#ghoap x oc
crowwbones · 4 days
Silent and Still
Sir Simon "Ghost" Riley x transmasc oc/reader x John "Soap" MacTavish
Content: SFW (for now?), language, british people, mild transphobia? Sort of? More like old men half understanding in the way old men do,
Summary: The princess of a war torn kingdom was given a new... "pet". And it's a bit awkward since he doesn't like to speak to him specifically. Just a oneshot, unless you want more
This is a sort of Royal Au where Ghost is a knight, Price is a king, etc you get the vibe. I have two different versions for Johnny though:
☆ Just a no one from the city
☆ Scottish King
Pls let me know if there's a preference :3
For ease of writing, I'll be using my OC Rin as the main pov. He's trans cause there's never enough representation for trans characters, so please be nice and enjoy :D
(He's half hispanic and half british, curly haired for those that want his visuals/voice imaginings)
Rin outright objected to the idea of having a personal knight. He fought hard with his father over the desicion, rejecting the prospecting knights offering their blade to protect him. He was the "princess" and "obviously" needed protecting.
Bullshit, is what it was. He'd gone unwed for years due to war tearing their kingdom to an unprospering halt, and no one wanted to marry a twenty-four year old princess. And because of this, and his own insistence, Rin was set to become the ruling Queen when his father felt it time to step down. But gods know when the hell that will happen.
Every single knight was turned away, mostly politely. Rin at least let them show their strengths off first before turning them away. The idea came that he'd just learn the ways of the blade himself, sneaking down to the stables and armoury in the night to train himself. It hadn't been long into this venture when his father called him to the main hall.
A group of merchants passed by as he walked up to his father, chatting up something fierce about their permit to sell and how excited they were. It made him smile a bit. Rin made it a point to get to know the merchants and townsfolk.
What made him lose this smile was the sight of another damned knight, standing eerily still and adorned in a full set of plated armour down to the helmet that hid his face. No house colours or banner were with him, which while unusual, just made the boys stomach drop.
"Rin, darling," His father started, the smile on his face warm with worry. "This is Sir Riley. I've appointed him to be your personal blade." The king stood from his seat and stepped down to the floor.
"Father." Rin didn't bother to hide his annoyance or keep his tone in check in front of the new man. "We agreed that *I* would be the one to pick out who takes up this... role. You can't just choose for me." His father grabbed his hand and held them tight, his smile just as firm as his grip.
"And you, dear, have rejected every single knight that's come to our doors. I cannot keep worrying about you, so Sir Riley is your last — and mind you— Your *only* option." His father didn't let go of his hands as he tried to pull away.
Brown eyes met the quiet steel of the man's helmet, a quiet huff coming from him now. Utterly ridiculous. Just another choice being ripped away from him. It was only a matter of time before his father would try to marry him off again. The knight didn't move even a centimeter. Was he bothering to breathe at all? The fact that he almost refused to move made him seem like it was all a joke, a set of armour his father set up to scare him.
Rin pulled at his hands, gently this time, and moved in front of the knight. First, with his arms crossed and face screwed up in scrutiny, Rin looked him over. Nothing was odd, besides how hollow the suit seemed, but how could he just accept this?
It was finally when Rin reached a hand up to the helmet did the man inside move. It scared him how fast his wrist was grabbed and pulled off to the side, almost pulling him upwards. He let out out a gasp and stared up at the mask as it tilted down to "look" at him.
"Do not do that."
The voice was low, threatening
Rin couldn't tell if the slight growl was on purpose to scare him or if that was just how he sounded.
"Well, how am I supposed to accept a knighy if I can't see your face?" He really thought he had a "gotchya" moment with that one, chest puffed and shoulder back while his hand was still being held hostage.
"Ah-I've already arranged for him. He'll be your personal knight and that's final." His father chimed in in an attempt to de-escalate. Rin turned to him, brow furrowed, and gestured to the man.
"This one?"
"Yes. Now, i have a meeting with the duke from the south to appoint resources. You're free to do as you please, but be mindful that he'll be hoing everywhere with you."
"What? What are you, a dog?" Rin scoffed, looking up at the man again. His arm was dropped unceremoniously and the knight went still again, not even acknowledging that he was spoken to.
"No. He's your knight. Your personal protector." His father came around and put a hand on Rin's shoulder to lead him to the stairwell. "You just need time to get used to him, so I've instructed him to not leave your side. Why don't you show him the town square? You look like you need some air."
Rin stared at the open door ahead of him ehile his father darted off. *Coward.* He didn't even want to stay for the verbal lashing he was deserving of? Oh, that man was going to never hear the end of it. Yes. He was the King. Yes, he was *technically* his daughter. But that did not mean he was free of his wrath.
With a sigh, the boy turned to the knight, long skirt twirling gently in his anger.
"Wait here, then. I have to grab something."
He mounted the stairs with a huff, only making it halfway before he paused. The soft clank of metal shoes on stone came from below him. They both had stopped, staring at the other.
"I'm just going to my room. You can wait there in the hall." He rolled his eyes and began up the stairs again. With every soft tap of his feet followed a slightly louder thud.
"You. Are not. Coming with me. *To my room.*" Rin stopped again, at the top of the stairs, and looked down at the knight with a frown.
The knight said nothing. He just. Fucking. Stood there.
Rin felt his hands grip the long sleeves of the dress. Inahle. Hold. Say nothing. Please say nothing. With a sigh, he turned on his heel and made way for his room. Hopefully with enough speed to lose the man in the long halls.
But who was he to be so lucky? The man was surely quick. And quiet as one could be in full plates.
The princess held his face steady, well aware how his emotions liked to speak loudly through his expressions. This was going to be absolutely infuriating.
He was quick to grab his bag from his room. The knight standing in the doorway made him feel cornered, and very, very small. He couldn't let him know or see his hands shaking with rage. He didn't need a knight! He was on his way to being perfectly capable of protecting himself. Eventually...
Rin looked at the black strip between the helmets plates where the man's eyes should be. In theory. Why couldn't he see his face at all? How was he supposed to trust him in any capacity? Didn't he know it rude to not show his face? Or did he not care?
Either way. It was foolish and he just wanted to be away from his father and this damn statue. Rin hummed as he walked back to the hall. Sir Riley backed away to allow him through, even closing the door behind him. How chivalrous. It made him nauseated. He was old enough to not have men doing this.
They got outside, finally, and Rin took the first full deep breath since his father called him to meet this man. The sun was warm on his skin, highlighting all the tight brown curls of his hair. Sir Riley looked at the stable boy, the light coming off his armour almost bloody blinding Rin and the poor worker.
"Fetch the carriage." He spoke with that growl again, leading Rin to believe that it was just how he sounded.
"No, no need. Just a couple horses will do. As always." Rin stepped closer to the boy as he stared nervously between the two of them. Could the princess be intimidating? A little. But the man behind him was way more terrifying. The stableboy dashed off to grab the personal coachman. No one was hoing to disobey a man that looked like they could slice them in half with a greatsword they could weild with one hand.
The knight pulled the door open for Rin, gesturing for him to get in without a word. The princess glared over at the stableboy as he pulled himself inside while avoiding any extra help the knight was offering.
Little traitor. How could he listen to some stranger over *him*? Absurd.
It wasn't all that far to the town square either. It was a large city, but the palace sat fairly central to everything. Rin hated the confines of the carriage, especially since he was fully alone inside it. Sir Riley had his own steed. Of course. Why wouldn't he? Where did his father even find this man anyway...
Rin went about this trip in his usual way, fully ignoring the imposing figure that shadowed him to every stall and listened to every conversation with a sharp ear no matter how mundane it was.
He heard many nonsense stories of the people's lives that didn't make sense with no context, but Rin listened to everyone with a smile. Perhaps not the most even tempered royal he's met, but he cared.
Or was really damn good at faking it. That's what the knight would put his money on.
After a couple hours of mingling and trading objects and stories, the sun began to dip low and the knight began to usher the princess back to the carriage. Rin protested and tried to ignore him to continue his day, but this man was clearly insistant.
The knight had rules he was instructed to follow to a t, and he would do just that. Starting with getting the princess home before dusk.
He didn't put up much of a fight, though he didn't want to admit he was getting tired anyway. They made it back to the palace in one piece. It just really cemented the fact that he felt that he didn't need protection. And if he did. Well... he could learn to do it himself just like everything else.
Dinner came and went, his father weaseling his way out of another conversation by inviting the duke and his entourage to eat with them. Rin *was* going to talk to him about this.
The princess sat himself on the edge of his bed in a nightgown, hair still damp from the bath. The handmaids had left his room for the night and the room was silent. Silent enough that the door thudding shut made him jump.
Sir Riley now stood in his room, silent and still in front of his door. Rin stared at him over his shoulder. He was way too exposed. His nightgowns were comfortable. Perhaps a bit much for a man he wasn't married to to see him in. His tanned cheeks turned red as he pulled his arms across his chest despite being turned away from the knight.
"Why are you in here?"
No response came from the man.
"Hello?" Rin's brow furrowed deeper. "You don't need to be in here."
Nothing came from him again.
Rin faced the window across the room, trying to gather his thoughts in the gentle candlelight. Sir Riley didn't move a muscle. Seemed like a trained thing. Had to be.
The princess sighed as he pulled the covered back and over his body, trying to ignore the presence behind him. Staring at him. Standing inside his room. Just... watching him sleep--
Absoluetly not. He could not do this.
Rin whipped up and faced the knight who seemed to straighten up a bit at the sudden movement.
"You cannot be in here while I sleep." He clenched his jaw as he stared at the faint moonlight shining off of the man's armour. The air of an expected response once again went unfilled.
"Gods, okay. You. Need to be somewhere else. Not in here. I can't sleep with you in here. So *please*, get out."
Rin crossed an arm over to pull the blankets back so he could stand but the knight held up a hand. He grabbed the door handle and agonisingly slowly pulled it open before stepping back into the hallway. The door once again thudded shut and Rin flopped back onto his pillows.
.... he... didn't hear any footsteps. Even though he was quiet, steel on stone would always be heard.
Brown eyes peeled open, staring at the small gap under the door until his eyes adjusted to the dim light that barely came through. And two shadows sat still in front of his door.
At least he wasn't inside his room.
There was no way this was going to work out.
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laughroditee · 1 month
WIP Wednesday
You know what I love more than writing? Posting WIPs and then never writing them again. 😌
Kidding. Sort of. The not-writing part is involuntary. But here, have this snippet from "Your Ghost chapter 4 - A Love That Bleeds." I do still want to continue it, it’s just that there have been blocks in the way, which has been annoying.
Yes, I am one of those people who write both canon x reader and canon x OC and I don’t care. This one is for me.
Words may change by the time of publication due to editing, etc.
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The moral here is “don’t let yourself get possessed if you’re not ready for the consequences .” 💀
If you're interested in reading, you can find Part 1 here. I should probably make one of those masterlist things I see other people make, not that I have too many things to put on it at this point.
Okay, bye. 🖤🤡🖤
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sgt-scottymoreau · 26 days
Belgian Meeting - COT
Summary: After their visit to the MacTavish clan, Scotty ponder a lot about how her own family would take the news. Deep, she knows it won't be well; some might take it better than others. She wants to keep it secret a little longer, but it also eat her from the inside to not be up front with her own family.
Warning: None
Words: 4.3k // AO3 // Masterlist
A/N: I'm struggling a little to write recently. I'm working on something but I used to be able to finish some work in like a few days. It has been weeks now. So I'm just going in my back log and will post this for now <3
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After the almost fiasco with Soap's family, Scotty thought for a little while about how she should bring this up to her family. She did say that they should wait, let one side let all of this sink in. The MacTavish clan took it rather well. Even Soap's mother didn't seem to mind when they finally explained everything. Which in itself still surprised all of them, but in a good way. Mother. 
That was the one person Scotty wasn't too sure would be very pleased with her new boyfriend. However if there was one person who could pull up with her shenanigans, it was Gabrielle. That might be a start. Her fingers trembled as her thumb hovered the call icon. Scotty swore that every time she spent a long time without talking to her sister it would always be to bring some very big news. Either unexpected visit with the whole task force, introducing Ghost as her boyfriend on the day she visits for New Year. And now this. The last time she spoke with Gabrielle was only three months ago, if she didn't consider the few messages here and there, which wasn't that long. Still, today's call felt as stressful as if she had to stop a missile or bomb. Which was ridiculous. 
The buzzing from her phone took her by surprise, she almost dropped it. It was Gabrielle calling. Scotty answered quickly. "Talk about coincidence I was going to call you!"
"Were you really? Or you just pretend so I don't patronize you." Gabrielle frowned on the other side. 
"I swear I was. I had something to tell you."
"So did I. Who first?"
Scotty saw it as an opportunity to stretch the confession and she was actually curious as to what her sister had to say. Last time she did so, it was seven years ago to announce the twins. "Go first, age before beauty." Even without the video call, Scotty could feel the glare through the phone. 
"Very funny. Ok, I need a weekend away from Nathan and the boys. They are driving me insane! Do you think I could come by?" 
The sergeant wasn't really expecting this. Since she started to work for the 141 and moved to England, no one had visited her. Not that she had time nor the place to receive anyone, it was always easier for her to be the one visiting. Although it was only Gabrielle that could be arranged. "Sure! Well if you visit, then maybe we can talk about what I wanted to tell you in person. You will see when you are home." 
True to her words, Gabrielle arrived the next day. Camille was waiting at the Central station when she found the woman through the crowd. The two sisters hugged each other and Camille walked her back to the car; they still had a long way to home. But before getting in, the eldest had a burning question. "So what is it that you wanted to tell me but then choose not to till I was here?" She had a mischievous smile on her face. 
This was matched by Cam's own mischievousness. "Nothing big… I just have a second boyfriend." She thought about how to bring this up. All possible ways and to be blunt and direct was the only one that felt right to her.
Gabrielle looked at her shocked. She closed the trunk stronger than she expected. That was hell of a bomb to drop so casually. "This is a joke? What are you talking about, you can’t have two boyfriends?"
"Watch me Gab." The sergeant grabbed her phone, showed her lockscreen. It had a picture of her in the middle with both Ghost and Soap kissing each cheek. "See? This is Soap." 
Gabrielle went from shocked to unimpressed. A soft groan escaped her throat and it took her a lot to not facepalm. She might not have seen him since that one time they crashed at her place, but she sure recognized the man. "Really? From all the people, your other colleagues. Seriously Camille? You have a lot to explain…"
"Good thing we have another two hours drive to get to my place."
Up to date with her sister's life, Gabrielle still couldn't believe the situation. It still felt surreal. It didn't help that when they arrived home, Camille admitted that Ghost and Soap were on a mission, so it would only be the two of them for the weekend. Not that the eldest minded, if anything it was nice to have a girl weekend, they hadn't done that since Camille joined the army. Which was ages ago. Despite the initial shock, the rest of the days went rather calm and nice. The sergeant showed around, Gabrielle having to not worry about a thing, even though she did send a message once in while to see how the kids were doing. They stayed up late watching movies like they used to do as teens. Overall, they both enjoyed that time and Camille really needed this if she was ever to eventually tell her parents about Soap. Having Gabrielle still acting the same around her despite this was a huge relief and stability. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad with her parents? Although both women agreed that their mother might be hard to convince. The eldest proposed that Camille give a quick call to try to bring the news. Give a hint. The sergeant wasn't too sure if it would work. How to even hint something as big as this? 
In the end, as Camille wished good travel back home to Gabrielle, she made her promise to keep it secret till she was ready to say anything. 
Eventually, Ghost and Soap had a two week leave after this mission, while Scotty only had a week remaining of hers. Who knew when would be the next time they could have time together. She told them about the surprise visit and how… maybe she might want to take a few days to go see her parents. With them. Both. Ghost already knew the old folks and had no objection. Soap was rather glad to meet his in-laws, hoping everything would go smoother than with his family when their secret will be out. At least this time, they didn't go with the mindset of keeping it under the radar. Scotty wanted to be up front from the start to avoid any drama. With her sister already aware it should be only easier. 
"We don't have to force anything if you don't want to." Soap said once they exited the airplane and walked the long way to the arrival.
"No, it's alright." She assured him. Scotty had her own plan to bring the news slowly to everyone. Step one; her dad. The two of them had always been so close that she trusted the man to have a rather open mind. He did accept Ghost rather easily. Of course, he would approve of Soap too. The thing was how much he would approve of her relationship. "I didn't introduce Ghost to my family till we had been dating for six months… I'm on five with you. I suppose it's in the timestamp." 
"That's one way of putting it." Ghost smiled under his mask. He had traded the full-on balaclava for a surgical mask, exposing more than he wished, but it felt like the most tactical move to do on a commercial plane. He was itching to cover himself as soon as they passed the customs. Something he did a little too fast when they were clear, making the two sergeants laugh heartily. Hearing both send a strange feeling down to his stomach. He couldn't exactly pinpoint what, but it was a feeling that had been hanging for a long time now, but only now was he a little more aware of it. 
When they passed the door, they got some glances from everyone. Thanks to Ghost. He was hard to miss; tall and the mask. Very subtle. But Scotty didn't mind it. Her dad waved at the group and she ran into his arms, very happy to see him. "How was the flight?" He quickly gave a handshake to both men. "You must be Soap?"
"Aye, nice to meet you, sir." He replied. 
"So he is the friend you told us would be coming to visit?" 
Scotty rubbed the back of her neck. "Yeah… about that." 
Henri raised an eyebrow. His daughter was so easy to read, even if she tried hard to hide it. "What is it, sweetie?" 
"He is not exactly a friend… Well he is.. I mean he has been my best friend since I joined the task force and…"
"Camille. Get to the point." He knew she would go on and on for a while.
"He is my boyfriend." Her dad looked at her with big eyes, unsure if he heard that well. "Surprise, I have two boyfriends now." She chuckled nervously. The old man looked at the other two, thinking this was some sort of joke, but the unfazed expression from Ghost and the genuine smile from Soap made him reconsider that it might in fact be true. 
"Excuse us, one second boys." He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her away. Last time Camille felt his grip like this was back in high school after she got in trouble. "What are you playing at, Camille? Two boyfriends, what the hell is that?" He switched back to French as soon as they were away.
"Is that so bad? What's wrong with that?" She genuinely wanted to know.
"You… you can't seriously love two persons at the same time? This is crazy." 
Her heart pinched, the smile on her face vanished and she started to regret her choice. Maybe she should have kept it secret… But from all the people, she really thought her dad would be someone to understand. If not, at least support her in her decisions, but the sound of his answer didn't really reflect either. It hurted more than she thought. She felt a pressure build up behind her eyes. "I was expecting this kind of reaction from mom. But not from you." 
The old man realized how harsh he might have sounded. He held her by the shoulders. "I'm sorry, tulip. I didn't mean it. It's just a bit of a shock. I thought you were happy with Ghost, weren't you?"
"I am! I'm still very happy with him. But… I realized that I also had deeper feelings for Soap and Ghost was fine with this and…" Emotions were forcing themselves all at the same time. Henri pulled her in a tight hug. 
"No worry, sweetie. I understand. It feels strange, but as long as you are happy." He looked at the two men. "At least we see the face of one of them. Glad to see you also like your men unmasked." He teased her. Camille let out a soft laugh. Alright maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Awkward yes, but not bad. Anyway, this was but a trial to when it will come to face her mother about this.
They joined up with the other two and Henri walked them back to the car. They still drove an hour before being home. Scotty quickly reassured them that everything was fine, her father had just been a little shocked by the news but he was eventually ok with this. Still a strange concept to him, but he could handle it. They shouldn't worry too much. The drive was spent mostly by Henri asking questions to Soap. The casual ones to figure out who the man was. Ghost found himself rather amused how Soap was being interrogated more than he had been when he met the man for the first time. Scotty begged her dad to stop, she wasn't a teenager anymore and knew who she was dating. But even then, her dad will still be a dad. Anyway compared to Ghost, Soap seemed more open to chat. 
A few kilometers before they arrived, the tension in the car was suffocating. Ghost and Soap could feel how the two Moreaus were apprehending the arrival at home. Henri grabbed his daughter's hand and gave her a reassuring smile. Scotty returned it; the situation felt very familiar. This was just like the time she was about to tell her mom she joined the army.
Scotty let her dad go in first. Soap came behind her. "Are you sure everything will be alright?" 
She took a deep breath. "Let's just say that if it doesn't, please don't intervene." 
Ghost and Soap looked at each other frowning. What did she mean? "Why are you so scared to tell her?" Ghost asked without mincing his words. 
Her gaze met his, with a tired look. "Because she has a strong opinion when it comes to some aspects of my life. I don't align with her values." That gave them more questions than answers. Ghost didn't remember any animosity between the two when he first met her family years ago. Then again back then they were invited in a rush and during holiday, maybe there was some sort of truce? Scotty was the first to cross the entrance and she could already tell that it would be a thought conversation. The atmosphere felt tense, or it was her. To her surprise Gabrielle was also there. Alone. No kids or husband. Her sister got up to greet her with a kiss and hug. Gabrielle noticed the two men behind her. "Are you really going to do it?" She whispered in Camille's ear. The youngest simply nodded. 
Her mother got up to welcome her, but stopped in her tracks when she saw Ghost coming from the corner followed by an unknown face. "Who's that?" She asked, looking at Soap. 
Camille glanced at her sister and dad who stood on the side, silently supporting her. "This is John." Soap had allowed her to introduce him by his real name to make things easier. "My… my second boyfriend." 
Her mother's eyes went from Camille to Soap a few times, passing by Ghost. She looked at the three of them as she was trying to figure out what was going on. "Your second what?"
"You heard me mom. Boyfriend." Camille repeated calmly. 
The old woman shook her head, giving the sign to the non French speakers an idea that this was not going well. "I know you can't have kids but that's not a reason to whore yourself like this." 
"Suzanne!" Her husband cried out, shocked by the boldness of the statement. 
"Good god mom!" Gabrielle said at the same time. "You can't stay stuff like that!" 
"This is not how it works! You have one partner in your life and that's it! I'm fine if she had chosen a woman but I'll not tolerate that." She waved at Camille and the two men. The Englishman and Scotsman had a hard time following, but by the reaction of the others, the mom might have said something bad. Soap started to wonder how his family had been so open with the idea, but hers wasn't too keen. Why? 
Camille stood there still processing how her mother just called her a whore for daring to love two persons and bring back a fact that had no place in this conversation. She knew exactly why, and she had enough. "You are saying this just because it would look bad to your fucking Sunday friends!" She lashed out, taking everyone by surprise. "You don't fucking care about me all your care is about how it will looks like that your daughter is not living be 'normal' convention! I'm sure you already tell all your friends that I'm not in the army because oh no what I shame! When it's totally normal to have women in the army nowadays!"
"Camille Moreau! You change that tone immediately!"
"No I won't! Ashamed that the pastor will judge you when he will ask how's the family? Not everyone lives by your church bullshit!" 
"Camille, that-" The father tried to stop this argument which would only heat more, but was interrupted by his wife blaming him for taking his daughter's side again. Which he tried to say he wasn't, this prompted Camille to say he was again siding with his wife. Henri was completely torn between the two, if he kept going it would only be like throwing oil on the fire. The two women started to argue again, so he waved at Gabrielle and the two men to leave the living room with him. It was for the best. The patriarch took them to the backyard. Even with the door closed, you could still hear the shouting. Ghost and Soap, but mostly the latter, looked rather uncomfortable. 
"Don't worry, boys. Just need to let the storm pass." Henri said with a defeated groan. 
"Does it happen often?" Soap inquired.
"No, but when it does it's best to not intervene. Last time I was almost asked for a divorce. They are both very stubborn." 
Ghost looked over his shoulder. Hearing all that shouting gave him bad memories of his own father yelling at him. When he couldn't defend himself and wish he could have. His fist clenched as he held himself from going back in; he knew she was capable of defending herself. He simply hated to see her in such a situation. The four of them tried to make small talk. Gabrielle explained that she knew this was bound to happen hence why she was here. Provide a way to escape if the animosity was too high. Henri on his side explained that as much as Camille had respect for authority or her parents, she sometimes wouldn't mince her actions when something annoyed her. Ghost and Soap agreed on that point. The father also admitted that this clash was mostly due to one woman not caring about what others think while the other was worrying a little too much. Whenever they had a heated argument this was often the core of it. "I can assure you boys, it has nothing to do with you. Nothing personal." He tried to reassure them. 
The door opened suddenly, making everyone jump. "Sure go ahead, always bring this back to Gabrielle! Sorry for being such a fucking disappointment!" Camille screamed back, slamming the door shut. A miracle the window didn’t shatter. She turned to see the four of them looking at her. "No offense Gab."
"None taken." Gabrielle cleared her throat. 
This was a disaster. Henri gestured silently to Gabrielle to come back inside, leaving some time alone to the trio. Also, it was probably best to check on the mother. Scotty turned to Soap and Ghost, holding back so many tears. She knew this would have been a possible outcome, that they might witness this. She promised herself to handle it maturely. She was prepared for this or so she thought. But at this point Scotty wasn't sure if she wanted to cry because her mother was against that relationship or because they saw her in such a state of anger. She wasn't really proud of it. "Sorry about that." She eventually let out. Not without falling in Ghost's arms for a hug. 
The Brit held her close to her. Soap watched feeling like this might have been his fault. From his point of view, everything had always been fine till he showed. As he voiced his concern about this, Scotty was quick to remind him that she was the one who wanted him to be part of her life and this would have happened no matter who she had brought home. They will work this out. Scotty didn't need her mother's blessing to live her life. She let go of Ghost to wrap her arms around Soap and pecked a kiss on his lips. He smiled, pressing his forehead on hers. Ghost watched them, as a strange sensation fluttered in his inside. Yet familiar. 
The door opened slowly, Gabrielle stood there with a shy smile. "Our mother said she will go to her brother's to cool off. You are all welcome to come back inside." 
The rest of the evening went as well as it always went at the Moreau's after a fight. The atmosphere was calm and convivial around the table, some jokes here and there, but it was also walking on eggshells to not bring back what happened and sour the moment. Eventually the night rolled in and everyone was rather exhausted. Gabrielle thought she was driving back home, but agreed to also stay over and leave in the morning/afternoon. Another issue that rose was the fact that Scotty's old bed could welcome two people but three? It would be cramped. The lieutenant told them to take the bed, he would be fine with the floor. They both complained that it wouldn’t be fair, at worst they could take turns. But he insisted. 
"Despite that… intense show, I do like your family." Soap whispered as she cuddled up. 
"Really wish it went differently, I know it's a bit on my fault, but it is what it is. The MacTavish are better with guests." 
He laughed. "We’re not so different, don’t be fooled. I had my fair share of heated conversations too, no worry sweetheart."
The next morning, Ghost was the first one to open his eyes. Not that he had slept much anyway, he was used to short nights although he had improved in the last years. Maybe having someone around you could ease the mind. He silently stretched, pushed himself up. His gaze landed on the other two still sleeping like logs. Scotty's hairs were all over Soap's face who didn't seem to mind, still softly snoring. As he watched this peaceful display, the strange fluttering came back as his eyes lingered a little too long on the Scotsman. He shook his head to chase this feeling. The lieutenant wasn't sure where this came from, but the fact that it has been a recurring thing in the last days, made him worry. Because in retrospect he clearly remembers when he experienced it before…
Scotty moved in her sleep, slowly waking up and this took him out of his thoughts. 
"Morning sunshine." She smiled with a still sleepy voice. Soap mumbled something and rolled on his side making the other two chuckled. The sergeant carefully got out of bed and grabbed some clothes here and there. "What about we let sleeping beauty sleep a little longer?"
He nodded silently. Without a noise, they left the room and headed downstairs. No one was up yet, which surprised Scotty. Her father was often an early bird. It was almost 10 in the morning. She checked the outside; his car was gone. He was probably out for some reason. Ghost brought her a note he found on the kitchen table. Which was from Henri saying that he was going to pick up Suzanne. In the meantime they were welcome to have breakfast on their own. 
The two operatives made their usual routine. Halfway through their silent breakfast, Gabrielle joined in and eventually Soap showed up. The four of them chatted casually. 
The main entrance creaked all the way through the kitchen. Scotty went silent while Gabrielle and Soap kept talking. She bit her inside cheek; she had been wrong and shouldn't have yelled at her mom, she should have handled this better. 
Suzanne entered the room and saw the four young ones sitting at the table, very casual and relaxed, till they saw her. She had been wrong for insulting her daughter without even trying to understand why she had a second partner. It just felt so wrong, so out of place. She grew up with the idea that love was only for one person and having feelings for someone else meant infidelity. Add to the fact that she indeed always worries about what the others say, this whole situation felt like a slap to the face. 
"I'm sorry." They both said at the same time. 
"Gabrielle, note this down on the calendar!" Henri said, eyes wide open. He even used English so Soap and Ghost sort of followed what was going on. This reaction from him dragged a chuckle from his daughters and a nudge from his wife. In his defense, never did he expect both of them to apologize so easily and at the same time. Suzanne, by respect, switched also to the language the men would understand.
"My little tulip, I'm sorry for the reaction I had yesterday. I realize that what I said was insulting and I shouldn't have used these words." She turned her head to look at Ghost and Soap. "I'm sorry if I offended you and if we had a bad start." 
"And I'm sorry for yelling at you, mom. And for swearing a little too much, I know you don't like it when I do it."
"You swear like a sailor since you were a kid. I blame this on your dad." The laugh that followed from everyone made the atmosphere much less tense. Under the table, Ghost's hands relaxed around Scotty's once everything defused to a calmer state. Soap gave her a reassuring smile from across his side. The parents took a seat at the table and Suzanne tried to start over with Soap. She did pass the same comment Henri did yesterday at the airport that at least they could see his face. This was an improved move in her daughter's choice for man. Scotty was glad that all seemed to go the right way now. Very rough start but a good ending. She wondered if her uncle also talked some sense to her mother, but better not to reignite the fire. At least now they could spend the next two days without any problem or so she hoped. 
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drenix004 · 6 months
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Oneshots / Headcanon
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thelaisydazy · 7 months
idk if you've ever watched either of the 9-1-1 shows (or Chicago Fire) but...
in my mind, firefighter!Johnny is Evan Buckley coded always getting injured bc he pulls off the most difficult rescues without thinking and gets written up constantly.
idk if that's something for you!
I've never seen those BUT I can totally see him being just like that.
Price is constantly having to write Johnny up for something stupid he did. Like the time he ran back into a burning building to rescue a little old lady's cat despite being told not to go back as there was a risk of flashover.
Simon even had to pull him out from a search and rescue after Johnny's oxygen ran out and he refused to leave. He ended up passing out from smoke inhalation and needing to spend several weeks recovering.
His head cleared and he could hear a roaring in his ears as an oxygen mask was pressed to his face. Johnny took several deep breaths, a hand coming up to hold the mask more securely to his face, startling the paramedic standing over him. 
Johnny’s blue eyes opened to see the paramedic staring wide eyed at him before his eyes found the furious gaze of Simon. 
“What the hell were you thinking MacTavish!” It was Captain Price’s voice that shouted over the chaos. “There were live rounds in that building! You could’ve been killed!”
Johnny might’ve cared more about being reamed out on a stretcher by his captain, if it wasn’t for the look on Simon’s face. 
“Si, I-”
“Go to the hospital Johnny,” Simon said. He took a step closer, leaning over the Scotsman. Their faces close enough that had it not been for Simon’s mask, Johnny might’ve been able to feel his breath. The lieutenant's gaze was intense and even with the mask, Johnny could tell Simon had been seriously worried. “You sc-” Simon cut himself off. “Be more careful, yeah?”
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I don't understand how homophobic call of duty fans exist
now, Rorke doesn't have anything canon, but his sexuality has been dwelled on for years, and most of the times he hasn't been straight.
Vals va said that Val was for the girls
and most of the characters are VERY fanonly seen as mlm, wlw, bi, pan, trans, ect
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la-petite-lapin · 8 months
Double the Love | Part Five
Double the Love masterlist
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Johnny "Soap" MacTavish x female civilian!OC Word Count: 2.5k Series warnings (may change between chapters): 18+ Minors DNI, angst, mentions of death, mentions of violence, injury description, eventual explicit sexual content, polyamory, M/M/F, FMC is bad at feelings, miscommunication, Ghostie is home
The apartment walls are thin
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Last night, I dreamt about sleeping with them.
It's not even the first time I've dreamt about sex with Johnny and Ghost. Of seeing Ghost's face unimpeded by masks or shadows. Of hearing up-close the throaty groans that Ghost draws out of Johnny nightly. And, if anything, it's only worsened by the moans that drift from their room down the hall in the night-time hours.
"Well that's not very good," Winnie clarifies, stating the obvious as usual, voice filling the room. Usually, I'd call her with my airpods in, but Ghost is in Russia, and Johnny is at a check-up for his stitches. Which means that I can rant to my best friend and seek advice on this incredibly fucked up situation. "Jesus, Tali."
I roll my eyes even though she can't see me. "Yeah, no shit."
"Hey, don't take your frustration out on me. I don't want to fuck them; that's all you." There's a beat of silence before, "Right, I have questions."
"Don't we all," I say exasperated, my head falling back onto my pillow with a muted thud.
Winnie clears her throat. "Well... are they gay? Or are they bi?"
"I don't know. Haven't asked."
"Okay. Have they been flirting with you or anything?"
"I don't know."
Winnie exhales a heavy sigh. "Explain."
It's hard to explain. The possibility is in the subtle things; the casual brushes against me as they walk past, the unnecessarily prolonged eye contact, the inside jokes. But it's never overt. Everything is just a little on the far side of friendly, but not so far as to be awkward or out of line.
"Johnny's started napping on the sofa with his head in my lap. And sometimes he rubs my shoulders while we watch TV." I think back to what happened three nights ago, just before Ghost left for Russia with John and Gaz. "And then the other night I was doing the dishes. Johnny started drying them like he normally does, but... Ghost came in too."
There's an almost comically long pause on Winnie's end of the line. "Then what happened?"
"He started talking but I didn't know he was there. I dropped the knife I was holding and when I tried to grab it, I sliced my hand open. Ghost patched me up."
I think back to it. Ghost was attentive and diligent as he sterilised the wound with some alcohol wipes from their first aid kit, pulling the raw edges of my skin closed with butterfly stitches. The entire time, his touches were gentle and caring, his free hand running soft, gentle lines along the back of my injured palm with his index finger.
It reminded me of the thing he does to soothe Johnny sometimes. The casual intimacy of it.
"Tali," Winnie says, her tone an admonishing one, "what have I told you about those bloody knives? You need to be careful with them." She sucks in a breath. "But I am surprised. If anything, I'd have thought that would Johnny patching you up."
"Exactly." A spark of something flares deep within my chest. "Ghost isn't a tactile person at all. Johnny tried to help but Ghost wouldn't let him near me. Said he wanted to do it himself. And he called me love."
Winnie makes a noise akin to a purr. "Oh dear. I mean, if it helps, I'm picking up on some vibes here too. Is it worth just asking them where you stand?"
Before I can open my mouth to answer, the front door opens and a cheerful "honey, I'm home!" rings out through the apartment. Hurriedly, I take the phone off speaker and press it against my ear. "Johnny's back."
"I figured," she giggles.
"Can I call you back later?"
We say our goodbyes, with Winnie agreeing to call me in the evening once she's had her dinner. With the call ended, I hop off of my bed and pad out into the hallway.
Johnny is standing in the living room with shopping bags hanging from both hands. There's a beaming grin on his face, his eyes shining. "I hope ye did'nae mind. I did some shopping for us."
I rush over to take the bags from him and place them down on the counter. "Thanks, Johnny. How was the appointment?"
"It went well." He follows me into the kitchen, taking up a large amount of space with his muscular build. "I'm even better for seeing ye though, bonnie."
Heat rises to my face as he takes my injured hand in his, folding his fingers around my wrist loosely and guiding my palm into his line of sight. With a feather-light touch, he runs a single fingertip along my butterfly stitches, checking on Ghost's handiwork. Then - as if satisfied that they're holding up - he drops my hand and moves past me, his front pressing against my back for a brief breath-stealing moment, as he starts to put the groceries away.
Bonnie. That's a new one.
"Want me to cook tea tonight?" Johnny asks, moving around the space with a certainty that is so unbelievably attractive to me. He's only been living here for a week now, but he's already settled in. He knows where everything is and just how I like the kitchen arranged. It's like he's always been here.
"You don't have to." I hop up to perch on the countertop, resigning myself to the fact that he's unpacking and putting the shopping away. A few days ago, I might have tried to argue with him or step in and take over. Now, I just sit back and watch, keeping him company. "Heard anything from Ghost yet?"
Johnny nods his head, slotting the milk into the fridge. "They're coming back from Russia tonight. Probably won't be home for a couple more days though; they've got someone to interrogate at the base."
I'm so distracted by the fact that he just referred to the apartment as home that I almost miss the mention of an interrogation. I wilfully choose to ignore it; to not let my mind linger on the darker side of Ghost that he will undoubtedly be unleashing.
I'm still distracted when Johnny starts to walk towards me again, a bag of pasta in his hand. If he follows my system, it should go in the cabinet above my head. As he inches closer to me, I can see the cogs turning behind his opalescent blue eyes. I know I should move out of the way; to the side or off of the counter altogether to move myself out of his path. But I don't. And he doesn't say anything either, slotting himself firmly between my spread thighs as he opens the cabinet.
I can feel the sheer heat radiating off of his huge, muscular body. Can smell the heady, woody, and floral scent of his aftershave. The strong column of his throat is just inches away from my lips, and - up close - I can see the generous dusting of dark hair that decorates his chest and abs underneath the thin white fabric of his vest.
Instinctively, my hand rises up to rest against his abdomen, making sure to fall on his uninjured side.
"Tali," the word is mumbled, verging on breathless.
My eyes dart up to find him staring down at me. Even seated on the counter, he's taller than me, and I can't help but find the size difference unfairly hot. It makes me think about Ghost; the fact that he's even bigger. A shiver runs through me at the thought of both of them standing here, crowding me in...
Johnny's gaze is heated - something intense shining under the surface of those sweet baby blues - as he hooks a single index finger under my chin. "What's gotten into you, lassie?"
My breath catches in my throat. For a second, I question if I'm doing the right thing.
The finger leaves my chin and I'm rewarded with a gentle squeeze just above my knee. "I asked ye a question."
"I... I-" I stumble over my words like an idiot. "You've been flirting with me." The way my tone pitches up at the end makes it sound more like a question than a statement.
Johnny chuckles, eyes sparkling with humour. "Ye don't sound so sure, lovey."
I wince. My muscles tense as I pull back slightly, leaning back on my hands. "You're in a relationship with Ghost."
"Very observant of ye." He closes the cabinet with his free hand, then runs his thumb along the curve of my cheekbone, the other hand shifting slightly higher on my thigh. "I am. But I've seen the way you look at us, Tali. And I've heard ye at night." His hand brushes the very top of my thigh and my breath catches once again. His eyes darken. "The walls in this apartment are pretty thin."
All moisture leaves my mouth. Oh brilliant. Johnny, and possibly Ghost, have heard me touching myself at night. I don't know whether to feel embarrassed or turned on. And then there's the way Johnny says it; so casually - so easily - like it doesn't bother him in the slightest. Like it would be unusual if I wasn't masturbating with them just down the hall.
"Does... does Ghost know?" is the only thing I can think to ask.
Johnny grins. "Aye, he does." We're both leaning closer and closer to each other again, until I can practically feel the warmth of his mint-scented breath against my skin. "He thinks it's cute."
Cute. Like a puppy or a kitten. Something adorable.
Not sexy or hot. Adorable.
Embarrassment hits me, jagged and icy, flooding through my veins. And suddenly I feel so. Fucking. Stupid.
I'm not some kind of femme fatale - not the kind of woman who can pursue one man, let alone two.
What did I expect? For Johnny to confess that they, too, have been thinking about me in less than appropriate ways and then what? There's no happy ending for me lusting after Johnny and Ghost in their committed, serious relationship - I knew that from the first night I dreamt about them. And I was mad for even thinking that maybe - just maybe - they could have been looking at me like that too.
No; they go out into parts of the world that people like me rarely ever see, putting their lives on the line to save the world. They don't want to fuck an interior designer with commitment issues, and deep-rooted family trauma.
"Okay, cool," I mumble under my breath, eyes focused on a spot on the tiled floor. I move my hand away from his side, gently pushing him away as I do so.
With a frown, he takes a step back. He looks almost hurt.
I hop down from the countertop and fold my arms across my chest, stepping back in the direction of the hallway. "I'll, um... I'll try to keep the noise down. I- I'm sorry for being a nuisance."
Johnny's face falls. "No, lassie- that..."
I'm already out of the kitchen before I can hear the rest, spinning on my heel and taking off in a brisk walk until I get to my room. With the door firmly closed, I pull my phone out of my pocket and fire off a quick text to Winnie.
TALIA KELLER: They don't feel the same.
She's online in half a heartbeat.
WINSLOW SLOANE: Wait WINSLOW SLOANE: What happened? TALIA KELLER: Was helping Johnny put the food shopping away. He told me that him and Ghost can hear me in my room at night and that Ghost thinks it's "cute". TALIA KELLER: It was so fucking mortifying. WINSLOW SLOANE: Oh Tali :( WINSLOW SLOANE: Context is key, baby. Maybe cute is a good thing. Does Ghost strike you as a man who thinks that many things are cute?
I tip my head back. No matter the positive spin that Winnie wants to try and put on this, I'm still not seeing it.
So, I lie in bed, staring at the ceiling, feeling icky and embarrassed. And wondering how Winnie would feel about sound-proofing the entire apartment.
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I'm out for a walk when Ghost comes home.
When I get in, his massive combat boots are tucked in neatly next to the door. I don't immediately see him, or Johnny for that matter, and it's something that sends an unexpected spike of disappointment through me. Which makes me frown because this isn't me. I don't get like this with people - not even Winnie. I avoid commitment and co-dependency at all costs because I know that one day it will come back to bite me.
I think about how I used to wait for Alex to come home, practically counting down the minutes, waiting by the door for his return. I think about how I watch Marcella do the same, and now Johnny. And it's the antithesis of the life I've resolved myself to: complete independence.
I follow the sound of their voices into the kitchen, watching the domestic scene playing out before me. Johnny is pouring sparkling water into two glasses for them while Ghost stands back, his face hidden behind a black balaclava with a white skull painted across the front. Common sense dictates that it's something that should probably scare me. It doesn't.
He dips his head in acknowledgement, and I meet it with my own awkward nod.
"Tali," Ghost's voice is as gruff as ever. The mask shifts and, in the shadows cast by the overhead lights, I can make out a hint of a smile playing on his face underneath the masks. "How've you been?"
"I've been okay. How was Russia?"
"How's your hand?" He completely bypasses my question, as if I never even spoke.
For a moment, I just stare at them, waiting for Ghost to answer me first. When it becomes clear that isn't going to happen, I say, "It's okay. Hasn't fallen off yet, anyway."
Johnny lets out a snort of laughter. "Someone's in a sarcastic mood. Good thing Ghostie is home, aye?"
A beat of silence passes, his words hanging in the air between us.
"So, how was Russia?" I repeat, cocking my head to one side.
Ghost lets out a weary sigh, bracing his hands on the counter, shoulder's width apart. Out of the corner of my eye, I swear I can see Johnny's body tensing up. "It was interesting. We didn't find what we thought we'd find. That's all I can say. Rest is classified." It's a lot more than I was expecting anyway, and probably the most forthcoming he's been with me since the day they moved in. "But I will say that I missed you lot. Both of you."
"You don't have to include me out of pity," I snap impulsively. It's so obvious to me that Johnny's told him what happened that night in the kitchen. For reasons I can't fully articulate, it makes me angry.
Ghost's eyes darken at that, and suddenly I can see what those men in Russia must have seen; a huge, pissed-off man, clad in a skull mask and all black clothes. A man you probably shouldn't be riling up knowingly.
It sends a thrill down my spine and my palms start to sweat.
"Don't start, love," he growls, "I'm not in the mood tonight."
I stutter and stumble over a comeback, but it dies in my throat when Ghost crosses the apartment, leaving an amused-looking Johnny standing halfway between the kitchen and the living room.
"Yeah, Johnny's told me all about the shit you've been giving him while I've been gone. Avoiding him and not answering when he tries to check on you." He comes to a complete stop in front of me, towering over my much smaller frame and levelling me with a serious look. It doesn't escape my attention that he must be over six-and-a-half feet tall and verging on two-hundred pounds of pure, solid muscle. "Misbehaving for him." A single, large paw of a hand comes up to brush over my shoulder, skimming up to rest lightly on my throat. There's no grip there though; it's a hold so gentle that I could break it just by stepping back. "That ends now, princess."
I will myself to come to my senses, but I can't. Instead, I stand there, doe-eyed with parted lips, gazing up at the huge, strong soldier disciplining me. My body is trembling like a leaf in the wind and I'm wet - unignorably so.
I wonder if he knows.
His answering smirk tells me that he probably does, and there's a new lustful darkness in his tone as he adds, "Because I think we all need to sit down and have a talk, yeah?"
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a/n: hey guys! sorry that this one took so long hope you enjoy this part. things are starting to heat up ;) - take care y'all, lapetitelapin
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negativecharm · 10 months
While Lieutenant Riley is a silent and obsessive lover,
Captain Mctavish would be a fiery and troublesome partner.
And I don't want them to fight over the reader if they existed in the same universe with them.
A poly relationship is surely happening because those two definitely fall for each other.
If the relationship was to materialize, I'm imagining it'd start with John and reader.
And on some special occasion, John might suggest reader about a certain coworker who's into him knowingly the captain has a lover outside of his work.
Simon knows the reader by their face and name thanks to the regular skype calls from you everytime Johnny is on deployment.
He'd be such a stalker to you both. He thought his fantasy would end just enough with the captain but when he saw your face? And that beautiful beautiful voice? his wants and needs locked with one another.
He has to have you too. He just gotta.
His strategy with the captain was the first time in his life where he didn't over analyse and straight up went for it, laid his heart on a platter.
And he's pathetic about wondering which one of you will pick at it first.
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imachaoticghost · 7 months
Incorrect Quotes With Karma Pt1
The task force cleaning up
Price: Pick up the nearest piece of trash and throw it away
Karma, attempting to pick up Graves: Aight, which bin do you wanna go in-
Alejandro: Is there a cactus where your heart should be? Rudy: What’s up your ass this morning! Karma : walks in …Hey. Rudy: Hmm… nevermind. Alejandro: WAIT NO!
(Yes, this happened while Karma was loaned to the Mexican Special Forces)
Karma : I like your top, Soap! Ghost: I have a name, you know. Soap: sighs Why. Why are you like this.
Valeria : I feel like doing something stupid. Karma: I’m stupid, do me.
Karma: What are your adjectives? Valeria : …You mean my pronouns? Karma: No, I know what your pronouns are! What are your adjectives? Valeria : …I dunno. What are yours? Karma: Noisy and chaotic! Valeria : I’ve never had something go from making no sense to making complete sense so quickly.
Ghost: Did you miss me while I was gone? Karma: You were gone?
Soap, texting Karma: sends a voice message Karma, texting back: I’m a little busy, is it urgent? Soap: No, don’t worry, just listen later. later Karma: presses play Soap's voice message: THERE’S A FIRE-
Rudy: You’re alive. Alejandro: No need to sound so disappointed.
Karma: The only thing keeping me from running away and hiding from society for the rest of my life is spite. I could disappear forever, but there are some bitches whose downfalls I have yet to witness, and I wanna be around when that happens.
Alejandro: ARE YOU- Karma: Fucking. Alejandro: KIDDING ME?! YOU- Karma: Fucking. Alejandro: IDIOT! Soap: …What was that? Karma: Rudy banned Alejandro from swearing, so I’m helping him out.
Karma: Hey, Valeria? Valeria: Yeah? Karma: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on? Valeria: Valeria: Where’s Graves?
Karma: Hold on, I can explain! Valeria: Really? Can you now? Karma: I can if you give me a minute to think of a convincing lie.
Ghost: Hey, I’m getting in the shower. Wanna help me out? Soap: …Have you never taken a shower before?
Rudy: My dad died when I was little so whenever someone jokes about fucking my mom I’ll pretend to be really sincere and say some shit like “Glad to see she’s moving on, my dad’s death hit her pretty hard.” Then watch them absolutely fumble trying to figure out a response to that statement. Rudy: Update, she got a new partner I can no longer make the joke.
This one works two ways
Karma: New year, new me. Ghost: Bitch, it’s August. Karma: Time is an illusion.
Soap: New year, new me. Ghost: Bitch, it’s August. Soap: Time is an illusion.
Rudy, to Alejandro: I mean, I get complimented all the time- Karma: starts cackling Rudy: I do! Karma: laughs harder
Karma: Is stabbing someone immoral? Valeria: Not if they consent to it. Graves: Depends on who your stabbing. Rudy: YES??!!?
Karma: Rules are made to be broken.
Price: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.
Karma: Uh, piñatas.
Ghost: Glow sticks.
Soap: Karate boards.
Gaz: Spaghetti when you have a small pot.
Gaz as a medic cleans and wraps a stab on his arm: I miss being an orphan
Karma, who stabbed him: Well get over it because you’re stuck with me
Price, from the other room: TOO FUCKING BAD
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darth-mortem · 5 months
GhostSoap fic according to poll results.
Tired Ghost returns after several months on duty without Soap, who has been recovering from an injury. Despite the late hour, it’s not only Johnny who meets him at the airport. 2385 words.
Fluff, domestic, love, OC child, MDNI
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Lieutenant Riley was deadly tired. He sat on the plane, sandwiched between a chatty old woman and a snoring man, and pretended to be asleep. He was wearing camouflage pants, military boots, and a black hoodie. His face was hidden by a fabric mask with a skull print and a hood. Simon looked menacing, but that didn’t stop the old woman from trying to talk to him, so pretending to be asleep was the lieutenant's only option to avoid the conversation.
You can keep reading here or on Ao3
The last few months have been difficult for TF 141. Soap wasn’t with them; he was recovering from a severe injury, so three soldiers had to do the work for four. And there was a lot of work. A variety of scums had activated around the world; TF 141 has been fighting them, thwarting sinister plans, and not even having a couple days of rest at their base. The last mission was the most intense: terrorists threatened to use chemical weapons against civilians, and time was very short. Members of TF 141 did the impossible—managed to neutralize both the bastards and their deadly missiles, but they all were injured, so Captain Price arranged a leave for them. He stayed with Gaz, who’ll have to spend a few days in a hospital, and Ghost took a ticket for the nearest plane to Manchester and went home. The lieutenant’s shot leg hurt, but he didn’t think about it. He didn’t think about missions, either. His tired mind was filled with thoughts about home, about his beloved Johnny, who must have almost recovered, and about Olivia.
Olivia, this adorable little girl, came into Riley and MacTavish’s life a year ago. She was Simon’s own daughter, the only good thing the lieutenant had done during his very short and failed marriage, which he had entered into almost immediately after he took his revenge on Roba and became a member of TF 141. His wife, Emma, left him when she was pregnant, saying she didn’t want the child to grow up with that kind of father, and Simon didn’t try to stop her. He was too traumatized and broken by everything that happened to him; he was tormented by nightmares and drank a lot during that time. Simon regularly sent money for his daughter, and in return, his ex-wife sometimes sent him Olivia’s photos and briefly shared the girl’s milestones. Riley only saw his child once before Emma died in a car accident.
At that time, Ghost was already dating Soap; they spent their leaves together in the lieutenant’s apartment in Manchester and made joint plans, but Johnny still knew nothing about Olivia. It was a difficult conversation that led to an even more difficult decision. The girl had no other relatives; Simon was the only one who had custody of her after her mother’s death, so he and Johnny became Olivia’s new family.
The plane shook, and Ghost raised his head, looking around. The flight attendant announced that there is a turbulence zone ahead, and all passengers should put the backs of their seats in a vertical position, remove the tables, and fasten their seat belts. The lieutenant did everything with a slight tension, which didn’t hide from the gaze of his chatty neighbor.
“Are you afraid of flying?” The old woman asked.
“No,” Ghost answered. “I’m afraid of falling.”
“You're saying that as if you've already fallen.” She laughed cheerfully.
“Yes,” the lieutenant said. “Three or four times.”
The old woman fell silent, suddenly realizing that her gloomy neighbor wasn’t joking. The plane shook again, and it reminded Ghost how he and the others had to jump from a dangerously low height to save themselves from a crashing airlifter. The parachutes managed to open, but the landing was very harsh. Simon escaped with bruises, but Price then severally sprained his leg.
However, today everything went well. The plane left the turbulence zone, and flight attendants began serving drinks. Glancing at his watch, Ghost realized that they had less than an hour to fly, so he quit pretending to be asleep and asked to pour him some tea. The old woman livened up and began to tell something again, but the lieutenant hardly listened to her, automatically nodding from time to time and thinking that very soon he would hug Johnny and kiss his little daughter.
The plane was arriving late, so Simon didn’t expect to be met. He was one of the last to go for his luggage, and he was given his backpack and a large military bag with his gear and weapons in a special case. Slowly, limping on his injured leg, he made his way to the exit, where the passengers and those who met them were still standing. The lieutenant walked with his head down, concentrating on his steps and the weight of the bag in his hand, so he absolutely didn’t expect what happened next.
Suddenly, the noises of the airport were interrupted by a sonorous child’s voice, and Simon, raising his head, saw his daughter.
“Hi, daddy!” She exclaimed loudly and then ran to the lieutenant, holding out her little hands.
The girl was dressed in denim overalls, Simon’s huge camo shirt, and Johnny’s military cap. Ghost dropped his bag, awkwardly dropped to one knee, and held Olivia to his chest, feeling his eyes start to sting. The girl kissed him on his cheek above the mask; then Johnny came up to them and lifted the lieutenant’s bag with a shiny smile.
“Let’s go home, mo ghaol*.” MacTavish said.
“Aye, let’s gang hame, da!” Olivia exclaimed with a strong Scottish accent.
Simon slowly stood up, lifting the girl in his arms, and looked at smiling Johnny.
“Wha’?” He asked. “Wee children quickly pick up everything ‘n’ easily repeat it.”
Ghost sighed silently and said nothing. He was too tired and very happy to see his family that met him here. Holding his daughter with one hand, he hugged Johnny with the other one, and they walked straight to the exit to the parking lot.
Johnny got behind the wheel, and Simon got in the back seat because Olivia wanted him around. She clung to her dad’s hand and told him about the school she had just started going to, about her new friends, and about the neighbor’s dog named Butch. The girl also told how she and ‘da Johnny’ were cooking pancakes and almost burned down the kitchen, but everything ended well.
“Hey!” Soap exclaimed, looking at her through the mirror. “Ye promised nae tae tell daddy Simon aboot it!”
Olivia laughed and showed Johnny her little tongue. Ghost noticed that she spoke with switching up Scottish and Mancunian accents, and he mentally felt sorry for her teachers.
The girl’s enthusiasm was short-lived. It was getting very late, so she fell asleep in Simon’s arms halfway home. He gently stroked his daughter’s blond hair and looked in the mirror, catching Johnny’s gaze in it.
“I missed you.” Ghost said silently.
It used to be very difficult for him to say such things out loud. Every time Simon wanted to tell Johnny how much he loved him, how much he appreciated him, and how much he trusted him, it was as if invisible, icy fingers were squeezing his throat, preventing him from making a sound. The ghosts of his dead relatives surrounded Riley, reminding him of what happens to those he loves. Soap, however, was patient; he asked nothing and demanded nothing, and gradually the icy grip of the terrible past began to loosen and let go of Simon’s crippled soul.
“I missed ye too.” Johnny answered and smiled gently. “How is yer leg?”
“Solid.” Ghost said. “And how are you, my dear?”
“Solid too.” Soap winked cheerfully. “After yer leave, we’ll return to th’ duty th’gither.”
Simon carried Olivia into the apartment in his arms, and together with Johnny, they changed the girl into pajamas and put her to bed. She didn’t wake up; she just mumbled something in her sleep when Ghost and Soap took turns kissing her on the cheeks before leaving her room.
“God, I missed ye sae much!” Johnny hugged Simon tightly, just down the hall, and reached in for a kiss. “Are ye hungry?”
“Uh… yes.” Ghost wasn’t able to answer immediately, not wanting to tear himself away from his lover’s lips. “I also want to take a shower. I still have fucking sand on my teeth.”
“Then go.” Soap smiled. “I’ll heat up the dinner in th’ meantime. I didn’t eat either, was waiting fur ye.”
“Just don’t burn the kitchen, copy?” Simon smiled, kissed Johnny again, and, turning him towards the kitchen, sped him up with a slap on his ass.
Riley stood under the streams of hot water for a long time. Then he put a new bandage on his thigh, put on his home sweatpants and a black T-shirt, and left the bathroom. Once, it was also absolutely impossible for Ghost; he always wore his mask or balaclava. But those days were long gone, and he didn’t want to remember them now, when Johnny was waiting for him. Johnny, who wasn’t afraid of Simon's scarred face and body, who accepted him as he is, who loved him without any conditions or compromises.
Johnny really was already waiting. On the table in the small kitchen were plates of meat and vegetables, a bottle of whiskey, and a couple of candles.
“So, it’s a date?” Ghost asked, smiling.
“Aye!” Soap answered. “Sit doon, mo ghaol, ‘n’ remember that this date must end in bed, if ye know what I mean.”
“Fuck yeah!” Simon nodded, taking the fork.
Johnny was curious about the TF 141 missions and how the captain and Kyle were doing, but he didn’t ask any questions. Now wasn’t the time for that. Now Simon was tired and didn’t want to speak; he wanted to listen, so the sergeant told the lieutenant about Olivia, about his rehabilitation, and how he took the girl to his parents, not forgetting to pour whiskey for both of them.
“It was very tasty, my dear.” Simon said gratefully, when their plates became empty. “Did you cook it yourself?”
“Aye!” Johnny answered proudly. “This is ma maw’s recipe!”
Of course, he didn’t tell how he called his mother every minute, asking so many stupid questions that even Mrs. MacTavish’s angelic patience finally failed. The main thing is that Simon liked everything, right?
“I want ye tae drink coffee while I’ll wash th’ dishes.” Soap said. “Ye need energy because you'll need to work a lot tonight. I want ye, ye know?”
“Aye.” Ghost nodded and then smiled. “I want you too, Johnny.”
They went to their bedroom. Riley closed the door, and MacTavish, meanwhile, quickly pulled off his T-shirt and fell on the bed that had been spread in advance. Simon piled on top of him and started to kiss his lips, his neck, and the scar on his chin greedily.
Soap slid his hands under Ghost’s T-shirt, running his fingers over numerous scars. He let out a breath, closing his eyes for a second before pressing his knee lightly into Johnny's groin, making him groan. They quickly removed the rest of their clothes, throwing them on the floor, and then Soap pressed Simon against the bed and began to kiss his stocky body as he moved down.
“Fucking hell…” Ghost gasped as Johnny reached his cock and began to lick it.
He ran his fingers into the mohawk, squeezing and lowering Soap's head. He gave in, wrapped his lips around Ghost’s huge cock, took it in his mouth, and then pushed deeper into his throat. Closing his eyes, he let out a low moan, expressing complete satisfaction at what he was doing.
“Do you like it, yeah?” Simon asked hoarsely, running his fingers through Johnny’s hair.
“Mmpf!” He smacked his lips as he let Ghost’s cock out of his mouth and looked at his partner with his amazing blue eyes. “Hell yeah, I lik’ it sae much!”
Simon pulled him closer, and Johnny fell on his chest. A second later, he felt his partner's large palm: Ghost's long fingers wrapped around both of their cocks, pressing them together. Soap shivered with satisfaction and started to move, thrusting his hips and feeling the pleasant friction. Simon looked at him, holding him close before sliding his other hand from Johnny’s back to his ass and squeezing it, making his partner moan again.
“Harder!” Soap begged, and Simon clenched his fingers tighter and started to move his hand faster.
“Come on, Johnny,” he said, “cum for me.”
It was the last straw, the last thing Soap needed to make the pleasure wash over him and carry him away on its sweet waves. He was clinging to Ghost's broad shoulders, sobbing and moaning as he buried his face in his partner’s neck, and it was so unbelievably beautiful that it didn't take long for Simon to catch him up. Ghost groaned, throwing his head back, and it was one more thing he had never done before. The icy lieutenant was so used to suppressing his emotions that, for a long time, he couldn’t get rid of them even in bed, even when he was really good. However, Johnny had fixed that too, and now he was enjoying watching Simon cum.
They smoked in bed lazily, then got up and went to the shower. Soap couldn’t stop smiling even when Ghost was kissing him, standing under the streams of hot water. Simon and Johnny put on their pajama pants before going back to bed. The appearance of a child in their home forced them to get rid of some habits, such as going naked to the kitchen at night to drink water. However, none of them regretted or complained, because both managed to love little Olivia very much.
The girl quietly slipped into her dads’ bedroom early in the morning. Careful not to worry them, Olivia climbed onto the bed and snuggled between Johnny and Simon, who hugged her without waking up. Soon, the girl fell asleep again, and the room, illuminated by the rays of the morning sun, fell into a warm and cozy silence, which was disturbed only by the sounds of the calm breathing of three people.
*Mo ghaol (Gaelic) – my love
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laughroditee · 3 months
question but no pressure! when is prt three of "your ghost" gonna be out?
Hi! I've been working on it since part 2 was published. I am typically a slower writer, and this is a longer chapter which will have 18+ stuff in it. Because of the nature of it (consensual possession lol, grief, Simon needing to sober up), I'm just trying to make sure all parties are having a good time and there's as little dubcon as possible. It's a weird situation so it's a challenge. I have the beginning and the end of the chapter written (I cried), just need the juicy bits and to connect said juicy bits to the rest of the narrative.
Here's a preview though if that is interesting to you:
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This chapter has some mood music as well.
I'm hoping that I can get it out this week if I can get it working the way I want it to. I don't want to rush it out as I'm definitely the type to still be making edits after it's published. 😂
Thanks for asking! It means a lot that there are people who are interested in my weird little headcanon lol. 🖤🤡🖤
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sgt-scottymoreau · 3 months
Beginning of the end, End of the beginning - CIAJ
Summary: A few years after the first kaiju came throught the Breach, more breaches appeared throught out the world focing almost each nations to make their own line of defense. In England, 4 SAS soldiers decided to join the Jaeger program. Throught hardship and derermination they built themselves a reputation and are known the TF-141. Camille, or Scotty to her friends, is freshly new arrived J-tech at the Plymouth Shatterdome. She has no trouble blending in the new crowd and make friends easily, even with the Rangers. But there might be something more going on between her, Soap and Ghost. Life is about to change for all of them, not in a way they expect.
Warning: None
Words: 4.2k // AO3 // Masterlist
A/N: Welcome to my new AU of an AU where I get to be a huuuuge nerd about Pacific Rim because, this my favorite movie of all time! This will be a multiple chapters project. I don't know how long or how it will evolve, but it will be fun to find out. Here is some more info I have about it before I started to write if you are curious. Althought some might change as I write as the post was sort a draft, take it with a grain of salt :)
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Feet hanging down, she looked at the jaeger's core from a distance. It was always a sight to be seen. Although the Mark-4 didn't have the same feelings as the nuclear core of a Mark-3, Scotty was still in love with it. A quick glance at her watch, she had half an hour before her shift would start. She grabbed a piece of food from her tray and kept eating in silence. Or as much silence the maintenance area provided with the drilling, metal clinking, shafts and other mechanical engines roared in a harmonized cacophony. 
Scotty had been transferred to the Plymouth Shatterdome six months ago. They needed extra hands and she proposed herself. After all that happened almost a year prior, she needed a change of everything. A new place to sort of start anew. At her arrival, she was assigned to Bravo Tanker, one of the two Jaegers of the TF-141. 
TF-141 was composed of 4 ex-SAS members who joined the Jaeger Program a few years back. Johnathan “John” Price had been the oldest member as he was part of few people who piloted Mark-1. Lucky enough he didn’t for long before moving to Mark-2 who were slightly safer and didn’t leave terrible health consequences on his body.
Simon Riley, mostly referred to as Ghost by many, was a rather mysterious pilot. His academics, results and training were very honorable and an example to many. One of the best pilots. However the mystery around laid in the fact that the man would always be wearing a balaclava for a reason no one knew. He kept his past a secret to everyone and was a man of few words in his free time. He wasn’t cold or asocial per se, but he kept some interaction to minimum. But once you knew him, you would be surprised that he had a sense of humor and quite enjoyed his little army jokes.
Kyle Garrick, nicknamed Gaz by Price quote “he doesn’t talk much”, wingman of the ex-captain, he had a great tactical mind who often proved to be a great asset during deployment, he also had very good academic records. He held the record for the longest simulation training; twelve hours. Stable and came out feeling perfectly fine.  He had a quick reaction time and would find solutions to many problems in a few seconds. He was reliable and someone you rather liked as a friend than an enemy. 
John MacTavish, alias Soap, a name he got from his time in the military, was the fairly newer member. Always eager to jump in the cockpit to defeat the Kaijus. But his playful demeanor is only the tip of this iceberg. Under his optimistic charm was also a tactical man who knows his explosives and weapons like the back of his hands. He learned a few tricks from the J-Techs on how to fix small issues on the Jaegers if needed. 
Price and Gaz were pilots of Bravo Brawler, a Jaeger made to fight in a close combat ranger, but was also armed with four missiles, two in each arms for distance. Soap and Ghost, Bravo Tanker, Jaeger build to endure hard blows and take repeated hits. Which means a very high maintenance mega weapon sadly. 
On her first time at the Shatterdome, she quickly blended in with the crew. Two weeks later, the chief engineer took her under his wings as an assistant. He was impressed by her knowledge and there was a little something that felt that she knew more about Jaegers than she let know. Although she was very capable of fixing any part of the mecha, Scotty was assigned to the Conn-Pod or cockpit. Again, she surprisingly had a very good knowledge of everything that happened there. Being a J-Tech, Scotty never really expected to befriend pilots, it felt like an honor. For a while, she admired the TF-141 from afar, or close in her case when she would help them suit up or briefly pass them as she entered the cockpit for maintenance after their deployment, never really pushing herself to get to know them better. Until her third week at her new home. 
She was elbow deep in grease, trying to fix one of the enormous ankle joints till she heard someone clearing his throat in the back. Hands still inside the construction, Scotty looked over her shoulder to see who it was. Mohawk and bright blue eyes stared at her with a smile. It was Soap. “Can I help you?”
“Oh, I’m just looking.” He crossed his arms and leaned against the metal, eyes looking inside the opening. 
She stared at him a little longer before shrugging it off. “What would a Ranger do down here with the mechanics?”
“Learning. Is that bad? Never heard the other complain before.” 
“Not at all.” She chuckled. “How much do you know about this big girl? For a Mark-5 she is impressive, don't you think?”
“Aye. Very smooth riding if I compare it to the Mark-4, but not by much, and a not so different interface. Definitely better than Mark-3.”
Scotty finally loosened the bolt she was working on, almost the size of her head, and turned to face him. “Someone seems to know his jaegers. That’s interesting. Ever been in a Mark-3? You don’t strike me like someone who did.”
“Are you saying I’m old, bonnie?” He scoffed. “I did, in during my training. They feel so clunky once you try a newer model.” And this is how their friendship started. Nerding over Jaegers, then went out to talk about what they did before the program. 
Eventually, after a few days Soap invited her to sit with the rest of the team. Scotty was a little surprised by the invitation and honestly wasn’t too sure about it. She was so used to eating with her crew. Not that sitting next to the pilots was anything special, in the cafeteria you took the first seat you could find. It was talking with them and being so friendly that she wasn’t too sure; she didn’t want to look like she was privileged. It was some friends who pushed her to accept because honestly, it was obvious. They had seen her talking for hours with Soap, also opening up more to Ghost. It was more than just the regular crew and check up talks nowadays. She did accept the offer and was thrown under the spotlight by Soap who introduced her more informally to Price and Gaz. Because of his background, Scotty felt like she wouldn’t never be as friendly as she was with the Scotman towards Price. An old captain deserved more respect, but it wouldn’t stop her to warm up and tease the man along with Gaz. Gaz had been easy to befriend just like Soap. Being around the same age was actually an advantage. That and he was a nice person in general. It was nice to have some deep conversation of all and nothing during calmer moments. Just like now.
Gaz took a seat next to her, his tray in hand. “Mind if I join you?”
“Be my guest.” Scotty moved slightly to the side, although there was enough space for ten people around them. “Aren’t you and Price supposed to train?”
“Finished. I swear he really wanted to push the limits today, I’m done and hungry.” 
She glanced at her watch again. Another ten minutes. Her eyes trailed to her own tray, half full. She grabbed whatever dessert was proposed, some strange sweet thing that resembled cake, but didn’t have inviting colors. Yet it tasted good. She handed him her left over. “You need more than I do. Make sure you have enough energy.”
He laughed at her remark, yet appreciated the extra ratio. They kept talking for a little longer till they sat in silence, enjoying the calmness. Her time was up and she had to leave to start her shift. 
Her shift was assigned to the Conn-Pod today. Last Bravo Tanker’s deployment had been a little rough. A very hard blow to the head left some damage to the moving system. On the report, it was said that the left leg remained stuck for two minutes. It didn’t sound long, but in the middle of a fight against a twenty-five thousand tonnes monster, it was an eternity. Ghost and Soap were able to unjam it, but to say they didn’t feel fear for a hot second would be a lie. Toolbox at her feet, Scotty engaged the safe switch and jumped in the movement center, wiggling a little between the pipes and gears to reach the troublemaker. Her eyes looked one more time at the tablet. She analyzed the graphics and waves. The malfunction was definitely mechanical in origin as there was no misalignment registered from the pilots. Their neural handshake was almost perfect the whole time, even after the damaging blow and the panic that followed. They remained in control without flinching. It read the most beautiful thing. It brought back some memories, memories that she quickly pushed away and focused on her task ahead. It took five minutes to find the culprit; a rode had broken off from the walking mechanism and lodged itself between gears. From the look of it, it eventually broke off under the pressure, releasing the jammed leg. Not without damage. They would have to install a new rod and change two gears. That should take a whole shift or two, if they didn’t have the pieces yet. It will be a long night.
It was five in the morning when her head hit the pillow. Every muscle was painful and sore. The mattress was so soft and welcome. At least, this would be her last night shift for a few weeks and today was her day off. As usual, she would sleep a few hours before going on with the day. Maybe nap later depending on how tired she was. 
Her alarm bipped around ten. With a groan, Scotty woke up and jumped in the shower. She didn’t stay long to ratio the water, but long enough to wake her up and give an appeased sensation to her body. She grabbed her phone, quickly looked through her messages. Some quick replies to her family, more technical answers to her colleagues who need another refresher on what had been done last night and where they should pick up. Mindlessly walking towards the hangar bay, always looking on her phone when she bumped into someone. “I’m sorry!”
“Don’t be.” Ghost replied unphased. “You shouldn’t look at your phone while walking though.” 
“I was almost done really.” She shoved the device in her pocket. Soap popped behind Ghost.
“Where are you going like that, sweetheart?”
She rolled her eyes. “Don’t call me that, sunshine. Well I’m off for today, I was thinking of going into town. Get some fresh air. What’s your plan?” 
Ghost brushed off the casual flirting of these two. They had been at it for a few weeks now and he didn’t mind. “Training. As usual.”
“Tanker will be under heavy repair for another day at least. If anything happens, you won’t be able to deploy yet.” Scotty informed them.
“That’s why I was thinking after our workout, maybe we could all go out for a drink? Price and Gaz were up for it.” Soap smiled. “What about you?”
“Sounds good, count me in!”
The shatterdome being a few kilometers away from any big cities made the small town that was nearby thrive with all the workers. While the main base provided lodging and food to everyone, the town did provide the recreational aspect allowing the hard workers some possibility to unwind. Despite the Kaijus’s attacks, the civilians went on with the regular days. They became part of the routine. People would still go to work, go out with friends, do their grocery shopping, take a drink at the table outside the cafe as if nothing was going on. Of course when the alert rang across the land, they would all run to the nearest bunker and wait till the Jaegers took down the beast. For now, they could enjoy one of the rarest sunny days in a long time. Scotty wandered around without a goal. All she needed was to be out of the overcrowded building. Hear other sounds than drilling, welding, clanking. The birds, the kids' laughter, the car, the casual discussion of strangers. A change of scenery. A little after noon, she stopped in a restaurant to grab some food and then went on to walk along the coast. 
There, it was truly calm. Only the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. Sat in the sand, she allowed herself to close her eyes and let this moment last for as long as she could handle it. The breeze was soft today. Scotty shifted her position to lay down and look at the sky before closing her eyes again. It wasn’t the best idea but…
She woke up to the sounds of seagulls fighting somewhere. Half a mind present, her watch showed five. She must have slept for a good two hours! Her phone buzzed. It was Gaz saying they were on their way to their regular pub. They should be in town in half an hour. She decided to make her way there. She dusted off the sand on her clothes and returned to the center of the town. The sun was slowly setting in the distance, painting the sky in a bright orange blue color. Reflecting on the water that slowly disappears as she makes her way through the small street between the buildings. If at first she had been a little intimidated by forming a friendship with the TF-141, now she actually appreciated their time together. It brought back good old memories.
This was the seventh day of her day shift schedule and it was coming to an end. Not her best day in terms of repair. Bravo Tanker had been a breeze to fix recently thanks to the very little visit from kaijus. Bravo Brawler was a whole other story. A lot of the pieces needed to fix her had been late on the delivery and the Marshal wanted her fixed since yesterday. Didn’t like the idea to have one less Jaeger operational in case of. Their Shatterdome was yes the main base of the well known TF-141, but also three other Jaegers. It wasn’t like they didn’t have the ability to operate with one less team. But out of the three, two were new hence why he would rather send more experienced pilots with them than face the monsters alone. Because of this, Scotty had been pulling extra hours on fixing Price and Gaz’s jaeger. Help that was well appreciated by the crew who was being pushed in the back all the time. A quick chat with the person in charge of the night shift to explain what still had to be done and Scotty was on her way to her quarters. She could feel the sweat and grease sticking on her skin. She wanted a shower, now! However on her way there, she made a little detour to the Kwoon Combat Room. 
As she walked toward it, she caught the noise of a familiar training. Someone was there. Maybe she could just look a little. Hidden by the corner, she leaned to see who it was. Ghost and Soap were in the middle of the mat, readying their stance from what looked to be another round. She watched as they began. Just for a minute or two she told herself. 
Scotty didn’t mean to peek for so long. Neither peek in general. But watching them dance on the training mat, the sounds of the wooden poles knocking on each other, the soft silence except for a few grunt here and there, it reminded her of her pilot days. Drifting with someone was the most intimate thing of all, something beyond anything else. It had nothing to do with the romance or things you would keep behind closed doors. Being drift compatible wasn’t about this. It was about letting someone inside your head, share their memories, let them see your memories. All your secrets are bare to them to see. You had to trust your co-pilot more than anyone else. A wave of sorrow passed through her body as she was reminded of her previous partner. How they had such a strong connection, how she could still feel his fear when he died, how his last words were to his wife and kids. It broke her to be the one to tell them and not him. Yet as she cited his words, his voice echoed in her mind. This was the reason she wasn’t able to drift after that. She tried, but the memory was too strong, no matter how hard she tried to keep it out, it crawled back. She was always out of alignment with other pilots to the point that she simply gave up. Not wanting to stop helping against the Kaijus, she took a job as J-Tech and eventually landed where she was now. It was for the best that she didn’t know if she would ever let someone else in her head ever again. 
It was obvious that Ghost and Soap were a good match. Her eyes could follow each of their attacks and parry with ease and it was easy to see that they knew each other well. She had also seen Price and Gaz training, it was the same. However there was something a little more about the pilots of Bravo Tanker. A detail she caught as easy as their fighting style. They had something going on between the two of them. That didn’t stop her from letting her eyes linger on their muscles. Who knew that a tank top and sweatpants would be so sexy. They were both a sight for sore eyes. Her cheeks turned into a soft pink as she caught herself thinking of that. 
The room became very silent. Scotty realized that they had done their training and were looking at her. A wide smile on Soap’s face and she swore maybe on Ghost but it was hard to see behind his balaclava. “Enjoying the show?” The Scotsman laughed. 
“Oh hm me? No! I mean yes. But not how you think!” She stumbled on her words. 
“Relax, we won’t eat you.” Ghost shook his head. 
As much as they were all up to keep going with the conversation, the alarm went off. A sound they knew too well. A kaiju had crossed the Breach. Ghost and Soap didn’t waste a second and hastened to the Drivesuit Room. Brawler still being under maintenance, they were the only available at the moment to support the other teams. 
It took them less than twenty minutes between the suit up and being waist high in the water. One advantage of Plymouth Shatterdome was that it was enough on the coast, Jaegers could directly walk in the ocean, they didn’t have to wait to be dropped far away by helicopters. “What now, Ghost?” 
“We wait.” The Brit contacted the other team to know their status. They were in the area also waiting for any sign of Kaiju approaching. Both Jaegers’s radar bipped steadily. They hated these moments. Standing still, being a perfect target for surprise attack. The LOCCENT kept updating them on the possible location of the threat. It was moving fast, coming South-East of their position one moment and then full East, back to South. Then West! Whatever this Kaiju was doing it was all over the place. They looked in all directions hoping to visually see something that radar had not picked up, in vain. The water remained calm. 
“I don’t like that, Simon. Why is it moving so-” Soap was interrupted when their comms was flooded by the other team. They had a visual two klicks away from them. The water was slowly rising while advancing. It was their target! The Jaeger reacted fast, running towards it ready to attack. But as soon as they were in range to punch it, it slipped away quickly. The old Mark-3 was a little slower to respond to the pilots change of position; they didn’t have time to react to the clawed hand that pierce through the water behind them. It clenched, ripping all the back’s plates. The pain receptors connected to their suits send a signal so strong they surprised themselves to still be conscious. However, damage had been done. 
“Bravo Tanker we are done! All systems are not responding! What the fuck! We need back up!”
“On our way! Stay put!” Ghost acknowledged. He lifted his right leg, starting to run in unison with Soap and the mecha eventually responded to the speed they wanted. They wouldn’t let the monster attack a second time. At the same time, Ghost and Soap locked the right arm to punch the creature. Their Jaeger reacted accordingly, landing a powerful blow at the top of its head. The Kaiju wailed before being engulfed under the water. They punched it a second time. On the third, the beast dodged by swimming away, its tail hitting the leg of the Jaeger. They didn’t flinch. Bravo Tanker was ready to chase it, but revised their plan when they saw the wake it made as it swam back in their direction with a lot of speed. They braced themselves for the attack, well aware of what to expect. The claws screeched on the metal, automatically the two pilots were met with a jolting pain on the chest. Nothing they couldn’t handle.They shook it off repositioning themselves to return the favor. 
‘‘Hull is badly damaged, but still holding!’’ Soap shouted, dismissing the alerts that popped on the screen.
‘‘LOCCENT we need back up! I don’t know what this bastard is made of, but it is shredding us!’’ Ghost demanded on the comms.
At the Shatterdome, the Marshal weighed his options. He could send another Jaeger or two, but the more, the longer it would get for them to reach their allies. Could Tanker hold till then? However this Kaiju rendered one of his mecha inoperative with just one slash and his most resilient Jaeger was already fighting. ‘‘Tanker hold, help is coming. … Brawler, I want a fast deployment!’’
Bravo Tanker dodged another attack by a few meters. To last till back up, they used the blade weapons. With them they had been able to hurt the beast, but quickly it destroyed one of them. This fight was straining the pilots, physically and mentally. ‘‘I swear when Price shows up.’’ Ghost groaned. He could feel the sweat rolling down his forehead, his suit more sticky than usual.
‘‘What will you do when we show up?’’ The ex-captain voice came through the open channel. ‘‘Take a breath, we will handle it for now!’’
Bravo Brawler was being carried by helicopters. Price ordered them to release the cable who dropped them right on top of the Kaiju. The beast was crushed back into the water, wiggled its way out and went for its first attack on the newer opponent. Ghost and Soap only took a minute breather; the bastard was tough and they couldn’t let it win. Two against one was the upper hand they needed. Something the beast realized quickly and decided to hide underwater for surprise attacks. Thanks to their radar, both Jaegers avoided them. It began to circle them. Suddenly jumped on Tanker jaw open ready to take a bite. The fang pierced the Conn-Pod not so easily, but with a secured anchor, its claw dug deep in the chest and neck’s connector. The pilots were flooded by alarms blaring, pain in their whole body and view of the monster’s mouth. Its maw closed further onto the head, bending and crushing the metal. The mechanism which normally held the pilot in place was heavily damaged on Soap’s side. As Price and Gaz closed the distance to remove the beast, Soap was disengaged from the lock system and in the heat of being tossed in all directions, he was sent flying up and down, landing then in the back of the cockpit where the door was. Ghost didn’t have the time to realize what happened. All he felt was the sudden overload of pressure on his brain as he was now the only pilot in control of the mecha. It made him feel dizzy, his movements slowed as he raised his arm to grab the Kaiju and throw it away. With Brawler's help, he was free. Gaz refused to waste another second. He engaged the missile and fired two of them. An option they only want to use as a last resort. The beast was already damaged; this should be enough. Indeed the Kaiju went down in one last screech. 
Sure that everything was cleared, Ghost disconnected his side as well before the load would kill him. With a heavy breath, he gave a quick sitrep of their situation, to which the LOCCENT replied they will have a medical team right away. Ghost scrambled through the damaged cockpit and found Soap lay, unconscious. His helmet was broken, blood tainting the suit and floor. ‘‘Soap? … Johnny!’’ He checked his vital signs; they were steady but very weak. He needed help now!
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majikklown · 5 days
I just thought of a Ghoap/COD comic or like a fanfic thing, except I can’t write stories real well, but I’ll share it incase any writers would like to use the idea.
It’s Christmas and the rest of the 141 except for Soap don’t have anywhere else to go to for the holidays so Soap offers them all to come to his families farm in Glasgow (he’s a farm boy in my heart 😔), and Ghost is the first to agree cause…well he wants to meet Johnny’s family. So Soap’s all excited and they all fly to Scotland, and the team gets to meet Soap’s strangely large family. Ghost learns that Soap’s a big Mama’s boy, always helping out while he’s there, cooking, tending to the sheep or whatever animals. And Ghost thinks it’s really sweet, and also has to excuse himself when Soap’s mom shows the team some of Soap when he helps out on the farm pictures from when he gets to visit during mandatory leave (it’s the farmers tan that does it). If someone wants to turn this into a real story please feel free to. I’ve just been thinking about it all day and don’t have the motivation to make a comic about it nor the patience and skill to make a full story of it.
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bloodyknucklesforme · 2 months
I Am Hungry, I Have Been Hungry | Carnal XVIII
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Carnal (adjective) : relating to or given to crude bodily pleasures and appetites
Nina, Simon and Johnny get ready for Christmas
CW: cannibalism, rape/sexual assault mention, smut
This is very much a horror fic mostly based around the films Raw (2017) and Bones and All (2022), if you sit through those you should be good here. This is my first horror fic.
Chapter Title Credit: Abbey by Mitski
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They sat there like rabbits in a warren. Nina took Johnny’s wrist and moved his hand from her hair to her face, kissing the palm of his hand. He’d cut himself with the knife the night before, not deeply but it could scar. Above her, Simon was kissing Johnny. One of his hands held Johnny’s cheek while the other held her calf firmly. 
“Our girl” is what Johnny said. She wanted to be their girl. Wanted to be part of something. She never thought being touched could be so comforting. Her father, the men at the hospital, Arthur, the men at the club. She could still feel how tightly they’d grip her arms. Simon’s touch was soft along her leg, despite the callouses. Watching them kiss - she wanted to be loved like that. 
She sat up. They stopped and looked at her. Her hands shook as she leaned in, kissing the side of Johnny’s mouth. Let her in please, please oh please, just let her in. Simon cupped the back of her head and pulled close. She ended up straddling one of each man's legs. Johnny was rubbing her back under her sweater. Simon was playing with the hem of her dress. 
She held their shoulders. Lips and teeth and tongues clashing together in a splendid melange. A large calloused hand made its way up her thigh to her centre, knuckles dragged against her covered slit. 
“Do you want me to?” Asked Simon, nuzzling her face. 
“Yes,” She whimpered. 
Simon slid two fingers under the gusset of her panties. Johnny’s grip on her tightened. She closed her eyes, letting their hands keep her from floating away. Simon played in her wetness, dragging his fingers between her folds. Johnny’s mouth was on her neck. She was trembling as they bounced her attention between them. 
“We got ya. Does it feel good?” Johnny’s fingers tangle in her hair, his other hand holding her hip steady.
“Our girl, our good girl.” Simon growls, rubbing his face against her chest. She gasped as Simon pushed a finger inside of her. She leaned forward, resting her forehead against Simon’s shoulder. Coos and praises filled her head like smoke. 
Two fingers pumping in and out. She gripped them, fingers shaking around woollen knits. Simon’s thumb rubbed circles around her clit. It was almost too much, she wanted to flinch away, it was good but strange. Her orgasm came as a surprise. Her back arched, Johnny and Simon kissing opposite sides of her face. She gasped and choked. 
“Do you want more, love? Want Johnny to take care of you?” Simon brushed her hair off her sweaty forehead. She turned and greedily kissed Johnny, something passionate, hungry. He pulled her fully into his lap.
He carried her upstairs, over his shoulder she watched Simon follow, licking his fingers clean. 
Johnny laid her down on the bed as gently as he could. Kissing down her chest until he reached the bottom of her sweater and could pull it up and over her head. Simon sat down beside her head, stroking her cheek and resting a hand on the back of Johnny’s head. 
Her dress was slid down her body, she shuddered as the cold air caused her nipples to harden and goosebumps rise over her arms. Johnny kissed down her stomach. Simon moved to lay down next to her. 
The bedroom was dark, the only light came from the hallway through the half closed door. The shadows made Simon’s face distort. Features changing as her eyes adjusted to the dark. Her stomach tossed about. Every time she blinked she saw a boot come crashing down, cracking open the front of his skull. 
She felt hot, sweat building in every bent joint. Her chest was getting smaller, her heart struggling to beat in rhythm. 
“Johnny, stop.” Simon said, pushing him by the shoulder. “Nina, look at me. You’re okay.”
There was a roaring in her ears. She pulled her knees up to her chest. She was an animal trapped between two predators. She moved her arm up to her mouth. An old scar ready to open up again. This cursed room, this cursed house, this cursed life. She bit down. 
A familiar taste but not hers. She felt no pain, just the gentle soothing of a hand on the back of her head. She was crying as she was lifted into Johnny’s lap and Simon moved behind him, enveloping both of them. 
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled through a full mouth. 
“Nothing to apologise for.” Johnny kissed her temple. Her jaw went slack as her heart rate calmed, matching Johnny’s pulse in her mouth. Her muscles ached as she let go of Johnny’s arm. Simon replaced it with his hand, putting pressure on the wound. 
“I told ya you wouldn’t ever have to hurt yourself again. I keep my promises.” Johnny said, kissing her temple. “Let’s get ya cleaned up.”
The air in the house felt different. There was something stale drifting about. Johnny complained about her opening all the windows despite the snow. She paced around the house in endless loops, Johnny following behind trying to keep her company. His arms around her waist and his chin on her shoulder any chance he got. She liked it. He was always warm. 
Simon was different. He was affectionate in small doses. Tucking her hair behind her ear, stroking her cheek, kissing her forehead. He seemed hesitant to do much else. She wanted more. Maybe it was greedy to want to try again after failing so horribly the first time. 
The three of them hadn’t tried to be intimate again. Simon slept in the spare bedroom if he was home at all. He spent most nights out hunting now. She and Johnny got to spend most nights alone. It was easy with just him. 
Johnny, delicately, would undress her and bury his head between her thighs. Her fingers tangling in his hair, tugging in gentle praise. His fingers spread her open, his mouth around her clit. 
He liked her on top when they fucked. His hands guiding her hips. He’d lean up to nip at the tender underside of her breasts. She liked how he called her pretty when she came. She missed feeling Simon’s eyes on her. 
Johnny and Simon would have their own moments alone in the stables. She’d watched them once or twice, maybe more. Standing on an old bucket, peering through a window. Coils of muscle and flesh wrapping around each other. Johnny didn’t nip at Simon, he bit him. They clung to each other like drowning victims. Their scars would line up, healed tissue sewing them together. It made her stomach warm. Did they know she was watching? Could they smell her and the wetness between her legs? 
“Mine,” Simon growled. 
She felt a twinge of jealousy. It felt more passionate between them. There were memories there. Love there. She wanted to be loved like that. She’d rush back to the house, hands shaking and cheeks on fire. 
She felt like ever the stranger in her own house. 
“I called to ask if I’m still welcome for Christmas dinner,” Price chuckled over the phone. She’d forgotten how close the holiday was. Price had been coming over for Christmas eve dinner since she could remember, always among her father’s other friends until his death. Then it was just Price.
“Of, course. I can do all the traditional stuff. Beef wellington, potatoes, sticky pudding. Whatever you like.” 
“I’d like that, Nina.” He sighed. “Are you doing okay?”
“Yeah, ummm… I’m great. Johnny’s good too. We took his stitches out a while back, he complained the whole time but we’re good.” She couldn’t tell him everything. She never could. The burden of a father was, she supposed, never knowing everything. Price would never punish her, wouldn’t hit her or withhold food but she didn’t want to disappoint him all the same. “I know it's hard to understand but they’re like me. They understand. I never thought there were other people like me.”
“As long as you’re okay, Nina. They’re my men, I trust them. I don’t think I’ll ever understand it but as long as you're safe I’ll deal with it.” All their conversations felt half made, sentences dangling around like leftover birthday streamers. “I’ll see you on the twenty fourth.Take care of yourself, love.”
“You too.”
She’d never been one for Christmas, or any holiday. She enjoyed spending time with Price but the last few years Arthur had always started a fight as soon as he left. The boys wouldn’t do that though. It could be nice this time. Could be something to look forward to. 
She had Johnny help her dig out the old decorations from the cellar. Tinsel, baubles and a little nativity scene. They took Simon’s car to pick up a tree in town. 
“Could we go to the Christmas market one night?” She asked on the way back. She’d never actually gone. Only seen them on the telly. 
“Course we can,” Johnny smiled. He loved Christmas. Simon caught her gaze in the rearview mirror. His expression was neutral, it often felt like he watched her and Johnny like they were characters in a film.
She held both their hands as they walked around. The smells made her dizzy. Wine, oranges, gingerbread, cinnamon, pine, sugar, berries. It felt like something out of a holiday card. 
“You don’t have to waste your money on us,” Johnny said as she got them another basket of chips.
“I have a whole inheritance I’ve never used. You’re the ones who haven’t worked in over a month.” Simon chuckled while Johnny tried to deflect. It was a decent amount of money and it had grown thanks to Price choosing various investments for her. The joys of having two dead parents. 
She used that thought to justify the several bags of trinkets she’d gathered up over the night. Simon, dutifully holding them for her. Reaching around her to always take them from the stand owners before she could. 
She wondered what to get them for Christmas. She’d most likely have to order it online since one of them was almost always at her side. She wasn’t sure she was ready to venture out that much on her own. With the current weather Simon would carry her before letting her walk to town alone. She should have taken Price up on his various offers to teach her to drive. This Spring, maybe.
“Be right back,” Johnny said, disappearing into the crowd. She stuck close to Simon, his hands on her shoulders guiding her around, keeping her in his shadow. They stood off to the side, watching all the other people, the normal people. She swayed absentmindedly to the music. She saw Miss. Carter glowering at them from across the town centre. She tugged on Simon’s hand. 
“Let’s find Johnny.” She turned in towards his chest, trying to push him away from the crowd. He nodded and took them towards the mulled wine stand. He got her a cup. 
Simon took Nina’s chin and tilted it upwards, pouring mulled wine into her mouth before licking any dribbled liquid away. 
“Let’s let Johnny find us.” He pulled his jacket around her, tucking her head under his chin. He was gone the next night - hunting again. 
The nights he spent hunting were the only ones he’d sleep in their bed. He’d crawl into bed with her and Johnny in the early morning, smelling of blood and old straw. He always shivered a bit, even though he tried to hide it. His hair was damp. He was spraying the blood off his skin in the stables and then trudging back with a cooler of meat to the house.
She started leaving clean clothes out on the tack bench for him. She’d wake up early just to make tea for him, setting it on the bedside table for him. Taking care of him and Johnny felt like half repayment and half an attempt to dispel them of any thought of leaving her. Any excitement for the holiday disappeared when she remembered New Years followed and after New Years they’d be deployed again. 
She wandered outside early one morning. An old wool coat over her nightgown, thick socks in old boots and pack of cigarettes in her pocket (stolen from Simon’s coat). She sat on the stone column wall that separated the patio and the rest of the garden. It was snowing softly. She alternated which hand she kept in her pocket and which one she held her cigarette. 
She heard Simon’s car pull around front. It wouldn’t be long before he found her. She should have brought out tea in a thermos. 
“S’too cold for you, love. Catch your death out here.” His hair was damp. He left the cooler by the door before approaching, making space for himself between her knees and pulling her coat tighter around her and the flimsy cotton nightgown she’d ventured out in. 
She pulled another cigarette out from the pack in her pocket, offering it to him. He took it between his lips and held her chin steady as he lit it from the end of her own. She took a drag, “Couldn’t sleep.” 
“What’s keeping you up, lovey?” 
Her eyes were unfocused, gazing towards something non existent behind him. She was picking at the skin around her nails, he laid his hand over hers. She looked up, locking eyes with him.
“I want you to touch me.”
He rubbed his hand over hers, “I am touching you.”
“Please Simon. I need to feel like I’m not broken.”
He dropped his cigarette and cupped her face between his hands, “Don’t say that. They did not break you.”
Her face crumpled up, her whole body shrinking down in his grasp.
“I don’t…I don’t want you two to leave.”
“We’re not leaving. Shhh…don’t cry, lovey. We don’t plan on leaving you.” He pulled her into his chest. 
“I don’t want to be alone. You’re the only people who understand.” He hushed her, stroking the back of her head. 
“We’re family. The three of us. It’ll always be us.” He took her cigarette from her and stubbed it out.
“Then touch me…I want to do it, the three of us. I can do it.” She pleaded.
He pressed his cheek against hers, his mouth against her ear. “I want to fuck you, Nina. I want you; willing and confident. I want to taste you, watch Johnny fuck you, keep you pressed between us. But I don’t want you to force yourself. I don’t want you out here, begging in the cold. Johnny and I will wait till you're ready. Truly ready. ”
She pulled away, cheeks red as she rubbed her tears away. “What if I’m never ready?”
“It wouldn’t change anything. You’re stuck with us, forever.” He kissed her cheek. “ You're cold. Get back to bed with Johnny. I’ll be there soon.”
“Can I wait for you?”
She sat on the top of the stairs as he went down to the cellar, listened to him unpack the cooler into the freezer. 
“We’ll need a second one soon.” He called up to her. 
“We have enough. You don’t have to work so hard. It’s dangerous to go out every night.” 
“Need to make sure you’re well fed while we’re gone.” He walked up the stairs till he could rest his chin on her knee. “Johnny’s promises are mine too.”
Simon got into bed first, Nina curled up to his side and he pulled Johnny into the other one. He was warm. 
It was the first time she’d worn makeup since Arthur. She had a new dress too, nothing fancy, plaid with ruffled straps. She’d kicked Simon and Johnny out of the kitchen. She wanted this meal to be special. She also didn’t know if Price would trust it if she wasn’t the one to make it. It was the only time she enjoyed cooking. It was a tradition started by her and Price, after her father and before Arthur.
“Got to let me do something, bonnie. Feeling useless out ‘ere.” Johnny stuck his head into the room. 
“Could you set the table?” He nodded with a grin, rushing in to grab the place settings. 
“Smells fantastic by the way.” He pecked her cheek.
She was very meticulous in laying out all the food. The two extra place settings allowed for a wider spread. She had Price at the head of the table, her on one side and Simon and Johnny on the other. This was the one night she liked using this room. Christmas Eve supper wouldn’t feel as special at the small table in the kitchen. She tried to push all the bad memories out. 
Dinners with all her father’s friends where the particularly disgusting ones would pinch the back of her thighs as she walked past. One of them had cornered her in the kitchen one night. Price walked in, thankfully. His rage wasn’t directed at her but it still frightened her. She didn’t remember that man’s name but she did recall hearing he fell out of a helicopter on his next deployment. Dead on impact.
She poured herself a glass of wine, drinking it down quickly. She was rageful in that moment. Her life picked and prodded at by the men in her life. Her desires used against her, never anything given, always taken. 
Here she was, finally with two men who understood her, respected her, might even love her and she struggled with their touch. Everything she wanted was just out of her grasp. 
“Price just texted saying he’s a couple minutes out…you alright, bonnie?” Johnny was frowning at her from the doorway. 
“I’m okay.” She wiped her tears away, careful of her makeup. He walked up to her, rubbing his hands up and down her arms. “Do I look okay?”
“You look beautiful.” He smiled. “Stay here for a minute. I’ll be right back.”
She nodded, feeling embarrassed. She hated crying in front of men, even if it was Johnny. 
He returned with Simon. Who was freshly shaved and his hair clipped short. He looked handsome. Johnny had resisted cutting his hair short, waiting till the last minute so his mohawk had grown out to be a patch of curly hair. 
“We have something for ya,” Johnny grinned, pulling a small wrapped box from behind his back. “I picked it out but it was mostly Simon’s idea.”
They went on either side of her as she unwrapped it. It was a little black cardboard box. She pulled the top off and it was a necklace with three little gems at the centre of the chain.
“Each one is supposed to be one of us. Sapphire for Simon, nacre for Nina and jade for Johnny.”
“You’ll always have us with you,” Simon said. Once upon a time, she hoped Arthur would surprise her with a ring. She liked this better. “I want to see it on you.”
Johnny held her hair up and Simon put it around her neck. 
“Beautiful.” Simon smiled, fixing the chain so the charms sat centre on her chest. 
She felt loved, fingers rubbing over the gems. Her boys - always with her. 
Dinner went smoothly. Price wouldn’t stop complimenting her and the food. She got him a first edition copy of a Georges Simenon mystery novel. He got her a John Le Carre novel. They always gifted each other books. Always had. He told embarrassing stories about Simon and Johnny from work. 
“Would have preferred if you took me up on my offer to set you up with Garrick,” he chuckled. “He’s a proper bloke. Better than this lot.”
“I like this lot.” 
“They’d get an earful if you didn’t.”
“They’re good to me.”
“Good.” He smiled.
She walked him out to his car while Simon and Johnny cleaned up.
“I’m proud of you, Nina. Truly. Despite everything you’ve grown into a wonderful young woman. I don’t understand everything about you and I don’t think I ever will but I’m happy you found those two. I want you to try to get out more. MacTavish for sure would jump at the chance to take you on a trip somewhere.” He hugged her. “Call me if you need anything, okay?”
“Thank you, John… I love you.”
“I love you, too, Nina.” He kissed her cheek as a final farewell.
They boys had packed everything away. 
“Meet me in the living room. I have gifts for the two of you.”
“Gifts are normally given in the morning, you know?” Simon said, sitting on the couch next to Johnny. 
“You guys gave me one already.”
“Aye, fair enough.”
She grabbed two gifts from under the tree. A bottle of bourbon for Simon and a set of new pencils for Johnny. 
“Thank you, lovey.”
Johnny got up to thank her but she motioned for him to sit back down.
“I have one more gift.”
“That so, bon?”
“It’s from me to me but I still need you two to help.” Simon raised an eyebrow and leaned back, waiting.
She took a deep breath. It would be okay. It would feel good. Their touch was always gentle. Johnny looked at her like she was something sacred. Simon - like he wanted nothing else in the world. Her choice. Her boys. Her body in their hands. A safe place. A home.
She pulled the straps of her dress down and off her shoulders till the whole garment fell to the floor. She resisted the urge to cover her bare breasts. 
They got up together. Johnny at her back and Simon at her front. He held her face like it was the only thing holding her up, kissing her greedily. 
“Promise me you’ll say if you want to stop.”
“I don’t want to-”
“I promise.”
Johnny kissed down her shoulders and back till he was tugging her panties off. Simon followed suit down her chest and stomach till he was level with her centre. 
“Johnny hold her up,” He said, hiking one of her legs over his shoulder. Johnny stood and held her waist, keeping her steady. Simon stared up at her, “Look at me, Nina.”
She locked eyes with him as his tongue spread her open. She grabbed his shoulder and Johnny’s forearm. 
“Told him how you like it,” Johnny chuckled. She leaned her head back against his chest. He’d done a good job. Simon seemed to already know her. Rubbing her clit as he teased her entrance with her tongue, lapping up her wetness. Johnny rubbed circles on her hips. His cock was hard against her ass through his pants. 
Simon waited till she was a mewling mess before pushing a finger inside of her, curling it up to press against the spot inside her, trapping her nerves between his tongue and finger. 
“Gonna watch ya cum on his face.” Johnny said, kissing and sucking marks against her neck. His hand glided up her hip to her breast to massage it. 
It felt good. Better than good, incredible. She let herself melt between them. All the muscles in her body stretched out like a rubber band before snapping in a scream. Simon groaned loudly as she clenched around his fingers, his mouth moving wildly to cover as much of her as he could. 
They laid her on the floor, pillows under her head and hips. Johnny was licking Simon’s face clean. She was still coming down from her first orgasm as she watched them strip each other. Simon’s hard cock matched the rest of his stature. It made her stomach flip seeing him grind against Johnny’s. 
Simon broke their kiss to look at her, “I want to watch our boy fuck you. Is that okay, Nina?”
She nodded, holding out her arms for Johnny. He was on her in a moment. 
“Simon get you ready for me?” He cooed, peppering sloppy wet kisses across her jaw. “Tell me how badly you want me.”
“Please, please Johnny.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and spread her legs for him. Simon held one of her ankles and squeezed reassuringly.
His first thrust stole the air out of her lungs. The head of his cock bumping against that spot. Simon was guiding his hips. “There we go, find your rhythm, don’t leave her wanting. Good boy, Johnny.” 
Johnny always looked her in the eyes when they fucked. Sweaty foreheads rubbing against each other. He had beautiful blue eyes that made her feel so adored. Their noses clunked together as he panted. 
“Taking me so well. You feel so good, Neen. Wanna make you cum again. Can you cum again for me, bonnie?” He was drooling. Simon’s hand slid between them to rub her circles around her clit. 
“Where do you want him to cum, love? On your stomach?... Inside you?” Simon’s voice was deeper, more gravely. His eyes were darker. 
“Inside, please.” She had to know what it felt like. To be filled, to be claimed. She was their girl. She wanted it. She chose it. She wanted both of them. 
The room smelled of sex. Johnny was grunting with every thrust. It was wet and warm and wonderful. Her own slick was dripping down, splattering across her thighs. 
“Please, Johnny. I…I’m…I’m…” Her words got swallowed by another scream as she came again, clenching hard around him. Johnny moaned loudly, picking up his thrusts as he chased his own end. 
It was strange but not unwelcome. Johnny’s cock twitched inside her and she could feel warmth spreading throughout and seeping out where their bodies met. He gave her another kiss as he rolled off her, resting with their shoulders and thighs pressed against each other.
Simon knelt over both of them, hands rubbing thighs and stomachs and chests. 
“You both did so well.” His cock was red and dripping precum down the shaft. She reached out for him. He took her hand, kissing her knuckles. “You sure, love? You ready for me, pretty girl?”
“I want both of you. I want it. I want you, Simon.”
He hooked his arms under her armpits and pulled her up. His back against the couch and her straddling him. 
“I want you like this. Want to see your face.” He kissed over Johnny’s marks. Two fingers curled inside of her, scooping out Johnny’s spend. He beckoned the other man over and forced his fingers into his mouth. Johnny’s eyes rolled back as he sucked. “I want you to prep yourself for me. Our girl likes to watch us too.”
She turned red. 
“Think we couldn’t smell you?” He nipped her collarbone with a laugh. “Could smell your sex the whole walk back.” He licked up the column of her throat. “Been dreaming about this.”
She held onto his shoulders as she sank down on his cock. 
“Take it slowly,” he groaned, holding her hips. She did, moaning at every inch that she took inside her. Johnny rubbed her lower back. He had her take Johnny first for a reason. She tried to bury her face in his shoulder and his hand held the back of her head. “I want to look at you.”
He guided her hips, breathing with her till he bottomed out inside her, the head of his cock pressed against her cervix. Her thighs were shaking. 
“My good girl,” He kissed away the sweat droplets on her face. It was slow, him rocking up into her, watching every twitch of her face. Johnny was next to them, laying on his stomach as he stretched himself open on his own fingers. “Can you give me one more, love? Let me fill you up too?”
She nodded slowly. Her nerves felt on edge, sending off random signals to the rest of her twitchy body. Simon kept her clit between two of his fingers, rubbing back and forth. She was building back up, her stomach tightening again. Her limbs felt loose and jellied. 
She arched backwards, her chest pressing against him, Johnny had to stop to help Simon hold her up. She was shaky and whining as Simon pulled her flush against him. His last thrusts were harder, chasing after his pleasure. He growled as he came, his spend mixing with Johnny’s. He let her rest against his shoulder.
“Fuck…You did so well for us, love. How are you feeling?”
“Was it good for ya, bonnie?” 
She couldn’t form words, her mouth opened and closed with smiles and nods of her head. They both chuckled as Simon laid her back down on her pillows. 
“You still feel up to watch?” Simon pushed her hair back. She grinned up at him. “Let’s give her a show, Johnny.”
It was better up close. Simon had a hand around Johnny’s throat, not choking, just holding. His chest against Johnny’s back. The sound of skin slapping against skin and Johnny’s wanton moans. Simon grunted and growled. There was a new warmness inside her. Johnny was holding his cock, letting Simon’s thrust move him back and forth in his own grip. She reached between her legs and scooped up their mixed spend. 
“Oh fuck…Nina.” Johnny moaned, watching her clean her fingers. Simon smirked down at her, picking up his pace. It was salty but not unpleasant. She groaned around her digits. “Si, I’m close. Fuck… please.”
“You going to ruin our girl’s rug?”
“Si, please. I can’t-”
“Ask her where to cum.”
They both looked at her, Johnny pleadingly and Simon with a devilish smirk.
“In my mouth.” Johnny’s head flopped backwards against Simon. 
“C’mere, love.” Simon beckoned. She moved in front of Johnny. It didn’t matter she couldn’t remember the last time she’d done this. It mattered that it was Johnny and Simon. It was their first time. Her first time. Nothing else mattered. It was them, only them.
She opened her mouth and took the head of his cock, swirling her tongue around it. Johnny didn’t last. He came as she licked at his slit, filling her mouth. She looked up at him to watch him crumple. She swallowed him down and cleaned him. Simon grunted harshly and his thrusts stuttered out. 
“Mine,” he growled. “Both mine.”
The three of them collapsed onto the floor, Simon making his way to the middle, tucking them each under an arm. 
“Happy Christmas to us.” Johnny breathed. “I want a fucking cigarette and a glass of whiskey.”
“I have a gift for you first,” Simon said, sitting up. “For both of you but Johnny you’re first.”
“Aye?” He raised an eyebrow.
“I want you to bite me. Mark me. Nina beat me to marking you but… I’m ready. I want it.”
Johnny shot up. She could see the emotions run across his face: surprise, fear, excitement, love.
“Where do you want it?” He smiled. 
Simon stretched his back and arms before pointing towards his trapezius muscle, where his shoulder met his collarbone.
“Don’t get too deep. We ship out in a week.” He turned back to pull her up next to him. “I want you to do the other side. If she gets a necklace, I want this.” 
Johnny grabbed disinfectant and bandages. 
“You sure, Si.”
“More than anything, Johnny.”
Nina held his other arm, both her hands fitting into his one. He squeezed tightly as Johnny bit down on him. He breathed hard through his teeth. She watched his cock twitch as blood ran down his chest. Johnny pulled back, red lipped. 
They cleaned up the bite before Nina went. Johnny held her hair out of the way.
“Right here, love.”
He and Johnny were the only people she ever met that didn’t smell like food. Though her mouth had never watered more than right before she sank her teeth into Simon. Johnny moaned behind her. Simon’s hand rested on the back of her head. 
“Good girl,” he breathed. She pulled away and was immediately pulled into a kiss by Johnny. It was the second time she’d tasted both of them at once. This one was sweeter. 
“Me next.” Johnny laughed. “Thinkin of havin ya take a chunk outta my arse.”
“Price won’t grant you leave again, even if you can’t sit down.”
“Here then.” He patted his upper arm, “I’ll have you and Nina on the same arm.”
Nina wiped it off with disinfectant.
“Thank you, nurse.” He tapped her nose playfully. He leaned close, “If you want one too, you can.”
“I don’t know where I want it.” She wanted it to be somewhere she could always feel them but nowhere Price could see. A secret for the three of them. 
“You have time to think. We won’t rush.”
“I wouldn’t mind biting your arse-fuck me!” Simon bit down on Johnny’s arm, his eyes rolling back as blood filled his mouth. 
Johnny panted as Simon cleaned up the wound. Nina cleaned up Simon’s face. 
They laid on the floor, Simon pulling a blanket off the couch to cover them up. Nina was spread out over top of them. They were tangled together, not sure which limb belonged to who. 
“I love both of ya,” Johnny said, squeezing each of their hands. “So much actually.”
She’d heard it before from others but it didn’t matter because it didn’t come from either of them before so it was the first time it mattered.
“I love you, Johnny. I love you, Simon.”
“I love you, Nina. I love you, Johnny.”
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Tag list: @gogh-with-the-flow @queen-ilmaree @cathnoneofyourbusiness @pssytrux
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burnt-tortellini · 3 months
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this is the ONLY “call me by your name” bs ill allow
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midnightfox23 · 2 months
Here is the omegaverse fic I promised with Soap/Ghost.
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The Shepherd King's people had already reached the MacTavish house, having appointed expensive tributes, in addition, the lands of the Highlanders were famous for cattle breeding, which is why the King demanded half of the provisions for the provinces and the capital for the next winter.
Every year it became more and more difficult, provisions became less and less and livestock died more and more often, the proud MacTavish survived as best they could thanks to their lands, which were famous for their scale and grandeur in the eyes of their rivals.
From the thirty-year reign of King Lanor the Terrible, all nine houses in the kingdom of Ernos were able to exhale from war, until after the death of King Lanor a bloody war for the throne began.
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