#glaring at my dash and muttering 'i do not see it i do not see it' while white knuckling the edge of my desk
pocketgalaxies · 4 months
i'm gonna scream though, actually
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oepionie · 2 years
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💭ramshackle princess series masterlist | 💬ao3 link
SYNOPSIS: A dispute with Riddle prompts the prefect to flee into the forest where she falls into a rabbit hole and finds herself in a mad fantastical realm of her imagination. Here, she meets her friends who are acting somewhat strangely… odd. They all treat her as royalty and whisk her away to a castle where her husband, the Red Queen, eagerly awaits her return.
How curious.
⊹ [ cw ] — hurt/comfort, falling from heights, arguments, lashing out, fighting, allusions to executions and stabbing, mentions of a knife, mentions of smoking, mild blood, riddle lashes out on you◞
⊹ [ tags ] — FLUFF, ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP, FEM! READER | deuce punches you, che'nya is a little shit, trey with bunny ears, ace and deuce as the tweedle dumbasses, affectionate riddle, cater as hot knave◞
⊹ [ w.c ] — 9K+
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​"It was just sitting on top of the old boxes in the attic!" You exclaimed, fumbling with the tiara buried deep in your bag. Trey watched as you took it out, holding it up for him to see. It was of a silver color, embezzled and richly decorated with diamonds. The tiara had a fan shaped diadem, nine throngs, and a small blue heart-shaped jewel as its centerpiece. It was an ornament befitting royalty. Not really something you'd find in Ramshackle's run-down attic.
"That does look expensive. What do you plan on doing with it?" Trey asked, pushing his glasses up. Both of you were taking a walk through the grounds of Heartslabyul, basking in the sunshine. "That could sell for quite a lot of money."
"Tempting, but I was planning on giving it to Crowley." You muttered, turning the tiara in your hands and admiring the way it glimmered in the sunlight.
All of a sudden, in the corner of your eye, a small green blur dashed into the rosebushes, scurrying deep into the green brambles. Gasping, you pointed to it. "Oh! Trey, did you see that?"
"See what...?" Trey blinked. You rushed forward, parting the branches and peering through the shrub. A green rabbit in a waistcoat dashed through the bushes, a ticking clock perched onto his hip. "A bunny rabbit!"
"A rabbit-? O-Oi! Prefect?!" Trey ran after you as you rushed through the bushes, intent on chasing the bunny. Branches and rose thorns scratched and tore at your uniform, but you paid no mind to it. The rabbit took a sharp turn right, and you followed in hot pursuit. As you rounded the corner, you crashed into a large stack of paint buckets. The canisters all toppled to the ground, breaking open and tainting the green grass red.
Likewise, you also fell into the red puddle. The paint pooled around you, seeping into your clothes and hair. You groaned, pushing yourself away from the wreckage. "Just my lucky day."
While you were busy glaring down at the offending red pigment bleeding onto your pristine white blouse, Trey had rushed to your side. The third-year seemed to be nervous as he wiped your face down with his sleeve. "Prefect, quick, fix yourself up before—"
"What is the meaning of this?!" Riddle exclaimed, the clattering click of his heels signaling his arrival as he stomped towards you.
Uh oh.
"O-Oh! Riddle, I—" You stammered, scrambling up. "Love, I was just trying to—"
"Do you have any idea what you've just done?!" Riddle yelled, pulling you away from Trey and seizing your arm—all with a frown etched onto his face. You whimpered at his tight hold, his blunt nails digging deep into your skin. "What were you thinking?! Why were you running through the gardens like some buffoon?!"
"I-I...I was chasing...a rabbit." You peered at him through shaky wet lashes, cheeks burning up in embarrassment. Your sweetheart stared at you in incredulity before a snarky laugh left his lips.
"A rabbit." Riddle seethed, dragging a hand down his face. His pointed glare cut through you as he gestured towards the mess of red. "All that for a rabbit?!"
"I'll have you know that batch of paint is a special import from the Queendom of Roses. We've been waiting for its arrival for months and now you've ruined it with your tomfoolery!" The redhead's chest heaved as he finished his outburst. His skin had turned crimson, and a vein had ticked on his temple. Riddle grabbed a battered bucket beside you, making you avert your gaze towards him.
"Well? What do you have to say for yourself?" He said. Your mouth dropped open, but you found yourself unable to say anything. The longer you kept silent, the more he felt his anger simmer. Riddle's face twisted into a vicious scowl before he threw the bucket full-force at a nearby tree. The resounding bang made you jump, fear gripping your heart.
"I said—" Riddle paused, his tongue screeching to a halt once he saw thick blobs of tears sliding down your face. Silence soon followed. Quickly, his demeanor changed as he finally realized the cruelty and weight of his words.
Muttering obscenities under his breath, Riddle pinched the bridge of his nose. He's done it again, he let his anger get the better of him.
Mistaking his guilt for anger, you cowered before him, watery eyes glued to the ground as you sputtered out sloppy apologies. "I'm s-sorry, Riddle...I'm really sorry."
"No, I—" The redhead let go of your arm, causing you to fall back and crumble to the floor. He scrambled to kneel down beside you, hands hovering over your waist. "Rose, I didn't mean to—"
"I-I have to go." Everyone stared at you with sympathy as you rushed out of the garden, frantically wiping away at the tears on your cheeks. Riddle tried to go after you, but Trey blocked his path. The third-year shook his head, pushing the dormleader back. "Give her some space."
"You can apologize later." Trey sighed. He folded his arms over his chest, looking as if he was about to lecture Riddle. But the look of guilt on his childhood friend's face already told him all he needed to know.
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Sobs racked through your chest as you rushed through the woods. You didn't know where you were going, you just knew was that you needed to get away. Riddle's words still beat and tore at your poor heart.
So stricken with embarrassment from earlier, you didn't notice an overgrown branch sticking out of the dirt and you tripped, slipping into an agape rabbit hole. You fell through the dirt tunnel; Screaming your lungs out, spinning around wildly in the air, and panicking while tears sprung out of your eyes. Though you soon realized, as minutes passed that you were still falling. The hole seemed to be unending.
"By the great sevens-?!" You soon stopped spinning wildly and instead started floating down. From soaring book shelves, a musty wrinkled bed, a vintage lamp and a broken down piano—The hole around you was filled with all sorts of trinkets and junk.
It took a good 10 minutes before you finally dropped to the ground. Oddly enough, your fall didn't hurt one bit. In fact, it was rather...plush?
Looking down, you found yourself seated on a tremendous pile of pillows. Each pillow was distinct, mainly covered with red and black patchwork—you could only assume it was handmade. There was some sort of symbolism stitched onto it as well, resembling either a heart or playing cards. 
"What in the...Twisted Wonderland?" You gasped, standing up.
Whilst on top of the pillowy mountain, you took the chance to survey the surrounding room. It was a great hallway lined with many doors of all shapes and sizes. The area was fairly big, modeled after Heartslabyul's dorms with its wine-red walls, checkered floors, and peculiar heart-themed architecture.
Was this some sort of secret hideout?
"How curious..." Sliding down the hill of pillows, you decide to survey the hallway. Amongst the doors, you find a small one that's hardly the size of your foot. It was unique from the rest, colored purple and framed by a golden archway instead of the common silver one that others had.
Speculative, you wrapped your fingers around the minuscule handle and turned the door open. You bent down to peek through and catch sight of a beautiful, lush garden. 
A group of flowers danced around in the wind, almost as if they were beckoning you to take a closer look. For some odd reason, it fascinated you. In a trance, you turned back to the room with a new goal in mind. Surely there must be something in here that could take you in?
A banquet table sitting in the far corner caught your eye. It was filled to the brim with fresh pastries and drinks, strange considering no one was here. Though a bit creeped out, you took a gander at the feast lay out before you. Despite the table being so long, there was only one chair present and in front of it was an envelope.
"Curiouser and curiouser." You mutter.
Tearing the top open with your nail, you plucked out the contents of the envelope and caught sight of your name marked in elegant cursive on a lustrous golden card.
"A letter...?" You muttered. What you found was an invitation to a party. "Addressed to me?"
"The Red Queen's Unbirthday party...?" You mumbled, eyes skimming over the text until one line attracted your attention. "—Where His Majesty's Rose shall put on the Nine-Throng Tiara?"
A Tiara? With Nine-Throngs? 
Blinking, you turned back to the stack of pillows. The very tiara you found in your attic was sitting at the top, glimmering under the lights of the hall. Uh...when exactly did that get here?
You squinted your eyes at the line again. "Where she shall put on the Nine-Throng Tiara..."
"Put on the Nine-Throng Tiara?" Pocketing the invitation, you trudged back to the very top of the pillows and took the jewel headdress in your hands. You could only assume that its appearance here right now was the result of magic.
...So it wouldn't be far off to say that it had magical powers, huh? 
Taking a deep breath, you raised it above your head. "Well then, here goes nothing."
After gently setting it atop your head, you soon found a mystical glow engulfing your body. Gasping, you watched as your school uniform shifted and altered into a dress.
The dress was of a sky blue, a long train at its back, pleats along its front; It was decked with lavish lace, delicate embroidery and sewn in with diamonds.
The dress was knee-length and its big bouffant-styled skirt bounced when you walked. For accessories, you had opera-length white gloves and matching white stockings on.
Running your hand up your neck, you noticed how it had a high white lace collar which oddly complimented the black bow tied snug around your waist. The sneakers you had previously worn shifted themselves into dark mary janes, which felt like clouds with every step you took.
"O...kay? A dress-up was not what I was expecting." Sighing, you bunched up the train of your skirt in your hands and rushed back to the banquet table. This time, you took a look at the food and found a champagne bottle labeled "DRINK ME". 
Silently debating if this was a good idea, after a while, you decide to just go for it. Popping the bottle open, you take a quick swig and immediately get hit with a wave of nausea. Gagging, you place the bitter drink down on the table. 
"H-Huh!?" You gasp as the room around you grew bigger and bigger or rather—as you grew smaller and smaller. 
"Oof!" You plopped down onto the floor, the banquet table now towering over you. The drink had managed to shrink you to the right size and it seems that your clothes adjusted accordingly. Clapping your hands, you happily made your way to the golden door and turned the handle. 
Only to find that it was locked.
"Oh, you have got to be kidding me." Furrowing your brows, you continued to furiously fumble with the doorknob. 
"It wasn't locked earlier!" You whined, kicking at the door. Huffing, you turned back once more to the table. A small golden key was seen on top, one that you must have missed earlier. 
Well, it was far too high up for you to reach now that was for sure. While marching up to the key, you spot a cookie marked “EAT ME” hidden behind one of the nearby table legs. 
"Might as well." You shrug, grabbing the cookie. After brushing it off, you move in to take a bite. "This can't possibly get any worst."
"Huh...? W-Woah!" You shriek, looking down at your feet which seemed to be so far off. Just then your head struck against the roof of the hall. "Uff!"
This time, it seems that the cookie caused you to grow to an inordinately large height.
"That hurt..." You grumbled, rubbing the top of your head. At once, you took up the tiny golden key and hurried off to take the champagne bottle, downing the liquid and shrinking back down. With a pep in your step, you rushed towards the door.
"Alright, Wonderland." You pushed the key into the keyhole, turning until you heard a click. 
"What do you have in store for me?"
Stepping into the door, you found yourself in the peculiar garden. 
It was a whimsical wonderland of it's own. The sky was painted in reds and pinks, and the flowers were ones that you've never seen nor heard of before. The only ones familiar to you were the rosebushes which surrounded the area, enclosed around the garden like towering barricades as little butterflies kissed its roses, fluttering about the flora.
"Oi!" Jumping, you whipped your head around to find a familiar pair of ginger and blueberry heads peeking out from a tree. "Who're you?"
Gasping, both of your hands clasped over your mouth. 
"Ace?! Deuce?!" The first-years jumped at your shrill shriek, nervously exchanging glances when their names flew out of your mouth. Both of them stepped away from their hiding spot, cautiously walking towards you. 
"How do y'know my name?" Ace asked. You were about to answer his question, but got distracted once you noticed the ridiculous outfits they were dressed in. Both of them had identical vivid yellow blouses with thick white lapels. Said blouses were paired with high-waisted red slacks and big blue bow-ties.
Snorting, you covered your mouth to conceal your giggles. "W-What's with the goofy fit?" 
"Eh? This is what we wear every day?" Deuce halted, looking down on his outfit. Ace shook his head, slapping his friend by the back of his head. "N-Never-mind that, listen, we have no idea who you are but—"
"Huh...?" You blinked dementedly. "What do you mean you have no idea who I am...? I'm Y/N!"
Both of them stared blankly at each other, then at you. Simultaneously, they bluntly replied. "Who?" 
Ace folded his arms across his puffed up chest. "Never heard of 'er."
"Guys, seriously-"
"That dress looks expensive." Deuce noted, "Are you some duchess from out of the kingdom?"
"No! I'm-" You struggled.
"Deuce, I don't know about you...but I think she might be a bit cuckoo in the head." Ace whispered, deliberately backing away from you. "Let's walk away slowly..."
"Alright! Enough with the jokes!" You lashed out. Gathering your skirt in your hands, you frantically rushed towards the two. "Listen to me! I'm-"
"Your majesty!" Popping out of a corner, Trey appeared by your side and scrambled to clumsily curtsy before you. His shoulders trembled with tension as he kept them taut and square. Stupefied, you stumbled back and gawked at him. "Y-Your majesty?"
It was only then did you notice the two fluffy green bunny ears sitting atop his head. He fumbled with an antique pocket watch, taking a quick glance at the clock before hastily stuffing it into his pocket. Trey wore a plaid red petticoat, dark maroon slacks, and a deep lavender bowtie.
"I apologize for these two." He awkwardly chuckled, kicking at the two boys' knees and forcing them into kneeling positions. Nearly toppling over from the force of Trey's kick, both Ace and Deuce hurriedly crouched down before you.
"We apologize, your highness. We didn't realize it was you..." Deuce trailed off, face spiraling into a ghostly pasty white. "Y-You're not going to cut our heads off, are you?"
"Why—in the everlasting fuck—would I do that?!" You swore, scraping your fingers through your hair and tugging at the strands which made your tiara turn askew. "I don't even know what's going on!"
"Neither do I." All of a sudden, a floating grin appeared in the middle of nowhere, manifesting itself out of thin air. Then, a head and body slowly appeared in a cloud of lavender mist. A purple-haired cat-beastman appeared before you, tail swishing around gracefully as he smoked a long hookah.
The cat looked at you for some time in silence, his face obscured by the thick purple mist he was smoking. At last, he took the hookah out of his mouth, and addressed Trey in a languid voice. "My~ You guys are really giving our rose a headache!"
The smoke cleared to reveal a familiar face grinning at you.
"Che'nya?! You're here too?!" You gasped.
"Yes~ Hello, there. Alchemi Alchemivich Pinka at your service," He bows.
"I have to say! It's great to see you here, your highness!" Che'nya chortled, floating up into the air and spinning around playfully. "Your husband turned the entire kingdom upside down looking for you."
Jolting, you pressed your palm flat to your chest in shock. "M-My husband?!"
"Yesss~" Che'nya drawled, floating around without a care in the world. "Your queen has gone mad ever since you've gone, your highness."
"My queen?!" Is your bewildered response.
"Yes, your majesty. Erm...the 'queen' is a he." Trey confirmed. "Queen Rosehearts has been in a state of panic since you've disappeared weeks ago."
Nodding along, Che'nya gestures to the bright red ring on your hand. You gape at the jewel, eyes ripped wide open. Where did that come from? What is with you and random jewelry popping out of nowhere? No, most importantly—you were married to Riddle?!
You tilt your head up, meeting everyone's eyes in a panicked state.
"This is a dream," Slowly backing away, you cradled your head in your hands. The gravity of the situation you were in was finally sinking in.
As you guessed, this was an extremely lucid and well-crafted dream. It had to be a dream. What other reason was there?
Most likely, you were in the forest right now, having fallen unconscious after tripping over that branch. Yes, truly, you must have hit your head somewhere.
In a daze, you gestured to the world around you. "Yes. Yes, this is a dream."
With that logic in mind, you were safely held inside the comforting quarters of your own head. 
"You!" You bellow and point a rigid finger at Deuce. The poor boy tensed up, fear striking him like thunder as you moved towards his incapacitated frame. Grabbing onto the collar of his shirt, you pulled him towards you and spat out an order,
"Punch me." 
Instantaneously, his horror-stricken expression melts into one of confusion. You want him to do what now?
"Erm.." Deuce furrows his brows, closes his eyes and clutches his chin, pondering. 
Surely, it was against the law to punch the Queen's Rose? If Riddle got the slightest whiff of what he's done, he's a dead man. Then again, disobeying direct orders from royalty was also a crime, was it not? 
He was torn.
Deuce sighs, moistening his lips as he meets your frenzied gaze. Ah, well...either way, this was a lose-lose situation for him.
"A-As you wish." Raising his arm, he smashed a rough fist against your cheek. The blow caused your head to violently whip back as you stumbled to the ground. 
Minutes pass and yet, to your chagrin, apart from the growing bruise on your cheek, nothing has changed. You blink incessantly, brows drawn tight together. 
"That's odd. Punching usually does the trick." You murmur, concurrently confused and dizzy. Trey helped you up and considered your condition with reckoning eyes. "Your majesty, have you hit your head somewhere? Or maybe you're sick? You're acting...odd."
"Oh, well—First off, I fell down a rabbit hole. Then there were pillows, tiny doors—and-and other things I can't even make sense of!" You gestured grandly around, acting out the various things you've experienced but Trey doesn't seem to appreciate your ramblings, continuing to stare at you like you were a madman. 
You huff and scoured the vast open gardens as if you could find the culprit who had created this insane world. "This is all so insane, weird, a-and—and mad!”
"Oh, your highness, everyone here is mad. Especially you~!" Che'nya cackled, throwing his head back in amusement. He floated towards you, wrapping his lithe tail around your waist. "Ah, but while I do enjoy the little show you're putting on. We really have to get you back to the castle. Can't really have our kingdom's rose wandering around the forest with memory loss, hm?"
In a snap of his fingers, a map appeared before you.
"This, your highness, is the Red Castle. That's where you reside." Che'nya tapped his fingertip against the very center where an illustration of a castle was shown. It was quite nicely done, nearly to the point of obsessive architectural intricacy.
"Trey, I trust you'll take them there?" Che'nya purrs, head tilting to the side, knuckles pushing up against his cheek.
"Of course. I'll make sure you return home safe, your majesty." Trey responded, one of his bunny ears swiveling. 
Once again, he checked his watch, anxiety gripping him as a trickle of sweat dripped down onto the glass frame. After a while, he pocketed it and reached his hand out to you. "We must leave now. I'm already running late for the unbirthday party. The opening ceremony starts in 3 hours..."
'Curious and curiouser...This is not so bad a dream,' you thought as you intertwined your fingers with his. 'Perhaps I should stay a while.'
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"Hey! Bunny—We really had to go this way?" Ace groaned, holding onto the train of your skirt as to not sully it on the dirt ground.
"It's the quickest way to the castle. You know we can't waste any more time." Trey pressed, directing your group deeper into the woods. 
"Yeah, yeah! You told me that earlier. I just don't get why I gotta follow? That cat-guy dipped the moment we stepped a foot into this place." Ace pouted, kicking a nearby pebble away.
"Oh, is that so? Well then, feel free to go back." Trey scorned, taking the train of your dress away from Ace's hands and grasping it in his own. "It's not like I'm forcing you to come along. Surely that would make you happier?"
"Fine by me!" The ginger scoffed, crossing his arms and proceeding to go the other way.
Rolling his eyes, Trey pressed a hand by your back and continued guiding you through the forest. Only for you to come to a halt, digging your heels to the ground. "Wait."
"Your majesty?" The bunny noticed how your eyes flickered to Ace's retreating form briefly, concern swimming around your bright orbs. 
"Will he be alright? I'm not so sure he even remembers where we came from..." You sighed. "We can't really leave him behind. Especially in this forest, of all places."
Trey stays silent, a warm smile spreading across his cheeks. Ah, so the tales were true. Tales of the Queen's Rose and their never-ending compassion. Hearsay's of how they pardon offenders sent to the dungeon cells or to the pillory of a guillotine.
"Don't worry, your majesty," Trey chuckled. "He'll be crawling after us in a few minutes."
Shaking your head, you grimaced. "If you say so."
"That damn bunny. Makin' me go into this creepy place." Ace seethed through gritted teeth, stomping back from where he came from. "Like hell I'm wasting my time helping that crazy missy."
As he trudged through the dirt pathway, a branch cracked in the far distance and he froze. Fear gripped him in it's grasp as a cool chill seeped into his bones, creeping all the way up to his spine. 
Ahm...was it just him, or was the sky darker now?
Gulping, Ace's eyes darted around the forest. The wind howled and screeched, the tall decaying branches of rotting trees reached out to him like talons, and the gloomy shadows in the distance morphed into twisted, deformed faces.
Yeah, no. He was out.
"O-Oi! Guys, on second thought, a hike is just what I need!" Ace disputes, struggling for breath as he chased after you. "Guys?!"
As Ace skittered after you, he was completely oblivious to the ominous gaze pinned to his back. 
Obscured behind a cluster of trees, a raven, perched atop a log, looked straight at your group with a lidded stare—unblinking and as still as a statue.
Once you were all out of it's sight, the raven spread it's wings and took off into the sky. It soared through the woodlands, fleetly gliding around the large trees of a forest and wide grassy plains before reaching the Queen's domain.
Grey mist and thin fog cut through the streets of the kingdom while a looming feeling of dread permeated through the air. The past few weeks of searching have not been merciful to the people, it seems. Everyone has felt the full effect of the rose's disappearance.
Once the bird reached the territory of the Red Castle, it swoops and dips down to a balcony. The Knave of Knights stood by his desk in his bedroom, reading over letters and declarations from the Queen. Just a few beheadings to schedule here and there, nothing too difficult.
The loud flap of wings drew his attention away from the desk. A leering smirk stretches across his face as he stands and leisurely strolls over to the bird.
"Birdie~ Back so soon? Have you found them?" He purrs, cocking his head. The leather pads of his glove stroke lightly at the crow's head as it squawks a response. "Hmm~? The queen's favorite trio of lunatics is taking her here?"
Chucking, the Knave clasped his hands around his sallet—lazily pulling his helmet off and allowing his ginger hair to cascade down his shoulders. The iron of his cuirassier plate armor glinted under the glare of the sun, refined and battle-scarred though peculiarly lavishly decorated. It seemed to serve more as a fashion statement than actual protection.
"Well then~ Let's go pay Queen Red a visit, lil' Cay-Cay." Cater muses, scratching the side of his cheek.
"Hopefully that rabbit can handle it. It's going to be MY head on the pillory if she doesn't return home safe."
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The doors to the throne-room thrash open, smashing hard against the walls. Servants and soldiers alike startled, groveling in fear as they forced their gaze towards the entryway. In all his full glory, the Red Queen appears, adorned in his usual white dress suit. 
His face was tinted in a deep bloody red, pupils dilated into mere pin-pricks, and thin lips stretched out into a snarl. The wisps of his lashes cast a bold shadow across his plump cheekbones, the brush of scarlet eyeshadow above his eyes intensifying his scornful gaze.
Card soldiers frantically scramble to line up by the pathway as Riddle prowls around the room, his signature cape tossed over his left shoulder, dragging along the floor as he went. Snarling, he points his golden scepter to a soldier standing by the end of the line. "Was it you?!"
"N-No my queen..." 
"You?!" Riddle bellows, swiveling his scepter to point to one of your handmaids this time. Whimpering, she shook like a leaf in her shoes, wringing a washcloth tight in her hands. "I-It w-was not me, my queen."
A sudden movement, on the fringes of his peripheral vision, caught his attention. Turning around, his gaze was drawn to a chef standing near the door. The boy appeared to be no more than fifteen years old. Riddle assumed he was a mere apprentice.
The chef popped his fingers in his mouth, seemingly humming at it's taste. How...odd.
Squinting his eyes, Riddle strides towards the apprentice. He approached the boy, pushing him back until his back was flush against the window's tinted glass panes.
"And how about you...?" Riddle seethes, leaning down close to the chef's face. A wobbly grin presents itself on the boy's lips as he stutters out a greeting. 
"Tsk." Tutting, Riddle places his scepter below the apprentice's chin, flicking the boy's gaze up. His crimson eye darts to the side of the chef's lips where a smidge of jam could be faintly seen. 
"Miscreant." Riddle snarls, dragging the boy forward by his apron. Falling forward, the subject scrapes his skin against the floor—a look of horror seeping onto his face as he kneels before his queen. 
"OFF WITH HIS HEAD." Riddle screams, slamming the bottom of his scepter onto the ground which discharged a burst of magic. A collar manifested itself around the chef's neck, so heavy that it weighed his entire upper body down—making him fall.
Panicking, he writhed around on the ground but could not muster enough strength to bring his head up due to the sheer weight of the restraints.
"No! Please!" Indifferent to the pleads of his victim, Riddle scoffs and struts towards his throne, heels noisily clicking against the marble. Moving swiftly, a pair of soldiers grabbed the offender by his arms, dragging him out of the room. As the screaming crook was taken out, the doors shut close with a resounding bang.
"My apologies for the disturbance." Sighing, Riddle reclines against his throne, cape draped across his shoulder and cascading down to his lap. Grumbling, he pushes his hair back—half-lidded gaze piercing through the crowd before him.
"All of you return to your previous duties." He orders. Though hesitant, gradually, the servants resumed to their previous tasks around the castle, toiling silently as to avoid further aggravating the Red Queen. 
Riddle sighs and sinks onto his throne, rubbing at the scorch in his eyes. The warm beaming light of the sun cascaded down his flushed face as he reflected over his previous actions
Was he too harsh with his punishment? After all, you've always resented the way he dealt with delinquents so...intently.
Riddle sighs, tilting his head back. Perhaps he should have—
A frown etched itself deep onto his cheeks. 
No. That chef deserved every bit of punishment sent his way. It was a general and well-known rule in the castle that no one must consume the tarts baked in preparation for an unbirthday party. Only a fool would forget it. 
"It was justified," He huffs. "I am clearly in the right," Riddle consoles himself. 
Behind the draping crimson curtains of the throne room, a tall figure steps out—adorned in a full suit of armor. The Red Queen glances at the stranger, immediately recognizing the tangerine strands peeking out through the openings of his helmet.
"Knave." Riddle murmurs, addressing Cater with a simple glare. Unfazed, Cater bows with a cheery grin before striding over to the queen's side. Plopping himself onto the arm of the chair, Cater leans down to wrap an arm around Riddle. "Hiya~!"
"That was certainly the performance of a lifetime earlier. It was theatre worthy!" The Knave snickers, eyes sweeping across the room, rejoicing at the horrified looks the servants send him. 
'How dare a mere knave like him act so friendly with the red queen?!' He could already hear their hushed whispers. 'Was he mad?'
'Mayhaps.' Cater chuckles, eyes turning dark.
"Anyhow~! Boy, do I have some good news for you." Cater laughs, mood switching over like a light switch. He pulls off his helmet, fanning his face with his hands. "Man, it's so hot in here. Like—Who installed the ventilation?"
Riddle clicks his tongue, pushing the knave away. "I am in no mood for your shenanigans. Come back some other time."
"Ugh, if you say so." Cater sighs, slipping off the throne and turning his back to the queen. "I guess you don't want to hear about how my little pet found your rose. Toodles!"
"What?" Riddle snaps, pulling Cater back by his arm. "Repeat that at once."
Cater smiles. 
He turns to Riddle with a cold dead look in his eyes. "Ara~? Didn't you say you weren't in the mood? Don't worry. I'll come back later. For now, I'll be on my merry way~"
"Do not test me, knave." Riddle seethes, hands coiling tight around his scepter. Cater hummed, waiting a second or so before responding. 
"Little Cay-Cay found her with the bunny and the tweedle duo. They were trekking through the forest." He rasps, toying with the half painted rose brooch on Riddle's suit pocket. "I think that little baker bunny of yours is escorting her here."
"Find them." Riddle growls, baring his teeth. Cater blinked languidly, confusion written all over his features. "Why would I do that? Like I said, they're already bringing her here—"
"I said find them!" The red queen snaps, slamming his fist down onto the arm of his throne. Cater stares at him with a passive expression, unmoving and watching Riddle's every movement carefully.
Well, this certainly ruined his plans. What a travesty.
"As you wish..." He kneels, slipping his helmet back onto his head. "...your majesty." 
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Despite the initial creepiness, it was quite nice to take a walk in the forest. 
Owls hooted and birds chirped in the darkness as golden-orange leaves fluttered in the wind. The soft cool breeze occasionally reached out to caress your cheeks. Nature was at pure harmony with each other here, melting into a single combined melody that provided your group with peaceful ambience.
"The gates are just up ahead. It'll lead us directly to the castle grounds." Trey divulged, tilting his head towards a distant outline of a castle. 
You took a deep breath and took in the crisp woodland air, letting it fill your lungs before exhaling it out. The anticipation of what was to come made your hands clammer as a wave of nervousness washed over you.
"Hi~! Oh, Miss Majesty!" The clippety-clop of hooves made its way towards you. Seated on a gigantic beauty of a black stallion, a rider halted before you. 
"Oh! U-Um..." Gasping, you gathered your skirt and stumbled back. Tilting your head up, you gazed up at the stranger, "Ah...are you some kind of royal guard?"
The mysterious armor-clad rider laughs, shaking his head. "Hmm...close to that! Actually, I'm a knave!" 
"The name is Cater Diamond. At your service." Cater bowed. His horse too mimicked his actions as it bent a knee and curtseyed before you. Giggling, you raised a hand to gently pet at the stallion's mane. It seemed to revel in the gesture as it relaxed and huffed in satisfaction.  
"Ah. Cater, I-I didn't expect to see you here." Trey fiddled with his glasses, a ruminative look on his face. The chef kept himself guarded, stepping a few feet away. Cater side-eyed him, smiling ominously. "Hiyaa~ Trey! Nice to see you and your little tweedle boys."
Deuce and Ace frowned, glaring at the smug aristocrat. Folding his arms over his chest, Trey sighed. "Yeah...nice to see you." 
"Mhm~ Now!" Cater clapped his hands. "While I really do appreciate you bringing our Miss Majesty back to the kingdom...I do believe there's an unbirthday party coming up? Well, it would be best if you commoners—Ah, excuse me—participants went ahead and started preparing."
All three had the same smoldering frown branded onto their faces. They were clearly irked at the not-so-subtle dig Cater sent their way. It’s becoming a bit of a ritual: every time the knave would meet any of them there was always some snarky comment sitting on the tip of his tongue.
"I dunno' if you're blind or anythin', but we're kinda busy." Ace scoffed, tilting his head over to you. "She still has to get into that castle." 
"Ah, about that! Don't worry~ I'll take things over and bring the rose to the castle." Cater grins at you, patting down his horse. "Miss Majesty, wouldn't you prefer riding a great stallion instead of...how horrifying...walking?"
"Oh, I really don't mind walking. I think I'll just—"
"Great!" Before you could finish your sentence, Cater leans down and wraps a firm steady arm around your bottom. You flinch, pushing your hands against his shoulders. "H-Hey!"
"Easy now, Miss Majesty." He hoists you up onto his horse, securely placing you atop the saddle. The train of your dress was now bunched up by your hips as you sat sideways on the stallion. 
"You're so relentless." You huff, smacking Cater's iron clad chest. Only to end up regretting it when your palm started to throb from the impact. Hissing, you drew your hand back.
What a surprise. Who knew hitting someone decked in full armor wasn't a good idea?
“It would be unrefined for me to leave her with someone—someone like you!” Trey bristles, dashing over to pull you off the horse but Cater was quick to shove him away.
“Oh, please, bunny. I insist,” Cater replies firmly. “You're a busy man, Trey. I—of all people—know the importance of keeping a well-ordered schedule and you know fully well how Queen Rosehearts hates being off schedule."
Trey stays silent, keeping his gaze glued to his feet.
Grinning wryly, Cater starts guiding his horse in the direction of the castle. "Well, then~ Toodles! We'll see you three at the party."
With a whip of his reins, both of you were off.
In haste, you turned your head around, bidding adieu to the trio as they waved back.
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The journey to the castle was fairly long, yet you found yourself enjoying the sights and bustle of the city blurring past you while the people greeted you with robust gaiety and mirth.
When the clouds parted to reveal the sun, you noticed that your eyes stung as you peered up at the strangely pink sky. It wasn't the intense brightness of the sky; rather, it had a shade that brought back memories of late afternoons spent in Heartslabyul, petting pink flamingos while lying on the grass with Riddle's head on your lap.
Following unbirthday celebrations, it was routine for you two to relax while just enjoying each other's company.
Ah, that's right...the unbirthday party. In fact, now that you think about it, there was an unbirthday planned in your "reality" as well. It was the day after today, and the entire dorm was overrun with work.
A painful sting crept up your heart as you remembered the events that transpired earlier. Oh, you must have ruined Riddle's preparations...no wonder he was so livid.
The horse slowed to a stop as you reached the entryway of the castle. It was in essence of a Victorian design. With its mosaic of red cobblestone and brick, it stood there—tall and bold, as though conjured from a child's fairytale.
Cater slipped off his horse and held out a hand for you to take. "Shall we? Ah, but, you do know that your presence is mandatory at an unbirthday party?"
"Yes, I do. We shall." You smile and take his hand as he carries you off the horse, setting you down onto the ground. The knave led you to the back of the castle, where a garden—or, more accurately, a yard—was at.
A big rose-tree at the entryway drew your attention. The roses growing on it were white, but there were two gardeners at it, busily painting them red.
"How curious..." You mutter. "It's just like back in Heartslabyul..."
"Pardon? What was that, your majesty?" Cater questioned, a brow raised. You shook your head, faking a cough. "Ah—Erm—Nevermind that it was just a slip of tongue."
"Oh. Alright..." He regarded you with a skeptical look. "Well then. I'll leave you to it. I have to go fetch Queen Rosehearts."
"Do enjoy the party." With a final bow, Cater strode away, leaving you alone.
The party was bustling and filled with patricians dressed in colorful, silky lavish garbs and glimmering jewels. The majority of the men and women were dressed considerably more extravagantly than you. It was a charming small extravaganza that everyone seemed to enjoy.
They were all huddled around by a grand large banquet table, but you weren't interested in that at all.
Among the guests, you recognized Trey. He appeared to be speaking to a card soldier in a hasty, anxious manner, smiling at everything the soldier said and passing you by unnoticed. The bunny was clearly preoccupied; you decided to leave him be this time.
You turned back to the gardeners painting the rosebushes. What a very curious thing...and you went nearer to watch them.
Just as you came up to them, one of them nearly splashed you with a dash of paint. You pulled your skirt out of the way, narrowly missing a drop of red. "Oh, my!"
"Oi! Look out, Deuce! Don’t go splashing paint over like that!" You peered up at the gardeners, noticing two familiar faces.
Ace and Deuce were engaged in a heated argument, flinging their brushes and buckets around.
“I couldn’t help it! You jogged my elbow!" Deuce snarled, throwing his brush at Ace. Screeching, the ginger dodged it. "Oh yeah! That’s right, Deuce! Always lay the blame on others!”
Deuce flung down his paintbucket, and had just begun to roll his sleeves up "Say that again—” when his eye chanced to fall upon you. As you stood watching them, he checked himself suddenly. Ace looked round also, and both of them quickly bowed low. "Your majesty!"
"You know. You ought to stop fighting if you want to get this done," you mused. "Queen Rosehearts is coming, boys. Make sure to get that done or it's—"
You swiped your finger across your neck, hinting at what was to happen if the two didn't straighten up. "Off with your head."
The tweedle duo visibly tensed up. "Yes, your majesty!" They shouted, rushing back to paint the unblemished white roses. At this moment, Trey, who had been anxiously looking across the garden, called out: “The Queen is here!"
The people gathered by the entryway, and you looked round, eager to see your Queen. Murmurs and whispers spread through the crowd as the procession started.
First came a crowd of card soldiers, decked in military uniforms that were reminiscent of Heartslabyul's dorm uniforms. Then followed the Knave of Hearts, Cater was seated atop his horse, head stuck up high in the air. As he waltzed by, you could hear the murmurs and giggles of young women and men around you. Smiling, you shook your head as he winked at a flustered servantboy. 'What a charmer...'
Last of all, the trumpets blared an ear-piercing blow as the highlight of this grand procession came.
"His Imperial Majesty, His grace, His excellency, His Royal Majesty...The Red Queen, Riddle Rosehearts!"
The people round you bowed down yet you were rather doubtful whether you ought to lie down like them or approach the procession. So you stood still where you were, and waited. When the procession came by you, they all halted.
A moment of pure silence envelops the scene. Everyone in the garden gawked at you, placing you in a spotlight. A bashful smile came upon your face as you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "Hi..?"
"Rose." Riddle muttered, shock radiating from his entire being. The scepter he'd been carrying was discarded on the floor carelessly as he surged towards you, dragging you into his arms. Gasping, you eagerly sank into his embrace as the surrounding crowd erupted in cheers. Riddle drew back and pressed his lips heatedly against yours, making you feel faint.
My, the Riddle in this world was certainly much more forward than the one in yours.
"Oh, my dear." Riddle swoons, raising your hands and pressing his lips against your knuckles. "Dearest, I've been worried sick. I thought you'd gone forever."
Heart melting, you whispered, "Well, I'm here now.", and traced the side of his face.
Riddle leaned against your touch; He tucked his arm affectionately into yours and pulled you in to join the procession.
As you soon noticed, you were walking by Trey, who was peeping anxiously at a paper.
"Hello, Trey" You greeted. "—where’s Che'nya?"
“Hush!” He said in a low, hurried tone. He looked anxiously over at Riddle who was preoccupied with adjusting the large bow to your dress. Trey leaned over, putting his mouth close to your ear as he whispered "Che'nya is under sentence of execution."
“What for?” You hushed, eyes wide as a plate. Trey opened his mouth to speak but before he could—you were pulled off into the croquet grounds by Riddle.
"What a lovely day for croquet. Don't you think, rose?" Riddle smiled, pressing his lips against your knuckles once more. He pulled you forward, chest flush against yours as his hands rest against your hips. Stammering, your cheeks burned up at his bold affections. "O-Oh! Yes! Very much! Though I don't know if I have the energy for a game right now."
"Alright then. Feel free to rest a while." Riddle seats you down a round table filled with pastries. Riddle discards his cape, revealing the handsome the 3-piece suit he had underneath.
The queen plucks a rose from a nearby bush and nips away its thorns. He presses a fleeting kiss against your lips whilst threading the rose into your hair. "Stay here, dearest. I'll be back."
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Well...the croquet game wasn't going so well. The players all played at once without waiting for turns, overeager to get Riddle's attention. They quarreled all the while and ran around scrambling for the hedgehogs and flamingos.
It was complete anarchy.
The very thing Riddle hated.
In a very short time the Queen was in a furious passion, and went shouting “Off with his head!” or “Off with her head!” roughly once every minute. You become overwhelmed in the midst of this mayhem and fled to the safety of the banquet table. There weren't many individuals present. Only a few people lingered and loitered around.
Pouring yourself tea, a hand suddenly wraps around yours as purple mists surrounds you. A second later, a grin appears. "Hello, your majesty."
"Che'nya!" Now fully visible, the cat stops smoking his hookah and blows smoke in your face. "We meet again."
Coughing, you swat the smoke away. "Ufh— Y-Yes! How are you?! I heard you were sentenced to be executed!"
"Oh yes," Che'nya yawned, resting his head atop the banquet table. "I escaped the guards. Queen Rosehearts didn't like it when I took his crown."
"You took his crown?!" You screamed out a little laugh and Che'nya grinned madly. "Yes~ Oh, you should've seen his face when he realized it was missing! It was like a strawberry about to explode! Ah—but you seem quite down. What is the matter?"
“It's the croquette game,” You began, in rather a complaining tone, “Everyone is quarrelling so dreadfully and Riddle's temper has exploded again.”
“Hmmm. Tell me, how do you tolerate the Queen?” said the Cat in a low voice. "Seeing that you're married to him and all, silly girl."
“Well, tolerate is a mean word. He's not all that bad,” You soothed, fiddling with the rose in your hair: "I think you’d take a fancy to him if you could only see just how caring he is."
"People will always look at their lovers with a love-tinted gaze." Che'nya purrs, leaning his head atop yours. "Prime example being you, silly girl~"
"How dare you speak to her that way."
Just then you noticed that Riddle was close behind you, listening. Jolting, you moved away from the cat and accidentally dropped your tea cup. The piece of china clattered to the ground, spilling its contents all over the green grass. Paying no mind to the mess, the queen pulled you towards him, protectively shielding you from the cat.
"I remember you. You're the thief. Tell me, how did you manage to worm your way in here?" Riddle pointedly snaps. "I'll have you know this breaks a rule in the—"
“A cat may look at a king,” interrupts Che'nya, smoking his hookah. "That is the only rule I've bothered to remember and I’ve read that in some rulebook, but I don’t remember which one. There's so many dreadful rules. How do you manage to memorize it all? Ah—apologies—I forget that you have such a big head."
With every passing comment from the cat, Riddle's fury simmered and grew anew. The cat looked up at the royal with a wide grin.
"You are brilliant and astute," he slurred, while Riddle neither acknowledged nor protested the remark. "Yet you are a tyrant and that rose of yours is a willing little sheep."
A deafening silence soon followed. The shock locked Riddle's bones together; a coldness seeping into his bones, making his skin feel akin to ice as his chest filled with hostility and ire. You felt a muscle underneath your throat tighten, but you gave both men a quick nervous smile and nudged Riddle to the side. "O-Oh darling, let's go somewhere else. Maybe you'd like to sit down? I-It's so hot and—"
"Sheep? A sheep you say?" Riddle barks, his hands clenched into fists—trembling at his sides. You wanted to calm him, but did not have the opportunity to do so as his voice cut through the thick tension in the air.
"Why it would be the very height of your arrogance to presume." Riddle seethes, pointing his scepter at the cat. The queen's eyes glowed an immense red, magical energy swirling around him. "As punishment for your crimes...it's off with your head. I'm going to tear your head off with my bare hands if I have to."
"You can try~" Che'nya grinned.
The Cheshire cat lunged towards Riddle, tossing the queen's scepter away. It all moved so quickly that your eye could barely follow the sudden shift of repressed anger to outright violence.
They had gone down to the grass together, knocking the banquet table over, spilling the pastries and tea to the ground. Riddle sagged him by the shoulders, fist smashing against the cat's face. Che'nya's lip had split, and drops of blood fell onto the lawn like the strawberry jam of smashed tarts. 
In the midst of the fight, a glimmering object in Che'nya's hands caught your eye. You saw him grab a stray knife, pastel blue frosting still spread on it, and the sight of it shocked you into action.
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"NO!" You scream, half of fright and half of anger, and kicked your legs around. Startling yourself awake in a fit, you found yourself lying on top of a clinic bed, limbs soaked in sweat—the smell of alcohol and anti-septics sobering you up. "Wh-What?"
All of a sudden, warm hands cupped your damp cheeks. You met Riddle's worried gaze as he wiped your tears away. The dorm leader slipped into the chair next to your bed, pushing you to lie down. "It's just a nightmare, dearest."
Your gaze flitted around the room, stopping once you saw something shimmering on your bedside table. The tiara was discarded to your side; Its once luminous blue gem was now gone, leaving an empty space in its wake. Looking down, you found yourself in your paint-stained uniform, skin feeling awfully crusty from the dry paint.
'It was just a dream...?' you ponder.
"What's the matter? Please tell me what's wrong." Riddle fussed over your disheveled appearance. Your face perspired with sweat and your hair was a tumble about your shoulders; He combed it with his fingers, careful to not pull at any tangles and knots. "Rose? Dearest? Are you alright?"
No, you wanted to say. It was hard to breathe, and there was a thick, unpleasant feeling weighing down your heart. It made your head spin. Riddle ran a hand up and down your back as you took a deep, shaky breath, trying to reorient yourself. Despite the apprehension in your chest, you gave a single nod to your worried lover. "Yes. I'm just shaken up."
"Everythings fine." You force out. Though, you’re really saying it to yourself. You can't stop the aching in your chest and you surely can't silence the echo of his ruthless words replaying in your mind.
"Oh, dearest." Riddle murmured, his heart breaking.
The redhead slips in bed with you, dragging you in the comfort and safety of his arms. He sighs in relief when you don't push him away, instead scooting over to press against him. The smell of his cologne invades your senses, grounding you as he rests his head against yours. "I am so sorry. I have been too hard on you."
"When Ace found you passed out in the forest, I was beside myself with anguish...." Guilt washed over his face. The dorm leader had no use for pride, not now when you were in this condition. He hopes that his apology, meager though it has been, will be enough.
"Had-Had I known you were sick, I wouldn't have been so—I deeply apologize. I should not have let my anger get the best of me. I was a fool to get so heated over something as simple as spilled paint. I hadn't even checked if you were alright." Riddle mutters.
"I'm sorry too. Though, I'm just glad it's over." You breathed out, resting against his chest. Then you regarded him with a pointed stare. "Humph. You have to make it up to me, though."
"Of course. Thank you, rose." Riddle hesitates for a moment and then, brazenly, leans forward and gives you a quick peck on the lips.
“Oh! How bold~” You tease with a wry grin, giggling madly like a Victorian lady who just held hands with her lover for the very first time. Riddle flushes, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. Shaking his head, he composes himself, coughing into the sleeve of his shirt. "Am I not allowed to show you affection?"
"Oh no, I adore it." Chuckling, you reached out your hand, and Riddle eagerly took it. He pressed his lips against your forehead as you stared out the window in front of you.
While the sun sank, the sky was tinged with bleeding reds and violets. You spent the next several minutes wondering whether what you'd just witnessed was truly a 'dream' when you saw a strange appearance in the air. That baffled you at first, but after observing it for a minute or two, you realized it was a sharp toothed-grin.
Sitting on a bough of a tree a few yards off was Che'nya. When he smoked his hookah and blew smoke about himself, a purple magical mist encircled him. The Cheshire cat grinned at you with a split lip before fading away.
How curious.
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꒰ ♡🧷: this is a series! to be tagged, comment here. if you want to be tagged for ALL of my works, comment here
@keedas @spadecentral @crypticbibliophile @pastellepastary @cassidycampfire @cocomollo @poisonioushearts @kawaiipotatoghost @ramvuda @sweeneyblue1 @the-lost-anime-dad@kyraxiyn @mayaaaeo  @tbhyknow  @eeveelutiontrainerr  @jelsah27 @as-the-moon-blooms  @bonleyweeb @ch0c0shortiie @unspokenlly
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acewithapaintbrush · 1 year
"My dad has the hots for your dad!"
Amity can only stare as Hunter slams his hands down on the table she is working at. He glares at her with narrow eyes and a mouth pressed firmly into a thin line. The perfect picture of determination and confidence. 
"What. Did you just say?" 
He immediately deflates at her pointed and icy tone. His hands leave her table and fidget with his overalls and hair instead while he squirms from side to side, eyes averted and cheeks blushing. 
"I-uhm. I read that in one of Mama Camila's books. It- well, I mean, it means-" 
Amity cuts him off. "I know what it means. Didn't Camila forbid you from reading them?" 
Them being the small paperbacks with the half naked humans on the front. Usually a woman in distress with a very well built male, rescuing her from certain doom with wet hair and big abs. The first time Camila had caught Hunter reading one of them she'd almost burst a blood vessel and ripped it right out of his hands. 
"Nonononono," she had chanted and hugged a perplexed Hunter to her chest, carding a hand through his hair. "Those books are way too spicy for an innocent, cute boy like you!" 
Hunter huffs and puffs. "I'm an adult. She can't tell me what to read." At Amity's raised eyebrow he mutters "And she didn't find the one hidden under my mattress." 
He shakes his head and takes her shoulders to shake her a little. She allows it, 'cause she can see how agitated he is. "But that's not the point! Darius has… he likes your dad. As in like-like! And we gotta figure out how we feel about that." 
Amity thinks about Darius. The dashing rebel, who had been pulling the strings of an uprising in the shadows from the start. A headstrong abomination user. He would definitely be a big step up from Odalia, that's for sure. 
She imagines Darius as her father's new partner and discovers that she is more than okay with that. 
Amity is not naive. She knows her father needs a headstrong partner at his side, someone who is not afraid to take the reins in a relationship. Not like Odalia, who's taken that to mean that she should micromanage every facet of his life and turn him into someone he is not, but someone who reminds her father to eat and to leave work alone every once in a while. 
"I approve." Amity says and seeing Hunter's desolate expression narrows her eyes. "You got a problem with my dad?" 
"What?" Hunter lets her shoulders go as if they have burned him. "No, of course not! He's super cool! I just… Arrrrrg!" He rapidly runs his hands through his hair. "I just don't know if I can handle a second parental figure!"
He starts walking up and down in front of her, Waffles flying after him with happy little trills. "Things with Darius are good right now. He told me to call him Dad and it's… It's yeah, you know? But it's also a bit awkward sometimes, you know? The only father figure I ever had before… Well. And we are still trying to find our rhythm, you know? How am I supposed to deal with another parent right now?"
"Hunter!" Amity has to shout to get him to stop. She can't believe she is having this conversation right now. "Hunter. You do know that you have like, four parental adults in your life. Don't you?" 
He blinks at her and his blank face tells her everything she needs to know. She wants to face-palm so bad right now. "What?" 
Amity starts counting on her hand. "You call Camila Mama Camila." 
"Wha- But that's just-", he splutters. Amity talks right over him. 
"Eda calls you her Fledgling at least once a week and she and Raine are kinda a packaged deal. Grandma and Grandpa Clawthorne call you son so often, I don't even know if they know your real name. Every time Lilith fusses over your scars she mutters 'my poor boy' under her breath. And let's not forget Willow's parents who took one look at you and had the adoption papers ready." Amity looks at her hands, which have barely been enough to count on. "Oh look at that. Not four but eight, actually."
Hunter looks gobsmacked and not a little teary eyed. Amity pats his shoulders, just a little relieved that he has apparently forgotten about their parents budding romance over this new revelation. She'd rather not get involved in that for as long as possible. 
"Face it, Hunter. You are pretty much public son number one at this point." 
There is no reason for this except that I had the image of hunter saying "my dad has the hots for your dad" and me running with it
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madridfangirl · 17 days
Star crossed lovers (Jude Bellingham fic)
Chapter 10
(Series Link)
Jude * female reader. Mature Language in parts.
Synopsis: A chance encounter in a tiny Madrid cafe with the newest superstar of her fav club. The two couldn't be more different, yet both feel the pull toward the other. Would this girl be the one he finally falls for? Or would life come in the way of these star-crossed lovers?
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Jude was coming back from the international break today. England had qualified for the Euros, with matches to spare. And he had been the shining star of both the games. Scoring a goal and winning a penalty.
Ananya was so proud of him. But ten days apart felt like forever this time. They spoke everyday, sometimes twice a day, and exchanged messages throughout. It just wasn’t enough though, and she couldn’t wait to reunite with him.
Jude came straight to her apartment from the airport, lifted her by her waist & swung her around like a madman. Legs bumping into the furniture of the living room. She giggled away merrily, while trying to keep them from tumbling over.
‘Easy there, tiger.’
His eyes glinted with mischief.
‘Ooh do I finally get a nickname?’
‘Maybe. You like it?’
He nodded eagerly, & she kissed his nose.
‘Okay then. Dinner is ready, tiger.’
‘Are you on the menu? Coz I’d rather have you.’
‘Maybe for dessert.’
She winked as she untangled herself from his hold. While he stared after her, replaying what she had said & the way she said it. Something had been different about her lately & he was loving every bit of it.
‘Oh my god you are backkk.’
Roma emerged from her room and Jude pulled her into a bearhug too.
‘Gosh you rocked in both the games.’
‘I know right?’
He shrugged smugly and both the girls rolled their eyes at him.
‘So the modesty is only for the cameras, is it?’
Roma quipped, and Ananya chuckled from where she was setting the table.
‘Now don’t gang up on me, you two. It’s my day. Heck its my week.’
‘When is it not?’
The girls said together, looked at each other & burst out laughing. Jude pouted for a second, but joined in the banter later, sitting next to Ananya on the table. His palm never left her thigh throughout dinner.
She had cooked his favourite pasta. Exactly how he liked it. The way his mom made it. 
He leaned over & kissed her cheek, earning a sweet smile. Jude loved it when she remembered the little things & spoiled him like that.
Conversation flowed easily between the three of them, as always. Jude spoke about the new tiny Italian town he discovered where they had their camp, and the girls made plan to visit there. Roma joked about the posters the Italian fangirls carried in the match, saying ‘Marry me Jude’ or ‘Be my boyfriend’. The cameraman had some fun with it, popping it on the screen a few times. Some of the players on the field had noticed it too, & it had become quite a joke in the post match pressers as well.
Jude smiled sheepishly, while looking at Ananya from the corner of his eye.
‘Yeah, some of them came to our hotel too.’
‘Excuse me?’
Ananya’s head whipped in his direction, while Roma wondered if she had opened a pandora’s box.
‘Honest, they did. Just wanted some photos & merch. Then we hung out for a bit.’
‘Define we.’
‘Me & them. And some other lads.’
‘This is not funny.’
‘Wanna see some photos?’
Ananya just stared at him, and he lost the will to carry on the charade.
‘Jeez I left, dove. I just clicked some pics and left. Though I think the girls weren’t too happy about that; lads told me later, honest.’
The smugness & cockiness was on full show. Coupled with a dashing smile.
‘Such a heartbreaker, aren’t you?’
‘Like you aren’t one.’
Roma mutterred from her seat, sipping her third glass of wine, only realising the slip up when she felt the full force of Ananya’s glare.
Jude looked between the two, trying to decipher their code language. Failing miserably.
‘What’s going on, girls?’
‘Just had too many of these, should stop now.’
‘Yes. Yes you should.’
Ananya said pointedly. Roma took her leave soon after. She was supposed to go to a house party though something about the moment felt odd. But Jude was too happy tonight, so he let it go.
He grabbed her waist from behind as Ananya was clearing the table.
‘How about my dessert now?’
His mouth started trailing down her neck & shoulder as he pushed her towards the bedroom.
‘There is choco-fudge brownie in the fridge, your fav.’
She really had gone all out for him today. His lips curved into a smile against the crook of her neck.
‘Can I eat it off you?’
Before she could even process his words, he sat on the edge of the bed & pulled her into his lap, her legs straddling his thighs.
His hot mouth was on hers in a flash, & she forgot her last lucid thought, losing herself in his frenzy.
His hungry, sloppy kisses left a wet trail all over her face, neck & exposed cleavage.
‘Oh I missed you. All of you.’
His hands moved under her butt, kneading them with force, making her yelp into his mouth.
‘Did you miss me? Miss this?’
She threw her head back as he bit along her jaw. Everything about their intimacy hit deeper today. Like their bodies knew they were at a pivotal juncture.
‘Yes. So much, Jude.’
It was true. She had missed his touch like hell, feeling empty & starved without it.
Her breathless response spurred him no end. His large, warm hand slid up her fitted top, cupping one of her breasts. 
This was unchartered territory between them. Her eyes flew open instantly, & met his dark, hooded ones. He held her gaze, squeezed harder, making her mewl & tremble in his arms.
‘I thought about these babies every night. Touched myself thinking about doing this.’
His fingers circled the centre of her clothed boob, finding the nipple & rolling it with intent. In no mood to stop. The continued assault made her fall forward, clutching his shoulders.
Tonight was supposed to be the night where she told him she was ready for more. Ready to be fully his. The longing she felt while he was away made her see it even more clearly. 
She had planned this to the T - his fav meal & dessert, his fav fitted top on her, his fav lip-colour on her, leaving her hair open the way he liked, keeping the apartment to themselves tonight. She had spent hours in the salon too, wanting to look pretty for him. She knew he noticed & appreciated these things, & cleaned up well himself for date-nights. 
But she was fast losing control of the situation. He was taking over, with his hot & frenzied moves, dragging her along. Did he read her mind or her mood? Or was he in a mood of his own? She couldn’t tell. But his touch felt firmer tonight, his gaze more intense, filled with purpose. The spark between them more charged.
Her body was responding to him fully, but her conscience kept messing with her head. She had to tell him. Now. Before anything happened. He had the right to know. 
But does it even matter? It’s inconsequential. Why bring it up now?
She tried to debate with her conscience but it was a losing battle. It won’t be inconsequential to him. And if the roles were reversed, she would most definitely want to know this. The start of something special between them could not be done with a heavy conscience.
Her voice was barely a whisper. He was too occupied with her curves to register that. She spoke louder.
He looked up, his hands still continuing his ministrations.
‘I need to tell you something.’
His pleading puppy eyes tried to sway her, but she knew it was the right thing to do. 
Ananya gave him a few moments to compose himself. His hands came down to loosely wrap around her waist, and hers cupped his cheeks. Still in his lap, straddling him.
Jude searched her face, a sudden unsettling dread buildingin the pit of his stomach. He could tell something was coming, something unpleasant. 
She decided to let it out quickly, like ripping off a band-aid.
‘Remember our office party last Friday, the one where we all dressed up in ethnic wear?’
He already didn’t like the direction where it was going.
Ananya looked down, unable to meet his eyes for this, feeling a weird sense of guilt.
‘That night, Arjun proposed to me. I didn’t see it coming but you were right about this. About him. I-I thought you should know.’
Jude was still as a rock. He didn’t move. He didn’t flinch. She looked up to his face. It had gone cold. No expression. His eyes were shut - as if wanting to process this in some privacy.
Slowly, his arms dropped from around her, gripping the edge of the bed. Leaving her feeling empty.
She desperately wanted to pepper kisses all over his face, to make him look at her, to show him how none of it meant anything, but she wasn’t sure if any intimate touch would be welcome right now.
So she just stroked his face slowly with her fingers, waiting for him to open his eyes. He did open them, but looked behind her, almost through her.
‘How did it happen?’
His voice was cold, distant. Unfamiliar.
‘I..I don’t understand your question.’
‘When he PROPOSED to you, what did he do? What did he say?’
Her face contorted in discomfort, unable to understand why he wanted these images in his head.
‘We were dancing together and..’
‘You were dancing with him?’
His voice & tone were even but she knew his emotions were anything but that.
‘No. We were all dancing individually, but in a group. 5-6 of us. He was next to me, said he wanted to talk to me, we stepped aside and then he….then he….’
She looked at him pleadingly, to stop this torture, but he wasn’t in the mood to show any mercy right now. Defeated, she continued. 
‘He said I was looking beautiful in that sari & that he….has had feelings for me…for a while. And if I’d like to go on a drive with him.’
‘A drive? Sure, that’s all he wanted that night.’
Jude scoffed mockingly. Unable to shake the image of that leech checking her out, wanting to whisk her away to put his hands on her. 
Facing Jude seemed like such a difficult task suddenly for Ananya. Maybe coz his eyes were screaming bloody murder. And her own conscience kept making her feel like she had wronged him somehow. But she hadn’t. How was this her fault?
‘What did you say?’
Her whole body jerked at his question. He really needed to ask?
‘I-I obviously said no, Jude. Told him I’m not in the right headspace for a relationship, just wanna focus on my work.’
His accusing glare again bore a hole through her, as if this was the wrong response too. As if he expected her to say something else. But they had discussed this before. He knew this is what she was telling people.
She could tell how hard he was trying to keep a lid on his agitation, for her sake. How hard his hands were gripping the edge of the bed, knuckles going white. A volcano simmering inside him, ready to erupt any moment. 
Wanting to comfort him, she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly, wrapping her legs around his waist, kissing the side of his face. His hands didn’t move from the bed. 
‘Why was I not told immediately?’
‘You were away, baby.’
‘We spoke twice everyday. This was 7 days ago. Why didn’t you tell me that night itself?
‘You were playing Italy next day.’
‘So how could I tell you something that would mess with your mind? When I knew how important that match was and how hard you were training for it? How could I be the reason to meddle with that? I know football comes first for you.’
‘Oh don’t you throw that in my face. Don’t use that against me. Football coming first doesn’t mean I should be kept in the dark about other important things.’
‘Kept in the dark? I am telling you the first time we are meeting in person after that. How is that keeping you in the dark?’
He wasn’t the only one agitated now. Her guilt had made way for a fair bit of irritation. Everything seemed to be blowing up in her face, despite her best efforts to make the right call for everyone. 
‘Would you have told me if Roma hadn’t blurted it out?’
Jude had finally put two & two together on the heartbreaker comment. He understood that exchange now, and why Roma left so quickly after that.
‘Do you seriously believe I would have kept this from you?’
Her voice was small now, filled with hurt.
‘I don’t know. I never thought you of all people would ever hide something like this from me for so long, but you did. So now I don’t know anymore.’
He said honestly. Matter of factly. She was supposed to be different. Jude didn’t think there was an iota of deception in her. So how could she talk to him the whole week & pretend everything was ok? 
It hit her like a truck. Because she could see it was coming from his heart. And she knew he didn’t use any filters in his closed circles. 
She clutched his shirt tightly, trying to shake him. It didn’t make a dent. 
‘Jude, please, look at me. It meant nothing. It means nothing. It’s done. I genuinely thought it was the best thing to do, I couldn’t bear it impacting your performance. That’s the only reason I delayed telling you. There is nothing more to it. Please, try to look at it from my POV.’
Jude laughed a dry little laugh, which sounded almost cruel to her.
‘Your POV? Ok, let’s do that. How would you have reacted if the situation was reversed? If I had kept something like that from you.’
She was stumped. Unable to come up with a response that could further her case.
‘You would have been out of that door by now. I would have gotten zero benefit of the doubt. Guilty on sight.’
She looked down at her hands. Coz he was right. She would take taken this badly. 
‘Because you are you - above any reproach. And I am me, the quintessential slut. Right?’
Ananya shook her head in pain, covering his mouth with her palm.
‘Don’t say that, baby. Please, I can’t.’
She reached out to caress his cheeks but he flinched. The rejection felt worse than a slap in the face.
‘I should leave.’
Jude muttered in a cold voice, almost to himself, as he lifted her out of his lap, placing her on the bed.
She felt numb. Shocked at the turn of events. Broken with the hurt in his voice. 
Coming to life only when he tried to get up.
She clutched his elbow with both hands, placing her head on his shoulder. 
‘Stay. Please. Don’t leave me like this.’
Jude sighed audibly, looking at her trembling form. Fighting every bone in his body that was yearning to hold her. Comfort her.
‘It’s for the best, Ananya.’
She clutched him tighter. Her own name never sounded so foul, so bitter to her. She had gotten so used to his terms of endearment. 
‘I’ll do something, or say something I’ll regret. It’s best I leave right now.’
How did things come to this? What was this game god was playing with her? How did she hurt this precious man so much that he couldn’t bear being in her company? Couldn’t bear looking at her face without flinching? Why did it have to happen now, when she was ready to give her all to him? 
No, she couldn’t let him go like this. She wouldn’t. 
‘Say what you have to say. Don’t bottle it in. It’d be worse.’
‘You won’t be able to handle it, Ananya.’
The cold & mocking tone was back. There was only one way to get it all out of him now. Confrontation.
‘Don’t patronise me. I am a big girl.’
His head whipped in her direction. 
‘What did you say?’
‘You heard me.’
She could see her provocation had had the desired effect. Jude jerked his arm away from her hold and paced around the room.
‘Oh you are quite something, aren’t you? You refuse to listen to reason. You refuse to admit you are wrong. And I am patronising? Jesus fucking Christ what a joke.’
His tone was cutting through her but she needed to get this out of him. Else they would fall into a bottomless pit of misunderstanding.
‘That fucker - I told you from day one. I told you he wanted you. But no, you didn’t listen. Coz you think you are smarter than me. Well in many things you are. But it some things I know better. Especially when it comes to men. I am one of those men. I know what guys want when they look at girls a certain way. But you were too stubborn to admit it. You made it a matter of your independence, like I was trying to dictate your life, to control you, by asking you to stay away from  that leech. You took his calls in the middle of the night, let him bring coffee for you, calling it all harmless, when I told you repeatedly it wasn’t. YOU LET HIM THINK HE HAD A SHOT, ANANYA. When you knew, you knew I hated his guts.’
He lifted her by her upper arms, making her stand in front of him.
‘He didn’t just want to take you on a drive, he wanted to fuck your brains out. To rip that sari off of you. When it should have been me. Only me. To get to picture you like that. To get to do that to you. Just me.’
He pulled her closer for a rough kiss, pouring his frustration into her mouth. When she started moving her lips to his tune, he broke the kiss abruptly.
‘Makes me wonder if you want him as your side-squeeze.’
She choked out, still reeling from his kiss.
‘Makes sense, doesn’t it? Why you always defend him. Why you took this week to maybe think about his proposal, before telling me. What is he, a safety net? If things don’t work out between us? Is that why you have been keeping me away, not letting me have you?’
She stared at him in disbelief. Debating whether or not to really slap him - anything to get him out of this madness spree he was on.
‘You are out of YOUR FUCKING MIND if you think like that.’
‘Oh really..’
‘SHUT UP. You idiot. Fine I fucked up by not telling you sooner. But if you, even for a moment, believe that I want anyone else but you, then you are an even bigger dimwit than I thought. And then you say you can tell these things. Can you not see how I look at you? How you make me feel? The effect you have on me, CAN YOU NOT SEE ANY OF IT?’
Jude was quiet now, this rant had been unexpected. She found herself unable to stop. Grabbing the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer.
‘I spent days trying to make today perfect. Your fav meal, your fav music, and all of this.’
She pointed to herself, head to toe. All the effort she had made to doll up for him.
‘And this.’
She grabbed a paper bag from her dresser and shoved it in his arms. He looked inside, finding an RM jersey. HIS jersey. HIS name. HIS number. Something he had always wanted to see on her. Something she had said he needed to earn.
‘Any distance between us was not coz of Arjun. Or my ex. It was me. It was us. Like I always told you. And tonight….I wanted to wear this for you. Just this.’
She didn’t say more. She didn’t need to. He got what she meant. 
But Jude was unhinged tonight, letting out every thought unfiltered.
‘Pity sex? Guilty sex? That’s what I get? After waiting for ages, that’s what I get?’
’Sometimes I forget how immature you are.’
Jude grabbed her arms, locking them behind her back, caging her in his hold. Towering over her, leaning down to stare into her eyes.
‘And you are the queen of maturity, right? While I am a juvenile?’
‘When it comes to matters of emotional complexity, of adult relationships, YES.’
‘Who has more experience between us?’
‘SEX is not relationship experience.’
‘Dealing with women is experience.’
‘Dealing? Or stringing them along? Or toying with them? Or sleeping with them once & never calling them back? Or using them just for sex? I AM GLAD I don’t have that experience.’
‘Didn’t know you were making a documentary on my sex life. Is that all you do in your free time?’
‘I don’t get much free time. Given I have to deal with a child like you.’
‘And you’re so proper aren’t you? With all your rules, and do’s and don’ts for anyone to be with you.’
Ananya squirmed in his grip, wanting to break free, to smack his pretty face that was spewing garbage non-stop. Rules. He had the gall to talk about rules. 
‘Let me go.’
Jude tightened his grip further. Sure to leave bruises.
‘Make me.’
‘If you hated the rules so much, who asked you to chase me, huh? I didn’t force you to wait. To give up all the amazing sex you were getting. Didn’t force you into this celibacy. I told you it would take time, I told you on Day 1. Then what fucking rules are you moaning about, huh? Don’t tell me you didn’t indulge in these 45 days. That you didn’t look elsewhere. That you weren’t tempted. Don’t fucking tell me that.’
“I WAS TEMPTED. But I didn’t act on it. Fuck I even stopped the Insta likes. AND I wouldn’t have been tempted at all if I HAD YOU.’
‘Sex. It’s just all about sex with you.’
‘Really? I haven’t touched you in 45 days and THATS WHAT YOU THROW IN MY FACE?’
‘And you aren’t used to that, are you? Jude Bellingham isn’t used to waiting for any girl, is he? Because he always gets what he wants, whenever he wants it. However many times he wants it. Because women just fall at his feet left, right & centre.’
‘When did you become so filthy, so nasty?’
‘Since I met you.’
Jude let her go abruptly, stepping away from her. She rubbed her wrists, trying to soothe the reddened area.
‘Maybe you were right. Maybe this is too complicated. Too hard.’
The haze lifted, and she felt her heart sink to her stomach.
Jude had his back to her now. He rubbed his temple repeatedly, questioning his life choices. Maybe this relationship thing was not for him. Maybe Jobe was right, he wasn’t ready. He had tried with sincerity, but still fallen short. Or maybe they were just not right for each other.
She stayed still, waiting for his next move. Waiting for him to look at her again. He didn’t.
‘Umm…I should probably head back.’
Jude picked up his phone from her desk, paused at the door of her bedroom, torn, but eventually walked out. She heard the main door slam on his way out.
That’s when the tears finally started. She fell on the bed face down, letting it all out.
In hindsight, not a single argument had been worth fighting over. It just escalated like mad, due to both their faults, and ballooned into a point of no return. 
Was it that, a point of no return?
She buried her head in the pillow as reality slowly started to sink in.
But she didn’t have to stay there for long. The door flew open two mins later, and there he was.
Jude had tried to storm out but ended up just pacing around the living room. Unable to walk away. He had never been good at letting her go.
No words were needed. She ran to him ecstatically. And he caught her as she jumped into his arms. Pressing her against the wall as her legs wrapped around his waist.
Their lips crashed together - nipping, sucking, kissing with abandon. A clash of teeth and tongues. He won eventually, invading her mouth at will. Both gasping apologies in between kisses.
Her hands fisted in his hair, tugging & pulling, as he continued to wreck her mouth, her face, her neck. 
‘Lets not fight like this again.’
‘Done. And don’t ever walk out on me again.
They went back to the frantic kissing, but she to break for air a few moments later.
‘Jude - I should have told you earlier about him. Should have listened to you. I am sorry.’
His face suddenly turned all serious, and she wondered if she had walked into a hole again.
‘Here’s how it’s gonna go. You’ll tell him you’re seeing someone, that you’re practically living with someone. That the person is famous, so you want to keep it low profile. And then, you will stay away. No conversation outside of work. No messages. No calls. No social get togethers. I don’t want him in a 5 mile radius of you outside of work. AND, if after this, he still doesn’t get the message, you’ll come straight to me & then I will deal with him my way. And you, dove, will stay out of it. I don’t wanna hear a peep from you then. Understood?’
The absolute authority in his voice left no room for disobeying. She nodded instantly, and was rewarded with a fierce kiss.
‘Now…go & get ready for me.’
She couldn't’ think straight, with his tongue still in her mouth.
‘I was promised you in my jersey. Just my jersey.’
She had completely forgotten all else after their fight, but he hadn’t. His eyes glinted suggestively, as he set her down on the ground & patted her ass, nudging her towards the washroom.
‘Don’t keep me waiting. I have plans for you tonight.’
Phew! I posted ahead of time, yayyy!
This was meant to be angst plus smut but the angsty piece itself went on for 4.4k words. Too much fun :)
You can guess what's gonna happen next. That is the next chapter :)
As always, would love to hear your thoughts / comments / feedback. They keep me going :)
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roosterforme · 2 years
The Purrfect Storm | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley inadvertently becomes a pet owner after he hits a stray with his Bronco. When he meets a lovely vet tech who is willing to help, both Bradley and the cat fall for her instantly.
Warnings: Fluff, swearing, a bit of angst
Length: 6000 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written for a request! Check out my masterlist for more!
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Bradley was on his way home late from work, anxious to get there before the sky opened up. Dark, ominous clouds had just moved in, signaling a rare downpour was about to hit San Diego.
He zipped along an empty, wooded side street just as a loud crack of thunder rocked his Bronco. Then his headlights caught something gray dashing out of the trees, and he tried his best to swerve, but he was afraid he had just hit an animal. 
"Damn it," he muttered, pulling over and turning on his hazard lights. He jumped out of the Bronco to see if he could spot anything in the roadway. The wind was picking up, and he could feel the first few drops of rain, but as soon as Bradley saw the gray cat that was no longer able to walk correctly, he ran toward it. 
When he got closer he saw a little bit of blood matted in its fur, and he immediately felt like a villain. He also had no idea how to take care of an injured cat. 
"Here kitty?" he said awkwardly as he approached the immobile animal. He was greeted with a loud, angry meow. "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry I hit you. But can you just be chill while I pick you up?"
As soon as he had both hands around the middle of the cat, it sank its sharp teeth into the back of his hand.
"Ow! Son of a bitch!" Bradley yelled, getting pelted with more raindrops. "I'm trying to help you now, you ungrateful little shit!"
Big, angry yellow eyes looked up at him as he clamped the cat's mouth shut with one big hand and then tried to scoop it up again. This seemed to work better, so he carted it back to the Bronco and set it on the back seat floor area. 
"Just relax, I know where there's a veterinary clinic," he told it with an eye roll before he climbed back in and pulled away. 
Bradley navigated a lot slower now that the rain was coming down. But when he pulled into the clinic parking lot, he only saw one light on inside. There was someone moving around at the front desk, so he hopped out into the pouring rain and gently held the cat with its mouth closed. He knocked on the door with his knuckle and watched the woman behind the front desk look at him a little warily before she headed toward the door.
You were alone in the clinic with the door locked, trying to finish the weekly audit so you could leave. You always stayed late on Thursday nights, and now you were going to have to drive home in this crazy storm. 
When you heard someone knocking on the door, you jumped in your seat. You tried to see who it was, but the rain was obscuring the window portion of the door, so you made your way over only to find a soaking wet man in a naval uniform holding a drenched cat.
"I'm sorry, we're closed," you told him loudly through the door.
He glared at the cat and then tilted his head back and let the rain pour on his face for a beat. Finally he groaned and looked at you with pleading eyes. "You can't do anything? I hit this cat on my way home from work!"
You sighed and looked at all of his insignia pins, including his nametag. Bradshaw. It was pretty unlikely that an officer was here to murder you, especially since a good portion of your clients were naval families. Plus, he had actually brought the injured animal here instead of leaving it in the road.
"I can take a quick look," you told him as you unlocked the door. When you opened it and finally got a good look at him, you went a little speechless. He was really tall and really muscular. And even with his brown hair wet and messy across his forehead, you could tell he was really handsome. "Come on in," you managed to say, and he slipped inside with the cat. You locked the door behind him.
"Thanks. I really appreciate this. I feel terrible enough about what happened, but this cat hates me so much right now, I'd be a little afraid to take it to my house with me in this condition."
You laughed as he winced at you, and you immediately noticed the teeth marks on the back of his hand. 
"Oh, he got you good," you remarked. "Definitely doesn't like you too much at the moment. Let's see if I can get him patched up."
"It's a male?" officer Bradshaw asked as you signalled for him to follow you back to an exam room. 
"Yeah, I figured he was, because he's huge. But he definitely is. I could tell when you held him up."
Bradley scoffed. "I should have known. Females are usually more accommodating towards me."
You laughed softly and said, "I'll bet they are," under your breath. But then you realized that you were the sucker who agreed to let him get his cat checked out after hours. So you definitely shouldn't be surprised.
"Up on the table," you instructed, and you watched him release the cat and take a huge step away from it. "Aww, come on. He's a sweetheart!" you said, stroking the cat and making him purr. "What did he ever do to you?"
You watched officer Bradshaw hold up his bloody hand with a bland look. 
"That's totally fair since you ran him over," you said with a smirk. "And I'll look at your hand after I see how much damage there is to his leg here."
"Thank you," he muttered, reaching for a paper towel to press against his hand while he dripped water all over the floor. "I appreciate it. I'm Bradley, by the way."
You glanced at him briefly and smiled as you told him your name. "And what's the cat's name?"
Bradley just shrugged. "He doesn't have a collar, and he's pretty grungy. He's probably a stray."
"You should name him then," you said as you felt around the cat's leg with gentle fingers. It was a pretty clean break that you would be able to take care of tonight without the vet here.
"Sunshine," Bradley said sarcastically. "His name is Sunshine." You looked up at him, and he was smiling at you and the cat, his handsome features betraying his stern voice as he smiled.
"Did you hear that, Sunshine? Your daddy clearly thinks the world of you, and he's going to take the best care of your leg after I splint it."
"I am?" he asked, leaning closer to you. "Come on, doc. I can't keep this cat. He'll kill me in my sleep," he reiterated, holding up his hand and the bloody paper towel. He wasn't wearing a ring.
You laughed at the concerned look on his face. "Okay, first of all, I'm not the vet. I'm just a tech. Second, someone needs to take care of Sunshine, and I think that someone is going to be you. And third, girls dig guys who have pets. Does that help make this more appealing for you?" 
He took another step closer to you, and your breath caught in your throat. He was just a few inches away and glaring playfully at you. "First of all, you seem to know what you're doing well enough, so you could have lied and told me you were the vet. Second, Sunshine here will have me sleeping with one eye open. And third, yeah, maybe that does make this more appealing to me."
Your belly swooped, and you had to bite your lip. His brown eyes were the color of deep amber up close, and his mustache made everything he said seem more playful. 
"And fourth," he added, "do all women dig men who have pets? Or are you speaking from personal preference here? Either way, it does sound appealing to me."
You were gaping at him now, and a startled laugh escaped your parted lips. 
"Sorry, Sunshine," you told the cat, patting his matted, damp fur until he was calm again. "You're right. This is about you, not Bradley." You positioned yourself in front of the cat and grinned over your shoulder. "I think it's all women, but it's definitely me," you whispered with a smile. You were met with a crooked grin as Bradley pushed his damp hair back from his face. 
"Good to know," he told you softly.
And now it was time to get to work. You made a mental list of all of the supplies you would need, then you turned to Bradley and reached for his good hand. He grabbed onto yours without hesitation. "Here, keep a hand on Sunshine and make sure he stays on the table," you said, running your thumb along his calloused fingers. 
"Alright," he said a bit reluctantly, squeezing your hand before letting go of you and holding the cat.
"I'll be right back with everything I need for the splint."
Bradley watched you leave the small room, and he took a second to breathe in deeply and let it out slowly. You were fucking adorable. And he was very attracted to you. 
"Don't mess this up for us now," he told the cat as he waited for you to return. By the sound of things, the storm was still raging outside, but Bradley was in no hurry to leave anyway. He was still wet from the rain, and he probably looked like a mess, but it didn't matter. He'd stay here all night with you if you'd let him.
You strolled back into the room with some bandages, splints, and a weird thing covered in velcro. "This will only take a minute," you told him and Sunshine with a smile. He watched you measure the split against the cat's leg before cutting it to length. Then you set the bone in place with your fingers, gently talking the whole time so the cat would stay calm. Next you quickly wrapped the splint up tight with the bandage. 
"Now I need your help," you told Bradley, and you took his hand again. "Hold this bandage just like that so I can clip it in place." 
Bradley did exactly as he was told, and soon you were wrapping the velcro around everything to keep the cat's leg in one position. 
"Impressive," Bradley remarked. Even the cat looked way calmer now as he curled up on the exam table and ate the snack you gave him.
"Okay, now let me check you out," you said, holding out your small hand and letting him rest his palm against yours. "I'll need to clean it to get a better look," you told him, gazing up at him. "Might sting a bit."
"I can handle it," he reassured you as you led him to the sink. 
"I'm sure you can... Lieutenant? Is that what I'm looking at here?" you asked, nodding to the pins on his chest as you sprayed his hand with an antiseptic and dabbed at it with a cotton ball. 
"Yes, ma'am. Lieutenant Bradshaw," he told you, earning a smile.
"At ease, sailor." Your gaze was playful as you looked up at him and grabbed a clean cotton ball.
"Aviator, actually," Bradley informed you. 
"Oh, wow. Your daddy is fancy," you said over your shoulder to the cat who was now grooming himself on the exam table. 
"I still can't believe I have a cat now," he muttered, making you laugh as you taped some sterile gauze to the back of his hand. "You should give me your number since I don't know what I'm doing. You know... just in case. You wouldn't want Sunshine to suffer in any way, would you?"
You smirked up at him as you finished taping him up. Bradley just gave you his most innocent look in return. "You're something else," you told him.
"Something good?" he asked, and he watched your lips curl into a soft smile.
A loud rumble of thunder had Sunshine standing up and hissing. "It's okay," you told him, turning to reach for him, but then the power went out, bathing everything in complete darkness.
Bradley heard a thump that sounded like Sunshine had jumped off the table, and when he reached out, the cat was no longer there. 
"Oh no, he's loose somewhere in the building," you said, taking out your phone and turning on the flashlight. "Sunshine!" you called, shaking the bag of cat treats. Bradley followed you out into the hallway, but he bumped into the back of you.
"Sorry," he said, stopping himself with his hands on your shoulders. 
"It's okay," you said softly as he took his hands away from you and tucked them into his wet pockets. 
"Can he hurt anything? Or get hurt?" Bradley asked, looking up and down the hallway as you shone the light around. 
"Aww, you sound like a concerned pet parent."
Bradley groaned. "He's growing on me, I think."
Your laughter rang out in the semi-darkness before the light went out. 
"Shit, my phone died," you told him.
Bradley checked his only to find he had about ten percent of his battery left. "Mine is not far behind yours."
"Don't use it, just in case we need to call someone," you said, turning to face him. Bradley could feel your hands on his chest very briefly. "Oh, there you are," you said softly. "Come with me to the waiting room, and I'll get you some towels."
Bradley felt your fingers dance down along his arm until they tangled with his. Then you were leading him back to the front of the building. It was a little easier to see up here, as a streetlight outside provided some light. 
"Don't move," you instructed softly, and Bradley could make out the shape of your profile as you turned away from him and disappeared. 
He was stuck here now. He wasn't sure if he should be thankful or upset. But he couldn't leave Sunshine loose in the clinic for the night. And he supposed you were stuck here too, since you couldn't leave him here alone with his dumb cat.
Bradley saw you in the shadows when you returned. "I got you some towels and a set of scrubs you can change into. My boss is about your size."
"Thanks," he replied, taking everything from your hands. "Where should I change?"
You laughed. "It doesn't matter. I can't see you."
"What if the power comes back on?!" 
You laughed harder, and Bradley loved the sound. "Go back behind my desk, and I'll turn around."
Bradley took a few steps and then slammed into a file cabinet. "Ow!"
"Oh sorry, don't hit the file cabinet," you said in a sweet voice laced with laughter. 
"Don't worry. I won't." Bradley awkwardly stripped out of his damp uniform and underwear with you standing ten feet away from him. He had to peel the fabric from his skin and hang it over your chair as neatly as he could. 
"So you're an aviator. What do you fly? Super Hornets? Helicopters? Comanches?" you asked as he ran one of the towels along his naked body. 
"You know a lot about naval aircrafts. And to answer your question, Super Hornet." He slipped into the well worn scrubs and tied them up at the waist. They were a little snug, as was the shirt, but it was better than being wet. 
"It's hard to live near Fightertown and not pick up on a few things," you told him. "You need help getting back around the file cabinet?"
"Nah, I'm good," he said, and somehow he found your hand in the darkness. And somehow you let him hold it. 
You laced your fingers with his and softly said, "Maybe we should try to find Sunshine one more time? Otherwise, I think we're stuck here for the night."
Bradley silently prayed that Sunshine was tucked safely away somewhere he couldn't be found in the dark. "That's a good idea," he confirmed out loud. Because he did feel kind of bad making you stay at your workplace all night, especially since he barged in on you unannounced with the cat. "I'm sorry I've been such an inconvenience when you were just trying to be helpful."
"Don't worry about it. I'm a sucker for injured animals. And brunettes."
Jesus. Bradley had been afraid maybe you had a boyfriend or something. But now you were flirting with him again, just like you had been earlier. You were also holding his hand a little tighter. And each time you wanted to change directions, you placed your other palm on his chest. 
"This is kind of fun," he murmured when you had your palm on his chest, guiding him into a different exam room. 
"Is it?" you asked with a giggle. 
"Yeah," he said, smiling as you pushed him where you wanted him to go. "It feels like one of those games from when you were in high school, you know? Spending time alone with a cute girl in the dark."
He could hear you exhale and feel it against his neck. You were so close to him. "Seven minutes in heaven?" you asked close to his ear. 
"Yeah, seven minutes in heaven," he confirmed, grinning like a lunatic.
"I never played that in high school," you told him, letting go of his chest to feel around the exam table for the cat. "Did you?" He felt your palm come to rest on him again. 
"Once or twice. But I was a real nerd back then. I just made it further with you than I ever did in high school," he admitted. Your soft laughter filled the room, and now Bradley was praying in earnest that Sunshine was very, very well hidden until the morning. 
"I find it hard to believe you used to be a nerd. You're very...."
"I'm very what?" he asked as you effortlessly lured him all around the dark clinic with you. 
"Sizeable," you told him as you ended up back in the hallway again.
"Sizeable?" he balked. "Did you just call me large?"
You were laughing again, and he really wished he could see your face right now. "I meant it as a compliment!" you insisted. 
"Ohhh," he said, feigning ignorance. "You must have never given someone a compliment before. Here, let me show you how. You're funny, smart, and very cute."
"Thank you," you whispered, leading him into one more exam room. 
"I wasn't done yet. You're also surprisingly good at navigating in the dark."
You laughed again, and your hand landed on his chest, but this time it was because you tripped and ended up pushing him up against the wall. 
"I take that back, you're terrible at navigating in the dark," he whispered, keeping his fingers laced with yours and steadying you with his other hand at your waist. "Are you okay?" 
This time your breathy laugh was very close to him. "You know, I was going to pretend I tripped on your cat, but I think you've just got me flustered. It's a good thing you're so sizeable, otherwise you might be splinting my leg right now."
Bradley felt your hand move up to the scars on his neck, and your fingers danced to his ear and up into his hair. He guided you a little closer so your entire body was skimming against his, and he could hear your breath hitch. 
"Yeah, it's a good thing," he agreed. His eyes fluttered closed in the dark, and he instinctively found your lips with his. One chaste kiss led to another and another, your lips brushing his. You parted your lips just enough to tease his bottom lip as your fingers gently pulled through his messy hair, and Bradley felt you melt into him. His heart was beating faster now, and he wanted to push you up against the wall.
You gently released his lips, rubbing your nose against his as you took a small step away from him. Bradley quickly laced his fingers with yours again and cleared his throat.
"That didn't sound like Sunshine," Bradley said, trying to keep you as close as possible. He sighed in relief as your palm found its way to his chest again.
"It wasn't," you whispered. "There's a cat in a kennel in the back room. Let's go check on her."
So Bradley followed your lead to the end of the hallway, his heart still beating a little fast. 
"This is Ginger," you told him, guiding him over to a large cage. He could barely make out the cat inside with the scant light coming through the window. 
"What's wrong with her?" Bradley asked, kneeling down to get a better look. 
You sighed, never releasing his hand. "Her owner, if you can even call him that, didn't bring her here in time after she had a broken leg. You're really a very good pet daddy to Sunshine, even though you are clearly reluctant." You squeezed his hand. 
"What's going to happen to Ginger?" he asked, reaching his fingers through the cage to pet her fur. She meowed and nudged his fingers with her head. 
"Not sure yet. Her owner won't sign the paperwork for us to re break and try to set her leg correctly. He also won't agree to pay for medical care. I tried to kidnap her, but my boss wouldn't let me."
Bradley gave the cat one last scratch and stood up. "What if I steal her, and you pretend like you have no idea what happened to her?"
You giggled again and pulled him closer to you. "Oh, I like that idea. I also like the idea of you having two cats. That's adorable."
Bradley was grinning in the darkness. "I like being adorable."
You just hummed and whispered, "I think we're stuck here for the night." He could feel your breath on his neck again. "There's a loveseat in the breakroom. One of us can sleep on that."
"You take it. I can sleep on the floor."
You started to lead him in the direction of the breakroom, but it was very dark in there. He could barely see anything. 
"Maybe we could share it?" you asked so softly, Bradley was afraid he might have misheard.
"Okay....we can share it," he replied, and he sat down hard as you guided him over to the small sofa. His heart was beating a little faster again as he blindly tried to move the loose pillow against the armrest, and then he was reaching for you.
You were laughing softly. "How do you want to do this?"
Bradley's heart was hammering now. He wanted to kiss you again. "However you want." With a palm against his chest, you pushed him back against the pillow on the armrest, and he stretched himself out on his back across the loveseat. It was uncomfortable, and his feet were hanging way off the far end, but as soon as you eased yourself down against him, everything felt perfect.
"Is this okay?" you asked next to his ear as you kind of wedged yourself up against the back of the loveseat with your body halfway on top of his. Your chest was pressing against his, and Bradley could feel your leg come to rest between his knees. 
"Yes," he managed, his voice coming out raspier. "Is this okay?" he asked, wrapping his hand around your waist. 
You answered with a soft hum and let your palm rest against his chest like you had been doing all night. Oh no. He liked you. This felt too good, and Bradley probably wouldn't make it through the night with his heart intact. But he let you snuggle up against him in the pitch black room.
You weren't really sure if this was a good idea, but your night had taken a turn for the better when Bradley and Sunshine arrived, so you decided to just go with it. 
"Are you comfy?" you asked him, and you felt the deep rumble of his voice against your cheek and hand.
"Very. Are you warm enough?" 
If anything, you were too warm, pressed up against him like this. His body temperature was hot, and so was he. Bradley had managed to get you pretty giddy by this point, after sharing just a few kisses. The thing you couldn't understand was how comfortable you felt with him already. You'd just met him, and now you were both spending the night in the clinic together, but you weren't nervous or wary of him. 
"I'm beginning to think Sunshine premeditated this whole thing," he told you with a soft laugh. "Because I've been looking for a while, and I've never met anyone like you."
You bit your lip and angled your face toward his. "What does that mean, Lieutenant Bradshaw?"
You could feel his hand tighten a little bit on your waist at your use of his rank. "It means I like you. A lot. And I'm desperately trying not to be creepy, because we're kind of stuck here together since the power is out and we can't find my cat, but I'm hoping you like me too."
In an instant, you let your lips connect with his again as you eased yourself a bit further up his body. As your fingers stroked along his cheek and up into his hair, you pulled your lips away from his and said, "I do." 
But as soon as the words were out of your mouth, Bradley was luring your lips back to his lips. He was so big and strong, but his kisses were soft, and his hands were undemanding against your lower back. He let you take the lead, never making you feel like you were trapped on the loveseat with him.
So you let yourself indulge in the sensation of his mustache against your skin and his legs tangled with yours. When you tugged your fingers through his hair, he groaned softly into your mouth, and you smiled against his lips. 
"Are you going to let me have your number?" he asked as you pulled away a few inches to catch your breath. 
You pressed your lips to his cheek and said, "Probably."
"Damn, what do I have to do to get a solid yes?" he asked, and you could tell he was smiling. 
"Tell me more about yourself," you whispered.
"I can do that," Bradley replied, running the tip of his nose along your cheek. So he told you all about his job, which sounded extremely exciting. He didn't tell you much about his family, other than he was pretty much alone. And he told you about his friends, who all sounded like a riot. 
"Sounds like you only have one thing missing in your life," you whispered against his neck.
"A girlfriend?" he asked, brushing his lips against your forehead. 
You had to bite your lip to keep from squealing. "I was going to say a cat," you told him. 
"Nah, Sunshine already took care of that, wherever he is. Tell me about you."
Bradley asked all the right questions at all the right times as you told him about yourself. He didn't think it was weird that you had a deaf, three-legged dog. He seemed to like that you volunteered at the animal shelter. And he invited you to get a drink with him at some bar called the Hard Deck tomorrow night. 
You yawned and snuggled against his neck, whispering, "I think I would like that." And soon you were falling asleep in his arms. 
Your pillow never felt this warm and comfortable. And why hadn't your alarm gone off? It was so bright in here, it must be time to get up for work. 
You stretched your arms just as you heard, "Good morning," whispered in a very raspy voice. 
"Oh!" you gasped, your eyes suddenly open, wide awake. You were staring at Bradley as he smiled hesitantly back at you. "You're so handsome. I was beginning to think I had imagined how you looked before the power went out."
He just laughed and seemed to take that as his cue to run his fingers along your arm. "That was a fun sleepover. Don't usually get to wake up with anything cute draped across me."
"Oh, Sunshine will remedy that, I'm sure," you said teasingly, letting your lips brush against his. Bradley was instantly smiling. 
Then you heard some purring from the doorway. "Speak of the devil," Bradley whispered. "Come here, Sunshine. We were looking for you."
But he just purred louder and louder. "He's probably hungry. I need to feed Ginger anyway, so I'll feed him too."
You peeled yourself off of Bradley and got another good look at him as he lounged back against the arm of the loveseat. You giggled, because he was way too big for the piece of furniture, and the scrubs you gave him were a little small. 
"What?" he asked, looking kind of smug.
"Nothing. But you need to get up before my boss comes in," you said, biting your lip and turning toward Ginger's kennel. But a loud knock on the front door had you panicking. Your boss would have just let himself in. "I'm going to check to see who it is."
"Want me to come with you?" Bradley asked, instantly at your back. 
But you were looking up through the front window, and you immediately recognized Ginger's owner. "No, I'll be okay," you grumbled, straightening your scrubs as you headed toward the waiting room. 
You unlocked the door and let him inside, fully aware that nobody seemed to care when your office hours actually started. "We actually don't open for another hour, but if you're here to sign the paperwork for us to try to fix Ginger's leg, I can get that ready for you."
But he just scoffed. "I'm not signing it. There's no way I'm spending that kind of money for a cat. I can't believe you even think that's reasonable."
You had to bite your tongue. It was only a few hundred dollars. 
"I'm just here to pick her up so I don't have to keep paying for you to board her," he added impatiently. 
But your brow scrunched up. "What are you going to do with her?"
He was rolling his eyes now. "Does it matter?"
You pressed your lips together in a tight line before you said, "It matters to me, yes."
"I'll just leave her somewhere. Maybe someone else will find her or maybe not, but I already got a new kitten for my kids."
Your blood was boiling now. "You're not serious," you said, raising your voice. 
"Just give me the cat, and don't charge me a kennel fee for today."
Bradley strolled out into the waiting room and asked, "Is there a problem?"
He eyed Bradley in his scrubs and said, "Your clinic has the most ridiculous prices. I just want to pick up the cat and go."
"You can't have her!" you told him. 
He shook his head and turned to Bradley. "Are you going to let your employee talk to me like that? Go get the cat!"
"She can talk to you however she wants," Bradley mumbled. He must have seen the anger in your eyes, because he started to block the hallway leading back to the kennels. 
You didn't care what this man thought he was going to do, he wasn't leaving here with an animal. "I'm not going to send Ginger with you if your plan is to abandon her."
"Well I'm not going to pay for any more services!"
He was only motivated by money, which might just make this easier. "Then sign her away to the clinic and leave," you told him, already rummaging in your file cabinet for the form you needed. Unfortunately this kind of thing happened from time to time. 
You glanced at Bradley where he stood with his thick arms crossed over his chest, thankful he was here. You were shaking with anger as you handed the form and a pen to Ginger's owner. And as you watched him sign his name, Ginger became property of the clinic. 
"And now you can get the hell out of here!" you told him, and he looked completely outraged. "You're abusive, and we will not allow you back for any of our services in the future." He was turning toward the door as you raised your voice. "And I hope your new kitten runs away and finds an owner who doesn't suck!"
He slammed the door behind him, and Bradley rushed over to you. "Are you okay? That was wild."
But all of the anger was gone now, and you just smiled up at him. "Wanna meet my new cat in the daylight?" you asked. 
"Yeah, I do," he said, and you kissed his rough cheek. 
You and Bradley sat on the floor in front of the open kennel door, holding hands. Inside the large cage, Sunshine was sitting next to Ginger as she ate her breakfast. 
"She's pretty. I couldn't tell what she looked like last night," Bradley murmured, reaching in and stroking her behind the ears. 
"I'll get her leg reset today, and I'll pay for her medical bills. Hopefully I can take her home with me in a few days."
Bradley cleared his throat. "I guess I should leave before your boss gets here?" 
"Yeah." But you really didn't want him to.
He nodded toward Sunshine and Ginger. "Looks like he made a new friend. If I can't get your number for me to use, you have to give it to me so we can set up a cat playdate. For Sunshine?"
You couldn't help laughing at his antics and the cute pout on his face.
"You can have my number for you. And Sunshine can have my number to reach Ginger. And if the offer still stands, I'd love to meet you at that bar later."
Bradley's face lit up as he got his phone out and handed it to you. "Sounds great. I'll text you the address." You entered your name and number and handed it back to him.
"I'll meet you there," you promised.
"I can't wait," he replied, but you were already kissing him. 
"You need to go," you whispered a second later. 
He pressed his lips to yours one more time before he reached in to get Sunshine. "I know, you don't want to leave Ginger. But I secured you a playdate," he told the cat. "Oh, how much do I owe you for fixing his leg?"
"Nothing," you said as you stood with your new cat in your arms, and Bradley followed you out to your desk. 
"That hardly seems fair," he replied, grabbing his khaki uniform from your chair. 
You just shrugged, setting Ginger down gently on your desk. "I did it off the clock anyway. Don't worry about it. You can buy me a drink later."
Bradley grinned at you. "I'll buy all of your drinks. And when we go out to dinner tomorrow night, I'll pay for that, too. Same as the movie I'm taking you to next weekend. Oh, and all of the concerts and museums we're going to visit together? I'm paying."
You giggled. "That actually sounds kind of perfect."
"You only like me because I'm a pet owner," he whispered, kissing you softly. 
You kissed him harder and ran your fingers through his hair one last time. "It certainly didn't hurt your cause. I'll meet you at the bar."
He nipped your lips one last time, and then held Sunshine up closer to his face as he headed for the door. "I owe you one. You want tuna for dinner? I'll feed you tuna every day."
You watched him walk outside and pull out of the parking lot, and then you plugged your phone in to check your messages.
You already had one from Bradley with the address for the Hard Deck. Then another one came through that said Thanks for one of the best nights of my life.
"I hope you liked Sunshine," you told Ginger. "Because I really like his dad."
Thanks for reading this one! Hope you liked it @morallydiseased! And thanks for your help @thedroneranger!
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writingoddess1125 · 1 year
Hair disaster
Just a Brain Blah
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Buggy x FemReader + Dee & Bee
Apart of Old Man Series check those out!
Support me on Ko-Fi ☕️
• You all should have known the twins would find trouble- they always did. This was only amplified by their jealousy of the new baby on the way.
• Due to the recent news of your pregnancy (check out here) You had been being watched by Buggy like a hawk, paranoid of all things which made the twins more aggressive in their destructive tendencies.
• So in order to keep the twins busy he had taken the difficult job of letting the twins be his apprentices-
• It was a way to keep them busy, for Buggy to go out to sea for short periods and in Buggy's words 'Teach them to be real pirates!'
• The next morning at breakfast the twins sit down at the dinning room table, Trying to be as quiet as possible and grab some things like they were prepared to run off.
• For the first few weeks they enjoyed it- Till the reality of chores set in. When they tried to throw a fit Buggy was quick to put a end to that and the boys were now just grumpy.
• It had been a week out to sea with the twins before he returned with some spare loot and things needed for the baby. The twins sour faced-
• "How was everything?" You questioned as you sat in the large lounge chair Buggy had gotten you and saw how dirty and tired the three looked.
• "Ask your sons-" Buggy said, However the steeled glare from you made him mutter a 'Our' and that he was going to shower and sleep in the guest room.
• The boys were no better then Buggy as they grumbled as well and climbed upstairs to clean themselves and sleep. Seemed you got the master bedroom to yourself-
• "Whats got you two in such a rush?" You question, seeing that gleam of mischief on their faces and also some guilt-
• "BOYS!!!!" A loud and wrathful yell sounded throughout the cabin.
• "We aren't in a rush mom- Just have things to do since we are 'apprentices' Right?" Dee said calmly as he looked to Bee who grinned and nodded.
• You raised a brow at their words, Going to question them further when a roar sounded through the house.
• You snap your head to look at the boys but see they had already gone- Clearly had run the moment they heard the voice.
• Blonde- So much blonde in his hair- It seemed like half his hair had been dyed in his sleep by the twins. Most likely using Burondo Burondo Oil that Cabaji used in his hair-
• You quickly rush upstairs, Afraid of what you would see and dash into the guest bathroom were you could hear Buggy yelling.
• However nothing would prepare you for what you saw.
•"I-Its pretty-" You try but he glares hard at you, Grumbling and angrily ranting to himself.
• It took every bit of your soul to keep from laughing.
• "Pretty!? PRETTY MY ASS!" He roared as he stomped his foot more and lost his mind.
• "Buggy- It doesn't look that bad I promise" You say grabbing his hand slowly, Knowing he was very mad right night and needed to calm down before he did something he would regret.
• He turned to you like he was going to scream and lose his temper- However he forced his mouth closed and bit his lips in anger.
• "It doesn't look bad Buggy. Besides it looks like it's Burondo Burondo Oil anyway which fades after a few days to the original color. So it's not very permanent" You reason, giving his hand a squeeze.
• Buggy sighs at this- knowing you were right but still angry. You reach out and touch his newly blonde hair.
• "And it looks pretty! Blonde hair goes well with blue eyes" You point out and say cheerfully. Buggy grumbling still but his spare hand just rubbing your unshowing stomach still.
• You let him do this, despite not being in the mood for physical touch. "Better?"
• "Better..." He grumbled, clearly still irritated but better now. You finally ask him to explain why the twins did this.
• "They wanted to revolt because 'being a apprentice is hard!' so I had them sweep the entire deck. Teach them that Mutiny is always punished" He said calmly, a fair punishment by pirate standards as the twins clearly were in the wrong.
• "But since they wanna be petty now- I can do that as well-" He said with a wicked grin.
• Gods help you all..
• Walking down to the docks for some fresh air, you heard the loud laughs of Buggy and the crew. Following the sound you see them all lounging at the docks drinking and watching the Big Top?-
• Getting close you saw it- The Big Top was covered in tomatoes and other random garbage on it like it had been vandalized!
• Rushing over you then see it- The twins on Ropes cleaning off the vandalism. While Buggy amd the crew hand tomatoes and random things throwing it at any spots they felt they missed.
• "BUGGY!" You yell as you see him fling a tomato at his sons head. The Captian turning to look back at you.
• "Oh (Y/N)! Come sit! Join us!" He insisted with a grin.
• "Doesnt this seem too cruel?" You pointed out. Pointing to the clearly pissed off boys
• "Now my Doll, You have been a wonderful mother. But you have spoiled these two rotten! It's time they get a hard lesson" He said as he patted your shoulder and had you sit to watch.
• You didn't know it was possible for two people alone to clean and repaint an entire ship but sure as hell did Buggy have them do it
• It being nightfall when they finished and glaring hard at Buggy- Cleaely this wasn't over. They had lost this battle but wanted to win the war-
513 notes · View notes
wasawattpadkid · 2 years
Part - 5
Summery: Billy and Stu have been planning these murders for quite some time. Everything is going to plan until you show up. What happens when they meet someone who is just as mentally deluded as they are?
Pairing: poly!ghostface x fem!reader
Warnings for this series: murder, blood, smut (will be more in depth on smut chapters), power dynamics, a dash of sexism, knives, stalking, perverse behavior, cheating,
Part 1
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"You know you boys look amazing in an apron." You wolf whistled at them both. Billy acted annoyed but he secretly loved the attention. Stu shook his ass at you making you laugh. Stu offered to do the dishes but for some odd reason they both fought over who would do them. Now there they stood aprons covering thier clothes. You and Stu practically had to hold down Billy as you tied the strings around him.
"I'll fix the popcorn!" You cheered hearing a groan from both men. "We just ate please..." Stu whined holding his stomach. "You two are party poopers. Well, while you do the dishes I'm going to change into my pajamas." Both their heads snapped towards you. "And I'm locking my door." You shouted down the hall.
You weren't really sure what to wear. You didn't want to draw unnecessary attention to yourself but in a way you did. They had girlfriends you knew that. The way they looked at you however was addicting. You weren't going to sleep with them so what's the harm in looking good? A voice in your head screamed male validation but you ignored that. You pulled the silky nightgown from your closet debating on wearing it. "Too obvious." You muttered putting it back in the closet.
Leaning your head out of your room you shouted. "How cold is it supposed to get tonight?" Within seconds you hear them both answer. "Very cold, extremely cold, even freezing, it might snow." You know damn well in the air of California it wasn't going to snow. You grabbed a pair of silky shorts and pulled out the matching top. That would have to do. Once you were changed you went back to the kitchen seeing the dishes were all done. "Thank you guys."
"Thank you for dinner." Billy said honestly. "Yeah what he said." Stu was laid out on the carpet as Billy glared at him. "Anytime boys." Stu looked at your new outfit trying to figure out how you looked so hot in pajamas. "Why didn't you wear what Bil- what we got you?" He corrected himself. You plopped down on the couch next to Billy. "Because I knew if I did, you two wouldn't want to watch a movie." Stu nodded as he shrugged knowing you were right. "Who said I wanted to watch a movie now?" Billy said dangerously close to your ear. You jumped up going towards the TV. "Alright! What are we watching first?"
Christine was pretty good, not as good as Stu made it out to be though. "The coolest car ever!" Stu shouted which you quickly shushed him. "I don't live out in the country like some people, keep your voice down." Stu covered his mouth in regret. "Yeah Stu keep your voice down." Billy repeated and you slapped his chest. "Ow!" He laughed. "My turn, put on Ferris Bueller's day off." Stu groaned sliding off the couch and over to the VCR.
"You'll love it. If you liked Dazed and Confused you'll like this." Billy cocked his head. "You never told me you liked that movie?" Stu ignored his friend's eyes focusing on the tape. "I saw it once." He played it off which confused you. "Once? You said you went to see it at the movies 4 times." Stu silently begged for you to shut up. "You never told me that." Billy said once again a calmness to his voice. "I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd care." Stu bit back. "What else are you not telling me?" You realized very quickly this could get worse somehow. "God you two fight like a married couple. Just put the movie in and get up here I'm freezing."
The arguing stopped immediately. Once the movie started Stu sat at the end on the sofa leaving you in the middle. Carefully you wiggled down laying your head on Billy's lap. "This doesn't bother you does it?" His eyes glanced down and back up again just as fast. "No you're good." Stu grabbed your legs laying them on his lap. Ever so often he'd drag his hands up and down your legs mindlessly. After a while he genuinely started to like the movie. "Those two are so banging."
"That's what I was thinking." Billy responded to Stu. "You think Ferris and Cameron are a couple?" Stu made a noise shaking his head. "Did you see the way they look at each other or how no matter what bullshit Ferris drags him into he goes along with it?" The room grew silent with a unanimous acknowledgment of the current similarity. The movie continued and so did Stu's commentary. "Oh no, all three of them are fucking." You laughed and Billy took notice. "What's so funny about that?"
"Oh nothing it's just I can see it." The movie continued with Stu laughing his ass off at some parts. Billy's hand found it's way into your hair playing with what he could grab. Slowly your eyes fell shut. "She reminds me of you almost." Stu said turning to look at you. "Man she's asleep." Stu loudly announced, annoyed you both didn't finish the movie. Billy looked down watching your chest slowly go in and out. "Then why are you yelling?" Billy snapped. "Sorry." The boy mumbled. "Cut all this off while I take her upstairs."
"Why do you get to put her to bed she barley even trusts you awake?" This Billy found particularly funny. "That's rich coming from the guy that's done nothing but hit on her since you met her." Stu moved your legs standing up off the couch. "I do that with everyone it's charming." He laughed until he saw the way Billy was looking down at you. "Why do I get the feeling I'm being replaced?" Stu paced on the shag carpet. Billy sighed not wanting this shit right now. "We'll talk about this later."
"No I think we'll talk about it now. A year ago you came to me in need and I did everything I could to help. It was month after month of "I was drunk" or "I don't even remember it." I put up with it hoping once this was all said and done with, we'd run away and have our sequel. That was the plan wasn't it Billy?" You wavered in and out of consciousness barley piecing together what was being said. "She's different Stu and you know that. You feel it too. I need time to think to plan around this." He looked down at you noticing your eyes twitch. "We'll talk about this later."
Stu knew that was the end of the conversation. "Y/n..." He gingerly whispered trying to wake you up. "Mhm?" You stirred swearing they were fighting. "What's wrong?" You asked trying to look around. "Nothing's wrong we were trying to figure out if we should pause the movie or not. I'm going to take you to bed and me and Stu will head there shortly." You just rolled over burying your head against his stomach. Billy slowly moved off the couch, picking you up bridal style. Stu followed making sure Billy followed your rules.
Billy placed you softly in bed hoping to just look at you for a bit. "If it's too cold on the floor you can climb in here." You mumbled. You weren't in your right mind Billy knew that and so did Stu. That wasn't stopping them however. "Go cut the lights and everything off then bring your bag up here." Stu like the good little soldier he was, he did as told.
"Here." He handed Billy his sweat pants. "We're sleeping in our shirts." Billy said as he unbuckled his belt. "What why? We never sleep with our shirts on." Billy folded his pants sitting them on the chair in the corner. "Because if she wakes up and sees us half naked beside her she's liable to freak thinking we did something. So please, just do as as I say for once." Stu had to give Billy this one. He was the smartest piece of shit in town.
Stu was the first one in bed with you. Making you roll over and wrap your arm around him. "Billy look!" He whispered like you were a cat in a cute position. You tossed your leg over him next making it impossible for him to move. "Billy help! Her feet are fucking freezing!" He whispered once more earing a laugh from Billy. "She looks so peaceful doesn't she?" He taunted as Stu struggled against your restraints. Before getting into bed Billy cut off the light making the house seem earily dark.
Billy climbed in, his back towards you and Stu. Without warning you rolled over putting Billy in the same position Stu was. "She makes a good big spoon don't you think?" He taunted back but deep down Billy had never felt more comfortable. "Shut the fuck up." He mumbled holding your hand that rested over his waist. His thumb traced little circles on you hand. Stu scooted behind you. He snuggled up knowing damn well all three of you would wake up in a cold sweat from just being around each other all night. "Goodnight boys." Your voice was dangerously clear. Stu was already half asleep but Billy however heard you. He wasn't sure how much you knew but he'd have to quickly figure it out.
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(If your name has a line through it Tumblr wouldn't let me tag you.)
Part 6
Taglist: @katie-tibo @danodoll21 @agustdeeyaa @bowlofceral @gonnapermashift @tati-the-fangirl @kozumewhore @tatijoestar @illyanam1011 @c4rved-pumpk1n @msghostface @gojosbucket @sammanna @lokigirlszendaya @reneki @fetusharryluvr @kadu-5607
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sassypossumm · 6 months
Stress Relief
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Slightly smutty angsty/domestic 'stress relief' with Miguel... I have no idea where I got this from, but enjoy!!!
Miguel has been really stressed out. When isn't he stressed out, honestly, but he's been especially stressed out lately.
On the rare occasions he comes home, it's for nothing more than to grab a stale cup of coffee or a quick shower. It's obviously wearing on him, and you know he's beating himself up for how little time you've spent together.
The last straw comes when you come home to find him half dead on his feet, stuffing a stale Danish into his mouth. His exhausted features soften when he sees you, but his gizmo beeps and he yet again dashes through a portal with a rushed apology and peck on the cheek.
"Enough is enough." You grumble as a plan begins forming in your mind. Two weeks and several phoned in bribes later, Miguel is actually home. For an entire evening. And you'd be giddy with excitement if he weren't constantly checking his gizmo throughout dinner. And you'd gone to the trouble of making his favorite, Peppered Salmon and New Potatoes Au Grautin.
"Babe..." You tried to get his attention, putting down your fork. Miguel simply hummed. Your eye twitched and you took a steadying breath to keep from wringing his neck. "Your foods getting cold." Miguel flashes you an apologetic look and takes a bite, humming around the mouthful.
"Lo siento, mi vida." He mutters, taking another bite before looking back at his gizmo. You're not amused. Throwing down your fork with a huff, you stand and round the table, standing in front of him, hands on hips. "Nena, por favor. Just another minute,"
"You've been saying that for two hours, Miguel." His eyes snap up at your sharp tone, and he opens his mouth ready to protest when he takes in your stiff posture. Instantly his heart melts and he reaches for you.
"Aye, lo siento," His tone is soft, but you're not having it.
"You've been saying that for the last two hours too." His eyes widen at your tone, and he opens his mouth again, only to be met with your tongue bullying its way into his mouth, as you launch yourself into his arms. His sounds of surprise devolve into a practically depraved moan as he claws you closer, cradling you against his chest.
"Amor," He murmurs, leaving frantic open mouthed kisses down your neck. You rake shaky fingers through his hair, before remembering your irritation and tugging roughly at his hair. "Shock!" He hisses, jerking back to glare at you. "Para que era eso?!" You shift off his lap, and meet his glare with one of your own. Still stunned, he fails to notice you sinking to the floor between his thighs until you push as his thighs to make room to work. His attention flits to your position, and his anger melts into confusion. "Y/N,"
"I go to the trouble of bribing my way into a few hours with you, just a few hours." You growl, roughly unbuckling his belt. Miguel's eyebrows raise.
"You did what?" His words might as well have been back ground noise to you, as you grumbled under your breath, tugging at his zipper. Miguel's mouth went dry as he lifted his hips to let you all but yank his pants and boxers down. He watched you dumbly, as you looked at his cock in irritation before meeting his eyes, and his heart clenched at the hurt he saw.
"Do you think I like seeing you do this to yourself?" Your voice is sharp and you quickly sniff to keep from crying.
"Amor..." He whispers, trying to touch your cheek, but you bat his hand away and rest your hands on his thighs, rubbing at the hair on his corded thigh.
"I spent all afternoon making your favorite meal...and you've hardly taken three bites." Your attention shifts to his neglected cock, and you stroke it softly once. It twitches in response to your touch. You'd once quipped about his cock being 'touch interactive' but right now the thought soured in your mouth. Your brows pinch together and you again fix Miguel with an irritated glare.
"I wanted to make tonight special. Wanted to spoil you, get you to relax." You look longingly at his cock again, noticing it's slow awakening. "I adore you, and you are hellbent determined to neglect yourself." His large, warm hand cups your cheek, and you sniff as he guides your face up to meet his.
"Te amo." He whispers softly, running his thumb under your eye, catching a stray tear. You open your mouth to speak but he shakes his head and places his thumb over your lips. "My turn." He says in the firm tone that sends tingles of pleasure down your spine even now. "You're right." He continues, surprising you, but it's what he says next that has you soaking. "And I'm sorry." You whimper, and his heart clenches.
"Miggy." Your defenses fall and you reach for him, irritation melting away, leaving you with only thr base instinct to feel him.
"Bebita." He growls gently. "Come here." You squeak as he pulls you roughly into his arms and licks his way into your mouth, pinning down your tongue with his own. You grip at his arms and shudder, trying and failing to catch your breath as your head grows fuzzy.
"I wanted to worship you." Your voice comes out a whispy thing against his lips drawing a primal groan from his chest as he sucks at your pulse before standing and hoisting you into his arms. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you feel his hardness poke against your ass as he strides to the bedroom.
"You can worship me all you want, bebita." He growls, biting your neck as he kicks the door shut. Throwing you on thr bed, he quickly shedding his shirt before climbing on top of you possessively. "After all, we've got all night."
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scorpiussage · 1 year
The Robin to My Batman (Neil Lewis/Fem!OC)
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Pairing: Neil Lewis/Fem!OC 
Summary: A comic book store opens up next to Gumshoe Video prompting a hot and heavy feud between the two businesses and their nerdy owners. 
Theme: Romance - Enemies to Lovers 
Warnings: Nerds being nerds, smut 
The early morning walks to open Gumshoe Video are always enjoyable for Neil. He loves getting coffee from that family owned Armenian coffee shop down the street, greeting the old man who owns the hardware store across the street, and contemplating what the day’s theme should be. 
However, his gorgeous, peaceful morning comes to a screeching halt as he spots a large moving truck parked in front of Gumshoe— no, parked in front of the vacant store to the left of his. He quickly darts into the alleyway across the street and watches with mounting horror as some—so far unrecognizable—new business moves in. 
“No no no no no,” Neil mutters to himself, already picturing the worst case scenario. What if it’s a competing video store? Or perhaps on of those Christian shops that sells over priced bible themed tchotchkes? Both are miserable possibilities and he has no idea what he’ll do if either of those ends up being the case. 
When the coast is clear of movers, Neil goes sprinting into his store and making a made dash for the phone to call his friends. 
He has a bad feeling about this. 
The first time he sees her is at the grand opening of Golden Age Comics, the new comic book store next door. The first thing he sees when he walks in isn’t the life sized cutouts of various comic book characters placed strategically about nor the wall display of rare figurines. 
No, the first thing he sees is her, Bailey Taylor, the owner of the shop. She’s dressed like Wonder Woman, displaying these long shapely legs that have Neil’s jaw going slack in awe. She flutters about the store, greeting customers and advertising the big grand opening sale she’s running. 
Johnathan and Lucien, who came into the store with him, start needling each other excitedly, muttering about how hot she is and Neil can only feel dread. This can only spell bad news, he just knows it. 
Not at all like a coward, he quickly flees the store before she can approach him. 
The first time he actually meets Bailey, she comes into his shop. Today Gumshoe is having a deal on westerns and so Neil is dressed accordingly as a cowboy. When she walks into his store, it creates a rather comical juxtaposition as it appears her own store is having a sale on Japanese manga. 
Sailor Moon Bailey and Cowboy Neil stare each other down. 
“Um, hi,” she greets with an awkward little wave, her smile bright despite the uncomfortable mood, “I own the comic book store next door. My name is Bailey.” 
Neil nods stiffly, doing everything in his power to not stare at how hot she looks in that cosplay. When Neil fails to respond, an irritatingly adorable frown mars her features 
“Okay,” she mutters to herself before saying, “Well, I just wanted to see if you’d be willing to do a team-up and have a collaborative sale.” 
Neil scoffs, “And what? Hock old Adam West Batman tapes?”
She perks up and nods enthusiastically, “Yes! Exactly! I actually have this really great id-.”
Neil shudders at the thought and cuts her off before she can get going, “The old Batman show is absolute garbage in its cinematic delivery— no way would I subject my customers to that.” 
The glare she gives him could cut steel and admittedly makes his happy bits stir in interest. 
“Garbage?” She snarls, “That show was a pioneer for superhero media! Just because some over hyped alcoholic wife beater didn’t direct it, doesn’t mean it’s not good!” 
Neil’s eyes narrow at her and he crosses his arms, trying to appear more authoritative than he usually looks, “Oh believe me, the director has nothing to do with the bad editing and poor visual shots!” 
The woman looks like she’s visibly holding herself back from launching herself over the counter and decking Neil in the face. His cock makes another inappropriate twitch at the thought and he internally scolds himself for these reactions. 
Without another word, Bailey storms out of the store and stomps her way back to her own shop and Neil breathes a sigh of relief. 
God, he really needs to get laid if some uneducated comic dork is getting him riled up. 
After that disastrous first encounter, a Cold War of sorts settles over the two businesses. If Neil is having a sale, Bailey will have a better one. If Neil does a midnight showing of a movie, Bailey hosts a free-to-join D&D party. If Neil dressed up, Bailey does too but does it better. 
It’s aggravating. 
Neil doesn’t even know what it is about her that has him going absolutely insane, but it’s beginning to be a problem. For instance, last week she dressed up like Cat Woman and strutted about both in and out of her store, placing herself in full view of Neil boredly manning the register of his own shop. He had to go and jerk off in his office like five times; and he was still horny afterwards!
Like he said— problem. 
And it’s only getting worse. 
“Dude, oh my god! She’s dressed like a school girl today!” Johnathan says while rushing into the shop, a lecherous grin on his face, “Her skirt is so short!” 
Lucien cheers and Neil rams his head onto the surface of the checkout counter repeatedly. 
He’s gonna die horny and infuriated by her subpar taste in cinema, it’s inevitable. 
Lucien just gives him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder and leaves him to his melancholy while he and Johnathan go next door. 
“Ugh what do I do?!” He laments pathetically to himself. 
The second interaction that Neil has with Bailey happens on a slow night for both businesses. 
Neil is parked on the shop couch, watching Lady in the Lake and barely staying awake when she comes into his shop. She’s dressed normal today in a worn Captain Marvel t-shirt and denim shorts and he’s a little too tired to properly hide the slow up and down he gives her. 
A little blush settles on her face when she catches him doing that. 
“Slow night?” She asks after clearing her throat awkwardly. 
“Yeah, you?” 
Bailey blows a raspberry and nods, walking over to the couch and throwing herself down onto it next to Neil. He quickly scoots over, giving her room while trying to smooth his shirt and hair down to look less like a mess. 
“What are we watching?” She asks. 
Things sort of devolve from there. Whether it was one innocent comment taken the wrong way, or an intentional dig, it prompts a fresh new screaming match between the two of them over the cinematic quality of the Adam West Batman series. This woman will not let go of that trash TV series, Neil realizes.
Bailey gets up from the couch at some point, Neil hot on her heels as they move their heated argument about the store. It’s when they’re next to the wall that Neil pushes her against the surface and pins her arms high above her. He’s not thinking when he kisses her, pushing his tongue into her mouth to taste her— he’s running purely on adrenaline and instinct. 
That first kiss they share is not a gentle one; it’s rough and filthy and hot. 
“You are such a brat,” Neil bites out scathingly, his hands slipping away from her wrists to start running over her chest, cupping those perky tits of hers in his hands. 
“You are an obnoxious tool!” She sneers in return, her now free hands making quick work of his belt buckle and the button on his jeans. 
“I can’t believe how terrible your taste is in cinema! A rock would have better opinions!” Neil helps her push his pants down and then reaches forward to yank her shirt off. The bra she’s wearing is just a simple navy colored one but it has him physically biting back a moan at the sight. 
She smirks up at him, then pushes him away with a rough shove, sending him into one of the shelves. She gets into his space, wrapping her arms around his neck and initiating another one of those blood racing kisses. 
He reaches down and grabs her under her thighs, hoisting her up to wrap her legs around his waist. He starts walking them back towards his office, fully intent on throwing her down onto his couch in there and getting all this frustration out of his system. 
Sex has always been pretty gentle and by-the-book for Neil, he’s never had a desire to be rough or for a partner to be rough with him, but Bailey makes his head fuzzy. She makes him want to do things he’s never done before. 
“Fuck— Neil!” She gasps when he puts her down and immediately sticks his hand down the front of her shorts and starts rubbing along her slit. It’s so wet and he groans, his cock twitching in anticipation. 
“Can’t wait to shut you up,” he tells her, his long fingers alternating between rubbing vicious circles on her clit and slipping down to enter her with harsh thrusts, “Been thinking about this for weeks.” 
Her fingers scratch lightly across his stomach as she pushes his shirt up, “Well, you’re going to have to do lot better than this to make that happen.” 
His eyes narrow and he pulls his hand out of her shorts, ripping the button open and yanking them down her legs. He grips her around her hips and flips her onto her stomach, climbing onto her legs to keep her from kicking about. 
“I am so sick of that smart mouth,” he tells her before laying a loud slap to her right ass cheek, making her cry out in surprise that dissolves into a moan. He would spank her in earnest, but he’s been so fucking horny for so long that he only gives her a few smacks before slipping his fingers up under the edge of her panties, rubbing the buttery soft skin of her ass. 
Trailing his hands up, he unhooks her bra and climbs off of her so that she can turn over onto her back. She’s quick to shuck off her bra and panties, exposing herself entirely to his hungry gaze. 
“You said you thought about this for weeks,” she remarks while slipping her fingers down to her folds, “How many times did you jerk off to me?”
He groans and goes down to his knees, leaning forward and shouldering his way between her thighs. 
“So many fucking times,” he admits shamelessly before licking into her with enthusiasm.
Her fingers thread through his hair, tugging him forward and using the leverage to grind against his face. He could die here, smothered between those shapely thighs, and it would be in total bliss. Her moans are the sweetest thing he’s ever heard and he endeavors to hear them get louder. 
“Are you gonna cum for me, baby?” He asks, his fingers returning their journey of entering her and his eyes watching with hooded rapture as her cunt sucks them into her. 
“Neil,” she gasps his name, chanting it like a prayer and he picks up the pace with his fingers. He sucks on that hard little bud of hers and feels her cum around his fingers, that soaking cavern gripping him tightly. 
“Fuck, baby,” he groans, “please let me fuck you.” 
Her thighs are shaking as she comes down from her orgasm high, “Yes, fuck yes.” 
He doesn’t need any more encouragement— he’s barely got his underwear down before he’s pushing into her. She’s tighter and wetter than any other pussy he’s been in and he tells her as much, rasping filthy things into her ear as he begins a brutal and unrelenting rhythm. 
“Thought about bending you over the front counter and fucking you stupid so many times.” 
Her nails dig into his back, raking along the surface and certainly leaving their mark. 
The thought alone of her marking him could make him cum. He bites his lip harshly to try and wrestle back some control, unwilling to see it end so soon. 
It barely works as his hips stutter in their thrusting. 
“Can I cum in you?” He asks— no, practically begs her.
Her arms snake around his shoulders, tugging his head forward to rest against hers, their mouths finding each other hungrily. Between filthy, tongue filled kisses, she gasps, “Please!” 
Permission granted, he buries himself as deep as possible inside of her, the head of his cock nudging her cervix, and he cums. He groans loud and long as those warm, wet walls squeeze every last drop from his cock, sucking it better than any blow job could manage. 
He pulls out of her slowly and almost reluctantly, sad to part from that perfect cunt of hers. A flow of white cum follows his departure, dripping from her opening and over her ass in thick globs. 
He’s never seen something so sexy in his life and he doesn’t know what he’ll do if he doesn’t get to see it again. 
Stepping back from Bailey, he grabs his shirt off the floor and uses it to wipe her clean, chuckling at the deadpan look she gives him for the effort. Tossing the shirt aside, he climbs onto the couch and lays himself out next to her, pulling her to rest against his chest. 
They lay like that for a long time, catching their breaths and basking in the after glow. 
“You don’t really hate the Adam West Batman series, do you?” Bailey asks, her eyes looking up at Neil imploringly. 
Neil about answers the way he normally would but when he looks down at her and sees the earnest expression she’s wearing, he doesn’t have it in him to be an asshole. 
“No, it’s not that bad,” he lies and feels his heart flutter when she shoots him a beaming smile in return. 
He thinks he can stand mediocre cinema for her sake. 
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anton-luvr · 11 months
can you do childhood enemies to lovers with sungchan please 🤞 i love ur writing!!
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𖦹 childhood enemy!sungchan x fem!reader | fluff | ce2l au 𖦹 note ; tysm for requesting anon!! i had so much fun writing this i love sungchan </3 thank u for waiting and i hope u like it!
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Sungchan's yawn changes into a frown when he notices the pair of unfamiliar shoes by the door.
His aunt never mentioned about having guests over.
Thinking he had to endure another awkward social interaction, Sungchan sighs as he takes off his own shoes.
Don't get him wrong, he loves his aunt to bits.
But oftentimes, the friends she had over would nag him till his ears were ringing, endless questions about his college and non-existent dating life thrown his way.
So when he steps into the hallway to see that it's only a girl about his age with his sister in the living room, he's instantly relieved.
Until he notices his aunt is nowhere in sight.
"Somin," he calls out suspiciously, making his way over to the living room. "I'm home!"
The little girl squeals in delight, and she rushes over to hug Sungchan tightly. "'Chan, meet my new friend!" she says excitedly, pointing at you.
The smile on Sungchan's face freezes.
When he last saw you more than ten years ago, he had celebrated the fact that he would never have to see you again, but here you were: standing in his aunt's living room and staring right back at him.
Memories rush through his mind like a rollercoaster: childish fights over ice-cream, competitive glares exchanged when the teacher gave back your grades, and the promise he made to himself to hate you forever.
"S-Sungchan?" you sputtered, snapping him out of his thoughts. "What are you doing here?"
And just like he used to, Sungchan gets defensive. "What are you doing here? This is my aunt's house." he asks back, tone sharp and bringing an edge of hostility.
"She's the new babysitter!" Somin replies, unaware of the situation. "Her name is Y/N, isn't she nice?"
"Y/N, this is my brother! His name is Sungchan." Somin continues, grinning brightly at you.
You bite on your tongue to hold back from snapping back at Sungchan, feigning a surprised expression in response to Somin's introduction.
"Okay, bye! I need to go watch TV now." she sings, dashing off.
A heavy silence settles between the both of you as she leaves you alone, and Sungchan fakes a cough to break it.
"Sorry about that." he muttered.
"Oh, it's fine." you lie, shifting uncomfortably on your feet.
Sungchan shakes his head strongly at this, making his way into the kitchen.
"No, it's not. It's our first time meeting after forever, and this is how I treat you." he sighs. "Here, let me get you something to drink."
Not saying another word, you simply follow him into the small but cozy kitchen.
You watch as he pulls out two cans of soda from the fridge, and a small smile rests on your lips when you recognize the brand.
"I didn't know they still sold these sodas." you said, sliding into a seat by the kitchen counter.
They had been the most popular ones when you were a kid, and you would save your allowance to buy them during the scorching summers.
Sungchan makes a huffing noise as he places them on the counter, sliding one towards you. "You won't believe how expensive they are now." he complains. "It's almost five dollars a can!"
Hearing him complain like a grumpy middle-aged man, you couldn't help but laugh.
"What's so funny?" he asks, confused as he takes a sip from his can.
"You sound like an old man." you giggle, pretending to dodge when Sungchan picks up his soda as if to throw it at you.
The silence from earlier returns as your laughter dies down, and you wrack your brain to think of something to say.
Thankfully, Sungchan beats you to it.
"So... how's life? How have you been?" he asks.
Shrugging, you take a sip. "Not much. I'm on summer break from college, so I thought I'd earn some money at it while resting."
Sungchan hums, leaning back on his chair.
"And my aunt hired you to babysit my sister? Yikes." he mumbles jokingly.
You scoff, rolling your eyes. "I see that you're still the same, huh?" you retort.
As if you had accused him of a great crime, Sungchan gasps and dramatically clutches at his chest. "Hey, if this was us back then, we'd already be fighting and screaming at each other on the floor!"
The fact that it's happened before makes you chuckle, shaking your head.
It was crazy to think about how you used to hate him with all your guts, but here you were, having a conversation with him in his aunt's kitchen.
And as if on cue, you hear the front door rattle open and the loud chatter of ladies fill up the house.
"Oh God," Sungchan groans, mortified as he buries his face in his hands. "My aunt brought her friends over again."
You didn't understand his reaction till they swarmed over, chatting away like a coop of chickens.
"Oh wow, who's this gorgeous lady?" one of the ladies asked, waving enthusiastically at you.
"Is this your girlfriend? You never told us you had one!" another lady teases, whacking Sungchan on the shoulder.
He chokes on his soda, shaking his head frantically. "W-We're just friends! She was taking care of Somin, that's all!"
"Hmm, and maybe she can take care of you too!" one of them adds in, smirking at Sungchan.
"Someone's turning red!" Sungchan's aunt notices, laughing along.
Sure enough, his face was the color of a strawberry. Embarrassed, he stands up quickly, pulling you up with him by the hand.
"Okay, it's getting late, I have to take her home." he rambles, tugging you after him as he squeezes his way to the door.
"You do?" you echo, following him in surprise.
"Aw, our Sungchan is all grown up! He's bringing a girl home, how sweet!" one of the lady coos, and Sungchan's eye twitches.
"Bye!" he shouts, slamming the door shut behind the both of you.
All noise fades the moment he does, and the peace of the night wraps around you like a hug.
"Sorry about that. My aunt's friends are... something." Sungchan mumbles, annoyed.
"It's fine." you say. You were sure you had at least five aunts from your family who were the same, if not worse.
"Wait, but are you actually going to take me home?" you asked, raising an eyebrow at the brown haired boy.
Eyes widening, Sungchan plants his hands on his hips. "Of course I am! What kinda douchebag do you think I am to let you go home alone in the dark?" he scoffs, seemingly offended.
Shrugging, you laugh as you walk away. "Well, let's go then, Mr. Considerate."
He catches up to you with a "Hey, wait for me!", your footsteps falling together in a rhythm as you make your way home.
"Anyways, how about you? How's life?" you ask.
Sungchan hums at this, kicking a random rock on the sidewalk. "It's good. I'm finishing up my degree in engineering, then I'll probably start working."
"Oh, cool!" you say softly. "I would never have guessed you wanted to be an engineer." you laugh. "You were so obsessed with being a fireman back then."
Your words unlock another memory for Sungchan, and he smiles to himself.
Silence falls between the both of you again, but it felt more comfortable this time.
And as you continue walking together, Sungchan can't help but look at you from the corner of his eye, the old hatred softening away into unfamiliar adoration.
And he realized his aunt's friends were right. You really were gorgeous.
Your eyes still had the mischievous glint he used to hate, your cheeks a soft pink from the cool autumn breeze, while the orange street lamps overhead cast a soft glow on you - almost like an angel.
His face burns in realisation when he catches himself admiring you, and Sungchan's about to slap himself when you stop in your tracks.
"Alright, this is it. Thanks for walking me back." you smile, pointing at the apartment complex you stayed at.
Sungchan smiles back, shoving his hands into the pockets of his hoodie. "No problem," he says. "It was nice seeing you again."
You nod, waving as you walk up to the entrance.
"Goodnight!" you call, pulling out your access card.
But the beep of verification has barely gone through when it's cut off by Sungchan, shouting.
"Y/N, wait!" he calls.
"Do you want to go get a coffee or something tomorrow? J-Just to catch up." he stutters, eyes shining with what seems to be nervous anticipation.
"Sure," you say immediately, surprising yourself. "Text me the details?"
"I don't have your number though." Sungchan says, smiling sheepishly.
You face palm yourself, dumbfounded. "Sorry," you laugh awkwardly, taking his phone from his outstretched hand.
He watches in amusement as you type in your number, failing at least twice because you kept pressing the wrong number keys.
God, you were so cute.
"Still struggling with numbers?" Sungchan teases when you pass his phone back to him, and you slap his arm. "I passed math in high school, get it right." you scold lightly.
He grins, slipping his phone into his pocket. "Well, you can tell me all about it tomorrow," he says casually.
His words make your cheeks warm up, and you nod.
"Bye!" you call out, stepping into the lift.
Sungchan waves back as the lift doors close, and he can't help but smile like an idiot.
It seems like he wasn't going to hate you forever after all.
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© anton-luvr, 2023.
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 11 months
super duper congratulations on 5k, you absolutely deserve each and every one lovely ! i’m sure you’ve got a ton already, but at the suspiciously low number of soap requests, may i ask for an enemies to lovers ? perhaps in a ‘constantly-butting-heads-to-the-point-where-everyone-around-them-is-bashing-their-skull-in-from-annoyance’ to lovers sense. and maybe a dash of forced proximity? i know he’s a literal ball of sunshine, but i will enemies to lovers-fy any character i can get my hands on and you do the trope justice every! time!! of course, only if you would like to, sending love! <3 xx
—A Song of Gnashing Teeth
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 5k Drabble Masterlist ࿐ྂ
╰┈➤ ❝ [There was never a day where the two of you weren't butting heads - everyone was at their wit's end. Of course, you would both be forced to cooperate at some point.] ❞
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“Stop moving,” the command comes in from your right ear, fizzling in and out as the connection pops. The comms were spotty in the higher altitudes, and even as the sweat stuck to your skin and the bugs buzzed, it still tried its best to come through. 
Just as you were trying your best not to snap.
“I’m not moving, Captain MacTavish,” you ease out. “I’m lined up.” 
Sniping in South America was the mission for the next two months—targets lined up with terrorist connections that needed to be six feet under per Shepherd’s orders ASAP. Two teams had been sent out, but only to work together for this instance. Yours, obviously, and the second belonging to a man you’d not seen in years.
The taste was still bitter in your mouth when you were around him, though.
“Don’t lie to me, Dearie—scope’s shakin’ more than a drunk after his sixth bottle.” Your eyes glare ahead, a sneer building slowly over your lips.
“You’re one to talk?” You scoff, dense foliage swaying as you focus on the head of one of your targets. Your men listen intently over the line as the two Captains bicker—all in the town below waiting to do a snatch-and-grab of one of the individuals you would need to interrogate. “Moscow, Russia, five years ago,” you speak in clipped sentences. “Target in her penthouse. White curtains swaying in the breeze. What do you do, Soap? Oh, that’s right,” you growl, “you shoot the damn marble statue thinking it was her after two bottles of shit wine.”
There’s a click of a tongue over the line. A smirk easily heard that leaves you fuming.“I remember I happened to be a bit distracted that day, Hen. Not as much as you, though, aye?”
“Only thing I was distracted by,” you flick off your sniper rifle’s safety, undisturbed by the blatant insinuation. “Was your ability to not fucking see clearly.” 
A low grumble wafts out, cutting the line a few times. 
Your joined unit all seem to try and stop their hands from slapping their faces in annoyance—the connection heavy with tension and anticipation. Whoever decided it was smart to put the two of you together either thought it would be funny, or they hoped you could both get past your own egos for the sake of the mission. 
As if. 
“I’m taking the shot,” you sigh. “Team One—get ready to intercept the second target on my go.” 
For once, the Scot seems to agree with you, voice coming back to that serious gruff bark. “Two, keep the area locked down; no need to let the others get too excited and pop off shots. Save our arses the trouble.”
You let your finger slip down to the trigger, eye open and stance relaxed—taking into account distance and wind as you level to notch three. 
“On my go,” you say again, the comms lighting up with affirmatives. “Three…two…” Your finger squeezes just as, “Go,” is muttered into the air. 
In the scope, you watch the head of your target explode into a mess of blood in black and white, the spray flying into the air like rain only to fall once more as the body drops. 
The conjoined teams do as they’re told, moving in the middle of chaos to grab at the second mark—one needle to the neck later, and it’s a limp form that they drag into the back of an awaiting van. 
“Mission success. Pack it up and let's get goin’.” John’s voice breaks you out of your focus, letting you blink at the disappearing van before you shift your head away entirely, taking a low breath. “Shepherd’ll have new orders.”
“‘Course he will,” you grunt, moving to push up into your knees and crack your back. 
It’s only after a moderate hike back into the woods that you see him waiting, having trekked back from his perch as well, through bugs and branches. The rifle is slung over your back, just as his is loosely held in front of him. 
“John,” you mutter in greeting, slapping away a mosquito. Blue eyes glance your way, scar moving as a smirk meets your eyes. He never changed—even that mohawk is still the same. A disheveled dog down to the bone in his mouth.
“Dearie,” a firm nod is leveled. “Nice shot, then.”
“Ironic,” your head tilts, slowing as you meet him a few feet separated. A silence settles like steel to the hard floor, the long pause that draws on tension as a tight cord. 
John clears his throat, watching you as your eyes narrow, brow twitching. 
He steps once more towards you with one foot, leaning in.
“I suppose this is where I wait for you to slap me,” he tilts his head, still smirking. 
“I’m thinking about it,” you draw, blinking slowly. “Don’t tempt me, MacTavish. I don’t need disorderly conduct and assault on my record.” 
“Done worse.” You scowl.
“You’re acting like you want me to do it, damn freak.”
“I’m just saying I’d be expecting it, is all.” Smooth chuckles waft out as your hand waves in exasperation, walking forward. It’s only after you’re about to move into the trees and disappear from view that he calls once more to you. 
Your feet slow, but don’t stop.
“I really did miss you.” Eyelids moving just a tiny bit wider, your lips thinned out. Boots shuffle in the grass from behind you. “Thought you’d come back eventually, aye?” 
You stay silent, body still near the sentinels of old tree trunks. 
The parting of the two of you could have gone better—there were some things that couldn’t be fixed. You’d always be at each other’s throats, needless of missions or personal matters. 
You look over your shoulder to lock with digging blues—the structure of John’s face always seared into your mind so much so you could draw it even if years had passed.
“You never gave me a reason to stay.” 
He blinks in surprise, but you’ve already shifted away, heart pinched. 
“Good working with you, Captain,”  you say, already gone. Memories linger in the air, suffocating you. Your eyes close tightly, and you grit your teeth. “Call me if you need me.”
A shout echoes above the yells from the town far into the distance, meeting your ears. 
“I plan on it!”
You huff under your breath, but your skipping heart betrays you.
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saintwyfe · 2 years
࿐ ˚ . ✦ SKINCARE. jude bellingham
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summary. begging your boyfriend to do face masks together
cw. none, fluff
word count. 1054
after scrolling through tiktok and coming across multiple videos of couples together (specifically doing face masks and skincare), you had the bright idea of bothering your boyfriend, jude.
"juuuudeeee," you flung yourself onto the boy next to you, who’d also been on his phone.
"what, babe?" he replied, his eyes still preoccupied by what seemed to be some sort of mobile game.
"let’s do face masks together," you whined, stretching your arms to move the phone from his face, attempting to steer his attention toward you.
he shot you a critical glance while dodging your attempts to fling his phone. "uhm…" he paused while tapping away, "let’s do it later."
you scoffed, "i can’t do it later, though." you sat up from your previous position, "please, babe. it’ll be so much more fun than your game."
"mhm, for sure," he chuckled, contesting your statement. you rolled your eyes in annoyance..
"what’s so fun about it, anyway? it looks so... boring. you’ll have so much more fun doing masks with me." you queried, wiggling yourself next to him to see his screen. "yeah, this cannot possibly be fun at all," you added.
watching as he’d been fixated on his phone, he let out a quick mutter, "you raid people’s stuff. it’s actually really fun," he replied.
you scanned the game for a few more seconds before letting out a dramatic huff, turning to the side, and prated, "hmph, why does my dear boyfriend, whom i love so much, hate me?" you flung your hand to your head, imitating some sort of terrible monologue.
his head tossed over to where you’d been hurling. "what? i never said that. that’s nonsense," he retorted in defiance.
you shook your head, "that’s what you’re implying, though."
"how?" he sneered, unimpressed by your exaggeration.
"because, you don’t want to spend time with me, so what can that mean other than that you hate me?" you responded, turning back over to him.
"that’s not true. i actually love you, very much," he replied, "plus, are we not spending time together right now?" 
"i mean, yeah, but doing this would be so much more fun. and memorable," you jabbed. "plus we can run a bath or make cookies or something," you cooed, clasping your hands together.
he sighed, placing his now shut off phone next to him, "i don’t want to get out of bed, though."
you stared in disapproval at his uncooperativeness before hunching over to his side of the bed, "you’re actually so lazy." pulling onto his lengthy arm, you did your utmost to try getting him out of his aloof position. him being so heavy obviously outweighed this attempt.
"jude, just get up," you whined, ceasing your efforts. a small moment of silence followed as you eyed him dozing off at the ceiling.
"fine," he gave in, departing from the bed. you let out a small cheer after all of your hard work and dedication.
scurrying to your bathroom, you quickly scanned through the cabinets for the appropriate supplies: cleanser, serum, clay masks, moustrizer… because you weren’t just doing face masks. of course, it'd only be right to do an entire routine, of course, even though he didn’t deserve it after all that tedious convincing.
"are you making it or something? why is there so much stuff?" he inquired, head tilting.
"uhh, yeah…" you drawled, trying not to suggest anything that’ll make him turn away. "wait, let me grab something for you." you dashed to your vanity, grabbing your hello kitty headband and concealing it behind your back.
"oh no, what is it," he cried. 
"shh, just close your eyes," you instructed, snickering while fetching the scrunched headband over his head. instinctively, his eyes fluttered open, mouth dropping. "y/n, take this off. i look so dumb," his mouth agape while skimming himself in the mirror. 
you chuckled away as you tried to snap a picture. "you look like such a pretty princess."
he shot you a glare before shaking his head, "please, take this off."
"no, no, it’s fine, it’ll be quick," you snorted, still trying to relive his reaction, "c’mon, let me wash your face."
you turned the tap on, pumping your favorite cleanser into your hands before rubbing them together, creating a soapy mixture when mixed with water.
"turn toward me," you commanded, rubbing your hands on his face in a circular motion, but obviously struggling a bit because of the height difference. 
"you’re so damn tall," you murmured as he sneered, "not my fault you’re so short." he teased as his arms cradled your waist. 
"okay, rinse your face now," he nodded, turning toward the sink. you quickly reached for the cleanser, repeating your previous actions.
after cleansing both of your faces, you grabbed your favorite clay mask, twisting the cap before turning to your boyfriend beside you. with a brush, you dipped into the container before painting his face, leaving it a shade of teal.
"i look so ridiculous right now," he stifled a laugh as you covered his forehead in the paste.
"ridiculously cute," you prompted, teasing him.
he chuckled before flinging himself inches from your face, "oh yeah?" his taunting immediately made you laugh before he pecked his lips against your cheek, leaving bits of blue residue on your face. you pulled away, giggling.
"stop, i was just kidding." you cocked your head to the side, "i meant to say ridiculously ugly," you mumbled.
"hm?" he chirped. "nothing," you said, clearing your throat before turning back to apply your mask after being distracted. he rolled his eyes as he watched you run the paste onto your face, as well.
after covering the last piece of skin, you finally placed the container on the counter before muttering, "20 minutes, okay?" earning a nod from him. "let me take a cute picture, though." you grabbed your phone, opening the photos app, and snapped away. his poses did not disappoint, though he seemed to be annoyed just 10 minutes prior, he’d been throwing up peace signs, winks, and duck lips. you found yourself surprised at the sudden interest, but you realized great minds think alike (skincare & selfies>his dumb mobile game).
"ooh!" you suddenly blurted. "let’s make tiktoks while they set." you smirked. he sighed, but ultimately knew there was no way out of this.
an: gamer bf skincare gf trope 😜 expect more ffs soon i'm gna make it a goal to stop slacking + tysm for all the love on my last post ❥
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alexendria-rose · 3 months
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Dad Sherlock X Reader.
Warnings- Pure fluff
A/n- I’ve thought about this at work. It’s just a real short one 🤎
Sherlock crinkles his eyebrows as he hears a sort of sound in the front room. He was just waking up for the day, well he was not intending to wake up for a little while longer but whatever that annoying sound was woke him up. He looked to his side to see that his wife wasn’t there, maybe that was also another reason he woke up. He groans stretching before sitting on the edge of the bed and standing up. He walks over to the door grabbing his blue robe that hung up on the door, putting it on and exiting the bedroom. He saw little William sitting on his mother’s lap on the floor as he stared up at the TV. Y/n giggled softly as William clapped his hands.
“Mom! Dad! Bingo! Bluey!” William shouted in his cute little voice and giggled. Y/n looked over towards the kitchen to see a very tired Sherlock Holmes.
“Oh hello my love! I’ve made some tea for you it’s on the counter.” She says with a very bright smile on her lips that made Sherlock in a much better mood than he was previously in.
“Thank you.” He smiles softly grabbing the cup of tea walking over to his chair sitting on it before taking a small sit. William looks up at his father his big blue eyes peering into his father’s own blue bright eyes.
“Daddy!” He exclaims standing up from his mother’s lap running over to Sherlock crawling on his lap. Sherlock laughs lightly placing his tea down on the table next to him before holding onto his son tightly.
“Hello son. What is mother torturing you with today?” Sherlock grins, Y/n glares daggers at Sherlock mouthing a quick ‘fuck you’ before William turns his head towards his mom.
“Momma not torturing me daddy.” William says with bright eyes. “It’s bluey!” Sherlock knits his eyebrows.
“Bluey? That doesn’t sound very educational.” Sherlock mutters but keeping a smile on his face. Sherlock definitely knew his son got his mother’s creative mind but he definitely was Sherlock’s mini him.
“Daddy! It’s good!” William exclaims a slight pout on his little lips. Sherlock rolls his eyes playfully ruffling his son’s dark curls.
“But wouldn’t you rather watch some murder mysteries.” Sherlock whispered so his wife wouldn’t hear. But oh she did. Y/n whips her head towards Sherlock standing up from the ground.
“I swear on everything Sherlock Holmes if you let our son watch that. You’ll become one of those murder mysteries.” She threatens, Sherlock smirks at her threat giving her a lovey smile.
“I love when you threaten me like that my dear.” He teases. Y/n rolls her eyes pulling out her phone seeing a text from Mary asking y/n to tag along with her for morning tea at the bakery. Sherlock looks at his wife seeing a small smile on her face.
“My love do you think I can go out for an hour, I haven’t seen dear Mary in a while.” Y/n asks a huge grin on her face excited to see her best friend.
“My love I hate that you have to ask, obviously you can go. William and I will do something fun-“
“We’re going to watch bluey all day momma!” William says interrupting his father. Y/n laughed at her son knowing she was a copy and paste of his father. Sherlock’s eyes widen at that comment shaking his head towards his wife as a save me sort of look. Y/n laughs grabbing her coat and slipping it on.
“I think that’s a fantastic idea my love! Now I’ll see you boys later.” Y/n says blowing a kiss towards her two favorite boys, William blowing a kiss back and Sherlock glaring at his wife knowing she was dashing out the door to torture Sherlock with this nonsense show. William laid his head on his father’s shoulder as his eyes continue to watch the show. Sherlock sighed leaning his head on top of William’s as they watch the show together.
Later when Y/n got back an hour later she walked through the flat door seeing a very puzzled and intrigued Sherlock and a very sleepy William. Y/n smiled softly as Sherlock’s eyes were glued on the TV.
“Y/n she can’t have kids! This isn’t for children, this show is too intelligent.” Sherlock’s whispers sadly not noticing his son has fallen asleep. “Right William?” Sherlock looks down seeing William dead asleep. Y/n chuckles walking towards the boy’s.
“I thought this was dumb?” Y/n snickers taking off her coat throwing it to the side. Sherlock’s face falls and a slight embarrassed look crawls up to his face.
“It is.” He mumbles his eyes never leaving the television. Y/n just hums grabbing small William from Sherlock’s embrace waking William up slightly.
“Mommy, daddy loves bluey now.” Williams smiles tiredly before going back to sleep. Y/n just smiles at her sleepy son taking him to his room and setting him down on his bed so he could take his afternoon nap. She kisses the top of his head gently just enjoying the second of watching her son fast asleep not noticing a happy Sherlock watching the interaction.
“Did I ever tell you that you’re an amazing mother.” Sherlock whispers quietly. “Kind of like the mom in bluey, no wonder why he loves it.” Y/n looks towards her husband a small blush on her cheeks watching as Sherlock makes his way towards her sitting next to her on the floor beside their son’s bed.
“Sometimes I wonder if I’ll mess up at this mom thing.” She sighs sadly placing her chin on the palm of her hand as she continued to look at Williams sleepy figure. Sherlock shakes his head playing with the end of her hair.
“You’re doing a good job.” Sherlock smiles softly. Y/n looks at him tilting her head a grin plastered on her face.
“Did you just quote bluey to me?” She asks watching him start to laugh quietly.
“Yes and that show definitely got that right.” He says grabbing his wife and holding her close to his chest. “You take care of us everyday and you’re doing a damn good job at this mom and wife thing.” Y/n sighs happily a grin on her face. Maybe Sherlock should watch bluey more often…
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maerinhearts · 2 years
Part II.
You hate Tsukishima Kei. With a passion. Seriously. But what happens when you, the manager of his college volleyball team, get stuck in a hotel room with him? For an entire week... With only a king bed for both of you to sleep on...
Warnings: fem!bodied reader, choking, unprotected sex, bullying (on both sides), one bed trope (lol).
Word Count: 4900+
Minors DNI, please and thank you. All characters are 18+.
A/N: I'm back with another Tsukki drabble 😌 Let's fucking go.
Smut is below the cut, as always.
“I’m really sorry, Y/N,” the coach was saying on the other end of the phone, “but because we added Jiro so last minute this week, I’m going to have to put you with one of the guys on the team. I already called the hotel, and they don’t have any more rooms available.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose in frustration. Of course. You didn’t think of this when Jiro unexpectedly transferred into the program and made the volleyball team this past week. You had been so wrapped up in your own excitement for the tournament that you forgot you wouldn’t get a room all to yourself this time.
“It’s no biggie, Coach,” you reply. But it is a biggie. “I don’t mind.” But I do mind. “Put me with whoever is willing to room with me!” Don’t you dare put me with that bastard Tsukishima.
“Y/N, I really can’t thank you enough for being so understanding. I’ll make sure to be extra careful next tournament so I can give you your own room like normal! Can’t wait to see you Monday morning!”
After you hang up the phone, you find annoyance bubbling up in your chest. It would be your luck that the hotel is fully booked, but then you should have expected that considering what tournament was happening this upcoming week. As you shove stuff into your suitcase, you try to come to terms with who you might room with. Jiro would be fine, since you didn’t really know each other. You’d even be fine with the team captain, Yuuji. Anyone but Tsukishima.
Before you went to sleep for the night, you prayed to any God out there that you’d get paired with anyone else on the team.
But your prayers go unanswered.
“Everyone was too shy to room with you, Y/N,” Coach was explaining to you as he walked you to your room. You had a glare plastered on your face at him. “And no one wanted to room with Tsukishima either. So, the best thing I could have done to make sure my team gets along for this tournament is-”
“To put Tsukishima with me?” you say with disgust.
“I’m not happy about it either,” Tsukishima says from beside you, glare also evident on his face. Only it’s directed at you.
You turn a harsh look on him. “No one was speaking to you, four eyes,” you snap.
“You little…” he mutters, turning to tower over you.
“Okay, you two,” the coach interrupts. “Here is your room.” He scans the key card and ushers Tsukishima in. He turns to you, handing you the key card before ushering you in as well. “Don’t lose that. I want you to be in charge of it.” You nod along as you step into the room.
“WHAT?” Tsukishima yells from inside.
You feel your annoyance bubbling up to the surface again. “Oi, Tsukishima, pipe down,” you scold.
“Y/N,” he says to get your attention. You finally glance up at him, glare ready, eye twitching to find him looking worse for wear. “There’s only one bed.”
You feel your face drop and whirl yourself around to tell coach.
“Uh, I gotta go check on the others!” he says as he dashes out of the doorway, letting the door come to a close.
So, you stand there, next to the bastard Tsukishima, at the foot of the bed, both of you in utter disbelief as you stare at the one king sized bed in the center of the room. It’s silent for a long moment.
“You’re sleeping on the floor,” you tell him matter-of-factly.
“What?!” he exclaims. “The floor is hardwood, Y/N! I have a tournament to play in this week! You’re the one that is going to be sleeping on the floor.”
You turn to him, a look of utter disgust on your face only to find he is returning the look. “You’d really make your team manager sleep on the hardwood floor?” you ask, hoping to bait him into saying no, he wouldn’t do that to you.
“What?” you ask in disbelief.
“Yes, I would make my snotty team manager sleep on the hardwood floor.” He sneers down at you.
Before you can stop yourself, you raise a fist, ready to punch him, but he just sticks an arm out, hand pressing against your forehead as he continues to push you away, laughing as you struggle to get a hit in. This bastard and his ridiculously long monkey arms…
You huff out as you straighten your clothes, and he crosses his arms. “I’m going to take a shower,” you tell him. “And when I come out, I better see your bed made up on the floor.”
He scoffs and waves you away with a roll of his eyes. You feel your eye start twitching again as you close the door to the bathroom and turn the water on. As you step into the shower, you feel your anger spike again. How dare he try to make you sleep on the floor?! Didn’t his mother teach him any manners?!
You were hoping the warm water would calm you down, but as you step out onto the towel outside of the shower you find that, in your annoyance, you forgot to get your clothes from your suitcase. You curse yourself underneath your breath before wrapping a towel tightly around your body.
You crack open the bathroom door and peek out. You can see Tsukishima lounging on the bed in the reflection of the mirror right outside the bathroom door. He’s playing on his phone. Thinking you could get to your suitcase quickly without him noticing, you pad out to the living area only to come to a halt when you realize your suitcase is on the side of the bed he is currently laying on.
“T-Tsukishima,” you stutter out, nerves getting the best of you.
“What is it now?” he says as he lowers his phone to glare at you.
Your face reddens as he makes eye contact, his glare falling into a look of awe and disbelief. His own face begins to redden before he turns quickly away.
“Have you lost your mind?!” he damn near shouts at you.
“I forgot my clothes, you asshole!” you shout at his back. “And my suitcase is by you!”
“Well, hurry up and get your clothes, for Christ’s sake!”
You hesitate. “Don’t look at me,” you tell him, voice soft. “Promise you won’t look at me and then I’ll be able to get my clothes.”
He takes a deep breath before closing his eyes. “I won’t look,” he promises, voice surprisingly gentle. “I closed my eyes.”
You get to your suitcase and quickly throw it open. As you’re rummaging through its contents you glance up to see that his eyes were, in fact, closed. You feel your heart skip a beat at that, for whatever reason, and speed walk back to the bathroom with your clothes in hand.
Tsukishima waits until he hears the bathroom door close again before he blows out the breath he was holding. He turns to look at the space you just occupied outside of the bathroom door and feels his face heat up again. He knew you were pretty. Hell, everyone knew you were drop dead gorgeous. Other teams would make comments before, during and after games. It drove him and his teammates nuts. Though, they would all be lying if they said they never fantasized about you before. Him included. He would often find himself being dragged into locker room talk about you after practice, after games, during team study sessions that you were never invited to. He never participated simply because he respected you too much to talk about you in that manner. His teammates thought it was just because he hated you.
The way you two interacted never went unnoticed by anyone. Perhaps putting you two together in a room was the coach’s way of telling you two to get over it. It felt like Coach was telling him he had to be friends with you. The only problem is that Tsukishima didn’t want to be friends with you in the first place.
And so, he finds himself setting up a wall of pillows in the middle of the bed. He doesn’t want to sleep on the floor, and he certainly doesn’t want you to. As he is placing the last pillow, you exit the bathroom, wet hair dripping onto the oversized tee shirt you were wearing. When he turns to look at you, he notices that the tips of your cheekbones are still a light shade of pink. Then he glances down.
“Oi, Y/N,” he says lowly, voice laced with annoyance.
“What?” you snap back.
“Where are your pants?” He points at your bare legs.
You feel your face heat up at ten times the speed. “I am wearing pants!” you exclaim, hoisting your shirt up past your navel in anger. “I’m wearing shorts!”
In your haste, you didn’t realize just how high you had yanked the shirt up.
So, there you were, shirt held tightly in your hands showing off your short sleep shorts… and the bottom half of your breasts.
“Put your shirt down!” he shouts, nearly tripping over his own suitcase as he runs over to you, grabs the hem, and yanks your shirt back down over your body.
You turn your face up at him, brows knitting together as you frown at him, completely unaware of just how much you were showing him. “I was just showing you that I had shorts on underneath this shirt,” you tell him.
“Yes, yes,” he responds, “you’ve made your point.” But I didn’t need to see that, he thinks to himself. Now how will I be able to sleep knowing they’re right next to me? And they look like that?
His hands fist into your shirt at your waist and you suddenly become very aware of him touching you.
“Okay,” you say a little too loudly, taking a giant step away from him and pushing his hands off of you. “Let’s get ready for bed.”
As Tsukishima is brushing his teeth, you walk around the room to shut lights off, leaving the bedside light on, and adjust the thermostat. You come to a halt as you lift the covers to get into the bed. You stare blankly at the wall of pillows in the center.
Tsukishima exits the bathroom, then, yawning loudly, stopping when you turn an annoyed look on him.
“I told you to sleep on the floor,” you ground out.
“And I told you, not happening,” he answers, voice snide.
“So, your solution was to put pillows between us?”
“I felt like it was a fair compromise,” he answers. “I don’t want to touch you; you don’t want to touch me.”
“And you think pillows are going to keep us separated? All night?”
“I do. Oh, and you’re sleeping closest to the wall.” He moves to where you’re standing, pushing you aside and climbing into the bed.
You stand there in disbelief. He must have lost his mind. You turn to glance around the room and notice that the side closest to the wall is farthest from the door. You feel your heart skip a beat again.
“Tick tock, Y/N,” he says as he reaches to shut the last lamp off. “What will it be?” He sneers up at you before he flips the switch, and the room goes black.
Before you can think too much about it, you stomp over to the other side of the bed.
“Stay on your side,” you tell him as you settle in.
“That won’t be a problem,” he answers back.
You turn on your side away from him, staring at the wall for what feels like forever until sleep finally pulls you under.
A knock on the door wakes you up the next morning, a voice outside telling you to come get breakfast before the bus leaves in two hours for the games.
But it’s so warm, you think as you burrow your head deeper into your pillow. You could get away with five more minutes, right? But another knock sounds on the door, signaling that it was, indeed, time to get up. You forgot coach made two rounds just ten minutes apart.
As your eyes flutter open, you realize why you feel so warm.
Tsukishima’s arms are wound tightly around your waist, your head comfortably tucked underneath his chin, face pressed into his chest. Your own arms betrayed you in your sleep as well, you notice, as you become painfully aware of their position around his body. The pillows that were meant to keep you separated are nowhere in sight. You feel your anxiety spike when you realize he has you practically trapped.
“Tsukishima,” you say trying to wake him.
He groans before his arms tighten around you. “Five more minutes,” he pleads, voice groggy. If you weren’t so anxious, you would think he sounded somewhat hot.
“Tsukki,” you try again, opting for his nickname.
He groans again, body shifting slightly before sighing, still not awake.
“Tsukki,” you say, louder this time.
He finally opens one eye to look at you, annoyed. You’re looking up at him with wide eyes, pleading with him silently to let you go.
“Uhm,” you start.
“Why are you so close to me?” he asks, voice thick with sleep.
Instead of answering, you move your eyes down to look at his arms currently wrapped around your waist. It takes Tsukishima a long second to realize why you’re so close to him. Then he is shoving you away from him as if he had touched a hot stovetop. You shriek as he launches himself away from you and off the bed, waist throbbing in pain from where he had hastily shoved you away. You rub the spot with a hand.
“What the hell, Tsukishima?” You glare at him. “You didn’t have to push me that hard.”
“Let’s not talk about it,” he suggests before turning on his heel and heading into the bathroom.
So, you decide to ignore what happened. For days. If the team advances every single day, you could be sharing a room with him for the next seven days. Lo and behold, they do. You had been avoiding each other since you woke up somehow encased in his arms, eating meals separately and coming back to the hotel room at different times.
But the night before the championship game, the coach makes everyone go to their rooms early, saying something about how everyone needs to get a good night of sleep.
And so here you are, at 10:00 PM, wide awake next to the wide-awake Tsukishima whom you haven’t spoken to in days simply because you haven’t had to. Nor did you really want to, for that matter. You’re separated by pillows, but it feels like he is closer than ever to you. If you concentrated hard enough, you could hear his breathing.
“Ugh,” you finally groan. “I can’t sleep.” You frown up at the ceiling.
“Maybe if you changed your attitude, you’d be asleep by now,” Tsukishima says from beside you.
You sit up to glare at him. “I don’t see you sleeping either,” you point out.
“I’m not sleeping because I’ve chosen not to sleep yet,” he replies.
You scoff. “Yeah right, I bet its because you’ve had to sit the bench the last two games.” You were taking a low blow, you knew that. But still, you said it.
He shoots up into a sitting position on his side of the bed now, returning your glare with just as much fervor. “It’s not my fault I’ve been off my game the last couple of days. It’s because I have to share a room with the most aggravating person on the planet!”
“Oh yes, because it’s certainly not the fact that you suck at volleyball.”
Suddenly, he’s in your face. “Say that again,” he dares you.
You swallow thickly before shaking your head, glare nowhere to be found now.
“Funny how you think I suck at volleyball, but I must be good at something else in your dreams.”
You feel your face heat up. “W-what are you talking about?” you stutter.
“You mean to tell me you haven’t been dreaming of me every single night since that first morning?”
“No,” you answer, a little too quickly. You avert your gaze away from him.
“You trying to tell me you aren’t the one I hear every night moaning ‘Yes, Tsukki, right there, Tsukki’?” His voice goes up an octave as he imitates your voice and you’d very much like to crawl in a hole and die.
You had had dreams about him this week, yes, you couldn’t deny that. But were you really moaning for him in your sleep?
“You’re lying,” you accuse, voice shaky.
“Am I, though?” His hand finds its way underneath your chin, tilting your face up to his. When your gazes meet, you find that he is suffocatingly close to you. One wrong move and your lips could be touching. “Look me in the face and tell me I’m lying.” His voice oozes confidence.
Suddenly, your tongue feels too big for your mouth. You can’t even form words as you try to look away from him. To be honest, you didn’t know if he was lying or not, but you can’t exactly hear yourself while you sleep.
“Huh, look at that,” he muses as his hand moves from your chin, gliding across your jaw and into your hair at the nape of your neck. “Cat got your tongue?” He’s mocking you now. His hand fists into your hair as you avert your eyes again and he yanks your head back to look at him. You gasp out, surprised. “Look at me when I’m talking to you.” When you make eye contact with him again, he smirks. “Good girl.”
You feel your face heat up at his words, heat pooling in the pit of your stomach as butterflies erupt across your chest.
“Oh? Did you like that?”
You try to shake your head no but find that you can’t move because his hand is still in your hair.
“Use your words, Y/N,” he tells you, voice stern.
You swallow. “N-No,” you stammer.
Suddenly, his lips are by your ear. “Liar,” he whispers, sending a shiver down your spine. The feeling of his lips brushing against the shell of your ear has your sex throbbing. God, you feel like such a virgin right now.
He chuckles as he pulls back to look at your face, lips tilting up into another smirk. Your eyes are wide and doe-like, shining with a few tears, almost like you’re begging for him to take it a step further. Your bottom lip is quivering slightly, and he thinks it’s cute. He searches your face as he shifts onto his knees in front of you, hand loosening in your hair as he cups your head in his hands, thumbs underneath your jaw to direct your face up to his.
“Tell me if I’m taking things too far,” he murmurs, voice suddenly soft.
You don’t even have time to react when he crashes his lips roughly into yours. You gasp out of surprise, and he takes the opportunity to shove his tongue into your mouth. As his tongue strokes yours for the first time, you let out a soft moan at the feeling and finally return his kiss.
Tsukishima almost sighs in relief as you come alive beneath him, and he begins shoving you down onto the mattress. You let him, back hitting the mattress as he moves his mouth to your neck. You part your knees to accommodate his body as his hips make contact with your own. You crane your neck to give him more access as he sucks a bruise right into your jugular. He’s pushing your shirt up and grabbing both of your breasts roughly in his hands. Involuntarily, you thrust your hips up into his, causing his clothed cock to rub right up against your core.
He moves his mouth down quickly to capture a nipple. You cover your mouth to keep yourself from moaning as his tongue flicks across the hardening bud, hips grinding down into you to rub his hardening dick against you again. You moan at the feeling, essence leaking out into your panties as he switches sides, giving the same treatment to your other nipple, hands holding your hips in place as he relentlessly grinds against you.
Your hands are in his hair, back arching to push your tit further into his mouth as you moan out a soft call of his nickname.
His weight leaves your body as he moves to loom above you, hands planted by your head to hold himself up. He’s looking down at you, annoyed, sizing you up. Your chest is heaving, tits on full display with your shirt pushed up past your chest. Your lips are swollen, and your face is flushed.
“It’s Kei to you, right now,” he informs you, voice low. “Got it?”
You nod at him as you try to catch your breath.
Before you realize what he is doing, he has a hand in your sleep shorts and two fingers buried knuckle deep in your dripping hole. You gasp out, hand reaching to wrap around his wrist.
“Words, Y/N,” he reminds you as he watches your face contort in pleasure beneath him.
His fingers begin to pull out. “Ye-” you begin, but he shoves his fingers right back into you, smirking as you finish the S, the sound somewhere between a hiss and a moan.
“Thatta girl,” he praises as he slowly begins fucking you with his fingers, mouth finding its way back to your left nipple.
He sucks the bud into his mouth harshly, ripping a loud moan from your chest as he hooks his fingers up inside of you to hit your g-spot at the same time. He pulls his fingers from your shorts as he begins kissing down your body, fingers moving to pull your shorts and underwear off as his tongue glides across your navel. He sits up and tosses the garments to the floor. Suddenly feeling shy, you close your legs off to him. He makes eye contact with you as his hands find your knees and roughly push your legs apart, baring your pussy to him for the first time.
“Fuck,” he mutters as his hands glide down your inner thighs, body moving to settle his face right where you wanted him the most.
He makes eye contact with you as he brings his mouth closer to your sex, tongue darting out to lick a stripe right between your folds. He groans, eyes closing for a moment.
“Just as I thought,” he comments, “taste so fucking sweet.”
Your face heats up at double the speed, but before you can respond he dives right in, eating you like a man starved. His tongue makes figure eights over your clit, and you tangle your hands in his hair, shoving him deeper into you.
“Yes, Kei,” you moan out as he sucks your clit into his mouth. The sound of his first name falling from your lips like that sounds so hot to him that he finds himself leaving your core in favor of quickly pulling off his own clothes.
You watch as he settles over you, now naked, cock finding its home right between your folds as his lips find yours in a searing kiss.
“Let me fuck you,” he begs as he pulls back, voice almost coming out as a whine, lips millimeters away from yours. He grinds his hips into you for emphasis, cock head bumping into your clit.
To answer him, you reach down to grab up his dick in your hand, eyes never leaving his. You give it a few good pumps before guiding him into you. Your mouth falls open as he slowly pushes past your entrance, small gasps leaving your lips at the feeling of him filling you.
“You’re so fucking tight,” he grounds out. “Relax, Y/N.”
You groan as he continues to push into you. Relax? How can you relax when the man you’ve been secretly pining for is currently all over you? Not to mention in you.
You reach up and pinch his bicep.
“Ow, what the hell?” He rubs the spot you pinched, glaring down at you.
“Oh, good. I’m not dreaming,” you reply, voice shaky, breathy laugh pushing past your lips. Without thinking, you bury your hands back into his hair and yank his face back down to yours, planting a kiss on his lips and licking into his mouth when he opens it to you.
His hips begin moving of their own accord, slowly rolling into you as your kiss gets more and more desperate. With each roll of his hips, it feels like he keeps reaching deeper and deeper inside you. You pull away from his lips to let out a load moan as the head of his cock grazes your cervix. His mouth heads south, licking and nipping at the skin on your jaw, neck and collarbones.
“You feel so fucking good,” he says into your skin before he’s reaching to push your knees up into your chest, effectively reaching a new depth inside of you.
You gasp out, finding it hard to catch your breath as your hands reach out to press against his abdomen. It does no good, though, as he relentlessly continues fucking you with a smirk plastered on his face.
“W-wait,” you gasp out, head falling back as stars find the edges of your vision when he picks up the pace. You feel the pleasure building up in your abdomen.
“No,” he tells you simply, voice breathy.
“No, wait,” you try again as the pleasure nears its peak. You want to hold out for as long as possible, but you don’t think you’ll be able to at the rate you’re going.
He shoves two fingers into your mouth, pressing your tongue down.
“Shh,” he shushes you.
You’re too stunned to push him away, but at the same time the action has your pussy clenching around him, and he curses from above you. With every thrust, the cord pulls tighter and tighter in your belly. It becomes almost painful trying to keep it at bay.
“Come on,” he encourages you, fingers leaving your mouth and opting to wrap around your neck. “Cum for me.”
At his words, you let yourself go, cumming around him as he continues fucking you, slowly pushing in and out of you while he tries to slow his own orgasm.
“That’s my girl,” he praises as you come down, letting your feet fall back to the bed and planting a sweet kiss on your lips.
Before you can react, Tsukishima suddenly flips over onto your stomach and pulls your hips up, putting you on your hands and knees. You look back at him with wide eyes as he prods your entrance with his still hard cock before fully sheathing himself back inside you in one thrust.
Your back arches at the action, head falling back as a moan escapes your throat. He takes the opportunity to fist his hand into your hair and yank your body up so your back is flush against his front. He wraps his free arm around your waist, the hand that was wrapped in your hair coming around to find its home back around the column of your neck.
Your head falls back onto his shoulder as he continues fucking you, small gasps of “yes” leaving your lips as he builds you right back up to the edge.
“Look at you,” he comments. “You’re so fucking hot. It’s almost a shame I get to be the only one to see you like this.”
You can’t form a single coherent thought as you warn him of your approaching orgasm. He presses you right back down into the mattress to pick up his pace, slamming into you from behind as you bury your face into a pillow, crying out as you teeter right over the edge.
He fucks you through it again, pulling out at the last second to pump his length a few times before spilling his seed right onto your bare ass.
You both stay still as you come down, catching your breaths. It’s suddenly silent in your hotel room as the reality of what just happened dawns on both of you. You wait a few more beats, giving him a chance to break the silence before you do.
“Oi, Tsukishima…” you start, usual tone settled back into your voice. “You better clean that up.”
“Right…” he mutters. He leaves the bed to get a wet cloth, coming back to thoroughly wipe his cum off your ass.
You settle back onto your side of the bed as Tsukishima tosses the rag back into the bathroom. When he settles back onto his side you finally speak.
“Let’s… not talk about this,” you suggest.
He’s silent on the other side, probably in agreement, you think. So, you close your eyes in an attempt to fall asleep, tears hot on your cheeks as they silently stain the pillow beneath your head in the dark.
Only you don’t know that Tsukishima is on the other side of the bed, hoping just as much as you are that that meant as much to you as it did to him.
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foofiked · 7 months
Coffee cup!
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summary. Y/n did everything to bother her annoyingly-cute workmate, Ethan Landry. Until it got heated one closing shift.
notes. Don’t be un-interested by the summary, anyways i had this random thought for awhile, what about ethan as a barista!!so here you go <3 enjoy reading lovelies (also i cant see my req for some reason
warnings. suggestive?..
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Dawn swiftly set above New York, letting you and Ethan know it’s time to close up the café for the day. As Ethan finished up the last order your impulse told you to do something to piss him off, after all, you haven’t properly communicated to him during your five hour shift.
A grin was plastered on your face when you nudged your elbow into his bicep.
A few droplets of coffee went dashing your way, while the rest splattered onto Ethan’s white shirt. “Y/n!” Ethan went on to scold her as he scurried to grab some tissues. “That was the last order, and you had to fuck it up?” You shrugged your shoulders with a half-smile. The boy just shook his head with disapproval, grabbing a handful of his shirt and squeezing out as much of the liquid.
You watched him through the corner of your eye, getting a glimpse of his v-line and the small trail of hair between his abdominals. Part of you was amused by the sight, but you quickly shook the thought off, returning back to the unfinished drink.
“Gosh Y/n” he cursed — which was weirdly attractive to you, “seriously, if this leaves a stain you owe me a white shirt” Ethan walked up to you, snatching the coffee cup from your hand and resuming the order. You watched him with a strong glare, till your eyes shifted to the hem of his shirt. The dampness of the material stuck to his abdomen, showing off his evident six-pack.
“Order number one-hundred and twenty-four!” His booming voice removed you from your weird trance.
“Y’know I could’ve finished the order” you muttered, washing the equipment with the worn-out sponge. “Maybe, if you weren’t looking at how ripped I am” Ethan glanced at you with a smile, a smile that you wanted to kiss smack right off.
“I wasn’t looking at your abs weirdo” a very big lie, “I was looking at the shit stain on your shirt” you said harshly, drying your hands on your blue apron. “Yeah right” he scoffed.
“I’m being serious” you narrowed your eyes at him as you leaned your palms on the counter. Ethan, who was beside you, wiped the table in circular movements, his biceps clearly poking out of his shirt. “So if I were to take this shirt off you’d stop looking at my abdomen, correct?” He really knew how to get on your nerves, did he?
“Oh please—“ he cut you off with a gasp, “did I hear please?” he neared you till he towered your figure.
You looked up at him with a desperate gaze, “take it off and you’ll fucking see” hesitation ran through your words, but they only spurred him on.
Ethan dropped the cloth into the floor, his hands aiming for your waist. You jolted at his action as he attached his lips onto yours.
Instead of going gentle, he kissed you aggressively, reeling your body closer to his until you could feel his heat radiating onto you.
Your hands instantly found his abs, and without a second-thought, you lifted the hem of his shirt, delicately running your nails over his v-line — which you’ve been dreaming about for the last hour.
As the kiss continued — getting drunk with each others lips, Ethan’s hand glided down to your thigh, grabbing your skin and lifting you onto the counter. “What did you say about taking off your shirt?” You teased as you grabbed onto his curls, “I don’t know, you aren’t looking at the shit stain anymore” he breathed momentarily, before returning to the sentence.
“It can stay on” Ethan smiled when he felt your hand tug on his hair. “Don’t be a loser and take it off”.
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taesancore · 3 months
the playlist i never sent
woonhak x f!reader
(𝐈𝐈𝐈) So let’s go see the stars
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a/n: so pt.3 took mUch longer than i thought it would-and its not the final part either😭, anyways this one’s a little longer than usual so i hope yall like it!!
🧸.ᐟ series masterlist ❕
🧸.ᐟ genre: f2l, (idiots to lovers🤡), angstfest in this part
🧸.ᐟ warnings: angst, depictions of anxiety and similar symptoms, crying, rich people setting, kind of an emotionally insensitive mother :/, mentions of enhypen’s ni-ki, riize’s anton, seventeen’s jeonghan and dino, lmk if there are more!!
wc: 4981, lowercase intended.
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“heyyy rikiii !!” you said brightly as you walked into art class. “what do you want” came the weary of your classmate and partner during art class, nishimura riki. he continued to stare at you suspiciously as you shot him a huge smile, unlike your usual snarky remarks that were a part of your usual banter. but you had to admit, you two made the best duo in art class whenever projects were assigned.
“so are you free this week” you blurted out, watching his expression turn confused.
“no…but why?” he asked. welp.
“nothing really!” you replied in that same cheery voice as you sat down next to him.
“…you’re being weird today” he eyed you as your teacher walked in.
you ignored him, furiously working your mind and thinking of other ways. riki wasn’t an option now…who else was there?
“something’s up isn’t it? tell meee” riki whined as you shushed him.
“…need a date for a business party this week” you muttered, wincing as you
“just ask woonhak” he replied as you huffed.
“he has a date on that day—“
you blinked at his startled exclamation.
“are you sure? but that makes no sense…” riki mumbled. he was positive that the younger boy was madly in love with you, so how on earth was he ready to go on a date with someone who wasn’t you??
you sighed.
“well it’s true so he’s out of the question…do you have anyone who’s willing to accompany me? i’ll even pay if they want!”
“you need a date?? for what?” came a voice from behind you as you jumped.
out of all the people, why did it have to be han jihoon??
“yo woonhak has a date?? who the fuck??” riki questioned jihoon before you could say anything.
“he WHAT??” jihoon squawked, making all the heads in the class turn towards him. mrs. moon sent him a little glare as she continued to silently observe the students, while jihoon muttered an apology.
“woonhak said yes?? to seowon??” he whisper yelled as riki shrugged.
“that’s what y/n said”
“is it true?” he asked you, wide eyed. you nodded as jihoon smacked his forehead.
“wait then why do you need a date? is it a double date?” jihoon questioned further, still unable to fathom the new bit of information he received. just why on earth would woonhak say yes to seowon??
“ah um…did i say date? i meant hate!! yeah i reallly hate riki you know? haha” you laughed, shoving an offended riki beside you as jihoon looked at the two of you with a skeptical gaze.
“that was a pathetic excuse you know” jihoon said bluntly as riki snorted. luckily the bell rang loudly at that moment, saving your sorry ass from replying to jihoon and defending yourself. you squeaked out a quick “goodbye!” before dashing out of the classroom, desperate to avoid any further encounters with him.
phew. god saved you with that one.
꒰ 💭 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
“still didn’t find anyone?” eunchae asked softly as you two stood in line for lunch. you spent almost the entire day carefully observing your classmates to see whom you could ask. but then it would be weird to straight up go ask any of them to be your date…after all they were just your classmates!
the mere thought of walking up and asking hanjin, or maki or any of your classmates, most of whom you’ve known since elementary and middle school made you cringe, that would remain as an awkward memory forever and that was the last thing you needed amidst all the current drama.
“why just why do i end up doing these kind of things?? even my mom thinks i’ve got a boyfriend now!!” you lamented as eunchae stifled a giggle, remembering yesterday’s events that you had filled her in with the minute you entered school today.
“did i hear that right? have you really got a boyfriend now y/n?” of course your mom had to hear that. she strode towards you with a confused stare as you tried your best to mask your panic.
“that’s right mom, i figured i’d reveal him at the party itself…” you said, words flowing out of you automatically. was this how liars lied so easily? you could become a pro at this rate.
your mom did something unexpected, she beamed at you as eunbin scowled. “that’s great sweetie! i can’t wait to meet him now!” she said as you gaped at her.
now you really needed to find a date—no boyfriend.
“i think i’ll just go dateless chae” you sighed, placing an apple on your tray as the line moved forward. “and let that greaseball eunbin annoy you further? hell no” eunchae scoffed, making you wince at the thought of his smug face if you walked in dateless.
“if only you didn’t go ahead with your plan, woonhak would’ve been your date but noooo you martyred yourself!!” eunchae scolded you for the nth time, and for the first time you found yourself doubting your actions.
but martyring yourself was the best option in this case…he’d be happy with seowon.
“speaking of woonhak, i haven’t seen him all day?” eunchae wondered, missing your guilty expression that took over your face. truth was, you had been avoiding him ever since the seowon incident in the corridor as you had no idea to act around him now.
seowon being around him most of the time made it pretty easy for you, but when she wasn’t, you found yourself hiding behind walls and turning in the opposite direction whenever you saw him nearby.
you wanted to be normal truly…but now that him and seowon were making progress, you had to find a way to keep the green monster inside you at bay…even if it meant ignoring your best friend.
“woonhak? i bet he’s with seowon again, that girl can’t leave him alone to save her life” came the voice of haerin as she joined the queue.
“y/n weren’t you looking for a date?? i know someone who might be of help” she added as you perked up at this information. looks like the world didn’t hate you after all.
꒰ 💭 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
“yah kim woonhak!!” hollered jihoon the minute he found his friend in the class.
“what the blazes were you thinking? you’re really going on a date with seowon??” he cried as woonhak looked away.
“she might be the dove girl jihoon…i don’t know” woonhak said half heartedly.
“and what about y/n?”
“what about her? she doesn’t like me anyways and you know that!” woonhak snapped, startling the boy next to him.
“i know okay? i know…i like her, fuck i like her so much it hurts, i wish she was the one in the mask that night, things would’ve been easier but what can i do? she’d never see me the same”
jihoon could only watch sadly as his friend hung his head low, clearly overwhelmed with the entire ordeal. clearly this was not the best time to break the news of you having a date to him as a moody and jealous woonhak was not a combination he was ready to deal with at the moment at all.
꒰ 💭 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
“have you found a date yet?” mr. yoon asked you that evening as you went home from school.
“i think? i’m yet to text him though” you murmured, scrolling through the profile haerin had sent to you.
“i’m still surprised that woonhak has a date, that kid is literally in love with you” jeonghan mused as you scoffed.
you: hi is this taesan?
han taesan: yes, are you y/n?
you: yes, i’m assuming haerin told you about sunday’s event…i hope you’re free?
꒰ 💭 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
the only time han jihoon had seen his friend woonhak lose his shit was once when he accidentally deleted his entire project which he was partnered with you for, and when he heard that their senior yang jungwon had a thing for you. both the times, you were involved when he exploded and it was always jihoon who served as his emotional support.
but today? jihoon could tell he was close to losing his shit over his date, with the amount of texts seowon had been bombarding him with since yesterday but his usual signs of him normally losing his shit were…unusual today.
“so...did y/n talk to you?” he asked casually, trying to bring up a familiar and favourite topic to help him analyse why woonhak was currently expressionless as he rummaged through jihoon’s wardrobe.
“It’s been 6 days since she has—hey where’s that red jacket of your’s?”
“six days?!”
woonhak hummed as he pulled out a simple denim jacket, matching it with his outfit, one that he wore often when y/n would drag him to the cafe near her house— stop. stop thinking about her.
“anyways, forget about y/n for now, are you excited for the date??” jihoon quipped as woonhak put his phone down, unbothered to open the endless row of unread messages from seowon.
“I’m only doing this to find out if she’s the dove girl jihoon, and to return her earring of course” woonhak sighed as he turned towards his friend.
“honestly, I’d be more excited if y/n texted me right now instead of seowon” he chuckled bitterly as jihoon’s pursed his lips.
“ayo woonhak—isn’t y/n l/n your girl??” came the voice of jihoon’s brother taesan as he entered the room.
“yes—but what happened?” Jihoon questioned before woonhak could deny him
“why’d she ask me to be her date then…what a small world” taesan mumbled to himself as jihoon’s eyes widened.
“she wHAT??” if woonhak was expressionless earlier, he sure wasn’t now with his current nonplussed state as jihoon winced. what a small world indeed.
“s-so you were the date..” jihoon stuttered as woonhak turned to glare at him.
“you knew about this?? why didn’t you tell me—I’m gonna kill you han jihoon—“
“I couldn’t risk dealing with your hormonal ass if I told you?? you’ve got a date too anyways!!” jihoon cried as woonhak sputtered, still trying to fathom the news he just heard.
why would she even need a date unless—
He took in taesan’s attire, a neat blazer with shirt—a business party again.
“hyung” he spoke out as jihoon and taesan looked at him
“you can’t go with her”.
seowon: woonhak im near the ferris wheel! Are you here yet?
seowon: you must be running late, I’ll be near the carousel, ive taken cotton candy for the two of us!
seowon: it’s been half an hour already…is there a lot of traffic?
seowon: woonhak?
seowon: will you be coming today..?
꒰ 💭 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
you were a mess. and your day was going to be a mess too. and it was all taesan’s fault. the emo looking guy had bailed in the last minute and now you were back to square one: dateless.
mom is gonna kill me, you thought as you politely greeted some of your moms colleagues, trying not to visibly wince because of the tightness of the threads of your dress that were tied near your waist.
your heart was thumping loudly in your ears as you felt beads of sweat forming on your forehead. god please, now was not the time. you spotted your mother entering the ballroom of the hotel as people clad in fancy suits and dresses stopped by to chat with her. you scowled as you spotted eunbin too, hair greased back with gell and all as he smiled artificially at his father���s friends.
“y/n darling! there she is my daughter!” your mom called out, smiling widely as she beckoned you over to her work seniors.
“this is my daughter—darling where’s your date?” you gulped at her camouflaged glare and slight change in tone, which went unnoticed by the people around you.
“he’s gonna be here soon mom, don’t worry—it’s a pleasure to meet you ma’am” you simpered with a huge smile, eyes darting away from your moms as you tried to focus on anything—anything else other than her, or eunbin at that moment.
the world went blurry around you, you weren’t sure for how many minutes or seconds it lasted but once your vision cleared, you registered one of your moms colleagues—executive lee who was introducing his son to your mother.
“…graduated last year, and he’s off to yale soon, my son chanyoung!” he beamed as your mom gushed at this information. the boy—was he your senior? chanyoung looked like he’d rather be anywhere else but at the party as he sent a nervous smile at your mom who was still raving about his studies.
“that must be so exciting!! i’m sure you’d have a lovely time at yale dear, it’s so nice to see young people working so hard…if only my y/n could be like you, congratulations chanyoung!!” your mother smiled widely at him as her seniors expressed their congratulations too.
you merely laughed along at her statement, avoiding chanyoung’s sympathetic expression towards you as you ignored the familiar pang of bitterness inside you. this wasn’t anything new after all, if anything you had gotten better at masking your hurt.
“you bet he will! my son was just like you y/n dear, but look at him now!” executive lee boomed as he gave his son a mighty pat (more like a slap) to his back as he winced.
lee chanyoung looked like he was a second away from running out of the hall with the way everyone was surrounding him now; you could make out eunbin’s envy as he smoothened his jacket, while conversing with some of the other children of the businessmen in the party and shooting poor chanyoung the occasional glare.
“y/n dear where is your date? is he running late?” you didn’t miss the hint of distaste in your mom’s tone as she questioned you again, still maintaining her polite persona in front of her seniors.
“yeah, where is he y/n? did he dump you?” eunbin joined the conversation, further escalating your growing anxiety.
“don’t be silly! he’s probably stuck in traffic—it’s a sunday after all” you laughed softly, smiling lightly as your mom continued to look at you suspiciously. your vision tunnelled again as you racked through your brain for solutions, anything to escape this situation.
“are you sure? i’d be surprised if your, ah imaginary boyfriend does somehow show up” oh how badly you wished this slimeball had a mute button. some of your mom’s colleagues turned towards you two, interested in the conversation as chanyoung who was still in the group near you shot you a look of concern, the only one observant enough who noticed your tensed state.
“but hey…i’m always here in case you—“
“kim woonhak?” came a soft voice—from chanyoung as you turned around. woonhak?
“woonhak?!” your echo of disbelief attracted quite a few people’s eyes as you brought a hand to your mouth. red-faced, you bowed out apologies fervently as kim woonhak, decked in a neat black jacket with a white shirt underneath and black pants—oh wow, walked towards you with his usual smile.
“i’m so sorry i came late—mrs.l/n you look lovely as usual” woonhak greeted your mom as he gave her a bouquet of flowers. it hadn’t even been a minute and he already charmed your mom, you couldn’t believe kim woonhak. scratch that, you couldn’t believe your current situation right now seriously why is he here—
“so you’re y/n’s date?” eunbin butted in again—the urge to tape his mouth together was so strong. he eyed woonhak up and down as you glared at him.
“boyfriend actually, and you are-?”
you knew that woonhak knew who eunbin was, but that was the least of your concerns right now because
one one hand you felt like you were in a netflix drama, where the males had one of those dramatic stare offs. woonhak’s usually cheery tone was replaced with an air of coolness, a tone which was quite unfamiliar for you who had at the most, heard him whine out complaints occasionally.
on the other hand, you were frozen on spot as one of his arm went around your waist, pulling you closer to him. eunbin’s scoff drowned in the sea of the chatters from your mom and her colleagues as he strode away. but you didn’t care. your mind was floating once again and you weren’t sure if your heart was pounding from the earlier nerves or his arm around your waist now.
“i knew it—it took you two long enough didn’t it?” came chanyoung’s sly voice as he beamed at woonhak—riight he was on woonhak’s dance team, you failed to recognise it as he had dyed his hair a deep red, unlike his previous dark hair.
“anton sunbae! how’ve you been!” woonhak made his classic little woah of surprise as he in for a bro handshake.
“if yall are done with your bromance—woonhak, a word?” you tugged on his arm at the last bit as chanyoung waved a goodbye at you two.
once you pulled him outside the hall near the fountain lit garden, you faced him.
“what are you doing here?? and where’s taesan?” you burst out.
“seriously? not even a thank you?!” he scoffed, folding his arms.
“and what did you mean by boyfriend?! last time i checked we’ve been together since never!!”
“what—does the idea of being my girlfriend sound that bad??” he quoted your words from earlier, shooting you a glare that mirrored your own which was directed at him.
“i’m being serious woonhak—oh my god your date?? what are you doing here right now?!” your voice grew higher with each word as it dawned on him. right. his date.
“oh god i—no im so confused right now—why would you miss your date—how’d you find out about the party?!” you continued rambling, mind spinning as you began registering what happened. woonhak missed his date to come here? why was he here?
“why the fuck are you worrying about that date y/n—seriously is that what you’re panicking about right now?” he said incredulously as you continued to walk around in circles, the only thing going on in your mind right now was woonhak missed his date. and it’s somehow my fault.
“i swear to god—i don’t get why you didn’t tell me about today?? you didn’t have to hunt around for a date when i’m right here y/n!!” he could feel his temper rising but he didn’t care, woonhak really was feeling quite betrayed about you keeping things from him—was this why you were avoiding him?
“you’ve avoided me for a week y/n—and i don’t even know why!! and now you’re worrying about my date when i came all the way here for you??”
he finished angrily, breathing loudly as you finally stopped pacing around, freezing as you looked at him with a broken look.
it was too much. you had successfully pissed woonhak off. your previous anxiety came crashing down as a tidal wave of emotions swept across you. it was too much, god you missed him so much but you fucked everything up. everything was too much, the past week had been hell for you and it all came crashing down as you let out a sob you had been holding in for god knows how long.
“i’m sorry—god i’m sorry woonhak, i’m so sorry”
you couldn’t keep your composure for longer, sinking onto the wet grass as tears freely trailed down your cheeks and fell on the fabric of your dress as you hung your head low.
“wait—shit, y/n—“
he made you cry. woonhak wanted to kill himself at that moment, seeing you cry because of him? fuck his temper, that stupid temper that made him lose control of his words. he wasted no time in bending down to your level as he pulled you into a hug, his hold on you was firm and tight as you sobbed your heart out into his chest.
“i’m sorry…it’s too much” you said between sobs, confusing him. he still held you, shuffling slightly so that your smaller frame was now nestled in his lap as he felt you first the back of his jacket tightly as your tears stained his shirt.
“what’s too much—y/n what aren’t you telling me?” he pleaded as you continued to let out choked out apologies while hiccuping out tears.
“can’t…breathe” you gasped between tears as he loosened his grip. huh—oh. his hands reached out to the ridiculously tight knotted satin around your waist as he pulled them out. you continued to breathe in heavily as he squeezed his eyes shut. what had he done??
“shh breathe…breathe in y/n..” he whispered as you let out another “i’m sorry”.
“no..i’m sorry y/n—fuck i didn’t mean any of it” he murmured as he lightly rocked you while gently stroking your hair.
woonhak thought his heart broke when he realised that you’d never feel the same way as he felt for you, but he was sure it physically broke today as he heard you whimper out a “please don’t get mad at me” while you trembled like a leaf in his arms. he silently vowed into the dusky skies that he’d never ever make you cry again, or he’d really die of misery.
“i’m sorry…for everything. and i missed you so much” he felt you mumble into his shirt as your breathing reduced its pace. you loosened your fists as you let go of his now crumpled jacket, small hands rested themselves on his back as you continued to sniffle lightly.
“im sorry for your date…i know i fucked it up—“
“shh. you didn’t do anything okay? i chose to come here instead and i’d do it anyday” woonhak said softly but firmly, and you knew that was the last time you’d be bringing up that topic again.
“i missed you too y’know” he murmured, resting his head above yours as he continued to comb his fingers through your strands.
the two of you sat in silence in the grass, the music from inside the hall floated softly though the garden as you began to calm down. inwardly, you didn’t want to leave the comfort of woonhak’s warm embrace, his arms felt like a second home.
reluctantly, you pulled away from his warmth and sat back on the grass as you found yourself face to face with a devastated woonhak.
“you look like a puppy who’s been kicked” you let out a watery giggle as he gaped at your change in demeanour.
“and you look like someone who’s failed at applying their mascara” he said as you let out a full blown laugh. he started laughing too as he heard you struggle to hold in your laughs and just like that, the ugly fight was forgotten.
“woonhak” you said once the two of you calmed down.
“let’s go see the stars”
꒰ 💭 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
“so you’re telling me taesan is jihoon’s brother?! oh my god what are the odds?” you marvelled as woonhak snorted.
“i still don’t get why you asked him though, like hello i’m right here??”
you could hear the pout in his voice as you smiled. the two of you were currently on the roof of your house, the telescope lied abandoned as you two lied on your backs, gazing at the night sky which was freckled with stars.
“i didn’t wanna ruin your date…” you admitted slowly as woonhak turned towards you. his previously neat hair now lied messily on his forehead, tousled by the gentle night winds.
“why are you like this…always placing others ahead of yourself” he chided softly as you turned to face him too.
“i don’t like seowon like that, and i don’t think i ever will” he confessed as your brows flew up. what??
“then whom were you talking about?!”
“huh?” you echoed back, cursing yourself inwardly for letting that slip out.
“…anyways, don’t ever do that again..putting yourself before others, especially with me” he emphasised, eyes boring into yours.
“i’ll try” you said lightly, facing the sky again as he did the same. all you could think about right now was how the two of you watched the stars just like this at school during the ball, except this time there were no masks involved.
“you know…we did this at the ball too” woonhak chuckled softly as you stilled.
“me and the dove girl…we looked at the stars after we danced, just like this”
you kept your mouth shut as he continued to reminisce, fearing that you’d blurt out something else again if you spoke up.
“i never told you this…but she kissed me y’know” he said bashfully as he avoided your eyes.
“do you like her?” you questioned slowly as he furrowed his brows.
“nah. i don’t think i do” he said after a beat as he faced you.
“do you like someone though?” you continued, more curious than ever now that he told you that it was never seowon whom he liked.
“…i do, but she’d never like me back” woonhak said slowly. truthfully, he had no idea why he was out here confessing his secrets to you. but why did you look so sad when he said that?
no way. he needed to stop bringing his hopes up for the smallest of gestures.
“are you upset that i didn’t tell you?” he asked softly as you shook your head.
“i don’t believe that she doesn’t like you back y’know” you said, trying to conceal your previous downcast expression. and you meant it, how could anyone not like him?
“whoever she is…she’s a lucky girl woonhak, you’re a really precious person” you whispered as you moved closer to him, still looking at him in the eyes.
“really?” he asked you with a small voice.
there was a soft expression on his face as he smiled at you, before pulling you into a tender hug. you snuggled into his warmth for the second time that night as his arms encircled your smaller frame, his faint heartbeat thudding against your ear.
“you’re a really precious person too y/n” he murmured, kissing the crown of your head silently as you hummed. and he meant it, he really did.
꒰ 💭 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
“look at the two of them, god i can’t take this anymore” lee chan made a sound that was a mixture of disgust and endearment as jeonghan snickered next to him.
“i don’t think they know that we can see them” he continued, watching you and woonhak cuddle on the uneven roof of the house from below, where the car was parked. “they’re so in love it’s sickening”
“nah, they’re both so oblivious it’s sickening” jeonghan corrected as he hopped off the car’s opened boot, enjoying the fresh night breeze.
“wait— they aren’t dating?!” chan cried in disbelief, eyes darting back to the love struck teenagers on top who were now exchanging some more silent words.
“how do you not know their lore by now…” jeonghan sighed, heading back towards the car as chan prepared himself, eager to learn about the history of you and woonhak.
꒰ 💭 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
“alright guys! i’ll be assigning you in pairs, please hold hands and don’t get lost in the museum!” you looked around nervously, dreading whoever your teacher was going to assign you with. middle school trips were supposed to be fun but you were terrified in the crowded museum, bustling with kids from other school younger and older than you.
“y/n and woonhak!” your teacher’s voice rang out as you raised your hand. a smiley boy caught your eye, waving happily as he ran up to you.
“hi i’m woonhak!! you’re y/n right?” you shyly avoided his eyes, hesitantly holding out your hand for him to shake it. mom always taught you that shaking someone’s hand is a sign of expressing politeness.
he shook your hand quizzically, then proceeded to hold it tightly as your group walked behind your teacher. you glanced at your hand in his, heart thumping fiercely as he smiled at you again.
“woah!! aren’t those dinosaurs?” he exclaimed excitedly when you two stopped near the prehistoric section.
“yep, they’re stegosaurus, they’re herbivores” you said softly as he turned towards you. “you like dinosaurs?”
“yeah..” you mumbled, trying to blend into the background once again as he beamed at you.
“i love dinosaurs too! what’s your favourite one??”
soon the two of you found yourselves strolling through the prehistoric section, hands still interlinked as your school group was far forgotten. he would excitedly point towards the displays of early men and prehistoric creatures as you tried to remember information about them.
“ooh they’re homo erectus! they’re one of the earliest human species” you quipped up as woonhak snickered at the name. “seriously stop” you giggled with him as you two dissolved into a fit of laughter.
“i thought i wouldn’t be able to make friends with you” he said once you two calmed down. “you’re really quiet..but you’re so cool during science class” he said shyly as your cheeks bloomed pink.
“are we..friends now then?” you asked with a small smile as he broke out into a large grin. “hell yeah we are—hey where’s mrs. shim?!”
later that evening when you two got scolded soundly by mrs. shim for wandering away in the huge museum, the two of you left her office with large smiles instead. you were thrilled at making a new friend and woonhak was overjoyed as he finally got to talk to the cool girl from his science class.
꒰ 💭 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
you had no idea how you were back in your room, or how you were now on your bed with woonhak fast asleep next to you. did he carry you down here?
you slowly got up from the bed as you tiptoed into the empty hall, the clock currently read 3:12am which meant your mom was either still at the party or on her way back.
you crept back into your room as you took in its messy state, the reason being you and eunchae hunting for the perfect dress for the party the day before. your closet was open with clothes strewn haphazardly in it—
oh my god. oh my—
your stomach lurched as you nearly zoomed towards your closet, shutting it close as you nearly gasped out for air. you stood in front of the closet with your back plastered to it, as woonhak continued to soundly sleep. had he seen it? there was no way he could’ve missed it…what if he did see it?
it wasn’t your fault, you truly didn’t expect woonhak of all people to enter your room while you were rummaging through your wardrobe the day before. yeah, he could’ve missed seeing it. maybe he did.
the only thing you could do was silently pray, that he missed the sight of your peach coloured dress you wore to the ball. despite it being hung neatly next to all the gowns you owned in the previously wide open closet, you prayed that he somehow missed it.
you didn’t want to think about the possibilities that could occur in case he did see it. you really didn’t.
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a/n pt.2: yes, i had to add anton to this, blame his new hairstyle not me😓😓.once again i’m so sorry that this took so long for me to write😭😭, i’m ngl this isn’t proofread rn but i’ll get to it by tonight!! tysm for reading this and being patient with my extremely annoying uploading schedule~ :,)
🖇️: @woonagi-lemon @huhuiiiisworld @helpsplease @jmclouds @minkkumaz @woonsbot @unhakki @dearly-somber
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