#global examination au
Hello and welcome to Day 13 of "Let's Explore My Plot Bunnies"
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I have been a bit under the weather so this is a bit later than I would have liked to post but oh well...
As I said in yesterday's post, today I will talk about another My Hero Academia System AU, but this time, Izuku is unlucky to be actually trapped (alongside other people - OCs mostly) into a System that gives them a series of tests with the very real possibility of them dying during said tests.
This idea is heavily inspired by the novel (and manhwa) "Global Examination" - which I urge you to check out cause it is awesome.
The title for this fic is: System 16-564-53
(The title is kinda important for the story so if you wanna, try deciphering it)
In this AU, Izuku never went to U.A, thus never becoming a hero nor getting All Might's Quirk - which means Mirio got One for All.
Izuku instead continued his life, getting into college after going into military service for a year or so. While in college, Izuku gets a sketchy email about him being selected as a participant in a contest, which he ignores. At least up until Izuku wakes up in the middle of nowhere (together with 9 more strangers) where System 16-564-53 tells them they are in a series of tests where their lives will be at stake.
Of course, one of the people there doesn't believe an iota of what it was said by the System, which prompted it to kill the "nuisance" as a warning for the other "players".
And so, Izuku finds himself in a position where his insecurities need to be left aside so that he can get out of here alive - and, hopefully, he can help the others survive too.
Unbeknownst to Izuku, the System is actually a part of All For One - one of the many Quirks he stole - which has its own hidden agenda with the tests. One thing is for sure, however, this is CLEARLY not the first time such tests have happened.
Some details:
Most of the people Izuku interacts with in the System are OCs. But there will be mentions of some other characters from the series.
Izuku is badass and has so much knowledge that comes in handy here.
Because Izuku is badass, most of the other "players" actually fall for him. I actually have an OC that I literally called "Simp" in my notes. His name is Yutō and he is my baby.
I actually have an Alternate AU where Hero!Izuku from Canon meets Yutō from the canon dimension, and they fall in love there, too.
Numbers and how things are worded play a very important role here.
All For One is the cause of everything and Izuku, in any universe, still ends up fighting against him. (Poor guy, even in an alternate universe, he can't take a break)
So this is about it. What do you think? Good? Bad? Kinda crazy/crack idea?
Let me know!
Have a great day/night and take care of yourselves!
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Till tomorrow,
-TooManyPlotBunnies-Send Help
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drawulan · 1 year
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Read my MerMay fic with merman You Huo
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dreamcubed · 1 year
london boy | fred weasley x reader
song; london boy [taylor swift] pairing; fred weasley x fem!american!thunderbird!reader genre; s2l, fluff word count; 3,1k timeline; post-second wizarding war au (fred lives) warnings; swearing, alcohol consumption summary; after taking the plunge and moving across the world, you are unsure of how to form a new social circle and support system. it appears there was no need to worry, as you soon meet a charming man who runs a joke shop with his twin brother
a/n; this was actually suggested by an anon! sorry it took a couple months to write
"babe, don't threaten me with a good time."
The Second Wizarding War, while primarily occurring in battles throughout the United Kingdom, was something that had put the global wizarding world at stake. The United States were no exception, and as a recent graduate of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, you decided to wander across the pond to the country where the liberty of witches and wizards was saved. That, and you had no other plans for the course of your life.
You worked for the first year after your graduation in order to save up money for the move, but you were pleased to say you had finally stepped foot in England: specifically, Diagon Alley.
It was where you had managed to rent a small flat from, as arranged thanks to your mother having connections in the area as a result of her travels back in the day. You were beyond excited to meet new people and settle into a new life.
But you did need a job.
Your savings would suffice for a few months, which would hopefully give you sufficient time to secure an income - key word, hopefully. First on the agenda, however, was exploring your new local area to see if you could make new friends early doors.
And so you found yourself stood outside a completely buzzing joke shop, after visiting the local bakery and book shop. The name of shop was written in gold: Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. Chadwick, that was a tongue twister - fitting, you supposed.
You pushed open the door to be greeted by both the bell tinkling above you and the sound of laughing children (and even adults) in all corners of the establishment. A smile pulled its way on to your face as you began walking towards the nearest display table, covered in enchanted prank items. You picked up what appeared to be a normal whoopie cushion, and began examining it.
"Looks normal, but is in fact quite the opposite," a British voice in your left ear caught you off guard, making you quickly turn to be greeted by a tall ginger-haired man, "First of all, it camouflages once it's set down, so anyone who's smart enough to check their seats before sitting down can't catch you out."
You stared blankly at the man.
"Second, it doesn't just make a fart sound, it produces the whole package," he grinned, "A hyper realistic fart smell - and even a greenish smoke if the person sits down with a lot of force."
You came to your senses and smiled, putting the cushion delicately back down. "I'm guessing you're Weasley?"
"One of them," he nodded, "There's two others - one of them fresh out of Hogwarts."
You hummed.
"And I was gonna ask why I don't recognise you from school, but I think your accent gives me the answer."
"Yep, I'm an Ilvermorny grad."
"First time in Britain?"
You nodded, "So far, I love it."
He grimaced, "Depends where you go, Diagon Alley gives you an idealistic impression. How long you here for?"
"Oh?" he quirked an eyebrow, "You're living here?"
"As of today," you smiled, "Y/N. Y/N L/N."
"Fred Weasley," he replied, "Allow me to be your first friend in this foreign country."
You giggled at his feigned poshness.
"What are your plans for work?" he asked, beginning to walk away. Instinctively, you began following him.
You shrugged, "I don't know. Haven't thought that far ahead."
"I have some money saved while I settle in and find a job."
"That's good," he nodded.
"Have you always wanted to run a joke shop?" you asked.
"Oh, yeah. Always," he said with a smile, "Me and my twin brother, George, have loved pranks since we were kids."
You raised an eyebrow, "Twin?"
"Identical - well, used to be. He has a missing ear now so no one ever mixes us up anymore. Sad, really."
You didn't have to ask how he lost the ear.
"Our younger brother, Ron, decided to join us too. Although I don't think it's a childhood dream of his."
"How many siblings do you have?"
Your eyes widened, "Six?"
"Five brothers, one sister."
"Your poor sister."
"Well, she's not doing too bad for herself. She's just starting her quidditch career and she's dating none other than Harry Potter so," he shrugged.
"You know Harry Potter?"
He laughed, "Well, I went to school with him, so yeah. Although I suppose I am a bit closer than normal as Ron's his best mate and my sister's dating him. He actually helped fund the start of this very establishment."
"That's cool."
Fred beamed at you, "Wanna grab a coffee after my shift?"
"So, yeah, that's how I ended up losing my virginity to a no-maj," you finished off, sipping on your piccolo, "Poor guy doesn't know he lost his to a witch."
"How do you know it was his first time?" Fred chuckled, sat opposite you, having been intently listening to the story.
"Because he started crying afterwards saying how God was never gonna forgive him for not saving himself for marriage," you said through stifled laughter.
By this point, Fred was practically cackling.
"Honestly, I took it as a compliment. I'm sexy enough to get a guy to suspend his beliefs for a couple hours."
"Not surprised about that," he gave the slightest of smirks to you.
You stopped laughing, suddenly feeling flushed and embarrassed.
"You told a guy you just met how you lost your virginity and only now you get shy?"
You scoffed, "I didn't realise there were rules around when I'm allowed to get shy."
Fred shrugged, "There should be- by that I mean, you should have to do it more. You're cute when you're shy."
You couldn't help your lips from stretching into a grin.
"Oh, shit, is that the time?"
"I agreed to meet some of my brothers and friends for drinks at the Leaky Cauldron."
"Wanna come?" he quickly asked.
You frowned, "I don't wanna intrude."
"Don't be silly, I grew up on a 'the more, the merrier' policy."
"Well, if you're sure- fuck it."
"Fred, there you are!" a voice rang out from the bar, where a group of guys were gathered.
"Where you been, mate?" a man identical to Fred (save for a missing ear) said.
"If you'd been at the shop today, you'd know."
George, the name you remembered from Fred's many stories, laughed, "I'm just teasing. Ron told me," he nodded his head towards one of the other ginger men in the group. That was when he turned to look at you. "So, you're the mysterious lady Freddie disappeared off with."
"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N."
"Ooh, accent!" the man who had initially called out to you both said.
"Alright, alright. Y/N, that's Lee there, this is my twin, George- obviously. Over there is Ron, Wood, and one of my older brothers, Bill."
They all greeted you.
"So, where in America you from?" Bill asked.
Some way, some how, many firewhiskeys later you found yourself laughing your ass off with a bunch of guys you had only met a few hours ago. You were drunker than the rest of them, that was for sure, as despite US drinking laws not having stopped you from drinking to drunkenness before, they still meant you had had less opportunity to do so. Thus, your tolerance wasn't good.
At some point during the evening, your group had migrated from the bar to a larger table in the corner, where you sat with Fred's arm around you.
"Oh, come on, Ron, you have to admit it's a little ironic that your girlfriend is on her way to be the next Minister of Magic meanwhile you run a joke shop," George said through wheezes.
Ron's expression suddenly went solemn, "How could you say that to me?"
Everyone went silent for a few moments, until Ron erupted in laughter again with everyone else swiftly following. You found it even funnier that the jokes weren't actually funny anymore: you all were just plastered.
As the laughter died down again, you turned to Fred at your side, "I like your friends."
"Better not like 'em more than me," he said, "I know it's only been a day but I'd like to think I've already called dibs on you."
"Called dibs on me?"
"Yeah, well, dibs on being the first British guy you date."
You grinned, "That's up to you to make it happen, London boy."
"I'm not even from London," he retorted.
"Eh, tomato, tomato."
How things ended up well past midnight with you stumbling down Diagon Alley, a red headed man helping support your weight, and an unhealthy amount of alcohol in your system - you didn't know. All you knew is that you had learned so much about the man in the last several hours that you felt very comfortable with him.
"Okay, love, is this your flat?"
"Yeah, that's the one," you slurred, moving towards the stairs that led up the side.
"Woah, hold up there, pretty girl," he said, quickly aiding you so you didn't trip and break your face, "You shoulda told us you were a lightweight. We wouldn'ta ordered you so many."
You grumbled, but didn't say anything in response, instead fumbling around in your pockets for your keys.
"Fred, I can't find them," you whined.
He pulled out his wand, "Alohamora." The door clicked open. "I see you haven't put an anti-unlocking charm on your flat yet."
"I literally just moved in."
"I feel like it's a first priority."
You didn't reply, instead tumbling forward into your new small home. Again, Fred steadied your weight, chuckling to himself in the process.
"You need to get to bed."
After helping you get your shoes off, Fred walked you to your bedroom and watched in amusement as you collapsed on to the mattress.
"You all good from here, sweetheart?"
You hummed softly, "Thank you, Freddie."
"Yeah, yeah," he said, "If you're not too hungover, stop by the shop tomorrow. I can set you up with a job."
"Of course. I have a sneaky feeling you're gonna be in my life for a while."
You giggled, "Me too."
"Alright, I'll see you. Take care."
"You too-" you yawned, "-Freddie."
It was mid-afternoon by the time you made it to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, still nursing a hangover but feeling better after a long shower, a painkilling potion and a big glass of a fizzy non-alcoholic drink.
"Oh, good, you're here," Fred opened the door, seeing as the shop was in fact shut. They functioned on weekend days of Monday and Tuesday since Saturday and Sunday were prime business days. (Apart from in the lead up to school starting again, as George explained in detail to you the night prior how they couldn't miss out on any day of the week when Diagon Alley was swarmed with kids.)
"You seem perkier than me," you grumbled, entering the unusually quiet store.
"I didn't get nearly as drunk as you," he reminded, walking towards the back room, "Anyway, I assume you're here for the job?"
You nodded, "That... and to see you."
He gave you a soft smile at that, "You're always welcome."
"You literally met me yesterday."
"What? Were you too drunk to remember what I said last night?"
You suppressed a smile, "No."
"Then you know. Call it divine intuition if you will but you're gonna be around for a while."
"I certainly don't plan on leaving," you replied, following him into the office area.
"Well, let's set you up for a job here then."
"It's really nice of you to do this."
He winked at you, "I don't do favours for free."
"What do you want in return?" you narrowed your eyes at him.
"Another date."
You grinned, "I think I could agree to those terms."
Not even a week later, you and Fred were walking down Diagon Alley, ready to go out for lunch for your second date. An hour ago, the sun had been shining brightly in the sky, warming your exposed skin. Now, the shimmery blues had been veiled by a thick layer of dark grey clouds, casting a shadow over the bustling street. You heard Fred, a normally cheerfully optimistic man (as you had quickly learned), let out a sigh.
"Looks like the forecast has taken a turn," just as he finished his sentence, droplets began cascading down from above, growing in intensity by the second.
You couldn't help but giggle slightly.
"Doesn't this bother you?"
You laughed harder, "No. I like it."
Fred smiled at you, "Really? A rainy date?"
You shrugged, "Don't threaten me with a good time."
"Well, okay, then."
He held out his hand to you, and you took it, letting him twirl you around before you both continued walking in the direction of the café he had in mind.
"Your smile is so pretty," he commented after some moments of delicate silence.
You couldn't help but beam at his words, "Really?"
He hummed, "I could look at it for the rest of my life."
In your chest, your heart was performing somersaults like a circus acrobat, and it was making you feel giddy. This was the most alive you had ever felt and you never wanted to let it go.
"Do it then," you replied, "Nothing's stopping you."
He stopped in his tracks, forcing you to halt as well since your hand remained interlocked with his.
"What?" you asked, looking back at him from your position one step forward.
"Can I?" he spoke with a soft gaze, the usual mischievous glint absent.
"Can you what?"
"Look at your smile forever?"
You shrugged limply, "If you can make me smile forever, sure."
"Can I say something crazy?"
"I would expect nothing less from you."
"I kinda want to marry you."
"Kinda?" you raised an eyebrow, feeling the swarm of butterflies spinning in your stomach but remaining calm and collected on the outside.
"I know we only met a week ago, but what would you say if I asked?"
"Guess you'll have to learn the hard way," you gave him a cheeky grin.
"Okay," he said, and it was only then you realised that the rain had caused the street to clear out of most people. Your eyes widened as he got down on one knee, still holding your hand. Suddenly, you could no longer feel your wet hair clinging to your face, nor your damp clothes sticking to your skin. Not because they had dried, but because all your focus was elsewhere.
You were pretty sure you had forgotten how to breathe.
"Y/N, in the short time I've known you, which is admittedly very short, I have had so much fun," he began, "And as I said right at the beginning, I have a feeling that you're gonna be around a while, it's why I even came over to talk to you the first time you entered my shop- I felt drawn to you. And, well, I'm known for my impulsive decisions, but they've all worked out so far, so, I have no reason not to act on this one too," he took a deep breath, "I don't have a ring right now, but will you marry me?"
You stood, stunned. You hadn't thought he would actually propose to you.
"Don't feel pressured to say yes," he quickly added, making you snap out of your daze.
You shook your head, "Yes- I'll marry you, Freddie."
The man's face lit up as he zoomed to his feet and picked you up, spinning you around as your lips touched each other's for the first time. You couldn't believe it: Fred Weasley was now your fiancé, when he was never even your boyfriend.
"Now, what say we go get some food to celebrate?" he asked.
"Sounds good to me."
"I now pronounce you husband and wife," the officiator called out, "You may kiss the bride."
You watched from the crowd as Ron pressed his lips to Hermione's, joining the rest of the audience with the applauding.
"This is a lot grander than our wedding," Fred leaned down to whisper in your ear.
You laughed gently, "Ours was a much more last minute affair, Freddie."
"Mm, how long was our engagement again?"
"Three weeks," you reminded, "The courting only lasted a week too."
"What can I say? I'm a man who knows what I want."
You shook your head with a smile, picking up the applause again as Hermione and Ron began posing for photos from the photographer.
"Oh, they're calling us up now," Fred said, grabbing your hand and pulling you up to the altar with him. All of the Weasley siblings and their partners were also en route to where the newly weds were.
As you took your position in the photograph with Fred's arm wrapped around you, he leaned down to whisper in your ear yet again.
"Can I just say, my love, you look absolutely gorgeous- as always."
Your bright smile was one of the most genuine in the photograph, as Hermione later commented, and in response to that Fred had immediately taken a copy for your own house.
"What?" he had said when you raised an eyebrow at him, "I told you, I want to stare at your smile forever."
You chuckled.
"And you said I can, provided I make you smile."
You hummed, recalling the conversation that led up to his impromptu proposal fondly.
"And correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm the one that made you smile in this photo."
Unable to argue with him, you gazed at the moving photograph of Fred turning his head away from your ear to smile at the camera. It hadn't quite captured the moment in which he complimented your looks, but it didn't need to, as you knew that you would never forget the context for the image.
Not when your smile really did shine so brightly in it.
written; 19/04/2023 —> 31/05/2023 published; 31/05/2023 edited; —/—/——
taglist ; @workinatdapyramid @iluvweasleys​
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hi dragon!! hope you’re having a good tuesday ☺️ wanted to stop by to talk shop for a little
I absolutely adore Autumn Embers, genuinely one of the au’s that feels the most “real” to me. I’m really curious to learn more about how you fleshed out the world politics for this AU?
It’s one of my absolute favorite parts of the AU truly from the relevance of the 4B movement, to tampered beta suppressants, and even the courting cakes?? Adore it so much!!
Hi Kiko!
I'm going to offer a content warning for general discussion of reproductive health, complications, and freedoms below the cut.
The omegaverse is really interesting as a concept, but I really wanted to answer the question: What about Omegas that can't have children? And then that spawned the question, what kind of genetic conditions would make an omega not be able to have kids? There are so many real world reasons why pregnancy and childbirth are complicated and dangerous, what would estrus/heat and rut contribute to that? And, unfortunately, how would capitalism impact those complications?
It's kind of tricky to come up with the exact reasons why I asked those questions. I'm a Black US American, so the US Supreme Court striking down Roe v. Wade and subsequent war on reproductive freedom is part of it. The climate crisis and capitalist contributions to environmental destruction, and the health impacts thereof, are also a part of it. Honestly, my own queer identity and the experiences of intersex loved ones also contributed.
Whatever the case, the answer I came up with was: Omicron conditions. A classification of congenital developmental issues impacting but not limited to issues of presentation and reproduction.
All of Autumn Embers is based on this concept! We haven't explored it in depth yet in the fic, but Wildfire has an omicron condition. It's why her scent is so fucked up unique.
From there, I just wanted to make a world that feels complete. Of course someone surrounded by a world of "Heat and Rut!" and "Scents! Mean! Everything!" would be sensitive to their own reproductive experiences. And omegaverse fiction is (almost) never far enough from our reality, in my opinion, so of course there's going to be some conflict about reproductive health and rights, impacted by the Ever Present Evil (capitalism). And of course it's going to be global, this whole fandom surrounds an international task force.
This is way longer than I intended, so I'll just admit that I came up with the sex cake because omegaverse is inherently horny and I also want to do weird horny stuff in the middle of my examination of gender, sexuality and reproduction.
I want to give a shout out to Scents and Sensibility: The Working Assassin's Guide to Supersoldier Seduction, a Captain America fanfic that rewired my brain when it comes to omegaverse fiction. And another shoutout to I Shall Not Live In Vain, a series from The Witcher fandom that actually got me thinking about scent compatibility.
Thanks for the ask @mikichko!
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penny00dreadful · 10 months
Spies AU - Part 6
Part 1 Part 7 AO3
17th August 2015
Steve was at war with himself, looking down at those surveillance photos that he just couldn’t seem to put away.
He kept pulling them out to stare, to examine, like a new piece of information about Eddie would make itself known each time he looked.
Every time he put them down, shut them away in his desk drawer or even dumped them in his waste paper basket it wasn’t long before they were taken back out and spread in front of him to pour over once more.
Finding out Eddie was a ‘bag guy’ but with a good heart had done absolutely nothing to quell those awful traitorous feelings in his stomach (and his dick). 
Eddie was essentially a murderer for hire, even if he was only working for one guy. Though could Steve even say he was any different?
He worked for a non-governmental agency with no oversight, though he’d never got the vibe that they were secretly evil. It was something he’d kept his eye out for since he’d started. That always seemed to be the way things went in fiction.
Good Guy thinks he’s working for a Good Guy Organisation only to find out they were actually a Bad Guy Organisation, out for their own goals.
But this wasn’t fiction, this was real life and Steve trusted his higher ups. Hopper, Joyce, Dimitri, Alexei, Bob and Murray. 
Okay, maybe he didn’t fully trust Murray but not because he thought the guy was a double agent or bad or anything. He just seemed a little unhinged at the best of times. And he was the most gossipy person Steve had ever met.
He kept trying to set Steve up with different guys around the Analyst's office as well, insisting Steve needed to ‘discover himself’.
Well, unbeknownst to him, Steve had ‘discovered himself’ many, many years ago and he had no desire to let Murray in on that little tidbit of information. 
He knew who he was and he knew who he could trust.
He knew he could trust Robin and the kids and his bosses. 
And strangely enough he knew he could trust Eddie. 
He trusted Eddie even before he had found out about his loving home life, his scary but gentle friends from school and his dark hero vigilantism. 
He seemed to be a good person. 
And he was stupid hot, so that probably helped too.
Or didn’t help, because he was trying to do his damn job without constantly thinking of brown eyes and plump lips and deft hands that could-
Stop it.
But even so, he was finally getting back into the swing of things at work again. 
But he still hadn’t told Robin. 
The communicator had been muted when he’d first spoken to Eddie in that alleyway and then again at the warehouse, so she had no idea.
He didn’t love keeping her out of the loop though it wasn’t the first time he’d had to do it.
While Max hadn’t been his informant, he’d been involved in that mission and knew who she was and like most informants on the job, their identity was guarded with the utmost privacy. 
Just in case.
They could never take the risk that someone in the know would be compromised or infiltrated so people in the know were kept as minimal as possible.
So no one had questioned him about his private job with Jonathan. It wasn’t standard practice but there were reasons for it.
And he was their top Agent. They had a lot of trust in him. And with that trust came a lot of freedom. 
Plus he was being sent back out on missions again and it was the exciting shit this time. 
It was the type of work that had convinced Steve to see his training through. 
The chance to explore other countries, other cultures, meet interesting people and uproot the threads of underground corruption by means of a quick bullet to the head. 
Creel had a network that stretched throughout most of the world and some of his most dangerous allies were global. 
Everything had been going swimmingly. He’d managed to get into Zagreb without any cameras picking him up, without any documentation to show he was there at all.
Creel’s ‘business associate’, Mr. Horvat was overseeing the construction of a new office building, a front for their black market trade and an opportunity for some incredible money laundering and if Steve was able to take it down then he’d be able to cut off at least some of Creel’s fluidity.
It wouldn’t be a lot but it would be something. 
Night was closing in and with that night the heat was starting to slowly dissipate from the air. It had been stifling during the day and Steve relished in the feeling of the wind against his skin, cooling him down from several floors up.
The building was barely a shell at this stage, open floors and concrete pillars and scaffolding, completely exposed to the elements.
He had needed to get pretty creative in order to climb to the upper floors where he could get a bird's eye view to wait for Mr. Horvat’s arrival.  
Though as the hour got later and later and the last whispers of daylight disappeared over the horizon and Steve had still seen no sign of his target, he started to get antsy.
There were advantages and disadvantages to executing missions in other countries. 
On the one hand there was the opportunity to see a whole new side of the world, on the other, The Agency’s ability to swoop in and save his ass lest he get himself into a mountain of shit was severely limited.
And Robin wasn't in his ear for the first time in a long time. Those were the risks when working internationally.
So he was a little nervous about the fact that their intelligence seemed to have been wrong.
Wrong enough to leave Steve alone in an empty shell of a building in the darkness with no solid exit plan if things got a little fucky.
Okay. This was fine. Everything was fine. 
He’d gotten out of worse scrapes than this. 
He just needed to remember to stay calm and everything would be fine.
Or at least everything would have been fine if it wasn’t for the hushed voices he heard attempting to get up to the level of the building he was on.
Little grunts and groans as they pulled themselves up the empty shafts where an elevator would eventually be put in.
Steve whipped his head around, looking for anywhere to hide but the floor was completely barren, save for the few pillars and a spindly table and set of chairs that the construction crew used to eat their lunch at.
He’d sooner be caught dead than looney-tunesing it around a pillar away from these guys so he chose the next best thing, slinking back as far into the shadows as he could get, covering his watch with his hand and tucking his gun away behind him to minimise any reflective glare that could get him caught.
Two heads popped up out of the hole in the ground, heaving themselves over the side and huffing and puffing with the effort of getting their big meaty bodies up.
If Steve hadn't heard them coming, he definitely would have been able to tell they were there now, being the opposite of quiet and subtle.
They were Creel’s men, no doubt about it but Steve had to wonder why Creel had sent two big and hulking men to this location.
Surely someone small and wiry would have found it far easier to heave themselves onto the floor using only their fingers or at the very least he could have supplied them with a fucking grappling hook or something. 
It made no fucking sense.
But aside from that, there was a little bit of a panic setting into Steve’s bones now because he knew he wouldn’t be able to fight the two of them off if it came to it. 
They were too big.
Either that or he would have to be very lucky to be able to overpower them. As long as they were as stupid as they were athletic, he might have a chance.
“Is he here?” The one on the far right with short cropped black hair attempted to whisper but it was offset by the heavy rise and fall of his chest as he lay on the floor trying to catch his breath.
The other one on the left lifted his head, his swooping red hair flopping over his face in a fashion Steve would almost be jealous of if he wasn’t trying to formulate an escape plan right about now. 
“Can’t see him.” The redhead muttered back, pushing himself to his feet.
Steve was controlling his breathing. Right now, the only escape options for him were to either throw himself off the side of the building and plummet several stories or try to dart past the two as quickly as possible before they were able to grab him.
Even then, the fall down that empty space where that elevator would be was gonna be risky, he'd have to hope he could grab his rappelling gear in time and latch it to the hooks he'd left embedded when he was climbing up.
If he kept the element of surprise then maybe he could get out of this with all of his limbs intact.
Or he could just shoot the fuckers and be done with it.
Dropping himself slowly down low into a crouch, he reached back for where he’d stashed his gun in his holster, gripping it in his hand. 
Just when he had started to ease it around in front of himself to point it in their direction he was forced to move.
They’d brought a flashlight and had shone it in Steve’s direction. To avoid being seen he had to dive to the side but that also had made more noise than he had anticipated.
They knew he was here now, so the element of surprise was gone. 
They’d moved, he had a clear shot between where he was and the drop down and while the two goons were still getting their bearings, trying to find him again in the dark, he ran, sprinting for his exit, probably faster than he had run in a long time.
It was no use though.
He was brought to a vicious halt when a hand struck out and latched into his hair.
He could feel some of it being ripped out as his head was yanked back and before he knew it, his wrists had been grabbed, along with his legs when he tried to kick and twist out of their grip.
“Hold him still, hold him still!” The first guy shouted, pinning Steve's arms to his side.
He swung his leg out, trying to click the other guy away but he was stopped, his ankles getting caught up in a strong grip.
“Remind me again why we can’t just kill him?”
“We need to know what he knows!”
Steve fought with everything he had, wiggling and trying to kick and scratch and bite but these guys easily had a hundred pounds on him in muscle mass alone.
His gun slipped out of his grip, skittering across the floor and Steve could hear it clattering down the empty elevator shaft as he found himself forced into one of the chairs.
Any fight that he did have left in him was punched out of him, literally and figuratively as one of the guys drove his fist repeatedly into Steve’s stomach and the other pulled his arms behind his back with so much force there was a terrible pop that echoed out into the night sky.
Steve inhaled and held his breath as a sickening lightning shock of pain shot down his entire arm and through his shoulder. He refused to scream, he refused to cry out. He refused to acknowledge the agony he was feeling from his now limp and useless arm.
His shoulder was dislocated. That arm would be fucking useless, a hindrance more than anything.
He was so fucking fucked.
Another fist came down to crack him over the side of the head, splitting his cheek and snapping his head to the side.
His head was swimming momentarily, but he could feel his wrists being taped tightly behind his back and his ankles being strapped to the legs of the chair. 
It took a second for him to latch back onto the conversation in front of him, barely able to hear it through the blood rushing in his ears but eventually he was able to make sense of the words floating around him.
“You can’t start yet!”
“Why the fuck not? I’m just as good at getting information out of people as he is!”
“He’s not here yet! We’re not even supposed to be here yet! We were supposed to wait for him and observe!”
There was a scoff. “Whatever.”
Steve’s jaw was grabbed, wrenching his head back around to face the two of them. 
“Pretty boy.” The redhead spat at him. “You answer our questions or we’ll make sure you’re not so pretty anymore.”
Steve licked at the blood he could feel coating his teeth and inhaled, trying to breathe through the pain radiating up and down his shoulder.
“Weak fucking line, man.”
His jaw was squeezed tighter.
“The fuck did you just say to me?”
“I said it’s a weak fucking line. Oh boo-hoo, I won’t be pretty anymore if I don’t tell you everything, give me a fucking break.”
“Oh, I’ll break something alright.”
Before Steve could blink there was another hard blow to his stomach and a terrible pressure against his shoulder from a cruel hand pushing and pushing and pushing as he doubled over in pain, finding it hard to catch his breath and letting out an involuntary grunt of pain as he sputtered through his coughs.
He felt like was going to be sick.
Steve straightened his back, refusing to give into them, even if he did have to start breathing a little heavier.
He raised his head, swallowing down some more pain when the pressure on his shoulder increased, the black haired guy squeezing tight.
A loud clap echoed, bouncing off the walls.
“Looks like a party in here, boys.”
Eddie was standing a few feet away, clearly having just climbed up through the gap in the floor. He hands on his hips, one hip cocked to the side and his whole posture was easy and light.
But his mouth was a little thinner than usual and his eyes were piercing.
“Nice of you to finally show up.” The redhead snapped at him before wilting immediately at a single raised brow from Eddie.
He stared down the two goons, carefully avoiding looking directly at Steve. “Our schedules seem to have been misaligned.”
“An opportunity presented itself.” The black haired lackey said, his hand still on Steve’s injured shoulder.
“Oh, it did, did it?”
“We’ve been given our orders.” The redhead spat again, irritation clearly coursing through him. “Not our fault if you couldn’t execute them effectively last t-”
Eddie stepped forward, still as calm as ever while the other two immediately shrunk back, putting Steve between themselves and Eddie.
Eddie didn’t come to a stop until he was right in front of Steve, bending at the waist to get a good look at him, putting their faces on level with each other, almost nose to nose.
Steve had the urge to jump forward and bite, both to try and snap his cool demeanour and because he just wanted to, but he held it at bay.
He also had an intense urge to bitch back at him, to fall back into the role he’d adopted the last time they were in this situation and while Steve could be a bit impulsive at times he also knew when to keep his mouth shut and he should definitely keep his mouth shut right about now.
Eddie’s eyes, sharp and flinty raked over Steve’s face taking in the redness and swelling over his split cheek, the redness that had spittled out of his mouth and over his teeth as well as what was probably a bloodshot eye.
Then his eyes flicked up to the hand that was still clamped tight around Steve’s dislocated shoulder, waving it away as he straightened up and started to circle him.
“Popping a joint out of the socket is pretty bold for an opening move, don’t you think?” Everything about Eddie was relaxed and calm, like he was wading slowly through some cool and refreshing water, but the tension in the air was fucking palpable.
The two goons were fucking terrified of him, even though they tried to act unaffected, pulling on their masculinity and puffing out their chests.
“It was necessary.”
Eddie hummed. “I’m sure it was. And the punches?” He asked, coming to a stop in front of Steve again.
“He was being snarky.” The redhead answered, with just a hint of smugness in his tone.
Eddie smiled, bright, wide and cold.
“I do love it when they’re snarky.” He raised a finger, gesturing the two of them over. “Walk with me.”
He led them away, far enough that Steve couldn't hear what was being said but he'd bet anything that Eddie was acting as calm as ever though his posture said differently.
He'd squared his shoulders and had one leg planted behind him.
Steve could just see the two lackeys recoil at something he said, the redhead taking as step back, the heel of his boot just grazing the hole in the floor when Steve heard Eddie growl something's that distinctly sounded like 'mine' before swinging his leg out and kicking the redhead square in the chest sending him sailing through the gap.
Before the other guy could react beyond a startled shout, Eddie pulled a gun from a pouch strapped to his leg and shot him through the forehead.
His body thumped to the floor followed by a deafening, ringing silence.
Steve stared wide eyed as Eddie glanced over the hole in the floor, and watched as terrible echoing, gurgling, throaty noises rose several stories up towards them before slowly going quiet.
Steve blinked.
“What the fuck?”
Eddie didn’t look across at him as he put the safety back on.
“What the hell did you just do, weren’t they your people?” Steve asked, completely bewildered and more than a little turned on.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Eddie said, walking back over to him. “They were dead when I arrived.”
He placed the gun down in Steve’s lap and he saw with a start that it was his own gun. The one he had lost his grip on in the tussle. Eddie had shot his own people with Steve’s gun. 
It would look like Steve was the one who had pulled the trigger.
Eddie moved to stand behind him and gently laid one hand over his dislocated arm and the other on his shoulder.
“You ready?”
Steve took a deep breath in and held it for a moment before slowly letting it out.
“Yeah.” He nodded. “Just get it over with.”
He could feel Eddie tighten his fingers momentarily in a soft show of comfort.
“And to answer your question, sweetheart-” Eddie muttered, lips grazing his ear before suddenly wrenching his arm up, popping it back in.
Steve bit down on his tongue so hard he tasted blood, but was able to keep relatively silent, apart from a small groan of pain. 
He almost didn’t hear what Eddie said next.
“-I don’t have any people. Not here.”
Steve couldn’t answer, still trying to swallow down the agony and resting his head back with his eyes closed, while Eddie fumbled around behind him, cutting the tape from his wrists.
Eventually the pain was no longer a sharp stab, but a steady throb and Steve was able to find his voice again.
“Baby, what are you doing?”
Eddie didn’t answer for a moment, slowly moving Steve’s injured arm until it was resting in his lap alongside his still loaded gun like it was nothing.
Once his legs were also unbound Eddie stepped back and shrugged.
“I can’t do anything with you right now, I like to start when my victims are fresh. Prefer a blank slate, you know?”
Steve used the hand on his good side to raise the wrist of the bad arm against his chest, keeping it elevated.
Eddie tensed up momentarily as his hand moved over the gun still sitting innocently in his lap but relaxed once it was clear Steve wasn’t reaching for it.
“Didn’t seem to matter last time.”
Eddie gave a little scoff. “Well I didn’t do anything to you last time did I?”
Oh, you did plenty.
It was only then that Steve registered exactly what he was looking at.
Eddie was standing in front of him with his hair piled high on his head and in the tightest clothes Steve had ever seen on a person.
“Are you wearing spandex?” 
He couldn’t even pretend to be laughing at him, he was too busy staring salaciously at everything the skin tight black fabric left on display, the stretch across his bony hips, the way it hugged his delicate waist, the prominent bulge in the front that Steve only allowed himself a half a second to glance at.
The spandex spread out across his whole body, all the way down to the thick boots he was wearing, leaving nothing uncovered apart from his neck, face and hair, a few little wispy bits falling down and lightly brushing his skin. Even his gorgeous hands were hidden away, though Steve still wouldn’t say no to them grabbing at him.
“Why?” Eddie asked grinning, holding his arms out, turning and ah, there it was. That flat tiny little ass. 
Steve still loved it though. 
It made Eddie feel human. 
It made him feel less like some kind of sex demon sent specifically to haunt Steve’s dreams. 
"Enjoying the view?"
Steve raised an eyebrow, taking his gun lightly in hand and standing from his chair, albeit a little shaky and refusing to answer the question posed to him, even if that answer was a resounding yes. 
"You look like Catwoman."
Eddie was his enemy, he had to remember that. He should probably kill him, right? He should probably kill him and stop scraping his eyes up and down Eddie’s body like he was about to pounce. 
He should probably kill him and be done with the headache of an enemy he desperately wanted to fuck senseless, even as injured as he was.
The look Eddie was giving him told Steve that he knew exactly what was going on in his head. He could tell that Steve was thinking of tearing those spandex off with his teeth.
“I take that as a compliment.” 
Steve couldn’t help the smile that broke out over his face, lightening the mood between them when Eddie reciprocated, just the tiniest pink tint to his cheeks, giving a little shrug.
“It’s comfy and easy to move in, easy to hide in, so y’know.”
Steve was about to open his mouth and ask if he could see what was hidden underneath but thankfully stopped in time. Instead he gripped his gun in his hand and as he raised it to slip it back into his holster he saw Eddie’s eyes flick down just for a moment before he understood.
But Steve latched onto it regardless.
“Scared of me?” He asked, teasing.
Eddie snorted. “Nope.”
“Oh really? You should be.”
“Sure thing, sweetheart.” He said with slowly darkening eyes. “You forget, you’re one of the ‘good guys’. You’ve got rules.”
Steve’s eyebrows flew up. “Who told you that?”
Eddie stepped forward until they were within arms reach. “Your whole Agency told me that. Everyone knows the good guys always lose because,” he ran a gloved finger down Steve’s chest. “You've got so many rules.”
“Rules are for those who don’t know how to stop.” He grabbed Eddie’s wrist with his good hand. “Unfortunately for you,” he pulled his wrist away from his own chest and Eddie’s eyes got even darker if that was possible, “I know exactly how to stay in control.”
They were drifting in so close now, almost nose to nose and Steve could smell him, woody and leathery and delicious.
He could kiss him, he could. Would it really be so bad to kiss the enemy? And Eddie was just standing there, waiting, waiting for it to happen, his deep, dark eyes boring into him.
But the moment was broken by a car horn screaming out somewhere below through the traffic.
Steve and Eddie practically jumped away from each other as though caught, staring at each other for a few seconds in complete silence.
Eventually Eddie reached out for a piece of his own hair but stumbled for a moment when he remembered it was tied up, choosing instead to brush a curl behind his ear and Steve was fucking jealous.
“You should probably go.” He said. “Tell your Agency the job was a bust and that you took down two goons or whatever.”
“And you’re gonna stay?”
“Yeah.” Eddie sighed. “I got two bodies to report.” He gestured at the ground behind him and the hole a little further back.
Steve looked at him, thinking come with me, don’t go back to them, come with me, I’ll keep you safe, I can be your people, before he was able to shake himself out of it.
It was a ridiculous thought, he couldn’t…
He couldn’t.
With a nod of his head, Steve left, using his good arm to rig up his rappel gear and lowering himself down through the gap in the floor.
Eddie watched him do it from a distance, almost like he was scared that if he reached out he’d never let go and Steve could honestly say he felt the same.
He stepped carefully around the body of the redhead, a slowly drying pool of blood and brains spread out around his head.
He got back to the hotel he was staying at that night, asking at the front desk for room service to be delivered, ordering ‘the works’.
He had only been in his room for a few minutes before there was a knock on the door and Steve let in an older man with a trolley covered in a white sheet with a cloche over a plate.
Once the door was closed behind them, the cloche and sheet were removed to reveal a fully stocked medical trolley.
He got his shoulder checked over and set into a sling along with an ice pack for his face and strict instructions to monitor any change to his digestion from the punches to the gut or a numb sensation in his arm in case anything had been pinched.
After that, he was alone again, telling himself to stop thinking about it.
He wouldn’t. He refused. He refused to think about it. Full stop. Not thinking about it.
He didn’t think about how Eddie had catalogued his injuries. He didn’t think about how he had killed for him, like it was nothing. He didn’t think about mine. 
He didn’t think about everything that the stupid spandex highlighted and hid, leaving just enough up to the imagination.
How many more tattoos were underneath. Did he have a lot of body hair or was there only a sparse dusting of dark curls over his chest and trailing down under his belly button? Did he have any scars like Steve did? Were there any piercings?
Until he was alone in bed that night stripping his dick raw, hot and flushed and with his own cum spilling out over his fingers. 
And then again in the morning.
Part 1 Part 7 AO3
@geekymagicalpotato @estrellami-1
Big thanks as always to @hbyrde36 for the magnificent beta work and to the STWG for their motivation
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sapphoherselz · 19 days
my head is a mess cause I keep reading and seeing things and instead of enjoying them I go "but what if it was andreil au" so...this week's WIIWAU:
global examination x andreil au CAUSE IT FITS SO WELL like them wreaking chaos to a system that hates their guts AND tries to separate them THREE TIMES by erasing their memories BUT they keep finding eo AND they keep falling in love?????????? also everyone thinking they hated eo while they were actually in a relationship......canon
taste from sabrina carpenter but for bitter andreil that are now exes so whenever they see the other's new partner they HAVE to scare the shit out of them bc they're the only ones who can match the other's freak (picturing in my mind that one skam scene where the mcs are kissing someone else while looking at their love interest)
and I already talked about the handmaiden au so I think.....this is it?? hopefully these thoughts will leave my head now that I've talked about them 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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joyouslee · 26 days
The on1y one
Watched the first episode of The On1y One (live action adaptation of danmei novel 某某 by 木苏里/ Musuli) and feeling very nostalgic for my home town, where the drama is set. Even the school bells sound exactly like the bells from my old school. But OMG the amount of schoolwork these high schoolers have to do... I'm getting bystander trauma just watching it. I'm so glad my family moved abroad before I got sent into that grinder.
Started reading the novel - it's a quick read (finished almost half of it in one day) and pretty fluffy (unlike Musuli's other novels like Global Examination) - but my brain insists on casting this as a difang HS AU. It has a cute shaoye with a bit of an attitude and a 高冷学霸 with a mysterious and traumatic (primarily serious parental neglect so far) past.
I'm not really into high school dramas but will keep watching to support the Taiwan danmei productions in the hopes that they will keep producing more. (Not sure if there is any way for the Taiwan companies to buy the ones already filmed in China like TGCF or SPL, but I can dream!)
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thelensofyashunews · 4 months
Mach-Hommy Explores Diasporic Duality on New Album #RICHAXXHAITIAN
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Mach-Hommy–the acclaimed and prolific artist who keeps his government name unpublished, maintains no social media presence, and covers his face with a bandana of the Haitian flag–releases #RICHAXXHAITIAN, his first solo studio album since 2021, out now on all platforms. Released in time for Haitian Flag Day (May 18th), #RICHAXXHAITIAN channels the troubled political evolution of Haiti, as well as its rich cultural inheritance. Galvanized by the country's turbulent past, Mach-Hommy presents a beacon towards a better future.
#RICHAXXHAITIAN is the fourth album in a tetralogy of albums that examine Mach-Hommy's relationship with his homeland and provide a wide-ranging account of how its issues intersect with problems facing the world at large. While the first album in the series, H.B.O. (Haitian Body Odor), reclaimed an ugly stereotype, and his two acclaimed 2021 albums, Pray For Haiti and Balens Cho (Hot Candles), chronicled hardship and recovery, #RICHAXXHAITIAN is a small musical panacea for his homeland amidst poverty and political strife, combating the public's negative images of Haiti by focusing on the greatness and prosperity of the country's diaspora. Over the course of the album, Mach-Hommy emphasizes the country's potential, strategizing ways that his troubled homeland could become an exemplar of Black cultural and economic excellence.
#RICHAXXHAITIAN draws from a variety of musical styles, welcoming producers like Grammy-winning producer Conductor Williams, along with Multi-Grammy-winning producer KAYTRANADA, Grammy-nominated producer Quelle Chris, longtime associate Sadhu Gold, and others, to indulge their most creative impulses. The album progresses from vintage samples from the pre-rock era to futuristic electronic, jazz, and soul music, sketching a potential path for Haiti to evolve from developing nation to Afro-Futurist paradise.
Last week's single, "#RICHAXXHAITIAN," a collaboration with KAYTRANADA and L.A. legend 03 Greedo, exemplifies Mach in the latter mode, using a house-inflected instrumental and an interpolation of Afrobeat legend Odion Iruoje's "Ikebe" to provide a luxurious platform for both emcees to flex their hard-earned wealth. Focus track "COPY COLD," produced by Quelle Chris, draws from the other end of the spectrum. The song features a guest verse from Black Thought, who has long praised Mach-Hommy and called him one of his favorite emcees, as both emcees unfurl some of their densest verses to date. Originally recorded as a demo during a difficult period of Mach's life, nearly ten years ago, Mach was inspired to dust off the old tape with the hopes of collaborating with an emcee of Black Thought's caliber on the track. Over Quelle Chris's rippling piano instrumental, the two rappers beat against the current mode of label-driven rap beef, instead elevating the art of the emcee with kindred spirit collaboration.
03 Greedo and Black Thought lead a long list of collaborators that make #RICHAXXHAITIAN one of Mach-Hommy's most ambitious albums to date. Mach connects with R&B/jazz luminary HEPHZIBAH on "SONJE," an Afro-Futurist and psychedelic highlight that approaches the dissonant highs of 70s jazz fusion. Buffalo-based activist/singer/songwriter Drea D'Nur graces "POLITickle" with her luminous vocals, putting a button on a song that directly comments on how global capitalism tramples culture and fosters poverty. Mach rolls out the red carpet for Roc Marciano on the brief, but brilliant "ANTONOMASIA," as the two underground heroes trade verses over big band jazz samples and tribal drums. Mach feels right at home when rapping with frequent collaborators like Your Old Droog, Tha God Fahim, and Big Cheeko, providing a familiar anchor for longtime fans and ice cold bars for anyone who might not be familiar with their chemistry.
Born in Newark and raised in Port-Au-Prince amongst the elders of his culture, Mach-Hommy has always strongly identified with his home country's struggle, and his people's resilience. Haiti was the world's first Black republic formed as the result of a successful slave revolt. The Caribbean nation's very existence was a thumb in the nose of white supremacy, heralding the gleaming potential of Black self-government in the new world. Of course, the colonial powers could not let this stand: shortly after Haiti won independence, its former colonial overlord France levied a punitive tax, designed to cripple the young nation's economy and prevent it from growing into a power in the Caribbean. Still, despite the various man-made and natural disasters that have plagued the island nation over the centuries, the people of Haiti have grown strong, developing an influential cultural tradition and a vibrant diaspora, of which Mach-Hommy is a proud member. 
Attempting to transform our modern dystopia into a utopia using only his rhymes and force of will, Mach-Hommy invites us all, from his most loyal investors to his freshest fans, to imagine a brand new world. With #RICHAXXHAITIAN, that seemingly impossible dream creeps ever closer.
“I’ve always wanted to rep for Haiti and the cultural and intellectual richness we’ve provided the world,” Mach-Hommy says. “From our musical styles like kontradans  that have influenced world music, our natural resources which provide so much raw  material for so many important advancements in technology, our thinkers that  pioneered philosophical movements and Black pride, and our spiritual leaders who  kept the religious traditions of Guinea alive and intact, the religious traditions of Ayiti….” 
Buy #RICHAXXHATIAN on vinyl, CD, and cassette at Zotanica
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blessed-by-umbral · 3 months
OOC - House Cress and the streisand effect
I want to emphasize that this is my final post on this subject. I have no interest in dwelling on the past, but I will briefly reflect on it. Apologies for the length of this post. While there is a lot more that I feel should be addressed, it does not relate to House Cress and the claims surrounding it.
That being said:
Integrity: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
it is important to note that my integrity is not the sole defining characteristic of my identity. While it holds significant value to me, I continuously work on refining and perfecting this aspect of my being. Through various life experiences, including both successes and failures, I have undergone personal growth and development. I have learned the importance of taking responsibility for my actions and holding myself accountable, even in the face of adversity.
One pivotal period in my life that greatly contributed to this transformation was my nine-year tenure as a Montessori teacher. During this time, I dedicated myself to instilling a set of core values in my students. I emphasized the importance of kindness, honesty, authenticity, and respect. By cultivating this mantra, I aimed to empower my students to embrace these principles and integrate them into their own lives.
Be kind Be honest Be yourself Be respectful The four 'b's have become an integral part of my approach in my current position as the director of a school catering to children with disabilities, focusing on early learning and Montessori education. Our school's mission revolves around reshaping perceptions of disabilities on a global scale. I would not be in the position that I'm in now if I failed to possess strong core values. I, like many others, have slipped or regressed in their healing, as healing is never linear. Emotions such as frustration, hurt, anger, and upset are natural reactions, however, what truly defines us is not the emotions we experience, but rather how we choose to respond to these challenging circumstances. The focus of my address will be on examining the credibility and reliability of the claims made in relation to House Cress. I speak now to you, the author of these 'PSA's.
The development of House Cress and all its components, such as the heirlooms they adorn (the bells, of which you said was not going to be in use in this AU specifically on your end, as you made a point in saying your character wears something else. I opted to stick to the original concept as those very bells are a part of me, by way of being tattooed on my body), the rich history of the house, the darker elements of their lineage, the catacombs, and the patricide of the father figures, among other details, has been a result of my cultivation ever since you abruptly departed from the original narrative in 2013. Despite the fact that many individuals have created a Cress character, some of whom I am still in touch with while others I am not, none of them have gone to the extent of discrediting its origins like you have.
There are active members in this community who have seen or have been a part of House Cress long after you 86d me, who can attest to what I'm claiming. (Some links not provided on account of them not having Tumblr.) @thefreelanceangel @sihdiel @an-impass @bosslyrralith @sigridderioslainn @v-xv @gereidyn.tumblr.com @lilac-memorials.tumblr.com @ Moonstrewn (Becki) @papa-murphy (Dragonreach) @ Wasabipie (Dutchy of Summerfast) @Caha /HEMHEM
In closing:
You were the only one who took it upon yourself to delete a year and a half's worth of my contributions without any prior notice. Furthermore, you even combed through our direct messages on Discord and erased every single message that you had sent. As I mentioned in my previous post regarding this specific matter, you went ahead and eliminated all the incriminating statements that you had made. This, in my opinion, speaks volumes about your character and integrity. Moreover, the fact that you have resumed communication with someone whom you have personally witnessed causing me an immense amount of trauma is also a testament to your integrity.
Re-establishing a connection with an individual who has been the source of years of trauma is not only abhorrent but also disheartening. Over the years, I have refrained from reaching out to those who have caused you harm, and you are aware of two specific individuals I am mentioning, one of which you've opened the doors for again. This is now the second instance where you have taken the initiative to contact them, seemingly with the purpose of aligning yourself with a group of individuals you can gossip with about me. During our last phone conversation in January, I made reference to the fact that the individual in question is akin to the person who brought about years of turmoil and harm in your life. You are well aware of the pain and suffering this individual has inflicted upon me.
While it is within your rights to associate with whomever you choose, this action further solidifies my belief that you never truly cared about me. Even in moments of intense anger towards you, I never once considered causing you indirect harm by associating with individuals who have been known to hurt you, nor have I been tempted. It is of no concern to me which character you choose to portray. It is irrelevant to me which traits you decide to incorporate into your character. What truly matters to me is the absence of honesty when it comes to the material you are drawing inspiration from. What truly matters to me is the criticism that is directed towards me through your words.
I acknowledge that I am not flawless, and I do not assert otherwise. Throughout my life, I have never utilized my past trauma or personal experiences as a justification for mistreating others. I have consistently strived to effectively communicate my mental state, articulate my needs, and provide reasons for any delays in responding to messages on Discord or in document roleplay scenarios.
Despite the negative emotions I have towards this situation and the events that led to it, I cannot deny that I considered you as part of my family. I held you in high esteem and genuinely cared not just for you, but for your entire family as well.
I have made a conscious decision to release the pain and resentment I feel towards you. Through this post, I am choosing to let go of all the hurtful feelings. Throughout the 16 years of our choppy friendship, my only desire has been to see you happy, and this sentiment has remained constant since our initial connection in 2009 until now in 2024.
I have made the choice to adopt a positive outlook and focus on my own writing and to continue the journey of House Cress in this universe, as well as many others. I am resolute in not being pacified or having my reputation sullied by false accusations. I've zero quandary with falling on swords, I will hold myself accountable but I will also advocate for myself. I will continue to do as I've been doing, and I encourage you to continue to do the same. Refrain from resuscitating that which has already lost its vitality. I am not a part of your reality, just as you are absent from mine.
I kindly request that you leave me alone. We can coexist as that was always the plan, but rest assured, we will never be in contact again. Four other times I've opened my doors to you and four times I've been burned by these unceremonious removals from your sphere. Never again will I put myself in that situation. Never again will I be the target of your ire, or the jealousy of those who you call 'best friend'.
If by chance you do come across me, it will be purely coincidental. I wish you nothing but the best. Formally yours, -O.
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regimepure · 2 months
Collagène et Prise de Poids
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Le collagène est une protéine essentielle qui joue un rôle crucial dans la santé de notre peau, de nos articulations et de nos os. Cependant, une question revient souvent : le collagène peut-il entraîner une prise de poids ? Cet article explore cette question en profondeur, en examinant les effets du collagène sur le corps, et en dissipant les mythes et les malentendus courants.
Qu’est-ce que le collagène ?
Le collagène est la protéine la plus abondante dans le corps humain. Il constitue environ 30% des protéines totales et est présent dans les tissus conjonctifs, les tendons, les ligaments, la peau et les os. Le collagène assure la cohésion, l’élasticité et la régénération de tous ces tissus.
Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus, visitez → Collagène et prise de poids : Mythes et réalités
Les avantages du collagène
Santé de la peau
Le collagène est souvent associé à une peau saine et jeune. Il améliore l’élasticité de la peau, réduit les rides et augmente l’hydratation.
Soutien articulaire
Pour les personnes souffrant de douleurs articulaires, le collagène peut offrir un soulagement significatif. Il aide à maintenir l’intégrité du cartilage, le tissu semblable à du caoutchouc qui protège vos articulations.
Santé des os
Le collagène joue un rôle clé dans le renforcement des os. Il leur donne structure et aide à les maintenir forts et denses.
Gain de masse musculaire
Certains suppléments de collagène contiennent des acides aminés qui peuvent augmenter la masse musculaire en combinaison avec des exercices de résistance.
Collagène et prise de poids : les faits
Consommation de collagène et calories
Un des principaux facteurs à considérer est le contenu calorique des suppléments de collagène. En général, ces suppléments sont relativement faibles en calories. Par exemple, une portion typique de poudre de collagène peut contenir environ 40 calories. Comparé à d’autres suppléments ou aliments, c’est faible et peu susceptible de contribuer de manière significative à une prise de poids.
Effet sur le métabolisme
Le collagène peut également jouer un rôle dans le métabolisme. Il contient de la glycine, un acide aminé qui aide à réguler la glycémie et peut améliorer la production d’énergie. Une meilleure régulation de la glycémie peut prévenir les pics et les chutes soudains, réduisant ainsi les fringales et les excès alimentaires.
Collagène et satiété
Une autre façon dont le collagène peut influencer le poids est par le biais de la satiété. Les protéines, y compris le collagène, peuvent aider à prolonger la sensation de satiété, ce qui peut réduire l’apport calorique global.
Études scientifiques sur le collagène et la prise de poids
Recherche sur les effets du collagène
Plusieurs études ont été menées pour évaluer les effets du collagène sur le poids corporel. Une étude publiée dans le “Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology” a montré que les participants qui prenaient des suppléments de collagène pendant 12 semaines avaient une réduction de la masse grasse et une augmentation de la masse musculaire maigre.
Études sur la satiété
Une autre étude dans le “Journal of the American College of Nutrition” a examiné l’impact du collagène sur la satiété. Les résultats ont montré que les participants qui consommaient du collagène au petit déjeuner ressentaient une réduction significative de la faim tout au long de la journée comparé à ceux qui consommaient d’autres types de protéines.
Mythes et idées reçues
Le collagène fait-il grossir ?
Il existe une idée fausse selon laquelle le collagène pourrait entraîner une prise de poids. Cependant, il n’y a pas de preuves scientifiques solides pour soutenir cette affirmation. La prise de poids est généralement le résultat d’un excès calorique, c’est-à-dire de consommer plus de calories que ce que le corps brûle.
Effets à long terme
Les effets à long terme des suppléments de collagène sur le poids corporel restent un domaine à explorer davantage. Cependant, les données actuelles suggèrent que le collagène, lorsqu’il est consommé dans le cadre d’une alimentation équilibrée et d’un mode de vie sain, n’est pas un facteur contribuant à la prise de poids.
Comment intégrer le collagène dans votre alimentation
Suppléments de collagène
Les suppléments de collagène sont disponibles sous différentes formes, y compris les poudres, les capsules et les boissons. Pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats, il est conseillé de suivre les recommandations de dosage sur l’emballage du produit.
Sources alimentaires de collagène
En plus des suppléments, le collagène peut également être obtenu à partir d’aliments tels que le bouillon d’os, les poissons et certaines viandes. Ces aliments peuvent offrir des avantages similaires aux suppléments de collagène.
Combiner avec une alimentation équilibrée
Pour maximiser les bienfaits du collagène, il est essentiel de maintenir une alimentation équilibrée riche en vitamines et minéraux. La vitamine C, par exemple, est cruciale pour la synthèse du collagène dans le corps.
Le collagène est un complément précieux pour de nombreuses personnes, offrant divers avantages pour la santé de la peau, des articulations et des os. Les préoccupations concernant la prise de poids liée au collagène ne sont pas soutenues par des preuves scientifiques solides. Au contraire, le collagène peut aider à réguler le métabolisme et à augmenter la satiété, contribuant potentiellement à une gestion saine du poids. En intégrant le collagène dans une alimentation équilibrée et un mode de vie sain, on peut profiter de ses nombreux bienfaits sans craindre une prise de poids indésirable.
Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus, visitez → Collagène et prise de poids : Mythes et réalités
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drawulan · 1 year
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: 全球高考 - 木苏里 | Quán Qiú Gāo Kǎo - Mù Sū Lǐ Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Qin Jiu/You Huo (Quán Qiú Gāo Kǎo), 154 & 922 & Qin Jiu (Quán Qiú Gāo Kǎo) Characters: Qin Jiu (Quán Qiú Gāo Kǎo), You Huo (Quán Qiú Gāo Kǎo), 922 (Quán Qiú Gāo Kǎo), 154 (Quán Qiú Gāo Kǎo) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - The Little Mermaid (Disney Movies) Fusion, mermaid au, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, merfolk, Alternate Universe - Merpeople, Weird Biology Series: Part 1 of QQGK AUs Summary:
Humans were rare guests in this part of the ocean due to the bad rumors. Those rumors weren't entirely false.
I was in desperate need of Mermaid AU, so I cooked my own food.
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Masterlist - Plot Bunnies
Hello everyone, Ann here.
Instead of Day 14 of "Let's Explore My Plot Bunnies" today, I wanted to post a Mastelist of all the fic ideas I had posted over the last 2 weeks here. I wanna try and update this every 2 weeks or, if not, once a month with all the new plot bunnies I explained.
Since all the ploy bunnies I posted have titles, I will just have the title become the link to its respective day, and if they have any chapters written I will put a link to that post as well.
Also, I will separate them by Fandom here while putting anything worthy of mention in brackets.
Either way, I hope you guys enjoy my rambling about the crazy ideas my brain comes up with every day.
The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System:
Shen Jiu's forceful adoption (You don't choose family, family chooses you) - a SVSSS x MDZS idea
Shen Jiu's Regret: Reading SVSSS (Reacting to the book Fic)
Gaming's Dimension Hopping Master (and his annoying Harem) - a SVSSS x Genshin idea
Dogs are dogs, but cats are people
Yue Qingyuan's No-Good, Very Bad Time Travel Experience
My Hero Academia:
World's Best Hero System (System AU)
System 16-564-53 (kinda? Global Examination AU)
Mo Dao Zu Shi:
Cultivation Chat Group - Wei Wuxian Edition (Cultivation Chat Group AU)
How to steal a gem (and a heart along the way) - a Magic Kaito AU
Some roads are not meant to be traveled alone (Pokemon AU version 1) & Life is a journey you must walk to behold (Pokemon AU version 2)
Never too old to learn, never too late to turn (Jiang Cheng Time Travel AU)
Katekyo Hitman Reborn:
(A Mafia Boss?) No, I am a detective. (Detective Conan AU)
The late dog always barks at the closed door (Shiranui Genma is Naruto's Jounin Sensei AU)
Prologue Part 1/? - here
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phoenixtakaramono · 1 year
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So, as you know, TNotG will have 135 chapters spanning 6 arcs + the return to Billy’s OG world in the prologue (because, it has to be seven, y’get the reference?). Think of it as 6 Butchlander AUs that tie together in a bigger overarching narrative. I do have some logic regarding the order of these arcs (aka why it’s these worlds and why it has to be in this specific order of arcs). Mostly the reason is because I love reading certain genres in my free time so writing a QT presents this writer the opportunity to try out a couple of them, to experiment. Also with The Boys being an unfinished TV series as of 2023 with S4 projected to air in maybe 2024, my logic was: I have to make it a series of AUs, otherwise I’ll feel discouraged after seeing what’ll probably be canonized in S4, S5–? Basically I’m thinking of ways to keep my motivation alive to keep writing this 135ch QT. By then, I will have enough time to have seen the direction the TV has gone in for S4 and maybe S5, so I can make a decision then of how to “fix it” for the penultimate arc.
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The reason why we’re starting off in the medieval fantasy genre first for Task World 1 for The Name of the Game:
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The smart answer: it’s the genre I’m known for in my AO3 portfolio (pseudohistorical romance, really, if we truly condense everything I’ve written down)—so why not start off strong with what I know? I can confidently riff off the Western medieval fantasy tropes that we see in Game of Thrones, Dragon Age: Inquisition, the Witcher, etc to make a subtly fun and meta deconstruction of the tropes we’d expect from Western fairytales and fantasies. I want to satirize the whole knight in shining armor coming to save the kidnapped princess from the evil dragon trope—and I can make it fit Homelander and Billy.
And a bit of a truth potion: the small lizard hindbrain part of me wants to see the knight version of Homelander getting stuffed on Billy’s two dragon d*cks 🫣 and growing obsessed with his mount *snicker* to the point of overthrowing the kingdom he once loyally served in a dramatic twist of irony.
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The reason why I decided to make arc 2 a dystopian horror/ survival game:
The smart answer: The previous genre is medieval fantasy—so I wanted something from the left field to take Billy by surprise. The Task World difficulty level is suppose to ramp up, so Arc 1 is the easiest for Billy because he gets to LARP as a motherf*cking dragon and Arc 2 is also easy because Billy excels at high intense stressful situations i.e. survival horror death matches. So it’s still difficult—but I get to throw him into a new environment with very familiar faces but the circumstances are now different (a different alternate reality) so it’s a different challenge awaiting him. I can show off Billy’s badassness and smarts in a different situation—and have the John of this new universe react to him.
Truth potion: Infinite Flow/ Unlimited Flow is one of my favorite C-novel genres. The Earth is Online is one of my all-time favorites, as well as I Became a God in a Horror Game, Kaleidoscope of Death, Global Examination, Supernatural Movie Actor App, Thriller Trainee, Welcome to the Nightmare Live, etc. I eat these easily 100+ to 300+ chaptered novels for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We’re combining what I love with dystopian horror because I wanna playfully poke fun of the popular Western (YA usually) dystopian survival horror tropes (think Cabin in the Woods, Hunger Games, V for Vendetta, Animal Farm, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, Saw, Squid Game) and combine that by making it a death game. There’s so much crazy sh*t we can play with—and it’d still be relatively in character for The Boys characters. I’m mostly looking forward to male model John being one of the unlucky participants either a rookie or one of the fellow popular death game streamers whom undercover MI6 Billy teams up with to solve the puzzles and the narrative twist that’ll be in this arc.
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*Note: by the way, this fic does not exist yet on AO3. Wait till August (hopefully!) for the prologue’s premier!
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runefells · 2 years
PLEASE TELL ME ABOUT THAT JONELIAS NUCLEAR APOCALYPSE AU YOU MENTIONED IN THIS POST https://runefells.tumblr.com/post/693588775939506176/elias-week-day-5-favorite-au-it-was-so-hard-to
(Im so sorry for how long ive taken to respond rip)
Soooo basically global nuclear war breaks out (its not rlly important why) and london is hit. Only avatars survive and so elias and jon stick together and make their way across the wasteland to a bunker elias had built a while ago with a couple other avatars (simon, the lukases, etc). I wont go too into the plot but its mostly an examination of elias and jon’s characters and how they would react to each other when forced into a situation where theyve lost everything but each other. Feel free to ask more questions if ur curious :o
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harriet-de-g · 2 years
Du droit des personnes Handicapées à la lutte anti-validiste.
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[Vous pouvez retrouver ce texte dans sa version imprimable ici !]
Voici la Traduction du texte D'Hailey Hudson « Moving From Disability Right To Disability Justice » avec l'accord de l'autrice . Le texte d'Hailey est une version plus didactique des textes de Patty Berne. S'il constitue une bonne introduction sur le sujet, certains points importants sont abordés de façons plus succinctes. Plusieurs références seront indiquées à la fin du texte (en anglais), en attendant d'autres traductions.
Ici, le terme « Disability Justice », littéralement « Justice pour le handicap » est traduit par l'expression « Justice pour toutes les personnes handicapées ». C'est en effet la façon dont on le retrouve le plus souvent traduit dans d'autres langues. Néanmoins pour des questions de lisibilité, le terme sera parfois remplacé par « lutte anti-validiste ». Pour la traductrice, cette expression reflète en effet autant ses enjeux, qui vont bien au-delà de la question de l’obtention des droits, en faisant plus de sens dans le contexte militant français. Il s'agit évidemment d'un choix, qui faisait sens à la période de publication du texte et que j'avais développé plus longuement ici
La Lutte pour le Droits des Personnes Handicapées a établi des droits civils pour celles-ci, leur ouvrant des opportunités de participer plus pleinement à la société.
Ce mouvement s'est accéléré dans les années 1960 et a conduit à l'adoption de l'Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) en 1990. Le Royaume-Uni adoptera une législation similaire : la Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) en 1995. De nombreux autres pays à travers le monde ont emboîté le pas avec une législation similaire tout au long des années 1990.
Mais la Lutte pour le Droits des Personnes Handicapées n'a pas réussi à examiner comment des aspects tels que les intersections de la race, du sexe, de la classe et de la sexualité jouent un rôle dans l'oppression des personnes handicapées. C'est là que la lutte anti-validiste entre en jeu.
Qu'est-ce que la Justice pour Toutes les Personnes handicapées ?
La Justice pour Toutes les Personnes handicapées est une expression qui a été inventé en 2005 par un collectif de femmes queer racisées handicapées, dont Patty Berne, Mia Mingus et feu Stacey Milbern. La lutte anti-validiste s'appuie sur le mouvement des droits des personnes handicapées, en adoptant une approche plus globale pour aider à garantir le droit de celles-ci en reconnaissant l'intersectionnalité des personnes handicapées qui appartiennent à d'autres communautés marginalisées.
Son cadre implique que nous devons inclure les expériences de personnes handicapées multiplement marginalisées, telles que :
Les personnes racisées
Les personnes migrantes
les personnes LGBTQIA+
Les personnes sans abris
Les personnes incarcérées
Les gens qui se sont fait voler leurs terres ancestrales
La Justice pour Toutes les Personnes Handicapées examine toutes ces questions, reconnaissant comment divers systèmes d'oppression interagissent et se renforcent mutuellement. En raison de cette orientation plus large, ce mouvement est le moyen le plus complet de créer un changement durable pour les personnes handicapées et marginalisées de diverses façons.
La lutte anti-validiste a 10 grands principes pour examiner l'inclusion des personnes qui sont marginalisées à plusieurs endroits:
1. Intersectionnalité
L'intersectionnalité est un terme fondé par la juriste Kimberlé Crenshaw en 1989 pour expliquer comment les femmes noires existent aux intersections du racisme et du sexisme. De même, le cadre de la lutte anti-validiste applique ce concept en expliquant que les personnes handicapées ont chacune une expérience et des antécédents différents en matière de race, de classe, de sexualité, d'âge, de statut d'immigration et d'autres problèmes. Reconnaître l'intersectionnalité signifie reconnaître que des idéologies odieuses telles que le validisme, le racisme, le sexisme, la xénophobie, l'homophobie et la transphobie fonctionnent souvent ensemble et se renforcent mutuellement.
2. Leadership1 des personnes les plus touchées
La Justice pour toutes les Personnes Handicapées tient à centrer le leadership sur les personnes les plus touchées par le validisme plutôt que sur les universitaires et les chercheur·euses, ou sur d'autres personnes handicapées mais qui bénéficient toujours d'autres types d'oppression. La Lutte pour le Droits des Personnes Handicapées a été critiqué pour donner la priorité aux voix des personnes blanches, qui ont souvent continué à renforcer le racisme et l'oppression que subissent les personnes racisées. Par conséquent, il est impératif de veiller à ce que le leadership, le pouvoir et les opportunités soient donnés aux personnes les plus négativement touchées par tout le spectre du validisme afin de lutter plus efficacement contre ces problèmes.
3. Politique anticapitaliste
Ce principe dit essentiellement que notre valeur en tant que personne ne dépend pas de ce que nous pouvons produire. L'anti-validisme combat les exigences de productivité auquel s'attend une culture capitaliste, ainsi que la pauvreté systémique dans laquelle les personnes handicapées sont contraintes si elles ne peuvent pas travailler. Toutes les personnes méritent que leurs besoins soient satisfaits, quelle que soit leur capacité à produire.
4. Solidarité inter-mouvements
La Justice pour Toutes les Personnes Handicapées se combine avec d'autres mouvements en quête de libération - telle que la justice raciale, la justice environnementale, la lutte contre les violences policières, etc. Parce que chaque groupe démographique comprend des personnes handicapées, les personnes handicapées ne seront pas libérées sans le succès de chacun de ces mouvements. Cet effort aide les personnes handicapées à devenir plus unies et compréhensives dans notre activisme.
5. Reconnaître l'entièreté
Ce mouvement soutient que les personnes handicapées sont des personnes à part entière. Elles ne le sont pas moins à cause de leur handicap. Les personnes handicapées ont une vie intérieure riche et des expériences précieuses.
6. Durabilité
Un autre principe vital du mouvement de Justice pour Toutes les Personnes Handicapées est la durabilité. Les militantEs et les défenseureuses handicapéEs doivent être en phase avec leur corps pour suivre leur rythme à long terme et continuer à travailler régulièrement pour la justice au fil du temps sans s'épuiser. De plus, la durabilité du mouvement dépend de la communauté et ne peut être engagée par des individus seuls.
7. Engagement de Solidarité Inter-Handicap
La lutte anti-validiste met l'accent sur toutes les personnes handicapées, y compris celles qui sont souvent laissées pour compte. Toute personne qui fait l'expérience du validisme est incluse, qu'elle soit atteinte d'une maladie chronique, neurodivergente, sourde, aveugle, mentalement, intellectuellement, cognitivement handicapée, physiquement handicapée ou ayant tout autre handicap.
8. Interdépendance
L'interdépendance nous permet de travailler côte à côte, créant une communauté plus forte alors que nous travaillons à libérer tous les individus opprimés. Au lieu de promouvoir uniquement l'indépendance, qui était au centre du mouvement pour les droits des personnes handicapées et pour la vie autonome2, l'interdépendance reconnaît qu'aucun d'entre nous ne peut prospérer sans soutien. Ce principe s'articule autour de la construction d'un sentiment de communauté parmi les personnes handicapées et de l'organisation pour parvenir à la libération.
9. Accès collectif
Le principe d'accès collectif explique que la Justice pour Toutes les Personnes Handicapées crée des méthodes pour faire les choses en dehors de normes valides neurotypiques. Dans le mouvement de justice pour personnes handicapées, les besoins d'accès sont accueillis, respectés et reconnus.
10. Libération collective
La libération collective implique que les personnes handicapées progressent ensemble en tant que personnes aux "capacités mixtes, multiraciales, multigenres, de classe mixte, à travers le spectre sexuel, avec une vision qui ne laisse personne derrière". Ce principe reconnaît le travail de plusieurs décennies de celleux qui se sont déjà battus pour la libération tout en reconnaissant également ce qui reste à faire. La libération collective signifie envisager un monde qui peut être créé lorsque des personnes handicapées d'origines et d'expériences de vécus divers se réunissent pour mettre en œuvre un changement.
Aller de l'avant avec une Justice pour Toutes les Personnes Handicapées
Lorsque nous nous concentrons sur les principes de Justice pour Toutes les Personnes Handicapées, nous donnons la priorité aux liens entre le validisme et d'autres systèmes d'oppression. l'anti-validisme reconnaît que le handicap n'est pas monolithique - le validisme est différent pour les personnes ayant divers handicaps ainsi que pour les personnes de races, de classes et de sexes différents. Ainsi, Justice pour Toutes les Personnes Handicapées est le moyen le plus convaincant et le plus efficace pour assurer la libération des personnes handicapées et marginalisées.
Référence :
Disability Justice - a working draft by Patty Berne
The History of the Independent Living Movement 
What is Disability Justice? Adapted from Patty Berne’s “Disability Justice - A Working Draft”
Intersections of Disability Justice and Transformative Justice
source de l'image.
1« la capacité d'un individu à mener ou conduire d'autres individus ou organisations dans le but d'atteindre certains objectifs. »
2 Sur ce point, le mouvement pour la vie autonome a pris diverses formes mais considéraient à la base l'entraide entre les pairs et l’interdépendance comme essentiels.
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aurevoirmonty · 2 years
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Voici un livre indispensable pour comprendre l’évolution mortifère de notre société occidentale : avec la société de propagande (éditions La Nouvelle Librairie) Jean-Yves Le Gallou frappe juste, et fort.
Si la propagande est un mot aujourd’hui difficilement assumable, cédant la place au terme poli de « communication », elle n’en demeure pas moins un des leviers de pouvoir les plus importants pour assurer l’unité et la cohésion des sociétés modernes. Ne disposant pas des mêmes moyens de coercition que les totalitarismes du XXe siècle, la société post-moderne doit assurer sa cohésion au moyen de dispositifs idéologiques de plus en plus efficaces, d’une propagande totale qui touche tous les aspects de la vie, du berceau au tombeau, à travers l’actualité, la publicité, les films, les séries, les jeux vidéo, les spectacles sportifs, les programmes scolaires, les fêtes officielles ou associatives, l’enseignement, etc.
La société occidentale contemporaine peut à bon droit être qualifiée de « société de propagande », une société où la propagande est massive et se trouve être le premier déterminant de contrôle du comportement social. Ce livre s’attache à examiner ce goulag mental imposé aux Européens afin d’y résister.
Et pour introduire votre future lecture..nous avons interrogé Jean-Yves Le Gallou
Breizh-info.com : Vous évoquez dans votre nouvel ouvrage le fait que nous vivons aujourd’hui dans une société de propagande totale, globale et mondiale. Quels exemples avez-vous de cette propagande généralisée ?
Jean-Yves Le Gallou : Pensez à la journée normale d’un de nos concitoyens : il se lève et branche la radio ou la télévision, 95% chances sur 100 pour qu’il tombe sur un média de grand chemin : ceux qui ne distinguent pas le vrai du faux mais prétendent nous dire où est le bien où est le mal. Il, elle, « iel », part au boulot : en voiture ou en transport en commun, et le, la, voilà exposé, é-ée, à des messages publicitaires qui l’incitent à consommer toujours plus et qui promeuvent l’homo festivus et le métissage : plus de 30% des publicités faisant figurer des couples sont ethniquement mixtes avec une nette préférence pour l’homme noir et la femme blanche.
Dans les trains et les métros il sera de surcroit saturé de messages vocaux effrayants : « attention aux picks-pockets », « tout bagage abandonné sera détruit », « portez le masque », etc. Arrivé dans son entreprise – surtout s’il s’agit d’une multinationale – il devra respecter sa « charte éthique », veiller à « l’inclusivité » et adopter un comportement « éco-responsable ». Pendant la pause du déjeuner, il lui faudra tourner sept fois sa langue dans sa poche pour éviter toute blague « stigmatisante » qui pourrait le conduire devant le conseil de discipline. En rentrant chez lui il ingurgitera de nouveaux messages de propagande, avant d’aller faire ses courses dans un supermarché où il sera incité à « sauver la planète » dans le choix de ses yaourts ou du papier hygiénique. A la maison, les enfants de retour de l’école, pourront évoquer les cours reçus sur la tolérance envers les exigences de la communauté LGBT, le choix de leur orientation sexuelle, les bienfaits de la « diversité » ou les crimes de l’esclavage et de la colonisation. L’école ce n’est plus le grand enseignement c’est le grand endoctrinement. Enfin, petite soirée détente devant une série où le roi Arthur est noir et le wokisme en HD. Pour être complet je pourrai aussi évoquer la littérature, le sport spectacle et le théâtre judiciaire. Jamais à aucun moment de l’histoire les hommes n’ont eu la tête aussi gavée de propagande !
Breizh-info.com : Vous parlez d’un système qui s’emploie notamment à tout « simplifier » dans le but de créer un ennemi unique. Là encore, qu’entendez-vous par là ?
Jean-Yves Le Gallou : Une des règles de la propagande c’est la simplification et l’ennemi unique. L’ennemi des oligarques qui contrôlent les maîtres de la propagande est clairement défini : c’est l’homme fidèle à ses racines ethniques, culturelles, historiques, religieuses ; c’est le national, l’identitaire, le patriote, le catholique, celui qui est attaché aux permanences anthropologiques, aux valeurs traditionnelles et à son terroir. Et le même message de diabolisation est répétée, dupliquée, orchestrée par tous les canaux possibles.
Breizh-info.com : Parmi les grandes armes de la propagande, la publicité. En quoi celle-ci est-elle employée, aujourd’hui, à des fins de destruction de l’homme Européen ?
Jean-Yves Le Gallou : La publicité – 2% du PIB, une paille ! – est par nature réductrice : il s’agit de centrer l’homme sur l’acte d’achat. Mais publicité et propagande sont aussi intimement liées. La publicité est une arme au service du politiquement correct. Une arme à double détente : par les messages qu’elle délivre, par les médias qu’elle choisit de financer ou non. Un seul bénéficiaire à tout cela : l’idéologie progressiste, l’idéologie arc-en-ciel.
L’arc en ciel du drapeau sud-africain sur la « diversité »,
L’arc en ciel du drapeau LGBT,
L’arc en ciel de Greenpeace pour l’alarmisme climatique.
Breizh-info.com : Lorsque Chomsky et Herman ont rédigé le livre « La Fabrication du consentement » en 1988, il semblerait qu’ils étaient encore loin d’imaginer tous les aspects de la propagande médiatique en démocratie. Que n’avaient-ils pas vu émerger ?
Jean-Yves Le Gallou : Ce que j’essaie de montrer dans La société de propagande c’est que nous avons affaire à une propagande mondiale, à une propagande totale, à une propagande globale, qui va bien au-delà des seuls médias. Des scientifiques, des experts, des statisticiens, des sondeurs sont arraisonnés par l’idéologie dominante. La littérature – du Nobel au polar – est mise au service des minorités activistes. Les procès-spectacles – regardez ceux du Bataclan ou de l’attentat de Nice – ne sont plus utilisés pour faire émerger la vérité mais pour conditionner l’opinion. C’est fascinant.
Breizh-info.com : En quoi ce consentement fabriqué au sein de l’opinion est-il bien plus dangereux et pernicieux que les idéologies totalitaires du 20ème siècle ?
Jean-Yves Le Gallou : Goebbels et Boukharine étaient des amateurs (ou des copieurs) ! Le vrai maître de la propagande c’est l’américain Edward Bernays, neveu de Freud et auteur du maitre ouvrage Propaganda. Ses travaux sont antérieurs aux exercices des propagandistes des régimes nazis et communistes. C’est lui qui les a inspirés. Et surtout qui leur a survécu : ce sont ses méthodes d’influence qui continuent de gouverner nos esprits. On nous vend la guerre en Ukraine comme Bernays avait vendu l’entrée en guerre des États-Unis en 1917.
Un point important à signaler : le temps disponible en dehors des contraintes du travail extérieur ou domestique n’a jamais été aussi important qu’à notre époque. Ce temps consacré au divertissement n’est pas du « temps libre » mais du temps disponible pour le conditionnement. Le Grand Conditionnement.
Breizh-info.com : Pour faire face à ce déferlement, vous en appelez, vous aussi, à la Sécession et à la Reconquête. De quels outils puissants disposons-nous aujourd’hui pour se faire ?
Jean-Yves Le Gallou : La sécession doit être médiatique, territoriale, éducative, politique. Pour cela l’essentiel c’est le développement de notre esprit critique pour prendre du recul sur les lubies progressistes et les manipulations des médias comme des industries culturelles et de divertissement, L’esprit critique c’est la membrane protectrice du temps disponible de notre cerveau, assiégé par la propagande.
La reconquête ? C’est la reconquête de notre identité par le retour à la lecture et aux humanités.
Breizh-info.com : Qu’est-ce que la fenêtre d’Overton et en quoi est-il indispensable de la déplacer sur notre droite ?
Jean-Yves Le Gallou : La fenêtre d’Overton, du nom d’un juriste et politologue américain conservateur, explicite le champ des positions politiques dicibles dans l’opinion publique : Ce cadre se déplace – ou plutôt est déplacé – par ceux qui définissent le domaine des idées autorisées. C’est ainsi qu’au cours des trois dernières décennies des idées impensables sont progressivement devenues d’abord radicales, puis envisageables, acceptables, raisonnables, populaires, sinon obligatoires. Pendant que des idées initialement évidentes sont progressivement devenues critiquables, contestables, radicales, sinon extrémistes, voire interdites.
Breizh-info.com : Avez-vous un exemple ?
Jean-Yves Le Gallou : Oui, la liberté d’expression ! Nous sommes passés de « il est interdit d’interdire » à « la liberté d’expression, c’est liberticide, il faut la réguler ». « Réguler » ? C’est-à-dire censurer !
Il faut inverser le mouvement pendulaire de la fenêtre d’Overton et la ramener à droite toute !
Breizh-info.com : Les nations d’Europe centrale, dont la sortie de la société de propagande communiste est encore fraiche, doivent-elles être des boussoles pour les Européens de l’Ouest ? 
Jean-Yves Le Gallou : La glaciation communiste a été un conservatoire et c’est ce qui explique que les valeurs conservatrices ont encore leur place en Hongrie, en Pologne et, plus à l’est en Russie. Mais il faut rester vigilant la propagande progressiste et wokiste s’invite dans les grandes métropoles. Avec l’appui de l’État profond américain et du parti démocrate qui ont fait la peau de Trump en 2020. Résistons !
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