your mind races for a moment trying to remember exactly what he said. You don't remember him saying a number though. And you realize it's a trick question. "None?" you squeak.
"That's right." He hums.
Sitting upright, he abruptly sticks his hands under you, flipping you onto your stomach in forceful motions. Trying to not break position, you stay straight keeping your arms flat to the bed. With a last tug, Taehyung pulls you onto your knees, your elongated arms and aching your back makes your face burry into the mattress.
"Seven," He says. His large open palm smacking your ass harshly. He doesn't count down the rest, but in your own head, you do. Each stinging slap only worsening your hunger.
But it doesn't matter how desperate you are, Taehyung isn't nearly done with you. Over the next 90 minutes, he touches and toys with you. You come serval times from his hands, his tongue, from toys, and even once from your own hand as he makes you get yourself off.
As the events go on, he gradually undresses. His own needs getting dire, he also cums, letting you suck him off and swallow his load. But soon after he is hard again. Getting too much enjoyment from teasing you with his cock, seeing you become a mess. And no matter how many times you cum, it is the part you want the most. At last, though, he addresses your needful craving.
Putting you on your back, you can see the switch in his eyes and the intent behind it. Laying over you and resting on his elbows, he lines up with your entrance. Your body almost shaking with expectation.
"What do you want little girl?" he repeats, his own breath strained with desire.
You no longer have any apprehension about saying it. You've never wanted anything, anyone, inside you more than you want Taehyung right now. "Please fuck me, Sir." you pant, tilting your hips up, your motion rubbing his tip through your dripping folds.
This time it's Taehyung whose exterior cracks. Dipping in your warm opening makes him groan. His jaw tensing, he has to restrain himself from slamming his dick inside you. He wants to do it. He wants to make you scream and writhe, and take his dick all at once. But he knows he can't be cruel. He knows he has overcome his baser instincts and be patient.
Pressing his lips to yours, slowly, carefully, he starts to edge his hips forward. His cock sinking inside you. Inch by inch. Allowing you the time and space to adjust to him. And you're grateful for it. He's stretching you and the deeper he goes the further you're being spread. The size of him, his thickness is larger than any vibrator you've used before. Or anything else you've had inside you.
Breathing lightly, shortly, your hands are clinging to the blanket. Your eyes fluttering closed. Feeling him fill you is beyond your wildest imaginations, and right now you wish it would never end.
"Fuck," Taehyung whispers, his entire dick buried inside you. Your virgin walls tightly constricting and twitching around him. With a few heavy breathes, he calms himself. "How does that feel Y/n?" He asks, half teasing you, half genuinely checking on your well-being.
Words have left you. Your mind is delirious. You can only whine and nod stiffly. Your hands wrapping his back draw his body against yours. Mutly begging for him to continue.
He gets your meaning and is all too happy to oblige. Keeping a slow, steady pace, he lifts his hips. The rubbing making you fevered. And when he sinks into you again, he sets up an even pace of long deep strokes. Rocking into your over and over and it isn't long before any hint of pain is replaced with pure euphoria. Your legs shaking and shivering.
"Such a good girl." He moans into your lips. "You're taking my dick so well," Starting to pick up the pace, your moans come out more unrestrained. A kind of vibrating static filling your brain.
As his thrusts become more empowered, the low ache returns. Hurting just enough that it's helping the incredible sensation build. After several minutes, one of Taehyung's hands lowers to your clit. The external pressure causing electricity. Enhancing the pleasure inside. Quickly the combination overwhelms you and you can feel pleasure in your core unlike any other. As if every single cell in your body were crying out in joy, you lift and fall, exploding in ecstasy. The sensation turning your stomach, aching the back of your jaw from how hard it hits you. Taehyung's tongue filling your mouth, he swallows the breathless screams of your orgasm.
"Oh god, Y/n, you feel so good." Taehyung groans, his thrusts not slowing any. Your body floating, your mind ringing in orgasmic relief.
The pulsing inside you seems to last for an eternity. And even after it fades your oversensitive body is still quivering from his unrelenting motions. You're exhausted and wrecked and now that you've cum, his size is starting to make you sore.
"Did that feel good?" He purrs. Your moans of pleasure turning into whimpers as his pace begins to pick up. Pushing on his chest a little, you're breathing too hard to vocalize your thoughts. But Taehyung can read your actions.
"You can take a little more, cant you, baby?" He coos, pressing deep and holding it, grinding his hips down. Making you squeal in pleasurable pain. "You wanna make me feel good don't you?"
He stops moving, pulling back a little to give you space to breathe and to hear him clearly. You nearly sigh in relief. The tip of him was pressing too far. Your eyes open as his hand comes to your face, making you look at him.
"Can you be a big girl for me while I fuck you?" he kisses you lightly, sucking your bottom lip. "Do you wanna be a good little girl and let me use you, let me fill you with cum?"
Even with your body depleted, you don't need to think twice. You want all of that. You want him to cum inside you. You want to make him happy, whatever it takes. Not looking away from his eyes you nod. A little scared, but mostly turned on and excited at the idea of him using you to get himself off.
Closed lipped, his mouth lifts into a smirk. His eyes getting prideful at your agreement.
Easing into you, his breath becomes shaky. Again he bottoms out inside you and you whine in pain. With your approval given he isn't waiting on a slow build this time. He's rock hard and your warm wet cunt is driving him crazy. He knows it's going to hurt you. But he also knows you won't need to endure for very long. He is already nearly ready to burst.
Quickly his thrusts get faster and rougher. Extending his arms he raises up and lifts one of your legs for leverage. His chest pushing down on the back of your thigh spreads you deeper and shoves him even further inside you.
You can't contain yourself at that point. Crying out with every thrust. Your skin is covered in goosebumps. You can tell he is still restraining himself, but it's easily too much. You're drained and tender. And he's too big and rough for you to handle.
But despite your discomfort, you force yourself to stay still. Repeating a mantra over and over in your head that you want to be good for him.
Sweating lightly, Taehyung is pounding you until all of sudden, with a final solid snap of his hips, his movements faltering. A chesty moan pouring out of him as his body falls heavier into you. Your raw sensitive walls twitching as they are flooded with warmth. Several small jerking thursts pumping all of his cum into you before he drops his weight.
Letting your thigh drop back down, he rests on his elbows on either side of your head, his heavy breath fanning your face. Lightly brushing his lips to yours he kisses you through a smile.
"Such a brave girl." He mutters.
You're so tender that he has you mewling even as he pulls out of you. The movement makes you wince.
Gasping, you're surprised you can actually feel his cum shifting. It feels like it's going to run out of you. Clamping your thighs shut, your face glows again with embarrassment. You're not sure if that is supposed to happen. You thought it would stay inside. But in any case, you don't want to make a mess on his bed.
With a last satisfied grunt, he drops onto his side, leaning on his arm while still hovering above you.
"I'm so proud of you. You did so well." He smiles warmly, brushing your hair off your face, wiping away your sweat. "How do you feel?"
How do you feel? Sore, exhausted, thoroughly use, but mostly,
"Good," You grin sleepily, leaning into his touch.
"Good." He whispers back.
Shuffling a little higher, he pulls a pillow down and nudges it under your head. His arm going under your neck he wraps his other arm around you, hugging you. As you roll to your side and cuddle into him, he takes the hint and draws you in tighter. His hands rubbing up and down your back softly.
"I had a really nice time tonight Y/n." He kisses the top of your head, his chest tightening against you. "Thank you for letting me be your first."
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sabo-has-my-heart · 2 years
Hi there love! You're 100(CONGRATS!) follower event sounds really cool and I'd like to request but am not sure if said request would be too convoluted. If so please disregard! If not, could I please ask for a Cerberus!Ace/Sabo/Law x GNReader? Separate bodies of course(if not that would be one beast I would not wanna run into- not even mentioning a 'puppy' monster trio Cerberus XD). With the fluff prompts 3 & 8? Either way, thank you and stay hydrated👍
This took a bit of work to figure out, being a Cerberus, but I like what I came up with. Normally I wouldn’t allow this, because of the mythology, but I’m allowing it for 2 big reasons, 1) Ace, Sabo, Law fluff, 2) Guard Dog! Also, I made this a polyamorous fic as you’re asking for a Cerberus sort of creature made up of 3 hot anime guys and didn’t specify a specific love interest.
Standing in front of a dusty shelf in the dimly lit antique book store, you sighed. You’d been here for hours looking for anything that would help your guardian. Or perhaps it might be better to say guardians. He, they? Were a creature known as a Cerberus, named after the 3 headed dog who guarded the underworld. In truth, a Cerberus had nothing to do with dogs, but 3 people who shared an ‘existence’. Only one could inhabit this plane of existence at any given time, meaning that there were 3 people sharing one plane instead of one body. Watching the 3 was surreal, even if the other 2 weren’t out, they could still hear everything that the 3rd was saying, furthermore, they each had their own bodies and clothes. Ace was a black haired young man with an orange cowboy hat, refused to wear shirts, and black pants. Sabo was a blond with a top hat and what appeared to be noble’s clothes and was a few centimeters taller than Ace. Finally, Law was a dark haired young man in a black speckled white cap, a long, open black coat, blue jeans, a casual t-shirt, and was the tallest of the three. You desperately wanted to help them, to separate them so that they could each live on this plane of existence at the same time rather than sharing it. Unfortunately, the only thing the book store had on ‘Cerberus’ or ‘Guardians’ was the mythological guard dog itself and guardian angels, neither of which were of any help to you. To your left, sitting at a chair with a stack of books next to him was Law. The man was used to spending hours pouring over boring texts, making him perfect for your research.
“Anything?” you asked, looking over at him, your hope dimming. Law looked up from his book, glancing over at you before shaking his head.
“Sorry, Y/n-ya, but I honestly don’t think the information even exists. We’ve been like this since before we can remember, we’ve all just come to terms with the fact that we’re probably not ever going to… break up.” Law answered, massaging the bridge of his nose.
“You make it sound like we’re dating, Law. I mean, I know what you mean, but you could have picked a better word, aren’t you supposed to be some genius, you should know a whole list of words.” Ace said, suddenly sitting in the chair Law had been in literally a split second ago. Ace’s arm was thrown over the back of the chair, rolling his eyes.
“I’m a doctor, that doesn’t make me a genius, Ace-ya!” Law growled, once again sitting in the chair, hands on the edge of the table as he pushed the chair back so he could get up.
“Come on now, you two. We really shouldn’t be bickering. Y/n said they wanted to help us out of this predicament, so we should focus on helping them help us.” Sabo said nervously, hands up in a gesture to calm the two down, even if they weren’t physically there as the blond sat there for a moment, an exasperated look on his face. Ace and Law were often at odds with Sabo in the middle, often trying to settle disputes. He understood Ace and enjoyed the chaos and wild, feral antics of the black haired boy, but he was intelligent, calm, and sometimes collected, more like Law.
“Don’t worry about me, Sabo. I’m fine, I’m just worried about you three. What if you’re stuck like this forever?" It had always sounded like a cursed existence to you, driving you to want to help them.
“Hey, Y/n, it’s alright, really. It’s not as bad as it could be, we don’t mind… uh, too much.” Ace comforted, getting up and walking over to you, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“But I just, I want to help you, I want… I want to…” you chewed nervously on your lip, you didn’t want to deny that you’d fallen for all three of them, but you didn’t want to admit it either. You wanted to spend as much time with all three of them as possible and that meant at least trying to separate them.
“Ace is right, Y/n, you’ve spent so much time looking into this. It’s alright, so long as we get to watch over you, we’re happy.” Sabo added, caressing your cheek, smiling softly at you. You couldn’t help the blush that began to spread over your cheeks at his affectionate gesture, it was sweet. 
“It’s just, I don’t, I wish I could…” you trailed off, looking at the floor nervously.
“Wish you could what, Y/n?” Law asked, placing a finger under your chin and lifting your face up to look him in the eye. Your blush deepened, Law smirking at your reaction. In truth, he already knew how you felt, he was observant like that.
“Y/n-ya, you know I’m not normally one for this kind of moronic fate stuff, but Do you believe in soulmates?” Law asked, surprising you. You couldn’t help but swallow hard and nod. You suddenly found Sabo taking your hand in his, a soft look on his face.
“I think I get what Law’s saying and I agree, We cannot find the words to describe how we feel about you.” Sabo admitted before gently placing a kiss on the back of your fingers. 
“So long as we get to stay with you, we’re happy, truly. Let us stay with you.” Ace pleaded, moving your hand to his cheek so he could nuzzle it.
“We love you, Y/n.” the three said, their imagine flickering between the three so rapidly that they looked like a mirage version of the three of them combined, the sound coming out in all three of their voices. It was the closest to sharing this plane of existence as they’d ever come. You smiled, kissing Sabo on his left cheek under his scar, moving over to Law’s right cheek before finally placing one last kiss on Ace’s forehead.
“I love you three too. I’ll stop looking for an answer, just so I can be with you three.” you agreed, a pair of arms wrapping around you, the arms and body that held you changing at seemingly random intervals, your three loves, a Cerberus, they were certainly a strange creature, but not an unhappy or unwelcome one.
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beskar-cowboy · 3 years
Petrichor, Humidity and Self-Preservation
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Part 1 of 2 in The Moon Series
Summary: The retelling of two reluctant partners - a biologist and a harvester - on the Green. (8.3k words) read it here on ao3
Pairing: Ezra x f!reader
Warnings: NSFW, smut, slow burn, sex pollen so some implied dub con elements, a hint of somnophilia, accidental domesticity, let me know if i missed anything!
A/N this was totally inspired by Elegy to the Void by @jangofctts so if you haven't read it, please do yourself a favour and get on that, it's so perfect, it inspired this whole mess and the second part that's yet to come <3
It was the evening when you submitted your application for an off-planet partner.
Scientists and harvesters were no longer permitted to travel to the moon alone, it had become too dangerous; the mortality rate going up by the day it seemed - it was all they ever talked about on the radio.
A transmission came back for you around midnight as you were reading, skimming an old book unable to fall asleep, hoping the ancient words of old worlds would lull you.
The screen flashed bright with the notification. It hurt your eyes.
Match found.
You weren’t very specific in your requested for a partner, just anyone but a CIS male. You preferred it that way. Less…. issues, less conflict - tension.
Apparently he had put in a specific request as well - only male. He wasn’t too pleased about this either.
The unusual name flashed on your screen and you were intrigued. No last name - something that was not out of the ordinary these days; with people separated from their Earth families, people never having known their families in the first place, people needing to distance themselves from an old past, detach. There were lots of logical, rational reasons not to have a last name but still, he intrigued you.
Ezra. You like the way it sounds. It fits his scruffy look. That odd, blonde patch that sticks out from a mess of brown and light bits of gray.
45 years old. American, the transcript read. Great.
He’s older, the oldest partner you’ve had and it makes something flutter in your stomach despite yourself. He’s got a patchy beard, spots missing near the jawline. You wonder if it bothers him. You think it suits him just fine.
And he’s ruggedly handsome, his age no doubt adding to that fact. You briefly wonder what he looked like at your age.
Ezra is handicapped, missing an arm - his transcript had mentioned that much. You didn’t give it much thought, as long as he stuck to his job and let you do yours then you didn’t really care what shape or state he was in.
A biologist and an aurelac harvester, this would be interesting.
Looks like we both got the short end of the stick this time, birdie he had laughed, as the two of you buckled yourselves into his pod, preparing for the slingshot to the moon.
You ignored the nickname - if his southern accent told you anything, it was that he probably called everyone by some convoluted, meaningless nickname he deemed appropriate. You ignored the way his voice made your insides warm, how he reminded you of something familiar, something now long gone.
Ezra had insisted on taking his pod. You couldn’t complain too much; his was a newer model than yours, it had a built in shower. You had never seen a pod with a built in shower. Ezra had mentioned something about reparations for what happened to his arm  - a work incident, you eventually gathered. Good to know they considered a shower equivalent to an arm…
Where is everyone, anyways? You asked, serious and genuine.
Dead, he replied, serious and genuine.
The engine roars to life, you’re both catapulted towards the moon.
Or busy dyin'. He chuckled. Your stomach turned. But maybe it was just the excessive G’s from hurtling through space.
Ezra thought he was amusing. He smiled all the way down to the new terrain below - or up, depending on which way you’re oriented.
You didn’t talk to each other for the following 12 hours.
The Green is humid, you remember that much from your last time on the cursed Moon.
It’s humid and wet and constantly smells of dank moss and the afterbirth of rain. You don’t completely hate it.
The last time you were on the Green was just a short trip - 3 weeks, in and out pretty quick. You were just there to gather some samples, bring back a few bug specimens, that was it.
This time would be longer, much longer.
6 months.
For long trips like these, they usually like to pair people up who are compatible, or who work in compatible fields, at least.
A biologist and a harvester, you scoff to yourself. Everyone really must be dying.
It’s not that harvesters and biologists are inherently incompatible as individuals, the work schedules just operate on complete opposite ends. Ezra wakes up early with the sun, you can stay up late with nothing but the darkness while he sleeps, recuperates from his day of physical labor.
He needs as much daylight as possible to scavenge in the literal dirt and mud, trying to find what's left of the aurelac deposits scattered across the Moon. He’s got headlamps and powerful flashlights he can bring out to the sites with him, but it’s not safe alone at night, having one arm surely won’t make that any easier for him.
Some days you wake up early, follow Ezra out and search for your own samples, bringing them back bit by bit to the little station you’ve built in the pod. You’ve got your own lamps; desk lamps and magnifying glass, a computer screen that burns your eyes and a surplus of pens, pencils and erasers.
You’ve managed to fit a desk, electrical wiring and a computer generator all into a little corner that Ezra’s so graciously afforded you. He had to move stacks of books and paper to accommodate you but he didn’t really have a choice, did he? He was stuck with you, and you him for half a year.
But Ezra keeps his distance and you appreciate it. He doesn’t talk much, and neither do you. You like it this way. It’s easy - easier.
Sometimes he’d come back from a dig and you’d be hunched over your desk, fingers flying across your keyboard or hands covered in lead and ink, working on a sketch of some little critter or plant you found. He’d scuffle behind you, undress, and read himself to sleep.
Ezra mumbles to himself as he reads. His hushed, murmuring voice soothes you, you regretfully have to admit.
That low tone, his sweet drawl  reading soft words from long ago. You’re not even sure if he’s aware that he’s mumbling to himself as he reads tens, hundreds of pages per night. Ezra is an efficient, quick reader, you’ve quickly learned. Voice warm and familiar somehow in the night like this. Your chest bubbles with something sickening, something homely. You ignore it.
You still don’t speak to each other.
You leave with Ezra in the morning this time. Suited up, your old camera and notepad tucked securely into your suit. You help him carry his equipment since you don’t have much of your own, he thanks you with a silent nod in your direction and a sheepish smile.
You don’t take it personally, you figure it's a hard thing, being a grown man and having to ask for help in some capacity for such miniscule things. So you don’t make a fuss, for Ezra’s sake.
Sometimes you catch a glimpse of something - something old and left behind; perhaps a glimmer of Ezra’s former self. He’ll curse and lash out quietly to himself during his digs, kick a rock or tree root, sneering at nothing but his own self as he messes up a pull.
You catch the way he sneers, the way he’s cold to you afterwards (yes even though he’s silent. There’s a warm silence, and a cold silence, you’ve detected). You’re well versed in studying animals, learning their behavior, their evolutionary patterns. Humans are no exception. And Ezra flashes his broken fragments of a man adjusting to a new, disadvantaged state of being. You feel bad for him in a way, but you don’t want to pity him. So you ignore the feeling, ignore the observation that’s so plainly written all over him.
You stand in front of him, adjusting the air filtration cartridge on his suit but Ezra fusses, shoving past you. You say nothing and head out into the humid jungle behind him.
The walk could be long, every time Ezra sets out, he has no idea how long he’ll be gone for. You never know when you’ll just stumble by a aurelac deposit.
So you walk seemingly aimlessly behind him, watching not to trip over protruding roots or dead carcasses of harvesters past. You try not to think about how many bodies are buried in the ground beneath you - you can’t think about it, it’s not your job to, nor Ezra’s, really. Ignorance is bliss, ignorance is bliss, you repeat to yourself.
You pull your camera out and wait to find something more worth your time instead. You can hear birds flying amongst the tall trees, you can hear the leaves brustling with the wind that passes through them, propelled onto them from the wings of a bird unknown to you.
You search for it, amongst the foliage. You take your pictures once you find it, smiling to yourself as you watch it fly out of view again.
You let your camera fall against your chest, you turn to search for Ezra again but instead you find that he’s been waiting for you, impatiently so, it seems.
“Y-You don’t have to wait up for me.” You tell him, trying to find your footing around a particularly muddy puddle. Your voice comes out a croak, you’d nearly forgotten that it’d been days since you last spoke, save for the quiet muttering you do while scribbling down notes back in the pod, late at night.
Kevva, he makes you nervous when he just stares at you like that. Your eyes flit from his menacing gaze to the ground around you. Your stomach flips and swarms with something like butterflies. You hate it.
You come to stand near Ezra and he pushes a water filtration pouch into your hands. You nearly drop it into the mud - nearly fall in yourself.
“Go to the lake, just down the path there. Water should be clean enough to drink as is.” He tells you, voice deep and gravely, nodding in the direction of a little worn down path. You can see the lake just beyond the thick bush.
“Okay, sure. Where are you headed?” You ask, worrying your bottom lip between your teeth. You don’t exactly want to get separated from him. You’ve never been this far into the Green before. The two of you have probably been walking for an hour now.
“Just here, girl. Looks like there’s a deposit under this branch.”
Ezra kicks at the thick root with his foot, you can see the way the earth gives underneath, he’s probably right, not that you know much about aurelac, but he seems to have found something prosperous.
You nod at him and head towards the lake without any other words shared between the two of you. You’re nearly out of breath, you think that’s the most he’s ever said to you since you’ve met.
You wonder why you enjoyed it so much.
You’re drawing when he comes back into the tent, in that little notebook you carry around with you every time you go out into the jungle with him.
Your hands are dirty, smudged dark with ink or something. You’re hunched uncomfortably over your infuriatingly small desk as you scribble and jot things down in a seemingly disorganized manner.
You’ve got your headphones on, those scrappy, metallic and wiry little things that barely cover your ears. You don’t bop along to whatever you’re listening to, you’re completely focused on your work. Ezra admires you for a moment, right at the entrance to the pod, he hasn’t even taken off his suit yet, not even his helmet.
You’ve struck him in place with your simple beauty - he’s not sure why it’s hitting him like this, all at once, now, in this moment. It’s odd but warm. You’re quickly becoming familiar to him, homey, safe.
The light from another far off moon streaks through the overhead windows, painting you dark, white, and blue - you shine. Ezra bites his lip, scowls at himself for that warm feeling that threatens to burst over.
He approaches you regardless. He places his only hand on your forearm and you jerk, big eyes looking up at him in a panic and he suddenly feels bad. He scared you. He thought you would have heard him come in - you should have. He forgot you were blasting music in those headphones, even he could faintly hear the foreign tune from where he stands, towering above you.
“Sorry, birdie.” He cuts you off, speaking over you with a soft, hushed tone.
That nickname. He hadn’t dared utter it since the two of you first met that day when you got assigned. He hadn’t even meant to say it just now, it slipped out, slipped out when you looked at him like that.
Helpless, like a goddamn deer caught in the headlights.
You hate the way it makes something flutter in your belly, deep in the pits of you, when he calls you that - birdie.
“It’s okay, just- don’t look.” You grumble, folding your arms over your drawing, hiding it from him.
Ezra suddenly feels bad, he really does. He had startled you, now he’s made you feel embarrassed.
That shameful, small look you gave him would surely haunt him for the following months, that he’s sure of. Maybe for the entirety of his life, long past this work posting, long past having worked with you. This feeling will outlive him.
Ezra admires the pages and pages of notes, ripped and torn from your notebook that are scattered across your work station, tacked up on the walls, his walls. Little doodles, mock ups, sketches of animals and bugs and plant life, beautiful handwriting covering every inch of the rich paper.
Your computer is dead for the night, the sickening light from it thankfully not penetrating the soft moonlight that fills the pod for once.
It’s late, he’s surprised you’re still up after walking with him so much today. You don’t usually follow him so far out. He’s privately glad you did.
You’re surprised he was out so late as well, it’s not safe out there, at least not alone.
Ezra turns from you when he realizes he’s been staring. He peels off his suit as best he can with one arm before hanging it up and heading for the shower. You turn back to your work, trying to forget that nickname.
In the shower, Ezra thinks about your drawings. He wants to know what you were drawing.
He wants to know what captured your eye.
Sometimes you stay up for days.
Okay maybe not days, but it feels like much too long in Ezra’s opinion.
Your eyes will grow tired, red where they should be white, dark where your skin should be vibrant and plump.
At some point he grows worried about you, more often than he would like to be if he’s being honest. He can’t remember a time when he was ever worried about his harvesting partner.
But you aren’t a harvesting partner, that’s the thing.
You’re different, unlike any of them in every way.
He knew getting paired up with you would be a problem. He just didn’t see it being this kind of problem.
The soft kind of warm problem. Big eyes looking up at him and squeaking when he comes into the pod too abruptly, scaring you, kind of problem.
Ezra sighs to himself, deep in the mud, trying to get this damned aurelac. He’s tired. He doesn’t sleep at night - his mind fills with you while you sleep or work across from him, fighting sleep for an entirely different reason than his own convoluted reasons.
Ezra fights off the image of you now, in his waking hours, when he’s sleep deprived and starving if he’s honest. He wonders how much of the rations are left back at the pod, where you’re currently working.
After successfully harvesting three hefty gems, Ezra calls it quits and heads back to you- to the pod.
You’re not at your desk when he enters quietly. The light from the bathroom shines through the door that’s left slightly ajar, letting the steam float out into thick clouds that nearly choke him. He’s glad you’re using the shower, glad you’re not too shy to take advantage of the rare luxury he’s so graciously been offered due to his lost limb.
He peels his suit from his tired, sweaty body. He’ll need a shower too once you’re out.
The light of your computer is still on, illuminating the contents of your desk. Ezra tries to focus on that, he tries to study the little pieces of you instead of imagining you damp and wet and warm and nude in the shower, only mere feet from him.
Your desk is messy, he’s not quite sure why he finds it so endearing but he does. He admires the jars and plastic containers filled with withering bugs and plants and feathers you’ve collected from the grounds and plains of the moon. But then his eyes stumble onto something not entirely yours - his, in fact.
You little thief, you had snatched one of his books.
Ezra smirks to himself. You placed it upside down, spread open on your desk to keep your page. You’re far into it by the looks of it. This isn’t your first offense.
Ezra approaches it, runs his finger down the old, worn spine.
The Grapes of Wrath, interesting choice.
He imagines you, perched at your desk (on your bed too, perhaps?) sick of your work and tired, in need of a break, in need of an escape. Maybe you wanted to remember Earth in the only way anyone can anymore - in the form of a distant memory not entirely their own, an old story no one can memorize for the life of them.
Ezra pictures you oh so carefully, with those delicate hands of yours, rummaging through his things, careful not to make too much of a mess like you’re so used to with your own things. He imagines you trying to pick one that interests you most, one that would appeal to you.
Why on Kevva did you pick this? Were you fond of Steinbeck? Did you just recognize the name and settled on the familiarity? Had you read it before, perhaps? Is it your favorite-
Ezra nearly gasps, yet he manages to hold it together. You’ve emerged - like a goddamn, cursed goddess he thinks - from the bathroom with a halo of steam around you. Hair wet, dripping, soaking into the plain uniform that everyone wears, literally the most basic, boring pair of sweatpants and sweatshirt yet you manage to make it look so fucking sexy-
“Hey yourself.” He says back, only glancing at you quickly, offering you a crooked smile and a curt nod of his head.
Ezra backs away from your desk, kicking the remainder of his suit off of his feet before depositing the auerlac into the white plastic bin that he keeps his gems in before settling himself onto his bed.
Here lies your second incriminating piece of evidence.
Another book, one he’s surely not touched in years, strewn across his bed almost haphazardly.
Pride and Prejudice.
Ezra chuckles to himself so quietly, so darkly it's barely audible. How silly of you. How fucking adorable and precious of you. He puts the book back in its place without a word, without a snarky remark, no - Ezra’s decided to spare you this time.
When he looks up at you, he finds you already distracted by your work again, your back already hunched painfully over your books and notes. Ezra thinks he can smell the soap emanating from off your skin, it smells divine.
He wonders if you know how obvious you’re being, if you know how bad of a thief you are. Ezra wonders if you know how annoyingly enamored he is with you.
Ezra begins to take more of an interest in what you do after that.
The interest was always there, he assures himself, he’s just being more obvious now - less cold.
He goes out of his way to ask you questions about the bugs, plants, animal life you’re studying. He follows you around, ignoring his own tasks and getting distracted by your voice describing the flora and fauna of the cursed moon that he never found interest in before.
Ezra looks at it differently now because of you. He sees beauty in it where there was none before, nothing but death and decay and war.
It makes you feel… good, this new found interest of Ezra’s. None of your previous partners had ever asked you about your work, always so focused, so engrossed in their own studies. Granted, you didn’t talk to them much either. Their work was just so similar to yours. Ezra’s is different.
You’d never known a harvester before, never knew the ins and outs of their work, their incredibly specific, precise work that must be done with such a steady hand, such surgical precision it almost made you sick to watch sometimes - as the sickly white skin of the aurelac sac oozed and peeled open at his touch. Ezra made it look easy.y
And you admired it - admired Ezra. You liked watching him work. You liked watching how focused he got, how his brow creased in between his eyes, how he grunted and groaned and pulled from it, taking its precious gems with pleasure. It made your stomach heavy with something.
He showed you a few times, how to pull aurelac. You denied any offered attempts to do it yourself, worried you’d waste it and ruin the precious gems, but Ezra said he believed in you, believed in your own, albeit artistic, steady hand.
I’m not a geologist, Ezra.
Neither am I, little bird.
Your stomach swoops. Well… you’re pretty fucking smart. You whispered - so quiet you thought, hoped he hadn’t heard you.
But he did. And Ezra blushed at your mistakenly kind words.
You managed to get one single gem. Ezra nearly cried he was smiling so much. It made your cheeks hurt from how much you were smiling too. It had been a while since someone was proud of you. It made you want to hug him, bury yourself in him somehow. You wanted to latch onto that feeling.
The days went on and Ezra’s interest in you did too.
He became sickeningly accustomed to you - the way you were, the way you lived and worked. The way you dog tag the pages of the book you read, unbothered by the permanent crease it’ll leave in its wake. Ezra likes it far too much, he likes that you’ve left your imprint on something of his.
He asks to see the pictures you snap with your old camera. He marvels at your little bureau where you developed them underneath a sheet with a red lamp; your own makeshift studio. He asks what music you listen to while you work - he seems interested in nearly everything about you. It flusters you.
You like his quiet knowledge, his eloquent, unique vocabulary that you’d never encountered in anyone before. He uses words, phrases you’d never heard of. It enchants you. Every time he speaks, it’s like a carefully curated poem, despite the words flowing out of him like an all-knowing, wise priest. You wonder if it’s a Southern thing, if everyone talks like him back where he’s from, but you doubt it. You decide no one is like Ezra.
You find yourself dazed by him, completely enraptured, surrendering to him any time he opens his mouth. You listen to anything he tells you, and he does the same to you. You quickly become each other’s private, unspoken religion.
You enjoy his sudden trust in you, how it seems to have gone from 0 to 100 and all of a sudden he was just there with you all of the time even though he technically had been for the last two months or however long it’s been. He was here all along but now he’s with you - present.
Ezra follows you now - way too far from his dig site, running after you as you run after a bird through the jungled moon. You follow it naively, like you’re lost in some sort of trance, dumb and curious, like a cat.
“Ssh, I think it went over here.”
Ezra is close behind you, you can hear him panting in your ear over the comlink you two setup within minutes of meeting each other. You remember how procedural it was, how dull everything felt, how ordinary your meeting was. You marvel at how much it’s grown, how magical he’s become to you in just two months' time. You hadn’t expected it, but you welcome it nonetheless.
You look back at him, smiling as he catches up with you, as you dig deeper into the bush. His eyes meet yours, you can tell he trusts you. You should have known better.
You lose sight of the bird quickly but still, you persist. You push through the dense bush and take note of the surrounding foliage. You recognize the thorns - you know them from your textbook you studied so adamantly to become a biologist. You had to know what dangers would arise when you were in the field - poisonous, venomous, sharp and deadly. You know practically everything that could harm you. You just can’t believe that this particular one grew here, on the Moon.
By the time you identified it, it was too late. As you stupidly continued to walk through the bush, a thorn ripped straight through your suit, ripping your skin and your suit alike, as if they were made of tissue paper.
You hiss, quickly pained as you feel your blood rush to the injury, pouring down your ribcage, hot and syrupy. You gasp, grasping your side, trying to close the opening in your suit, and apply pressure to the quickly infectious area.
“Fuck.” You groan, removing your hand, staring at the blood stained glove, dark and crimson.
Your eyes begin to dance with colors, your lungs inhaling the spores of the Moon and the plant. You can feel the venom of the thorn course through your blood the harder you think about it. Your blood pulses, heart pumps, it makes your body throb everywhere - one spot in particular.
You squeeze your eyes shut, suppressing the moan that bubbles in your chest, your throat as you press on your ribcage, willing the toxic aphrodisiac out of your system.
You’re fine, it’s just a plant, it can’t hurt you, it’s not real, it’s just the toxins, you’re fine, you’re not in any danger, just head back to the pod, you’re fine-
You think you hear Ezra call to you. You’re sure he rushes over to you, scanning you over with those brown, rich and dark chocolate eyes, eyebrows creased far too much, far too worried for such a handsome face. He calls to you again, it’s distant, far off.
“Birdie- hey, hey. What happened?” He asks, panicked.
He’s panicking, fuck, Ezra’s panicking. You’ve never seen Ezra panic before, especially not about you. Fuck it’s kind of endearing, it’s kind of hot-
“M’fine, Ezra. Just need to go back to the pod.”
Be professional, you’re fine, it’s fine, he’s fine. He can get you back, he can help you.
You try to walk but the pressure in your legs, the weight they bear creates this tension that goes straight to your cunt and you crumble under your own body weight, whining at the sensation.
But Ezra catches you. With his one good arm, he blessedly wraps it around your body, hauling your weight against his as he leads you out of the bush, back the way you came.
But the thorns are ruthless. They show no mercy. They rip Ezra’s suit as easily as they ripped yours, if not easier. He wears an older model, it’s worn down, the duraweave weakened with time - he couldn’t have known.
Couldn’t have known that the spiky sharp plant that’s now ripped through both of your suits could be so powerful, so small but so potent. You choke on it as it’s syrupy liquid swells inside of you - dark and red, making you throb all over.
“Fuck.” Ezra curses, shifting your weight against your body and you moan at the way he manages to manhandle you with just one arm, with his surprising strength that makes your cunt flutter and clench pathetically.
Being so close to you, holding you, touching you, it burns straight through him. Never had someone’s touch made his heart lurch in his chest, make his cock pulse with blood. It confuses him, the sudden onslaught of his desire for you - how it seemingly came out of nowhere.
But you’re hurt. You’re hurt. And Ezra may be a selfish man but Kevva help him, he would get you safely back to the pod, regardless of the painful erection that suddenly protrudes his suit despite - or because of - his instinct to protect you.
You’re practically rubbing up on him, walking with an odd limp to your step. Your pace accelerates as the pod comes into view. You whine, pushing your face into the crook of his arm, where his bicep would meet his chest, like you’re trying to smell him and Ezra growls, concealing it by trying to hold more of your body weight for you. But you hear it, and you wonder if he’s just as infected, just as fucked up as you are.
You’re peeling at your suit as soon as the pod door closes behind the two of you, desperate to get it off - you feel like you’re suffocating, dying. Ezra hauls you over to your bed, dropping you as gently as he can with one arm and poor balance. He drops to his knees in front of you, clumsy, dazed.
He rips his helmet from his head, loosening his suit as you kick yours off your legs right in front of his face.
You whine as you kick aimlessly, squirming on your back, withering in front of him in nothing but your thin tank top which starts to stick to your skin uncomfortably. He watches as your nipples grow erect, protruding through your top, he wants to kiss them over the soft material - he wants to bite you all over. He can see you sweating, can see the way the sickly sheen paints your skin damp, the way your blood seeps from your skin and soaks the fabric. Ezra suddenly feels too hot himself, acutely aware of how much he can fucking smell you.
“Birdie you gotta tell me what’s wrong with you, t-tell me what I can do, how I can help you?”
You just whine and moan some more, panting, chest heaving and Ezra has to forgo any attempt at manual thought because all his brain is telling him is fuck her, fuck her, that’ll help, it’ll feel so good, bet she’s tight and sweet and syrupy and-
“Please-” You whimper, helpless, like an injured bird and Ezra leans into you, leans over your lower half that hangs awkwardly off the side of the bed, placing his torso between your thighs, your suit awkwardly hanging off your knees.
“What is it? What do you need?” He pleads, voice strained and weak and rough and gravely and you moan for it, for him.
You pathetically squeeze your thighs together, right in front of his face and you moan - arching your back and throwing your head back, too ashamed to look him in the eye.
“Tell me.” He demands a final time.
“Please just- keep talking, Ez.”
His mouth hangs agape, mind gone blank at the way you uttered this new nickname. Never had anyone made his name sound so filthy, so beautiful, so broken, it’s adorable and cute and makes his cock rage all at the same time. You breathed it like it was your only salvation, like he was the only thing that could save you. Maybe he is.
Maybe he is, he thinks as your thighs squeeze again, as they release - you wither so pathetically it breaks his heart in feigned pity. Ezra notices the dark spot which grows every second with your wet, syrupy cyprine, seeping from your cunt. For him.
No, no, it’s because of the plant. It’s not you, she doesn’t want you, she couldn’t-
“What- what's happening to us?”
His voice goes straight to your cunt - like it always does but this time you don’t blame yourself, your baser instincts - you fold into them instead.
“Why do I feel this way birdie, why do I want to fu-”
“The plant! It’s the plant, it’s poisonous.” You cut him off, nearly scream, sparing him, sparing you both from the embarrassment, from the admission of want, of pure sexual desire you feel and that you suffer through together.
Ezra groans, pained at the way you squirm for him. His eyes, they glare at you. “Poisonous how?”
You shoot up, sitting on your elbows and glare right back at him. Your skin glimmers with sweat and Ezra wants to lick you, needs to taste you, the salt of your skin, the metallic tang of your blood.
“You know how.” You whine, despite your frustrations.
“Enlighten me.” He asks and it comes out a beg, his eyes big and brown and beautiful, eyebrows creasing in what seems like sadness but it’s something else entirely.
“Tell me, sweet girl.”
His body betrays his mind, his somewhat still rational mind. His hand reaches up, to your thigh, resting on the hot, feverish skin. You jump at his sudden touch, the feeling of flesh on flesh. You squeak your ascent.
You’re panting, breathing impossibly heavily and maybe it’s always been there. That desperate, fucking tragic desire for the other, the need to consume the other whole, lose yourself in something other than work and feel like a real person, like you mean something. Maybe this plant is making you fucking crazy-
“Is that it? Is that what you want?” He asks and fuck what of that did you say out loud?
You stay silent, you just look at him as he goes to peel the rest of your suit down your legs and off your feet. He can fucking smell you, you’re sickeningly sweet pussy.
“Is this what you need?”
You whine, loud and impatient and Ezra’s cock is raging painfully hard in his flight suit and he’s rendered you speechless already.
You can’t find your words. You who’s so smart, so intelligent, writing thousands of words every day on each new plant or insect you find - you cannot in this moment conjure a single fucking word on how to tell Ezra what to do. Ezra feels smug about it.
“Tell me how to make it better, little bird.”
“T-Touch me.”
Ezra’s face cracks, his lips quirking up to one side with that crooked sideways smile he gives you like those cowboys in those old westerns that just got the bad guy, or the girl - what was ever the difference anyways? You’re guilty and he’s caught you.
A single eyebrow shoots up, emphasiszing that lopsided, goofy smile of his and you bite your lip, finding it impossible to breathe with him so close to you, with his stupid hot gorgeous face in between your thighs like this.
Ezra shoves his face, unabashedly so, into your clothed cunt without a single word more. He’s never been more thankful for your stupid habit of not wearing your flight pants underneath your suit more than he is in this moment; when he can lavish you with his mouth, appraise your skin like he’s always wanted - needed.
He inhales and you both moan, deep and throaty as his nose presses itself through your folds, as he feels your dampness on his face through your underwear. He runs the proud bridge up and down, letting your panties get creased up in your glossy folds and making them stick to you uncomfortably.
Ezra doesn’t let up, he doesn’t make any such indication that he wants things to progress. He seems all too utterly content with his face pressed right into your center, mouth kissing and licking at you over your underwear. You helplessly grind and wither against his face. His arm shoots out, gripping you, wrapping around your waist to pin you down so he can breathe you in without a struggle.
“Fuck, you smell sweeter than a pansy.”
You’re completely embarrassed, unsure of what to do as he just mouths at you, ruining the already damped fabric. You stare down at him, mouth agape. No one’s ever dared to be so depraved about you, so disgustingly sexy and needy. You’re unable to look away from the whole thing, frankly.
His golden cheeks, they flush, even in the low light of the pod you can see it. What time was it anyways? How much time had passed? Was it always this dark in here? Neither of you bothered turning the lights on, you hadn’t even thought about it until now, when it hindered your view of his stupid handsome face. You want to see him, you want to look at him forever.
“Please-” Your words get choked up, swallowed down by a moan, voice caught in your throat - you can’t fucking speak.
Reluctant, Ezra peels his face away from you and his lips are swollen, eyes gone black like obsidian, hazy and shiny - drunk.
“What is it, baby?”
You whine, pathetic and hopeless, unable to look him in the eyes. You throw your arm over your eyes, dramatically shielding you.
“More.” You whisper, voice gone hoarse and tender. You’re embarrassed at how badly you need him.
Ezra says nothing and goes straight to nudging his nose through your folds once again, finding his way down to wear the sides of your panties crease into your skin. He bites into the embarrassingly girly frills of the trim and pulls them off to the side, revealing your dark hole, fluttering and weeping for him.
"Ain't you a vision." Ezra growls, low and deep before he’s shoving his face back into your core, the black hole of your being.
He fucks you with his tongue, he kisses you sloppily and its all so fucking wet - you can feel it smearing over your thighs and your ass as he messily eats at you, making no effort to tease you because neither of you can fucking afford it when you’re both dying.
He shoves two thick fingers into you and it comes fast - there’s no way you could have lasted when you were pulled this thin, stretched beyond your limits, so fucking horny and needy for him because of the toxic flower. You cum nearly as soon as he curls the thick digits against your most sensitive wall, as he prods and pokes at the textured, ridged wall and you fucking gush all over him.
You cry - sob, actually. You sob like you’re mourning, like all you know is death and darkness and this world has done nothing but take and take from you but finally.
Finally something is granted to you. It’s thick and syrupy and drips down your subconscious as relief and you sob. You sob so suddenly that Ezra nearly stops. But he doesn’t. He couldn’t, not when he feels like his world is ending and beginning right here with your little pussy.
You fucking poison, you desperate, tantalizing, addictive little thing. I’ll never get enough of you. He doesn’t know if it’s the flower anymore, the spores that infect his system or if he’s always felt this way about you. He can’t remember anymore.
Ezra does eventually pull away and you cling to him, your nails forever embedded into his burning flesh and he finds himself not wanting you to let go, not wanting you to untangle yourself from him in a jumbled mess of flesh and limbs and sweat, sex and blood and spit and fucking everything. He wants everything you can offer him, he’ll drink anything from you.
He doesn’t remember when he peeled his own suit from his body but he finds himself naked for you, cock hard, leaking and weeping for you as he ruts it against your thigh shamelessly. You look up at him through tears that well in your eyes and stain your cheeks.
Ezra is quick to shove his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling and kissing at your fevered skin, unable to stop rutting against you - fighting the urge to just push in, it would be so easy, you’re so wet, so pliant, so ready for his-
You wrap your legs around him, wrap them high up on his thin waist, his wide ribcage and you pull him towards you with more strength than you realize you have. His cock naturally finds your sopping folds and you both moan, gripping each other like it’s a matter of life and death. Your fingers lose themselves in his scruffy curls, that blonde patch that you think you love now and would cry if you never saw it again. Ezra pants into your neck, kissing your skin so tenderly that you might actually start crying now if he doesn’t stop.
You stay like that for a moment too long. Whining and grinding against each other and Ezra moans into your skin, presses his need into you, his cock big and all too enticing. You arch your hips up into him, trying to get the flared, angry head to catch on your entrance.
Ezra’s hips stutter and pull back from you for a moment and you panic - scrambling to hold him to your body, digging your nails painfully deep into his back so that he growls at you.
If he stopped now you think you’d die. But Ezra just leans back, he sits up only to take his own cock into his hand, dragging it against your folds, teasing you with the hard length of him.
“Can- can I…” He begins to ask but he’s already found your dark opening, already notching the angry head of his cock into your entrance.
He pushes it in, dangerously slowly and teases you with it in a half attempt to wait for your answer. He pushes the head in, and then draws his hips back, pulling out without ever fully entering you, mesmerized by the way your pussy gapes for him, how you rhythmically clench around nothing and try to swallow anything he gives you. It’s fucking hot.
You can barely speak, you're so desperate for it, it consumes you whole.
“Fuuuck,” he moans, “Can I put it in, birdie? Please can I-” He repeats.
“Yes- yes just fuck me, please.”
Ezra eases himself into you, slow but rushed somehow. Your eyes roll into the back of your head - you think you cum again, instantly this time from the feel, the fucking girth of him stretching you beyong your limits.
“Beg me, t-tell me how you need it.” Ezra groans, nudging his hips into the slick and messy slot of yours, already beginning to fuck you. He can’t stop, he can’t stop.
“However, however you want it.” You cry, mind gone blank as you try to work through the fastest orgasm you’ve ever experienced.
“Fuck,” He begins to pummel into you, your spine digging into the mattress with each grinding swing of his hips, “what did I do, hmmm? To be blessed with such a pretty little thing like you?”
Even when he’s fucking you into oblivion, he’s still waxing poetic.
You moan into his shoulder, biting at his supple, tanned flesh. “Make me take it, Ez.”
Ezra growls, digging his own knees into the bed, pulling your hips along with his and fucking down into you, beginning his onslaught on your pussy. You cry as you cling to him, desperate to latch yourself to something tangible and real because he surely can’t be.
“I will.”
You don’t kiss each other.
You can’t. If you let his tongue in, you’d suffocate on it, you wouldn’t be able to pull away, you’d want him to consume you whole and you’d die by his mouth, by his plush, pouty lips.
So he presses them into your neck instead and you at his shoulder as you both just desperately cling to each other as he fucks into you helplessly. It’s all grunts and groans and pleas for more as you both give each other everything you have.
It’s hard for Ezra, hard for him to keep his weight above you when you make him feel so fucking weak and all he wants to do is be able to pound you into the mattress like he knows he could if he had two arms, if only he had two arms, he’d be able to fuck you like you deserve, like you need.
He bites your neck at the thought, growls as his hips snap harshly into yours, harder than they had before and you wail, you shatter.
His hips stutter against the back of your thighs hiked up high on his torso. He thrusts become harder, slower as he just holds himself inside of you, jabbing as he holds back from cumming deep inside of you. He collapses over your sweat drenched body. You thrust yourself downwards onto him in an attempt to get more of him, more of his cock inside of you but Ezra isn’t teasing you on purpose, he’s losing energy.
“More, more, Ezra, please. Don’t fucking stop-” “I-I can’t, birdie, I-”
You pull his face from your neck and force his forehead onto yours, searching his eyes for something, for whatever indication that something’s wrong but his eyes are closed, ashamed. That’s answer enough.
You don’t know what’s synced you two together but you’re swinging your hips into his and throwing Ezra onto his back, placing yourself tall on top of his hips, holding yourself up on his chest, squeezing his pecs in each of your hands while you start rolling your hips against his again.
Ezra throws his head back, eyes squeezed shut at the tight clench and drag of your sweet pussy over his cock, as you work yourself back and forth, up and down over him - he’s yours to use. He surrenders gladly, more than happy to let you use him for your own convoluted pleasure that you’re both so drunk off of.
His hand finds its home on your hip, your waist, your tit, whatever he can grab and paw at as you just fuck yourself on his cock.
He’s fucking drowning in you, looking up at you with eyes you don’t ever want to forget.
“That better?” You ask him, breathless and wrapping your hand around his own, where it’s latched itself onto your tit.
Ezra nods, flushed and perfect underneath you. He smiles a bit and you fucking beam back down at him, your smile so wicked Ezra thinks he cums again, for the third or fourth time tonight, he’s not sure, everything’s begun to blend together in a mix of limbs and orgasms and cries for more, cries that it’s not enough.
“Yeah, yeah that’s fuckin’ perfect, pretty.”
You keen at his praise, bearing down on him hard and draping yourself over him, squishing your chest down onto his and you wrap yourself around him, moving nothing but your hips over his and letting him fuck up into you as much as he can.
“You’re perfect, you feel perfect, I’m-” He babbles.
“Cum for me again Ez, give me another one.”
He does.
You’ve become greedy like him.
Absolutely fucking greedy, desperate for any piece of himself that he’ll give to you.
It’s been hours, multiple orgasms and the pod has grown darker, more humid with the smell of sex and your combined sweat. It’s delicious.
You can barely see the outline of him as he flips you both back over, presses you back into the mattress and onto your side so he can fuck you sideways. It’s easier on his arm, his back you figure. He grunts something about it but you’re just shoving your ass back into his crotch so he can keep fucking you, so you can cum again, so you can finally sleep and rid this flower of both your systems.
You don’t want to stop - you really don’t but your body craves completion, craves finality and totality by Ezra’s doing.
“Please-” You barely finish whining about the absence of him inside of you before Ezra’s shushing you with soothing mouth sounds.
“I’m here, I’m here, I’ve got you, birdie.” Ezra groans, southern twang thick as he pushes his raging cock back into your abused hole. You whine, curling and arching into him like a bow and he’s the arrow, splitting you and half and firing off into the void.
It’s as desperate as it was at the beginning but now there’s something heavy added to the mix, something that looms over the two of you as you near the end, unbeknownst to either of you. Something like the threat of tomorrow, the threat of what happens after this, how do I act around you now that you know my insides, my guts and my blood like your own?
You think you cum again, you cry and shatter all over again like you did the first time this afternoon, hours and hours ago - it seems like an eternity. Ezra wraps his arm around your front, around your shoulders and he hauls you back against him, arching and bending your back beautifully for him. He growls in your ear.
“That’s it, good girl.” He grunts, pressing his praise into your skin in between kisses. Tears bleed from your eyes, you feel him cum again moments after you and you beg for it to be over all the while desperately sucking him back into your body.
You think you fall asleep after that, you don’t remember how it ends.
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